KCSE Prediction Essays on Fathers of Nations Set Book

Write illustrative essays on the questions below based on the Novel, Fathers of Nations.

1) Discuss the relevance of the Title ‘ Fathers of Nations ‘ by Paul B. Vitta (20marks)

2) “Change is inevitable in any society.” Using illustrations from Fathers of Nations ( Theme of Change ) by Paul B. Vitta, write an essay to justify this statement. (20 marks)

3) “ Greed is dehumanizing.” Drawing your illustrations from Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta: write an essay supporting this statement. (20 marks)

4) Discuss the theme of Marriage and Family as depicted in the Paul Vita’s Fathers Nations (20 marks)

5) “Alienation is not only painful but also stigmatizing.” Using Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta for your illustrations, write an essay to show the truth of this assertion. (20 marks)

6) “Money and desire can change an individual”. Basing your illustrations on Paul Vitta’s Fathers of Nations, write an essay to back up this statement. (20 marks)

7) Betrayal causes pain and strain in society. Using illustrations from Paul B. Vitta’s Fathers of Nations, write an essay to validate this statement. 20 marks)

Essay Questions on Set Book: Fathers of Nations

8) It is Abiola’s determination that makes him achieve his goals despite his weaknesses. Making close reference to the novel, Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, write a composition to validate this statement. (20 marks)

9) Discuss the theme of Corruption and Dishonesty as depicted in the Paul Vita’s Fathers Nations (20 marks)

10) Effective leadership guarantees its people security and equitable distribution of resources and opportunities, discuss the irony of this statement basing your arguments on the novel Fathers of nations by Paul B, Vitta (20mks)

11) Change implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another. Discuss the validity of this statement drawing examples from Fathers of Nations by Paul B Vitta (20mks)

12) Discuss the theme of Betrayal as brought out in the novel Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta (20mks)

13) Discuss the theme of Poverty and Destitution as depicted in the Paul Vita’s Fathers Nations (20 marks)

More Essay Questions on Fathers of Nations

14) The novel ‘Fathers of nations’ by Paul B. vitta exposes a number of incidents of conflict or disagreement. Write a composition in support of this statement (20mks)

15) Show how the author has brought out the theme of poverty and underdevelopment in Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta. (20marks)

16) Discuss the character traits of each of the following as illustrated inn Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta. (20mks)a) Comrade Ngobile Melusi b) Karanja Kimani c) Dr Abiola Afolabi d) Pastor Chineke Chiamaka

17) Discuss the theme of Moral Decay and Decadence as depicted in the Paul Vita’s Fathers Nations (20 marks)

18) “Despite the obvious human weaknesses, Abiola is an adorable man.” Making close reference to the novel, Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, write a composition to validate this statement. (20 marks) 19) A society driven by greed suffers a lot. Drawing your illustrations from Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta write an essay supporting this statement. (20 marks)

20) “Conflict and society are inseparable.” Using Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta for illustrations, write a composition to validate this statement. (20 marks)

21) “Life is full of ironies.” Using illustrations from Fathers of Nations by FF Paul B. Vitta, write an essay to justify this statement. (20 marks)

22) “Betrayal pervades every level of the society.” Basing your illustrations on Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, write a composition to show the truth of this assertion. (20 marks)

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Fathers Of Nation Questions And Answers

1) Discuss the relevance of the Title ‘Fathers of Nations ‘by Paul B.Vitta (20 marks) 

2) Effective leadership guarantees its people security and equitable distribution of resources and opportunities, discuss the irony of this statement basing your arguments on the novel fathers of nation by Paul B, Vitta (20 marks) 

3) Change implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another. Discuss the validity of this statement drawing examples from fathers of nation by Paul B Vitta (20 marks) 

4) Discuss the theme of Betrayal as brought out in the novel fathers of nations by Paul B. Vitta(20 marks) 

5) The novel ‘Fathers of nation’ by Paul B. vitta exposes a number of incidents of conflict or disagreement. Write a composition in  support of this statement (20 marks)   

6) Discuss the following themes as depicted in the novel   

a) Loss and Pain(20 marks)   

b) Marriage and Family(20 marks)   

c) Moral Decay/Decadence(20 marks)   

d) Corruption/Dishonesty (20 marks)   

e) Religion/Religiosity Piety(20 marks)   

f) Poverty/destitution (20 marks)   

7) "Change is inevitable in any society." Using illustrations from Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, write an essay to justify this statement. (20 marks) 

8) "Despite the obvious human weaknesses, Abiola is an adorable man." Making close reference to the novel, Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, write a composition to validate this statement. (20 marks) 

9) "Alienation is not only painful but also stigmatizing." Using Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta for your illustrations, write an essay to show the truth of this assertion. (20marks) 

10) "Conflict and society are inseparable." Using Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta for illustrations, write a composition to validate this statement. (20 marks) 

11) "Life is full of ironies." Using illustrations from Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, write an essay to justify this statement. (20 marks) 

12) "Betrayal pervades every level of the society." Basing your illustrations on Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, write a composition to show the truth of this assertion. (20 marks) 

13) The death of a beloved one can cause intense response. Basing your argument Paul Vita’s Fathers Nations, discuss this statement. (20 Marks) 

14) Write an essay on the disputes that arise in the novel Fathers of Nations and how each is resolved (20 marks) 

15) Identify and illustrate any stylistic devices Paul B. Vita has used to tell the story in Fathers of Nations. (20 marks) 

16) Write an essay on the disputes that arise in the novel Fathers of   Nations and how each is resolved. (20 marks) 

17) A person controlled by a desire for power has no sense of justice. Drawing your illustrations from Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta write an essay supporting this statement. (20 marks) 

18) Money and desire can change an individual. Basing your illustrations on Paul Vitta's Fathers of Nations, write an essay to back up this statement. (20 marks)   

19) Betrayal causes pain and strain in society. Using illustrations from Paul B. Vitta's Fathers of Nations, write an essay to validate this statement. (20 marks) 

20) Professor Kimani and Dr. Afolabi are portrayed as voices of reason   in Fathers of Nations. Basing your illustrations on Paul B. Vitta's Fathers of Nations, write an essay to validate this assertion." (20 marks)   

21) Rejection can be a source of agony both to ourselves and society. Using illustrations from Fathers of Nations, write an essay in support of this statement. (20 marks) 

22) Cultures can disintegrate families. Using the marriage of Dr Afolabi and Pamela in Fathers of Nations, write an essay on how bad cultures are to marriages.(20 marks).   

23) Show how the author has brought out the theme of poverty and underdevelopment in Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta. (20 marks) 

24) Discuss the character traits of each of the following as illustrated in Fathers of Nations by Paul B.Vitta. 

a) Karanja Kimani   

b) Comrade Ngobile Melusi 

c) Pastor Chineke Chiamaka 

d) Dr.Abiola Afolabi

R ead the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. (25 marks)

When all four were back at their seats, the Chair began to wrap up."Excellencies, we've come to the  end of our summit." He smiled, and why not? Had The Trick not saved the day? Had it not  eliminated the need for the consensus he could not achieve? "Go back home safely, Excellencies.  

As we say in my country, travel like lions, without fear of attack or worry about supper. And,  

speaking about supper, the Pinnacle informs me that, to cap our summit, it has organised a closing ceremony on the mezzanine floor. Things will start sizzling in thirty minutes. So we'll meet there soon." Gavel hit wood.Bang. "I now declare the summit itself formally closed." Bang. Bang. President Dibonso sprang to hit feet at once. "Mr Chairman, don't insult our intelligence withthat rubbish." His voice was grating on all ears with tones of rage. "What rubbish are you referring to? President Dibonso?" asked the Chair. He was rising tothe challenge. "The Choice Matrix indeed! Do you really expect us to buy into that madness? Can't you seethat some of us are not senile? We reject the matrix, lock, stock and barrel." "I said the summit stands closed," insisted the Chair. Bang. Bang."And I say it is open again," retorted President Dibonso. 

"But, President Dibonso, you do not have the power to do so." "Who says I do not have the power to do so? See this?" He pulled out a pistol, pocket-size.The other heads of state scrambled to hide under their desks. "President Dibonso, put that thing away!" demanded the Chair."Make me!" retorted President Dibonso, The pistol clicked, It was ready to start spitting fire at the Chaire. 


a)  Briefly explain what happens just before the excerpt.  (4 marks)  b)  Identify and illustrate two-character traits of the Summit Chair and one of PresidentDibonso.  (6 marks) 

c)  What two themes come out in the excerpt?  (4 marks)  d)  (i) We reject the matrix, lock, stock and barrel. (Write beginning with "Lock ") (1mark)  e)  Discuss two stylistic devices used in the excerpt.  (4 marks)  f)  I said the summit is closed. ( Rewrite using a question tag) (1 mark) 

g)  Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.  (3 marks)  i.  Consensus 

ii.  cap 

iii.  sizzling 

R ead the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. (25 marks)   Professor Kimani joined the University of Nairobi directly as a senior lecturer. Even before taking off, he was already flying. There was a reason. Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda had justdismantled théir University of East Africa. Kenya's part of the university, now renamed  the University of Nairobi, found itself with a vacancy it had to fill immediately in its  Institute of Development Studies. 

Professor Kimani, who had just completed his studies at the University of Oxford, wrote from there to say he wanted to fill it. To ensure he came and filled it for sure, the University of Nairobi raised his entry point from that of a lecturer to that of a senior lecturer. 

He came. Only a month after his arrival, he launched a noisy debate in which he demanded that the University of Nairobi henceforth strive for relevance to the society rather than simplyexcellence of its work. It was not clear exactly what he meant by relevance to the  society rather than simply excellence of its work. It was not clear exactly what he meant by relevanceto the society. However, a short six months later, he prevailed. The university's  official mottobecame, 'Relevance to the society'. 

After winning this war, he started another war which was even noisier. Now he wanted the university to be an agent of change, not a mere spectator of it. This was when people still thought this view was too radical and ridiculed it as simple- minded. So, not surprising, someof his colleagues, puzzled by his refusal to see that it was simple-minded, did or said  

little, convinced that he would fall on his face before long and self-destruct on his own  

without their help. 

He did not care. After all, his antics in wars that he had started, and won, had also won him the heart of a campus beauty queen. Her name was Asiya Omondi. He married her on a rainy but approving Saturday, to claps of thunder and flashes of lightning. How marriage then accelerated academic success! A professorship soon followed. After that achievement, he feltfulfilled. His persona now was complete. Had anyone told him this happiness would  CONTACT 0756710486 FOR ANSWER S

one dayend as it did, he would have laughed himself upside down. 

a)  After Kimani fills a vacancy in University of Nairobi's Institute of Development Studies,he  demands for two changes at the university in quick succession. What are these changes?  (2 marks) 

b)  Identify and illustrate three characters traits of Kimani brought out in this excerpt.  (6marks)  c)  Discuss three themes raised in the excerpt.  (6 marks)  d)  (i) To ensure he came and filled it for sure, the University of Nairobi raised his entry point from  

that of a lecturer to that of a senior lecturer. (Write beginning with the mainclause).  (1 mark)  ii) His persona now was complete . (1 mark)  e)  Identify one stylistic device used in the excerpt.  (4 marks)  f)  Explain the meaning of the following words used in the excerpt.  (4 marks)  g)  The writer says, 'Had anyone told him this happiness would one day end as it did, hewould have laughed himself upside down." What later happened to Professor Kimaniin the text?  (2 marks) 

R ead the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow (25 marks)  

"Tad," said the cranky passenger as he was settling down in economy class, in a seat next toDr  Afolabi's. "Tad Longway," he added. His voice, deep, lingered on like the boom of a bigdrum. He held up a card. Dr Afolabi took it. It said the man was a Director of Special Projects at the  

Agency for Governance and Development in Africa. "Pleased to meet you, Mr Longway," Dr  CONTACT 0756710486 FOR ANSWER S

Afolabisaid. "My name is Abiola Afolabi. I teach at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. " "You gave an excellent keynote the other day, Dr Afolabi," said the cranky passenger. Sparksof  earnestness were crossing his eyes, both crystal-green like toy marbles, confirming the compliment was sincere. "Your keynote address at the Foundation for Democratic Rule, I mean. It was brilliant." "I'm glad you liked it, Mr Longway," Dr Afolabi said. His voice had become warm. "Youwere there, then, Mr Longway?" 

"Yes, but back in the last row. As a mere spectator, I did not want to be obtrusive. Anyway, you were superb, Dr Afolabi. If you don't mind my adding this, I was more impressed by thepoints that the audience raised afterwards, during the question-and-answer period. " 

Dr Afolabi felt the praise he had just heard turn into reproach. "So what were those points,Mr Longway?" he asked. His voice was less warm. "Remember the guy from Grassroots International: short fellow, round of body andoutspoken of manner? What was his name? It's on the tip of my tongue." 

You must mean the fire-eater who kept accusing me of looking for answers where I shouldnot even look," Dr Afolabi said. "Exactly, that's our man. Yes, I thought he was right on point, Dr Afolabi. He too wasunhappy with the present state." 

"Wait, the present state of what?" "Africa.""I don 't understand. " "No problem. I'll spell it out for you. You see, Dr Afolabi, Africa, in its present state, has twonew arrivals: corruption and  impunity. The first is a crime the Second protects from punishment, the second is another crime the first rewards with kickbacks. That is Africa in its presept state. Now can it change?" "Tell me. Can it?""Well, let's ask the Law of Will." '"' What?" 

"Unless there is will to change, there will be no change." 

(a) Briefly explain what happens before the excerpt.  (3 marks)  (b) Discuss one-character traits of Dr Afolabi and two of Mr Longway.  (6 marks)  (c)  Highlight two themes evident in the excerpt.  (4 marks) 

(d) (i) It's on the tip of my tongue. (Add a question tag)  (1 mark)  CONTACT 0756710 4 8 6   FOR ANSWER S

iii) Unless there is will to change, there will be no change. (Rewrite using "if ") (1mark)  (e)  Identify two stylistic devices used in the excerpt.  (4 marks)  (f)  (F) Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions used in the excerpt. (4 marks) 

R ead the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow (25 marks)   Cute as a button and sharp as a needle, he thought. Her eyes were wide and white like a pairof moons.  She continued. "My natural parents were Gambian, but I will never see them. aredead. Oh, well."  She wriggled in her chair. "Goodness me, what am I doing? Dictating my autobiography?" She  waved that idea away. "Let's talk business now, shall we?" She pulledout of her handbag a small device then switched it on. "Mind if I start recording?" 

"You're a reporter?" He had not thought she was."Yes, for the Gambian News." "I see. Now, how can I help you, Ms Mckenzie?""I'd like to ask you a few questions, if I may." "Yes, you may. In fact, why don't I start you off? My name is Abiola Afolabi, which you seem to 

know already. But you can just call me Abiola, my first name. Take it from there." "I will: you studied at Harvard University in the USA. Now you teach at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria." She smiled. "I got that from the cover of your book: Failure of States." Heaverted his  eyes to enjoy this fame in the correct manner— with humility, he hoped she would easily see through. This black Scotswoman surely knew her tread, he thought. 

"when I heard you were heard at The Seamount Hotel, Dr Afolabi, I decided to come and seeyou. So 

here I am. This is also funny." 


"Yes. I expected to see an academic scarecrow dressed in jeans. Instead, I see a well- dressedman who might well be a business person..." 

v)  Menacingly

a)  Explain what happens immediately g) Explain the meaning of the following before thisexcerpt.  (4 marks) 

b)  Identify and illustrate two aspects of style in this excerpt.  (4 marks)  c)  Discuss one theme evident in this excerpt.  (2 marks)  d)  Discuss two-character traits of Fiona in the excerpt.  (4 marks)  e)  Briefly explain what happens what happens after this excerpt.  (2 marks)  f)  How are Afolabi's thoughts in his book fulfilled later in the book? Briefly explain 


g)  Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.  (5 marks)  i)  Averted 

ii)  Autobiography 

iii)  Wriggled 

iv)  Tread 

how to write an essay in fathers of nations

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BOOK REVIEW: Fathers of Nations

Front cover of Fathers of Nations, a novel by Paul B. Vitta. PHOTO/Courtesy.

Title:  Fathers of Nations 

Author:  Paul B. Vitta

Publisher:  Oxford University Press

Year of publication:  2013

Revised edition:  2021

Reviewer:  Bonface Otieno

Fathers of Nations  is the current compulsory novel studied by current form three and will be first tested next year, 2024, in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). 

I recommend to every teacher, student and literature enthusiast that before you dig into reading book guides, consider reading the text itself in totality. 

This review is detailed to make it quick to grab the storyline and major concerns raised in the text, characters, language and style.

However, reading and reading the text with a sense of ownership, confidence, and enthusiasm will enlighten your comprehension of this masterpiece.

About the book title 

Fathers of Nations  by Paul B. Vitta is a novel about African states, their leadership and development agenda, and factors that hinder their political systems and governance, as well as a way of restructuring their development growth. 

The title of this novel is a satire of its contextual usage besides its relevance and aptness. 

In most African states, dignitaries like presidents or high office representatives regarded as driving forces behind the establishment of a country, state, or nation are obligatorily branded “fathers of nations”. 

This has to do with their role of pushing for the betterness of the people’s welfare, leading their countries, fighting for fundamental freedoms and rights, and streamlining political systems and economic strategies. 

They are obliged, as the fathers of their nations. 

For instance:

Julius Nyerere is known as the father of Tanzania for his role in the country’s independence movement and his vision for a united African continent. 

He led Tanzania to independence from Britain in 1961 and worked to build a socialist society that promoted equality, education, and self-sufficiency. 

Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana is considered the father of Ghana for his leadership of the country’s independence movement and his contributions to Pan-Africanism. 

He helped lead Ghana to independence from Britain in 1957 and worked to establish a socialist government that promoted economic growth and social justice. 

Jomo Kenyatta is known as the father of Kenya for his leadership of the country’s independence movement and his efforts to build a modern, democratic nation. 

He helped lead Kenya to independence from Britain in 1963 and served as the country’s first president until his death in 1978. 

In the same light,  Fathers of Nations  can relatively be associated with post-colonial Africa, used to refer to their role in the independence movement as a source of legitimacy and used as paternalist symbolism as a source of continued popularity. 

This title is satirical. 

Fifty heads of state, herein fathers of the nation, have met at Banjul Gambia. 

The agenda of the summit is unclear. 

However, it is only knowledgeable that the heads of state are here to approve Way Omega, which will then be a universal economic development strategy if adopted. 

The debate is directionless and disorganized. A rival group is determined to override the Way Omega strategy and replace it with its Path Alpha strategy, which they deem suitable for solving African problems. 

All the heads of state are clueless, visionless, selfish and corrupt, aspects that corrupt their decision-making and critical review of the two important documents that propose their future development strategy. 

Satirically, they have to devise a method to choose between Way Omega and Path Alpha. 


The story revolves around the lives of four men from different parts of Africa. 

They are Professor Kimani, Comrade Melusi, Engineer Tahir, and Pastor Chiamaka.

 All of them have either had ruthless encounters with their governments, injustices imposed on them, or economic jeopardy. 

They want African heads of state at the summit to ratify and adopt the document that could transform the continent’s economic structures. They are all checked in at the Seamount Hotel, Banjul, in different wings and floors. 

“They don’t know each other except for their guide,” who knows them all. They have suffered initially in different ways under the current political systems in their respective countries. 

how to write an essay in fathers of nations

This is a motivation against their respective governments hence the urge to press for possible changes. 

Dr. Afolabi Abiola is abandoned by his American wife Pamela. 

Professor Kimani from Kenya has lost his wife, Adiyo Omondi, to Newborn Walomu, a former university colleague who is now a politician. 

His daughter Tuni dies in a fatal accident. Pastor Chiamaka is a fierce man who is jailed for his outspokenness against the government. 

He is deterred from preaching too. Comrade Ngobile Melusi, once a big-time politician, suffers at the hands of the new head of state, loses his wife Ziliza in a massacre, and his Ndebele people are ruthlessly suppressed and murdered by the head of state’s direct order. 

In addition to the four men, Engineer Seif Tahir, a nuclear bomb expert, and Mr. Thaddeus Longway are also dissatisfied with the African leadership. 

They are assisted by the VOA journalist Fiona McKenzie and Nicholas Sentinel, who, in one accord, plan to front their agenda contained in a rival document, Path Alpha, against Way Omega before the heads of the summit held in Gambia’s capital of Banjul. 

Fifty heads of state invited to Banjul capital of Gambia, are expected to assemble and get accommodation in the Pinnacle Hotel with their entourage. 

Their mission is to adopt the Way Omega ideology, which advocates for a common growth strategy of the citizens that will enable the donors to continue supporting the African nations through aid and grants. 

The ideology is fronted by Minister Zinto, who claims that the strategy was well thought out by experts. 

Most heads of African states seem to be aged and have overstayed in power. 

Led by President Didier Bangoura, who is depicted as senior; Dibo Dibonso, who had ruled for forty years; King Jemba Jemba IV, a king for life, and President Wasi Wasi, who has committed all sorts of atrocities, including authoring many coups, many African countries are led by dictators, old leaders, or poor political systems.

Path Alpha, a counter ideology emanating from AGDA (Agency for Governance and Development in Africa), championed by Mr. Tad Longway, finds its way into the summit and is engaged by the heads of state. 

From the onset of the story, Mr. Longway mobilizes the lines of Prof. Kimani, Comrade Melusi, Pastor Chiamaka, Dr. Afolabi, and Engineer Tahir to use “the trick” to table the ideology before the summit to counter the Way Omega.

Path Alpha, as a strategy, advocates for minimizing civic or public discounted into the will to change. 

This strategy is to solve the problems some present heads of state find difficult to solve. 

The advocators of Path Alpha champion the strategy because they want to solve the problems and owing to the fact that they have also suffered the ugly state abuse and do not want to suffer anymore.

The summit comes to a close in an unprecedented way, whence “the fathers of nations” set up a committee to bring the long debate of adopting Way Omega or Path Alpha to a conclusion. 

The committee is set and named “Method Committee” and is chaired by President Bangoura. 

The president seems to be terribly confused because of senility. 

He uses two ways to decide on which strategy to be ratified. The simple Matrix by a toss of a coin and choice matrix. 

Ultimately, Dr. Afolabi, Mr. Zinto, and the summit chair confirm as witnesses an exercise that sees the Path Alpha strategy carry the day.

Dennotatively the win of Path Alpha is a sign of victory to the ordinary citizen. 

Themes or societal issues

Fathers of Nations  is a spellbinding and thought-provoking, satirical novel tackling contemporary issues set in contemporary Africa. 

The author uses sarcasm through humor to enlighten the reader on social, economic and political wrongs in the African continent. 

African states are still affected by post-independence problems as below.

  • Poor leadership 

African leaders cannot give a sense of direction to their countries.

They are experimenting with various ideologies with which they cannot take positions. 

They cannot read or rather have no time to read the development strategy proposals in order to make informed decisions.

The heads of state look dysfunctional, confused, insincere and out of touch.

They mistrust each other and hold on to greed, brutality, oppression and laziness. 

  • Poverty  

It is pointed out that African countries are clinging to survival at the international imperialistic networks of control. 

They have been captured and imprisoned by meaningless loans from international financial institutions. 

Development loans are unrealistically on demand. 

Prof. Kimani’s wife leaves for a richer member of parliament, abandoning her husband because he looks poor and miserable. 

Kimani is honest and satisfied with his work as a teacher, which does not pay much. 

Comrade Melusi cannot foot his bill after eating at Chaminuka restaurant.  

African leadership is poor in innovative and creative ideas that would spur economic growth among the African states.  

  • Corruption  

Corruption has become a disastrous enemy to African economies.

Wars and organized criminal networks distract the development of some countries.

There is the rigging of elections. Comrade Melusi was dissatisfied with the election results in his country. He strongly believes it was rigged.

The police demand a bribe from the driver of Ms. Fiona McKenzie. 

Mr. Tad Longway, in his submission to Dr. Afolabi, says that Africa in its present state is driven by corruption and Impunity. 

Other major themes include: Betrayal, the plight of women in society, neocolonialism, suffering, oppression and death, and change or transition. For instance, Path Alpha will be a strategy of change and birth of better African states. 

Styles and Language use

Vitta indulges most into styles like: Dialogue, Rhetorical questions, Flashback, Vivid description, Story within a story, Irony, Use of borrowed language/ local dialect, Sarcasm, Similes, and Metaphors, among others, to bring to the book the contemporary concerns highlighted above. 

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These styles also ensure a painting of various personality traits of African leaders and citizens through character and characterization. 


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[…] BOOK REVIEW: Fathers of Nationshttps://scholarmedia.africa/writing-authorship/book-review-fathers-of-nations/ […]

this book has helped me personally as a student .I really appreciate

That’s great, Gloria. We wish you all the best.

Great Gloria that’s good regards

thanks for the wish

It has helped me a lot

It is the best it helps me doing my work faster. Am in form three and the book review is helping me more faster than the book itself

It has helped me a lot be blessed

The book has really helped me. All I can say is that it’s really a nice book.

Comment: this book has created my mind and I will appreciate for the help and support you

Thanks Mwangi.

Congratulations This Book 📖 Is Very Interesting And Educative

A good book indeed. Thanks for the compliments.

Congratulations 🎉🎉👍 This Book 📖 Is Very Interesting And Educative Thanks 👍 Very Much

A fairattempt.However,other element sof a book revieww tha I feel should not have been left out include: main characters the target audience of the book strength of the author weak points of the author own personal assessment of the book then note that in broader genres of literature,similes,metaphor and vivd description are not dealt with as styles in Isolation.Rather,they fall under the blanket style (Imagery)

Otherwise,I applaud your work.

Your concerns are valid, thanks for sharing.

I highly recommend this book review it is so fantastic

Comment: thanks for this

its a masterpiece work of art.

Hey Comrade Scholarman Nyaanga. Glad to read some of the insightful gems in ScholarMedia Africa.

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Exploring themes in Fathers of Nations: Everything you need to know

Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta is a thought-provoking novel that delves into contemporary Africa's political, social, and cultural landscapes. Understanding the themes in Fathers of Nations provides deeper insights into the complex dynamics shaping African nations. Whether you're a student, a literary enthusiast, or interested in African politics , exploring these themes will enhance your appreciation of the novel's rich and nuanced narrative.

Fathers of Nations cover page


2. poor governance, 3. corruption, 4. betrayal, 5. imperialism/ neo-colonialism, 6. disillusionment, 7. tribalism and nepotism.

Fathers of Nations depicts post-colonial African politics. The novel is set in contemporary Africa and portrays Africa as a continent with no sense of direction. Political leaders in the novel are portrayed as greedy, selfish, and materialistic, with a monopoly of power.

Themes in Fathers of Nations

Fathers of Nations has several themes that critically examine African governments. Here are the key themes explored in the novel.

Poverty is a central theme in Fathers of Nations , highlighting African societies' stark socioeconomic disparities. The novel paints a devastating picture of people on the knife's edge of daily survival.

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It highlights how international imperialistic networks have captured and imprisoned the continent. They are trapping African countries in meaningless loans from international financial institutions. These development loans have unrealistic demands, exacerbating poverty and hindering progress and autonomy.

The theme of poor governance in Fathers of Nations portrays the dysfunctionality of many African countries. It highlights leaders who are insincere, out of touch with reality and disconnected from their people's needs.

The presidents at the summit demonstrated confusion and a lack of clear agendas, leading to disarray and unproductive outcomes. Despite this hopelessness, citizens endure leadership blind to their plight, fuelling the continent's struggles and stagnation.

Fathers of Nations front cover

Vitta highlights that corruption is endemic in Africa, disastrously affecting the continent's economies. It undermines community cohesion and social contracts, vital for nation-building. Wars and organized criminal networks further hinder development, controlling political and economic opportunities.

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List of Kenyan Lawyers Who Own Multimillion Houses, Features

Corruption in Fathers of Nations is portrayed as a pandemic, with bribery commonplace. For instance, in Banjul, Gambia, Ms. Fiona McKenzie is stopped at Arch 22, where police demand a bribe from her driver, an unemployed graduate. This scene exemplifies how deeply corruption is ingrained in everyday life.

Betrayal in Fathers of Nations is a pervasive theme. Dr. Afolabi exemplifies this when he betrays the heads of state during a summit about the Way Omega Strategy. Unbeknownst to them, he is secretly aligned with a rival faction, Path Alpha, and manipulates the agenda to ensure its introduction and sway the outcome in its favour.

Similarly, the leader of Libya betrays Engineer Seif Tahir, who initially receives the leader's full support upon returning from Paris with plans for the 'Fist of Allah' initiative. However, this support is abruptly withdrawn, leaving Engineer Tahir marginalized and opposed.

how to write an essay in fathers of nations

A Parliament of Owls set book summary notes, characters, and analysis

The theme extends to a broader scale where intellectuals, professionals, and freedom fighters across the continent feel betrayed by their leaders. Notable figures like Prof Kimani and Comrade Melusi are let down by those in power, who fail to honour the sacrifices made during struggles for independence or governance.

For instance, in Zimbabwe, after gaining independence, the ruler betrays Comrade Ngobile Melusi, overlooking him for ministerial positions and favouring his ethnic group while silencing dissenters.

This pattern of betrayal by African leaders, depicted as the so-called 'fathers of nations', illustrates a tragic neglect of the ordinary people they are supposed to serve.

In Fathers of Nations , Africa is depicted as a continent where leaders, often called "fathers," are portrayed as confused and easily manipulated by external influencers with varying ideological agendas.

These leaders appear to struggle significantly, often needing support from outside forces to fully understand the implications of their discussions, deliberations, and plans for the continent's future.

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Disillusionment in Fathers of Nations is one of the major themes . Fathers of Nations captures a deep disillusionment among Africans with their leadership. Referred to as the "fathers of nations," these leaders convene in Banjul, Gambia, intending to deliberate on a strategic plan known as Way Omega.

However, the summit quickly devolves as an unexpected strategy, Path Alpha, is introduced. After minimal deliberation, Path Alpha is adopted, and a coin toss ultimately decides the matter.

This scene portrays the African leadership as lacking vision and direction, embodying a state of confusion. The summit further disintegrates into chaos, ending in physical altercations, underscoring the ineffective and disorganized nature of the leadership.

Fathers of Nations back cover

In Fathers of Nations , tribalism and nepotism are depicted as pervasive issues within African leadership and politics.

As the colonial rulers departed, taking their overt racism with them, the new leaders of independent African nations often replaced it with tribalism and nepotism .

how to write an essay in fathers of nations

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A poignant example is in Zimbabwe, where despite Comrade Ngobile Melusi's significant contributions to the struggle against colonial rule, the ruler overlooks him when it comes time to distribute government positions.

The ruler favours his Shona tribespeople, excluding Melusi and other members of the Ndebele tribe from influential roles. This exclusion sparks demonstrations in the Ndebele-dominated south, leading to violent attacks in which Ziliza, Comrade Melusi's wife, is tragically killed.

In Fathers of Nations , Paul B. Vitta crafts a multifaceted narrative that underscores contemporary Africa's complexities and challenges. The themes in Fathers of Nations include corruption, poverty, betrayal, and disillusionment. Each paints a vivid portrait of a continent grappling with the legacies of colonialism and the pitfalls of its current leadership.

Tuko.co.ke has shared an article about the Fathers of Nations summary , analysis, theme, and characters. Fathers of Nations (2013) is a satirical novel set in Africa. The author discusses all that has gone wrong in Africa and explores the frustrations that Africans experience under corrupt leadership. The Fathers of Nations summary explains the novel's key themes.

Source: TUKO.co.ke

Bill Cyril Salasya (Lifestyle writer) Bill Cyril Salasya is an experienced writer who joined the Tuko team in 2023. He holds a Bachelor of Education (Arts) degree from Kisii University. Bill has 5 years of experience in the field and has worked as a content writer at Strikingly, Urban Ambiance, and WOW Travels and as a freelance writer at Upwork. He works on various topics, including technology, lifestyle, travel, entertainment, marketing, etc. In 2023, Bill finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. In 2024, he expanded his skills through Google News Initiative courses. You can reach him at [email protected]

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Enjoy free KCSE revision materials on imaginative compositions, essay questions and answers and comprehensive analysis (episodic approach) of the set books including Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, The Samaritan by John Lara, A Silent Song by Godwin Siundu, An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro and Parliament of Owls by Adipo Sidang'. This blog is useful to Kenyan students preparing for KCSE; and their teachers.

Saturday 24 June 2023

Fathers of nations questions and answers guide pdf, guide to fathers of nations: questions and answers pdf – paul b. vitta.

©Wafula Wekati 2023

Fathers Nation questions answers

How many heads of state are attending the summit?

50 heads of state

Where is the venue for the summit?

Gambia’s capital of Banjul.

The heads of state boycott a closing ceremony organized by Gambia. What reason does a paper give for the boycott?

The boycott was as a result of a bitter disagreement the heads of state had earlier.

What happens to the man caught selling confidential documents marked for 100 eyes only?

He disappeared never to be seen again.

What is the   assessment of the summit by the visiting heads of state?

They posit that the summit was a failure.

How do the Gambians respond to the views expressed by the visiting heads of state?

That the foreigners have freedom of expression and the right to say anything they please.

What is Gambia’s feeling about the summit?

In their own light, they see it as the most successful summit ever held they illuminate high points and blur out low points.

Chapter one: Arrival at the Sea Mount (P1-2)

How many strangers check in at the Sea Mount hotel?

  Four strangers (PG1)

Identify the strangers in the order in which they arrive. Give their occupation and nationalities.

Karanja Kimani , 60- Professor in the institute of development studies at the university of Nairobi (Kenya)

Ngobile Melusi, 70- Comrade and citizen of Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe), ex politician

Chineke Chiamaka, 50- Pastor at the church inside Africa ‘CIA’ in Lagos (Nigeria)

Seif Tahir, 40- engineer, former employee at the Ministry of Defence in Tripoli (Libya)

Which rooms does the hotel give them?

Professor Kimani- 4 th floor,   East wing

Comrade Melusi- 5 th floor, South wing

Pastor Chiamaka- 6 th floor, West wing

Engineer Tahir- 3 rd floor, North wing (PG1-2)

First phone call from Guide (P1-2)

For how long had Professor Kimani been in the room before the phone rang?

Less than an hour (PG2)

What is AGDA in full?

Agency for Governance and Development in Africa ( PG2)

What is a AGDA's message to Professor Kimani according to the caller?

That he accepts the caller as his guide while he was there ( PG3)

What is the nationality of the caller?

Nigerian (PG3)

What is the combination lock of the briefcase Professor Kimani finds in his room?

One, one, two, four

How does the caller reply when Professor Kimani asks for his name?

He identifies himself as their guide

Fiona & Afolabi interview (P2-4)

How is Fiona dressed when Dr. Afolabi meets her for the first time?

She was wearing a scarlet blouse, a black skirt and red high heels

What is Fiona’s full name?

Fiona McKenzie

What is the explanation behind her second name?

Her natural parents were Gambians but they are dead. She was adopted by Scottish missionaries, Ian and Elspeth McKenzie when she was less than a year old

What is Fiona’s occupation?

Fiona Mackenzie is a reporter for the Gambian news

What is Dr. Afolabi's level of education and his occupation?

Dr. Afolabi studied at Harvard University in the USA. He teaches at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

What is the title of the book he has authored?

Failure of States

How old is Dr. Afolabi?

45 years old

How old is Fiona McKenzie

35 years old

Where will the African heads of states be having the debate?

At the Pinnacle Hotel

What are Afolabi and Fiona’s assignments in relation to this?

Afolabi will be the adviser of the heads of state, while Fiona will be covering the debate on behalf of the Gambian News.

What is the debate all about?

African heads of state are in Banjul to adopt a document entitled Way Omega: a document containing a way to develop the African continent, discovered by 20 noble laureates as a common development strategy for Africa.

What are Dr. Afolabi Afolabi’s expectation of the summit?

He expects an end to military coups and rigged elections in Africa. He believes Way Omega will rid Africa of coups and civil wars.

What question does Fiona ask Dr. Afolabi that irks him?

She asks him what makes him so optimistic about Africa’s future now, when in his book he is very pessimistic. Is it about Way Omega or the prestige of its authors?

How does Afolabi’s perception of Fiona change?

He had seen a lamb: vulnerable. Now, he saw a lioness: dangerous. 

Why does the interview end abruptly?

Fiona’s phone rings. Her boss wants her back at the office.

The pain of hosting VIPs (P10-16)

Why do the 49 foreign heads of state look happy?

They had escaped troublemakers in their own home countries. They expected to get rest, and a trouble free stay in Gambia, the land of Kunta Kinte. 

The 49 heads of states give the hosting country good publicity but this publicity comes at a high price. Explain.

Bulldozers are dispatched at night to demolish roadside kiosks on which whole families depend for their livelihood. Dignitaries see that a few streets once had sidewalks.

Roads get rare layers of tarmac at times of maximum traffic. Motorists come to a standstill when it really hurts.

Checkpoints sprout everywhere. Guards get more basis for extorting bribes from   passers-by

Water taps at which whole neighborhoods queued just to get buckets of water dry up. All the water has gone to mesmerize the dignitaries with new water fountains (PG11)

Which ministries are jointly charged with the responsibility of preventing catastrophe at the summit?

The Ministry of Internal Security and the Ministry of Defence.

Which effective way of ensuring that all the heads of state would be safe do they come up with?

All heads of state including the host, would stay in one place, the Pinnacle Hotel, located on the outskirts of Banjul.

The elementary task of ensuring the Pinnacle Hotel became and remained an impenetrable fortress rested on two pillars intelligence and combat. Explain.

Intelligence meant secret agents combed every hideout in Banjul investigating rumours about plans to storm the pinnacle. The police handled this. 

Combat meant trained soldiers engaging any unauthorized person who came near the Pinnacle.

Which ministries are jointly tasked with extending to each head of state his or her due respect or protocol?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ministry of International Cooperation. 

They are tasked with seating arrangement of their heads of state at the feast and their accommodation at the Pinnacle.

How do they go about the issues of seating arrangement and hotel accommodation ?

The heads of state would sit in Alphabetical order. The floors were also given out according to Alphabetical order with Algeria and Angola getting the top floor.

Assuming each delegation, big or small, had to be equal, each delegation was given four rooms.

Chapter 2: Guides second phone call (P16-20)

At what time does Pastor Chiamaka receive the second phone call?

Pastor Chiamaka receives the second phone call from the guide at 9:00 PM

What are the contents of the briefcase he found in his room? (p16)

A letter from AGDA

A copy of Way Omega

A copy of Path Alpha

Leaflets, pamphlets and brochures from AGDA

A mobile phone

What was Pastor Chiamaka doing when his guide saw him at the bar at the Seamount Hotel?

He was having a Pepsi

How long does the guide take to talk to the four men on the phone?

He takes two hours between 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM.

Chapter 3: The rise of Professor Kimani (P21-25)

Which vacant position does Professor Kimani fill at the University of Nairobi?

He joins the University of Nairobi directly as a senior lecturer to fill a vacancy in the Institute of Development Studies.

Where was he studying before he applied for the position?

University of Oxford.

What   proposal does Professor Kimani make noisily, a month after his arrival at the University of Nairobi?

He demands that the university henceforth strives for the relevance to the society rather than simply excellence of its work.

What is the university's official motto as a result of this effort?

Relevance to the society.

Which other proposal does he make?

He wants the university to be an agent of change, not a mere spectator of it.

What is the reaction of his colleagues?

Some deem it too radical while others ridicule it as simple minded.

What is the name of Kimani's wife?

Asiya Omondi

After their marriage, what else does Professor Kimani achieve?

A Professorship. He becomes a   Professor.

The global recession (P22)

Explain how the donors are the forces behind the changes in Africa after the global recession.

They threatened to withhold aid unless Africa makes the changes they want.

What did the changes catalyze in parliament?

The changes catalyzed excesses or extravagance in parliament ostensibly to make up for the time they felt they had lost

Explain how the parliament staged a coup.

The MPs increased their salaries.

Those earnings are no longer deemed salaries so they are not taxable. They are exempted from taxation.

This is akin to a coup since the MPs make laws to permit such plunder. It becomes legal but immoral.

Why are parliaments worse than armies?

Soldiers could stage coups but they could not legalise their action. MPs break the law and legislate that breach as a new law.

Professor Kimani's woes (P25)

How has guarding matured into a fully fledged industry in Kenya?

Guarding does not stop at home protection

In transport area, vehicles have anti-theft gadgetry

In tourism, tour operators warn their foreign clients to avoid exposing valuables in public

In the workplace, we have seminars on personal safety

Why does Professor Kimani view this growth in guarding with disapproval and contempt?

He considers it a symptom of failure by the state to ensure safety for its citizens.

How is his view different from his daughter’s?

Tuni thinks attending seminars on personal safety is clever while Professor Kimani thinks safety is a necessity the state should provide.

Tuni says she intends to take precaution against male violence.

Which three reasons does the seminar instructor give that prove women are the easy prey?

  The lack of awareness

  A look of weakness and helplessness

  A temptation to stray

Why can’t Tuni borrow her father’s car?

The car is down again. Professor Kimani will fix it as soon as he gets his next salary.   Asiya refers to it as "That dying old Toyota"

How has the car become a metaphor of Professor Kimani according to Asiya?

Once she had seen him as a young man going places. Now she only saw an old man going nowhere. The car was going nowhere as well.

Which hurtful career advice does Asiya offer her husband Professor Kimani?

She advises him to leave the university and seek greener pastures. 

It is hurtful because he compares him to Newborn Walomu, who left the university and is now a wealthy member of parliament with four cars (P29)

What did Newborn Walomu do before going to parliament?

Walomu, a   rowdy fellow from a minor tribe without roads or schools, was a junior colleague of Professor Kimani at the university.

Why won’t Professor Kimani leave teaching and join politics?

He tells always tells Asiya that he was born a teacher and a teacher he will die. He considers people like Newborn losers.

How does Tuni meet her death?

She dies in a car crash. A trailer crashes a minibus she was traveling in. 

She dies in freak accident, in a minibus under a truck trailer.

What is ironical about how she meets her death?

She does not die in an act of male violence as she had anticipated

How long does it take for Tuni’s parents to find closure?

  six months

Why does Asiya Omondi leave Professor Kimani?

Newborn has asked to marry her

How does Asiya blame Professor Kimani for their daughter’s death?

  She claims that Tuni would be alive if he had a real car.

How old is Asiya at the time they part ways?

Kimani and Walomu's altercation (P34-38)

How does Professor Kimani greet Newborn when he visits his office?

  You, fat baboon (P34)

How many wives does Newborn have?

Three beautiful young women who have already borne him a child each.

How does Newborn go to parliament?

He won the seat in a by election, after his predecessor was killed by gunmen while he was wobbling out of a bar.

Who is Newborn's predecessor?

Kazi-Kubwa Pesa-ndogo, a swaggering rogue.

What reason does Walomu give for marrying Asiya who is older than he?

He says: old is gold (P36)

Why does Professor Kimani attack Newborn?

Professor Kimani had gone to confront Newborn for ‘stealing’   his wife and is infuriated when Newborn takes the opportunity to mock him. He is unable to tolerate.

What is Professor Kimani charged with?

Assaulting a Member of Parliament.

What disciplinary measure does the university take after this fiasco?

The university demotes Professor Kimani from his current rank as full Professor back to his starting rank as senior lecturer. 

This is due punishment for disgracing the university in the face of the public.

  What is the length of his jail term?

  Six months

Professor Kimani joins AGDA (P38-45) 

What is the name of the director of special projects at AGDA? How old is he?

Tad Longway, 50

Where is AGDA based?

Cape Town South Africa

What retribution did Mr. Mark Thatcher get for staging a coup in Equatorial Guinea?

The government of South Africa fined him $1,000,000 and handed him a suspended 4 year jail sentence

At independence, what problems did African leaders vow to eradicate?

Poverty, ignorance and disease.

Instead of eradicating these problems, they have added a fourth and are adding a fifth. Which are these two new problems?

  Corruption and impunity

According to Longway, what is AGDA's mission?

To question Africa's status quo.

  • What will it take to develop this continent? 
  • Is it human effort or supernatural effort?   
  • A re the present leaders helping or impeding Africa’s development agenda? (P42)

How is a teacher similar to an activist according to Longway?

A teacher's job is to coach people towards the better future and activist’s job is to coax them towards that future. 

They may use different methods common but there are similarities in their ultimate objective.

  What is Path Alpha's motto?

Mobilizing civic discontent into will to change.

Why does Professor Kimani fit the profile of a Path Alpha traveler?

A traveller must believe in Path Alpha. From his history Professor Kimani is an idealist.

A Path Alpha traveler must have the drive to pursue goals and the tenacity to stick with them.

What is Professor Kimani expected to do after joining Path Alpha?

Attend the orientation in Cape Town, South Africa

Attend the next summit of African head of states in Banjul, Gambia as an observer.

When does Professor Kimani enlist for AGDA?

A day after Tad Longway’s visit (P45)

Which woes push Professor Kimani to take this Path?

Loss of her daughter, desertion by a wife and mistreatment by his university and the state.

Chapter 4: Fiona's Taxi Ride (P46-48)

When Fiona leaves the Seamount Hotel for her office, how long does she tell the boss she would take?

  About an hour

This estimate overlooks which recent phenomenon?

Roadblocks. Her first stop is at Arch Number 22

What is Arch Number 22?

A colossal arch, erected by the architect of a coup which saw the undisputed, legitimate president of Gambia overthrown. 

This happened on July 22, 1994.

How did the current president of Gambia ascend to power

By overthrowing the legitimate president in a military coup staged on July 22 nd , 1994.

What is the ironical story of the taxi driver?

He forms part of a growing African phenomenon. Taxi drivers with university degrees but no meaningful employment in the professions they trained for.

Why does the taxi driver refer to the guards as bullies?

They falsely claim that his taxi has faulty brakes and demand for a bribe

Which news does Fiona's boss deliver to her when she arrives at the office?

That he is pulling her out of the assignment to the summit at the Pinnacle. 

She joins VOA from the Gambian News on a two year leave-on-loan-arrangement.

Fiona joins Voice of America (48-57)

What does VOA do that it could not do before just to save its image?

Employing non Americans in senior VOA positions. Miss McKenzie joins VOA bureau in Banjul

Who is Robert Manley? How old is he?

The chief of the VOA bureau, 40 years old

Who is the VOA communications-technician-in-residence?

  Nicholas Sentinel, 25

Which breaking story does the VOA need Fiona to help them cover?

The heads of state summit at the Pinnacle Hotel.

Why does VOA choose Fiona to cover the story for them?

Because of her professional expertise and her African background.

Where did Fiona study?

  Edinburgh, Scotland

What does Nick Sentiment use to monitor electronic transmissions or wireless communication?

Real-time multi-phase mega-channel analyzer also known as the silent listener.

Liberian mauler (P57-65)

Why is the clerk at the Seamount Hotel indifferent to the altercation? 

He has a wife and five kids to feed and fears losing his job.

Who is the Liberian Mauler? 

His real name is Leo. He is the man that attacks Fiona at the Seamount Hotel lobby.

What is the name and nationality of Doctor Afolabi’s ex-wife?

Pamela, American

Why was the Liberian Mauler referring to Fiona as Joy ?

It is a local slang for a street walker or a sex worker.

Chapter 5: Afolabi in Boston (P66-70)

What is Doctor Afolabi invited to do in America before he is invited to Banjul to serve as advisor to the summit of the heads of state?

He had previously been invited by The Foundation for Democratic Rule in Washington to give a keynote address at an annual conference

For his wife Pamela, how was the invitation by the foundation Godsend?

She had not been able to see her father, who lived alone as a widower in Boston

How do the views of Doctor Afolabi about children varying from Pamela's? 

He wanted to have two children of his own, whereas Pamela wanted them to adopt two African children.

Afolabi meets AGDA (P70-74)

According to Tad, what is the law of will?

  Unless there is will to change, there will be no change.

What is AGDA's underlying idea?

  To mobilize our discontent with Africa, in its present state, into will to change it

What are Doctor Afolabi's view on Way Omega?

That the summit should go with Way Omega. It will put an end to military coups, rigged elections, civil wars or ethnic clashes. 

He feels it is a breath of fresh air.

What is the difference between Path Alpha and Way Omega according to Tad Longway?

Whereas Way Omega is top-driven and lacks the will for its implementation, Path Alpha is bottom-lead and has the will.

What is Doctor Afolabi’s prescribed role in AGDA?

To guide four Path Alpha travellers whom AGDA is sending as observers to the summit

Tad Longway does not want Doctor Afolabi to defect from way Omega to Path Alpha. Why?

  Afolabi is supposed to serve as Path Alpha's entry point at the summit

Pamela divorces Afolabi (P75-81)

What is the name of Doctor Afolabi and Pamela’s houseboy?

Issa,   a Hausa

Who is Femi?

Femi is Doctor Afolabi’s cousin. He is a Yoruba from Kaduna. He has a scary scar on his face.

What is Femi doing in Doctor Afolabi’s house?

He wants Doctor Afolabi to marry a second wife.

He believes Pamela can’t have children of her own.

He thinks she hates children.

He has brought Afolabi a wife to marry.

What is the name of the girl he has brought for Doctor Afolabi to marry?


Doctor Afolabi says Femi is not guilty while Pamela wants him out of her house immediately. Explain why.

Doctor Afolabi explains that people back at home came up with the idea. Femi is only a messenger. Nimbo, the girl to be married, is only what they wanted him to deliver. She too is innocent, according to Doctor Afolabi.

What makes Pamela feel that Doctor Afolabi is part of the Fermi and Nimbo scheme?

He is adamant about throwing them out that night

She thinks he knew about the girl all along

He wants children but she would rather adopt.

His village people sent him a girl to bear all the children he wants

The scheme fits so closely. He must have had a hand in it

What disagreement or standoff makes Pamela to leave the house?

Doctor Afolabi ‘s refusal to throw out Femi because he is his cousin. He suggests that they leave the next day. Pamela leaves.

After how long does Pamela phone Dr. Afolabi to tell him that she had filed for divorce?

A week after the stand-off. She phones him from her father’s home in Boston.

Chapter 6: Security screening (P82-85)

According to comrade Ngobile Melusi, what is the logic behind the security clearance?

Detection: Spotting actual danger at specific points and punishing it there and

Deterrence: Seeing potential crime everywhere and punishing it anywhere

The youthful guard at the summit security screening has an issue with Comrade Melusi's cellophane pouchh. What does it contain?

A needle and some medicine for his diabetes

When did Melusi discover that he had diabetes?

  During a medical checkup that AGDA asked him to take while joining Path Alpha

Why does Comrade Melusi insist on taking the needles and medicine inside?

Without the medicine, he couldn’t live a day. Because of diabetes, he cannot regulate the sugar level in his blood. The medicine keeps him alive. The needle is his life: for shooting the medicine into his veins.

What makes the youth change his mind about confiscating Melusi needles?

The litany of bad things that could happen to Melusi if he did not take his medicine: Blindness, kidney failure, foot ulcers, leg amputation etc.

Story of Ngobile Melusi (P85-99)

Where do Comrade Melusi and Tad Longway first meet?

They meet for lunch at Chaminuka Restaurant in downtown Harare

After defeating Smith, what urgent order of business did Zimbabwe have?

A peaceful passage to an elected government. They hurriedly put together a transitional government to oversee this process.

At 1:30 PM, it is expected that the restaurant should have many diners but Melusi and Longway are the only customers. Why?

The economy had crashed and people in Zimbabwe could not afford to eat out anymore, unless someone foreign was footing the bill.

Who was the head of transition government?

The leader of Comrade Melusi's group (P86)

How did Melusi earn the title comrade?

He fought Smith alongside his leader for many years. His leader used to call him comrade.

Which is the largest ethnic group in Zimbabwe?


What is Comrade Melusi's mother tongue?

What was Zimbabwe’s national motto at independence?

  Unity, freedom and work

Why didn’t the new ruler appoint Comrade Melusi minister?

He wanted to strengthen supporters and weaken enemies. The ruler was Shona and when he discovered Melusi was Ndebele, he threw him out as a perceived enemy.

Why was the leader of Comrade Melusi's group thrown out of the government?

A cache of weapons was allegedly found at his home. He was accused of plotting a coup. He is Ndebele, not Shona.

What were the two men having for lunch?

Comrade Melusi had roast chicken with fries while Longway had mashed potatoes and pepper steak. For dessert, they had chocolate cake and a coffee respectively.

Comrade Melusi Ngobile is a hungry man. Give proof.

He looks blacker than usual because of hunger (P87)

He polishes off his roast chicken and French fries (P88)

He helps himself to the mashed potatoes that Mr. Longway rejects (P89)

He relishes chocolate cake for dessert (P92)

Which events follow the dismissal of the Ndebele leader?

Anti government unrests erupts in the South. The Ndebele were angry with the government for humiliating their man

They attacked government supporters

  The government retaliates with the 5th brigade as retribution for the protests

What is Gukurahundi ?

The 5 th brigade. Shona for the first years rainstorm that washes chaff off fields so that tiling can start. They ‘wash away' Ndebele insurgents like chaff.

Where was Comrade Melusi's business office?

Downtown Bulawayo, the capital of the Ndebele

What was the name of Melusi's wife?


How did she meet her death?

  She was strangled by the ‘Gukurahundi’ and splayed on the kitchen floor

How did the new ruler change after the Ndebele insurgency?

Before, he viewed both the Shona and the Ndebele who fought loyally for independence as allies. 

Now, he only trusts his Shona tribesmen and regards the Ndebele as rivals - tribalism. He wants to be a lifelong president.

Where do the two men meet during their second conference?

They meet at   Muponda Restaurant at the northern edge of Harare

Why is Zimbabwe’s new ruler referred to as the bomber?

  He was bombing the country’s economy back to the Stone Age

What was the name of the opposition group formed by Comrade Ngobile Melusi?

The New Independent Party - NIP

By what percentage did the bomber win the election?

How did the bomber win election when Zimbabwe had been doing badly?

He rigged the results

The opposition was divided. They booed Comrade Melusi when he rallied them to combine efforts to beat the bomber

Each opposition leader wanted to be president

Which of the opposition parties was willing to work with NIP?

RUFF - the Reformed Union of Freedom Fighters

Why did the RUFF leader quit?

Young guns under him discovered that he did not have a university degree so they deemed him useless for lacking ‘a proper education’.

What is Comrade Melusi's next step of action after losing the elections?

Disaffected, he went back into busines

Why did his business do badly ?

Inflation was eroding incomes faster than they could grow

What was ‘ Murambatsivina ?’

It is Shona meaning expelling the trash. Bulldozers came and tore down the slums evicting residents without warning or alternative accommodation. This was done by the government to punish the urban poor for supporting opposition parties.

According to ‘the bomber’, what was  ' Murambatsivina's ' real aim?

To prevent disease and curb crime. Disease and crime increased instead.

What had Tad Longway come to discuss with Comrade Melusi?

Mobilizing their discontent with Africa in its present state into will to change it.

Chapter 7: Hierarchy (Breaking the ice) (P100-104)

List the poles of influence that guide political hierarchy.

  • Population  (Nigeria)
  • Technology  (South Africa)
  • Alliance with one or more of the other poles  (Kenya)
  • Sheer obstinacy (Zimbabwe)
  • Refusal to abide by rules (Libya)

How old is the Nigerian president?

  70 years old

What losses does Professor Kimani experience that could have been prevented by the Kenyan government?

His daughters Tuni's death on the public road

His wife running off with a randy member of parliament

Why does Comrade Melusi hate the president of Zimbabwe intensely?

  Zimbabwe’s Fifth Brigade murders hundreds of people including his wife as ordered by the president.

Bulldozers had driven thousands of Zimbabweans out of their homes

After many years of misrule, Zimbabwe was now back in the Stone Age

The followers of the leader of Libya blow up a Pan American World Airlines plane over Scotland, killing 300 people. What are the agreed-on rules required of the leader?

That he surrenders the bomb planters for trial

 That he pays compensation to the families of the victims

Why does Engineer Tahir move from the leader's greatest admirer to his foe?

The leader had sold out to the West and become its servant. The leader had abolished Libya’s nuclear weapons program - that's throwing away the country's only insurance against future Western attacks. 

Chapter 8: The story of Chiamaka Chineke

Describe Pastor Chiamaka as a driver.

He always drove dangerously, with an elbow sticking out of the window and already blaring out the latest hit song

 He cuts into other lanes

 He drives against motorists and against the flow of traffic

What is the name of Pastor Chiamaka's younger brother?

Obinna, an evening student at the University of Lagos

Where does Pastor Chiamaka work?

  Earth Movers Limited

Which events lead to pastor Chiamaka's turn around and decision to be a preacher?

He escapes a serious accident without serious injuries

He is convinced his mistake had vanished with the fire engine Other motorists do not stop thus disqualifying themselves from testifying against him

How does Pastor Chiamaka acquire his skill of preaching?

He started by nodding to express agreement to points made in church

Shaking hands with preachers who had made the points

Advanced to actual techniques:

  • Flourishes of speech and rhythms of gesture
  • Courage to face down a congregation
  • Authority to lecture a congregation
  • Audacity to reprimand a congregation
  • Plunging into the real thing: preaching

What was Pastor Chiamaka's standard opener and his congregations prescribed response?

Pastor: Let us listen to our Maker

Congregation: Let us hear His word

During his sermon “God is watching you!” how much money does he say the imaginary black plastic bag contains?

 10 million American dollars

What three options does he give the congregation?

Keep the money and call it good luck

Carry it home for the time being and figure out the smartest thing to do with it later

 Hand it over to the police

What is AISHI in full?

The Australian Institute of Studies on Human Inclination

According to AISHI, what is the answer to Pastor Chiamaka’s  question concerning the money?

Group One: 20% of all people will pocket the money

Group 2: 50% of the people will carry the money home and think of what to do with it

Group 3: 30% will hand the money over to the police immediately

For how long does Pastor Chiamaka stay in prison?

He shares a rat-infested cell with smelly inmates for two weeks

 On which day is he released?

 A Monday

Why is this luck limited?

  The police banned him from preaching.

After how long does he join AGDA?

  Two years 

Where did Seif Tahir go to school in Tripoli?

  Abdelaziz Academy

What did Tahir study at the University of Paris?

Weapons development: he wants to build real weapons for Libya

What celebrations are taking place when Tahir returns from overseas?

The leader of Libya was celebrating his 20 th year in power

What makes Tahir believe that the leader has the right vision for Libya?

He closed down all foreign military bases in Libya He had nationalized all foreign businesses

Libya had oil discovery discovery/petroleum reserves

The leader had launched a program to make nuclear bombs

He named the program the “Fist of Allah”

What was Engineer Tahir's childhood dreams?

To acquire skills and use them to build real weapons for Libya

Why did the leader of Libya dismantle the feast of Allah

The Al Quaeda had stricken on American soil and he knew America would soon retaliate.

What made Seif Tahir hate the leader of Libya?

He was offended because the leader of Libya had dismantled ‘Fist of Allah’. Seif deemed the dismantling of ‘Fist of Allah' as ‘shirq' or sacrilege, an offence that was eternally unforgivable

How does Seif react when Rahma sweetly declines his tomato soup offer?

He reacts violently. He storms back to his office in a fit of rage, feeling humiliated by a woman who was his junior by many miles. He vows to retaliate.

How does he retaliate?

He slaps her as she is removing her head veil the next morning, readying for her laboratory work that the veil would have impeded.

What happens during the heritage week in Libya?

The leader of Libya had set it aside to give his people time to celebrate their renowned history.

What is Tahir’s excuse for slapping Miss Mahmoud?

To administer discipline on a female subordinate for shedding her head veil in public, in violation of the Libyan culture.

In truth, why did he slap her?

To take revenge for she had rejected his advances.

What does Miss Mahmoud do when she is attacked?

She strikes back using a letter opener which splits the heels left eye open.

How long does Engineer Tahir spend in hospital after the accident?

 A month

What is the Hammurabic verdict?

  An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. (P122)

Did the vengeance by Engineer Tahir give him peace?

No. In fact, he was even more restless than he had been before.

When his friends tried to talk him out of his gloom, what action does Engineer Tahir take?

He leaves Tripoli and moves to live along in Benghazi.

What were the two reasons for Engineer Tahir's gloom?

The foreign lifeless object he got after losing an eye during (the accident).

The deep and weakening effect after deciding to have an artificial replacement for the eye he had lost (the effect) - imminent sorrow hung about him.

Where do Tahir and Tad Longway meet?

In Benghazi. They talk about the history of Libya.  

Chapter 10: The secret agenda (hidden motive)

Describe appearance of the ‘Silent Listener’.

The silent listener is a sleek device, new and shiny, with hints of gold and silver.

How many parts does the silent listener have?


  • A receiver - auxiliary units on the left. It collects sound transmissions
  •  A dish
  • A processor - sifts through all transmissions caught by the receiver, saves those it decides, discards the rest.

What has Nick (the VOA youth) found out after analyzing the transmissions that the "silent listener" has gathered?

That something fishy is going on at the summit a secret agenda.

Explain the secret agenda.

People whose identity Nick hasn’t figured out yet are working in a network of five nodes. The nodes represents a person walking alongside others in a group.

The node at the center, the Hub-node, is connected to four other nodes. Identify their full outer nodes.

Professor Kimani, comrade Melusi, Pastor Chiamaka and Engineer Tahir

Where are these nodes physically?

  They are at The Seamount Hotel. The five guests lodged at the Seamount as observers in fact have a hidden motive.

Where is the Hub-node?

  The Seamount Hotel, second floor, center wing.

What assignment does Fiona have after learning about the secret agenda?

  Looking for the guide, the hub node

 Telling him about ‘The Trick’ (p32)

What does Fiona learn when she visits Dr. Afolabi in his room?

That Dr. Afolabi is the guide

He is working with Mr. Longway and for others. The group wants the summit to adopt Path Alpha instead of Way Omega.

Path Alpha is not on the summit agenda. Longway and company want Afolabi to put it there

Chapter 11: Chiamaka's failed scheme

What is Chiamaka's failed scheme at the Seamount?

He plans to meet the president face to face and ask him about Way Omega. 

It fails since the planned small dinner at the Pinnacle is cancelled, without explanation.

What are the four reasons that bring the four observers to the summit?

They say that Africa has problems whose solutions its present heads of state are simply not up to.
They believe Path Alpha will solve these problems, not Way Omega

  They have suffered ugly state abuse they do not want to ever suffer again.

They want to address each of the above but making their heads of state adopt alpha, not Way Omega.

 What is ‘The trick’?

The Gambian president declines to honor to chair the summit

 The new chair has a ploy up his sleeve the trick:

fail to lead the summit to a consensus and later another head of state proposed that a committee convenes

Committee devices a method to eliminate need for consensus

Create a win-win result for him

Chapter 12: Summit opening (Tiku Zinto)

What does the Gambian president say during the opening of the summit?

He proposes that the summit adopt Way Omega since their task is to adopt a common growth strategy for their people.

Who is the new chair of the summit?

Miniko Menkiti - the president of an important African country

Who is Tiku Zinto?

Minister of development planning in an island country. He served as convener of the committee that previewed Way Omega ahead of the summit.

Which two mistakes does Zinto make while making his presentation?

Claiming the African Union was the catalyst behind the change.

Using a tone of voice that sounded like a lecture while addressing heads of state who didn’t like to be lectured by a subordinate.

How does he conclude his speech?

By begging the heads of state to adopt Way Omega claiming Africa will start developing tomorrow.

What does Thaddeus Longway say about Path Alpha?

He says that it contains concrete action while Way Omega only has good ideas. Way Omega offers you a bird in the bush while Path Alpha pushes that bird into your hands.

How do the others sell Path Alpha?

Pastor Chiamaka prays to God to bless the summit and make it choose Path Alpha.

Professor Kimani tearfully says that teachers deserve respect and only Path Alpha would see that they get it.

 Engineer Tahir: Path Alpha will give Africa its own modern weapons.

Doctor Afolabi: Way Omega is big on ideas and Path Alpha is small.  Way Omega is weak on the implementation of those ideas and Path Alpha is strong.

  The debate

 Who speaks fast during the debate?

  Didier Bangoura

What confession does he make?

That he has neither read Way Omega nor Path Alpha and declares that he will never read them

Who speaks second during the debate?

  President Simba Ibarosa

Who speaks third during the debate?

  King Jemba Jemba IV

Who is the 4th speaker during the debate?

  President Dibo Dibonso

Who rises on a point of order and demands the chair about the trick?

President Wasi Wasi Wesiga

Mention the members of the method committee.

President Didier Bangoura (chair)

President Simba Ibarosa

President Yamlaza Gamlozi

What is the name of the method for choosing between Way Omega and Path Alpha?

  The Choice Matrix

 The summit reconvened

The heads of state are both hopeful and fearful during the summit reconvening. Explain.

They hoped the method committee had found a method they could use to choose between Way Omega and Path Alpha

They fear the chair of the committee had not read the documents.

How long did the method committee take to come up with a Choice Matrix?

  Half an hour.

What is the name of the young man operating the projector?

Mam Biram .

What does Zinto say about the choice matrix?

  He says it is total nonsense.

How long is the adjournment or break after President Bangoura introduces the choice matrix?

15 minutes.

What are the results of the coin tosses

  Tail: Path Alpha

 Head: accept

How do Professor Kimani, Pastor Chiamaka and Engineer Tahir feel about Path Alpha's victory?

They find their victory therapeutic - a chance that concrete action would be taken to right the wrongs they had each suffered.

What does president Dibonso do when the chair announces that Path Alpha had carried the day?

He dismisses the Choice Matrix as utter rubbish and draws a gun aiming it at the chair.

Please keep the conversation going in the comments section. 


This is great,,,,please complete fire questions for the rest of the chapters.

how to write an essay in fathers of nations

Thank you. It is now (almost) complete.

Good work mwalimu Wekati

Thanks for the feedback.

Great piece of summary mwalimu. Thanks a lot

I appreciate the feedback.

Brilliant!More demystified!

Sure! Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for the great work you do.

Thanks for the feedback Mike.

This is great bro.. waiting for more

Many thanks for the feedback.

Great Mr Wekati.

Good work sir

Thanks so much. A great job

Great job thanks

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