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Including a deceased person in a dedication

What is the convention when you want to dedicate a work to someone who is dead? It is necessary to be explicit about that?

For example, I am writing my thesis and would like to dedicate it to my parents. However my father passed away while I was studying. I would like to dedicate it to both him and my mother, any suggestions?

Is it ok to say "to my loving parents" even though one of them is actually not with us anymore?

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dmm's user avatar

  • 1 Hi, and welcome to Writers. Requests to rephrase single sentences are not on-topic for us (as they are unlikely to help others in the future), but they are on-topic at English SE. I will ask the mods to migrate. –  Lauren-Clear-Monica-Ipsum Commented Feb 27, 2015 at 13:08
  • 2 I think a question about the proper format and content of a dedication is perfectly on topic and of interest to many writers. Please do not move. –  user5645 Commented Feb 27, 2015 at 15:05
  • or you could say: to my loving Mom and Dad (who is sadly no more) –  ottodidakt Commented Feb 27, 2015 at 15:42
  • Hi Lauren.. Thank you.. but it is fine.. I think I got my answer.. But it would be nice if the mods automatically migrated any off-topic questions to the correct place without really putting them on hold.. And this could really help anyone in the future if they need to make a dedication to someone who is not alive anymore :) –  Aqs Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 2:28
  • Why did you close this question? It does not ask what to write or to rephrase but for the conventions in dedications. This qzestion is exactly similar to all the questions asking how to cite or how to headline. Please reopen. –  user5645 Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 7:35

2 Answers 2

The phrase "to [name]" is perfectly applicable to persons past, present and future, as it does not contain a finite verb form or any other time reference.

Also, there is no reason why a book could not be dedicated to someone who is no longer alive. Many books that I own are dedicated to persons that were part of the authors life but are no longer with us.

Some authors expand the dedication, explaining the relationship ("to my son Paul"), the reason for the dedication ("for their help with..."), when they lived ("1907-1983") or whatever else the author wants to mention. Some dedications are quite mysterious though ("to D."), and only comprehensible for the person in question.

  • This is what I wanted to know... If "to (name)" can be applied to someone in the past... Thanks :) –  Aqs Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 2:21
  • @Aqs You are welcome. You can accept my answer if it answers your question. –  user5645 Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 7:30

I'm sorry to learn of your father's death. To answer your question, I would ask a few questions of my own.

Did your father ever stop loving you before he died?

If he were alive today, would he continue to love you?

Did your father's love for you help you to achieve your educational ambitions?

Has he love for you helped to shape who you are today?

I already know from your question what the answers will be. I think, therefore, that your father has every right to the dedication you want to make to him. He has loved you, sponsored you, worried about you and encouraged you to this point and the only reason he cannot physically show his love for you now is because, sadly, he is no longer alive.

I don't know how old you are but your Dad put x years of love and work into you - and it is your thesis and your way of recognising what both your mother and your father have contributed to make you the scholar you are today.

As for the rest of the world, it is an unfortunate fact of life that no-one else will actually care about the wording of your dedication. However, your thesis is the culmination of your studies, is something intensely personal to you and - I imagine - you will keep a copy of it for many, many years to come.

If you do dedicate your thesis to your loving parents, no-one but you and your mother will care - but it will mean something important for a long time to come.

If you only dedicate your thesis to your living mother, she will be hurt (assuming she loved your father).

If you do not dedicate your thesis to your father and mother together, no-one else will ever care ... but you will and you will live to regret your decision for many years.

Be proud of who you are. Be proud of how your parents have helped you. Dedicate your thesis to your loving parents and you will have something to treasure.

P.S. And write the very best thesis you possibly can! Good luck.

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dedication thesis in memory of

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Examples of Dedications


Written by  Scribendi

You've written a book, dissertation, or thesis; you've passed out from joy and woken up! Now, you need to write a dedication to that person (or those people) who made it all possible. 

You want the thesis or book dedication to be meaningful, but how can you make it work? You have lots of options, from simple to complex and from informal to formal.

Read on to discover how you can write the perfect dedication, whether it is a dedication to a friend, parent, child, or someone else.

Tips for Writing a Dedication Page

A dedication is usually a single sentence at the beginning of a book, thesis, or dissertation that offers the work to someone who inspired you or helped you with it. It's a short statement but one that can be very personal.

Here’s an example of a dedication for a thesis: 

Dedication Example

Before diving into the dedication examples below, you should keep a few things in mind: 

There's no right or wrong way to write a dedication sentence. Who you thank and how you thank them can and should be personal.

If the list of people you need to thank is long, you can use your Acknowledgments section to pay tribute to as many people as you'd like.

Everyone who reads your book, thesis, or dissertation will see your dedication page. Be aware of the impact that your dedication will have. 

Be brief. Dedication sentences should be short and to the point. 

Check out How to Write a Dedication for more writing help.

Formal and Informal Dedication Examples

Informal and simple dedication.

This one goes to you, Mom.

Formal and simple dedication

This is for my mother.

Informal and complex dedication

This is for my dad. Thanks for teaching me how to make casserole and for all those laughs.

Formal and complex dedication

I dedicate this to my sister, who was always there for me, even on the tough days.

Informal dedication with an anecdote

To Rebecca. Thank you for getting us lost in Mexico and eventually getting us found. Keep leading the way. 

Formal dedication with an anecdote

I dedicate this to Kimberly Marsh, for her outpouring of support when Charlie was hospitalized. Her steadfast commitment, love, and dedication will not be forgotten. 

Informal dedication in memoriam

In memory of Chuck Thomas. It was a joy to serve you coffee every Thursday. I'll never forget you.

Formal dedication in memoriam

I dedicate this book to Don Reynolds, who influenced countless people in his too-short time here on earth. I miss you more than words can say. Thank you for believing in my dream. I look forward to the day we meet again. 

Dedication Examples to Different Parties

Book dedication to a child examples.

I dedicate this little book to my children. This one is for you, from me, your loving mother. 

To all my children. I almost named you after the characters in this book. If you can guess which name was almost yours, no complaining. 

To Nate and Jenny. I have nothing but gratitude to you, my children, for reminding me that walking to the beach is just as fun as being there. 

Book dedication examples to a friend

This book is dedicated to Tim. Thanks for encouraging me to write it. 

I dedicate this book to my friend and confidante, Jack Millhouse. He was the first person to encourage me to try. 

To Melissa R., for being a dedicated reader through all those rounds of revision. This one is for you. 

Book dedication to parents examples

To my parents. Thanks for keeping the interest rates low on everything I owe you. 

I dedicate this to my parents, for your constant love and support. 

This one is for my parents. Thanks for trying. 

Whether you are dedicating a thesis or a book to a friend or a family member, our examples can help you draft a dedication that both you and your dedicatee are proud of. 

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Is it crass to acknowledge a colleague that passed away in my thesis?

A PhD student in our school recently passed away unexpectedly, to the shock and grief of a large number of research students and academics, including me.

I had little to do with him on a daily basis, and he had little to nothing to do with the content of the thesis, but nonetheless it occurs to me to make a mention of his passing in the acknowledgements of my own (Honours) thesis.

Is this appropriate, or could it come off as disrespectful?

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Wrzlprmft's user avatar

  • 4 I could see this being weird or scientifically inappropriate, but how would this be disrespectful? –  Bitwise Commented Oct 22, 2014 at 15:53
  • 5 The question would be better asked as "Is it inappropriate..." The statement "I had little to do with him on a daily basis" doesn't answer a question on whether or not you considered him a friend or a colleague. I had a friend suddenly pass away in college who I rarely took classes with due to our different studies, but I wouldn't say that lack of daily contact made us any less friends. –  Compass Commented Oct 22, 2014 at 16:01
  • 14 What is the purpose of the acknowledgment? As you said, you had "little to do with him" and "he had little to nothing to do with the content of the thesis." I'm guessing there are many people who can be categorized as such, but aren't candidates for acknowledgment. Why this person? –  Brian P Commented Oct 22, 2014 at 16:26
  • @Compass I considered him a colleague. Not so much a friend, but someone I had a lot of respect for. –  Hotchips Commented Oct 23, 2014 at 3:13
  • 1 @BrianP There are of course many people who have had little input on my thesis! I think the primary reason for this is that I had a lot of respect for him, and the School as a whole was shocked by his passing. I think the magnitude of that shock, magnified obviously by the recent timing of the event, makes me consider it. I think Pete is right in his answer that a dedication or memorial is more appropriate than an acknowledgment as such. –  Hotchips Commented Oct 23, 2014 at 3:18

3 Answers 3

I certainly don't think it's "crass", and I have a hard time seeing who could be disrespected. In general, you can acknowledge whomever you want in a thesis and the only crass thing would be to say something negative about them.

However, there is possibly a bit of room for misunderstanding here, because the ostensible purpose of the acknowledgments is to recognize people who helped you out in some way. Based on what you write -- you were not close, and he did not help on your thesis -- it doesn't make sense to thank this person in the acknowledgements.

I might instead suggest going for a dedication or commemoration. Some ways of wording this are given here . You could either end the acknowledgments with a dedication, probably in its own separate paragraph (and you can dedicate the thesis to more than one person, if you like), or you could include the dedication on its own page separately in the thesis, e.g. "For X", "In memory of X (19xx - 20xx)", etc.

Speaking personally, I like the look of the latter, and I find it to be the opposite of crass to take time out to remember the departed, whether they had a special relationship with you or not. You are doing your part to make sure that your fellow student will not be completely forgotten for some time to come. Good for you.

Community's user avatar

  • 12 @BrianP: The OP describes his fellow student's passing as "to the shock and grief of a large number of research students and academics, including me." That's the connection. How or whether to commemorate the deceased is one of the most personal things I can think of at the moment. I would be careful in being too critical of this. –  Pete L. Clark Commented Oct 22, 2014 at 16:35
  • @BrianP Your comment cuts to the heart of what I was trying to ask here - essentially how much of a connection is needed. I've marked Pete's answer as correct though from the standpoint of remembering a fellow student. Doing what I can, in essence. –  Hotchips Commented Oct 23, 2014 at 3:11

The social etiquette of acknowledgments sections vary from school to school. It would never be rude or disrespectful. I thanked family and friends in mine - and made reference to an internal lab jokee. Check previous theses to get an indication of etiquette in your school, but I don't see any reason this would be inappropriate.

Doctor David Anderson's user avatar

  • 1 I've spoken to my supervisor about the acknowledgments section, though not this question in particular, and it seems as if it's a touch of anything goes. The caveat is that you have to tick a couple of boxes in particular, and after that it doesn't 'matter' as such. –  Hotchips Commented Oct 23, 2014 at 3:21

You might easily look like someone who is seeking public attention.

Dedicating a publication is a privilege you should leave to close friends or the faculty staff.

Consider your best friend died, you wanted to commemorate him in your thesis, and then found three others had done the same before you. Could feel strange, couldn't it?

Or think about the mourning parents. They might spend days to find your phone number, cause nobody they know knows it, and then call you, expecting to find someone who is as sad as they are. Do you want to risk that?

Karl's user avatar

  • 4 -1: "Consider your best friend died, you wanted to commemorate him in your thesis, and got beat to it by two weeks by whats-his-name-usually-sits-in- the-front-row." I'm sorry, but that's just idiotic. Obviously one deceased person can be commemorated by multiple people. Obviously. Also making up such blatantly fictional scenarios in an answer to a question about an actual deceased party seems in poor taste to me. You should not pretend to know how grieving parents will act. I would recommend that you delete this answer. –  Pete L. Clark Commented Dec 13, 2015 at 23:42
  • (I've rephased that a bit.) The OP has made it clear that he had no personal relationship. The friends and family might be OK with his commemoration, but then they might feel he's forcing himself on them. I don't know, but risking it is tactless enough, imho. –  Karl Commented Dec 14, 2015 at 0:12
  • 2 By what mechanism will the family members of a deceased PhD student come to read the thesis of an undergraduate student in the same department? Anyway, honoring the deceased is something that everyone has a right to do. The idea that one person's practice of this takes away from another's is really perverse. –  Pete L. Clark Commented Dec 14, 2015 at 0:21
  • You seem to be very sure about rights and wrongs. Sorry. I'm simply recommending to tread ligthly around people's feelings here. –  Karl Commented Dec 14, 2015 at 0:44

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Dedication, acknowledgements, & preface

Dedication, Acknowledgements, and Preface sections are all optional pages. But, what is the difference between these three?

Dedication — A personal tribute to someone or a group of people. Example: "To my parents."

Acknowledgements — A professional tribute to a person or people who helped you with the thesis. Example: "I wish to thank my thesis advisor for the hours of help in the lab making sure the experiments were set up properly and guiding me through the thesis process."

Preface ( sometimes confused with Foreward or Prologue ) — A very rarely included section that details why you are qualified to write about your topic of your thesis or why you became interested in the topic (for example, an anecdote about a childhood incident that led you to become interested in the topic). Do not confuse this with the literature review; this is more of a personal story.

The video below gives more examples of what can be included in these sections. Note: If your dedication is short (like "To my parents"), you may choose not to include the "Dedication" heading at the top of the page. A demonstration of how to format the dedication page this way is shown below.

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Dissertation Dedication Page Example

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In my case I used my dissertation dedication page to acknowledge someone who inspired me, beginning when I was five years old, to pursue a doctorate. This allowed me to provide a special honor while including a wider range of individuals in my dissertation acknowledgement. This is especially meaningful when you later present them with a hardcover copy of your dissertation.

The length of dissertation dedications varies quite a bit. I looked at dissertation dedication page examples from numerous dissertations as I wrote mine. I just did a random survey of ten dissertations and three did not include dedications. The other seven had an average of 23 words each. The dissertation dedications pages were brief and usually centered on a spouse, family members, or sometimes an influential mentor.

You can find dissertation dedication page examples from your school or advisor in Proquest Digital Dissertations .

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How to Write a Dedication for a Thesis or Dissertation?

Writing a dedication page for your thesis or dissertation is a great way to honor the people who have supported you throughout the journey of your research and writing. In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know about writing a dedication page for your thesis or dissertation. From formatting it to what you can include, we’ll run through all of the details to help you write your dedication page with confidence and gratitude.

What is a dedication page?

In academic writing (as well as book writing), the dedication page is where you can honor the people who have inspired or emotionally support you throughout your research and writing in a personal manner.

The dedication page is an optional section in a thesis or dissertation when it comes to academic writing.

Why should I include a dedication page in my writing?

A song is merely a song with lyrics, and that’s that. But if the same song is dedicated to someone, it will certainly entail special meanings to those who are dedicated and the dedicator (yourself). In other words, dedication serves to connect your work with the people who mean the most to you.

The same goes for your work. Do you agree?

Where does the dedication page appear in a paper?

For this matter, we took a quick tour of the formatting guidelines for the top three universities in the US. And we’ve already found 3 variations.

University or departmentSpecification on the dedication page (if any)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
No mention of the dedication page. 
Harvard University – Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
The dedication is optional and regarded as part of the “front matter”, which should appear the table of contents.
Stanford University – Student Services 
The dedication should appear after the abstract and the table of contents.

How long is a dedication page?

A dedication page can be as short as one sentence, if not in a few short paragraphs.

Who should I include on the dedication page?

They may or may not involve in your research work. You may include:

What is the formatting of a dedication page?

Always check the formatting guidelines provided by your school, faculty, or department.

What is the tone and style of a dedication page?

The tone of the dedication page can be formal or informal. It can be personal, sometimes even emotional and spiritual.

Formal phases to begin a dedication:

*Work: thesis/dissertation/report/research

Example: This project is dedicated to Mr. Smith, our teacher who helped and guided us to successfully complete this work.

I am dedicating this [work] to…

Example: I am dedicating this thesis to my late grandfather who taught me all about perseverance. His memories continue to keep me going in every single day of my life

Informal phases to begin a dedication:

Example: To Bruno, who has been my support in the difficulties.

The dedication page vs the acknowledgement page, what’s the difference?

While both the dedication page and acknowledgement page let you show appreciation for the help and support in your research and writing, there are some major similarities and differences between the two.

Dedication in academic writing

Acknowledgment in academic writing.

In acknowledgments, you recognize resources (e.g. grants or funding), institutions as well as individuals that are involved or have support in the course of your research and writing. These parties directly play a role in your academic career. Here, you disclose as much academic-related information as possible.

The Similarities

The differences.

The key difference between acknowledgement and dedication is that the former is more formal and the latter is more personal.

Here’s a brief comparison table showing the main differences between the two:

Whom/what to thank?
Spouse, partner, family, friends or community members.
• Grants and other funding assistance
• Copyrighted materials used in your writing
• Citation of the previously published materials
• People who have support or contribute to your work:
◦ Professors, supervisors, and teachers
◦ Lab assistants, or academic staff
◦ College/school/faculty/departments
◦ Classmates, colleagues, friends and family 
Where to put it? (Check your school’s requirements.)
Before the abstract and acknowledgement page.Before the abstract.
Tone Formal or informal. Can also be personal or sentimental.Formal and factual.
LengthCan be as short as one sentence, if not usually in a few short paragraphsWithin 1 page with longer paragraphs with the resources received cited explicitly.

Acknowledgement Examples for School/College Projects

Other popular acknowledgement examples.

For work or business Acknowledgement Receipt of Payment [4 Examples] Acknowledging Receipt of Documents: A Quick Guide with Examples Acknowledgement for Presentation [9 Examples] Acknowledgement for Job Offer [3 Examples] Acknowledgement for Business Plan [4 Examples] Acknowledgement for Work Immersion [5 Examples] Acknowledgement of Receipt of Appraisal [3 Examples] Acknowledegment of Debt [5 Examples] Resignation Acknowledgement for Employers [5 Examples]

How-to Guides on Academic Writing and Others

Most popular How to Write an Acknowledgement: The Complete Guide for Students How to Write an Acknowledgement for College Project? How to Write a Dedication Page for a Thesis or Dissertation? More on acknowledgements How to Write Acknowledgment for a Dissertation or a Thesis? Is Acknowledgement and Dedication the Same? Thesis or Dissertation How to Write a Master’s Thesis: The Ultimate Guide How to Write a Thesis Proposal? How to Write an Abstract for a Thesis? How to Write a Preface for a Thesis? Others How to Write an Introduction for a Research Paper? 7 Real Research Paper Examples to Get You Started How to Write Cover Letter for an Internship Program? How to Write an Internship Acceptance Letter? How to Write a Leave Application? For Schools and the Workplace How to Write a Resignation Letter?

Introduction to Academic Writing

By O.P. Jindal Global University Duration: 16-hour Cost: FREE Gain an in-depth understanding of reading and writing as essential skills to conduct robust and critical research for your writing.

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Academic english: writing specialization.

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Writing Your Dedication and Acknowledgements

When it comes to writing a thesis, the chapters get most of our attention – and so they should! They are the bulk of the thesis, and they contain the actual research. But there are other sections to think about as well, and two of them can be particularly fun to write.

The dedication and acknowledgements pages are where you can show your love and gratitude to the people who have helped you to achieve your goals. They tend to be less prescribed than other sections, so you have a little freedom to get creative in the way you express yourself!

dedication thesis in memory of

While they might seem similar, there is a difference between the dedications and the acknowledgements. The dedication, as the name suggests, allows you to dedicate your thesis to someone (or multiple people). This is quite a personal matter, and dedications are often made to family members, spouses, friends, or community groups.

The acknowledgements page, by contrast, allows you to express thanks for specific contributions, and often features people that the author knows professionally as well as personally. If a person or group helped you by giving advice, funding, mentorship, editorial assistance, or practical support, it’s a good idea to give them a shout-out in the acknowledgements. This is more than just a courtesy – it’s an important part of maintaining your relationships by formally recognising the people and organisations who have made a contribution to your work.

As an example – I dedicated my PhD thesis to several members of my family, and wrote short personal notes about their contributions. In my acknowledgements section, I thanked my supervisor, a mentor, a friend who provided technical advice during my research, and my scholarship provider.

My dedication and acknowledgements sections were fairly conventional, but that doesn’t mean yours have to be! I’ve heard of writers dedicating their thesis to their pets, their computers, and even their local barista. There have even been rumours of one acknowledgements page which included a coupon for a free beer for anyone whose name was listed!

Other scholars have been known to thank:

  • Public transport providers “for making the task of writing in buses and trains such an enjoyable exercise” ( source )
  • The “spell-check function of Microsoft Word, without whom ‘institution’ would be misspelled differently 197 times” ( source )
  • “The U.S. Immigration Service under the Bush administration, whose visa background security check forced [the author] to spend two months (following an international conference) in a third country, free of routine obligations” ( source )

One enterprising paleontologist even proposed to his girlfriend via the acknowledgements section of his journal article. (She said yes, apparently.)

So if you haven’t already, have a go at drafting your dedication and acknowledgements pages. After all, it’s not often you can gush about your favourite people while still technically being productive!

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Dedication Page

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The Dedication Page is optional. If you choose to include a Dedication Page, please ensure that:

  • You are using the same font as in the rest of your manuscript.
  • No images are included.
  • Page number ii appears centered at the bottom of the page.

​Please note that the Dedication Page is different from the Acknowledgements Page.

Dedication Page Example

Here is an example of a dedication page from the template:

Screenshot of Dedication Page from Template

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Dedication of my thesis to my late father

My father passed away when I was studying my PhD. Now I want to dedicate my thesis to him. I want to say that I am afraid that I couldn't finish my studies sooner. How do you feel about something like "a late thesis to the memory of my father"? Or "To my father who couldn't wait to see his doctor son"? The latter sound funny, I think. What's your suggestion?

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Helium's user avatar

The word late can be used as a respectful adjective meaning deceased , so you could say:

a late thesis to the memory of my father
a thesis to the memory of my late father
a late thesis to the memory of my late father

That last one has a little wordplay, but I think it's only mildly humorous, yet it manages to stay serious and respectful as well.

As for the second:

To my father who couldn't wait to see his doctor son

the phrase couldn't wait usually means, "be very excited about;" and it makes me think of things like schoolchildren who can't wait for the last day of school, or distant lovers who can't wait to be reunited. I think it's a bit awkward in this context, because it almost sounds like you're bitter he couldn't live long enough to see you graduate (and I don't think that's what you're trying to say). Maybe you're trying to say something like this?

To my late father, who unfortunately didn't stay in this world long enough to see his son become a doctor.

I hope this helps. Sorry for your loss, but congratulations on your academic accomplishments.

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Write dedications to deceased parents in dissertation

Write dedications to deceased parents in dissertation your relationship with

next dedication. Follow our helpful tips to

guide you through your next dedication page.

When you have finally completed the gruelling yet wonderful process of writing a book, short story. dissertation, etc. you are then faced with the difficult decision of dedicating this source of all your hard work to someone special. Here are some helpful tips to ease your anxiety and assist you in writing a dedication page.

Picking a person

The most difficult part of writing this piece of front matter is choosing who you would like to dedicate your work to. Some writers may find it to be the most difficult part of the whole process. When choosing who to write your dedication for, think about the process you just went through and who helped you get through it. This could include a variety of people, including a parent, sibling, or other family member, a spouse or partner, a friend, a supervisor, a colleague, or even a pet. This is a very personal choice and there is no wrong decision.

Naming names

After you have decided who you will write your dedication for, you must decide how you are going to identify them. This will be based on your own personal preference and what is appropriate, according to your relationship with that person. The identification could vary from formal to informal.

On the formal end of the spectrum, your dedication could be addressed to Dr. So and So, Mr. X, or even Mother and Father. In between formal and informal, there are options like Mom, Dad, My sister, My friend, a person’s first and last name (no title), etc. On the informal side, you could use the first name or nickname of someone you know.

Reason for the dedication

Write dedications to deceased parents in dissertation As with the whole

Many authors provide a reason for their dedication selections. As with the whole dedication process, this is an extremely personal and subjective decision. The dedication could simply be: “For my mom”; others may choose to explain their decision: “For my mom; without her I would not be here.” You may want to write a funny anecdote about the person, an experience you shared, or even a private joke shared only by the two of you. As seen in our example dedication page, there are many types of dedications, each with it’s own style. Your reason is completely dependent on your personality and your relationship with the person to whom you are dedicating your work.

Addressing the dedication

There are many ways you can address your dedication. You could write, “I dedicate this book to “, “This is dedicated to “, “To: “, “For: “, or simply just start writing your dedication without any formal address. It should be on its own page so everyone will get the hint that it is a dedication page, even if there isn’t any formal address. Take into consideration the person you have chosen to dedicate your work to, your personality, and the formality of your relationship and the address will follow suit.

Alternative dedications

Write dedications to deceased parents in dissertation of dedicating this source

The most important things to remember when writing a dedication are to keep it simple, concise, and ensure that it truly reflects your personality and your relationship with the person the dedication is for. Remember to get your finished dedication edited by one of our manuscript editors. You don’t want to overlook calling your spouse the pettiest person in the world when you really meant the prettiest person in the world!

You want the dedication to mean something, but how do you make it work? There are lots of options, from simple to complex and from formal to informal.

All the material that appears at the front of a book before the actual content is called front matter, and it actually contains some very important information!

So, you’ve finished writing your book and can’t figure out where to put that extra bit of necessary information? This article will explain the prologue and help you determine whether you should use one.

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Including/honoring (dead) family members in dissertation dedication?

I have to turn my dissertation in Monday. I see on Twitter all the time tweets of people talking about writing their dedication/getting emotional, etc. I haven't seen many of those personally and am wondering if/how I should include important family members... particularly my single mother who died during grad school and should be (but obviously won't be) at my defense. I am questioning if/how to include in my PPT as well BUTTTTTTTTTT I don't want it to be cringe/excessive. Anyone have experience with this?

Sentence examples for dedicated to the memory of from inspiring English sources

"dedicated to the memory of" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. This phrase is typically used to dedicate something to the memory of a deceased person. For example: "This book is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother, who was an avid reader.".

For Memorial , dedicated to the memory of Stalinism, such a badge is intolerable, says Mr Roginsky.

Dedication This work is dedicated to the memory of Marie-Pierre Bralet.

The performance was dedicated to the memory of Mr. Westenburg.

("This fountain is dedicated to the memory of those who lost their lives").

Lupus Rex is dedicated to the memory of his father's brutally honest introduction to mother nature.

The film is dedicated to the memory of Tom Corra, who died in 1998.

The plaques are simple, all reading, "This tree is dedicated to the memory of...".

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How to Write Dedication Page for a Thesis, Dissertation or a Research Paper

  • How to Write Dedication Page…

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Table of Contents

Writing About Dedication Samples


What is a Dedication Page in a Thesis or Research Paper

This part is, basically, a source to offer warmest gratefulness of the writer towards any other person for whom he wish to pay honor. Dedication page always comes on the front of the book or thesis. So, if you have done with your research and now planning to write a dedication page in a book or thesis then this article would be the right choice for you. Here, you will come with dedication quotes , words for dedication , sample dedication and other dedication examples that will assist you in turning your dedication a great blast.

Some Helpful Tips to Remember Before Writing the Dedication Page of Thesis

First of all, remember writing a dedication page for a thesis, dissertation or a is not a difficult deal. Though, it is a fact that a little bit of concentration and focus can better guide you in writing a great dedication page for your final project. Basically, dedication page shows your devotion and sense of appreciation for those who have assisted you in the pursuit of your academic goal. It can be termed as a source of acknowledgment for those who have offered their help whole heartedly in the fulfillment of your studies. However, it is also interesting to note that dedication page is totally optional and up to your willingness to add or subtract. Sometimes, it happens that you get quite nostalgic when start finding out people in your memory who have supported you to get in touch with the finish line of your project. Anyways, you do not need to worry about such situation as you can streamline all the names and add them in the dedication segment.

Helpful Guide to Write a Dedication Page in Research

Here are some important points to remember before going through dedication writing.

  • First of all, if you are going to add dedication page in your term paper, thesis or dissertation then it should always be added just after endorsement.
  • The dedication page will not be numbered as well as it will not be counted in total page count.
  • Formatting of dedication page is also unrestricted. You can easily go with any style or format. Anyways, for better output, it is also recommended that always follow the advice of your supervisor or project coordinator regarding the style and formatting of dedication page. You can read more about in detail including the , , and  .
  • The dedication page should be briefest and should not exceed from one page.
  • Before starting dedication page, you should develop a list of institutions as well as people you wish to pay tribute to. Individuals that you are choosing might be your parents, siblings or peers who have helped you in any way during your career. The support they offer you might be moral as well as monetary. Dedication is paid just to offer a thankful note towards their sincere support. Institutions are added in the dedication that have supported in your research or funded you with a scholarship for the successful fulfillment of your thesis or dissertation.

You can read more about the .

Steps to Write a Dedication Page for Your Thesis or Research Paper


Remember, your dedication may be formal to informal. You can also go with beautiful dedication quotes or poems for this page of your thesis. On formal note, you can dedicate your work to your professor, supervisor, parents or any institution that supported you in the fulfillment of your academic goal. On the other hand, informal options might be your siblings, peers or even a favorite pet. However, whatever the choice you make, remember to enclose the reason of your dedication to that specific person or institution.

Here are some tips as how you can address a dedication as well as sample dedications for your assistance.

Tips on How to Address a Dedication

There are so many ways in which you can easily address your dedication. For example

  • “This is dedicated to …”
  • “I would like to dedicate my work to…”
  • “I dedicate this book to…”
  • “In dedication to my…”
  • “It is our genuine gratefulness and warmest regard that we dedicate this work to…”

Alternative Formats for a Dedication

It is quite interesting to note that funny anecdotes and poems may also be the part of your dedication. However, it is better option to keep your dedication as concise and simple as it can be. Read some .

Sample of Dedication for a Book

Here are some examples from famous

“To my wife Marganit and my children Ella Rose and Daniel Adam without whom this book would have been completed two years earlier.”
“For Beatrice-I cherished, you perished.The world’s been night-marished.”
“To caffeine and sugar, my companions through many a long night of writing.”
“To Mom, Who took me to the library.”

Author:  Nadia Ansari

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Library Trustee Janet Smith Mills will be remembered with a plaque on the front lawn of the Whitman Memorial Library. Rose Lincoln

WOODSTOCK — Whitman Memorial Library trustees plan to dedicate a portion of the land in front of the library in the memory of a former trustee, Jane Mills.

Mills was trustee for the library for 15 years.

Library Trustee Chair Sue Staples said Mills’ family will view the landscaping and the new memorial plaque on Monday, July 15.

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"In memory of" vs "To the memory of"

Is there a difference in usage between "In memory of" and "To the memory of"? For instance, is one used for full sentences and the other used for fragments and dedications?

  • "This book is dedicated (to the memory of/in memory of) my father"
  • "(In memory of/To the memory of) my father"

Ngrams shows that "to the" was historically more common but that has changed as dedications become less common.


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Quantum7's user avatar

  • @Mari-LouA fixed and embedded –  Quantum7 Commented Feb 12, 2018 at 13:59

In the first sentence, you have to say 'dedicated to the memory of' as the verb 'to dedicate' uses the preposition 'to'.

In the second sentence, you could say either, but - in my opinion - the meaning is very subtly different. 'To the memory of my father' sounds as if you decided to dedicate the book to your father prior to having started to write it. Additionally, the book and its contents likely have some sort of relation to him. By reading the book, you are keeping some element of his being alive. It might be a historical book about the town he grew up in, for example.

'In memory of my father' sounds more general: you just want to dedicate the book to him - neither the book nor its contents has any meaningful connection to him.

Hashamyim's user avatar

  • Thanks for the answer! I'm not sure how widespread your interpretation is, but it sounds good to me. FYI, I went with the complete sentence 'This book is dedicated to the memory of...'. –  Quantum7 Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 12:30

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  • Baby found crawling along roadway, believed to have survived 2 days in stormy weather

By Kevin Mcgill, Associated Press | Posted - July 10, 2024 at 8:33 p.m.

Calcasieu parish sheriff gary “stitch” guillory speaks at a press conference tuesday. guillory said a “miracle baby” survived two days of sometimes stormy weather before a driver spotted him crawling along a roadside. (kplc via ap).

Estimated read time: 2-3 minutes

NEW ORLEANS — A Louisiana sheriff says a 1-year-old "miracle baby" survived two days of sometimes stormy weather before a truck driver spotted him crawling along a roadside the day after his 4-year-old brother was found dead and his mother was arrested in Mississippi.

Calcasieu Parish Sheriff Gary "Stitch" Guillory said the baby had numerous bug bites but otherwise appeared to be in good condition.

Autopsy reports were pending on the 4-year-old who was found Monday, Guillory said during a Tuesday news conference in Lake Charles, about 200 miles west of New Orleans. The body had been found in a lake behind an Interstate 10 welcome center near the Texas state line.

Authorities investigating the 4-year-old's death learned that he had last been seen Saturday with his mother, Aaliyah Jack, 25, of Lake Charles, and the 1-year-old.

Fearing the 1-year-old was dead, authorities prepared Tuesday morning to search the water where the dead child was found. Then a truck driver called 911 after spotting the baby.

"We look at this 1-year old as our miracle baby because he was still alive," a visibly moved Guillory said.

Hurricane Beryl had struck east Texas early Monday, and the search for the child played out amid bands of intermittent, heavy rain and high wind gusts.

"This kid spent two days out in the weather on the side of the highway," Guillory said. "Thank God that trucker seen him."

An alert for law enforcement agencies was issued for Jack on Monday night, and a Louisiana judge issued a warrant for her arrest. Jack was arrested in Meridian, Mississippi, more than 350 miles from where her children were found. Meridian police said she was arrested some time Tuesday.

"She was located in Mississippi, without the 1-year-old, by the Meridian Police Department and taken into custody," the Calcasieu Sheriff's Office said. The search for the baby continued until the trucker reported seeing a baby in a ditch along Interstate 10. "When deputies arrived, they were able to positively identify the child as the missing 1 year old," the sheriff's news release said.

She was to be extradited to Louisiana, where she faced a charge of failure to report a missing child. The judge who issued the warrant set bond at $300,000, Guillory said.

Kayla Vincent, a spokeswoman for the sheriff, said no other charges were pending as of Wednesday afternoon and that the investigation was continuing.

Online booking records were not available Wednesday. It was unclear if Jack had an attorney who could comment on her behalf.

Contributing : Emily Wagster Pettus

Correction : A previous headline said the baby was found crawling along a freeway. It was a roadway, but the road was not specified. Other reports have said he was found along a highway.

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Sleepy Hollow to dedicate part of park to 'Chick' Galella, beloved vet who died in 2021

Armando "Chick" Galella loved his hometown, no matter what it was called.

It was North Tarrytown when he was growing up and raising his family, a car salesman who could strike up a conversation with anyone. In 1996, its name was changed to Sleepy Hollow.

Galella thought of home all the time he was serving in World War II, at the outset of which he survived the attack on Pearl Harbor. By the time he left the service, in August 1945, he was a battalion sergeant major in the 53rd Signal Corps, having served five years in the Army, nearly four of them at war. He learned of the Japanese surrender as his transport ship steamed under the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco.

Obituary: Pearl Harbor survivor 'Chick' Galella, Sleepy Hollow native, dies at 100

Galella spent the rest of his long life paying tribute to lost soldiers, sailors and airmen, downplaying his role in the war (for which he earned a Bronze Star), and insisting that the real heroes were those who didn't return from service. He served as trustee and deputy mayor for a decade, was a firefighter and honorary life member of the Pocantico Hook and Ladder. He was inducted into the Westchester Senior Citizen Hall of Fame.

Armando 'Chick' Galella loved his hometown all his life

Galella's hometown, no matter its name, loved Galella, who died at age 100 on Sept. 29, 2021.

At 11 a.m. on July 13, they'll show their love once again, unveiling a plaque on a riverfront boulder beside the gazebo at Horan's Landing, dedicating a part of the Riverwalk to Galella.

The gazebo is off River Street, at the foot of Beekman Avenue, a stone's throw from Horan's Landing, which Galella championed to be dedicated to his boyhood friend, John Horan, who died Dec. 7, 1941, in that "day of infamy" attack Galella survived. The landing is also the site of a memorial Galella saw dedicated to Horan's mother, Margaret, and other Gold Star mothers whose children died at war.

History witness: 79 Decembers later, 'Chick' Galella's Pearl Harbor memories won't dim

Galella's plaque reads:

"This section of the Riverwalk is dedicated to the memory of lifelong Sleepy Hollow resident Armando Chick Galella. As a Pearl Harbor survivor and a decorated World War II veteran, his unparalleled lifelong service to his village spanned over 100 years. We honor his faith in God, Country, and Community. Enjoy walking this pathway, knowing you follow in the footsteps of a man beloved for his eternal commitment to freedom and the people of Sleepy Hollow."

Galella's son, Mike, has been thinking about what he'll say at the dedication ceremony.

"My father would always say, 'What's your purpose in life? Your purpose in life is to help people, to do what you can,'" Galella said. He said he still marvels at his father's ability to connect to people.

"Even when he got older, people always wanted to stop by and see him just to talk to him. He could talk to anybody, any politician, anyone," Galella said. "I never realized the effect that he had on people."

Reach Peter D. Kramer at [email protected].

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A green and black banner of six illustrations of people in various settings. From left to right: A large, topless man lying down in sprinklers while two kids look at him; a father holding a sleeping child on his chest while looking at a train schedule board; a couple doing yoga together and looking at each other; a man fishing on a dock while a bird looks on; a little girl mimicking a blow-up wavy man used at car dealerships; a heterosexual couple sitting at the edge of dock, the woman has her head on the man's shoulder.

The Compassion of Children

Over dinner, my children finally talk about the car accident that paralyzed me in my teens. My 10-year-old queries; I explain someone died. “Where were they sitting?” “Next to me.” He melts into a puddle. “I’m glad you weren’t … hurt that bad,” my 5-year-old adds. He can’t bear to say dead. I don’t want him to say it either. He kisses my shoulder, kneels, then kisses my wheelchair. “I’m glad for your wheelchair, too.” Understanding the horror of the alternative. I stay composed, not wanting them to know the pain I’ve had. Their pure, boundless compassion strengthens me. — Ryan Rae Harbuck

‘Each Time Threatens Finality’

By accident while on vacation in Sicily, I walked into a conference on water conservation, a topic related to my master’s thesis decades ago. She — a mechanical engineer who also happened upon the conference — approached. Feeling awkward flirting with a younger woman, I walked away. The mistake stung. Found her at the swimming place. Nights spent on her boat, days with my family. Over two years, we’ve swum together in many different seas. Each time threatens finality. She invited me over again. I told her I am playing a long game, but time is not on my side. — Charles Link

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Secure Systems from Insecure Components

Emma dauterman, eecs department, university of california, berkeley, technical report no. ucb/eecs-2024-146, july 10, 2024,

In many computer systems today, an attacker that compromises just one system component can steal many users’ data. Unfortunately, past experience shows that attackers are very effective at compromising system components, whether by exploiting some software vulnerability, compromising hardware, or launching a phishing attack.

In this thesis, we show how to build systems that provide strong security and privacy properties even if the individual components are insecure. This way, even if an attacker compromises any single component in the system, it cannot compromise user security and privacy. While this property is possible to achieve in theory using general-purpose cryptographic techniques, the challenge is to instantiate it efficiently in practice. The key idea is to co-design the system with the cryptography to reduce costs.

We examined two core aspects of this problem: hiding queries and securing accounts. Users who store their data encrypted at servers still need to query their data. We built systems that provide both strong privacy guarantees and good concrete efficiency for keyword search (DORY), time-series analytics queries (Waldo), and object stores (Snoopy). Users also need to protect their accounts in the event of client device loss or compromise, but also in the event of service provider compromise. We built an encrypted backup system that relies on secure hardware without fully trusting it (SafetyPin) and a service that records every authentication without learning private information (larch).

The Signal end-to-end encrypted messaging application uses some of the techniques in Snoopy to scale its private contact discovery service, which privately matches user contacts to Signal users.

Advisors: Ion Stoica and Raluca Ada Popa

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dedication thesis in memory of

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Lydia Prince

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dedication thesis in memory of

"SFU hosts both the SIAT Program and the Indigenous Language Program that will provide a strong foundation for my research."

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School of Interactive Arts & Technology doctoral student in the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology

Tell us a little about yourself, including what inspires you to learn and continue in your chosen field.

I'm a Dakelh//Cree artist, designer and Indigenous language advocate. I earned my Master of Design from the Emily Carr University of Art & Design (ECU) in 2023. Upon graduation, I was awarded the (Re)Framing Emergent Scholar Award. My practice seeks to dismantle hidden colonial narratives found in design and technology that undermine Indigenous sovereignty. I'm currently focused on the development of design practices that improve learning outcomes for Indigenous second language learners (ISLL) through the use of interactive media.

Why did you choose to come to SFU?

SFU hosts both the SIAT Program and the Indigenous Language Program that will provide a strong foundation for my research.

How would you describe your research or your program to a family member?

Design x Indigenous Language Revitalization

What three (3) keywords would you use to describe your research?

Indigenous Design | Indigenous Language Reclamation | Interactive Learning

Have you been the recipient of any major or donor-funded awards? If so, please tell us which ones and a little about how the awards have impacted your studies and/or research

Indigenous Graduate Entrance Scholarship

What have been the most valuable lessons you've learned along your graduate student journey (or in becoming a graduate student)?

Network, pace yourself and ask for help.

How do you approach networking and building connections in and outside of your academic community?

Everyone has unique knowledge derived from their lived experience that is shared through connection and story. Each connection provides a chance for the exchange of knowledge. When someone shares a piece of their story with you, it's an opportunity to learn a little more about who you are and your place in the world.

What are some tips for balancing your academic and personal life?

I prioritize my health and wellness before anything else. I've learned the hard way that straying from this approach isn't worth the hardship and the detrimental long-term impacts.

If you could dedicate your research to anyone (past, present and/or future), who would that be and why?

My work is dedicated to the reclamation of the knowledge of my Ancestors, Residential School Survivors and those that didn't make it home. My duty is to honour their sacrifices, celebrate their memory and share their knowledge so that upcoming generations may thrive.

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San Juan College Library Achievements

July 9, 2024 | by Marketing and Public Relations

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Thank you Samanthi Hewakapuge, Director of Library Services at San Juan College for your dedication!

New Mexico Lieutenant Governor Howie Morales, SJC Director of Library Services Samanthi Hewakapuge, Nambe Public Library Director Victoria Vigil, and Deming High School Library Director Teresa Ortiz.

Celebrating Samanthi Hewakapuge’s Recognition

Samanthi Hewakapuge, Director of Library Services at San Juan College (SJC), was honored earlier this year at the New Mexico Senate Chamber during Library Legislative Day. Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino introduced her, and senators recognized her for her significant contributions as President of the New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries (NMCAL).

As of April 1, Hewakapuge has transitioned to the position of immediate past president of NMCAL. Her recognition at the Senate Chamber highlights her dedication and leadership in advancing library services across the state.

Jennifer Goodland Elected to Prestigious Position

In addition, the SJC Library is proud to announce that Jennifer Goodland, Reference & Instruction Librarian at San Juan College, has been elected to a three-year Member-At-Large term in the American Library Association’s Library Research Round Table (LRRT). Goodland, who has been in the library profession since 1996, joined San Juan College in July 2023.

The LRRT focuses on proposing new avenues for library research and improving library research methodology. As a Member-At-Large, Goodland will solicit research ideas and needs from librarians. She plans to advocate for increased research into the visibility of community college libraries and consistency in data collection methodologies for the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Benchmark and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).

SJC Foundation Executive Director Gayle Dean, Rabe Yazzie and SJC Professor of Math Gerald Williams.

Sumant Krishnaswamy Memorial Award for Excellence in Tutoring

July 9, 2024

KSJE Connie Mack team members are all smiles in the broadcast booth- left to right Keith Neil, Travis Johnson, Ryan Lane, Kirk Carpenter and Don Lorett.

KSJE Scores Big: Award-Winning Coverage of the Connie Mack World Series

July 8, 2024

Pictured Center: SJC President Dr. Toni Hopper Pendergrass and SJC Foundation Executive Director Gayle Dean present Lori Schiess with the Allison Award at the 2024 SJC graduation ceremonies.

Celebrating Educational Achievement with the Allison Award for Teaching Excellence


  1. Dedicating PhD thesis to my Dad who recently passed away

    8. I had a dedication page in my PhD thesis, to my recently deceased grandparents. I kept it short, with a line that basically translates to: "To my grandparents, in loving memory." The things you suggest to include and to reference will make it more personal, and more appropriate for you.

  2. What's the proper way to dedicate a paper with a "to the memory of"?

    I am writing a scientific paper and want to dedicate it to my former supervisor who passed away recently. The standard practice in this case is to write the dedication phrase just below the title of the paper.

  3. academic writing

    For example, I am writing my thesis and would like to dedicate it to my parents. However my father passed away while I was studying. I would like to dedicate it to both him and my mother, any suggestions?

  4. Dedication Page for Academic Papers [11 Examples]

    Here are some of the examples which you can use as an example for writing your dedication for your thesis or dissertation.

  5. Examples of Dedications

    Take a look at our dedication examples to help you write a meaningful dedication, whether you are drafting the perfect dedication for a book or a thesis.

  6. Dedication in Dissertation: Examples and Guidance

    The dedication section of your dissertation is where you can express your appreciation and gratitude to those who have been instrumental in your academic journey. It's a heartfelt acknowledgment of the support, encouragement, and inspiration provided by individuals or groups that have played a significant role in your life. Below are some examples and guidance for writing a meaningful ...

  7. Is it crass to acknowledge a colleague that passed away in my thesis?

    Some ways of wording this are given here. You could either end the acknowledgments with a dedication, probably in its own separate paragraph (and you can dedicate the thesis to more than one person, if you like), or you could include the dedication on its own page separately in the thesis, e.g. "For X", "In memory of X (19xx - 20xx)", etc.

  8. Dedication, Acknowledgements, & Preface

    This guide includes video tutorials designed to help you get most of the formatting of your thesis correct the first time. Using these videos to format your thesis will save a lot of time when it comes to having your format checked.

  9. Dissertation Dedication Page Example

    The other seven had an average of 23 words each. The dissertation dedications pages were brief and usually centered on a spouse, family members, or sometimes an influential mentor. You can find dissertation dedication page examples from your school or advisor in Proquest Digital Dissertations. Information and ideas for writing your dissertation ...

  10. How to Write a Dedication for a Thesis or Dissertation?

    Writing a dedication page for your thesis or dissertation is a great way to honor the people who have supported you throughout the journey of your research and writing. In this guide, we'll show you everything you need to know about writing a dedication page for your thesis or dissertation.

  11. Writing Your Dedication and Acknowledgements

    The dedication, as the name suggests, allows you to dedicate your thesis to someone (or multiple people). This is quite a personal matter, and dedications are often made to family members, spouses, friends, or community groups. The acknowledgements page, by contrast, allows you to express thanks for specific contributions, and often features ...

  12. Past tense in a dedication (page) for a recently passed away family

    My grandfather recently passed away, and I want to name him in my dedication page of my thesis. At my university, one should first hand in the thesis and after that defend it for your supervisor and second reader.

  13. Dedication to my grandparents where one is passed away

    1. I would like to know the appropriate way to dedicate a thesis to my grand parents in the case where one of them is dead. Somme possibilities: The second one is ambiguous about whether your grandmother is deceased. It would be clearer if you put her first, before saying memory of.

  14. Dedication Page

    The Dedication Page is optional. If you choose to include a Dedication Page, please ensure that:

  15. sentence choice

    My father passed away when I was studying my PhD. Now I want to dedicate my thesis to him. I want to say that I am afraid that I couldn't finish my studies sooner. How do you feel about something like "a late thesis to the memory of my father"? Or "To my father who couldn't wait to see his doctor son"? The latter sound funny, I think. What's your suggestion?

  16. Dedicating my master thesis to a deceased friend

    Interdisciplinary. I am currently finalizing my master thesis and in my acknowledgement section I would like to dedicate it to my friend who passed away during the semester. I have a hard time writing this dedication because of the formal style.

  17. Write dedications to deceased parents in dissertation

    When you have finally completed the gruelling yet wonderful process of writing a book, short story. dissertation, etc. you are then faced with the difficult decision of dedicating this source of all your hard work to someone special. Here are some helpful tips to ease your anxiety and assist you in writing a dedication page.

  18. PDF Microsoft Word

    Dedication. I am dedicating this thesis to four beloved people who have meant and continue to. mean so much to me. Although they are no longer of this world, their memories continue. to regulate my life. First and foremost, to my paternal grandfather Amadou Seydou. whose love for me knew no bounds and, who taught me the value of hard work.

  19. Including/honoring (dead) family members in dissertation dedication

    My thesis has a dedication to my grandfather. He had passed away by the time I went to grad school but his memory served as a source of encouragement throughout my graduate school career.

  20. dedicated to the memory of

    "dedicated to the memory of" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. This phrase is typically used to dedicate something to the memory of a deceased person. For example: "This book is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother, who was an avid reader."

  21. Example and Format of a Thesis Dedication Page

    Dedication page is the part of any thesis, dissertation or a research paper. In this article, You will come with dedication quotes, words for dedication, sample dedication and other dedication examples that will assist you in turning your dedication a great blast.

  22. Library Trustee Jane Mills' dedication on Monday

    WOODSTOCK — Whitman Memorial Library trustees plan to dedicate a portion of the land in front of the library in the memory of a former trustee, Jane Mills. Mills was trustee for the library for ...

  23. idioms

    1 Answer. In the first sentence, you have to say 'dedicated to the memory of' as the verb 'to dedicate' uses the preposition 'to'. In the second sentence, you could say either, but - in my opinion - the meaning is very subtly different. 'To the memory of my father' sounds as if you decided to dedicate the book to your father prior to having ...

  24. Baby found crawling along freeway, believed to have survived 2 days in

    A Louisiana sheriff says a 1-year-old boy survived two days of sometimes stormy weather before a truck driver spotted him crawling along a roadside. Sheriff \

  25. Sleepy Hollow to dedicate part of park to 'Chick' Galella, beloved vet

    Sleepy Hollow will dedicate part of Riverfront Park to the memory of WWII veteran Armando "Chick" Galella at a ceremony July 13.

  26. Tiny Love Stories: 'Feeling Awkward Flirting With a Younger Woman'

    Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

  27. Sample of Dedication in Thesis Writing

    The document provides guidance on writing a dedication for a thesis. It explains that a dedication acknowledges those who supported the student throughout their academic journey. Crafting the dedication requires expressing gratitude while maintaining a professional tone. It can be challenging to find the right words. The conclusion recommends seeking help from expert writers who understand ...

  28. Secure Systems from Insecure Components

    In this thesis, we show how to build systems that provide strong security and privacy properties even if the individual components are insecure. This way, even if an attacker compromises any single component in the system, it cannot compromise user security and privacy.

  29. Lydia Prince

    Lydia is a School of Interactive Arts & Technology doctoral student in the Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology. Three keywords of research are Indigenous Design | Indigenous Language Reclamation | Interactive Learning (Indigenous Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  30. San Juan College Library Achievements

    Thank you Samanthi Hewakapuge, Director of Library Services at San Juan College for your dedication!