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Exploring Branch and Bound Technique

Exploring Branch and Bound Technique

Welcome, dear readers, to a fascinating journey into the world of algorithms and problem-solving techniques! In this article, we will embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the Branch and Bound technique. Brace yourselves for an enthralling adventure where we will explore the depths of this powerful algorithm and its applications. So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the captivating realm of optimization problems and the magic of Branch and Bound.

The Quest Begins: Introducing Branch and Bound

Let us start our expedition by understanding what exactly Branch and Bound is. In the realm of computer science and optimization, Branch and Bound is a clever and efficient algorithmic technique used to solve various combinatorial optimization problems. It helps us examine a vast space of potential solutions methodically and intelligently, pruning away unpromising paths while searching for the best solution.

The concept behind Branch and Bound is to divide the problem into smaller subproblems, forming a tree-like structure where each branch represents a potential solution. By progressively bounding the search space and systematically exploring promising branches, we can efficiently find an optimal or near-optimal solution.

Think of it as embarking on a treasure hunt. Each branch represents a different path you can take, and at each junction, you assess the potential of finding the treasure. If a path seems unpromising, you discard it and explore other branches that show more potential. This technique allows us to navigate through an enormous solution space, significantly reducing the time and effort required to find the best solution.

Unveiling the Power of Branch and Bound

The true beauty of Branch and Bound lies in its versatility. This powerful technique can be applied to a wide range of optimization problems, including but not limited to:

  • Traveling Salesman Problem
  • Knapsack Problem
  • Graph Coloring Problem
  • Integer Linear Programming
  • Job Scheduling

By using Branch and Bound, we can tackle these challenging problems and more, providing us with optimal or near-optimal solutions that were previously thought to be out of reach. Imagine being able to find the shortest route for a salesman, efficiently allocate resources in a resource-constrained environment, or optimize job scheduling for maximum efficiency. Branch and Bound makes all of this possible and more.

How Does Branch and Bound Work?

Now that we have a general understanding of Branch and Bound, let us delve deeper into how this technique actually works. The algorithm can be divided into several distinct steps, each playing a crucial role in the overall process:

Step 1: Initialization and Setup

Before we set off on our optimization journey, we need to initialize the necessary variables and data structures. This step involves defining the problem’s constraints, creating data structures to store the problem space, and setting up the initial bounds or objective function values.

Step 2: Branching

Once we have set the stage, it’s time to start branching out and exploring the solution space. We choose a branch and divide the problem into smaller subproblems, narrowing down the potential solution space. Each branch represents a decision or choice that needs to be made. For example, in the Traveling Salesman Problem, each branch may represent a different city to visit next.

Step 3: Bounding

As we navigate through the branches, we need to evaluate their potential and prune away the ones that are unlikely to yield the optimal solution. This is where bounding comes into play. By establishing bounds or estimations on the potential value of each branch, we can discard those that are clearly inferior and focus on exploring the most promising paths.

Step 4: Backtracking

Branch and Bound is not a one-way journey. It involves retracing our steps and exploring additional branches that were previously discarded. This process is known as backtracking. By revisiting unpromising branches, we ensure that we have explored all possible paths and don’t miss out on any potential hidden treasures.

Step 5: Updating Bounds and Solutions

As we progress deeper into the solution space, we may discover better bounds or even find optimal solutions. It is essential to update our bounds and solutions accordingly to refine our search and optimize the exploration process. This step ensures that we don’t miss out on potential improvements while navigating through the tree of branches.

Step 6: Termination

Finally, we reach the end of our expedition. The termination step occurs when we have fully explored the solution space and found the best solution or exhausted all possibilities. At this point, we can conclude our Branch and Bound algorithm, having successfully navigated through the labyrinth of branches and arrived at an optimal or near-optimal solution.

Benefits and Limitations of Branch and Bound

As with any technique, it is essential to consider both the benefits and limitations of using Branch and Bound. Let’s take a brief look at what makes this algorithm a valuable tool in our optimization arsenal:

  • Provides optimal or near-optimal solutions.
  • Can be applied to various combinatorial optimization problems.
  • Efficiently explores large solution spaces.
  • Allows for intelligent pruning and backtracking.


  • May suffer from the “curse of dimensionality” in high-dimensional problems.
  • Can be computationally intensive for certain problem types.
  • Requires careful design and implementation for optimal performance.
  • Not suitable for problems with continuous variables or non-linear constraints.

Conclusion: Unleashing the Magic of Branch and Bound

Dear readers, we hope this journey into the realm of Branch and Bound has left you spellbound and eager to explore further. This algorithmic technique has the power to unlock optimal solutions to complex optimization problems, providing us with newfound efficiency and breakthroughs.

Remember, Branch and Bound is not just a mere algorithm; it is a valuable tool in our problem-solving arsenal. Whether you are a computer scientist, an operations researcher, or simply an enthusiast fascinated by the wonders of optimization, Branch and Bound can be your trusted companion on the quest for the optimal.

So, now that we have armed ourselves with the knowledge and understanding of this magical technique, let us set forth and conquer the vast lands of optimization problems. May Branch and Bound guide us through the labyrinth of paths, leading us to the treasures of efficiency and success.

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Branch and Bound Algorithm

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What is Branch and Bound Algorithm?

Branch and bound is an algorithm design paradigm which is generally used for solving combinatorial optimization problems. These problems are typically exponential in terms of time complexity and may require exploring all possible permutations in worst case. The Branch and Bound Algorithm technique solves these problems relatively quickly.

Example to show working of Branch and Bound Algorithm

Let us consider the 0/1 Knapsack problem to understand Branch and Bound.

There are many algorithms by which the knapsack problem can be solved:

  • Greedy Algorithm for Fractional Knapsack
  • DP solution for 0/1 Knapsack
  • Backtracking Solution for 0/1 Knapsack .

Let’s see the Branch and Bound Approach to solve the 0/1 Knapsack problem : The Backtracking Solution can be optimized if we know a bound on best possible solution subtree rooted with every node. If the best in subtree is worse than current best, we can simply ignore this node and its subtrees. So we compute bound (best solution) for every node and compare the bound with current best solution before exploring the node.

Example bounds used in below diagram are, A down can give $315, B down can $275, C down can $225, D down can $125 and E down can $30.

Branch and Bound Algorithm

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  • Branch and Bound | Set 2 (Implementation of 0/1 Knapsack)
  • Branch and Bound | Set 3 (8 puzzle Problem)
  • Branch And Bound | Set 4 (Job Assignment Problem)
  • Branch and Bound | Set 5 (N Queen Problem)
  • Branch And Bound | Set 6 (Traveling Salesman Problem)
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Branch and Bound Technique

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With this article, you have explained the idea of Branch and Bound Technique, types of Branch and Bound Technique and applications of the technique.

Introduction to Branch and Bound Technique

The algorithm: branch and bound technique.

  • Types of Solution

Types of Branch and Bound

Why use branch and bound, problems that can be solved using branch and bound.

The Branch and Bound Technique is a problem solving strategy, which is most commonly used in optimization problems, where the goal is to minimize a certain value. The optimized solution is obtained by means of a state space tree (A state space tree is a tree where the solution is constructed by adding elements one by one, starting from the root. Note that the root contains no element). This method is best when used for combinatorial problems with exponential time complexity, since it provides a more efficient solution to such problems.

In this technique, the first step is to create a function U (which represents an upper bound to the value that node and its children shall achieve), that we intend to minimize. We call this function the objective function. Note that the branch and bound technique can also be used for maximization problems, since multiplying the objective function by -1 coverts the problem to a minimization problem. Let this function have an initial maximum value, according to the conditions of the given problem. Also, let U 0 be the initial value of U . We also calculate a cost function C which will give us the exact value that the particular node shall achieve.

The next question is the order in which the tree is to be searched. For this, there exist multiple types of branch and bound, which we shall discuss in detail later. For now, let us assume that there is a set S consisting of subsets of the given set of values in the order in which they need to be searched.

The algorithm of the branch and bound method for this problem will be as follows:

For each subset s in S, do the following:

  • Calculate the value of U(s) .
  • If U(s) U 0 , then U 0 = U(s).

In the end, the the subset s for which the current value of U 0 is obtained will be the best solution to the given problem, and the value of the cost function at that node will give us the solution. Here, after each level, the value of U 0 tells us that there shall be a node with cost less than that value.

Types of Solutions

For a branch and bound problem, there are two ways in which the solution can be represented:

Variable size solution : This solution provides the subset of the given set that gives the optimized solution for the given problem. For example, if the we are to select a combination of elements from {A, B, C, D, E} that optimizes the given problem, and it is found that A, B, and E together give the best solution, then the solution will be {A, B, E}.

Fixed size solution : This solution is a sequence of 0s and 1s, with the digit at the i th position denoting whether the i th element should be included or not. Hence, for the earlier example, the solution will be given by {1, 1, 0, 0, 1}.

There are multiple types of the Branch and Bound method, based on the order in which the state space tree is to be searched. We shall now discuss each of these methods in detail. We will be using the variable solution method to denote the solutions in these methods.

FIFO Branch and Bound

The First-In-First-Out approach to the branch and bound problem follows the queue approach in creating the state-space tree. Here, breadth first search is performed, i.e., the elements at a particular level are all searched, and then the elements of the next level are searched, starting from the first child of the first node in the previous level.

For a given set {A, B, C, D}, the state space tree will be constructed as follows :


Here, note that the number assigned to the node signifies the order in which the tree shall be constructed. The element next to the set denotes the next element to be added to the subset. Note that if an element is getting added, it is assumed here that all elements in the set preceeding that element are not added. For example, in node 4, D is getting added. This implies that elements A, B and C are not added.

LIFO Branch and Bound

The Last-In-First-Out approach to this problem follows the stack approach in creating the state space tree. Here, when nodes get added to the state space tree, think of them as getting added to a stack. When all nodes of a level are added, we pop the topmost element from the stack and then explore it. Hence, the state space tree for the same example {A, B, C, D} will be as follows:


Here, one can see that the main difference lies in the order in which the nodes have been explored.

Least Cost-Branch and Bound

This method of exploration uses the cost function in order to explore the state space tree. Although the previous two methods calculate the cost function at each node, this is not used as a criterion for further exploration.

In this method, after the children of a particular node have been explored, the next node to be explored would be that node out of the unexplored nodes which has the least cost. For example, in the previous example, after reaching node 5, the next node to be explored would be that which has the least cost among nodes 2, 3, 4, 5.

The Branch and Bound method is preferred over other similar methods such as backtracking when it comes to optimization problems. Here, the cost and the objective function help in finding branches that need not be explored.

Suppose the cost of a particular node has been determined. If this value is greater than that of U 0 , this means that there is no way this node or its children shall give a solution. Hence, we can kill this node and not explore its further branches. This method helps us rule out cases not worth exploring, and is therefore more efficient.

The Branch and Bound method can be used for solving most combinatorial problems. Some of these problems are given below:

Job Sequencing : Suppose there is a set of N jobs and a set of N workers. Each worker takes a specific time to complete each of the N jobs. The job sequencing problem deals with finding that order of the workers, which minimizes the time taken to complete the job.

0/1 Knapsack problem : Given a set of weights of N objects and a sack which can carry a maximum of W units. The problem deals with finding that subset of items such that the maximum possible weight is carried in the sack. Here, one cannot take part of an object, i.e., one can either take an object or not take it. This problem can also be solved using the backtracking, brute force and the dynamic programming approach.

Traveling Salesman Problem : Here, we are given a set of N cities, and the cost of traveling between all pairs of cities. The problem is to find a path such that one starts from a given node, visits all cities exactly once, and returns back to the starting city.

With this article at OpenGenus, you must have the complete idea of Branch and Bound Technique.

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Branch and Bound

I. introduction, ii. illustration on the job assignment problem, iii. the general branch and bound algorithm, iv. criteria for the choice of approximate cost functions, v. implementation of the b&b job assignment algorithm, the general branch and bound algorithm.

Output-Space Outer Approximation Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for a Class of Linear Multiplicative Programs

  • Published: 05 June 2024

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branch and bound is a problem solving technique

  • Bo Zhang 1 , 2 ,
  • Hongyu Wang 3 &
  • Yuelin Gao   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2021-2097 1  

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In this study, we investigate a class of linear multiplicative programs with positive exponents. By introducing p additional variables, the original problem is reformulated into an equivalent problem (EP) within the output space. Subsequently, a novel global optimization algorithm is introduced to tackle EP. The algorithm primarily leverages two key techniques. One is the outer approximation technique, which tightens the relaxed feasible region of EP and improves the upper bound by carefully examining suitable feasible points. The other is the branch and bound technique to guarantee the global optimality of the solution. Numerical results confirm the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed algorithm, thereby underscoring its potential for real-world applications.

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branch and bound is a problem solving technique

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We would like to thank three anonymous referees for their constructive criticism and helpful comments, which enabled us to improve the original manuscript.

This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant (Grant Numbers 12301401, 41962016), Construction Project of first-class subjects in Ningxia higher Education (Grant Number NXYLXK-2017B09), Basic discipline research projects supported by Nanjing Securities (Grant Number NJZQJCXK202201) and the Construction Project of first-class subjects in Hydraulic Engineering (Grant Number NXYLXK2021A03).

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Ningxia Province Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information and Data Processing, North Minzu University, Yinchuan, 750021, People’s Republic of China

Bo Zhang & Yuelin Gao

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, 750021, People’s Republic of China

School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, 750021, Ningxia, People’s Republic of China

Hongyu Wang

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About this article

Zhang, B., Wang, H. & Gao, Y. Output-Space Outer Approximation Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for a Class of Linear Multiplicative Programs. J Optim Theory Appl (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-024-02461-y

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Received : 19 September 2022

Accepted : 18 May 2024

Published : 05 June 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-024-02461-y

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  • Global optimization
  • Linear multiplicative program
  • Branch-and-bound
  • Outer approximation

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  • Advanced Data Structures
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0/1 Knapsack using Branch and Bound

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Some Problems of Knapsack problem

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  • Maximum sum of values of N items in 0-1 Knapsack by reducing weight of at most K items in half

Given two arrays v[] and w[] that represent values and weights associated with n items respectively. Find out the maximum value subset(Maximum Profit) of v[] such that the sum of the weights of this subset is smaller than or equal to Knapsack capacity W .

Note: The constraint here is we can either put an item completely into the bag or cannot put it at all [It is not possible to put a part of an item into the bag.

Input: N = 3, W = 4, v[] = {1, 2, 3}, w[] = {4, 5, 1} Output: 3 Explanation: There are two items which have weight less than or equal to 4. If we select the item with weight 4, the possible profit is 1. And if we select the item with weight 1, the possible profit is 3. So the maximum possible profit is 3. Note that we cannot put both the items with weight 4 and 1 together as the capacity of the bag is 4. Input: N = 5, W = 10, v[] = {40, 50, 100, 95, 30}, w[] = {2, 3.14, 1.98, 5, 3} Output: 235

Branch and Bound Algorithm:

Branch and bound is an algorithm design paradigm which is generally used for solving combinatorial optimization problems. These problems typically exponential in terms of time complexity and may require exploring all possible permutations in worst case. Branch and Bound solve these problems relatively quickly. 

Firstly let us explore all approaches for this problem.

1. 0/1 Knapsack using Greedy Approach :

A Greedy approach is to pick the items in decreasing order of value per unit weight. The Greedy approach works only for fractional knapsack problem and may not produce correct result for 0/1 knapsack .

2. 0/1 Knapsack using Dynamic Programming (DP) :

We can use D ynamic P rogramming ( DP ) for 0/1 Knapsack problem . In DP, we use a 2D table of size n x W. The DP Solution doesn’t work if item weights are not integers .

3. 0/1 Knapsack using Brute Force:

Since DP solution doesn’t always work just like in case of non-integer weight, a solution is to use Brute Force. With n items, there are 2n solutions to be generated, check each to see if they satisfy the constraint, save maximum solution that satisfies constraint. This solution can be expressed as tree.


0/1 Knapsack using Brute Force

4. 0/1 Knapsack using Backtracking :

We can use Backtracking to optimize the Brute Force solution. In the tree representation, we can do DFS of tree. If we reach a point where a solution no longer is feasible, there is no need to continue exploring. In the given example, backtracking would be much more effective if we had even more items or a smaller knapsack capacity.


0/1 Knapsack using Backtracking

5. 0/1 Knapsack using Branch and Bound:

The backtracking based solution works better than brute force by ignoring infeasible solutions. We can do better (than backtracking) if we know a bound on best possible solution subtree rooted with every node. If the best in subtree is worse than current best, we can simply ignore this node and its subtrees. So we compute bound (best solution) for every node and compare the bound with current best solution before exploring the node.


How to find bound for every node for 0/1 Knapsack?

The idea is to use the fact that the Greedy approach provides the best solution for Fractional Knapsack problem. To check if a particular node can give us a better solution or not, we compute the optimal solution (through the node) using Greedy approach. If the solution computed by Greedy approach itself is more than the best so far, then we can’t get a better solution through the node.

Follow the steps to implement the above idea:

  • Sort all items in decreasing order of ratio of value per unit weight so that an upper bound can be computed using Greedy Approach.
  • Initialize maximum profit, maxProfit = 0 , create an empty queue, Q , and create a dummy node of decision tree and enqueue it to Q . Profit and weight of dummy node are 0 .
  • Extract an item from Q . Let the extracted item be u .
  • Compute profit of next level node. If the profit is more than maxProfit , then update maxProfit .
  • Compute bound of next level node. If bound is more than maxProfit , then add next level node to Q .
  • Consider the case when next level node is not considered as part of solution and add a node to queue with level as next, but weight and profit without considering next level nodes. 

Below is the implementation of above approach:

Time Complexity: O(2 N ) Auxiliary Space: O(N)

Branch and bound is very useful technique for searching a solution but in worst case, we need to fully calculate the entire tree. At best, we only need to fully calculate one path through the tree and prune the rest of it. 

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