
100 Excellent English Research Topics and Ideas

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Are you confused about what topic to choose for English research? Don’t worry. When it comes to English, there are no boundaries to the subjects you can research. Moreover, the English research paper topic you pick should focus on answering a question based on your investigation. Usually, selecting a fascinating English research title that has the power to attract an audience and demonstrate your academic skills might be challenging. Therefore, in this blog, we have published a list of 100 excellent English research topics and ideas suggested by our team of experts. Additionally, we have also shared how to choose a good English research topic to get started.

If you have difficulty identifying a suitable study topic, explore this blog and get amazing ideas for English research.

Know How to Select a Perfect English Research Topic

It is important to possess the necessary knowledge to identify a topic for English research. In case, you struggle to choose a topic for your English research paper, follow these steps.

  • First, select a subject that interests you.
  • After doing a thorough background investigation, generate numerous English research ideas based on your interests.
  • List the different keywords that will help you concentrate on the main idea.
  • Examine a variety of perspectives on the topic you have chosen. Specifically, ask essential questions like what, who, why, who, and when to achieve this.
  • Outline the content’s structure depending on how you want it to appear and the questions you answered.
  • Pay close attention to the research paper’s length and due date.
  • Confirm that your topic meets all of your professor’s research guidelines and requirements.

Note that the research topic you choose will only be good if it appeals to both you and your audience. It is recommended that you choose a subject that is familiar to you and can support your research with adequate sources. So keep these in mind while you brainstorm ideas and topics for your English research paper.

Read More – Learn and Understand the Common English Techniques

List of the Best English Research Topics

English Research Topics

English is a broad subject and so it contains several research topics to focus on. Especially, for English research, you may choose any topic that is related to categories such as drugs, politics, technology, drugs, religion, English literature, gender discrimination, and others.

If you are unsure what topic to choose for your English research paper, make use of the list published below. In the list, you will get 100 engaging English research questions, titles, and ideas on various themes.

Also read: Learn About Different Language Features in English

Simple English Research Topics

  • Examine the impact of social media on mental health.
  • Discuss the importance of symbolism in poetry.
  • Examine the role of social capital in community development.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of the Great Depression.
  • Explain how to enhance racial relations.
  • Conduct a literary analysis of ‘The Monk’ written by Matthew Lewis.
  • Examine the risks associated with organic food consumption.
  • Discuss the importance of imagination in poetry writing.
  • Explore the role of digital communication in learning the English language.
  • Discuss the effect of the mother tongue on learning the English language.
  • Explore the future of renewable energy.
  • Discuss the cultural impact of superhero movies in society.
  • Explore the importance of storytelling in human communication.
  • Explain how mental illness is portrayed in contemporary literature.
  • Discuss the psychology of motivation and goal-setting.

Interesting English Research Ideas

  • Analyze the effects of climate change on agriculture.
  • Focus on the representation of women in literature.
  • Investigate the role of AI in education.
  • Explore the role of women in historical events and movements.
  • Analyze the impact of books on political issues.
  • Examine the correlation between illegal immigration and terrorism.
  • Analyze the impact of the English language on other cultures.
  • Discuss romantic philosophy in Walt Whitman’s poetry.
  • Suggest the best methods to improve speaking attributes.
  • Explore how pronunciation varies in various learning cultures.
  • Explain the psychology of decision-making.
  • Focus on the Cultural Revolution in China.
  • Explain how the popular media represents race and ethnicity.
  • Examine the social effects of child work.
  • Focus on English language acquisition difficulties.

Outstanding English Research Paper Topics

  • Focus on the gender stereotypes in the workplace.
  • Analyze the influence of foreshadowing in Gothic literature.
  • Examine the effect of income inequality on social mobility.
  • Analyze different film techniques.
  • Examine the effects of terrorism on business.
  • Focus on the evolution of marriage in contemporary culture.
  • Discuss the risks of weight training for women.
  • Focus on obstacles in modern English literature.
  • Investigate the credibility of digital certification.
  • Explain how to build interview skills.
  • Discuss the use of animation and special effects in modern cinema.
  • Take a look at the rise of communism and the Russian Revolution.
  • Analyze the psychological and sociological effects of virtual reality technology.
  • Explain how dietary misconceptions are hurting health.
  • Investigate mercy killing incidents in the USA.

Amazing English Research Topics

  • Analyze the ethical implications of artificial intelligence.
  • Examine the significance of cryptography in modern society.
  • Investigate the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society and culture.
  • Discuss the influence of film noir on modern cinema.
  • Analyze the impact of texting and mobile devices.
  • Examine the negative effects of online dating apps.
  • Analyze the effects of the civil rights movement.
  • Discuss the Montessori Method of education.
  • Explore the role of kinesics in communication.
  • Analyze the impact of audiobooks in enhancing learning abilities.
  • Focus on the representation of historical events and figures in films.
  • Examine the impact of the Age of Exploration on world history.
  • Analyze the evolution of science fiction as a literary genre.
  • Take a look at the way of life in 18 th -century London.
  • Focus on the advantages of studying abroad.

Awesome English Research Topics

  • Take a look at the role of education in reducing poverty.
  • Focus on the theme of identity in Postcolonial literature.
  • Examine the causes and effects of the French Revolution.
  • Explore the significance of music in films.
  • Take a look at the place of technology in economics.
  • Examine the adverse impact of doing improper exercises.
  • Discuss the correlation between literature and psychology.
  • Discuss the legal consequences of plagiarism in academic writing.
  • Examine the scope of digital marketing for small businesses.
  • Explain how to learn time management skills.

Engaging Topics for English Research

  • Analyze the impact of globalization on cultural identity.
  • Explore the role of religion in literature.
  • Focus on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
  • Examine the correlation between music and emotions.
  • Focus on the modern literary allegories of the Bible.
  • Analyze the influence of Europe on global fashion.
  • Take a look at stream-of-consciousness writing style.
  • Explain how to develop positivity in college students.
  • Interpret American English drama.
  • Focus on positive learning techniques.

Top English Research Ideas

  • Explore the role of arts and culture in building strong communities.
  • Examine the impact of war on literature and culture.
  • Discuss the Holocaust’s legacy in modern society.
  • Focus on the evolution of the fashion industry.
  • Examine the negative aspects of a democratic government.
  • Discuss the consequences of bioterrorism.
  • Take a look at feminist perspectives in English literature.
  • Explore the role of leadership in handling real-world issues.
  • Analyze the impact of the internet on students’ psychology.
  • Examine the effects of tobacco advertising.

Also read: Top 12 Longest Words in the English Language

Popular English Research Topics

  • Examine the correlation between language and thought.
  • Analyze the effect of cryptocurrency on financial markets.
  • Explore the impact of the Cold War on International relations.
  • Explain how technology affects health management.
  • Analyze the significance of digitalized medical records.
  • Analyze the effects of the commercialization of sports.
  • Examine the impact of language on society’s development.
  • Explain how to boost English communication skills for international students.
  • Examine active listening skills.
  • Analyze the ethical use of stem cells.

All the above-recommended ideas will aid you in coming up with a brilliant English research paper. If you need help with English research paper topic selection, writing, and proofreading, call us immediately.

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Jacob Smith

Jacob Smith guides students with writing research paper topics and theses at greatassignmenthelp.com. Read about the author from this page


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research titles for english majors

Are There Research-Related Opportunities for English Majors?

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by English majors Brooke Elkjer and Katie DiFrancesco in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered

Working with professors, research projects, writing programs.

You might not think of English literature right away when you think about college research projects. It’s not as though English students are performing scientific experiments, after all. But the discipline does do interesting research work. For example, professors are examining and reexamining classic works constantly to figure out how best to analyze them. This article will show you how to get involved in English research and what exactly literature scholars look to study.

Just like biology professors need assistants for lab work, English professors look for assistants to help with their research. Most often, students interested in English research reach out to their instructors directly to see if they’re working on anything that requires assistance.

The University of Southern California , for example, offers programs called Student Opportunities for Academic Research (SOAR) and Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF). You can apply to these and get grant money to assist a professor with their research. You’ll learn as you work and receive an income. 

If you are fond of a professor or class, you can approach that instructor and ask them if they’re looking for student researchers. If they say yes, you can apply for those grants. It’s probably best suited to summer work than during the semester, as it can be quite intensive. It should feel exciting to do that kind of in-depth reading, especially in a subject that you’re passionate about and may not have had the chance to explore fully.

English research isn’t like STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) research. Instead of working in a laboratory, observing experiments, and recording data, you’ll be doing a deep dive into different literature. You’ll probably end up reading a good deal of literary theory too. 

English professors working on independent research often end up developing their own theories. These can be used to analyze and provide a new lens on works of literature. You can think of these as a type of theme—they’ll look at important texts and try to come up with a new way to think about them or make new points about what they’re saying. 

If you’re just applying to college, it can be difficult to understand exactly what this means. As you move through an English major, your analytical skills will develop and deepen.

A good example would be Judith Butler’s work on gender as performance. A research project may apply that concept to a work like Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night , where there are many characters who dress up as different genders, and conflicts happen as a result. You would then take Butler’s theories of gender to see how the characters are performing these roles and how those theories contribute to the overall narrative. This kind of research involves shedding a different light on classic literature.

At the University of Pennsylvania , there are a fair number of scholarships that enable students to do independent research. Many of these scholarships and research grants go toward the Kelly Writers House .

The Kelly Writers House is a physical space on campus (essentially a center) where you can find writing activities and coursework. Most writing classes take place there. There’s also a radio program, poetry readings, and other speaker events. Funding is provided if you would like to create a piece of writing—an article, essay, or work of fiction—that you would then present to some of your peers.

Travel stipends are also given out, so you could travel nationally or internationally to do whatever work your research entails. It’s mostly self-directed, so you’ll have a great deal of freedom in whatever you choose to pursue. If you’re interested in research that would involve creative writing, you might want to look at this program, as it could be a good fit for you.

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research titles for english majors

Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

Thesis Topics

You are invited to pursue any topic that falls under the English department’s purview, and the Honors Committee will assume that you will pursue it with scholarly rigor, intellectual seriousness, and artistic integrity. You should follow your own interests and commitments in defining your project, though you should avail yourself of the advice of those faculty members whose expertise will help you focus your ideas and give them depth. Again, we welcome critical, creative, interdisciplinary, mixed genre, and hybrid creative/critical projects. Most successful applicants have derived their projects from interests developed during their time as English majors at Georgetown. During the actual writing of the thesis, of course, you will work closely with a faculty mentor.

Here is a partial list of the kinds of literary and interdisciplinary topics that Honors students have pursued over the past few years:

  • Polyphony in the novels of Cormac McCarthy
  • Women in post-Stonewall gay male literature
  • Madness and skepticism in Hamlet and Don Quixote
  • Dialogism in Toni Morrison and Christa Woolf
  • The Booker Prize as post-colonial phenomenon
  • Jazz in the Harlem Renaissance
  • The scientific revolution and 18th-century narratives
  • Irvine Welsh and dialect writing
  • Sound and structure in scripts
  • Identity and memory in Maxine Hong Kingston
  • Influence of the internet on writing
  • The written legacy of oral narratives in Amerindian culture
  • Medieval women troubadours
  • African-American women writers and their Biblical heritage
  • Adult-child discourse in real-life conversation and classic children’s literature
  • The role of bible-making in the works of Blake, Wordsworth, and Hardy
  • Morality plays in the Middle Ages and the twentieth century

In addition, Honors students have written short story collections, memoirs, and collections of poetry. Students have also written hybrid creative/critical projects, such as a critique of postcolonial memoir within a postcolonial memoir. Those students who propose creative projects should have developed their skills through taking courses with the Georgetown English Department creative writing faculty or through participation in campus and professional journals and other creative venues.

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Write an Exemplary English Research Paper: An All in One Guide for You

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English literature is probably the universal favourite subject. If it is not a favourite language, it can be considered the most known and used language worldwide. 

And do you know what the irony is? Studies say there are more than 7000 languages in the world. However, English is considered the most widely used language even though it is the native language of fewer than 15 countries in the world among 195 countries. 

This is because English is the official language of various nations. Owing to this, many people of non-English native origin must learn and communicate in English academically and professionally. The result is they require more guidance to write, communicate or generate ideas in English. 

If you are a non-native or native English speaker pursuing a major in English and have to submit a research paper in English, for that reason, you are looking for the best English research paper topics to work on. Then you are at the right place. 

Keep reading to find out why! But before that, let us check out the structure of an english essay writing .

Reading a book or watching a movie in English and majoring in English are two different worlds entirely, as are writing a journal and writing a research paper on  English literature essay topics. Writing a research paper can be a daunting task, especially for non-native speakers of English.

However, with proper planning and organisation, anyone can write an effective research paper in English. You can refer to the English research paper examples and check out the structure used in those. 

A. Title Page:

The research paper’s title page should include the paper’s title, the author’s name, the author’s institutional affiliation, and the date of submission.

B. Abstract:

The abstract is a brief summary of the paper, typically no more than 250 words. It should concisely overview the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions.

C. Introduction:

The introduction should provide a background to the research question, explaining why the topic is important and what previous research has been done in this area. It should also state the research question or hypothesis and explain the methodology used in the study.

D. Literature Review:

The literature review analyses previous research on the topic, highlighting key findings and identifying gaps in the existing research. This section should provide a critical literature analysis, identifying previous studies’ strengths and weaknesses.

E. Methodology:

The methodology section should describe the methods used in the study, including the research design, data collection procedures, and data analysis techniques. This section should be detailed enough that another researcher could replicate the study.

F. Results:

The results section should present the findings of the study clearly and concisely. Tables and figures can be used to present data in a more visual format.

G. Discussion:

The discussion section should interpret the study results, explaining what they mean in the context of previous research and the research question. This section should also identify any limitations of the study and suggest areas for future research.

H. Conclusion:

The conclusion should summarise the study’s main findings and restate the research question or hypothesis. It should also briefly discuss the implications of the findings and suggest areas for future research.

I. References:

The references section should list all sources cited in the paper, following a particular citation style (APA, MLA, etc.). All references should be accurate and complete.

In conclusion, writing a research paper in English requires careful planning and organisation. Following the above structure, you can create a well-written and well-structured research paper that effectively communicates your findings to your audience.

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The Secret to Higher Grades is Good English Research Paper Topics – Here’s Why!

Topics for research papers in English are the most crucial part of your research paper. It is that first that can make or break the gsame. Hence, choosing the right topic for your English research paper is critical to your academic success. It is the foundation on which your entire research paper will be built, and it will ultimately determine the quality of your work. 

Here are some reasons why choosing the right English literature research paper topics is so important:

a) Interest and Motivation

Choosing a topic that you are genuinely interested in will make your research process much more enjoyable and rewarding. When you are passionate about a topic, you are more likely to stay engaged throughout the research and writing process. This interest and motivation will reflect in the quality of your research paper, making it more likely to be well received.

b) Originality and Creativity

An original and creative topic can set your research paper apart from others. Choosing a unique perspective on a topic, or exploring an aspect of a topic that has not been extensively researched, can make your research paper stand out. It will also demonstrate your ability to think critically and independently, an essential academic skill.

c) Relevance and Significance

Choosing a relevant and significant topic for your field of study is essential to ensure your research paper has value. Your research should be able to address a knowledge gap, contribute to ongoing debates or provide new insights into a topic. It should also be relevant to current events or societal issues that may be of interest to others in your field.

d) Feasibility and Manageability

Choosing a feasible and manageable topic within the given timeframe and resources is crucial. You should consider the availability of primary and secondary sources, the complexity of the topic, and the time required to analyse and interpret the data. It’s important to be realistic about what you can accomplish within the given constraints of your research project.

e) Career Advancement

Choosing a well-researched and well-written research paper can be an asset to your career advancement. A successful research paper can be used as a writing sample when applying for jobs or graduate school. It can also demonstrate your research and writing skills, which are highly valued in many fields.

Take the time to carefully consider your options and choose a topic you are passionate about that meets the criteria for a successful research paper.

How to Choose the Best English Research Topic?

Writing an English research paper is tough, but choosing the best English research topic can be an even more challenging task. That said it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, it can be an exciting opportunity to explore a subject that interests you and make a valuable contribution to the English language and literature field. Here are some tips to help you choose the best English research topic:

a) Follow your passion

Start by identifying your interests and passions. What aspects of the English language or literature do you find most intriguing? Do you enjoy reading novels or analysing language patterns? What kind of topics do you enjoy discussing with your peers or professors? Choosing a topic that resonates with your interests will motivate you to dive deep into the research and produce high-quality work.

b) Narrow your focus

Once you have a general idea of what you want to research, narrowing down your focus is important. A broad topic like “Shakespeare’s influence on English literature” may be too broad for a research project. Consider breaking it down into more specific subtopics such as “The use of language in Hamlet” or “The portrayal of women in Othello.” This will help you develop a clear and focused research question you can answer in your project.

c) Conduct preliminary research

Before finalising your research topic, conducting some preliminary research to see what has already been studied in the field is essential. This will help you to avoid choosing a topic that has already been extensively researched or one that has little existing literature. Use academic databases, search engines, and other research tools to find articles, books, and other sources related to your potential topic.

d) Consider the feasibility of your topic

It’s important to choose a topic that is feasible to research within the given timeframe and resources. Consider the availability of primary and secondary sources, the complexity of the topic, and the time required to analyse and interpret the data. Be realistic about what you can accomplish within the given constraints of your research project.

e) Seek feedback from others

Finally, seek feedback from your peers, professors, or mentors. They can provide valuable insights into your research topic, offer suggestions for improvement, and help you refine your research question. By receiving feedback from others, you can ensure that your research topic is relevant, meaningful, and impactful.

Keep these pointers in mind to choose a research topic that is engaging, relevant, and feasible and make a valuable contribution to the field of English language and literature.

Top Picks of English Research Paper Topics for You

Here you will find English 101 research paper topics to work on. Let us check them out. 

1. Outstanding English Research Topics

  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture
  • Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace
  • The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Its Ethical Implications
  • The Role of Education in Reducing Poverty
  • The Relationship between Parental Involvement and Student Achievement
  • The Effectiveness of Online Learning vs. Traditional Classroom Learning
  • The Influence of Music on Mood and Memory
  • The Psychological Effects of Colour on Marketing
  • The Impact of Globalisation on Cultural Identity

2. Amazing English Research Topics

  • The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Class in Contemporary Society
  • The Future of Space Exploration and Colonization
  • The Ethics of Gene Editing and Genetic Enhancement
  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Discourse and Democracy
  • The Psychology of Motivation and Goal-Setting
  • The Relationship between Language and Thought
  • The Evolution of Human Rights and International Law
  • The Economics of Sustainable Development and Green Energy
  • The Role of Arts and Culture in Building Strong Communities
  • The History and Significance of Cryptography in Modern Society.

3. Excellent English Literature Topics

  • The Concept of the American Dream in Literature
  • The Significance of Symbolism in Poetry
  • The Representation of Women in Literature
  • The Use of Foreshadowing in Gothic Literature
  • The Portrayal of Mental Illness in Contemporary Fiction
  • The Influence of Shakespeare on Modern Literature
  • The Theme of Identity in Postcolonial Literature
  • The Role of Religion in Literature
  • The Evolution of Science Fiction as a Literary Genre
  • The Impact of War on Literature and Culture.

4. Best English Research Paper Topics

  • The Effects of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem in Adolescents
  • Exploring the Relationship between Sleep Deprivation and Academic Performance
  • Analysing the Impact of Crypto currency on Financial Markets
  • The Psychological and Social Effects of Virtual Reality Technology
  • Investigating the Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Anxiety and Depression
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Gene Editing
  • Examining the Role of Social Capital in Community Development
  • The Representation of Race and Ethnicity in Popular Media
  • The Future of Autonomous Vehicles and Their Impact on Society
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Human Health and Well-Being
  • The Psychological Effects of Online Dating and Social Networking
  • Investigating the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education
  • Analysing the Effects of Income Inequality on Social Mobility
  • The Significance of Storytelling in Human Culture and Communication.

4. English Research Paper Topics on Historical Events

  • The Causes and Consequences of World War I
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society and Culture
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States
  • The Causes and Effects of the French Revolution
  • The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Reconstruction Era in American History
  • The Holocaust and its Legacy in Modern Society
  • The American Revolution and the Birth of a Nation
  • The Cold War and its Impact on International Relations
  • The Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression
  • The Age of Exploration and Its Impact on World History
  • The Renaissance: Art, Literature, and Scientific Advancement
  • The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Communism.
  • The Role of Women in Historical Events and Movements
  • The French Resistance during World War II
  • The Cultural Revolution in China
  • The Scramble for Africa and Its Consequences
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Threat of Nuclear War.

5. English Research Topics on Films

  • The Evolution of the Film Industry: Past, Present, and Future
  • The Analysis of Film Techniques and Their Effect on Audience Perception
  • The Representation of Gender and Race in Contemporary Cinema
  • The Influence of Film Noir on Modern Cinema
  • The Portrayal of Mental Health in Film and Television
  • The Significance of Music in Film: Soundtracks, Scores, and Songs
  • The Cultural Impact of Superhero Movies on Society
  • The Role of Horror Films in Contemporary Culture
  • The Representation of Historical Events and Figures in Film
  • The Effects of the Pandemic on the Film Industry
  • The Portrayal of Science and Technology in Science Fiction Films
  • The Use of Animation and Special Effects in Modern Cinema

6. English Research Topics for College Students

  • Exploring the Link between Music and Emotion: An Interdisciplinary Study
  • The Future of Renewable Energy: Advancements and Challenges
  • Investigating the Effects of Meditation on Mental Health and Well-being
  • The Significance of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
  • Examining the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • The History and Evolution of the Fashion Industry
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing: Balancing Scientific Advancement and Animal Welfare
  • The Psychology of Decision Making: Theories and Applications
  • The Role of Education in Promoting Social Justice and Equity
  • Analysing the Effects of Social Support on Mental and Physical Health
  • The Impact of Globalisation on Cultural Identity and Diversity
  • Investigating the Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

There are thousands of other English topics to write about all over the internet, but the above-mentioned are the best ones handpicked for you to score impressively with your research paper writing service . All the best!

English Research Paper Examples

Below are some sample parts of English Research Paper –

research titles for english majors

Most Popular Questions Searched By Students

Q1. how do i choose a research topic in english.

Ans. To choose a research topic in English:

  • Start by identifying your interests and passions.
  • Narrow down your focus by breaking your topic into specific subtopics.
  • Conduct preliminary research to see what has already been studied in the field, 
  • Consider the feasibility of your topic, and 
  • Seek feedback from peers and mentors.

Q2. What is the best way to narrow down a research topic in English?

Ans. To narrow down a research topic in English:

  • Start by brainstorming a list of potential subtopics related to your broader area of interest.
  • Evaluate the feasibility and significance of each subtopic, and determine which ones have the most potential for further exploration.
  • Conduct preliminary research on each subtopic to assess the availability of sources and existing scholarship.
  • Select the most promising subtopic for your research.

Q3. How do I structure an English research paper?

Ans. An English research paper should have a clear structure, including an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

  • The introduction should provide background information and a clear thesis statement.
  • The literature review should summarise previous research on the topic.
  • The methodology should describe the methods used to conduct the research.
  • The results should present the findings, and the discussion should analyse and interpret the results.
  • The conclusion should summarise the key findings and implications of the research.

Q4. How do I write a strong thesis statement for my English research paper?

Ans. To write a strong thesis statement for an English research paper:

  • Start by identifying the main topic or question you want to address.
  • Craft a concise statement that presents your argument or perspective on the topic.
  • Make sure your thesis statement is clear, specific, and debatable.

It should also provide a roadmap for your paper and set the tone for your research.

Q5. Do I analyse data in an English research paper?

Ans. Whether or not you need to analyse data in an English research paper depends on your specific research question and methodology. If your research involves collecting and analyzing data, you must include a results section that presents and analyses your findings. However, if your research is more focused on literature analysis or other qualitative methods, you may not need to include a data analysis section.

Q6. How do I evaluate sources for my English research paper?

Ans. When evaluating sources for an English research paper, consider the following:

  • Relevance: Determine if the source is directly relevant to your research question and thesis statement.
  • Authority: Determine the credibility of the author and their expertise in the field. Check their credentials and look for signs of bias or conflicts of interest.
  • Currency: Determine how recent the source is and if it provides up-to-date information.
  • Accuracy: Determine if the information in the source is reliable, accurate, and supported by evidence.
  • Objectivity: Determine if the source presents a balanced perspective or if it is biased towards a particular viewpoint.
  • Audience: Determine the source’s intended audience and consider if it is appropriate for your research.
  • Accessibility: Determine if the source is accessible to you, both physically and legally.

Q7. How do I properly cite sources in my English research paper?

Ans. To properly cite sources in an English research paper, use a citation style such as MLA, APA, or Chicago. Include in-text citations whenever you use a direct quote, paraphrase, or summarise information from a source. Also, include a works cited or references page at the end of your paper that lists all sources cited in your paper. Be sure to follow the specific guidelines of your chosen citation style.

Q8. How do I write a literature review for my English research paper?

Ans. To write a literature review for an English research paper:

  • Start by identifying relevant sources related to your research topic.
  • Read and evaluate each source, noting important themes, arguments, and research findings.
  • Organise your literature review into sections that correspond to these themes, and use them to construct an overview of the current state of research in your field.
  • Cite all sources properly.

Q9. How do I write a strong conclusion for my English research paper?

Ans. To write a strong conclusion for an English research paper:

  • Summarise the key findings and implications of your research.
  • Restate your thesis statement and review the main points of your paper.
  • Reflect on the significance of your research and suggest areas for future study.
  • Avoid introducing new information in your conclusion, and make sure your final statements leave a lasting impression on your reader.

Q10. How can I effectively revise and edit my English research paper?

Ans. To effectively revise and edit your English research paper,

  • Start by taking a break after completing a draft to gain a fresh perspective.
  • Read your paper out loud and look for areas that need clarification, organisation, or improvement.
  • Check for grammar and spelling errors and ensure your formatting and citation style are correct.
  • Consider seeking feedback from peers or a writing centre, and make necessary revisions before submitting your final draft.


Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for myassignmenthelp.com for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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100 Good English Research Paper Topics & Ideas to Make Successful Submission

English research paper topics

Working in the English language always creates a compelling experience in your learning. It will allow you to explore the language and its interesting features. Surprisingly, more than 1.35 billion people speak English globally. According to Statista 2021 findings, English is the most spoken language worldwide. Consider the facts in your mind while working on your English research papers. For that reason, pick the interesting English research paper topics and unbox your understanding smartly.

To make your learning more presentable, you should understand the significance of the English paper topics. If you pick a good topic for drafting your English research papers, you can easily advance your learning. It makes your academic writing more productive and credible. So, browse the suggestions for selecting the easy research paper topics for English projects.

Table of Contents

Educational English Research Paper Topics

To make your work more engaging, you should focus on topic selection. Go through the list of numerous topics for English research papers to expand your learning of the language.

  • Present a study on various credible sources of learning the English language.
  • Impact of grammatical mistakes on English writing skills.
  • Understanding of the English language for non-native speakers.
  • Difficulties faced by non-American students in English communication.
  • Role of poetry in learning English literature.
  • Reflects the interpretation of Shakespeare’s work.
  • Discuss mythology as literature.
  • How to correlate literature with psychology?
  • Discuss stream of consciousness writing style.
  • Is there any relation between literature and religion?
  • Glorification of romance in literature.
  • Feminist perspective in English literature.
  • Modern American English Literature.
  • Impact of language in society development.
  • Verbal English communication for teaching moral values.
  • Importance of imagination in poetry writing.
  • Fiction Vs Nonfiction: which one is keeping more interesting appeal.
  • Poetry work of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth.
  • Romantic philosophy in Walt Whitman’s poetry.
  • Impact of counselling and guidance on scholars’ academic performance.
  • How to boost students’ interest in academic literature?
  • Creativity analysis on poetry composition.
  • Today’s communication language barrier.
  • Obstacles in modern English literature .
  • Explore easy poetic techniques for beginners.

Interesting English Research Paper Topics

Make your English research paper writing more interesting by picking an interesting topic. Unload your thoughts precisely and make your work more worthy to read. Consider good research paper topics for drafting good English projects.

  • Significance of distance education.
  • How to address learning disabilities in a college education?
  • Importance of sex education in college scholars.
  • Methods to discrimination in educational administration.
  • Effective college administration for successful placement.
  • Same-sex Vs mixed-sex education: which one is better?
  • Pensive analysis on No Child Left Behind Act.
  • Effectiveness of the federal education system as compared to other countries’ education systems.
  • Strong methodology to lower bullying in schools.
  • Online education Vs physical education: which one is more effective?
  • Analysis of the grading system on students’ learning.
  • Discuss Montessori Method of Education.
  • Examine Intensive English Programs (IEPs) in the US,
  • Discuss the role of postsecondary educational institutions in American literacy.
  • Legal consequences of plagiarism in academic writing.
  • Impact of tuition fees for home students.
  • Is student engagement with social media affecting their studies?
  • Methods to control sleeping disorders.
  • How to develop positivity in college students?
  • Role of leadership for handling real-life problems.
  • Psychology impacts of COVID on students.
  • Role of family relationship on students’ mental abilities.
  • Career prospects of literature students.
  • How to boost English communication skills for international students?

Research Paper Ideas For English Topics Related to Technology

Unimaginable changes are brought by technical advancement and it is hard to ignore. Capturing the advancement in your research topics for English papers allows you to expand your knowledge. So, think pensively on the following topic ideas.

  • Impact of over-used computers on students’ health.
  • Role of digital communication in learning the English language.
  • Stress management to advance learning abilities.
  • Technical barriers in oral and written communication in the English language.
  • Digital tools to advance English fluency.
  • Future of electric-vehicle.
  • Methods to improve speaking attributes.
  • Role of online classes in knowledge enhancement.
  • The credibility of digital certification.
  • How to search for credible resources for writing English papers?
  • Role of kinesics in communication.
  • Impact of technology exposure on students’ learning skills.
  • Importance of technical advancement in advancing academic progress.
  • Advantages as well as disadvantages of e-learning.
  • International Vs national learning: Pros and cons.
  • Scope of digital marketing for small businesses.
  • Use of modern technology to improve the quality of education.
  • Is social media increasing suicidal thoughts on students’ minds?
  • Role of mobile applications in advancing English verbal communication.
  • Is digital technology altering consumer attitudes?
  • Use of online assignment help in writing a good essay.
  • Impact of online tutoring in students’ knowledge enhancement.
  • Role of artificial intelligence in educational advancement.
  • Efficacy of digital tools to check plagiarism.
  • Future aspects of machine learning in the education sector.

English Research Paper Topics For Mini Projects

When you do not need to write lengthy papers, pick the easiest topic for your projects. So, modify your research for selecting appropriate topics for English research papers. It will help to prepare your mini projects and meet the deadlines.

  • Interpretation of American English Drama.
  • Role of English communication in business management.
  • Impact of the internet in students’ psychology.
  • Teaching methodology for the English language.
  • Significance of soft skills.
  • Differentiate between modern vs traditional classrooms.
  • Examine active listening techniques.
  • Impact of reading in English communication.
  • Effect of mother tongue on learning the English language.
  • How to control people management and leadership?
  • Socio-ideological values of television programs.
  • Role of functional English in daily routine.
  • Techniques to develop speaking attributes.
  • Ways to improve writing skills.
  • Tips to compose strong descriptive paragraphs.
  • How does pronunciation vary in different learning cultures?
  • How to develop interview skills?
  • Impact of audiobooks in enhancing learning abilities.
  • How to develop a positive mindset?
  • Ways to learn time management skills.
  • Influence of standardized tests for knowledge evaluation.
  • A key motivation for students’ knowledge enhancement.
  • Is it practicable to make college education free?
  • Positivity learning techniques.
  • How to prepare health management for students?

Also, Read: 100+ Compelling Linguistics Research Topics

Tips To Pick the Right Research Topics For English Papers

When it is about sharing your ideas on your research topics, you should be attentive. Your research writing reflects your critical thinking, writing abilities, and creative mindset. Therefore, you must concentrate on research paper ideas for the English projects. For that, go through the following tips to pick the English papers topics.

  • Understand your area of interest. If you pick the right topic according to interest, it will be easy for you to project your learning.
  • Do not jump straight to any research topic for English papers. Make sure to brainstorm the idea deeply so that you can unlayer your understanding properly.
  • Good research topics for English papers reflect your knowledge and time management skills. Choose the topic according to your project submission deadline.
  • Paying utmost attention to a particular idea while writing your papers can limit your creativity. So, absorb the other aspects of topics for writing compelling English research papers.
  • Before finalizing any English papers topic, make sure to look around. It means you need to write according to your audiences’ interests. Otherwise, you would fail to create a good impression.

Still In Doubts? Turn Your Attention To Expert’s Suggestion!

Are you feeling puzzled while selecting the English research paper topics? Holding your research paper for longer can hurt your performance. So, search for the solutions instead of creating tension in your mind. If you cannot focus on your English research paper writing, ask for experts’ help. Use our noteworthy paper help and share your concerns with our English writers. Their interpretation and proficiency in the English language will help you out. Under their guidance, you will find the right research.

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By Alex Brown

I'm an ambitious, seasoned, and versatile author. I am experienced in proposing, outlining, and writing engaging assignments. Developing contagious academic work is always my top priority. I have a keen eye for detail and diligence in producing exceptional academic writing work. I work hard daily to help students with their assignments and projects. Experimenting with creative writing styles while maintaining a solid and informative voice is what I enjoy the most.

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English Department Dissertations Collection

Current students, please follow this link to submit your dissertation.

Dissertations from 2023 2023

In Search of Middle Paths: Buddhism, Fiction, and the Secular in Twentieth-Century South Asia , Crystal Baines, English

Save Our Children: Discourses of Queer Futurity in the United States and South Africa, 1977-2010 , Jude Hayward-Jansen, English

Epistemologies of the Unknowable in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature , Maria Ishikawa, English

Revenge of the Nerds: Tech Masculinity and Digital Hegemony , Benjamin M. Latini, English

The Diasporic Mindset and Narrative Intersections of British Identity in Transnational Fiction , Joseph A. Mason, English


Dissertations from 2022 2022

Writing the Aftermath: Uncanny Spaces of the Postcolonial , Sohini Banerjee, English

Science Fiction’s Enactment of the Encouragement, Process, and End Result of Revolutionary Transformation , Katharine Blanchard, English



When Choices Aren't Choices: Academic Literacy Normativities in the Age of Neoliberalism , Robin K. Garabedian, English

Redefining Gender Violence: Radical Feminist Visions in Contemporary Ethnic American Women’s Fiction and Women of Color Activism 1990-2010 , Hazel Gedikli, English

Stories Women Carry: Labor and Reproductive Imaginaries of South Asia and the Caribbean , Subhalakshmi Gooptu, English

The Critical Workshop: Writing Revision and Critical Pedagogy in the Middle School Classroom , Andrea R. Griswold, English

Racial Poetics: Early Modern Race and the Form of Comedy , Yunah Kae, English

At the Limits of Empathy: Political Conflict and its Aftermath in Postcolonial Fiction , Saumya Lal, English

The Burdens and Blessings of Responsibility: Duty and Community in Nineteenth- Century America , Leslie Leonard, English

No There There: New Jersey in Multiethnic Writing and Popular Culture Since 1990 , Shannon Mooney, English

Ownership and Writer Agency in Web 2.0 , Thomas Pickering, English

Combating Narratives: Soldiering in Twentieth-Century African American and Latinx Literature , Stacy Reardon, English



Dissertations from 2021 2021

"On Neptunes Watry Realmes": Maritime Law and English Renaissance Literature , Hayley Cotter, English

Theater of Exchange: The Cosmopolitan Stage of Jacobean London , Liz Fox, English

“The Badge of All Our Tribe”: Contradictions of Jewish Representation on the English Renaissance Stage , Becky S. Friedman, English

On Being Dispersed: The Poetics of Dehiscence from "We the People" to Abolition , Sean A. Gordon, English

Echoing + Resistant Imagining: Filipino Student Writing Under American Colonial Rule , Florianne Jimenez, English

When Your Words Are Someone Else's Money: Rhetorical Circulation, Affect, and Late Capitalism , Kelin E. Loe, English

Indigenous Impositions in Contemporary Culture: Knotting Ontologies, Beading Aesthetics, and Braiding Temporalities , Darren Lone Fight, English


Negotiating Space: Spatial Violation on the Early Modern Stage, 1587-1638 , Gregory W. Sargent, English

Stranger Compass of the Stage: Difference and Desire in Early Modern City Comedy , Catherine Tisdale, English

Dissertations from 2020 2020


Materially Queer: Identity and Agency in Academic Writing , Joshua Barsczewski, English



Passing Literacies: Soviet Immigrant Elders and Intergenerational Language Practice , Jenny Krichevsky, English

Lisa Ben and Queer Rhetorical Reeducation in Post-war Los Angeles , Katelyn S. Litterer, English

Daring Depictions: An Analysis of Risks and Their Mediation in Representations of Black Suffering , Russell Nurick, English

From Page to Program: A Study of Stakeholders in Multimodal First-Year Composition Curriculum and Program Design , Rebecca Petitti, English

Forms of the Future: Indigeneity, Blackness, and the Visioning Work of Aesthetics in U.S. Poetry, 1822-1863 , Magdalena Zapędowska, English

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Black Men Who Betray Their Race: 20TH Century Literary Representations of the Black Male Race Traitor , Gregory Coleman, English

“The Worlding Game”: Queer Ecological Perspectives in Modern Fiction , Sarah D'Stair, English

Afrasian Imaginaries: Global Capitalism and Labor Migration in Indian Ocean Fictions, 1990 – 2015 , Neelofer Qadir, English

Divided Tongues: The Politics and Poetics of Food in Modern Anglophone Indian Fiction , Shakuntala Ray, English

Globalizing Nature on the Shakespearean Stage , William Steffen, English

Gilded Chains: Global Economies and Gendered Arts in US Fiction, 1865-1930 , Heather Wayne, English


Dissertations from 2018 2018

Sex and Difference in the Jewish American Family: Incest Narratives in 1990s Literary and Pop Culture , Eli W. Bromberg, English

Rhetorical Investments: Writing, Technology, and the Emerging Logics of the Public Sphere , Dan Ehrenfeld, English

Kiskeyanas Valientes en Este Espacio: Dominican Women Writers and the Spaces of Contemporary American Literature , Isabel R. Espinal, English



Charting the Terrain of Latina/o/x Theater in Chicago , Priscilla M. Page, English

The Politics of Feeling and the Work of Belonging in US Immigrant Fiction 1990 - 2015 , Lauren Silber, English

Turning Inside Out: Reading and Writing Godly Identity in Seventeenth-Century Narratives of Spiritual Experience , Meghan Conine Swavely, English

Dissertations from 2017 2017

Tragicomic Transpositions: The Influence of Spanish Prose Romance on the Development of Early Modern English Tragicomedy , Josefina Hardman, English

“The Blackness of Blackness”: Meta-Black Identity in 20th/21st Century African American Culture , Casey Hayman, English

Waiting for Now: Postcolonial Fiction and Colonial Time , Amanda Ruth Waugh Lagji, English

Latina Identities, Critical Literacies, and Academic Achievement in Community College , Morgan Lynn, English

Demanding Spaces: 1970s U.S. Women's Novels as Sites of Struggle , Kate Marantz, English

Novel Buildings: Architectural and Narrative Form in Victorian Fiction , Ashley R. Nadeau, English


Dialogue and "Dialect": Character Speech in American Fiction , Carly Overfelt, English

Materializing Transfer: Writing Dispositions in a Culture of Standardized Testing , Lisha Daniels Storey, English

Theatres of War: Performing Queer Nationalism in Modernist Narratives , Elise Swinford, English

Dissertations from 2016 2016

Multimodal Assessment in Action: What We Really Value in New Media Texts , Kathleen M. Baldwin, English

Addictive Reading: Nineteenth-Century Drug Literature's Possible Worlds , Adam Colman, English

"The Book Can't Teach You That": A Case Study of Place, Writing, and Tutors' Constructions of Writing Center Work , Christopher Joseph DiBiase, English

Protest Lyrics at Work: Labor Resistance Poetry of Depression-Era Autoworkers , Rebecca S. Griffin, English

From What Remains: The Politics of Aesthetic Mourning and the Poetics of Loss in Contemporary African American Culture , Kajsa K. Henry, English

Minor Subjects in America: Everyday Childhoods of the Long Nineteenth Century , Gina M. Ocasion, English

Enduring Affective Rhetorics: Transnational Feminist Action in Digital Spaces , Jessica Ouellette, English

The School Desk and the Writing Body , Marni M. Presnall, English

Sustainable Public Intellectualism: The Rhetorics of Student Scientist-Activists , Jesse Priest, English

Prosthetizing the Soul: Reading, Seeing, and Feeling in Seventeenth-Century Devotion , Katey E. Roden, English

Dissertations from 2015 2015

“As Child in Time”: Childhood, Temporality, and 19th Century U.S. Literary Imaginings of Democracy , Marissa Carrere, English

A National Style: A Critical Historiography of the Irish Short Story , Andrew Fox, English

Homosexuality is a Poem: How Gay Poets Remodeled the Lyric, Community and the Ideology of Sex to Theorize a Gay Poetic , Christopher M. Hennessy, English

Affecting Manhood: Masculinity, Effeminacy, and the Fop Figure in Early Modern English Drama , Jessica Landis, English

Who Do You Think You Are?: Recovering the Self in the Working Class Escape Narrative , Christine M. Maksimowicz, English

Metabolizing Capital: Writing, Information, and the Biophysical World , Christian J. Pulver, English

Audible Voice in Context , Airlie S. Rose, English

The Role of Online Reading and Writing in the Literacy Practices of First-Year Writing Students , Casey Burton Soto, English

Dissertations from 2014 2014


Seeing Blindness: The Visual and the Great War in Literary Modernism , Rachael Dworsky, English


Interactive Audience and the Internet , John R. Gallagher, English

Down from the Mountain and into the Mill: Literacy Sponsorship and Southern Appalachian Women in the New South , Emma M. Howes, English

Transnational Gestures: Rethinking Trauma in U.S. War Fiction , Ruth A.H. Lahti, English

"A More Natural Mother": Concepts of Maternity and Queenship in Early Modern England , Anne-Marie Kathleen Strohman, English

Dissertations from 2013 2013

Letters to a Dictionary: Competing Views of Language in the Reception of Webster's Third New International Dictionary , Anne Pence Bello, English

Staging the Depression: The Federal Theatre Project's Dramas of Poverty, 1935-1939 , Amy Brady, English

Our Story Has Not Been Told in any Moment: Radical Black Feminist Theatre From The Old Left to Black Power , Julie M Burrell, English

Writing for Social Action: Affect, Activism, and the Composition Classroom , Sarah Finn, English

Surviving Domestic Tensions: Existential Uncertainty in New World African Diasporic Women's Literature , Denia M Fraser, English

From Feathers to Fur: Theatrical Representations of Skin in the Medieval English Cycle Plays , Valerie Anne Gramling, English

The Reflexive Scaffold: Metatheatricality, Genre, and Cultural Performance in English Renaissance Drama , Nathaniel C. Leonard, English

The World Inscribed: Literary Form, Travel, and the Book in England, 1580-1660 , Philip S Palmer, English

Shakespearean Signifiers , Marie H Roche, English

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English Literature Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This guide, centered on English literature research paper topics , serves as a comprehensive resource for students seeking to delve deep into the diverse epochs, authors, and themes that have shaped English literary tradition. Navigating the intricate tapestry of English literature offers scholars a multitude of avenues for exploration. From the mystique of medieval tales to the introspective narratives of modernism, this guide not only provides a plethora of English literature research paper topics but also offers insights on choosing the ideal topic, structuring the research paper, and harnessing the unmatched writing services of iResearchNet. Dive in to unravel the rich heritage of English literature and discover the myriad opportunities it presents for academic exploration.

100 English Literature Research Paper Topics

Diving into English literature is like embarking on a journey through time and culture. From ancient ballads to modernist narratives, it offers a vast panorama of themes, styles, and societal reflections. Below is a comprehensive list of English literature research paper topics spanning across different eras and genres:

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Medieval Literature

  • The significance of chivalry in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight .
  • The Christian and Pagan elements in Beowulf .
  • Courtly love in The Knight’s Tale from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales .
  • Dream visions in Pearl and Piers Plowman .
  • The role of fate and providence in The Consolation of Philosophy .
  • The art of storytelling in The Decameron vs. The Canterbury Tales .
  • The Seven Deadly Sins in Everyman .
  • The evolution of the English language: Old English vs. Middle English.
  • Religious allegory in The Second Shepherd’s Play .
  • Women and femininity in the Lais of Marie de France .

Renaissance and Elizabethan Age

  • Shakespeare’s portrayal of power in Macbeth .
  • Love and beauty in Sonnet 18 .
  • The idea of the “New World” in The Tempest .
  • The virtues in Spenser’s The Faerie Queene .
  • Magic and science in Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe.
  • The pastoral settings of As You Like It .
  • The politics of gender in Twelfth Night .
  • Revenge and madness in Hamlet .
  • John Donne’s metaphysical poetry and its innovation.
  • The darker side of the Renaissance: The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster.

The Restoration and the 18th Century

  • The satirical world of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels .
  • Class struggles in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders .
  • Alexander Pope’s critique of society in The Rape of the Lock .
  • Aphra Behn and the emergence of the woman writer.
  • The wit and wisdom of Samuel Johnson’s essays.
  • The rise of the novel: Richardson vs. Fielding.
  • Sentimentality and society in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy .
  • Politics and plays: John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera .
  • Women, education, and literature: Mary Wollstonecraft’s ideas.
  • The mock-heroic in English literature.

Romantic Period

  • Nature and transcendence in Wordsworth’s Tintern Abbey .
  • The Byronic hero in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage .
  • Shelley’s Ozymandias and the ephemeral nature of power.
  • The Gothic romance of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights .
  • George Gordon Lord Byron and the Romantic antihero.
  • The visionary world of William Blake’s poems.
  • The exotic and the familiar in Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
  • Keats’s exploration of beauty and mortality.
  • The industrial revolution’s reflection in literature.
  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and the dangers of ambition.

Victorian Era

  • Charles Dickens and his critique of Victorian society.
  • The challenges of morality in Thomas Hardy’s novels.
  • The bildungsroman in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre .
  • The plight of women in George Eliot’s Middlemarch .
  • Oscar Wilde’s wit and irony in The Importance of Being Earnest .
  • The debate on science and religion in In Memoriam A.H.H by Alfred Lord Tennyson.
  • The mystery and suspense of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories.
  • The “Woman Question” in Victorian literature.
  • The realism of Anthony Trollope’s Chronicles of Barsetshire.
  • Gothic elements in Dracula by Bram Stoker.
  • The fragmented narrative of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse .
  • T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and the disillusionment of the post-war era.
  • The struggles of the working class in D.H. Lawrence’s novels.
  • The impact of World War I on English poetry.
  • James Joyce’s revolutionary narrative techniques in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man .
  • E.M. Forster’s exploration of social and racial themes.
  • The critique of colonialism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness .
  • W.B. Yeats and the Irish literary revival.
  • The emergence of the stream-of-consciousness technique.
  • The Jazz Age and decadence in the writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The Gothic Tradition

  • Origins of Gothic fiction: Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto .
  • The supernatural and macabre in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
  • Ann Radcliffe’s influence on the Gothic novel.
  • The role of the Byronic hero in The Vampyre by John Polidori.
  • Duality of human nature in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde .
  • The haunting atmospheres in Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.
  • Gender and sexuality in Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu.
  • Edgar Allan Poe’s influence on English Gothic literature.
  • Dracula by Bram Stoker: Themes of sexuality and fear of the unknown.
  • The Gothic novel as a reflection of societal fears and anxieties.

The Angry Young Men Era

  • Social criticism in John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger .
  • Exploring masculinity in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe.
  • The disillusionment of post-war Britain in The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner .
  • The class struggle in Kingsley Amis’s Lucky Jim .
  • Existential themes in John Wain’s Hurry on Down .
  • Feminine perspectives in the era: Shelagh Delaney’s A Taste of Honey .
  • The critique of academia in The History Man by Malcolm Bradbury.
  • The Angry Young Men and their influence on modern theater.
  • The transformation of British literature in the 1950s and 1960s.
  • The lasting legacy of the Angry Young Men movement in contemporary literature.

Postmodern British Literature

  • Metafiction in Julian Barnes’s Flaubert’s Parrot .
  • The playfulness of language in Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses .
  • Intertextuality in Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit .
  • The fragmented narrative in Graham Swift’s Waterland .
  • Reality and fiction in Ian McEwan’s Atonement .
  • Gender and postcolonial themes in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve .
  • The exploration of identity in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth .
  • The deconstruction of traditional narrative in Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell.
  • Postmodern gothic in The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.
  • Magical realism in The Porcelain Doll by Julian Barnes.

Contemporary English Literature

  • The multicultural London in Brick Lane by Monica Ali.
  • Exploring family dynamics in On Beauty by Zadie Smith.
  • The concept of time in Ian McEwan’s Amsterdam .
  • The role of history in Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall .
  • The exploration of love and loss in Julian Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending .
  • Postcolonial Britain in Andrea Levy’s Small Island .
  • The challenges of modern life in Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity .
  • The evolution of the English detective novel: Kate Atkinson’s Case Histories .
  • The legacy of the British Empire in The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai.
  • The digital age and its influence on literature: The Word Exchange by Alena Graedon.

English literature boasts a rich and varied tapestry of themes, periods, and genres. This comprehensive list is a testament to the dynamism and depth of the field, offering a myriad of research avenues for students. As they venture into each topic, they can appreciate the nuances and complexities that have shaped the literary tradition, making it an invaluable component of global culture and heritage.

English Literature and the Range of Topics It Offers

English literature, encompassing the vast historical, cultural, and artistic legacy of writings in the English language, boasts a rich tapestry of narratives, characters, and stylistic innovations. From the earliest Old English epic poems to the reflective and multifaceted postmodern novels, English literature offers an expansive array of topics for analysis, discussion, and research. The depth and breadth of this literary tradition are mirrored by the diverse range of English literature research paper topics it can inspire.

The Medieval Foundation

Diving into the early origins of English literature, we encounter works like Beowulf , an Old English epic poem of heroism, fate, and the struggle against malevolent forces. Medieval English literature, characterized by religious texts, chivalric romances, and philosophical treatises, sets the stage for the evolution of narrative styles and thematic explorations. The rich allegorical narratives, like Piers Plowman or Sir Gawain and the Green Knight , present intricate societal and spiritual commentaries that still resonate with readers today. These works invite inquiries into the socio-religious dynamics of medieval England, the evolution of the English language, and the literary techniques employed.

Renaissance and Enlightenment: A Burst of Creativity

The Renaissance and Elizabethan Age saw the emergence of revered playwrights like William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, whose dramas, whether tragedies, comedies, or histories, plumbed the depths of human emotion, politics, and existence. The genius of Shakespeare’s Hamlet or Othello , juxtaposed against Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus , provides a fertile ground for investigating themes of ambition, betrayal, love, and existential angst. Moreover, with poets like Edmund Spenser and his epic The Faerie Queene , English literature expanded its horizons, both thematically and stylistically.

The subsequent Restoration and the 18th century ushered in a period of social and literary change. With authors like Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope, satire became a powerful tool to critique society and politics. Furthermore, the emergence of the novel, as exemplified by Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe and Samuel Richardson’s Pamela , offered researchers a chance to explore the evolving societal values, gender norms, and narrative techniques.

Romanticism, Victorian Era to Modernism: A Spectrum of Emotion and Thought

The Romantic period, marked by poets like William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and John Keats, celebrated nature, emotion, and individualism. In contrast, the Victorian era, with novelists like Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, and the Brontë sisters, addressed societal change, morality, and industrialization. Both periods are a goldmine for English literature research paper topics around the individual vs. society, the role of nature, and the exploration of the self.

Modernism in English literature, with heavyweights like Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and T.S. Eliot, revolutionized narrative structure and thematic depth. Works from this era, such as To the Lighthouse or The Waste Land , demand analysis on fragmented narrative, stream of consciousness, and the introspective exploration of the human psyche.

Contemporary Reflections

Contemporary English literature, shaped by postcolonial, feminist, and postmodern influences, gives voice to a plethora of perspectives. Authors like Salman Rushdie, Zadie Smith, and Julian Barnes tackle issues of identity, multiculturalism, history, and reality versus fiction. Such works present a plethora of avenues for research, from analyzing the postcolonial identity in Rushdie’s narratives to the intricate tapestries of familial and societal dynamics in Smith’s novels.

Concluding Thoughts

In essence, English literature is an evolving entity, reflecting and shaping societal, cultural, and individual values and challenges over the centuries. For students and researchers, the wealth of English literature research paper topics it offers ranges from historical and linguistic analyses to deep dives into thematic cores and stylistic innovations. Whether one wishes to explore the chivalric codes of medieval romances, the biting satires of the 18th century, the emotional landscapes of Romanticism, or the fragmented realities of postmodern narratives, English literature provides an inexhaustible reservoir of research opportunities.

How to Choose an English Literature Topic

Choosing a research paper topic, especially within the expansive field of English literature, can be a challenging endeavor. The centuries-spanning literature offers a treasure trove of stories, themes, characters, and socio-political contexts that beckon exhaustive exploration. As such, students often find themselves at a crossroads, wondering where to begin and how to narrow down their choices to find that one compelling topic. Here’s a detailed guide to streamline this process:

  • Align with Your Interests: Dive into periods, genres, or authors that genuinely intrigue you. If Victorian novels captivate your imagination or if Shakespearean dramas resonate with you, use that as your starting point. Genuine interest ensures sustained motivation throughout your research journey.
  • Evaluate Academic Relevance: While personal interest is vital, ensure your chosen topic aligns with academic goals and curriculum requirements. Some English literature research paper topics, while intriguing, might not offer substantial academic value for a particular course or level of study.
  • Seek Familiar Ground (But Not Too Familiar): Leverage your previous readings and coursework. Familiarity offers a foundation, but challenge yourself to explore uncharted territories within that domain. If you enjoyed Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice , maybe delve into its feminist interpretations or comparative studies with other contemporaneous works.
  • Embrace Complexity: Opt for English literature research paper topics that lend themselves to multifaceted exploration. Simple topics might not provide enough depth for comprehensive research papers. Instead of a general overview of Romantic poetry, explore the portrayal of nature in Wordsworth’s works versus Shelley’s.
  • Historical and Cultural Context: Literature isn’t created in a vacuum. Understand the historical and societal backdrop of a literary work. This context can offer a fresh perspective and can be an excellent lens for your research.
  • Contemporary Relevance: How does a particular work or literary period converse with today’s world? Exploring the modern implications or relevance of classic works can be both enlightening and academically rewarding.
  • Diverse Interpretations: Embrace English literature research paper topics open to various interpretations. Works like George Orwell’s 1984 or Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot can be analyzed from political, psychological, existential, or linguistic viewpoints.
  • Consult with Peers and Professors: Engage in discussions with classmates and seek advice from professors. Their feedback can provide new perspectives or refine your existing topic ideas.
  • Read Critiques and Literary Journals: Academic journals, critiques, and literary analyses offer insights into popular research areas and can help you identify gaps or lesser-explored aspects of a work or period.
  • Flexibility is Key: As you delve deeper into your research, be open to tweaking or even changing your topic. New findings or challenges might necessitate slight shifts in your research focus.

Choosing the right research topic in English literature requires a blend of personal passion, academic relevance, and the potential for in-depth exploration. By aligning your interests with academic goals, and being open to exploration and adaptation, you pave the way for a fulfilling and academically enriching research experience. Remember, the journey of researching and understanding literature can be as enlightening as the end result. Embrace the process, and let the vast ocean of English literature inspire and challenge you.

How to Write an English Literature Research Paper

Penning an English literature research paper is a task that demands meticulous planning, a deep understanding of the subject, and the ability to weave thoughts coherently. English literature, with its vast and rich tapestry, offers endless avenues for exploration, making it both an exciting and daunting endeavor. Below are step-by-step guidelines to craft a compelling research paper in this domain:

  • Understanding the Assignment: Before diving into the research phase, ensure you fully understand the assignment’s requirements. Is there a specific format? Are certain sources mandatory? What’s the word count? This foundational clarity sets the stage for efficient research and writing.
  • Preliminary Research: Start with a broad exploration of your topic. Read general articles, introductory chapters, or review papers. This will give you a general overview and can help narrow down your focus.
  • Thesis Statement Formulation: Your thesis is the backbone of your research paper. It should be clear, precise, and arguable. For instance, instead of writing “Shakespeare’s plays are influential,” you might specify, “ Macbeth illustrates the dire consequences of unchecked ambition.”
  • Diving Deeper – Detailed Research: With your thesis in hand, dive deeper into primary (original texts) and secondary sources (critiques, essays). Libraries, academic databases, and literary journals are treasure troves of valuable information.
  • Organize Your Findings: Use digital tools, index cards, or notebooks to categorize and annotate your findings. Grouping similar ideas together will make the writing process smoother.
  • Drafting an Outline: An organized structure is essential for clarity. Create an outline with clear headings and subheadings, ensuring a logical flow of ideas. This will serve as a roadmap as you write.
  • Introduction Crafting: Your introduction should be engaging, offering a glimpse of your thesis and the significance of your study. Remember, first impressions count!
  • Literary Analysis: Delve into the text’s intricacies – symbols, themes, character development, stylistic devices, and historical context.
  • Critiques and Counter-arguments: Discuss various interpretations of the text, and don’t shy away from addressing dissenting views. This lends credibility and depth to your paper.
  • Comparative Analysis (if applicable): Compare the chosen work with others, drawing parallels or highlighting contrasts.
  • Maintaining Coherence and Transition: Each paragraph should have a clear main idea and transition smoothly to the next, maintaining the paper’s flow and ensuring the reader’s engagement.
  • Conclusion Crafting: Reiterate your thesis and summarize your main findings. Discuss the broader implications of your study, potentially suggesting areas for further exploration.
  • Citing Your Sources: Always attribute ideas and quotations to their original authors. Depending on the assigned format (MLA, APA, etc.), ensure that in-text citations and the bibliography are correctly formatted.
  • Revision and Proofreading: Once your draft is complete, take a break before revisiting it. Read it aloud to catch awkward phrasings. Check for grammatical errors, consistency in argumentation, and clarity in presenting ideas. Consider seeking peer reviews or utilizing editing tools.
  • Seek Feedback: Before final submission, consider sharing your paper with a mentor, professor, or knowledgeable peer. Their insights can be invaluable in refining your research paper.

Writing an English literature research paper is as much an art as it is a science. While meticulous research and structured writing are crucial, allowing your passion for literature to shine through will elevate your paper. Remember, literature is about exploring the human experience, and as you dissect these masterpieces, you’re not just analyzing texts but delving into profound insights about life, society, and humanity. Embrace the journey, and let every step, from research to writing, be a process of discovery.

iResearchNet Writing Services for Custom English Literature Research Paper

For any student of English literature, the voyage through various eras, authors, and their imaginative universes is both exhilarating and overwhelming. Each period, from the mystical narratives of the Middle Ages to the raw modernism of the 20th century, has its distinctive character, themes, and voices. However, writing a research paper on such vast and diverseEnglish literature research paper topics can be challenging. This is where iResearchNet steps in, bridging the gap between intricate literary exploration and top-notch academic writing.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: Our team consists of scholars who not only hold advanced degrees in English literature but are also passionate about their specialization. Whether you’re delving into Chaucer’s tales or Virginia Woolf’s modernist prose, rest assured, there’s an expert at iResearchNet familiar with the nuances of the topic.
  • Custom Written Works: Each paper is crafted from scratch, ensuring originality and authenticity. We understand that English literature is an interpretative art, and we strive to provide fresh insights tailored to your specific requirements.
  • In-Depth Research: With vast resources at our disposal, from academic journals to rare manuscripts, our writers conduct rigorous research, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the topic.
  • Custom Formatting: Whether you require APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard style, our writers are well-versed in various academic formatting standards. With keen attention to detail, we ensure your paper aligns with institutional requirements.
  • Top Quality: We uphold the highest quality standards, ensuring clarity, coherence, and cogent arguments. Every paper undergoes a thorough review process, guaranteeing academic excellence.
  • Customized Solutions: English literature is diverse, and so are the requirements of every assignment. iResearchNet’s approach is inherently flexible, catering to unique needs, be it comparative analysis, thematic exploration, or literary criticism.
  • Flexible Pricing: We believe that quality academic support should be accessible. Our pricing model is designed to provide premium service without straining your budget.
  • Short Deadlines: Crunch time? With a team of dedicated writers, we can cater to tight deadlines, ensuring timely delivery without compromising on quality.
  • Timely Delivery: Respecting deadlines is fundamental to our ethos. Whether you’ve planned months in advance or are seeking last-minute assistance, we guarantee punctual delivery.
  • 24/7 Support: Any queries or concerns? Our support team is available round the clock, ensuring seamless communication and swift resolution of any issues.
  • Absolute Privacy: Your confidentiality is paramount. All personal and academic data is encrypted, ensuring complete privacy and security.
  • Easy Order Tracking: Stay in the loop with our intuitive order tracking system, keeping you updated on the progress of your research paper at every stage.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: We are committed to delivering excellence. However, if, for any reason, our service doesn’t meet your expectations, we offer a comprehensive money-back guarantee.

At iResearchNet, our primary goal is to support and elevate your academic journey in English literature. With a blend of profound literary knowledge and impeccable writing skills, we bring to life the narratives, themes, and voices of the past and present. So, whether you’re venturing into the allegorical world of The Faerie Queene or analyzing the post-colonial undertones in Wide Sargasso Sea , with iResearchNet, you’re not just getting a paper; you’re obtaining a piece of scholarly art.

Delve into the Literary Chronicles with iResearchNet

English literature, a tapestry woven with tales of heroism, love, tragedy, and introspection, spans over centuries, capturing the essence of an evolving nation and its people. From the ethereal romance of the Arthurian legends to the stark realism of the 20th century, the literary works of England are a testament to the country’s rich cultural and historical legacy.

But as profound and diverse as English literature is, the challenge lies in understanding its nuances, interpreting its layers, and articulating insights in a coherent and captivating manner. That’s where the journey often becomes daunting for many students. But what if this journey could become less overwhelming and more enlightening?

Enter iResearchNet—a beacon for those navigating the intricate alleys of English literary exploration.

Why trudge through the dense forests of Shakespearean plays, Brontëan landscapes, or Eliotean modernism alone when you can have an expert guiding you every step of the way? With iResearchNet, you don’t just get a service; you get a scholarly companion. Our dedicated team of experts, well-versed in the vast expanse of English literature, are eager to assist you in crafting research papers that resonate with depth, originality, and scholarly rigor.

But don’t just take our word for it. Experience it.

Embark on a transformative academic journey through the heart of English literature. Delve deeper, question further, and write better with iResearchNet as your trusted guide. Let the timeless tales of England come alive in your research, and let your paper stand as a testament to your academic dedication and literary passion.

Are you ready to illuminate the chronicles of England’s literary heritage? With iResearchNet, the odyssey of English literature awaits. Dive in, and let the literary saga unfold!


research titles for english majors

MA Thesis Examples

Recent graduate theses.

The subjects of MA theses have included studies of individual poets or dramatists, novelists or autobiographers, as well as explorations of literary movements, themes or periods. Some of our more recent titles are:

“The Bottom and the Orchard: Where Space and Place are Created, Controlled, and Maintained in Sula and Recitatif ” (2024 Anyabwile)

“The Great (Genre) Escape” (2024 Perrin)

“Modality and Sociality in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford ” (2024 Perry)

“‘Don’t Question the Experts’: Autistic Autobiographies, Expert Paratexts, and Epistemic Injustice” (2024 Thompson)

“Preracial Panem: Understanding Racial Identity in Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games Trilogy and Prequel The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes ” (2024 Wooten)

“Parts of the Story: An Illustrated Short Story Collection” (2023 Beal)

“‘What lady wouldn’t wish to join causes with women who stood up for other women?’: Heroines’ Rivalries and Friendships in Popular Romance Novels” (2023 Bradford)

“Breaking Away: Some Essays on Influence” (2023 Ferrer)

“Posting to Engage: A Study of the Effects of Recovery-Oriented Rhetoric on Community Building for Individuals with Eating Disorders and Associated Symptoms on Instagram” (2023 Horton)

“Being Born: A Memoir of Self-Making in Four Parts” (2023 Langford)

“‘Widen the Lens and See’: Poetry, Photography, and the Act of Witness in Muriel Rukeyser’s ‘The Book of the Dead'” (2023 Marlow)

“Engaging Secondary Students Through Secondary Worlds: An Approach to Teaching Tolkien at the High School Level” (2022 Casey)

“The Religious and the Secular Mythology in Idylls of the King ” (2022 Kirkendall)

“‘…A Hideous Monster’: Social Repression and Rebellion in Gregory Corso’s ‘The American Way'” (2022 LeBey)

“Individualism, Materialism, and Sacrifice in Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ and Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Nightingale'” (2022 Nalbandian)

“Burying the Carnival” (2022 Overdurf)

“Attending to Time in Narratives of Enslavement: Temporal Alterities and Lived Experiences of Time in Toni Morrison’s Beloved ” (2021 Bischoff)

“‘Beasts who walk alone’: Narrating Queer Abjection in Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood and Jordy Rosenberg’s Confessions of the Fox ” (2021 McGuirk)

“Reach Out and Touch Faith: Haptic Reciprocity in Milton’s Paradise Lost ” (2021 Ricks)

“Gender Matters: Amante’s Gender Construction in Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘The Grey Woman'” (2021 Willis)

“Braddon’s Body of Bigamy: A Corpus Stylistics Analysis” (2021 Waxman)

“‘Memory is all that Matters;’ Queer Latinx Temporality and the Memory-Making Process” (2020 Caicedo)

“Old Wives’ Tales: Mothers & Daughters, Wives & Witches (Stories)” (2020 Champagne)

“‘Numbed and Mortified’: Labor, Empathy, and Acquired Disability in King Lear and Titus Andronicus : (2020 Harrington)

“‘More Forms and Stranger’: Queer Feminism and the Aesthetic of Sapphic Camp (2020 Kennedy)

“A Discourse and Statistical Approach to Intersections of Gender and Race in Melville’s Typee ” (2020 Post)

“Prophetic Un-speaking: The Language of Inheritance and Original Sin in Paradise Lost and S alve Deus Rex Judaeorum ” (2019 Darrow)

“‘The Frame of her Eternal Dream’: From Thel to Dreamscapes of Influence” (2019 Gallo)

“‘The Murmure and the Cherles Rebellying’: Poetic and Economic Interpretations of the Great Revolt of 1381” (2019 Noell)

“Dialogic Convergences of Spatiality, Racial Identity, and the American Cultural Imagination” (2019 Humphrey)

“Troubling Vice: Stigma and Subjectivity in Shakespeare’s Ambitious Villains” (2019 Simonson)

“Beyond Mourning: Afro-Pessimism in Contemporary African American Fiction” (2018 Huggins)

“‘Harmonized by the earth’: Land, Landscape, and Place in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights ” (2018 Bevin)

“(Re)membering the Subject: Nomadic Becoming in Contemporary Chicano/a Literature” (2018 Voelkner)

“Werewolves: The Outsider on the Inside in Icelandic and French Medieval Literature” (2018 Modugno)

“Towards Self-Defined Expressions of Black Anger in Claudia Rankine’s  Citizen and Percival Everett’s  Erasure ” (2018 Razak)

“Echoes Inhabit the Garden: The Music of Poetry and Place in T.S. Eliot” (2018 Goldsmith)

“‘Is this what motherhood is?’: Ambivalent Representations of Motherhood in Black Women’s Novels, 1953-2011” (2018 Gotfredson)

“Movements of Hunters and Pilgrims: Forms of Motion and Thought in  Moby-Dick ,  The Confidence Man , and  Clarel ” (2018 Marcy)

“Speaking of the Body: The Maternal Body, Race, and Language in the Plays of Cherrie Moraga, Suzan-Lori Parks, and Tony Kushner” (2018 King)

“Passing as Jewish: The Material Consequences of Race and the Property of Whiteness in Late Twentieth-Century Passing Novels” (2017 Mullis)

“Eliot through Tolkien: Estrangement, Verse Drama, and the Christian Path in the Modern Era” (2017 Reynolds)

“Aesthetics, Politics, and the Urban Space in Postcolonial British Literature” (2017 Rahmat)

“Models of Claim, Resistance, and Activism in the Novels of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Hays, and Frances Burney” (2017 Smith)

“English Literature’s Father of Authorial Androgyny: The Innovative Perspective of Chaucer and the Wife of Bath” (2017 Ingold)

 “’Verbal Hygiene’ on the Radio: An Exploration into Perceptions of Female Voices on Public Radio and How They Reflect Language and Gender Ideologies within American Culture” (2017 Barrett)

“Divided Bodies: Nation Formation and the Literary Marketplace in Salman Rushdie’s Shame and Bapsi Sidhwa’s Cracking India” (2016 Mellon)

“Metaformal Trends in Contemporary American Poetry” (2016 Muller)

“Power Through Privilege: Surveying Perspectives on the Humanities in Higher Education in the Contemporary American Campus Novel” (2016 Klein)

“‘I always cure you when I come’: The Caregiver Figure in the Novels of Jane Austen” (2016 McKenzie)

“English Imperial Selfhood and Semiperipheral Witchcraft in The Faerie Queene, Daemonologie, and The Tempest”  (2016 Davis)

“With Slabs, Bones, and Poles: De/Constructing Narratives of Hurricane Katrina in Jesmyn Ward’s Salvage the Bones , Natasha Trethewey’s Beyond Katrina , and Selah Saterstrom’s Slab”  (2016 Lang)

“The Ghost of That Ineluctable Past”: Trauma and Memory in John Banville’s Frames Trilogy” (2016 Berry)

“Breaking Through Walls and Pages: Female Reading and Education in the 18th Century British Novel” (2015 Majewski)

“The Economics of Gender Relations in London City Comedy” (2015 Weisse)

“Objects, People, and Landscapes of Terror: Considering the Sublime through the Gothic Mode in Late 19th Century Novels” (2015 Porter)

“Placing the Body: A Study of Postcolonialism and Environment in the Works of Jamaica Kincaid” (2015 Hutcherson)

“Wandering Bodies: The Disruption of Identities in Jamaica Kincaid’s Lucy and Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones ” (2015 Martin)

“Mythogenesis as a Reconfiguration of Space in an ‘Alternate World’: The Legacy of Origin and Diaspora in Experimental Writing” (2015 Pittenger)

“Cunning Authors and Bad Readers: Gendered Authorship in ‘Love in Excess'” (2015 Bruening)

“‘The Thing Became Real’: New Materialisms and Race in the Fiction of Nella Larsen” (2015 Parkinson)

“‘Projections of the Not-Me’: Redemptive Possibilities of the Gothic within Wuthering Heights and Beloved” (2015 Glasser)

“Distortions, Collections, and Mobility: South Asian Poets and the Space for Female Subjectivity” (2015 Wilkey)

“From Text to Tech: Theorizing Changing Experimental Narrative Structures” (2015 Ortega)

“A Moral Being in an Aesthetic World: Being in the Early Novels of Kurt Vonnegut” (2015 Hubbard)

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Student Research

English majors can participate in academic research in many ways: taking classes focused on research practices and methodologies, working on faculty-led research projects, developing independent research projects, or writing honors theses.

Research-Intensive Classes. Research experience is an integral part of the English major. And while students in the major engage in a variety of research experiences throughout their English classes, the department also offers several research-intensive courses, including a required Capstone course (which requires the completion of a major research or creative project). Students interested in pursuing research in literature, language, writing, or rhetoric more deeply may consider one of our designated research-intensive classes.  

  • ENGL 4400 Opening the Archive
  • ENGL 4410 Research in Rhetoric and Writing
  • ENGL 4710 Capstone Seminar (topics vary)
  • ENGL 4992 Directed Study

September 24, 2013 - English professor Marina Leslie taught her class, "Opening the Archive," using maps from the Arader Galleries Collection in Snell Library.

Independent Research Projects. Students have several opportunities to engage in research through coursework. For example, in ENGL 2991, students engage in independent or group research under the supervision of a faculty member. CSSH students in the University Honors Program have the opportunity to carry out independent research projects of significant scope. Undergraduate students can also receive Honors Distinction in the major on their transcripts by successfully completing a CSSH honors research project in their junior of senior year.  

  • ENGL 2991 - Research Practicum (2-4 credits)
  • University Honors
  • College Honors

English major Laura Packard (BA '19) engaged in groundbreaking research with English Professor Erika Boeckeler on the Dragon Prayer Book project, a study of Northeastern's lone medieval manuscript.

Departmental Research Opportunities. Students who qualify for work-study may apply directly through the Student Employment website to work as a research assistant for a professor. Students can also fulfill their co-op experience by conducting research for a faculty member at Northeastern or elsewhere. Students seeking this option should first identify a professor who is working on a topic that they are interested in and qualified to assist with before presenting a plan to the co-op advisor. Our faculty are leading exciting projects and working with affiliated centers on research year-round.

  • Assessing Multilingual Writing - Mya Poe & Qianqian Zhang-Wu
  • Digital Archive of American Indian Languages Preservation and Perseverance - Ellen Cushman
  • Digital Transgender Archive - K.J. Rawson
  • Dragon Prayer Book Project - Erika Boeckeler
  • Early Caribbean Digital Archive - Nicole Aljoe & Elizabeth Maddock Dillon
  • Pandemic Shakespeare - Erika Boeckeler
  • Thoreau's Journal Drawings - Kathleen Kelly
  • Women Writers Project - Julia Flanders
  • Writing Program Digital Archive - Neal Lerner

September 6, 2019 - Sarah Connell, Assistant Director of the Women Writers Project, and Julia Flanders, Director and Professor, compare their transcription to an original text.

University-wide Research Opportunities. Students can explore an extensive range of research opportunities across the entire University on the Office of Undergraduate Research & Fellowships website. This site also includes helpful resources and application deadlines.  

The annual RISE (Research Innovation Scholarship Entrepreneurship) Awards serve as a large-scale effort to support Northeastern's commitment to use-inspired research and solution-focused innovation. Hundreds of students and faculty showcase their research at this event each year.

Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas: Education

170+ Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Topic Kickstarter: Research topics in education

If you’re just starting out exploring education-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from actual dissertations and theses..

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Education Research Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • List of 50+ education-related research topics/ideas
  • List of 120+ level-specific research topics 
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics in education
  • Tips to fast-track your topic ideation (video)
  • Free Webinar : Topic Ideation 101
  • Where to get extra help

Education-Related Research Topics & Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of education-related research topics and idea kickstarters. These are fairly broad and flexible to various contexts, so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • The impact of school funding on student achievement
  • The effects of social and emotional learning on student well-being
  • The effects of parental involvement on student behaviour
  • The impact of teacher training on student learning
  • The impact of classroom design on student learning
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • The use of student data to inform instruction
  • The role of parental involvement in education
  • The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom
  • The use of technology in the classroom
  • The role of critical thinking in education
  • The use of formative and summative assessments in the classroom
  • The use of differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • The use of gamification in education
  • The effects of teacher burnout on student learning
  • The impact of school leadership on student achievement
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student outcomes
  • The role of teacher collaboration in improving student outcomes
  • The implementation of blended and online learning
  • The effects of teacher accountability on student achievement
  • The effects of standardized testing on student learning
  • The effects of classroom management on student behaviour
  • The effects of school culture on student achievement
  • The use of student-centred learning in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student outcomes
  • The achievement gap in minority and low-income students
  • The use of culturally responsive teaching in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher professional development on student learning
  • The use of project-based learning in the classroom
  • The effects of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The use of adaptive learning technology in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher turnover on student learning
  • The effects of teacher recruitment and retention on student learning
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic success
  • The impact of parental involvement on student engagement
  • The use of positive reinforcement in education
  • The impact of school climate on student engagement
  • The role of STEM education in preparing students for the workforce
  • The effects of school choice on student achievement
  • The use of technology in the form of online tutoring

Level-Specific Research Topics

Looking for research topics for a specific level of education? We’ve got you covered. Below you can find research topic ideas for primary, secondary and tertiary-level education contexts. Click the relevant level to view the respective list.

Research Topics: Pick An Education Level

Primary education.

  • Investigating the effects of peer tutoring on academic achievement in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of mindfulness practices in primary school classrooms
  • Examining the effects of different teaching strategies on primary school students’ problem-solving skills
  • The use of storytelling as a teaching strategy in primary school literacy instruction
  • The role of cultural diversity in promoting tolerance and understanding in primary schools
  • The impact of character education programs on moral development in primary school students
  • Investigating the use of technology in enhancing primary school mathematics education
  • The impact of inclusive curriculum on promoting equity and diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of outdoor education programs on environmental awareness in primary school students
  • The influence of school climate on student motivation and engagement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of early literacy interventions on reading comprehension in primary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student achievement in primary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of inclusive education for students with special needs in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of teacher-student feedback on academic motivation in primary schools
  • The role of technology in developing digital literacy skills in primary school students
  • Effective strategies for fostering a growth mindset in primary school students
  • Investigating the role of parental support in reducing academic stress in primary school children
  • The role of arts education in fostering creativity and self-expression in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of early childhood education programs on primary school readiness
  • Examining the effects of homework on primary school students’ academic performance
  • The role of formative assessment in improving learning outcomes in primary school classrooms
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic outcomes in primary school
  • Investigating the effects of classroom environment on student behavior and learning outcomes in primary schools
  • Investigating the role of creativity and imagination in primary school curriculum
  • The impact of nutrition and healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on primary school students’ well-being and academic performance
  • The role of parental involvement in academic achievement of primary school children
  • Examining the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior in primary school
  • The role of school leadership in creating a positive school climate Exploring the benefits of bilingual education in primary schools
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills in primary school students
  • The role of inquiry-based learning in fostering curiosity and critical thinking in primary school students
  • The effects of class size on student engagement and achievement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of recess and physical activity breaks on attention and learning in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of outdoor play in developing gross motor skills in primary school children
  • The effects of educational field trips on knowledge retention in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of inclusive classroom practices on students’ attitudes towards diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of parental involvement in homework on primary school students’ academic achievement
  • Investigating the effectiveness of different assessment methods in primary school classrooms
  • The influence of physical activity and exercise on cognitive development in primary school children
  • Exploring the benefits of cooperative learning in promoting social skills in primary school students

Secondary Education

  • Investigating the effects of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic success in secondary education
  • The role of social media in enhancing communication and collaboration among secondary school students
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher effectiveness and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of technology integration on teaching and learning in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of interdisciplinary instruction in promoting critical thinking skills in secondary schools
  • The impact of arts education on creativity and self-expression in secondary school students
  • The effectiveness of flipped classrooms in promoting student learning in secondary education
  • The role of career guidance programs in preparing secondary school students for future employment
  • Investigating the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student autonomy and academic success in secondary schools
  • The impact of socio-economic factors on educational attainment in secondary education
  • Investigating the impact of project-based learning on student engagement and academic achievement in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of multicultural education on cultural understanding and tolerance in secondary schools
  • The influence of standardized testing on teaching practices and student learning in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic engagement in secondary education
  • The influence of teacher professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of extracurricular activities in promoting holistic development and well-roundedness in secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of physical education in promoting physical health and well-being among secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of gender on academic achievement and career aspirations in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of multicultural literature in promoting cultural awareness and empathy among secondary school students
  • The impact of school counseling services on student mental health and well-being in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of vocational education and training in preparing secondary school students for the workforce
  • The role of digital literacy in preparing secondary school students for the digital age
  • The influence of parental involvement on academic success and well-being of secondary school students
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on secondary school students’ well-being and academic success
  • The role of character education in fostering ethical and responsible behavior in secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of digital citizenship education on responsible and ethical technology use among secondary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of educational technology in promoting personalized learning experiences in secondary schools
  • The impact of inclusive education on the social and academic outcomes of students with disabilities in secondary schools
  • The influence of parental support on academic motivation and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of school climate in promoting positive behavior and well-being among secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of peer mentoring programs on academic achievement and social-emotional development in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and achievement in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning programs in promoting civic engagement among secondary school students
  • The impact of educational policies on educational equity and access in secondary education
  • Examining the effects of homework on academic achievement and student well-being in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of different assessment methods on student performance in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of single-sex education on academic performance and gender stereotypes in secondary schools
  • The role of mentoring programs in supporting the transition from secondary to post-secondary education

Tertiary Education

  • The role of student support services in promoting academic success and well-being in higher education
  • The impact of internationalization initiatives on students’ intercultural competence and global perspectives in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of active learning classrooms and learning spaces on student engagement and learning outcomes in tertiary education
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning experiences in fostering civic engagement and social responsibility in higher education
  • The influence of learning communities and collaborative learning environments on student academic and social integration in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of undergraduate research experiences in fostering critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills
  • Investigating the effects of academic advising and mentoring on student retention and degree completion in higher education
  • The role of student engagement and involvement in co-curricular activities on holistic student development in higher education
  • The impact of multicultural education on fostering cultural competence and diversity appreciation in higher education
  • The role of internships and work-integrated learning experiences in enhancing students’ employability and career outcomes
  • Examining the effects of assessment and feedback practices on student learning and academic achievement in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty-student relationships on student success and well-being in tertiary education
  • The impact of college transition programs on students’ academic and social adjustment to higher education
  • The impact of online learning platforms on student learning outcomes in higher education
  • The impact of financial aid and scholarships on access and persistence in higher education
  • The influence of student leadership and involvement in extracurricular activities on personal development and campus engagement
  • Exploring the benefits of competency-based education in developing job-specific skills in tertiary students
  • Examining the effects of flipped classroom models on student learning and retention in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of online collaboration and virtual team projects in developing teamwork skills in tertiary students
  • Investigating the effects of diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus climate and student experiences in tertiary education
  • The influence of study abroad programs on intercultural competence and global perspectives of college students
  • Investigating the effects of peer mentoring and tutoring programs on student retention and academic performance in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effectiveness of active learning strategies in promoting student engagement and achievement in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models and hybrid courses on student learning and satisfaction in higher education
  • The role of digital literacy and information literacy skills in supporting student success in the digital age
  • Investigating the effects of experiential learning opportunities on career readiness and employability of college students
  • The impact of e-portfolios on student reflection, self-assessment, and showcasing of learning in higher education
  • The role of technology in enhancing collaborative learning experiences in tertiary classrooms
  • The impact of research opportunities on undergraduate student engagement and pursuit of advanced degrees
  • Examining the effects of competency-based assessment on measuring student learning and achievement in tertiary education
  • Examining the effects of interdisciplinary programs and courses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills in college students
  • The role of inclusive education and accessibility in promoting equitable learning experiences for diverse student populations
  • The role of career counseling and guidance in supporting students’ career decision-making in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty diversity and representation on student success and inclusive learning environments in higher education

Research topic idea mega list

Education-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in education, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses in the education space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of education-related research projects to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • From Rural to Urban: Education Conditions of Migrant Children in China (Wang, 2019)
  • Energy Renovation While Learning English: A Guidebook for Elementary ESL Teachers (Yang, 2019)
  • A Reanalyses of Intercorrelational Matrices of Visual and Verbal Learners’ Abilities, Cognitive Styles, and Learning Preferences (Fox, 2020)
  • A study of the elementary math program utilized by a mid-Missouri school district (Barabas, 2020)
  • Instructor formative assessment practices in virtual learning environments : a posthumanist sociomaterial perspective (Burcks, 2019)
  • Higher education students services: a qualitative study of two mid-size universities’ direct exchange programs (Kinde, 2020)
  • Exploring editorial leadership : a qualitative study of scholastic journalism advisers teaching leadership in Missouri secondary schools (Lewis, 2020)
  • Selling the virtual university: a multimodal discourse analysis of marketing for online learning (Ludwig, 2020)
  • Advocacy and accountability in school counselling: assessing the use of data as related to professional self-efficacy (Matthews, 2020)
  • The use of an application screening assessment as a predictor of teaching retention at a midwestern, K-12, public school district (Scarbrough, 2020)
  • Core values driving sustained elite performance cultures (Beiner, 2020)
  • Educative features of upper elementary Eureka math curriculum (Dwiggins, 2020)
  • How female principals nurture adult learning opportunities in successful high schools with challenging student demographics (Woodward, 2020)
  • The disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education: A Case Study Analysis of Educator Perceptions in a Southeastern Urban High School (McCrae, 2021)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Get 1-On-1 Help

If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic within education, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

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My field is research measurement and evaluation. Need dissertation topics in the field

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Ngirumuvugizi Jaccques

Good idea I’m going to teach my colleagues


You can find our list of nursing-related research topic ideas here: https://gradcoach.com/research-topics-nursing/


Write on action research topic, using guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school

Samson ochuodho

Thanks a lot


I learned a lot from this site, thank you so much!

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Karen Joy Andrade

How about School management and supervision pls.?


Hi i am an Deputy Principal in a primary school. My wish is to srudy foe Master’s degree in Education.Please advice me on which topic can be relevant for me. Thanks.

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Nkwain Chia Charles

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Kelvin Kells Grant

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Sulemana Alhassan

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Research Defense for students in senior high

Kupoluyi Regina

Kindly help me with a research topic in educational psychology. Ph.D level. Thank you.

Project-based learning is a teaching/learning type,if well applied in a classroom setting will yield serious positive impact. What can a teacher do to implement this in a disadvantaged zone like “North West Region of Cameroon ( hinterland) where war has brought about prolonged and untold sufferings on the indegins?

Damaris Nzoka

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration PhD level


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Afriyie Saviour

I am a student of undergraduate, doing research on how to use guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school


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I’m a student in upper level secondary school and I need your support in this research topics: “Impact of incorporating project -based learning in teaching English language skills in secondary schools”.

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Research resources, sterling library.

The majestic Sterling Library, completed in the 1930s, and with a collection of over four million volumes, is the center of the Yale library system. A fully-computerized catalog, an impressive list of online journals, air-conditioned stacks, and a gorgeous renovation of the main Reading Room and the Manuscripts and Archives Library are among the amenities offered by the library. For more details, please consult the extensive  Library website (in particular, English Resources ).

Beinecke Library

The Beinecke Library offers unparalleled opportunities for graduate students in English to carry out original research. Its collections of original editions, manuscripts, early newspapers, and the papers and correspondence of major writers, many of which have never been completely quarried, are a rich trove for future scholarship. The Beinecke has extraordinary holdings in both early and modern periods, with special depth in manuscripts relating to British , American , and African-American literature and art.  Authors represented include: William Beckford, Sir John Betjeman, James Boswell, Wilkie Collins, Joseph Conrad, James Fenimore Cooper, Walter Crane, Daniel Defoe, Charles Dickens, Jonathan Edwards, George Eliot, George Gissing, James Joyce, Rudyard Kipling, D.H. Lawrence, John Masefield, George Meredith, Alexander Pope, John Ruskin, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edith Wharton, Rebecca West, and Walt Whitman; artists include Georgia O’Keefe and Alfred Steiglitz. The Beinecke houses a particularly important collection of materials relating to international Modernism , including the papers of Ezra Pound, H.D., Gertrude Stein, William Carlos Williams, Mina Loy and Carl Van Vechten. And it was Van Vechten who founded the equally superb collection representing African-American writers and artists, featuring James Weldon Johnson, W.E.B. DuBois, Chester Himes, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, Jean Toomer and Zora Neale Hurston. The largest collection of manuscripts remains, probably, the Osborn collection, encompassing nearly every aspect of British literature and history from the reign of Richard II to that of Victoria.

The Beinecke also offers a series of Master Classes in specialized fields such as paleography, biography, or the history of the book, conducted by distinguished visiting scholars.

The Lewis Walpole Library

A leading non-circulating research library for English eighteenth-century studies, the library contains 35,000 volumes, whose centerpiece is Horace Walpole’s own antiquarian library. The collection includes pamphlets and tracts documenting the history of Walpole’s times, and of plays of the period, in a comprehensive set known as The Theatre of George the 3d . The Library houses the most extensive collection of English eighteenth-century satirical prints in the United States, with highly detailed indices.

The Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library

The Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library at 180 York Street comprises the merged holdings of the former Art & Architecture and Drama Libraries, the Arts of the Book Collection, and the staff of the Visual Resources Collection, making it the primary collection for the study of art, architecture, and drama production at Yale. Currently, the drama collections have approximately 20,000 volumes, including plays by American, British, and international playwrights, books on the history of theatre, theatre architecture, dramatic criticism, costume and stage design, stage lighting and production, theatre management, biographies and related reference books. Non-book materials from the former Drama Library that document theatrical production through photographic prints, production books, scrapbooks, and ephemera are now part of the Arts Library Special Collections department. Highlights include the Rollo Peters Archive, the Rockefeller Theatrical Prints Collection, the Doolittle Collection of Japanese Theatre Prints, and the George Pierce Baker Collection. Yale School of Drama students are free to use the collections in the libraries of other graduate professional schools, the Sterling Memorial Library, the Bass Library and the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

Lillian Goldman Law Library

The Lillian Goldman Law Library is located within the heart of the Yale Law School complex, providing the Law School community with ready access to one of the world’s finest collections of printed legal materials. These collections are complemented by access to a growing array of online sources, as well as the strong interdisciplinary collections housed nearby at more than twenty-five other campus libraries, including the Sterling Memorial Library and the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library . A major goal of the Law School’s library is to support the needs of twenty-first-century legal researchers by integrating access to print and online sources throughout the library.

Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library

The Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library strives to be a center of excellence that develops and sustains services and resources to support the biomedical, health, and public health care information needs of Yale University and the Yale-New Haven Medical Center.


The mcdougal center.

The McDougal Center in the Hall of Graduate Studies houses a number of facilities for graduate students–a library and a reading room, computer facilities, the Blue Dog Café, a children’s play area and family resource room, meeting rooms, and lounges. McDougal Fellows–members of a graduate student administrative group–help oversee programs and activities from their offices in the Center.

The Whitney Humanities Center

The Whitney Humanities Center is an interdisciplinary institution that reflects Yale University’s longstanding commitment to the humanities. The Whitney promotes research and scholarly exchange across fields and is especially committed to supporting the activities of faculty and students whose work transcends departmental boundaries.

Beyond this, the Whitney hosts a wide array of events, from international symposia and lectures that bring prominent visitors to the university, to small “working groups” that meet regularly for a free and informal exchange of ideas among faculty and students on topics of more than disciplinary interest.

The Yale Center for British Art

Housing the largest collection of British art outside the United Kingdom, this museum was founded when Yale graduate Paul Mellon bequeathed his extraordinary collection of British art to the university, and funded the handsome modern building that contains it. Both the reference room of the library, and the Rare Book and Print Room, offer graduate students in English opportunities for interdisciplinary work involving the visual arts.

The Yale University Art Gallery

Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA) at the Yale University Art Gallery and the Yale Center for British Art are designed to provide Yale University doctoral students, in their second through sixth year, the opportunity to work as part of an intellectual team on a major scholarly project at one of the museums. These research positions enhance the educational experiences provided by academic course work and teaching assistantships at the University, allowing students to extend their range of academic specializations and expertise, and to augment research skills by direct contact with objects in the collections.

The Gallery also offers a number of scholarly lectures, workshops, and symposia each year. They are eager to develop and coordinate this programming in conjunction with courses being taught across the University and welcome discussions of upcoming course schedules, departmental colloquia or symposia, research emphases, or other points of potential overlap.

The Elizabethan Club

The Elizabethan Club contains about 300 volumes of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century literature, including the first four Shakespeare folios, the Huth Shakespeare quartos, and first or early quartos of all the major dramatists. The books may be brought to the Beinecke Library.

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College of Arts and Sciences

Department of english.

2020 Philip Derbesy (PhD) Reading Cinematic Allusions in the Post-1945 American Novel (Marling [dir.], Flint, Spadoni, Goldmark [Music])

Daniel Luttrull (PhD) Solidarity through Vacancy: Didactic Strategies in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (Clune [dir.], Stonum, Vrettos)

2019 Michael Chiappini (PhD) Beyond Memorialization: Rhetoric, Aesthetics, and AIDS Literature (Fountain [dir], Clune, Emmons

Thom Dawkins (PhD) Rejoice in Tribulations: The Afflictive Poetics of Early Modern Religious Poetry (Flint [dir], Vinter, Olbricht)

Melissa Pompili (PhD) Uncomfortable Subjects: Bioaffective Attachments, Aesthetic Remainders, and the Making of a Physician (Emmons [dir], Fountain, Vinter)

Megan Weber (PhD) Patriarchal Tyrants and Female Bodies: Ekphrasis in Drama and the Novel in England, 1609-1798 (Flint [dir], Vinter, Fountain)

2018 Evan Chaloupka (PhD) Cognitive Disability and Narrative (Marling [dir.]; Emmons; Vrettos)

Megan Griffin (PhD) Fictions of Sovereignty: Temporal Displacements of the Monarch in Shakespeare, Milton, and Behn (Vinter [dir.]; Flint; Olbricht)

Michelle Lyons-McFarland (PhD) Literary Objects in Eighteenth-Century British Literature (Flint [dir.]; Siebenschuh; Vrettos)

Marcus Mitchell (PhD) Forms Unconfined: Muscular Women, Physical Culture, and Victorian Literature (Vrettos [dir.]; Flint; Koenigsberger)

2017 Ray Horton (PhD) American Literature’s Secular Faith (Clune [dir.], Gridley, Marling)

Jessica Slentz (PhD) Yes, You May Touch the Art: New Media Interfaces and Rhetorical Experience in the Digitally Interactive Museum (Fountain [dir.], Emmons, Koenigsberger)

2016 Kate Dunning Allen (PhD) Mobial Corporeality in W. S. Merwin’s Ecopoetic Corpus (Stonum [dir.], Clune, Gridley)

Andrew Banghart (PhD) Escaping the Real: Popularizing Science and Literary Realism in the Victorian Marketplace (Koenigsberger [dir.], Oakley, Vrettos)

Cara Byrne (PhD) Illustrating the Smallest Black Bodies: The Creation of Childhood in African-American Children’s Literature, 1836-2015 (Umrigar [dir.], Fountain, Grimm)

Eric Earnhardt (PhD) The “Sentient Plume”: The Theory of the Pathetic Fallacy in Anglo-American Poetry, 1856-1945 (Koenigsberger [dir.], Clune, Gridley)

Catherine Forsa (PhD) Science as Aesthetic Device in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (Clune [dir], Marling, Vrettos)

Kristin Kondrlik (PhD) (Re)Writing Professional Ethos: Women Physicians and the Construction of Medical Authority in Victorian and Edwardian Print (Koenigsberger [dir.], Emmons, Fountain, Vrettos)

Michael G. Parker (PhD) Queer Orientation in Twentieth-Century American Literature (Fountain [dir.], Clune, Grimm)

Jonathan Scott Weedon (PhD) Attending Like an Engineer: Rhetoric, Design, and Professionalization (Fountain [dir.], Emmons, Oakley)

2015 Monica Orlando (PhD) Relational Representation: Constructing Narratives and Identities in Auto/Biography about Autism (Emmons [dir.], Clune, Siebenschuh)

2014 Mary Assad (PhD) Gender, Illness, and Narrative: A Rhetorical Study of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Campaign (Fountain [dir.], Emmons, Grimm)

Jason Ray Carney (PhD) The Shadow Modernism of Weird Tales : Experimental Pulp Fiction in the Age of Modernist Reflection (Koenigsberger [dir.], Clune, Grimm)

Nicole Marie Emmelhainz-Carney (PhD) Writing Games: Collaborative Writing in Digital-Ludic Spaces (Emmons [dir.], Fountain, Gridley)

Jennie Giaconia Young (PhD) (The) Student Body/ies: Cultural Paranoia and Embodiment in the American High School (Emmons [dir.], Fountain, Sheeler)

2013 Robert Welling Addington (PhD) Discipline and Publish: Creative Writing Programs, Literary Markets and the Short Story Renaissance (Stonum [dir.], Clune, Flint)

Michael Moss (PhD) Rhetoric and Time: Cognition, Culture, and Interaction (Oakley [dir.], Fountain, Sheeler)

2012 Daniel Paul Anderson Jr. (PhD) The Ivory Shtetl: The University and the Postwar Jewish Imagination (Oster [dir.], Clune, Spadoni)

Natalija Grgorinic (PhD) Recounting the Author (Stonum [dir.], Flint, Umrigar)

2011 Tasia Hane-Devore (PhD) Constructed Bodies, Edited Deaths: The Negotiation of Sociomedical Discourse in Autothanatographers’ Writing of Terminal Illness (Emmons [dir.], Koenigsberger, Umrigar)

Irene Moody (PhD) Lexicons in Lace: The Language of Dress in the New Woman Novel (Siebenschuh [dir.], Fountain, Koenigsberger)

Christine Mueri (PhD) “Defined not by time, but by mood”: First-Person Narratives of Bipolar Disorder (Emmons [dir.], Koenigsberger, Oakley)

Danielle Nielsen (PhD) Reading the Empire from Afar: From Colonial Spectacles to Colonial Literacies (Koenigsberger [dir.], Emmons, Vrettos)

Anne Ryan (PhD) Victorian Fiction and the Psychology of Self-Control, 1855-1885 (Vrettos [dir.], Flint, Siebenschuh)

2010 Iris Jamahl Dunkle (PhD) Shaking the Burning Birch Tree: Amy Lowell’s Sapphic Modernism (Oster [dir.], Grimm, Stonum)

Asdghig Karajayerlian (PhD) Large Worlds/Small Places: Critical Cosmopolitanism and Stereoscopic Vision in the Global Postcolonial Novel (Koenigsberger [dir.], Marling, Umrigar)

Jamie Lynn McDaniel (PhD) Trespassing Women: Representations of Property and Identity in British Women’s Writing 1925-2005 (Koenigsberger [dir.], Grimm, Stonum)

Brandy L. Schillace (PhD) “The Alphabet of Sense”: Rediscovering the Rhetoric of Women’s Intellectual Liberty (Flint [dir.], Siebenschuh, Vrettos)

Chalet K. Seidel (PhD) Representations of Journalistic Professionalism:1865-1900 (Emmons [dir.], Stonum, Umrigar)

Jason Todd Stuart (PhD) The Disciplinary Rhetoric of the Twenty-First Century: The Emergence of Computers and Composition (Emmons [dir.], Fountain, Oakley)

Ronald Jerome Tulley (PhD) An Exhibitionist’s Paradise: Digital Transformations of the Autobiographical Impulse (Siebenschuh [dir.], Emmons, Fountain)

2009 Jafeen S. Ilmudeen (MA) Portraits

Kenneth W. McGraw (PhD) Dangerous Discourse: Language and Sex between Men in Eighteenth-Century London (Flint [dir.], Emmons, Meakin)

Naomi Igarashi Takagi (PhD) Flow Theory: Conscious Experience in Expository Argumentative Writing (Oakley [dir.], Emmons, Oster)

2008 Kathryn Elizabeth Anderson (MA) “These were the things that bounded me”: a New Examination of Millay’s Dramatic Works”

Jason B. Barone (MA) The Search for the Jungian Stranger in the Novels of Haruki Murakami

Katherine Hansen Clark (PhD) What is a Cozy?

Heather J. Kichner (PhD) C emetery Plots from Victoria to Verdun: Literary Representations of Epitaph and Burial from the Nineteenth Century through the Great War

Christopher Mays (MA) The Failure to Meet “the Challenge of Our Time”: the Demise of Bill Clinton’s Plan for Universal Health Care

Jenifer Lynn Wolkowski (PhD) Ideas of Community in Three Depression-era Southern Novels: Faulkner’s The Hamlet, Dargan’s Call Home the Heart , and Still’s River of Earth

2007 Daniel Anderson (MA) Plato’s Complaint: Nathan Zuckerman, the University of Chicago, and Philip Roth’s Neo-Aristotelian Poetics

Barbara Burgess-Van Aken (PhD) Barbara Torelli’s Partenia: A Bilingual Critical Edition

Erin Monroe (MA) Terminal: A Collection of Poetry

Gabriel Rieger (PhD) Penetrating Wit: Sexual Language and Satiric Tragedy

Elizabeth Sirkin (PhD) Popular Images and Cosmopolitan Mediation: Mass Media and Western Pop Culture in the Anglophone South Asian Novel

2006 Brian Ballentine (PhD) Toward a Rhetoric of Engineering: Explorations in the Practices of Engineers and the Implications for the Teaching of Technical Communication

Darcy Brandel (PhD) If I Had a Hammer: Rereading Female Experimental Writing in the Context of Progressive Social Change

Narcisz Fejes (PhD) Absorbing East-Central Europe: Representations of the Region in Modern British Literature

Veeneenea Erika Smith (PhD) Dinna Forget Spurgeon: A Literary Biography

2005 Maria Assif (Ph.D.) Mother-daughter Relationships in Asian and Jewish American Literatures: Story(ing) Identities

Kristine Kelly (PhD) A Place For Everyone: Nineteenth-Century Narratives of Emigration and Settlement

2004 Leigh Fabens (PhD) Dreams amd Death in the Novels by James Welch, Tim O’Brien, and Ron Arias: A Cognitive Approach

Katherine Kickel (PhD) Novel Notions: Eighteenth-Century Fiction and the Mapping of the Imagination

Traci Arnett Pipkins (PhD) “Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read”: The Revolution in Reading Scripture in Seventeenth-century England

2003 Bradley Ricca (PD) American Zodiac: Astronomical Signs in Dickinson, Melville, and Poe

Carrie Shanafelt (MA) Fielding on Fielding: Rhetoric of Authenticity in the Prose Fiction of Henry Fielding

Brenda Smith (PhD) The Construction of Bi-Cultural Subjectivity in African-American Autobiography

2002 Maria Assif (MA) Kristeva’s Reading of William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury in Search of Caddy’s Voice

Christina Hebebrand (PhD) “We Are the People”-Native American and Chicano/a Literatures as Intersecting Indigenous Literatures of the American Southwest

Lydia Kosc (MA) The Birth of Fiction: Interfaith Relationships in the Novels of Philip Roth

Amy Magnus (PhD) Leaving Tracks: The Legacy of Chippewa History in the Novels of Louise Erdrich

Paula Makris (PhD) Colonial Education and Cultural Inheritance: Caribbean Literature and the Classics

Christopher Stewart (PhD) In Paths Untrodden: Queer Spiritual Autobiography

Jennifer Swartz (PhD) “The Very Being or Legal Existence of the Woman is Suspended”: Law, Literature, and the Middle-Class Victorian Woman

2001 Naomi Igarashi (MA) User-Friendly Web Design: An Application of Principles to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Web Site

Amy Kesegich (PhD) Pilgrim in Progress: The Works of Annie Dillard as Spiritual Autobiography

Dian Killian (PhD) The Nation’s Other: Ideology, Repression, and Resistance in Irish Emigrant Discourse

Kathy Miller (MA) The Push Toward Meaning and Bi-cultural Understanding: The Writer/Reader Relationship in Maxine Hong Kingston’s Woman Warrior

Kristen Olson (PhD) The “Soul’s Imaginary Sight”: Visuality and Mimesis in Early Modern Poetics

Brian Reed (PhD) Wrestling Sensibility: Male Anxiety, Sentimentality, and British Eighteenth-Century Narrative.

2000 Saad Asswailim (PhD) Myth, Ideology and Silence in Three Novels by Vance Bourjaily

Kristin Bryant (PhD) Constructed Identities and the Interior Self: A Reading of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando: A Biography

Anna Cole (PhD) Jonathan Swift Telling His Own Story: Book IV of Gulliver’s Travels as Autobiography

Maryanne Cole (PhD) Voices of Travail: Autobiographical Journey Narratives by English Sectarian Women, 1641-1700.

Francesca Giusti (MA) Ludovico Domenichi’s La Stampa: Printing, Editing, Plagiarism and Authorship in an Italian Renaissance Dialogue

Yonjae Jung (PhD) “The Most Inseparable of Companions”: Lacan(-izing) Freud (-ianized) Poe

Moonsoon Kang (PhD) Satire as “a Sword in the Hands of a Mad Man” and “that Art of Necessary Defence”: A Study of Madness and Satire in Swift and Johnson

Carla Kungl (PhD) Women Writers and Detectives: Creating Authority in British Women’s Detective Fiction 1890-1940

Jerome McKeever (PhD) The McCarey Touch: The Life and Films of Leo McCarey

Michelle Smith (MA) Liris A Novella

James Wynn (MA) A Cognitive Approach to Prepositional Usage in English as a Second Language Acquisition

1999 Maimu Alber (MA) Traveling at the Speed of Darkness

.Jeffrey Morgan (PhD) Developing a Feminine Pastoral: Sarah Orne Jewett’s The Country of the Pointed Firs

Richard Van Noy (PhD) Surveying the Interior: Literary Cartographers and the Sense of Place

1998 Jeffry Schantz (PhD) Shaping Captivity: Transformations of the Indian Captivity Narrative from the 17th through the 19th Century

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Thesis Topics

Caleb S.

Interesting Thesis Topics & Ideas To Get Started

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Thesis Topics

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If you’re a student who’s nearing graduation and wondering, “What is the best topic for your thesis?”, you’ve come to the perfect place!

It’s a well-established fact that thesis documents require extreme levels of research and dedication. But, when it comes to choosing a topic for your thesis, it is far from being an easy task as well!

If your supervisor hasn’t assigned you a thesis topic, you can get valuable help from this blog. With thesis ideas ranging from education to diverse fields of study, you can pick the topic perfect topic for thesis writing.  

So without further ado, let’s get started!

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  • 1. Thesis Topics for Students
  • 2. Thesis Topics for Multiple Fields
  • 3. How to Choose a Good Thesis Topic?

Thesis Topics for Students

We’ll start with a comprehensive list of thesis ideas for students, then move on to topics for multiple fields. 

Thesis Topics for College Students

  • Exploring the psychological effects of student loan debt on college graduates
  • The challenges and opportunities of globalization
  • The role of education and social mobility in reducing inequality
  • The impact of immigration on the economy and society
  • The potential of new technologies to improve healthcare outcomes
  • The impact of online learning on student engagement and achievement 
  • What is the role of artificial intelligence in business decision-making?
  • High school bullying and its long-term effects on mental health and social adjustment
  • The challenges and opportunities of diversity and inclusion in education
  • The impact of early childhood education on long-term success

Senior Thesis Topics

  • The industrial revolution has increased the gap between the rich and the poor. How?
  • What are the effects of global warming on the world’s population?
  • Feminism is becoming as bad as racism. How?
  • The relationship between social media usage and perceptions of loneliness
  • The long-term effects of income inequality on economic growth
  • Placement by age vs. placement by academic ability. Which should be preferred?
  • How have viruses such as HIV-AIDS, affected the African economy?
  • What are the common sleep disorders and their treatments?
  • Using animals for sports and entertainment: Is it legal or illegal?
  • Discuss Trump’s “America First” trade and foreign policy.

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Bachelor Thesis Topics

  • The impact of E-Sports on traditional sports and the future of competitive gaming
  • The economics of renewable energy transition: Case study of Germany
  • The influence of music on cognitive performance and productivity in the workplace
  • The influence of social media on political movements and activism
  • The ethical implications of gene editing technologies: A case study on CRISPR-Cas9
  • Urban green spaces and their impact on mental health: A case study of Singapore
  • The relationship between smartphone use and sleep quality in young adults
  • Investigating the psychological factors influencing consumer brand loyalty
  • Cybersecurity threats and mitigation strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises
  • The impact of video games on cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities in children

Masters Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the relationship between literature and the political climate in the 18th century
  • Explain the relationship between rational thinking and religion
  • The Civil War is the greatest inspiration for art. Discuss the concept
  • Gun violence in the USA during the 2010s: A comparative analysis
  • Cyberbullying can lead to suicides - A case study of Australia
  • Campus shootings in the USA: Discuss the causes and risk factors
  • Labor markets in China: An in-depth analysis
  • What are the impacts of global warming on weather conditions in Iceland?
  • Explain the women's empowerment in Saudi Arabia in the 2000s
  • Write a detailed comparison of the anti-nuclear movements in Germany and Japan

MBA Thesis Topics

  • Discuss a case study of rural marketing projects.
  • What are the impacts of reducing the retirement age in America?
  • Mergers and acquisitions: Evaluating the factors contributing to success or failure
  • How can the banking sector influence the economic growth of India?
  • Analysis of global supply chain resilience in the post-pandemic business environment
  • Online marketing on social media platforms is useful for small companies. How?
  • Write a comparative study of organized trading in the USA and UK
  • How is technical knowledge essential to make wise financial decisions?
  • How can consumer purchases influence brand design?
  • Explore the positive and negative impacts of mobile banking

PhD Thesis Topics

  • What are the primary professors’ teaching patterns in China?
  • Discuss the social benefits of same-sex marriages
  • Discuss the legal issue of child labor in Third World countries.
  • What is the positive impact of music therapy on patients with brain injuries?
  • Explain the impacts of 9/11 on new policies against terrorism
  • Discuss the marketing strategies used in political campaigns
  • The US presence in Syria: Is it providing justice or violating the law?
  • Elaborate on the preventive measures to fight obesity among teenagers.
  • How to treat injuries in diabetic patients?
  • What are the political and economic effects of Brexit on the UK?

Thesis Topics for Multiple Fields

Here are some interesting and easy to write thesis topics from multiple fields of study.

Thesis Topics in Education

  • Special education policies in the USA: Are they effective or ineffective?
  • Why is studying abroad a legitimate excuse for traveling?
  • Strategies for supporting undergraduate students' transition to college life
  • Family involvement has a direct impact on a child's performance. Discuss how?
  • Why are students more likely to do the homework assigned by good-looking professors?
  • Role of Parental Involvement in early childhood education for academic readiness
  • Explain the development of emotional intelligence for modern education
  • Informal learning in rural areas through social networks. Is it possible?
  • Public school students interact at the same level as the other students. Is it true?
  • How can reality television disempower students to some extent?

Thesis Topics in Healthcare

  • How does increased physical activity promote healthy aging?
  • The impact of telemedicine on healthcare access and quality
  • Mental health stigma: Addressing barriers to seeking and receiving care
  • How do Supervised Machine Learning models help in Breast Cancer diagnosis?
  • Exploring the mental health implications of prolonged pandemic-related stress and isolation
  • Innovations in remote patient monitoring for chronic disease management
  • How can we improve the affordability of healthcare without sacrificing quality?
  • Strategies for addressing the global burden of non-communicable diseases
  • How can we use social media to promote health literacy and engagement?
  • How can we use genomics to improve disease prevention and treatment?

Thesis Topics for Computer Science

  • Quantum computing: The future of data processing and cryptography
  • How does the feedback system in personnel management work?
  • Describe the development of an automated workplace
  • How can data be analyzed by using robust AI algorithms?
  • Discuss the benefits of the development of a taxi service website
  • The dark web: Anonymity, security, and law enforcement challenges
  • Verification of webpage layouts. How is it beneficial?
  • What are the impacts of mobile computing on global development?
  • Big data analytics for predictive maintenance in IoT systems
  • How can AI-assisted surveillance systems decrease mass school shootings in the US?

Architecture Thesis Topics

  • How have religious buildings in the British Empire affected architecture?
  • Discuss the role of architects in combating the impacts of climate change
  • Why should we construct sustainable buildings for offices?
  • Discuss a case study of small houses to solve homelessness
  • Why should we develop public places in small cities?
  • How can architecture revitalize urban areas sustainably?
  • Are underwater hotels sustainable?
  • Discuss the transformation of urban design in the 21st century
  • How can we construct houses in developed countries with low income?
  • How can architectural design create healing environments in healthcare facilities?

Thesis Topics for Interior Design

  • Role of biophilic design in reducing stress and anxiety in workplaces
  • Designing interior spaces for people with dementia
  • The use of technology to create immersive and interactive interior experiences
  • Design of interior spaces for future generations
  • Impact of culture on prisons and other correctional facilities design
  • Use of universal design to create inclusive restaurants and cafés
  • Use of materials and finishes to create a sustainable and resilient built environment
  • What is the impact of interior design on human performance?
  • Creating inclusive and accessible interior spaces for people with disabilities
  • What is the future of interior design in the age of climate change?

Thesis Topics for Textile Designing

  • How to design textiles that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional?
  • Environmental impact of textile design and how to reduce it
  • How can textile design improve the performance of sportswear and activewear?
  • Design a textile collection that is accessible and affordable for people with disabilities
  • Develop a sustainable textile production process that reduces environmental impact
  • Investigate the impact of textile design on consumer behavior
  • Explore the use of sustainable materials in textile design
  • Challenges and opportunities of new technologies in textile design
  • Ethical implications of materials and production methods in textile design
  • How can textile design reduce fashion waste and promote circularity?

Psychology Thesis Topics

  • Why is emotional intelligence an important factor in professional satisfaction?
  • The notion of the self – Is it a myth or reality?
  • Evaluating the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral
  • Therapy in managing anxiety
  • Self-efficacy and academic achievement: A longitudinal study of students
  • A good IQ level can have long-term benefits for children. Discuss how?
  • How are emotional disorders directly connected to social cognition?
  • Analyze the relationship between emotional and episodic memory
  • How can rational thinking allow us to make better decisions?
  • How common is depression among homosexual teenagers?
  • What are the psychological techniques to help obese teens?

Political Science Thesis Topics

  • Compare the foreign policies of the US and the UK
  • What were the causes of the American Revolution?
  • How is religion used as a political power?
  • What is the role of social movements in politics?
  • Discuss the consequences of the Civil War
  • Immigration policies and their impact on social cohesion and diversity
  • The impact of campaign finance reform on political corruption
  • What are the negotiation methods during wartime?
  • Explain the difference between political and armed conflicts
  • Give a detailed review of the Human Rights Act 1998

Thesis Topics for Law Students

  • The role of international law in addressing global cybersecurity threats
  • Human rights and refugee law: Analyzing the legal status of stateless individuals
  • Legal aspects of intellectual property rights in the fashion industry
  • Consumer protection laws in E-Commerce: Challenges and emerging trends
  • How can we ensure that plea bargaining is used fairly and ethically?
  • Examining the legal and ethical implications of genetic testing and genetic privacy
  • The evolution of copyright law in the digital era: Balancing innovation and protection
  • How has globalization changed the landscape of international law?
  • What is the future of International Law in a world of increasing nationalism?
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on criminal sentencing

International Relations Thesis Topics

  • What is the impact of Russia’s intervention in Syria?
  • Discuss the trade relations between India and Pakistan
  • Discuss the impacts of the US sanctions on Iran
  • Explain the reasons for OIC failure
  • What is the US foreign policy towards North Korea?
  • Critically analyze the human rights violations in Kashmir
  • What is the policy of the United States toward Russia?
  • Discuss lessons learned politically since 9/11
  • Political problems in Africa have been affected by colonial rule. How?
  • Discuss how is Israel playing the victim card in the war against Palestine

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History Thesis Topics

  • How has World War II saved the world?
  • What is the impact of Buddhism on the Chinese empire?
  • Discuss the struggles of the North American colonies for independence
  • Describe the role of the monarchy in the domestic policy of Great Britain
  • Discuss the impacts of the North Korean nuclear program in Northeast Asia
  • Evaluate the American and Britain relations during the Cold War Era
  • Discuss the global impacts of the Great Depression
  • Explain the Women's rights and woman suffrage: 1848-1920.
  • Enlist the Military Innovations between WWI & WWII
  • Discuss the feminist movement from 1845 to 1920

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

  • What are the ways to deal with domestic violence?
  • How can we reduce racial disparities in the criminal justice system?
  • How is electronic monitoring an abuse of privacy rights?
  • What can be done to prevent cyber crimes?
  • What are the common child abuse crimes committed?
  • How can body cameras reduce police violence?
  • Why are men more likely to get the death penalty?
  • How can drug courts help people with addictions?
  • Discuss the strategies used to stop criminal behavior
  • Discuss the effectiveness of capital punishment in deterring crime

Thesis Topics in English Literature

  • The influence of feminist theory on the work of Margaret Atwood
  • Discuss the effectiveness of verbal communication in displaying feelings
  • How do people communicate when there is no shared language?
  • Language travels through time. Discuss the concept
  • Elaborate on the advantages of learning a second language in graduate school
  • Discuss the effectiveness of non-verbal communication for displaying emotions.
  • Shakespearean adaptations in modern literature and film
  • Narrative techniques in experimental literature and their impact on storytelling
  • What are the benefits of learning two languages at once as a child?
  • How to best communicate: Verbally or non-verbally? 

Thesis Topics in Mass Communication

  • Effects of user-generated content on news credibility and trust in online journalism
  • Impact of deep fake technology on media manipulation and trust in visual media
  • The role of media in promoting political polarization and extremism
  • The challenges of reporting on sensitive topics such as war, violence, and trauma
  • The ethics of using media to exploit or harm vulnerable populations
  • The influence of TikTok on youth culture and entertainment consumption
  • How does sports journalism respond to evolving media landscapes?
  • The role of social media influencers in shaping brand image and consumer behavior
  • The role of media in promoting corporate interests and agendas
  • What is the role of media in the surveillance state and the erosion of privacy?

Thesis Topics in Business Administration 

  • How is digital transformation changing business models and strategies?
  • What role does venture capital play in funding and supporting startups?
  • The role of data analytics in decision-making and improving business outcomes
  • The challenges and opportunities of expanding into new markets
  • What factors influence call center industry employee retention?
  • Comparing leadership structures in manufacturing and retail sectors
  • How do varying leadership styles impact worker performance?
  • Challenges and opportunities of managing supply chains in a globalized economy
  • Is a Human Resources Officer still relevant in today's businesses?
  • What is the impact of internal communications on organizational objectives?

Thesis Topics in Physical Education

  • Role of physical education in preventing childhood obesity
  • Impact of physical activity on sleep quality and overall well-being
  • Influence of physical education on self-esteem and body image in adolescents
  • What strategies promote gender equity in physical education?
  • How can cultural competency be integrated into physical education programs?
  • How does virtual physical education impact student engagement?
  • What factors contribute to successful youth sports and athlete development?
  • How does assessment and feedback improve student learning in physical education?
  • How can older adults be encouraged to maintain active lifestyles?
  • Does physical education have a measurable impact on academic performance?

Civil Engineering Thesis Topics

  • Assessing the impact of climate change on infrastructure resilience
  • Optimizing traffic flow and transportation systems for urban mobility
  • Risk assessment and management in civil engineering projects
  • Green infrastructure and stormwater management in urban environments
  • Geotechnical engineering challenges in high-rise building construction
  • Resilient infrastructure for mitigating the impact of extreme weather events
  • Smart grids and energy-efficient infrastructure for future cities
  • The role of 3D printing in construction: Feasibility and applications
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality in civil engineering education and design
  • What are the risk factors involved in building skyscrapers?

Cyber Security Thesis Topics

  • How can network security deal with cyber crimes?
  • How can an informational system protect your data?
  • How can we prevent the growth of cyber hackers?
  • What are the different types of cyber crimes?
  • How can we make network security affordable for everyone?
  • Discuss the effectiveness of malware protection software.
  • How can we improve cybersecurity in wireless networks?
  • What are the ways to prevent cyber attacks in organizations?
  • How do people become cyber criminals?
  • What are the current trends in the field of cybercrime and security?

Sociology Thesis Topics

  • What are the consequences of adopting a child?
  • Discuss the concept of female empowerment in a conservative society
  • Organ transplantation in our society. Is it ethical?
  • Explain the diffusion and innovation in European culture
  • What are the challenges that most women face at workplaces?
  • How difficult is it to be a single parent in a society?
  • The impact of economic disparities on how people Live: A sociological study
  • Technology has changed the way we eat. How?
  • Violations of social norms can be a positive act. How?
  • What is the relationship between poverty and education?

Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • What is the nature of truth and reality in a post-modern world?
  • Is there any life after death?
  • Can a person be happy without friends and family?
  • Why is there a need to engage children in physical activities?
  • Will you have eternal satisfaction if you had all the wealth in the world?
  • How morality and religion are related to each other?
  • Why do people commit crimes when they’re at the brink of poverty? 
  • How to develop a personal philosophy of life: Influences, values, and decision-making
  • Can free will exist in a deterministic universe, and what are its implications for agency and responsibility?
  • What is the nature of consciousness, and how does it relate to our perception of reality?

Economics Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the differences in commercial practices in rural and urban areas
  • Critically analyze regional divergence in Europe
  • Discuss the relationship between economic geography and the contemporary environment
  • What are the impacts of intellectual capital in growing markets?
  • Labor regulations are a way to solve the issue of unemployment. Discuss how?
  • Explain the factors that determine the market value of a business
  • What is the effect of labor force participation on the economy?
  • Discuss the impact of government expenditure on the economic growth of Australia
  • Discuss the impact of Brexit on small and middle businesses in the UK
  • Write a review of the aid and economic growth of developing economies

Want to know how to format thesis papers properly? Get expert guidance from our detailed blog!

Now that you have access to a wide range of thesis topics for multiple fields, you could use some tips to understand how you should pick a good thesis topic. 

How to Choose a Good Thesis Topic?

Follow the easy tips given below to choose a good topic for your thesis.


The following is a detailed description of the tips for choosing thesis paper topics.

  • Know Your Target Audience : Understand your audience's preferences, opinions, and ideas, and always consider their feedback for better grades
  • Consider Your Strengths : Identify your skills and strengths, and focus on your areas of knowledge
  • Follow Your Interests : Select a topic that aligns with your passions and leverage your creativity for an engaging idea 
  • Combine Different Ideas : Brainstorm multiple ideas based on your interests and knowledge to create a unique idea 
  • Read and Find Gaps : Explore existing literature and research, to identify gaps or areas that require further investigation
  • Put Your Idea to the Test : Conduct small experiments or surveys to test your concept, and utilize data and human resources for a comprehensive analysis. Make sure to identify and address any flaws or weaknesses in your thesis idea.

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Caleb S.

Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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211 Research Topics in Linguistics To Get Top Grades

research topics in linguistics

Many people find it hard to decide on their linguistics research topics because of the assumed complexities involved. They struggle to choose easy research paper topics for English language too because they think it could be too simple for a university or college level certificate.

All that you need to learn about Linguistics and English is sprawled across syntax, phonetics, morphology, phonology, semantics, grammar, vocabulary, and a few others. To easily create a top-notch essay or conduct a research study, you can consider this list of research topics in English language below for your university or college use. Note that you can fine-tune these to suit your interests.

Linguistics Research Paper Topics

If you want to study how language is applied and its importance in the world, you can consider these Linguistics topics for your research paper. They are:

  • An analysis of romantic ideas and their expression amongst French people
  • An overview of the hate language in the course against religion
  • Identify the determinants of hate language and the means of propagation
  • Evaluate a literature and examine how Linguistics is applied to the understanding of minor languages
  • Consider the impact of social media in the development of slangs
  • An overview of political slang and its use amongst New York teenagers
  • Examine the relevance of Linguistics in a digitalized world
  • Analyze foul language and how it’s used to oppress minors
  • Identify the role of language in the national identity of a socially dynamic society
  • Attempt an explanation to how the language barrier could affect the social life of an individual in a new society
  • Discuss the means through which language can enrich cultural identities
  • Examine the concept of bilingualism and how it applies in the real world
  • Analyze the possible strategies for teaching a foreign language
  • Discuss the priority of teachers in the teaching of grammar to non-native speakers
  • Choose a school of your choice and observe the slang used by its students: analyze how it affects their social lives
  • Attempt a critical overview of racist languages
  • What does endangered language means and how does it apply in the real world?
  • A critical overview of your second language and why it is a second language
  • What are the motivators of speech and why are they relevant?
  • Analyze the difference between the different types of communications and their significance to specially-abled persons
  • Give a critical overview of five literature on sign language
  • Evaluate the distinction between the means of language comprehension between an adult and a teenager
  • Consider a native American group and evaluate how cultural diversity has influenced their language
  • Analyze the complexities involved in code-switching and code-mixing
  • Give a critical overview of the importance of language to a teenager
  • Attempt a forensic overview of language accessibility and what it means
  • What do you believe are the means of communications and what are their uniqueness?
  • Attempt a study of Islamic poetry and its role in language development
  • Attempt a study on the role of Literature in language development
  • Evaluate the Influence of metaphors and other literary devices in the depth of each sentence
  • Identify the role of literary devices in the development of proverbs in any African country
  • Cognitive Linguistics: analyze two pieces of Literature that offers a critical view of perception
  • Identify and analyze the complexities in unspoken words
  • Expression is another kind of language: discuss
  • Identify the significance of symbols in the evolution of language
  • Discuss how learning more than a single language promote cross-cultural developments
  • Analyze how the loss of a mother tongue affect the language Efficiency of a community
  • Critically examine how sign language works
  • Using literature from the medieval era, attempt a study of the evolution of language
  • Identify how wars have led to the reduction in the popularity of a language of your choice across any country of the world
  • Critically examine five Literature on why accent changes based on environment
  • What are the forces that compel the comprehension of language in a child
  • Identify and explain the difference between the listening and speaking skills and their significance in the understanding of language
  • Give a critical overview of how natural language is processed
  • Examine the influence of language on culture and vice versa
  • It is possible to understand a language even without living in that society: discuss
  • Identify the arguments regarding speech defects
  • Discuss how the familiarity of language informs the creation of slangs
  • Explain the significance of religious phrases and sacred languages
  • Explore the roots and evolution of incantations in Africa

Sociolinguistic Research Topics

You may as well need interesting Linguistics topics based on sociolinguistic purposes for your research. Sociolinguistics is the study and recording of natural speech. It’s primarily the casual status of most informal conversations. You can consider the following Sociolinguistic research topics for your research:

  • What makes language exceptional to a particular person?
  • How does language form a unique means of expression to writers?
  • Examine the kind of speech used in health and emergencies
  • Analyze the language theory explored by family members during dinner
  • Evaluate the possible variation of language based on class
  • Evaluate the language of racism, social tension, and sexism
  • Discuss how Language promotes social and cultural familiarities
  • Give an overview of identity and language
  • Examine why some language speakers enjoy listening to foreigners who speak their native language
  • Give a forensic analysis of his the language of entertainment is different to the language in professional settings
  • Give an understanding of how Language changes
  • Examine the Sociolinguistics of the Caribbeans
  • Consider an overview of metaphor in France
  • Explain why the direct translation of written words is incomprehensible in Linguistics
  • Discuss the use of language in marginalizing a community
  • Analyze the history of Arabic and the culture that enhanced it
  • Discuss the growth of French and the influences of other languages
  • Examine how the English language developed and its interdependence on other languages
  • Give an overview of cultural diversity and Linguistics in teaching
  • Challenge the attachment of speech defect with disability of language listening and speaking abilities
  • Explore the uniqueness of language between siblings
  • Explore the means of making requests between a teenager and his parents
  • Observe and comment on how students relate with their teachers through language
  • Observe and comment on the communication of strategy of parents and teachers
  • Examine the connection of understanding first language with academic excellence

Language Research Topics

Numerous languages exist in different societies. This is why you may seek to understand the motivations behind language through these Linguistics project ideas. You can consider the following interesting Linguistics topics and their application to language:

  • What does language shift mean?
  • Discuss the stages of English language development?
  • Examine the position of ambiguity in a romantic Language of your choice
  • Why are some languages called romantic languages?
  • Observe the strategies of persuasion through Language
  • Discuss the connection between symbols and words
  • Identify the language of political speeches
  • Discuss the effectiveness of language in an indigenous cultural revolution
  • Trace the motivators for spoken language
  • What does language acquisition mean to you?
  • Examine three pieces of literature on language translation and its role in multilingual accessibility
  • Identify the science involved in language reception
  • Interrogate with the context of language disorders
  • Examine how psychotherapy applies to victims of language disorders
  • Study the growth of Hindi despite colonialism
  • Critically appraise the term, language erasure
  • Examine how colonialism and war is responsible for the loss of language
  • Give an overview of the difference between sounds and letters and how they apply to the German language
  • Explain why the placement of verb and preposition is different in German and English languages
  • Choose two languages of your choice and examine their historical relationship
  • Discuss the strategies employed by people while learning new languages
  • Discuss the role of all the figures of speech in the advancement of language
  • Analyze the complexities of autism and its victims
  • Offer a linguist approach to language uniqueness between a Down Syndrome child and an autist
  • Express dance as a language
  • Express music as a language
  • Express language as a form of language
  • Evaluate the role of cultural diversity in the decline of languages in South Africa
  • Discuss the development of the Greek language
  • Critically review two literary texts, one from the medieval era and another published a decade ago, and examine the language shifts

Linguistics Essay Topics

You may also need Linguistics research topics for your Linguistics essays. As a linguist in the making, these can help you consider controversies in Linguistics as a discipline and address them through your study. You can consider:

  • The connection of sociolinguistics in comprehending interests in multilingualism
  • Write on your belief of how language encourages sexism
  • What do you understand about the differences between British and American English?
  • Discuss how slangs grew and how they started
  • Consider how age leads to loss of language
  • Review how language is used in formal and informal conversation
  • Discuss what you understand by polite language
  • Discuss what you know by hate language
  • Evaluate how language has remained flexible throughout history
  • Mimicking a teacher is a form of exercising hate Language: discuss
  • Body Language and verbal speech are different things: discuss
  • Language can be exploitative: discuss
  • Do you think language is responsible for inciting aggression against the state?
  • Can you justify the structural representation of any symbol of your choice?
  • Religious symbols are not ordinary Language: what are your perspective on day-to-day languages and sacred ones?
  • Consider the usage of language by an English man and someone of another culture
  • Discuss the essence of code-mixing and code-switching
  • Attempt a psychological assessment on the role of language in academic development
  • How does language pose a challenge to studying?
  • Choose a multicultural society of your choice and explain the problem they face
  • What forms does Language use in expression?
  • Identify the reasons behind unspoken words and actions
  • Why do universal languages exist as a means of easy communication?
  • Examine the role of the English language in the world
  • Examine the role of Arabic in the world
  • Examine the role of romantic languages in the world
  • Evaluate the significance of each teaching Resources in a language classroom
  • Consider an assessment of language analysis
  • Why do people comprehend beyond what is written or expressed?
  • What is the impact of hate speech on a woman?
  • Do you believe that grammatical errors are how everyone’s comprehension of language is determined?
  • Observe the Influence of technology in language learning and development
  • Which parts of the body are responsible for understanding new languages
  • How has language informed development?
  • Would you say language has improved human relations or worsened it considering it as a tool for violence?
  • Would you say language in a black populous state is different from its social culture in white populous states?
  • Give an overview of the English language in Nigeria
  • Give an overview of the English language in Uganda
  • Give an overview of the English language in India
  • Give an overview of Russian in Europe
  • Give a conceptual analysis on stress and how it works
  • Consider the means of vocabulary development and its role in cultural relationships
  • Examine the effects of Linguistics in language
  • Present your understanding of sign language
  • What do you understand about descriptive language and prescriptive Language?

List of Research Topics in English Language

You may need English research topics for your next research. These are topics that are socially crafted for you as a student of language in any institution. You can consider the following for in-depth analysis:

  • Examine the travail of women in any feminist text of your choice
  • Examine the movement of feminist literature in the Industrial period
  • Give an overview of five Gothic literature and what you understand from them
  • Examine rock music and how it emerged as a genre
  • Evaluate the cultural association with Nina Simone’s music
  • What is the relevance of Shakespeare in English literature?
  • How has literature promoted the English language?
  • Identify the effect of spelling errors in the academic performance of students in an institution of your choice
  • Critically survey a university and give rationalize the literary texts offered as Significant
  • Examine the use of feminist literature in advancing the course against patriarchy
  • Give an overview of the themes in William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”
  • Express the significance of Ernest Hemingway’s diction in contemporary literature
  • Examine the predominant devices in the works of William Shakespeare
  • Explain the predominant devices in the works of Christopher Marlowe
  • Charles Dickens and his works: express the dominating themes in his Literature
  • Why is Literature described as the mirror of society?
  • Examine the issues of feminism in Sefi Atta’s “Everything Good Will Come” and Bernadine Evaristos’s “Girl, Woman, Other”
  • Give an overview of the stylistics employed in the writing of “Girl, Woman, Other” by Bernadine Evaristo
  • Describe the language of advertisement in social media and newspapers
  • Describe what poetic Language means
  • Examine the use of code-switching and code-mixing on Mexican Americans
  • Examine the use of code-switching and code-mixing in Indian Americans
  • Discuss the influence of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” on satirical literature
  • Examine the Linguistics features of “Native Son” by Richard Wright
  • What is the role of indigenous literature in promoting cultural identities
  • How has literature informed cultural consciousness?
  • Analyze five literature on semantics and their Influence on the study
  • Assess the role of grammar in day to day communications
  • Observe the role of multidisciplinary approaches in understanding the English language
  • What does stylistics mean while analyzing medieval literary texts?
  • Analyze the views of philosophers on language, society, and culture

English Research Paper Topics for College Students

For your college work, you may need to undergo a study of any phenomenon in the world. Note that they could be Linguistics essay topics or mainly a research study of an idea of your choice. Thus, you can choose your research ideas from any of the following:

  • The concept of fairness in a democratic Government
  • The capacity of a leader isn’t in his or her academic degrees
  • The concept of discrimination in education
  • The theory of discrimination in Islamic states
  • The idea of school policing
  • A study on grade inflation and its consequences
  • A study of taxation and Its importance to the economy from a citizen’s perspectives
  • A study on how eloquence lead to discrimination amongst high school students
  • A study of the influence of the music industry in teens
  • An Evaluation of pornography and its impacts on College students
  • A descriptive study of how the FBI works according to Hollywood
  • A critical consideration of the cons and pros of vaccination
  • The health effect of sleep disorders
  • An overview of three literary texts across three genres of Literature and how they connect to you
  • A critical overview of “King Oedipus”: the role of the supernatural in day to day life
  • Examine the novel “12 Years a Slave” as a reflection of servitude and brutality exerted by white slave owners
  • Rationalize the emergence of racist Literature with concrete examples
  • A study of the limits of literature in accessing rural readers
  • Analyze the perspectives of modern authors on the Influence of medieval Literature on their craft
  • What do you understand by the mortality of a literary text?
  • A study of controversial Literature and its role in shaping the discussion
  • A critical overview of three literary texts that dealt with domestic abuse and their role in changing the narratives about domestic violence
  • Choose three contemporary poets and analyze the themes of their works
  • Do you believe that contemporary American literature is the repetition of unnecessary themes already treated in the past?
  • A study of the evolution of Literature and its styles
  • The use of sexual innuendos in literature
  • The use of sexist languages in literature and its effect on the public
  • The disaster associated with media reports of fake news
  • Conduct a study on how language is used as a tool for manipulation
  • Attempt a criticism of a controversial Literary text and why it shouldn’t be studied or sold in the first place

Finding Linguistics Hard To Write About?

With these topics, you can commence your research with ease. However, if you need professional writing help for any part of the research, you can scout here online for the best research paper writing service.

There are several expert writers on ENL hosted on our website that you can consider for a fast response on your research study at a cheap price.

As students, you may be unable to cover every part of your research on your own. This inability is the reason you should consider expert writers for custom research topics in Linguistics approved by your professor for high grades.

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One of the hardest parts of writing a research paper can be just finding a good topic to write about. Fortunately we've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of 113 interesting research paper topics. They've been organized into ten categories and cover a wide range of subjects so you can easily find the best topic for you.

In addition to the list of good research topics, we've included advice on what makes a good research paper topic and how you can use your topic to start writing a great paper.

What Makes a Good Research Paper Topic?

Not all research paper topics are created equal, and you want to make sure you choose a great topic before you start writing. Below are the three most important factors to consider to make sure you choose the best research paper topics.

#1: It's Something You're Interested In

A paper is always easier to write if you're interested in the topic, and you'll be more motivated to do in-depth research and write a paper that really covers the entire subject. Even if a certain research paper topic is getting a lot of buzz right now or other people seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic unless you genuinely have some sort of interest in it as well.

#2: There's Enough Information to Write a Paper

Even if you come up with the absolute best research paper topic and you're so excited to write about it, you won't be able to produce a good paper if there isn't enough research about the topic. This can happen for very specific or specialized topics, as well as topics that are too new to have enough research done on them at the moment. Easy research paper topics will always be topics with enough information to write a full-length paper.

Trying to write a research paper on a topic that doesn't have much research on it is incredibly hard, so before you decide on a topic, do a bit of preliminary searching and make sure you'll have all the information you need to write your paper.

#3: It Fits Your Teacher's Guidelines

Don't get so carried away looking at lists of research paper topics that you forget any requirements or restrictions your teacher may have put on research topic ideas. If you're writing a research paper on a health-related topic, deciding to write about the impact of rap on the music scene probably won't be allowed, but there may be some sort of leeway. For example, if you're really interested in current events but your teacher wants you to write a research paper on a history topic, you may be able to choose a topic that fits both categories, like exploring the relationship between the US and North Korea. No matter what, always get your research paper topic approved by your teacher first before you begin writing.

113 Good Research Paper Topics

Below are 113 good research topics to help you get you started on your paper. We've organized them into ten categories to make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.


  • Discuss the main differences in art from the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance .
  • Analyze the impact a famous artist had on the world.
  • How is sexism portrayed in different types of media (music, film, video games, etc.)? Has the amount/type of sexism changed over the years?
  • How has the music of slaves brought over from Africa shaped modern American music?
  • How has rap music evolved in the past decade?
  • How has the portrayal of minorities in the media changed?


Current Events

  • What have been the impacts of China's one child policy?
  • How have the goals of feminists changed over the decades?
  • How has the Trump presidency changed international relations?
  • Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • What factors contributed to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • What have been the impacts of states which have increased their minimum wage?
  • How do US immigration laws compare to immigration laws of other countries?
  • How have the US's immigration laws changed in the past few years/decades?
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected discussions and view about racism in the US?
  • What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the UK deciding to leave the EU (Brexit)?
  • What factors contributed to China becoming an economic power?
  • Discuss the history of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies  (some of which tokenize the S&P 500 Index on the blockchain) .
  • Do students in schools that eliminate grades do better in college and their careers?
  • Do students from wealthier backgrounds score higher on standardized tests?
  • Do students who receive free meals at school get higher grades compared to when they weren't receiving a free meal?
  • Do students who attend charter schools score higher on standardized tests than students in public schools?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • How does giving each student access to an iPad or laptop affect their studies?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • How does the US education system compare to education systems in other countries?
  • What impact does mandatory physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Which methods are most effective at reducing bullying in schools?
  • Do homeschoolers who attend college do as well as students who attended traditional schools?
  • Does offering tenure increase or decrease quality of teaching?
  • How does college debt affect future life choices of students?
  • Should graduate students be able to form unions?


  • What are different ways to lower gun-related deaths in the US?
  • How and why have divorce rates changed over time?
  • Is affirmative action still necessary in education and/or the workplace?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
  • How has stem cell research impacted the medical field?
  • How can human trafficking be reduced in the United States/world?
  • Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?
  • Which types of juvenile punishment have proven most effective at preventing future crimes?
  • Has the increase in US airport security made passengers safer?
  • Analyze the immigration policies of certain countries and how they are similar and different from one another.
  • Several states have legalized recreational marijuana. What positive and negative impacts have they experienced as a result?
  • Do tariffs increase the number of domestic jobs?
  • Which prison reforms have proven most effective?
  • Should governments be able to censor certain information on the internet?
  • Which methods/programs have been most effective at reducing teen pregnancy?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How effective are different exercise regimes for losing weight and maintaining weight loss?
  • How do the healthcare plans of various countries differ from each other?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the pros and cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Which methods are most effective for improving memory?
  • What can be done to lower healthcare costs in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the current opioid crisis?
  • Analyze the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic .
  • Are low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • How much exercise should the average adult be getting each week?
  • Which methods are most effective to get parents to vaccinate their children?
  • What are the pros and cons of clean needle programs?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • Discuss the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • What were the causes and effects of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation?
  • How has New Orleans and the government's response to natural disasters changed since Hurricane Katrina?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of British rule in India ?
  • Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary?
  • What were the successes and failures of the women's suffrage movement in the United States?
  • What were the causes of the Civil War?
  • How did Abraham Lincoln's assassination impact the country and reconstruction after the Civil War?
  • Which factors contributed to the colonies winning the American Revolution?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?
  • Discuss how a specific invention impacted history.
  • What led to Cleopatra's fall as ruler of Egypt?
  • How has Japan changed and evolved over the centuries?
  • What were the causes of the Rwandan genocide ?


  • Why did Martin Luther decide to split with the Catholic Church?
  • Analyze the history and impact of a well-known cult (Jonestown, Manson family, etc.)
  • How did the sexual abuse scandal impact how people view the Catholic Church?
  • How has the Catholic church's power changed over the past decades/centuries?
  • What are the causes behind the rise in atheism/ agnosticism in the United States?
  • What were the influences in Siddhartha's life resulted in him becoming the Buddha?
  • How has media portrayal of Islam/Muslims changed since September 11th?


  • How has the earth's climate changed in the past few decades?
  • How has the use and elimination of DDT affected bird populations in the US?
  • Analyze how the number and severity of natural disasters have increased in the past few decades.
  • Analyze deforestation rates in a certain area or globally over a period of time.
  • How have past oil spills changed regulations and cleanup methods?
  • How has the Flint water crisis changed water regulation safety?
  • What are the pros and cons of fracking?
  • What impact has the Paris Climate Agreement had so far?
  • What have NASA's biggest successes and failures been?
  • How can we improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Does ecotourism actually have a positive impact on the environment?
  • Should the US rely on nuclear energy more?
  • What can be done to save amphibian species currently at risk of extinction?
  • What impact has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Are teens who spend more time on social media more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression?
  • How will the loss of net neutrality affect internet users?
  • Analyze the history and progress of self-driving vehicles.
  • How has the use of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Has social media made people more or less connected?
  • What progress has currently been made with artificial intelligence ?
  • Do smartphones increase or decrease workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is Google search affecting our intelligence?
  • When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone?
  • Has frequent texting reduced teen literacy rates?


How to Write a Great Research Paper

Even great research paper topics won't give you a great research paper if you don't hone your topic before and during the writing process. Follow these three tips to turn good research paper topics into great papers.

#1: Figure Out Your Thesis Early

Before you start writing a single word of your paper, you first need to know what your thesis will be. Your thesis is a statement that explains what you intend to prove/show in your paper. Every sentence in your research paper will relate back to your thesis, so you don't want to start writing without it!

As some examples, if you're writing a research paper on if students learn better in same-sex classrooms, your thesis might be "Research has shown that elementary-age students in same-sex classrooms score higher on standardized tests and report feeling more comfortable in the classroom."

If you're writing a paper on the causes of the Civil War, your thesis might be "While the dispute between the North and South over slavery is the most well-known cause of the Civil War, other key causes include differences in the economies of the North and South, states' rights, and territorial expansion."

#2: Back Every Statement Up With Research

Remember, this is a research paper you're writing, so you'll need to use lots of research to make your points. Every statement you give must be backed up with research, properly cited the way your teacher requested. You're allowed to include opinions of your own, but they must also be supported by the research you give.

#3: Do Your Research Before You Begin Writing

You don't want to start writing your research paper and then learn that there isn't enough research to back up the points you're making, or, even worse, that the research contradicts the points you're trying to make!

Get most of your research on your good research topics done before you begin writing. Then use the research you've collected to create a rough outline of what your paper will cover and the key points you're going to make. This will help keep your paper clear and organized, and it'll ensure you have enough research to produce a strong paper.

What's Next?

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Voice, Speech, and Language in the News: NIDCD-Supported Research

  • May 29, 2024 Babies babble squeals and growls in clustering patterns observable from birth through the first year, suggesting this active vocal exploration is important to speech development
  • May 28, 2024 Is It a Sound of Music…or of Speech? Scientists Uncover How Our Brains Try to Tell the Difference
  • May 8, 2024 Take care of your voice - NIH News in Health

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Money blog: Apple overtaken as world's second most valuable company

Nvidia has overtaken Apple to become the world's second most valuable public company; Disfrutar in Barcelona has been named the world's best restaurant; there's a new cola-flavoured Jaffa Cake launching. Read these and the rest of today's consumer news in the Money blog.

Thursday 6 June 2024 22:14, UK

  • ECB cuts interest rates - and it could boost your holiday money
  • McVitie's launches first ever non-fruit flavoured Jaffa Cake
  • There's a new best restaurant in the world - this is how much it costs to eat there
  • Now is the time to lock some of your cash away - here's why
  • Asda goes from cheapest to most expensive supermarket for petrol

Essential reads

  • How brands get you to buy more, more, more
  • Top chef shares his take on an Italian classic - and Warwickshire Cheap Eats
  • Ed Conway : Claim of £2k tax rise under Labour is over four years - same maths suggests Tories have raised taxes by £13k in last four years
  • How much are student loans, when do you start paying back and what is the interest?
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

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Amazon is now giving all its UK customers - not just Prime members - access to its grocery delivery service.

People living in more than 100 towns and cities will also be able to access same-day delivery without needing to be a member of its subscription service. 

This covers items from Amazon Fresh, Morrisons, Co-op and Iceland. 

It comes amid efforts from the online giant to grow its grocery business in the face of tough competition within the sector.

Prime members, who used to be the only ones who could access the service, will be given more delivery options and free shipping, subject to a minimum spend. 

US regulators are investigating the notorious meme stock investor known online as Roaring Kitty.

Keith Gill shot to fame in 2021 after he fuelled a buying spree of shares in beleaguered video game retailer GameStop. The stock passed $120 from as little as $3 in three months and saw hedge funds' positions rack up big losses.

Gill returned to online chat forum Reddit on Sunday with a post revealing he had a $116m (£90.8m) position in GameStop, telling his followers that he controlled 1.8% of the company's available stock plus call options that gave him the right to buy more.

This fuelled investor confidence in GameStop, with its market value surging as much as 75% before settling around 30% higher.

Gill's trading activities are now being examined by the Massachusetts securities regulator, while the e-trade division of US bank Morgan Stanley is considering banning Gill from its platform, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The renewed interest in GameStop has gathered plenty of momentum, as our business reporter James Sillars outlined here this week...

Some Lloyds, Halifax and the Bank of Scotland customers will be charged more to use their overdrafts as of August. 

The three major banks, which are all part of Lloyds Banking Group, are set to launch a new tiered system for determining interest rates which could see some customers paying an extra 10%. 

At the moment, Lloyds has a standard rate of 39.9%, but the overhaul will see some forced to pay 49.9% for using their overdraft. 

The new rates are set to be: 

The 27.5% rate currently being offered to Club Lloyds customers will also be axed. 

There will be specific criteria for each tier based on a customer's credit information and account activity. 

For those who will see a rise, the banks will introduce a temporary tier for six months, which means the initial impact will be no more than 7.4% of what they are paying at the moment. 

"We are writing to our customers to let them know we're introducing new interest rate tiers on our overdrafts," a Lloyds Banking Group spokesperson said.

"The changes mean many will continue to pay the same or less than they do today, while some may see an increase." 

Nvidia has overtaken Apple to become the world's second most valuable public company.

The AI microchip maker's share price has risen to be worth more than $3trn (£2.34trn) for the first time. 

Only Microsoft is a more valuable company listed on a stock exchange, while Apple has fallen into third place.

Nvidia shares rose 5% after a year of growth - with one share now costing $1,224.40 (£957).

Nvidia's chips are powering much of the rush into AI, which has seen it become a poster child of the AI boom.

Demand for its processors from the likes of Google, Microsoft and Facebook owner Meta have been outstripping supply. 

Nvidia's shares - up nearly 150% so far this year - are also being boosted by an upcoming move to split its stock by 10-to-one on Friday. 

Ian Coatsworth, investment analyst at AJ Bell, said the stock split will "bring its share price down and make it more affordable to investors". 

Tech companies - including Microsoft and Apple - have been racing to develop AI and embed it in their products.

Nvidia is a younger company than some of its peers, having been founded in 1993. Similar to many tech giants, it was founded in California in the US.

Britain is less likely to lose power this winter than it was last year, according to the company that runs the grid.

National Grid's Electricity System Operator (ESO) said it expects power plants, wind farms and other generation methods to be able to provide more than enough power to meet demand this time around. 

In an early outlook, it said the grid would have an average margin - the difference between supply of electricity and demand for it - of 5.6 gigawatts (GW) this coming winter. 

This means the period when demand might outstrip supply is just 0.1 hours.

The increased margins are in part because of improved capacity, thanks to a new 765km high-voltage cable that connects the UK's electricity network with Denmark.

The cable, called an interconnector, is known as the Viking Link, and started transporting wind power between the two countries in December.

New gas generation, growth in battery storage capacity and increased generation connected to the distribution networks have also contributed to the higher margins. 

Despite this, ESO's chief operating officer Kayte O'Neill has said it will still need to be "vigilant" due to uncertainties around global energy markets.

"As a prudent system operator we remain vigilant, continuing to monitor potential risks and working closely with our partners to establish any actions necessary to build resilience," she said.

The continent's energy system has been forced to reinvent itself in recent years, faced with potential gas shortages due to the war in Ukraine.

The 20 countries using the euro currency have seen interest rates cut from record highs following progress in the battle against inflation over the past two-and-a-half years.

The Frankfurt-based European Central Bank (ECB) said it was "appropriate" to trim its main deposit rate from 4% to 3.75%.

It followed an assertion last month by its president, Christine Lagarde, that the pace of price increases was now "under control".

But the Bank declared in a statement that the battle was not won - signalling data-driven caution on future policy decisions in the months ahead.

Its staff even revised upwards their forecasts for inflation this year and next.

As we have been discussing in Money this week, the cut before the US and UK could weaken the euro - potentially making Britons' holiday money go further.

McVitie's is selling a new flavour of Jaffa Cake - and it marks the first ever non-fruit flavour since the treat launched in 1927.

Shelves across the country will soon be stocked cola bottle flavoured cakes.

The new flavour will launch in Asda stores from 10 June and be available in other UK supermarkets - including Tesco, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, Iceland and Co-op - in the coming weeks.

Adam Woolf, marketing director at McVitie's, said: "Jaffa Cakes Cola Bottle is certainly one of our more unexpected product launches – stepping away from fruit flavours for the very first time. 

"Jaffa Cakes have always stood out from the crowd (and the biscuit aisle), but we really wanted to try something new with this one. It's no doubt going to cause some debate among our Jaffanatics, and we can't wait to hear what they think."

By  Sarah Taaffe-Maguire , business reporter

Are we entering an era of interest rate cuts? Probably not. Or at least, not yet. 

But the European Central Bank (ECB) which controls the euro currency does look set to make their first cut in four years this afternoon. 

And Canada yesterday became the first country in the club of G7 industrialised nations to bring down borrowing costs by lowering their benchmark interest rate. 

The UK, however, isn't currently expected by markets to make a cut until September. 

Elsewhere, oil prices remain below $80 but are slightly more expensive than earlier this week. A barrel of the benchmark Brent crude oil costs $79.10.

The good news for people going on holidays to countries using the euro continues - the pound is still doing well against the currency with £1 equal to €1.1757. 

That could go even higher after the ECB decision at 1.15pm. A pound also can buy $1.2783. 

Like in the US, the UK's most valuable companies have become more valuable as the FTSE (Financial Times Stock Exchange) 100 and 250 indices are up 0.33% and 0.41% respectively.

Every Thursday  Savings Champion founder Anna Bowes  gives an insight into the savings market and how to make the most of your money...

Can you believe we are almost halfway through 2024?

Although the rate rises that we have seen this year have slowed compared with the previous couple of years, and we have even seen some falls, savers are now able to find hundreds of savings accounts that pay an interest rate higher than inflation.

The latest data from the Office for National Statistics showed inflation was still higher than predicted, however - which means the anticipated base rate cut is likely to be pushed back again – into the second half of this year.

While bad news for borrowers, this is great news for savers.

Incredibly, the latest statistics from the Bank of England show there is over £253bn sitting in current accounts and savings accounts earning no interest at all.

With top rates available paying 5% or even a bit more, that is potentially £12.65bn of gross interest that is not being claimed by savers.

So now really is the time to move your money if you have cash languishing, earning less than inflation, especially if you can lock some away with a fixed rate, as a base rate cut will happen at some stage, we just don't know when.

Easy access

If you think you'll need access to your money, an easy access account is a wise choice.

The base rate cuts that we have been waiting for are yet to start, so the top rates on offer are still paying almost as much as they were at the beginning of the year.

Fixed-term bonds 

There is a strange phenomenon with fixed-term bond rates at the moment: the longer you tie up your cash, the lower the interest rates on offer.

Normally, you'd expect to be rewarded for tying up your cash over the longer term - but base rate forecasts have flipped this.

Fixed-term cash ISAs

A frequent complaint that I hear from savers is that the tax-free rates on ISAs are usually lower than the pre-tax rates on the equivalent non-ISA accounts – and this is particularly true with fixed-term accounts.

As many more savers are paying tax on their interest once again, cash ISAs are more popular than ever, as the tax-free rate of the ISA can still be considerably more than the interest earned after tax has been deducted on the non-ISA bond equivalents.

The renowned "50 Best" list of the world's best restaurants was revealed in Las Vegas last night - with a new restaurant taking top spot.

Disfrutar in Barcelona took the crown from Central in Lima, Peru (previous winners are ineligible and instead join a Best of the Best list).

Eating the standard menu costs £247 (€290) - with an extra £136 (€160) if you want the wine pairing.

To be fair, you do get around 30 courses.

They also offer a unique menu for your table for between €1,050 and €390 per person - the more people, the less it costs.

The 50 Best list says: "The combination of brilliantly imaginative dishes, unsurpassed technical mastery and playful presentation results in the dining experience of a lifetime, as full of surprises as it is memories."

Dishes include:

  • Caviar-filled Panchino doughnut
  • Frozen gazpacho sandwich
  • Thai-style cuttlefish with coconut multi-spherical
  • Squab with kombu spaghetti, almond and grape

Two UK restaurants made the top 50 but the UK was eclipsed by countries from across South America as well as Thailand, Italy, France and Spain.

London's Kol moved up slightly to 17, while Ikoyi, which we reported on a few weeks ago following a link-up with Uber Eats, came it at 42.

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    The University of Southern California, for example, offers programs called Student Opportunities for Academic Research (SOAR) and Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF). You can apply to these and get grant money to assist a professor with their research. You'll learn as you work and receive an income.

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    Dissertations from 2022. Writing the Aftermath: Uncanny Spaces of the Postcolonial, Sohini Banerjee, English. Science Fiction's Enactment of the Encouragement, Process, and End Result of Revolutionary Transformation, Katharine Blanchard, English. LITERARY NEGATION AND MATERIALISM IN CHAUCER, Michelle Brooks, English.

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  10. MA Thesis Examples

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  11. Student Research

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  12. 170+ Research Topics In Education (+ Free Webinar)

    A comprehensive list of research topics and ideas in education, along with a list of existing dissertations & theses covering education. ... Energy Renovation While Learning English: A Guidebook for Elementary ESL Teachers (Yang, 2019) ... im here for finding research topic for masters degree. Reply. Karen Joy Andrade on July 22, 2023 at 11:16 am

  13. Research Resources

    The Beinecke Library offers unparalleled opportunities for graduate students in English to carry out original research. Its collections of original editions, manuscripts, early newspapers, and the papers and correspondence of major writers, many of which have never been completely quarried, are a rich trove for future scholarship.

  14. Theses and Dissertations

    2014. Mary Assad (PhD) Gender, Illness, and Narrative: A Rhetorical Study of the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women Campaign. (Fountain [dir.], Emmons, Grimm) Jason Ray Carney (PhD) The Shadow Modernism of Weird Tales: Experimental Pulp Fiction in the Age of Modernist Reflection.

  15. 5 Topics For A Master's In English Thesis

    A good literary adaptation, analyzed in tandem with its source material, could make for an interesting Master's thesis topic. 5. Look to Other Disciplines. English departments are recognizing that the skills required by literary study are strengthened when combined with skills from other fields like history or even the sciences.

  16. Quora

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  17. 250+ Thesis Topics for Masters & PhD Students (2024)

    Thesis Topics for College Students. Exploring the psychological effects of student loan debt on college graduates. The challenges and opportunities of globalization. The role of education and social mobility in reducing inequality. The impact of immigration on the economy and society. The potential of new technologies to improve healthcare ...

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    BA English and the BA Psychology Korean students have almost the same major difficulties in syntax and verb usage. It resulted on major difficulties of lexis, semantics, diction, preposition and word order but still students have the capability of translating Korean to English materials for Korean students.

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    Aims of the study The study attempts an in-depth investigation into the most frequently used and the most useful vocabulary learning strategies among English major students at Luong Van Tuy gifted high school, Ninh Binh and to help teachers gain a deeper understanding of their students' vocabulary learning strategies which might lead to more ...


    The present study, therefore, investigated the motivation in English language learning and the use of reading strategies among English-majored freshmen at a university in Bac Lieu province, Vietnam.

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    This program is designed for students from historically marginalized groups including low-income and first-generation students. The goal of RISE is to equip students to take on larger, more intensive academic-year and summer experiences for later in their college career. Each student receives $2,500 in scholarships and funds to cover on-campus ...

  26. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  27. Voice, Speech, and Language

    Aphasia. Apraxia of Speech. Auditory Processing Disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Communication Problems in Children. Developmental Language Disorder. Dysphagia. Hoarseness. Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis or Laryngeal Papillomatosis. Spasmodic Dysphonia.

  28. Money blog: Apple overtaken as world's second most valuable company

    The AI microchip maker's share price has risen to be worth more than $3trn (£2.34trn) for the first time. Only Microsoft is a more valuable company listed on a stock exchange, while Apple has ...