English Summary

100 Words Essay On National Bird In English

The national bird of India is Peacock, Pavo cristatus. The peacock was declared the National bird of India in 1963 because it was entirely a part of Indian custom and culture. It represents power, strength, confidence, and even divinity. It is a symbol of beauty and grace.

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essay writing on my national bird

National Bird

Common Name: Indian Peafoul

Scientific Name: Pavo cristatus

Adopted in: 1963

Found in: Indigenous to India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka but has been introduced all over the world

Habitat: Grasslands, forests, near human habitats

Eating Habits: Omnivorous

Average weight: Male – 5 Kg; Female – 3.5 Kg

Average Length: Male – 1.95 to 2.25 m; Female -upto0.95 m

Average Wingspan: 1.8 m

Average Lifespan: 15-20 years in wild

Average Speed: 13 km/h

Conservation Status: Least Concern (IUCN Red List)

Current number: Unknown

essay writing on my national bird

The national bird of a country is a designated representative of that country’s fauna. It is chosen on the basis of the unique qualities that the bird may symbolize. It should uphold certain core qualities or values of the nation it belongs to. The national bird should be a prominent feature in the cultural history of the country. Another point in favor of being chosen as the national bird is the beauty that it embodies. The indigenous nature of the bird is another point while it is being considered as the national bird. Being designated as a national symbol affords the bird a special status with increased awareness and dedicated conservation efforts.

National bird of India is the Indian Peafowl commonly termed as a Peacock. Vividly colorful and exuding oodles of grace, the Indian Peafowl commands a lot of attention. The peacock and its colors are synonymous with Indian identity. It is indigenous to India and Sri Lanka, but now features in countries all over the world. Peacocks are sometimes domesticated and kept in the garden for aesthetic purposes.

The national bird

Scientific Classification

Kingdom:    Animalia

Phylum:     Chordata

Class:        Aves

Order:        Galliformes

Family:      Phasianidae

Subfamily: Phasianinae

Genus:      Pavo

Species:    Pavo cristatus


Indian peafowls were initially indigenous to the Indian Subcontinent – currently India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. It has been introduced to other parts of the world over the ages including Europe and America. Semi-wild populations occur in Australia, New Zealand and even in the Bahamas. 

They are found in low altitude areas, generally below 1800 meters from the sea-level. In the wild, they inhabit a wide range of habitats ranging from semi-dry grasslands to moist deciduous forests.They prefer to live near water-bodies. They also live around areas of human habitation, near farms, villages and often in urban areas. They forage and nest on the ground but roost on trees tops.


Physical Traits

The males of the species, also known as peacocks, present a strikingly beautiful appearance that is well-appreciated throughout the world. They can grow to a length of 195 to 225 cm from tip of the beak to the end of the train and weigh an average of 5 Kg. The peacock’s head, neck and breast are iridescent blue in color. They have patches of white around the eyes. They have a crest of upright feathers on top of the head which are short and tipped with blue feathers. The most notable feature in the peacock is the extravagantly beautiful tail, which is also known as the train. The train is fully developed only after 4 years of hatching. These 200 odd display feathers grow from the back of the bird and is part of enormously elongated upper tail coverts. The train feathers are modified so that they do not have the barbs that hold the feathers in place and are therefore associated loosely. The colors are a result of elaborate microstructures that produce a sort of optical phenomena. Each train feather ends in an oval cluster bearing an eyespot or ocellus that is extremely eye-catching. The back wings are greyish brown in color, and are short and dull.  The Indian Peacock’s thighs are buff colored and they have a spur on the leg above the hind.

The female peafowl or peahen lacks the flamboyant colors altogether. They predominantly have brownish grey coloring, and sometimes have a crest similar to the peacock but brown in color. They totally lack the elaborate train and have dark brown tail feathers. They have whitish face and throat, brown hind neck and back, a white belly and a metallic green upper breast. The Peahens grow upto a length of 0.95 m and weigh somewhere between 2.75 to 4 Kg. 

There is some color variation found in Indian Peafowl species. The black-shouldered variation results from a mutation resulting from genetic variation within the population. Mutation in the genes producing melanin, results in white peafowls that have starkly white feathers with cream and brownish markings.

essay writing on my national bird

The Indian peafowls are best known for the beautifully elegant display of feathers the evolution of which is believed to be driven by sexual selection. The peacocks spread their train in the shape of a fan and quiver them during the courtship display. It is believed that the number of eyespots in a male’s courtship display determines his success in mating. Peafowls are omnivorous in their feeding habit and survive on insects, seeds, fruits and even small mammals. They forage on the ground in small groups which has a single male and 3-5 females. They roost as a group as well on the upper branches of a tall tree to escape predators. When agitated they will prefer to flee by running, rarely opting to take a flight. The males are surprisingly agile on foot despite the long train. 

The Indian peafowls do not have any specific breeding season and mating is generally dependent on rain. In south India, they mate during January to March, while in northern parts of the country they mate during late July to September. The males occupy small territories and females visit these territories assessing the suitability of the males for mating. Eligible males are surrounded by females who take turns to mate following repeated courtship display by the males. The call of the Indian peafowl is a loud, trumpet-like scream “kee-ow”. It commonly advertises the presence of the male during the breeding season, but also heard in the late afternoon and after dark, possibly as a warning against predators.

The peacocks are polygamous in nature. The peahen lays around 4-6 eggs in the ground, preferably in a shallow hole and incubate these for 28-30 days. The chicks are reared by the mother for about 7-9 weeks by feeding food from the mother’s beak. The mother peahen then travels around with the chicks in tow and possibly teaches them to forage. The male and female chicks are indistinguishable initially. The males start to develop the distinctive plumage from two years of age and they mature at around four years. The average lifespan of the Indian peafowls in the wild is 15 years.

Life Cycle

Threats and Conservation

Threats towards the Indian peafowl arise due to the demand for the beautiful feathers to be used for decorative purposes. They are hunted and killed by poachers for meat as well. They can be a nuisance when inhabiting near farms as they prefer to feed on crop grains. They can be hunted down for the reasons stated above although that is not a common practice. 

The Indian peafowl has been granted special conservation efforts owing to its status as the National Bird of India. Hunting of the national bird is illegal. Although the total number of Indian Peafowl is unknown, they are abundant enough to be labeled ‘Least Concern’ by the IUCN Red List.

In Legends and Culture

The peacock has been a prominent feature in Indian literature as its resplendent beauty is a source of inspiration for many. In popular legends, when the peacock displays its glorious plume, it’s a sign of rain.  They have iconic status as the carrier animal of the Hindu god Kartikeya. Lord Krishna was always depicted with a peacock feather in his headdress. In Buddhist philosophy the peacock represents wisdom. The peacock and its feather motifs are prominent features in Mughal architecture. The peacock and the peacock feather is still a popular motif to be used in logos, textile patterns as well as designs.


English Compositions

Short Essay on My Favourite Bird [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Birds are one of the most beautiful creatures in the world. Most of them look very beautiful and they can fly above the sky. In this lesson today, you will learn how to write a short essay on your favourite bird.

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Short Essay on My Favourite Bird Peacock in 100 Words 

There are tens of thousands of birds in the world but my favourite bird is the peacock. A peacock is a beautiful bird. It has a shiny, dark blue neck and a crown on its head. Its tail feathers are colourful and long. During the monsoon season, peacocks spread their feathers and dance gracefully.

Their dance is spectacular and brings joy to those watching. Peacocks are the male birds of their species. The females are called peahen and are less colourful than the males. Peacocks live on the upper branches of tall trees and prefer running to flying. They are quite agile on foot. In India, peacocks have religious and cultural significance. They are the national bird of our country. 

Short Essay on My Favourite Bird Parrot in 200 Words 

There are many different types of birds in the world. My favourite bird is the parrot. Parrots come in different sizes, shapes, and colours. Some are single-coloured while others have bright, multi-coloured feathers. The colour of their plumage can range from predominantly green with some red to a vibrant mix of red, orange, green, blue, yellow, pink, and black. Some smaller species of parrots can only grow up to ten centimetres while some larger varieties grow up to a hundred centimetres and weigh over a kilogram. 

Parrots are omnivores and eat nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, plants, grains as well as small insects. They have a curved beak that helps them split fruits and nuts. These birds are quite intelligent and can mimic human speech. They are very playful and friendly in nature. Parrots usually build their nests in the hollow of trees and lay eggs twice a year. Baby parrots are called chicks and are very cute. 

In recent times, due to habitat loss, climate change, and wildlife trade, many types of parrots are becoming endangered. Many people keep parrots as pets in cages for entertainment and do not take good care of them. This needs to be stopped. Parrots are great birds and we should do our best to protect them and take care of them. 

Short Essay on My Favourite Bird Cuckoo in 400 Words 

I have seen hundreds of different types of birds and observed their unique quirks and I adore them all, but my favourite is the cuckoo. Cuckoos are black in colour and have long tails. They look like crows but are smaller than them. The sound that cuckoos make is very pleasant to listen to and they are quite famous for it as well. Their melodious call fills everyone with joy. Cuckoos live on trees and in bushes. They eat fruits, insects, and worms. They especially like eating caterpillars. 

Cuckoos are migratory birds and we often see them during the spring season. Hence, they are called the harbinger of spring. Cuckoos have a peculiar habit. They do not make nests and are infamous for laying eggs in the nests of other birds, usually crows. A female cuckoo can lay eggs in as many as 50 nests during the breeding season.

Cuckoos have evolved to lay eggs that mimic the eggs of crows. This prevents their eggs from being ejected from the nest. The crows mistake the eggs as their own and look after them. Cuckoo chicks hatch and grow up under the care of crows. 

In the village, we wake up every day listening to the chirping of different birds and during the spring season, it is beautiful ‘kuhu kuhu’ of the cuckoos that dominate. There are at least ten pairs of cuckoos that live in our orchard and we give them grains and fruits to feed on.

Although they are usually afraid of humans and don’t come too close, I once befriended a cuckoo. It had red eyes and used to come near the windowsill of my room every morning. I fed it grains that I got from my grandmother and also caught a few hairy caterpillars for it. One day, it brought along another cuckoo. Both of them looked quite similar. 

I had a great time interacting with the cuckoos in my village orchard and fell in love with them. When the vacation was over, we had to come back and I started missing the cuckoos. I read a lot of articles on these birds and filled my room with posters of these beautiful creatures. After a few months, when we went to visit my grandparents again, it was already winter and the cuckoos had migrated. I never saw my friend again but I still remember its amazing red eyes and melodious voice. Cuckoos have since been my favourite birds. 

In the session above, I have written three essays on three different birds. You can choose any of those according to your requirements. I have also tried to write the essays in a very simple language that every student can easily understand. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, please let us know through the comment section below. If you want to read more such essays on several important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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Essay On National bird Of India For Students In Easy Words – Read Here

  • September 12, 2021

essay writing on my national bird

The national bird of India is the Indian Peacock. This beautiful bird has been a symbol of the nation since ancient times, and it is one of the most popular birds in the world.

The our national bird paragraph is an essay on the Indian national bird. It was written by our team of professionals for students in easy words.


The majority of people are aware of India’s national bird, and children who have begun their education will study about it throughout their school years. The peacock is, after all, India’s national bird.

Peacock’s Beauty


People are aware of the significance of color in India and how closely Indians are linked to it. It also represents India’s colorful mines, which may be one of the reasons why India’s national bird is a peacock, which has more than 15 to 20 different colors on his body.

The Beautiful Bird of India


Peacock is a really beautiful card, and its skin is also extremely silky and delicate, which makes other creatures want to eat it. As Indians, we understand that peacocks need a higher level of protection than other animals, which is why they are maintained in farms with extreme care.

Peacocks have also been mentioned in Hindu mythology. God uses the peacock to move from one location to another. When it seems absurd that a peacock, which is softer than cotton, may be used to move from one location to another, it is. However, this is a Hindu Mata logical tale, and Indians believe in eight with their whole religion.

Peacock is a popular destination for tourists.         


India is one of the most well-known vacation destinations. We are all familiar with the seven wonders of the world, and one of those marvels, the TajMahal, is located in India. Apart from that, India is home to a diverse range of cultures and values that appeal to visitors.

Bird viewing is a popular pastime among visitors from many nations. They like watching various types of birds go about their daily activities, but it has a unique impact on them.

People must have stood in line for hours only to watch the Peacock open his feathers in front of everyone in these four instances. Well, the time when the photo off does this is really lovely, and it is a very appealing thing to see.

If you have any more questions about the Essay On India’s National Bird, please leave them in the comments section below.

The national bird history is a long and complicated story. However, in easy words, the national bird of India is the peacock.


Essay On National Festivals For Students In Easy Words – Read Here

  • September 11, 2021

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Guru Gobind Singh Essay For Students in Easy Words – Read Here

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How to Write an Essay on Birds: 9 Interesting Areas to Focus

How to Write an Essay on Birds

How to write an essay on birds? There are some interesting facts you can write about. Information about birds can be an excellent source for a creative essay. Birds are found in every part of the globe, creating a large variety of species to write about, especially when well-researched. Interesting bird facts can create wonderful topics for an essay, including unique theses that a student can explore and develop an enjoyable piece of writing.

When writing an essay about birds, it’s important to consider researching these facts, especially their biological composition. For instance, one can write an essay about birds by highlighting some distinguishing characteristics between bird species. This type of writing would be most interesting in English, particularly due to the distinctive nature of scientific descriptions. You can also include a short note about their biological differences in each section to make the essay more appealing.

Interesting Facts for Writing an Essay on Birds

Feather distinction.

One of the most interesting topics for an essay on birds is their feather diversity. Birds have distinctive appearances in structure, order, and color. Feather distinction is one of the distinguishing characteristics between species. However, some species have different colors based on various biological and environmental factors. For instance, some bird species have distinctive differences between the feathers of a male and a female. In other cases, the differences may appear disorderly but are worth investigating.

Migration marvels and global distribution

Some bird species are migratory, traveling between regions, even continents. Since the migrations coincide with seasons, they create some migration marvels worth writing about. For instance, seagulls migrate between winter and summer, running from the cold weather. During their travels, the birds create awesome displays of their traveling routines, mating habits, and hunting traditions. This topic is most suitable for nature lovers, people willing to investigate many species for their beauty and scientific facts.

Nesting prowess

You can also write an essay on birds based on their architectural techniques. Birds build their nests differently depending on their size, primary predators, and location. While the weaverbird prefers loosely hanging tree branches, the penguin can only nest on the ground near mountains and ocean shores. The structure and composition of the nest also differ significantly, creating an array of architectural designs to compare. Any person interested in birds understands the importance of a nest, especially during mating and incubation.

essay writing on my national bird

Egg laying facts

Birds are oviparous or egg-laying animals in English. Different species lay different egg sizes, colors, and shapes. They have distinctive characteristics based on their egg-laying habits, including location and responsibility. Some birds, such as the Cuckoo , exhibit parasitic behaviors in brooding. They lay their eggs in other birds’ nests, forcing the foster parents to incubate a foreign egg and feed an adopted chick afterward. Egg-laying habits can be quite an impressive topic for an essay on birds, especially due to the amount of scientific evidence available online.

Sociocultural rituals

Another interesting concept you can write about birds is their social lives. Like humans and any other living thing, birds socialize on different occasions. Some live in large groups, while others are loaners. However, all birds have distinctive mating rituals. Some specials engage in colorful, elaborate courtship traditions. They display marvelous moves to attract mates, using their wings and, in some cases, their avian architectural prowess to assert dominance. Birds engage in long relationships that resemble marriage in humans. The bald eagle is a good example of a bird species that marries or mates for life. The differences in sociocultural behaviors can create an amazing topic for a good essay.

Cognitive capacity

Some bird species are worth writing essays about, especially those that have shown high intelligence. Students can investigate intellectual abilities in birds to find impressive topics for their term papers and final research. You can even hire an experienced academic writer to help with the information gathering and drafting. For instance, CustomWritings professional essay writing service is a prominent helper with over ten years of experience supporting students’ journeys. While intelligent avian is attractive, finding accurate and reliable supporting evidence on such a topic can be daunting. With professional assistance, you can access scholarly articles and integrate findings from research in your essay on birds.

Vocal abilities

Birds are also known for their vocalization capabilities. While students cannot transcribe bird songs into writing, investigations into singing abilities can constitute a good essay. Most importantly, one can research birds’ ability to vocalize or mimic different sounds. Some bird species are known for their vocalization, especially when imitating humans and other birds. Others can produce relatively unique sounds, making them an attractive piece of marvel for analysis.

Scholars and researchers tend to focus on the biological differences between birds. Notably, biologists have invested significantly in understanding the genetic differences for classification and knowledge gathering. With this information, students can develop exciting topics for their essays or end-term research papers. Another interesting point of focus is the survival instincts and abilities of birds. While some species rely on camouflage for safety, others are birds of prey. The details about each bird’s genetics can help explain distribution and preferences.

Life expectancy

Similarly, the biological differences explain the differences in life expectancy. It’s difficult to ascertain the length of life in wild birds due to constant migration. However, scientific evidence suggests that some birds live longer than others. A good essay writer would consider analyzing the reasoning behind these differences and identify genetic and environmental characteristics affecting the length of life.

How Do I Write an Essay on Birds?

The best approach for writing an essay on birds involves conducting sufficient research. A good student would start by identifying an interesting fact to write about birds and research it. The information gathered from the knowledge search can then be used to create a comprehensive essay topic with a compelling thesis. The interesting facts about birds can also be a good hook for the introduction. The essay on birds should be organized professionally, adopting a basic paper structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Writing an essay on birds should also incorporate scientific and scholarly evidence. A good writer understands the need to integrate external sources with supporting and counterarguments. This approach will make your essay more interesting to read and easy to grade. Your professor may be impressed by your capacity to research a wild topic and investigate evidence found in scholarly works. Besides, supporting your arguments with reliable and verifiable arguments makes your writing believable. You can also impress the reader with ideas corroborating your knowledge of birds. For instance, you can integrate information about mating in an essay about birds’ vocal abilities to demonstrate a connection between the two issues. In the end, your essay about birds should be compelling and informative.

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Essay on Birds

500 words essay on birds.

Birds are very special animals that have particular characteristics which are common amongst all of them. For instance, all of them have feathers, wings and two legs. Similarly, all birds lay eggs and are warm-blooded. They are very essential for our environment and exist in different breeds. Thus, an essay on birds will take us through their importance.

essay on birds

Importance of Birds

Birds have different sizes and can be as small as 2 inches and as big as 2.75 metres. For instance, bee hummingbird (smallest) and ostrich (largest). Bird’s existence dates back to 160 million years ago.

There are different types of birds that exist which vary in characteristics. For instance, there are penguins that cannot fly. Further, there are birds that are known for their intelligence like Parrots and Corvidae.

Moreover, we have peacocks which are beautiful and symbolize rain and good weather. Next, there are bats and vultures as well. Birds connect very closely to the environment and are quite intuitive.

They can predict the weather conditions and some are kept near coal mines for the prediction of a mine explosion. It is because they are sensitive to the release of high levels of carbon monoxide. They are quite social and enjoy singing as well. Birds enjoy the freedom of moving anywhere without boundaries.

My Favourite Bird

My favourite bird is the parrot. It is a colourful bird that is present in many parts of the world. It comes in many shapes, sizes and colours. Parrots are famous for having vivid colours.

Some have a single, bright colour while others have a rainbow of different colours. Parrots are usually small and medium in size that mostly eats seeds, nuts and fruits. The lifespan of a parrot depends on its species.

Larger ones like cockatoos and macaws live for 80 years while the smaller ones like lovebirds live for around 15 years. In fact, parrots are quite intelligent. They have the ability to imitate human speech which is why many people keep them as pets.

Consequently, they are also the most sought-after type of bird for commercial purposes. All over the world, people are taking measures to ensure parrots get nice treatment. Many cultures also consider them sacred.

Parrots are highly intelligent and thrive at their best when they are free and not captured in cages. I used to have a parrot when I was little and I never kept it in a cage. It used to sit on my shoulder wherever I went and never flew away. Parrots are my favourite bird.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Birds

Due to hunting, poaching and disruption of the ecological balance, many birds are getting extinct. As a result, birds living in water like swans, ducks and more are also falling drastically in number because of pollution. Thus, we all must take proper measures to help the birds live and save them from extinction. Birds are vital for our ecosystem and its balance, thus we must all keep them safe.

FAQ of Essay on Birds

Question 1: How can we save birds?

Answer 1: We can save birds by doing little things like providing a source of water for them to drink. Further, we can elevate bird feeders and plant native plants and trees for them. Similarly, we can put up birdhouses and garden organically so that birds can feed on insects and worms.

Question 2: Why birds are important in our life?

Answer 2 : Birds are significant for our environment as well as for human beings as they play an important role in every living thing present on earth. Birds are one of the seed dispersers for plants who deliver us food, shelter and medicines and more.

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Paragraph on National Bird

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on National Bird in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on National Bird in 100 Words

A national bird is a special bird chosen by a country to be a symbol. It shows what is important or beautiful about that country. Just like a country has a flag, it picks a bird too. For example, in the United States, the national bird is the bald eagle. It is big and strong, and it represents freedom. In India, the national bird is the peacock. It has colorful feathers and dances when it rains. These birds are very special in their countries. People love them and feel proud. Every country’s national bird is different and tells a story about that place.

Paragraph on National Bird in 200 Words

A national bird is a special bird that a country chooses to represent it, kind of like a feathery symbol that stands for the country’s nature and pride. Just like a school might have a sports team mascot, a national bird is like a country’s mascot. Each country picks a different bird. For example, the United States has the bald eagle, which is a strong and beautiful bird with white head feathers. India has the peacock, which has colorful feathers that fan out in a big, pretty show. These birds are very important and are treated with great respect. People in the country, and sometimes from other countries, love to see and learn about their national bird. It helps them remember their country’s beauty and the wild animals that live there. It’s also a way to tell others about what’s special in their homeland. Often, the chosen bird is one that can only be found in that country, which makes it extra special. The national bird also reminds people to take care of the environment, so these wonderful birds can have safe homes to live in and continue to spread their wings for many years to come.

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Paragraph on National Bird in 250 Words

A national bird is a special bird picked by a country to be a symbol of that country’s nature and pride, much like a mascot. It’s chosen because of its unique qualities, beauty, or because it’s very common in that country. For example, the bald eagle is the national bird of the United States, known for its strength, long life, and sharp looks, and it stands for freedom. India has chosen the peacock for its bright colors and elegant dance, which show beauty and joy. These birds are not just pretty to look at but often have a deep connection with the country’s culture and history. They can appear on stamps, money, and official government documents as a symbol of the nation. Picking a national bird can also help protect that bird, as it makes people aware of its importance and the need to take care of it and its home. Countries may have laws to stop people from hunting their national birds or destroying the places they live in. By having a national bird, countries can teach their people, especially young students, about the importance of nature and how every creature has a role in keeping our environment healthy and balanced. So, the national bird is not just a symbol; it represents the country’s commitment to looking after its natural treasures for future generations to enjoy and learn from.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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essay writing on my national bird


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    The peacock was declared the National bird of India in 1963 because it was entirely a part of Indian custom and culture. It represents power, strength, confidence, and even divinity. It is a symbol of beauty and grace. It is said to be declared the National Bird of India because of its rich religious and legendary involvement in Indian traditions.

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    National bird of India is the Indian Peafowl commonly termed as a Peacock. Vividly colorful and exuding oodles of grace, the Indian Peafowl commands a lot of attention. The peacock and its colors are synonymous with Indian identity. It is indigenous to India and Sri Lanka, but now features in countries all over the world.

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    The national bird is often chosen for its unique characteristics that mirror the nation's spirit. For instance, the Bald Eagle, the national bird of the United States, symbolizes freedom and strength, aligning with the country's foundational principles. Similarly, India's national bird, the Peacock, is a symbol of grace, joy, beauty, and ...

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    Students are often asked to write an essay on National Bird in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... 250 Words Essay on National Bird Introduction. The National Bird is not just a symbol of a country's natural heritage but also a ...

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    September 12, 2021. The national bird of India is the Indian Peacock. This beautiful bird has been a symbol of the nation since ancient times, and it is one of the most popular birds in the world. The our national bird paragraph is an essay on the Indian national bird. It was written by our team of professionals for students in easy words.

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    The interesting facts about birds can also be a good hook for the introduction. The essay on birds should be organized professionally, adopting a basic paper structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Writing an essay on birds should also incorporate scientific and scholarly evidence. A good writer understands the need to integrate ...

  10. Essay on Birds for Students and Children

    500 Words Essay On Birds. Birds are very special animals that have particular characteristics which are common amongst all of them. For instance, all of them have feathers, wings and two legs. Similarly, all birds lay eggs and are warm-blooded. They are very essential for our environment and exist in different breeds.

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  15. Paragraph on National Bird

    Students are often asked to write a paragraph on National Bird in their schools. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic. ... Essay on National Bird; Paragraph on National Bird in 250 Words. A national bird is a special bird picked by a country to be a symbol of that ...

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  23. Anxious wait to see how Arctic terns fare at colony struck by bird flu

    Last summer, more than 1,000 Artic tern chicks and several little terns died as bird flu swept through the colony, which the National Trust said threatened to undo some of the gains the population ...

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