Why being on Time is so Important

This essay will discuss the importance of punctuality in various aspects of life, including professional, educational, and personal settings. It will explore the benefits of being on time, such as creating a good impression, building trust, and enhancing efficiency. The piece will also discuss the consequences of tardiness and provide tips on developing punctuality as a habit. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Justice.

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The importance of being on time is essential for every military member. In this essay on the importance of being on time in the military, I will discuss many things. It displays discipline. As Merriam-Webster.com states for the definition of discipline is “orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior.” Discipline is not the only factor that is displayed, such as trust. Trust can be a good characteristic to have in the military because it shows that your leaders can see that you are a reliable soldier.

The importance of being on time shows that you are a productive soldier. It also adds respect from other battle buddies. Additionally, showing up on time means that you never miss anything. Showing up on time is also beneficial to the soldier as it allows for him or her to wear the correct uniform correctly.

Showing up on time displays discipline, with discipline shows others that you are a professional soldier. You can show people that you can get the job done and get the job done correctly with no pauses. It shows that you care about your battle buddies. With discipline, you can rank up quickly, and it shows your superiors that you can handle the leadership that comes with ranking up. It gives the soldier ample enough time to make sure things are right and that you make no mistakes, whether it’s knowing your place, duty or the equipment. When I lack discipline, it shows and tells my leaders that I will obviously have a hard time with other things, such as accomplishing the assigned mission, being a leader, and having leadership, and many other things that come with being a soldier.

Showing up on time is important because of accountability. The definition of accountability by the Department of Defense is “The obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, or funds. The person having this obligation may or may not have actual possession of the property, documents, or funds. Accountability is concerned primarily with records, while responsibility is concerned primarily with custody, care, and safekeeping. See also responsibility.” Expectably in the military, accountability is a big thing. Missing accountability means you must write a wonderful two-page, typed report on the importance of showing up on time. It has to been single-spaced, size 12 Arial font, and also has to be a minimum of 1000 words. It helps the soldiers ‘NCOs because they must have a count and a location of each and every one of the NCOs’ soldiers.

Not showing up for formations can have dear consequences. It shows that you are unprofessional, which makes your battle buddies think you are unprofessional. You can get article fifteen, and if it happens more times after that, you can get the Uniform code of military justice and possibly get kicked out of the army. You can receive punishments such as getting “smoked,” writing essays, or possibly extra duty.

I also know that I showed a lack of leadership, selfless service, and responsibility, which are three of my army values. I know that my inability to show leadership could later affect promotion, and it affects the trust that my leadership has in me. I know in order to be a successful soldier, I must show leadership qualities at all times. I know by my not showing up for work, I made it look like I don’t have selfless service. I know that I must put my nation, my units, and my battle buddies’ needs before my own in order to accomplish the mission successfully and smoothly. I know that when I failed to show up for duty, I not only showed a lack of responsibility but also a lack of discipline. I could write this essay and fill it with tons of excuses as to why I was late to my point of duty, but the fact of the matter is that I was late, and there is no excuse for being on time and at the right place of duty is extremely important. When I am late, it makes everyone else run behind because they were too busy trying to figure out where I was and what I was doing to cause me not to be at my place of duty.

The importance of being on time is a major thing, which is something I had failed at. As I had typed earlier in the essay, there are many consequences to not showing up to formation on time, and I could potentially get an Unformed Code of Military Justice violation. There are also good things about being on time, such as the characteristics you show to your leaders and battle buddies and the characteristics that you show to yourself. These are characteristics such as having discipline, which is a good characteristic to have, especially for being a soldier. Another characteristic to have is being professional, as we are told every day that we are professional soldiers and that showing my leaders that I can’t even make it to formations demonstrates that I have poor leadership. Another characteristic that I have displayed poorly is my lack of leadership, which will worsen my chances of getting waivered to a specialist. I had gone against my oath to disobey the orders given to me by my superiors (NCOs) to make it on time. I didn’t make it on time, I know, and there is no excuse for that, so I have learned my lesson and will not disobey my counseling’s again. I will regard the army regulation for being on time. I will bring back my standards and discipline of being a professional soldier that will make it 15 minutes earlier to my duty location in the proper uniform.

Writing an essay on the importance of being on time in the military can serve as a reminder of the gravity of this issue. Timeliness is fundamental to military culture, representing discipline and respect. The military trains its recruits to understand the significance of punctuality, and it is an integral part of the military’s core values. Being on time demonstrates respect not only for your leaders but also for your fellow soldiers and the mission.

Accountability is a crucial aspect of military life, as it requires members to take responsibility for their actions and fulfill their duties promptly. Failure to do so can lead to severe consequences, including loss of pay, demotion, or even expulsion from the military. Being punctual and accountable demonstrates respect for fellow service members and shows a dedication to fulfilling responsibilities.

The timing in the military depends on the branch and the job role of the military member. Generally, military personnel should expect to work extended hours that may involve weekends and holidays and to be available for duty around the clock. However, precise timings may differ depending on the unit and mission requirements.


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The Importance of Being on Time in the Army - Essay Example

The Importance of Being on Time in the Army

  • Subject: Military
  • Type: Essay
  • Level: College
  • Pages: 3 (750 words)
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Extract of sample "The Importance of Being on Time in the Army"

So, lessons on the importance of being on time in the army are part of the discipline one must undertake. These are some of the reasons why time is important for the army. Punctuality Shows Reliability Punctuality means reliability for military personnel. The military's structure follows the chain of command, and respecting time shows colleagues and superiors can trust you. It can show you are concerned about the success of the troop and respect for the authority. Aside from collective goals, adhering to set time means you avoid disciplinary actions that may ensue from disobedience and scamper your future goals.

Time means more in the military because it may be the difference between death and life in tight situations. It also means more than accomplishing a mission because you need time to coordinate and synchronize military activities. Lateness is tantamount to suicide in a war situation for the army. Therefore, any attempt to flout with time is punished severely. During training, the leaders emphasize the importance of time because it is critical for planning and executing missions. It instills self-discipline that will remain with the person till they complete their time in the service.

A Reflection of Discipline Discipline is enforced in learning institutions, and students take it as normal. For the military, it is what holds them together during peace and war. It is the acceptance of army values that supersedes self-interest. Therefore, all individuals who enlisted in the US army must undergo basic training to instill discipline, a positive attitude, and mindset. It prepares them to develop psychological strength that would enable them to learn and follow the rules without feeling coerced.

The regulations may be strict, but discipline helps the army personnel stay focus and become more reliable. In return, they gain trust from their seniors and become professionals who can be trusted to execute any task. Similarly, highly disciplined personnel exhibit excellent leadership characteristics that may enable them to rise through the ranks quickly. It is more like companies because employers wouldn't love to promote an employee who is always in conflict with the administration. They may likely book several appointments with the disciplinary committee and face the sack in the end.

Likewise, the military award loyalty and discipline with higher ranks and more responsibilities. The next essential thing about time in the army is that it shows accountability. Accountability Working in the army means an accurate and timely relay of information about your whereabouts. Whatever you do, you are always accountable for every member of your unit. Something will eventually happen that requires immediate attention, and you must avail yourself on time to offer assistance. So, it important for your superiors to know your current location and status to relay important information on time.

Other units can also provide immediate assistance when they know about your current situation. The US army emphasizes the importance of following commands at every level. The regulations are not subject to question because superiors make decisions based on intelligence briefings and pass them down. Soldiers only need to know how the plan fits the assigned task. What is more important is the time factor because it determines the success or failure of the mission. So, it would be best if you availed yourself when and where you are needed.

Besides, it would help if you trusted the superiors because they are accountable for whatever befalls you on the field, and they know it. Disciplinary Actions Whatever you do, contrary to the provided guidelines, may result in disciplinary actions. Appearing late for a meeting or briefing once or twice may result in an unhealthy relationship with your seniors or disciplinary actions. Occasionally, you may escape with a few warnings, but it shows indiscipline, which could mean more trouble in the future.

Military people are well aware of these regulations, and the consequences of flouting the rule affect their future. For instance, they risk forfeiting some critical benefits like promotion. Indiscipline may be considered as insubordination or show of discontent with your duty. Sometimes, lateness could be treated as avoiding taking responsibility for your unit, which is subject to Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. In summary, time is essential in the military because it shows a sense of responsibility, discipline, reliability, and accountability, and that you know your roles.

It would help if you accounted for every minute to show commitment towards achieving collective objectives. Maintaining punctuality and discipline not only shows that you are a reliable person and also know your profession's requirements. Besides, the timely response can show that the individual respects the chain of command and increase their chances of getting promoted and more responsibilities. So, soldiers know the value of punctuality, and that is what makes them successful in the service.

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1000 word essay on being late in the army

Examples of Corrective Training

The following are examples of what I would consider appropriate corrective training:

1. Soldier fails an inspection, have the Solider repeat the inspection until they meet the standard

2. Solider is consistently late to work, have the Soldier report to a specific location at specified times until the deficiency is corrected.  Example: Have the Soldier report to you every hour on the hour from 1700-2400.  If the Soldier completes  the corrective training to standard the training should end.

3. Soldier does not keep a professional uniform appearance, have the Soldier report to you every hour on the hour in a specific uniform and conduct and inspection of the uniform.  Example: ACUs, PT, Blues, AGSU.

4. Soldier does not perform a designated task to standard.  First make sure the Soldier has been properly trained on the task. If the Soldier is properly trained have the Soldier perform the task to standard until they can do it correctly.

5. Soldier fails to perform task to standard, have the Soldier write a 500-1000 word essay on an appropriate subject.  Example: Soldier is late to work, have the Soldier write an essay on the importance of being on time and how being late impacts the rest of the team.

6. Soldier fails to wear their seatbelt.  Have the Soldier stand in the parking lot before PT and remind drivers to wear their seatbelts.

7. Soldiers fails PT test…conduct realistic and appropriate PT designed to help the Soldier pass the PT test.  This could conintue until the Soldier passes their PT test.  You can conduct this training during or after normal duty hours.  You can develop an exercise plan and have the Soldier follow that plan during normal PT and conduct an assessment PT test every two weeks

It is imperative that the leader set the example and be present while conducting corrective training.  Do not have someone else supervise your Soldier performing corrective training.  It is unprofessional and shows the Soldier you do not care!  Show up on time in the proper uniform.  When Soldiers know you are willing to give up your personal time to conduct training they will get the message you are not messing around and word will travel fast!

Poor examples of corrective training:

1. Having a Soldier clean the latrine floor with a toothbrush.

2. Having a Soldier cut grass with scissors and a ruler.

3. Having a Soldier cut grass with a lawn mover with a flashlight and reflective vest.

4. Having a Soldier wear a sign stating the offense.  Example; Sign reads I got caught not wearing my seat belt.

5. Having the Soldier do an unreasonable number of exercises.  See our class on corrective training and exercise at YOUTUBE: Mentor Military

Rules for corrective training:

1. Must be related to the offense

2. Can only last until the deficiency is corrected

3. Cannot be used or appear to be punishment

4. Cannot be used instead of an Article 15

5. Can be conduct after normal duty hours

Experience tells us corrective training:

1. Cannot be unreasonable

2. You must provide appropriate resources

3. Must be safe

4. Cannot be humiliating






1000 word essay on being late in the army

This article was originally published on AskTOP.net

Disclaimer: Though all content posted on ArmyCounselingOnline.com is reviewed by our qualified subject matter experts, you should not make decisions based solely on the information contained in this post. Use information from multiple sources when making important professional decisions. This is not an official government website.

1000 word essay on being late in the army

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Failure to Report Counseling


  Purpose of Counseling

Complete this section during or immediately subsequent to counseling.

(1) In general. This article is designed to cover every case not elsewhere provided for in which any member of the armed forces is, through the member's own fault, not at the place where the member is required to be at a prescribed time. It is not necessary that the person be absent entirely from military jurisdiction and control. The first part of this article, relating to the appointed place of duty, applies whether the place is appointed as a rendezvous for several or for one only.

(2) Actual knowledge. The offenses of failure to go to and going from appointed place of duty require proof that the accused actually knew of the appointed time and place of duty. The offense of absence from unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid maneuvers or field exercises requires proof that the accused actually knew that the absence would occur during a part of a period of maneuvers or field exercises. Actual knowledge may be proved by circumstantial evidence.

(3) Intent. Specific intent is not an element of unauthorized absence. Specific intent is an element for certain aggravated unauthorized absences.

(1) Failing to go to, or going from, the appointed place of duty.
Confinement for 1 month and forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for 1 month.

(2) Absence from unit, organization, or other place of duty.
For not more than 3 days. Confinement for 1 month and forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for 1 month.

4/20/2014. SGT Parker, I am counseling you for the conduct noted above. If this conduct continues, action may be initiated to separate you from the Army under AR 635-200. If you are involuntarily separated, you could receive an Honorable discharge, a General (Under Honorable Conditions) discharge, or an Under Other Than Honorable Conditions discharge. An Honorable discharge is a separation with honor based on the quality of service, which meets the standards of acceptable conduct and performance of duty. A General discharge is a separation under honorable conditions based on a military record being satisfactory but not sufficiently meritorious to warrant an Honorable discharge. A discharge Under Other Than Honorable Conditions is based upon a pattern of behavior or one or more acts or omissions that constitutes a significant departure from the conduct expected of a soldier. An Honorable discharge may be awarded under any provision. A General discharge may be awarded for separation under Chapter 5, Chapter 9, Chapter 13 (unsatisfactory performance) and Chapter 14 (misconduct). An Under Other Than Honorable Conditions discharge may be awarded for separation under Chapter 14 for misconduct. If you receive an Honorable discharge, you will be qualified for most benefits resulting from military service. An involuntary Honorable discharge, however, will disqualify you from reenlistment for some period of time and may disqualify you from receiving transitional benefits (e.g. commissary, housing, and Health benefits) and the Montgomery G.I.Bill. If you receive an Under Other Than Honorable Conditions discharge, you will be ineligible for reenlistment and for most benefits, including payment for accrued leave, transitional benefits, the Montgomery G.I.Bill and possible transportation of dependents and household goods to home. You may also face difficulty in obtaining civilian employment, as employers have a low regard for General and Under Other Than Honorable Conditions discharges. Although there are agencies to which you may apply to have the character of your discharge changed, it us unlikely that any such application will be successful.

This form will be destroyed upon: reassignment (other than rehabilitative transfers), separation at ETS, or upon retirement.
For separation requirements and notification of loss of benefits/consequences see local directives and AR 635-200.

  DA FORM 4856-E, JUN 99                         EDITION OF JUN 85 IS OBSOLETE

  Plan of Action:

SGT Parker, for your corrective training, you will complete a 1,000-word report in Army memorandum format on the following topics:

  Session Closing: (The leader summarizes the key points of the session and checks to ensure the subordinate understands the plan of action. The subordinate agrees/disagrees and provides remarks if appropriate)

Individual counseled remarks:

Signature of Individual Counseled: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _21 Apr 2014__

  Leader Responsibilities: (Leader's responsibilities in implementing the plan of action)

Signature of Counselor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ 21 Apr 2014 _


  Assessment: (Did the plan of action achieve the desired results? This section is completed by both the leader and the individual counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling)

Counselor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Individual Counseled: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Date of Assessment: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Note: Both the counselor and the individual counseled should retain a record of the counseling.

  DA FORM 4856-E (Reverse)                    

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    Purpose of Counseling. Event Oriented Counseling. Violation of Article 86 - Failure to Report. Violation of Article 92 - Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation. PART III - SUMMARY OF COUNSELING. Complete this section during or immediately subsequent to counseling. On 15 April 2014 you were not accounted for during Physical Training held at 0700 ...

  14. r/army on Reddit: The importance of being on time, 1k words. What have

    5000 word essay on why its important to stay disciplined. Basic Training. Someone in another platoon was playing ass-grab and a DS wasn't having any of that. So my platoon and that platoon all got assigned a 5000 word essay. Got to maybe like 2k words before I gave up and just kept re-writing the soldier's creed to get to the limit.

  15. Being on Time in the Army Essay

    Being on time is very important. When I am late it makes everyone else run behind which then makes all the soldiers eat late and have to wait. And food is a very vital part of the army. The soldiers need their fuel in order better perform at their duty. Not to mention that when everything is running behind and then we all have to end up staying ...

  16. Free Essays on Army Essays On Being Late To Formation

    514 Words; 1000 Essay on Military. ... Late In today's army, being on time can be a paramount activity. Consequences for not showing up on time can be disasterous. In a normal job, you get up, go to work, and come home, and that is the limit of the level of involvement.

  17. Plan of Action Examples

    In the Plan of Action block, describe the actions that will be taken as a solution to the subject of the counseling. These actions will be accomplished by either the rater or the Soldier or both as appropriate. For example, if, in the Key Points of Discussion block, you stated the Soldier was frequently late even though he or she was well aware ...

  18. Accountability and the Leader Army: [Essay Example], 775 words

    Promoting trust is essential as a leader in the Army. Having accountability over a task or people ensures that the Soldier can devote to something and be responsible enough to carry it out to the end. When in that position the Soldier or individual earns trust with the people appointed over them. Mutual trust among the leader and Soldiers is ...

  19. 1000 word essays on being late in the army Free Essays

    Whenever a student is being asked to write an essay about 1000 words‚ a buzz sound is definitely going to alarm his/her head and student kept wondering about the length of 1000 words essay.Students want to complete the tricky assignment as soon as possible ignoring the quality of essay writing. Whether you write 1000 word essay or 250 words essay‚ your essay won't worth the penny if it ...

  20. Being punished with written essay for being late to ...

    "Being punished with written essay for being late to formation unbeknownst to me." ... Hmm sounds like something I did too one of my troops this morning. 1000 word essay hand written every word a different color. I gave him a pack of colored pencils and 72 hours. ... I'm pretty sure everyone in the army has been in a situation like this ...

  21. Integrity in The Military: a Pillar of Honor and Trust

    A 1000 word essay on integrity in the military highlights that when each member of a unit demonstrates honesty and consistency, their colleagues can depend on their actions and decisions. This trust enables seamless collaboration and effective communication, ultimately contributing to the accomplishment of objectives.

  22. Failure to Report Article 86 Counseling

    4/20/2014. SGT Parker, you were in violation of Article 86 as stated above. (1) Failure to go to appointed place of duty. (a) That a certain authority appointed a certain time and place of duty for the accused; (b) That the accused knew of that time and place; and. (c) That the accused, without authority, failed to go to the appointed place of ...

  23. 500-Word on Being Late: [Essay Example], 504 words GradesFixer

    500-word on Being Late. Being late is a common occurrence in today's society, and it is a behavior that is often frowned upon. Whether it is arriving late to a meeting, appointment, or social gathering, being late can have a significant impact on one's reputation and relationships. In this essay, we will explore the reasons behind lateness, the ...