Blogging Your Passion

How to Start a Movie Review Blog (2023): The 7 Essential Steps

how to start a movie review blog

Are you a movie enthusiast looking to share your thoughts with like-minded individuals? Starting a movie review blog might be the perfect outlet for you!

With this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to turn your passion for film into an engaging online platform.

From choosing your niche to promoting and monetizing your blog, we've got you covered every step of the way.

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey where you can connect with fellow movie lovers and establish your unique voice in cinema critique.

Let's get started!

Key Takeaways

  • A movie blog allows individuals to share their opinions and reviews about movies.
  • Starting a movie review blog can have several benefits such as expressing your passion for movies , sharing your knowledge and insights, and connecting with like-minded individuals.
  • Creating a movie blog allows you to have a platform to share your thoughts and opinions about movies , connect with a community of movie enthusiasts, and potentially monetize your blog.
  • Setting up a film review blog involves choosing a niche, purchasing a domain name, selecting a blogging platform, creating branding elements, and setting up the layout and structure of your blog.

Table of Contents (click to expand)

What exactly is a movie review blog, should you start blogging about movies, step 1. choose your movie review blog niche, step 2. buy a domain name and brand your movie blog, step 3. select your blogging platform, step 4. create your brand pages, colors, and logo, step 5. create your movie review writing plan, step 6. promoting your movie review blog, step 7. monetizing your movies blog, types of filmmaking blogs and movie blog niches, examples of movie review blogs, faqs on how to start a blog about movies.

Movie night

If you're wondering what a movie review blog is, it's essentially a platform where you can share your thoughts and opinions about different films.

It's like having your own little corner of the internet where you can express your love for movies and connect with others who share the same passion.

Becoming a movie critic allows you to become part of a community that appreciates cinema in all its forms.

A movie blog is more than just writing about movies; it's about creating an engaging space where readers can come to find recommendations, discuss their favorite films, and explore new genres.

By starting your own movie review site , you have the opportunity to contribute to this vibrant community and make your voice heard.

When you make a movie review blog, not only do you get to write about films that excite and inspire you, but you also get to connect with fellow film enthusiasts from around the world.

You'll be able to engage in conversations, exchange recommendations, and learn from other perspectives. It's an incredible feeling of belonging knowing that there are people out there who value your opinion on movies.

So should you start blogging about movies? Absolutely! Starting a blog about movies opens up a world of possibilities for connecting with like-minded individuals while sharing your love for cinema. It's an exciting journey that allows you to explore the vast landscape of film and create meaningful connections along the way.

Considering your passion for film and the potential audience you could reach, blogging about movies might be a worthwhile endeavor.

If you have a deep love for cinema and a desire to share your thoughts with like-minded individuals, starting a film blog could be the perfect outlet for you.

Writing movie reviews allows you to express your opinions, analyze different aspects of films, and contribute to the vibrant community of movie enthusiasts online.

To write a movie review, all you need is an opinion and the ability to articulate it effectively.

Starting a movie blog is relatively easy, especially with various platforms that make creating and customizing your website simple.

By sharing your reviews on your blog, you can attract fellow cinephiles who are eager to read insightful critiques of their favorite films.

Also, there are numerous benefits to being part of the movie review community. Not only do you get the chance to engage in lively discussions with others who share your passion for film, but many websites also offer opportunities for collaboration and even potential partnerships or sponsorships.

So why wait? Take the plunge into the world of movie blogging today!

And Action (Movies Reviews Blog)

To kick off your movie review blog, the first step is selecting a specific niche within the film industry.

Starting a blog can be an exciting and fulfilling journey, especially if you have a passion for movies and love sharing your thoughts about them with others.

Choosing a movie review blog niche creates a sense of belonging within the vast world of film enthusiasts.

When it comes to selecting your movie review blog niche, there are endless possibilities.

You could focus on reviewing classic films from different eras, dive into the world of foreign cinema, explore specific genres like horror or comedy, or even concentrate on analyzing the latest blockbusters.

The key is to choose something that truly resonates with you and allows you to showcase your unique perspective.

By narrowing down your focus to a particular niche, you become an authority in that area and attract readers who share your interests.

This sense of community fosters engagement and encourages meaningful discussions about movies. It also helps differentiate your movie review blog from others out there, making it more memorable for potential readers.

Now that you've chosen your movie review blog niche, let's move on to the next step: buying a domain name and branding your movie blog seamlessly into its online presence.

8mm filmrolls

Now that you've chosen your niche, it's time to purchase a domain name and establish your movie blog's brand.

The first step to starting your movie review blog is to buy a domain name.

This is the address where people will find your blog on the internet. It's important to choose a domain name that reflects the theme of your blog and is easy for readers to remember.

Consider including keywords related to movies or reviews in your domain name to attract the right audience.

Once you've bought your domain name, it's time to brand your movie blog.

Branding is all about creating a unique identity for your blog and making it stand out from others in the same niche.

Choose a visually appealing logo and color scheme representing your movie reviews' essence.

Consistency is key when branding, so make sure to use these elements across all aspects of your blog, including social media profiles.

Branding helps you create a recognizable image and builds trust with your audience. It shows them that you are serious about what you do and that they can rely on you for valuable insights into movies.

As you move forward with step 3 - selecting your blogging platform -remember that having a strong brand will make this process even more seamless.

Night at The Movies

After purchasing your domain name and establishing your brand, it's time to select a blogging platform for your movie review site. This step is crucial as it will determine the look and functionality of your blog.

Here are some platforms to consider:

Ghost : This is a simpler version of WordPress that prides itself on enhanced security and minimalistic design. Ghost has been my top choice for a few years.

WordPress : This popular platform offers countless themes and plugins, making it perfect for beginners who want a customizable website without any coding knowledge.

Blogger : Owned by Google, Blogger is user-friendly and easy to set up. It's a great option if you prefer simplicity and don't need advanced features.

Squarespace : Known for its sleek templates and professional designs, Squarespace is ideal for bloggers who prioritize aesthetics and want a visually stunning website.

Wix : With its drag-and-drop interface, it allows you to customize your blog layout easily. It also offers features like e-commerce integration, which can be useful if you monetize your blog.

When choosing a platform, consider factors such as design options, ease of use, customization capabilities, and any special features you may require for writing movie reviews or managing your blog effectively.

Now that you've selected the perfect blogging platform for your movie review site, let's move on to step 4 - creating your brand pages, colors, and logo - to give your blog that unique touch that will make it stand out from the crowd.

Netflix review blog

Once you've chosen the perfect blogging platform, it's time to create your brand pages, select colors, and design a logo that truly represents your unique style. This is where you can let your creativity shine and make your movie review blog stand out from the rest.

Start by writing about a movie that captures your passion for films and showcases your expertise in the industry. Whether you're a fan of classic cinema or obsessed with the latest blockbusters, make sure to incorporate your love for movies into every aspect of your brand.

When it comes to selecting colors for your blog, think about what emotions you want to evoke in your readers. Warm tones like reds and oranges can create excitement and energy, while cool blues and greens can promote calmness and relaxation.

Choose colors that align with the tone of your movie reviews and reflect the overall atmosphere you want to create.

Designing a logo is another important step in creating a cohesive brand identity. It should be visually appealing, memorable, and instantly recognizable, representing your movie review blog.

Consider incorporating elements like film reels, popcorn, or ticket stubs into your logo design to further emphasize its connection to the world of movies.

Now that you have established a strong brand presence with captivating brand pages, eye-catching colors, and an impressive logo; it's time to move on to step 5: creating your blog publishing plan.

This will ensure that you consistently produce high-quality content that keeps readers coming back for more.

how to create a movie review blog

When it comes to how to write a movie blog, there are several key points you need to consider.

First, you should focus on creating evergreen blog posts that provide timeless value to your readers.

Additionally, incorporating movie news articles will keep your audience informed and engaged with the latest updates in the film industry.

To add variety and cater to different preferences, consider including video movie reviews, podcast movie reviews , and image-related movie content to appeal to a wider range of viewers.

Evergreen Blog Posts

To create a successful movie review blog, you should regularly publish evergreen posts that provide timeless content and keep your readers engaged.

Evergreen blog posts are those that remain relevant and valuable over time, regardless of when they were published. These types of posts help establish your expertise in the field of movie reviews and keep readers coming back for more.

Here is an example of how you can structure your evergreen blog post plan:

Movie News Articles

Now that you have established your evergreen blog posts let's dive into another essential aspect of running a successful movie blog: creating compelling movie news articles.

Your audience craves the latest updates and insights on the film industry, and by providing them with well-written and engaging movie news articles, you will solidify your position as a trusted source.

When writing movie news articles, staying up-to-date with the latest happenings in the industry is crucial.

Keep an eye on press releases, casting announcements, and trailers to bring fresh content to your readers. Make sure to add your unique perspective or analysis to make your articles stand out.

Incorporating relevant keywords like 'movie blog', 'movie news', and 'movie reviews' in your headlines and throughout the article will increase visibility among search engines and attract more readers.

As you gain momentum with your movie blog through captivating movie news articles, it's time to take it a step further by exploring video movie reviews...

Video Movie Reviews

As you're gaining momentum with your movie blog, it's time to delve into video reviews for films.

Video reviews offer a dynamic and engaging way to share your thoughts on movies with your audience. Here are three reasons why you should consider adding video reviews to your repertoire as a movie blogger:

  • Visual Impact: With video reviews, you can use visuals, clips, and editing techniques to enhance your storytelling and make your review more immersive.
  • Personal Connection: Seeing the reviewer's face and hearing their voice creates a stronger connection between the audience and the movie blogger, fostering a sense of belonging within the community.
  • Expanded Reach: Video content has become increasingly popular among online audiences, so by including video reviews on your blog, you can attract new viewers who prefer consuming content in this format.

Now that you've mastered writing movie reviews and explored video reviews, let's move on to another exciting aspect of film critique - podcast movie reviews.

Podcast Movie Reviews

Podcast movie reviews offer a fresh and immersive way for film enthusiasts like you to share your thoughts and engage with an audience. If you've always wanted to start a movie blog, consider exploring the world of podcasting as a unique avenue.

With podcast movie reviews, you can create audio content that allows listeners to hear your passion and excitement firsthand.

By sharing your opinions, insights, and recommendations in a conversational format, you can establish a sense of belonging within the community of film lovers who appreciate this form of entertainment.

But what if you also want to incorporate image-related movie content into your blog?

Don't worry. There are ways to seamlessly integrate visuals into your podcast episodes without missing out on this important aspect of film analysis.

Image Related Movie Content

If you're looking to include visuals in your podcast episodes, there are creative ways to seamlessly incorporate image-related movie content into your audio.

Adding images can enhance the listening experience and make your movie reviews more engaging for your audience.

One effective method is to create a companion movie blog where you can share screenshots or posters of the films you discuss.

This allows your listeners to visualize what you're talking about and adds an interactive element to your review writing. By including visuals on your movie blog, you provide a comprehensive experience for movie enthusiasts who visit your site.

Now that you have an idea of how to incorporate images into your podcast, let's move on to step 6: promoting your movie review blog without writing 'step'.

Coming Soon Movies

You'll need to utilize social media platforms and engage with potential readers to drive traffic to your blog. Here are some strategies to draw readers to your movie blog and make them feel like they belong:

Create engaging content: Write insightful and captivating reviews that leave readers wanting more. Share interesting facts about the movies or behind-the-scenes stories to keep them engaged.

Interact with your audience: Respond to comments on your blog posts and social media platforms. Ask questions and encourage discussion among your followers. This will make them feel valued and part of a community.

Collaborate with other bloggers or influencers: Partnering with others in the industry can help expand your reach. Guest posting on popular blogs or collaborating on social media campaigns can expose your blog to new audiences.

By implementing these strategies, you'll attract more readers and create a sense of belonging within your movie review community.

Now let's move on to monetizing your movie blog by exploring different revenue streams.

An Old Cinema

Now that your movie review blog is up and running, it's time to start thinking about how you can monetize it.

There are several key points to consider when it comes to making money from your blog.

First, you can earn revenue through display advertising by placing ads on your site.

Second, affiliate marketing allows you to promote products or services related to movies and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral.

Display Advertising Revenue

You can boost your movie review blog's revenue by incorporating display advertising. Display advertising revenue is a great way to make money from your movie blog and increase your income.

By partnering with advertising networks or platforms, you can display ads on your website that are relevant to your audience and earn money whenever someone clicks on or views those ads. This provides a source of income and enhances the overall user experience on your blog.

Display advertising allows you to monetize your passion for movies while providing valuable content to your readers.

However, display advertising is just one monetization method for movie blogs; another effective strategy is affiliate marketing, which we will explore in the next section.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to generate additional income for your website by partnering with brands and earning a commission on sales made through your referral links.

As the owner of a movie blog, you have the opportunity to monetize your passion for films and make money from your movie reviews.

By joining affiliate programs related to movies, you can recommend products such as DVDs, streaming services, or even merchandise to your readers.

You earn a commission when they make a purchase using your unique referral link.

Take a look at this table showcasing potential affiliate partnerships for your profitable movie blog:

Sell Courses and Digital Products

To maximize your revenue potential, consider creating and selling online courses or digital products that cater to the interests of your movie-loving audience.

By offering valuable content that teaches aspiring writers how to write movie reviews or create engaging video essays, you can establish yourself as an authority in the industry.

Create comprehensive courses that cover topics such as analyzing film techniques, crafting compelling narratives, and understanding different genres.

Additionally, you can develop downloadable resources like e-books or templates to aid your audience in their writing journey.

These courses and digital products can be promoted on your blog site alongside your movie reviews, ensuring a seamless user experience for your readers.

With this approach, you generate income and provide value by helping others pursue their passion for movies.

In addition to selling courses and digital products, another way to monetize your blog is by selling swag and physical products related to movies.

Sell Swag and Physical Products

When it comes to selling swag and physical products, think about incorporating merchandise like t-shirts, posters, and collectibles that showcase your love for movies.

This will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level and give them a sense of belonging to a community of movie enthusiasts.

To sell swag and physical products on your movie blog, consider the following:

  • T-shirts featuring iconic movie quotes or characters
  • Posters of classic films or upcoming releases
  • Collectible items like action figures or prop replicas

By offering these unique items, you can create an immersive experience for your readers and fans. As they proudly wear your t-shirts or display the posters in their homes, they become ambassadors for your brand.

This fosters a sense of belonging within the movie community you are building.

Now that you have explored selling swag and physical products let's dive into how to create services for the movie niche without missing a beat.

Create Services for the Movie Niche

If you're looking to expand your reach in the movie niche, consider offering personalized movie recommendation services.

Not only will this help you establish yourself as an expert in the field, but it will also provide a valuable service to your audience.

Imagine being able to suggest the perfect film for someone based on their preferences and mood. It's like having your own personal movie advisor!

By incorporating this service into your blog, you'll be able to connect with your readers on a deeper level and create a sense of belonging within the movie community.

So, start your movie blog today and offer personalized recommendations that will keep your audience coming back for more insider knowledge about the fascinating world of the film industry.

As you delve into the different types of filmmaking blogs and movie blog niches, you'll discover endless opportunities to showcase your passion for cinema.

From reviewing new releases to exploring classic films, this ever-evolving industry has no shortage of topics to cover.

Whether you focus on specific genres or highlight underrated independent films, each niche offers unique appeal and attracts a dedicated audience.

So get ready to dive deep into the world of movies and find your place within this vibrant community of film enthusiasts.

There's a wide range of filmmaking blogs and movie blog niches to choose from. Whether you're passionate about reviewing movies or analyzing the art of filmmaking, there's a community out there waiting for you to join.

Here are some exciting options to consider:

Movie Review Blogs : These blogs provide honest and insightful reviews of the latest films, helping readers make informed decisions about what to watch next.

Film Critic Blogs : If you deeply love cinema and enjoy analyzing every aspect of a film, starting a film critic blog is perfect for you. Dive into each movie's technical elements, storytelling techniques, and overall impact.

Genre-Specific Blogs : Love horror movies? Or maybe you're obsessed with romantic comedies? Starting a genre-specific blog allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion.

Celebrity Interviews and News Blogs : For those interested in more than just film reviews, these blogs provide exclusive interviews with actors, directors, and industry insiders. Stay updated on the latest news in the world of movies.

By choosing one of these niches or combining multiple interests together, you can create a movie blog that aligns perfectly with your passion for cinema.

Now let's explore some examples of successful movie review blogs without wasting any time!

how to create a movie review blog

Now that you have explored the various types of filmmaking blogs and movie blog niches, let's dive into some examples of movie review blogs to inspire you as you begin your own journey as a movie blogger.

One notable example is 'Rotten Tomatoes,' a popular movie review website where both critics and audiences can rate and review films.

Its comprehensive database and user-friendly interface have become a trusted source for movie enthusiasts seeking honest opinions.

Another noteworthy blog is 'Cinema Blend,' which offers a unique blend of news, reviews, and interviews from the world of movies.

Their in-depth analysis and engaging writing style make them a go-to platform for film lovers looking for insightful commentary.

If you prefer a more personal touch, 'Film School Rejects' might be the perfect inspiration for your blog.

They provide thoughtful reviews and personal anecdotes that give readers an intimate glimpse into their experiences with each film.

These are just a few examples of thriving movie review blogs. By studying their approaches, you can gain valuable insights on how to structure your own blog, craft engaging content, and build connections within the vibrant community of movie bloggers.

So go ahead and start your own movie review blog – there's a place for every voice in this diverse world of cinema appreciation!

How can I start a movie review blog?

To start a movie review blog, follow these 7 essential steps:

  • Step 1: Choose a niche for your blog. Decide if you want to focus on a specific genre, era, or type of movie.
  • Step 2: Choose a domain name for your blog. Make sure it relates to movies and is easy to remember.
  • Step 3: Set up your blog using a blogging platform like WordPress.
  • Step 4: Customize the design of your blog to make it visually appealing and user-friendly.
  • Step 5: Start writing movie reviews. Watch a variety of movies and share your thoughts and opinions on them.
  • Step 6: Promote your blog through social media, guest posting, and networking with other movie enthusiasts.
  • Step 7: Monetize your blog through advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.

Why should I start a movie review blog?

Starting a movie review blog can be a fun and rewarding hobby. It allows you to share your thoughts and opinions on movies, connect with other movie lovers, and potentially earn income through your blog.

What topics can I write about on a movie review blog?

You can write about a variety of topics on a movie review blog, such as movie reviews, analysis of film techniques, interviews with filmmakers, movie news and updates, and recommendations for movie buffs.

Do I need to watch every movie before writing a review?

It's not necessary to watch every movie before writing a review, but it's important to watch the movie you are reviewing to have a firsthand experience and understanding of it. You can choose to review specific movies that interest you or currently popular movies.

How often should I post new content on my movie blog?

A: The frequency of posting new content on your movie review blog is up to you. It's recommended to have a consistent posting schedule to keep your readers engaged. You can start by posting one or two reviews per week and adjust based on your availability and the demand for content.

How can I make my movie review blog stand out?

A: To make your movie review blog stand out, focus on providing unique perspectives and insights in your reviews. Be honest and authentic in expressing your opinions, and strive to offer valuable and well-written content. Additionally, you can incorporate multimedia elements like images, videos, and graphics to enhance the visual appeal of your blog.

Should I go to film school before starting a film blog?

A: It's not necessary to go to film school before starting a movie review blog. While film school can provide a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of filmmaking, it's not a requirement for writing movie reviews. As long as you have a passion for movies and a willingness to learn and improve your writing skills, you can start a movie blog without formal education in film.

How can I attract more readers to my movie review blog?

To attract more readers to your movie review blog, consider the following strategies:

  • Promote your blog through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Guest post on other movie-related websites or collaborate with other bloggers in the same niche.
  • Engage with your audience by responding to comments and encouraging discussions.
  • Optimize your blog for search engines by using relevant keywords and optimizing your blog structure.

How can I monetize my movie review blog?

There are several ways to monetize your movie review blog, including:

  • Displaying advertisements on your blog through ad networks like Google AdSense.
  • Writing sponsored content or partnering with brands for product placements.
  • Joining affiliate marketing programs and earning commissions for promoting products or services.

Can I start a movie blog without any prior writing experience?

You can start a movie blog without any writing experience. While having writing skills can be beneficial, the most important thing is to have a passion for movies and a willingness to learn and improve your writing as you go along.

You can develop your unique writing style and voice with practice and dedication.

Final Thoughts: Start a Movie Blog Writing Reviews

And there you have it! A comprehensive guide on creating your very own movie review blog.

From the initial decision of your movie niche to the monetizing stage, you can establish a successful blog with persistence and a great love for films.

So, if you are a feverish fan of cinema, always well-versed in movie news sites, and have opinions aplenty about each new movie or classic gems - don't start small.

Your unique voice can be the confident recommendation a confused movie-goer needs.

By putting yourself and your unique viewpoint out into the movie world through your movie review blog, you can create an engaging space for fellow film critics and enthusiasts to convene, debate, and appreciate the magic of cinema.

A movie isn't just a passive experience; it can be the spark of engaging and nuanced conversations. Your blog can be the catalyst for those exchanges.

The great thing is you don't need to write long manifestos for each movie. You can keep your tone conversational, clear, and enjoyable.

In this way, reading your blog becomes another movie-related treat, like savoring popcorn or unveiling a new movie poster. With every review for a movie, you contribute to the vibrant tapestry of online movie discourse.

So, brace yourself for an exciting journey of creativity and enthusiasm.

Start your blog , write about all the films you want to review, and allow your love for cinema to shine brightly. With time, dedication, and a little bit of movie sparkle, your new blog will allow you to connect with like-minded cinephiles and establish your unique voice in the world of movie critique.

Whether it's a blog about movies you've always wanted to discuss or a niche sector of the movie industry you're fond of, now is a great time to start.

Every blog post strengthens your connection with your audience, making your blog more appealing and impactful. Let the enjoyment of watching a movie translate into the joy of discussing them on your platform.

The movie realm is vast, with countless stories sung and unsung. Don't make the mistake of doubting whether your voice matters. Everybody's perception of a movie is unique, like the experience of the movie itself.

Do it if you feel like writing a blog about the movie you just watched! The world deserves to see another movie through your lens. Bear these points in mind, and the process of creating a movie review blog will feel less daunting and more exciting.

Just remember to keep your reviews genuine, engaging, and poignant. If you make your blog about movies that you are passionate about, you are sure to engage with an audience that appreciates and relates to your content.

Cheers to embarking on this extraordinary journey of building a movie review blog from scratch. Good luck deciding on your blog name, defining your brand, and crafting captivating content for your blog. Your blog could be the next big thing in the online film community.

Remember, every great blog starts with one person, their love for a subject, and the desire to share that love with the world. You're no different! So get started, and stay tuned for more tips and advice on the blogging world.

Happy writing and happy watching!

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How to Make a Movie Review Blog to Entertain the Masses

Make a Movie Review Blog

Movie review websites are extremely popular. There are a lot of them out there, and more often than not, you probably visit some of them before you go see a movie. That being said, have you ever wanted to create your own movie review blog? Well, then you are in the right place.

Having your own movie review blog will allow you to post your own movie reviews for everyone to see. You will have the ability to format your movie critic blog in a number of different ways. You can do full write-ups, use a star system, or a 1-10 scale. Whatever you decide, having a website so that you can be a movie blogger can be exciting.

Are you not sure where to start? No problem, as I am about to show you what to do in order to easily start your own movie review blog. Follow the steps as they are laid out. Doing so will make the process as smooth as possible.

What You Need to Build a Movie Review Blog

There are several things you need to do to complete the process of building a website for movie reviews. Putting things in the right order and creating a solid process will make all the difference in the world.

The first thing you want to do is to create a website checklist. These are things you want to have ready to put on your site, or have ready to use as part of the process. If you have a list, fantastic! If not, then here are some suggestions:

Movie Review Blog Checklist

  • Content (have some reviews ready to post)
  • Logo / Branding
  • Contact Info
  • Choose a Writing Style
  • Schedule (for posts)
  • Rating Scale

Having these things ready to roll will make the rest of the process much easier.

Domain Name and Web Host

Once you have your checklist in place, it is time to go get a domain name and web hosting. You are going to want to find a domain name that fits you well and expresses what all you are trying to do.

Remember, there are already a lot of domain names taken, so you might not find exactly what you want at first. That being said, try playing with the words a little. If that doesn’t work, then use a different domain name extension . There are so many available now that you should be able to find what you want.

Finding a good web host is critical. You want one that gives you all the tools you need to get started.  GreenGeeks web hosting is a perfect fit for what you are trying to accomplish. Not only will they provide you with everything imaginable to make the process of building a movie review blog easy, but they will also give you a domain name.

Keeping everything housed under one roof makes the process easier as well.

Installing and Using WordPress

There are several good CMS ( content management systems ) available that you can use to build your blog to review films. That being said, I am suggesting you use WordPress for a number of reasons.

For one thing, WordPress is very user friendly and will allow you the flexibility to build and design just about any way you want. Since the project is open source , thousands of developers have contributed and made it very popular. For that reason you won’t have to look very hard to access resources and tutorials that can help you through anything WordPress related.

WordPress is also very secure. Yes, there are other things you can do to make your website even more secure , but the platform as a whole is very strong.

You can also install WordPress very easily and get it ready to go. You can use the one-click installation process provided by your web host cPanel . Or, if you prefer, you can also install it manually as well. Either way, you will be up and running and ready to build in a few clicks.

Choosing Themes and Plugins

One of the many major upsides to using WordPress is its library of themes and plugins. There are tons of themes that can take your website where you want it. The plugin repository is very impressive as well. If you want to accomplish it, there is probably a plugin for it.

That being said, you may be a little lost if this is all new to you. You want to search for themes that will give you the right tools for building a solid movie review blog. Here are a couple to look at if you are having trouble.

Moview theme for movie review blog

Moview is a state of the art movie and tv show review theme that will allow you to create a stylish and modern movie review blog. It comes packed full of content that will help get your website to the next level. Definitely worth checking out.

Sequex theme

Sequex is another movie review based theme worth looking at. It is a very powerful theme that can turn your website into a movie-style database. It gives you the ability to add your own movie reviews, while at the same time adding a vast database that your website visitors can use.

When it comes to choosing plugins for your website, there are a couple of things to remember. For one thing, there are certain plugins every site should have to make everything run smoothly.

You also want to make sure you have a good SEO plugin running, as well as a plugin that allows you to properly optimize and compress images . There are also niche specific plugins to consider.

Here are a couple that may be of interest to you when adding some to your movie review blog.

Mas video plugin

MAS Videos is a solid plugin that allows you to create and list, movies and television shows. Build and add and make this portion of your website look like YouTube or Netflix. This is a plugin to consider if you want to spice up your movie review blog.

Rating-Widget: Star Review System

Rating widget for movie review blog

The Rating-Widget: Star Review System plugin allows you to easily add user-friendly star ratings on posts, pages, comments, WooCommerce, BuddyPress and bbPress forums. You can use them to add star ratings to certain things, or even allow your site users to click and add star ratings themselves.

Marketing Your Movie Review Blog

Now that your movie review blog is up and running you are about to have your own film critic blog. It is time to get the name of your site out there and start getting visitors.

Here is a list of ways you can market your movie review blog.

  • Social Media
  • Advertising
  • Write Reviews for Other Websites
  • Allow Guest Reviews on Your Site
  • Build an Email List
  • Install Google Analytics
  • Go to Forums
  • Post Links on your Social Media Pages

Having your own movie review blog can be fun and entertaining. Maybe you have been wanting one for a while and you were just not sure where to start. Following the steps above should allow you to get your own website for movie reviews up and online in no time at all.

Good luck to you and enjoy writing those movie reviews!

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🍿 How To Start a Movie Blog in 10 Easy Steps

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Starting a movie blog is a fun and lucrative idea.

Not only do you get to watch your favorite movies and write about them, but you can also develop a following of like-minded movie lovers to share your thoughts with. You can even earn a substantial income if you’re persistent.

At Authority Hacker, we’ve spent over a decade helping 14,000+ students create profitable websites – including many in the movie blog niche.

This 10-step guide to starting a movie blog will help you follow in their footsteps.

Why Start A Movie Blog

Whether you’re a film buff or simply enjoy watching movies during the weekends, there are several compelling reasons to start a movie blog and give your passion an online platform.

For starters, you can make money from your movie blog  by running display ads, promoting streaming services, selling movie merchandise, and leveraging a host of other monetization strategies. In fact, the average entertainment website makes $4,416 per month  – that’s a full-time income in many areas of the world.

Also, sharing your opinions about various films  on the internet allows you to connect with fellow cinephiles and start an engaging discussion that can potentially  foster a community  with you at the helm.

And as you grow and become a popular movie blogger, you can potentially secure interviews with actors and directors  during press tours.

Examples of Successful Movie Blogs

Before you jump straight into movie blogging, it’s smart to check out what a successful movie blog looks like.

Here are a few examples of outstanding movie blogs for inspiration:

screen rank homepage

Screen Rant publishes engaging listicles and deep dives into movie and TV theories, appealing to both casual viewers and dedicated fans.

Slash Film homepage

Slash Film stands out for its timely movie news, exclusive interviews, and the latest scoops in the movie world.

Film School Rejects homepage

Film School Rejects offers a unique blend of reviews and commentaries catering to aspiring filmmakers and critics.

How To Start A Movie Blog in 10 Steps

If you’re ready to start a movie blog, here’s a clear step-by-step guide on how to get started:

1 Narrow Down Your Movie Niche

Movies are a broad niche, and most people are interested in specific genres – some action, some romance, some big-budget blockbusters, some low-budget indie dramas, and so on.

Interest can also vary based on the type of content. Some want to read short movie reviews, while others look for detailed film analysis, news updates, or behind-the-scenes looks.

Building a movie blog that caters to all these different tastes is an ambitious undertaking that’s not going to be possible for a single blogger. So when starting out, it’s better to niche down and focus on a particular genre of a type of content.

Here are some examples of movie sub-niches for inspiration:

  • Focus On a Specific Genre: A movie review blog focused on thrillers, romances, etc.
  • Foreign Films: Highlight cinema from around the world and its cultural nuances.
  • Indie Films: Bring attention to awesome yet lesser-known independent movies.
  • Hollywood Blockbusters:  Analyze what makes big hits resonate with audiences.
  • Art of Movie Making: Dive into the behind-the-scenes craft of movie magic.

If you need help, check out our video guide on picking the perfect niche:

When picking a movie sub-niche, invest some time to understand the amount of interest and demand for content in that area. Focusing on a sub-niche with very little user interest will make it difficult to get traffic to your blog.

A simple test to see if there’s demand for a topic is by checking if there are other successful blogs in the niche as well.

Here’s a simple guide to seeking out successful blogs in your sub-niche:

List existing blogs in your selected movie sub-niche. To do this, brainstorm some topics you might write about, search them on Google, and list the blogs that show up. You can also use a tool like Ahrefs  and insert a blog you like into the “Organic Competitors” tool to get a list of similar blogs.

Ahrefs movie blog

Next, check their traffic level.  You can do this using a free trial for SE Ranking . Just go to the SEO Tools > Competitive Research, and enter the names of the different blogs in your list to check their traffic.

SE Ranking slashfilm

Use Google Trends to compare interest in the sub-niches.  You can enter a few sub-niches into Google Trends  to compare user interest among them over time.

Google Trends Movies

Don’t stress if you can’t figure out the perfect sub-niche right away. It’s normal to take a couple of days or even a week to do all this research. As long as your preferred sub-niche passes the viability test, you can feel secure your movie blog will generate traffic and earn money.

2 Choose a Blogging Platform

Once you select your niche, it’s time to choose a blogging platform.

A blogging platform is a service that lets you write, publish, manage, and share your content online.

👉 You can check out our list of the best blogging platforms  to take your pick.

Most beginners choose a free blogging platform like Medium or Blogger for publishing long-form content. However, these free platforms suffer from a few notable downsides.

  • The platform controls your content’s visibility, making you a slave to the algorithm .
  • It’s hard to monetize  content published on these free-to-use platforms.
  • A lack of customizability and design options  makes it difficult for you to stand out.

If you want to bypass all these cons, I recommend building your own website. Here’s a quick overview of the main benefits of having your own blog:

  • Show ads and integrate affiliate links  into your content to monetize your blog .
  • Change the color scheme or site layout to create an eye-catching design .
  • You have complete control over your blog.  No one can delete or remove your content.
  • You can insert relevant keywords in your blog posts and use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to drive free organic traffic  through search engines.
  • Your blog can help grow your social media  accounts and keep you in touch with fans via social platforms.
  • You can  build an email list , giving you direct access to your audience and protecting you from search engine algorithm changes.
  • Your blog is an asset , and you can sell it for big bucks. (We’ve sold multiple blogs for 6-figure exits .)

The only caveat is that it’ll take around an hour or so to set up and will cost you around $45 ($10 domain + $35 hosting) to get started. But, if you ask me, the potential return makes it well worth the investment.

To build your website, we recommend using  (not to be confused with

WordPress homepage

It is free to use (domain and hosting extra) and gives you access to thousands of themes & plugins, so you have complete control over your site’s looks and functionalities. In fact, It’s what we use at AuthorityHacker, and it’s the platform of choice for 43% of the world wide web .

3 Choose Your Domain Name

With your niche and blogging platform ready, it’s time to pick a domain name.

Your domain name is your website’s address that includes the name of your website and a domain name extension like “.com.” For example, AuthorityHacker is the name of our website, and is our domain name.

domain name graphic

It’s super important that you pick a catchy domain name, as that’ll become your brand identity. A domain name that’s too generic or difficult to read can make it hard to remember. This can reduce direct traffic or word-of-mouth promotion.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you pick great domain names:

  • Use short and memorable names: Aim for 6-14 characters.
  • Make them easy to spell and read: Avoid using hyphens, numbers, and consecutive letters.
  • Use alliteration, rhymes, assonance, and consonance:  “Coca-Cola” uses alliteration, “StubHub” uses rhyme, “YouTube” uses assonance, and “Bitly” uses consonance.
  • Align it with your sub-niche: Pick a name that’s relevant to your sub-niche. E.g., A horror movie site can be called
  • Avoid trademarked names: Use this trademark search tool  and avoid names registered under a trademark.
  • Prioritize  .com domains: These domain names carry a lot of trust, familiarity, and memorability.

Note:  If you have found an excellent domain name for your blog, but the .com extension is not available, you can use one of these popular .com alternatives .

Now, coming up with a domain name that meets all of these constraints can be difficult. This is where Brandsnap  – an AI domain name generator, can help you out.

After picking your domain name, you’ll need to buy it. A .com domain will cost you $10 per year on Namecheap .

4 Buy Web Hosting

After buying your new domain name, it’s time to pick a web hosting solution.

Web hosting is a service that provides the necessary tools and infrastructure to store and maintain websites (or web apps) on a server. Once a website is hosted on this server, it becomes accessible on the internet.

Now, there are tons of web hosting providers out there, with Bluehost  being particularly popular for its cheap pricing. However, Siteground  only costs around a dollar more, but the overall value is much greater, making it an easy recommendation for beginners.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to setting up web hosting using Siteground:

Step 1: Visit the Siteground WordPress hosting page .

Step 2: Pick the most affordable StartUp plan. It’s plenty powerful for launching a new WordPress blog.

Siteground pricing

Note: SiteGround, much like other hosting providers, offers a highly discounted price – around 80% – for new customers. Once your subscription term ends, you’ll be billed at the standard rate.

Step 3: Select “I already have a domain” and enter your domain name into the provided field. You can also buy (register) domains on Siteground, but it’s more expensive, so we recommend Namecheap.

Siteground domain selection

Step 4:  Enter your account information, location, and payment information into the provided fields.

Fill in siteground info

Step 5:  Pick a subscription period. (The 12-month usually offers the best deal.)

Siteground hosting services

Step 6:  Don’t get any of their promotional extra services. They are not necessary for a new blog.

Siteground extra services

Step 7:  Point your Namecheap domain name to your new Siteground server. You can follow this guide  or contact the Siteground support team, and they can help you out.

And voila! Your WordPress website is now addressed by your selected domain name and hosted on the Siteground server. In the following sections, I’ll show you how to design the website and add content to it.

5 Choose a Theme for Your Movie Blog

Once you’ve purchased web hosting, you’ll need a WordPress theme to help you customize the structure and layout of your website without coding.

For a movie blog, I suggest choosing a theme that evokes a cinematic vibe, boasting dark backgrounds, big, bold fonts for headings, etc.


There are a few free themes that can give you this look, but you’ll find its basic feature set limiting your site’s growth.

This is why I recommend freemium themes – free versions of premium themes. Start with basic features for free and, as your blog grows, seamlessly transition to the premium version without overhauling your entire site.

If you’re looking for recommendations, here are my top 3 freemium WordPress themes — GeneratePress, Astra, and Kadence.

These themes are not only user-friendly, but have design elements that beautifully complement movie-related content.

how to create a movie review blog

Offers tons of pre-designed templates, making it easy to create a visually appealing movie blog.

how to create a movie review blog

Features a drag-and-drop header and footer builder with detailed design control.

how to create a movie review blog

A very lightweight performance-focused WordPress theme with a minimalistic design.

For reference, here are our WordPress theme selection guidelines to guarantee a quality pick:

  • Does it load quickly?
  • Is it mobile-friendly (has a responsive design)?
  • Does it come from a reputable theme builder with positive reviews?
  • Can you customize it easily?
  • Does it provide quality after-sales support?

Once you’ve selected a theme for your movie blog, follow these steps to install it on your WordPress website:

1. Login to your WordPress dashboard

2. From the left sidebar, select Appearance > Themes

WordPress themes menu

3. Click “Add New”

Add new WordPress theme

4. Search for your theme and click “Activate.”

Activate WordPress theme

After installation, dive into the theme settings. Customize colors, fonts, and layouts to truly make it your own and align with your movie blog’s brand.

6 Decide on Design & Branding

With your theme set, it’s time to infuse your movie blog with distinct branding elements. This primarily involves selecting a color scheme and crafting a logo that embodies your blog’s essence.

Your branding choices, from colors to logo, play a pivotal role in setting your blog apart and ensuring it’s memorable.

For instance, a film reel logo immediately signifies a movie-centric theme, while a monochromatic gray palette with soft pastel accents might evoke modern indie cinema vibes.

To create a harmonious color scheme, aim for about 5 complementary colors. Avoid jarring combinations, like deep red backgrounds with blue text.

If you’re unsure, use Coolors  – a tool to help you visualize and choose appealing color combinations.

Coolors color selection

Next, design a logo that aligns with your blog’s theme and color scheme. Canva  offers a plethora of logo templates tailored for various niches, including movies.

Canva movie logo templates

Simply search for “movie logo” on Canva, pick a design that resonates, incorporate your blog’s name, adjust the colors to match your scheme, and voila – your logo is ready!

7 Create Essential Pages

With your blog’s design handled, it’s time to add some content, starting with 4 essential pages every blog must have.

This is the page where visitors land when they enter the blog’s domain name. It should highlight your key content to convey your blog’s theme and showcase top articles.

This is where you talk about why you decided to start this movie blog and where you want to take it. Include a few personal stories about how movies influenced your life to showcase your passion and build trust with readers.

For inspiration, check out our list of killer About Me page examples .

Contact Page

At a minimum, this page should contain a form for readers, potential contributors, or advertisers to contact you. You can also add your social links here. Additional contact details like address and phone number can help boost SEO.

Privacy Policy + Terms & Conditions Pages

These pages are legally necessary to outline user data handling and site usage. You can use  to generate these pages with a couple of clicks.

For reference, you can create a new page on your WordPress blog by logging in to your WordPress dashboard and selecting Pages > Add New from the left sidebar.

Add new WordPress page

8 Start Creating Content

Now that you have laid down all the groundwork – it’s finally time to start writing and publishing articles on your movie blog.

That said, while you can write about any topic you like, focusing on keyword-driven content can bring organic traffic to your blog without active promotion. This is called a keyword-focused content strategy .

First, you need to find keywords or phrases that many people are searching for.

With your keywords in hand, craft articles that not only incorporate these terms but also provide genuine value to your readers.

When your content aligns with what users are searching for, search engines like Google take notice. They’ll rank your articles higher in search results, driving a steady stream of organic traffic to your blog.

However, a word of caution: the most popular keywords often come with fierce competition. Google prefers established movie review websites, making it challenging for a new movie blog to break through.

The solution? Focus on less competitive keywords that still attract a significant number of searches. Tools like Ahrefs  are very useful here.

For example, searching for “movie recommendations” in the Ahrefs Keyword Explorer tools, I get the following related keywords with search metrics:

Such insights can inspire a range of engaging blog topics like:

  • Top 25 Horror Movie Recommendations for Friday the 13th.
  • Top 5 Romance Movie Recommendations for New Couples.
  • 10 Best Family Movie Recommendations for Thanksgiving.

Repeat this process with different seed keywords and come up with 10 solid blog post ideas. Once you have your list, it’s time to delve into the art of SEO-optimized writing.

Here are some guidelines:

  • Understand the search intent. Think about why a user might search for a particular keyword. Your content should address that curiosity or need.
  • Write for the reader. Are your readers casual movie-goers or bonafide cinephiles? Tailor your tone and content depth accordingly.
  • Focus on the topic. If your article is about romantic movies, avoid veering into a tangent about action films. Stay relevant to your chosen keyword.
  • Internal linking. If you mention a topic covered in another article, link to it. This not only provides additional information to your readers but also boosts your SEO.
  • Format the content for readability. An article that’s easy on the eyes retains readers. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings for clarity.
  • Share some personal anecdotes. Share anecdotes or personal opinions. It makes your content unique and fosters a connection with your readers.
  • Inject emotion. Your blog isn’t a sterile database. Let your passion for movies shine through your words.
  • Use multimedia content. Embed movie trailers, share behind-the-scenes footage, and use movie posters to enhance engagement.
  • Be careful about copyright laws.  Try to only use media files from press kits. Practice fair use  and don’t forget to link back to the official source.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, just remember one golden rule – aim to be more informative and engaging than other articles on the SERP . Consistency in delivering value will naturally boost your search rankings over time.

9 Promote Your Movie Blog

Your SEO-optimized articles will passively garner attention. But you can expedite this process by actively directing traffic to your site.

Here are some promotional strategies to help you reach a wider audience with your movie blog:

  • Engage in Movie Communities:  Share blog excerpts in movie forums and groups, inviting readers for more in-depth content on your site.
  • Leverage Movie Quizzes: Design and share movie-related quizzes on social media. It’s engaging, shareable, and a great way to build an email list.
  • Collaborate with Fellow Reviewers: Network with other movie bloggers and propose guest posting. They get free content, and you get exposure to a new audience group.
  • Host Virtual Movie Nights: Organize online movie sessions, fostering real-time discussions and directing attendees to related blog posts.
  • Launch a Podcast: Start a movie-themed podcast to reach a broader audience and guide listeners to your blog.

However you promote your blog, remember to be genuine and helpful! No one likes – or clicks on – spammy blog advertisements.

10 Monetize Your Movie Blog

Now that you have traffic coming to your blog, it’s finally time to start thinking about monetization.

Here are three strategies that work exceptionally well for making money with your movie blog:

You recommend readers movie streaming services or movie merchandise that you used or reviewed and loved. If they buy the service or product using your link, you earn a commission.

Affiliate marketing

Why It’s Great:  Readers discover valuable products, and you’re rewarded for your promotional efforts.

Get Started:  Check out our guide on how to start affiliate marketing  and view our list of the best movie affiliate programs .

Display Ads

Show ads on your blog and earn money when visitors view or click the ads.

Why It’s Great:  Your readers don’t have to spend any money, and you get to turn user engagement into cold hard cash.

Get Started:  The easiest way is to join an ad network. For new blogs, we recommend Ezoic  over the popular Google Adsense as it’s more beginner-friendly.

Alternatively, you can find direct sponsorships specific to the movie niche, where you get more control and more profits.

Sell Memberships

Create high-quality content only accessible to paying members. This can be detailed film analysis, exclusive interviews with actors or directors, etc.

Why It’s Great:  You can create more valuable content and get direct support from your fans.

Get Started:  WordPress plugins like MemberPress  or dedicated membership platforms like Patreon  can help you set up and manage memberships.

Building a successful movie blog takes time, effort, and a willingness to continually learn and improve.

While this post outlines the essential steps, there are many nuances to grasp as you grow your site.

That’s why we’ve put together a free training outlining the most effective strategies to get a new blog off the ground.

In particular, this free training shares seven insider secrets that can increase your new site’s growth trajectory by 83%.

Join the free training now.  

Do Film Blogs Make Money?

Many film blogs do make money through various strategies such as running display ads, promoting streaming services, selling movie merchandise, and leveraging other monetization methods. By building a community and consistently delivering valuable content, movie bloggers can generate a steady income from their passion.

How Much Money Can You Make Reviewing Movies?

The average entertainment website makes $4,416 per month, and movie review blogs fall within that category. The exact amount of money you can make reviewing movies depends on many factors, including your website traffic, display ad network, affiliate partners, and how well you monetize your website.

how to create a movie review blog

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Starting A Profitable Movie Review Blog (In 8 Steps)

Are you a movie enthusiast with a keen eye for details?

Do you also possess equally critical perspectives?

You have the potential to run a successful movie review blog where your voice is heard, your opinions matter, and your love for cinema shines. A movie review blog can become not just a hobby, but potentially a way to earn income.

Let’s walk together through the steps on how to make this passion-driven journey both exciting and rewarding.

In this post, I’ll provide some helpful tips and advice on how to start your very own movie review blog, from choosing a platform to SEO advice and monetization methods.

Let’s get started.

How to start a movie review blog

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Why Start A Movie Review Blog?

Starting a movie review blog opens a world of opportunities.

You get to share your love story with cinema and connect with audiences who share your passion. You invite dialogue, spark discussions, and create a community around your shared interest.

Who knows, you may make friends for life.

Beyond personal fulfillment, movie review blogs can open doors to industry recognition.

You may get early access to films, interview opportunities with filmmakers and actors, and even invites to film festivals and awards!

Lastly, it can become a source of income with some work and dedication.

If this sparked your interest, why not transform this passion into reality?

Keep reading and I’ll guide you on this journey.

Are Movie Review Blogs Profitable?

Yes! Movie review blogs can be profitable. It demands dedication and time, but the potential for monetary rewards exists.

As your blog grows, so do the opportunities for income.

Earning methods take many forms when it comes to blogging. Think of advertisements, sponsorship deals, affiliate marketing, and even donations from appreciative readers.

When your blog resonates with readers and provides them value, they are likely to support it.

This will take effort and patience, but the thrill of seeing your blog grow may be well worth the sweat.

How To Start A Movie Review Blog In 8 Steps

Narrow down your movie review niche.

Step one on this journey is to define your niche.

A topic like “Movie Reviews” is way too broad.

When starting, you need to specialize in specific film genres, periods, or themes.

This allows you to create unique content that is not only lower competition but also highly targeted to a specific target audience. Deep diving into your narrowed-down niche offers greater appeal to audiences sharing your specific interests and it makes them more likely to stick around.

So, whether you have an attraction for independent cinema, an obsession with horror movies, or a soft spot for rom-coms, you’ll do well if you combine your content with passion.

This fine-tuning could be the key to positioning your blog as a “go-to” site for your particular movie niche!

Decide Your Blogging Platform

Choosing a blogging platform can feel daunting, but I’ll make the choice easy for you.

Among the available platforms, you have options like Wix, Blogger, and Squarespace. Each caters to different skill levels and uniquely supports the development and growth of your blog.

However, a common drawback of these platforms is that many of them “lock you up” and won’t allow you to transfer your blog from one platform to another.

Nonetheless, one platform stands out and won’t have similar problems – WordPress .

Over 43% of all websites on the Internet use it.

WordPress gets the nod for a variety of reasons;

It features flexible and powerful tools and offers by far the best customization capabilities. With its massive range of plugins, you can enhance functions and improve user experience on your blog.

There’s also tons of helpful resources for WordPress if you encounter roadblocks.

In short, you can make your blog exactly as you want it with WordPress.

So while the choice is yours, WordPress comes highly recommended for its versatility and user-friendly features.

Further below, I’ll show you how you can get a WordPress blog up and running.

Find A Catchy Domain Name

Next, it’s time to find a catchy domain name. This is an important step in building your movie review blog.

In case you don’t know, a domain name is the address of your website/blog. It’s how people will find your blog online.

I have written an entire article on choosing the perfect domain name for your blog , but below I mention some of the key points.

For starters, your domain name should hint at the essence of your blog. It should have “keywords” that describe what kind of content the reader can expect.

It should also be easy to remember. Shorter the better.

Make sure to pick a “.com” extension as it’s the most trusted among people.

When brainstorming, consider your niche and what your blog might mean to your potential audience. A catchy domain name helps your readers to easily recall and type in your web address, ultimately making your blog more accessible.

Catchy, memorable, and relevant- these should be your guiding principles when selecting your domain name.

Also, say it out loud before you buy it (trust me).

You can buy domains at NameCheap (this is what I use) or GoDaddy, and they cost around $15/year.

Choose A Reliable Web Hosting Service

The success of your blog rests on a reliable web hosting service.

A good host ensures your blog remains accessible around the clock.

Hosting providers like Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator have a proven track record.

However, always weigh the pros and cons of each service.

Your choice should provide excellent uptime, fast load times, responsive customer support, and should align with your budget.

This decision is key to the smooth running of your movie review blog, so making an informed decision is important!

If you don’t want to scratch your head with this, I have an easier web hosting alternative further below, which I also use for all my blogs.

Decide On a Blog Theme

When it comes to choosing a blog theme, you want one that aligns with your persona and content.

It should also be user-friendly, clean, and responsive.

Several themes outshine others in these areas, but one theme consistently praised by top bloggers is GeneratePress .

GeneratePress is a lightweight, fast, and versatile theme which gives your blog a professional look without sacrificing speed or performance.

You can customize it extensively to match your brand, and it works seamlessly with various plugins. It’s a great choice for your movie review blog as it provides a superb blend of aesthetics and functionality.

GeneratePress has a free starter theme, which is plenty good already, but at some point you may want to buy the premium version ($59) if you want more customization options.

As a side note, this website is built on GeneratePress too.

Perform Keyword Research On Your Niche

At this point, your blog is pretty much set up and running.

Before you start reviewing movies like no tomorrow, you need to perform keyword research.

This is the process of identifying popular words and phrases people type into search engines (related to your movie review niche). When you optimize your content around these keywords, you’ll rank higher on search engine result pages and get free traffic to your blog.

You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner , Ahrefs , or AnswerThePublic to perform keyword research.

Keyword research is a deep topic, but here is a simple way to get started:

  • Begin by identifying a broad core topic related to your niche. Example: “Horror movie reviews”.
  • Enter this phrase into the keyword tool. The tool then provides related keywords like “best horror movies”, “latest horror films”, “scary movie recommendations”.
  • Analyze the competition and search volume for the suggested keywords. Pick those that strike a balance between high search volume and low competition.
  • Write the content. For example, you could take the keyword “best horror movies” and craft an article “5 Best Horror Movies That Will Keep You Up All Night”.

This was obviously very surface-level, but the resource I’ll be sharing soon can help you do this properly.

Right, let’s move on.

Start Creating Content

Once you’ve nailed the keyword research, it’s time to create content.

Remember, your blog is a reflection of you and your passion for movies.

Write engaging reviews filled with personality, keen observations, and clear judgments about the films you review.

Aim for consistency in your posts—stick to a posting schedule so your readers know when to expect new content. Experiment with different formats; include listicles, movie comparisons, plot explainers, and reviews of old and new releases.

And most importantly, always value your readers’ time.

Create thoughtful & in-depth reviews they can’t find anywhere else. Show them why they should come back to your blog for their next movie night. This way, your love for movies translates into compelling content and captivates your audience time and time again.

Also, your first blog posts don’t have to be masterpieces.

Luckily, there won’t be too many eyeballs in the beginning either, so don’t worry about it.

If you keep at it, you’ll improve really fast.

And you can always come back and edit your old blog posts to make them better.

So just get started and publish away.

Monetize Your Movie Review Content

When your blog starts gaining visitors and attracting a regular readership, you can start making money from the content you’ve created.

There are many ways to “monetize” a blog and here are some of them listed:

  • Display ads:  Services like Google AdSense and Mediavine allow you to place ads on your blog and earn revenue based on views and clicks. This requires a decent amount of traffic to be worthwhile.
  • Affiliate marketing:  Partner with movie streaming platforms, movie merchandise online stores, or movie ticket platforms. Recommend movie-related products and services using referral links . Each purchase through your link earns you a commission. This is my favorite way to make money online hands down.
  • Paid promotions:  Occasionally, filmmakers or distributors may engage bloggers for promotional activities.
  • Sponsored content:  As your blog gains popularity, brands may reach out to sponsor posts.
  • Subscription plans or Patreon:  Unique content or special features can be reserved for paid subscribers, if your audience is willing to support your work monetarily.

Getting your blog to a point of making money takes time and effort, but it can certainly become a good income source when done right.

With a movie review-type blog, I can imagine display ads and affiliate marketing being the main money drivers.

Successful Movie Review Blog Examples

You may also want to see some successful movie review blogs, so I’ve gathered a few for your inspiration:

  • Roger Ebert’s Blog  – Before his passing, renowned film critic Roger Ebert had a blog dedicated to movie reviews. His insightful critiques and engaging writing style made him one of the most respected voices in film criticism.
  • Slashfilm   – Slashfilm is a movie news and review blog that covers a wide range of films and TV shows. They publish in-depth reviews, breaking news, and thought-provoking analysis, attracting a large following of movie enthusiasts.
  • Screen Rant  – Screen Rant is a popular movie review and entertainment news website that combines reviews and analysis alongside other types of content like listicles and features. They cover a wide range of movies, from Hollywood blockbusters to indie films.

You can analyze these blogs and take home some inspiring aspects to use in your own soon-to-be blog.

But remember that outright copying content is a big no-no!

Frequently Asked Questions About Movie Review Blogging

How can I write a compelling movie review?

Start by watching the movie attentively and take notes as you go.

Begin your review with a captivating introduction. Provide some context about the movie without spoiling major plot points. Support your opinions with strong arguments. Highlight aspects like acting, directing, cinematography, and screenplay. Include specific examples to illustrate your points.

Then conclude with a clear recommendation and try to evoke the overall tone and impact of the film.

How long should a movie review be?

Movie reviews can range from a compact 300 words to an in-depth 1000+ words. Balance detail with conciseness to maintain reader interest.

Should I only review new releases?

While reviewing new releases can attract current cinema-goers, don’t miss out on classic films. Older movies have enduring appeal and offer many themes to discuss.

How can I attract more readers to my blog?

Consistently publishing quality content is always the key. You can also use SEO practices, engage with readers through comments, and promote your content on social media platforms.

Can I face legal issues for giving negative reviews?

As long as your reviews are honest, respectful, and not defamatory, they typically fall under freedom of speech and opinion rights. You’re allowed to critique, but not to personally offend filmmakers or other individuals.

Get Started With Your Own Movie Review Blog Today!

Now that you’re armed with the fundamentals to set up your movie review blog, it’s high time to start blogging.

As you saw, there’s quite a lot to setting up your blog properly, so I’d like to streamline the process for you.

Start your movie review blog with the help of Wealthy Affiliate.

This platform offers all you need to start, manage, and monetize a blog.

With beginner-friendly training courses, a supportive community of 2.7M, and robust website hosting services, Wealthy Affiliate is the ideal partner for budding bloggers.

Not only will you learn how to create quality content, but you’ll also discover the latest strategies for SEO, keyword research, and website design that can skyrocket your blog’s success.

So, waste no time and start your journey as a movie review blogger now!

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Get started here and I'll show you how it's all done.

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How to Write a Movie Review: 10 Essential Tips

As long as there have been films, there have been film critics. Starting with the early days of cinema, where reviews appeared in newspapers and magazines as brief, descriptive pieces, as filmmaking evolved as an art form, so did the role of the critic. James Agee, André Bazin, and Pauline Kael shaped the discourse around cinema, and today, famous film critics like the iconic Roger Ebert , The New York Times’s A.O. Scott , and The New York Times’s Manohla Dargis continue to leave an indelible mark on the world of cinema.

With the rise of the internet, film criticism now encompasses a wide range of voices and perspectives from around the globe. Sites like Letterboxd make it possible for anyone to write short-form reviews on film. Even stars like The Bear’s Ayo Edebiri have accounts and share opinions on the latest box-office hits.

How to Write a Movie Review

Today, contemporary YouTube and TikTok critics such as Red Letter Media , deepfocuslens , and DoMo Draper don’t just write film reviews, they shoot videos and skits. Through their creative formats, they offer refreshing and unique perspectives while building communities of diehard film and television enthusiasts. Whether you choose to write reviews for your own blog, other websites, or social media channels, by learning how to write a movie review, any aspiring filmmaker can start to watch films intentionally. 

@domodraperr Replying to @xsindeviltriggerx I’ll get right on that, Sir!🫡 #comments #movies #film #satire #fyp #mulan #disney ♬ I’ll Make a Man Out of You (feat. Black Gryph0n) – Cover – Samuel Kim

TikTok film critic “DoMo Draper” provides commentary on new and old films, often calling out racism, social injustice, misogyny, and prejudice.

While there’s no perfect approach to writing a review, there are best practices that every aspiring reviewer should consider.

Here are ten tips on writing a compelling piece.

1. Watch the film at least once.

For new reviewers, it’s impossible to capture everything after one viewing. Watching the film first, then watching to take notes, is an easy way to improve the quality of your final review. This will also make it easy to recall in-the-moment thoughts and reactions.

how to write a movie review

Take a review by Christian Blauvelt of Charlie Chaplin’s silent film The Circus , for example. Since the film does not have sound, properly critiquing the film requires close attention. Viewers have to pay attention to the various nuances in Chaplin’s performance, follow the story, and take in the cinematography. Regarding The Circus , Blauvelt writes, “The film lacks a conventional plot, but is rather a pearl necklace of strung-together episodes. ” The statement isn’t a criticism, but a keen observation likely gleaned from more than one viewing. 

So while every film reviewer has their own approach, many choose to watch a film more than once to deliver the best possible review. Image The Criterion Collection.

2. Express your opinions and support your criticism.

Professional reviewers do not shy away from sharing whether they thought a movie was good, bad, or indifferent. In a review for the film Mother!, reviewer Candice Frederick describes the film as “uncomfortable,” and “controversial,” helping viewers understand the tone of the movie. While Frederick seemed to enjoy the film, her honesty about how it would make audiences feel was vital in writing the review.

Be sure to back up these thoughts with specifics–a disappointing performance, beautiful cinematography, difficult material that leaves you thinking, and so on. Professional reviewers should express why and how they came to their criticism.

3. Consider your audience.

Are you writing for a fan site or a news outlet? Who will read your pieces, and what are their interests? Knowing who your readers are and where the review will be published can help you decide what elements of the movie to highlight. For example, take these two very different reviews for the film ‘Synecdoche, New York’.  

how to write a movie review

The first review was written by Alonso Duralde for The Today Show , and clocks in at around 500 words. The film focuses on the bullet points: characters, plot, and a concise review. The second review is over 3,000 words and published on the Critical Critics blog . This review goes into massive depth (and yes, includes spoilers) about the film, providing an incredible amount of analysis. The first review is tailored for the casual filmgoer, while the second is for cinephiles. Each review serves a different purpose.

It’s also a good idea to adjust your writing style to fit the target audience. For example, Alonso Duralde is a talented film reviewer and likely wrote the review to fit the tone of The Today Show site. Image via Director’s Library.

4. Talk about the acting.

When reviewing a film, it’s important to take space to discuss the performances. Does the film feature a seasoned actor in a new kind of role or a brilliant performance from a rising star? How was the acting? In a review by Brett Milam for the award-winning film Whiplash , he goes into rich detail about performances by both breakthrough actor Miles Teller and seasoned professional JK Simmons.

Regarding Teller, Milam writes, “This is a performance. This is art,” and about Simmons, “I found him fascinating to just look at.” Those are just small examples of the analysis he provides regarding their acting. As the film mostly focuses on the relationship between their two characters, Miles as the protagonist and JK as the antagonist, the review of the performances lends well to the plot of the film: student and teacher going head to head in an intense and determined showdown. 

Feedback about how well the actors handled the script, the dynamics in an ensemble, and so much more can help describe how the actors did in any given film.

5. Call out directors, cinematographers, and special effects.

Reviews that include highlights or missteps of directors, cinematographers, and costume designers can help provide support to your critiques. By providing specific examples of what worked, what surprised you, and what fell short of expectations, reviewers can write a well-thought-out review that goes beyond whether or not you liked it.

how to write a movie review

In a review for A Wrinkle in Time , Monique Jones artfully crafts a piece that diplomatically cites the missteps of the film. From analyzing the quality of the CGI to the camera techniques to inconsistencies in the rules of the fantasy universe, Jones fairly offers a critique that guides the filmmakers and crew on future endeavors. To write this type of review, it helps to have some knowledge of the filmmaking process so you can properly assess the screenwriting, cinematography, special effects, acting, and more. Image via Disney.

6. No spoilers!

The point of writing a movie review is to get people interested in seeing a movie. That’s why it’s absolutely best practice to not reveal spoilers in a film review. Film reviewer Robert Daniels approaches this creatively. In his review of Annihilation , he provides commentary on what would be considered spoilers. However, he places that part of the review at the bottom of the article under a bold header/image that warns the reader he’s about to spoil the film. For reviewers who want to dissect the entire film, this is a good way to both tease the film for anyone who hasn’t seen it and cater to people who want to know what the ending is.

Remember: the goal of any film review is to discuss the plot without revealing any twists or the ending of the film. 

7. Study the professionals.

As with all writing endeavors, the more you read, the better. However, with the modern landscape of film reviewing, which can go beyond writing and extend to content creation for social media platforms, there are a ton of reviewers to take notes from. First, determine what kind of reviewer you want to be, and what kind of medium you plan to deliver your reviews on. If you plan to post to Medium, for example, studying the reviewers already established on the site can be a great starting point.

Then, read film reviews for some of your favorite films. Determine which style of review you like and don’t like. Question why, and use your critical eye to consider why one reviewer has a hundred thousand followers and another only has two. If you’re looking to be featured on a website or a magazine, read the publications where you’d like your writing to appear as a template for your reviews, and don’t forget to read the submission guidelines. A few examples of film review professionals include Rotten Tomatoes , Roger Ebert , and Film Comment. 

8. Reread, rewrite, and edit.

While writing film critique is based on opinion, and follows the style of the reviewer, it’s still important to edit work. Writers should check for spelling, grammar, and readability. No matter how good a writer’s opinions are, they will not be taken seriously if the director’s name isn’t spelled correctly. Tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway Editor can be great for correcting and finding areas that need improvement. 

9. Find your voice.

The best reviewers have a distinct personality that comes across in their writing. Los Angeles Times film reviewer Carlos Aguilar wrote an impassioned piece about the film Beatriz at Dinner , going into a lot of detail about his experiences working in the film industry and his Mexican heritage. By sharing anecdotes about casual racism he’s experienced and connecting it to the film’s protagonist, and what she goes through, the review feels personal and relatable.

how to write a movie review

“If at a film festival – to which I’ve gotten access to because I’m a published writer – in a progressive city like Los Angeles, I must keep my guard up when people question my right to be there, then how are the voiceless supposed to feel safe, respected, or hopeful?” Aguilar writes. 

For new reviewers, developing this type of unique voice does not happen overnight, so take every opportunity to write as an opportunity to develop your style. Image via BBC.

10. Know your taste.

As a film reviewer, it can be helpful to identify your taste in film. By knowing specific preferences, strengths, and biases, reviewers can offer nuanced critiques that resonate with audiences and provide valuable guidance on which films they might enjoy. Additionally, it helps to maintain credibility and integrity as a reviewer by ensuring that assessments are authentic and reflective of personal cinematic sensibilities.

Try to explore various genres, directors, and themes to understand what resonates emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically. Pay attention to the types of stories that engage you, which can help define your preferences.

Learn More About Filmmaking at NYFA

Film students with writing experience actually make great reviewers, as many of them are required to study a range of topics relating to film that can include cinematography, screenwriting, producing, and much more. Ready to build even more skills in filmmaking? Request more information about New York Film Academy’s filmmaking programs and workshops today!

Home » Building Websites » How to Start a Profitable Review Blog: The Ultimate Guide

How to Start a Profitable Review Blog: The Ultimate Guide

Our independent research projects and impartial reviews are funded in part by affiliate commissions, at no extra cost to our readers. Learn more

how to create a movie review blog

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When it comes to topics to write reviews about, the world is your oyster. You could pen critiques on classic movies, take technology to task, or even – in a particularly meta twist – start a blog reviewing blogging platforms .

Yet often, it’s not deciding what to write a review blog about that counts, but how to start a review blog in the first place. The process does, after all, include several steps – from choosing a niche and building a website to gaining trust and engagement – and it can be difficult.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a seven-step guide to start a review blog that doesn’t just inform, engage, or even entertain – but makes money , too. We’ll walk you through how to set up and monetize your blog, how to write transparent (yet effective!) content, and cultivate credibility – all while toeing the line of legal and ethical considerations.

Ready to start a profitable review blog? Let’s get started!

Niche Selection for Review Blogs

Before you start creating your review blog, it makes sense to figure out what you’re actually going to be reviewing, first. So be sure to choose your niche carefully, by:

  • Identifying where your greatest passions and expertise lie
  • Understanding which niches are most profitable
  • Figuring out what the competition in each niche is like, and where the gaps are
  • Tech gadget reviews for seniors
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly product reviews
  • Board game reviews or video game reviews (get more tips on how to start a gaming blog next!)
  • Pet tech and accessories reviews
  • Adventure travel gear reviews
  • Historical fiction book reviews
  • Digital nomad lifestyle product reviews

Find even more profitable Niche Blog Ideas in our full article!

Once you’ve settled on a niche, take your research one step further by:

  • Pinpointing your target audience: who will be reading your reviews, and what drives or motivates them? What are their biggest pain points and frustrations?
  • Undertaking market research: engage your potential readers and customers by sending out surveys and questionnaires to understand what interests them.

Setting Up Your Review Blog

Next, you’ll need to create your review blog – and for this, we recommend a website builder. Website builders are online tools that allow you to design and construct an online presence for your reviews.

They’re quick to set up, and – if you select the right one – easy to use, too. And, since they’re typically billed on a month-to-month subscription basis, they’re more affordable than if you were to build a site from scratch or use a CMS (Content Management System) .

The top website builders we recommend for review sites are:

  • Wix (best for built-in review features)
  • Squarespace (best for designing a unique review site)
  • (best for content-heavy review sites)
  • (best for simple review site management)
  • Webflow (best for advanced review site editing)
  • Hostinger (best for simple review sites)

Crafting Exceptional Review Content

With your review website set up, it’s time to start filling it with what it’s there for – high-quality reviews!

To that end, here are some tips to make your reviews sing:

  • Make them honest and unbiased: even if you’re getting paid to promote a product, you should still provide a transparent, impartial account of its features – which means writing about both its pros and cons. You can be enthusiastic in your praise for a particular product or service, just not too enthusiastic. (Your readers will smell the bias a mile off!)
  • Perform in-depth, hands-on research: sure, it’s easy to sit down and cobble together a review based on other reviews already on the internet. But this results in shallow writing that doesn’t offer any real value. So underpin your reviews by actually using the product. This hands-on experience and testing will shine through in the detail, veracity, and authenticity of your reviews.
  • Use persuasive language and storytelling techniques: these strategies involve using power words (such as “imagine”, “discover”, and “transform”), as well as rhetorical devices like metaphors, similes, and analogies to make your language vivid and memorable. Your reviews should also address your readers’ concerns, appeal to their emotions, and elicit a sense of urgency with strong calls to action (CTAs) .

To learn more about building a content pipeline for your review blog, create a content marketing strategy – with our help!

Monetization Strategies for Review Blogs

When it comes to getting paid for your hard work, affiliate marketing is the easiest, most direct route to monetizing your review website.

It involves directing readers from your reviews to the websites of suppliers in your niche. If you review CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, for instance, you might link to Salesforce or HubSpot from your reviews. If one of your readers purchases while on those sites, you’ll receive a commission (or “finder’s fee”) for your role in the deal.

To get started with affiliate marketing, you’ll need to:

  • Find relevant affiliate programs with your niche through research (snooping on the kind of affiliate programs your competitors are using is a good shortcut here!)
  • Work with the right types of affiliate partners : choose only companies with a strong reputation for quality and customer service and that align with your own values.

Then, it’s simply about embedding links to the sites of your affiliate partners naturally in your content, without ever seeming like you’re favoring one supplier or another unfairly.

But of course, affiliate marketing is just one of many monetization methods.

You can also try:

  • Incorporating sponsored content and guest posts (where you write for other websites, either for a fee or for a link back to your own review site).
  • Showcasing display ads on your site (sure, they look a little ungainly and can clutter your site visually, but are a good source of passive income for high-traffic review sites).
  • Selling your own products or services: digital products (such as online courses and downloadable resources) work particularly well here.
  • Building a strong list of email subscribers , then using email marketing to offer them targeted deals, discounts, and links to your affiliate partners.

Building Credibility and Trust in Review Blogging

When you’re reviewing products and services, trust and credibility are crucial. If your reader doesn’t believe that you’re trustworthy, informed, and have their best interests (rather than your own wallet) at heart, they simply won’t be interested.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to build trust in review blogging, which include:

  • Remaining transparent about your affiliations and sponsorships: add a small disclaimer to your reviews, noting that you may receive a commission if the reader opts to make a purchase with one of your affiliated suppliers.
  • Encouraging user-generated content: this includes comments and testimonials, plus pictures and videos of your readers using the products you review. This engenders trust and familiarity and demonstrates your commitment to including your audience.
  • Staying consistent and reliable: posting regularly is an excellent way of building up a following with your online audience, and will do your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts a world of good, too. To learn more about just how regularly you should be posting, our guide to the content marketing pyramid will help.

Tech Radar affiliate disclaimer example screenshot

Legal and Ethical Considerations for Review Blogs

While the information in this article by no means constitutes legal advice – for that, see a lawyer! – we do want to briefly touch on some of your review site’s obligations in the eyes of the law and wider society.

These include:

  • Complying with FTC (Federal Trade Commission) guidelines around disclosure and transparency, which mandate that the claims in your reviews must be truthful and evidence-based, and cannot be deceptive or unfair.
  • Understanding the principles of fair use , which allow the use of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, and education.
  • Creating a privacy policy to clearly outline what user data you collect, how it’s collected, and why. This includes information such as names, email addresses, and any other data you collect through cookies or analytics tools.
  • Utilizing the principles of ethical marketing when advertising your review site, which means doing so in a way that aligns with broader moral, societal, or environmental principles, and doesn’t attempt to deceive or manipulate your audience.

Community Engagement and Trust Building

With your blog up and running, be sure to engage with your community on an ongoing basis: encouraging readers to interact with your review site through posting comments, asking questions, and providing their feedback – good and bad! (You’ll also want to reply to all your reviews, even the negative ones – find out how with our dedicated guide.)

In doing so, you’ll foster a sense of community around your review blog: building trust by actively, and consistently, engaging with your audience. And, once you have cultivated a healthy following – after you’ve helped a lot of people, and posted a lot of reviews – don’t be afraid to shout about it. Testimonials and figures about how many readers you’ve served act as powerful social proof – so don’t be afraid to ask your customers for reviews !

Merchant Maverick social proof example screenshot

How to Start a Review Blog: Summary

Let’s quickly recap the seven key steps for how to start a review blog:

  • Select your review blog’s niche and understand its audience
  • Set up your review blog with a website builder such as Wix or Squarespace
  • Craft honest, unbiased, and persuasive review content
  • Monetize your review blog through affiliate marketing
  • Build credibility and trust through transparency and consistency
  • Consider your review blog’s legal and ethical considerations
  • Build trust and engage with your review blog’s community

No matter which niche you explore or what topic you dig into, a review blog is a brilliant way of sharing your knowledge and passion with the world, ensuring your readers can make the most informed product decisions possible, and allowing you to make a nice profit for yourself, too.

Better still, you can get started right now! All you need is a blank piece of paper or fresh Google doc to start brainstorming your niche ideas, and a free trial or plan with one of the top website builders to get the ball rolling.

If you still need some further advice and inspiration, Website Builder Expert is packed to the brim with it – so be sure to check out our top blogging tips before you take off!

How much does it cost to start a review blog?

As a general rule, here’s what you can expect to pay, per month, for a mid-level review blog with a strong SEO strategy and design:

  • Website builder subscription (up to $49)
  • Website hosting (up to $5.45)
  • Website template or theme (up to $200)
  • Domain name ($12 to $60)
  • SEO and marketing (up to $150)
  • Hardware costs (up to $2,500)

For our comprehensive breakdown of these one-off and ongoing costs, explore our guide to how much it costs to start a blog .

Will my review blog make money from the start?

While immediate income may be challenging, then, stick to the principle of creating quality content to attract readers. Later, once you’ve built a steady audience, you can start to explore monetization options like affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and product collaborations.

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10 Movie Review Examples That Will Help You Write Better Reviews


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Learn How to Start A Movie Review Blog!

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How to Make a Movie Review Website

Ben Sibley

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing a product through one of these links generates a commission for us at no additional expense to you.

Ben Sibley

“Follow the plan outlined here and you can create your own website from scratch without writing any code for less than $300.”

Are your opinions different?

Is everyone missing out on the best films?

If you’ve got something unique to offer as a movie reviewer, there’s still plenty of space online for your voice.

You’ve probably posted reviews on IMDb and other sites, but building your own website will allow you to turn your reviews into a business.

With your own website, you can publish and share your reviews, and earn from advertising on your site.

The best part is that making a website is pretty easy these days. Here’s how to get started.

Get a domain

Get your site online, get to know your new website, transform your site for movie reviews, start publishing your reviews, how to create a movie review site.

Before we get into the design or anything like that, there’s one step you have to complete first.

I’m sure you’re familiar with domain names, but just to make sure we’re on the same page, a domain name is the address of a website. For example, and are both domain names.

If this is a side project and you don’t have a lot of funding then you’ll likely want to get a domain for as cheap as possible. Unregistered .com domains only cost about $10/year, but any domains for sale by flippers will cost thousands of dollars (then $10/year to keep).

The problem is that finding an unregistered domain is really tough. That’s why I put together a guide on finding available domains .

Domain Name Post

If you’re having any trouble finding a good domain name, try the techniques listed in that article and I’m sure it will help.

Once you have your domain name picked out, you’re ready to get a basic site online.

The next thing you need is hosting.

What is hosting?

When someone visits your domain, you need a server to deliver your website’s content to the visitor’s browser so the site loads.

Visualization of server sending files to computer

This doesn’t mean you need to purchase a server rack and put it in your house. Only the world’s largest companies (like Google and Amazon) maintain their own servers. Everyone else rents space on a server from a hosting company. Renting the use of a server is called hosting .

How to get hosting

Signing up for hosting is just as easy as making any other online purchase.

There are thousands of hosts to choose from, but for a new WordPress user, I recommend Nexcess .

Nexcess WordPress Hosting

Nexcess has a great mix of affordability and reliability. If you go any cheaper with hosting, you tend to have lots of issues.

They also have services bundled with the hosting, such as automated daily backups.

Once you signup, they’ll auto-create a brand new WP website for you, so you’ll be ready to get started with the WP dashboard right away.

Your website will use the latest default theme, so initially, it will look something like this:

Twenty Twenty theme

If you want to get familiar with WordPress and how it works, this video will give you a walkthrough of the whole dashboard.

You won’t be a master of WordPress just yet, but after watching that dashboard tour, you’ll be familiar with the interface itself.

With a live WordPress site and a basic understanding of how it works, you’re ready to turn your boring site into a gorgeous movie review website.

WordPress websites change their design primarily by using themes , and they add new functionality by adding plugins .

Depending on your site vision and goals, there are two different paths you can take. I’ll outline both and make some product recommendations.

Make a simple movie review blog

The first approach is to make a simple movie review website where your personal brand and perspective will be the focal point of the site.

To do this, I would recommend picking a free blog theme. We have 19 free themes all made for content creators.

Compete Themes Templates

Adding one of these themes will give your site a clean look and a design that adapts well to mobile devices. Once you’ve switched your theme, you can follow this basic customization guide to set things up the way you want.

Now your website isn’t just a blog, it’s a movie review website which means you need a way to add star ratings to your posts. For that, I recommend the Schema Pro plugin.

Schema Pro

This plugin will add schema data to your site that lets your ratings show up on Google, which can greatly help with the search traffic your site receives.

For many people, that’s all they’ll need, but if you have something more ambitious in mind, try this next approach.

Build a movie review database

If you want to build a database and potentially have multiple reviewers on your site, the Moview theme is an incredible tool.


This theme comes with a review system and also an IMDb importer. You can import movies and celebrities from IMDb with this automated system and display their info automatically on your site.

Using these tools, you can quickly build a large website and have thousands of movies to write reviews for.

Moview is also extremely customizable. It includes a page builder plugin called Visual Composer which lets you create entirely custom page designs. It’s more work, but you get total control over layouts this way.

If you want additional alternatives to choose from, you can check out this collection of movie themes .

Best WordPress Movie Themes

While not specific to movies, we also have a collection of product review themes with more excellent templates.

By following the steps above, you’ll get a WordPress website online in record time.

Regardless of the content and design, you’ll need to get a domain and hosting, and Nexcess is an excellent host to get started with.

Signup with Nexcess

If your goal is to create a simple review website where you’re the only author, that can be done entirely with free themes and plugins.

Check out our free blog themes

Creating a large movie database website is possible, too, using the Moview theme. It’s an interesting option to explore if you hadn’t even considered it.

See the Moview theme

I hope this tutorial has helped give you a clear understanding of how to create your movie review website.

If this guide helped you out, make sure to share it with someone else before you go!

Get a beautiful beginner-friendly theme

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how to create a movie review blog

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How to Start a Movie Blog (And Make Money)

Title Banner with Sidebar

by  Ron Stefanski

Updated: December 4, 2023

Disclosure: OneHourProfessor is reader-supported. When you buy through links on my site, I may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

The movie industry has grown a lot over the years and continues to expand at an incredible speed. The industry as a whole shows healthy growth projections for the coming years. 

There is no shortage of movies for you to review, and with more and more people turning to the internet for entertainment and news, now is a great time to start a movie blog. 

A movie blog will provide you with a platform to reach massive audiences online. It’s a great way to show others your point of view and share your thoughts on movies you care about. 

You will be able to create a community of friends and movie lovers who will flock to your blog for the latest industry news, movie review information, and more.

This guide on how to start a movie blog will provide you with everything you need to start making money doing something you enjoy.

Editors Note

This guide is extremely DETAILED and explains everything you need to start a Movie blog. I’ve been at this blogging stuff for over 8 years and have built a business making $20,000 per month, so I have a lot of helpful advice for you newbies out there.

If you get stuck or need advice, I HIGHLY recommend that you get my 100% FREE blogging course by clicking here . If that doesn’t help please contact me directly and I’ll help you out for free.

How to Start a Movie Blog in 10 Steps:

Starting a movie blog is a lot easier than you might imagine. Even if you have zero experience building websites, this guide will take you through the step-by-step process so you can build, grow, and monetize your film blog. 

But first, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why it’s a great idea to start a movie blog:

Review Movies: Getting to review movies is something that many movie lovers would do even if they weren’t being paid for it. With your own blog, you get to review all the movies you love (and hate) and make a decent income doing it.

Let Your Voice Be Heard: One of the most common reasons people want to start a movie blog is for the love of movies. Your movie blog will give you a platform where you can talk about various things that interest you in the world of cinema.

Improve Your Writing Skills: As one blogger once said, good blogging comes from passion. If you’re passionate about writing about movies, it will help you improve your writing skills significantly.

Make Money: Although there are many reasons why you might want to start a movie review blog, one of the main reasons is that you can make money doing what you love – and you get to work on your own schedule.

Get Early Screenings to Movies: As you begin to establish authority in your niche, you will start to get early screenings to movies. The more popular your blog becomes, the more opportunities will open up to you.

Meet Actors and Directors: When you start a movie blog, there will be tons of opportunities that present themselves to you if you remain persistent. For instance, you may get on the studio press invitation list and get to meet actors and directors that you admire.

Get Film Memorabilia: Yet another benefit that comes with starting a movie blog is that you get access to film memorabilia. 

These are just a few of the many reasons why starting a movie blog is such a great idea. And now, on to the fun part where you can get started creating your blog.

1. Decide the Focus of Your Movie Blog

In order to ensure your success, you need to start your movie blog with a purpose. And so, your first step is to decide the focus or direction of your new blog. 

This is something that is overlooked by a lot of bloggers, and it’s one of the main reasons why so many of them ultimately fail. 

Below are some ideas that are possible ways to position your blog so you can have the best chance of success. Take the time to go through each so you can get some ideas as to the direction of focus for your new blog.

  • Movie Reviews: Your blog can be focused on current movie reviews. 
  • Movie Recommendations and Criticisms: Movie critic blogs like Roger Ebert are also a popular option. 
  • Directors or Actors’ Careers: Your blog can also be about criticizing or talking positively about directors/actors and their careers.

News About Movies:   Alternatively, you can make your blog about news and movies that are coming out and how released movies are performing

2. Choose Your Movie Niche

Your next step is to choose your movie niche. Your niche is simply a corner of the market that you’re most knowledgeable about. It’s the place where you can establish yourself as an authority or expert on the topic.

Don’t create a generic blog that focuses on a niche like “ movies ”, which is too broad, or “ movies in 1975 ” which would be too narrow

Instead, you want to find the sweet spot for your film blog niche, where it’s not so broad that it’s impossible for you to get noticed, or so narrow that you’re left with very little room for growth. 

You must choose a niche for your blog that will allow you to attract an audience while giving you room to expand your blog in the future. 

Why it’s Important to Choose a Niche

By choosing just one narrow niche, you make it more likely that you will be able to amass an audience of engaged followers. If you blog about all things that are movie-related, it will make it hard for you to build an audience for your new blog. 

Also, choosing a niche helps to make it more likely that you will be viewed as an expert or an authority in that niche. 

There are many different types of niches you can focus on with your blog. I’ve listed some of them below to give you inspiration and help you brainstorm additional ideas. 

  • Choose a Movie Genre: Your blog can focus on any of the different movie genres, including horror, country, comedies, drama, thrillers, action, and so on. 
  • Generalized Movie Blog: You can blog about movies in general, although I wouldn’t recommend this course of action as you will be taking on established blogs like ScreenRant right from the beginning. 
  • Movie Blog Focused on Directors: An example of such a blog is Strictly Film School , which arguably embodies cinephilia in the internet age better than any other blog. 
  • Asian or Foreign Films: Your niche can be focused on Asian movies, like the Asian movie blog MissMalini . 
  • Indie Films: This is yet another niche that is extremely popular among movie bloggers. A great example of this type of blog is No Film School Blog . 
  • Hollywood Blockbusters: If you choose this niche, your blog will focus on providing a thoughtful and analytical approach to the output from Hollywood. 
  • Classic Hollywood Movie Blog: A classic movie blog will allow you to share news and information about classic movies, like the blog Out of the Past
  • Retro Films: If you love retro films, you can dedicate your blog to the celebration of cinema retro. 
  • Netflix Movie Review Blog: Your blog can be focused on reviewing Netflix movies specifically.

By now, I’m sure you’re getting the picture. The list of possible niches is virtually endless. You can also choose Experimental movies, Broadway, RomComs, Documentaries, etc. as your niche, or even combine different niches to come up with something unique. 

Just remember, the movie industry is extensive, so don’t try to be all things to all people with your new blog. Pick a niche that interests you and move on to the next step. You can always expand on it later.

The niche you choose will guide your content strategy. 

However, keep in mind that you can still write about different topics on your blog. For instance, The Movie Blog is clearly focused on writing about Hollywood films, but they still occasionally publish about Asian films, Indie films, and documentaries. 

The main focus of the film blog Screen Anarchy is Asian and Foreign films, but they also comment on bigger Hollywood films once in a while. 

Once you know your focus, you will be able to keep your direction clear. But, every now and then, you can allow yourself to talk about other things that interest you.

3. Choose Your Blogging Platform

Before you can start blogging , you need to have a blogging platform. This is the software that will allow your blog to be available online. 

There are many platforms to choose from, both free and paid, but I recommend that you steer clear of free blogging platforms like Blogger, Wix, and Squarespace. 

Although it may be tempting to start your new movie blog with no investment of money, below are some reasons why you should avoid this course of action.

Reasons to Avoid Free Blogging Platforms

  • The features are quite limited and will limit your ability to grow and monetize your blog in the future. 
  • You don’t have full control over your site, and any SEO work that you do will benefit the free blogging platform and not your own website. 
  • Also, your site can be shut down with no prior notice if you violate their terms of use in any way. 
  • Free blogging platforms look unprofessional. Instead of having a name like “ MyMovieBlog (dot) com ”, you’ll have to use something like “ MyMovieBlog.SquareSpace (dot) com ” 
  • The host may show ads everywhere on your website – some of which may not even be related to the type of content you produce, which means you risk alienating your visitors.

Free blogging platforms do nothing to help you build trust in your relationships with your readers. After all, who would take your movie blog seriously if you can’t even be bothered to get your own hosting and domain? 

That’s why I recommend that you choose self-hosted WordPress as your blogging platform. (Keep in mind that this is different from the free WordPress (dot) com blogging platform).

Why Choose Self-Hosted WordPress over Free Blogging Platforms

  • WordPress is free to use. It’s also very easy to download and install
  • The software is user-friendly and great for beginners without any coding experience
  • WordPress comes with tons of free and paid plugins for extending site functionality
  • The platform offers affordable themes for easy website customization
  • WordPress also integrates with many other services and apps 
  • The software offers a lot of flexibility in monetizing your movie blog
  • You also get support from a huge community of users and developers

Take a look at these recent WordPress statistics to get an idea of just how popular the WordPress blogging platform is:

  • WordPress powers 60% of all websites that are built on CMS
  • The number of WordPress sites online grows by about 4% each year
  • WordPress websites get over 400 million visits every month
  • More than 660 WordPress blogs are built every single day
  • WordPress has over 50,000 free and paid plugins to choose from

4.  Decide Your Domain Name

Your domain name is what you’re going to call your new movie blog. For instance, if you name your blog Weird Horror Movies, then your domain name will be WeirdHorrorMovies (dot) com , or WeirdHorrorMovies (dot) net , etc. In short, the domain name will serve as your blog’s address online. 

You need to choose a name that is short, unique, catchy, and memorable. This way, you make it easy and convenient for your blog followers to type the name in their browsers when they want to return to your blog.

Listed below are 10 steps to help you choose a memorable name that is also brandable and aligned with your style. 

1. Go with “. com” : Although there are tons of other movie-related domain extensions, such as .movie, .film, etc., I recommend that you choose a domain name with a . com extension as this will help to build trust with your readers.

2. Choose a Broad Name: Try to avoid choosing a name that is too narrow. For instance, if you choose a name like “Fun Wedding Movies”, it limits the type of content you can create and makes it hard to grow and expand your blog over time. 

3. Keep It Short: Your name should be short and easy to type into the browser. So, avoid long or complex words and keep your movie blog name to just two or three words, if you can. If necessary, you can use up to four words, but try not to exceed that number.

4. Make Use of Alliteration: Alliteration is the use of two or more words that begin with the same sound or letter. Using this tactic helps to make your blog name more memorable, like Film Fans, Trailer Tyrant, or Movie Mania.

5. Get Creative: If the name you want for your new movie blog is already taken, you can use synonyms or other similar words to find a name you might be happy with. For instance, if you wanted the name “Awesome Action Movies”, you might consider using something like “ Epic Action Movies” instead.

6. Add Extra Words: If you’ve tried everything else and you still can’t get the name you want, try adding extra words like “the”, “blog”, “hub”, etc. You may also consider using keywords in your title. For instance, if your blog is focused on classic movies, you might choose a name like “ Classic Cinema Mania”.

7. Think of a Concept: Imagine how your movie blog could be branded, or how you might expand the blog in the future. This will help you come up with ideas for unique names for your blog.

8. Use Name Generating Tools: If all else fails and you find that you are still stuck for a name, use domain name generators like Lean Domain Search and Instant Domain Search . Simply enter some keywords, and the tool will present you with a list of possible domain names for your new movie blog.

9. Don’t Purchase a Domain Name: You may find that the name you want is already taken and being offered for sale for hundreds, or maybe even thousands of dollars. Don’t be tempted to buy it. 

Instead, go with a standard domain name and use that money to help you create valuable content to grow your site. Later on, when you’re blog is profitable, you can then purchase any domain name you want.

10. Don’t Get Stuck at This Stage: A lot of people who set out to start a new movie blog never make it past the stage. Picking a name is an important part of the process, but it shouldn’t take you longer than a couple of hours to get through the steps outlined above. Choose a name that you’re happy with, and move on to the next step.

Examples of Popular Movie Blogs (and why their names make sense)

  • Movie Marathon: This movie blog makes use of alliteration to create a name that is easy to remember.
  • Filmy Site: This name is short and sweet. It’s easy for blog visitors to type into their browsers.
  • Filmoholics: This blog name is short and unique. It makes it clear that the blog is focused on avid movie lovers.
  • Movie Marker: As with the example above, this blog also uses alliteration to create a name that is easy to recall.
  • Back to the Movies : This is a memorable name for a blog about classic movies. It’s a play on the title of the popular sci-fi adventure film, Back to the Future.

Here are 10 ideas for movie blog names to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Heroes of Cinema
  • Wedding Movie Reviews
  • Savvy Movie Watchers
  • Horror Movie Hub
  • Crazy Classics
  • Fun Film Fans
  • Fetch the Popcorn
  • Dread Central
  • Flick Chart
  • Trailer Tyrant

5.  Buy Your Domain Name and Hosting

Your next step is to actually buy the domain and hosting for your website . If your domain name is your blog’s address, and your website is your movie blog’s actual home on the internet, then the hosting is the real estate on which the house will be built. 

You rent this real estate from web hosting providers. In return, they host your website on their servers and ensure that it’s always visible online for your audience to find. 

There are many web host providers that you can choose from. I recommend you use Bluehost, a reliable web host that has been around for a very long time that’s also recommended by WordPress. They offer affordable services for new bloggers.

So, when someone types in your website URL, then Bluehost will show your blog to the individual who searched for it.  

I’ve created a step-by-step tutorial to walk you through the entire process of buying your domain name and hosting.  The first thing you need to do is click on this link to visit Bluehost and follow along with the tutorials below.

Below is a YouTube video and screenshots showing you the exact step-by-step process, choose whatever tutorial that works best for you. 

Step 1:   If you haven’t yet, click on this link and you’ll be brought to the WordPress Hosting page that you see below. 

how to create a movie review blog

Step 2:   Next, you’ll be brought to the hosting plan page.  You could choose to get a “Plus” or “Choice Plus” plan, but honestly, that’s not a requirement.

The Startup plan is the cheapest at $2.95/month through my link vs. the normal $8.99/month.  

This plan has everything you need including 50GB of webspace (plenty of room for your files), a free domain for a year, plus other standard features like a free SSL and a secure WordPress install. Feel free to browse a bit to decide the right plan for you, but rest assured that Basic will work just fine if you want to minimize your investment.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 3:   After clicking into the plan, you’ll be brought to the next page where you will type-in your new domain, or you can just choose “I’ll create my domain later” if you haven’t decided on one yet. The domain is the URL people will type into a browser to view your website in the future. 

how to create a movie review blog

Step 4:   Once you submit, the next page will ask for all of your information. That will start with your account information, which is self-explanatory.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 5:  Next, you’ll have to input your Package Information. This is to choose how long you want the plan to go for. My advice is that you choose 24 months to get the discount and save some money, but you can go as low 12 months if you want.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 6:   Next you’ll have to choose what “Package Extras” you want. You can scroll over “More Information” to understand what each of these items are, but here is my own advice.

I would get the “Domain Privacy + Protection”, this makes it so that no one can tie your name to the domain name you create. To me, the only other one worth considering is “Codeguard Basic”. The other two I wouldn’t personally get. But choose what is best for you.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 7:  The next step is Payment Information, which is self-explanatory.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 8:  And the last step of signup is to confirm that you read and understand the Bluehost Terms of Service, Cancellation Policy, and Privacy Notice. Click the check button and then click “Submit”.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 9:   Next you’ll be prompted to create an account and password. This is the information that you’ll use to login to the Bluehost platform to manage your site and account info.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 10:   At this point Bluehost puts you through a short questionnaire to better understand your scenario. You can answer all of these questions, or click “Skip this Step” on the bottom. If you’re a newbie, I advise you to answer the questions as it’ll help your onboarding experience.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 11:   After you’re done with that you’ll be advised to choose a theme. For now, you can just choose to use a free theme. You can always replace the theme later if you’d like.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 12:   From there, you’ll be brought into the backend of WordPress in the admin panel. This is where you’ll manage your site from. You can add posts/pages as you see fit, but when you’re ready click on the blue button that says “Launch Your Site”.

how to create a movie review blog

Step 13 (Final) :  Your blog is LIVE.  Just go to a browser and type in your domain name.  Once you do this, you’ll be able to access your website!

how to create a movie review blog

Congrats!  You officially have a website.

If you’re wondering how to edit things on the website, all you have to do from here is go to your website URL with /wp-admin at the end in a browser and login.

Example: http://mostawesomewebsiteever (dot) com/wp-admin

And don’t worry, we cover how to edit things more in the rest of this guide as well.  So please continue reading.

6. Choose and Install a Theme For Your Movie Blog 

A theme is a piece of software that determines how your blog looks. I don’t have to tell you how important aesthetics are for a movie blog. 

That’s why you need to choose a good-looking theme that will attract visitors to your blog and help you maintain audience engagement for as long as possible. 

There are tons of WordPress themes to choose from, including free themes and premium themes. I would advise against using a free theme because they are hard to customize and your new blog will end up looking like thousands of other movie blogs online. 

If you want a blog that stands out, you’re better off choosing one of the many premium WordPress movie themes available. 

Advantages of Choosing a Premium Theme

  • Constantly Updated: Premium WordPress themes are always updated by their developers. This is not the case with free themes.
  • Full Features: When you purchase a premium theme, you get access to all the theme’s features, as opposed to using a free theme where most of the features are locked, thereby limiting your ability to customize the theme.
  • Well Optimized: Premium themes come mobile and SEO-optimized. All you need to do after purchasing the theme is to upload and activate it on your blog.
  • Customer Support: With premium themes, you also get reliable tech support, which makes them ideal for new bloggers.
  • Enhanced Security: Premium WordPress themes come with inbuilt security that helps to fight off malicious code and keep your site secure.

Now that you understand the importance of choosing a premium WordPress theme for your new film blog, let’s take a look at some examples of themes that are great for movie blogs.

Here are a few examples of themes that are great for a movie blog:

  • Divi :   If you’re looking to design a stunning website with ease, Divi from Elegant Themes stands out as arguably the best WordPress builder available today. Its intuitive visual drag-and-drop interface empowers users to craft amazing sites quickly. What sets Divi apart is its vast array of customizable modules, real-time design feedback, and a responsive editing feature that ensures your website looks impeccable on any device.
  • Astra :   While Divi is renowned for its versatile design capabilities, the Astra theme offers a distinct set of advantages for those prioritizing speed, performance, and seamless integration. Astra stands out for its feather-light weight, ensuring that websites load at lightning-fast speeds—a critical factor for SEO and user experience. Moreover, Astra’s deep compatibility with major page builders, including Elementor and Beaver Builder, means that users aren’t restricted to a single design environment. The theme is also built with a focus on customization as well. You can read my Astra Theme Review is you want to learn more.
  • :  Themeforest has a significant amount of themes far beyond other platforms out there.  There are over 48,000 total themes available on this platform, so you can find whatever you need.  

And here are some other examples to consider, but the above options are my preferred ones for sure.

1. Vodi – Video WordPress Theme for Movies & TV Shows

This theme is ideal for Netflix, YouTube, and IMDB-like sites. It comes with 6 demos, 47 Gutenberg blocks, and various other features that will allow you to fully customize your movie blog to make it unique and attractive.

how to create a movie review blog

2. Filmax – Cinema & Movie News Magazine WordPress Theme

This theme has a powerful framework and three layouts that offer you spectacular options for your movie blog. The theme is retina-ready and you can easily publish your movie and film reviews, trailers, and much more.

how to create a movie review blog

3. THE PASSION – Multipurpose Movie Video & Music WP Theme

The passion is an epic responsive, multipurpose theme that is ideal for movie blogs. It comes with a video magazine with a fronted upload option, and it also has WooCommerce, as well as a visual composer.

how to create a movie review blog

4. Vlog – Video Blog & Podcast WordPress Theme

This theme is perfect for video blogs and podcast websites. It has a ton of great features and allows you to easily create your own YouTube channel site, which makes it great for a movie blog that publishes lots of video content.

how to create a movie review blog

5. Blockter – Movie and TV Show Database Website WordPress Theme

This WordPress theme is fully responsive and perfect for movie databases and TV show sites. It has clean code and a professional interface that is dark, modern, and attractive. It also has a powerful built-in movie library plugin that allows you to easily import movie data from TMDB with just one click.

how to create a movie review blog

These are just a few themes that you can choose from. If none of them appeal to you, you can search through theme marketplaces like Theme Forest , Studio Press, and Envato to find the perfect WordPress movie theme. 

Listed below are the most important factors to consider when choosing the best theme for your movie blog.

What to Look for in a Great Theme:

  • Mobile Responsive and Fast
  • Beautifully Designed and Professional-Looking
  • Templates to Match Your Style
  • Responsive Technical Support
  • Created by a Well-Established Brand
  • Good Ratings From Users

Once you’ve found a theme that you’re happy with, and have it installed on your blog, it’s time to start creating pages for your blog.

It should be noted that there are also website builders for filmmakers out there, but if you’re looking simply to discuss films and have a blog focused on movies, this probably isn’t for you.

7.  Create Essential Pages  & Logo

This step involves creating your blog’s essential pages. These are the main pages that will help you build trust with your audience, and so it’s important to take the time to ensure that you craft the content well.

These pages include the About page, Contact page, and Privacy Policy page. Let’s take a look at each of them in a bit more detail:

About Page: On some movie blogs, you may see this page titled “My Story”. This page is where you share information about yourself, why you started a movie blog, and so on. 

The people that follow your blog want to get to know you, and people love good stories, so use this page as a means to connect with your new audience and give them an idea of the type of value they can expect from your blog. You can also include an image of yourself on this page.

Contact Page: If any of your readers need help or want to collaborate with you, they should have an easy way to reach you. You can use the Contact Form 7 plugin on your WordPress blog to create a professional-looking contact form for this page. 

You can also include other information, such as your email address, phone number, Skype, address, etc. to give your readers different options and make it more convenient for them to get in touch with you.

Privacy Policy Page: If you collect any personal information (e.g. names, emails, etc.) from your blog visitors, then you are required by law to have a privacy policy agreement. The purpose of a privacy policy is to inform your blog visitors about your process for the collection and use of their personal data. Check out my list of the best privacy policy generators for free and paid options to help.

In addition to the Privacy Policy page, you may also include other legal pages, such as a Copyright page where you can explain that the content on your movie blog is fully yours and that you don’t want any of your content to be used without your consent.

Create a Logo: It’s also a good time to focus on creating a logo for your movie blog. There are a LOT of different ways to do this, but I’m a big fan of using using a logo maker .

To get started, you should view this list of the most reputable logo-maker platforms .   I think it’s a good idea to create a logo at this point now that your blog is all setup. 

8.  Begin Blogging

You have to regularly publish new content in order to build a targeted audience for your movie blog. Without an audience, you will not be able to make your blog a success, let alone monetize it. Content will also play a huge role in helping you become a “pro” in the movie review industry.

The type of content you create can include: 

  • Evergreen Articles: These have a long shelf life. They will continue to draw readers to your movie blog for a long time.
  • Videos: The explosive growth of video-sharing sites like YouTube and video-based tech like TikTok offers a ton of opportunities for video content creators to connect with a global audience.
  • News-Type Articles: We’ve established that as a movie blogger, you are not a news journalist. However, you can publish news-type articles or any other announcement-type content on your blog.
  • Image Heavy Content: More and more people are choosing videos and image-based content over written text on blogs. You can make your blog more appealing to different segments of your audience by including lots of eye-catching imagery in your posts.
  • Mix-And-Match: If you want your blog to stay fresh, you need to publish a variety of content. You will obviously have your popular posts that resonate the most with your audience, but it’s also important to provide a variety of content so you can cater to a wider audience.

Just keep in mind that just because you have to publish regularly doesn’t mean that you should regularly publish low-quality content. 

You must choose a blog posting frequency that allows you to consistently create high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. 

But what exactly should you write about? 

Here are a few ideas and writing categories to give you inspiration for creating content for your blog.

  • Film reviews
  • Your favorite (or least favorite) genres
  • X thoughts while watching __
  • Review film streaming services
  • Your favorite actors or actresses
  • Top 10 film flops of the year/century
  • Your favorite (or least favorite) directors
  • Book vs. film
  • Awesome film-related gifts
  • Share unpopular or controversial opinions
  • Badly-written film plots
  • Everything wrong with __ (movie)

As a movie blogger, you will never run out of things to write about! There are tons of new movies coming out, which means you can make reviews daily if you want to. 

Just keep in mind the following important things: 

Do keyword research : You need to understand keyword research so you can rank your posts for low competition keywords. You also need to implement on-page SEO best practices. You can use a plugin like Yoast SEO which will provide you with all the data you need to optimize your website for search.

Consistency Is Key: Becoming a movie blogger is not the route to quick riches. Some people think that by publishing a few posts, they will become millionaires. Just because it’s cheap to start a movie blog, and anyone can do it, it doesn’t mean that everyone will succeed. The key to success is being consistent in your content creation and blog promotion efforts.

Be Patient: When you start blogging, it can take a while before you start to see results. It would be best if you were patient while being persistent and maintaining your marketing efforts. Don’t expect your brand-new blog to rank overnight. But, if you keep pushing you will be able to build a solid foundation for a great-performing blog.

Avoid Burnout: A common mistake that most beginner movie bloggers make is to feel like they need to post to their blog 15 times a day right out the gate. In the beginning, it’s not necessary to post so much, and having such unrealistic expectations will likely lead to burnout. 

Don’t let your enthusiasm get the better of you. Rather, start small with just one or two posts per day. Find your voice, and as you get comfortable expressing your thoughts, you can increase your posting frequency while maintaining the quality of your content.

Check out the Competition: Take a look at what other popular movie bloggers are doing. Read their blogs, and get ideas and inspiration for your own content. 

Familiarize yourself with different directors. Learn their styles and notice the differences in their plot development, cinematography, musical scores , and so on. 

As you become more knowledgeable about movies and marketing, in general, you will become better at critically reviewing movies, growing your audience, and increasing traffic to your blog. 

Popular Blogs to Check out:

  • Screen Rant
  • First Showing
  • Cinematical
  • Incontention
  • The Documentary Blog
  • Film School Rejects
  • Row Three  
  • Obsessed With Film

As a movie blogger, you should be actively reading other popular movie blogs. And, although movie blogging is different from news reporting, you also need to stay up-to-date on whatever is currently happening in the movie world by keeping up with different movie news sites, such as the ones listed below:

  • Coming Soon
  • Movies.Yahoo
  • The Hollywood Reporter

Important: Publish at least 10 blog posts before promoting your new blog.

Before you start promoting your new blog, make sure that you have published at least 10 blog posts so that your visitors will find a well-populated, professional-looking blog. 

Include a variety of content that will appeal to a wide audience. The more content people have to browse on your blog, the longer they are likely to stay. Also, if they see that you have lots of interesting, engaging content, they are likely to bookmark your blog and come back another time to explore some more. Pro Tip: If you are going to produce movie review videos, make sure you get the right equipment, including cameras, lights, tripod stand, video editing software , and so on. You may also have to learn video editing so you can create high-quality videos for your audience without the added cost of outsourcing.

9. Promoting Your Movie Blog

It won’t matter how great your new blog is if no one ever gets to see it. Now that you have everything in place, it’s time to implement some blog promotion strategies so you can get visitors to your blog.

Tell Friends and Family: The first thing you should do once your blog is live is to share it with your family and friends. Ask them to check out your blog, read your posts, and give you feedback on how you might improve it. Also, ask them to share your blog with their network of friends so you can get even more exposure.

Social Media: The power and importance of social media cannot be overemphasized. You need to create pages for your new movie blog on different social media sites, including YouTube , Facebook , Twitter , Snapchat , and Instagram . 

You don’t have to be on every platform, but you must choose the social sites where your target audience hangs out most of the time. 

Remember, a big part of your success will be attributed to your ability to be conversant about the way the cinema world works. Social media gives you access to a massive audience of potential followers and will help you to achieve your goals in this regard.

Movie Clubs on Facebook: A great way to increase the popularity of your new movie blog and get more traffic to your posts is to join movie clubs on Facebook where you can post informative comments on a variety of trending issues in the movie industry. 

There, you can network with other bloggers, and hopefully, get mentions from them which will result in even more traffic flowing to your blog.

Guest Blogging: Guest blogging involves writing posts for other blogs in your niche. This is a great blog promotion strategy that exposes you to brand-new audiences that you otherwise may not have been able to reach. 

Simply find other movie blogs in your niche that your target audience reads, and then reach out to them with a pitch for a blog post. You can then link back to your own blog and soon you will start to see a healthy stream of blog traffic from all your guest posting efforts.

SEO: When you start blogging, it’s important to focus on search engine optimization practices, such as including important keywords in your content so that it can be found for your target audiences searching online. 

The more you write reviews and critique movies on your blog, the more you will be recognized as a specialist in your niche. The more authority you exhibit, the more Google will rank your site higher in the search engine results pages. Over time, this will lead to increased traffic levels for your blog.

Encourage Discussion on Your Blog: One of the best ways to get the word out about your new movie blog is to get your followers and fans to share it with their network of friends. If you can maintain high engagement levels on your blog, people will be more likely to share your posts. 

One way to do this is by encouraging discussion in the comments section. End your posts with open questions, and ask readers for input. You’ll find it a lot easier to promote your movie blog if you can maintain an interactive blog that is social and conversational in nature.

Keep an Eye on the Competition: In addition to implementing the blog promotion techniques outlined above, you must also pay attention to your competitors. Take a look at what they’re doing and all the different methods they are using to promote their blogs. 

  • What are they posting? 
  • What are they not posting? 
  • What movies are they writing for? 
  • What types of posts are most popular with their audience? 

Don’t copy their content, but create unique content that’s even better than theirs. If there is something they are missing, use it to your advantage to give you an edge over the rest. 

And remember, you must have at least 10 blog posts published on your site before you implement any of these blog promotion strategies.

If we’re on the same page on this one, it’s time to move on.

10. Start Making Money

Now that everything is set up, it’s time to focus on monetizing your new blog. Movie blogs can be quite lucrative if you use the right monetization techniques. 

Listed below are just a few of the most commonly used techniques to make money from your movie blog. Don’t feel that you need to implement all of them at the same time. 

Simply pick one, and once you’ve implemented it successfully on your blog, you can move on to the next one.

Google AdSense: Signing up for Google AdSense or one of the best Google Adsense alternatives , which is easy and quick. Once you have been approved, the display ad platform will start showing ads to your website visitors. In return, you will get paid a small fee for each time someone clicks on an ad.

Over time, this adds up to create a nice stream of income from your blog. 

The amount you make with display ads will grow as your audience grows. Once you have a 60k+ monthly pageviews of traffic coming to your blog, you can add or switch to other ad networks like Newor Media (Read my Newor Media review here ) or Mediavine so you can maximize your ad revenue.

Patreon: Patreon is a membership platform that offers content creators the tools to run a subscription service. It’s a great site that you can use to earn monthly income from your following by asking them to support your website with a small monthly donation. 

You can create extra content and post it on the crowdfunding platform where your most loyal readers can support your website.

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing involves recommending products and services to your audience and then getting paid a small fee for each sale generated. As a movie blogger, there are tons of affiliate marketing opportunities open to you. You can join any number of affiliate networks, including Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, Shareasale, etc. 

There is a wide variety of products to choose from. For instance, you might write a critique or review for a movie and then link to a DVD using your Amazon affiliate link. 

Each time someone makes a purchase, you will get a commission (typically between 3-10%). If you join Commission Junction, you can also get nice deals in commissions from websites like Disney and Blockbuster.

Create a Service: Another basic way to make money from your movie blog is to create a service. If you know of a service that your audience needs that you can provide, then you have a viable business. 

You can either deliver the service through one-on-one interaction with users or via a piece of software. Alternatively, you can directly complete the task for the users. Either way, creating a service in this way is a great way to make money from your skillset and your movie blog. 

Examples of services you could offer include:

  • Consulting about writing, marketing, etc. 
  • Seminars on how to make movies (if you blog about movie-making)
  • Seminars on how to write movie reviews (if your blog is focused on movie reviews)
  • One-on-one coaching (if you have a skill set that your audience wants to learn about)

Selling Movie Merch: Selling physical products is one of the original money-making strategies. If you have an audience that is hungry for certain products, you can sell to them on your blog. You can either use dropshipping or self-fulfilled distribution methods. 

Dropshipping allows you to make the sale and then order the product from the manufacturer who then handles the shipping to the end user. The margins are slimmer than self-fulfilled sales where you buy the product from the manufacturer, store it, and then ship it to the customer yourself. Although more profitable, self-fulfilled involves a more hands-on approach than drop shipping.

Sell Digital Products: You can sell digital products on your website that film fans may find interesting. These include e-books, gated content, online courses, and so on. 

This type of monetization strategy is a blogger’s dream because you only create the item once and then sell it many times with no cost of reproduction. The strategy also allows you to scale your business to infinity. 

As a beginner, you probably won’t have that much content on your blog for you to create digital products, and you may have to invest some money and time into the creation. However, after a while, you may be able to create digital products like ebooks, email courses, or even make money from Audible by selling audiobooks, using some of the content on your site that you can then sell to your audience.

Sponsored Posts: In this industry, it’s vital to make connections. Unlike other industries like tech or travel, the movie blogging industry has a limit to the types of products that you can sell on your blog. 

Most of the contact happens through PR officials from large production houses which is why making the right connections can go a long way in helping you maximize blog revenue – not only from the sale of merchandise but also from sponsored posts from PR reps who will want to have their movies talked about on your blog. 

In addition to monetary incentives, you may also receive free films and premiere tickets to review their movies, among other things. But, this can only happen if you run a successful and popular movie blog.

Whether you are looking to make a few hundred dollars extra per month or to replace the income from your current job, implementing these blog monetization strategies will help you generate profit from your movie blog.

How to Start a Movie Blog: The Final Word

In the beginning, it may seem like an impossible dream, trying to compete with other popular blogs in your niche. 

However, the good news is that with a bit of persistence, you will be able to achieve great things with your new movie blog. 

Use the information in this guide on how to start a movie blog to help you start and grow your blog, eventually monetizing it so you can make money and achieve your goal of becoming a great movie blogger.

Very useful article! One question, though:

Is it safe to use screenshots from movies on my website?

Thanks Arafat, glad you enjoyed! Technically speaking, no I don’t think that is allowed. Will a large production company come after a small-time blogger for doing such a thing? I’m not sure that I can answer that either. If you wanted to do it, it would be a risk but I’m not sure if they’d chase you for doing so.

Thank You! I am starting one on a certain genre. I have written a few articles but haven’t published any yet as I am not sure what to do about pictures. Any advice on what would be the safest approach for someone badly underfunded? Best Regards 🙂

This one will help:

I’m not 100% sure to be honest. I am sure people do it, but I would advise you to speak with legal counsel if you’re worried about it.

Is it good to use an external service api to get movie data on your website (posters, actors, film company…) like example moviedb or imdb?

If you have the technical aptitude to do that, I’m all for it! More info is a good thing for sure.

Hello, thank you for your very useful information. I have never read an article with such delicacy

Happy to see it helped you!

Hi, thank you so much for the information. Something that I really want to know it that, it’s 2022, and there are a ton of movie review websites and YouTube channels. So do you think it’s wise to start a website or YouTube channel now ? I mean I know that I have to create unique and attractive content to be able to compete, but how likely do you think it is for a new website or channel to become profitable in let’s say a year ?

If you want one to make money in a year and can do Youtube, it would be the easier route. That said, I think long-term that blogs are a better business.

Hello, thank you for such a detailed explanation. Is it possible to move from the free options of hosting your domain name and themes to a premium one when the blog is a bit more stable?

Technically yes, but the problem with that is any rankings/SEO related to the free site that’s getting free traffic from search engines will be gone. That’s why it’s best to start with the paid plan.

If I’m writing a review about a particular movie, is it legal to use the movie poster as my blog featured image?

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  • How to Start a Blog
  • How to Start a Review Blog

Last Updated: February 16, 2024, 12:56 pm by TRUiC Team

How To Create a Review Blog

Starting a blog is one of the best ways to build an audience, get your ideas out into the world, and possibly make some (or a lot) of money while doing what you love. 

Getting started and taking the first steps can feel like a huge challenge. Building a website, planning your content, and finding the right business model are just a few of the tasks you’ll need to do to succeed.

Don’t worry! By the end of this article, you should have the knowledge and tools you need to feel confident and prepared to start your review  blog today.

Learn how to create a review blog

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Adam Enfroy’s Blog Growth Engine offers practical tools and strategies on discovering your writing niche and generating a substantial income.

What Is Your Blog About?

If you are reading this, chances are you know the basics of what your blog is going to be about - you are starting a review blog, after all! But you need to dig a little deeper to determine exactly what you want your blog to accomplish. Are you starting a tech review blog? A parenting products review blog? A recipe review blog?

Knowing on a deeper level what you want your blog to be about is a necessity, because it will allow you to set your tone and decide what content you are going to create.

There’s a quote that fits this situation perfectly:

"If you try to be everything for everybody, you will be nothing to no one."

Establish Your Niche

When creating a new blog, you need to find your niche . This is the corner of the market that you have the most knowledge about, the place you can establish yourself as an absolute authority. If you try to take on CNET all at once, you will find yourself squarely outmatched and very disappointed.

The key is to find the Goldilocks niche, one that is not too wide and not too narrow. “Reviews” is too wide - you will never stand out in such a big niche. “Reviews of pepperoni manufactured in Pittsburgh” is too narrow - you will run out of things to write about. You need a niche that is somewhere in the middle.

Some examples of niche review blogs are:

  • DIY Review Blog - ManMade
  • Fitness Products Review Blog - Frugal Fitness
  • Parenting Review Blog - Simply Being Mommy

Name Your Blog

Once you’ve found your niche, it’s a great time to start brainstorming a web domain name for your blog. You’ll want to pick a name that’s brandable and available. Use our domain name tool to check if your name is available. If it is, scoop it up before someone else gets to it first.

Find a Domain Now

Brand your blog.

The strongest and most memorable businesses are built on a solid brand. When developing your brand, think about what your business stands for. Customers and clients are looking for companies that have a compelling brand, as much as they are shopping for high-quality products and services.

Creating a logo for your business is vital for increasing brand awareness. You can design your own unique logo using our Free Logo Generator . Our free tool will help you brand your business with a unique logo to make your business stand out.

Finding Your Audience

Having a good sense of who is going to be reading your blog is one of the best ways to know what type of content to create, how to shape it, and, ultimately, how to grow your following. With a clear understanding of your niche, understanding your audience should come more naturally.

Finding your target audience - the people you want hanging out on your blog - isn’t only statistics and demographics. It requires a deeper understanding of who these people are and what they want. Your target audience is the people you’re writing to when you write your blog.

Who are you writing to when you write your blogs? Are you writing to experts in a specific niche, or to people who know next to nothing about the products you are reviewing? Regardless of what your content covers, you need to know your audience so you can speak to them in a voice that they will identify with.

Create a Persona

One way to understand your audience is to create a persona of your perfect target audience member. This essentially means creating a mock-up of the ideal person you hope to reach with your blog.

Here is an example of a target audience persona:

Sarah Sanderson Persona

Having a persona for your perfect audience member helps you to visualize and understand who you are writing for and provides important direction to your content.

Be Your Own Persona

Another popular way to find your perfect target audience is to be your own persona. Many of the best products and services come from scratching your own itch . It’s possible you’ve searched for the perfect review blog to read, came up short, and decided to create it yourself. This makes you the perfect audience member for your own blog.

This can be a great strategy for creating highly effective content. If you’ve noticed a meaningful omission in blog content, chances are you are not alone. By writing personally satisfying content you are likely to reach an audience in search of the same things.

Where Is Your Audience Hanging Out?

No web content exists in a vacuum. While you should strive to create uniquely entertaining content for your blog, your target audience is almost certainly already out there reading other blogs, engaging on specialized forums, and using social media. Finding the sites where your audience already mingles is a great way to discover what topics they are most interested in, what language they are using, and what valuable content you can add to that mix.

Some examples for your review blog may include:


Visiting these sites is also a great way to begin engaging with your audience before your blog has even gone live. Jump into conversations on forums and in comments sections and get to know the people you’ll be writing for. This is a great, organic way to build relationships and direct people to your blog in its early days. Sharing your passion with like-minded people will make them more excited and passionate about supporting you in your blogging endeavor.

How Will Your Blog Stand Out?

With over 32 million bloggers in the US, we recommend the Blog Growth Engine to help you find your niche, win on SEO, and optimize your revenue.

How Will You Present Your Work?

Traditionally, when most people think about a blog they picture written content on a page. However, there are several different ways to present your ideas on your blog, depending on your subject matter and target audience. Every blog will thrive with different formats, so it’s important to think carefully about how to best showcase your content before you start.

There are several effective methods of presenting the material on your review blog. They include:

Evergreen Articles

As the name suggests, evergreen articles are composed of content that lasts. These articles are designed to have a long shelf life and continue drawing readers to your blog over time . They are typically long-form, text-based articles that delve more deeply into a particular topic.

A review blog lends itself to evergreen content since reviews tend to be evergreen by their very nature. Your opinion about the things that you blog about is unlikely to change in the near future, which means that your reviews are inherently evergreen. One way you can appeal to an even bigger audience is to review older items as well as newer ones - the things that people tend to recommend by default. Someone will always be looking for reviews of these items and yours might be the only ones available!

While the video format is not new, the explosive growth of YouTube and the advent of new and innovative video-based tech like Snapchat and TikTok have shown the true power of video as an online medium. While you may think that creating video is much more difficult and expensive than writing your content, you have access to all the technology you need to make high-quality video content right on your smartphone.

Video reviews are becoming more and more common on review sites for a variety of reasons. Many people like seeing a physical demonstration of how an item is great or not so great, and video lets you provide such demonstrations. Others love seeing the reviewer’s reactions to a product and listening to the reviewer’s unique style of speaking and analysis. You can attract these types of people to your blog by creating your own video reviews.

News-type Articles

News articles or other “announcement” type content can be a great way to gather new readers. One benefit of news content is the short-term but powerful increase in search volume during an event . While this bump may be temporary, it can be a great tool for grabbing new readers who end up coming back for more.

Writing about current events or new happenings also means there will typically be less competition for readers. Other blogs and media sources are all getting the information as it develops. Since the base of knowledge available is smaller, this gives you a good opportunity to add your own flavor to the article.

The downside to news-type articles is that they tend to lose popularity much more quickly than evergreen content. While the interest for an event may be very large one day, the next day people may already be moving on to the next shiny object.

You are already keeping an eye out for the next thing to review, which means you come across newsworthy topics day in and day out. You can start writing about these things in news-type posts to attract readers who want info on what is happening right now or in the near future. The nice thing about writing news posts is that you can use them as a lead-in to your more in-depth review posts later on.

Image-heavy Content

While most people expect to be reading when they visit a blog, image-heavy content can be very appealing and break up your text-focused posts to keep people’s attention . Depending on the topic of your post, displaying multiple images per page on a single subject can give your audience a better sense of what you are trying to convey.

While some topics may take to images very easily, like a car blog or a celebrity gossip site, others may require some deeper thinking to make this strategy work.

Review bloggers tend to incorporate a lot of images in their content because they want to demonstrate what they are discussing to their audience. If you are reviewing a product, you want to show your audience what it looks like, how it works, and so on. You can use stock photos, press photos, and take your own photos - whatever makes the most sense for your blog.

When you first start taking photos, you might not be too happy with the results. That’s ok. Few people start off as great photographers. Keep practicing and posting so that you can learn and improve your skills. Eventually, you will reach a level where you are comfortable and satisfied with the photos you take and post - and if you don’t, you can always take a photography class to boost your skills.

Mix and Match

Your blog doesn’t need to stick to one content delivery strategy - in fact, you should specifically try to incorporate more than one style as a matter of course. You can attract a bigger audience by offering a variety of content. Some people will prefer one over the other. By offering many different options, you can make your blog more attractive to more people. Step outside your comfort zone periodically to try new methods of content production - whether it’s taking videos, pictures, or something else. Your audience will appreciate it and blogging will be more interesting over the long-term.

How To Make Money From A Review Blog

One of the main reasons people start blogs is to generate some sort of profit. Whether you’re looking for a few hundred dollars per month or a job-replacing income , blogging is still an excellent way to make those dreams a reality.

There are a few great ways to make money from a review blog:

Display Ad Networks

Display ads are the simplest way for websites to generate any sort of income. Ad networks, like Google Adsense, are fairly simple to be accepted into, and implementation onto your site is streamlined and clean. If you’re just beginning to see some traffic to your blog and want to turn this into dollars, display ads are where most people start .

There are a few downsides to display ads, however. The first is that some feel they detract from the user experience on your blog. Most people have been to a site where large ads pop up and block the content in the middle of reading. This can be distracting, frustrating, and even drive people away from your blog. While it’s possible to clean up and control the type of ads you use, it can be a constant battle to balance effective ad placement with aesthetics and readability.

The other main downside is that they don’t pay a lot. These networks generally use a pay-per-click (PPC) model which, depending on the niche, can pay anywhere from $0.01 to $1.50 per click, most on the lower end.

While display ads are a great way to make your first dollars , you’ll want to make sure any negatives they bring are worth the profits they provide. Once you develop a solid following, you can consider moving on to more lucrative and effective profit-making options.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing programs like Amazon Affiliate have become much more popular over the past few years, as they take the payment model from pay-per-click to cost-per-acquisition (CPA). This means you can refer as many users to an advertiser’s product as you want, but will only get paid when the user makes a purchase.

Both advertisers and publishers benefit from an affiliate marketing setup. The advertiser pays nothing until a sale is made and the publisher enjoys much higher commissions than the pay-per-click model.

The Amazon Affiliate program is a great fit for a review blog because you can link to just about every product you review on your blog. The program is easy to join and incorporate into your blog content, and you get paid a small commission for every sale that you facilitate.

There are few blogs out there that do not include links to products in the content - which means that your readers are going to expect links to the things that you are reviewing. Since you need to link to products to fulfill reader expectations, you might as well get paid for doing so. And you can feel good about encouraging such purchases because you are being straightforward about what you recommend and what you do not.

Many review bloggers choose Amazon Affiliates as their first affiliate program because joining the program is so simple. You may make a few dollars a month when you are just getting started. However, if your blog becomes popular enough, you could earn thousands a month eventually.

Sell Digital Products

Digital products are an online entrepreneur's dream. You create the item once, then sell it as many times as you can, with little to no cost of reproduction. This means that you can scale your business to infinity .

Examples of digital products are:

  • Ebooks - A piece of writing, generally in PDF format. These can contain literally anything that your audience would want. They can either be true book-length all the way down to a few pages of content. Depending on your niche, audience, and subject, these can run from $1 to $100 per sale fairly easily.
  • Gated Content - This is content that is served on your website just like any other article, except that is behind a “paywall”. If you are creating content that you don’t want to be released to anyone but your true followers, you have them sign up for an account on your site and charge them a subscription fee for access. Generally, authors charge anywhere from $5 to $200 per month for access to gated content.
  • Online Courses - If you can teach a skill that your audience wants to learn, you can create an online course to sell to them. These courses can be formatted in whatever way makes the most sense to you, but most nowadays are video courses. Online courses can sell from $10 to well over $10,000 per course, obviously depending on the subject matter and audience.

A great example of a digital product that a review blogger could sell is an Ebook of in-depth recommendations based on a specific niche. For example, if you are a passionate movie reviewer, you could create an Ebook that includes recommendations for your all-time favorite films, descriptions of the films, and your reasons for recommending the films. It can serve as a guide for your fans on what they need to watch most. A quality product in this niche could sell for $30 or more.

Sell Physical Products

Selling physical products is the original money-making strategy. You gather an audience that is hungry for something, you sell it to them, and everyone wins. You don’t have to be an inventor, designer, or manufacturer to sell products. Sites like Alibaba and AliExpress import already-made items into the United States and sell them for a markup.

The two main methods for the distribution of these items are: dropshipping and self-fulfilled .

Dropshipping is a method where you advertise a product on your site that you do not own. Once you make the sale, you inform the manufacturer, who will handle the shipping and handling to the end-user. While this is simple because you don’t have to worry about storing or shipping any items yourself, you’ll find that the margins can be quite slim.

Self-fulfilled sales are much more of a hands-on approach to sales. You buy the item from the manufacturer, store it, then ship it to the end-user once you have made the sale. While there is much more work involved, you’ll find that the margins per sale are much higher.

Product sales through a review blog may seem challenging at first, but you can probably find products that your audience will jump at the chance to purchase. A high-quality printed book containing your most popular reviews might be something that your audience would love, especially if you can make it unique compared to your online content.

While it can be very profitable when done well, selling products is not generally recommended for the beginner blogger. It’s best to secure an audience that you know will be receptive to the product before making a large investment in product development or acquisition.

Create A Service

Providing a service is another very basic money-making plan. If you can provide a service that you know your audience needs, you have a viable business on your hands.

Whether this service is delivered through one-on-one interaction with the user, through a piece of software that you develop, or by directly completing a task for the user, this is a great way to monetize your skillset and your blog.

If your review blog focuses on how to write reviews, you could offer seminars on review writing. Or, if you have made a name for yourself, you could offer consulting services for businesses in your niche to help them avoid releasing products that will not be well-received by consumers. What services you offer will need to be based on your niche and your skills.

Try to avoid overcommitting yourself when you first start selling services. It can be easy to say yes too often, particularly when you can charge a high price and demand is strong. Your blog is what makes your business thrive, so you need to make certain you maintain your blog properly and avoid getting so bogged down with your services that you let things go on the blogging end. Learn to balance services and blogging for long-term success.

Next Steps To Get Your Review Blog Started

Now that you have the strategies in place to build and grow your own blog, check out our free course: How To Start A Blog .

This course includes all the essentials on how to get your blog out of your head and onto its own website. Starting a blog is simple and inexpensive, so there’s no reason that you shouldn’t start today!

Free Course: How To Start A Blog

Get your blog up and running today with our step-by-step course.

How to Write a Movie Review Online and Earn Money Doing It

Love watching movies and making recommendations? Consider writing movie reviews online and getting paid for it.

Do you love watching movies, picking them apart, and making recommendations to your friends? Then, you may have already wondered about getting paid to write movie reviews. For many people, it's a dream job, which makes it a competitive field to get started in.

But we're here to show you the ropes. We'll start by showing you how to write a decent movie review. Then we'll explain all the ways you can start writing movie reviews for money.

Learning How to Write a Movie Review Online

When it comes to writing and publishing online, movie reviews couldn't be much simpler. There's some general advice you probably want to follow, which we'll get into below. But so long as you approach each review as one friend advising another, it should come out well.

It's good to open with a brief summary of the plot, before outlining what does and doesn't work about the movie. Keep everything vague to avoid spoilers and try to build a strong argument for why that movie is or isn't worth watching

Since you're writing for the web, name-drop any major cast and crew members involved in the production to help your review appear in search results . Just be sure to insert those names and titles as organically as you can.

Tie everything up with a summary of your thoughts and a recommendation to the reader. You might say the movie is a "blast for action-lovers" or "not worth it for anyone who doesn't enjoy the genre." Anything that lets the reader know if you think it's good for them or not.

Finally, give the movie a rating based on the system your website or publisher uses. This might be stars, letters, numbers, or anything else.

Now, let's get stuck into how you become a movie reviewer online and earn some money.

1. Write Movie Reviews for Royalties

One of the easiest ways to get paid writing movie reviews online is to submit to websites that pay royalties for your content. The money you get paid depends on how many people read your review. It might come from subscription fees or ad revenue.

You might also hear these sites referred to as revenue sharing or pay-per-view sites.

There's a range of different sites to which you can submit your movie reviews and earn royalties. They seem to change all the time, but the most popular ones now include:

  • Cultured Vultures

All you need to do is sign up and start publishing your reviews. HubPages even has a movie reviews category you can publish to.

We want to highlight Cultured Vultures , a website that specializes in content like movie reviews. Cultured Vultures built its site with amateur writers in mind and strives to pay as much as it can for all its content, offering around $2.50 for every 200 views during the first week of publication.

Once your review is online, other folks can read or comment on it and you should receive royalty payments for the traffic it receives. It won't be a fortune since it's difficult getting noticed on these sites, but it's better than writing for free.

What's more, revenue sharing sites are a great place to start building a portfolio of your work. This is particularly important if you want to go freelance.

2. Become a Freelance Movie Review Writer

Most people can't expect to earn a living off the revenue sharing sites above. But it is possible to build up a full-time income if you find out how to become a freelance movie reviewer online. When you've got a portfolio of high-quality reviews, all you need to do is start answering the calls for writers across the web.

Do a quick Google search for "write movie reviews for us" to turn up all the latest websites looking for a freelance movie reviewer. Of course, these results are bound to change all the time, but we found the following sites looking to hire writers:

  • Taste of Cinema
  • Cinema Escapist

There are plenty of other useful Google searches to try as well, for instance, "looking for movie writers" or "paid to write movie reviews." Any of these are likely to turn up different writing opportunities. You can also set up Google Alerts with these keywords.

Another approach is to visit the websites and blogs devoted to movies to see if they're hiring writers. Even if there isn't an explicit ad, it's worth your time to send an email of inquiry. Let them know you exist, then keep returning to the site to see if things change in the future.

And finally, don't neglect the plethora of job boards and project sites devoted to helping freelancers find work. We're talking about sites like Upwork and Fiverr or job boards like ProBlogger .

These sites run the entire gamut of subject matter, but there are clients out there looking to hire movie reviewers. Of course, you could always write for yourself instead.

Related: Sites Like Rotten Tomatoes to Find Average Ratings and Reviews for Anything

3. Monetize Your Own Website

There's nothing to stop you from building a new website to host your own movie reviews, then earning money from it through monetization schemes. This has proven to be an effective way for lots of people to earn a living across a range of different subjects.

Although that's not to say it's easy.

In fact, going down this route demands a lot of other skills alongside your writing ability, particularly marketing and research. It isn't always easy finding out how to make money with a movie blog.

You can build a website at little-to-no-cost with services WordPress or Squarespace . Once you get up and running, find a way to drive people to your site through ads, word of mouth, or search engine optimization.

One of the most common approaches to creating revenue from your audience is by converting visitors into sales. This is a popular approach for any kind of review because you can use an Amazon affiliate link to encourage your readers to buy the product you're writing about. All you need to do is sign up for the Amazon Affiliate Program and link your reviews to the Blu-Ray, DVD, or digital download for that movie.

Another great way to get paid for the movie reviews you write is to use Google Adsense on your website. These widgets work with Google's enormous network of advertisers to serve up the most relevant ads to your readers. You can block ads you don't like, choose where they appear, and pick the types of ads that work best with your site.

If you don't want to go down the advertising route, you could always set up a Patreon account and ask readers to support you directly. A lot of writers feel more comfortable with this form of monetization.

Consider Starting a YouTube Channel Instead

Getting paid to write movie reviews is an exciting way to make a living. But remember that written reviews only account for a small part of the market, hundreds of thousands of people watch movie reviews on YouTube instead.

Consider starting your own YouTube channel to share video movie reviews. You could do this alongside the ones you write. YouTube is a great way to build your personal brand, earn some extra money, and find a passionate audience for your work.

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How To Create a Movie Review Site

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How To Create a Movie Review Site

When was the last time you saw a movie and instantly desired to share your opinion of it? If you know the difference between a smash cut and a jump cut, and you can spot the difference between a wide angle lens in The Shining and telephoto lens in The Graduate , then you’re a film critic and you need a website to start posting your articles on the web. If you work hard at it, pretty soon you may find yourself contributing to the Rotten Tomatoes score. Read on to find out how to create your site, get your writing published, and work your way toward becoming a bonafide tomato-throwing film critic.

“Audiences don’t know somebody sits down and writes a picture.  They think the actors make it up as they go along.”  – Joe Gillis (William Holden), Sunset Boulevard (1950) Click To Tweet

  • How do you start a movie review site?
  • Is creating a movie review site expensive?
  • Why use WordPress?
  • Changing the look of your site
  • How to measure site success
  • Put your site in maintenance mode
  • How to create custom post types
  • Do you need a privacy policy for your page?
  • How to create a masthead for your site
  • How to get into a review aggregator (like Rotten Tomatoes)

Following along in this article, you will get practical information as well as some theoretical marketing tips. If you’re passionate about movies and eager to share your knowledge with Internet readers, you will want to bookmark this page and refer back as needed.

How To Start a Movie Review Site

There are a few important stages. (Don’t worry, we’ll cover every stage in detail.) Here are the basics:

  • Getting a hosting package, where you will store your website and publish content live to the web
  • Installing WordPress (a system that will organize all of your written content in one place)
  • Promoting your site with digital marketing strategies

Once you’ve completed these steps you will have your own brand and a hub for all of your content. Let’s be clear though: this isn’t easy, but it’s not too difficult either . The whole process will involve a commitment on your part. But if you follow each step carefully, and are prepared to work, you won’t be disappointed.

Creating Your Movie Review Site

In order to setup a review site, you don’t need to make a large initial investment. Hosting is fairly inexpensive these days. For a few bucks a month, you can have a live site available to the world.

What Is Hosting?

When you’re ready to launch a website, you’re going to have to figure out hosting. Hosting basically involves a computer called a “server” where your website lives. You may be wondering, Can’t I host my own website on my own computer? Yes, you can, but unless you keep your computer running all day long there will be times of day when people won’t be able to reach your site. That’s why hosting your website with a hosting company is the best option.

Types of Hosting Accounts

WordPress Hosting comes in a few varieties based on how much traffic your site is getting. This makes it easy to figure out when it’s time to upgrade. As your site earns more readers you can simply upgrade your hosting to accommodate your increases in traffic.

Why Use WordPress?

In the old days of the web, amateurs had to build pages by hand and upload them to a server. This becomes difficult to manage as a website grows larger and more complex. Coders started building more elaborate systems that could generate pages dynamically. Thus, content management systems were born.

Now anyone, regardless of coding experience, can benefit from this technology. After you’ve reviewed 25 to 50 movies, you’ll have at least 25 to 50 pages of content. Imagine what happens when you get to 100 or more.

WordPress lets you easily manage hundreds of pages from a single user-friendly interface. You can categorize and tag pieces of content to help keep them organized. The level of organization requires depends on your preferences, it’s totally customizable. WordPress is easy to use and it’s free, so it’s a safe bet to use it for your site.

Getting WordPress Installed

WordPress is basically an application written in the PHP programming language. When you install WordPress you are installing its source code files. You’ll also need a database where the program will store your content for retrieval.

There are two ways to install WordPress:

  • Manual “5-minute” install
  • Auto install with script installer

Both of these procedures are covered in our full guide on how to install WordPress .

The Basics of WordPress

You’re a WordPress user now. In order to make things easier later, take note that all of the content you add to WordPress are known as “posts.” This will make it easier for you when we create custom post types later in this tutorial series.

By default, WordPress comes with these generic post types:

These are posts that are programmed to display differently when used on your site. Don’t worry too much about it now. Just remember that everything is a post.

In order to familiarize yourself with using WordPress, you are best advised to read from the WordPress Education channel .

Below, you will be learning about creating a maintenance page, so you can work on your site without launching it to the public.

It’s Time To Design Your Site

Since you are building a movie review site, you will probably want to pick a theme (design template) that favors easily readable text.

This means an attractive font, good spacing between paragraphs and letters, and probably some white space around the text. You’ll also want to see how the theme displays media. Are you able to add big, luxurious images? What about embedding video? You have a movie review site here, so media is important.

No need to settle for a free theme that everybody else is using. Use promo code IMH2020 to get a great deal from the Elegant Marketplace .

Try to avoid themes that clutter up the layout with too many sidebars and widgets. It’s your call, but try to remember that you want the look of your site to encourage your readers to keep reading. The more time people spend on your site the better.

Tip: before you even start to sample themes, take a moment to stop and think. Make a list of websites you like and observe their content layout.

  • What styles do you like?
  • What do you dislike?
  • How does it feel to use the site?

This sort of research will help tremendously when it comes time to pick your own theme.

How to Install a WordPress Theme

Themes are available for free (and some premium) on the WordPress theme marketplace. All you need to do is install a theme on your website and preview it or activate it. You can install and try out as many themes as you want. But you can only activate one at a time. For example, you can’t have multiple themes installed and use a different theme for each page.

Page Builder Plugins

You’ll notice as you sift through free themes that they share a lot of common features. Likewise, thousands of people will be using the same theme. This can give your WordPress site a generic quality and make it harder for you to distinguish yourself.

This is why there exists a large market for premium themes and theme builder plugins like these:

  • Beaver Builder

And there are many more. These plugins come with either free and paid versions or exclusively paid features. So you will need to carefully consider your budget and options.

If you decide to use a stock theme, don’t feel as though you’re stuck. There are many highly successful blogs out there that use free WordPress themes. What distinguishes your site is the content —not the look. So you can stand out whether you choose free or paid themes. It all comes down to the quality of your content.

Custom Themes

Remember, you also have the option of building a theme yourself. There are plenty of books on the subject that will walk you through the process step by step, or you could start with online resources like the WordPress theme developer handbook .

In order to build a theme you must be familiar with these programming languages:

A solid working knowledge of those languages will help you in the building process. Remember you also have support out there. Almost every major city has a WordPress meetup where you can get advice from other users, both professionals and hobbyists.

You could also hire a developer to build a theme to your exact specifications. This is a more expensive option because you are paying someone else for their labor. But it may save you some time.

Measuring Success

Key Performance Indicators (or, KPIs) give you the insights you need with regard to how your site is performing. Are you hitting your goals? Are you getting everything you’d hoped you’d get out of your site? Having KPIs—selected properly—will tell you if you’re on track and where you need to course-correct.

Stats in Jetpack Plugin

Jetpack is a plugin that connects your self-hosted WordPress site with resources. This gives you all kinds of neat features such as enhanced security, faster image service, and various analytics. Want to know how many people are visiting your site every day? Jetpack gives you that information. What can you do with that information? Find out which of your pages are most popular so you can replicate that success with new content.

  • Pay attention to models
  • What is repeatable?
  • What is measurably better?

Jetpack is the easiest tool to set up and get going, which is why it’s featured first. For many sites, this is the only tool that’s needed. But as you get more advanced in your webmaster skills, you will need more advanced tools. Read on.

Google Analytics and Search Console

These are more advanced tools, but they’re free (you only need a Google account) and give you a whole suite of data you can use to make critical decisions.

By measuring and analyzing this data, you will get a clear picture of how people are using your site. This data will help you develop your site as you strive to create valuable user experiences.

Some of these data may vary in relevance depending on your site. For example, some sites convert quickly, so time on page is not as important. Take your site into consideration when deciding which metrics are best for you to track.

All Kinds of Tools

There are all kinds of similar tools available for webmasters. Often, the incoming data will conflict. This is because different tools measure your data in different ways. You may discover that the tools described above give you enough information to make critical decisions for your site and meet your KPIs. That’s great. You should only use a minimal set of tools to match your goals. You could spend thousands of dollars on various tools and get lost in the weeds. Stick with the most important data and keep going.

Maintenance Mode (Building Your Site)

It’s time to put your site into “maintenance mode,” so you can work on it privately. If anyone visits your page in the meantime, they’ll see a nice page advising them that the site is under construction and they must come back later.

This not only lets you work at your own pace, but it also creates some natural anticipation for the launch of your site.

WordPress Maintenance Page Plugins

The easiest way to add a maintenance page to your site involves using a WordPress plugin .

Timing is everything in this early stage. It’s best to install your maintenance plugin and activate it before DNS fully propagates . This may mean using a hosts file to start working on your site right away.

Alternatives To Plugins

You are not required to use a plugin, but that is definitely the easiest way. Here are some alternatives you could explore:

  • Maintenance redirect with .htaccess
  • TEMP URL development

These are more advanced options, but with help from our support team, you could consider them for your project.

Why Use a Maintenance Page?

Your site is new. This means you haven’t built up significant traffic yet. You can use this easy time to your advantage. Build your site in the background before launching it to the public.

Also, while your maintenance page is up, your site is not being crawled by search engines. This means your site is invisible until you’re ready to launch it. If search engines start crawling your site before it’s complete, they will be saving a poor, underdeveloped version of your site. This is not good for your future rankings. You want to only release your site when you think the world is ready for it.

Custom Post Types

Earlier in this article, you read about posts, pages, and post types. This can be confusing for WordPress beginners. But basically, custom post types are a unique type of content you create and add to WordPress. This means you can generate custom page elements according to this new type of content. Read on to find out how.

How Custom Post Types Work

You may have already noticed that WordPress gives you three different places to drop new content. You have posts, pages, and media. It may surprise you to learn that, behind the scenes, WordPress considered each of these as a type of post . The difference between them depends on how they’re used. (Please see the guides linked to from this article for more information.) Basically, custom post types let you create your own unique forms of content that you can separate from others.

What Post Types Should You Use?

Since you are creating a movie review site, you need at least one custom post type: movie reviews. You are best advised to create a separate post type for movie reviews instead of using posts. This is because you may want to reserve posts for information like news or updates.

  • Posts (default): news, updates, background information
  • Pages (default): contact, about pages, and privacy policy/terms of service
  • Media (default): images, audio, and/or video
  • Movie reviews (default): used exclusively for movie review content

With a custom post type for reviews, you have successfully divided your content into discrete areas. This will help you keep your site’s admin area organized. And more, imagine you want to write different kinds of reviews down the road. You can easily create a new post type and keep everything discreetly organized.

How To Create Custom Post Types

It’s time to create your custom post type. You can easily create custom post types with plugins or with code added to your theme or to a custom plugin. Both procedures are described in the guides below:

  • Create a custom post type with a plugin
  • Create a custom post type without a plugin

Term, Details, and Policies

In 2018, data privacy regulations kicked into high gear with GDPR in the European Union. Similar regulations are being considered in the US and elsewhere. Basically, you should take no chances when it comes to the collection of user information.

You may be wondering, what kind of data am I collecting? WordPress stores a minimal amount of user data in order to provide some convenience features. Browser cookies store information that allow your users a quick login for your site or pre-filled comment form data. This is convenient for your users, because it speeds up their use of site without requiring them to log in each time.

In addition to helping you create a privacy policy page, WordPress also has tools that let you send a user all the data you have on them and, if requested, delete it—in order to help you comply with GDPR standards. Even if you are not intending to reach users in the EU, it’s considered a best practice to create a privacy policy.

How To Set Up Your WordPress Privacy Policy Page

In order to add your privacy policy page, just follow the steps in this complete guide:

  • How to add a privacy policy in WordPress

The short answer is yes, you need to have a privacy policy page set up and ready to go. Even if no one ever reads it, it will save you trouble in the long run to go ahead and have your page ready. Think of it as an insurance policy.

The Masthead

Now it’s time to create the masthead for your site. The masthead, in your case, will be a single page that provides critical business information about your site. It’s like the official documentation about your enterprise. Read on to find out what you should print on this important page.

Creating a masthead is an important step that many bloggers and webmasters ignore. It’s a significant statement about what your site is, who you are, and what you do.

Consider Your Options

Before publishing your masthead page, take a moment to brainstorm and jot down all the information you will be sharing.

Who is the editor?

Who is the editor of your site? Who are the main contributors? Even if all of the above are just you, go ahead and put that information here. State your name and title:

Joe Example – Editor-in-chief

Will you accept submissions?

At some point, you may get requests from other bloggers or webmasters about opening content-related exchanges. Or, you might find that there are too many movies out there for you to see and you would be open to accepting submissions from others. If you are open to these kinds of deals, the masthead is a perfect place to provide specific details about how others can engage with you.

What’s your address and contact information?

What kind of contact information do you want to share? Many bloggers choose to give a P.O. box number instead of their actual home address. You may wonder why you need to give an address at all. Isn’t everything digital these days? This depends on your goals. There are still legitimate business reasons for having a physical address. For example, if your site expands and you want to create a corporation, you will need a physical address.

Who’s your host?

The masthead is a great place to let your readers know who hosts your site. Why is this relevant? If you plan on getting a lot of traffic to your site, you can consider becoming an affiliate for your host. This means if someone clicks on the link from your site to your host, and they buy hosting, you get some money. For many bloggers this can be a lucrative deal. Consider your options; this one might pay off for you.

Create The Masthead Page

This is the easy part. Now that you’ve made a big list of all the things you want to include in your masthead, it’s time to create the page and transfer all of the information.

  • How to create a page in WordPress (you may already know how to do this)

Be sure to publish your masthead page before launching your site.

Getting Into a Review Aggregator (Like Rotten Tomatoes)

Getting into a review aggregator can be a long, difficult process. For movie reviews, Rotten Tomatoes is certainly the most popular, so they are a good example of the process.

Review aggregators basically “scrape” reviews from select critics and return an average score to help their users see if a movie has been favorably reviewed by most critics or universally panned. One day, if you work hard, your review may play a factor in that score. Your opinion will help influence moviegoers.

Typically, the review aggregator will have guidelines for considering new applicants . These guidelines should give you a clear idea of what kind of criteria your website must meet.

But there’s a lot of work you can do in the meantime before submitting your site for consideration.

Start Building a Community

Your community exists inside and outside of your website. Your first indicator of community may be pageviews, comments on your reviews, or followers on social media. These are decent indicators that a community is forming around your writing.

Next, you should try to extend your circle. Get involved in local events and networking groups. You could even host screenings at your local “arthouse” cinemas. Take your voice to the people and provide opportunities for engagement. The people will find you.

Consider Joining a Film Critics Group or Association

Rotten Tomatoes provides a list of film critic groups and associations . You may want to consider joining one of these groups. Please note, it’s unknown whether or not Rotten Tomatoes factors your membership in one of these groups into your overall assessment. It’s up to you if you want to make this effort.

Pump the Output

Keep publishing. Always be publishing. Try to review every movie that comes out. Eventually, you will have hundreds of articles and perhaps thousands of subscribers. Stay the course, submit your site for consideration, and it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be flinging those rotten tomatoes.

3 thoughts on “ How To Create a Movie Review Site ”

Sir from where can I get images of movie to post on my website

You can often access press kits for a movie online. If not, consider emailing the producers or the studio press department.

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How to write a movie review [Updated 2023]

How to write a review about a movie

Writing a movie review is a great way to practice critical analysis skills. In this post, we explore what a movie review is, how to start a film review, and steps for writing and revising it.

What is a movie review?

A movie review is a concise evaluation of a film’s content and formal elements (cinematography, sound, lighting, etc.). Also known as a film review, a movie review considers not just what a film means, but how it means. Essentially, when you write a film review, you are conducting a critical analysis or close reading of a movie.

How to write a movie review

To write a successful review about a movie, you need to evaluate a film’s content, as well as its form. In this section, we break down these two components.

A film’s content includes its plot (what it’s about), characters, and setting. You’ll need to determine the main plot points of the film and how the film’s story works overall.

Are there parts that don’t make sense? Are certain characters more important than others? What is the relationship between the movie’s plot and its setting? A discussion of a film’s content provides good context for an analysis of its form.

Form refers to all of the aesthetic and/or formal elements that make a story into a movie. You can break down form into several categories:

  • Cinematography : This element comprises all aspects of the movie that derive from the way a camera moves and works. You’ll need to pay attention to elements like camera angles, distances between the camera and the subject, and types of shots (i.e. close-up, aerial, etc.).
  • Lighting : Films use lighting in various ways to communicate certain effects. For instance, noir films tend to utilize chiaroscuro lighting (deep contrasts between light and dark) to express a sense of secrecy or foreboding.
  • Sound : The way a film uses sound can vary considerably. Most movies have a soundtrack, sometimes with music composed specifically for the film. Some films play around with ambient sounds or use silence at key points to signify important moments. What is the relation of sound to the image in specific scenes or sequences? Do sounds link images? Does it ever become more important than the image?
  • Editing : The movies we watch online or in theaters have been heavily edited in order to achieve a particular flow. When you are preparing to write a movie review, pay close attention to elements like the length of shots, transitions between scenes, or any other items that were finalized after filming.
  • Costumes, Props, and Sets : Are the costumes and props believable in relation to the film’s content and setting? Are costumes particularly elaborate or understated?

The important thing to remember when you are analyzing the formal elements of a movie is that every image, sound, movement, and object has meaning and has been planned. Your review needs to take into consideration how these elements work together with the film’s storyline to create a whole experience.

Once you’ve considered both the content and form of the movie that you’re reviewing, you can begin to evaluate the film as a whole. Is it a successful movie? Would you recommend it? Why or why not?

Step-by-step review writing tips

1. watch the movie.

The first time that you watch the movie, look for overarching themes or patterns, and establish what the film is primarily about. Take note of the main characters, as well as the setting.

2. Watch the movie again and take notes

Next, watch the movie again and take notes as you are doing so, keeping in mind the formal aspects discussed above. Write down anything that seems significant.

3. Evaluate the film’s form and content

Using the categories described above, and any handouts or guides provided by your instructor, evaluate the film’s formal elements along with its content. Are there elements of the movie that strike you as unfamiliar or perplexing? Are there elements that are repeated to emphasize a point or perception?

4. Write your review

A good movie review will contain:

  • an introductory paragraph that tells the reader what movie you’re reviewing
  • a paragraph that summarizes the movie
  • several body paragraphs that explore significant formal elements and how they relate to the content
  • a concluding paragraph that discusses your overall reaction to the film and whether or not you would recommend it to others

5. Create citations

You’ll need cite the film and any secondary sources that you consulted while writing. Use BibGuru’s citation generator to instantly create accurate citations for movies, as well as articles, books, and websites.

You may also want to consult a guide on how to cite a film in MLA or another major citation style .

6. Revise and proofread

Once you’ve written your review, you should set aside some time to revise and proofread it before you turn it in.

Movie review checklist

You can use this checklist to ensure that you’ve considered all of the formal elements, as well as the content, of the film that you’re reviewing:

🔲 Cinematography (camera moves and types of shots)

🔲 Lighting (natural vs. artificial light, contrasts between light and dark)

🔲 Sound (soundtrack, sound vs. silence, loud vs. soft sounds)

🔲 Editing (length of shots, transitions between scenes)

🔲 Costumes, props, and sets (believable vs. staged)

🔲 Content (plot, characters, setting)

Frequently Asked Questions about how to write a review about a movie

A movie review should contain a brief summary of the film, several paragraphs of analysis that focus on form and content, and a concluding paragraph that sums up your reaction.

Before you write anything, you need to watch the film at least once. Take notes as you’re watching and pay attention to formal elements and patterns. Then, write your review. The final step is to revise your work before you turn it in.

The tone for a movie review should be critical, yet objective. The goal of most reviews is to persuade a reader to either see a film or not.

The best film reviews balance plot summary with critical analysis of significant formal elements. A reader should be able to decide if she wants to see the film after reading the review.

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How to Write a Movie Review

Last Updated: May 13, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Marissa Levis . Marissa Levis is an English Teacher in the Morris County Vocational School District. She previously worked as an English director at a tutoring center that caters to students in elementary and middle school. She is an expert in creating a curriculum that helps students advance their skills in secondary-level English, focusing on MLA formatting, reading comprehension, writing skills, editing and proofreading, literary analysis, standardized test preparation, and journalism topics. Marissa received her Master of Arts in Teaching from Fairleigh Dickinson University. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 5,613,883 times.

Whether a movie is a rotten tomato or a brilliant work of art, if people are watching it, it's worth critiquing. A decent movie review should entertain, persuade and inform, providing an original opinion without giving away too much of the plot. A great movie review can be a work of art in its own right. Read on to learn how to analyze a movie like a professional film critic, come up with an interesting thesis, and write a review as entertaining as your source material.

Sample Movie Reviews

how to create a movie review blog

Writing an Intro for a Movie Review

Step 1 Start with a compelling fact, quote, or opinion on the movie.

  • Comparison to Relevant Event or Movie: "Every day, our leaders, politicians, and pundits call for "revenge"– against terrorist groups, against international rivals, against other political parties. But few of them understand the cold, destructive, and ultimately hollow thrill of revenge as well as the characters of Blue Ruin. "
  • Review in a nutshell: "Despite a compelling lead performance by Tom Hanks and a great soundtrack, Forrest Gump never gets out of the shadow of its weak plot and questionable premise."
  • Context or Background Information: " Boyhood might be the first movie made where knowing how it was produced–slowly, over 12 years, with the same actors–is just as crucial as the movie itself."

Step 2 Give a clear, well-established opinion early on.

  • Using stars, a score out of 10 or 100, or the simple thumbs-up and thumbs-down is a quick way to give your thoughts. You then write about why you chose that rating.
  • Great Movie: ABC is the rare movie that succeeds on almost every level, where each character, scene, costume, and joke firing on all cylinders to make a film worth repeated viewings."
  • Bad Movie: "It doesn't matter how much you enjoy kung-fu and karate films: with 47 Ronin, you're better off saving your money, your popcorn, and time."
  • Okay Movie: "I loved the wildly uneven Interstellar far more than I should have, but that doesn't mean it is perfect. Ultimately, the utter awe and spectacle of space swept me through the admittedly heavy-handed plotting and dialogue."

Step 3 Support your opinions with evidence from specific scenes.

  • Great: "Michael B. Jordan and Octavia Spencer's chemistry would carry Fruitvale Station even if the script wasn't as good. The mid-movie prison scene in particular, where the camera never leaves their faces, shows how much they can convey with nothing but their eyelids, the flashing tension of neck muscles, and a barely cracking voice."
  • Bad: " Jurassic World's biggest flaw, a complete lack of relatable female characters, is only further underscored by a laughably unrealistic shot of our heroine running away from a dinosaur – in heels."
  • Okay: "At the end of the day, Snowpiercer can't decide what kind of movie it wants to be. The attention to detail in fight scenes, where every weapon, lightbulb, and slick patch of ground is accounted for, doesn't translate to an ending that seems powerful but ultimately says little of substance."

Step 4 Create an original...

  • Does the film reflect on a current event or contemporary issue? It could be the director's way of engaging in a bigger conversation. Look for ways to relate the content of the film to the "real" world.
  • Does the film seem to have a message, or does it attempt to elicit a specific response or emotion from the audience? You could discuss whether or not it achieves its own goals.
  • Does the film connect with you on a personal level? You could write a review stemming from your own feelings and weave in some personal stories to make it interesting for your readers.

Composing Your Review

Step 1 Follow your thesis paragraph with a short plot summary.

  • When you name characters in your plot summary, list the actors' names directly afterward in parenthesis.
  • Find a place to mention the director's name and the full movie title.
  • If you feel you must discuss information that might "spoil" things for readers, warn them first.

Step 2 Start to talk about the film’s technical and artistic choices.

  • Cinematography: " Her is a world drenched in color, using bright, soft reds and oranges alongside calming whites and grays that both build, and slowly strip away, the feelings of love between the protagonists. Every frame feels like a painting worth sitting in."
  • Tone: "Despite the insane loneliness and high stakes of being stuck alone on Mars, The Martian's witty script keeps humor and excitement alive in every scene. Space may be dangerous and scary, but the joy of scientific discovery is intoxicating."
  • Music and Sound: " No Country For Old Men's bold decision to skip music entirely pays off in spades. The eerie silence of the desert, punctuated by the brief spells of violent, up-close-and-personal sound effects of hunter and hunted, keeps you constantly on the edge of your seat."
  • Acting: "While he's fantastic whenever he's on the move, using his cool stoicism to counteract the rampaging bus, Keanu Reeves can't quite match his costar in the quiet moments of Speed, which falter under his expressionless gaze."

Step 3 Move into your...

  • Keep your writing clear and easy to understand. Don't use too much technical filmmaking jargon, and make your language crisp and accessible.
  • Present both the facts and your opinion. For example, you might state something such as, "The Baroque background music was a jarring contrast to the 20th century setting." This is a lot more informative then simply saying, "The music was a strange choice for the movie."

Step 4 Use plenty of examples to back up your points.

  • Great: "In the end, even the characters of Blue Ruin know how pointless their feud is. But revenge, much like every taut minute of this thriller, is far too addictive to give up until the bitter end.""
  • Bad: "Much like the oft-mentioned "box of chocolates", Forest Gump has a couple of good little morsels. But most of the scenes, too sweet by half, should have been in the trash long before this movie was put out."
  • Okay: "Without the novel, even revolutionary concept, Boyhood may not be a great movie. It might not even be "good.” But the power the film finds in the beauty of passing time and little, inconsequential moments – moments that could only be captured over 12 years of shooting – make Linklater's latest an essential film for anyone interested in the art of film."

Polishing Your Piece

Step 1 Edit your review.

  • Ask yourself whether your review stayed true to your thesis. Did your conclusion tie back in with the initial ideas you proposed?
  • Decide whether your review contains enough details about the movie. You may need to go back and add more description here and there to give readers a better sense of what the movie's about.
  • Decide whether your review is interesting enough as a stand-alone piece of writing. Did you contribute something original to this discussion? What will readers gain from reading your review that they couldn't from simply watching the movie?

Step 2 Proofread your review.

Studying Your Source Material

Step 1 Gather basic facts about the movie.

  • The title of the film, and the year it came out.
  • The director's name.
  • The names of the lead actors.

Step 2 Take notes on the movie as you watch it.

  • Make a note every time something sticks out to you, whether it's good or bad. This could be costuming, makeup, set design, music, etc. Think about how this detail relates to the rest of the movie and what it means in the context of your review.
  • Take note of patterns you begin to notice as the movie unfolds.
  • Use the pause button frequently so you make sure not to miss anything, and rewind as necessary.

Step 3 Analyze the mechanics of the movie.

  • Direction: Consider the director and how he or she choose to portray/explain the events in the story. If the movie was slow, or didn't include things you thought were necessary, you can attribute this to the director. If you've seen other movies directed by the same person, compare them and determine which you like the most.
  • Cinematography: What techniques were used to film the movie? What setting and background elements helped to create a certain tone?
  • Writing: Evaluate the script, including dialogue and characterization. Did you feel like the plot was inventive and unpredictable or boring and weak? Did the characters' words seem credible to you?
  • Editing: Was the movie choppy or did it flow smoothly from scene to scene? Did they incorporate a montage to help build the story? And was this obstructive to the narrative or did it help it? Did they use long cuts to help accentuate an actor's acting ability or many reaction shots to show a group's reaction to an event or dialogue? If visual effects were used were the plates well-chosen and were the composited effects part of a seamless experience? (Whether the effects looked realistic or not is not the jurisdiction of an editor, however, they do choose the footage to be sent off to the compositors, so this could still affect the film.)
  • Costume design: Did the clothing choices fit the style of the movie? Did they contribute to the overall tone, rather than digressing from it?
  • Set design: Consider how the setting of the film influenced its other elements. Did it add or subtract from the experience for you? If the movie was filmed in a real place, was this location well-chosen?
  • Score or soundtrack: Did it work with the scenes? Was it over/under-used? Was it suspenseful? Amusing? Irritating? A soundtrack can make or break a movie, especially if the songs have a particular message or meaning to them.

Step 4 Watch it one more time.

Expert Q&A

Marissa Levis

  • If you don't like the movie, don't be abusive and mean. If possible, avoid watching the movies that you would surely hate. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Understand that just because the movie isn't to your taste, that doesn't mean you should give it a bad review. A good reviewer helps people find movie's they will like. Since you don't have the same taste in movies as everyone else, you need to be able to tell people if they will enjoy the movie, even if you didn't. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Structure is very important; try categorizing the different parts of the film and commenting on each of those individually. Deciding how good each thing is will help you come to a more accurate conclusion. For example, things like acting, special effects, cinematography, think about how good each of those are. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to create a movie review blog

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About This Article

Marissa Levis

To write a movie review, start with a compelling fact or opinion to hook your readers, like "Despite a great performance by Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump never overcomes its weak plot." Then, elaborate on your opinion of the movie right off the bat so readers know where you stand. Once your opinion is clear, provide examples from the movie that prove your point, like specific scenes, dialogue, songs, or camera shots. To learn how to study a film closely before you write a review, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Home Writing & Editing Gigs Get Paid to Review Movies

Movie reviewer sitting on a couch writing a review on her laptop for her side hustle.

4 Ways to Get Paid to Review Movies (Plus Tips to Get Started)

November 11, 2023

Written by:

jessica norris author photo

Jessica Norris

Jessica is a writer for Her side hustles include freelance academic writing and editing, which she's done for...

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Watching movies is a great way to unwind after a long day at work. But what if you could also make money while indulging in your film habit?

If you have strong feelings about the Ghostbusters reboot or the latest Tarantino film, your movie-related opinions could make you money. Read on to find out how to turn reviewing movies into a profitable side hustle.

01. The 4 best strategies to make money reviewing movies

We look at four ways to get paid for publishing movie reviews across different outlets and platforms

You can get a movie-reviewing side hustle going with one of these four strategies:

1. Submit movie reviews to websites

A woman is writing a review of a movie

There are a lot of sites that allow freelancers to write movie reviews for them. As with most of the other ways to make money writing , you don’t need any special qualifications to do this; you just need writing talent and something to say.

To get your start, you’ll want to have a writing portfolio. If you’ve never written professionally before, whip up a couple of sample pieces to showcase. Selling your first review may be difficult, but the more you publish, the easier it will become to get gigs as you gain recognition among editors and media outlets.

You can try pitching to any of these websites, all of which work with freelancers:

Screen Rant

What it is: Screen Rant is an entertainment website that publishes reviews of movies, TV shows, video games, and more.

How to apply: You can apply on the Screen Rant site to join their ranks of freelance writers for TV and movie features (including movie reviews).

Pay: Screen Rant doesn’t specify their rate per article, but online reports cite rates of $5–$20 .

What it is: Cineaste is a quarterly magazine that’s all about the art and politics of cinema. It publishes various types of film-related content, including movie reviews and DVD and Blu-ray reviews (both of new and vintage/classic films).

How to apply: The Cineaste website gives detailed guidelines on how to write your review, along with instructions on how to submit it .

Pay: Cineaste pays $18–$45 per piece (depending on the type of review you submit).

Cultured Vultures

What it is: Cultured Vultures is a British pop culture website. It features content about movies as well as TV, gaming, and more.

How to apply: Film reviews are among the types of content writers can submit; you can find instructions on how to submit your writing on the Cultured Vultures website.

Pay: The pay starts from a base rate of £5 (approximately $6 ) per article with bonuses for every 200 views you get.

Taste of Cinema

What it is: Taste of Cinema is a website for movie lists and reviews, with a focus on world cinema and classics.

How to apply: To indicate that you’re interested in writing for Taste of Cinema, follow the instructions on the website (which tell you who to email and what information to include in your message).

Pay: Unfortunately, Taste of Cinema doesn’t specify how much it pays. You can ask for more details about their rates when you apply.

What it is: HubPages is an online platform where you can publish articles and create your own pages on various topics—including movies.

How to apply: It’s free to sign up for HubPages. You can then earn money from ads that appear in your content.

Pay: Regarding pay, HubPages says, “ You are not likely to see significant earnings from your articles for up to two years (and that’s two years spent writing high-quality articles on HubPages). When you do begin to see regular payouts, they are likely to be in a range of $50 to $100 a month .”

What it is: Bustle is an online women’s magazine. It publishes TV and movie reviews, as well as other articles on many different topics, such as books, celebrities, music, wellness, fashion, and so on.

How to apply: The Bustle website has specific guidelines on how to write a pitch for the publication. You can send movie review pitches to [email protected] .

Pay: Bustle doesn’t specify how much it pays freelancers. Anecdotal reports cite rates of $50–$200 per article .

Animation Arena

What it is: Animation Arena is a site for people who want to work in the animation, video game, and visual effects industries. The site publishes reviews of movies, video games, comic books, and animation books.

How to apply: The Animation Arena site provides detailed instructions on how to apply , including the email you can use to send them your pitch ( [email protected] ).

Pay: The pay per review is $15 (and you can only publish up to 10 reviews per month).

What it is: Cracked is a website featuring funny videos, pictures, articles, and more. They have a section on movies and TV, which includes movie reviews.

How to apply: You can send a pitch to [email protected] .

Pay: Articles pay between $100 and $250 , based on length and the number of pieces you’ve written.

What it is: Medium is an open platform where anyone can publish articles, personal essays, stories, opinions, and (of course) movie reviews.

How to apply: To write for Medium, you don’t have to apply or go through a vetting process; you can just sign up and start writing.

Pay: Medium doesn’t pay per article, but has a “partner program” that pays you according to the time people spend reading your stories. Reports suggest that on average, you’ll get paid around $5 per thousand views on your articles, but this heavily depends on how much people engage with them (if they get bored quickly and hit the back button, you won’t make much at all).

2. Write for a newspaper

A woman is reading a newspaper

Instead of writing for an online publication, you can apply to be a movie reviewer for a local or regional newspaper. To land this type of work, follow these steps:

  • Research newspapers: First, look for local newspapers (ideally in your city or state) that have a regular movie review section or a dedicated arts and entertainment section.
  • Read existing reviews: Study the style and format of movie reviews published in the newspapers you’re interested in writing for. Pay attention to their tone, length, and content.
  • Find contact information: Get the contact information for the entertainment or arts editor of the newspapers you’re interested in. This information should be available on the paper’s website or in the print edition.
  • Prepare your pitch: Write a concise and compelling pitch expressing your interest in writing movie reviews for the newspaper. Mention your relevant experience and passion for cinema.
  • Submit a portfolio: If you have any previous experience writing movie reviews (or other similar work), compile your pieces into a portfolio and include it with your pitch.

In theory, you can also use this approach to apply to work for national papers (like The New York Times or the Washington Post), but you’ll have a tough road ahead of you. Major newspapers usually only hire established movie reviewers with very strong portfolios. If that’s your goal, it isn’t impossible, but you’ll probably have to spend a long time working your way up.

3. Start a movie review blog

How to start a movie review blog

Another way to make money from your movie reviews is to start your own blog. This will give you more creative freedom than writing for another publication.

Blogging is also a good way to build your reputation as a movie reviewer. Even if you don’t actually plan to use your blog to make money, you can bulk up your portfolio substantially.

How to set up a movie review blog

It’s possible to start a blog for free, but if you want a domain name, you’ll need to spend a bit of money to get one. Many platforms provide all-in-one services, including a hosting account and domain name registration, along with website-building tools.

  • Squarespace

Once you have your blog set up, you’ll have to do the following:

  • Attract readers: To make money from your blog, you’ll need an audience. You can do this by using search engine optimization (SEO), which makes it easier for people to find and visit your website, by promoting your blog on social media, and by producing high-quality content.
  • Monetize your posts: There are various ways to monetize your blog , such as selling advertising space (e.g., using Google Ads or ) or asking for donations, which you can set up by using a donation button or a crowdfunding platform like Patreon .

4. Start a movie review YouTube channel

A man is making a movie review YouTube channel

As mentioned, not all movie reviews are written down. If you have a good voice or a compelling camera presence, you can always film them instead.

For inspiration, you can look at some of the many popular YouTube channels that feature movie reviews, such as:

  • Jeremy Jahns
  • Chris Stuckmann
  • Mr Sunday Movies
  • Jack’s Movie Reviews
  • kermodeandmayo

You can use a YouTube channel to make money in much the same way you’d use a blog—by featuring advertisements, using affiliate links, or seeking sponsorship. These options will allow you to generate passive income from your YouTube videos.

02. How much do movie reviewers make?

Learn how much you can make as a movie reviewer and which factors might affect your earnings

As a movie reviewer or movie critic, you won’t usually be paid an hourly wage or monthly salary. You might be paid by the word or per article, per view (if you’re working with online platforms that track viewership), or per click (if you’re using affiliate marketing).

To give you a rough idea of how much you can earn, the rates paid by the online publications we listed above range from about $5 to $200 per article . They’ll usually pay at the lower end of the scale if you have little or no experience.

If you choose to work for yourself (by starting a blog or a YouTube channel), your earnings will entirely depend on how popular your content is. In the beginning, you shouldn’t expect to make any money at all, but if your site takes off, you may eventually be able to earn thousands of dollars per month.

03. Tips to help you make money reviewing movies

Find out which skills and resources you can use to make money from your movie reviews

If you’re starting your own blog or YouTube channel, you may need to use only some of these ideas. If you want to submit your movie reviews to magazines, film websites, or other publications, all of the following tips will be helpful.

Study the film industry

movie crews are filming a movie

An understanding of the film industry and the filmmaking process will provide context and background for your movie reviews, helping you to craft more informed and thoughtful pieces.

You can learn how to analyze and rate movies by studying the industry, how movies are made, what role filmmakers play, and other aspects of the filmmaking process.

Cultivate movie-reviewing skills

As we’ve mentioned, you would once have needed great writing skills to be good at reviewing movies. However, you can now just as easily deliver your reviews in video format.

To make videos, you’ll need good verbal communication skills (and video editing skills, unless you plan on hiring someone to help you with that).

You’ll also need other soft skills to get good at reviewing movies. For example, you’ll need attention to detail to analyze all of the different aspects of a movie critically (e.g., the plot, character development, and cinematography).

The more you practice all of these skills, the better you’ll get. As you might expect, the best way to improve is to:

  • Watch different types of movies
  • Discuss the movies you watch with others
  • Read and watch other people’s movie reviews and critiques
  • Write or record your own reviews
  • Stay up to date on the latest releases and trends in the film industry

Establish an online presence

If you’re planning to share your reviews mainly through your blog or YouTube channel (or if you plan on writing for Medium, which will pay you based on the popularity of your content), your online presence will be key for your income.

You can use social media platforms to amplify your online presence, share your reviews, and engage with your audience. In addition to the main social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, you can also look for more niche sites that focus specifically on film. In particular, check out Letterboxd , which is a social media platform that bills itself as being specifically for film lovers.

Build a great portfolio

As you’ve probably gathered, your portfolio is one of the most important tools you have for showcasing your talents to potential clients and employers.

Your portfolio should include a carefully curated selection of your best movie reviews, covering a diverse range of films from various genres, eras, and styles. It should also feature:

  • A personal bio
  • Social media and blog links
  • Contact details

As we’ve mentioned, a film review blog can be a great addition to a portfolio, even if your main ambition is to write for established publications like film websites and magazines. Naturally, if you have any published work under your belt, link to that as well.

Use job sites to look for gigs

We’ve already mentioned a few publications that you can scope out for opportunities. You can also look for gigs on freelancer sites like:

You may be able to find clients on there who are looking to start film-related publications of their own and need content from writers like you.

You can also check out regular job sites like FlexJobs , Indeed , and ZipRecruiter . Keep an eye out to see if any newspapers or magazines put out a call for film reviewers.

You can often find opportunities by networking with people in the same field. When you’re starting out as a movie reviewer, look to network with:

  • Established reviewers
  • Movie critics
  • Editors of movie-related publications
  • Other people in the film industry

You can connect with these people through social media and also by attending film festivals, screenings, film clubs, or other events.

04. Other ways to get paid to watch movies

Mystery shopper sites and movie focus groups will sometimes pay you to watch movies in the theater or at home

The following opportunities won’t pay you to produce reviews per se. However, they might pay you (or offer other incentives such as free movie tickets) to watch movies and then complete questionnaires or participate in discussions about your experience.

Mystery shopper sites

Mystery shopper sites like the ones below sometimes feature opportunities to get paid for going to the theater:

  • Amusement Advantage

For this type of gig, you’ll usually have to watch the movie and then complete a questionnaire on your experience, sharing your thoughts on the comfort of the theater and the customer service provided by the staff.

Movie focus groups

A movie focus group is a group of people from the general public who watch a movie in advance of the official release and provide feedback on whether they enjoyed it. These groups are usually recruited by movie studios, streaming platforms, or market research companies.

If you join a movie focus group, you may have the chance to attend in-person screenings, but you might also have to watch movies at home (online). Each screening will usually be followed by a discussion, interview, or questionnaire.

Note that movie focus groups don’t always pay. For example, the Netflix Preview Club doesn’t offer any incentives other than the opportunity to watch new Netflix content before the general public gets to. You also can’t join this group without an invitation from Netflix (which they extend to people based on their viewing behavior and other factors).

However, paid opportunities do exist. Here are some sites that sometimes post opportunities to join movie focus groups:

  • Survey Junkie
  • Focus Group

This type of side hustle isn’t mutually exclusive with an actual reviewing gig, of course. You can always use it to make a bit of extra money and see more films while waiting for a publication to hire you as a critic (or for your movie review blog to get off the ground).

robert jellison author photo

Robert Jellison

Managing Editor

Robert is a writer and editor for He has 7+ years of experience in freelance writing and previously worked as the in-house editor for, a platform for remote and part-time writers.

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Bitcatcha > How To Make A Website > How to Start a Blog

How to Start a Blog – the Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Blogging Success in 2024 (Updated)

how to create a movie review blog

We’ve poured our expertise into this simple 6-step guide on how to start a blog. Follow along to learn how to set up your own blog with the best tried-and-tested tools out there for bloggers.

Want to build something meaningful? Or work on your own terms? Well – why not be a blogger?

If this page has found you, you’re probably not sure how to start a blog. You may even be pretty confused where to begin. Well, you’re in luck.

We at Bitcatcha have been writing our hearts out since 2014, with our online content attracting millions of readers each year. We’ve also spent thousands of hours geeking out about the tech behind successful websites, so we’re pretty darn passionate about the topic.

Table of Contents

  • Why start a blog anyway?

How To Start A Blog – From Zero To First Blog Post In 6 Steps

  • Pick a niche
  • Brainstorm blog name ideas
  • Choose a blogging platform
  • Register your domain name and web hosting
  • Designing your blog
  • Start publishing awesome blog posts

Bonus: Resources to Help You Write Compelling Content

Coming up with awesome content

Improving your writing skills.

  • You’re a blogger now!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Starting a blog

This beginner’s guide is perfect for anyone who wants to start a blog quickly, but on a strong and sturdy foundation. Follow along and you’ll exit this article with a new blog that’s primed for success and ready to face the world.

Believe it or not, starting a blog can be quite straightforward. For the parts that DO require technical know-how, we’ll share our own tried-and-tested recommendations and will guide you through each step.

Why Start a Blog Anyway?

In a second, I’m going to outline exactly what you need to do to start a blog. However, I want to quickly touch on WHY you should build a blog.

If you already have your why, you can skip ahead to step #1 .

When blogging first became a thing, most people used it as an online journal to pen down their thoughts. Since then, the blogosphere has evolved and spawned blogs of every shape and size.

Generally speaking though, blogs are still a type of website with a focus on written content.

People have many motivations to start their own blogs. Some find it cathartic to express themselves. Some are just plain passionate about their chosen niche.

I can’t speak for all of them, but one motivator that draws most people to the beautiful world of blogging is the ability to make money from their blogs.

Because bloggers write from their personal experience, they often share a very personal connection with their readers. This means that many high profile brands are willing to pay a blogger to endorse their product.

  • Displaying banner ads.
  • Using an affiliate marketing model.
  • Sponsorships and brand partnerships.
  • Using their blog as a lead generation tool.
  • Selling products like e-books, online courses and subscriptions.

However, here’s a lot of confusing advice and mythology about making money from your blog . One of the best pieces of advice we can give you, blogging padawan, is to be realistic and patient.

Another important way that new bloggers can inspire themselves is to browse other successful blogs. You can start by skimming through our masterlist of 43 blog examples that are doing things right – it’s a great reminder of what’s possible with the power of blogging!

Many people have the misconception that you need to be a good writer to start a blog. While having good writing skills can help communicate your message, it’s the content of your blog that sells. Check out our guide to blogging even if writing isn’t your thing .

Regardless of what motivations you have to start your blog, the bottom line is that blogging can be deeply rewarding.

Now that you’re absolutely convinced that it’s time to start a blog, let’s get into the steps of how to build your own.

Step #1: Pick A Niche

Pick a blog niche that interests you and some sort of audience. >> Skip ahead to Step #2: Brainstorm A Blog Name

This exciting first step to starting a blog will shape the way you blog for the rest of your blogging career. It’s a simple but very important step: You have to decide on your niche.

In short – what do you want to blog about?

Are you going to be a tech blogger? A digital marketing blogger? Maybe you’re into sustainable living. Maybe food is your jam.

Your chosen niche will help forge a path for your blogging topics in the future.

When you’re deciding on your niche, there are 2 important questions to ask yourself:

  • Is it a niche I’m passionate about?
  • Is there enough audience interest in this niche?

The first question is something that only you can answer.

The second question is something that you can help validate through good ‘ol fashioned research. Check if people are searching for these topics. You should also take a look at the competitor blogs that already exist in that niche.

The niche that you select will also determine how much potential you have to monetize your blog in the future.

You don’t HAVE to pick a niche that’s already popular, but it can really help to see what types of blogs are successfully earning.

To help you out, we’ve written a piece on the 13 most popular types of blogs that we’re seeing again and again. Go check it out if you want some insights on the different monetization strategies that are common in different niches.

Once you’ve picked your niche, it’s time to start thinking names .

Step #2: Brainstorm blog name ideas

Choose a short and memorable name for your blog. >> Skip ahead to Step #3: Choose A Blogging Platform

Your next step is to choose a name for your blog.

Your blog name is the first impression that readers will have of your blog. So it should be short, unique and memorable. You want people to remember you, right?

Choosing the right name for your blog is very important, so give this step ample time and thought.

A useful tool that many people use is a blog name generator tool like Name Mesh to help you find blog name ideas that can be turned into a functioning domain name.

We’ve actually written up a great article explaining what’s a good blog name and how to use a blog name generator cleverly. Even if you already have a blog name in mind, you might find our final checklist in tha article useful.

When you’ve got your unique blog name, you’ll need to choose where to build your blog.

Step #3: Choose A Blogging Platform

Choose a platform to manage and build your blog. We recommend (self-hosted WordPress). >> Skip ahead to Step #4: Get a Domain Name & Web Hosting

Now, it’s time to choose the management platform that you’ll use for your blog.

This is an absolutely critical step, as your choice of platform will affect every aspect of your finished blog, such as how it looks, how well it functions, how easy it is for you to customize – and more!

There are lots of blogging platforms out there. You’ve probably heard of the most popular ones, such as self-hosted WordPress , Medium, and Wix . They all have their pros and cons, so it can get kind of overwhelming.

Many new bloggers make the mistake of going for a free hosted blog platform such as Tumblr or Blogger. The word ‘free’ may sound tempting, but there’s a big catch: free hosted blog platforms come with a LOT of creative and technical limitations.

If you’re serious about starting a blog and want to give it the best chance of success, you should definitely go for WordPress.

Our top favourite blogging platform is (by far) WordPress

After our own research, testing, and direct experience – we can confidently say that the best platform for most bloggers is WordPress.

Why? Simply because WordPress is one of the most powerful blogging platforms out there. It powers a whopping 41.0% of websites on the internet today.

wordpress is the most popular cms

In fact, this is the option we used when we set up in 2014. And we’ve never looked back.

WordPress is SEO friendly, very easy to use and offers thousands of plugins, which brings extra functionality to the table without needing too much technical knowledge.

Just be careful not to get confused between the 2 different forms of WordPress:

  • This is ‘hosted’ WordPress. You use the WordPress interface and will receive free web hosting and a WordPress domain name.
  • This is ‘self-hosted’ WordPress. You use the WordPress interface, but you have more control and flexibility, letting you choose your own web host and domain name.

It may be tempting to get your free web hosting and domain name directly from, but as my dear grandmother used to say, “good things don’t come cheap, cheap things don’t come good”.

Why we recommend instead of is phenomenal, but their free web hosting and domain name unfortunately just comes with too many limitations.

  • You don’t have a “” While this may not seem like a big deal, it separates the amateurs from the pros. If you’re serious about your blog and want to see it grow, you’ll want to get your very own domain name.
  • Web hosting limitations The free comes with very little web hosting space (a piddly 3GB). Once you fill up this space, you’ll have to pay to upgrade and continue using your blog.
  • No plugins allowed The free version doesn’t allow plugins, which is sad and breaks my fragile heart.
  • Ads everywhere It’s bad enough that you can’t monetize your free website, but they’ll place ads everywhere! Remember, “good things don’t come cheap, cheap things don’t come good”. Ad placement is a way for WordPress to generate revenue.
  • Your blog might get deleted How’d you feel if you’ve been hustling and building your blog and followers for a good year, and one day you wake up to find that your blog has been deleted because you accidentally violated one of WordPress’s many terms of use? It has happened before, and it will happen again. It’s a risk I’m not willing to take.

These are just a few of the problems we can think of.

By going with instead, and purchasing your blog domain name and web hosting separately, you won’t run into any of these issues.

When doing our research for this guide, we noticed that many people were stuck trying to decide between Wix vs WordPress. If you’re interested in a direct comparison, we’ve written a whole article comparing Wix and WordPress specifically for bloggers. Spoiler alert: WordPress wins.

To sum it all up – almost all serious bloggers today use a self-hosted WordPress site. It simply gives you so much more creative freedom and flexibility.

Don’t worry about signing up for a WordPress account yet – we’ll show you how to do so in the next step, via your web host.

Step #4: Register your domain name and web hosting

Purchase your domain name, register for your web host and connect WordPress. >> Skip ahead to Step #5: Design Your Blog

It’s time to make things official. Let’s go ahead and start setting up.

Get your domain name

Now that you’ve decided your blog name from Step #2, it’s time to secure the domain.

Remember, you’ll want to pick a domain name that’s simple and easy to remember. No funky extensions like “.io” or “.biz” either, keep it to “.com” because it’s what most people are used to.

You can purchase your domain in 1 of 2 ways:

  • Get your domain through your web host Some web hosts will include a free domain name when you purchase one of their hosting plans. For example, Hostinger includes a free domain for you for the first year. This method also tends to be easier to set up.   How? Skip to the ‘sign up for web hosting’ step below and I’ll take you through the process.
  • Get your domain through a domain registrar You can also purchase a domain from a domain registrar like GoDaddy and Namecheap directly. Once you purchase it, you’ll need to connect it to your web hosting manually.   We like Namecheap because they’re an excellent registrar and they’ll throw in free WhoisGuard that helps keep your identity secret, in case you want to blog anonymously.   How? Just head to Namecheap to sign up and purchase your domain name. Then read on.

Sign up for web hosting

You might think that web hosting is just space for you to store your website files, and that any random web host will be fine, but you couldn’t be more mistaken.

In fact, if you want your blog to be successful, you better damn well make sure that you’re getting a web host that’s reliable and fast .

Have you come across a blog that loads so freaking slow that you just couldn’t be bothered to wait for the content to pop up? If you time yourself, you’ll see that 3 seconds is all it takes for you to feel that the blog is sluggish. 5 seconds is the average amount of time it takes for people to bounce.

Your web host is crucial in making sure that your blog performs quick and snappy.

While there are plenty of web hosting services around (see our list of top web hosts ) for bloggers who are just starting out – our #1 recommendation is to host your WordPress blog with Hostinger.

Our research found that the combination of Hostinger + WordPress outperformed the rest as the best choice for most bloggers .

Hostinger’s uptime, dependable customer service, affordability and insanely fast server response times are absolutely brilliant. You can read our full review on the full list of Hostinger’s features here .

Let me walk you through the process.

How to get a hosting plan with Hostinger

Getting an account and setting up your blog with Hostinger is really simple. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Go to and click into their hosting plans.
  • Pick a plan. We recommend getting the Premium Shared Hosting plan ($2.59 /mo) as it’s a nice balance between price and benefits. You don’t need to dwell too much here – you can easily upgrade or downgrade your plan later on if you need to.

hostinger pricing for shared web hosting

  • Once you’ve selected a plan, you’ll need to complete the checkout process > create an account > fill up your payment information > review your order > then click “Submit Secure Payment”. You’ll then receive a receipt from Hostinger with all the details for your web hosting subscription.
  • You’ll be automatically taken to the Hostinger onboarding page. To start setting up your website – hit “Start Now” and follow along.

hostinger onboarding first step

  • You’ll be prompted to “name your website”. You’ll need to pick 1 of 2 options:

hostinger asks to buy or select a domain name for your website

  • If you already have a domain name – Click “Select” under “Use an existing domain”. You’ll later need to point your domain to Hostinger – just follow these instructions in this Hostinger’s tutorial on YouTube .
  • If you don’t have a domain name yet – You can go ahead and purchase it through Hostinger by clicking “Select“ under “Buy Domain”. Type in the name of your blog and Hostinger will take a second to check its availability. If it’s available, proceed by clicking “Continue”.

Voila! You now have a web hosting account and domain name all set up!

It’s now time to get it connected to WordPress. This is where your blog’s going to start looking like a blog.

Installing WordPress on Hostinger

This section is a continuation of the previous section, but we’re breaking it up into different parts for easy digestibility.

If you get stuck during ANY one of these steps, don’t hesitate to contact Hostinger’s live chat support. They’re super helpful and will guide you through everything you need help with.

  • You can choose between “build a new website” or “migrate my website”. If you’re been following along with this guide so far, you should probably go with the former.

hostinger asks if you want to build or migrate a website

  • You’ll be asked whether you want to build it with Zyro or WordPress – if you’re in for the long run, we recommend building your site with WordPress.

create a wordpress account and build a site with hostinger

  • Create your WordPress account with your email address and a password. You’ll use these details to login to your WordPress dashboard later so don’t lose them!
  • Next, Hostinger will ask you to select a theme for your WordPress site – you can skip this step for now. We’ll talk about this in detail later.

user can select wordpress theme from hostinger onboarding process

  • Almost there – Hostinger will now let you review your website setup information. Carefully check whether your website’s domain name & admin email are correct.

hostinger lets you review information before finish setup

  • Notice how you can edit your “website location”? You should change your website’s data center location to one that is closest to your target audience. This will give an optimal experience for your target audience when they visit your website.

hostinger lets you select data center on which your website is hosted on

  • After you’re done reviewing, hit “Finish Setup”.

You now have your very own WordPress site! You should be proud of yourself.

So far, it’s nice and clean. Very zen. Also very generic. In the words of my younger friends, your site is currently “Vanilla AF”, so let’s do something about that, shall we?

Step #5: Designing Your Blog

Customize your blog by choosing a theme, setting up pages, using widgets and plug-ins, and more. >> Skip ahead to Step #6: Publish A Blog Post

In this section, we’ll be taking a look at what we can look to give your blog a little more personality.

We can manually design and customize the blog to appeal to your targeted readers, but that takes a whole lotta time. Nahhh.

nobody got time for that meme

Fortunately, WordPress has thousands of free themes that are fully customizable, and also look highly professional!

Here’s how you access your WordPress themes:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard. It should be “” . You’ll want to switch out “yoursite” to your actual blog URL. Key in your WordPress username and password, then log in.

wordpress login page

  • Once you’re in, you should see your WordPress dashboard, which looks like this. Click on “change your theme completely”.

change your website theme from wordpress dashboard

  • Next, click on themes and you’ll find thousands of themes to pick from! If those aren’t good enough for you, head on over to ElegantTheme to purchase some really good looking themes.

choose your theme for your website from

Themes are awesome but they can be tricky. Site load speed is crucial to getting your blog ranked on Google, and picking unoptimized or unresponsive themes will adversely affect your loading speed. Make sure to check out the comments for any negative reviews and test the theme’s responsiveness in the preview section. If the theme is already unresponsive in their own preview, it’s most likely gonna be sluggish on your blog.

wordpress theme preview

Customize Your Theme To Your Liking

Whilst WordPress themes already come with their own design, you’ll probably want to tweak it further to your liking.

  • To do so, go to “Appearance”, then “Customize”.

wordpress lets you customize your website theme

  • You should now see the WordPress Customizer:

user can customize wordpress theme

Different themes will display different options in the sidebar menu. However, the most common options that show up include:

  • Site Identity Set your blog title and tagline (see next step below), add a logo for your blog, and a site icon.
  • Colors Set the basic colors used in your blog design.
  • Header Set a graphic or image for your blog header.
  • Background Set a graphic, image or solid colour for your blog background.

Have a play around and see what you like!

Creating customized titles & taglines

If you want people to discover your blog and read your content, then you’ll definitely want to pay attention to this portion of the guide.

Your site title tells people what your blog is all about, and taglines help support what the titles say. They also help search engines sort and send your blog to the relevant searchers.

user can change their site title and tagline on wordpress

How to create a static homepage

Yes you want to run a blog, but you don’t actually want your homepage to look like one!

What you’ll need is a static front page, a sort of “home” page for visitors to land on and take in everything they see.

Like most professional blogs, a static front page doesn’t change and it’ll show your readers something consistent every time they visit your site, making it look more polished.

If this isn’t done, WordPress will use your latest blog posts as your homepage which, quite frankly, can look very amateur.

You can create a static front page by doing this:

  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard, hit “Settings” and “Reading”.
  • Click on “A Static Page” then select the page you want as your homepage, then “Save Changes”.

setting your wordpress site homepage as static page

Adding pages to your blog

Your little blog baby is still pretty bare at this point, so let’s go ahead and add some pages.

Most blogs will include at least some of the following pages:

  • About Us To tell your visitors who you are and what the blog will be about.
  • Contact Us A page that lets your readers contact you.
  • Testimonials Reviews or comments from past customers.
  • Portfolio A showcase of your skills or past projects.
  • Products / Services Details on things you might be selling.

To start you off, let’s look at how to set up an About Us page on WordPress:

  • Under your WordPress Dashboard, head on over to “Pages” and click on “Add New”,

adding new page on wordpress dashboard

  • You’ll be sent to a page where you can fill in a Header and a Paragraph. Go ahead and write “About Us” in the header and write a little something about your blog in the “Paragraph”. Once you’re done, hit “Publish”.

creating a page with wordpress

Linking your pages to the menu

Your “About Us” page won’t show up unless you create a link for it in the menu.

  • Simply head on over to your WordPress dashboard, under appearance, click “menu”. Your list of pages should automatically be added to the menu structure. If not, just check the boxes under “add menu items” and hit “add to menu”.
  • Once you’re done, hit “create menu” and your blog will be updated with your pages linked in the menu.

user can add or edit menu on wordpress

Adding or removing content on your sidebar

Some people want content on their sidebar. Some people prefer to go for a cleaner look and do away with it. Either way, it’s up to you.

Adding or removing content from your sidebar is quite easy.

  • Head over to your WordPress dashboard, go to “appearances” and click on “widgets”.
  • Here you’ll see a list of available widgets and your sidebar. All you need to do is to drag and drop the widgets you want in your sidebar, or simply delete the widgets you don’t want there.

user can add or edit widgets into sidebar

Give your blog an edge by using WordPress plugins

In the past, when we wanted to optimize our blogs or add features, we had to do it manually (which is both time-consuming and a pain in the butt).

These days, you can do all that and more with just a few clicks, thanks to plugins!

Plugins basically let you add anything you want to your site. You can turn it into an online store or a gallery portfolio. If you can think of it, there’s probably a plugin for it!

What you’ll need to do to install plugins is under your WordPress dashboard, hit “Plugins” and “add new”. From there, just check out the popular or recommendations tab for plugins that suit your needs, and you’re done!

wordpress offers paid or free plugins

There is an endless list of plugins for you to pick from but keep in mind that some plugins might slow down your blog. Do a little research on plugins and your blog will run like a dream.

Here are some of our favourites plugins for bloggers:

  • Yoast SEO It helps make your blog more SEO friendly.
  • Swift Performance Lite It helps decrease your caching time for WordPress, which speeds up your blog load times.
  • Google Analytics by ExactMetrics This one helps you track the amount of visitors your blog receives. It’s super useful in helping you set benchmarks!

Step #6: Start publishing awesome blog posts

Start writing and publishing blog posts on your new blog. >> Skip ahead to Bonus Resources For Writing Content

Your framework is now complete!

That means it’s time to start writing blog posts (woohoo!) This is where the fun really begins.

Blog posts are the bread and butter of any successful blog. They help keep you relevant, keep your site ranked in Google searches and help you get your message out there.

How to start writing great blog posts

Everyone has their own blogging style and voice.

The most important thing is that blog posts need to offer something valuable to readers so that they want to come back to your blog for more.

As for the blog writing process – it gets easier when you break it into 5 simple steps:

  • Plan your blog post by preparing your outline and researching your topic.
  • Write your hook with a killer headline and intro.
  • Write the blog post.
  • Format your article for maximum readability.
  • Check internal links, CTAs and publish your post at the optimum time.

For detailed instructions with examples, check out our step-by-step guide on how to write great blog posts people actually want to read.

Getting your first blog post out there

Like taking that first plunge into cold water – many people often find that the hardest blog post to write is the FIRST.

Most bloggers will adopt 1 of these 2 strategies for their first blog post:

  • Introducing themselves to the world and talking about what the blog will be about.
  • Jumping headfirst into writing the type of content they want to write.

The choice is up to you. To figure out which is right for your blog, check out our full guide on exactly what to write for your very first blog post .

How to publish your first blog post on WordPress

Once you have your final blog post draft, it’s time to put it out there in the world!

Let’s quickly sort out some things on WordPress in preparation for making it live.

  • In your WordPress dashboard, hit “posts” and select “categories”. You should see the screen below. Fill in your category name. For this instance, you can just call it “blog”. Click on “add new category” at the bottom.

user can add post categories on wordpress

  • Next, under “posts”, click on “add new”. You should see a page where you can fill in your post title and content. Go ahead and do that if you want to. After you’re done, look for the “categories” bar on the right side of the screen and check the box marked “blog”.

creating a blog post on wordpress

  • Hit “Publish” and your new blog post is good to go! All you need to do now is add the category to your menus, and you’re all set.

BONUS: Resources to help you write compelling content

Congratulations – you’ve now published your first blog post!

You’re off to a great start, but part of being a successful blogger is being able to write high-quality content on a regular basis.

Here’s some further reading to help you out on this front:

  • If you want some extra ideas on what to write about, check out our megalist of 113 blog post ideas readers will enjoy. You can pick one and start writing immediately.
  • If you’re struggling to overcome writers’ block – check out these tips on how the experts did it.
  • Getting a great grammar checker can work wonders. Our top pick is Grammarly as it helps you to catch silly typos and guide your tone.
  • For tips on writing copy that sells, read our guide on effective content writing .

Wrap Up: You’re A Blogger Now!

Congrats random person in the blogosphere, you’ve successfully built your own blog!

We helped, but you did all the heavy lifting by yourself, so you should really give yourself a pat on the back.

Before you go, here’s a quick refresher on how to start your blog.

  • Pick your blog niche.
  • Pick your blog name.
  • Pick your platform (our pick: self-hosted WordPress ).
  • Register a domain and web hosting service (our pick: Hostinger ).
  • Design your WordPress blog.
  • Start writing great content.

And remember – keep on customizing!

Remember, WordPress is highly customizable. You can really create any kind of blog you want with WordPress, so keep on experimenting and customizing until you’re 100% happy with what you’ve got.

Now – go forth and blog! We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Frequently Asked Questions: Starting A Blog

1. what’s the difference between a blog and a website.

A website consists of multiple static “pages” that may not be updated frequently and are usually used as an online tool, or to sell a product or service. A blog is a type of website that usually has a focus on written content and is regularly updated, hence it is dynamic. Blog content tends to be referred to as “posts”.

2. Can you blog for free?

Yes. There are free web hosting services and blogging sites that let you set up a blog for free, however these all tend to come with significant performance restrictions and even display ads, which you’ve no control over. These free options can suit casual bloggers, but you should stay away from these if you’re looking to make a business out of your blog.

3. How often should I blog?

How often you should blog will depend on your resources, niche, and audience. In most cases, the higher your blogging frequency, the more the organic traffic your blog receives.

4. How do I get my blog noticed?

Establish your blog’s online presence. You can start by producing high-quality content regularly, optimizing it for search engines, and looking into outreach strategies such as guest posting.

5. How do I drive traffic to my blog?

The best way and arguably the most important factor to get traffic is to simply write quality content . By writing useful and relevant content for your target audience, your blog is more likely to rank well in web searches, exposing it to more search traffic and eyes.

6. How do you make money blogging?

Bloggers can earn through a variety of methods, but the main 2 are by placing ads on your blog, or through affiliate marketing. Placing ads is very low maintenance, all you have to do is literally place them and forget (often through an ad network), however, the income generated is generally quite low unless you have large traffic. Affiliate marketing requires a lot more effort to maintain, but the potential for profit is much higher.

7. Should I use WordPress or Wix for my blog?

Our recommendation is WordPress. Wix lets you make a beautiful blog effortlessly, and is easy to use; but you won’t be able to move your blog anywhere else once it grows big and needs more resources. With WordPress, you have access to many more custom tools and can scale your blog and ensure it has the biggest earning potential. Read our Wix vs WordPress comparison .

how to create a movie review blog

how to create a movie review blog

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Get paid to share your thoughts: clever ways to make money writing reviews.

how to create a movie review blog

Are you tired of sharing your thoughts for free? It’s time to turn your opinions into cash! In this blog post, we’ll show you clever ways to make money by writing reviews. From reviewing products to discussing movies and books, there are endless opportunities to get paid for sharing your honest feedback. So grab a pen and get ready to start earning while doing what you love – expressing your thoughts!

Writing reviews as a source of income

Writing reviews as a source of income has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the rise of online shopping and the demand for honest and informative product reviews. This presents a great opportunity for those who have a knack for writing and want to earn extra money from the comfort of their own homes.

But what exactly is writing reviews as a source of income? Simply put, it involves sharing your thoughts and opinions on various products or services in exchange for payment. Whether it’s through sponsored posts on your blog, freelance writing gigs, or working with review platforms, there are plenty of ways to make money by reviewing products.

One of the main benefits of writing reviews as a source of income is its flexibility. You can choose which products or services you want to review based on your interests and knowledge. This allows you to write about things that you genuinely enjoy or have experience with, making the process more enjoyable and authentic.

Moreover, this type of work can be done at any time and from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This makes it ideal for stay-at-home parents or individuals looking for a side hustle. It also gives you the freedom to set your own schedule and workload.

However, it’s important to note that writing reviews as a source of income requires dedication and effort. While some may think that it’s an easy way to make quick money, producing high-quality reviews takes time and research. You must be willing to put in the work in order to build credibility and attract potential clients.

In addition, being able to write engaging and informative reviews is crucial in this field. Your readers should trust your opinion and find value in what you have to say about a particular product or service. Being able to effectively communicate your thoughts will not only benefit you financially but also help others make informed purchasing decisions.

Different platforms for writing reviews and getting paid

As the internet continues to grow and evolve, there are now more opportunities than ever for individuals to get paid for writing reviews. Gone are the days of simply leaving a comment on a product or service – now there are various platforms that allow users to share their opinions and earn money in return. In this section, we will explore some of the most popular platforms for writing reviews and getting paid.

1. Amazon Reviews Amazon is one of the largest online retailers in the world, with millions of products available for purchase. Not only can you buy items from Amazon, but you can also leave reviews on products that you have purchased. These reviews not only help other potential buyers make informed decisions, but they can also earn you money through Amazon’s Vine program. This program allows top reviewers to receive free products in exchange for honest and thorough reviews.

2. Yelp Yelp is an online platform that allows users to leave reviews on local businesses such as restaurants, hotels, and salons. While these reviews do not directly result in monetary compensation, they can lead to perks such as free meals or services from businesses looking to improve their ratings.

3. TripAdvisor Similar to Yelp, TripAdvisor is a platform where users can write reviews on travel-related experiences such as flights, accommodations, and activities. In addition to earning points for each review written which can be redeemed for gift cards or cash rewards, top contributors may also be invited on sponsored trips by companies seeking positive exposure.

4. Software Review Sites If you have expertise in using software programs or applications, there are numerous websites that pay users for writing detailed and informative reviews about them. Some popular examples include Capterra and G2 Crowd which offer rewards in the form of gift cards or cash payments.

5. Online Surveys While not specifically geared towards reviewing products or services, many survey sites give users the opportunity to provide feedback on various topics including new products or brands they have tried. In return, these sites offer monetary compensation or gift cards for completing surveys.

Tips for writing effective reviews that attract readers and potential clients

Writing reviews is not only a great way to share your opinions and experiences with others, but it can also be a lucrative side hustle. With the rise of influencer marketing and the growth of e-commerce platforms, there is a high demand for compelling reviews that can attract readers and potential clients. Here are some tips for writing effective reviews that can help you stand out from the rest and get paid for your thoughts.

1. Be Honest and Detailed

The first rule of writing an effective review is to be honest about your experience with the product or service. Readers and potential clients want to know the real deal, so avoid exaggerating or sugarcoating your review. Share specific details about what you liked or disliked about the product/service instead of just giving a general overview. This will make your review more authentic and trustworthy.

2. Use Visual Aids

A picture is worth a thousand words, so why not incorporate visual aids in your reviews? Adding photos or videos of yourself using the product or service can make your review more engaging and give readers a better understanding of what you’re talking about. It also adds credibility to your review, as it shows that you have personally tried the product/service.

3. Know Your Audience

Before writing a review, it’s essential to understand who your audience is. Are they fellow consumers looking for honest opinions? Or are they potential clients interested in purchasing the product/service? Tailor your language and tone accordingly to appeal to your target audience.

4. Provide Comparisons

If possible, compare the product/service you’re reviewing with similar ones in the market. This helps readers understand how it stands out from its competitors and gives them more context when making their purchasing decisions.

5. Include Pros and Cons

While it may be tempting to only focus on positive aspects when writing a review (especially if you received compensation), including both pros and cons will add credibility to your writing. It shows that you have critically evaluated the product/service and can provide a balanced review.

6. Be Mindful of Grammar and Spelling

A well-written review is more likely to attract readers and potential clients. Make sure to proofread your writing for any grammar or spelling errors before publishing it. You can also use online tools like Grammarly to help you catch any mistakes.

7. Use SEO Techniques

If you’re writing reviews for a website, incorporating SEO techniques can help your content rank higher on search engines, making it more visible to potential clients. Use relevant keywords in your title and throughout your review to increase its chances of being discovered.

How to find products or services to review

Finding products or services to review can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and resources, it can be quite simple. Here are some tips for finding products or services to review:

1. Join product review websites: There are many websites that allow users to sign up and receive free products in exchange for writing honest reviews. Some popular examples include Influenster, BzzAgent, and PINCHme. These types of websites often have a wide range of products available for review, from beauty and skincare items to household goods and electronics.

2. Look for affiliate programs: Many companies offer affiliate programs where they pay individuals a commission for promoting their products or services through reviews. This can be a great way to not only make money through reviews but also potentially earn income from referrals or sales made through your unique affiliate links.

3. Reach out directly to companies: If there is a particular product or service you are interested in reviewing, don’t be afraid to reach out directly to the company. Many businesses are open to sending free samples in exchange for an honest review on your blog or social media platforms.

4. Attend trade shows or conferences: Trade shows and conferences are excellent opportunities to discover new products and services that you may not have known about before. These events often have vendor booths where you can speak directly with representatives from different companies and potentially receive samples or information about their offerings.

5. Follow bloggers/influencers in your niche: Following other bloggers or influencers who focus on similar topics as you can be beneficial when looking for products or services to review. They may share opportunities that they come across, giving you access to new potential partnerships.

6. Utilize social media platforms: Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook can also be useful resources when looking for products/services to review. Companies often use these platforms as marketing tools by offering free samples in exchange for reviews from their followers.

Ways to monetize your reviews, such as affiliate marketing and sponsored content

There are several ways to monetize your reviews and turn your opinions into a source of income. Two popular options include affiliate marketing and sponsored content. Let’s take a closer look at how these methods work and how you can make them work for you.

1. Affiliate Marketing: This is when you partner with a company or brand to promote their products or services through your reviews. You will receive a unique referral link that you can use in your reviews, and every time someone makes a purchase using that link, you earn a commission.

To get started with affiliate marketing, it’s important to choose products or services that align with your niche or audience. For example, if you run a blog about beauty products, partnering with a makeup brand would be more relevant than promoting home improvement tools.

You can find affiliate programs by reaching out directly to companies or by using platforms like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or Clickbank. Make sure to disclose any affiliate links in your reviews as per FTC guidelines.

2. Sponsored Content: This is when a company or brand pays you to write a review or feature their product on your platform. Unlike affiliate marketing, you will receive a flat fee for creating the content, regardless of whether or not your readers make a purchase.

To attract sponsored content opportunities, it’s important to have a strong online presence and engaged audience. Companies are more likely to partner with influencers who have a significant following and can reach their target market.

You can find sponsored content opportunities by reaching out directly to companies or by signing up for influencer marketing platforms such as Izea, TapInfluence, or AspireIQ.

3. Advertisements: Another way to monetize your reviews is through display advertising. You can join an ad network (such as Google AdSense) and place ads on your website or blog. Whenever someone clicks on an ad, you earn a small amount of money.

To maximize your earnings from advertisements, it’s important to have high traffic volume and relevant content that attracts advertisers. Keep in mind that too many ads can be off-putting to readers, so it’s important to strike a balance between monetization and user experience.

Common mistakes to avoid when writing reviews

Writing reviews can be a great way to make some extra money while also sharing your thoughts and opinions on products or services. However, there are common mistakes that many people make when writing reviews that can hinder their success as a paid reviewer. In this section, we will discuss some of these mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them.

1. Not being honest: One of the most important aspects of writing a review is being honest about your experience with the product or service. It can be tempting to exaggerate or give false praise in order to please the company you are reviewing for, but this will only lead to an untrustworthy review. Readers rely on unbiased and sincere reviews, so it is crucial to stick to your genuine thoughts and experiences.

2. Writing vague or generic reviews: Another mistake is writing reviews that lack specific details or simply state general statements like “I loved it” or “It was terrible.” This does not provide any valuable information for readers who are looking for more in-depth insights before making a purchase decision. Instead, focus on providing specific examples and details about your experience with the product or service.

3. Not proofreading: Poor spelling and grammar can significantly impact the credibility of a review. Before submitting your review, make sure to proofread it carefully for any errors. You can also use online tools such as Grammarly to help you catch any mistakes you may have missed.

4. Being too lengthy: While it is essential to include specific details in your review, it is equally important not to ramble on for too long. A lengthy review can lose the reader’s interest and may even discourage them from reading other reviews by you in the future.

5. Focusing only on negative aspects: Some reviewers tend only to focus on what they didn’t like about a product or service rather than also mentioning its positive aspects. While it is essential to point out any flaws, try balancing it out by also highlighting the things you did like.

6. Not disclosing sponsored content: If you are writing a review for a company that has paid you to do so, it is essential to disclose this information to your readers. Being transparent about sponsored content builds trust with your audience and maintains your credibility as a reviewer.

7. Not trying the product or service: It may seem obvious, but some reviewers write reviews without actually trying the product or service themselves. This can result in an inaccurate and unhelpful review. To avoid this mistake, make sure to thoroughly test whatever it is you are reviewing before sharing your thoughts on it.

Success stories of people who have made a living from writing reviews

Reviews have become a vital part of our everyday lives. From deciding which restaurant to eat at, to choosing the next book to read, we rely heavily on reviews from other people’s experiences. But did you know that writing reviews can also be a lucrative source of income? Many individuals have turned their passion for sharing their thoughts and opinions into successful careers as professional reviewers.

Here are some inspiring success stories of people who have made a living from writing reviews:

1. Sarah Smith – Book Reviewer

Sarah always had a love for reading and sharing her thoughts about books with friends and family. After stumbling upon a website that paid for book reviews, she decided to give it a shot. Her well-written and honest reviews caught the attention of publishers, and she was soon offered paid review opportunities by various publishing houses. Today, Sarah is a full-time book reviewer with an impressive following on her blog and social media platforms.

2. John Davis – Travel Reviewer

John’s passion for traveling led him to start his own travel blog where he shared detailed accounts of his trips along with photos and reviews of accommodation, food, and activities. His engaging writing style quickly gained popularity among readers, and he was soon sponsored by hotels and tour companies to write reviews in exchange for free stays or tours. John now earns a substantial income through his blog and has even landed partnerships with big-name travel brands.

3. Maria Lopez – Product Reviewer

Maria always enjoyed trying out new products but found herself relying heavily on online reviews before making any purchases. She noticed that there were not many Spanish-language product review websites available, so she decided to create her own platform targeting Spanish-speaking audiences. With her informative yet relatable product reviews, Maria attracted thousands of followers within months of launching her website. She now works closely with brands looking to reach the Hispanic market through honest product feedback.

4 . Jack Thompson – Movie Critic

Jack always had an eye for analyzing and critiquing movies. He started his own YouTube channel where he uploaded video reviews of the latest films, breaking down everything from acting to cinematography. His witty and entertaining critiques gained a massive following, and he was soon approached by media outlets to write reviews for their platforms. Jack now has a successful career as a movie critic, and his opinions are highly valued in the industry.

These are just a few examples of how writing reviews can turn into a profitable career. With dedication, passion, and quality content, anyone can make money by simply sharing their thoughts and opinions on various products and services. So why not give it a try? You never know where your love for reviewing might take you!

Final thoughts

Writing reviews can be a lucrative way to earn money while sharing your thoughts and opinions about products and services. By utilizing the various platforms and methods mentioned in this article, you can turn your passion for writing into a profitable venture.

It is important to keep in mind that becoming a successful review writer takes time, effort, and dedication. You may not see immediate results or receive high-paying opportunities right away. However, with persistence and consistency, you can build your reputation as a reputable reviewer and attract more lucrative offers.

Additionally, always make sure to provide honest and unbiased reviews. Your credibility as a reviewer is crucial in gaining the trust of both readers and companies. Avoid exaggerating or sugarcoating your opinions just to please potential clients. Remember that your authentic voice is what sets you apart from other reviewers.

Furthermore, be mindful of the ethical considerations when it comes to reviewing products or services for payment. Always disclose any partnerships or sponsored content to maintain transparency with your audience.

Do not limit yourself to one platform or method of earning through reviews. Explore different options such as creating video reviews on YouTube or joining affiliate marketing programs. This not only diversifies your income streams but also allows you to reach a wider audience.

Making money by writing reviews requires hard work and determination but can be a rewarding experience both financially and creatively. So go ahead and start sharing your thoughts on products you love (or hate) – who knows where it might take you!

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The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld. The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld. The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld.

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  • Hubbel Palmer
  • Allison Schroeder
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Jack Black and Jason Momoa in Minecraft (2025)

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    To start a movie review blog, follow these 7 essential steps: Step 1: Choose a niche for your blog. Decide if you want to focus on a specific genre, era, or type of movie. Step 2: Choose a domain name for your blog. Make sure it relates to movies and is easy to remember.

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    Step 5. Pick a Theme for Your Movie Blog. When choosing a theme for your website, it's essential to consider your niche and target audience. Your theme should reflect your content's style and tone while being visually appealing and easy to navigate.

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    You want to search for themes that will give you the right tools for building a solid movie review blog. Here are a couple to look at if you are having trouble. Moview. Moview is a state of the art movie and tv show review theme that will allow you to create a stylish and modern movie review blog. It comes packed full of content that will help ...

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    3. Start a movie review blog. Another way to make money from your movie reviews is to start your own blog. This will give you more creative freedom than writing for another publication. Blogging is also a good way to build your reputation as a movie reviewer.

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    Step #2: Brainstorm blog name ideas. summary. Choose a short and memorable name for your blog. >> Skip ahead to Step #3: Choose A Blogging Platform. Your next step is to choose a name for your blog. Your blog name is the first impression that readers will have of your blog. So it should be short, unique and memorable.

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    8. 9. 10. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. Get expert advice and tips on parenting in the digital age with our recommended media for kids, movie ...

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    Minecraft: Directed by Jared Hess. With Danielle Brooks, Kate McKinnon, Jemaine Clement, Jason Momoa. The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld.