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How to Write a Handwritten Cover Letter

Tips for Putting Pen to Paper and Writing an Effective Cover Letter

should application letter be handwritten

You might think that handwritten cover letters are a thing of the past, but that’s not always the case. Ninety-nine percent of the time, employers want to receive typed letters, but occasionally, they ask for a handwritten letter.

These examples of real-life job postings ask for precisely that:

  • For immediate consideration, please fax a handwritten cover letter and resume.
  • Submit resume and handwritten cover letter.
  • Please submit a resume with a handwritten cover letter. As our required documentation is very detailed, your handwriting is very important to us.
  • Please email or fax a handwritten cover letter and typed resume with Attn: Hiring Manager.

You might be asked to submit one because the job involves writing, and your handwriting needs to be legible. It’s also a way to check out your spelling and grammar.

Tips for Writing Handwritten Cover Letters

As you can see from the last example, if an employer is asking for something handwritten, your penmanship must be perfect. Handwriting can seem like a lost art in a time when almost everything is done on a computer, so take the time to get it right.

What You Need

You can write the cover letter on computer paper; that way, it will match your resume and will be easy to scan if that’s how you are going to send it. You could also opt for a higher quality stock paper to make a really good impression. Use black or blue ink and a quality pen. You may need access to a scanner and a fax machine.

Practice Your Penmanship

If your handwriting isn’t neat, practice writing by copying another document. Remember what you learned in elementary school, and practice a few times until your writing is clear and legible. Printing your letter is fine, especially if your cursive isn’t very readable.

Compose Your Letter

Keep your letter short and focused on why you are the best candidate for the job. Relate your experience to the employer’s requirements. The first paragraph of your letter should explain why you are writing; the second explains why you are qualified for the job, and the third thanks to the employer for considering you for the job. To be sure it's perfect, compose your letter on your computer, spell check, and check grammar, then print it and copy it.

Format the Letter

Be sure to format your cover letter as you would a typed letter, including your contact information and the contact information for the employer.

Write a Rough Draft

Write a rough draft of your letter so you can see how the spacing, paragraphs, and format look on the page.

Proofread Your Letter

The employer is evaluating more than your penmanship. They are going to be reading your letter for content and style, as well. Reread your letter one more time to make sure it flows before you write the final version.

Write the Final Version

Write the final version of your cover letter using a good quality pen. Leave room for your signature.

Sign the Letter

Sign your letter with your full name (first name, last name), and make sure your signature is legible, not a scribble. Even if you print your letter, your signature should be written in cursive.

Scan the Letter

With a handwritten letter, you are going to need to scan it to apply online or via email. If you have an iPad, you may be able to use an app to scan your document. If you don't have a scanner or an iPad, check with office supply and shipping stores like FedEx Office Stores, UPS Stores, Staples, etc. You should be able to scan it for a nominal fee. You can save the scanned document as a PDF file on a flash drive or email it to yourself.

Mail, Fax, Email or Upload With Your Resume to Apply

Employer requirements vary, so follow the instructions in the job posting to apply. Know how to correctly mail a resume and cover letter . If you’re emailing your application, make sure to attach your application materials to an email message . If you don’t have a fax machine, you can use an internet fax service to send. 


How to Write an Effective Application Letter [with Example & Tips]

application letter

By Sheila Kravitz

11 min read

An application letter is a vital document in any job seeker’s arsenal, at the same level of importance as resumes and cover letters. It’s often an applicant’s first point of contact with recruiters and hiring managers .

So, how do you write an effective job application letter to highlight your skills and experience, capture the potential employer’s attention, and increase your chances of getting a job? These are the questions that we’re going to answer in this article while also giving you concrete examples and expert tips that’ll make your letter shine.

Without further ado, let’s jump right in!

Key Takeaways

An application letter is a document similar to a cover letter or a resume that job seekers submit when they are interested in a role .

The document is similar to a cover letter example , and it should follow business letter formatting .

Before writing an application letter, you should research the company and read the job ad to find out which skills and qualifications are needed.

An introductory paragraph should be attention-grabbing , highlighting the amount of work experience you have and at least one highly impressive accomplishment.

The middle portion of the document should be all about your skills and achievements relevant to the job.

A call to action toward the end of the letter increases your chances of being invited for an interview.

What is a Job Application Letter?

how long a cover letter should be

A job application letter is a document that’s in many ways similar to a cover letter. It’s written and sent with the purpose of applying for a job . As such, it should convey valuable information about your skills, experience, and motivation for the role that you’re applying for.

However, while a cover letter is a supplementary document to a resume , a job application letter is typically a standalone document and should be sent without additional attachments. As a result, it needs to be longer and more detailed than a cover letter.

Still, an application letter should be a concise, one-page document that serves as an elevator pitch. Use it to get in touch with potential employers and make a lasting first impression that can secure you an interview and expedite the hiring process.

The Best Way to Format Your Job Application Letter

The best way to format your job application letter is to follow the business letter format and layout . This includes organizing the information in a specific way and ensuring that your document is visually clean.

Here’s how to arrange the information in your application letter:

Job Application Letter Format

Contact information

A formal salutation

A catchy introductory paragraph

The middle portion, with your skills and achievements

A closing paragraph with a call to action

A cordial letter closing with your sign-off

This is the optimal structure to follow when writing a job application letter, as it gives hiring managers the chance to see what they want to see exactly when they want to.

Now let’s see how you can create an impeccable layout for your application letter:

Job Application Letter Layout Guidelines

Your document should be one page long .

Choose an appropriate font for your application letter, like Calibri or Helvetica.

Set the font size between 10 and 12 pt.

Adjust margins to at least 1 inch on all sides.

Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing and insert an additional line between paragraphs.

Align text to the left or use justified alignment.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Perfect Application Letter

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Let’s learn how to write an application letter for a job with a step-by-step guide that’ll show you how to craft every part of it.

#1. Research the Company

Researching the company is the first step before you even start writing your application letter . This is crucial, as your document has the best chance of garnering attention from hiring managers if it’s tailored and relevant to the position that you’re applying for.

That’s because every job is different, and even similar roles within the same industry require different sets of skills and experiences. By looking into the organization that you want to join, examining the job ad, and paying attention to the requirements, you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly what hiring managers and employers look for in candidates .

After that, you’ll be able to lean on those experiences, as well as the hard and soft skills that you know are necessary for the job. That’ll set you apart from other candidates with generic application letters that don’t entirely match the posted requirements.

#2. Write an Introduction

Writing a strong introductory paragraph is one of the most important steps in the process of crafting an application letter. It’s your way of grabbing the reader’s attention and persuading them to check out the rest of your document.

Hiring managers are busy professionals and sometimes merely skim through application letters , spending just a couple of seconds on each. That’s why you want the first few sentences to be as captivating as possible.

Use this paragraph to mention the position that you’re applying for, emphasize how much experience you have , and highlight one or two particularly notable accomplishments.

Here’s an example:

Introduction Example

I am writing to express my interest in the architect position at Sky Vision Inc., as advertised on your website. With more than 11 years of experience in residential design and project management, as well as a Global Award for Sustainable Architecture under my belt, I am confident that I’ll be able to contribute to your esteemed organization and lead your large-scale projects.

#3. Emphasize Your Skills & Achievements

Once you have the hiring manager’s attention, it’s time to impress them with your unique skills and achievements . Remember that the goal is to be as relevant as possible, so focus on those accomplishments that indicate how you are going to perform in their company should they hire you.

One of the best ways to make this part of your application letter pop is to use numbers for quantification . They add measurable value to your accomplishments, adding credibility to them and making them stand out in the eyes of hiring managers.

Let’s see that in an example:

Emphasize Skills & Achievements Example

I have a proven track record of handling more than 50 projects from inception to completion, within budget, and with no missed deadlines. One of my biggest accomplishments was carrying out a $35 million project and achieving a delivery time 13% faster than the industry standard.

#4. Say Why You’re a Good Fit for the Role

In addition to accentuating your skills and experience, you should stress that you’re the perfect person for the role you’re applying for. This builds on the summary of qualifications that you already talked about to show potential employers how they are going to benefit from hiring you .

To achieve this goal, you can point out the moments when your previous employers prospered from your work , such as how you helped them gain new clients, boost their revenue, improve their business, and more.

Why You’re a Good Fit for the Role Example

Exceptional skills in design software like AutoCAD and Revit, coupled with a commitment to green and user-centric architecture, garnered me a 96% user satisfaction rate and an increase in the company’s repeat business by 67%.

#5. Close Your Letter With a CTA

You should take the opportunity to include a call to action (CTA) toward the end of your application letter. A CTA is a marketing term describing something created to elicit a response .

In terms of an application letter, a CTA can be an invitation for hiring managers to contact you for a job interview . This one simple sentence can vastly improve your chances and secure you the next step in the hiring process.

Close the Letter With CTA Example

Thank you for your time. I would love the opportunity to discuss my qualifications over an interview and explain further how I could contribute to your organization.

Let’s put what we’ve learned into practice and check out a complete application letter example :

Application Letter Example

Application Letter Example

3 Tips for Crafting an Effective Job Application Letter

Let’s wrap it up with a couple of expert tips that’ll help you craft the best application letter for a job vacancy:

Job Application Letter Writing Tips

Show that you’re interested in the company. Mention something specific about the organization that you want to join that compelled you to apply to them in particular. That’ll set you apart from the competition, as it shows true passion and indicates that you’re already familiar with their work.

Address the reader by their name. Greeting the reader by their name creates a connection right from the get-go. It’s a great way to build rapport and show that you went the extra mile to research the company.

Write a new job application letter for every position. Don’t submit the same application letter every time you apply for a new job. Even slight modifications can still make your document look generic. For maximum chances with recruiters, your best bet is to write a new one every time.

Final Thoughts

Writing a strong application letter is a skill in and of itself. It represents a combination of research skills, communication skills , writing skills , attention to detail, and more. However, learning this ability is crucial, as it opens doors to invaluable opportunities and helps you move your career in the right direction.

Fortunately, learning to write this document is not that difficult once you understand the basics . The format and layout remain the same, regardless of the career or role that you’re applying for. One application letter sample works for any position; you just need to adapt it to suit your needs.

That’s why we’ve provided step-by-step instructions and a complete example of an application letter, arming you with all the knowledge you need. Best of luck getting the job of your dreams!

Application Letter FAQ

#1. when do you need a job application letter.

You need a job application letter when you’re applying for a role , and you want to stand out among the competition. This document serves as a testament to your skills and experience, and its goal is to portray you as a qualified candidate who’s perfect for the job.

#2. Is a letter of application the same as a cover letter?

A letter of application is not the same as a cover letter , but they share many similarities. The two documents have the same formatting, and both convey valuable information about your competence. However, a cover letter supplements your resume, while an application letter is a standalone and more comprehensive document.

#3. How do I write an application letter that stands out?

To write an application letter that stands out, focus on the skills and accomplishments that are relevant to the job that you’re applying for . Use an attention-grabbing introductory paragraph and include a call to action toward the end. Finally, leverage numbers to add measurable value to your achievements.

Sheila Kravitz

Create your cover letter once, use it everywhere


Handwritten Cover Letter Submission: Is It Acceptable?

In today’s digital age, most job applications are submitted online, yet some job seekers wonder if a handwritten cover letter is still acceptable. Drawing from my extensive experience, I will explore the nuances and suitability of this traditional approach.

Key Takeaways

  • Appropriateness : Handwritten cover letters are generally not the norm but may be suitable for creative or personal-touch industries.
  • Legibility : Always ensure handwriting is neat and legible; consider professional handwriting or calligraphy if yours is not.
  • Personalization : A handwritten letter can showcase personality and effort, making a memorable impression.
  • Paper and Ink : Use high-quality paper and ink to convey professionalism.
  • Digital Copy : Always include a typed, digital version of the cover letter unless explicitly requested otherwise.

Step 1: Evaluate the Industry and Company Culture

Before deciding to write a handwritten cover letter, consider the industry and specific company culture. For instance, industries like creative arts, boutique retail, or organizations that value artisanal work might appreciate the personal touch of handwriting. 

However, for more formal fields like finance, law, or engineering, a typed letter is generally expected and viewed as more professional.

  • Example : In my experience, candidates applying to a boutique stationery store with a handwritten cover letter received positive feedback for aligning with the company’s appreciation for paper products and personal touches.

Step 2: Assess Your Handwriting Quality

The legibility of your handwriting is crucial. If you decide a handwritten cover letter is suitable, ensure your handwriting is not only legible but also aesthetically pleasing. If handwriting  isn’t one of your strengths, consider getting it professionally done or stick to a typed version.

  • Tip : Practice on a separate sheet before writing the final version to avoid mistakes and ensure consistency in your lettering.

Step 3: Choose Quality Materials

Using high-quality stationery can make a significant difference. Opt for a neutral, professional paper stock and a high-quality pen to enhance the presentation of your cover letter. This reflects a level of professionalism and respect towards the recipient and the application process.

  • Paper: 24lb or higher, cream or white
  • Pen: Black or dark blue ink, avoid gel pens that smudge

Step 4: Keep the Content Professional and Concise

A handwritten cover letter should follow the same structure as a typed letter: an introduction, why you’re a good fit for the job, a brief overview of your qualifications, and a call to action. Ensure that your tone remains professional and that you directly address how your skills and experiences align with the job description.

  • Opening: Address the hiring manager by name.
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and state the position you are applying for.
  • Body: Highlight relevant experiences and skills.
  • Conclusion: Express your enthusiasm for the role and invite further discussion.

Step 5: Include a Digital Copy

Even if you submit a handwritten cover letter, it’s advisable to provide a digital copy as well. This ensures that all information is easily accessible to the hiring manager and can be shared with other decision-makers in the company.

  • Tip : Attach a scanned copy of the handwritten letter in an email or include it as part of your application package.

Real-Life Example

In one case, a client applied to a small bookshop with a handwritten cover letter. The personal touch resonated well with the store’s quaint, personalized atmosphere, leading to a successful interview. 

However, for another client applying to a tech startup, the same approach was perceived as outdated, underscoring the importance of understanding the industry.

Conclusion: Balancing Tradition and Modern Expectations

While handwritten cover letters can be a charming touch in the right contexts, they are generally not the standard and should be used judiciously. Always consider the industry, company culture, and your ability to produce a neat and professional document. By marrying tradition with modern job application expectations, you can set yourself apart in a personalized way.

  • Final Tip : Always follow up with an email or phone call to ensure your application was received and to express your continued interest.

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How To Write a Handwritten Cover Letter in 9 Steps (Plus Tips)

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Jenn, a career coach at Indeed, takes a deep dive into strategies for the job search, switching careers, and writing a standout cover letter.

Cover letters can offer helpful opportunities to tell prospective employers more about who you are as a candidate, what qualifications you have for a role and what excites you about a position. One way to help differentiate yourself from other job candidates is to write a handwritten letter. Learning how to write an effective cover letter by hand can help ensure you submit a letter employers appreciate. In this article, we explain why it’s important to write a handwritten cover letter, list steps you can take to complete one and offer tips for writing a cover letter by hand.

Why is writing a handwritten cover letter important?

Writing a handwritten cover letter can be a unique way to attract the attention of prospective employers and communicate your sincere interest in a position. Here are some reasons it’s important to write a handwritten cover letter:

It’s more personal

One reason handwritten cover letters are important is because they’re closer to a personal letter than a professionally typed application document. While this might not be appropriate for every position you apply for, writing a handwritten letter can help you connect with your reader more strongly. If you’re applying for a small business or a family-run organization, handwritten letters can help your communications feel more intentional and sincere.

It can help differentiate you from other candidates

Handwritten cover letters can be rare. With so many applications taking place online, many people type their cover letters for ease of sending. That’s why it’s a good idea to use a handwritten letter if you’re applying for a position in person, rather than submitting your application online. Hand delivering and handwriting your letter can make you a more memorable candidate. Your choice to go against convention might intrigue a prospective employer and encourage them to learn more about you.

It communicates more about your personality

The choice to submit a handwritten letter alone can reveal a lot about your personality. Handwriting can also be a personal detail many employers don’t see from the majority of their applicants. By handwriting your letter, you might be communicating that you’re old fashioned or that you sincerely care about the position.

Related:   Handwritten Interview Thank You Notes: Do’s and Don’ts

How to write a handwritten cover letter

If you’re interested in writing your cover letter by hand, here are some steps you can take:

1. Write a first draft

When writing a handwritten letter, it’s important to write a draft before copying your content into your final letter. On your draft, you can write notes, cross out misspelled words or reorganize your content. Without the convenience of a computer, it’s important you prepare everything you want to say before committing to your letter.

2. Include your contact information

At the top of the letter, on the left-hand side, write about how an employer can contact you. List your name, your phone number and email address. Most cover letter writers omit their physical address because they’re less common in modern cover letters, but you might choose to include one if it’s how you expect to receive a reply from an employer.

If you’re handwriting a letter because you don’t have access to email or a computer, consider visiting a public library so you can check your communications there. Many employers use email to communicate with candidates, so listing something you check regularly can be important for hearing about next steps.

3. Address your letter

To begin your letter, address your reader by name. You might have to do research on the organization to learn who’s in charge of the hiring process. Sometimes, you can find a hiring manager’s name on the job posting. For handwritten letters, it’s especially important to know who your reader is because of the personal nature of your letter.

4. Introduce yourself

Begin your letter by introducing who you are and why you’re writing. Reference the organization’s name and job title specifically. This can help clarify which role you’re interested in within a company.

5. Explain why you’re interested in the position

Conclude your first paragraph by explaining what interests you about the position. Explain why you’re excited about the opportunity and what you hope to gain from the role. You might have chosen to write a handwritten letter because you care a lot about the position. If this is the case, do your best to communicate your interest to the employer. Most employers like to see passionate and enthusiastic candidates and they might be more inclined to invite you in for an interview.

6. Talk about your value as a candidate

In your second paragraph, talk about your relevant skills and experience so employers can better understand your value as a candidate. You might explain past positions you’ve held, achievements you’ve accomplished or special skills you think they’d find helpful. Be sure to make this paragraph specific to the position. Reference their job posting or request for help specifically and help assure them you’re the best candidate for the role.

7. Thank your reader for their time

To conclude your letter, express your sincere gratitude to the employer for considering your application. Express an interest in learning more about the next steps of the hiring process and reiterate your enthusiasm for the position. Finish your letter by printing your name and adding your signature beneath it.

8. Review your writing

Look over your draft to ensure your writing is clear, concise and free from spelling or grammatical errors. This can be especially challenging with handwritten letters because you don’t have convenient access to spell checking extensions or applications. Take your time when reviewing your letter and look up the spelling of any words you’re not confident about including. You can also ask someone you trust to review your letter to ensure it’s easy to read.

9. Write your final draft

When you’re confident with your writing, rewrite your letter on a fresh sheet of paper. Take your time and use your best handwriting. If you have to cross out writing, start again with fresh paper. It’s important to present a letter that’s free of stains, major revisions or difficult-to-read writing.

Tips for writing a handwritten cover letter

Here are some additional tips that can help you maximize the success of your handwritten cover letter:

Use good handwriting

If you plan to write your own cover letter, ensure your handwriting is legible. Use your best handwriting for your cover letter and consider asking a friend if they can read your writing. Consider writing slightly larger than you’re used to. It’s important an employer can read your content so they understand your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position.

Consider the employer

Some employers might appreciate the gesture of a handwritten letter, but some may not. Consider the employer when deciding whether to type or write your letter. If they explicitly ask for online applications, it might be better to follow directions. If you’re applying to a locally owned shop or business, they might appreciate your handwritten letter more.

Hand deliver your letter

When delivering the documents of your application, make sure it’s easy to tell which documents go together. You could choose to mail your letter along with your other application documents, or you can deliver your letter in person. If you’re applying to a smaller business, it might be good to hand deliver your letter so you can introduce yourself and help employers know who you are.

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Posting a handwritten letter direct to an employer will help your job application stand out, recruitment CEO says

It can be hard making your application stand out from the competition when applying for a job.

  • But sending a handwritten letter direct to an employer could strengthen your case, James Reed says.
  • Reed, CEO of recruiter The Reed Group, said "old ways" of grabbing employers' attention were just as effective as new ones.

Insider Today

It's hard to make your job application stand out from the competition – but sending a handwritten letter direct to your prospective employer could help, according to a top recruiter.

James Reed, CEO of The Reed Group , one of the UK's largest recruitment companies, told Insider that ultimately, the aim of any job application is to grab an employer's attention. 

While some candidates are turning to "new ways" of getting attention, like TikTok and LinkedIn , the "old ways" can be just as effective, Reed said.

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He suggested posting a handwritten letter or résumé to a potential employer because they tend to get "so few things through the post these days." He added: "It works, because I don't get many and mainly they're bills, so if nothing else, I'll look at it." 

"If it's an organization that you really want to work for and you can find a clever way of getting their attention and making that known to them, why not?" he said. "It might fly, it might explode, but I'm a big supporter of innovation and trying new things."

Reed spoke to the Insider about wider changes within the economy and what it means for recruitment. Amid the labor shortage, some recruiters may widen their net by softening their stance on career gaps , Reed said. 

Recruiters can tell when you're not really interested in the role or company, Reed said. "What doesn't work, in my experience, is when it's obvious that you're just applying to lots of jobs — you're sort of you're firing off applications all over the place."

Before applying for any role, it's worth doing your research, Reed said: thinking about how to get an employer's attention and finding out which people to contact at the company. "You can research companies much more easily than you used to be able to," he said. 

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Handwritten Letters VS Typed Letters: Which is Better?

Category: Guides , Handwrytten Help

On average, the US Postal Service sends over  173 million  pieces of mail every day – and that’s just First Class! There’s no doubt that we’re a nation that loves sending snail mail . However, if you’re not used to writing letters , you might be unsure of how to go about it.

One of the biggest problems you’ll run into is how to write your letters efficiently. More precisely, should you be creating typed or handwritten letters?

If you’re struggling to decide between the two, here’s a guide from our team  at Handywrytten  to help you choose!

It All Starts With the Purpose

Add a personal touch, send something to save, show the extra effort, reduce your screen time, things to remember when handwriting letters, you don’t have to worry about handwriting, it’s quicker to type, spell-check is a lifesaver, you can create multiple drafts easily, things to remember when typing, what about the best of both, start creating your own handwritten letters.

The purpose of your letter can dictate whether you should send a handwritten note  or typed letter . It doesn’t always help, but there are some situations that will call for typed letters exclusively. These include letters that are more formal in nature, such as when contacting a company (especially to inquire about something or complain), applying for a job via mail, or sending a letter concerning a legal matter.

For example, if you’re fighting a legal fine, it’s not really a good idea to send something that’s handwritten. Formal topics and organizations will prefer typed letters. If what you’re saying is super important, then it may be best to save a copy and type your letter to avoid any mistakes. You don’t want an important word misread when it comes to a legal matter or when applying for a job! It could affect your whole case!

However, if you’re writing an informal letter , you don’t have to type it. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, but it allows you to create traditional and  beautiful handwritten letters  that create a lasting impression.

To help answer your question, let’s start by looking at the benefits of opting for handwritten letters.

Why Send Handwritten Letters?

Lots of people still enjoy writing handwritten letters, although it’s definitely an art form that’s become a lot less popular since the dawn of the computer (and even the typewriter!). But that’s not to say it’s obsolete. There are still plenty of reasons to write with a good old-fashioned pen and paper , and we’ve got some of the best right here:

There’s no denying that a typed letter removes a little bit of the personal touch that a handwritten letter carries. By writing  your words down directly, the recipient can imagine you sitting down and drawing out each letter carefully. Your sincere words will shine through your handwriting . You’re crafting something unique, and if that’s not personal, we don’t know what is!

Of course, typed letters can also be saved by the reciever, but there’s often not the same sentimental attachment. People are much more inclined to save something you handwrote yourself. They can trace the ink with their finger, see the little mistakes you made, and that uniqueness can be worth saving.

Look into the endless times people have chosen to turn handwritten letters into  a book , just to prove how special they are! From love letters to “thinking of you” letters, people will keep them as treasured keepsakes.

There’s something about a handwritten note that stands out. Perhaps it’s that it took longer than simply typing up a message, or that putting pen to paper takes more effort. Regardless, it will show your passion and care towards the recipient.

We’re all guilty of spending too much time staring a screen now and again! Not to mention the effects that the  blue light  of a computer can have on your skin and eyes. By handwriting your letters, you can take time away from the digital world and get back to reality for a moment. 

There are definite pros to writing a letter by hand , but it also has its fair share of disadvantages. For example, if you make a mistake in pen then you can’t just erase it; it’s there forever! So if you do choose to write by hand it can be a good idea to make a first draft, or at least mentally plan what you want to say before you start writing . 

It can also be tough to read other peoples handwriting . If yours isn’t very legible or your recipient has issues with their sight, a handwritten letter may not be the best choice. If you have to send out a lot of letters, that’s also going to become a greater task and could put a strain on your writing hand . 

That’s where Handwrytten comes in.

Send handwritten cards from the comfort of our smartphone app or website. Simply type your message and our robots will create your authentic, handwritten letters with ballpoint pen ! We’ll even mail them for you!

What About Typed Letters?

We’ve reviewed the benefits of handwriting your notes, so now let’s look at the pros of typed letters.

Not everyone has the best handwriting , and if yours isn’t top notch, then you might be better off typing your thoughts out. (Or using Handwrytten’s readily available handwritten fonts!) Handwriting has to be legible to be read, and you might spend time worrying over yours when you don’t necessarily need to! 

As long as you’re used to typing on a keyboard, the chances are it’s going to be quicker than writing by hand . You don’t have to be a super speedy typist to outrun the speed of handwritten notes – it does take a long time when working with a pen and paper ! If you’re busy, this could make typing the better option.

Even the greatest spellers make mistakes sometimes. If you’re writing to a friend you can probably excuse a mistake here or there. However, if you’re writing to someone you don’t know as well (or at all), or you really don’t have a good grasp of spelling and grammar, typing can help. There are tons of programs out there that will check your spelling as you write, allowing you edit out all of those little mistakes to create a flawless note .

Not every letter can be done properly the first time. If you’re writing something important, it might take a few drafts for you to get the words exactly as you’d like them. Luckily when you’re typing on a computer, this is a breeze. Rather than starting from scratch like you’d have to with a handwritten letter , you can simply edit the areas you’re not happy with and move sections around until you’ve got it just right. If you’re a perfectionist, that’s going to save a lot of time and stress.

Just like handwritten notes , typing has a whole lot of good attributes. But it does lack the personal touch that handwriting is full of and can seem a little too formal (not personal enough) for certain letters. Thank you notes or congratulatory letters, for example, will come across much better if they’re written by hand !

It’s no secret that both handwritten and typed notes have their downfalls! The great thing about handwritten notes is that they come across as personal, thoughtful, and are filled with more care. However, if you don’t have the handwriting or the time to craft them, they can be a nightmare!

On the other hand , typing isn’t always appropriate and can come across as a little strange for certain letters. So, why not combine the best of both?

At Handwrytten, we provide a handwritten note service, allowing your heartfelt messages to be transformed from text to gorgeous handwritten letters. The idea is simple; you type up the words you want to say, and our robots write them for you.

Okay, so it’s not actually us. It’s our amazing robots that can be programmed to write in a whole range of different handwriting styles. They actually put ballpoint pen to paper and quickly – but precisely – write out your words. It’s an amazing system that can be used for a whole range of purposes!

From gorgeous thank you for purchasing cards to letters for faraway friends, we cover all of your handwriting needs.

Handwritten letters are a thoughtful way to send your words across the globe, and they’re a lot more unique and special than typed notes. But if you can’t handwrite your own, it’s time to look into Handwrytten.

Start learning more about the  features of Handwrytten and make sure to get your letters sent to allow for time to get them delivered , or get in touch with our team today to find out more!

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Published In: Letters

Writing a Job Application Letter (Samples & Examples)

Often, employers prefer that job applicants furnish them with a professionally written application letter for an open position instead of sending them their resume and cover letter. A job application letter is usually used when applying for a role when the role focuses more on their personality than all other aspects. A job application letter reflects more details about the applicant, whereas the resume focuses on their professional experiences and skills.

What is a Job Application Letter?

A job application letter is a standalone document submitted to the potential employer by the applicant expressing their interest in an open position. The application letter explains who you are, either as an individual or as a professional. The application letter should highlight your skills and achievements, helping to capture the recruiter’s attention responsible for reviewing job applications.

When properly drafted, an application letter explains to the recipient why they should book you for an interview and outlines the significant qualifications that make you the perfect candidate for the position. A professionally written job application letter can create a great first impression and help set you apart from thousands of applicants.

Difference Between a Job Application Letter and a Cover Letter

The key difference between a job application letter and a cover letter is that;

  • Cover letters only define the applicants’ professional qualifications and the reason for writing the letter, while;
  • The job application letter outlines the applicants’ skills, qualifications, strengths, and previous job experiences that are related to the position that they are applying for.

How to Write a Job Application Letter 

When drafting your job application letter, follow these steps to ensure that you include all the information about yourself and your professional experience that will help you seize the hiring managers’ attention: 

Do your research about the organization and the open positions

You must draft a new job application letter for each position you are applying for. This is important so as not to sound generic. By writing from scratch, you will also be able to include pertinent details about the position you are applying for and show your interest in that specific role. Go through the job advert and the company’s website and compare the qualifications and experience with the list of skills and qualifications listed in the job posting. You may also want to brainstorm some of your significant experiences related to the position you are applying for. 

Use a professional format

All job application letters should follow a standard format and should be professionally written. The letter should be single-spaced, have a one-inch margin, and should be left-aligned. Also, you should consider using a more professional and traditional font such as Times New Roman- font size twelve. Try to tailor your letter to fit on one page of printed paper. 

Use a formal business heading

When writing your job application letter, you should use a formal business heading. The heading of your application letter should include your name, your contact information, the date of writing, and the company’s name and address. 

Address the letter to the right recipient 

When gathering information about the company, try and find out the name of the person that you are to send the letter to. In most cases, the person you are supposed to send the letter to is usually included in the job advert, if not try and contact the company and find out their name. 

Start by describing your interest

In your first paragraph, mention the position that you are applying for and where you saw the job listing. Include your interest in the position and provide a brief description of your experiences and qualifications that make you the best candidate for the role.

Outline your skills, experiences, and qualifications

In the next few paragraphs of your job application letter, outline your skills, experiences, and qualifications poised in a way that aligns with the company’s mission and vision statements. 

Include aspects of your personality

When writing your application letter, focus on how you can incorporate aspects of your personality. An engaging letter is more likely to attract the attention of the reader, especially when they can get an idea of how you will be an asset to their team. 

Express appreciation

Before signing off on your job application letter, express your appreciation to the recipient of the letter for reviewing your application letter and considering you for the job. Remember that the hiring manager/potential employer is taking their time to go through your letter, so expressing your gratitude for the time that they spend is a polite and professional way to close your letter. 

Close the letter

Use a professional sign off to conclude your letter. Most people use “Best” or “Sincerely” to close the letter, but you can choose any other that is professional to use. 

Sending Your Job Application Letter 

Job application letter formats depending on whether one is sending it to their supervisor or the hiring manager. If you are looking to send your letter via email, your letter’s format will differ from a mailed or printed letter. When sending via email, your contact information should be at the bottom part of your letter for an email, below your full typed name.  

When you are sending your job application letter via email, it is important to consider the letter’s subject line. The subject line will, in most cases, determine whether the hiring manager opens your letter or not. Make sure to use a relevant subject line in your application, for instance; you can use something like, “Job application letter for the position of…” The best subject line is usually professional, polite, concise, and relevant. 

Free Job Application Letter Templates

Depending on how your choice of words, formatting, and length of your job application letter can either make or break you. To ensure that your job application letter has everything and is well structured, consider the following templates when writing:


Tips to Follow

When drafting your job application letter, make sure to follow these tips to ensure that you have included all the information that the hiring manager requires:

  • Emphasize your abilities and skills: your job application letter is an opportunity for you to introduce and sell yourself as the best candidate for the position that you are applying for. Include some specific situations in which you managed to properly apply your skills, experiences, and abilities to benefit the organization that you were working for. You can also include data to quantify and back up your claims
  • Keep the letter short: even though you may be tempted to include a lot of unnecessary details about yourself, it is important to be brief in your writing. If the potential employer or the hiring manager receives a letter that has several pages, they may not dedicate their time to go through it. A concise letter is more manageable and appealing to them.
  • Proofread your work: since the job application will serve as your first impression, you want to ensure that it sends a positive vibe to the recipient. Ensure that your letter is free of any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes to avoid a potentially negative first impression.
  • Close the letter with all the important details: thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration. Also, provide your contact information and mention how you will follow up.

Most companies usually receive thousands of applications for open positions every day, therefore for you to stand out, your letter should look good, and it must capture their attention from the onset. Having a well-drafted job application letter can greatly help you in getting your dream job. If your job application looks professional, then the hiring manager will be more likely to take it more seriously.

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Is It Better to Write or Type a Letter?

Should you write or type a letter?

Write or Type Business Letters

If you want to be taken seriously in this day and age, you would certainly choose to type rather than write when sending a business letter. The only part of a business letter you should write by hand is the signature. Here are some of the reasons it’s appropriate to type rather than write a business letter.

  • Your handwriting may not be all that easy to read.
  • You can’t as easily make changes to a handwritten business letter, so even if you draft it several times , you may not express yourself as well when you write by hand.
  • A typed letter looks neater and more professional, no matter how neat your handwriting is.
  • If your keyboard skills are up to scratch, typing is a lot faster than writing.
  • Spell check can save you from embarrassment. Yes! I spelled “embarrassment” correctly the first time! Can you?

In the business world, handwritten letters are extremely rare, but there is one place other than the signature where I feel handwriting offers a special touch. If you’re thanking someone with a brief note, the kind that gets written on ‘compliments slips’ or greeting cards, then I think writing by hand is more personal.

Write or Type Personal Letters

There’s still something lovely about getting a letter via “snail mail.” Should you write it or type it? I doubt whether anyone would be offended by a typed letter, and it has the advantages of being easier to write, easier to edit, and easier to read.

Still, a handwritten letter is a labor of love and provided it’s legible and well thought out. I think most people would acknowledge that you went to extra effort on their behalf with a handwritten personal letter. What’s more, any errors that sneak in will be forgiven because you’re presumably writing to someone who is close to you. They like you, even love you, and it’s probably not for your skill at spelling .

Before you decide to give a personal letter a special touch by writing it with old-fashioned pen and paper, know what you’re letting yourself in for.

  • You need to plan ahead by creating a rough framework so that your thoughts flow logically.
  • You’ll have to write at least two versions and possibly more.
  • You need to be able to write neatly so that it’s easily readable.
  • You need the right equipment.

Choose attractive note paper, and if you struggle to keep your lines straight on paper without lines, choose paper with ruled lines. Another option is to use slightly transparent paper that will let you see a sheet with ruled lines when you place it beneath the page you are working with. Choose a pen with ink that won’t easily smudge, and pick a dark colored ink. Gold may look pretty, but it isn’t easy to read a full letter written in gold pen. Black ink is best.

Additional Advantages of Typed Personal Letters

One thing you should remember about handwritten letters is that you’ll get less text on each page. If you have a lot to say in your letter, typing is probably a better solution. You don’t want to end up trying to cram a ten-page missive into an envelope.

If you’re planning to write to several people, you can “cheat” just a little bit. It’s easy to adapt the introductory and closing paragraphs with personal messages for each recipient while the body text remains the same, or nearly the same, for all the letters you’re going to send.

Last but not least, if your letter gets lost in the post, you’ll have a copy saved on your computer and won’t have to rewrite your letter from scratch.

When’s the Last Time You Sent a Handwritten Letter?

Handwritten letters are quite rare these days. I think that their rarity makes them rather special. If I were to write a love letter, I believe I would choose a handwritten letter. What would you do?

(Photo courtesy of Annie Pilon )

If you are writing to a friend or loved one, always right by hand. If it’s a more formal letter, always opt to type. Those are my simple rules.

Do people even write letters these days? That seems so old school and such a waste of time. There is a thing called e-mail and texting. I’m 22 years old and I don’t think I’ve ever received a letter in the mail other than from companies or utilities. I think in this day and age letter writing is obsolete and the only people who would consider doing it and out of touch of the reality of today’s technology.

How obnoxious can you be? Just because you may not write letters doesn’t mean that they aren’t cherished by others. When’s the last time you’ve reread an email time and again as I often do with the letters I’ve received? What you may think as antiquated shows how much you care for someone.

I’m old school.I will always write handwritten letters

What are you 12? Go play fortnite

With this kind of mindset you’ve portrayed in your comment, you probably won’t ever receive a personal letter from someone.

Well,I would receive handwritten official letters especially in cases where I’d need to do an unmanipulated check into the writer’s personality.

…And about making errors in handwriting,why do typos exist?

Ea reprehenderit con

iam a cursive writer

These days writing a letter maybe out of fashion or something like dope but to maintain or enhance our skills in writing or using words i will always recommend you to write letters especially to your loved ones or friends who live far away. The advantage with typing is that it promises to reach on time if its something formal we want to write it is always better to write a letter well we do use texts to save time that is actually better than writing letters but writing letters can create that need to read the thing . Writing to beloved ones and getting letters from beloved ones is always better than just texting them. These days some children don’t even know how to write a letter they just text due to this the kids get spoiled always using the computer or the phone to chat and stuff. i recommend all parents to encourage their children to write letters to their loved ones at least. That’s all from me thank you

For friendly personal letters, if I have all the time to spare , I’ll take the time to write the letter by hand. My handwriting isn’t that great, and it’s time-consuming to try to make it legible. JFK’s handwriting is a quadrillion times more legible than mines. If, OTOH, I’ve got other disasters that are waiting for my immediate attention , then I’ll type the letter in my old, dusty and trusty, manual 1919 Oliver typewriter. I’m pretty fast at typing on this typewriter, mistakes and all. I don’t go back worrying about typos, misspellings, grammar, punctuation, cross-outs. It’s a single take, and it’s a wrap.

David McCullough, the famed historian, once said, “If you want to do future historians a favor, write letters and keep journals on high quality acid free paper. We don’t know how long emails will last.” McCullough said that he discovered, while researching his book 1776, that letters and journals kept in archives from that era were still easily read because they had been written on acid-free cotton “paper.” I write letters to my kids and grandkids either hand written on quality paper or using my manual Olympia typewriter. I talk about what is happening in the family and world. I so wish I had letters or journal entries from my great grandfather who was a Confederate cavalry soldier who fought at Shiloh. What was he thinking? Letters are wonderful.

write a letter is sometime hard and sometime easy. I think both of the idea is great noting is bad at all.

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There’s No Better Time Than Now to Write a Handwritten Letter

should application letter be handwritten

Pen and paper have become something of an adolescent antique. As adults we spend our time typing up robotic emails, text messages, and social media posts. It would appear that electronic communication has surpassed the art of the handwritten letter.

And yet the process of writing by hand is in many ways a more connected experience both for the writer and the recipient. No keyboard or writing application could ever surpass the intensely personal process of crafting a handwritten letter. In times like these, it’s rare to reveal one’s feelings so candidly—but that’s just what the doctor ordered.

Strive for a true connection in the digital age. Here’s why you should pull out your best stationery and send handwritten letters: 

1. A Handwritten Letter is Honest

Beyond the allure of bold and distinct handwriting is the reality that what’s written cannot be taken away. Our computers and phones have made it easier to curate and perfect every letter, every word, and every sentence. We can delete, rearrange, and sometimes change entire phrases with a click of a button.

These targeted messages make the business world go round. Yet something is lost in the process from a personal level. Are these digital messages, revised with software algorithms, a real reflection of who we are and how we think?

Not likely. Like an unrefined sketch, a handwritten letter is an earnest window into the soul. You can’t hit backspace to remove diction or opinions that you would normally hide through a digital medium.

At best, you can scratch away the sentences that trouble you. Yet it’s the appearance of these crossed-out words and lines that speak to the thought put into the letter. Once the truth is written in ink, there’s no taking it back.

2. A Handwritten Letter Expresses Your Dedication

You can send an email or text message during a lunch break or while watching TV. This method of communication doesn’t require the same commitment as a handwritten letter.

When you write by hand, you have to divest yourself of the internet and electronic devices. After all, it takes two hands to write: one to work the pen and the other to steady the paper. This formal style of writing requires your full attention.

And the recipient knows it.

When you sit down to put your thoughts to paper, you’re devoting a significant chunk of your day to this project and nothing else. It’s hard to imagine something more personal or heartfelt. 

3. Writing Can Make You Happier

Most handwritten letters contain expressive writing, recording your own thoughts and feelings onto paper. 

Expressive writing has long been known as a mood booster, enhancing your overall wellbeing. To express your inner feelings, you’ll have to work through them. It’s this process that leads to benefits such as increased happiness, well-being, and reduced stress.

Improving your mood through expressive writing can also lend itself to real-world benefits. When a group of engineers lost their jobs, 52% of those who wrote about their feelings found work within 8 months compared to 19% of those who didn’t.

4. A Handwritten Letter is Forever

Handwritten letters are often seen as rare, intimate, and precious; therefore, their physical presence often stands the test of time. The recipient of a love letter, for example, is likely to hold on to it over the years as a keepsake from a past memory.

Imperfect Ink archives these physical letters to ensure they exist for posterity and provides a safe space for others to connect by sharing their feelings and experiences. People across the world can read handwritten letters , share them with others, and write their own. 

Read the Latest Handwritten Letters

Join imperfect ink.

There’s something rebellious about constructing a handwritten letter in modern times. But that’s what makes them so unique, memorable, and precious.

Handwriting is a beautiful art form worth commemorating. At the Imperfect Ink, we want to share your creative, personal letters. Submit your handwritten letter and join the movement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Take out your best stationery, choose a person to write to and express your innermost thoughts. Try reading some letters for an abundance of inspiration.

There are multiple benefits of hand-writing a letter such as enhanced self-expression, stress reduction, and increased happiness.

Imperfect Ink archives beautiful, thoughtful handwritten letters written anonymously.

Join today and take the first step in opening up and gaining greater understanding and compassion for yourself and others.

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A handwritten resume: Should you use it in 2023? ResumePerk

Decades ago, all resumes were handwritten. Job-seekers would write down their employment history, education, and skills by hand and present the resume to employers in person, or send it by mail. The times have changed since then, and today most employers expect a digital resume in a DOCX or PDF format.

Yet, handwritten resumes can still be used in certain situations and contexts. In this article, we will explain when it is worth it to apply with a handwritten resume and what are the pros and cons of using this resume type.

Are you looking to improve your old resume and get more interviews? At ResumePerk.com, we offer an affordable Resume Editing service. An experienced writer will correct the shortcomings in your resume, and improve the word choice, structure, and punctuation to help you pass the ATS and get noticed by top employers. Our resume editing is affordable for everyone –look at our prices and make sure!

When should you submit a handwritten resume?

Recruiters typically see handwritten resumes as a thing of the past and do not welcome such applications. However, there are exceptions. You can confidently use a resume written by hand in the following instances:

The company specifically asks for a handwritten resume

If the job posting requires the candidates to apply with a handwritten resume, you need to follow the employer’s directions. Such companies are rare, but you can come across one of them. There are many reasons for companies to pose this requirement.

Some companies might not have the established application process online, or prefer doing business the old way. The others want to see your motivation and interest in the role, as writing a resume by hand takes time and effort. Do not submit a handwritten resume if the employer expects a digital copy, as in this case, it is likely to get tossed.

You are applying to a small local business

Small businesses often accept handwritten resumes as well. If the company doesn’t have a website or social media pages, they will gladly accept your application in person. You can also use a printed copy of your digital resume in this case, yet, some believe that handwritten resumes show more personality.

In either case, you need to approach writing a paper resume seriously. Research the company, study its requirements and focus on the exact qualifications and experiences the company is looking for.

Your industry welcomes a creative approach

A handwritten resume can be used not only to convey your professional background to the employer. Today, when sending a digital resume has become a norm, sending a handwritten resume can show your high interest in a position. Plus, it will demonstrate your creative approach and surely will get you top of the hiring manager’s mind.

Such an out-of-the-box approach will most likely work in a creative or arts industry. If coming up with a non-standard solution to a problem is welcomed in your industry, you can try and apply with a handwritten resume.

The pros and cons of using a handwritten resume

Like any non-traditional way of job application, submitting a paper resume has its pros and cons you should take into account.

  • It is a creative way to stand out . In a world where everyone submits DOCX and PDF resumes, receiving a letter with a handwritten resume can be pretty surprising for a recruiter – in a good way. Chances are, they will spend more time on your application simply because this isn’t a common thing.
  • It shows your personality. A handwritten resume can tell a lot about your education level, attention to detail, and the ability to structure and organize information. When writing a resume on a sheet of paper, we do not have standard fonts and the auto-correct feature, so every resume is different.
  • It proves that you really want the job. If you took your time to write a resume by hand, not just send a digital copy, it shows that you are really motivated to work in this company. High motivation and enthusiasm are valued by every employer, no matter the industry.
  • It makes a great impression (if your handwriting is good). A well-organized resume with good handwriting and correct spelling instantly makes a good impression. It makes the hiring manager think that the applicant is just as detail-driven and organized when it comes to doing their job.
  • It might be difficult to read. If you have a clear handwriting, it definitely works to your advantage. On the flip side, if you don’t write beautifully and your handwriting is difficult to read, the hiring manager is likely to toss it whatsoever.
  • It can indicate your lack of knowledge of the work culture. Today, people send job applications digitally. If you don’t do the same, the hiring manager can assume that you are not familiar with the professional etiquette and work culture, and will not fit into the organization.
  • The employer might think you’re not tech-savvy. The recruiter might think that you don’t have a computer or cannot use it. As most businesses use computers and software to automate their processes, coming across as a Luddite isn’t the best first impression.
  • You need to write a new resume for every position. If you apply to multiple companies, you cannot just paraphrase the career summary and send the same resume everywhere. You will need to write it from scratch, every time.

With so many pros and cons, the best strategy is to weigh if submitting a paper resume is acceptable in your industry and career situation. Moreover, even if you decide to write a resume by hand in 2023, prepare a digital copy in case the hiring manager requests it.

How to write a resume by hand?

  • Use high-quality thick paper. Choose paper no less than 100 grams per square meter and a good ink pen. A resume written on thick premium paper makes a solid impression as opposed to resumes on thin paper that look sloppy. Use a lined sheet of paper so that your lines look straight.
  • Use one-inch margins. Without margins, your resume text will look cluttered. Be sure to use some white space for better readability and make sure the resume can be punched.
  • Write in lists, not paragraphs. Just like with digital resumes, use lists over paragraphs – in this case, your resume will look structured and organized.
  • Keep it under 3 pages. Handwriting naturally takes more space than the text typed on the computer. So, while recommended length for digital resumes is 1-2 pages , handwritten resumes can take up to 3 pages.
  • Avoid correcting your mistakes. If you misspelled a word or made another mistake, it is best not to use a correction fluid or cross it out. Take a new sheet of paper and start it over. It is time-consuming, but sending a corrected resume will not make the right first impression.

Follow the standard resume rules

The requirements for a handwritten resume as the same as for a digital one. To make your resume effective and persuasive, follow these tips:

Describe your professional experience concisely

Experienced professionals should focus on the last 10 years of work. You can omit the early jobs, or list the job titles only. List your jobs chronologically starting from the current position. Do not rewrite the job descriptions from the internet and do not focus too much on the daily duties – instead, describe the results.

List education after the experience

Students and graduates can write about education first. In this case, such details as your GPA, coursework, and college awards are welcome. If you have 2+ years of experience, put the Experience section first and focus on describing relevant professional duties.

In addition to a college or university degree, you can add training, online courses, and certifications. You can create a separate Training section for such information.

Include relevant skills

In digital resumes, skills work as keywords and help you pass the ATS filters. When writing a resume on a sheet of paper, you can expand on each skill so that it sounds more convincing to an employer. Whenever possible, avoid generic skills such as teamwork, dedication, and organization.

For example, instead of “leadership” you can say “coordinated a team of 5 sales associates in a retail store”. Usually, we recommend including between 8-14 skills.

Add the Summary section

Write 3-5 sentences summarizing your qualifications and accomplishments for the position. Make sure your summary is customized for the exact company’s needs and challenges. Include figures and percentages whenever possible, as they always make a great impression.

Focus on achievements

For each job you list, write not only your daily duties, but also the precise results of your work: the revenue you generated, costs you saved, processes you improved, people you trained, etc. Add numbers to illustrate your impact. Include at least one accomplishments per job, as the accomplishments differentiate you from other candidates with the same qualifications.

Check for mistakes

Employers don’t like grammar mistakes, vague sentences and misspelled words. Mistakes in a handwritten resume make a negative impression, so proofread the written resume to make sure it’s flawless. To avoid mistakes, you can type a resume on your computer, run a spell checker, and then just put it on paper.

Let our resume writers create a standout resume for you

If you choose to apply with a handwritten resume, it is best to write it yourself because such a resume shows your personality. Yet, when it comes to digital resumes, you can benefit a lot from working with a resume writer who knows your industry and modern resume standards. Looking for a job without resume? Check out this article .

At ResumePerk.com, we can update your old resume or create a new one based on your preferences and career goals. The writer will also optimize your resume for ATS to ensure smooth transition through applicant filters. If you need to buy a resume contact us on chat to discuss your career goals and get your personal discount!

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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should application letter be handwritten

The Psychology of Handwritten Letters: Why They Work

should application letter be handwritten

In today’s fast-paced, digital age, where emails and social media messages dominate our communication landscape, there’s something profoundly personal and impactful about receiving a handwritten letter in the mailbox. Handwritten letters have a unique ability to forge connections, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll delve deep into the psychology behind handwritten letters and their enduring effectiveness in the realm of direct mail marketing.

The Personal Touch: A Connection Beyond Screens

Human beings inherently crave personal connections. Handwritten letters deliver that personal touch which digital messages, despite their convenience, often lack. When someone takes the time to craft a handwritten note, it signifies a genuine, personal connection—an authentic, human gesture in an increasingly virtual world.

The Element of Surprise: Captivating Recipient Attention

In a world flooded with digital marketing messages, receiving a handwritten letter is an unexpected surprise. It instantly captivates the recipient’s attention in a way that a standard email or advertisement seldom does. This element of surprise can lead to significantly increased open rates and engagement.

Tangible and Touchable: Making a Physical Impression

Handwritten letters possess a tangible quality—something that can be held, touched, and kept. This physicality creates a deeper connection between the sender and recipient. A handwritten letter isn’t something that can be easily deleted or ignored—it occupies physical space, often finding a place of honor displayed prominently in homes and offices.

The Power of Individuality: A Unique Signature

Every person’s handwriting is unique, and this individuality carries meaning. A handwritten letter is a piece of the sender’s personality and identity—a signature of their unique self. It makes the recipient feel like they’re receiving something deeply personal, almost like a handwritten conversation.

Nostalgia and Sentimentality: Tapping into Emotions

Handwritten letters evoke feelings of nostalgia and sentimentality. They transport us to a time when communication was slower, more deliberate, and carried a sense of anticipation. This nostalgia can tap into the recipient’s emotions, creating a positive association with the sender.

Emotional Impact: Moving Hearts and Minds

Handwritten letters are often filled with emotion. Whether it’s a heartfelt thank-you note, a warm invitation, or a personal story, the emotional impact of a handwritten letter can be profound. This emotional connection can drive the recipient to take the desired actions, whether it’s making a purchase, attending an event, or simply engaging with the sender’s brand.

The “Unplugged” Experience: A Break from Screens

In a world where we’re constantly plugged into our devices, a handwritten letter provides a unique “unplugged” experience. It encourages the recipient to step away from screens and engage with something real and personal—a much-needed break from the digital noise.

Longer Attention Span: Savoring the Message

Compared to the fleeting nature of digital content, handwritten letters tend to command a longer attention span. Recipients are more likely to read through a letter carefully, savoring its content and absorbing the message.

A Token of Appreciation: Making Recipients Feel Valued

Receiving a handwritten letter often makes the recipient feel valued and appreciated. It signifies that the sender has taken the time to think about them, a gesture that can be especially meaningful in business relationships.

The Art of Storytelling: Crafting Memorable Narratives

Handwritten letters are exceptional tools for storytelling. They allow the sender to craft a narrative that resonates deeply with the recipient, making the message more memorable and impactful. It’s the art of storytelling at its most personal.

Cost-Effective Personalization with Robotic Arm Written Letters

While the appeal of handwritten letters is undeniable, the logistics of producing them at scale can be challenging. This is where innovative solutions like robotic arm-written letters come into play. These meticulously crafted, automated letters combine the warmth of handwritten communication with the efficiency of technology. They allow businesses to save on costs without sacrificing personalization.

The psychology of handwritten letters is rooted in the desire for personal connections, the power of surprise, and the emotional impact they carry. In the realm of direct mail marketing, leveraging the psychological impact of handwritten letters, whether traditional or created by robotic arms, can lead to higher engagement, increased response rates, and a more profound connection between your brand and your audience. Embracing the art of handwritten communication in your marketing efforts can set your business apart in an increasingly digital world, all while optimizing your resources effectively.

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Does application letter need signature?

No, you don’t need to sign a cover letter. However, if you’re mailing a hard copy as part of your application, you should sign your cover letter because it’s professional and requires little effort. Are you: Sending an email cover letter?

Table of Contents

How do you sign a letter of application?

  • Sincerely yours.
  • Best regards.
  • With best regards.
  • Kind regards.
  • Yours truly.

Do I need to sign a cover letter submitted electronically?

There is no need to sign a cover letter that’s being sent electronically. Write out your full name in the same font as the rest of the letter, and don’t use italics or a handwriting font.

Should an application letter be handwritten or printed?

Typed / computer generated not hand written: It is normally expected that unless a handwritten letter is specifically requested, the letter should be typed or more usually these days generated on a computer. The font chosen should normally be fairly formal in nature.

How do you end an application letter?

Make sure to offer thanks for their time and consideration, and choose a professional closing salutation such as, “Sincerely,” “Best regards” or “Thank you for your consideration.” Avoid overly familiar phrases like, “Yours,” “Cheers” or “Take care.”

Can I type my name as a signature?

Accounts, document authentication, and more While typing your name can count as a legal signature, a business needs to have a way to prove that the individual who typed their name actually signed the document. The ability to defend against repudiation is critical.

Where do you sign your name on a letter?

Sign your name in the space. For informal letters, you may omit the typed name; you only need to sign your name below the closing. For letters written as email, you may omit the signed name; you only need to type your name below the closing.

Where do you sign above or below signature?

The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and the signature line.

Where do you sign on a typed letter?

A signature block appears below your last paragraph, has a closing, and your signature over your typed name. In a business letter, your title appears directly below your typed name. To create this, at the end of your letter, drop down two lines with one or two Enters depending on your current Style.

How do I put my signature on an online application?

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Can an application letter be handwritten?

In fact, not only is there no need to go to the trouble of writing a cover letter by hand, it can actually work against you as it can suggest you have limited computer skills.

Does written application mean handwritten?

A written application means a typed application – it is “written” as opposed to people applying by phone or in person. It would be a very unusual request for an organisation to require hand-written applications.

Should a letter be handwritten or typed?

There’s no denying that a typed letter removes a little bit of the personal touch that a handwritten letter carries. By writing your words down directly, the recipient can imagine you sitting down and drawing out each letter carefully. Your sincere words will shine through your handwriting.

Which address is the most appropriate for an application letter?

It is always best to address your letter to a specific person. If the name is not provided in the job ad, phone the organisation and ask receptions for the name and title of the addressee. Use Mr/Ms if you are unsure of the title, not Mrs/Miss. Use ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ only if you are unable to find out.

How do you end a motivation letter for university?

How to end your motivation letter. Just summarize the main points you made and mention your main goal of the letter – to be accepted for the programme. Conclude by restating your interest and show appreciation for the chance to prove yourself in the letter (in some cases, you can ask for a personal interview).

Can I say thank you for your consideration?

Using “thank you for your consideration” is not a bad way to say thank you, but it definitely can be spiced up to sound more fluid and individualized. When contacting employers, you want not only want to make sure that all of your communication is professional, but you also want it to be memorable.

Can my signature be a smiley face?

Can I sign legal documents with a smiley face? Yes, that is lawful. A person’s signature does not necessarily have to include the person’s name or initials.

Is electronic signature legal?

Yes, electronic signatures are valid in all U.S. states and are granted the same legal status as handwritten signatures under state laws. In other industrialized countries, electronic signatures carry the same weight and legal efficiency as handwritten signatures and paper documents.

What is an acceptable signature?

As long as it adequately records the intent of the parties involved in a contractual agreement, it’s considered a valid signature. Usually this mark is made by a pen, but not necessarily. The signature can be made by anything that marks the paper.

What is the purpose of the signature on an application?

Application signing allows developers to identify the author of the application and to update their application without creating complicated interfaces and permissions. Every application that is run on the Android platform must be signed by the developer.

Is it safe to put your signature online?

Once all recipients have signed a document, they’re notified, and the document is stored electronically where it can be viewed and downloaded. All of this is done safely due to the built-in security features and the processes that e-signature providers follow.

What is Applicant signature?

1 the name of a person or a mark or sign representing his name, marked by himself or by an authorized deputy.

How many address does an application letter have?

An application letter is a mandatory piece that any person looking to be employed should have. It is written formally with two addresses. One address is for the person looking for a job; it usually is on the top right or middle of the letter and the company’s address or who you are writing to on the left.

What is the format for writing an application letter?

Format and Page Margins: A letter of application should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use about 1″ margins and align your text to the left, which is the standard alignment for most documents. Font: Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.

What does handwritten cover letter mean?

Some, however, feel a handwritten cover letter adds the warmth and personal touch that are often lacking in the business world. In some instances, a handwritten application letter is requested because hiring managers feel it reveals more about you than a printed letter.

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should application letter be handwritten

How to write a maternity leave application (with examples)

As you try to find a work-life balance, there comes a time when you need to apply for maternity leave from your job. Whether you are a first-time or a repeat mother, drafting a perfect maternity leave letter can ensure your smooth transition to maternity leave. But do you know how to write a maternity leave application?

Drafting an effective maternity leave letter is essential when seeking a leave of absence to take care of your newborn child. It allows your manager or employer to make prior arrangements for delegating your workload during your absence.

How to write a maternity leave application

Working pregnant women are required to write an application letter for maternity leave. When writing a maternity leave application, include key points to ensure a professional and effective request. Here are some essential details to include.

1. Your address and your recipient's address

When applying for maternity leave, whether a TSC maternity leave application or any other maternity leave, start your application letter by placing your address in the left-hand corner. Skip a line and then add the date. You can also add a business address for your supervisor below the date.

2. Start with formal greetings

Like any other official letter, address the application to the appropriate person or department, usually your immediate supervisor or the HR manager. Use a respectful and professional salutation, such as "Dear (Name/title)."

3. Clearly state your purpose

In your letter's opening paragraph, be direct and state you are writing to request maternity leave. You should also specify the number of days you plan to take off, including prenatal and postnatal periods. You may also suggest working from home before or after these dates to see if your employer would be open to considering that.

4. Expected due date

When you apply for maternity leave in Kenya, ensure you mention your expected due date, if applicable and the specific date you are planning to leave for your maternity leave. You can also include any required medical documentation, such as a doctor's letter confirming your pregnancy and expected due date.

5. Provide a workload proposal

Another tip on how to get approved for maternity leave is to delegate your work responsibilities to a suitable colleague during your absence. Propose a plan for how you suggest covering your workload while you're out of the office.

You can offer suggestions for those you believe can move forward with specific projects in your absence. You should also state essential tasks or responsibilities you plan to complete before going on maternity leave. If you're responsible for short-term or long-term projects, explain how far you will be with those projects when you leave.

6. Express your willingness to train your replacement

If applicable, you can state that you will train the temporary replacement to ensure a seamless transition. Include the names of colleagues handling your tasks and specify any ongoing projects.

7. Include a plan for your transition back

If you believe your work schedule needs to change when you return to work, you could include this in the final paragraph. If you aren't yet sure, wait and decide this later.

8. Express gratitude and commitment

Express sincere gratitude for your employer's support in taking time away from work to care for your new child. Assure your employer of your commitment to the job and the organisation's success, even during your maternity leave.

9. Close with a professional sign-off

End the application letter with a courteous closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Thank you," followed by your full name and contact information. If it's a hard copy, include your handwritten signature on the letter with your name typed underneath. If you're sending an email, you can simply type your name.

10. Proofreading

Proofread the application before submission to ensure that it is error-free and professional. Ensure to check for any grammar or spelling mistakes thoroughly.

Samples of maternity leave application

When writing a maternity leave application, you should use a formal and respectful tone in your application, as outlined below.

Your address

Recipient's name

Recipient's address

RE: Requesting maternity leave

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is (staff member's name), and I work in your company as a (Indicate your position and department). I am writing to request maternity leave from (Start date) to (End date).

I am carrying (number of months) months of pregnancy, and my due date is on (expected due date). I have completed all my work. In case of emergency, I will be available on my mobile number. Kindly grant my maternity leave request.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Your signature...

Your full name…

HR manager's name

Subject: Maternity leave application

Dear (HR manager's name),

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking my allotted (Number of weeks)-week-long maternity leave starting (Start date), as my due date is (Mention your due date). Should everything go according to plan, I should be able to return to the office by the second week of (Return month year).

I have made it a priority to complete all pending projects before I go on my leave. The assistant manager (Provide the name) will assume my roles and responsibilities in my absence. Moreover, I will check in weekly via phone or email to ensure that the team continues to work productively and that all deadlines are met.

I will let you know as soon as possible if there are any changes in my plan. I thank you for your understanding and attention to this matter.


Your department

Your mobile number

What is the maternity policy in Kenya?

The maternity policy in Kenya provides female employees with specific entitlements and protections related to maternity leave. Here are the key points regarding the maternity policy in Kenya based on the provided sources:

  • Entitlement to maternity leave: Female workers in Kenya are entitled to fully paid three months' maternity leave as per Section 29 of the Constitution of Kenya.
  • Maternity benefits : Maternity leave allows mothers to bond with their babies, recover from childbirth, and reduce the risk of health issues like postpartum depression. Some benefits may include additional vacation days and new clothes for returning mothers.
  • Legal protections : The law in Kenya protects female employees from harassment and discrimination based on pregnancy. Additionally, male employees are entitled to two weeks of paternity leave with full pay.
  • Maternity leave duration : The Employment Act of 2007 stipulates that a female employee is entitled to three months of maternity leave in addition to regular annual leave, with no limit on the duration specified by law.

When should you start applying for maternity leave?

The maternity leave policy does not specify a specific time for applying for leave. However, it is recommended that expectant mothers inform their employers at least seven days before the intended date of the leave begins. This notice period can be shorter if there are valid reasons for the delay.

A well-crafted maternity leave application is crucial for ensuring a woman's smooth transition into her maternity leave. By following the guidelines and tips outlined above, expectant mothers can effectively communicate their needs to their employers and ensure they receive the necessary support and understanding during their maternity leave.

Tuko.co.ke recently published an article on how to write a show cause letter. During the disciplinary process, a show cause letter is addressed to the employee by his or her employer. It allows the employee to give an explanation or show cause as to why they should not face disciplinary action against them.

No common criteria exist for writing an official show cause letter, as each letter is tailored to meet the issues raised. Check out this article to learn how to craft a perfect show cause letter and how to respond.

How to write a maternity leave application (with examples)


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    On the flipside, if you're applying for a role with a small company or one attached to tradition, it may work in your favour to send in a handwritten resume. Ultimately, handwriting your resume may show dedication to the task, but in today's digital age there are sensible reasons to head to your computer to complete your resume.

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    Handwritten letters possess a tangible quality—something that can be held, touched, and kept. This physicality creates a deeper connection between the sender and recipient. A handwritten letter isn't something that can be easily deleted or ignored—it occupies physical space, often finding a place of honor displayed prominently in homes ...

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    In our technological society, not only has letter writing become a lost art, but so has writing anything by hand with a pen. So, when something is handwritten, it can be considered special. This includes the letter or card itself, as well as the envelope. The person who writes the inside missive should be the same one who addresses the envelope.

  20. Should Application Letter Be Handwritten Or Typed?

    If the application method is manual i.e submitting directly to the office of the recipient, the application letter should be hand written. No need typing it. Infact, most employer prefer a handwritten application letter in this case. Thanks But if you are submitting the application electronically, the application letter should be typed with Ms ...


    Do whatever you want with a SHOULD MY APPLICATION LETTER BE HANDWRITTEN?: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. No paper. No software installation. On any device & OS. Complete a blank sample electronically to save yourself time and money. Try Now!

  22. Does application letter need signature?

    Should an application letter be handwritten or printed? Typed / computer generated not hand written: It is normally expected that unless a handwritten letter is specifically requested, the letter should be typed or more usually these days generated on a computer. The font chosen should normally be fairly formal in nature.

  23. Should Application Letter Be Typed Or Handwritten

    Should Application Letter Be Typed Or Handwritten. We value democratic peace and support Ukraine in its fight for freedom and democratic development. We also encourage you to support Ukraine in its defense of democracy by donating at #StandWithUkraine. Plagiarism check Once your paper is completed it is check for plagiarism.

  24. How to write a maternity leave application (with examples)

    2. Start with formal greetings. Like any other official letter, address the application to the appropriate person or department, usually your immediate supervisor or the HR manager.