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101 Poetry Prompts & Ideas for Writing Poems

Not sure what to write a poem about? Here’s 101 poetry prompts to get you started!

poetry writing prompts

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These poetry prompts are designed to help you keep a creative writing practice. If you’re staring at a blank page and the words aren’t flowing, the creative writing prompts for poems can be a great way to get started!

New for 2023! Due to popular demand, I created a printable, ad-free version of these poetry prompts you can download to use at home or even in the classroom! Get them at our Etsy Shop .

Even if poetry isn’t your thing, you could always use these things to inspire other writing projects. Essays, journal entries, short stories, and flash fiction are just a few examples of ways this list can be used.

You may even find this list of creative poetry writing prompts helpful as an exercise to build your skills in descriptive writing and using metaphors!

Let’s get onto the list, shall we?

Here are 101 Poetry Prompts for Creative Writing

Most of these creative writing ideas are simple and open-ended. This allows you total creative freedom to write from these poetry prompts in your own unique style, tone, and voice.

If one poetry idea doesn’t appeal to you, challenge yourself to find parallels between the prompt and things that you do enjoy writing about!

1.The Untouchable : Something that will always be out of reach

2. 7 Days, 7 Lines : Write a poem where each line/sentence is about each day of last week

3. Grandma’s Kitchen : Focus on a single memory, or describe what you might imagine the typical grandmother’s kitchen to be like

4. Taste the Rainbow : What does your favorite color taste like?

5. Misfits: How it feels when you don’t belong in a group of others.

6. Stranger Conversations : Start the first line of your poem with a word or phrase from a recent passing conversation between you and someone you don’t know.

7. On the Field : Write from the perspective of a sports ball {Baseball, Soccer, Football, Basketball, Lacrosse, etc.} – think about what the sports ball might feel, see, hear, think, and experience with this poetry idea!

8. Street Signs: Take note of the words on signs and street names you pass while driving, walking, or riding the bus. Write a poem starting with one of these words you notice.

9. Cold water: What feelings do you associate with cold water? Maybe it’s a refreshing cold glass of water on a hot day, or maybe you imagine the feelings associated with being plunged into the icy river in the winter.

10. Ghostwriter: Imagine an invisible ghost picks up a pen and starts writing to you.

11. Lessons From Math Class: Write about a math concept, such as “you cannot divide by zero” or never-ending irrational numbers.

12. Instagram Wall: Open up either your own Instagram account or one of a friend/celebrity and write poetry based on the first picture you see.

13. Radio: Tune in to a radio station you don’t normally listen to, and write a poem inspired by the the first song or message you hear.

14. How To : Write a poem on how to do something mundane most people take for granted, such as how to tie your shoes, how to turn on a lamp, how to pour a cup of coffee.

15. Under 25 Words : Challenge yourself to write a poem that is no more than 25 words long.

16. Out of Order: Write about your feelings when there is an out of order sign on a vending machine.

17. Home Planet: Imagine you are from another planet, stuck on earth and longing for home.

18. Uncertainty : Think about a time in your life when you couldn’t make a decision, and write based on this.

19. Complete : Be inspired by a project or task be completed – whether it’s crossing something off the never-ending to-do list, or a project you have worked on for a long time.

20. Compare and Contrast Personality : What are some key differences and similarities between two people you know?

21. Goodbyes : Write about a time in your life you said goodbye to someone – this could be as simple as ending a mundane phone conversation, or harder goodbyes to close friends, family members, or former partners.

22. Imagine Weather Indoors : Perhaps a thunderstorm in the attic? A tornado in the kitchen?

23. Would You Rather? Write about something you don’t want to do, and what you would rather do instead.

24. Sound of Silence : Take some inspiration from the classic Simon & Garfunkel song and describe what silence sounds like.

25. Numbness : What’s it like to feel nothing at all?

26. Fabric Textures : Use different fiber textures, such as wool, silk, and cotton as a poetry writing prompt.

27. Anticipation : Write about the feelings you experience or things you notice while waiting for something.

28. Poison: Describe something toxic and its effects on a person.

29. Circus Performers: Write your poetry inspired by a circus performer – a trapeze artist, the clowns, the ringmaster, the animal trainers, etc.

30. Riding on the Bus : Write a poem based on a time you’ve traveled by bus – whether a school bus, around town, or a long distance trip to visit a certain destination.

31. Time Freeze : Imagine wherever you are right now that the clock stops and all the people in the world are frozen in place. What are they doing?

32. The Spice of Life : Choose a spice from your kitchen cabinet, and relate its flavor to an event that has happened recently in your daily life.

33. Parallel Universe : Imagine you, but in a completely different life based on making a different decision that impacted everything else.

34. Mad Scientist : Create a piece based on a science experiment going terribly, terribly wrong.

35. People You Have Known : Make each line about different people you have met but lost contact with over the years. These could be old friends, passed on family, etc.

36. Last Words : Use the last sentence from the nearest book as the inspiration for the first line of your poem.

37. Fix This : Think about something you own that is broken, and write about possible ways to fix it. Duct tape? A hammer and nails?

hammer poetry prompt idea

38. Suspicion : Pretend you are a detective and you have to narrow down the suspects.

39. Political News : Many famous poets found inspiration from the current politics in their time. Open up a newspaper or news website, and create inspired by the first news article you find.

40. The Letter D : Make a list of 5 words that start with all with the same letter, and then use these items throughout the lines of your verse. {This can be any letter, but for example sake: Daisy, Dishes, Desk, Darkness, Doubt}

41. Quite the Collection : Go to a museum, or look at museum galleries online. Draw your inspiration from collections of objects and artifacts from your favorite display. Examples: Pre-historic days, Egyptians, Art Galleries, etc.

42. Standing in Line : Think of a time you had to stand in line for something. Maybe you were waiting in a check-out line at the store, or you had to stand in line to enter a concert or event.

43. Junk Mail Prose: Take some inspiration from your latest junk mail. Maybe it’s a grocery store flyer announcing a sale on grapes, or an offer for a credit card.

44. Recipe : Write your poem in the form of a recipe. This can be for something tangible, such as a cake, or it can be a more abstract concept such as love or happiness. List ingredients and directions for mixing and tips for cooking up your concept to perfection.

45. Do you like sweaters? Some people love their coziness, others find them scratchy and too hot. Use your feelings about sweaters in a poem.

46. After Party : What is it like after all party guests go home?

47. Overgrown : Use  Little Shop of Horrors  for inspiration, or let your imagination run wild on what might happen if a plant or flower came to life or started spreading rapidly to take over the world.

48. Interference: Write a poem that is about someone or something coming in between you and your goals.

49. On Shaky Ground: Use an earthquake reference or metaphor in your poem.

50. Trust Issues : Can you trust someone you have doubted in the past?

51. Locked in a Jar: Imagine you are a tiny person, who has been captured and put into a jar for display or science.

52. Weirder Than Fiction: Think of the most unbelievable moment in your life, and write a poem about the experience.

53. Fast Food: Write a poem about fast food restaurants and experiences.

fast food writing prompt hamburger

54. Unemployed: Write a poem about quitting or being fired from a job you depended on.

55. Boxes: What kinds of family secrets or stories might be hiding in that untouched box in the attic?

56. No One Understands : Write about what it feels like when no one understands or agrees with your opinion.

57. Criminal Minds : Write a poem from the perspective of a high-profile criminal who is always on the run from law enforcement.

58. Marathon Runner : Write a poem about what training you might be doing to accomplish a difficult challenge in your life.

59. Trapped : Write about an experience that made you feel trapped.

60. Passing the Church : Write a poem about noticing something interesting while passing by a church near your home.

61. Backseat Driver: Write about what it’s like to be doing something in your life and constantly being criticized while trying to move ahead.

62. Luster: Create a descriptive poem about something that has a soft glow or sheen to it.

63. Clipboard: Write a poem about someone who is all business like and set in their ways of following a system.

64. Doctor: Write a poem about receiving advice from a doctor.

65. First Car : Write an ode to your first car

66. Life Didn’t Go As a Planned : Write about a recent or memorable experience when nothing went according to plan.

67. Architect : Imagine you are hired to design a building for a humanitarian cause you are passionate about.

68. The Crazy Cat Hoarder : Write about someone who owns far too many cats.

69. Queen : Write a poem from the perspective of a queen.

70. Movie Character : Think of a recent movie you watched, and create a poem about one character specifically, or an interaction between two characters that was memorable.

71. Potential Energy : Write about an experience where you had a lot of potential for success, but failed.

72. Moonlight : Write about an experience in the moonlight.

73. Perfection : Write about trying to always keep everything perfect.

74. You Are Wrong : Write a poem where you tell someone they are wrong and why.

75. Sarcasm : Write a poem using sarcasm as a form of illustrating your point.

76. Don’t Cry : Write a poem about how not to cry when it’s hard to hold back the tears.

77. Listen Up: Write a poem telling someone they are better than they think they are.

78. Flipside : Find the good in something terrible.

79. Maybe They Had a Reason : Write a poem about someone doing something you don’t understand, and try to explain what reasons they might have had.

80. How to Drive : Write a poem that explains how to drive to a teenager.

81. Up & Down the Steps: Write a poem that includes the motion of going up or down a staircase

82. Basket Case: Has there ever been a time when you thought you might lose your mind? Jot your feelings and thoughts down in verse form.

83. Lucky Guess:  Many times in our life we have to make a good guess for what is the best decision. Use this poetry idea to write about feelings related to guessing something right – or wrong.

84. Dear Reader:  What audience enjoys reading the type of poetry you like to write? Craft a note to your potential audience that addresses their biggest fears, hopes, and dreams.

85. All or Nothing : Share your thoughts on absolutist thinking: when one’s beliefs are so set in stone there are no exceptions.

86. Ladders in the Sky : Imagine there are ladders that take you up to the clouds. What could be up there? What feelings do you have about climbing the ladders, or is their a mystery as to how they got there in the first place?

ladder poetry prompt

87. Always On My Mind: Compose a poem about what it’s like to always be thinking about someone or something.

88. Paranoia : What would it be like if you felt like someone was watching you but no one believed you?

89. Liar, Liar: How would you react to someone who lied to you?

90. Secret Word: What’s the magic word to unlock someone’s access to something?

91. For What It’s Worth: Use a valuable object in your home as inspiration as a poetry prompt idea.

92. Coming Home to Secrets: Imagine a person who puts on a good act to cover up a secret they deal with at home.

93. Productivity: Talk about your greatest struggles with time management and organization.

94. Defying Gravity: Use words that relate to being weightless and floating.

95. Signs of the Times : How has a place you are familiar with changed over the past 10 years?

96. Sleepless Nights : What ideas and feelings keep you up at night? What’s it like when you have to wake up in the morning on a night you can’t sleep?

97. You Can’t Fire Me, I Quit : Use one of the worst job related memories you can think of as a creative writing prompt.

98. By George : You can choose any name, but think of 3-5 notable figures or celebrities who share a common first name, and combine their personalities and physical characteristics into one piece of poetry. For example: George Washington, George Clooney, George Harrison.

99. Shelter : Write a poem about a time you were thankful for shelter from a storm.

100. Cafeteria : Create a poem inspired by the people who might be eating lunch in a cafeteria at school or at a hospital.

101. Dusty Musical Instruments : Base your poem around the plight of a musician who hasn’t picked up the guitar or touched a piano in years.

Love these prompts? The printable, ad-free version of these poetry prompts can be used offline or in the classroom! Get them at our Etsy Shop .

There are unlimited possibilities for ways you can use these poem ideas to write poetry. Using a list like this can greatly help you with getting into the habit of writing daily – even when you don’t feel inspired to write.

While not every poem you write will be an award-winning masterpiece, using these poem starters as a regular exercise can help you better your craft as a writer.

I hope you enjoy these poetry prompts – and if you write anything you’d like to share inspired by these creative poetry writing prompts, let us know in the comments below – we love to see how others use writing ideas to create their own work!

And of course, don’t forget to get the ad-free poetry prompt cards printable version if you’d like to use these prompts offline, in the classroom or with your small group!

Chelle Stein wrote her first embarrassingly bad novel at the age of 14 and hasn't stopped writing since. As the founder of ThinkWritten, she enjoys encouraging writers and creatives of all types.

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I had a wonderful inspiration from prompt number 49 “On Shaky Ground,” although it’s not exactly about an earthquake. I wanted to share it on here, so I hope you enjoy it!

Title: “Shaking Ground”

The ground’s shaking My heart’s aching I’m getting dizzy My mind’s crazy

On shaking ground It’s like I’m on a battleground We’re all fighting for love Dirtying our white glove

The ground’s shaking My body’s quaking Love is so cruel Making me a fool

On shaking ground We are all love-bound Stuck in a crate Nobody can avoid this fate

The ground’s shaking We are all waking Opening our eyes Everyone dies

On shaking ground Our love is profound Although we are separate Better places await

The ground’s shaking Death’s overtaking Heaven is descending The world’s ending

On shaking ground In love we are drowned

Awesome interpretation Amanda! Thanks for sharing!

heyyy, I have written something regarding prompt 27 and 96 The Night Charms.

Do you dread the dark; Or do you adore the stars? Do you really think the fire place is that warm; Or you just envy the night charms? The skyline tries to match the stars’ sparkle, The sky gets dark, the vicinity gets darker. The “sun” has set for the day being loyal; These are now the lamps burning the midnight oil. The Eve so busy, that everyone forgets to praise its beauty. The sun has set without anyone bidding him an adieu, Failed to demonstrate its scintillating view. The moon being the epitome of perfection, Has the black spots, Depicting an episode of it’s dark past.

And I sit; I sit and wonder till the dawn. What a peaceful time it is, To have a small world of your own. Away from the chaos, I found a soul that was lost. So tired, yet radiant, Trying to be someone she’s not in the end. That bewitching smile held my hand, Carried me back to shore, letting me feel my feet in the sand. The waves moved to and fro, Whispering to me as they go, “Oh girl, my girl This is the soul you have within you, Never let it vanish, For it alters you into something good and something new, Don’t let the cruel world decide, Don’t let anyone kill that merry vibe.”

Then I saw my own soul fade, Fly into my heart, For what it was made. Oh dear lord, The night’s silence became my solace, My life lessons were made by the waves. Who am I? What have I done to myself? Many questions were answered in self reproach, The answers were still unspoken with no depth. Oh dear night, What have you done to me? Or should I thank you for putting a soul that I see. The nights spent later were now spectacular, My darkness somehow added some light to my life, Making it fuller… Everyday after a day, walking through the scorching lawns, I wait for the the dusk to arrive, and then explore myself till the dawn.

This is so amazing I ran out of words. Very lit thoughts beautifully penned. Keep writing like this dude.❤🌻

That is beautiful, it inspired me to write about my fears, thank you!!

Thank you for the inspiration! 😀 This was based of 21 and 77 (I think those were the numbers lol)

Goodbye to the days when we played together in the sun Goodbye to the smile on your face and to all of the fun I look at you, so dull and blue How long before I can say hello to the real you You are worth more than you think At the very least, you are to me Though there are greater things that wait for you than the least You are worthy of the most, the greatest of things If only goodbye could be ‘see you later’ I want to see the real you again To your suffering I don’t want to be just a spectator I want it all to end Goodbye to my only friend I want to heal you but I don’t know how I wish I had this all figured out Please come back to me I just want you to be free

Thank u so much im more inspired after seeing these creative ideas. 🤗

Glad they inspired you!

Thanks for sharing Amanda!

That was beautiful! I am a writer too! I actually just finished writing one but, it wasn’t from this website, just kind of something that’s been on my head for a while you know? Anyways, again, that was awesome! I am a Christian, and I love seeing people write about that kind of stuff! 🙂

I am jim from Oregon. I am also a writer, not very good but active. I am a Christian as well as you are. Sometimes it is hard to come up with something to write about.

All of a sudden, I have started to write poetry. Do you like all forms of writing? I would enjoy reading some of you work if you would you would like to s if you would like to send me some.

i have written one about frozen time:

my brother will be drawing, his pencil wont leave the sheet, my mother hearing the radio, today’s news on repeat. my sister, in fact, is making her bed, she’ll be making it still, till the last bug is dead. me, on the other hand, i’ll be visiting you, i’ll see you in action, doing the things that you do, i’ll be happy to see you, just a last time, i’ll kiss your still lips, and hold for a while. then i’ll take a plane to saudi, where i’ll see my dad, he’ll be swimming with turtles, he will not seem sad. i have lived on this earth, for 15 whole years, time for goodbye, with not a single tear.

hey beautifully expressed…!!!

Beautifully penned 🌼

I love it I tried one out myself as well Change

She sat looking out the window. The sound of the piano’s cheerful tune ringing out throughout the room. The sweet smell of burnt pine emanating from her fireplace. The sky is blue and the sun shines bright. She closes her eyes for a second. She opens them again. The window is broken and scattered on the ground. The piano sits covered in ashes, every symphony played now just a distant memory replaced with a discordant melody. The room smells of smoke and ash. The sky is dark and rain falls on the remnants of her home. Not a living thing in sight,not even her.

Nice one Amanda. kind of tells me the chronology of love and its eventualities.

such a dilightful poem, thanks for the word that made the day for me. you are such a good poet.

Omg! What!! This is amazing! I’d love to feature this piece on my blog I also love this blog post by, planning on putting the link in my next blog post so others can come over here to check it out! So helpful!

this is so great! I’ve been needing inspiration. this might work

Thank you so much for this article! I love the profundity and open-endedness of the prompts. Here is a poem I wrote, drawing inspiration from #56, “No One Understands.” I wrote this from the perspective of a psychic Arcturian Starseed in her teenage years and how the world perceives her spiritual connection; while at the same time hinting at the true meaning of her various baffling actions. Enjoy 🙂

Starseed – a poem on perspective

In the snow She stands alone Wrapped in shrouds of mystery Her gentle hand gloved with giving Caressing A violet stone

Math class is dismissed But there still she sits Speaking to the ceiling in tender tones A soft and healing resonance Murmuring sweetly of ascension to Another, dearer dimension

In homeroom Her classmate weeps Of missed planes and shattered dreams Quietly She strokes the hand of the suffering And whispers then of channeling Some celestial utopia called Arcturus Where she claims to have been.

Please feel free to let me know where I need to improve! I’m fourteen years old and only an amateur, so a few suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, love and light 🙂

#79 I don’t know why he was so mad Did he not get his mail Was he already mad Or did he only get bills

He swung his arm with force He caused a loud bang He hurt his own hand He left with some blood

He is the man that punched the mailbox His hand dripped blood on it He left it with a dent He left it alone after that

That’s great Michael, thank you for sharing your response to one of the prompts!

Awesome! That was simple and yet creative

Interesting tips and keywords for boosting inspiration. I’ve found some good topic for start writing. Thanks

sleepless nights (#96)

it’s never a strangled cry that drags me from my dreams, but a gentle whisper, there to nudge the socks off my feet, and settle me back into the sheets. i seem to wake before i’ve had a chance to fall to rest.

why is it that i can never sleep, but always dream?

sleepless nights rule my life and drag me by my toes, throwing me into a sky of black and blue. not a single star can break through this spillage. and i sit and wonder in a sea of sheets, rippling around me, why my mind can swim these dark, tangling waters and i never need to take a breath.

have you ever noticed how static-filled the dark is? because when i lay buried under these burdens and blankets, the world seems ready to crumble under my grasp.

i can’t sleep, but i can dream, of days when i wasn’t pulled struggling from bed but awoken into the light. i wonder how i ever survived the grainy sky’s midnight troubles, the oil spill of its thunderclouds, the sandpaper raspiness of the three a.m. earth against my throat.

oh, how i can never sleep in a world that threatens to fall apart.

this is amazing! i hope i can be this good one day

once again beautiful <3

Thank you so much for these prompts! They’re so thought-provoking.

You’re welcome! Glad you enjoy them!

Take me back to those days, When I was allowed to dream, Where no one use to scream. Take me back to those days, When I was a child, Where I never use to find reasons to smile. Take me Take back to those days, When I never used to lie, Where I never used to shy. Take me back those carefreee days, When I was far away from school days. Take me back to those days , where every one used to prase, no matter how foolish i behave. Take me back to those days, when i wasn’t stuck between fake people. Take me back to the day I was born, So that I could live those days again………….

so mine is basically a mix between 76 and 77… I made it for my literature club i recently began trying to make.

‘Listen to me’ Listen to me your words mean more than you think your opinion is worthy to be shared your songs are capable of being sung

Listen to me

your smile is bright your frown shows nothing more than you should be cared for like you care for us.

your laughter is delightful and so is everything else

dont let the past go hurt you find strength in the experience

are you listening to me?

can you here me?

because YOU matter

Nice, thank you for sharing!

Prompt #1 “Untouchable”

Grasping Reaching Searching for the untouchable The indescribable On the tip of my tongue My fingertips Close to my heart But warping my brain Yet understood in the depths of my soul Emotions undiscovered Words Unsaid Deep in the depths of my mind Hand outstretched Lingering on the edge Eyes wide open But somehow still blind Unattainable But still in the hearts of The Brave The Curious The Resilient They Seek the unseekable They pursue the unattainable Each man seeing it in a different aspect Each of their visions blurred Each distorted by Experiences Traumas Wishes Dreams Filtering what’s untouchable

Thank you, glad you enjoy it!

I had good inspiration from #51, locked in a jar. I used it more metaphorically instead of literally. So here it is: glass walls, lid screwed on tight, can’t escape, not even at night. From the inside, looking out, this is not who I’m supposed to be. I’m supposed to be bigger, I’m supposed to be free, not stuck in a jar, no room to breathe. I need to move, I need to soar, I need to be able to speak my opinions and more. So as I look down at my tiny self, in this glass jar, “let me out, I can’t take it anymore”, I say to the bigger me, the one ignoring my tiny pleas.

Just wanted to add a twist to this promt. I’m just a beginner in the art of poetry, but I tried. If anyone has any creative criticism, go ahead! #16: our of order

My brain is out of order My thoughts have filled it to the brim Of my deepest thoughts of who I am Who we are As people We are out of order Never focusing on what we want Our passions All we ever get is work on top of work Pushing us down and down Like a giant hand Squeezing us into the depths of our depressions Until We can do anything But take it Anymore

Thank you Ash for sharing your take on the prompt with us!

Thank you ASH for reminding we can do anything if we try

Was inspired by #77 listen up Listen up…….! When would you listen up! Seems! you have given up! No matter who shut you up! Stand straight and look up!

Look up don’t be discouraged Let you heart be filled with courage Listen up and be encouraged Let life be sweet as porridge

You might have been down Like you have no crown Because deep down You were shut down

There is still hope When there is life Yes! You can still cope If you can see the light Yes! Even in the night

Oh listen up! Please listen up and take charge, You are better than the best Listen up! And oh! Please listen up.

beautifully written!

I wrote a poem using prompt 21 and I’m so proud of it. Comment if you want me to post it🤓

I bet the poem you wrote about prompt 21 is really good. I would like to read it please.

Mental prison, what a way to be trapped, being hidden, being snapped,

Clear glass is all i feel, apart from people, I hope I heal, I will never be equal,

I am different I am hurt raging currents people put on high alert but no one cares

No one dreads many tears I only have so many more threads

One day I’ll be gone but no one would care I will run away from the death chair

But until then

Mental prison what a way to be trapped being hidden being snapped

One day this will all blow away someday I will be molded out of clay but until then I will be lead astray

This is so darn awesome. It’s so deep and evokes the deepest of feelings🥰

I wrote almost the same thing omg I’m turning it into a contest entry

Inspired by No. 1! I am completely new to poetry, but I love it so much already! Here it is.

Perfection is Untouchable-

Perfection waiting, out of reach

Will I never touch it?

It always remain


No matter how hard I try

I will never quite reach

It will always remain

Though many people have tried

And seemed to have come close

But perfection’s not the goal

‘Cause we can’t quite grasp it

Perfection will always be

For all eternity

Looks like you are off to a great start!

Of Course, Silly Billy Me

”Well shit, I guess I lost my opportunity” the youngster retort

You see, for him, it’s all about his hurt – but she’s so educated, knows more about the rules of English than the rest of us.

Thus, to me she said… You cannot use curse words in a court report… you need to paraphrase his quote.

Into her spastic face I smiled – and pled my case

If you were my English professor back in the day, I could only imagine how much further in life I would have been…

”Don’t you mean farther in life?”

Of course, silly billy me.

This poem is called Secret Keeper and was inspired by #92. I hope you like it.

Everyone has a secret, Whether it be their own, Or someone else’s, We all have one.

But what if, You met someone, Who had a secret so big, That telling anyone would lead to horrible things.

And what if, That person told someone, And what they told them, Was more horrible than anything they could have ever imagined.

What if, That person told everyone, And when the parents, Of the kid with the secret found out, They were furious.

What if, They kept doing horrible things, Even though everyone knew, Even though they knew it was wrong.

And finally, What if, No one ever helped, The little kid with the biggest secret.

On number 28 : Poision I wrote a poem for it and would like to share it. The poision of friends and love

Beaten,she lies there. For they may be mistaken. Laughter rings throughout the school halls; a pure disaster. The dissapearence of parents hast caused this yet no one stops it. “Your a disgrace!” She heard them say. While in place she cries “I don’t belong here! Perhaps im out of place..” But she is not misplaced rather.. Shes lost in space.

I miss when you called me baby And I was in your arms saftely I know we drive eachother crazy But I miss callin you my baby

Those restless nights when I couldn’t sleep You calmed me down with your technique Always reminded me I’m strong not weak If only I let you speak

My heart only beats for you My feelings for you only grew You understood what I was going through I will never regret knowing you

Your smile melted my heart I wish we could restart And I could be apart Of a man I see as a work of art!

Stary night painting poem I guess ill call it

I raised my paint brush to my canvas So I could help people understand this This feeling of emotion for this painting has spoken I see the light as opportunity As for the whole thing it symbolizes unity The swirls degnify elegance and uncertainty For this painting executes this perfectly Where as my paintings let me adress Everything I feel I need to express!

#56 WHITE NOISE Faded away In the background Unheard Not visible

Eardrums splitting from the screams Yet none seem to care Can even hear my cries for help? For I am screaming as loud as I can

Are you? For all we hear Are whispers in here

Fading away in the background Unheard, invisible Yet it’s there, not loud enough Not noticeable, but there White noise Blank and pure In the background Faded away, yet so clear.

Just need to listen So open your ears She’s screaming for help But it’s muted to your ears

So open ’em up And listen to the calls For faded away, in the background Not visible, but clear. White Noise. It’s there.

Hi guys, I’m kind of late joining in. I read the prompts and the poems posted and this community is a creative bunch. I liked #35 People You Have Known. I want to share it with you guys.

Bern, a friend from grade school was my seat mate as well Rob had always teased me so my young life was hell Neesa was pretty, she knew that she was my crush Miss Homel, our teacher was always in a rush Played ball with Buco and I got hit on my head Fell in love with Cia, dreamt of her in my bed Had a tattoo with Marcus and called it “The Day” Chub challenged me to eat two pies, I said, “No way” I had to go far away so I wrote to Charie In this new place I found a friend in Perry My Grandma Leng passed away, she was a doll My grumpy uncle, Uncle Zar was teased by all These people have touched my life for worse or better Won’t be forgotten, be remembered forever

I hope that you liked it. Thanks guys. Thanks Think Written.

#37 fix it Still new to poems, and I haven’t written one in a while. Criticism is welcome because I need some more inspiration since I haven’t been getting any.

This is the body repair shop where we fix humans that have stopped how may we help you?

the girl stumbled upon the front door and spilled her list of regrets out into the open

“we’re sorry, miss” “but i’m afraid your first kiss will just be a dear old reminisce”

“your heart is also one that cannot be mended” “for every shattered piece- their lives just simply ended” the sewing kit can’t sew the fragments of her heart back because there were way too many to backtrack

she cried her heart out and it went “plop!” her tears like a river and like a lightbulb flickering its last light she too, took her last breath and was put to death

This is the body repair shop where we fix humans that have stopped “it seems we have failed again today” “sorry we’ll just try harder again another day”

I did poetry prompt #7. I wrote about the street I grew up on. Luverne Luverne, I moved onto you at the age of three. We like to race up and down your pavement road, either biking or running. You keep safe the house that I grew up in, one that has six humans and three dogs. You shelter other houses, too, that hold family friends and best friends to last a lifetime.

Luverne, we love you.

-Margaret McMahon

I was inspired by the prompt poison. Monster Roses are beautiful and delicate, but flawed.

Every rose has thorns that cause you to bleed.

Its innocence and beauty draws you in.

Only then when you touch it, it poisons you.

Am I really such an ugly monster, that plants pain an watches it spread?

I would say no.

Wouldn’t we all?

But maybe, just maybe a rose doesn’t notice it’s thorns.

-Lilliana Pridie

You said you’re only just starting?! That was sooo good! No criticism here. 🙂

Sorry, that was meant for “Ash” but yours was amazing too! 🙂

Prompt number 8: Street signs STOP Stop look and listen Stop at the corner Stop at the red light Stop for pedestrians Stop for cyclists Stop for animals Stop doing that Stop drop and roll Stop doing something else Stop shouting Stop whispering Stop talking Stop being quiet Stop posting cute cat videos Stop forgetting your appointments Stop making plans without me Stop eating all the yummies Stop running Stop the insanity Stop shopping Stop the never-ending commentary in my head Stop stopping Stop

Thanks for making this site and all its suggestions and especially this space to post our work, available!

I wrote from prompt #72 about moonlight. Shining down like a spotlight, Illuminating everything around you. The pure white light, Paint your surroundings in a soft glow. The round ball in the sky, speckled with craters like the freckles on your face. Looking down upon the sleeping earth, A nightlight for those still awake, a nightlight for you. Guides you, pulls you, lulls you towards it. It caresses your face with the light, casting away the shadows of the night.

I liked it I just wrote a small poem dedicated to my tutor and tutor just loved it .I used 21 good bye . I liked it really.😊

I just took up writing so bear with me.

Based on #72 “Moonlight”

A full bed Just the left side filled Soft, cold, baby blue sheets wrap around bare feet

She sweetly invites herself in Dressing the dark in a blue hue through cypress filled air, like 5 A.M. drives in January on the misty Northern coast.

Damp hair dances across grey skin, Waltzing with the breeze to Radiohead’s “How to Disappear Completely”

Euphoria slow dances with Tranquility Heavy eyes give in to sleep

Ladder to the Sky I want to climb the ladder to the sky I’m sure all would be well and that I could fly The ladder would be sturdy but still give me a fright Because looking down I’ll realized I’ve climbed many heights The higher I climb the greater the fall The greater the fall, the greater the sprawl But if i ever get to the sky up high I would be sure to hug you and say “goodbye” Once I’ve climbed the ladder I’ll know Sometimes its okay to look far down below Life is full of failure but soon I’ll find Happiness is a place, and not of the mind We all have ladders to climb and lives to live We all have a little piece of us that we can give Because when we climb that ladder to the sky We should think “No, life never passed me by”

Hi Ray, I love your piece.It gives one courage to face the challenges of live and move on.

Thanks for sharing the prompts Chelle Stein. I wrote this sometimes ago before coming to this site and I believed prompts #1 and #88 inspired my writing it. kindly help me vet it and give your criticism and recommendation. It is titled “SHADOW”.

My shadow your shadow My reflection your reflection My acts your acts

No one sees me,no one sees you Programmed by the Ubiquitous, To act as our bystander in realism

Virtuous iniquitous rises on that day To vindicate to incriminate My deeds your deeds.

Thanks for the seemingly endless amounts of writing prompts. I’ve been working on a poem, but it isn’t much.

She’s got my head spinning, Around and around; She’s all I think about, I can’t help but wondering, Does she feel the same?

Of course not, I’m just a fool; I’m nothing special, Just another person; Bland and dull.

How could a girl like her, love a guy like me? But the way she looks at me, Her smile, I can’t help but to feel flustered; Is this just my imagination?

It must be.

Wow! That’s exactly how I feel! Amazing poem!

Thanks so much, I’m glad you like it. 🙂

A massive thank you to for these amazing prompts. Some of these prompts have now formed the basis of my upcoming poetry collection (Never Marry a Writer) scheduled for release on January 1 2021. I will also be leaving a “Thank you” message for this website in the acknowledgements section. You have inspired a whole poetry collection out of nowhere which is highly commendable. So booktiful that!

That is wonderful news!

So I didn’t use any of the prompts but I wanted some feedback on this; it’s not great but I’m working on improving my writing skills

I am a girl who is broken easily and loves music I wonder if things will ever be normal again I hear light screaming through the darkness I want freedom from the chains trapping me in my fear I am a girl who is broken easily and loves music

I pretend to float in the ocean, letting the waves carry me away from reality I feel a presence of hope like a flame on my bare skin I touch the eye of a storm, grasping the stillness it brings I worry about wars that a spreading like wildfires I cry when I’m not with the people I love I am a girl who is broken easily and loves music

I understand feeling hopeless when you have no control over what is happening I say our differences make us special I dream to be a nurse, to help others when they can’t help themselves I try to do my best in everything I hope that all mankind will stop fighting and live in peace I am a girl who is broken easily and loves music






I wrote a poem based on #101.

Thank you so much for the inspiration!!

And then it was there. What I had been missing. What is it? You may ask. Well, it’s quite simple actually. It’s the joy of music. It’s the joy of sitting down and making music. It’s the joy you feel when you look up at people admiring you. The joy you see in peoples’ eyes. I don’t know why I ever stopped that. The piano sat on the stage. Dusty and untouched. It’d been decades since I’ve seen it. I haven’t come to this stage since I lost her. After the concert. The last time I ever heard her voice. And yet here I am years and years later. Knowing why I haven’t been happy in so long. Of course pain is always gonna be there, But as I played a soft note on the piano, All of it seemed to disappear. It was as if all the weight on my shoulders got lifted. The melodious notes resonated around the hall. And for a few moments, I forgot about all the pain. I forgot about the tears. I forgot about the heartache. And as the last notes echoed around the hall, I was truly happy.

Prompt #92: Coming home with secrets

My mother’s radio sits in the balcony And it greets me with electric static Coming to this sheltering home is somewhat problematic Cause the walls are too thin, and it’s back to reality. Back to the running water that conceals the noise of cracks Crumbling behind my peeling mask, holding my face with wax An unraveled thread masking the makeup smile of a wakeup call That runs down to my chin and I keep under wraps. I take invitations to the mall, yet the space around me seems so small Nevertheless, I show my teeth with a big, shiny grin And suck a trembling breath through their thin slit Happy to wear tight jeans, to stop me from an embarrassing fall. The bath hurts on my skin, but even more to protect screams from the halls My head floats in the water, but feels trapped in its walls It cracks my head open with all these secrets inside me Before a blink of an eye, to my room I’d already flee. Not to the radio playing static or streets that won’t let me be But to under the blankets, where no one can really see The struggle to be a walking, talking, breathing secret That was thrown to the ocean in a bottle, wishing to be free. However, the words untold keep coming like ever so frequent Like adrenalized filled cops in pursue of an escapee delinquent All the more, my doppelganger and I have come to an agreement To take these secrets to our grave, that we nowadays call home.

Recipe for Happiness

Start with friendship, Then add time, A dash of humor, And forgotten binds. Mix it up, Till blended well, And make sure, To remember the smell. Put that bowl, To the side, Grab a new one, Add grateful sighs. Then add family, And a smile, Then sit back, And mix awhile. To that bowl, Add a laugh, A cheerful cry, And blissful past. Whip until, There’s heavy peaks, Then pour in, What we all seek. Combine the two, Then mix it well, Spray the pan, And pour it out. Cherish the memory, The beautiful scent, Of unity, And happiness.

My mother died when I was younger so this poem is about me sitting on the lawn at night shortly after she passed away. I was imagining better times, which is why in my poem I talk about how the girl is imagining ‘walking on the moon’ and she is gripping the grass tight and trying to remember the warmth of her mothers palms.

Sitting in the blue black grass She’s walking on the moon Watching specks of silver dance To the mellow tune Her fingers gripping the grass so tight She can almost feel The warmth of her mothers palms

The winds cold fingers

The winds cold fingers Tousle with my hair Loosening the soil My sobs are carried away on the wind

I would love to share this list (credited to you) with students participating in a virtual library program on poetry. Would that be possible/acceptable? These are great!

Wow! Thank you so much for all these awesome prompts! I’ve written two poems already!

Prompt #1 AND #15, untouchable and less than 25 words. i’m lowk popping off??

Apollo Commands the sun, which squints so brightly, scorches and freckles. i want her hand on mine. searing pain fears, still i reach out, and bubble.

I looked at the word “Duct tape” And thought about it. Its not anywhere in this poem at all but it inspired it yk?

Feathers are Soft

Feathers are soft People aren’t

Plushies are soft People aren’t

Pillows are soft People aren’t

People are mean Not nice Not joyful

well my poem is only loosely based on the second prompt because I found I had too much to say about Sundays. I would love to share it with you but these comments don’t support links.

Inspired by number 55 in list of poetry suggestions. Poem to song guitar chords. —————————————————-

Carnegie Hall

D I was feeling ecstatic G when I went to the attic A and found my auld busking D guitar

D But I felt consternation G I disturbed hibernation A at first it seemed quite D bazaar

D When I blew off the dust G it smelt like old must A but t’was time to give it a D bar

D It was then I heard flapping G which sounded like clapping A my first ever round of D applause

D It stayed with the beat G while tapping my feet A I kept playing despite all my D flaws

D I took early retirement G though not a requirement A “Bad Buskers” all get D menopause

D I’m strumming the strings G and the echo it rings A but no jingling of coins as they D fall

D So I play here alone G as to what I was prone A never made it to Carnegie D Hall

D Time to call it a day G as they used to say A for no encores or no curtain D call

D There’s a butterfly G in my guitar

D There’s a butterfly G in my guitar.

Finn Mac Eoin

23rd July 2022

I love this Finn, where can we listen to your song?

Hello I wrote this in remberence of 9/11. Its now sitting in ground zero. A ordinary day to start  Same as any other Dad goes off to work again, Child goes with their mother. Vibrant busy city,  busses, cars galore Workers in the offices, from bottom to top floor. Throughout our life situations Hard times often do arise, Unfortunatly we never think of saying last goodbyes. That’s exactly what happened on September 11th 2001 A day that turned the world so cold When tragedy begun. Twin towers has exploded Co ordinate attacks, Al-Qaeda behind the planes That seemed to be hijacked. Thousands were killed instantly Some lives hang by a thread, Calls were made to loved ones Onlookers face of dread. Fears & screams while running As smoke fills up the air, News reports on live tv Helplessly they stare. On the news we hear the voices of all who are caught inside, Lying next to injured ones Or sadly ones who died. One man makes a phone call My darling wife it’s me, I’m sorry that I upset you And that we disagreed. My offices have been attacked they’re crumbling to the ground, A massive explosion hit our floor then instantly no sound. If I do not make it I’m stating from the heart, I love you darling, & in your life I’m glad to play a part. Tell the kids daddy loves them Continue well at school, Stand up for all your beliefs Don’t be taken for a fool. The wife is crying down the line Darling please don’t go, I love you darling so so much I’ve always told you so. He replied my darling im feeling really kind of weak, Breathlessly he’s coughing, he can hardly speak. If you ever need me just look up to the stars, I will hear your voices And heal up any scars. Suddenly all was quiet The wife screams down the fone, Darling can you hear me, don’t leave me here alone. The towers live on tv start to crumble to the ground, Clouds of smoke then fill the air The world in shock no sound. Crying at the images of all who has lost their lives , Mums,dad’s , Nan’s & grandads, husbands & wives. Rescue teams included and all those left behind To All who were among them,  all who did survive, All who were injured All who sadly died. Never in this lifetime that day will be the same For ground zero holds the memories Of every single name.

Those hero’s on that awful day who never thought about their life Who fought to save the innocent To keep each sole alive Those who were pulled to safety Those we lost in vein, Never be forgotten The pain will still remain We will never forget that tragedy For the days will never be the same. But may I say with all my heart In God we put our faith United we stand For eternity were safe Amen

This is a beautifully sad poem. You really wrote your way into my heart. <3

I wrote a poem inspired by number 72. Not really sticking to what it said but thought this was kinda close to what it said…

After dusk, the almost eternal night. The dark, winter sky, full of millions of tiny stars. The sky, a color of blue that seems darker than black.

Sunset, full of an array of colors. Purple, orange, pink, and yellow. Nearly all dark blue.

Right as dawn appears, practically the same sunset hours later. Light wispy clouds fill the sky. Orange, pink, and light blue diffuse in the sky as the sun awakens

Wrote one based off the recipe one (I don’t remember which number)

From the Kitchen of: any teenager ever For: Disaster Ingredients: Social anxiety Existential dread A crush Zero sense of self worth A single class together And no social cues

Steps: (Warning: Do NOT do this if your crush is not single) You’re going to try to talk to your crush. Just say hi. If that doesn’t work, don’t go forward with the rest of these steps. Once you’ve talked to your crush, overthink every single thing you said to them. Do it. Then you’re going to decide you’re stupid for overthinking it. Next, you’re going to wait until they begin speaking to you on their own accord. If they don’t, overthink some more. One day you will think your crush is waving to you in the hallway. They won’t be. They’ll be waving to their friends behind you. Play it cool and pretend you’re doing the exact same thing. Run into the bathroom and cringe at yourself. Keep talking to them and try to partner up with them for a project. If they say no, don’t continue further; you’ll only embarrass yourself. If they say yes, say you need their number for the project. Call them “about the project” and eventually segway into other topics. Continue doing this until you guys eventually call all the time for no reason. Ask them out. If they say no, do not, I repeat, do not act like it was a dare or a joke. It ruins everything. Say “oh okay. Well, can we still be friends?” and continue from that point. If they say yes, go on a date with them outside of school before asking them to be your partner. Eventually break up and either get your heartbroken or break someone else’s heart.

And that is how you make an average teenage disaster. Enjoy!

i wrote a poem from number 73: its tiled “perfect” I tried to be perfect I stared counting my calories And eating less And working out more I even spent time heaving over the toilet I tried to be perfect But every calorie i counted Every time I ate less everyday I spent working out and every moment I spent heaving over the toilet ended up turning to counting every calorie and heaving over that toilet after every meal trying to be perfect is pointless I don’t ever wish to be perfect again I don’t want to spend time heaving over that toilet again or counting those calories or eating less everyday to just try to be something that doesn’t exist anyone who try’s to be perfect will just be ruined like I was

#47 “overgrown” The roses look beautiful But they are so overgrown There’s weeds all around it Some are dying Some are living But they are so overgrown If I could pick the weeds And putting down weed killer Will it look better Will it help the ones that are dying But they are so overgrown The living ones are slowly dying Do I pick the weeds Or just leave them But they that will leave them to be so overgrown All the roses are dead now I killed them They were so overgrown that it killed them I should’ve picked the weeds So that they wouldn’t have been so overgrown

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Home » Blog » 132 Best Poetry Prompts and Ideas to Spark Creativity

132 Best Poetry Prompts and Ideas to Spark Creativity



Many great minds considered poetry to be the superior form of art. It transcends mortality and the transience of human life and becomes an eternal monument of people’s existence and creativity. Poetry that was written hundreds of years ago can still mesmerize, astonish, inspire, move, horrify, and elevate us.

There is an unlimited number of themes that can be used to produce great poetry. Inspiration can find its way in a myriad of ways, so this is a chance for you to get your creative juices flowing. Poetry prompts can be of great help when you are trying to find your poetic voice, or trying to step outside your comfort zone. We hope that these ten sets of themes will bring the best of your writing skills.

Ideas for poems about different types of emotions

It is no wonder that the first set is dedicated to emotions. Poetry is almost synonymous with people’s emotional footprint. These 10 prompts cover a wide range of human emotions, so dive in deep!

  • Write a poem about a moment when you felt overwhelmingly joyful. Try to convey this emotion by depicting the setting, the time, and what prompted this strong feeling of happiness and joy. Was it a personal success? Perhaps a wish you’ve had for years finally came true. Whatever it was, draw from your own life experience.
  • Sadness is a complex emotion that all of us have felt. Sadness often gives birth to the most poetical literary pieces because many people have experienced grief, or unhappiness at a certain point in their life. Write about the cause for your sadness. Perhaps you experienced a loss of a loved one, perhaps it was a professional failure.  Oftentimes, people feel sad when they had their trust betrayed by a person they considered a friend.
  • When was the last time you felt truly angry? Think of a moment when you suffered injustice at your workplace, or you were deceived by a person you love and trust. Writing a poem about anger can be a powerful poetic expression and a way to deal with your anger.
  • Write a poem about a time when you felt scared. It can be told from a perspective of a frightened child, or, perhaps, an adult afraid for his/her life. Sometimes fear is connected to certain expectations and uncertainties about the future.
  • Imagine that you feel very proud. What prompted this feeling of pride? Being proud is usually the result of an accomplishment on a personal or a private level.
  • Write a poem about a time in your life when you felt brave and powerful. Describe the circumstances that led to this outburst of bravery in a personal, or professional setting. Let the reader feel the confidence and resolution in your actions through the power of verse.
  • Alienation is a feeling that can be soul-crushing. All people experience some moments in life when they feel as if they don’t quite fit in, or are overlooked. The feeling of alienation is often linked to the feeling of low self-worth. Write about how you managed to overcome this feeling and who, or what helped you in the process. Many people will recognize themselves in a poem about personal alienation.
  • Another poetry prompt about an emotion is writing about anxiety. In these modern times filled with busy schedules, it is more than expected that people would feel anxious. Take a deep look within and try to discover the source of anxiety in your own life. Sometimes it is the workplace, sometimes it’s your love life, but sometimes people have existential crises that lead to anxiety due to life’s uncertainty and complexity.
  • Pessimism is a theme widely explored in poetry. People often feels pessimistic due to a variety of problems in their lives. Writing a poem about pessimism may inspire people to try and find another way to look at the world by seeing things in a new perspective.
  • On the opposite side of the specter is optimism. A poem about being optimistic often falls in the category of carpe-diem poems, or poems about seizing the day and making the best of every opportunity that presents itself in our lives. Write poetry about a bright time in your life when you felt that every new day offered a new chance to become better, happier, and more successful.

Ideas for poems about love

For many people love represents the meaning of life. With its so many forms, love is an eternal spring for inspiration all over the world and across generations.

  • A mother holding her baby for the first time is one of the most intense human experiences. Try to capture the deepest connection between two human beings that happens instantly. Find a new way to depict the unconditional love that is born with the birth of the baby.
  • Write a poem about love between siblings. Siblings, especially when they are younger, sometimes have strange ways of showing their love for one another. Write about the big and small gestures that describe the loving connection between brothers and sisters.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? Describe the setting, the time, and the situation in which two strangers meet and instantly develop strong feelings of affection. You can write it in a form of a dialogue, or use love letters. You can also give their personal perspectives in different stanzas.
  • The theme is “a marriage proposal.” Imagine that this poem is written by a person who is planning to propose to their partner. List all the reasons why you think that these two lovers are perfect for each other.
  • Love stories are never absolutely perfect. Write about a fight between two spouses. Describe the circumstances and the reasons for experiencing anger towards the person you love. Present both sides of the argument. Try to find an elegant solution to the fight and end the poem with a reconciliation. 
  • Not every fight ends in making peace. Unfortunately, some love stories end in divorce. Write about the complex feelings that the two ex-lovers experience in the process.
  • Unrequited love can be horrible and depressing. The world’s greatest literature includes poem about unrequited love. Try to draw from either personal experience, or from people who are close to you. How did you try to win the other person over? What was the major obstacle? Were you disillusioned about love afterwards?
  • Write a poem about the one who got away. Start by describing the first date, the first kiss, the first fight, and the last fight before the end of the romance. Write about the expectations you both had from the relationships, the red flags, the disappointment, and the lost love.
  • Write a poem about the love between your grandparents. How did they show their affection for one another? Which small love gestures did you enjoy witnessing as a child? What did you learn from seeing how much they still care for each other? Try to portray the respect and devotion of a long-lasting relationship.
  • Talk about love in general. Write about the reasons why it is a vital part of human’s experience. Meditate upon your own experiences regarding different kinds of love. Write about the ways in which love makes us better people. Find different ways to depict the manner in which love enriches our souls.

Ideas for poems about life in general

Life is mysteriously beautiful, complex, difficult, and painful. You can show your appreciation for it, by writing on at least one of the following ten prompts.

  • Growing old is an important part of the life cycle. Some people fear the inevitable end so much that they don’t live their life to the fullest. Others are older and wiser, so they happily pass their knowledge and wisdom to the future generations. Write about your own experience, or how the old age of family members has affected your own life.
  • Write a poem about a specific accomplishment in your life and how it has improved you as a person.
  • The main theme of the poem is “the life cycle.” Everything which is born eventually dies, and the cycle starts again.
  • Write a poem about the experience of a couple who is expecting a baby. Write about the overwhelming emotions, love, affection, and care that the future parents feel.
  • There are many obstacles in life, and facing them is an important aspect in a person’s life. Write a poem about the potential hardships in life and how they affect people’s lives.
  • Write a poem from a child’s point of view. Remember how you used to perceive the world and how you tried to explain things to yourself using child’s logic. The poem will depict the sweetly naïve child’s perceptions of the world.
  • Write a poem about hope. Life is hard and complex as it is, so hope is often our driving force. Think of a time when you were hopeful.
  • Write a poem about a usual, boring day. Find poetry in the monotony of life.
  • Write a poem about travelling to a foreign country. Capture the essence of changing scenery, and dwell on the way travelling makes us more open-minded.
  • Think of a time when you were badly hurt. Write a poem about how you dealt with the pain.    

Ideas for poems about death

People from every culture and generation in the world have been obsessed with understanding death and what comes after it. It brings, sadness, nostalgia, wisdom. These ten prompts can stir your imagination and inspire philosophical thought about the most mysterious concept in the world.

  • Write a poem about the fondest memory you have of a person who had passed away. Why is this memory so special? How did you feel when this person died?
  • Death is often personified. Write a poem addressing Death as a person. What is it that you would like to tell him? What would you want to ask him?
  • Imagine that you are Death and you hate your vocation. How do you justify your actions? You can use a lighter tone for the poem.
  • Write a poem about a person who had a near-death experience. What happened to them? How did they survive? Did they change for the better after it?
  • Write a poem about a real or an imaginary genocide.
  • Write a poem about a person trying to deceive Death and reach immortality.
  • Write a poem about the death of a pet. What did you do to help you deal with the loss?
  • Imagine that you have only a day to live. What would you do?
  • Write a poem about the first time you understood the concept of death.
  • How do you want to be remembered after you die? Write a poem about how your death is going to affect your loved ones.

Ideas for poems about philosophy

People are gifted with intelligence, wisdom, and the power to think in abstract ways. People’s quest to understand the meaning of life and the world surrounding us is a fantastic basis for writing poetry.

  • Write a poem about what you perceive to be the meaning of life.
  • Friendship is a type of human connection that makes people happier and healthier in every possible way. Write a poem about your best friend, or somebody you’ve lost.
  • The thirst for knowledge is a concept that defines us as a human race. Write a poem about the eternal quest for knowledge.
  • Imagination is a distinctly human quality. Write a poem about the role imagination plays in creating art.
  • Write a poem inspired by the Machiavellian quote that the goal justifies the means.
  • Write a poem about people’s ancient desire to explain the natural phenomena by inventing elaborate mythological stories.
  • Write a poem about the good and the bad aspects of humility.
  • Patience teaches us a valuable lesson about controlling our desires. Write a poem about a time when you had to be patient when you wanted something.
  • Write a poem about the benefits from daily meditation.
  • Write a poem about perfection. Think of the combination of aesthetics and ethics and how perfection can be achieved.  

Ideas for poems about everyday things

Sometimes the most poetic compositions are created out of the simplicity of life. These ten prompts can help you find poetry in the smallest of things around you.

  • Write a poem about your everyday little rituals.
  • Write a poem about raindrops slowly falling down the window glass while you’re thinking about your life in general.
  • Write a poem about a relaxing walk in the park. Use natural imagery, but also try to depict the noises you hear: rustling, splashing, chirping, etc. 
  • Write a short poem about the simple pleasure one gets from eating a juicy piece of fruit.
  • Pets are an important part in our lives. Write a poem about the joyfulness from playing with your pet.
  • Everybody makes mistakes, so write a poem about apologizing to somebody for something you’ve done.
  • Write a poem about a sunny morning when you went out and bought some flowers from a flower shop.
  • Eating a dessert might be the most relaxing and enjoyable part of dinner. Write a short poem about eating a delicious dessert.
  • Write a poem about a time when you didn’t have electricity due to a heavy storm, so you had to read a book using a candlelight.
  • Think of an activity that relaxes you before falling asleep and write a poem about it. Perhaps the activity can be listening to Mozart!

Ideas for poems about time

Time, even for scientists, is one of the most interesting concepts. Its abstractness has served as an inspiration for many philosophical and literary works. The following prompts can guide you into writing poetry about different complexities of the notion of time.

  • Write a poem about a childhood memory that still brings you joy when you think about it.
  • Write a poem about the modern age we live it. What is positive and what is negative about living today
  • Think of a lost opportunity because the timing wasn’t right. Write a poem about the importance of using every opportunity, which is difficult because people often find excuses for their failures.
  • Write about a person who has wasted his/her youth. This person feels immensely remorseful.
  • Waking up after having spent a few months in a coma can make people reevaluate their life choices and decisions.
  • Write a poem about a time in the past when you experienced an epiphany – a sudden realization of great truth.
  • Write about the development of the human life, starting from the time a person is a toddler.
  • Describe the sunset and use it as a metaphor for the end of a person’s life.
  • Describe the sunrise and link it metaphorically to the concept of birth.
  • Write a poem about an antique clock.

Ideas for poems about different forms of art

Poetry has always been regarded as one of the most sophisticated aspects of human existence. As a form of art, it is inevitably connected to other forms of art. These ten prompts can inspire pieces that combine different artforms.

  • Write a poem about the feelings that overcome you while listening to your favorite music.
  • Write a poem about a Shakespearean play.
  • Write a poem about a mysterious painter.
  • Write a poem from the perspective of a ballet shoes.
  • Describe the images and stories painted on a Grecian urn.
  • Imagine that you are a famous painter looking at a freshly finished piece. Write a poem about the painter’s perceptions of a painting.
  • Write a poem about a day spent in a museum.
  • Write a poem about a film character that you admire.
  • Write a poem that will instruct actors on the manner that they should act, which is similar to prince Hamlet’s speech to the players.
  • Write a modernized version of a famous speech taken from a Renaissance play.

Ideas for poems about historical events

Historia est magistra vitae. Indeed, history teaches us about life. Numerous works have been written celebrating historical events, so this is your chance to use verses to do the same.

  • Imagine that you lived in the period of Alexander the Great. Write a poem about him.
  • Write a poem about the hardships in World War I.
  • Write a poem about life in the industrial revolution in England.
  • Write a poem about Martin Luther King.
  • Imagine that you are an archaeologist who makes a startling discovery in Egypt.
  • Imagine you saw the apple falling on Sir Isaac Newton’s head.
  • Write a poem about Queen Elizabeth I. She was an exceptional monarch that deserves literary praise.
  • Write a poem about the trial of Galileo Galilei.  
  • You are Alexander Bell, the person who invented the telephone. How is the world different because of you?
  • Write a poem about Archimedes and his “eureka” moment.   

Ideas for poems about religion and spirituality

If something truly separates us humans from the other forms of life on this planet, it is spirituality. The belief in a higher power is a distinctively human quality. Delve deeper into your own beliefs and spirituality and put your religious experience into words.

  • How can you restore the faith in God in somebody who seems to have lost it? How can you help this person find his way again?
  • Imagine that you are one of the three Magi following a star to Bethlehem.
  • Write a poem about a moment you felt that you are one with nature.
  • Describe your feelings after meditation. Write about the setting, your surroundings, and the feelings that come rushing in.
  • Write a poem about the afterlife. It doesn’t have to your own perception. It can be inspired by major religions.
  • Think of a religious temple you’ve visited. How did it make you feel? Where was it? Is it real, or imaginary?
  • Everybody has experienced personal hardships. Write a poem about a difficult period in your life and about your prayers to overcome it.
  • The death of a close family member, or a spouse can be the most traumatic experience in a person’s life. Write about your relationship to God after you lost somebody you loved. Did it change?
  • Write a poem about temptation. Did you give in to the temptation? How did you feel after that?
  • Imagine that you are God for only a day. What would you do with your power?

Ideas for poems about family life

The family life is in the core of a healthy society. Family ties can bring you joy, sadness, love, pride, etc. Use the following prompts to express your understanding of family life.

  • Write a poem about a child who gets a puppy as a Christmas present.
  • Describe a family trip to the ZOO. The tone can be lighter, and it can be told from the children’s point of view.
  • Write a poem about a family summer vacation. Draw inspiration from from jumping into the water, sunbathing, building sand castles, exploring cities’ architecture and culture. A summer vacation brings the best in every family, so you could go back to your own childhood in order to depict a realistic representation of the feeling.
  • You are celebrating Christmas with your extended family. Write a poem about the conversation around the dinner table.
  • Imagine that you are a mother, or a father expecting a child. You have created a new heartbeat in the world. Try to depict the wonders that surround procreation.
  • You are planning a surprise birthday party for you father and you’ve invited all of his close friends into his home.
  • Write a poem celebrating your parent’s 40-year anniversary. Tell them why this is a special event for you, how much they’ve touched your life, and how much affection you have for them.
  • Imagine that you are stuck with your sibling in an elevator for two hours. What are you going to talk about?
  • Write a poem about leaving the home you were born in and moving to anew place. Try to portray the strong feelings of nostalgia and the memories that arise from packing your life in card boxes.
  • Write a poem about an ill family member. Use your verses to make them feel better and to bring hope that everything will turn out alright in the end.

Ideas for poems about nature and travelling

Nature is a powerful and mesmerizing force that sustains us. We are a part of nature, and nature is within all of us. These ten prompts can serve as an inspiration for you to create an homage to this planet.

  • Write a poem about the beginning of spring and the new cycle of life. Use natural imagery, colors, and active verbs that would signify the awakening of nature.
  • Think of a city that you haven’t visited yet, but you really want to. Why is it so? Is it because it is exotic? Is it because of its architecture? Perhaps, you are more interested in the people and their culture.
  • Write a poem about a natural phenomenon. Are you astonished by it? Is it devastating for people? Focus on the power of nature.
  • Imagine that you are a raindrop and describe your journey.
  • Many poems have been written about the Sun and the Moon. Try to find a different angle when writing about them.
  • Write a poem about meeting an interesting/mysterious/funny person on a train in a foreign country. How did you start the conversation? How long did you talk? Did you explore the city together?
  • Imagine that you are on top of Mount Everest.  How do you feel? Who are you with? How can you inspire other mountaineers to conquer the highest mountain peak?
  • The ocean, unlike the earth, can’t be conquered by humans. The ocean is too powerful and people are it his mercy during every voyage, regardless of the length. Write a poem about the respect people should have for this large body of water.
  • Write a poem about the change of seasons and the passing of time.
  • Imagine that you’ve been granted to power to fly for a month. Where would you go? Why? How do you think your life and perceptions will change after that month?

Ideas for poems with supernatural elements

Human’s imagination is limitless and astonishing. Centuries ago people would come together to tell stories, often incorporating supernatural elements in their accounts. By doing so, they were able to cause catharsis. Mythologies were created because people couldn’t explain natural phenomena. The fight between personifications of good and evil have been of great interest for millions of literature lovers. Here are 12 prompts to help you get started.

  • Imagine that you are moving into what others believe to be a haunted house.
  • How far would you go to save a loved one? Would you make a deal with the devil?
  • You are sage who gives advice to people you believe have kind hearts.
  • You are a dragon defending your family from human invaders.
  • Write a poem about a princess locked in a high tower and who isn’t allowed to look at the real world outside her windows.
  • You find a magic ring in your grandmother’s old casket. You can heal whomever you want on the expense of another human being.
  • A man who presumably has died at sea returns on Halloween to his old house to visit his grieving mother.
  • You have the ability to communicate with trees and gain wisdom.
  • Write a poem from the point of view of a werewolf.
  • Write a poem about the three Fates who decide on the fate of a baby.
  • Imagine that world is slowly disappearing and nobody could explain how. Offer a solution to the problem.
  • You have the ability to foretell the future. You see a great tragedy on a large scale that is to happen in a month. What do you do to stop it? Can you really alter the future with your actions?

Josh Fechter

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Look around you. Write a poem based on what you see.

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The best poetry writing prompts

Poetry is one of the oldest art forms in history, stretching back to the times when poems were sung and chanted as hymns around a bonfire, but even the greats back then had some help. While a poet of yore had to turn to technology-less sources in their life to find inspiration — music, friends, places, nature, even memories— these days you can simply go online to get the poetry writing prompts you might need to spark poem ideas.

Whether you’re looking to connect with your feelings on the page, understand your perspective on an event, or explore a past experience through the lens of words, poetry writing prompts are a great way to sharpen your writing skills and hone your relationship with language. We hope that these creative writing exercises can assist you in channeling those emotions and help you on your journey as a poet!

To get you started, here are our top ten poetry writing prompts:

  • Write a poem about fall. 
  • Write a poem inspired by your favorite saying.

If you're looking for some more help writing a poem, check out this free resource:

  • How to Write a Poem (blog post) : A poem could be a six-word haiku, or it could be a two-hundred page epic in the veins of Kate Tempest’s Brand New Ancients. Whatever you’re looking to write, this comprehensive series of blog posts will take you through all of the steps involved in writing a poem: from the different types of poetry that you can write to how to write (and publish!) a poem.

Want to expand beyond poetry and learn how to write a short story? Check out How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published — a free, ten day course guiding you through the process of short story writing by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn.

Ready to start writing? Check out Reedsy’s weekly  short story contest , for the chance of winning $250! You can also check out our list of  writing contests  or our directory of  literary magazines  for more opportunities to submit your story.


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22 Poetry Prompts to Help You Write Your Next Great Poem

While there is so much joy associated with writing, there is one pitfall that we all fall prey to—the dreaded writer’s block. It can strike at any moment and fill our hearts with frustration. But never fear! Sometimes, all we need is a small spark of inspiration. Poetry prompts can be a great way to get the creative juices flowing after a dry spell. 

If nothing else, it might be what prompts you to start putting pen to paper again. Even if you’re not always sure where a prompt or writing session will lead, try and choose a prompt or two and just start writing. It might start you down the path to your next major breakthrough. 

I hope these prompts help you focus and get excited about your poetic journey. Happy writing: 

1. Choose one of your five senses. Write a poem that focuses on your chosen sense.

2. write a poem inspired by a color., 3. write a poem based on something that happened to you this week. it could be something life-changing or something seemingly ordinary. tune into that moment and paint a story about it., 4. listen to one of your favorite songs and write a poem directly after based on the feelings and emotions it brought about in you. let music inspire poetry., 5. write about a lesson that you recently learned. , 6. think of a friend or family member who has played a huge role in your life. write a poem about the relationship. , 7. write a poem about the life advice you would give to your younger self. , 8. write about traveling—whether it’s taking a road trip or flying in a plane or spending the afternoon on a train. write about the feelings you experience while being en route to somewhere new or familiar. , 9. recall a favorite holiday memory and tell your readers about it. , 10. create a gallery of your heart. take readers on a guided tour of what they might see there. , 11. recall one of the strangest dreams you’ve ever had and write about how it made you feel or write it out in as much detail as you can remember. , 12. write about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered. , 13. write about a favorite childhood toy, movie, book, etc. and tie it back to the present day. , 14. you are renovating a home. imagine that you are this home. what serves as your foundation what are you working on fixing what needs to be replaced and what makes your house a home describe., 15. write a haiku inspired by an element of nature. (haikus are three lines. the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables)., 16. write a poem where you are observing another time period as a detached observer. (this could be a time from your past or from another decade or era)., 17. write a poem from the perspective of your favorite pet. , 18. imagine that you switched places with someone for a day. (like in freaky friday). what would you learn from the experience , 19. write a piece about body positivity, as though you are looking into the mirror and speaking to your reflection. , 20. if you could freeze time in one moment of your life, what would it be write a poem in honor of that memory. , 21. imagine you are on a run through nature. describe your inner dialogue as you run through the trail at sunrise. what do you reflect on as you run , 22. has there ever been a time when you felt like the hero of your life how about the villain write yourself as the hero, then write yourself as the villain. paint the perspectives of each and explore the different aspects of the story from each lens. .

Have you written a masterpiece yet? I’m sure you are well on your way to a creative breakthrough. I hope you enjoyed this exercise and the opportunity to try your hand at a few different topics. 

Feel free to leave your poetry prompted poems in the comments for us to check out together. Also, if you have any prompts you would like to share, leave us a comment and let us know. Nothing is better than coming together as a group and inspiring some great writing! 


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127 Creative And Fun Poetry Writing Prompts

Whether you’re writing a poem for your own collection or a significant other, you’re here with one question in mind: “How do I get ideas to write a poem?”

This isn’t some random, “Let’s get this over with” assignment, after all. You want this poem to be worth writing — and worth sharing. 

You need the kind of poetry inspiration to help you take your thoughts, memories, and experiences and turn them into something beautiful and memorable. 

Fun should be as much a part of the process as feeling.

You’ll find both in this list of 127 poetry prompts. 

127 Creative and Fun Poetry Writing Prompts 

Make a note of your favorites as you go through this list of poetry prompts . Some will stand out more than others, thanks to your unique perspective and experiences. Jot down some ideas as you go along, and enjoy creating a list of your own to play with. 

1. Childhood Home. Describe a particular home you remember from your childhood. 

2. Growing Pains. Describe a uniquely painful time of transition. 

3. Haiku Challenge. Write a haiku (7 syllables, 5 syllables, 7 syllables) about the perfect morning or evening. 

4. The End of Something. Describe an end to a relationship, a job, or something else you remember with regret or satisfaction. 

5. Social Misfit. Describe a moment where you felt like the odd one out. 

6. Street Signs. Write about a street sign that stood out for you. 

7. Statistics. Write about a statistic that surprises you or has personal meaning. 

8. Bug’s Eye View. Write from the perspective of an insect at a busy park. 

9. Ghostwriter. You wake up to short notes written by a diseased former resident.

10. Insta-ration. Go to a friend’s Instagram and write about a post that stands out. 

man and woman discussing book poetry writing prompts

11. Grandma’s House. Write about your grandmother’s house (or how you imagine it).

12. Ice Cold. Write about the sensation of drinking (or wearing) something cold. 

13. Beach Walk. Write about a solitary walk on the beach and what you see and hear.

14. Curio . Write about a souvenir you keep visible and what it means for you. 

15. How’s the weather? Describe today’s weather and how it’s affecting you. 

16. Neighbors. Describe one of your neighbors in a poetic snapshot. 

17. First Crush. Describe the first crush you ever had and what it taught you. 

18. First Friend. Describe the first real friend you made and the difference they made. 

19. Radio. Turn the radio on and write about a song that makes you stop to listen.

20. Fangirl. Describe a favorite character or celebrity crush from a favorite series. 

21. How To . Describe a daily process most people rush through or do without thinking. 

22. Under 21. Write a poem of fewer than 21 words about whatever comes to mind. 

23. Far From Home. Write about your imaginary home planet (not Earth). 

24. A Reality Apart. Write about a separate reality you came from and how it differs. 

25. Check Your Privilege . Describe an unearned privilege you enjoy that some do not.

26. Prejudice . Describe what you feel when someone treats you as less than human.

27. Chameleon. Describe a time you changed your persona to fit and how it went.

28. Face to Face. Describe a time you came face to face with a nemesis or mentor. 

29. Complete . Describe the feeling of finishing a labor of love (or an arduous project).

30. Uncertainty. Describe a moment when you struggled to make a decision. 

31. Tea & Sympathy. Describe a difficult time when someone was there for you. 

32. The Elements. Describe the four elements and what each represents to you. 

33. Written in the Stars. Describe your daily horoscope or your birth chart. 

34. Creature Comforts. Describe something that helps you feel calm and comforted. 

35. Wandering. Describe a time when you wandered off and got lost. 

36. Phobias. Describe a phobia you have and what you would do without it. 

37. Homecoming. Describe a return to a place that once felt like home. 

38. Hobbies. Describe a favorite hobby and what you love about it. 

39. Compare and Contrast two very different people you know. 

40. Storytime. Describe a time when someone told you a story that stayed with you. 

41. I’d rather… Describe something you don’t want to do and what you’d rather do. 

42. Numb. Describe a time when part or all of you felt numb and what it was like.

43. Dreaded Sound. Describe a sound you’ve come to associate with danger or dread.

44. Anticipation. Describe what you feel when you’re waiting for something. 

45. Mistaken Identity. Describe someone you mistook for someone you know. 

46. Circus Performer. Describe an experience as the circus performer of your choice. 

47. Knowing By Touch. Describe a strange feeling you got from touching an object. 

48. Off the (Spice) Rack. Compare a spice to something or someone in your life. 

49. Unexpected Test. Describe a test you weren’t prepared for and how you did.

50. Mad Scientist. Describe a real or imagined experiment gone horribly wrong.

51. Doppelganger. Describe an imaginary look-alike who shows up and complicates your life. 

52. DIY Repairs. Describe something of yours that’s broken and how you might fix it.

53. Amateur Sleuth. Someone you know is dead, and you’re reviewing the suspects.

54. Political News. Write an opinion letter in poem form (rhyming or not).

55. What’s In A Name. Include words for each letter in your name in a poem. 

56. Scentsation. Write about memories or thoughts evoked by a scent. 

57. Waiting Alone. Write about a moment spent waiting for someone to show up. 

poetry on paper poetry writing prompts

58. Make a List. Describe an unusual list (grocery, to-do, etc.) you made or received.

59. White Elephants. Describe an unwanted or useless gift you received. 

60. Recipe. Write a recipe in the form of a poem (rhyming or not). 

61. After Party. Describe a party scene after all the guests have left. 

62. Stranger Than Fiction. Write about an incident that struck you as bizarre. 

63. Drive-through. Describe a memorable experience with a fast-food restaurant.

64. Unemployed. Describe the feeling of being laid off or fired from a job. 

65. Hired. Describe the feeling of being hired for the job you know you’ll love. 

66. Box of Memories. Describe a sealed box (and its contents) from your parents’ attic. 

67. Trapped. Describe an experience that made you feel pinned down or trapped. 

68. Inner Voice. Describe a time when your inner wisdom led you to a better choice.

69. Medical Advice. Describe a piece of advice you received from a doctor or nurse.

70. Unplanned. Describe an unexpected gift and/or challenge that changed your life. 

71. Ode to a First Car. Write an ode to the first car you ever owned or drove. 

72. Queen. Write a poem from the perspective of a queen (#BornLikeThis). 

73. From the First Taste. Describe a first taste experience that was a revelation to you.

74. First Pet. Describe your first pet or the closest thing you’ve ever had to a pet.

75. Near Miss. Describe a moment when you nearly missed your target and how it felt.

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76. Candlelight Memories. Describe a pleasant memory involving candles. 

77. “Does This Spark Joy?” Write a poem about decluttering your inner or outer life . 

78. Sarcasm . Write a sarcastic poem to drive a particular point home. 

79. “You’re Wrong.” Describe a moment when you spoke up in defense of the truth. 

80. Don’t cry. Write a poem about a moment when you did your utmost not to cry.

81. Silver Linings . Write about the good you can see in something terrible. 

82. You got this! Write a poem to build up someone’s confidence. 

83. Jingle Bells. Write a poem involving a bell or chime and what it meant for you. 

84. Best Wishes, Warmest Regards. Write about a fond farewell or welcome back.

85. Because Reasons. Write a poem about the reasons you might have for strange behavior.

86. Jello Shots. Write about something regrettable you did under the influence. 

87. Losing It. Describe a moment when you felt you were losing your mind. 

88. What a Ride! Write about a carnival ride you enjoyed or regretted more than you anticipated.

89. No, Virginia … Describe how you felt when someone crushed a childhood belief. 

90. Lost Opportunity. Describe a moment when you had to say no to something that lit you up inside. 

91. New Opportunity. Describe a moment when you said yes to an opportunity with a cost. 

92. All or Nothing. Write a poem about black-and-white thinking. 

93. Catastrophizing. Write a poem where you imagine things going from bad to worse.

woman sitting on floor reading a book poetry writing prompts

94. Paranoia. Write about a suspicion you had that others dismissed as paranoia. 

95. Spirit Animal. Write about your spirit animal and what you have in common. 

96. Memento. Write about a special memento, where you got it, and what it means to you. 

97. Pants on Fire. Write about a lie someone told you and how you learned the truth.

98. Procrastination . Write about an especially costly example of procrastination. 

99. Sleepless. Write a poem about a sleepless night, and what kept you awake. 

100. I Quit! Write about a job you quit or wanted to quit and why. 

101. I Surrender. Write a moment of surrender to someone or something. 

102. You’ve Changed! Write about someone who changed — and not in a good way.

103. Numbers. Write about a number or numbers that have special meaning for you. 

104. The Good Place. Write about your vision of the afterlife — or life between lives.

105. Shelter. Write about a person or place that gave you shelter from a storm. 

106. Cafeteria. Write about a memorable experience in a school or hospital cafeteria.

107. Dusty Instruments. Write about a musician who hasn’t touched their instrument in years (and why). 

108. Betrayal. Write a poem about someone who betrayed your trust. 

109. Ladder to the Sky. Write about an imaginary ladder you take through the clouds. 

110. Dear Reader. Write a letter in poem form to your future readers. 

111. Synchronicity. Describe a meaningful coincidence and any feelings connected to it.

112. Catch the Baby. Describe childbirth in a poem. 

113. Burning at Both Ends. Write a poem about burnout. 

114. What is your quest? Write a poem about a bridge or crossroads in your life? 

115. Your mother was a hamster… Write a poem about a devastating insult. 

116. Everything is Awesome. Write a poem about relentless optimism. 

117. Bad News. Write a poem about a diagnosis that changed your plans. 

118. Bad Ending. Write about a disappointing end to a story you were enjoying. 

119. Innocuous. Write about something “harmless” that does tremendous harm. 

120. Stuck in Traffic. Write about something you witnessed or experienced while stuck in traffic. 

121. Self-Discovery. Write a poem about learning something surprising about yourself.

122. Outdoorsy. Write a poem about your first experience of camping or hiking. 

123. First Heartbreak. Write a poem about the first time someone broke your heart.

woman writing outside poetry writing prompts

124. First Credit Card Debt. Write about the moment you became a debtor. 

125. Hidden Self. Write about something you’ve kept hidden from most, if not everyone.

126. First Enemy. Write about the moment you realized someone disliked you for you. 

127. Discovering Poetry. Write a poem about the poet who made you love poetry. 

Are you ready to use these poetry writing prompts?

Now that you’ve looked through this list of poem topics, which ones stood out for you?

Make your own shorter list of ideas and keep it handy for inspiration. You could even start a poetry journal and make the first page your list of favorite poetry prompts. 

Whatever gets you writing at least a few lines of poetry every day will help you develop your skills. Imagine holding a book of published poetry with your name on it! 

Until then, practice getting those thoughts onto the page. Who knows where they’ll lead?

You need the kind of poetry inspiration to help you take your thoughts, memories, and experiences and turn them into something beautiful and memorable. Fun should be as much a part of the process as feeling. You’ll find both in this list of 127 poetry prompts.

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20 Easy Poetry Writing Prompts and Exercises

a journal, pen, and coffee

Although I mostly write fiction now, I started out writing poems. My MFA is even in poetry. I’ve taught beginning poetry workshops at university and also in some fairly unusual settings.

I know a lot of people can use ideas for poems, poetry writing prompts, and inspiration. Even if you write poetry all the time, one of these idea starters might spark your muse or take your writing in a fresh direction. And if you’re a teacher—whether you teach creative writing, English, or grade school—you might be able to adapt one of these for your class!

My favorite thing about poetry is that there aren’t any real rules about how to write a poem. When you find your creative inspiration—whether it’s love, life, or something else—you can just let the words flow. (You can always shape it up later.)

Here are some idea starters, prompts, and exercises that have worked for me before as a poet. You might want to pin or bookmark them for future reference!

20 Easy Poetry Writing Prompts and Exercises #ideas for poems #how to write a poem #classroom #creative writing #idea starters

1. Pick a song on your iPod, phone, or a playlist at random and let it influence you as you quickly write a first draft of a poem.

2. Go to a café, library, or fast food restaurant. Sit where you can see the door. Write a poem about the next person who walks in.

3. You can also do this in a public place where there are a lot of people talking: write a poem based on an overheard conversation.

4. Write a poem about a wild animal. Mary Oliver, who passed away recently and who was such a great talent and inspiration, has written many poems like this, including “The Hermit Crab,” “ The Shark ,” and “ Wild Geese .”

5. Write a poem inspired by a piece of art. (By the way, the word for a poem or literary work inspired by visual art is ekphrasis . Pretty cool, right?)

6. Write a poem with a refrain: a line or a few lines that repeat, like the chorus of a song.

7. This isn’t the easiest poetry-writing exercise…but I’ve gotten some good poems this way!

Set your alarm for two hours earlier than you usually wake up. Put a notebook and pen next to your bed. When you wake up, free-write for about fifteen minutes. (“Free-writing” means “writing down whatever pops into your head, without thinking too hard about it.”) If you woke up in the middle of a dream, use the dream as inspiration; otherwise, just write whatever comes into your head. Go back to sleep. Later, turn your free-writing into a poem.

8. Write a poem that’s an open letter to a whole group of people.

9. Write a poem that’s a set of directions or instructions.

10. Write a poem about a food. The poet Kevin Young has many examples to inspire you, including “Ode to Gumbo”:

11. Write a poem in which every line begins with the same word. You can change that in revision…or maybe you won’t want to.

12. For this one, you’ll need to either write in a notebook or journal, or on your phone. Go to a store that would be a weird place to write a poem—like a convenience store, a department store, or a drugstore—and write a quick poem.

13. Write a poem that focuses on one color. Federico García Lorca’s poem “Somnambulist Ballad,” translated from the Spanish, or Diane Wakoski’s poem “Blue Monday” might inspire you.

14. Pretend you’re a fictional character from a book, movie, or TV show. Write a poem in their voice.

15. Write an acrostic poem. The first letter of each line spells out a word vertically down the left-hand side of the page. Even for serious poets who would never try to publish an acrostic poem, this is a great exercise to get creative juices flowing.

16. lose your eyes, flip through a book, and put your finger on a page. Whatever word you’re pointing at, use it as a poem title and write that poem.

17. Write a poem late at night, by hand, by candlelight.

18. Fill a page with free-writing using your non-dominant hand. This can help you tap into less rational, more creative thought patterns.

19. Write a poem with very long lines. Walt Whitman’s collection Leaves of Grass might inspire you.

20. Write a poem saying goodbye to someone or something. It could be a happy poem, a sad poem, or both.

creative writing ideas about poetry

I hope you enjoyed this list of creative writing exercises and poetry prompts!

Would you like some more ideas? My book 5,000 Writing Prompts  has 80 more poetry-writing exercises in addition to the ones on this list, plus hundreds of master plots by fiction genre, dialogue and character prompts, and much more.

creative writing ideas about poetry

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Do you have a method or exercise that inspires you? Let us know in the comments! I’ve said it before, but I learn so much from the comment section, and I always appreciate it. Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

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13 thoughts on “ 20 easy poetry writing prompts and exercises ”.

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I took a class I thought was on creative writing but the instructor turned out to be a poet. She had us write a short story about a snow storm. She gave us specific things that had to be in it, like a snow shovel and various other objects. Over the next few meeting we condensed the story down until we had the basis for a poem. At the end of the semester, after we had moved on to other things, she asked me if she could submit my poem in a contest for submission in the school’s literary publication. I did not win butI I was thrilled to be nominated. I did however, have a haiku poem in that publication. At the time, I was disappointed the class was slanted more to poetry than creative writing, but what I learned there helped me win some poetry contests along my journey.

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Bonnie, I love it that something that started out disappointing turned out to have a silver lining! We really do learn from all kinds of writing.

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Thank you for sharing this wealth of information! I have many methods of exercise when it comes to writing. Being creative in other ventures helps my writing and helps me move past “blocks.” I will write poetry or listen to music, but I find the most helpful is being outside, in my garden or simply playing fetch with my dog and looking around at nature to inspire me.

Hi, Savannah! Being outside inspires me, too, and it’s really easy for me to forget about that. I’m so glad you brought that up!

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What a wonderful list. While I don’t (can’t?) write poetry, I do enjoy reading it. I had to laugh at #18. When I write with my non-dominant (left) hand I tend to write backward. Others need a mirror to read it, but I don’t. I will be back to try out a couple of your prompts. Thanks for sharing.

Hi Jo! I think anyone can write poetry, but that doesn’t mean everyone enjoys it, of course! That’s funny about writing backwards with your left hand—I don’t think I could do that if I tried. Thanks for reading, and commenting!

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Thanks, for sharing this, and I took a creative writinh class in college and even found a website that has all sorts of poetry styles, and forms with examples of each one and definitions as well. It definitely helped me with my poetry, and I also read two books on wriing poetry as well.

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Thank you so much!

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A list of 50 inspirational topics for writing a poem

tips for writers: image of books at table

There is no one way to approach writing. The process of finding inspiration and then putting that inspiration into words is a unique and individual experience for each writer. Of course, you don't need prompts to write, but they can help you tap into your creative energy and feel part of a dialogue.

I've put together a list of 50 topics that can be particularly inspiring; thinking about these topics can help jumpstart the creative process.

When looking for inspiration, it's important to explore all aspects of your life and the world around you. By writing about what you know and feel passionately about, you can create poems that are authentic and meaningful to you and your readers. Of course, you can also allow the creative imagination to jump in--let some magic, some humor, some whimsy come into the writing experience. 

As a poet and writer, I've learned that the most important skill is to be open to and believe in the value of your own creativity . I've learned from reading others and from having others read and comment on my poems. As I wrote more and was more in alignment with myself, my writing got more understandable, more moving, and more skillful. But it was only when I really let go of the idea of wanting to please others and could listen more deeply to myself that I began to write my most powerful work.

The following list provides a variety of poem topics that can be used for inspiration when writing your next poem:

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50 Poem Topics And Ideas To Help You Write Your Next Poem

The beauty and mystery of nature can be a great source of inspiration for poets. Write about the changing seasons, a particular flower or tree, the stars or moon, the ocean, mountains, or any other aspect of the natural world that speaks to you. 

2. Childhood memories

Reflect on a time from your childhood that was particularly special or meaningful to you. Write about the sights, sounds, and smells of that time and what it meant to you then and now.

3. A significant event

Write about an event that has had a major impact on your life, whether positive or negative. Now write a poem describing how this event has changed you.

Express your deepest emotions and write about the power of love in all its forms. This could be a poem about romantic love, the love between friends or family members, or even self-love.

5. Happiness

What makes you happy? What are the small things in life that bring you joy? Write about the moments and people that make you smile and fill your heart with happiness.

6. Friendship

Write about the value of friendship, and how it has positively affected your life.  This could also be a poem about saying goodbye to a friend, or remembering a lost friend.

7. Overcoming adversity

We all face challenges in life, but how we deal with them can make us stronger. Write about a time when you faced and overcame a difficult situation. What did you learn from the experience?

8. Gratitude

Express what you are grateful for in your life, and why these things are important to you. If you haven't had a chance to read my interview with Ross Gay , poet, writer and visionary, I highly recommend it. In this interview, we talked about his new book Be Holding, his Book of Delights, Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude, and how to practice attention, gratitude, and care both in poetry and in our difficult but also joy-filled world. Just click here to read it . I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

A heart made of wood

                  Image by S. Hermann &amp; F. Richter from Pixabay

How has your life changed over the years? What are some of the things that are different now than they were in the past? Write a poem about the process of change, and how it can be both scary and exciting.

10. Hope 

In spite of everything, we all need to believe that better days are ahead. Write a poem about hope, and how it can help us get through tough times. What gives you hope? Describe what hope feels like, and how it helps you in your life.

11. A moment in time

Write about a specific moment that was particularly memorable or significant to you. It could be a happy memory, a sad memory, or even a moment of realization or understanding.

12. A day in the life

Describe a typical day in your life, or write about a specific day that was particularly memorable.

13. Your favorite place

We all have a place that makes us feel safe and happy. Write about your favorite place, and what it is that you love about it. Write about what makes it so special, and how it makes you feel. 

14. An object 

Write  about a particular object that has special meaning to you. It could be something that you use every day, or something that you only see occasionally. 

15. A person

Write about someone who has had a major impact on your life, for better or for worse. This could be a family member, friend, teacher, or anyone else who has made a significant impact on you.

16. A memory

Reflect on a specific memory that is significant to you. What does it remind you of? Write a poem celebrating  a happy memory, or exploring a painful memory.

17. A feeling

Write about a feeling that is particularly intense or meaningful to you. Describe a specific emotion, and how it feels in your body and mind. No matter  what you write about, poetry can be a powerful way to express your thoughts and emotions. So don't be afraid to let your words flow freely and see where they take you.

image of landscape: the earth and sky with clouds

18. The earth

Express your love and appreciation for our planet, and everything that it has to offer. Write about the importance of taking care of it. Write a poem or prose using the phrase "the poetry of the earth." What does that phrase mean to you?  

19. A hobby

Write about something you enjoy doing, and why it is so important to you.

20. An experience

Describe a particular experience that was particularly memorable or impactful for you.

21. Your dreams

What are your hopes and dreams for the future? Write about what you want to achieve, and how you plan to get there.

22. Your fears

What are you afraid of, and why? What do these fears mean to you?

Explore the emotions associated with losing something or someone important to you. When you lose something, it's natural to feel pain, grief, and even anger. Writing about these feelings can help you to process them and move on .

sunset over water

24. A time when you felt lost

Describe a time in your life when you felt lost or confused. What helped you find your way again?

25. A time when you felt alone

Writing poetry can be therapeutic, and can help you to express feelings that you may not be able to express in any other way. We all feel alone at times, but it's important to remember that we are never truly alone. Write about a time when you felt alone, and how you coped with it. 

26. A time when you felt angry

We all experience a range of emotions, and it's okay to write about the negative ones as well. Use your anger to fuel your words, and write about whatever it is that made you angry.

27. A time when you felt sad

We all experience sadness at times. Write about a time when you felt particularly low, and how you coped with it.

28. Your hopes for the future

29. your favorite thing.

What is your favorite thing in the world? Write about why it is so important to you.

30. A time when you felt happy

What makes you truly happy? Write about a time when you felt this way, and why it was so special to you.

flowers in field

31. Your worst nightmare

Write a poem inspired by your deepest, darkest fears. Write about what this fear means to you, and how it affects your life.

32. A time when you were proud of yourself

We all have moments that we are proud of. Write about a time when you felt this way, and what it was that made you so proud.

33. A time when you laughed

Laughter is one of the best things in life. Write about a time when you laughed until you cried, and what made it so funny.

34. A time when you cried

We all cry at times. Write about a time when you felt particularly sad, and how you coped with it.

35. A time when you were disappointed 

A time when you were disappointed: We all have moments when things don't go the way we wanted them to. Write a poem inspired  by a time when you were disappointed and  had to pick yourself up and keep going. 

36. A time when you felt scared

37. a time when you helped someone.

Describe a time when you went out of your way to help someone else. What made you do it, and how did it make you feel?

38. A time when you felt supported

We all need support at times. Write about a time when someone was there for you, and how it made you feel.

39. Your favorite thing about yourself

What do you love about yourself? Write about why you are so special to you. Sometimes we forget why we are amazing! So take a moment and drop out some of your best qualities.

40. Your favorite thing about life

What do you love about life? Write about what makes it so precious to you.

41. Your favorite thing about people

What do you love about people? Write about what makes them so special to you.

42. Your favorite quote

Do you have a favorite quote? Write about what it means to you, and why it is so important to you.

43. A time when you felt proud of someone else

We all feel proud of others at times. Describe a time when you felt this way, and who it was that you were proud of.

44. Your favorite memory

What is your favorite memory? Write about what made it so special to you.

45. A time when you were surprised

We all experience surprise at times. Describe a time when something unexpected happened, and how it made you feel.

46. A time when you made a difference

We all have the ability to make a difference. Write about a time when you did just that, and how it made you feel.

47. A time when you felt loved

We all need love in our lives. Write about a time when you felt particularly loved and supported, and why it meant so much to you.

48. Something that you are passionate about

What are you passionate about? Write about what this passion means to you, and how it drives you.

49. Your hopes for the world

What are your hopes for the world? Write about what you would like to see change, and how you think we can make it happen.

50. Finally, last, but certainly not least, take inspiration from any of your favorite poems. 

Reading is one of the best ways to be inspired as a poet and to find poetry topics. Explore my list of 15 morning poems for some inspiration .  

These are just a few poem topics to get you started based on my own experiences and what I value most in life. Feel free to choose whichever topic speaks to you, or mix and match several different ones to create your own poem.

If none of these inspire you, think about what matters most to you and write about that. The most important thing is to be true to your own voice and express how you feel in your own words. 

So don't be afraid to experiment with different poem styles or subject matter until you find the right fit for you. Whatever you do, have fun with it and let your creativity flow!

I am a member of a group called Toastmasters. One of my favorite parts of our meeting is Table Topics, where a person responds with a 2 minute impromptu response to a speaking prompt, not unlike your fifty topics. Because of the eclectic diversity of our members, it is here where I get to know the soul of a member. I am going to use some of the 50 prompts when I am next, the table topic master.

I'm so glad that you find this helpful and will use it in your Toastmasters group. I agree, it's a nice way to get to know other people.

Can I get interesting poetry prompts for my poetry group

Hi! I was thinking maybe take a topic maybe like a hobby, nature, or something else you find exciting and interesting and compare it to something heartbreaking or sad. Such as mental disorders, break ups, a person you lost, and ect. I have done this before and it really helped me be more inspiring to myself and others. I also think it is very interesting just to compare things!

Thank u so much for helping me out

Poetry can be amazingly emotive. All things considered, artists, similar to the journalists of the best books ever and best book club books, have an approach to communicating feelings that we probably won't have the option to really express.

Yes, I completely agree!

Thanks for this web it really helps me with school to get some ideas for the poem I'm writing.

I'm so glad this was helpful for you!

Verse can be incredibly emotive. Taking everything into account, craftsmen, like the writers of the best books ever and best book club books, have a way to deal with imparting sentiments that we presumably will not have the choice to communicate truly.

Is a great article for all readers because you have described the ideas of poem topics there are many people or students are found to these ideas because they have need to write their poem and assignments and other writing

Thank you for your comments!

This was very helpful

I love love love these poem ideas! Keep up the work!

I'm so glad!

Hello, I am working on a poetry project, and these prompts were really helpful! Thanks for the tips! You're great, just keep doing what you're doing! 🙂

So glad it was helpful!

24 and 25 are basically the same, with feeling lost and feeling alone. other than that it's very helpful.

That’s really interesting: when we feel lost, we often feel alone. And when we feel alone, we often feel lost. But there are also differences between the two experiences, too. And we can feel surrounded by people, but also lost and alone but with a clear sense of direction. I’m glad you found the list helpful!

Great ideas but I feel that it's best to just write from the heart and do it because you want to. not because of a website. I want to say this to all people reading this website: Don't take the advice. Write what comes into mind and make a beautiful word formation. I have written so many of my own poems about how I feel and now I can write poems about anything. Please write what you feel in the moment even if it's sad. Anything makes a great poem so don't worry about what you need to write a poem about. Now I am going to say something to the person who made this website: I see why you made this. For people who don't know what to write about. I think your ideas are great, but it really is better to just write what comes to your mind. I have written over 50 poems and I had no guidance. Please take my advice. I don't ask that you delete the website but that you read this.

Yes, writing from the heart is great. And having prompts can be also helpful–and even help us write more from the hearth. Many tools. There is no one right way 🙂

It helps me a lot…… Thank you 🙏🏻 very much ☺️💯💯

hello. i am non established poet from india.. wanting to write my first ever poem to publish.. you article helped me a lot..

This realy helped

Number 51: A time when you felt free from all the bd things in life

thats what i will now write about

I am what is termed an automatic poet, a visionary compelled to channel by pen messages from within. Spiritual messages from God and Jesus flow through my pen I write the time the poem begins and ends as the lines flow like rushing rivers. I can’t even stop to think, I just write. I’ve never had courses in writing and never know my poems content until it is written. The titles come last. I am learning to be in the moment and not concern myself with what will others think of me when I read to them. I belong to a small writers group that often ask me, where do you come from that you write as you do. Maybe I’m channeling my many poet and author ancestors or maybe I’m just being me. I am the poet Snowflake. Thank you for enlightening me to be more free

Lately, I’ve found myself drawn to the enchanting world of poetry and The rhythm of words, the dance of metaphors, it all captivates me. Exploring emotions through verses feels like unraveling mysteries of the heart. Whether it’s the gentle sway of nature’s symphony or the turbulence of human emotions, poetry offers a canvas to paint with words. Each stanza is a journey, a glimpse into the soul’s depths. With every line, I discover new ways to express the ineffable. Writing poetry isn’t just a hobby; it’s a passion that ignites my creativity and allows me to weave stories with the magic of language.

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creative writing ideas about poetry

creative writing ideas about poetry

A Selection of Poetry Prompts from 1200 Creative Writing Prompts

by Melissa Donovan | May 24, 2022 | Poetry Prompts | 15 comments

poetry prompts

Poetry prompts from 1200 Creative Writing Prompts.

Today’s poetry prompts come from my book, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts , which is jam-packed with ideas and inspiration for writers and includes fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction writing prompts.

Some of the poetry prompts in the book ask you to use a list of specific words in a poem. Some give you a topic to write about. Some ask you to draw on your life experience. Some give you images to use as inspiration for a poem.

25 Poetry Prompts from 1200 Creative Writing Prompts

  • Write a descriptive poem about a banana split: three scoops of ice cream with banana halves on either side and a big mound of whipped cream on top laced with chocolate sauce and sprinkled with chopped nuts—all topped off with a plump red cherry.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: tapestry, sings, eye, din, collide, slippery, fantasy, casting, chameleon, lives.
  • Write a poem about somebody who betrayed you, or write a poem about betrayal.
  • Write a poem using the following image: a smashed flower on the sidewalk.
  • The hallmark of great poetry is imagery. A truly compelling poem paints a picture and invites the reader into a vivid scene. Choose an image or scene from one of your favorite poems and write a poem of your own based on that image.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: scythe, fresh, bloody, dainty, screaming, deadly, discovery, harrowing.
  • Write a poem about one (or both) of your parents. It could be a tribute poem, but it doesn’t have to be.
  • Write a poem using the following images: a “no smoking” sign and a pair of fishnet stockings.
  • You’re feeling under the weather, so you put the teapot on. Soon it starts to scream. Write a poem about the sound of a whistling teapot.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: stem, canvas, grain, ground, leather, furrow.
  • The beach, the mountains, the vast sea, and deep space are all great for tributary poems about places. Write about the city you love, the town you call home, or your favorite vacation destination.
  • Write a poem using the following image: a pair of baby shoes.
  • Some poems are more than just poems. They tell stories. Try writing a poem that is also a story, a play, or an essay.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: elegant, hips, fern, listless, twisting, bind, surprise.
  • Write a poem about the first time you experienced something.
  • Write a poem using the following image: a torn photograph.
  • Although holidays have deeper meanings, we like to truss them up with a lot of decadence and nostalgia. All that food! All those presents! Oh, what fun it is…Write a poem about the holidays.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: burnt, spacious, metropolis, pacing, fiery, cannon.
  • Write a poem about an inanimate object. You can write a silly poem about how much you admire your toaster or you can write a serious piece declaring the magnificence of a book.
  • Write a poem using the following image: a small rowboat tied to a pier, bobbing in the water under darkening skies.
  • Now that time has healed the wounds, write a poem to someone who broke your heart long ago.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: deadline, boom, children, shallow, dirt, creep, instigate.
  • Write a poem about streets, highways, and bridges.
  • Write a poem using the following images: a broken bottle and a guitar pick.
  • Write a poem about the smell of cheesy, doughy, saucy, spicy pizza baking in the oven.

Did any of these poetry prompts inspire you to write? Which one stoked your creative flames? Did you write a poem, or were you inspired to write something else? Where do you get your best creative inspiration? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment, and keep writing!

Creative Writing Prompts


Linda Wright

This is very helpfull

Melissa Donovan

Thanks, Linda!


What’s the easie#t way for me to get my poems published? I’m 13 and would really like to see my works immortalized.

Why are you looking for the easiest way? The easiest is not always the best.

That would almost certainly be starting a blog and publishing your poems there. For the record, I think this is a fine way to publish poetry, depending on your goals. And the internet certainly immortalizes everything.

Anushka Joardar

Use all of the following words in a poem: tapestry, sings, eye, din, collide, slippery, fantasy, casting, chameleon, lives.Use all of the following words in a poem: tapestry, sings, eye, din, collide, slippery, fantasy, casting, chameleon, lives.

that was prompt #2. this is my poem.

the world is nothing but a tapestry spun with lives. The world sings out calling, calling to everyone to join and help and make this one big cloth that changes color a chameleon cloth the casting is made from happiness but oh It’s just so slippery but hang on just as tight as your fantasy the life you’re living now. Your living in the eye of god It’s not as din as you might think You collide with oh so much you give chances and take them too And that’s what life is all about.

Anushka Joardar, age 11

What a lovely poem, remarkable for your age. Keep writing, Anushka!


I have just finished a novella of poetry and am looking to publish after I flesh out the last few details, but I have found that poetry can be harder to market. Do you have any suggestions there?

Hi Mackenzie. I’m not sure what a “novella of poetry” is. A novella is a short novel (a fictional story). Poetry is usually published in collections. Do you, perhaps, mean a chapbook of poetry?

Writing Forward is about the craft of writing rather than marketing, so I’m afraid we don’t have any marketing tips here. But there are other resources online that focus on marketing.


I have written poems and think writing prompts are very helpful. Here is one of my pieces: “Storms” The ground is shaking, splitting the earth The way my headache splits, unleashing the monsters of my mind and letting them fester. Rain soaks my skin The way tears once soaked my cheeks With salt and sadness. Now I feel nothing. The ground still splits The rain still pours. The world is moving and I am standing still, Unable to move with it.

I would LOVE advice.

Hi Lexi. Thanks for sharing your poem with us. I’m guessing that “12” is your age? If so, then this is impressive work for someone so young. This isn’t a forum for feedback and advice, but you’ll find plenty of articles and books to guide you in your writing journey. I wish you the best of luck.


Mother Nature and her kingdom are flourishing Her kingdom provides humans nourishing Her love for her creation cannot be tamed All of the land belongs to her, it has been named Nature’s songs can be heard through the birds They can’t be explained by words Her flowers sprinkle fresh smells The animals all have their stories to tell

She let us borrow her kingdom while it lasts We were novice to her kingdom in the past Now, what have we done to her? We have torn her dress Mother Nature has become less Her kingdom is destroyed Animals have fallen in our cunning ploys We have become doltish to her All her once gardens, are now a site of destruction People have brought ructions to her calm palace We have left her broken After she gave us her life, as a token! Please notify me if there are any errors. After all, I’m pretty young!

Thank you for sharing your poem with us, Ashley. It’s lovely.

Tara Nepal

really impressive


The Day We Met. A Poem by Ainsley, Age 13 (Almost 14) Prompt Number: 3, Getting Betrayed

Note: Hello! So, this poem is about a close friend I had. But we met online. We never met in person. We planned it all out. Whose house to go to, etc. She lives in New York, While I live In Washington. Then, well, she turned toxic. She was my first ever Internet Friend, and my first crush, as well as the first person who ‘kinda’ asked me out. She was also the only one I could text and or stay on a call with for hours on end and never get bored. We both love ukulele, writing songs, singing, Gacha life, Moriah Elizabeth, singing, roleplaying, videos games, etc. We trusted each other so much, we gave out our full names. After dm-ing on the app for a couple months (The app name is PicsArt Btw), we gave each other our phone numbers. Then go from there. This girl is like, 2 years younger than me. I mention “Jewls” at the end of the poem. That’s her nickname, and that’s what I’ve always called her sense we first shared our names. I also mentioned the word “Blocked” quite a lot. That’s because she’s blocked every single very small amount of social medias I have, which includes one PicsArt Profile, two Pinterest accounts, one Phone Number, four Email Accounts. I literally cannot contact her.

The day we met, I’ll never forget, The good times we had on those dark dark days.

The day we met, You said you’d never forget The laughs we shared on those boring old days

The day we met She’ll never forget That I covered for her on those crazy unfair days

The day we met I’ll never forget When we saw each other’s faces on that bright bright day.

The day we fought I never even thought That things could turn out in this way

The day we fought You never even thought That you could be so cruel today

The day I cried I barley even tried To get out of bed when I thought of your face

The day she smiled On the other side of the world While I was sat in a puddle of my wounds

Today, this day She’ll never understand That I miss her still even if she broke my heart

…and stomped on my dreams …and crushed my soul …and slashed my seams

That she turned upside down that I called her name That she turned around Just to laugh in my face

Then I ran away But I can’t let go And though she’s moved on I still seem to know That one part of her Maybe misses me? But then again Why would she want to make me bleed? And call me a liar A fake A Bitch A Freak A creep A jerk A maid A weak?

Why would she say she loved me? When all she did was dump me It had only been an hour And then she said I did something She got someone else to do a favor That broke my heart from the start Then we go around and yell through the keyboard And in the end, I always get blamed

Doors shut Now I want to say “I’m sorry, Jewls, please don’t go away!”

It’s too late now. It’s been weeks sense that day. But it feels like It happened yesterday

Cause I’m still as hurt And I’m still as torn As I was the day We said our last words

Now I’m remembering our times And saying to myself “The day we met, I told you I’d never forget.”

Thank you for sharing this, Ainsley. Keep writing!


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100 Poetry Prompts

Non-fiction/Poetry ,

100 poetry prompts.

Savannah Jackson

By Savannah Jackson

100 Phenomenal Poetry Prompts To Inspire Your Writing

Poetry is an expressive and compelling form of writing, but it can be hard to know where to begin. Between form, structure, and content, there are lots of factors to consider when you’re deciding how to write a poem . These poetry prompts will help you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and give you that all-important start. 

These prompts are separated into 6 categories containing 15 prompts each, with one miscellaneous section at the end:

  • Poetic form prompts 
  • Imagination focused prompts 
  • Nature/the outside prompts 
  • Media and objects as inspiration prompts 
  • Sentimental/reflective prompts 
  • Structure prompts 
  • Miscellaneous prompts 

Sometimes coming up with a clear, exciting idea can be the hardest part of writing poetry. But luckily we’ve done it for you! So let’s get started with our poetry prompts. 

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Poetic Form Prompts 

When it comes to writing poetry, deciding on the form you want to use is a great place to start. Whether you’re deciding between writing in free verse or using a regular rhyme pattern; wondering which era of poetry you want to reflect; or what type of poem (acrostic, sestina etc) you want to write; knowing the overall shape of your poem will help you get started. So here are some poetry prompts in the realm of poetic form. 

  • Write an acrostic poem using your name or that of a loved one. 
  • Write an ode to someone or something you love. Start with your favourite thing about them. 
  • Write a sonnet or rewrite one of Shakespeare’s or Petrarch’s. (Sonnets are 14 lines long and are traditionally written in iambic pentameter. But feel free to bend the rules a little; it’s your poem!) 
  • Write a poem in the style of, or in honour of, your favourite poet. 
  • Flick through a poetry book. Find a line which resonates you. Use that as your starting point and carry on from there. 
  • Write a poem that is also a letter. To your past or future self; to a friend; to an emotion; to a loved one who passed away. 
  • Write a poem in a ‘stream of consciousness’ style. 
  • Write in the style of a poetic era which interests you (romantic poetry, metaphysical poetry, Renaissance poetry). 
  • Write a sestina (an unrhyming poem consisting of 6 stanzas of 6 lines and a final 3 line stanza). To help you get started, write about the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning. 
  • What’s your favourite/lucky number? Write a poem consisting of that many lines. 
  • Write a poem listing and connecting mundane objects around you. Consider how you interact with them, and how they interact with each other. 
  • Write a poem without taking your pen off of the paper. Your starting point is your favourite vegetable. 
  • Write a haiku (5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, 5 syllables in the last line). For your starting point, use any word which interests you that begins with the same letter as your surname. 
  • Write a poem using the poetic ‘I’. Write about your day so far (feel free to exaggerate and embellish). 
  • Write a poem personifying whichever emotion you’re predominantly feeling right now. 

Imagination Focused Prompts 

Poetry is very focused on images, which means you can truly let your imagination run wild when writing it. Be descriptive , have fun, and don’t be afraid to lean into the bizarre. These creative poetry writing prompts will help you craft unique, engaging poems. 

  • Pick a colour. Use the 5 senses to explore and inhabit it. 
  • Keep a notebook by your bed. When you wake up in the morning write down everything you can remember about your dreams. Then write a poem based on your notes. 
  • Write a poem about a mirror. 
  • What was your favourite fairy tale/fable as a child? Write a poem from the perspective of a secondary character (like Little Red Riding Hood’s mum) or the antagonist (like the wolf). 
  • Think of a cliché which irritates you. Write a better version of it (think ‘show, don’t tell’ ), and build your poem from there. 
  • Think about your favourite scent. Write a poem depicting the things and activities it reminds you of (fresh laundry, apple picking, the ocean, blossom on the trees). 
  • Write about the aftermath. Of an argument, a panic attack, crying, a break-up, a dizzy spell, the best news of your life. 
  • If you were an animal what would you be? Write from an animal’s perspective. 
  • There are flowers on a doorstep. Write a poem about them from the perspective of the sender or the recipient (or both). Are they a celebratory gift (for a birthday, promotion, engagement etc)? An apology? A thank you present? Explore. 
  • Think of something bizarre or ridiculous you once saw or heard about (the dream you had about a 20-foot-tall flamingo playing the violin, or your niece’s conversation about the elves who helped her with her homework) and use that as the opening to a poem. 
  • Write a poem which takes place in a time of transition. On the bus home, in the moment between being awake and falling asleep, the day before starting a new job… 
  • If you were to create your own Coat of Arms, what would it look like? Consider what animal, what kind of plant/flower, and what colours etc you would include. Write a poem describing the details and what they represent. 
  • Write a poem about a secret. 
  • Think about a big decision you made. Write a poem exploring what may have happened if you’d chosen differently. 
  • Write a poem about a terrible birthday. 

Nature/The Outside Prompts 

Classical poetry is what most people think of when it comes to poetry. Lush forests, budding flowers, babbling brooks. Some may think it cliché, but it’s a classic for a reason. And a good reminder to writers to get some fresh air every once in a while.

Use this as a nudge to take a break, go for a walk, and who knows; maybe a half-finished poem will come back with you.

Try these nature and outdoors focused writing prompts for poetry. 

  • Write about the month you’re in now. What comes to mind when you think about it/this season? Draw from memories, the five senses, seasonal activities.  
  • Which element (earth, air) is aligned with your star sign? Write a poem exploring it. 
  • Look out the window or go for a walk and admire the nature around you. What draws your attention? Write about it in as much detail as possible. 
  • Write a poem that starts with a tree. Think about what season you want it to be and thus what it looks like (are there leaves/blossom/bare branches)? Think about where you are in relation to it (sat underneath it, looking at it from a passing car, walking up a hill towards it). See where the poem takes you. 
  • Write about an open window. What kind of building is it in? What’s on either side of it? How high up is it? What does it represent?
  • People watch as you gaze out of the window, or look at the people across from you as you walk down the street. Make up a life/story for them in your head. Craft a poem around it. 
  • Write about a bonfire or a fireplace. Are you someone who loves the smell of them, and how it lingers on your clothes afterwards? Or someone who hates that the smoke gets in your eyes and you have to get really close to them if you want to escape the surrounding cold? 
  • Write about water. The ocean, drinking a glass of water, washing yourself or the dishes, the rain. 
  • Where’s your favourite place to be? It could anything from the corner of your bedroom, to a small cafe in town, to an African island. Write a poem about it. 
  • Write a poem about the weather. 
  • We always want what we don’t have. Write about the season (autumn, spring etc) you wish you were experiencing now. 
  • Write a poem about being snowed in or having a power outage. Explore the intimacy of being in close quarters with others or trapped alone. 
  • When you’re out and about, pay attention to the words around you. Write a poem based on the tail end of a conversation you overheard, the slogan on someone’s t-shirt, or the curious sign in the shop window. 
  • Think of any old buildings near where you live or grew up. Contemplate who might have occupied them 50/100/200 years ago. Write about them.
  • Write a poem from the perspective of someone sullen and sitting alone on a park bench.


Media And Objects As Inspiration Prompts 

When trying to figure out how to write poetry that is compelling and meaningful, there are many available options. In a technological world, using media as inspiration is one of the simplest solutions. Let your interests converge and use the images/messages/ themes from your favourite forms of media to help you write your next poem. 

  • Write a poem based on the first news article which comes up on your TV/phone/the internet. 
  • Find a picture of you as a child. Write from the perspective of your child self. Look back at the picture from time to time as you write. 
  • Fill in a crossword puzzle or other word game. Write a poem using as many of the words from it as possible. 
  • Write a poem about your favourite book. 
  • Think about an item of clothing or an accessory (the t-shirt that’s worn and well loved, the dress you wore every week when you were in your 30s, the necklace that’s been in your family for generations) that means a lot to you. Write about it. Think about all the places you went and emotions you felt when you wore it. Conversely, personify the object and write a poem about what it experienced with you on those occasions. 
  • Write a poem about or from the perspective of one of your favourite (or least favourite!) characters from a book/TV show/movie. 
  • Listen to a song which you enjoy/resonates with you deeply. Dance, close your eyes; do whatever comes naturally. Once it’s finished, sit down and write whatever comes to mind. Think about a key lyric, how it makes you feel, or what your experience was like the first time you heard it. 
  • Pick a photo you love, your favourite piece of art, or search for interesting images online (volcanoes, Victorian furniture, classical paintings). Write a poem responding to the image. 
  • Watch the trailer for an upcoming film you’re eager to see. Write a poem based on an interesting moment, or in response to it. 
  • Think about a memorable concert, play, or fair you attended as a child. Write as though you’re experiencing it now. 
  • Pick a quote that resonates with you/which you admire. It could be an old adage, something your parents told you, or from a famous writer. Ponder over it for a while, and then write about or in response to it. 
  • What’s the oldest object you own? When did you get it? What does it mean to you? Write about it in detail. 
  • Write a poem set in a school. You can recall your own school experience to help you, entirely make it up, or use a scene from a TV show or film as inspiration. 
  • If you keep a journal, write a poem based on one of your journal entries. Pick an older one (such as the entry you wrote exactly a year ago today) so that you’re a little distanced from what you were experiencing then. Reflect. Contemplate. Use the power of hindsight. 
  • Spend five minutes or so on a social media or gaming app. Jot down any words or images which interest you or evoke some kind of response in you. Use them to help shape your poem. 

Sentimental/Reflective Prompts 

Poetry writing can be very reflective and personal. When you’re in need of inspiration , sometimes the best place to start is your own experience. Whether you favour poetry that is sentimental and melancholy, or nostalgic and exuberant, these prompts for poetry will help you out. 

  • Write about something that you aren’t ready to say out loud yet.  
  • Write about the age you are now; the stereotypes of your demographic, how comfortable you are with your current age, the joys and sorrows it has bought you. 
  • Think of a really happy day/experience you had in your childhood. Maybe it was when you made a new friend, or read a great book, or went on a trip to a museum. Write a poem describing your unadulterated joy. 
  • Write about the experience of losing something dear to you. 
  • Write about someone who taught you/helped you grow but who wasn’t your teacher, parent, or caregiver. 
  • Think about a memorable birthday you once had. Write a poem about the first one which comes to mind. 
  • Write a poem about a nightmare or a ‘there’s a monster under the bed’ type fear which you had as a child. 
  • Write a poem to/about someone, addressing the things you regret not telling them. 
  • What was your favourite toy/game as child? Write about the devotion you had to it. Are there any parallels between it and your favourite hobbies/passions now? 
  • Write about a small random thing which brings you joy (your favourite cup of tea, your cat running towards the door to meet you when you come home, the smell of a cinnamon scented candle). 
  • Write about a haircut/hairstyle or sense of style you once had that differs from how you present yourself today. Who was that version of you? In which ways are you different now? 
  • Write a poem about a theme or topic which is important to you (animal rights, mental health, education) without explicitly naming it. 
  • What does home mean to you? Write a poem ruminating on it as a concept and a physical space. 
  • Write a poem about a cultural moment which resonated with you (past or present). 
  • Write about a time when you were overlooked. How did you react? Would you respond differently now? 

Structure Prompts 

The structure of a poem is as important as the words which it contains. And it can be just as meaningful. Starting with the outline of what you want your poem to be like gives you some restrictions so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the myriad of things a poem can be about, while also giving you the freedom to explore your ideas. Here are some creative writing poetry prompts associated with structure. 

  • Open any book. Write a poem based on the first word which draws your attention. 
  • Pick a number between 5 and 100. Write a poem containing that exact number of words. 
  • Make a copy of one of your favourite poems and adjust it to make it your own. Rearrange stanzas/lines, cut out words, change the layout, remove every 5 th word and see what happens. 
  • Using a random name generator- or just flick through a dictionary/thesaurus/book- come up with 5 random words and craft a poem around them. 
  • Write a poem without using the letter e. 
  • Write a poem with each line representing a year of your life (you can do it in calendar years e.g. 1989, 1990, 1991 etc, or in ages e.g. aged 29, 30, 31) and the key memories/emotions/experiences from that time. 
  • If you speak a second language, try writing a poem in that language instead. 
  • Write using a different medium. If you usually type your poems on a computer, use pen and paper instead. Or try writing on a whiteboard, in coloured marker on a huge piece of paper, using scrabble tiles, in chalk on your garden path, or on a typewriter. 
  • Write a poem with nouns which start with the letter of your first name. 
  • Find a poem which you have written but aren’t satisfied with. Read through it, and try and figure out what you don’t like about it. Then, either pick out a line you like and use that as a starting point, or rewrite the poem focusing on its key themes/thesis. 
  • Write a poem using commas as the only form of punctuation. 
  • Write with a friend! Agree on an approximate poem length (for instance, 16 lines). Choose someone to start by sending the first line to the other person. They then send the second line back in response. Continue until your poem is complete. 
  • Write a poem without any full stops. 
  • Pick up a pen and a paper and free write. About your day, your state of mind, anything. Set a timer for 5-15 minutes and keep writing the entire time. Don’t correct your spelling or cross things out. Just. Keep. Writing. After your time is up, go back through and circle/highlight/underline words or phrases which you like. Use one or two of them and begin crafting a poem. 
  • Write a poem structured as a poetic transcript of a story a loved one/relative is telling. Use spacing and punctuation to indicate pauses, and include fillers. 

Miscellaneous Prompts 

There are so many different types of poetry that it can be hard to define as a writing form. And hard to write prompts for, apparently! So here are some extra prompts which refused to be defined by any one category, perfect for the poet whose imagination cannot be contained. 

  • Write about silence. Is it eerie, peaceful, anxiety provoking? Explore.  
  • When was the last time you danced? Where were you? Were you alone/who were you with? How did you feel? Write about it. 
  • Write a poem about any traditions you have, and whether or not you’re attached to them. 
  • Think of an act of injustice/news story which upsets you. Write about its intricacies and why it angers/saddens you. 
  • Listen. What’s the most prominent sound you hear? Write about it. 
  • Write about a part of the body. Any one! Explore all the things about it which you take for granted and the ways in which it brings you joy (arms for hugging, legs for dancing, eyes for watching the sunset etc). 
  • Write a poem exploring the etymology of your name and your relationship to it. 
  • Do you have any physical injuries? Write a poem about how you got them and, if relevant, how they affect you now. 
  • Write a poem about a coincidence that you experienced. 
  • Write a poem about the gestures/facial expressions you frequently use and what they communicate. How do the people around you use gestures? 

Using Poetry Prompts 

We hope these poetry prompts give you some great inspiration for new avenues to explore with your writing. Many of these prompts can be used again and again if adapted slightly. You can use them as the basis for a brief freewriting session, to help edit or focus poems you’ve already written, or to help you develop your skills in an area of poetry you’ve been working on (maybe you’re trying to become an expert in all things sonnets). Feel free to adjust these poetry prompts in any way which suits you; we find that a shift in perspective often helps. Happy writing! 

About the author

Savannah is a Digital Content Assistant at Jericho Writers. She has a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Warwick. In her free time, she writes poetry, practices yoga, and reads voraciously.

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creative writing ideas about poetry

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creative writing ideas about poetry

Inspiration Awaits: 51+ Poetry Writing Prompts

One of the most exciting ways to explore your creative potential is by leveraging poetry prompts.

I have compiled 52 creative writing ideas that l hope will inspire you to write your next magical poem. Perhaps these poetry prompts will help you with your work/school project or better yet combat writers’ block . 

Challenge yourself to work your way down this list and tackle a poem every week, and If you are feeling generous, you may post some of your work down in the comments section below or check out our poetry community .

51+ Poetry Writing Prompts

Why do we need poetry prompts.

I’m willing to bet that you have experienced writer’s block at one point or another in your creative journey. These occasional dry spells are quite common,, and sometimes we require some intervention to get over them.

When should I write on a poetry prompt?

Anytime! Whether it’s for a school project, work or personal development, these ideas are simply there to get you back to doing what you love the most, and that’s writing. 

Some people have the innate ability to write on a whim; however, If you’re anything like me, sometimes you may require a bit of a jump start to get the juices flowing.

Which poetry prompt should I choose?

Go for the poetry prompt that speaks to you the most. You will find that the prompts above come in different shapes and sizes- this is by design. 

Where can I submit or publish my poetry?

We all have different reasons for writing poetry. For some, writing is personal and therapeutic for the soul. For others, writing is a creative itch that they cannot afford not to scratch. Some people are full-time writers, and therefore they must stay on top of their craft which provides food on their table. 

If you are looking to get paid for your writing, I will discuss the different avenues to explore in a future article but if you are just starting or you have been secretly writing for yourself here are a few ways to get your poetry seen:

Social media:

Facebook and instagram business pages:.

Once you are ready to get a little serious, consider starting a Facebook or Instagram business page- a great way to show your readers that you are prepared to take your writing more seriously.

Social media  is a great ( and free) way to cultivate an initial following. While you’re at it, this is also an excellent time to start following and checking out other writers in your community. Building a network of like-minded people in your industry will motivate you and keep you focusing on what’s important.

Starter Blogs:

Feel free to let me know what tutorials you would like to see in the future, and I would be thrilled to break them down for you.

With over 50 prompts to choose from, you’re sure to find one that resonates with you. So grab your pen and paper and start writing! Remember, there are no rules in poetry writing, so let your imagination run wild. Don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment with new forms and styles. Happy writing!

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A New Community of Writers

50 Poetry Prompts Every Writer Should Try

January 12, 2023 by Richard 2 Comments

Everyone gets stuck in their writing from time to time. On occasion, that little bit of being stuck turns into terrifying writer’s block, and sometimes it’s just a day’s wait, a hiccup in creativity. If you have ever suffered from these, you might need a little push to get going again. The best way to get going in my writing is to start writing. Even if I can’t work on my WIP, any writing, even inspired by a prompt, is helpful. Unstick yourself before you are stuck. This short list of poetry prompts helps. I’m a poet, and I know what it’s like to be unable to come up with an idea. Sometimes you need a little push. We hope this list helps you. Here are a few or 50 prompts to kickstart your poetry.

These prompts are modeled after some famous poems. Every writer should try writing these poems. 

The Prompts:

The lost and alone. write about the feeling you had the first time you felt helpless., the love poem. start by writing a love poem that is 100% honest/a bunch of complaints. , tell the world how you like the person more because they are not perfect., the odd metaphor, write a metaphor that uses odd imagery. , image start with a famous painting and writing a poem that tells a story about the scene coming to life. , magical real, have the images in your poem attack you, the poet., short short, write a poem that talks about an ah-ha moment but has 5 lines or less., haiku write a haiku that starts with an image and ends with a lie., the lie. write a poem where the poet is lying to themself. , the go-to. go to a busy place, a coffee shop, a hotel lobby, a train station, or anywhere with lots of people, listen to their conversations, and use lines that they say as lines in your poem. , the camera. make your pen a camera, go to an exciting place, and write vivid descriptions of the site like your pen is a camera. , a recipe for disaster. write a poem about a meaningful relationship as if you are writing down a recipe for that relationship., the cat. write a poem about a cat. i don’t know why; all poets write one of these eventually. , free write, write 20 lines of poetry, doing your best not to let any of them go together or mean anything. , the first line. use the first line of your favorite poem and use it in your poem somewhere. , music inspires; find a genre of music you do not listen to often, listen to it with your eyes closed, and hear as many words as you can. then write a poem that captures the feeling you had listening to the music. , the scary. write a horror poem. , the conversation. write a poem as a letter to your favorite poet. , write a poem about the last sunset you will ever see. , the fly buzz, write a poem about the last thing you see or hear before you die. , the circus, write a poem using something from a circus as a metaphor for someone or some profession today. , the goodbye. write a poem as a goodbye to the old you., the writer. write a poem about poetry. , the place you love; write a poem about the sea, the mountains, the south, some other country, or any place you love. , the lament. use a poem as a plea for change in your life., the quiet. write a poem that you would have to whisper to someone sleeping., the tiger. write a poem about a creature, real or unreal, and you’d be afraid to meet. , the outer space. start in the stars and imagine living 100 years from now. , the copy. mimic the style of your favorite poem but make the subject matter completely different. , the call to action. take a modern-day cause and turn it into a poem that tries to convince people to take action. , the love text. write a poem of text messages. , the time traveler. write a poem to a past generation asking them not to do something terrible that they did or let happen. , the sad. write about your most heartbreaking event., the good day. use your best day as a poem. , no return address; write a poem about being in love with something (cell phone, car, a gadget) that will never love you back but imagine it loves you back in the poem. , the universal. write a poem about coffee or tea. , wrong way write a poem about a time you fought over something but ended up wrong. , the i hate. write a poem about something you hate (football, onions, hockey, people driving slowly in the fast lane), no, see. start by saying something you are afraid that anyone else to ever find out about you. , the small child. a poem about a hope being a small boy who gets beat up every day. , emotion being write about meeting your worst controlled emotion as a different person sitting at a bar. , the fight. write a poem about a fight or argument you had with someone. , the mother write a poem about how people in heaven treat your mother. , the quest. write a poem about going on a medieval quest to find the thing you are missing in your life (like job satisfaction), the ghost. write a poem about a ghost waking you up at night and wanting you to help them. , specific ending. write a poem about the zombie apocalypse. , the challenge. use a famous poetic form sestina, villanelle, sonnet., use to know. write a poem to someone you used to know well but have fallen out of touch with. ,  the monster. write a poem about a monster that is the hero. , the short stack. write a 10-word memoir poem. , flying. write a poem about flying high above the trees and looking down at your life. .

So here are 50 poetry prompts that inspire you to write. Many of these were taken from famous poems. Suppose you can guess which ones. Leave us a comment below, or if you have something to tell us, a correction, suggestion, or can even leave a poetry prompt. Maybe in our Poetry prompts part 2, we will use them. 

Related Posts:

April Daily Writing Prompts

About Richard

Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.  

In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.   Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page .

Reader Interactions

[…] Poetry is a form of creative writing that uses language artistically to evoke emotions, ideas, or experiences. Poets employ various literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, alliteration, and rhyme, to create vivid imagery, convey deeper meanings, and explore universal themes. Poetry can take many forms, from traditional structures like sonnets and haikus to free verse and experimental styles. The primary goal of poetry is to express the poet’s unique perspective and evoke an emotional response from the reader. Compelling poetry is often concise yet powerful, using carefully chosen words and phrases to create a lasting impact. Please also see our 50 Poetry Writing Prompts Every Writer should try. […]

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Poem Ideas: 255 Prompts to Spark Your Creativity

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on October 6, 2023

Categories Creativity , Creative Writing , Writing

Poetry is a timeless art form that allows writers to express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a creative way. Whether you’re a seasoned poet or just starting out, finding inspiration for new poem ideas can sometimes be a challenge. There are countless ways to spark your creativity and tap into the unique perspectives that can shape your poetry.

One way to approach writing poems is to explore your personal emotions and experiences, using language and imagery to convey these feelings to the reader. Connecting with nature and drawing inspiration from the world around you can also provide rich material for your poetry. Additionally, trying out various writing techniques and using prompts and themes can help you hone your skills over time, experimenting with different styles and voices.

Key Takeaways

  • Explore personal emotions and experiences to create authentic and moving poetry.
  • Connect with nature and the world around you for inspiration and unique perspectives.
  • Experiment with different writing techniques, prompts, and themes to enhance your poetic skills.

255 Poem Ideas

Here are 255 poem ideas grouped into themes:

  • A poem about watching the sunset over the ocean
  • A poem comparing a flower to a person
  • A poem about getting lost in the woods
  • A poem about the changing of the seasons
  • A poem personifying a tree through the seasons
  • A love poem using extended metaphor
  • A poem celebrating a first kiss
  • A poem mourning the end of a relationship
  • A poem about unrequited love
  • A poem giving advice about love
  • A poem about starting a new chapter
  • A poem about overcoming challenges
  • A poem about a major life change
  • A poem about finding your purpose
  • A poem about not giving up on your dreams
  • A poem reminiscing about your childhood home
  • A poem about childhood imaginary friends
  • A poem reflecting on lessons learned in childhood
  • A poem about childhood adventures
  • A poem about childhood innocence
  • A poem thanking a parent or grandparent
  • A poem about family traditions
  • A poem about family conflict
  • A poem about the bonds of siblinghood
  • A poem regretting not spending more time with family
  • An ode to your best friend
  • A poem about making new friends
  • A poem about drifting apart from friends
  • A poem celebrating your friends’ quirks
  • A poem about shared childhood memories
  • A poem exploring a social issue
  • A poem about conformity
  • A poem about social media’s influence
  • A poem examining racism
  • A poem about poverty
  • A poem about finding yourself
  • A poem wrestling with contradictory parts of yourself
  • A poem about not fitting in
  • A poem learning to embrace who you are
  • A poem about masks we wear in public
  • A poem reminiscing a happy memory
  • A poem about a memory you can’t let go of
  • A poem about a place that holds memories
  • A poem about forgetting people or moments
  • A poem about artifacts that hold memories
  • A poem exploring how quickly time passes
  • A poem regretting wasted time
  • A poem about making every moment count
  • A poem appreciating the present moment
  • A poem about learning patience over time
  • A poem reflecting on death
  • A poem exploring grief
  • A poem about leaving a legacy
  • A poem making peace with mortality
  • A poem marking a person’s passing
  • A grateful poem for everyday blessings
  • A poem thanking someone who changed you
  • A poem on the gifts of nature
  • A poem on the power of gratitude
  • A poem thanking an inanimate object
  • A poem encouraging hope in hard times
  • A poem envisioning a bright future
  • A poem seeing light in the darkness
  • A poem keeping hope alive
  • A poem inspiring hope through nature
  • A poem regretting words left unsaid
  • A poem regretting paths not taken
  • A poem making peace with regret
  • A poem learning from regret
  • A poem regretting a lost opportunity
  • A poem about seasons changing
  • A poem reflecting on personal growth
  • A poem about transition or transformation
  • A poem resisting unwanted change
  • A poem accepting the inevitability of change
  • A poem exploring a truth you’ve uncovered
  • A poem admitting a difficult truth
  • A poem searching for truth
  • A poem differentiating truth from lies
  • A poem revealing an ironic truth


  • A poem about overcoming obstacles
  • A poem encouraging persistence through challenges
  • A poem about defeating self-doubt
  • A poem on the rewards of perseverance
  • A poem urging self-belief during hard times
  • A poem about being brave in the face of fear
  • A poem about standing up for someone or something
  • A poem on finding inner courage
  • A poem celebrating everyday acts of courage
  • A poem about a historical act of courage
  • A poem imparting a life lesson or piece of wisdom
  • A poem appreciating the wisdom of elders
  • A poem gaining wisdom through suffering
  • A poem reflecting on the journey to wisdom
  • A poem debating the nature of wisdom
  • A poem learning from failure
  • A poem overcoming failure
  • A poem finding hope after failure
  • A poem accepting failure
  • A poem gaining perspective through failure
  • A poem celebrating a personal success
  • A poem cautioning against pride in success
  • A poem defining true success
  • A poem appreciating simple successes
  • A poem about success and failure going hand in hand


  • A poem about seizing opportunities
  • A poem regretting missed opportunities
  • A poem seeing opportunities in challenges
  • A poem urging boldness in taking opportunities
  • A poem grateful for second chances
  • A poem exploring injustice in society
  • A poem advocating for equality and fairness
  • A poem appreciating justice finally achieved
  • A poem lamenting a lack of justice
  • A poem on karma bringing justice
  • A poem envisioning world peace
  • A poem appreciating inner peace
  • A poem finding peace in nature
  • A poem yearning for peace of mind
  • A poem reflecting on the fragility of peace
  • An anti-war poem
  • A poem from a soldier’s perspective
  • A poem about the loss of innocence through war
  • A poem reflecting on the devastation of war
  • A poem urging peace and understanding
  • A poem about loneliness even when surrounded by others
  • A poem reflecting on the pain of loneliness
  • A poem finding comfort in solitude
  • A poem about superficial relationships
  • A poem advocating human connection to ease loneliness
  • A poem about losing a loved one
  • A poem processing a breakup
  • A poem about losing your sense of self
  • A poem reminiscing a lost friendship
  • An ode to your favorite song
  • A poem comparing music to magic
  • A poem exploring music’s power to transport you
  • A poem appreciating live music
  • A poem with song lyrics woven through it
  • An ekphrastic poem inspired by a painting
  • A poem exploring the process of creation
  • A poem appreciating fading beauty
  • A poem about finding truth in art
  • A poem celebrating an artist
  • A poem inspired by a dance style
  • A poem appreciating the artistry of dance
  • A poem using dance as a metaphor
  • A poem observing dancers
  • A poem capturing a dancer’s dedication
  • A poem praising the excitement of cities
  • A poem observing city-dwellers
  • A poem exploring urban isolation
  • A poem appreciating small town charm
  • A poem people-watching in a crowd
  • A poem imagining humanity’s future
  • A poem envisioning your personal future
  • A poem appreciating living in the present
  • A poem about worrying about the future
  • A poem exploring fear of the unknown
  • A poem considering technology’s benefits and risks
  • A poem satirizing social media
  • A poem exploring how tech changes communication
  • A poem appreciating simplicity without technology
  • A poem imagining fantastic future tech
  • A poem reflecting on getting older
  • A poem exploring fear of aging
  • A poem appreciating wisdom gained with age
  • A poem lamenting fading youth
  • A poem accepting the passage of time
  • A poem exploring a historical event
  • A poem appreciating past progress
  • A poem urging learning from the past
  • A poem regretting repeating past mistakes
  • A poem reflecting on change over time
  • A protest poem about a cause you care about
  • A poem exploring the corruption of power
  • A poem appreciating living in a democracy
  • A poem about feeling powerless
  • A poem examining political divisions


  • A poem appreciating the beauty of nature
  • A call to action poem about climate change
  • A poem exploring humanity’s impact on the earth
  • A poem connecting nature to emotions
  • A poem lamenting environmental destruction
  • A poem praising scientific discoveries
  • A poem warning about ethical dilemmas of science
  • A poem using scientific imagery
  • A poem exploring space’s mysteries
  • A poem appreciating science’s vast scope
  • A spiritual poem praising a higher power
  • A poem grappling with faith or doubt
  • A poem exploring religion’s contradictions
  • An anti-war poem using religious imagery
  • A poem finding divinity in nature
  • A poem inspired by a mythological creature
  • A poem modernizing a mythological tale
  • A poem drawing parallels to a mythic archetype
  • A poem exploring the role of myths in culture
  • A poem humanizing a god or hero
  • A poem wishing magic was real
  • A poem using magic as a metaphor
  • A poem seeing the magical in the mundane
  • A poem exploring ideas of spells, potions, etc.
  • A poem appreciating the magic of nature
  • A poem reminiscing about a travel destination
  • A poem about getting lost in a new place
  • A poem celebrating the excitement of travel
  • A poem appreciating the journey, not just the destination
  • A poem reflecting on what you learn through travel


  • A poem celebrating the power of imagination
  • A poem reminiscing about an imaginary childhood friend
  • A poem exploring ideas of fantasy and escapism
  • A poem appreciating the imagination of children
  • A poem urging creative thinking and imagination
  • A poem reflecting on a meaningful dream
  • A poem exploring surreal dream imagery
  • A poem about wishes, hopes and dreams
  • A poem about nightmares or recurring dreams
  • A poem finding meaning or messages in dreams
  • A poem marveling at the vastness of space
  • A poem imagining alien life forms
  • A poem appreciating the beauty of stars and planets
  • A poem exploring feelings of insignificance compared to space
  • A poem using space exploration as a metaphor
  • A poem praising the magnificence of the ocean
  • A poem reflecting on the soothing sound of waves
  • A poem exploring ocean depths
  • A poem appreciating the freedom of sailing
  • A poem warning about ocean pollution
  • An ode to a beloved pet
  • A poem from an animal’s perspective
  • A poem about adopting a rescue pet
  • A poem exploring the bonds between humans and animals
  • A poem reflecting on losing a pet
  • An ode to a favorite childhood meal
  • A poem appreciating the simple pleasure of food
  • A poem exploring food memories and associations
  • A poem satirizing overconsumption
  • A poem urging awareness of hunger issues
  • A poem celebrating an athlete’s dedication
  • A poem exploring the parallels between sports and life
  • A poem appreciating the excitement of sports fandom
  • A poem reflecting on a meaningful sporting event
  • A poem satirizing hyper-competitiveness in sports
  • A poem on the value of learning
  • A poem appreciating an influential teacher
  • A poem exploring the atmosphere of school
  • A poem reflecting on the college experience
  • A poem critiquing the education system
  • A poem about the craft of poetry
  • A poem celebrating poetic language
  • A poem appreciating the wisdom and beauty of poems
  • A poem urging everyone to try writing poetry
  • A meta-poem about writing this poem

Understanding Poetry

Setting the tone.

When you begin your journey into poetry writing, it’s essential to set the tone of your poem. The tone plays a crucial role in conveying your message and emotions. To create a specific atmosphere in your poem, consider using elements like color and smell, which can enhance the reader’s experience.

Colors can evoke strong emotions in your writing. For example, red might represent love or anger, while blue can convey calmness or sadness.

Including descriptions of different smells can also help to stimulate the reader’s senses and create a more immersive experience. Be confident in your choices and use your knowledge of these elements to make your poetry engaging and clear.

Using Metaphors

Metaphors are powerful tools in poetry as they allow you to express complex emotions and ideas in an imaginative way. By using metaphors, you can create imagery that resonates with your readers, elevating your poetry to new heights.

A well-crafted metaphor can give depth to your writing, making it more engaging and thought-provoking.

In your pursuit of understanding poetry, don’t be afraid to experiment with different metaphors and analogies. Trust your ability to find unique and captivating ways to convey your emotions and observations.

Remember, poetry is a personal expression, and while it might not always be crystal clear to every reader, your goal is to make a connection with those who resonate with your words.

Tapping into Emotions

When writing poetry, one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is tapping into emotions. By allowing yourself to feel and explore various emotions, you can create poems that resonate with your readers.

In this section, we will briefly discuss four key emotional themes – love, fear, sadness, and joy – and how you can interweave them into your poetry.

Exploring Love

Love, in all its forms, is a universal emotion that can fuel the most emotive poetry. Whether you’re writing about romantic love, the love between friends or family members, or even self-love, you have the opportunity to tap into a deep well of emotions.

When exploring love, think about your own experiences as well as the emotional experiences of others. Dive into the intricacies of relationships and how love can elicit emotions such as happiness, jealousy, and even sadness.

Dealing with Fear

Fear is an emotion that everyone experiences at one time or another. Whether it’s the fear of death, the unknown, or even failure, tapping into this emotion can create powerful poems that your readers can relate to.

When writing about fear, consider how it can manifest itself in different situations and how it can impact your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. By delving into this primal emotion, you can create poetry that captivates your audience and encourages them to confront their own fears.

Unravelling Sadness

Sadness, while often seen as a negative emotion, can serve as a source of inspiration and growth for your poetry. It can be brought upon by events such as experiencing loneliness, loss, or disappointment.

When unravelling sadness in your poems, consider the deeper emotions that come with it, such as regret, longing, and even hope. Challenge yourself to dig deep and capture the raw emotions that sadness evokes, allowing your readers to connect with your words on a profound level.

Finding Joy

Lastly, joy is an emotion that can bring vibrancy and light to your poetry. This emotion can sprout from countless sources, such as success, friendship, or the beauty found in everyday life.

When writing about joy, think about the moments that make your heart leap and the feelings that accompany them. Incorporate these moments into your poetry and show your readers the transformative power joy can have on our lives.

By tapping into this emotion, your poems can become a celebration of the human experience, inviting your audience to embrace the happiness that exists around them.

Expressing Personal Experiences

Drawing from dreams.

Dreams can be a treasure trove of inspiration for your poetry. They often contain vivid emotions, unusual events, and striking imagery. You can use your dream experiences to create surprising and engaging poems that transport your readers to another world.

To begin, keep a journal of your dreams and make it a habit to write them down as soon as you wake up. This practice can enhance your creativity and lend a touch of surrealism to your poetry.

Memory and Nostalgia

Poems about personal experiences often draw from memories and nostalgia. Writing about past events can help you process emotions, preserve important memories, and share your unique perspective with others.

When creating a poem based on memory, try to focus on specific moments and details. This can make your work more relatable and engaging to readers. Don’t shy away from exploring painful or regretful experiences, as they can elicit strong emotions and foster personal growth.

Writing about Relationships

Exploring relationships through poetry can be a powerful way of processing and expressing the complex emotions involved in connections with friends, family members, and romantic partners. From love, friendship, and admiration to loss, betrayal, and heartbreak, your experiences with others offer a rich well of inspiration for your poetry.

Remember to approach sensitive topics with empathy and respect, especially when writing about real people. This will help maintain authenticity while avoiding unnecessary negativity.

Reflecting on Growth and Change

One of the most rewarding aspects of writing poetry is the opportunity to reflect on your personal growth and change . By examining the transformation in your life, you can tap into themes of resilience, adaptability, and self-discovery.

Consider using metaphorical language to convey the process of growth and change, as it can help to illustrate abstract concepts in a more tangible way. Writing about your journey in the second person point of view may also invite readers to share in your experiences and find their own meaning in your work.

Connecting with Nature

Experiencing seasons.

As you explore the world of poetry, one captivating theme to consider is the ever-changing beauty of nature and its seasons. Each season has its unique qualities, from the awakening of spring to the crisp air of autumn. Writing about the seasons can be an opportunity to express your connection with the Earth and its natural cycles.

Close your eyes and picture the multitude of colors the leaves take on in the fall, or the first signs of blossoming flowers in the spring. The contrast of the sweltering summer sun against the icy chill of winter can also inspire emotions and memories that may translate well into poetry. In your writing, be sure to convey the distinct atmospheres and feelings each season brings.

Don’t hesitate to explore the intimate connections between nature’s transformations and your own personal growth.

Captivating Landscapes

Another way to connect with nature when writing poetry is by focusing on the diverse landscapes that make up our planet. Consider the vastness of the ocean, with its waves crashing onto the shore and the mysterious depths that remain unexplored. You can also find inspiration in the tranquil beauty of a forest or the striking grandeur of a mountain range.

When writing about landscapes, remember to depict the sky and weather as part of the scenery. This will help create a vivid picture for the reader, immersing them in the landscape, and evoking the emotions you wish to convey. Whether it be a calm, clear day or a stormy night, the sky plays a significant role in setting the tone and atmosphere of your poem.

As you craft your poetry, draw from your personal experiences and memories, as well as your imagination, to bring these scenes to life. The beauty of the natural world lays endless inspiration at your fingertips, allowing you to create meaningful and captivating poems that resonate with readers.

Using Writing Techniques

Incorporating rhyme and rhythm.

Rhyme and rhythm are essential components of many poems. They create a musical quality that can make your writing more engaging. When brainstorming poem ideas, try experimenting with different rhyme schemes and rhythmic patterns to elevate your work.

For example, during National Poetry Month, you might challenge yourself to write a new poem each day that follows a specific rhyme scheme or meter.

Rhythm can be achieved by varying the syllable count in each line or by using a particular stressed-unstressed pattern in your words. Remember the key is to be confident and maintain a clear tone in your writing.

Trying Out Poetic Structures

There are numerous poetic structures you can explore when seeking inspiration for your poetry. Here are a few to consider:

  • Acrostic: An acrostic poem is where the first letter of each line spells out a word or message when read vertically. This poetic form can be a creative way to convey your theme or introduce a hidden meaning.
  • Limerick: A limerick is a humorous, short verse comprising five lines with a strict AABBA rhyme scheme. The first, second, and fifth lines have a longer length, while the third and fourth lines are shorter. Limericks are perfect for showcasing your wit and playfulness.
  • Haiku: Haiku is a traditional Japanese poetic form consisting of three lines. The first and third lines have five syllables, while the second line has seven syllables. This structure challenges you to precisely convey your emotions and thoughts within its constraints. Haiku is often inspired by nature, but feel free to explore other themes.

Incorporating these writing techniques and structures in your poetry can help you discover new ways to express your thoughts and ideas. Remember to use resources like poetry prompts to further stimulate your creativity and experiment with different styles during National Poetry Month. Your poems will undoubtedly evolve as you gain confidence and become more knowledgeable about the art of writing poetry.

Incorporating Real Experiences

Turning travel into poetry.

Travel can be a powerful source of inspiration for your poetry. Whether you’re leaving home for a new adventure or simply exploring your surroundings, traveling offers a unique opportunity to capture the beauty and complexity of different places, cultures, and experiences.

When writing about your travels, pay attention to the sounds, sights, and emotions you encounter along the way. For example, you could write about the melody of a street musician, the bustling atmosphere of a marketplace, or the serenity of a hidden garden. Let these experiences enrich your poetry and invite readers to journey with you through your words.

Cultivating Inspiration from Food and Objects

Food and objects may seem like mundane subjects, but both can inspire meaningful and creative poetry. When writing about food, focus on the rich sensory experiences it evokes. Describe the aroma, taste, and texture of your favorite meal, or explore the cultural significance and memories associated with a childhood dish.

Similarly, everyday objects can serve as muses for your poetry. Consider the emotional connection you have with a cherished possession or the nostalgia tied to a certain item. Delve into the history and symbolism of an object, such as a piece of jewelry, a book, or even a musical instrument. By examining these seemingly ordinary items, you can unveil deeper layers of meaning and evoke strong emotions in your readers.

Remember to maintain a confident, knowledgeable, and neutral tone in your writing. By doing so, you’ll create a clear and engaging experience for your audience. So, let your travels and everyday experiences inspire your poetry, and enjoy the creative journey.

Using Prompts and Themes

Using quotes and news articles.

Utilizing quotes from famous personalities or snippets from news articles can be an effective way to inspire your poetry writing. It allows you to tap into emotions, experiences, and social issues that others have already explored. Pay attention to impactful lines from songs, books, or speeches, as well as thought-provoking news stories, and let their words be a springboard for your creativity.

Tapping into the Unusual

Embrace the unusual, such as time travel or unique aspects of nature when seeking inspiration for your poem ideas. Look for topics that are out of the ordinary and challenge yourself to weave them into a poetic narrative. This approach will not only stretch your creativity but also open doors for imaginative scenarios and descriptions. For example, you could write a poem about traveling to the future or delve into the enigmatic relationship between music and memories.

Reflecting through Spirituality

Incorporating spirituality into your poetry can provide a deeper meaning and connection to your work. Reflect on your own spiritual beliefs or explore others’ perspectives on the topic. You can also use spirituality to examine the nuances of human emotions and experiences. By connecting your poetry to the spiritual world, you’ll create an intriguing and thought-provoking piece.

Honoring Life’s Milestones

When you’re crafting a poem to honor life’s milestones, it’s essential to capture the emotions and sentiments surrounding these significant events. Poems can serve as a way to commemorate and celebrate these occasions and help invoke powerful memories.

For instance, when it comes to weddings , your poem can focus on the union of two souls, the love they share, and the significance of embarking on this new journey together. Consider incorporating themes of unity, commitment, and partnership, as well as the joy and excitement of entering this new phase. A wedding poem might include lines about love’s strength, the beauty of the couple’s bond, and well-wishes for their future.

On the other hand, if you want to write a poem about growing old , emphasize the wisdom, memories, and experiences that come with aging. You can also touch upon the beauty in the journey of life, reflecting not only on one’s accomplishments but also on the lessons learned along the way. It’s essential to approach this topic with sensitivity, respect, and admiration for the person being celebrated.

Keep your tone confident, knowledgeable, and neutral while maintaining clarity in your language. When celebrating life’s milestones through poetry, remember that you’re capturing a snapshot of a specific moment in time. Whether you’re writing for someone else or yourself, your words should resonate with sincerity and emotion.

Remember, the key to an impactful poem lies in its authenticity and ability to move the reader. So, as you write, draw inspiration from your own experiences and emotions, or those of the person you’re writing for. By doing so, you’ll create a piece that will leave a lasting impression and serve as a beautiful testament to the milestone being honored.

Creative Writing Techniques

Using personification.

Personification is a powerful tool in poetry, allowing you to give human-like qualities to inanimate objects or abstract concepts. This technique can enhance your poems by adding depth and emotion. Try to experiment with personification in your poetry by selecting a concept or object and attributing it human characteristics. For instance, you could write about how the wind whispers secrets through the trees or how the sun smiles down on the earth.

Writing Haikus and Limericks

Haikus and limericks are both short, structured forms of poetry that can provide an enjoyable challenge for poets of all levels. Haiku poems, inspired by Japanese tradition, comprise three lines with a syllable structure of 5-7-5. These poems often capture a moment in nature or an emotion. Limericks, on the other hand, are humorous five-line poems with an AABBA rhyme scheme. Experimenting with these structures can improve your poetry writing skills and offer creative writing ideas for your future works.

Creating a Descriptive Poem

Descriptive poems utilize vivid imagery and sensory details to transport the reader to a particular place, time, or experience. To create a descriptive poem, choose a specific setting or experience you want to bring to life through your words. Use all of your senses to craft a vivid picture for the reader, employing not only visual details but also sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations. As you develop your descriptive poetry, you’ll find your ability to convey emotions and create vivid images in your reader’s mind enriches your overall poetry writing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common themes in poetry.

In poetry, there are several common themes that poets often explore, such as love, death, nature, time, and friendship. These themes help to convey universal human experiences, emotions, and ideas that are relatable to a wide range of readers.

How can I find inspiration for writing a poem?

Finding inspiration for writing a poem can come from various sources, such as personal experiences, emotions, memories, or ideas. Observing the world around you and immersing yourself in nature can also inspire your writing. Reflect on the feelings and thoughts you have while falling asleep, as these moments can often lead to unique and imaginative ideas.

What are some examples of different poem structures?

Different poem structures include free verse, sonnets, haikus, and acrostics, among others. Experimenting with various formats allows you to hone your craft and discover the style that best suits your voice. To practice, challenge yourself to write a sonnet a day to help empty your head and generate new ideas.

What are some tips for writing a poem about life?

When writing a poem about life, think about the specific aspects you want to explore and convey. You can focus on personal experiences, emotions, or observations of the world around you. Consider including sensory details and vivid imagery to help readers immerse themselves in your poem. Studying great poems about life can also serve as inspiration.

Can you suggest some poetry prompts for beginners?

For beginners looking to start writing poetry, it’s helpful to start with prompts such as writing a poem about a cherished friendship, exploring the transition between seasons, or describing a unique experience in your life. These prompts can serve as a starting point and inspire your creativity.

How do I incorporate emotion, such as sadness, into a poem?

To incorporate emotions like sadness into a poem, draw upon your own experiences and feelings. You can also use sensory details, imagery, and metaphors to evoke specific emotions and create a vivid picture for the reader. Reading poems that explore emotions can provide insight into how other poets successfully express emotions in their work.

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  • How to write poetry
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Poetry Prompts and Poem Starters

Poem starters - Write a poem about:

  • Three wishes
  • Traveling to an unknown place
  • Getting a haircut
  • A scientific fact (real or invented)
  • An insect that got into your home
  • The sound of a specific language
  • The number 3
  • Missing someone
  • Something that makes you angry
  • The feeling of writing, why you want to be a writer
  • The ups and downs of love
  • The view out your window
  • City lights at night
  • A particular work of art
  • Having a superpower
  • Being in an airplane
  • Playing a sport
  • A person transformed into an animal

Write instructions for how to:

  • Find happiness
  • Peel a peach

Write a poem that contains all three words from one of these lists:

  • "Silky," "gigantic," and "puzzle."
  • "Leaf," "accelerating," and "sticky."
  • "Skin," "drastic," and "dusty."
  • "Interrupt," "nutmeg," and "crystalline."
  • "Exacting," "oxygen," and "delicate."
  • "Reptilian," "arched," and "honey."

Even more poem starters

Keep writing! Choose one of the links below. Get more poetry ideas . Learn about how to write poetry . Get creative writing prompts for fiction .

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65 Beach Writing Prompts 🏖️

Sun-kissed skin, crashing waves, and the endless expanse of the ocean – ahh, the beach! But even when you can’t be there physically, you can capture its magic through the power of words. This summer , dive into a world of creative expression with our list of 65 beach writing prompts!

These prompts cater to writers of all levels, from seasoned storytellers looking for a fresh spark to budding wordsmiths just starting their journey. So grab your notebook, channel those beach vibes, and get ready to craft captivating beach-themed stories, poems , and more!

65 Beach Writing Prompts

Dreaming of sandy toes and salty breezes?  Channel those beach vibes into creative energy with our list of 65 beach writing prompts!

Creative Writing Prompts

  • Imagine you find a mysterious bottle washed ashore with a message inside. What does it say, and what do you do next?
  • Write a story about a day when the ocean turned different colors. How did it happen, and what adventures did you have?
  • You discover a secret cave hidden behind a waterfall on the beach. Describe what you find inside.
  • Create a tale about a beach where magical creatures come out at night. What creatures are they, and what do they do?
  • Write about a beach party that goes fantastically wrong, and how you and your friends manage to save the day.
  • Describe a journey to a deserted island and the challenges you face while trying to survive.
  • You meet a talking dolphin while swimming in the ocean. What does the dolphin tell you?
  • Write about a treasure hunt on the beach with clues leading to a hidden chest.
  • Imagine a beach where every grain of sand holds a tiny secret. What happens when you uncover some of these secrets?
  • Create a story where you and your friends build a sandcastle that comes to life.
  • Describe a day in the life of a mermaid or merman living near the beach.
  • Write a short story about a beach that has a hidden magical portal.
  • Imagine you are a pirate searching for buried treasure on a beach. Describe your journey.
  • Write a poem about a lone seagull soaring through the salty air.
  • Imagine a future where beaches are underwater. Write a dystopian story.
  • You find a mysterious footprint in the sand. Follow the trail and write what you find.

See this list of creative writing about summer for more ideas.

Journal Prompts

  • Write about what you pack for a day at the beach and why.
  • Write about a time when something unexpected happened at the beach.
  • Describe your perfect day at the beach from sunrise to sunset.
  • Write about the most memorable beach vacation you’ve ever had.
  • How do you feel when you’re at the beach? Describe the emotions and sensations you experience.
  • Imagine you are a grain of sand on the beach. Describe your journey from the mountains to the shore.
  • How do you think beaches are different around the world?
  • What activities do you enjoy doing at the beach and why?
  • Reflect on a time you found something interesting on the beach. What was it, and what did you do with it?
  • Write about a beach trip with your family. What did you do, and what made it special?
  • How does the sound of the ocean make you feel? Explain in detail.
  • Describe the most beautiful beach you’ve ever visited. What made it stand out?
  • Write a journal entry about a rainy day at the beach. How did you spend your time?
  • Imagine you’re at the beach alone. What do you do, and how do you feel?

Would You Rather

  • Would you rather swim with dolphins or snorkel with colorful fish? Why?
  • Would you rather build a giant sandcastle or have a beach barbecue? Explain your choice.
  • Would you rather find a message in a bottle or discover a hidden cave? What would you hope to find?
  • Would you rather spend a day surfing big waves or exploring tide pools? Why?
  • Would you rather play beach volleyball or go kayaking? What attracts you to that activity?
  • Would you rather find buried treasure or discover a new marine species? Why?
  • Would you rather ride a jet ski or go paddleboarding? Why?
  • Would you rather have a beach bonfire with friends or a quiet picnic by yourself? Explain your preference.
  • Would you rather watch the sunrise or sunset at the beach? Why?
  • Would you rather find a rare seashell or a piece of sea glass? What would you do with it?
  • Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or run on water?
  • Would you rather go on a beach hike or lounge under an umbrella all day? Explain your choice.
  • Would you rather encounter a friendly shark or a mischievous sea turtle? Why?

See our post on 200+ would you rather questions for kids for more ideas.

Descriptive Prompts

  • Describe the sound of the waves crashing on the shore in detail.
  • Write about the feeling of sand between your toes. How does it feel, and what memories does it bring back?
  • Describe the smell of the salty sea air and how it makes you feel.
  • Write a detailed description of a sunset at the beach.
  • Describe the colours and textures you see in a tide pool.
  • Imagine you are lying on the beach. Describe what you see, hear, smell, and feel.
  • Write about the taste of your favourite beach snack or treat.
  • Describe a seashell you found. What does it look and feel like?
  • Write about the sight of a sailboat drifting on the horizon.
  • Capture the feeling of walking barefoot on the warm sand.
  • Describe the experience of diving under a wave in the ocean.
  • Write a letter to a friend describing your ideal beach day.
  • Imagine you’re a lifeguard at a busy beach. Write about a typical day at work.
  • Write a poem about the ocean and its mysteries.
  • Describe the excitement and anticipation of arriving at the beach after a long drive.

Bonus Beach Prompts

  • Write a news report about a strange discovery washed ashore.
  • Write a dialogue between two seashells about the human world they observe.
  • Design a sustainable beach cleanup campaign slogan and poster.
  • Write a song about the carefree feeling of a summer beach day.
  • You stumble upon a hidden message carved into a piece of driftwood. What does it say?
  • Create a comic strip depicting a funny beach mishap.
  • Write a persuasive essay urging people to protect our beaches.

We hope these prompts inspire you to weave tales of salty adventures, sparkling seashells, and sun-drenched memories. Whether you’re journaling, crafting a story, or pondering a “would you rather” scenario, these beach writing prompts are sure to enrich your writing experience.

So grab that beach towel (metaphorically, of course!), dive into these prompts, and share your creations in the comments below! We’d love to hear about the beachy worlds you bring to life.

Beach Writing Prompts

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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31 January Writing Prompts

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July Poetry Curator CM Burroughs

Poets are record keepers.

creative writing ideas about poetry

Courtesy of CM Burroughs.

July 3, 2024

CM Burroughs is associate professor of creative writing at Columbia College Chicago and author of The Vital System and Master Suffering , which was longlisted for the National Book Award and a finalist for the Lambda Book Award and L.A. Times Book Award. Burroughs has been awarded fellowships and grants from Yaddo, MacDowell, Djerassi Foundation, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Cave Canem Foundation. Zócalo’s poetry curator for July, Burroughs chatted with us in the green room about horror movies, Greece, and what song would bring her onto the dance floor.

Who is one poet you’re currently reading?

Airea D. Matthews’ Bread and Circus . I’m teaching the book in a couple of weeks. Airea Matthews is just a really adventurous poet. She just won the L.A. Times Book Award for Poetry.

How has the pandemic changed the way you write or think about poetry?

It’s made me pay more attention to our mortality and the sort of the easiness of being lost to the world. I was just thinking about the pandemic this morning, because a student came to mind. I think two years after the pandemic, the student maybe said, “Oh, I’m so over pandemic poems. I’m so over it.” And I was like, “What are you talking about?” When I was teaching early on, I had kids who weren’t even born during September 11th, who were writing about September 11th. The pandemic was a worldwide crisis—don’t be over it. Poets are record keepers. So, we’ve got to keep addressing the severe records we come across.

Where would we find you on a Saturday afternoon?

Lounging on my couch, watching a horror movie, maybe. I love horror and detective series. Mysteries are a lot of fun.

What’s your favorite horror movie or series?

The Omen collection of films is the latest I’ve enjoyed.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

I’ve never done karaoke. I am way too shy.

Is there a song that would get you on the dance floor?

You’d have to go back to the 2010s and earlier for me to get on the dance floor. Let’s go with Tony! Toni! Toné!’s “Feels Good.”

What’s hanging on your living room walls?

I’ve got four black and white sketches of Chicago on one wall. Picture of Cloud Gate, a picture of the “L” underground, the Chicago Theatre, and Millennium Park. A photo of me and my first mentor, Toi Derricotte. My parents and my family when we were younger. And in 2015 or so, I did this thing for Poetry Magazine where poets were featured on “L” stations around Chicago. So, I have a picture of me at one of the stations.

What’s your comfort food?

A good cheeseburger. If I’m doing fast food, then from like Sonic or Five Guys. But a good medium rare cheeseburger from any restaurant is good for me.

In an alternate universe, what would you be doing right now?

I would certainly be independently wealthy, living off of ancestral wealth, because communities of color would be situated in such a way in that universe.

If you didn’t live in the United States, what country would you want to live in?

The most relaxing place I’ve been so far is Greece, so that would have to be first on my list. I took work with me, and I planned to write while I was there, but the cafes there are different from America, where we usually squat and work in our cafes with our laptops. The culture is very social. There was nothing reinforcing my desire to work. So I just did what everyone else did and people-watched and relaxed.

Summer is upon us. Do you have any summer plans?

I just took up swimming again after 26 years. So, swimming pool, swimming laps.

And then is a lake or ocean next?

None of the above. I was stung by a jellyfish in the ocean once after having a swim and that cured my curiosity swimming in any open water.

Who’s one person alive or dead that you would want to grab drinks with?

I’m working on a book now that looks at the poet Margaret Danner and is an epistolary communication with her. So, probably Margaret Danner, to meet with her to figure out if I’m on the right track with these poems I’m writing. I think she’d be down for brandy.

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A framed poster of a stamp depicting Langston Hughes, who wrote some of the best poems in American ... [+] history.

Poetry provides the perfect way to indulge in the escapism of reading without the commitment required to finish a novel. You can read most famous poems in a single sitting, some taking just a minute or two, and they give you a window into a new way to think. The best poems and poetry employ imagery as well as gorgeous, creative language designed to make you think and help draw conclusions about greater themes. In most poems, a bird is never just a bird, and you can learn a lot about life by thinking about the symbolic meaning of the themes explored, from romance to politics. This list includes poems from the best poetry books of all time and other more recent poems that examine contemporary events.

Some of the most popular, well-known poets include modern geniuses such as Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Allen Ginsberg and Sylvia Plath. Other famed poets date back centuries, including Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. And yet others still write today, like Amanda Gorman.

The poems on this list are ranked based on popularity, how the themes hold up over time, use of language and imagery, reputation of the poet and critical reaction to the poem. It includes poems from as recent as 2021 and ones as old as 1798. You will find a lot to enjoy on this list.

25. "Flowers from the Volcano" by Claribel Alegría (2013)

Claribel Alegría (1924-2018), a Latin American poet who moved to the U.S. during World War II, was a committed pacifist who returned to Nicaragua to help the country rebuild in 1985. In this poem, she recounts memories of Central America and uses incredible imagery to link it to the rest of the world.

This poem is best for people who have some understanding of metaphor in poetry. You can read "Flowers from the Volcano" by Claribel Alegría in Halting Steps: Collected and New Poems from publisher Northwestern University Press .

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, 24. "paul revere's ride" by henry wadsworth longfellow (1860).

This famed poem begins with the lines, “Listen, my children, and you shall hear/Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.” It goes on to narrate Revere’s ride to warn Massachusetts residents of the approach of British soldiers—though, as scholars have pointed out, it’s not historically accurate. Still, it’s an exciting story.

This poem is best for novice poetry readers. You can read "Paul Revere's Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, which is old enough to have shifted into the public domain, on the Academy of American Poets website.

Artist Robert Guillemin known popularly as "Sidewalk Sam" puts the finishing touches on a portrait ... [+] of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow at the foot of the Longfellow Bridge spanning the Charles River, which completes his project painting the poem "Paul Revere's Ride."

23. "A Dog Has Died" by Pablo Neruda (1974)

Published after Chilean poet Pablo Neruda’s death, “A Dog Has Died” pays tribute to a loyal pet in plain, unsentimental language. He describes the dog’s personality and their bond, though it’s clear the narrator has a reserved personality and never fully felt the joy his pet chased in life.

This poem is best for anyone who has experienced the grief of losing a pet. You can read "A Dog Has Died" by Pablo Neruda in Winter Garden from publisher Copper Canyon Press .

22. "Heartbeats" by Melvin Dixon (1995)

The staccato rhythm of this poem feels like a heartrate monitor—appropriate, since the narrator is struggling with an illness. The person wonders how long they have to live while also detailing their care and treatment. Of note, the poet was HIV positive and often wrote about black gay men like himself.

This poem is best for anyone new to poetry looking for an accessible place to start. You can read "Heartbeats" by Melvin Dixon in Love’s Instruments from publisher Northwestern University Press .

21. "A Carafe, that is a Blind Glass" by Gertrude Stein (1914)

Gertrude Stein is better known for her prose, but her sparse poetry is also worth reading. This is the shortest poem on the list, just three lines and written as sentences. Yet the poem is open to interpretation, and the meaning of the “blind glass” often reflects the reader’s own experience.

This poem is best for those who are short on time yet still want an impactful read. You can read "A Carafe, that is a Blind Glass" by Gertrude Stein, which is old enough to have shifted into the public domain, on the Poetry Foundation website.

20. "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll (1871)

Lewis Carroll loved his creatures, and this poem warns readers, “Beware the Jabberwock, my son!/The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!” It creates a classic good vs. evil scenario, in which the hero sets out to slay the Jabberwocky. It’s certainly no coincidence Carroll named his creature a word that now means “meaningless.”

This poem is best for those who enjoyed Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and similarly wild adventures. You can read "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll, which is old enough to have shifted into the public domain, on the Poetry Foundation website.

The grave of Lewis Carroll, who wrote "Jabberwocky," at Mount Cemetery.

19. "She Was Fed Turtle Soup" by Lois Red Elk (2015)

An enrolled member of the Fort Peck Sioux, Lois Red Elk uses her experience as a teacher, actor and technical advisor on Hollywood films to create vivid poetry. This one follows a girl's journey to mature and partake in the ritual of eating turtle soup.

This poem is best for more experienced poetry readers searching for denser poems. You can read "She Was Fed Turtle Soup" by Lois Red Elk, which is no longer available in a print edition, on the Academy of American Poets website.

18. "what if" by Claudia Rankine (2020)

Claudia Rankine’s poem opens with an insightful question: "What does it mean to want an age-old call/for change/not to change/and yet, also,/to feel bullied/by the call to change?" Her awesome command of language (see, among other wordplay, the phrase “historied out”) makes this poem about modern living a must-read.

This poem is best for anyone ready for more complex, challenging and gorgeously written poetry. You can read "what if" by Claudia Rankine in Just Us from publisher Graywolf Press .

17. "A Memory" by Saeed Jones (2018)

If you don’t follow Saeed Jones on social media or listen to his podcast, you’re missing out. He has a unique ability to synthesize pop culture with humor and truth. “A Memory” is the poet at his best, including the line, “When I’m back, I want a body like a slash of lightning.”

This poem is best for anyone who wants to read contemporary poetry. You can read "A Memory" by Saeed Jones, which was published as part of the Poem-A-Day project, on the Academy of American Poets website.

16. "Sick" by Shel Silverstein (1970)

Shel Silverstein’s playful children’s poems get to the heart of what it is to be a kid. In “Sick,” a little girl insists she has all manner of illnesses before realizing she’s pulling her fake on a weekend—not a school day. Miraculously, she’s feeling much better! It’s a well-imagined, well-executed story.

This poem is best for adults who want to read poetry with their kids. You can read "Sick" by Shel Silverstein in Where the Sidewalk Ends from publisher Harpercollins .

Shel Silverstein, left, appearing on "The Johnny Cash Show" with Johnny Cash. Silverstein wrote some ... [+] of the best children's poems.

15. "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou (1995)

One of Maya Angelou’s best-known poems, “Phenomenal Woman” pays tribute to the power of self-love, especially for Black women who have long been othered and intentionally excluded from societal beauty standards. The poem pushes back against what society sees as a remarkable woman and creates a new standard.

This poem is best for anyone who has ever felt less-than or isn’t finding the right answers in a self-help book . You can read "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou in And I Still Rise from publisher Penguin Random House .

14. "'Hope' is the thing with feathers" by Emily Dickinson (1891)

One of famed poet Emily Dickinson’s best-known poems, “‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers” follows the narrator’s encounter with a bird. However, like most poems, this one is about so much more. It also explores our capacity for hope, when it is misguided and when it is not.

This poem is best for anyone looking for a Dickinson poem to begin with. You can read "‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers" by Emily Dickinson, which is old enough to have shifted into the public domain, on the Poetry Foundation website.

13. "Casey at the Bat" by Ernest Thayer (1888)

Ernest Thayer’s 19th-century classic takes readers through the suspenseful final inning of a baseball game with the Mudville nine hoping their star player, Casey, would get to the plate. Of course, as nearly everyone knows (spoiler alert!) from the famous last line, “there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Casey has struck out.”

This poem is best for sports fans and novice poetry readers. You can read "Casey at the Bat" by Ernest Thayer, which is old enough to have shifted into the public domain, on the Academy of American Poets website.

12. "Song of Myself" by Walt Whitman (1855)

Another poem that celebrates the value of individualism and releasing yourself from societal standards is Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself.” He uses grass to symbolize rebirth—as the famous line goes, “I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love,/If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.”

This poem is best for readers with a firm grasp of symbolism and imagery. You can read "Song of Myself" by Walt Whitman, which is old enough to have shifted into the public domain, on the Poetry Foundation website.

11. "American History" by Michael S. Harper (2000)

In just nine lines, Michael S. Harper calls out the violence perpetrated against Black people from the founding of the United States, juxtaposing a horrific past historical event with a horrific more recent one. His poem is frequently cited in conversations about social justice and racial inequities.

This poem is best for anyone and should be required reading for Americans. You can read "American History" by Michael S. Harper in Songlines in Michaeltree from publisher University of Illinois Press .

10. "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath (1962)

Sylvia Plath explored her issues with her father and her estranged abusive husband in the poem “Daddy,” which questions why women must deal with violence from men. Due to her own father’s early death, she argues she never developed tools to tell the good men from the bad men. This was published after Plath died.

This poem is best for anyone looking to begin reading Plath’s poetry. You can read "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath in The Collected Poems from publisher HarperCollins .

Stencil graffiti street art featuring a Sylvia Plath in a dress with her bicycle and panniers on in ... [+] Hebden Bridge, United Kingdom.

9. "In Flanders Field" by John McCrae (1915)

There’s no way to repay or adequately honor soldiers who give their lives for their country. This poem published during the then-unprecedented bloodshed of World War I is set in a graveyard in Belgium, where fallen soldiers implore those reading to ensure their sacrifice is not in vain.

This poem is best for anyone interested in military history who wants to see another aspect of war’s impact. You can read "In Flanders Field" by John McCrae, which is old enough to have shifted into the public domain, on the Poetry Foundation website.

8. "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman (2021)

It was one of the most memorable inauguration moments in recent memory: 22-year-old poet Amanda Gorman becoming the youngest-ever inaugural poet while reading her work about racial justice and the challenges to uniting America. It soon became a bestselling book, and Gorman has skyrocketed to fame for her wise words.

This poem is best for anyone interested in contemporary poetry or politics. You can read "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman in The Hill We Climb from publisher Penguin Random House .

7. "We Real Cool," by Gwendolyn Brooks (1963)

Gwendolyn Brooks, the first Black winner of the Pulitzer Prize, often used poetry to convey the Black experience in America. In “We Real Cool,” she describes a group of teens like most others in the prime of life—buoyant, slightly rebellious, feeling invincible. That’s sadly proven wrong due to their skin color, the poem foreshadows.

This book is best for people looking for short poems that deliver a punch to the gut. You can read "We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks in Selected Poems from publisher HarperCollins .

6. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1798)

We have all committed thoughtless acts that come back to haunt us. Thus, it feels relatable when the Ancient Mariner, the protagonist of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s enduring poem, kills an albatross and later must pay for it. The poem also reminds readers not to take the carefree times in life for granted.

This poem is best for anyone who’s ever wondered about the origin of albatrosses as symbols of regret and woe. You can read "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, which is old enough to have shifted into the public domain, on the Poetry Foundation website.

5. "Diving into the Wreck" by Adrienne Rich (1973)

Adrienne Rich uses a well-constructed, in-depth metaphor to explore women’s place in society in “Diving into the Wreck.” Even the word “wreck” can be taken two ways—the ruined ship a diver explores or the muddle women’s everyday lives become amid the patriarchy. Rich uses the diver’s journey to parallel women’s self-discovery.

This poem is best for fans of extended allegories. You can read "Diving into the Wreck" by Adrienne Rich in Diving into the Wreck from publisher W.W. Norton .

Adrienne Rich, author of "Diving into the Wreck," one of the greatest poems ever written.

4. "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg (1956)

Beat poet Allen Ginsberg and his contemporaries wanted to blow things up—from societal norms to traditional writing practices. Ginsberg touched on both in his controversial poem “Howl,” which authorities in the UK called obscene due to references to sex and drugs. The poet also calls out capitalism and war for destroying culture.

This poem is best for anyone curious about counterculture or beat poetry. You can read "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg in Selected Poems 1947-1995 from publisher HarperCollins .

3. "A Thousand Mornings" by Mary Oliver (2012)

Mary Oliver may be the most widely read poet due to her popularity among non-poetry readers. Her simple vocabulary and straightforward questions make her accessible, such as in “A Thousand Mornings.” She urges readers to lose themselves in the presence of nature and appreciate the moment—simple as that.

This poem is best for anyone looking to begin their poetry journey. You can read "A Thousand Mornings" by Mary Oliver in A Thousand Mornings from publisher Penguin Random House .

2. "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost (1920)

Robert Frost wrote many exceptional poems. Though this was composed more than a century ago, that dichotomy between hot and cold, symbolizing desire and hatred, remains relevant today. The poem doesn’t argue for or against either, which makes it more interesting. It uses natural symbolism to illustrate the dangers of each.

This poem is best for anyone searching for a good first Robert Frost poem. You can read "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost in New Hampshire from publisher Penguin Random House .

Robert Frost, poet of Amherst, New Hampshire, and author of one of the best poems, "Fire and Ice."

1. "I, Too" by Langston Hughes (1926)

Langston Hughes used his poetry to illustrate the struggles Black people faced in America during the Harlem Renaissance (and well beyond, as many of the same issues persist today). “I, Too” explores Hughes’s dream of ending segregation and uniting people of all colors. It argues for equality and against ignorance.

This poem is best for everyone as it can spark critical conversations and reflections on racism. You can read "I, Too" by Langston Hughes in The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes from publisher Penguin Random House .

Bottom Line

Poetry offers an escape, an opportunity to, however briefly, imagine yourself as part of another world. So much of poetry is subjective, and no two people interpret it exactly the same, which is part of the fun. Dive into a new poem on this list today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are great poems for friends.

Great poems for friends illustrate what it means to be devoted to one another and share a special bond. Some poems use the absence of fellowship to underscore why friends are important. Two great poems for friends are: 

Maya Angelou’s “ Alone ” (1975), which explores why we all need friends, no matter how much money or privilege we have. 

May Yang’s " To All My Friends " (2017), which pays tribute to the people who have supported the Hmong American poet (who writes under the pseudonym Hauntie) throughout her times of anguish, rage and weakness.  

What Are The Best Poems About Nature?

The best poems about nature make you want to go outside and see something living or green. They use imagery, metaphor and description to set the scene. Two of the best poems about nature are: 

Robert Frost’s " Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening " (1923), which paints a parallel between the dark woods and death. 

Emily Dickinson’s " A Bird, came down the Walk " (1891), about a chance encounter with a bird in which the narrator ponders the wonder, and almost terrifying scope, of nature. 

What Are The Best Love Poems?

The best love poems capture the excitement, lust, desire and often heartbreak of being in love. Whether chronicling an unrequited flame or depicting a perfect relationship, love poems cover a gauntlet of emotions. Two of the best love poems are: 

Elizabeth Barrett Browning's " Sonnets from the Portuguese 43 " (1850), which paints a picture of all-consuming, hot-burning love and opens with one of the most famous lines in history (“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways”).

William Shakespeare's " Sonnet 18 ” (1609), which perfectly captures the optimism of early love and also has a famous opening line (“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?").

Toni Fitzgerald

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Isaac Cates

creative writing ideas about poetry

423 Old Mill 94 University Pl Burlington , VT 05405 United States

  • Ph.D. Yale University, 2002

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Isaac Cates received his Ph.D. from Yale in 2002, where he studied how twentieth-century poets use ideas from the natural sciences. He also holds a Master’s degree from The Johns Hopkins University in creative writing.

He has published articles and reviews on Modernist and contemporary poetry and poetics, and has written widely on comics and the graphic novel. He also has decades of editorial experience. He currently edits, publishes, and contributes to an award-winning all-ages comics series called Cartozia Tales .

  • The Graphic Novel
  • Writing Comedy and Satire
  • Introduction to Creative Writing
  • Twentieth-Century Irish Poetry
  • Expository Writing
  • Popular Literature of the Early Twentieth Century
  • Introductory Seminar
  • Introduction to Poetry
  • Topics in Modernism
  • Pursuit of Knowledge


Isaac Cates Publications (DOCX)

Awards and Achievements

  • Paul C. Gignilliat Dissertation Fellowship (1999)
  • Mellon Fellowship for Summer Study (1996)
  • Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities (1994)
  • Yale Academy of American Poets Prize (1995, 2001)
  • Albert Stanburrough Cook Prize in Poetry (2001, 2002)
  • Tennessee Williams Scholarship (Sewanee Writers’ Conference, 2000)

Area(s) of expertise

Modern and contemporary poetry, nature poetry and nature writing, the interaction between science and poetry, and time in poetry; Modernism and the difficulty of the modernist avant-garde; the graphic novel, comics as a literary medium, and autobiographical comics; poetic form, formal constraints, and oulipo / oubapo. 

Areas of Expertise

Associations and affiliations, associations and affiliations.

  • Association of Literary Scholars and Critics
  • Modern Language Association
  • Modernist Studies Association

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Spartan Alert

Pride and poetry, according to emilia phillips.

Posted on June 25, 2024

Person stands at a podium with a mic in a bookstore and addresses a seated crowd.

On a dreary Thursday night in February, a group gathered at Scuppernong Books in downtown Greensboro for a reading of a new collection of poetry by Emilia Phillips . Phillips had just released their fifth collection of poetry, entitled “Nonbinary Bird of Paradise,” but this was no typical book reading.  

Phillips gathered UNCG students and alumni to read original works and selected text that inspired their latest poems. All in attendance raved about how the reading was a celebration of voices and art and the flow of inspiration. For Phillips, all of this is intertwined.  

An Artist Spreads Their Wings  

A UNCG professor since 2017, Phillips is an associate professor of creative writing where they teach poetry workshops and serve as core poetry faculty for the Masters of Fine Art in Creative Writing . Phillips also has cross-appointments in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and English departments teaching the Queer Poetry and Poetics class and the Women’s Health and Bodies class to undergraduates.  

Being a poet, a teacher, and a voice for the LGBTQIA+ community is all part of the creative process for Phillips. “I can’t teach poetry unless I’m writing it and vice versa,” she says. “My constant dialogue with students informs my work.”  

Book cover for Nonbinary Bird of Paradise with an illustration of birds nesting with flowers and a snake striking from inside the nest.

“Nonbinary Bird of Paradise” is a prime example of Phillips’ exploratory style of poetry, but this latest collection focuses on gender and the ways cultural, religious and mythological narratives support heterosexuality as “the norm”. 

In “Nonbinary Bird of Paradise,” Phillips’ challenge of compulsory heterosexuality cuts right to the chase. The first section includes twelve poems in the voice of Eve from the Bible. It imagines if Eve wasn’t born straight and was never desiring of Adam but had no other choices of partners. 

“My writing is definitely informed by my own worldview, experience, gender journey and sexuality,” says Phillips, who was raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee. “I couldn’t have written the Eve sequence without getting to a certain point of my own reflections and self-work, but I was nervous when the book came out because it does deal so explicitly with sex and gender and sexuality.”  

The poem that inspired the book’s title is also extremely personal. “It’s a love poem for my partner,” Phillips explains. “I imagined if I was a bird of paradise, how would I woo my partner without the fancy plumage.”  

Phillips admits that most of their poetry is part autobiographical and part creative, but its fiction label opens doors for creative freedom, a principle they encourage in the classroom as well.   

Birds of a Feather Writing Together  

Phillips’ classes provide a safe space for building art and students appreciate the sense of community they find at UNCG’s English department. 

“Emilia prioritizes community not only in the classroom but outside of it too,” second-year MFA student Liz Bruce explains. “We are constantly sharing resources and opportunities and celebrating each other.” 

Student stands at a podium and reads for a group at a book store.

Recent MFA graduate Kay Zeiss is a private practice therapist working with adults who have experienced trauma. They are particularly dialed into using writing to process trauma. Self-identifying as genderqueer and nonbinary, Zeiss was particularly interested in working under Phillips’ mentorship and thrived in the department. 

“My goal isn’t to become this famous writer,” Zeiss confesses. “I just hope my writing can be of service to someone. Folks are really interested in being able to articulate their experience and find language for something that they didn’t have before. There’s a community and compassion there that I want to help facilitate.” 

Attracting creative minds like this to UNCG is exactly what Phillips had in mind when they joined the English department in 2017. Establishing a close-knit community within a larger campus community, which serves minorities and has historically been a safe place for LGBTQIA+ youth, provided the perfect environment for Phillips’ poetry to take root. 

“Having representation in the classroom and also having representation in my work out in the world is very important to me,” Phillips says. 

Artistic Reflections   

This high regard for representation and community made it natural for Phillips to invite students to share inspirational text at their book reading. “My students are among the most important people in my life,” they said. “Including them made it really festive.”  

“I’ve been to multiple readings at Scuppernong and this one was definitely different in that there was a huge crowd of people there to celebrate,” said Bruce, who read “[Poem about Naomi; unsent]” by Rachel Mennies at Phillips’ book reading. 

Zeiss read an original poem publicly for the first time at Phillips’ reading. “Hymnal to Transqueer Futures” reflects on grief following the death of Nex Benedict and ponders hope for the future of nonbinary and transqueer children. Zeiss dedicated it to Maddie Poole, another writer in attendance.  “I was so honored to be a part of this group,” they said. “It was very tender and sweet to have other people in the MFA program that I care about in this line-up of incredible poets. Reading my poem felt like an offering to the community.”  

Student stands at a poem and reads to a group at Scuppernong Books.

Bruce, and others who participated in the event, felt similarly grateful to be a part of Phillips’ unveiling of “Nonbinary Bird of Paradise.” 

“Because of Emilia’s decision to platform multiple voices and multiple authors, they recognize that writing isn’t created in a vacuum,” Bruce says. “It was a celebration of the community as much as the book, because the community influenced the making of the book in so many ways.” 

UNCG has nothing but pride for communities like Emilia Phillips’ that bring art into the world to spur curiosity and impart understanding. We celebrate this during Pride month, as we do throughout the year. 

Story by Becky Deakins, University Communications.   Photography courtesy of Felipe Troncoso  

A woman sits outside writing in a journal.

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    Whether you want to write poems for close friends, explore the world through your poetry, or create published poems, these poetry prompts, writing ideas, and creative writing ideas will help you embark on an incredible journey. Let's dive into the realm where words come alive and inspiration blossoms like a flower in the spring. Poem Ideas. 1.

  12. A list of 50 inspirational topics for writing a poem

    Write about the moments and people that make you smile and fill your heart with happiness. 6. Friendship. Write about the value of friendship, and how it has positively affected your life. This could also be a poem about saying goodbye to a friend, or remembering a lost friend. 7. Overcoming adversity.

  13. An Ocean of 199+ Poetry Ideas To Help You Write Your Next Poem

    Creative writing ideas and creative writing prompts can be fantastic sources of inspiration for poetry writing. The boundary between writing a story and a poem often blurs, and many ideas can be expressed in other forms.

  14. 130+ Poetry Writing Prompts

    Write a poem about Springtime. Look into a mirror and write a poem about yourself. Home sweet home - Write a poem about being home. Describe the city of the future. Write about the full moon. Write a poem about the smell of melted cheese. Describe the feathers of a peacock. Write an ode to your school bag.

  15. A Selection of Poetry Prompts from 1200 Creative Writing Prompts

    25 Poetry Prompts from 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Write a descriptive poem about a banana split: three scoops of ice cream with banana halves on either side and a big mound of whipped cream on top laced with chocolate sauce and sprinkled with chopped nuts—all topped off with a plump red cherry. Use all of the following words in a poem ...

  16. 41 Poetry Prompts to Inspire Fresh, Vivid Writing

    Falling into poetry prompts can help break through inspiration you didn't even know you had. Explore vivid prompts to help take your writing to the next level.

  17. 100 Poetry Prompts

    Imagination Focused Prompts . Poetry is very focused on images, which means you can truly let your imagination run wild when writing it. Be descriptive, have fun, and don't be afraid to lean into the bizarre. These creative poetry writing prompts will help you craft unique, engaging poems. Pick a colour. Use the 5 senses to explore and ...

  18. Inspiration Awaits: 51+ Poetry Writing Prompts

    51+ Poetry Writing Prompts. The taste of sunshine. Write a poem that is a series of questions. Write a poem to your past, present and future self. Describe your first kiss without using the words: lips, hands, kiss, touch, love or tongue. Write a poem/prose about a walk on a snowy moonlit night. This morning, I find myself surrounded by.

  19. 50 Poetry Prompts Every Writer Should Try

    Poetry is a form of creative writing that uses language artistically to evoke emotions, ideas, or experiences. Poets employ various literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, alliteration, and rhyme, to create vivid imagery, convey deeper meanings, and explore universal themes.

  20. Poem Ideas: 255 Prompts to Spark Your Creativity

    Poem Ideas: 255 Prompts to Spark Your Creativity. By: Paul Jenkins. October 6, 2023. Creativity, Creative Writing, Writing. Poetry is a timeless art form that allows writers to express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a creative way. Whether you're a seasoned poet or just starting out, finding inspiration for new poem ideas can ...

  21. Creative Writing Prompts and Poem Starters

    Creative Writing Prompts for Poetry. Here, you'll find HUNDREDS of creative writing prompts for your poetry. The prompts and ideas on this website intentionally open-ended. Each prompt can be approached in many different ways. Whether you are a traditional poet or an experimental one; whether your poetry is lyrical, humorous, or dark; you can ...

  22. Poetry Prompts and Poem Starters

    Poem starters - Write a poem about: Three wishes. Traveling to an unknown place. Getting a haircut. A scientific fact (real or invented) An insect that got into your home. The sound of a specific language. Death. The number 3.

  23. Writing Prompts for Beginners

    Whether you are new to creative writing or simply looking to refresh your practice, writing prompts are a great way to generate new ideas. Poets & Writers has nearly 2,000 writing prompts for poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction in the free archive at The Time Is Now. Below we've chosen a handful of prompts that are perfect for creative writers just starting out, and for teachers and ...

  24. Wednesday Poetry Prompts: 702

    Write a poem every single day of the year with Robert Lee Brewer's Poem-a-Day: 365 Poetry Writing Prompts for a Year of Poeming. After sharing more than a thousand prompts and prompting thousands of poems for more than a decade, Brewer picked 365 of his favorite poetry prompts here. Click to continue. ***** Here's my attempt at an Influence Poem:

  25. 65 Beach Writing Prompts ️

    So grab your notebook, channel those beach vibes, and get ready to craft captivating beach-themed stories, poems, and more! 65 Beach Writing Prompts. ... Channel those beach vibes into creative energy with our list of 65 beach writing prompts! Creative Writing Prompts. Imagine you find a mysterious bottle washed ashore with a message inside ...

  26. An Interview with July Poetry Curator CM Burroughs

    CM Burroughs is associate professor of creative writing at Columbia College Chicago and author of The Vital System and Master Suffering, which was longlisted for the National Book Award and a finalist for the Lambda Book Award and L.A. Times Book Award. Burroughs has been awarded fellowships and grants from Yaddo, MacDowell, Djerassi Foundation, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Cave ...

  27. 25 Famous Poems That Everyone Should Read

    Top Poems. Some of the most popular, well-known poets include modern geniuses such as Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Allen Ginsberg and Sylvia Plath.

  28. Isaac Cates

    Isaac Cates received his Ph.D. from Yale in 2002, where he studied how twentieth-century poets use ideas from the natural sciences. He also holds a Master's degree from The Johns Hopkins University in creative writing.He has published articles and reviews on Modernist and contemporary poetry and poetics, and has written widely on comics and the graphic novel.

  29. Artificial Intelligence and Writing: A Modern-Day Frankenstein's

    The dire outcome of an increasing reliance on technology in writing is the eventual homogenization and predictability of stories. Plots, characters, and themes are replicated as formulas designed for maximum efficiency, turning these tools and skills of authors into bland and uninspired programs and scripts developed solely for replication to achieve predetermined goals.

  30. Pride and Poetry, According to Emilia Phillips

    A UNCG professor since 2017, Phillips is an associate professor of creative writing where they teach poetry workshops and serve as core poetry faculty for the Masters of Fine Art in Creative Writing. Phillips also has cross-appointments in the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and English departments teaching the Queer Poetry and Poetics ...