Funny Student Council Speech Ideas to Help Everyone Relate to You

Give them a speech they'll never forget. These ideas can help you get started with a funny, creative speech perfect for the student council role you want.

Michele is a writer who has been published both locally and internationally.

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Megan's contributed both writing and research to a myriad of associations including academic publications, cultural institutions, non-fiction works, and experimental collaborative projects.

When you've got hundreds of kids staring you down, bright lights in your face, and the worst case of jitters the school stage's felt in weeks, take a breath. You can always rely on the funny student council speech you've worked so hard on crafting to perfection to get you through.

So many people can be naturally funny without trying too hard, so if you just relax and let your natural humor shine through in your student council speech, you'll do great. But if you've glued your pinky to the backspace trying to write yours, let us help you with these tips and ideas. 

Funny Student Council Speech Intros for Specific Roles 

When you're running for a student council position, all you've got is your words. So, you need to write a speech that students will remember long after you've graduated. After you've pitched around some  speech ideas for your student council role , it's time to put pen to paper (or fingers to the keys). And what's the best way to get an audience on your side? With laughter, of course. 

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Funny President Speech Intro Example 

The other candidates are going to come up here and tell you all the reasons why you should vote for them. I'm going to give you only one reason why you should vote for me. I've got the face of an angel.

Think about it, every time I ask for your concerns, give a speech, or land an interview in the school paper, you're going to have to look at my face. If you want to make this year and school politics Instagram-worthy, consider just whose face you want to stare at every day, mine or theirs.

Hilarious Vice President Speech Opener

My competitors have come up here and given you a laundry list of reasons why they should be elected VP, so I'll keep things short. I'm the brains behind this operation, and I'll marionette puppet our president better than Ratatouille and his little rat hands ever could. Whatever you want, I'll work those strings to make it happen. 

Silly Secretary Speech Intro

Your student council secretary really needs to love words. I love words so much that I'll only eat Alpha-Bits for breakfast. And what's more, I'll only eat the cereal letters I can use to make a word. So, say there's a "T," "Q," and "R" left in the bowl; I can't bring myself to swallow them.

I love pencils so much that I fail every automatically graded exam because I can't bring myself to damage the pencil by using it. I love writing so much that I've got a physical therapist on speed dial for my carpal tunnel. 

Comical Treasurer Speech Opener

If time is money, we're all going to be very rich after this speech. I'm not sure who's responsible for the exchange rate, but I hope it's a good one. As treasurer, I take money lingo just as seriously as I do sticking to our budget, and unlike Al Capone, I won't bust our operation with faulty books and tax fraud. 

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Funny Student Council Speech Intros That'll Win Everyone Over 

One of the biggest tips for writing a speech is to connect with your audience on their level. Your classmates will probably respond well to fun and humor, so give your speech a dose of comedy and break the ice with a funny intro.

  • Mr. Smith, our beloved math teacher, told us all that we'd use trigonometry one day. I think he's an awesome teacher and I really want him to be right. So, my entire speech will cover things that are opposite and adjacent to the issues of our school, and that will lead me on a tangent.
  • When you hear the words "Student Council," you probably envision a bunch of old, bald, white guys sitting around wearing suits with ties and talking about all the problems students cause in the world. Today, to help me get through my stage fright, I'm asking you to imagine me as one of those guys. Preferably, I hope you picture Will Farrel as Mattel's CEO. 
  • Today, I'm here to taco 'bout something serious and I've been trying to figure out how to get your vote. You might think school rules and student privileges are nacho business, but you'd be wrong. I won't try to get jalapeño business or get saucy, and I certainly won't burrito around the bush. If you want this year to feel like a fiesta, vote for me for President. In queso you still haven't figured it out, I'm the best woman for the job.
  • Everyone, let's take a moment of silence. [Pause]. Thank you for joining me in that moment of silence for the competition that I'm going to slaughter at the ballot box this week. 
  • (Pointing phone at the crowd) [High School Name] STUDENT BODY! Let's make some noise for my lovely competition — they've worked so hard — and give yourselves a round of applause for appointing someone as awesome as me to your student council. (Puts phone away.) So I'd like to thank my mother who, without her, I wouldn't be here today, and my father of course, because there's part of him in here too...(dramatic pause). OH, oh sorry everybody, those were my acceptance speech cards. Let me just pull out the right ones here.

Creative Ways to Sprinkle Some Humor into Your Speech 

Speech starters aren't the only places you can toss in a little funny line or two. There are a ton of ways you can incorporate humor into your student council speech to break the ice, grab everyone's attention, or stand out from the crowd. These are just a few of them: 

Poke a Little Good-Natured Fun at a Staff Member

There's nothing teens find funnier than cleverly making fun of their teachers and principals. Just be sure to only poke fun at the ones you know will take the joke well, and keep it good-natured and lighthearted. 

End an Info-Heavy Section With a Witty One-Liner

As a teen, you know kids have short attention spans (curse you TikTok), so you'll start to lose them after a while. Keep their attention by ending any information-heavy section with a funny one-liner. It's hard to stay snoozing when you're laughing. 

It's totally ok to use jokes in a student council speech, but remember the goal of using jokes and humor is to connect with your peers, so make sure they're things that everyone will actually find funny and not anything that could be hurtful or upsetting.

Don't Rush the Delivery

If you've got a line you just know is going to make everyone laugh, don't pull the wind from its sails by speeding through it. People tend to talk faster the longer they're presenting, so make sure your joke lands by pulling back and easing into the delivery. 

Add Something Funny or Unexpected to a Serious Sentence

If you're listing some of the genuine things you bring to the table for your desired student council position, grab everyone's attention by throwing a funny one on at the end. 

Tell a True Funny Story From Your Childhood

Talking about something funny that really happened to you, especially if it's related to the student council role you want in some way, can be a creative and memorable way to stand out. For example, the lemonade stand disaster you had as a kid might just make you a shoo-in for treasurer. After all, you learned from your mistakes. 

End the Speech With a Joke or Funny Slogan 

You can also use a joke or a funny slogan at the end of your student council speech to help make it memorable. A funny, relatable slogan that helps people remember you could have a positive impact when it comes time to vote. 

  • School Jokes for Kids of All Ages

Hook 'Em With Humor for a Winning Speech 

The secret for how to win a high school election isn't stuffing the ballot box or teen comedy movie-ing your way to making the competition drop out. Instead, it's about being memorable and connecting with your peers. A funny opening line or hilarious closing one will not only capture their attention, but it'll have them thinking about you when they step up to that ballot box. 

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Funny Student Council Speeches

Funny Student Council Speeches

If you are running for the student council, you certainly need to popular vote from your peers if you are to become the winner. Because your campaign speech is targeted at other high school teens and not parents or teachers, you must be creative and use a funny introduction.

What You Should Know When Writing An Election Speech

Here are a few suggestions that should help you craft a solid your audience will never forget. It is however important that you make sure that the speech adequately suits your position and school.

Start with some humor!

It is always easy for people to be swayed by someone who knows how to engage them with some humor. You can begin like this: some of you here probably remember me for shutting myself in the restroom last summer. My being here today is a testament to the fact that you can overcome any form of embarrassment.


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My track record.

I have had a lot of good ideas, many of which have been used to serve especially here in this high school. From the first time I stepped my feet in this school, I knew I should be involved. Before now, I have served as a member of the school athletic team as the vice-captain. The little experience I have gained in these leadership roles has put me in good stead to further advance the virtues upon which this school is built.

Declaration of interest

It may not come to a number of you as a surprise that I am running for student council for the post of (……………………..). if I am elected into this office, I will work hard to ensure that every student of this high school feels the effect of good governance.

I know what it takes

I am fully aware that the student council to which I am aspiring to be a member of works hand in hand with the administration and student body to ensure that the student events held yearly turn out to be a success.

I ask for you votes

I assure you that if I am considered worthy of election into this exalted office, I will do all to put your interests first while also ensuring that your concerns are taken care of.

Some Good Ideas Of Speeches For President You Should Consider

When running for the highest office in your school or class, you must do all to make it stand out.

Knock them out with the opening statement

Hello everyone, my name is Mark Henry. I may not be the coolest guy out there who doesn’t mind breaking a few rules and I’m sure that’s not what you want in a student council president. What I bring to the table is hard work, transparency, probity, and team spirit. This I promise to do without souring the fun.

Many of you will remember the petition I wrote concerning the hygiene issue we faced in the restroom last summer. We were able to affect the needed changes by coming together to endorse that petition. This is the kind of team spirit I hope my leadership will entrench if given the opportunity.

What Do I Bring To The Table?

The years I have spent so far in this high school has seen me explore the different opportunities on offer. I am a member of the school soccer team, and I have been part of a team that has helped juniors improve their math skills. I was made the vice-captain of the school soccer team just this year and along with my teammates, we have won 80 percent of our matches to date .

With me as your student council president, I may not be able to cancel all homework, but I guarantee you that I will be your voice whenever there is a need for one. I will make sure that this turns out to be a year to remember for you all in this school. I will ensure to improve upon the already existing extracurricular activities in this school while also introducing new ones. The community will also feel our impact as we will work together to come up with innovative ideas to improve a lot of our community through volunteer programs.

Call For Your Votes

Today, I make it known to you that it takes the people to vote for effective change to occur. I would be grateful for every vote cast for me to become your president. Together, I believe we can bring the changes we so much desire. Let’s activate the power of our votes as we turn this vision to reality.

Sample Vice President Speech

For your speech for the role of the vice president to sell, it must be delivered with great precision and effect.


Rather than bore you with a default introduction expected of a great speech, I will begin by sharing with you all a memory that changed my view of high school. It was the day I scored my first goal on the school soccer team in a match. I had enlisted into the team earlier last summer and I was assigned as number 9(a striker). It was a struggle settling into the team as I wasn’t the most physical guy out there(I’m sure I still am not). The games went by and I just couldn’t get the ground running.

I needed a goal badly as expected for my role as a striker. Then came a qualification match for the local championships. The regular striker was out injured and I was called upon to deputize. To be honest, not much was expected of me in that match till the 85 th minute when I rose highest to head home the winner of the match. That was a remarkable day in my life and served as a turning point for me and my team. I learn the value of hard work, patience, and teamwork from that experience.

Why Should I Be Your Vice President?

The main reason I am running for the post of student council vice president is to contribute my quota to a school that has made me the awesome guy standing before you today. I want to work with each one of you to make this place even more awesome than it currently is.

The past years I have spent in this school have served as the perfect training ground for me to serve as your vice president. I have also spent some time an office aid gaining experience in the day to day operations of the school.

I know that for you people to vote me in, I have to bring something different. I can guarantee you that if I am voted into office; I will work together with the president providing the much-needed support for a stable and purposeful tenure. I will be actively involved in planning activities such as homecoming, prom, and graduation. I will be the ear for you to speak to and the shoulder to lean on when necessary.

Plea For Votes

I may not have succeeded in making one of the best student council speeches of all time today, but I do hope I have done enough to earn your trust and vote for this office. Join me as we begin creating memories that will never be forgotten.

How Can You Make Your Student Council Speech Stand Out?

If you want the people to vote for you, you should be prepared to make one of the student council speeches that would be used as reference material for a long time to come. It doesn’t matter how big or small the post you are running for is, there is a great need for you to create a lasting impression for your audience. Here are a few tips that should help you out in that regard:

  • Know that people tend to follow things they see more than what they just hear. This is why you should strive to give a visual angle to your presentation. This means you have to use hand gestures or props.
  • You should also look to expand your vocabulary by searching for words that have the same meaning as the office you are gunning for. Sounding different from the crowd puts you in good stead.
  • One of the most notable phrases Martin Luther King and Barack Obama will always be remembered for is the ‘I have a dream’ phrase. If there is anything learned from that, it is the fact that a catchphrase has the power to catch the people.
  • Also, when presenting the good ideas stored in your head, ensure that the speech is kept short. Don’t bore people with long speeches. You could also spice things up by putting a lyric in the background.

Why Do You Need To Include Some Humor In Your Speech?

I bet if you weren’t contesting for a position and had to listen to a ‘great speech’ by a contestant that was devoid of fun and humor, you would probably get bored and decide against voting for such a person. Using sarcasm and jokes only people who attend your high school will get is a great way of connecting with them.

Go And Win That Election!

Regardless of whether you use one of the samples we provided here or create your own, a personal touch is required for success. Place great emphasis on what makes you different from the crowd. At the end of the day, if you lose or win the election, you can always hold your head up high for delivering a great speech.–92254

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Writing an Effective Year 12 School Captain Speech: A Guide to Winning the Election

Unlock the Secrets to Crafting a Winning School Captain Speech

Introduction: The role of a school captain is not just about holding a prestigious title; it’s about being a leader and making a positive impact on your school community. One crucial aspect of the election process is delivering an effective speech that captivates your audience and convinces them to vote for you. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the strategies and techniques to write and deliver an impactful Year 12 School Captain speech that will help you win the election and make a difference in your school.

Understanding the Role of a School Captain: Leadership and Responsibilities

Gain a clear understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Year 12 School Captain. Explore the qualities and attributes that make an effective leader and how they translate into your speech.

Researching and Analyzing Your Audience: Knowing Your School Community

Learn the importance of understanding your audience and tailoring your speech to resonate with them. Conduct research to gather insights about your school community’s values, concerns, and aspirations.

Crafting a Powerful Opening: Grabbing Attention from the Start

Discover techniques to create a memorable opening that captures the attention of your audience. Explore storytelling, thought-provoking statements, or inspiring quotes to establish a strong connection.

Developing a Clear Structure: Organizing Your Speech Effectively

Learn how to structure your speech to convey your message coherently. Explore the use of introduction, body, and conclusion to ensure a logical flow and make your points compelling.

Showcasing Your Qualities and Accomplishments: Building Credibility

Highlight your strengths, experiences, and accomplishments to establish credibility and demonstrate your suitability for the role of School Captain. Use anecdotes, examples, or testimonials to support your claims.

Addressing Key Issues and Concerns: Connecting with Your Audience

Identify and address the issues and concerns that matter to your school community. Show empathy, propose solutions, and share your vision for a better school environment.

Sharing Your Future Plans: Inspiring Action and Change

Articulate your vision and goals for the school. Outline specific initiatives, events, or improvements you intend to implement if elected as School Captain. Inspire your audience to take action and join your cause.

Utilizing Language Techniques: Persuasion and Emotional Appeal

Explore rhetorical devices, such as metaphors, parallelism, or rhetorical questions, to enhance the persuasive impact of your speech. Use emotional appeal to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Practicing Effective Delivery: Confidence and Authenticity

Discover strategies to enhance your delivery skills , including vocal variety, body language, and eye contact. Practice your speech to ensure confidence and authenticity in your delivery.

Closing with a Memorable Conclusion: Leave a Lasting Impression

Craft a powerful and inspiring conclusion that summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression. Use a call to action or an uplifting message to motivate your audience to vote for you.

FAQs – How to Write a Winning Year 12 School Captain Speech?

1: how long should a school captain speech be.

Aim for a speech duration of around 3-5 minutes to effectively convey your message without losing your audience’s attention.

2: Should I include personal anecdotes in my speech?

Personal anecdotes can be impactful and help create a connection with your audience. However, ensure they are relevant to your message and add value to your overall speech.

3: How can I engage the audience during my speech?

Engage your audience through eye contact, inviting them to participate, or incorporating interactive elements, such as asking rhetorical questions or involving them in a brief activity.

4: Is it necessary to memorize my entire speech?

While memorization can provide a sense of confidence, it is important to maintain a balance between memorization and spontaneity. Memorize key points and practice enough to ensure a smooth delivery.

5: How can I handle nervousness before and during my speech?

Prepare thoroughly, practice regularly, and visualize yourself delivering a successful speech. Deep breathing exercises and positive self-talk can also help manage nervousness.

6: Should I mention other candidates in my speech?

Avoid directly criticizing or mentioning other candidates. Focus on presenting your unique qualities, ideas, and plans to stand out as the best candidate.

7: How can I make my speech memorable?

Use storytelling, vivid imagery, or powerful quotes to make your speech memorable . Aim to inspire, uplift, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Here are a few examples of a school captain speech:

Example 1: “Dear fellow students, teachers, and staff, today I stand before you as a candidate for the position of School Captain. I believe that our school is more than just a place of learning; it is a community that fosters growth, friendship, and opportunity. If elected, I promise to be a dedicated and approachable leader who will listen to your concerns and work tirelessly to address them. Together, we can create a school environment that encourages inclusivity, excellence, and personal development. Let us embrace our differences and celebrate our achievements, for united we can make our school truly exceptional.”   Example 2: “Respected principal, teachers, and my fellow students, I am honored to be standing here as a candidate for the role of School Captain. Our school is not just a building; it is a place where dreams are nurtured and futures are shaped. If entrusted with the responsibility, I will strive to be a beacon of inspiration and encouragement for all students. I will work closely with our teachers and staff to ensure that each one of us has the support and resources we need to excel academically and personally. Let us embark on a journey of growth, unity, and achievement, making our school a shining example of excellence.   Example 3: “Dear everyone, today I am humbled to stand before you as a candidate for the position of School Captain. Our school is more than just classrooms and textbooks; it is a vibrant community that thrives on enthusiasm and participation. If chosen as your leader, I will promote a culture of involvement, where every student’s voice is heard and valued. Together, we can organize exciting events, foster a sense of belonging, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Let us come together as a united front, supporting and inspiring one another to reach new heights. Vote for me, and together, we’ll make our school experience truly unforgettable.”

Key Points:

  • Understand the role of a School Captain and the qualities of an effective leader.
  • Research your audience and tailor your speech to their values and concerns.
  • Craft a powerful opening , organize your speech effectively, and showcase your qualities.
  • Address key issues and propose solutions while sharing your future plans.
  • Utilize language techniques, practice effective delivery, and close with a memorable conclusion.
Bio: The author, an experienced public speaker and advocate of youth leadership, shares valuable insights in “Writing an Effective Year 12 School Captain Speech: A Guide to Winning the Election.” With a passion for empowering students, the author provides practical tips and strategies to help aspiring School Captains create impactful speeches and make a positive impact on their school community.

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In this guide, we’ll give you everything you need to know about writing a winning speech for the school captain election. First, we’ll show you some example speeches from past winners and finalists to give you an idea of what a successful speech might look like. Then we’ll talk about how to craft your own outline and where to find inspiration for topics in your own life. Finally, we’ll cover some tips for how best to deliver your speech if it all goes well with writing it!

School captain speech examples

In this article, we’ll look at the speeches that won school captain elections. We’ll also give you some tips on how to write your own winning speech for a school captain election.

We’ve got two examples of speeches that were given by students who went on to win their school captain elections: one from an Australian high school student and another from an American middle school student. Both speeches are very good because they have all the elements of a great speech–they’re funny, they have interesting facts and stories in them (which keeps people engaged), and both speakers talk about things that relate directly back to themselves or their peers (so they make it easy for listeners).

School captain speech topic ideas

Here are some ideas for school captain speech topics:

  • The importance of school spirit.
  • Why it’s important to give back to the community.
  • How you plan on making your school better by becoming a leader and role model for others.

How to write a great school captain speech outline

To write a great speech outline, you need to follow these three steps:

  • Start with a hook. You want to grab your audience’s attention right away. This can be done by using an interesting fact or statistic that relates to the topic of your speech, or by telling a story that illustrates what you’re going to talk about later on in the speech. If possible, try not to use any quotes from movies or other sources unless it’s absolutely necessary for illustrating your point (and even then, only use them sparingly).
  • Use strong openings and closings when writing out your speech outline–and make sure both are relevant! Don’t forget about these two sections because they are just as important as any other part of writing an effective school captain election speech outline; if nothing else comes across strongly enough for voters during these sections then there won’t be much left worth remembering later on down in middle parts like introduction paragraph(s), body paragraphs(s) etcetera…

How to write a winning school captain speech

  • Use the right tone
  • Use the right body language
  • Use the right content and style of speech
  • Deliver your speech effectively

A winning school captain speech can help you win the election.

A good school captain speech can help you win the election. If you’re running for school captain and want to give an impressive speech that will make everyone remember you, then this article is for you!

To write a great school captain speech outline:

  • Think about your audience. What do they want from their new leader? What are their hopes and dreams for the future of the school? How can they see themselves reflected in your words?
  • Have a clear message. Make sure that everything in your talk ties back into what makes YOU special – why should people vote for YOU instead of anyone else who wants this job too (and there will almost certainly be other candidates). Don’t try too hard though; keep it simple!

With the help of these school captain speech examples, you can write a great speech that will help you win your election. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to write from scratch and there are plenty of resources available online. Just make sure that whatever you do use is original and doesn’t copy anyone else’s work!

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Education Prairie

Funny Intro Ideas for Student Council Speeches

To win student council, you ultimately need the popular vote from your peers. With a funny introduction, you can get a lot more creative and open as your speech is aimed at teens, not teachers or parents.

Table of Contents

Humorous Speech Intros for Each Position

Anecdotes or play on words about the actual job title or things frequently associated with it make great speeches for student council roles. Make sure you understand what student council does so that your speech can be intelligent and funny, or your audience might laugh at you instead of what you’re saying.

Funny President Speech Intro

All the other candidates will come up here and tell you why you should vote for them. I am going to give you only one reason to vote for me. As President Donald Trump said, “People would vote for me because I’m so good looking.” That’s right, I’m the perfect candidate for Student Council President because my face is like an angel’s. 

You’ll see my face every time I ask for your concerns, give a speech, or land an interview in the school paper. Consider who’s face you want to stare at every day, mine or theirs, if you want this year and school politics to be more enjoyable.

Hilarious Vice President Speech Opener

I want to be your Vice President, so you can start calling me Veep. That’s all there is to it, people. As I walk down the hallways at school, I want to feel like I’m in one of those YouTube videos for kids where a grown man drives tiny toy trucks. I’m veep! 

Let’s veep! Whenever I’m waiting in line for lunch or using the restroom, Veep Veep! Whenever I raise my hand in class or make a speech, Veep Veep! If you plan to vote for me after this speech, let’s turn this audience into a crowded highway that feels like Friday at 5 p.m.! Let’s go! I’m veep!

Silly Secretary Speech Intro

There is no doubt that your Student Council Secretary needs to love words. Because I love words so much, I only eat Alpha-Bits for breakfast. Moreover, I’ll eat cereal letters only if they can be used to form words. If there are still “T,” “Q,” and “R” in the bowl, I can’t swallow them. 

Because I can’t bring myself to use pencils, I fail every automatically graded exam because I can’t bring myself to damage them. Even though I’m only 16, I have the wrist of a 92-year-old secretary!

Comical Treasurer Speech Opener

My running for treasurer speech can be found here. Time is money, so we’re all going to become very wealthy after listening to this speech. I’m not sure who is responsible for the exchange rate, but I hope it’s good. 

Since I’m Treasurer, I’ve designed my speech to maximize the amount of time we turn into money.

Funny Intro Ideas for Student Council Speeches

Humorous Intros for Any Student Council Speech

The most important tip for writing a speech is to speak on the level of your audience. Give your speech a dose of humor with a funny intro. Teenagers love fun and humor.

  • We were told by Mr. Smith, our beloved math teacher, that we would one day use trigonometry. He’s an awesome teacher, and I really want him to be right. I will cover things that are opposite and adjacent to the school’s issues, so I will go off on a tangent.
  • Student Council probably conjures up images of old, bald, white guys wearing suits and ties sitting around talking about all the problems students cause. Imagining myself as one of those guys will help me overcome my stage fright today. I’d prefer to be the one with the biggest gut, if you don’t mind.
  • Today, I’m here to talk about something serious, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get your vote. You might think school rules and student privileges are nacho business, but that’s not true. My goal isn’t to jalapeo business or to get saucy, and I won’t burrito around the subject. Vote for me for President if you want this year to feel like a fiesta. If you still haven’t figured it out, I’m the best woman for the job.

Relate With Humor

In order to win a high school election, you must be able to relate to your peers. You will capture their attention with a funny opening line or paragraph, which will have them thinking about you at the polls.

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How to Write a Better Captain Speech

Table of Contents

Are you feeling nervous about your upcoming class captain speech? Don’t worry; you’re not alone!

Writing a class captain speech can be daunting and nerve-wracking. It’s a significant opportunity to share your passion for the role and show everyone why you are the right person for the job.

But don’t let fear stop you from being successful — with some planning and preparation, writing an excellent class captain speech is easy! Keep reading to learn how to write a class captain speech .

Who Is a Class Captain?

A class captain is a leader in their classroom who promotes positive behavior, encourages classmates to follow school rules. A class captain acts as a role model.

They are also responsible for encouraging collaboration among students and helping to build community spirit. As the class captain, you should be prepared to act as an ambassador for your classroom on special occasions or during school events.

Characteristics of a Class Captain

Being a class captain is an important role and requires certain qualities. A great class captain should:

  • Show enthusiasm and excitement for the job.
  • Be well-prepared to take on the responsibilities of the role.
  • Have strong communication skills, including public speaking.
  • Be able to resolve conflicts between students or with teachers in a mature manner.
  • Inspire other students to be their best by setting an example of hard work and dedication.

Structure of a Class Captain Speech

  • Introduction – Introduce yourself and share why you are the right person for the job.
  • Strengths – Highlight the strengths that make you an ideal class captain and how these will benefit the classroom.
  • Goals – Explain what you plan to achieve as a class captain, such as improving student morale or increasing participation in school activities.
  • Conclusion – Summarize your message with a call to action, encouraging other students to support you in becoming their class leader.

How to Write a Class Captain Speech

kids in spiderman and Captain America costumes

Step 1: Start by Introducing Yourself

Your introduction is critical because it sets the tone and helps people understand who you are. Start by introducing yourself to your classmates, letting them know what year of school you’re in. Add any other relevant information that might help give context to your speech.

Step 2: Outline Your Strengths and Abilities.

Now that you’ve introduced yourself, it’s time to explain why you are the right person for the job. Share with them your strengths and qualities that make you a great class captain. Things like having strong communication skills or being organized and reliable.

Step 3: Explain What Goals You Plan to Achieve As Class Captain

You should also talk about the goals and objectives you plan to accomplish during your tenure as class captain. These include increasing student participation in school events or improving classroom morale. Talk about how you will go about achieving these goals and how they will benefit the classroom environment.

Step 4: Conclude With a Call to Action.

Finally, wrap up your speech with a call to action, encouraging your fellow students to support you in becoming their class captain. Ask them for their vote and remind them of the positive changes you plan to bring about as a leader.

Guideline for a Class Captain Speech

1. be prepared.

Before you start writing your class captain speech, it’s essential to do some research and learn more about what the role entails. This will help you outline the goals and objectives you plan to achieve as a leader.

2. Use Language Appropriately

Keeping the language of your speech simple is essential for connecting with your audience. Avoid using jargon or overly complex words, and stick to examples that everyone in the classroom can relate to.

3. Keep It Short & Sweet

People have short attention spans, so keep your class captain’s speech concise and to the point. Aim for up to two minutes in length, but be bold and take longer if you need to.

4. Make It Personal

Your speech should be about your goals for the role, so make sure it reflects your personality and passions. This is an excellent opportunity to show everyone why you are the perfect class captain!

5. Practice

Once you’ve written your speech, practice delivering it out loud several times until you feel comfortable with the content and delivery. This will help reduce anxiety or nervousness when it comes time to deliver it in front of your classmates.

Sample of a Class Captain Speech

Good morning everyone! My name is John, and I’m running for class captain this year.

I’m the right person for the job because I have strong communication skills and a passion for helping others. As class captain, my goal will be to create a positive learning environment in our classroom where everyone feels respected and supported.

To accomplish this, I will work closely with teachers to ensure that all students follow school rules and behave appropriately. I will also strive to promote collaboration among classmates by organizing activities and encouraging teamwork. Finally, I’ll work hard to increase student participation in school events, so everyone can get involved and have fun together! With your support, we can make this a fantastic year.

So please, join me in making our classroom a better place by voting for me as your class captain! Thank you.

Writing a class captain speech doesn’t have to be challenging or scary. With some planning and preparation, you can create an inspiring speech that will get your classmates excited about being part of the team .

That said, remember to introduce yourself, outline your strengths and abilities. Also, don’t forget to spell out your goals as a leader. Finally, conclude with a compelling call-to-action.

How to Write a Better Captain Speech

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Humorous Speech: 14 Tips to Leave Them Rolling in the Aisles


Have you every been thoroughly entertained by someone giving a humorous speech? Maybe you enjoy watching stand-up comedians on stage.

Laughter is a definite stress reliever – one of the best medicines, as the saying goes!

People love to laugh. Whether it’s improv, observational, word play, dark humour or something else, there are may ways to see levity in the world we live in.

And, there are many ways to deliver a funny presentation .

In Toastmasters , learning how to give a humorous speech is going to be one of the most gratifying adventures you’ll have as a member.

So, take heart, even if you’re not a natural, you can be that person on stage getting the laughs!

Let’s get started by looking at the prep work.

Before you Begin Your Funny Speech

As with any type of speech in Toastmasters, you want to do your best.

Starting with a little self-reflection and practice will help you figure out your strategy. Here’s how to proceed:


Remember what you found funny

Not everyone has the same sense of humour. In fact, for some people jokes go right over their heads while others find the same ones side-splittingly funny.

Consider what kind of humour resonates with you.

Do you laugh at silly costumes and clown noses? Or, do you find the physical humour of someone failing miserably at a juggling act comical?

Perhaps puns that exploit the meaning of certain words make you smile.

Think about what you enjoy in a humorous speech and you’re guaranteed that others will find it hilarious too. That’s the type of content you’ll want to incorporate into your presentation.

Play to your strengths

Are you known for telling self-deprecating anecdotes? Do you find fun it re-telling entertaining family stories?

Maybe you weren’t the class clown at school or have never been the life of the party, encouraging others to join in some fun activity.


Even so, you likely display some behaviour that tickles the funny bones of others. Therefore, keep that in mind as you decide how to craft your speech.

Try out your stuff

While you’re sorting out what you want to give a humorous talk about, try your hand at getting a laugh or two from others.

This will give you a little informal practice, and help you decide which route to take in your presentation.

Here’s a few ways to do this:

Explain the funny in your day   – Look for anything out-of-the-ordinary in your day and deliver it in a short, comical anecdote at work, or at home around the dinner table.

Did you see a dog wearing a hilarious-looking jacket? Was there someone with a loud snore napping on your bus?

One you start looking for the funny in the day, it’s not hard to find!   

Try kid-friendly humour   – Kids love jokes. If there’s a child in your life tell them a knock-knock joke, or something along those lines.

Many adults get a kick out of kid-friendly humour as well. Try out a silly groaner joke on one of the adults in your life.


Volunteer for Jokemaster – Take advantage of this ready-made opportunity for you to hone your joke-telling skills at your next Toastmasters club meeting .

After you get a little experience spreading humour, you’ll begin to feel more comfortable in the comedian role. Plus, you’ll find out where you’re getting the laughs.

Watch the experts

As a Toastmaster, you have a ringside seat to speakers of all skill levels.

Notice what grabs your attention in how others present their topic, and the ways they use humour – this goes for any speech, not just the intentionally funny ones!

Search out humorous TED Talks and study what the speaker does to be humorous. In addition, watch different comedians and figure out what they do to get a few belly laughs.

What you’ll find is that, no matter what type of humour is used, a successful performance is all about the delivery.

Crafting a Comical Speech

There are a few things to be mindful of when writing a humorous presentation.

Find the funny  

First, you need to pick a topic to talk about.

When it comes down to it, you can use almost any subject matter for a humorous speech.

Some of the greatest material to use comes from personal stories. You could spin a story from a personal anecdote, or talk about the trials and tribulations of a friend or family member.


How many times have you heard stand-up comics regale an audience with the escapades of their children, or expose the comical side of the relationship they have with their spouse?

This is the stuff that works because people can relate to it, and may see themselves in your stories. It’s always funnier when some misadventure happens to someone else!

Write to amuse

When you’re writing your speech, start to think about your delivery.

Is there a particular turn of phrase, amusing alliteration or other play on words that’s sure to make the listeners smile?

Jot those down where they’re likely to have the biggest impact. Will delivering this content in the opening, as you finish up or somewhere else in between work best?

Remember to follow the formula for crafting any Toastmasters speech with a captivating opening, an interesting body and a memorable closing. 

14 Tips for Nailing a Humorous Speech

Here’s where the fun begins!

With a well-crafted speech designed to tell your tale in the funniest way, it’s time to focus on your delivery.

There are a range of tactics for engaging your audience no matter what type of talk you’re giving. Some of these can be applied, with a little modification.

Here are 14 terrific ways to deliver a humorous speech:

1. Pace perfectly

Proper pacing in any presentation is important. And, as you can appreciate, this is a critical component of giving a funny talk.

People need a bit of time to get the joke, right?

Leave a little dead air just after you’ve said something humorous. Some people might be chuckling right away while others will need more time to comprehend.

Either way, pausing strategically after a punch line is necessary for the humour to land well.

2. Funny fashion

Dressing up in an unusual outfit, or wearing a silly hat, is another way to amuse your audience.

This signals that they’re in for some original fun.

For instance, if you’re going to tell the story of a hysterical summer vacation you might consider coming on stage in shorts and sandals with a beach towel slung over your shoulder – if you have a snorkel and swimming fins you can wear, even better.

Just watch that you don’t trip, unless you’re going for a laugh for that too!

If your goal is to keep giving humorous speeches, wearing something funny could become your signature move.


One example is the comedian Steve Martin who became memorable for wearing what looked like an arrow through his head.

Anyway, you get the picture. This type of absurd humor can set you up for some laughs right away.

3. Present props

Props are another standard approach to holding an audience’s attention when giving a talk.

When presenting a humorous speech, you don’t have to necessarily bring something on stage that people laugh at immediately.

That’s one way to go, but the trick to being amusing is really in how you use the prop.

Maybe you’ve got a laughable tale about your pet parrot.

Rather than trying to incorporate the bird itself into your talk – which can be problematic on several levels – you could take a toy parrot on a perch with you on stage. Interacting with the fake bird will increase the comic value of your speech.

Another way to use props is to use them to demonstrate an activity.

For example, an amusing story about driving a car can be enhanced if you’re pretending to drive with an actual steering wheel between your hands.

4. Surprise with sound

There are several ways to use sound in a humorous speech.

The most obvious one may be to find a noise maker that has a novel sound. The selection here is endless, and only limited by what you’re able to find.

If you want to use a bell, there are dinner bells, bicycle bells, cow bells and other bells. Some different options are horns, shakers, kazoos, hand clappers and maracas.


You might also find a few items around your home that you can improvise with.

The other choice is to use your voice to make a sound effect. Getting back to that example of a driving anecdote, making ‘vroom, vroom’ sounds when you’re pretending to drive can add humour.

Again, the key here is in how you use sound. While the particular noise might be funny on its own, you’ll get more laughs if you time it appropriately in your speech.

If you plan to use the sound repeatedly to create more hilarity, just don’t overdo it!

5. Exaggerate expressions

Funny facial expressions are another tool for telling a funny tale.

An exaggerated look of surprise, with raised eyebrows and an open mouth, can make your delivery all the more uproarious.

Help your listeners really visualize what you went through in the anecdote you’re relating by emphasizing your reactions, and they’ll be laughing right along with you.

A shake of the head and a shoulder shrug can be added for extra effect.

6. Give grand gestures

This is along the same lines as really playing up your facial expressions .

Grand gestures, like throwing your arms out or reaching your hands high above you head, can add comedy to your speech.


Stretching your arms forward with open palms to the audience can show them that you’re imploring them to see things from your perspective.

As with other methods, such gestures should be well-timed during your talk to add the maximum amount of drama.

7. Perfect a posture

Body language can also be uproarious.

Think about what you want to communicate with your posture that will add to the humour in your presentation.

It could be that you want to express indignation, or incredulity, by standing with your hands on your hips. A slouching position could be used to indicate resignation.

Then again, you might want to come up with a uniquely funny posture that’s all your own.

Whatever you choose, be sure that it’s a posture that will make your speech all the more hysterical.

8. Woo with words

There are so many ingenious ways to employ language for added impact here.

Witty plays on words include alliterations, puns, phonetic mix-ups, obscure words, unusual sayings and more.

An intentional slip of the tongue, for example, like referring to a “funny story” as a “sunny foray” will initially catch people unawares.

However, once they’ve grasped the play on words, they’ll find it amusing and will be paying close attention to catch other examples.

Another move to try is to incorporate pet language for people or situations. Maybe you’re talking about a mischievous child and calling them “the little dickens” brings a smile.

You could also make up words, like calling your spouse the “nagagator” of your trip rather than the “navigator” if she keeps complaining that you’re not following her directions.

9. Vary voice volume

Here’s a strategy that you’ve probably found to be effective in other types of speeches.

Changing your voice volume for emphasis is a tried-and-true way to hold your listeners’ attention.

Modulate your voice to match what you’re saying at the time, and people will connect with the funny faster.

10. Act it out

Go through the motions of your story to show the comical side.

When you’re acting out a riotous routine, it can be very engaging for those present.

Make sure to move around and use the whole stage, and consider actually getting down into the theatre aisles beside the audience if it serves your purpose.

Pause your speech for a few moments while you complete the actions to make things more hysterical. If you’ve ever watched improv, you’ll know how well this can work.

Acting it out can include imitating voices to relate a conversation between two people.

You may have seen comedians do this to add hilarity when talking about an argument they had with their partner, for instance.

11. Display distraction

Here’s a more original idea to bring some fun to your presentation.

Try acting a little distracted. You may be thinking that this is exactly what not to do during a speech!


But if it’s used in a controlled fashion it can amp up the laughter.

One way is to just wander out on stage seemingly lost in your thoughts.

You could pretend to be reading something or talking aloud to yourself and then notice, with a start, that you’re not alone. You have an audience!

Another example is getting distracted a few times in the middle of your speech by something you see around you – like complementing an audience member on the colour of her sweater.

12. Make outlandish comparisons

This is a great way to use exaggeration to encourage your listeners to see the laughable side of things.

Making outlandish comparisons demonstrates your frustration, or extreme surprise, with the situation you’re explaining.

Say you’re talking about having to deal with a lot of dirty laundry. You could say that it was as though a landside had happened indoor with laundry overflowing out of the hamper and down the stairs.

A simpler example is saying that traffic was moving so slowly on the highway that it seemed you were driving backwards.

13. Use the rule of three

The rule of three can be employed several ways to increase the funny factor.

Basically, you can link three thoughts or ideas together. You might say that having children has taught you to appreciate life more, how to calm a crying baby and that your favourite activity is napping.

Make the last point a twist in an unexpected direction.

Creating a presentation that takes your audience through three similar occurrences is another way to use this method.

Maybe you want to tell a fishing story and each experience of trying to land a fish during your day out on the water builds on the last one. 

14. Be unexpected

Anything that’s weird, absurd or nonsensical falls into this category.

It should be quite unconnected to the talk you’re giving and is designed simply to get a laugh.

The best place for this is right at the beginning of your talk to prime the audience to be amused. You could also finish off with something unexpected to get a last laugh.

A few behavioural examples of this are funny walks, dancing and acrobatic tricks like riding a unicycle.

unicycle for speaking

Other ways to use the unexpected are to have dramatic music playing as you enter the stage or throw rose petals out into the audience.

A final tip is to harness the power of repetition.

It’s not just using the same noise makers a few times during your talk that can bump up the laughs. You can repeat a few of these other ideas as well.

Take care to use the right dosage of one or more of these ideas. Repeating what listeners found funny the first time, if done in moderation, can cause them to laugh even louder the next time.

Closing Comments on Delivery a Humorous Speech

Granted, there’s a lot to consider in performing a humorous speech.

So, take your time, do your research, select a good topic for your talk and get to work writing your best speech.

Practice is really important in preparing to deliver this sort of speech. That’s where you can try out one or more of the delivery approaches and see what seems to fit best.

Having said that, plan to step outside your comfort zone a bit and experiment with different ways to deliver your presentation.

After all, being brave and stretching your skills is what Toastmasters is all about!

Be advised, the rewards can be remarkable when you see what joy and downright laugh-out-loud humor your speech has brought to people. Related: How to Write a Tall Tale Speech

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How to Write a Funny Speech

Last Updated: April 18, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 170,984 times.

Writing a speech is already a challenge, so why bother adding humor? Successful humor will relax the audience, making them more attentive and receptive. It can break down perceived barriers between you and the audience, fostering a sense of camaraderie with the audience. Read on to learn how to use humor to your advantage when giving a speech. [1] X Research source

Choosing Your Topic

Step 1 Find a topic.

  • Think about -- and then make -- a list of things you know a lot about or enjoy talking about. Single out the topics you’re knowledgeable about but also know you can be funny about. This might rule out topics that are hard to joke about, like poverty, domestic violence, etc.
  • Use this list (in combination with the next step) to select a potential topic.

Step 2 Consider your audience.

  • What’s the general age of your audience?
  • What do your audience members have in common?
  • What kind of speech are they expecting to hear?
  • What kind of humor are they likely to appreciate?

Step 3 Determine whether the speech should be humorously informative or just humorous.

  • If you’re writing a speech whose primary goal is to convey information or ideas, you’ll want to integrate humor while focussing on the ideas you want to convey. So draft the informative parts of your speech first, then integrate jokes and humor.
  • If you’re writing a speech whose primary goal is humor -- perhaps a satire or parody -- then you’ll want the humor center stage from the beginning. Choose a topic that lends itself to your sense of humor as well as to what the audience is likely to find amusing.

Writing Your Speech

Step 1 Decide your “big idea.”

  • Remember to choose a specific topic -- if your main idea/topic is too broad, you won’t do it justice in a relatively short speech. Choose something that you can describe in reasonable depth in the time allotted.
  • For example, if you’re writing a humorously informative speech about early American cinema, your main idea might be, “the advent of sound in film hurt rather than helped the medium by detracting from its visual potential”. This is specific enough not to be overwhelming while still leaving you room to develop substantial supporting points.
  • If, on the other hand, you’re writing a satirical speech, say, about reality television, your main idea might be, “nothing has contributed more to the cultural and intellectual richness of American society than reality television”.

Larry David

Mine your own unique experiences for inspiration. "It's always good to take something that's happened in your life and make something of it comedically."

Step 2 Decide your main points.

  • Write down your main idea.
  • Below it, write out everything that comes to mind when you think about that idea. Use whatever visual or textual brainstorming method you prefer (eg, clustering, listing, freewriting, etc.).
  • Eliminate anything that’s too far away from the topic, that you don’t feel comfortable discussing, or that would require too much time and depth to cover.

Step 3 Outline your speech.

  • I. Introduction (where you state your main topic and the points you’ll make)
  • II. Main point one
  • III. Main point two
  • IV. Main point three
  • V. Conclusion (in which you sum up the main points, re-state your main idea, and issue a call to action from the audience, if appropriate)

Step 4 Begin with a “hook.”

  • Effective hooks include humorous personal anecdotes, surprising or entertaining examples, or direct questions to the audience that invite their participation and give them a chance to laugh at themselves. [10] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source
  • For example, if you’re writing a speech about studying abroad, you might start by asking if anyone has ever wished they had an accent or intentionally faked one. You can then suggest they do it right and live somewhere they’ll actually have a legitimate accent.

Step 5 Write simply and clearly.

  • Err on the side of clarity over style, subtlety or artistry. Unlike a written piece, a speech is as much about delivery as it is about content, and the audience will be less attuned to the intricacies of sentence construction and more attuned to your overall message and the expressions as you give it.
  • Avoid overly long and complicated sentences. Long and difficult sentences will be hard to follow. Simplify your point and/or break complicated sentences into smaller, more easily digested ideas.

Step 6 Use vivid and specific adjectives.

  • For example, a word like “incendiary” is both more vivid, specific, and aurally interesting than a word such as “controversial”. “Incendiary” communicates the idea of something explosively provocative, while “controversial” is a more general term for something that generates disagreement.

Incorporating Humor

Step 1 Work humor into the text, once you have the foundation of your speech.

  • Consider generational differences with humor -- use references and jokes that address topical issues for that age group. For example, if you’re writing a speech about volunteering to an audience of high school students, relate the information in your speech to specific things and events relevant to teenagers. You might make a joke about volunteering versus staying home and trying to be Jimi Hendrix on Guitar Hero. Or you might pick a guitarist more recent than Jimi!
  • Know what the audience members have in common. Use it when writing jokes oriented around those shared elements, which are more likely to hold the audience’s attention. Doing so is invariably a crowd-pleaser. For example, if you’re addressing teachers, you might make a humorous reference to students’ most bizarre homework excuses.
  • Situational and observational humor that’s tailored to its audience is often particularly effective.

Step 2 Get inspired.

  • Watch your favorite funny movie, television show, or comedian.
  • Read works by your favorite humorous writers.
  • Don’t hesitate to take cues from their delivery -- learn from what they do to make a joke successful. (But don’t plagiarize!)
  • Pay attention when you make people around you laugh. Note the things you do or say that make people laugh and how you do it.
  • If, for example, your friends can’t stop laughing when you humorously re-enact stressful situations or conversations, try to incorporate similar elements into your speech.

Step 3 Keep the humor responsible.

  • Targeting particular people or groups is not only inconsiderate, it can alienate members of your audience.
  • Avoid jokes that are made at the expense of one side or another in a contentious issue, like jokes about one side of a political or religious debate.
  • Don’t make jokes about experiences you don’t understand. A good general rule is to write what you know. So if you, for example, have a learning disability, you might make a joke about the difficulties of dealing with standardized tests. But if you don’t have a learning disability, don’t make jokes about those who do -- you don’t share their specific experience, so you may unintentionally be making jokes about sensitive, potentially even hurtful, issues. [13] X Research source
  • Also take the taste level of your audience into consideration when deciding if a joke is going to be offensive. If you’re giving a speech to a room of educated adults, you’ll probably want to avoid overly bawdy or sexual humor.

Step 4 Keep the humor relevant.

  • The more relevant your jokes are to the specific matter at hand, the more likely they are to be successful with and entertaining.

Step 5 Be self-deprecating.

  • But don’t go to extremes of self-loathing, as that will have the opposite effect. The audience won’t know whether to laugh or what you’re trying to accomplish.

Step 6 Maintain focus.

  • Remember just what information it is you need to convey and ensure that it’s clear.
  • Don't let the humor become distracting. Humor can be a great tool for enhancing the information you’re conveying, as long as it doesn’t become a larger focus than the informative content itself. [15] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source

Step 7 Edit and revise -- multiple times.

  • Give yourself enough writing time so that you can go through and revise multiple times.
  • The more attentive you are to the details, the more successful your speech is likely to be.

Delivering Your Speech

Step 1 Practice.

  • Read the entire speech aloud until you’re comfortable enough with the material that you don’t need to read directly from your script but can simply use it as a prompt when needed.

Step 2 Vary your tone and expressions.

  • If you watch comedians and humorists closely, you’ll find that they tend to lead in to their jokes in a particular, deliberate way. Specifically, they’ll use a combination of slower speech, significant pauses, and punctuated emphasis. So when you’re leading up to a joke, cue your audience by slowing down your delivery, pausing slightly before delivering the punchline, and emphasizing key words within the punchline. [18] X Research source
  • Emphasize important words, but not to the point that it becomes distracting. Practice how you would naturally speak the lines, paying attention to specific places where your tone rises, falls, or becomes more expressive. Keep those inflections in your speech and play them up enough to be animated, but stop short of being continually exaggerated, which will likely distract the audience from the content of the speech itself.
  • Watch and listen to speeches you admire. Pay attention to how the speaker manipulates their tone and pacing to enhance the speech and try to apply those same techniques to your own speech.

Step 3 Record yourself.

  • It can be somewhat uncomfortable to watch or listen to yourself, but doing so will help improve your presentation enough to be worth the momentary discomfort.

Step 4 Use large physical gestures.

  • Think of being somewhat theatrical, you want your gestures to be visible and distinct from a distance. Favor several broad gestures over a series of small ones. [20] X Research source

Step 5 Have fun.

  • Allow yourself to feel nervous. Accept that you’re going to feel that way and decide not to worry about it.
  • The more confidently you act, the more confident you’ll eventually feel.
  • You have a chance to share your humor and ideas with an interested audience -- enjoy it!

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How To Write A Speech For School Captain

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How to write a school captain speech for primary

A school captain is a student leader who inspires his colleagues and helps to bridge the communication gap between students and the administration. As a school captain, you must lead the rest of the school and help them achieve their personal goals. A captain must be ready to correct and organize the students` body to live the values, mission, and vision of their institution. As a captain, communication is very critical. Understanding how to present the students’ issues to the administration requires good communication skills. To inspire action and keep the students` body in control of a healthy communication mechanism in place. Vertical communication with students is typically a common phenomenon, and for efficacy, a good speech is necessary.

The purpose of the provision of school captain requires prime communication skills, and captain`s speeches are critical. Apt writing skills are necessary to achieve the best results. This article, therefore, focuses on some of the key tips a school captain ought to look out for when drafting their speeches. The article also features a speech outline and a sample of a captain’s speech.

Five tips on school captain speech writing

1. be authoritative.

A leader is authoritative and decisive. Being a school captain comes with a responsibility that you have to fulfill. The position of a school captain, therefore, needs an authoritative and decisive person who can guide the school in the right direction without wavering. Such aspects must be reflected in your speech.

2. Keep your message short and clear

Listening to long speeches can be boring. As a captain, you ought to talk more and act less. Therefore, for each speech addressed to the students should be short with minimal explanations.  Long speeches can be boring and less effective than short content-rich speeches. Short speeches truncate the unnecessary details and enhance the understandability of the message.

3. Simple language and illustrations

Simplicity is one of the key requirements a school captain’s speech ought to be. Writing in very technical jargon would be ineffective. This is because the audience is diverse and have different levels of language mastery. Freshmen might not be able to understand technical language used by a finalist school captain, and thus the students in lower academic levels need to understand the message fully.

4. Organize your content in point form

A captain’s speech must be orderly and precise. Organizing each point into its paragraph is a good place to start. If the message is organized in a paragraph, then each paragraph should feature a single point which is well elaborated. For each paragraph, it must have a topic sentence , then few supporting sentences. The supporting sentences must be relevant to the topic sentence. Include an illustration for example, if necessary, at the end of the paragraph.

5. Use active voice in the first person

Since you are the school captain, it is obvious you must write the speech in the first person. It is also wise to use active voice which is more authoritative and powerful to deliver the message. Active voice is more effective to call for an action.

Outline example

The captain`s speech also needs an outline to act as a guiding tool for writing the essay. Outlines ensure the captain sticks to the relevant and important issues he wishes to address in his speech. After outlining them, he can proceed to write a great speech from the outline.

Here below is an example of a captain’s speech outline that can be used to write a speech.


  • A short recap based on personal observations

Paragraph 1

  • 3-4 Support sentences for point 1

Paragraph 2

  • 3-4 Support sentences for point 2

Paragraph 3

  • 3-4 Support sentences for point 3
  • A brief summary of the contents of the speech

how to make your school captain speech funny

how to make your school captain speech funny

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school captain speeches!!!

  • Thread starter eliseliselise
  • Start date Aug 8, 2008




Is it even about you? - or it's simply a random speech? :S  

ticky2002 said: Is it even about you? - or it's simply a random speech? :S Click to expand...


English / Law

I accelerate in 4u maths. I also do all sciences. So you can see i like animals. Vote 1 fur! Elise that is *cue music* edit: ps guys i have OCD, and in these last 18.8 seconds i'm going to do a little jig.  

Bobness said: I accelerate in 4u maths. I also do all sciences. So you can see i like animals. Vote 1 fur! Elise that is *cue music* edit: ps guys i have OCD, and in these last 18.8 seconds i'm going to do a little jig. Click to expand...

bored of sc

bored of sc

Active member.

Ever felt as if you're education has been in vain? Ever seen the problems of our school ignored? Ever heard the complaints of students and how in return the staff divert the complication? Ever tasted the bitter over the sweet? Tell me, ladies and gentlemen, students; have you ever inhaled the strong scent of defeat?  

at the end say " now you all better vote for me... if you dont, I KNOW WHAT SCHOOL YOU GO TO!" haha  

bored of sc said: Ever felt as if you're education has been in vain? Ever seen the problems of our school ignored? Ever heard the complaints of students and how in return the staff divert the complication? Ever tasted the bitter over the sweet? Tell me, ladies and gentlemen, students; have you ever inhaled the strong scent of defeat? Click to expand...
jazzbaby said: at the end say " now you all better vote for me... if you dont, I KNOW WHAT SCHOOL YOU GO TO!" haha Click to expand...



Prophet 9 ftw.


a.k.a. Michael...Hi!

The two captains at our school last started like this: the Boy : I'm a folder not a scruncher and ended with vote 1 mutton chops the girl: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! now that i have your attention. I suggest dress up if you can if not color your hair hot pink then everyone will remember you. (with fudge or something)  

I'd laugh, and definitely vote for you (unless one of my best friends was also running for captain), purely on the basis that you have balls (pardon the phrase).  

I'm going for captain as well. I don't know about making jokes - whenever I make jokes, they're excessively lame. Although I do recall having heard a good analogy about ships- "Being a leader of the school is like being the captain of a ship. You need a good team to help you get from point A to point B" You could possibly use that as well. Although I do think it's more aimed at the SRC than anything.  


its good to be funny but don't overkill it and keep in mind they don't always go to plan. these were some of mine that i used for my senior mentor speech: For all of those who know me, well you obviously know who I am, but for those who don’t I’m Bettina and I’m running for senior mentor. As most of you guys aren’t that familiar with me, I’ve spent hours and hours writing this autobiography which I’m going to read to you to get you to know me better.(hold giagantic book)--stuff this bit up as the cover i made kind of fell off and you could tell it was two eco books stuck together I learnt to be a polite and respectful student striving to the best of my ability. I’m a hard worker who gives everything 110%, well that's what my report says---got a couple of laughs i can't promise you a swimming pool but there has been a lot of rain lately which has created a really big puddle in the playground, you can always bring your swimmers along and have a splash around there.---also a dud maybe getting the veronicas to sing at our formal is a little too unrealistic; perhaps I could convince Mrs. Neupuruk,also a veronica herself to sing instead.--this one worked a treat i guess my speech turned out alright even though my jokes were dodgy but i still got a place as senoir mentor.  


Exphate said: "Beers for those who vote for me" "Cruisers for the ladies" /victory. Click to expand...

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