159 Cold War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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🏆 Best Cold War Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

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The Cold War is a significant part of the world’s history. Its term refers to the period between 1950 and late 1980, known for a great tension between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Essays on the Cold War are important assignments because they allow students to research the topic in detail. As the war was a major event that has affected many countries, students should prepare well for writing their Cold War essays. Our goal is to help you in writing an outstanding paper.

Start with researching the topics for your essay and selecting the one that interests you the most. Here are some Cold War essay titles we can suggest:

  • Does the Cold War affect people or nations today?
  • The link between the Cold War and the Korean War
  • Argumentative essay on which country started the war
  • Capitalist and communist economies during the Cold War
  • The impact of the Cold War on international relations
  • The link between the Domino theory and the Cold War
  • The Effect of the Cold War on the environment

Select one of our titles or check out the examples of the Cold War essay topics online. Now you are ready to work on your essay. Here are some secrets of writing a powerful paper on the Cold War:

  • Research the selected issue and think of the Cold War essay prompts you will discuss. Develop an outline for your paper based on your future arguments. Remember that an outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Do not forget to add a title page, if necessary.
  • A good Cold War essay introduction should include some background information about the issue, its causes, and effects. Present a thesis statement in the last sentence of this section. It can look like this:

The Cold War still affects the population of North Korea.

  • Discuss all relevant data in the body paragraphs. Identify the Cold War leaders, its ideology, global powers, and propaganda. Remember that the reader should get a full perspective on the issue you are discussing.
  • Discuss the events that had happened before the Cold War began. What caused its eruption? What were the interests of parties responsible for the Cold War?
  • Reflect on the consequences of the Cold War and its effects on today’s world. It will help you to get the reader’s interest.
  • You can also discuss what would have happened if the war did not erupt or ended differently.
  • Support your claims with evidence and add in-text citations when you refer to information from outside sources. Hint: Use peer-reviewed articles or scholarly books as your main sources of information. Do not rely on personal blogs or websites like Wikipedia.
  • Summarize your arguments in a concluding paragraph. Restate your thesis and present the findings of the paper. Remember to end your essay on a positive note.
  • Although content is important, make sure that you use correct grammar and sentence structures too. Check the paper several times to make sure that you have made no crucial mistakes. Remember that spelling is important too. You can ask your peers to review the paper for you, if possible.

Remember that our free samples are there for you if you need some ideas for your paper!

  • “The Cold War: A New History” by John Lewis Gaddis In Chapter 1 “Return of Fear”, Gaddis states that the Cold War was caused due to the competing and divergent ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • The Cold War and the Balance of Power Theory The end of the Cold War and the fall of the Communist Block have led to a complete change in the balance of power in the international arena.
  • The Film Industry During Cold War The end of world war two marked the start of the cold war between the Unites States of America and the Soviet Union.
  • Post-Cold War Challenges At the time when strained relations between the US and the Soviet Union ended, the financial systems of several countries, particularly those in Eastern Europe, were in the process of collapsing.
  • Cold War: Summary, Causes, History, & Facts The plot of the Soviet Union to spread the issue of communism to all parts of the world stands out as the major cause of the Cold War.
  • The Cold War: US Foreign Policy The paper seeks to explore issues surrounding the US foreign policy in the course of the war, as well as the implications of the war on the United States’ society and culture.
  • International Relations: Atomic Bombs and Cold War The dropping of the nuclear bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima by the United States directly contributed to the initiation of the Cold War. The utilization of the bombs led the Soviet Union to see the […]
  • The Cold War and the Events of September 11 The anxieties arising from the issue of European immigrants echo the sentiments of securitization and Islamophobia following the events of September 11.
  • Oleg Penkovsky, a Double Agent of the Cold War The political race of the Soviet Union and the United States began after the end of the Second World War. In 1953, Penkovsky began working in GRU and was sent to work in Turkey as […]
  • Countries That Suffered the Greatest as a Result of the Cold War After the Second World War, there was a long period of tension between the democracies of the Western World and the communists’ countries of Eastern Europe, which is called The Cold War.
  • The Cold War: Causes and Consequences United States, which sustained the minimal damage during the apocalyptic war, was elevated to the status of the savior of the new world in the west whilst mighty Soviet Union whose winters not only mercilessly […]
  • Cold War and a Bipolar World It has been emphasized that important milestones like winning of Second World War, and development of the Marshall Plan were possible due to considerable investments in the military power by the US during the cold […]
  • To What Extent Did the Cold War Shaped the US Relations With Latin America? The reasons are on one hand, the great fear to the Soviet Union catch up and expansion, on the other hand the fear of Cuba bring communism domino effect to the Latin America countries and […]
  • Reasons for Soviets Losing the Cold War Following the surrender of Nazi Germany at the end of the second world war, the uncomfortable wartime alliance between Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union started to crumble.
  • The Cold War: Reassessing the Cold War and the Far-Right The cold war was a rivalry between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their allies. Loss of lives in different states was a massive consequence of the cold war.
  • The Unfinished Journey: The US During the Cold War The first statement at the beginning of the chapter is that the Vietnam War is a consequence of the Cold War.
  • The Cold War Ideologies’ Impact on the American History The key powers involved in the cold war were the United States of America and the Soviet Union. As the Americans adopted capitalism while building the economy, the society was divided into two classes, the […]
  • Cold War Impact on Germany The question of Germany’s destiny, its state structure, and postwar borders were on the agenda of the meetings of representatives of the leading countries – members of the anti-Hitler coalition in the years of the […]
  • The Cold War: The US vs. the Soviets Polarization The relationship between the U.S.and the Soviets was shaped by an intricate interplay of economic, political, and ideological factors, which resulted in the change between vigilant collaboration and often vicious superpower competition.
  • Causes of the Cold War’s End Reagan’s policies may have contributed to the fall of communism, but it is more likely that the internal changes in the Soviet Union and the countries it ruled contributed more to the end of the […]
  • The Cold War as a Turning Point in History Thus, one of the main events that became the subject of public discussion and concern of the world community was the actions of the United States of America and Russia in relation to the Middle […]
  • The Global Cold War Book by Westad In the book “The Global Cold War” by Westad, the author seeks to understand why the cold war took longer and also the reason it became global.
  • Latin America Impacted by Global Cold War This paper aims to discuss the conceptual positioning of Latin America in the context of the Global Cold War as the heart of the Third World.
  • The Events of 1968 in American History and the Cold War Therefore, 1968 was a year of the end of America’s involvement in the Vietnam War, the end of spying, Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination, racial protest in the Olympics, and the start of space exploration.
  • The Cold War and Engagement The key elements of U.S.diplomacy to China and the Middle East were aimed at keeping the United States out of the problems of world affairs and improving foreign relations.
  • US Strategy From the Cold War to the Post-Global War on Terrorism Before the collapse of the United Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, the United State’s strategy during the Cold War era had been one of deterrence to the potential threats of the USSR and its allies […]
  • The Cold War in Context: Geopolitics In such difficult times, as the Cold War and the spread of terrorism, the role of Christians is to pursue one of God’s main principles, which is hope.
  • Significant Events of the Cold War The confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War resulted in international crises. The USSR made a scientific breakthrough in the field of space during the Cold War.
  • The Significance of the Iron Curtain at World War II and the Cold War Churchill encouraged the US and the UK to unite and ensure that they ended the actions that the Soviet Union was exercising.
  • Great Depression and Cold War: Making of Modern America This paper will explore the causes of the Great Depression, the measures implemented within the New Deal, Cold War tensions, and the changes to the American society by the civil rights movement.
  • Cold War Exchange in the Bridges of Spies Film Since the film is based on actual events, it is logical that this work’s primary purpose is to reflect the historical scene. However, according to the authors, the film is fiction and not documentary work.
  • The Cold War Impact on African States & Societies The Cold War became a global geopolitical, military, and economic confrontation between the two blocs of states, the centers of which were the United States and the USSR, from 1946 to the end of 1980.
  • How Did Cold War and Post-Cold War U.S. Imperialism Affect African Societies? During the Cold War, both the socialist motives of the USSR and the imperialist nature of the United States affected African nations and their changing political states.
  • Latin America and the Cold War In the conditions of the Cold War, namely in the middle of the 1940s-1970s, Latin America was the arena of the struggle for the spheres of influence of the US and the Soviet Union.
  • Cold War: Personalities of Individuals and Their Nations Cold War was a period in world history where the tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union was at its peak. One of the key characters to improve the relationship between […]
  • Post-Cold War Russia: Global, Strategic, and Diplomatic Importance The end of the Cold War and dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the considerable shift in global politics and economics, making reconsider a large number of issues in international relations and diplomacy.
  • US Actions Abroad During the Cold War With the intensification of the Cold War in the 1950-s, the chase for dominance between the Communist countries and the US was manifested by the invasion of the empires into the domestic affairs of Vietnam […]
  • The Cold War: Gains and Losses The United States was one of the countries that took part in the Cold War; it also involved itself in Space Race. The formation of alliances among the nations involved in the Cold War contributed […]
  • The Cold War and Motivations Behind It Evaluating the situation, it appears that the major motivation behind the actions of the major players in this conflict was the distribution of authority in the world which started after the capitulation of Germany.
  • End of the Cold War and Geopolitical Environment In the current global political and economic setup, United States has played a critical role in the promotion of free trade, deterrence in the development of nuclear weapons and enhancement of international security.
  • US Involvement in Southeast Asia and the Cold War Vietnam is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that experienced the United States involvement in its politics in the 1950s Some of the reasons that have been fronted as having led to the involvement […]
  • A Zero-Sum Game or a Win-Win Situation: The Outcome of the Cold War As for the historical context, after the War the USA had rather a beneficial position which helped the country to revive quickly and set the economical and political domination: the Marshall Plan, which seemed to […]
  • The United States of America: The Post Post-Cold War Scenarios In the field of economy, it is expected that by the year 2010, China will be the largest economy in the World.
  • Cold War Space Race Analysis The objective of this paper is to critically analyze the historic events that escalated as a result of the space race between America and the Soviets during the Cold war.
  • Aftereffect of the Cold War: “The Crisis” by Alan Greenspan In the paper titled ‘Crisis’, the author Alan Greenspan had made an earnest effort to figure out the new emerging economic factors which came to existence as an after effect of the “Cold War” leading […]
  • Cold War in the US. May’s ”Homeward Bound” Book In my view, domestic containment was a result of the insecurities and ambitions that were the outcome of the war and that is exactly what May argues, that it started inside the homes, “potentially dangerous […]
  • Cold War: Development of the Events Churchill accused the Soviet Union of the deployment of global expansion and the attack on the territory of “the free world”.
  • Impact of the Vietnam War and Results of the Cold War It galvanized the enemy and opponents of the war in both Vietnam and America and led many to question the ethics of the campaigns.
  • Post-Cold War Era and Covert Activity Post 9/11, a review of the entire intelligence structure of the US was undertaken and all 16 intelligence agencies were placed under the central coordination of the Director of National Intelligence.
  • Herbert Norman and the Cold War The information that was given to the FBI accused Norman of being a communist, a possible spy for the Soviet and not keeping his oath of loyalty.
  • A Post Cold War Era The era of the Post Cold War period was considered to be the time of rehabilitation. The principal mission of the American policymakers after the Cold War period was containment.
  • Cold War History: McCarthyism and Nuclear Weapons Race The foreign and the domestic policy by the US was featured by the increased fear of communism, and all the efforts were aimed to struggle with the leftist views, regardless of the fact, that the […]
  • Effects of Cold War in Economic Development The increasing demand for the arms by many militaries increased the supply of the weapons and this and subsequent income increase to the manufacturing industries and the need for more and advanced technology to create […]
  • Cold War 1945-1968, and 1973-1993 in USA At the suggestion of England and France the main provisions of the Marshall Plan were discussed in 1947 at the Paris meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the United States, England and France. […]
  • Cold War Between the United States and the Soviet Union The matters of the cold war have been regarded by historians from both sides of the ocean for the years, and everyone accuses the opposite side of starting the cold war.
  • The Cold War’s Aftermath in Europe The collapse of the Soviet Union, which occurred after the end of the Cold War, led to profound political and economic changes in many countries.
  • The Role of Ideology in the Cold War The Cold War was a significant period for the history of the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Eastern Bloc, as well as other countries.
  • From World War to Cold War The end of World War significantly shifted the balance of power in Europe and globally, leaving a void that both the United States and the Soviet Union sought to fulfill.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization After the Cold War Thus, detailed analysis is necessary to determine which of the two approaches above is the most suitable to explain NATO enlargement after the end of the Cold War.
  • China’s Rise and Cold War With the US Thus, it is necessary to apply the concepts of liberalism and constructivism to understand the real reasons and probable consequences of the rise of China for the world.
  • Cold War and Its Global Impact The competition between the USSR and the USA, the dissolution of the former, and major armed conflicts in Korea and Vietnam are among the events that still impact the world.
  • Civilization in XIX Century and Cold War Even though it might appear to be nonsense, the fact of the matter is that there is more truth in the words of this unknown man than we, people living in the twenty-first century, might […]
  • End of the Cold War and Global Economy Regarding the authoritarian nature of the Soviet power, the following issues significantly affected its collapse: the persecution of the Church and dissidents, forced collectivism, the domination of single ideology, the prohibition of communication with other […]
  • Cold War II: A Big Misunderstanding Nevertheless, the posture of Russia and the actions towards former Soviets have been still regarded in terms of the Cold War after the USSR has dissolved and the Cold War was Over.
  • The End of the Cold War Analyzing Gorbachevs actions and his incentives in the economy of the USSR, it is possible to conclude that the primary aim of these actions was the destruction of the welfare of the country, the growth […]
  • Why Did the Cold War Begin? The Cold War was the defining conflict after the end of World War Two. One of the defining aspects of the Cold War is the feeling paranoia experienced by all sides of the conflict.
  • The Cold War: A New History The United States of America and the Soviet Union were the two most powerful nations involved in the war. Another factor that contributed to the end of the cold war was the economic deterioration of […]
  • American Foreign Policy: Cold War Orthodoxy The realization of the American citizens that there was a distance between the thoughts of the policy makers and the realities on the battlefield led to an intensified opposition to the war.
  • Cultural Diversity, Cold War Art and Technology For instance, the CIA was at the forefront of promoting American Abstract Expressionist art in the form of paintings. The media is one of the technological avenues used to achieve this.
  • Firefighting History From Cold War Era to Present This essay aims to outline how the social and political events had impacted the lives of firefighters in the times of Cold War and the Civil Rights movement, as well as to explore the current […]
  • The United States in the Cold War Era and Korea The following paper will explain and cover the USA’s role in the Cold War era in Korea, and other significant shifts of this period.
  • Cold War Korea in “Joint Security Area” Movie Both people and soldiers were taught that the other side is the enemy without a clear understanding of the true nature of the ideological conflict.”The ideological training they had received to hate and to kill […]
  • Cold War Discussion: Six Facts The continuously developing conflict between the USSR and the USA became one of the most important aspects of the 20th century.
  • America During the Cold War One of such pages was the Cold War – the period of geopolitical tension that started after the World War II between the US and the Soviet Union.
  • The Cold War: Did Intelligence Make Any Difference? It is through such complexities that the article answers the pertinent questions on the role of the intelligence on the Cold War.
  • Canada Role in the Cold War In the article from the Globe and Mail, the main argument is that Canada, as an ally of the United States and the United Nations was inclined to support military activity in Korea during the […]
  • R. Mugabe’s Diplomacy in Zimbabwe During Cold War The role of the Soviet during the period was the main factor why the president chose to announce and use the doctrine while he was in office.
  • Cold War and End of Empires in the 20th Century The Cold War was the political and military tension that existed primarily between the USA and its allies, on the one hand, and the USSR on the other, even despite the fact that these forces […]
  • The Cold War Impact on Social Conditions One of the consequences of the Cold War for the lives of USSR civilians was the discord in the Soviet society.
  • Cold War Origins in American and Russian Views The studies of the Cold War era are experiencing rejuvenation in the latest decade, mainly thanks to the availability of the previously classified documents. The book Debating the Origins of the Cold War: American and […]
  • Cold War in Kubrick’s “Dr. Strangelove” Movie The period of history known as the Cold War was characterized by an increasing tension between the Soviet Union and the United States, two of the world’s greatest superpowers.
  • The Cuban Crisis as the Challenge of the Cold War The agreement that the United States made with the Soviet Union was that the government of the United States had to dismantle its nuclear stations in Italy and Turkey.
  • Post Cold War Period: Instability in Europe This paper looks at the end of the Cold War and emergence of peace in Europe, the internal consistency that brought about the cold war and that which has prevailed in the post Cold War […]
  • “Berlin Airlift” – Cold War History The pathetic living conditions of the people provoked feelings of hatred towards the four forces that were contesting for the ownership of the city.
  • Richard Nixon’s Diplomacy During the Cold War The term ‘Cold War’ refers to the persistent state of military and political anxiety that was experienced by countries in the Eastern Bloc, including Russia and Warsaw pact allies; and the Western Bloc countries such […]
  • Hard or Soft Power in the Cold War’s End One of the biggest motivations that triggered the involvement of the United States in the cold war was the need to stop the Soviet Union spreading their communist ideologies into other parts of the world.
  • The Soviet Space Program Role in the Cold War The paper will begin by providing an overview of the Cold War in order to highlight the conditions that led to the space race between the US and the USSR.
  • The Rapid Ending of the Cold War Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union that had been going on ever since the end of the Second World War lasted for decades and involved all of the spheres of the […]
  • The Cold War: Causes of Tension and Role of Media The Cold War involved the United States and the Soviet Union due to their different ideologies on ways of managing the economy of a country. The beginning of the Cold War was marked by the […]
  • The Current Tendencies of the Cold War Stone estimates the principles of McCarthyism, which identifies the era of the Cold War regime and stems from the conspiracy games of the American senator Joe McCarthy.
  • Cold War’s Impact on the Southeast Asia According to a number of studies, the increasing interests and involvement of the western world and the USSR in the region inspired the rise of the Militarism in Vietnam during the War.
  • Cold War Major Aspects and Events Conflicts of interest between the United States and the Soviet Union were the main cause for the cold war which replaced the Second World War in the year 1945.
  • Muslims Increase and the Spread of Islam Also, the paper will highlight the reasons that have hampered the spread of Islam in the US and in the modern world.
  • John Lewis Gaddis: “The Cold War: A New History” For the Soviet Union, the war was a significant devastation and the amount of people and cities lost was enormous. 2 It is obvious that the governments of the two powerful world nations had their […]
  • How U.S. Relations Have Impacted and Affected Pakistani-Indian Relations Post Cold War S Pakistan relationship is however strained in that Pakistan has lost its trust for the U.S.it blames the U.S.for the violence that has escalated in the country in the recent past.
  • Cold War Paranoia in “Captain America” and “Batman” This form of unexpected events underscores the uncertainty that surrounded the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
  • Was the American Use of the Atomic Bomb Against Japan in 1945 the Final Act of WW2 or the Signal That the Cold War Was About to Begin Therefore, to evaluate the reasons that guided the American government in their successful attempt at mass genocide of the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, one must consider not only the political implications behind the actions […]
  • The US Influence on the Middle East in the Post-Cold War Era The aim of the essay is to evaluate the impact of the shift from bipolar to the unipolar international system on the Middle East.
  • Cold War Consequences for European Countries After the war, the nations faced humongous economic slump, the pecuniary implications of the war took toll on the European Nations.
  • How Did the Cold War Order of the Asia-Pacific Differ From That of Europe? The primary difference in the cold war order of the Asia-Pacific and that of Europe was instigated by the reason for security arrangements between the two regions.
  • The Role of the Cold War in Shaping Transatlantic Relations in the Period 1945 to 1970 It was considered to give a connotation to the international structure throughout the cold war and could work as a dynamic aspect in generating the dynamics of the east-west conflict.
  • Japan’s Role Since the End of the Cold War Having assumed a relatively ‘peaceful’ stand, Japan was able to recover from the impacts of WWII to become one of the most powerful countries in the world at the end of the Cold War in […]
  • Misperceptions and the Cold War After the WW II, the America rose to become the most powerful nation in the world, however, the USSR perceived this negatively, which resulted into fierce rivalry between the two nations and the war hang […]
  • The Onset of the Cold War The majority of historians adhere to the idea that the period of ideological tension dates back to the period after the World War II whereas other scholars agree that its beginning refers to the end […]
  • Nature of State Sovereignty in the Post-Cold War Era To begin with, a discussion will be carried out on the impact of the Peace of Westphalia of 1648 and how it played a significant role of reshaping the state of sovereignty especially after the […]
  • Cold War Politics, Culture and Wars The Western democracies led by the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a discussion regarding the development of the war and the nature of the post-war settlement.
  • Liberal Optimism for Post Cold-War Period Essentially, the liberals believed that the damage caused to the allies in the Cold War would clarify the stance of the liberals.
  • The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy Among the situations that called for America’s diplomacy during the Cold War include the deliberate efforts to improve relations with the Soviet Union and ease the hostilities between the U.S.and the Soviet Union.
  • International Relations During the Cold War In the face of being associates opposed to the Axis powers, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics differed in relation to opinionated philosophy and the arrangement of the post-conflict world at […]
  • Rethinking Cold War History Near the end of the World War II, upon the surrender of the Nazi, there emerged strong alliances among nations that had participated in the world war.
  • The Cold War and Its Influence on the American Society After the collapse of the Nazi government, in the year 1945, the US and the Soviet Union became the world superpowers.
  • Origins of the Cold War The Cold War was the repercussion of World War II following the emergence of two key supremacy blocs in Europe one of which was subjugated by ideologies of the democracy of the capitalist America.
  • Cold War Era and Threats to American Families Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by an atomic bomb marked the end of World War II and the beginning of the cold war.
  • Holocaust and the Cold War Cold war refers to the military and political tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union immediately after the World War 2.
  • The Cold War Between the United States and the Soviet Union Klaus and Lane state that this war came to be known as the cold war because the two sides: the Soviet Union and the United States never engaged in a physical fight. In conclusion, the […]
  • The Causes of Korea War and How It Epitomized Cold War The Korean War was fought in Korean Peninsula between armies from North and those from South Korea. The only and main cause of the Korean War was the invasion of South Korea by North Korea […]
  • The Major Causes of the Cold War Between the Soviet Union and the United States According to Leffler in his book “The Specter of Communism” the cold war was a political and economical war between the United States and the Soviet Union, which started few years after the end of […]
  • Reasons of the Cold War Between the Soviet Union and the US Furthermore, before the war, the US described the USSR as a reincarnation of the devil but the feeling was mutual; the USSR did not see the US any different from the devil.
  • Modern American History From the Second World War to the Cold War From Ford’s, Jew hatred and political racism-Hitler was especially, personal had a high regard for the anti-Semitism of Henry Ford-; to the Carnegie’s involvement in creation of a Master Race; the relationship between Rockefeller and […]
  • Physical Fitness and Sport Policy in the Cold War Johnson presidential administration shifted the priorities in the sports national policy and vision of sports rivalry in the United States.”Addressing the subject in terms of federal initiatives during the 1960s, this article will argue that […]
  • To What Extent Did the Cold War Play a Role in the 1950s in Catalyzing the Iranian Revolution in 1979? S wanted the world to practice free trade while the Soviet union wanted nothing to do with international trade, the power rivalry where each of the nations wanted to dominate the other, another cause of […]
  • United States and Soviet Union Relationship Throughout the Cold War Soon after the end of the Second World War, the signs of tensions and mistrust reappeared even though the two nations had been allies during the war and the US had even supplied Russia with […]
  • The Cold War’s Developments in the Relations Between the US and the Soviet Union The cold war was fueled by mistrust between the USSR and the U.S. At the end of the World War II, USSR was the only power centre that nearly equaled the U.S.
  • The Cold War and the Fifties Studies point out that in 1945, the west, under President Truman strongly reacted to the policies set by Stalin in Poland by stopping all its support to the Soviet Union and expressing massive misgivings about […]
  • Coverage of the Cold War in Life Magazine: The Bomb That Never Exploded The attitude to the atomic bomb and its role in the Cold War sufficiently changed with the course of time, and this change is reflected, in particular, in the coverage of Cold War events by […]
  • The Cold War: Global Prosperity and Human Rights The Cold War was one of the most famous and crucially important conflicts between the United States of America and the Soviet Union.
  • The Cold War Between the Union Soviet Socialist Republic and the United States of America The Americans believed in the principles of democracy and free enterprise while the Russians believed that the whole world must convert to a system of governance according to the teachings of Karl Marx and Lenin.
  • Importance of Berlin in Cold War The main causes were; Economic: The United States was interested in supporting free trade in the whole World but The Soviet Union did not show any interest in this venture as it feared if it […]
  • The Cold War and Its Influence on Europe Control of Europe was at the centre of the cold war because communists controlled Eastern Europe and wanted to extent their influence to Western Europe as well.
  • How Did the Cold War Transform American Foreign Policy?
  • What Are the Main Origins of the Cold War, and Why?
  • What Role Did Sport Play During the Cold War?
  • How Did the Cold War Begin and What Weapons Were Used to Fight This War?
  • How Did Cold War Affect Popular Culture?
  • What Factors Influenced the Origins of the Cold War?
  • What Did the Berlin Wall Mean to Both Sides in the Cold War?
  • Why Was the Cold War Called the Cold War?
  • How Did the Cold War Shape the American Economy, Society, and Politics?
  • How Did the Berlin Crisis Affect the Cold War?
  • What Were the Main Reasons for the Beginning of the Cold War Between the USA and the Ussr?
  • What Were the Key Elements of the Policy of Deterrence and Containment During the Cold War?
  • How and Why Did the Cold War End?
  • Why Did the Cold War in Europe and Asia Get More Serious?
  • Did the Cold War Affect International Relations?
  • Why Was Ronald Reagan Not Responsible for Ending the Cold War?
  • Why Did the Cold War End, and What Roles Did Hard and Soft Power Play?
  • Why Was the Cuban Missile Crisis a Turning Point in Cold War Relations?
  • Why Did the Liberal World System Win the Cold War?
  • Why Did the Detente Didn’t End the Cold War?
  • What Impact Did World War II and the Cold War Have On the Development of Science in the 20th Century?
  • Why Did the United States Get Involved in the War in Korea, and in What Sense Was It an Outgrowth of the Cold War?
  • What Were Americans Fears During the Cold War?
  • What Was the Domino Theory During the Cold War?
  • What Was the Cold War, and How Did It Start?
  • Did Ronald Reagan End the Cold War?
  • Why Did the Cold War Never Become Hot?
  • What Caused the Clash Between Communism and Capitalism During the Cold War?
  • How Did the Cold War Affect Domestic Policy and American Society?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 159 Cold War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cold-war-essay-examples/

"159 Cold War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cold-war-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '159 Cold War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "159 Cold War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cold-war-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "159 Cold War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cold-war-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "159 Cold War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cold-war-essay-examples/.

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Essays on Cold War

Hook examples for cold war essays, the tension-building anecdote hook.

Start your essay with a gripping anecdote from the Cold War era, such as a close encounter between opposing forces, a spy's daring mission, or a pivotal diplomatic negotiation.

The Iron Curtain Metaphor Hook

Draw parallels between the Iron Curtain that divided Europe during the Cold War and modern-day geopolitical divisions. Explore how historical lessons can inform contemporary politics.

The Cuban Missile Crisis Revelation Hook

Begin with a revelation about the Cuban Missile Crisis, a pivotal event during the Cold War. Discuss the world's reaction to this crisis and its implications for global peace.

The Space Race Innovation Hook

Highlight the innovative aspects of the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union. Discuss the technological advancements and the impact on science and society.

The Proxy Wars Connection Hook

Start by exploring the concept of proxy wars during the Cold War. Discuss how these conflicts shaped the global political landscape and their relevance in today's world.

The Nuclear Arms Race Factoid Hook

Begin with startling facts about the nuclear arms race between superpowers. Discuss the fear of nuclear annihilation and its lasting effects on international relations.

The Espionage and Spy Games Hook

Introduce your essay by delving into the world of espionage during the Cold War. Discuss famous spies, intelligence agencies, and the intrigue of espionage operations.

The Cultural Cold War Reference Hook

Start with references to the cultural aspects of the Cold War, including the influence of literature, music, and art. Discuss how cultural diplomacy played a role in the conflict.

The End of the Cold War Paradox Hook

Begin with the paradox of the peaceful end of the Cold War. Explore the factors that contributed to its conclusion and the subsequent geopolitical shifts.

The Lessons from History Hook

Start by reflecting on the lessons that can be learned from the Cold War. Discuss how understanding this historical period can inform contemporary foreign policy and global relations.

Consequences of The Truman Doctrine

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Differences Between Stalin and Khrushchev

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Understanding The Effects of The Cold War

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Beginning of The Cuban Missile Crisis

The role of "cold war" in bringing international order, american policy of containment during the cold war and its consequences, fears of america and the emergence of the cold war, america's leadership position at an international stage, the impact of world war ii and the cold war on the development of science in the 20th century, ronald reagan and mikhail gorbachev: discussion on resolving the cold war, analysis of the influence behind the actions of the united states army, cuban missile crisis as a world changing event, the korean war – a conflict between the soviet union and the united states, apocalypse now - cold war perspectives, the political situation in brazil during the cold war, the development of the peace corps in america, the geography of the cold war: why the us embarked on a containment policy, religion as one of the causes of the cold war, red scare: incitement to hatred of anarchy and communism, beware the red scare: another red threat to america, american containment strategy and the end of the cold war, history of american life in the early postwar era, advantages, disadvantages, and application of aip in modern submarines.

12 March 1947 – 26 December 1991 (44 years and 9 months)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Soviet Union, United States, Warsaw Treaty Organization.

Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Nikita Khrushchev, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan

Cuban missile crisis, Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Berlin crisis of 1961, collapse of the Soviet Union

The Cold War was a period of political tension and military rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, lasting roughly from the late 1940s to the early 1990s. It emerged in the aftermath of World War II when ideological differences and geopolitical interests between the two superpowers intensified. The historical context of the Cold War can be traced back to the division of Europe after World War II, with the United States championing democratic principles and capitalism, while the Soviet Union sought to spread communism and establish spheres of influence. This ideological divide led to a series of confrontations and proxy wars fought between the two powers and their respective allies. The development of nuclear weapons added a dangerous dimension to the conflict, as both sides engaged in an arms race to gain a strategic advantage. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, a standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union over the placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba, brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.

The division of the world into two ideological blocs: The capitalist bloc led by the United States and the communist bloc led by the Soviet Union. The arms race and nuclear proliferation, leading to the stockpiling of nuclear weapons by both superpowers and the development of advanced military technology. The establishment of military alliances such as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the Warsaw Pact, which solidified the division between the Western and Eastern blocs. Proxy wars and conflicts fought between the United States and the Soviet Union or their respective allies, such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and various conflicts in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The spread of communism to several countries, including Eastern European nations that became part of the Soviet-dominated Eastern Bloc. The Cuban Missile Crisis, a tense standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1962, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, marking the end of the Cold War and the transition to a unipolar world with the United States as the dominant superpower.

One of the major effects of the Cold War was the division of the world into two competing blocs, the United States-led capitalist bloc and the Soviet Union-led communist bloc. This ideological divide created a bipolar world order and fueled numerous proxy wars and conflicts around the world, such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union was another significant consequence of the Cold War. Both superpowers invested heavily in the development and stockpiling of nuclear weapons, leading to an unprecedented level of global military buildup. The fear of nuclear annihilation and the doctrine of mutually assured destruction shaped military strategies and had a lasting impact on international security policies. The Cold War also had economic ramifications. The United States and the Soviet Union competed for influence and sought to spread their respective economic systems, capitalism and communism, across the globe. This led to the creation of economic alliances and aid programs, such as the Marshall Plan, as well as the establishment of the Soviet-dominated Eastern Bloc and the NATO alliance. Furthermore, the Cold War influenced the course of decolonization and independence movements in many countries. The superpowers often supported or opposed regimes based on their alignment with capitalist or communist ideologies, leading to political instability and conflicts in various regions. In addition, the Cold War had cultural and social effects. It fostered a climate of suspicion and fear, which manifested in widespread political repression, surveillance, and the suppression of civil liberties. The ideological struggle between capitalism and communism influenced cultural productions, including literature, art, and film.

Studying and writing essays on the topic of the Cold War is essential for students due to its multidimensional significance. Firstly, exploring the Cold War provides students with a deeper understanding of the complexities of international relations, diplomacy, and ideological conflicts. It offers insights into the strategies, policies, and motivations of the superpowers involved, such as the United States and the Soviet Union. Secondly, writing essays on the Cold War promotes critical thinking and analytical skills. Students are encouraged to examine primary and secondary sources, analyze different perspectives, and evaluate the long-term consequences of historical events. This process enhances their ability to form well-reasoned arguments and develop a nuanced understanding of complex historical phenomena. Additionally, the Cold War has left a lasting impact on society, culture, and global dynamics. By exploring this topic, students can gain insights into the origins of the arms race, the nuclear age, the space race, and the proliferation of proxy wars. They can also examine the impact of the Cold War on civil rights, technological advancements, popular culture, and the formation of alliances.

1. The term "Cold War" was coined by the American financier and presidential adviser Bernard Baruch in a speech in 1947. It referred to the absence of direct military confrontation between the superpowers, but the ongoing ideological and political struggle between them. 2. The Cold War was characterized by a state of non-military confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. 3. The space race played a significant role during the Cold War, prompting the establishment of NASA and fueling competition between the superpowers. 4. The proxy wars fought between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War resulted in the loss of numerous lives, with casualties reaching millions. 5. Notable "hot" conflicts of the Cold War period included the Korean War, the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba, and the Vietnam War. These conflicts involved direct military engagement or support from the superpowers, leading to significant human suffering and loss.

1. Gaddis, J. L. (2005). The Cold War: A new history. Penguin Books. 2. Westad, O. A. (2012). The Cold War: A world history. Basic Books. 3. Leffler, M. P. (2008). For the soul of mankind: The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War. Hill and Wang. 4. Beschloss, M. R. (1997). Mayday: Eisenhower, Khrushchev, and the U-2 affair. HarperCollins. 5. Zubok, V. M., & Pleshakov, C. (2007). Inside the Kremlin's cold war: From Stalin to Khrushchev. Harvard University Press. 6. Hogan, M. J. (Ed.). (2015). The Cold War in retrospect: The formative years. Oxford University Press. 7. LaFeber, W. (2002). America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-2000. McGraw-Hill. 8. Lynch, T. (2010). The Cold War: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press. 9. Matlock, J. F. (1995). Reagan and Gorbachev: How the Cold War ended. Random House. 10. McMahon, R. J. (2003). The Cold War: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.

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thesis statements for cold war

Cold War - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

The Cold War was a defining period in world history, spanning from the end of WWII until 1991. It was a political, economic, and ideological struggle between the USSR and the United States, which dominated the global debate for decades. Writing a research paper about Cold War is a challenging task, but with the help of free essay examples on Cold War, students can gain insight into this complex period.

Our experts have prepared a collection of essay samples covering various aspects of this period, including its causes, effects, and debates. Students can use these examples to evaluate different thesis statements, outline their arguments, and craft an effective introduction and conclusion

The Cold War was fueled by the clash of two powerful ideologies: communism and capitalism. The Soviet Union was a communist country, while the USA was a capitalist democracy. The states involved in this struggle were split into two camps based on their ideology and political beliefs. The impact of the Cold War was felt worldwide, as many countries were forced to choose sides and take part in ideological conflict.

One of the most significant events of the Cold War was the construction of the Berlin Wall, which separated East and West Berlin for decades. By examining our argumentative essay topics, students can gain a deeper understanding of this critical period and make a summary of the human rights violations related to it.

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Essays About the Cold War Those who are eager to know the American history of the 20th century without opening the history books should embark upon reading To Kill a Mockingbird, one of the most brilliant masterpieces of American literature that was created by Harper Lee. It tells the story of the American communities between the years of 1933 and 1935 – when the Great Depression was sniffing in the streets – in the light of a child’s point of view. The novel gives the readers a look into how capitalism became one of the main causes of the Cold War. And thanks to the Animal Farm essay you can understand what was happening in the society of the Soviet Union on the eve of the Cold War. World War II that followed not long after the Great Depression has become the first time when the Eastern Bloc and the Western Bloc united for the sake of conquering one enemy – the Nazis. Unfortunately, the topics that were predominant in the American community of the 1930s talked not about the relations between the Soviet Union and the United States but rather about examples of communities in which the blacks were not even considered human beings.  Writing an essay on the Cold War seemed to be nonsense in the times that are described in the novel. However, when the novel was published, the introduction of the United States into the world of communism has become a widely discussed DBQ. Given that the novel and the times that the author is talking about have been greatly analyzed, we are ready to write a research paper or an argumentative essay about the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Our professional writers can follow your outline, or they can come up with one of their own, either way complying with the highest quality requirements. Ordering an essay on the Cold War from us, you can rest assured that your instructions will be followed, and your argument will be defended.

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151 Cold War Topics for Essay and Research

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of Cold War topics! The Cold War was marked by geopolitical tension and ideological confrontations between the United States and the Soviet Union. When writing on Cold War essay topics, the possibilities are boundless. So, we’re excited to guide you through these Cold War topics to write about.

🏴󠁡󠁦󠁷󠁡󠁲󠁿 TOP 7 Cold War Topics

🏆 best cold war essay topics, 👨‍🏫 cold war topics for presentation, 👍 interesting cold war research topics, 💡 simple cold war title ideas, ❓ more cold war research & essay topics.

  • The Role of Disney Propaganda During the Cold War
  • The Cold War in Realism Theory
  • Cold War in Realism and Neorealism Theories
  • The Nature of the Cold War Between the US and the Soviet Union
  • The Cold War: International Relations between 1945 and 1989
  • Origin and Course of the Cold War
  • “The Cold War: A New History” a Book by John Lewis Gaddis
  • The Cold War: Causes and Impact on the Modern World The Cold War led to the fall of the Soviet Union as a superpower. The USA, owing to its capitalism policy, managed to influence the world and thus become the superpower.
  • The Cold War and Decolonisation History The Cold War did not cause decolonisation; however, the war schemes employed by the United States incited the decolonisation process.
  • International System During the Cold War Era The basic characteristic of the international system during the Cold War era is its duo-polarity nature characterized by the ideological war of the two most powerful nations.
  • “The Cold War: A New History”: Book Review The paper discusses the book “The Cold War: A New History”. It represents a sufficiently thorough coverage of the Cold War in its entirety.
  • Popular Culture and the Cold War Popular culture was strongly restricted. The Cold War had an immense influence on the lives of people since they were afraid to be considered communists.
  • The Cold War History The facts surrounding the Cold War have forced many people to define it differently. This paper describes the responses provided by three interviewees.
  • Prerequisites of Cold War During Yalta Conference The decade following WWII turned out to be rather challenging for the whole world, and the exam on peace co-existence was almost failed several times resulting in the Cold War.
  • Canada During the Cold War Canada pursued a moderate anti-communist policy during the Cold War while aiding struggling countries and promoting peace in the world arena.
  • The Korean War and the Cold War There are many similarities and differences between the Korean War and the Cold War in terms of Truman’s response, how they ended, and their lasting impact.
  • Was the Cold War Really a Cold War? The Cold War (1945-1991) was a period of political confrontations between two blocks, the Capitalist America and the communist USSR.
  • History: The Communist Revolution in East Asia and the Cold War The collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War de-legitimized the system and removed the rationale that initially had underpinned the global economy fragmentation.
  • Cold War in Everyday Life of Americans The challenges of the Cold War historical period, which affected the everyday life of Americans, included the panic related to atomic weapons, and the methods for testing loyalty.
  • African Continent and the Cold War In the 1950s, the interest of superpowers in Africa was mainly determined by obtaining information about the plans and intentions of rival countries.
  • The Cold War in the 1950’s The main causes of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union and their allies during the 1940s to the 1990s.
  • The Cold War: Reasons and Lessons The lesson that nations should learn from the Cold War is that superpowers do not have any capability to control their allies and their dependents as is often thought.
  • The Cold War Era’s Impact on the US Politics The Cold War era included many reforms that occurred internally and externally in relation to the politics of the United States.
  • Normative Role of the Cold War The Cold War played a significant role in American history in the recent past, yet the role of this war is normative rather than anomalous.
  • Comparison of Current Relationships Between US and Russia to Cold War There are many similarities between the relationships the US and the USSR in the middle of the 20th century and the relationships between the US and Russia in the current period.
  • The Cold War Times and Economics The Cold War had two effects on domestic policy: social and economic. The extensive indoctrination of the American people resulted in a reversal of social improvements.
  • The Cold War: Contemporary European History Though the Cold War can be considered as one of the main participants has ceased to exist, the conflict has percolated into the present relationships of the U.S. and Russia.
  • The Cold War: Cultural Changes Massive cultural changes marked the post-Cold war period. The fall of the Soviet Union led to new social relations that facilitated the changes.
  • The Second World War and the Cold War Diplomatic relations among nations played a significant role that shaping the Second World War. The Cold War began immediately after the end of the Second World War.
  • The Impact of the Cold War on European History The aim of this paper is to examine the Cold War’s impact on European through increased east-led and west-led tensions and the establishment of the Iron Curtain.
  • How the Cold War Ended Peacefully One of the factors that propelled the cold war to end peacefully was the election of President Richard Nixon, who formulated new approaches to attending to international relations.
  • America and the Middle East During the Cold War The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the outgrowths of which are still reflected today, ended in 1991.
  • American Presidency During World War II and the Cold War World War II and the advent of the Cold War taught many lessons regarding the American presidency, especially on matters of foreign military policies and strategies.
  • Canada and the Cold War in Relation to Korea The entry of the Canadian armed forces in the Korean War was a welcome move that helped protect the Republic of Korea.
  • Cold War: History and Impact on Population This work aims to describe the causes and stages of the Cold War, as well as to assess its impact on the population through the use of qualitative research techniques.
  • The Causes of the Cold War Between the US and the USSR The conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union and the ideological differences between the two countries served as causes for the beginning of the Cold War.
  • The Significance of the Korean War to the Cold War The Korean War was the first major military confrontation of the Cold War, and it served as a model for many others.
  • American History (1900s-Cold War Era) The history of the United States is a tale of people from diverse ethnicity who jointly form the United States of America.
  • How the United States Fought the Cold War in 1945-1990 In 1948, a plan put forward by U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall and known in history as the Marshall Plan came into effect in the United States.
  • The Cold War’s Impact on the Fate of Nevada The Cold War is a military, economic and political confrontation between two military-political blocs led by the USSR and the United States.
  • Triumphs and Technological Advancements of The Space Race.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: The Brink of Destruction.
  • Nuclear Arms Race Long-Term Results in 2023.
  • The Berlin Wall as a Symbol of Division and Reunification.
  • McCarthyism: Unraveling American Society.
  • Thawing Relations: Détente and Diplomacy.
  • The significance of NATO establishment.
  • Containment Policy: Limiting Soviet Expansion.
  • Is the Korean War a Forgotten Conflict?
  • Did Arms Control Treaties Help to Seek Stability?
  • The Role of the Arts in Cultural Diplomacy.
  • Proxy Wars: Battlegrounds of Ideology.
  • Civil Defense: Duck and Cover Strategies.
  • Space Race Achievements: Moon Landing and Beyond.
  • CIA Interventions: Covert Operations.
  • Espionage and Deception During the Cold War.
  • The Sino-Soviet Split: A Communist Schism.
  • The Vietnam War: A Cold War Quagmire.
  • The Prague Spring and Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia.
  • Nuclear Testing: Environmental and Human Impact.
  • Red Scare in Hollywood: The Blacklist Era.
  • Fallout Shelters: Preparing for Nuclear War.
  • The Soviet-Afghan War: The Bear’s Quagmire.
  • Economic Rivalries: Capitalism vs. Communism.
  • The U-2 Spy Plane Incident: Crisis in the Skies.
  • The Cold War’s History and Consequences The Cold War, a result of the development of nuclear weapons and the confrontation between two massive world powers, had many consequences that affected the entire world.
  • The Security Concept in the Post-Cold War Era It is possible to admit the radical change in the security concept after the Cold War and the collapse of the global system characterized by two camps’ opposition.
  • East-West Rivalry and Atomic Race of Cold War Cold War intensified after Russia and the United States got new leaders, namely Nikita Khrushchev and Dwight Eisenhower.
  • The Cold War: The Arms Race and Territorial Claims This paper critically assesses the background of the Cold War and discusses the critical theaters of action, as well as the arms race and territorial claims.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis in the Cold War This paper will explain the details of the most significant Cold War confrontation between the USSR and the United States, the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • The Influence of the U.S. Foreign Policy During the Late Cold War Historical understanding helps to make a more informed political analysis of the “War on Terror” today by explaining the roots of the perception of Muslims.
  • The War in Donbass as the Legacy of the Cold War The War in Donbass is one of the most obvious legacies of the past confrontation as multiple processes affecting the region remain similar to previous ones.
  • Cold War in Europe and the Lessons to Be Learned from It This paper discusses why the Cold War developed first in Europe, how it defined Europe’s development, and how European leaders responded to the key challenges.
  • 1970s History. The Third World Perspective on the Cold War The history of the United States is quite complex and riddled with numerous events and moments that contributed to the growth of the nation.
  • Analysis of the World War 1 and Cold War The First World War is among significant wars that have occurred in history because it led to the Cold War characterized by persistent strains and conflicts.
  • Cold War, Truman’s Foreign Policy This paper discusses why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union and evaluates Truman’s foreign policy.
  • The Most Significant Cold War Events Although no real battles were fought, there was intense geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States.
  • The Reasons Behind the Cold War The Cold War was the result of the mutual aggressive aspirations of Western and Communist leaders. It can be briefly described as a rivalry for supremacy in the new post-war world.
  • International Relationships During Cold War Cold War can be categorized as one of the most prominent occurrences in the international relationships of the 20th century.
  • Cold War Gallery. Modern System Cold War Gallery of the National Museum of the United States Air Force features airplanes representing the Cold War years.
  • The Conflicts of the Cold War in Latin America The paper looks at how the United States supported any regime whether corrupt or unpopular, as long as it was fighting communism.
  • The Cold War: Was It Really a War? During the Cold War, the whole world was influenced by the politics of the USA and the Soviet Union. These were the two nations willing to overpower each other.
  • America’s Fear during the Cold War Despite great strides in progress the average American feared that one day Russian Nukes would come raining from the skies and end civilization.
  • The Logic of Cold War: American Cold War Policies This essay explains how the Cold War ideology that crystallized after WWII changed wartime alliances and how American Cold War policies and practices influenced international relations
  • McCarthy Era and The Cold War When the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union broke out fear of spread of communist ideas was also common for Canada which played an important role in the war.
  • Cold War-Era’s Influence on the World The examination of the Cold War-era demonstrates how the rise of two superpowers – the United States and the Soviet Union – after WW2 led to a series of conflicts all over the world.
  • History of Cold War and International Law During the Cold War, there were many reasons for both the US and USSR to be equally interested in preserving the integrity of international law.
  • America’s Geopolitical Stance During the Cold War America’s positioning as a “great power” during the Cold War era and the country’s sub-sequential rise to the position of a “superpower” is reflective of the Realist outlook on IR.
  • The Vietnam War and the Cold War The Vietnam War and the Cold War were escalated by the assumption that the communist movement would spread out to other Asian states in the south east region.
  • Latin American Economies After the Cold War The economies of Latin American countries were developing at a high pace in the 1960s, and international financial institutions such as the World Bank.
  • Voice of America during the Cold War The case of the Voice of America demonstrates the power of the public diplomacy. In order to establish a better environment for compelling transmission activity, the listeners have to acknowledge its impact on them.
  • Communist Revolutions and Cold War in East Asia This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the historical significance of communist revolutions in East Asia, especially in China and North Korea.
  • Pakistan-US Relations Post-Cold War Relations between Pakistan and the United States have been tumultuous since the 1950s, a trend that continued after the Cold War ended in 1991.
  • World War II, The Cold War and New Europe The WWII and its aftermath resulted in the development of another opposition of superstates. The former allies were not able to able to determine the spheres of their influence and make a compromise.
  • Winston Churchill’s Speech and Cold War The Sinews of Peace known as The Iron Curtain is the speech of Winston Churchill to the United States and Great Britain that outlined the onset of the Cold War.
  • Vietnam War History: A Cold War Triggered by Vietnam’s Decision of Resisting Colonial Powers Vietnam War was a cold war era military conflict which had started in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from 1st November 1954 to 30th April 1975.
  • History of Cold War and War on Terror The strategies used in Cold War intended to reform, not to destroy other countries. The current strategies are to obliterate terrorism wherever they are and these are extensive objectives.
  • The Cold War and Its Effects on American Policies This paper discusses how the Cold War that occurred after 1945 influenced U.S. governmental foreign and domestic policies.
  • The Civil War and the Cold War The Civil War and the Cold War were two important stepping stones that have proved that people’s views very much depend on the time and place and a difference in opinions causes a major conflict.
  • Cold War Politics: Shaped by the Global Economic Crises of the USA and USSR
  • American Post-cold War Relations
  • Cold War and Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
  • The United States’ Relationship to Israel During the Cold War
  • Domestic Changes After Cold War
  • Swiss Neutrality After the Cold War
  • WWII and the Cold War: The World’s Haunting Past
  • Cold War: Sanctions and Effects Diplomatic Relations
  • America’s Superiority During the Cold War
  • Overview How the United States Contained Communism During the Cold War
  • Differences Between the Cold War System and Globalization
  • Cold War Origins and Its Cultural Implications
  • The American Strategy Throughout the Cold War and After
  • Cold War and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • The Cold War Was a Continuation of Colonialism
  • Cold War and American Culture
  • U.S. Foreign Policy During the Cold War
  • Impact of the Cold War on the United States
  • German Foreign Policy During the Cold War and the German Unification ESS
  • American Presidents During the Cold War
  • Global and National Developing Resulting From the Cold War
  • The Impact of the Cold War on American Society and Entertainment
  • Could the Cold War Have Been Avoided?
  • Did America Win the Cold War?
  • What Was the Argument in the Cold War?
  • Who Was Responsible for Starting the Cold War?
  • What Are the Major Arguments on the Causes of the Cold War?
  • What Is the Cold War Concept?
  • Why Was the US to Blame for the Cold War?
  • What Caused the Cold War Between the US and Soviet Union?
  • What Arguments Do Historians Make About Who Started the Cold War?
  • Did Ronald Reagan End the Cold War?
  • Was the Cold War an Ideological Conflict?
  • Who Was the Aggressor in the Cold War?
  • Which Statement Best Describes the United States Cold War Policy of Containment?
  • What Is the Revisionist View of the Cold War?
  • Which Two Ideologies Were Involved in a Conflict During the Cold War and Why?
  • Has the Cold War Really Ended?
  • What Was the Truman Doctrine in the Cold War?
  • How Did the Cold War Affect Asian American Experiences?
  • Was Joseph Stalin Responsible for the Cold War?
  • How Did the Cold War Affect Domestic Policy and American Society?
  • What Ideological Differences Caused the Cold War?
  • What Was the Central Ideological Conflict of the Cold War?
  • How Did the Truman Doctrine Increase Cold War Tensions?
  • How Did the Cold War Shape the American Economy, Society, and Politics From 1945 to 1992?
  • How Did the End of the Cold War Affect the Concept of Security?
  • What Is Cold War in History Terms?
  • Why Was It Called the Cold War?
  • Was the Cold War Chiefly a Clash of National Interests, With Ideology Only Secondary?
  • Was the Cold War Truly a Cold War?
  • What Did the Berlin Wall Mean to Both Sides in the Cold War?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 21). 151 Cold War Topics for Essay and Research. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/cold-war-essay-topics/

"151 Cold War Topics for Essay and Research." StudyCorgi , 21 Dec. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/cold-war-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '151 Cold War Topics for Essay and Research'. 21 December.

1. StudyCorgi . "151 Cold War Topics for Essay and Research." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/cold-war-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "151 Cold War Topics for Essay and Research." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/cold-war-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "151 Cold War Topics for Essay and Research." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/cold-war-essay-topics/.

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100 Cold War Essay Topics


The Cold War significantly influenced even nations that were geographically distant. When tasked with writing about this subject, it’s crucial to aim for quality that will garner an impressive grade. The foundation of a compelling essay lies in its topic. A well-chosen topic can enhance the quality of the essay, while a complex one can make it challenging to craft a coherent piece.

Table of Contents

How to Select the Best Cold War Essay Topic?

Many find it challenging to choose suitable essay topics, either due to inexperience or a lack of creativity. When selecting a topic in this domain, opt for one you feel passionate about. This ensures a smoother writing process and helps in organizing the content coherently.

Topic scope is another crucial factor. Avoid overly broad topics as they might be challenging to cover comprehensively in an essay. Conversely, exceedingly narrow topics can hinder content generation.

Comprehensive List of Cold War Essay Topics

  • How the conflict influenced the Vietnam War
  • Actions the United States took that made the Soviet Union feel threatened
  • The repercussions of the Cold War on North Korean citizens
  • Russian policies that alarmed the Americans
  • The Cold War’s influence on the Korean War
  • The interrelation between the Cold War and the Cuban Revolution
  • In-depth insights into the Red Scare
  • Strategies that might have prevented the Cold War
  • Reasons the Cold War seemed inevitable
  • The U.S.’s role in the Cold War
  • Berlin’s transformation during the conflict
  • Comparing the Cold War to World War II
  • The role of communism in the Cold War
  • A thorough analysis of events during the conflict
  • The interplay of racism during the Cold War
  • The Cold War’s importance in global history
  • The impact of the Cold War on Latin America
  • President Reagan’s contributions to ending the Cold War
  • Post-Cold War reconstruction processes
  • Key factors leading to the Cold War’s conclusion
  • The influence of nuclear power during the Cold War
  • Differing ideologies that sparked the Cold War
  • Essential events during the Cold War
  • African nations’ contributions during the Cold War
  • Adverse effects of the Cold War

Appropriate Cold War Decolonization Essay Topics

  • European nations’ perspectives on the Cold War
  • Causes for the peaceful end to the Cold War
  • Minority groups’ roles during the conflict
  • The United Nations’ approach to Cold War events
  • Shifts in terrorism strategies post-Cold War
  • Stalin’s role in escalating the Cold War
  • The impact of the Yalta Conference on the Cold War
  • Implications of the Cold War for U.S. homeland security
  • Political catalysts of the Cold War
  • Public sentiments during the Cold War

Geopolitical Impacts

  • The Cold War’s influence on the Middle East
  • NATO and the Warsaw Pact: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Sino-Soviet split and its global ramifications
  • The Cold War’s effects on African decolonization
  • The role of non-aligned nations during the Cold War

Cultural and Societal Impacts

  • The Cold War and its influence on American pop culture
  • Soviet propaganda during the Cold War
  • The role of sports, especially the Olympics, in the Cold War
  • The Cold War’s impact on global literature and film
  • Music as a tool of resistance and propaganda during the Cold War

Technology and Espionage

  • The Space Race: Competing ideologies beyond Earth
  • The role of spies and espionage during the Cold War
  • Technological advancements driven by Cold War competition
  • The importance of cryptography during the Cold War
  • U-2 spy plane incident and its implications

Key Events and Turning Points

  • The Cuban Missile Crisis and its global repercussions
  • The Berlin Airlift: Symbolism and significance
  • Hungarian Uprising of 1956 and global reactions
  • The Prague Spring and its suppression
  • Detente: Causes and consequences

Nuclear Proliferation and Arms Race

  • The Cold War and the birth of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
  • The role of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • Nuclear brinkmanship: Cases and consequences
  • The arms race: Growth and limitations of nuclear arsenals
  • Nuclear disarmament talks and their successes

Economic Dimensions

  • The Marshall Plan and its impact on Europe
  • Economic struggles in the Soviet Union during the Cold War
  • The role of economic sanctions during the Cold War
  • Comparative analysis of capitalist and socialist economic models during the Cold War
  • Economic espionage and industrial sabotage

End of the Cold War

  • The role of Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms in ending the Cold War
  • The significance of the fall of the Berlin Wall
  • Economic challenges and the dissolution of the Soviet Union
  • The impact of the Cold War’s end on global geopolitics
  • The legacy of the Cold War in the 21st century

Cold War’s Legacy

  • The Cold War’s lingering effects on global politics
  • NATO’s role post-Cold War era
  • The Cold War’s influence on contemporary military strategies
  • The Cold War’s long-term effects on education systems worldwide
  • Post-Cold War challenges in reconciliation and nation-building

Miscellaneous Topics

  • The influence of the Cold War on global journalism
  • The role of women spies during the Cold War
  • Psychological warfare during the Cold War
  • The Cold War’s impact on international travel and tourism
  • The influence of the Cold War on the formation of the European Union

Diplomacy and Relations

  • The role of summits and diplomatic meetings in easing Cold War tensions.
  • The relationship between the Cold War and the founding of the United Nations.
  • Analysis of U.S.-China relations during the Cold War after Nixon’s visit.

Influence on Developing Countries

  • The Cold War’s impact on the non-aligned movement and its leaders.
  • Soviet and American interventions in Latin America: A comparative study.
  • Proxy wars in Africa: Superpowers’ indirect confrontations.

Media and Perception

  • The portrayal of the “enemy” in school textbooks during the Cold War.
  • Radio Free Europe vs. Voice of Russia: Battling radio waves.
  • Hollywood and Soviet Cinema: How both sides portrayed the Cold War.

Scientific Endeavors and the Cold War

  • Antarctica and the Cold War: The significance of the Antarctic Treaty.
  • The role of scientific cooperation as a tool for diplomacy during the Cold War.
  • The Cold War’s influence on medical research and breakthroughs.

Broader Impacts

  • The Cold War’s contribution to the environmental movement.
  • The effect of the Cold War on international trade agreements and policies.
  • Analysis of the Cold War’s role in the formation and policies of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Cold War Essay Ideas

  • Most influential nations during the Cold War
  • Reasons the Cold War remains a focal point in history
  • Catalysts of the Cold War
  • Key figures during the Cold War and their significance
  • Concepts that redirected the trajectory of the Cold War
  • The Cold War’s relationship with women’s rights
  • The impact of the Cold War on children
  • Chile’s experience during the Cold War
  • The Cold War’s imprint on global politics
  • Limitations on nuclear weapons during the Cold War

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World History Project AP®

Course: world history project ap®   >   unit 8, read: cold war - an overview.

  • READ: The Cold War Around the World
  • READ: Chinese Communist Revolution
  • BEFORE YOU WATCH: Chinese Communist Revolution
  • WATCH: Chinese Communist Revolution
  • BEFORE YOU WATCH: Decolonization and the Cold War - Through a Caribbean Lens
  • WATCH: Decolonization and the Cold War - Through a Caribbean Lens
  • BEFORE YOU WATCH: Decolonization and the Cold War - Through an Asian Lens
  • WATCH: Decolonization and the Cold War through an Asian Lens
  • READ: End of Old Regimes

First read: preview and skimming for gist

Second read: key ideas and understanding content.

  • According to the author, what was the basic difference at the heart of the Cold War conflict?
  • What does this author identify as the three main features of the Cold War?
  • Why did Stalin want to expand Soviet influence in Eastern Europe?
  • What was the policy of containment and what does the author use as an example of this policy?

Third read: evaluating and corroborating

  • To what extent does this article explain the causes and effects of the ideological struggle of the Cold War?
  • The Cold War was a conflict that divided nations across the world. Which of the AP themes do you think best describes why the Cold War happened?

Cold War: An Overview

What was the cold war, a divided europe, the cold war heats up around the world, the end of the cold war, want to join the conversation.

thesis statements for cold war

“Tear Down This Wall”: Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War

thesis statements for cold war

Written by: Bill of Rights Institute

By the end of this section, you will:.

  • Explain the causes and effects of the end of the Cold War and its legacy

Suggested Sequencing:

Use this decision point after students have read the introductory essay to introduce foreign policy milestones during Reagan’s presidency. This decision point can be used with  The Iran-Contra Affair  Narrative; the  Ronald Reagan, “Tear Down this Wall” Speech, June 12, 1987  Primary Source; and the  Cold War DBQ (1947–1989)  Lesson.

In the wake of World War II, a Cold War erupted between the world’s two superpowers—the United States and the Soviet Union. During the postwar era, the contest between their respective capitalist and communist systems manifested itself in a nuclear arms race, a space race, and several proxy wars. In the 1960s and 1970s, as the United States fought the Vietnam War and struggled internally with its aftermath and a faltering economy, the Russians seemed ascendant. Increasing oil prices globally led to a revenue windfall for oil-rich Russia, which paid for a massive arms buildup and supported communist insurrections that Russia backed in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Eventually, the policy of détente decreased tensions between the two countries and led to their signing the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) in 1972. SALT I, the first of two SALT agreements, limited the number of nuclear missiles either country could possess and banned the building of antiballistic missile (ABM) systems used to defend against nuclear strikes. The use of ABMs would have upset the stalemate represented by the possibility of mutual assured destruction (MAD)—the obliteration of both parties in a nuclear war—because it would allow one side to strike first and then defend itself against retaliation.

The December 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan to prop up a puppet communist regime led President Jimmy Carter to seek increased military budgets and to withdraw from Senate consideration the recently signed SALT II treaty, which would have reduced both countries’ nuclear missiles, bombers, and other delivery vehicles. When Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980, he rejected détente and instituted a tough stance with Soviets designed to reverse their advances, topple communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and win the Cold War. His administration supported freedom in Eastern Europe and the Polish resistance movement known as Solidarity; armed fighters resisting communism around the world, including the  mujahideen  in Afghanistan; and increased military spending to support peace through strength and to bankrupt the Soviet economy if it tried to match the increases. Reagan also launched an ideological crusade against the Soviet regime for violating inalienable rights and liberties.

President Jimmy Carter and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev sit at a table and sign documents. Officials stand behind them.

For decades before coming into office, Reagan had criticized the spread of Soviet communism and the danger it posed. He compared communism to Nazism and totalitarianism, characterized by a powerful state that limited individual freedoms. In a 1964 televised speech, Reagan told the American people he believed there could be no accommodation with the Soviets.

We cannot buy our security, our freedom from the threat of the bomb by committing an immorality so great as saying to a billion human beings now in slavery behind the Iron Curtain, “Give up your dreams of freedom because to save our own skins, we are willing to make a deal with your slave-masters.”

Shortly before he became president, Reagan told an aide: “My idea of American policy toward the Soviet Union is simple, and some would say simplistic. It is this: We win and they lose.”

Reagan also specifically targeted the Berlin Wall, erected by communist East Germany in 1961 to separate East and West Berlin. In a 1967 televised town hall debate with Robert Kennedy, Reagan argued, “I think it would be very admirable if the Berlin Wall should . . . disappear.” He continued, “We just think that a wall that is put up to confine people, and keep them within their own country . . . has to be somehow wrong.” In 1978, he visited the wall and was disgusted to learn the story of Peter Fechter, one of the first among hundreds who were gunned down by East German police while trying to escape to freedom.

Men work on top of a wide, tall wall. Cranes are on the left side of the wall. Two fences surround the wall on the right side.

Americans knew Ronald Reagan was an uncompromising Cold War warrior when they elected him president in 1980. Over the heads of many in the State Department and the National Security Council, he instituted controversial policies that reversed détente because he thought it had strengthened and emboldened the Soviets during the 1970s. He joked that détente was “what a farmer has with his turkey—until Thanksgiving Day.”

Reagan also pressed an unrelenting ideological attack on communism in stark moral terms that pitted it against a free society. In 1981, he asserted at the University of Notre Dame that “The West won’t contain communism, it will transcend communism . . . it will dismiss it as some bizarre chapter in human history whose last pages are even now being written.” In a 1982 speech to the British Parliament, he said communism ran “against the tides of history by denying human freedom and human dignity” and predicted that the Soviet regime would end up “on the ash heap of history.” The Berlin Wall was “the signature of the regime that built it.” During that trip, Reagan visited the wall and said, “It’s as ugly as the idea behind it.” In a 1983 speech that made the supporters of a softer line toward the Soviets cringe, he called the Soviet Union an “evil empire.”

In June 1987, Reagan was in West Berlin to speak during a ceremony commemorating the 750th anniversary of the city and faced an important choice. The Berlin Wall was one of the most important symbols of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, and a symbol of communist oppression. He could confront the Soviets about the injustice of the wall, or he could deliver bland remarks that would satisfy the members of the American foreign policy establishment who wanted to avoid conflict. He decided to deliver a provocative speech demanding an end to the oppression of the wall and of communism.

Many officials in Reagan’s administration and in the allied West German government were strongly opposed to his delivering any provocative words or actions during the speech. The West Germans did not want the speech to be given anywhere near the wall and sought to avoid what might be perceived as an aggressive signal. The German Foreign Ministry appealed to the White House, but to no avail. Some members of the administration were even more concerned. At the time, the United States was in the midst of Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) negotiations with the U.S.S.R., and officials did not want to jeopardize the progress they had made by undermining the Soviet leader so close to home. As a result, Secretary of State George Shultz, Chief of Staff Howard Baker, and the U.S. Embassy in Bonn (the West German capital) read the drafts of Reagan’s speech and repeatedly implored the president and his speechwriters to tone down the language. Deputy National Security Advisor Colin Powell and other members of the National Security Council were particularly adamant and offered several revisions of the speech. Reagan listened to all the objections and unalterably decided, “I think we’ll leave it in.” He would not be deterred from challenging the Soviets and communism.

The stark moral difference between the systems on either side of the Berlin Wall was evident on June 12. Reagan and his team arrived in West Berlin and encountered some protesters who freely voiced their dissent at his appearance. He also spoke to reporters and nervous German officials who feared the fallout over an antagonistic speech. As he told them, “This is the only wall that has ever been built to keep people in, not keep people out.” In East Berlin, in contrast, the German secret police and Russian KGB agents cordoned off an area a thousand yards wide on the other side of the wall from where Reagan was to speak. They wanted to ensure that no one could hear his message of freedom.

Reagan stepped up to the podium to speak, with the Brandenburg Gate and the imposing wall in the background. He told the audience, “As long as this gate is closed, as long as this scar of a wall is permitted to stand, it is not the German question alone that remains open, but the question of freedom for all mankind.” In the middle of the speech, Reagan directly challenged Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, who wanted to reform communism in an attempt to save it. He delivered the line that had caused so much consternation among American and German officials: “If you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Reagan finished the speech by predicting the wall would not endure. “This wall will fall. For it cannot withstand faith; it cannot withstand truth. The wall cannot withstand freedom.” Reagan took responsibility for causing a diplomatic furor because he believed in universal ideals of freedom and self-government. And he understood the power of using a dramatic moment to promote American ideals.

Ronald Reagan delivers a speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate and Berlin Wall.

A year later, Reagan addressed the students at Moscow State University. “The key is freedom,” he told them. It was an ideal that had been at the core of his political philosophy and public statements for 50 years, since the dawn of the Cold War. In a statement that reflected his own sense of responsibility for defeating communism and defending freedom, he told them: “It is the right to put forth an idea, scoffed at by the experts, and watch it catch fire among the people. It is the right to dream—to follow your dream or stick to your conscience, even if you’re the only one in a sea of doubters.”

In applying military, economic, moral, and ideological pressure against the system to facilitate its collapse, Reagan was joined by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II, Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, and others who fought for democracy and freedom. No one imagined the Berlin Wall would fall only two years later on November 9, 1989, as communism collapsed across Eastern Europe, or that the Soviet Union would formerly dissolve by the end of 1991.

Review Questions

1. The Cold War manifested itself through all the following except

  • a nuclear arms race
  • the space race
  • direct military conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union

2. The massive Soviet arms buildup during the 1960s and 1970s was financed by

  • increased oil prices globally
  • mineral wealth gained from Afghanistan
  • increased Soviet industrial productivity
  • surplus tariffs from the trade war with the United States

3. Tensions between the United States and the U.S.S.R. increased in the 1970s with the

  • signing of the SALT Treaty in 1972
  • banning of the antiballistic missile system
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
  • policy of détente

4. The president most often credited with advocating policies leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union was

  • Richard Nixon
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Ronald Reagan
  • George H. W. Bush

5. The Reagan administration challenged Soviet influence by

  • supporting the Solidarity movement in Poland
  • refusing to get involved in the Afghanistan conflict
  • embracing unilateral nuclear disarmament
  • continuing the policy of détente

6. For President Ronald Reagan, the “evil empire” confronting the world was

  • Afghanistan
  • Communist China
  • the Soviet Union

7. Events marking the end of the Cold War included all the following except

  • Eastern European uprisings against communism
  • the tearing down of the Berlin War
  • the disintegration of the U.S.S.R.
  • the end of communist rule in China

Free Response Questions

  • Explain how détente led to a lessening of nuclear tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1970s.
  • Compare President Reagan’s attitudes and policies toward the Soviet Union with those of his predecessors.

AP Practice Questions

“But in the West today, we see a free world that has achieved a level of prosperity and well-being unprecedented in all human history. In the Communist world, we see failure, technological backwardness, declining standards of health, even want of the most basic kind —too little food. Even today, the Soviet Union still cannot feed itself. After these four decades, then, there stands before the entire world one great and inescapable conclusion: Freedom leads to prosperity. Freedom replaces the ancient hatreds among nations with comity and peace. Freedom is the victor. And now—now the Soviets themselves may, in a limited way, be coming to understand the importance of freedom. We hear much from Moscow about a new policy of reform and openness. . . . There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev—Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate, June 12, 1987

Refer to the excerpt provided.

1. The sentiments expressed in the excerpt contributed to which of the following?

  • An end to the war on terrorism
  • Conflicts in the Middle East
  • The fall of the Soviet Union
  • The attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001

2. The Soviet conditions referred to in this excerpt most directly resulted from

  • the end of World War II
  • collective security agreements
  • the creation of the United Nations

3. This excerpt was written in response to

  • Cold War competition extending into Latin America
  • postwar decolonization
  • efforts to seek allies among nonaligned nations
  • political changes and economic problems in Eastern Europe

Primary Sources

Reagan, Ronald. “Remarks on East-West Relations at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin.” June 12, 1987.  https://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/speech-at-brandenburg-gate/

Reagan, Ronald. “Remarks on East-West Relations at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin.” June 12, 1987. Reagan Foundation Video.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MDFX-dNtsM

Suggested Resources

Brands, H. W.  Reagan: The Life . New York: Doubleday, 2015.

Busch, Andrew E.  Ronald Reagan and the Politics of Freedom . Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001.

Gaddis, John Lewis.  The Cold War: A New History . New York: Penguin, 2005.

Hayward, Steven F.  The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolution, 1980–1989 . New York: Three Rivers Press, 2009.

Lettow, Paul.  Ronald Reagan and His Quest to Abolish Nuclear Weapons . New York: Random House, 2005.

Ratnesar, Romesh.  Tear Down This Wall: A City, A President, and the Speech that Ended the Cold War . New York: Simon and Schuster, 2009.

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum website.  https://www.reaganfoundation.org/library-museum/

Schweizer, Peter.  Reagan’s War: The Epic Story of His Forty-Year Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism . New York: Doubleday, 2002.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Cold War

The Cold War, spanning from the end of World War II in 1945 until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, remains one of the most significant events of the 20th century. Writing a short essay on such a broad topic can be challenging due to the complexity and the range of aspects it covers. This article will provide a structured approach to crafting a concise yet comprehensive short essay on the Cold War.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Essay Requirements

Before you begin writing, it is crucial to understand the requirements for your essay:

  • Word Count : Short essays are typically around 500-800 words, but make sure to adhere to the specific word limit set by your assignment.
  • Scope : Given the brevity required, it’s important to narrow the focus of your essay. Choose a specific aspect of the Cold War to discuss rather than attempting to cover everything.
  • Purpose : Determine whether the essay should be expository, analytical, or argumentative.
  • Sources : Identify how many and what types of sources are required for your essay.

Step 1: Selecting a Topic

Choose a topic that fits within the parameters of your essay. Some potential topics for a short essay on the Cold War could include:

  • The origins of the Cold War.
  • The role of nuclear arms in the Cold War.
  • Key events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Berlin Blockade.
  • The Cold War in popular culture.
  • The impact of the Cold War on a specific country or region.
  • The end of the Cold War and its global consequences.

Step 2: Conducting Research

Gather information from credible sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Focus on collecting data that directly relates to your chosen topic. Keep track of your sources for citations and ensure you have enough material to support your thesis statement.

Step 3: Formulating a Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement will guide the direction of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and make a claim that your essay will support. For example, if you’re writing about the Cuban Missile Crisis, your thesis might be: “The Cuban Missile Crisis was a pivotal moment in the Cold War that demonstrated the potential for nuclear catastrophe and the importance of diplomatic channels in de-escalation.”

Step 4: Creating an Outline

A well-structured outline is crucial for a successful short essay. It helps organize thoughts and ensures that you cover all necessary points within the word limit. An example outline for a Cold War essay might look like this:

  • Brief background on the Cold War.
  • Thesis statement.
  • Point one supporting the thesis.
  • Evidence and examples.
  • Point two supporting the thesis.
  • Counter-argument or additional support for the thesis.
  • Rebuttal or further evidence and examples.
  • Restate the thesis in light of the evidence presented.
  • Summarize key points.
  • Closing thought or call to action (if appropriate).

Step 5: Writing the Introduction

Start with a hook to grab the reader’s attention. Provide context to the Cold War and introduce your specific topic. End the introduction with your thesis statement. Keep it brief and impactful.

Step 6: Crafting Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should focus on a single main idea that supports your thesis. Begin with a topic sentence, followed by evidence such as facts, quotes, and statistics. Analyze the evidence, explaining how it supports your argument. Transition smoothly between paragraphs to maintain flow.

Step 7: Writing the Conclusion

Your conclusion should restate your thesis and summarize the main points of your essay. It should also provide closure to the reader, which can be a reflective statement on the significance of the topic or suggestions for further research.

Step 8: Revising and Editing

Revise your essay for clarity and coherence. Make sure each sentence and paragraph contributes to the overall argument. Check for grammatical errors and proper citation of sources. Editing is key to a polished essay, so take the time to read through your work multiple times.

Step 9: Finalizing the Essay

After revisions and edits, read your essay once more to ensure it flows well and adheres to the word limit. Verify that all sources are cited correctly in the text and in the reference list.

Cold War Short Essay Example #1

The Cold War, a prolonged period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, was not characterized by direct military confrontation. Instead, it was marked by a series of proxy wars, nuclear arms races, espionage, and ideological battles that spanned over four decades. This essay will explore the profound impact of the Cold War on global politics, particularly through the lenses of the bipolar power structure it created, the spread of nuclear weapons, and the legacy it left on international relations.

Bipolar Power Structure

The end of World War II saw the emergence of the US and the USSR as the two dominant superpowers. The global political landscape was reshaped into a bipolar structure, with nations aligning with either the capitalist West led by the United States or the communist East under Soviet influence. This division led to a world where neutrality became increasingly difficult. The Non-Aligned Movement, an initiative led by countries that sought to remain independent of the Cold War’s influence, was a significant but challenging stand against this dichotomy.

Nuclear Arms Race

One of the most terrifying aspects of the Cold War was the nuclear arms race. The US and USSR engaged in a relentless pursuit of nuclear supremacy, amassing arsenals capable of destroying the planet several times over. The doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) emerged as a grim deterrent, predicated on the understanding that a nuclear attack by one superpower would lead to an immediate and devastating response from the other, ensuring mutual destruction. The proliferation of nuclear weapons during this period has left a lasting impact on global security and international policy.

Proxy Wars and Espionage

Unable to confront each other directly without risking nuclear annihilation, the superpowers turned to proxy wars as a means of extending their influence. Conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and various parts of Africa and Latin America became battlegrounds for this indirect form of warfare. Espionage and intelligence gathering became essential tools, with agencies like the CIA and KGB playing central roles in the execution of foreign policy and the attempt to gain the upper hand in the global arena.

Legacy on International Relations

The Cold War’s end with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 did not mark the conclusion of its influence on global politics. The ideological divide left a legacy of distrust and conflict in regions like Eastern Europe and Korea. The arms race had spurred technological advancements, but also a proliferation dilemma that the world continues to grapple with. The Cold War also gave birth to various international institutions and agreements aimed at promoting peace and cooperation, such as the United Nations and later, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties (START).

The Cold War was a defining period in the 20th century that shaped international relations in a way that is still felt today. The bipolar power structure it established, the nuclear arms race it spurred, and the proxy wars it fostered have had lasting implications for global politics. Understanding this period is crucial, as it not only contextualizes past conflicts but also informs current geopolitical strategies and the ongoing pursuit of a stable international order.

Cold War Short Essay Example #2

The Cold War was a conflict unlike any other that the world had ever seen. It was less about territorial disputes and more about ideological supremacy. Lasting from the end of World War II until the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Cold War was a global standoff that pitted capitalism against communism, the West against the East. This essay will delve into how ideological differences shaped international alliances, influenced domestic policies across the globe, and triggered a series of proxy wars that defined the latter half of the 20th century.

Ideological Foundations

At the heart of the Cold War was a fundamental disagreement on how societies should be structured. The United States championed a capitalist democracy, emphasizing individual freedoms and a market-driven economy. In stark contrast, the Soviet Union advocated for a communist system, with state ownership of resources and a single-party state without the competitive nature of democratic elections. These opposing views were irreconcilable and became a catalyst for a global confrontation that extended beyond mere rhetoric.

Alliances and Spheres of Influence

The ideological battle led to the formation of military and political alliances. The US-led NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the Soviet-headed Warsaw Pact were established as collective defense arrangements that also served as clear demarcations of ideological spheres of influence. Countries around the world were often compelled to choose sides, aligning with the superpower that best represented their own political philosophies or offered the most significant economic or military support.

Domestic Policies and Propaganda

The Cold War had a profound impact on domestic policies in both blocs. In the United States, fear of communism led to the Red Scare and McCarthyism, where individuals suspected of communist sympathies were blacklisted or prosecuted. In the Soviet Union, the government exercised strict control over the media, education, and cultural expressions to promote communist ideology and suppress Western influences. Propaganda became a powerful tool, as each side aimed to prove the superiority of its way of life and governance.

Proxy Wars and International Incidents

The ideological conflict played out in various parts of the world as the superpowers sought to expand their influence without engaging in direct military conflict. In places like Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, and Angola, the US and USSR supported opposing sides, supplying them with military aid and advisors. The Cuban Missile Crisis brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, highlighting the dangers of the Cold War’s global reach.

Legacy of Ideological Divides

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of the Cold War, but the ideological divides had lasting effects. Post-Soviet states struggled with the transition to democracy and market economies, while the US grappled with its role as the world’s sole superpower. The ideological battle also left a legacy of mistrust and rivalry between Russia and the West, influencing international relations into the 21st century.

The Cold War was a global ideological divide that had far-reaching implications. It reshaped alliances, influenced domestic policies, and led to several proxy wars that left scars on the international community. The fear of the spread of communism or capitalism, depending on which side one was on, drove much of the 20th century’s geopolitical strategies. Even after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union, the ideological underpinnings of the Cold War continue to influence global politics, reminding us that ideas can be as powerful as armies in shaping the world’s destiny.

Final Thoughts

Writing a short essay on the Cold War involves careful topic selection, research, and structuring of your argument. By following these steps and ensuring that your thesis is supported by clear, concise evidence, you can effectively convey your understanding of the Cold War in a limited word count. Remember, a short essay requires precision and clarity above all else, so focus on delivering your argument in the most direct and compelling way possible.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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Cold War Essay: Writing Guide With Topics

cold war essay

Writing a cold war essay is not easy, especially for students that are not familiar with capitalism, communism, nuclear weapons or threats, and related historical data. The cold war is considered a major historical event. It involved the Russian and American allies as the conflicting sides. This event led to the creation of new forces, different actions, and changes in the international order.

In some cases, students are asked to write a cold war DBQ essay. This is a two-fold task because learners are supposed to review some documents fast to familiarize themselves with the information contained in them. After that, learners can write the essay with the proper understanding of the accompanying documents. Nevertheless, students should have their writing prompt in mind when responding to a document-based question. This is very important because the basis of the writing prompt is the accompanying documents.

Most educators ask students to answer cold war essay questions to test their ability to read, understand, and work with different historical documents. As such, they expect learners to use, cite and reference those documents in their essays. Our custom essay service can come in handy, if you’re in trouble, but we advise you to read this article to the end.

The Scope of Cold War Essay

When asked to write an essay on the cold war, students can explore different topics. For instance, learners can focus on determining whether the cold war could be avoided based on the opinions of historians. They can discuss events that had direct impacts on the cold war.

A student can have different perspectives expressed in their essay on cold war including cold war ideologies, the beginning of the superpower race, global powers, the mutual rivalry between the USA and USSR, future consequences of the cold war, and the formation of new governments in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

Regardless of the approach that a learner takes when writing an essay about cold war, it’s important to research or study the accompanying documents properly. That’s because their argument in this essay should be supported by referenced facts.

Common Perspectives of the Cold War Essay

Your educator may ask you to take a certain direction or perspective when writing this essay. In that case, stick to the essay prompt or topic to impress your educator and earn the top grade. But, if you’ve not been given a topic, you can decide on the direction to take when writing on this subject. Here are some of the cold war essay topics that you can write about.

  • What caused the cold war essay : Cold war was started by several events. If you opt to write the causes of the cold war essay, focus on what led to allied attacks. Discuss the masterminds behind the large-scale events that led to the cold war. How did these events benefit the allied forces? State the main reasons for the attacks and how the forces were formed. Analyze both the communist and capitalist sized properly in your essay.
  • Who was responsible for the cold war essay : When you opt to write on this topic, discuss all parties that were involved in the cold war. State each country and alliances that were involved in the intriguing wars. When writing who started the cold war essay, you may be limited in terms of the countries to mention or discuss. But, when writing about the participants in the cold war, you will have a larger scope. That’s because the cold war took place in an international arena. Each of the involved parties played a role in fueling conflicts. What’s more, many leaders played a role in this war. These include President Truman, Stalin, Ronald Reagan, Churchill, and Gorbachev.
  • Who won the cold war essay : Every war has a strong and a weak side. The strong side takes full control while the weak side plans a defense. When writing about the cold war winner, discuss the pact that ended the war and its terms. Which side succeeded in reaching a consensus? Also, discuss how the involved participants felt about the results of the war.

Whether you write the origins of the cold war essay or focus on the impacts of the cold war, you have to research extensively to come up with factual information. Always remember that this essay should be based on historical information. Therefore, research is very important because the information that you include in your essay should be verifiable.

Creating a Cold War Essay Outline

Once you’ve decided on the perspective to take when writing this essay, you should draft an outline. An outline should guide you when you start writing the essay. It should tell you the information to include in different sections of the essay. Your outline should have three major parts as follows.

  • Introduction : Your cold war essay introduction should be the part where you introduce the topic. It should be an engaging paragraph that includes a cold war essay thesis statement. Take your time to research extensively and identify the best hooks for an essay about the cold war that will also go into your introduction.
  • Main body : The body section of your essay is the part where you support the central argument using factual and adequate evidence. If you opted to write something, was the cold war inevitable essay, support the position that you hinted to the readers with your thesis statement in the introduction. Make sure that you reference the sources of the information that you use to support your argument in the body section of your essay.
  • Conclusion : Your cold war essay conclusion should summarize or wrap up everything that you said in the introduction and body parts of your write-up. Summarize the main ideas while restating your thesis. Also, make a call to action in your conclusion.

Once you’ve drafted an outline, follow it to write the essay. Take a simple approach but focus on responding to your essay prompt. As long as you have chosen the right topic, you will find this subject easy and interesting to research and write about.

Interesting Cold War Topics for an Essay

There are many topics that you may consider when asked to write about the cold war. That’s because the cold war lasted for years due to its political, social, cultural, and economic impacts. The impacts divided the entire world for years. As such, there are many cold war topics that students can write about. Here are some of the most interesting cold war topic ideas to consider.

  • How the Vietnam war was connected to the cold war
  • How the elected soviets’ policies caused the cold war
  • How the Berlin wall caused division in Germany
  • How the cold war continues to affect North Korea
  • Cold war and popular culture
  • What role did the cold war play in the Korean War?

Whether you opt to write a cold war thematic essay or discuss the origins of this conflict, research should be at the core of your work. This subject requires careful investigation and analysis of information. You should also present information in your essay in a way that is easy to read and understand. What’s more, you should show the educator that you understand the cold war, its causes, and effects. By the time the educator reads your essay conclusion cold war should seem like a topic you’ve studied for years. If you can’t research and write a great essay on this subject to impress the educator to award you the top grade, seek assistance.

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This thesis provides a critique of existing understandings of the Cold War in International Relations theory, and offers an alternative position. It rejects the conventional conceptual and temporal understanding of the Cold War, which assumes that the Cold War was, essentially, a political-military conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union that originated in the collapse of the wartime alliance after 1945. Using a method derived from historical materialism, in particular the parcellization of political power into the spheres of 'politics' and 'economics' that characterises capitalist modernity, the thesis develops an alternative understanding of the Cold War through an emphasis on the historical and thus conceptual uniqueness of it. After the literature survey, Part One interrogates the conceptual areas of the state, military power and social revolution and offers alternative conceptualisations. This is followed in Part Two with a more historically orientated argument that analyses Soviet and American responses to the Cuban and Vietnamese revolutions. The main conclusions of the thesis consist of the following. First, the thesis suggests that the form of politics in the USSR (and other 'revolutionary' states) was qualitatively different to that of capitalist states. This derived from the relationship between the form of political rule and the social relations of material production. Secondly, this conflict was not reducible to the 'superpowers' but rather, was conditioned by a dynamic associated with the expansion and penetration of capitalist social relations, and the contestation of those political forms that evolved from them. Finally, the relationship between capitalist expansion and the 'superpowers' rested on the distinctive forms of international relations of each superpower over how each related to the international system and responded to revolution.

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Do you feel the need to examine some previously written Theses on Cold War before you begin writing an own piece? In this free collection of Cold War Thesis examples, you are granted an exciting opportunity to discover meaningful topics, content structuring techniques, text flow, formatting styles, and other academically acclaimed writing practices. Applying them while crafting your own Cold War Thesis will definitely allow you to finalize the piece faster.

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Voices of the Cold War in Britain, 1945 - 1962

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  • Douthwaite, Jessica.
  • Strathclyde Thesis Copyright
  • University of Strathclyde
  • Doctoral (Postgraduate)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Department of History.
  • This thesis investigates the civilian experience of the Cold War between 1945 and1962 through 44 original oral history interviews with 48 individuals. As the first oral history of everyday life in Cold War Britain it examines the generation born before1945 and the experience of growing up in postwar Britain. The thesis situates these oral histories within the changing emotional landscape that contextualised Britain's Cold War, comparing and contrasting experiences through cultural and documentary sources, as well as oral testimony. This combination of sources and methodologies offers a fresh perspective on two civilian communities that were integral to Britain's early nuclear weapons developments: civil defence recruits and anti-nuclear campaigners. It is also the first study of its kind to compare these group experiences with those of a general cohort of civilian interviewees. An emotions history approach is central to the argument that personal experiences of Second World War memory, gender norms, and the media, coupled with unprecedented technological and cultural postwar developments, contributed to perceptions of nuclear security and Britain's role in Cold War foreign policy. While many individuals responded differently to the Cold War in this period, the thesis shows that such actions were often anchored in similar motivations. The thesis argues that the conditions of postwar emotional cultures underpinned individual and collective perspectives on Britain's role in the Cold War, revealing how the logic of Cold War military strategies and power structures affected and were absorbed by civilians indirectly implicated in a peacetime conflict. As such, this thesis contributes directly to current scholarship on the cultural, social and political history of Cold War Britain.
  • McIvor, Arthur
  • Newlands, Emma
  • Doctoral thesis
  • 10.48730/12tt-hs15
  • 9912621388502996
  • The electronic version of this thesis is currently under moratorium due to copyright restrictions. If you are the author of this thesis, please contact the Library to resolve this issue.

Scholarship @ Claremont

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Scripps Senior Theses

The russia-ukraine war: the second cold war.

Madeline Levine , Scripps College Follow

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Open Access Senior Thesis

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Bachelor of Arts

Politics and International Relations

Professor Jordan Branch

Professor Nancy Neiman

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2023 Madeline P Levine

Under the guise of a “special military operation,” Russian forces invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The immediacy with which the United States rallied support for Ukraine within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (“NATO”), the United Nations (“UN”), and the European Union (“EU”) raised speculation: Is Russia-Ukraine the beginning of a second Cold War? Did the Cold War actually end in the 1990s? Is Ukraine the first proxy war in a series of more to come between the United States and Russia? This thesis will address the first question by identifying and analyzing the characteristics that distinguished the Cold War from earlier conflicts, how the Russia-Ukraine War compares, and the implications of the Russia-Ukraine war on the global order.

Recommended Citation

Levine, Madeline, "The Russia-Ukraine War: The Second Cold War?" (2023). Scripps Senior Theses . 2208. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/scripps_theses/2208

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Soviet leader, Michail Gorbachev, and US president, George HW Bush, shake hands on the SHite House lawn, May 1990.

New ‘cold war’ grows ever warmer as the prospect of a nuclear arms race hots up

thesis statements for cold war

Peace Studies and International Development, University of Bradford

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Champagne corks popped on December 3 1989 as Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and US president George H.W. Bush met on the cruise ship, Maxim Gorky, off the coast of Malta to declare the end of the cold war.

Gorbachev and Bush’s predecessor in the White House, Ronald Reagan, had – at two summits over the past five years – thrashed out agreements that would limit and reduce both sides’ nuclear arsenals. With the cold war over, Gorbachev liberalised the Soviet Union, presiding over its dismantling, which formally occurred on December 26 1991.

To those adversaries who accused him of capitulation and the tame surrender of the Soviet bloc countries, his reply was simple: “ To whom did we surrender them? To their own people .”

Reagan and Gorbachev agreed that a nuclear war couldn’t be won, so must never be fought. Yet this month, the UN’s high representative for disarmament affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu , warned that “the risk of a nuclear weapon being used is higher now than any time since the height of the cold war and the architecture designed to prevent its use is ever more precarious”.

So how did we get here? Russia’s aggression under the leadership of Vladimir Putin has plunged the world into a new era of nuclear uncertainty by reasserting Soviet isolationist strategies. By embracing the notion of a nebulous western threat , he has preserved his totalitarian leadership, while justifying political isolation, party control within Russia, and revanchist adventurism abroad – the latest of which has been the unlawful invasion of Ukraine.

Nuclear sabre-rattling and posturing are unsettling features of Putin’s military strategy. He has now explicitly threatened to resort to use of nuclear weapons three times since launching his invasion in 2022. And he recently ordered that tactical weapons be stationed in Belarus .

His strategists clearly see the threat of a nuclear confrontation as a realistic deterrent to Nato intervention in Ukraine . Nuclear blackmail is being used to guarantee Russian sovereignty, to coerce and force adversaries to adhere to Russian terms, and to dissuade global actors from meaningful intervention or resolution in Ukraine.

Putin’s behaviour is emblematic of a global shift in attitude towards the nuclear taboo . Other leaders, among them the former US president Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un have carelessly returned nuclear warfare to the table as a viable strategy instead of a deterrence.

‘Nuclear neolateralism’

This is an age of nuclear neolateralism . Nation states have unstable and mercurial political, economic and cultural relations involving new networks, conflicts and complexities. Since the turn of this century, the world has seen the resurgence of populism and religious nationalism, the near ubiquity of digital technology, and an increasing velocity of nuclear proliferation and brinkmanship.

These factors make our current situation more complex than the cold war. A new Silk Road nexus has emerged across China, Russia, Iran, Israel and North Korea since the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. This web of relationships is shaped by regional dynamics, strategic interests and global power shifts that influence security and global weapons proliferation.

China and Russia have recently developed stronger strategic ties. But tensions remain along shared borders – and freshly leaked classified papers reveal Russia’s fear of Chinese nuclear attack . China has 500 active nuclear warheads, and is expanding its nuclear arsenal. Beijing is also learning lessons from Russia and Israel about how a future Taiwanese conflict may unfold.

An unexpected alliance has arisen between North Korea and Russia . Historically, Russia advocated for diplomatic solutions to North Korean nuclear proliferation. Pyongyang has supplied weapons to Russia since 2023 in violation of UN security council sanctions, and seeks to leverage this support to gain acceptance as a nuclear state.

Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, speaking with North Korean foreign minister, Choe Son-hui, at a dinner in Pyongyang.

In 2019, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un warned his people to prepare for war with the US by 2024. A leaked military document confirmed this, saying: “the Dear Supreme Commander will dominate the world with the nuclear weapons”. On April 22, Pyongyang claimed it had tested a new command-and-control system in a simulated nuclear counter-strike exercise .

South Korea has responded by developing its own submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) in 2022 and is the only nation state to possess SLBMs without nuclear warheads. In February 2023, the leader of the People Power Party, Chung Jin-suk, argued that South Korea needs nuclear weapons . But this strategy could also make South Korea more vulnerable to attack from hostile North Korea.

Iran and Russia are cooperating in the nuclear sphere. Iran’s nuclear weapons programme was limited under the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action . But Trump pulled the US out of the treaty in 2018 and there is strong evidence (denied by Iran) that it has reinvigorated its weapons programme. In 2023, UN inspectors reported that Iran had enriched trace amounts of uranium to almost weapons grade .

Israel has targeted Iran with assassinations, cyberwarfare, drone attacks and commando raids to destroy its burgeoning nuclear programme, adding to Middle East tensions. Saudi Arabia does not have nuclear weapons, but officials have said that they will acquire them if their regional rival, Iran, becomes nuclear.

A new arms race

The UN has said that a quantitative arms race seems imminent. The latest US nuclear posture review revealed a plan worth US$1.5 trillion (£1.21 trillion) to modernise US nuclear capability and create a “ nuclear sponge ” of 450 nuclear silos to absorb a future Russian attack.

Now the UK has announced it will increase its defence budget to 2.5% of GDP to put it on a “war footing”. The government has reaffirmed its commitment to its nuclear arsenal, despite Britain’s UN ambassador, James Kariuki , stating: “Nuclear war cannot be won and must not be fought” at a recent security council meeting.

Professor Ramesh Thakur , the director of the Centre for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament at the Australian National University, expressed the same thought more hauntingly when he wrote: “If you want the peace of the dead, prepare for nuclear war.” We must hope that this new cold war doesn’t become hot.

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300 protesters arrested at Columbia University and City College of New York

  • Hundreds of arrests have been made at Columbia University and the City College of New York.
  • Pro-Palestinian protesters had barricaded themselves in Hamilton Hall, a main campus building at Columbia.
  • The arrests were confirmed by an NYPD official who took part in a press conference.

Insider Today

Three hundred people have been arrested at protests at Columbia and City College of New York, police said.

Columbia has been rocked by protests for days over Israel's war on Gaza following Hamas' October 7 terror attack on Israel.

While students and faculty have been urged not to go onto campus, the school's president, Nemat Minouche Shafik, said that "a working group of Deans, university administrators, and faculty members will try to bring this crisis to a resolution."

NYPD officials took part in a press conference on Wednesday when they confirmed the number of arrests.

How it started

The protests at Columbia began on Wednesday, April 17, which coincided with Shafik testifying before Congress about antisemitism on campus .

A coalition of student groups — Columbia University Apartheid Divest, Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, and Jewish Voice for Peace — took part in setting up "Gaza Solidarity Encampments" in the center of campus.

One of the goals of the protest was to convince the university to divest all its "finances, including the endowment, from companies and institutions that profit from Israeli apartheid, genocide, and occupation in Palestine," according to Columbia University Apartheid Divest's website .

Police were called in

On Thursday, April 18, Shafik authorized the New York Police Department to clear the encampment. "Attempts to resolve the situation were rejected by the students involved. As a result, NYPD officers are now on campus and the process of clearing the encampment is underway," she said in a statement.

This resulted in the arrest of more than 100 people on suspicion of criminal trespass, New York City Mayor Eric Adams said in a news conference.

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Protests have continued since then.

President Joe Biden weighed in

Chabad at Columbia, a group that supports Jewish students, released a letter on social media that said Jewish students were targeted with offensive rhetoric during the protests.

President Joe Biden also called out antisemitism on campus in his Passover statement in April.

"We've seen harassment and calls for violence against Jews. This blatant Antisemitism is reprehensible and dangerous — and it has absolutely no place on college campuses, or anywhere in our country," he said.

Columbia student organizations participating in the protests have insisted that their protests are peaceful.

One student group, Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, said in a statement on X last month that they are frustrated by the attention paid to "inflammatory individuals who do not represent us."

"We firmly reject any form of hate or bigotry and stand against non-students attempting to disrupt our solidarity," the statement said.

On Monday, Shafik released a statement that said the university would not "divest from Israel." The university also ordered protesters to leave their encampment by 2 p.m. on Monday and threatened students who defied the order with suspension.

Protesters took over the Hamilton Hall

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, dozens of protesters barricaded themselves in Hamilton Hall, one of the main buildings on the Manhattan campus. They used metal gates, tables, and chairs as barricades and zip-tied the doors shut.

The protesters maintained their demands of "divestment, financial transparency, and amnesty," Columbia University Apartheid Divest said in a press release on X.

NYPD in riot gear were called to clear the protesters

On Tuesday evening, NYPD officers in riot gear entered Hamilton Hall, where protesters had been camping out for around 20 hours.

According to CNN , the NYPD used loud distraction devices, "flash-bang grenades" to disperse the protesters who had barricaded themselves in the building.

Shafik released a letter to the NYPD on Tuesday, which requested that police remain on the campus until May 17, two days after the graduation ceremony.

"The takeover of Hamilton Hall and the continued encampments raise serious safety concerns for the individuals involved and the entire community," the letter read.

The protests have spread to other campuses across the country. In Los Angeles, police were called to the UCLA campus early Wednesday after violence broke out when counter-protesters showed up to tear down barricades at the pro-Palestinian encampment, the LA Times reported.

Watch: Black Lives Matter wins historic police brutality lawsuit over George Floyd protests; NYPD to pay $13 million

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Gsas students shine in 2024 three minute thesis competition.

Victoria Khaghani, Manning Zhang, Pranav Ojha, and William Dahl stand onstage holding their Three Minute Thesis prize certificates.

April 30, 2024

Ayla Cordell | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) at Brandeis Graduate School of Arts & Sciences was not Will Dahl’s first rodeo. “It took me two tries,” the Molecular and Cell Biology PhD student said. “On my first attempt last year, I missed a line and stood silent for what felt like ages. To be honest, I was terrified!” This year, Will took home the first place prize for the Sciences of $1,000 and the overall win. He credits his success to careful planning, refinement, and lots of practice. He focused on formatting his talk as a story that would resonate with a wide audience: “Every sentence must be calibrated to communicate, and there is no room for asides. The talk converges from broader impacts to the actual thesis.”

Explaining your research in just three minutes is a tall order, but on April 5, the third annual 3MT Competition, founded by the University of Queensland , saw ten GSAS students meet that very task. Marika McCann, Associate Director of Professional Development at GSAS and member of the 3MT team, alongside Associate Professor of Anthropology and Faculty Director of Professional Development Jon Anjaria; Anahita Zare of MRSEC ; and Becky Prigge, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at GSAS, said this about the 2024 competitors: “Our team was very impressed with how hard our students worked and the overall enthusiasm they brought to their talks. The audience learned so much from our students in this short time, including the possibility of early detection of Parkinson’s Disease, the importance of examining circadian rhythms, patterns in Honduran ceramics, and Tamil transfeminine performance in post-war Sri Lanka.”

Under the bright white stage lights and looking out upon an audience of friends, family, members of the Brandeis community, and a panel of five judges, finalists took to the Spingold Theatre stage. While it was certainly nerve-wracking, contestants noted the benefits of presenting in this format.

Manning Zhang, who won first place in the Humanities/Creative Arts/Social Sciences category, said the best moment of the competition was standing on the stage for the final round with rushing adrenaline. Acknowledging that few friends and family know about what she researches in Sociology and Health Policy, she began sharing more with them to understand how different people would react to her research. While this helped her prepare for the competition, it ended up holding deeper meaning for Zhang: “It took me a really long time to pursue my research and say, ‘This is meaningful.’ Getting feedback from people and hearing that they understand what I’m doing is really important to me.”

Victoria Khaghani, a Master’s student in Anthropology who was Runner Up in the Humanities/Creative Arts/Social Sciences category, echoed this sentiment. “You have to push yourself pretty hard to be able to condense your research down. But being able to then present my research to my family and have them say, ‘We finally understand what you’re doing,’ where they can understand the importance of it…that was huge.”

While contestants hoped to teach their audience something about their research, some finished the competition having learned new things about themselves. “I really like speaking in front of people,” Pranav Ojha, a Molecular and Cell Biology PhD student, discovered. “Figuring out what words to say, how to communicate them to inspire care - I enjoyed that process, and I’m coming out of it with different career ideas.” His passion for public speaking was evident - Ojha finished the competition with a total $1,250, after winning both Runner Up in the Sciences and the People’s Choice Award, which is determined through audience vote.

The final round may have showcased three minutes of individual presentation, but 3MT thrives as a collective and collaborative effort. “This is one of the only opportunities GSAS students at Brandeis have to share their research with the overall Brandeis community, outside of their departments,” McCann noted. Zhang (Sociology and Health Policy) even reached out to 2022 winner Emiliano Gutierrez-Popoca (PhD English ‘23), whose talk on Master-Servant Relations in Early Modern Drama led him to the National 3MT competition. Though they come from different disciplines, 3MT provided a platform for shared experience, and Popoca helped Zhang revise her draft for the final round. “I’ve gained a lot of rapport with people I didn’t think I could have rapport with…networking is very precious,” Zhang said. The 3MT community at Brandeis continues to strengthen and grow, and we cannot wait for next year!

Special thanks to 3MT sponsors: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, Mandel Center for the Humanities, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, and the Division of Sciences

This year’s winners include:

First Place - William Dahl (overall winner), Molecular and Cell Biology, Stressed Cells' Secret Weapon for Survival

Runner Up - Pranav Ojha, Molecular and Cell Biology, What Makes our Clock Tick: A Look at Where It All Starts

Humanities/Social Sciences/Creative Arts

First Place - Manning Zhang, Sociology and Health Policy, Move It or Lose It

Runner Up - Victoria Khaghani, Anthropology, The Devil’s in the Details: Neglected Patterns of Honduras

People’s Choice

Pranav Ojha

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The plans also include proposals to ‘move away from a fixed cash benefit system’, meaning people with some conditions will no longer receive regular payments.

People with depression or anxiety could lose sickness benefits, says UK minister

Mel Stride says therapy or respite could be offered instead of Pip payments to those with ‘milder’ mental health issues

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People with depression or anxiety could lose access to sickness benefits, the work and pensions secretary has said, as part of major welfare changes that have been described as a “ full-on assault on disabled people ”.

On Monday morning, Mel Stride announced the plans to overhaul the way disability benefits work and was due to address the Commons on the issue later in the day.

In a green paper due to be published alongside Stride’s Commons statement, ministers will set out plans to change personal independence payments (Pip), the main disability benefit for adults, through changes to eligibility criteria and assessments.

While he sought to portray the proposals as part of a “grownup conversation” about the best form of welfare provision, he also indicated the focus on the plan was part of a Conservative election strategy designed to put some pressure on Labour before a general election in which his party is expected to suffer a heavy defeat.

The plans, which will be consulted on over the coming months, also include proposals to “move away from a fixed cash benefit system”, meaning people with some conditions will no longer receive regular payments, but instead access to treatment if their condition does not involve extra costs.

Stride batted away suggestions his government had created the problem by failing to adequately provide such care in the first place, saying it was introducing a scheme in which some healthcare support would be provided alongside “work coaches”.

During a BBC Radio 4 Today programme interview on Monday, it was put to Stride that the Tories were picking apart the system they had themselves designed in the hope of starting a “row about welfare scroungers” they hoped might cause a greater political problem for Labour than for them.

“As to Labour, Labour have nothing to say about welfare. In fact, the only thing they’ve been saying about welfare is that they’re very squeamish about sanctions. They don’t think they should be applied in the way that we think, which we believe will cost billions of pounds,” he replied.

In an interview with the Times, Stride had suggested the proposals would mean people with “milder mental health conditions” would no longer receive financial support. And they follow a speech in which the prime minister announced major changes to the welfare system earlier this month, saying “people with less severe mental health conditions should be expected to engage with the world of work”.

Stride said the system should not be paying people to deal with the “ordinary difficulties of life” and suggested that many voters “deep down” agreed with him.

Describing the changes as “probably the most fundamental reforms in a generation”, he said: “There are those that have perhaps milder mental health conditions, or where perhaps there has been too great a move towards labelling certain behaviours as having certain [medical] conditions attached to them, where actually work is the answer or part of the answer.

“What we’ve got to avoid is being in a situation where we too readily say: ‘Well, actually, we need you to be on benefits.’”

Stride said a “whole plethora of things”, such as talking therapies, social care packages and respite care, could be used as alternatives to benefit payments.

He added the main reason for the changes was to provide better help and not cut costs, but he acknowledged the cost “has to be one of the considerations”.

James Taylor, the executive director of strategy at disability equity charity Scope, called for an end to the “reckless assault” on disabled people and to fix the “real underlying issues”.

“It’s hard to have any faith that this consultation is about anything other than cutting the benefits bill, no matter the impact,” Taylor said.

“Life costs a lot more for disabled people, including people with mental health conditions. Threatening to take away the low amount of income Pip provides won’t solve the country’s problems.

“The government needs to end this reckless assault on disabled people and focus on how to fix the real underlying issues.”

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National College Democrats Slam Biden On Gaza And Back Campus Protesters

Matt Shuham

Reporter, HuffPost National Desk

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The national group representing college Democrats released a statement Tuesday standing with pro-Palestinian campus protesters and criticizing President Joe Biden for his “bear hug” of what the group called “the genocidal acts of the far-right radical extremist Israeli government.”

The statement, released by the College Democrats of America, illustrated a break with the Democratic Party — of which it is an official arm. It was approved by an 8-2 vote of the group’s executive board, which is made up of national leadership that has been elected by representatives of campus and state college Democrats chapters across the country.

“Since the beginning of this conflict, College Democrats and students from every walk of life have had the moral clarity to see this war for what it is: destructive, genocidal, and unjust,” the CDA statement read. It commended the “bravery” of students facing arrest and disciplinary action for their protests, and condemned college administrators for those responses. Across the country, student protesters have called for an Israeli cease-fire in Gaza, and institutional transparency and divestment with regard to investments in Israeli firms, or those linked to American military aid to Israel.

The statement also called for the “release of all hostages” and condemned the rise in domestic antisemitism and Islamophobia in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel and Israel’s subsequent invasion and air barrage of Gaza, saying Jewish and Muslim students had no control over the conflict. Still, it said, “it should be abundantly clear that calling for the freedom of Palestinians is not Antisemetic [sic], and neither is opposing the genocidal acts of the far-right radical extremist Israeli government.”

The statement’s harshest criticism was directed at the president and his reelection campaign. The White House, according to the CDA, has pursued a “cold shoulder strategy for its own base and all Americans who want to see an end to this war.”

“Each day that Democrats fail to stand united for a permanent ceasefire, two-state solution, and recognition of a Palestinian state, more and more youth find themselves disillusioned with the party,” the statement read. It earned praise from progressives across the country including Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) and the former Ohio state legislator and prominent Bernie Sanders supporter Nina Turner .

“The President shares the goal for an end to the violence and a just, lasting peace in the Middle East. He’s working tirelessly to that end,” Seth Schuster, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign, told HuffPost Tuesday in response to the CDA statement.

And Adrienne Watson, a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, told The New York Times : “President Biden continues to work around the clock to secure a deal that would release all the hostages and result in an immediate, sustained cease-fire that enables significantly more aid to reach the people of Gaza. The president has held calls with the leaders of Israel, Egypt and Qatar in the last several days to try to secure an agreement. Israel has accepted the deal and now the onus is on Hamas, which is the only obstacle to immediate relief for civilians in Gaza.”

Hasan Pyarali, a senior at Wake Forest University and chairman of the CDA Muslim Caucus, helped write the statement, and told HuffPost the group was “trying to do a service to the party and the White House” by alerting them to what CDA leadership believes is a growing rift between Biden administration policy and the views of young voters.

“If you keep ignoring us, keep giving us the cold shoulder, you risk losing your own base, and then in turn, the election,” he said. “Because let’s just be frank about this: They can’t win without young voters. 2020 was won in large part because of young voters. So if you neglect them and assume that they’ll come along no matter how you treat them, you’re risking the entire country. And we didn’t think that was fair or right, which is why we decided to call them out on it.”

The national College Democrats group began working on the statement after Columbia University’s president, Minouche Shafik, called in police to clear a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus two weeks ago; overnight Tuesday, Shafik called in police again , this time to clear a building where protesters had set up camp after Shafik began suspending students for their protest. Both instances resulted in several dozen arrests. Pyarali cited other campus protests as inspiration as well, including at Indiana University, where police snipers were stationed above protesters. “It’s insane, it’s not a war zone, it’s a college campus,” he said.

The statement doesn’t necessarily represent the thousands of Democratic college students whose campus chapters fall under the larger College Democrats umbrella. Rather, the only binding vote on its release was held by the CDA executive board.

Two members of that body opposed it. One of them, Joshua Martin, the former student body president at the University of Houston, commented on social media : “The only way to bring peace is to destroy Hamas, who through years of terror have subjugated Palestinians to decades of violence.”

Allyson Bell, a Meredith College graduate student and chair of the College Democrats Jewish Caucus — and who collaborated with Pyarali in a December call for cease-fire — told HuffPost in an email that earlier statements focused on condemning instances of campus antisemitism had been “voted down by the executive board and replaced with what was released.” She called the final statement “one sided.”

Sohali Vaddula, a New York University student and communications director at CDA, said that, ultimately, “the board has final say on all statements,” and that the statement they approved condemned both antisemitic and Islamophobic bigotry and violence. “But we also will stand up in solidarity with protesters who are peacefully protesting — the key word is peacefully protesting,” she said.

For Pyarali, Biden’s ongoing support for the Israeli military campaign is an obstacle to his reelection.

“There are good things that the admin is doing and this party stands for,” he said, referring to the Inflation Reduction Act and efforts to protect abortion rights, expand health care coverage and reduce drug prices. But, he added, “Biden has decided to hitch his wagon to what is a far-right, extremist, radical government. We’re letting him know: This is on you now.”

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    The Soviet Union sent money and weapons to the communist forces. By 1975, with the help of the Soviets and China, a small, poor nation defeated the strongest military superpower in the world. Over 58,000 Americans died in the conflict. The war divided Americans who were for or against the war.

  7. "Tear Down This Wall": Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War

    This decision point can be used with The Iran-Contra Affair Narrative; the Ronald Reagan, "Tear Down this Wall" Speech, June 12, 1987 Primary Source; and the Cold War DBQ (1947-1989) Lesson. In the wake of World War II, a Cold War erupted between the world's two superpowers—the United States and the Soviet Union.

  8. Short Essay: Cold War

    The Cold War, spanning from the end of World War II in 1945 until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, remains one of the most significant events of the 20th century. ... Keep track of your sources for citations and ensure you have enough material to support your thesis statement. Step 3: Formulating a Thesis Statement.

  9. The Cold War (1945-1963): Brief Overview

    The Cuban Crises. Kennedy's greatest Cold War challenge came in Cuba . Hoping to topple Cuba's new pro-Communist revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro, Kennedy authorized the CIA to train and arm a force of more than 1, 000 Cuban exiles and sent them to invade Cuba in the spring of 1961 . When this Bay of Pigs invasion failed embarrassingly ...

  10. How To Write A Cold War Essay

    Conclusion: Your cold war essay conclusion should summarize or wrap up everything that you said in the introduction and body parts of your write-up. Summarize the main ideas while restating your thesis. Also, make a call to action in your conclusion. Once you've drafted an outline, follow it to write the essay.

  11. Rethinking theory and history in the Cold War: The state, military

    This thesis provides a critique of existing understandings of the Cold War in International Relations theory, and offers an alternative position. It rejects the conventional conceptual and temporal understanding of the Cold War, which assumes that the Cold War was, essentially, a political-military conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union that originated in the collapse of the ...


    This thesis will first review the existing literature on trends in terrorist incidents during and after the Cold War, followed by an analysis of the general theories of what makes a terrorist. Next, I will outline some of the conceptual issues discuss methodological concerns that have hindered previous research attempts. Finally, I will

  13. PDF Cold War or Not, Russia'S Foreign Policy Tactics Toward the United

    on the kind of trust that was absent for the entirety of the Cold War.10 There are multiple schools of thought that could provide an explanation into the Cold War style relationship that persists between the US and Russia, and, specifically, Russia's continued adherence to an aggressive Cold War foreign policy posture.

  14. Cold War

    The Cold War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II.This hostility between the two superpowers was first given its name by George Orwell in an article published in 1945. Orwell understood it as a nuclear stalemate between "super-states": each possessed weapons of mass destruction and was ...

  15. Cold War Thesis Examples That Really Inspire

    In this free collection of Cold War Thesis examples, you are granted an exciting opportunity to discover meaningful topics, content structuring techniques, text flow, formatting styles, and other academically acclaimed writing practices. Applying them while crafting your own Cold War Thesis will definitely allow you to finalize the piece faster ...

  16. Thesis

    Department of History. This thesis investigates the civilian experience of the Cold War between 1945 and1962 through 44 original oral history interviews with 48 individuals. As the first oral history of everyday life in Cold War Britain it examines the generation born before1945 and the experience of growing up in postwar Britain.

  17. PDF An Analysis of Post-cold War Concepts in American Foreign Policy

    This thesis investigates post-Cold War concepts in US foreign policy. At the end of the Cold War, prominent political scientists and commentators argued, for various reasons, that the strategic environment was so dramatically different that the United States would no longer be able to engage the world as it had in the past.

  18. Protecting the image of a nation: Jim Crow propaganda

    Problem statement and questions This project investigates how USIA operated as a Cold War propaganda machine for the US government by critically examining its actions between 1953-1965, and explores how USIA framed the image of the American race relations at the nexus of the Cold War and the US Civil Rights Movement.

  19. Cold War Politics & Thesis Statement

    Cold War Politics & Thesis Statement - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. President obama and secretary of state john kerry were key players in the Cold War. A key strategy was to contain the Soviet threat by the end of World War II. The first military action of the Cold War began when the Soviet-backed North Korean People's Army invaded its ...

  20. "The Russia-Ukraine War: The Second Cold War?" by Madeline Levine

    Did the Cold War actually end in the 1990s? Is Ukraine the first proxy war in a series of more to come between the United States and Russia? This thesis will address the first question by identifying and analyzing the characteristics that distinguished the Cold War from earlier conflicts, how the Russia-Ukraine War compares, and the ...

  21. Thesis Of The Cold War By John Lewis Gaddis

    Gaddis's thesis has the equity needed to truly understand the cold war. His thesis fearlessly states that the Soviets and the Americans are both the cause of the Cold War. The Soviets and Americans both wanted a way of life they thought was better and their was a geopolitical struggle between the two countries.Gaddis shows that the Cold War ...

  22. Cold War Essay Questions Flashcards

    Thesis: "The Cold War hostility between the US and the Soviet Union was inevitable: Assess the validity of this statement. Possible thesis: • The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet union was inevitable because both countries were world powers, the clashing forms of government, and the U.S.-Russian confrontation in Europe.

  23. New 'cold war' grows ever warmer as the prospect of a nuclear arms race

    These factors make our current situation more complex than the cold war. A new Silk Road nexus has emerged across China, Russia, Iran, Israel and North Korea since the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

  24. 300 Protesters Arrested at Columbia University, City College

    Three hundred people have been arrested at protests at Columbia and City College of New York, police said. Columbia has been rocked by protests for days over Israel's war on Gaza following Hamas ...

  25. GSAS Students Shine in 2024 Three Minute Thesis Competition

    The 2024 Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) at Brandeis Graduate School of Arts & Sciences was not Will Dahl's first rodeo. "It took me two tries," the Molecular and Cell Biology PhD student said. "On my first attempt last year, I missed a line and stood silent for what felt like ages. To be honest, I was terrified!"

  26. People with depression or anxiety could lose sickness benefits, says UK

    Mel Stride says therapy or respite could be offered instead of Pip payments to those with 'milder' mental health issues People with depression or anxiety could lose access to sickness benefits ...

  27. College Democrats Have A Serious Warning For Biden

    The Biden White House has pursued a "cold shoulder strategy for its own base and all Americans who want to see an end to this war," the group said. ... The national group representing college Democrats released a statement Tuesday standing with pro-Palestinian campus protesters and criticizing President Joe Biden for his "bear hug" of ...

  28. Statement of ABA President Mary Smith RE: Law Day

    CHICAGO, May 1, 2024 — In 1958, the Cold War was a stark threat to U.S. national security. May Day military parades in Moscow's Red Square and throughout the Eastern Bloc, allegedly to celebrate International Workers' Day, were put on to display military might and stir up discontent in the United States.