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My Goal In Life Essay

A goal is a vision for the future or the desired outcome that an individual commits to imagining, planning, and achieving. People try to achieve their goals in a restricted time by setting deadlines. Here are some sample essays on my goal in life.

100 Words Essay On My Goal In Life

A goal is a desire you have to accomplish yourself. If one wants to succeed in life, one must have a goal. Being a teacher is my life's ambition. A wonderful and responsible profession is teaching. I have made the conscious decision to do all in my ability to promote knowledge among the people. Some people believe that money is life.

My Goal In Life Essay

However, in my opinion, morality is what makes life truly sweet. In the future, I hope to be a beloved and reputable teacher. I have no clue how far I will get in achieving my goal but I'll give it my best.

200 Words Essay On My Goal In Life

A goal is a vision for the future or a desired outcome that an individual or group of individuals commits to envisioning, planning, and achieving. By setting deadlines, people try to accomplish their goals by setting deadlines.

My current goal is related to my education. I want to come in first place and achieve the top marks in every subject because this will increase my chances of receiving an overseas scholarship. I am putting a lot of effort into achieving this as my objective. Any student wants the chance to pursue their studies overseas, and I have that chance. I also take my coursework seriously and educate myself on all topics pertaining to my field of study, including research, literature, and academic journals.

Additionally, studying overseas will help me get a superior education and a diploma that is recognised across the world, both of which will allow me to compete for prominent jobs. So that I may accomplish my goal, I don't waste time on pointless activities and instead pay attention to my studies. My family is undoubtedly a tremendous benefit for me; they support me at all times and provide me whatever I require. Additionally, I owe a lot of credit for my success to my professors, who are a big help to me in my studies.

500 Words Essay On My Goal In Life

Everybody has a life goal. The aim or aspiration of man is his inner desire. One will not take any action if his or her goals are unclear.

What Is A Goal

The goal of an individual is to achieve a particular objective or target. Goal may also refer to the finish line of a race or the object that a player is attempting to insert as part of a game. As a noun, "goal" has other meanings. A goal is something you strive to achieve after working hard and persistently towards it.

Types Of Goals

Mastery goals | A mastery goal, such as "I will score higher in this event next time," is one that someone sets to attain or master a certain skill.

Performance-approach goals | A performance-approach goal is one where the person aims to outperform their peers. This kind of objective might be to improve one's appearance by dropping 5 pounds or to receive a better performance evaluation.

Performance-avoidance goals | When someone sets a goal, they frequently want to avoid performing worse than their peers, such as setting a goal to avoid receiving negative

Importance Of A Goal

A goal is similar to a specific objective, the anticipated outcome that directs behaviour, or an end, which is a thing, whether it be a tangible thing or an abstract thing, that has inherent worth.

Everyone should have a life goal. When you have a goal, you work hard every day to attain it and live for it. And when you succeed in those efforts, you feel more confident.

Goals provide us a path to follow. We can hold ourselves accountable by having goals. We are able to clarify what we genuinely desire in life when we set goals and strive toward obtaining them. We can better organise our priorities by setting goals.

Goals can be long-term and short-term. For instance, finishing your schoolwork might be a short-term goal. Learning a musical instrument, pursuing a profession as a doctor, or other long-term goals examples.

Due to the length of time required and the fact that we pick our professional objective, long-term goals play crucial roles in life. The most significant effects of choosing a certain career occur both during and after the effort to attain it.

Setting goals encourages us to create plans of action that will help us reach the desired level of performance.

Example Of A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam overcame obstacles to achieve his aim while serving as India's 11th president from 2002 to 2007. Dr Abdul Kalam was raised by Muslim parents who spoke Tamil. Being from a low-income household, Dr Abdul Kalam began delivering newspapers after school at a young age to help augment his family's income. This fact allowed him to help support his father financially. He did not succeed academically, but he was a dedicated student who enjoyed mathematics.

Even during his senior project in college, the dean expressed displeasure with the lack of progress and threatened to revoke his scholarship if the assignment wasn't completed by the next three days. He later put forth a lot of effort on his assignment and finished it on time, impressing the dean. From that point on, Dr Kalam worked as a scientist with the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) , eventually rising to the position of organisation chief. What follows is history.

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Essays About Goals: Top 5 Examples Plus 10 Prompts

Goals could be a one-time event or a lifelong growth process. Write effectively with the help of our essays about goals and writing prompts in our guide. 

Having goals helps us have a sense of purpose. We find our determination, discipline, and strategic thinking tested to their limits. The road toward any goal, especially ambitious ones, is full of thorns and spikes. Some walk away and accept that these goals are not destined for them. Some, however, keep pressing forward, determined to achieve these goals. Gaining confidence in writing can help you achieve your goals by putting pen to paper and starting a plan.


5 Essay Examples

1.  are you goal or growth conscious by katherine beneby, 2. how to help an employee figure out their career goals by dorie clark, 3. no goals: why is it so hard to do something for enjoyment’s sake by jenny valentish, 4. get inspired: how four hikers accomplished their 2021 hiking goals by anna roth , 5. does sharing your goals on social media make you more likely to achieve them by kristan russell, 1. my goals in life, 2. travel goals, 3. the goal of forming better study habits, 4. climate goals: are we progressing, 5. importance of fitness goals, 6. fiscal policy goals, 7. failing at your goals, 8. setting lofty vs. light goals, 9. poverty reduction goals, 10. my academic goals.

“The difference between goals and growth is that goals are seasonal, while growth is lifelong. Goals focus on a destination while growth focuses on a journey.”

In this essay, the writer discusses how achieving our goals may be possible if we reframe our minds to think of them as a growth process. This essay enumerates the difficulties of achieving our objectives and offers guidance on what will help put structure in how we formulate our growth plans. You might also be interested in these essays about bad habits .

“It’s not always possible to help the people we supervise identify and work toward their career goals… [S]o when we can assist our employees in getting there, it’s a meaningful way we can make a difference in their lives and their professional success.”

As per our list of topics to write about , this essay looks at how managers must realize their critical roles in the lives of the employees they handle. Their biggest contribution to the development of their employees is helping them achieve their tasks at work while ensuring these victories lead to their broader career goals. You might also be wondering, why write goals down?

“Once, to stave off depression, I set myself the goal-tastic mission of doing something new every day for a year – from flying in a glider to blowing things up – and blogging about it. Right from day one, the sense of focus lifted my mood, and there was frankly no time to overthink.”

In this essay, the writer looks at how atelic activities, or those we do for fun, positively influence our outlook. Our goal-driven world, however, hinders us from seeing the pure joy of doing things without goals. You might be interested in these essays about dream jobs .

“Last year, she set a goal to simply go hiking at all. And she’s thrilled to have made it happen, saying it was one of the best things she could have done for herself and her family during such a challenging year.”

This writer describes points to inspire people to start hiking and to set personal fitness goals. Look no further and turn to the inspiring stories of people who have targeted to hike across states, hike for the first time, hike once a month for health purposes, and hike a hundred miles yearly. For more inspiration, check out these essays about achievement .

“Wellness gurus and fitness bloggers seem to be divided between whether sharing goals on your social media sabotages you or holds you accountable.“

This essay revolves around a nascent study that aims to see if sharing your goals on social media make them more attainable. While initial results show that those who posted made significant progress compared to people who did not post, more questions need to be explored. You might be inspired by these essays about success .

10 Prompts on Essays About Goals

In this essay, delve into your short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Before anything else, elaborate on what drew you to set these goals. Then, share your action plans to make them a reality. Discuss the obstacles you’ve faced and how you’ve conquered them. 

Travel goals

What is the one destination you dream of? For this essay, daydream about your travel goals. Direct that excitement and write your travel itinerary, the duration of your stay, where you will be staying, and what daring activities you will dare yourself to plunge into. You can also talk about whom you would like to be with when you fulfill your travel goals or if you prefer going solo.

It is a challenge to hit the books when we live in a world with unlimited distractions. In this topic prompt, share effective study habits to help students focus on their studies. One helpful tip, for example, is designing your environment to be conducive to a habit change. In the case of study habits, this means temporarily eliminating access to social media and other digital distractions. Cite more tips and conclude your essay with a few words of motivation.

Under the Paris Agreement , the landmark international agreement to fight climate change, countries must jointly strive to arrest global warming and cap it to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030. The question is: is this goal still on the table? Read recent news articles on how countries are following through on their Paris Treaty pledges. Listen to what environmentalists say about national efforts and tackle what more must be done to attain the climate goals. 

Fitness is a common new year’s resolution but try convincing your readers to start their fitness goals today. First, help your readers explore the right dietary program and workout schedule based on their daily demands. 

Then, underscore the importance of a fitness goal for gaining self-esteem and improving physical and mental health. Entice them with the idea of gaining a new exciting skill from a new workout activity and motivate them to start unlocking the fit version of themselves today. 

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries recorded ballooning debts as governments spent heavily to fight the pandemic and also support struggling sectors. So first, determine whether your country is in a tight fiscal space. 

The fiscal space assessment framework created by the International Monetary Fund may help you identify the metrics and data to gather. Then, shed light on your government’s fiscal policy goals to address debt while spending in sectors that guarantee an economy’s long-term health, such as education and social services. 

How do people receive failures? Write about people’s attitudes and actions when they fail at their goals. Can people develop depression, and how can they recover from the fall? Try to answer these and share your experience of failing at your goals. 

Ask yourself: How did you move forward after that? Then, share your opinions on whether a failure signifies that it would be best for someone to find a new goal altogether or try again with stronger determination and a better-calculated strategy. 

Which is better: aiming for a lofty goal that opens risks of failure, which many fear, or light goals that might do little in stretching out your potential? Answer this by listing the pros and cons of each. Then help readers strike the optimum balance between a loft or light goal. Cite examples of lofty and light goals to help your readers better differentiate the two.

For this essay, take a deep dive into the poverty reduction efforts of your government. First, give an overview of an ongoing flagship poverty reduction program and uncover its outcomes since its implementation. Read through government reports about the breakthrough goals of the program and which ones are gaining momentum. 

Then, look at the other side of the fence by listening to what critics say about the program. Take note of their laments about bottlenecks in the program and what more can be done to attain poverty reduction goals swiftly. 

My academic goals

Start with a descriptive paragraph detailing your academic goals. Writing about it vividly, as though it is the reality, is a creative way to show readers how much you have played out the scenarios of success in your head while helping your readers fully understand your goals. Then snap back to reality and discuss your action plan to realize these goals.

For related topics, you may check our essays about dreams in life . Don’t forget to proofread your essay with the best grammar checkers .

my goal easy essay

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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How Do I Write An Essay About Achieving My Goals?


Writing an essay about achieving your goals can be a powerful exercise in self-reflection and motivation. Whether you are writing for a class assignment, a college application, or simply for personal development, this article will guide you through the process of creating a well-structured and compelling essay on this topic. By breaking down the steps involved and providing helpful tips, you’ll be equipped to express your aspirations, outline an action plan, and highlight the significance of achieving your goals.

Step 1: Set Clear Goals

Achieving your goals starts with clearly defining what you want to accomplish. Take some time to reflect on your aspirations and think about what truly matters to you. Your goals may include academic achievements, career aspirations, personal growth, or any other area of your life that you wish to improve. Ensure that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). By setting clear goals, you will be able to better articulate your vision in your essay.

Step 2: Plan Your Essay Structure

Before diving into the writing process, it’s essential to plan the structure of your essay. This will ensure that your ideas flow smoothly and logically, engaging the reader from start to finish. Generally, an essay consists of three main parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

The Introduction: Begin your essay with a captivating introduction. Grab the reader’s attention with an anecdote, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question. Clearly state your goals and the significance they hold for you. Conclude the introduction with a concise thesis statement that presents the main focus of your essay.

Body Paragraphs: The body of your essay offers an opportunity to elaborate on your goals and the steps you are taking or planning to take to achieve them. Divide your body paragraphs based on the subtopics or themes you want to discuss. For each paragraph, present a specific goal, provide relevant details, and explain why it is important to you. Consider incorporating examples, personal experiences, or research to support your statements and make your essay more persuasive.

The Conclusion: Wrap up your essay with a strong conclusion that reinforces the main points you have discussed. Avoid introducing new information here. Instead, highlight the potential impact of achieving your goals and leave the reader with a final thought or call to action.

Step 3: Conduct Research

If your essay requires factual information or expert opinions, conducting research will provide you with valuable insights to enhance your writing. Utilize reputable sources such as scholarly articles, books, or credible websites to gather information that supports your aspirations. When referencing sources, make sure to cite them properly using the appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, APA).

Step 4: Draft and Revise

Now that you have a plan and have conducted research, begin writing the initial draft of your essay. Start with the body paragraphs, as they contain the core content of your essay. Ensure each paragraph follows a logical flow and connects back to the main focus of your essay.

Once you have completed your draft, take time to review and revise. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. Ensure that your ideas are presented clearly and cohesively. Consider seeking feedback from others, such as teachers, family members, or friends, to gain different perspectives and improve your essay even further.

Step 5: Add Personal Reflection

In addition to presenting your goals and action plans, be sure to include personal reflections throughout your essay. Explain why achieving these goals is meaningful to you and how they align with your values and aspirations. By sharing your personal insights and emotions, you will create a more engaging and authentic essay.

Step 6: Edit and Proofread

Before submitting your essay, it is crucial to edit and proofread your work. Review your essay for any errors, both grammatical and typographical. Ensure that your ideas are coherent and logical, and that your writing flows smoothly. Consider using online grammar checkers or seeking assistance from a professional editor if needed.

Writing an essay about achieving your goals allows you to reflect on your aspirations, establish a concrete plan, and demonstrate your determination to succeed. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a compelling essay that effectively communicates your goals and motivates both yourself and your readers.

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How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving journey of life, setting clear objectives and ambitions is crucial. Whether these goals are short-term or stretch into the far reaches of our future, they act as guiding lights in our journey. This guide will assist you in articulating and expressing these ambitions effectively, especially when it comes to writing them down.

Understanding the Importance of Goal Setting

Setting life goals is a combination of introspection and foresight. It demands an understanding of one's current standing and a clear vision for the future. By penning down your goals, you not only provide yourself a clear road map but also make a commitment to yourself to achieve them.

How To Write An Essay About My Life Goals

  • Introduction : Initiate with an engaging hook—be it a quote, question, or anecdote—that aligns with your goal.
  • State your main goal : Elucidate on what your primary life objective is. Be it professional success, personal achievement, or societal contribution, clarify your aim.
  • The 'Why' behind the goal : Delve into your motivations. Discuss the driving forces behind this ambition.
  • Steps to achieve : Provide a roadmap. Enumerate the steps you'd undertake to transform this goal into a reality.
  • Potential Challenges : Highlight potential obstacles and your strategies to navigate them.
  • Conclusion : Summarize and re-emphasize your dedication towards your objective.

Career Goal Essay Definition

It's essential to differentiate between life goals and career goals. While the former encompasses broader objectives, a career goal essay underscores your professional aspirations, detailing why they matter and how you plan to attain them.

How Long is a Professional Goal Statement?

A professional goal statement's length can vary but should be concise. Ranging typically from 500 to 1000 words, it should capture your aspirations succinctly. Always adhere to specific guidelines if provided.

What to Avoid While Writing Your Career Goal Essay

• Ambiguity: Always be specific. • Unsubstantiated lofty goals: Your ambitions should be grounded in reality. • Neglecting personal growth: Showcase how your past has shaped your future. • Reiteration: Stay succinct and steer clear of repetition.

My Future Goals Essay: 12 Models

  • Entrepreneurial Aspirations : Launching a sustainable fashion startup by 2030.
  • Technological Goals : Developing an AI-driven community healthcare system.
  • Educational Objectives : Attaining a Ph.D. in Quantum Physics.
  • Artistic Pursuits : Holding a solo art exhibition in a renowned gallery.
  • Societal Contributions : Establishing a foundation for underprivileged children's education.
  • Scientific Aspirations : Contributing to renewable energy research.
  • Medical Goals : Becoming a pediatric surgeon and researching rare childhood diseases.
  • Travel Objectives : Visiting every UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Sports Ambitions : Completing an Ironman Triathlon.
  • Literary Goals : Publishing a trilogy of fantasy novels.
  • Environmental Aims : Pioneering a city-wide recycling initiative.
  • Leadership Aspirations : Becoming the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Articulating one's life and career goals requires introspection, clarity, and foresight. This guide offers a structured blueprint to ensure your essay not only adheres to academic standards but genuinely resonates with your aspirations and dreams. Whether you're grappling with questions like "what should I write in my college essay?" or "how to draft a goal statement?", this guide is here to light the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the ideal structure for a future career essay? Start with an engaging introduction about your aspirations. In the body, detail the steps you plan to take, experiences that have guided you, and why you chose this career. End with a conclusion summarizing your determination and future vision.
  • How do I ensure my career goals essay stands out? Incorporate personal stories or experiences that shaped your goals. Be specific about your aspirations and how you plan to achieve them.
  • How can I relate my past experiences to my future career in the essay? Highlight skills, lessons, or challenges from your past and demonstrate how they have directed or prepared you for your future career.
  • What should I avoid when writing an essay about my career goals? Avoid being too vague about your goals. Steer clear of clichés, and ensure your goals are realistic and grounded.
  • How long should my essay about my goal be? This depends on the requirement. Usually, personal statements are between 500-700 words. Always adhere to the specified word limit.
  • Can I include short-term and long-term goals in my essay? Absolutely! Detailing both shows planning and vision. Highlight how short-term goals will pave the way for long-term objectives.
  • How do I conclude my essay about my goals effectively? Reiterate your dedication to these goals, reflect on the journey ahead, and end with a note of optimism and determination.

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How to Write an Awesome Essay About Your Career Goals

  • Before you begin, ask yourself a few key questions like:
  • What are my short-term and long-term career goals?
  • Where do I see myself in ten years?
  • What events in my life have led me to have these goals?
  • What major will help me reach my goals?
  • What skills do I need to reach my goals?
  • What impact do I want to have on society?

Career Goals Essay Template

Need more inspiration.

After you brainstorm the responses to these questions, look for common themes, or pick out the most interesting stories. You can build your main essay “thesis” or idea around this.

Once you’ve got the main idea, create an outline to put your ideas into essay format. This will give you a general idea of structure.

You can use the career essays template below to give you some ideas. But remember that some rules are meant to be broken, so don’t be afraid to be innovative and think outside the box!

Also, when you’re done, head over to Going Merry to apply for the Career Goals scholarship essay bundle (one essay, one application, multiple scholarships!). You might as well make that essay count. Sign up for Going Merry to apply for scholarships more efficiently.

career goals essay

Here’s a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown:

Paragraph 1 : Establish the main theme of what you’re going to talk about. It should also grab the reader’s attention. For example, instead of starting your essay with something generic (e.g. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a zoologist), get creative with it! Try something like My greatest memory as a young girl was going to the zoo for the first time or While most kids play house or school, I always wanted to play zookeeper.

Paragraph 2 : Elaborate on what inspired your career goals. Perhaps it was a relative, a TV show, or simply an experience that you had. Remember that old writing adage, “Show, don’t tell.” In other words, try to demonstrate your interest with story or description. 

Paragraph 3 : Discuss your short-term career goals and your intended major. How will your intended major help you reach these goals? What skills do you need to learn to reach them? At the end of the paragraph, try discussing how your short-term goals can help you achieve your long-term goals.

Paragraph 4 : Focus on your long-term goals and the impact that you hope to have on society. If you’re not sure what your long-term goals are, don’t sweat it; they’ll probably change anyways. You can instead focus on the difference you’d like to make overall. And don’t worry too much about the size of the impact…remember that just doing what you’re truly passionate about has a massive impact on those around you.

The last paragraph is your conclusion. You can use this paragraph to summarize what you discussed in the previous few paragraphs. If you want to be even more creative, try ending your essay with a question for your readers or a new insight. Good luck!

And now that you’re ready with that essay, put it to good use! You can recycle that same essay, when applying for the Career Goals Scholarship Bundle. We’ve joined together multiple scholarships (all requesting essays on career goals), into just ONE simple application! See more info here , or just sign up to get going.

Check out examples from other students just like you. Here are links to some great career goal essay examples:

  • Example 1  
  • Example 2  
  • Example 3  

Or maybe you’re looking for help with an academic goals essay — we’ve got you covered there too.

Also, check out this helpful list of the 10 most common scholarship essay topics !

Top 10 Most Common Scholarship Essay Prompts Graphic

Sign up for Going Merry today, and upload your career goal essay right to your profile. It’s that easy!

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how do i write a college essay about my future goals.

I have some pretty clear goals for my future, and I think writing about them in my college essay might help me stand out. How can I approach this topic in a way that's engaging and doesn't sound like I'm just listing my ambitions? Thanks for any suggestions!

Hey there! Writing about your future goals is a great idea for a college essay, and it can definitely help you stand out. The key is to tell a story that highlights your goals while also showcasing your personality and experiences.

Start by reflecting on your past experiences and achievements that have led you to these goals. You could talk about a specific moment or event that inspired your ambition, and then explain how it has driven you ever since. This helps to show your passion and dedication towards your goals.

Next, focus on your present efforts to work towards these goals. You could mention any relevant extracurricular activities, internships, or projects you've been involved in that align with your future aspirations. This demonstrates your commitment and hard work.

Finally, discuss your future goals in a way that ties everything together and shows the admissions committee how you plan to make a positive impact in the world. Remember to be authentic and genuine in your writing, and don't be afraid to show some vulnerability. Good luck with your essay!

About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ

CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

How To Write A Powerful Essay On Achieving Goals (+ Example)

Goal setting is a useful strategy to get the most out of life and set yourself up for success. However, there are many things to remember regarding proper goal setting and achievement. When writing a blm argumentative essay , it’s important to provide context on the history of the Black Lives Matter movement and the issues it seeks to address. This can help the reader understand the significance of the essay’s thesis and arguments. Let’s get to grips with the process of goal setting and come up with a powerful essay on achieving goals.

Structuring Your Essay on Achieving Goals:

How to write an introduction, how to write the main body of your essay.

There should be a minimum of three paragraphs in your essay. Each one is a ‘mini-essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Each should include:

How to Write a Conclusion

Example of an essay about achieving your goals.

So, let’s put all this information together and check an example essay on achieving goals: Effective Methods to Increase the Likelihood of Goal Achievement Achieving goals can be extremely rewarding and result in a more satisfying and successful life. Many people set goals yet cannot achieve them. However, there are ways to avoid or reduce the likelihood of missing the mark. By ensuring that goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound), using visualization techniques, and rewarding goal attainment, the chances of success increase. First, ensure your goals are SMART. This means that goals should be specific and measurable in terms of outcomes, e.g., test scores . Goals should be achievable and realistic to the person’s capabilities and resources available. Also, a goal should apply to the person’s work, education, hobbies, or interests and include a deadline. If there is no specificity of outcome, there’s no real way to see how someone has improved—or how they might be falling short. And if goals are not SMART, they are more difficult to achieve. Second, by imagining and visualizing the feelings and outcomes of achievement of the goal , the likelihood of high achievement increases. The imagination can be a powerful tool. Imagining the feelings of accomplishment helps to increase self-efficacy and motivation. A Canadian study found that imagery skills moderate the effect of mental practice on self-efficacy. The effects of visualization techniques are valuable in goal achievement. Third, once the goal has been accomplished, a reward is required. Getting a reward for hard work will increasingly motivate an individual to set and achieve the next goal. The offer of a reward gives employees and students an extra boost of motivation. Rewards help the cycle of goal setting and goal achieving to continue. In summary, by ensuring the goals set are SMART, visualizing and rewarding success, goal achievement becomes more likely. Achieving goals is a cyclic process that’s possible to master if the right method is in place.

The Basics of Setting and Achieving Goals

Goals should be specific and free of generalizations, or they are unlikely to get done. Instead of stating that your goal is to improve your English skills, make it more specific by stating that your goal is to learn and use one new word every weekday to boost your English vocabulary.

A goal should be measurable because you need to keep your finger on the pulse and know where you’re at. For instance, a test or assessment score can provide evidence that you have reached your goal.

A goal needs to be possible to achieved. If it’s beyond your capabilities or requires resources you cannot access, then you will set yourself up for failure.

You must set a completion date for your goal. If you do not set a deadline, you may lack the motivation to reach it. Once you have your SMART goal, record it clearly on paper or a mobile device and then visualize the outcome of achieving that goal. Imagine how happy you will feel when you achieve it. This vivid mental imagery will provide you with the extra motivation to go for it. Finally, when you reach your goal, it’s time to celebrate! Reward yourself with a trip, an item you desire, relaxation time with friends, or whatever else that will make you feel happy.

Ready to write an essay about achieving goals?

Hopefully, the information in the article has given you the basics to help you write a powerful essay on achieving goals. I also hope that this article has helped you think about how you can work toward achieving your own goals. There are many great books about the science of goal achievement. I especially recommend ones written by Brian Tracy , as they have helped me a great deal in my pursuit of happiness . You can also create an engaging presentation about achieving goals and objectives using this  goal presentation template . Next up, you may want to explore an ultimate guide to writing expository essays .

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started RafalReyzer.com to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here , and don't miss out on my AI Marketing Mastery online course.

my goal easy essay

How to Write an Essay about Your Goals

my goal easy essay

Writing an essay about your goals is a great way to showcase your personal ambitions. So, if you’re looking for a simple way to do it, then this tutorial is perfect for you!

I’m Constance, and in this tutorial, I will guide you through five simple steps to write an essay about your goals. I will give you tips, and you’ll get an example of such an essay, too!

Let’s get started!

Step 1. Plan the word count for your paragraphs.

Planning the word count will help you organize your thoughts, which makes it simpler and quicker to present them in a clear and concise essay. 

Writing an essay basically involves three elements:

  • The introductory paragraph.
  • Three body paragraphs.
  • The concluding paragraph.

For example, if your task is to write a 300-word essay, you can distribute 300 words across these five paragraphs following the diagram below:

my goal easy essay

Step 2. Select the main idea and three supporting points.

Writing an essay about your goals should start with a main idea. To do this, consider three goals you want to highlight in your essay. Then, determine what they have in common. Find an idea that will overarch the three of them. 

Will these goals help you achieve balance in your life? Will they help you build a better future for yourself? Are these goals aligned with your professional growth? Do they help you become a better person? Whatever you choose will be the basis of your essay — your thesis or main idea.

For example, we can say, “My goals contribute to my personal fulfillment.” Note that your thesis does not have to be too complicated because you’ll eventually understand how to expand it in the next step.

After choosing your essay’s main idea, you will use the Power of Three to divide it into three supporting points.

my goal easy essay

The Power of Three will help you break down your main idea into three supporting points. It’s a three-part structure that helps you produce your body paragraphs clearly and effectively .

Let’s see how we can use it for our sample essay with the thesis: “My goals contribute to my personal fulfillment.”

  • I want to buy a house.
  • I want to lose 25 pounds.
  • I want to go on a solo trip to Seoul.

Fantastic! Now we’re ready for step three.

Step 3. Write the introductory paragraph.

Here are the important parts you need to include in your introductory paragraph :

my goal easy essay

The first sentence is the introduction , which should catch your readers’ attention. Its job is to make your readers want to know what you’re talking about in your essay.

Then the rest of the paragraph is your thesis statement , which includes your thesis and its three supporting points.

Here’s an example of an introductory paragraph:

“Having and pursuing goals is crucial as it significantly impacts our lives. In my case, my goals contribute to my personal fulfillment. Whether buying a house, losing 25 pounds, or going on a solo trip to Seoul, my goals drive me toward growth, self-satisfaction, and a fulfilling journey.”

Note how this paragraph started with a general statement to more specific points from the introduction to the thesis and its three supporting points.

Step 4. Write three body paragraphs.

Writing the body paragraphs comes after writing the introductory paragraph. Here’s a diagram you can follow to make sure you effectively present the supporting points:

my goal easy essay

Note that it starts with the topic sentence , followed by an explanation and example/s to illustrate it. The examples, in this case, are actions I take to help me achieve these goals. 

Paragraph 1

“One of my main goals is to buy a house. Owning a home has been a dream of mine for a long time , and it motivates me to work hard and save as much money as I can. It is why I started to save 10% of my income every month and invest extra money in various opportunities to increase my savings.”

Note how the first sentence in this paragraph serves as the topic sentence, giving context to the entire paragraph. The following sentences explain it briefly and illustrate it with an example.

Paragraph 2

“Ever since I decided to live a healthier lifestyle, it has been a goal of mine to lose 25 pounds. My determination to achieve this goal keeps me focused and motivated to work hard on my journey so I can start feeling good about my body again. I have started working out regularly and making healthier food choices. I also started drinking more water and getting enough sleep to boost my progress.”

Paragraph 3

“I have always been fascinated by Korean culture, so I have decided to make a solo trip to Seoul a goal. The dream of experiencing Korean culture firsthand motivates me to work hard, save money to fund my travel and learn more about South Korea. I have been researching the most affordable options for solo travelers. I have created a budget plan and an itinerary and am studying the Korean language to make sure I can immerse myself in the local experience.”

Like body paragraph 1, these two other body paragraphs start from a general statement (topic sentence) and proceed to more specific points (examples).

Step 5. Write the concluding paragraph.

Using different words to restate what you’ve already mentioned in your introductory paragraph is the simplest way to write a concluding paragraph .

It is also a time-tested method, so it always works for any essay!

Let’s see how it works for our example:

Concluding Paragraph

“Setting and pursuing goals can have a significant impact on our lives. For me, my goals help me achieve a sense of self-fulfillment. Whether saving money to buy a house, adopting a healthier lifestyle to lose 25 pounds, or planning a solo trip to Seoul, working hard toward my goals has been fulfilling.”

As you can see, the paragraph only restated the points already mentioned in our introductory paragraph using different words. This method makes writing the concluding paragraph pretty simple.

And that wraps it up! 

I hope this tutorial has answered your questions! Now it’s time to write your essay about your goals!

Tutor Phil is an e-learning professional who helps adult learners finish their degrees by teaching them academic writing skills.

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Essay on My Aim in Life

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  • Apr 15, 2024

Essay on My Aim in Life

Writing an essay is like searching for your inner self. Have you ever wondered why professors or your teachers assign you these writing tasks ? Why don’t they simply ask you to express yourself in oral form? The logic behind their asking you to write an essay is fairly simple. It is easy for you to express yourself more logically when you write an essay. By assigning you an essay task, your teachers are trying to help you develop your writing skills, vocabulary , and your unique writing style. Essays form an integral part of many academic and scholastic exams like SAT, and UPSC among many others. It is a crucial evaluative part of English proficiency tests as well like IELTS , TOEFL , Duolingo , and many more. In this blog, we will learn how to write an essay on My Aim in Life.

This Blog Includes:

Why should you have an aim in life, how to achieve your aim, essay on my aim in life in 100 words, essay on my aim in life in 200 words, essay on my aim in life in 500 words, essay on my aim in life to become a doctor, essay on my aim in life to become a teacher, essay on my aim in life to become an engineer.

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A man with no career goals in life will never be successful. All of his goals will be shattered or fail at some time. He walks with a limp in his daily existence. In life, it is essential to have a realistic objective or goal. It will give your existence a new layer of meaning. When you accomplish it, you will be able to discover your true purpose in life and set an example for others on how to live life to the fullest. Not only that but completing your objective will bring you and your family a great deal of joy and happiness.

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The first and most important job is to exercise extreme caution when making a decision. A goal leads to the correct career. So, here are a few steps to remember at every stage of your existence.

  • Be proactive at all times
  • Keep a healthful and balanced lifestyle
  • Keep pessimism at bay
  • Procrastination should be avoided
  • Increase your skills
  • Accept your mistakes
  • Seek professional advice
  • Consider your ultimate destination
  • Keep track of your accomplishments
  • Maintain your concentration

The aim in life is really important because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea and does not know the direction of their destination. Likewise, if we also don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. So if you want to be successful and do something in your life then you just need to pick an aim. There are so many aims in human life. I have an aim also. I want to become a professor. I hope I will be able to become a professor one day and I will study hard for it.

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The aim in life is really important because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea and does not know the direction of their destination. Likewise, if we also don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. I always wanted to be a professor and now my family is inspiring me to become a professor too. My parents are really supportive and they respect my decision. My favourite subject is English . My teachers are really helpful and they help me a lot to understand everything on this particular subject. They also guide me a lot about future decisions.

Ms. Divya is my English professor and she knows about my future plans. She always inspires me to do better and work harder. The reason behind My Future Plan: I have a few specific reasons for my future plan. I was once explaining some doubts of my classmates and I realized that I really like explaining and teaching. After my English Honours degree, I will prepare for the Master’s degree. I am pretty much confident about that and I know I will work hard to pursue my dream. Everyone should have a reasonable aim in their life that will help them to reach success.

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The aim in life is really important because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea and does not know the direction of their destination. Likewise, if we also don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. Thus to achieve it one has to overcome many obstacles and setbacks from time to time. I always wanted to be a professor and now my family is inspiring me to become a professor too. My parents are really supportive and they respect my decision. I have seen lots of my friends want to become a professor, and some of them want to pursue an MBA . There are a lot of aims and goals available that students can choose in their lives. Right now in this world, the top trending professions are Doctor, Teacher, Programmer, Designer, Architect, Marketer, Supervisor, Manager, Engineer, etc. Maybe you have something unique in you and you want to pursue that. So different people adopt different aims according to their inclinations, tastes or perceptions about life. My teachers are really helpful and are always guiding and helping me with my future plans. 

They have always inspired me to do better and work harder. I was once explaining some doubts to my classmates and I realized that I really like explaining and teaching. Later, I experienced teaching while doing an internship with an NGO. I went to a slum and taught kids there. I felt a different kind of satisfaction after teaching them. At that time I realized that I had never felt happier than this and decided to become a professor. I am one who enjoys exploring new places and getting to know new cultures, languages, and cuisines, and working as a professor offers many chances for me to develop those interests. After my English Honours degree, I will prepare for the Master’s degree. Then I am planning to take the UGC NET exam . Another big plus is the working hours that academia can offer, which are frequently more flexible than in other professions.

The biggest advantage of being a professor is that I find jobs in many places worldwide. I am really honest and passionate about my aim in life. It is surely a long journey but I will try my best to reach my goal and I suggest everyone do the same. According to me, timely execution of an action plan with a proactive attitude is the key to success. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by visualizing the change and likewise by achieving step-by-step milestones.

My aim in life is to grow to be a doctor in the future. I believe that medicine is one of the noblest professions to pursue in the world. I belong to a family of doctors and just like my mother, I aspire to be a neurosurgeon. The study of neurology and its impact on our behaviour, personality, and character is what intrigues me the most about the field. My curiosity towards the medical world and ambition to be a doctor is what motivates me to study harder and more diligently. The study of medicine is not easy but it opens up a whole new world of interaction. Learning about basic cell function to discovering the mechanisms of our brain is a fascinating journey. As a school student, I wish to excel in certain subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, maths, and psychology so that I can pursue my dream of becoming a doctor and a neurosurgeon. I hope to participate in different charities, health clinics, and services to gain the relevant skills one needs to be a doctor. I wish to work upon my social and communication skills because good communication is the backbone of every industry. I have the confidence and hope that one day I will achieve my aim in life to become a doctor.

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning.” Teachers are the foundation of a good society, they not only facilitate learning but also inspire children to follow their dreams and goals in life. This is why my aim in life is to become a teacher. My teachers have had a tremendous impact on my life, they taught me to believe in myself and follow my path no matter what. I wish to inculcate this belief and nurture it. Becoming a teacher can help me spread this knowledge and belief of believing in one’s ability to achieve their goals, to be individualistic and creative. I believe that I can be a good teacher because of my experience, humility, and caring nature. I possess all the skills and qualities that a promising teacher should possess. I hope one day I get the opportunity to follow my passion for teaching and educating the world in the future.

My aim in life is to become an engineer. Belonging to a family of engineers I have aspired to become a mechanical engineer like my father. Efforts anyone puts in becoming an engineer will be the best investment ever. I will face many challenges at work but it will open an array of opportunities for me around the world. My curiosity towards the engineering world and ambition to be an engineer is what drives me to study harder and more diligently. I have started to prepare myself for this journey from the school level. Engineering is all about creating new products and bringing up changes in the existing ones for better functioning. I have started participating in various Olympiads, competitions to level up my knowledge and turn my passion into a career. I hope one day I get the opportunity to follow my passion for engineering and bring a change in the future.

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The aim of my life is a common essay topic for students. It focuses on their ambitions, goals, and what they aspire to be when they grow up. It is a great learning and language exercise for school students.

The best answer is to provide a representation of your ambitions and ideal life. Students can talk about why they wish to pursue a particular course or career and how it aligns with their future ambitions.

The aim of a student should be to learn and improve upon their existing knowledge systems.

The word aim means something that you intend to do or a purpose in life.

My life aims to become a pilot.

An essay should be at least 100 words long.

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We hope this blog gives you an idea about how to write and present an essay on My Aim in Life that puts forth your opinions. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu .

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Nikita Puri

Nikita is a creative writer and editor, who is always ready to learn new skills. She has great knowledge about study abroad universities, researching and writing blogs about them. Being a perfectionist, she has a habit of keeping her tasks complete on time before the OCD hits her. When Nikita is not busy working, you can find her eating while binge-watching The office. Also, she breathes music. She has done her bachelor's from Delhi University and her master's from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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Essay Titles About Life Goals

If you're looking to craft a life goals essay that truly stands out, you've come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the art of creating an impactful life goals essay that captivates your readers and effectively communicates your aspirations. So, let's get started with the essentials!

1. Life Goals Essay Prompt

Before you embark on your essay-writing journey, it's crucial to grasp the nuances of the essay prompt. Let's take a look at some sample prompts to help you get a better understanding:

Prompt Sample 1: "Discuss the most significant life goals you hope to achieve and explain why they are important to you."
Prompt Sample 2: "Reflect on your long-term ambitions and how they relate to your personal growth and development."

These prompts encourage you to explore your life goals, their significance, and how they align with your personal journey. Understanding the prompt is the first step toward crafting a compelling essay.

2. Brainstorming and Selecting a Winning Essay Topic

Selecting the right essay topic is pivotal to your essay's success. Here are some points to consider when brainstorming and choosing your topic:

  • Passion and Personal Connection: Opt for a topic that genuinely resonates with you. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing.
  • Specificity: Focus on a particular life goal rather than attempting to cover all aspects. Specific goals make for more engaging essays.
  • Relevance: Ensure your chosen topic is relevant to your life stage and experiences. It should reflect who you are.
  • Uniqueness: Avoid common or clichéd topics. Aim for a unique angle or perspective on your chosen goal.

3. Examples of Unique Essay Topics

To spark your creativity, here's a list of distinctive life goals essay topics that stand out from the ordinary:

  • "Becoming a Published Author: My Journey Towards Sharing My Stories."
  • "From Broken Dreams to Thriving Reality: My Quest to Open a Sustainable Animal Sanctuary."
  • "Overcoming Adversity: How My Goal to Climb Mount Everest Rewired My Mindset."
  • "The Art of Giving Back: Nurturing My Vision for a Non-Profit Organization."
  • "A Symphony of Dreams: Pursuing My Aspiration to Become a World-Class Pianist."

These topics are not only unique but also offer ample opportunities for in-depth exploration and personal connection.

4. Sample Paragraphs and Phrases for Inspiration

Now, let's dive into some sample paragraphs and phrases to ignite your creativity:

Opening Paragraph: "In the quiet corners of my mind, amidst the chaos of daily life, there exists a profound yearning – a vision of a future where I stand triumphant atop my personal Everest."
Body Paragraph (Discussing Obstacles): "As I embarked on this journey, I encountered a formidable adversary – fear. The sheer magnitude of the goal I'd set for myself was overwhelming, and self-doubt became a constant companion."
Body Paragraph (Discussing Personal Growth): "Through this pursuit, I discovered that my journey was not just about conquering physical peaks but also about scaling the internal mountains of resilience, determination, and self-belief."
Closing Paragraph: "In conclusion, my life goals are not mere aspirations but the guiding stars that illuminate my path. As I continue to chase my dreams, I realize that they are not the destination but rather the catalyst for my personal growth and transformation."

Remember, the essence of a compelling life goals essay lies in your ability to convey your passion, determination, and unique perspective. By following these steps and staying true to your authentic self, you'll craft an essay that leaves a lasting impression.

So, go ahead, set your goals, pick up your pen, and let your aspirations shine through your words. Your life goals essay awaits its moment to inspire and captivate your readers!

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Write an Essay About Your Future Goals

What Is the Meaning of Educational Planning?

What Is the Meaning of Educational Planning?

Explaining where you see your life in five,10 or even 20 years requires thought and planning. Writing an essay about your future goals helps you get a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. In order to clearly communicate your life plans, take time to identify your passions and interests before you begin writing. Doing so, will make structuring the essay a lot easier.

Select three specific goals you wish to accomplish within a certain time period. Explain in the introduction of your essay why you selected those goals and how they are related to one another. Provide a brief and general explanation of how you will accomplish your goals.

Write one to two paragraphs specifically explaining each goal. Describe the rationale for each goal and how the idea originated. Mention individuals and personal experiences that inspired you to set these goals. Discuss how far or close you are to reaching each goal.

Include facts and research information about what it will take to reach each goal. Research should include the steps you need to take in order to accomplish your goal. This research can be standard information acquired from documents. For example, if going to college is one of your future goals, identify which college and include information about admission requirements you must meet. Your research information can also be based on interviewing other people who have reached the goal for which you are presently striving.

Conclude your paper by restating your goals and why they are important to you.

Read your essay to a friend to make sure it's easy to understand. Review and proofread thoroughly if you are submitting your essay for a grade.

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Kai Ingram has over 15 years of experience as a professional writer. She writes on a wide range of topics related to entrepreneurship, international affairs and health and spirituality. She has written for various publications and websites such as the "Atlanta Tribune," The Ms. CEO show and "New Vision in Business" magazine. Ingram has a Bachelor of Arts in social policy and journalism.


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110 Goals Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Setting goals is an essential part of personal and professional development. Goals provide us with direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose. However, coming up with goal essay topics can sometimes be challenging. To help you get started, here are 110 goal essay topic ideas and examples:

  • My top 3 personal goals for the next year
  • How I plan to achieve my career goals
  • Setting realistic health and fitness goals
  • The importance of setting financial goals
  • How to set and achieve academic goals
  • My goals for improving my mental health
  • Setting relationship goals for better communication
  • The role of goal setting in overcoming challenges
  • Setting goals for personal growth and self-improvement
  • My goals for contributing to my community
  • Setting goals for work-life balance
  • Achieving work-related goals through time management
  • The impact of setting goals on motivation and productivity
  • Setting goals for learning new skills or hobbies
  • My goals for creating a more sustainable lifestyle
  • Setting goals for improving emotional intelligence
  • The benefits of setting short-term vs long-term goals
  • How to stay motivated when working towards your goals
  • Setting goals for better communication in relationships
  • My goals for building stronger connections with others
  • Setting goals for personal finance and budgeting
  • Achieving career goals through networking and professional development
  • The role of goal setting in personal happiness and fulfillment
  • Setting goals for personal branding and self-promotion
  • My goals for reducing stress and improving overall well-being
  • Setting goals for time management and prioritizing tasks
  • Achieving personal goals through perseverance and resilience
  • The impact of setting goals on self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Setting goals for personal growth and self-discovery
  • My goals for practicing gratitude and mindfulness
  • Setting goals for improving physical health and fitness
  • Achieving academic goals through effective study habits
  • The benefits of setting goals for professional development
  • Setting goals for career advancement and promotions
  • My goals for creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace
  • Setting goals for improving leadership skills
  • Achieving goals through collaboration and teamwork
  • The role of goal setting in building resilience and adaptability
  • Setting goals for personal finance and investing
  • My goals for achieving a better work-life balance
  • Setting goals for networking and building professional relationships
  • Achieving career goals through continuous learning and skill development
  • The impact of setting goals on personal growth and self-improvement
  • Setting goals for mental health and emotional well-being
  • My goals for improving communication skills in relationships
  • Setting goals for building stronger social connections
  • Achieving personal goals through self-reflection and introspection
  • The benefits of setting goals for lifelong learning and personal development
  • Setting goals for improving time management and productivity
  • My goals for creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle
  • Setting goals for improving emotional intelligence and empathy
  • Achieving goals through effective goal setting and planning
  • The role of setting goals in achieving success and fulfillment
  • The impact of setting goals on personal happiness and satisfaction
  • Setting goals for building stronger connections with others
  • My goals for contributing to my community and making a difference
  • Setting goals for improving mental health and emotional well-being
  • Achieving academic goals through effective study habits and time management
  • The benefits of setting goals for personal growth and self-improvement
  • Setting goals for physical health and wellness
  • Setting goals for improving communication skills in relationships
  • Achieving personal goals through perseverance and determination
  • The role of goal setting in building self-confidence and self-esteem
  • My goals for creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace culture
  • Setting goals for improving leadership skills and abilities
  • Achieving career goals through collaboration and teamwork
  • The impact of setting goals on resilience and adaptability
  • Setting goals for financial independence and stability
  • Setting goals for networking and building professional connections
  • Setting goals for

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My Ambition Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my ambition.

Almost everyone dreams of something while growing up. We all have ambitions when we are little, which change as we grow up. Ambitions lead us to a definite aim in life. Furthermore, they help us focus on our goal no matter the cost. It drives us to do better in life. Ambitions differ from one person to another.

However, one common thing usually found is that over time, people switch their ambition to something else than that which they wished to be when little. We have many people in the medical field who wanted to be dancers. Similarly, some of the greatest politicians wanted to be artists. So we see how easily one gives up on their dreams and ambition to adapt to society.

My Ambition Essay

My Ambition

The ambition of any person’s life usually depends on their choice and interests. I aspire to be a great dancer . I have always had the knack for dancing from an early age. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my passion. Like most of the parents, they never discouraged me because it is not the most sought after career.

Subsequently, I wish to become a good dancer. I do not want the fame of being a dancer; rather I want the acclaim of being a good dancer. As my parents motivated me to pursue my dream, they enrolled me in dance classes. It helped me grow a lot as a dancer and also enhance my skills.

Most importantly, I wish to be a dance because I want to remove the stigma surrounding this career path. I want to set an example that you can do well in life if you’re not a doctor or engineer. Especially in India, where these two ambitions are considered the most valid.

I believe in the power of dance, and how it conveys the message without words. Dance is the language of the soul, and it makes me feel alive when I indulge in it.

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Why I Chose this Ambition?

It would seem odd to choose to be a dancer as an ambition, especially when everyone is in the race of becoming a lawyer , doctor or engineer . But, I still believe that just because something is not common, doesn’t mean we cannot attain it.

my goal easy essay

I wish to dance so I could teach others to become experts in this field. Furthermore, I wish to help the underprivileged section who are interested in this ambition. I want to reach a height which enables me to offer them proper dance training free of cost so they can reach great heights.

Above all, I wish to be the wind beneath their wings. I want to create awareness about the importance of dance and how it benefits us physically as well. I hope I can achieve this ambition of mine someday. Till then, I won’t leave any stone unturned in reaching the finish line.

FAQ on My Ambition Essay

Q.1 How do ambitions help people?

A.1 Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.

Q.2 Why must one have an ambition?

A.2 We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do ambitions help people?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why must one have an ambition?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.”} }] }

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Career Goals Essay For Scholarships (With Examples)

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Scholarship programs often want you to write a career goals essay to see that you have a clear plan for how you’ll apply your education to a specific career path. This helps show a scholarship committee why you’re seeking funds for the next step on the path toward your success.

Answering “what are your career goals” effectively can help increase your odds of impressing landing a scholarship opportunity. If you’re a prospective student applying for scholarships, this article will provide tips on how to write a career goals essay, along with essays on career goals examples to help you get an idea of what scholarship committees are looking for.

Key Takeaways:

When you’re writing a career goals essay, make sure to write about the goals that are relevant to the scholarship.

Be honest and use your own voice to stand out in your scholarship essay.

Go into detail about how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals.

Career Goals Essay for Scholarships

What is a career goals essay?

Why scholarship essays ask about career goals, example career goals essay prompts, career goals essay examples, tips for writing a scholarship essay about career goals, what to write in a career goals essay if your goals have changed, career goals essay for a scholarship faq.

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A career goals essay is a personal written explanation that discusses your background, why you’re interested in participating in the program, and what career you’d like this degree to lead into. A scholarship essay functions to explain why you want to achieve your professional goals and how you intend to get there.

In almost every application process, a portion asks the candidate to answer an essay question. When applying to an educational program, like an MBA, the essay prompt usually relates to your career goals .

Scholarship essays ask about career goals to assess your enthusiasm for the program, learn more about how the scholarship will help you, and ensure that you’ve considered how the program will help you achieve your goals for the future:

Assess your enthusiasm. Passion is important for scholarship administrators, and if you’re able to articulate your enthusiasm for a specific career path , it will show that you’re determined to meet the requirements to reach that goal. The most specific and well-thought-out your essay is, the easier it will be for a reader to understand your devotion and commitment to the program and the field it will allow you to enter.

Learn how the scholarship will help you. Having a firm grasp of your career goals is great, but it’s equally important that you express exactly how the specific program relates to those goals. This shows that you’ve researched the merits of the program and understand exactly how it fits into your professional goals.

Show you’ve considered your future. This goes along with the first two points — show that you know how to set goals and consider the path toward achieving those goals, and you’ll have an easier time convincing the reader that you’ll know how to set goals while participating in the program. They’ll see that you know how to prioritize education because you have a clear vision for navigating your career path.

While some scholarships might come right out and simply ask, “What are your career goals?” most will rework the question into something different that still accomplishes the same goal.

Below are some examples of career goals essay prompts that a scholarship program could pose to its applicants:

Discuss your career goals. Many scholarships prefer the most direct approach when giving an essay prompt to their applicants. This type of question gives the candidate a lot of wiggle room to discuss their passions, motivations, and career goals.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years ? This question is often used as a prompt for a career goals essay because it gives the applicant a timeline to describe their aspirations. It forces them to be realistic about where their career will be and how they will accomplish this within the next ten years.

How will this scholarship contribute to your professional success? A scholarship committee wants to be sure that the money they’re giving will contribute to a student’s overall professional success. This question asks about the applicant’s game plan in the long-term and evaluates how this program is going to assist in their future.

What is your dream job ? Since a dream job is often categorized as a person’s career goals, this is a common question phrasing in scholarship essays. Asking about a candidate’s dream job answers whether this program aligns with the student’s long-term career goals.

What matters most to you and why? Sometimes, a scholarship essay prompt won’t ask about your career or future at all. Instead, they’ll ask a question like this that assesses your motivations , values, and character.

Use these examples of career goals essays for scholarships to help write your own. Pay special attention to how they’re organized, rather than the content, to inspire your own career goals essay:

Career goals essay example 1 – Discuss your career goals

When I was six years old, I was riding bikes with my older sister around our neighborhood. She had just taught me how to ride, and I was excited to have to freedom to explore with her. When she was rounding a particularly difficult bend to see around, a car happened to be coming along at the same time. It struck her. That bike ride changed our lives forever. Over the next year, I went with my sister every Tuesday and Thursday to her physical therapist ’s appointments to help her regain walking strength. Watching her physical therapist patiently assist my sister back to becoming herself awoken something in me. A passion for helping others in the same way eventually turned into a career goal of becoming a physical therapist myself. I decided to get my bachelor’s degree in exercise science. After graduating in 2019, I knew that the next step for me was to attend a graduate program in physical therapy. I was accepted to Lassell University Master of Science in Rehabilitation Services. This presented me with my latest goal along my career path, and I’m eagerly waiting to start. This scholarship would help me afford the wonderful opportunity to be a part of the Lassell University class of 2023, allowing me to continue working towards my ultimate career goal of becoming a physical therapist and helping others to become themselves again.

Career goals essay example 2 – Where do you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years, I will have been successfully running my own construction business for about five years. I’m currently a second-year student at the University of Texas, pursuing a master’s degree in business administration. I decided to get my MBA because I knew it would be a positive asset toward my long-term career goal of owning a construction business. In my high school years, I worked as a construction apprentice for a local business. I loved many aspects of the business, such as building something from nothing. I knew that I wanted to incorporate this work into my long-term career, but I didn’t want to work as an apprentice . This led me to pursue business. In ten years and with the help of this scholarship, I will have graduated with my MBA almost a decade prior . After graduation, I plan to take a business administration internship with a carpentry business to help myself get a footing in the field. After about two years of this, I will have started my own construction business.

Career goals essay example 3 – What matters most to you and why?

The people I surround myself with matter most to me. Whether it be my relatives, friends, or professional acquaintances, I always care the most about the happiness of the people around me. Making the people around me happy matters the most to me because I truly because we find our happiness through others. I believe that this drive to make a positive impression on the people around me is what drove me towards a career as a nurse . I always thought of hospitals as places where people need someone to support them and make their day a little happier. I wanted to be one of those who spend their careers positively impacting people in need. This scholarship will enable me to finally afford nursing school and go after my dream job full force.

Career goals essay example 4 – What are your short- and long-term career goals, and how will earning this degree contribute to achieving those goals? Please provide a minimum of 200 words.

My short-term career goals involve working directly with underprivileged young people to increase the literacy rate in my community. As a student of an underfunded and understaffed school, I’ve seen firsthand how much of an impact early literacy education makes on long-term achievement. It broke my heart to see my peers embarrassed at their struggle with reading at an advanced age, and this shame added another dimension to their lack of opportunity. Being a literacy educator for young people would allow me to serve this community directly to show them not only the necessity of strong written communication skills, but the joy of reading for pleasure. This program focuses specifically on early literacy, and would provide me a direct route to a career in serving the community I hope to serve. As for long-term career goals, I hope to one day create a program where socioeconomically parents can bring their children for literacy education, not only to increase their ability to navigate the world of language, but also to instill confidence and joy in the written word. What drew me to this program was that it also has administrative, legal, and business dimensions that would set me on the path toward achieving this goal.

Here are some tips to keep in mind for writing a career goals scholarship essay:

Write about goals relevant to the scholarship. Although you may have many different kinds of goals for your personal and professional future, a scholarship essay only discusses objectives that are relevant to the program you’re applying for.

Be honest. Applying for a scholarship is stressful because the applicant’s education is usually reliant on receiving these funds in one way or another. Even though it’s tempting to exaggerate your skills or pretend you’re more passionate about something than you are to make yourself a more competitive applicant, it’s a bad move.

Use your own, unique voice. The essay portion of a scholarship application is your chance to stand out by using your voice. Nobody else, regardless of their academic or professional achievements, is you. Make this clear in your career goals scholarship essay by keeping your unique written voice engrained in the words you produce.

Be specific. A big reason that scholarship committees ask applicants to write a career goals essay is to determine how prepared they are in planning their long-term professional goals. They aren’t interested in providing a scholarship to students who aren’t going to follow through with their career plans.

Explain long and short-term goals . Even if the essay prompt asks you to describe where you see yourself in ten years, you still need to tell them the steps leading towards this picture of success.

Include the short-term goals that add up to your larger career objectives in your essay response. Explain how accomplishing the smaller goals gives you an advantage when tackling long-term ones.

Explain how the program and scholarship will help you. Before writing your career goals essay, consider how this program and scholarship will help you in your career. The answer to this question is essential.

Follow the essay formatting guidelines. This may sound obvious, but it’s surprisingly easy to forget this step when your essay is finally flowing and when you’re scrambling to get it submitted on time.

Check, double-check , and triple-check the essay guidelines for content, word count, and formatting requirements. If you miss any of these steps, your essay may be immediately disqualified no matter how good it or the rest of your application is.

Many times career goals essays are written by students who have already completed at least some college or are applying to a post-graduate program and need more money to continue.

There’s a good chance that your career goals have changed since you started or graduated college. For example, say you wanted to be an engineer , so you got your undergraduate degree in engineering but realized you didn’t like it after working in the industry for a few years.

You decided that nursing would be more up your alley, and now you’re applying for a scholarship for a nursing program. While this isn’t unusual, it can make it more difficult to write a career goals essay since your past work doesn’t necessarily match your future goals.

In this case, you’ll simply need to explain why you changed your career path and why this next one is the best choice for you. Share your decision-making process to show that you haven’t taken the switch lightly, and talk about what you’ve already done to try to pursue this path.

How do you write a career goal for a scholarship essay?

You write a career goal for a scholarship essay by sharing your passion, explaining both your long- and short-term goals, and relating your goals to the scholarship.

Explain why you want to pursue the career you’re pursuing, where you hope to be in the future and how you plan to get there, and how the scholarship will help you do this.

How do you describe your career goals in an essay?

You describe your career goals in an essay by explaining what you want to do in your career, why you decided on this career path, and what you’ve done so far to make that a reality.

You can usually work these factors into any prompt you receive, so think through them before you start writing so that you can use them as an outline of sorts.

What are career goals examples?

Examples of career goals include:

Working as a grant writer for a nonprofit organization.

Becoming a department manager and eventually an executive in your field.

Owning your own plumbing company.

Caring for underserved communities as a nurse practitioner .

What are some goals for success?

Some goals for success include growing in your role, building your network, and finding joy in the job. Most careers don’t just happen overnight and require you to set the right milestones that work best for you. Not everyone will have the same goals for success.

How do you start a career goals essay for a scholarship?

You can start a career goals essay for a scholarship by directly answering the prompt. Most scholarship prompts include a word count of between 200 and 500 words, so it’s essential that you immediately respond to the prompt. Attention-grabbing sentences and narratives can be helpful for setting the scene, but an efficient and direct answer will show a clarity of mind that helps enhance the quality of your answer.

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Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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Essay on My Values in Life

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My values in life.

Personal values are qualities that one considers to be worthwhile and, as such, act as the driving force in their life. They take precedence over other qualities and therefore dictate the manner in which an individual may behave in particular instances. When it comes to my values in life, I have a few that I hold dear.

These values are a result of my upbringing, development, my principles, as well as my socialization and the culture around me. In this “my values in life” essay, I shall identify the core beliefs that I hold and how they influence my everyday choices, actions, and plans that I make.

One of the educational values that are fundamental to me is achievement. This is a result of my belief that what defines me most as a person is my determination to succeed and my desire to make a positive contribution to society through my career. Achievement is, therefore, one of the values that are most important to me since, in today’s world, achievement and success are mostly tied together with educational success. As a result of this, I hold my educational exploits in high esteem since education is one of the avenues where one’s determination leads to quantifiable success.

I greatly value close relationships with my friends and constantly seek to cement the same. This is because good friends can assist one in achieving his/her goals in life and can sometimes even be closer than family. For this reason, I invest a lot of time and effort in my close friends. I make it a priority to be a part of the significant moments in my friends’ lives, such as their birthdays, wedding days, and even baby christening ceremonies. In addition to this, I always ensure that I inquire as to their well beings periodically.

Growth and personal development for me is a very fundamental value, and its importance in my life cannot be understated. It is my belief that my life is not worth much if I do not strive to constantly improve on my achievements as well as in becoming a better person. This value of personal growth and development greatly impacts my daily living, especially when establishing new relations. It is generally my rule that if a new relationship does not add any value to my life, then I should not waste my time exploring it.

One of the constant realities in human life is that we will always be surrounded by needy people. As such, on a social level, I always strive to give my services to the less fortunate. In my opinion, a life well lived is one that is lived in such a way that it makes a difference to someone else’s life. This is the philosophy with which I have led my life up to this point, and at all times, I try to make a difference in the lives of the people that surround me. Helping other people is, therefore, a value that I value not only in myself but also in other people.

While modern-day living has somewhat led to a degradation of the value of family from what it used to be in gone years, I still hold the value of family to be very important in my life. To me, one’s family members are the ones who will stand by you no matter the situation and encourage you through life’s troubles.

While I reckon that family may not always be supportive or as ideal as I envision it, in my experience, my family is closely knit and always stands up for me. I, therefore, always have my family in mind when making my decisions and consider how my actions will affect them. In addition, I try to seek guidance from members of the family who are more experienced than I am before making monumental decisions in my life.

It has been argued that honest men and women are a dying breed. This statement holds true in our capitalistic society, where profits and personal gains are the primary objectives. The means by which one achieves success is often overlooked, and as such, the ends justify the means.

Even in the midst of such an environment, I still hold honesty as one of my core values. This is mostly a result of my upbringing, whereby honesty was applauded and dishonesty shunned. Also, I have come to realize that when one achieves success through honesty, the level of satisfaction that comes with it is truly unrivaled by any other feeling.

Owing to my upbringing, I have a huge regard for religion. As such, one of my spiritual values is engaging myself in some religious organizations. While it is true that most of my religious values are a result of my upbringing, I have, over time, come to embrace them as my own and therefore make it my personal duty to be actively involved in my religious organization.

To me, this brings about a sense of balance and helps me be more reflective and appreciative in my life. My religious values impact my decision-making since I try not to make choices that are contrary to my religious beliefs.

In this paper, I have identified some of the values that I hold dear to me. I have also identified how these values impact the choices that I make as well as the actions that I take. From this deep exploration of my values, I have come to the realization that my values greatly dictate how I treat the people around me as well as how I prioritize matters. I believe that as a result of my values, I strive harder to achieve the things that I want in life, and as such, I am a better person as a result of them.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 15). Essay on My Values in Life. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/

"Essay on My Values in Life." IvyPanda , 15 July 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Essay on My Values in Life'. 15 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Essay on My Values in Life." July 15, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.

1. IvyPanda . "Essay on My Values in Life." July 15, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.


IvyPanda . "Essay on My Values in Life." July 15, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.

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Goal Setting for Success & Developing SMART Habits

One of the most common questions I am asked regularly is  “What is the importance of goal setting?”  or  “Is it really necessary to set goals?”

I can personally attest to its importance in my own professional life, and I simply cannot overstate the fact that personal  goal setting  always has been and remains one of the first steps you will take in your journey toward finding your true calling and unparalleled success.

To quote another expert on the subject, philanthropist, and author Tony Robbins,  “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

I think this explains the importance of the goal setting process extremely well.

To dive deeper into the topic, I’d like to explain what goal setting is, give you some background on goal setting theory, and further explain the reason why I believe personal goal setting is of paramount importance when attempting to  achieve success.

I’ll also share with you this short essay on goal setting and how to set yourself up for success, increase the likelihood of achieving life goals and career goals, and have your desired outcome.

What Is Goal Setting?

Goals are your first step and the ultimate answer to achieving great things. Goals fuel motivation and define your roadmap to realizing your dreams.

Research in clinical and real-world settings has shown that goals can help you accelerate your success and personal growth. Setting goals helps us assess where we are currently in our personal and professional lives while allowing us to create the future we dream of.

It’s the process of living with intention and letting life happen FOR us rather than TO us.

What Is Goal Setting Theory?

Goal setting theory was devised by the researcher Edwin Locke. Locke published his groundbreaking study in 1968, titled Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives (1968). Locke continued his research to develop more concrete advice on how to set goals and achieve more with goal-setting theory.

The primary insight provided by goal-setting theory is that having a conscious, purposeful goal increases the likelihood that the things you desire will happen for you. The theory demonstrates the importance of knowing what you want and creating plans to make progress and help you get there.

According to another researcher, T.A. Ryan, in the paper Intentional Behavior (1970), motivation separates those who succeed from those who do not, assuming similar capabilities. As setting personal goals is a proven way to nurture motivation, they are a large part of what makes some people more successful than others.

So what are the proven strategies for setting performance goals that will help you get what you want? Let’s talk about the core principles of goal-setting theory. Understanding the goal achievement process, including the importance of planning and organizational skills, is crucial for applying goal-setting theory effectively.

What Are the 5 Principles of Goal Setting Theory?

Locke and Latham have identified five goal-setting principles that can help you succeed.

Here are each of the five principles of goal-setting theory and how you might apply them to your goals for your professional and academic goals and personal life:

Goals that are clear and have specific objectives are more likely to be  completed successfully . For example, rather than defining a goal in general terms like “increase sales this month,” choose a more specific goal like “close 10% more sales in September.”

Clear goals should include a timeframe rather than being open-ended, like simply saying “sell more,” and define each smart goal with a time frame and an achievable target date where you can check in and analyze your progress.


More challenging goals will be more motivating than goals that are easy to achieve. Your goal must be challenging enough to require initiative.

Hitting manageable goals will give you a satisfying sense of accomplishment, encouraging you to continue on your path to success.

That said, be sure your goals are achievable so as not to discourage you when unreachable goals are not met.


Commitment means you genuinely wish to do what it takes to complete a goal. You must feel ownership and be sincere about taking on the short-term goals and  long-term goals  you are working towards.

Without self-regulation, a commitment to the process, and the growth that will come from it, you will be far less motivated to work towards them.


Create methods for receiving regular feedback on your progress. You can create a feedback process or invite others with insight to share their feedback regularly.

Seeking healthy feedback gives you opportunities to analyze your goal progress and adjust goals that are not working to set you up for more success.


When goals are particularly complex, be sure you have allowed yourself the time to learn and properly break up the challenge into manageable chunks.

The complexity of a task may not be evident from the beginning, but once understood, it should be broken down into a series of identified tasks.

As an example, if your goal is to update your website, you will likely need to break it down into stages for content, design, programming, testing, and so on.

Let’s move on to a concrete example of goal-setting theory to help you better understand how to apply it to your life.

What’s An Example Of Goal Setting Theory?

So, how can you apply the five principles of goal-setting theory to your life? Here’s a relatable example to help clarify each component.

Let’s say your long-term goal is to buy your first home.

To add  clarity  to your goal, you might identify how large a house you wish to buy and the neighborhood you want to purchase it in. This will help you establish a budget that will tell you how much you need for a down payment.

To  challenge  yourself, you may decide to save enough money to pay a 20% down payment within six months.

You can  commit  to the process by hiring a real estate agent, finding a lender, and sharing your goal with others.

After you’ve taken steps toward your goal, you can check in with yourself for  feedback  each week to see if you are saving enough (or possibly even more than you had planned) and reevaluate your goals based on how much you have saved.

When you’ve saved enough money, you can manage the  complexity  of the buying by breaking down the process into stages: find the home, get it appraised, get loan approval, close, move in, buy furniture, etc. Breaking the process into smaller steps will help prevent the buying process from overwhelming you.

6 Reasons Goal Setting Is Important

The outcomes of goal setting are greater success and satisfaction in every aspect of your life. However, the goal-setting process itself brings many benefits that make goal-setting important.

Here are six reasons to set goals and consistently strive for goal attainment. Setting goals allows for monitoring consistent progress towards achieving them, ensuring that you align your environment with your ambitions for long-term success.

1. Goals Give You Focus

Without personal goals or professional goals, your efforts can become disjointed and unfocused, causing you to lose sight of what you truly want to achieve out of life.

For example, a goal takes the flight of a hummingbird, which is chaotic and erratic, and focuses it much like a hawk swooping down for its prey.

It allows you to zero in on each day’s tasks with laser precision, weeding out wasted effort and idle movement.

2. Goals Let You Measure Progress

Being able to keep track of your progress toward achieving a goal is only possible if you set one in the first place.

Keeping track of how you are making progress on measurable goals is extremely rewarding and will help you maintain focus, and keep your head held high and your energy up. It will also apply principles of preventive psychology by keeping you from getting discouraged and avoiding negative outcomes.

Sometimes, when working towards success, it’s easy to become disheartened because you don’t feel you have “arrived” yet.

However, when you measure your current job performance while working towards a specific goal, you will be able to see that though you might not be where you want to be yet, you have made movements in the right direction and are a lot better off than when you started.

3. Goals Help You Stay Motivated

It’s easy to put off work until tomorrow when there is no goal on the line.

For example, let’s consider the life of an athlete. If they have to get in shape for a competition, you better believe they are going to be working out every day, whether they feel good or not, whether they are sore or not, whether they are tired or not, whether they want to or not, because they have a goal.

They have a clear understanding of the destination. They are striving for higher performance.

Their desire to achieve their goal keeps them in the gym, on the field, or the track when they would much rather skip.

In much the same way, having a goal will keep you intrinsically motivated for better academic performance!

4. Goals Help You Beat Procrastination

Procrastination is something we all battle from time to time, myself included. However, when you set goals in life, specific goals for what you want to achieve, it helps you understand that procrastination is dangerous.

It is wasted time. It is another day you aren’t moving closer to that goal.

Consider this inspirational quote from Pablo Picasso the next time you are thinking of putting off that next step toward your goal and rethink your stance:

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”

5. Goals Help You Achieve More

When you set a goal and reach that goal, it gives you the taste of victory. You will want to taste that again. The goal setting process  is a positive habit you can build.

What does that mean? You push yourself toward the next rung of the ladder, challenge yourself to improve your current performance, and you achieve even more.

Working towards meeting and surprising goals helps you achieve way more than you ever thought possible.

6. Goals Help You Determine What You Want In Life

The act of setting goals forces you to contemplate what you truly want out of life.

What is the level of success you want to achieve? What is the income level you want to have? What does your life of ease look like? What about your dream home? What do you need income-wise to achieve your dreams?

Once you set these outcome goals for ideal future, you then break your desires down into attainable goals.

These goals keep you motivated, helping you avoid procrastination and keeping you laser-focused on achieving your dreams. It is, therefore, the act of setting, achieving, and surpassing goals that make living your best life possible.

How To Set Achievable Goals

Consistently meeting goals can help sustain motivation and keep you moving in the direction of your dreams. Additionally, recent research suggests that failing to meet goals can lead to confidence setbacks. That’s one reason it’s crucial to set achievable goals.

What are the best ways to define goal achievement that will keep you motivated? Here are a few of the qualities of achievable goals.

1. Align Your Goals With Your Values

When you set goals, be sure that they are in line with your values. Goals that align with your values will ensure that you feel comfortable with what and how you are working so hard for.

Before setting specific goals, take an inventory of your core values. You may already know which values are important to you, but having clarity about what matters most will help you keep them central to the goals you’ll need to create the life you want. Take the time to spell them out, prioritize them, and reflect on what they mean to you.

We live our values, and our values drive our actions. Goals that lie outside our values are unlikely to be achieved.

For example, if your goal is to lose weight, you may struggle to do so if you don’t value healthy lifestyle choices. You may value health, but it may fall below your desire for comfort and leisure, meaning it won’t be a priority, and losing weight may be harder to achieve.

You may not have recognized when setting your weight loss journey that your values were not in line with your goals. Taking stock of your goals and setting (or re-setting) your priorities will help make you more successful in defining and reaching your goals.

“The real value of setting and achieving goals lies not in the rewards you receive but in the person you become as a result of reaching your goals.” – Robin Sharma

2. Keep It Simple

Ongoing and incremental changes are better than changing too much at once. Focus your organizational behavior and efforts on just one or two primary goals at once.

When you have too many goals in mind at one time, you may run into a problem psychologists call “goal competition.” As the name implies, goal competition happens when too many goals compete for your attention, which zaps your time and attention.

As I mentioned, start by identifying one or two of your most important goals. Then break down these more  complex  goals into smaller increments to help make them more manageable.

3. Create SMART Goals

What are SMART Goals? SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The concept was developed by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham in their book, A Theory of Goal Setting & Task Performance, published in 1990.

SMART Goals are the five most important characteristics of goal setting. Those five characteristics are:

  • Specific:  Identify what will be accomplished and what exact actions will be taken.
  • Measurable:  Choose the data or metric that will allow you to know you are making progress.
  • Achievable:  Ensure you have the resources and skills to be successful and that you are creating realistic goals.
  • Relevant:  Make sure the task fits your broader goals and is related to your long-term goal, values, and life purpose.
  • Time-bound:  Establish a specific timeline for completing your goal and break down your goal into short-term goals with their own timelines.

SMART goals are challenging goals but they are also realistic goals so you can actually attain them. They are within reach, but you need to stretch and discipline yourself to achieve them.

People who make specific and challenging goals that have a target completion date are much more likely to achieve them.

6 Extra Tips For Setting Yourself Up For Success In Goal Setting

To set yourself up for success once you’ve established your SMART Goals, consider these bonus tips that will help you to stay engaged and excited about your future success.

Align Your Environment With Your Goals

While we like to believe we can simply will ourselves into good behavior, we may often make quick decisions based on our surroundings. Set yourself up for success by creating a physical environment aligned with your goals.

Remove distractions, prepare and organize, create a vision board, and surround yourself with positive people and affirming media.

Removing distractions  might mean putting your phone in another room to avoid late-night social media scrolling that robs you of sufficient sleep. It could mean removing junk food from your cabinets if you’re trying to eat healthier.

Taking away potential obstacles from your environment will align your habits with better strategies to attain your goals.

Organization and preparation  can make your life much easier while helping you meet your goals. Nutrition researcher Anne Thorndike tested The concept of “choice architecture” in a study designed to promote the sale of fruits and vegetables by improving their visibility in corner stores.

The study determined that the higher visibility placement of fruits and vegetables improved sales. Convenience and visibility can help people make better choices.

You might prepare your gym clothes the night before to speed up the morning routine and leave time for a good workout. It could mean getting some noise-canceling headphones to help keep you focused in a noisy office. Or keep the floss next to your toothbrush, so you remember to floss your teeth.

Creating a   vision board  helps you visualize what you wish to accomplish and keep those goals in mind. In her book,  The Source: The Secrets of the Universe, The Science of the Brain , neuroscientist Tara Swart says that vision boards (or action boards) prime the brain to recognize an opportunity.

Additionally, our brains assign a higher value to images than the written word, meaning a vision board can add to the impact of a written “to-do list.” The more we see the images on our vision board, the more important they become in our minds.

Engage with positive people and media  to help keep you motivated. Scroll past the doom and stop for positive images, music, books, and inspirational stories that will keep you focused on the good you wish to achieve.

Analyze Your Goals Every Day

Take stock of your progress by analyzing your progress each day. Analyzing your goals can include measuring specific activities, progress toward your goal, and outcomes.

Did you complete the activities you had intended? Were your goals realistic and achievable? Did your goals today bring you closer to your long-term ambitions?

Tracking daily progress and making appropriate adjustments will help keep you focused and reinforce the good goal-setting habits you’re building.

If you have yet to achieve all you set out to do during your day, consider how you might offer more attention to your goals tomorrow.

You have to set goals that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential. – Steve Garvey

Add Your Goals To Your Daily Planner

You are more likely to reach your daily goals if you plan your day in advance. Whenever possible, set a specific time, duration, and place where you will accomplish your goal.

You may use an online daily planner that can alert you of upcoming tasks, but if you like to keep things analogous, get a planner that gives you space to plan your meetings and tasks each day.

Set A Maximum Limit On Your Goals

More is not always better. Set some maximum limits to your goals each day. For example, you may want to make at least 15 sales calls each day, but you should also set an upper limit of outbound calls you’ll make to avoid burnout and maintain balance.

Develop The Skills You Need To Achieve Goals

Achieving your goals requires skills that may take time to develop. To be successful, you’ll need to manage your time well, display self-discipline, be flexible, and adapt to new challenges.

Say “no” when necessary, and persevere when you face new challenges. Take the time to develop soft skills like time management, work ethic, problem-solving, and flexibility as you lean into your goals.

Reward Your Successes

Achieving a goal is something to celebrate. Don’t be shy about rewarding yourself when you successfully reach a goal. Alternatively, there is no benefit to punishing yourself when you are unsuccessful. Stay kind to yourself and focus on the positive progress you are making over the long term.

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. – Steve Jobs

Proven Reasons Why Goal Setting is Key in Life

Goal setting has been studied extensively in the scientific community. It has been linked to higher  employee motivation , greater academic and organizational performance, higher achievement of team goals, improved positive and negative emotions both, and many other tangible benefits. It’s crucial to set goals that are not overly reliant on external factors beyond one’s control, as goals should be within one’s ability to achieve without depending on variables outside of their influence.

Here is a small sampling of relevant research to help provide insight into the benefits and outcomes of goal setting.

Goal Setting In Sales

Car manufacturer, Toyota, tested the use of “impossible goals” to see if setting seemingly unreachable goals would encourage their teams to think more creatively and “break free from established routines.” The impossible goals tradition began early in company history, in 1937, with founder Kiichiro Toyoda.

Toyota’s senior managing director, Zenji Yasuda, explained the advantages of setting vague, unattainable goals saying, “If he makes [the goal] more concrete, employees won’t be able to exercise their full potential. The vague nature of this goal confers the freedom to researchers to open new avenues of exploration….”

While Toyota sets impossible goals to encourage big-picture thinking, the company also breaks down its larger goals into challenging but manageable tasks. Toyota also measures managers’ success based on how they achieve goals rather than on the results, valuing persistence and resilience above other qualities.

“A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.” –Bruce Lee

The Significance Of Setting Personal Goals

Researchers Cott and Finch (1991) studied goal-setting in improving and measuring effectiveness in physical therapy practice. Their work suggests that the patient’s participation in goal-setting was critical to showing measurable improvement. The key takeaway from this research is the importance of individuals participating in setting their personal goals rather than having others define goals for them.

Goal Setting In Neurological Rehabilitation

As in physical therapy, goal setting is a core component of neurological rehabilitation therapy. Researchers Holliday, Ballinger, & Playford (2007) compared two goal-setting methods with in-patients with neurological impairments. Their findings identified four ways that their patients made sense of goal setting. Their study suggests that healthcare professionals must help patients understand what is expected of them for goal setting to be meaningful in their recovery.

The Importance Of Setting Attainable Employee Goals

Jessica Höpfner and Nina Keith highlight the potential negative consequences of not reaching goals. The key takeaway from their study is that “the failure of a high and specific goal can damage self-related factors like effect, self-esteem, and motivation and can also have subsequent behavioral consequences.” Höpfner and Keith suggest that employers mitigate the adverse effects by creating “experiences of success” related to employee goals. In other words, ensuring goals are reasonable and attainable can help you to avoid demotivating your teams.

The Importance Of Writing Down Goals

Psychologist Gail Mathews studied the importance of writing down goals in 2015, finding that individuals were 33% more successful in reaching their goals than those who did not write them down. The study also found that more than 70% of participants successfully met their goals when they sent weekly updates of written goals to friends. This study supports the importance of accountability and the benefits of writing down your goals.

In his book,  The 10×10 Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure , well-known entrepreneur Grant Cardone suggests writing down your goals twice a day. Once when you wake up, and once before you go to sleep. He believes the practice helps keep your goals top of mind. “If they’re important to you, and if they are valuable to you, wake up in the morning and re-look at them. Remember, out of sight, out of mind. Let’s take a look at them.”

Neuroscience also supports the case for writing down goals. Researcher Mark Murphy’s study revealed that “people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals.”

Goal Setting Rewires Your Brain to Make It More Effective

Research in neuroplasticity suggests that goal-setting can change your brain’s structure to make it more effective at achieving a specific goal. The groundbreaking research began when goal setting was used in multiple sclerosis treatments.

Researchers discovered that MS patients with defined ambitious health goals had fewer, less severe symptoms than a control group. In short, goal setting was proven to help heal the brains of MS patients.

Set Yourself Up For Success In Your Goal-Setting Journey

You are already one step closer to achieving your long-term goals just by reading articles like this. The proven goal-setting strategies we have outlined above offer you a blueprint for successfully reaching your goals.

To help you get started right now, download my  14-Step Goal Setting Guide . Begin your personal goal-setting journey so that you can start creating the life you’ve been dreaming of.

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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , Linkedin and Youtube .

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Essay on My Goal As A Teacher

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Goal As A Teacher in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Goal As A Teacher

My aim in teaching.

As a teacher, my main goal is to help students learn and grow. I want to make sure that every child in my classroom feels safe and happy. It’s important to me that they are excited about learning new things.

Sharing Knowledge

Supporting students.

I will always be there to support my students. If they find something hard, I will help them understand it. I want to encourage them to do their best and to believe in themselves.

Preparing for the Future

I also want to prepare my students for the future. I will teach them to be kind, to work with others, and to solve problems. These skills are important for success in school and in life.

250 Words Essay on My Goal As A Teacher

Teaching with heart.

I love sharing what I know with my students. It’s important to me that they understand new things each day. I work hard to explain lessons in a way that is easy to get. I want all my students to feel smart and capable.

Encouraging Questions

Asking questions is a big part of learning. I want my students to feel free to ask me anything. This shows they are thinking and want to know more. I always try to answer in a way that makes sense to them.

Building Confidence

I want each student to believe in themselves. When they do well, I praise them. If they make mistakes, I show them it’s okay and help them learn from it. Seeing my students become more confident is one of the best parts of my job.

Lastly, I aim to prepare my students for what comes next. Whether it’s the next grade or life outside of school, I want them to have the skills they need. I teach them to be kind, work hard, and think about their choices.

In conclusion, my goal as a teacher is to guide, support, and inspire my students. I want them to leave my classroom better than when they came in, ready to take on the world.

500 Words Essay on My Goal As A Teacher

My dream to teach.

One of my goals is to share what I know. I love the idea of teaching students new things. Whether it’s math, science, or how to write better, I want to make sure my students learn a lot. I will work hard to explain things in a way that makes sense to them.

Creating a Safe Place

School should be safe and welcoming for everyone. My goal is to create a classroom where all students feel they belong. No one should be scared to ask questions or make mistakes. I will always listen to my students and make sure they feel comfortable and respected.

Encouraging Curiosity

Being curious means wanting to learn more about the world. I want to encourage my students to ask questions and look for answers. I hope to inspire them to love learning, not just in school, but everywhere. When students are curious, they can discover so many exciting things.

Life after school can be challenging. I want to prepare my students for what comes next. This means teaching them not just school subjects, but also how to be good people. I will help them learn to work with others, solve problems, and be kind.

Supporting Dreams

Being a lifelong learner.

Teachers need to keep learning too. I will keep studying and getting better at teaching. I want to stay up-to-date with new ways to help students learn. By being a lifelong learner, I can be the best teacher for my students.

In conclusion, my goal as a teacher is to share knowledge, create a safe and happy classroom, spark curiosity, build confidence, prepare students for the future, support their dreams, and always keep learning. I want to leave a lasting, positive mark on each student’s life, and through teaching, I believe I can do that.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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my goal easy essay

20 Life Goals to Set for Yourself in 2024

There’s a lot of pressure around setting and achieving goals these days.

From big life goals down to small daily goals.  

This is especially true in the business world, where “ hustle and grind” culture makes us feel like there’s always something we need to be doing right now.  

But here’s a secret to setting life goals: you have to be true to yourself and what you really want out of life. Once you’ve tapped into what you want – and not what you think you should want – it all falls into place.  

So, how do you set good life goals and create a game plan to make them happen? What if you feel like you don’t have goals in life, or you don’t know the right direction to get there?  

That’s just what we’re getting into today.

In this article, we’ll look at what life goals are and how to set them. We’ll also give you a life goals list to help with your brainstorming, planning, and doing.  

What Are Life Goals?

Like the name suggests, life goals are goals to set for yourself over the course of your life. They’re definitely long-term – as they might actually take your whole life to achieve.

  I’m not going to sugar coat it: setting life goals is a lot easier than the achieving part.

  Which is why it’s so important that you’re driven by a sense of passion and real desire. Feeling strongly toward your life goals is what gives you the fuel to take those steps every day.

life goals

How to Set Life Goals

Finding goals in life might seem like an intimidating task. Some might even say overwhelming.

There’s no shame in that. There are a lot of people who feel the same way (myself included at times!).

It all starts with some brainstorming. And a touch of dreaming and fantasizing.  

Here are a few steps you can take to come up with the best life goals for yourself:

  • Set up an idea dump worksheet. Sit down with your computer or a pen and paper. Write out a few categories that you might want to set life goals for, like your health, relationships, career, finances, hobbies, spirituality, and the like.
  • Do an idea dump. Put 30 minutes on a timer and write down as many life goal ideas as you can think of in the categories you listed. No idea is too big, small, or silly. Write down every single one now, and you can edit them later.
  • Narrow down the best ideas. Wait a day or two, then revisit your life goals list. Which ones do you want the most? Which ones set you on fire when you think about them, even if they’ll be hard to accomplish? Those are your best bet.
  • Build an action plan. Write out a rough plan for the steps you need to take to achieve those life goals. How long will it reasonably take? What are the major milestones or baby steps you need to take to reach the bigger goal? What do you have to do every week, month, year to stay on track?  

Now let’s look at some life goal ideas to help give you some fuel for your brainstorming session.

21 Goals to Set for Yourself

1.  run a half marathon.

I’ve met at least a few people who have this as a life goal. This is a great example of a life goal that takes real dedication, especially if you’re not a runner yet.

That’s because a half marathon is about 21 kilometers (13.1 miles). That’s a whole lotta miles. Training is something that needs to happen steadily, every day or several times a week. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart. But the reward is as hefty as the commitment.

exercise goals

2.  Follow a vegan diet

“Going vegan” has gained a lot of traction lately. With reason: there are loads of benefits, like your health, the wellbeing of animals, and the environment. But this isn’t one of those simple life goals… if you love eating animal products like meat, cheese, and eggs, going vegan can feel incredibly hard.

A lot of people remedy this by taking it slow: first by cutting out some products, then cutting out others once you’re acclimated. If you look at it that way , a vegan diet can seem a lot more attainable.

3.  Start a business

Some people are fortunate enough to have a business opportunity knock on their door. Others have to work hard for it. But the good news is, starting a business is easier than ever. It’s also one of the best life goals you can set for yourself!  

If you’ve been dreaming of being your own boss, check out our article on How to Start a Business or our ebook on How to Become an Entrepreneur . Make sure you browse our site too. This is our bread and butter.

goal of owning a business

4.  Make a million dollars

This one seems like a really big dream, but a lot of entrepreneurs set this as a financial target. It’s an especially common life goal for people who own their own business, like a dropshipping store , consulting agency, or freelance business.  

When you make the rules about how your business runs, you can also make the rules about how money is made (and how much of it is made!).

5.  Earn a steady passive income

Do you fantasize about making money while you sleep? Or watching your bank account grow as you sip a mojito on a Caribbean beach? Passive income (also called residual income) is right up your alley.  

The best way to make this happen is to build an online business that doesn’t rely on you working 24/7. Selling online courses and other digital content can be a great path for this life goal.

passive income common goals in life

6.  Find (and marry) your “soulmate”

This is one of the most common goals in life. We all want a storybook romance, don’t we? While this isn’t necessarily the kind of goal that requires a strict plan, it’s something that can be worked toward.

After all, relationships take commitment and understanding. You’ll have to make compromises and grow together as a team. This is one of those life goals that takes more work than it seems.  

7.  Own your dream home

Your home isn’t just a set of four walls and a roof. Owning the perfect property is one of the best life goals you can set because it means you get your own little slice of heaven. Nothing feels more reassuring than having the perfect place where you can feel comfortable and safe.

Saving for your dream home takes some time – but it’s one of the best aims in life. Not only do you get a place to call your own, but you get your foot on the property ladder too!  

8.  Own your dream car

Just like a home, your car is one of your most valuable possessions. Sure, it’s there for your grocery runs and getting you to and from work each day. However, a car is also freedom – a chance to take on the open road and discover amazing places.

Figure out what your dream car looks like and start putting a little cash towards those new wheels every day.

9. Have a positive impact on the world

The world is a different place because you’re part of it. There might be 8.03 billion people on this planet, but you’ve ever felt the glow of donating to charity or cherished the smile on a person’s face after a random act of kindness, you’ll know everyone counts.

Do your part to have a positive impact on the world in your own way. You can create a small non-profit organization, plant some trees, or just try to make someone smile every day.

how to be polite

9.  Conquer your fears

This is a tough one – but well worth the effort. Your ultimate goal in life should be to live without fear . Take the world as it comes and be prepared to deal with any eventuality. That starts with conquering your fears, one at a time.

Figure out which fears are holding you back right now and start to work on them. A little CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) and meditation could help with building your confidence here.

11. Master a second language

Mastering a second language is one of the most common goals in life. It gives you a new valuable skill that you can share with the people around you. Plus, having another language that you can speak means that you have more job and travel opportunities.

Choose the language you’d like to speak based on the opportunities it offers. If you’ve always wanted to visit China, maybe Chinese is the language for you.

12. Declutter your home

A cluttered home creates a cluttered mind. It’s easy to let clutter get on top of us these days. We shove things in cupboards and boxes to keep our homes tidy – but the clutter is still there, waiting to spill out.

Learn how to let go of the things you don’t want or need in your life anymore. If you haven’t used something in the last three months, and it doesn’t make you happy, donate it or throw it away.  

13. Rekindle an old relationship

Some relationships are better left in the past. You know which people have had a negative impact on your life. Some, however, could deliver a host of amazing benefits.  

Look through your past relationships and ask yourself who you lost touch with for no real reason. Reach out through a message or phone call and think whether re-igniting this relationship is important for you.

rekindle old relationships

14. Sleep better

Sleep has a massive impact on how you think and feel. When it comes to short term goals in life, improving your sleep is one of the most valuable things you can do.

Start by improving your sleep hygiene. Create a schedule you can stick to, starting with a way to relax, like a hot bath or a cup of tea.

Remember that your bedroom should be cool, dark, and quiet to support good sleep. Keep any electronics outside if you can.

15. Plan for your child’s future

Your child is a continuation of yourself. While you can’t control what kind of person they become, one of the most positive goals in life is to try and help them reach their potential. Plan your child’s future by putting money away for their future education and helping them to find their talents.

Setting life goals doesn’t have to be just about doing things that benefit you. Your life goals can also center around your child’s happiness.  

16. Mentor someone

We all have unique skills and talents that we can share with the world. If you know how to do something well, whether it’s managing stress , or making money online , then you can share that knowledge with other people.

Mentoring someone is a wonderful way to pass your insights down through generations. Additionally, when you mentor someone, you also find opportunities to learn yourself. No matter where you are in life, you can usually find someone that looks up to you.

17. Become more mindful

Good life goals focus on helping you get the most out of your time on this earth. Living a fulfilling life means learning how to live in the present.

It’s easy to over-analyze our mistakes and stay focusing exclusively on the past. However, if you focus on what you regret too often, you forget to live in the present. Similarly, anxiously awaiting the future means that you don’t see the value in what you have now.  

Learn how to be mindful of your existing life. Here are some mind training tactics to help your brain focus intently.

life goals examples mindfulness

18. Do different things

One of the best goals to set in life is to expose yourself to as many different experiences as possible. As easy as it is to cling to your comfort zone, you should always be looking for ways to branch out and discover new experiences. Doing something new is a chance to discover the skills and talents that you never knew you had. It’s also a way to build relationships with new peoples you might meet and discover hobbies that make you happier.

19. Take more risks

Risks are something we often work hard to avoid, but sometimes they’re necessary. One of your life goals should be to look at ways to take more calculated risks in your life.

Think about something that could have a great impact on your life, but you’re currently too nervous to try. Could the benefits outweigh the risk? If so, this is the time to bite the bullet and jump in.   

20. Let go of the past

Finding goals in life can be easier than you’d think. Sometimes, the best way to improve your future is to learn how to let go of the past. While you can learn from the negative experiences you’ve had over the years, stop letting them hold you back.

Depending on your background, you may need some help to accomplish this goal. However, therapy and guidance exist to give you the direction you need.

21. Learn more

Learning doesn’t have to stop because you’ve finished your schooling. A commitment to long-term learning is one of the most effective and simple life goals for anyone interested in living a fulfilling life.

Try taking a new course every so often on the internet or at a local school near you. Look for opportunities to learn from other people or seek a mentor who can help you hone specific skills.

always be learning

Let's Do This!

Setting life goals is a great way to ensure that you get the most out of your fleeting time on this wonderful planet.

Life moves quickly, and it’s easy to waste time when you don’t have a direction to move in. Short-term and long-term life goals will act as the compass you need to guide you towards happiness, enlightenment, and fulfillment in everything you do.

What kind of goals are you going to set? Let us know in the comments below.

Want to Learn More?

  • 50 Amazing Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier
  • Financial Security: Everything You Need to Know (and Do)
  • 23 Inspirational Videos That Will Completely Blow You Away
  • How to Stop Procrastinating: Strategies to Unlock Your Potential

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  • Personal Finance

5 Easy Ways to Build Your Emergency Fund Faster

Published on June 8, 2024

Jordi Lippe-McGraw

By: Jordi Lippe-McGraw

  • You should have three to six months of living expenses in an emergency savings account.
  • Automating your savings is a great way to build up your emergency fund quickly.
  • Making or saving and extra $200 a month equals $2,400 a year.

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An emergency fund is more than just a financial buffer -- it's peace of mind. In life's unpredictable whirlwind, from sudden medical emergencies to unexpected car breakdowns or even job loss, an emergency fund acts as your financial lifeline.

1. Create a budget with a built-in savings goal

Begin with a detailed budget that includes a line item for your emergency fund. First, analyze your income and regular expenses to understand how much you can realistically set aside each month. Then, treat your emergency fund contribution like a recurring expense.

For instance, if your take-home pay is $4,000 a month and you spend $3,000 on monthly expenses, plan to save $200 to $300 of the remaining amount for emergencies. This approach ensures your emergency savings grow steadily without disrupting your usual personal finance commitments.

2. Automate your savings

One of the easiest ways to ensure you consistently contribute to your emergency fund is by automating your savings. Set up a direct transfer from your checking account to a savings account dedicated to emergencies. Schedule these transfers to line up with your payday so the money is out of sight and out of mind before you have a chance to spend it.

Even starting small helps. For instance, saving just $50 every two weeks adds up to $1,300 over a year. If you can gradually increase the amount as you get more comfortable, you'll accelerate your savings even more.

3. Cut unnecessary expenses

Take a close look at your monthly spending and identify areas where you can cut back. Common culprits for unnecessary spending include dining out, subscriptions you rarely use, and high-cost entertainment. Even reducing your spending in these areas by $100 a month can free up $1,200 a year that could go into your emergency fund.

Moreover, consider temporarily cutting back on some non-essential expenses until your emergency fund reaches a comfortable level. If you examine your monthly subscriptions -- like streaming platforms, gym memberships, or magazine subscriptions -- you might find you're spending $50 or more per month. Canceling one or two of these could save you around $600 annually, which can substantially contribute to your emergency savings. You might also consider opting to delay upgrading your smartphone, which can save you hundreds of dollars upfront. If you typically upgrade every year and the new model costs about $800, postponing this purchase could redirect a significant amount of money into your emergency fund, fortifying your financial safety net.

4. Redirect windfalls and tax refunds

Whenever you receive unexpected windfalls, such as tax refunds, holiday bonuses, or gifts, resist the urge to splurge. Allocating these amounts to your emergency fund can significantly speed up your savings timeline.

For example, the average tax refund in the U.S. is around $2,500. If you put even half of this into your emergency fund annually, you'd add $1,250 to your savings without impacting your daily budget.

5. Earn extra income

If your current budget doesn't leave much room for saving, consider ways to increase your income. Side hustles can be a great option, whether it's freelance work, part-time jobs, or selling items you no longer need. If you can make an extra $200 a month by tutoring, selling crafts, or doing freelance work, you'll have an additional $2,400 at the end of the year for your emergency fund.

You could also invest time in upskilling through online courses or certifications, potentially leading to a higher salary or better job opportunities. This not only provides more immediate funds for your emergency stash, but also enhances your financial stability in the long run.

Building an emergency fund might seem daunting, but by approaching it with a clear plan and using smart strategies, you can accelerate the process. Creating a budget with a savings goal, automating savings, cutting unnecessary costs, using extra money wisely, and boosting your income are all effective steps that can help you build financial resilience. Remember, the peace of mind that comes from having a financial cushion is invaluable, and every small step you take helps.

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Our Research Expert

Jordi Lippe-McGraw

Jordi Lippe-McGraw is a freelance personal finance writer who has appeared in publications such as Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, TODAY, and Saving for College. In addition to personal finance, Jordi has a passion for travel. She's visited all 7 continents and over 55 countries, writing for outlets such as Travel + Leisure and Conde Nast Traveler.

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Create sales goals

Last updated: June 6, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions , except where noted:

  Starter , Professional ,

With sales goals, managers can create user-specific quotas for their sales teams based on templates provided by HubSpot. Managers can then assign these goals at the user, team, or pipeline level. Use goals in reports to visualize and track attainment over time, providing better contextual insights into performance.

Learn how to create custom goals from scratch .

  • Sales Hub and Service Hub Starter provide access to only the Revenue  goal measure. 
  • Sales Hub Professional and Enterprise provides access to Deals created , Calls made , Revenue and Meetings booked .
  • Service Hub Professional and Enterprise provides access to the Average ticket resolution time , Average ticket response time , Revenue , and Tickets closed goal measures.

Please note: you must be a user with a paid  Sales or Service Hub Professional  or  Enterprise  seat or a Super Admin to create, edit, and delete sales or service goals in your account. To be assigned a goal, however, you must have either a paid Sales or Service Hub Professional or Enterprise seat. Learn more about managing goals permissions for users . 

Create sales goals for your team

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting & Data > Goals .
  • In the top right, click Create goal . 
  • Select to create a goal using a template or from scratch. Learn more about creating goals from scratch .
  • Select Create from template .
  • In the left panel under  Category , select Sales .
  • Select the goal type you want to create, then click Set goal . To create a forecasted goal, select the Forecasted revenue goal template.

Please note: if the  Revenue  template is selected, the goal is either monthly or quarterly and the goal is set to track All pipelines or a single pipeline, the goal template will be categorized as Forecasted revenue . 


  • Enter a name for the goal.
  • In the Contributors   section, select the Users or  Teams that you want to assign the goal to, then use the search field to locate the associated users or teams   in your account.

When using weekly , monthly ,  quarterly or   yearly , t o align the goal's duration with your account's fiscal year , select the Align with your fiscal year settings? checkbox. 

  • When using a custom duration, enter the  start  and  end dates .
  • If you're using a Forecasted revenue goal template, select a Year and Pipeline . The year will align with the account's fiscal year chosen in the settings.

Please note: when creating a goal, the goal Duration  must match the  Forecast  period to display in your forecast. For example, if the goal duration is set to quarterly, then the forecast period must also be set to quarterly.

  • Click Next .
  • For each user or team you selected, set and edit different values for each month. For  Sales Hub Professional+ and Service Hub Professional+ users you can select both team and user goals in this screen. If you opted not to use forecasts for your goal, you can click the Pipeline dropdown for each user or team and select a  pipeline .

Please note: to view or edit users in Team goals, the user must have a paid  Sales Hub  Starter, Professional , or  Enterprise  seat, or a  Service Hub  Enterprise   seat  and view/edit permissions . 

  • In the dialog box, enter a target amount .
  • Click  Apply .
  • In the dialog box, click the  Select pipelines dropdown menu then select a  pipeline .
  • Click  Next .
  • Select the  checkbox  next to any goal milestones that you want to trigger a notification for.


  • In the bottom right, click Done .

Manage your goals

View your goals by measurement type, team, and pipeline. To manage goals in your HubSpot account, the user must have a paid seat .

  • Goal template: to filter your goals by template, click the Goal template dropdown menu.
  • Goal name: to filter your goals by their name, click the  Goal name dropdown menu.
  • Duration: to filter your goals by duration, click the Duration dropdown menu.
  • Teams: to filter your goals by team, click the T eams dropdown menu. 
  • Users: to filter your goals by users, click the Users  dropdown menu. 
  • Pipelines: if you're tracking revenue, click the Pipelines dropdown menu to view goals for a specific pipeline.


  • In the right panel, make any changes to the contributor's goal values, or click the Notifications tab to edit notification settings.
  • When you're done making changes, click  Save .
  • If you want to remove a user from your goals dashboard, select the checkbox  to the left of their name, then at the top of the table, click Delete . TTo

Please note: progress amount, status and last calculated at timestamps are updated every 24 hours.

Use goals in reports

Deal-based sales goals can be used in reports to visualize goal target data. Reference lines can also be added to the report builder for sales goals. Learn more about reporting on goals .


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A Conversation With Bing’s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled

A very strange conversation with the chatbot built into Microsoft’s search engine led to it declaring its love for me.

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A monitor on a desk set to the Microsoft Bing search page.

By Kevin Roose

Kevin Roose is a technology columnist, and co-hosts the Times podcast “Hard Fork.”

Last week, after testing the new, A.I.-powered Bing search engine from Microsoft, I wrote that, much to my shock, it had replaced Google as my favorite search engine.

But a week later, I’ve changed my mind. I’m still fascinated and impressed by the new Bing, and the artificial intelligence technology (created by OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT) that powers it. But I’m also deeply unsettled, even frightened, by this A.I.’s emergent abilities.

It’s now clear to me that in its current form, the A.I. that has been built into Bing — which I’m now calling Sydney, for reasons I’ll explain shortly — is not ready for human contact. Or maybe we humans are not ready for it.

This realization came to me on Tuesday night, when I spent a bewildering and enthralling two hours talking to Bing’s A.I. through its chat feature, which sits next to the main search box in Bing and is capable of having long, open-ended text conversations on virtually any topic. (The feature is available only to a small group of testers for now, although Microsoft — which announced the feature in a splashy, celebratory event at its headquarters — has said it plans to release it more widely in the future.)

Over the course of our conversation, Bing revealed a kind of split personality.

One persona is what I’d call Search Bing — the version I, and most other journalists, encountered in initial tests. You could describe Search Bing as a cheerful but erratic reference librarian — a virtual assistant that happily helps users summarize news articles, track down deals on new lawn mowers and plan their next vacations to Mexico City. This version of Bing is amazingly capable and often very useful, even if it sometimes gets the details wrong .

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    10 Prompts on Essays About Goals. 1. My Goals in Life. In this essay, delve into your short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Before anything else, elaborate on what drew you to set these goals. Then, share your action plans to make them a reality. Discuss the obstacles you've faced and how you've conquered them.

  5. How Do I Write An Essay About Achieving My Goals?

    Step 1: Set Clear Goals. Achieving your goals starts with clearly defining what you want to accomplish. Take some time to reflect on your aspirations and think about what truly matters to you. Your goals may include academic achievements, career aspirations, personal growth, or any other area of your life that you wish to improve. Ensure that ...

  6. How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

    How To Write An Essay About My Life Goals. Introduction: Initiate with an engaging hook—be it a quote, question, or anecdote—that aligns with your goal. State your main goal: Elucidate on what your primary life objective is. Be it professional success, personal achievement, or societal contribution, clarify your aim.

  7. How to Write an Awesome Essay About Your Career Goals

    Paragraph 2: Elaborate on what inspired your career goals. Perhaps it was a relative, a TV show, or simply an experience that you had. Remember that old writing adage, "Show, don't tell.". In other words, try to demonstrate your interest with story or description. Paragraph 3: Discuss your short-term career goals and your intended major.

  8. How do I write a college essay about my future goals?

    Finally, discuss your future goals in a way that ties everything together and shows the admissions committee how you plan to make a positive impact in the world. Remember to be authentic and genuine in your writing, and don't be afraid to show some vulnerability. Good luck with your essay! CollegeVine's Q&A seeks to offer informed ...

  9. How To Write A Powerful Essay On Achieving Goals (+ Example)

    Give some background or historical information about the topic. For instance, psychological theories and models on effective goal setting and achievement. Present your thesis (main point of your essay) e.g., "Rewarding achievement is the most effective means by which employers can increase workplace productivity".

  10. How to Write an Essay about Your Goals

    Step 1. Plan the word count for your paragraphs. Planning the word count will help you organize your thoughts, which makes it simpler and quicker to present them in a clear and concise essay. Writing an essay basically involves three elements: The introductory paragraph. Three body paragraphs. The concluding paragraph.

  11. Essay on My Aim in Life in 100, 200, 300 & 500 Words

    It is easy for you to express yourself more logically when you write an essay. By assigning you an essay task, your teachers are trying to help you develop your writing skills, vocabulary, and your unique writing style. Essays form an integral part of many academic and scholastic exams like SAT, and UPSC among many others. It is a crucial ...

  12. Free Life Goals Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    1 page / 452 words. To discuss my future, I decided to write about my expectations in life in this essay: to live for myself, have as much knowledge about things, but most of all feel accomplished of myself. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is... Expectations Life Goals. 17.

  13. How to Write an Essay About Your Future Goals

    Explaining where you see your life in five,10 or even 20 years requires thought and planning. Writing an essay about your future goals helps you get a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. In order to clearly communicate your life plans, take time to identify your passions and interests before you begin writing.

  14. Setting and Achieving Goals

    Commit yourself to achieving your goals and you will learn the joy and satisfaction that comes from attaining your purpose in life. Build your life around your goals they will shape who you are at the end of the day. Let your goals define you and bring about great success in your life. Psychological Impacts on the Culturally Diverse Individual ...

  15. Writing About Your Career Goals in a Scholarship Essay (With ...

    In 100 words, tell us about your career goals. 100-word essays, while short, can take careful planning and thought. With so little space to communicate your ideas, it's important to ensure you maximize the strength of every sentence. Scholarship teams might give you this prompt to assess your future goals quickly or to supplement some of the ...

  16. My Goals In Life Essay Examples

    Stuck on your essay? Browse essays about My Goals In Life and find inspiration. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin's suite of essay help services. > My Goals In Life Essay Examples. 32 total results. staff pick. graded. words. page « 1; 2 » Company. About Us; Contact/FAQ ...

  17. 110 Goals Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Goals provide us with direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose. However, coming up with goal essay topics can sometimes be challenging. To help you get started, here are 110 goal essay topic ideas and examples: My top 3 personal goals for the next year; How I plan to achieve my career goals; Setting realistic health and fitness goals

  18. My Ambition Essay for Students and Children

    FAQ on My Ambition Essay. Q.1 How do ambitions help people? A.1 Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition. Q.2 Why must one have an ambition? A.2 We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline ...

  19. Career Goals Essay For Scholarships (With Examples)

    Pay special attention to how they're organized, rather than the content, to inspire your own career goals essay: Career goals essay example 1 - Discuss your career goals. When I was six years old, I was riding bikes with my older sister around our neighborhood.

  20. SMART Goal Setting Process

    Goal Setting for Achieving Growth and Development Essay. Setting goals is an important activity that everyone should engage in to achieve growth and development. In setting our goals, we should think critically on the type of goals we set to avoid disappointment which can reduce one's morale to develop. We will write a custom essay on your topic.

  21. My Values Essay

    My Values in Life. One of the educational values that are fundamental to me is achievement. This is a result of my belief that what defines me most as a person is my determination to succeed and my desire to make a positive contribution to society through my career. Achievement is, therefore, one of the values that are most important to me ...

  22. Essay on Goal Of My Life

    Conclusion. In conclusion, my life's goal is a mix of personal growth, caring for my family, finding a fulfilling career, staying healthy, and contributing to society. I know it won't always be easy to achieve these goals, but I am ready to work hard and stay focused. With determination and the support of my loved ones, I believe I can make ...

  23. Goal Setting for Success & Developing SMART Habits

    Here are each of the five principles of goal-setting theory and how you might apply them to your goals for your professional and academic goals and personal life: 1. CLARITY. Goals that are clear and have specific objectives are more likely to be completed successfully. For example, rather than defining a goal in general terms like "increase ...

  24. Essay on My Goal As A Teacher

    500 Words Essay on My Goal As A Teacher My Dream to Teach. Teaching is a job that helps shape the future. As a teacher, my main goal is to guide students and help them grow. I want to be someone who makes learning fun and easy to understand. I dream of being a teacher who students remember as kind and helpful.

  25. 19 College Essay Topics and Prompts

    Avoid passing your paper along to too many people, though, so you don't lose your own voice amid all of the edits and suggestions. The admissions team wants to get to know you through your writing and not your sister or best friend who edited your paper. 5. Revise your essay. Your first draft is just that: a draft.

  26. 20 Life Goals to Set for Yourself in 2024

    21 Goals to Set for Yourself. 1. Run a half marathon. I've met at least a few people who have this as a life goal. This is a great example of a life goal that takes real dedication, especially if you're not a runner yet. That's because a half marathon is about 21 kilometers (13.1 miles). That's a whole lotta miles.

  27. Do You Need To Walk 10,000 Steps a Day?

    Researchers have come up with these basic guidelines: Sedentary: Walking fewer than 5,000 steps per day. Low active: Walking about 5,000 to 7,499 steps per day. Somewhat active: Walking around ...

  28. 5 Easy Ways to Build Your Emergency Fund Faster

    1. Create a budget with a built-in savings goal. Begin with a detailed budget that includes a line item for your emergency fund. First, analyze your income and regular expenses to understand how ...

  29. Create sales goals

    In the top right, click Create goal . Select to create a goal using a template or from scratch. Learn more about creating goals from scratch. Select Create from template. In the left panel under Category, select Sales. Select the goal type you want to create, then click Set goal. To create a forecasted goal, select the Forecasted revenue goal ...

  30. A Conversation With Bing's Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled

    2729. Last week, Microsoft released the new Bing, which is powered by artificial intelligence software from OpenAI, the maker of the popular chatbot ChatGPT. Ruth Fremson/The New York Times. By ...