How to Show Book Reviews in WordPress
Do you want to add book reviews to your WordPress site, or start a new book review site? If so, I’ve got a plugin for you today that will make your job much easier. It’s called Recencio Book Reviews .
The plugin will help you organize and format reviews. It adds a custom post type so your reviews can be standalone posts. But you can also include reviews in regular posts and pages using shortcodes.
It creates several predefined taxonomies (a fancy name for tags and categories). So taxonomies for a book author, genre, series, and publisher are there for you. But, you can also create your own. That’s a great feature because taxonomies can be used to group reviews in any way you’d like.
One of its strongest stealth features is that it creates validated JSON metadata “Book” and “Review” schema markup. That sounds complicated, but it just means your reviews will use a form of structured data that Google likes.
And that’s good for SEO.
Recencio Book Reviews comes with five custom widgets to create things like top ten lists and tag clouds. It will automatically fetch book details when you provide an ISBN number. You can convert existing posts to reviews (or vice versa). It will also generate book purchase links using an affiliate code.
Once you dig into it, you’ll wonder what it can’t do. If you’ve been searching for an awesome WordPress book review plugin, you’ve found it.
Are you convinced yet? Okay, let’s get started.
How to Create Book Reviews in WordPress
Step 1: installing the recencio book reviews plugin.
Log in to your WordPress admin panel .
In the left column navigation, mouse over the “Plugins” link and click the “Add New” link.
In the “Search plugins…” box, enter “Recencio Book Reviews.”
Once you have located the plugin, click the “Install Now” button.
Click the “Activate” button.
Step 2: Configuring Recencio Book Reviews
In the left column navigation, mouse over the “Reviews” link and click the “Settings” link.
The plugin will start working as soon as it’s installed. So you can add your first review without doing any configuration.
As you can see, there are a lot of configuration options available. We can’t cover them all in this article, but I do want to go over a few to get started.
Let’s begin with the “General” tab. If you use the WordPress Gutenberg editor, you’ll want to check the “Gutenberg support” box. If you don’t do that, the plugin will use the “classic” WordPress editor when you add a review.
Note: In this tutorial, I will cover the classic editor because it is slightly easier for beginners.
Be sure to click the “Save Changes” button any time you make configuration changes.
If you already have tags and categories set up in WordPress, you may want to make a change here.
By default, your existing tags and categories will show up when adding reviews. If you don’t want to see them when working on book reviews, go to the “Builtin Taxonomies” section and uncheck the “Enable the builtin ‘category’ and ‘tags’ taxonomies” box.
Then, click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.
Now click the “Templates” tab. This is where you choose the layout of the review pages. You may not want to make a change here since we haven’t added a review yet. But this is where you’ll go if you want to change the look of your review pages.
Lastly, the Advanced tab covers API functionality for both Google Books and Goodreads. However, as of December 2020, Goodreads no longer supports its API, thus, that section can be skipped. If you have a Google Books account, this is the place to connect it.
Make sure to save any changes you make.
Step 3: Adding a Book Review
In the left column navigation, mouse over the “Reviews” link and click the “New Review” link.
Here’s where the ability to fetch book data is going to come in handy. Rather than manually entering the book details, the plugin can do it for us automatically using the book’s ISBN number.
If you don’t know the ISBN number for a book, you can usually find it on Google or Amazon. On Amazon, it is in the “Product details” section. You can use either ISBN-10 or ISBN-13. Copy one of the numbers.
Now paste the number into the “ISBN Number” field, then click the “Fetch” button.
A lot of information about the book will be added. Not only the title and cover image (if you enabled the cover image extension) but also a synopsis and a lot of general information.
Now to complete the review, we’re going to do a few things.
Enter the body of the review in the main text area:
Rate the book in the “5 Star Rating” section:
Add links to the “Purchase Links” section:
I showed the purchase links because that’s a good place to use any affiliate links you might have. The default purchase links are for Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Booktopia, and Nook.
You can add other bookselling sites in Settings > Components > Book Purchase Links > Store/Shop.
Please see the “Affiliate Disclosure” section below if you use affiliate links.
When you’re finished, click the “Publish” button.
Step 4: Display Book Reviews in WordPress
Whether you’re building a review site from scratch or adding a “best books” section to your WordPress site, there are display options that you’ll find useful.
When you publish a review, a page is created. So for our demo, we see:
(Remember, that layout can be changed in the “Settings” section.)
But what if we want to add a review to an existing page or post? You can do it with shortcodes.
The plugin doesn’t display a shortcode anywhere that we can cut and paste, so we’ll have to do it manually.
To add the review that we just created to a new or existing page, we need to find the post ID for the review. To do that, open the review in the editor and look at the URL.
For our review the URL is:
…/wp-admin/post.php? post=1716 &action=edit
The “post=” value in the URL is the post ID. So our post ID is 1716 .
The shortcode to display a review in a page or post is “rcno-reviews id=” so our finished shortcode looks like this:
Enter that shortcode into a page:
And the review appears on the page, right where we added the shortcode.
Other helpful shortcodes are [rcno-sortable-grid] , which creates a sortable grid display of all your reviews:
And [rcno-reviews-index] , which creates a text list of your reviews.
Congratulations on adding book reviews in WordPress!
What Happens if You Uninstall the Plugin?
If you uninstall the plugin, pages and posts that used the plugin will be affected. Issues include the following:
- Pages created by the plugin will be deleted. This means all of your book reviews in WordPress will disappear!
- The plugin shortcodes will stop working, so the shortcodes themselves will be displayed anywhere they were used.
Affiliate Disclosure
If you use affiliate links that pay a commission, you are subject to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) affiliate disclosure guidelines. The guidelines state that anyone who receives a commission, payment, free products, or discounts in exchange for endorsing a product in any online medium is required to inform their site visitors that they are being compensated for the links.
The disclosure can be in your own words, a line or two letting visitors know that you receive commissions if they click links on your site. The statement has to be clear and easy to find. The message has to stand out in a noticeable way, and the reader shouldn’t have to scroll to the bottom of the page or click a link to see it.
To learn more about the guidelines, see the FTC list of answers to common questions .
The Tip of the Proverbial Iceberg
We’ve only covered the very basic steps in this article. There are many facets to Recencio Book Reviews. And I’m happy to say that none of them are hidden away in a paid version of the plugin.
Nothing against paid plugins, mind you. Plugin developers have to eat, so support them! But free plugins like this one are often so severely crippled they’re almost useless. That’s not the case here. Documentation is nonexistent, but the developer does answer questions on the plugin support page .
If you want to start a book review blog, this plugin should be number one on your list.
Do you use any kind of review plugins, either for books, music, movies, games, or something else? Let me know in the comments!
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no more goodreads api forms Id love to learn how to get a google api for this fix
article now pointless…sadly. i needed this.
Yeah, it’s an inconvenience to be sure.
Nice idea, and 100 percent agree for not uninstalling the plugins.
Looks great!
Will I be able to handle the situation where I have multiple reviews for one book?
Will I be able to offer viewers the opportunity to write and leave a review (which will be reviewed by us before we publish it)?
As far as I know, you might only be able to show one review per book. Though, it might have more functionality that I’m not aware of. Most developers are pretty quick to answer questions on the forums of for the plugin. You can try there, but I’d be interested to hear what you find out.
Can one filter lists by slug or category with the use of a short code?
I’m not sure if that is featured in the plugin. However, I’m sure it can be done with code. You may have to contact the developer and see if they have a way to make it work with slugs.
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Wordpress Plugins
6 plugins for book review sites.
Are you passionate about books? You could always start a blog sharing your thoughts and findings with the world. You might even make a bit of money from your efforts if you add affiliate links for books to your site. Adding book data to your site manually is not the best way to use your time though. Here are 6 plugins you can use to enhance your book review site and put together your reviews faster:
Book Review : adds title, author, cover photo, purchase link, and other useful information to your book reviews. The plugin retrieves details about books from Google Books.
Multipurpose Bookshelf Slider : an awesome book slider you can use to promote your own books or the ones you are reviewing. It can displays images, videos, and any HTML content. It integrates with WooCommmerce
Book Review Library : lets you create a library of books for your book review site. You can add extra information to your page without any custom theming. The plugin has two widgets.
GoodReviews : displays information about your books from Goodreads. You can use its shortcode to display Goodreads reviews. Three widgets are available to make your life easier.
MyBookTable : helps you create book pages for your site. It lets you create an affiliate book store and has Amazon, Goodreads, BookBaby, Kobo, and many other “Buy” buttons. The plugin is compatible with responsive sites.
Have you found more useful plugins for book review sites? Please share them here.
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The 11 Best WordPress Review Plugins (Ratings and Schema)
It’s a neverending quest to find ways to boost conversions . But what about a method that puts your customers to work?
We’re talking about customer reviews — those little bits of words and ratings that add social proof to your products and urge your customers to buy your services.
It’s one of the easiest ways to get the word out about your brand, so that’s why we want to show you some of the best WordPress review plugins .
Benefits of Putting Reviews on Your WordPress Site
The benefits of customer reviews somewhat depend on what type of business you’re running. For example, an online clothing store may want direct customer reviews that show up underneath each product. On the other hand, a local hardware store may want to share Google Reviews and show other customers where to post those reviews.
Regardless, there are a handful of common benefits that all companies should know about:
- Reviews serve as free advertising. Whether on Google Reviews or on your product pages, your customers are spreading the word about your company. According to data from Spiegel Research Center , nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase.
- You receive feedback from customers and form a relationship – Some reviews will provide useful information that you can utilize to change things about your business. In addition, people like when you respond to their reviews.
- Social proof – Research shows that consumers are more likely to buy when they see that friends or other people approve of the product or service.
- You improve your SEO. Google can show rich snippets , where are interactive visuals in the search results. They’re often favored by Google. In this case, your search engine listing would have star ratings.
- You start to achieve full transparency. Online reviews can fill in the blanks with information that may not be shown on your website. For instance, you may have missed some specs on your product description, but maybe a helpful customer talks about it in a review.
What To Look for in the Perfect WordPress Review Plugin
Some of the plugins have different functionality, but you can typically find similar standard features in all of them. So, what are some of these features to look for:
- The ability to embed the reviews on your website and provide a form for customers to write their reviews.
- A rating system, such as stars or thumbs up/down.
- Options for uploading more visual content, such as pictures or videos.
- A sorting feature to see bad or good reviews first.
- A search bar so customers can find keywords in certain reviews.
- A clean dashboard for viewing and moderating the comments that come in.
- Options for aggregating your online reviews from places like Google and Yelp.
- Potential for integrating with the WooCommerce plugin . This is great for getting reviews on individual products.
- Several options for displaying reviews on your website, including shortcodes and widgets.
- Settings for customizing fields in the reviews. For instance, some companies may want to have a Pros and Cons area.
The Best WordPress Review Plugins
Now that we understand why customer reviews are so important, keep reading to see some of our favorite WordPress review plugins.
1. Starfish Reviews
If you’re looking to increase your reviews on Google, Trustpilot, Facebook, or any 3rd party reviews platform, Starfish Reviews is the plugin you probably didn’t know you needed.
Starfish Reviews has a very limited free version on, or starts at $47.88 for the “Business” plan that includes many more features, full support, 5 funnels, and installation on one site. A “Marketer” plan is available for 10 sites with 10 funnels on each site, and a “Webmaster” plan for up to 100 sites with unlimited funnels per site.
This awesome plugin takes the fear out of asking customers or followers for reviews. If you ask everyone for a review, you may get people who had a bad experience leaving you negative reviews. By using Starfish Reviews you don’t have to worry anymore. Just send your Starfish-created funnels when you ask for reviews. People with negative experiences will be encouraged to submit their negative feedback directly to you!
At the same time, people who love you, your product, or business, will be taken the “leave a review” form where they can leave you that valuable 5-star rating and helpful review.
What makes this one of the best WordPress review plugins?
- Easy to set up and configure with a familiar WP interface.
- Send the same link to everyone for reviews: all your clients, followers, podcast listeners, ebook readers, etc! No trying to guess what kind of review they might leave.
- Integrate with email marketing platforms like MailChimp and MailPoet for automatic follow-up.
- Use the shortcodes to embed funnels in pages or posts, or design your own funnel layout with page builders such as Divi, Elementor , Beaver Builder, and the Block Editor.
- Analytics for high-level assessment on how you’re doing.
- New features on the way to import and display reviews.
Who Should Consider This to Put Reviews on Their Site?
Any business or personality can use Starfish Reviews to garner more quality reviews for their product, service, podcast , business, etc, on online review platforms. Don’t leave your reviews to chance! Make being proactive easy and automated. Let Starfish sort negative and positive reviews and use each to its highest potential.
2. WordPress Review and Structured Data Schema
The WordPress Review & Structure Data Schema is a review plugin with all you need in a review and structured data schema solution. It hits all the right spots with the feedback, social proof, SEO boost, and free advertising that reviews should bring.
The free version works amazingly well to boost your site’s Google Search Results. It facilitates the display of single or multi-criteria ratings and reviews for your elements. What’s more, the plugin avails an affiliate marketing or product review shortcode to facilitate either of these functions. You can have it generate structured data schema JSON-LD automatically or manually.
This plugin offers more features with its Pro version , whose pricing plans start from a mere $29 yearly charge. This version encompasses products, recipes, courses, job postings, software apps, special announcements, image licenses, and archive pages.
- This plugin enables your customers to upload images of the actual products to accompany their reviews.
- It lets you activate single or multiple criteria for the reviews your site receives and displays. It even supports the display of lists of pros and cons.
- With this free plugin, you can showcase products with more than one rating type, such as star and numerical ratings.
- Although it supports WooCommerce, it doesn’t restrict your review and schema freedom to your shop functions; you can use it on your posts, pages, and custom post types too.
- The reCAPTCHA functions of this plugin ensure that all the reviews you collect are from real humans and not bots.
- Its support for multiple pagination is ideal for showcasing long and many reviews.
- The Pro version lets every real reviewer have a purchase badge to verify them as having bought the product.
- With the premium version of the plugin, your users can upload reviews with videos to verify their trustworthiness.
Both the free and paid versions of WordPress Review & Structure Data Schema accommodate different types of website niches and purposes. They are incredible tools for boosting the visibility of your site and reviews with rich snippets. The plugin works just as well with WooCommerce websites as with other site types.
3. Site Reviews
The Site Reviews plugin features a simple yet effective way to collect ratings and reviews on your website. The plugin has several options for displaying your reviews, including shortcodes, widgets, and blocks. Reviews are shown in a default order, but you can customize this by pinning some of the best reviews to go on top.
This is one of the simplest ways to incorporate reviews on your website, so if you like a look of cleanliness and the standard review formatting, this is definitely a plugin to consider. In addition, it’s completely free with no upsells along the way.
- It lets you display your reviews pretty much anywhere on your website. This is done with widgets, blocks, and shortcodes.
- Tag your best reviews to make them appear at the top of the list.
- The plugin integrates with Akismet so you can get rid of spam.
- It comes with a backup and restore feature in case you lose any data.
- Custom notifications are available for when a review is posted.
- Rich snippets show up on your search engine results with ratings and stars.
- Export or import reviews so that they aren’t just stuck on one website.
Site Reviews is a lightweight, clean plugin for those who want the bare essentials. It’s also open source and free so those on a budget can still enjoy customer reviews on their sites.
4. WP Customer Reviews
As another free review plugin, the WP Customer Review plugin is a great solution for accepting reviews anywhere on your website. This is an opensource project, where the only money going to the developers is that of donations. This plugin works in two ways. First of all, you’re able to collect general customer reviews about your business, or you could place the review modules on your individual product pages.
Many people will be happy to know that you don’t have to pay anything to use the WP Customer Reviews plugin. It’s also rather simple to configure, with a basic dashboard for accepting or declining reviews. Along with several options for review box display, the plugin gives you a setting for displaying a certain number of reviews on one page.
- It’s one of the cleanest, no-frills review plugins you can work with.
- Shortcodes are available for you to place your reviews on several areas of your site, including sidebars.
- You can customize all the fields including what you would like to ask for about a product.
- All submissions get moderated in the WordPress dashboard.
- Admins have the ability to respond to all reviews that come in from customers.
- This plugin is constantly being developed and you don’t have to pay anything for it.
- Rich snippets are shown to the search engines to improve your results and give a more visual view of your ratings.
- You can limit the number of reviews shown on each of your pages.
This WordPress review plugin makes sense for companies on a budget or online stores that are just getting started. We also recommend it for those who want a minimalist review section without any complicated features.
5. Ultimate Blocks
Ultimate Blocks is a versatile Gutenberg block plugin. It has dozens of powerful custom blocks to present different types of content on your website in captivating ways. Star Rating and Review are the two most used custom blocks of the plugin.
Using the Star Rating block, you can add star ratings to your products, services, or any other items you want. You can customize the number of stars displayed, star value, color, and size to match the design of your website.
The Review block is more feature-rich than the Star Rating block. You can display a review title, ratings, reviewer name, feature name(s), and a summary of your desired products or services. You may show the rating in star or percent format.
The Review block allows you to add a call-to-action (CTA) button, enable review schema, and create a pros/cons box within the same block. From the stylization tab, you can customize the review block’s background, star, and CTA button color.
- Intuitive and super user-friendly.
- Has a schema with the Review block.
- Easy to create a review section on any post or page without depending on shortcode.
- Has integrations with all the popular WordPress plugins.
- Automatically optimize content for all types of devices and screen sizes.
- Schema increases content visibility organically on search engine result pages.
- Ultimate Blocks has many other useful blocks like Testimonial, Content Toggle (FAQ), Progress Bar, Image Slider , etc.
Who Should Consider This to Put Reviews on Their Site?
The Ultimate Blocks plugin is useful for all website content marketers, like bloggers, affiliate marketers, and review writers. The plugin is also helpful for eCommerce, agency, and service-selling websites.
6. Google Reviews Widget
The Google Reviews Widget has a completely different function than many of the other plugins in this article. Instead of letting customers write reviews on your website, this plugin takes all of your current Google business reviews and shows them on your website. It works as a widget, so all of these reviews can be placed in a header, footer, or sidebar.
The plugin is free, but you do have the option to upgrade to the business license which starts at $85 per year.
The free plugin may be useful for some smaller brands, but it limits you to only five Google reviews and three Yelp reviews. Personally, I feel like this is enough for most businesses, but the business plan also supports more platforms such as Facebook. You also get some interesting features such as filters, rich snippets, and the ability to merge certain reviews.
What Makes This One of the Best WordPress Review Plugins?
- The plugin has a basic free version that lets smaller companies share some of their Google and Yelp reviews.
- Whereas many review plugins only look good on light websites, the Google Reviews Widget offers support for darker websites as well.
- Several themes are provided for you to customize the way your reviews appear online.
- Several languages are supported so that you can accept reviews from all over the world.
- Some of the formats include unique elements like sliders , grids, and trust badges.
- You receive access to shortcodes just in case you don’t want to utilize the widget.
- The Google Rich Snippets are there for increasing your SEO effectiveness.
- Three review platforms integrate with the plugin, including Google, Yelp, and Facebook.
The Google Reviews Widget looks nice for smaller companies that only want to post a few reviews from Google or Yelp. The Business plan isn’t that expensive either, so we also like the plugin if you want to pull Facebook reviews.
Finally, we mainly recommend this plugin for people who like working with widgets.
7. Customer Reviews for WooCommerce
Online stores are typically where you see customer reviews. The Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin has exactly what you need if your current theme doesn’t have a good-looking review section. It’s built on the basis of creating social proof for when your customers land on your eCommerce product pages .
Customer Reviews for WooCommerce has a few features that make it particularly appealing. For instance, it sends out notifications to customers who have recently bought but haven’t posted a review on the product yet. It also improves your social proof by verifying reviews when the customer has actually bought the product through your store.
Two plans are available: Free and Pro. The Pro version sells for $49.99 per year and gets you extra features and dedicated support.
- The free version includes several features that are useful to all businesses such as trust badges, review reminders, and the ability to import reviews.
- The customer review reminders offer a way to let customers know that they can come back to your website and write reviews about the product they bought.
- All reviews are authenticated to ensure that real shoppers are writing reviews. This makes the reviews look more trustworthy to future customers.
- You have options to accept content from your customers such as videos and photos.
- Send your customers a one-page review form with fields for several products from your store.
- Include rich snippets on all of your reviews so that your customer ratings are shown on Google.
- Remove spam from your reviews with the help of reCAPTCHA .
- All reviews can be filtered based on ratings and other criteria.
- Share trust badges on certain areas of your store to help your customers feel more confident from the place they’re buying from.
- Integrate your reviews with Google Shopping to reveal star ratings on search results.
- Send out discounts and coupons for those who write reviews on your website.
This review plugin is only meant for online stores. If you run a WooComerce shop we suggest taking a look at this option for reviews. We like it best for those brands that want to accept customer images and videos, along with brands that wouldn’t mind sending out discounts for reviewers.
8. WP Business Reviews
If you’re seeking a serious, powerhouse review plugin, look no further than WP Business Reviews .
WP Business Reviews starts at a price of $99.50 per year, and that includes one site license and basic support. You can jump up to the other plans if you need support for more websites and would like to save a little money. It doesn’t have a free version, but that’s because the WP Business Reviews plugin is filled with a wide range of features that stand out compared to many of the other plugins on this list.
The main benefit behind this plugin is that you technically don’t have to do any work to show customer reviews on your website. All you have to do is install the plugin on your WordPress site and connect platforms such as Yelp, Facebook, and Google.
After that, WP Business Reviews takes over, pulling in any current and new reviews on those platforms. You can also add your own custom reviews and filter out some of the negative reviews that come through.
- WP Business Reviews extracts reviews from some of the most popular review websites such as Yelp, Google, and Facebook. There’s even a connection to a website called Zomato, which is a global restaurant platform where customers post reviews.
- The plugin features the ability to add custom reviews that you collected individually. Customers can also go on your website and share reviews instead of jumping to a site like Google.
- Filter out any reviews or ratings that are below a certain star level. These aren’t completely removed but hidden from the top of your review module.
- Tag your favorite reviews to be shown at the top of the list.
- Customize the type of rating system you use and how it displays on the reviews. For example, you might show a 5.0, or maybe five blue or orange star icons.
- Adjust the styling of your reviews to fit your dark or light website.
- Utilize interesting formats such as lists and galleries.
- Show exactly where all of the reviews come from and highlight customer names and avatars.
Any type of business can take advantage of the WP Business Review tools. It makes sense for those who want to automate their review system and not worry about seeking out reviews from past customers. Chances are people have posted on Facebook and Google, so you get your content from those places.
9. Schema – All In One Schema Rich Snippets
The Schema plugin has one primary function: to reveal rich snippets for your products on search engines. So, if you’re looking for a way to get reviews on your website, this isn’t the plugin you want.
Schema takes a different approach by combining with your current review system and adding visuals for the search engines. For example, you may want to have stars for your rating system or a shortened version of your recipe on Google.
- The Schema plugin is free for all users and doesn’t have any upgrades that you have to worry about.
- It’s a lightweight plugin that doesn’t weigh down your site or take up any space in the back or frontend.
- Several types of schemas are supported. Some of them include reviews, events, people, and recipes. The reviews are what you would focus on most, but a food blog could have elements of the recipe showing up on Google.
- The plugin works so that only the most important and relevant information is shown in the rich snippets.
- The most important and relevant information is also shown when customers attempt to share a link on their Facebook pages .
Only opt for this plugin if you would like to improve your reviews with rich snippets. You may want to boost your search engine rankings, or maybe you just noticed that your WordPress theme doesn’t have the ability to show rich snippets. It’s also great if you want unique content snippets like video or recipes.
10. Photo Review for WooCommerce
This is one of the most powerful review plugins you can find for WooCommerce . As you may know, it’s become a bit of a trend to allow customers to post images on their product reviews. This is the primary purpose of this plugin so that all your customers have to do is upload a quick picture of the item they bought and publish it to your website.
This is bound to improve your social proof and open up a new form of marketing where your customers share more information about your products than you do.
There’s a free version of the plugin that has the majority of features you would need. The premium version sells for $26 and includes a fairly long list of additional features such as a masonry pop-ups, multilingual capabilities, and options for sending out coupons for reviews.
- It offers a free version which includes some rather advanced tools such as email design and coupons for photo reviews.
- You can specify that all customer reviews must include a photo. This feature can also be turned off.
- Reveal ratings and allow your customers to compare ratings on your website.
- Give people the option to filter your reviews based on verified purchases, ratings, and much more.
- The Pro version has an option to only give out a coupon if the review is being written by a verified purchaser.
- You can also import reviews from AliExpress.
- The Pro version offers a tool for adding reviews from the admin panel.
The WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin comes in handy if you run an online store and would like to have photos in your customer reviews. It’s also great for those who would like to start sending out coupons to people in exchange for a review.
11. Taqyeem
Although it has the strangest name on this list, the Taqyeem plugin is no slouch when it comes to displaying reviews online. The main focus with the plugin is to offer unlimited customization options so that you can match your website branding exactly the way you want. So, you might have a bar rating system, where people specify a number from 1 to 10. On the other hand, you could go with a star rating system, with a one through five scale.
Many formats are possible with the Taqyeem plugin. The $29 price tag is only a one-time fee unless you plan on upgrading your customer support for the next year. It’s sold on the CodeCanyon marketplace, so you can also check out some of the user reviews for this developer.
- It’s one of the few online review plugins that has support for unlimited colors and unlimited review criteria.
- The typography and web fonts collection is more than enough for just about every business to find formatting that fits their own brand.
- The Taqyeem plugin shows Google Rich Snippets for potential customers that are viewing your listings through a search engine.
- Percentages can also be used for when your customers make reviews.
- Your review modules can be placed on several areas of your website such as posts and pages.
We enjoy the Taqyeem plugin for companies that need to get the branding of their review module as close to the website as possible. The unlimited amount of colors should help you get there. In addition, the plugin lets you have different rating systems to stand out.
Which of the WordPress Review Plugins Is Best for You?
That’s a lot to take in, so here’s a quick round up of our final suggestions:
- Site Reviews – Consider this plugin for a free and feature-rich review module.
- WP Customer Reviews – Go with this one if you like free and clean.
- Google Reviews Widget – This is your choice if you want to automatically pull reviews from Google and Yelp.
- Customer Reviews for WooCommerce – Try this plugin if you have an online store and want to accept photos in the reviews.
- WP Business Reviews – A good choice for automating reviews from Google and Facebook.
- Schema – All In One Schema Rich Snippets – Only use this if you want unique schema rich snippets.
- Photo Review for WooCommerce – Perfect for getting photo reviews and for sending out coupons.
- Taqyeem – Consider this plugin for the ultimate customization.
That’s all we have for you now! If you have any questions about the best WordPress review plugins, let us know in the comments.
Head of Content at Kinsta and Content Marketing Consultant for WordPress plugin developers. Connect with Matteo on Twitter .
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Hi guys. Have you come across a review or schema plugin that allows you to enter overall review information for curated or aggregated reviews (like Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic)?
For example, I want the schema to display something along the lines of: “Rating: 85% based on 15 reviews”. However, I have been unable to find a plugin that allows me to manually enter the number of reviews.
Hey Stuart, what about MyThemeShop’s WP Review ? Have you tried it? I think it might be a good option to test out.
Btw: I think Brian uses it on one of his sites but I’m not 100% sure.
Keep us posted!
BNE Creative’s WordPress Testimonials (Pro) is my favorite review plugin. I add a review “badge” in the footer that sounds like what you are looking for. I don’t know if the free version has this feature or not. I purchase the pro version to support the Dev.
Plugin: Example badge (scroll to footer):
Review stars do show in organic search results except of course for the home page, which Google doesn’t seem to do for anyone.
Cheers! jules
A very useful plugin for WooCommerce is Better Reviews For WooCommerce.
WP Review Pro – Is GARBAGE! I can’t limit Google Reviews. You always get 5. I can’t eliminate negative reviews. AND what’s worse is their Support is only Support until you purchase the item, than all you here is CRICKETS!
They have poor documentation and 10 year old videos displaying their product. It’s worthless.
One interesting variable in this article would have been considerations for page speed, and control of structured data / schema markup.
“Pages using LocalBusiness or any other type of Organization structured data are ineligible for star review feature if the entity being reviewed controls the reviews about itself. For example, a review about entity A is placed on the website of entity A, either directly in their structured data or through an embedded third-party widget.”
Google announced this in a Webmasters Central Blog post in September, 2019. Searching for local businesses within Google at the time of this comment, however, you will still see rich snippets displayed for LocalBusiness types in violation of this guideline.
Another interesting addition would be the ability to populate critic reviews:
“You can provide standalone critic review objects, which are suitable for sites that perform no direct function for the business being reviewed, such as news sites.”
Currently looking for a substitute for Everest Google Places Reviews, as page speed improvements for mobile users (PageSpeed Insights) were not insignificant disabling the plugin. Having not tested any of the plugins on this list for this metric, however, and not to be unfair, this could be the tax you pay for integrating reviews onsite.
Hey Christopher, Noted!
Your feedback makes it the case for an updated version of this blog post. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Any plugin that allows for multiple GMB locations for the same business?
Also, I tested Elfsight Apps and I got 5 stars under the SERP snippet in 10 days (maybe earlier but I noticed 10 days later) They charge per view. They say they allow multiple locations but cannot test it on the free version. What do you think about it?
Is there a way to get Google Reviews for each page rather than just the Place Id?
A very good plugin is this one
Spolier: I’m the developer :)
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How to Publish and Manage Book Reviews on Your WordPress Website
If you ever publish reviews of books on your WordPress blog or website, then the free Book Review plugin is something you should definitely take a look at.
With this plugin installed on your website, your book reviews can be formatted in a more informative and attractive way. The plugin adds a series of fields to the WordPress post editor screen, allowing you to add detailed information about the book you are reviewing.
You also get the option of integrating the Google Books service with your website. This then allows you to then automatically populate your reviews with the book details . The plugin will also make your reviews stand out in the search engine results pages, thanks to its ability to display review related content there. This includes the date the review was published, the name of the reviewer, and the star rating you’ve given that book.
With the Book Review plugin, you also get an easy way to add affiliate links to your reviews. This can help you monetize your content by earning a commission whenever someone purchases a book after reading your review.
Other features of the Book Review plugin give you the ability to output a list of all reviews in one post using the included shortcode, displaying the book review content either above or below the main post content, and customize the colors used in the formatting of your reviews.
How to Use the Book Review Plugin on Your Website
As the Book Review plugin is free to use, it can be installed on your site directly from the WordPress plugin directory.
To do so, log into the admin area of your site ( and then navigate to Plugins > Add New using the sidebar menu.
From the Add Plugins screen, enter ‘Book Review’ in the search field, and then install the first item listed in the results.
Once the plugin has been installed and activated, the settings can be accessed from the newly added Book Review item, located under the Settings sidebar menu.
Configuring the Book Review Plugin
From the plugin settings, you can set the position of the review box, change the colors, and upload your own rating images.
You can also add a series of custom links that will be shown with every review. These could be links to book retailers where your readers can purchase the book you are reviewing. Whichever custom link fields you add through the settings page, they will be added to the Book Info meta box which is displayed on the WordPress Post editor screen.
This then allows you to add direct links to the item you are reviewing on the websites of your choice. If you sign up to an affiliate program, like Amazon Associates, you can earn a commission for each item that is purchased through your links.
Through the settings, you can also integrate the Google Books service with your website. This allows you to simply enter the ISBN number of a book when reviewing it. This will then automatically insert the information about the book into your review. Detailed instructions on obtaining a Google Books API key can be found on the website of the plugin.
Once you’ve configured the plugin, you can then begin adding your book reviews to your website.
Publishing a Book Review
The Book Review plugin adds a series of fields to the WordPress post editor screen. These can be found in the Book Info meta box.
If you’ve entered your Google Books API key, you can auto-populate some of these fields . As well as the fields pictured above, you can also upload a picture of the book, enter a synopsis, and give the book a rating.
Once you’ve added the review content, you can preview your post to see how it looks. The plugin also includes a shortcode which can be used to list the reviews you’ve published on your website, in one place. You can view the details of the shortcode in the online plugin documentation.
Book Review is a really useful plugin that is helpfully very well documented. Anyone who occasionally or regularly publishes book reviews on their blog will be able to make good use of it. By getting a Google Books API key, you can really save yourself a lot of time when entering the book details, especially if you are frequently reviewing books on your WordPress website.
If you are seeking a way to format and present your book reviews on in an attractive way, then the free Book Review plugin could be just what you are looking for.
If you have any questions about this plugin or working with WordPress in general, please leave a comment below.
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Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
No problem, its a good plugin!
Just a shame the Google Books setup is a bit tricky – not your fault I know.
Will take a look at the roadmap.
13 Best WordPress Review Plugins of 2024
Published: January 01, 2024
Thinking about trying a WordPress review plugin? Here's a stat for you: Consumers want to hear from other consumers before doing business with a brand. According to BrightLocal , the average consumer reads 10 reviews before feeling able to trust a local business.
Plus, we don't necessarily have to know the person to trust their recommendation. According to the same study by BrightLocal, 76% of consumers trust customer reviews and testimonials as much as personal recommendations.
Providing potential customers with this valuable information on your WordPress website is easy. Thanks to WordPress plugins, you can add customer reviews to your site without needing to code or create a template from scratch. Let's look at your best options below.
What are WordPress review plugins?
Why should you use wordpress review plugins, best wordpress review plugins.
WordPress review plugins are plugins that help you collect and/or display reviews on your website. These could be your own reviews that you're writing about products, or they could be reviews from customers about your own business.
Many review plugins focus on helping you collect and display customer reviews. These plugins could add review forms to your own site. They could also help you import reviews from other platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and more.
Don't forget to share this post!
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11 Best WordPress Review Plugins in 2024 (All Are Free)
- Starfish Reviews
Pricing: $37 per month Standout Features: Review Generation & Marketing, Customizable Review Funnel, Multiple Display Methods
- Stars Testimonials
Pricing: $2.5 per month Standout Features: Create Unlimited Testimonials, Customizable Widget Layouts, Image Support
- Strong Testimonials
Pricing: $29 per year Standout Features: Customizable Testimonial Collection Form, Multiple Testimonial Collection Forms, Advanced Views
Having customer reviews on your WordPress site is essential for selling products or services. Most customers look at multiple reviews before making a purchase. If you’re looking for the best WordPress review plugins, you’ll be pleased to learn that there are many options. This article will examine the best WordPress review plugins and their main features. Let’s get started!
- 1 What Are WordPress Review Plugins
- 2.1 1. Starfish Reviews
- 2.2 2. Stars Testimonials
- 2.3 3. Strong Testimonials
- 2.4 4. Real Testimonials
- 2.5 5. Customer Reviews for WooCommerce
- 2.6 6. Site Reviews
- 2.7 7. Widgets for Google Reviews
- 2.8 8. WP Review Slider
- 2.9 9. WP TripAdvisor Review Slider
- 2.10 10. WP Customer Reviews
- 2.11 11. Rating-Widget
- 3.1 Review Plugins Price Comparison
- 3.2 Top 3 Review Plugins: Feature Comparison
- 4 Which WordPress Review Plugin is the Best
- 5 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Are WordPress Review Plugins
Anyone with a WordPress website can collect user reviews using forms or email and publish them as they see fit. However, running an online business with a sizable customer base can be time-consuming. Therefore, you might want to consider automating the process.
WordPress review plugins enable you to set up that automation. Most of them include features such as:
- Front-end submission forms for customer reviews
- A rating system for product reviews
- The ability to filter spam reviews
- The option to aggregate reviews from third-party platforms, such as Yelp
- Built-in Schema markup support to display your reviews on Google SERPs in Rich Snippets.
- Custom post types for creating and managing reviews.
- Potential to boost local SEO
The more (positive) reviews you have on your website, the better. Users are more likely to trust online stores that showcase ratings for their products. Moreover, the feedback you get from customers can be invaluable in helping you identify areas where you can improve.
In a nutshell, the best review plugin for WordPress should make it easy for customers to submit reviews and ratings. It should also help you filter spam or fake entries. Anything on top of that is a bonus.
The Best WordPress Review Plugins
The Best WordPress Review Plugins Listed In Order
- Real Testimonials
- Customer Reviews for WooCommerce
- Site Reviews
- Widgets for Google Reviews
- WP Review Slider
- WP TripAdvisor Review Slider
- WP Customer Reviews
- Rating-Widget
1. Starfish Reviews
🥇 best wordpress review plugin overall.
Starfish Reviews sits at the top of our list of the best WordPress review plugins because of its ability to create review prompts from your customers for multiple destinations, including Facebook, Google, Twitter, and more. You can easily create a funnel page with custom text and links and share it with your customers via social media platforms and websites.
When a customer completes the field, it will allow them to share their review on the websites you specified. This is an enormously useful feature to leverage customer reviews across the web. Once reviews are submitted, you’ll have a handy dashboard to help you manage your online reputation .
What We Like About Starfish Reviews
- Review Generation & Marketing Capabilities: This plugin allows you to create and run review generation marketing campaigns on your (or your client’s) WordPress website. You can easily encourage positive, 5-star ratings and reviews on almost any online review platform.
- Customizable Review Funnel: You can adjust the questions (or prompts) and the review path (or funnel) for the user to get high-quality reviews. have the lowest possible friction of any interstitial review funnel. This means more reviews for you.
- Multiple Display Methods: This plugin offers multiple methods for displaying funnels and collections of reviews, including shortcodes and embedded HTML. You can also include testimonials in collections of reviews from social media.
- Priority Support: Its premium plans come with priority support, which means you’ll get help faster when needed.
What Could Be Improved
- Limited Free Features: The free plugin has limited features and functionality. You must upgrade to the pro version to access more advanced features like review reminders and funneling.
- Funnel Customization: You may want more control over the look and feel of your review funnels and collections.
🥇Why We Picked It
Starfish Reviews plugin tops our list due to its exceptional features and competitive pricing. Its simplicity and flexibility make it a suitable review plugin for beginners. For example, it offers a customizable widget that can be placed anywhere on your site and displays your Google reviews visually appealingly.
Who Is Starfish Reviews Best For?
Starfish Reviews is best suited for companies and marketing professionals looking to generate high-quality reviews using customizable funnels. It offers a simple and easy-to-use interface that allows you to collect and display customer reviews with a streamlined process.
Community Reviews and Ratings
Starfish Reviews earns positive reviews on G2. Users find it easy to use and love how it helps showcase website reviews.
Starfish Reviews plugin has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $37 per month.
Get Starfish Reviews
2. Stars Testimonials
🥈best for creating stunning reviews manually.
Stars Testimonials is one of the few review plugins that work well with page builders such as Divi . The plugin enables you to create testimonials and reviews that include star ratings and user pictures (if they want to upload them).
You can place individual reviews anywhere on your site using shortcodes or your favorite page builder. The plugin also enables you to create custom widgets to display multiple testimonials in slider or grid format. Moreover, you can customize every aspect of the style for those widgets.
What We Like About Stars Testimonials
- Create unlimited testimonials: With this plugin, you can create unlimited testimonials for your website. This is a great way to showcase your brand’s social proof and credibility.
- Customizable widget layouts: You can choose from various widget layouts, including grids and sliders. You can customize the widget’s colors to match your website’s branding.
- Star ratings and company name: You can include star ratings and the company name in your reviews. This helps to add more context to your testimonials and makes them more informative.
- Image support: You can insert an image for each customer testimonial. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your testimonials and make them more engaging.
- Elementor support: It is 100% supported by Elementor , making adding testimonials to your Elementor website easy.
- No support for video testimonials: While this plugin does support images in your testimonials, it doesn’t support video testimonials. This could be a drawback if you want to include video reviews on your website.
- Manual review collection: The plugin does not have a built-in review form to allow users to add reviews, so you must manually collect customer reviews.
- Cluttered reviews section: The plugin does not have a “read more” button for long reviews, making the reviews section look cluttered.
🥈Why We Picked It
Stars Testimonials plugin is chosen as our second pick because it excels in visual presentation and customization. It offers a variety of templates that you can use to display your testimonials in a visually appealing way. Its user-friendly interface enables you to create a customized review funnel and manage multiple review posts.
Who Is Stars Testimonials Plugin Best For?
Stars Testimonials Plugin is recommended if you want to use a review plugin compatible with page builders such as Divi . This plugin is ideal for businesses that want to showcase customer testimonials on their website. It offers a variety of customization options, including the ability to add images and videos to your testimonials.
Stars Testimonials has received glowing reviews on the WordPress repository. Users find it works great and love the quality of customer service.
The Stars Testimonials plugin has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $2.5 per month.
Get Stars Testimonials
3. Strong Testimonials
🥉best for customization.
Strong Testimonials enables you to set up customizable review submission forms. You can add custom fields and re-arrange existing ones as you want. Additionally, the plugin has an editor that lets you configure precisely what testimonials you want to include and in which order. It is a strong plugin for handling reviews, and we’ve also included it as our favorite testimonial-specific plugin.
This plugin offers both shortcode and widget placements. You also get to choose between multiple pre-built designs for reviews.
What We Like About Strong Testimonials
- Customizable Testimonial Collection Form Fields: This plugin allows you to create custom fields for your testimonial collection forms. For instance, if you run a car review website, you can gather detailed testimonials, including car manufacturer, model, and horsepower.
- Multiple Testimonial Collection Forms: You can create multiple forms to collect testimonials from your website visitors and customers. You can easily create new forms to gather testimonials for different types of products on your website. There is no limit to the number of forms you can create or use.
- Markup: The plugin provides an extension that helps you get rich snippets in your Google search results for your business.
- Advanced Views: Instead of learning multiple shortcodes with dozens of options, a View contains all the options in a simple, intuitive editor that no other testimonial plugin has. You can create unlimited views, such as one view for a form, another for a static grid, another for a slideshow, and so on. Display a view using a shortcode or the widget. A variety of templates are included that work well in most themes.
- Testimonial Submission Form: The plugin provides one form with custom fields. Customize the form by adding or removing fields and changing properties like the order, label, and placeholder. Send custom notification emails to multiple admins. Submit the form via Ajax for use with plugins like Popup Maker.
- Limited style options: The plugin provides only basic style options for background and font color. Everything else will be inherited from your theme. Some templates have light & dark versions and other options. If you want to customize things like fonts, margins, and borders, you will need custom CSS.
- Paid version required for advanced features: Some advanced features, such as importing reviews from Facebook, Google My Business, Yelp, Zomato, and WooCommerce, and beautifully designed templates, are only available in the paid version of the plugin.
🥉Why We Picked It
Strong Testimonials plugin is selected due to its ease of customization. It is best suited for those who want to selectively customize their submission forms and display testimonials without undergoing any technical difficulties.
Who Is Strong Testimonials Plugin Best For?
If you’re looking for a plugin that provides contemporary designs for showcasing user reviews, Strong Testimonials is the perfect choice for you. It offers a wide range of templates and customization options to help you develop a unique and engaging testimonial page.
Strong Testimonials garners praise on the WordPress repository for its versatile testimonial display options and ease of use. It empowers you to exhibit client feedback effortlessly.
Strong Testimonials Plugin has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $29 per year.
Get Strong Testimonials
4. Real Testimonials
The Real Testimonials plugin enables you to collect reviews that include images, overall ratings, names, and even the user’s job or position. The plugin uses a shortcode generator to give you control over which reviews to display and where to place them on your site.
This plugin lets you choose from multiple pre-built layouts and styles and display testimonials as sliders. The slider functionality is fully customizable, with options to configure autoplay, infinite loops, and more.
What We Like About Real Testimonials
- Fully Responsive and Mobile friendly: The plugin is designed to be responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring that your testimonials look great on any device. Your testimonials will be easily read and navigated on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
- Easy To Use: The plugin comes with an easy-to-use Shortcode Generator settings panel with a live preview that can help you build awesome and unique testimonials showcased with responsive layouts and customizable styles on your website. You don’t need to know any coding to use this plugin.
- Add unlimited testimonials: You can add unlimited testimonials and display them anywhere you want on your website. This means you can showcase as many testimonials as you want and place them on any page or post on your website.
- Import/Export testimonials: You can easily import or export your testimonials to or from other websites. This is useful if you want to transfer your testimonials to a new website or if you want to share your testimonials with other websites.
- Enable/Disable autoplay: You can enable or disable autoplay and control the speed of the slider. This means you can customize how your testimonials are displayed on your website.
- More Modern Design: The plugin’s design options are pretty basic compared to others.
- Limited support for SEO: The plugin does not have built-in SEO support, so you may need to use additional plugins or tools to optimize your testimonials for search engines.
Who Is Real Testimonials Plugin Best For?
Real Testimonials is a great option for bloggers, affiliate marketers, and any website owner looking for a simple and effective way to collect, manage, and display testimonial reviews in multiple layouts (including a customizable slider).
Real Testimonials earns high ratings on the WordPress repository for its authentic and customizable testimonials display. It provides users with a genuine showcase of customer feedback.
The Real Testimonials plugin has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $31.85 per year.
Get Real Testimonials
5. Customer Reviews for WooCommerce
Customer Reviews for WooCommerce is a WordPress customer review plugin that enables you to collect reviews for the products in your WooCommerce store. You can enable automatic approval for submissions or check them manually before they go up on your site.
This product review plugin allows customers to upload images alongside reviews and include ratings. Meanwhile, potential buyers can filter comments to find the exact information they want. You can even offer discounts in exchange for reviews, thanks to the WooCommerce coupon system .
Additionally, the plugin lets you set up question-and-answer sections. You can post specific questions on product pages, and customers can reply.
What We Like About Customer Reviews for WooCommerce
- Automated reminder emails: You can set up the plugin to send automated, personalized email reminders to each customer after a transaction, making reviewing easier. You can also send manual review reminders by WhatsApp with the ‘click to chat’ integration.
- Aggregated review forms: The review form makes it as simple as possible for the customer to leave a review. Your customer receives an automated review request email after a delay (customizable by you). The customer leaves a review for all of their purchases on the aggregated form. Reviews can include ratings and images to increase trust. The review is posted to WooCommerce and published on your site.
- Enhanced Review Features: The plugin enhances the standard WooCommerce reviews with extra features. Customers can rate products, upload images, and vote on other reviews. You can filter reviews by rating, date, helpfulness, and more.
- Incentivized Reviews: You can offer discounts in exchange for customer reviews.
- Integration with Google Shopping: The plugin integrates with Google Shopping, allowing you to display your reviews on Google Shopping.
- Question and Answer feature: The plugin includes a question and answer feature, allowing customers to ask and answer frequently asked questions about your products.
- Verification process: The plugin includes an optional integration with an external service to verify customer reviews. This may be a hassle for some users.
- No support for video reviews: The plugin does not support video reviews, which could be a disadvantage if you prefer video reviews over text reviews.
- No support for social media integration: The plugin does not support social media integration, which could disadvantage if you want to share your reviews on social media platforms.
Who Is Customer Reviews for WooCommerce Plugin Best For?
The plugin is ideal for WooCommerce store owners who need a robust solution for managing customer reviews and enhancing product credibility.
Customer Reviews for WooCommerce impress users on the WordPress repository with its integration ease and comprehensive functionality. It enhances WooCommerce sites with customer feedback options.
Customer Reviews for WooCommerce has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $49 per year
Get Customer Reviews for WooCommerce
6. Site Reviews
The Site Reviews WordPress plugin is a versatile plugin that works for products, services, and any other scenario where you want customers to submit reviews. The plugin enables users to submit a rating and write a review.
You can request users to log in before they leave a review. You can also assign specific submissions to pages or posts. Likewise, you can prioritize reviews with high ratings to give a better first impression. The plugin lets you use widgets, shortcodes, and blocks to add reviews.
Additionally, this plugin comes with a comprehensive “blacklisting” system that enables you to block specific words, IP addresses, names, and email addresses. Plus, you receive notifications when new reviews come up.
What We Like About Site Reviews
- Complete Review Management Solution: This plugin is a complete review management solution for your website designed to work similarly to Amazon, TripAdvisor, and Yelp. The plugin provides blocks, shortcodes, widgets, and full documentation.
- Flexible Placement Options: It offers widgets, blocks, and shortcodes for review display. You can even choose to highlight high-rated reviews on your page.
- Comprehensive Blacklisting System: The plugin filters unwanted content effectively.
- Flexible Review Forms: You can create custom review forms with over 20 field types and individual review templates.
- Multiple Review Styles: This plugin offers multiple review styles, including five stars and bars.
- Spam Protection: It provides 5 layers of spam protection to ensure your reviews are authentic.
- Developer Friendly: This plugin is designed for WordPress developers with over 200 hooks and convenient functions.
- Multilingual Support: This plugin integrates with Polylang and WPML , allowing you to assign reviews to all languages of a multilingual page.
- Limited Customization: It offers many features but limited customization options. For example, you cannot customize the look and feel of the review form.
- No Support for Rich Snippets: It does not support rich snippets, which can help your reviews stand out in search engine results pages.
- No Support for Translations: It does not support the translation of reviews, which can be a problem for multilingual websites.
Who Is Site Reviews Best For?
Site Reviews is best for WordPress site owners who need a flexible and robust review management system.
Site Reviews receives positive feedback on the WordPress repository for its robust features and simple setup. It offers users an effective tool to gather and showcase reviews seamlessly.
Site Reviews has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $97.61 per year.
Get Site Reviews
7. Widgets for Google Reviews
The name of this plugin tells you pretty much everything you need to know about it. Widgets for Google Reviews lets you embed Google reviews in WordPress using widgets .
You can use the plugin to display up to ten reviews and select which ones to show. WordPress imports the review data into your database for faster loading, and the plugin also offers shortcodes. Due to its versatility with shortcodes, it is one of the best Google review plugins for WordPress.
What We Like About Widgets for Google Reviews
- Display Google Reviews Effortlessly: It offers a streamlined solution for showcasing Google reviews on your WordPress site.
- Unlimited connections: Unlike similar plugins, this plugin allows you to connect with multiple Google Places. You can display reviews from multiple locations on your website.
- Full GDPR support: The plugin makes no third-party calls and fully complies with GDPR. This ensures that your website complies with the latest data protection regulations.
- Automatic updates: All connected Google ratings and reviews are automatically updated. You don’t have to update your reviews whenever you receive a new one manually.
- Responsive layouts: The plugin offers a variety of responsive layouts, such as Slider, Grid, and List, which work seamlessly across all devices. This ensures that your reviews look great on any device, whether a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.
- Review filtering: You can filter your reviews to build customers’ trust and increase SEO. You can choose which reviews to display on your website and which ones to hide. This can help you build trust with your customers by only displaying the best reviews.
- Language support: The plugin supports multiple languages. You can display your reviews in any language you want, making it easier for customers who speak different languages to read your reviews.
- Limited to 10 Reviews per Display: The plugin can only display up to ten reviews simultaneously.
- Limited widget layouts: The plugin provides only seven widget layouts, which may not be sufficient for you.
- Limited widget styles: The plugin provides only nine predesigned widget styles.
Who Is Widgets for Google Reviews Plugin Best For?
Widgets for Google Reviews is for you if you use Google My Business to collect reviews for your business. Local Businesses and Yelp-heavy users benefit from easy integration and display of Google My Business reviews for local SEO and online reputation management.
Widgets for Google Reviews stand out with favorable reviews on the WordPress repository. It provides users with a convenient way to display Google Reviews as widgets on their websites.
Widgets for Google Reviews Pricing has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $65 per year.
Get Widgets for Google Reviews
8. WP Review Slider
If your website has a Facebook page and you use it to collect reviews, WP Review Slider might be your best review plugin. This tool enables you to display Facebook reviews in slider format using shortcodes.
The plugin can also help you search Twitter for positive comments about your business and display them in review format on your site. You can also choose the number of reviews to display.
What We Like About WP Review Slider
- Social Proof from Facebook and Twitter: It allows you to display your Facebook recommendations as 5-star reviews or as positive recommendations. Unlike similar plugins that use illegal crawling/scraping methods to download reviews, it uses the official Facebook and Twitter APIs.
- Multiple Display Options: You can create a cool slider, like an image slider, with Facebook reviews and Twitter tweets. You can display sliders in a responsive grid or list if you’re not into sliders.
- Customizable Templates: Create multiple templates for your posts, pages, and widget areas. You can display them using a shortcode, template function, or use their widget. Template display options include showing/hiding star rating, date, border radius, background, and text colors. You can choose how many reviews to display per row and even have multiple rows. Sort them by date or show them randomly. You can also use custom CSS if you like.
- Twitter Integration: Along with Facebook reviews and recommendations, you can now search Twitter and download positive tweets to show off on your site. You can create a Twitter slider that includes positive tweets about you.
- Limited Social Media Integration: This plugin only supports Facebook and Twitter reviews. It should support other social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google My Business.
- Limited Display Options: It only offers three display options: slider, grid, and list. It would be great if it could offer more display options like a carousel or a popup.
Who Is WP Review Slider Best For?
WP Review Slider is for you if your business has a Facebook page that you use to collect reviews.
WP Review Slider earns acclaim on the WordPress repository for its ease of use and flexibility in creating and displaying review sliders. It enhances the visual appeal of websites.
WP Review Slider has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $29 per year. E-commerce experts can use the attractive slider format for showcasing featured reviews and boosting conversions.
Get WP Review Slider
9. WP TripAdvisor Review Slider
Unless you run a website for a restaurant or a travel destination, you can skip this plugin review. WP TripAdvisor Review Slider lets you import reviews from your TripAdvisor account and display them in WordPress using sliders, grids, or simple rows.
The plugin uses shortcodes and widgets to display reviews, and you can filter out negative submissions. Users can sort reviews by date. Additionally, the plugin will automatically check for new submissions every day.
What We Like About WP TripAdvisor Review Slider
- Easily display your TripAdvisor reviews on your WordPress site: It allows you to showcase your TripAdvisor reviews on your WordPress site with a shortcode or widget. You can display them in a grid, rows, or slider.
- Filter out bad reviews by rating value: You can filter out bad reviews by rating value, ensuring that only the best reviews are displayed on your site.
- Mobile-friendly responsive design: This plugin is designed to be mobile-friendly and responsive, ensuring that your reviews look great on any device.
- Automatic review updates: The plugin automatically checks for new reviews daily and downloads your newest 10 TripAdvisor reviews, which you can display in a post or page with a shortcode or template code.
- Customizable templates: You can create multiple templates for different parts of your site and customize them with border-radius, show/hide date, show/hide star rating, background, and text colors.
- Single location review display: The plugin only displays reviews from one TripAdvisor location.
- Limited filtering options: While the plugin allows you to filter out bad reviews by rating value, it doesn’t offer more advanced filtering options, such as filtering by keywords or date range.
- More display options: The plugin only offers a few options, such as grid, rows, or slider. It would be great if there were more display options, such as a carousel or a list.
Who Is WP TripAdvisor Review Slider Best For?
WP TripAdvisor Review Slider is for you if you collect reviews using TripAdvisor. Hotels, restaurants, and tourism business owners can leverage the power of TripAdvisor reviews.
WP TripAdvisor Review Slider receives praise on the WordPress repository for its seamless integration and efficient display of TripAdvisor reviews as sliders on WordPress sites.
WP TripAdvisor Review Slider plugin has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $29 per year.
Get WP TripAdvisor Review Slider
10. WP Customer Reviews
WP Customer Reviews is a highly customizable and lightweight plugin that gives you control over what fields to include in your review forms. However, it’s worth noting that the plugin requires you to approve reviews manually.
The plugin automatically sets up a page in which you can display customer reviews and enables you to embed specific submissions in pages. You can use shortcodes and widgets to display reviews and to post direct responses to any of the submissions that users make.
What We Like About WP Customer Reviews
- Customizable review fields: This plugin allows you to customize which fields to ask for, require, and show when collecting reviews. This means you can tailor the review form to your needs and collect the most important information.
- Anti-spam measures: The plugin has multiple anti-spam measures to prevent automated spambots from submitting reviews. These measures include CAPTCHA, Akismet, and Honeypot.
- Fast and lightweight: This plugin, including the star rating image, is fast and lightweight. This plugin will not slow down your blog. It is also compatible with caching plugins and custom themes.
- microformat: Reviews are displayed to visitors in a friendly format, but search engines see the microformat. Search engines can easily identify and display your reviews in search results.
- Support for custom fields: The plugin supports adding your own custom fields. This means you can collect additional information not included in the default review fields.
- Compatibility: It is compatible with WP Multisite and Multiuser (WPMU / WPMS / WordPress MU). You can use the plugin on multiple pages and posts across your website.
- Limited features: The plugin lacks advanced features found in other review plugins, such as the ability to import/export reviews or display reviews in a carousel format.
- Lack of support: The plugin offers no official support, which can be frustrating if you encounter any issues or have questions.
- Outdated: The plugin has not been updated in over a year, which could indicate that it is no longer being actively developed or supported.
Who Is WP Customer Reviews Best For?
WP Customer Reviews is for you if you want a lightweight and SEO-friendly review plugin that allows you to add custom fields to review forms.
WP Customer Reviews garners positive ratings on the WordPress repository for its simplicity and functionality. It offers users an uncomplicated way to collect and exhibit customer reviews.
WP Customer Reviews has a free plan and no premium plans.
Get WP Customer Reviews
11. Rating-Widget
Rating-Widget enables users to rate anything on your website. You can configure the plugin so visitors can leave ratings on posts, pages, individual comments, WooCommerce products, custom posts , and even authors. The plugin also works with BuddyPress and bbPress so that users can leave ratings for each other.
The plugin supports both star and thumbs-up/down rating systems. You can choose between multiple styles for each option, and the free version supports up to one million page views per month. If you get more traffic than that, you’ll need to pay for a premium license.
What We Like About Rating-Widget
- Versatile rating solution: The plugin allows you to rate posts, pages, comments, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, and bbPress forums with ease.
- Fully customizable: All star ratings are fully customizable, cross-browser, support multi-language, and CSS3 compliant.
- Top Rated Widget: The plugin offers a ‘Top Rated’ widget displaying top-rated posts, pages, and comments.
- Text Reviews Add-on: The plugin offers a Reviews Add-on that allows you to set up custom rules to open a modal review box and capture textual reviews from voters.
- Slow loading: The plugin can slow down the loading speed of your website, especially if you have a lot of ratings on your site.
- May not work with some themes and page builders: The plugin may not work with some WordPress themes or page builders, which can limit your ability to customize the look and feel of the star ratings.
Who Is Rating-Widget Best For?
Rating-Widget is for you if you use BuddyPress or bbPress and want to add a ratings/review system to your forum.
Rating-Widget stands out with glowing reviews on the WordPress repository for its customizable rating system. It allows users to add versatile rating features to their websites effortlessly.
Rating-Widget has a free plan. Moreover, the costs of the premium version start at $3.99 per month.
Get Rating-Widget
Comparing the Best WordPress Review Plugins
You must collect reviews if you use WordPress to sell products or services. Displaying customer testimonials on your site can help you drive more sales. Fortunately, you can use a WordPress review plugin to simplify the process.
Review Plugins Price Comparison
Before choosing a review plugin, take some time to test out the entries on our list. Each has a free version, so you can try them before committing. Take a look at our comparison table, which provides links to each product, as well as the price point for each.
Plugin | Price | Free Option | ||
🥇 | $37 per month | ✔️ | ||
🥈 | $2.5 per month | ✔️ | ||
🥉 | $29 per year | ✔️ | ||
$31.85 per year | ✔️ | |||
$49 per year | ✔️ | |||
$97.61 per year | ✔️ | |||
$65 per year | ✔️ | |||
$29 per year | ✔️ | |||
$29 per year | ✔️ | |||
/ | ✔️ | |||
$3.99 per month (billed annually) | ✔️ |
Top 3 Review Plugins: Feature Comparison
A few review plugins we mention in this post stand out the most. Our top entry is Starfish Reviews . It allows you to solicit reviews using a custom form to email your customers, solicit their feedback, and then post to several outlets, including social media. Then there’s Star Testimonials , which works nicely with page builders like Divi to create beautiful reviews, including custom avatars. Finally, Strong Testimonials is a handy review editor that allows you to rearrange reviews in a specified order or omit ones you don’t wish to feature. Regardless of which one you use, any of these provides an excellent way to showcase customer reviews.
🥇 Starfish Reviews | 🥈 Stars Testimonials | 🥉 Strong Testimonials | |
Starting Price | $37/month | $2.5/month | $29/year |
Review Import | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Review Automation | ✔️ | ✔️(pro) | ✔️ |
Custom Avatars | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Multiple Review Streams | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Page Builder Support | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Customization Options | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Community Rating | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Which WordPress Review Plugin is the Best
Hands down, our top pick is Starfish Reviews . It’s a versatile plugin that will allow you to prompt your customers to leave reviews, with the ability to post them to multiple outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, and more. Plus, you can embed top reviews anywhere on your website with a shortcode. Having reviews on your site helps build consumer confidence and gives you an edge with SEO. If you’re looking for the best WordPress plugins, check out our ultimate list of recommendations for each plugin type!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Before we wrap up, let’s answer some of your most common questions regarding the best WordPress review plugins. Did we miss one? Leave a question below, and we will respond!
What is the best WordPress review plugin?
What is the best free wordpress review plugin, what is the best plugin for sharing reviews of my business, which plugin is best for sharing customer reviews on my site, what are the best themes that work with review plugins, what is the most seo friendly wordpress review plugin, how can i embed the facebook reviews on my wordpress website, what is the best way to show google reviews on my wordpress site, which plugin can ask for reviews from my wordpress site visitors, what is the best affiliate product review plugin for wordpress.
Do you have any questions about the best review plugin for WordPress? Let us know in the comments section below!
Featured image illustration via Azat Valeev /
Explore Our Top Picks
Here are our favorites! 👇
Get Starfish Reviews Today!
With so many great options available, it can be hard to pick one. find out why starfish reviews is our favorite. 👇.
By Will Morris
Will Morris is a staff writer at WordCandy. When he's not writing about WordPress, he likes to gig his stand-up comedy routine on the local circuit.
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Uh… Starfish is CERTAINLY not Free as you stated at the top all the page! $50 a month???
Here’s the link to the free version:
Thank you for the information. Finally, I’ve found information I need
So glad you found actionable information Loli!
Thanks for the suggestion for Widgets for Google Reviews. I’ve been looking for a streamlined approach to integrate google reviews.
Hi guys. Have you come across a review or schema plugin that allows you to enter overall review information for curated or aggregated reviews (like Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic)?
For example, I want the schema to display something along the lines of: “Rating: 85% based on 15 reviews”. However, I have been unable to find a plugin that allows me to manually enter the number of reviews.
Have you tried using Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper?
Hi, i have a problem with site review plugin. An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 451 of the file /home/my-website/www/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/vendors/woocommerce/action-scheduler/classes/data-stores/ActionScheduler_DBStore.php. Error message : Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Unidentified action 95065 in /home/my-website/www/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/vendors/woocommerce/action-scheduler/classes/data-stores/ActionScheduler_DBStore.php:451 do you have any idea ?
We recommend that you contact the developer of the plugin. Hopefully, they’ll be able to help.
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Using the WordPress Book Review Plugin Block
2 Minutes, 0 Seconds to Read
Book lovers unite! As of March 2020, all generations saw a considerable increase in reading. With the change in how we’re able to spend our free time, there is no wonder that reading has increased overall about 33% .
Even better, if you have a WordPress website or blog, you can easily attract and retain fellow reading enthusiasts by adding the WordPress book review plugin block .
The plugin, which adds a simple Gutenberg block, allows you to add book reviews by entering the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) in the block settings. Then, the block will automatically pull the title, author, book cover, and even a summary. It also adds Schema markup to the HTML to support SEO efforts.
Continue reading to learn how to use the book review plugin block in WordPress.
Adding the WordPress Book Review Plugin Block
Before reaping the benefits of the Book Review Block plugin, you must first install and activate it. Once the plugin is installed, create or edit a post or page to add a book review block.
While in the edit screen, click on the + sign within the body of the page or in the upper left corner. Then search for and add the Book Review Block Plugin.
Once added, you can import a book by entering the ISBN in the respective field in the setting to the right. You can also manually add the information by uploading an image via the media library and entering the information per the corresponding lines.
For this tutorial, we used the ISBN option to add a book. Once the information is imported, you can select a number of stars for the book and edit the summary/review area. You can also leave the summary section as is if wanted.
Concerning customization, there isn’t much you can do outside of changing the background or adding custom CSS. However, most may not need complex customization options. When published, the block is as clean and responsive as we have come to expect blocks to be. Also, it should fit nicely with most themes.
When you’ve completed your book additions and edits, make sure you click Update or Publish to save your changes! Here is an example of a published book review block.
At the time of this review, this plugin, version 1.5.1, was tested up to WordPress 5.4.2 and is updated every 1-3 months.
Learn more about the new WordPress editor, Gutenberg, and the capabilities of the separate Gutenberg plugin with our helpful Gutenberg tutorials .
InMotion Hosting contributors are highly knowledgeable individuals who create relevant content on new trends and troubleshooting techniques to help you achieve your online goals!
3 thoughts on “ Using the WordPress Book Review Plugin Block ”
I began to compose book surveys for of recording my contemplations about what I’d peruse before all memory of them disappeared.
For a few of us, books are basically as significant as nearly whatever else on the planet. What a wonder it is that out of these little, level, unbending squares of paper unfurls many universes after world, universes that sing to you, solace and calm or energize you. Books assist us with understanding what our identity is and the way in which we are to act. They show us what local area and fellowship mean; they tell us the best way to live and bite the dust.
Thank you for putting this out there. I agree with your opinion and I hope more people would come to agree with this as well.
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9 Best Google Review Plugins for WordPress 2024
- May 25, 2024
Aigars Silkalns
Here are the best Google review plugins to help you choose the right one for your business.
Online reviews are one of the best ways of getting new loyal customers.
Nothing beats a good customer review that embraces an actual user’s full and personal experience.
But you also need to know how to react to reviews. Be smart, and you can win even more users.
The following review plugins for WordPress allow you to integrate, organize, publish, and respond to online reviews and testimonials directly from your admin.
Note : If you have an idea for a WordPress review website but don’t know where to start, our detailed WordPress website setup guide will help you out.
This post covers:
Why Do You Need A WordPress Review Plugin
5 key features of wordpress review plugins.
- 10 Best WordPress Review Plugins
What Is The Best Review Plugin For WordPress
Frequently asked questions about review plugins.
The first reason for getting a review plugin is obvious: you don’t need to code it yourself.
We don’t recommend coding it because these plugins will save you a lot of time when adding reviews and testimonials to your website.
Each smoothly integrates with any modern WordPress theme and offers plenty of flexibility to make it work exactly how you want.
Also, we suggest you use a review plugin if you run an eCommerce website or offer (some kind of) services.
Why? Because they build trust and thus increase conversions. 63% of customers trust brands with reviews more than those without. Plus, over ninety percent of shoppers admit reviews impact their shopping decision (and I’m one of them).
But here are five more reasons why you need a WordPress review plugin:
- Feedback : You can gain quality information by paying close attention to all your reviews and testimonials. Use these to improve on your existing offerings and for new product drops and upgrades. Plus, use reviews/testimonials to find keywords that you can use in articles and product and service pages.
- Content : The more (quality) content, the better. And reviews are excellent detail that can contribute to user experience and, consequently, SEO. Google favors great user experience, which can increase your rankings.
- SEO : One part of the SEO boost because of reviews and testimonials is above. And the second is this: Google likes consumer reviews and tends to rank them higher when they are structured right to show rich snippets.
- Engagement : When you want to buy a new pair of headphones, you’ll spend a lot of time reading reviews to find what others have to say about them. What does this mean? An increase in time spent on site. And all because of reviews! And more engagement and more time spent browsing the site means a rise in sales. (And a lower bounce rate, which is good for SEO.)
- Social proof : If there are dozens or even 100s of positive reviews about a product or service, we’re all very likely to get the “stuff,” too. We’re all guilty of this. (Positive reviews are why I recently purchased a new bike helmet.)
When picking the right plugin, You must pay close attention to multiple review system functions.
That’s also what we did when reviewing 40+ review plugins for WordPress, and these were the most important factors:
1. Customization
Luckily, you probably won’t need much customization when adding reviews to your WordPress website. Yes, because these plugins already LOOK GOOD.
But it’s still important to brand them and even edit ratings, have a chance to pick from different rating methods and choose the ideal sorting.
2. Moderation
You need to have an overview of all your reviews because you NEED to avoid spam. And you also don’t want too many negative or “troll” comments on your website.
One simplest way to avoid the “bad” is by activating review approval rules.
For instance, you can set manual approval for all new reviews and testimonials. However, you can auto-approve all trustworthy users who have already shared their opinions.
Note : You can also use WordPress anti-spam plugins for your website’s safety.
A review plugin must have everything accessible so that you can decide who to display customer ratings and reviews. From star and number ratings to writing an actual review, a review plugin must allow you to do everything.
This leads us to:
A review or testimonial display needs to blend with your website natively. You also need to be able to set the information you’d like to display.
Date of review, reviewer’s name and image (avatar), only stars, only review (or stars and review), etc.
Another beneficial function is to allow reviewers to add images and videos to their reviews.
Lastly, allow your users to filter reviews by positive, negative and rating.
5. Rich Snippets
Do you want to score more real estate on SERPs? Of course, you do!
And that’s when rich snippets come into play, adding a few extra lines under your site’s search result.
Rich snippets can drastically improve your click-through rates. Which is, again, good for SEO.
Hey, if the rating and the number of raters are high, you’ll likely click on it.
Let’s look at the best WordPress Google reviews plugins for your website.
TL;DR – Best Review Plugins for WordPress
- Wiremo : The best review plugin for any eCommerce website.
- Book Blogger : The best book review plugin.
- Site Reviews : The best review plugin for front-end review submissions.
- WP Customer Reviews : The best plugin for receiving reviews and testimonials.
- Google Reviews Widget : The best plugin to add Google Business ratings/reviews.
- WP Review : The best all-around plugin for building a review site.
- Facebook Reviews : The best social reviews and recommendations plugin.
- Customer Reviews for WooCommerce : The best WooCommerce review plugin.
- Reviews and Rating : The best plugin for Google My Business reviews with links to current ratings, places, etc.
Best Free & Premium WordPress Review Plugins
Best WordPress review plugin for: Beginner and expert users who want to add a review system to their eCommerce platform.
Wiremo is a customer review plugin that provides spaces for customer feedback. It works for physical products and services websites and is connected through social media, like Facebook and Twitter.
It has a free and three premium versions, covering projects of all sizes. You also get a 24/7 customer support and can enjoy a 14-day free trial if you’d like to jump straight to pro.
Wiremo also uses free widgets and a powerful dashboard to display all information.
It is user-friendly with regular updates, so it keeps operating smoothly for years. It is also fast and responsive, with great SEO optimization options for adding rich snippets.
We also like how Wiremo integrates easily with WooCommerce, so your customers can comfortably select star ratings and write a review.
Key features:
- Questions and answers
- Event triggers
- Anonymous reviews
- Multilingual support
- Auto-approving reviews
Advantages of Wiremo :
- Easy set up and smooth WooCommerce integration
- Saves you a lot of time with fantastic automation
Disadvantages of Wiremo :
- Essential plan comes with Wiremo branding
- Free : Regular updates, reviews rotation carousel
- Essential ($19.99/mo): 1k emails, 3 images for uploading
- Professional ($49.99/mo): 10k emails, 5 images for uploading
- Premium ($200+/mo): Unlimited emails, Unlimited images for uploading
2. Book Blogger
Best WordPress review plugin for: Everyone who wants to create professional book reviews.
Book Blogger is a review plugin for book readers. If you’re an avid book reader that writes book reviews, try upgrading your book review software.
The Book Blogger plugin is a simple review platform. It offers custom prebuilt fields for reviews that will improve user experience.
You can easily curate essential information about the books you are reviewing. For heavy readers, there is an option to review multiple books simultaneously.
And you will save a lot of time with features like automatic data fetching from Google Books and Goodreads.
You can extend Book Blogger with widgets, such as a social media follower box. Also, you can display the kind of books you are reading at any given moment or list your recent reviews.
If you want to one-up yourself, you can always display the number of books you read within 365 days!
- Easy post formation
- Supports ISBN to fetch data
- Various ways to populate your archives
Advantages of Book Blogger :
- Saves a lot of time when creating professional book reviews
- Multiple options to display any book info you want
Disadvantages of Book Blogger :
- No free version (but you can try its demo version for free)
- $35 : Automatic updates and support for 12 months (option to renew)
3. Site Reviews
Best WordPress review plugin for: Allowing your site visitors to submit star rating reviews with comments easily.
Adding reviews to your website can benefit your overall business tremendously. Reviews and testimonials build trust in potential customers and might be the last information they need to contact you or make a purchase.
Of course, if they are positive.
To simplify adding reviews to your page, Site Reviews is the WordPress plugin that will take care of it. It allows users to submit their reviews with a 5-star rating system.
Core features of Site Reviews are pagination, support for Asian languages, comprehensive documentation, and configurable widgets.
There is also Google’s reCAPTCHA on the submission form to prevent spam. It will take you little time to activate the review system on your website with this plugin.
And do you know what the best thing is? You can start for free.
- WooCommerce support (with free WooCommerce Reviews add-on)
- Compatible with WP multisite networks
- You can respond to reviews (publicly)
Advantages of Site Reviews :
- The plugin includes blocks, shortcodes and widgets for easy inclusion
- Multiple rules for review approval
- Free : Backup and restore, GamiPress and WooCommerce integration support
- Premium (89€+/year): 1+ site, review and form builders, built-in search
4. WP Customer Reviews
Best WordPress review plugin for: Users who want to benefit from product reviews and customer testimonials.
Regardless of your business type, you can implement reviews and share with the world what amazing experiences your clients and customers had working with or purchasing from you.
Whether it is a service, software or product, with WP Customer Reviews, you can introduce both customer testimonials and product/software reviews.
What’s cool about this WordPress review plugin is that you can decide which review to display and which to skip. This allows you to avoid adding negative comments which may harm your business.
The tool’s goodies are full customization, compatibility with WordPress Multisite and caching plugins, spam protection, and shortcodes.
For your information, WP Customer Reviews is lightning fast, making sure not to slow down your website, keeping the outstanding performance intact.
- 100% control over every submitted review/testimonial
- Integrated anti-spam solution
- Works on posts and pages
- Customizable
Advantages of WP Customer Reviews :
- The plugin works for reviews and testimonials
- Free and open-source
Disadvantages of WP Customer Reviews :
- Looks very simple (too basic for some users)
5. Google Reviews Widget
Best WordPress review plugin for: Adding Google business ratings and reviews to your website. (It also supports Yelp and Facebook reviews.)
As the name suggests, Google Reviews Widget is a simple-to-use review plugin for WordPress that adds Google Business Reviews to your page.
Moreover, it is a widget, so you can easily add it to your web space’s sidebar or other locations.
A neat function of the plugin is that it stores all the Google Reviews you import into the WordPress database. This way, the reviews are live regardless of what is happening with Google.
Google Reviews Widget is a free plugin for WordPress, but it also offers a premium version to unlock even more features.
The plugin is SEO-friendly, allows you to trim longer reviews with a read more button and show up to five Google Business reviews per location.
It is also compatible with light and dark themes, mobile devices and modern web browsers to boost UX.
- “Review us on G” button
- Show full review or just a rating badge
- Works with any modern WordPress page builder
Advantages of Google Reviews Widget :
- Offers effortless Google reviews integration with compatibility for other platforms
- Live preview option to ensure the reviews are exactly how you want them to be before going live
Disadvantages of Google Reviews Widget :
- Limited free version
- Free : 5 Google and 3 Yelp reviews, paginations, long reviews trimmer
- Business ($85/year): Google, Facebook and Yelp reviews, badges, filters
6. WP Review
Best WordPress review plugin for: Building a full-blown review site or mixing review posts into your existing blog.
WP Review is a convenient review plugin for WordPress that will save you time and energy when creating new content.
If you are a blogger or run a review website, this plugin helps you post reviews for products and services. You can add a star, percentage, or point rating along with the in-depth text.
Additionally, WP Review is fully translatable to use with any language you want.
WP Review delivers two different box templates that you can customize further. From basic to modern, it is up to you how you would like reviews to appear on your website.
Moreover, the layout is responsive and flexible, supports unlimited colors, and is fully congruent with caching plugins and all modern WordPress themes.
If you want to start releasing a new type of content, WP Review is a tool that will get you going immediately.
- 19 types of rich snippets
- 16 available review templates
- Various rating systems
- Ratings and reviews
Advantages of WP Review :
- Create a review site without coding
- Contributes to better site SEO
- Optimized for great performance (doesn’t slow down your website)
Disadvantages of WP Review :
- Free version lacks functionality
- Free : Star, point, percentage rating, schema support, customizations
- Premium ($77/year): Premium support, 19 types of rich snippets, integrated Google Places
7. Facebook Reviews
Best WordPress review plugin for: Everyone who wants to add social reviews and recommendations to their sites and blogs.
Here’s a plugin to add Facebook reviews to your website. And the installation and activation processes are so simple, anyone can do it.
On top of that, the Facebook Reviews plugin is free of charge and available just a click away.
Remember, to make it work, you need admin rights on the Facebook page for the plugin to pull out the reviews. Also, it works with the Facebook Graph API.
When all is set, you will see Facebook reviews appear on your page instantly.
Other features of the Facebook Reviews extension are pagination, location-specific reviews and the option to trim longer texts with the read more button.
It is also in tune with most modern themes for smooth integration.
Note: The plugin’s pro version also supports other platforms, like Google and Yelp.
- Automatic review refresh
- Nofollow tag
- Google rich snippets
- Slider and grid themes
- Multiple sorting options
Advantages of Facebook Reviews :
- Unlimited reviews limit even in the free version
- Connects with all major platforms but also allows manual reviews
Disadvantages of Facebook Reviews :
- No pro version supports unlimited business connections
- Free : Google and Facebook, rating and word filters, trim text
- Standard ($5+/month): All platforms, no branding, priority support
- Pro ($15+/month): All platforms, collecting reviews via widgets
- Business ($25+/month): All platforms, send review requests via SMS and email
8. Customer Reviews for WooCommerce
Best WordPress review plugin for: Every WooCommerce website owner who wants to add reviews and ratings to their products and services.
When running an online store on WooCommerce, you want to add customer reviews to boost sales. With social proof via reviews, you can build trust and raise your potential to win over more customers.
You can now introduce reviews to your eCommerce website with Customer Reviews for WooCommerce.
What we particularly like about this plugin is that it automatically encourages everyone who purchases to leave a review.
But you can take many other great features to your advantage. Some are aggregated review forms, reviews for discounts, trust badges, and an option to import and export reviews.
Avoid leaving money on the table, introduce reviews and see an increase in sales.
- Automated and manual reviews
- Review voting
- Q&A function
- reCAPTCHA to prevent spam
- Trust badges
- Reviews for coupons (our fav!)
Advantages of Customer Reviews for WooCommerce :
- Easy way to encourage users to leave a review
- Effortless integration with any WooCommerce website
Disadvantages of Customer Reviews for WooCommerce :
- The free version doesn’t have the option to make comments mandatory
- Free : Automatic scheduling, picture and video reviews, coupons for reviews
- Pro ($49.99/year): Brandable look, min. review length, links to products
9. Reviews and Rating
Best WordPress review plugin for: Including Google My Business reviews to any website with links to current ratings, a form to write a review, and places with Google Maps.
If you have a Google Business account with many positive reviews and ratings, wouldn’t it be awesome to display those on your official website?
You can now make it happen with Reviews and Rating. This WordPress plugin does all the hard work for you.
You only need your unique ID to copy and paste to the plugin, and that’s pretty much all the necessary work. The plugin also urges your new customers to leave a Google Business review (with a Google icon).
Reviews and Rating has shortcodes, widgets, 28 designs, a live preview, amazing customization functions, and an option to show and hide reviews.
The layout of the reviews is also mobile-ready, working flawlessly on all devices. (It’s also compatible with RTL languages.)
- Custom appearance
- 250 designs and themes
- Structured Data support
- Translation-ready
Advantages of Reviews and Rating :
- The plugin captures reviews easily via your unique ID
- Multiple customization functions (with more on request)
We couldn’t decide on the ultimate best review plugin.
All these ten are good, but they also have unique functionalities, focusing on different review styles.
But, we have four BEST solutions that cover everything:
- Wiremo : If you run an eCommerce store, this is the solution that you should implement for reviews and ratings.
- Book Blogger : Save yourself time and effort when creating in-depth book reviews.
- Site Reviews : This WordPress review plugin accepts star ratings and reviews (on ANY website) with blocks, shortcodes and widgets for effortless inclusion.
- Google Reviews Widget : While this one specializes in Google Business reviews, it also easily integrates with Facebook and Yelp reviews.
What is the best review plugin for WordPress?
The best all-around WordPress review plugin is Site Reviews . But Wiremo is the ideal solution for eCommerce and Google Reviews Widget for adding social reviews (including Facebook and Yelp).
How do I show reviews on WordPress?
The simplest way of showing reviews on your WordPress website or blog is with a dedicated plugin. It includes all the necessary functions for moderating reviews, adding star ratings, filtering, spam protection, etc.
How do I add Trustpilot to WordPress?
The best solution for adding Trustpilot to WordPress is using the company’s own Trustpilot Reviews WordPress plugin.
How do I add a star rating in WordPress?
With a plugin, you can add a star rating system to your WordPress site. You won’t need to code but still have the opportunity for the necessary configurations, so stars appear exactly how you want.
Are they any WordPress themes for review websites?
There are many ready-made WordPress themes for review websites , and we have written a detailed comparison.
Frontend web developer and web designer specializing in WordPress theme development. After graduating with BA he self-taught front-end web development. Currently has over 10 years of experience in mainly CSS, HTML (TailwindCSS, Bootstrap), JavaScript(React, Vue, Angular), and PHP. Obsessed with application performance, user experience, and simplicity.
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This Post Has 12 Comments
Hi Alex, indeed, my feeling is that there are not so many honest review blogs out there. And I think those have better chance on success, because audience feel what is the truth 🙂
Hi there, I am looking for a great plug in where guests can write a Review on site in how they felt my Service and the Safari has been. the guests should be able to post the Review with some Picture material. Can you recommend any plug in? It does not have to be a free one,
many thanks in advance
I used the Trustbadge reviews widget on my online shop to collect and show customer reviews. It’s fairly easy to use. They have many integrations in different shop systems. And it comes with 7 languages and is mobile-optimized.
Is the review showing in my post description in search engine
Yes, it will show up on search engines but you can always use a separate text just for SEO purpose.
I do agree with Aigars, to be honest it will show up on search engines but you can always use a separate text just for SEO purpose. Thanks a lot for sharing your content with us.
Nice collection of Review plugins for WordPress.
Keep updating!!!
Thanks for these.
I was tempted to just develop one myself but since there are so many I’ll just use one of these and see where I go with it.
Thanks for sharing.
I think WP product review is the best so far. I use it on all of my websites and I get great results, Even as SERP rich snippets
Hi Alex, Well written content ! I m very happy that you are updating people about new thing and technologies, it really great. i want to update you about a Reviews management system for wordpress, woocommerce and for other platform.
I’ve used Ultimate Reviews for a few projects. I really like the company too. I’m an intermediate, self-taught WordPress user and the support they provide is excellent. They also listen to feature requests and regularly maintain their products.
I know that it’s not very popular, but you really should include Project Supremacy v3 in this list. Their Schema Generator is absolutely insanely good and their pricing is even better. They have the entire Library to build from and even something called a Schema Duplicator which allows you to clone the schema from any other website to use on your own. This is definitely an up and coming schema plugin.
Oh and it also happens to be a WordPress Management software as well so not only can you build and inject schema to any of your websites with a single tool, but you can do all the other WP managment stuff.
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6 Best WordPress Review Plugins For 2023
With over 1,000 WordPress review plugins available to choose from, it can be hard to know where to begin. We review six of the best plugins.
If you sell any type of product or service on a WordPress site , you can benefit from installing a WordPress review plugin.
With reviews for your services or products and increasing social proof, you’re more likely to draw new customers to your business and retain existing ones.
Building trust and credibility through positive reviews on your website is a great way to connect with potential clients.
Not only can reviews be powerful sources of marketing, but collecting reviews is also a great source of feedback from clients and customers, allowing you to make changes and improvements to your products and customer experience and form a relationship with your customers.
In addition, reviews will increase the chance that your clients will become repeat customers, who will also be more willing to recommend you and your services or products to others.
Why Use A WordPress Review Plugin?
Using a WordPress Review plugin gives you an extremely easy way to provide dynamic professional-looking reviews on your website.
It makes it simple for users to leave a review, and many review plugins can seamlessly pull reviews from other platforms, such as Facebook or Google.
A visually interesting review interface and easy-to-use submission process make customers more likely to review your product or service.
And the more reviews you have, the more likely a new customer is to leave a review. Having reviews posted can make or break whether a potential customer or client moves on to another website.
Here are my top six WordPress plugin recommendations. These will provide an attractive and easy-to-use review process for your website.
All listed review plugins have been tested with WordPress 6.1.1 and have excellent ratings among over 50,000 users.
1. WP Review Pro
If you are looking for a comprehensive review plugin, you cannot go wrong with WP Review Pro .
WP Review Free includes all of the basic features, but it is well worth the $67 to upgrade to the Pro version for unlimited sites to unlock the full feature set.
With WP Review Pro, you get unlimited color selections and various rating options, such as stars, percentages, thumbs up/down, points, or a circle rating.
The plugin supports 19 rich snippets , 16 predefined designs, multiple rating systems, user comment ratings, and compatibility with any WordPress theme.
It also works seamlessly with Facebook, Google, and Yelp reviews to extend your reach.
Its highly customizable pre-defined designs make matching your branding or other popular review platforms easy.
2. Site Reviews
Site Reviews is a simple review plugin that allows users to leave a review through a customized form.
Reviews use a 1- to 5-star system and are filterable.
You can also pin favorable reviews to the top so that they are the first reviews that customers see.
The plugin can be used as a shortcode, custom Gutenberg block, or widget, and it supports native Elementor widgets to accommodate various theme and builder types and is free.
Site Reviews is one of the most full-featured free review plugins available, and its support for the plugin on the WordPress forum is excellent.
3. Plugin For Google Reviews
Plugin for Google Reviews specifically displays ratings and reviews from Google using a public Google API .
The free version will limit you to displaying five Google reviews. In contrast, the Business version, which runs $85/year for a single site, uses an API for your Google Business account , allowing unlimited Google reviews.
The upgrade will also give you unlimited Yelp and Facebook reviews and sync your accounts for automatic updates.
You can also mix and match reviews; customers can leave reviews through your website for other platforms.
Want to put your best reviews at the top? Use the filter feature to display reviews in the order you want.
Five themes are available, and reviews can be displayed using a widget, shortcode, any of the following page builders: Gutenberg, Elementor, Page Origin, Beaver Builder, WPBakery, Divi, and others, or Universal HTML/JavaScript.
4. Customer Reviews For WooCommerce
The Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin allows customers who shopped in your store to leave written reviews and photos to increase your social proof and attract more customers.
This plugin is localized to over 40 languages and installed in over 50,000 stores.
You can have an email automatically sent when a customer purchases asking them to leave a review. You can even send coupons to those that do leave a review.
The plugin also integrates with a service to verify the authenticity of reviews. It uses ratings, voting review types, and customer-submitted photos. Reviews can also be filtered.
There is a free Basic version, but you will want to consider the Professional version for more customization and professional features for $49.99/year.
5. Starfish Reviews
The Starfish Reviews plugin sorts positive and negative reviews using a funnel system .
The plugin is set up in the WordPress dashboard and can link to Google, Yelp, Facebook, and several other third-party review platforms.
A positive or negative review choice is shown in the first step of the review.
If the positive review is chosen, you give the customer single or multiple options of where they can leave their review.
If a negative review is chosen, the feedback will be sent back to you, and you can be prompted for more information.
Depending on the restrictions of the review platform(s) you are using, you can choose not to allow them to post a negative review or allow it.
A very limited version of the plugin is available for free on
The Starfish Reviews plugin also has multiple paid tiers starting at $37 per month for one WordPress site and up to $197 per month for 50 WordPress sites.
The Taqyeem WordPress Review Plugin creates beautiful custom reviews that can be added to pages, posts, and custom post types.
You have unlimited color and review criteria customizations with a choice of over 500 Google fonts to match various branding.
Rating styles are points, percentages, and stars; multiple options are available for the rating image. Reviews can be displayed by Best, Recent, and Random.
The Taqyeem plugin uses Google Rich Snippets for optimal viewing through search engines.
It has a one-time purchase price of $29 through CodeCanyon, which includes six months of support. Additional support can be purchased.
What Is The Best WordPress Review Plugin?
The best WordPress review plugin for you will have the most customizable templates and an easy setup for the type of reviews you want to display, and it should best showcase the views for your website.
You should also select the one that is comfortable to use and fits the needs of your website.
For an all-encompassing WordPress review plugin, my recommendation is WP Review Pro .
This premium plugin offers the broadest range of options, with integrations across multiple social platforms and WooCommerce.
It allows the most flexibility and overall customizations of the plugins I reviewed. It also offers free and paid versions.
How To Choose The Best WordPress Review Plugin For You
With over 1,000 WordPress review plugins available to choose from, it can be hard to know where to begin.
As with choosing any plugin, you want to ensure the review plugin you install on your WordPress site will be reliable and safe.
Be mindful of the star rating, reviews, active installations, and compatibility with the latest version of WordPress.
When browsing plugins, you will see a star rating and the number of reviews in brackets. The higher the star rating and the number of reviews, the better.
You also want to check how many active installations the plugin has.
Again, the higher the number of active installations, the better, as this means that more people are using the plugin on their website.
And lastly, make sure the plugin has been tested with the latest version of WordPress.
More Resources:
- How To Choose WordPress Plugins
- 8 Awesome WordPress Plugins That’ll Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly
- WordPress SEO Guide: Everything You Need To Know
Featured Image: RazaulHridoy/Shutterstock
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Best WordPress Books from Beginner to Expert
There are lots of ways to learn WordPress. Sure, Youtube is a goldmine (if you know where to look) and hands-on-tinkering is great… but nothing beats books as a go-to resource.
I’ve included my favorite WordPress books that have helped me on my own WordPress journey. With the help of the WordPress community, I’ve also added other recommendations to compile the ultimate list of the Best WordPress Books for all skill levels.
WordPress the Missing Manual (3rd Edition)
- Author: Matthew MacDonald
- Published: 2020
- For: Beginner to intermediate. Non-coders
WordPress the Missing Manual has been one of my go-to references since the first edition launched in 2012.
Now on its 3rd-edition, this book is the perfect companion to take you from a novice to intermediate WordPress user. It starts with the very basics and moves into more advanced (but practical) concepts like design, content creation, an theme customization.
It also touches on important topics like core plugins, traffic generation and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Topics Covered:
- Hosting – How to launch a WordPress site live on the internet
- Installing WordPress
- Local Hosting – Test and experiment with WordPress for free on your own computer
- Content – Learn about posts, pages, and how to create and organize content
- Block Editor – Working with Gutenberg blocks to level-up your content
- Media – How to use an import various media types like pictures & video
- Themes – Choosing and customizing WordPress themes
- Comments – How to use the WordPress commenting system to build community
- Advanced Topics – Caching, performance, backups, and e-commerce
If you’re going to buy just one book on WordPress, this is the one.
WordPress For Dummies
- Author: Lisa Sabin-Wilson
- Published: 2021
- For: Beginner-intermediate
Lisa Sabin-Wilson is the co-founder of WebDev studios, one of the most successful WordPress-centric agencies around. So when she writes a book, you should pay attention.
WordPress for Dummies is a great all-in-one reference for anyone who wants to learn WordPress quickly. This is doubly true if you like the visual style and quick-tip format of the for dummies series.
She actually has authored two different books on WordPress, but this one is the most recently updated, and includes a whole section on working with the Gutenberg block editor.
This book is accessible for beginners, but provides a framework that will let you approach WordPress as a professional would .
It focuses on best-practices, maintainability and scalability. It’s an excellent foundation to start from.
- Capabilities: What you can build with WordPress
- Basics: Core functionality of WordPress
- Dashboard: deep-dive in into the dashboard settings & configuratoin
- Content: Creating, managing, organizing and scheduling content
- Media: Using audio, video & images
- Plugins: How to find, select and use plugins
- Themes: Choosing and installing themes
- Theme customization: Customize your theme beyond point-and-click
- Child Themes: How to use child themes for advanced customization
Professional WordPress (3rd-edition)
- Author: Brad Williams, David Damstra
- Published: 2015
- For: Devs looking to learn WordPress/PHP
Professional WordPress Design & Development (now in its 3rd edition) is still a must-read for anyone looking to peer under the hood of WordPress.
Instead of focusing on the no-code UI of WordPress, this book looks behind the scenes at core WordPress functions and features.
You’ll conquer concepts such as: templates, themes, custom post types, the loop, custom fields, taxonomies, and more.
The only caveat is this book is overdue for an update (released in 2015) and doesn’t include recent sea changes like block-based themes and the integration of React in the WordPress core. Nevertheless, it’s a great introduction for anyone who wants to customize WordPress using PHP.
- The Core: Structure and functionality of the WordPress corse
- Codex: Learn how to navigate the official WordPress codex, an incredible resource to learn about WordPress functions, hooks and filter.
- The Loop: ‘The Loop’ is used on almost every page or post on your site. Learn how harness it’s power for yourself.
- Database: How to safely interact with the WP Database class, authenticate and sanitize data
- Custom data types: Custom post types, taxonomies and meta fields
- Plugin Development: Plugin structure and how to develop simple plugins
- Theme Development: Template hierarchy and how to build custom themes from scratch (or boilerplate)
- Multisite: Run multiple WordPress sites from a single database
- Security: Hardening WordPress and best-practices to ship vulnerability-free code.
WordPress for Beginners 2022
- Author: Dr. Andy Williams
- Published: 2022
- For: Beginners
WordPress for Beginners 2022 is the latest installment in this popular series by Dr. Andy Williams. It takes a beginner-first approach and is targeted specifically to non-coder WordPress beginners.
You’ll be guided through the most important (and challenging) parts of the WordPress learning curve, including hosting and installation, connecting a domain, the WordPress dashboard, and publishing content.
This book also hits topics that others skip, such as: navigation menus, widgets, analytics, and practically plugin stacks for specific types of websites.
- Installation
- Themes & plugins
- Pages, Posts, and Taxonomies
- The Media Library
- SEO & Analytics
- Navigation Menus & Widgets
Mastering WooCommerce 4
- Author: Patrick Rauland
- For: Non-coders using WooCommerce
Despite an uptick in recent competition, WooCommerce is still the dominant plugin for building e-commerce shops with WordPress. And it’s for good reason; WooCommerce is insanely powerful and can be used for everything from dropshipping to digital products, affiliate websites, Etsy clones and more.
But WooCommerce is also incredibly complex, with a steeper learning curve than WordPress itself. Fortunately, Mastering WooCommerce is here to guide you on your journey, and make launching your first (or 5th) store as painless as possible.
- Products & Attributes
- Sorting and Filtering
- Product Templates
- Point of Sale (POS) solutions
- Fulfillment solutions & Dropshipping
- Product templates & customization
- Speed & performance
- Extending & customizing WooCommerce
Professional WordPress Plugin Development
- Author: Brad Williams, Justin Tadlock
- For: WordPress Developers (seasoned or aspiring)
Professional WordPress Plugin Development by Brad Williams and Justin Tadlock (of WPTavern ) is the definitive guide for aspiring plugin developers.
Whether you’re a seasoned dev moving to WordPress or a novice coder just getting started with PHP, this is the book for you.
It covers best practices, design patterns, and plugin structure. There are also practical real-world examples for common functionality like creating custom post types, interacting with the database and more.
- Plugin Best Practices – Structure, naming conventions and other best practices to follow
- Plugin Settings – Working with the WordPress settings API to create interactive settings pages for your plugin
- Security – Best-practices to access, store and sanitize data
- Hooks & Filters – Interacting with WordPress hooks & filters to add or customize WordPress functionality
- JavaScript – How to enqueue, localize and optimize your bundled JavaScript
- Gutenberg – Build custom blocks from scratch or using block generators
- Content – Working with custom post types, taxonomies and custom fields
- Users – User metadata, roles, and capabilities
- Chron – Schedule and automate repetitive tasks
- Rest API – Push the limits of WordPress as a CMS and use it as a backend
- Debugging – How to efficiently debug and catch errors
- and more…
WordPress Plugin Development Cookbook
- Author: Yannick Lefebvre
- For: New-ish Developers
This is one of my absolute favorites and has been an incredible resource as I continue to improve my skills as a WordPress developer.
The best part about this book is you learn by doing. It’s not theoretical. You’ll create real, working plugins from scratch (complete with code examples).
And though the topics covered eventually get quite complex, Yannick never makes it feel overwhelming. You add features progressively, learning one bite-sized concept at a time. It’s the perfect level of challenge that keeps you interested without ever feeling stuck or lost.
- Development Environment – How to configure a pro-level WordPress dev environment for free on your own computer
- Core WordPress Functions – Learn about hooks, filters and shortcodes
- Admin Pages – Build administration pages for you plugin
- Options – How to save, retrieve and modify options from the database
- Custom Post Types – How to create and use custom post types
- Custom Fields
- Block Editor – Extend the block editor and create custom blocks
- Widgets – How to use the Widgets API and create your own
- Leveraging Javascript – How to use JS, AJAX and JQuery in your plugins
- External Data – How to fetch, cache, and schedule 3rd-party data sources
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2 thoughts on “Best WordPress Books from Beginner to Expert”
Awesome blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere? A theme like yours with a few simple adjustements would really make my blog jump out. Please let me know where you got your design. Bless you
It’s just a customized version of GeneratePress
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12 Best WordPress Review Plugins for Any Use Case
Searching for the best WordPress review plugins to start working with reviews on your site?
When it comes to review plugins, there are different approaches you might want to take.
If you’re creating a website for your local business, you might want a way to embed real reviews from sites such as Google, Yelp, or TripAdvisor to create a more authentic, trust-boosting experience for visitors.
On the other hand, if you’re writing product reviews to earn an affiliate commission, you might want a plugin to help you create review summary boxes, complete with the structured data needed to get those eye-catching Rich Results in Google.
In this post, you’ll find the best WordPress review plugins for those use cases and more, neatly divided into categories to help you find the perfect plugin for your specific situation.
In this article:
1. Widgets for Google Reviews
2. plugin for google reviews, 3. social reviews & recommendations, 4. wp business reviews, 5. customer reviews for woocommerce, 6. site reviews, 7. wp customer reviews, 8. photo reviews for woocommerce.
- 10. Ultimate Blocks (Review Block)
11. Starfish Reviews
12. customer reviews collector for woocommerce, different types of wordpress review plugins.
When it comes to WordPress review plugins, there are four broad categories of functionality:
- Embed external reviews – you can find plugins to help you embed reviews from external platforms such as Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Facebook, and so on. These are helpful if you have a business and you want to embed authentic reviews to build trust with your visitors.
- Collect user reviews – you can find plugins to help you collect reviews from your customers on your own site. These can be especially helpful for WooCommerce stores looking to attract more product reviews, but they can also be great for service providers and local businesses.
- Write affiliate reviews (review summary boxes) – you can find plugins to help you create review summary boxes for product reviews that you write (e.g. for affiliate marketing). These can help you increase the conversion rate of your product reviews and also add structured data/schema markup to your reviews.
- Encourage external reviews – you can find plugins to help you encourage your visitors to leave reviews on external platforms such as Yelp, Trustpilot, and others. This can help you increase your business’s visibility on those platforms and reach more customers beyond your own website.
To help you get more value from this post, the review plugins are divided into those four categories. You can click the links above to jump straight to the relevant plugins or keep reading the complete post to see all of your options.
Plugins to Embed External Reviews (Google, Yelp, Facebook, etc.)
In this first category of WordPress review plugins, you’ll find plugins that help you embed reviews from third-party platforms such as Google, Yelp, Facebook, and so on.
Embedding these reviews directly from the third-party platform adds authenticity and trustworthiness because your visitors can see that they’re legitimate reviews.
As the name suggests, Widgets for Google Reviews is specifically focused on helping you embed Google Reviews in your site.
However, the same developer also offers plugins for most other platforms including Facebook, TripAdvisor, Yelp, Airbnb, and many others. Here are some of the most popular options (but this is not the complete list):
- Yelp reviews
- TripAdvisor reviews
- Facebook reviews
- reviews
- Airbnb reviews
The plugin offers one of the simplest setup processes because it relies on using the freemium TrustIndex service to fetch your reviews instead of forcing you to set up your own connections. However, this means that your reviews will load from the TrustIndex server rather than your WordPress site’s server.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing – it’s just a notable difference between this plugin and other WordPress review plugins.
Beyond its simple setup process, the plugin also gives you lots of options for controlling the style and content of your embedded reviews.
To see how it works in more detail, you can check out our full guide on how to embed Google Reviews in WordPress using this plugin, as well as two other free options ( including the next option on this list ).
Plugin for Google Reviews is another popular option that helps you embed real Google reviews on your site.
Unlike the previous plugin, it keeps everything on your server. But the “downside” of that approach is that you’ll need to create your own Google Places API key to use it. It’s not that complicated, but it does involve clicking a lot of buttons.
Once you create your API key, you can import reviews for any Google listing, along with controlling the styling and adding filters (e.g. only importing reviews of a certain rating).
While this specific plugin is focused on Google Reviews, the same developer also offers similar plugins to embed Facebook and Yelp reviews .
There are basic free versions for all the review platforms and then you can also purchase a bundle to unlock the premium features for all review platforms.
You can see a full tutorial for this plugin in our guide on how to embed Google Reviews .
Social Reviews & Recommendations is a free WordPress review plugin that helps you embed real Facebook reviews and ratings on your site.
You can choose from different layouts such as multi-column grids or sliders. You can also cache the reviews locally to improve performance and eliminate the need to query Facebook’s servers on every page load.
If you want more features, there’s a premium version that adds more display themes, structured data/schema markup for Google rich snippets, and more.
The premium version also lets you embed reviews from other platforms (e.g. Google or Yelp) in the same widget. For example, you could mix and match reviews from both Facebook and Google.
WP Business Reviews is a premium WordPress review plugin that helps you embed real reviews from multiple popular platforms including Google, Yelp, Facebook, and Zomato.
You can embed reviews from different sources separately or mix and match multiple platforms inside the same review display widget. In the screenshot above, you can see reviews from Facebook, Google, Yelp, and Zomato, all mixed into the same widget.
You can fully customize the style and layout of your review widget using a visual interface. You can also manage your reviews from a dedicated dashboard and tag and filter them as needed.
Unlike the previous plugins, there’s no free version of WP Business Reviews. The paid plans start at $49.50 for use on a single site and access to all features.
Plugins to Collect User Reviews On Your Website
While embedding reviews from external platforms can be useful, you also might have situations where you want to collect and display reviews directly on your WordPress site.
This use case is especially common for WooCommerce stores, but you can also use it if you’re selling products or services via other methods.
All of the plugins in this section help you collect on-site reviews from your site’s visitors. Some of them are specifically built for WooCommerce, while others are standalone tools.
As the name suggests, Customer Reviews for WooCommerce is specifically focused on helping you collect more and better reviews for your WooCommerce store.
You can roughly divide its features into two categories:
- Review collection – features to help you collect more reviews.
- Review enhancements – features to help make your reviews more useful to other readers.
To help you collect more reviews from your customers, the plugin offers the following features:
- Send manual or automated review reminder emails.
- Offer coupons/discounts in exchange for leaving a review.
- Aggregated review forms make it easy for shoppers to review multiple products from one interface (instead of needing to use a separate form for each product).
To help you make your store’s reviews more useful to other shoppers, you get the following features:
- Attach images to reviews.
- Filter reviews by rating.
- Vote on reviews’ helpfulness (and filter by it).
- Add a Q&A section where people can ask and answer questions about the product (like Amazon).
All of the reviews that it helps you collect include structured data to help your products get rich snippets in Google’s results
The plugin has a free version that should work for most stores. If you want more features and premium support, you can purchase the Pro version for $49.99 per year.
Unlike the previous plugin, Site Reviews is a standalone review collection tool that you can use to collect and display reviews for any type of content on your site.
This could be reviews of products you sell, services you offer, users on your site ( useful for service provider directories ), or even just content that you publish. There’s also a free extension that specifically integrates the plugin with WooCommerce, so you can use it for eCommerce reviews, too.
To make this happen, you can assign reviews to various types of content on your site:
- Posts, pages, or any custom post type (products, events, recipes, etc.).
- Categories or tags.
- WordPress users.
You can collect reviews using frontend forms and then display those reviews using blocks or shortcodes. You can also manage reviews from their own dedicated area in your WP Admin.
To help you get rich snippets in Google, the plugin adds proper JSON-LD schema markup to all the reviews that you collect.
The core Site Reviews plugin is free, as is the WooCommerce integration extension. If you want more features, there are a number of premium add-ons that you can purchase individually or as a bundle for €89.
WP Customer Reviews lets you set up a dedicated page on your site to collect reviews from your customers.
Visitors can leave reviews using a simple form, including a title, paragraph text, and star rating. You can also add your own custom fields if you want to collect additional information as part of the review.
You can then display those reviews on your site using shortcodes. In addition to displaying the ratings and reviews, the plugin also adds the proper schema markup so that you can get rich snippets in Google.
In terms of schema markup, it supports both the Business and Product review types, which means you can display reviews for your business as a whole or for individual products/services that you sell.
You also have the option to respond to reviews, including adding those responses to the frontend review display.
Photo Reviews for WooCommerce is another WordPress review plugin that specifically focuses on helping WooCommerce stores collect more and better product reviews.
As the name suggests, one of the key features is that it lets customers attach their own product pictures to the reviews. You can either give them the option to attach pictures or require them to attach pictures – it’s up to you.
However, it also goes a lot further than that and includes other features to help you improve your WooCommerce review system:
- Send reminder emails to customers asking them to review their purchased products.
- Add frontend review filters such as only showing reviews with pictures, only showing verified purchase reviews, and more.
- Send customers a thank you coupon code via email after they leave a review.
There’s a free version that should work for a lot of stores. If you want more features, you can also upgrade to the premium version for $32, which includes lifetime updates.
Plugins to Post Your Own Product Reviews for Affiliate Marketing
If you’re writing your own product reviews (e.g. for affiliate marketing purposes ), you might want a WordPress review plugin to help you add useful content to your reviews.
These plugins typically help you add review summary boxes, along with structured data/schema markup to help your reviews get those eye-catching rich snippets in Google.
Taqyeem is a premium, but affordable, WordPress review plugin that helps you create stylish review boxes for your product reviews.
Inside the review box, you can share review ratings for various criteria as well as an overall review rating for the product. These review criteria are completely customizable, so you can easily adapt them to any type of product.
You can also fully customize the style of the review box, including the colors and using different review styles (e.g. star ratings vs points).
Beyond that, you also have the option to allow your visitors to share their own comments and ratings. So you could display your own rating alongside user ratings, which can be very persuasive for readers.
Finally, Taqyeem adds the proper schema markup so that you can get the review rich snippets in Google.
Taqyeem costs $29, which includes lifetime updates for a single site.
10. Ultimate Blocks (Review Block )
Ultimate Blocks is a collection of 20+ editor blocks that you can use in the WordPress editor, including a dedicated Review block.
With the Review block, you can create a customizable review summary box right from the editor. You can rate the product based on different criteria and also share an overall rating and summary, along with a call to action to buy the product.
You can also customize the box with different rating styles (e.g. stars or points) and colors.
Most importantly, the Review block includes proper schema markup to help you get the review rich snippets in Google.
If you don’t want to use the other editor blocks in Ultimate Blocks, you can disable them so that only the Review block appears in the editor.
Ultimate Blocks is totally free.
Plugins to Encourage Visitors to Leave Reviews on External Platforms
Finally, this last section showcases plugins that help you encourage your website’s visitors to leave reviews on external platforms (rather than your own website).
This can be helpful for boosting your visibility on those platforms, which is important because a lot of visitors in the “research phase” will go straight to third-party platforms instead of your own website.
Typically, you’ll want to nudge people to leave a review when you’re confident that they’ve had enough time to engage with your product/service and have a good experience.
Starfish Reviews is a freemium plugin that’s specifically built to help you run review generation campaigns and funnels.
The basic idea is that you can ask users how they feel about your product/service on your own site:
- If the user responds positively, you can show a prompt asking them to leave a review on your preferred platform (e.g. Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp, etc.).
- If the user responds negatively, you can ask them to provide feedback on how you could improve. This can give them a chance to vent to you without leaving a negative public review. It also provides you with valuable feedback that you can use to address those problems and improve your offering.
The free version of the plugin already lets you run basic review generation campaigns.
If you want more functionality, you can upgrade to the premium version to access additional features including the following:
- Show multiple review destinations and let users choose their preferred platforms.
- Create multiple review generation funnels for different campaigns/locations.
- Customize the content of all the text prompts.
- View analytics to see overall ratings and review destinations.
If you want the premium features, paid plans start at $47 per month , so it’s more expensive than your average WordPress plugin. Still, the free version should work fine for most businesses.
As the name suggests, Customer Reviews Collector for WooCommerce helps you collect reviews for your WooCommerce store.
However, unlike the Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin in the previous section, the key differentiator with this plugin is that it helps you collect reviews on external platforms rather than on your WooCommerce store itself.
You can send the review requests via email and invite them to review on 100+ different platforms, including all the big names such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, Trustpilot, and so on.
If you’re worried about collecting negative reviews, the plugin also offers an “intelligent invitation system” in the premium version.
Before directing them to the external system, the plugin will ask for a review. If a customer rates 1-3 stars, it will direct them to your customer support to resolve the problem. But if a customer rates 4-5 stars, it will send them to the third-party platform to share their happy thoughts with the world.
The core plugin is free. However, if you want the “intelligent invitation system”, you’ll need to upgrade to the $9.99 per month plan.
Try These WordPress Review Plugins Today
Whether you’re promoting your own business or promoting other businesses’ products , reviews are a great way to build trust with your audience.
With the various review plugins in this post, you can work with reviews in a ton of different ways.
You might just use a single plugin for your use case. Or, you might combine multiple plugins, such as using a plugin to encourage reviews on third-party platforms and then embedding those third-party reviews on your site to boost authenticity.
If you’ve built your site with and you’re already using a plugin-enabled plan, you can install any of these plugins right now to get started.
If you haven’t upgraded yet, upgrade your plan today to be able to install all of these plugins, as well as all of the other useful WordPress plugins out there .
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Premium Plugins to Level Up Your Business
You can schedule appointments, create subscription products, automate your marketing efforts, and much more.
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About the author, colin newcomer.
Colin Newcomer is an expert WordPress writer who has been using the platform for over a decade. He's on a mission to test every single plugin at
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14 Best WordPress Booking Plugins [Paid + Free]
Updated on September 10, 2024
These days, people generally avoid making phone calls or booking appointments in person. Whether they’re reserving a table at a restaurant or scheduling a doctor’s appointment – it’s all done online .
If your WordPress website features text that reads “ Call us to book an appointment ”, it’s time to automate your appointment booking process.
You can do this by using WordPress booking plugins that allow customers to schedule their reservations with just a few clicks.
And to help you make the right plugin selection based on reviews, number of downloads, and pricing, this blog has listed 15 of the best WordPress booking plugins to make your appointment booking process a lot easier.
Let’s get started.
What Are WordPress Booking Plugins? (An Overview)
Why should you use wordpress bookings plugins, list of top 14 wordpress booking plugins, how to automatically update your wordpress plugins/themes with safeupdates, how to choose a wordpress booking plugin.
WordPress booking plugins, like all other plugins, eliminate the manual labor by automating your tasks & giving you quick 1-click solutions.
To understand better, let’s consider the example of our very own product, i.e., Cloudways, to understand a site’s use case with booking functionality. We often host interactive webinars like Prepathon with limited seats.
With our site’s booking functionality, we automate bookings efficiently, which helps us avoid ANY mismanagement that could let people down.
WordPress booking plugins can help your business achieve the same , regardless of the service you offer. They let people book their own appointments at their convenience directly from your site.
It’s an easy & automated way to handle scheduling without stressing over appointment management.
Managing appointments can be tricky and troublesome. Plus, doing anything manually welcomes a stream of errors and/or mismanagement, leading to chaos. And you don’t want that.
A WordPress booking plugin helps eliminate all these issues, saving you time, money, and energy.
Here’s how these plugins can make your life easier:
- Easier Scheduling : Juggling multiple appointments can be a nightmare. Booking plugins help you avoid double bookings or last-minute scrambles to fix mistakes .
- 24/7 Booking : People don’t always stick to a 9-to-5 schedule, and your booking system shouldn’t have to either. Take the example of Fury Room , a business where you can relieve stress by breaking things. Their booking site allows customers to schedule appointments anytime, even outside normal hours, making it convenient for everyone.
- Fewer No-Shows : Missing appointments can be frustrating. Automated reminders can help reduce these. For example, our last year’s Cloudways Prepathon event saw a drop in no-shows since we assigned slots efficiently and sent timely reminders to those who signed up.
- One Dashboard For Managing Bookings : It is simpler to manage everything from one place. Upside Aerial Arts & Fitness’s site is a prime example of this. Their booking system integrates class schedules and allows visitors to book and sync events with Google Calendar directly .
- Better Client Experience : An easier booking process leads to higher client happiness rates. We saw this with our webinar attendees, who appreciated the simple sign-up process. Making things easier for them usually means they’ll come back for more.
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With Cloudways’ optimized LAMP + NGINX hybrid stack, enjoy fast performance even with heavy plugin integrations. Improve your site’s speed and Core Web Vitals today.
Now that you’ve learned about the functionality and importance of WordPress booking plugins, you’re likely looking to choose the ideal plugin for your site.
So, the right plugin selection depends upon your specific needs; however, I’ve listed down the 14 best plugins in terms of features, pricing, rating & reviews, and their number of downloads. Pick the one that suits you best.
1. BirchPress Scheduler
BirchPress Scheduler is a WordPress plugin to manage appointment bookings and payments. It allows you to integrate PayPal and credit card payments and also supports WooCommerce for additional payment methods.
The plugin provides tools to schedule and manage appointments directly from your WordPress dashboard. You can block out dates when you’re unavailable and sync your calendar with Outlook, Google Calendar, Android, and iPhone.
Key Features:
- Embed a booking calendar with shortcodes on your site
- Synchronize appointments with various calendar services
- Automatically send email notifications for bookings and changes
- Customize appointment forms as needed
- Offers advanced options for developers
- Personal: $99 for 1 site
- Business: $199 for 1 site
- Business+: $249 for 1 site
Rating & Reviews:
BirchPress has a rating of 4.0 out of 5 stars based on 894 reviews .
2. WooCommerce Bookings
WooCommerce Bookings lets you manage and schedule bookings directly on your WordPress site. It is ideal for businesses offering free appointments or paid sessions .
It also seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, letting you manage your store and bookings all in one place.
The best thing about this plugin is how it simplifies the booking process . It lets you set up fixed time slots, manage availability, and even offer discounts for early reservations.
- Manage and update bookings with a filterable dashboard
- Limit the number of appointments and set up discounts for early reservations
- Control when bookings are available and approve or reject them as needed
- Integrate seamlessly with WooCommerce
- Set up fixed time slots for customer bookings
- Use with other WooCommerce extensions, like Product Add-Ons, to enhance booking forms
- Personal: $4 per month, $48 billed annually
- Premium: $8 per month, $96 billed annually
- Business: $25 per month, $300 billed annually
- Commerce: $45 per month, $540 billed annually
- Enterprise: Starting at $25,000/year
WooCommerce Bookings has a 3 out of 5-star rating based on 45 reviews .
3. WooCommerce Appointments
WooCommerce Appointments is a premium booking plugin for WordPress that integrates with both WooCommerce and Google Calendar . It’s great for managing appointments and accepting payments directly from your site.
I personally like how it streamlines scheduling and easily syncs with your calendar. Plus, you have the option to offer both free and paid appointments.
- Automatically sends email reminders and notifications to customers
- Syncs with Google Calendar for easy two-way updates
- Integrates smoothly with WooCommerce
- Lets you set up flexible scheduling options
- Allows you to control capacity, pricing, and availability with customizable rules.
- $89.00 for a single site
- $129.00 for up to 5 sites
- $299.00 for up to 25 sites
We couldn’t find ratings or reviews for this plugin on any popular review sites.
Bookly is a WordPress booking plugin with a modern design that offers both free and premium versions. The free version allows basic appointment bookings, while the premium version adds features like unlimited schedules and online payments .
I like that this plugin allows users without coding experience to customize many aspects of the reservation process.
- Online booking with easy-to-use forms
- Customizable booking form appearance without coding
- Support for unlimited booking forms.
- Intuitive admin interface with calendar views
- Manage customer bookings with filtering and sorting options
- Customizable SMS and email notifications
- Multi-language support via WPML
- Automated SMS marketing campaigns
- Integration with Elementor and Gutenberg
- Free version available
- Bookly PRO: $89.00
Bookly is rated 4.5/5.0 stars based on 1148 user reviews .
5. Team Booking
Team Booking offers a variety of features at an affordable price. It integrates seamlessly with PayPal and Stripe for payment processing, letting you handle transactions directly on your site.
The plugin provides three formats to manage bookings: a standard frontend calendar , a Google Calendar-synced calendar for upcoming events , and a form for unscheduled services like support tickets.
Also, its modern, customizable forms make it easy to collect customer details.
- Integration with Google Maps
- Payment processing through PayPal or Stripe
- Modern, user-friendly booking forms with customizable fields
- Various formats for bookings: appointments, events, or unscheduled services
- Affordable pricing for a premium solution
- Separate schedules for multiple service providers
- Regular License: $39
Team Booking is rated 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 301 reviews.
6. MotoPress Hotel Booking
MotoPress Hotel Booking is different from other plugins featured on our list as it’s specifically designed for accommodation booking businesses .
The plugin helps manage rental properties through WordPress. Also, it supports listing unlimited accommodations, accepting direct online reservations, and synchronizing bookings with various platforms.
Not just that, this booking plugin also suits different hospitality businesses, including hotels, vacation rentals, and hostels.
- Syncs with iCal and other third-party booking platforms
- Sends email notifications for booking confirmations and cancellations to both admins and customers
- Allows booking of unlimited accommodations in one session
- Supports integration with additional payment gateways via the WooCommerce Payments add-on
- Categorizes accommodations by factors like price and location
- Provides options for creating discount coupons
- Single Site: $139.00
- Unlimited Sites: $249.00
MotoPress Hotel Booking is rated 4.5/5.0 stars based on 57 reviews.
7. Simply Schedule Appointments
Simply Schedule Appointments offers a modern and intuitive booking solution for WordPress. It’s free but also offers three premium plans , each providing additional features and integrations.
This booking plugin allows you to manage unlimited appointments and customize your booking forms . You can sync with Google Calendar, integrate with Mailchimp, and also handle group events and classes.
It also works with popular page builders like Divi , Beaver Builder , and Elementor , so you can easily drag and drop and style the booking forms to fit your site.
- Manage unlimited appointments
- Customize booking forms to match your site’s design
- Integrate with Google Calendar and Mailchimp
- Create group events and classes
- Drag-and-drop booking forms using page builders
Currently, the plugin offers three discounted premium plans:
- Plus Edition at $79.2 (first year)
- Professional Edition at $159.2 (first year)
- Business Edition at $319.2 (first year)
Simply Schedule Appointments is rated 5 out of 5 stars based on 137 reviews .
Booking Plugins Can Slow Your Site—Fix It With Cloudflare!
With Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise addon, speed up your WordPress site, improve database load times, and provide a seamless booking experience while boosting Core Web Vitals.
8. Bookings for WooCommerce
Bookings for WooCommerce lets you manage and accept appointments directly on your WordPress site with the added benefit of WooCommerce integration.
This booking plugin allows you to handle bookings and payments efficiently and also sell additional items alongside your bookable services.
You can configure various bookable products, such as venue rentals or vacation stays, with daily, nightly, or weekly booking options. The integration with WooCommerce also allows you to leverage its payment gateways and other features.
- Schedule bookings to start on specific days
- Offers customizable buffer periods between bookings
- Integrates with WooCommerce
- Works with third-party plugins
- Provides a user-friendly interface that’s also beginner-friendly
- Lets customers choose from daily, nightly, or weekly booking options
- Pro: $99.00
- Basic: $59.00
Bookings for WooCommerce is rated 4.3 out of 5 stars based on 19 reviews .
9. Booking Calendar by wpdevelop
Booking Calendar offers a comprehensive solution for managing appointments and reservations on WordPress sites.
It provides a user-friendly interface for displaying availability , receiving bookings , and handling various appointment types , from full-day bookings to time slots and events.
This booking plugin also includes a clean admin panel that makes managing reservations easier and more efficient.
- Syncs reservation details with Google Calendar
- Integrates with third-party sites like TripAdvisor,, and Airbnb
- Includes sidebar widgets for convenient placement on your website
- Provides flexibility in managing and displaying your availability
- Allows you to block out specific dates and times
The plugin is completely free to use and has no premium plans.
Booking Calendar is rated 4.7 out of 5 stars based on 579 reviews .
Next up is Amelia . With Amelia, you can streamline scheduling for various locations , staff members , and services – all from a single platform.
What I particularly like about Amelia is its ability to handle complex booking needs .
It lets you easily set up custom service durations and pricing options, manage resources, and handle recurring appointments. Plus, its mobile-friendly design offers a smooth experience for administrators and clients across devices.
- Manage various locations, staff, and services from a single platform
- Set up custom service durations and pricing options
- Supports mobile-friendly booking processes
- Handles recurring appointments and efficient resource management
- Integrates with tools like Zoom and Google Calendar
- Free version available.
- Paid plans range from $49 to $299.
Amelia is rated 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 583 reviews .
11. Booking Calendar – Appointment Booking System
Booking Calendar offers both free and paid versions, providing a flexible system for managing appointments and reservations on your WordPress site.
This booking plugin allows you to set up and customize booking forms for various needs, from hourly to full-day bookings . It also provides an easy-to-navigate admin panel for efficient reservation management.
The plugin supports a range of customization options, making it adaptable to different types of businesses. Its free version includes essential features, while the paid plans offer advanced capabilities such as payment integration and ReCaptcha for better security.
- Customize forms to match your site’s design and booking requirements
- Supports both hourly and full-day bookings
- Simplifies reservations and availability management
- Offers a comprehensive overview of bookings and open dates
- Personal – $60
- Business – $90
- Developer – $120
Booking Calendar is rated 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 115 reviews .
12. Appointment Booking Calendar
Appointment Booking Calendar is ideal for scheduling appointments, events, or consultations with its time-slot booking system and PayPal integration for easy payment management.
The plugin’s free version covers basic booking needs, while the paid versions offer advanced customization and additional features.
I like how this plugin directly integrates payment options into the booking form, making it a great choice for businesses needing a simple solution.
- Manage bookings with predefined time slots
- Integrate with PayPal for payment processing
- Set capacity limits for each time slot
- Send confirmation and notification emails
- Export data to iCal formats like Google Calendar and Outlook
- Includes captcha validation to prevent spam
- Offers multi-page calendar views and support for multiple time-slot selections.
- Free: Basic features and PayPal integration.
- Professional – €49.99
- Developer – €99.99
- Platinum – €149.99
Appointment Booking Calendar is rated 4.2 out of 5 stars based on 90 reviews .
13. Easy Appointments
Easy Appointments is a free plugin that simplifies appointment scheduling for a range of needs, whether you’re managing multiple locations , services , or staff . It allows you to customize booking forms and time slots to suit your business requirements.
This WordPress booking plugin is easy to set up and customize , from adding custom form fields to creating detailed timetables. It also supports multiple languages and offers a simple approach to managing appointments and notifications.
- Manage multiple locations, services, and staff members
- Customizable calendars and time slots
- Flexible form fields and scheduling options
- Email notifications for different appointment stages
- Responsive design with various layout options
- Integration with Google reCAPTCHA to reduce spam
- Support for multiple languages and custom translations
- Export data to CSV for easy reporting
The plugin is available for free and provides all essential booking features.
Easy Appointments is rated 4.4 out of 5 stars based on 126 reviews .
14. Bookit – Online Appointments Calendar and Booking System for WordPress website
Bookit simplifies managing and scheduling appointments on your WordPress site. The best part? It’s free .
Designed to be user-friendly and adaptable, this booking plugin offers a range of features right out of the box.
What stands out about Bookit is its ease of use and flexibility . The plugin supports online scheduling, payments through Stripe, and multiple calendar views. It also integrates smoothly with Elementor and WPBakery, making it versatile for different site setups.
- Online scheduling is available 24/7
- Accepts payments via Stripe
- Three calendar views: daily, weekly, and monthly
- Allows customers to book and check availability on any device
- Sends notifications for upcoming appointments
- Customizable service and staff options, including prices and durations
- Responsive design for both front-end and back-end
- Simple integration with Elementor and WPBakery
- Printable confirmation for appointments
Free: Includes all essential features.
Bookit is rated 3.7 out of 5 stars with 8,000 active installations .
We know the importance of keeping our WordPress site’s core, plugins, and themes updated. Doing so helps you avoid many errors and compatibility issues, among others.
However, manually updating everything can be troublesome, especially if you have a big site. But thankfully, there’s a quick solution to that as well. And it’s called “SafeUpdates.”
Not everyone has the time to constantly keep a check on their site’s updates, and SafeUpdates solves exactly that + it lets you schedule updates, set automatic updates by time, and a lot more.
So, how do you get SafeUpdates? It’s available for all Cloudways users. Not a Cloudways user? Sign up today for FREE , as their 3-day free trial lets you experience the whole platform without even entering your credit card details. Crazy right? Try for yourself.
And then setting it up is also super easy. Here’s how:
- Log in to the Cloudways Platform.
- Go to the “ Servers ” tab.
- Select the server hosting your application.
- Select your application .
- Under “ Application Management ,” choose “ SafeUpdates .”
- Click “ Activate SafeUpdates .”
- That’s it. Now, you can configure SafeUpdates the way you want.
- On-Demand Updates : To manually update, go to the “ On-Demand ” tab, select what to update, and click “ Update .”
- Scheduled Updates : For automatic updates, go to the “ Schedule ” tab and turn on automatic updates . Set the preferred day and time (in UTC) for updates.
By setting up SafeUpdates, you automate your update routine, making it easier to keep your site secure and running smoothly so you can focus on other important tasks.
Update WordPress Plugins Seamlessly With SafeUpdates
Cloudways SafeUpdates addon automatically handles core updates, plugins, and themes, allowing you to leverage the latest version of each.
When choosing the best booking plugin for WordPress, here’s what you should look for:
Compatibility: Make sure the plugin works with your current WordPress setup. Simply checking its documentation and update history should tell you if it is worth installing on your site.
Check Reviews: Look at user reviews and ratings to get a sense of how others have found the plugin. If the reviews are bad, or it hasn’t been updated recently, avoid it.
Check Features: Take a look at the features the plugin offers. You can find them on or on the plugin’s official site. You’d want to pick one that offers good customization and integration options.
Look at Update History: Choose regularly updated plugins with good support. Support can be in the form of email ticketing or even live chat.
Test Plugin Performance: Test the plugin yourself to see how it is affecting your site. Plugins can impact a site’s performance, so it is often a good idea to check this before committing to paid versions.
Check Pricing: Many plugins, such as Bookly, offer free versions, but they often have limited features. Compare the costs of premium versions to see if they are actually worth buying.
Wrapping Up
If you want to be able to take online bookings on your WordPress site, you’ll need to either invest in booking plugins or build the functionality from scratch. For most small businesses, a plugin would do just fine by offering fully integrated features.
There are a lot of options available on the WordPress repository. Each paid and free plugin we’ve covered in this blog offers great features and good overall user reviews.
And for the automatic updates of all WordPress plugins on your site, you’ve SafeUpdates as a quick and easy solution. Not just plugins; it handles your site’s core and theme updates as well.
I hope this guide makes it easier to find the perfect plugin. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments.
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Abdul Rehman
Abdul is a tech-savvy, coffee-fueled, and creatively driven marketer who loves keeping up with the latest software updates and tech gadgets. He's also a skilled technical writer who can explain complex concepts simply for a broad audience. Abdul enjoys sharing his knowledge of the Cloud industry through user manuals, documentation, and blog posts.
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8 Best eBook Plugins for WordPress Sites in 2024
Looking for the best WordPress eBook Plugin? Whether you’ve started a blog or built a website, eBooks can be a great way to grow your business.
They bring awareness to your brand and help establish you as an authority on a topic. Added to that, you can grow your email list and reach more customers.
To do this you’ll need the right eBook plugin to sell ebooks from your WordPress site. In this guide, we’ll share the top WordPress eBook plugins.
Reasons to Use an eBook Plugin
Selling digital goods like eBooks is one of the smartest ways to monetize your website. You’ll save on inventory and shipping costs of selling physical products. Not to mention, there are a few more ways selling eBooks with WordPress plugins will benefit you:
- Easily Sell Your eBooks Online : eBook plugins make it easy to sell, watermark, encrypt and deliver content to your readers without knowing a single line of code. It takes the hassle out of creating and uploading eBooks so it’s easier to market and make a profit.
- Demonstrate Industry Expertise : Marketers, bloggers, and business owners can create professional eBooks to demonstrate their expertise and establish themselves in their field. This improves brand credibility and helps convert site visitors across the board.
- Reach More Customers : eBook plugins give you access to marketing features to promote your book to anyone worldwide. You’re able to reach a wider audience, which leads to increased sales, engagement, and visibility.
- Grow Your Subscriber List : If you want to offer an eBook as a lead magnet , these tools will help you build a bigger base of leads that you can engage with over email and potentially turn into customers later.
- Monetize Your Website : You can quickly monetize your WordPress site with eBook plugins. You can set a price for your eBook and collect payments online while meeting online security regulations and compliances.
Keep in mind that eBook plugins do more than just build your list. They give you access to marketing features to promote your book across the world. This leads to increased sales, engagement, and visibility.
If you do not have time to go through this entire list of eBook plugins, check out the comparison table for the top 3 options.
🥇 1st Choice
🥈2nd choice, 🥉3rd choice, optinmonster.
Pricing: Free plugin available. Basic plan starts from $49.50/ year.
Pricing: Starting from $8/ month.
Pricing: Free plugin available. Basic plan starts from $31.60/ year.
- Automated eBook delivery
- Customizable eBook forms
- Integrated payment gateways
Read More »
- Create effective eBook lead magnets
- Precise targeting for eBooks
- Engagement analytics for eBooks
- Create dedicated eBook pages
- Customizable eBook page templates
- WooCommerce integration
Now that we know the benefits of having an eBook plugin on your website let’s look at the top choices currently available for WordPress.
Best eBook Plugins for WordPress Sites
WPForms is the best form builder for WordPress. It lets you add downloadable files to your forms and integrate payment options so that customers can buy your eBook easily.
With WPForms, you can collect email addresses to grow your subscriber list as you sell eBooks . You can also sell any kind of digital good like tickets, video streams, printables, art, music, plugins, and more.
Choose from premade templates that make it incredibly simple to build an eBook form. The forms are fully customizable so you can match them to your WordPress theme and brand voice.
Here’s what the WPForms builder looks like:
Then you can set up automated emails with the eBook attached so your customer will get their order delivered to their inbox instantly.
WPForms lets you use conditional logic to send the eBook only if certain rules are met. This means you can use a single form to sell multiple eBook store items and offer free lead magnets.
Added to that, you can display the eBook form anywhere on your site posts, pages, and sidebars to maximize visibility. It’s super easy to embed the eBook form using readymade WPForms widgets and blocks.
The form builder also seamlessly integrates with payment gateways and email marketing services like Constant Contact .
Once set up, your eBook will sell on its own. You can manage your form entries and see built-in stats about your form submissions and ebook sales.
WPForms has an awesome support team and tons of documentation to help you add eBook forms to your site.
To learn more about this eBook plugin, see our complete WPForms Review . If you’re ready to get started, we have a helpful step-by-step tutorial for you: How to Sell eBooks in WordPress .
There’s a free version of WPForms available, however, if you want payment and email integrations, you need to sign up for a pro plan.
Get started with WPForms today.
2. OptinMonster
OptinMonster is hands down the best lead generation tool that will make marketing ebooks and building your email list a breeze. You can add the eBook as a lead magnet inside stunning campaigns like popups, slide-ins, floating bars, and more.
Added to that, there are tons of powerful targeting rules and campaign triggers. This means you can show your eBook offer at the right time and place where visitors are most likely to want it. So for instance, you can use the eBook as a lead magnet to get exiting customers to give you their email addresses before they leave:
You can create evergreen campaigns that run on their own or schedule them to appear at a certain date and time.
OptinMonster is packed with advanced features to optimize conversions. It lets you A/B test campaigns to find the one that gets your eBook the most number of conversions. And you get access to built-in analytics that show you exactly where engagement is the highest so you can find the best spots to promote your eBook.
To get visitors to buy the book, you can add a call to action button with a link to your eBook. OptinMonster integrates with all popular email service providers like Constant Contact and AWeber if you’d like to deliver the book in an email instead. You can segment your leads and deliver the eBook as soon as someone signs up.
Want to learn more about this plugin? Check out our review of OptinMonster or learn how to create your own eBook popup right away.
Get started with OptinMonster!
3. SeedProd
SeedProd is the best landing page builder for WordPress. It’s on this list because it makes creating custom landing page designs to sell your eBook so easy.
This will give you more space to discuss your eBook and market it to your customers.
Plus, you can direct leads from different sources like social media channels and PPC campaigns to a single page where they can pick up your eBook. You can even link to your Amazon product page or Kindle profile to drive traffic from your site to these platforms.
There are 100+ premade templates to choose from and a drag and drop page builder to customize the page.
SeedProd integrates with WooCommerce so you can add ‘Buy Now’ and ‘Add to Cart’ buttons and let customers checkout easily.
Added to that, you can add optin forms and seamlessly connect with your email service provider as well to improve lead generation.
Do you want your eBook website to rank in Google Search? SeedProd provides a fast search-engine-optimized code. You can fine-tune header tags easily for your SEO strategy. Another benefit is the SeedProd builder’s bloat-free code. When your site is free of junk code, your pages will load really fast. That helps improve your ranking and creates a good user experience for downloading digital products.
Interested in this eBook plugin? Learn more about it in our SeedProd Review . Or you could get started right away with our step by step tutorial: How to Create an Ebook Landing Page That Converts .
Get started with SeedProd.
4. Easy Digital Downloads
Easy Digital Downloads is a popular eCommerce solution for selling digital products from your WordPress site. You can sell eBooks, PDF formats, WordPress plugins, and more without needing to know a single line of code.
Easy Digital Downloads comes with payment flexibility so customers can purchase using PayPal, Stripe, Google Pay, or Apple Pay. Its unlimited downloads allow users to download their purchased files repeatedly but you have control to restrict download access as well.
The test mode feature lets you go through the checkout experience as a customer would. This plugin also allows you to customize the checkout form. In just a few minutes you can have it up and running.
It also integrates with other popular services and plugins like Mailchimp, Zapier, Dropbox, ConvertKit, AWeber , and more. You can deliver the ebook through email or your website so your readers have multiple options to download the ebooks you have to offer.
If you need more features, you can purchase individual extensions to get exactly what you need and add those elements to your site. Some of these extensions include recurring payments, software licensing, custom deliverables, and product reviews.
Get started with Easy Digital Downloads today.
5. Ebook Store
Ebook Store is a popular eBook plugin that comes with powerful features and flexibility. It stands out from other WordPress plugins when it comes to security.
The Ebook Store plugin offer multiple payment methods as it integrates with WooCommerce as well as Stripe and PayPal so it’s easy to sell your eBooks. The process to set up is simple and only takes a few minutes. Its clean interface is easy to navigate and you can customize it based on your theme.
This WordPress eBook plugin can handle large file sizes and allow users to preview PDF documents and eBook files with ease.
Like the other plugins in our list, Ebook store is easy to set up without computer programming skills. You’ll save money not having to hire a web developer .
It comes with watermarking and QR code options for every page of your PDF files to give you more control over your online content. You can also disable the cut, copy, edit options made by others if you don’t want your content edited.
Display a single eBook on a webpage or multiple eBooks for a product page. With the Pro version, you can encrypt your eBook content for added protection and security.
Get started with Ebook Store today.
6. Print My Blog
Print My Blog is a free eBook plugin that makes it easy to turn your blog content into eBooks that you can sell to users.
You can create professional-quality books to sell on your WordPress site using Print My Blog. Another option is to put your blog posts all on one page and print them from your browser to make a flipbook.
In fact, you can print thousands of posts in a few clicks, let site visitors print individual posts, and create high-quality eBooks and documents.
This plugin optimizes your content for distribution by avoiding page breaks in images, removing site logos and sidebars, letting you use other plugins in your printed content, and more.
It also adapts to your existing theme’s elements so it doesn’t mess with your site design. You also get eBook customization options that include CSS, Javascript, or HTML.
You can print your blog posts in different formats, print your blog to read offline, create paper backups or PDF ebooks, and copy your entire blog into another program like Google Docs or Microsoft Word.
Some examples of documents you can create include whitepapers, lead magnets, product brochures, event brochures, user manuals, restaurant menus, and much more.
Get started with Print My Blog today.
7. Templatic Ebook
Templatic Ebook is one of the best plugins to turn your content into eBooks that you can sell both digitally and physically thanks to its integration with WooCommerce .
Templatic Ebook has a simple design and straightforward setup making it a great choice for beginners. It’s 100% responsive and looks great on multiple devices including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
Want to give readers a taste of your content to entice them to purchase? Add a PDF download section so they can get a snippet and decide if your eBook is right for them.
This tool also comes with customization options so you can design your eBook however you like. Use custom widgets to swap or include new elements using a drag-and-drop builder. The Templatic Ebook plugin comes with automatic updates, a wide selection of shortcodes, mega menu support, and more.
Get started with Templatic Ebook today.
8. Bookomatic
Bookomatic is an automatic post generator plugin for WordPress that turns your blog content into eBooks. It uses content from Google to automatically create blog posts or eBooks for your site.
Bookomatic uses artificial intelligence to create content for your blog, which keeps it updated and relevant with the latest sources. Its built-in text synonymizer randomizes the articles so that no one will know the source of your content.
You can also translate your content into any language to appeal to users from all over the world and expand your target audience. This plugin makes it easy to publish ongoing, targeted content that appeals to your readers and builds a stronger relationship with potential customers.
If you have any content that is instructional or a recipe with a step-by-step, Bookomatic is a great choice.
For those on the fence about it, the plugin also allows you to test it out before installing it. This is called the Test Site Generator . Keep in mind, any content you’ve created using Bookomatic’s AI will be deleted after 24 hours.
You can choose the language you’d like your blogs published in as well, expanding your content to a global audience. That will help to increase the downloads your eBook gets on your WordPress site.
Get started with Bookomatic today.
And there you have it! These are the best eBook plugins you can use for your WordPress website. We have a few more plugins that you may want to check out to optimize your eBook sales.
BONUS: Plugins to Boost Sales Thrive Leads
Thrive Leads empowers you to create a custom lead form using a drag-and-drop builder. Of course, there is also a library of opt-in form templates pre-made for you too. Thrive Leads connects with email marketing services and CRMS to build your email list. You can use Thrive Leads to sell your eBooks with popups, sticky ribbons, in-line forms, and more. What’s more, is that you’ll be able to turbocharge your eBook sales with advanced targeting features. Interested in Thrive? Thrive has a whole suite of powerful tools that include Thrive Architect, Thrive Quiz Builder, Thrive Optimize, Thrive Comments, and more. Get started with Thrive Leads today
TrustPulse showcases the activity of users on your site such as their recent purchases, signups, or downloads. This activity appears in non-intrusive popups on your site so it doesn’t disturb the user’s experience. At the same time, new visitors can see what others are doing on your site such as buying/downloading the eBook.
Every popup that’s displayed is clickable, so you can link it to your eBook landing page. That way, users that show interest in your eBook are automatically taken to the eBook page where they can download it right away. Get started with TrustPulse today
Constant Contact
Constant Contact is one of the top email marketing service providers in the world. You can send mass emails to your audience and run email marketing campaigns using this tool. Constant Contact is simple to set up for beginners with free email template builders. You’ll want to take advantage of Constant Contact’s mobile-optimized templates. After someone opts into your email list you can send a single welcome email. Then an automated email series that nurtures leads and targets specific leads. Get started with Constant Contact today
Our Verdict: The Best WordPress eBook Plugins
While every plugin has something unique to offer, our top 3 picks are:
- WPForms : Set up a simple eBook purchase or download form and automate payments and delivery.
- OptinMonster : Use targeted campaigns to get more people to download your eBook.
- Easy Digital Downloads : A total solution to sell any kind of digital product online.
That’s it! We hope you’ve found this list helpful to choose the best WordPress eBook plugin for your site. While there is a lot to choose from, all have great features that will assist you in increasing your eBook downloads or sales.
Up next, you may also want to check out our resources to help you level up:
- 15 Conversion Rate Optimization Tools to Skyrocket Growth
- 9 Top FOMO Plugins to Skyrocket Conversions in WordPress
- How to Create a One Product Store in WordPress
These articles will give you the edge you need to boost sales and increase eBook downloads.
Comments Leave a Reply
is there any plugin available where user can only read eBook (not Download) after purchase.
Hi, What are the prices for : WPForms: Set up a simple eBook purchase or download form and automate payments and delivery.
OptinMonster: Use targeted campaigns to get more people to download your eBook.
Easy Digital Downloads: A total solution to sell any kind of digital product online.
Hey if you visit to the links attached to each of those plugins, you’ll easily find the pricing page. Each plugin has different pricing.
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- 6+ Best WordPress Plugins For Adding Code Snippets
September 12, 2024 Leave a Comment
Ever felt like you needed to add a little something extra to your website, but weren’t sure how?
Do you find yourself wanting to try out code snippets but it sounds scary?
Well, you’ve come to the right place. Many WordPress users might find the term “code snippet” a bit technical at first. But don’t worry! There plugins are here that make custom changes to your site much easier.
Whether you’re new to WordPress or have some experience, code snippet plugins can help you add custom features without much fuss.
In this article, I’ll show you some of the best and easiest-to-use code snippet plugins for WordPress. I chose each one based on how easy it is to use, what it can do, and how reliable it is.
By the end, you’ll know how these plugins can make your WordPress site better and which one might work best for you.
Let’s explore how code snippet plugins can help you improve your WordPress site while keeping it safe and working well.
The WP101 team understands how daunting it can be to use code on your site especially when you’re not familiar with it. So we created a complete course to teach you how to use a code snippets plugin.
We show you how to effortlessly insert different types of code snippets anywhere on your site without any coding knowledge at all. You’ll also learn how to easily create custom code snippets, track e-commerce conversions, use smart conditional logic and add snippets to your private cloud library so they can be used on multiple sites.
Learn How To Add Code Snippets to Your Site »
The course will take you under an hour to complete and by the end, you’ll be equipped to add powerful features to your website that go beyond what pre-built themes and plugins offer.
Should You Use a Code Snippet Plugin?
Think about times when you need to add a tracking code, change your footer, or add a unique style to your site. Usually, you’d have to edit theme files directly, which can be scary for many users. Code snippet plugins offer an easier way to make these changes safely through a simple interface.
One great thing about these plugins is how flexible they are. They work well for all kinds of users, from beginners just starting to customize their sites to more experienced folks who want to work faster.
As you learn more, these tools grow with you, offering both simple and advanced options.
That said, here’s a quick rundown to help you decide whether you should use a code snippet plugin:
Use a code snippet plugin if you:
- Want to add custom features without editing theme files
- Need a safer way to experiment with code
- Frequently make small tweaks to your site
- Are learning WordPress development
Maybe skip it if you:
- Prefer coding directly in theme files
- Run a very simple site with no custom needs
Remember, while these plugins are user-friendly, they still involve code. Always back up your site before making changes, and start with small, simple tweaks as you learn.
Reviewing Code Snippets WordPress Plugins
These are the plugins I’ll cover with you today:
- Woody code snippets
- Code Snippets
- Header Footer Code Manager
- Insert PHP Code Snippet
- Simple Custom CSS and JS
We’ll start with one of the most popular and user-friendly choices: WPCode.
WPCode , formerly known as Insert Headers and Footers, is a powerful yet easy-to-use code snippet plugin that’s perfect for beginners and intermediate users alike.
What I love is its extensive library of 100+ pre-made snippets. Basically, this lets you add code to your site without actually coding it.
The main benefit of this is that you can add features that might otherwise require separate plugins, streamlining your site’s performance.
Now here’s what I think is the best feature – WPCode lets you add custom code to your website that works just like it’s part of your theme. This is great because it keeps your changes safe. Even if you update your WordPress theme or pick a new one, the cool features you added won’t disappear. Your custom code sticks around, so you don’t have to worry about losing it when you make changes to your site’s look.
It also comes with smart conditional logic. This lets you create rules to make your custom code work only when certain things are true. For example, you can make code run just for people who are logged in, or only on specific types of pages. You can even set it to work on just one page by checking its web address. This way, your code only activates when it’s really needed, which helps your website run better.
The plugin’s interface is designed to be approachable, even if you’re new to coding. You can add functionality to your site with just a few clicks. Whether you’re looking to add Google Analytics, customize your header, or implement complex PHP functions, WPCode has you covered.
Unlike many other snippet plugins, WPCode actively works to prevent errors. If a snippet causes issues, it’s automatically deactivated, saving you from potential site crashes. With WPCode, it’s not just about adding code; it’s about doing so safely and efficiently.
- As your skills improve, WPCode grows with you, offering advanced features for more complex customizations.
Key Features:
- Easy to use for all skill levels
- Extensive snippet library
- Auto-insertion locations
- Smart conditional logic
- Error prevention
- Safe mode to troubleshoot issues
Want to learn how to use this plugin with step-by-step video tutorials? Check out the WPCode Course »
Get started with WPCode »
2. Woody code snippets
Woody code snippets is a user-friendly plugin with a clean, intuitive interface. It makes it easy to manage and use code snippets and repeated content on your website.
This plugin lets you store snippets in a special library you can access from the admin bar. This means you don’t have to keep adding the same code over and over again.
The best thing about Woody Ad Snippet is how flexible it is. You can add snippets anywhere on your site using shortcodes or set them to show up automatically. This is great for things like ads, external services, or content you use a lot.
One cool feature is the conditional logic. This lets you control when and where your snippets appear, which is useful for targeting ads or content to specific users or pages.
Woody Ad Snippet works for lots of different things. You can use it to add AdSense or Amazon ads, put in tracking codes like Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel, or even run custom PHP code.
You can also use it with other plugins’ shortcodes, so you can do things like add subscription forms to multiple pages easily.
- Snippet library in the admin bar
- Can use shortcodes or automatic insertion
- Conditional logic to control where snippets show up
- Works with different types of code (ads, tracking, PHP, etc.)
- Can add external services and widgets
- Lets you include media content and layouts
- Works with other plugins’ shortcodes
Woody Ad Snippet is a great tool for making your WordPress site work better. It’s good for adding ads, connecting services, or putting the same content on many pages, all without messing with WordPress files.
Get started with Woody code snippets »
3. Code Snippets
Code Snippets is a WordPress plugin that lets you enhance your website’s functionality without the need for extensive coding or multiple plugins.
What I love about Code Snippets is its intuitive graphical interface, which makes it easy to add and manage snippets without touching your theme’s functions.php file. This approach is much safer and more convenient than traditional methods.
The main benefit of using Code Snippets is its versatility. It supports various types of snippets including PHP, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, allowing you to customize both the front-end and back-end of your WordPress site.
One standout feature is the integration with Code Snippets Cloud. This community-powered platform gives you access to hundreds of ready-to-use snippets, making it easier to add new functionalities to your site. The premium version even offers AI-generated snippets, taking customization to a whole new level.
Unlike many other snippet plugins, Code Snippets offers a toggle feature that lets you easily activate or deactivate snippets, much like you would with plugins. This gives you granular control over what code runs on your site.
As your needs grow, Code Snippets grows with you. The premium version includes advanced features like cloud syncing for backup, collaboration, and integrations with popular tools like Gutenberg and Elementor.
- Support for PHP, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML snippets
- Intuitive graphical interface
- Easy activation/deactivation of snippets
- Integration with Code Snippets Cloud
- AI-generated snippets (premium feature)
- Cloud syncing and backup (premium feature)
- Compatibility with Gutenberg and Elementor (premium feature)
Get started with Code Snippets »
4. Header Footer Code Manager
Header Footer Code Manager by 99 Robots is a free WordPress plugin that makes it easy to add code snippets to different parts of your website.
The best thing about this plugin is how simple it is to use. You can add and manage code without worrying about breaking your site. This is great if you’re not comfortable editing theme files directly.
What’s really useful about Header Footer Code Manager is that it’s very flexible. You can add as many scripts and styles as you want to any post or page. You also get to choose exactly where they show up. This means you don’t need lots of different plugins for small tasks, which can help your site run better.
One cool feature is that you can control whether your snippets show up on desktop, mobile, or both. This helps make sure your site works well for all visitors.
Unlike some other plugins, Header Footer Code Manager keeps track of who adds or changes snippets and when. This is really helpful if you have multiple people managing your site.
As your site gets bigger, this plugin can handle it. It works with custom post types and lets you add snippets to specific categories, tags, or your newest posts.
If you’re using a multisite network, only activate this plugin on individual subsites.
- Add unlimited scripts and styles
- Choose where to put your code (head, footer, before/after content)
- Control if snippets show on desktop, mobile, or both
- Works with custom post types
- Use shortcodes to place snippets manually
- Keeps track of who adds or edits snippets
- Works with lots of services like Google Analytics and Facebook Pixels
Header Footer Code Manager is great for adding all sorts of code to your site, from tracking tools to chat boxes to custom styles. It’s a safe and easy way to make your WordPress site do more.
Get started with Header Footer Code Manager »
5. Insert PHP Code Snippet
Insert PHP Code Snippet is a simple and free WordPress plugin that makes it easy to add PHP code to your website without directly editing theme files.
What I like about this plugin is how straightforward it is. It lets you turn PHP snippets into shortcodes, which you can then use anywhere on your site.
The main benefit of Insert PHP Code Snippet is that it makes using PHP code much easier, even if you’re not a developer. You can add complex functionality to your posts, pages, or widgets just by using a shortcode.
One standout feature is the dropdown menu in the WordPress editor. This makes it super easy to find and use your PHP snippet shortcodes when you’re writing posts or pages.
Unlike some other snippet plugins, Insert PHP Code Snippet also supports using these shortcodes in widgets. This gives you more flexibility in where you can add your PHP code.
As you create more snippets, this plugin keeps things organized. You can easily manage all your PHP snippets from one place.
- Convert PHP snippets to shortcodes
- Use PHP code easily with shortcodes
- Support for shortcodes in widgets
- Dropdown menu in WordPress editor for easy snippet selection
- Manage all snippets from one place
Get started with Insert PHP Code Snippet »
6. Simple Custom CSS and JS
Simple Custom CSS and JS is a straightforward and user-friendly WordPress plugin that allows you to easily add custom CSS and JavaScript to your website without modifying your theme or plugin files.
It provides a straightforward way to tweak your site’s appearance and functionality without diving into core files.
The main benefit of Simple Custom CSS and JS is its flexibility. You can add as many custom CSS and JS codes as you want, giving you complete control over your site’s look and behavior. This is particularly useful for making small design tweaks or adding custom functionality without the need for a full theme customization.
One standout feature is the text editor with syntax highlighting. This makes it much easier to write and edit your code, reducing errors and improving readability.
Unlike some other customization plugins, Simple Custom CSS and JS gives you options for how your code is implemented. You can choose to add your code inline or in an external file, and decide whether it appears in the header or footer of your pages.
As your customization needs grow, this plugin adapts. You can add code to both the frontend and admin side of your site, giving you comprehensive control over your WordPress experience.
- Text editor with syntax highlighting
- Option to add code inline or in external files
- Choice of header or footer code placement
- Frontend and admin side code addition
- Unlimited number of custom codes
- Changes persist even when changing themes
Get started with Simple Custom CSS and JS »
Which Is the Best Code Snippets Plugin?
When it comes to choosing the best Code Snippets Plugin for WordPress, each plugin has its unique strengths. However, the plugin that truly stands out as the best overall solution is WPCode . Here’s why:
- It offers an intuitive, approachable interface that caters to both beginners and advanced users.
- It provides a vast collection of pre-made snippets, allowing you to add functionality without writing code from scratch.
- WPCode supports various code types including PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making it a one-stop solution for all your coding needs.
- You can set precise conditions for when and where your snippets should appear.
- The plugin actively works to prevent errors by automatically deactivating problematic snippets, ensuring your site’s stability.
It’s the ideal choice for WordPress users looking for a powerful, flexible, and reliable code snippet solution.
Next, I’ll answer the frequently asked questions about code snippet plugins.
Frequently Asked Questions on WordPress Code Snippet Plugins
Are code snippet plugins safe to use?
Most reputable code snippet plugins like WPCode are safe when used correctly. However, it’s important to only add code from trusted sources and to test new snippets on a staging site first.
Do I need coding knowledge to use a code snippet plugin?
Basic coding knowledge is helpful, but many plugins offer pre-made snippets or user-friendly interfaces that can be used with minimal coding experience.
Can code snippet plugins slow down my website?
Properly implemented snippets shouldn’t significantly impact your site’s speed. However, excessive or poorly optimized snippets could affect performance. I recommend using a reliable plugin like WPCode that ensures your code snippets won’t slow your site down.
Will my snippets be lost if I change themes?
Unlike code added directly to a theme, snippets added through plugins typically remain intact when changing themes.
Remember, while these plugins make it easier to add custom code to your site, it’s crucial to use them responsibly. Always test new snippets on a staging site first and ensure you’re adding code from trusted sources.
If you’re new to code snippets, you can learn everything you need to know in less than an hour with our step-by-step course.
Learn How to Use Code Snippets Here »
This course will teach you how to effortlessly insert different types of code snippets anywhere on your site without any coding knowledge at all. You’ll also learn how to easily create custom code snippets, track e-commerce conversions, use smart conditional logic and add snippets to your private cloud library so they can be used on multiple sites.
There’s a 14-day money back guarantee so you can sign up risk-free today and start learning right away.
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9 best free wordpress vertical menu plugins for stunning wordpress sites.
Want to know how to create the perfect vertical menu for your WordPress site? Looking for the best free WordPress vertical menu plugin to make your navigation sleek and user-friendly? You’ve come to the right place!
If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably struggled with messy menus that complicate your website’s layout and confuse your visitors. A poorly designed navigation system can lead to a frustrating user experience.
Let’s be real, no one wants that. The solution for this is using vertical menus. They makes your site easy to navigate. Also, it gives it a modern and minimalist vibe that users will love.
In this post, I’m going to walk you through 9 of the best free WordPress vertical menu plugins that will instantly improve your website’s navigation and design.
These plugins make it easy to organize your content and improve the overall user experience. They help you create stunning responsive and mobile-friendly vertical menus within minutes.
Each of these plugins offers something unique. You’ll have no problem finding the perfect one for your site by the end of this post.
So, let’s get started and take your WordPress site to the next level with a free vertical menu plugin!
Table of Contents
What Are Vertical Menus & Why Should You Use Them?
Let’s get clear on what vertical menus are and why they can be such a game-changer for your WordPress site.
What’s a Vertical Menu? A vertical menu is just a navigation menu that runs along the side of your website instead of across the top. It’s also known as a sidebar menu.
You might have already seen them on mobile sites, e-commerce stores, or blogs. Vertical menus aren’t just for mobile, they work great on desktop too.
Horizontal menus can get cluttered when you have too many items. But vertical menus are fantastic for stacking content without overwhelming the user.
Why Choose Vertical Menus? Now, you might be asking: why should I use a vertical menu on my WordPress site? There are a few reasons:
- Better Navigation: Vertical menus create an easy flow for users. This helps more if you have a lot of menu items. You can categorize them clearly without crowding your top bar.
- Responsive Design: Most of the best free vertical menu plugins are mobile-friendly. This is really important cause most of us are browsing websites on our phones these days.
- Minimalist Aesthetic: Vertical menus are the way to go if you’re into minimalist design. The best free WordPress vertical menu plugins keep your website looking modern and sleek without too much items.
- Use Case Flexibility: Vertical menus work perfectly for sidebars, sticky navigation, and even hidden or accordion-style menus that slide out. If you’re using your WordPress site for a blog, a portfolio, or an e-commerce store, these menus will help simplify the navigation process.
Alright, now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s time to dive into the list of best free WordPress vertical menu plugins!
9 Best Free WordPress Vertical Menu Plugins for Stunning WordPress Sites
There are tons of free plugins out there. But I’ve done the hard work of narrowing it down to the absolute best. These plugins are perfect for creating vertical menus, look stunning and perform incredibly well.
Let’s jump into the 9 best free WordPress vertical menu plugins that will take your site’s navigation to the next level!
1. WPB Accordion Menu
WPB Accordion Menu is the best free WordPress vertical menu plugin out there. It is a lightweight and highly customizable plugin perfect for creating vertical accordion menus in minutes. It’s super easy to use. Great for all kinds of users even if you’re not a coding expert.
Features of WPB Accordion Menu :
- Drag-and-drop interface for easy menu creation
- Fully responsive design that works perfectly on mobile
- Customizable accordion styles to match your website’s theme
- Multi-level menu support for organized navigation
- Integration with major page builders like Elementor and WPBakery
- Lightweight for fast performance and smooth transitions
Pros of WPB Accordion Menu :
- Excellent for mobile users due to its responsive design
- Works seamlessly with popular page builders
- Easy setup and customization options
Cons of WPB Accordion Menu :
- Limited advanced features in the free version
- Some users may want more design options
- Free version lacks certain premium features
Price Range : Free ( Premium version available )
- Users looking for an intuitive, responsive vertical menu
- Bloggers or small business websites
- Mobile-first designs
2. Max Mega Menu
Max Mega Menu is a feature-rich free WordPress vertical menu plugin. It supports both mega menus and vertical layouts. Max Mega Menu offers a powerful drag-and-drop builder and tons of customization options.
Features of Max Mega Menu :
- Drag-and-drop menu builder for easy customization
- Supports custom icons and styling options
- Fully responsive with mobile-friendly design
- Built-in support for mega menus with vertical navigation
- Integration with popular WordPress themes and page builders
- Multi-level menu support for better organization
Pros of Max Mega Menu :
- Highly customizable, giving you full control
- Responsive and works smoothly on mobile devices
- Great for users who want detailed design options
Cons of Max Mega Menu :
- Can be overwhelming for beginners due to advanced features
- Some features are locked behind the premium version
- Learning curve for customization
Price Range : Free (Premium version available)
- Users looking for advanced customization options
- Websites with complex menus or multiple categories
- E-commerce stores with detailed product listings
3. SlickNav
SlickNav is a lightweight free WordPress vertical menu plugin. This simple plugin is designed to create fast-loading vertical menus. It’s perfect for anyone looking to build a mobile-friendly site without sacrificing speed or usability.
Features of SlickNav :
- Fully responsive design for seamless performance on any device
- Custom animations for smooth transitions between menu items
- Lightweight code for fast load times
- Easy-to-use setup with no coding required
- Integrates smoothly with existing WordPress menus
- Minimalistic design that works with most themes
Pros of SlickNav :
- Very easy to set up and configure
- Optimized for mobile devices, perfect for mobile-first websites
- Fast loading, keeping your site performance top-notch
Cons of SlickNav :
- Limited customization options compared to other plugins
- Not ideal for users wanting a highly complex menu
- Basic design might not suit all users
Price Range : Free
- Users who prioritize speed and simplicity
- Mobile-first websites or blogs
- Minimalist website designs
4. Responsive Menu
Responsive Menu is one of the most customizable vertical menu plugins. This WordPress vertical menu plugin offers over 150 settings to tweak your design. It’s highly flexible and integrates smoothly with any WordPress theme. This makes it a go-to choice for mobile-friendly sites.
Features of Responsive Menu :
- Over 150 customization options for ultimate design flexibility
- Touch-friendly navigation, great for mobile users
- Fully responsive, adapting to different screen sizes
- Supports multi-level menus with sliding animations
- Works with any WordPress theme seamlessly
- Custom branding and style options for personalization
Pros of Responsive Menu :
- Tons of customization features to fit any design
- Quick and easy setup with minimal effort
- Perfect for mobile compatibility and responsiveness
Cons of Responsive Menu :
- Some features are locked behind a premium version
- Can be overwhelming for users who don’t need so many options
- Free version lacks some advanced styling tools
- Users looking for a highly customizable vertical menu
- Mobile-friendly designs and websites
- Advanced users who want more control over the design
5. UberMenu
UberMenu is another best free WordPress vertical menu plugin. This plugin also supports mega men and vertical menus like Max Mega Menu. It’s ideal for users who need advanced features like widget support and shortcode integration.
Features of UberMenu :
- Drag-and-drop builder for easy menu creation
- Fully responsive design with customizable layouts
- Supports widgets, shortcodes, and icons for advanced design
- Flexible mega menu support with vertical layout options
- Custom styling options for complete personalization
- Multi-level menu support for complex sites
Pros of UberMenu :
- Versatile and powerful, offering advanced features
- Customizable menu layout for complete control
- Works with shortcodes and widgets, increasing flexibility
Cons of UberMenu :
- Steep learning curve for beginners
- Advanced features may not be necessary for smaller sites
- Limited features in the free version
- Users needing advanced vertical menus with many features
- E-commerce websites with complex product categories
- Users looking for high customization in their menu layout
6. WordPress Vertical Menu Plugin by WPDevArt
The WPDevArt Vertical Menu is a stylish free WordPress vertical menu plugin. It offers a modern and vertical slide-out navigation layout. It’s mobile-optimized and works perfectly for websites looking for a trendy design.
Features of WPDevArt Vertical Menu:
- Fully responsive design for mobile and desktop.
- Customizable menu icon options.
- Ability to adjust submenu animations and durations.
- Free and premium versions available for extended features.
- Seamless integration with most WordPress themes.
- Lightweight, ensuring minimal impact on site speed.
Pros of WPDevArt Vertical Menu:
- Easy to set up and configure.
- Works well with responsive themes.
- Free version offers good basic features.
Cons of WPDevArt Vertical Menu:
- Limited customization options in the free version.
- Lack of advanced design options.
- Some features only available in the premium version.
Price Range: Free (Premium version starts at $9.99).
- Users looking for a basic, easy-to-use vertical menu.
- Websites that need responsive vertical navigation.
- Users who want simple menu icon integration.
7. QuadMenu
QuadMenu is a highly flexible plugin that supports both horizontal and vertical menus, making it a versatile choice. It’s perfect for users who need a drag-and-drop builder to create responsive menus for various layouts.
Features of QuadMenu :
- Drag-and-drop builder for effortless customization
- Fully responsive and mobile-friendly design
- Supports both horizontal and vertical menus
- Multi-level menu system for better organization
- Custom styling options to match your website’s theme
- Integration with popular themes and page builders
Pros of QuadMenu :
- Highly flexible and supports multiple menu layouts
- Responsive design that looks great on any device
- Easy to use with a drag-and-drop interface
Cons of QuadMenu :
- Advanced features require a premium version
- May not be necessary for simple menus
- Some learning curve for beginners
- Users needing flexibility in both horizontal and vertical menus
- E-commerce stores or large websites with complex navigation
- Websites that prioritize responsiveness and design
8. Advanced Sidebar Menu
The Advanced Sidebar Menu plugin automatically generates vertical menus from your WordPress site’s pages or categories. It offers an easy way to create side navigation menus that stay updated as you add content.
Features of Advanced Sidebar Menu :
- Automatically generates menus based on pages or categories.
- Ability to enable or disable hierarchy settings.
- Customizable widget areas for adding the vertical menu.
- Supports widgets to easily place the menu in sidebars.
- Options to display menu titles for better navigation.
- Dynamic updating as new pages or categories are added.
Pros of Advanced Sidebar Menu :
- Automatically updates as new content is added.
- Simple and quick to set up.
- Works well for dynamic websites with frequently updated content.
Cons of Advanced Sidebar Menu :
- Limited customization in the free version.
- Only works in sidebars; no full-page menus.
- Some styling features require custom CSS or premium upgrade.
- Websites with frequent content updates (e.g., blogs, portfolios).
- Users looking for a dynamic vertical menu that adapts automatically.
- Sites that prioritize simplicity in menu design.
9. SideMenu
SideMenu injects a sleek sliding side menu into your WordPress site, providing a modern, mobile-friendly navigation experience. It’s perfect for users who want a vertical menu that slides out from the side and doesn’t overwhelm the content layout.
Features of SideMenu :
- Responsive sliding side menu for a mobile-optimized experience.
- Customize menu trigger buttons for better design integration.
- Option to add icons and labels to each menu item.
- Custom styling for the sidebar menu to match your theme.
- Simple drag-and-drop builder for easy configuration.
- Fully responsive across all devices and screen sizes.
Pros of SideMenu :
- Modern slide-out design perfect for mobile.
- Easy to set up with minimal configuration.
- Supports adding icons and labels for visual clarity.
Cons of SideMenu :
- May not suit users looking for more complex menu layouts.
- Advanced features require a premium upgrade.
- Users looking for a modern, slide-out vertical menu.
- Websites with a focus on mobile-first design.
- Minimalist sites wanting a simple yet stylish menu.
These are the best free WordPress vertical menu plugins that will help you create stunning, responsive, and flexible menus for your site.
How to Choose the Right Vertical Menu Plugin for Your Site
Want to know how to pick the perfect vertical menu plugin for your WordPress site? I totally get it—it can be tricky with so many options out there.
In this section, I’ll walk you through how to choose the best free WordPress vertical menu plugin based on your site’s design and ease of use. Let’s make sure you get the perfect fit!
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Vertical Menu Plugin
Keep these important factors in mind when deciding on a free WordPress vertical menu plugin. Your choice should align with your goals..
1. Ease of Use
If you’re not a pro at coding or just want a simple interface, look for a plugin with a user-friendly dashboard. Some plugins are highly customizable but may require a steep learning curve.
For beginners or those who want quick results, I recommend plugins like WPB Accordion Menu or Advanced Sidebar Menu for all types of users. They are super easy to navigate. Plugins like Max Mega Menu may be better suited for advanced users.
2. Customization Options
Some websites thrive on minimal design. Others need more advanced features like multi-level navigation and custom branding. WPB Accordion Menu, SideMenu, and UberMenu offer extensive customization for this. These best free WordPress vertical menu plugins lets you match your vertical menus to the overall style.
Plugins like QuadMenu might be ideal if you’re looking for flexibility. This vertical menu plugin lets you create both horizontal and vertical menus with plenty of skins.
3. Site Performance
Some plugins are heavier on your site’s resources, which can slow down load times. Always check if the plugin is lightweight and optimized for performance. Plugins like SlickNav and Responsive Menu are known for being lightweight and won’t bog down your site, especially if mobile-friendliness is a priority.
Performance is key for user experience—so, no matter how many cool features a plugin has, it needs to load quickly and smoothly.
4. Mobile Responsiveness
Since many users visit websites from their phones, make sure the plugin you choose is mobile-friendly. This is where plugins like Superfly Menu shine with their sleek, slide-out design for mobile users.
Always test how the menu looks on various devices—most plugins offer demos, so you can see if the vertical menu fits well into your overall design.
5. Design Flexibility
If you’re aiming for a unique, eye-catching design, consider whether the plugin allows custom icons, fonts, and branding options. Plugins like UberMenu and SideMenu are ideal for those who want detailed control over the visual elements.
On the other hand, if you want something clean and simple, SlickNav or Advanced Sidebar Menu will be great choices, offering basic customization with minimal effort.
Hope you liked the 9 best free WordPress vertical menu plugins I covered. Also, these details will make you feel more confident in picking the right one for your site.
There’s a plugin here for everyone in the list I created. The key is finding the perfect balance between design, functionality, and performance.
Feel free to test out a few free WordPress vertical menu plugins from this list. You can always upgrade to a premium version if you need advanced features. The right vertical menu can transform your website’s navigation and make your content more accessible.
So, what are you waiting for? Try out these best free WordPress vertical menu plugins and see how they can elevate your WordPress site to new heights!
How to Create a Divi Accordion Menu in 4 easy steps
Related posts, how to create a wordpress collapsible menu in 5 easy steps.
How to Create a Vertical Accordion Menu in Elementor
Home / Plugin: WPCode - Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets - WordPress Code Manager / The absolute best way to make personnalised queries
The absolute best way to make personnalised queries
1 day, 18 hours ago
Since basic WordPress blocks forget a lot of parameters that WordPress queries actually can use, you quite often have to use PHP to replace query blocks. This enables you to do just that, easily and where you need.
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in your WordPress dashboard. For the post type you want to add the custom field to, click on the. to add a new custom field to that post type and enter the Name, Slug and select the field type (text or visual editor). Click on the taxonomies button for the respective post type you wish to customize. Click on the.
200. Description. Installation. Changelog. FAQs. The Book Review Library plugin allows you to create a library of books, with reviews, that include sortable meta information like author, illustrator, genre, subjects as well as ratings. This enables you to list all the books of a particular type (e.g. all books written by a particular author or ...
Step 1: Installing the Recencio Book Reviews Plugin. Log in to your WordPress admin panel. In the left column navigation, mouse over the "Plugins" link and click the "Add New" link. In the "Search plugins…" box, enter "Recencio Book Reviews.". Once you have located the plugin, click the "Install Now" button. Click the ...
Here are 6 plugins you can use to enhance your book review site and put together your reviews faster: Book Review: adds title, author, cover photo, purchase link, and other useful information to your book reviews. The plugin retrieves details about books from Google Books. Multipurpose Bookshelf Slider: an awesome book slider you can use to ...
9. Schema - All In One Schema Rich Snippets. The Schema plugin has one primary function: to reveal rich snippets for your products on search engines. So, if you're looking for a way to get reviews on your website, this isn't the plugin you want. Best WordPress Review Plugins: Schema - All In One Schema Rich Snippets.
This plugin provides 4 blocks. Book Review Add details such as title, author, cover image, star rating and more to your book reviews. Metadata Add book details such as title and author. Rating Add a star rating. Description Add a brief description of the book. I tried other plugins and this one is the best for creating book review posts.
RS WP Book Showcase is the best book showcase WordPress plugin for authors, publishers, and book reviewers. ... Now, you can show single book in your book review page. * Remove All Advertising from dashboard. 6.3.8 - Feb 14, 2024 = * Solved Pagination Issue * Solved Exerpt Limit Issue. 6.3.9 - Feb 14, 2024 = * Revert CPT Code.
Other features of the Book Review plugin give you the ability to output a list of all reviews in one post using the included shortcode, displaying the book review content either above or below the main post content, and customize the colors used in the formatting of your reviews. How to Use the Book Review Plugin on Your Website. As the Book ...
6. Taqyeem. Taqyeem is another best-selling review plugin in the CodeCanyon marketplace. With this premium plugin, you can add a review box to any post or page, including custom post types, and to your site's sidebar. In the sidebar, you can set the display to the best reviews, the most recent, or a random collection.
WordPress Plugins; WordPress Patterns; Google Apps; Resources. Support; News; Website Building Tips; Business Name Generator; Logo Maker; Discover New Posts ... A block to add book details and a star rating to a book review. Free. 3.7 (6) Book Review Library. by Chris Reynolds. A book cataloguing and review system designed with ...
Book Review Block enables you to add details such as title, author, cover image, star rating and more to all of your book reviews. Save Time. Book Review Block saves you valuable time when writing your reviews. No more copy and paste or manually entering the details of a book. Instead, you provide the ISBN, and the block automatically fills in ...
The WordPress book review plugin allows for the display of books in various layouts such as Grid, Flip, Slider, Popup, and More. Log In; Register; Search. News; ... Best Responsive Book Showcase plugin for WordPress to display Book details like Cover, Author, Published On, Publisher, Reviews, Rating, Translator, ISBN, ASIN, Total Pages / Length ...
Description. WordPress Books Gallery is the Best Books Showcase & Library Plugin for WordPress which will build a beautiful mobile-friendly Books Store, Books Gallery or a Digital Library in a few minutes. Here are 3 Simple reasons why you should start using WordPress Books Gallery Plugin on your website:
RS WP Book Showcase is the best book showcase WordPress plugin for authors, publishers, and book reviewers. This powerful book gallery plugin is designed to help you effortlessly showcase and sell your books, taking your online book business to new heights. ... category, publish date, publisher name, descriptions, reviews, ratings, and more ...
In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New. Search for the keyword Books Gallery. Then, click the Install Now button and Activate. Now you should see "WBG Books" in your left-side dashboard menu. When you activate the Books Gallery plugin, it automatically starts you at the Usage & Tutorial section.
1. Starfish Reviews 🥇Best WordPress Review Plugin Overall. Starfish Reviews sits at the top of our list of the best WordPress review plugins because of its ability to create review prompts from your customers for multiple destinations, including Facebook, Google, Twitter, and more. You can easily create a funnel page with custom text and links and share it with your customers via social ...
Best for: websites focused on maximizing their SEO, including their review content. Price: free; the pro version starts at $49.60/year. AIOSEO isn't just a WP review plugin; it's a comprehensive SEO tool that enhances the visibility of old and new reviews in search engines with the right schema markup.
Once the plugin is installed, create or edit a post or page to add a book review block. While in the edit screen, click on the + sign within the body of the page or in the upper left corner. Then search for and add the Book Review Block Plugin. Once added, you can import a book by entering the ISBN in the respective field in the setting to the ...
5. Google Reviews Widget. Best WordPress review plugin for: Adding Google business ratings and reviews to your website. (It also supports Yelp and Facebook reviews.) As the name suggests, Google Reviews Widget is a simple-to-use review plugin for WordPress that adds Google Business Reviews to your page.
1. WP Review Pro. Screenshot from, March 2023. If you are looking for a comprehensive review plugin, you cannot go wrong with WP Review Pro. WP Review Free includes all of the ...
Professional WordPress (3rd-edition) Professional WordPress Design & Development (now in its 3rd edition) is still a must-read for anyone looking to peer under the hood of WordPress. Instead of focusing on the no-code UI of WordPress, this book looks behind the scenes at core WordPress functions and features.
These plugins typically help you add review summary boxes, along with structured data/schema markup to help your reviews get those eye-catching rich snippets in Google. 9. Taqyeem. Taqyeem is a premium, but affordable, WordPress review plugin that helps you create stylish review boxes for your product reviews.
List of Top 14 WordPress Booking Plugins. Now that you've learned about the functionality and importance of WordPress booking plugins, you're likely looking to choose the ideal plugin for your site.. So, the right plugin selection depends upon your specific needs; however, I've listed down the 14 best plugins in terms of features, pricing, rating & reviews, and their number of downloads.
The Templatic Ebook plugin comes with automatic updates, a wide selection of shortcodes, mega menu support, and more. Get started with Templatic Ebook today. 8. Bookomatic. Bookomatic is an automatic post generator plugin for WordPress that turns your blog content into eBooks.
Which Is the Best Code Snippets Plugin? When it comes to choosing the best Code Snippets Plugin for WordPress, each plugin has its unique strengths. However, the plugin that truly stands out as the best overall solution is WPCode. Here's why: It offers an intuitive, approachable interface that caters to both beginners and advanced users.
Let's jump into the 9 best free WordPress vertical menu plugins that will take your site's navigation to the next level! 1. WPB Accordion Menu. WPB Accordion Menu is the best free WordPress vertical menu plugin out there. It is a lightweight and highly customizable plugin perfect for creating vertical accordion menus in minutes.
The Ultimate Editorial Rating is a FREE WordPress product review plugin that enhances WordPress and eCommerce sites with a bundle of awesome features: Multi-criteria star Ratings, Total Score Calculation, Review Schema, Pros and Cons Highlights, and more.
The WordPress plugin allows you to install QualityHive using a truly code-free method. All you'll need to do is install the plugin, add your project key and it's installed! ... Reviews. There are no reviews for this plugin. Contributors & Developers "QualityHive - Website Feedback Tool" is open source software. The following people ...
The absolute best way to make personnalised queries franckmee (@franckmee) 52 minutes ago Since basic WordPress blocks forget a lot of parameters that WordPress queries actually can use, you quite …