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How to Write the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay (With Example)

November 27, 2023

Feeling intimidated by the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay? We’re here to help demystify. Whether you’re cramming for the AP Lang exam right now or planning to take the test down the road, we’ve got crucial rubric information, helpful tips, and an essay example to prepare you for the big day. This post will cover 1) What is the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay? 2) AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Rubric 3) AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis: Sample Prompt 4) AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example 5)AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example: Why It Works

What is the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay?

The AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay is one of three essays included in the written portion of the AP English Exam. The full AP English Exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long, with the first 60 minutes dedicated to multiple-choice questions. Once you complete the multiple-choice section, you move on to three equally weighted essays that ask you to synthesize, analyze, and interpret texts and develop well-reasoned arguments. The three essays include:

Synthesis essay: You’ll review various pieces of evidence and then write an essay that synthesizes (aka combines and interprets) the evidence and presents a clear argument. Read our write up on How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay here.

Argumentative essay: You’ll take a stance on a specific topic and argue your case.

Rhetorical essay: You’ll read a provided passage, then analyze the author’s rhetorical choices and develop an argument that explains why the author made those rhetorical choices.

AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Rubric

The AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay is graded on just 3 rubric categories: Thesis, Evidence and Commentary, and Sophistication . At a glance, the rubric categories may seem vague, but AP exam graders are actually looking for very particular things in each category. We’ll break it down with dos and don’ts for each rubric category:

Thesis (0-1 point)

There’s nothing nebulous when it comes to grading AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay thesis. You either have one or you don’t. Including a thesis gets you one point closer to a high score and leaving it out means you miss out on one crucial point. So, what makes a thesis that counts?

  • Make sure your thesis argues something about the author’s rhetorical choices. Making an argument means taking a risk and offering your own interpretation of the provided text. This is an argument that someone else might disagree with.
  • A good test to see if you have a thesis that makes an argument. In your head, add the phrase “I think that…” to the beginning of your thesis. If what follows doesn’t logically flow after that phrase (aka if what follows isn’t something you and only you think), it’s likely you’re not making an argument.
  • Avoid a thesis that merely restates the prompt.
  • Avoid a thesis that summarizes the text but does not make an argument.

Evidence and Commentary (0-4 points)

This rubric category is graded on a scale of 0-4 where 4 is the highest grade. Per the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis rubric, to get a 4, you’ll want to:

  • Include lots of specific evidence from the text. There is no set golden number of quotes to include, but you’ll want to make sure you’re incorporating more than a couple pieces of evidence that support your argument about the author’s rhetorical choices.
  • Make sure you include more than one type of evidence, too. Let’s say you’re working on your essay and have gathered examples of alliteration to include as supporting evidence. That’s just one type of rhetorical choice, and it’s hard to make a credible argument if you’re only looking at one type of evidence. To fix that issue, reread the text again looking for patterns in word choice and syntax, meaningful figurative language and imagery, literary devices, and other rhetorical choices, looking for additional types of evidence to support your argument.
  • After you include evidence, offer your own interpretation and explain how this evidence proves the point you make in your thesis.
  • Don’t summarize or speak generally about the author and the text. Everything you write must be backed up with evidence.
  • Don’t let quotes speak for themselves. After every piece of evidence you include, make sure to explain your interpretation. Also, connect the evidence to your overarching argument.

Sophistication (0-1 point)

In this case, sophistication isn’t about how many fancy vocabulary words or how many semicolons you use. According to College Board , one point can be awarded to AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis essays that “demonstrate sophistication of thought and/or a complex understanding of the rhetorical situation” in any of these three ways:

  • Explaining the significance or relevance of the writer’s rhetorical choices.
  • Explaining the purpose or function of the passage’s complexities or tensions.
  • Employing a style that is consistently vivid and persuasive.

Note that you don’t have to achieve all three to earn your sophistication point. A good way to think of this rubric category is to consider it a bonus point that you can earn for going above and beyond in depth of analysis or by writing an especially persuasive, clear, and well-structured essay. In order to earn this point, you’ll need to first do a good job with your thesis, evidence, and commentary.

  • Focus on nailing an argumentative thesis and multiple types of evidence. Getting these fundamentals of your essay right will set you up for achieving depth of analysis.
  • Explain how each piece of evidence connects to your thesis.
  • Spend a minute outlining your essay before you begin to ensure your essay flows in a clear and cohesive way.
  • Steer clear of generalizations about the author or text.
  • Don’t include arguments you can’t prove with evidence from the text.
  • Avoid complex sentences and fancy vocabulary words unless you use them often. Long, clunky sentences with imprecisely used words are hard to follow.

AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis: Sample Prompt

The sample prompt below is published online by College Board and is a real example from the 2021 AP Exam. The prompt provides background context, essay instructions, and the text you need to analyze. For sake of space, we’ve included the text as an image you can click to read. After the prompt, we provide a sample high scoring essay and then explain why this AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis essay example works.

Suggested time—40 minutes.

(This question counts as one-third of the total essay section score.)

On February 27, 2013, while in office, former president Barack Obama delivered the following address dedicating the Rosa Parks statue in the National Statuary Hall of the United States Capitol building. Rosa Parks was an African American civil rights activist who was arrested in 1955 for refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Read the passage carefully. Write an essay that analyzes the rhetorical choices Obama makes to convey his message.

In your response you should do the following:

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis that analyzes the writer’s rhetorical choices.
  • Select and use evidence to support your line of reasoning.
  • Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situation.
  • Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.

AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example

In his speech delivered in 2013 at the dedication of Rosa Park’s statue, President Barack Obama acknowledges everything that Parks’ activism made possible in the United States. Telling the story of Parks’ life and achievements, Obama highlights the fact that Parks was a regular person whose actions accomplished enormous change during the civil rights era. Through the use of diction that portrays Parks as quiet and demure, long lists that emphasize the extent of her impacts, and Biblical references, Obama suggests that all of us are capable of achieving greater good, just as Parks did.

Although it might be a surprising way to start to his dedication, Obama begins his speech by telling us who Parks was not: “Rosa Parks held no elected office. She possessed no fortune” he explains in lines 1-2. Later, when he tells the story of the bus driver who threatened to have Parks arrested when she refused to get off the bus, he explains that Parks “simply replied, ‘You may do that’” (lines 22-23). Right away, he establishes that Parks was a regular person who did not hold a seat of power. Her protest on the bus was not part of a larger plan, it was a simple response. By emphasizing that Parks was not powerful, wealthy, or loud spoken, he implies that Parks’ style of activism is an everyday practice that all of us can aspire to.

AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example (Continued)

Even though Obama portrays Parks as a demure person whose protest came “simply” and naturally, he shows the importance of her activism through long lists of ripple effects. When Parks challenged her arrest, Obama explains, Martin Luther King, Jr. stood with her and “so did thousands of Montgomery, Alabama commuters” (lines 27-28). They began a boycott that included “teachers and laborers, clergy and domestics, through rain and cold and sweltering heat, day after day, week after week, month after month, walking miles if they had to…” (lines 28-31). In this section of the speech, Obama’s sentences grow longer and he uses lists to show that Parks’ small action impacted and inspired many others to fight for change. Further, listing out how many days, weeks, and months the boycott lasted shows how Parks’ single act of protest sparked a much longer push for change.

To further illustrate Parks’ impact, Obama incorporates Biblical references that emphasize the importance of “that single moment on the bus” (lines 57-58). In lines 33-35, Obama explains that Parks and the other protestors are “driven by a solemn determination to affirm their God-given dignity” and he also compares their victory to the fall the “ancient walls of Jericho” (line 43). By of including these Biblical references, Obama suggests that Parks’ action on the bus did more than correct personal or political wrongs; it also corrected moral and spiritual wrongs. Although Parks had no political power or fortune, she was able to restore a moral balance in our world.

Toward the end of the speech, Obama states that change happens “not mainly through the exploits of the famous and the powerful, but through the countless acts of often anonymous courage and kindness” (lines 78-81). Through carefully chosen diction that portrays her as a quiet, regular person and through lists and Biblical references that highlight the huge impacts of her action, Obama illustrates exactly this point. He wants us to see that, just like Parks, the small and meek can change the world for the better.

AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example: Why It Works

We would give the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis essay above a score of 6 out of 6 because it fully satisfies the essay’s 3 rubric categories: Thesis, Evidence and Commentary, and Sophistication . Let’s break down what this student did:

The thesis of this essay appears in the last line of the first paragraph:

“ Through the use of diction that portrays Parks as quiet and demure, long lists that emphasize the extent of her impacts, and Biblical references, Obama suggests that all of us are capable of achieving greater good, just as Parks did .”

This student’s thesis works because they make a clear argument about Obama’s rhetorical choices. They 1) list the rhetorical choices that will be analyzed in the rest of the essay (the italicized text above) and 2) include an argument someone else might disagree with (the bolded text above).

Evidence and Commentary:

This student includes substantial evidence and commentary. Things they do right, per the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis rubric:

  • They include lots of specific evidence from the text in the form of quotes.
  • They incorporate 3 different types of evidence (diction, long lists, Biblical references).
  • After including evidence, they offer an interpretation of what the evidence means and explain how the evidence contributes to their overarching argument (aka their thesis).


This essay achieves sophistication according to the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis essay rubric in a few key ways:

  • This student provides an introduction that flows naturally into the topic their essay will discuss. Before they get to their thesis, they tell us that Obama portrays Parks as a “regular person” setting up their main argument: Obama wants all regular people to aspire to do good in the world just as Rosa Parks did.
  • They organize evidence and commentary in a clear and cohesive way. Each body paragraph focuses on just one type of evidence.
  • They explain how their evidence is significant. In the final sentence of each body paragraph, they draw a connection back to the overarching argument presented in the thesis.
  • All their evidence supports the argument presented in their thesis. There is no extraneous evidence or misleading detail.
  • They consider nuances in the text. Rather than taking the text at face value, they consider what Obama’s rhetorical choices imply and offer their own unique interpretation of those implications.
  • In their final paragraph, they come full circle, reiterate their thesis, and explain what Obama’s rhetorical choices communicate to readers.
  • Their sentences are clear and easy to read. There are no grammar errors or misused words.

AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay—More Resources

Looking for more tips to help your master your AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay? Brush up on 20 Rhetorical Devices High School Students Should Know and read our Tips for Improving Reading Comprehension . If you’re ready to start studying for another part of the AP English Exam, find more expert tips in our How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis blog post.

Considering what other AP classes to take? Read up on the Hardest AP Classes .

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Christina Wood

Christina Wood holds a BA in Literature & Writing from UC San Diego, an MFA in Creative Writing from Washington University in St. Louis, and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in English at the University of Georgia, where she teaches creative writing and first-year composition courses. Christina has published fiction and nonfiction in numerous publications, including The Paris Review , McSweeney’s , Granta , Virginia Quarterly Review , The Sewanee Review , Mississippi Review , and Puerto del Sol , among others. Her story “The Astronaut” won the 2018 Shirley Jackson Award for short fiction and received a “Distinguished Stories” mention in the 2019 Best American Short Stories anthology.

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Rhetorical Analysis Essay How-To

7 min read • june 18, 2024

Brandon Wu

Kathryn Howard

What is the Rhetorical Analysis Essay?

The is a free-response question in which you analyze any rhetorical strategies that the author uses in the given passage and evaluate/discuss them in a well-formatted essay. 

According to the College Board:

 “The rhetorical analysis free-response essay question presents students with a passage of nonfiction prose of approximately 600 to 800 words. Students are asked to write an essay that analyzes the writer’s rhetorical choices . This question assesses students’ ability to do the following:

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis that analyzes the writer’s rhetorical choices .
  • Select and use evidence to support your line of reasoning .
  • Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning .
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situation .
  • Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument." Essentially, you are being asked to analyze someone’s writing and what strategies they used to help them achieve their purpose.

Rhetorical Analysis Rubric for Scoring

The rhetorical analysis frq is out of 6 points.

✍ The Thesis of your for AP Lang can score you 1 point right from the start!
* Lacks a The thesis provides summary with no claim*They have a thesis, but it is not in response to the given prompt Student has a justifiable thesis that answers the prompt that analyzes the rhetorical strategies.

ap college board ap lang rhetorical analysis essay

To get this point you need to clearly write a defensible thesis about  the rhetorical choices the author makes. Do not take a stance on the argument the author is making if he/she is making one. You are only talking about rhetorical strategies. 

🎥 Watch: AP Language -   How to Find Rhetorical Strategies

Evidence and Commentary (4 points) 📂

 Only restates thesis, has a lot of repetition, and the information doesn't have to do with the prompt : Provides that is mostly general.  : Summarizes but doesn't explain how it applies : Provides some pertinent .  Explains how some of the provided supports the student’s thesis, but does not have good reasoning : Provides specific to support all assertions made Explains how some of the supports a . AND Explains how at least one rhetorical choice in the excerpt helps to achieve the author’s purpose   : Provides specific to support all claims in a .  Consistently explains how the supports a . AND Explains how multiple rhetorical strategies help to achieve the author’s purpose.

To get the four points you need to  not only present evidence but  explain why  it supports your thesis and how it contributes to the author’s message.

Sophistication (1 point) 👓

 Does not meet all the standards for one point. Shows sophistication of thought and/or a of the . 

To get to this point you have to demonstrate a  complex understanding of  both what that purpose was, and how the rhetorical analysis devices aided the author’s purpose.

There are a few ways that you can earn the sophistication point :

  • Explaining the significance or relevance of the writer’s rhetorical choices (given the rhetorical situation ).
  • Explaining a purpose or function of the passage’s complexities or tensions.
  • Employing a style that is consistently vivid and persuasive.

You have 40 minutes to complete the rhetorical analysis essay for AP Lang:

  • 12 minutes: Read the text and plan out your essay. (TOBI)
  • 6 minutes: Write your introduction paragraph.
  • 18 minutes: Write 2-3 body paragraphs.
  • 2 minutes: Write a quick conclusion.
  • 2 minutes: Proofread and revise your essay. 🎥 Watch: AP Language -   Rhetorical Analysis Organization and Timing

ap college board ap lang rhetorical analysis essay

How to Maximize Your Time⌚

Outline your rhetorical analysis essay before writing! A great tool for this is a TOBI:

TOBI stands for  thesis *,*  outline *,* and  big idea.

TOBI Outline

  • BI -Big Idea Here is an example of how to use TOBI given a rhetorical analysis prompt:

ap college board ap lang rhetorical analysis essay

From   CollegeBoard AP Lang 2017 Exam, FRQ Question 2

T: Luce uses many rhetorical strategies including  pathos *,*  antithesis , and a  humorous tone to soften up her audience before introducing her true reasons for being there. 

- Pathos Appeal

(“There is no audience more forgiving”)

- Antithesis

(“I am happy, I am less happy”)

- Humorous tone

(“consequently, no audience is more forgiving, I hope”)

BI: Today, just like for Luce, it is very difficult to give criticism to your peers.

Note: It is a good idea to make the TOBI about the size of your hand to make sure you don’t spend too much of your precious essay writing time on it.

What if I can't find any rhetorical devices that I recognize?

You can always go back and rely on tone as every piece of literature has one, even if it is just informative. If you know what they are doing, but not the name of the term, you can still just describe it and get the points. Additionally, make sure that you are familiar with  all the rhetorical devices that are a part of AP Lang!

🎥 Watch: AP Language -   Reading with an Analytical Mind

If it’s not an argumentative essay, what do you put in your thesis?

You state the most important writing choices the author made in order to impact the audience of the work.

Other Tips and Tricks

  • The big idea should show how this prompt applies to today. This will help you write your conclusion. In most language arts classes they teach you to simply restate your points, but not in AP Lang!
  • The first thing you are going to want to do is carefully read through and highlight any strategies you see.
  • Even if TOBI doesn’t work for you, it is a good idea to outline the essay. Even though it takes time, it will end up saving you time in the end because it gives you direction.
  • One of the most useful tools for the introduction is something called Soapstones. In this intro you are introducing the  S peaker,  O ccasion,  A udience,  P urpose,  S ubject,  T one, and  S tyle. (Keep in mind: You do not need to include EVERY ONE). But, most successful essays include a few of them.
  • DON’T SKIM! It will only hurt you in the long run, even if you think it might be saving you time.

ap college board ap lang rhetorical analysis essay

Rhetorical Analysis Example Essay Prompt

The speech below was given at the site of the battle of Gettysburg by president Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln went on to describe his desire to save the union. Read the passage carefully and then in a well-developed essay, analyze the writing choices Lincoln makes to share his message with others. Support your analysis of his rhetoric with specific references from the text.

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have  consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Key Terms to Review ( 20 )


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How to Write the AP Lang Rhetorical Essay

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What is the ap lang rhetorical essay, tips for writing the ap lang rhetorical essay.

  • AP Lang Rhetorical Essay Example

How Will AP Scores Affect College Chances?

The AP English Language Exam is one of the most common AP exams you can take. However, the average score on the exam in 2020 was a 2.96 out of 5. While this may seem a bit low, it is important to note that over 550,000 students take the exam annually. With some preparation and knowing how to study, it is totally possible to do well on this AP exam.

The AP Lang Rhetorical Essay is one section of the AP English Language Exam. The exam itself is 3 hours and 15 minutes long, and is broken into two sections. The first part of the exam is a 60 minute, 45-question multiple-choice section. The questions on this part of the exam will test your ability to read a passage and then interpret its meaning, style, and overall themes. After the multiple-choice section, there is a section lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes with three “free response” essays. This includes the synthesis essay, the rhetorical analysis essay, and the argument essay. 

  • In the synthesis essay , you will have to develop an argument using pieces of evidence provided to you. 
  • The argumentative essay will have you pick a side in a debate and argue for or against it.
  • The rhetorical essay requires that you discuss how an author’s written passage contributes to a greater meaning or theme. 

The rhetorical essay is perhaps the most unique of all AP Lang exam essays because it requires the test taker to analyze and interpret the deeper meanings of the passage and connect them to the author’s writing style and writing syntax in only 40 minutes. This essay can be the trickiest because it requires you to have knowledge of rhetorical strategies and then apply them to a passage you’ve never seen before.

1. Outline Your Essay Before Writing

One of the most important parts of the AP Lang essays is structuring your essay so that it makes sense to the reader. This is just as important as having good content. For this essay in particular, you’ll want to read the passage first and write a brief outline of your points before you begin the essay. This is because you will want to write the essay using the passage chronologically, which will be discussed in detail below.

2. Understand Rhetorical Strategies 

If you feel like you don’t know where to start as you prepare to study for the rhetorical essay portion of the exam, you aren’t alone. It is imperative that you have a grasp on what rhetorical strategies are and how you can use them in your essay. One definition of rhetoric is “language carefully chosen and arranged for maximum effect.” This can include types of figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification, pun, irony, etc.) elements of syntax (parallelism, juxtaposition, anthesis, anaphora, etc), logical fallacies, or persuasive appeals. Overall, there are many elements that you can analyze in an essay and having a good grasp on them through practice and memorization is important.

3. Keep the Essay Well Structured 

Even if you understand the various rhetorical strategies you can use, where do you begin? First of all, you’ll want to write a strong introduction that outlines the purpose of the piece. At the end of this introduction, you will write a thesis statement that encapsulates all the rhetorical strategies you discuss. Perhaps these are style elements, tone, or syntax. Be sure to be specific as you list these.

Next, you will create your body paragraphs. As you discuss the rhetorical elements in the piece and tie them back to the work’s meanings, be sure to discuss the points in chronological order. You don’t have to discuss every single strategy, but just pick the ones that are most important. Be sure to cite the line where you found the example. At the end of the essay, write a short conclusion that summarizes the major points above.

4. Be Sure to Explain Your Examples

As you write the essay, don’t just list out your examples and say something like “this is an example of ethos, logos, pathos.” Instead, analyze how the example shows that rhetoric device and how it helps the author further their argument. As you write the rhetorical essay, you’ll want to be as specific and detail-focused as possible. 

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AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example

Below is a prompt and example for a rhetorical essay, along with its score and what the writer did well and could have improved:

The passage below is an excerpt from “On the Want of Money,” an essay written by nineteenth-century author William Hazlitt. Read the passage carefully. Then write an essay in which you analyze the rhetorical strategies Hazlitt uses to develop his position about money.

ap college board ap lang rhetorical analysis essay

Student essay example:

In his essay, Hazlitt develops his position on money through careful use of adjectives and verbs, hypothetical situations, and images. His examples serve to impress upon the reader the highly negative consequences of being in “want of money.”

Hazlitt’s word choice in his opening phrase provides an example of his technique in the rest of the essay. It is not necessary to follow “literally” with “truly” yet his repetition of the same ideas emphasizes his point. In his next sentence, one that lasts forty-six lines, Hazlitt condignly repeats similar ideas, beating into his audience the necessity of having money in this world. The parallelism throughout that one long sentence, “it is not to be sent for to court, or asked out to dinner…it is not to have your own opinion consulted or sees rejected with contempt..” ties the many different situations Haziltt gives together. What could have become a tedious spiel instead becomes a melodious recitation, each example reminding you of one before it, either because of the similarities in structure or content. Hazlitt addresses many different negative effects of not having money but manages to tie them together with his rhetorical strategies. 

The diction of the passage fully relays Hazlitt’s position about money. In every example he gives a negative situation but in most emphasizes the terrible circumstance with strong negative adjectives or verbs. “Rejected,” “contempt,” “disparaged,” “scrutinized,” “irksome,” “deprived,” “assailed” “chagrin;” the endless repetition of such discouragement shows how empathetically Hazlitt believes money is a requisite for a happy life. Even the irony of the last sentences is negative, conveying the utter hopelessness of one without money. Through one may have none in life, pitiless men will proceed to mock one’s circumstances, “at a considerable expense” after death! 

In having as the body of his essay one long sentence, Hazlitt creates a flow that speeds the passage along, hardly giving the reader time to absorb one idea before another is thrown at him. The unceasing flow is synonymous with Hazlitt’s view of the life of a person without money: he will be “jostled” through life, unable to stop and appreciate the beauty around him or to take time for his own leisure. 

The score on this essay was a 6 out of 6. This essay started out very strong as the student had a concrete thesis statement explaining the strategies that Hazlitt used to develop his position on money as well as Hazlitt’s belief on the topic. In the thesis statement, the student points out that adjectives, verbs, hypothetical situations, and images help prove Hazlitt’s point that wanting money can be problematic. 

Next, the student broke down their points into three main subsections related to their thesis. More specifically, the student first discusses word choice of repetition and parallelism. When the student discusses these strategies, they list evidence in the paragraph that can be found chronologically in Hazlitt’s essay. The next paragraph is about diction, and the student used specific adjectives and verbs that support this idea. In the last paragraph, the student emphasized how the speed and flow of the essay helped describe Hazlitt’s viewpoint on life. This last concluding sentence is particularly thoughtful, as it goes beyond the explicit points made in the essay and discusses the style and tone of the writing. 

It is important to remember that in some ways, the rhetorical essay is also an argumentative essay, as the student must prove how certain rhetorical strategies are used and their significance in the essay. The student even discussed the irony of the paragraph, which is not explicit in the passage.

Overall, this student did an excellent job organizing and structuring the essay and did a nice job using evidence to prove their points. 

Now that you’ve learned about the AP Lang rhetorical essay, you may be wondering how your AP scores impact your chances of admission. In fact, your AP scores have relatively little impact on your admissions decision , and your course rigor has much more weight in the application process.

If you’d like to know your chances of admission, be sure to check out our chancing calculator! This tool takes into account your classes, extracurriculars, demographic information, and test scores to understand your chances at admission at over 600 schools. Best of all, it is completely free!

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ap college board ap lang rhetorical analysis essay

AP English Language and Composition: Sample Rhetorical Analysis and Synthesis Questions

April 9, 2024.

AP English Language Sample Rhetorical Analysis and Synthesis Questions

The Rhetorical Analysis and Synthesis Essays are two of the three essays you’ll need to write as part of the AP English Language and Composition Exam . Read on for a sample of each, as well as tips for how to answer them. 

AP English Language and Composition: Sample Rhetorical Analysis Question

Read the following passage published back in 1967 by The New York Times. Then write an essay in which you analyze how the structure of the passage and the use of language help convey the writer’s views.

Sample Question Instructions:

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis that may establish a line of reasoning.
  • Select and use evidence to develop and support the line of reasoning.
  • Explain the relationship between the evidence and the thesis.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situation.
  • Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating the argument.

Americans and Western Europeans, in their sensitivity to lingering problems around them, tend to make science and progress their scapegoats. There is a belief that progress has precipitated widespread unhappiness, anxieties, and other social and emotional problems. Science is viewed as a cold mechanical discipline having nothing to do with human warmth and the human spirit. 

But to many of us from the nonscientific East, science does not have such repugnant associations. We are not afraid of it, nor are we disappointed by it. We know all too painfully that our social and emotional problems festered long before the age of technology. To us, science is warm and reassuring. It promises hope. It is helping us at long last gain some control over our persecutory environments, alleviating age-old problems—not only physical but also, and especially, problems of the spirit.

Shiraz, for example, a city in southern Iran, has long been renowned for its rose gardens and nightingales; its poets, Sadi and Hafiz; and its mystical, ascetic philosophy, Sufism. Much poetry has been written in glorification of the spiritual attributes of this oasis city. And to be sure, Shiraz is a green, picturesque town, with a quaint bazaar and refreshing gardens. But in this “romantic” city thousands of emotionally disturbed and mentally retarded men, women, and children were, until recently, kept in chains in stifling prison cells and lunatic asylums. 

Every now and again, some were dragged, screaming and pleading, to a courtyard and flogged for not behaving “normally.” But for the most part, they were made to sit against damp walls, their hands and feet locked in chains, and thus immobilized, without even a modicum of affection from their helpless families and friends, they sat for weeks and months and years—often all their lives. Pictures of these wretched men, women, and children can still be seen in this “city of poetry,” this “city with a spiritual way of life.” 

It was only recently that a wealthy young Shirazi who, against the admonitions of his family, had studied psychology at the University of Tehran and foreign universities, returned to Shiraz and after considerable struggle with city officials succeeded in opening a psychiatric clinic, the first in those regions. After still more struggle, he arranged to have the emotionally disturbed and the mentally retarded transferred from prison to their homes, to hospitals, and to his clinic, where he and his staff now attend them. 

They are fortunate. All over Asia and other backward areas, emotionally disturbed men and women are still incarcerated in these medieval dungeons called lunatic asylums. The cruel rejection and punishment are intended to teach them a lesson or help exorcise evil spirits. 

The West, still bogged down in its ridiculous romanticism, would like to believe that emotional disturbances, dope addiction, delinquency are all modern problems brought on by technological progress, and that backward societies are too spiritual and beautiful to need the ministrations of science. But while the West can perhaps afford to think this way, the people of backward lands cannot. . . . 

. . .The obstacles are awesome, the inertia too entrenched, the people’s suffering too anguished, their impatience too eruptive. Moreover, the total cultural reorganizations such as Asia and Africa are undergoing inevitably engender their own temporary dislocations and confusions. But their goals, the direction, remain constant. We are on the move, however awkwardly at first, to a saner, better world.

How to Answer the AP English Language and Composition Rhetorical Analysis Question

Go back to the original question, which asks you to analyze two features of the passage: (1) its structure, or organization, and (2) its language. The first aspect is fairly specific. As you read the passage, you need to observe what the author discusses first, second, third, and so on. Your essay should explain not only the order of ideas but the reasons the author may have chosen that order. 

The second part of the question is more general. It invites you to analyze the use of language, which may include the author’s choice of words (diction), syntax (word order), figures of speech, use of evidence (such as statistics or logical reasoning), sentence structure, rhythm, sound, tone, or just about any other characteristics of style and rhetoric you choose. 

Although the question directs you to write about two different aspects of the passage, the essay itself should be unified. That is, a good essay should not consist of, say, two disparate paragraphs, one exclusively devoted to structure and another to language. Rather, the essay should include material that shows the interrelationship of structure and language in the passage and how those elements contribute to the meaning and effect of the passage. This might be covered in a separate paragraph, or it could be woven into the overall fabric of the essay. 

Before you begin to write, read the passage at least twice: once for an overview and once as you write your analysis. You may notice early on that the opening paragraph contains generalizations about Westerners’ concepts of science and progress. Then the author contrasts the Western view of science and progress with the Eastern view. Immediately, you see that the author, by using the first-person pronoun (as in “many of us”) is speaking from the perspective of an Easterner. Consequently, his discussion of Eastern views is apt to come across as more well-informed, more authoritative, perhaps more personal. 

To support his position, the author gives an extended example—the city of Shiraz—to illustrate just how different the East is from the West. The description and vivid images of Shiraz memorably convey the idea that the “spiritual way of life” has a side to it that many Westerners don’t know about. This is the heart of the passage. The use of quotation marks around “romantic” and “city of poetry” is meant to point out the discrepancy between the idealized and real versions of Shiraz. 

Nearing the end, the author reiterates his initial contrast between West and East, with emphasis on the East. The last paragraph offers a generalized statement about conditions in Asia and Africa, reminding the reader of the contrast made at the very beginning of the passage. Tying the end to the beginning of the passage creates a sense of unity—a desirable feature in any piece of writing.

AP English Language and Composition: Sample Argument Question

The following paragraph is adapted from Mirror for Man, a book written by anthropologist Clyde Kluckhorn in the middle of the twentieth century. Read the passage carefully. Then, write an essay that examines the extent to which the author’s characterization of the United States holds true today. Use appropriate evidence to support your argument. 

Sample Question Instructions: 

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis that may establish a line of reasoning. 
  • Select and use evidence to develop and support the line of reasoning. 
  • Explain the relationship between the evidence and the thesis. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situation. 

Technology is valued as the very basis of the capitalistic system. Possession of gadgets is esteemed as a mark of success to the extent that persons are judged not by the integrity of their characters or by the originality of their minds but by what they seem to be—so far as can be measured by their wealth or by the variety and material goods which they display. “Success” is measured by their investments, homes, and lifestyles— not by their number of mistresses as in some cultures.

How to Answer the AP English Language and Composition Argument Question

Whether you agree, disagree, or have mixed views on the content of the passage, your job is to write a convincing argument that expresses your opinion. Initially, the word argument may suggest conflict or confrontation. But rest assured that your essay need not be combative. Rather, make it a calmly-reasoned explanation of your opinion on a debatable subject. Your goal is to persuade the reader that your opinion, supported by examples, facts, and other appropriate evidence, is correct. 

If you have strong feelings about the topic, of course you should state them in your essay. But express them in calm, rational language. Be mindful that the essay should not be an emotional rant for or against the issue. 

Consider first whether you agree with Kluckhorn’s definition of “success.” Is it, as Kluckhorn asserts, measured by income and material possessions? Or do you think that a more accurate standard of success in today’s America should be determined by less tangible criteria—things such as happiness or self-respect? Or do you stand somewhere in between those two extremes? 

The actual position you take on the issue is less crucial than your ability to support it fully by drawing from your knowledge, background, experience, or observation. Regardless of your position, be sure to include more than one example. An argument that relies on a single example, however compelling, will fall flat. 

In the prompt, Kluckhorn’s notion of success seems to refer broadly to American society. Resist responding in kind. That is, a short essay shouldn’t focus on the whole of society but only on an identifiable segment—perhaps college-educated professionals or urban, blue- collar Americans. The point is that a narrowly focused essay on a limited topic will always turn out better than one that tries to cover too much ground in just a few paragraphs.

AP Biology Resources

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  • AP Psychology Sample Free Response Question

AP English Language and Composition Resources

  • What’s Tested on the AP English Language and Composition Exam?
  • Top 5 Tips for the AP English Language and Composition Exam
  • Top Reading Techniques for the AP English Language and Composition Exam
  • How to Answer the AP English Language and Composition Essay Questions 
  • AP English Language and Composition Exam Sample Essay Questions
  • AP English Language and Composition Exam Multiple-Choice Questions

AP Human Geography Resources

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I'm struggling with understanding the AP Lang analysis essay format and process. Can someone break down the steps for me or share resources that will help me tackle these essays?

Sure, I'd be happy to break down the steps for you. The AP Lang analysis essay, also known as the rhetorical analysis essay, requires you to analyze a text (usually a speech or an article) and explain how the author uses various rhetorical strategies to achieve their purpose.

Here are the steps you should follow:

1. Read the prompt: Carefully read the given prompt, which will provide you with the context and specific instructions for the essay.

2. Analyze the text: Read the provided text at least twice. The first reading should be a quick one, to get the overall gist. The second reading should be more focused, noting specific rhetorical devices, strategies, and examples of their use.

3. Take notes: As you read and analyze the text, jot down the main points, rhetorical strategies used, and specific evidence that support your analysis.

4. Create a thesis statement: Based on your understanding of the text and prompt, come up with a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines your main argument.

5. Outline your essay: Create a brief outline for your essay, which will include an introduction, body paragraphs (each focusing on one or two rhetorical strategies), and a conclusion.

6. Write the introduction: Begin with an engaging opening that provides context for the text and its author, and then introduce your thesis statement.

7. Write body paragraphs: For each body paragraph, start with a topic sentence that clearly outlines the rhetorical strategy you will analyze. Then, provide specific examples from the text to support your analysis, explaining how the author uses the rhetorical devices to achieve their purpose. Make sure you're focusing on analysis, rather than mere summarization of the text.

8. Write the conclusion: In your conclusion, restate your thesis statement and summarize the key points of your analysis. You can also offer implications or broader significance if relevant.

9. Proofread and revise: Carefully review your essay for clarity, grammar, and spelling errors, and make any necessary revisions.

For additional resources, consider checking out the College Board's AP Lang resources ( and CollegeVine ( Also, practice writing these essays under time constraints to get familiar with the process and improve your skills.

Remember, practice is crucial for mastering the AP Lang analysis essay format. Keep practicing, and you'll become more confident and adept at tackling these essays. Good luck!

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Rhetorical analysis essay tips (how i got a 5).

To get a 1-4-0 on the rhetorical analysis essay, you’ll need to:

Identify a shift in the passage, where the author switches from doing one thing to another

Identify the primary way the author builds the argument in the first part of the passage

Identify the primary way the author builds the argument in the second part of the passage

Use lots of evidence to support your analysis

This is pretty abstract, so here’s an example from the 2023 AP Lang exam (see question 2):  

Notice that in the first three paragraphs, Michelle Obama is basically addressing all the different groups of people who are listening to her speech, and emphasizing that they are all American. However, at line 35, she switches to calling on her listeners to defend their rights by taking advantage of their education. 

So our thesis statement can be: “By first acknowledging the diversity of Americans who are listening to her speech in order to emphasize their collective right to being proud Americans, and by crafting a call to action, Michelle Obama urges her listeners to take advantage of their education in order to defend their rights.”

The topic sentence for our first paragraph can be: “Obama addresses the many diverse groups of Americans in her audience in order to underscore the importance of the freedoms and rights they have.” We’d support that claim with 3 quotes from her speech. 

The topic sentence for our second paragraph could be: “After acknowledging the freedom that allows the diversity of her audience, Obama crafts a call to action in order to encourage her listeners to take advantage of their education and defend their rights.” We’d then use 3 more quotes to support that claim.

With an introduction and a conclusion, that would be a solid 1-4-0 essay, enough to get you a 5 on the AP exam. But what if you wanted the elusive sophistication point — and a perfect 1-4-1 on the rhetorical analysis essay?

The AP rubric lists three ways you can earn the sophistication point:

“Explaining the significance or relevance of the writer’s rhetorical choices (given the rhetorical situation).”

“Explaining a purpose or function of the passage’s complexities or tensions.”

“Employing a style that is consistently vivid and persuasive.”

If you’re a skilled writer, a vivid and persuasive writing style is achievable — just use fancy words and complex sentence structures, and College Board will love you. 

If that’s not you, the other methods aren’t too hard.

The rhetorical situation consists of:

the author (Michelle Obama, First Lady)

the audience (American students)

the purpose (to convince American students to use their education to defend their rights)

the exigence - the event that “sparked” the creation of the text (an event honoring school counselors)

the context - think: history (modern day, diverse America)

If you can talk about how any one of these elements affects the content of Michelle Obama’s speech, you can get the sophistication point. 

For example: you could discuss how Michelle Obama spends a good portion of her speech acknowledging different groups in America because of the context of a diverse, modern America, and the reality that her audience of American students is made up of all socioeconomic classes and religious faiths. She acknowledges them because that makes her message feel more personal, so the audience is more receptive to what she has to say.

Complexities and tensions in a passage often stem from the rhetorical situation. For example, Obama talks about how she and her husband came from less privileged backgrounds, even how her dad worked at a city water plant. As First Lady, she has a position of power, but she emphasizes her humble background in order to be more relatable to her audience of students — if she didn’t, she’d feel like just another authority figure lecturing from up high. 

If you can work that kind of analysis (in fancier language) into your essay on exam day, you’ll get the sophistication point. 

That’s all I have — good luck!

Global Health and Education

2020 ap english exam: how to write a rhetorical analysis essay.

In light of The College Board recently announcing that this year’s AP English Language and Composition exam will be only one question , a 45-minute rhetorical analysis essay,  it would probably be a good idea to freshen up on your essay-writing skills. The benefits of doing this won’t stop once high-school ends- knowing how to write rhetorical analysis essays will also be extremely helpful for future college and professional endeavors where you might be required to examine a text or prepare a report on one. In this article you will learn the breakdown of every section of the rhetorical analysis essay, and what you should be including in order to earn a five this May.

2020 AP English Language and Composition Exam Changes: How to write a 45-minute rhetorical analysis essay?


The first part of the rhetorical essay is the introduction. The introduction can be broken down into four simple parts, and because of this, if you feel that you are running short on time, don’t be afraid to actually wait until the end to write your introduction. This could possibly be beneficial since you’ll know exactly where the rest of your essay is going.

The beginning of your first paragraph will include naming the piece you are analyzing, then contextualizing it and including any relevant background information. This can include historical events that were taking place during the writing of this essay (for example, World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, a certain political campaign, etc.), the time period, the country, conflict, and anything else that could serve as the something affecting the purpose or exigence for the piece.

The last portion of the first paragraph is the thesis. The thesis emphasizes the purpose of the writing- the why . Why is the author doing any of this? What’s the reason? Your thesis is basically the entire argument of your essay summed up into one sentence. Another thing that’s important to add in your thesis is the effectiveness of the author’s execution of their argument. Did they do a good job of getting their point across? Make sure to have evidence to back this point up later.

Body Paragraphs

Now you have to analyze the rhetorical device that you mentioned in your topic sentence. To do this, you should start by quoting passages from your text that show usage of the device, then elaborate on why that’s true and how it affects the delivery of the argument, as well as the argument itself. The analysis section will be the largest part of each body paragraph. Always be thinking about the argument that your author is making while doing your analysis. 


Now that you’ve spent so much time examining the author’s argument in tiny pieces, it’s time to bring it all together for the reader. Go back through the main points made throughout the essay and how they showcase the main points of the author. Don’t be afraid to re-mention how the rhetorical choices strengthen said main points.

Works Cited

“Examples of Rhetorical Devices.” Your Dictionary. Accessed April 21, 2020. .

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About the Exam

The AP English Language and Composition Exam will test your understanding of the literary concepts covered in the course units, as well as your ability to analyze texts and develop written arguments based on your interpretations.

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Starting with the 2025 exam, AP English Language and Composition multiple-choice questions (MCQs) will have four answer choices instead of five. Most AP courses have already implemented this change, which research indicates could improve your exam-day experience. This summer we’ll release updated resources reflecting the change. 

Tue, May 14, 2024

AP English Language and Composition Exam

This is the regularly scheduled date for the AP English Language and Composition Exam.

Exam Components

Section 1: multiple choice.

45 questions 45% of Score

Excerpts from nonfiction texts are accompanied by several multiple-choice questions:

  • 23–25 Reading questions: You’ll be asked to read and analyze nonfiction texts.
  • 20–22 Writing questions: You’ll be asked to read like a writer and consider revisions to the text.

Section 2: Free Response

3 questions 55% of Score

The 2 hour and 15 minute time limit for this section includes a 15-minute reading period.

In the free-response section, you’ll respond to three questions with written answers. This section tests your skill in composition in three areas:

  • Synthesis: After reading 6–7 texts about a topic (including visual and quantitative sources), you will compose an argument that combines and cites at least 3 of the sources to support your thesis.
  • Rhetorical analysis: You will read a nonfiction text and analyze how the writer’s language choices contribute to the intended meaning and purpose of the text.
  • Argument: You will create an evidence-based argument that responds to a given topic.

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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — 85 Synthesis Essay Topics for College Students

85 Synthesis Essay Topics for College Students

synthesis essay topics

Synthesis essays are a key component of AP Language and Composition courses, providing students with an opportunity to delve into various sources, combine ideas, and present a cohesive argument. These essays require students to evaluate information, identify relationships between different sources, and construct a well-supported thesis. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of synthesis essay topics, including examples and tips for selecting good synthesis essay topics, and cover how to write an AP Lang synthesis essay. By the end, you'll be equipped with a wide array of synthesis topics and understand how to approach your next essay with confidence.

Understanding Synthesis Essays

Before diving into topics, it’s crucial to understand what a synthesis essay entails. A synthesis essay involves combining information from multiple sources to support a central argument or thesis. This type of essay requires you to:

  • Analyze various sources: Evaluate the credibility and relevance of each source.
  • Identify common themes: Look for overarching themes or ideas that connect the sources.
  • Formulate a thesis: Develop a clear and concise thesis statement that reflects your synthesized understanding.
  • Support your argument: Use evidence from the sources to back up your thesis, while also considering counterarguments.

Tips for Choosing a Good Synthesis Essay Topic

Selecting a good synthesis essay topic is essential for a successful essay. Here are some tips to help you choose a topic:

  • Interest and Relevance: Choose a topic that interests you and is relevant to your course or current events.
  • Availability of Sources: Ensure there are enough credible sources available on the topic.
  • Debatability: Select a topic with multiple perspectives to facilitate a well-rounded argument.
  • Scope: Avoid topics that are too broad or too narrow. Aim for a balanced scope that allows for thorough exploration without overwhelming you with information.

75 Good Synthesis Essay Topics

Here are some synthesis essay topics across various subjects:

Social Issues

  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: Analyze how social media platforms influence mental well-being.
  • Abolishment of Capital Punishment
  • Income Inequality and Its Effects on Society: Discuss the causes and consequences of income inequality.
  • The Role of Education in Reducing Poverty: Explore how education can be a tool for poverty alleviation.
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Youth Identity: Examine how pop culture shapes the identities of young people.
  • The Effectiveness of Gun Control Laws: Debate the effectiveness of existing gun control measures in reducing violence.
  • The Relation of Black Lives Matter to "Nineteen Eighty-four" by George Orwell
  • The Impact of Refugees on The Countries in Which They Settle
  • How Political Correctness is an Attack on The 1st Amendment
  • Discussion on Whether America Should Repeal The 2nd Amendment

Arts & Culture

  • The Reasons Graffiti Should Be Legalized
  • Is It Possible to Make a Neutral Question
  • Influence of British Colonialism on Indian Culture in The 19th Century
  • Creativity is not enough in the Modern World
  • Analysis of The Evolution of Vampires Approaching The Twenty-first Century

Environmental Issues

  • Climate Change and Its Global Impact: Assess the various ways climate change affects the planet.
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices: Investigate the benefits and challenges of sustainable farming.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing Carbon Footprint: Discuss the potential of renewable energy sources in combating climate change.
  • Deforestation and Its Consequences: Analyze the causes and effects of deforestation on ecosystems.
  • Daylight Saving Time: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Controversies
  • The Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life: Examine how plastic waste affects ocean ecosystems.
  • The Evolution of Wind Farms
  • The Unintended Consequences of The Plastic Straw Ban
  • Earthquake and Its Devastating Effects
  • Global Warming: Impact of Melting Snow
  • Discussion on Whether It is Right to Treat Water as a Commodity

Technology and Innovation

  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Explore the potential benefits and risks of AI advancements.
  • The Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering: Debate the ethical considerations surrounding genetic modification.
  • The Role of Technology in Education : Assess how technology is transforming the educational landscape.
  • Cybersecurity Threats in the Digital Age: Analyze the evolving nature of cybersecurity threats and how to mitigate them.
  • The Impact of Automation on Employment: Discuss how automation and robotics are changing the job market.
  • The Impact of Technology on Communication
  • The Negative Effects of Smartphones on an Individual's Cognitive Abilities
  • Smartphones as Huge Educational Tools
  • The Importance of Honor Codes in Higher Education
  • STEM Education: Benefits, Challenges, Strategies, and Future
  • Why Free College Tuition is Rather a Financial Burden, not a Breakthrough
  • The Possibilities of Offering Fine Arts in Rural Schools
  • The Need for Repeating Policy in Educational Institutions
  • The Importance of Sex Education in Schools
  • The Impact of College Tuition Payment on Graduation Rates
  • Online Vs Traditional Classes: is One More Effective than The Other
  • Evaluation of The Advantages and Disadvantages of Fiber Optic Transmission
  • Discussion on Whether College Should Be Tuition-free

Health and Medicine

  • The Opioid Crisis in America: Examine the causes and potential solutions to the opioid epidemic.
  • Vaccination and Public Health: Debate the importance of vaccination in preventing disease outbreaks.
  • The Benefits and Risks of Medical Marijuana: Analyze the medical uses and potential downsides of marijuana legalization.
  • The Issue of Legalization of Cannabis in Canada
  • Approving Drugs as a Solution to the War on Drugs
  • Mental Health Stigma in Society: Discuss the impact of stigma on mental health treatment and support.
  • The Future of Telemedicine: Explore the potential of telemedicine in improving healthcare access.
  • The Debate Over Free Healthcare and Universal Healthcare in America
  • The Effectiveness of Narrative Medicine in Health Care Practice
  • The Effect of Mental Illnesses on Art Throughout Different Time Periods
  • Effects of Stress on The Body: How It Affects Physical and Psychological Health
  • Analysis of Marijuana's Benefits and Dangers from Medical and Social Points
  • The Ever-Evolving American Dream
  • The Pros and Cons of Eminent Domain
  • The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Income Inequality
  • The Political Consequences of Rising Economic Inequality
  • Negative Impact of Coal Mining on The Environment

Politics and Governance

  • The Effectiveness of Democracy in the Modern World: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of democratic systems.
  • The Role of International Organizations in Global Governance: Analyze the influence of organizations like the UN and WHO.
  • The Impact of Political Polarization on Governance: Discuss how political divides affect governmental effectiveness.
  • Discussion on Whether Governments Should Subsidize The Arts
  • The Influence of Lobbying on Legislation: Examine the impact of lobbying on the legislative process.
  • Immigration Policies and Their Socioeconomic Effects: Debate the benefits and drawbacks of various immigration policies.
  • Analysis of The Causes of The ISIS Epidemic Spreading Across The Globe

Law, Crime & Punishment

  • Is Domestic Violence a Widespread Problem
  • The Second Amendment – Support Or Abolish
  • The Link Between The Cruelty of Animals and Humans
  • Racial Discrimination in The US Criminal Justice
  • Positive Psychology and Restorative Justice to Reduce Recidivism in Youth Offenders
  • How The Criminalization of Prostitution Impacts Essential Human Rights
  • Drug Policy in America: The Issue of Marijuana Legalization

AP Lang Synthesis Essay Example

To better understand how to write a synthesis essay, let’s look at an example prompt and outline the approach.

Example Prompt:

"Evaluate the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships. Use at least three sources to support your argument."

Step-by-Step Approach:

  • Analyze the Prompt: Understand the key elements of the prompt. Here, the focus is on the impact of social media on relationships.
  • Gather Sources: Collect at least three credible sources that discuss social media and interpersonal relationships.
  • Identify Common Themes: Look for recurring themes in the sources, such as communication patterns, emotional effects, and social dynamics.
  • Formulate a Thesis: Develop a thesis statement that reflects your synthesized understanding. For example: "While social media can enhance communication, it often leads to superficial interactions and decreased face-to-face engagement, ultimately affecting the quality of interpersonal relationships."
  • Create an Outline.

Argumentative Synthesis Essay Topics

Argumentative synthesis essays require you to take a stance on an issue and support it with evidence from multiple sources. Here are some topics to consider:

  • Should College Education be Free for All?
  • Is the Death Penalty an Effective Deterrent to Crime?
  • Should Governments Regulate Social Media Platforms?
  • Is Universal Basic Income a Viable Solution to Poverty?
  • Should Animal Testing be Banned in Scientific Research?
  • Is Climate Change Primarily Driven by Human Activity?
  • Should Healthcare be Considered a Human Right?
  • Is Censorship Justifiable in the Age of Information?
  • Should Voting be Mandatory in Democratic Societies?
  • Are GMO Foods Safe for Human Consumption?

Final Thoughts

Crafting a synthesis essay involves not only selecting a compelling topic but also synthesizing information from various sources to support a coherent argument. By understanding the components of a synthesis essay and exploring the wide array of synthesis essay topics provided, you can develop a strong foundation for your next essay. Whether you’re tackling social issues, environmental concerns, technological advancements, health matters, or political debates, the key is to stay organized, critically evaluate your sources, and present a balanced argument.

By leveraging these topic ideas provided, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of synthesis essays and achieving academic success.

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  1. How Can I Master the Art of Writing a Rhetorical Analysis Essay for AP Lang Q2?

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  3. How Can I Effectively Pace My Rhetorical Analysis Essay for AP Lang?

  4. AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Rubric

  5. 2023 AP English Language Rhetorical Analysis Prompt Walk Through

  6. AP COLLEGE BOARD: AP Chem Free Response 1996 (Question 8)


  1. AP English Language and Composition Exam Questions

    Download free-response questions from this year's exam and past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at ssd@info ...

  2. PDF Sample Student Responses

    AP English Language and Composition Rhetorical Analysis Free-Response Question (2020) Sample Student Responses 1 Sample A [1] To this very day, hate surrounds us. It was no different in the twentieth century, with segregation and rampant wars prevalent. Citizens of all nations were being left behind in rubble and

  3. How to Write the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay (With Example)

    The AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay is one of three essays included in the written portion of the AP English Exam. The full AP English Exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long, with the first 60 minutes dedicated to multiple-choice questions. Once you complete the multiple-choice section, you move on to three equally weighted essays that ask you ...

  4. PDF Sample Student Responses

    AP English Language and Composition Rhetorical Analysis Free-Response Question (2020) Sample Student Responses 1 Sample A [1] Many Americans admired Kennedy and his administration when he was in the White House. He was a loved man. Many share in fond memories of Kennedy up until his death, when the nation grieved for him.

  5. PDF AP® English Language

    Visit College Board on the web: AP® English Language Scoring Rubrics Free-Response Question 1: Synthesis Essay Free-Response Question 2: Rhetorical Analysis Free-Response Question 3: Argument Essay Effective Fall 2019

  6. AP Lang

    According to the College Board: "The rhetorical analysis free-response essay question presents students with a passage of nonfiction prose of approximately 600 to 800 words. ... You have 40 minutes to complete the rhetorical analysis essay for AP Lang: 12 minutes: Read the text and plan out your essay. (TOBI) 6 minutes: Write your ...

  7. How to Write the AP Lang Rhetorical Essay

    Tips for Writing the AP Lang Rhetorical Essay. 1. Outline Your Essay Before Writing. One of the most important parts of the AP Lang essays is structuring your essay so that it makes sense to the reader. This is just as important as having good content. For this essay in particular, you'll want to read the passage first and write a brief ...

  8. PDF AP English Language and Composition Question 2: Rhetorical Analysis

    AP English Language and Composition Question 2: Rhetorical Analysis (2019) Sample Student Responses 1 The student responses in this packet were selected from the 2019 Reading and have been rescored using the new rubrics for 2020. Commentaries for each sample are provided in a separate document.

  9. PDF AP English Language and Composition

    1 − Essays earning a score of 1 meet the criteria for the score of 2 but are undeveloped, especially simplistic in their explanation, or weak in their control of language. 0 - Indicates an off-topic response, one that merely repeats the prompt, an entirely crossed-out response, a drawing, or a response in a language other than English.


    Sample: 2A Score: 8. This essay effectively identifies and analyzes three of Cesar Chavez's rhetorical choices — striking diction, juxtaposition, and appeals to reader's fundamental moral beliefs — to argue that "nonviolence is the best and most moral way to bring change.". Providing convincing evidence and analysis (for example ...

  11. PDF ap06 english lang student samples

    The question directed students to read carefully an excerpt of William Hazlitt's 1827 essay, "On the Want of Money," and to analyze the rhetorical strategies the author uses to develop his position about money. Sample: 2A Score: 8. This essay's control and focus are evident from the first sentence.

  12. How to master the AP English Language and Composition rhetorical

    Use precise, concise language: Clearly articulate your analysis in a direct, concise manner. Use specific language and active verbs when analyzing the author's effectiveness. 6. Practice with past prompts: To get better at rhetorical analysis essays, practice by reviewing past AP exam prompts and analyzing various texts.

  13. AP English Language and Composition: Sample Rhetorical Analysis and

    AP English Language and Composition: Sample Rhetorical Analysis and Synthesis Questions. April 9, 2024. The Rhetorical Analysis and Synthesis Essays are two of the three essays you'll need to write as part of the AP English Language and Composition Exam. Read on for a sample of each, as well as tips for how to answer them.


    1 - Essays earning a score of 1 meet the criteria for the score of 2 but are undeveloped, especially simplistic in their explanation, or weak in their control of language. 0 - Indicates an off-topic response, one that merely repeats the prompt, an entirely crossed-out response, a drawing, or a response in a language other than English.

  15. PDF AP English Language and Composition 2018 FRQ 2 Sample ...

    AP English Language and Composition Question 2: Rhetorical Analysis (2018) Sample Student Responses 3 Sample F [] Madeline Albright's commencement speech in í õ õ ó at Mount Holyoke college came at a time of peace and prosperity for American society. However, in the speech, she urges her

  16. AP English Language and Composition Exam

    New for 2024-25: MCQs Will Have Four Answer Choices. Starting with the 2025 exam, AP English Language and Composition multiple-choice questions (MCQs) will have four answer choices instead of five. Most AP courses have already implemented this change, which research indicates could improve students' exam-day experience.

  17. Writing Better AP English Rhetorical Analysis Essays

    Hello! I understand that perfecting your rhetorical analysis essay skills can be quite a challenge. Here are some tips and resources to help you improve: 1. ... - College Board resources: Review the official AP Language and Composition course materials, which provide examples of previous essay questions, sample essays, and scoring guidelines. ...

  18. PDF AP English Language and Composition

    Rhetorical Analysis 6 points On February 27, 2013, while in office, former president Barack Obama delivered the following address dedicating the Rosa Parks st atue in the National Statuary Hall of the United States Capitol building.

  19. AP Lang Analysis Essay

    The AP Lang analysis essay, also known as the rhetorical analysis essay, requires you to analyze a text (usually a speech or an article) and explain how the author uses various rhetorical strategies to achieve their purpose. Here are the steps you should follow: 1. Read the prompt: Carefully read the given prompt, which will provide you with ...

  20. Rhetorical analysis essay tips (how I got a 5!)

    The AP rubric lists three ways you can earn the sophistication point: "Explaining the significance or relevance of the writer's rhetorical choices (given the rhetorical situation).". "Explaining a purpose or function of the passage's complexities or tensions.". "Employing a style that is consistently vivid and persuasive.".

  21. 2020 AP English Exam: How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay

    By Elle Ward on1 May 2020•( 7 Comments ) In light of The College Board recently announcing that this year's AP English Language and Composition exam will be only one question, a 45-minute rhetorical analysis essay, it would probably be a good idea to freshen up on your essay-writing skills. The benefits of doing this won't stop once high ...

  22. AP English Language and Composition Exam

    Starting with the 2025 exam, AP English Language and Composition multiple-choice questions (MCQs) will have four answer choices instead of five. Most AP courses have already implemented this change, which research indicates could improve your exam-day experience. This summer we'll release updated resources reflecting the change.

  23. PDF AP Scoring Rubric for Question 2: Rhetorical Analysis Essay

    ® and AP are trademarks registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this product. 0 POINTS 1 POINT For any of the following: No defensible thesis Simple restatement of prompt only Summary of topic with no clear claim Off-topic Defensible thesis which examines the writer's rhetorical choices

  24. My AP Login

    Sign in to access your AP or Pre-AP resources and tools including AP Classroom.

  25. AP English Language and Composition Exam

    Source: College Board. When is the AP English Language and Composition Exam? The AP English Language and Composition exam is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. local time. This falls within the second week of the entire AP testing period, which runs from May 6th to May 17th. AP English Language and Composition Past Exam Questions

  26. 85 Synthesis Essay Topics for College Students

    These essays require students to evaluate information, identify relationships between different sources, and construct a well-supported thesis. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of synthesis essay topics, including examples and tips for selecting good synthesis essay topics, and cover how to write an AP Lang synthesis essay.