write a speech as an outgoing senior prefect

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write a speech as an outgoing senior prefect

VALEDICTORY SPEECH by Outgoing Deputy Senior Prefect

write a speech as an outgoing senior prefect

The Chairman, Oru East Local Government Area, The Assistant Commissioner of Police, Oru East Local Government Area, The Divisional Police Officer, Awo-Omamma, Oru East Local Government Area, The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology, Imo State, The Director of Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Imo State, Zonal Coordinator, The West African Examination Council, The Chief host and The General Superintendent of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Pastor A.C Ohanebo, The Diocesan Pastors, WCCRM, The Board of Governors, Logos International Secondary School, Our Distinguished Principal, Mrs. Anyanwu Chinwe, Executive Members of the Parents/ Teachers Association, The Chairman of the occasion, The Guest Minister, The Guest Lecturer, Bank Managers, LOGISS Alumni Association, Members of the Press, Distinguished Guests, Graduating Students, Members of Staff, Fellow Students, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

I feel highly honoured to stand before you on this memorable occasion and I welcome everyone to the 2020/2021 Award- Giving Ceremony of the year. Words are not enough to express our gratitude to God Almighty for making us witness this long awaited day. In spite of all the economic and social issues in our nation recently, the Lord has provided, protected and preserved each and every one of us. For this, we give Him all the glory.

I will never forget the day we were all enrolled into this prestigious institution, 9th of September, 2015. We all came from different parts of the world, from different families, with different mindsets and world views to be trained and prepared for a successful future. The preparation process was not easy at all; instead it was painful and strenuous. Sometimes, we felt like we were being maltreated, but now we know that we were only being prepared to be valuable and relevant in the future. Many of us left at some point in this journey for one reason or the other. Some were financially incapacitated, while others were expelled for truancy. All in all, we are grateful to be among the graduating today.

To my colleagues, the graduating class, we are encouraged and advised to keep the flag flying high. As ambassadors of LOGISS, we should shine brightly and never allow the winds of life to put our lights out. We must be the true definition of academic excellence and godliness of the youth wherever we find ourselves, not forgetting any of the virtues we have acquired here. According to John Rohn, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments” therefore, as we depart from LOGISS, we must endeavor to prioritize our day to day activities and take quick actions toward the realization of our noble goals and dreams. Never give up on your dreams because dreams do come through. Above all, never forget God because He is the Ultimate Guide who alone holds the map of your life.

To the school management, we really want to say a big thank you for all the years of nurturing. Thank you for not sparing the rod when we were wrong. Indeed we are blessed to have leaders like you. We appreciate the efforts of our amiable teachers and pray that their labour will not go unrewarded in this world and in eternity. We will also live to remember our mummy, the Principal of this esteemed citadel of learning, for her relentless efforts to see that the vision and mission of this school is achieved in our lives. We are really grateful ma, God bless you.

To our fellow students, we are leaving you here for the best, so we admonish you to stand firm and completely abide by the wisely prepared code of conduct of LOGISS because they are important for your general wellbeing and success in future. We advise you to “Buy the truth and sell it not “(Proverbs 23:23). Thomas Edison once said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” therefore, be persistent! Never give up on your goals. Push aside procrastination because it is the opportunity assassin, the thief of time. If you do these things, you will succeed. We will dearly miss you all. Farewell.

To the honourable man of God, the pioneer of this distinguished school, Pastor Aloysius Chukwuemeka Ohanebo, we say thank you for all your efforts and prayers which have lifted Logos International Secondary School to a place of prominence above others. May the Lord Almighty continue to replenish you and your family and grant you all your heart desires. Finally, we would love to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has made our stay here in LOGISS a success, our pastors and teachers. May the good Lord bless you and perfect all that concerns you.


Iwu Divine Favour Amarachukwu (Outgoing Deputy Senior Prefect)

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write a speech as an outgoing senior prefect

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Good afternoon our honourable chairman, our greatly loved proprietor, respectable guests of honour, distinguished members of the high table, our dearly beloved teachers, our highly esteemed parents, adorable pupils and my dear fellow graduates. My name is __________________. I feel highly honoured to be called upon to deliver a speech on this wonderful occasions and with joy in my heart, I say a very big welcome to you all. Today is a memorable day for us, the graduates, because we have just ended an episode of our lives - the primary education and we are about to start a new phase of our lives - the secondary education. Nelson Mandela once said: 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'. Our school has equipped us with such education, with adequate knowledge and skills in preparation for important roles we have to play in the society. My dear fellow graduates, the first step has been successful and our accomplishments in this school are very rewarding. The patience and dedication each of us has shown during our years in this school have made us heroes and heroes we will continue to be. Our graduation today is the first of the series of accomplishments that we will surely achieve with the guidance of our parents and people around us and most importantly, with the guidance and protection of the greatest personage in the whole universe, God the Almighty. We will surely push boundaries to make the world a better place even in small ways. Always remember where you are coming from and where you are going. We want to assure everyone that we the graduates will continue to be worthy ambassadors of this great school and we will keep the flag flying. To our juniors that we are leaving behind, we want to advise you to continue to be wonderful and God fearing children. Always obey the rules and regulations of the school and endeavour to be respectful of your teachers. We will certainly miss you all. To our greatly loved proprietor, we want to say that we appreciate you for using your God-giving talent and resources for the birth of this great school where qualitative and all round education is being imparted. May God continue to strengthen you. Please know that we love you very much and we will continue to love you. To our dearly beloved teachers, we want to say that we love you and cherish you so much because you are the ones who have taught us throughout our years in this school. You have proven to be qualified, intelligent, hardworking and dedicated teachers. We pray that God continues to give you the strength to carry out this tasking work. To our highly esteemed parents, we want to thank you for bringing us to to this great school and for toiling day and night to pay our school fees. May God continue to bless you and replenish your purse. And for everyone in the audience who have come to grace this august occasion, we appreciate you and we thank you very much for coming. We have packaged a lot of activities for you to enjoy today and we strongly hope you will love them. Mr chairman, our proprietor, the guests of honour, members of the high table, teachers, parents, pupils and my fellow graduates, I rest my speech and thank you all for listening.  

  • Jun 4, 2023

Wonderful! Thanks  

  • Dec 10, 2023

Crafting a valedictory speech, whether as a senior prefect or a graduate, is a poignant task—capturing years of memories, growth, and gratitude. The power of words in bidding farewell and embracing the future is immense. Share your thoughts on the impact of such speeches or reminisce about a memorable valedictory address You do not have permission to view link Log in or register now. Let's appreciate the art of eloquence and reflection in these farewell moments, as students transition to the next chapter of their lives.  

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Master the Art: How to Write a Senior Speech Effectively

Graduating from high school is a momentous occasion, and delivering a senior speech is an opportunity to reflect on your journey and share your thoughts and ideas with your peers. However, writing a senior speech can be daunting, and it takes careful planning and practice to create a memorable and impactful speech.

Understanding the Purpose of a Senior Speech

Effective senior speech writing requires careful consideration of your audience and the setting in which your speech will take place. Your goal is to create a speech that resonates with your listeners, captures their attention, and leaves a lasting impression.

Senior Speech Ideas

Researching your audience and setting.

Start by considering the demographics of your audience, such as their age, gender, and cultural background. What are their interests, hobbies, and aspirations? What do they value most? Answering these questions can help you develop content that speaks directly to their interests and needs.

Overall, the more you know about your audience and setting, the better equipped you’ll be to deliver a senior speech that engages and resonates with your listeners.

Your introduction is the first impression your audience will have of your senior speech. It sets the tone for the rest of your presentation and can make or break your audience’s engagement. To create an effective introduction, you need to grab your audience’s attention and make them interested in what you have to say.

One way to do this is to start with a thought-provoking question or quote related to your speech topic. This can encourage your audience to start thinking about the subject matter and make them eager to hear more. Alternatively, you can begin with a personal anecdote that helps connect you to your audience on a more personal level.

Another useful technique is to use storytelling to illustrate your main ideas. Sharing personal experiences or anecdotes can add a relatable and human touch to your speech, making it more memorable for your audience.

When developing your main ideas, it’s also important to consider the length of your speech. Keep in mind that most senior speeches typically run between 5-10 minutes. Try to prioritize your most important points and save any extra anecdotes or stories for later or as a backup in case you need to fill time.

With a clear structure and main ideas in place, you are ready to move on to the next step of crafting an engaging senior speech.

Adding Personal Anecdotes and Stories

When incorporating personal anecdotes, it’s essential to keep them relevant to the overall theme of your speech. They should also be appropriate and respectful, avoiding any controversial or offensive content.

Consider the tone and mood you want to convey with your personal stories. Are they meant to be humorous, inspiring, or introspective? Use these experiences to add variety to your speech and keep your audience engaged.

To provide some inspiration, here are a few senior speech examples where personal stories were effectively used:

“I still remember the day I arrived at this school as a nervous freshman. I was so overwhelmed by the size and complexity of the campus that I got lost on my way to my first class. But thanks to the encouragement and kindness of my teachers and peers, I quickly fell in love with this school and all it had to offer.”
“I grew up in a small town where everyone knew each other’s names. When I first moved to this city, I was intimidated by the pace and hustle of urban life. But over the past four years, I’ve learned to appreciate the energy and diversity of this community. I’m proud to call myself a citizen of this city.”

Using Humor and Wit

One way to incorporate humor into your senior speech is to use personal anecdotes or stories. By sharing a funny experience from your time in school, you can connect with your audience and make them feel more invested in your speech. Just be sure that your stories are appropriate and don’t offend anyone in your audience.

It’s also important to remember that humor isn’t the only way to engage your audience. If you’re not comfortable with using humor in your speech, don’t force it. Focus instead on delivering your message in a clear and engaging way, and your audience will appreciate your authenticity.

Including Words of Wisdom and Inspiration

A senior speech is an excellent opportunity to inspire and motivate your fellow graduates with words of wisdom and inspiration. Your speech can convey the lessons you’ve learned during your high school years and articulate your hopes for the future.

To create a resonating senior speech, think about the experiences that have shaped you and how you can share them with others. Consider your audience and the challenges they may be facing as they enter the next stage of their lives.

Another way to inspire your fellow graduates is to share your personal story. By sharing your struggles and successes, you can motivate others to overcome their own obstacles and pursue their dreams.

Finally, don’t be afraid to inject humor into your speech when appropriate. A well-placed joke can lighten the mood and make your message more memorable.

In the next section, we will explore the topic of addressing challenges and overcoming adversity in your senior speech.

Addressing Challenges and Overcoming Adversity

Graduation marks a significant milestone in your life, and it’s natural to reflect on the challenges you have faced and overcome during your academic journey. Addressing these challenges and sharing your personal experiences with your fellow graduates in your senior speech can be a powerful way to connect with your audience and inspire them to persevere in the face of adversity.

“The struggles we face in life are not obstacles to our success but stepping stones to our greatness.” – Oprah Winfrey

Sharing personal anecdotes and stories can also be a powerful way to connect with your audience and make your senior speech more memorable. For example, you could share a story about a time when you faced a setback or overcame a difficult obstacle. Your vulnerability and honesty will resonate with your audience and inspire them to find their own strength and resilience.

Closing on a Memorable Note

Your senior speech’s closing remarks should leave a lasting impression on your audience. After delivering your main points, it’s time to wrap up your speech with a strong conclusion that will inspire your listeners.

A quote from a notable figure or a popular song can also be an effective way to conclude your speech on a powerful and memorable note.

After completing your senior speech, it’s important to edit and revise it to ensure that it is clear, concise, and effective. Here are a few tips to help you refine your speech:

Remember, your senior speech is an opportunity to showcase your personality and share your unique perspective with your audience. Take the time to revise and refine your speech, and you’ll be well on your way to delivering a memorable and impactful address on graduation day.

1. Rehearse in Front of a Mirror

2. record yourself.

Another effective technique is to record yourself delivering your speech and watch it back. This will give you a better sense of your pacing, tone, and overall delivery style, allowing you to make adjustments as needed.

3. Practice Speaking Slowly

4. use pauses for emphasis.

Pausing at strategic moments can help emphasize important points and allow your audience to catch up and absorb your words. Practice incorporating pauses into your delivery to make your speech more effective.

5. Speak Clearly and Loudly

It’s important to speak clearly and loudly when delivering a senior graduation speech. Practice projecting your voice and enunciating your words to ensure that everyone in the audience can hear and understand you.

Depending on the guidelines and preferences of your graduation ceremony, you may choose to incorporate visual aids into your senior speech. Visual aids can help illustrate your ideas and make your speech more memorable for your audience.

Some examples of visual aids include:

Visual AidDescription
Charts or GraphsUseful for presenting statistical or numerical information.
Images or PhotosCan be used to evoke emotions or illustrate personal experiences.
PropsCan help illustrate a point or provide a concrete representation of an abstract concept.

Remember that visual aids are optional and should only be used if they enhance your speech and help you achieve your goals. Avoid using visuals that are distracting or irrelevant to your message.

Overcoming Stage Fright

It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous before delivering your senior speech. However, stage fright can sometimes get the best of us and cause us to freeze up or forget our words. Here are some techniques to help you overcome stage fright and deliver a confident senior speech:

Remember to pay attention to your pacing, tone, and volume as you practice. Practice making eye contact with different parts of the audience and projecting your voice to reach all members of the audience. You may also want to consider using hand gestures to emphasize important points or make your speech more engaging.

By rehearsing your senior speech, you will feel more confident and prepared on the day of graduation, and your speech is sure to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

So go ahead and create a senior speech that reflects your unique voice and perspective. Senior graduation is a once-in-a-lifetime event that deserves to be celebrated with an inspiring and meaningful speech.

What is the purpose of a senior speech?

How do i choose a topic for my senior speech, how can i grab the audience’s attention with my introduction.

To grab your audience’s attention, consider starting with a compelling anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a surprising fact. Engage them from the beginning by speaking directly to their emotions or curiosity.

How should I organize the main ideas of my senior speech?

Is it important to include personal anecdotes and stories, how can i add humor and wit to my senior speech.

Adding humor and wit can lighten the mood and engage your audience. Consider using humorous anecdotes, playful wordplay, or clever observations that relate to your experiences or the overall theme of your speech.

Should I include words of wisdom and inspiration in my senior speech?

How do i address challenges and adversity in my senior speech, how can i make a memorable closing for my senior speech.

Your closing remarks should leave a lasting impression on your audience. Consider summarizing your main points, offering final words of wisdom, or concluding with an inspiring quote that ties everything together.

Are there any tips for editing and revising my senior speech?

What can i do to improve my delivery and overcome stage fright, should i incorporate visual aids in my senior speech.

Incorporating visual aids is optional and depends on the guidelines of your graduation ceremony. If you choose to use them, ensure they enhance your message and are easy to see and understand by the audience.

How can I manage and overcome stage fright before delivering my senior speech?

How many times should i rehearse my senior speech, what is the importance of writing an impactful senior speech.

Writing an impactful senior speech allows you to leave a lasting legacy and inspire your fellow graduates. Your words have the power to motivate, uplift, and encourage others as they embark on their next journey.

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A Speech Outlining the Achievements and Problems of Your School

school prefect speech on achievements

Your school is celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of its founding. As head prefect, you are asked to give a public speech during the celebration. Write  your speech outlining the achievements of your school, the problems and your hopes for the future.

Mr. Chairman, Honourable Member of Parliament, Chiefs, Assembly Members, The Headmaster, Members of Staff, Parents, Invited Guests, Old Students, Fellow Students, Ladies and Gentlemen. I salute you all!

Today is a great day. Today our great school is thirty years old. As you join us to mark this historic milestone in the life of NAVCO, it is only fair that we showcase to you the great strides we have made over the years. This is my purpose for standing before you this beautiful morning. Mr. Chairman, besides our achievements, I intend to touch on the major problems we face as an educational institution.

Mr. Chairman, a direct result of the high level of discipline attained in our school is the yearly improvement in our academic performance. I am exceedingly proud to announce to you that one Student Representative Council (S.R.C.) after another has for the past twenty years set itself a target of a hundred per cent pass in each year’s external WASSC examination. We are grateful to our past and present heads and tutors ,not forgetting our parents, for giving us the needed support to achieve this target over the years.

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Allow me to seize this opportunity to give thanks, on behalf of my fellow students, to all who have contributed in diverse ways to the infrastructural development of NAVCO.

We have also done quite well in the sporting arena. The school continues to chalk one success after another in almost every sporting discipline. Our most recent remarkable achievement is our lifting of the trophy for the overall winner in this year’s inter – school athletics competition held right here. Indeed, the walls of our headmaster’s office are decorated with a splendid array of silverware which the school has collected within this period.

One area which demands urgent attention is the need to acquire a new school bus. It will replace the ageing one you can see resting over there. Fellow students, I am sure you will agree with me that our illustrious old NAVCONIANS need no reminding of the pledge they made to us in this regard about a year ago. Please, our brothers and sisters, we are still waiting for you to redeem your pledge .  

Mr. Chairman, NAVCO has not done badly. Our successes in the fields of discipline, sports and infrastructure attest to this fact. We resolve to overcome the challenges in due course. May I, at this juncture, invite you all to come to the exhibition centre this afternoon to witness, in pictures, the thirty-year odyssey of Navrongo Senior High School.

Final Thoughts

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write a speech as an outgoing senior prefect

Ralph Nyadzi

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write a speech as an outgoing senior prefect

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How can an incoming senior prefect write a speech for the school?

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Writing a speech as an incoming senior prefect is an important task that requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some steps to help you write an effective speech:


  • Start with a strong opening that grabs the audience's attention.
  • Introduce yourself and state your intention to become the senior prefect.
  • Share a brief personal anecdote or experience that highlights your leadership qualities and commitment to the school community.

Highlight your qualifications:

  • Discuss your achievements, experiences, and skills that make you suitable for the role of senior prefect.
  • Emphasize your ability to take on responsibilities and fulfill the expectations of the position [1] .
  • Mention any relevant leadership roles or involvement in school activities.

Address the responsibilities of a senior prefect:

  • Explain what being a senior prefect entails and how you plan to fulfill those responsibilities.
  • Discuss your ideas for improving the school community and creating a positive environment [2] .
  • Highlight your willingness to assist and support fellow students, whether academically or personally [3] .

Share your vision:

  • Express your vision for the school and how you plan to contribute to its growth and development.
  • Discuss specific initiatives or projects you would like to implement as a senior prefect.
  • Emphasize the importance of teamwork, respect, and inclusivity within the school community.


  • Summarize your main points and reiterate your commitment to the role of senior prefect.
  • End with a memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the audience.
  • Thank the audience for their time and express your gratitude for the opportunity to speak.

Learn more:

  • Senior Prefect speech - The Student Room
  • Persuasive Speech: I Should Be the Next School Prefect Essay | Bartleby
  • ...I wrote this letter to apply for senior prefects in my school... any thoughts? - The Student Room

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Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

In GCSE by Think Student Editor June 21, 2021 5 Comments

For many students, creating and delivering a speech is a daunting task. Creating a successful speech can be difficult in terms of structuring and what to include. In order to be successful, you first need to understand what a speech is. A speech is a dialogue delivered to an audience either formally or informally. There are many aspects of a speech you need to consider in order to captivate your audience and give your speech a professional edge. Hopefully, these 10 tips I have put together will give you some guidance.

If you find yourself struggling to write your speech or with the prospect of delivering it, I urge you to continue reading the rest of this article for 10 top tips for writing and presenting your head boy or head girl speech.

1. Planning is key

To create a successful speech, it is important that first you plan. Many students will just dive straight into writing their speech. Creating a plan will allow you to structure your speech and allocate specific information into specific sections. This will enable you to remain organised which will make writing your speech a much easier task.

When planning your speech, you should include an introduction, a main section and a conclusion. In your introduction, you should introduce yourself and the main reasons why you would like the role of head boy or head girl.

Following this, you should have a main section in your speech. This will be the bulk of your speech. Within this, you may wish to use subheadings to further divide your speech.

You should discuss reasons why you would like the role of head boy or head girl and what qualities you have that would make you a suitable candidate. For example, you may discuss what you would introduce to your school or sixth form to make it better for students or what you think needs to be improved and why this change would be necessary.

Furthermore, you will need to end your speech with a conclusion. This should summarise why your peers should choose you as their head boy or head girl and how you will make a difference. Finally, thank your audience for their time and for listening.

For more information about planning a speech check out  this article by wittcom .

2. Consider your audience

It is important when writing a speech that you consider your audience. To define your audience, you could consider age, gender and school year group for example. Your audience is important as it will influence the tone of your speech and the type of language you choose to use in it.

If your audience are students in your year group at school or sixth form, you may choose to use humour and more simplistic language in your speech. This will ensure your audience understands your speech and find it enjoyable to listen to.

If your audience was a mix of sixth form students and teachers for example, you may choose to use more complex and sophisticated language within a more formal structure to make your speech sound more professional.

It is especially important to consider your audience if they will determine whether or not you achieve the role of head boy or head girl.

3. Consider the tone

When both creating and presenting your speech, it is important to consider the tone you use. You may decide to give your speech a humorous, passionate or serious tone to name a few. However, the tone you choose to use will indicate certain feelings including joy, humour, sadness or optimism. Your audience can also influence your use of tone.

For a speech to become a head boy or head girl, many students will aim to use a humorous tone to engage their audience, combined with a passionate tone to underpin their desire to achieve the role.

Your choice of tone can also present your speech as well-mannered and respectful so is an important aspect to consider.

Your tone is not just evident in your written piece, but also when you deliver your speech. When you speak, the pace at which you talk and the tone of your voice can impact the meaning of the words you say.

Furthermore, if you use the same tone throughout your speech, it can become boring to your audience. Therefore, the use of a humorous tone for example, will enable you to adapt the tone of your voice making you sound more passionate about what you are discussing.

4. Use persuasive language

Using persuasive language is important, especially when creating a head boy or head girl speech. You want to persuade your audience to choose you for the role and therefore, make yourself stand out.

Using techniques such as rhetorical questions can help to persuade your audience. Additionally, the use of personal anecdotes can help to persuade, for example you could talk about something that happened to make you want to apply for the role of a head boy or head girl.

Furthermore, you could find out what your peers want to change within your school or sixth form and then discuss how you will change this in your speech. Students will recognise this issue as something they are not happy with and this may persuade them to choose you as the head boy or head girl, because you are representing their opinions.

5. Memorise parts of your speech

Some students may decide to remember their speech in full and recite it to their audience. Although this would demonstrate the students dedication, many students would probably find this a difficult task. Instead, it is best to try and remember key points from within your speech.

Remembering several key points will allow you to show a level of dedication to your speech. It also means you will not just be reading your entire speech off a piece of paper meaning you can make eye contact with your audience. Although many pupils may feel anxious at the prospect of making eye contact, this will demonstrate your engagement with the audience. Furthermore, it means your audience are more likely to listen to you and feel persuaded by your message.

For more information on how to remember your speech, check out  this page by scotthyoung .

6. Prepare to answer some questions

After you deliver your speech, your audience may wish to ask you some questions. Therefore, it is useful to prepare some answers to potential questions to make you feel more confident.

Questions may involve you reiterating on something you commented on or an issue you raised. Likewise, it may be concerning why you wish to be head boy or head girl, or what makes you different from all the other candidates.

Your ability to answer questions will demonstrate your passion for the role of head boy or head girl whilst showing your audience you will be reliable within the role. It will further demonstrate your passion for the role and help to keep your audience engaged.

For more information on how to prepare answers for questions you may be asked, check out this useful website.

7. Rehearse

You may have heard the phrase ‘practice makes perfect’. Well this is most definitely true with speeches. The more you practice and rehearse your speech, the more confident and successful your speech will be when you deliver it to your audience.

One way you could do this is by rehearsing your speech in front of an audience, such as family or friends. They may even be able to give you some feedback including ways in which you could improve your speech. This will help you to feel more confident on the day whilst allowing you to become more familiarised with your speech.

Furthermore, you could practice your speech to yourself in front of a mirror. Its also useful to practice your pronunciation of words and if there is a particular word you struggle to pronounce, it may be worth removing this from your speech.

Practicing your pronunciation will enable you to sound more fluent when delivering your speech. The more you rehearse your speech, the more confident you will become, meaning the more professional your speech will sound.

8. Adopt some simple healthy habits

Before delivering your speech, adopting healthy habits can have positive impacts on your performance.

On the day before and the day of your speech, aim to eat wholegrains, fruit such as berries or eggs. These foods can improve brain function and memory. However, just before delivering your speech, eat lightly or not at all as a full stomach can lower your energy levels.

Furthermore, apples can help to promote a clearer voice so is a better option just before your speech.

You should also avoid drinks containing dairy, caffeine and soft drinks straight before your speech as these can negatively affect your speech and pronunciation.

You should also take a bottle of water with you when delivering your speech to help keep you hydrated and to prevent your throat from going dry.

Light exercise before your speech such as gentle jogging or a brisk walk can have positive impacts on your mood and brain function, whilst the fresh air can help to relieve anxiety. If you are someone who often feels anxious before delivering a speech to an audience, you may benefit from practicing some breathing exercises. This will help you to keep yourself calm and confident when talking.

Finally, an early night sleep the night before you deliver your speech will help you to feel energised the next morning and give you a positive mindset.

For more information on how to adopt healthier habits ahead of your speech, take a look at  this article by nosweatpublicspeaking .

9. Consider your personal appearance

When delivering your speech to your audience, your appearance can speak many words. If you look presentable and smart during your speech, your audience will be more likely to listen and feel engaged.

First impressions are important, especially when you are attempting to achieve a role like head boy or head girl. Therefore, if you dress smartly and look presentable you will look like you are taking your speech more seriously. This will demonstrate to your audience your passion for the role of head boy or head girl and both your capability as well as determination.

It is also important to carry yourself in a positive way. If your audience feels that you are taking the role seriously and are a responsible student, they may be more likely to choose you as their head boy or head girl.

10. Go for it

Finally, my last tip is to just go for it. Try your best to speak clearly and slowly whilst making eye contact with your audience throughout your speech. This will show you are engaged with your audience and wish to meet their interests if you get the role of head boy or head girl.

Also, be polite towards your audience and most importantly smile. After all, your personal appearance includes your body language too, and the way in which you present yourself to your audience. You want to show others your best qualities and that you will represent them within the role of head boy or head girl.

Most importantly, enjoy delivering your speech to your audience. It is a chance for you to gain experience of delivering a speech and your skills when creating a speech. Make sure that you take the experience in a positive way and enjoy it.

One final word…

Although students often worry about delivering a speech to an audience, there is really no need to. It is a chance for you to demonstrate your passion for becoming a head boy or head girl whilst showcasing your very best qualities.

It is also an experience in which you can practice and learn how to structure a speech, prepare and then deliver your speech to an audience. It is important that you remember to enjoy the experience and take away the positives from it, especially if you achieve the role of head boy or head girl.

Hopefully, these top 10 tips that I have provided you with will help you to get the most out of your speech and to be successful and more confident in your future speeches. Good luck!


Thanks for the advice and encouragement 

Joseph Arkangelo Almas

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Motunyosoluwa Mesele

Valedictory speech as an outgoing senior prefect?

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