This SAMPLE BREAD AND BAKERY BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA  is useful for apprentices in training, small and medium scale business owners, large scale businesses, accessing Bank Loans, Equity funding and  Grants. This business plan can also be used in Proposal Writing, developing Business Concept Notes, understanding industry and market analysis and so on .

FEGEOSTOM produces bread and other backed products such as cake, pastries, pies and in Osogbo, Osun State. Nigeria. We supply to households, offices and retailers. We also offer apprenticeship training and consultancy in the industry.  

  Mr Akinyemi Femi who started the business is a graduate of Family Nutrition and Consumer Sciences. He has wide experience in the industry having work in one of the most reputable bakeries in Lagos state.

Our goal is to be one of the best three bakery in South West Nigeria. Our equipment are word class and our ovens are specially fabricated to produce a bread so fresh that our market outrun competitors on daily basis.

Our core value is high level neatness throughout the process of production. We already receive approval from the National Food and Drug Control (NAFDAC) Consumer Protection Council (CPC) and other relevant agencies.

We present a meet up with experts in Bakery business in Nigeria facilitated by industry professionals with chains of experience and outstanding achievements. We will take you by the hand through all important steps in this business with up-to-date market knowledge. CLICK HERE FOR MORE

We recruit mostly through the apprenticeship process and invest so much in continuous training of our workers. We are proud to say that we have some of the best bakery professionals in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, the demand for bread and baked product is increasing on a daily basis and this is good news for us who want to extend our market outside Osogbo and other parts of the South West.  We have very strong distribution channels that supply fresh backed products on daily basis. We also have a very good online presence on Facebook, twitter and so on

We are known for a unique taste different from other bakery around and this has made our customers always want to come back. As a result of this, our customers are increasing on daily basis.

The financial projection in our feasibility studies shows that we need 25 Million naira for expansion. There is consistent profit margin in the next three production years with positive cashflow.

  • Our Product and Services

FEGEOSTOM has diversified products that require the same equipment to produce. We also offer consultancy service and a government approved apprenticeship training programme. Our products include:

  • Bread made from flour, fruits and wheat
  • Cakes of events and cup size
  • Pizza and pies
  • Consultancy Services and
  •  Apprenticeship training

Our Vision Statement

To be among the best three bakeries in the country in the next 6 years.

  • Our Mission Statement

To provides excellent products, first class customer service, and consistent professionalism.


In Nigeria, baking related businesses creates more than 50 Billion Naira average income per year. There are about 5,000 bakeries in the South West alone.

In one of the Nigerian most reliable food research report for 2018, bread and other baked product has been on top of fast food and snacks by volume for the past three consecutive years. Profit remain consistently attractive despite rise in the cost of production especially due to the last recession. Bakery also top the list of employers in the food industry as it generates nearly 53% of employment in the food production sector

Top list of bakery products according to market demand include

  • Bread (made with flour, wheat and fruit) :45%
  • Cakes (events and cup size) :25%
  • Different kinds of Pies: 15 %
  • Others including pizzas 15%

There is growth forecast of 5% in the market for bread and 2% increase in other baked products in the next five years. This is due to Nigeria economy crawling out of recession, increased minimum wage and innovation in the bakery industry that make products of better quality.


Competitive Advantage

  • We Provide fresh and high-quality bread that can stay for longer time without losing freshness and taste
  • We have highly professional customer services and maintain customers loyalty
  • We provide convenience through online order and eCommerce presence


Please call our business plan consultants : + 2348147161686

We have a team that can help you write your specific business plans, feasibility studies, Marketing plan,  grant application,  market research, business brand story and so on.

Contact : + 2348147161686 for details

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business plan for bread making in nigeria

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In Nigeria, Bread as we know is a food for all, it’s eaten in homes, sold in fast foods and served not only as breakfast. A bakery is a place where all food made with flour such as bread, cookies, cakes, etc are produced.

Passing by the high demand for bread in Nigeria, a bread bakery business has great odds of success. But the accomplishment and success of the business relies generally on having a good   Bakery  Feasibility study and sample business plan  combined with the right Business skill and experience

If you are planning to start a bakery business in Nigeria, Then first you need to write a business plan, while you might want to excuse the idea of a business plan when starting as not important, I want to remind you that there is a small margin between success and failure when it comes to starting a bread bakery business in Nigeria and you must bear in mind that the  Feasibility study and sample business plan  is the main authority report that will give you a better advantage in running a lucrative bread bakery business in Nigeria

This bread bakery business plan/feasibility study contains key information about the organization, the business environment, technical requirements, production operation, management analysis, Marketing plan and other key info’s that you need from a bread bakery feasibility study.


 Executive Summary 1 Introduction………… 1.1 Name and address of the company……… 1.2 Name and address of the co-partner………… 1.3 The Objective of the Bakery Business…… 1.4 Mission of the Bakery………………… 1.5 Vision of the Bakery………….………… 2. Description of the venture……………………. 2.1 Considerations of Selecting the Project… 2.2. Location of Project……….. 3. Sources of capita………………… 4. Financial Analysis…………………………… 4.1 Building…………………………… 4.2 Plant machinery and material cost of production…………………… 4.3 Cost of supply………………………………………………………… 4.4 Utility expense…………………………………………… 4.5 Annul cost…………………………………… 5. Market analysis. …….…………..…………………………… 5.1 Market size……………………………… 5.2 Products …………………………… 5.3 Demand forecasting………………………………… 5.4 Project management……………………………………………………… 6. Organizational structure……………..…………………… 7. Major Duties and Responsibilities……………………………..… 8. Financial plane……………………………………… 9. Environmental feasibility…………………………………………………….…………………… 10. Project implementation…………………………………

1.2 Name and address of the co-partner               

 The best bakery is a partnerships business that will establish in the next year 2021 by the six businessmen in Ikeja city. This business is a basis for the production and distribution of bread. In this area, the idea of establishing this business is penetrating in many owners minds and this is appropriate to establish the business. From the beginning, the business is formed in the form of partnerships with equal capital accumulations. The accumulation capital; used for beginning the business is N500,000 IN which 75% is funded by partners and the remaining 25% is borrowed from other financial institutions as a loan.

Hurry now, Get Your Complete Bakery Business Plan. To place an order, pay N10,000 to

FCMB (FIRST CITY MONUMENT BANK) Account Name – Erumaka Chibueze Micah Account No – 4080605019

After payment text, your name and your e-mail address to 08122230861 on WhatsApp or text and you’ll receive your BAKERY BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA PDF / FEASIBILITY STUDY.

It will be sent to your email address after your payment has been confirmed. (Soft copy only)

Marketing Strategies That Will Help You Run A Successful Bread Bakery Business In Nigeria

You may believe that the hardest thing about the baking business is to start. Sure, it takes a lot of effort and you may face hard times and some anxiety. In any case, after you have your bread bakery business going, enduring the opposition(competitors) will turn into your fundamental business concern. Moreover, your goal is not just to stay afloat but to become a go-to place for people looking for delicious pastries. As an entrepreneur, you aim to make a profit in the bakery business. This will require you to handle your finances, reports, and inventories with great care, but there’s a side of the business that is often neglected: Marketing Whatever products your business specializes in, croissants, doughnuts, buns, bread, healthy gluten-free pastries, mini pastries, and so on, you should build a strong marketing and sales strategy for your bakery. Otherwise, it will be challenging to reach new customers, increase bakery sales and brand awareness. EXAMPLES OF MARKETING STRATEGIES TO GROW AND BEAT YOUR BREAD BAKERY BUSINESS COMPETITORS IN NIGERIA 1. Smells Are Free!

Perhaps the lowest barrier to entry when  marketing your bakery  is something that you’re, most likely, already producing – the scent coming from your delicious baked goods! Any smart baker knows that keeping their doors wide open when the weather allows, gives them free  Advertising  to consumers who are in the vicinity. The best part is, as long as you’re already baking, it’s completely free to prop open your doors and entice hungry customers with your mouth-watering aroma!

2. Offer Nutrition Information For Your Products

As customers are becoming more and more health-conscious, it’s a smart move to consider providing nutrition information for your bread, pastries, and sweets. According to reports, 61 per cent of U.S. adults use nutrition labels to help manage their weight, and 38 per cent say that labelling products would help them do this more effectively. Additionally, many consumers underestimate the calorie and fat content in foods and attest that they would like to see more nutrition labelling at places where they eat away from the home. So you wanna consider adding the nutrition label of your products when trying to sell. 3. Leverage Instagram Influencer’s Only a few Nigerian entrepreneurs make use of Influencer’s so there is a huge advantage for you if you decide to the root of using an influencer to sell your product. 4. Pay attention to packaging  Having beautiful packaging  adds an authentic human touch  that consumers love, as it sets handmade, local products apart from mass-produced generic offerings. So good packaging and branding of your business should be on your mind and We at  NaijaCEO  can help you with that

Ready To Start Your Bakery Business In Nigeria Or Africa?

Maybe you dream of opening your own bakery, but you’re still working out the details of how to make that dream a reality. Well we are the leading Business consulting firm in Nigeria and can help you make the process much easier contact us with 08122230861


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Micah Erumaka

Micah Erumaka

About Micah Erumaka

Micah Erumaka is the Founder of LiaonCEM solutions which owns NaijaCEO. He is an Internet Entrepreneur and a content creator. After the failure of his first company at age 18 he started NaijaCEO to help entrepreneurs with the information they need in operating a successful business in Africa

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business plan for bread making in nigeria

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Bakery / Bread Business Plan in Nigeria

Bakery (Bread) Business Plan in Nigeria PDF Download

Bakery / Bread Business and Financial Plan

Our Bakery / Bread Business Plan in Nigeria is well documented and can also be used for, but not limited to:

  • Grant Applications,
  • Bank Loans,
  • Proposal writing,
  • Business Concept Note,
  • Competitions e.t.c

Purpose of the Bakery / Bread Business Plan in Nigeria

Benefits of the bakery / bread business plan in nigeria.

The Bakery / Bread Business Plan in Nigeria is beneficial because

  • It helps in outlining the steps needed to achieve the business goals and ideas.
  • It helps to articulate strategy to stakeholders who support the business.

Importance of the Bakery / Bread Business Plan in Nigeria

The Bakery / Bread Business Plan in Nigeria is important because

  • It will assist you in making sound decision in the administration of the commercial enterprise which will make a contribution to the success of the business.
  • It will additionally gives distinctive statistics on all components of the business, outlining the business desires and the steps required to achieve them.

Content of the Bakery / Bread Business Plan in Nigeria

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Business Description
  • Keys to Success
  • Products and Services
  • Market Analysis
  • Our Target Market
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Sales and Marketing Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • PEST Analysis
  • Operational Plan
  • Management plan
  • Financial Plan and Projections
  • Financial Diagnostics

Download The Complete Bakery / Bread Business Plan in Nigeria

List of Business Plans in Nigeria (Samphina Academy)

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A Comprehensive Guide to Starting a Bread Baking Business in Nigeria

Bread is a staple food consumed by millions of people across Nigeria on a daily basis. The demand for bread is high, making it a profitable venture for entrepreneurs looking to start their own business.

If you have a passion for baking and dream of running a successful bread baking business, this article is for you.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps involved in starting a bread baking business in Nigeria, providing you with valuable insights and tips to set you on the path to success.

business plan for bread making in nigeria

• Market Research

Before diving into any business, it is crucial to conduct thorough market research. Evaluate the local demand for bread in your target area.

Identify your potential customers, their preferences, and competitors in the market. Analyze pricing, product variety, and customer expectations to gain a competitive edge.

• Create a Business Plan

A well-structured business plan serves as a roadmap for your bread baking business. It should outline your business goals, financial projections, marketing strategies, and operational procedures.

Consider factors such as startup costs, pricing, target market, and expansion plans in your plan.

• Obtain the Necessary Licenses and Permits: Ensure you comply with the legal requirements of operating a bakery in Nigeria.

Register your business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and obtain the necessary permits, such as a food handling license and certification from the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC).

• Source Quality Ingredients and Equipment

To produce high-quality bread, source fresh and top-grade ingredients from reputable suppliers. Establish relationships with local farmers and flour mills for a consistent supply. Invest in good quality bakery equipment, including mixers, ovens, proofers, and packaging materials.

• Set Up Your Bakery Space

Find a suitable location for your bakery that offers sufficient space for production, storage, and retail. Ensure the space meets all hygiene and safety standards. Set up a functional layout that optimizes workflow and facilitates efficiency.

• Hire and Train Staff

Employ skilled bakers and staff who are passionate about baking. Train them in proper baking techniques, food safety, and customer service. Hiring the right team is crucial for maintaining quality and ensuring smooth operations.

• Develop a Product Range

Create a diverse product range to cater to different customer preferences. Offer various types of bread, including white, whole wheat, multigrain, and specialty bread. Consider incorporating local flavors or unique recipes to stand out in the market.

• Pricing and Marketing Strategiese

Set competitive yet profitable prices for your bread products. Consider factors such as ingredient costs, overhead expenses, and market demand. Develop effective marketing strategies to promote your bakery, such as social media campaigns, partnerships with local businesses, and offering samples to potential customers.

• Establish Distribution Channels

Decide on the distribution channels for your bread. You can sell directly to customers from your bakery, establish tie-ups with local supermarkets, or supply to restaurants and cafes. Maintain reliable delivery systems to ensure timely delivery of fresh products.

• Ensure Quality Control

Maintaining consistent quality is essential for customer satisfaction and loyalty. Implement stringent quality control measures throughout the production process. Regularly monitor ingredients, equipment, and staff performance to uphold high standards.

How much capital do I need to start a bread baking business in Nigeria?

The capital required depends on factors such as the scale of your operations, equipment costs, and rental expenses. A small-scale bakery can be started with around N500,000 to N1,000,000, whereas a larger bakery may require several million naira.

Are there any special certifications needed for selling bread in Nigeria?

Yes, you need to obtain a food handling license and certification from NAFDAC to ensure compliance with food safety regulations in Nigeria.

What are some effective marketing strategies for a bread baking business?

Utilize social media platforms to showcase your products, offer discounts and promotions, collaborate with local businesses, and participate in community events to create brand awareness.

How can I ensure the freshness of my bread products during delivery?

Invest in appropriate packaging materials that maintain freshness and implement efficient delivery processes to minimize transit time. Consider using insulated delivery boxes or vehicles to preserve the quality of your bread.

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How To Run A Successful Bakery Business In Nigeria


Bakery business is a profitable venture in Nigeria and Africa. The bakery industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, thanks to the increasing population and urbanization in the region. According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global bakery market is projected to reach $447 billion by 2025, with Africa and the Middle East being identified as the fastest-growing regions. In Nigeria, bread is one of the most consumed food items, and the bread bakery business is a multi-billion naira industry that continues to thrive.

The cost of starting a bakery business in Nigeria varies depending on the size and type of bakery. The factors that affect the cost are the location, equipment, materials, staff, and registration. According to a business website ‘’, a small bakery that produces bread, cakes, and pastries cost between ₦100,000 and ₦500,000. A medium-sized bakery that has more equipment and staff costs between ₦500,000 and ₦700,000. A large-scale bakery that operates as a factory costs between ₦6 million and ₦10 million.

However, Starting a bakery business in Nigeria requires careful planning, hard work, and dedication.

Conduct Market Research

Before starting your bakery business, it is important to research the market demand in your area, the competition, and pricing. launching a bakery business without conducting proper market research and planning is like navigating a ship without a compass. You’ll be sailing blind, and that’s a recipe for disaster.

Choose A Location

Well, just about everything. Think about it, your target market, competition, accessibility, visibility, and security all hinge on your location. It’s like a hub connecting you to all your customers. You need a location that’s easily accessible and visible to your potential customers.

Equip Your Bakery

Your equipment, these are the workhorses of your bakery business. You need to choose equipment that matches your product range, production capacity, and quality standards.

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Obtain necessary licenses and permits.

Running a bakery business in Nigeria without the licenses and permits is like playing a game of Russian roulette with your entrepreneurial dreams. Why? Because the consequences can be severe, ranging from hefty fines to business closure. Therefore, register your business with the appropriate government agency and obtain necessary permits and licenses.

Hire experienced bakers and staff to help with the production and sales of your bread products.

Develop A Marketing Strategy

Promote your bakery through advertising, social media, and other marketing channels to attract customers.

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Daily bread – How to start a successful bread bakery business in Africa’s fast growing bread market

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Ever considered one of the bread bakery business opportunities in Africa ? You’re about to learn several reasons why you should.

Everyone eats bread. Bread competes against rice and cassava (gari) as the most popular food and staple in Africa. It has remained a widely-accepted food item because of its convenient and ready-to-eat nature.

Bread is a common food item in many African households and up to 70 percent of breakfast diets on the continent contain bread.

The size of the African bread market is worth billions of dollars every year and nearly all the bread we eat is produced locally. A bread bakery business is easy to start up and can be run from a home kitchen or a bread factory.

Let’s take a dive into this interesting idea and explore the business opportunities for African entrepreneurs in the bread bakery business…

Why is the demand and market for bread growing very fast in Africa?

According to a recent study , the demand for bread is expected to explode in the coming years. South Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya are currently the largest and leading bread markets in Africa.

Bread bakery business 2

Africa now has more than 50 cities inhabited by over one million people. By 2020, more than 500 million Africans are projected to live in urban areas and cities.

Statistics reveal that urban dwellers and city people eat more bread than people in the rural areas. Given the rapid growth of African city populations, bread is sure to remain a highly sought-after food item by African households.

More than 80 percent of all imported and locally produced wheat flour in Africa is used by bakeries to produce bread. The rest is used by food processors to make biscuits, cakes, pasta and pasta.

Over the last decade, more bread has been consumed in Africa than maize and rice. Why? It’s simply because bread is more affordable (costs much less than rice, yam and maize).

Bread also appeals to the convenience and lifestyle of most people – it’s an instant meal that requires no further preparation, and makes a great fast snack (besides its popularity as a breakfast item).

Many of us may not know this: bread provides more nutrients than any other single food source and is particularly important as a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins B and E!

Market opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to start a bread bakery business in Africa…

There are different categories of bread that attract different kinds of consumers in Africa. It’s very important that entrepreneurs understand these categories to help them decide on the type of bread they will produce, the likely competition and the needs of the market.

Plain White Bread

Bread bakery business 3

This type of bread usually comes without any labeling, branding or packaging and very little attention is paid to product taste, quality or hygiene. It’s best described as ‘bread for bread’s sake.’

Popularly known as ‘Agege bread’ in many parts of Lagos (Nigeria), this basic white bread is usually less than the size of a standard loaf and can be consumed in one serving by one person.

Agege bread is normally unsliced and its nutritional content is the poorest in the market.

Some bakers have been found to include unhealthy additives and dough enhancers (like Potassium Bromate ) to artificially increase the size of this bread in order to fetch higher profits. Most of these substances are banned in several African countries but their use remains widespread due to poor regulation and low consumer awareness. (photo credit:

More than 50 percent of bread sold on the African market are of this type and most consumers are drawn to it because of its very low price. As a result, most independent and small-scale bakeries producing this bread make money by selling cheap at high volumes.

There are usually no leading producers in this segment of the bread market and it’s commonly dominated by many small-scale and family-run bakeries.

Nourished White Bread

Bread bakery business 4

This type of bread usually contains ingredients like eggs, milk, fruits, etc. and generally do not contain unhealthy supplements or additives.

A lot of attention is usually paid to the product’s taste, branding, packaging and overall quality.

This bread appeals to, and is targeted at, African middle-class households and customers who are conscious about high food standards, nutritional content, quality and taste. These customers are also willing and very happy to pay extra for this higher quality.

Most families also prefer nourished bread for their growing children. As a result, nourished white bread costs much higher than the plain version on the market. (photo credit:

This segment of the market is dominated by franchise bakeries, industrial bakeries and small independent bakers.

Bread bakery business 5

This category of bread refers to wheat (brown) bread, whole meal bread and other forms of uncommon bread in the market.

Consumers who prefer these kinds of bread do so for lifestyle, health, taste or cultural reasons.

Special bread is usually sold in specialty stores and supermarkets. They cost much more than the plain white and nourished versions and require specialized skills and experience to produce.

Bakeries that produce this bread target niche markets like upper class residential areas and parts of town with a large population of foreigners.

How to start a bread bakery business – An important checklist

1. Prepare a business plan

Bread bakery business 6

A business plan doesn’t have to be complex or too elaborate, just something to keep your eyes on the big picture. The business plan will allow you to easily identify the obstacles and anything you may not have considered.

Your business plan should consider the prevailing market price for the type of bread you want to produce and how much competition there is. You also need to estimate the profit you’re likely to make in the first, second and third years.

Is it sustainable? Is it worth the time, effort and capital?

It’s usually wise to keep 8-12 months working capital to adequately support a bread bakery business.

If you’re looking for a sample bakery business plan template , I have found a good one you can adapt and use for your own bread bakery idea.

You can view it here .

2. You should know enough about bread

Nobody says you must be a master baker to succeed in this business; you really don’t need to. However,  you need to know the basics and tricks of the trade if you want to survive in this business.

Sign up for a bread baking course and learn the basics about measurements, recipes, flavours, packaging, branding and marketing. You should not give in to the temptation of thinking it’s enough to just hire a manager and have the bakery make you money.

Ignorance in the bread bakery business is likely to open you up to financial losses and eventual failure.

3. Choose a location that’s close to your target market

Bread bakery business 7

What kind of people live around you?

Are they high, middle or low-income earners?

Are they students, single people or households with families?

Are they predominantly young or old people?

If you live in a closely knit community like a residential estate or a university campus, it may be a great opportunity to run this business from your home kitchen. (photo credit:

Look for newly established or developing suburbs and high traffic locations that have little competition. It’s also important to focus on areas that may not be well serviced, like industrial estates or high density office blocks where you can draw eager customers.

4. Would you need a permit or license to operate?

Depending on your country and location, you may require a permit or license from a government establishment or Consumer Health office to operate a bakery.

What are the requirements and standards for approval?

Would you need to have specific equipment like fire safety tools?

Is there a standard qualification you must obtain to be eligible for a permit?

You must know these requirements in advance and take the necessary steps to ensure you get the approval you need to open your doors to the public.

Bread bakery business 8

The size and quality of your equipment will depend on how much bread you intend to produce for the market and the amount of startup capital you have.

It’s very important that you don’t spend too much on equipment at the beginning of this business. Look out for any good quality, pre-owned (second hand) bakery equipment you can find at a bargain price.

The basic equipment you need  to start a bakery business include: an oven, mixer, dough moulds, dough divider, fermentation chamber (proofer) and maybe a bread slicer.

The bread bakery business is an interesting opportunity in Africa…

Because most people WILL eat bread most of the time, the bread business can be a very rewarding venture if entrepreneurs can find a large market with few competitors.

With some creativity and higher quality, a new bakery can easily win consumers over from an established bakery. When properly planned and operated, bakeries can become a rich source of lasting income.

If you believe this type of business will work for you, start working on a business plan and take action as soon as possible.

You could also choose from many more amazing business ideas in the Business ideas  section of this website.

We would love to hear from you about your successes, challenges, advice and questions. Do not forget to leave a comment in the section below and share this opportunity with your friends.

To your success!

And by the way, if you enjoyed reading this article and you’re thinking of raising capital to start or grow your business, you’ll love my amazing and life-changing FREE course.

Click the course banner below or click here to get started with the course.

business plan for bread making in nigeria

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About the author: john-paul iwuoha.

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Dear Sir/Madam, On behalf of Ekol Firin Makina Ltd. which is in Turkey (Konya) we would like to offer you cooperation in terms of supply of bakery equipment. We have low prices and good quality. There are a lot of kind of machines that produce a variety of Eastern bakery products. Maybe it will interest you.

We wish to hold a long lasting business relationship with your company.

Best regards, Kadir İNCELİ Sales manager Contact: +90 332 342 51 84 +90 332 342 53 58 FAX: +90 332 342 74 73 Skype : Maschine Markt e mail : [email protected] Web :

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This information is very helpfull thank you. What i would like to find out is where can we get help to start this kind of business in south africa eastern cape

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Hello Sabata,

Thanks for leaving a comment. What kind of help would you like exactly? Equipment, training??? Just let us know and we’ll be glad to find you some help.

Looking forward to your response.

John-Paul 8)

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Do you know any person who has expert knowledge in bread bakery. I need help to set up a bakery in Lagos.

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Hello Freddy, I am Akeni, working with Still and Joe (Chartered Accountants) in Lagos. I linked up with this website from google, as I am in the concluding phase of an Audit and Financial advisory service with a client who is into baking of Bread and Pasteries in Lagos. It was quite an experience because they started with just one bakery location and within 15 months are working the forth one. Success is sure when your information is accurate.

Akeni 08183840432 BBM pin: 29F14FE2

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Hi how can I get help and information to start my baking business in Ghana, Accra to be specific. Thanks for your kind Co operation. Best of Regards Tina O

Hi Freddy and Tina,

Because the types, tastes and market for bread are different across Africa, our best advice to you will be to hire somebody who already owns or runs a bakery business to help you set up your own. If you’re lucky, you may get free help but many of the people you meet will be more motivated to help if you negotiate and pay them a consultancy fee.

If you do it well, the little money you invest to get experienced help will save you a lot of trouble and losses in the long run. In choosing someone to help you with this, we suggest the following tips:

1. Make sure the person’s bakery is not located within your area. If he/she feels you will one day become a serious competition to their business, they may be unwilling to help you or may even sabotage your efforts. You need someone with a successful bakery located away from your target market.

2. When you find this person, make sure the fee you pay is based on an agreed contract. The contract must clearly state the things the consultant must do. Recommend bakery equipment and places to get the best deals, best and cost-effective brands of baking ingredients like flour, baking powder, butter and sugar. You could also get recommendations about experienced and skilled workers to hire for your bakery.

3. On top of all this, every business has its secrets. A bread bakery strategy that works in Accra, Ghana may lead to failure in Lagos, Nigeria. If you get a great person to help you, the secrets they reveal will surely be invaluable. There may be some factors you didn’t consider that will be pointed out.

4. Again, we insist that you work with a person who [b]owns[/b] or [b]runs[/b] a real-life successful bakery. Experience of actual work is VERY IMPORTANT.

It’s easy to recommend some book or training that will teach you these things but it won’t be the same as getting a real person to do it for you.

I hope this helps. If you need any more information in this regard, just let us know. And make sure you don’t allow this challenge to ‘postpone’ your dream of starting a bakery.

Looking forward to more comments and questions.

[b]John-Paul[/b] 8)

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I really like the five steps you offer…I’ve seen more than my fair share of people who have tried to start a business, but failed because they didn’t do one or more of the steps you prescribed. They’re simple, but applicable.

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Thank you for this insight. Please I would like to know more about starting this business and the to know the right people involved. I am looking at locating it along lekki – epe axis in Lagos. Also where can one get the basic trainings required as well.

Hello Ifeoma,

I am very glad that you found this article useful. I am happier that you’re inspired enough to take action by starting your own bread bakery business. In fact, the Lekki-Epe axis (in Lagos, Nigeria) is an interesting location given the population and economic boom in that area.

About getting the required training and knowing the right people to talk to, I suggest that you read (again) the advice contained in the response we gave to a previous question. You can read it by following this link:

If you have any other questions you would like to ask, we are here for you. Just make sure you keep your dream of starting a bakery alive.

We wish you the best of luck!

[b]John-Paul[/b] 🙂

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We are interested to start small bakery in south sudan, juba

Ur info is very helpful

I’m very glad you found this article helpful. I wish you all the best with your plans and we hope you share your experience with us.

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please i need information on the cost of gettin d equipment required for statin up a so much interested,plz i need an affordable one,to stat up a medium-scale bakery.u can reach me tru,[email protected]

Thanks Okoye for leaving a comment.

It seems all the suppliers of bakery equipment who have left a comment here are foreign-based.

I’m hoping that someone will soon show up with useful information that will help you to source these machines locally at affordable prices.

Hang on there.

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Verily, your website is like the African Entrepreneurship WIKIPAEDIA which I call The AFRIDEVELOPAEDIA… Just like a venture capitalist University. Good Luck…

Thank you Sheriff! Very kind and encouraging words. We promise to keep writing only the best stuff.

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Hi all, after such information I could not resist myself to make advertisement of my company. Sorry for bothering you. If interested in investing such bakery project, I would gladly help in all steps and advice best equipment with all experience that I got for Africa. Regards

My contact info; [email protected]

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Hello, Am happy for this site. Thanks for the information provided. However. Am at the point of starting a small scale bakery business. I would want to start small.I need where I can get fairly used bakery equipment in nigeria. Thx Sunday

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Can you advice on where to get the right equipment – oven and others

Hello Sunday and Oputeo,

There are a couple of places I would recommend to help your search for suitable bakery equipment. You could start by visiting the websites of these companies (located in Nigeria) that specialize in bakery equipment.

1) Macadams Baking Systems – 2) Despoas Engineering – 3) IEC Nigeria Limited –

I suspect that these companies sell brand new and (maybe) used equipment. If you don’t have enough capital to purchase new equipment, it’s likely that these companies could have clients who want to sell their equipment or they could point you in the right direction. The good thing about buying from bakery equipment specialists is that they can provide you with the critical experience, installation and support services that you will most definitely need.

Whatever the case, you should contact these companies using the contact (email, telephone) details on their website.

I look forward to sharing any information you gather from these sources so more readers can learn from your experience.


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I have huge about my bakery business with a little or more knowledge in the field.I will always keep you posted on how far have gone.

That would be great Chinedu! We wish you success and look forward to hearing from you about your progress.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! [b] John-Paul[/b]

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thankyou for is advice,i will need your traning

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What a great site with hot ideas. Well, i wish to request for anyone who runs a real-life successful bakery, and who can help me with necessary information and training to enable me set up my bakery business to please share information as to how i can reach them via this site. I want to start immediately, so kindly respond asap. Thanks and God bless.

Hello, how may I help you?

Thanks smallstarter for all the info you put out here. I was able to meet someone credible via this site who has really helped me in my quest to establish a profitable bakery. I am impressed by the knowledge of the industry displayed. Emma Akeni you rock! God willing I will be back on smallstarter to tell you my experiences as we roll out.cheers!

Good to know you found some help through I hope you come back to share your real-life experience so other people can benefit from you too.

Thanks for the update and good luck with building your bakery business.

John-Paul 🙂

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  • Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024

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Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria 2024 Doc

Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria

Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria (2024 Feasibility Samples PDF)

In most Nigerian families, one of the most consumed baked items is bread and this is because it is the most sort after. It is almost like a custom to have tea and bread as breakfast before leaving your home in the morning, and for that, bakery business has become a lucrative business in Nigeria .


Business plans and feasibility studies to get a discount.

The demand for bread on the daily basis has made bakery business in Nigeria one of the most rewarding businesses to venture in today. Irrespective of the competition in the industry, you are rest assured that the demand for your bread will be there. However, to successfully set up a business of this statue, you’ll need to get yourself a Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria Feasibility Samples. With the Bread Bakery Business Plan In Nigeria PDF file, there you have to yourself a Doc with all the necessary information to set up and run your business.

This feasibility sample/template for setting up a Bread Production Business has subsequently and regularly been updated to current economic condition of the country. The feasibility study can be useful in many ways when you eventually get one, here are some of the uses of Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria Feasibility Samples;

Uses Of Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria Feasibility Samples

Here are some of the uses of bread Bakery Business Plan ;

  • BANK LOANS – After getting your business plan or feasibility study, you can go for a loan from any bank issuing loans, or you can apply for loan with it.
  • GRANTS – There are some government agency that offer grants to entrepreneur who are promising and might succeed, these government grants can as well come as loans.
  • BUSINESS PROPOSAL – For a new business that requires fund for a start up, you can use this business plan to source for fund, since the information contained inside are well detailed for a bakery business.
  • COMPETITIONS – This Bakery Business Plan or feasibility study can be used for competitions, there are some competition where the price could help you start up a business of your choice, this feasibility study can help you out.
  • ACADEMIC STUDIES – This feasibility study can be used for Academic research and seminar presentations.

As stated earlier, bread is a highly demanded product, hence the need to write a business model that will help those who may want to go into bread bakery business. And since the market is large enough to accommodate a large number of bread bakers, you can actually try out your hand in bread making.

Often times I’ve seen people make comparison between breads, take for example, in a town like Abakaliki, there use to be a bread factory that makes Golden star bread, they where the toast of the town, however, as time went on, other bread bakery started coming into the industry, Golden star couldn’t keep up with the innovation, they went into business coma. Today, you have bread like Nwachukwu bread which is considered one of the best in town, although they have stiff competition with Vegas and Roban bread, there are other also making themselves known.

In Enugu, I’ve people say they prefer “Celebrities Bread”, while other will tell you they rather take crunches bread or Citis bread instead of Roban or ShopRite. The choice of bread is all about preference from the customers, and customers make their choice based on the technicality applied in making the bread. Your brand of bread might be what the market need, that is why I stated earlier, that the market is large enough to accommodate your bread bakery business.

Factors to Consider Before Setting Up bread Bread Bakery Business

To begin with your bread bakery start up, you need a bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria feasibility study, you can write one if you know how to, you also have the option of buying a well written Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria feasibility study by professionals, the study is regularly updated to match current economic condition;

Hurry NOW and BUY The bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria Feasibility Samples (PDF). Simply order yours by paying N10,000 to

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank)

Account Name – Okite Joseph ikenna

Account No – 0044083736

Once payment is made for the bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria Feasibility Samples (PDF), send the following (i) a valid email address and (ii) your payment details to any of these numbers – 07039768549.

CONTINUE reading

NOTE – It is important to note that the Business Plan in Nigeria for bread bakery Business In Nigeria | Feasibility Study PDF will immediately be sent to the email address you’ve provided after your payment has been confirmed.(Soft copy only).

  • Write A Business Plan – A written business plan will help you to identify the things you’ll need for your business. The business plan will describe your business objective, organizational structure, the size and capacity, ownership structure, fund to be invested as well as profit maximization (all things being equal), administrative and management structure which will consist of the number of staff to be employed , these staff will include (i) Managers (ii) Supervisors (iii) Technical staff (iv) Marketers (v) Drivers (vi) Cleaners etc. Getting yourself a business plan will give you an idea on what you need to do.
  • Market survey – Getting the necessary information on the business, carrying out a survey on the potency of the business in your environment, this should also be one of the information that should be included in your business plan, a market survey tells you of the potential buyers of bread , like I said, every family buys bread and they buy according to their taste and choice, a market survey tells you the type of bread that are in higher demand, it also tells you the sizes, flavor and prices that the customer want.
  • Register Your Business – The next thing to do is to commence the registration of your business name, the business name differentiates you from other bread bakery in that town, state, region and country at large. A business name, business brand and logo makes it easier for customers to easily recognize your products especially if the product was made with quality.
  • Branding – Branding is as important as marketing of your products , with branding you can market and advertise your business to the outside world, your brand distinguishes you from others.
  • Market your Bread bakery business – With marketing, customers know exactly what they are getting. With marketing and advertising you get to tell your customers of the sizes of bread in stock, the flavors you make, you can introduce a new method of bread baking in order to attract customers.
  • Create and establish a good/reputation – This is one of the biggest advert you can do for your business, if your business is known as one that takes the request of its customers serious, the customers will take you serious in return, you can build your reputation through community service, giveaways, promos etc. These reputation enhancement effort will get you new customers and will make old customers to stay.
  • Employ Skilled labor – Employing those that will operate the machinery in the bread bakery should be done with all discreetness, selecting capable hands beginning from the management/administrative staff to the cleaners should be done properly, numbering approximately 20 workers at least.
  • Machinery and equipment for bread baking – There are equipment you must get to commence your bread bakery business, these equipment must be in place, they include the following (i) Spiral mixer = unit cost is N2,200.00 (ii) Proofing chamber = unit cost is N400.00 (iii) Dough Molder = Unit cost is 750.00 (iv) Baking oven (Jumbo size) Complete with 2 Number oil Burner and panel = unit cost is N1,800.00. there are other like the bread slicer, trolleys, trays, dough processors, auxiliary equipment etc..

Note – Price of these equipment are not constant and are subject to depending on the forces of demand and supply.

The BREAD BAKERY BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA feasibility study contains a whole lot of information, among the information contained includes;

  • Location and facilities
  • Products/Service
  • Business Strategy
  • Key success factors
  • Revenue base


  • Target clients
  • Key competitors and players
  • Service delivery
  • Quality assurance
  • Demand/supply analysis
  • Competitive edge


  • Market positioning
  • Service delivery strategy
  • SWOT analysis


  • Legal issues
  • Regulatory issues
  • Environmental issues


  • Summary of project cost
  • Funding plan statement
  • Funding requirement
  • Projected income statement
  • Projected cash-flows statement
  • Projected Balance sheet
  • Profitability analysis for the bakery business
  • Break-even point analysis
  • General Conclusion and recommendation

Do you want to get a Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria Feasibility Sample? Simply follow the instruction below…

Hurry now and GET YOUR Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria Feasibility Samples. Simply order yours by paying N10,000 to

Once payment is made for the Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria Feasibility Samples, send the following info (i) a valid email address and (ii) your payment details to any of these numbers – 07039768549.

NOTE – It is important to note that the bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria Feasibility Samples (PDF) will immediately be sent to the email address you’ve provided after your payment has been confirmed.(Soft copy only).

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Nigerian Finder

Bakery Business in Nigeria: How to Start in 2024

A bakery is any factory where foods made from flour are produced. This includes bread, cookies, cake, pastry and others. The bakery business is one of the most profitable businesses in Nigeria. This is no surprise, Nigerians eat a lot of pastries and baked foods, most especially bread. Bread is the fastest and easiest meal to make. Bread does not require any form of preparation on the part of the consumer.

It can be eaten with beverages or other foods such as moimoi, akara, or even stew. It is also one of the cheapest meal which many can afford. A small loaf of bread can go for N100. Bread is a common meal staple, often used as breakfast in many Nigerian households. Most importantly, bread is eaten by both young and old. This makes bakery business a very lucrative one in Nigeria.

Statistics show that over 10 million loaves of bread are being consumed daily in the commercial city of Lagos alone. You can only imagine how much profit you can make on such a business in whatever state in Nigeria you choose to start. The bakery business is such that you do not have to be scared about the availability of market because bread is always in demand. However, there are many other factors to put into consideration if you want to set up a bakery business.

Starting a Bakery Business in Nigeria

Bakery Business in Nigeria

Starting a bakery business requires more than simply having a passion for baking. It entails business acumen in order to turn in profits, hard work, resilience, and good project management skills considering the bulk of bread to be produced daily.

The bakery business does not have to do with making bread only. One can also make other pastries such as doughnut, cake, finger foods. However, the most common is bread making.

In order to start a bread bakery business, you need to have enough capital to buy the needed equipment. Although, starting a bread business is not capital intensive, there are equipment that must be put in place.

How to start a bakery business in Nigeria: Step by step

Get trained.

If you want to start a bakery, you will first need to get trained on how to bake. If you already are a baker, you could upgrade your knowledge and skills by applying to a catering school where you will be taught how to do things on a more professional level. If you are not a baker and you have no experience in the baking business, you can still go to a catering school where you will be taught from scratch how to bake professionally. Baking on a commercial level is quite different from baking for yourself or the family. Professional training will teach you about food processing. This will help you understand the intricacies of the food business. The extent of your knowledge in the baking business can be a determining factor in rate of your success or failure in the catering business.

Make a detailed Business plan

The thought of starting a business can be a very exciting one, however, you must tread with caution. Before you set up a bakery in Nigeria, you should write a detailed bakery business plan. A detailed business plan will help you answer questions and challenges you may meet in the future. A good business plan will lay out the structure of the business, the type of bakery, products to be sold and at what rate.

Below are important items that should be included in an ideal baking business plan:

Planning & Setup

As is often said, “Whoever fails to plan, plans to fail”. In order to set up a successful bakery, your business plan must include budget, reach of customers, market size, location of the company, organization and structure, business management and many more.

Source for capital

The capital needed to set up a cake business depends on the scale at which you want to set up.  You will need just enough to get the equipment to get you started. However, the more financial investment you put in a bakery business, the higher the profit.

For example, it cost about N80.00 to produce the standard sliced bread in Nigeria. The average bakery sells at N130 to suppliers which gives a profit of N50 to the bakery.

The suppliers in turn sell to retailers at the cost of N170 and make N50 gain per loaf of bread. The retailers also sell between N200 to N220 to the final consumers. This means that N50 is the average gain for the bakery and the middlemen at every stage from production to the final supply.

Below is an example for a bakery with an average production of 50, 000 loaves of sliced bread weekly. A bakery with many customers can produce and sell about an average of 50,000 loaves of sliced bread weekly. When you multiply 50 by 50,000, the weekly profit for the weekly production and supply is N2, 500,000. After this, you will have to subtract the costs of other expenses. Below is a rough estimate:

  • Cost of production- N500, 000
  • The cost of fueling your diesel generator for the week – N100, 000
  • Cost of fueling and maintaining the supply vehicle – N100, 000
  • Cost of labor and staffs welfare per week – N100, 000
  • Damages and other miscellaneous expenses – N50, 000

Other costs that can be incurred include cost of advertising.

When you subtract all these from the initial N2.5 million profit; you will have N2.2 million left as your profit for the week.

These figures might look large, but it only goes to show that the amount of profit you will make in a bakery business depends on how large the business is and the investment already put in.

Once you have the required capital to invest in this business, you can start your bakery. Ensure you budget 7-12 months working expenses. This is what will help sustain your business before you start to make profits.

Decide on the location of the business

The location of a bakery is very important and can be a determining factor in its success or failure. The environment where a bakery is located should be hygienic and easy to access. If you want to go beyond a home bakery, then you have to look for a good workspace.

Define niche

You need to define the niche of baking you will be focusing on, in the business plan. Writing out future plans will help you know what you are planning for. This includes the variety of bread or pastries you want to go into. Here, ensure you give room for expansion and growth.

Target audience

In your baking business plan, you have to include who your target audience is, that is, the profile of people you expect will patronize your business, where they are and how you intend to find them.

Financial projection

There is no business idea that does not require investment capital, no matter how little it is. This is the reason you will need to discuss your means of getting capital and how much profit you intend to makeover a period of time.

You need to set realistic goals for your baking business. Writing out your goals will help you stay focused towards achieving them within the set period of time.

Marketing strategies

The bakery business is a very competitive one, therefore, you cannot joke with marketing strategies. Ask questions such as, “How do I intend selling my market and getting ahead of my competitors?”


Your bakery business must be registered with the corporate affairs commission. All you have to do is come up with a business name, check if the name is still available and has not been taken up by another business and then have it registered. You will also need to obtain a license from NAFDAC because your business has to do with serving food to the public.

Choose a suitable location

A good location is important for a bakery business. A bakery should be located in a city or town where retailers can easily access. If a bakery is located in a remote area, there will not be enough chance for growth as it will be difficult to be found. You can always rent a building that is suitable for baking. Although land and rent costs much in cities, it is usually profitable for your business. It is also important that the road to your bakery is accessible. If retailers experience much trouble getting to you, they will rather buy from another supplier.

Quality materials

After training well, ensure you bake nice, fluffy and clean breads. If your bread is good and branded properly, people will patronize your business.

Get equipment and hire labor

You cannot do everything alone in a bakery business. You will need more hands with the baking, packaging, logistics and other aspects of sales. It is important that you hire the best hands to do the job. In fact, you do not necessarily have to be a baker to start a bakery business in Nigeria. Some hire professional bakers and pay them while they run the bakery. You only need to make sure the bread you produce meets NAFDAC approval requirement.

Buy the necessary equipment

Below are the necessary equipment needed in setting up your bakery.

Baking Oven

A baking oven is used to produce bread. You can buy the industrial baking oven which is used by professional bakers who make bread in commercial quantities use. An industrial baking oven might be expensive but saves time.

Flour Mixer

The flour mixer is the device used to mix the flour and other ingredients into pastry. There are local mixers and there are standard electronic mixers. You can always go for the one that you can afford.

Slicing Machine

If you intend to produce sliced bread, then you will need a slicing machine. Sliced bread is the most popular and most purchased bread in the Nigerian market. This could be because it is easier to share in the family. You will get more profit baking sliced bread.

Baking Pans

You may need to buy or design baking pans according to your needs. However, some heavy ovens do come with baking pans. Make sure you clean your baking pans properly after use.

Bread Wrapper Supply

There are people who specialize in supplying wrappers. It is important you have one to always supply you with wrappers (otherwise known as nylons). Make sure you have made a deal with a wrapper supplier even before production commences in your bakery business. This will ensure a steady supply of bread wrappers.

Heavy-duty Generator

Bakery business in Nigeria will require a generator. You need a large size, standby generator to ensure fast and consistent production in your bakery business.

Other items needed in a bakery include:

  • Milling machine
  • Delivery van
  • Ceiling and industrial fan
  • Chopping table
  • Slicer and pan cleaner


Every business needs to be marketed properly. Promoting your bakery business is key to increased brand awareness and sales. Marketing can be done via flyers and posters, social media, adverts on a local radio station, etc.

A bakery business must take its delivery method seriously. First, you must be able to meet up with demands as at when due. You must also be able to guarantee that the baked bread get to the customers at the time it is needed. This is the reason a good understanding of project management helps in the bakery business.

Supply Truck

You may need to buy a supply truck to help you transport and market your bread. Use your truck to sell bread to customers.

The bakery business in Nigeria is a profitable business that has gone on for years and does not seem to be waning any time soon. However, it requires research and effective marketing in order to be successful.

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How To Start A Lucrative Bread Bakery Business In Nigeria and Africa: The Complete Guide

Bread bakery business is a profitable venture in Nigeria and Africa, where bread is a staple food in many households. The bakery industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, thanks to the increasing population and urbanization in the region. According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global bakery market is projected to reach $447 billion by 2025, with Africa and the Middle East being identified as the fastest-growing regions.

In Nigeria, bread is one of the most consumed food items, and the bread bakery business is a multi-billion naira industry that continues to thrive. The bread bakery business has created numerous job opportunities and contributed to the growth of the Nigerian economy. According to a report by the National Bureau of Statistics, the manufacturing sector, which includes bread bakery, contributed 10.27% to the country’s GDP in 2020.

Nigeria also has the potential to export bread and other bakery products to neighboring African countries and beyond. With the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) in place, bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa can explore export opportunities to increase revenue.

Globally, the bread industry is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.6% between 2020 and 2025, driven by factors such as increasing demand for convenience foods, changing consumer preferences, and technological advancements in the industry. In Africa, the bread industry is projected to grow due to the rising population and urbanization, which increase the demand for bread and other baked goods.

The bread bakery business is also an opportunity for small-scale farmers to increase their income by supplying the raw materials needed in the production of bread, such as flour and sugar. Additionally, the bread bakery business creates job opportunities for people with various skill sets, from bakers to marketers and distributors.

The bread bakery business in Nigeria and Africa is highly competitive, with various players in the industry, from small-scale to large-scale businesses. However, the increasing demand for bread presents significant opportunities for new entrants to tap into the market and grow their businesses.

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What Is Bread?

Bread is a staple food made from a dough of flour and water, usually leavened with yeast, and baked in an oven. Its scientific name is Triticum aestivum. Bread is a common product of bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa.

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What Is A Bread Bakery? 

Bread bakery refers to the process of producing bread products such as loaves, rolls, and pastries using various ingredients and baking techniques. There is no specific scientific name for bread bakery as it is a process rather than a biological entity.

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What Is The Bread Bakery Business In Nigeria and Africa  About?

Bread bakery business involves the production and sale of bread products to meet the demand of consumers. Bread is a staple food consumed in Nigeria and Africa, which has contributed to the growth of the bread bakery business. Bread is a baked food made from flour, water, yeast, and other ingredients, including sugar, salt, and fat. The scientific name for bread is “Triticum aestivum”.

Starting a bread bakery business in Nigeria and Africa requires adequate planning, research, and investment. A bread bakery business can be profitable if there is a high demand for bread in the local market. Research on the production process, ingredients, equipment, and market trends is essential to ensure the production of high-quality bread products.

Production yield after baking bread is dependent on several factors, including the quality of the ingredients used, baking time and temperature, and the type of bread produced. The production process involves mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough, proofing, shaping, and baking. A well-managed bread bakery business can produce up to 500 loaves of bread per day, depending on the size of the bakery and demand for bread products in the local market.

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Benefits of The Bread Bakery Business In Nigeria  and Africa

  • Provides employment opportunities: Bread bakery business creates jobs for skilled and unskilled labor, reducing unemployment rates.
  • Contribution to the economy: Bread bakery business generates revenue for the government through taxes, and it contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country.
  • Food security: Bread bakery business provides a stable and reliable source of food for the population, reducing the risk of hunger and malnutrition.
  • Diversification of the economy: Bread bakery business diversifies the economy by providing an alternative source of income for individuals and communities.
  • Preservation of grains: Bread bakery business helps in the preservation of grains and flour, reducing wastage.
  • Entrepreneurship opportunities: Bread bakery business provides an opportunity for entrepreneurship, enabling individuals to create and manage their businesses.
  • Affordable food: Bread bakery business provides an affordable source of food for the population, especially for low-income earners.
  • Increase in local production: Bread bakery business reduces the dependence on imported bread, thereby increasing local production and supporting local farmers.
  • Nutritious food: Bread bakery business can provide nutritious food options for consumers, especially when fortified with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Reduction in post-harvest losses: Bread bakery business reduces post-harvest losses of grains and flour, increasing the income of farmers.
  • Export opportunity: Bread bakery business provides an export opportunity for the country, enabling the export of locally-made bread to other countries.
  • Value addition: Bread bakery business adds value to locally produced grains, increasing their market value.
  • Social impact: Bread bakery business can have a positive social impact by promoting communal harmony and collaboration.
  • Skill acquisition: Bread bakery business provides an opportunity for the acquisition of new skills, especially for young people.
  • Promotion of entrepreneurship: Bread bakery business promotes entrepreneurship by enabling individuals to start and manage their businesses.

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Health benefits of bread .

The consumption of bread as part of a balanced diet can provide several nutritional benefits. Here are 15 potential health benefits of consuming bread:

  • Provides energy: Bread is a rich source of carbohydrates, which are the primary source of energy for the body.
  • Supports digestive health: Whole-grain breads contain fiber that promotes healthy digestion.
  • Helps maintain weight: Whole-grain bread can help you feel fuller for longer periods, preventing overeating and promoting weight management.
  • Reduces heart disease risk: The fiber in whole-grain bread may lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Provides vitamins and minerals: Bread made from fortified flour can provide several essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins.
  • Supports bone health: Whole-grain bread contains magnesium and calcium, which are essential for bone health.
  • Helps manage diabetes: Whole-grain bread has a lower glycemic index than white bread, making it a better option for individuals with diabetes.
  • Promotes brain function: Bread contains complex carbohydrates that provide glucose to the brain, promoting healthy brain function.
  • Enhances muscle function: Bread contains protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles.
  • Boosts immunity: Whole-grain bread contains zinc, which plays a role in supporting a healthy immune system.
  • Reduces inflammation: Whole-grain bread contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Improves skin health: B vitamins found in bread can help maintain healthy skin.
  • Provides antioxidants: Whole-grain bread contains antioxidants, which protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Supports eye health: Whole-grain bread contains vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining healthy vision.
  • Improves mood: Bread contains the amino acid tryptophan, which can increase serotonin levels in the brain, improving mood and promoting relaxation.

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Business Opportunities In The Bread Bakery Business In Nigeria and Africa

  • Retail sales: A bread bakery business can sell their products directly to consumers through retail sales outlets like supermarkets, convenience stores, and even street vendors.
  • Wholesale sales: Another opportunity is to sell bread products in bulk to retailers, restaurants, hotels, and catering services.
  • Online sales: With the rise of e-commerce, selling bread products online can be a lucrative opportunity for a bread bakery business.
  • Exportation: There is an opportunity for bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa to export their products to other countries, especially to countries with a large population of Africans.
  • Franchise opportunities: A successful bread bakery business can expand through franchising, allowing others to use their brand and system to start their own bakery.
  • Bread-making training: A bread bakery business can offer training programs to people who want to learn how to make bread, providing an additional source of revenue.
  • Bread-making equipment sales: A bread bakery business can sell bread-making equipment to other businesses and individuals.
  • Bread-making ingredient sales: Bread-making ingredients like flour, yeast, sugar, and salt can be sold to other businesses or individuals.
  • Bakery equipment repair and maintenance: A bread bakery business can provide repair and maintenance services for bakery equipment.
  • Bakery consulting services: A bread bakery business can provide consulting services to other businesses or individuals who want to start their own bakery.
  • Bread delivery services: Offering bread delivery services can be a convenient option for customers who cannot come to the bakery.
  • Bread catering services: A bread bakery business can provide bread catering services for events like weddings, corporate events, and parties.
  • Bread-themed merchandise sales: Selling merchandise like bread-themed clothing, mugs, and other items can be an additional source of revenue for a bread bakery business.
  • Bread-related recipe books and online content sales: Creating and selling bread-related recipe books or providing online content about bread-making can be a profitable opportunity for a bread bakery business.
  • Bread-themed restaurant or café: A bread bakery business can expand into the restaurant or café industry, using their bread products as a central feature of the menu.

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Facts About The Bread Bakery Business In Nigeria and Africa

  • Bread is a staple food in Nigeria and Africa, consumed by millions of people daily.
  • The bread bakery business is one of the most lucrative businesses in the food industry.
  • The Nigerian bread industry is worth over 100 billion naira ($250 million) annually.
  • The bread bakery business employs a large number of people, both skilled and unskilled.
  • The demand for bread in Nigeria and Africa is constantly increasing due to population growth and urbanization.
  • Nigeria is the largest wheat importer in sub-Saharan Africa, making it a major market for the bread industry.
  • Bread is a convenient food that can be eaten on-the-go, making it popular among busy people.
  • Bread is a good source of carbohydrates, providing energy to the body.
  • Bread is a low-fat food, making it a healthy option for weight management.
  • Bread is a versatile food that can be eaten with a variety of spreads and toppings.
  • The bread bakery business has a low start-up cost, making it accessible to entrepreneurs.
  • Bread can be produced in large quantities, making it suitable for mass production and distribution.
  • Bread has a long shelf life, making it a profitable product for the bakery business.
  • Bread can be produced in different flavors and varieties, catering to different tastes and preferences.
  • The bread bakery business can contribute to the local economy by creating jobs and generating income.
  • Bread can be exported to other countries, creating opportunities for international trade.
  • The bread bakery business can also create opportunities for related businesses, such as flour milling and packaging.
  • The bread bakery business can be run on a small scale, making it suitable for home-based businesses.
  • Bread can be used as a component in other food products, such as sandwiches and pastries.
  • The bread bakery business can promote food security by providing a stable supply of affordable bread to the local market.
  • Bread can be fortified with vitamins and minerals, making it a source of essential nutrients.
  • The bread bakery business can be environmentally sustainable by using renewable energy sources and reducing waste.
  • Bread can be produced using traditional or modern methods, catering to different market segments.
  • The bread bakery business can promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the food industry.
  • Bread can be produced using locally-sourced ingredients, promoting the use of local resources and supporting local farmers.

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Types Of Bread Bakery Businesses In Nigeria and Africa

There are various types of bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa, which are listed below:

  • Artisanal Bread Bakery Business: These types of bakeries are known for making handmade, natural, and traditional bread using simple ingredients.
  • Wholesale Bread Bakery Business: These bakeries produce bread in large quantities and supply them to retailers, restaurants, and other businesses.
  • Retail Bread Bakery Business: These bakeries sell bread directly to customers through their outlets.
  • Specialty Bread Bakery Business: These bakeries specialize in producing specific types of bread, such as gluten-free, organic, or whole-grain bread.
  • Online Bread Bakery Business: These bakeries sell bread through their online platforms and deliver them to customers.
  • Catering Bread Bakery Business: These bakeries cater to events and parties by providing bread and baked goods.
  • Frozen Bread Bakery Business: These bakeries produce bread and other baked goods that can be stored in a freezer and distributed to retailers.
  • Conventional Bread Bakery Business: These bakeries produce bread using conventional methods and ingredients.
  • Industrial Bread Bakery Business: These bakeries produce bread on a large scale using industrial equipment and technology.
  • Micro Bakery Business: These bakeries produce bread in small quantities using locally sourced ingredients.
  • Bakery Franchise Business: These bakeries are part of a larger franchise system and follow a set of established rules and standards.
  • In-Store Bakery Business: These bakeries are located inside supermarkets and produce bread for sale to customers.
  • Artisan Bread Co-Op Bakery Business: These bakeries are owned and operated by a group of artisan bakers who share the costs and profits.
  • Community Supported Bakery Business: These bakeries are supported by the local community who subscribe to receive regular deliveries of bread.
  • Mobile Bakery Business: These bakeries are on the move, producing bread and baked goods from a mobile bakery unit and selling them to customers in different locations.

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Types Of Bread In Nigeria and Africa

Bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa offer a wide range of bread types to cater to different tastes and preferences. Here are some types of bread commonly used in bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa:

  • White bread: This is a classic type of bread made with white flour, yeast, water, and salt. It is the most common type of bread in Nigeria and Africa.
  • Whole wheat bread: This bread is made with whole wheat flour, which is more nutritious than white flour. It has a denser texture and a nutty flavor.
  • Sourdough bread: This bread is made with a fermented sourdough starter instead of yeast. It has a tangy flavor and a chewy texture.
  • Multigrain bread: This bread is made with a combination of different grains, such as wheat, barley, and oats. It is high in fiber and nutrients.
  • Rye bread: This bread is made with rye flour, which has a distinct flavor and a denser texture than wheat flour.
  • Gluten-free bread: This bread is made with alternative flours such as almond flour, rice flour, or chickpea flour for those who are gluten intolerant.
  • Sweet bread: This bread is made with added sugar or honey for a sweeter taste. It is often used for making desserts or as a breakfast bread.
  • Fruit bread: This bread is made with added fruits such as raisins, cranberries, or dates. It is often used as a snack or breakfast bread.

These are just a few examples of the types of bread commonly used in bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa. Each bakery may have their own unique recipes and variations of these bread types to offer customers.

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The Production Season For Bread Bakery Business In Nigeria and Africa

Bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa are not seasonal but rather a year-round enterprise. This is because the demand for bread is constant throughout the year, making it a profitable and sustainable business. However, some factors may affect the production and sales of bread, such as weather conditions, supply chain issues, and economic factors.

In terms of production, the bakery business requires a continuous supply of raw materials such as flour, yeast, sugar, and milk. Therefore, production is not limited to a specific season but rather depends on the availability and affordability of the raw materials. The cost of raw materials can fluctuate due to factors such as changes in the global market and transportation costs.

To ensure consistent production and sales, bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa often invest in modern technology and machinery that can optimize production processes and increase output. In addition, they may also engage in strategic marketing and distribution to reach a wider audience and boost sales.

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How To Start The Bread Bakery Business In Nigeria and Africa: Step-By-Step Guide

Starting a bread bakery business in Nigeria and Africa can be a profitable venture due to the high demand for bread products. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Conduct market research: Before starting your bread bakery business, it is important to research the market demand for bread in your area, the competition, and pricing.
  • Develop a business plan: A business plan will help you outline your goals, strategy, and financial projections.
  • Obtain necessary licenses and permits: You will need to register your business with the appropriate government agency and obtain necessary permits and licenses.
  • Secure funding: You may need to obtain loans or seek investors to fund your bakery business.
  • Choose a location: Select a location that is easily accessible to your customers and has adequate space for your bakery equipment.
  • Purchase equipment and supplies: Purchase quality equipment and supplies for your bakery, such as ovens, mixers, and baking ingredients.
  • Hire staff: Hire experienced bakers and staff to help with the production and sales of your bread products.
  • Develop a marketing strategy: Promote your bakery through advertising, social media, and other marketing channels to attract customers.
  • Launch your business: Once everything is in place, you can launch your bread bakery business and start producing and selling your bread products.
  • Monitor and evaluate your business: Continuously monitor your sales, profits, and customer feedback to evaluate your business and make necessary improvements.

Starting a bread bakery business requires careful planning, hard work, and dedication. However, with the right strategy and approach, it can be a successful and profitable venture.

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How To Bake, Produce & Package Bread In Nigeria or Africa

Processing and packaging of bread is an important aspect of the bread bakery business. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to process and package bread in Nigeria and Africa:

  • Cooling: After baking, the bread should be allowed to cool to room temperature before packaging to prevent moisture accumulation.
  • Slicing: If sliced bread is the desired product, the bread should be sliced using a bread slicer or knife.
  • Wrapping: Use a bread wrapper to wrap the bread slices or loaves. The wrapper should be clean, food-grade, and moisture-resistant to prevent the bread from getting soggy.
  • Labeling: The bread wrapper should have a label indicating the type of bread, date of production, and expiry date.
  • Sealing: The bread wrapper should be sealed properly to prevent air and moisture from entering.
  • Packaging: Pack the wrapped and labeled bread in cartons or boxes for ease of transportation and storage.
  • Quality control: Ensure the bread meets the required quality and safety standards before packaging and distribution.
  • Storage: Store the packaged bread in a clean, dry, and cool place to maintain its freshness.

By following these steps, bread bakery businesses in Nigeria and Africa can produce high-quality bread and ensure its safety during packaging and distribution.

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Types Of Equipment Used To Bake, Produce, Package & Supply Bread In Nigeria or Africa

  • Flour Mixer: A flour mixer is a machine that is used to mix the flour, water, yeast, and other ingredients. It is an essential tool for bread baking as it ensures that the ingredients are mixed evenly.
  • Dough Divider: A dough divider is used to divide the dough into equal portions. It saves time and effort and helps to ensure consistent bread size and weight.
  • Dough Sheeter: A dough sheeter is used to flatten the dough to a uniform thickness. It is helpful for producing consistent shapes and sizes of bread.
  • Proofer: A proofer is a machine that creates a warm, humid environment for the dough to rise. It helps to activate the yeast and allows the dough to rise properly.
  • Oven: The oven is used to bake the bread. It is essential for bread making and can come in different sizes and types, including deck ovens, convection ovens, and rotary ovens.
  • Slicing Machine: A slicing machine is used to slice the bread into even slices. It saves time and effort and helps to ensure consistent slice size.
  • Bread Wrapper: A bread wrapper is used to wrap and package the bread. It helps to keep the bread fresh and presentable.
  • Bread Crumbler: A bread crumbler is used to break down the bread into crumbs. It can be useful for making stuffing, coating, or toppings.
  • Bread Moulder: A bread moulder is used to shape the dough into a loaf. It is useful for producing consistent shapes and sizes of bread.
  • Proofing Cabinet: A proofing cabinet is used to store the dough before baking. It can create a warm and humid environment that encourages the dough to rise.
  • Bread Slicer: A bread slicer is used to cut the bread into slices of various thicknesses. It is an essential tool for bakeries that sell sliced bread.
  • Dough Rounder: A dough rounder is used to round the dough before shaping it. It can be useful for creating consistent shapes and sizes of bread.
  • Water Chiller: A water chiller is used to cool the water used in the bread making process. It can help to regulate the temperature and ensure that the yeast is activated properly.
  • Bread Stamper: A bread stamper is used to imprint the bread with a logo or design. It can be useful for branding and marketing purposes.
  • Bread Basket: A bread basket is used to store the bread after baking. It helps to keep the bread fresh and presentable.
  • Delivery Van: A delivery van is needed to transport the bread from the bakery to the market.

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Target Market For Bread  In Nigeria or Africa

  • Urban Areas: The urban areas of Nigeria and Africa have a large population of consumers who consume bread regularly. The demand for bread in cities like Lagos, Abuja, and Johannesburg is high due to the increase in the number of working-class individuals.
  • Households: Bread is a household staple and is consumed daily by many households in Nigeria and Africa. The need for bread to complete meals is high, and this makes the demand for bread rise.
  • Schools: Schools in Nigeria and Africa offer breakfast and lunch to students, and bread is usually served as a snack or a side dish. This creates a large market for bread producers who can supply to schools.
  • Cafes and Restaurants: Cafes and restaurants in Nigeria and Africa also offer bread as a snack or as part of a meal. The increase in the number of cafes and restaurants has led to a rise in the demand for bread.
  • Supermarkets and Retailers: Supermarkets and retailers sell bread, making them an essential market for bread producers. This market is vast and requires a steady supply of bread to meet the demand.

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How To Sell or Market Bread Bakery Products In Nigeria or Africa

  • Sell at farmer’s markets: Set up a stall at local farmer’s markets to sell your bread.
  • Online marketing: Create an online presence for your bread bakery business and use social media platforms to advertise your products.
  • Wholesale: Approach local grocery stores, restaurants, and hotels to sell your bread in bulk.
  • Door to door sales: Hire salespeople to sell bread door-to-door in residential areas.
  • Direct mail: Send promotional materials directly to customers through direct mail campaigns.
  • Gift baskets: Create gift baskets with your bread and other baked goods for special occasions such as birthdays or weddings.
  • Product sampling: Offer free samples of your bread at local events and festivals.
  • Loyalty programs: Offer loyalty programs to customers who purchase your bread regularly.
  • Referral programs: Encourage customers to refer others to your bread bakery business by offering incentives.
  • Brand ambassadors: Partner with brand ambassadors to promote your bread bakery business through social media and other marketing channels.
  • Corporate partnerships: Partner with corporations and offer your bread as a part of their employee wellness programs.
  • Fundraising: Partner with local schools, sports teams, and non-profits to sell your bread as a fundraiser.
  • Food trucks: Create a mobile bread bakery business and sell your products from a food truck.
  • Pop-up shops: Set up temporary pop-up shops in high-traffic areas to attract new customers.
  • Specialty markets: Sell your bread at specialty markets that cater to specific dietary needs, such as gluten-free or vegan.
  • Co-marketing: Partner with other food businesses to offer package deals to customers.
  • Loyalty events: Host loyalty events to reward your regular customers with discounts and special offers.
  • Seasonal promotions: Offer seasonal promotions such as holiday-themed bread or summer-inspired flavors.
  • Community involvement: Get involved in the local community by sponsoring events and participating in charity drives.
  • Bundling: Bundle your bread with other baked goods or products to offer a better value to customers.
  • Subscription service: Offer a subscription service for regular customers to receive fresh bread on a regular basis.
  • E-commerce platforms: Sell your bread online through e-commerce platforms such as Jumia and Konga.
  • Custom orders: Offer custom orders for special events and occasions.
  • Product differentiation: Differentiate your bread from competitors by using unique ingredients and flavors.
  • Packaging: Use attractive and functional packaging to make your bread stand out on the shelves.

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Challenges Of The Bread Bakery Business In Nigeria and Africa

  • Inadequate power supply: Bread bakery business in Nigeria and Africa often face challenges with power supply. Erratic power supply leads to increased costs for generator use and fuel consumption.
  • High cost of raw materials: The cost of raw materials such as flour, sugar, and yeast has been increasing over the years, leading to a rise in the cost of production.
  • Seasonal fluctuations in demand: Demand for bread bakery products is often seasonal, with peak demand occurring during festive periods, leading to a slow business during off-peak periods.
  • Inefficient supply chain management: Inefficient supply chain management leads to delays in the delivery of raw materials and finished products, leading to a decrease in production output.
  • Competition from informal sector: The informal sector accounts for a significant portion of bread production in Nigeria and Africa, leading to stiff competition for market share.
  • Poor road network: Poor road network makes it difficult to transport raw materials and finished products, leading to delays and increased transportation costs.
  • Lack of access to credit: Bread bakery business in Nigeria and Africa often face challenges with access to credit, making it difficult to finance the purchase of equipment and raw materials.
  • Inadequate storage facilities: Inadequate storage facilities lead to spoilage of raw materials and finished products, leading to a decrease in production output.
  • Inconsistent government policies: Inconsistent government policies make it difficult to plan and make long-term investments.
  • Lack of skilled labor: Bread bakery business in Nigeria and Africa often face challenges with finding skilled labor, leading to a decrease in production output.
  • Inadequate training and education: Inadequate training and education of employees lead to poor quality products, decreased production output, and a decrease in customer satisfaction.
  • Lack of modern equipment: The use of outdated equipment leads to decreased production output and poor quality products.
  • High cost of equipment: The high cost of equipment makes it difficult for small businesses to invest in modern equipment, leading to decreased production output and poor quality products.
  • Inadequate access to markets: Bread bakery businesses often struggle to access markets due to lack of connections and competition from established brands.
  • Lack of capital: Lack of capital makes it difficult for small businesses to expand their operations and invest in modern equipment.
  • Poor hygiene and sanitation: Poor hygiene and sanitation in production facilities lead to poor quality products and decreased customer satisfaction.
  • Dependence on imported raw materials: Dependence on imported raw materials leads to increased production costs and vulnerability to exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Inadequate regulatory environment: Inadequate regulatory environment leads to the proliferation of substandard and unregulated products, leading to a decrease in customer confidence.
  • Insufficient research and development: Insufficient research and development lead to a lack of innovation, decreased production output, and decreased customer satisfaction.
  • Inadequate access to technology: Inadequate access to technology leads to decreased production output, poor quality products, and decreased customer satisfaction.
  • Inadequate infrastructure: Inadequate infrastructure such as water supply, electricity, and transportation leads to increased costs and decreased production output.
  • Inadequate marketing strategies: Inadequate marketing strategies lead to decreased sales and a decrease in market share.
  • Price volatility: Price volatility of raw materials such as flour and sugar leads to increased production costs and decreased profitability.
  • Lack of diversification: Lack of diversification makes bread bakery businesses vulnerable to market fluctuations and changes in consumer preferences.
  • Inadequate government support: Inadequate government support leads to a lack of access to resources, decreased production output, and decreased competitiveness.

See Also:   How To Start A Lucrative Sugarcane Farming Business In Nigeria and Africa: The Complete Guide

To Sum It Up

In conclusion, the bread bakery business is a lucrative and essential industry in Nigeria and Africa. Bread is a staple food and is consumed by a vast majority of the population, making it a profitable business venture. The benefits of bread bakery businesses are numerous, from economic growth to health benefits, and there are various types of bread and bakery businesses to explore.

Starting a bread bakery business requires dedication, patience, and the right equipment, but the rewards can be significant. As with any business, there are challenges to overcome, such as the cost of production and stiff competition, but with proper planning and marketing, success is achievable.

The bread bakery business also presents export opportunities, as Nigeria is one of the largest producers of cassava, a major ingredient in bread production. With proper investment and development, the bread bakery industry can contribute significantly to Nigeria and Africa’s economic growth and development.

See Also:  How To Start A Business In Nigeria and Africa: The Complete Guide

Trying To Secure A Business Loan? Finance? Or Investment? You can now greatly increase your chances of geting the loan/investment you need with our bank and investor ready professional MBA standard business plan writing service Writing a bank and investor ready professional Bread Bakery business plan can be challenging. If you need a professional and affordable business plan service, StartupTipsDaily’s MBA standard professional business plan writing service  is perfect for your small business. All you have to do is request an understanding of your proposed business model, and you’d have a professional MBA standard business plan ready for you in anywhere from 5 to 14 days.  You can click here to get started with using StartupTipsDaily’s professional business plan writing service to create the perfect business plan that’d get accepted anywhere.

What are your thoughts on how to start a Bread Bakery in Nigeria and Africa? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Stan Edom

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Bread Bakery Business

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Bread Bakery

Going by the high demand for bread, a bakery business has excellent chances of success. However, the success of the business hinges largely on the skills and experience of the owner as well as how carefully the business is planned from the outset.

If you are planning to start a bakery business, you need to write a business plan. While you might want to dismiss this idea as insignificant, you must bear in mind that the business plan is the only official document that will detail the analyses of every aspect of your business.

  • TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Vision and Mission 2.3 Ownership of the enterprise 2.4 Legal status 2.5 Location and facilities 2.6 Products/Service 2.7 Business Strategy 2.8 Key success factors 2.9 Revenue base 3.0 MARKETING AND CLIENTS 3.1 Nature and size 3.2 Target clients 3.3 Key competitors and players 3.4 Production process 3.5 Service delivery 3.6 Quality assurance 3.7 Demand/supply analysis 3.8 Technology 3.9 Competitive edge 4.0 MARKETING PLAN FOR THE BAKERY BUSINESS 4.1 Marketing 4.2 Promotion 4.3 Alliances 4.4 Market positioning 4.5 Service delivery strategy 4.6 SWOT analysis 5.0 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 5.1 Organization of structures 5.2 Shareholders and directors 5.3 Management Team 5.4 External support 5.5 Personnel support 5.6 Values and norms of the company 6.0 LEGAL, REGULATORY, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENT ISSUES 6.1 Legal issues 6.2 Regulatory issues 6.3 Social issues 6.4 Environmental issues 7.0 FINANCIAL PLAN FOR THE BREAD BAKERY BUSINESS. 7.1 Summary of project cost 7.2 Funding plan statement 7.3 Funding requirement 7.4 Projected income statement 7.5 Projected cash-flows statement 7.6 Projected Balance sheet 7.7 Profitability analysis for the bakery business 7.8 Break-even point analysis 8.0 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS, CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATION 8.1 Economic justification 8.2 Commercial viability Conclusion/recommendation 8.4 General Conclusion and recommendation


Although writing a bread bakery business plan might not guarantee the success of your bakery business, not writing it is a shortcut to failure.

Bread is a staple food in the country today. It is consumed by all and sundry- the old, young poor and rich consume bread on daily basis. It one of the best investment one can think of. Nigeria investors are therefore advised to invest into bread production. Bread is regarded as a food for the masses. It is taken as breakfast in many houses.

With the rapid increase in population of Nigeria and migration to the urban areas from the rural areas, there is need to increase the number of bread producing firms in the country. Despite the increase in the prices of bread the demand for bread keeps rising. Despite the increase in flour and other raw materials for bread making, investment into the industry is still very lucrative.

According to publication made by the Nigeria bakers association , prices of bread, a major stable food have risen in the last three years by an average of about 25 per cent from between N300 and N450 per family size loaf to between N500 and N750 amid increase in the prices of baking materials.

Starting the Bakery Business

For any prospective investor to be successful consideration should be given to the location. This is very important because this will determine the type/categories of customers to service. Usually it is advisable to locate the project in the areas where there are large populations. To start the business there is need to consider the type of technology to apply in the project. What are the type of machines to use, the capacity of the machines and other basic infrastructures such as distribution vehicles, power generating and other such related issues? The operational environment is very important. For easy approval by NAFDAC and SON, there is need to site the project in a very clean environment. Details on the structural plan and location information will be given to the prospective investors.

Marketing Strategies for The Bread Bakery

Though bread can easily be sold in any part of the country, there is need to be proactive. There is to have well articulated structures marketing strategies. Having mentioned some possible market in a broader prospective, it is appropriate to structure effective marketing management and financial control. The writer will give detailed marketing/management to prospective investors in the business proposals/plans.

Plants & Machinery for The Bread Bakery

The following plants, machinery and equipment are essential for setting up an ultra-modern bakery ; Electric oven (3 Deck/4Deck are available depending on the capacity), industrial burner, electric milling machines, mixer, bowl or dough mixer (of various capacities ranging from3-10 bags of 50kg flour at a time), automatic Slicing machine, Paster roller, Standard scale/measure.

There is also need to procure various sizes of baking pans. The machines can be sourced locally or imported. Details will be made available to prospective investors. The power generating is very important and ranges from 25KVA above depending also on the capacity of the plant to be installed.

Raw Materials Applications and Source

All the required raw materials for commercial bread production are locally available and include the following; flour, sugar, salt, yeast and edible or baking fat. There is need to get a professional food technologist that will mix the inputs properly to achieve a unique taste.

Bakery Production Processes

The first step is to purchase the basic raw materials from dealers and maintain adequate stock. Other steps include measuring out the quantities required, mixing the raw materials using the mixing bowl; milling with the milling machine; putting the milled products into the baking pans and allowed for some hours to rise properly, transferring to the baking oven. The baking pans are then emptied and set to cool for slicing. The bread is then wrapped and packaged for sales.

Bread Packaging

The packaging materials should be unique and attractive. This is very important in the modern bread industry.

Labor Requirement From our projection, about 16 people are needed for a start for production, marketing, management and auxiliary staff.


To handle the implementation of this project professionally, prospective investors should embark upon a detailed and bankable feasibility studies.

business plan for bread making in nigeria

By BPN Staff

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Bread Bakery Business Plan & Factory Setup

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This bread bakery business plan in Nigeria / feasibility report contains key information about the organization, the business environment, technical requirements, production operation, management analysis, Marketing plan and other key info’s that you need from a bread bakery feasibility study.

Bread as we know is a food for all, its eaten in homes not not only for breakfast. Bakery is a place where all food made with flour such as bread, cookies, cakes, etc are produced.

It is estimated that bread is the second most consumed snack and due to the high demand of bread by consumers, starting a bread bakery business in Nigeria can be very lucrative..

You would agree with me that the success of such business rest mainly on several factors which the owner of the bakery would carefully plan and implement from the beginning of setting up the bread bakery.

Bread is one of the cheapest food you can buy, it is regarded as a food for the masses and this has tripled the demand for bread over the years making bread bakery business a very profitable business in Nigeria

One good thing about bakery business is that you would always make sales because people are always looking for bread to eat, however the success of the bakery business depends solely on the skill and experience you have and that’s why you must get a good and well written bread bakery business plan to help you with this project.

The quality of bread you want to produce will be dependent on the kind of bakery you want to have and this depends also on your budget, skills, resources etc.


Hurry now, Get Your Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria / Feasibility Study. To place an order, pay N10,000 to

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name – UWADIA EYEMEKA Account No – 0127561472

After payment text your name and your e-mail address to 07036785443 and you’ll receive it in your email

It will be sent to your email address after your payment has been confirmed (Soft copy only)

The Organization

I) ownership of the business.

Depending the strategy and management scheme,the bakery business could be privately owned at startup but go on to become a public limited liability business after years of hard work and that would determine whether it would still be wholly or partially indigenous owned.

And for this reason i highly advise you to get you business name registered in Nigeria through the CAC thereby protecting yourself and potential Partners.

It must be said that writing a bread bakery business plan does not automatically guarantee that you bread bakery business would be a total success as there are many factors that will determine if indeed you become successful in such venture, But not writing or having a feasibility study sample business plan is a shortcut to failure

Bread Bakery Feasibility Report

Bread still remain one of the more common popular and stable food that you would find in Nigeria today. Bread is consumed by all and sundry – the old, young poor and rich consume bread on daily basis.

Bread production still remains on of the  best investment venture one can think of setting up in the country. irrespective of your location, there is always people that want to buy and eat bread.

Nigeria investors are therefore implored to invest into this very lucrative bread production business in Nigeria. Bread is regarded as a food for the masses. It is taken as breakfast in many houses

The Nigeria bakers association, released a publication which shows that prices of bread, a major stable food have risen in the last three years by an average of about 25 per cent from between N100 and N200 per family size loaf to between N500 and N1000 amid increase in the prices of baking materials and at the time of writing this publication on bread bakery business in Nigeria, a family sized loaf of bread is between N700- N1,000 naira per loaf

You could also employ your bakery for the production of:

Pies – Meat pies, apple pies, chicken pies, fruit pies etc

Sausages – of different sizes Pizzas- pepperoni, ham and sausage, mushrooms and garlic, etc

Bread – wheat bread, cheese bread, cake bread ,fruit bread etc

Hotdogs and Burgers- cheese, chicken and beef.

Donuts – chocolate, jam, etc.

Starting the Bakery Business

To start a bakery business one important thing is your location, its always advisable to set up your bakery in a good populated area, this allows retailers to come and buy from you without going through too much stress traveling and locating the place, however if your product is good, well marketed and branded customers will always locate you no matter where you are located.

Note: While bread remain in high demand in both the urban and rural areas prospective entrepreneurs should pay great consideration to the location of the bakery. This is very important because this will determine the kind of customers you will have. Usually it is advisable to locate your bakery in the area where there are large populations.

To start the business there is need to consider the type of technology to apply in the project.

What are the type of machines to use, the capacity of the machines and other basic infrastructures such as distribution vehicles, power generating and other such related issues?

The operational environment is very important. For easy approval by NAFDAC and SON, there is need to site the project in a very clean environment. Details on the structural plan and location information will be given to the prospective investors

Marketing Tactics & Strategy

Don’t be deceived, setting up a bakery doesn’t mean you can just begin to make sales, its not that simple, you have to have a good marketing strategy and tactics so as to climb above your competitors and thrive in the business. A good Bakery business plan should give you a well articulated structures and marketing strategies on how to sell your product.

This is very important aspect of bakery business, the packaging should be very attractive and unique, for you to attract the kind of people you want you have as customers. So give attention to how well you bread is packaged.

Threats of Bakery Business in Nigeria

There are several factors that can act as threat to your bakery business. They are not peculiar to just bakery business but to all businesses as a whole. Below are some threats of bakery business in Nigeria

1. Fluctuation

Prices for raw material fluctuates all the time. There are no fixed prices for this raw material so you will constantly be ready to adjust to this factor. This is one major factor that has affected the market in Nigeria. This imparts the size and quality of of the baked products. While others may want to keep their quality intact thereby reducing the quantity of what is initially sold.

2. Spoilage

This is another factor that affects bakery business. Most times it is due to inability to market or make sales on time. Which is why employing a good marketing strategy and getting in touch with all your customers even before your bread or pastries are out of the oven.

With a very good marketing strategy or plan, your customers knows the right time to come scoop your goods as soon as they are out and fresh from the oven. Additionally spoilage also occur when they are left in the oven for too long and they get burnt.

This is due to carelessness and negligence among the staffs working in the bakery. To avoid this, there should be enough staffs to take turns or shift to ensure that the bread or pastries do not exceed the appropriate time required for them to be done.

This happens almost all the time. so extra care and attention should be given. Sometimes theft is done by staff or intruders that find their way into the premises.

Often times, someone can pose as a customer to steal from the bakery because often time. The staffs fail to number the amount of bread or pastries that is made and with that it is hard to tell when some are missing. Seriously steps should be taken to avoid this from happening and there are several ways to do this.

Either by making sure there is someone taking record of the bread or pastries when they are in the oven. The place of payment shouldn’t be the same with the place where the bread or pastries are collected to avoid over crowding and too much. Security personnel should be employed to ensure order and safety.


1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Vision and Mission 2.3 Ownership of the enterprise 2.4 Legal status 2.5 Location and facilities 2.6 Products/Service 2.7 Business Strategy 2.8 Key success factors 2.9 Revenue base 3.0 MARKETING AND CLIENTS 3.1 Nature and size 3.2 Target clients 3.3 Key competitors and players 3.4 Production process 3.5 Service delivery 3.6 Quality assurance 3.7 Demand/supply analysis 3.8 Technology 3.9 Competitive edge 4.0 MARKETING PLAN 4.1 Marketing 4.2 Promotion 4.3 Alliances 4.4 Market positioning 4.5 Service delivery strategy 4.6 SWOT analysis 5.0 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 5.1 Organization of structures 5.2 Shareholders and directors 5.3 Management Team 5.4 External support 5.5 Personnel support 5.6 Values and norms of the company 6.0 LEGAL, REGULATORY, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENT ISSUES 6.1 Legal issues 6.2 Regulatory issues 6.3 Social issues 6.4 Environmental issues 7.0 FINANCIAL PLAN 7.1 Summary of project cost 7.2 Funding plan statement 7.3 Funding requirement 7.4 Projected income statement 7.5 Projected cash-flows statement 7.6 Projected Balance sheet 7.7 Profitability analysis for the bakery business 7.8 Break-even point analysis 8.0 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS, CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATION 8.1 Economic justification 8.2 Commercial viability Conclusion/recommendation 8.4 General Conclusion and recommendation

To get your Bread Bakery Business Plan in Nigeria place an order, pay N10,000 to

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name – Uwadia Eyemeka Account No – 0127561472

It will be sent to your email address after your payment has been confirmed.(Soft copy only)

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Utibe Etim – Business Plans, Funds, and Opportunities

Standard Bakery Business Plan with 3 Years Financial Analysis

The bakery business (bread) is one of the lucrative businesses in Nigeria as bread is widely consumed there. In fact, bread is the third staple food in Nigeria. There is virtually no household in Nigeria where bread is not consumed, and in some families, bread is their main food.

Lagos State is the largest bread consumer in Nigeria, as about 10 million loaves of bread are consumed there every day.

It will interest you to know that in Nigeria’s bread sector, small-scale bakers dominate the market. According to a KPMG report in 2016, “Nigeria’s bread sub-sector is growing at a faster pace, with 72 percent of the $621 million industry dominated by small- and medium-scale bakers.”

It’s a business you can start from home and focus on making special bread. Special breads like fish bread, coconut bread, butter bread, sandwich bread, chocolate bread, walnut bread, honey, sandine bread, soft cheese, and pepperoni bread, just to mention a few.

It is a small-scale business that you can start. With N500,000 to cover the oven cost and generator set, you can start from home and package it in a very nice way. If you have N5,000,000 to start, that is still considered a small scale, but it will give you a lot of leverage and power.

To get started, you’ll need a flour/dough mixer, dough cutter, bakery oven, baking pans, bread slicer, working table, weigh scale, and other accessories.

We have developed a bakery business plan for you to use to raise funds or for personal use.

The business plan is developed to help you save money, time, and energy, and most importantly, raise funds to kickstart or scale your business up. Why waste time and energy attempting to write a business plan that will take several months to complete and will still be incorrect? Why not get our already developed standard bakery business plan with 3 years of financial analysis and make some changes to suit your needs?

When you get our standard bakery business plan with 3 years of analysis, what you need to do is change the name, contact details, company details, founders’ details, and other info to suit your needs and present it to anyone (a bank, an investor, a grant competition, etc.).

The standard bakery business plan is in MS Word, and the financials are in Excel. so that you can deliver it to your inbox immediately and easily change it to suit your needs.

NOTE: If you don’t like an already developed (generic) business plan and you need a tailored and unique business plan to be developed for your business, kindly click here to check the different packages we have.

Startup costs, fixed monthly expenses, cash flow, income statements, balance sheets, sales projections, breakeven analysis, salaries and wages, and ratios are all part of the three-year financial plan.

Take a look at the table of contents:

1)      Table of Contents

2)      Executive Summary: The summary includes an introduction, products, and services description, marketing and sales among others

3)      Company Overview : this includes

  • Mission Statement
  • History and Current Status
  • Markets and Products
  • Keys to success

4) Product or service description.

5)       Industry and Market Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Industry analysis
  • Market analysis
  • Customer analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • SWOT Analysis

6)      Marketing Strategy

  • Target Market Strategy
  • Product/Service Strategy
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Distribution Strategy
  • Advertising and Promotion Strategy
  • Sales Strategy
  • Marketing and Sales Forecasts

7)      Operations

  • Operations Strategy
  • The scope of Operations
  • Operating Expenses

8)      Development

  • Development Strategy
  • Development Timeline
  • Development Expenses

9)      Management

  • Company Organization
  • Management Team
  • Administrative Expenses

10)   Summary of Financials

  • Financial Assumptions
  • Financial Forecasts
  • Projected Cash Flow
  • Income Statements

iii.      Balance sheet

  • Profit and loss
  • Profit Margin, chart, etc
  • Financial Risks

11)   Appendices

Support for Product/Service Description (e.g., diagrams, pictures, etc.)

Financial Statements

  • Income Statement [3 years]
  • Balance Sheets [3 years]
  • Cash Flow Statements [3 years]
  • Ratio Analysis [3 years]
  • Other supporting financial statements

How to Obtain This standard bakery business plan with 3 years of financial analysis

This standard bakery business plan with 3 years of financial analysis should cost you N20,000, but I am not going to give you that amount. But for today and for a limited time, we will give you only N10,000.

How to Pay and Access The Business Plan

Method one – Online Payment

Pay online using a credit or debit card and download the documents immediately.

Click here to pay online now and download it immediately

Method Two – Cash or Bank Transfer

You can access the documents by paying cash, doing a bank/internet transfer, or an ATM transfer to any of the following accounts:

AFTER PAYMENT: Please text or email your name, phone number, payment details and your email address to 07031542324 or [email protected] and your standard bakery business plan will be sent to you


If you need already developed plans, check out the ones we have developed below:


I want to say a big thank you for the business plan you sent. The plan is rich and detailed and professionally developed, as explained on your web page. In fact, the plan is more valuable than its cost. I have gone through the financial template, made some changes to suit my needs, and will present it to my banker next. Am I going to present it together with the financial template, or should I only present the business plan?

I have gone through the financial template, made some changes to suit my needs, and will present it to my banker next. Am I going to present it together with the financial template, or should I only present the business plan?

Can I also send it to you so you can help me review the financial information before I submit it?

Mrs. Esther Enudi

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call me on 07031542324



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business plan for bread making in nigeria

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this is the area i want to explore, i need more detailed information about how to grow my own business on bread production

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I want to start bakery business in Nigeria. I have a place to start but I need bakery equipment. I want to buy some used machines here: I found a lot of used machines in good condition and low price. But is it worth buy used equipment?



  • Pingback: Top Ten (10) most profitable Small Scale Businesses in Nigeria

Good review

The truth is that a business plan is the foundation of every business,most business fail because they do not have a detleid and comprehensive business plan. More information here:

Nice Blog Sir Love to Read to give me information the blog

Good post. Some other places to find good bakery equipment

Owning a bakery is a very good business idea in Nigeria

Yes, it is. We eat a lot of bread in Nigeria. If you need a good business plan to start the business and also access funding from investors, you can reach out to us 081 0563 6015, 080 7635 9735

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Business Plan

Bead Making Business Plan in Nigeria

by BusinessPlan Leave a Comment

Our Sample bead making business plan in Nigeria and feasibility study is up to date and can be used  to access grants, loans and proposal writing in Nigeria and abroad. Furthermore,this article will be answer the following questions for you:

Also Read: Tailoring Business Plan in Nigeria

  • Overview of bead making in Nigeria
  • How to start bead making business in Nigeria

To get your sample Bead Making Business Plan In Nigeria, pay N10,000 to:



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3066880122

After payment, text your full name, email address and title ( e.g. business plan for selling for bead making) to 07033378184. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 minutes.

Beads have been a major part of our cultural heritage from time immemorial. A lot of people see beads today and feel they are a modern invention. Ironically that is not the case, beads have been existent for centuries, the only difference today is that they have been modernized such that they look more sophisticated.

Due to the popularity of beads in Nigeria a lot of young ladies have grown increasingly interested in learning the art of bead making. You might wonder why I call it an art and not a business. What you should know is that this business depends on how creative the individual is and how wild the imagination can go. Once you are able to satisfy these criteria then you begin to ask the question, how can I start a bead making business in Nigeria?

Hundreds of people run away from the idea of starting a new business, they will rather just work for someone or an organization and earn stipends monthly. This fear is the reason why a great number of people have not been able to utilize their inborn abilities or fulfill any potential. Starting a business is a risk, one which can make or mar an individual. Most times the challenge is taking the first step. A major hurdle to cross for many is raising the capital needed to begin the business. Today however, several methods of raising capital have been made available at different levels.

Asides getting capital from these quarters, there are small and medium scale businesses that can be run with minute capital. Though the capital outlay for these businesses is small compared to others, with dedication and proper management the entrepreneur is bound to make great profit at the end of the day. One of such small scale businesses is bead making.

A brief look at the bead making industry and you will observe that a huge number of the participants are young people who are out of employment. Most of them were driven into the business due to lack of better jobs, only to stumble on a goldmine of sustainable income. A major reason for the profitability of the bead making business is the fact the use of beads is a major part of our dressing as Nigerians and indeed Africans. There is practically no occasion where beads will be out of place. You may begin to wonder why that statement but what you should know is that there are several kinds of beads. The occasion to be attended will determine the kind of bead to be used.

Before we go ahead to discuss how to start a bead making business in Nigeria, the profitability of the business and the necessities to be satisfied in starting up, let us check up a few details about beads.

What is bead making?

Firstly, bead making is the art of firing clay or glass and inserting a hole in the middle to form a beautiful jewelry. This is the first stage of bead making, one which so many people have no idea about. It is not really common as those involved in general bead making just go to the market to get materials for their trade.

Now to the kind of bead making which is the subject of this article. Bead making is the artistic arrangement of beads (fired up clay of glass) on a wire or thread to form different designs. These arrangements could be used to create necklaces, anklets, rings, crowns, ear rings, bracelets, etc. All of these as we know are used for the adornment of the body, especially when attending traditional ceremonies. Beads are mostly used by women, though most men also use them on important occasions, to accentuate their beauty and make them standout.

Purpose of bead making

There are several purposes for indulging in bead making. We all know they are mostly used to make an individual more beautiful but there is a wider picture. Here are a few reasons why people take on bead making as a profession.

  • This is a major reason because most people are involved in this business just so that they can raise funds for their daily survival. People have needs and will undertake any available means to meet those needs. Bead making is one of such means.
  • Beads are used as part of the dressing for social events. Some people make beads just so they can use them at social events.
  • You can hardly separate beads from our culture as a people. There is no ethnic group within the country that does not have beads as part of the heritage. To some they have specific colors for specific individuals and occasions. To others, any bead goes for any occasion.
  • Beads are used as spiritual instruments in most religions. To this end, beads are strung together for spiritual purposes.

Uses of beads.

Generally beads are used in making the following:

  • Decoration materials
  • Prayer beads
  • Ornaments for the body.

Tools for Bead Making in Nigeria

The following materials are used in the art of making beads:

  • Baked cay of glass
  • Fishing line

How Lucrative is Bead Making business in Nigeria

Considering the capital required for starting the bead making business, the business is regarded as one of the easiest to startup in Nigeria. There are several reasons for this, one of such is that you do not need to rent a shop or an office to startup. You can start the business from your residence and think of renting a place much later when the business is established.

The second and most interesting reason is the fact that you need so little to make so much in the business. Here is a brief breakdown. Generally the cost of production of bead, let’s say a necklace, is roughly #200. You can sell the bead for as much as #1,000 (general market price). That is #800 or 80% profit. This is just a picture of how profitable the business is.

As stated earlier beads are used to almost every occasion by so many people. This means that the market is very large. If you are very artistic and can bring your imagination to play on your craft you can be sure to make huge sales. This because you will have an advantage over the competition with your artistry.

Types of beads most common in Nigeria

There are several kinds of beads which are used for different occasions and purposes. Here is a list of the most common on the Nigerian soil:

  • Coral beads. This is the most common kind of bead used in Nigeria. I am sure you would have come across them at some point. They are the red or pinkish beads you see around. They are sometimes related to royalty or chieftaincy. The coral bead is mostly imported from Singapore and Italy. They are used for a variety of ornamental products and they are most common because they are believed to match any color of outfit.
  • Pearl beads. These are strictly related with the feminine gender. They are seen as symbol of elegance and class. As much as they are appreciated there are several fake pearl beads in the market today. It takes mastery to be able to pick out originals.
  • Glass beads. These are more expensive than the regular beads because of the rigors of the manufacturing process. They come in various colors and can be used for different designs depending on the artistry of the entrepreneur.
  • Seed beads. They are usually tiny and come in different shapes. They are very affordable and can be used to make a variety of designs.
  • Camel bone beads.
  • Vinyl beads.

Tips in starting your own bead making business in Nigeria

Having you read this far means that somehow there is some interest in starting your own bead making business. As stated earlier it is one of the easiest businesses to startup within the country and it ranks high among the most profitable businesses as well. Here are a few tips you might adopt when starting your bead making business.

  • Conduct a detailed feasibility study . You might believe that because the business is referred to as easy to start or small scale it does not need a feasibility study. That is a wrong notion. If this business is going to succeed then you need to conduct a detailed feasibility study. The best way to do this is by finding out a professional who has a success story around you. Visit the individual and ask relevant questions to the business. Find out what the individual has done to fetch the success that everyone can see. It is better to learn from the experience of others than learning from making avoidable errors. Find out the most demanded products, the best suppliers of raw materials, the way to treat customers and the best way to market your products.
  • Write a business plan . This is one of the nonnegotiable aspects of business. A business plan is essential to the growth and success of your business regardless of the size or scale of operation. Having a business plan for you bead making business may look ambiguous but it will help in the nearest future. The business plan acts as your map or guide as the business grows. It gives you as the entrepreneur a picture of the business and how it will be in the future before you set out at all. The business plan can also help you raise investors should you need to grow bigger than the regular bead making business. At this point I should tell you that if you think outside the box there is a lot that can be done with beads.
  • Get the necessary skills . Bead making might be a simple business to start but it requires a certain set of skills. These skills can be acquired from skill acquisition centers or online. Nowadays you can learn anything from YouTube. Your choice of learning channels should be dependent on the best way you can learn. Some people argue that you need just creativity in this business, but I must say that it takes more than creativity to string beads together.
  • Purchase your tools and raw materials . I have stated above the different tools you need to start your bead making business. You can visit any market in your locality to purchase them. You will notice that all of them put together are not so costly and with less than #10,000 you will have your tools and your raw materials for making your beads.
  • Get a space to work . This is one of the most flexible businesses with respect to location. You can decide to work from home or rent a shop. For a startup however, it is advisable to start from home till the business is established to a reasonable extent. If you want to rent a shop however, ensure that you get one in a very busy part of town. One that has a lot of human traffic so that your business can be in the public eye.
  • Market your business . This one aspect of starting a business a lot of entrepreneurs take for granted. You might have great skills accompanied by unbelievable creativity, yet without proper marketing the business will never rise. Ensure that you employ different media to put yourself on the business map. Presently the most potent tool of advertisement for a small scale is social media. Take nice pictures of you work and post them on your handles.

Now that you know all of these you can begin your bead making business. Ensure you educate yourself on a daily basis on better ways to make beads and improve your craft. Grow your creativity levels and continually think outside the box. Find out what inspires you and employ it to make beads that will throw off your competition. Good luck.

Get your sample Bead Making Business Plan in Nigeria today. To order the business plan, pay N10, 000 to:



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After payment, send your full name, email address and topic (e.g. beadwork business plan, feasibility study on bead making pdf ) to 07033378184. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 minutes.

Bead Making Business Plan in Nigeria ©

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