Comparative Essay Sample: Online vs. Traditional Learning

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📌Published: 14 June 2022

Before technological advancements, traditional face-to-face learning was the typical way of education. In-person school was the only way to attend until the pandemic of Covid-19 struck the world in 2019. Students, from grade school to college levels, have had to readjust to learn completely online or hybrid. Due to the force of having to learn online, some colleges are remaining remote and offering online classes as well as traditional ones. Since the pandemic, it has been a controversial topic on which type of schooling is best. However, with recent studies, it is found that taking online college courses is better for students and superior to traditional face-to-face learning. 

One major difference between online and traditional learning is the availability, as online learning is more adaptable and accommodating to students. Taking classes online allows students to sign up for more classes than may be offered in traditional schools. Why this may sound crazy, it is true. When learning in person, students can not take two classes at the same time, as it is not possible to be in two places at the same time. However, being able to take school online, if two classes are scheduled simultaneously, students can split the time between classes. Not only can students take advantage of taking two classes, but online learning is more accommodating to students with illnesses or injuries, or students who have full-time jobs or family events. Courses can “truly [be] personalized to meet an individual’s requirements including a time, place, and pace to suit each individual’s circumstances (Hoyle). Due to the availability of time in online classes, students who have several priorities or are not fit to attend school, are able to still continue their education. 

On the other hand, traditional face-to-face learning is not as flexible or available to students. A typical day of school is around eight hours sitting at a desk. During this time, the student’s main priority is their education were then after an eight-hour day, they head to work or extracurricular activities. The students must do their work during the time period given to them during the day to get a decent grade on the assignment. Students are forced to fit in a schedule of time-limited classes as well as finish the workload before the end of the semester. The students must work at the same pace to stay on track. The study found a concern that “when students are learning individually, rather than in a group setting, they benefit when required to reflect on their own learning and monitor their own understanding of the content” (Angiello 3). Due to the lack of time and availability, in-person learning is not near as efficient as online learning. 

Another difference between online learning and traditional learning is internet access, as online learning has a few bumps in the availability of communication through technology with professors. Most of the time, online courses are not happening right at the moment they are being taught but are pre-recorded or videos from the internet. Due to the fully remote style of learning, students need a high-speed internet connection to participate in class. Not only is the service a problem, but another challenge is the ability to reach out to a teacher through the internet. As the “Feedback response time from the instructor in a distance course may also be slower than that of a traditional classroom” (Doskocil 7). With the internet being essential to an online class, without fast-speed internet access, online learning can become difficult. 

Conversely, traditional learning has the best potential for no complications in courses or problems in reaching out to teachers. The advantage of being involved in face-to-face learning gives you the opportunity to reach out to your professors with in-person meetings or conversations. The classroom also, “allows for immediate student-teacher interaction, while distance education instructors are not necessarily capable of providing immediate feedback to student questions and/or comments (Doskocil 8). When students need extra help on an assignment or want to review an assignment with their professor, being in person is much easier to do. Traditional learning gives students and professors the benefit of face-to-face communication and interaction. 

The largest difference between traditional and online learning is the performance of the students in the class and the outcome from their education. Grades and reports are perhaps the most important results from the class. The report found that “students who took all or part of their classes online preformed better than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction” (Angiello 2). Studies show that students who take online classes preform better in the class and take more from the course. Not only do the students get a better education and understanding of the class, but they are more interactive with the class. Online courses say that students, “interactions are more useful in enhancing communication skills and the ability to work well with others” (Angiello 3). Students show more growth and development in education through online courses. 

Unlike online learning, due to the distractions in a traditional classroom, success rates are not as high. A report said “that up to 70 [percent] of lesson time in some primary schools was wasted by children wandering about the classroom” rather than doing the assignment handed to them (Bullock 1). With the distractions and students not completing assignments, the students then begin to fall behind and their grades start to lack. One report it said, “Studies in which learners in the online conditions spent more time on task than students in the face-to-face condition found a greater benefit for online learning” (Angiello 2). Several studies and reports have shown that traditional in-person studies scores typically come out lower and the students do not take as much information out of the course. Therefore, traditional learning is not the best option for courses when it comes to the outcomes of the class. 

Online learning overall is the better option between the two types of education styles due to the flexibility in time and outcomes of the courses. Professors’s main goal for every course they teach should be that the student is succeeding and getting the best information and knowledge from their class. Online courses, based on the reports and tests, show that they benefit students more than traditional schooling. With technology today, more and more courses are available for college and high school students online. Although communication is easier in person, overall the results of the class top the other needs, which makes online education the best option for students.

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Conventional vs. Online Learning: Pros and Cons Essay

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Education is crucial to growth as an individual, and choosing a learning approach that works for a person is important. Students often can choose between a traditional classroom setting and an online learning environment. The two approaches each have advantages and disadvantages in relation to student learning. In this article, the pros and cons of both conventional and online education will be examined from the perspectives of COVID-19, students’ mental health, and their professional and personal growth. Because of COVID-19, there has been a global trend toward providing education digitally. Students in a typical school setting get instruction from a teacher in a classroom setting. On the other hand, online learning is conducted, with students receiving and turning in their assignments in the same way. Schools and institutions have been shuttered due to the pandemic to contain the infection. However, nowadays, it is common practice for students to attend courses and take tests online.

Online distance education (ODE) has traditionally been provided favorably to students who reside in remote areas, allowing them to make the most efficient use of available educational resources. Universities in a growing number of nations have introduced ODE and made it available to their students in recent decades (He et al. 1). There are two types of ODE courses that may be provided: synchronous and asynchronous. Almost all online education tools, including Moodle, adhere to the asynchronous distance education model, which makes use of formats like recorded learning videos (He et al. 1). By synchronizing teaching and learning in real-time online settings like live web conferences and virtual classrooms, synchronous distance education attempts to mimic the communication patterns of conventional face-to-face classrooms (He et al. 1). These approaches to learning provide new experiences for students and develop self-paced comprehension.

The term traditional learning is used to describe the more common method of education in which students listen to a lecture given by an expert in the field. It has been around for centuries, and it is still extensively utilized as a kind of education in many places. In a classroom setting, a teacher would typically provide lessons to a class of pupils. Students are expected to learn from the instructor by paying attention, taking notes, and engaging in class discussions because of the teacher’s status as the subject matter expert. In most classroom settings, the instructor controls both the tempo and substance of the instruction.

The rise of online learning has significantly affected the psychological well-being of college students. Online learning has many advantages, but it may be difficult for students who need help maintaining self-discipline and drive (Al-Okaily et al. 846). The lack of face-to-face contact with professors and classmates might negatively impact students’ mental health. Traditional classrooms, on the other hand, encourage students to build relationships with their instructors and classmates, which may benefit their emotional well-being.

How students and teachers approach the online learning process is a major factor in the success of online education. As Halupa (cited in Akpınar) points out, there are many things that might divert students’ attention when they’re utilizing the internet as a learning resource. Student attitudes about online education have been generally unfavorable, despite the fact that it represents the most potential alternative to more conventional teaching methods (Akpınar). In this situation, the broad adoption of online learning has been linked to an increase in reports of psychological suffering, which may be attributable to these unfavorable preconceptions. Past research has revealed that the lack of a traditional classroom atmosphere has contributed to a negative attitude among tertiary students (Akpınar). Consequently, the benefits of online learning might not be as apparent as they might seem.

Education, in the conventional sense, offers many practical benefits. Employers tend to give more credence to degrees earned in a conventional setting than those earned online because of this reputation. In addition, students might benefit from networking with experts in their industry via conventional educational settings. Nevertheless, since it can be done in the student’s own time and pace, online learning makes it easier for students to juggle their academic and professional obligations. There are prospects for growth in both conventional and online learning environments. Regular schooling provides a regimented setting that fosters self-control, maturity, and accountability. It is the mode of education that is considered to be standardized for professional employees and highly valued on the market. On the other hand, online learning necessitates students to be self-directed and self-motivated, hence represents a valuable skillset. However, due to the novelty of such approach various companies tend to oversee online education certificates as a supplement rather than a separate qualification.

In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages to both conventional and online learning. With the COVID-19 epidemic, online courses have become the standard method of receiving an education. While deciding between conventional and online education, it is crucial to consider the effects on students’ mental health, career rewards, and personal growth. The choice should be made based on one’s unique requirements, learning style, and life circumstances.

Works Cited

Akpınar, Ezgin. “The Effect of Online Learning on Tertiary Level Students Mental Health during the Covid-19 Lockdown“2021: n. pag. Crossref. Web.

Al-Okaily, Manaf, et al. “ Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Acceptance of e-Learning System in Jordan: A Case of Transforming the Traditional Education Systems .” Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews , vol. 8, no. 4, 2020, pp. 840–851., Web.

He, Liyun, et al. “ Synchronous Distance Education vs Traditional Education for Health Science Students: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis .” Medical Education , vol. 55, no. 3, 2020, pp. 293–308., Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 1). Conventional vs. Online Learning: Pros and Cons.

"Conventional vs. Online Learning: Pros and Cons." IvyPanda , 1 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Conventional vs. Online Learning: Pros and Cons'. 1 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Conventional vs. Online Learning: Pros and Cons." March 1, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Conventional vs. Online Learning: Pros and Cons." March 1, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Conventional vs. Online Learning: Pros and Cons." March 1, 2024.

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Distance Learning vs. Traditional Learning: Pros and Cons

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traditional learning vs online learning compare and contrast essay

Distance learning, often called “distance education,” is the process by which students use the internet to attend classes and complete courses to earn their degrees without having to physically attend school. Even prior to COVID-19, distance learning was experiencing steady growth, but those numbers grew exponentially during the global shutdown of schools. Many educational institutions had to design and improve online education plans while bringing teachers and students up-to-speed on distance learning technologies.

In addition to pandemic-related shifts to online education, there are many reasons students may want to pursue distance education as opposed to traditional schooling. As distance learning becomes more common, it’s important to research and decide which education model is the best fit for you. 

What Is Long-Distance Learning?

Long-distance learning—also called “remote learning”—takes place in a digital classroom setting. Traditionally, academic instruction is administered on –a college or school campus. Distance learning is a distributed learning model that allows students to learn from anywhere, sometimes even on their own time.

Virtual lectures over video, emails, instant chat messages, file-sharing systems, mailed media, and prerecorded content are some of the most common means of delivery between teachers and their remote pupils.  

Distance learning shouldn’t be mistaken for online learning, sometimes called e-learning. The latter will usually involve some element of in-person instruction, supplemented by the flexibility of a virtual classroom. Distance learning, meanwhile, is completely remote—special events like graduation or final exams may warrant an in-person gathering, but students and faculty will usually be separated physically for the entirety of the semester.

What Is Traditional Learning?

Since COVID-19 and the ensuing educational overhaul, there has been much debate regarding which type of learning environment is superior. Even in-person classrooms have unquestionably been changed by the pandemic; many believe these reforms are for the better, too.

New technology, new belief systems, and a brand-new attitude regarding what makes for a valuable learning experience have all had their influence over teachers and college professors nationwide, but the most devout among them still believe strongly in what a physical classroom has to offer students, especially at the college and post-grad level. Absence, as they say, may make the heart grow fonder, which is why many educators are proud to protect a traditional experience, at least for their own learners. 

Traditional learning, in a general, pre-pandemic sense, describes the scenario of an instructor leading a classroom of students in person, moderating the discourse and regulating the flow of knowledge. While remote learners certainly existed before the recent digital revolution, a traditional experience was the norm before 2019.

Long-Distance Learning vs. Traditional Learning

To many, the most important factor to consider will be the fact that remote learners do not have immediate access to a real person teaching in front of them. Live lectures bridge this gap significantly, but, for some, this consideration alone is enough to tip the scale in a traditional classroom’s favor.

A few key differences between these education styles include:

  • Where the lessons occur
  • When the lessons occur
  • The pace at which the lessons are administered
  • The environment in which the student is immersed 
  • The independence and autonomy required on the part of the student
  • The firsthand sources of information received by the student
  • The level of candid interaction and attention the student receives
  • Sometimes, even the cost of matriculation will vary here significantly

In-person interaction and socializing with other students is considered by many to be paramount to a comprehensive, truly enriching academic experience. For this reason, many schools have adopted a blended approach, combining the best of both worlds where and when each would be most appropriate.

There are, however, many scenarios in which an in-person classroom just isn’t ideal, safe, or even possible. The pandemic is one obvious example; the majority of parents and instructors appear to prefer this approach, as opposed to simply having every student withdraw in quarantine.

Nontraditional students are another demographic who have found a lot of success through a flexible, online education. Working mothers, those pursuing advanced degrees after hours, and even young people hoping to catch up after a period of personal turmoil or illness may all be able to benefit from the freedom of a virtual learning experience.

Ultimately, the efficacy of the program depends greatly upon the student in question. Either approach can result in an educated individual, ready to graduate and take on the world.

traditional learning vs online learning compare and contrast essay

What Are the Pros and Cons of Distance Learning?

Technical elements.

Online or distance learning often has technology involved to help you do your coursework.

There are many pros to the technological elements of distance learning. Many students are able to quickly learn new tech and excel in it, even listing their skills with learning programs and platforms on their résumé. Another huge pro of distance learning technology is that you can pursue your education from anywhere with internet access. The rise of virtual tools like Zoom, Slack, Blackboard, and Google Classroom have made it even easier for students and teachers to share information and to connect.

Sometimes, students will encounter technical difficulties with online learning. There may be days when their internet doesn’t work, when programs and software fail, or they’re unable to access their courses. This can be frustrating, though often these bugs are fixed quickly, and students are able to continue with their work.


Every student wants to know that their work will be valuable to a potential employer. Are online colleges credible? Is online learning effective? These may be questions students ask when considering distance learning. 

More employers than ever before recognize that online learning is credible and legitimate. According to CNN, 83% of executives say that an online degree is as credible as one earned through a traditional program. The fact that more than half of all American adults believe that believe that an online education will often be just as good as an in-person experience has many long-standing institutions rethinking their stances. This number of is growing, too —those who assert that remote learning may be superior in some cases more than doubled between 2021 and 2022.

What’s important to employers is that your school is accredited. Universities work hard to achieve and maintain accreditation, which ensures that students earn degrees that are valuable to them and to employers. Additionally, employers may respect you more for having received an online education; they’ll recognize the time and discipline it takes to pursue distance learning and may be more impressed by it.  

Some employers and companies may still rank online education as lower than a degree from a traditional college. When employers don’t understand the rigor and quality of an online education, they may be hesitant to hire someone with an online degree. Additionally, for-profit or non-accredited online schools are often a huge issue for credibility. When it comes to pursuing an online degree, make sure that the online program is accredited and offers marketable credentials. Communicating these factors typically validates a program to potential employers. 


Flexibility is the main reason many people choose online education. But there are pros and cons involved with the flexibility of distance learning. 

If you have a full-time job or family responsibilities, then the flexibility of online education would allow you a better work-life balance. With distance learning, you don’t have to worry about commuting to and from school, coordinating childcare, or leaving work to attend class. You can continue with your job and family needs, completing your schooling when the timing is right for you. And at institutions like WGU, you can complete coursework and take exams according to your schedule. With competency-based education, you can move more quickly through material you understand well, and spend more time on material you need help with. This flexibility means that you’re in charge of your schedule.

Some distance learning options don’t offer as much flexibility as you need, requiring you to log in to class at a set time or view discussions live. While it still may be more convenient than driving to a campus, this scheduled online learning may lack the flexibility you need. WGU, on the other hand, doesn’t require you to log in at a certain time to view lectures or have discussions. But the flexibility of online learning can be difficult for those who are not self-motivated. Since you’re not expected to show up at a certain time, you need the discipline to make time for your education.

Social Interactions

Some students are concerned that distance learning will mean that they’re entirely alone, but that is rarely the case.

Online learning often offers many opportunities for students to interact with others. For example, WGU students often work with their Program Mentor over the phone or email, giving them an important lifeline to someone invested in their success. Students can also interact with Course Instructors if they have questions or concerns. Additionally, student networking allows WGU students to socialize, compare thoughts on courses, and offer help. And a large alumni network means you can continue to make connections throughout your career. 

For students who want to speak to others face-to-face or participate in in-person clubs or events, distance learning may not be the best option. While you can still be social with online education, most interactions occur over the phone or on online platforms.

Is Distance Learning Right for Me?

If you’re thinking about an online degree program , it’s important to ask yourself: 

  • Do I have the self-discipline and motivation to do distance learning? 
  • Do I have the time to commit to online education? Or can I find an online program that fits into my life?
  • Do I feel comfortable asking for help? 

While online learning may not be for everyone, many of the questions students have about pursuing distance education can be answered. Some students will find that for them, the pros greatly outweigh the cons. If you’re ready to pursue higher education in the way that works best for you, consider l ong-distance learning and online programs at WGU.

Ready to Start Your Journey?


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Online Vs Traditional Classes: Breaking down the Learning Models

This essay about the ongoing debate between online and traditional classes weighs the pros and cons of each educational format. It paints a vivid picture of the traditional classroom as a hub of immediate interaction and community, emphasizing the value of being physically present for spontaneous discussions and collaborative learning. Conversely, it highlights the flexibility and accessibility of online learning, ideal for those juggling various life commitments, while also acknowledging the potential downsides like isolation and the need for self-discipline. The essay suggests that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer but rather that the choice depends on individual learning styles and life situations. Looking ahead, it sees the future of education in hybrid models that blend the best aspects of both online and traditional learning, suggesting an evolving landscape where education adapts to fit the needs of all learners. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Online vs Traditional Classes.

How it works

Ever find yourself caught in the crossfire of the online vs. traditional class debate? It’s more than just educational chitchat; it’s the kind of stuff that really shapes how we all dive into learning, no matter if you’re in high school or hitting the books later in life. With the world spinning into an ever-more digital era, it’s pretty crucial we suss out what each style brings to the table.

Let’s kick off with old school – literally.

Traditional classrooms have that irreplaceable vibe, like the buzz when a topic really lights up the room, or those moments when you can almost see the lightbulb flick on above someone’s head. It’s about being there, in the thick of it, where you can’t pause or rewind the teacher when you zone out for a minute. And there’s something about physically being with your classmates that adds this whole layer of belonging and, dare I say, accountability to the mix.

Then, there’s the online world. Picture this: learning your dream course in your PJs, from anywhere, at any time. This is the ultimate in fitting education into your life, not the other way around. It’s perfect for those of us who are balancing a million and one things or living in the middle of nowhere. Plus, online learning platforms are kinda like Netflix for education; you’ve got an endless stream of resources right at your fingertips, ready whenever you are.

But, and it’s a big but, going digital can feel a bit like you’re studying on a deserted island. The interaction isn’t the same, and it takes a truckload of self-discipline to keep at it, especially when your bed is just there and your latest Netflix obsession is calling your name. Not to mention, the whole setup relies on having decent tech and a solid internet connection, which isn’t a given for everyone.

So, what’s the best pick? Honestly, it’s not about crowning a winner. It’s more about what fits your style, your life, and how you best soak up all that knowledge. Some folks thrive in the structured, social setting of traditional classrooms, while others blossom in the go-at-your-own-pace world of online learning.

Peeking into the crystal ball, it looks like the future’s all about mixing things up. Hybrid learning is stepping into the spotlight, offering a bit of column A and a bit of column B. It’s an exciting time, with the potential for education to become more tailored, more accessible, and maybe just a bit more fun.

In wrapping up, this whole debate is really a sign of the times, showing just how flexible and diverse learning can become. Whether it’s in a lecture hall or through a screen, the heart of the matter is getting an education that not only preps you for the future but also sparks a lifelong passion for picking up new skills and insights. And who knows? With a bit of luck and a lot of innovation, we might just find ourselves in a world where learning is as easy and engaging as scrolling through your favorite social media feed.


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traditional learning vs online learning compare and contrast essay

Online Learning vs Traditional Learning

Attending college is no longer a one-alternative path. While in the past, you could only adapt to a schedule set by universities, it has come the time that you can now create your own schedule of lectures.

Hence, there are now two options of learning which are proving to work just fine, whether alone or blended. However, no method works the same for everyone. The same theory applies when choosing a plan that best suits you when absorbing knowledge. So let’s dig a little bit deeper into online learning vs traditional learning , and the perks of both of these educational methodologies. After, maybe you can decide which one to choose to contribute towards building your career.

What Is Brick and Mortar Education?

You can basically understand the context of brick-and-mortar education by its own name. Brick and mortar is the traditional way to attend college, with students coming to campus and attending class in physical classrooms.

Being still the most dominant form of pursuing an education, brick-and-mortar colleges allow students to interact with one another and discuss with teachers face-to-face. Probably this is what keeps this form of traditional learning still so much in demand, as students can communicate with others or ask questions personally to the lecturer. They feel more responsible regarding their exams, towards every deadline that comes their way, and commit to regular attendance.

However, this kind of college lifestyle does not suit the mindset of some other students. Attendance, location, lack of flexibility, and campus life are exactly the components that they find disturbing; therefore, they choose to withdraw. They know that them being late or absent is something that can be held against them later on in exams. Or maybe the schedule of lectures does not comply with their part-time job and makes their attendance in the class impossible. Overall, campus life sounds overwhelming, and little to no flexibility may as well feel like a threat to their willingness to learn. Luckily, technology made other options available to them.

What Is Online Learning?

Online learning is known as the education that takes place over the Internet. Often referred to as “eLearning”, or “distance learning” – online learning involves the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional classroom.

Colleges nowadays use LMS (Learning Management Systems) such as Moodle, Blackboard, or similar software as a replacement for classes. Assignments are submitted online, discussions are in a forum format, and emailing professors is very prompt. This excellent learning methodology comes along with convenience, greater flexibility, and greater accessibility. Lessons can be completed around your schedule without leaving home or having to relocate depending on the rain, snow, or sunshine.

Even the costs are shorter as most online programs cost less than brick and mortar. That’s because room and board, parking, books, and attendance fees are not necessary. Still, you get the same benefits and level of knowledge as you would from traditional classrooms. For instance, our online degree programs here at Potomac University are designed and taught by industry professionals. We are dedicated to ensuring that the quality, relevance, and discipline of our online programs are the same as our on-ground programs. The online course presentations are updated regularly, taking into consideration the world’s constant academic evolution in online education.

Some of the cons of online programs may involve a lack of determination, low retention rates, and less social interaction. This is most likely the reason why fewer degree choices are offered online than through traditional learning. But if you have the willingness and commitment, you shouldn’t be discouraged.

Statistics on Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes

traditional learning vs online learning compare and contrast essay

Online and traditional learning institutions both have their advantages and disadvantages. However, one thing is for sure: online education is here to stay, and its demand is on the rise. These statistics on how online learning stacks up when compared to traditional learning were gathered in early 2014. Enrollment in online universities continues to increase year after year. But how do these programs compare to traditional, face-to-face education?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Learning

Advantages :

  • Fewer expenses – Perhaps the greatest perk of online learning is the low cost. Enrolling in an online program means you do not have to commute to class every day or even move to a different state to attend classes. By eliminating travel or moving expenses you automatically save a lot of money on food, books, and school supplies.
  • Time-saving – This is kind of a given considering the lack of commute. By simply turning on your computer and joining an online class you save yourself the time it would take to get ready and go to class physically.
  • Using technology – Attending online classes means you get to use technology more—thus automatically becoming more tech-savvy.
  • More chances for interaction – Although this might sound contradictory, online learning can be great for increasing interaction in a class. An online class creates an environment where even students who are usually shy in traditional classes can participate.


  • Isolation – Though it might be great for more reserved students, online classes can create a feeling of isolation for those who thrive by physically interacting with their peers.
  • Lack of discipline – Remote learning can be counterproductive for students who lack self-discipline and require constant guidance from their teachers or peers.
  • Requires training for instructors – For an online class to go smoothly and carry out its purpose, the professor needs to be trained in how to use the technology required to teach. In addition, instructors need to discover ways to get the best out of their students without them being physically present.
  • Technical difficulties – Last but not least, in online learning there are more scenarios when something might go wrong due to technical problems such as loss of audio, video, or even overall connectivity.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Traditional Learning


  • Increased interaction – It goes without saying that professors can get more interaction from their students if they are physically present in the classroom as opposed to remote learning.
  • Hands-on learning – Traditional learning gives students a sense of security and control over their learning because they are present.
  • Experience campus life – A big part of learning in college is being able to interact with all the students on the campus. While this is possible online, traditional classes certainly offer more opportunities.
  • Networking – To add on the last advantage, more interaction with other students means you will be able to create a wider network that will help you in the future when you enter the workforce.
  • Expensive – Enrolling in a traditional program means you will have to spend more on commute or relocation, food, supplies, etc.
  • No flexibility – Unfortunately, if you are also working while studying, in-person classes offer virtually no flexibility in regards to attending classes.
  • Time-consuming – Having to physically attend classes will take more of your time than online classes. This includes getting ready and possibly commuting to class.

The enrollment rate in Online Learning

  • The total number of students enrolled in online courses: 6,700,000
  • Current number of accredited online universities: 275+
  • Amount of college students who have enrolled in at least one online course: 30%
  • Whether online or in a traditional institution, 67% of college instructors believe video, blogs, podcasts, and other online media are necessary teaching tools.

What are students studying?

Most popular bachelor’s degrees for traditional learning.

  • Elementary Education

Most Popular Bachelor’s Degrees for Online Learning

  • Health Administration

Student’s perception of online education

  • 77% of educators believe that online learning is just as good as traditional learning, if not better.
  • Nearly 70% of all students claim online instruction to be as good as or better than in a traditional classroom setting.
  • 26% of online students claim to learn better online than in a classroom.

Why is online learning more effective?

Although online learning has some minor disadvantages, the need for online learning, especially during the pandemic, has led to major improvements. Online classes are certainly more inclusive because even those that aren’t that well-off financially, or have other commitments can attend online classes.

Online learners’ score on standardized tests

  • The average score of classroom learners: 50th percentile
  • The average score of online learners: 59th percentile
  • There is a 5:1 ratio by which learners differ
  • A 5:1 ratio by which learners differ means that the slowest student takes 5 times as long to learn as the fastest student.
  • 90% of these learners will successfully reach higher levels, but only if given enough attention.
  • Face-to-face instruction is the best approach to providing these levels of attention.
  • Fortunately, 97% of online institutions’ courses offer student/faculty ratios of 25:1 or better.

Online learning vs traditional learning costs

  • Online degrees cost as little as 80 times less than traditional degrees
  • Total average cost of traditional degrees: $85,000
  • Total average cost of online degrees: $30,000

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Online Learning Versus Traditional Learning, Essay Example

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In today ’ s technologically advanced world, it only makes sense that individuals start adapting to their changing environment. Specifically, individuals must start to understand that it is imperative that they embrace the potential in online learning. The reason why online learning should be popularized is because its advantages greatly overshadow its disadvantages. For example, Carron, a professor at New York University, states that with the Internet, online degrees have become a perfect option for the individual who may not be able to enroll in a traditional classroom institution (Carron). Moreover, a writer, Mr. Bird, agues that online learning is more beneficial than traditional learning because of the manner in which time efficiency is used. (Bird). What this suggests is that those individuals who learn to accept the fact that online learning is much more productive at times as opposed to traditional learning will ultimately succeed in their individual lives. Though this may seem like a faulty generalization at best, once the kinds of advantages that come with online courses are explained and elaborated, it will become clear as to why all individuals should opt for online learning as opposed to traditional learning. Online learning methods should be prioritized over traditional learning methods because of the many advantages it brings better time management, independency, and modernization.

 Students should take online courses because they lead to better time management. Taking online courses allow a student to attend school around their schedule, giving them more free time. This will be due to the fact that these individuals will be able to take the classes whenever they want and not have to go to a specified class at a specified time. Individuals would come to appreciate that through their online courses, they would have more time to do the things they really love, as opposed to having to attend a traditional class all the time.

 Another big reason student should prioritize online teaching over traditional teaching is because of the kind of flexibility that is offered in the online classes. In traditional classes, the norm is that if a student does not understand or comprehend a certain subject of concept, then the whole class must be interrupted for the sake of that student. This invariably causes the class to fall behind in the lesson that is being taught at the moment. Online classes are very distinct in this aspect. What is great about online classes is that they offer the flexibility that would never be possible in a traditional class. For example, in an online class, a student is given the opportunity for him or her to go at his or her own pace. Often times, this means that a student is able to get ahead of the whole class while sometimes it may mean that a student can take all the time he or she needs in order to understand a certain concept. The reason online courses is so grand is because is suits a student ’ s needs perfectly. What this mean is that a student is allowed to take a certain course when he or she wants to and is not expected to follow a core curriculum. Being able to log into class whenever a student a student decide, allow them to have more free time.  The fact that a student would be able to attend the majority of family events as opposed to having to attend a lecture in a traditional class is something that was unheard of until the twentieth-century.

 In addition to having the flexibility of the world at one ’ s fingertips, an advantage of taking online courses is that a student becomes much more independent. Because of the fact that a student does not have a certain responsibility to attend a certain class at a given hour, it becomes the student ’ s personal responsibility to do his or her online coursework without having an instructor present to constantly remind the student of what he or she must complete. Although this might sound irresponsible at first, it is important to take note of the fact that by not having someone constantly behind your shoulder reminding you of what needs to get done, you will become more responsible. This is due to the fact that individuals will come to realize that they have to do their coursework within given deadline without any excuses. In addition, opting for online courses is much more beneficial as opposed to attending to traditional course because of the fact that a student is able to learn the true meaning of self-motivation.

 Because of the fact that there is no one present to constantly remind the student of what needs to get done, the student must learn how to motivate himself or herself to do his or her coursework within the given amount of time. This helps develop a kind of independency in a student. Independency in a student usually means that he or she is ready for the real world, where no one else will be reminding them of what needs to be done and by when it needs to be done.

 By taking online courses, individuals will come to realize that they must set personal deadlines in order to ensure that they do not fall behind in their own perspective classes. If this is not done, then it is without a doubt that individuals will constantly be failing an online class because they will not be doing what is required for the course. In addition to being responsible and setting one ’ s own deadlines, by taking online classes, individuals begin to understand that time is valuable and that they cannot be putting things off to the last minute. This is not typical in a traditional teaching course because individuals are often attempting to look for an easy way out of difficult coursework by trying to change an instructor ’ s mind.

 A major factor that can contribute to the decision as to why a student should opt for online teaching as opposed to traditional teaching is due to the manner in which online teaching is more interactive. For example, at a university lecture hall, an individual might not be able to contact a certain professor because he or he may be too busy throughout the class to answer specific questions for individual people. However, in an online course, a student has the ability to personally reach out to the professor that is teaching the course whether it be via email, Skype, etc., and has the opportunity to ask the professor questions regarding the course materials. As a result of this option, online teaching is much more personal.

 A great reason as to why online teaching is wonderful is due to the manner in which it allows individuals from all over the world to interact for one common purpose. Despite the fact that this common purpose can be anything, individuals from all places can come together in order to bounce off ideas from one another via the Internet. Although individuals from all over the world could just as well meet up in a traditional class and learn the same concepts and ideas that are being taught in an online course, talking to students online would require less work on the instructor ’ s part. Not only that, but by opting for online courses, individuals would be able to become much more modernized. What this means is that they would be adapting the kind of technological advances that are not available in today ’ s modernized world. By adopting these strategies and methods, it would be ensured that individuals do not fall behind in any and every aspect of life, not even the computer aspect. By being allowed to access their own classes though the Internet, individuals would become familiarized with the kind of potential that is available online.

 Due to the fact that technology is the future, online courses would make a lot of sense. Professors would not even have the responsibility of having to give off handouts because all of the information would be online. If a student were to ever be confused about a certain concept, he or she could call the instructor and the instructor would immediately be able to connect that certain individual with a person who thoroughly understands the subject.

 Online courses should be prioritized over traditional learning methods because of the many advantages it brings better time management, independency, and modernization. Once individuals come to realize all of the potential that is in online teaching; no one will ever want to go back to traditional teaching methods anymore. For that reason, it is vital that all individuals come to understand that online courses is the way to go because of its many advantages. Even if individuals are not crazy about the fact that technology is the future, then perhaps these individuals could be convinced to still opt for online teaching due to the crazy amount of opportunities that they have to offer. Despite the fact that many individuals will always prefer traditional teaching methods over online teaching methods, it is very important that the individuals come to understand absolutely everything that comes with online teaching. Of course, this is not to say that traditional teachings methods are bad (they have worked for years). However, the fact that the world has innovated tremendously ever since, individuals should come to the realization that it is a better idea to take online classes instead of having to waste so much time in traditional classes. If and when these individuals come to realize that it a better idea to take online courses, then is goes without a doubt that these individuals will never regret their choice, for they will be making a great investment in their education.

Works Cited

Bird, K. “Online vs. Traditional Education: The Answer You Never Expected.” N.p., Web. < education-answer-never-expected/>.

California State University – San Bernardino. N.p., Web. < Article/VOL19-2/03_Ni.pdf>.

Drexel University. “How Do Employers View Online Degrees?” Drexel University Online – Accredited Online College Degrees & Online MBA Programs. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2015.

J, Carron. N.p., Web. <>.

Moore, M., and G. Kearsley. “Distance Education: A Systems View of Online Learning – Michael G. Moore, Greg Kearsley – Google Books.” N.p., Web. <

Northcentral University. “Online Education Versus Traditional Education | Northcentral University.” N.p., Web. < more>.

“Pros and Cons: Online Degrees Vs. Traditional Degrees | Ginkgotree.” Ginkgotree. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2015.

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Online vs. Traditional Education: What You Need to Know

By Will Erstad on 08/16/2017

Online versus traditional education

The word “college” might make you think of students hanging out in dorm rooms or gathering for classes in enormous lecture halls. But that depiction is becoming increasingly out-of-date as technology provides for more and more ways to learn.

In fact, online and distance learning has steadily grown in popularity among college students, but does that mean it’s a good choice for you? In order to help you answer that question, take some time to compare and contrast traditional versus online education.

Comparing online versus traditional education

Both online education and its traditional counterpart have pros and cons, so it’s important for students to understand what to expect before they step foot—or log into—the classroom. We focused this side-by-side comparison on three key areas that make an impact on a student’s experience. We’ll also take a closer look at what a “blended learning” model has to offer.

Online vs. traditional education: Flexibility

One of the key components to consider when weighing the options is the amount of time you have every day to dedicate to schoolwork. Are you willing and able to attend college full-time or do you need more flexibility to work around your busy schedule?

Online education:

A benefit to taking online courses is that they offer flexibility to the student. This is a great option for those who already have time commitments with family and work. Online classes will mold with your schedule—and allow you to log into your online course at a time that works best for you, as opposed to having to attend a lecture at a specific time.

Most online courses will follow a weekly format where students are expected to log in, read course materials, contribute to online class discussions and complete assignments prior to the beginning of the next week. You’ll still have plenty to do for each class—but you’ll have more options for fitting this work in around other commitments.

Traditional education:

Generally speaking, this is the best option for students who have a little more freedom in their schedules. That said, traditional students do have some flexibility in their scheduling in that some schools offer night classes or classes that follow a schedule where they meet only once per week.

One easy-to-overlook factor when it comes to scheduling is travel time to campus—a long commute can certainly make schedules difficult, especially if you’re planning on working while in school .

Online vs. traditional education: Discipline & self-motivation

Something else to consider while weighing your college options is your level of self-discipline. Both traditional and online education certainly require some discipline to succeed, but there can be significant differences in how learning is structured. These structural differences can have a significant effect on your ability to stay on track.

The increased flexibility of online learning comes with a bit of a trade-off—you’ll need to be highly self-motivated. All college classes require students to keep up on required reading and assignments, but some students may struggle to stay motivated when learning from the comfort of their home.

The best online students develop strategies for staying up to date on their coursework. Things like setting aside time every week for studying and creating a work space with minimal distractions can help immensely.

When it comes to discipline and motivation, traditional education does have an advantage in the eyes of many. The structured schedule of attending class a handful of times per week and having routine face-to-face interactions with instructors can help keep students on task. Students in traditional, on-campus settings have more opportunities to be reminded of upcoming assignments, which can help if you tend to procrastinate on large, time-consuming assignments.

Online vs. traditional education: Social interaction

One final area to consider is the level of social interaction you’re hoping to have as you earn your degree. Do you need interaction from your peers and instructors to succeed and stay motivated? Or do you thrive in an independent study environment?

Social interaction with instructors and other students, while not as common in online courses, still happens regularly. The biggest difference is in the form it takes, with many online student interactions happening via video chat or through online discussion posts.

Some courses may also offer pre-recorded videos of the same lectures given to traditional, on-campus students. If you’re a social learner who likes to ask questions and pick the brains of your instructors, these video lectures can help you earn a deeper understanding of assigned reading materials.

Despite technological advances, traditional education is still likely the better option for those who thrive on face-to-face communication. Seeing and interacting with your instructors on a regular basis can be motivating for some—it’s a little easier to go the extra mile if you know your instructor is likeable and invested in your education. Traditional, in-class settings may also offer more opportunities for spur-of-the-moment questioning or interesting tangents that may help a concept “click” in the minds of students.

Online vs. traditional education: The blended education model

By now, it’s probably becoming clear to you that both online and traditional education each have their perks. So is there a way to get the best of both worlds? One option that is increasing in popularity is called “blended learning.”

In this format, curriculum is designed to implement both traditional, in-person learning and online coursework. The implementation of this can vary greatly, depending on the subject and instructor. But as an example, instructors may require only meeting once weekly for lectures, while assigning projects or other activities for students to complete online on their own time. This allows students to receive some of the positives from face-to-face social learning while still allowing for scheduling flexibility.

Another example would be a program that offers some courses on campus and others online. For example, a nursing program may include an online anatomy course, and a nursing simulation lab on campus. The idea here is that certain courses involve material that is conducive to online learning, while other lessons can only be taught in a physical classroom or lab.

The decision is yours

In the case of online versus traditional education, there is no right or wrong answer. Much of it comes down to personal preference and knowing how you learn best. These learning formats can all be very effective, no matter your personal learning style and situation.

Ready to get started with a new college experience? Find a campus location near you or check out the online program offerings of Rasmussen University.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was originally published February 2014 and has been updated to reflect information from 2017.

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About the author

Will Erstad

Will is a Sr. Content Specialist at Collegis Education. He researches and writes student-focused articles on a variety of topics for Rasmussen University. He is passionate about learning and enjoys writing engaging content to help current and future students on their path to a rewarding education.


Posted in Online Learning

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traditional learning vs online learning compare and contrast essay

Traditional Learning vs Online Learning: Which one is better?

Traditional learning vs online learning

Education has become one of the fastest growing business in recent years and also online education has also become more popular in the fast-paced growing society.

Online courses allow students to take courses from different countries. Some schools, universities also offer eLearning courses or blended courses in the both in-class and online medium. These traditional brick and mortar institutions also offering more online courses to cope up with the advanced learning process. The emerging of online education is persuading just because of the expansion of technology and desire of people to learn at their own pace.

Although the transition of classroom learning to online learning has created a surefire for both learners and teachers, still there are certain unique attributes which create a thin line between the two options of learning. Despite the enormous popularity of online education, most of the people stay away from such methods. The individuals find the type of method appropriate depending upon their requirements and preferences.

The following guide of differences with their pros and cons between traditional learning vs online learning will definitely help the professionals to make a clear and better understanding.

Let’s do compare the two important options.

What is Traditional Learning?

The advantages of regular education procedure include the regular attendance in classes, the interaction between students and teacher at their own class, maintain discipline by following a schedule on campus, enhance the student’s fitness as well as mental alertness.

The method helps the teachers to know their students personally by which they can able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of students and can guide for better possibilities. The continuous interaction between the teachers and students help to build a better relationship between them.

The students also share their views directly with the teacher and clarify the queries at the right moment. Books, notes, materials, question and answer pattern are the generalized way of learning which help the students in a better way. The students can easily find the laboratories, workshops, clinics, etc. in the campus to attain practical knowledge of a subject.

The method is best suited for the younger students who are attending the college, who needs more guidance and direct contact with teachers or professors. The traditional learning can be a more comfortable fit for the students who value the campus experience more desirable than online learning.

What is online learning?

Online education involves taking courses on the internet. The flexibility and convenience provide an opportunity for students by allowing them to read at their own pace without following a strict schedule.

The online learning is best suited for regular students. However, the course can be completed at anywhere just with the help of a device with internet connectivity. This form of learning makes ideal and cost-effective for students who can’t attend the regular classes. The students can follow online learning materials, online video lectures, animated videos, online games, graphics and many more to ensure online education. Live interaction is the best way to learn in online learning as this provides a two-way interaction through video conferencing.

Professionals can boost their skills and career opportunities with the help of online education. Online degrees are very helpful for professionals to get promotion in an organization. The learners need not attend the regular classes after the hectic and exhausting schedule of your job life. They can save their valuable time, money and energy easily. The online courses often offer online forums, emails, webinars, chat interaction with instructors for solving the queries. There are certain online search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. that provide the information resources for free which helps in an appropriate manner.

Advantages of eLearning vs traditional learning:

The learners always want a relevant, self-paced, and personalized mode of learning. They want to learn at their own comfort and requirements. Have an analytical look at the eLearning vs traditional learning.

At one point, it is merely of question the quality of education provided by either of the learning methods. The following aspects of online learning vs classroom learning will give you a clear picture. Let’s dive in different aspects.


You can learn online courses even if you are at your home or workplace. The flexible timetable in eLearning platforms makes a great way to improve its academically. You can focus on your other skills apart from your jobs. You can manage the time to learn more analytical or critical skills in a particular domain. For example, a person can learn the advanced level of JavaScript to be used in programming while doing a job.

Flexible learning allows learners to complete their assigned projects at their own pace. A person can able to participate from anywhere with a good internet connection. You can travel frequently for your personal and professional reasons. A learner can eliminate the need for commuting or relocating from one place to another.

Learning time:

You will be able to learn more skills online to cope up with the market through online learning. The online learning provides a convenient way to obtain homework, exams, test scores, and many more within a pace of time. It allows the learning in a distant or disadvantaged location. The e-learning courses take less class time than a traditional course.

Social interaction:

The participation of students and instructors in online learning is provided in a more substantive way. The discussion occurs through online chat for solving queries, forums, discussion boards, email, etc. The learners can clear their doubts in the online environment.

Cost effective:

The fees for online education are 2 to 3 times lower than the tuition fees at a traditional educational institute. The material fees are minimal for online programs.

Instructional materials:

An online learner can get the course materials by an instructor in the form of visual aid like PowerPoint Presentation, text format, PDF format, or through video and audio lectures.

Simulations, interactions, and storytelling are used for online courses. The graphics which include icons, symbols, photos, and illustrations are also helpful for better online learning. The animated videos are powerful tools to attract more modern learners.


Assessment of learning is an essential component in the online environment. The assessment includes written Assignments like short essays, research papers, case study responses, etc. A learner can get feedback and build community through the assessment.

A learner can get the traditional multiple choice questions, short or long answer questions delivered through online multiple choice question answer sessions. You can also get the understanding of course material with the face to face proctor tests.

Disadvantages of online learning:

While there are many reasons to start an online education, there are certain cons to this method of learning. You can get little chance to join the extracurricular activities organized by educational institutions.

You won’t be able to socialize on student reunions and recreational centers. Online education is not applicable to medical institutions. Online learning provides you the limited options for a career, and won’t give experiences of college life.

Pros of traditional learning:

Experience of different campus activities:.

Traditional learning provides several types of experiences like clubs, sports activities, communal activities, live seminars, live presentation, and eating in canteens, etc.

Develop a vast network:

The physical presence provides interaction between teachers, students. Moreover, you can meet a number of people like old students. You can establish a large network which helps in gaining the personality and knowledge.

Recognition from degree:

You will get the recognition from a college, board, or university for the validity of your education. The certificate will provide you credibility for the time spent to get it. You will get a certificate even if you cleared the subject with a marginal grade.

Get facilities for different activities:

You will get the related equipment and other facilities required for your courses in classroom learning.

The traditional classroom training provides an approach of interaction among the students and teachers by raising the hands, asking questions, discussing a certain topic, giving a presentation, etc.

Degree for certain career opportunities:

If you want to obtain certain higher degrees like Masters and Ph. D, you can only get the degrees after having a bachelor’s degree certificate from a traditional learning center like universities.  It is a great way to flourish being exposed to colleagues, mentors, and professors.

Cons of Traditional Learning:

Education at traditional learning centers is usually less cost-effective as the institutions need many expenses for the resources which increase the cost of courses.

Cost of commuting:

The cost of commuting to schools and the accommodations within the school include in the traditional learning system. The traveling cost will be more while doing to and fro from the class.

No flexibility:

The rigid schedules in colleges and universities make the students more difficult to the study. The students have to organize their regular classes based on the timetable and need to follow the attendance. The students are mandated to attend the school and they don’t have the chance to express their skills.

To conclude:

At first, consider your desired education, figure out which type of education is affordable, and then select the course. After going through the differences between online and traditional education, you can easily decide the better option suitable for your career.

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traditional learning vs online learning compare and contrast essay

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Best Education Essay Examples

Online vs. traditional education.

1212 words | 5 page(s)

Today, when online education is becoming a vital part of the education family, almost all major American colleges and universities offer distance education, or online, courses. Online education, or as it is often called “e-education,” is able to reach a broader student audience, address the needs of learners in better ways, and save money, while using the principles of the contemporary learning pedagogy (Forman, 2001). Online courses allow students to take classes while living in different states or in different countries. Some schools offer traditional courses, online distance courses, or hybrid courses; the latter includes taking both traditional and online classes. Even schools with the most traditional educational strategies, often called “brick and mortar” schools, gradually start offering online courses in response to the skyrocketing number of students partaking in the online experience. As online education becomes increasingly popular among young people, pushing traditional educational models aside, it is necessary to compare and contrast these two approaches and find out which one offers more positive outcomes for students and their academic performance. The aim of this essay is to find out whether online learning is better, worse, or equal to traditional in-class learning while analyzing its advantages and drawbacks.

The difference between traditional and online education is especially noticeable in three dimensions: access to learning, classroom space, and the possibility of implementing innovative teaching practices. One of the major characteristics of online education is flexibility; the ability to take classes in any place with an internet connection at any time of the day or night. Traditional classes, on the contrary, are inflexible and much more teacher-centered (Barab, Thomas, & Merrill, 2001). Access to information is not limited to materials available in the classroom, and access to the classroom materials is no longer limited to the time of the lesson or to the physical classroom space. Being able to study when and where you like affords students from all walks of life with the availability of obtaining a degree. Whether the student is a young mother who is unable to attend traditional courses due to a lack of a babysitter, or a full time worker who cannot rearrange their schedule to make the traditional class times, these individuals will be able to obtain a degree regardless of that situation by simply taking online courses. The flexibility offered by the online education gives particular categories of students an important opportunity to meet their educational needs.

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On the other hand, the advantage of traditional courses consists in offering student direct contact with teachers. Face to face communication allows students to ask questions concerning their classes and immediately get the answers they seek. Students are also able to meet with their classmates, developing friendships and fostering teamwork. The proponents of the traditional classroom model believe that the face-to-face contact allows students to enjoy the ability to learn with others and to know their instructors (McDonald, 2002). Indeed, learning in front of the PC may not be compared to the charm of going to lectures, living in the campus and visiting student parties, however, all of this has little to do with academic performance. The proponents of online learning argue that the latter offers students more time for digesting the information they receive and responding. They also claim that, while attending distance courses, students are able to better develop the skills needed in conducting open discussions, where each of the students receives more of an equal standing in comparison with a face-to-face discussion. This happens due to the fact that online students can make their responses around the clock with no restrictions, which enhances motivation and involvement on the learner’s part. Also, online classes provide an easy access to peers all over the world, which facilitates the establishment of a scholar networking for the intellectual exchange and collaboration purposes (McDonald, 2002). This has a profound impact on the professional life of the faculty, since it is no longer limited to geographical limits, when choosing collaborators.

The second significant difference between online and onsite education is classroom space. The very concept of the online learning has facilitated the invention of another, more suitable term – learning space. Online learning has been revolutionary in the world of education, creating an opportunity for collaboration, discussion and building a community among its participants, without being bound to the limits of a physical classroom. Usually faculty is free to choose between several online applications to encourage interaction through synchronous or asynchronous methods. Such methods work to extend class discussions, offering students the ability to delve deeper into a specific topic, affording students the opportunity to discuss a reading or build off of a lecture. This type of collaboration between students in the same class, students who may reside in different states or even in different countries the whole world over is possible only through the use of the virtual classroom (Barab, Thomas & Merrill, 2001).

The third significant difference between the two reviewed educational methodologies is the application of the new online teaching practices considered to be unusual for traditional education. Online learning strategies are known to involve innovational pedagogical technologies that greatly facilitate the process of learning. Such practices, as asynchronous and synchronous class discussions; constant commenting and answering questions of the classmates; application and document sharing were never or rarely used in the on-site courses before. In a traditional class, document sharing involved printing numerous copies of documents, thus involving additional costs. Collaboration and discussion in a group were limited by classroom space, restricted to a standard lesson time and to the opportunity of being heard and seen in the classroom (McDonald, 2002). Acquisition of these practices by the online education programs has turned them into an efficient and fascinating way of learning.

It is possible to see that there are different benefits to both the traditional education and the online education offered to students in this day and age. There are some individuals who are unable to work without direct classroom instruction; they are auditory learners, not visual ones, and for them the traditional classroom will be the place in which they are able to shine. Other students are visual learners, finding the traditional classroom tedious and boring, with the auditory lectures a waste of time as they have already read all of the material covered in the lecture. These visual learners excel when placed in an online classroom, as they are able to work at their own pace as opposed to the pace of the teacher or professor. While it cannot be stated that one method is better or worse than the other, it can be stated that one method will be better for some students than it will be for others, allowing college students to get the most out of their college experience and providing them with the availability to do it their own way.

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  • Barab, S., Thomas, M. & Merrill, H. (2001). Online Learning: From Information Dissemination to Fostering Collaboration, Journal of Interactive Learning Research 12(1), 105-143.
  • Forman, R. O. (2011). A comparison of success in on-campus versus distance learning for information systems course. Issues in Information Systems, 12(2), 63-66.
  • McDonald, J. (2002). Is “as good as face-to-face” as good as it gets? Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 6(2), 10-23.

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Sharing some ideas on how to write a compare and contrast essay

Writing a compare and contrast essay involves looking at the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. Start by choosing the subjects you want to compare and contrast. Make sure they have enough in common to make the comparison meaningful, but also have distinct differences that are worth discussing.

Begin with an introduction that provides some background on the subjects and ends with a thesis statement that highlights the main points you'll be comparing and contrasting. The body of your essay can be organized in two main ways: the block method or the point-by-point method.

In the block method, you discuss all aspects of one subject first, then all aspects of the other. This means you'll have two sections in the body of your essay, each dedicated to one subject. In the point-by-point method, you alternate between subjects for each point of comparison, discussing one point at a time for both subjects before moving on to the next point.

For each point, use clear and specific examples to illustrate your comparisons and contrasts. This helps make your argument more convincing and easier to follow. Finally, conclude your essay by summarizing the main points and restating the thesis in a way that shows how your comparisons have supported it.

Remember to keep your writing clear and focused, and make sure each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next. By following these steps, you'll be able to write a coherent and effective compare and contrast essay.

Here are some compare and contrast essay topic ideas suitable for college-level students:

Capitalism vs. socialism in modern economies

The role of government vs. the role of private sector in environmental protection

Traditional medicine vs. modern medicine in healthcare

Classical liberalism vs. modern liberalism

Influences of Eastern vs. Western philosophies on contemporary thought

Online privacy vs. national security

The impact of colonialism vs. globalization on developing countries

Public health systems vs. private health systems

Renewable energy vs. nuclear energy as sustainable solutions

The French Revolution vs. the American Revolution

Urbanization in developed countries vs. developing countries

The influence of print media vs. digital media on public opinion

The ethical implications of AI vs. human decision-making

The role of international organizations vs. sovereign states in global governance

Cultural assimilation vs. multiculturalism in immigrant communities

Traditional education systems vs. progressive education systems

The impact of climate change policies in developed countries vs. developing countries

The effect of social media vs. traditional activism on political movements

The evolution of human rights in Western societies vs. Eastern societies

The use of diplomatic vs. military strategies in conflict resolution

Economic growth vs. income inequality in advanced economies

The representation of gender in classic literature vs. contemporary literature

The impact of Brexit on the UK economy vs. the EU economy

Authoritarianism vs. democracy in political stability

The use of technology in traditional classrooms vs. online learning platforms

The effect of legalizing vs. prohibiting recreational drugs on society

The role of religion in public life in secular states vs. theocratic states

The influence of Renaissance art vs. Baroque art on European culture

Centralized vs. decentralized governance in multinational corporations

The impact of global trade agreements vs. protectionist policies

The development of scientific theories in the 19th century vs. the 20th century

Human rights in international law vs. national law

The influence of Enlightenment thinkers vs. Romantic thinkers on modern thought

The impact of industrialization vs. digitalization on the labor market

The role of public vs. private funding in scientific research

Free speech vs. hate speech regulations in democratic societies

The cultural impact of the internet in urban areas vs. rural areas

The portrayal of war in historical documentaries vs. fictional films

The relationship between church and state in medieval Europe vs. modern Europe

The success of grassroots movements vs. institutional political movements

The evolution of international law pre- vs. post-World War II

Traditional gender roles in indigenous cultures vs. modern societies

The impact of the printing press vs. the internet on information dissemination

Humanitarian intervention vs. state sovereignty in international relations

The role of philosophy vs. empirical science in the development of knowledge

The impact of trade unions in the 20th century vs. the 21st century

The effectiveness of fiscal policy vs. monetary policy in economic stabilization

The depiction of dystopian societies in 20th century literature vs. 21st century literature

Corporate social responsibility in multinational corporations vs. small and medium enterprises

The role of traditional intelligence agencies vs. cyber intelligence in national security


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