• • Developed comprehensive user manuals and reference guides, improving product understanding by 25% among end-users.
  • • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create detailed procedural documentation, resulting in a 15% decrease in support tickets.
  • • Led a team of writers in creating technical content for new software releases, enhancing product literature quality by 20%.
  • • Conducted regular reviews and updates of technical documents to ensure accuracy and compliance, increasing document reliability by 18%.
  • • Implemented a new documentation management system, reducing document retrieval time by 40%.
  • • Authored technical articles for internal and external publications, boosting readership engagement by 30%.
  • • Created detailed user guides and tutorials for software applications, increasing user adoption rate by 22%.
  • • Edited and maintained technical reference manuals, ensuring consistency and clarity across all documents.
  • • Worked closely with product managers to develop product brochures, improving marketing collateral effectiveness by 15%.
  • • Provided technical writing support for internal training materials, enhancing employee training efficiency by 20%.
  • • Led documentation projects for major software updates, ensuring timely delivery and high quality of content.
  • • Authored and edited comprehensive product manuals, contributing to a 30% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • • Developed procedural documentation for complex technical processes, resulting in a 12% reduction in user errors.
  • • Collaborated with engineers to create detailed technical specifications, enhancing product development documentation.
  • • Conducted usability testing on documentation, improving user interface and experience by 10%.

5 Technical Writer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

When crafting your technical writer resume, be sure to showcase your proficiency in technical communication tools. Demonstrate your ability to efficiently use documentation software, such as MadCap Flare or Adobe Framemaker. Your technical writer resume must also highlight your experience with creating clear and concise documentation for complex subjects. Let your potential employer see your skill in translating technical jargon into understandable content for varied audiences.

All resume examples in this guide

technical report writing resume


Resume Guide

Resume format

Resume experience

Technical writer skills

Certifications and education

Resume summary/objective

Additional sections

Key takeaways

Technical Writer resume example

Did you know that 75% of marketers said generative AI helps them create more content than they would without it ? Yes, all this tech is becoming a big part of our lives. But tech writing is much more than just writing. The job involves communication, research, grasping complex concepts, and then struggling to explain them—no AI can replicate the human element needed for that.

So instead of being scared of AI, the goal should be to integrate it into your professional life. Meanwhile, it doesn’t hurt to polish your technical writer resume. Use our extensive guide to highlight everything you can do that a machine can’t.

Here’s what else our guide will cover:

  • A tech writer resume format that’s easy to read and understand
  • Not sure how to describe your experience? We’ve got technical writer resume sample sections on your experience, education and personal statement
  • How to create a portfolio if you have no experience
  • Soft, hard, and technical skills
  • Do I need a specific degree to become a tech writer?
  • The best certifications for technical writing
  • Additional sections on your resume that will set you apart
  • Technical writer resume examples you can use to create a fab application

These related resume and cover letter guides might also be useful:

  • Technical Writer Cover Letter Example
  • Freelance Writer Resume Example
  • Writer Resume Example
  • Grant Writer Resume Example
  • Copywriter Resume Example
  • Content Manager Resume Example
  • Content Creator Resume Example
  • Journalist Resume Example
  • Content Writer Cover Letter Example

How to format a technical writer resume

Just like in technical writing, the right format  is extremely valuable. This ensures your content will reach the desired audience and create the impression you strive towards. You want your tech writer resume to best reflect your goals and qualifications. Start by choosing between a reverse chronological, functional, and hybrid resume.

The reverse chronological layout  details your work history from most to least recent, whereas a functional resume  puts your skills and competencies into the spotlight. Or let’s say you want to blend your writing experience with your relevant technical skills—then, the hybrid format is very effective .

Tips for a stellar tech writer resume

  • Margins and layout:  Set your margins to at least 1 inch on all sides to ensure your resume is clean and uncluttered. Use a single or double-column layout to organize your information logically—both are ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) readable .
  • Colors and fonts:  Choose simple, professional fonts like Rubik, Lato, or Calibri sizes 10—12 pt ., which ensures readability. Stick to a  subtle color scheme , but keep it to a minimum. It can still look professional while giving your application some character.
  • Length:  Aim to keep your resume to one page , especially if you’ve worked less than 5 years. Expand to two pages , if you have more extensive experience.
  • Links:  Adding a link to your LinkedIn profile  can provide a quick insight into your abilities and achievements.
  • Header and photo:  Keep your header clear  and to the point. Don’t include sensitive contact information , such as your marital status, and generally, omit the photo  unless requested by the employer.
  • File format:  Save your resume as a PDF  to maintain the formatting across all devices. This also helps prevent any compatibility issues with ATS.

Before submitting your resume, test it using our free ATS check tool . You’ll find out if it’s optimized to pass through these systems without issues.

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Cover the basics of your technical writing resume. Make sure you include these sections:

The top sections on a technical writer resume:

  • Professional summary: This provides a quick snapshot of your experience and skills as a technical writer. Recruiters can assess your suitability for their vacancy at a glance.
  • Work experience:  Detailing your previous roles is essential, as it shows recruiters your practical knowledge and proficiency in technical writing. Here, highlight relevant tasks and achievements.
  • Technical skills:  This section is vital for demonstrating your ability to use different tools or platforms required in technical writing. You may include both hardware and software skills.
  • Education and certifications: You need to outline your academic background and any certifications relevant to technical writing. This gives recruiters an insight into your theoretical knowledge base and professional development efforts.
  • Portfolio:  A portfolio section is crucial, specifically for a technical writer's resume, as it provides evidence of your ability to create clear, concise, and effective technical documents. It can include samples, projects, or links to your published work.

When recruiters look at your resume, they'll be searching for specific details. Make sure you highlight the important points below to stand out.

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Clear writing skills: For technical content writers, the ability to communicate complex information in a digestible format is fundamental. Recruiters prioritize this skill because it directly impacts the quality of the final product.
  • Relevant work experience:  Recruiters seek candidates who have previously held similar positions as it indicates a level of expertise specific to the role. It also suggests the applicant is likely to be familiar with the demands of the job.
  • Proficiency in technical tools: Knowledge of help authoring tools such as Confluence or MadCap Flare can be a major asset. Recruiters who see these technical skills on a resume will know that the candidate can hit the ground running.
  • Research skills:  A key part of technical writing is understanding and accurately presenting the topic. Therefore, recruiters appreciate applicants who are proven self-starters with a knack for deep-diving into complicated subjects.
  • Degree or certification in relevant field: This gives the recruiter confidence that the candidate has foundational knowledge and the drive to continue learning in the field of technical writing.

Technical writer resume samples experience section

Depending on your company’s product, you create different types of documentation. These could vary between API documentation, user manuals, and tutorials. Your experience section  should emphasize the specific projects you’ve been working on. What value did your writing bring? Maybe you helped create comprehensive documentation for complicated engineering software,or your creative tutorials increased user satisfaction. Whatever it is, make sure you don’t let it go unnoticed.

Here’s an example of a real junior technical writer job posting.

Job Title: Senior Technical Writer

Company Introduction:  Our company truly believes that workforce diversity is a major contributor to success. Since its inception, it has made a concerted effort to attract and recruit talented individuals from all walks of life. We provide information technology (IT) services and solutions, and professional services to commercial businesses and federal agencies.

We pride ourselves in providing our clients with superior solutions and services that result in more than simply meeting mission requirements; we strive to solve their toughest problems while exceeding their expectations in responsiveness and flexibility.

Job Description: We’re seeking a Senior Technical Writer to provide program management support services. We want to provide high-quality, effective, and efficient assessments and counsel to administrations and staff offices. Our team uses agile industry best practices, standards, and techniques.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Gather, analyze, and compose technical information required for the preparation of user manuals, training materials, installation guides, proposals, reports, etc.
  • Edit functional descriptions, system specifications, user manuals, special reports, or any other customer deliverables and documents.
  • Conduct research and ensure the use of proper technical terminology.
  • Translate technical information into clear, readable documents to be used by technical and non-technical personnel.


  • Bachelor's Degree preferred in English, Journalism, Technical Writing, or a similar discipline, or BS degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or a similar discipline with extensive writing experience.
  • 4 years of experience, including experience writing, editing, and publishing reports and technical documents, as well as strong experience with computer-based systems.
  • Ability to manage time effectively, work independently, and be self-motivated, along with being highly organized and detail-oriented.
  • Must maintain confidentiality of work-related information and materials.
  • Expert experience with Microsoft Word, and strong experience with Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Adobe Acrobat.

Here’s an experience section on a senior technical writer resume that won’t meet expectations:

  • • Wrote blog posts and articles on various topics.
  • • Assisted in the creation of marketing materials.
  • • Performed general editing tasks.
  • Generic description:  The job description is vague. A senior technical writer resume would include more industry-specific information.
  • Irrelevant details: The bullets are too general. Does the experience section align with the specialized requirements of the position? It’s unclear if this applicant understands technical terminology or produces user manuals.
  • Lacks specific skills or tools:  The description fails to mention any specific software or methodologies. These are crucial for a technical content writer resume, especially in IT or technical fields.

And here it is again, improved:

  • • Collaborated on a team to produce user manuals, installation guides, and training materials for various software products, utilizing Agile methodologies.
  • • Conducted thorough technical research to ensure accuracy and appropriateness of documents for both technical and non-technical users.
  • • Utilized Microsoft Word, Excel, SharePoint, and Adobe Acrobat to create, format, and publish high-quality documents.

Why’s this one better? Well:

  • Relevant and detailed job responsibilities:  The description and bullets clearly outline specific tasks, which directly apply to the job posting. For example, the creation of user manuals and using Agile methodologies. This makes your technical content writer resume relevant.
  • Highlights appropriate skills and tools: Mentions industry-standard tools and software. It’s always useful to show familiarity with the tools required for the job role.
  • Tailored to the job posting: Addresses the needs mentioned in the job description, such as the ability to communicate with both technical and non-technical users. Being effective in a diverse work environment is also a desired quality for this job.

Tailoring your resume  to the job description can enhance your application. Use keywords from the description and think of ways to relate your experience to the responsibilities of the job you’re after.

How to quantify impact on your resume

We know, we know. The very reason you started writing is to escape numbers, but measurable impact  is important. It’s easy to spot on a resume and gives concrete information. This is great in technical writing and great on your resume. Here’s what you can include:

  • Note the increase in readability  of your past work to show how well you can simplify complex terms for different readers, highlighting your dedication to making information user-friendly.
  • State how quickly you completed a major project , demonstrating your ability to work efficiently without compromising on quality.
  • Mention the  low number of errors  in your drafts to showcase your meticulous attention to detail and strong grasp of the topics.
  • Describe the size of the largest document you've written , such as the total number of pages or words, to show your ability to handle big projects.
  • Include how many different platforms or tools  you’re skilled with. A higher number indicates your flexibility and adaptability, important traits for managing various document formats.
  • Mention any decrease in support calls or help requests  after your documents were published, proving your skill in creating clear and helpful user guides.
  • Point out any reductions in the time it takes you to produce documents , showing your growing efficiency and learning over time.
  • Highlight any increase in positive feedback  from customers following your work, underscoring your success in meeting user needs and enhancing communication.

How do I write a technical writer resume with no experience?

Becoming a technical writer with little or no experience  can be easier than you imagined. There’s work involved that needs to be done in advance, though. Here are a few tips:

  • Get certified: What additional training can you add to your resume? Industry-specific courses in (technical) writing are one idea. Another helpful bonus is knowledge of help authoring tools, such as Paligo or MadCap Flare.
  • Think of your transferable skills: Maybe you’ve worked as a copywriter or have done a lot of research in your previous job. Perhaps you're a product manager with in-depth knowledge of a product or an English teacher who can explain difficult concepts to students. These give you a steady foundation to build upon in your technical writing career.
  • Create a portfolio: It’s always a good idea to show real examples of your work. Even if you're just an entry-level technical writer, you can always write down instructions on how to use your favorite application. If you can’t think of anything to write about, choose a simple app, like the Calculator on your phone.

Using GitHub for your technical writer portfolio is great. It shows off your skills in a professional, tech-savvy way. You can display your writing samples and show your familiarity with dev tools and workflows. It’s like having an organized digital binder that employers can easily browse to see your documentation, code snippets, and collaborative projects. Plus, it keeps you updated with version control, a valuable skill in tech.

Technical writer skills on your resume

There’s no doubt a skills section  on your resume is important. It’s a list of your areas of expertise, which can quickly impress potential employers. A skills section including relevant keywords can help you score higher in the ATS screening. It also increases your chances of being noticed by hiring managers.

Featuring technical skills  on your tech writer resume is a no-brainer. But which ones to include? Tailor them  to the job posting. Will you be writing user or API documentation? The help authoring software you include will depend on that. Just make sure you never list skills you don’t actually have . Feel free to add some hard skills  that are universal to the field, such as Git/GitHub or Snagit. These work with most tech writer job postings.

Best hard skills for your technical writer resume

  • Adobe FrameMaker
  • Microsoft Word
  • MadCap Flare
  • Microsoft Visio
  • API documentation
  • Single-sourcing
  • Content management systems (CMS)
  • Oxygen XML Editor

Soft skills  are super important in every job. If you've been a tech writer for a while now, you know there’s a lot more communication involved than the job title suggests. Technical writing includes a lot of research and interviewing SMEs (subject matter experts). It’s the best way to understand the core of the product you’re writing about. That means extensive social interaction.

Consider adding some of the soft skills we’ve gathered below to show you can work effectively within a team.

Best soft skills for your technical writer resume

  • Detail-oriented
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Creative thinking
  • Research skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Organizational
  • Active listening
  • Multitasking
  • Flexibility
  • Interpersonal
  • Stress management

See? Your human skills, even when they relate to technology, are indispensable.

While AI is well-suited for certain types of documentation, it’s not infallible. There’s still a need for human expertise and creativity in producing high-quality docs. AI-generated content can contain inaccuracies or lack the nuance that comes from human insight.

Tom Johnson, the I’d Rather Be Writing blog

Now that we've covered the essential skills every technical content writer resume should include, let's examine the educational background that can set you on the path to success in this field.

Certifications and education on your technical writing resume

Technical writing is one of the few fields where you can thrive with various degrees. Whether you come from an English, Communication, IT, Engineering, or Computer Science background, there's a place for you. Many job postings welcome both language and technical degrees. This highlights the versatility of this career. If you have a language degree, your writing expertise will be your strength, whereas, a tech degree gives you the know-how to navigate complex technical concepts. Whatever your educational background , you can leverage it to excel in technical writing.

Let’s look at a technical writer education example:

  • • Graduated Summa Cum Laude
  • • Completed courses in Advanced Technical Writing, Information Design, and Usability Testing.
  • • Worked on a collaborative project to develop user manuals for software applications.
  • • Internship with Software Solutions Inc., focused on creating and revising technical documents.

This technical writer resume sample section is on point, and here’s why:

  • Directly applicable degree: The degree in Technical Communication is directly relevant. It will get you ahead even as a junior technical writer.
  • Exemplary academic record:   High GPA  and graduating Summa Cum Laude  demonstrate strong academic performance and dedication.
  • Relevant practical skills: Detailed bullet points highlight specific coursework  and practical experience related to technical writing. This makes the candidate more attractive for technical writing positions.

All related certifications and training  will be extremely helpful in your application—with or without experience. Think about what writing or technical courses you’ve completed that can get you ahead. Consider adding some of these to your tech writer resume:

Best certifications for your tech writer resume

Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC)

MadCap Advanced Developer Certification (MAD)

Certified Technical Writer (CTW)

Professional Scrum Master Certification

How to write your tech writer resume summary or objective

A well-written personal statement  sets the tone for your resume. It’s a given many applications will list similar technical skills or backgrounds. So, emphasize your specific strengths, specializations, or career goals. Do that by crafting your summary or objective in a way that makes you stand out. But which one to choose?

Let’s say you’ve already been a tech writer for some time. You’ve lived and you’ve learned, and you want to express that. Your knowledge is valuable and your skills—worthy. A resume summary  will perfectly capture your professional expertise.

If you’re an entry-level technical writer or are transitioning to technical writing from another field, consider the resume objective . It effectively communicates your strong motivation and excitement for the position.

It’s best if your personal statement section reflects the desired company’s values and goals. You can research what these are  by good ol’ networking or by reading the company’s blog.

Technical writers know examples clarify even the most complicated software documentation. Also, examples keep the readers engaged. Here’s a wrong and a right technical writer resume summary sample:

Here’s why this objective won’t catch recruiters’ eyes:

  • Lacks professional focus:  The objective is too casual with phrases like "love writing" and "try something new." These don't communicate a serious professional intent. Nor an understanding of the technical writing field.
  • Vague aspirations:  It fails to specify what aspects of tech writing the candidate is interested in. Do they have any relevant skills they might bring to the position? It's unclear what value they offer.
  • Non-committed language:  A phrase like "hoping to get a chance" suggests a lack of commitment and direction. This can be off-putting to potential employers looking for dedicated professionals.

Well, I would never write my objective like that, you might say. Let’s look at a better example then, just in case:

This one’s much better because it has:

  • A clear transition statement:  Indicates a clear shift from a background in English literature to technical writing. This transition shows an understanding of the need for specialized skills in the new field.
  • Specific skill highlights:  Points out transferable skills such as "meticulous research" and "clear, concise communication." These are highly relevant and valuable in technical writing.
  • A professional tone and intent:  The objective is professionally articulated, with a focus on leveraging specific skills for mutual benefit. This is a sign of a proactive and purposeful career move.

Now, you’ve got almost everything you need for a stellar resume. To really distinguish yourself, include some additional sections.

Additional sections for a technical writer resume

Additional sections  on your resume highlight skills, experiences, and accomplishments that might not fit into the traditional resume categories. These include a broader range of skills, experiences, and achievements. Consider adding the following to make your application unique.

  • Professional development: Participating in industry conferences, webinars, and professional associations shows a tech writer's dedication. These activities offer networking opportunities  and keep skills sharp. They also ensure you stay updated on the latest trends.
  • Portfolio and writing samples : A diverse portfolio is key to highlighting a tech writer’s expertise. Showcasing various documentation types, like user manuals, API docs, and guides, demonstrates versatility. It also proves the ability to produce high-quality, user-friendly content.
  • Content management and organization: Mastering content management systems (CMS) and version control ensures efficient handling of documentation. These skills guarantee up-to-date, consistent, and accurate content. They also make sure you align your writing with product updates and standards.
  • User experience (UX) understanding: Grasping UX principles is crucial for creating user-friendly documentation. Experience in UX design or collaborating with UX teams ensures intuitive, accessible content.
  • Languages : Speaking multiple languages allows you to communicate in diverse teams. It also enables you to create documentation for a wider audience or look for a job at a multinational company.  
  • Cross-functional collaboration:  This section paints a vivid picture of your dynamic role within a team. It emphasizes your team-oriented contributions. Here’s what it could look like:
  • • What was a successful outcome of your work? (e.g. Raised $3,000 for the charity)

In an era where AI is becoming increasingly prevalent, you still have a lot to give. Make sure you flaunt your skills by creating a terrific resume for a technical writer. Follow these tips to stand out to recruiters:

  • Choose the right resume format: Your format is important, and you know that from writing documentation. Make your resume easy to read and understand.
  • Master the experience section: Include specific details, quantify your impact, and provide examples of your work.  
  • Stand out even with little to no experience: You can make a portfolio even if you have no practical experience. Use your favorite app to begin.
  • Feature a strong skill set: The specific help authoring software you’ll list on your resume depends on the company you’re applying to.  Your personal skills are indispensable as tech writing requires communication and collaboration.
  • Education and certification: Tech writing allows for a versatile educational background. Certifications give you credibility.
  • Craft a personal statement: Write a summary or objective that aligns with the tech writer job you’re applying for.
  • Additional sections: Knowledge of UX design or CMS (content management systems) expands your horizons as a technical writer.

Technical Writer resume examples

Explore additional technical writer resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

technical writer resume example

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Technical Writer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Technical Writer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

  • Resume Examples

How To Write a Technical Writer Resume

  • Resume Text Examples

Your technical writer resume should demonstrate your ability to translate technical jargon into user-friendly language. Whether you’re an experienced technical writer aiming for advancement or embarking on your new career, use this guide to craft a resume that opens doors to transforming complex concepts into comprehensible content.

  • Entry-level
  • Senior-level


1. Create a profile by summarizing your technical writer qualifications

Your profile is a brief summary that demonstrates your most relevant qualifications and experience for the job you’re applying for. To make a strong first impression on the hiring manager, start with an opening sentence that lists your title, years of industry experience, and three to four key skills. In the subsequent sentences, mention unique aspects of your career or notable accomplishments, such as editing case studies, crafting user experience (UX) copy, or translating technical jargon into accessible language for non-technical audiences.

Senior-Level Profile Example

A Senior Technical Writer with 10+ years of experience, specializing in Agile development, SOPs, product development, and technical writing. A proven track record of collaborating with subject matter experts to translate technical documentation into employee training materials. Adept at managing and leading diverse teams to achieve organizational goals.

Entry-Level Profile Example

A Technical Writer with entry-level experience, specializing in editing, journalism, copywriting, and content development. A proven track record of crafting high-quality technical articles, business proposals, and white papers. Adept at translating complex terminology into accessible language for audiences.

2. Add your technical writer experience with compelling examples

Including numbers and metrics from your professional experience will help establish a sense of scope for the hiring manager as they review your document. Although not all of your accomplishments as a technical writer are easy to quantify, there are opportunities to integrate metrics and monetary figures into your experience. For example, if you were developing white papers or user guides for a particularly lucrative product, specify how much revenue the product generated. If you enhanced quality assurance review processes, detail how much this improved accuracy or reduced errors.

Employers also want candidates who thrive in fast-paced team environments. Showcasing your ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams to translate high-level technical documentation will help brand you as an effective leader. If you were managing teams, focus on the type of work culture you established and your managerial style. Avoid simply detailing the specific tasks you delegated to team members, as this won’t help you stand out amidst the applicant pool.

Senior-Level Professional Experience Example

Senior Technical Writer, Efflusia Pharma Inc., San Diego, CA

May 2016– Present

  • Translate processes and procedures for drug development and quality control into accessible employee training documentation for a leading pharmaceutical company with over $100M in annual revenue
  • Manage a team of five technical writers to create standard operating procedures (SOPs), quality documents, training guides, and drug development protocols
  • Perform quality assurance reviews on all training materials and technical documentation and propose revisions to improve accuracy and readability for employees

Entry-Level Professional Experience Example

Technical Writer, Illuvian Aerospace Corp., Pittsburgh, PA

May 2021 – Present

  • Conduct proofreading, technical writing, and editing for the development of user manuals, business proposals, white papers, and reports for an industry-leading aerospace company valued at $2B
  • Perform quality reviews on technical articles, ensure compliance with style guidelines, and propose edits to improve writing clarity and accessibility
  • Coordinate with subject matter experts to discuss high-level concepts, enhance content quality, and translate technical terms into accessible language

3. List your technical writing education and certifications relevant

While higher education is almost a given, certification is another great way to prove your education and knowledge. Even if the job doesn’t require a specific certification, including any you hold that might be relevant always looks great on a resume.

Many certifications can be useful for a technical writer to have. Some of the most in-demand certifications include the Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC) certification, offered by the Society for Technical Communication, and the Technical Writing Certificate, which is offered by many universities and colleges.

While most relevant certifications would look great on your resume, it’s important to research the specific requirements in your area to determine which certifications would be most beneficial.

  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] | [Graduation Year]
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Technical Writing
  • University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA | May 2021


  • [Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]
  • Technical Writing Certification Course, Technical Writer HQ | May 2021

4. List your technical writer-related skills and proficiencies

Employers often use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes for specific keywords during the initial phase of the application process. You must tactically integrate key skills and action verbs from the job posting into your document to meet these ATS requirements. Companies value candidates who meet their organizational needs, and providing examples of your expertise in these areas will go a long way in securing your next interview.

Below are key skills and action verbs you may encounter during your job search.

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Adobe Suite Agile
Business proposals Case studies
Compliance Copywriting
Cross-functional collaboration Editing
Grant writing HTML
Journalism Microsoft Office Suite
Product development Product research
Proofreading Quality assurance
Quality control SharePoint
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) Technical documentation
Technical writing Training materials
Translation User guides
UX writing White papers

How To Pick the Best Technical Writer Resume Template

Selecting the right resume template as a technical writer is essential to present your skills and qualifications effectively. Prioritize templates that are easy to read. Choose legible fonts, maintain consistent formatting, and ensure proper spacing; clarity is especially important in a technical writer’s resume. Avoid flashy colors, bulky graphics, and overly decorative fonts that may distract the reader from your qualifications and experience.

Technical Writer Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

Carla Johnson (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Your Street, Pittsburgh, PA

Professional Experience

Technical Writer, Illuvian Aerospace Corp., Pittsburgh, PA May 2021 – Present

Academic Experience

Lead Editor, The Pitt News, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA May 2020 – May 2021

  • Wrote, proofread, and edited articles for the school newspaper, which included coordinating with student editors to refine content, identify news stories, and provide coverage on events and developments across campus

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Technical Writing University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA September 2017 – May 2021

  • Technical Writing
  • Proofreading
  • Microsoft Word
  • Adobe Suite
  • Technical Writing Certification Course, Technical Writer HQ, 2021

Jason Morrison (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Your Street, San Francisco, CA

A Technical Writer with five years of experience, specializing in developing user guides, HTML, quality assurance, and technical writing. A strong history of coordinating with cross-functional teams to create user-facing technical documentation. Expertise in developing accessible training materials for diverse audiences.

Technical Writer, Workforce Software Solutions, San Francisco, CA May 2018– Present

  • Collaborate with product management teams and cross-functional groups to develop training guides and documentation for software products generating $25M in revenue
  • Create feature articles on software products and develop user-facing training materials for customers, including videos, user guides, and white papers
  • Interface with subject matter experts and software engineers to maintain product knowledge and perform quality assurance reviews on technical articles and documents
  • Translated technical concepts and software specifications into accessible business solutions for customers in collaboration with product marketing teams

Technical Writer, Resource Management Software Co., San Francisco, CA May 2016– May 2018

  • Wrote, proofread, and edited technical documentation in support of enterprise software products, which included creating customer-facing materials on software solutions for resource management and workforce planning
  • Collaborated with product owners, cross-functional teams, and software developers to create internal and external guides for software installation, configuration, and usage

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Technical Writing University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA September 2012 – May 2016

  • User Training Guides
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration
  • Product Documentation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Technical Writing Certification Course, Technical Writer HQ, 2017

Daniel Chen (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 123 Your Street, San Diego, CA

Senior Technical Writer, Efflusia Pharma Inc., San Diego, CA May 2016– Present

Technical Writer, SoCal Med Device Inc., San Diego, CA May 2011– May 2016

  • Developed white papers, user guides, and technical documents in support of medical device product lines, which included coordinating with quality assurance teams and subject matter experts to refine and develop user-facing and internal documentation
  • Oversaw the product labeling process and performed quality reviews with cross-functional teams to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Technical Writing University of San Diego, San Diego, CA September 2007 – May 2011

  • Product Development
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Team Management
  • Technical Writing Certification Course, Technical Writer HQ, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions: Technical Writer Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for technical writer resumes -.

When using action words on your technical writer resume, focus on strong, specific verbs that directly relate to your experiences and the job you're applying for. Tailor your language to match the specific job requirements and use metrics and specific examples whenever possible to quantify your achievements. Action words should not only tell employers what you did but also how effectively you did it, ultimately demonstrating your value as a technical writer.

Action Verbs
Analyze Collaborate
Conduct Coordinated
Create Develop
Design Edit
Enhance Examine
Execute Identify
Implement Lead
Manage Oversee
Perform Proofread
Resolve Support

How do you align your resume with a technical writer job description? -

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the median annual income for technical writers was $79,960 in 2022. This field is expected to experience a 7% increase in growth over the next decade, with over 4,800 new job openings. Although ample opportunities are available, you must craft a strong resume to capitalize on them. The best way to garner interest from potential employers is by aligning your resume with the job description.

For example, if an organization is seeking a candidate with an extensive background in UX writing, demonstrate your expertise in user-centered design. If a company is seeking a technical writer with a strong history of editing white papers and product demonstration, feature specific examples of this in your professional experience section.

What is the best technical writer resume format? -

The reverse-chronological resume format is widely considered the best choice for technical writer resumes. This format lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job and working backward. It is preferred because it highlights your most recent and relevant work experience, making it easier for recruiters to quickly identify your qualifications. Additionally, this format is easy to read and understand, making it a popular choice among recruiters and hiring managers.

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Once you’re done with your resume, send it to your prospective employer with a cover letter. This is a great opportunity to speak directly to the hiring manager and make a case for why you’re the best candidate for the job.

Remember, a cover letter should be fairly succinct. Don’t exceed more than 400 words — 250 to 300 is ideal. For more information and ideas, view our graphic designer cover letter examples .

Frank headshot

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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Jobscan > Resume Examples > Writer Resume Examples, Skills and Keywords > Technical Writer Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

Technical Writer Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

Write your way into the technical-writing job of your dreams. These technical writer resume examples will help you polish your resume and tailor it to the job you want.

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Technical writer resume examples

Technical writer jobs are on the upswing. In fact, an increasing number of journalists and other professionals have turned to technical writing, attracted by the career’s security and salary prospects. ‌

Whether you’re a seasoned technical writer or looking to move into this lucrative field, the first document you need to craft is your resume. Jobscan’s resume-writing guide will help you focus your introduction, skills, and work experience. You’ll learn how to make use of essential technical-writing resume keywords to impress hiring managers with your accomplishments.

Highlight soft as well as hard skills in your self-portrait. Technical writers often need to work with advanced industry professionals and other writers. Employers frequently want an effective writer who can hit the ground running on assignments while also integrating into a new community. A comprehensive skill set will prove that you can handle your responsibilities. Use the elements of your resume to help your prospective employer imagine all you can add to a team.

San Francisco, CA 94016 • (555) 555-1234 • [email protected] • linkedin.com/in/aria-stark


I build and deliver content that inspires and empowers team developers to build on technology and innovate fast, leverage new features, and use more features, products, and clouds. My work also spans client-facing informational and instructional guides, checklists, disclaimers, and whitepapers.

External Communications | Internal Communications | Copywriting | Technology Research | Content Writing | Strategic Planning | Editing | Blog Writing | Graphic Design | Content Strategy | Educational Writing |SEO Writing | Team Collaboration | Client Management

Technical Writer focused on the implementation of internal guides, whitepapers, and external-facing disclaimers and instructional materials.

  • Compose, curate, and own the content of the Joby Aviation website, from drafting and publishing, to measuring and maintaining.
  • Work with product teams and other stakeholders to keep the developer website content fresh and up-to-date.
  • Provide best practice-based leadership on delivering optimized web experiences through data-driven decisions, documentation, training, etc.
  • Report on and communicate the status of requests to customers to ensure they know where their requests are in each stage of the project development and deployment lifecycle.

Manage all marketing copywriting for 4 clients in the technology and healthcare industries.

  • Aligned copy strategy across all marketing channels
  • Developed copy for client websites and blogs
  • Wrote advertising copy for print ads and radio spots
  • Collaborated with graphic designers to write and produce digital ads
  • Managed client feedback meetings
  • Ensured all timelines were met throughout the content production, editing, and delivery process.

Why this resume works

Technical Writer Resume Skills and Keywords

Because employers don’t want to waste valuable time training a new hire on fundamentals, many use an electronic utility called an applicant tracking system (ATS) to help them find the most skilled candidates. The ATS weeds out those who are unqualified and ranks remaining applications by searching for technical writer resume keywords . The search results then determine how quickly hiring personnel will receive your resume.

So skills — and the keywords you use to showcase them — are an integral part of your resume. The top technical writer resume skills include:

Top 30 Technical Writer Resume Skills

  • Active listening
  • AP Style/Associated Press Style
  • Attention to detail
  • Audience analysis
  • Captivate (software)
  • Chicago Manual of Style
  • Cloud-based services
  • Communication
  • Content creation
  • Content review
  • Copy editing
  • Critical thinking
  • Expertise in [subject]
  • Flare (software)
  • Friendliness
  • Help docs and FAQs
  • Hemingway (app)
  • Infographics
  • Instructional documents
  • Microsoft Office
  • Organization
  • Other languages
  • Problem-solving
  • Reliability
  • Self-motivation
  • Time management

9 technical writer resume writing tips

Use these strategies to shape your resume and land your perfect job.

1. Specialize

Technical writing actually covers a number of writing jobs. Employers want to find a candidate with the right kind of skills and experience. The main technical writer specialties are:

  • End-user documentation: product manuals, user guides, tutorials. Writers that specialize in end-user documents write to bridge the gap between the specialist and the layperson.
  • Academic: case studies, grants, research papers, white papers. Academic writers produce high-level material for fellow specialists, administrators, and companies involved in certain forms of research and development.
  • Medical: magazine articles, training manuals, and medication and medical device guidelines. Medical writers produce necessary internal documents and material designed to help laypeople use medical products appropriately.
  • Technology and science: articles on innovations and products in various scientific disciplines. There’s often overlap between technology writing and end-user documentation.
  • Corporate: onboarding documents, training materials, human resources guidelines. The technical writing for a corporation is mostly internal — unlike the more external marketing. ‌

Make your specialty clear by highlighting your specific certifications , relevant educational background , and past projects. Where appropriate, use discipline-specific jargon. If your contracts allow, you can also provide sample work.

2. Revise your resume for each new application.

It’s a good idea to keep a master list of all potentially relevant experience and skills. Just don’t include everything on any one application that you send out. Nor do you want to create and send a wishy-washy, generic resume.

Read job listings carefully, and then edit each new application to focus on the skills and experience they mention. Match language exactly. You don’t want an ATS to miss something because you used a synonym rather than the listing’s own term.

3. Get to the point

Both good technical writing and good resumes are concise. You need to communicate your qualifications efficiently. Keep your resume to a single page .

4. Include relevant side projects

The keyword is “relevant.” But side projects — such as a blog on health care topics — can fill out your portfolio. If you’re newer to the field, you can gain the necessary experience and qualifications by blogging in your spare time.

5. Link to your portfolio

Even if some of your work is protected, you should put together a website with other samples of your writing. People who list writing jobs will often request samples or links to a personal site. Be proactive: Include your website with your other contact information on your resume.

6. Justify your claims with numbers

Facts and figures lend you credibility. Provide numbers regarding your rate of production or impact. Quantifying your accomplishments helps set you apart from other applicants.

7. Vary sentence structure and word choice

Your resume is short. It doesn’t bode well for your writing skills if your reader is bored before they reach the end. Keep prose zippy by changing up the wording. But don’t get lost in poetic flights of fancy.

8. Highlight deliverables

Sure, you may have served as your previous company’s go-to punctuation expert. But the heart of technical writing is high-quality material produced on a tight schedule. Prove that you can get the job done with speed and style.

9. Edit and proofread the final product.

If you’re advertising yourself as a writer, you really can’t afford careless writing errors . It’s always important to have a polished final resume, but even more so when you’re a technical writer. You don’t want to give the impression that you’ll need your own copy editor.

Build an ATS-friendly resume for free

Many resume builders are advertised as free, but they often charge a fee to download your resume. Jobscan's online resume builder has no hidden costs and it’s ATS-compatible.

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Technical Writer resume examples & templates

Technical Writer resume examples & templates

Resume header

As a professional wordsmith, how could you not ace a job-winning technical writer resume? It’s like a written interview audition that you script, direct and produce single-handedly — but with no need to translate from geek-speak.

Entry-level Technical Writer Resume Example

Then it hits you: This communication advantage is not yours alone. “How will my resume stack up against those of other technical writers vying for the same job?” “How can I craft a technical writer resume that will stand out?”

For guidance geared toward creating a technical writer resume, keep reading. Each step in the process described is illustrated with sample wording from our technical writer resume example. It’s yours to adapt as you like, or to provide ideas. This is what we’ll cover:

  • What does a technical writer do, and what is the job outlook?
  • Essential resume sections and general guidelines
  • The best format for your technical writer resume
  • Optimizing the impact of each resume section — header, profile, work history, education, and skills
  • Layout and design tips

If you’re looking for further inspiration, Resume.io offers advice and tools for job seekers in similar circumstances. As a leading international resource, we’ve produced over 350 occupation-specific writing guides and free resume examples. 

What does a technical writer do?

It’s quite easy to describe what technical writers do, but difficult to fathom the scope and complexity of their work. Essentially, they make hard things seem easy to understand. They uncomplicate specific subjects that require direction, instruction, or explanation in unambiguous lay terms. From a user’s standpoint, technical communicators, as they are sometimes called, come up with efficient ways to describe how something works and why it works that way. 

Their forte is to simplify and succinctly summarize the right details for the right purpose, designed for the most practical and user-friendly media — everything from assembly/installation guides, FAQ pages, journal articles, and software app support, to drug literature, video tutorials, training manuals, and research grant proposals.

In this multidisciplinary field, technical writers collaborate with IT and communications specialists across various departments and industries.

Influxes of new technology and scientific innovations in recent years have dramatically changed the nature of technical communications while driving employment growth. This trend is expected to continue. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a 6% increase in jobs for technical writers from 2021 to 2031. This growth rate is just slightly faster than the 5% estimate for media and communication workers overall, and the 5% occupational average.

According to BLS data, the median annual income for technical writers in May 2021 was $78,060. Two other income information sources report these lower amounts for annual base salary: Glassdoor — $66,837 and  Payscale — $62,362

Find even more writing advice by checking out these other guides and resume examples in Resume.io’s growing library: Translator resume example, Google resume example, visual artist resume example, freelance writer resume example, graphic designer resume example, grant writer resume example, illustrator resume sample, journalist resume example, freelancer resume example, and copywriter resume example.

How to write a technical writer resume

This writing task will no doubt seem less onerous than what a pro is accustomed to in your typical workday. Here is the simple framework of five essential components that almost all resumes have in common: 

  • Summary (sometimes called Profile or Personal Statement)
  • Employment history

You’ll have a chance in each resume section to rock your technical writing talents in more ways than one. We’ll be taking a closer look later, one at a time. First, let’s consider your resume overall as a platform for showing, not just telling, recruiters why you’d be a great hire.

There’s no question, your expertise as a professional communicator gives you an edge. But prospective employers may take for granted your knack for writing clear, concise, and comprehensible content. And you can assume other job applicants will have that going for themselves too.

For hiring managers to take notice, you need to differentiate yourself by conveying the impact of your abilities and accomplishments. Leave no doubt in their minds that you’re not just looking for any technical writing job, but that you are the technical writer they are looking for.

Here are some general guidelines that technical writers are ideally equipped to follow.

  • Keep it short — no more than a page. Busy hiring managers reportedly take just six or seven seconds to skim through each resume on average. Give them nothing but gold nuggets.
  • Keep it relevant. Be ruthlessly selective about what you include and exclude. Omit anything that has no bearing on your rightness for the job.
  • Customize the content by being specific to a fault. The effort you put into researching what this employer needs and values most will pay off.
  • Optimize with the right keywords to avoid rejection by the applicant tracking systems (ATS) that many employers use to screen online job applications.

It all starts with research, which technical writers have down to a science! Your first source is the advertised job description. Analyze it carefully, more than once. Pay particular attention to keywords you will want to replicate in your resume (no. 4 above). 

Then turn to websites, publications, and conversations with insiders if possible. Learn everything you can about the hiring organization and industry — what it’s all about and where you would fit. Get a feel for the workplace and corporate culture … staff, collaborators, and customers.

Choosing the best resume format for technical writers

For good reason, the chronological resume format is the most popular choice for job seekers and recruiters alike. In nine out of 10 instances, it’s the best way to organize your job history under employer headings, in reverse order from most recent to earliest dates. It provides a reader-friendly overview of your progressive work experience at a glance.

The functional resume format might be a good choice for freelance technical writers, placing more emphasis on specific skills or expertise than where you worked. It. The hybrid (combination) resume format is another option allowing for both skills-based and chronological work history sections.

A distinctive resume header enables your job application to stand out from everyone else’s upfront. As a visual branding element, it gives prominence to your name, occupation or job title, contact information, and perhaps your LinkedIn profile URL. The header’s placement on the page, in relation to the blocks of black text and white space, makes everything look inviting to read.  Applying the same header design to your cover letter reinforces the eye-pleasing impact and shows your regard for communication details. Duly impressed recruiters can revisit this matching pair of documents at any time and easily know at a glance how to get in touch with you.

According to the online resource Technical Writer HQ , too many technical writers are doing themselves a disservice by not having a personal website with links to their technical content portfolio. But this gives those who do have a website with portfolio links a better chance of landing the right job, even with competition.

Your resume header is the perfect place to display your website URL, along with your contact information and LinkedIn URL.

Resume summary example

Of all the superpowers that technical writers could boast about, their deftness at pinpointing and summarizing key details from mountains of material may be unparalleled. This will serve you well in crafting a resume summary that hits the right high notes. 

While occupying the smallest space on the page, this professional synopsis — sometimes called the profile or personal statement — is meant to be a big motivator for hiring managers to get curious and connected. From the standpoint of being a problem solver, highlight the key reasons why this employer needs you on its team. “This could be the one,” is the reaction you are after.

Below is a technical writer resume sample summary you can customize.

Motivated Technical Writer with 7+ years of experience writing and editing technical documentation for large consulting firms. Adept in reviewing, revising, and maintaining technical documents, as well as creating code documentation for software.

Employment history sample

Remember the golden relevance rule we touched on earlier? Your resume’s employment history section is no place for exceptions. 

Relevance goes hand-in-hand with the need to selectively match your work experience highlights to what the target role requires. The same goes for keywords. Make sure your language is an exact fit to the posted job description.

  • Use dynamic action verbs, in the active voice, to describe what you did/do. (Ban “responsible for” from your resume vocabulary!)
  • Indicate “why” and “how” when describing accomplishments, along with beneficial outcomes.
  • Technical documents produced last year
  • Content topics identified
  • Team members, collaborators, or end users

Below is a technical writer employment history resume example you can modify.

Technical Writer, Xec Interactive Danbury  Apr 2017 - Present 

  • Work to create concepts for technical writing based on engineering drawings, engineering documentation, and consultations with subject matter experts.
  • Contribute to Information Architecture decisions with a strong understanding of how readers use our resources.
  • Write and edit technical documentation for project hardware and software.
  • Prepare visual assets, such as animated clips and videos for help center articles.
  • Provide field, data definition, and data flow documentation.
  • Format technical publications from technical drawings and consultations with technical personnel.
  • Continually audit existing content for accessibility, and help to update content to achieve greater accessibility.

Junior Technical Writer, Pyramid Hartford  Jul 2015 - Mar 2017 

  • Researched, planned, designed, wrote, and produced customer-facing and support documentation (user guides) in accordance with best practice procedures and regulations.
  • Gathered accurate and relevant information by utilizing the product directly and inquiring with experts.
  • Participated in project teams and interacted with team members from different departments.
  • Attended product design demonstrations and generated and maintained relevant support documentation as needed.

CV skills example

Relevance, informed by research, is the deciding factor once again — this time for creating a skills list that fits the employer’s wish list like a glove. It comes down to the posted job description that you may have scrutinized more than once already. Take another look now, to determine which skills count the most (and for one last chance to include ATS-busting keywords). It shows hiring managers that their priorities matter to you as a candidate equipped to meet them.

There will never be enough room on any resume for more than a handful of skills that employers would value in a technical writer. There are dozens of technical skills alone, if not hundreds if you drill down deep enough. There are subcategories of specific writing skills and software tools. And every resume needs a blend of hard skills and soft skills because both are crucial. Problem solving and critical thinking skills are important in many technical writing jobs.

To the extent possible, skills are best woven into your resume’s employment history section, as “enablers” of specific achievements. Different ones can be touched on in the summary. Reserve the skills list only for those that aren’t evident elsewhere in your resume. It’s also a good way to indicate your knowledge of other languages.

Check out a technical writer CV sample for the skills section below.

  • Programming Languages
  • Markdown, HTML, CSS, and UNIX
  • Application Development
  • Attention to Detail
  • Complex Problem Solving

Technical writer resume education example

With no prescribed learning path to become a technical writer, job candidates are likely to have widely disparate educational backgrounds. Apply the same relevance criteria in your resume’s education section, emphasizing what’s pertinent to the job application.  

  • Starting with college degrees, your education list should be in reverse chronological order, from highest to lowest level. Specify majors and other focuses of study if relevant.
  • Applicable diploma and certificate programs you completed at vocational institutes belong here. So do internships and on-the-job training, along with workshops or online courses.
  • Professional certifications , such as through the Society for Technical Communication (CPTC), should be prominent as they can give you a competitive advantage. Professional societies and association memberships, if included here, also demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning.

Below is the education section from a technical writer resume you can modify.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, University of Connecticut Storrs, CT  Sep 2010 - May 2014

Resume layout and design

Many technical writers have some experience on the visual design side of technical content. They can appreciate that when a document looks as good as sounds when perused, the readability score shoots up. 

Keeping things simple, streamlined and uncluttered is your best assurance of a resume page that’s eye-pleasing in a professionally polished sense. 

  • An orderly layout helps readers find what they’re looking for in the expected location. Sections should connect logically and smoothly to each other.
  • Reader-friendliness should also guide your font choices. Stay with the same one for all body text, and only one different style for header text and section titles.
  • One-inch margins on all sides are recommended, with adequate line and paragraph spacing.
  • A little bit of creativity can go a long way if drabness is a concern. Use graphic touches and color splashes sparingly so the impact is attractive and never distracting.

Even if you’ve worn a graphic design hat or worked with experts who do, there’s no need for involvement on that level in making your resume look awesome. Leave the layout and text formatting up to Resume.io by choosing a ready-made resume template from our collection of field-tested designs in four style categories. Just download the one you like, and use our builder tool to drop in your own replacement text. Everything else is done for you.

Watch out for excessive formatting

Key takeaways

  • The constant emergence of new technology and product innovations across all industries will see the continued abundance of career opportunities for technical writers.
  • The bar is set especially high for technical writers to submit a flawless resume that showcases their communication finesse from all angles. By the same token, they have a unique advantage, given their experience producing high-quality content targeting specific audiences.
  • Research skills are also an asset when tailoring your resume to the specific job qualifications and requirements.
  • Include keywords matched to the job listing, and selectively specific descriptions of your most relevant measurable accomplishments.
  • Using an expert-designed, field-tested resume template is the fastest hassle-free way to achieve professionally polished results.

Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates

4 Technical Writer Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search

Technical writers are experts at breaking complex topics down into simple, easy-to-understand language. Just like a technical writer would simplify a challenging concept, a well-written technical writer resume should break down an impressive career story into thoughtfully structured sections. In this guide, we'll review 1 technical writer resumes and highlight some of the key best practices to follow in 2023.

technical writer resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Technical Writer Resumes:

  • Develop, organize and maintain technical documentation
  • Gather, analyze and organize data from various sources
  • Write user guides, technical documentation and instruction manuals
  • Create and organize technical documents such as user guides, datasheets, whitepapers, etc.
  • Work with software engineering and product teams to document product features and functionality
  • Creation and updating of product knowledge base, FAQs, etc.
  • Develop technical content/training materials and tutorials
  • Translate technical concepts, terminology and explanations into Simplified language
  • Develop technical documents such as End-User Licensing Agreements
  • Create graphics and illustrations to support technical documentation
  • Maintain version control of all versions of documents
  • Work with stakeholders to review and approve the document
  • Research and maintain an up-to-date information on the latest industry trends and technologies
  • Automate and improve, where appropriate, the production of technical documents and resources
  • Train teams on new technologies and practices, and develop templates or checklists to ensure accuracy and consistency in documentation

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Technical Writer Resume Example:

  • Authored more than 50 technical articles, whitepapers, user guides and instruction manuals in software engineering, product features and functionality, to help create an up-to-date knowledge base of products
  • Single-handedly maintained version control of over 30 documents daily, helping to ensure accuracy and consistency across all versions
  • Developed templates and checklists that reduced production time and allowed teams to train on new technologies and practices efficiently
  • Developed, organized, and managed over 100 technical documents and resources, including data gathering and analysis from various sources
  • Transformed complex technical concepts and terminologies into simplified language, making it easier for the users to understand the material
  • Created and produced compelling graphical visualizations to supplement technical documents, such as end-user licensing agreements, training materials, and tutorials
  • Automated and optimized the production process, enabling teams to produce technical resources with accuracy in less time with ease
  • Authored user guides, FAQs, and knowledge base to streamline user experience and improve product usage
  • Researched and tracked the latest industry trends, standards, and technologies to ensure all technical documentation was up-to-date and accurate
  • Technical Writing
  • Documentation
  • Version Control
  • Graphic Design
  • Data Gathering & Analysis
  • Knowledge Management
  • User Interface Design
  • Technical Concept Translation
  • User Experience Optimization
  • Instructional Design
  • Process Optimization
  • Project Management
  • Industry Trends & Standards
  • Research & Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • Content Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Strategic Planning
  • Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Entry Level Technical Writer Resume Example:

  • Developed and maintained a comprehensive library of technical documentation, including user guides, installation guides, and tutorials, resulting in improved accessibility and usability for end-users.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including developers and product managers, to ensure accuracy and consistency of technical documentation, leading to a reduction in customer support inquiries by 25%.
  • Researched and analyzed technical information to create accurate and comprehensive documentation, resulting in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Created and maintained a style guide and standards for technical documentation, ensuring consistency and adherence to industry best practices.
  • Developed and maintained online help systems, providing users with easily accessible and searchable documentation, resulting in a 20% decrease in customer support response time.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to develop and maintain templates for technical documentation, streamlining the documentation creation process and improving efficiency by 30%.
  • Developed and maintained a glossary of technical terms, improving clarity and understanding for both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Researched and analyzed technical information to create accurate and comprehensive documentation, resulting in a 10% reduction in customer support escalations.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and maintain a knowledge base of technical information, providing a centralized resource for internal and external stakeholders.
  • Technical writing
  • Research and analysis
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Documentation management
  • Knowledge of industry best practices
  • Development and maintenance of style guides
  • Creation of user guides and tutorials
  • Online help system development
  • Template creation and maintenance
  • Glossary development and maintenance
  • Knowledge base development
  • Understanding of technical terms
  • Ability to communicate complex information clearly
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Proficiency in technical writing software
  • Understanding of SEO principles
  • Ability to work with cross-functional teams
  • Customer service skills
  • Adaptability to new technologies
  • Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite
  • Basic understanding of coding languages.

Senior Technical Writer Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive style guide and template system, resulting in a 30% reduction in documentation errors and improved consistency across all technical documentation.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create and maintain online help systems and video tutorials, increasing user adoption and reducing support tickets by 25%.
  • Managed the development and maintenance of technical documentation for mobile applications, resulting in a 20% decrease in customer confusion and improved user satisfaction.
  • Researched and analyzed technical information to create accurate and comprehensive documentation for software products, resulting in a 15% reduction in customer support inquiries and improved user self-sufficiency.
  • Collaborated with developers and product managers to ensure accuracy and completeness of technical documentation, leading to a 10% increase in product quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Developed and maintained technical documentation for APIs and other web services, resulting in a 20% increase in developer productivity and improved integration success rate.
  • Developed and maintained technical documentation for hardware products, resulting in a 25% decrease in customer confusion and improved product usability.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to develop and maintain technical documentation for cloud-based services, resulting in a 20% increase in customer adoption and improved onboarding experience.
  • Implemented a streamlined documentation review process, reducing review cycles by 30% and improving documentation delivery time by 20%.
  • Advanced technical writing and editing skills
  • Proficiency in creating and maintaining style guides
  • Ability to develop and manage online help systems and video tutorials
  • Experience in creating technical documentation for mobile applications
  • Strong research and analytical skills
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams
  • Knowledge of software product documentation
  • Experience in writing technical documentation for APIs and web services
  • Ability to work with developers and product managers to ensure documentation accuracy
  • Experience in creating technical documentation for hardware products
  • Knowledge of cloud-based services documentation
  • Ability to streamline and manage documentation review processes
  • Project management skills
  • Proficiency in using technical writing tools and software
  • Understanding of user experience principles
  • Ability to translate complex technical concepts into clear, concise, and user-friendly language
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work under tight deadlines and manage multiple projects simultaneously
  • Knowledge of industry trends and emerging technologies.

API Technical Writer Resume Example:

  • Developed and maintained API documentation that resulted in a 25% decrease in customer support tickets related to API usage.
  • Collaborated with product teams to ensure accuracy of API documentation, leading to a 15% improvement in developer satisfaction ratings.
  • Implemented API documentation templates and style guides, resulting in a 20% reduction in documentation creation time.
  • Researched and analyzed API documentation requirements, resulting in the development of a comprehensive API documentation strategy that improved developer onboarding time by 30%.
  • Developed and maintained API documentation tools, increasing documentation efficiency by 25% and reducing errors in the documentation process by 20%.
  • Implemented API documentation processes and workflows that improved cross-functional collaboration and reduced documentation review time by 15%.
  • Developed and maintained API documentation standards, resulting in a 40% improvement in documentation consistency and clarity.
  • Implemented API documentation best practices, leading to a 20% increase in API adoption and usage by external developers.
  • Developed and maintained API documentation metrics and dashboards, providing actionable insights to product teams and contributing to a 10% increase in API performance and reliability.
  • Proficiency in API documentation development and maintenance
  • Knowledge of API documentation standards and best practices
  • Ability to implement API documentation templates and style guides
  • Experience with API documentation tools
  • Ability to research and analyze API documentation requirements
  • Skills in developing API documentation strategies
  • Ability to implement API documentation processes and workflows
  • Experience in cross-functional collaboration
  • Proficiency in developing and maintaining API documentation metrics and dashboards
  • Ability to provide actionable insights based on API documentation metrics
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Attention to detail and accuracy
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Proficiency in technical writing software (such as MadCap Flare, Adobe FrameMaker)
  • Knowledge of programming languages (such as Python, Java, JavaScript)
  • Understanding of RESTful and SOAP APIs
  • Familiarity with version control systems (such as Git, SVN)
  • Knowledge of data formats (such as JSON, XML)
  • Ability to understand and explain complex technical concepts.

High Level Resume Tips for Technical Writers:

As a technical writer, your resume should showcase your ability to communicate complex technical information in an understandable and user-friendly way. Here are some tips to help you focus on what matters most: Highlight your technical expertise:

Your resume should demonstrate your understanding of technical concepts and terminology, as well as your ability to explain them clearly to non-technical audiences. Emphasize your writing skills:

Your resume should showcase your ability to write clearly, concisely, and accurately. Use concrete examples to demonstrate your ability to create technical documentation, including user manuals, technical specifications, and software documentation. Highlight your attention to detail:

Technical writing requires a high level of attention to detail. Your resume should showcase your ability to catch errors and inconsistencies, as well as your proficiency in using style guides and other tools to ensure consistency in your writing. Tailor your resume to the job and company:

Customize your resume to each job you apply for, emphasizing the skills and experiences that make you a strong fit for the specific role and company.

Must-Have Information for a Technical Writer Resume:

Here are the essential sections that should exist in a technical writer resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other technical writer candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Technical Writers:

Technical writer resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

Experienced Technical Writer with 4 Years in Technical Editing

Proven Record of Technical Writing & Documentation Excellence

What makes the good headlines good is that the resume headlines are written to provide the potential employer with a quick overview of the Technical Writer's professional expertise and accomplishments. In the first headline, the writer's 4 years of experience is made clear, while the second headline speaks to the track record of success and excellence.

Weak Headlines

Skilled Technical Writer Looking for Opportunity

4 Years in the Writing Trenches

Why are these resume headlines weak? They lack specifics. The first headline is a generic statement, while the second headline does not provide any additional information about the degree of the technical writer's experience. It does not provide the potential employer with any impression of the writer's knowledge or track record.

Writing an Exceptional Technical Writer Resume Summary:

A resume summary is a brief but important overview of your skills, experiences, and accomplishments as a Technical Writer. It provides an opportunity to highlight the most relevant information of your career and demonstrate how your experiences and skills align with the role you're applying for.

Your resume summary should showcase your expertise in writing and communicating technical information, as well as your ability to work closely with technical subject matter experts. A well-crafted summary will quickly communicate the value you bring to the organization, highlighting your experience in producing technical documents, presentations, and other materials for both technical and non-technical audiences.

Here are a few tips for writing an effective resume summary for Technical Writers:

  • Tailor it to the specific job you are applying for by highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences. We can't stress this enough, relevacy is essential.
  • Mention your quantifiable achievements, such as producing technical documents that were widely used and well-received by the target audience
  • Use keywords related to the technical writing industry and the company's needs to make your resume stand out to both people and applicant tracking systems (ATS)
  • Keep the summary concise, ideally under 4 sentences
  • Avoid generic statements and cliches and try not to repeat any information already included in other sections of your resume.

Technical Writer Resume Summary Examples:

Strong summaries.

  • Skilled Technical Writer with 4 years of experience in creating user documentation, instructional manuals, and other technical documents. Proven success in working collaboratively with software engineers and product managers to ensure accuracy and clarity in all technical documents.
  • Experienced Technical Writer with 4 years of experience in writing, editing, and formatting technical documents. Skilled in using a variety of software tools to develop high-quality documentation that meets customer requirements.

Why these are strong:

  • These summaries demonstrate the Technical Writer's experience in creating user documentation, instructional manuals, and other technical documents, and in working collaboratively with software engineers and product managers. They also demonstrate the Technical Writer's ability to use a variety of software tools to develop high-quality documentation that meets customer requirements.

Weak Summaries

  • Experienced Technical Writer with 4 years of experience in creating technical documents. Experience in working collaboratively with software engineers and product managers.
  • Skilled in creating technical documents, and working collaboratively with software engineers and product managers.

Why these are weak:

  • These summaries are too generic and lack specifics. They do not demonstrate the Technical Writer's ability to write, edit, and format technical documents, or to use a variety of software tools to develop high-quality documentation that meets customer requirements. They also do not demonstrate the Technical Writer's experience in working collaboratively with software engineers and product managers.

Resume Objective Examples for Technical Writers:

Strong objectives.

Motivated technical writer, passionate about crafting content for software engineering solutions and a desire to learn and contribute to the team's success.

Dedicated recent graduate with strong writing and communication skills and an eagerness to contribute to technical documentations in a collaborative and fast-paced environment.

  • The great resume objectives are specific, concise and tailored to the job they are applying for. They explain the applicant's motivations and goals, and provide detail about the applicant's skillset.

Weak Objectives

Recent graduate with 1+ years of experience in Technical Writing seeking a position with a larger company to show off my skills.

Seeking a position as a Technical Writer where I can use my existing writing skills to be successful.

  • The poor objectives are too vague and lack detail on the skills the applicant brings to the role. They also do not provide any indication of career goals or motivations for applying for the role.

Write a More Targeted Resume with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your technical writer work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Highlight key achievements and results: Describe how you applied your technical expertise to solve problems or provide solutions, and document the positive effect that you had on the organization.
  • Quantify your technical contributions: Include numbers and other hard evidence that clearly demonstrate the impact of your work.
  • Use clear and concise language: Make sure that the information you provide is neatly organized and easy to understand. Avoid complex jargon and long-winded descriptions.
  • Demonstrate problem-solving skills: Spend some time highlighting how you handled different issues, think outside the box to come up with creative solutions, and collaborated with other teams and departments.
  • Focus on how you helped the company scale: Explain how your technical contributions helped the organization grow, improve efficiency, and save time and money.
  • Describe the technologies you are most familiar with: This can include software, coding languages, databases, and other web technologies.
  • Mention the tools with which you are proficient: Include anything that helped you perform your duties, such as content management systems or project management software.
  • Showcase your technical writing skills: Discuss any technical writing or editing tasks that you completed, such as reviewing and revising technical documents, creating user manuals, or preparing guidelines and tutorials.
  • Specify your job titles and roles: Make sure that the titles you use accurately reflect the responsibilities that you held.
  • Explain the working environments you have experienced: This can include remote offices, on-site locations, virtual teams, or any other type of environment you have worked in.

Example Work Experiences for Technical Writers:

Strong experiences.

Contributed to the development and implementation of technical documentation for complex software systems, increasing efficiency by 20% and reducing errors by 25%

Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including developers, product managers, and QA, to gather and document requirements, design specifications, and user guides

Developed and maintained a technical library and a knowledge base, increasing access to information by 50% for both internal and external stakeholders

Conducted user research and feedback sessions to validate the effectiveness and accuracy of the documentation, making improvements based on user feedback

Created technical documentation for a cloud-based project management platform, ensuring the platform's usability and accessibility

Worked closely with the development team to understand complex technical concepts and translate them into clear, concise, and user-friendly documents

Developed and delivered comprehensive training sessions to end-users and customer support teams, reducing training time by 30%

Created a range of instructional materials, including video tutorials, Quick Start guides, and FAQs, to support customers in their adoption of the platform

  • These experiences demonstrate the technical writer's ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams, gather and document requirements, and translate complex technical concepts into clear and concise documentation. The achievements, such as increasing efficiency, reducing errors, and improving access to information, highlight the impact the technical writer had on the organizations they worked for. Additionally, the focus on user research and feedback showcases the writer's commitment to creating effective and usable documentation

Weak Experiences

Created user manuals for new software product releases

Conducted research and gathered information from various stakeholders

Worked with developers and product managers to ensure accurate and concise documentation

Edited existing technical documents for grammar and style

Managed documentation updates for multiple software products

Responded to user feedback and made necessary revisions to documentation

  • Both of these work experiences are very general and lack specificity in terms of the scope, impact, and results of the work. In the first example, it's not clear how many software releases were covered, how many stakeholders were involved, and what impact the user manuals had on product adoption or user satisfaction. In the second example, it's not clear how many documentation updates were managed, what challenges were faced in responding to user feedback, or how the revisions improved the overall quality or effectiveness of the documentation.

Top Skills & Keywords for Technical Writer Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for technical writers, hard skills.

  • Technical writing proficiency
  • Excellent written and verbal communication
  • Knowledge of style guides
  • Document design/layout skills
  • Experience with project management software
  • Familiarity with content management systems (CMS)
  • Technical editing and proofreading
  • Information architecture design
  • Multimedia authoring tools
  • Ability to learn new technology quickly

Soft Skills

  • Communication - the ability to clearly convey technical information to various stakeholders.
  • Problem Solving - the ability to assess, analyze and come up with innovative solutions to technical problems.
  • Leadership - the ability to motivate and lead a team in a technical environment.
  • Time Management - the ability to efficiently manage time and resources in order to complete projects on time.
  • Analytical Thinking - the ability to assess and interpret data to identify trends and generate insights.
  • Negotiation - the ability to effectively negotiate project requirements with stakeholders.
  • Risk Management - the ability to identify, mitigate and manage risks associated with technical projects.
  • Collaboration - the ability to work as part of a team and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

Go Above & Beyond with a Technical Writer Cover Letter

Technical writer cover letter example: (based on resume).

Dear Hiring Manager at [Company], I was excited to see your job posting for a Technical Writer, as I am confident that my extensive experience in technical writing makes me a perfect fit for this position. With over 50 technical articles, whitepapers, user guides, and instruction manuals under my belt, I have developed a wealth of skills in maintaining accuracy, consistency, and efficiency in technical document production. As a technical writer, I understand the importance of creating a clear and concise language that is easy to understand for users with varying technical backgrounds. I have developed the ability to transform complex technical concepts and terminologies into simplified language, making it easier for users to understand the material. Additionally, I have developed and produced graphical visualizations to supplement technical documents such as end-user licensing agreements, training materials, and tutorials. In my previous role, I single-handedly maintained version control of over 30 documents daily, ensuring accuracy and consistency across all versions. I also developed templates and checklists that reduced production time and allowed teams to train on new technologies and practices more efficiently. I have also created and produced compelling resources such as user guides, FAQs, and knowledge bases that streamlined user experience, thereby improving product usage. Through research and tracking of the latest industry trends, standards, and technologies, I have ensured that all technical documentation I create is up-to-date and accurate. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to [Company] as a Technical Writer. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. ‍

Sincerely, [Your Name]

A cover letter is an invaluable tool for any Technical Writer looking to stand out from the competition. It allows you to showcase your communication skills, highlight your relevant experience, and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

While a resume provides a summary of your skills and experience, a cover letter allows you to personalize your application and connect with the hiring manager on a deeper level. It's an opportunity to tell your story, explain why you're passionate about technical writing, and show how you can add value to the organization.

Here are some of the key reasons for pairing your technical writer resume with a cover letter:

  • It demonstrates your communication skills: As a technical writer, communication is key. Your cover letter provides an opportunity to showcase your ability to write clearly and concisely, and to convey your ideas effectively.
  • It shows your enthusiasm for the position: A well-written cover letter can demonstrate your passion for the role and the organization. This can make a big difference in the hiring manager's decision-making process.
  • It highlights your relevant experience: Your cover letter allows you to explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job. This can help the hiring manager understand why you're a good fit for the role.
  • It sets you apart from other applicants: A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants who may have similar experience and qualifications.

We understand that writing a cover letter may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Remember that the cover letter is an extension of your resume, so you can use the same format and content as your resume. It's also a chance to address any gaps or questions that the hiring manager may have after reading your resume.

Tips for aligning your cover letter with your resume:

  • Use the same header as your resume: This will help the hiring manager identify your application as a complete package.
  • Align the content of your cover letter with the requirements of the job: Use the job description as a guide to highlight your relevant skills and experience.
  • Use keywords from the job posting: Incorporate relevant keywords from the job posting to help your application get past applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Keep your cover letter concise and focused: Aim for one page and avoid repeating information from your resume.
  • Proofread carefully: Errors in your cover letter can undermine your credibility, so make sure to proofread carefully before submitting your application.

Resume FAQs for Technical Writers:

How long should i make my technical writer resume.

When deciding the ideal resume length for Technical Writers, a good guideline is one to two pages. Any longer than that can risk being too repetitive or overwhelming. Detail and clarity of information presented are most important when it comes to resumes - always strive for quality rather than quantity. Keep in mind that a concise, focused resume gives employers the best impression of your skills and value.

What is the best way to format a Technical Writer resume?

1. When formatting a Technical Writer resume, it is important to include any key technical skills, industry certifications and software experience. These should be listed prominently in the resume on the first page, with clear examples provided. 2. A summary of qualifications should also be provided, highlighting relevant experience and accomplishments. 3. It is critical to emphasize the results you can drive, such as the number of projects you've completed or the impact your written content has made. 4. Keep Technical Writer resumes concise and professional, avoiding any irrelevant content and only including the most relevant sections and skills.

Which Technical Writer skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

Technical Writers should include a range of hard skills in their resume, both technical and nontechnical. The technical skills will be of particular importance, as this profession is focused on using technical knowledge for the creation and documentation of information. Examples of technical hard skills include: -Ability to use content-management systems and mark-up languages, such as HTML, CSS and XML -Ability to use graphic design and software development tools, such as Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Visual Studio -Knowledge of information systems and database management -Strong writing and editing skills, with the ability to create crisp, well written copy Non-technical skills can also be important, depending on the job role. This can include: -Strong problem solving and analytical skills -Excellent organizational and communication abilities -Detail-oriented and capable of multi-tasking -Flexible and able to easily adapt to changing technology and trends -Knowledge of the industry, with an understanding of technical processes and terminology Including both technical and non technical hard skills in a resume will help any Technical Writer stand out and land the job they are applying for.

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Technical Writer?

If you have no experience as a Technical Writer, it is still important to write a high-quality resume. Include all prior experiences that show your technical aptitude and skills. Be sure to include any computer skills, programming languages, software, or hardware that you have used in the past. Make sure you detail the projects you were a part of and any relevant volunteer or educational experience. Additionally, highlight the communication, writing, and problem-solving skills that you have.

Compare Your Technical Writer Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Technical Writer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for Technical Writers:

Technical writer resume example, more resume guidance:.

Content Manager

technical report writing resume


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Home › Career › What Does a Technical Writer Do? › How to Write a Technical Writer Resume [+Examples]

How to Write a Technical Writer Resume [+Examples]

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Interested in learning how to write and format your technical writer resume?

You may have excellent writing skills and have helped companies in managing their documentation.

You apply to different technical content writer jobs but receive no response.

Then you take a glance at your resume format and realize it’s 2 pages long. And you know hiring managers toss out two-page resumes right away. So you sit down to write your professional technical writer resume and have no clue where to begin. That’s where this ultimate technical writing resume guide comes in to help you.

This detailed article has the best technical writer resume examples to help you out. Here’s what we’ll be covering in-depth:

  • Outstanding technical writer skill resume samples
  • What skills you need to add to your resume
  • How to differentiate yourself from other candidates
  • The dos and don’ts of a technical writer’s resume

If you’re looking to learn via video, watch below. Otherwise, skip ahead.

CMMS Software

Simply put, your technical writer resume needs to convince your prospective employer that you can add value to their organization. You need to prove that you are the best writer with technical knowledge to write end-user documentation and technical documents. Let’s see how you can do just that.

How to Write a Technical Writer Resume

As a technical writer, you’re solving a complex set of problems that people deal with daily. Onboarding documents, end-user guides, and tutorials all serve as solutions to problems.

Remember, when writing your resume, you’re reflecting on your skills as a problem-solver.

 I see so many technical writers waste their time by mentioning the following:

  • Solid use of Google Docs and Microsoft Office
  • Ability to work in a cross-functional department
  • Highly energetic and able to listen to instructions
  • Expert in writing user manuals and software guides

Well, guess what? I’m not interested in any of it. None of it matters to me. This is all over the internet. Everybody is using these terms.

It is obvious as a technical writer that you need to have a solid grip on using MS Office and Google Docs, as well as a can-do attitude. Where did you differentiate yourself? Do you know what I’d like to see?

  • How did your technical documentation improve conversions?
  • How did you delegate tasks to complete technical documentation?
  • Did you ever work under pressure? If yes, how did it go?
  • What types of content did you write for the end-user?
  • How are you different from the rest?
  • Are you quick at learning new technologies and deadline-oriented?
  • Do you tend to work alone or trust your team?

Focusing too much on what you did shouldn’t be a top priority. Instead, be specific and mention the impact of your work.

How To Write Technical Writer Resume

What is the Best Technical Writer Resume Format?

There are three acceptable technical writer resume formats:

  • Reverse Chronological (Most recent work experience first)
  • Combination (ATS compliant)
  • Functional (Non-ATS compliant)

You need to make your technical writer’s resume compliant with ATS (Applicant Tracking Software). Did you know that 98% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS to filter out irrelevant resumes?

ATS scans all resumes, and only accepts those with the right keywords. This saves the time and effort of hiring managers to go through only relevant technical writer resumes.

To make your resume compliant for ATS, read the job description. Look for keywords such as developing, writing, and editing user guides and training manuals.

Now, go ahead and update your skills and work history sections with these types of phrases.

A reverse chronological technical writer resume format with the right keywords is a good option to highlight your CV.

What Sections to Include in Your Technical Writing Resume?

Here’s a list of sections you need to include:

This includes your complete profile information such as Full Name, Title (Expert Medical Writer), mobile number, Linkedin profile link, city, and email address.

Do not mention your complete address. City and State are fine.

Now is the time to shine. Your professional work experience should follow reverse chronological order. But here are a few points to note before doing anything:

  • Not all of your technical writing experience will be relevant. Hence, only include the parts relevant to the job.
  • Be specific and make it easy for hiring managers to understand you.
  • Hiring managers do not have time to go through all resumes.
  • Make it compliant with ATS.

Include your experiences in reverse chronological order. Your employer needs to know your most recent job experience to consider you for an interview call.

Your latest and most relevant job experience should be listed at the first, followed by previous relevant experiences. Here are some factors to take into account:

  • Be specific about what you did
  • What was the impact of your work?
  • What was your designation?
  • How long did you work as a technical writer?

Junior Technical Writer Resume Experience Example

You started your career as a junior technical writer 10 months ago. By now, you have enough experience working on different projects and reporting to a senior technical writer/manager.

Is a 10-month experience enough to list on your technical writer resume?

How do you convert this to an impressive story that convinces the hiring manager?

Don’t worry. We’re here to help. This is what you need to include:

  • The topics you were writing on.
  • The type of content you wrote.
  • Your reporting authority.
  • The goals you were instructed to achieve.

Even at the junior level, don’t let your entry-level experience hold you back from applying to better positions.

Associate Technical Writer

Cloud.ly, marketing automation software

Hours worked: 20 per week

  • Wrote training manuals for cloud-based programs.
  • Updated documentation for internal usage.
  • Helped to onboard of new customers.

Senior Technical Writer Resume Experience Example

A senior writer has more than 5 years of working experience writing anything from simple documents to extremely complicated technical documents. A senior writer has a team of entry-level and junior writers in the team, assigned to various tasks and roles.

But before writing your senior technical writer resume, there are some points you need to consider:

  • Mentioning all work experiences is not required for every job role.
  • Include relevant skills, qualifications, and work experience.
  • Making your resume ATS compliant should be a top priority.
  • A tailor-made cover letter and resume are important to be considered.

As a senior technical writer, you will have a lot to talk about on your resume. Again, relevancy is the key here. Making small amendments and fine-tuning a cover letter and resume for each job role is critical. Here’s what should go on your senior technical writer resume:

  • Team members reporting to you.
  • Delegation of tasks and responsibilities.
  • Relevant skills, qualifications, and certifications.
  • Achievements and milestones

Technical Writing Certifications

Here is what the job description can look like:

Certified Senior Technical Writer

Dates of Employment: March to December

  • Creation and implementation of user documentation,
  • Maintained system records, and developed a list of Visio diagrams for the management.
  • Developed SOPs.
  • Created user onboarding documents and videos.
  • Prepared case studies of clients.

There is no shortage of technical skills to add to your resume.

But, here’s the catch.

Not all skills will be relevant to the job. You need to decide which skills to add after careful research of the job role.

Here are some technical skills you can add:

  • End-user documentation
  • Visual communication
  • Audience analysis
  • Tutorial writing
  • User guides
  • Research papers
  • Standard operating procedures
  • Functional specifications
  • Writing style guides
  • Research skills
  • Quality assurance

Also mention the tools that you use. Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • Camtasia and Snagit
  • Adobe Acrobat

These tools shouldn’t be mentioned separately. Instead, you should list them in bullet points under your job title. For example, “ Used Confluence to manage documentation for thirty engineers working on our editor portfolio product.”

Now that you’ve added technical skills and software tools, you also need to mention the soft skills. Only do so if you can back them up with numbers and specific details. Otherwise, they’re a red flag on your resume. Don’t just list the skills like this:

  • Computer skills
  • Multitasking
  • Time management

Instead, say “ Managed three freelance content writers to output fifty documentation articles for our knowledge base.”

What type of technical documentation are you expert in? List them in the same format as we just discussed:

  • Software development
  • Terms and conditions
  • Design guidelines
  • Legal documents

Only mention degrees relevant to technical writing. Skip your educational background if it doesn’t fit the job criteria.

Simply listing a Bachelor’s Degree won’t help you with your job application. Be specific. What was your thesis project about?

For example, the following is not impressive:

Bachelors in English, San Diego State University.

Instead, talk about academic accomplishments and subjects that demonstrate your technical knowledge. Like this:

Bachelors in Computer Science, San Diego State University or Certified UX Writer


Technical Writing has grown to become a lucrative career. And as always, certifications help you to stand out from the rest of the candidates.

Certifications prove you are constantly honing your skills and staying one step ahead in a competitive job market.

Certifications cement your expertise and enable you to charge higher rates. Employers immediately resonate a technical certification or course with authority, increasing your likelihood of landing the job.

Here are some of the most prominent technical writing certifications that immediately distinguish you from your competition:

  • Technical Writer Certification Course from TWHQ
  • Certificate Course In Structured Writing For Technical Documentation
  • Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC) Foundation, Practitioner, and Expert level
  • Technical writing courses on Udemy
  • Technical writing course from Coursera


As a technical writer, what differentiates you from others?

Your skills, qualifications, and certifications matter, only if they translate to quality results for previous employers.

For every achievement, you need to provide a metric, which means a solid number.

What was the quantitative impact of your job in the previous company? Can you prove it?

I come across hundreds of technical writer resumes, filled with the following sentences:

“Worked in cross-functional teams with engineers, designers, and the business in an agile way.”

“Wrote user documentation.”

Yes, these are important, but what was the impact of user documentation?

A technical writer solves complex problems of accessibility.

Your recruiters are less interested in knowing the tools you used, and more in the impact your work had.

You also need to justify as you put down those numbers on your resume.

Hiring managers look for the following in your resume:

  • Accomplishments
  • End result of user documentation

Focusing on accomplishments in your resume is a great way to impress your employers. Use actual numbers to show the impact of your work.

Here are some excellent examples:

  • Increased end-user satisfaction by 35% and received stellar feedback for complex documentation.
  • Composed 100,000+ words of documentation for multiple technical products, including B2B web apps, SaaS products, and internally used software.
  • Helped 20+ clients in developing a complete knowledge base for their products.
  • Composed documentation for troubleshooting and reduced email tickets by 25%.

We have not yet come up with any technical writer’s resume listing interests as a separate section. Employers do not pay attention to it. They are concerned about what matters the most to them; performance, numbers, and skills.

As a rule of thumb, leave out this section. This does not have any impact on your hiring.

A vast majority of jobs in the US require you to be fluent in the English language. Many technical writing jobs demand the ability to write in another language. If you have this skill, then this is a huge plus and will immediately open doors for you.

Employers also demand a basic sense of a programming language such as Python, and JavaScript, to write technical articles.

This is something you need to mutually decide with your potential employer. If there is a demand for any other language, it is better not to list it unless you are an expert in it and it’s relevant to the position.

For example, here’s one job post on Upwork. The employer is demanding a technical writer with a programming background:

technical report writing resume

Many European countries like France, Spain, and Germany prefer to hire candidates with expertise in their native tongues.

Technical Writer Resume Example

Here’s an example of a technical writer resume that I came across and loved.

technical writer resume

Every line says how they can make an impact. They also avoid using an objective, job summary, separate skills section, and irrelevant experience. The only improvements I’d make here is breaking up the paragraphs into shorter bullet points and limiting the resume to one page.

They also mastered including their skills, software knowledge, and any other relevant experience in their work job details. They don’t just list SharePoint under a “Skills” section. They write, “Consolidated information across nine individual websites, using Microsoft SharePoint…” That’s how it’s done.

My Personal Technical Writing Job Application Experience

When I first began my technical writing career, I was also in your position, applying to jobs and expecting calls in return. Even though I had two bachelor’s degrees, I was having a hard time landing the right job. Here were the results using this shotgun approach:

  • Applied to over 150 jobs
  • 110 rejections
  • 0 invitations for an interview

“Something is missing. Why am I not even getting a response back?”, I kept asking myself.

Then, I changed my strategy. I invested time in researching each company’s job roles and customized my CV and cover letter. This time, the results were astonishing:

  • 35 resumes sent
  • 20 rejections
  • 5 first-round interviews
  • 2 second-round interviews
  • 1 final-round interview
  • 1 job offer

1 job offer for every 35 applications? This might seem like a low conversion rate. Well, compare it to my previous numbers. I had 0 responses on over 150 job applications.

Fast forward to today, this is a huge achievement for me.

How Many Pages Should Your Technical Writer’s Resume Be?

KISS. Keep It Short and Simple. This means your technical writer resume needs to be NO longer than 1 page.

5 seconds .

That’s it. That’s all it takes for a hiring manager to go through your resume and decide if you are the right technical writer.

This is where you need to put your technical writing skills to land that dream job.

Resume Best Practices

Here are 5 writing tips that will help you in writing a perfect technical writer resume:

1. Write a Customized Cover Letter

Customize your technical writer cover letter to fit the job role. It should reflect your interpersonal skills and how you can add value to your employer’s organization.

2. Update Your Resume for Each Job Role

Every job description and role is different. A golden rule of thumb is to iterate your resume according to a specific job role. For example, if the job role is a senior technical writer on technology, update your resume for that role.

Hiring managers prefer candidates who have personalized their cover letters and resumes according to the job roles.

3. Link to Your Technical Content Portfolio

You can’t underestimate the importance of having a personal website.

Think about it for a second. Few technical writers have personal websites. Those who do will stand out from the rest.

Having a website with links to a technical content portfolio will improve your chances of landing the right job, despite competition.

4. Mention Relevant Work History

Don’t write anything in your CV that you’ll have a hard time justifying later on. This means that your work history should only refer to relevant jobs.

For example, if you haven’t written on a medical topic in one of your previous jobs, don’t mention it. You should have a deep knowledge of the job you’re applying to.

5. Proofread Before Applying

Are you kidding me? Despite having excellent writing skills, you had long sentences and spelling errors in your resume?

But you’re applying as a technical writer, right? You can’t afford to have any mistakes in your technical writer resume.

No matter how skilled you are, one grammatical or spelling error is enough for rejection.

It is a technical writer’s job to ensure the final work is free from errors. This isn’t limited to user manuals, technical manuals, and new technical documentation. It also applies to your technical writer resume.

Technical Writer Resume Don’ts

Here are several extra don’ts for your technical writer resume:

Resume Summary and Objective

Why would you include a summary of your resume? I see this all the time with a couple of lines listed at the top of a resume. Your resume is already a summary of your job experience. You don’t need a summary of a summary.

What does a photo tell me about your experience? Nothing. If you apply for a job outside of acting or modeling, there’s no reason to include a photo. Moreover, they likely can find your photo by visiting your LinkedIn profile or searching your name on the web.

Irrelevant Experience

If you’re like me, then you have over ten years of experience. The truth is no one cares what you did ten years ago. Many hiring managers don’t care what you did over two years ago. What you did recently is what matters the most. Place emphasis on who you are today, not the fact that you worked in a restaurant during college.

Technical Writer Resume Dos And Donts

Technical Writer Portfolio Examples

Here are some links to portfolio websites of writers that allow them to charge high rates in the industry:

Michal Eisikowitz

Michal develops trust and connection with the visitor. She is confident and knows what she’s selling. The copy above the fold, coupled with her picture, speaks to the client. Who isn’t going to hire her?

Mary Yerkes

Not the most visually appealing website. But it is clean, simple, fast, and conveys professionalism without wasting any time. Mary knows that her profile description and picture stand out. I would give her the first preference if I needed professional reports or a writing coach.

I loved the way Emily portrays her experience in 2 lines. This is an excellent example of a professional resume summary, along with links to her work.

Where Can You Apply With Your Technical Writer Resume?

Where Do Technical Writers Work

Your resume is now the single best marketing weapon to land high-paying jobs.

This is your time to apply for technical writing jobs found on the following job boards and international freelance marketplaces, such as:

Now some of these sites may not seem appealing to you. Do you want to write technical articles for cheap clients through Fiverr? Yes and no. If you need experience to put on your resume, any freelancing technical writing experience will help. It’s rare to step into a technical writing job without some technical writing or other relevant experience (e.g. English degree, engineering background).

Technical Writers’ Median Pay and Outlook

According to BLS (US Bureau of Labor Statistics), the median pay for a technical writer is $74,650 and the hourly rate is $35.89. To make this amount of money, you need a resume that helps you to stand out.

But that’s not the only reason for writing a technical writer’s resume.

Technical writers have the fastest growth in any occupation, at 12%. By 2030, there will be 5,500 new projected technical writer job openings every year.

Numerous entry-level technical writer jobs earn between $40,000 to $50,000, but as a skilled senior writer, you can reach the six-figure mark. Here is factual data on technical writing jobs in the US:

Estimate of Entry-level Technical Writer at HP : $43,630

Experienced Technical Writer at Apple : $115,885

Senior Technical Writer at Dell : $105,000

The continuing expansion of B2B and SaaS products/services has resulted in increasing the employability of technical writers. With the release of new software applications, the demand for technical writers to write onboarding manuals, user guides, and tutorials will rise.

Despite this, companies can’t find the right technical writers for the following reasons:

  • Writers can’t understand the software program.
  • Job post was not promoted or posted on the right platforms.
  • Resumes were not received from technical writers.
  • Technical writers haven’t submitted well-crafted resumes.

Selling is at the heart of every business, and as a technical writer, you need to master the art of selling yourself as the most reliable candidate.

Summary and Key Takeaways

We’ve covered a massive amount of information on how to write a technical writer’s resume. We always strive to provide as detailed and relevant information as possible to help you in your professional career.

Let’s take a look at the bigger picture. Here’s a summary of the entire guide:

  • Be relevant and use reverse chronological order wherever relevant.
  • Personalization is the key.
  • Include the right keywords so that ATS doesn’t filter out your resume.
  • Never apply without proofreading.
  • Use a sniper approach.

Writing a technical writer’s resume is challenging, yet rewarding at the same time. It can take anywhere between an entire day up to a few weeks to write that perfect resume.

With so much competition, you cannot and should not rely on a generic resume template. Hiring managers will easily figure it out.

I have full faith in you.

After reading this guide, it’s time to craft your professional resume.

To help inspire you, we have a before and after case study video here of how one of our tech writing students used this advice.

If you are new to technical writing and are looking to break-in, we recommend taking our Technical Writing Certification Course , where you will learn the fundamentals of being a technical writer, how to dominate technical writer interviews, and how to stand out as a technical writing candidate.

technical report writing resume

We offer a wide variety of programs and courses built on adaptive curriculum and led by leading industry experts.

  • Work on projects in a collaborative setting
  • Take advantage of our flexible plans and community
  • Get access to experts, templates, and exclusive events

Become a Certified Technical Writer. Professionals finish the training with a full understanding of how to guide technical writer projects using documentation foundations, how to lead writing teams, and more.

Become a Certified UX Writer. You'll learn how to excel on the job with writing microcopy, content design, and creating conversation chatbots.

Become a Certified Grant Writer. In this course, we teach the fundamentals of grant writing, how to create great grant proposals, and how to stand out in the recruiting process to land grant writing jobs.


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Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

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  • Technical Writer Resume Guide & Examples

Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Entry-Level Technical Writer Roles

Jump to a template:

  • Entry-Level Technical Writer
  • Junior Technical Writer
  • Technical Communication Specialist
  • Technical Documentation Writer

Get advice on each section of your resume:

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  • Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Tips

Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., entry-level technical writer resume sample.

As the name suggests, this is a technical writer joining the industry. You would not be expected to have a wealth of experience but having any writing experience even outside of technical writing would be expected. Ensure that you build a strong skills section and have a clear title to help you get past ATS filters. Here is a successful resume sample.

An entry-level technical writer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s certifications and experience.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your entry-level technical writer resume in 2024,    invest in gaining relevant certification..

To make up for your lack of experience, you can pursue certification in technical writing. It will show recruiters that you are passionate about the profession. The knowledge you will gain will also help you thrive in your work.

Invest in gaining relevant certification. - Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume

   Create mock content for your portfolio.

You may not have a lot of professional technical writing for your portfolio. If you don't, create a concept and create technical writing for it. E.g pick a product on the market and create a how-to manual for it. Just make sure to indicate that the content is a mock sample.

Create mock content for your portfolio. - Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume

Junior Technical Writer Resume Sample

Technical communication specialist resume sample, technical documentation writer resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited technical writers at companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, I've seen thousands of resumes. The best entry-level technical writer resumes are those that effectively showcase the candidate's skills, experience, and potential, even if they don't have years of professional experience. Here are some tips to help you create a strong entry-level technical writer resume:

   Highlight your technical writing coursework and projects

Many entry-level technical writers have completed relevant coursework or projects that demonstrate their skills. Be sure to highlight these on your resume, such as:

  • Wrote a 50-page user manual for a software application as part of a technical writing course, receiving an A grade
  • Created a series of how-to guides for using a new mobile app, resulting in a 30% reduction in customer support inquiries
  • Developed and maintained documentation for an open-source project with over 1,000 users

By showcasing your coursework and projects, you demonstrate your ability to apply your technical writing skills in practical ways.

Bullet Point Samples for Entry-Level Technical Writer

   Emphasize your knowledge of technical tools and platforms

Entry-level technical writers who are familiar with the tools and platforms commonly used in the field are more attractive to employers. Some examples to include on your resume:

  • Proficient in using MadCap Flare, Adobe RoboHelp, and DITA XML for creating and managing technical documentation
  • Experience with version control systems like Git and collaboration platforms like Confluence
  • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Markdown for creating web-based documentation

Avoid simply listing the tools without context, like this:

  • Microsoft Word, Adobe FrameMaker, Visio

Instead, provide specific examples of how you've used these tools to create documentation and the impact of your work.

   Show your ability to explain complex topics clearly

A key skill for technical writers is the ability to explain complex technical concepts in a way that is easy for users to understand. Demonstrate this skill on your resume with examples like:

  • Created a quick start guide for a complex software system, using plain language and step-by-step instructions to help users get up and running quickly
  • Developed a series of video tutorials explaining how to use a new feature, resulting in a 25% reduction in user questions
  • Wrote clear, concise API documentation that enabled developers to integrate with the platform 50% faster

Avoid vague statements that don't provide specific examples, like:

Able to explain technical concepts to non-technical users

Instead, use concrete examples that show the impact of your ability to explain complex topics clearly.

   Highlight your collaboration and communication skills

Technical writers often work closely with subject matter experts, developers, and other stakeholders. Showcase your collaboration and communication skills on your resume, for example:

  • Collaborated with a cross-functional team of developers, designers, and product managers to create user documentation for a new software release
  • Worked with subject matter experts to gather information and ensure accuracy of technical content, resulting in a 98% approval rating from users
  • Communicated regularly with stakeholders to provide updates on documentation projects and gather feedback, resulting in 100% on-time delivery of all deliverables

Avoid generic statements like "strong communication skills" without providing evidence. Use specific examples to show how you've collaborated effectively with others to create high-quality technical documentation.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

One of the most effective ways to make your resume stand out is to tailor it to the specific job you're applying for. This means:

  • Using the same keywords and phrases that appear in the job description, such as specific tools, platforms, or skills
  • Highlighting the experiences and projects that are most relevant to the job requirements
  • Customizing your resume summary or objective statement to match the job description

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with a particular tool, like MadCap Flare, make sure to highlight your experience with that tool prominently on your resume. Or if the job requires knowledge of a specific industry, like healthcare, showcase any relevant coursework, projects or volunteer work you've done in that industry.

By tailoring your resume to the job description, you show the employer that you're a strong fit for the specific role and increase your chances of getting an interview.

   Use metrics to quantify your impact

Whenever possible, use metrics to quantify the impact of your work. This helps employers understand the value you can bring to their organization. For example:

  • Created user documentation for a new software feature, resulting in a 30% reduction in customer support calls
  • Wrote technical specifications for a new API, enabling the development team to complete the project 2 weeks ahead of schedule
  • Developed a knowledge base of frequently asked questions, reducing the average customer response time by 50%

Avoid using vague statements like "improved efficiency" or "increased customer satisfaction" without providing specific numbers to back them up. Quantifying your achievements with metrics makes your resume more impactful and memorable to employers.

If you don't have professional experience yet, you can still use metrics to describe your coursework or projects. For example, you might say that you "wrote a 20-page user guide that was reviewed by 3 subject matter experts and received a 95% approval rating." By using numbers and percentages, you give employers a concrete sense of your abilities and potential.

Writing Your Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary, also known as a professional summary or summary statement, is an optional section at the top of your resume that highlights your most relevant qualifications for the job you're applying for. While it's not a mandatory section, a well-written summary can help you stand out from other entry-level technical writers by emphasizing your key skills, experiences, and career goals.

However, it's important to note that you should never use an objective statement instead of a summary. Objective statements are outdated and focus on what you want from the employer, rather than what you can offer them. In contrast, a summary showcases your value proposition and entices the hiring manager to keep reading your resume.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for an Entry-Level Technical Writer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Entry-Level Technical Writer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Summary Examples , or Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the technical writer job

When writing your summary for an entry-level technical writer position, it's crucial to align your qualifications with the requirements of the job. Research the company and the specific position to identify the key skills, experiences, and qualities they are looking for in a candidate.

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with specific software or tools, mention your proficiency in those areas. If they value strong communication skills, highlight your ability to break down complex information into user-friendly content.

  • Recent graduate with a degree in English and a passion for creating clear, concise technical documentation. Proficient in Adobe Technical Communication Suite and experienced in writing user manuals, tutorials, and online help content. Seeking to apply my strong writing and communication skills as an entry-level technical writer.

2. Focus on your relevant skills and experiences

As an entry-level technical writer, you may not have extensive professional experience in the field. However, that doesn't mean you don't have relevant skills and experiences to showcase in your summary. Draw from your education, internships, projects, and volunteer work to demonstrate your potential.

When highlighting your skills, avoid using generic or overused phrases like "strong communication skills" or "detail-oriented." Instead, provide specific examples that illustrate these qualities.

  • Hardworking and motivated individual with excellent writing skills seeking an entry-level technical writer position.

Instead, try something more specific and tailored to the job:

  • Recent graduate with a passion for technology and experience creating user guides and API documentation. Skilled in breaking down complex concepts into easily understandable content. Seeking an entry-level technical writer role to apply my writing skills and grow within the field.


The work experience section is the core of your resume as an entry-level technical writer. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your writing skills in the real world. Even if you don't have direct technical writing experience yet, other roles can still highlight transferable skills.

Here are key steps to write an effective work experience section on your entry-level technical writer resume:

1. Use strong technical writing verbs

Choose powerful industry-relevant verbs to start each bullet point and capture what you did:

  • Wrote clear SOPs for lab equipment and experiments
  • Edited complex journal articles to improve readability
  • Collaborated with SMEs to document new software features
  • Developed comprehensive user guides and tutorials

Avoid bland, generic verbs that could apply to any job:

  • Helped with documentation tasks
  • Worked on a team
  • Responsible for writing user manuals

Action Verbs for Entry-Level Technical Writer

2. Quantify your writing impact with numbers

Metrics make your accomplishments more concrete and credible. Use numbers to emphasize your contributions, even in non-writing roles:

  • Created 15+ SOPs per quarter, ensuring ISO 9001 compliance
  • Wrote weekly articles on web dev trends, increasing site traffic 25%
  • Onboarded and trained 12 new hires on documentation standards

Don't just list your responsibilities - show the impact of your work:

Duties included documenting software, creating user guides, and publishing release notes.

3. Highlight promotions and increasing responsibilities

Show your career progression and how you've grown in your roles:

  • Promoted to Lead Technical Writer after one year, managing a team of 3
  • Took on product owner responsibilities, defining documentation priorities and roadmap
  • Began writing user-facing guides in addition to internal docs

Promotions and added responsibilities demonstrate your value to employers. They signal strong past performance, initiative, and leadership potential - key traits for advancing your technical writing career.

Make sure your resume communicates your career trajectory at a glance. Bold your job titles and consider a separate Key Accomplishments section to highlight major achievements.

4. Showcase your technical skills and tools

Technical writers need both writing and technical know-how. Mention tools and concepts like:

  • Markdown, HTML, XML
  • Git, GitHub
  • API documentation
  • Agile/Scrum methodology
  • DITA, DocBook
  • Madcap Flare, RoboHelp
  • Screenshot and graphic design tools

Incorporate them naturally into your experience bullets:

  • Wrote and maintained docs in Markdown using Git/GitHub flow
  • Collaborated with Agile dev teams to create timely release notes


Your education section is a key part of your entry-level technical writer resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the necessary academic background for the role. Here are some tips to make your education section stand out:

How To Write An Education Section - Entry-Level Technical Writer Roles

1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you graduated within the last 1-2 years, place your education section above your work experience. This highlights your most relevant qualification first.

Include your degree, major, university name, and graduation year:

  • Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication, ABC University, 2022

Older, less relevant degrees can be kept very brief:

  • Associate of Arts, XYZ Community College

2. Include relevant coursework for entry-level jobs

As a recent technical writing grad, you may not have much work experience yet. Showcase relevant courses you took to show you have the right training:

  • Relevant Coursework: Technical Editing, Document Design, Web Writing, Instructional Design

Avoid listing introductory or overly broad classes:

  • Courses: English 101, History 201, Biology 101

3. Add technical writing certifications

Industry certifications show your expertise and commitment to the technical writing field. Include them in your education section:

Bachelor of Arts in English, University of XYZ, 2020 Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC), Society for Technical Communication, 2021

Online course certificates are usually not substantial enough to include, unless highly relevant:

  • Certificate in Freelance Writing, Online Course Platform

4. Keep education brief for senior technical writer roles

If you have 5+ years of technical writing experience, your work accomplishments are more important than education. Keep this section to 1-2 lines:

  • M.A. Technical Communication, XYZ University
  • B.A. English, ABC College

No need to list graduation years, as this may lead to ageism:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, 1995


The skills section of your resume is a crucial component that showcases your technical abilities and expertise to potential employers. As an entry-level technical writer, it's essential to highlight the relevant skills that demonstrate your proficiency in creating clear, concise, and user-friendly technical documentation. Let's explore some key strategies for crafting an effective skills section that will catch the attention of hiring managers and help you stand out from the competition.

1. Prioritize relevant technical writing skills

When listing your skills, focus on those that are most relevant to the technical writer role you're applying for. Consider the specific requirements mentioned in the job description and tailor your skills section accordingly.

For example, instead of a generic skills section like this:

Writing Editing Research MS Office

Prioritize skills that are directly applicable to technical writing:

Technical documentation User guides and manuals API documentation Madcap Flare DITA

2. Categorize your skills for better readability

Grouping your skills into categories can make your skills section more organized and easier to read. Consider dividing your skills into relevant categories such as:

  • Technical Writing : User guides, API documentation, release notes
  • Tools & Technologies : Madcap Flare, DITA, XML, HTML/CSS
  • Content Management Systems : Confluence, SharePoint, Drupal

By categorizing your skills, you demonstrate to hiring managers that you have a well-rounded skill set and a clear understanding of the different aspects of technical writing.

3. Showcase proficiency levels strategically

While it's not always necessary to include proficiency levels for your skills, doing so can help highlight your expertise in certain areas. However, be strategic about how you present your proficiency levels to avoid raising red flags.

Instead of using vague terms like "Expert" or "Beginner," consider using more specific language or even years of experience. For example:

Madcap Flare (4+ years) API Documentation (2 years) DITA (Experienced)

By providing concrete examples of your proficiency, you give hiring managers a clearer picture of your capabilities and make your skills section more credible.

4. Align your skills with applicant tracking systems

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes and filter out candidates who don't meet certain criteria. To increase your chances of passing the ATS and landing an interview, make sure your skills section includes relevant keywords from the job description.

For instance, if the job posting mentions specific tools like Madcap Flare or DITA, include those exact terms in your skills section. This will help your resume rank higher in the ATS and catch the attention of hiring managers.

Skills For Entry-Level Technical Writer Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Entry-Level Technical Writer job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • MadCap Flare
  • Online Help
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA)
  • Technical Writing
  • Proofreading

Skills Word Cloud For Entry-Level Technical Writer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Entry-Level Technical Writer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Entry-Level Technical Writer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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Entry-Level Technical Writer Resumes

  • Template #1: Entry-Level Technical Writer
  • Template #2: Entry-Level Technical Writer
  • Template #3: Junior Technical Writer
  • Template #4: Technical Communication Specialist
  • Template #5: Technical Documentation Writer
  • Skills for Entry-Level Technical Writer Resumes
  • Free Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Review
  • Other Marketing Resumes
  • Entry-Level Technical Writer Interview Guide
  • Entry-Level Technical Writer Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Technical Writer
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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Report Writer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the report writer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

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Resume Builder

  • Provide intelligence to Operations in order to assist in the maintenance of data quality and current processes
  • Create and/or generate on demand ad-hoc data requests, summaries and exports
  • Development of XML extracts and Crystal Reports
  • Work to ensure the data for reporting and analysis is of the highest quality, and identify data quality issues
  • At times may be requested to perform data mining, analytics and business process analysis
  • Development, testing and implementation of new reports
  • Participate in testing for development activities
  • Provides support to research team or management by collecting and analyzing data, and reporting results
  • Provide complete and accurate reports within ten working days of project completing and/or consistent with customer deadlines
  • Assist with and help coordinate meetings and presentations
  • Apply company quality assurance guidelines and procedures for project document management
  • Create and maintain paper and electronic files
  • Assist Field Personnel with the use of PowerDB software
  • Mines information from databases in a variety of formats such as XML, TXT, CVS, etc
  • Assist with all quality assurance processes, including change management and testing efforts
  • Follows team standards, development methodology and processes for specification, implementation, testing, change management, distribution, and
  • Create, review, and update test scripts to reflect proposed workflow solutions
  • Test reports and dashboards and works with end users to get sign offs
  • Troubleshoot problems and address questions from users, and provide on-call support on a rotating basis
  • Creates and documents design specifications for new reports
  • Provide assigned on-site support during go-lives and system upgrades
  • Working knowledge of regulatory and quality standards (State Laws, NCQA, CLIA, OSHA, HIPAA)
  • Ability to obtain Epic Certifications within six months of employment
  • Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite, email, intranet, internet, HRIS/payroll and other systems
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Excellent communication skills (written and verbal)
  • Great interpersonal skills
  • Solid problem solving and time management skills
  • Create database objects (tables, views, stored procedures, functions)
  • Excellent understanding of dimensional and relational data models
  • 5+ years of SQL experience; 4+ years of Data Analysis, Visualization, and Reporting experience; 3+ years of experience working with Tableau; 2+ years of experience working with "R" Statistical Data Analysis Software

15 Report Writer resume templates

Report Writer Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Responsible for the design and development of reports using Business Objects tool
  • Build Webi Reports using XI 3.1 according to business requirements
  • Making modifications to the Business Objects universe and administering user access
  • Responding to ad hoc requests from firmwide senior management and other functional areas across the firm
  • Working with other HCM teams, regional and divisional users to understand their reporting needs and ensure assigned tasks are complete within the given timeframe
  • 2 years implementing Business Objects reporting solutions using Web Intelligence
  • Excellent analytical skills and attention to detail
  • Time management skills – can manage multiple urgent deliverables and can prioritize workload to anticipate and meet deadlines
  • Good judgment – knowing when to escalate an issue
  • Teamwork – ability to work well with others
  • Knowledge of both relational and dimensional data modeling preferred
  • Knowledge of BO Universe design, Central Management Console and Xcelsius dashboards preferred, but not required

Desktop Application Developer Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Creates and maintains database objects (SQL queries and stored procedures) in support of application development
  • Troubleshoots and debugs system inefficiencies
  • Codes, monitors and tunes database objects for optimal performance
  • Knowledge and proficiency with Adobe Photoshop or similar design tool
  • Knowledge of PC architecture and operations, operating systems, networking database management and development, as well as high level of programming knowledge
  • Knowledge of the various stages of the software development life cycle, definition of solution architecture, detailed design, solution development, testing and deployment
  • Knowledge and solid understanding of object oriented analysis, design and programming
  • Knowledge of Salesforce beneficial
  • Ability to work effectively both individually and within a team environment
  • Ability to work with a sense of urgency to meet deadlines and address competing priorities
  • Proficient skills with Microsoft Office software including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Effective written, listening and verbal communication skills
  • Effective problem solving and organizational skills
  • Minimum of 3 – 5 years of experience of SQL Server Reporting Services, Web-API, angular development, entity framework, MVC, MVVM, ASP.NET, C#.Net, Web Services, HTML, and Photoshop in a desktop application development role required
  • Experience in financial services or asset management industry preferred
  • Equivalent education and experience will be considered

Report Writer / UX Designer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop industry leading reports and visualizations
  • Communicate the intended user experience through artifacts, such as concept maps and models, mockups, prototypes, storyboards, wireframes, workflow, and design specification
  • Originate innovative and effective frontend interaction experiences and data visualizations
  • Close collaboration with the Product Management Team and industry leads
  • Plan validation activities to ensure a delightful user experience
  • Work in an agile environment with a continuous delivery model
  • Collaborate with peers across organizations to learn and share
  • At least 4 years experience in Experience in Report writing using advanced visualizations
  • At least 2 years experience in experience using IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, including Framework manager
  • At least 2 years experience in Experience using IBM Rave visualizations or equivalent
  • At least 2 years experience in Experience in User Interface (UI) design
  • At least 6 months experience in Experience in User Experience (UX) design
  • At least 6 months experience in Experience in Adobe Creative Cloud, particularly Photoshop and Illustrator or equivalent

Financial Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Two to three years successful writing experience, preferably in the financial services industry
  • Excellent project management and organizational skills with meticulous attention to detail
  • Ability to work cross-functionally with a strong team orientation
  • Proficiency with business desktop applications (i.e., Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Professional) and ability to learn proprietary software applications

Crystal Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Translate business requirements into functional specs
  • Analyze data available in core system to establish expert knowledge of data for accurate retrieval and use in report writing
  • Design and develop extracts and reports
  • Document extracts and reports requirements, prototypes/mock-ups, system production documentation and procedures
  • Test and validate reports
  • Work with business partners to gain all approvals and sign-offs
  • Maintain trusted relationships with business partners
  • Schedules reports to be run on automated schedule
  • 3+ years experience in and excellent practical knowledge of Crystal Report Writer Developer tool
  • Experience in and knowledge of the characteristics associated with synthetic(swap) instruments

Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serves as primary contact with business partners regarding report requests, analysis and data requirements
  • Facilitate requirements elicitation sessions with business partners
  • Performs mapping between XML and desired output
  • Produce and distribute data output in various formats as requested
  • Communicate and documents status, issues and risks effectively
  • 3+ years experience developing and implementing enterprise-scale reports and extracts including working knowledge of standard design methodologies and principles
  • Experience working with and creating extract/reports from relational data models and XML
  • Experience in and knowledge of systems integration
  • Previous experience as a report writer in a Prime Broker environment
  • Strong analytical, quantitative and problem solving skills
  • Strong data analysis/skills and the ability to handle multiple projects and tasks

Report Writer / ETL Developer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Analyzes system requirements, including identifying program interactions and appropriate interfaces between affected components and sub systems
  • Makes recommendations towards the development of new code or reuse of existing code
  • May lead assigned projects, including assigning tasks, coordinating efforts, and monitoring performance
  • May recommend new technologies and methodologies to management for meeting business needs, resolving problems and exploiting opportunities. Remains current with new technologies
  • Obtains and evaluates information on factors such as reporting formats required, costs, and security needs to determine hardware configuration
  • Participates in software system testing and validation procedures, programming and documentation
  • Provides technical advice and assists in solving programming problems
  • Writes and/or reviews system specifications, including output requirements and flow charts
  • Assists in preparing project plans using project management tools
  • Reviews test results; documents test activities, and records remedial actions
  • Ensures proper analysis of problems and programming approaches to prevent rework and schedule slippage
  • Minimum of a B.S. in Computer Science, MIS or related degree and five (5) years of related experience or a combination of education, training and experience
  • Financial Services experience highly preferred
  • Experience in the following areas: project management, enterprise implementation, leadership experience, strategic planning, business acumen, applications development, change management

Intermediate Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Requires extensive working knowledge of the data and system. Extensive independent judgment and critical thinking are exercised in interpreting the data as it relates to the company's business to verify and maintain integrity of the data as it is disseminated into new and existing reports
  • Maintainence of reports in response to individual and/or business unit requests. These reports are intricate and are used to make business decisions that affect the company's planning and also impact business decisions made by senior management
  • Support the automation and distribution of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports, and maintains report integrity
  • Resolves reporting issues by responding in a timely fashion to meet business needs
  • Provide problem analysis and resolution using query tool
  • Analyze system problems; identify appropriate resolution and implement resolution
  • Provide procedural advise, technical direction and training on how to use the systems
  • Maintain report writing tasks among report writers
  • Conducts database analyses for program measurement and evaluation
  • Generates marketing reports to identify potential sales opportunities, retain customers and increase sales
  • Implements the development, maintenance, and information flows of data for e-sales purposes
  • Participate in special projects as assigned

Developer SQL Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Writing, optimising and peer reviewing complex SQL
  • Building relational SQL tables, views, stored procedures and functions
  • .NET framework (VB/C#, ASP)
  • Object orientated design
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery

Workday Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as the Workday HCM/Payroll data and reporting subject matter expert
  • Design, develop and deliver Workday reports using Workday’s report writing tools
  • Partner with HRIS subject matter experts on HR, Benefits & Payroll data and excel in analyzing data from multiple sources as needed to develop required reports
  • Work with business partners to document report requirements, develop reports and analyze data
  • Use existing systems/applications (Workday, PeopleSoft, Kronos) and determine methods to integrate data from multiple systems to produce reports
  • Develop and deliver training to end-users on reporting
  • 5-7 years of experience in an Analyst role, with emphasis on business data analysis and reporting
  • 2+ years of advanced Workday report writing experience, both in modifying delivered and creating custom reports
  • Demonstrated strong understanding of HR, Benefits and Payroll functions and data
  • Proven ability to synthesize and translate complex information from a variety of sources in an easy, effective format that is audience appropriate
  • Strong attention to detail, problem-solving, critical thinking and analytical skills
  • Effective written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to explain data and findings to a non-technical audience
  • Must be detail oriented with high degree of accuracy and have the ability to multi-task
  • Degree in business, information systems, or equivalent combination of education and experience

IBM Cognos Report Writer / Web Developer Resume Examples & Samples

  • At least 5 years experience in Product Software Development is required
  • Experience in building IBM Cognos reports is required
  • Experience building web sites
  • Experience with Dojo, JavaScript and XML (AJAX), Representational State Transfer (REST)
  • Innovative UI design experience and knowledge of UX best practices
  • At least 3 years experience in Cognos Report Writer
  • At least 3 years experience in web site development

Suspicious Activity Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Reports directly to the Manager SWT and directly supports activities in the AML Compliance Office
  • Bachelor’s degree in business, finance, accounting, related field or equivalent experience. Prior AML investigations experience preferred
  • Thorough knowledge of products, services, operations and systems and extensive dealing with laws, regulations and regulatory agencies related to assigned areas

Report Writer, IS / Lawson Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2-4 years of experiences in report writing, specifically in Lawson
  • Minimum of 1 year of Lawson or Infor Business Intelligence System administration
  • Healthcare experience strongly preferred, familiarity with financial reporting
  • Lawson Financial or Materials management system knowledge
  • Strong knowledge or experience in Finance/Accounting
  • Understanding of cost accounting
  • Excellent communicator and organizer
  • Essential Competencies/ Performance Expectations
  • Technical Skills
  • Writes ad-hoc reports, queries, uploads, and downloads. Extracts data using advanced report-writing skills, exports and imports data between separate systems and/or databases
  • Must be able to understand business needs, define requirements, develop solutions (technical and/or process), implement systems, support testing and manage/support existing and new reports
  • Knowledge and experience with both report writing and finance/accounting
  • Conducts and supports report building training efforts for both internal IT staff and/or end users
  • Provides support for Lawson RW100 created
  • Takes after-hours call as assigned to ensure system functionality and access
  • Works with Technical Services/Infrastructure team and/or third party software vendor support team to monitor and validate software performance at the operating system level and/or application level to ensure optimal functionality of the revenue cycle systems
  • Stays abreast of current regulatory changes impacting Finance/Financial Reporting and proactively works with vendors and end users to assess and adjust appropriate system functionality
  • Maintains ongoing functional and workflow knowledge of Infor/Lawson
  • Demonstrates ability to successfully complete projects/priorities
  • Must have ability to communicate well with personnel at all levels of the organization
  • Exemplifies excellent analytical, and verbal and written communication skills
  • Works independently in strong collaboration with managers and technical experts including third-party software vendors
  • Acts as an internal and external consultant across the departments and systems. Must have strong interpersonal and customer service-oriented skills
  • A Fire and Safety card must be presented upon hire or must be obtained at our facility within the first 30 days of hire and maintained by renewing before expiration date

Report Writer / System Development Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of DB2 Mainframe environment, JCL and VSAM
  • Proven experience working with tools such as SQL, Eztrieve, and Excel
  • Extensive experience with Report Writing
  • Work with QA/Test team to resolve deficiencies
  • Demonstrated ability to meet schedules and multi-task
  • Outstanding oral and written communications skills in both technical and client facing situations
  • Must be currently eligible to work in the U.S. for any employer without sponsorship
  • Must consent to and successfully clear all required pre-employment screenings (background and substance abuse)
  • Medicaid and/or Healthcare background
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent
  • A background in large scale transaction processing systems
  • Experience working in a team environment where team members are geographically dispersed
  • Knowledge of COBOL, Endevor, COGNOS, FTP, Access, Oracle

Business Intelligence Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate with members of the organization to compile user requirements and specifications for needed reports
  • Develop SQL inquiries to extract, calculate, and manipulate information used to fulfill reporting requirements
  • Create, maintain, support and optimize new and existing reports
  • Develop supplemental graphs, reports and presentations to communicate report data
  • Validate report functionality with the development team and end users
  • Respond to users to troubleshoot and/or improve existing reports
  • Conduct business analysis to gather required reporting and dashboard metrics
  • Work with staff members across the organization to agree on reporting data and presentation aesthetics
  • 0- 3 years’ experience working in a corporate IT department
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Business Management or equivalent experience
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
  • Familiarity with SQL and/or SSRS
  • Ability to work independently and efficiently in a fast paced environment to meet deadlines
  • A self-motivated, self-starter
  • High attention to detail and accuracy with work

Epic Clarity Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide Epic product function, design, build, and support expertise and experience for their assigned Epic module for ongoing system build and configuration for their assigned Epic module
  • Work with application end users to identify and correct issues in a timely and professional manner
  • Develop, support and maintain required system design and build documents and other project documentation (business/system requirements and changes in workflow and configures system accordingly)
  • Contribute to the update and development of testing scripts and materials
  • Actively participate in all phases of the testing lifecycle and performs unit, system, regression and integrated testing tasks and activities
  • Adhere to organizational standards for application configuration and system Change Control
  • Work with Principal Trainers to maintain and update application specific training curriculum and materials
  • Attend team meetings to discuss team and project related activities, work tasks, and issues
  • Create and maintain regular status reports and provides verbal and written status to Project Managers and project leadership, as required
  • Complete specific team task activities as outlined in the project workplan and other job-related duties as assigned
  • Must have business experience in healthcare operations scheduling and administration with specific experience in Epic Clarity
  • Certified in Epic Clarity
  • Knowledge and experience working with Microsoft Office tools
  • Entry-level understanding of database structure
  • Solid analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Ability to identify issues, prioritize and problem solve to resolution
  • Superior communication and customer service abilities
  • Team player with the willingness/ability to work in a collaborative environment
  • Must be willing to live/work in either Houston, TX; Omaha, NE or Tacoma, WA

Factory Productivity Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working knowledge of databases and use of SQL for data collection & manipulation
  • Working knowledge of scripting ,programming languages and design of user interfaces
  • Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills, and presentation skills
  • Communicate well with all levels of management and colleagues
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint . . .)
  • Ability to meet deadlines and commitments
  • BS in Industrial Engineering or related engineering discipline required
  • Minimum of 2 years experience working with factory automation operations and KPIs
  • 10 years of applicable work experience

Technical Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review and organize test data received from the field
  • Evaluate test data per NETA specifications, Manufacturer data, and Doble data
  • Prepare an engineering report for delivery to customer
  • Review client and project data records to ensure completeness, accuracy, and timeliness
  • Review technical report status weekly
  • Consult with operational management or technicians to identify and provide technical data needed to meet operational objectives, improve business procedures, resolve problems, and improve reporting
  • Record retention according to Emerson Policy
  • Become proficient in the use of PowerDB software and synchronization requirements
  • Two-year Associates Degree in a technical discipline, business or accounting, or equivalent experience required
  • Must be proficient with Oracle, MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Power DB, Access and Outlook
  • Should have a thorough understanding of accounting practices
  • Required work in a service center environment, including extensive computer and telephone use
  • Must be able to clearly communicate with clients and employees, both verbally and in writing

Senior Financial Analyst BPC Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with business owners to understand requirements and design financial reports in BPC
  • Maintain financial reports and templates in SAP BPC; perform unit testing of BPC reports and templates
  • Drive standardization in information requirements, format, and process throughout the business
  • Coordinate with Divisional FP&A resources to drive consistency and best practice leverage across the organization
  • Support company-wide monthly / quarterly standardized processes to enable timely, disciplined execution of internal and external reporting deliverables (Monthly Operating Reviews, Management Blue Book, etc.)
  • Perform / assist with BPC Planning cube administration tasks for monthly forecasting and weekly Flash
  • Coordinate BPC Planning cube master data and hierarchy maintenance with Consolidations team
  • Work closely with the Consolidations team and FP&A to support BPC monthly close and forecast activities
  • Support implementation of future phases of BPC
  • Strong analytical, quantitative, problem solving and organizational skills; attention to detail; and ability to coordinate multiple tasks, set priorities and meet deadlines
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment while managing multiple work streams and competing priorities
  • 3 to 5 years of progressive financial / accounting and BPC / Hyperion HFM / Essbase experience
  • Superior business application skills (e.g., Microsoft Excel)
  • Finance or related degree with a minimum GPA of 3.5 and / or MBA preferred
  • Superior communication and influencing skills
  • Ability to efficiently deliver timely and accurate information

System Problem / Improvement Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • SPIR Writer supporting the execution overhauls and modernization of U.S. Navy ships
  • Current OSHA Safety training certification
  • Required to be onsite two weeks prior to power up

Shareholder Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Obtain Sarbanes-Oxley compliant documentation and maintain files
  • Bachelor's degree, preferably in English, communications, economics or similar discipline
  • Outstanding writing, proofreading and communication skills
  • Ability to interpret statistical information and translate data to support written statements in a clear and concise manner preferred
  • 2 years of experience with Crystal Reports
  • 2 years of experience with MS SQL
  • Knowledge of STARLIMS
  • Experience with government consulting
  • Knowledge of the Software Development Life Cycle and SDLC methodologies, including Agile
  • Possession of excellent data gathering and analysis skills

Report Writer Architect Resume Examples & Samples

  • Timely and accurate creation of standard system reports
  • Timely and accurate creation of custom/SQL reports
  • Data Analysis and summarization
  • Monitor and trend key metrics
  • Communication with KYOne departments and revenue cycle vendors
  • Demonstrates a commitment to service, organization values and professionalism through appropriate conduct and demeanor at all times
  • Adheres to and exhibits our core values

Scientific Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • B.S. in biology, chemistry, biochemistry or related science
  • Training or experience of 1-2 years experience in lab sciences
  • Candidates with 2-4+ years of relevant experience may be considered for Scientific Writer level role as well
  • Ability to write, edit and update documentation, reporting and lab information as needed
  • Excellent grammatical skills
  • Exceptional communication skills, both written and oral to keep others informed of progress and changes in status of work
  • Proficiency in MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Adaptable to changes in work duties, responsibilities, and requirements
  • Detail-oriented, thorough and methodical, and able to follow timelines
  • Understanding of lab sciences and tecniques such as biology, chemistry, biochemisty, bioanaltyical testing, immunoassay, ELISA or similar preferred
  • Able to perform numerous simple and complex tasks without losing sight of overall objectives
  • Prior report preparation and presentation experience required
  • Good interpersonal skills, ability to translate data needs between ambulatory and acute care and professional billing into meaningful data displays
  • Proven track record of relationship building with both internal and external customers

SQL Database Administrator / Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 25% - Builds SQL reports and maintains the company's database(s)
  • 20% - Manages reporting systems and develops policies and procedures in regards to security, backup schedules, restoration, and general development
  • 20% - Supports team members and ensures that established deadlines and user needs are met. Keeps management well informed of area activities
  • 10% - Participates in customer conversions by: (a) explaining technical requirements for reporting, files and data communications; and (b) coordinating on-site testing of data communication and software customization
  • 10% - Consults with computer operations management, supervisory staff, and various IT personnel to assure that IT standards for control, security, and recoverability are understood and followed; coordinates with other I.T. Technical Support staff to assure that appropriate I.T. computing standards are implemented and maintained; manages database software upgrades to assure compliance with standards and control procedures
  • 5% - Collaborates with I.T. staff in research of production problems and training of supervisory staff on new procedures/software
  • 5% - Develops and tests data communications procedures for links to customers and data servicers; develops and tests interface file handling procedures for data moving between platforms, customers, and media
  • 5% - Performs other job related duties as assigned

Clarity Report Writer / Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with clinical and business users to collect and document requirements
  • Perform Quality Assurance on new reports and changes to reports
  • Minimum two years' experience in developing SQL Query, five years preferred. Experience should include query optimization, creating views, stored procedures, etc
  • Proficient in creating reports using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005/2008. Familiarity with Crystal Report 2008 will be a plus
  • Solid understanding of processes/procedures and workflow within a hospital/clinical/health plan setting
  • Detail oriented with strong analytical and troubleshooting skills
  • Epic Clarity experience or certification in one of the following modules is a huge plus, but not required: EpicCare Inpatient, HIM, ADT, Cadence, ASAP, Radiant, Tapestry, EpicCare Ambulatory, Optime
  • Knowledge of statistical principles will be a plus
  • 4+ years of SQL server development
  • 1+ year of healthcare experience
  • 1+ year of reporting experience with Clarity, SSRS, BO, or crystal reports
  • Must have 1+ years of healthcare experience
  • Must have one of the following: Bachelor's Degree or higher, Associates plus additional work experience to supplement education, or 60 completed semester units plus additional work experience to supplement education

Meditech / Nextgen Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Resolve open help desk tickets through communication with department staff to identify issues with reports, determine the best possible solution available
  • Develop new ad hoc and scheduled reports as requested
  • Communicate with the SRH Epic Project Managers to define data extract needs. Complete requests according to the scheduled due dates
  • Work with the operational users to test application changes
  • The need is part time, may be performed outside of regular business hours

SQL Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • The candidate should have strong technical skills and be able to write complex SQL queries against Oracle database tables; including a good understanding of table joins, multi-level sub-queries, and aggregate functions
  • Strong experience with SQL Developer and creating BI Publisher data models and reports are required
  • A knowledge of WebFocus is preferred
  • The candidate must have strong written and verbal communication skills, be adaptable, and pay close attention to detail and accuracy
  • While the candidate should be able to work independently, they also should be able to work collaboratively with other team members and with clients. The candidate may be asked to develop Powerpoint presentations and train clients as necessary
  • Works with the business to determine reporting needs and information gathering requirements
  • Creates Jasper reports beneficial to business decision making and in line with business goals
  • Manages and maintains MSSQL Servers and other SQL based databases
  • Works with development team to create and modify SQL Schema needed to facilitate operation of our in house developed Learning Management System
  • Migrates reports from Crystal Reports to the new Jasper Report Server
  • Manages the Jasper Report Application
  • Responsible for database reliability, uptime and backups
  • Creates and maintains a Data Warehouse for the various systems with databases for central reporting and statistical analysis tracking
  • Expertise in Jasper Reporting suites
  • Data Warehouse experience
  • MSSQL 2005 and above experience
  • Experience writing SQL and stored procedures
  • Experience creating complex JOINs, sub SELECTS and other various SQL techniques required for data extraction used in Report creation and ETL
  • Knowledge of modern database design techniques and database normalization as it pertain to usage by ORMs and RESTful applications in web development
  • Demonstrated understanding to configure and manage various MSSQL replication methods and backups
  • Experience with open databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL
  • Visual Studio experience
  • Ability to collect reporting requirements and create meaningful and well-designed reports for BI decision making
  • Ability to install and configure MSSQL in a MS Server OS environment
  • Ability to create ETL routines and knowledge of ETL tools
  • Familiarity with Crystal Reporting and able to convert Crystal Reports into Jasper
  • Familiarity with NoSQL DBs or hybrid SQL/NoSQL database designs
  • Understanding of SDLC and Agile/Scrum methodology, Code Versioning systems (such as git, TFS) and JSON and XML data structures

Senior Report Writer & Data Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Applies comprehensive knowledge and a thorough understanding of concepts, principles, and technical capabilities to perform varied tasks and projects
  • May contribute to the development of policies and procedures
  • Works on reporting requests tied to complex projects of large scope
  • Develops analytical solutions to a wide range of difficult problems. Solutions are innovative and consistent with organization objectives
  • Completes work independently; receives general guidance on new projects
  • Thoroughly completes data validations to ensure data accuracy & governance
  • Develop, enhance, and maintain analytical solutions to support Data & Analytics business objectives and initiatives
  • Learns how to build, monitor, & troubleshoot ETL jobs
  • Produces weekly, monthly, & quarterly reports on a scheduled cadence using ServiceNow and Numerify application tools
  • Engage with the business to understand and interpret business needs in order to build and design effective solutions
  • Provide subject matter expertise in analytical technologies and development to support process improvements and solutions delivery optimizations
  • Bachelor’s Degree in related field, or equivalent work experience
  • 2+ years’ experience in related field preferred
  • Basic to intermediate technical skills preferred in SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Reporting Services, Visual Studio, Java, & ServiceNow
  • Microstrategy experience preferred
  • Experience developing creative and innovative analytical insights with high business value
  • Team oriented
  • Willing to ‘roll up their sleeves’, is a self-starter
  • Quick to pick up new concepts
  • Maintains the ability to multi-task and prioritize demand

Report Writer With Sunrise Experience Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work under the direction of the Manager to provide technical application solutions for assigned business areas
  • Possess technical knowledge of assigned application technology
  • Work with Business Analyst to understand the customer’s product-specific requirements and configuration and translate them to technical design specifications and data flow from which programs are developed and coded
  • Codes, tests, debugs, implements, and documents programs or technical configuration
  • Ensure programs meet technical specifications and standards
  • Interact with Business and clinical representatives during the software build or configuration and testing process
  • Perform technical application configuration and configure /run reports at user request
  • Design and execute unit, system and integration test plans for new developments/releases/reports
  • Maintain technical documentation based on standard operating procedures in support of the assigned application
  • Perform application maintenance activities
  • Provide production support
  • Assist in resolving support calls escalated by the Service Desk
  • Identify the common causes of the defects, prioritize them and systematically remove them so that they do not reoccur in further development work
  • Coordinate with Project Managers to ensure project deadlines are met
  • Participate in focus groups and workshops, attend vendor training and demonstrations
  • Assist in supporting activations and rollouts
  • Consistent efforts to deliver quality solutions as per agreed scope
  • Customer focus and close alignment with the customers’ business objectives
  • Ensure efforts to continually improve domain knowledge
  • Ensure the quality of the deliverables as per the defined standards
  • Document issues with resolutions and share with team members to improve team productivity
  • Provide data to generate team performance metrics
  • Knowledge transfer with other team members to improve overall team education level
  • Take complete ownership for the assigned task and timely inform the progress of the project / task to all stakeholders
  • Adherence to the defined standards
  • Take initiative and drives to bring to logical conclusion; proactive approach
  • Provide accurate and timely information and escalates when there are issues
  • Actively participate in meetings and make valuable contribution
  • BA or BS degree preferred or other relevant combination of training and experience
  • 2-5 years industry experience preferred
  • 5-10 years extensive experience in providing technical support and maintenance in assigned product preferred
  • Creates/designs and runs reports using PC platforms or report writing tools based on end-user needs
  • Incorporates end user requests and requirements to develop an enterprise reporting solution
  • Identifies appropriate metrics on which to report and utilizes software to generate metrics and develop actionable recommendations
  • Interfaces with raw data sources and front-end reporting services using table linking, embedding, import/export and file conversion techniques
  • Collaborates with various functional teams such as Marketing and Information Technology to achieve business results
  • Produces and distributes reports on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis
  • May train end-users on report writing
  • Knowledge of SQL programming and be proficient in data extraction and reporting techniques
  • Experience with MS Excel and Access
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills to technical and non-technical audiences at all levels of the organization
  • Excellent analytical, decision-making, problem-solving, and time management skills
  • Ability to multitask and prioritize multiple assignments with little direction
  • Ability to determine own priorities and work independently
  • Ability to convey technical knowledge to others
  • 1+ yr of reporting exp w/Clarity, SSRS, BO, crystal reports
  • must have one of the following
  • *Associates plus additional work experience to supplement education
  • *60 completed semester units plus additional work experience to supplement education

Data Analyst / SQL Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Report Writer / Data Analytics
  • Identify report data requirements and create comprehensive technical design specifications
  • Gather, inspect, clean, transform, and model data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making
  • Collaborate with key stakeholders to produce and support custom built reports and dashboards using SSRS
  • Design and develop high quality, high performing data SQL queries
  • Use SQL skills including creation of user defined functions, complex stored procedures, query optimization and SQL scripts
  • Provide accurate estimates for development timelines
  • Identify any shortcomings or system errors and make recommendations for improvement
  • Assist with Test Planning; Coordinate user acceptance testing
  • Develop test scenarios and use cases as required/requested
  • Involved with training as necessary
  • Responsible for getting process owner sign off
  • Report to the Analytics / Business Intelligence Lead
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Management Information Systems/Computer Science or equivalent work experience
  • 2+ years of general reporting experience. * Strong knowledge and experience in relational database concepts, design, constraints, stored procedures, functions, and optimization
  • Expertise with SQL Server Databases and SQL Server Reporting Services. * Expertise with Microsoft SSIS (data cleansing) or SSRS (or equivalent)
  • Proficient with Excel and pivot tables, charts, dashboards
  • Expertise in working with data in Microsoft Access, Excel and DB2 iSeries SQL
  • Strong organizational and prioritization skills with exceptional attention to detail
  • Ability to communicate effectively to all levels of management

Condition Report Writer, Auction Resume Examples & Samples

  • Utilizing a tablet to complete all details of the Condition Report (documentation related to vehicle condition including vehicle identification data, condition description, repair costs estimates and photographs)
  • Making recommendations for reconditioning to increase vehicle value
  • Conducting assessments of vehicle condition upon delivery documenting any damage or repair required for paint, engine, AC/heater operation, electronics and tires
  • Maintaining current knowledge of applicable labor rates, parts charges and manufacturer's updates; adhere to work instructions/procedures regarding inspections/documentation
  • Demonstrating commitment to workplace safety by following predetermined safety procedures
  • Providing sale day assistance including lane coordination, locating and moving vehicles, and starting or jumping vehicles

Database Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Actively and consistently support all efforts to simplify and enhance the customer experience
  • Evaluate the report request, determine appropriate database functions and design configuration to provide the services needed that are specific to each request
  • Generate reports, charts and dashboards to allow management to track business information; provide links to department goals to evaluate progress
  • Design, build and manage internal applications to automate specific business processes; use Business Process Modeling and Business Process Redesign techniques to reduce manual work; document automation process
  • Use knowledge of business processes to work with personnel in Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Production disciplines; ability to quickly understand problems and devise solutions
  • Develop and maintain complex structure of Access databases for a variety of purposes
  • Use data to create reports in Excel, Access, Crystal and other reporting tools
  • Design databases to add Charter-specific information to enhance its value to the department
  • Responsible for troubleshooting any issues with the database
  • Perform database maintenance including running various utilities to increase efficiency and recordkeeping of databases
  • Develop strategies to ensure efforts are not duplicated and that efficiency is maintained without losing quality and accuracy of work
  • Maintain databases which include running various utilities to increase efficiency and recordkeeping
  • Ability to read, write, speak and understand English
  • Knowledge and ability to create SQL queries in order to pull data together to get an answer
  • Knowledge of data structures
  • Knowledge of Relational Data Modeling, Database design, and analysis of data requirements and sources
  • Knowledge of report design and ability to design single purpose databases for current project
  • Advanced knowledge of Access and Excel
  • Ability to work independently when work is assigned
  • Creating MS SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) as defined by clients and consultants
  • Writing custom SQL Queries and Triggers
  • Working with clients and consultant team to understand and implement their technical requirements
  • Learn how to use and implement SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and other data integration and migration tools
  • Degree qualifications equivalent experience in Computer Science Information Technology or similar field of study
  • A strong team player across diverse and complex teams

Soarian Financials Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Soarian Financials Report Writer
  • Strong knowledge of Soarian Financials application and daily operations
  • At least 3 years of Soarian Financials Report Writing experience is required
  • Review customer requirements, perform analysis, design and documentation of current state and future state workflows
  • Assistance with other tasks as necessary
  • Required to sit for long periods of time
  • Interface with internal customers to obtain report and/or query requirements, analyze requirements, and create and/or modify reports and queries
  • Create technical documentation
  • Train end users on the use of reports and queries
  • Maintain data warehouse and data analytics platforms
  • Several years full time working experience utilizing Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Several years full time working experience utilizing Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Strong understanding of relational databases

Condition Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain current information on manufacturer updates and changes concerning vehicles
  • Complete inspection of arriving vehicles for damage and ensure vehicles inspected meet the program standards as defined by the account or contract. Complete end of term (E.O.T.) returns. Notify the Inspection Foreman when a vehicle does not meet the standards as defined by the account or contract
  • Work with bank and factory representatives on site to ensure a quality inspection is completed
  • Complete all new hire and continuing training modules applicable
  • Reduce arbitration vehicles and auction liability by completing thorough inspections
  • Maintain a working knowledge on improvements and changes concerning body shop labor; maintain knowledge of current rates, labor and parts charges to ensure that ECR’s are completed correctly
  • Submit completed condition reports to the facility inspection manager or designated account office by download from hand-held device or submission of written report
  • Ensure proper follow through on all directives, bulletins, schedules and reports from auction management and corporate sources. Maintain a good flow of information and communication with all personnel
  • Monitor all shop area conditions, vehicles, property and equipment to ensure they are within corporate standards for cleanliness, proper maintenance and safety
  • Maintain good operating condition of all equipment. Advise the Inspection manager of all equipment breakdowns and maintenance immediately
  • Practice and promote teamwork at all times. Set a good personal example of attitude and performance
  • Must know, practice, and ensure that company policies, procedures, and applicable state and federal laws are followed at all times
  • Provide prompt and courteous service both in person and on the phone. Maintain a professional appearance and neat work environment consistent with company policy
  • Preferred One (1) year of mechanical/automotive/inspection experience
  • Must be qualified to operate a motor vehicle and possess a valid driver’s license
  • A general knowledge of automotive components and bodywork process and or physical damage training, along with basic computer skills preferred
  • A working knowledge of technology (most inspection reports are submitted electronically)

SAS Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working knowledge of one of the following
  • Relational database concepts and structure
  • SAS to produce automated processes and management reporting
  • Visual Basic
  • SQL to gather, create and update data
  • Proven data analysis and problem solving skills
  • Demonstrated capability to solicit data requirements from end user to deliver optimal business value for reporting purposes
  • Strong sense of urgency, commitment to deadlines and deliverables is critical
  • Preferred qualification: Exposure to project management methodology,

Applications Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience with data repository design and maintenance and database administration and complex reporting analysis as typically acquired in 3 to 5 years
  • Technical and/or business experience is preferred
  • Demonstrated increasingly responsible professional growth
  • Strong problem and issue resolution experience
  • Proficient at specifying user requirements
  • Healthcare experience is preferred
  • Proficient knowledge of databases
  • Knowledge of industry standards to support business requirements
  • Knowledge of health care operations and structure, general requirements in an integrated delivery system, and use of information system applications in the practicing health care environment is desired
  • Basic understanding of hospital inpatient, clinic outpatient operations, and/or financial software along with understanding the technical environment of product lines for which they are responsible
  • Certification in report writing tools as appropriate to position is desired
  • Strong technical skills in report writing and reporting tools required, such as Oracle, SQL, Crystal, Business Objects or other reporting tools
  • Ability to be involved in multiple projects at the same time
  • Good organization skills; ability to prioritize multiple activities and objectives in a rapidly changing environment, and deliver quality service
  • Work closely with health care application users, vendors, and technical professionals
  • Committed to providing exceptional customer service and responding to user needs in a prompt, courteous manner
  • Proven leadership skills are preferred
  • Strong analytical and critical thinking skills are desired
  • Strong written, verbal and presentation skills with the ability to communicate complex technical issues in terms clearly understood by technical and non-technical audiences
  • Proficient at writing specifications for programmers as needed for reports/extracts requiring programming
  • Good knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet and presentation computer programs, preferably Microsoft
  • Strong collaboration and consulting skills
  • Self motivated, self-directed and independent thinking as well as an effective team player
  • Ability to take the most highly complex problems, requirements, or strategies; research solutions and take from concept to implementation for desired outcomes

CRM Technical Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Four year degree in computer science or Information Systems and two to four years’ experience in information technology (primary focus is on Transact SQL experience)
  • Preferred experience in data analytics and web/mobile development
  • Experience with MS Office/Microsoft Excel, Google Analytics, Tableau reporting software, graphical software preferred
  • Ability to work occasional weekends and evenings for special projects

Technical Support / Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Can demonstrate technical experience of generators and control units and has preferably worked in a repairs environment within aerospace
  • Ability to diagnose faults & primary failure modes on failed units
  • Comprehension of commercial agreements is required when making warranty adjudications
  • Committed to continuous improvement of the MRO business e.g. reducing turnaround times, reducing costs and reducing our warranty liabilities through work scope analysis
  • Excellent communication skills, both written & verbal
  • Ability to communicate with all levels of internal & external customers
  • Ability to use Microsoft packages
  • Experience in writing and maintaining reports using SQL and other reporting tools
  • Create new logic and features using SQL
  • Correct and patch bugs in existing code/processes using SQL
  • Make recommendations to improve and gain efficiency for existing processes
  • Develop and schedule custom reports
  • Documentation of any processed created or updates made
  • Ability to work effectively (maintaining accuracy and sensitivity) under tight timelines and schedules
  • Ability to sense the importance or impact of issues and situations and take appropriate actions
  • Experience with high volume data
  • 4 + years experience in report writing is highly preferred
  • Experience with SSMS 2008,2012 preferred
  • Report Builder 3 or crystal reports preferred
  • Health Care Experience preferred
  • Experience with SSIS preferred
  • Knowledge of Data Warehousing preferred
  • Experience working with data that contains PHI preferred
  • Master vendor software as needed to meet requirements for projects
  • Create end user training materials
  • Adhere to Pentec Health Policy and Procedures
  • Implement and maintain reporting process jobs
  • Perform other duties, special projects as assigned
  • Generation of the first cut (sample) export field to be reviewed by Strata and/or Riverside for Epic PB data. Generation of the final sample export file for Epic PB data
  • Validation of the PB extraction, which may include exchanges with Strata to ensure their specifications are met in format and value
  • Creation of PB scripts that will need to scheduled and run incrementally to extract data from Clarity into the proper identified format for Strata ingestion
  • Generation of the first cut (sample) export field to be reviewed by Strata and/or Riverside for Epic HB data
  • Generation of the final sample export file for Epic HB data
  • Validation of the HB extraction, which may include exchanges with Strata to ensure their specifications are met in format and value
  • Creation of HB scripts that will need to scheduled and run incrementally to extract data from /Clarity into the proper identified format for Strata ingestion
  • Validation, along with analysts, against trusted reports or system of record that appropriate fields are pulled and expected values are posted
  • Participation in meetings to clarify the specifications of the fields required if necessary
  • Documentation of background, scripts and modification decision tracker

SQL Report Writer / Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1+ yr of healthcare exp
  • 1+ yr of reporting experience with SSRS,
  • must have 1+ years of healthcare experience
  • *Bachelor's Degree or higher
  • Work with Analytics and Reporting team to understand data structures, set and follow best practices and other team policies
  • Work with ccLink (Epic) support teams to develop, test and deploy reports
  • Excellent documentation, communication and interpersonal skills
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office Tools including Word, Excel, Access, and Visio
  • Able to proactively work alone and within a team environment
  • Designs, documents, codes, tests, and debugs programs using PL/SQL, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, and other necessary languages and tools. Develops new reports or modifies existing reports for end-users from within the Ellucian Advance database or other supporting systems
  • Perform continuous quality assurance prior to releasing deliverables to users. Analyzes and reviews report/data requests for clarity and content. Verifies and clarifies that understood request criteria is what the user is intending and expecting. Verifies that report/data deliverables match the established request criteria. Provides deliverables in clear and logical formatting and organization. Educates end users, as necessary, to improve their understanding of the information provided
  • Develops, tests, and documents scripts to support data integrity of department data systems
  • Supports data interfaces between systems (e.g. Advance, SmartCall, and iModules) by writing scripts to review data, import/export data, and resolve data format and/or integrity issues
  • Develops and maintains technical and functional specifications for all reports and interfaces
  • Customizes user interface of Ellucian Advance CRM system, using both Ellucian’s configuration tool and PL/SQL to make modifications
  • Supports and troubleshoots issues/questions posed by department leadership. Performs application and data analysis when needed to support the department’s decision making
  • Complies with governmental and university regulations such as HIPAA, GRAMA, U Policy 4-001, and U Policy 4-004. Protects the privacy and security of the sensitive data in our systems at all times

Senior Safety Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in life sciences or in medicine
  • English mother tongue
  • Highly developed and proven medical writing skills
  • Computer literacy in Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • At least 3 to 5 years of work experience in pharmaceutical industry, preferably as Medical Writer with experience in writing regulatory reports in Drug Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Sciences or Drug Safety (e.g. summary of clinical safety, clinical overview, PSURs, clinical study reports)
  • Knowledge of regulatory document requirements and guidelines
  • Ability to work under pressure, prioritize and meet challenging deadlines

Cerner CCL Report Writer Trainer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3 plus years of Cerner CCL Reporting and Reporting training experience is required
  • Cerner CCL expert experience required
  • Healthcare/hospital environment experience is required
  • Onsite travel is required
  • Provide expert guidance for the analysis, design and implementation of the healthcare information technology
  • Maintain regular communication with client, vendor, team members and team leaders regarding project issues, risks, and needs
  • May require long periods of standing
  • Required to use computer for long periods of time

Intaact Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop financial reports within a newly installed Intaact Accounting Software
  • 5+ years accounting and finance
  • Experience developing reports within the Intaact software

Ssrs Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supporting in building various client specific reports using an ERP application based on MS SQL Server platform
  • Responsible for building new SSRS Reports, Charts and Graphs
  • Must be expert in MS SQL Server & SSRS
  • Experience in Public Sector a plus

Epic Report Writer / Applications Developer Resume Examples & Samples

  • For healthcare data candidates, the following is required
  • Supporting electronic medical records from an application analyst or analytics / reporting perspective
  • Developing reports in SQL, reporting tools (such as Crystal Reports, Business Objects, Cognos) and Excel
  • Developing requirements and delivering projects in a direct working relationship with clinicians
  • For SQL reporting candidates, the following is required
  • Developing complex SQL scripts, views, and stored procedures
  • Data profiling
  • Developing reports in SQL, reporting tools (such as Crystal Reports, Business Objects, Cognos, Access) and Excel
  • Developing requirements and delivering projects in a direct working relationship with end-users and stakeholders
  • Interest in becoming a content expert in healthcare reporting databases and warehouses
  • Understanding of a wide range of interpretive analysis tools (e.g. trend analysis, spreadsheets, comparisons, graphs, summary versus detail charts, drill down, correlations, exception analysis)
  • Ability to question and eyeball data quality in reports
  • Analytical, problem-solving and conceptual skills
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills and the ability to communicate effectively with non-technical people
  • 3+ years experience: Report Writing, (Crystal/SSIS/SSRS)
  • 3+ years experience SQL Queries, Sub Queries, Stored Procedures, Tables
  • 3+ years experience Data Extracts using Access DB/Excel/SSIS
  • 1 year experience in a similar role
  • 2-3 years’ experience as a Technical Field Services technician with knowledge of power distribution equipment
  • Proficiency working with Microsoft Word, Excel, Project and Outlook
  • Sound technical knowledge and good business writing skills
  • Very good organizational and time management skills
  • Ability to read and understand CICS COBOL and BATCH COBOL
  • MSP Development or understanding of MSP and mortgage servicing preferred
  • Knowledge of SharePoint preferred
  • Knowledge of ISPF, SDSF, and other IBM utilities preferred
  • Knowledge of z/OS and JCL (jobs, procs, etc.) preferred
  • Ability to follow code without executing it includes: following data movement (without physical data) between modules/screens, TS Queues, COMM areas, and internal working storage fields
  • Ability to read and understand system documentation
  • Ability to investigate using TSO and ISPF utilities and tools

Cerner CCL Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3+ years’ experience with design, build and troubleshooting CCL reports
  • 3+ years’ experience with testing CCL reports,including test plans/scripts development
  • 3+years’ experience with training IT support staff and end users for CCL reports
  • Prepares technical reports under minimal direction from senior engineer staff
  • Will maintain reports using existing web based software
  • Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed
  • High School diploma or equivalent
  • 2+ years directly related experience
  • Strong verbal and written communication and excellent customer service skills
  • Must be self-motivated, detail and deadline oriented
  • Construction terminology and background or work experience
  • Knowledge of fenestration industry is a plus
  • Strong knowledge of web-based networking software
  • Technical degree is a plus
  • Technically write, type, format and organize project documents, reports, specifications and correspondence
  • Exhibit professionalism with clients
  • Work with multiple Project Managers and project teams as needed
  • Assist with project guides, project reviews, project invoices and expense reports as needed
  • Associate degree in a closely related field or combination of education and relevant experience
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel
  • A positive attitude and commitment to being an active participant of our employee-owned culture is a must
  • Strong preference will be given to local candidates with established relationships and relevant project experience
  • Generate a test report by transposing data such as numbers and words from various formats to compile a word document along with adding test requirements for pass/fail determination
  • Follow established program requirements
  • Create and revise report templates
  • Print test reports
  • Email test reports to clients
  • Upload Test Reports to various databases
  • Receive Orders from sales and account management teams for the local operations
  • Works with Lab Technical Team on review of Job Order
  • Enters orders in Execution System
  • Ensure proper documentation of order meets testing and QA requirements
  • Delivers orders to the laboratory for execution
  • Notify Sales and Account Management Teams of service delivery delays
  • Able to support the lab operations in various types of administrative tasks
  • Other projects and tasks assigned by company and supervisors

HIM Report Writer Workflow Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participates in implementation, workflow analysis, and project management, including but not limited to planning, statistical analysis, design, and implementation of the Epic Projects, Medaptus Projects, Database and Excel projects, ICD-10 related workflows, 3M and other coding assisting software workflows, and/or any other technical applications and analysis relating to, affected by or that affect Professional Coding
  • Participates, along with Manager, in providing pre, post, and ongoing testing, support, training, and analysis for any/all technical implementations, as well as support for and review of systems related and business workflows
  • Researches and recommends technology solutions both individually or as a team member
  • Provides pre, post, and ongoing testing, support, training, and analysis for any/all technical implementations
  • Develops necessary documentation including creating and updating user documentation. Develops and maintains all documentation related to system implementation and upgrades including but not limited to training materials, policies and procedures, process improvements, testing scripts and test data and sign-offs
  • Coordinates, schedules, and reports on daily activities
  • Upholds corporate policy guidelines and recommends new and improved guidelines to ensure compliance and to improve service to colleagues and customers
  • Maintains technical expertise in systems support
  • Facilitates a positive working relationship with all Clinic departments to optimize working relationships and communication
  • Identifies and initiates resolutions to problems and concerns
  • Monitors, participates in the development of, and provides any/all statistical analysis reporting that is requested for any/all systems and workflows managed by the Coding department as needed
  • Works collaboratively with end-users, implementation team, vendors, coders, physicians, management, any and all colleagues to solve problems, to improve processes, and to integrate services among departments by using total quality management to improve work flow, business processes, and system processes in conjunction with the overall goals of the Lahey Health
  • Serves as a role model to internal and external customers by integrating quality customer service skills, leadership skills, communication skills, patience, understanding, and continuous self-improvement through self-awareness and feedback
  • Develops and demonstrates the ability to effectively identify, troubleshoot, and provide solutions to system as well as process problems and demonstrates the ability to effectively document and communicate these issues, to keep the management team, implementation team members, and necessary staff informed in a timely manner
  • Ensures smooth consistent daily operations during absence of managers and director or assists managers with other duties as assigned
  • Complies with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, the policies and procedures of Lahey Clinic and the standards of any relevant accrediting organizations
  • Maintains strict adherence to the Lahey Health Confidentiality policy
  • Incorporates Lahey Health Guiding Principles, Mission Statement and Goals into daily activities
  • Complies with all Lahey Health Policies
  • Complies with behavioral expectations of the department and Lahey Health
  • Maintains courteous and effective interactions with colleagues and patients
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the job description, performance expectations, and competency assessment
  • Demonstrates a commitment toward meeting and exceeding the needs of our customers and consistently adheres to Customer Service standards
  • Participates in departmental and/or interdepartmental quality improvement activities
  • Participates in and successfully completes Mandatory Education
  • Performs all other duties as needed or directed to meet the needs of the department
  • Adheres to department and Lahey policies for all remote work where applicable Qualifications Education: Bachelor?s degree in a related filed. In the absence of a Bachelor?s degree, a high school degree and 8 years of relevant experience, or an Associate?s degree and 4 years of relevant experience in addition to the experience requirement shown below

Report Writer / Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or related discipline
  • Possesses sound knowledge of established report writing and programming interfaces to support print-ready, parameterized, and analytical report writing tools, and have the ability to analyze business processes and reflect those in both database design and reporting solutions
  • Excellent organization, prioritization, judgment, and problem-solving skills
  • Experience building reporting solutions using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services or similar BI product
  • Experience with nonprofit fundraising and Records and Gifts Processing
  • Experience with Blackbaud CRM and a wide variety of software is of significant importance
  • Proficient in relational database systems, querying, reporting, and analysis tools, and experience with relational database design
  • Programming in any combination of SQL, TSQL, PL/SQL, XML, Javascript, VisualBasic, Visual Editor and basic SDK stored procedures
  • Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Office applications experience, and MS Excel

SQL Server Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create and maintain optimized data models for Business Intelligence/reporting requests
  • Create and maintain comprehensive documentation of all work carried out (e.g. data models, stored procedures, and report definitions)
  • Interact with end users to ensure that reports are estimated, designed and developed within acceptable and agreed upon timelines
  • Continually focus and participate in developing and refining best practices for BI/reporting projects
  • Deliver comprehensive reporting solutions utilizing the Microsoft BI platform specifically with SQL Server Reporting Services and SQL Server Integration Services
  • Adhere to best practices in report development which include creation/update of design/testing documentation, and segregation of responsibilities in development/build/staging/production environments
  • Cooperate with DBA to support and improve production operations and process and for software upgrades
  • Perform code reviews with peers
  • Any and all other duties as assigned
  • Bachelor’s in Computer Science or related field
  • At least four years of experience in Microsoft SQL server 2012 or higher
  • Two or more years of experience developing reports for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
  • Strong knowledge of ANSI SQL Standards and stored procedures in SQL Server 2012
  • Works effectively with co-workers by sharing ideas in a constructive and positive manner
  • Listens to and objectively considers ideas and suggestions from others
  • A team player with excellent communication skills is essential
  • Interacts with users to determine report specifications
  • Interacts with Data Base Administration to determine data requirements
  • Interacts with production staff to assure successful integration and use
  • Designs and develops report form and format
  • Maintains existing report templates and programs
  • Works on various projects such as web-based reporting, EDI, electronic commerce, etc
  • Performs other duties as requested

Apollo Crystal Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's degree in a technical field
  • 5 years ofCrystal Repotsexperience is required
  • Understanding ofscheduling automated report generation
  • Experience with SQL, Crystal Reports andVisual Cut
  • 4 years of business process analysis
  • At least 3 years of information data support experience

Aggregate Safety Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s or higher scientific degree
  • Excellent English – both written and verbal
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office package
  • Task based project management experience and experience with interacting directly with clients
  • Good understanding and knowledge of aggregate safety report writing guidelines
  • Knowledge of both clinical trial and post-marketing pharmacovigilance is preferable, although not essential
  • DSURs (Development Safety Update Reports)
  • PBRERs / PSURs (Periodic Benefit Risk Evaluation Reports / Periodic Safety Update Reports)
  • PA(D)ERs (Periodic Adverse [Drug] Experience Reports)
  • RMPs (Risk Management Plans)
  • Understands all phases of applications systems analysis and programming activities, and so is able to devise or modify build or procedures to solve complex problems considering computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time and form of desired results
  • Prepares detailed specifications from which programs will be written, and appropriately rigorous scripts from which tests can be conducted. Designs, codes, tests, debugs, and documents those programs
  • Regularly provides guidance and training to less experienced analyst/programmers

Revenue Cycle Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Generate standard or custom reporting solutions summarizing financial and operational business data for review by executives, managers, external vendors, and other stakeholders. (90%)
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to identify data needs with a focus on understanding how the data will be utilized
  • Develop report requirements, identify appropriate data sources and translate the business requirements to an appropriate reporting solution
  • Utilize business intelligence tools to extract data from the data warehouse and other sources and present it in a user friendly format
  • Conduct functional testing to determine if outcomes meet stakeholder requirements
  • Perform data analysis in order to provide the most relevant and useful information
  • Participate in operational meetings and proactively offer guidance on appropriate reporting solutions
  • Engage with internal and external Epic application analysts, as needed, to determine if specific data needs can be met based upon system functionality and internal Epic build
  • Proactively communicate with customers regarding the timing of data delivery, particularly communicating anticipated delays
  • Facilitate change control process to move reports through appropriate user level testing and acceptance (5%)
  • Support data analysis and reporting needs for special business intelligence projects (5%)
  • The intent of this job description is to provide a representative and level of the types of duties and responsibilities that will be required of positions given this title and shall not be construed as a declaration of the total of the specific duties and responsibilities of any particular position. Employees may be directed to perform job-related tasks other than those specifically presented in this description
  • Knowledge/use of Discern Explorer (CCL)
  • Knowledge/use of supplemental tools, i.e. CCLGOS, CCLORACONS, CCLORATABLE, CCLPROT, etc
  • Knowledge/use of database table structures
  • Knowledge /build of smart templates
  • Knowledge/use of Oracle CBO concept, CCL grants, etc
  • Knowledge/use of executable SQL statements
  • Knowledge/build of MPages, a plus
  • Knowledge of Discern Expert (rules), a plus
  • Knowledge/use of Cerner Bedrock auditing tools, a plus
  • Coordinate with other project staff and Revenue Cycle business entities in the requirements, analysis, specifications for, and the creation/modification of individual reports for assigned applications
  • Perform requirements gathering and analysis for reporting for Hospital Billing, Professional Billing, ADT and Cadence and other department needs out of Epic
  • Analyze requirements to develop initial design concept and technical approach that supports institutional decision-making with regard to financial, research or operational requirements
  • Develop all post go-live critical reports for assigned user departments utilizing the available Epic tools
  • Implement Cogito data warehouse models and plan with operations on expanding these models to meet HSS’s needs post live
  • Participate in analytics implementations to meet organizational goals and initiatives
  • Complete all tasks in a timely manner with accurate documentation
  • Collaborate effectively with Epic, using appropriate tools
  • Collaborate effectively with colleagues to achieve the completion of tasks
  • Review and test changes, enhancements, and each new release as assigned
  • Analyze and validate data conversion projects
  • Communicate effectively across all impacted teams associated with task assignments
  • Analyze new functionality in new releases to identify impact
  • Actively participate and contribute in meetings as assigned
  • Participate in disaster recovery measures and the creation of down time procedures
  • Create Workbench and WebI reports, as needed
  • Modify Universes and Cubes as needed
  • Certification in one or more of the Clarity data models (HB, PB)
  • Certification in Epic application an added plus
  • Workbench , Radar and ETL administration an added plus
  • Experience and knowledge of Data warehouse (Cogito or others) , with ability to setup up custom ETL’s and expansion of data model
  • Proficiency with SQL and relational database concepts, including primary keys, foreign keys, and joins
  • Proficiency and demonstrated experience with report writing tools
  • SSIS knowledge required
  • Ability to gain an in-depth understanding of the data model
  • Effective oral, written communication and follow-up skills
  • Strong interpersonal relationship skills
  • Strong desktop tool usage including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Self-motivated, detail-oriented , problem solver
  • Relevant experience and BA/BS Degree or equivalent
  • EMR/RC Implementation and/or support experience

Application Consultant Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrated ability to work within a team environment
  • Demonstrated ability to work with diverse groups and difficult clients
  • Good communication skills; written and verbal
  • Ability to learn and apply new skills and concepts quickly
  • Ability to work irregular hours and weekends when needed
  • Must live in or be willing to relocate to _CLE area
  • Associate’s Degree required or equivalent experience
  • Background in healthcare, sciences, or information systems; with emphasis in information systems, or related field (e.g. statistics, mathematics, physics)
  • Experience with database tools, application development, and health information standards preferred
  • 2+ years of experience
  • Has thorough experience with SQL coding language

Analytical Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborates with end users to understand reporting requirements and uses report writing software to create a variety of simple to complex reports (e.g., standard/ad hoc reporting, dashboards, scorecards, visualization, and analytics)
  • Creates custom analytical products for a variety of stakeholders that solve a particular data/analysis need or a provide a unique visualization of data or KPI’s
  • Assists in projects across the organization where system data is required
  • Reviews data integrity on reports and within analytical products produced by this team, and works with appropriate departments for problem resolution
  • Build and repair data reports and software applications as needed
  • Ability to work effectively with a diverse group of business and technical personnel
  • Exhibit strong communications and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to successfully manage multiple reporting requests in a deadline-driven environment
  • Proven ability to develop quality ad hoc reports and analysis with minimal direction
  • A Plus, The candidate has Functional experience and be able to complete as well as provide input into project documentation such as Business/Functional Requirements, Test Scripts, Testing and Production Checkout

Kronos Report Writer Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • A strong Kronos background is required
  • Kronos Report Writing experience is required, must be able to develop custom reports
  • Classify problems as system, training, or process and recommend appropriate corrections
  • On occasion, may be required to lift and/or carry up to 25 lbs
  • Gathers end user requirements, then uses SQL programming code to develop required reports
  • Independently writes and optimizes moderately complex to advanced queries. Works with Oracle/ reporting developers or database administrators on most complex queries
  • Deploys reports electronically using the appropriate enterprise reporting environment and strategy. Manages the process of moving reports into a production mode
  • Facilities the validation and testing of new or revised reports. Works with user to verify results and content, develops errors or exception reports when applicable and receives official user sign off on completed work
  • Tracks, documents, and facilitates resolution of all reporting technical issues. Keeps problem resolution log and proactively manages growth and utilization of analytic reporting products
  • Maintains technical and end-user documentation
  • Provides consultation to end-users and CSHS analysts on a range of query tools and relational database packages including Brio, SAS, Crystal Reports, Microsoft Access and Business Objects. Maintains the business objects "universe" that supports report writing in that tool
  • Institutes and monitors end-user support services. Includes coordination with Help Desk resources, response to voice/email messages and general triage of end-user and CSHS analyst requests
  • Primary/Secondary responsibility for maintenance of all on-line production reports and associated user accounts used throughout the organization. Includes scheduling of reports, monitoring report updates from source files and notification of report availability and refresh schedule. User account management includes creation of new accounts and deletion and revision to existing accounts
  • Understanding current reports, data requirements and sources, and then converting the required reports over to the new system and new data sources
  • Recreating queries and documenting each newly converted report/query into written Policy and Procedure documents
  • Quickly grasping business data values and definitions and mapping them to the appropriate databases, tables or other sources
  • Handling other duties, as needed
  • 5+ years of SQL experience; 4+ years of Data Analysis, Visualization, and Reporting experience; 3+ years of experience working with Tableau; 2+ years of experience working with "R" Statistical Data Analysis Software
  • Highly organized
  • Degree in Computer Science

Cognos Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of five years of experience in one or more of the following: Cognos Reporting, Organization Reporting, MS reporting, Crystal or other reporting frameworks, or banking operations
  • Must be able to work after-hours support on a rotational basis
  • Knowledge or experience with JHA products
  • Experience in MS Reporting Services, Cognos, Crystal or other reporting frameworks
  • Creates standard, custom, and ad-hoc reports, and utilizes reporting tools to extract data from multiple databases
  • Uses reporting tools, applications, and/or queries to create and configure new reports and dashboards
  • Provides support and training to end-users for reporting tools and reports
  • Consults with the business on specific reporting and query requests. Performs modifications and enhancements on existing reports based on changing business requirements
  • Assists with calculations and SQL statement creation, error message resolution, and dashboard creation
  • Validates and tests reports to ensure accuracy and quality
  • Experience in Epic reporting tools – Reporting Workbench, Crystal reports/Clarity and Radar Dashboards required
  • Experience with Data Courier, SQL query for data extracts, Chronicles or ETL experience desired
  • Build Reports, write SQL queries and Dashboards
  • Proficient writing SQL Code and queries to build reports and extracts

Cerner Revenue Cycle Report Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Has a sound working knowledge of the Cerner Millennium database, specifically the Revenue Cycle tables and data
  • Has a sound working knowledge of the Cerner Millennium standard report capabilities and offerings – Discern Analytics (DA), Discerner Analytics 2 (DA2), Discern Explorer, Business Objects, Tableau
  • Ability to gather and document report requirements
  • Ability to research and identify data needs
  • Ability to identify and create reporting solutions
  • Ability to write/copy/modify DA,DA2, Discern Explorer reports
  • Ability to write and or modify reports to export in multiple different formats (PDF, Excel, CSV, etc.)
  • Understanding of and/or ability to write CCL reports
  • Ability to create test data in the Cerner test environments
  • Ability to write and execute test scenarios
  • Ability to show others what they has done and lead others thru setup and testing
  • Strong documentation and planning skills

Corrigo Report Writer / Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Candidate will write custom Corrigo reports for customers
  • Responsible for meeting deadlines, costs and quality
  • Coordinates with internal stakeholders and external customers to cultivate requirements and identify responsibilities, dependencies, and risks
  • Interact directly with many stakeholders
  • Define and effectively manage project expectations with team members and other stakeholders
  • Follow up in a timely manner to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Manage multiple concurrent projects
  • Accountable for all decisions, actions, and directives with respect to job responsibilities
  • Works with multiple departments to complete implementation which include but not limited to development
  • Will need to learn the application and terms quickly
  • Degree from an accredited four-year college or university
  • 3+ years of software implementation experience
  • Technology: T-SQL, Microsoft BI Suite, Visual Studio Report Designer. May also add graphs and sub-fields
  • Required: SSRS. (SSAS is nice to have). Will be working in a normalized database with cleansed data. Should be able to read and write complex stored procedures and triggers
  • Team player with excellent interpersonal skills
  • Highly-organized, energetic self-starter who welcomes new technology challenges and shapes them into opportunities
  • Impeccable organization, communication, and time management skills
  • Teach and develop staff (KAMs, PMs and CPS as required) to utilize the data cube
  • Function as the DataSmart super user in the business assisting with launch, additional requirements, user acceptance testing etc
  • Prepare, format and present ad hoc reports derived from the data cube for business reviews
  • Develop data and visual reports in SQL DataSmart, Excel and PowerPoint and Report Builder
  • Propose solutions to varying reporting concerns and issues during the requirements gathering process
  • Ability to explain complex issues in a simple manner to all company stakeholders
  • Contribute to process improvement initiatives by means of statistical analysis and providing appropriate recommendations
  • Recommend reporting improvements that could prevent custom, non-scalable reports
  • Report quality improvements through automation initiatives
  • Act as a solid resource for the business, with a primary focus on Account Management needs
  • Gather reporting requirements from cross-functional stakeholders
  • Facilitate special projects: this may involve working with Operations, other Business Units, or outside Vendors to drive these projects forward
  • Partner with cross-functional teams and facilitate working sessions to understand business needs
  • Offer leadership and creative insights to varying reporting issues

Related Job Titles

technical report writing resume

Report Writer Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Creates and edits reports using SQL report server as well as local applications based on end user specifications
  • Provides data validation to ensure reports represent data accurately and achieve customer needs
  • Leverages existing report library when obtaining and documenting report design specifications
  • Manages the change requests and enhancement in reporting
  • Performs complex data analysis
  • Creates detailed reporting design docs
  • Develops reports in accordance with defined standards and procedures
  • Formulates basic layout design and determines factors such as style and size of type, photographs, graphics, etc
  • Complete comprehensive written reports documenting any and all relevant details pertaining to guest or staff related issues in neutral tone focusing on the facts
  • Collect nightly documentation from all departments and compile them into an organized nightly file
  • Create a single page synopsis of the night to be submitted to management as well as filed with the show report
  • Answers fan questions in a friendly, courteous, and knowledgeable manner regarding ticketing, event details, venue policies, procedures, and practices
  • Performs customer service functions including: Listening emphatically to customer problems and complaints, investigate customer issues, and proactively attempts to resolve customer issues within company guidelines
  • Light photocopying, scanning, and filing
  • Position requires a one to walk around venue throughout the night and compile hand written documents on site
  • Experience writing comprehensive legal documents from dictation
  • Independently make good decisions within proper policy and procedures and use tact and diplomacy
  • A strong sense of teamwork and ability to execute programs
  • Design, develop and deliver Workday reports using Workday’s report writing tools
  • Writes quality SARs based upon transactional activity and customer relationships in order to report evidence of possible money laundering and/or terrorist financing activities
  • Accurately identifies money laundering red flags and files SARs with FinCEN within the required timeframes
  • Maintains familiarity with appropriate investigation techniques to support AML monitoring activities, including research utilizing bank systems, intranet, internet and external vendor solutions as appropriate
  • Effectively communicates within the AML Compliance organization and across other areas in HNAH, conveying key information (SAR writing related to FinCen guidance and regulation) to both internal and external audiences as appropriate

Professional Skills

  • Strong planning and organisational skills, high accuracy and attention to detail whilst remaining adaptable within an ever-changing environment
  • A self-starter possessing excellent research skills and enjoys working hands on with the product
  • Direct experience in report writing and working with SQL and/or PL/SQL along with SQL DBA skills to support the database required
  • Excellent writing, editing and oral communication skills in English is required
  • Strong analytical and critical thinking skills and ability to synthesize and interpret information
  • Strong communication skills to meet with stakeholders to gather requirements
  • Either: Direct work experience at Epic in Wisconsin OR Experience using Qlik (the BI tool) OR Experience R Programming

How to write Report Writer Resume

Report Writer role is responsible for analytical, research, database, interpersonal, technical, excel, reporting, word, microsoft, building. To write great resume for report writer job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Report Writer Resume

The section contact information is important in your report writer resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Report Writer Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your report writer resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous report writer responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular report writer position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Report Writer resume experience can include:

  • Provides additional support to the AML compliance organization on more complex issues, including research techniques and capabilities, and provides other solutions as appropriate
  • Demonstrate conceptual thinking, strong analytical and problem solving skills
  • Problem solving, debugging skills and application support experience
  • Interact effectively with all levels of the organization and maintain effective working relationships with business departments
  • Demonstrated excellence in customer service and both written and spoken communication skills, with both internal and external customers
  • High level of comfort with learning, building and applying skills in technical areas

Education on a Report Writer Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your report writer resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your report writer experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Report Writer Resume

When listing skills on your report writer resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical report writer skills:

  • Either:Direct work experience at Epic in Wisconsin OR Experience using Qlik (the BI tool) OR Experience in R Programming
  • Effective understanding, written and verbal skills
  • Detail-oriented with strong analytical and troubleshooting skills
  • Highly effective written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills to establish working relationships that foster optimal quality teamwork
  • Proven communication, analytical, and problem solving skills
  • Strong skills/proficiency with SQL, Crystal Reports, Crystal Reports Server and relational database concepts

List of Typical Experience For a Report Writer Resume

Experience for technical report writer resume.

  • Solid computer skills; experience with excel and word with the ability to maneuver bookmarks
  • Experience in Experience in User Experience (UX) design
  • Utilizes advanced analytical skills, provide comprehensive assessments to management that interpret patterns and trends, and determine overall data quality
  • Analytical skills necessary to review and identify reporting/data errors and develop corrective action plans
  • Experience in Experience in Adobe Creative Cloud, particularly Photoshop and Illustrator or equivalent
  • Report writing, data mining and analysis experience
  • Provide training to both new and experienced end users on an ongoing basis

Experience For Epic Clarity Report Writer Resume

  • Designs and develops automated reports; provides various ad-hoc reporting as needed. Tests and validates reports to resolve any performance issues
  • Expert knowledge of SSRS and experience creating reports for web applications is required
  • Experience with Scrum, writing user stories and Microsoft's Team Foundation Server desired but not required
  • Work in collaboration with other team members across the university and the Admissions Office to ensure excellent customer service; and
  • Demonstrated ability to identify and understand user needs
  • Demonstrated ability to work both independently and as a team member; and
  • Experience with AutoCAD would be helpful, but is not required

Experience For Database Report Writer Resume

  • Highly organized, methodical, detail-oriented, strong acumen to data quality and accuracy
  • Excellent verbal and written communication. Ability to communicate complex technical solution with people in various level within the organization
  • Participate in thorough testing and validation efforts ensuring timely and accurate results in a team environment
  • Experience with Oracle database environments
  • Experience with analytical platforms (Business Objects or Tableau)

Experience For Financial Report Writer Resume

  • Experience working with Qlikview
  • Demonstrated knowledge of South-South and triangular cooperation substance and principles (25 points)
  • Previous work experience with United Nations entities, development partners, national governments, or similar (25 points)
  • Direct experience with XML and related technologies (XSLT)
  • Experience with Workday Report Writer
  • EPIC experience and certification
  • Experience with data warehouses/data stores and data marts

Experience For Report Writer With Sunrise Experience Resume

  • Able to assist/mentor/lead less experienced team members
  • Utilize supplies and resources of the organization in a cost-effective manner
  • Experience with Microsoft SQL Server (T-SQL) and/or Oracle (PL/SQL) developer
  • Writing reports on links: Calculating percentage of records linked by various demographic variables. Creating and improving operating procedure documents
  • Learning, understanding and adhering to Sarbanes-Oxley requirements for writing and documentation
  • Writing, editing and routing certain sections of the shareholder reports for strictly scheduled production timelines to meet SEC and FINRA requirements
  • Creating first drafts of Portfolio Manager performance commentary using independent research and attribution reports
  • Fulfilling ad-hoc legal and partner requirements and solving problems related to the content
  • Developing new custom reports and procedures in T-SQL

Experience For Workday Report Writer Resume

  • Writing documentation (Technical specifications, requirements, and training/support)
  • Working knowledge of SQL and relational data base technology
  • Willing to perform projects as assigned
  • Willing to ‘roll up their sleeves’, is a self-starter
  • Writing SQL and developing data files
  • Looking for 1+ Epic Clarity Certifications
  • Data Correction: Checking inconsistencies in the database using SQL procedures and verifying information, correcting data using an established user interface
  • Regular contact with internal/external clients regarding gathering information pertaining to request and ensuring solution provided meets needs
  • Participate in reviewing and quality checking of respective documents to ensure high quality in compliance with regulatory requirements

Experience For HIM Report Writer Workflow Analyst Resume

  • Develop reports using Tableau desktop software along with other similar reporting tools
  • Partner with internal leaders to identify opportunities to apply data analysis and modeling to strategic and tactical decision making
  • Exceptional fluency with Microsoft Excel, including understanding of advanced pivot tables and macros
  • Create Reports using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
  • Clarity certification in one of the following modules: EpicCare Inpatient, EpicCare Ambulatory, Hospital Billing
  • Support reporting requirements of Finance, Accounting, Payroll, Procurement, and other shared service department

Experience For Applications Report Writer Resume

  • Be innovative and creative in solving problems and work logically when resolving issues
  • Accurately enter the field reports into a database, and/or electronic version of the field report, using correct grammar and spelling
  • A working knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite of software including, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Reviews error logs for various reporting processes, troubleshoots and resolves reporting issues
  • Expertise in writing and tuning SQL queries; understand relational database schemas
  • Provides appropriate service, support, and advice to end users regarding technical and reporting issues

Experience For Data Analyst / SQL Report Writer Resume

  • Provides advice and guidance to business owners and end users concerning the capabilities and functions of the reporting systems
  • Makes recommendations of process improvements to minimize impact of reports on system and increase overall report speeds using SQL tuning techniques
  • Documents process changes regarding reporting
  • Identifies and troubleshoots issues with various sites or programming code and fix any resulting problems
  • Manage workflow and multiple requests, while meeting deadlines and managing customer expectations
  • Epic certifications desirable: Clarity Data Model, Reporting Workbench Report , Writing and Administration, Willow, Beacon and Ambulatory
  • Customizes user interface of Ellucian Advance CRM system, using both Ellucian’s configuration tool and PL/SQL to make modifications
  • Supports and troubleshoots issues/questions posed by department leadership. Performs application and data analysis when needed to support the department’s decision making

Experience For Senior Report Writer & Data Analyst Resume

  • ASE and/or ICAR certifications or background in automotive repair and cost estimating required
  • Be the lead author of periodic safety reports (e.g. PSURs, DSURs) in collaboration with Drug Safety Physicians, Drug Safety Scientists and the Drug Safety Management
  • Experience using the Report Builder data model for report creation
  • Solid understanding of processes/procedures and workflow within a payor or provider organization
  • Be involved in writing of other regulatory reports and documents to health authorities (e.g. PSMF, RMP, responses to health authority requests), as required
  • Participate in planning of safety reports and development of respective specifications
  • Epic Clarity Certification (either inpatient, ambulatory, or professional billing)
  • Create reports using Microsoft Report builder 3.0 or greater
  • Design/Build/Write reports and queries on Deltek Costpoint and Deltek Time & Expense tables using IBM Cognos Report Studio, Query Studio and SQL queries

List of Typical Skills For a Report Writer Resume

Skills for technical report writer resume.

  • Excellent English communications skills, both written and oral, are an absolute requirement
  • Strong verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills with the ability to communicate ideas in both technical and non-technical language
  • Testing and Implementation Skills
  • Experience gathering business requirements, developing reports, and prioritizing requests
  • Basic research and analytical skills, including ability to perform simple mathematical calculations or analyses and accurately proofreading documents
  • Four (4) or more recent consecutive years of demonstrated experience with relational SQL database queries and transactions, including stored procedures

Skills For Epic Clarity Report Writer Resume

  • Demonstrated experience using advanced SQL query techniques
  • The ability to rapidly adapt to changing business requirements, and to efficiently acquire and utilize new skills in response to such change
  • Advanced technical writing skills, vocabulary and the ability to communicate technical concepts in simple language
  • Communicates proactively and effectively with users within the laboratory, the management staff, team members, team leads, and project managers
  • Works effectively on projects with minimal direct supervision
  • Strong Prioritization and Communication

Skills For Database Report Writer Resume

  • Reasonable computer skills, ability to use a mobile computer device
  • Business/Technical Knowledge, Skills, and Expertise
  • Experience: 3 years experience required
  • Support the financial planning & forecasting process, including coordination, tasks scheduling and forecast consolidation
  • Experience working with data warehouses, data marts and business intelligence applications and/or enterprise reporting tools

Skills For Financial Report Writer Resume

  • Experience with testing PowerForms, including test plans/scripts development
  • Cognos report writing experience. Customer is using version 10
  • Experience in Epic Clarity, reporting workbench, Crystal Reports, and/or enterprise reporting tools
  • Experience developing a test plan and executing test scenarios related to the build
  • Build effective working relationships within department, and across line, functional, and geographic reporting lines
  • Experience and working knowledge of integrating applications
  • Solid understanding of processes/procedures and work flow within a hospital/clinical/health plan setting
  • Experience converting requirements to actionable reporting (1-2 years)
  • Experience with mining large amount of data utilizing query tool such as MS SQL and present it in the user-friendly format

Skills For Report Writer With Sunrise Experience Resume

  • Demonstrated understanding of how security influences data access and report distribution
  • Experience with training IT support staff and end users for PowerForms would be ideal
  • Experience providing technical support to product support teams, field engineers and technicians
  • Relevant experience in technical report writing
  • Class 5 driver’s license with good standing drivers abstract
  • Proven track records of research and report writing in education
  • Experience using business intelligence applications to create reports
  • Experience with working in the DoD community

Skills For Workday Report Writer Resume

  • Experience with clinical/business operations reporting
  • Previous experiences with reporting within Epic
  • Experience developing drill down and ad hoc reports
  • Proven track records of report writing in education
  • Customer focused, ensuring a positive experience is at the core of all activities undertaken

Skills For HIM Report Writer Workflow Analyst Resume

  • IBM Cognos Report Studio training or experience
  • Experience working in a corporate IT department
  • Follow data validation processes to ensure accuracy of reporting data
  • Experience working with Microsoft SQL Server is required
  • Monitors reporting usage logs and offer recommendations for consolidation where possible

Skills For Applications Report Writer Resume

  • Provides IT support by responding to production issues as a priority
  • Experience with using web based applications to create reports (1-2 years)
  • Experience as a Technical Field Services technician with knowledge of power distribution equipment
  • Manages and prioritizes assigned tasks to meet project deadlines
  • Healthcare information systems experience
  • Experience with Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and SQL Server Database Administration
  • Construction industry Program and Project Management experience
  • Experience with Program and Project Management software
  • Crystal Reporting writing experience

Skills For Data Analyst / SQL Report Writer Resume

  • Experience with testing CCL reports,including test plans/scripts development
  • Previous experience creating database reports or as a Programmer/Analyst
  • Experience with design, build and troubleshooting CCL reports
  • 3+years’ experience with training IT support staff and end users for CCL reports
  • Experience with design, build and troubleshooting of PowerForms
  • Operational experience with Deltek Costpoint accounting system

Skills For Senior Report Writer & Data Analyst Resume

  • Experience with Crystal Reports, InfoReports, Oracle Reports, or similar tool set
  • Experience with SQL database management
  • Experience relevant to the position description
  • In depth, operational experience with IBM Cognos 10 Business Intelligence
  • Multi-task and prioritize to handle numerous responsibilities with little direction
  • IBM Cognos Report Studio experience required
  • Basic knowledge of regulatory and industry rules, guidelines, and standards strongly desired (SEC, FINRA)
  • Strong Knowledge of SQL, Oracle and other enterprise data sources

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Report Writer Resume

Responsibilities for technical report writer resume.

  • Demonstrated Microsoft Access, Crystal Decisions, and Excel skill required
  • Regularly provide guidance and training to less experienced analysts
  • Experience with database administration and performance analysis
  • Experience with Microsoft Server Management Studio
  • Experience analytical writing
  • Experience with consulting
  • Experience with consulting in collaborative sessions and peer reviews
  • Compiling reporting and photos from the event
  • Scheduling responsibilities: review and adjust reporting schedules to ensure client expectations are met

Responsibilities For Epic Clarity Report Writer Resume

  • Drafting, proofreading, and completing the final content of the publication (about 160 pages)
  • Compiling a comprehensive Annex describing all solutions shared at the Expo
  • Educates and promotes self-service reporting functionality with end users by utilizing various communication and training methodologies
  • Follow Agile Scrum development process and other team policies including utilizing JIRA, Team Foundation Server (TFS), and Visual Studio
  • Assist in the testing and implementing of software upgrades, enhancements and/or patches
  • Designs, programs, documents, and maintain reports and dashboards using Workday Reporting & Analytics

Responsibilities For Database Report Writer Resume

  • Comprehensive note-taking and reporting onsite at the event
  • Development of summary report for each day of the event, to be shared with participants on the morning of the following day
  • Maintains the web-based reporting infrastructure while adhering to internal standards and change management practices
  • This role consists of working on a computer for most, if not all, of the working hours
  • Incorporate policies, procedures, and specific clinical/business operations processing needs into reporting
  • Create ad-hoc reports using Affinity, ADS, and BiQuery report writing tools to meet departmental needs
  • Communicates with other departments to coordinate reporting instructions, scheduling, test requests, etc., in accordance with customer requirements
  • Able to handle multiple tasks, problem solving and troubleshooting
  • Function as system administrator for IBM Cognos 10 Business Intelligence reporting tool

Responsibilities For Financial Report Writer Resume

  • Maintain reporting data warehouse
  • Build and maintain report frameworks and packages using Cognos Framework Manager
  • Perform analysis of data sources, business processes and data mining to understand the nuances, integrity, completeness, and accuracy of the data
  • Develops, recommends, and implements policies on reporting standards
  • Reviews and assists in preparing business cases tied to new metrics and report development
  • Work with the Analytics and Reporting team to understand data structures and to set and follow best practices and other team policies
  • Epic Clarity Certification (either inpatient, ambulatory, or hospital billing)
  • Maintain and document reporting solutions

Responsibilities For Report Writer With Sunrise Experience Resume

  • Translate and convert requirements from stakeholders into reporting
  • Help support, train or assist in how to build, test and utilize reporting solutions
  • Perform quality assurance on all reports, auditing on a regular basis to ensure accuracy and consistency of data
  • Monitors the reporting function for procedural changes to ensure that information presented and the criteria to build it are relevant and current
  • Develops standardized reports; works with reporting staff to deploy, schedule, and set-up report distribution in SSRS

Responsibilities For Workday Report Writer Resume

  • Clarifies reporting requirements and report specifications with Business Analysts
  • Conducts peer reviews on coding for accuracy and improvements
  • Provides assistance and cross training to new team members; fill in as back up for other team members as needed
  • Learn quickly, work independently and adapt to fast-paced working environment
  • Performs business requirements gathering and analysis and clearly communicates findings to various stakeholders

Responsibilities For HIM Report Writer Workflow Analyst Resume

  • Provides data manipulation and reporting assistance to other departments as needed
  • Expertise in report writing
  • Proficient in word processing and spreadsheet programs
  • Basic knowledge of technical writing principles
  • Knowledgeable of all aspects of the clinical/business operational areas that they are representing

Responsibilities For Applications Report Writer Resume

  • Adapt to a changing environment, problem solve, and develop solutions
  • Capable of formatting Word & Excel files
  • Capable of overseeing multiple projects often in conjunction with one another
  • Provide brief summaries of previous day’s main decisions and remaining action points on day 2 and 3 of the EDF
  • Produce a document reporting on the summary of presentations, comments/feedback from discussions as well as a list of identified action points

Responsibilities For Data Analyst / SQL Report Writer Resume

  • Prepare two packages of reporting out material—one for internal and one for external EDF members—for dissemination after the EDF
  • Proposed methodology/approach to managing the project
  • Applies a thorough knowledge of financial management and regulatory compliance pertaining to the respective industry
  • Develops and maintains database objects in support of the Architect reporting module
  • Regular contact with development team regarding design sessions and code reviews

Responsibilities For Senior Report Writer & Data Analyst Resume

  • Secures applications against hacking vulnerabilities
  • Provide at least two (2) writing samples
  • Knowledge/configuration/use of Discern applications including
  • Possesses understanding in the areas of clinical, anatomic pathology and/or cytology
  • Performs data quality and data cleansing functions to ensure standards are met and data elements are correct
  • Create SQL efficient queries using T-SQL to build appropriate data sets

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  1. Technical Writer Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    Here's a list of steps you can follow to write a resume for a position as a technical writer: 1. Add your contact information. Begin your resume by adding a header that includes your contact information. List your full name, phone number, email address, the city and state where you live and a link to your online portfolio or professional website.

  2. 5 Technical Writer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    5 Technical Writer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024. When crafting your technical writer resume, be sure to showcase your proficiency in technical communication tools. Demonstrate your ability to efficiently use documentation software, such as MadCap Flare or Adobe Framemaker. Your technical writer resume must also highlight your experience ...

  3. Technical Writer Resume Example & Guide (20+ Tips)

    Example: "Writing most of Ampere Communications' manuals was a great experience...". Show how you'll fill the job requirements in the center of your technical writer cover letter. Next, how to conclude a cover letter: Offer a perk. Example: "I'd love to explain how I contributed to a 25% customer satisfaction boost.".

  4. 4 Technical Writer Resume Examples for 2024

    Template 1 of 4: Technical Writer Resume Example. A technical writer writes content that gives information to a target audience. Some of the mediums used include guides, manuals, journal articles, etc. Your goal is to make complex information easily digestible and understandable.

  5. Technical Writer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. 1. Create a profile by summarizing your technical writer qualifications. Your profile is a brief summary that demonstrates your most relevant qualifications and experience for the job you're applying for.

  6. Technical Writer Resume [Sample & How to Write]

    Here are a few examples of how to use hard numbers in your technical writer resume: • Increased end-user satisfaction by 15% and received positive feedback for quality documentation, clarity, and work process. • Composed 90,000+ words of end-user documentation for multiple technical products, such as employee management, electronic ...

  7. 13 Technical Writer Resume Examples for 2024

    Best Technical Writer Resume Examples for 2024 (Template & Guide) Technical writers play a crucial role in bridging the gap between complex technical information and user-friendly content. Whatever stage you are at in your technical writer career, this guide and our examples will help you write a resume tailored to your goals.

  8. Technical Writer Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

    Both good technical writing and good resumes are concise. You need to communicate your qualifications efficiently. Keep your resume to a single page. 4. Include relevant side projects. The keyword is "relevant.". But side projects — such as a blog on health care topics — can fill out your portfolio.

  9. How To Write a Technical Writer Resume (With Template and Example)

    Here are seven steps to write a technical writer resume: 1. Select a layout. Start by selecting a layout. A resume layout is how you organize the information of your document. Some formats highlight your abilities in different ways, which is why it's important to choose the correct layout.

  10. Technical Writer Resume Examples & Templates (2024)

    Below is a technical writer resume sample summary you can customize. Motivated Technical Writer with 7+ years of experience writing and editing technical documentation for large consulting firms. Adept in reviewing, revising, and maintaining technical documents, as well as creating code documentation for software.

  11. Technical Writer Resume Examples for 2024

    Technical Writer Resume Sample. A technical writer writes content that gives information to a target audience. Some of the mediums used include guides, manuals, journal articles, etc. Your goal is to make complex information easily digestible and understandable. Your resume should show a strong background in technical writing and, preferably, a ...

  12. 4+ Technical Writer Resume Examples [with Guidance]

    Technical writers are experts at breaking complex topics down into simple, easy-to-understand language. Just like a technical writer would simplify a challenging concept, a well-written technical writer resume should break down an impressive career story into thoughtfully structured sections. In this guide, we'll review 1 technical writer resumes and highlight some of the key best practices to ...

  13. How to Write a Technical Writer Resume [+Examples]

    A golden rule of thumb is to iterate your resume according to a specific job role. For example, if the job role is a senior technical writer on technology, update your resume for that role. Hiring managers prefer candidates who have personalized their cover letters and resumes according to the job roles. 3.

  14. Technical Writing Resume Samples

    The Guide To Resume Tailoring. Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the technical writing job. It's actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

  15. Professional Technical Writer Resume Examples

    Here are three examples of professional summaries that our builder might recommend: Multi-talented technical writer with 5 years of experience crafting detail-oriented documentation for diverse audiences. Consistent commitment to accuracy, clarity and efficiency. Proficient with product documentation, technical sales writing and crafting ...

  16. Technical Writer Resume: Examples and Tips

    The job can involve in-depth research, as well as writing and editing instruction manuals, support documents and journal articles. Take advantage of our resume examples and tips to create your own professional technical writer resume. Get inspiration from 800+ resume samples and explore our 40+ resume templates to find the best one for you.

  17. Entry-Level Technical Writer Resume Examples for 2024

    Education. Your education section is a key part of your entry-level technical writer resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the necessary academic background for the role. Here are some tips to make your education section stand out: Expand. 1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad.

  18. Technical Writer / Editor Resume Samples

    The Guide To Resume Tailoring. Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the technical writer / editor job. It's actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

  19. Report Writer Resume Samples

    The Guide To Resume Tailoring. Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the report writer job. It's actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

  20. Technical Writing Skills: Definition and Examples

    Technical writing skills are the traits and abilities that help these writers prepare and publish reports, manuals, guidelines, articles and other forms of documentation effectively. Technical writers use these skills to perform their job tasks, which may include performing research, editing technical documents and collaborating with others.

  21. Report Writer Resume Sample

    Epic Clarity Report Writer. 12/2010 - 07/2013. Houston, TX. Experience writing comprehensive legal documents from dictation. Independently make good decisions within proper policy and procedures and use tact and diplomacy. A strong sense of teamwork and ability to execute programs. Design, develop and deliver Workday reports using Workday's ...

  22. Report Writing Skills: Definition and Examples

    Report writing skills for resume On your resume, you can showcase your report writing skills by adding a skill and ability section. This is a bulleted list that includes your relevant report writing skills. For example, you might include editing, research and writing on this list. This shows hiring managers that you have capabilities in these ...