How to write a case brief for law school: Excerpt reproduced from Introduction to the Study of Law: Cases and Materials,

Third Edition (LexisNexis 2009) by Michael Makdisi & John Makdisi


The previous section described the parts of a case in order to make it easier to read and identify the pertinent information that you will use to create your briefs. This section will describe the parts of a brief in order to give you an idea about what a brief is, what is helpful to include in a brief, and what purpose it serves. Case briefs are a necessary study aid in law school that helps to encapsulate and analyze the mountainous mass of material that law students must digest. The case brief represents a final product after reading a case, rereading it, taking it apart, and putting it back together again. In addition to its function as a tool for self-instruction and referencing, the case brief also provides a valuable “cheat sheet” for class participation.

Who will read your brief? Most professors will espouse the value of briefing but will never ask to see that you have, in fact, briefed. As a practicing lawyer, your client doesn’t care if you brief, so long as you win the case. The judges certainly don’t care if you brief, so long as you competently practice the law. You are the person that the brief will serve! Keep this in mind when deciding what elements to include as part of your brief and when deciding what information to include under those elements.

What are the elements of a brief? Different people will tell you to include different things in your brief. Most likely, upon entering law school, this will happen with one or more of your instructors. While opinions may vary, four elements that are essential to any useful brief are the following:

(a) Facts (name of the case and its parties, what happened factually and procedurally, and the judgment)

(b) Issues (what is in dispute)

(c) Holding (the applied rule of law)

(d) Rationale (reasons for the holding)

If you include nothing but these four elements, you should have everything you need in order to recall effectively the information from the case during class or several months later when studying for exams.

Because briefs are made for yourself, you may want to include other elements that expand the four elements listed above. Depending on the case, the inclusion of additional elements may be useful. For example, a case that has a long and important section expounding dicta might call for a separate section in your brief labeled: Dicta. Whatever elements you decide to include, however, remember that the brief is a tool intended for personal use. To the extent that more elements will help with organization and use of the brief, include them. On the other hand, if you find that having more elements makes your brief cumbersome and hard to use, cut back on the number of elements. At a minimum, however, make sure you include the four elements listed above.

Elements that you may want to consider including in addition to the four basic elements are:

(e) Dicta (commentary about the decision that was not the basis for the decision)

(f) Dissent (if a valuable dissenting opinion exits, the dissent’s opinion)

(g) Party’s Arguments (each party’s opposing argument concerning the ultimate issue)

(h) Comments (personal commentary)

Personal comments can be useful if you have a thought that does not fit elsewhere. In the personal experience of one of the authors, this element was used to label cases as specific kinds (e.g., as a case of vicarious liability) or make mental notes about what he found peculiar or puzzling about cases. This element allowed him to release his thoughts (without losing them) so that he could move on to other cases.

In addition to these elements, it may help you to organize your thoughts, as some people do, by dividing Facts into separate elements:

(1) Facts of the case (what actually happened, the controversy)

(2) Procedural History (what events within the court system led to the present case)

(3) Judgment (what the court actually decided)

Procedural History is usually minimal and most of the time irrelevant to the ultimate importance of a case; however, this is not always true. One subject in which Procedure History is virtually always relevant is Civil Procedure.

When describing the Judgment of the case, distinguish it from the Holding. The Judgment is the factual determination by the court, in favor of one party, such as “affirmed,” “reversed,” or “remanded.” In contrast, the Holding is the applied rule of law that serves as the basis for the ultimate judgment.

Remember that the purpose of a brief is to remind you of the important details that make the case significant in terms of the law. It will be a reference tool when you are drilled by a professor and will be a study aid when you prepare for exams. A brief is also like a puzzle piece.

The elements of the brief create the unique shape and colors of the piece, and, when combined with other pieces, the picture of the common law takes form. A well-constructed brief will save you lots of time by removing the need to return to the case to remember the important details and also by making it easier to put together the pieces of the common law puzzle.


So now that you know the basic elements of a brief, what information is important to include under each element? The simple answer is: whatever is relevant. But what parts of a case are relevant? When you read your first few cases, you may think that everything that the judge said was relevant to his ultimate conclusion. Even if this were true, what is relevant for the judge to make his decision is not always relevant for you to include in your brief. Remember, the reason to make a brief is not to persuade the world that the ultimate decision in the case is a sound one, but rather to aid in refreshing your memory concerning the most important parts of the case.

What facts are relevant to include in a brief? You should include the facts that are necessary to remind you of the story. If you forget the story, you will not remember how the law in the case was applied. You should also include the facts that are dispositive to the decision in the case. For instance, if the fact that a car is white is a determining factor in the case, the brief should note that the case involves a white car and not simply a car. To the extent that the procedural history either helps you to remember the case or plays an important role in the ultimate outcome, you should include these facts as well.

What issues and conclusions are relevant to include in a brief? There is usually one main issue on which the court rests its decision. This may seem simple, but the court may talk about multiple issues, and may discuss multiple arguments from both sides of the case. Be sure to distinguish the issues from the arguments made by the parties. The relevant issue or issues, and corresponding conclusions, are the ones for which the court made a final decision and which are binding. The court may discuss intermediate conclusions or issues, but stay focused on the main issue and conclusion which binds future courts.

What rationale is important to include in a brief? This is probably the most difficult aspect of the case to determine. Remember that everything that is discussed may have been relevant to the judge, but it is not necessarily relevant to the rationale of the decision. The goal is to remind yourself of the basic reasoning that the court used to come to its decision and the key factors that made the decision favor one side or the other.

A brief should be brief! Overly long or cumbersome briefs are not very helpful because you will not be able to skim them easily when you review your notes or when the professor drills you. On the other hand, a brief that is too short will be equally unhelpful because it lacks sufficient information to refresh your memory. Try to keep your briefs to one page in length. This will make it easy for you to organize and reference them.

Do not get discouraged. Learning to brief and figuring out exactly what to include will take time and practice. The more you brief, the easier it will become to extract the relevant information.

While a brief is an extremely helpful and important study aid, annotating and highlighting are other tools for breaking down the mass of material in your casebook. The remainder of this section will discuss these different techniques and show how they complement and enhance the briefing process.

Annotating Cases

Many of you probably already read with a pencil or pen, but if you do not, now is the time to get in the habit. Cases are so dense and full of information that you will find yourself spending considerable amounts of time rereading cases to find what you need. An effective way to reduce this time is to annotate the margins of the casebook. Your pencil (or pen) will be one of your best friends while reading a case. It will allow you to mark off the different sections (such as facts, procedural history, or conclusions), thus allowing you to clear your mind of thoughts and providing an invaluable resource when briefing and reviewing.

You might be wondering why annotating is important if you make an adequate, well-constructed brief. By their very nature briefs cannot cover everything in a case. Even with a thorough, well-constructed brief you may want to reference the original case in order to reread dicta that might not have seemed important at the time, to review the complete procedural history or set of facts, or to scour the rationale for a better understanding of the case; annotating makes these tasks easier. Whether you return to a case after a few hours or a few months, annotations will swiftly guide you to the pertinent parts of the case by providing a roadmap of the important sections. Your textual markings and margin notes will refresh your memory and restore specific thoughts you might have had about either the case in general or an individual passage.

Annotations will also remind you of forgotten thoughts and random ideas by providing a medium for personal comments.

In addition to making it easier to review an original case, annotating cases during the first review of a case makes the briefing process easier. With adequate annotations, the important details needed for your brief will be much easier to retrieve. Without annotations, you will likely have difficulty locating the information you seek even in the short cases. It might seem strange that it would be hard to reference a short case, but even a short case will likely take you at least fifteen to twenty-five minutes to read, while longer cases may take as much as thirty minutes to an hour to complete. No matter how long it takes, the dense material of all cases makes it difficult to remember all your thoughts, and trying to locate specific sections of the analysis may feel like you are trying to locate a needle in a haystack. An annotation in the margin, however, will not only swiftly guide you to a pertinent section, but will also refresh the thoughts that you had while reading that section.

When you read a case for the first time, read for the story and for a basic understanding of the dispute, the issues, the rationale, and the decision. As you hit these elements (or what you think are these elements) make a mark in the margins. Your markings can be as simple as “facts” (with a bracket that indicates the relevant part of the paragraph). When you spot an issue, you may simply mark “issue” or instead provide a synopsis in your own words. When a case sparks an idea — write that idea in the margin as well — you never know when a seemingly irrelevant idea might turn into something more.

Finally, when you spot a particularly important part of the text, underline it (or highlight it as described below).

With a basic understanding of the case, and with annotations in the margin, the second read-through of the case should be much easier. You can direct your reading to the most important sections and will have an easier time identifying what is and is not important. Continue rereading the case until you have identified all the relevant information that you need to make your brief, including the issue(s), the facts, the holding, and the relevant parts of the analysis.

Pencil or pen — which is better to use when annotating? Our recommendation is a mechanical pencil. Mechanical pencils make finer markings than regular pencils, and also than ballpoint pens. Although you might think a pencil might smear more than a pen, with its sharp point a mechanical pencil uses very little excess lead and will not smear as much as you might imagine. A mechanical pencil will also give you the freedom to make mistakes without consequences. When you first start annotating, you may think that some passages are more important than they really are, and therefore you may resist the urge to make a mark in order to preserve your book and prevent false guideposts. With a pencil, however, the ability to erase and rewrite removes this problem.


Why highlight? Like annotating, highlighting may seem unimportant if you create thorough, well-constructed briefs, but highlighting directly helps you to brief. It makes cases, especially the more complicated ones, easy to digest, review and use to extract information.

Highlighting takes advantage of colors to provide a uniquely effective method for reviewing and referencing a case. If you prefer a visual approach to learning, you may find highlighting to be a very effective tool.

If annotating and highlighting are so effective, why brief? Because the process of summarizing a case and putting it into your own words within a brief provides an understanding of the law and of the case that you cannot gain through the process of highlighting or annotating.

The process of putting the case into your own words forces you to digest the material, while annotating and highlighting can be accomplished in a much more passive manner.

What should you highlight? Similar to annotating, the best parts of the case to highlight are those that represent the needed information for your brief such as the facts, the issue, the holding and the rationale.

Unlike annotating, highlighting provides an effective way to color code, which makes referring to the case even easier. In addition, Highlighters are particularly useful in marking off entire sections by using brackets. These brackets will allow you to color-code the case without highlighting all the text, leaving the most important phrases untouched for a more detailed highlight marking or underlining.

Highlighting is a personal tool, and therefore should be used to the extent that highlighting helps, but should be modified in a way that makes it personally time efficient and beneficial. For instance, you might combine the use of annotations in the margins with the visual benefit of highlighting the relevant text. You may prefer to underline the relevant text with a pencil, but to use a highlighter to bracket off the different sections of a case. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that it works for you, regardless of what others recommend. The techniques in the remainder of this section will describe ways to make full use of your highlighters.

First, buy yourself a set of multi-colored highlighters, with at least four, or perhaps five or six different colors. Yellow, pink, and orange are usually the brightest. Depending on the brand, purple and green can be dark, but still work well. Although blue is a beautiful color, it tends to darken and hide the text.

Therefore we recommend that you save blue for the elements that you rarely highlight.

For each different section of the case, choose a color, and use that color only when highlighting the section of the case designated for that color. Consider using yellow for the text that you tend to highlight most frequently. Because yellow is the brightest, you may be inclined to use yellow for the Conclusions in order to make them stand out the most. If you do this, however, you will exhaust your other colors much faster than yellow and this will require that you purchase an entire set of new highlighters when a single color runs out because colors such as green are not sold separately. If instead you choose to use yellow on a more frequently highlighted section such as the Analysis, when it comes time to replace your yellow marker, you will need only to replace your yellow highlighter individually. In the personal experience on one of the authors, the sections of cases that seemed to demand the most highlighter attention were the

Facts and the Analysis, while the Issues and Holdings demanded the least. Other Considerations and

Procedural History required lots of highlighting in particular cases although not in every case.

Experiment if you must, but try to choose a color scheme early on in the semester and stick with it. That way, when you come back to the first cases of the semester, you will not be confused with multiple color schemes. The basic sections of a case for which you should consider giving a different color are:

(b) Procedural History

(c) Issue (and questions presented)

(d) Holding (and conclusions)

(e) Analysis (rationale)

(f) Other Considerations (such as dicta)

Not all of these sections demand a separate color. You may find that combining Facts and Procedural History or Issues and Holdings works best. Furthermore, as mentioned above, some sections may not warrant highlighting in every case (e.g., dicta probably do not need to be highlighted unless they are particularly important). If you decide that a single color is all that you need, then stick to one, but if you find yourself highlighting lots of text from many different sections, reconsider the use of at least a few different colors. Highlighters make text stand out, but only when used appropriately. The use of many colors enables you to highlight more text without reducing the highlighter’s effectiveness. Three to four colors provides decent color variation without the cumbersomeness of handling too many markers.

Once you are comfortable with your color scheme, determining exactly what to highlight still may be difficult. Similar to knowing what to annotate, experience will perfect your highlighting skills. Be careful not to highlight everything, thus ruining your highlighters’ effectiveness; at the same time, do not be afraid to make mistakes.

Now that we have covered the basics of reading, annotating, highlighting, and briefing a case, you are ready to start practicing. Keep the tips and techniques mentioned in this chapter in mind when you tackle the four topics in the remainder of this book. If you have difficultly, refer back to this chapter to help guide you as you master the case method of study and the art of using the common law.

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Course Overview

First-Year Legal Research and Writing Program

1 North   Griswold Hall 1525 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge ,  MA 02138

Before you begin your studies in the First-Year Legal Research and Writing Program (LRW), it will help you to situate the course in the broader context of your legal education and your future law practice. To follow is a brief overview of the program, and an introduction to several themes that will recur throughout the year.

Program Overview

LRW uses a series of writing, research, and advocacy projects to engage you in the process of legal reasoning. The course instructs you in basic methods of legal analysis, effective written and oral communication of your analysis, and essential legal research tools and methodologies.

The first semester of LRW focuses on the writing of two predictive memos, in which you assess the arguments on each side of the issue and predict which side would prevail.  In the spring, you will learn how to write an appellate brief, in which you present your client’s best arguments to a court. For all three assignments, you will produce both a draft and a final version, the better to respond to feedback and hone your writing and analysis.  In practice, as in LRW, the writing process will help you take your internal understanding of an issue and make it external, so that you may hold it at arm’s length and examine it critically. As novice lawyers become expert lawyers, they develop greater ability to monitor their own level of understanding, and may resort somewhat less frequently (although not infrequently) to a formal written product like a predictive memo. Nevertheless, even when they eschew a formal written memo, they continue to apply the same analytical steps that are required to complete the writing assignments you will undertake in this course.

Lawyers cannot provide effective representation unless they master the necessary research skills. At a minimum, lawyers must be able to find and update the constitutional provisions, statutes, regulations, and cases that determine their clients’ rights and obligations. To that end, the legal research component of LRW will introduce you to core tools and methodologies that will be essential in your internships next summer, as well as in your future law practice. Indeed, without such skills you will have a difficult time satisfying your employers and competing with fellow students in summer practice and the early years of law practice. More advanced research instruction is available in upper-level elective courses.

LRW’s learning model depends on the substantial feedback that we provide on your work. LRW will likely be the first law school course in which you receive any feedback on written work, and it will be the course in which you receive the most individual feedback by far. Keep in mind that our goals for your achievement are quite high, in keeping with your potential. Our feedback will naturally focus on areas for improvement, so you ought not interpret this emphasis negatively. Our feedback is intended not to discourage you, but to facilitate your learning.

LRW meets weekly in the fall and spring semester of your first year. LRW is graded Honors, Pass, Low Pass, and  Fail.

In the fall semester, you will complete two major writing assignments. The first is a  “Closed Memo,” in which you write a predictive memo based on a set of research materials that are provided for you. The second is an “Open Memo,” in which you must research the applicable law and write a predictive memo based on your own research.

In the spring semester, the major course assignment is the First-Year Ames Moot Court Program. Working in pairs, you will research and draft an appellate brief concerning a simulated case set in a federal or state appeals court. At the end of the semester, you will argue your case before a three-judge panel. Judges are drawn from Harvard Law School faculty, practicing lawyers, and upper-level law students. With this course overview in mind, we turn next to a discussion of several recurring themes in LRW.

The Conventions of Legal Discourse

Any discourse community has its own discourse conventions, and lawyers have done a particularly thorough job of developing theirs. LRW is intended to familiarize you with these discourse conventions.

LRW introduces you to the generally accepted modes of legal reasoning: rule-based reasoning; analogical reasoning; and policy reasoning. As you progress through the course assignments, you will see the interdependence among these three modes of legal reasoning. When LRW turns to advocacy, you will learn how lawyers use narrative devices to complement the conventional modes of legal reasoning and make their arguments more persuasive.

Discourse conventions govern not only the modes of argument, but also the authorities that frame the argument. You will learn what types of materials constitute acceptable sources of authority in legal discourse, as well as the different hierarchies within which those authorities exist.

Most concretely, LRW will introduce you to two basic forms through which lawyers communicate their legal reasoning. You will learn the conventions applicable to a predictive memo and an appellate oral argument.

Of course, you will be learning the conventions of legal discourse in all of your first-year courses, indeed in all of law school. LRW, however, is intended to focus very specifically on the conventions themselves, more so than in your other courses.

Legal Reasoning and Judicial Discretion

Throughout your legal education, you will encounter a debate over the role of judicial discretion in adjudication. At the extremes, some would suggest that adjudication is rationally constrained by the available legal authorities, while others would argue that adjudication is effectively constrained only by the judge’s own beliefs and values. LRW is not intended to resolve that debate. Nevertheless, your work in this course should illustrate several different concepts about the degrees to which legal authorities can constrain judicial discretion.

Over the course of the year’s projects, you should see that a series of authorities applying the same rule can restrict–at least to some degree–the decision in a future situation governed by that rule. For example, if a statute says “No vehicles in the park,” and the state’s highest court interprets the statute to mean no “motor vehicles,” you can be pretty sure that the statute won’t prohibit you from riding your elephant through the park.

One might think that the ever-increasing number of decisions necessarily increases the degree of constraint. That may be so in some situations, but several factors can have a destabilizing influence. One such factor is the contingent nature of language. You may have seen in other contexts, and you will surely see in your legal career, that saying more about a topic often creates more uncertainty, not less. Each new opinion creates the potential for misstatement and misunderstanding, enabling future lawyers to reinterpret the pre-existing rule. A second destabilizing factor is the social context of our legal system. Authorities rest on a foundation of policy, of societal goals and values, even if those values are not always stated explicitly. As societal goals and values shift, a body of law resting on the discarded goals and values may become obsolete, and eventually reoriented in support of a new rule.

Finally, you should recognize that the limits on judicial discretion are often less substantial than they might seem at first. Each of the major projects in LRW should demonstrate that, with regard to a given legal problem, there is usually more than one possible outcome, even if one outcome seems more likely than the others. Skilled lawyers read authorities with a critical eye, constantly on the lookout for the gap of ambiguity within a seemingly solid wall of legal authorities.

Tension Between the Abstract and the Concrete

To complete any substantial task of legal analysis, the lawyer must at some point bridge the boundary between the abstract and the concrete. Rules rarely, if ever, cover every situation imaginable. For example, the “No vehicles in the park” statute could simply list every make and model of car and truck in existence, to clarify that they are all prohibited from the park. But the rule would be unmanageably long, and new makes and models would come into existence after the rule’s enactment. So the drafters would instead choose a term to describe the category of situations to which their rule was addressed. Rules that denote categories rather than specific situations necessarily involve a degree of abstraction, whether a moderate degree (e.g., “motor vehicle”) or a substantial degree (e.g., “best interest of the child”).

Fortunately for us, this inherent uncertainty is one of the things that makes law practice a creative endeavor. For example, if the vehicles in the park statute referred to “motor vehicles,” would that include airplanes? Mopeds? Golf carts? The “Segway” personal scooters? Lawyers and judges would try to use the policies underlying the rule and analogies to prior decisions to decide each example. But the jump from abstract to concrete would involve a measure of uncertainty, and it is this uncertainty that allows lawyers to make plausible arguments on both sides of a case.

Your Audience

In the oral and written communications that you undertake in this course, you must focus not only on the substantive ideas that you try to communicate, but also on the way in which your audience will receive those ideas. Communication is a two-step process, and even brilliant arguments suffer if the audience is distracted by substandard prose. That is why the feedback in this course will consider the form and style of your writing.

Additionally, you must recognize that your audience has a particular task before it, and will be using your communication (i.e., your memo, brief, or oral argument) as an instrument in completing that task. The audience’s task will often be to decide how to advise a client or rule in a case. To be effective, your communication must be suited to your audience’s needs. So in a memo addressed to an attorney who must decide how to advise a client, simply stating your prediction is not enough. You must also help the attorney understand the applicable legal standard and its likely application, as well as any plausible counter-arguments and the reasons why those arguments would not prevail. Only then will your communication allow the attorney to make an informed decision about how to advise the client.

You are at the start of a fascinating journey. We in the First-Year Legal Research and Writing Program wish you great success and enjoyment as you begin your legal education.

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Find helpful tools and gadgets

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Identify your organizational system

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Write everything down

It would be nice to think that you can remember every task or deadline, but let’s be honest, that’s probably not true. Write down every deadline, every task, meeting, assignment, important date, etc. in the organizational system that you use.

Figure out your maximum focus time

Just like you can only put so much gasoline in a car, most neurodiverse individuals only have so much room in their focus tank. Figure out how long you can truly focus and apply yourself to a task before you need a break. That amount of time is typically shorter for neurodiverse individuals. If you can only truly focus for 20 minutes, study for 20 minutes, take a break, and then come back for another 20 minutes.

Find your friends

You may have started law school with your mind full of horror stories. Throw them out the window. Most of the people you attend law school with are genuinely kind and helpful people. Try to find a group or a couple of people that you can trust and lean on when necessary. Your law school friends can help you stay on task, body double, and even provide notes on the days you may be struggling. These friends can be one of your greatest assets throughout your law school journey.

Be honest with your professors

Only discuss your neurodivergence with your professors to the extent that you are comfortable. If there are things you are concerned about related to your neurodivergence, it can be beneficial to make your professors aware at the beginning of the semester. Whether you are worried about cold calling or need a topic broken down, most professors love opportunities to discuss their area of law! They can’t know that you may need help if you don’t let them know. This is especially important if you aren’t successful in getting accommodations from your school’s Disability Services.

Trust your methods

As a neurodivergent student, you may not fit the traditional mold of all the things a law student is “supposed to do” in order to be successful. You have been in school for years, and now is the time to trust yourself and not be afraid to be an “outside of the box” law student. There is no harm in trying new study methods, but never fear going back to your personal basics. If you need help figuring those out, see if your law school has a learning center or faculty member that can assist you.

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American Law Reports

Your go-to secondary source, finding an a.l.r. (american law reports) article covering your topic is a great starting point for research. you'll get a quick summary of the legal issue you're researching and a table of cases, laws, and rules to see the law across all jurisdictions. you can also use annotations to find additional secondary sources, such as legal encyclopedias, treatises, and periodicals. no wonder they're nicknamed already done legal research see it in action: the legal discussion to compensate student athletes is heating up. check out this alr article to see how the legal picture for tomorrow’s student athletes comes together in one place., keycite graphical history, procedural history made easy, are you reading a case and not sure how you got there procedurally reversed, remanded or otherwise, we got you. just sign into westlaw and follow the steps below... 1. grab one of the citations you see in your case book and type it into the search box on westlaw . (ex. 480 u.s. 102), 2. click on your case in the drop-down menu., 3. click on the history tab to see your procedural history., keycite graphical history works best when you have a federal case and a complex issue. check out some additional examples from your classes below. contracts - koken v. black & veatch const., inc. - lamps plus, inc. v. varela civil procedure - national equipment rental v. szukhent - helicopteros nacionales de colombia, s.a. v. hall torts - palsgraf v. long island r. co. - kentucky fried chicken of cal., inc. v. superior court, law school resource center, flowcharts, overviews & more..

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2. click on copy another class, 3. enter your copy code, set your options, click copy course, determining whether a federal court has subject matter jurisdiction over a non-class action case..

If the case arises out of the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, rules or regulations, or a treaty signed by the U.S., and the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction, then the case must be litigated in federal court.

If the case does not arise out of the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, rules or regulations, or a treaty signed by the U.S., and there is not complete diversity between the plaintiffs and defendants (a.k.a they are both from different states or one is a citizen of a foreign country), then the case must be litigated in state court.

Restatement of Contracts 2d


(1) A counter-offer is an offer made by an offeree to his offeror relating to the same matter as the original offer and proposing a substituted bargain differing from that proposed by the original offer.

(2) An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by his making of a counter-offer, unless the offeror has manifested a contrary intention or unless the counter-offer manifests a contrary intention of the offeree.

Negligence Defined

Restatement (second) of torts 282.

In the Restatement of this Subject, negligence is conduct which falls below the standard established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm. It does not include conduct recklessly disregardful of an interest of others.

Black’s Law Dictionary (10th ed.2014)

Demurrer: A means of objecting to the sufficiency in law of a pleading by admitting the actual allegations made by disputing that they frame an adequate claim. Demurrer is commonly known as a motion to dismiss.

(2) An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by his making a counter-off, unless the offeror has manifested a contrary intention or unless the counter-offer manifests a contrary intention of the offeree.

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What is common law and is it written by the courts of law?

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Negligence defined

Restatement (second) of torts § 282.


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Five Tips for a Great Legal Writing Assignment

September 25, 2012 By Lee Burgess 2 Comments

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  • Follow the format outlined by your professor. It is likely your legal writing professor has given you instructions for the overall format of your legal writing assignment. In addition, your professor may have given you formatting instructions for the body of your assignment, such as that you need to follow IRAC. Whatever the instructions, follow them . Sure, you may think it is an overly formal or a frustrating way to write—but to be honest, no one cares. You need to write for your professor . It is more important to write in the way your professor has outlined, than as you personally prefer. And it is not going to be the last time your writing will need to conform to someone else’s rules. As a working attorney you often need to write in the format requested by your boss or even by the court. So get used to it!
  • Remember, your writing doesn’t need to be full of legalese—the best legal writing is often simple! So many law students make the mistake of thinking that to “sound like a lawyer” they must use every possible legal term out there. This is just not the case. Often the most effective legal writing is very clear and concise and only uses legal terms or “legalese” when appropriate (say, when you are using a term of art). It is also important to work on writing in a clear, concise way because your assignments may have maximum word count. So using extra words to sound “more professional” won’t really help your grade in the end.
  • Answer the question asked by your assignment. Often students get so caught up in writing their assignment that they forget to focus on the question that was asked of them. It is important to read and re-read (and even read again) the assignment sheet. You don’t want to make a mistake and write something off topic. Remember, answering the question is key to getting a good grade!
  • Plan before you write. A great legal writing assignment is organized. And for most of us this means that you need to plan your paper just as you would plan an essay or any other project. Organization is key and it takes time to sit with the research and develop your answer. Make sure you build this time into your plan of how you are going to get your assignment done.
  • Proofread and double-check citations. As an attorney-in-training, it is very important to present yourself in a professional way. That means that you need to proofread your assignments to present yourself in a professional way to your professor as well. If your assignment is riddled with typos, it is distracting for the professor and likely will cause your grade to drop. Also, students often are lax when handling citations. You are typically graded on the accuracy of your citations. Citations are not hard, but you must be detail oriented and look things up! I have seen many a legal writing grade go down because students didn’t spend adequate time or energy on citations. Don’t let this happen to you.

Legal writing, like most things, gets easier the more that you do it. So do every practice assignment assigned and get as much feedback as you can. This will help you become an excellent legal writer, which is a critical skill in our profession.

Check out these other helpful posts:

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About Lee Burgess

Lee Burgess, Esq. is the co-founder of the Law School Toolbox , a resource for law students that demystifies the law school experience and the Bar Exam Toolbox , a resource for students getting ready for the bar exam. Lee has been adjunct faculty at two bay area law schools teaching classes on law school and bar exam preparation. You can find Lee on Twitter at @leefburgess , @lawschooltools , & @barexamtools .

Reader Interactions

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Thank very much for the tips i have just read they been beneficial to me because am a distance law school student.

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I need more guide to legal writing because am lecturing this course for Magistrates

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18-5. Conditions of Performance. Russ Wyant owned Humble Ranch in Perkins County, South Dakota. Edward Humble, whose parents had previously owned the ranch, was Wyant's uncle. Humble held a two-year option to buy the ranch. The option included specific conditions. Once it was exercised, the parties had thirty days to enter into a purchase agreement, and the seller could become the buyer's lender by matching the terms of the proposed financing. After the option was exercised, the parties engaged in lengthy negotiations. Humble did not respond to Wyant's proposed purchase agreement nor advise him of available financing terms before the option expired, however. Six months later, Humble filed a suit against Wyant to enforce the option. Is Humble entitled to specific performance? Explain. [Humble v. Wyant, 843 N.W.2d 334 (S.Dak. 2014)] (See Conditions.)

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Different versions of the same gene are called* phenotypes. chromosomes. alleles. gametes.

Elaborative detail Question 23(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points) (04.01MC) Evie is writing an argumentative essay. Her claim is that children should be given an allowance each week. Which piece of evidence best supports her claim? According to U.S News, children who receive a weekly or monthly allowance learn how to manage and appreciate money at a young age. Certain banks will allow children to open their own savings accounts. Last week, I earned five dollars for doing the dishes and taking the trash out. Tomas, my neighbor, does not get an allowance and is too young to get a job. Question 24 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points) (05.07 LC)

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TẬP CUÓI TUAN $2o$ BÀI MÔN: TIẾNG VIỆT Câu $I :$ Đặt câu theo yêu cầu sau: a,Một câu ghép có dấu phẩy nối các vế câu: b,Một câu ghép có dấu hai chấm: Linh đo. vào phing. Linh moi c, Một câu ghép có quan hệ từ nối các vế câu: $d,$ Một câu ghép có cặp quan hệ từ nối các vế câu: Câu $2 :$ Điền vế câu vào chỗ trống để có những dòng sau thành câu ghép. $a,$ Gió thổi ù ù, b, Nếu bão to. $C,$ Tuy em sống xa bà ngoại

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Suppose that Martin makes 94% of his free throws. Assume that late in a basketball game, he is fouled and is awarded two shots. (a) What is the probability that he will make both shots? ◻ (b) What is the probability that he will make at least one shot? ◻ (c) What is the probability that he will miss both shots? ◻ (d) Late in a baskethall game, a team often intentionally fouls an opposing player in order to stop the game clock. The usual strategy is to intentionally foul the other team's worst free-throw shooter. Assume that Martin's team's center makes 56% of his free-throw shots. Calculate the probatilities for the center as shown in parts (a), (b), and (c). Assume as in parts (a), (b), and (c) that two shots will be awarded. P" (center makes two shots) ")-◻ P" (center makes at least one shot) "-◻" (center misses both shots) "-◻

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a $)$ Tim giá trị nhỏ nhất của biểu thức $D = | 2x - 22 | + | 12 - x | + 2 | x - 13 |$

hinh hộp chữ a nhat có chiều $cao8cm$ Mot dar hon chiê Rông $4cm$ C3 xung Chiễu $4480m ^ ( 2 )$ Tint $2$ gog Diệ Trôg Toan phao ? $b, >$ Tih The Tich hinh hop do?

$square$ Bài $4$ Sử dụng công thức tính gần đúng $f ( x _( 0 ) + △ x ) approx f ( x _( 0 ) ) + f ^ ( ' ) ( x _( 0 ) ) cdot △ x$ Tính gần đúng các giá trị sau $n ^ ( n )$ $sqrt ( 9,001 )$ $2 )$ $sqrt ( 4,017 )$ $3 )$ $sqrt ( 0,9998 )$ $sqrt [ 6 ] ( 28 )$ $5 )$ $sqrt [ 3 ] ( 26 )$ $6 )$ $sqrt [ 3 ] ( 64,03 )$ $7 )$ $cos59 ^ ( ◦ )$ $8 )$ Cos610 $9 )$ $sin31 ^ ( 0 )$ $10 )$ $tan121 ^ ( 0 )$ $11 )$ $sin ( - 0,00003 )$

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b. The Indus Valley civilization had no cities.

Since World War II, qquad has dominated international popular culture. * 1 the United Kingdom Mexico China the United States

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Let p=ln(M) and q=ln(N) . Express (1)/(7)ln(M^(8)N^(6)) in terms of p and q .

3 Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly. Timothy was tasked with creating the budget for the next fiscal year. He had to create a cost-profit analysis report of all the current product lines of the company. He also had to identify avenues for possible cost reduction in the budget. What was Timothy's position within his company? Timothy was the ◻ manager at his company.

Câu $38 :$ Đồ thị hàm số bậc nhất $y = ( m + 1 ) x - 2m$ $( 1 )$ luôn đi qua điểm cố định A. $( 2 ; 2 )$ B. $( - 2 ; 2 )$ C. $( 2 ; - 2 )$ D. $( - 2 ; - 2 )$ với moi m

C $)$ Biểu dien bang UV. Bài $4 :$ Tính tích các đơn thức sau rồi tìm bậc của đơn thức nhận được: a $)$ $frac ( 5 ) ( 18 ) x ^ ( 2 ) y$ và $18x ^ ( 3 ) y ^ ( 2 )$

Subtract 9 from 3 . The difference is ◻

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4 Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Consider this equation. (4x)^((1)/(3))-x=0 The first step in solving this equation is to ◻ .The second step is to qquad Solving this equation for bar(x) indially yields ◻ . Checking the solutions shows that

Nazism was Hitler's adaptation of A. fascism. B. communism. C. totalitarianism. D. socialism.

How do you feel you performed on this exit ticket? A. I feel really confident about how I pesformed on this exit ticket. B. I feel confident about most of my answers in this exit ticket. C. I feel confident about some of my answers in this exit ticket. D. I didn't feel very confident during this exit ticket and need more practice on the topic.

$- 4 )$ b $)$ $x times 26 + x times 74 = 150$

Flex-direction-column - What does this property and value do? How will this effect the way we use justify-content and align-items? A.flex-direction: column; B - This changes the container to layout the items fro top to bottom. C.This will flip how we use justify-content and align-items. D.You need to specify the containers height to control the justify-content.*

In what year was the 12th Amendment signed into law?​

Simplify: root(4)(36m^(3)n^(4)) where m >= 0,n >= 0 36m^(8)n where m >= 0,n >= 0 36m^(2)n where m >= 0,n >= 0 m^(2)nsqrt6 where m >= 0,n >= 0 9m^(4)n^(0) where m >= 0,n >= 0

Câu $4$ Qua điểm $C$ nằm ngoài đường tròn $( O )$ vẽ tiếp tuyến $CD$ với đường tròn $( 0 )$ (D là tiếp điểm) $1 ) .$ Đường thắng $C ^ ( ' ) O$ cắt đường tròn tại hai điểm $A$ và $B$ $( A$ nằm giữa $C$ và $B )$ Kẻ dây $DE$ vuông góc với $4B$ tại điểm $H$ a ) Chứng minh tam giác $CED$ là tam giác cân. b) ) Chứng minh tứ giác $( EE ( D$ là tứ giác nội tiếp. C $)$ $AC cdot BH = AH cdot BC$

in many ways. Jazz and dances, especially the Charleston, were everywhere, showing a break from the old, strict rules. All this time, new ideas in society and improvements in how things were made set the stage for the future. The Great Gatsby explores the cultural, social, and industrial changes of the 1920s . The 1920 s were years full of cultural expectations, and The Great Gatsby repeats it in an excellent manner. Integrated into this new mannered culture, jazz plays softly in the background of the lavish parties Gatsby hosts. Here, Fitzgerald says, the bar is in full swing, and floating rounds of cocktails permerte the garden outside until the air is alive with chatter and laughter. (p44) The above quote shows an indiertion of the paradigm shift from the more enclosed, rigid ways of the previous gencurion to the more liberated ways of the future. It also raises the issue of the great transformation of women's lives and their image in society in the context of the 1920s. It is identified that characters like Jordan Baker and Daisy Buchanan symbolize the new freedom that women were inclined to embrace. Jordan, a golfer, is a new-generation woman who is capable of taking care of herself and thus does not subscribe to the ethics of the older generation. While Daisy maintains traditional gender roles where she is dependent on a man, he's frank in wanting the two men, as she says, I did love him once, but I love you too. (p49) It was ather unheard of for women of that time to express such feelings so openly as Charlotre did. The le also echoe the spirit of industrialization, which characterized the period of the 1920s , thrc igh the mention of automobiles. Gatsby owns his own car; the car was a rich cream color, br ht with nicke (p. 147). Here again, one can see how Gatsby has attained the success symbolized. b the industrial age of prohibition. The car is part of a major plot point, a sad tale that celebrates irs in society and at the same time reveals some of the drawbacks of the advancement during the period. In conclusion, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the culture, society, and industry of the 1920s . The new opportunities of parties and music, the challenge to traditional women's roles, and new inventions such as cars. By depicting the lives of the members of the circle, including Gatsby, Fitzgerald tries to show how these changes impacted society and undermined the concept of the American Dream. More than just presenting a window on a potential decade, the book also examines the root problems and possibilities of change.

$( = -$ Bài $5 ( 239 )$ Một cửa hàng bán mũ (nón) $)$ vừa nhập về một số mũ. Buổi sáng cửa hàng đã bán được $frac ( 2 ) ( 5 )$ số cái và mũ lãi vừa nhập với giá $80$ $000$ đồng/cái được $1$ $440$ $000$ đồng. Buổi chiều cửa hàng đã bán được $frac ( 3 ) ( 8 )$ số cái mũ vừa nhập với giá $70$ $000$ đồng/ cái và lãi được $900$ $000$ đồng. Hỏi cửa hàng đã bán được bao nhiêu cái mũ vừa nhập về? NGUYỄN HẠ HÀ UYÊN $frac ( 2 ) ( 2 )$ 1 ai Min

1. Apa yang ingin Edo dan Udin lakukan bersama?a ) Membuat bangku taman b) Menulis teks berdasark kan pengalam an mereka ( C)Menggambar pohon mangga d)Membuat kompetisi di kelas Jawaban:b) Menulis teks berdasark xan pengalam an mereka 2. Apa ide yang muncul pada Edo dan saudaran la? a ) Membuat kompetisi di kelas b)Menulis teks berdasark an pengalam an mereka ( C)Membuat bangku taman dari kayu bekas pohon mangga d)Menggambar pohon

Cho ba số $X,$ $y,z$ tỉ lệ nghịch với $3,4,$ $6.$ Biết $2x ^ ( 3 ) - 3y ^ ( 3 ) + 4z ^ ( 3 ) = 9875$ Khi đó $x + y + z =$

CIA World Factbook Notes and Definitions ClA World Factbook This entry tisis the most pressing and important ervironmental problems. The following terms and abbrevations are used throughout the entry: Acidification - the lowering of soil and water pH due to acid preciptation and deposition usually trrough precipitation, this process disrupts ecosystem nutrient flows and may kill lreshwater fish and plants dependert on more neutral or alkaline conditions (see acid rain). Acid rain - characterized as containing harmful levels of suftr dioxide or nitrogen oxidec acid rain is damaging and potentially deadly to the earth's fragle ecosystems: acidity is measured using the pH scale where 7 is neutral, values greater than 7 are considered alkaline, and values below 5.6 are considered acid preciptation note - a pHH of 2.4 (the acidity of vinegar) has been measured in rairtall in New England. Aerosol - a collection of airborne parncles dispersed in a gas, smoke, or tog. Afforestation - converting a bare or agricultural space by planting trees and plarts, reforestation involves replanting trees on areas that have been cut or destroyed by fire Asbestos - a naturally occurring soll fibrous mineral commonly used in fireproofing muterials and considered to be highly carcinogenic in particulate form. Biodiversity - adso biological diversiry; the redative number of species, diverse in torn and tuncion at the recover from natural or man-induced disruption Bio-indicators - a plant or arimal species whose presence. abundince, and headh reved the gereral condion of its habitat. Biomass - the tolal weght or volume of tiving mather in a gven wes or volume berween the atmosphere oceon terrestris twopphere, and pooloy cal dopoans 4. What is one of the environmentally damagng eflects of "a foet flahing? A polition of pristine waler sources of the coast ine B C D

Find the quotient. (110)/(10)=◻

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Unit Test What is the relatonship between Brick and Skipper? Rent Irionds Cousins Falher and Son Brothers

From an employee perspective, which of the following is NOT a benefit of telecommuting? a.Time saved from not having to commute Feelings of isolation and loneliness b.Financial savings on clothes, fuel, and parking fees c.Ability to control and manage one's schedule better

A Solve. Add, subtract, multiply or divide. Anosh collects feathers. His father started his collection by giving him 7 feathers. Since then he has collected 28 more feathers. How many feathers does Anosh have?​

Write 2 equivalentexpressions forthe followingexpression.12x + 16x

1 Which type of covalent bond is of concern to nutritionists with regard to cardiovascular disease? [2 marks] A trans double bond in fats B cyclisation bond in carbohydrates C condensation bond in phospholipids D disulfide bond in proteins E glycosidic bond in sugars


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New Texas Patent-Case Assignment Order Targets ‘Related’ Cases (1)

By Lauren Castle

Lauren Castle

Patent cases filed in the Waco Division of the Western District of Texas will be randomly assigned among a dozen judges in the district under a new order to challenge plaintiffs seeking to try cases in Judge Alan Albright’s popular courtroom.

Those seeking to move their related cases to Albright’s one-judge Waco Division after being assigned to another judge will have to convince the assigned judge with “sufficient legal and factual justification,” Chief Judge Alia Moses said in a Thursday order .

Albright has received almost a third of the nearly 500 patent suits filed in the Western District in ...

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How Trump’s Conviction, And Canadian Billionaire Robert Miller’s Arrest, Stack Up To Other Super-Rich Run-Ins With The Law

Billionaires have been arrested or sentenced to prison for crimes ranging from insider trading to narcotics trafficking.

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Former President Donald Trump following his hush money trial at Manhattan Criminal Court on May 30.

C anadian billionaire Robert Miller, 80, was arrested at his Montreal home Thursday and faces 21 sex crime charges, including sexual assault, sexual exploitation of minors and obtaining sexual services for consideration.

Miller, founder and former owner of electronics distributor Future Electronics, is alleged to have committed the crimes against 10 women, eight of whom were minors at the time, over a period spanning 1994 to 2006. The arrest comes after Montreal police led a year-long investigation prompted by a CBC News/Radio-Canada report in which ten women stated that Miller paid them for sexual services while they were underage. Additional accusers have since come forward, Montreal Police said Thursday.

Miller is in the final stages of Parkinson’s disease and cardiac illnesses, according to his attorneys, and in a statement police said Miller was unable to appear in court Thursday due to health concerns. Police released Miller on the condition he appears in court on July 3.

Miller denied the allegations cited in the CBC/Radio-Canada article, and following his arrest vowed to “vigorously protect his reputation, fight for the truth and refuse these false allegations.”

The billionaire stepped down as CEO of Future Electronics in February 2023 and in April sold the company to Taiwan-based WT Microelectronics, cashing out in a $3.8 billion deal. Forbes estimates his net worth to be $2.6 billion.

Thursday was an eventful day for billionaire brushes with the law. A jury also found former President Donald Trump guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in an attempt to influence the 2016 election, making Trump the first former or sitting president to ever be convicted of criminal charges.

Trump now awaits sentencing and could face up to 136 years in prison and fines of up to $170,000, though he may end up with home confinement or probation. Trump, who is likely to appeal, claimed innocence outside the courtroom Thursday, calling the ruling a “disgrace” and denounced the trial as “rigged.”

Miller and Trump are the latest billionaires to be placed in handcuffs, but they are far from the only ones.

Scores of other current and former members of the three-comma club have faced everything from a night in jail to life in prison for crimes ranging from insider trading to narcotics trafficking.

Here are a handful of the most notable billionaire arrests and sentences:

El Chapo in 2014.

Joaquín Guzmán Loera (aka El Chapo)

Sentence: life in prison plus 30 years, behind bars: 5 years and counting, net worth: drop-off, 2013.

Known as El Chapo, Guzmán Loera is one of the most infamous drug lords in history. In 2019, he was convicted in the U.S. on 10 counts of money laundering and narcotics trafficking. Once the leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, Guzmán Loera helped illegally move hundreds of tons of cocaine into the U.S. from the early 1980s through the time of his arrest and extradition to the U.S. in 2017. He is now serving a life sentence and was ordered to pay $12.6 billion in forfeiture.

Allen Stanford

Sentence: 110 years, behind bars: 11 years and counting, net worth: drop-off, 2009.

The perpetrator of one of the largest Ponzi schemes ever committed, Stanford was sentenced to 110 years in 2012 for selling $7 billion of fraudulent certificates of deposits through the Stanford International Bank in Antigua. Stanford, 74, was required to pay a personal money judgment of nearly $6 billion. Some of the money was intended to go to the victims of his crimes and their families, but many of Stanford’s former clients reportedly have not received any money. Stanford is now serving one of the longest prison sentences ever handed to a billionaire. (Bernie Madoff, whose $18 billion scheme was even bigger, was never listed by Forbes as a billionaire; Madoff died in 2021 behind bars.)

Sam Bankman-Fried

Sentence: 25 years, behind bars: 2 months and counting, net worth: drop-off, 2022.

Formerly one of the richest people in cryptocurrency, Bankman-Fried launched FTX in 2019 and grew it into one of the leading crypto exchanges before his house of cards collapsed when it surfaced that he had misappropriated billions’ of dollars of customer funds. A federal judge in New York sentenced Bankman-Fried to 25 years in prison and ordered him to pay $11 billion in forfeiture on seven counts of conspiracy, wire fraud, securities fraud and money laundering related to FTX’s fall.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Sentence: 13 years, behind bars: 10 years, net worth: drop-off, 2006, platon lebedev, net worth: drop-off, 2004.

The former leaders of Russian oil and gas company Yukos were arrested by Russian authorities for tax evasion in 2003 and sentenced to 13 years in prison each. Both were scheduled for release in 2011 but were convicted a second time in 2010 for embezzling more than 200 million tons of oil and laundering the proceeds, extending their sentence through 2016. Khodorkovsky, who was released in December 2013 after a pardon from Vladimir Putin, alleged that Putin manipulated the trial. Lebedev was released early the following year. Khodorkovsky remains an outspoken leader of the “Russian opposition.”

Elizabeth Holmes walks into the federal courthouse in San Jose, California for her sentencing hearing in November, 2022.

Elizabeth Holmes

Sentence: 11 years, behind bars: 1 year and counting, net worth: drop-off, 2017.

Now known for one of the highest profile cases of fraud in Silicon Valley history, Holmes was once the world’s youngest self-made woman billionaire, with an estimated net worth of $4.5 billion in 2014, at age 30. As the founder of medical device company Theranos, Holmes led the company to raise more than $700 million from investors including billionaires Rupert Murdoch and Larry Ellison. Holmes falsely claimed she had developed technology that could detect hundreds of diseases with just a drop of someone’s blood. In 2022, she was convicted of fraud and conspiracy for lying to investors about the capabilities of her devices and has been ordered to pay $452 million in restitution to investors.

Raj Rajaratnam

Behind bars: 8 years, net worth: drop-off, 2010.

Rajaratnam founded New York hedge fund Galleon Group in the 1990s before he was arrested for insider trading in 2009 and the company collapsed. At the time, Galleon managed more than $7 billion in assets. He was convicted of 14 counts of fraud and conspiracy and was later sentenced to 11 years in prison. In early 2019, Rajaratnam was released to home confinement, in part due to Kim Kardashian, who lobbied for the First Step Act, a law signed by Trump that grants early release to some non-violent offenders who are over 60 years of age. Rajaratnam stayed in home confinement for two years until being released in 2021.

Michael Milken

Sentence: 10 years, behind bars: 2 years, net worth: $6.5 billion.

Milken expanded the market for high-yield junk bond financing in the 1980s while at investment bank Drexel Burnham Lambert. He pled guilty in 1990 to six counts of securities and tax violations during his time at Drexel after an investigation by former U.S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani. Milken served two years in prison and paid $600 million in fines; he was also banned for life from the securities industry. Since being released in 1993, Milken has been dedicated to philanthropy, giving to causes such as prostate cancer research, as a survivor of the disease. He also founded and chairs the Milken Institute economic think tank, which hosts the annual Milken Global Conference. Trump pardoned Milken in 2020.

Thomas Kwok

Sentence: 7.5 years, behind bars: 3 years, net worth: $1.8 billion.

Kwok inherited Hong Kong real estate investment firm Sun Hung Kai Properties along with his two brothers, Raymong and Walter, from their father in 1990. After serving for three years as co-chair of the company, Kwok was sentenced to five years in prison in 2014 for giving a $1.1 million (HK $8.5 million) bribe to Rafael Hui, then-Hong Kong chief secretary, in exchange for government favor. The billionaire was released from prison in 2019 after serving less than half of his original sentence. Hui, meanwhile, was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for taking the bribes.

John Kapoor

Sentence: 5.5 years, behind bars: 3.5 years, net worth: drop-off, 2019.

Kapoor, founder and former CEO and chairman of opioid manufacturer Insys Therapeutics, was sentenced to five and a half years in prison in 2020 for conspiring to bribe doctors to prescribe fentanyl spray Subsys to patients who didn’t need it. Prior to that, a jury found Kapoor and four other Insys executives guilty of racketeering conspiracy. Kapoor was released to home confinement in June 2023 and was fully released six months later.

Sentence: 5 years

Behind bars: 18 months, net worth: $10.1 billion.

The executive chairman of South Korean conglomerate Samsung Electronics, Lee initially faced a five-year sentence for bribing the country’s then-President Park Geun-hye to support a merger between Samsung C&T and Cheil Industries. He spent 11 months in prison in 2017 before his sentence was suspected. That decision was later overturned and Lee was sent back to jail in 2021, serving an additional seven months before being released on parole and, in 2022, pardoned.

S. Curtis Johnson

Sentence: 4 months, behind bars: 3 months, net worth: $4.9 billion.

Heir to the SC Johnson fortune, S. Curtis Johnson was charged in 2011 with the sexual assault of his then-teenage stepdaughter in the fourth degree and disorderly conduct. Johnson took a plea deal after a three-year litigation battle and after the victim did not give up her medical records, landing him four months in jail and a $6,000 fine. Johnson has no involvement in the family’s business but owns a stake in the company.

Joe Lewis after leaving Manhattan Federal Court in July 2023.

Sentence: 3 years probation

The U.K. billionaire behind investment company Tavistock Group, Lewis was sentenced to three years of probation and a $5 million fine in April after pleading guilty to insider trading charges. He admitted to passing information about four publicly traded companies to his girlfriend, personal pilot, employees and friends. Prosecutors requested to impose penalties less than the 18 to 24 months behind bars called for in federal sentencing guidelines due to Lewis’ age, health issues, cooperation in the investigation and damage to his reputation.

Richard J. Chang

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HEC Law GAT 2024 Registration Schedule Announced

HEC Law GAT 2024 Registration Schedule Announced

HEC has announced the schedule of the LAW GAT test LAW Graduate Assessment Test 2024. The Law GAT test is scheduled to be held on June 30, 2024. Law Graduate Assessment Test is compulsory for all LLB graduates who wish to seek Bar Council Registration. Applications for LAW-GAT 2024 can be submitted online at the HEC portal latest by June 04, 2024. 

Candidates who have passed a Bachelor's degree in Law or equivalent from a university recognized by HEC/PBC can register themselves online through Applications can be submitted online at the HEC website. HEC LAE-GAT is compulsory for all LLB graduates before entering the legal profession for practicing law.

The test will consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCOs). Applicants who have registered through HEC online registration process will download their Roll Number Slip through a week before the test date. Email/SMS will be sent to registered applicants regarding the test date time, and venue. Candidates are required to provide a valid email/mobile number while filling out the online application form. A print of the Roll Number Slip and original CNIC will be required to enter Test Centre. The Last date to apply for HEC Law GAT 2024 is June 04, 2024.

Eligibility Criteria for HEC Law GAT 2024

  • Persons having passed a Bachelor's degree in Law from a university recognized by HEC and PBC are eligible to apply.

HEC-Law GAT Test Centers

The Test will be conducted in the following Centers:

  • Lahore 
  • Sukkur 
  • Quetta 
  • Muzaffarabad

Applicants may select any test Centre from the list available in the application form. The test will only be held at any of the above Centers if a minimum of 250 applicants will select that Centre. Test Centre once selected will not be changed after registration.

How to Register for HEC Law Graduate Assessment Test GAT 2024 ​

  • Please visit the following link: for online registration In case of any difficulty during online registration, please visit or visit HEC Secretariat or HEC Regional Centers for guidance. Application submission comprises two steps: profile completion using the "My Profile" section and application submission using the "Law Graduate Assessment Test" link on the menu panel at the left-hand side bar of the online portal. Only SUBMITTED applications will be considered for the Law-GAT Test and applications in SAVE or INCOMPLETE mode will not be entertained.
  • Test Fee is to be deposited via 1Link 1Bill invoice payment services with generated consumer numbers.
  • After depositing the fee through 1Link 1Bill invoice, click on Verify Online payment on ETC dashboard.
  •  The last date for online registration is Deadline for Online Registration: June 04, 2024 (4 pm)

Other Requirements/Conditions

  • A 50% score is required to pass the Law Graduate Assessment Test (Law-GAT).
  • Applicants will have to meet other criteria, if any, as per the Rules and Regulations of PBC.
  • Applicants will have a maximum of three chances to clear the Law-GAT test. HEC will conduct the test thrice a year.

HEC Law GAT 2024 Registration Schedule Announced

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Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Ron Desantis signs Florida law that requires an ID scan to go online, does it violate the 1st Amendment?

Florida joins Arkansas as the second state to prohibit children from opening a social media account.

F lorida Governor Ron de Santis signed a law prohibiting minors from opening social media profiles, however, this is only a small part of the HB3 law that will require anyone who wants to go online to scan their ID.

The law passed so social media is prohibited for children under 14

The HB3 Law establishes that technology companies, such as X and Meta, will mainly establish strict controls to prevent minors under 14 years of age from having an account on social media platforms .

" It is important to protect children from the harms associated with social networking , as well as support the rights of parents and maintain the ability of adults to engage in anonymous speech," said Republican Governor Ron DeSantis.

The law also mandates that the platforms immediately delete accounts belonging to children under 14 years of age.

Social media only with parental permission

Although this law is mandatory for children under 14, young people in the range of 14 and 16 could be present on social media apps with parental supervision.

The law, in part, seeks to prevent children under 16 from opening social networking accounts on at least some platforms, although it would allow parents to give consent for 14- and 15-year-olds to have accounts.

With this measure, Florida joins other states such as Arkansas and Utah that have raised the veto of social networks to minors.

"A law that violates the constitution"

The NetChoice collective, which brings together different IT pundits announced that this law, far from protecting children, leaves them more exposed by collecting the data of minors .

NetChoice announced that it will take to the Supreme Court of Justice an appeal for this law to be vetoed, since in the collective's opinion, this law violates the First Amendmen t.

"This level of data collection will put Floridians' privacy at risk and violate their rights. This is concerning for the online safety of all Floridians and children."

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Ron Desantis signs Florida law that requires an ID scan to go online, does it violate the 1st Amendment?

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Gagarin Cup Preview: Atlant vs. Salavat Yulaev

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Gagarin cup (khl) finals:  atlant moscow oblast vs. salavat yulaev ufa.

Much like the Elitserien Finals, we have a bit of an offense vs. defense match-up in this league Final.  While Ufa let their star top line of Alexander Radulov, Patrick Thoresen and Igor Grigorenko loose on the KHL's Western Conference, Mytischi played a more conservative style, relying on veterans such as former NHLers Jan Bulis, Oleg Petrov, and Jaroslav Obsut.  Just reaching the Finals is a testament to Atlant's disciplined style of play, as they had to knock off much more high profile teams from Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg to do so.  But while they did finish 8th in the league in points, they haven't seen the likes of Ufa, who finished 2nd. 

This series will be a challenge for the underdog, because unlike some of the other KHL teams, Ufa's top players are generally younger and in their prime.  Only Proshkin amongst regular blueliners is over 30, with the work being shared by Kirill Koltsov (28), Andrei Kuteikin (26), Miroslav Blatak (28), Maxim Kondratiev (28) and Dmitri Kalinin (30).  Oleg Tverdovsky hasn't played a lot in the playoffs to date.  Up front, while led by a fairly young top line (24-27), Ufa does have a lot of veterans in support roles:  Vyacheslav Kozlov , Viktor Kozlov , Vladimir Antipov, Sergei Zinovyev and Petr Schastlivy are all over 30.  In fact, the names of all their forwards are familiar to international and NHL fans:  Robert Nilsson , Alexander Svitov, Oleg Saprykin and Jakub Klepis round out the group, all former NHL players.

For Atlant, their veteran roster, with only one of their top six D under the age of 30 (and no top forwards under 30, either), this might be their one shot at a championship.  The team has never won either a Russian Superleague title or the Gagarin Cup, and for players like former NHLer Oleg Petrov, this is probably the last shot at the KHL's top prize.  The team got three extra days rest by winning their Conference Final in six games, and they probably needed to use it.  Atlant does have younger regulars on their roster, but they generally only play a few shifts per game, if that. 

The low event style of game for Atlant probably suits them well, but I don't know how they can manage to keep up against Ufa's speed, skill, and depth.  There is no advantage to be seen in goal, with Erik Ersberg and Konstantin Barulin posting almost identical numbers, and even in terms of recent playoff experience Ufa has them beat.  Luckily for Atlant, Ufa isn't that far away from the Moscow region, so travel shouldn't play a major role. 

I'm predicting that Ufa, winners of the last Superleague title back in 2008, will become the second team to win the Gagarin Cup, and will prevail in five games.  They have a seriously well built team that would honestly compete in the NHL.  They represent the potential of the league, while Atlant represents closer to the reality, as a team full of players who played themselves out of the NHL. 

  • Atlant @ Ufa, Friday Apr 8 (3:00 PM CET/10:00 PM EST)
  • Atlant @ Ufa, Sunday Apr 10 (1:00 PM CET/8:00 AM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Tuesday Apr 12 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Thursday Apr 14 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)

Games 5-7 are as yet unscheduled, but every second day is the KHL standard, so expect Game 5 to be on Saturday, like an early start. 

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Guns allowed while hard water bottles, tennis balls banned in RNC security footprint

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Those looking to cross into the area immediately outside the Republican National Convention perimeter will likely have to leave behind non-plastic containers, tennis balls and other typically innocuous items.

What won't be prohibited: Guns.

"I find that totally absurd," said Ald. Robert Bauman, whose district includes downtown, where the convention will take place. "Literally, you can't have tennis balls, but you can have an AR-15 assault rifle."

That tension has Bauman pushing for changes and rethinking his sponsorship of the proposed ordinance that would prohibit dozens of items , including air rifles — but not the vast majority of actual guns — in the RNC security "footprint," where the public and demonstrators will be able to come and go during the July 15-18 event .

The legislation may be taken up at a special meeting next week.

State law prevents Milwaukee from prohibiting guns in RNC security 'footprint,' city attorney says

City officials say there's not much they can do.

"We are at the mercy of state law for this," said Nick DeSiato, chief of staff to Mayor Cavalier Johnson.

The legislation would prohibit "any dangerous ordnance, weapon, or firearm that is prohibited by the laws of the state of Wisconsin under" specific statutes that reference machine guns and other weapons ; short-barreled shotguns and short-barreled rifles; and silencers .

The same language was included in the ordinance that the city passed before the 2020 Democratic National Convention that went largely virtual in the coronavirus pandemic and drew minimal protests.

Wisconsin law prevents the city and all local governments "from prohibiting the possession or carrying of legal firearms," City Attorney Evan Goyke told the Journal Sentinel in an email in response to questions the news organization raised about the proposed ordinance.

That is as true in the RNC security footprint as anywhere else in the city, he said.

"The statutory references in the Council's file relate to those weapons state law has prohibited - machine guns, fully automatic weapons, short-barreled shotguns, and silencers," he wrote. "This is the extent of local firearm regulation allowed under state law - municipalities cannot regulate firearm possession beyond regulations in state statute."

The  security footprint is expected  to extend from Cherry Street to the north to West Clybourn Street on the south and from North Water Street on the east to North 9th Street on the west.

Guns will not be allowed in 'hard perimeter' around main Republican National Convention venues

The security footprint will surround a "hard perimeter" where credentials will be required to enter, and guns will not be allowed.

That perimeter — the exact location of which has not been released — will surround the primary convention venues of Fiserv Forum, the UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena and the Baird Center.

The U.S. Secret Service, which controls the area inside the "hard perimeter" will not allow any weapons in that space except for those possessed by working law enforcement officers, according to an agency spokesperson. A list of items that are prohibited in that area will be released when it is finalized.

The agency referred questions about prohibited items in the larger security footprint to the city.

Gun discussion comes amid debate over RNC protest area

The debate at City Hall comes as the Republican National Committee and national Republicans have been putting increasing pressure on the Secret Service to expand the "hard perimeter" to absorb an expected demonstration area at Pere Marquette Park.

Republicans have said they are concerned about the potential for conflict between demonstrators and convention attendees if a protest area were permitted at the park a quarter mile from Fiserv Forum, at one point saying there would be "a mandated confrontational area."

Secret Service and city officials have suggested there is no evidence to justify a change. DeSiato reiterated that assessment when asked about the park's location within the wider expected footprint where guns would be allowed.

"We have no intelligence to suggest that there's any specific threat or risk," DeSiato said.

Johnson's spokesman, Jeff Fleming, said that city officials were not dismissing concerns but rather evaluating them and "working to make it a safe environment."

Republican National Convention officials declined to comment on guns being allowed in the security footprint.

Omar Flores, co-chair of the Coalition to March on the RNC 2024, said the group had already been preparing for the potential that people who disagree with them might be armed. He expressed frustration at what he saw as the different approach to First and Second Amendment rights during the convention.

"Just the fact that there can't be any restrictions around (guns) but there can be a bunch of restrictions about where and how we can march and who's speaking — it's totally absurd," he said.

City officials have yet to release the march route and to officially name the site where a speaker's podium will be set up, though it is widely expected to be at Pere Marquette Park.

An ordinance passed by the Common Council and signed by Johnson in March created a permit process for using the speaker's platform and parade route within the security footprint even as city officials said the legislation did not prevent people from otherwise exercising their right to free speech within that area.

Alison Dirr can be reached at [email protected].

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