what does explanation mean in an essay

How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Comprehensive Guide with Examples

what does explanation mean in an essay

What Is an Explanatory Essay: Definition

Have you ever been tasked with explaining a complex topic to someone without prior knowledge? It can be challenging to break down complex ideas into simple terms that are easy to understand. That's where explanatory writing comes in! An explanatory essay, also known as an expository essay, is a type of academic writing that aims to explain a particular topic or concept clearly and concisely. These essays are often used in academic settings but can also be found in newspapers, magazines, and online publications.

For example, if you were asked to explain how a car engine works, you would need to provide a step-by-step explanation of the different parts of the engine and how they work together to make the car move. Or, if you were asked to explain the process of photosynthesis, you would need to explain how plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create energy.

When wondering - 'what is an explanatory essay?', remember that the goal of an explanatory paper is to provide the reader with a better understanding of the topic at hand. Unlike an opinion essay , this type of paper does not argue for or against a particular viewpoint but rather presents information neutrally and objectively. By the end of the essay, the reader should clearly understand the topic and be able to explain it to others in their own words.

Also, there is no set number of paragraphs in an explanatory essay, as it can vary depending on the length and complexity of the topic. However, when wondering - 'how many paragraphs in an explanatory essay?', know that a typical example of explanatory writing will have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

However, some essays may have more or fewer body paragraphs, depending on the topic and the writer's preference. Ultimately, an explanatory essay format aims to provide a clear and thorough explanation of the topic, using as many paragraphs as necessary.

Explanatory Essay Topics

30 Interesting Explanatory Essay Topics 

Now that we have defined what is explanatory essay, the next step is choosing a good explanatory topic. A well-chosen topic is interesting and relevant to your audience while also being something you are knowledgeable about and can provide valuable insights on. By selecting a topic that is too broad or too narrow, you run the risk of either overwhelming your audience with too much information or failing to provide enough substance to fully explain the topic. Additionally, choosing a topic that is too controversial or biased can lead to difficulty in presenting information objectively and neutrally. By choosing a good explanatory topic, you can ensure that your essay is well-informed, engaging, and effective in communicating your ideas to your audience.

Here are 30 creative explanatory essay topics by our admission essay service to consider:

  • The Impact of Social Media on Modern Communication
  • Exploring the Rise of Renewable Energy Sources Worldwide
  • The Role of Genetics in Personalizing Medicine
  • How Blockchain Technology is Transforming Finance
  • The Influence of Globalization on Local Cultures
  • The Science Behind the Human Body’s Circadian Rhythms
  • Understanding the Causes and Effects of Global Warming
  • The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Its Future
  • The Psychological Effects of Social Isolation
  • The Mechanisms of Dreaming: What Happens While We Sleep?
  • The History and Cultural Significance of Coffee
  • How Does the Stock Market Work? An Introductory Guide
  • The Importance of Bees in Ecosystem Maintenance
  • Exploring the Various Forms of Government Around the World
  • The Process of DNA Replication and Its Importance
  • How Personal Finance Trends Are Shaping the Future of Banking
  • The Effects of Music on Human Emotion and Brain Function
  • Understanding Climate Change: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • The Role of Antioxidants in Human Health
  • The History of the Internet and Its Impact on Communication
  • How 3D Printing is Revolutionizing Manufacturing
  • The Significance of Water Conservation in the 21st Century
  • The Psychological Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
  • The Importance of Vaccinations in Public Health
  • How Autonomous Vehicles Will Change the Future of Transportation
  • Exploring the Concept of Minimalism and Its Benefits
  • The Role of Robotics in Healthcare
  • The Economic Impact of Tourism in Developing Countries
  • How Urban Farming is Helping to Solve Food Security Issues
  • The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Workplace Dynamics

How to Start an Explanatory Essay: Important Steps

Starting an explanatory essay can be challenging, especially if you are unsure where to begin. However, by following a few simple steps, you can effectively kick-start your writing process and produce a clear and concise essay. Here are some tips and examples from our term paper writing services on how to start an explanatory essay:

How to Start an Explanatory Essay

  • Choose an engaging topic : Your topic should be interesting, relevant, and meaningful to your audience. For example, if you're writing about climate change, you might focus on a specific aspect of the issue, such as the effects of rising sea levels on coastal communities.
  • Conduct research : Gather as much information as possible on your topic. This may involve reading scholarly articles, conducting interviews, or analyzing data. For example, if you're writing about the benefits of mindfulness meditation, you might research the psychological and physical benefits of the practice.
  • Develop an outline : Creating an outline will help you logically organize your explanatory essay structure. For example, you might organize your essay on the benefits of mindfulness meditation by discussing its effects on mental health, physical health, and productivity.
  • Provide clear explanations: When writing an explanatory article, it's important to explain complex concepts clearly and concisely. Use simple language and avoid technical jargon. For example, if you're explaining the process of photosynthesis, you might use diagrams and visual aids to help illustrate your points.
  • Use evidence to support your claims : Use evidence from reputable sources to support your claims and arguments. This will help to build credibility and persuade your readers. For example, if you're writing about the benefits of exercise, you might cite studies that demonstrate its positive effects on mental health and cognitive function.

By following these tips and examples, you can effectively start your expository essays and produce a well-structured, informative, and engaging piece of writing.

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Explanatory Essay Outline

As mentioned above, it's important to create an explanatory essay outline to effectively organize your ideas and ensure that your essay is well-structured and easy to follow. An outline helps you organize your thoughts and ideas logically and systematically, ensuring that you cover all the key points related to your topic. It also helps you identify gaps in your research or argument and allows you to easily revise and edit your essay. In this way, an outline can greatly improve the overall quality and effectiveness of your explanatory essay.

Explanatory Essay Introduction

Here are some tips from our ' do my homework ' service to create a good explanatory essay introduction that effectively engages your readers and sets the stage for the entire essay:

  • Start with a hook: Begin your introduction with an attention-grabbing statement or question that draws your readers in. For example, you might start your essay on the benefits of exercise with a statistic on how many Americans suffer from obesity.
  • Provide context: Give your readers some background information on the topic you'll be discussing. This helps to set the stage and ensures that your readers understand the importance of the topic. For example, you might explain the rise of obesity rates in the United States over the past few decades.
  • State your thesis: A good explanatory thesis example should be clear, concise, and focused. It should state the main argument or point of your essay. For example, you might state, ' Regular exercise is crucial to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.'
  • Preview your main points: Give your readers an idea of what to expect in the body of your essay by previewing your main points. For example, you might explain that you'll be discussing the benefits of exercise for mental health, physical health, and longevity.
  • Keep it concise: Your introduction should be brief and to the point. Avoid getting bogged down in too much detail or providing too much background information. A good rule of thumb is to keep your introduction to one or two paragraphs.

The Body Paragraphs

By following the following tips, you can create well-organized, evidence-based explanation essay body paragraphs that effectively support your thesis statement.

  • Use credible sources: When providing evidence to support your arguments, use credible sources such as peer-reviewed academic journals or reputable news outlets. For example, if you're writing about the benefits of a plant-based diet, you might cite a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
  • Organize your paragraphs logically: Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or argument related to your topic. Organize your paragraphs logically so that each one builds on the previous one. For example, if you're writing about the causes of climate change, you might organize your paragraphs to focus on human activity, natural causes, and the effects of climate change.
  • Use transitional phrases: Use transitional phrases to help your readers follow the flow of your ideas. For example, you might use phrases such as 'in addition,' 'furthermore,' or 'on the other hand' to indicate a shift in your argument.
  • Provide analysis: Don't just present evidence; provide analysis and interpretation of the evidence. For example, if you're writing about the benefits of early childhood education, you might analyze the long-term effects on academic achievement and future earnings.
  • Summarize your main points: End each body paragraph with a sentence that summarizes the main point or argument you've made. This helps to reinforce your thesis statement and keep your essay organized. For example, you might end a paragraph on the benefits of exercise by stating, 'Regular exercise has been shown to improve mental and physical health, making it a crucial aspect of a healthy lifestyle.'

Explanatory Essay Conclusion

Here are some unique tips on how to write an explanatory essay conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

How to Start an Explanatory Essay steps

  • Offer a solution or recommendation: Instead of summarizing your main points, offer suggestions based on the information you've presented. This can help to make your essay more impactful and leave a lasting impression on your readers. For example, if you're writing about the effects of pollution on the environment, you might recommend using more eco-friendly products or investing in renewable energy sources.
  • Emphasize the importance of your topic: Use your concluding statement to emphasize the importance of your topic and why it's relevant to your readers. This can help to inspire action or change. For example, suppose you're writing about the benefits of volunteering. In that case, you might emphasize how volunteering helps others and has personal benefits such as improved mental health and a sense of purpose.
  • End with a powerful quote or statement: End your explanatory essay conclusion with a powerful quote or statement that reinforces your main point or leaves a lasting impression on your readers. For example, if you're writing about the importance of education, you might end your essay with a quote from Nelson Mandela, such as, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.'

Explanatory Essay Example

Here is an example of an explanatory essay:

Explanatory Essay Example:

Importance of Basketball

Final Thoughts

Now you understand whats an explanatory essay. However, if you're still feeling overwhelmed or unsure about writing an explanatory essay, don't worry. Our team of experienced writers is here to provide you with top-notch academic assistance tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need to explain what is an appendix in your definition essay or rewrite essay in five paragraphs, we've got you covered! With our professional help, you can ensure that your essay is well-researched, well-written, and meets all the academic requirements.

And if you'd rather have a professional craft flawless explanatory essay examples, know that our friendly team is dedicated to helping you succeed in your academic pursuits. So why not take the stress out of writing and let us help you achieve the academic success you deserve? Contact us today with your ' write paper for me ' request, and we will support you every step of the way.

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Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

what does explanation mean in an essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to Write an Explanation Essay: 9 Steps and Tips to Score

writing explanation essay

writing explanation essay

As we embark on the exploration of crafting explanation essays, I invite you on a journey where clarity meets expression.

In this guide, I will walk you through nine straightforward steps and share practical tips that have proven effective in scoring well in explanation essays.

So, what exactly are explanation essays? They serve the purpose of elucidating complex ideas, making them accessible to a broader audience.

what does explanation mean in an essay

Mastering this skill is more than an academic pursuit.  It is a gateway to effective communication in various aspects of life.

Together, we will uncover the art of crafting explanations, focusing on simplicity and proficiency.

Exhausting this skill is not just about academic success—it’s about becoming a clear and impactful communicator.

Steps How to Write an Explanation Essay

1. understanding the assignment.

My initial step is to thoroughly understand the assignment before embarking on an explanation essay. It is like deciphering a map before setting out on a journey.

ready to work on assignment

I scrutinize the prompt, breaking down key instructions to grasp the essay’s nuances. Recognizing the different types of explanation essays helps me tailor my approach.

This process is a personalized exploration, aligning my understanding with the essay’s unique requirements.

Understanding the assignment isn’t just a preliminary task; it lays the foundation for a well-crafted explanation essay.

Normally, this initial step, guided by my comprehension and interpretation, ensures that every subsequent action in my writing journey aligns with the purpose and expectations set by the assignment.

2. Choose a Captivating Topic

In selecting an intriguing essay topic , it is essential to transform the mundane into the marvelous.

Aligning personal interests with assignment requirements is like finding a perfect melody that resonates with both heart and purpose.

In this quest, I’ve discovered that brainstorming is the key. Consider your passions, explore new ideas, and blend them seamlessly with the assignment’s expectations.

It is akin to choosing a book you can’t put down; the topic should be equally captivating for you and your audience.

Like selecting a gripping story to read, the chosen topic should not only meet the assignment criteria but also intrigue and engage both me and my audience.

This step is not merely about picking a subject; it’s about finding a narrative that resonates, setting the stage for an exploration that is both compelling and personally enriching.

3. Research and Information Gathering

Embarking on the research phase is akin to becoming a detective in the quest for knowledge.

In this journey, I delve into online and offline realms, utilizing many resources to unearth valuable information.

Online platforms offer a treasure trove of articles, journals, and reputable websites, while libraries and archives provide tangible sources.

However, navigating this sea of information demands a critical eye.

I scrutinize sources, evaluating credibility and reliability to ensure the information I gather is trustworthy.

It is akin to sifting through clues, separating fact from fiction. This process not only enriches my understanding but also fortifies the foundation of my essay.

As I dig deeper into the research realm, a meticulous approach to information gathering ensures a robust and well-supported exploration of my chosen topic.

4. Craft a Thesis that Speaks Volumes

In crafting a thesis, I recognize it as the heartbeat of my essay—a potent statement that echoes my central message. Clarity, specificity, and purpose become my guiding lights to make it resonate.

I ensure that every word serves a distinct purpose, like a well-tuned melody in a song. This thesis isn’t just a sentence; it’s my North Star, providing direction in the vast expanse of my essay. It encapsulates the essence of my thoughts and sets the stage for what follows.

Like a compass guiding a traveler, a strong thesis propels my essay forward, ensuring every subsequent word aligns with my articulated purpose.

Crafting this thesis becomes a powerful declaration—an invitation for readers to explore the depths of my ideas.

5. Building an Intriguing Introduction

Crafting an engaging introduction is like setting the stage for a captivating performance. I employ the “hook, line, and sinker” approach to ensure my readers are immediately drawn into the narrative.

the introduction

Introducing the topic with flair is crucial—a thought-provoking quote, a surprising fact, or a relatable anecdote can be the bait that captures attention.

As the curtains rise, I seamlessly weave in my thesis, providing a glimpse of the journey ahead. This introduction isn’t just a prelude; it’s an invitation for readers to explore.

Like a skilled storyteller, I aim to make the beginning of my essay an irresistible invitation, ensuring my readers are hooked and eager to dive deeper into the unfolding narrative.

6. Write good Body Paragraphs

Within the body paragraphs , I construct the blueprint of coherence, ensuring a seamless flow of ideas.

Logical organization becomes my guiding principle, allowing each paragraph to build upon the last. It is like assembling a puzzle—each piece fits snugly, revealing a complete picture.

I anchor my arguments with solid evidence and real-world examples, substantiating my claims. Most, this process transforms my essay into a robust structure, where every paragraph serves a distinct purpose, contributing to the overall narrative.

Like a skilled architect, I carefully arrange each element, constructing a body that supports and enhances the core of my essay.

As I navigate through the body paragraphs, the logical progression and substantial evidence become the pillars, ensuring the strength and integrity of my essay’s structural foundation.

7. Tackle the Counterarguments Head-On

I anticipate objections, addressing them head-on to fortify my stance. It is a strategic move—acknowledging opposing viewpoints demonstrates a nuanced understanding and strengthens my argument.

After navigating the maze of potential objections, I am defending my position and enriching my discussion’s depth.

Like a chess player anticipating the opponent’s moves, I strategically counteract objections, turning them into opportunities to showcase the robustness of my argument. This process adds layers to my essay, creating a more comprehensive and compelling narrative.

Playing devil’s advocate becomes a dynamic dance, allowing me to showcase the strength of my position while demonstrating a thoughtful consideration of alternative perspectives.

8. Craft a lasting Conclusion

In crafting my conclusion, I orchestrate the grand finale, ensuring it leaves a lasting impression on my readers.

I revisit the key points, creating a concise summary that echoes the heart of my essay. It’s like bringing the scattered notes of a melody together for the final chord.

Restating the thesis with impact becomes my concluding anthem—a powerful reminder of the essay’s central message. This deliberate repetition reinforces the core idea, leaving a lingering resonance in the minds of my readers.

Just as a captivating story concludes with a poignant moment, my essay finds its conclusion, leaving my audience with a sense of fulfillment and a clear takeaway.

The conclusion is not just an endpoint; it is the final brushstroke that completes the canvas of my essay, making it a memorable and cohesive piece.

9. Edit and Proofread

I meticulously scrutinize every detail in the editing and proofreading phase. I conduct thorough grammar, punctuation, and spelling checks, ensuring that each word stands strong.

editing and proofreading

It is like fine-tuning an instrument—every note must be precise for the symphony to be harmonious.

Beyond the technicalities, I polish for clarity and consistency. Sentences should flow seamlessly, guiding the reader effortlessly. This process is akin to refining a piece of art, where each stroke contributes to the masterpiece.

As I navigate through the edit, I am not just correcting; I am sculpting my words to create a refined and polished final draft.

The eagle-eyed edit is my commitment to presenting a flawless piece where the language is correct and resonates with precision and clarity.

Tips on How to Draft Good Explanation Paragraphs

Use smooth transitions.

When I dive into crafting explanation paragraphs, one of my key strategies is ensuring seamless transitions. It’s like embarking on a smooth sailing adventure between paragraphs, allowing my readers to journey through my thoughts effortlessly.

I rely on transition words and phrases as the wind guiding my narrative ship. Whether it’s “furthermore,” “in addition,” or “however,” these words act as navigational aids, signaling shifts or connections in my explanation.

This intentional use of transitions maintains the flow and cohesiveness of my narrative. Each paragraph becomes a distinct yet connected part of the whole, creating a reader-friendly experience.

 Just as a well-planned sailing route enhances the voyage, these transitions make the exploration of my explanation not only easy but also enjoyable for those navigating through my words.

Use Clear and Concise Language

In writing explanation paragraphs, I prioritize clear and concise language. It’s about saying what I mean and meaning what I say, avoiding the pitfalls of jargon jumbles.

Like a clear stream that lets you see the bottom, clarity becomes my ultimate communication tool. I steer away from convoluted language, opting for simplicity without sacrificing depth.

After choosing words wisely and keeping sentences straightforward, I ensure that my readers can understand my explanation’s essence effortlessly.

Such commitment to clarity enhances understanding and fosters a connection between my ideas and the reader.

It is a conscious choice to communicate precisely, making my explanation informative, accessible, and engaging to anyone navigating the waters of my words.

Josh Jasen working

Josh Jasen or JJ as we fondly call him, is a senior academic editor at Grade Bees in charge of the writing department. When not managing complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In his spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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Explanatory Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Steps & Samples


Table of contents


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An explanatory essay  is a type of essay that aims to explain or describe a particular topic or subject. The purpose of an explanatory essay is to provide readers with information and to educate them about a topic in a concise manner.

In this article, we will discuss an explanatory writing definition, provide an outline of key components, and guide you through how to write an explanatory essay. Additionally, we will provide a well-written explanatory essay example to further illustrate required structure and format of writing the paper. Whether you are a college student or a professional, this article will offer all the tools you need to write a clear and effective explanatory essay. Our professional essay writers did their best to share all essential details on an explanatory essay – beginning with an introduction and ending with a conclusion. Let’s get started!

What Is an Explanatory Essay: Definition

An explanatory essay is a type of academic writing in which the writer presents an explanation or analysis of a specific topic or idea. Its main goal is to provide the reader with a clear, unbiased and well-supported understanding of the subject matter, through use of evidence and logical reasoning.  Instead of persuading or arguing with the reader, explanatory essays provide relevant information to them. Therefore, a writer must present information objectively, without injecting their own personal opinions or biases.  Additionally, explanatory writing can be used in professional settings as well, for example, in a scientific report, or in a business proposal to explain the process of a product or service creation, or to provide data analysis. According to definition of explanatory writing, it explains why things happen the way they are.

Explanatory essay basics

What is the Purpose of an Explanatory Essay?

Explanatory essay purpose is to provide an explanation or clarification of a particular topic or subject. This type of assignment is used to inform or educate readers about a specific concept or idea. Similarly to writing an informative essay , the focus is on offering a clear and comprehensive understanding of topic, rather than arguing about a particular point of view.  A writer should present information, define terms, and use evidence to support their explanations. Explanatory essay also aims to explain complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, making information accessible and understandable to reader.

Explanatory Essay Outline

Explanatory essay outline varies depending on information that author is trying to present. Aim of explanatory outline is to organize points into paragraphs and provide a framework on how to write an explanation paper. You can find an example of an essay outline online that can help guide you on what to do.  Below is an example of an explanatory essay outline template.

  • Background information on the topic.
  • Thesis statement.
  • First point supporting thesis statement.
  • Evidence or examples to support this point.
  • Explanation of evidence provided.
  • Concluding statement.
  • Second point supporting thesis statement.
  • Evidence or examples to support point.
  • Third point supporting thesis statement.
  • Summarize main points
  • Restate thesis statement
  • Call to action or future implications.

Explanatory Essay Structure

Structure of an explanatory essay typically includes an introduction , body , and conclusion .  Writing an explanatory essay begins with drafting an introduction . Introduction provides background information on topic and  thesis statement in closing sentence. Thesis statement offers the main idea of paper. Subsequent parts of an explanatory essay support the developed thesis statement using valid evidence.  Body of the paper is where writers present evidence, examples, and explanations to support their thesis statement. Body typically contains several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of topic and providing evidence to support it.  Finally, conclusion summarizes main points and arguments of the writing, and restates thesis in different ways. It also provides a final perspective on topic, and may offer some recommendations or suggestions for further reading or research.

Explanatory Essay Introduction

Have you been wondering how to write an explanatory essay introduction? A good introduction for an explanatory essay should have three main elements:

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

The hook is an attention-grabbing and interesting sentence that entices reader to continue reading. It can be a surprising fact, a quote, or a thought-provoking question. Background information provides context for the topic being discussed and helps readers to understand significance of the issue. This section should be brief and to the point. Last part of introduction paragraph for an explanatory essay is a thesis statement . This is a statement that author will support by using facts, quotes and examples throughout the body of paper before concluding with personal opinion based on provided evidence.

Explanatory Essay Thesis Statement

It is important to know what is an explanatory thesis statement before exploring its purpose. Thesis is a statement that presents main idea or topic in a clear and concise manner. Thesis statement for an explanatory essay is an essential element as it serves as a roadmap for the entire work. It should be specific and arguable.  Thesis statement should be presented early in paper, typically in introduction, to guide reader's understanding of essay's main points. It should be specific enough to clearly convey a topic, but not so specific that it limits the paper’s scope. Additionally, it should be arguable, meaning that it should be open to interpretation and debate.  With this information, you can practice how to write a thesis statement for an explanatory essay.

Explanatory Essay Body

Next step after introduction is to write a body paragraph for an explanatory essay . Explanatory essay body paragraph provides evidence that supports thesis statement. It should include facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples and other evidence that help to prove thesis statement is accurate.  Body paragraphs should be written in a clear and logical manner, making a strong case for thesis statement. It should also be written in a way that is easy for readers to understand and follow, ensuring that evidence is presented in a clear and convincing manner.  To effectively convey information in the body of an explanation essay, it is important to use a variety of different techniques and strategies. This may include use of images, infographics, examples, theories, quotes, and other relevant information. By incorporating these different elements, writers can more effectively engage readers and provide a more comprehensive understanding of topic at hand. Additionally, use of these different techniques can help to break up text and make it more visually appealing and easier to read.

Explanatory Essay Conclusion

An explanatory essay conclusion is the final section of the paper that summarizes main points and restates the thesis statement. Conclusion for explanatory essays should be written in a way that ties all of information presented in paper together, providing a clear and concise summary of main ideas.  Steps on how to write a conclusion for an explanatory essay are as follows:

  • Restate the thesis statement.
  • Summarize main points: conclusion should sum up key points and evidence presented in paper, highlighting most important information.
  • Provide a sense of closure: indicate that paper has come to an end and that main points have been fully discussed. Your conclusion must show that the ideas have been explored fully.
  • Emphasize significance of the topic.
  • Provide final thoughts or recommendations: give reader something to consider after reading your work.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay Step-by-Step?

Best way to understand how to write an explanatory essay is by practicing certain steps involved in the process. By following these steps, writer will have a clear understanding of process and be able to effectively present information in a logical and easy-to-understand manner. Subsequent section will discuss how to do an explanatory essay by covering some important tips and considerations for each step, to help you produce a high-quality writing. Details on each step are discussed below.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay

1. Produce an Idea

First step in producing an idea in an explanatory essay is by thinking about what you are passionate about or interested in. This will make writing process more enjoyable and will also make it easier for you to have a strong understanding of the topic. When brainstorming a topic in explanatory essay writing, you should consider your audience and what they may be interested in reading about. More ways to brainstorm new ideas include looking at current events or trending topics in your field of study or area of interest.  Narrow down your list of ideas by evaluating which explanatory essay topics would make most interesting and informative writing. Once you have a topic in mind, do some preliminary research to ensure that there is enough information available to write a comprehensive paper.

2. Make a Detailed Research

Before writing an explanatory essay, you should do detailed research to collect relevant information. Here are some steps to follow when gathering information:

  • Identify topic and focus of your research paper. This will help you determine what types of sources to look for and where to find them.
  • Search for sources using a variety of methods, such as online databases, library catalogs, and search engines.
  • Evaluate credibility of each source. Check for things like author's credentials, publisher, and date of publication.
  • Take detailed notes as you read through your sources. Be sure to note author, title, and publication date for each source, as well as any key information or quotes that you plan to use in your paper.
  • Finally, review all sources again, and make sure they are reliable and trustworthy before you use them in your explanatory paper.

3. Use Appropriate Examples

Examples in explanatory writing are an effective way to explain a concept or idea because they provide a concrete illustration of topic being discussed. They can make complex ideas easier to understand by providing a real-world context. Using an appropriate explanatory essay example can help to strengthen credibility of information being presented. Sources used in this paper should be applicable to the real world. Examples can be used to persuade readers to see a certain point of view. For instance, when discussing a controversial topic, providing examples can help to demonstrate validity of the writer's argument. Also, providing illustrations helps the reader to understand unfamiliar concepts.

4. Create an Explanatory Essay Outline

Best way to know how to write an explanatory essay outline is to consider the amount of information gathered through detailed research and obtaining logical arrangement to ensure flow of ideas. Created through identifying a specific idea from detailed research and ensuring readers can easily relate logical flow throughout the paper. Appropriate outline for explanatory essay entails introduction, body and conclusion each containing specific information arranged in a logical manner to provide flow of your paper.  Example of an outline provided above follows a general structure and provides the best organization of communicating directly to readers. Moreover, a sample above shows a flawless way of obtaining information and opinion of an author. Besides, it provides an outline in a manner that is easy to follow and comprehend.

5. Write an Outstanding Beginning

Capturing attention of the reader to go ahead and read entire paper is dependent on the introduction. Therefore, providing a hook seems like the best way on how to start an explanatory essay. First step to capture your audience’s attention is usually to write an introduction paragraph for an explanatory essay. Introduction becomes the first paragraph in any type of writing, and it is important in capturing interest among readers.  Writing an effective introduction involves providing a hook and general description of the topic, background information and thesis statement. These elements provide an overview of your paper and instigate readers to expect more detailed information about your topic throughout the writing.

Explanatory Essay Introduction Example

Introduction paragraph is the beginning of paper and helps to introduce general ideas about topic and to capture attention and interest of your readers to continue reading. Introduction must begin with a hook, followed by scope of the topic and closing sentence should include a debatable thesis statement. Revising explanatory essay introduction examples can help you understand the concept better. Below is an example of introduction paragraph.

Why do teenagers commit suicide? The rate of committing suicide among teenagers have been on rise. Some leave suicide notes while others left nothing to show the cause of their actions. Suicide has been linked with mental disorders. Nevertheless, there has been a need to investigate other underlying causes apart from mental disorder. Therefore, there are several underlying factors that lead to suicidal actions among youths that need to be investigated. Increase in suicide rates among teenagers can be attributed to a combination of societal pressures, mental health issues, and a lack of access to proper resources and support.

6. Come Up With an Explanatory Essay Thesis Statement

Understanding how to write a thesis statement for an explanatory essay is essential in ensuring that the reader comprehends whole idea author is trying to prove. Thesis statement for explanatory essays provides main idea in a precise manner. It is usually written in concluding statement of introduction paragraph of explanation writing.  Effective thesis statement should be specific but must consider scope of the work. In addition, an outstanding thesis statement doesn’t include your emotions or opinion. Save arguments and viewpoints for an argumentative essay .

Explanation Essay Thesis Statement Example

Thesis statement is written in the concluding sentence. It is supposed to be specific and concise in providing the main idea of your paper. Additionally, to make it effective, thesis statement should be outstanding and debatable with open interpretation. Thesis statement sums up central point of the writing, and should articulate it in a few words without providing too much information. However, reader has to note specific ideas that author is trying to relay.  Example of an explanatory essay thesis statement is stated as follows:

Increase in suicide rates among teenagers can be attributed to a combination of societal pressures, mental health issues, and a lack of access to proper resources and support.

7. Support Your Ideas With Evidence

The central idea that author intends to express can only be validated through relevant evidence from credible sources. Supporting thesis statement is based on how well one knows how to write an explanatory body paragraph. Body of an explanatory essay entails evidence to support your topic. Evidence supporting the idea is obtained from detailed research conducted after identifying a specific idea.  Main aim of the body paragraph is to prove thesis statement. Some ways used to communicate in body include examples, facts and opinions among other evidence that are deemed relevant and credible. Having an effective body in writing requires presenting evidence in a clear and convincing way that will enable reader to easily relate important ideas to thesis statement. Including different techniques of presenting evidence in body of report, provides vivid understanding and wider perception of the topic.

Example of an Explanatory Essay Body Paragraph

Body paragraph provides evidence that supports thesis statement. Below is a perfect explanatory body paragraph example about factors that cause suicide among teenagers.

Society plays a significant role in shaping mental health of teenagers. With constant pressure to fit in and meet societal expectations, many teens struggle with low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. Social media amplifies this pressure by providing a platform for teens to compare themselves to others and constantly measure themselves against impossible standards. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and ultimately, suicide. Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, are also major contributing factors to suicide among teenagers. These conditions are often left undiagnosed and untreated due to a lack of access to proper resources and support. Many teens may not have the means to seek out professional help or may not understand the severity of their condition. Additionally, the stigma surrounding mental health can prevent teens from seeking help, leaving them to struggle alone with their thoughts and feelings. This further increases the risk of suicide.

8. Summarize Your Explanatory Paper

Last section of the explanatory essay writing is to summarize your evidence to support the thesis statement. Explanatory summary restates thesis statement and highlights important information presented throughout the work. Main idea is to link all information in the paper together to provide a common relationship between main ideas and thesis statements. Opinion of author is provided in summary section, which is dependent on depth of evidence provided in body. Author can agree or disagree with thesis statement, if it is efficiently supported by credible and relevant sources. Besides, the summary provides necessity of the topic at hand and possible recommendations.

Example of Explanatory Essay Conclusion

Conclusion paragraph starts by restating thesis and summarizing main points. Sample of an explanatory essay conclusion as one provided below will help you understand concept better.

In conclusion, suicide among teenagers is a complex issue that is influenced by a combination of societal pressure, mental health issues, and a lack of access to proper resources and support. It is important that we take a holistic approach to addressing this issue by solving underlying causes and providing teens with support and resources they need to navigate challenges of adolescence. This includes providing mental health education, addressing societal pressures, and increasing access to professional help and support. By working together, we can help to reduce suicide rates among teenagers and give young people the chance to live happy and fulfilling lives.

9. Proofread an Explanatory Essay

Final step in writing an explanatory article involves proofreading your work properly. It entails revising paper a couple of times to check if it has proper flow of thoughts, communicate to audience with the clear ideas, and understand if conclusion provides a concise value of the thesis statement. It is usually done a day after completion to easily spot mistakes. Moreover, proofreading explanatory essays aims at detecting minor errors and grammatical mistakes that might affect clarity and quality of the paper. During proofreading, any error or mistake is noted and necessary editing done to improve the value of the paper.

Explanatory Essay Format

Format for an explanatory essay depends on the discipline provided in the paper. There are different formats to write an explanatory essay including APA style format , MLA format and Chicago style paper format which are provided in instructions. Format provided in paper also dictates the style of structure and citation of sources used in the paper. The format does not have any influence on content of the paper and is usually based on a system preferred by the author. Writer uses the recommended format that seems easier and familiar. Therefore, explanatory papers can take any format with similar structure and enable the author to communicate effectively to readers.

Explanation Essay Examples

Explanatory writing examples  provided below show the required structure of the essays. Under the structure there are possible sections with some clarifications to help the reader understand the main idea. Explanatory essay samples are necessary to readers because they help in understanding how to build up the topic under study. Moreover, each of the example of explanatory writing provided below is important in learning different formats of writing, conveying a general idea of the work.


Explanatory Essay Writing Tips

Writing tips are essential in ensuring an excellent explanation essay. Some of these writing tips are listed below:

  • Take advantage of transition and linking words and write a hook for an explanatory essay.
  • Cite sources from which facts were drawn. Sources should be credible and recent to ensure high value of paper. Following examples of explanatory essays is the best way of learning how to cite.
  • Proofread the paper. This involves revising work to ensure topic is analyzed in a logical manner that follows correct explanatory essay layout which is easily understood by audience.
  • Edit an essay. Follows after identifying and noting errors and mistakes during proofreading. It is done a day after completion of writing to ensure all mistakes are edited and paper’s value improved.
  • Share the paper with a close person as a way of further improving its value and ensuring explanatory essay meaning is maintained. In addition, by sharing, authors can get feedback on where to make necessary corrections and changes to ensure writing is more understandable and clearly communicates to the audience.

Explanatory Essay Checklist

Before final submission of the explanatory essay, there are several checks it should go through first to ensure a proper flow in the paper and that the intended information is easily understood by the reader. The checklist enables one to write a good explanatory essay. The checklist includes the following:

  • checkbox My explanatory writing is clear.
  • checkbox Provided information has required flow and is connected with transition words.
  • checkbox Supporting evidence proves my thesis statement.
  • checkbox I started an explanatory essay with a hook that grabs reader’s attention.
  • checkbox My writing is understandable to the reader or doesn’t leave them confused.
  • checkbox My summary ties key points to the thesis statement.
  • checkbox The citation and referencing style is appropriate to the paper format.

Bottom Line on How to Write an Explanatory Essay

The question of what is explanatory writing has various definitions but generally,  it is usually academic writing which provides analysis of a specific topic or idea to readers. Explanatory essay template provides the basic structure that can be followed in explanatory writing. Besides, explanatory essay examples provide vivid understanding on how to write a good explanatory paper. Through using templates and examples, one can master steps and structure of writing an explanatory essay.  Structure of explanatory paper has three parts that are logically arranged to enable readers to easily understand what the author intends to prove.  Besides, flow of ideas in a logical manner enables relating different evidence provided in body to thesis statement and accounting for correct conclusion. If you need more help on writing, feel free to seek more suggestions in our Blog. From guides on exemplification essay to tips on evaluation essay , you will find tutorial fitting any academic need.


If you are struggling with writing an expository essay, remember that you can always count on our expert academic writers. Let us know your assignment details and we will craft a custom paper in line with all requirements to your ‘ write my college essay for me ’ request.

FAQ About Explanatory Essays

1. how is an explanatory essay different from an argumentative essay.

Differences between explanatory and argumentative essay is that explanatory paper is about presenting information to explain something while an argumentative writing is about persuading the readers to agree with an opinion. In the explanatory paper, the author provides an open interpretation of the topic before finally providing links between main ideas  that proves the thesis statement. 

2. Is an explanatory essay the same as an informative essay?

No. An informative essay is based on detailed facts and data while an explanatory paper requires author’s opinion on some certain points. Explanatory essay meaning is drawn from author’s presentation of idea and how well it is supported. Despite having an open interpretation and debatable thesis statement, clear facts about topic in explanatory paper are not easily determined. Author makes rational decisions based on the weight of evidence provided.

3. What is included in explanatory essay?

Explanatory essay is a type of writing where author presents some points of view on a certain topic, event or situation. Opinion of author is generally the idea supported by most of the evidence provided in body. Remember to include introduction, body, and conclusion to adequately support your claims and understand the difference between those parts of your paper.

4. Is an explanatory essay objective or subjective?

Explanatory writing is about presenting a balanced, objective description of the topic. The paper is objective and provides an all around perception of topic both opposing and proposing evidence on thesis statement. General description provides the author's idea and reader can easily understand point of view based on provided sources and evidence.

5. How many paragraphs are in an explanatory essay?

Explanatory essay has five paragraphs though it can include more. Paragraphs vary with subheading the author decides to include in essay. General structure requires one paragraph for introduction, three for body and last one for conclusion. However, in case of extra evidence in body and long introduction, more paragraphs can be used.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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Understanding instruction words in academic essay titles

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what does explanation mean in an essay

Instruction or command words indicate what your tutor wants you to do in your written assignment. It's vital that you understand exactly what these instruction words mean so you can answer all parts of the essay question and provide a complete response.

Here's a list of some of the most common instruction/command words you'll see in essay questions (and examination questions as well), together with an explanation of what they mean.

Describe: Give a detailed account of…

Outline: Give the main features/general principles; don't include minor details.

Explain, account for, interpret: Describe the facts but also give causes and reasons for them. Depending on the context, these words may also suggest that you need to make the possible implications clear as well. For example: 'Explain X and its importance for Y'.

Comment on, criticise, evaluate, critically evaluate, assess: Judge the value of something. But first, analyse, describe and explain. Then go through the arguments for and against, laying out the arguments neutrally until the section where you make your judgement clear. Judgements should be backed by reasons and evidence.

Discuss, consider: The least specific of the instruction words. Decide, first of all, what the main issues are. Then follow the same procedures for Comment on, Criticise, Evaluate, Critically Evaluate and Assess.

Analyse: Break down into component parts. Examine critically or closely.

How far, how true, to what extent: These suggest there are various views on and various aspects to the subject. Outline some of them, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, explore alternatives and then give your judgement.

Justify: Explain, with evidence, why something is the case, answering the main objections to your view as you go along.

Refute: Give evidence to prove why something is not the case.

Compare, contrast, distinguish, differentiate, relate: All require that you discuss how things are related to each other.  Compare suggests you concentrate on similarities, which may lead to a stated preference, the justification of which should be made clear. These words suggest that two situations or ideas can be compared in a number of different ways, or from a variety of viewpoints. Contrast suggests you concentrate on differences.

Define: Write down the precise meaning of a word or phrase. Sometimes several co-existing definitions may be used and, possibly, evaluated.

Illustrate: Make clear and explicit; usually requires the use of carefully chosen examples.

State: Give a concise, clear explanation or account of…

Summarise: Give a concise, clear explanation or account of… presenting the main factors and excluding minor detail or examples (see also Outline).

Trace: Outline or follow the development of something from its initiation or point of origin.

Devise: Think up, work out a plan, solve a problem etc.

Apply (to): Put something to use, show how something can be used in a particular situation.

Identify: Put a name to, list something.

Indicate: Point out. This does not usually involve giving too much detail.

List: Make a list of a number of things. This usually involves simply remembering or finding out a number of things and putting them down one after the other.

Plan: Think about how something is to be done, made, organised, etc.

Report on: Describe what you have seen or done.

Review: Write a report on something.

Specify: Give the details of something.

Work out: Find a solution to a problem.

Adapted from: Coles, M. (1995), A Student’s Guide to Coursework Writing,   University of Stirling, Stirling 

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So wonderful can anyone get the information

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Thanks Josphat!

This is a life saver, do you have a youtube channel where you talk about all this stuff? If so I would love to know about it 🙂 Rachelle

Thanks for your comment. We don't have a YouTube channel but stay tuned for more posts. You will also find additional self-directed learning resources in MySkills .

Quite helpful. I would definitely check this before my next essay.

Thank you, Dan.

Very helpful now I understand how construct my assignments and how to answer exam questions

I have understood it clearly;)

it is very useful for us to understand many instruction word and what we need to write down

There are some define of some words,and I find that there do have many common things for some words,but not all the same.Such as compare, contrast, distinguish, differentiate, relate,they all need people to compare but foucs on different ways.

Very helpful. Listed most of the words that might be misunderstood by foreign students. Now I know why my score of writing IELTS test is always 6, I even didn't get the point of what I was supposed to write!

I have already read all of this. And it gave me a brief instruction.

There are varied instruction words in essay questions. It's a good chance for me to have a overview of these main command words because I could response to requirements of questions precisely and without the risk of wandering off the topic.

When i encounter with an essay title with these instruction words above,I should understand exactly what these words mean so that i could know what my tutor would like me to do in the assignments.Also,these words may help me make an outline and read academic articles with percific purposes.

These words are accurate and appropriate. It is really helpful for me to response some assignment questions and I can know the orientation of my answers . I can also use these words to make an outline of my essay. However, in my view, for some instruction words which are confusing and hard to understand, it is better to give an example to help us understand.

It's the first time for me to recognise these instruction words , some of them are really similar with each other.

it is very helpful to my future study. it will be better to have some examples with it.

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How to Write an Excellent Explanation Text

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Welcome to our complete guide to writing an explanation text.  This guide is intended for both teachers and students to make the process of writing fun and straightforward.

This page has plenty of great content, and downloadable resources such as graphic organizer prompts and much more.  If you like what you see here, check out all our other writing genre guides.


Explanation Text | Explanation texts 2 | How to Write an Excellent Explanation Text | literacyideas.com

An explanation text tells your audience how something works or why something happens.

Explanations detail and logically describe the stages in a process , such as the water cycle or how a steam engine works.  Other examples could be how a law is made or why we blink when we sneeze.

Explanation texts are frequently incorporated into other texts, used to provide information which answers questions of interest on that topic.


Not all explanation texts are created equal, and they vary in complexity to research and construct. As such, we have listed them from easiest to most challenging.

  • Sequential Explanations – These detail the stages in an event, e.g., how a caterpillar turns into a moth. These are excellent starting points for younger writers and those new to this genre of writing.
  • Causal Explanations – Details what causes the change from one stage to the next, i.e., How a president is elected.
  • Theoretical Explanations – Details the possible phenomena behind a natural or created process that is not fully understood. e.g. What caused the Nazis to lose World War II?
  • Scientific– e.g. Explain the causes of climate change (Factorial)
  • Historical– e.g. Explain the causes of World War 2 (Factorial)


An explanatory text has some similarities to a procedural text , and these can often be confused; however, an explanation text explains the how and why behind a process, such as  

  • What causes a Tsunami?
  • Why are our rainforests disappearing?
  • The process of making aluminium.

A procedural text is about writing logical and efficient instructions to complete a task. It is all about the ‘how,’ whereas an explanation focuses more on the ‘why.’ So as we can see, although they are similar, both text types are very different in purpose.


explanation writing

Teaching students to write instruction manuals, recipes and science experiments can be challenging for the creative writer and teacher… ⭐ UNTIL NOW ⭐ Because the PERFECT PROCEDURAL WRITING UNIT offers a complete solution to teaching all styles of procedural writing, including,

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Explanatory writing structure.

TITLES Which identify the topic of your explanation. You may pose this as a question at the beginning with how? or why?

STRONG OPENING STATEMENT Identifying the process to be explained. Emphasize the process rather than the particular thing involved in the process.

SEQUENCING Use sequential paragraphs or statements describing how or why something happens. Show connections such as cause and effect or temporal sequence.

WRAPPING IT UP A strong concluding paragraph or sentence that draws everything together will add more validity to your explanation.


GENERALIZE Talk about your topics in groups or as a collective rather than as individuals.

CONNECTIVE LANGUAGE Use language which link cause and effect.

GET TECHNICAL & DETAILED Use technical language and terms specific to your subject. Use technical descriptions to crate richer meaning.

TENSE AND VOICE Explanations are written in the passive voice and in timeless present tense

VISUALS Use graphic organizers, labelled diagrams and even videos you are constructing a digital text to illustrate your understanding.


Explanation Text | Well labelled images can save you a great deal of | How to Write an Excellent Explanation Text | literacyideas.com

  • Use technical terms such as evaporation and degradation if writing a water cycle explanation text.
  • Action verbs and present tense such as runs, develop and becomes
  • Cause and effect terms such as because of.., due to.., therefore, and as a result


Using your writing time effectively is really crucial.  When writing an explanation, you should aim to spend about one-fifth of your time researching your topic to ensure you know what you are talking about.

Next, take an equal amount of time to structure your writing using a graphic organizer or mind map, which can be found below. If you follow this model, you only need to spend under half your time writing.  Your ideas and structure will already be formed.

This will leave you a reasonable window to edit and revise your essay for meaning, spelling and grammar and structure. Using graphic organizers , planning tools, and writing checklists will greatly assist the planning and editing time.


Points to consider before writing your explanatory essay.

  • What is it about? What are you explaining? Are you explaining how or why something happens or are you explaining a process?
  • What is the title?
  • What are the essential parts and sections of what you want to explain? How would you describe it and its parts? Which parts need to be described as part of the explanation?
  • How does it work? What happens first, next, and why?
  • What else might you include?

Explanation Text | Explanatory Text Template | How to Write an Excellent Explanation Text | literacyideas.com

Introduction: Because you are explaining a process, your audience will require some context about your topic. Firstly, ensure you provide some facts and insights so that it makes sense to your audience.

Secondly, You have obviously found this subject interesting enough to write an essay about it, so ensure what piqued your interest is translated to your audience by creating a hook that leaves your audience wanting to read on.

Body: Keep everything in chronological order here to ensure your explanation follows a sequence.

In this section, you want your paragraphs to really emphasise what happens in the opening of each paragraph and then lead into how and, or why things occur using relevant technical terms and action verbs.

Use the bulk of your paragraph to focus on the how and why that will both fill your reader with wonder, and lead them to ask questions about your subject area.

Use connective terms and transitional language that is not repetitive when linking paragraphs. Be sure to read our complete guide to writing perfect paragraphs for further details.

Make sure that you have entirely covered the explanation before moving on to your conclusion.

Conclusion: Use the conclusion to pose and or answer any apparent questions the audience may have on your topic.

Also, feel free to share a very personal opinion or insight about your topic to build a connection with the audience to ensure your explanation text is worthy of their time.


Explanatory writing graphic organizer template.

Explanation Text | EXPLANATION | How to Write an Excellent Explanation Text | literacyideas.com


Explanatory text tutorial videos.

Explanation Text | explanation text tutorial video 1 | How to Write an Excellent Explanation Text | literacyideas.com

Teaching Resources

Use our resources and tools to improve your student’s writing skills through proven teaching strategies.


explanation writing

We pride ourselves on being the web’s best resource for teaching students and teachers how to write an explanation text. We value the fact you have taken the time to read our comprehensive guides to understand the fundamentals of writing stories.

We also understand some of you just don’t have the luxury of time or resources to create engaging resources when needed.

If you are time-poor and looking for an in-depth solution that encompasses all of the concepts outlined in this article, I strongly recommend looking at the Excellent Explanation Text Writing Unit.

Working in partnership with Innovative Teaching Ideas , we confidently recommend this resource as an all-in-one solution to teaching explanatory texts.

This unit will find over 91 pages of engaging and innovative teaching ideas.


writing checklists

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (92 Reviews)


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Explanation Texts: Top 5 Writing tips for younger students

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How to Write an Explanation Essay

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An explanation, or expository, essay is a paper in which your objective as a writer is to explain something to your reader. A key to writing successfully is maintaining awareness of the audience, which will influence your tone and word choice. Expository writing is done for a variety of audiences and purposes, from grade school to advanced technical writing, so a comprehensive understanding of the process is important for success.

Start with Research

When writing your essay, it is important to have facts and support for your assertions. Although you may be well-versed in the topic on which you are writing, research gives you additional credibility because you can cite multiple authorities. Spend time finding your information, organizing your notes and determining the reliability of the sources you are examining.

Develop a Thesis

Now that you have researched your topic, you need to determine the angle from which you want to approach it. Remember that your goal is to explain the topic to your reader. For example, if your topic is digital technology, you might write a paper that explains ways that digital technology can be used in the classroom. Your thesis statement can be: “Digital technology enhances the learning experience by engaging students, reaching multiple learning styles and connecting students across the globe.” The remainder of the essay will focus on explaining how digital technology serves those three purposes.

Organize Your Writing

Writing an outline is a good way to keep your ideas organized. Even if you choose not to follow a formal outline structure, you should use some pre-writing strategy to ensure that your ideas are logical and well-organized. Clustering, looping, free writing and brainstorming are all good pre-writing strategies. If you follow your organizational plan, the drafting of your essay will be a seamless process.

Draft and Proofread

Now that you have your research and your plan, begin drafting your essay. When you are writing, be sure that you stick to the facts and avoid adding your own bias or opinions. Be sure to cite the sources of your references. Finally, proofread and spell check for clarity. There are many Web-based spelling and grammar checkers available to supplement your proofreading efforts.

  • Purdue University Online Writing Lab: Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements

Darcey Addo is a National Board Certified teacher with more than 11 years experience in both the traditional and online classroom. She has taught middle and high school English and holds a Masters degree in Education.

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Crafting a Compelling Explanation Essay: A Complete Guidebook

what does explanation mean in an essay

Quick Navigation

  • 1. Defining Explanation Essays
  • 2. What is the Purpose of Writing an Explanation Essay?
  • 3. Types of Explanation Essays That You May Encounter in Schools and Colleges
  • 4. How to Craft a Compelling and Effective Explanation Essay
  • 5. The Structure and Format of an Explanation Essay
  • 6. Explanation Essay Outline Template: Example
  • 7. Engaging Topic Ideas for Writing Explanation Essays
  • 8. Summing Up

Have you ever found yourself struggling to understand a complex concept or idea? Have you ever wished that someone would just explain it to you in a clear and concise way? Whether it’s in school, at work, or in everyday life, we all encounter things that are difficult to comprehend. That’s where explanation essays come in. These types of essays, also regarded as “expository essays”, provide clear and compact explanations of complex ideas, breaking them down into manageable pieces that anyone can understand. From defining a term to analyzing cause and effect relationships, explanation essays are an essential tool for effectively conveying information. In this blog, we will discuss what an explanation essay means, the different types of explanation essays, the purpose behind writing them, how to write a compelling explanation essay, provide an outline example, and finally share some great engaging topics. In case you still need help to do my essay , we are here to assist.

Defining Explanation Essays

An explanation essay is a type of academic writing that aims to clarify or explain a particular subject or topic to the reader. The purpose of an explanation essay is to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of a complex concept or process clearly and succinctly. This type of essay can cover a wide range of topics, including science, technology, literature, and art.

In an explanation essay, the writer uses clear and simple language to explain a concept or process to the reader. The essay is structured in a way that is easy to follow, with each paragraph focusing on a different aspect of the subject being explained. Examples and illustrations are used to support the ideas and help readers better understand the concept or subject.

The thesis statement of an explanation essay outlines the main point or argument that the writer will be presenting. To make it a perfect essay , the writer should use evidence to support their thesis statement and present their ideas in a logical and organized manner.

One of the challenges of writing an explanation essay is striking a balance between providing enough detail to explain the concept or process without overwhelming the reader with too much information. The writer must also ensure that they are using language that is appropriate for their audience, avoiding technical jargon or complex terms that may be difficult for the reader to understand.

What is the Purpose of Writing an Explanation Essay?

The objective of writing an explanation essay is to provide the readers with a clear understanding of a complex concept, process, or phenomenon. In an explanation essay, the writer tries to convey information that may be unfamiliar or difficult for the readers to understand. This could be a scientific concept, a technical process, or a philosophical idea. Hence, the writer should present their ideas and evidence in a way that is easy for the readers to follow, using clear and simple language, providing examples and illustrations, and organizing the information in a logical sequence.

Overall, the intent of constructing an explanation essay is to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of a specific subject or topic, breaking it down into its constituent parts and presenting them in a clear and accessible manner. By doing so, the writer can help the reader to expand their knowledge and develop a deeper appreciation for the subject matter.

Seeking expert assistance on how to write a personal statement ? This helpful guide will help you with drafting an effective and unique personal statement.  

Types of Explanation Essays That You May Encounter in Schools and Colleges

There are different types of explanation essays that students might have to write in schools and colleges. Here are some common types:

  • Definition Essay

A definition essay is a type of essay where the writer defines and explains the meaning of a term, concept, or idea. The essay should start with a definition of the term or concept being defined, followed by a detailed explanation of what it means and its significance. The writer should also provide examples to illustrate the meaning of the term or concept being defined. A definition essay can be subjective or objective, depending on the writer’s perspective and approach.

  • Compare and Contrast Essay

A compare-and-contrast essay is a type of essay that analyzes the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. The writer should first introduce the subjects being compared and contrasted, and then highlight their similarities and differences. The essay should contain a clear thesis statement that explains the purpose and significance of the comparison. One must use specific examples and evidence to support their points and create a compelling argument.

  • How-to Essay

A how-to essay is a type of essay that explains how to do something or how something works. The essay should provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete a task or perform a process. The writer should start by introducing the topic and explaining why it is important or relevant. Clear instructions, along with illustrations and examples must be utlized where necessary. The essay should end with a summary of the main points and any final thoughts or recommendations.

  • Cause and Effect Essay

A cause-and-effect essay is a type of essay that analyzes the relationship between a cause and its effect. The writer should first identify the cause and explain its significance, followed by a discussion of the effect and its impact. The essay should contain a clear thesis statement that explains the relationship between the cause and effect being analyzed. The writer should also use specific examples and evidence to support their points and create a compelling argument.

  • Problem and Solution Essay

A problem-and-solution essay is a type of essay that analyzes a particular problem and proposes a solution. The writer should first identify the problem and explain its significance, followed by a discussion of potential solutions and their feasibility. The essay should contain a clear thesis statement that explains the problem and proposed solution. One must use specific examples and evidence to support their points and create a compelling argument.

  • Process Explanation Essay

A process explanation essay is a type of essay that explains the step-by-step process of how something is done, made, or works. To write a compelling process explanation essay, it’s essential to break down the process into detailed steps, using appropriate transitions to move smoothly from one step to the next. Including illustrations or diagrams can also help clarify the steps and make the process easier to follow.

  • Concept Explanation Essay

A concept explanation essay is a type of essay that explains a complex concept or idea. This type of essay is often used to clarify abstract concepts that may be difficult for some people to understand. For example, explaining the concept of globalization, democracy, or social media. To write an effective concept explanation essay, it’s essential to define the concept concisely, using examples and analogies to make the concept more relatable and understandable.

  • Classification Explanation Essay

A classification explanation essay is a type of essay that explains how different items or ideas can be classified or categorized. To write a compelling classification explanation essay, it’s essential to identify the criteria for classification and explain how the items or ideas fit into each category. Providing examples and using simple and easy language can help to make the classification more understandable.

Each type of explanation essay requires a different approach and structure, but they all aim to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of a particular subject or topic.

How to Craft a Captivating and Effective Explanation Essay?

Crafting a captivating and effective explanation essay requires a clear understanding of the topic, a logical and organized structure, and engaging writing that captures the reader’s attention. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling explanation essay:

  • Choose a specific topic of your interest: Make sure that your topic is specific and well-defined and something that interests you. It should be something that can be explained clearly and concisely, without overwhelming the reader with too much information.
  • Determine your purpose: Identify the purpose of your explanation essay. Are you trying to educate the reader about a topic, persuade them to adopt a certain viewpoint, or provide instructions on how to perform a task? Once you have determined your purpose, you can focus your writing to achieve that goal.
  • Do your research: Before you start writing, make sure you have done thorough research on your topic. Gather information from reliable sources, such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Take notes and organize your research to help you structure your essay.
  • Develop a thesis statement: Write a thesis statement that summarizes the main idea of your essay. This statement should be arguable and should set the tone for the rest of your essay.
  • Plan your essay: Create an essay outline , breaking it down into sections or paragraphs. Each section should focus on a specific aspect of the topic and should be organized logically and coherently.
  • Use clear and simple language: Use simple language to explain the topic. Avoid using technical jargon or complex terms that may be difficult for your audience to understand.
  • Provide examples: Use examples and illustrations to help clarify and support your ideas. These examples should be relevant and should help the reader to understand the topic more fully.
  • Use transitions: Use transitions between paragraphs and sections to help the reader follow the flow of your essay. These transitions should be smooth and should help to connect your ideas.
  • Use a neutral tone: An explanatory essay requires you to explain or elaborate on a specific topic without trying to persuade readers on taking any side. Make sure you keep the tone objective and stick to explaining an idea only.
  • Use visuals: Visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and graphs can help clarify complex information and make your explanation essay more engaging.
  • Revise and edit: After you have completed your first draft, take the time to revise and edit your essay. Look for areas where you can improve clarity and coherence. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your citations are accurate.

Bear in mind that creating a captivating and effective explanation essay requires careful planning, thorough research, and engaging writing that captures the reader’s attention. By following these tips, you can create an explanation essay that is informative, engaging, and memorable.

The Structure and Format of an Explanation Essay

Below, we have given a brief overview of the structure and format of an explanation essay.


The introduction is the opening paragraph of your essay and is where you introduce the topic you will be explaining. It should grab the reader’s attention and provide background information on the topic. You should also include a thesis statement that presents the main idea of your essay. This statement should be clear and concise, outlining what the reader should expect to learn from reading your essay.

Body Paragraphs:

The body paragraphs are where you provide a detailed explanation of your topic. Depending on the type of explanation essay you are writing, the body paragraphs will differ in structure and content.

For process explanation essays, the body paragraphs should describe each step thoroughly, using clear and concise language. Each step should be presented in a logical order, and any background information, tips, or warnings should be included.

For concept explanation essays, the body paragraphs should break down the concept into manageable parts and provide examples or analogies to clarify the topic. You should also provide any relevant background information or history that may help the reader understand the concept better.

For classification explanation essays, the body paragraphs should describe the criteria used to classify the items or ideas and provide examples for each category. You should also explain why you chose these categories and how they relate to each other.


The conclusion is the final paragraph of your essay and should summarize the main points you made in the body of the essay. You should restate your thesis in a new way, emphasizing the importance of the topic and the significance of the information you provided. You may also leave the reader with a final thought or a call to action related to your topic.

In terms of formatting, you must follow the guidelines and essay format as per the instructions provided to you. If you are writing in APA style, then your essay should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides and written in Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12. Your essay should also include a header with your name, the date, and the title of the essay. So, be sure to follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or institution.

Explanation Essay Outline Template: Example

Here’s an outline template for an explanation essay on the topic “How does the human brain process emotions?”

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Start with an interesting fact or statistic about emotions and the brain.
  • Background information: Briefly introduce the topic of how the human brain processes emotions and why it’s important to study.
  • Thesis statement: Clearly state the main point or argument of the essay, such as “This essay will explore the different regions of the brain that are involved in processing emotions and how they interact to influence our feelings and behaviors.”
  • Definition of emotions: Define what emotions are and why they’re important for human survival and well-being.
  • The amygdala: Explain the role of the amygdala in processing emotions, including its connection to fear and anxiety.
  • The prefrontal cortex: Describe how the prefrontal cortex helps regulate emotions and plays a role in decision-making and social behavior.
  • The insula: Discuss the function of the insula in processing bodily sensations and emotional awareness.
  • The hippocampus: Explain how the hippocampus is involved in memory and the emotional context of past experiences.
  • Interaction between brain regions: Describe how these different regions of the brain interact to create our emotional experiences and influence our behavior.
  • Conclusion of the body: Summarize the main points discussed in the body of the essay.

III. Conclusion

  • Restate thesis: Remind the reader of the main argument of the essay.
  • Implications: Discuss the implications of understanding how the brain processes emotions, such as developing treatments for mental health disorders or improving emotional intelligence.
  • Closing thoughts: End with a final thought or reflection on the importance of studying emotions and the brain.
  • Call to action: Encourage the readers to learn more about the topic or take action related to the information presented in the essay.

Engaging Topics Ideas for Writing Explanation Essays

Check out some interesting and engaging topic ideas for preparing explanation essays.

  • The science behind meditation and how it can improve mental health.
  • The process of creating a budget and managing personal finances.
  • How the human brain processes and retains information.
  • The effects of climate change on global weather patterns.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on modern society.
  • The process of creating a successful business plan.
  • The differences between various genres of music and their historical roots.
  • The effects of globalization on local cultures and economies.
  • How to prepare and cook a traditional dish from a foreign cuisine.
  • The psychological and sociological factors that influence human behavior.
  • How to conduct effective research and present findings concisely.
  • The role of technology in modern education and its impact on student learning.
  • The process of building a house or other large structure from the ground up.
  • The causes and effects of air pollution on human health and the environment.
  • How to prepare and deliver an engaging and informative presentation.
  • The history and cultural significance of a specific dance style or tradition.
  • The process of creating a successful marketing campaign for a new product or service.
  • The effects of different types of exercise on the human body and mind.
  • The impact of social media on mental health and well-being.
  • The process of developing and implementing a successful public policy.

Remember, the key to writing an effective explanation essay is to choose a topic that is interesting, relevant, and something that you are knowledgeable about. This will help you to craft a well-researched and informative essay that engages and informs your readers. We suggest checking out a few essay examples to get a better understanding of how explanation essays are written.

Crafting an explanation essay is an effective way to share knowledge and information with your audience. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog, you can craft a brilliant explanation essay on any topic. Whether you are explaining a complex concept, describing a process, or presenting an argument, the key is to keep your writing clear, concise, and engaging, says my essay writing expert. Remember to always consider your audience and their level of knowledge on the topic, and use examples and evidence to support your points. With practice and dedication, you can become skilled in explanation essay writing, capable of educating and informing your readers on a wide range of topics.

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writing to explain

Writing to explain

Writing to explain may seem a simpler task to tackle than some of the other writing styles you may be asked to adopt, such as writing to argue , persuade and advise. However it is sometimes the essay writing styles which sound the simplest that require the most technique to get them just right and score maximum points, whether you are writing to explain GCSE or explaining a theory as part of an undergraduate dissertation. So read on below for our top tips on writing to explain!

Writing to explain: structure

To provide a clear explanation of a topic in your assignment writing, it is crucial that your essay is well structured , so that it flows logically from one point to the next, giving the reader a well laid out and coherent grasp of the topic. For example, if you are asked to write an essay explaining why you would like to live in a particular place, instead of launching straight in with a complex description as you might in an essay to persuade, it would be much more effective to focus the first paragraph on the weather, the second on the economy, the third on the local people and so on. This proves to the examiner that you are aware of the key aim of writing to explain – helping your reader to fully understand the whole picture.

Writing to explain: questions

If you were explaining something to somebody in person, key part of the process would be answering any questions they had about what you were saying. So show you awareness of this to the examiner in your essay writing to explain, by including common questions or likely queries and their answers.

For example:

“ You may wonder why I would want to live in such a cold, mountainous region, but the winter sports, from skiing and snowboarding to tobogganing and ice-skating, make it a paradise for winter fun!

Writing to explain: progressing your ideas

Remember, an important part of explaining something is to give the basic idea and then go into further detail about individual points. So make the style of your essay writing reflect this, with more simple sentences setting out clear points, followed by more complex , multi-clause sentences to thoroughly explain and expand on each idea.

Writing to explain: final top tip

Remember, the simplest way to check you are on the right track with assignment writing to explain is simply to read it back through to yourself, imagining you are new to the topic, and ask yourself whether you would fully understand it, or where there are any areas you might need explaining further – these are the parts you need to work on!

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what does explanation mean in an essay

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Using Evidence: Analysis

Beyond introducing and integrating your paraphrases and quotations, you also need to analyze the evidence in your paragraphs. Analysis is your opportunity to contextualize and explain the evidence for your reader. Your analysis might tell the reader why the evidence is important, what it means, or how it connects to other ideas in your writing.

Note that analysis often leads to synthesis , an extension and more complicated form of analysis. See our synthesis page for more information.

Example 1 of Analysis

Without analysis.

Embryonic stem cell research uses the stem cells from an embryo, causing much ethical debate in the scientific and political communities (Robinson, 2011). "Politicians don't know science" (James, 2010, p. 24). Academic discussion of both should continue (Robinson, 2011).

With Analysis (Added in Bold)

Embryonic stem cell research uses the stem cells from an embryo, causing much ethical debate in the scientific and political communities (Robinson, 2011). However, many politicians use the issue to stir up unnecessary emotion on both sides of the issues. James (2010) explained that "politicians don't know science," (p. 24) so scientists should not be listening to politics. Instead, Robinson (2011) suggested that academic discussion of both embryonic and adult stem cell research should continue in order for scientists to best utilize their resources while being mindful of ethical challenges.

Note that in the first example, the reader cannot know how the quotation fits into the paragraph. Also, note that the word both was unclear. In the revision, however, that the writer clearly (a) explained the quotations as well as the source material, (b) introduced the information sufficiently, and (c) integrated the ideas into the paragraph.

Example 2 of Analysis

Trow (1939) measured the effects of emotional responses on learning and found that student memorization dropped greatly with the introduction of a clock. Errors increased even more when intellectual inferiority regarding grades became a factor (Trow, 1939). The group that was allowed to learn free of restrictions from grades and time limits performed better on all tasks (Trow, 1939).

In this example, the author has successfully paraphrased the key findings from a study. However, there is no conclusion being drawn about those findings. Readers have a difficult time processing the evidence without some sort of ending explanation, an answer to the question so what? So what about this study? Why does it even matter?

Trow (1939) measured the effects of emotional responses on learning and found that student memorization dropped greatly with the introduction of a clock. Errors increased even more when intellectual inferiority regarding grades became a factor (Trow, 1939). The group that was allowed to learn free of restrictions from grades and time limits performed better on all tasks (Trow, 1939). Therefore, negative learning environments and students' emotional reactions can indeed hinder achievement.

Here the meaning becomes clear. The study’s findings support the claim the reader is making: that school environment affects achievement.

Analysis Video Playlist

Note that these videos were created while APA 6 was the style guide edition in use. There may be some examples of writing that have not been updated to APA 7 guidelines.

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How to Answer a Discuss Essay

When an essay title includes the word ‘Discuss’, this means that you are being asked to debate the subject of the essay. In other words, you need to be able to demonstrate that you have understood and evaluated both sides of the topic, problem, or opposing views in a theoretical perspective. At the same time, you need to be able to show, through rational evaluation of the evidence why you favour a particular view.

From this definition, it is clear that a ‘discuss’ essay is looking for balance, not bias or persuasion. In other words, the essay is not starting from one perspective and aiming to confirm this. Rather the intent of a ‘discuss’ essay is to deliver a work that clearly separates facts and opinions. The skills required for this include paraphrasing, summation, and the clear evaluation of different viewpoints. Common titles for a discuss essay include the format “AI is killing natural innovation from engineers. Discuss”, “Highlight and examine the advantages and disadvantages of home schooling for toddlers”, “Examine the arguments for and against the widespread mandatory delivery of the Covid-19 vaccine”. All of these titles require a discuss essay to be produced.

  • A discuss essay of the highest standard will be logical, flow well and make arguments and statements based on knowledge and evidence, covering all perspectives.
  • You should include all the most important (key) factors or issues in a subject area, highlighting where there is debate over these, ensuring that both sides of the argument are presented.
  • Make statements and deliberations that are based only on credible and viable research, that has been previously well presented.

Structure of a Discuss Essay


In all essays the best introductions are those which draw in the reader with a strong statement from the outset.  The remainder of the introduction should give a brief indication of the subject being covered, the key points that will be discussed, and if you wish, anticipated conclusions. You should also incorporate any acronyms, or industry specific terms that will be covered in the essay.

Main Body of the work

The main body (or the meat of the essay) should be divided into separate paragraphs that each cover one distinct point or statement.  A discuss essay requires presentation of evidence, so each paragraph should be focused on one point with both for and against perspectives, before a final summary point identifying one or the other as being justified.  In all cases, any points made should be backed up by evidence, correctly cited and referenced at the end of your work.

Important point: The evidence provided, and references cited should only come from valid, credible sources, preferably peer-reviewed articles, and fully referenced. It is vital to ensure that the views expressed are not opinions but have been delivered based on evidence of wider reading in the field.

To ensure a logical flow, you should raise the main or key points of an arguments first, and then move onto sub-arguments, ensuring that all the paragraphs are well linked to deliver a cohesive, essay that flows in a logical way.

A discuss essay conclusion should contain two elements.  Firstly, a summary of the core ideas, returning to the evidence presented and the points made, along with an indication of which you believe delivered the strongest arguments for or against the statement in the title.

Secondly, a discuss essay should give your opinion, which should be grounded in the presented evidence, to demonstrate your ability to draw a conclusion from the data considered.  In other words, following an internal debate with yourself, evaluating the information available, you should demonstrate that you have an informed opinion on the subject under discussion.

To help you in the construction of your discussion essay, we have put together a list of key words and phrases that can be used to ensure you deliver a first-class piece of work.

Key Discussion Essay Vocabulary

When presenting evidence:.

  • It is suggested that…
  • Evidence available indicates that….
  • It has been indicated that…
  • Aspects of the work suggest that…
  • The evidence presented supports the view that…
  • The evidence presented however overlooks…
  • Closer examination suggests….

For summarising, the following phrases are useful:

  • The most important

When introducing an opinion:

  • There is no doubt that…
  • A key argument in favour is that…
  • I believe that…

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10.6 Definition

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of the definition essay.
  • Understand how to write a definition essay.

The Purpose of Definition in Writing

The purpose of a definition essay may seem self-explanatory: the purpose of the definition essay is to simply define something. But defining terms in writing is often more complicated than just consulting a dictionary. In fact, the way we define terms can have far-reaching consequences for individuals as well as collective groups.

Take, for example, a word like alcoholism . The way in which one defines alcoholism depends on its legal, moral, and medical contexts. Lawyers may define alcoholism in terms of its legality; parents may define alcoholism in terms of its morality; and doctors will define alcoholism in terms of symptoms and diagnostic criteria. Think also of terms that people tend to debate in our broader culture. How we define words, such as marriage and climate change , has enormous impact on policy decisions and even on daily decisions. Think about conversations couples may have in which words like commitment , respect , or love need clarification.

Defining terms within a relationship, or any other context, can at first be difficult, but once a definition is established between two people or a group of people, it is easier to have productive dialogues. Definitions, then, establish the way in which people communicate ideas. They set parameters for a given discourse, which is why they are so important.

When writing definition essays, avoid terms that are too simple, that lack complexity. Think in terms of concepts, such as hero , immigration , or loyalty , rather than physical objects. Definitions of concepts, rather than objects, are often fluid and contentious, making for a more effective definition essay.

Writing at Work

Definitions play a critical role in all workplace environments. Take the term sexual harassment , for example. Sexual harassment is broadly defined on the federal level, but each company may have additional criteria that define it further. Knowing how your workplace defines and treats all sexual harassment allegations is important. Think, too, about how your company defines lateness , productivity , or contributions .

On a separate sheet of paper, write about a time in your own life in which the definition of a word, or the lack of a definition, caused an argument. Your term could be something as simple as the category of an all-star in sports or how to define a good movie. Or it could be something with higher stakes and wider impact, such as a political argument. Explain how the conversation began, how the argument hinged on the definition of the word, and how the incident was finally resolved.


Please share with a classmate and compare your responses.

The Structure of a Definition Essay

The definition essay opens with a general discussion of the term to be defined. You then state as your thesis your definition of the term.

The rest of the essay should explain the rationale for your definition. Remember that a dictionary’s definition is limiting, and you should not rely strictly on the dictionary entry. Instead, consider the context in which you are using the word. Context identifies the circumstances, conditions, or setting in which something exists or occurs. Often words take on different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. For example, the ideal leader in a battlefield setting could likely be very different than a leader in an elementary school setting. If a context is missing from the essay, the essay may be too short or the main points could be confusing or misunderstood.

The remainder of the essay should explain different aspects of the term’s definition. For example, if you were defining a good leader in an elementary classroom setting, you might define such a leader according to personality traits: patience, consistency, and flexibility. Each attribute would be explained in its own paragraph.

For definition essays, try to think of concepts that you have a personal stake in. You are more likely to write a more engaging definition essay if you are writing about an idea that has personal value and importance.

It is a good idea to occasionally assess your role in the workplace. You can do this through the process of definition. Identify your role at work by defining not only the routine tasks but also those gray areas where your responsibilities might overlap with those of others. Coming up with a clear definition of roles and responsibilities can add value to your résumé and even increase productivity in the workplace.

On a separate sheet of paper, define each of the following items in your own terms. If you can, establish a context for your definition.

  • Consumer culture

Writing a Definition Essay

Choose a topic that will be complex enough to be discussed at length. Choosing a word or phrase of personal relevance often leads to a more interesting and engaging essay.

After you have chosen your word or phrase, start your essay with an introduction that establishes the relevancy of the term in the chosen specific context. Your thesis comes at the end of the introduction, and it should clearly state your definition of the term in the specific context. Establishing a functional context from the beginning will orient readers and minimize misunderstandings.

The body paragraphs should each be dedicated to explaining a different facet of your definition. Make sure to use clear examples and strong details to illustrate your points. Your concluding paragraph should pull together all the different elements of your definition to ultimately reinforce your thesis. See Chapter 15 “Readings: Examples of Essays” to read a sample definition essay.

Create a full definition essay from one of the items you already defined in Note 10.64 “Exercise 2” . Be sure to include an interesting introduction, a clear thesis, a well-explained context, distinct body paragraphs, and a conclusion that pulls everything together.

Key Takeaways

  • Definitions establish the way in which people communicate ideas. They set parameters for a given discourse.
  • Context affects the meaning and usage of words.
  • The thesis of a definition essay should clearly state the writer’s definition of the term in the specific context.
  • Body paragraphs should explain the various facets of the definition stated in the thesis.
  • The conclusion should pull all the elements of the definition together at the end and reinforce the thesis.

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Home » Language » English Language » What is the Difference Between Explain and Discuss

What is the Difference Between Explain and Discuss

The main difference between explain and discuss is that we explain something by clarifying what, why and how something happened while we discuss something by examining it in detail, taking into account different issues or ideas.

Explain and discuss are two verbs you may come across in essay questions. However, there’s a distinct difference between explain and discuss. It’s important to know the difference between these essay question words in order to write a good essay.  

Key Areas Covered

1.  What Does Explain Mean      – Definition, Features, Examples 2.  What Does Discuss Mean      – Definition, Features, Examples 3.  Difference Between Explain and Discuss      – Comparison of Key Differences

Difference Between Explain and Discuss - Comparison Summary

What Does Explain Mean

The verb explain means to make a concept or situation clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts. It clarifies what happened, why it happened and how it happened. ‘What’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions will help you to structure a clear and coherent answer to essay questions that ask you to explain something.

Difference Between Explain and Discuss

Some examples of such questions are as follows.

Explain why a Cold war developed after 1945.

Explain how smoking adversely affects a person’s life.

Describe a challenge you have faced in your life. Explain how you faced this challenge positively.

When you are responding to this type of question, you also have to provide definitions to your keywords and jargons, as much as possible. You should also back your claims with solid evidence whenever possible. In this type of answer, it’s important to demonstrate that you have a very good understanding of the topic. If you present a clear interpretation of the topic, your answer will reflect your knowledge and understanding of the topic convincingly.

What Does Discuss Mean

The verb discuss means to talk or write about something in detail, taking into account different issues or ideas. The basic meaning of ‘discussion’ is a conversation between two or more parties; therefore, when you are discussing something, you should look at different perspectives. When the term ‘discuss’ occurs in an essay question or a research title, you have to write an in-depth answer, considering different accepts of the topic. Moreover, this type of titles or essays usually has two sides. Therefore, you have to make a case for or against the title. Furthermore, his type of question tests the reasoning skills of the writer.

Main Difference - Explain vs Discuss

Some examples of such essay questions are as follows.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.

A person should learn to speak more than one language – Discuss.

Furthermore, in this type of answer, you have to examine the topic in detail and include different perspectives held by various parties. Important to remember is that discussing does not involve only stating facts or describing something. Instead, it is an evaluation, considering different perspectives of the topic.

Difference Between Explain and Discuss

The word explain means to make a concept or situation clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts while the word discuss means to talk or write about something in detail, taking into account different issues or ideas.

We explain something by clarifying what, why and how something happened while we discuss something by examining it in detail, taking into account different issues or ideas.

Type of Essay Question Word

Explain questions require descriptive answers while discuss questions require critical answers.

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Hasanthi is a seasoned content writer and editor with over 8 years of experience. Armed with a BA degree in English and a knack for digital marketing, she explores her passions for literature, history, culture, and food through her engaging and informative writing.

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How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples

Published on August 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph , giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

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Organizing your material, presentation of the outline, examples of essay outlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay outlines.

At the stage where you’re writing an essay outline, your ideas are probably still not fully formed. You should know your topic  and have already done some preliminary research to find relevant sources , but now you need to shape your ideas into a structured argument.

Creating categories

Look over any information, quotes and ideas you’ve noted down from your research and consider the central point you want to make in the essay—this will be the basis of your thesis statement . Once you have an idea of your overall argument, you can begin to organize your material in a way that serves that argument.

Try to arrange your material into categories related to different aspects of your argument. If you’re writing about a literary text, you might group your ideas into themes; in a history essay, it might be several key trends or turning points from the period you’re discussing.

Three main themes or subjects is a common structure for essays. Depending on the length of the essay, you could split the themes into three body paragraphs, or three longer sections with several paragraphs covering each theme.

As you create the outline, look critically at your categories and points: Are any of them irrelevant or redundant? Make sure every topic you cover is clearly related to your thesis statement.

Order of information

When you have your material organized into several categories, consider what order they should appear in.

Your essay will always begin and end with an introduction and conclusion , but the organization of the body is up to you.

Consider these questions to order your material:

  • Is there an obvious starting point for your argument?
  • Is there one subject that provides an easy transition into another?
  • Do some points need to be set up by discussing other points first?

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Within each paragraph, you’ll discuss a single idea related to your overall topic or argument, using several points of evidence or analysis to do so.

In your outline, you present these points as a few short numbered sentences or phrases.They can be split into sub-points when more detail is needed.

The template below shows how you might structure an outline for a five-paragraph essay.

  • Thesis statement
  • First piece of evidence
  • Second piece of evidence
  • Summary/synthesis
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement

You can choose whether to write your outline in full sentences or short phrases. Be consistent in your choice; don’t randomly write some points as full sentences and others as short phrases.

Examples of outlines for different types of essays are presented below: an argumentative, expository, and literary analysis essay.

Argumentative essay outline

This outline is for a short argumentative essay evaluating the internet’s impact on education. It uses short phrases to summarize each point.

Its body is split into three paragraphs, each presenting arguments about a different aspect of the internet’s effects on education.

  • Importance of the internet
  • Concerns about internet use
  • Thesis statement: Internet use a net positive
  • Data exploring this effect
  • Analysis indicating it is overstated
  • Students’ reading levels over time
  • Why this data is questionable
  • Video media
  • Interactive media
  • Speed and simplicity of online research
  • Questions about reliability (transitioning into next topic)
  • Evidence indicating its ubiquity
  • Claims that it discourages engagement with academic writing
  • Evidence that Wikipedia warns students not to cite it
  • Argument that it introduces students to citation
  • Summary of key points
  • Value of digital education for students
  • Need for optimism to embrace advantages of the internet

Expository essay outline

This is the outline for an expository essay describing how the invention of the printing press affected life and politics in Europe.

The paragraphs are still summarized in short phrases here, but individual points are described with full sentences.

  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages.
  • Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press.
  • Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.
  • Discuss the very high levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe.
  • Describe how literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites.
  • Indicate how this discouraged political and religious change.
  • Describe the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Show the implications of the new technology for book production.
  • Describe the rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • Link to the Reformation.
  • Discuss the trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention.
  • Describe Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation.
  • Sketch out the large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics.
  • Summarize the history described.
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period.

Literary analysis essay outline

The literary analysis essay outlined below discusses the role of theater in Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park .

The body of the essay is divided into three different themes, each of which is explored through examples from the book.

  • Describe the theatricality of Austen’s works
  • Outline the role theater plays in Mansfield Park
  • Introduce the research question : How does Austen use theater to express the characters’ morality in Mansfield Park ?
  • Discuss Austen’s depiction of the performance at the end of the first volume
  • Discuss how Sir Bertram reacts to the acting scheme
  • Introduce Austen’s use of stage direction–like details during dialogue
  • Explore how these are deployed to show the characters’ self-absorption
  • Discuss Austen’s description of Maria and Julia’s relationship as polite but affectionless
  • Compare Mrs. Norris’s self-conceit as charitable despite her idleness
  • Summarize the three themes: The acting scheme, stage directions, and the performance of morals
  • Answer the research question
  • Indicate areas for further study

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You will sometimes be asked to hand in an essay outline before you start writing your essay . Your supervisor wants to see that you have a clear idea of your structure so that writing will go smoothly.

Even when you do not have to hand it in, writing an essay outline is an important part of the writing process . It’s a good idea to write one (as informally as you like) to clarify your structure for yourself whenever you are working on an essay.

If you have to hand in your essay outline , you may be given specific guidelines stating whether you have to use full sentences. If you’re not sure, ask your supervisor.

When writing an essay outline for yourself, the choice is yours. Some students find it helpful to write out their ideas in full sentences, while others prefer to summarize them in short phrases.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/essay-outline/

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In Defense of the Devil’s Advocate

Many open mouths with speech triangles

M y heart was beating out of my chest, and I was breaking into a cold sweat. You’d expect nerves from a Ph.D. student presenting at a conference full of professors, but I’d just finished my talk. I’d practiced that presentation dozens of times and never quite nailed it. Yet gameday had come, and I’d hit every note. So why the jitters?

As I took my seat, Patrick Bolton stood up. He was one of the world’s most respected researchers in corporate finance theory, the topic I’d just spoken about, and would later become president of the American Finance Association, the most prestigious position in my profession. Patrick wasn’t presenting one of his own papers but instead was assigned the role of “discussant”—to read my paper beforehand and give an independent view.

The discussion started well enough, with Bolton calling my idea “intuitively plausible,” but then he said a key ingredient in my study “makes no sense.” I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. I’d been thrilled to be invited to this conference, where I was the only student in a room full of professors. But now they’d be going back home and telling their colleagues about this young upstart who gate-crashed an event for seasoned faculty and presented nonsense.

Bolton then moved on to discussing the next paper in the session, but I was so upset I tuned it out. This research was by a senior professor, so Bolton would surely be full of praise, making mine seem even more flawed by comparison. I was suddenly shaken out of my slumber when Patrick said that this study might have an “endogeneity problem.” That’s a major blow to any scientific study. It means that you have correlation, but no causation.

That was the first morning of the week-long conference. Virtually every other discussion followed a similar tone to Bolton’s. It started off commending the question the researchers were exploring but then explained why they hadn’t yet fully nailed the answer due to alternative explanations or other quibbles. Over that week, I realized that constructive criticism is simply part of the academic process. The whole point of presenting at a conference is that you can only take an idea so far by yourself. There’s no stigma in receiving negative comments—they’re simply expected. If a discussant were ever entirely positive, it would have so little credibility that the audience would think you had incriminating photos of him.

The value of this practice applies far beyond academia. While most people understand the power of the scientific method, this is about the “scientific culture”—an environment where people put out bold and innovative ideas, actively seek dissenting opinions and revise their proposals to address the criticisms—which is valuable to any organization. If it’s part of the fabric for plans to be critiqued, then there’s no shame in receiving pushback. Nor is there fear in raising concerns—doing so helps colleagues refine their ideas, rather than stabbing them in the back. Highlighting flaws isn’t unkind; instead, one of the most unkind things you can do is to notice a problem and not point it out.

Read more: How to Disagree With Your Boss and Still Get Ahead

The non-academic equivalent of a discussant is a “devil’s advocate,” who highlights the blind spots in a proposal. Sometimes, an entire group is tasked with this job, known as a “red team.” This was practiced by ExComm, the committee set up by John F. Kennedy to indicate how to respond to the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was divided into two teams, one supporting an invasion and the other a blockade. After the two sides wrote their initial papers, they exchanged them and gave feedback on the other’s proposal. The initial group then revised their plan to take into account the concerns.

Sometimes you don’t need to appoint a red team; the culture is such that one naturally emerges. When he ran General Motors, Alfred Sloan closed a meeting by asking “I take it we are all in complete agreement on the decision here?” Everyone nodded. Sloan continued, “Then, I propose we postpone further discussion of this matter until our next meeting to give ourselves time to develop disagreement and perhaps gain some understanding of what this decision is about.” He believed that no decision is black and white, and if no one raised any concerns, this wasn’t because there weren’t any but because he hadn’t yet given his colleagues time to think of them.

Devil’s advocates can even be automated. Singaporean bank DBS brings a Wreckoon, a racoon-themed mascot wielding a hammer, into every major meeting . At random times, a PowerPoint slide appears with the Wreckoon, accompanied by a question such as “What have we missed out?,” “What is our riskiest assumption?,” “What could go wrong?” and “Where is the data?” This prompts leaders to pause and give airtime to dissenting views.

Knowing that criticism will come your way drives you to make your idea as strong as possible beforehand. Researchers will do all they can to pick holes in their own paper before sending it to a discussant. This practice is known as a pre-mortem . In a post-mortem, a decision has flopped and you try to figure out why. In a pre-mortem, you imagine that a failure has occurred and think about all the possible causes.

A final feature of a scientific culture is the value given to dissenting voices . You might think it strange that people ever agree to be a discussant—you fly halfway around the world to be the bad guy in the room—but the profession greatly respects members who give tough but constructive evaluations. Doing so boosts their reputation, and many conferences give “best discussant” awards.

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Some companies aim to foster such a culture. X, Google’s moonshot factory, gives a bonus to any employee who finds a fatal flaw that leads to their own team’s project being killed. This in turn inspires X’s engineers to be yet more daring—if they propose a crazy idea that has a fundamental defect, they’re confident that a colleague will notice it and scrap the innovation before it costs the company millions of dollars. The better a car’s brakes, the more you can push on the accelerator.

Yet not every company values dissent. In May 2022, Stuart Kirk, HSBC’s Head of Responsible Investment, gave a speech arguing that investors needn’t worry about climate change. This talk led to instant outrage, but the content was more nuanced than the headlines suggested. He pointed out that, even if the planet becomes warmer, we can invest in adapting to higher temperatures. Nor did he say that climate change isn’t a serious threat to society but rather that investors don’t bear the risks as their horizons are too short-term. HSBC suspended him, even though they’d previously signed off on the content of his talk, and the furor led to him resigning shortly afterwards.

Kirk’s delivery was sometimes sardonic, with the most-quoted line being “Who cares if Miami is six meters underwater in 100 years? Amsterdam has been six meters underwater for ages, and that’s a really nice place. We will cope with it.” However, controlling our emotions about the tone and focusing instead on the content, the speech did an important service by providing a contrasting opinion: that we’re focusing almost exclusively on climate-change mitigation and not enough on adaptation, and that investors won’t worry enough about climate change until regulators make them pay the price through carbon taxes. Suspending someone for expressing a dissenting view, even on a topic we might feel strongly about, is a deterrent to diverse thinking.

Companies are paying increasing attention to diversity under the assumption that diverse teams make better decisions. But it’s not enough to take an “add diversity and stir” approach, where a company simply hires a mix of people and leaves them to work their magic. It needs to take deliberate steps to foster a diversity of thinking. Appointing devil’s advocates, holding pre-mortems, and encouraging different viewpoints are valuable tools to building smart-thinking organizations.

Reprinted with permission from May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases—And What We Can Do about It by Alex Edmans, courtesy of the University of California Press. Copyright 2024.

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The kids are saying ‘GYAT’: What does it mean?

What’s GYAT, how do you pronounce it ... and should you be saying it in the first place?

Take note: It's not a G-rated word.

GYAT (which rhymes with “squat” or “bought,” or “Fiat” depending on your pronunciation of the “g”), can be an acronym for “Girl Your A** Thicc” or an abbreviation for “goddamn,” according to Bark , an online monitoring company that tracks teenage slang.

Believe it not, it's a compliment.

Urban Dictionary explains that “ GYAT " is used when complimenting someone with a curvaceous body, while “ GYATT " (spelled with two Ts), describes a man or woman with a large butt.

Dictionary.com has a more general definition: “Gyatt or gyat is a slang term that is used to express strong excitement, surprise, or admiration.” 

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Where does GYAT come from?

"Dayum is a stylized way of saying damn, usually used to indicate surprise, with humorous intent, rather than in response to injury,”  John H McWhorter , an associate linguistics professor at Columbia University, tells  TODAY.com . “It was originally a southern Black pronunciation, exaggerated for effect.”

"Gyat" emerges from similar origins.

“GYAT evolved from ‘goddamn,’” explains McWhorter. “Specifically, a heightened way of saying it has always been ‘GOT-damn!’ which GYAT is based on.”

Kelly Elizabeth Wright, a postdoctoral research fellow in language sciences at Virginia Tech, tells TODAY.com: "It appears there are several competing theories for the provenance of this term, and because of this, there are also conflicting opinions on what type of term it is. Some consider this to be Black Southern, others Jamaican, and still others more generally Black ... there are many places where those traditions overlap."

She adds, "If you were to ask me what community seems to be using it the most currently, I’d place it with younger, online gamers."

According to Wright, "GYAT is one of hundreds of nominees for 2023 Word of The Year, an annual vote held by the American Dialect Society."

How kids these days are using ‘GYAT'

We can thank Gen Alpha — those born after 2012 — for putting “GYAT/TT” on our radar.

“Kids start using this type of slang as they embark on independence from their parents and gravitate toward their peer groups and form their own identities,” David Burke, aka “ Slangman “ and co-host of the podcast “Slingin’ The Slang!” tells TODAY.com.

Teens use GYAT verbally and on social media and messaging platforms like TikTok, Twitch, Discord and YouTube. Slang like GYAT can start a conversation or be shorthand to get around electronic character limits.

Burke says GYAT is not an insult.

“If someone says, “Wow you have a GYAT” it doesn’t mean, “You have a big butt,” he explains. “It means you have a big beautiful butt.” 

Can parents say ‘GYAT?’

Sorry, but no.

Burke says it’s important for parents to be able to interpret teen code to make sure they engage in safe behavior, but the lingo is “age-stamped.”

“If parents start using GYAT, teens will stop,” he says.

Dropping “GYAT” in any conversation — especially in a group of kids — will embarrass most teens, says Titania Jordan, CMO of Bark.us. She adds, “There’s a fine line between being a cool or ' cringe ' parent."

It's better to bring up the topic in private.

“Inquire in a joking manner or type it in a text message to your teen and see how they respond,” suggests Jordan. “Parents can also make it a game by asking their teen to quiz them about slang.”

In most cases, your curiosity will be hilarious to your kid.

“Either way, you’re bonding,” says Jordan. “However that happens with teens is a win.”

Elise Solé is a writer and editor who lives in Los Angeles and covers parenting for TODAY Parents. She was previously a news editor at Yahoo and has also worked at Marie Claire and Women's Health. Her bylines have appeared in Shondaland, SheKnows, Happify and more.

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Pride Month has started but what does that mean? A look at what it is, how it's celebrated

Pride Month has officially started as of June 1 and there’s a lot to celebrate.

Throughout history, people who identify with the LGBTQ+ community have struggled to gain equal rights within and to overcome adversity and discrimination.

But what is Pride Month exactly? Here's a look at the history of how it came to be and how it is celebrated.

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What is Pride Month?

Pride Month commemorates the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York and celebrates the LGBTQ community and the fight for equal rights. 

The Stonewall Uprising began on June 28, 1969 , when police raided the Stonewall Inn, a prominent gay bar in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. The protests that followed are credited with a shift in LGBTQ+ activism in the U.S.

The following year saw some of the first Pride parades in Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York. Despite the pivotal role transgender people and women of color played in the riots, including trans activist Marsha P. Johnson , they were largely excluded from early Pride celebrations. 

"The reality is that most of the folks on the front lines at the Stonewall uprising were trans women, trans women of color, other people of color, butch lesbians,” Cathy Renna, Communications Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force, told USA TODAY in 2022. “And yet somehow, the power that was coming together ... to put together Pride events was from cisgender , gay white men.”

Today, Pride Month presents an opportunity for visibility and community. In addition to celebrating LGBTQ love and joy, it’s also a time to highlight important policy and resource issues the community faces. In 2021, NYC Pride banned law enforcement presence at Pride events through 2025 because of escalating violence "against marginalized groups, specifically BIPOC and trans communities."

This year, anti-trans legislation is growing across the country. Anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric online has also lead to threats at schools and hospitals and to trans communities , USA TODAY found.

According to the Human Rights Campaign, 130 bills targeting trans rights have been filed and 325 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been proposed in 2024. More than 650 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were introduced in 2023.

When was Pride Month created?

The first Pride marches in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago happened on June 28, 1970, the first anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising.

In New York, thousands marched from Greenwich Village to Central Park in what is widely considered the first Pride parade in the U.S. 

But even before the first Pride parades, the gay rights movement was beginning to gain traction all over the country. In 1950, for example, activist Harry Hay founded the Mattachine Society, the first national gay rights organization. And in 1955, the first lesbian rights organization, the Daught ers of Bilitis , was founded.

The year 1965 saw the first “Reminder Day,” an annual picketing event outside of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall calling attention to the lack of civil rights for the LGBTQ+ community. In 1966, the Mattachine Society staged a “sip-in” at a Greenwich Village bar after the New York Liquor Authority banned serving gay patrons because they were “disorderly,” PBS reports. And in 1966, the Compton's Cafeteria riot began when a police officer manhandled a transgender customer at a San Francisco eatery. This led to the founding of the National Transsexual Counseling Unit. As the LGBTQ+ rights movement grew, the community turned away from outdated terms like transsexual and homosexual to transgender, gay and lesbian. While many consider these terms offensive, some still use them to describe their identities.

The Christopher Street Liberation Day March on June 28, 1970 , marked a shift from politeness to pride. In earlier protests, the “Homophile Movement” of the 1950s and 1960s focused on respectability – dressing in suits and skirts and carrying signs in protest. Post-Stonewall riots didn’t come with a dress code or tone requirement. 

“A new spirit has entered the struggle for homosexual freedom – a new spirit both militant in tone and revolutionary in orientation,” a 1970 Gay Liberation Front flyer reads. “Homosexuals at last have realized that they will never be able to be liberated by politely asking the system. Freedom is never given – it must be taken.”

What does LGBTQ+ stand for?

  • B: Bisexual  
  • T: Transgender
  • Q: Queer, or sometimes questioning
  • +: Encompasses other identities under the rainbow umbrella

Major Pride parades across the U.S.

Here’s a glimpse at the dates and themes of some of the country’s biggest pride celebrations: 

  • Provincetown, MA: May 31-June 2
  • Washington, D.C.: June 8 ( Parade ) and June 9 (Festival). The 2024 theme is "Totally Radical."
  • Los Angeles: June 9 (Parade) and June 8 (LA Pride Festival). The 2024 theme is “Power in Pride.”
  • Chicago: June 30 ( Parade ), June 22-23 ( Chicago Pride Fest )
  • San Francisco: June 29-30 (Parade). The 2024 theme is “Beacon of Love."
  • New York: June 30. The 2024 theme is “Reflect. Empower. Unite.”

Lawmakers mark the start to Pride Month on social media

In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, President Joe Biden writes a message to the LGBTQ+ community.

For generations, LGBTQI+ Americans have summoned the courage to live proudly – even when it meant putting their lives at risk. This Pride Month, we recommit to realizing the promise of America for all, to celebrating LGBTQI+ people, and to taking pride in the example they set. pic.twitter.com/d9cBiGoKCr — President Biden (@POTUS) June 1, 2024

“For generations, LGBTQI+ Americans have summoned the courage to live proudly – even when it meant putting their lives at risk,” Biden wrote in the post. “This Pride Month, we recommit to realizing the promise of America for all, to celebrating LGBTQI+ people, and to taking pride in the example they set.”

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) shares the progress that California has made regarding LGBTQ+ rights on X.

Always proud to represent San Francisco, especially during #PrideMonth as we mark our progress from Compton’s Cafeteria to City Hall, fighting HIV/AIDS to uplifting trans rights. We embrace love, advance freedoms and - when we win - will enshrine LGBTQ+ Equality into law. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ pic.twitter.com/1XqeBZSb4U — Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) June 1, 2024

“Always proud to represent San Francisco, especially during #PrideMonth as we mark our progress from Compton’s Cafeteria to City Hall, fighting HIV/AIDS to uplifting trans rights,” Pelosi wrote. “We embrace love, advance freedoms and - when we win - will enshrine LGBTQ+ Equality into law. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️”

In a X post, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) posted a video discussing Pride Month and things that have happened in recent years.

Happy Pride Month, Georgia! Let’s take the month of June to recognize the strides we’ve made for equality, as well as the contributions, resilience, and joy of our LGBTQ+ brothers & sisters. 🏳️‍🌈 pic.twitter.com/1y854C9trS — Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (@SenatorWarnock) June 1, 2024

“While we have made incredible progress since the Stonewall riots over 50 years ago, including codifying marriage equality law. It is important to remember that that progress isn’t linear. Over the past few years we have sadly seen terrible attacks at the state and local level towards transgender Americans. We’ve seen members of the LGBTQ community ostracized and persecuted, often by craven politicians, for short term, political purposes," Warnock said. "All the while they are simply living as their most authentic selves. But that cannot weaken our resolve to keep working to build what Dr. King called the ‘beloved community’ where all of God’s children are embraced, no matter who they are, where they come from or who they love.”

Ahjané Forbes is a reporter on the National Trending Team at USA TODAY. Ahjané covers breaking news, car recalls, crime, health, lottery and public policy stories. Email her at  [email protected] . Follow her on  Instagram ,  Threads  and  X (Twitter) .

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What the Supreme Court decision on bump stocks could mean for guns in the U.S.

Martin Kaste 2010

Martin Kaste


In this Oct. 4, 2017 file photo, a device called a

In this Oct. 4, 2017 file photo, a device called a "bump stock" is attached to a semi-automatic rifle at the Gun Vault store and shooting range in South Jordan, Utah. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned a Trump-era federal ban on bump stocks. Following the 2019 ban, tens of thousands of the devices were destroyed by owners or handed over to authorities. Rick Bowmer/AP hide caption

The U.S. Supreme Court today overturned a federal ban on bump stocks , the devices that can attach to a semi-automatic rifle to make it fire as fast as a machine gun -- potentially hundreds of rounds a minute.

Machine guns have been effectively banned for most people since the 1930s, but there have been doubts about whether that ban applies to attachments that can make legal guns shoot as fast as a machine gun. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives determines that, and over the years the agency went back and forth over whether to ban bump stocks. But in 2017, a man using bump stocks committed the deadliest gun massacre in modern American history, killing 60 people and injuring hundreds at a Las Vegas concert. After that mass shooting, many bump stock owners saw a ban coming . The Trump Administration then indeed moved to ban bump stocks, a restriction that took effect in 2019.

What was the court's reasoning to lift that ban?

It all comes down to the law's definition of machine gun , which says it's a gun that fires multiple rounds with "a single function of the trigger." That word "function" is key here, as it's not the same as a pull of the trigger.

With a bump stock, you pull the trigger once, holding it, bracing the stock against your shoulder while the recoil moves the trigger for you very rapidly, firing those rounds at machine-gun speeds; one pull, but multiple trigger functions.

What the court said today is that's a big enough difference that the ATF was wrong to call a bump stock a "machine gun" as defined by the law.

That seems to be a very technical distinction. Could this end up permitting other kinds of gun attachments?

Probably not directly because it's so narrowly focused on the mechanics of bump stocks, so it wouldn't apply to, for instance, Glock switches, which are a different kind of illegal device that allows a handgun to shoot like an automatic, according to Adam Skaggs, chief counsel with Giffords Law, a gun safety group. He is, however, worried about the Supreme Court's broader approach here.

"I think, though, the fact that there are six justices that are willing to cavalierly toss aside an incredibly important public safety regulation by the ATF suggests they may look at other regulations by the ATF with skepticism," he says.

What about gun rights lawyers? Do they think this ruling will affect other firearms restrictions?

Attorney Matt Larosiere, who helped bring a similar challenge to the bump stock ban, agrees this shouldn't affect the ban on Glock switches, or auto sears, but he thinks it could affect other ATF regulations, such as the ban on guns without serial numbers, known as "ghost guns."

"What this case is about isn't so much the definition of machine guns, but it's about how far outside the lines the Supreme Court is willing to allow the regulatory agencies to draw. And I think what this case is saying is, 'not very far.'"

What about states that already have bump stock bans in place?

At least 15 states and the District of Columbia prohibit bump stocks. This isn't a Second Amendment ruling, so it doesn't overturn state bans. The Supreme Court says Congress, if it chooses, could always pass a law changing the definition of machine guns to include bump stocks.

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What ‘Inside Out 2’ Teaches Us About Anxiety

A new emotion has taken over Riley’s teenage mind. And she has lessons for us all.

A still from Disney and Pixar’s “Inside Out 2” shows Anxiety, an orange creature wearing a striped shirt, pressing buttons on a console as Disgust, Sadness, Joy, Anger and Fear look on.

By Christina Caron

At the end of “Inside Out,” the 2015 Pixar movie about the emotional life of a girl named Riley, a new button appears on the console used to control Riley’s mood. It’s emblazoned with one word: Puberty.

Joy, one of the main characters who embodies Riley’s emotions, shrugs it off.

“Things couldn’t be better!” Joy says. “After all, Riley’s 12 now. What could happen?”

The answer has finally arrived, nearly a decade later, in the sequel “Inside Out 2.” Riley is now a teenager attending a three-day hockey camp as new, more complex feelings take root in her mind.

There’s Embarrassment, a lumbering fellow who unsuccessfully attempts to hide in his hoodie; the noodle-like Ennui, who lounges listlessly on a couch; and Envy, with her wide, longing eyes.

But it is Anxiety who takes center stage, entering Riley’s mind with literal baggage (no less than six suitcases).

“OK, how can I help?” she asks. “I can take notes, get coffee, manage your calendar, walk your dog, carry your things — watch you sleep?”

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