The Kissing Booth 2 ending explained: Which college did Elle choose?

By alexandria ingham | jul 26, 2020.

KISSING BOOTH 2 (2020) - Credit: Marcos Cruz/Netflix

Everything you need to know about The Kissing Booth 2 ending

While there’s a lot of focus on the choice between guys, Elle didn’t just have that choice on  The Kissing Booth 2 . She also needed to choose between colleges.

So, which guy and which college did she pick in the end? Could she make up with Lee after he found out about Harvard? Here’s all you need to know about the ending.

Elle’s guy and college debate

The Kissing Booth 2 focused on Elle thinking about college. Her plan has always been to go to Berkeley, which is an excellent college. However, with Noah at Harvard and him asking her to go there, she considered it. She also considered other colleges in Boston.

There’s one problem: cost. Her dad just doesn’t have the money for Harvard, especially when grad school is also on Elle’s mind.

She decides to enter a dance competition for that, which starts of with her and Lee together. When Lee fakes an injury to get himself out of it, Marco joins her. Of course, the two win, so both college options are open to Elle.

Meanwhile, there’s a guy debate.

Elle is interested in Noah. She is hurt to find out that she could be cheating on her, but she’s not thinking of other guys. It’s only when she and Marco start dancing together that the flirtation and chemistry between them begins.

At the dance competition, Elle kisses Marco, which Noah sees. It starts an argument between them, which is how Noah eventually finds out that Elle found Chloe’s earring under Noah’s bed. It’s all innocent, though. Chloe had crashed at Noah’s place without telling him when he was out of town one night.

Marco or Noah?

Elle has to choose between the two guys. She picks Noah after he also wants to be with her.

Meanwhile, Marco is left disappointed. He likes Elle. He’d made a speech about how he wouldn’t let someone go who liked all the same things he did. It looks like he’s not giving up Elle without a fight.

Sure enough, at graduation he comments that Elle is definitely worth it.

Elle and Lee also make up during The Kissing Booth 2 —and so do Lee and Rachel after an initial argument about Elle always being around. Elle loves her best friend, but she wants him to be happy and Rachel make him happy. It’s an excellent friendship that they have. Lee finally realizes that maybe plans do change and they can still be friends by Lee going to Berkeley and Elle possibly going to Harvard.

Which college does Elle pick on  The Kissing Booth 2 ?

Finally, it’s all about the colleges. Elle gets acceptance letters from both colleges, but she says she’s been waitlisted on both. It gives her time to think about her options. Which college will she go to?

We don’t get to find out the answer. We need  The Kissing Booth 3 for that.

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What did you think of  The Kissing Booth 2 ? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Kissing Booth 2 is now available to stream on Netflix.

Final Draft

5 Screenwriting Takeaways: ‘The Kissing Booth 2’ and Tried-and-True RomCom Tropes

August 26, 2020.

The original The Kissing Booth is rumored to be the most re-watched movie on Netflix—undeniably a huge success for the streaming giant’s first foray into romantic comedies. Old and new fans alike can now move on to The Kissing Booth 2 , and while it’s long and predictable, it’s still a satisfying watch if you love wish fulfillment rom-coms. It also embraces rom-com tropes like nobody’s business, for better or for worse. Regardless, the rom-com writer can learn from breaking down these tropes and asking what worked and what didn’t land about each one. 

  • The Voiceover / Inner Monologue. Elle (played but the undeniably likeable Joey King) has an inner monologue again just as she did in the original film. While it’s oft recommended that writers have a wholly original voiceover adding opposite information to what’s on screen, or at the very least new information— Fight Club comes to mind as the holy grail of voiceover—Elle’s inner monologue is so earnest that it does add a fun element to the story. Additionally, this time it has a double hook. Elle reminds us of the sweet rules she has laid out with her best friend, Lee Flynn (played by the charming Joel Courtney) while she’s working on her less-than-stellar college essay answering the annoying question of, “Where will you be in five years?” Both hooks did a great job of justifying the existence of the voiceover, and for young fans of the movie, likely helped give them an in and relatable connection to Elle. 
  • The Hook. Speaking of hooks, The Kissing Booth 2 is a victim of one too many. There’s Elle’s big college essay, there’s the friendship rules, and of course, there’s the kissing booth. This time around, the kissing booth itself felt like a tacked-on, unneeded afterthought. While again this film is excellent at wish fulfillment and putting a young woman in some sticky love triangles, the film suffered from drawing out a hook it might not even have needed to bring viewers back in. Elle’s relationship with the enigmatic Noah and their turmoil over growing up felt like enough. But every successful rom-com needs a fabulous hook: Harry has Sally and a friendship they don’t want to ruin, Jack Lemon has his sordid apartment in The Apartment, and Bridget Jones has her diary. Elle has a kissing booth she’s damn near forgotten about because—also by the way—she has to go win a Dance Dance Revolution tournament with a super hottie. Don’t let too many hooks or set pieces overwhelm some awesome relationship page real estate. One great hook is enough. 
  • The Temptation. In many wish fulfillment rom-coms there’s the temptation character; or the red herring that stands in the way to divert the main character from their original love story, often creating a juicy love triangle and an impossible choice for the main character. Bridget Jones had Mark Darcy and Daniel Cleaver, The Notebook’s Allie has Lon and Noah, and Elle of The Kissing Booth has Noah and Marco (played by Taylor Zakhar Perez who does his darndest to steal every scene he’s in). Marco is a juicy temptation indeed. Early in the film he’s recruited to have a reserved spot in the kissing booth as a main attraction (a plot point unfortunately never fully paid off that could have gone a long way in justifying the hook of the story). He also fills in for Lee to help Elle win a very competitive Dance Dance Revolution dance-off. A good temptation character can add excellent conflict—as long as the temptation story can truly make you believe your protagonist may eschew one love interest for another. 
  • The Unwavering Best Friend. Rom-coms have rightfully received a lot of flak for non- dimensional best friend characters who are often the less pretty girl who never gets her own story arc, man, or original idea. Thankfully, most rom-coms have moved beyond that, and audiences have experienced memorable and fantastic best friend characters along the way. Rupert Everett in My Best Friend’s Wedding always stands out as an example of defying best friend stereotypes. Awkwafina in Crazy Rich Asians is another great example. Lee and Elle’s friendship in The Kissing Booth is one of the best things about both movies. To choose between your best friend and his hot brother you’ve fallen in love with was the great premise of the original. In The Kissing Booth 2 , Lee feels he must make the impossible choice between his own budding relationship and his friendship. In fact, this choice felt much richer than Elle’s own choices and could have benefitted from more explanation. Regardless, scenes between Elle and Lee always warms the heart and one feels the pair might choose each other over a romance if push really came to shove. 
  • The Impossible Romance. Noah Flynn and Elle’s relationship always seemed somewhat improbable. Flynn was the bad boy of the high school and somewhat untrustworthy as a good boyfriend, but the pair survives the beginning of long distance at the opening of The Kissing Booth 2. But long distance and college pressure (and surviving the last year of high school) soon catches up to the pair. Elle builds up the impossibility of their relationship (and some major jealousy) to a fever pitch in the sequel. While it’s not original, audiences have been conditioned to have their heart strings pulled by an impossible relationship since Romeo and Juliet. Additionally, anyone who has ever been pained by the strains of a long-distance relationship can probably relate to Noah and Elle. And if they haven’t experienced an LDR yet, they will probably still grasp onto their red-hot chemistry. 

Final Takeaways: Screenwriters are constantly trying to avoid tropes and stereotypes and craft surprising, genre-bending new pieces. However, there’s something to be said for the simplicity and raging resurgence of the wish fulfillment rom-com. Sometimes, there’s comfort in predictability and a character getting everything she’s ever dreamed of, and The Kissing Booth 2 has all of the above. Additionally, knowing tropes and why they work or don’t work always allows the writer to break, bend and destroy them in the future, if so desired. 

Written by: Lindsay Stidham

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Joey King on working with veteran actress Molly Ringwald on the set of The Kissing Booth 2: 'Figure of strength and kindness'

By Natacha Maloon | 4 years ago

When Netflix dropped The Kissing Booth in 2018, the coming-of-age story became the most re-watched original film on the streaming platform. So fans were delighted to discover there would be a sequel.

The Kissing Booth 2 picks up where it left off. Elle Evans is navigating a long-distance relationship with her best friend's brother, Noah Flynn, who heads off to Harvard.

Meanwhile, Elle finds her friendship with Lee Flynn being tested thanks to his relationship with his new girlfriend, Rachel.

Actress Joey King , 20, who plays Elle Evans, tells 9Honey Celebrity that reuniting with the cast was "magical."

Joel Courtney as Lee Flynn, Joey King as Shelly 'Elle' Evans of The Kissing Booth 2.

"We all knew and loved each other from the first film, and I think the vibe of going into making the second one, it was so exciting. The love that we had for each other was times 10 onscreen. We were so happy to be there," she says.

"It was an absolute dream come true. I remember being reunited with the cast in the production office when we got to Cape Town. It was way too long, we were so excited to do it. It was like a family being brought back together, it was the best time," Joel Courtney, 24, who plays Lee Flynn, added.

The young cast of The Kissing Booth had the honour of working alongside Molly Ringwald — star of The Breakfast Club , Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink — who played Noah and Lee's mother in the film.

RELATED: The Kissing Booth 2 star Jacob Elordi on the film's success, jumping from Australia to Hollywood and and quarantining back home

Molly Ringwald and Joey King in The Kissing Booth

"Best movie mum ever," Courtney jokes. "Molly is an angel. Getting her to play my mother was something so special. She's iconic, she's a legend. It was very humbling to have Molly Ringwald as my onscreen mum."

King agrees, gushing about the veteran actress.

"She was such a light on set," she says. "Such a figure of strength and kindness. I feel so lucky to have been able to have been able to share those experiences with her. Working with her was a dream come true.

"If she ever saw you going through something, she was such a firm believer in asking for what you need, standing up for yourself but also giving you confidence by telling you the things that are great and that you're doing well."

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Joey King and Joel Courtney chat to 9Honey Celebrity about The Kissing Booth 2.

The Kissing Booth 2 explores the challenge of transitioning from high school to college. Elle prepares her college essay where she examines where she sees herself in five years as she applies to Berkeley and Harvard.

Speaking to 9Honey Celebrity, King and Courtney reflect on what they've learned about themselves in the last five years after growing up in front of the camera.

"Personally, I mean it when I say everything! I've gone through a lot of ups and downs emotionally. I've made mistakes and I've come out the other side and feel stronger for them," King, who dated her co-star Jacob Elordi for a year before calling it quits in 2018, says.

"Professionally, I feel that I am more confident in being my own advocate. A lot of the time, it's super important to be accommodating and not to be afraid to stand up for yourself when things could be better or aren't looking right."

Joey King and Joel Courtney

Since the age of four, King has been in front of the camera. Her breakout role in The Kissing Booth , lead to her being cast in the hit 2019 Hulu series The Act alongside Patricia Arquette . Her performance earned her an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited series or Movie.

Whereas, Courtney — who recently got engaged to girlfriend Mia Scholink on Valentine's Day — admits how the past five years have seen him "learn how to love and how to care for people."

"I've learned about work ethic. I've learned that I want more for myself than to coast. I want to pursue an awesome career and make it the best it can be. I want to do this work, and it to not be stagnant," the 24-year-old said.

"I want to actively and intentionally better myself through it, and partner with the most amazing production companies and love the work."

The Kissing Booth 2 is available to stream on Netflix from today.

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‘The Kissing Booth 2’ Review: Another Dose of Prep School Drama

A high school senior juggles college applications and a slippery, long-distance beau in this Netflix sequel to the popular teen rom-com.

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kissing booth 2 elle college essay

By Natalia Winkelman

Carnival smooching takes a back seat in “The Kissing Booth 2,” a treacly Netflix sequel that finds Elle (Joey King), alongside her best pal Lee (Joel Courtney), returning for more prep school escapades. Before senior year is up, Elle must juggle college applications, a cagey beau, friendship woes and, most absurdly, a high-profile dance video game competition held inside a colossal arena. The director Vince Marcello leans heavily on montage to get us through this deluge of invented drama which, mercilessly, unspools over more than two hours.

Devoted fans may recall that Elle, in “The Kissing Booth,” played soccer. But that sport — and any trace of normal high school activity — recedes here. Instead, Elle’s classmates compete in an elaborate Color War and go to glam dances that look more like the Met Gala than a school function. Much gossip surrounds the cute transfer student, Marco (Taylor Zakhar Perez), who begins vying for Elle’s attention. She, all the while, is pining after Noah (Jacob Elordi), her long-distance boyfriend who, we’re frequently reminded, attends Harvard as a freshman. His controlling bad boy vibe was the source of much tension in the first movie but here, thankfully, he seems to have toned down the aggression.

If “The Kissing Booth,” stacked with regressive relationship dynamics, is Victorian in its views, “The Kissing Booth 2” progresses to the midcentury. Elle is no longer an object for men to possess and protect, and though true love is still paramount, the story comes to prize personal growth. Marcello makes this theme literal in Elle’s asinine college essay prompt: “What do you want to be in five years?” In the most plausible beat in this movie, Elle’s answer is laden with platitudes.

The Kissing Booth 2 Not rated. Running time: 2 hours 10 minutes. Watch on Netflix.

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The Kissing Booth 2 Ending, Explained

 of The Kissing Booth 2 Ending, Explained

Netflix’s ‘ The Kissing Booth ’ became one of the most popular teen drama on the year of its release due to the story of a quirky romance. Its sequel, too, delivers on the promise of a fun romance drama. It picks up where we had last seen Elle and adds some new twists to her story, especially with the prospect of a new suitor. In the end, she is confronted by a difficult choice that will decide the course of her friendships and relationships. If you haven’t seen the film yet, head over to Netflix . SPOILERS AHEAD

Plot Summary

After spending a dreamy summer with Noah and then bidding him goodbye, Elle returns to school for the final time. She, Lee, and Rachel spend all their time together. Things heat up at school when a boy named Marco joins the class. His and Elle’s paths cross and, in a strange turn of events, they end up working together. While the distance threatens to end her relationship with Noah, Elle gets closer to Marco.

kissing booth 2 elle college essay

With everyone angry with her, Elle tries to mend one relationship at a time. She begins with Rachel, clearing the air between them, and promising to not encroach on her time with Lee. She also patches up with Lee, who is heartbroken over Rachel and hopes that she will forgive him for lying to her and not prioritizing her better. Elle uses the kissing booth to bring them back together. This is also where she is confronted by Marco, who tells her that he has feelings for her. However, she tells him that even though she felt something for him when she kissed him, she is truly in love with Noah.

Meanwhile, Chloe talks with Noah about Elle and convinces him to go back and fight for her if he really loves her. He goes to the kissing booth to meet Elle, but she has already left for the airport looking for him. Eventually, they meet at their spot and reconcile. On the graduation day, Lee asks Elle about her college applications. She tells him and Noah that she has been put on the waiting list for both Berkeley and Harvard. In reality, however, she has been accepted for both.

What does it mean for Elle?

kissing booth 2 elle college essay

If there is one thing we know about Rochelle Evans, from her story in the first and second part of ‘The Kissing Booth’, it is that the problems in her life revolve mainly around decision making. She is always drawn towards conflicts and it is the answer to it that lands her in trouble with her loved ones. Previously, she fell in love with Noah, despite her pact with Lee, and, in the end, had to choose one over the other. The same dilemma continues in ‘The Kissing Booth 2’ and paves the way for the next installment as well.

She and Lee had the plan of going to Berkeley for college, but on Noah’s insistence, she applies for Harvard as well. She did not worry much about it in the beginning as she thought that it would be easier to leave it on the colleges. One of them was sure to reject her and the decision would be made for her, without raising any conflict with either Lee or Noah. But then, she is accepted to both, which means that she has to make the choice by herself. Will she stick to the plan she had made with Lee, or will she rather choose Noah?

Considering how close she is to Lee, and how he always chooses her above everything else, even his girlfriend, one would think that Elle would go with her original plan. It means a lot for her friendship with Lee, who has been by her side since the beginning, and has allowed a lapse in the rules of their relationships, time and again. There has never been a choice for him other than her, and one would expect Elle to reciprocate the same loyalty to him. However, her feelings for Noah complicate the matter.

In ‘The Kissing Booth’, she told Lee that he couldn’t choose who she loves. If he couldn’t accept her love for Noah, she would rather not be friends with him. Clearly, Noah is a strong contender for her priorities. Also, she would want to be close to him because they have already tried long-distance and it created a lot of problems for them. If she has a chance to go to Boston with Noah and give a proper shot to their relationship, why wouldn’t she want to give that a chance? But that would mean, once again, that she has chosen Noah over Lee, and that wouldn’t bode so well for her friendship.

Another thing that the final scene hints at is the trouble in the romantic paradise for Elle. After a crackling chemistry with Marco, she decided to let go of him when she realized that Noah is the one for her. However, Marco felt something between them and it looks like he is not ready to let go of that yet. He thinks Elle is worth all the trouble, and perhaps, there are still some things that could create problems between Elle and Noah, giving a chance to Marco to express his love for her. Alternately, Marco could also turn into an obsessed lover and pose some real danger to Elle and the people close to her.

Read More:  The Kissing Booth Filming Locations


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Lola Lambchops

15 Best Quotes from The Kissing Booth 2 on Netflix

By: Author tanialamb

Posted on Published: July 25, 2020

Have you seen The Kissing Booth 2 on Netflix? Elle is back and graces us with her charm again. These are 15 of the best The Kissing Booth 2 quotes on Netflix from favorite characters Elle, Marco, The OMGs, and more! Plus check out the newcomers. 

Most romantic Kissing Booth 2 Quotes

The Best Quotes from The Kissing Booth 2

Elle Evans (Joey King) just had the most romantic summer of her life with Noah Flynn (Jacob Elordi). But now Noah is off to Harvard, and Elle heads back to high school for her senior year. She’ll have to juggle a long-distance relationship, getting into her dream college with her best friend Lee (Joel Courtney), and the complications brought on by a close friendship with a handsome, new classmate named Marco (Taylor Perez). 

Newcomers Marco and Chloe bring some drama, but Elle still manages to bring wisdom. Enjoy these quotes from the The Kissing Booth 2 from Elle! If you’ve watched the new one, then check out these Kissing Booth 3 quotes !

Best Quotes Kissing Booth 2 Netflix

With different zip codes, breakups are basically automatic. -Gwyneth

You obviously couldn’t see this, but my heart just did a backflip. -Elle

I thought I killed it. -Elle You didn’t even wound it. -Counselor

Just call me an earthquake, because I am legit shook right now. -Elle

Life throws curves at you, you think it’s moving one way, and suddenly realize it’s heading in the opposite direction. -Elle

You have literally been letting me down your entire life. -Elle

When you’re not sure where you stand, sometimes a leap of faith is the only move you can make. -Elle

Kissing Booth 2 Joey and Jacob

We are going to need slushies, churros, and an a–load of quarters. -Elle

You can’t really hold on to someone, ’cause the tighter you hold on to them, the more they wanna slip away. All you can do is love them and make sure they know that you’re never gonna slip away. -Marco

We’re less interested in meeting the person you think we want you to be and far more interested in getting to know the person you really are. -College Interviewer

You look like Justin Bieber before he started being a trucker. -Comedian

Just let go, feel the music. -Marco

The difference from what you expected to what actually happens can make you look at the future in a very different way. -Elle

Best Kissing Booth 2 Quotes

I know how being afraid can hold you back from getting what you really want. -Marco

Maybe it’s because it’s less about what I want to be and more about who I want to be. In five years I want to be my brother’s joy. I want to be my dad’s love and my mom’s warmth. In five years I want to be Rachel’s kindness. I want to be Noah’s courage and his mom’s wisdom. But most of all, I want to be my best friend’s laughter. All those things together is who I want to be in five years. -Elle

Did I miss any of your favorite The Kissing Booth 2 quotes? Drop them in the comments below. 

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Thursday 13th of August 2020

I'm far from perfect and a long way from knowing everything. But I do know enough to want to be the very best parts of the people I love best. -Elle

Tuesday 11th of August 2020

I can't remeber the quote exactly but that what te old ladie said.. Something about it's not about studying all the time bit making mamoris, we all end up te same, in a nursery home

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[…] The Kissing Booth 2 Quotes […]

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Perhaps the Earth was made round so that we would not see too far down the road.

That's a good one, thank you!

  • View history
  • 1.1 Biography
  • 2.1 Noah Flynn
  • 2.2 Lee Flynn
  • 2.4 Marco Peña
  • 3 Personality
  • 6 References

History [ ]

Biography [ ], relationship [ ], noah flynn [ ].

Main Article: Noah and Elle

Noah is Elle's ex-boyfriend. They have known each other since they were children due to their families' close friendship. Noah was Elle's childhood crush, but it is implied that he only saw her as a younger sister or didn't pay her too much attention.

In The Kissing Booth, they end up developing feelings for each other, which breaks one of Elle's rules with her best friend (and Noah's younger brother) Lee Flynn . They engage in a secret relationship while Elle tries to figure out a way to tell Lee, but they are eventually caught and found out. At the end of the first movie, they enter a long distance relationship after Noah leaves to attend Harvard University.

Over the course of The Kissing Booth 2, Elle and Noah's relationship becomes increasingly more rocky and complex. They suffer from trust issues, jealousy, and a lack of communication. However, they make up by the end of the movie, reaffirming their love for each other.

In The Kissing Booth 3, finally unable to overcome certain challenges and differences, Elle and Noah decide to break up. Six years later, they meet again at a high school reunion, and make plans to hang out the next time they are both back in town. While they do not officially get back together by the end of the series, they both still care deeply about each other.

Lee Flynn [ ]

Lee and Elle are life-long best friends. Their mothers were close, and they were also born on the same day. As a result, they have a very close, special relationship and would do just about anything for each other. When they were six, the two made up a set of rules that they try to stand by well into The Kissing Booth series.

Over the course of the series, their relationship is tested multiple times. For example, in the first movie, Elle begins secretly dating Noah, Lee's older brother, which goes against their rule on not dating each other's siblings. In the second movie, Elle decides to apply to Harvard University as well as a few other Boston schools, which threatens their rule of going to the same college.

Despite these difficulties, the two remain best friends, keeping in contact throughout college.

Rachel and Elle are good friends. They met when Lee started dating Rachel in their junior year of high school.

While the two girls got along great initially, Rachel became more and more irritated with Elle over the course of the second movie. Elle's close friendship with Lee often got in the way of his dates with Rachel, as Elle would frequently tag along or even "steal" Lee away to help her with various tasks. Rachel eventually blew up at Elle after believing she ignored Lee's request to leave them alone. However, it was eventually revealed that Lee never talked with Elle about the situation, and after Elle apologized, the two made up.

From then on, they seem to be on pretty good terms, often hanging out in groups and going to parties together.

Marco Peña [ ]

Personality [ ].

Elle is a positive girl, friendly She would do anything for Lee , her best friend. Elle is a fan of video games and is very good at it

  • Elle's mother died a while ago
  • Noah and Lee call her Shelly most of the times

Gallery [ ]

References [ ].

  • 1 Noah Flynn
  • 2 Elle Evans
  • 3 Marco Peña

The Kissing Booth 3 ending explained: Which college did Elle choose?

By alexandria ingham | aug 12, 2021.

THE KISSING BOOTH 3 (2021) Joey King as Elle. Cr: Marcos Cruz/NETFLIX

Elle had a decision to make on The Kissing Booth 3 . Would she choose Harvard or Berkeley? Would she choose Lee or Noah? Here’s a breakdown of the ending.

At the end of  The Kissing Booth 2 , Elle found out she was accepted at both Harvard and Berkeley. She had a big decision to make. Would she disappoint her best friend by choosing her boyfriend or would she disappoint her boyfriend by choosing her best friend?

We didn’t have to wait too long for the answer. Toward the beginning of the movie, Elle chose Harvard. She chose to be with Noah, and at first, things looked great. However, it all went south from there.

Elle tried to have the best summer possible with Lee. The harder she tried, the more she disappointed everyone around her. It didn’t help that Marco turned up and Noah was immediately suspicious and jealous.

In the end, Noah broke up with Elle. He wasn’t going to be the reason she moved to the other side of the country and then regretted that decision.

Where did Elle go to college on The Kissing Booth 3?

So, did Elle still go to Harvard? Did she ring Berkeley to see if she could change her mind?

Elle surprised everyone. She decided not to go to either college. Instead, Elle arranged a last-minute application and interview to the University of Southern California. She wanted to follow her passion of video game design.

With a basic concept of fantasy e-sports, Elle managed to secure a place at the college. She made a decision for herself and not for either of the two guys in her life. And I have to say that I loved that decision.

The ending jumped forward to after college. After initially breaking up, Lee and Rachel got back together. Lee and Elle also found out that the Kissing Booth was still a thing at their high school. Then Noah turned up.

He shared he had two job offers, one in New York and one in LA. He needed to decide between the two, and it looks like he’s got the decision that Elle had. Would he choose to remain on the other side of the country or would he pick LA and choose the possibility of he and Elle getting back together?

That’s something we don’t get to know, but we can dream that he and Elle found their way back together, right?

What did you think of  The Kissing Booth 3 ending? What did you think of Elle choosing a college for herself? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Elle's Choice of College Is the Unexpected Pick in 'The Kissing Booth 3' (SPOILERS)

Aug. 11 2021, Published 5:50 p.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for The Kissing Booth 3 .

The highly anticipated third film in the Kissing Booth trilogy has finally dropped on Netflix , and all of our burning questions about Elle Evans' ( Joey King ) life post-grad have been answered. One of the biggest questions on fans' minds has been: Where is Elle going to college? Her choice of higher education has been a difficult decision for her throughout the series. Will she pick Harvard, where Noah is attending? Or Berkeley, with Lee?

Read on for everything we know about The Kissing Booth 3 and Elle's epic final college choice.

So, where does Elle choose to go to college? The answer might surprise fans.

Throughout the series, Elle has struggled with her affection between BFF Lee Flynn (Joel Courtney) and her current boyfriend, Lee's brother Noah Flynn ( Jacob Elordi ). This indecision only increases after learning the brothers are attending college on opposite sides of the country, with Lee planning to attend the University of California, Berkeley, and Nate already at Harvard in Massachusetts.

The film starts with Elle taking a road trip post–high school graduation, still uncertain about her future. Her boyfriend, Noah, has already made plans to live in an apartment together off-campus, further putting pressure on her decision. The group spends their summer at the Flynn family beach house before it sells, and throughout the film, Elle realizes she's making choices based on keeping everyone happy — not what she wants.

Things come to a head when Noah breaks up with Elle, worrying that she would only be attending Harvard for him, not because it's her choice. Elle realizes she's been too preoccupied worrying about her relationships with the Flynn brothers to decide for herself, and she eventually picks an unexpected choice: the University of Southern California, where she wants to study video game design.

At the end of the film, which takes place six years in the future, it's revealed that Lee is engaged to his girlfriend Rachel, Elle is a successful game designer, and Noah has job offers at law firms in New York and Los Angeles. Noah and Elle even reconnect in the last few moments, with him offering they go on a motorcycle ride when he is back in town — which we then see happen at the end of the movie.

Joey King spoke to Digital Spy and reflected on Elle's unexpected college decision, saying, "I think she learned that you have to make decisions for yourself in order to be truly happy. I've always loved this character's dedication to her relationships. But I also love when she decides she should think for herself and no one else."

It sounds like a fitting conclusion to the Kissing Booth series. Sadly, The Kissing Booth 3 is the end of this film trilogy, but hopefully we'll see more fun Netflix film series in our future.

The Kissing Booth 3 is now streaming on Netflix.

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Joey King Has Moved on From Her 'Kissing Booth 2' Co-Star Jacob Elordi

How Does the 'Kissing Booth 3' Book End? Elle Will be Forced to Make a Big Decision!

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“Where Do You Want To Be In 5 Years Time?” Screenwriter/ Director Vince Marcello Answers In ‘The Kissing Booth 2’

  • By   Staff Writer
  • . July   27 ,  2020

Filmmaker Vince Marcello cut his storytelling teeth in the theater world in New York City. He later segued into the teen film space with Teen Beach Movie movies for Disney and Liar, Liar, Vampire for Nickelodeon. He continued his foray into teen comedy when he read The Kissing Booth: Going The Distance by a young novelist called Beth Reekles. Tapping into his love of teen romance films including Grease, Legally Blonde, & Clueless he put his stamp on The Kissing Booth movies.

After the phenomenal success of the first The   Kissing Booth in 2018 the time was ripe for its sequel. This time around, heart throb boyfriend Noah Flynn (Jacob Elordi) goes to Harvard, Elle Evans (Joey King) goes to the University Of California in Berkeley, and Noah’s brother Lee (Joel Courtney) becomes Elle’s bestie at the expense of his girlfriend. Vince Marcello spoke with Creative Screenwriting Magazine about his writing journey through The   Kissing Booth world.

The first film had was largely faithful to the source material, whereas the sequel allowed Marcello to further flex his writing and directing muscles. “ During the process of development [for the first film], there was a larger story that was written. ” Given the length of the source material, it was always a balancing act between drawing the colorful characters and their respective journeys while compressing the story into a two-hour movie.

Creative Screenwriting Magazine

Vince Marcello on set 

The Kissing Booth 2 is billed as a teen romantic comedy, but Marcello claimed, “ It really is a coming of age story about three kids – Elle, Noah, and Noah’s brother Lee.”  The romance elements certainly come into play, but the character arcs of these children becoming adults is the spine of the movie.

Elle Evans is the protagonist of this story navigating the blurry and contradictory world of landscape. “ Elle is finding her own voice and figuring out who she wants to be. Lee is a man-boy finding his way through relinquishing his childhood and moving onto adulthood. Noah is a big, strong wealthy person used to getting what he wants.”   The first film focuses on Elle while the sequel expands its focus on all three characters in a love triangle of sorts – Elle’s friendship with Lee and her relationship with Noah.

Vince Marcello co-wrote The Kissing Booth 2  with Jay Arnold who shares a similar sensibility. (Marcello wrote the first by himself) “ Each partner brought different, complementary elements to the project. Furthermore, when it goes through a different filter, great things happen.”  As a director, Marcello considers himself a structuralist which is a handy quality to possess as a writer/director. “ Jay [Arnold] brought a certain level of whimsy to the film to elevate it and I brought a little more romance. ”

The Kissing Booth has a special significance to the story and is a bona fide character unto itself.  The Kissing Booth is both the title of the film and a place where they all hang out. It has deeper importance to the story because it is a place where the characters can “ admit and discover their feelings towards each other. Especially in KB2, this kissing booth starts to take on its own identity .” It is a crossroads. An intersection.

“ It is a place where relationships can be mended, questioned, and celebrated. It’s a temple of fixing, ending, and the beginning of love, ” said Marcello.

Adapting The Novel

Screenwriters approach adapting a novel into a film or television series in a variety of ways as the balance the spirit of the source material with their own flair. The screenwriter liaised with novelist Reekles on his approach to the film. Fortunately, she was agreeable to Marcello’s ideas.

“ Adaptation is like a puzzle to me, because you start with more pieces than you need, ” confessed Vince Marcello. He decided early on in the process that it was going to be a character-driven piece with plenty of internal dialogue from Elle Evans the protagonist and started the writing process from there. “ Because Elle’s first-person narrative was so strong in the book, you have access to her most personal thoughts. ”

During his first pass at the screenplay, the screenwriter combed through the book to extract the scenes that were most active and cinematic to lay down the basic story structure. Static scenes of people talking in a room were quickly removed. If they contained essential story information, they were rewritten in a more active form.

“ During the next step, I wanted to invoke something charming and nostalgic for people. ” As a self-confessed lover of John Hughes’ films,  the filmmaker’s strong influences in The Kissing Booth 2 are apparent. “ It became a joyful homage to these timeless movies that I grew up with that were so formative. ”

Marcello then turned his attention to the key set pieces next with the aim of, “ slightly heightening them comedically, but still rooted in real problems all these kids had. ”

kissing booth 2 elle college essay

Lee Flynn (Joel Courtney) & Joey King (Elle Evans) Photo by Marcos Cruz/Netflix

It was imperative, that despite tapping into the eighties complexion of Hughes’ films, both The   Kissing Booth movies felt modern and current. Marcello engineered the eighties aesthetic, “ ranging from hairstyles, fashion, dialogue, to the music, ” to feel modern, but balanced this with vintage cars from yesteryear as his, “ love letter to classic L.A. ” This approach made the film appear less of the moment and more timeless. “ Ultimately, it’s the topics and the themes that people care about. ”

Marcello deliberately limited the use of social media, although there are text messages aplenty. “ The moment you focus on social media, you drive the film into a specific time period and lose its timeless quality. ”

Teen romantic comedies and coming of age stories typically target the 14-25 year old demographic. Marcello’s dual ‘of a time’/ timeless approach to his storytelling extended the demographic into an older 25-45 year old audience. “ It was very gratifying to hear older audiences say, ‘Gosh, why don’t they make movies like this anymore?'”

Most screenwriters infuse their personal experiences into their screenplays no matter how well-defined the source material. “The thing that made The Kissing Booth 2 so unique and personal was the boy-girl friendship between Elle and Lee without the sexual undercurrents. ” Marcello recalled his own experience having a boy-girl friendship during his teen years to mold this relationship. “ This dynamic really resonated with me. There were actual moments in the film taken from my life to create some very genuine and authentic moments between Elle and Lee. ” He cites the scene between Noah and Elle trapped in a closet which was based on a real-life anecdote of Vince and his female friend hiding in a closet for five hours when they played hookey and his friend’s mother unexpectedly came home early.

Apart from themes of leaving home to go to college and juggling regular relationships, Vince Marcello explored the emotions experienced by the characters including their fears and anxieties about college and whether their relationship will survive. “ The Kissing Booth 2 mines the idea of how vulnerability and insecurity can lead to self-sabotage.”

He also explores keeping things from others to protect their feelings. But, as in many movies, they always find out and make matters worse. “ This steers Elle and Noah towards truthfulness in their relationship.”

Where Do You Want To Be In Five Years Time? This is the central question that hovers in Elle’s mind throughout the film as she contemplates adulthood. “ It’s this concept that we are in the process of being something,” muses Marcello . “We should spend more time on who we want to be, the kind of person instead of where we want to be. ” The acknowledgment of this idea will lead us to have more fulfilled and realized lives. “ The ‘who’ you want to be will eventually lead you to the ‘what’ you want to be .”


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The Kissing Booth 2

Joey King, Joel Courtney, and Jacob Elordi in The Kissing Booth 2 (2020)

In the sequel to 2018's The Kissing Booth', high school senior Elle juggles a long-distance relationship with her dreamy boyfriend Noah, college applications, and a new friendship with a han... Read all In the sequel to 2018's The Kissing Booth', high school senior Elle juggles a long-distance relationship with her dreamy boyfriend Noah, college applications, and a new friendship with a handsome classmate that could change everything. In the sequel to 2018's The Kissing Booth', high school senior Elle juggles a long-distance relationship with her dreamy boyfriend Noah, college applications, and a new friendship with a handsome classmate that could change everything.

  • Vince Marcello
  • Jay S Arnold
  • Beth Reekles
  • Joel Courtney
  • Jacob Elordi
  • 389 User reviews
  • 51 Critic reviews
  • 39 Metascore

Official Trailer

  • Marco Valentin Peña

Maisie Richardson-Sellers

  • Chloe Winthrop

Meganne Young

  • (as Joshua Eady)
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The Kissing Booth 3

Did you know

  • Trivia Joey King shaved her head for her role in The Act (2019) , so she had to wear a wig when filming this movie.
  • Goofs When Noah meets Elle at the airport and tosses the sign, it hits an extra in the back, who flinches.

Lee Flynn : Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. The Kissing Booth is open for business! Let's do this thing again!

  • Crazy credits A series of bloopers play alongside the first half of the end credits.
  • Connections Edited into Amanda the Jedi Show: THE KISSING BOOTH 2 is the Sequel No One Needed - Explained (2020)
  • Soundtracks More Written by Sean Ulbert Performed by The Eiffels Courtesy of CYPMP, LLC

User reviews 389

  • Jul 23, 2020
  • How long is The Kissing Booth 2? Powered by Alexa
  • July 24, 2020 (United States)
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  • Official Netflix
  • El stand de los besos 2
  • Capetown, South Africa (on location)
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  • Clearblack Films
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 14 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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  • Marco. Is he a Jerk with a Heart of Gold who truly cares about and loves Elle? Or is just as much of an arrogant womanizer as Noah was in the first movie who remorselessly pursues Elle, even after learning she has a boyfriend? The latter is supported by Marco never expressing remorse over unknowingly kissing Elle in front of Noah and his smug attempt to spur Noah into a fight at the Homecoming football game .
  • Lee, when he becomes upset at learning Elle is applying to Harvard. Is this a sign of him still being a toxic and controlling friend , or is he merely upset at the fact that Elle was (once again) lying to him?
  • Is Chloe's rather intimate relationship with Noah something she does on purpose or is she genuinely not aware of the implications it can cause? Granted, it can be argued that Chloe is just flirty with everyone, and Noah is no exception, but she was completely aware that Noah had a girlfriend.
  • Base-Breaking Character : Rachel. Either she's a Woobie who's the most (or only) sympathetic character in a movie full of Unintentionally Unsympathetic Jerkasses , or an annoying and whiny nuisance who has no right interfering in Lee and Elle's friendship and is just as bad as everyone else. The way she handles Elle butting in on her relationship with Lee is a particular point of contention; some viewers think Rachel had every right to be pissed off at both of them, while others think she should've brought up her issues with Elle herself instead of constantly complaining to Lee about it.
  • Contested Sequel : There's some debate over whether the film is better, worse, or on par with the first movie. Some people like that it removes the more problematic elements of the first film, particularly Noah's aggressive and controlling behavior, while others criticize the sequel for having a bloated run-time and Elle coming off as Unintentionally Unsympathetic .
  • Designated Villain : It's really hard to view Rachel as a bad guy when she's understandably frustrated that Lee is constantly sidelining her in their relationship because of Elle. Even her anger at Elle, who is oblivious of what's gotten into her, for not allowing her to spend time alone with her boyfriend was totally justified .
  • Ensemble Dark Horse : Ollie and Miles. Viewers are fond of them because they both seem like nice, unselfish people and they're virtually the only couple in the movie that isn't dysfunctional. Some critics and viewers have expressed a wish that the movie focused on their budding romance rather than the Dysfunction Junction of the main characters' relationships (both romantic and platonic).
  • Fan-Preferred Couple : Many viewers would've preferred Elle ending up with Marco instead of Noah due to them having more chemistry and actually sharing something in common (e.g. their skill at the dance machine in the arcade), Marco being much nicer than Noah was, and Elle and Noah's relationship coming off as unhealthy .
  • Elle denying the rumors at school that she and Noah broke up become this in light of Joey King and Jacob Elordi 's breakup before filming for The Kissing Booth 2 began.
  • A film about a high school carnival kissing booth, released in 2020; due to the coronavirus pandemic a lot of public/school-related events were canceled and people were recommended to practice social distancing to reduce infections.
  • Heartwarming Moments : For all this film's glaring flaws, Ollie and Miles becoming an Official Couple at the kissing booth near the end of the movie is actually quite sweet, as is everyone cheering when they end up kissing.
  • Narm : Elle's terrible college essay, which was mocked by both reviewers and audience members. The film treats it as inspiring and sentimental, but it reads like an example of how not to write a college acceptance essay (she admits she has no real goals or ambitions for the next five years, doesn't mention any of her accomplishments and natters on about the traits she admires in her loved ones, all of whom are strangers to the college admission officers and have nothing to do with her academic career). One wonders how she managed to get accepted into both Berkeley and Harvard for it.
  • Padding : A common complaint of the movie is there were many scenes and subplots that could have been shortened or removed, which made the movie too long as a result. At two hours and fourteen minutes, it's over twenty minutes longer than the first movie, but many felt it doesn't have enough plot to justify this.
  • Platonic Writing, Romantic Reading : Chloe and Noah are intentionally hinted to have a romantic interest in each other, only for it to be revealed they're really just friends. Trouble is, some viewers think they carried off the "bait" part of the Bait-and-Switch a little too well, as Noah and Chloe come off as rather flirty and touchy-feely for platonic friends (especially compared to Lee and Elle) .
  • The Scrappy : None of the main characters (except for Rachel, Marco, and perhaps Chloe) are liked, due to them being unsympathetic jerks with dysfunctional relationships and a complete inability to properly communicate with each other.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot : Given that Lee witnesses Elle and Marco's kiss during the dance competition , you might think part of his anger against Elle in the third act—on top of finding out she applied to Harvard without telling him —would be about her betraying his brother, given how he came to accept her and Noah's relationship in the first movie. In addition to giving Lee some maturing character growth, it would've been the perfect opportunity to explore the brotherly relationship between Noah and Lee. Sadly, this doesn't happen, and Noah and Lee's relationship remains in the distant background.
  • Trapped by Mountain Lions : The gay romance subplot has next to no relevance to the main plot - save for Elle acting as a matchmaker for Ollie and Miles - and could easily have been cut out. It actually received criticism for this, with some viewers feeling the subplot's lack of development and irrelevance to the story comes off as tokenism. Ironically, it also ended up being one of the most warmly-received parts of the film.
  • She comes off as a complete hypocrite in this film, as she begins getting suspicious of Noah cheating on her as she's forming a relationship with Marco and actually ends up cheating on Noah with Marco in front of thousands of people, including Noah himself , and yet still has the gall to be angry at Noah afterwards. She immediately becomes jealous and paranoid when she sees one of Noah's new friends is a woman, despite knowing nothing about their relationship. Upon finding an earring under Noah's bed, she's understandably suspicious, but instead of asking Noah about it she assumes he cheated and storms off back to California without explaining anything until much later.
  • Then there's her constantly hanging around with Lee and Rachel, and excluding the latter; she isn't being willfully malicious, but considering how intrusive she was being while knowing they were in a relationship, she can come off as very self-absorbed and lacking in awareness to be that oblivious to the feelings of others.
  • Finally, she considers switching her choice of university from Berkeley to Harvard, but intentionally keeps this a secret from Lee even though she knows it will hurt him, as he's under the impression they'll be going to university together. Not only is this selfish and cowardly, but it also makes it seem Elle learned nothing from her mistakes in the first film around keeping secrets.
  • Lee comes off as unsympathetic considering he constantly sidelines his girlfriend in favor of Elle even when Rachel confronts him about it and is still incredibly controlling about his friendship with Elle; he seems to seriously believe Elle not going to the same school is a betrayal even though they're nearly adults. He even fakes an injury to avoid spending time with Elle at dance practice instead of just telling her he and Rachel want space, which subsequently causes problems between Elle and Rachel. There's also the implication that even after the events of the first movie, he still resents Noah and Elle's relationship (what with him implying during the Thanksgiving confrontation that he believes Noah pressured Elle to apply to Harvard).
  • Lee spends most of the film sidelining Rachel in favor of Elle, including bailing on their date and leaving her outside the cinema for 40 minutes in the dark. His idea of apologizing (the first time) is to publicly air their relationship problems at school, after which he continues to neglect her and fails to tell Elle they want space even when Rachel gives him an ultimatum. It's unsurprising that Rachel dumps him, only for them to get back together after Elle sets them up to smooch at the kissing booth...even though this addresses none of the problems they've been having .
  • A lot of viewers felt that Elle and Noah's attempt at a Long-Distance Relationship just proved they were a toxic couple and would be better off apart; Elle is both deeply insecure about Noah cheating on her and hypocritically unfaithful to him with Marco, while Noah doesn't confide in Elle about the problems he was having at Harvard and hides that he's hanging out with Chloe due to her jealousy, which makes her assume the worst . They repeatedly demonstrate they both lie to each other, fail to communicate, and can't trust each other, on top of living thousands of miles apart, but the end of the movie has them happily reconciled .

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‘Kissing Booth 2’ Filmmakers Give an Inside Look Behind the Opening Montage

By Jazz Tangcay

Jazz Tangcay

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Vince Marcello, co-writer and director of “The Kissing Booth 2,” knew he needed an opening scene that quickly updated fans of the original with what Elle ( Joey King ) did over the summer after high school sweetheart Noah (Jacob Elordi) graduated and left for Harvard. Adding to the degree of difficulty: Marcello had to create visual references to Los Angeles in the sequence, even though the sequel, which hits Netflix on July 24, was shot in South Africa.

“The idea I had was to acquaint you with the character in a really fast way that was fun, energetic and exciting,” explains the director, who used snapshots of time — Elle at the beach, watching TV and working on her college essay — as the couple try to maintain their relationship from afar.  

Marcello called on cinematographer Anastas Michos, who framed the first film, to deliver his vision — a flurry of images mixed with music and voiceover. Michos calls the director a master of montage. “He understands cinematic pacing. One question I always asked him, because he’s also a musician, was the rhythm of the scene. A shot always has a beginning, middle and end. A montage has a beginning, middle and end.”

Michos set out to enhance the snappy look of the previous film. He used a Panavision DXL2 camera with primo lenses that helped the colors pop. For budget reasons, he says, he did not shoot in its highest 8K resolution. “We shot in 6K [instead of 4K], framed for 5K, and Marcello could manipulate whatever shots he needed to later. A key moment in the opening montage was how to feature the Hollywood sign that was so iconic in the first film, as the spot where Elle and Noah first make love. Long conversations were held about how to include it in the sequel.

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The vignette was partially shot at an abandoned airport in Cape Town, and was a collaborative effort among Michos, production designer Iñigo Navarro Andres.

Marcello and Michos agreed the shot required the soft light of magic hour to best capture the moment and memory of the place. Andres was tasked with creating the effect. And, Marcello says, “I told Anastas how much sign and grass I needed for the sequence.”

Back in Los Angeles, Michos had used a drone, flying an Alexa Mini, to capture the landmark. He shot Elle on a special VFX plate at the airport in South Africa as she looks at her phone and thinks of texting Noah. In the film, she appears with the Hollywood sign in the background.  

“Through the magic of visual effects, we had Joey King in South Africa and had it appear as if she were in L.A.,” Michos says.

Marcello, who notes that fans on Twitter had called for an update on Elle, sees the shot — and the montage — as the best way to quickly deliver the goods. “[It’s] a great reveal and calls back the first film in a fresh way,” he says. “I didn’t want it to feel like something we had done before.”  

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The kissing booth 3 theory: elle chooses to go to harvard, not berkeley.


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Elle Evans (Joey King) will likely decide to go to Harvard instead of U.C. Berkeley in The Kissing Booth 3 . Netflix's teen movie series dropped its second installment two years after the first The Kissing Booth movie hit the platform in 2018. Based on the novels of the same name written by Beth Reekles, the end of the sequel film sets up the confirmed the third project with Elle having to choose what college to attend.

Unlike its predecessor,  The Kissing Booth 2  had a more complicated story thanks to an expanded cast and focus on other characters than Elle. It started with Elle and Noah Flynn (Jacob Elordi) making the most of their summer together, but things quickly spiraled from there after he left for college. Elle struggled to trust Noah while he's in Boston attending Harvard given his dating history, not to mention the introduction of Chloe Winthrop (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) who seemed to be specifically close to her boyfriend. Noah suggested that Elle applied to Harvard so they can be together, which she did behind Lee Flynn's (Joel Courtney) back — not wanting to tell him that she may not go to Berkeley as they previously agreed upon. All hell broke loose once Lee found out about Elle's secret plan, while her suspicions over Noah's cheating grew stronger. It didn't help that during this tumultuous time, she grew incredibly close to The Los Angeles Country Day High School's newest hotshot, Marco Peña (Taylor Zakhar Perez).

Related:  What To Expect From The Kissing Booth 3

In the end, every single plot complication in The Kissing Booth 2 was resolved. It turns out, Noah wasn't cheating with Chloe, they're just good friends, and Lee ultimately forgave Elle for keeping her college plans secret from him. That said, the sequel left one question left unanswered — where Elle goes to college, a mystery that's saved for The Kissing Booth 3 . But, given everything that has happened in the first two films, there's a good chance that Elle goes to Harvard instead of Berkeley.

The Kissing Booth 2's Elle College Cliffhanger Explained

Elle's falling out with both her boyfriend and best friend resulted in her finally cracking her college essay in The Kissing Booth 2 . Instead of focusing on impressing the admissions officers, she kept her composition simple and reflective of how she really sees herself in the next five years. Before graduating, she received her letters from Berkeley and Harvard, but not wanting to deal with them just yet, she decided to keep them unopened.

Noah came home to celebrate the graduation of Elle and Lee. With everything resolved among the three of them — as well as  Lee's girlfriend, Rachel (Meganne Young), who previously didn't like that Elle was hanging around them so much — the group was simply happy about high school being over. That led to the Flynns asking Elle about the status of her Berkeley and Harvard applications. Instead of telling the truth about getting the letters and opting to deal with them later, she lied instead — saying she's waitlisted in both schools. Later on, she decided to open the letters and discovered that she was accepted to both schools and forcing her to decide for herself where she'll study for college.

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The cliffhanger effectively sets up The Kissing Booth 3 which is already confirmed for a 2021 release date . Instead of answering the lingering mystery up front, chances are that the threequel will make Elle's dilemma a pivotal plot point in the movie. With the school year over, perhaps The Kissing Booth 3 begins with Elle and the Flynns happily spending their summer together — just like how The Kissing Booth 2 started. However, once reality sinks in, Elle will have to eventually make the decision.

Why Elle Is More Likely To Choose Harvard Over Berkeley

The Kissing Booth 2 didn't answer what school Elle is going to choose, and the idea that she's genuinely conflicted about the matter leaves the both options a possibility for the sequel. However, given how hard she worked to be financially able to move to Boston in case she gets accepted to Harvard, it's more likely that she will push through with that plan to be with Noah than stay in California and attend Berkeley with Lee. It was clear in The Kissing Booth 2 that Elle was struggling with the idea of a long-distance relationship with Noah. Now they're able to rectify the situation with Elle moving to be closer to him, chances are that the pair will take the opportunity to be together. If Elle wasn't seriously considering the idea, she wouldn't have put in the time and effort — even begging for Marco — to help her win the Dance Revo contest. It's only fair that she gets to spend her hard-earned money for what it was supposed to be.

While this means breaking Rule No. 19 which states that Elle and Lee promise to go to the same college together, it's time that they acknowledge the fact that the set of rules they created when they're kids is outdated. Circumstances change and they can't be held hostage by their made-up rules and hindered in doing what they think is best for themselves - including going their separate ways for college. The Kissing Booth 3 will expectedly tackle  Elle and Lee becoming full-grown adults , which could include the pair finally acknowledging how silly some of the rules they've come up with.

Why Harvard Is The Right Choice For Elle

In terms of the overall story of the franchise thus far, it makes much more sense for Elle to choose Harvard over the Berkeley in The Kissing Booth 3 . The second film already tackled what a long-distance relationship between her and Noah would be like. Granted that both still have a lot of things to learn when it comes to making their relationship work despite being on opposite ends of the country, putting them in a similar situation that they were in The Kissing Booth 3 would be repetitive and boring for viewers.

On the flip side, separating Elle from Lee would be a new scenario that either of the previous films has tackled; in fact, both movies reiterated how they've been inseparable since birth. This became a major issue between Lee and Rachel in The Kissing Booth 2 when the couple barely got any time together without Elle around them. Overall, it's just a much more interesting narrative route to see how Elle and Lee would cope with being apart from each other. It also poses more opportunities to further explore the romance between Elle and Noah. Since the couple didn't really get to spend much time together in the aftermath of their relationship being outed in the first film, reuniting them in Boston would allow The Kissing Booth 3 to delve more into their dynamic with the upcoming film revealing whether or not they're in it for the long haul.

Next:  Fuller House: Why Jesse Walks Stephanie Down the Aisle (Not Danny)

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The BEST Netflix The Kissing Booth 2 Quotes

By: Author mandipie4u

Posted on Last updated: August 10, 2020

Categories Entertainment

Netflix The Kissing Booth 2 Quotes

The sequel to the Netflix movie The Kissing Booth 2 is now available to stream!  The first movie was a smash hit, which is surprises no one that they came out with a fun sequel to follow up with.  The movie also had some great quotes , as she is always talking about her friendship rules and such.  And like I enjoy doing, I jotted down some of my favorites from the film.  So, check out this list of some of the BEST Netflix The Kissing Booth 2 quotes !

 And if you enjoy these Netflix The Kissing Booth 2 quotes , then you might also want to check out these other posts: Netflix Work It movie quotes , The Umbrella Academy Season 2 quotes , The Secret Dare To Dream quotes , Netflix Animal Crackers quotes , Radioactive movie quotes , Netflix Cursed quotes , Netflix Fatal Affair quotes , Yes God Yes movie quotes , Netflix The Old Guard quotes .

You can also check out my The Kissing Booth 2 movie review and this spoiler post on The Kissing Booth 2 book verse movie ending  & The Kissing Booth 2 memes .

Netflix The Kissing Booth 2 Quotes

Always go to the same school as your bestie.

By the end of the summer, I was feeling pretty sorted out about things with Noah. He was where he is suppose to be and I was where I was suppose to be.

Totally explains why you guys aren’t posting on social anymore.

With different zip codes, breaks-ups are basically automatic.

I’m trying to be mature and not come off like some clingy girlfriend.

I don’t want space, I want you.

It’s literally the only school we’ve ever talked about going to.

You obviously couldn’t see this but, my heart just did a backflip.

To get into top-tier colleges like UC Berkeley and Harvard, you really need to wow them with your personal essay.

Netflix The Kissing Booth 2 Quotes

This guy is a snack indeed! Maybe and entree! Maybe he’s also the dessert too! Maybe he’s the after-after dessert! He’s a big meal that we’re having now! He could bench you, us together at the same time! Do I need glasses? Am I looking at a tray of ice cubes or a six pack? It’s like his sweat produces its own glitter! Hello can we get two tickets to the gun show please because are those arms or cannons? If those abs had instagram, one million followers all day!

Just call me an earthquake cause I am legit shook right now!

Get it girl has a nice ring to it.

I’m a little hungry so, I’m going to go get myself a snack.

Just your run-of-the-mill, breathtaking supermodel goddess. No worries there.

The best thing to hold onto in life is eachother.

What you want to be in 5 years is a difficult question to answer. Because right as I start to figure out one thing, something or someone changes and makes me question everything. And if I’m not sure what I am right now, how could I possibly know what I want to be in five years?

You promised the hottest kissers.  Get him and everything else just falls in line.

I’ll play you any game here.  You win, I do the booth. I win, you babysit my sister for free.

Is this how you spend your Friday nights? Conning people on the DDM machine?

If you can’t make your best friend understand that this relationship is important, then I don’t think we have a relationship.

But when its been awhile since you have seen someone, you do worry. You worry you’ve let your guard down. You worry they don’t miss you. And if its been awhile you even worry if you forgot how to kiss them. You worry about everything.

We are less interested in meeting a person you think we want you to be and far more interested in getting to know the person you really are.

Life throws curves at you, you think it’s heading one way and suddenly realize it’s heading back in the opposite direction. So it’s difficult to know what you’ll want in 5 years when that curve comes flying at you and you’re not sure whether you should try to hit it, catch it or just step out of the way.

I guess I was looking at this whole life you have out there without me and I’m definitely not used to seeing you around all those college girls.

You my dear have been a magnificent bore since Elle left, so I’m taking you out for some fun.

You mean you haven’t seen the Instaphotos of Flynn’s new supermodel?

When you are unsure where you stand, sometimes a leap of faith is the only move you can make.

It’s like I’m trying so hard to hold onto this thing, and it just feels like it’s slipping away.

If I found someone I loved, that was smart and funny and liked the same stuff I liked, I’d never make her feel like that.

You can’t really hold on to someone. Cause the tighter you hold on to them, the more they wanna slip away. All you can do is love them and make sure they know that you’re never gonna slip away.

With you around Elle, I literally can’t spend a night alone with my own boyfriend.

Netflix The Kissing Booth 2 Quotes

Anyone trying to figure out what they’ll be in five years confronts one undeniable fact. Just as a great writer once said, “Perhaps the Earth was made round so that we would not see too far down the road.” We set out on journeys full of hopes and expectations, but when we arrive, the destination never ends up looking exactly the way we had hoped it would.

I do have feelings for you. When we kissed, there was something there. But you’re not the one.

It’s you Noah, it’s always been you.

In five years I want to be my brother’s joy. I want to be my dad’s love and my mom’s warmth. In five years I want to be Rachel’s kindness. I want to be Noah’s courage and his mom’s wisdom. But most of all, I want to be my best friend’s laughter. All those things together is who I want to be in five years.

I’m far from perfect and a long way from knowing everything. But I do know enough to be the very best parts of the people I know best. I only hope that someday I will be.


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  2. The Kissing Booth 2's Inaccurate Portrayal of the College ...

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  4. The Kissing Booth 2 Ending Explained: What College Elle Chose (& When

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    The Best Quotes from The Kissing Booth 2. Elle Evans (Joey King) just had the most romantic summer of her life with Noah Flynn (Jacob Elordi). But now Noah is off to Harvard, and Elle heads back to high school for her senior year. ... -College Interviewer. You look like Justin Bieber before he started being a trucker. -Comedian. Just let go ...

  13. Elle Evans

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  14. The Kissing Booth 3 ending explained: Which college did Elle choose?

    Toward the beginning of the movie, Elle chose Harvard. She chose to be with Noah, and at first, things looked great. However, it all went south from there. Elle tried to have the best summer ...

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  16. Adapting The Novel

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  17. The Kissing Booth 2 (2020)

    The Kissing Booth 2: Directed by Vince Marcello. With Joey King, Joel Courtney, Jacob Elordi, Molly Ringwald. In the sequel to 2018's The Kissing Booth', high school senior Elle juggles a long-distance relationship with her dreamy boyfriend Noah, college applications, and a new friendship with a handsome classmate that could change everything.

  18. 'The Kissing Booth 2' proves why we shouldn't bring Wattpad stories to

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  19. The Kissing Booth 2 / YMMV

    A page for describing YMMV: Kissing Booth 2. Alternate Character Interpretation: Marco. ... Couple at the kissing booth near the end of the movie is actually quite sweet, as is everyone cheering when they end up kissing. Narm: Elle's terrible college essay, which was mocked by both reviewers and audience members.

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    I didn't say they didn't care at all. I said if the person isn't a traditionally competitive applicant (2.3 GPA, no Challenging classes, 1100 SAT, almost no ECs, and an amazing essay), then I would assume that Harvard would choose the competitive applicant with a decent essay (3.9 GPA, lots of challenging classes, 1500 SAT, and stellar ECs).

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  23. The BEST Netflix The Kissing Booth 2 Quotes

    Netflix The Kissing Booth 2 Quotes. Always go to the same school as your bestie. By the end of the summer, I was feeling pretty sorted out about things with Noah. He was where he is suppose to be and I was where I was suppose to be. Totally explains why you guys aren't posting on social anymore. With different zip codes, breaks-ups are ...