Essay on Cancer for Students and Children

500+ words essay on cancer.

Cancer might just be one of the most feared and dreaded diseases. Globally, cancer is responsible for the death of nearly 9.5 million people in 2018. It is the second leading cause of death as per the world health organization. As per studies, in India, we see 1300 deaths due to cancer every day. These statistics are truly astonishing and scary. In the recent few decades, the number of cancer has been increasingly on the rise. So let us take a look at the meaning, causes, and types of cancer in this essay on cancer.

Cancer comes in many forms and types. Cancer is the collective name given to the disease where certain cells of the person’s body start dividing continuously, refusing to stop. These extra cells form when none are needed and they spread into the surrounding tissues and can even form malignant tumors. Cells may break away from such tumors and go and form tumors in other places of the patient’s body.

essay on cancer

Types of Cancers

As we know, cancer can actually affect any part or organ of the human body. We all have come across various types of cancer – lung, blood, pancreas, stomach, skin, and so many others. Biologically, however, cancer can be divided into five types specifically – carcinoma, sarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, leukemia.

Among these, carcinomas are the most diagnosed type. These cancers originate in organs or glands such as lungs, stomach, pancreas, breast, etc. Leukemia is the cancer of the blood, and this does not form any tumors. Sarcomas start in the muscles, bones, tissues or other connective tissues of the body. Lymphomas are the cancer of the white blood cells, i.e. the lymphocytes. And finally, melanoma is when cancer arises in the pigment of the skin.

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Causes of Cancer

In most cases, we can never attribute the cause of any cancer to one single factor. The main thing that causes cancer is a substance we know as carcinogens. But how these develop or enters a person’s body will depend on many factors. We can divide the main factors into the following types – biological factors, physical factors, and lifestyle-related factors.

Biological factors involve internal factors such as age, gender, genes, hereditary factors, blood type, skin type, etc. Physical factors refer to environmental exposure of any king to say X-rays, gamma rays, etc. Ad finally lifestyle-related factors refer to substances that introduced carcinogens into our body. These include tobacco, UV radiation, alcohol. smoke, etc. Next, in this essay on cancer lets learn about how we can treat cancer.

Treatment of Cancer

Early diagnosis and immediate medical care in cancer are of utmost importance. When diagnosed in the early stages, then the treatment becomes easier and has more chances of success. The three most common treatment plans are either surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

If there is a benign tumor, then surgery is performed to remove the mass from the body, hence removing cancer from the body. In radiation therapy, we use radiation (rays) to specially target and kill the cancer cells. Chemotherapy is similar, where we inject the patient with drugs that target and kill the cancer cells. All treatment plans, however, have various side-effects. And aftercare is one of the most important aspects of cancer treatment.

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Essay on Cancer

List of essays on cancer, essay on cancer – introduction, types and conclusion (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on cancer (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on cancer – for school students (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on cancer – for medical students (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on cancer – for science students (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on cancer (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on cancer – written in english (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on cancer – for ias, civil services, upsc, ips and other competitive exams (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Cancer is a disease which is related to the abnormal growth of cells in a particular part of the body. Since the last decade, cancer has become one of the most feared diseases of all times, particularly due to the difficult treatment one has to undergo and the limitations of the treatment in curing this disease during later stages of cancer.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school and college students. Furthermore, those students preparing for IAS, IPS, UPSC, Civil Services and other competitive exams can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays.


Cancer is a group of more than 100 diseases that can develop in almost anywhere in the body. Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.

Types of Cancer:

There are various types of cancer. They include:

1] Breast cancer: This is type of cancer that forms in the cells of the breast.

2] Prostate cancer: This is type of cancer that occurs in a man’s prostate. This is a small walnut sized gland that has the duty of producing seminal fluid.

3] Lung cancer: This is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs and this occurs mostly in people who smoke.

4] Leukemia: A cancer of blood forming tissues, hindering the body’s ability to fight infection.


We have seen various types of cancer but the types of cancer we have are hundreds but we had mentioned just a few. Each type of cancer comes with various symptoms and various ways of curbing it.

Cancer is a disease that has been around for centuries, but it has never had such an impact on public health as it has now. Cancer is the increase in the number of cells in human beings at an abnormal rate. Doctors have been discussing the reasons behind this increase for the past fifty years. One is tempted to think that there are no reasons behind this occurrence and that it is just a natural phenomenon, people die all the time. Right?

The thing is that the number of cancer cases has increased in the past decades and a lot of this increase is attributed to the influence of different types of radiation. Even though most of the really dangerous substances (or sources of radiation) are not allowed near people. What else can be causing such an increase in cancer cases?

Some doctors have made a discovery regarding cancer that can really help us get rid of this problem. Following down the line of the argumentation presented in the famous “China Study” more doctors are advising their patients to change their diet because it can help  in their fight against cancer. Not only that but a proper diet can also be the best prevention.

When you are a student your metabolism is young so you do not feel the bad effect of your habits as much as older people do but as we age the side effects of our bad choices will become obvious. We can teach ourselves to listen to our bodies and to prevent cancer but to do that we, first of all, have to defeat our habits.

Cancer is uncontrolled and unchecked development of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Cancerous cells develop just like another cell in the body. They, however, keep growing and can form a mass then subsequently becomes tumors. Since cells are present in every part of our body, cancer can also grow in all parts of our body.

Causes of Cancer:

One great scientific mystery in our world is the cause of cancer. Scientists from all over have tried and failed in isolating any particular action, substance or environmental factors that can lead to cancer.

However, scientists all over the world agree that cancer is caused by substances known as carcinogens. These substances are introduced to the body when we are exposed to or consume materials containing them. One of the confirmed sources of carcinogens is exposure to radiation from x-ray machines.

Cancer Treatment:

There are various ways to treat a person infected with cancer. These modes of treatment are chosen depending on the type of cancer, the stage of development and the health peculiarities of the cancer patient. In other cases, several modes of treatment are combined to treat a single patient.

Some of the modes of treating cancer are in fly highlighted below:

1. Surgery to remove Cancerous tumors from the body.

2. Radiation therapy to reduce the growth of cells.

3. Chemotherapy for destroying cancer cells.

4. Stem cell transplant.

Prevention of Cancer:

Just as there are no agreed actions, materials and exposure that causes cancer, there are no generally accepted means of preventing cancer. However, there are certain habits that can limit a person’s exposure.

Some of them are highlighted below:

1. Healthy environment and diet.

2. Reduction of exposure from the sun.

3. Keep your weight low.

4. Avoid the use of tobacco.

Early detection of cancer has been hailed as the most potent way of treating this menace. Though scientists are still in the business of searching for a cure, we as humans can prevent cancer by regular medical check-ups.

Cancer is one of the second largest fatal illnesses across the world. One of the horrific words a human being can listen to is being diagnosed with Cancer. The word Cancer brings alarm and anxiety to the listener. Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in one part of the body which can even spread to other parts if not treated at an early stage. Neoplasms or tumour are the subset of these abnormally grown-up cells which often results in a mass or lump.

What causes Cancer?

Those agents which cause cancer are termed as Carcinogens . These can be classified into physical, chemical and biological. Physical Carcinogens include ultra violet and other ionizing radiations. Food adulterants such as aflatoxin, tobacco smoke, drinking water contaminant such as Arsenic, asbestos etc., are termed as Chemical Carcinogens. Viruses, Bacteria and other parasites which cause infections and eventually lead to Cancer are categorized under Biological Carcinogens. Ageing also causes cancer as the risk of the cellular repair mechanism weakens as we age.

Significant Symptoms of Cancer:

Some of the major symptoms of cancer include unexplained weight loss, extreme fatigue, persistent sores that do not heal, changes in the bladder and bowel movements, odd bleeding and discharges, change in voice due to cancer indication in larynx and lumps and bumps on the skin.

Preventive Measures:

Some of the risk factors which needs to be addressed to prevent cancer may include avoidance of tobacco, being overweight or obese, unhealthy eating with less vegetables and greens, physical in-activity, avoiding pollution etc. Apart from the mentioned, vaccination against HPV and Hepatitis B Virus, controlling hazards while at work, reducing exposure to ultra violet and ionizing radiation etc., can help prevent being infected by Cancer.

Assessing the type of cancer and the stage is very important because every cancer type has a different pattern of treatment from surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy . The treatment that is used to relieve the cancer patient from their pain and enhance the quality of life for the patients and their families is termed as Palliative care.

World Health Organization has partnered with UNO and other non-profit organizations to ensure every country is being made aware of the non-communicable diseases and the prevention of cancer and its control. Insights to develop Centers of Excellence to provide quality treatments and to conduct research on the carcinogenesis should be provided to governments and to help the people.

The abnormal cell growth in our body which spreads to other parts as well is what is termed as cancer. Around four lakh of people in India are known to be affected by this disease every year. More so, around half of them are not able to survive as they are usually detected in the last stages of cancer. Hence it is all the more important to educate the people about this disease and its symptoms so that it can be detected early and the lives of the people suffering from it can be saved.

Cancer can affect any body part. The part that is affected gives it the name, for instance, lung cancer which affects the lungs, skin cancer in which the skin is affected and so on. However, we can broadly divide cancer into four types. The first one is Sarcoma which is known to affect the blood vessels, bones, muscles cartilages and connective tissues. The second type of cancer is Carcinoma which affects the internal organs of the body or the skin. The third type is the Lymphoma. This cancer affects the lymph glands and the lymph nodes. The last type in which cancer can be categorised is Leukaemia which largely affects the parts forming blood such as the bone marrow.

Symptoms of Cancer:

Although no particular cause is known to trigger this disease, some activities have been associated as the cause of different types of cancer. The first and foremost is smoking. Excess smoking affects the entire respiratory system thereby leading to the onset of lung cancer. More so chewing tobacco is also attributed to giving rise to mouth and throat cancer. Similarly, alcohol is attributed to be the cause of stomach, liver and gallbladder cancer. Summarising it, all the ill habits of society and urbanisation have been attributed to this disease. Even radiations coming from X-ray machines can prove harmful and lead to cancer. That is why there are proper laws an protection in place when exposing people to these harmful radiations.

Treatments Available:

If detected in early stages, cancer can surely be curable. Surgery is one of the primary steps of curing this disease. If required, doctors remove the body part affected such as the uterus, gallbladder or the breast. Thereafter, through radiotherapy, the cancerous cells on the other affected parts of the body are killed so that they don’t spread to other parts. Chemotherapy is done using the strong chemical in order to kill the cancerous cells. Other methods such as tumour suppressing genes are used in different types of cancer as may be the need advised by the doctors. Whatever the method, it is extremely difficult to go through the pain and social stigma such as loss hair which comes alongside the treatment of cancer.

Living with this Disease:

It is indeed very difficult to live with this disease as not only this disease is not fully curable but the treatment is so tough that it scares even the toughest of individuals. We, as a society, must support the people suffering from cancer and help in their difficult times. We must not discriminate them and must understand that is already suffering a lot and must not do anything which further aggravates their sufferings.

Cancer is a severe disease in which there is abnormal growth of cell that spreads around the human body. Many people in the world are struggling with this disease. Consistently around 10 million cases are analyzed. These number of cases are expected to increase around 20 million by 2020. It turns into the most widely recognized reasons for death. Due to abnormal cell growth, it develops & affects the overall body weight. Prolonged cough and abnormal bleeding are some symptoms of this severe disease. The developed abnormal cells first make their impact on organs then slowly moved as poison. Cancer disease can be identified in the beginning periods. The medical professionals are still trying to catch this disease.

One of the main causes of cancer is smoking. Other causes include tobacco, consumption of alcohol, obesity, lack of physical activities, exposure to UV radiations, etc. Age factor and changes in genes are yet other factors that cause cancer.

Cancer has different types which can be divided into various forms:

i. Skin Cancer:

It is the most common type of cancer which can be seen in many people. Every year more than 1 million people are affected by skin cancer. Skin cancer happens due to the overexposure from the sun. The thicker ozone layers directly harms our skin, which increases the chances of skin cancer.

ii. Lung Cancer:

This type of cancer is related to the cells inside the lungs. The symptoms of this type of cancer are chest pain & sudden weight loss. It is also known as lung carcinoma. As a process of metastasis, the growth of abnormal cell growth spread inside the lungs. Smoking is a fundamental driver of Lung cases.

iii. Kidney Cancer:

Another name of kidney cancer is renal cancer. Renal Cell Carcinoma and Transitional Cell Carcinoma are the types of kidney cancer. This development of cancer happens after the age of 40 years. Smoking can twofold the danger of kidney malignant growth.

iv. Leukemia:

This cancer starts developing in the bone marrow, which leads to a high number of abnormal white cells. Acute myeloid leukemia or acute lymphocytic leukemia are the sorts of leukemia. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy can be used as the treatment for Leukemia.

Cancer Staging:

It is important to understand the staging factor of this severe disease. Diagnosis of cancer in early stages helps to tackle this disease by proper treatments. During the initial stages of cancer, proper surgeries or radiotherapy can help to overcome cancer. When the broken cancer cells move to other parts of the human body, then advance treatment is suggested by the professionals. But when a patient is in the final stages of cancer, he needs a treatment which covers his whole body. Chemotherapy is a therapy which is used to circulate the bloodstream. Professional doctors use various test techniques to identify the stages of cancer. Stages are used to describe the severity of cancer.

In the initial stage, cancer can be prevented through medication, proper surgeries and light treatment. In the advance stages of cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy is useful. Above all, the best way to keep cancer away is to stay away from smoking and tobacco, eat healthy food and a lot of green vegetables, and do some physical exercise daily.

It is very difficult for a cancer patient to fight with the final stages of cancer. To deal with this severe problem cancer symptoms should never be ignored. More than 70% of cases are seen only due to smoking. At every stage, it is essential that everyone must adopt a healthy diet plan & exercise daily to prevent this disease. A person who has a good and healthy lifestyle can fight with cancer more strongly.

Current trends in global health mention cancer. Cancer is currently one of the leading causes of death globally. It is an illness in which abnormal cell growth develops and affects parts of the human body as it advances, it has the potential to spread from one part of the body to the other. It is a chronic illness that imposes a great economic burden on a nation because its management is costly. Cancer occurs in different parts of the body and are classified according to where it has affected. In India, men are mostly acted by lung, oral, lip and neck cancers whereas women are affected by cervical, breast and ovarian cancer. The detection procedure varies with the type of cancer while the treatment varies with the stage of the cancer progression. Mostly early stages of cancer have better prognosis compared to late stages of cancer.

There are modifiable and non-modifiable factors that predispose an individual to cancer. Non modifiable factors include age and genetics. With an increase in age, the rate of cancer incidence increases. The genetic predisposition to cancer increases the incidences of suffering the disease. Modifiable factors include lifestyle habits like drinking and smoking tobacco which increase the incidences of lung, oral, esophageal among other cancers. Diet is also a predisposing factor especially one that is less in vitamin supplements.

Physical inactivity and obesity predispose to cancers of the colon, breast and others. Sexual activity in women with multiple sexual partners predisposes them to cervical cancer due to the transmission of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). The environment also predisposes to cancer because of the chemicals, radicals and radiations that interact with human beings.

Detection of Cancer:

The detection varies with the type of cancer and so screening is done for each type differently. It is advisable that people get regular checkups of the whole body so that early detection facilitates effective and curative treatment. Screening of cancer is done using detailed examination of the physique, laboratory and histology tests, radiological and magnetic imaging techniques among other methods.

The campaigns against cancer advocate for early detection by teaching the public on the early signs of cancer. In breast cancer awareness for example, the public is made aware of physical examination of the breast and if they detect any abnormal growth or lump, they are to seek further investigation. Early detection is important because it results in successful treatment. In the detection, the cancer staging is done, which is usually four stages, stage one, two, three and four. Stage one has the best prognosis whereas stage four has the poorest prognosis.

Treatment of Cancer:

Once cancer is detected, a range of treatment options is provided. Treatment depends on the types of cancer and the staging. It can be treated by surgery whereby excision of the abnormal growth is done. Surgery is done for non-hematological cancers and those that have not metastasized to other parts of the body. An example of surgery is mastectomy to treat breast cancer.

Chemotherapy is another treatment option that involves the administration of anticancer medication that eliminate the abnormal cells in the body. Another treatment option is radiation therapy that uses ionizing radiations to destroy cancer cells. Radiation is also used to make tumors small. It is used to treat solid tumors and it depends on the sensitivity of the tumor to the radiations. It is targeted at the nucleic acid destruction in the tumor cells.

Consequences of Cancer:

Cancer is a chronic illness that could result in very serious consequences even with treatment. Cachexia is the extreme wasting of the body that causes death in cancer patients. Economic burden to both the individual and the nation is experienced in cancer treatment because the treatment modalities are costly. The economic burden results in decline of the nation’s economy and increased healthcare costs to the population.

Mental illnesses result from cancer because it is a terminal illness and most patients become mentally unstable upon diagnosis. The quality of health is affected in a country when there is high incidences of cancer and the performance is greatly affected, which cause poverty and economic crisis for individuals.

Cancer is a serious illness that impacts the lives of people and the nation negatively. It is evident that cancer has diverse treatment options but the problem is that people do not go for checkups. Checkups are important in early detection, which usually results in successful treatment and less burden of cancer in a nation and in individuals.

Cancer is basically an agglomeration of various diseases that involves the abnormal growth of cells with the ability to spread or invade other body parts. Cancers are quite different from benign tumours in that the latter does not spread or invade other body parts. Some of the many symptoms and signs of cancer include abnormal bleeding, a lump, weight loss that is unusual, prolonged cough and bowel movement change. Even though these listed symptoms and signs of cancer, they might be caused by other things so it is necessary to be diagnosed. Today, we have more than 100 various kinds of cancer that affect us humans.

History of Cancer:

It is believed that cancer has been in existence for a majority if not all of the history of man. Breast cancer was the first form of cancer that was recorded and this happened around 1600 BC in Egypt. Between 460 BC and 370 BC, Hippocrates spent time analysing various types of cancer and referred to them as crayfish or crab. The name was as a result of the crab-like look of the malignant tumour and the lateral extension of the distended veins and tumours.

Factors Causing Cancer:

It has been discovered that the major cause of deaths as a result of cancer is the use of tobacco and it accounts for about 22 percent of the total number of deaths due to cancer. Poor diet, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption and a lack of exercise and physical activities accounts for another 10 percent of deaths caused by cancer. Some other causes and factors that contribute to cancer include environmental pollutants, ionizing radiation exposure and certain infections.

In most developing countries, infections like hepatitis B, Helicobacter pylori, papillomavirus infection of humans, Hepatitis C, HIV and Epstein Barr contribute to fifteen percent of all cancers. All of the factors listed above change the cell genes. There are always a lot of genetic changes before the development of cancer. About 10% of all cancers are as a result of genetic defects that are inherited from a parent. Asides the symptoms and signs that are used to detect cancer, screening tests are also a good way of detecting cancer. Cancer is normally thoroughly investigated using medical imaging; it is then confirmed through biopsy.

Development of Cancer:

A tumour or neoplasm is a collection of cells which have gone through growth that is not regulated and most times form a lump or mass. Every tumour cell exhibits the six important characters that are necessary for the production of the malignant tumour.

The six characteristics are:

1. Cell division and growth without all the signals that are proper.

2. Continuous division and growth even though the signals given are contrary.

3. Cell death that is usually programmed is avoided.

4. The divisions of the cell are quite limitless in number.

5. The construction of blood vessel is promoted.

6. The tissues are invaded and metastases are formed.

Cancer Prevention:

The prevention of a lot of cancers can be ensured by trying to maintain a weight that is healthy, not smoking, consuming a lot of whole grains, fruits and vegetable, avoiding the consumption of a lot of alcohol, reduction in the amount of red and processed meat that is consumed, getting vaccinated against some infectious diseases and the avoidance of too much exposure to sunlight. It is sometimes useful that there is early detection in cases of colorectal and cervical cancer and this can be achieved through screening. The usefulness of breast cancer screening is highly controversial.

The treatment of cancer is usually done by combining surgery, radiation therapy, targeted therapy and chemotherapy. A very important element of care is the management of symptoms and pain. In cases of advanced disease, palliative care is of utmost importance. The extent of the disease at the commencement of treatment and also the form of cancer that is involved go a long way to determine the odds of survival. Using the adopted survival rate at five years, children that were under the age of 15 when they were diagnosed have an average rate of survival of 80% in most developed countries. In the US, the average rate of survival for the five year period is 66%.

90.5 million  people were living with different cancers in 2015. It has been reported that every year, close to 15 million reports of new cancer cases are filed. These do not include the cases of skin cancer. Cancer results in more than eight million deaths every year which is about 15.7% of the total number of deaths every year.

In males, prostate cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer and colorectal cancer are the most widespread cancer types. In females, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancer are the most widespread cancer types. Apart from melanoma, if we include skin cancer in the amount of new cases of cancer every year, it is going to be 40% of the total number of cases.

Brain tumours and lymphoblastic leukemia that is acute are the most widespread cancer types in children but in Africa, lymphoma that is no-Hodgkin is the most widespread. The total number of children that are under the age of 15 that ended up being diagnosed with one type of cancer or the other in 2012 is around 165,000.

With an increase in age, it has been seen that the risk of getting cancer also increases significantly and the number and occurrence of cases of cancer in developed countries in more than the number and occurrence of cancer cases in other countries. The change in lifestyle and increase in the number of people living to a very old age in countries that are developing contributes to the increase in the rate of the occurrence of cancer. Cancer is believed to have a financial cost of up to 1.16 trillion dollars every year.

Cancer can be extremely dangerous when it is not discovered early and when adequate and proper care and attention is not given to the treatment. Therefore it is very important to go for regularly screening to find out if there is need for caution or treatment.

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What Is Cancer?

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Breast cancer cell dividing, as seen using microscope.

A dividing breast cancer cell.

The Definition of Cancer

Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. 

Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made up of trillions of cells. Normally, human cells grow and multiply (through a process called cell division) to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old or become damaged, they die, and new cells take their place.

Sometimes this orderly process breaks down, and abnormal or damaged cells grow and multiply when they shouldn’t. These cells may form tumors, which are lumps of tissue. Tumors can be cancerous or not cancerous ( benign ). 

Cancerous tumors spread into, or invade, nearby tissues and can travel to distant places in the body to form new tumors (a process called metastasis ). Cancerous tumors may also be called malignant tumors. Many cancers form solid tumors, but cancers of the blood, such as leukemias , generally do not.

Benign tumors do not spread into, or invade, nearby tissues. When removed, benign tumors usually don’t grow back, whereas cancerous tumors sometimes do. Benign tumors can sometimes be quite large, however. Some can cause serious symptoms or be life threatening, such as benign tumors in the brain.

Differences between Cancer Cells and Normal Cells

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Cancer cells differ from normal cells in many ways. For instance, cancer cells:

  • grow in the absence of signals telling them to grow. Normal cells only grow when they receive such signals. 
  • ignore signals that normally tell cells to stop dividing or to die (a process known as programmed cell death , or apoptosis ).
  • invade into nearby areas and spread to other areas of the body. Normal cells stop growing when they encounter other cells, and most normal cells do not move around the body. 
  • tell blood vessels to grow toward tumors.  These blood vessels supply tumors with oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products from tumors.
  • hide from the immune system . The immune system normally eliminates damaged or abnormal cells. 
  • trick the immune system into helping cancer cells stay alive and grow. For instance, some cancer cells convince immune cells to protect the tumor instead of attacking it.
  • accumulate multiple changes in their chromosomes , such as duplications and deletions of chromosome parts. Some cancer cells have double the normal number of chromosomes.
  • rely on different kinds of nutrients than normal cells. In addition, some cancer cells make energy from nutrients in a different way than most normal cells. This lets cancer cells grow more quickly. 

Many times, cancer cells rely so heavily on these abnormal behaviors that they can’t survive without them. Researchers have taken advantage of this fact, developing therapies that target the abnormal features of cancer cells. For example, some cancer therapies prevent blood vessels from growing toward tumors , essentially starving the tumor of needed nutrients.  

How Does Cancer Develop?

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Cancer is caused by certain changes to genes, the basic physical units of inheritance. Genes are arranged in long strands of tightly packed DNA called chromosomes.

Cancer is a genetic disease—that is, it is caused by changes to genes that control the way our cells function, especially how they grow and divide.

Genetic changes that cause cancer can happen because:

  • of errors that occur as cells divide. 
  • of damage to DNA caused by harmful substances in the environment, such as the chemicals in tobacco smoke and ultraviolet rays from the sun. (Our Cancer Causes and Prevention section has more information.) 
  • they were inherited from our parents. 

The body normally eliminates cells with damaged DNA before they turn cancerous. But the body’s ability to do so goes down as we age. This is part of the reason why there is a higher risk of cancer later in life.

Each person’s cancer has a unique combination of genetic changes. As the cancer continues to grow, additional changes will occur. Even within the same tumor, different cells may have different genetic changes.

Fundamentals of Cancer

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Cancer is a disease caused when cells divide uncontrollably and spread into surrounding tissues.

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Cancer is caused by changes to DNA. Most cancer-causing DNA changes occur in sections of DNA called genes. These changes are also called genetic changes.

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A DNA change can cause genes involved in normal cell growth to become oncogenes. Unlike normal genes, oncogenes cannot be turned off, so they cause uncontrolled cell growth.

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 In normal cells, tumor suppressor genes prevent cancer by slowing or stopping cell growth. DNA changes that inactivate tumor suppressor genes can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and cancer.

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Within a tumor, cancer cells are surrounded by a variety of immune cells, fibroblasts, molecules, and blood vessels—what’s known as the tumor microenvironment. Cancer cells can change the microenvironment, which in turn can affect how cancer grows and spreads.

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Immune system cells can detect and attack cancer cells. But some cancer cells can avoid detection or thwart an attack. Some cancer treatments can help the immune system better detect and kill cancer cells.

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Each person’s cancer has a unique combination of genetic changes. Specific genetic changes may make a person’s cancer more or less likely to respond to certain treatments.

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Genetic changes that cause cancer can be inherited or arise from certain environmental exposures. Genetic changes can also happen because of errors that occur as cells divide.

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Most often, cancer-causing genetic changes accumulate slowly as a person ages, leading to a higher risk of cancer later in life.

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Cancer cells can break away from the original tumor and travel through the blood or lymph system to distant locations in the body, where they exit the vessels to form additional tumors. This is called metastasis.

Types of Genes that Cause Cancer

The genetic changes that contribute to cancer tend to affect three main types of genes— proto-oncogenes , tumor suppressor genes , and DNA repair genes. These changes are sometimes called “drivers” of cancer.

Proto-oncogenes are involved in normal cell growth and division. However, when these genes are altered in certain ways or are more active than normal, they may become cancer-causing genes (or oncogenes), allowing cells to grow and survive when they should not.

Tumor suppressor genes are also involved in controlling cell growth and division. Cells with certain alterations in tumor suppressor genes may divide in an uncontrolled manner.

DNA repair genes are involved in fixing damaged DNA. Cells with mutations in these genes tend to develop additional mutations in other genes and changes in their chromosomes, such as duplications and deletions of chromosome parts. Together, these mutations may cause the cells to become cancerous.

As scientists have learned more about the molecular changes that lead to cancer, they have found that certain mutations commonly occur in many types of cancer. Now there are many cancer treatments available that target gene mutations found in cancer . A few of these treatments can be used by anyone with a cancer that has the targeted mutation, no matter where the cancer started growing .

When Cancer Spreads

how to start essay about cancer

In metastasis, cancer cells break away from where they first formed and form new tumors in other parts of the body. 

A cancer that has spread from the place where it first formed to another place in the body is called metastatic cancer. The process by which cancer cells spread to other parts of the body is called metastasis.

Metastatic cancer has the same name and the same type of cancer cells as the original, or primary, cancer. For example, breast cancer that forms a metastatic tumor in the lung is metastatic breast cancer, not lung cancer.

Under a microscope, metastatic cancer cells generally look the same as cells of the original cancer. Moreover, metastatic cancer cells and cells of the original cancer usually have some molecular features in common, such as the presence of specific chromosome changes.

In some cases, treatment may help prolong the lives of people with metastatic cancer. In other cases, the primary goal of treatment for metastatic cancer is to control the growth of the cancer or to relieve symptoms it is causing. Metastatic tumors can cause severe damage to how the body functions, and most people who die of cancer die of metastatic disease.  

Tissue Changes that Are Not Cancer

Not every change in the body’s tissues is cancer. Some tissue changes may develop into cancer if they are not treated, however. Here are some examples of tissue changes that are not cancer but, in some cases, are monitored because they could become cancer:

  • Hyperplasia occurs when cells within a tissue multiply faster than normal and extra cells build up. However, the cells and the way the tissue is organized still look normal under a microscope. Hyperplasia can be caused by several factors or conditions, including chronic irritation.
  • Dysplasia is a more advanced condition than hyperplasia. In dysplasia, there is also a buildup of extra cells. But the cells look abnormal and there are changes in how the tissue is organized. In general, the more abnormal the cells and tissue look, the greater the chance that cancer will form. Some types of dysplasia may need to be monitored or treated, but others do not. An example of dysplasia is an abnormal mole (called a dysplastic nevus ) that forms on the skin. A dysplastic nevus can turn into melanoma, although most do not.
  • Carcinoma in situ  is an even more advanced condition. Although it is sometimes called stage 0 cancer, it is not cancer because the abnormal cells do not invade nearby tissue the way that cancer cells do. But because some carcinomas in situ may become cancer, they are usually treated.

how to start essay about cancer

Normal cells may become cancer cells. Before cancer cells form in tissues of the body, the cells go through abnormal changes called hyperplasia and dysplasia. In hyperplasia, there is an increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue that appear normal under a microscope. In dysplasia, the cells look abnormal under a microscope but are not cancer. Hyperplasia and dysplasia may or may not become cancer.

Types of Cancer

There are more than 100 types of cancer. Types of cancer are usually named for the organs or tissues where the cancers form. For example, lung cancer starts in the lung, and brain cancer starts in the brain. Cancers also may be described by the type of cell that formed them, such as an epithelial cell or a squamous cell .

You can search NCI’s website for information on specific types of cancer based on the cancer’s location in the body or by using our A to Z List of Cancers . We also have information on childhood cancers and cancers in adolescents and young adults .

Here are some categories of cancers that begin in specific types of cells:

Carcinomas are the most common type of cancer. They are formed by epithelial cells, which are the cells that cover the inside and outside surfaces of the body. There are many types of epithelial cells, which often have a column-like shape when viewed under a microscope.

Carcinomas that begin in different epithelial cell types have specific names:

Adenocarcinoma is a cancer that forms in epithelial cells that produce fluids or mucus. Tissues with this type of epithelial cell are sometimes called glandular tissues. Most cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate are adenocarcinomas.

Basal cell carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the lower or basal (base) layer of the epidermis, which is a person’s outer layer of skin.

Squamous cell carcinoma is a cancer that forms in squamous cells, which are epithelial cells that lie just beneath the outer surface of the skin. Squamous cells also line many other organs, including the stomach, intestines, lungs, bladder, and kidneys. Squamous cells look flat, like fish scales, when viewed under a microscope. Squamous cell carcinomas are sometimes called epidermoid carcinomas.

Transitional cell carcinoma is a cancer that forms in a type of epithelial tissue called transitional epithelium, or urothelium. This tissue, which is made up of many layers of epithelial cells that can get bigger and smaller, is found in the linings of the bladder, ureters, and part of the kidneys (renal pelvis), and a few other organs. Some cancers of the bladder, ureters, and kidneys are transitional cell carcinomas.

how to start essay about cancer

Soft tissue sarcoma forms in soft tissues of the body, including muscle, tendons, fat, blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves, and tissue around joints.

Sarcomas are cancers that form in bone and soft tissues, including muscle, fat, blood vessels, lymph vessels , and fibrous tissue (such as tendons and ligaments).

Osteosarcoma is the most common cancer of bone. The most common types of soft tissue sarcoma are leiomyosarcoma , Kaposi sarcoma , malignant fibrous histiocytoma , liposarcoma , and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans .

Our page on soft tissue sarcoma has more information.

Cancers that begin in the blood-forming tissue of the bone marrow are called leukemias. These cancers do not form solid tumors. Instead, large numbers of abnormal white blood cells (leukemia cells and leukemic blast cells) build up in the blood and bone marrow, crowding out normal blood cells. The low level of normal blood cells can make it harder for the body to get oxygen to its tissues, control bleeding, or fight infections.  

There are four common types of leukemia, which are grouped based on how quickly the disease gets worse (acute or chronic) and on the type of blood cell the cancer starts in (lymphoblastic or myeloid). Acute forms of leukemia grow quickly and chronic forms grow more slowly.

Our page on leukemia has more information.

Lymphoma is cancer that begins in lymphocytes (T cells or B cells). These are disease-fighting white blood cells that are part of the immune system. In lymphoma, abnormal lymphocytes build up in lymph nodes and lymph vessels, as well as in other organs of the body.

There are two main types of lymphoma:

Hodgkin lymphoma – People with this disease have abnormal lymphocytes that are called Reed-Sternberg cells. These cells usually form from B cells.

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma – This is a large group of cancers that start in lymphocytes. The cancers can grow quickly or slowly and can form from B cells or T cells.

Our page on lymphoma has more information.

Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is cancer that begins in plasma cells , another type of immune cell. The abnormal plasma cells, called myeloma cells, build up in the bone marrow and form tumors in bones all through the body. Multiple myeloma is also called plasma cell myeloma and Kahler disease.

Our page on multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms has more information.

Melanoma is cancer that begins in cells that become melanocytes, which are specialized cells that make melanin (the pigment that gives skin its color). Most melanomas form on the skin, but melanomas can also form in other pigmented tissues, such as the eye.

Our pages on skin cancer and intraocular melanoma have more information.

Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors

There are different types of brain and spinal cord tumors. These tumors are named based on the type of cell in which they formed and where the tumor first formed in the central nervous system. For example, an astrocytic tumor begins in star-shaped brain cells called astrocytes , which help keep nerve cells healthy. Brain tumors can be benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer).

Our page on brain and spinal cord tumors has more information.

Other Types of Tumors

Germ cell tumors.

Germ cell tumors are a type of tumor that begins in the cells that give rise to sperm or eggs. These tumors can occur almost anywhere in the body and can be either benign or malignant.

Our page of cancers by body location/system includes a list of germ cell tumors with links to more information.

Neuroendocrine Tumors

Neuroendocrine tumors form from cells that release hormones into the blood in response to a signal from the nervous system. These tumors, which may make higher-than-normal amounts of hormones, can cause many different symptoms. Neuroendocrine tumors may be benign or malignant.

Our definition of neuroendocrine tumors has more information.

Carcinoid Tumors

Carcinoid tumors are a type of neuroendocrine tumor. They are slow-growing tumors that are usually found in the gastrointestinal system (most often in the rectum and small intestine). Carcinoid tumors may spread to the liver or other sites in the body, and they may secrete substances such as serotonin or prostaglandins, causing carcinoid syndrome .

Our page on gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors has more information.

125 Breast Cancer Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best breast cancer topic ideas & essay examples, 💡 most interesting breast cancer topics to write about, 📌 simple & easy breast cancer essay titles, 👍 good essay topics on breast cancer.

  • Breast Cancer Symptoms and Causes The mammogram is the first indication of breast cancer, even though other indications such as the presence of the lymph nodes in the armpits are also the early indications of breast cancer.
  • Breast Cancer and Its Population Burden The other objectives that are central to this paper are highlighted below: To determine which group is at a high risk of breast cancer To elucidate the impact of breast cancer on elderly women and […]
  • Mindfulness Practice During Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer She discusses the significance of the study to the nursing field and how nurses can use the findings to help their patients cope with stress.
  • Breast Cancer: The Effective Care Domain Information about how the patient is seen, how often the patient is seen, and whether she will return for mammograms can be collected and analyzed to verify the successful intervention to extend consistency with mammograms.
  • Garden Pesticide and Breast Cancer Therefore, taking into account the basic formula, the 1000 person-years case, the number of culture-positive cases of 500, and culture-negative of 10000, the incidence rate will be 20 new cases.
  • Breast Cancer as a Genetic Red Flag It is important to note that the genetic red flags in Figure 1 depicted above include heart disease, hypertension, and breast cancer.
  • Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Analysis Simultaneously, the resource is beneficial because it aims to “improve the delivery and quality of breast cancer screening and related outcomes in the United States”.
  • Drinking Green Tea: Breast Cancer Patients Therefore, drinking green tea regularly is just a necessity- it will contribute to good health and physical vigor throughout the day and prevent severe diseases.
  • Breast Cancer Prevention: Ethical and Scientific Issues Such information can potentially impact the patient and decide in favor of sharing the information about the current condition and risks correlating with the family history.
  • Breast Cancer: Epidemiology, Risks, and Prevention In that way, the authors discuss the topics of breast cancer and obesity and the existing methods of prevention while addressing the ethnic disparities persistent in the issue.
  • Breast Cancer Development in Black Women With consideration of the mentioned variables and target population, the research question can be formulated: what is the effect of nutrition and lifestyle maintained on breast cancer development in black women?
  • Breast Cancer: Concept Map and Case Study Each member of the interdisciplinary team involved in treating patients with cancer and heart disease should focus on educational priorities such as:
  • Breast Cancer in Miami Florida The situation with the diagnosis of breast cancer is directly related to the availability of medicine in the state and the general awareness of the non-population.
  • Breast Cancer: Genetics and Malignancy In the presence of such conditions, the formation of atypical cells is possible in the mammary gland. In the described case, this aspect is the most significant since it includes various details of the patient’s […]
  • Genes Cause Breast Cancer Evidence suggests the role of BRCA1 in DNA repair is more expansive than that of BRCA2 and involves many pathways. Therefore, it is suggested that BRCT ambit containing proteins are involved in DNA repair and […]
  • Breast Cancer. Service Management The trial specifically looks at the effect on breast-cancer mortality of inviting women to screening from age 40 years compared with invitation from age 50 years as in the current NHS breast-screening programme.
  • Fibrocystic Breast Condition or Breast Cancer? The presence of the fibrocystic breast condition means that the tissue of the breast is fibrous, and cysts are filled with the liquid or fluid. The main characteristic feature of this cancer is that it […]
  • Coping With Stress in Breast Cancer Patients Therefore, it is important for research experts to ensure and guarantee adherence to methodologies and guidelines that define scientific inquiry. However, various discrepancies manifest with regard to the initiation and propagation of research studies.
  • Breast Self-Examination and Breast Cancer Mortality Though it is harsh to dismiss self-exams entirely due to studies that indicate little in deaths of women who performed self-exams and those who did not, the self-exams should not be relied on exclusively as […]
  • Breast Self-Exams Curbing Breast Cancer Mortality The results of the study were consistent with the findings of other studies of the same nature on the effectiveness of breast self-examination in detecting and curbing breast cancer.
  • Taxol Effectiveness in Inhibiting Breast Cancer Cells The following were the objectives of this experiment: To determine the effectiveness of Taxol in inhibiting breast cancer cells and ovarian cancer cells using culture method.
  • Control Breast Cancer: Nursing Phenomenon, Ontology and Epistemology of Health Management Then, the evidence received is presented in an expert way leading to implementation of the decision on the management of the disease.
  • Breast Cancer: Effects of Breast Health Education The design of the research focused on research variables like skills, performance, self-efficacy, and knowledge as the researchers aimed at examining the effectiveness of these variables among young women who underwent training in breast cancer […]
  • Community Nursing Role in Breast Cancer Prevention However, early detection still remains important in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. The community has thus undertaken activities aimed at funding the awareness, treatment and research in order to reduce the number of […]
  • Self-Examination and Knowledge of Breast Cancer Among Female Students Shin, Park & Mijung found that a quarter of the participants practiced breast self-examination and a half had knowledge regarding breast cancer.
  • “Tracking Breast Cancer Cells on the Move” by Gomis The article serves the purpose of examining the role of NOG, a gene that is essential in bone development and its role in breast cancer.
  • Breast Cancer Survivorship: Are African American Women Considered? The finding of the analysis is that the issue of cancer survivorship is exclusive, developing, and at the same time it depends on what individuals perceive to be cancer diagnosis as well as personal experiences […]
  • Gaining Ground on Breast Cancer: Advances in Treatment The article by Esteva and Hortobagyi discusses breast cancer from the aspect of increased survival rates, the novel treatments that have necessitated this and the promise in even more enhanced management of breast cancer.
  • Effects of Hypoxia, Surrounding Fibroblasts, and p16 Expression on Breast Cancer The study was conducted to determine whether migration and invasion of breast cancer cells were stimulated by hypoxia, as well as determining whether the expression of p16 ectopically had the potential to modulate the cell […]
  • Breast Cancer: Preventing, Diagnosing, Addressing the Issue In contrast to the MRI, which presupposes that the image of the tissue should be retrieved with the help of magnetic fields, the mammography tool involves the use of x-rays.
  • Dietary Fat Intake and Development of Breast Cancer This study aimed to determine the relationship between dietary fat intake and the development of breast cancer in women. The outcome of the study strongly suggests that there is a close relationship between a high […]
  • The Detection and Diagnosis of Breast Cancer The severity of cancer depends on the movement of the cancerous cells in the body and the division and growth or cancerous cells.
  • Breast Cancer: WMI Research and the Current Approaches Although the conclusions provided by the WHI in the study conducted to research the effects of estrogen and progesterone cessation on the chance of developing a breast cancer do not comply with the results of […]
  • Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene (BRCA2) The mechanisms underlying the genetic predisposition to a particular disease are manifold and this concept is the challenging one to the investigators since the advent of Molecular Biology and database resources.
  • Prediction of Breast Cancer Prognosis It has been proposed that the fundamental pathways are alike and that the expression of gene sets, instead of that of individual genes, may give more information in predicting and understanding the basic biological processes.
  • Breast Cancer Survivors: Effects of a Psychoeducational Intervention While the conceptual framework is justified in analysis of the quality of life, there is the likelihood of influence of the context with quality of life adopting different meanings to patients in different areas and […]
  • Providers’ Role in Quality Assurance in Breast Cancer Screening In order to ensure the quality assurance of mammography, the providers involved in the procedure need to be aware of the roles they ought to play.
  • Clinical Laboratory Science of Breast Cancer The word cancer is itself so much dreaded by people that the very occurrence of the disease takes half of the life away from the patient and the relatives.
  • Induced and Spontaneous Abortion and Breast Cancer Incidence Among Young Women There is also no question as to whether those who had breast cancer was only as a result of abortion the cohort study does not define the total number of women in population.
  • New Screening Guidelines for Breast Cancer On the whole, the Task Force reports that a 15% reduction in breast cancer mortality that can be ascribed to the use of mammograms seems decidedly low compared to the risks and harm which tend […]
  • Breast Cancer in Afro- and Euro-Americans It is seen that in the age group of more than 50 years, EA was more at risk of contracting cancer, as compared to AA.
  • Breast Cancer Assessment in London In light of these developments, it is therefore important that an evaluation of breast cancer amongst women in London be carried out, in order to explore strategies and policy formulations that could be implemented, with […]
  • Breast Cancer: At-Risk Population, Barriers, and Improvement Thus, the principal purpose of Part Two is to explain why older women face a higher risk of getting breast cancer, what barriers lead to this adverse state of affairs, and how to improve the […]
  • Breast Cancer: Moral and Medical Aspects In addition to the question of the surgery, there is an ethical problem associated with the genetic characteristics of the disease.
  • Breast Cancer and AIDS: Significant Issues in the United States in the Late 20th Century Thus, the given paper is going to explain why these activists challenged regulatory and scientific authorities and what they demanded. That is why the enthusiasts challenged their practices and made specific demands to improve the […]
  • Breast Cancer Risk Factors: Genetic and Nutritional Influences However, the problems of genetics contribute to the identification of this disease, since the essence of the problem requires constant monitoring of the state of the mammary glands to detect cancer at an early stage.
  • Breast Cancer Genetics & Chromosomal Analysis In this paper, the chromosomal analysis of breast cancer will be assessed, and the causes of the disorder will be detailed.
  • Breast Cancer: The Case of Anne H. For this reason, even females with a high level of health literacy and awareness of breast cancer, such as Anne H, might still belong to the group risk and discover the issue at its late […]
  • Breast Cancer Diagnosis Procedure in Saudi Arabia The fact is that, the health care program in this geographic area is associated with the encouragement of all the women in the area to be subjected to the examination for the breast cancer, as […]
  • Breast Cancer and the Effects of Diet The information in noted clause is only a part of results of the researches spent in the field of the analysis of influence of a diet on a risk level of disease in cancer.
  • Genetic Predisposition to Breast Cancer: Genetic Testing Their choice to have their first baby later in life and hormonal treatment for symptoms of menopause further increase the risk of breast cancer in women.
  • Health Psychology: Going Through a Breast Cancer Diagnosis He is unaware that she has been diagnosed with depression and that she is going for breast screening Stress from work is also a contributing factor to her condition.
  • Breast Cancer: Causes and Treatment According to Iversen et al this situation is comparable to the finding of abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix, curable by excision or vaporization of the tissue.
  • Monoclonal Antibodies in Treating Breast Cancer The most important function of the lymph glands is that their tissue fluid carries the cancer cells that have been detached from the tumour to the closely located lymph gland.
  • Breast Cancer: Women’s Health Initiative & Practices The new standard of care shows evidence that a low-fat diet, deemed insignificant by the WHI study, is beneficial to women for preventing or improving their risks of breast cancer.
  • Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Pathophysiology The contemporary understanding of the etiopathogenesis of breast cancer addresses the origin of invasive cancer through a substantive number of molecular alterations at the cellular level.
  • Complex Fibroadenoma and Breast Cancer Risk Furthermore, KB decided that she did not need to remove the lump surgically she was advised to document changes after regular breast exams and return to the clinic in case of new concerns.
  • Breast Cancer: Health Psychology Plan The goal of the plan is to identify the psychological issues and health priorities of the subject and propose a strategy for addressing them.
  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Women With Breast Cancer The treatment of breast CA has developed over the past 20 years, and many treatment centers offer a variety of modalities and holistic treatment options in addition to medical management.
  • Breast Cancer Screening in Young American Women It is proud to be at the forefront of widespread public health initiatives to improve the education and lives of young women.
  • Screening for Breast Cancer The main goal of this paper is to describe the specific set of clinical circumstances under which the application of screening is the most beneficial for women aged 40 to 74 years.
  • Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign It may also need more time to be implemented as the development of the advertisement, and all visuals will take time.
  • Breast Cancer Patients’ Life Quality and Wellbeing The article “Complementary Exercise and Quality of Life in Patients with Breast Cancer” examines the role of complementary exercises towards improving the lives of women with breast cancer.
  • Breast Cancer Patients’ Functions and Suitable Jobs The key symptom of breast cancer is the occurrence of a protuberance in the breast. A screening mammography, scrutiny of the patient’s family history and a breast examination help in the diagnosis of breast cancer.
  • Jordanian Breast Cancer Survival Rates in 1997-2002 This objective came from the realization that the best way to test the efficacy of breast cancer treatment and to uncover intervening factors influencing the efficacy of these treatments was to investigate the rates of […]
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Among African Americans There are reasons that motivate women to seek mammography for example the belief that early detection will enable them treat the cancer in early stages, and their trust for the safety of mammogram. Social marketing […]
  • Breast Cancer Screening Among Non-Adherent Women This is one of the aspects that can be identified. This is one of the short-comings that can be singled out, and this particular model may not be fully appropriate in this context.
  • Breast Cancer: Treatment and Rehabilitation Options Depending on the site of occurrence, breast cancer can form ductal carcinomas and lobular carcinomas if they occur in the ducts and lobules of the breast, respectively. Breast cancer and treatment methods have significant effects […]
  • Women Healthcare: Breast Cancer Reducing the levels of myoferlin alters the breast cancer cells’ mechanical properties, as it is evident from the fact that the shape and ability of breast cancer cells to spread is low with reduced production […]
  • Breast Cancer Public Relations Campaign Audiences It is clear that the breast cancer campaign will target at women in their 30-40s as this is one of the most vulnerable categories of women as they often pay little attention to the […]
  • Health Information Seeking and Breast Cancer Diagnosis Emotional support is also concerned with the kind of information given to patients and how the information is conveyed. It is equally significant to underscore the role of information in handling breast cancer patients immediately […]
  • Current Standing of Breast Cancer and Its Effects on the Society It then places particular focus on the testing and treatment of breast cancer, the effects and conditions associated with it, from a financial point of view, and the possible improvements worth making in service or […]
  • Breast Cancer: Disease Prevention The first indicator of breast cancer is the presence of a lump that feels like a swollen matter that is not tender like the rest of the breast tissues.
  • Breast Cancer Definition and Treatment In the case where “the cells which appear like breast cancer are still confined to the ducts or lobules of the breast, it is called pre-invasive breast cancer”.”The most widespread pre-invasive type of breast cancer […]
  • Breast Cancer Incidence and Ethnicity This paper explores the different rates of breast cancer incidence as far as the different ethnic groups in the US are concerned as well as the most probable way of reducing the rates of incidence […]
  • Treatment Options for Breast Cancer This type of breast cancer manifests itself in the tubes/ducts which form the channel for transporting milk from the breast to the nipple.”Lobular carcinoma: this type of cancer usually begins in the milk producing regions […]
  • Risk Factors, Staging, and Treatment of Breast Cancer This is so because huge amounts of resources have been used in the research and the development of the breast cancer drugs that in effect help the body to combat the cancer by providing additional […]
  • Case Management for Breast Cancer Patients In this respect, preventive measures should be taken in order to decrease the mortality rates all over the world in terms of cancer illness and breast cancer in particular.
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  • The Benefits and Effects of Exercise on Post-Treatment Breast Cancer Patients
  • Women’s Experiences Undergoing Reconstructive Surgery After Mastectomy Due To Breast Cancer
  • Advanced Technology Of The Treatment Of Breast Cancer
  • Using Genetic Testing For Breast Cancer
  • The role of Perivascular Macrophages in Breast Cancer Metastasis
  • The Psychological Aspect Of Coping With Breast Cancer
  • An Analysis of an Alternative Prevention in Breast Cancer for Young Women in America
  • The Complicated Biology of Breast Cancer
  • The Impact Of Tamoxifen Adjuvant Therapy On Breast Cancer
  • The Prevalence Of Breast Cancer Among Black Women
  • The Embodiment Theory, Holistic Approach And Breast Cancer In The South African Context
  • The Long-Term Evolution of Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Treated Patients
  • The Signs and Early Prevention of Breast Cancer
  • The Effect of Fast Food In Developing Breast Cancer among Saudi Populations
  • The Effect Of Breastfeeding On Ovarian And Breast Cancer
  • The Best Method Of Medicine For The Treatment Of Breast Cancer: Cam Or Drugs
  • The Causes of Breast Cancer – Genetically or Environmentally Influenced
  • The Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Breast Cancer, a Malignant Disease
  • The Risks, Characteristics and Symptoms of Breast Cancer, a Malignant Disease
  • The Most Common Cancer In The UK: Breast Cancer
  • Types Of Preventive Services For A Higher Risk Of Breast Cancer
  • The Effect of Raloxifene on Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women
  • The Impact of Culture and Location on Breast Cancer Around the World
  • Understanding Breast Cancer, Its Triggers and Treatment Options
  • The Risk, Development, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Breast Cancer in Women
  • The Pathophysiology of Breast Cancer
  • The Effects Of DNA Methylation On Breast Cancer
  • The Treatment and Management Options for Breast Cancer Patients
  • Alternative Forms Of Medicine For Breast Cancer Rates
  • The Impact of Nutrition on Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer
  • The Economic Evaluation of Screening for Breast Cancer: A Tentative Methodology
  • The Etymology of Breast Cancer, Types, Risk Factors, Early Detection Methods, and Demographics
  • What Are The Symptoms And Treatments For Breast Cancer
  • Treatments And Treatment Of Breast Cancer Therapy
  • The Various Views and Approaches in the Treatment and Management of Breast Cancer
  • The Growing Health Problem of Breast Cancer in the United States
  • The Importance of Considering Breast Cancer Prevention Aside from Treatment
  • The Different Ways That Can Reduce the Risk of Having Breast Cancer
  • The Use of Radiation for Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer
  • The Condition Of Breast Cancer And Its Relevant Treatment
  • The Relationship between a High-Dairy Diet and Breast Cancer in Women
  • Treatment of Solid Tumors including Metastatic Breast Cancer
  • Which Is More Effective In Reducing Arm Lymphoedema For Breast Cancer Patients
  • The Use Of Telomerase In Diagnosis, Prognosis, And Treatment Of Cancer: With A Special Look At Breast Cancer
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 125 Breast Cancer Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"125 Breast Cancer Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '125 Breast Cancer Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "125 Breast Cancer Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "125 Breast Cancer Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "125 Breast Cancer Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

Cancer - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Essays on this topic could delve into the various types of cancer, their causes, and treatment options. Additionally, discussions might extend to the psychological and social impact of cancer on patients and families, advancements in cancer research, and the efforts towards cancer prevention and awareness. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Cancer you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Micro Needle Thermocouple for Detection of Breast Cancer

Hundreds and thousands of people are affected by cancer each year; it is one of the most fatal diseases and a leading cause of death and disability for humans (Iranifam 2014). There are several types of cancer than can affect different areas of the body, some being less life-threatening than others. A vast amount of patients suffer from late diagnosis or recurrence of their disease in spite of all the advances in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Modern cancer […]

The Role of Histology in the Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cell that can be benign, not dangerous, but it can also metastasize and invade different and distant tissues in our body. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in female of any age and although the risk increases, as you get older, many different factors affect the chance of a woman to get breast cancer. I chose this specific topic because breast cancer is something that I’ve dealt with in my personal […]

Anxiety Case Study

Anxiety Case Study Ann's Diagnosis Ann, a 58-year-old breast cancer survivor, was referred to me by her outpatient oncology physician due to anxiety related to her upcoming annual MRI scan. After reading her oncologist's notes as well as conducting my own assessment, I can confidently diagnose Ann with 300.02 Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Ann has been cancer free for 15 years, however the anniversary of her diagnosis is approaching, and she is worried that her cancer has come back. She has […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Breast Cancer: Casuses and Treatment

Cancer is defined as “when the body’s cells begin to divide without stopping and spread into surrounding tissues.” (“What is cancer?”, 2017), caused by mutations that lead to the cell cycle to proceed, regardless if the cell is qualified to. The mutations block the use of the G1, G2, and M checkpoints in the cell cycle. These checkpoints are important in “sensing defects that occur during essential processes, and induce a cell cycle arrest in response until the defects are […]

Breast Cancer History Research Paper

Breast cancer is a disease in which most commonly occurs in all women no matter their size, shape, race, or ethnicity. About one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every year, a fatal disease if not discovered early. Early detection of breast cancer is key so that cancerous cells found in the breast do not spread through other parts of the body. With an increasing prevalence in breast cancer today, the evolution of technology has been improved […]

Water Pollution Effects on Humans

The world population is increasing every day, bringing with it several pollution problems. Water pollution is one of the biggest examples, which generates devastating effects on human beings, such as poisoning with heavy minerals, bacterial diseases, and serious skin problems. The degree of the consequence will depend on the exposure of the person and the type of contamination that is in the water during their contact. Sometimes, the damage generated could be irreversible, concluding in chronic diseases or even death. […]

Understanding Breast Cancer

This paper will clarify what Breast Cancer is. It will explain the symptoms, treatment options, and other useful information regarding this disease. The first thing to know about Breast Cancer is understanding what it is. According to the website, breast cancer begins when cells in the bosom begin to spread out of control. The tumor that is formed from these cells may be detected on an x-ray or can be felt as a lump. Malignancy can advance into neighboring […]

Breast Cancer in African American Women

Summary Despite the fact that Caucasian women in the United States have a higher incidence rate of breast cancer than any other racial group, African-Americans succumb notably worse to the disease and record the highest mortality rate. To comprehend the barriers and challenges that predispose African-American women to these disparities, this research was conducted to get a better understanding from the perspective of oncologists. With diverse ethnicity and gender representation, the participation of seven medical, surgical and radiation oncologists that […]

Medical Animal Testing should be Banned

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A Novel Therapeutic Strategy for HER2 Breast Cancer by Nanoparticles Combined with Macrophages

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Why is Screening for Breast Cancer Important

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Healthy Lifestyle – a Way to Prevent Cancer

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A Treatment of Different Cancer Diseases

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New Healthcare Inventions on Breast Cancer

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Essential Breast Cancer Screening Techniques and their Complements

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Stomach Cancer Research Paper

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Corporate Social Responsibility against Cancer

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About the Cellular Basis of Cancer

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Accelerated Inflammation and Cancer Metastases

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What really matters at the end: perspectives from a patient, a family member and an oncologist

It is not uncommon for physicians to write about what “they think” matters to patients. This essay explores “what really matters” from the perspective of a patient, a family member of another patient and an oncologist. The patient was a 58-year-old woman with recurrent metastatic small bowel cancer. The family member is the spouse of a 48-year-old man who had advanced gastroesophageal cancer. The medical oncologist is a mid-career clinician–scientist who cared for both patients.

The perspectives presented in this essay evolved from conversations that occurred initially between the oncologist and each of the other authors individually; eventually, the three authors met to discuss writing an essay. The three sections were written independently to ensure that they accurately reflected each author’s personal perspectives.

A patient’s perspective

After my diagnosis, I had to accept that I am not invincible. Once diagnosed with cancer, you will never be treated the same again. You will be perceived as fragile, weak and frail. Unless they have walked your path, others cannot know how tired, cold, weak, painful or anxious having cancer can be.

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At this juncture, it would be well advised to accept that this is your diagnosis, your life, your death and that you must own it. The cancer trail will be less burdened by accepting the impermanence of the human condition. We are truly equals with the same conclusion no matter what our wealth, status or privilege. Without fear of death, we can live as full a life as possible. I chose to live joyfully and not accept just to exist!

In walking my cancer trail, I have been blessed to cross paths with some amazing people. It is imperative to have a medical team that is competent, attentive, efficient and compassionate. Doctors with minimal egos. Doctors who have ears for listening. These doctors know the difficult art of listening, have the ability to stay focused and to make my concern important. Good listeners know how to make me understand their perspective and give me time to process; this makes me feel worthy and important. These doctors are very aware that waiting breeds anxiety and distrust. The diagnosis of cancer quickens time and patients lose patience; the good doctor will realize this. My experience has been superb, blessed with staff who never left me worried if the test has been booked, the diagnosis delayed or my symptoms untreated.

As a patient, we too have obligations to our doctors. We must give our doctors permission to be honest. Sometimes with this honesty comes words of pain, but this in turn facilitates an understanding so that if the patient says, “no thank you,” the doctor will understand. This honesty comes not from ego or extended education; it comes from the heart. Honesty builds trust, and trust leads to better communication, better symptom management and an enriched quality of life. I have always felt like my voice is heard. I often see a flush of relief from the young doctor who realizes that I understand where this race stops, so he need not find words to mask the seriousness of the situation. I encourage these doctors to speak openly.

Some of my friends were amazed that I declined chemotherapy. It was the correct decision for me; I have had three plus years and a gifted life. Treatment becomes an addiction for some patients who become terrified to stop and lose their support team. I pay close attention to “appointmentitis.” My team understands that each day is precious and make every effort to stack my appointments.

Having loving friends and family, and a stable home make cancer bearable. Having physical touch reinforces that “someone still thinks I am worthy of touch.” The warmth of hands relieves anxiety and offers connection. To be hugged or held reminds the patient that they are loved. I have relied on calming activities such as gardening, walking, music and working the farm. I seldom think about cancer unless I am at the clinic. I now pay close attention to and appreciate my many blessings.

A family member’s perspective

I became a widow at 42 years of age. I lost my husband after a 16-month battle with metastatic gastroesophageal cancer. Cancer is a word no one ever wants to hear, especially if it is preceded by the word incurable. It is amazing how two words together can have such a big impact. Our epicentre comprised three people: my husband, his oncologist and myself. We were anchored together as a team within moments of his diagnosis. In this context, the process of “team-building” is full of paradox and irony. Patients and families seek out the best and most compassionate care, to build a “dream team,” all within the “nightmare” of cancer. We all know where this path ends. It is just a matter of negotiating the time between the start and the finish.

As the primary caregiver, my role was to listen, interpret and organize information in a way that was digestible and honest while looking for hope. This was the most difficult task. “Making lemonade out of lemons,” as my husband would say. I sought to make each day the best possible for my husband and my family; to free them from emotional pain, physical discomfort and anxiety. Most days, this was easier said than done. I discovered early on that the “system of care” was not a system at all. “System” implies connection between parts forming together as a whole. What I encountered was, for the most part, contrary to this definition. A set of binders containing all necessary health and care information became my constant companions. This enabled collaboration among parts of the system where there was none.

We did have glimmers of hope and cause for celebration. The first line of palliative chemotherapy gave us nine months within which to make happy memories. We planned activities to make the most of our time together. We pushed the boundaries for travel while doing our best to mitigate risk.

It was hard to know what to hope for. The most hopeful scenario would be to get better and never look back. Without that option available, the guiding light for me was to balance the desire for more time with quality of life. I had the good fortune of reading Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. This book in some way influenced my every decision. Our decision-making was framed within a context of humanism and compassion as we balanced “curative” versus “care-ative” approach to treatment options.

In the darkest of days, there is opportunity for learning and growth. Despite finding ourselves in a scenario we could never have imagined, our team became a cherished relationship characterized by compassion, hope, care, comfort and understanding. Perhaps that is the key to success as a caregiver, to seek out the people who and things that contribute to the best possible life in the face of death. It is all any of us could hope for under the circumstances.

An oncologist’s perspective

I gravitated to oncology because of the rich doctor–patient relationships. I knew I would cherish these privileged conversations throughout my career. During my training, I was surprised by the magnitude of “benefit” associated with many standard palliative therapies. Although some treatments offer substantial benefit to patients, I was struck that many standard treatments extend life by only a number of weeks. These initial impressions were formed when I was more layperson than oncologist; years later, I still wonder to what extent patients understand how marginal some of our treatments are. Despite limited benefits of many standard regimens, I learned how oncologists can make a real difference through compassion and symptom management. Having been in practice for a decade, I now retain a healthy skepticism about how much our drug therapies actually benefit patients. In caring for the two patients described in this essay, I struggled with how to balance discussions of benefit and harms, and trying to strike a balance with hope and realism.

I worry that technology-driven medicine has led to a decline in our traditional “art” that emphasized caring and compassion. The quality-of-life “cost” of new therapies to a patient and the associated financial costs to society make it increasingly important to discuss these issues. However, I have learned that no two patients are alike in how they balance the pros and cons of treatment for incurable cancer. What remains uniform across all patients is the need for honest communication and compassion. For a number of reasons, including the fear of taking away hope and emotional discomfort, these conversations may not happen as often as they should.

Although I try to communicate clearly these issues to my patients, I know I could do a better job. Many tests and treatments are done because they represent “standard care,” even though the extent to which they align with the values of each patient is not clear. I struggle with questions such as how to explain the absolute benefit of therapies better? How to help patients find hope in incurable cancer? At what point is “hope” helpful and at what point is “false hope” harmful? Is there intrinsic value in “doing something?” What really does matter to my patients? Although careful research might provide insight to some of these questions, the most powerful lessons will come from our patients and their families.

Putting it together

Patients and families facing incurable cancer will have unique goals, preferences and needs. What unifies us is the search for hope and meaning, when from the outset, there appears to be none. We all hope for long lives filled with joy and meaning. When that time is cut short, we must shift our hope toward care that is focused on a life that is free from as much pain, discomfort and anxiety as possible, and a death that comes as peacefully and humanely as possible.


The authors thank Gord Sinclair and Duncan Sinclair for their input on earlier drafts of this manuscript.

We lost Penny just before the submission of this article. We offer these perspectives as a tribute to the many lessons we learned from her. We hope that our combined voices will provide comfort and support to others on similar journeys.

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“In Our Own Words”: Cancer patients tell their stories

  • Features When art and medicine meet Closing the circle—medicine re-engages with the humanities Thirty years of the humanities at the School of Medicine Students share their “sharp and poignant moments” in literary journal Selections from Murmurs On the other side: listening to patients Writing toward better care How art sharpens students’ clinical skills “In Our Own Words”: Cancer patients tell their stories Art therapy: helping families cope with cancer In the midst of an epidemic ¡ANDA! Walk and Run raises more than $25,000
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By turns ironic, inspiring, sobering, and funny, essays in a booklet called “In Our Own Words” relate key moments in diagnosis and treatment, as well as observations and realizations made along the way.

The cedar strings quartet, composed of medical students aishwarya vijay, michelle ferreira, william chen, and charles hsu.

For Christine Shadle, Ph.D., the writers group for patients at Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven Health was a godsend.

She seized the opportunity to write frankly about her breast cancer and share her writing with fellow patients, without softening the “gory and disgusting” realities of her disease. “It’s really lonely to have a severe illness,” said Shadle, who is now in remission. “This is a way of telling my story, and it ends up being a way to find ourselves.”

Shadle and nine other patients shared their work in a booklet called “In Our Own Words,” published thanks in part to a grant from the annual Closer to Free fundraising campaign. On a Thursday evening in October, four patients and three guest readers read essays from the booklet before an audience of physicians, caregivers, and family members in the Park Building. The authors and guest readers, including Yale New Haven Health CEO Marna P. Borgstrom, M.P.H. ’79, read from the works. By turns ironic, inspiring, sobering, and funny, the essays relate key moments in diagnosis and treatment, as well as observations and realizations made along the way. “I feel honored to have been part of this program and have a chance to look into some of your personal moments,” said Dana Shaffer, Smilow’s art expression coordinator.

In her essay, Shadle, a research scientist at the Haskins Laboratories in New Haven, noted that oncotype scores that determine whether she’ll need chemotherapy and National Institutes of Health scores for grant applications share one characteristic—a low score is better. And in both cases a score over 31 is bad. “I saw my oncologist this morning, and she told me my score,” Shadle wrote. “It’s 34. A new era is starting.”

Judith Drew Mauzaka wrote of her yearning to take a vacation and “swim with sea turtles in the warm blue waters of the Caribbean” despite the risks involved. Mauzaka, who has since died, indeed made the trip.

Kathleen Miles Schumacher, a breast cancer survivor, described an elevator ride with a hospital employee who pretended he was an elevator operator. “Sixth floor! Menswear!” he called out. “Fifth floor! Cocktail lounge! Fourth floor! Baked goods!” That ride, Schumacher wrote, turned a car full of strangers into a temporary community, and the ride into “an interactive comedy club for a few brief minutes.” As she read her essay, Donald Macmillan, the hospital’s flight services coordinator who provides helicopter transportation for patients and the employee in her story, stood at her side barking out the floor announcements.

The writers’ program was founded in 2013 thanks to retired New York Times editor and reporter Charlotte Evans, Shaffer said. During her journalism career, Evans said, she felt her work was important to readers, but at a distance from them. In retirement, however, she sought a closer connection. “I thought it would be rewarding to try to help people one on one and get to know them as people,” she said.

The group meets every other week and typically includes four to six patients, Shaffer said. About 30 patients have taken part since its inception, she said.

The program is one of many run by Integrative Medicine at Smilow Cancer Hospital, including art, yoga, and meditation, to address cancer patients’ psychological and emotional needs. “These are all things that help you step back and put you more in tune with yourself,” she said.

The booklet is just the beginning, Shaffer said. She is already choosing essays for a second collection.

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How to Write Your Cancer Story

As an avid writer about my testicular cancer experiences, I'm sharing my writing process.

Since November 2016, I have written and published over 200 different blog posts and articles about my experiences with testicular cancer. A big question I'm asked is, "How do do it?" Allow me to humbly present my process.

Step 1: Decide on Your Purpose

Before penning your first post, choose your "why." Are you writing to help and inspire other patients? Are you shedding light on the life of a cancer survivor? Are you trying to educate the general public? You'll also need to decide how personal and open you want to be in your posts. Once you have that established, it will help you narrow your lens of focus.

In my case, different pieces have different purposes. Some are to guide people facing testicular cancer, while others are to show the world what it's like to live with/after cancer. As a testicular cancer survivor with only one testicle, I'm primarily focused on a singular goal: opening up lines of communication in the general public about men's health and testicular cancer through humor and education. I pretty much bare it all… without physically baring it all.

Step 2: Choose Your Platform

Find what works best for you. I personally publish on Blogger for my personal testicular cancer awareness blog, A Ballsy Sense of Tumor , due to my affinity to all things Google, but any other site works. Long-form captions on social media could also be an excellent way to share your story in shorter snippets.

It's important to note that once you've completed Steps 1 and 2, you won't need to do them ever again, unless you want to make drastic changes.

Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas

While I publish in Blogger, I do all of my drafting in Google Docs (again, I'm a bit of a Google nerd). As soon as I've decided on my topic, I'll begin a blank Doc and list out crucial points I want to address in that piece over a few days span. To help myself stay organized, I title each piece as "## Short Subject." For example, this piece is titled "46 Writing Your Story."

The reason I do my actual writing process in Docs has less to do with my brand allegiances and more to do with how it fits my needs. I can access my Google Drive/Docs anywhere from any device and it's a collaborative platform, which is crucial for Step 7.

Step 4: Write a Rough Draft

Let the words flow through you and don't get too hung up on specific word choice or details. Oftentimes, I will just type in "ORGANIZATION" or "DATE" and fill those details in when I get to Step 6. The most important part in Step 4 - get a full first draft done in one sitting. In my opinion, it's easier to get your preliminary thoughts down in one go than to do it piecemeal.

Step 5: Walk Away

Once you've completed the full first draft, take a step back from the piece for a few hours or days.

Step 6: Come Back to it Later

When your chosen break is over, come back to the piece. This is when you'll edit for grammar, clarity, word choice, and details. Oftentimes, I'll find myself reorganizing some sections, adding more information to others, and even overhauling the entire piece.

It's invaluable to give yourself that time to decompress in Step 5. What might have seemed like a stupid tangent initially may end up being the strongest point, and the inverse may hold true as well.

Step 7: Find a Good Non-Cancer Editor

This can be a hard step, but an crucial one. In an editor, I wanted someone who has a strong mastery of the English language, understands and respects my voice, and is not a cancer survivor/patient themselves.

I am fortunate enough to have a best friend who teaches middle school English, hasn't had any type of cancer, and is always happy to edit pieces for me. Using Google Docs is hugely helpful for us because we can just make edits, suggestions, and comments directly on the Doc instead of having to email/text back and forth multiple copies and versions.

Even though you are writing about cancer and may have chosen your purpose in Step 1 as being directed at cancer patients/survivors, the general public will stumble upon your works. Having someone who has not gone through the same things helps make sure that the story is accessible and understandable to all. For example, most cancer patients know what a port is, but my editor asked me to put a quick explanation for the general masses.

Step 8: Give it a Final Pass

Look over it all and make sure that all errors have been caught and your overall message is strong. To be honest, if Steps 6 and 7 were done with fidelity, this step goes pretty fast.

Step 9: Prepare it for Publishing

It generally takes me anywhere from three days to two weeks to get to this step. This is when you'll give it a longer and catchier title, a heading/subheadings, and add pictures. These serve two purposes - it visually breaks up the piece to make it easier for the reader and help improve the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your piece. SEO helps more people to find it through searches.

Once you're happy with it, press "Publish."

Step 10: Share it with the World

Sharing about cancer and health matters is never a narrative that can be overshared. I personally share my writing on social media and through email lists, but that's what works for me.

The important part is that you've produced a piece and others will benefit from reading it. Go forth, get your message out there (although yelling it into people's faces probably isn't the best idea), and then start back at Step 3 for your next piece!

Illustration of a man with blond hair and dark rectangular glasses.

Embracing a New Way of Life After Cancer

After recovering from testicular cancer, I feel as though I've earned a second life where I face my fears head-on.

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A Cancer Survivor's Love of Flying Propels a Passion for Volunteering

In this episode of the “CURE Talks Cancer” podcast, we spoke with a testicular cancer survivor who is using his love of flying to give back to the community, including volunteering for Pilots N Paws, a nonprofit organization that assists in the transportation of rescue animals and animals in need of medical treatment.

International Childhood Cancer Day. Mom and baby holding yellow ribbon in their hands. Sarcoma Awareness, bladder cancer. Leukemia cancer awareness. World Multiple Sclerosis day. I Am and I Will.  | Image credit: © - Ekaterina © - 

Teen Meets the Bone Marrow Donor Who Saved His Life, Soccer Player Scores Winning Goal After Returning From Cancer and More

From International Childhood Cancer Day to an Ivory Coast soccer player making a victorious comeback after testicular cancer, here’s what is happening in the oncology space this week.

Live for Today: One Testicular Cancer Survivor's Journey to Advocacy

In this episode of the “CURE Talks Cancer” podcast, we spoke with Scott Petinga, who was diagnosed with and overtreated for his stage 1 testicular cancer, about his journey and how he now advocates for other patients.

Two eggs with drawn laughing faces on yellow background | Image credit: © - tanchess © -

Men’s Health Can Be Awkward. Does Humor Help in Testicular Cancer?

From Tom Green to Deadpool, humor-based messaging has long been utilized for testicular cancer. Researchers aren’t sure how effective that strategy is.

mens health image

Men’s Health News in the Cancer Space From 2023

In honor of Men’s Health Awareness Month, CURE® looked back on some of the most significant news within the oncology space.

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how to start essay about cancer


Why viewing cancer as an ecosystem could lead to better treatments

Researchers have come to see cancers as akin to organisms, existing in complex ecosystems and subject to evolutionary pressures. Now they are targeting cancer’s ability to adapt

By Jasmin Fox-Skelly

22 May 2024

FGJJJ1 T lymphocytes and cancer cell. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of T lymphocyte cells (smaller round cells) attached

A cancer cell and two immune cells


Cancer is a disease, or group of diseases, in which some cells proliferate uncontrollably and can spread to other parts of the body. But that description doesn’t reflect how our conception of cancer has changed, says Kenneth Pienta at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. “People used to view cancer as sort of bad luck: the cancer would just change over time and we didn’t really understand why, or how, or what was driving those changes.”

In the past few years, however, Pienta and others have come to see cancers as akin to organisms themselves, existing in complex ecosystems alongside other cancer cells and host immune cells. Cancer cells compete for access to nutrients, and only the fittest survive. “Cancer evolves in response to changes in its environment,” says Pienta. “If it didn’t, it would die.”

How cancer-fighting immune cells could be made safer and more powerful

Ultimately, this is the reason why cancer kills so many people. Cancer cells divide rapidly, so random mutations occur often and any that confer an advantage are quickly selected for. “They’re evolving to become the best cancer cell they can become and that typically is bad news for the patient,” says Robert Gatenby, co-director of the Cancer Biology and Evolution Program at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Florida.

What’s more, the hardiest cells are better at getting into the bloodstream and spreading to other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis. “We have got good drugs and initial therapies for most types of cancers,” says Gatenby. “But in the metastatic…

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Health Effects of Vaping

At a glance.

Learn more about the health effects of vaping.

  • No tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, are safe.
  • Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and is a health danger for pregnant people, developing fetuses, and youth. 1
  • Aerosol from e-cigarettes can also contain harmful and potentially harmful substances. These include cancer-causing chemicals and tiny particles that can be inhaled deep into lungs. 1
  • E-cigarettes should not be used by youth, young adults, or people who are pregnant. E-cigarettes may have the potential to benefit adults who smoke and are not pregnant if used as a complete substitute for all smoked tobacco products. 2 3 4
  • Scientists still have a lot to learn about the short- and long-term health effects of using e-cigarettes.

Most e-cigarettes, or vapes, contain nicotine, which has known adverse health effects. 1

  • Nicotine is highly addictive. 1
  • Nicotine is toxic to developing fetuses and is a health danger for pregnant people. 1
  • Acute nicotine exposure can be toxic. Children and adults have been poisoned by swallowing, breathing, or absorbing vaping liquid through their skin or eyes. More than 80% of calls to U.S. poison control centers for e-cigarettes are for children less than 5 years old. 5

Nicotine poses unique dangers to youth because their brains are still developing.

  • Nicotine can harm brain development which continues until about age 25. 1
  • Youth can start showing signs of nicotine addiction quickly, sometimes before the start of regular or daily use. 1
  • Using nicotine during adolescence can harm the parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control. 1
  • Adolescents who use nicotine may be at increased risk for future addiction to other drugs. 1 6
  • Youth who vape may also be more likely to smoke cigarettes in the future. 7 8 9 10 11 12

Other potential harms of e-cigarettes

E-cigarette aerosol can contain substances that can be harmful or potentially harmful to the body. These include: 1

  • Nicotine, a highly addictive chemical that can harm adolescent brain development
  • Cancer-causing chemicals
  • Heavy metals such as nickel, tin, and lead
  • Tiny particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs
  • Volatile organic compounds
  • Flavorings such as diacetyl, a chemical linked to a serious lung disease. Some flavorings used in e-cigarettes may be safe to eat but not to inhale because the lungs process substances differently than the gut.

E-cigarette aerosol generally contains fewer harmful chemicals than the deadly mix of 7,000 chemicals in smoke from cigarettes. 7 13 14 However, this does not make e-cigarettes safe. Scientists are still learning about the immediate and long-term health effects of using e-cigarettes.

Dual use refers to the use of both e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes. Dual use is not an effective way to safeguard health. It may result in greater exposure to toxins and worse respiratory health outcomes than using either product alone. 2 3 4 15

Some people who use e-cigarettes have experienced seizures. Most reports to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) have involved youth or young adults. 16 17

E-cigarettes can cause unintended injuries. Defective e-cigarette batteries have caused fires and explosions, some of which have resulted in serious injuries. Most explosions happened when the batteries were being charged.

Anyone can report health or safety issues with tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, through the FDA Safety Reporting Portal .

Health effects of vaping for pregnant people

The use of any tobacco product, including e-cigarettes, is not safe during pregnancy. 1 14 Scientists are still learning about the health effects of vaping on pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes. Here's what we know now:

  • Most e-cigarettes, or vapes, contain nicotine—the addictive substance in cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products. 18
  • Nicotine is a health danger for pregnant people and is toxic to developing fetuses. 1 14
  • Nicotine can damage a fetus's developing brain and lungs. 13
  • E-cigarette use during pregnancy has been associated with low birth weight and pre-term birth. 19 20

Nicotine addiction and withdrawal

Nicotine is the main addictive substance in tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. With repeated use, a person's brain gets used to having nicotine. This can make them think they need nicotine just to feel okay. This is part of nicotine addiction.

Signs of nicotine addiction include craving nicotine, being unable to stop using it, and developing a tolerance (needing to use more to feel the same). Nicotine addiction can also affect relationships with family and friends and performance in school, at work, or other activities.

When someone addicted to nicotine stops using it, their body and brain have to adjust. This can result in temporary symptoms of nicotine withdrawal which may include:

  • Feeling irritable, jumpy, restless, or anxious
  • Feeling sad or down
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Having a hard time concentrating
  • Feeling hungry
  • Craving nicotine

Withdrawal symptoms fade over time as the brain gets used to not having nicotine.

Illustration of an irritable or unhappy young person

Nicotine addiction and mental health

Nicotine addiction can harm mental health and be a source of stress. 21 22 23 24 More research is needed to understand the connection between vaping and mental health, but studies show people who quit smoking cigarettes experience: 25

  • Lower levels of anxiety, depression, and stress
  • Improved positive mood and quality of life

Mental health is a growing concern among youth. 26 27 Youth vaping and cigarette use are associated with mental health symptoms such as depression. 22 28

The most common reason middle and high school students give for currently using e-cigarettes is, "I am feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed." 29 Nicotine addiction or withdrawal can contribute to these feelings or make them worse. Youth may use tobacco products to relieve their symptoms, which can lead to a cycle of nicotine addiction.

Empower Vape-Free Youth ad featuring a brain graphic and message about the connection between nicotine addiction and youth mental health.

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults: A Report of the Surgeon General . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2016. Accessed Feb 14, 2024.
  • Goniewicz ML, Smith DM, Edwards KC, et al. Comparison of nicotine and toxicant exposure in users of electronic cigarettes and combustible cigarettes . JAMA Netw Open. 2018;1(8):e185937.
  • Reddy KP, Schwamm E, Kalkhoran S, et al. Respiratory symptom incidence among people using electronic cigarettes, combustible tobacco, or both . Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021;204(2):231–234.
  • Smith DM, Christensen C, van Bemmel D, et al. Exposure to nicotine and toxicants among dual users of tobacco cigarettes and e-cigarettes: Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, 2013-2014 . Nicotine Tob Res. 2021;23(5):790–797.
  • Tashakkori NA, Rostron BL, Christensen CH, Cullen KA. Notes from the field: e-cigarette–associated cases reported to poison centers — United States, April 1, 2022–March 31, 2023 . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023;72:694–695.
  • Yuan M, Cross SJ, Loughlin SE, Leslie FM. Nicotine and the adolescent brain . J Physiol. 2015;593(16):3397–3412.
  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Public Health Consequences of E-Cigarettes . The National Academies Press; 2018.
  • Barrington-Trimis JL, Kong G, Leventhal AM, et al. E-cigarette use and subsequent smoking frequency among adolescents . Pediatrics. 2018;142(6):e20180486.
  • Barrington-Trimis JL, Urman R, Berhane K, et al. E-cigarettes and future cigarette use . Pediatrics. 2016;138(1):e20160379.
  • Bunnell RE, Agaku IT, Arrazola RA, et al. Intentions to smoke cigarettes among never-smoking US middle and high school electronic cigarette users: National Youth Tobacco Survey, 2011-2013 . Nicotine Tob Res. 2015;17(2):228–235.
  • Soneji S, Barrington-Trimis JL, Wills TA, et al. Association between initial use of e-cigarettes and subsequent cigarette smoking among adolescents and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis . JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(8):788–797.
  • Sun R, Méndez D, Warner KE. Association of electronic cigarette use by U.S. adolescents with subsequent persistent cigarette smoking . JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(3):e234885.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2010. Accessed Feb 13, 2024.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking: 50 Years of Progress. A Report of the Surgeon General . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2014. Accessed Feb 12, 2024.
  • Mukerjee R, Hirschtick JL, LZ Arciniega, et al. ENDS, cigarettes, and respiratory illness: longitudinal associations among U.S. youth . AJPM. Published online Dec 2023.
  • Faulcon LM, Rudy S, Limpert J, Wang B, Murphy I. Adverse experience reports of seizures in youth and young adult electronic nicotine delivery systems users . J Adolesc Health . 2020;66(1):15–17.
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration. E-cigarette: Safety Communication - Related to Seizures Reported Following E-cigarette Use, Particularly in Youth and Young Adults . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2019. Accessed Feb 14, 2024.
  • Marynak KL, Gammon DG, Rogers T, et al. Sales of nicotine-containing electronic cigarette products: United States, 2015 . Am J Public Health . 2017;107(5):702-705.
  • Regan AK, Bombard JM, O'Hegarty MM, Smith RA, Tong VT. Adverse birth outcomes associated with prepregnancy and prenatal electronic cigarette use . Obstet Gynecol. 2021;138(1):85–94.
  • Regan AK, Pereira G. Patterns of combustible and electronic cigarette use during pregnancy and associated pregnancy outcomes . Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):13508.
  • Kutlu MG, Parikh V, Gould TJ. Nicotine addiction and psychiatric disorders . Int Rev Neurobiol. 2015;124:171–208.
  • Obisesan OH, Mirbolouk M, Osei AD, et al. Association between e-cigarette use and depression in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2016-2017 . JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(12):e1916800.
  • Prochaska JJ, Das S, Young-Wolff KC. Smoking, mental illness, and public health . Annu Rev Public Health. 2017;38:165–185.
  • Wootton RE, Richmond RC, Stuijfzand BG, et al. Evidence for causal effects of lifetime smoking on risk for depression and schizophrenia: a Mendelian randomisation study . Psychol Med. 2020;50(14):2435–2443.
  • Taylor G, McNeill A, Girling A, Farley A, Lindson-Hawley N, Aveyard P. Change in mental health after smoking cessation: systematic review and meta-analysis . BMJ. 2014;348:g1151.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.   Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report: 2011–2021 . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2023. Accessed Dec 15, 2023.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Protecting Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory . Office of the Surgeon General; 2021. Accessed Jan 5, 2024.
  • Lechner WV, Janssen T, Kahler CW, Audrain-McGovern J, Leventhal AM. Bi-directional associations of electronic and combustible cigarette use onset patterns with depressive symptoms in adolescents . Prev Med. 2017;96:73–78.
  • Gentzke AS, Wang TW, Cornelius M, et al. Tobacco product use and associated factors among middle and high school students—National Youth Tobacco Survey, United States, 2021 . MMWR Surveill Summ. 2022;71(No. SS-5):1–29.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

Commercial tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States.

For Everyone

Health care providers, public health.


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  3. Tips & Tools for Writing

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  5. What Is Cancer?

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  6. How To Write An Essay on Cancer

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  7. 125 Breast Cancer Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  8. PDF 2007 Cancer Unwrapped Winning Essays

    Cancer Essay Howard Cabiao During the summer of 2003, I plunged into a two week nightmare. I felt robbed of my dreams and my hopes for sharing another year with my grandfather, or at least to utter the words of goodbye. On July 28th, 2003 my grandfather, Pantaleon Cabiao, passed away just a day after his birthday, from Prostate Cancer.

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    69 essay samples found. Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Essays on this topic could delve into the various types of cancer, their causes, and treatment options. Additionally, discussions might extend to the psychological and social impact of cancer on patients and families, advancements in cancer research ...

  10. Confronting Cancer through Creative Writing

    To uplift patients with cancer like her father, Ker started a project called Dear Cancer. It seeks to help patients confront their new realities and express themselves through the process of creative writing. Too often, Ker says, society marginalizes patients with cancer. Instead, it focuses on the medical details of their disease and deems ...

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    2023 Winning Essays. View the 2023 edition: A collection of heartfelt stories written by teens facing cancer. Browse the database below to read all of this year's winning essays or click on the image to the right. Click here to read previous years!

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    A cancer diagnosis can shake you to your core and affect every aspect of your life. It can also leave you feeling overwhelmed with emotion and at a loss for words. During this complex and difficult journey, many patients say that they find solace and strength in documenting their experiences. Journaling can shift your thoughts away from cancer ...

  13. College Essay Advice for Teen Cancer Patients and Survivors

    If you had cancer as a teenager, chances are you probably did not do much of that stuff, which can be used to your advantage in your essay. I remember starting my apps and how difficult it was to figure out how to write it all down. Now….. writing it…. 1) The number one piece of advice I want to give you is to keep everything positive. Yes ...

  14. Cancer essay topics

    If you are you more controversial the national cancer essay is not an argumentative wheaton college supplement essay sample. Knowledge and effect and free cancer brca1 and worldwide, how can handle it is better to read our world. Essay topics about breast cancer . Lump formation near the actual ged test scores, 11, research. Suggested essay, 5 ...

  15. What really matters at the end: perspectives from a patient, a family

    This essay explores "what really matters" from the perspective of a patient, a family member of another patient and an oncologist. The patient was a 58-year-old woman with recurrent metastatic small bowel cancer. The family member is the spouse of a 48-year-old man who had advanced gastroesophageal cancer. The medical oncologist is a mid ...

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    Shadle and nine other patients shared their work in a booklet called "In Our Own Words," published thanks in part to a grant from the annual Closer to Free fundraising campaign. On a Thursday evening in October, four patients and three guest readers read essays from the booklet before an audience of physicians, caregivers, and family ...

  18. How to Write Your Cancer Story

    Step 4: Write a Rough Draft. Let the words flow through you and don't get too hung up on specific word choice or details. Oftentimes, I will just type in "ORGANIZATION" or "DATE" and fill those details in when I get to Step 6. The most important part in Step 4 - get a full first draft done in one sitting. In my opinion, it's easier to get your ...

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  23. Why viewing cancer as an ecosystem could lead to better treatments

    In the past few years, however, Pienta and others have come to see cancers as akin to organisms themselves, existing in complex ecosystems alongside other cancer cells and host immune cells ...

  24. Cancer Care & Prevention

    The Best Foods To Eat When You Have Breast Cancer. Stay hydrated, opt for fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean protein — and try to eat snacks and smaller meals throughout your day instead of ...

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    Nicotine. Most e-cigarettes, or vapes, contain nicotine, which has known adverse health effects. 1. Nicotine is highly addictive. 1. Nicotine is toxic to developing fetuses and is a health danger for pregnant people. 1. Acute nicotine exposure can be toxic. Children and adults have been poisoned by swallowing, breathing, or absorbing vaping ...