“The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls Analysis Essay

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Jeannette Walls, in her short story, describes how hard life in poverty can be, especially when parents are neglectful. A story of childhood hardships is at the heart of her story that hard work can help a person succeed. The story described by Walls is so unique precisely because “that this is all true, that these events really did happen to real people” (Correll). Lopez also notes that the most important aspect of the connection between reader and author is the realization that all lives are not perfect. Thus, the novel presents a story of perseverance that anyone can relate to.

Since childhood, Jeannette has learned that unwillingness or inability to do something is just an excuse. She was so tired of poverty that the only way for her seemed “getting on the next bus out of here” (Walls 238). Finally, Jeannette was determined to leave her family life in Welch and move to New York. She realizes that her parents were an obstacle for her, as even her mother says: “You get to go to New York and I’m stuck here. It’s not fair” (Walls 237). Parents envy her success and aspirations, shifting the responsibility for their mistakes to the child. However, Jeannette did not pay attention to such words, as she was keen on development. Rose Mary notes that about her: “never had much going for you except that you always worked hard” (Walls 270). In the end by the end, Jeannette’s aspiration was the opposite of her family, bringing to success and acceptance not only herself but also those close to her. However, she is still ashamed of her roots and origins, as well as the behavior of her parents.

This story shows how much a dysfunctional family leaves a mark on a person’s life, even when it changes completely. Yang and Congzhou note that the family has the strongest cultural and social impact on the child (51). This aspect illustrates how Jeannette wanted to be accepted in her hometown, but at the same time, how rejected she felt. She shows optimism and honesty with which she wants to succeed, in contrast to her family.

Correll, Rose. “TNH Book Review: ‘The Glass Castle’ by Jeannette Walls.” The New Hampshire , 2019. Web.

Lopez, Gina. “The Glass Castle’ book review.” Daily Collegian , 2017. Web.

Walls, Jeannette. The Glass Castle: A Memoir . Scribner, 2017.

Yang, Liu, and Yang Congzhou. “Analysis of Sino-American Family Education Differences: Collectivistic or Individualistic?—Taking the Glass Castle as an Example.” International Education Studies , vol. 11, no. 8, 2018, pp. 51-57.

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IvyPanda. (2022, October 26). "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls Analysis. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-glass-castle-by-jeannette-walls-analysis/

""The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls Analysis." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/the-glass-castle-by-jeannette-walls-analysis/.

IvyPanda . (2022) '"The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls Analysis'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2022. ""The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls Analysis." October 26, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-glass-castle-by-jeannette-walls-analysis/.

1. IvyPanda . ""The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls Analysis." October 26, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-glass-castle-by-jeannette-walls-analysis/.


IvyPanda . ""The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls Analysis." October 26, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-glass-castle-by-jeannette-walls-analysis/.

The Glass Castle

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What does the Glass Castle symbolize for both Dad and Jeannette? How does it play into the slow erosion of Jeannette’s illusions concerning her father?

To what extent are the family’s struggles the result of Dad’s alcoholism? Clearly it has grievous effects on the family, but do you the think the Wallses would thrive if Dad simply stopped drinking? Why or why not?

In what ways does Mom and Dad’s marriage represent a codependent relationship? How does Mom enable Dad’s alcoholism, both implicitly and explicitly?

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The Glass Castle

By jeannette walls, the glass castle essay questions.

Discuss the role of fire in the novel.

After Jeannette is burned the first time fire continues to appear in the work. It burns down a number of houses and harms some of the characters. Jeannette believes that the fires might all be connected. Jeannette describes fire as a sort of character itself.

How does Jeannette characterize her parents? What is her tone towards them and their actions?

Jeannette describes her parents' faults and shortcomings but she does not condemn them for their actions. Indeed, by the novel’s end she appears to have come to an understanding about their way of living. The goal of the work is not to insult or vilify her parents but, in a way, to honor them.

Why does Jeannette choose to title the book The Glass Castle even though the structure is never built?

The glass castle characterizes Rex Walls’ need to create a life of fantasy and adventure for his family in the absence of stability and practicality. Its construction is consistently delayed in the work, but that which it represents endures. Jeannette’s memoir is, in part, an erection of this fabled structure. In writing, she takes one step towards fulfilling her father’s promise.

Explain the role of nature and the attitudes taken toward it in the memoir?

Without the amenities of modern life, the Walls family is frequently in awe of the beauty of nature. Especially while living in the Midwest, nature becomes a sort of home for the Walls. Rose Mary Walls also instills within her children an appreciation for animals and nature by refusing to kill or harm it with modern technology.

What about Jeannette’s experience is atypical of general ideas about American poverty? Why do you think Jeannette includes these examples?

For much of the work, Jeannette and her family live in conditions characteristic of poverty. However, Jeannette’s experience also includes rigorous homeschooling from her parents and exposure to classic literature. Despite her conditions, she and her siblings are often placed in the gifted classes in school. In showing that her parents, though poor, were not unintelligent, Jeannette proposes an often undetailed view of America’s impoverished.

Discuss the role of setting in the novel? How does the theme of the work change when the setting changes?

Setting is clearly an important part of the work. Indeed, two sections of the novel are named after a particular environment. In addition, there is a clear shift in tone and plot when the Walls move from the desert to Welch, Virginia. Setting not only affects how the family must live but it also influences their hope for escaping poverty.

Compare Jeannette’s relationship with Brian and Lori to that between her and Maureen. Why are there differences?

Jeannette and her siblings depend on each other for survival. Jeannette and Brian pair together when faced by bullies from outside. Although Lori and Brian differ from Jeannette in their early loss of hope in Rex. Maureen exists as a sort of “black sheep” in the family. Not only does she not have red hair, but she seldom spends time with the family and instead relies on others to care for her. For this reason, Jeannette considers Maureen in need of more protection than the rest of her siblings.

Describe the structure of the memoir. Why does Walls decide to frame her story with her adulthood before reflecting on her childhood?

Jeannette begins her story by describing her motivation for writing it. Her mother’s urgings that she not hide from her past anymore prompt Jeannette to begin telling her story. Because shame once inhibited her from sharing her story, she begins by describing that which gave her the courage to write it down.

Discuss Rose Mary Walls' role as a mother.

Rose Mary Walls commonly seems focused on her aims alone. She loses or quits jobs in order to pursue her profitless career as an artist even at times when her family needs her salary for basic necessities. At times, Rose Mary behaves more like a child than her children, throwing tantrums, refusing to go to work, and creating excuses.

Rex Walls frequently makes up fantastical stories to create a life of excitement out of his circumstances. Is this deceitful? In what ways can these stories be seen as an attempt to shield the family from the truth?

Rex Walls tends to create fantastical explanations to keep his children from considering themselves lesser than others because of their lack of money. When the children are young, this seems harmless. He gives them stars for Christmas instead of gifts and makes life an adventure by telling them they are being chased. However, as the children grow older, Rex’s stories are used as a means to protect or excuse his behavior instead of as a means to shield his children from the reality of their condition.

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The Glass Castle Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Glass Castle is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

What is the family's life like in Battle Creek?

The answer to your question is readily available in GradeSaver's detailed summary and analysis for Part II of the novel.

Euphemism for getting out of town quickly.

Let's scadaddle!

What does Jeannette’s father claim he will one day find?

He says that he will find a lot of gold.

Study Guide for The Glass Castle

The Glass Castle study guide contains a biography of Jeannette Walls, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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Essays for The Glass Castle

The Glass Castle essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls.

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The Glass Castle: Essay Q&A

1.  Give an outline of Jeannette’s character and her relationship with her family.   As this is an autobiographical work, a direct line may be drawn between Jeannette Walls the author and Jeannette the first-person narrator. The style of the writing is relatively straightforward as the author records her memories and her perception of her memories with apparently little doubt. She tends to characterize herself and her two closest siblings in terms of age most fully and all three are depicted as intelligent, well-read and often humiliated for the poverty they live in. The parents are more quixotic and, therefore, less easy to quantify. Her father is described as an alcoholic, especially as he gets older, but she is also quick to show the readers how intelligent and curious he was too. In this way, she avoids stereotyping her father and other alcoholics and does not condemn him too readily. This is also in keeping with the content of this book as this highlights how both were relatively close to each other. Her mother is drawn less favorably and it is difficult to know if this is because she was as monstrous as she appears or because Jeannette the author is less forgiving of her. 2. Consider the title and explain how representative it is of the work as a whole.   The reference to the Glass Castle comes about from the dream of Jeannette’s father to construct such a building for the family. The idea sounds preposterous and unlikely, to build a castle made of glass, and yet her father drew up plans and blueprints to bring this about. This tension between impossible dream and everyday reality (where it is unlikely that such a castle will be built) typifies the upbringing Jeannette had. Her mother also had dreams, such as being an artist or a writer, and persevered with this although she was never successful in terms of achieving great sales. Both parents, then, were idealistic and full of hopes, but overlooked the practical necessities of earning money and, it must be said, feeding their children. 3 . Discuss Jeannette’s reading matter and compare the books she read as a child with this work.   Jeannette recalls how as they were growing up Lori used to love reading works such as Lord of the Rings whereas she preferred the stuff of human conflict and so was more likely to read Lord of the Flies and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn . As she points out, the latter text may be seen as having many similarities with her life and, by implication, with this autobiography. Both here and in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn the central heroine is raised in poverty and yearns for something better. In addition, both girls fail to see the full problems that their fathers bring to the family. 4. Analyze the limits and possibilities of autobiography and discuss in relation to The Glass Castle .   The premise of an autobiography is that it is a life story of the author. It depends on the author’s memories and research, but is ultimately their subjective responses to their own lives and because of this is limited by their subject position. In this particular work, Jeannette Walls avoids engaging with any type of overt theoretical response to the nature of autobiography. Instead, she prefers to follow a mainly linear path from childhood to adulthood. The only change from this straight line comes at the beginning of the book when she offers her reasoning for telling her life story. 5. To what extent are the poor conditions that the children are raised in attributed to the wider problems of a capitalist society in this work?   On the whole, the author tends to avoid discussing her family’s poverty in relation to material politics and as the work progresses it becomes apparent that in this instance the family was not as poor as it appeared to be. Although the children are often described as being hungry and extremely cold in winters in Welch, it transpires that their mother not only held on to the diamond ring that Brian found, but also had land worth around one million dollars. Because of these factors, it seems that their poverty was unnecessary and neglectful on the part of the parents rather than being explicable by economic and social factors. The subject of poverty is barely examined here as the main content is taken up by Jeannette recounting events and circumstances rather than questioning why such things happened. On one of the few occasions it is raised, she refers to the visit paid to Welch by the then new President Kennedy when he gave out the first food stamps. At this point it is highlighted how poverty has been (and still is) rife in the wealthiest country in the world.

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The Glass Castle Essay | Essay on the Glass Castle for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

The Glass Castle Essay: The Glass Castle, inscribed by Jeannette Walls, is her memoir. She tells the story of her upbringing when she lived with her family in a poverty-stricken condition. She recounts the story of what was her father’s dream house, a castle of glass.

The memoir received several awards and has been translated to over 20 languages. In 2017, the book was acclimated to a movie of the same name, where the Brie Larson played the young author.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on the Glass Castle for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “The Glass Castle” for reference.

Long Essay on the Glass Castle 500 Words in English

Long Essay on the Glass Castle is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The memoir begins with the childhood of the author Jeannette Walls. She lives with her mother Rose Mary Wells, and father, Rex Walls. She also has an older sister Lori, Maureen, who is her younger sister and Brian, her younger brother.

The main thing that comes in the way of the family from gathering wealth is their alcoholic father. Whenever Rex gathers a good sum of money, he spends it on buying hard drinks. He also unleashes his frustration and anger towards the family and breaks the meagre things they possess.

Such behaviour might give hints to the readers that Rex does not love his family. But in reality, when the man has sobered enough, he showers all his love towards his wife and children. Rex greatly fails at meeting the requirements of the family due to his lack of responsibility sense. He is unjust towards his family most of the times. His irresponsibility shows when he loses his job in Nevada due to lack of punctuality.

The memoir shows the stubborn nature of the author’s parents and depicts how hard good parenting is. They survive like nomads. When the family, rather the siblings face problems from the local boys, it is Lori who picks up a pistol when they are attacked. Knowing that the kids might be snatched away from the family, Rex and Rose Mary decide to escape to Phoenix in Arizona with them.

They move to their big house, which Rose Mary inherited from her mother. She also inherited some money, which sadly, is quick to disappear. It is not that Rex never tried to overcome his drinking problem. When asked to quit drinking by Jeannette for her 10th birthday, he sincerely tries. When the money runs short again, they move to West Virginia, to a town called Welch.

Here the siblings are enrolled in school for the very first time, but they face molestation. The other kids continuously bully them. They move again to a run-down house when the family comes to know Rex’s dream of a glass castle. While Rex is addicted to drinking, Rose Mary is addicted to art. Art is surely something to fall for when you have food in your belly. Rose Mary is quick to quit her teaching job to follow her art dreams, which leaves the family with no stable source of income.

The siblings are greatly disappointed by this choice and take a courageous decision to move out from their parents’ shadow finally. After many hardships, they move to New York, where the Walls siblings go to college and receive a proper education. A few years later, their parents call them to explain that they want to be with their children. But no matter how hard they try, everything seems to be far away from help. Eventually, Rex and Rose Mary are banned by their children. When the family finally meets, years later, it is on the occasion of Thanksgiving, and they toast to Rex’s name who has recently passed away.

Short Essay on the Glass Castle 150 Words in English

Short Essay on the Glass Castle is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The Glass Castle tells the story of Jeannette Walls’ family. It is a memoir, that shows the hardships and poverty that the author was undergone. Some hardships were life’s offerings, while some others were due to the addiction of their parents to alcohol and art.

But no matter how hard her parents made her life, Walls had always spoken about them with deep affection. While it is a general thought of many that poverty is always tragic and ruins life, the memoir shows poverty in a brighter light. It has depicted how poverty can bring positivity to one’s life too. Jeannette was so brave and resilient and had the guts to move away from their dysfunctional family because that is what poverty had taught them to be. The memoir had all elements of happiness and sadness. It shows how hard parenting can be. It shows the love of a father on one side, his alcoholism and his dreams on the other.

10 Lines on the Glass Castle in English

  • Jeannette Walls came from a dysfunctional family.
  • The Glass Castle was in the Best Seller list of The New York Times.
  • The author had a family of four, her parents and two siblings.
  • The name of the memoir is given after her father dreams of a big house.
  • Rex Walls was an alcoholic.
  • Paramount brought the film adaptation.
  • Talented actors, Woody Harrelson and Naomi Watts played the roles of her parents.
  • The memoir had a total of 289 pages.
  • Over 2.7 million copies were sold worldwide.
  • The memoir depicts the difficulty of parenting.

FAQ’s on the Glass Castle Essay

Question 1. Can the book be remembered?

Answer: There are so many moments in the book, which are unforgettable, especially the moment when the siblings decide to move away from their parents.

Question 2. Who acted in the movie?

Answer: Brie Larson played the main character of Jeannette. Woody Harrelson played her father, and Naomi Watts played her mother. Sarah Snook, Josh Caras and Brigette Lundy-Paine played the roles of her siblings.

Question 3. What are the parents of Jeannette Walls like?

Answer: Her father is told to be an irresponsible alcoholic, and her mother is not much different. But it is also told that they love their children dearly.

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  3. “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls Analysis Essay

    “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls Analysis Essay. Exclusively available on IvyPanda®. Jeannette Walls, in her short story, describes how hard life in poverty can be, especially when parents are neglectful. A story of childhood hardships is at the heart of her story that hard work can help a person succeed.

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  5. The Glass Castle Essays | GradeSaver

    The Glass Castle essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes.

  6. The Glass Castle Essay Questions | GradeSaver

    The Glass Castle study guide contains a biography of Jeannette Walls, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes.

  7. The Glass Castle: Essay Q&A | Novelguide

    The Glass Castle: Essay Q&A. 1. Give an outline of Jeannette’s character and her relationship with her family. As this is an autobiographical work, a direct line may be drawn between Jeannette Walls the author and Jeannette the first-person narrator.

  8. The Glass Castle Essay | Essay on the Glass Castle for ...

    The Glass Castle tells the story of Jeannette Walls’ family. It is a memoir, that shows the hardships and poverty that the author was undergone. Some hardships were life’s offerings, while some others were due to the addiction of their parents to alcohol and art.