Music and Its Impact on Our Lives Essay (Critical Writing)

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

No one can even imagine our life without music. For centuries it was an integral part of our everyday life, our traditions and culture. Listening to the charming sounds of nature, man could not help trying to reproduce it in order to enjoy music at any time. That was the reason for the first primitive musical instruments to appear. Since that time music and mankind were never torn apart. With the development of the society the instruments and the whole music changed. The mankind and music were always at the same stage of development. Starting with the mysterious melodies of the ancient cults and ending with the energetic military marches. Music follows humanity step by step, working its magic on it, showing its power. The ability of music to influence human consciousness was known from the earliest stages of development of the society.

Relaxing and calming at the beginning, it can become energetic and aggressive just in a moment, causing great changes in your mood. “Without even thinking about it, we use music to create desired moods- to make us happy, to enjoy movement and dance, to energize, to bring back powerful memories, to help us relax and focus. Music is a powerful tool for our personal expression within our daily lives– it helps “set the scene” for many important experiences” (Brewer, n.d., para. 2). Music can even serve as a basis for peoples segregation, dividing them into the different social groups according to their preferences or abilities to understand a certain type of music. Nothing could create the appropriate atmosphere better than music. The church music can serve as an ideal example of it. Religions all over the world use the music in the rituals in order to maximize the influence on people and help them to achieve eupathy and humility. Nowadays, with an unrestricted access to the sources, music has conquered the world, sounding from everywhere, suggesting the great variety of genres for any demands. Everyone could find something up to his or her taste.

Talking about my life it is impossible not to mention music. It is a huge part of my everyday routine. My day starts and ends with it. Early in the morning it is quite vital for me to listen to a portion of a good energetic music in order to get up and have a charge for a long day. But it is not enough of course. Like a real melomaniac, I always take my player with me. I have noticed the great growth of my productivity if I do something with music in background. The type of chosen music depends on the type of the job I have to do. If there is some kind of a physical activity I need some fast and energetic music. However, when some sort of mental activity is demanded, I need some calm, not very loud music playing somewhere in the background. This is by no means a panacea for everyone who wants to raise their productivity , but I cannot imagine me working without music

Having come home late at evening, it is just necessary for me to listen to another portion of music in order to relax and forget about all the stresses of the outside world. I even go to bed with the headphones in my ears, listening to my special “good night” song.

Taking into account the fact that I am a great admirer of rock music, it is not difficult to guess that all my friends are great admirers of it to. I am more than sure that common tastes in music are the good basis for friendly relations. This is not only the question of having something to discuss or to listen to together. If a person has the same preferences in music that means that he has something in common with your inner world and with your soul. Of course, there is that type of music that you will never listen with your friends. It is that kind of music which affects the deepest parts of your soul and you can only listen to it while keeping to yourself. At that moments no one is allowed to trouble you.

Music also has a great impact on the way we communicate within our company. The excessive tension or some miscommunication in relations can be easily dispersed by means of music. The sounds of the familiar song cool heads and return friendly atmosphere.

There is one more aspect of music which is worth mentioning. It is its lyrics. Being not less ancient part of our culture than music, the word has even more influence on peoples hearts and minds. The combination of such powerful remedies gives a marvelous results. This combination of sounds and words affects all your senses, penetrating deep inside your soul. Looking through the lyrics of my favorite songs, I can say that the text is of the same importance as music in the song. While listening to it for the first time you pay special attention to lyrics, especially if it resonates with your mood. The song runs in your head and you repeat it over and over, enjoining the harmony of the words and your soul.

The most common topic for all songs is, of course, relations of any kind. It is the basis of human life and music, as an integral part of it, cannot stand off. Love and hatred, faith and betrayal, and all others shades of human feelings are praised in thousands of songs. The mans attempts to find his reason to live should also be mentioned. The great number of songs is devoted to that problem, making people think or helping them to find an answer. One of my favorite songs “ The Show Must Go On ” by Queen (Queen 1990) is also one of the best compositions touching the problem of self-determination. While listening to it you cannot but feel the great suffering of a man who realizes the duality of his inner world and necessity of playing the annoying part. The Freddie Mercurys heart cry makes the great effect on the listener, making you think about your own place in the world, the way you live and spend your lifetime and reconsider your values and priorities.

The love theme is also one of the especially beloved by lyrics authors. Everyone on this planet has its own favorite love song and I am not an exception. The great song “ Not Strong Enough ” by Apocalyptica (Warren 2010) tells us about the pangs of the love-crossed man who cannot be with his darling. The most dramatic moments of the lyrics are wonderfully emphasized by music, the most powerful beats comes with the most bitter worlds, projecting the singers and the authors mood on you, making you feel the same. That great interplay of words and music makes you shiver. Especially strong effect is achieved if the song correlates with your mood or life experience. In that case the song becomes a some kind of an anchor, which evokes certain memories and feelings connected with a certain life period. No matter where you are and what your feel, from the first beats of the song you will remember the first time you have listened to it and your emotions at that moment.

The love theme is a part of a bigger theme of gender relations, which is also quite popular in music. According to the generally accepted tradition there is some stereotypical pattern of behavior for both genders which is praised in the songs. Historically, man always strives for womens love, trying to overcome all the obstacles on his way. He fights the injustice, erases the boundaries of social or race segregation just to reunite with his beloved one. Music is a reflection of the mans thoughts that is why all this issues are blended in it, The artists want to share their feelings and experience with us, to warn and protect from the mistakes they made, to show that all the prejudices are only in our heads and we have to overcome it.

Summing it up, we should say that music is not just part of our lives, it is something bigger, and that determines our mood and emotions. It helps us to forget everything and enjoy one of the greatest gifts of nature – the sound.

Reference List

Brewer, B. (n.d.). Music and Learning: Integrating Music in the Classroom . Web.

Queen, (1990). The show must go on [Reordered by Queen]. Innuendo [7″, 12″, CD]. London, England: Metropolis Studios.

Warren, D. (2010). Not strong enough [Reordered by Apocalyptica]. 7th Symphony [CD]. Germany: Sony Music.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 24). Music and Its Impact on Our Lives.

"Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." IvyPanda , 24 Jan. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Music and Its Impact on Our Lives'. 24 January.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." January 24, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." January 24, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Music and Its Impact on Our Lives." January 24, 2022.

Essay on Music for Students and Children

500+ words essay on music.

Music is a vital part of different moments of human life. It spreads happiness and joy in a person’s life. Music is the soul of life and gives immense peace to us. In the words of William Shakespeare, “If music is the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.” Thus, Music helps us in connecting with our souls or real self.

Essay on Music

What is Music?

Music is a pleasant sound which is a combination of melodies and harmony and which soothes you. Music may also refer to the art of composing such pleasant sounds with the help of the various musical instruments. A person who knows music is a Musician.

The music consists of Sargam, Ragas, Taals, etc. Music is not only what is composed of men but also which exists in nature. Have you ever heard the sound of a waterfall or a flowing river ? Could you hear music there? Thus, everything in harmony has music. Here, I would like to quote a line by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the greatest musicians, “The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.”

Importance of Music:

Music has great qualities of healing a person emotionally and mentally. Music is a form of meditation. While composing or listening music ones tends to forget all his worries, sorrows and pains. But, in order to appreciate good music, we need to cultivate our musical taste. It can be cited that in the Dwapar Yug, the Gopis would get mesmerized with the music that flowed from Lord Krishna’s flute. They would surrender themselves to Him. Also, the research has proved that the plants which hear the Music grow at a faster rate in comparison to the others.

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Magical Powers of Music:

It has the power to cure diseases such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc. The power of Music can be testified by the legends about Tansen of his bringing the rains by singing Raag Megh Malhar and lighting lamps by Raga Deepak. It also helps in improving the concentration and is thus of great help to the students.


Music is the essence of life. Everything that has rhythm has music. Our breathing also has a rhythm. Thus, we can say that there is music in every human being or a living creature. Music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotions to people. Music is also a very powerful means to connect with God. We can conclude that Music is the purest form of worship of God and to connect with our soul.

FAQs on Essay on Music:

Q.1. Why is Music known as the Universal Language?

Ans.1. Music is known as the Universal language because it knows no boundaries. It flows freely beyond the barriers of language, religion, country, etc. Anybody can enjoy music irrespective of his age.

Q.2. What are the various styles of Music in India?

Ans.2. India is a country of diversities. Thus, it has numerous styles of music. Some of them are Classical, Pop, Ghazals, Bhajans, Carnatic, Folk, Khyal, Thumri, Qawwali, Bhangra, Drupad, Dadra, Dhamar, Bandish, Baithak Gana, Sufi, Indo Jazz, Odissi, Tarana, Sugama Sangeet, Bhavageet, etc.

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Expository Essay

Expository Essay About Music

Caleb S.

Discover How to Write Expository Essays About Music – A Step-by-Step Guide

expository essay about music

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Are you a music student assigned to write an essay on music?

Writing an expository essay about music is a great way to introduce readers to your passion. But people interested in music aren't really cut out for writing great essays.

So are you one of those rising musicians who can't write? Don't worry! By following a few steps and good examples, you will be good to go

In this guide, we’ll show you how to craft an expository essay that focuses on music. So let's dive in! 

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  • 1. Understanding Expository Essay
  • 2. How To Write a Music Essay Step-by-Step
  • 3. Expository Essay About Music Examples
  • 4. Expository Essay Topics About Music

Understanding Expository Essay

So what is the purpose of an expository essay? An expository essay is a type of writing that explains and clarifies something. It provides an in-depth exploration of a topic that can be supported by facts and evidence.

In expository writing about music, it could explore different aspects. For instance, the history of your favorite genre, the evolution of instruments, or the types of music.

To write an outstanding expository essay, you must understand the structure of this type of paper. Read on to know how to write an expository essay about music. 

How To Write a Music Essay Step-by-Step

Writing about music is a great way to ignite your creativity and share your passion with readers. To get you started, here are the steps for crafting a winning paper:

1. Choose Your Topic

Choosing a specific and well-defined topic is essential for a good essay. Select from one of the topics listed above or come up with one of your own. Make sure to choose a topic you’re passionate about and have enough evidence to back up your argument.

2. Research Your Topic

Once you have a topic, research it thoroughly by reading articles, books, and other sources. Consider both primary and secondary sources of information when researching. Moreover, don't forget to note down and cite your sources later in the essay.

3. Create an Outline

Organize the information you’ve gathered into an outline to guide your writing. Expository essay outlines  help you stay on track and ensure that all arguments are adequately supported by evidence. You should include your main points and evidence in a logical order while making your outline.

4. Write the Introduction

Introduce your essay using a hook statement to draw readers in. Secondly, present background information about the topic so your reader knows what the topic is about. Finally, make sure to include a thesis statement that summarizes the main point of the paper.

5. Write the Body

Use your notes and research to support each point in your essay body with facts and evidence. Develop each point with an explanation and examples. Make sure to provide a transition between each paragraph.

6. Craft a Conclusion

End your essay by summarizing the main points and restating the thesis statement. Additionally, include a call to action or closing thought that motivates the reader. In other words, restate your main points and summarize their importance in relation to the topic.

7. Edit & Proofread

Review your essay multiple times for errors, clarity, tone, and structure. Check for spelling and grammatical mistakes as well as any inconsistencies in format or style. 

Here’s a video with a simple explanation of how to write an expository essay:

Now you know how to write a great expository essay about music. So read on to find some good examples to read.

Expository Essay About Music Examples

Download and read these short essay samples to gain a better understanding of expository essays.

Expository Essay About Music Genre

5 Paragraph Essay About Music

Short Essay on Music

How Music Affects Your Life Expository Essay

Expository Essay About Music 250 words

Want more sample essays? Read these expository essay examples if you need inspiration for your expository essay!

Expository Essay Topics About Music

Here are some topics to consider when writing your own expository essay about music:

  • What is the therapeutic role of music in managing mental health?
  • Exploring the symbiotic relationship between music and book reading.
  • How can modern artists create a unique sound within an existing genre?
  • What is the impact of streaming services on the music industry?
  • How music plays a role in social change throughout history?
  • Exploring how shared music shapes and strengthens friendship bonds.
  • What is the importance of musical education for children?
  • How listening to music helps people in everyday life

These topics provide plenty of inspiration.

Need more topic ideas for your essay? Check out our over 100+ expository essay topics !

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Expository Essay

New Yam Festival: A Celebration of Life and Culture

Explore the rich cultural celebration of a new food season in ogidi ijumu town in kogi state, nigeria..

By The Centenary Project

Women dressed in Adire attire and raising a piece of Adire fabric (2019) The Centenary Project

The New Yam Festival, a celebration of the farming season

The New Yam Festival, in the Ogidi community, is an important way of marking the beginning and end of the farming season. It is a celebration of life, accomplishments in the community, culture and well-being.

Aerial view of Ogidi town (2019) The Centenary Project

The "little" big town of Ogidi Ogidi is a town currently located in the Ijumu Local Government Area of Kogi State. It is renowned for its agricultural produce and arts. One of its popular produce, yam, is hugely celebrated yearly at the harvest of new yams from the farms, in an elaborate ceremony popularly known as the New Yam Festival. The New Yam Festival is celebrated as the town's day - Ogidi Day. The celebration attracts tourists from the country and offers a platform for the women to show their art to visitors.

Display of newly harvested yam (2019) The Centenary Project

Yam is food and food is yam Yam is significant to the planting and harvesting season of Ogidi community as it is regarded as a miraculous plant that signifies fertility. Once new yams are harvested from the farms in good quantity and conditions, it is believed that the year will be illustrious and that the ground will be fertile for other crops.

The traditional ruler at the podium of the Ogidi New Yam Festival (2019) The Centenary Project

The opening ceremony 

The traditional ruler of the land, the Ologidi of Ogidi, opens the ceremony with prayers of thanksgiving for the favour of nature and the importance of yam to the community and its farmers. Royal fathers and dignitaries of other communities, especially those ones that share boundaries and affiliations with Ogidi, pay respect to the Oba (Ologidi) of Ogidi land during the festival, and thrones, kings and dignitaries honour the festival to show solidarity and support of the people.

Community farmers present symbols of their produce to the traditional ruler (2019) The Centenary Project

"Ise logun Ise" "Work is the cure for poverty" is the slogan of community farmers who work hard to make agricultural produce available throughout the nation. Farmers are recognized and encouraged to keep up the good work.

Traditional ruler awards chieftancy title (2019) The Centenary Project

"Soludero of Ogidi land" Investors, good deeds and accomplishments within the community are recognized during the festival. Chieftaincy titles are given to appreciate significant community contributors for creating industries and employment opportunities for locals. One of such titles is the "soludero" - setting the community at ease.

Young woman carrying basket of fruits (2019) The Centenary Project

Fruitful Festival Young women in the community assemble different homegrown fruits in a basket as a part of the festival. A young woman who is dressed in white with her hair styled in the tradition of Ogidi women carry this basket of fruit round the community early in the morning seeking for a fruitful year, bountiful harvest and fertility. She is accompanied with singing by other young women dressed in similar attires.

Nike Davies-Okundaye with foreign guest (2019) The Centenary Project

Meet Nike Davies-Okundaye One of the major influencers of the festival is Mrs Nike Davies-Okundaye, the Agbasaga of Ogidi land. As one of the chiefs in royal council, she has an important role. All the chiefs and illustrious sons and daughters of Ogidi land find their way home to celebrate and support the people on this day. One of the ways through which Nike has shown her support is her investment in textile and art for the women in the community.

Amala and "gbegiri" (bean soup) being served (2019) The Centenary Project

A community that shares food stays stronger together Food is shared to all and sundry at Mama Nike's Ijumu Art Gallery. Children, adults and guests have bowls of amala served with "gbegiri" (bean soup) and "ewedu". Amala is made from yam flour.

Dancers dressed in Adire attires (2019) The Centenary Project

Dancers wearing Adire garments Nike cultural group performs the traditional Yoruba "bata" dance, wearing batik and Adire textiles.

Ogidi new yam festival guests (2019) The Centenary Project

Benin women performing the Ugho dance (2019) The Centenary Project

Music and dancing

The joy of the New Yam Festival is celebrated with various cultural and community groups performing dances, songs, dramas and acrobatics. The New Yam Festival is a time of celebration and thanksgiving for most Nigerian communities, and the Ogidi Ijumu community is not an exception. The Benin women here are performing the Ugho dance.

Benin dancer with "eben" (2019) The Centenary Project

Benin dancer with "eben" The Benin traditional sword and handpiece "eben" is an accessory used in performing the Esapaide dance.

Children dressed in traditional attires (2019) The Centenary Project

Children dance group New Yam Festival is an opportunity for every age group of the society to perform what is unique to them. On the day of the festival, children are excited to perform to the Ologidi (king of Ogidi land) and the guests who attend the event.

Traditional female dancers (2019) The Centenary Project

Olaga Traditional female drummers sing praises and "oriki" of local names to the King and people. They also sing to praise the people of the town. They are traditionally dressed in aso-oke, a piece of clothing tied around the waist with beads crisscrossed around the neck. Their hair is styled traditionally in "suku" with safety pins for decoration.

Woman dancing (2019) The Centenary Project

Oya A lady is costumed as Oya, the wife of Sango, the god of lightning and thunder. She is dressed in Ogboni clothes.

Young men dancing with the drummer (2019) The Centenary Project

Beats and drums Young lads perform to the lead drummer's talking drum.

Drummers dressed in Adire attire (2019) The Centenary Project

A display of traditional drums Yoruba drums are legendary in telling tales and giving instructions. Dancers from various neighbouring communities perform with all kinds of traditional drums that are unique to their dance and culture in celebration of the festival. Examples of such drums are the Gudugudu drum and Iya Ilu drum used in bata dances.

Drummer wearing batik playing bata drum (2019) The Centenary Project

Bata Drum Bata drum is a traditional drum that is beaten during bata dances. Its unique sound is produced by a thick leather, "bulala".

Female dancers from Ondo State (2019) The Centenary Project

Ondo dancers Ondo dancers in celebration with Ogidi land perform their traditional dance with singing before the Ologidi and the people. Dancers are dressed in "kijipa", locally handspun and dyed in indigo.

Drummer with motif face painting (2019) The Centenary Project

A festival of art and culture Ogidi community is synonymous with art. Hence, the New Yam Festival in Ogidi is celebrated in batik-fashioned attires inspired by Chief Nike Davies. Ankara, face-painted motifs and aso-oke are worn during the celebration.

Drummers playing before the crowd (2019) The Centenary Project

Praise singers singing with talking drums and sekere (2019) The Centenary Project

Praise singers Traditional singers perform to talking drums and "sekere" (beaded gourds). They sing "oriki" (praises), folktales and traditional songs to dignitaries and the people.

Girls dressed in traditional attires (2019) The Centenary Project

Irukere and traditional beads Horsetail (or "irukere", as the locals call it) is a traditional Yoruba hand-piece that signifies royalty, authority and fashion. Beads, locally known as "ileke", are part of Yoruba traditional fashion worn by different age groups. They signify various authority ranks and cultural status.

Masquerade performing somersaults at Ogidi New Yam Festival (2019) The Centenary Project

Masquerade Amusement

Masquerades make appearances during festivals, ceremonies and rituals. They are considered deities and ancestral spirits in Yoruba culture. During celebrations and festivals, various masquerades come with groups of people. While these people play drums and sing for the masquerades, the masquerades, in turn, perform and amuse people. In a bountiful harvest, the appearance of the masquerade is a sign that the gods are happy with the people. Masquerade attires and performances vary from culture to culture.

Igbabolelimin Igbabolelimin means "masquerade from the spirit world".

In performance, Igbabolelimin does acrobatic moves to songs and drums played by its entourage.

Gelede Gelede is a human being wearing a mask -- an exaggerated head mask which either represents male or female. Features of gender are exaggerated, and the gelede performs in drama and dance, usually comical, to musical instruments.

Masquerade with human face mask (2019) The Centenary Project

Traditionally, the masks are carved from wood and made to represent a man or a woman with all her tribal marks and plaited hair.

Tall masquerade performing for the crowd (2019) The Centenary Project

Igunnuko Igunnuko is a tall masquerade that can lengthen or shorten itself. During special festivals like the New Yam Festival, it makes an appearance to perform for the king and the people.

Masquerade performing at Ogidi New Yam Festival (2019) The Centenary Project

Igunnuko masquerade on the roll In excitement, Igunnuko rolls on itself to amuse spectators.

Masquerades with costume made of grass (2019) The Centenary Project

Agbo Olode Agbo Olode is a masquerade that has special outings on celebratory days in Ogidi. It is important that Agbo Olode makes an appearance at Ogidi's New Yam Festival because Agbo Olode's appearance draws rain for a new planting season. Agbo Olode is a masquerade of fertility and bountiful harvest. It is believed that the heavy leaves on Agbo Olode are the people and the masquerade carry the people on itself to appease the gods.

Masquerade paying homage to a chief (2019) The Centenary Project

Agbo Olode's blessings During the ceremony, Agbo Olode is sought after for prayers and blessings as it is believed that barren women will have children once Agbo Olode sits on their thighs and offers prayers. For others who want blessings of marriage, money and bountiful harvest, Agbo Olode will sit at their feet to offer prayers to the gods.

Masquerades at Ogidi New Yam Festival (2019) The Centenary Project

Egungun Oniye Egungun Oniye means "the masquerade of feathers". As the name connotes, it is dressed with feathers from various birds and accompanied with traditional drums and local horn which is a signature of the masquerade. Egungun Oniye from Ayetoro-Gbede of Ijumu appears in celebration of Ogidi's New Yam Festival.

Curator : Omotunde Omojola Research : Omotunde Omojola Photography : Ibukun Akinjobi Text : Omotunde Omojola Editor : Munachim Amah Thanks to Chief Nike and Reuben Okundaye Special thanks to Oba Rabiu O. Sule, Ologidi of Ogidi land and the people of Ogidi Ijumu, Kogi state.

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The centenary project, nigerian party jollof: the king of rice, the masters of nigerian art, a close-up on aso-oke of the yoruba, 500 years of tie and dye production, nigerian bracelets and bangles, colonial footprints: lagos, then and now, kongi's harvest: from stage to screen, birth of the nigerian colony, remarkable historical figures of ancient benin kingdom.


Essay on Nigeria My Country

Students are often asked to write an essay on Nigeria My Country in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Nigeria My Country

Introduction to nigeria.

Nigeria is a country in West Africa. It is known for its rich culture and many languages. The land has forests, mountains, and rivers. Many people live in Nigeria, making it Africa’s most populated country.

Nigerian Culture

The culture in Nigeria is colorful. People enjoy music, dance, and art. They celebrate festivals with joy. Clothing is often bright and beautiful. Nigerian food is tasty and includes rice, soups, and spices.

Places in Nigeria

Nigeria has exciting places to see. There are big cities like Lagos and natural spots like the Zuma Rock. Visitors like to see the wildlife and markets too.

Nigeria faces some problems. Not all children can go to school, and keeping the environment clean is tough. Leaders are working to solve these issues.

Nigeria is a country with friendly people and a strong spirit. It is full of life and has a future full of promise. It is a place many call home with pride.

250 Words Essay on Nigeria My Country

Nigeria is a country in West Africa. It’s known for its colorful culture, rich history, and natural beauty. With over 200 million people, it’s the most populous country in Africa and the seventh in the world.

Land and Nature

The land in Nigeria is very diverse. There are sandy beaches, large rivers, and even forests. The country also has a lot of wildlife, including elephants and lions. Nigeria’s weather is mostly hot since it’s close to the equator, but it also has rainy and dry seasons.

Culture and People

Nigeria is home to many different groups of people. Each group has its own language, traditions, and festivals. Music and dance are very important in Nigerian culture. The country is famous for its Nollywood film industry, which is one of the largest in the world.

Nigeria has a lot of natural resources like oil and gas. These resources play a big role in its economy. Agriculture is also important; many people farm products like cocoa and peanuts.

Nigeria faces some challenges, such as making sure everyone has enough food and access to education. The country is working to solve these problems and make life better for its people.

Nigeria is a country with a lot of diversity and potential. Even though it has challenges, its rich culture and natural resources make it a unique and important part of the world.

500 Words Essay on Nigeria My Country

Nigeria is a country located in West Africa. It is known for its rich history, diverse cultures, and natural resources. With over 200 million people, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous in the world. The land is full of life and color, with many languages spoken and various traditions practiced.

Geography and Climate

The country has a varied landscape that includes beaches, mountains, forests, and deserts. The climate is tropical, with rainy and dry seasons that change depending on the area. The southern part of Nigeria is mostly wet and green, while the north can be hot and dry. This makes Nigeria home to a wide range of plants and animals, some of which are found nowhere else on Earth.

Nigeria’s culture is a tapestry of the many ethnic groups that live there. The country has over 250 ethnic groups, with the Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba being the largest. Each group has its own customs, language, and way of life. Music and dance are important in Nigerian culture, with traditional beats like Afrobeat and Highlife being popular. Nigerian movies, known as Nollywood, are famous across Africa and tell stories that reflect the lives of the people.

Nigerian food is as diverse as its people. Dishes are often made with rice, beans, and yams, and are seasoned with spices that make them flavorful. Some popular foods include jollof rice, a spicy dish made with tomatoes and rice, and suya, which is grilled meat with a tasty spice rub. These foods are not just tasty but also a way to bring people together, as meals are a time for family and friends to share stories and enjoy each other’s company.

Nigeria has a growing economy that is one of the largest in Africa. It is rich in resources like oil and natural gas, which are important for the country’s wealth. Agriculture is also a key part of the economy, with many people working in farming to grow crops like cocoa, peanuts, and palm oil. Nigeria’s markets are full of life, with people buying and selling goods every day.

Like any country, Nigeria faces challenges. Some areas have to deal with poverty and not having enough schools or hospitals. There are also times when different groups disagree, leading to conflict. Despite these issues, many Nigerians are working hard to make their country a better place, focusing on education, health, and peace.

Nigeria is a country with a heart full of rhythm and a spirit that shines. Its landscapes are breathtaking, its cultures are vibrant, and its people are strong and resilient. Even with the difficulties it faces, Nigeria continues to move forward, building a future that honors its rich past and looks ahead with hope. For many Nigerians, their homeland is more than just a place on the map—it is a part of who they are.

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5 Tips for Writing an Expository Essay on Music Genres

Not everyone has a favorite book or short stories these days, but one thing most people have is a favorite song and a favorite genre or two of music they like, such as country, rap, rock, easy listening, techno, or classical. A lot of people might like music of certain time periods only, such as 80s music, 90s music, or classic rock from the late 60s and early 70s.

Here are five tips to make sure your next expository paper is a big hit with your teacher.

1. First, understand what the real purpose of an expository essay is

The primary purpose of an expository essay is to both analyze and explain your topic to the reader. Think about it as presenting an interesting lecture to a class, if you were the teacher. You would want to both instruct and entertain your class so they won’t get bored, right? Some teachers want research in these types of essays and some don’t.

2. Pick one genre if you want to analyze several pieces of music or artists in one paper

A four or five-page paper can only address several musicians or one really well. Narrow your topic in your thesis statement if you will and know that if you have a lot to say about a certain type of music or are in love with so many songs by this artist you want to write about them all, be careful. In your rush to address everything, you won’t expose anything or explain anything in enough detail. Your teacher, and your reader, would rather you taught them a lot about one artist than discussed ten haphazardly and in not enough depth.

3. Fall in love with your topic

If you’re in love with your topic, chances are your readers will fall in love with it too. Your writing will be enchanting and your knowledge on the topic will contain your fresh insights into your favorite topic. Your love for your topic will make them enraptured with it too. And if you really do your job right, they will be wanting more knowledge on this very topic.

4. Write an introductory paragraph that will whisk them away like a good song

All great papers begin with a great introductory paragraph. All a really good intro paragraph does is (a) grab the reader’s attention like crazy, (b) immediately help them relate to you, and (c) lead to a strong thesis statement that helps both you and them know what the real, laser focus of your essay is. For example: “This essay will discuss three musicians that I feel took us out of the Elvis more rockabilly area and really into what is today called classic rock.”

5. Write a closing paragraph that will echo in the mind and ear of the reader, much like good music will.

A good teacher online once explained a closing paragraph in a way that is very easy for students to understand. He said, “A good closing paragraph gives the reader something to contemplate long after they have read your paper.” Another great teacher said that your last sentence should echo in the mind, the soul, the heart, and the ear of your reader. So make it really “hit” the ear and mind of your reader. For example: “What does a good song really do? It makes you hear it in your head long after it was played.”

Music essays are both fun to write and fun to read, if you do it right. Create something with these tips that both you and your teacher will love to read.

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The power of melodic tunes to enhance focus and creativity during the essay writing process.

Essay writing music

When it comes to the realm of crafty penmanship, the significance of tune harmonizing with writing is often underestimated. However, by unlocking the potential of a melodious backdrop, authors can tap into a wholly different level of creativity. The amalgamation of mind-wandering melodies and thought-provoking words provides an unparalleled medium for unleashing one’s inner writer.

By marrying the artistry of music with the finesse of essay composition, a symphony of inspiration is born. As the rhythm flows from ear to mind, it ignites a fire within, setting ablaze the dormant embers of imagination. The harmonious duet of music and writing has the uncanny ability to transport us to seemingly distant realms, where ideas unfurl like unfathomable constellations, waiting to be explored.

Music has the incredible capability to influence our mood, thoughts, and emotions. With every beat, a gateway to new possibilities is unveiled. A propelling anthem can uplift the spirits and propel the writer forward on a wave of determination. Conversely, a gentle melody can provide solace and serenity, setting the stage for introspection and bringing forth the depths of one’s introspective musings.

The Science Behind the Connection: How Music Affects the Brain

Understanding how music affects the brain is a fascinating area of study that delves into the intricate workings of our minds. The connection between music and the brain has been explored by scientists for decades, revealing the profound impact that music can have on our emotions, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being.

When we listen to music, our brains are activated in various ways. Neurologists have discovered that different regions of the brain are engaged, depending on the type of music being listened to. For instance, upbeat and fast-paced music stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation. This explains why listening to energetic music can make us feel more invigorated and motivated to take action.

Moreover, studies have shown that music has the power to evoke strong emotions and memories. Certain melodies or lyrics can trigger a flood of emotions, reminding us of past experiences or even transporting us to a different time and place. This emotional connection to music is facilitated by the limbic system, a part of the brain that controls emotions and memory. By activating this system, music has the ability to evoke powerful feelings and create lasting memories.

Additionally, music has a profound impact on our cognitive abilities. Research has demonstrated that listening to certain types of music can enhance our focus, concentration, and creativity. Classical music, in particular, has been found to stimulate brain activity and improve cognitive performance. This phenomenon, known as the “Mozart effect,” suggests that music can enhance our cognitive abilities, making us more alert and receptive to information.

Furthermore, the therapeutic benefits of music cannot be overlooked. Studies have shown that music therapy can be beneficial for individuals suffering from various mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and stress. Listening to calming and soothing music has been found to reduce stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and promote relaxation. The rhythmic and melodic elements of music have a profound effect on our physiological state, helping to regulate our emotions and promote overall well-being.

In conclusion, the science behind the connection between music and the brain is a captivating field of research that highlights the profound impact of music on our emotions, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being. By understanding how music affects the brain, we can harness its power to boost productivity and enhance our essay writing experience.

Finding the Right Genre for Focus and Creativity

Exploring different genres of music can be a powerful way to enhance focus and creativity while writing. By selecting the right genre, you can create an atmosphere that nurtures concentration and stimulates your cognitive processes. The right choice of genre can inspire imagination, boost productivity, and help you tap into your creative potential.

Genre for Focus:

When it comes to finding a genre that promotes focus, instrumental music often takes the lead. With its absence of lyrics, instrumental genres such as classical, ambient, or electronic music can provide a background that minimizes distractions. The soothing melodies and repetitive patterns can help you maintain concentration for extended periods, allowing you to immerse yourself in the writing process.

Alternatively, you might find that low-tempo genres, like downtempo or chill-hop, can also facilitate a focus-oriented mindset. The relaxed beats and atmospheric textures often associated with these genres can create a tranquil ambiance, fostering a sense of calmness and enabling you to concentrate on the task at hand.

Genre for Creativity:

If your goal is to enhance your creative thinking and encourage inspiration, exploring diverse genres can be beneficial. Upbeat and energetic music, like pop, rock, or hip-hop, can elicit strong emotions and make you feel more motivated and enthusiastic. This genre choice can help break through writer’s block and generate fresh ideas.

On the other hand, genres that focus on introspection and introspection, like folk, indie, or singer-songwriter, can evoke a sense of introspection and deep thought. The raw emotions and personal narratives found in these genres can lead to a reflective and introspective state of mind, allowing you to explore and express your thoughts and emotions in a more profound and meaningful way.

Experimenting with Different Genres:

Everyone’s preferences and writing processes are unique, so it’s essential to experiment with different genres to find what works best for you. Depending on the task at hand, you may find that a combination of genres or even genre-specific playlists can be more effective in enhancing your focus and creativity.

Remember, the aim is to find the right balance that helps you stay engaged, motivated, and inspired. By exploring a variety of genres, you can create a personalized soundtrack that harnesses the power of music to enhance your essay writing and boost productivity.

Using Music as a Motivational Tool: Creating a Playlist that Energizes

Using Music as a Motivational Tool: Creating a Playlist that Energizes

When it comes to finding the perfect playlist to boost motivation and productivity, music can be a powerful tool. The right selection of songs can energize and inspire, helping you to stay focused and motivated while writing your essay. However, creating a playlist that truly energizes and motivates is not as simple as adding a few upbeat tracks. It requires careful consideration of the tempo, lyrics, and overall mood of the music.

To start off, consider the tempo of the songs you choose for your playlist. Upbeat and fast-paced songs with a high tempo can help increase your energy levels and keep you engaged. Look for tracks with a strong rhythm and lively beat that will get your heart rate up and your feet tapping. These types of songs can help you maintain a steady pace while writing, preventing any potential lulls in your productivity.

Lyrics also play an important role in creating a motivational playlist. Look for songs with inspiring and positive lyrics that resonate with you personally. The right lyrics can help instill a sense of confidence and determination as you tackle your essay. Whether it’s motivational anthems or personal empowerment songs, find tracks that make you feel uplifted and ready to conquer any challenges that come your way.

In addition to the tempo and lyrics, consider the overall mood of the music. While fast-paced and upbeat songs can be beneficial for maintaining energy levels, it’s also important to include moments of relaxation and calm. Including a variety of musical genres and styles in your playlist can help create a balanced atmosphere that keeps you engaged without overwhelming your senses. From uplifting pop songs to soothing instrumental tracks, a mix of different moods can help you stay focused and motivated throughout your writing process.

Remember that creating a motivational playlist is a personal endeavor. Experiment with different songs and genres to find what works best for you. Pay attention to how certain songs make you feel and make adjustments as needed. The power of music lies in its ability to evoke emotions and enhance your mood, so choose songs that align with your personal preferences and goals.

In conclusion, music can serve as a powerful motivator when it comes to essay writing. By creating a playlist that energizes and inspires, you can boost your productivity and stay focused throughout the writing process. Consider the tempo, lyrics, and overall mood of the music to create a playlist that resonates with you personally. Harness the power of music and let it fuel your essay writing journey!

The Impact of Lyrics on Writing: Choosing Songs with Inspiring Words

The Impact of Lyrics on Writing: Choosing Songs with Inspiring Words

When it comes to the influence of music on our writing, we often think about melodies, rhythms, and harmonies. However, the impact of lyrics should not be underestimated. The words in a song can have a profound effect on our creative output and productivity. By carefully selecting songs with inspiring and meaningful lyrics, we can enhance our writing experience and tap into new ideas and perspectives.

Words have the power to evoke emotions, stimulate our imagination, and convey complex thoughts and ideas. When we listen to songs with lyrics that resonate with us, it can trigger a range of emotions that can fuel our writing process. Whether it’s a heartfelt ballad that touches our soul or an empowering anthem that fills us with motivation, the right lyrics can provide the emotional backdrop we need to dive deep into our writing and express ourselves fully.

In addition to emotional impact, lyrics can also influence the way we think and inspire us to explore different topics and themes in our writing. Songs with thought-provoking lyrics can challenge our perspectives and push us beyond our comfort zones. They can introduce us to new ideas and expand our horizons, allowing us to approach our writing from fresh and unique angles. By actively seeking out songs with inspiring words, we can invite a broader range of thoughts and concepts into our writing and enrich our overall message.

It’s important to note that the impact of lyrics on writing is a highly personal experience. What resonates with one writer may not have the same effect on another. It’s essential to be in tune with our own preferences and emotions when choosing the songs we write to. Some writers may find solace in introspective and introspective lyrics, while others may thrive on uplifting and motivational messages. By curating a personalized playlist of songs with lyrics that align with our writing intentions, we can create an atmosphere of inspiration and creativity that supports our unique style and voice.

In conclusion, lyrics play a significant role in the impact of music on our writing. By selecting songs with inspiring words, we can tap into the emotional, intellectual, and creative aspects of our writing process. The right lyrics have the power to fuel our imagination, challenge our thinking, and elevate our writing to new heights.

Creating a Distraction-Free Environment: Tips for Using Music Effectively

When it comes to essay writing, having a distraction-free environment is essential for focusing and improving productivity. Music can be a powerful tool in creating such an environment, helping to boost concentration and inspire creativity. By carefully selecting the right music and following a few key tips, you can maximize the benefits of using music while minimizing potential distractions.

  • Choose instrumental music: Instead of lyrics that may compete for your attention, opt for instrumental music. This type of music provides a soothing ambiance and eliminates the potential distraction of following along with lyrics.
  • Experiment with different genres: Various genres of music can evoke different emotions and moods. By exploring different genres, you can find the right music that complements your writing style and helps you get into the flow.
  • Create a playlist: Curating a playlist specifically for writing purposes can help set the tone and provide a consistent background noise. Start by selecting a few essential tracks that promote focus, and gradually expand your playlist based on what works best for you.
  • Use ambient sounds: In addition to music, ambient sounds can also be effective in creating a distraction-free environment. Rainfall, nature sounds, or white noise can help block out external noises and increase your concentration.
  • Adjust the volume: Finding the right volume is crucial for using music effectively. Too loud, and it can become distracting; too low, and it may not be effective in creating a productive environment. Experiment with different volumes to find the perfect balance.
  • Minimize interruptions: Ensure that your music setup doesn’t interrupt your writing process. Choose a music streaming platform or app that allows for seamless playback without ads or interruptions. This way, you can maintain focus without being interrupted by unrelated content.
  • Match the music to the task: Different writing tasks may require varying levels of focus and energy. Consider selecting music that aligns with the specific task at hand. For brainstorming or creative writing, choose upbeat or uplifting music, while for editing or proofreading, opt for more relaxed and calming tunes.

By following these tips, you can create a distraction-free environment that harnesses the power of music to enhance your essay writing experience. Experiment, adapt, and find the perfect music that helps you stay focused, motivated, and creative throughout the writing process.

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Home — Essay Samples — Geography & Travel — Africa — Nigeria

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Essays on Nigeria

Nigeria is a country with a rich and diverse history, culture, and economy. With its large population, diverse ethnic groups, and abundant natural resources, Nigeria offers a wide range of essay topics to explore. Whether you are interested in politics, economics, culture, or history, there are countless fascinating topics to delve into when writing about Nigeria. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of Nigeria essay topics, along with some tips on choosing the right topic for your essay.

The Importance of the Topic

Writing about Nigeria is important for several reasons. First, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and has a significant impact on the continent's politics, economy, and culture. Therefore, understanding Nigeria is crucial for anyone interested in African affairs. Additionally, Nigeria's history and culture are rich and complex, making it an intriguing subject for study and exploration. By writing about Nigeria, you can gain a deeper understanding of the country and its people, as well as contribute to the scholarly discourse on African studies.

Advice on Choosing a Topic

When choosing a topic for your Nigeria essay, it's important to consider your interests, as well as the requirements of the assignment. If you are passionate about politics, you might consider writing about Nigeria's democratic system, the role of political parties, or the impact of corruption on governance. If you are interested in economics, you could explore topics such as Nigeria's oil industry, the impact of globalization on the Nigerian economy, or the challenges of economic development. For those interested in culture and history, there are numerous topics to choose from, including traditional Nigerian music and dance, the history of colonialism in Nigeria, or the impact of globalization on Nigerian traditions. Ultimately, the best topic for your essay is one that aligns with your interests and expertise, while also allowing you to explore new ideas and perspectives.

Nigeria offers a wealth of essay topics to explore, ranging from politics and economics to culture and history. By writing about Nigeria, you can gain a deeper understanding of this diverse and dynamic country, while also contributing to the scholarly discourse on African studies. When choosing a topic for your Nigeria essay, it's important to consider your interests and the requirements of the assignment, in order to select a topic that is both engaging and academically rigorous. Whether you are interested in exploring Nigeria's political landscape, economy, culture, or history, there is no shortage of fascinating topics to delve into when writing about Nigeria.

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write an expository essay on music in nigeria

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Expository Essay on Music

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Music plays a significant role in everyone’s life. It keeps us busy during leisure time and gives us a sense of accomplishment. Organized sound, derived from the creation of rasa, is called music. The effect of drunkenness on music in the living world is not hidden from anyone. Music plays a vital role in our lives. There is an excellent variety of music, which we can enjoy to our liking and needs.

Music is the best and easy way to be happy and make yourself busy in life. In this busy, crowded, and corrupt world, when everyone wants to hurt each other, music keeps us comfortable during such difficult times and helps to provide relief for our brains. I have seen in my real life that music is a tool to keep me happy forever. Music is more than meditation and yoga, as it benefits both our body and our mind. We can listen to music at any time throughout the day; listening to music in the middle of a voice is perfect practice.

I always like to listen to music during my study and especially during exams. It helps increase my concentration during the lessons and gives me excellent results. As a result, I can get good grades in my studies.

Most people like to listen to and sing music at various festivals and events. Some people listen to music all the time like: in the office, at home, on the road, etc. It helps to stay away from all life problems and provides solutions to problems. Today, when working in offices in large companies, there is a tendency to sing in a low voice so that their minds can be refreshed, calm, focused, upbeat, and positive.

I have a love for music because my father and grandfather loved music. Music continues in my house from morning till evening in a low voice. I don’t know much about music songs, but I often listen to music while traveling or studying. During the weekly holidays, at home or for a picnic with our family and any other favorite place, we dance, listen to music and enjoy the holiday by singing songs. Music touches my soul and makes me realize that I have no problem in this world.


Music is compelling, uplifting messages for all emotional problems and asks nothing from anyone. It’s fun music. However, it tells us everything and shares more issues than people. The nature of music is inspiring and inspiring, which removes all negative thoughts and increases the power of human concentration. Music helps us remember all the good memories we had with the person we love the most. It has no boundaries, barriers, or rules; It only needs to feel a sense of commitment and dedication.

Music evokes intense emotion in our hearts and minds, connecting us with our souls whenever we listen to music. This connection is a great power of God. One spoke well of music; “Music has no boundaries; it’s above all limits.” And “Music is focused on life, and life is music.” This impressed me, and I started learning to play the guitar and hope to become a professional musician.


Music has great power, making space in people’s minds in many ways. When he can do the job, it can also be wasteful. Music has a significant impact on everyone’s life, from people to trees, plants, animals, etc. Scientists have proved that disease can be effectively treated with music. Its use has been very successful in treating eye disease and heart disease. Digestive disorders are also treated with musical notes. As a person loses a piece of the waves, his attention is diverted from everything. And she feels comfortable.

Music is like yoga. It makes us happy and also keeps the hormonal balance in our bodies. Along with this, it also works to provide physical and mental relief. As a result, it helps us keep our bodies physically and mentally healthy. It also works to protect us from obesity and mental health problems. I love music, and I love listening to music every morning. The piece is also critical to our hearts and helps us get a good night’s sleep.

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The issue of insecurity in Nigeria

write an expository essay on music in nigeria

A trouble is a private matter and occurs when values cherished by an individual are felt by him to be threatened, while issues have to do with matters that transcend the local environments of the individual. So when values cherished by the public are felt to be threatened, then there is an issue because that is a communal matter.

If only one man is unemployed in a city of 100,000, that is his personal trouble, and for a solution, we investigate the character of the person, his skills and his immediate opportunities, but when in a nation of 50 Million people we have 15 Million that are unemployed, that is an issue and we may not hope to find its solution within the range of opportunities open to any individual, this signifies that the very structure of opportunities has collapsed.

In the above scenario, both the correct statement of the problem and the range of possible solutions, require us to consider economic and political institutions of the society and not merely the personal situation and character of individuals.

In the early 20th century sociologists typically associated social problems such as unemployment, crime, poverty with deviant individuals. As a result when they sought to solve social problems, they focus on changing individual behaviour, although this approach is still alive today, sociologist had by and large arrived at a different understanding.

By the mid-century, sociologist turned away from an emphasis on individuals to a consideration of the social structures of nation’s organisations and institutions such as corporations, governments and the media for an understanding of the possible factors influencing social inequalities.

Sociologists has come to define social problems as problems that concern large numbers of people, have social structural causes, and require social-structural solutions. This approach remains fundamental to the sociological perspective. It was a step forward from the individualistic approach. Because by finally demonstrating that social problems have structural causes, sociologist helped to steer the people away from unproductive scape-goating of individuals to an awareness of the need for social change.

When a problem affects a large number of people, we must look beyond individuals to social structures-the larger economic, political, and social patterns of a society, we cannot solve the problems of a society that is structurally flawed by changing individuals one at a time.

We live in a world where people are increasingly interconnected and so are their problems, people in USA lose their jobs when factories are moved to nations where wages are lower. In Brazil people lose their homelands when the rain forests are cut down to make furniture for the world market, these are pointers to the need for one to look beyond what is being seen as a problem to determine its influencing factors.

For over a decade, Nigeria has been fraught with insecurity challenges, from Boko Haram and their ISWAP counterparts to Bandits and unknown gun men, in the midst of all this, the statistics of unemployed youths and graduates in the nation has been rising to an alarming rate, the basic development infrastructures like electricity to enhance the industrialization of the nation in order to create employment opportunities has been lacking, thereby crippling other efforts to drive the economic resurgence of the 7th most populous nation in the world.

It’s a fact that the issue of insecurity in the nation has invincible social sponsors like poverty and unemployment; these contributes to frustration and anger that can result to one taking to armed robbery, kidnapping or pitching tent with agitators calling for dissolution of the nation under the guise of revolutionaries thereby creating more panic in the society.

Leading nations of the world are undergoing a process of modernization, encompassing changes such as industrialization, urbanization, and growing social complexity in the modernization perspective. Insecurity in Nigeria and Imo are social problems inherent in Nigeria, and as a social problem, can be seen as failures in modernization. For example, in today’s world societies that fail to industrialize will be poor and conflict ridden. On an optimistic note, this perspective suggests that these problems can be solved through government intervention to lead society on the road to modernization.

So many of today’s social problems are global in nature, we cannot hope to solve them by focusing on individual nations, ISWAP that are recently credited with killing of Shekau the Boko Haram leader, is an offshoot of a globally recognised terrorist network.

On this premise, Senator Hope Uzodinma and other Governors facing insecurity challenges are also victims of the same circumstance with the people they govern, because the challenge cannot be resolved successfully by an individual, but with modernistic social approaches strong enough to trigger a paradigm shift among the populace, that can feed them with hope and dreams that are far better than for them resorting to violence.

The Nigerian government has to understand that insecurity in the nation requires a proactive economic plan, accompanied by a wealth of opportunities to help engage its people in productive activities that can help them to dream of a better tomorrow.

Prisons and Electric Chairs in nations like USA have not stopped the crimes associated with drugs and gun violence, so equipping Nigerian Military and Police Force with exotic weapons will not end insurgency faster than creating an enabling environment that will help the people to dream would.

The Insecurity in Imo and its concomitant hazards that has been successfully arrested as a situation was inherited from Nigeria by Senator Hope Uzodinma, the Unknown Gun-men issue is related to other inherent negative social factors in other parts of Nigeria as well as other nations outside of Nigeria.

The best he can do for Imo and his people is to create a wealth of opportunities like he is doing, recently he empowered 15,000 Imo youths with a seed of 250,000 Naira each, after completing their entrepreneurial skills. That is a good step in the right direction but will not end the issue until the entire political leadership of Nigeria accelerate the steps towards industrialization, and create not just opportunities but an enabling environment to help their people dream differently.

Insecurity in Nigeria is not a national problem as most people think but rather trans-national, Nigeria need to look beyond its borders for insurgents, as well as overhauling its economic plan to totally eliminate this visible and invisible enemy.

Senator Hope Uzodinma as Governor of Imo State is innocent just like every one of us that has not chosen violence, guns and grenades as means of conversing with our fellow Nigerians. Leadership sometimes comes with tough and unpleasant decisions and the Governor has not retreated from them having consistently chosen the ones that serve the interest and safety of Imo people first.

Before we start apportioning blames and looking for whom to fault for the uncertainties that has ravaged our communities in this short time, we need to remember that we are citizens in a global world that we do not control. Insecurity in Nigeria and Imo, are social problems that unemployment, poverty of opportunities and lack of basic amenities to enhance the survival of an individual will remain its unseen sponsors.

In this article

  • Hope Uzodinma
  • Insecurity in Nigeria

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Writing (Expository Essay)


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An expository essay is a type of essay in which students are expected to explain a thing or a process in full. In expository essays, facts about situations, descriptions of things are stated as well as judgments.

In an expository essay, definitions of terms can be given, comparison of things can be done, causes and effects of something can be discussed, illustrations can also be given, etc.

The dominant tense used in expository essays is simple present tense. Also, every expository essay must have a title.

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Write a good essay on the topic “Why students fail examination”

Countdown English by Ogunsanwo


Read more on expository essays from Exam Focus: pages 18&19

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Write An Essay On Traditional Marriage In Nigeria

Exploring the depths of Nigerian culture unveils the captivating tapestry of traditional marriage, an integral facet that resonates deeply within our society. More than a mere union of individuals, traditional marriage in Nigeria encapsulates the essence of familial ties and ancestral heritage. Rooted in the diverse traditions of our approximately 300 ethnic groups, this institution is a living testament to the unity that exists within our cultural diversity.

Table of Contents

Essay: Traditional Marriage in Nigeria: A Celebration of Culture and Unity

The intricate tapestry of Nigerian traditional marriages can be appreciated through a glimpse into the practices of the Igbo, Yoruba, Fulani, and Tiv ethnic groups.

Igbo (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Traditional Marriage

The Igbo people commence their marriage rites with an inquiry, a symbolic “coming to knock or inquire,” signifying the formal expression of interest in marriage. This process is marked by the groom’s visit to the bride’s family, accompanied by his father or eldest family member. The significance of this tradition lies in the solemn interaction between the two families, as the groom’s intentions are announced, and the bride-to-be’s consent is sought.

Yoruba Traditional Marriage

Among the Yoruba, the journey to matrimony commences with a representative of the groom’s family inquiring about the bride’s availability. Once mutual agreement is reached, the introduction ceremony solidifies the union of the families and serves as a platform for them to forge connections. This interplay between families underlines the Yoruba’s commitment to communal bonds and shared values.

Fulani Traditional Marriage

In the Fulani tradition, the path to marriage begins with a representative from the groom’s family making inquiries about the bride’s availability. Subsequently, a delegation visit solidifies the introduction ceremony, deepening the bonds between families. The exchange of dowry or bride price underscores the commitment and respect shared between the families, strengthening their connections.

Tiv Traditional Marriage

The Tiv people, with their unique variations, showcase the extensive spectrum of Nigerian cultural diversity. From marriage by exchange to sister marriage, each variation reveals distinct values and customs, offering a glimpse into the intricate layers of Tiv society. These practices reflect the Tiv people’s profound connection to their heritage and the value they place on preserving their traditions.

Traditional marriage, in essence, signifies commitment and loyalty, serving as a testament to the dedication of couples. Beyond this, it functions as a conduit for preserving cultural identity, allowing the kaleidoscope of traditions to illuminate our nation’s landscape. Furthermore, traditional marriage reinforces familial bonds, forging unity and belonging as relatives gather to celebrate this cherished occasion.

However, it is imperative to acknowledge the evolution of traditional marriage in Nigeria over time. While core values and customs remain unwavering, societal changes, globalization, and urbanization have introduced new dynamics to these age-old practices. Modernity introduces both opportunities and challenges, demanding a delicate balance between preserving traditions and adapting to the changing world.

In conclusion, traditional marriage in Nigeria represents a vibrant tapestry interwoven with cultural diversity, family bonds, and ancestral reverence. As we navigate the intricate path of modernity, let us cherish and safeguard these traditions, for they serve as threads that connect us to our past while guiding us toward a promising future.

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