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  • Importance of Education Speech


Speech on Importance of Education in English for Students

In one's life, education is an important concern. It is the key to a successful future and to the numerous opportunities we come across in our lives. For an individual, education has many advantages. It not only enlightens the mind but also enhances the thought process of a person. This makes it possible for students to qualify for jobs or pursue higher education. Moreover, education develops the personality, thoughts, and social skills of humans. It not only prepares an individual for various experiences and circumstances in their life but also makes them hold a unique significance in society.

It increases the knowledge of a person and provides them with confidence that is going to help them through their life. Education is important for people of all age groups. People of any age group can get education anytime and anywhere, education has no limitations if you want to have it you can get it anytime and from anywhere. When you talk about education it not only makes you a self-dependent person but it is going to cultivate such values in you that will help you to be a respected person in society.

Long Speech on Importance of Education in English

Today I am going to speak about the Importance of Education. Education plays a key role in the development of an individual. When we think of education, the first thing that strikes our minds is gaining knowledge. Education not only provides an individual with Education is a tool that provides knowledge, skill sets, techniques, and information to people, allowing them to understand their rights and duties to their family, society, and nation. It enhances vision and perspective to see the world. Not only this but it is also the most significant element in the nation's evolution. One will not explore innovative ideas without education. It implies that one can not develop the world as there is no creativity without ideas and there is no development of a nation without creativity.

There are certain ways in which you can teach the students and small children about the importance that education holds. Following are some important ways that you need to follow while teaching the students about the importance of education.

Since we all know that children tend to observe whatever is happening around them, you need to focus on being their role model, if you want them to learn something important like education.

Education can empower individuals in various ways. It helps in eradicating poverty, as it makes an individual capable of getting a job and fulfilling all the basic needs and requirements of the family.  A well-educated person is not easily fooled and is less likely to be involved in social evils. It makes them less susceptible to cheating and getting involved in crime. An increase in educated people ultimately boosts the trade and commerce of a country. It provides the citizens with a deeper understanding of law and order and they are more likely to become law-abiding citizens, as they understand the importance of law and order. Education helps in fighting several societal evils; it demolishes certain sexist customs of child marriage, the Dowry system, Sati Pratha, and also encourages women to become independent.

Education empowers women to stand up for themselves and voice their opinions. A good education adds to the communication skills of a person and helps them express themselves more effectively. We are regarded as a valuable source of knowledge for our society as educated individuals. Education helps us to teach necessary morals, good manners, and wise ethics to others. As well as being good at the physical, mental and social level,besides, it promotes the feeling of living a better life. A good education is constructive, which creates our future. This allows an individual to enhance his mental, physical and spiritual level. By offering knowledge of many areas, it makes us confident individuals. It's enough to say that education matters. Studies show that those educated are more likely to live longer, live healthier lives, and help strangers more.

While children are young, investing in different types of education ensures that they have a strong foundation. Good education is intended not only to get hard work and good results but to accomplish new things for the welfare of the whole human race. Not only does education allow us to study history, science, mathematics, geography, and other subjects, but it also teaches us how to deal with life's bad situations. Therefore, education is essential for a better future. Education not only means getting bookish knowledge but it involves you having knowledge that will help you to evolve as a better human and the one who can protect society from all the evils. 

Short Speech on Importance of Education in English

Today, I am here to share my views on the importance of education. Education among uneducated and poor people is still an issue in this modern, technologically advanced world that urgently needs to be addressed. People's education is a solution to all social, personal, and business issues. To live in society, proper and higher education makes us more civilized. 

Besides, it is very well known that education often generates self-confidence. To have self-confidence, which leads to many positive effects and success in life, is a great blessing for us. It enables us, for instance, to handle specific tasks, to tackle the challenges of life, and to maintain positive positions. Education also directs the individual's undeveloped capabilities, attitudes, interests, impulses, and needs into desirable channels. With the aid of education, the individual can change and modify his environment according to his needs. There are two aspects to man—biological and social. Education not only maintains and transmits the social aspect of mankind but also provides you with knowledge about the biological aspects.

In addition to preserving and transmitting social elements from generation to generation, education also contributes to the enrichment of culture. Our Constitution provides for free and compulsory education, the right of minorities to set up and administer educational institutions, education for weaker sectors, secular education, education for women, primary education in the mother tongue, preservation of national heritage, education in the Union Territories, etc. These constitutional provisions are nothing but our attempt to attain the objective 'Education for All'. Having the right education will help you to be a good human and also enable you to understand how to survive in our society and tackle all the difficulties in our way easily. Whenever we talk about education we know that we are talking about the growth of an individual as a whole. Education is the basic necessity that everyone should have. It helps you to grow mentally and will enable you to be a better human being.

10 Lines on Why Education is Important in Our Life Speech

The ultimate way to gain victory over personal and social problems is education.By altering our mind and personality and improving our confidence level, it transforms us completely from outside as well as inside. 

There are no constraints, people of any age group can get an education at any moment. This allows us to shape our moral conscience.

Anyone can receive education at any age, you just need to have the will to get educated and all the paths are open for you. Education is the most important weapon to improve a person's life. Not only does it provide you with information about the norms of the society but also increases the chances of employment.

Being well educated never only means earning certificates and good salaries from recognized and reputable organizational companies or organizations, but in life, it also means being a good and social person. 

Education is the fundamental right of all capable of bringing any desired change and upliftment in the human mind and society.

Teachers play a very important part in providing a good level of education. The basic education that we receive is from our school. All the basic manners about the ways how to behave or protect the environment and all the other basic education that help you to be a well behaved and sophisticated individual. 

Better education instills better communication among individuals. Furthermore, education helps an individual make better use of technology. This is a technical world, today everywhere you come across a number of technologies every second person is a user of technology whether it is a phone, laptop or any other technology. You only can use these technologies when you are having a better education and knowledge about these technologies.

Whatever we learn from our parents and teachers stays throughout life with us and we pass it on to our next generation.

Our goal of getting an education should be to help other people in society who are needed to get over their vulnerabilities and superstitions. We have often observed that lower sections of society are still so much into superstitions but if they are educated in the right way then only they can overcome such superstitions and can lead a better life.

By maintaining the balance between body, mind, and soul, keeps our mind calm and peaceful.

One can open his/her lock to success through the key of education.


FAQs on Importance of Education Speech

1. How does education help an individual to get employment?

Education provides an individual with information on vivid topics. It not only instils knowledge into an individual but also makes them more confident. It is an obvious fact that if you have information on all the topics that your employer is going to ask you then only you can answer them and it instills a lot of confidence in you. It is observed that an employer always looks for a confident individual who can carry forward the work in difficult situations also. So education is the basic need for employment.

2. Mention the ways in which education will help society?

Education is the most important when we want to bring some changes to our society. We know that the lower uneducated section of the society still follows a lot of superstitions, if only we can educate them with the proper information they can come over these norms and superstitions.

Education helps society by spreading knowledge,  the more knowledge the society will gain, the better will be their standard of living.

3. How can you instill education in the children?

To instil education in children, you need to follow a few important tips.

You need to become a role model for the children. They tend to learn from what they observe in society.

You need to give them diverse opportunities to learn different topics then only they will be able to gain more knowledge.

They should focus more on learning rather than studying. Only studying will not be beneficial anyhow except gaining you some marks.

4. What is the importance of education in an individual's life?

Education provides a person with the knowledge and along with it, it boosts your confidence. It helps you to improve in your career and not only that it also improves your personal life. There are no limitations when we talk about education. You can get an education anywhere at any time, you just need to be willing to acquire the education. Numerous sources will be provided to you that will increase your knowledge. There is a popular saying that says that a person never stops getting educated and it is a fact.

5. How can education change the world?

Education improves the economic growth of the country. It not only increases economic growth but also increases innovation, productivity, as well as human capital. Education besides this fosters positive changes in the society by removing superstitions and many useless norms that were followed for a long time back without the knowledge behind these norms. Education also encourages political participation, environmental sustainability, along with social equality among the individuals of the society.


Speech On Importance of Education [Short & Long]

Speech On Education: Every wise & great personality has emphasised the importance of education . Nelson Mandela has absolutely said that “ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. “ Obviously, Education gives a human power to achieve extraordinary things in life.

Very Short Speech on Education | 1 Minute

“ Education ” The smaller the word, the greater its importance in one’s life. It is called the key to success. But wait do you really know what education means?

Hello, Everyone. Today, I am presenting a speech on education and why it is important. Before I get started I want to wish you all the best wishes for the day & also thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

So. What is education? First of all, Education is not only related to books. schools, colleges & institutions. According to Wikipedia “ Education  is the process of the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits”. Hence the one who is open to learning is a student. And he who learns, he achieves.

Education is a basic right for all humans on the planet. Uneducated people in society are shameful to all of us. The government should ensure education for each and all in the country.

Thank You All for listening to my words.

1 Min Speech on Education's power

3 Min Speech On Education’s Power

Education is the most powerful tool in the world. It can change one’s life beyond imagination. Today, all the prosperity we witness is an outcome of education. If we compare today’s world with the world decades ago, the changes are because of education’s power.

In history. All the great and wise personalities have emphasised the power of education. From Aristotle to Nelson Mandella, From A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to Swami Vivekananda. Everyone tried to explain how education is important to make this planet a better and more beautiful place to live on.

Unfortunately, today we see that everything is messed up. The planet rapidly is becoming a hell to live on. It directly refers to that education is not performing well . To make education perform to its highest efficiency, we need to adopt the concept of “ Each one Teach one “.

Education is a fundamental right of each individual on earth. To reject this fact is wrong. Illiterate youth is the most critical thing for Humankind. Education helps society to get rid of unreasonable beliefs, wrong rituals, and social issues.

Educated people make an educated society and educated societies make an educated nation. Only an educated nation can take the world to new heights of possibilities. The importance of education is completely grasped that’s why education as a national policy is always given the first priority.

An educated society has a powerful bonding among its individuals. Because, people from all sections, castes and creeds gather to obtain knowledge. Thus, education is the initial thing that brings the younger ones together and develops an unusual bonding between them. This means there will be no unreasonable clashes among people.

This is what I wanted to say about education and its power. I hope you liked my speech.

5 Minute Speech on Education [the Key to Success]

Be it an individual’s success, achievements, progress & prosperity or of an organisation, society or country, education is a vital factor that can not be ignored. Education can fetch you outcomes beyond one’s expectations.

Before I continue my speech on “Education is the key to success”, I would like to wish you all the best for the day and also want to pay thanks to all of you for having me a chance to share my thoughts.

If we analyse the present world with a thousand-year past world, What difference do you derive? We have constantly developed ourselves and the world in this previous time. All these changes are the outcomes of education. Education does not mean the stuff provided in schools and colleges . It is actually a system to take someone on the path of progress.

Technologies and advancements in each field made our life so smooth and comfortable. All this was only possible because of education. With the help of education, We have evolved various methods to provide the world with a better life.

Education provides you with knowledge and facts. It expands your thought process and enables a man to interpret everything by himself instead of gathering notions. One can quickly make decisions about his life using his own intelligence. It also helps you to live a stable life and makes you mentally healthy.

Did you ever storm your mind on how education can change the world? Let me present my own opinions. First of all, Education eliminates inequality in society making everyone equal. This will eradicate unreasonable clashes among people.

Second, It provides you with the ability to read and write. So, you can acquire knowledge from books whenever you want & whatever you want. It means you are open to each field’s knowledge all the time.

Third, It gives you a sense of communication that refines one’s speech. Number four, It increases the chances of getting a high-paying job making you employed and achieving a secure life. Number five, education gives you the sense to understand the value of discipline, time and ethnicity. It gives the capability to make a balance in life.

I presented some effects of education on an individual but I also have a list of how education can impact societies. Do correct me in between if I am wrong.

Now it is a turn to talk at a level of a country means how a country is impacted by education. A solid educational system acts for the good of the country. A country is largely judged by its education system and economy.

Any nation is developing day by day just because of its education and technology. Educated people know the difference between a genuine and a corrupt leader for their country.

Educated people understand why to vote for a party to make a positive resolution to the country’s growth. Due to the lack of education, people are left unemployed revealing the cheap level of the economic status of a country. The pathetic situation of a country prevents its growth and improvement. Thus, education is fundamental to increasing economic growth and enhancing income.

I stop my speech here. I hope you like my words.

5 Min speech on education gives one power

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Speech on Education

Being educated is one of the most crucial things in every individual’s life. Education is not just accumulating information but gaining knowledge that would help you to think logically and make the right decisions at a time when they should be made. This article provides you with a gist of the importance of education and sample speeches on education that would guide you to write one on your own.

Table of Contents

Education – how important is it, 1-minute speech on education, 2-minute speech on education and its importance, faqs on education.

‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’. These words by Alexander Pope are so meaningful. Learning should always be complete. No matter what your line of interest might be, knowing just a tad will not help one in any way. The modern age is an age of specialisation. In every field, we need specialists to point us in the right direction. Here, you will learn a lot more about education and how to make a speech on education as appealing and interesting as possible.

According to Horace Mann, ‘A human being is not in any proper sense a human being till he is educated’. An educated individual always knows his manners and behaves gently in public as well as in private scenarios. Education does not just mean learning about all the different subjects and knowing everything up to date. An individual is said to be educated when they are able to apply all that they have learnt in their personal and professional lives effectively and in the best interest of everyone around. So try not to overload yourself with information but try to comprehend what you learn well and put it to great use.

Man has made remarkable progress in the field of science and technology. We have huge industrial units, and we manufacture ships, aeroplanes, trains and even rockets – all evidence of how far we have grown as an educated nation. However, it is not just scientific knowledge that gives manpower. There is spiritual knowledge and the knowledge about oneself, which is also equally important to make oneself a complete human being.

What is as vital as gaining knowledge is that the knowledge you possess should be used only for constructive purposes and for the welfare of one’s fellow human beings and in no way to harm anyone, no matter what. Never use knowledge to one’s advantage. For instance, there is this growing buzz to master the art of ethical hacking. Anything has a good and bad side. An individual who learns hacking can use it for right and wrong purposes. It is up to the individual to decide which side one wants to choose. I would say that even this choice that one has to make is part of one’s education. It shows one’s ability to think rationally and consciously before making a choice.

Education is not whole until the individual learns to respect oneself and others, and value every opinion. Nothing or no one is as attractive and enduring as a clever, focused and compassionate individual. In this world where people use education or educated people to their own advantage, let us try to be unassuming individuals who would put our education to good use, for the welfare of oneself and the whole humankind.

How do you start a speech on education?

Generally, a speech on any topic can be started with a quote related to the topic or with the history or an introduction to the topic. When you draft a speech on education, you can do the same. Starting with a story or even a joke would help get the attention of your audience.

How is education important in our life?

Education has always been mandatory for the intellectual survival of human beings. It is more so in the current scenario where the competition is huge in every field. An individual who does not choose to get himself/herself educated is definitely losing on what is most important to live his/her life happily and peacefully.

How can education change your life?

‘Knowledge is power’, so goes the saying. That is exactly what education gives you. Being educated will give you access to the intellectual world. Be it self learning or supervised learning, you would possess a lot more than you think you do. Every experience would teach you something that would change your life forever.

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Speech About Education

“Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world”- one of the most revolutionary quotes relevant in past, present and future. My speech today is on the same topic. Why did this quote gain such popularity? How does education change the country? What is our role after obtaining an education? These are a few of the questions my speech will provide insight into. Education has transformed humanity and revolutionaries the world. Here are some sample speeches about education.

Speech About Education

10 Lines Speech About Education

The present modern developed, technologically upfront world we are used to was possible due to education.

A popular Sanskrit shloka defines Education as one that can’t be stolen or taken away, divided among others; education increases by giving. An essential wealth among all is education.

As a diverse nation, we have various opinions and views on everything. Education helps individuals to understand and respect others' opinions. Peace can only prevail in a multiculturally diverse country through education.

A well-educated person studies concepts and knows how to apply them to both practical and personal life efficiently.

Education is the only way to gain victory over all social, economic, and personal issues. Henceforth, our constitution has made the right to education a fundamental right.

The age of a person never matters in attaining education. It instils moral conscience and better communication.

A child’s brain is like a blank canvas. Education gives the kid freedom for free thinking, logical and critical thinking and innovative thinking for discoveries and innovation.

To promote education, the government of India has launched several schemes like “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan” - free education to all from age 6-14. Midday meals - free lunch to schools etc.

Higher education is a crucial point in any student's life. To encourage more and more students to pursue it, both State and Central governments have launched my scholarships.

It is also essential to use the knowledge obtained through education in a constructive way towards the welfare of society, not for ill use.

Education is the key to unlocking the secret towards a better life and future.

Short Speech About Education

“Education is not learning facts and figures, but training the mind to think”. - Albert Einstein

Indian philosophy defines jnana as “knowledge” and the art of acquiring it through lessons, instruction and classes as Shiksha or education. A classroom shapes the fate of a nation. It is essential in the development of any country. Education implants social and civic responsibility in people. Education is an extreme necessity for justice, equality, and world peace. The only way to eradicate ignorance among the masses is through education. Education provides skills and critical and logical thinking to a person making him diligent and hard-working.

Education is not about obtaining certificates and degrees or completing the syllabus; it is much more than that. It should aim at the overall well-being of a person physically, mentally and socially. It's about upskilling oneself to solve problems more efficiently.

Education is a chain reaction. An educated person gets his children educated, and society's education ultimately leads to an educated country. A country thrives better under the support of educated citizens. Education helps a person strike a proper balance in life, handling ambiguity. A country can uphold its ethical and integral values through education.

In conclusion, education is key to success. We must create awareness about its benefits and impact. The government has implemented many schemes to promote education. Many underprivileged kids are benefitted from it and escape poverty. We must pass the knowledge we learnt to the next generation.

Long Speech About Education

Education is for improving the lives of others, leaving the community better than it was initially. Originating from the Latin word “Educare”, it means to ‘lead out or bring forth’. It aims at learning the facts, training the mind to think, face any challenge, and improve life. It is a way to acquire wisdom through observation.

Impact Of Education

  • Education helps a person communicate his ideas and thoughts.
  • An educated person can reason analytically, critically, and logically.
  • Education instills the ability in a person to collaborate and cooperate to resolve conflicts.
  • A person can explore problems and conceptualise solutions through education.
  • An educated person has endurance, perseverance, adaptability, and discipline.
  • Education makes a man culturally, spiritually, morally, intellectually, technologically, and philosophically literate.
  • It helps in fighting social stigmas. Through education, we could demolish customs like child marriages and Sati Pratha.
  • Education empowers women to be independent and voice their opinions. Women can achieve financial freedom through education.

Initiatives Taken

Many Strategies and efforts are made towards Education. Universal access to quality is a fundamental right of every kid in India. To promote education, the Indian government introduced “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)” or "Universal Education Scheme”. It aims at providing free and compulsory education to all kids of age 6-14 years. SSA also aims to provide life skills. It also has special programs for girls and children with special needs.

The oldest running and the most successful policy is the mid-day meals policy. Under this policy, the central government provides free after-lunch to the students—milk in the morning. Nutritionists curate meals offered to facilitate proper growth among students. Started on 15th August 1995, this program has benefitted crores of children. To encourage girls, the government provides proper sanitation facilities in schools. Children are provided with free stationery and uniform dress too.

The Education System

Problems are part and parcel of life. Similarly, the education system has its problems. Although “universal education for all” has been a motto of our government, we still have a long way to go. Income disparity between rural and urban areas and women’s and backward community education need tremendous work.

Education obtained must be used for the constructive purpose of the welfare of society. Few people, for selfish gains, sometimes use their knowledge for unfair and unjust purposes. It is essential to create awareness regarding this.

Finally, addressing the lack of financial literacy at a young age. Subjects like physics, maths etc., are taught to us in school, but not the practical skills required to excel in life. Concepts like saving, investments, asset management, shares and bonds etc., must be taught in our educational institutions. A student must be financially literate before being employed to manage his finances well.

Story Of My Neighbour

My neighbour, an aunty, is very enthusiastic, knowledgeable and lovely. Her dream was to become a doctor. While pursuing her 2nd-year medicine, due to some financial and personal issues, she had to give up her dream of being a doctor and had to support her family through her job. Fifteen years later, she was comfortable in her life, and she decided to pursue her studies again. She successfully obtained her doctorate and treated underprivileged people for free. She also helps other kids like her who are unable to support their education financially. This incident is a fine example of how educating one person can lead to a chain system of bettering society.

Darwin’s theory expletives on the fact “Survival of the fittest”. Education is the tool for it. It is of utmost necessity. It bestows a person with strength, knowledge, financial independence and, importantly, thinking. Valuing others' views and treating everyone with respect is the basis of education. Educated people make a better family, home, community, and ultimately a better and happy country.

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Speeches > James D. Gordon III > The Joy of Education and Lifelong Learning

The Joy of Education and Lifelong Learning

James d. gordon iii.

March 15, 2013

I am happy to be here with you today. I remember when I was a university student. Like some of you, I had trouble deciding what my major should be. First I thought about majoring in economics. That way, if I couldn’t get a job after I graduated, at least I would understand why.

Then I thought I might major in physical education. I went down to the gym to lift weights, but the laughter made it difficult to concentrate.

I sampled some classes, but I didn’t always do very well. For example, I took a photography class. I just about went crazy trying to take a close-up of the horizon. The teacher in that class gave me an F minus. He said that giving me an F would be unfair to the people who failed normally.

I studied chemistry, but I thought that there were only four elements on the periodic table: earth, air, fire, and water. I thought that fire had three electrons in the outer shell.

I thought about studying math. It has been reported that 60 percent of Americans cannot do basic math. Sixty percent! That’s nearly half! But we shouldn’t laugh—and most of you didn’t, and I appreciate that.

Seek Learning

Seriously, I would like to speak about the joy of education and lifelong learning. Life is a test, and life is also a school. The Lord has invited us to seek learning. He said, “Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” 2  He commanded early Church leaders to “study and learn, and become acquainted with all good books, and with languages, tongues, and people.”  3

Three reasons why we should learn are to develop personally, to increase our ability to serve others, and to be prepared in all things. Brigham Young said, “Our education should be such as to improve our minds and fit us for increased usefulness; to make us of greater service to the human family.” 4

President Thomas S. Monson taught:

Your talents will expand as you study and learn. You will be able to better assist your families in their learning, and you will have peace of mind in knowing that you have prepared yourself for the eventualities that you may encounter in life. 5

Learning helps us to be prepared in all things. The Lord said:

Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;

Of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms—

That ye may be prepared in all things when I shall send you again to magnify the calling whereunto I have called you, and the mission with which I have commissioned you. 6

Being prepared in all things includes being prepared for the world of work so that you can provide for yourself and your family.

It is a great privilege to study at Brigham Young University. You have the opportunity to learn in an environment that is consistent with the principles of the gospel. Being a student here is a position of trust. As you know, the Church pays for much of your education. You have the responsibility to study hard, to obey the Honor Code, and to prepare for future service. Hopefully throughout your life you will look back on your time here with fondness and cherish the memories.

On Pursuing a BYU Education

I would like to offer some advice as you pursue your education here. I hope that I don’t sound like Polonius giving advice to Laertes in Shakespeare’s play  Hamlet— especially when I remember what happened to Polonius. I am not referring to the fact that he was killed behind the arras, but rather to the fact that over the centuries he has been portrayed by literally thousands of bad actors.

First, do your best in school. You might recall a story about a person who was asked to build a house. He decided to cut corners, use cheap materials, and do a poor job. When he was done, the owner handed him the key and said, “I’d like to give you this house as a gift.”

Attending the university is like that. You can work hard and do a good job, or you can cut cor-ners and do a poor job. Be fair with yourself by giving your best effort. I encourage you to work diligently, to learn a lot, and to prepare well for the future.

Second, do things to enrich your education, such as having a mentored-learning experience with a faculty member, publishing an article, doing an internship, working in BYUSA, or participating in a student club. Perhaps you can be a teaching assistant or a research assistant or participate in a performing group. BYU offers so many opportunities to develop and grow. When you look back on your education here, these extra activities will have special meaning.

You might participate in intramural sports. Personally, I’m not very athletic. I tell my students that I played football in high school. They had a play designed especially for me. It was called “Pencilneck Right.” You know how BYU uses the run to set up the pass? Well, Pencilneck Right was used to set up the injury timeout.

When I was in high school I was in the chess club. I tell my students that I had a rook on my letterman jacket. Do you know what it says when you walk around campus with a rook on your letterman jacket? “Don’t mess with me, pal. Checkmate!”

Third, give service. It is important to fulfill Church callings and to perform other service. Y-Serve, the Center for Service and Learning, located in the Wilkinson Student Center, offers many opportunities to serve in the community. Service is important for its own sake, and it helps you to keep a broader perspective and to stay balanced.

Fourth, make friends. Even though your classmates are not as good-looking—and not as humble—as you are, they are bright, good, and interesting people. The friendships you make here can last throughout your whole life and can be a particularly sweet aspect of your university experience. Take time to make friends.

When I was in high school I didn’t have many friends. Once I told my dad that the other kids were giving me a hard time about my religion. My father sat down next to me, and, in his fatherly way, he said, “Son, it doesn’t matter what race you are or what religion you are. There will always be people who don’t like you—because you’re irritating.”

Fifth, attend devotional and forum addresses and other events, such as academic presentations, concerts, plays, and art exhibits. These are wonderful opportunities.

Sixth, enjoy your university education. It’s exciting, fascinating, challenging, and fun. The secret to happiness is not to look forward to some future time when all your problems will be solved. The secret is to be happy today.

The Joy and Sweetness of Lifelong Learning

There is joy in learning. In some Hebrew schools a special ceremony occurs on the first day of class. The teacher places a drop of honey on the cover of a book and gives the book to the student, who licks the honey off. The symbolic message is that learning is sweet.

Learning can also be challenging. Sometimes the learning curve is steep. When we are acquiring new knowledge or skills, we may feel uncertain, and we may make mistakes. However, being stretched means that we are growing. If we ask Heavenly Father in prayer, He will increase our ability to learn and help us to overcome our challenges.

Hopefully your university education will provide a foundation for lifelong learning. As  The Aims of a BYU Education  describes:

BYU should inspire students to keep alive their curiosity and prepare them to continue learning throughout their lives. BYU should produce careful readers, prayerful thinkers, and active participants in solving family, professional, religious, and social problems. . . . Thus a BYU diploma is a beginning, not an end, pointing the way to a habit of constant learning. In an era of rapid changes in technology and information, the knowledge and skills learned this year may require renewal the next. Therefore, a BYU degree should educate students in how to learn, teach them that there is much still to learn, and implant in them a love of learning “by study and also by faith.” 7

The most important area of lifelong learning is spiritual learning. We seek answers through prayer. We read the scriptures regularly so that they become part of our lives. Reading the scriptures reminds us of the Lord’s commandments, the covenants that we have made to keep them, and the blessings of the gospel. Studying the scriptures also invites the Holy Ghost, who guides our decisions and helps us to learn. Elder Russell M. Nelson said: “Faith is nurtured through knowledge of God. It comes from prayer and feasting upon the words of Christ through diligent study of the scriptures.” 8

Regardless of one’s opportunities for formal education, a person can engage in lifelong learning. My grandfather was Jim Gordon. His parents were Scottish immigrants. He was only able to finish the eighth grade before he went to work. He drove a delivery wagon in San Francisco when he was a young man.

Automobiles replaced horse-drawn wagons. Later my grandfather became a mechanic. He brought books about diesel engines home from work, and he read them. Eventually he became the supervisor over all the diesel equipment for a substantial company. Although his opportunity for formal education was limited, he kept learning on his own. His most important learning experiences occurred when, later in life, he decided to enter the waters of baptism and to receive the blessings of the temple.

When my grandfather was young, he drove a horse-drawn wagon. However, his world changed. During his lifetime he flew in passenger planes, and astronauts landed on the moon. Your world will change too. Many of the changes will be positive and exciting; others may present challenges. Will you be prepared to meet the challenges that will arise during your lifetime?

We need to continue to learn throughout our lives. President Gordon B. Hinckley told graduating BYU students:

We live in a world where knowledge is developing at an ever-accelerating rate. Drink deeply from this ever-springing well of wisdom and human experience. If you should stop now, you will only stunt your intellectual and spiritual growth. Keep everlastingly at it. Read. Read. Read. Read the word of God in sacred books of scripture. Read from the great literature of the ages. Read what is being said in our day and time and what will be said in the future. 9

Personally, I love to read. I tell my students that my first job was as a proofreader in an M&M factory. You have your own patterns for reading. One thing that helps me is that my wife, Nadine, and I belong to a book group with some friends. During the school year we meet almost monthly. We take turns: a couple chooses a book, hosts the book group in their home, leads the discussion, and serves refreshments afterward. We have read books about a wide variety of subjects. I had never even heard of many of these books before, but I have enjoyed reading them very much.

In addition, I have always enjoyed words. When I was a boy and I would encounter a word I didn’t know, sometimes I would ask my father what it meant. He would reply, “Look it up.” My father usually knew the answer, but he wanted me to learn how to look words up. So I would open the dictionary that sat on the bookshelf in our living room and look the word up.

Later I wanted to learn more words. One summer my friend John Tanner (who later became a BYU English professor) and I worked as groundskeepers at the Oakland California Temple. On some days we would each write five words and their definitions on an index card and put the card in our shirt pocket. Then we would share the words and use them in sentences during the day. My favorite word from that summer was  halcyon.  It means calm, peaceful, tranquil, or golden. As we pulled weeds and performed other physical labor on the beautiful temple grounds, we would exclaim, “Oh, those halcyon days of youth!” Now, as I look back, I see that they really were halcyon days.

In our busy lives, how can we make time to continue learning? I believe in consistent, incremental progress—small steps over time. For example, one doesn’t learn to play the piano in a single day. One must practice daily for several years. After many small increments, one can eventually play hymns, popular songs, or classical music. Lifelong learning is like that. We need to schedule some time each day to study the scriptures. We can also regularly read a little in other books. We learn “line upon line” and “precept upon precept.” 10

Elder Dallin H. Oaks and Sister Kristen M. Oaks wrote:

There are few things more fulfilling and fun than learning something new. Great happiness, satisfaction, and financial rewards come from this. An education is not limited to formal study. Lifelong learning can increase our ability to appreciate and relish the workings and beauty of the world around us. This kind of learning goes well beyond books and a selective use of new technology, such as the Internet. It includes artistic endeavors. It also includes experiences with people and places: conversations with friends, visits to museums and concerts, and opportunities for service. We should expand ourselves and enjoy the journey. 11

Two Stumbling Blocks of Learning

There are two issues connected with learning about which we must be careful. First, learning can lead to pride. In 2 Nephi Jacob wrote:

O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.

But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God. 12

President Ezra Taft Benson taught:

Pride is the universal sin, the great vice. . . .

The antidote for pride is humility—meekness, submissiveness. (See Alma 7:23.) It is the broken heart and contrite spirit. 13

Humility opens our hearts and minds to learning. By contrast, thinking that we already know everything impedes our learning. King Benjamin taught that a person needs to become “as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.” 14

Second, we should expect that at times apparent conflicts may arise between secular learning and gospel principles. “[T]he gospel encompasses all truth.” 15  At the groundbreaking of the BYU Eyring Science Center in 1948, President George Albert Smith said:

I want to say that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints accepts all that is true in the world from whatever source it may come, with the knowledge that it originated with the greatest of all scientists, our Father in Heaven. . . .

And so I congratulate the students of this great institution  [BYU]  to think that you have all the advantages that the people of the world have, plus the advantages of faith in God, a belief in the power of our Heavenly Father, and His inspiration. 16

The Aims of a BYU Education  states:

Students need not ignore difficult and important questions. Rather, they should frame their questions in prayerful, faithful ways, leading them to answers that equip them to give “a reason of the hope that is in” them (1 Peter 3:15) and to articulate honestly and thoughtfully their commitments to Christ and to His Church. 17

When human knowledge and the gospel appear to conflict, we should remember that human knowledge is limited. Eternal truth is not limited, but our understanding of it is incomplete. After this life, if we are worthy, we will understand all truth. Meanwhile, we seek answers to faithful questions. We study, ponder, pray, and have patience. We exercise faith in God. He blesses us with greater knowledge, understanding, and peace in our lives.

We should be humble about what we know and what we do not know. An angel appeared to Nephi. Nephi wrote:

And he said unto me: Knowest thou the condescension of God?

And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things. 18

We do not know the meaning of all things, but we do know that God loves His children.

God’s wisdom supersedes human knowledge. Elder Oaks wrote:

We are commanded to seek learning by study, the way of reason, and by faith, the way that relies on revelation. Both are pleasing to God. He uses both ways to reveal light and knowledge to his children. But when it comes to a knowledge of God and the principles of his gospel, we must give primacy to revelation because that is the Lord’s way. 19

We should also remember to put the gospel, not our academic discipline, first in our lives. Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” 20

The Strength in Learning

This is a wonderful time to be on the earth. There are so many opportunities for lifelong learning. If we do our best and seek Heavenly Father’s help, He will strengthen us beyond our natural abilities and help us to learn. That learning will enable us to develop personally, will increase our ability to serve others, and will help us to be prepared in all things.

I testify that the gospel is true. Heavenly Father lives and loves us, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

1. Marion B. and Rulon A. Earl Professor of Law, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University. Apologies and thanks to Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Steven Wright, and others.

2. D&C 88:118.

3. D&C 90:15.

4.  JD  14:83.

5. Thomas S. Monson, “Three Goals to Guide You,”  Ensign,  November 2007, 119.

6. D&C 88:78–80.

7.  The Mission of Brigham Young University  and  The Aims of a BYU Education  (Provo: BYU, 1996), 12.

8. Russell M. Nelson, “With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible,”  Ensign,  May 1988, 34.

9. Gordon B. Hinckley, “A Three-Point Challenge,” BYU commencement address, 27 April 1995; excerpt in  TGBH,  171.

10. D&C 98:12; 2 Nephi 28:30.

11. Dallin H. Oaks and Kristen M. Oaks, “Learning and Latter-day Saints,”  Ensign,  April 2009, 27.

12. 2 Nephi 9:28–29.

13. Ezra Taft Benson, “Beware of Pride,”  Ensign,  May 1989, 6.

14. Mosiah 3:19.

15. Elder Cecil O. Samuelson Jr. on Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s views, quoted in Bruce C. Hafen,  A Disciple’s Life: The Biography of Neal A. Maxwell  (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2002), 167; see also Henry Eyring, quoted in Henry J. Eyring,  Mormon Scientist: The Life and Faith of Henry Eyring  (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2007), 60.

16. George Albert Smith, “Address at Ground Breaking Ceremonies for the Physical Science Building at Brigham Young University,” 11 May 1948, 2, 4; this quotation is posted on the fifth floor of the BYU Harold B. Lee Library.

17.  The Aims,  4.

18. 1 Nephi 11:16–17.

19. Dallin H. Oaks,  The Lord’s Way  (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1991), 72.

20. 3 Nephi 13:33.

© Brigham Young University. All rights reserved.

James D. Gordon III

James D. Gordon III1 was assistant to the president for planning and assessment and a professor of law at BYU when this devotional address was given on 26 March 2013.

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Short speeches for students

Short speeches for students are an important part of academic life, and they play a vital role in shaping the character and personality of students. Whether it is a graduation ceremony, a school assembly, or a special event, speeches can be used to inspire, motivate, and educate students. In this article, we will analyze the importance of short speeches for students, discuss some common themes, and provide tips for delivering a powerful and effective speech.

Importance of Short Speeches for Students

Short speeches for students are important for several reasons. First, they provide an opportunity for students to hear from experts, leaders, and role models who can inspire them and provide valuable insights and advice. Second, they can help students develop critical thinking, communication, and public speaking skills, which are essential for success in school and beyond. Third, they can create a sense of community and belonging by celebrating shared values, achievements, and experiences.

Common Themes for Short Speeches for Students

Short speeches for students can cover a wide range of topics, depending on the occasion and audience. However, some common themes include:

  • The importance of education: Students need to understand the value of education and how it can help them achieve their goals and dreams.
  • Goal setting and motivation: Students need to learn how to set realistic and achievable goals and stay motivated despite challenges and setbacks.
  • Leadership and teamwork: Students need to develop leadership and teamwork skills, which are essential for success in school and in life.
  • Overcoming obstacles and adversity: Students need to learn how to overcome obstacles and adversity and develop resilience and perseverance.
  • Diversity and inclusion: Students need to understand and appreciate the diversity of people and cultures and learn how to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone.

Tips for Delivering a Powerful and Effective Speech

Delivering a powerful and effective speech requires preparation, practice, and confidence. Here are some tips for delivering a great speech:

  • Know your audience: Before you start writing your speech, consider your audience’s interests, needs, and expectations. What do they want to hear? What are their concerns and challenges? Tailor your message to their needs and interests.
  • Start strong: Your opening line should grab the audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the speech. Use a quote, a story, a statistic, or a question to engage your audience and create a connection.
  • Keep it simple: Your message should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid jargon, acronyms, and technical terms that your audience may not understand.
  • Use stories and examples: Stories and examples are a powerful way to illustrate your message and make it more memorable. Use real-life stories and examples that your audience can relate to and learn from.
  • Be authentic: Your speech should reflect your personality, style, and values. Be yourself and speak from the heart. Authenticity builds trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Practice your speech several times before delivering it. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself, or practice with a friend or family member. Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language.
  • Be confident: Confidence comes from preparation and practice. Believe in yourself and your message. Stand tall, make eye contact, and speak with conviction.

Short speeches for students are a powerful tool for inspiring, motivating, and educating students. They can help students develop critical thinking, communication, and public speaking skills, and create a sense of community and belonging. By covering common themes such as the importance of education, goal setting and motivation, leadership and teamwork, overcoming obstacles and adversity, and diversity and inclusion, short speeches can provide valuable insights and advice for students. By following the tips for delivering a powerful and effective speech, speakers can ensure that their message resonates with the audience and makes a lasting impact. In conclusion, short speeches for students are an important part of academic life, and speakers should take them seriously and prepare accordingly. By doing so, they can inspire and motivate students to reach their full potential and make a positive impact on the world.

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A Speech on the Importance of Education (Template)

Education is often used as a tool to judge people and are segregated if they are fit for society or not. It is used as a judgment tool rather than being used to discuss its importance in one’s life. It is an essential part of one’s life that molds a person into this modern industrialized world we live in. To survive in this competitive world, people need a good education. Modern society is based on a high standard of living and knowledgeable people who can implement better solutions to problems. For various reasons, a discussion on the importance of Education is essential to make proper use of it. 

Table of Contents

Speech on the Importance of Education

Education is a process and means of learning where knowledge, skills, ideas, and thoughts move from one generation to the other as time passes. Education is an essential and major factor in a human’s overall development and growth.

Like the personal, social, and also economic development of our country, if we talk about the importance of education in our life, we have to admit that it improves our personal lives as well as professional lives in various ways.

The major types of education systems are:

Formal Education:  Formal education is a type of learning where a person learns basic, academic, or some trade skills for his well-being and living. Formal education starts at the basic level of a human. It comes under some institutions like schools, colleges, or universities. Formal education is provided by professionals who are highly qualified and educated.

Informal Education:  Informal education is the education system where people do not learn from a formal institution. No specific method or technique is required for this type of education. As parents teach their children to do daily activities and other simple as well as important things in life, then these lessons can be called informal education.

A person can be able to get an informal education by reading books from any library on the internet. This kind of education has no particular syllabus or any specific time.

Importance of Education in Our Life

Education is one of the most important factors for personal development as well as for the social and economic growth of our country. Education is very important for living a happy and peaceful life.

It gives us strength and motivates our minds to nurture good ideas and increase our knowledge every day. Education makes us able to learn and implement new skills and techniques for our future progress. Education is necessary for a person’s proper and good standard of living. 

Importance of Education for a Student

Education is the prime and mandatory requirement in the life of a student. It helps the students in becoming worthy to make important decisions in life for the benefit of everyone. Education is necessary for a student as after being educated enough, a student will be able to select a good career option for them, thus progressing towards a good and secured future.

They can be a successful person in life with the help of education. A proper education enables the students to bring improvement their skills of communication.

Education is one of the primary requirements for being happy and satisfied in our life. Without any education, a person’s life can become very difficult and hard to maintain.

Many thanks to all of you for your time today.

Short speech on the importance of Education

Education helps a person acquire knowledge and increase confidence in life, career advancement, and personal growth. An educated person can be an asset to society by using the weapon of Education to eradicate poverty and inequality and pave the way for self-independence. It helps you make the right decisions in life. The modern industrialized world runs on the wheels of Education. To remain competitive, we need Education as the torch of instruction. By being educated, the mass can reach the pinnacle of success, thus, contributing to making their nation safer and more advanced.

10 Lines on Why Education is important in our life speech

1) It is a systematic way of learning.

2) Accomplished by attending school or college.

3) It gives us knowledge about everything that is happening around us.

4) This knowledge will lead to the proper use of resources of the natural world.

5) It makes us intelligent and enhances our decision-making power. 

6) Easy hiring of educated and qualified personnel.

7) A good job brings a good income for a good life.

8) As education increases, so does unemployment.

9) Education is a tool for ridding society of social vices.

10) It also leads to the progress and development of society and the nation.

A Speech on Value of Education :

In these modern times, we all know the value of education and this is the reason why so much emphasis and importance have been laid down in educating the people and citizens by opening many more schools, universities and colleges in near about all areas around the planet. Considering the importance of the topic and how often the people are seen in giving an instruction on the need of education, we have to try to increase this awareness.

Education is the most empowering tool and the greatest gift of god for the mankind. It is an essential need for all, especially for the poor section of society who have nothing show, but need education to gain a good existence.

We have to respect education and study with a responsible approach because it helps us in establishing into a complete person and achieve good future and respect, thus increasing the authoritative power of the nation and world also. It helps us becoming civilized, humane and helps us in differentiating ourselves from the other course beings. Education leads us to wail in the path of towards light from darkness and empowers us with good characteristic such as rationality, tolerance, the power to pursue, etc.

However, it’s important to pursue the right kind of education that benefits us and our country as a whole.  We have to try hard to gain the beneficial knowledge not those which are devastating in nature and aims at war, thus destructing the peace of our country and the world. The knowledge of weapons and devastating bombs is good when it is used for the purpose of defense of the nation, but the time when it is used for killing purposes; then the knowledge and education becomes corrupt and despicable.

So it is very important to make a clear distinction between the good knowledge, which we should study and the bad knowledge and make constant efforts to educate our fellow citizens and ourselves with the right of education so that we can bring people and nations together and uproot such devastating problems of our society such as poverty, ignorance, unemployment, crime, etc.

But I would like to express some of my personal opinions. Though we are working good and are receiving a positive response from some areas, but we can still feel that something is wrong and that is the other activities which help in increasing our overall physical and mental growth.  The real value of education comes from not just in reading the books and doing well in exams, but it’s also about its practical application.

One should not make the students robots, it is one’s duty to encourage them to do something good and to be creative as much as they can. Therefore we need to teach other activities for them besides the academics. Like this the students will be able to achieve various special things in their lives.

Why is critical race theory important in Education?

~ In education, the CRT is a useful resource for deconstructing approach issues. School subsidies, segregation, language agreements, disciplinary strategies, testing, and accountability policies. CRT focuses on outcomes, not just individual beliefs, and requires those outcomes to be investigated and corrected.

What is classical Education?

~ Classical Education is like a huge museum with many beautiful rooms full of wonders that are studied for a lifetime if wanted. Emphasis is on a long educational tradition. It emphasized the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty, the study of liberal arts and books by great authors and Nobel laureates.

What does it mean to be educated?

~ Education protects and supports the ability to receive, accept and transform life. It is about the skill to effectively interact with people in society to maintain peace and harmony. Education drives us to apply the acquired knowledge and skills positively and constructively for the benefit of self, society, and nation.

What is formal Education?

~ Formal Education is a systematic and standard form of learning. This is a standard of Education given to students by trained teachers. Formal Education in any country is looked upon by an organization that ensures that the process is standardized and that all professional institutions (schools, colleges, universities, etc.) follow these guidelines.

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Speech on Education for Students in English

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  • Updated on  
  • Jan 17, 2024

Speech on Education

Speech on Education: When Dr. BR Ambedkar said “Education is something which ought to be brought within the reach of everyone”, he was highlighting the importance of education for mankind. He believed that education plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of life and uplifting the downtrodden. A person with access to formal education can significantly contribute to the development of her/their/his society and country. This thought resonates in the statement “A person who is awakened knows what is best for him/her, knows the difference between right and wrong and that is when he is known as educated.” by Janardan Waghmare, former Rajya Sabha Member of the Indian Parliament. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 2 Minute Speech on Education in English
  • 2 10 Lines on Speech on Education for Students
  • 3 Top Ambedkar Quotes on Education

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2 Minute Speech on Education in English

Good morning fellow students, teachers, and other faculty members. Today, I am standing before you to present a speech on education. 

We all know that education is the magic pill to personal and professional success. To acknowledge the significance of education in our lives, let us first understand the definition of education. Education is learning new things, unlearning wrong information, and exploring the world around us. Therefore, it is a guiding light that helps us become better versions of ourselves.

Our learning process begins at home with our parents and family members. Then we enter the formal education system in school. Our school is the most significant place where the magic of education happens. In our school, our teachers are like magicians who guide us through the wonders of learning. They help us understand numbers, explore words, unearth history, experiment with the mysteries of science, and explore the world around us. 

Knowing how pivotal education is important for us, we cannot imagine a world without education. If there is no learning in our lives, we will not be able to read, write, or communicate effectively. Thus, we can safely say that education arms us with the power to share ideas, understand society, and express ourselves. Thus, it helps us to become good citizens who contribute to our country’s growth.

Also, education helps us become kind and respect others. It also encourages us to become effective team members. These values shape us into empathetic and responsible humans. As we learn, we not only gain knowledge but also develop the skills to face the world with confidence.

We must remember that education is a privilege. Therefore, we must make the most of it. So, let us appreciate our educational institutions, teachers, and learning opportunities. Therefore, we must embrace all the possibilities that education opens for us.  

With this, I come to the end of my speech. I thank you all for listening and being patient. 

Also Read: Article on the Importance of Education in 100 to 350 Words

10 Lines on Speech on Education for Students

Here are 10 lines that you can include in your speech on education:

  • Education refers to learning new things and understanding the world around us.
  • Informal education starts at home.
  • Formal education begins in school where we learn to read, write, speak, and understand.
  • Education is beyond classroom learning.
  • Education helps us become better human beings.
  • Understanding the world through books and personal experiences helps us become empathetic human beings.
  • Learning about history and political science empowers us to become better citizens.
  • Education helps us become kind and respectful individuals.
  • Knowledge about people helps us communicate with different types of people.
  • A world without education would be chaotic and invaluable.

Also Read: Importance of Education in India

Top Ambedkar Quotes on Education

As Ambedkar always advocated for the education of women and oppressed castes of Indian society, we can include his quotes in our speech on education. To assist you create an exemplary speech, we have the top 5 Most inspiring Ambedkar quotes on education :

Also Read: Essay on Education: Samples in 100, 250 and 500 Words

Ans: Here are 10 lines on what is education: 1. Education is the process of learning values, gaining knowledge, and acquiring skills. 2. It includes informal learning through experiences and formal education in schools, colleges, and universities. 3. It is a lifelong journey focused on continuous learning and positive growth. 4. Education prepares us for future careers and personal development. 5. It helps foster an in-depth understanding of the world around us.

Ans: You start by introducing yourself and speaking about the definition of education. Then you focus on the significance of education and how education shapes our personality. 

Ans: Education is important for the following reasons: 1. Education introduces us to the world of numbers, words, science, history, geography, and other academic subjects. 2. It helps us become good citizens. 3. Also, it enables us to become kind and compassionate human beings. 4. Further, it helps us lead a better life. 5. Moreover, it is a tool that empowers the deprived population of society.

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Ankita Singh

Ankita is a history enthusiast with a few years of experience in academic writing. Her love for literature and history helps her curate engaging and informative content for education blog. When not writing, she finds peace in analysing historical and political anectodes.

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Importance Of Education Speech

Importance Of Education Speech: Unlocking Power of Education

Education is the key to unlocking the potential within individuals and societies. It is a powerful tool that can transform lives, shape communities, and drive progress. In this speech, I will delve into the importance of education speech in today’s society, exploring how it shapes individuals, promotes personal growth and development, and serves as a fundamental human right.

Furthermore, the impact of education on social and economic progress emphasizes the importance of value education in shaping ethical individuals.

Finally, it will address the challenges and barriers to education, highlighting the role of technology, including AI, in enhancing educational opportunities. Through inspiring stories and examples, I hope to shed light on the immense power education holds and provide practical tips for delivering an impactful speech on the importance of education.

Table of Contents

The Significance of Education in Today’s Society

Education plays a crucial role in shaping the fabric of society. It catalyzes social mobility, enabling individuals to escape poverty and inequality. A well-educated society fosters innovation, creativity, and critical thinking, leading to advancements in various fields. Moreover, education equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to actively participate in democratic processes actively, fostering a sense of civic responsibility and engagement.

How Education Shapes Individuals and Communities

Education is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it is about personal growth and development. It instills values such as empathy, compassion, and resilience, shaping individuals into well-rounded human beings.

Additionally, education cultivates a sense of community and fosters social cohesion. It brings people from diverse backgrounds together, promoting understanding, tolerance, and inclusivity. Education uplifts entire communities by empowering individuals to reach their full potential, laying the foundation for a brighter future.

The Role of Education in Personal Growth and Development

Education is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It provides individuals the tools and opportunities to explore their passions, pursue meaningful careers, and contribute to society. Through education, individuals gain knowledge and invaluable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.

These skills are essential in navigating the complexities of the modern world and adapting to an ever-changing landscape. Education empowers individuals to become lifelong learners, continuously expanding their horizons and embracing new opportunities.

Education as a Fundamental Human Right

Education is not a privilege; it is a fundamental human right. Regardless of their background or circumstances, everyone deserves access to quality education. Through education, individuals can break free from the cycle of poverty, discrimination, and inequality. Education provides a pathway to a brighter future, offering personal and professional growth opportunities. As global citizens, our collective responsibility is to ensure that every child, adolescent, and adult can receive a quality education, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographical location.

The Role of Education in Personal Growth and Development

The Impact of Education on Social and Economic Progress

Education is a powerful driver of social and economic progress. It equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to participate in the workforce, fostering economic growth and reducing unemployment rates. Moreover, education empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health, leading to improved overall well-being and reduced healthcare costs.

Furthermore, education is pivotal in bridging the gender gap, promoting gender equality, and empowering women and girls to participate fully in society. By investing in education, societies can unlock their full potential and build a prosperous future for all.

The Importance of Value Education in Shaping Ethical Individuals

While academic knowledge is essential, education must go beyond the classroom. Value education plays a crucial role in shaping ethical individuals guided by integrity, empathy, and respect.

Education creates a moral compass that guides individuals in making ethical decisions by instilling values such as honesty, compassion, and social responsibility. Value education encourages individuals to become active contributors to society, promote social justice, and address pressing global challenges like climate change and poverty.

Addressing the Challenges and Barriers to Education

Despite the importance of education , numerous challenges and barriers hinder access and quality. Poverty, discrimination, conflict, and inadequate infrastructure are just a few examples of the obstacles that prevent individuals from receiving an education.

Addressing these challenges through targeted policies, increased investment, and collaboration between governments, civil society, and the private sector is vital. By working together, we can create inclusive educational systems that leave no one behind, ensuring that education becomes a reality for all.

The Role of Technology, Including AI, in Enhancing Education

Technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), has the potential to revolutionize education and overcome some of the existing barriers. AI can personalize learning, adapting to individual needs and preferences, making education more engaging and effective. It can also provide access to quality education through online learning platforms in remote areas.

However, ensuring that technology is used responsibly and ethically is essential, considering privacy concerns and the potential for exacerbating existing inequalities. With careful implementation and thoughtful integration, technology can be a powerful tool in enhancing educational opportunities for all.

Addressing the Challenges and Barriers to Education

Inspiring Stories and Examples of the Power of Education

Throughout history, countless stories and examples demonstrate the transformative power of education . From individuals who have overcome adversity to achieve academic success to communities that have risen above poverty through education, these stories serve as a testament to the indomitable spirit of human potential. By sharing these stories, we can inspire others and ignite a collective commitment to unlocking the power of education.

Tips for Delivering an Impactful Speech on the Importance of Education

Delivering an impactful speech on the importance of education requires careful preparation and effective communication. Here are some tips to help you have an inspiring and persuasive speech:

  • Start with a compelling introduction that grabs the audience’s attention and highlights the significance of education.
  • Use personal anecdotes or stories to connect with the audience emotionally and make your message relatable.
  • Structure your speech logically, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use transitions to create a smooth flow between ideas.
  • Incorporate facts, statistics, and research to support your arguments and make your speech persuasive.
  • Engage the audience through interactive elements such as questions, discussions, or multimedia presentations.
  • Emphasize the practical benefits of education, such as improved job prospects, enhanced critical thinking skills, and personal growth.
  • End your speech with a powerful conclusion summarizing your main points and leaving the audience with a call to action.

Conclusion: Importance Of Education Speech

In conclusion, education holds immense power in shaping individuals, communities, and societies. It is a fundamental human right that should be accessible to all. By recognizing the significance of education, addressing the challenges and barriers, and harnessing the potential of technology, we can unlock a brighter future for generations to come.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Education In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on the importance of education. In terms of a person’s development, education is important. Getting information is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of education. A person’s education not only gives them People who can comprehend their rights and obligations to their families, societies, and countries by using education as a tool that gives them knowledge, skill sets, methodologies, and information. It improves perspective and view of the outside environment. Additionally, it is the most important factor in the evolution of the country. Without education, one cannot investigate novel concepts. It means that the globe cannot be developed since creativity requires ideas and a nation cannot flourish without creativity.

The value of education can be conveyed to students and young children in a variety of ways. A person with a good education is not susceptible to being duped and is less likely to participate in societal problems. A country’s trade and commerce are ultimately boosted by an increase in its educated population. The citizens have a greater grasp of law and order as a result, increasing their propensity to uphold the law.

A solid education improves a person’s communication abilities and allows them to express themselves more skillfully. We can study history, physics, arithmetic, geography, and other topics thanks to education, but it also teaches us how to handle difficult situations. According to studies, educated people are more likely to live longer, be healthier, and be more charitable. Thank you. 

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Speech on Importance of Education for Students & Childrens

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Table of Contents

Speech on Importance of Education: Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world. It is the an important tool for achieving success in life. It opens doors to opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable. It is a key to success in any field, whether it is academics, business or even sports.

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A good education instills in individuals the ability to think critically, to solve problems and to make informed decisions. It also helps them develop communication and interpersonal skills.

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We have provided simple and easy speech on importance of education for the students. You can select any of the importance of education speech given below according to your need and requirement. Using such speech you can participate in the school speech or event celebration in community or society and “If you’re seeking a collection of compelling slogans on importance of education , look no further than this informative page. Here, you’ll find a range of powerful and thought-provoking slogans that emphasize the significance of education in shaping a brighter future.

Long and Short Speech on Importance of Education

Education plays a vital role in imparting essential values, proper conduct, and ethical principles to others. It also contributes to our overall well-being, including our physical, mental, and social development, while fostering a sense of improved living. A quality education is a building block for our future.

Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 1

First of all I would like to say good morning to the respected teachers, parents and my dear friends. I would like to speech on the importance of education which is must to know by all of us. Education plays a great role in the life of everyone all through the life.

Getting proper education is very necessary to get success and happy life just like food is necessary for healthy body. It is very important to live luxurious and better life. It develops personality of the people, provides physical and mental standard and transforms people’s living status.

It promotes the feeling of physical, mental and social well being by providing better life. Good education is constructive in nature which constructs our future forever. It helps a person to improve his/her status of mind, body and spirit. It provides us lots of confidence by giving us bulk of knowledge in many field. It is a single and vital way to the success as well as personal growth.

The more knowledge we get, we grow and develop more in the life. Being well educated never only means to earn certificates and good salary from the recognized and reputed organisation companies or institutions however it also means to be a good and social person in the life. It helps us to determine whether something is good or bad for us and other persons related to us.

The first purpose of getting good education is being good citizen and then being successful in personal and professional life. We are incomplete without a good education because education makes us right thinker and correct decision maker. In such a competitive world, education has become a necessity for human beings after food, clothe and shelter. It is able to provide solutions to all problems; it promotes good habits and awareness about corruption, terrorism, and other social issues among us. A comprehensive speech on corruption will not only provide you with insights into the issue itself but also serve as a valuable resource to gain an understanding of related speeches and discussions surrounding the topic of corruption.

Education is the most important tool offers inner and outer strength to a person. Education is the fundamental rights of everyone and capable of bringing any desired change and upliftment in the human mind and society.

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Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 2

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers and my dear friends. I would like to speech over importance of education at this great occasion in front of you. Education is very important to all of us. Our parents make us learn many things at home and then send us to school after age of three years. Our home is first education institute where we learn how to behave to others and other skills however school education is very necessary to be successful in practical life.

Through school education we learn and develop personality, mental skills, moral and physical powers. Without proper education, one gets lack of all educational benefits in his/her life. Education is the only key to success in personal and professional life. Education provides us various types of knowledge and skills. It is a continuous, slow and secure process of learning which helps us in obtaining knowledge. It is a continuous process which starts when we take birth and ends when our life ends.

We should make our habits of learning always all through the life from our teachers, parents, family members, friends and other related people in our life. We learn to become a good person, learn to live in home, society, community and friend circle. Attending school and receiving education is extremely vital for every person and necessary for those who want to achieve success.

We all take birth in same manner at the same planet however do not get same opportunity to receive such type of formal education which may lead everyone of us towards success because of the lack of money and knowledge of parents. One who gets proper education becomes admired by the members of the family, community and country. Proper education by all brings equality among human beings and removes the feeling of difference.

Education not only makes us able to learn about history, science, math, geography, and other subjects however it makes us smart enough to learn how to live life and handle bad situations.

Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 3

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this special occasion, I would like to speech over the importance of education. Good and proper education plays a great role in shaping our future and professional career. It helps us to develop personality and earn recognition and respect in the family and society. We can say that education is socially and personally an essential part of the human life.

We cannot ignore the importance of education in our life at any cost. As we see daily in the society lots of social issues just because of the lack of proper education. Social issues like inequality, gender discrimination, religious differences and so many problems are there because of the lack of education in our life. Proper education helps us to maintain the personal and social standards in daily life.

In such a modern, technological and competitive world, there is still the issue of education among poor and uneducated people of the society which needs to be solved as soon as possible. Education is the key to solve all the social, personal and professional problems of the people. Proper and higher education makes us more civilized to live in the society. One cannot make his/her good image in the society and live prosperous and happy life without getting appropriate education. It makes us able to maintain the healthy surroundings.

Now-a-days, unlike ancient time, getting proper education has become easy and simple because of the online system and correspondence facility in all the big universities. It has made education system easy because of which poor people can also get education in their own field of choice. There are many huge efforts and plan strategies by the government to maintain the quality of education all over the India.

Education helps us to be healthy, save many lives, boosts economic growth, earn money, raise quality crop, promote peace in the society, eradicate poverty, remove gender discrimination and inequality, promote women and children rights, bring good governance, remove corruption, make aware about fundamental rights and so many. Good education does not mean to study hard and get good results however it is to conquer new things for the betterment of whole mankind.

Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 4

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my dear friends. I would like to speech over the importance of education at this special occasion. The real meaning of education is much more than the success in personal and professional life. People in the modern society have narrowed the meaning of education. It does not aim that educated people gets professionally recognized instead it aims much more than this. It is not only to run in the race to go ahead and read only the school or college syllabus. The education really means to improve the physical, social and mental well-being, develop personality and improve skill level. The aim of education is very vast and makes a person, good person.

In providing good level of education, teachers play very important role. Whatever we learn through our parents and teachers goes with us throughout the life which we again pass on to our next generation. The aim and benefits of proper education is not restricted to only personal gains instead it benefits other people of the family, society and country. People in the society have different meaning, needs and perceptions about the education however the real meaning and importance of it never changes.

A good education helps us all to be independent in the society as well as get over of the problem of poverty. Many people do education passionately and not as a workload. They love to read and develop their mind and skill. Some historical people like Swami Vivekananda spent their whole life in getting education and sharing knowledge among poor people of the society.

We too should get proper education by understanding its real value and get benefited completely. Our aim of getting education should be to help other needy people of the society to get them over the weaknesses and superstitions. Education has unbelievable power which keeps us away from evil powers, helps us in making self dependent and provides us new possibilities and opportunities to become a problem solver and excellent decision maker.

It keeps our mind calm and peaceful by maintaining the balance among body, mind and soul. Through the key of education one can open his/her difficult lock of the success. Many people do hard work for whole day just to earn some money for getting two times of food in the absence of good education. So, education is must for everyone of us to have a better and happy lifestyle.

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Long Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 5

A very Good Morning to ladies and gentlemen present here. I am honored for being given the opportunity to speak on the topic – “Importance of Education”.

To begin with, ladies and gentlemen, the term “Education” needs no introduction. We all are well aware of what it means, since our childhood. In a lay man’s term education refers to an ability to read or write in mother tongue; though, in a broader perspective it implies having a specialized knowledge in a particular field. For ex- arts, science, engineering, medicine, accountancy etc.

The Latter skills are mostly acquired through formal education, which is classroom based and is provided by trained teachers. The basic education skills, on the other hand, not necessarily be acquired in class rooms, but could also be gained through, community classes or even at home.

Education plays a vital role in the life of everyone- from a daily wage labour to a top ranking CEO of any XYZ multinational company. Though the level of education acquired differs in both the cases, nevertheless, the importance of education is very well understood by both of them. One knows that s/he is destined to be a labour for life, because of the lack of education, while the other is thankful that s/he acquired the best formal education, which has helped him/her reach where s/he is.

However the advantage of basic education, even in the life of people engaged in unskilled menial jobs, can’t be denied. An ability to read, write and do simple calculations, make them independent, confident and less susceptible to fraud, irrespective of whether s/he is a daily wage labor or a rickshaw puller or a small farmer. Education liberates their thoughts and actions, making them capable of wisely using the resources available and progressing gradually.

Besides, all the technical aspects, education also transform the personality of an individual. It makes a person more polite and sensible. An educated person can interact better with others, or can even argue logically, when needed. She/he can analyze a person, place, thing or event in a better way and make appropriate judgments. Education changes a person’s perception of looking at others and the society, making him/her more rational or reasonable. S/he is more likely to be compassionate towards problems faced by the individuals and the society as well, and give opinions or suggestions.

Speech Topics For Students

Education not only benefits individuals but, also has the potential for transforming a nation by putting it on the path of progress and growth. Every citizen is a pillar of the nation and a nation rests on billions of such pillars. The more educated the pillars are, the more strong will be the nation’s foundation.

An educated person initiates a chain reaction- s/he makes sure that their children are educated as well, making way for an educated society, an educated society makes way for an educated nation an lastly an educated nation finally leads to an educated world. The educated workforce that a nation has contributes immensely in its own economy as well as to the economy of the world.

Education not only reforms the life of an individual and economy of a nation, but also transforms a society by diminishing centuries old social evils like dowry, child marriage, child labor, gender discrimination etc. These all are main hindrances to any nation’s prosperity and growth, and they all could be killed by only one weapon – education. An educated society is more like to break free from orthodox customs and traditions, and move forward towards a better tomorrow.

Education also is the most potent tool to eliminate two of the major challenges faced by any nation and even the world – poverty and unemployment. An educated person acquires necessary skills, which make him/her employable or gainfully engaged. She/he can be gainfully employed in government/private sector or could be self employed. In both the cases, s/he becomes financially independent and self sufficient to meet the demands of his/her family. Thus, education is a two pronged spear, killing both unemployment and poverty, in one shot.

Last but not the least, another beauty of education is that, it could be acquired at any age, irrespective of your caste, creed, gender or religion. All you need to have is a desire to get educated, somewhere deep inside your consciousness. The world has many examples, where people have acquired formal education even in later stages of their lives and enjoyed its rewards.

Before I end my speech, ladies and gentlemen; I would like to request you all, to make all the possible efforts to spread education, within your individual capacities. Volunteer to teach in your spare time, inspire and help the underprivileged in gaining education, volunteer with an NGO working for the cause of education etc. There are so many things; you could do to make the nation more and more educated, as much as your resources and time permit you.

With this I end my speech. Wishing everyone, all the very best in your individual careers, aspirations and personal life. Thank You!

10 Lines of Importance of Education in Our Life

  • Education equips us with knowledge and skills to succeed in life.
  • It opens doors to better job opportunities and a brighter future.
  • Education fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • It promotes personal growth and self-confidence.
  • Education helps us make informed decisions in life.
  • It enhances communication and social skills.
  • Education fosters a sense of curiosity and a love for learning.
  • It contributes to a more informed and responsible citizenry.
  • Education empowers individuals and communities.
  • It is a key to breaking the cycle of poverty.

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Speech on Importance of Education FAQs

Why is education important.

Education is important because it shapes our lives, empowers us, and contributes to the progress of society.

How do you start a speech on education?

Begin your education speech by stating its significance and relevance in personal and societal development.

How can I start my speech on education?

You can start your education speech with a thought-provoking quote, a personal anecdote, or a surprising fact to capture your audience's attention and highlight the importance of education.

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Screen time not the main factor making parent-child interactions worse, study finds.

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Which is worse for parent-child interaction, if parents use their phones, or if they are distracted otherwise? A team of researchers investigated if the common perception that screens are bad for parent-child interactions holds. They found it does, but also that screens are no worse than other forms of distraction. Instead, it might be distraction in itself that has detrimental effects on parents’ communication with their toddlers.

Technology use is at an all-time high and understanding how this impacts daily life is crucial. When it comes to parent-child interactions, scientists have coined the term ‘technoference,’ meaning technology interference. It occurs when parent-child interaction and communication are disrupted by the use of digital devices.

But is distraction caused by digital devices more detrimental to parent-child interaction than when parental distraction comes from different sources? Researchers in Switzerland have investigated.

“In this study, we show that when parents are distracted, the quality and quantity of parent-child interaction is impaired compared to when parents are not being distracted,” said Prof Nevena Dimitrova, a researcher at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland and principal investigator of the study published in Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry . “This was regardless of if that distraction came from a digital or a non-digital activity.”

Screening distraction

Although the negative impact of parents being distracted by their phones while around their children has been established, less is known about whether these negative effects come from the fact that the parent uses a screen or from the fact that the parent is distracted in general.

To fill this gap, the team around Dimitrova tasked 50 parent-child pairs, in which children were 22 months old on average, to play together for 10 minutes. Participant pairs were divided in three groups. In the first group, there was no disruption. In the second group, after five minutes of play, the parent was given a questionnaire to fill out on paper, whereas in the third group, also after five minutes, the parent was instructed to fill out the same questionnaire using a tablet. Parents that filled out the questionnaire were instructed to continue interacting with their children.

The researchers found that parents who filled out the questionnaire were less sensitive to children’s communication signals, and that children showed lower levels of social involvement towards their parents.

Technoference, however, did not affect parent-child interactions more negatively than non-digital distractions. Instead, all distraction, regardless of whether it was caused by screens or pen and paper, had negative effects on parents, children, and pairs. “We interpret this finding—that was equally surprising for us—as the possibility that screens are so ubiquitous nowadays that young children might be becoming used to the reality of seeing their parents use screens,” said Dimitrova.

Regardless of their findings, the researchers stressed that parent-child interaction is at its best when parents are not distracted at all. This might be especially important for parents who find it difficult to bond with their children.

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Curbing a ‘moral panic’

In the media, mostly alarmistic messages about the risks of screen use are discussed, said the researchers. However, research does not support the thesis that screen use by or in the presence of children is exclusively bad. For example, positive effects of screens on child psychological development have been shown in previous research.

“This study shows how important it is to rely on scientific evidence rather that public opinion about screen use. We see that it’s not screens per se that are detrimental to the quality of parent-child interaction,” concluded Dimitrova. “Instead, it seems to be the fact that the parent is not fully engaged in the interaction that negatively impacts parent-child communication.”

The researchers, however, also pointed out that it is difficult to make definitive statements about parental screen use based on one study alone. This is partly because everyday parent-child interaction differs from the experimental set-up. For example, the ways in which parents use screen while around their children cannot always be replicated fully. Studies in naturalistic context are needed and might lead to different results, the scientists noted.

REPUBLISHING GUIDELINES: Open access and sharing research is part of Frontiers’ mission . Unless otherwise noted, you can republish articles posted in the Frontiers news site — as long as you include a link back to the original research. Selling the articles is not allowed.

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May 21, 2024

Deborah Pirchner

Post categories, featured news, related subjects, social sciences, frontiers in child and adolescent psychiatry, related content.

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At Morehouse, Biden says dissent should be heard because democracy is 'still the way'

Headshot of Stephen Fowler.

Stephen Fowler

Jeongyoon Han

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President Biden speaks to graduating students at the Morehouse College commencement Sunday in Atlanta. Alex Brandon/AP hide caption

President Biden speaks to graduating students at the Morehouse College commencement Sunday in Atlanta.

President Biden told Morehouse College's graduating class of 2024 that he's committed to serving Black voters while defending freedom and democracy in the face of "extremist forces" that he says threaten the soul of the nation.

With just six months until the general election, the speech, which was filled with religious themes of struggle and resilience, also served as a continuation of Biden's warning to his supporters of what he thinks the country would look like if Donald Trump is elected again.

"They don't see you in the future of America, but they're wrong," he said. "To me, we make history, not erase it. We know Black history is American history."

The president's commencement address at Morehouse, a historically Black school in Atlanta, also comes as polling shows potentially lower support for his reelection efforts among Black voters and young voters, and as campus protests over conflict in Gaza have disrupted graduations around the country.

Biden said he understood angst over the direction of the country, acknowledged "dissent about America's role in the world" and said that those who have different views should have their voices heard in the name of democracy.

"That's my commitment to you," he said. "To show you: democracy, democracy democracy — it's still the way."

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Graduating students at the Morehouse College commencement bow their heads Sunday in Atlanta. President Biden addressed the graduating class of 2024 and warned about "extremist forces" he says threaten the soul of the nation. Alex Brandon/AP hide caption

Graduating students at the Morehouse College commencement bow their heads Sunday in Atlanta. President Biden addressed the graduating class of 2024 and warned about "extremist forces" he says threaten the soul of the nation.

His speech is also one of many events on his recent trip aimed at speaking to Black voters, following events with plaintiffs in the historic Brown v. Board Supreme Court case, meetings with Black Greek Letter Organizations, often known as the Divine Nine, and before he headlines an NAACP dinner in Detroit.

For weeks, several college and university campuses around the country have been roiled with student protests and encampments expressing opposition against Biden and U.S. policies and involvement around conflict in Gaza.

Biden will cap off a week of outreach to Black Americans with Morehouse commencement

Biden will cap off a week of outreach to Black Americans with Morehouse commencement

Biden is set for the Morehouse graduation. Students are divided

Biden is set for the Morehouse graduation. Students are divided

Morehouse has seen student demonstrations, but not occupation of campus spaces or clashes with law enforcement. Outside of the ceremony, a small number of protesters gathered while the commencement itself did not see any major disruptions.

Last week, Morehouse College President David Thomas said he would rather halt proceedings than have students escorted away for protesting.

"If my choice is 20 people being arrested on national TV on the Morehouse campus, taken away in zip ties during our commencement, before we would reach that point, I would conclude the ceremony," he said on NPR's Weekend Edition .

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An attendee stands in protest with their back to President Biden as Biden speaks to graduating students at the Morehouse College commencement Sunday in Atlanta. John Bazemore/AP hide caption

An attendee stands in protest with their back to President Biden as Biden speaks to graduating students at the Morehouse College commencement Sunday in Atlanta.

Those concerns did not come to pass. Apart from the heightened security and increased media presence, Biden's speech was met with a similar response to a typical college graduation ceremony.

More than 400 graduating students walked across the stage Sunday, and during Biden's speech a handful of students, some wearing keffiyehs , turned their chairs around to face away from the president.

After the ceremony, Morehouse issued a statement praising the graduating class and their intentionally muted response to Biden.

"It is fitting that a moment of organized, peaceful activism would occur on our campus while the world is watching to continue a critical conversation," the statement reads. "We are proud of the resilient class of 2024's unity in silent protest, showing their intentionality in strategy, communication, and coordination as a 414-person unit."

DeAngelo Fletcher, Morehouse College's valedictorian, closed his address to his classmates by addressing global conflict, particularly the Israel-Hamas war.

"For the first time in our lives, we've heard the global community sing one harmonious song that transcends language and culture," he said. "It is my sense as a Morehouse Man, nay — as a human being — to call for an immediate and a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip."

Biden's speech at Morehouse comes with intense scrutiny as many presidential horse race polls show the president lagging with young voters, Black voters and other nonwhite groups that helped propel him to a narrow victory against Trump in 2020.

Those polls — for now — signal a drop in support for Biden but not necessarily an equal shift toward Trump. There are also signs that some of the displeasure with Biden is more pronounced among people who aren't as likely to vote in November.

While facing a nominal challenge in the Democratic presidential primary, Biden's best-performing areas have often come in places with a large share of Black voters. For example, in Georgia's primary contest 95% of Black voters pulled a Democratic ballot, and Biden won 95% of the overall vote.

While some students, faculty and alumni expressed opposition to Biden's selection as the commencement speaker, reaction on campus during the graduation ceremony was largely positive.

Dr. Tiffany Johnson, a 50-year-old who came to the campus green at 4:30 a.m. to see her son graduate, was also excited to see Biden.

"He is the leader of the free world, the most important job in the world, and for him to come to speak to [Morehouse] graduates, to inspire them, is phenomenal," Johnson said.

Johnson said Black voters who might not support Biden are part of a "bandwagon" that do not understand what he has done for the community, and said his speech would be an ideal opportunity to share his accomplishments.

In the speech, Biden touted a track record that he says makes key investments in Black communities, including a record $16 billion funding package toward historically Black colleges and universities, protecting voting rights, and creating economic policies that strengthens Black businesses.

  • commencement address
  • graduation ceremony
  • morehouse college
  • young voters
  • Donald Trump
  • black voters

General election latest: Sunak's announcement gets brutal review from top Tory - as Reform leader defends 1066 graph

Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer and other party leaders have kicked off campaigning after the prime minister called a general election for 4 July.

Thursday 23 May 2024 23:59, UK

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General election called for 4 July

  • PM's announcement gets brutal review from top Tory
  • Starmer claims Sunak 'never believed' in Rwanda plan
  • Reform leader grilled over bizarre '1066' migration graph
  • Two ministers stand down on first full day of campaigning
  • 'Ready-made' football law among victims of parliament ending
  • Live reporting by  Ben Bloch and (earlier)  Faith Ridler

Expert analysis

  • Sam Coates: PM needs to capitalise on surprise
  • Sophy Ridge: This is what the Tories don't want to talk about

Election essentials

  • Trackers: Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Subscribe to Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more: What happens next? | Which MPs are standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency's changing | Sky's coverage plans

A minister asked a meeting of Tory MPs whether it was still possible to submit a letter of no confidence in the prime minister after he announced the election, Sky News understands.

Sky's political editor Beth Rigby revealed in her  Electoral Dysfunction podcast  that health minister Dame Andrea Leadsom made the query at the 1922 Committee of backbench Tory MPs yesterday.

Dame Andrea declined to comment when contacted by Sky News, saying "1922 Committee meetings are private".

Hours after Rishi Sunak announced there would be an election on 4 July, Beth Rigby reported there were considerable discussions on Conservative WhatsApp groups about whether there was still a route to stop a general election.

She told the podcast MPs are "really unhappy" with the timing of the vote, with some texting her saying it was "absolute madness".

One minister, she says, told her the letters were already going in again for a vote of no confidence in the PM, indicating the election was called "from a position of weakness".

Read more here:

We've just been hearing from our deputy political editor Sam Coates , who is in Inverness, where Rishi Sunak has arrived in the last hour.

Sam explained that Scotland is the third UK nation the PM is visiting today, and said: "Rishi Sunak knows he's the underdog.

"In fact, calling himself the underdog is pretty much a large part of his campaign, which is rather unusual for a prime minister.

"But then again, it is rather unusual for a prime minister to go to the country when he is 20 points behind in the polls."

He summarised the PM's pitch, which is saying the world is a dangerous place with uncertainty at home and abroad, and voters "cannot afford to change direction" and go for Labour.

What has stuck out to Sam throughout the campaign events today is "they are not gigantic rallies with hundreds and hundreds of people".

"They are quite tightly-controlled affairs with a few dozen, often invited individuals, who are called upon in some cases to talk to the PM - they make small talk, and then he moves on.

"The whole point of them is in order to generate pictures for the TV cameras."

Sam said he has been flying in a private jet "basically paid for by private donors" to get to these out-of-town places.

He also said the Tory party is "trying to manipulate the image" to make campaign events "look busy and warm" when, in reality, "they're hiring vast spaces with proportionally not that many people in them".

"They are hoping this makes him look active and real, and part of the community, understanding of people's concerns.

"But he's so far behind - the question is, will it work."

Labour sources tonight have rejected a Tory push for multiple election debates as they try to claw back their 20 point poll deficit.

Party sources have told Sky News they "won’t be tearing up the format established in previous elections just to suit this week’s whims of the Tory party".

Sir Keir Starmer will take part in two debates, the sources added, emphasising that their "priority" is to speak with voters and take questions from the media.

This evening, Rishi Sunak said the Labour leader doesn't want to debate him because "he doesn’t want to because he doesn’t have a plan and doesn’t have the courage to say what he wants to do".

Writing in The Telegraph, the PM made the case that the UK would be "less secure in every way" under Labour, arguing that while he offers "bold action, they do not".

On social media, party chair Richard Holden has tried to goad Labour into accepting the challenge, accusing Sir Keir of multiple U-turns.

And speaking to The Express, Mr Holden said it's "no surprises that spineless Sir Keir Starmer is now chickening out of debates".

By Alix Culbertson , political reporter

Nigel Farage has said he will not be making a return to British politics after a general election was called.

The Reform UK honorary president and former UKIP leader said he had thought "long and hard" as to whether he should stand to become an MP in the 4 July general election announced on Wednesday, but said "it is not the right time".

Mr Farage said although the general election is important, the United States election in November "has huge global significance" so he has chosen to "help with the grassroots campaign" there as a "strong vital for our peace and security".

He has helped Donald Trump's campaign since 2016.

Reform UK leader Richard Tice told Sky News Mr Farage will still help with their election campaign, which he is "absolutely thrilled" with, and said the Reform co-founder will be "very busy" during the campaign.

Moments later, Mr Farage retweeted a social media post saying he is quitting his GB News show during the campaign so he can canvass for Reform UK.

Rishi Sunak is challenging Sir Keir Starmer to multiple TV debates throughout the course of the general election campaign as the PM tries to make up a 20 point poll deficit.

The Telegraph is reporting that the Tories want a head-to-head debate between the two candidates for PM every week of the campaign - which would equal a record six debates.

On social media, Richard Holden has tried to goad Labour into accepting the challenge, accusing Sir Keir of multiple U-turns.

Meanwhile, Mr Sunak said the Labour leader doesn't want to debate him because "he doesn’t want to because he doesn’t have a plan and doesn’t have the courage to say what he wants to do".

Writing in The Telegraph, the PM made the case that the UK would be "less secure in every way" under Labour, arguing that he offers "bold action, they do not".

He repeated his pitch that he offers security in a dangerous world, a plan to tackle illegal migration, and low taxes.

Rishi Sunak was barely two minutes into his general election announcement yesterday when a song began blaring near No 10.

Younger or less politically astute viewers may have assumed the tune was part of the prime minister's efforts to inspire the nation, as he didn't miss a beat in his speech when the music came in.

Its purpose, however, was very different.

The song - Things Can Only Get Better by D:Ream - was the official anthem of Sir Tony Blair's landslide victory for Labour in 1997.

The party adopted the track which had already had mainstream success in the year after its release in 1993. It re-entered the charts during Sir Tony's campaign, which featured the lead singer Peter Cunnah performing the song live at several rallies.

You can read more from Sky News below:

The latest edition of Electoral Dysfunction  is in your podcast feeds now, and one of the main topics was the optics of Rishi Sunak's announcement of the general election date.

In case you missed it, he went out on to Downing Street in the pouring rain, and throughout his speech, the song Things Can Only Get Better by D:Ream was blaring out - which was the official anthem of Sir Tony Blair's landslide victory for Labour in 1997 ( more here ).

Our political editor Beth Rigby  explained that Mr Sunak did the announcement on the street because he "wanted to be traditional".

But former Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson  branded the launch "disastrous", saying: "The idea of tradition and all the rest of it, well, that's great and all.

"But you're the prime minister - you make the traditions here.

"How f****** incompetent do you have to be to launch a campaign that badly?

"And how much do you not protect your boss by allowing him to do it or encouraging him to do it?"

She added: "Wait for a break in the clouds, okay? Look, how hard is that?"

Jess Phillips , Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley said he wanted to avoid advertising that he is a centi-millionaire by having "a lackey holding an umbrella".

She added that he "wouldn't have lost a single vote" if someone had been holding an umbrella, or he'd delivered the speech inside.

"He will lose votes because of the way he launched it," she said.

👉 Listen above then tap here to follow Electoral Dysfunction wherever you get your podcasts 👈

Email Beth, Jess, and Ruth at [email protected], post on X to @BethRigby, or send a WhatsApp voice note on 07934 200 444.

With the general election campaign officially under way, what better time to keep a close eye on the latest polling?

The Sky News live poll tracker - collated and updated by our Data and Forensics team - aggregates various surveys to indicate how voters feel about the different political parties.

See the latest update below - and you can read more about the methodology behind the tracker  here .

We've got three key dates for your diary from the Electoral Commission should you need to register to vote in the general election.

18 June: This is the deadline to register, which you can do online at .

19 June: This is the deadline to apply for a postal vote, should you not be around when polling stations open on 4 July.

26 June: This is the deadline to apply for a proxy vote, which allows someone to vote on your behalf, and also to apply for a Voter ID certificate should you not have another valid form of identification.

This is the first general election where ID is needed to vote - find out more about registration here:

In January 2023, Rishi Sunak made five promises.

Since then, he and his ministers have rarely missed an opportunity to list them. In case you haven't heard, he promised to:

  • Halve inflation
  • Grow the economy
  • Reduce debt
  • Cut NHS waiting lists and times
  • Stop the boats

See below how he is doing on these goals:

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Who Was President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran?

Mr. Raisi had been seen as a possible successor to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as supreme leader, the highest political and religious position in the Islamic republic.

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Ebrahim Raisi, wearing eyeglasses and dark clothing, against a black background.

By Emma Bubola

  • May 19, 2024

Ebrahim Raisi, 63, a hard-line religious cleric, was elected president of Iran in 2021. In his tenure as president, he oversaw a strategy to expand his country’s regional influence — backing militant proxies across the Middle East, expediting the country’s nuclear program and bringing Iran to the brink of war with Israel.

But in the same period, Iran experienced some of its largest antigovernment protests in decades and a severe economic downturn driven by international sanctions and high unemployment.

Mr. Raisi’s background

Mr. Raisi, born in the eastern city of Mashhad in 1960 to a devoutly religious family, was swept up in the fervor of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, which toppled the country’s monarchy in 1979.

As a religious scholar in Iran’s theocratic government and a protégé of Ayatollah Khamenei, Mr. Raisi climbed the ranks of the judiciary, serving as a prosecutor in several cities.

After being named Iran’s top judge, he was believed to have been part of a small committee that ordered the executions of thousands of political dissidents in 1988.

Accused of decades of human rights violations, Mr. Raisi had been the subject of punishing sanctions by the United States.

His presidency

During Mr. Raisi’s presidency, Iran faced large antigovernment protests after the death of a young Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, in police custody. The authorities responded with a brutal crackdown that included killings and executions.

Tehran has also continued its uranium-enrichment program and has gone ahead with its ballistic missile program .

A yearslong shadow war with Israel burst into the open last month after Iran launched a salvo of hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel. That attack resulted from escalating tensions between the two countries after Hamas, an Iranian-backed militant group, raided Israel on Oct. 7.

In the same period, Iran has also emerged as Russia’s trusted foreign supplier of military drones . Last year Iran made a deal with Saudi Arabia and restored diplomatic relationships.

Emma Bubola is a Times reporter based in London, covering news across Europe and around the world. More about Emma Bubola

Speech on Importance of Teacher in Our Lives for Students

Speech on importance of teacher in our lives.

Teachers play a very important role in shaping the future of their students. Right from kindergarten to university, they are the ones who impart knowledge and teach us about everything important. Moreover, they also teach us about ethical values and imbibe in our moral values. Thus, we can say that teachers shape our personality into something very strong and wonderful. A world without teachers would be definitely chaotic. There are only a few people in our lives who impact our world, and teachers are definitely one of them.

Speech on Importance of Teacher in Our Lives

Importance of Teachers in Our Lives

They assume the role of an educator and caregiver for their students. Sometimes, they also become our friends and help us with personal problems. A teacher is the one who will help you become a better person and an informed one.

Moreover, they see the potential of their students when no one else can. Teachers also decide the fate of a nation as the youth is in their hands. When the youth is educated and informed, naturally, the future of the country will be in safe hands.

In fact, the fate of students is in the hands of their teachers. They push the students to achieve greater heights and become successful. Consequently, they turn out to be doctors, lawyers, pilots, scientists and more, only with the help of a teacher. In India, we even celebrate Teacher’s Day to honor them on 5 th September, every year.

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A Teacher’s Role

While some people think it’s easy, the role of a teacher is very challenging and equally important. It is their responsibility to impart the correct knowledge and in the right manner. They have to teach methodically for which they prepare their lessons beforehand. Thus, they are able to motivate their students through the use of accurate techniques.

A good teacher gives homework to their students also checks it regularly for a better practice. Further, they plan meticulously for a better teaching pattern. At the beginning of the year, they plan the whole syllabus out for a smooth teaching experience.

In addition to teaching, a teacher is also a good organizer. They have to organize various activities that take place in school throughout the year. Further, they have to take care of other little yet important things, like the seating arrangement, classroom activities and more.

Moreover, they also supervise a lot of tasks and activities in school. For instance, attendance, homework, behaviour is also supervised by teachers. They are responsible for maintaining the discipline and decorum of the students.

Most importantly, they guide the students every step of the way. They have to make sure they do not favour a specific student and give equal attention to all. In fact, teachers have to decide how they divide the attention towards students who need it more than others.

Thus, it is fair to say that our teachers are the ones who make this world a better place. They make this world a better place by enhancing student’s lives. Moreover, teachers are the ones who play the role of so many people in a child’s life. They are a mentor, a parent, a friend, and more which makes all the difference in one’s life.

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Speech for Students

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  1. Importance OF Education Speech 1

    small speech about importance of education

  2. Importance of Education Speech for Students and Children in English

    small speech about importance of education

  3. Speech on importance of education in english || Importance of education speech

    small speech about importance of education

  4. Speech on importance of education

    small speech about importance of education

  5. Importance of education speech

    small speech about importance of education

  6. Importance of Education in Our Life: Essay, Speech, PDF

    small speech about importance of education



  2. Small speech for you guys 💕 #Thefuturisticsisters

  3. Small Speech

  4. Digital Speech

  5. small speech| Superior minds academy| Tuition centre| online classes#onlineclasses

  6. Speech in english / on labours DAY( small speech)


  1. Importance of Education Speech in English for Students

    Speech on Importance of Education in English for Students. In one's life, education is an important concern. It is the key to a successful future and to the numerous opportunities we come across in our lives. For an individual, education has many advantages. It not only enlightens the mind but also enhances the thought process of a person.

  2. 2-Minute Speech on Importance of Education in English for Students

    10 Quotes on Importance of Education. Here are 10 quotes on the importance of education. Feel free to add these quotes to your speech or any writing topics. 'Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.'. - Mahatma Gandhi. 'The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.'. - Herbert Spencer.

  3. Speech on Education and its Importance for Students

    Education is an essential aspect of human development. Education is a means of achieving a world of peace, justice, freedom, and equality for all. Thus, education is extremely necessary for all. No good life is possible without education. It indorses the intelligence of human beings, develops his skill, and enables him to be industrious.

  4. Importance of Education Speech for Students and Children in English

    February 27, 2023 by Prasanna. Importance of Education Speech: Education is an integral part of human lives. Education and knowledge are not only essential for personal development, but it is also required for the development of the economy. Education nurtures an individual's thinking and supplies them with the ability to think, act and grow ...

  5. Speech On Importance Of Education [Short & Long]

    Speech On Education: Every wise & great personality has emphasised the importance of education. Nelson Mandela has absolutely said that " Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. " Obviously, Education gives a human power to achieve extraordinary things in life.

  6. Speech on Importance of Education of Students and Children

    Education is essential for a student because after being educated enough, a student will be able to select a good career option for them. So that they can succeed in life with the help of education. A good career provides the students financial freedom and support along with mental satisfaction. The Education of the students helps them in ...

  7. Importance of Education Speech

    Long Speech on Importance of Education. Education plays a crucial part in terms of a person's development. The first thing that comes to mind when we think of education is learning new things. Education is a valuable resource that provides people with information, skill sets, strategies, and knowledge so they may comprehend their ...

  8. Speech on Education

    1-Minute Speech on Education. According to Horace Mann, 'A human being is not in any proper sense a human being till he is educated'. An educated individual always knows his manners and behaves gently in public as well as in private scenarios. Education does not just mean learning about all the different subjects and knowing everything up ...

  9. Speech About Education in English

    Speech About Education- Education is much more than just finishing the curriculum or earning certificates and degrees. It should focus on a person's total physical, mental, and social well-being. It's about improving one's abilities to deal with issues more effectively. Here is a 10-line speech, short speech, and long speech about education.

  10. The Joy of Education and Lifelong Learning

    He said, "Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith." 2 He commanded early Church leaders to "study and learn, and become acquainted with all good books, and with languages, tongues, and people." 3.

  11. Short speeches for students

    Common Themes for Short Speeches for Students. Short speeches for students can cover a wide range of topics, depending on the occasion and audience. However, some common themes include: The importance of education: Students need to understand the value of education and how it can help them achieve their goals and dreams.

  12. A Speech on the Importance of Education (Template)

    4) This knowledge will lead to the proper use of resources of the natural world. 5) It makes us intelligent and enhances our decision-making power. 6) Easy hiring of educated and qualified personnel. 7) A good job brings a good income for a good life. 8) As education increases, so does unemployment.

  13. Speech on Education for Students in English

    Speech on Education: When Dr. BR Ambedkar said "Education is something which ought to be brought within the reach of everyone", he was highlighting the importance of education for mankind. He believed that education plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of life and uplifting the downtrodden. A person with access to formal education can significantly contribute to the development of ...

  14. Importance Of Education Speech: Unlocking Power of Education

    Education is the key to unlocking the potential within individuals and societies. It is a powerful tool that can transform lives, shape communities, and drive progress. In this speech, I will delve into the importance of education speech in today's society, exploring how it shapes individuals, promotes personal growth and development, and ...

  15. 5 Minute Speech on Education in English for Students

    It improves knowledge and even the confidence of a person. It is important to make a person aware of himself or herself and the workings of the environment. Through education, development is in process now and then. People are living better and healthier because they have knowledge about the well being. Education starts from the moment a baby ...

  16. 1 Minute Speech on Importance of Education in English

    Education is what shapes us into proper human beings. It allows us to gain knowledge about the world around us and become wiser. Education also fosters values such as discipline, confidence, empathy and teamwork. As we grow older, our education is what allows us to seek employment and support ourselves and our families.

  17. Speech on Education for Students

    Long and Short Speech on Education. Education is a lifelong journey, and whether it's a long and detailed discourse or a short and impactful speech, its importance cannot be overstated. A long speech on education delves into its multifaceted aspects, while a short one distills its essence, reminding us that knowledge is the key to a brighter future for individuals and societies alike

  18. 2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Education In English

    Additionally, it is the most important factor in the evolution of the country. Without education, one cannot investigate novel concepts. It means that the globe cannot be developed since creativity requires ideas and a nation cannot flourish without creativity. The value of education can be conveyed to students and young children in a variety ...

  19. Speech on Importance of Education for Students & Childrens

    Speech on Importance of Education: Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world. It is the an important tool for achieving success in life. It opens doors to opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable. It is a key to success in any field, whether it is academics, business or even sports.

  20. Reflecting on spring semester

    May 21, 2024. Cillay also will maintain his role as Global Campus chancellor and vice president of Academic Outreach and Innovation while serving in the interim role. In a letter to the WSU community, President Kirk Schulz emphasizes the university's commitment to free speech and the importance of recognizing our shared humanity.

  21. Value of Education Speech for Students and Children

    Learning informal education is endless and we continue to learn it as our lives go on. Non-formal education is often used interchangeably with terms such as community education, adult education, continuing education, and second-chance education. Get the Huge list of 100+ Speech Topics here. Importance of Education in Life. Reading, writing, and ...

  22. LanguageScreen: The Development, Validation, and Standardization of an

    Oral language skills provide a critical foundation for formal education and especially for the development of children's literacy (reading and spelling) skills. It is therefore important for teachers to be able to assess children's language skills, especially if they are concerned about their learning.

  23. Screen time not the main factor making parent-child ...

    Technoference, however, did not affect parent-child interactions more negatively than non-digital distractions. Instead, all distraction, regardless of whether it was caused by screens or pen and paper, had negative effects on parents, children, and pairs. "We interpret this finding—that was equally surprising for us—as the possibility ...

  24. Biden's Morehouse speech met with little protest but also little

    His speech is also one of many events on his recent trip aimed at speaking to Black voters, following events with plaintiffs in the historic Brown v.Board Supreme Court case, meetings with Black ...

  25. General election latest: Sunak tries to make chat over football

    Younger or less politically astute viewers may have assumed the tune was part of the prime minister's efforts to inspire the nation, as he didn't miss a beat in his speech when the music came in ...

  26. Who Was Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi?

    Arash Khamooshi for The New York Times. Ebrahim Raisi, 63, a hard-line religious cleric, was elected president of Iran in 2021. In his tenure as president, he oversaw a strategy to expand his ...

  27. Speech on Importance of Teacher in Our Lives for Students

    Teachers play a very important role in shaping the future of their students. Right from kindergarten to university, they are the ones who impart knowledge and teach us about everything important. Moreover, they also teach us about ethical values and imbibe in our moral values. Thus, we can say that teachers shape our personality into something ...