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If you’re a high school senior of Hispanic or Latinx heritage, you'll definitely want to learn more about the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) . With more than 150 types of scholarships available through this program, there’s a lot to learn—and a lot to win!

When you submit an HSF award scholarship, you’re actually submitting yourself for consideration for many different awards (much like when you submit a FAFSA ). I’ll talk about all the details you’ll need to take into consideration before submitting your own application for Hispanic scholarships. Then, we'll take a look at application strategies for current high school seniors.

What Is a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award?

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) is a large organization that oversees many scholarship programs. It has partnerships with both philanthropic and corporate organizations to fund scholarships for Hispanic students.

Since 1975, HSF has awarded more than $675 million in scholarship money, with 5,100+ new scholarships awarded each year . Overall, it's a real powerhouse of an organization, which aims to ensure that every Hispanic household in the US has at least one college graduate.

In essence, there's no single HSF award; instead, HSF offers many different scholarships, each with its own funding sources, eligibility requirements, and award amounts. The great thing about HSF is that you only have to submit one application every year to be considered for all available scholarships .

These scholarships are merit-based,  meaning they're awarded based on academic and personal achievements, not financial need; that said, financial need is taken into consideration when determining the amount of the award.

Most awards are not renewable —you only receive one annual award amount. As I mentioned above, however, you can submit an HSF scholarship application every year. Re-submitting applications in the future may help your chances of getting more scholarship funding . HSF really values building a community and slightly favors past award winners when reviewing scholarship applications.

HSF award amounts vary from $500 to as high as $5,000, but the specific amount you could win will vary depending on your financial need.

HSF scholarships offer more than just funding for school, though. Here's a list of the benefits that come along with an HSF award :

  • Career center platform to help you look for jobs and internships
  • Mentor match program
  • Online course system to augment your normal college studies
  • HSF newsletter with extracurricular and volunteer opportunities
  • HSF events and programs, such as Latinos United and Networking for Advancement (LUNA) and National Leadership Conference (NLC)
  • An extra "point" on future HSF scholarship applications—if you've won an HSF scholarship in the past, you'll be more likely to win one in the future

All in all, an HSF award is a really great resource in more ways than one. Because one application means you'll be considered for countless scholarships, it's well worth your time to apply for an HSF award . So let's get started!

How to Know If You're Eligible for an HSF Scholarship

In order to receive an HSF award, you must meet all of the following eligibility requirements :

  • Be of Hispanic heritage (defined as being at least 1/4 Hispanic or Latino)
  • Have a minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (for high school students)
  • Have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (for college and graduate students)
  • Plan to enroll full-time at an accredited nonprofit four-year university or graduate school during the fall of the scholarship cycle year
  • Be a US citizen, permanent legal resident, DACA, or eligible non-citizen as defined by the FAFSA
  • Complete the FAFSA
  • Complete the State Dream Act financial aid application, if applicable

Students of all majors are considered, although there is an emphasis on STEM fields . This is likely because students of Hispanic heritage are especially underrepresented in the fields of math, science, technology, and engineering.

What Do You Need to Apply for an HSF Scholarship?

Before you start working on your Hispanic Scholarship Fund application, it'd be wise to gather the following information and reports.

To complete your HSF application, you'll need the following materials:

  • Your FAFSA and Student Aid Report—get complete instructions here
  • School transcripts —you can get these from your guidance counselor
  • Enrollment verification from your school—check with the admissions office about this
  • Financial aid award letter from the college you're enrolling in—the HSF uses this to determine your award amount but not whether you receive a scholarship
  • Letters of recommendation —you'll need at least one academic recommender, but additional writers can be academic or non-academic


Your school guidance counselor should be able to help you gather the paperwork you need.

How Do You Submit an HSF Application?

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund application opens January 1  each year and typically closes mid-February. The 2023-24 cycle is currently underway, and awards will be disbursed sometime in December 2023. For the 2024-25 scholarships, the application is estimated to open January 1, 2024, and close February 15, 2024.

By submitting just one application, you'll be considered for a variety of awards. However, although you might be eligible to receive multiple scholarships, you can only be awarded one scholarship per year. Remember that you are encouraged to submit an HSF scholarship application every year you're in school.

After you submit an HSF scholarship application, you'll learn whether you won an award via email in June or July.

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How May You Use Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award Money?

HSF scholarship funds can be used for tuition, books, fees, and other academic expenses. You can also use the award money to pay for room, board, and transportation expenses.

How to Raise Your Chances of Winning a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award

HSF scholarships are highly competitive; unfortunately, not all qualified applicants receive a scholarship each year. It’s important, then, that you dedicate yourself fully to the application process if you’re serious about trying to get an HSF award.

I'll address some long- and short-term strategies to help you win an HSF scholarship here.

Long-Term Considerations

As you prepare for HSF scholarship applications, keep in mind that students are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Academic achievement
  • Personal strengths
  • Commitment to giving back to their communities

HSF also strives to help students achieve their goals, particularly in areas in which Hispanic/Latino students are underrepresented, namely STEM fields .


You'll be considered an even stronger applicant if you plan on going into science, tech, engineering, or mathematics.

You should also note that HSF scholarships are looking for students who are well rounded . In other words, they would prefer a student with a slightly lower GPA and an impressive resume to a student with a perfect GPA and no extracurricular activities.

Nevertheless, the strongest HSF applicant will demonstrate both academic excellence and involvement in extracurricular activities .

If you're a younger high school student, you can start working on making yourself a stronger applicant, both for scholarships and college applications (there tends to be a lot of overlap).

Here are three things that can make applicants more competitive , according to HSF.

#1: Taking Honors or Advanced Classes

This speaks to your academic achievement. Students who challenge themselves with a more difficult course load will seem more ambitious and tenacious.

#2: Consistent Involvement in Extracurricular or Volunteer Activities

Depending on what activities you’re involved in, your participation in extracurriculars/volunteer activities can speak to all the qualities that applicants are evaluated for.

  • Academic achievement: Activities such as Science Olympiad , Mock Trial, and Debate can augment what you’re already doing in class. Basically, participation demonstrates intellectual curiosity.
  • Personal strengths : Your success in various activities/organizations will speak to your personal strengths. If you win any awards, honors, or accolades through your participation in extracurriculars, these will get you brownie points on applications.
  • Leadership : If you hold an authoritative role as a club officer, or if you started a club or volunteer organization, you’ll prove that you are a strong and effective leader.
  • Commitment to giving back to the community : Generally, any volunteer or school-related activity will demonstrate a commitment to your community.

#3: Demonstrating Experiences That Have Contributed to Your Personal Growth

You might be questioning what exactly this point is supposed to mean. After all, experiences that contribute to personal growth will be different for everyone.

In general, though, any experience that challenges you or forces you out of your comfort zone will contribute to your growth .

Here are some examples of how you can demonstrate these types of experiences in the domains relevant to the HSF application:

  • Academics : Again, difficult coursework, especially in your weaker subject areas, will challenge you intellectually. If you approach the challenge productively by seeking extra help from teachers and keeping up with your work, you’ll come across as a strong applicant. Letters of recommendation from appropriate teachers can really shed light on whether you seek out challenging academic experiences.
  • Leadership: No one starts off as a leader in any club or activity; you have to work your way up by proving yourself and earning respect over time. Volunteer to take on new and challenging learning experiences in your extracurriculars. You can do this by leading a group, proposing an independent learning project, or even starting your own club or organization.
  • Commitment to giving back to your community: How do you demonstrate commitment or passion to giving back? You do more than what’s required or expected of you. Do you feel that your school or community is missing a particular type of service group? For example, maybe you’ve noticed that the younger kids in your school community don’t have access to tutors or mentors for homework help, and you have a passion for education and teaching. This would be a great opportunity to give back to your community while also demonstrating real initiative and leadership.


Take every opportunity to describe personal growth and development - scholarships (and colleges) love to see this upwards trajectory.

Sometimes, leadership and community commitment go formally unrecognized. Although I know it’s difficult for some students to toot their own horns, formal awards, honors, and accolades can really help you boost scholarship and college applications.

Work on taking the above advice over the long term, but also try to actively seek out award opportunities in your community . You can do this by checking with your school's guidance counselor or by doing a Google search for any awards in your area.

Short-Term Considerations

If you're ready to start working on your applications, this section will be especially helpful. I'll break down the best ways to approach each part of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund application so you can optimize your chances of winning an award.

The actual essay prompts for the 2024-25 HSF scholarship application aren't available yet, but the HSF lists ideas for personal statements that will likely overlap with its own application essays.

You can use the following prompts to brainstorm before you have access to the actual application in January:

  • What are your goals? Why did you choose these goals?
  • Why did you choose to apply for HSF fund scholarships?
  • What are your values and philosophy about education? Why?
  • Are there any accomplishments (either in or out of school) that you're particularly proud of? What have you learned from these experiences?
  • Do you have a time-management system? What is it?
  • How do you schedule your time to include both academic and social activities?
  • What difficulties or disadvantages have you faced in your life, and how have you overcome them? What is one area in which you are weak, and how have you or do you plan to overcome this weakness?
  • Identify a leadership experience and talk about the most important lessons of the position and experience.
  • What makes you unique?

Your actual scholarship essay will be evaluated on four different factors, which are as follows:

#1: Length : There’s a maximum word count for each essay. The best essays will use all the space available. While you don’t need to write the exact max number of words, you should try to get as close as possible to the maximum.

#2: Content : The essay prompts will be focused and direct; make sure your response is as well. If the prompt includes multiple parts, ensure that you’re answering each part of the prompt.

  • Highlight the qualities that the HSF values in scholarship recipients, including academic achievement, personal strengths, leadership skills or experiences, and commitment to giving back to the community. Reference the section above for examples of activities, experiences, and challenges you could highlight.
  • If there are any major weaknesses in your HSF application (such as a lack of leadership experiences or poor academic performance), use your essays to explain yourself . Don’t make excuses—keep your tone matter-of-fact, but optimistic.
  • If you’ve experienced any extraordinary hardships or obstacles, mention them in your essays . It’s important that application readers have a full and comprehensive understanding of situational factors that could have affected different aspects of your application.

#3: Use of Examples : The examples you use in your essays should be personal (without being confessional) and relevant to the prompt. Your essay responses will be more engaging if, for example, you begin your writing with an anecdote or personal story.

#4: Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation: Errors are distracting and detract from the quality of your writing. Avoid mistakes by giving yourself plenty of time to write the essay. Have a trusted teacher or mentor edit and proofread your work, too.


This sign doesn't make a great first impression. Make sure your HSF essay does!

Letters of Recommendation

Your academic recommendation writer must be an instructor, an adviser, or someone who can evaluate you academically (e.g., your academic performance, motivation, plans and goals, etc.). Additional recommenders can be either academic or nonacademic.

Secondary recommendation writers must be able to evaluate your community service and extracurricular activities (e.g., your leadership, work ethic, or commitment). Recommendations from family members, family friends, and other close friends are discouraged by HSF.

Strong letters of recommendation are important for any application. Here’s how you can go about getting the best letters possible for an HSF award application:

#1: Ask the Right People : Ideal recommendation writers are those in educator/mentor positions and with whom you have a long, positive history. The best recommender will be excited to vouch for you.

If you have someone in mind, ask them to write your letters in such a way that they have an "out" if they’re not comfortable doing it. If they don’t have any positive things to say about you, they’ll end up writing a lukewarm letter, and this will really hurt your application.

Ask if they’d be comfortable writing you a "very strong" or "glowing" letter. This way, you'll know that if they decline or hesitate, you’re probably better off asking someone else to write you a letter.

You can ask more than one person to write you a letter of recommendation. This is potentially a great opportunity to present yourself as a well-rounded applicant. I advise you to ask for letters from two to three people; any more than that, though, and the HSF scholarship evaluators will have too much to read!

#2: Give Your Letter Writers Plenty of Advance Notice: Aim for 10-12 weeks, if possible. Since the deadline for HSF is in mid-February, you'll want to aim to ask for rec letters by mid-November.

What's Next?

Although the HSF application means you'll be considered for many scholarships, you don't want to stop there! To really optimize your chances of getting scholarship funding, you should apply to as many scholarship programs as possible.

The good news is that we have comprehensive guides to submitting the best applications for some of the nation's top scholarships. Read these to learn how to win the Gates Millennium Scholarship , the Ronald McDonald House Charities scholarships , the Walmart Scholarships , and the Coca-Cola Scholarship .

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Francesca graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and scored in the 99th percentile on the SATs. She's worked with many students on SAT prep and college counseling, and loves helping students capitalize on their strengths.

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Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund

College Scholarships

hispanic heritage essay scholarship

Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund is committed to support Hispanic/Latino students in Central Florida to successfully complete their higher education college career. By providing scholarship funds and addressing gaps in student support, networking, and professional development, the scholarship fund will achieve its overarching goal of ensuring that Central Florida Hispanic/Latino students successfully complete their undergraduate studies.

Eligibility guidelines

hispanic heritage essay scholarship

To qualify for the Hispanic Heritage Scholarship, you must:

  • Be of Hispanic Heritage
  • Have a minimum overall unweighted 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for high school students and undergraduate students
  • Plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree and enroll full-time (12 credit hours) in one of the following schools for fall and spring of the upcoming scholarship year:

hispanic heritage essay scholarship

4. Be a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Legal Resident, DACA or Eligible Non-Citizen as defined by the scholarship fund

5. Apply for Federal Financial Aid using the FAFSA

6. Interview with the selection committee representative s

The following are preferred, but not required:

  • Students who are able to demonstrate an evident financial need
  • Student who are from the Central Florida region
  • Degrees in “STEM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) fields
  • Degrees that support Central Florida’s anchor industries, such as construction management and hospitality management; and
  • Degrees that represent economic priorities in the region, such as degrees in the arts, business management/economics and education.

Scholarship recipients are selected by a volunteer committee of business and community leaders and past alumni who understand the link between education and success. Each scholarship is credited directly to the student’s account at the college or university in which the student is enrolled.

Application FAQ

How can i apply.

Students must complete and submit the application within the application period, and ensure that their FAFSA, recommendations and transcript have been received by the scholarship fund. This year’s application period is from February 2nd to March 1st. Please continue to visit our Web site for more information.

What is the amount of each scholarship?

Our scholarships range between $3,500 and $5,000.

Do I have to be Hispanic to apply?

Yes. For purposes of the Hispanic Heritage Scholarship, “Hispanic” is defined as anyone who was born in or is a first or second generation descendant of a person who was born in any of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Spain, Uruguay, or Venezuela.

Is there a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement?

Yes. Students must have a minimum 3.00 GPA based on a 4.00 scale.

Do I have to be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident to apply for a scholarship?

At the time of the application submission, applicants must comply with one of the following conditions: Be a U.S. citizen (either born or naturalized) Be a legal permanent resident with a valid permanent resident card or a passport stamped I-551 (not expired) Have documented DACA status (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) Be an eligible non-citizen as defined by our organization. These include: U.S. permanent resident, with a Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as an Alien Registration Receipt Card or “Green Card”) Conditional permanent resident (I-551C) Other eligible non-citizen with a valid Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) from the Department of Homeland Security showing any one of the following designations: Refugee, Asylum Granted, Indefinite Parole, Humanitarian Parole, or Cuban-Haitian Entrant

I am a refugee or have established asylum status. Am I eligible to apply?

Applicants with established asylum status may apply. Applicants must submit a valid I94 at the time of submission of their application. The I94 must be stamped as: Refugee, Asylum Status, Conditional Entrant, Parolee or Cuban Haitian Entrant.

I have an international student visa or a work visa. Am I eligible to apply?

International students are not eligible. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents with a valid permanent resident card or a passport stamped I-551 (not expired) at the time of submission of their application.

I am a high school student. Can I apply?

Graduating high school seniors may apply as long as they have been accepted into an accredited college or university. High school students will be asked to include a copy of the enrollment letter in the scholarship application.

Can I attend any college or university in Central Florida to be considered?

In order to qualify, the applicant must plan to attend one of the following institutions in fall and spring of the scholarship year: University of Central Florida Valencia College Seminole State College Lake-Sumter State College Rollins College AdventHealth University

I am older than the traditional college student. Am I eligible to apply?

Our scholarships are not age-based. Students may apply as long as they meet all the eligibility requirements, regardless of age.

I am a graduate student. Am I eligible to apply?

Our scholarships are for students who are working on pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Graduate students do not qualify.

I am currently enrolled in college, but taking EAP classes since I did not attend high school in the United States and English isn’t my first language. Am I still eligible for the scholarship?

Yes. As long as you meet all of the other scholarship requirements, you are eligible to apply.

When will scholarship recipients be notified?

All applicants will receive a notification letter by e-mail before June 30, 2023 stating whether or not they have been selected as a scholarship recipient.

I want to change one of the sources of recommendation that I included in my application? Can I do that?

To change our update your recommender’s information, please e-mail us with the name and e-mail address of your new source of recommendation/reference. Our staff will send the recommender a unique link to your recommendation form.

Can my recommendations be submitted by mail or email instead of through the online system?

Due to the high volume of applications and recommendations, we only accept online recommendations at this time. As you complete your scholarship application, please make sure that your references are aware that you have listed them for recommendations, and let them know that they will receive an e-mail notification with a link to the recommendation form.

My source of recommendation did not receive the e-mail with the link to the online recommendation form. How can I send them another link?

Please e-mail us with the name and contact information of your source of recommendation. We will re-send the link to them.

If my recommendation gave me a handwritten letter, can I submit it to you?

Handwritten recommendations are not accepted. In order for the recommendation to be accepted and your application to be considered complete, the recommender must fill out the recommendation questionnaire that is e-mailed by the scholarship fund.

My source of recommendation is unable to complete the recommendation form before the deadline. What should I do?

Recommendations must be submitted on or before the due date. It is your responsibility to follow up with the people you have listed as your sources of recommendation and make sure that they are able to complete the form before the deadline. If they are unable to do so and you choose to include a different source of recommendation that is able to complete the process in time, please e-mail us with the name, e-mail and phone number of your alternative source of recommendation.

I graduate from high school this year, so I don’t have my official transcripts for the year. What should I submit?

We are asking for official, sealed transcripts with your grades through the last semester. Please ask your school to send them directly to the scholarship fund.

Does the scholarship fund accept electronic transcripts or do they need to be sent by mail?

We accept official electronic transcripts e-mailed directly to us from your school or university. This is our preferred method of receiving transcripts. If your school does not offer official electronic transcripts, the school may also send them by mail. Mailed transcripts must be in the original, sealed envelope from the university or high school. Certified mail will not be accepted. As long as they are still in the sealed envelope from your university or high school they will be accepted. If sent by mail, they must be received by the deadline.

Can I send my transcripts via certified mail?

Please do not send your transcripts via USPS, UPS or FedEx asking for a signature. We cannot guarantee that we will be in the office to sign in person or that we will be able to collect them at a local USPS, UPS or FedEx hub. The scholarship fund’s office is not regularly staffed during business hours. Therefore, transcripts sent via certified mail or requiring a signature may not be received.

Will my application be considered complete if my official transcripts are not sent by the due date?

The application will be considered incomplete and will not go on to the selection process. The transcripts must be received or postmarked by the due date in order to be considered complete

I don’t think my school can meet the deadline for the transcripts. Can you reach out to my school regarding transcripts?

Due to the high volume of applications received, we cannot follow up with the applicants’ schools to expedite the transcripts. It is your responsibility to ensure that your transcripts are delivered by the deadline.

How will I know if you received my transcripts?

You will receive a confirmation via e-mail after your transcripts have been received and processed. This process may take up to five business days.

I already applied. When we will award recipients be notified?

Award recipients will be notified by June. Notification letters will be sent out to all applicants, regardless of whether they are chosen to receive a scholarship or not.

I have a question that has not been answered in this FAQ. How can I reach the scholarship fund’s office?

Please fill out our contact form if you have any additional questions.

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  • Are HSF Scholarships based on merit or financial need?
  • When is the application for HSF Scholarships due?
  • What may the scholarship funds be used for?
  • Do I have to be Hispanic/Latino to apply?
  • Is there a minimum GPA requirement?
  • Do I have to be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident to apply for a scholarship?
  • Whom should I indicate as my recommender?

How can we help?

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholarship

About the scholarship.

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholarship supports the education efforts of students with Hispanic heritage. High school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are welcome to apply.

  • Essay Required : No
  • Need-Based : No
  • Merit-Based : No
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA for high school students, minimum 2.5 GPA for undergraduate and graduate students
  • U.S citizen, permanent resident, DACA, or eligible noncitizen (as defined by FAFSA)
  • Seeking a bachelor's or graduate degree at a nonprofit 4-year university as a full-time student
  • Country : US
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Top 135 Scholarships for Hispanic Students in May 2024

hispanic heritage essay scholarship

Will Geiger is the co-founder of Scholarships360 and has a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. He is a former Senior Assistant Director of Admissions at Kenyon College where he personally reviewed 10,000 admissions applications and essays. Will also managed the Kenyon College merit scholarship program and served on the financial aid appeals committee. He has also worked as an Associate Director of College Counseling at a high school in New Haven, Connecticut. Will earned his master’s in education from the University of Pennsylvania and received his undergraduate degree in history from Wake Forest University.

Learn about our editorial policies

Colleges are communities that aim to be representative of the broader population. The United States Hispanic population is one of the fastest growing demographics. So, it makes perfect sense that organizations and colleges offer some great scholarships for Hispanic and Latino students.

Below, you will be able to learn about the various financial aid opportunities and scholarships for Hispanics and Latinos. These scholarships and resources for Hispanic students include a variety of opportunities for high school, college, community college, and graduate students. Keep on reading to learn more about the top scholarships for Hispanic students out there!

Why choose Scholarships360

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The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies:

  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
  • The scholarship requires paid membership in an organization (with certain exceptions for reputable trade organizations and others)
  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
  • The scholarship or scholarship providing organization seem untrustworthy
  • There is no evidence the scholarship was previously awarded
  • The scholarship has not been awarded in the past 12 months
  • There is no available contact information

If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

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hispanic heritage essay scholarship

Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

“Moving Mountains” Scholarship for Hispanic Students

“Moving Mountains” Scholarship for Hispanic Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Scholarships360

This scholarship is open to Hispanic/Latino high school juniors and seniors, college, and graduate students who have moved mountains in their life. To move mountains… Show More

This scholarship is open to Hispanic/Latino high school juniors and seniors, college, and graduate students who have moved mountains in their life. To move mountains means to achieve something incredibly difficult. It means overcoming obstacles, persevering in the face of adversity, and achieving success against all the odds. Whether it’s passing a difficult class, completing a rigorous project, or excelling in sports, we all have our own way of moving mountains. We want to know about yours. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the essay prompt. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Offered by Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Are you a Hispanic student planning on enrolling full-time in a four-year university or graduate school for the upcoming school year? If so, consider applying… Show More

Are you a Hispanic student planning on enrolling full-time in a four-year university or graduate school for the upcoming school year? If so, consider applying to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund!  Every year, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund selects ~10,000 outstanding students as HSF Scholars from a broad and talented pool of applicants. HSF Scholars have access to a full range of invaluable Scholar Support Services, including career services, mentorship, leadership development, knowledge building, and wellness training. HSF awards more than $30 million in Scholarships annually and, depending upon available funds, HSF Scholars may also be eligible to receive a scholarship, which range from $500-$5,000 and are awarded directly to students. Keep on reading to learn more! Show Less

McDonald’s HACER National Scholarship

McDonald’s HACER National Scholarship

Offered by McDonald’s

Are you a college-bound, academically gifted, and community-oriented high school senior with at least one parent of Hispanic Heritage? If so, consider applying for the… Show More

Are you a college-bound, academically gifted, and community-oriented high school senior with at least one parent of Hispanic Heritage? If so, consider applying for the McDonald’s HACER National Scholarship! Each year, the scholarship awards 30 students between $25,000 and $100,000 to help them pay off the costs of postsecondary education. Winners must attend a postsecondary institution the year after their selection for the scholarship. This scholarship is funded by McDonald’s itself in order to help make a difference in the lives of Hispanic college students around the country. If you’re a college-bound, Hispanic, high school senior with impressive academic and extracurricular accomplishments, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

The Gates Scholarship

The Gates Scholarship

Offered by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Are you an academically excellent, minority, high school senior from a low-income household? If so, we may have a perfect opportunity for you: the Gates… Show More

Are you an academically excellent, minority, high school senior from a low-income household? If so, we may have a perfect opportunity for you: the Gates Scholarship! The scholarship is extremely prestigious and generous, offering a full ride to students by covering any of their college costs that are not already covered by financial aid and one’s expected family contribution (EFC). Applicants should ideally have an outstanding academic record, demonstrate leadership ability, and have impressive personal success skills. The scholarship is offered by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and is committed to helping low-income, minority students realize their full potential.  If you’re a low-income, minority student who has gone above and beyond during the course of high school, we encourage you to apply to the Gates Scholarship! Show Less

El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarship

El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarship

Offered by Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities (HACU)

Are you a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at a HACU (Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) institution? Further, are you a U.S. citizen, permanent… Show More

Are you a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at a HACU (Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) institution? Further, are you a U.S. citizen, permanent resident of the U.S., or eligible to work in the United States? If so, consider applying for the Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarship! Each year, the scholarship awards $5,000 to 25 students who meet the above eligibility criteria. In order to apply, you must submit an essay (maximum of 800 words) about how your Latino heritage and community has motivated you to obtain a college degree and how you plan on giving back to your community. The scholarship is jointly offered by HACU and Cafe Bustelo, which aims to invest in the Latino community by awarding scholarships to those who seek better futures for themselves, their families, and their communities. If you fit the criteria and want some help paying for your college education, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high… Show More

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high school student who hopes to go to college, a graduate student who’s in a master’s program, or an adult learner who wants to return to school, you are eligible for our no essay scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to students who get the most out of Scholarships360 scholarships and content. You will be a strong applicant if you apply to scholarships with the Scholarships360 platform. Finalists for this scholarship will be interviewed about their process for funding their education. Show Less

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for…

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for school.

People of Color Supplemental Award

People of Color Supplemental Award

Offered by Presbyterian Church (USA)

Got your sights set on an MDiv or MACE degree, and want some financial support to help you on your journey? If so, consider applying… Show More

Got your sights set on an MDiv or MACE degree, and want some financial support to help you on your journey? If so, consider applying for the People of Color Supplemental Award! To be eligible for the grant, you must be an active member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and enrolled full-time at an ATS-accredited seminary. While applicants pursuing a MACE degree don't need to be an Inquirer/Candidate, those pursuing a MDiv degree (or MDiv/Dual Degree) must be an Inquirer or Candidate when entering years 1 and 2 and a Candidate when entering year 3. All applicants must also demonstrate financial need. If you fit these requirements, don't hesitate to apply for the Native American Education Grant and give yourself a boost in pursuing your academic goals! Show Less

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by The College Board

Create a college list with six schools you're considering - no minimum GPA or essay required!

Leon Bradley Scholarship Program

Leon Bradley Scholarship Program

Offered by American Association of School Personnel Administrators

The Leon Bradley Scholarship Program is funded by the American Association of School Personnel Administrators, an organization that aims to be the leader in the… Show More

The Leon Bradley Scholarship Program is funded by the American Association of School Personnel Administrators, an organization that aims to be the leader in the education, support, and advocacy for the students they serve. Every year, their Leon Bradley Scholarship Program awards $3,500 to multiple minorities in the final year of completing their initial teaching certification/endorsement requirements. If this scholarship sounds like a fit for you, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Niche

Easy scholarship open to all high school and college students, as well as anyone looking to attend college or graduate school in the next year!

ASHFoundation Graduate Student Scholarship for Minority Students

ASHFoundation Graduate Student Scholarship for Minority Students

Offered by American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation

Are you a full-time student of color who will be or who is currently enrolled in a communication sciences and disorders graduate program in the… Show More

Are you a full-time student of color who will be or who is currently enrolled in a communication sciences and disorders graduate program in the United States? If so, the ASHFoundation Graduate Student Scholarship for Minority Students may be a great opportunity for you! Each year, the scholarship awards $5,000 to up to three (3) minority students who have been accepted to, or are currently enrolled in, a graduate program in a communication sciences and disorders program in the United States. Bear in mind that Clinical doctoral programs in audiology or master's programs in speech-language pathology must be accredited by, or in candidacy status from, the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology; this does not apply to research doctoral programs. If you're a current or incoming graduate student of color in a communication sciences and disorders graduate program, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

AMA Valuing Diversity PhD Scholarship Program

AMA Valuing Diversity PhD Scholarship Program

Offered by American Marketing Association Foundation

The AMA Valuing Diversity PhD Scholarship Program is on the lookout for bright minds from underrepresented communities to join marketing and advertising doctoral programs. If… Show More

The AMA Valuing Diversity PhD Scholarship Program is on the lookout for bright minds from underrepresented communities to join marketing and advertising doctoral programs. If you've applied before, don't hesitate to try again! To qualify, you must be enrolled in an AACSB accredited marketing or advertising doctoral program and have completed at least one year. Keep on reading to learn more! Show Less

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by

Open to high school students, college students, community college students, and graduate students.

LULAC Lambda Scholarship

LULAC Lambda Scholarship

Offered by LULAC Lambda

Are you a current or future college or graduate student based in D.C. who identifies as Hispanic/Latino and LGBTQ+? The League of United Latin American… Show More

Are you a current or future college or graduate student based in D.C. who identifies as Hispanic/Latino and LGBTQ+? The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Lambda Scholarship may be a good fit for you! The scholarship is funded by LULAC Lambda itself. LULAC Lambda is one of 1,000 local councils across the United States affiliated with the League of United Latin American Citizens, the nation’s largest and oldest Latinx civil rights volunteer-based organization. One of the goals of LULAC is to increase access to education, so it encourages local councils like LULAC Lambda to sponsor scholarships. As part of the scholarship, LULAC awards multiple $1,000 scholarships which can be used for any educational expense. If you want to be celebrated for your Latinx and LBGTQ+ identities while receiving money to help pay for college and are based in D.C., we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Jan Jancin Award

Jan Jancin Award

Offered by American Intellectual Property Law Association

The Jan Jancin Awards celebrate exceptional second and third year law students from diverse backgrounds who are underrepresented racial or ethnic minorities. These merit-based scholarships… Show More

The Jan Jancin Awards celebrate exceptional second and third year law students from diverse backgrounds who are underrepresented racial or ethnic minorities. These merit-based scholarships are a testament to the recipients' hard work and dedication to their studies. If you're an impressive, underrepresented law student looking for help funding your education, we encourage you to apply. Show Less

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by CollegeXpress

Annual $10k scholarship from CollegeXpress open to all high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

New Jersey Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship for Women & Minorities

New Jersey Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship for Women & Minorities

Offered by Higher Education Student Assistance Authority

The New Jersey Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship for Women & Minorities is open to women or minority group members (Black/African, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, Native American)… Show More

The New Jersey Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship for Women & Minorities is open to women or minority group members (Black/African, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, Native American) who are attending any of New Jersey's county colleges or technical/vocational schools and pursuing a construction-related field. These include, but are not limited to, architecture engineering technology, carpentry, electrical trades, industrial technology, and more. If you're a woman and/or minority with a passion for construction (or its related fields), we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Appily

This easy scholarship from Appily is open to U.S. high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, 2027) and college transfer students. One scholarship will be… Show More

This easy scholarship from Appily is open to U.S. high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, 2027) and college transfer students. One scholarship will be awarded each month. Show Less

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Christian Connector

Students applying to the $5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship must be current high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, or 2027) interested in attending a Christian…

Students applying to the $5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship must be current high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, or 2027) interested in attending a Christian university or college.

Top 10 Hispanic scholarships overall

Our editors combed over all the scholarships available for Hispanic students and picked these 10 as the best. We picked based on three factors: Reputation of the awarding organization, award size, and wide application requirements. Here are the top 10 scholarships available for Hispanic students:

  • The Gates Scholarship  – For low-income minority high school seniors, offers a full ride to college
  • Generation Google Scholarship  – For HS seniors, college, and grad students who plan to study computer science or engineering. Worth $10,000. Preference given to women and ethnic minorities
  • La Unidad Latina Foundation National Scholarship – For Latino/Hispanic undergrads with a minimum 2.8 GPA. Worth $1,000
  • El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarship – For undergraduate and graduate students attending Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the US. Worth $5,000
  • NSHSS James W. Lewis Collegiate Global Leader Scholarship – For college students who show leadership skills and a commitment to diversity. Worth $5,000
  • Haz La U Scholarship – For college-bound Hispanic high school seniors. Worth up to $10,000
  • Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship – For graduating high school seniors part of a minority group with academic excellence and financial need. Worth up to $8,750
  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund – For Hispanic students who will be enrolled at a 4-year college or grad school the following year. Worth up to $5,000. Approximately 10,000 awards granted per year
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Scholarships – For high school seniors and above who are Hispanic and pursuing a STEM degree. Worth $25,000
  • José E. Serrano Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions – For rising college juniors who are majoring in STEM at a MSI (Minority Serving Institution). Worth up to $45,000

How to win scholarships for Hispanic & Latino students

Congrats – you’ve now got an extensive list of vetted scholarships to apply for as a Hispanic student. The next step is to get started on your applications. With so many applications coming in for each opportunity, it’s important to put a lot of effort into the one you submit. We can help you submit the perfect scholarship essay through our “Show, Don’t Tell” essay primer , and our guide on how to start a scholarship essay . We can also help you tailor your essays to different word lengths with our 250-word essay guide and our 500 word essay guide .

One of the most common types of essay prompts out there touches on themes that boil down to “Why do you deserve this scholarship?” Lucky for you, we have a guide on how to ace just that question . And remember, essays aren’t everything. If the scholarship asks for a resume, check out our guide to writing a scholarship resume so you can showcase your achievements as effectively as possible.

Also see: How to win local scholarships

Resources for Hispanic students

As a Hispanic student, your first stop when it comes to searching for scholarships should be the Hispanic Scholarship Fund . In addition to offering one of the best scholarships out there for Hispanic and Latino students , they have a wide range of resources for students looking to fund their education. 

If you are already in school, you have access to many networks out there that connect Hispanic professionals and students all across the country. Taking advantage of these opportunities can help you to network, find jobs, and even fund your education. For example the Association of Latino Professionals for America offers free membership for students, which means admission to their nationwide events and opportunities. The Latino Medical Student Association is another great opportunity to plug into a nationwide network of people working in your field.

Remember, these organizations are not only based on field of study, but can be based on other aspects of a student as well. For example, Destino serves as a nationwide network for religious Latino students to come together and make positive change in the world. Organizations like this can offer many different types of support and networking. And to continue your scholarship hunt, don’t forget to check out the Hispanic Scholarship Fund’s scholarship search tool .

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Frequently asked questions about scholarships for Hispanic students

How much does the hispanic scholarship fund give, are there scholarships for latino or hispanic students in stem, are there scholarships for hispanic or latino women, how to find scholarships for hispanic students, other scholarship categories to explore.

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Getting Into College , Paying for School

5 Easy Steps to Win a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award

Updated: January 12, 2024

Published: April 3, 2019


The Hispanic Scholarship Fund supports Hispanic students in earning their higher education. Find out how you can apply and be awarded in a few quick steps.

From 2000-2015, the number of Hispanic undergraduate enrollment nearly doubled to 3 million. As the largest minority group on most college campuses, university scholarships and organizations like the Hispanic Scholarship Fund exist to help pay for school for Hispanic students.

Depending on the scholarship you apply for, the requirements and eligibility will vary, but the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) exists to help students of Hispanic heritage afford an education. In addition, if HSF isn’t the right fit for you, there are plenty of additional scholarships geared toward Latino and Hispanic prospective students.

First, we’ll share what HSF is and how you can be awarded. Then, we’ll look at some alternative options for scholarships if you are of Hispanic descent.

                Source: Unsplash

What is the hispanic scholarship fund.

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) was founded in 1975 and exists to empower Latinos and help support their higher educational journey, including scholarships and resources.

HSF is the nation’s largest organization that helps to assist Hispanics to afford education, and since its founding, HSF has awarded over $500 million in scholarship money.

Along with helping Hispanic students fund their college education, HSF provides resources to first prepare students for college and then also assist with tools upon graduation. For example, HSF has various Scholar Conferences that cover multiple subjects like Entrepreneurship, Finance, Media and Entertainment, and National Leadership. These opportunities allow students from all over to come together with a like-minded purpose and share ideas, network, and create bonds that have the potential to change the future!

Who is Eligible?

Since it serves as a scholarship fund, there are eligibility requirements to apply. If you do not fulfill the requirements, then it is advised to refrain from applying because these must be met to be considered. While all college majors are accepted, the awards are preferential to those in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields. Applicants must also be:

  • Of Hispanic heritage
  • Enrolled full-time in a 4-year institution
  • Hold at least a 3.0 GPA in high school, a 2.5 GPA in college
  • Be a US citizen, legal resident, DACA, or eligible non-citizen

Who is Qualified?

Since the fund is geared towards helping students achieve their higher education, they must be in a position to be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree.

You can apply for HSF if you are one of the following:

  • High school senior
  • Early graduate/GED Recipient
  • Undergraduate and graduate students — primary or secondary degrees

What’s the Award Amount?

The award amount is merit-based according to academic excellence. The awards range from $500 to $5,000 and are decided by assessing an applicant’s overall GPA, test scores, and well-roundedness along with their goals.

When to Apply?

The scholarship application opens on January 1 with a deadline of February 15. Finalists are chosen between March and April, with the selection made in May. Awards are distributed from October to December.

Tips to Win

As with all scholarships , there are ways to set yourself ahead of the curve and well-position an applicant to win the award amount. Here’s a look at some useful tips.

1. Be Proactive:

Sign up ASAP and fill out an application even if it’s not open yet.

2. Challenging Coursework:

Take honors and AP courses to show the challenging academic environment and focus on getting good grades.

3. Be a Leader:

Choose extracurricular activities, join groups, and lead in aspects that relate to your intended major.

4. Recommendations:

Build a close relationship with a teacher, professor, or employer, and have them write a strong letter of recommendation that really highlights your differentiating skills.

5. Detail-Oriented:

Be sure to double-check your application, have someone else you trust look over it, and also be honest in everything you write.

               Source: Unsplash

Checklist to apply.

When applying for the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, be sure to have the following items prepared. It’s useful to prepare these well in advance of any deadlines so that missing an item cannot disqualify you from being awarded. Items include:

  • Complete FAFSA
  • A copy of the SAR report
  • Verified enrollment
  • High school and college transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Financial aid letter from the financial aid office at your school

Other Hispanic Scholarship Options

HSF is not the only option for students of Hispanic descent. There are many scholarships available that are dedicated to Hispanic women, men, and veterans.

Here’s a look at a few of them:

1. Botari Women’s Scholarship Fund

For Brazilian women who are pursuing an associate degree at the University of the People, the Botari Women’s Scholarship Fund covers up to 10 course assessment fees. At UoPeople, it is tuition-free, so the only costs associated with earning one’s degree come from a one-time $60 application fee plus ($100 for undergrad or $200 for graduate) per course assessment fees. However, for women who are awarded this scholarship, 10-course assessment fees will be fully covered.

2. Chicana/Latina Foundation Scholarship

Awarded to Latina students, this foundation offers 30-40 students merit-based scholarships for up to $1,500 to help pay for their college. The winners are selected based on the following criteria:

  • They’ve shown their dedication to establishing equality for Chicana and Latina women
  • They have demonstrated leadership experience
  • They showcase their goals clearly and have overcome personal challenges
  • They boast strong academic achievement
  • They can participate in the annual Leadership Institute

3. AMS Minority Scholarship

The AMS Minority Scholarship is awarded to students who have been underrepresented in sciences. This includes Hispanic, Black/African American, and Native American students. The $6,000 award is distributed equally in two years during one’s Freshman and Sophomore years of school. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. They must also be pursuing degrees in atmospheric or related oceanic and hydrologic sciences.

Like the University of the People, these scholarship funders believe that one’s education should never be halted because of financial ability. Although scholarships are competitive by nature, the fact that students are eligible because of their heritage shows that diversity in education is important and a main focus of many. If you’re unsure of any scholarship, your college of choice will be happy to answer any questions or concerns as they are well-prepared with financial aid departments.

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hispanic heritage essay scholarship

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund: Everything You Need to Know

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The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) helps Latino students gain the knowledge and resources they need to achieve a college degree. Since 1975, the organization has provided Hispanic Americans with almost $588 million in scholarship funding, with individual awards ranging from $500-$5,000, depending on a student’s fiscal need. Moreover, the organization offers more than 150 types of scholarships for students with various interests and abilities, and the awards can be used for tuition, books, fees, room and board, school supplies, and even transportation to and from college. Read on to determine if you’re eligible for this award and then find out what steps you have to take to apply.

Who is Eligible for the Hispanic Scholarship Fund?

If you’re a student of Hispanic heritage who wants to obtain a college degree, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund could help you achieve your goals. To qualify for this award, an applicant must be at least 25% Hispanic or Latino and able to trace their heritage to a Latino country. Accepted nations include:

Note that the scholarships are awarded to U.S. citizens, permanent legal residents, DACA students, and eligible non-citizens, as determined by FAFSA.

Additionally, students must meet various academic qualifications to receive an HSF award. At this time, the scholarship is open to high school seniors and college students who plan to enroll full time in accredited, non-profit undergraduate or graduate institutions for the current year. For high school students, the fund sets a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Undergraduate and graduate students need a 2.5 GPA to qualify.

While the HSF is open to students in all concentrations and graduate fields, applicants should be aware of the fact that the fund puts a significant emphasis on supporting STEM majors.

hispanic heritage essay scholarship

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How to Apply for the Hispanic Scholarship Fund 

Are you interested in applying for an HSF award? Follow these steps for a chance to secure college financing from the Hispanic Scholarship Fund:

  • Create a free MyHSF profile and fill out the application.
  • Submit your completed FAFSA and SAR (Student Aid Report).
  • Write and submit an essay that describes your goals, characteristics, strengths, and values.
  • Submit your high school and college transcripts (if applicable).
  • Procure and submit a letter of recommendation by someone who influenced your academic development (i.e. a teacher, advisor, or professor). You have the option of submitting additional letters from either academic or non-academic contacts.
  • Send in your enrollment verification for the school you plan to attend. (This document can be submitted during the summer after you receive your award notification).
  • Send in your financial aid letter from the school you plan to attend.

Note that DACA students will need to submit an Employment Authorization Document (EAD).

The deadline for Hispanic Scholarship Fund applications is typically in the last week of March or the first week of April. For 2020, applications are due on March 30, and selections are made beginning in May.

Tips for Applying to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund

While most scholarships seek out exceptional students with promising futures, every awarding institution has its own preferences and goals. For the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, the committee is especially focused on finding academic high achievers with well-rounded extracurricular resumes and a strong sense of direction. If you plan to apply for this HSF, check out these tips for increasing your odds of success.

Be a Leader

As part of its commitment to helping Hispanic students achieve success in underrepresented fields, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund seeks out applicants with a true talent for leadership. If you don’t currently hold a leadership role, think about running for student council, or submitting your name for an officer position in a club or sports group. Showing you’re a leader in one field may help convince the HSF that you can also succeed in other areas, like your chosen career.

Focus on STEM

In an effort to help Latino students make headway in the STEM fields, the HSF is particularly passionate about supporting students who hope to work in science and tech. Whether you plan to major in biology, math, engineering, or a related field, you can boost your odds of winning this coveted award by taking STEM AP, IB, and Honors classes. Additionally, you should seek out related extracurriculars. In particular, activities like Science Olympiad and Math League are likely to make the right impression.

Give Back to Your Community

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund is eager to support students who give back. If you don’t already volunteer, look for an opportunity to help out at your school or in your community. For bonus points, choose an organization or cause related to your chosen career, such as tutoring elementary school students in math, or donating your time at your local hospital.

Curious about your chances of acceptance to your dream school? Our free chancing engine takes into account your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and other data to predict your odds of acceptance at over 500 colleges across the U.S. We’ll also let you know how you stack up against other applicants and how you can improve your profile. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to get started!

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Scholars hip Essay Workshops

Join the Hispanic Scholarship Consortium for a virtual essay workshop designed to help you craft winning essays that earn you scholarships for college! During the workshop, you will hear from Dr. Ricardo Ortegón of GPS College Guidance on what makes an essay stand out. He will break down HSC's essay prompts and help you understand how to write about your personal values & goals in your essays. His tips are great for students at any level and can easily be applied to other scholarship applications. Upcoming workshops: Tuesday, March 12th @ 1PM CST

Wednesday, march 27th @ 4:30pm cst, wednesday, april 10th @ 4:30 cst, monday, april 22nd @ 4:30 pm cst.

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Great Scholarship Opportunities in Honor of Hispanic Heritage Month

There are scholarships for Hispanic and Latino/a students of all levels, plus those with an affinity for the community. Here are some you need to check out!

by CollegeXpress

Last Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Originally Posted: Oct 4, 2022

CollegeXpress strives to be a valuable resource for everyone, including Hispanic and Latino/a students searching for the right colleges and scholarships to help them thrive academically, personally, and professionally. In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, we’ve gathered a variety of scholarship opportunities for high school, college, and graduate students with Hispanic or Latino/a heritage, or an interest in the Hispanic community. Please note that some application deadlines have passed, but you can keep these opportunities in mind for the future!

HACU Scholarship Program

The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) represents more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Latin America, and Spain. HACU partners with several different brands to offer scholarships to current college students enrolled at member schools, including many emerging and existing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). A variety of scholarships are offered in partnership with Miller Lite, Coca-Cola, Café Bustelo, MGM Resorts, and more, each with differing requirements, amounts, and deadlines; for example, there are 35 $2,500–$5,000 scholarships in partnership with Miller Lite available for the 2023 fall semester (deadline: August 30) and six $5,000 scholarships in partnership with Palo Alto Networks (deadline: November 1). Please note that all scholarships require applicants to demonstrate financial need and attend an HACU member college in the US or Puerto Rico. Awards : Up to $5,000;  Deadlines : Vary

Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship Program

The National Hispanic Health Foundation offers multiple scholarships to students with outstanding academic and leadership records as well as a commitment to serving Hispanics. Students must be enrolled full-time in a US-based accredited graduate program in Medicine (Allopathic or Osteopathic), Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing (including BSN), Master of Public Health or Health Policy, or Physician Associate. Applicants aren’t required to be Hispanic but must have an interest in the health of Hispanic communities and NHHF Scholars Alumni activities. Around 15–20 recipients are chosen every year. Awards : Up to $5,000 annually for up to four years, plus individual $2,000 scholarships; Deadline : September 15

The Youth Awards

Sponsored by the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, The Youth Awards competition is open to Latino/a high school seniors who excel in the classroom and community. Gold, silver, and bronze awards are granted in several different categories, including Business & Entrepreneurship, Community Service, Education, Engineering, Green Sustainability, and more. Applicants must be of Hispanic heritage and plan to enroll at an accredited institution of higher education next fall. Awards : One-time grant of up to $4,000 to fund a college education or community service effort that tackles a social issue; Deadline : November 13

Dr. Juan Andrade Jr. Scholarship for Young Hispanic Leaders

Sponsored by the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI), the Dr. Juan Andrade Jr. Scholarship recognizes Hispanic students with a commitment to leadership. Applicants must be enrolled or accepted as a full-time undergraduate at an accredited two- or four-year institution in the US and have at least one parent of Hispanic ancestry. DACA and undocumented students are also eligible to apply. Applicants are required to submit essays on their background and the future of Latinx leadership as well as two letters of recommendation.  Awards : $1,000 for four-year schools, $500 for two-year schools, plus a scholarship to attend the USHLI National Conference; Deadline : November 30

Rumba Meats Scholarship

This year, USHLI has also partnered with the Cargill family of brands to celebrate the Hispanic community through food with the Rumba Meats Scholarship . To be eligible, members of the high school Class of 2023 must have demonstrated financial need, an active history of consistent community service, and at least one parent of Hispanic ancestry. DACA and undocumented students are eligible to apply, and essays about an applicant’s family history and heritage are also required. Once awarded, the 25 recipients must provide a two-minute video explaining how their Hispanic heritage has influenced their life as well as their plans to preserve it. Awards : $1,000; Deadline : November 30

CollegeXpress Scholarship for Students of Color

Hispanic and Latino/a students are eligible to apply for the quarterly Scholarship for Students of Color sponsored by CollegeXpress. Just complete a free CX profile and answer the following question in just one sentence: What is your dream career to pursue after high school? Winners of this random drawing will receive a $1,500 scholarship that can be used at any CollegeXpress featured college or university, plus $500 will be donated to the charity of your choice. If you miss one deadline, you have three more chances throughout the year to enter. Award : $2,000; Deadline : December 31 (as well as March 31, June 30, and September 30)

HSF Scholars

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) has awarded over $500 million in scholarships to high school, college, and graduate students since 1975, with around 10,000 recipients selected each year. Applicants must be of Hispanic heritage as well as US citizens, permanent legal residents, or DACA students. Recipients are chosen based on merit, with award amounts based on relative need. HSF Scholars are also eligible to apply for all Scholar Conferences. Awards : $500–$5,000; Deadline : February 15

Hispanic Heritage Scholarships

The Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund has invested almost $2 million in Central Florida’s Hispanic youth since 2000. Applicants must be of Hispanic heritage as well as a US citizen, legal permanent resident, DACA, or eligible citizen according to the FAFSA. These scholarships may only be used at the University of Central Florida , Valencia College , Seminole State College , Lake-Sumter State College , Rollins College , or AdventHealth University . Awards : $3,500–$5,000; Deadline : February 25

HOLA Scholarship

Sponsored by Microsoft, the HOLA Scholarship supports the growth of Hispanic communities while encouraging the pursuit of tech careers. Applicants can be US citizens, permanent legal residents, or DACA but must be high school seniors of Hispanic and Latino/a descent (e.g., Mexican American, Cuban American, Brazilian, etc.) living in the US and attending (or planning to attend) a two- or four-year college or university to pursue an associate or bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Business Management, or Marketing. A GPA of 3.0 or higher, an essay, and demonstrated leadership at your school or in your community are also required. Two $20,000 scholarships are distributed over four years ($5,000 per year and renewable) as well as three $5,000 one-time scholarships.  Awards:  Up to $20,000;  Deadline:  March 15


The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) offers a wide variety of scholarship opportunities to graduating seniors, undergrads, graduate students, and professionals pursuing degrees, certificates, and careers in STEM. Applicants must be active SHPE members with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and enrolled (or planning to enroll) in a STEM program at an accredited two- or four-year US college or university. One application allows you to easily apply to multiple scholarship opportunities at once.  Awards: Up to $25,000; Deadline:  April 9

Hispanic Scholarship Consortium Scholars Program

The Hispanic Scholarship Consortium (HSC) offers a variety of renewable college scholarships and leadership training opportunities for students of Hispanic and Latino/a heritage residing in Texas. Applicants must plan to enroll at an accredited two- or four-year college or university in the United States on a full- or part-time basis. The program is open to graduating high school seniors, undergraduates, and graduate students, and US citizenship is not required. Awards : Amounts vary; Deadline : April 30

Find even more college funding opportunities with our Scholarship Search tool , and learn about great Hispanic-Serving Institutions that support diverse student bodies.

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Are You of Polish Descent?

College student scholarships based on your nationality.

You’ve probably heard the old adage: “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.” Well, sometimes it isn’t a matter of whom you are or what you know, but who YOU are! There are different scholarship opportunities for thousands of students simply based on their heritage- a few of these being for those of Polish descent.

All over America, there are Polish clubs and heritage societies dedicated to furthering their history and culture. One way in which they promote their ideals is through scholarships- some locally and some nationally. Here are a few we’ve gathered for you!

Polish Heritage Society

The Polish Heritage Society located in  Grand Rapids, Michigan is one such organization that provides local scholarships to young Poles. If you are planning on attending Grand Valley State University, you may be able to receive $300 for your Fall semester. Maybe you are looking at enrolling at Aquinas College. You, too, are eligible for a $300 scholarship for your fall semester. Lastly, they provide a $250 scholarship to Poles going to Grand Rapids Community College. These awards are meant to provide financial assistance to students who are of Polish decent residing in West Michigan. To be eligible, students must maintain a 2.75 GPA and be of Polish descent.

Polish American Arts Association of Washington D.C.

Another Polish Society, located in Washington D.C., is the Polish American Arts Association (PAAA). PAAA engages in numerous activities to gather awareness of how rich Polish culture is. They are dedicated to strengthening cooperation and understanding of art, culture and education between Poland and the United States. PAAA provides a Scholarship Grant Program, whereby students of Polish decent living in DC, Maryland or Virginia are eligible for an up to $3,000 scholarship to help with college expenses. Not everyone gets this award, so to put yourself at the top of list, consider getting actively involved in your community and Polish-American culture.

Polanki, The Polish Women’s Cultural Club of Milwaukee

The Polish Women’s Cultural Club of Milwaukee (PWCCM) strives to help an even smaller group: Polish women. Each year, they offer College Achievement Awards to the best Polish students attending a Wisconsin college or university. The amount of each honor varies from $750 to $1,500. Here are just a few that the Polish Women’s Club offers:

  • Stanley F. and Helen Balcerzak Award - this scholarship goes to an outstanding student in any major.
  • Janet Dzladulewlcz Branden Memorial Award-  more specific than the one previously mentioned, this memorial scholarship goes to a student who has excelled in Polish Studies.

There are many other scholarships that PWCCM offers. To see them all, visit their awards page .

The Polish National Alliance

Members of the Polish National Alliance (PNA) have a unique opportunity for scholarships. PNA members who are currently enrolled as full-time students and apply for this scholarship can receive funding for their tuition if selected. To be eligible, students must be sophomores, juniors or seniors (no incoming freshman accepted), and have a GPA of at least 3.0.

The American Council for Polish Culture

The American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC) is another nation-wide Polish organization furthering Polish culture and heritage. They offer many scholarships to the best and brightest Polish students.

  • ACPC Summer Study Scholarship- an American student of Polish decent is eligible to participate in a Summer Study program at any participating university in Poland. Recipients are awarded $2,000 to go toward transportation and tuition expenses.
  • Pulaski Scholarship- this $5,000 scholarship is for graduate students of Polish decent who are enrolled at an accredited university in the U.S. and have completed at least one year of studies at the graduate level. Scholars studying to earn their Master’s, Doctoral, or other Advanced degree are eligible.

Be sure to check out their website for a complete list of scholarships they offer.

The Kosciuszko Foundation

Headquartered in New York City, the Kosciuszko Foundation commits themselves to promoting cultural and educational exchanges between Poland and the U.S. and to increase American understanding of the Polish history and culture. Not only do they offer scholarships and grants to students of Polish decent, but they also offer multiple exchange programs to both students in America and students in Poland.

  • Tuition Scholarship Program - this scholarship is for full-time graduate students in any field. The Tuition Program provides from $1,000 to $7,000 in funding.
  • Graduate Study and Research in Poland Scholarship - the Polish Ministry of Education teams up with the Kosciuszko Foundation to provide graduate students the opportunity to conduct research at a university in Poland. Grad students are given a stipend of 1,350 zloty (roughly $430US) per month for housing and living expenses. Another $300 for approved research is available by the Kosciuszko Foundation.
  • Year Abroad Program - this program sends American students to Poland for either semester or year-long Polish language studies. Students will attend the Center of Polish Language and Culture at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. This scholarship provides the same 1,350 zloty per month for housing and living expenses; but, students are eligible for an additional $900 per semester provided by the Kosciuszko Foundation.

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  22. ICHA -- Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs

    To contact us: 2399 S. Orchard Street, Suite 204. Boise, ID 83705-3794. (208) 334-3776. The Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs (ICHA) is a non-partisan state agency providing services to the Hispanic Community and serving as a liaison between the community and government entities.

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