Instinct vs. Learned Behavior

What's the difference.

Instinct and learned behavior are two distinct types of behavior exhibited by animals. Instinct refers to innate behaviors that are genetically programmed and do not require any prior experience or learning. These behaviors are typically present from birth and are crucial for an animal's survival, such as hunting, mating, or building nests. On the other hand, learned behavior is acquired through experience, observation, or training. Animals learn to adapt to their environment and develop new behaviors to enhance their chances of survival. Unlike instincts, learned behaviors can vary among individuals of the same species and can be modified or changed over time. While instincts are more rigid and automatic, learned behaviors are flexible and can be modified based on the animal's experiences and the changing environment.

Further Detail


Instinct and learned behavior are two fundamental aspects of animal behavior that shape how organisms interact with their environment. While instinct refers to innate, genetically programmed behaviors, learned behavior is acquired through experience and adaptation. Both types of behavior play crucial roles in an organism's survival, reproduction, and overall fitness. In this article, we will explore the attributes of instinct and learned behavior, highlighting their differences and similarities.

Instinct: Nature's Blueprint

Instinct is a set of behaviors that are genetically hardwired into an organism's nervous system. These behaviors are present from birth and do not require any prior experience or learning. Instinctive behaviors are typically complex and specific to certain species, aiding in survival, reproduction, and social interactions.

For example, bird migration is an instinctive behavior that allows birds to navigate long distances during seasonal changes. Without any prior experience or guidance, birds instinctively know when and where to migrate, ensuring their survival and access to resources. Similarly, the maternal instinct in mammals triggers nurturing behaviors towards their offspring, ensuring their protection and care.

Instinctive behaviors are often triggered by specific stimuli, known as releasers or sign stimuli. These stimuli can be visual, auditory, or olfactory cues that elicit a fixed response. The response is typically consistent within a species, indicating the genetic basis of instinctive behaviors.

Instinctive behaviors are highly reliable and efficient, as they do not require time-consuming learning processes. They are also less flexible compared to learned behaviors, as they are less adaptable to changing environmental conditions. However, instincts provide a strong foundation for survival and reproduction, allowing organisms to respond quickly and effectively to critical situations.

Learned Behavior: Adaptation through Experience

Unlike instinct, learned behavior is acquired through experience and adaptation to the environment. It involves the modification of an organism's behavior based on past interactions, trial and error, and observation of others. Learned behaviors are highly flexible and can be modified or abandoned as circumstances change.

One of the most common forms of learned behavior is associative learning, where an organism links a specific stimulus with a particular response. For example, a dog learns to associate the sound of a can opener with the arrival of food, leading to excited behavior whenever the sound is heard. This type of learning allows animals to make predictions and adjust their behavior accordingly, maximizing their chances of obtaining rewards or avoiding threats.

Social learning is another important aspect of learned behavior, particularly in highly social species. Animals such as primates and dolphins observe and imitate the behaviors of others, acquiring new skills and knowledge. This form of learning enables the transmission of cultural information across generations, leading to the development of complex behaviors within a population.

Learned behaviors are not limited to animals; they are also observed in plants. For instance, plants can learn to associate certain environmental cues with the availability of resources, such as sunlight or water. They can then adjust their growth patterns or flowering times accordingly, optimizing their chances of survival and reproduction.

While learned behaviors offer adaptability and flexibility, they require time and energy to acquire. Trial and error learning, for example, involves repeated attempts and failures before finding the most effective response. Additionally, learned behaviors can be influenced by individual variation, cultural differences, and the influence of the environment, making them more diverse and variable compared to instinctive behaviors.

Similarities and Interactions

Although instinct and learned behavior are distinct concepts, they often interact and complement each other in the behavior of organisms. While instinct provides a foundation for survival and reproduction, learned behavior allows organisms to fine-tune their responses and adapt to changing circumstances.

For example, consider the hunting behavior of a predator. The instinctive components, such as stalking and pouncing, are genetically programmed and ensure the basic success of capturing prey. However, the predator also learns through experience, refining its hunting techniques, and adapting to the behavior of different prey species. This combination of instinct and learned behavior maximizes the predator's chances of obtaining food.

Similarly, in social species, instinctive behaviors such as territorial defense or courtship rituals are often accompanied by learned behaviors that enhance social interactions. Animals may learn to communicate using specific vocalizations or body postures, allowing them to convey information and establish social hierarchies.

Furthermore, learned behaviors can sometimes override or modify instinctive behaviors. For instance, a bird may have an instinctive urge to migrate, but if it learns that a particular area provides abundant food throughout the year, it may abandon migration and stay in that location permanently. This demonstrates the dynamic nature of behavior and the influence of learning on instinctive tendencies.

Instinct and learned behavior are two essential components of animal behavior, each with its own attributes and significance. Instinct provides a genetic blueprint that ensures the survival and reproduction of organisms, while learned behavior allows for adaptation, flexibility, and optimization of responses based on experience and environmental cues.

While instinctive behaviors are innate and reliable, learned behaviors offer adaptability and the potential for innovation. Both types of behavior often interact and complement each other, leading to complex and diverse behavioral repertoires in different species.

Understanding the interplay between instinct and learned behavior is crucial for comprehending the behavior of organisms and their ability to thrive in various environments. By studying these aspects, scientists can gain insights into the evolutionary processes that have shaped behavior and the mechanisms underlying the remarkable diversity of life on Earth.

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10.7 Comparison and Contrast

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of comparison and contrast in writing.
  • Explain organizational methods used when comparing and contrasting.
  • Understand how to write a compare-and-contrast essay.

The Purpose of Comparison and Contrast in Writing

Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar, while contrast in writing discusses elements that are different. A compare-and-contrast essay , then, analyzes two subjects by comparing them, contrasting them, or both.

The key to a good compare-and-contrast essay is to choose two or more subjects that connect in a meaningful way. The purpose of conducting the comparison or contrast is not to state the obvious but rather to illuminate subtle differences or unexpected similarities. For example, if you wanted to focus on contrasting two subjects you would not pick apples and oranges; rather, you might choose to compare and contrast two types of oranges or two types of apples to highlight subtle differences. For example, Red Delicious apples are sweet, while Granny Smiths are tart and acidic. Drawing distinctions between elements in a similar category will increase the audience’s understanding of that category, which is the purpose of the compare-and-contrast essay.

Similarly, to focus on comparison, choose two subjects that seem at first to be unrelated. For a comparison essay, you likely would not choose two apples or two oranges because they share so many of the same properties already. Rather, you might try to compare how apples and oranges are quite similar. The more divergent the two subjects initially seem, the more interesting a comparison essay will be.

Writing at Work

Comparing and contrasting is also an evaluative tool. In order to make accurate evaluations about a given topic, you must first know the critical points of similarity and difference. Comparing and contrasting is a primary tool for many workplace assessments. You have likely compared and contrasted yourself to other colleagues. Employee advancements, pay raises, hiring, and firing are typically conducted using comparison and contrast. Comparison and contrast could be used to evaluate companies, departments, or individuals.

Brainstorm an essay that leans toward contrast. Choose one of the following three categories. Pick two examples from each. Then come up with one similarity and three differences between the examples.

  • Romantic comedies
  • Internet search engines
  • Cell phones

Brainstorm an essay that leans toward comparison. Choose one of the following three items. Then come up with one difference and three similarities.

  • Department stores and discount retail stores
  • Fast food chains and fine dining restaurants
  • Dogs and cats

The Structure of a Comparison and Contrast Essay

The compare-and-contrast essay starts with a thesis that clearly states the two subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both and the reason for doing so. The thesis could lean more toward comparing, contrasting, or both. Remember, the point of comparing and contrasting is to provide useful knowledge to the reader. Take the following thesis as an example that leans more toward contrasting.

Thesis statement: Organic vegetables may cost more than those that are conventionally grown, but when put to the test, they are definitely worth every extra penny.

Here the thesis sets up the two subjects to be compared and contrasted (organic versus conventional vegetables), and it makes a claim about the results that might prove useful to the reader.

You may organize compare-and-contrast essays in one of the following two ways:

  • According to the subjects themselves, discussing one then the other
  • According to individual points, discussing each subject in relation to each point

See Figure 10.1 “Comparison and Contrast Diagram” , which diagrams the ways to organize our organic versus conventional vegetables thesis.

Figure 10.1 Comparison and Contrast Diagram

Comparison and Contrast Diagram

The organizational structure you choose depends on the nature of the topic, your purpose, and your audience.

Given that compare-and-contrast essays analyze the relationship between two subjects, it is helpful to have some phrases on hand that will cue the reader to such analysis. See Table 10.3 “Phrases of Comparison and Contrast” for examples.

Table 10.3 Phrases of Comparison and Contrast

Create an outline for each of the items you chose in Note 10.72 “Exercise 1” and Note 10.73 “Exercise 2” . Use the point-by-point organizing strategy for one of them, and use the subject organizing strategy for the other.

Writing a Comparison and Contrast Essay

First choose whether you want to compare seemingly disparate subjects, contrast seemingly similar subjects, or compare and contrast subjects. Once you have decided on a topic, introduce it with an engaging opening paragraph. Your thesis should come at the end of the introduction, and it should establish the subjects you will compare, contrast, or both as well as state what can be learned from doing so.

The body of the essay can be organized in one of two ways: by subject or by individual points. The organizing strategy that you choose will depend on, as always, your audience and your purpose. You may also consider your particular approach to the subjects as well as the nature of the subjects themselves; some subjects might better lend themselves to one structure or the other. Make sure to use comparison and contrast phrases to cue the reader to the ways in which you are analyzing the relationship between the subjects.

After you finish analyzing the subjects, write a conclusion that summarizes the main points of the essay and reinforces your thesis. See Chapter 15 “Readings: Examples of Essays” to read a sample compare-and-contrast essay.

Many business presentations are conducted using comparison and contrast. The organizing strategies—by subject or individual points—could also be used for organizing a presentation. Keep this in mind as a way of organizing your content the next time you or a colleague have to present something at work.

Choose one of the outlines you created in Note 10.75 “Exercise 3” , and write a full compare-and-contrast essay. Be sure to include an engaging introduction, a clear thesis, well-defined and detailed paragraphs, and a fitting conclusion that ties everything together.

Key Takeaways

  • A compare-and-contrast essay analyzes two subjects by either comparing them, contrasting them, or both.
  • The purpose of writing a comparison or contrast essay is not to state the obvious but rather to illuminate subtle differences or unexpected similarities between two subjects.
  • The thesis should clearly state the subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both, and it should state what is to be learned from doing so.

There are two main organizing strategies for compare-and-contrast essays.

  • Organize by the subjects themselves, one then the other.
  • Organize by individual points, in which you discuss each subject in relation to each point.
  • Use phrases of comparison or phrases of contrast to signal to readers how exactly the two subjects are being analyzed.

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Comparing and Contrasting: A Guide to Improve Your Essays

Walter Akolo

Walter Akolo

Comparing and contrasting in essays

Essays that require you to compare and contrast two or more subjects, ideas, places, or items are common.

They call for you to highlight the key similarities (compare) and differences (contrast) between them.

This guide contains all the information you need to become better at writing comparing and contrasting essays.

This includes: how to structure your essay, how to decide on the content, and some examples of essay questions.

Let’s dive in.

Compare and contrast definition

What Is Comparing and Contrasting?

Is compare and contrast the same as similarities and differences, what is the purpose of comparing and contrasting, can you compare and contrast any two items, how do you compare and contrast in writing, what are some comparing and contrasting techniques, how do you compare and contrast in college level writing, the four essentials of compare and contrast essays, what can you learn from a compare and contrast essay.

At their most basic, both comparing and contrasting base their evaluation on two or more subjects that share a connection.

The subjects could have similar characteristics, features, or foundations.

But while a comparison discusses the similarities of the two subjects, e.g. a banana and a watermelon are both fruit, contrasting highlights how the subjects or items differ from each other, e.g. a watermelon is around 10 times larger than a banana.

Any question that you are asked in education will have a variety of interesting comparisons and deductions that you can make.

Compare is the same as similarities.

Contrast is the same as differences.

This is because comparing identifies the likeness between two subjects, items, or categories, while contrasting recognizes disparities between them.

When you compare things, you represent them regarding their similarity, but when you contrast things, you define them in reference to their differences.

As a result, if you are asked to discuss the similarities and differences between two subjects, you can take an identical approach to if you are writing a compare and contrast essay.

In writing, the purpose of comparing and contrasting is to highlight subtle but important differences or similarities that might not be immediately obvious.

The purpose of comparing and contrasting

By illustrating the differences between elements in a similar category, you help heighten readers’ understanding of the subject or topic of discussion.

For instance, you might choose to compare and contrast red wine and white wine by pointing out the subtle differences. One of these differences is that red wine is best served at room temperature while white is best served chilled.

Also, comparing and contrasting helps to make abstract ideas more definite and minimizes the confusion that might exist between two related concepts.

Can Comparing and Contrasting Be Useful Outside of Academia?

Comparing enables you to see the pros and cons, allowing you to have a better understanding of the things under discussion. In an essay, this helps you demonstrate that you understand the nuances of your topic enough to draw meaningful conclusions from them.

Let's use a real-word example to see the benefits. Imagine you're contrasting two dresses you could buy. You might think:

  • Dress A is purple, my favorite color, but it has a difficult zip and is practically impossible to match a jacket to.
  • Dress B is more expensive but I already have a suitable pair of shoes and jacket and it is easier to move in.

You're linking the qualities of each dress to the context of the decision you're making. This is the same for your essay. Your comparison and contrast points will be in relation to the question you need to answer.

Comparing and contrasting is only a useful technique when applied to two related concepts.

To effectively compare two or more things, they must feature characteristics similar enough to warrant comparison.

In addition to this they must also feature a similarity that generates an interesting discussion. But what do I mean by “interesting” here?

Let’s look at two concepts, the Magna Carta and my third grade poetry competition entry.

They are both text, written on paper by a person so they fulfil the first requirement, they have a similarity. But this comparison clearly would not fulfil the second requirement, you would not be able to draw any interesting conclusions.

However, if we compare the Magna Carta to the Bill of Rights, you would be able to come to some very interesting conclusions concerning the history of world politics.

To write a good compare and contrast essay, it’s best to pick two or more topics that share a meaningful connection .

The aim of the essay would be to show the subtle differences or unforeseen similarities.

By highlighting the distinctions between elements in a similar category you can increase your readers’ understanding.

Alternatively, you could choose to focus on a comparison between two subjects that initially appear unrelated.

The more dissimilar they seem, the more interesting the comparison essay will turn out.

For instance, you could compare and contrast professional rugby players with marathon runners.

Can You Compare and Contrast in an Essay That Does Not Specifically Require It?

As a writer, you can employ comparing and contrasting techniques in your writing, particularly when looking for ideas you can later apply in your argument.

You can do this even when the comparison or contrast is not a requirement for the topic or argument you are presenting. Doing so could enable you to build your evaluation and develop a stronger argument.

Note that the similarities and differences you come up with might not even show up in the final draft.

While the use of compare and contrast can be neutral, you can also use it to highlight one option under discussion. When used this way, you can influence the perceived advantages of your preferred option.

As a writing style, comparing and contrasting can encompass an entire essay. However, it could also appear in some select paragraphs within the essay, where making some comparisons serves to better illustrate a point.

What Should You Do First?

Before you compare two things, always start by deciding on the reason for your comparison, then outline the criteria you will use to compare them.

Words and phrases commonly used for comparison include:

Comparison words and phrases

In writing, these words and phrases are called transitions . They help readers to understand or make the connection between sentences, paragraphs, and ideas.

Without transition words writing can feel clumsy and disjointed making it difficult to read. ProWritingAid’s transition report highlights all of a documents transitions and suggests that 25% of any sentences in a piece include a transition.

ProWritingAid's Transition Report

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So, how do you form all of this into a coherent essay? It's a good idea to plan first, then decide what your paragraph layout will look like.

Venn diagrams are useful tool to start generating ideas. The, for your essay, you need to choose between going idea by idea and going point by point.

Using a Venn Diagram

A Venn diagram helps you to clearly see the similarities and differences between multiple objects, things, or subjects.

The writing tool comprises two, or more, simple, overlapping circles in which you list down the things that are alike (within the overlapping area) and those that differ (outside the overlapping area).

It’s great for brainstorming ideas and for creating your essay’s outline. You could even use it in an exam setting because it is quick and simple.

Going Subject by Subject

Going subject by subject is a structural choice for your essay.

Start by saying all you have to say on the first subject, then proceed to do the same about the second subject.

Depending on the length of your essay, you can fit the points about each subject into one paragraph or have several sections per each subject, ending with a conclusion.

This method is best for short essays on simple topics. Most university-level essays will go point by point instead.

Going Point by Point

Going point by point, or alternating, is the opposite essay structure from going subject by subject. This is ideal when you want to do more direct comparing and contrasting. It entails discussing one comparison point at a time. It allows you to use a paragraph to talk about how a certain comparing/contrasting point relates to the subjects or items you are discussing.

Alternatively, if you have lots of details about the subject, you might decide to use a paragraph for each point.

Different ways to compare and contrast

An academic compare and contrast essay looks at two or more subjects, ideas, people, or objects, compares their likeness, and contrasts their differences.

It’s an informative essay that provides insights on what is similar and different between the two items.

Depending on the essay’s instructions, you can focus solely on comparing or contrasting, or a combination of the two.

Examples of College Level Compare and Contrast Essay Questions

Here are eleven examples of compare and contrast essay questions that you might encounter at university:

Compare and contrast examples

  • Archaeology: Compare and contrast the skulls of homo habilis, homo erectus, and homo sapiens.
  • Art: Compare and contrast the working styles of any two Neoclassic artists.
  • Astrophysics: Compare and contrast the chemical composition of Venus and Neptune.
  • Biology: Compare and contrast the theories of Lamarck and Darwin.
  • Business: Compare and contrast 2 or more business models within the agricultural industry.
  • Creative writing: Compare and contrast free indirect discourse with epistolary styles.
  • English Literature: Compare and contrast William Wordsworth with Robert Browning.
  • Geography: Compare and contrast the benefit of solar panels with the benefit of wind turbines.
  • History: Compare and contrast WWI to WWII with specific reference to the causes and outcomes.
  • Medicine: Compare and contrast England’s health service with America’s health service.
  • Psychology: Compare and contrast the behaviorist theory with the psychodynamic theory.

So, the key takeaways to keep in mind are:

Have a basis for comparison. The two things need to have enough in common to justify a discussion about their similarities and disparities.

Don’t go back and forth when using the block method. The best way to write your essay is to begin with a paragraph discussing all the facets of the first topic. Then, move on to another paragraph and talk through all the aspects of the second subject.

You can use both alternating and blocking techniques. Combining the two approaches is also an option. You can apply the alternating method in some paragraphs, then switch and use the block method. This method will help you offer a much deeper analysis of the subjects.

Have a reason for comparing the two things. Only select the points of comparison that resonate with your purpose.

Compare and contrast, key takeaways

Comparing and contrasting are essential analytical skills in academic writing. When your professor issues you with such an essay, their primary goal is to teach you how to:

  • Engage in critical thinking
  • See and make connections between words or ideas
  • Move beyond mere descriptions or summaries to developing interesting analysis
  • Get a deeper understanding of the subjects or items under comparison, their key features, and their interrelationships with each other.

The benefits of comparing and contrasting

Ultimately, your essay should enlighten readers by providing useful information.

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write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Comparing and Contrasting

What this handout is about.

This handout will help you first to determine whether a particular assignment is asking for comparison/contrast and then to generate a list of similarities and differences, decide which similarities and differences to focus on, and organize your paper so that it will be clear and effective. It will also explain how you can (and why you should) develop a thesis that goes beyond “Thing A and Thing B are similar in many ways but different in others.”


In your career as a student, you’ll encounter many different kinds of writing assignments, each with its own requirements. One of the most common is the comparison/contrast essay, in which you focus on the ways in which certain things or ideas—usually two of them—are similar to (this is the comparison) and/or different from (this is the contrast) one another. By assigning such essays, your instructors are encouraging you to make connections between texts or ideas, engage in critical thinking, and go beyond mere description or summary to generate interesting analysis: when you reflect on similarities and differences, you gain a deeper understanding of the items you are comparing, their relationship to each other, and what is most important about them.

Recognizing comparison/contrast in assignments

Some assignments use words—like compare, contrast, similarities, and differences—that make it easy for you to see that they are asking you to compare and/or contrast. Here are a few hypothetical examples:

  • Compare and contrast Frye’s and Bartky’s accounts of oppression.
  • Compare WWI to WWII, identifying similarities in the causes, development, and outcomes of the wars.
  • Contrast Wordsworth and Coleridge; what are the major differences in their poetry?

Notice that some topics ask only for comparison, others only for contrast, and others for both.

But it’s not always so easy to tell whether an assignment is asking you to include comparison/contrast. And in some cases, comparison/contrast is only part of the essay—you begin by comparing and/or contrasting two or more things and then use what you’ve learned to construct an argument or evaluation. Consider these examples, noticing the language that is used to ask for the comparison/contrast and whether the comparison/contrast is only one part of a larger assignment:

  • Choose a particular idea or theme, such as romantic love, death, or nature, and consider how it is treated in two Romantic poems.
  • How do the different authors we have studied so far define and describe oppression?
  • Compare Frye’s and Bartky’s accounts of oppression. What does each imply about women’s collusion in their own oppression? Which is more accurate?
  • In the texts we’ve studied, soldiers who served in different wars offer differing accounts of their experiences and feelings both during and after the fighting. What commonalities are there in these accounts? What factors do you think are responsible for their differences?

You may want to check out our handout on understanding assignments for additional tips.

Using comparison/contrast for all kinds of writing projects

Sometimes you may want to use comparison/contrast techniques in your own pre-writing work to get ideas that you can later use for an argument, even if comparison/contrast isn’t an official requirement for the paper you’re writing. For example, if you wanted to argue that Frye’s account of oppression is better than both de Beauvoir’s and Bartky’s, comparing and contrasting the main arguments of those three authors might help you construct your evaluation—even though the topic may not have asked for comparison/contrast and the lists of similarities and differences you generate may not appear anywhere in the final draft of your paper.

Discovering similarities and differences

Making a Venn diagram or a chart can help you quickly and efficiently compare and contrast two or more things or ideas. To make a Venn diagram, simply draw some overlapping circles, one circle for each item you’re considering. In the central area where they overlap, list the traits the two items have in common. Assign each one of the areas that doesn’t overlap; in those areas, you can list the traits that make the things different. Here’s a very simple example, using two pizza places:

Venn diagram indicating that both Pepper's and Amante serve pizza with unusual ingredients at moderate prices, despite differences in location, wait times, and delivery options

To make a chart, figure out what criteria you want to focus on in comparing the items. Along the left side of the page, list each of the criteria. Across the top, list the names of the items. You should then have a box per item for each criterion; you can fill the boxes in and then survey what you’ve discovered.

Here’s an example, this time using three pizza places:

As you generate points of comparison, consider the purpose and content of the assignment and the focus of the class. What do you think the professor wants you to learn by doing this comparison/contrast? How does it fit with what you have been studying so far and with the other assignments in the course? Are there any clues about what to focus on in the assignment itself?

Here are some general questions about different types of things you might have to compare. These are by no means complete or definitive lists; they’re just here to give you some ideas—you can generate your own questions for these and other types of comparison. You may want to begin by using the questions reporters traditionally ask: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? If you’re talking about objects, you might also consider general properties like size, shape, color, sound, weight, taste, texture, smell, number, duration, and location.

Two historical periods or events

  • When did they occur—do you know the date(s) and duration? What happened or changed during each? Why are they significant?
  • What kinds of work did people do? What kinds of relationships did they have? What did they value?
  • What kinds of governments were there? Who were important people involved?
  • What caused events in these periods, and what consequences did they have later on?

Two ideas or theories

  • What are they about?
  • Did they originate at some particular time?
  • Who created them? Who uses or defends them?
  • What is the central focus, claim, or goal of each? What conclusions do they offer?
  • How are they applied to situations/people/things/etc.?
  • Which seems more plausible to you, and why? How broad is their scope?
  • What kind of evidence is usually offered for them?

Two pieces of writing or art

  • What are their titles? What do they describe or depict?
  • What is their tone or mood? What is their form?
  • Who created them? When were they created? Why do you think they were created as they were? What themes do they address?
  • Do you think one is of higher quality or greater merit than the other(s)—and if so, why?
  • For writing: what plot, characterization, setting, theme, tone, and type of narration are used?
  • Where are they from? How old are they? What is the gender, race, class, etc. of each?
  • What, if anything, are they known for? Do they have any relationship to each other?
  • What are they like? What did/do they do? What do they believe? Why are they interesting?
  • What stands out most about each of them?

Deciding what to focus on

By now you have probably generated a huge list of similarities and differences—congratulations! Next you must decide which of them are interesting, important, and relevant enough to be included in your paper. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What’s relevant to the assignment?
  • What’s relevant to the course?
  • What’s interesting and informative?
  • What matters to the argument you are going to make?
  • What’s basic or central (and needs to be mentioned even if obvious)?
  • Overall, what’s more important—the similarities or the differences?

Suppose that you are writing a paper comparing two novels. For most literature classes, the fact that they both use Caslon type (a kind of typeface, like the fonts you may use in your writing) is not going to be relevant, nor is the fact that one of them has a few illustrations and the other has none; literature classes are more likely to focus on subjects like characterization, plot, setting, the writer’s style and intentions, language, central themes, and so forth. However, if you were writing a paper for a class on typesetting or on how illustrations are used to enhance novels, the typeface and presence or absence of illustrations might be absolutely critical to include in your final paper.

Sometimes a particular point of comparison or contrast might be relevant but not terribly revealing or interesting. For example, if you are writing a paper about Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” and Coleridge’s “Frost at Midnight,” pointing out that they both have nature as a central theme is relevant (comparisons of poetry often talk about themes) but not terribly interesting; your class has probably already had many discussions about the Romantic poets’ fondness for nature. Talking about the different ways nature is depicted or the different aspects of nature that are emphasized might be more interesting and show a more sophisticated understanding of the poems.

Your thesis

The thesis of your comparison/contrast paper is very important: it can help you create a focused argument and give your reader a road map so they don’t get lost in the sea of points you are about to make. As in any paper, you will want to replace vague reports of your general topic (for example, “This paper will compare and contrast two pizza places,” or “Pepper’s and Amante are similar in some ways and different in others,” or “Pepper’s and Amante are similar in many ways, but they have one major difference”) with something more detailed and specific. For example, you might say, “Pepper’s and Amante have similar prices and ingredients, but their atmospheres and willingness to deliver set them apart.”

Be careful, though—although this thesis is fairly specific and does propose a simple argument (that atmosphere and delivery make the two pizza places different), your instructor will often be looking for a bit more analysis. In this case, the obvious question is “So what? Why should anyone care that Pepper’s and Amante are different in this way?” One might also wonder why the writer chose those two particular pizza places to compare—why not Papa John’s, Dominos, or Pizza Hut? Again, thinking about the context the class provides may help you answer such questions and make a stronger argument. Here’s a revision of the thesis mentioned earlier:

Pepper’s and Amante both offer a greater variety of ingredients than other Chapel Hill/Carrboro pizza places (and than any of the national chains), but the funky, lively atmosphere at Pepper’s makes it a better place to give visiting friends and family a taste of local culture.

You may find our handout on constructing thesis statements useful at this stage.

Organizing your paper

There are many different ways to organize a comparison/contrast essay. Here are two:


Begin by saying everything you have to say about the first subject you are discussing, then move on and make all the points you want to make about the second subject (and after that, the third, and so on, if you’re comparing/contrasting more than two things). If the paper is short, you might be able to fit all of your points about each item into a single paragraph, but it’s more likely that you’d have several paragraphs per item. Using our pizza place comparison/contrast as an example, after the introduction, you might have a paragraph about the ingredients available at Pepper’s, a paragraph about its location, and a paragraph about its ambience. Then you’d have three similar paragraphs about Amante, followed by your conclusion.

The danger of this subject-by-subject organization is that your paper will simply be a list of points: a certain number of points (in my example, three) about one subject, then a certain number of points about another. This is usually not what college instructors are looking for in a paper—generally they want you to compare or contrast two or more things very directly, rather than just listing the traits the things have and leaving it up to the reader to reflect on how those traits are similar or different and why those similarities or differences matter. Thus, if you use the subject-by-subject form, you will probably want to have a very strong, analytical thesis and at least one body paragraph that ties all of your different points together.

A subject-by-subject structure can be a logical choice if you are writing what is sometimes called a “lens” comparison, in which you use one subject or item (which isn’t really your main topic) to better understand another item (which is). For example, you might be asked to compare a poem you’ve already covered thoroughly in class with one you are reading on your own. It might make sense to give a brief summary of your main ideas about the first poem (this would be your first subject, the “lens”), and then spend most of your paper discussing how those points are similar to or different from your ideas about the second.


Rather than addressing things one subject at a time, you may wish to talk about one point of comparison at a time. There are two main ways this might play out, depending on how much you have to say about each of the things you are comparing. If you have just a little, you might, in a single paragraph, discuss how a certain point of comparison/contrast relates to all the items you are discussing. For example, I might describe, in one paragraph, what the prices are like at both Pepper’s and Amante; in the next paragraph, I might compare the ingredients available; in a third, I might contrast the atmospheres of the two restaurants.

If I had a bit more to say about the items I was comparing/contrasting, I might devote a whole paragraph to how each point relates to each item. For example, I might have a whole paragraph about the clientele at Pepper’s, followed by a whole paragraph about the clientele at Amante; then I would move on and do two more paragraphs discussing my next point of comparison/contrast—like the ingredients available at each restaurant.

There are no hard and fast rules about organizing a comparison/contrast paper, of course. Just be sure that your reader can easily tell what’s going on! Be aware, too, of the placement of your different points. If you are writing a comparison/contrast in service of an argument, keep in mind that the last point you make is the one you are leaving your reader with. For example, if I am trying to argue that Amante is better than Pepper’s, I should end with a contrast that leaves Amante sounding good, rather than with a point of comparison that I have to admit makes Pepper’s look better. If you’ve decided that the differences between the items you’re comparing/contrasting are most important, you’ll want to end with the differences—and vice versa, if the similarities seem most important to you.

Our handout on organization can help you write good topic sentences and transitions and make sure that you have a good overall structure in place for your paper.

Cue words and other tips

To help your reader keep track of where you are in the comparison/contrast, you’ll want to be sure that your transitions and topic sentences are especially strong. Your thesis should already have given the reader an idea of the points you’ll be making and the organization you’ll be using, but you can help them out with some extra cues. The following words may be helpful to you in signaling your intentions:

  • like, similar to, also, unlike, similarly, in the same way, likewise, again, compared to, in contrast, in like manner, contrasted with, on the contrary, however, although, yet, even though, still, but, nevertheless, conversely, at the same time, regardless, despite, while, on the one hand … on the other hand.

For example, you might have a topic sentence like one of these:

  • Compared to Pepper’s, Amante is quiet.
  • Like Amante, Pepper’s offers fresh garlic as a topping.
  • Despite their different locations (downtown Chapel Hill and downtown Carrboro), Pepper’s and Amante are both fairly easy to get to.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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4.1: Introduction to Comparison and Contrast Essay

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The key to a good compare-and-contrast essay is to choose two or more subjects that connect in a meaningful way. Comparison and contrast is simply telling how two things are alike or different. The compare-and-contrast essay starts with a thesis that clearly states the two subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both. The thesis should focus on comparing, contrasting, or both.

Key Elements of the Compare and Contrast:

  • A compare-and-contrast essay analyzes two subjects by either comparing them, contrasting them, or both.
  • The purpose of writing a comparison or contrast essay is not to state the obvious but rather to illuminate subtle differences or unexpected similarities between two subjects.
  • The thesis should clearly state the subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both, and it should state what is to be learned from doing so.
  • Organize by the subjects themselves, one then the other.
  • Organize by individual points, in which you discuss each subject in relation to each point.
  • Use phrases of comparison or phrases of contrast to signal to readers how exactly the two subjects are being analyzed.

Objectives: By the end of this unit, you will be able to

  • Identify compare & contrast relationships in model essays
  • Construct clearly formulated thesis statements that show compare & contrast relationships
  • Use pre-writing techniques to brainstorm and organize ideas showing a comparison and/or contrast
  • Construct an outline for a five-paragraph compare & contrast essay
  • Write a five-paragraph compare & contrast essay
  • Use a variety of vocabulary and language structures that express compare & contrast essay relationships

Example Thesis: Organic vegetables may cost more than those that are conventionally grown, but when put to the test, they are definitely worth every extra penny.

Graphic Showing Organization for Comparison Contrast Essay

Sample Paragraph:

Organic grown tomatoes purchased at the farmers’ market are very different from tomatoes that are grown conventionally. To begin with, although tomatoes from both sources will mostly be red, the tomatoes at the farmers’ market are a brighter red than those at a grocery store. That doesn’t mean they are shinier—in fact, grocery store tomatoes are often shinier since they have been waxed. You are likely to see great size variation in tomatoes at the farmers’ market, with tomatoes ranging from only a couple of inches across to eight inches across. By contrast, the tomatoes in a grocery store will be fairly uniform in size. All the visual differences are interesting, but the most important difference is the taste. The farmers’ market tomatoes will be bursting with flavor from ripening on the vine in their own time. However, the grocery store tomatoes are often close to being flavorless. In conclusion, the differences in organic and conventionally grown tomatoes are obvious in color, size and taste.

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Writing a Paper: Comparing & Contrasting

A compare and contrast paper discusses the similarities and differences between two or more topics. The paper should contain an introduction with a thesis statement, a body where the comparisons and contrasts are discussed, and a conclusion.

Address Both Similarities and Differences

Because this is a compare and contrast paper, both the similarities and differences should be discussed. This will require analysis on your part, as some topics will appear to be quite similar, and you will have to work to find the differing elements.

Make Sure You Have a Clear Thesis Statement

Just like any other essay, a compare and contrast essay needs a thesis statement. The thesis statement should not only tell your reader what you will do, but it should also address the purpose and importance of comparing and contrasting the material.

Use Clear Transitions

Transitions are important in compare and contrast essays, where you will be moving frequently between different topics or perspectives.

  • Examples of transitions and phrases for comparisons: as well, similar to, consistent with, likewise, too
  • Examples of transitions and phrases for contrasts: on the other hand, however, although, differs, conversely, rather than.

For more information, check out our transitions page.

Structure Your Paper

Consider how you will present the information. You could present all of the similarities first and then present all of the differences. Or you could go point by point and show the similarity and difference of one point, then the similarity and difference for another point, and so on.

Include Analysis

It is tempting to just provide summary for this type of paper, but analysis will show the importance of the comparisons and contrasts. For instance, if you are comparing two articles on the topic of the nursing shortage, help us understand what this will achieve. Did you find consensus between the articles that will support a certain action step for people in the field? Did you find discrepancies between the two that point to the need for further investigation?

Make Analogous Comparisons

When drawing comparisons or making contrasts, be sure you are dealing with similar aspects of each item. To use an old cliché, are you comparing apples to apples?

  • Example of poor comparisons: Kubista studied the effects of a later start time on high school students, but Cook used a mixed methods approach. (This example does not compare similar items. It is not a clear contrast because the sentence does not discuss the same element of the articles. It is like comparing apples to oranges.)
  • Example of analogous comparisons: Cook used a mixed methods approach, whereas Kubista used only quantitative methods. (Here, methods are clearly being compared, allowing the reader to understand the distinction.

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Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Tips and Examples

A compare and contrast essay — what is it? In this type of paper, you compare two different things or ideas , highlighting what is similar between the two, and you also contrast them , highlighting what is different. The two things might be events, people, books, points of view, lifestyles, or things. In a good compare and contrast essay, you don’t only compare the two issues. You also make a meaningful argument about them.

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In a Compare & Contrast Essay, You Highlight What Is Similar & What Is Different between Two Issues

Want to learn more? Keep reading this article by Custom Writing experts! It contains the top tips for writing a compare and contrast essay that will win you your professors’ praises.

  • 💡 Choose a Topic
  • ⚖️ Learn How to Compare
  • ☠️ Formulate a Thesis
  • 📑 Make an Outline
  • 😸 Essay Examples

🔗 References

💡 choose a compare & contrast essay topic.

Sometimes the assignment gives you the freedom to choose a topic at your pleasure. In this case, you may be bewildered by what to compare. Almost anything can be contrasted, but few comparisons can raise a vivid interest. Just sit for a 15-20 minute brainstorming session using a compare and contrast essay topic generator and you’ll see the true variety of options to talk about.

An intriguing topic makes the writing process more comfortable, not to mention its readability. To choose a successful title, read the next tips.

  • Avoid comparing apparently different things. Everybody knows that good and evil are different. Notably, this refers to protagonists in literature.
  • Also, try not to contrapose inherently similar objects. You may not find enough information to develop the main body.
  • The best choice is to compare seemingly different but actually similar things or vice versa.
  • Choose an inspiring topic that you are familiar with.
  • Will you find enough information to support your thesis statement?

To clarify the pieces of advice mentioned above, read the following compare and contrast essay ideas .

  • Master’s Degree vs. Ph.D
  • Eastern vs. Western cultures
  • Homeschooling vs. traditional education
  • SAT vs. TOEFL
  • Research paper vs. essay
  • Camping in the mountains vs. seaside resort
  • Childhood vs. adolescence
  • Online vs. offline commerce
  • vs. romantic movies
  • Science fiction vs. historical novels
  • Online dating vs. real-life dating
  • Regular vs. 3D movies
  • Gas cars vs. electric cars
  • Extroverts vs. introverts
  • Workplace violence vs. school violence
  • The Bible vs. the Torah
  • Yoga vs. Pilates
  • Eating at home vs. eating out
  • Vacationing on the Atlantic Ocean
  • Comedy vs. horror movies
  • Living in the city vs. the country
  • Similarities and differences of Coca-Cola and Pepsi .
  • Compare and contrast Roman Republic and Classical Athens Societies .
  • Find the similar features in the Kahlo’s Two Fridas and Younan’s Untitled artworks.
  • Compare the abilities of human vs machine memory
  • The Great Gatsby book vs movie : comparison and contrast.
  • The difference between bloggers and journalists .
  • Discuss the similar features of Hayden’s and Roethke’s poems .
  • Compare and contrast the characters of Beowulf and Hamlet .
  • Find the similarities and differences between the U.S. and Swiss healthcare system .
  • Describe the resembling features in The Diary of Anne Frank and The Nation Behind the Diary .
  • Compare Poe’s use of symbols in The Masque of the Red Death and The Raven .
  • Note the similarities and differences of the tragedies Othello and Antigone .
  • Analyze the role of women in Oedipus Rex and Death of a Salesman .
  • Compare two successful entrepreneurs: Bill Gates and Carlo Slim Helu.
  • Contrast the father-daughter relationships in Pride and Prejudice and Emma .
  • Describe and contrast the settings of In the Time of the Butterflies and The Great Gatsby .
  • Compare how the theme of madness is described in Barker’s Regeneration & Plath’s The Bell Jar .
  • Analyze and compare poetry of Romantic and Victorian periods .
  • Difference between qualitative and quantitative research .

⚖️ Learn How to Contrast and Compare

After you’ve chosen the issues for your compare and contrast essay, you need to make sure they can be discussed in a meaningful way. A mere possibility to compare is not enough. The comparison should be interesting for the readers.

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For example, your task is to compare and contrast the Vegan diet and the Paleo Diet . What do you know about these diets? What is interesting about their similarities and differences? In other words: What specific similarities and differences can you pick out about these two diets that will enable you to understand what makes them alike and what makes them different?

You will have to make a list of every similarity and difference you can think of between the two things/ideas to get the full picture. You can organize these into categorized lists, but then you have to go through each list to separate what is similar from what is not.

However, there is a better way: The Learning Center at UNC-Chapel Hill suggests the use of a Venn Diagram to aid you in determining what the two things or ideas have in common and what is completely distinct about each of them

This simple diagram will make it easy to find the differences and similarities between the two things that make up the essay’s topic. Just fill them in the diagram and then choose the top similarities and the top differences.

Paleo vs. Vegan.

With these similarities and differences, you may choose a thesis for your essay that will make it possible for you to get your argument effectively across.

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☠️ Formulate a Thesis for Your Compare & Contrast Essay

The whole objective of this paper type is to compare and contrast two different aspects of a topic. Sometimes a topic is assigned, and sometimes you choose your own. Either way, you will need to decide on your thesis .

The best part of all is that you have your compare and contrast thesis statement in the bag because you already have your similarities and differences all mapped out and have chosen the best of them. Perhaps your essay can explain why people who choose one of these two diets hate the other diet and how this animosity is not necessary.

The questions below will help you formulate a thesis statement for your compare and contrast essay.

Here is an example of a compare and contrast thesis statement:

Both Paleo and Vegan diets have health benefits, but the ideal choice will depend on a person’s level of health, their desired results, and their personal philosophy on harming animals and the earth.

If coming up with a statement is still difficult, use a compare and contrast thesis generator to speed things up and move to writing the main body of an essay.

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📑 Learn How to Outline Your Compare & Contrast Essay

There are two main methods you can use when making your compare and contrast essay outline . Each of them helps you convey the similarities and differences between your two ideas.

  • The Point-by-Point Method
  • The Block Method

Point-by-Point Comparison

The point-by-point method implies that each of the body paragraphs compares the issues A and B by one parameter. The outline of your compare & contrast essay body would look like this:

  • Parameter 1: Discuss A
  • Parameter 1: Discuss B
  • Compare A and B by the parameter 1
  • Parameter 2: Discuss A
  • Parameter 2: Discuss B
  • Compare A and B by the parameter 2

Now let’s take a look at a compare and contrast essay outline done point by point. Note that we use the topic discussed in the above sections.

Compare & Contrast Essay Outline: Point-by-Point Method

Vegan diet vs. paleo diet.


  • General information
  • Specific topic
  • Thesis statement: Both Paleo and Vegan diets have health benefits, but the ideal choice will depend on a person’s level of health, their desired results, and their personal philosophy on harming animals and the earth.

Paragraph 1: A person’s level of health will determine which diet is the best choice.

This paragraph will compare and contrast the Paleo and Vegan diets based on potential health issues a person might have, such as a specific disease or food allergies.

Paragraph 2: A person’s desired results will have an effect on which diet they choose.

This paragraph will compare and contrast the Paleo and Vegan diets based on why a person would choose the diet and the desired results, i.e., better health and weight loss.

Paragraph 3: A person’s personal philosophy on animals and the earth will factor into their decision on which diet to choose.

This paragraph will compare and contrast the Paleo and Vegan Diets based on a person’s personal philosophy regarding harming animals and which diet is better for the overall environment and the planet’s health.


  • Summary of the main points
  • Evaluation of the thesis
  • Why this is significant

Block Comparison

Using the block method, you first present all the parameters of A, and then compare them to the parameters of B. The outline of a compare & contrast essay body would look like this:

  • Parameter 3: Discuss A
  • Parameter 1: Discuss B (in relation to A)
  • Parameter 2: Discuss B (in relation to A)
  • Parameter 3: Discuss B (in relation to A)

Compare & Contrast Essay Outline: Block Method


Paragraphs 1-3: What makes the Paleo diet a good/bad choice?

Paragraphs 3-6: What makes the Vegan diet a good/bad choice?

😸 Examples of Compare and Contrast Essays

Still don’t feel confident about writing a compare and contrast paper? You can also check out two great essay examples below.

Example #1: In-class Education vs. Online Education

The quarantine measures caused by the coronavirus pandemic enhanced the shift towards online education, applying modern Internet-based technologies and social media. The majority of people had a chance to experience online education and compare it to the standard face-to-face mode in brick-and-mortar learning institutions. Online universities provide an instant exchange of information that students can approach everywhere and every time they want. In contrast, traditional classes provide remarkable experience through classroom activities. Although online learning is evolving rapidly, in-class learning is still more effective and should be prioritized.

Example #2: Capitalism and Socialism

The world has seen many systems regulating socio-economic relationships between people, but the one that remains dominant is capitalism, with its main alternative being socialism. They mainly differ on the principles of ownership, although the implications are also significant enough to call the two each other’s opposites. Throughout centuries, capitalism has been criticized for its vices, including poor treatment of workers, inequality, and irrationality, leading to global warming and financial crises. Meanwhile, socialism has been positioned as a viable alternative capable of resolving those issues. Considering that most of the problems associated with capitalism persist, socialism does seem a more humanistic system. This paper will contrast the two on such aspects as equality, the basis, and rationality.

But wait, there’s more! Below, we’ve gathered our best compare and contrast essay examples. Check them out to get more ideas for your paper.

  • Cache Memory and Virtual Memory: Compare-Contrast
  • Oedipus Rex and Hamlet: Compare and Contrast
  • Compare and Contrast: Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping
  • Compare and Contrast the Watergate and the Iran-Contra Scandals
  • The Namesake’ by Jhumpa Lahiri: Compare and Contrast
  • Shopping Apps Compare and Contrast
  • “Odyssey” and “Troy”: Compare and Contrast
  • Urban Versus Rural Areas: Compare and Contrast
  • The Phaedrus and The Tempest: Compare & Contrast
  • Slave Narratives and F. Douglass: Compare & Contrast

✏️ Compare & Contrast Essay FAQ

The definition of a compare and contrast essay is plain to see its name. It is a piece of writing that compares two or more objects to establish their similarities and differences. Some college assignments require only one part, i.e., describing the common or contrasting features.

You can start with a hook, an intriguing question, or an unobvious fact. Then you should introduce the compared objects and provide their background. A strong introduction culminates with a good thesis statement that overviews the entire essay.

A good thesis for almost any essay type creates an argument. Thus, the easiest way to write a thesis for a compare and contrast essay is to define whether the differences outweigh the similarities of the compared phenomena or vice versa.

The conclusion paragraph summarizes the common and diverging features. It leads the reader to a learning point that is focused on your thesis statement. The good idea is to rephrase the thesis in the last sentence of the conclusion.

  • Comparing and Contrasting – UNC Writing Center
  • Comparing and Contrasting | Berkeley Learning Center
  • How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay | Stanford
  • Compare/Contrast Papers (University of Washington)
  • How to Write a Comparative Analysis (Harvard)
  • Comparative Analysis Research Papers –
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write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

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write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

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write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

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write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

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  1. How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay: Outline, Body, and Conclusion

    write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

  2. Compare and Contrast Essay

    write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

  3. Instinct vs. Learned Behaviors Science Sorting Center and Recording Sheet

    write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

  4. Comparative Essay

    write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

  5. Learned Behaviors vs. Instincts: Learning about Animal Behavior

    write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors

  6. 🌱 Easy things to compare and contrast. 85 Impressive Compare and

    write an essay comparing and contrasting instinctive and learned behaviors


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  2. Comparison and Contrast Essay|| How to Write || BBS 1st Year English || Patterns for college writing

  3. Comparing & Contrasting Reading Test Types

  4. Video essay comparing the Aids quilt and Lynching memorial

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  1. Instinct vs. Learned Behavior

    Similarities and Interactions. Although instinct and learned behavior are distinct concepts, they often interact and complement each other in the behavior of organisms. While instinct provides a foundation for survival and reproduction, learned behavior allows organisms to fine-tune their responses and adapt to changing circumstances.

  2. What Is the Difference Between Instinct and Learned Behavior?

    Instinct, or innate behavior, is an action that is impulsive or immediate based on a particular trigger or circumstance. Learned behavior is an action that someone learns or develops over time through observation, education, training or experience. Many scientists believe that most human behaviors are a result of some level of both instinct and ...

  3. Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

    The block method. In the block method, you cover each of the overall subjects you're comparing in a block. You say everything you have to say about your first subject, then discuss your second subject, making comparisons and contrasts back to the things you've already said about the first. Your text is structured like this: Subject 1.

  4. 10.7 Comparison and Contrast

    The compare-and-contrast essay starts with a thesis that clearly states the two subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both and the reason for doing so. The thesis could lean more toward comparing, contrasting, or both. Remember, the point of comparing and contrasting is to provide useful knowledge to the reader.

  5. Comparing and Contrasting: A Guide to Improve Your Essays

    An academic compare and contrast essay looks at two or more subjects, ideas, people, or objects, compares their likeness, and contrasts their differences. It's an informative essay that provides insights on what is similar and different between the two items. Depending on the essay's instructions, you can focus solely on comparing or ...

  6. Comparing and Contrasting

    Making a Venn diagram or a chart can help you quickly and efficiently compare and contrast two or more things or ideas. To make a Venn diagram, simply draw some overlapping circles, one circle for each item you're considering. In the central area where they overlap, list the traits the two items have in common.

  7. 4.2: Comparison and Contrast Essays

    Sample Comparison-and-Contrast Essays. A South African Storm. By Allison Howard - Peace Corps Volunteer: South Africa (2003-2005) It's a Saturday afternoon in January in South Africa. When I begin the 45-minute walk to the shops for groceries, I can hear thunder cracking in the distance up the mountain in Mageobaskloof.

  8. 4.1: Introduction to Comparison and Contrast Essay

    The key to a good compare-and-contrast essay is to choose two or more subjects that connect in a meaningful way. Comparison and contrast is simply telling how two things are alike or different. The compare-and-contrast essay starts with a thesis that clearly states the two subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both. The thesis should ...

  9. Academic Guides: Writing a Paper: Comparing & Contrasting

    Use Clear Transitions. Transitions are important in compare and contrast essays, where you will be moving frequently between different topics or perspectives. Examples of transitions and phrases for comparisons: as well, similar to, consistent with, likewise, too. Examples of transitions and phrases for contrasts: on the other hand, however ...

  10. Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Tips and Examples

    Point-by-Point Comparison. The point-by-point method implies that each of the body paragraphs compares the issues A and B by one parameter. The outline of your compare & contrast essay body would look like this: Example: Part 1: Parameter 1: Discuss A.

  11. PDF Instinct vs. Learned Behavior

    After a couple of minutes, lead a discussion on learned and inherited behaviors. Say, "The left side of the room will represent learned behavior and the right side of the room will represent inherited behavior. When I make a statement, decide if the behavior is learned or inherited and move to the side of the room that corresponds." Read ...

  12. Write An Essay Comparing And Contrasting Instinctive And Learned Behaviors

    784. Finished Papers. Write An Essay Comparing And Contrasting Instinctive And Learned Behaviors, Informative Essay Cain And Abel, Case Study Oil, Thesis About Safety In A School, Wine And Sample And Resume, Career Development Essay Questions, Top University University Essay Example. Pricing depends on the type of task you wish to be completed ...

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