202 Poverty Essay Topics & Examples

Poverty is one of the most pressing global issues affecting millions of individuals. We want to share some intriguing poverty essay topics and research questions for you to choose the titles of your paper correctly. With the help of this collection, you can explore the intricate dimensions of poverty, its causes, consequences, and potential solutions. Have a look at our poverty topics to get a deeper understanding of poverty and its implications.

💸 TOP 10 Poverty Essay Topics

🏆 best poverty essay examples, 👍 catchy poverty research topics, 🧐 thought-provoking poverty topics, 🎓 interesting poverty essay topics, ❓ research questions about poverty.

  • Poverty as a Social Problem
  • Poverty: Causes and Solutions to Problem
  • Poverty Effects on an Individual
  • How Access to Clean Water Influences the Problem of Poverty
  • The Eliminating Poverty Strategies
  • Urbanization and Poverty in “Slumdog Millionaire” Film
  • Poverty and Theories of Its Causes
  • Degrading Consequences of Poverty in “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck Poverty is identity in John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, and the main character Kino, a poor fisherman, manifests a transformation in his identity,
  • Poverty Effects on Mental Health This paper examines the link between poverty and mental health, the literature findings on the topic, and proposes a potential solution.
  • Relationship Between Poverty and Crime The paper makes the case and discusses inequality rather than poverty being the prime reason for people committing crimes.
  • Vicious Circle of Poverty In this essay, the author describes the problem of poverty, its causes and ways of optimizing the economy and increasing production efficiency.
  • Global Poverty and Nursing Intervention It is evident that poor health and poverty are closely linked. Community nurses who are conversant with the dynamics of the health of the poor can run successful health promotion initiatives.
  • Homelessness and Poverty in Developed and Developing Countries All states across the globe need to undertake all possible efforts to reduce the rates of poverty and homelessness.
  • Correlation Between Poverty and Juvenile Delinquency Crime significantly impacts the standard of life across the world, a case study of the United States reveals that crime has grown into a very expensive venture.
  • The Poverty as an Ethical Issue Looking at poverty as an ethical issue, we have to consider the fact that there are people who control resource distribution, which then leads to wealth or poverty in a community.
  • How Poverty Impacts on Life Chances, Experiences and Opportunities for Young People The paper specifically dwells on the social exclusion, class, and labeling theories to place youth poverty in its social context.
  • The Orthodox and Alternative Poverty Explanations Comparison Poverty has over the years become a worldwide subject of concern for economies. This essay will explore two theories- the orthodox and the alternative theories to poverty.
  • Poverty and Its Negative Impact on Society Poverty affects many people globally, experiencing poor living conditions, limited access to education, unemployment, poor infrastructure, malnutrition, and child labor.
  • Effects of Poverty on Education in the USA Colleges It is clear that poverty affects not only the living standards and lifestyle of people but also the college education in the United States of America.
  • Empowerment and Poverty Reduction The objective of this essay will be to highlight the health issues caused by poverty and the strategies needed to change the situation of poor people through empowerment.
  • How Does Poverty Affect Crime Rates? On the basis of this research question, the study could be organized and conducted to prove the following hypothesis – when poverty increases, crime rates increase as well.
  • Poverty from Functionalist and Rational Choice Perspectives Poverty is a persistent social phenomenon, which can be examined from both the functionalist and rational choice perspectives.
  • “What Is Poverty” by Dalrymple The purpose of this paper is to present Dalrymple point of view and analyze it by applying philosophical concepts.
  • Poverty and Inequality: Income and Wealth Inequality The Stanford Center of Poverty and Inequality does an in-depth job of finding causes and capturing statistics on poverty and inequality.
  • The Government of Bangladesh: Corruption and Poverty This paper describes how constitutional, economic, educational, and legal reforms can eradicate absolute poverty and corruption in a developing country such as Bangladesh.
  • Child’s Development and Education: Negative Effects of Poverty Some adverse effects of poverty on a child’s development and education are poor performance academically, stagnant physical development, and behavioral issues.
  • The Problem of Poverty in Art of Different Periods Artists have always been at the forefront of addressing social issues, by depicting them in their works and attempting to draw the attention of the public to sensitive topics.
  • Poverty from Christian Perspective Christians perceive poverty differently than people without faith, noting the necessity for integrated support to help those in need.
  • Effects of Divorce and Poverty in Families In the event of a divorce children are tremendously affected and in most cases attention is not given to them the way it should.
  • The Analysis of Henry George’s “Crime of Poverty” Reviewing Henry George’s Crime of Poverty, which was written in 1885, in its historical context can shed light on socio-political developments within the country.
  • Poverty Relation With Immigrants Poverty-related immigration is usually caused by population pressures; as the natural land becomes less productive due to the increased technology and industrial production.
  • Poverty in “Serving in Florida” and “Dumpster Diving” “Serving in Florida” by Barbara Ehrenreich describes the harsh reality of living in poverty while concentrating on the pragmatic dimension of the issue
  • Evaluating the “Expertness” of the Southern Law Poverty Center The Southern Law Poverty Center has garnered controversy for its list of so-called “hate groups” and how it spends its half-billion-dollar budget.
  • Diana George’s Changing the Face of Poverty Book Diana George’s book, Changing the Face of Poverty, begins with a summary of several Thanksgiving commercials and catalogs.
  • Lessons Learned From the Poverty Simulation The main lesson learned from the poverty simulation is that poverty is far more serious than depicted in the media, which carelessly documents the numbers of poor people.
  • Poverty: Behavioral, Structural, Political Factors The research paper will primarily argue that poverty is a problem caused by a combination of behavioral, structural, and political systems.
  • Love and Poverty in My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke The present paper includes a brief analysis of the poem ‘My Papa’s Waltz’ with a focus on imagery and figurative language.
  • Poverty in “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner Essay “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner evokes compassion and prompts individuals to think about social problems existing nowadays.
  • Racial Discrimination and Poverty Racial discrimination and poverty have resulted in health disparities and low living standards among African Americans in the United States.
  • Poverty in Ghana: Reasons and Solution Strategy The analysis provided in the paper revealed some internal and external factors that deter better economic and human development in Ghana.
  • The Concept of Poverty This work is aimed at identifying the key aspects associated with poverty and its impact on the lives of people in different contexts.
  • Utilitarianism: Poverty Reduction Through Charity This paper shows that poverty levels can be reduced if wealthy individuals donate a part of their earnings, using the main principles of the utilitarian theory.
  • Poverty in the “LaLee’s Kin” Documentary In this paper, the author will analyse poverty as a social problem in the Mississippi Delta. The issue will be analysed from the perspective of the documentary “LaLee’s Kin”.
  • Poverty and Homelessness in Jackson, Mississippi This paper will review the statistics and information about poverty and homelessness in Jackson, MS. The community of Black Americans is suffering from poverty and homelessness.
  • Wealth, Poverty, and Systems of Economic Class By examining wealth, poverty, and economic classes from the perspective of social justice, the socioeconomic inequalities persistent in society will become clear.
  • Poverty: Causes and Reduction Measures Poverty is a global disaster and that a large percentage of the population has insufficient income or material possessions to satisfy their basic needs.
  • Poverty: Resilience and Intersectionality Theories This paper assesses the impact of poverty on adult life, looking at risk and protective factors and the impact of power and oppression on the experience of poverty.
  • Bullying in Poverty and Child Development Context The aim of the present paper is to investigate how Bullying, as a factor associated with poverty, affects child development.
  • The Ideal Society: Social Stratification and Poverty The paper argues social classes exist because of the variations in socioeconomic capacities in the world; however, an ideal society can eliminate them.
  • Global Poverty and Education Economic theories like liberalization, deregulation, and privatization were developed to address global poverty.
  • Global Issues of World Poverty: Reasons and Solutions The term ‘world poverty’ refers to poverty around the world and is not only limited to developing and under-developed nations.
  • Poverty from a Sociological Standpoint Poverty is a complex phenomenon, in which many explicit and implicit factors are involved. Some individuals tend not to perceive this phenomenon as critical.
  • Household Energy Use and Poverty In many developing countries, as well as among disadvantaged populations of the industrial states, the lack or absence of energy for household use is an everyday reality.
  • How Poverty Affects Early Education? A number of people live in poor conditions. According to the researchers of the Department of Education in the United States, poverty influences academic performance in an adverse way.
  • The Issue of World Poverty and Ways to Alleviate the Poverty in the World Poverty is defined as the state of deficiency of a certain amount of material wealth or money. World poverty figures have been rising since the second half of the 20th century.
  • Race, Poverty, and Incarceration in the United States The American justice system, in its current form, promotes disproportionally high incarceration rates among blacks and, to a lesser degree, Latinos from poor urban neighborhoods.
  • The Impact of Poverty on Children and Minority Groups The problem of poverty, not only among children but also among adults, has plagued this planet for a long time.
  • Poverty and Poor Health: Access to Healthcare Services Health disparities affecting ethnical and racial groups, as well as people with low income, operate through the social environments, access to healthcare services.
  • Poverty, Faith, and Justice: ”Liberating God of Life” by Elizabeth Johnson “Liberating God of Life Context: Wretched Poverty” by Johnson constructs that the main goal of human beings is to combat structural violence toward the poor.
  • Poverty in Young and Middle Adulthood According to functionalism, poverty is a dysfunctional aspect of interrelated components, which is the result of improper structuring.
  • Marriage and Divorce: Poverty Among Divorced Women This paper aims at looking into the possible connection between divorce and poverty among women given that many women are employed and are financially independent.
  • Poverty and Homelessness in Canada Poverty and homelessness figure prominently in government policies and the aims of many social service organizations even in a country like Canada.
  • Social Policy and Welfare – Poverty and Deprivation Poverty is a kind of deprivation where in usual needs that define the quality of life such as food, clothing, shelter and water are not given to people.
  • India’s Policies to Tackle Poverty and Inequality This paper aims to identify potential policies in infrastructure and education and develop new options to deal with poverty and inequality in India.
  • World Poverty as a Global Social Problem Poverty and the key methods helping to reduce it attract the attention of numerous researchers in different areas of expertise.
  • Poverty: “$2.00 a Day” Book by Edin and Schaefer In their book “$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America,” Edin and Schaefer investigate problems that people who live in poverty face every day.
  • Can Marriage End Poverty? Marriages to some degree alleviate poverty, but not all marriages can do so. Only marriages build on sound principles can achieve such a feat.
  • The Issue of Poverty in Savannah, Georgia The paper addresses a serious issue that still affects Savannah, Georgia, and it is poverty. This problem influences both individuals and society.
  • Human Trafficking and Poverty Issues in Modern Society The problem of human trafficking affects people all over the world, which defines the need for a comprehensive approach to this issue from the criminology perspective.
  • Poverty, Its Social Context, and Solutions Understanding past and present poverty statistics is essential for developing effective policies to reduce the rate of poverty at the national level.
  • Poverty in 1930s Europe and in the 21st Century US The true face of poverty may be found in rural portions of the United States’ South and Southwest regions, where living standards have plummeted, and industries have yet to begin.
  • Christ’s Relationships with Wealth and Poverty This paper attempts to examine Christ’s relationships with wealth, money and poverty and provide an analysis of these relationships.
  • Poverty and Social Causation Hypothesis There are two identified approaches to poverty on cultural and individual levels as formulated by Turner and Lehning
  • Carl Hart’s Talk on Racism, Poverty, and Drugs In his TED Talk, Carl Hart, a professor of neuroscience at Columbia University who studies drug addiction, exposes a relationship between racism, poverty, and drugs.
  • Poverty Elimination in Perspective Poverty is a subject that has been on the world’s development agenda since time immemorial. This essay explores the possibilities of eliminating the poverty menace.
  • The U.S. Education: Effect of Poverty Poverty effects on education would stretch to other aspects of life and this justifies that, poverty in United States not only affects social lifestyles but also college education.
  • Donald Trump’s Policies of Poverty and Human Rights One of the events related to an acute social issue of poverty in the United States involves the U.N. report on extreme U.S. poverty and human rights in the context of Donald Trump’s policies.
  • Brazil’ Poverty and Inequality Poverty in Brazil has been unresponsive to growth due to the challenges of eliminating inequality. The poverty eradication programs reduced the poverty rate.
  • School System: Poverty and Education This short assessment presents at least three examples of differences between the schools that lead to disadvantages in the education system and finally provides a suggestion to help bridge the gap.
  • Immigrant Children and Poverty Immigrant child poverty poses considerable social predicaments, because it is related to several long lasting school and development linked difficulties.
  • Poverty: The Negative Effects on Children Poor children often do not have access to quality healthcare, so they are sicker and more likely to miss school. Poor children are less likely to have weather-appropriate clothes.
  • The Issue of the Poverty in the USA The most sustainable technique for poverty elimination in the United States is ensuring equitable resource distribution, education, and healthcare access.
  • Poverty and How This Problem Can Be Solved Poverty is one of the global social problems of our time, existing even in the countries of the first world despite the generally high standard of living of people.
  • Poverty: An Interplay of Social and Economic Psychology The paper demonstrates an interplay of social and economic psychology to scrutinize the poverty that has given rise to a paycheck-to-paycheck nation.
  • Refugees: Poverty, Hunger, Climate Change, and Violence Individuals struggling with poverty, hunger, climate change, and gender-based violence and persecution may consider fleeing to the United States.
  • The Extent of Poverty in the United States The paper states that the issue of poverty in the USA is induced by a butterfly effect, starting with widespread discrimination and lack of support.
  • Poverty in Puerto Rico and Eradication Measures Studying Puerto Rican poverty as a social problem is essential because it helps identify the causes, effects, and eradication measures in Puerto Rico and other nations.
  • The City of Atlanta, Georgia: Poverty and Homelessness This project goal is to address several issues in the community of the City of Atlanta. Georgia. The primary concern is the high rate of poverty and homelessness in the city.
  • Poverty and Homelessness Among African Americans Even though the U.S. is wealthy and prosperous by global measures, poverty has persisted in the area, with Blacks accounting for a larger share.
  • Human Trafficking and Poverty Discussion This paper synthesize information on human trafficking and poverty by providing an annotated bibliography of relevant sources.
  • Economic Inequality and Its Relationship to Poverty This research paper will discuss the problem of economic inequality and show how this concept relates to poverty.
  • Discussion of Poverty and Social Trends The advances and consequent demands on society grounded on social class and trends profoundly influence poverty levels.
  • Life of Humanity: Inequality, Poverty, and Tolerance The paper concerns the times in which humanity, and especially the American people, live, not forgetting about inequality, poverty, and tolerance.
  • Poverty in the US: “Down and Out in Paris and London” by Orwell The essay compares the era of George Orwell to the United States today based on the book “Down and Out in Paris and London” in terms of poverty.
  • Is It Possible to Reduce Poverty in the United States? Reducing poverty in the United States is possible if such areas as education, employment, and health care are properly examined and improved for the public’s good.
  • Poverty Among Seniors Age 65 and Above The social problem is the high poverty rate among older people aged 65 and above. Currently, there are millions of elderly who are living below the poverty line.
  • Chronic Poverty and Disability in the UK The country exhibits absolute poverty and many other social issues associated with under-developed states. The issue is resolvable through policy changes.
  • Social Issue of Poverty in America The paper states that poverty is not an individual’s fault but rather a direct result of social, economic, and political circumstances.
  • Poverty, Housing, and Community Benefits The community will benefit from affordable housing and business places, creating job opportunities for the residents and mentoring and apprenticeship.
  • The Uniqueness of the Extent of the Poverty Rate in America The United States ranked near the top regarding poverty and inequality, and compared to other developed countries, income and wealth disparity in the United States is high.
  • Globalization and Poverty: Trade Openness and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria Globalization can be defined as the process of interdependence on the global culture, economy, and population. It is brought about by cross-border trade.
  • Should People Be Ashamed of Poverty? People on welfare should not feel ashamed because the definition of poverty does not necessarily place them in the category of the poor.
  • Inequality and Poverty in the United States One of the most common myths is that the United States (US) is a meritocracy, where anyone can succeed if they maintain industriousness.
  • Poverty, Politics, and Profit as US Policy Issue Poverty remains one of the most intractable problems to deal with, both in the international community and in the United States.
  • Christian Perspective on Poverty Several Christian interpretations have different ideas about poverty and wealth. This paper aims to discuss the Christian perspective on poverty.
  • Poverty and Problematic Housing in California The question is what are the most vulnerable aspects of the administrative system that lead to an aggravation of the situation of homelessness.
  • Rutger Bregman’s Statement of Poverty
  • Global Poverty and Factors of Influence
  • Poverty Causes and Solutions in Latin America
  • Gary Haugen’s Speech on Violence and Poverty
  • The Child Poverty Problem in Alabama
  • Poverty Among Blacks in America
  • Hard Questions About Living in Poverty or Slavery
  • Relationship Between Poverty and Health People in 2020
  • Solving the Problem of Poverty in Mendocino County
  • Wealth and Poverty Sources in America
  • “Promises and Poverty”: Starbucks Conceals Poverty and Deterioration of the Environment
  • Global Poverty and Economic Globalization Relations
  • Poverty Prevalence and Causes in the United States
  • Policy Development to Overcome Child Poverty in the U.S.
  • Global Poverty: Tendencies, Causes and Impacts
  • Habitat for the Homeless: Poverty
  • The Problem of Poverty Among Children
  • African American Families in Poverty
  • Effects of Poverty on Health Care in the US and Afghanistan
  • Poverty Among Children from Immigrant Workers
  • “8 Million Have Slipped Into Poverty Since May as Federal Aid Has Dried Up” by Jason DeParle
  • Teenage Pregnancy After Exposure to Poverty: Causation and Communication
  • Poverty and Covid-19 in Developing Countries
  • Poverty and Mental Health Correlation
  • Poverty in America: Socio-Economic Inequality
  • Poverty and Its Effects Upon Special Populations
  • Global Poverty and Education Correlation
  • American Dream and Poverty in the United States
  • Changing the Face of Poverty
  • The Link Between Poverty and Criminal Behavior
  • The Cost of Saving: The Problem of Poverty
  • Sociological Issues About Social Class and Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, Gender
  • Speech on Mother Teresa: Poverty and Interiority in Mother Teresa

🌶️ Hot Poverty Ideas to Write about

  • Global Poverty and Human Development
  • Federal Poverty, Welfare, and Unemployment Policies
  • Attitudes to Poverty: Singer’s Arguments
  • Aid Agency Discussing Different Solutions to Poverty in Urban Areas
  • Is Debt Cancellation the Answer to World Poverty?
  • Reduction of Poverty in the Rural Areas Through ICT
  • Trade Effect on Environmentalism and Poverty
  • Gay and Poverty Marriage
  • “Combating Poverty in Latin America” by Robyn Eversole
  • Are MNCs Responsible for Poverty and Violence in Developing Nations?
  • “Globalization, Poverty and Inequality” by Kaplinsky
  • Poverty in America: Issue Analysis
  • Economic Development in LDCs and Eradication Absolute Poverty
  • Economic Development in LDCs and Sufficient Conditions to Eradicate Absolute Poverty
  • Poverty in New York City and Media Representation
  • Global Poverty, Inequality, and Mass Migration
  • Poverty and Inequality Reducing Policies in China
  • Poverty and Homelessness: Dimensions and Constructions
  • Henry George’s “Progress and Poverty” Book
  • Poverty Among the USA Citizens and Reduction Efforts
  • Standards of the Ethical Code: Children and Poverty
  • Grameen Banking System Alleviating Poverty
  • Child Poverty Assessment in Canada
  • National Conversation about Poverty
  • Poverty and Welfare Policies in the United States
  • Poverty in “The Bottom Billion” by Paul Collier
  • Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Poverty
  • Poverty and Violence During the Mexican Revolution
  • Affordable Housing Programs in “Poverty in America”
  • Poverty in “I Beat the Odds” by Oher and Yaegar
  • Inequality in Australia: Poverty Rates and Globalism
  • Problem of World Poverty
  • Drug’s, Poverty’s and Beauty’s Effects on Health
  • Can Authorization Reduce Poverty Among Undocumented Immigrants?
  • Can Higher Employment Levels Bring Lower Poverty in the EU?
  • Are Private Transfers Poverty and Inequality Reducing?
  • Can Group-Based Credit Uphold Smallholder Farmers Productivity and Reduce Poverty in Africa?
  • Can Anti-Poverty Programs Improve Family Functioning and Enhance Children’s Well-Being?
  • Can Laziness Explain Poverty in America?
  • Are Social Exclusion and Poverty Measures Interrelated?
  • Can Increasing Smallholder Farm Size Broadly Reduce Rural Poverty in Zambia?
  • Can Crop Purchase Programs Reduce Poverty and Improve Welfare in Rural Communities?
  • Does Aid Availability Affect Effectiveness in Reducing Poverty?
  • Can Employer Credit Checks Create Poverty Traps?
  • Are the Poverty Effects of Trade Policies Invisible?
  • Can Foreign Aid Reduce Poverty?
  • Are Education Systems Modern as Well as Practical Enough to Eliminate Unemployment, and Thus Poverty?
  • Can High-Inequality Developing Countries Escape Absolute Poverty?
  • Are Inequality and Trade Liberalization Influences on Growth and Poverty?
  • Can Globalisation Realistically Solve World Poverty?
  • Are Urban Poverty and Undernutrition Growing?
  • Can Big Push Interventions Take Small-Scale Farmers Out of Poverty?
  • Can Civilian Disability Pensions Overcome the Poverty Issue?
  • Are Poverty Rates Underestimated in China?
  • Does Agriculture Help Poverty and Inequality Reduction?
  • Can Agricultural Households Farm Their Way Out of Poverty?
  • Are Income Poverty and Perceptions of Financial Difficulties Dynamically Interrelated?
  • Are Bangladesh’s Recent Gains in Poverty Reduction Different From the Past?
  • Can Cash Transfers Help Households Escape an Intergenerational Poverty Trap?
  • Are Remittances Helping Lower Poverty and Inequality Levels in Latin America?
  • Can Foreign Aid Reduce Income Inequality and Poverty?
  • Can Child-Care Subsidies Reduce Poverty?
  • Can Income Inequality Reduction Be Used as an Instrument for Poverty Reduction?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 202 Poverty Essay Topics & Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/poverty-essay-topics/

"202 Poverty Essay Topics & Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/poverty-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '202 Poverty Essay Topics & Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "202 Poverty Essay Topics & Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/poverty-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "202 Poverty Essay Topics & Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/poverty-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "202 Poverty Essay Topics & Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/poverty-essay-topics/.

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140 Poverty Essay Topics, Examples, & Title Ideas

📝 poverty essay examples, 💡 poverty essay topics, 💸 catchy titles about poverty to explore, 🌶️ hot poverty research titles, ❓ poverty research topics & questions, 🌍 research topics on poverty in africa, 🇺🇸 essay topics on poverty in america, 🇵🇭 titles about poverty in the philippines, 📣 poverty questions for discussion.

Poverty is a complex issue that have affected millions of people around the world for centuries. Scholars define poverty as the state of being unable to meet one’s basic needs for food, shelter, and other necessities. The issue can have far-reaching and devastating consequences for individuals, families, and whole communities.

This collection of poverty essay topics contains research questions, ideas, and titles on poverty in America, Africa, and the Philippines. They are suitable for an argumentative essay, research paper, or speech. You are welcome to use our wealth and poverty essay examples as prompts to make your own research on poverty.

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Role in Society The paper will outline the various things that Bill Gates has done in helping the unprivileged people, and in improving education in the United States.
  • Single Mothers in Poverty Many of the single mothers, cannot secure lucrative jobs that would earn them enough income to meet their daily needs and the needs of their children.
  • Bill Gates Life and Career Computer programming was a job that Bill Gates loved, and fortunately, his dream became true after occupying himself with computer programming at a tender age.
  • The Relationship between Money and Happiness Various academic studies have shown that there is, indeed, a connection between the money you have and your level of happiness, but this connection is not very strong.
  • Problem of Hunger in Modern World The purpose of this paper is to present a detailed discussion on hunger. The discussion will begin with an overview of the state of hunger in various parts of the world.
  • Immigrants and Immigration Policies: Women and Migration International laws have a provision that mandates states to draft immigration policies. Immigration laws and policies of the US have failed to uphold the rights of immigrants.
  • Child Labor, Its Causes, Effects, Counterpolicies The paper gives a broader view of the causes and effects of child labor, economic and socio-cultural perspectives, and efforts put to stop child labor.
  • Medical Issues that Arise from Being Overworked The paper discusses overwork in context with middle and lower classes that are affected by the overworked and hectic schedule and medical issues they gain.
  • Illegal Immigration Process Analysis Illegal immigration refers to migration across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country.
  • Poverty and Children in the United States Children are said to live in poverty when they are not able to have a minimum, decent standard of living that allows them to live a normal life in society.
  • Poverty and Children in the United States Discussing the issue of the present day chronic cycle of poverty, it would be relevant to mention that children might be regarded as the most unprotected social group that suffers form the above mentioned problem.
  • Extraction of Natural Resources and Production The research paper aims to investigate factors responsible for excessive exploitation of natural resources.
  • Poverty in America Poverty denotes the state of affairs where there are no ways of managing to pay for crucial human requirements which include food, clean water, schooling, clothes, and shelter.
  • Discrimination in the 21st Century for African Americans and Minorities USA as a country has made great steps in addressing the disparity and inequality among the various groups since the period of Civil Rights movements.
  • Satire by Swift: A Modest Proposal The essay had painted a live picture of the tremendous poverty of Irish people in the early eighteenth century.
  • Assessing and Recommending Quantitative Research Design The three different types of quantitative research designs have their own weaknesses and strengths, this makes the research designs to be applicable in different situations.
  • Connection Between War and Poverty The paper will identify and discuss abuse, isolation, hostility and reliance has some of the causes of conflicts.
  • Vicious Circle of Poverty in Brazil Brazil is faced with major environmental degradation issues such as deforestation, water pollution, and floods.
  • Effects of the Global Recession on Tourism Tourism enables the country to earn foreign exchange. On the other hand, the social and economic benefits of tourism have greatly been destabilized by the recent global recession.
  • Overrepresentation of Aboriginal People in Crime Why are the Aboriginal people suspected of so much crime given the basis of their history, describes the Bond theory relating it to the topic.
  • Challenges That Multicultural Children Face in the US This essay will discuss the following points regarded as the challenges multicultural families face: alienation, poverty, unemployment, discrimination, desired policies.
  • Politics of HIV/Aids and Social and Cultural Prejudice The paper looks at how the politics HIV/AIDS have operated as a conduit for social and cultural prejudice because the its prevalence has been associated with society culture.
  • Socioeconomic Conditions Can Lead to Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Abuse of Children Wealth, access to education, parents' occupation, health, income, and housing are significant in avoiding child abuse. Discussion of the importance of socioeconomic conditions.
  • How Food Insecurity Affects Children’s Education Food insecurity can also be harmful to academic performance. As a result, a poorly-educated individual has low income and continue suffering from world hunger.
  • Diverty and the Limitations of Poverty in Victorian London
  • Agricultural Water Management and Poverty in Ethiopia
  • Living Conditions and Behavioral & Mental Patterns The central paper’s theory states that a person’s life circumstances directly influence his behavior patterns.
  • Food Price Spikes: Price Insulation and Poverty
  • Anti-Poverty Transfers and Spatial Prices in Tunisia
  • Food Poverty and Livelihoods Issues in Rural Nigeria
  • Food Poverty and Its Causes in Pakistan
  • Ethnic Stereotypes and Preferences on Poverty Assistance
  • European Union Poverty Poor Rate
  • Drugs and Their Impact on Poverty
  • Food Prices and Poverty Reduction in the Long Run
  • Connection Between Human Trafficking and Poverty
  • Generating Disaggregated Poverty Maps
  • Feminist Explanations for the Feminization of Poverty
  • Evaluation of Different Sociological Measures of Poverty
  • Examination of Major Effects of Poverty on Children’s Education
  • Food Poverty Profile and Decomposition Applied to Ghana
  • Christian Beliefs Concerning World Poverty
  • Economic Growth and Child Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh and China
  • Different Ways People Look at Poverty
  • Ethnic Inequality and Poverty in Malaysia Since 1969
  • General Public Poverty Aid for Individuals
  • Global Biofuel Production and Poverty in China
  • Distribution-Sensitive Multidimensional Poverty Measures
  • Classification Trees for Poverty Mapping
  • Market-Based Solutions for Global Poverty
  • Food Poverty Index for Venezuelan Households
  • Child Poverty and Child Well-Being in Italy
  • Absolute and Relative Deprivation and the Measurement of Poverty
  • Gender, Time Use, and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Gender-Sensitive Poverty Mapping for the US
  • Food Poverty and Solidarity Networks in Italy
  • Fertility, Household Size, and Poverty in Nepal
  • Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction
  • Financial Deepening and Poverty Reduction in Zambia
  • Economic Growth and Development as a Tool for Poverty Overcoming
  • Choosing Rural Road Investments to Help Reduce Poverty
  • Combating Poverty Through Self Reliance
  • Effects of Poverty on Mental Health People who live in economically disadvantaged communities face several challenges pertaining to their mental health.
  • The Connection Between Child Poverty and Economic Growth
  • Agricultural Water Management and Poverty Linkages
  • Capital Account Liberalisation and Poverty
  • Ethnicity, Caste, and Religion: Implications for Poverty Outcomes
  • Can Laziness Explain Poverty in America?
  • Does Forest Conversion Promote Growth and Alleviate Poverty?
  • Can Globalisation Realistically Solve World Poverty?
  • Can Microfinance Aid Poverty Reduction?
  • Does Increasing Minimum Wage Decrease Poverty?
  • How Does Poverty Affect People’s Health and Well-Being?
  • Does Globalization Cause Poverty?
  • Can Employer Credit Checks Create Poverty Traps?
  • Does Inequality Matter for Poverty Reduction?
  • How China Escaped the Poverty Trap?
  • Does Inequality Constraint Poverty Reduction Programs?
  • How Bad Governance Impedes Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh?
  • How Does Level of Education Relate to Poverty?
  • Why Are Child Poverty Rates So Persistently High in Spain?
  • Does Corruption Affect Income Inequality and Poverty?
  • How Are Poverty and Migration Linked?
  • How Can Agricultural Trade Reform Reduce Poverty?
  • What Does Generational Poverty Mean?
  • How Does Gender Relate to Poverty Status?
  • Does Foreign Direct Investment Reduce Poverty?
  • How Does Child Poverty Effect Crime Rates Amongst Teens and Young Adults?
  • The causes of poverty in Africa
  • The impact of poverty on health in Africa
  • Education and poverty reduction in Africa
  • The role of international aid in addressing poverty in Africa
  • Corruption on poverty in Africa: are they related?
  • The role of economic policies in reducing poverty in Africa
  • Poverty and conflict in Africa: are these issues connected?
  • Climate change and poverty in Africa
  • The role of microfinance in reducing poverty in Africa
  • The potential of entrepreneurship to alleviate poverty in Africa
  • Poverty and mental health in the United States
  • Gentrification and poverty in urban America
  • Media and public perceptions of poverty in America
  • Technology, job market, and poverty in the US
  • Poverty and American criminal justice system
  • Immigration on poverty in the US: what is the connection?
  • The impact of environmental degradation on poverty in America
  • Breaking the cycle of poverty in the Philippines
  • The impact of corruption on poverty in the Philippines
  • Poverty, health, and quality of life in the Philippines
  • International aid: what is its impact on poverty in the Philippines?
  • Poverty and gender inequality: the case of the Philippines
  • How Does Poverty Affect Access to Quality Education?
  • What Are the Economic Consequences of Persistent Poverty?
  • How Is Poverty Portrayed in the Media?
  • What Role Does Government Policy Play in Reducing Poverty Rates?
  • How Does Poverty Affect the Future?
  • Does Poverty Lead to Crime?
  • Can Technology Eliminate Poverty?
  • What Are the Social Determinants of Poverty in Urban Areas?
  • How Does Poverty Impact Mental Health and Well-Being?
  • What Are the Best Ways to Reduce Poverty in Africa?
  • Is Poverty a Necessary Constant in the Mechanics of a Capitalist Society?
  • Can Microfinance Effectively Combat Poverty in Developing Nations?
  • What Is the Difference Between Absolute Poverty and Relative Poverty?
  • Is Poverty in America Similar or Different to Poverty in Third-World Countries?
  • Which Country Has the Lowest Rate of Poverty?
  • How Do Cultural Factors Perpetuate Cycles of Poverty?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Poverty and Food Insecurity?
  • How Does Poverty Lead to Social Injustices?
  • Can Affordable Housing Initiatives Alleviate Urban Poverty?
  • How Does the Lack of Education Cause Poverty?
  • What Role Does Globalization Play in Poverty Reduction?
  • Is Poverty a State of Mind?
  • How Does Poverty Affect the Elderly Population?
  • What Strategies Can Be Implemented to Address Urban Poverty?
  • How Do Inequality and Poverty Impact Businesses?
  • Is the Problem of Poverty Going to Be Effectively Resolved?
  • Can Universal Basic Income Reduce Poverty Rates?
  • Does Poverty Violate the Right to Equal Access to Basic Services?
  • What Are the Effects of Poverty on Childhood Development?
  • How Does Poverty Contribute to Environmental Degradation?

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7 Essays About Poverty: Example Essays and Prompts

Essays about poverty give valuable insight into the economic situation that we share globally. Read our guide with poverty essay examples and prompts for your paper.

In the US, the official poverty rate in 2022 was 11.5 percent, with 37.9 million people living below the poverty line. With a global pandemic, cost of living crisis, and climate change on the rise, we’ve seen poverty increase due to various factors. As many of us face adversity daily, we can look to essays about poverty from some of the world’s greatest speakers for inspiration and guidance.

There is nothing but a lack of social vision to prevent us from paying an adequate wage to every American citizen whether he be a hospital worker, laundry worker, maid or day laborer. There is nothing except shortsightedness to prevent us from guaranteeing an annual minimum—and livable—income for every American family. Martin Luther King Jr., Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?

Writing a poverty essay can be challenging due to the many factors contributing to poverty and the knock-on effects of living below the poverty line . For example, homelessness among low-income individuals stems from many different causes.

It’s important to note that poverty exists beyond the US, with many developing countries living in extreme poverty without access to essentials like clean water and housing. For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

Essays About Poverty: Top Examples

1. pensioner poverty: fear of rise over decades as uk under-40s wealth falls, 2. the surprising poverty levels across the u.s., 3. why poverty persists in america, 4. post-pandemic poverty is rising in america’s suburbs.

  • 5. The Basic Facts About Children in Poverty
  • 6. The State of America’s Children 
  • 7. COVID-19: This is how many Americans now live below the poverty line

10 Poverty Essay Topics

1. the causes of poverty, 2. the negative effects of poverty, 3. how countries can reduce poverty rates, 4. the basic necessities and poverty, 5. how disabilities can lead to poverty, 6. how the cycle of poverty unfolds , 7. universal basic income and its relationship to poverty, 8. interview someone who has experience living in poverty, 9. the impact of the criminal justice system on poverty, 10. the different ways to create affordable housing.

There is growing concern about increasing pensioner poverty in the UK in the coming decades. Due to financial challenges like the cost of living crisis, rent increases, and the COVID-19 pandemic, under 40s have seen their finances shrink.

Osborne discusses the housing wealth gap in this article, where many under the 40s currently pay less in a pension due to rent prices. While this means they will have less pension available, they will also retire without owning a home, resulting in less personal wealth than previous generations. Osborne delves into the causes and gaps in wealth between generations in this in-depth essay.

“Those under-40s have already been identified as  facing the biggest hit from rising mortgage rates , and last week a study by the financial advice firm Hargreaves Lansdown found that almost a third of 18- to 34-year-olds had stopped or cut back on their pension contributions in order to save money.” Hilary Osborne,  The Guardian

In this 2023 essay, Jeremy Ney looks at the poverty levels across the US, stating that poverty has had the largest one-year increase in history. According to the most recent census, child poverty has more than doubled from 2021 to 2022.

Ney states that the expiration of government support and inflation has created new financial challenges for US families. With the increased cost of living and essential items like food and housing sharply increasing, more and more families have fallen below the poverty line. Throughout this essay, Ney displays statistics and data showing the wealth changes across states, ethnic groups, and households.

“Poverty in America reflects the inequality that plagues U.S. households. While certain regions have endured this pain much more than others, this new rising trend may spell ongoing challenges for even more communities.” Jeremy Ney,  TIME

Essays About Poverty: How countries can reduce poverty rates?

In this New York Times article, a Pulitzer Prize-winning sociologist explores why poverty exists in North America.

The American poor have access to cheap, mass-produced goods, as every American does. But that doesn’t mean they can access what matters most. Matthew Desmond,  The New York Times

The U.S. Census Bureau recently released its annual data on poverty, revealing contrasting trends for 2022. While one set of findings indicated that the overall number of Americans living in poverty remained stable compared to the previous two years, another survey highlighted a concerning increase in child poverty. The rate of child poverty in the U.S. doubled from 2021 to 2022, a spike attributed mainly to the cessation of the expanded child tax credit following the pandemic. These varied outcomes underscore the Census Bureau’s multifaceted methods to measure poverty.

“The nation’s suburbs accounted for the majority of increases in the poor population following the onset of the pandemic” Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube,  Brookings

5.  The Basic Facts About Children in Poverty

Nearly 11 million children are living in poverty in America. This essay explores ow the crisis reached this point—and what steps must be taken to solve it.

“In America, nearly 11 million children are poor. That’s 1 in 7 kids, who make up almost one-third of all people living in poverty in this country.” Areeba Haider,  Center for American Progress

6.  The State of America’s Children  

This essay articles how, despite advancements, children continue to be the most impoverished demographic in the U.S., with particular subgroups — such as children of color, those under five, offspring of single mothers, and children residing in the South — facing the most severe poverty levels.

“Growing up in poverty has wide-ranging, sometimes lifelong, effects on children, putting them at a much higher risk of experiencing behavioral, social, emotional, and health challenges. Childhood poverty also plays an instrumental role in impairing a child’s ability and capacity to learn, build skills, and succeed academically.” Children’s Defense Fund

7.  COVID-19: This is how many Americans now live below the poverty line

This essay explores how the economic repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic 2020 led to a surge in U.S. poverty rates, with unemployment figures reaching unprecedented heights. The writer provides data confirming that individuals at the lowest economic strata bore the brunt of these challenges, indicating that the recession might have exacerbated income disparities, further widening the chasm between the affluent and the underprivileged.

“Poverty in the U.S. increased in 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic hammered the economy and unemployment soared. Those at the bottom of the economic ladder were hit hardest, new figures confirm, suggesting that the recession may have widened the gap between the rich and the poor.” Elena Delavega,  World Econmic Forum

If you’re tasked with writing an essay about poverty, consider using the below topics. They offer pointers for outlining and planning an essay about this challenging topic.

One of the most specific poverty essay topics to address involves the causes of poverty. You can craft an essay to examine the most common causes of extreme poverty. Here are a few topics you might want to include:

  • Racial discrimination, particularly among African Americans, has been a common cause of poverty throughout American history. Discrimination and racism can make it hard for people to get the education they need, making it nearly impossible to get a job.
  • A lack of access to adequate health care can also lead to poverty. When people do not have access to healthcare, they are more likely to get sick. This could make it hard for them to go to work while also leading to major medical bills.
  • Inadequate food and water can lead to poverty as well. If people’s basic needs aren’t met, they focus on finding food and water instead of getting an education they can use to find a better job.

These are just a few of the most common causes of poverty you might want to highlight in your essay. These topics could help people see why some people are more likely to become impoverished than others. You might also be interested in these essays about poverty .

Poverty affects everyone, and the impacts of an impoverished lifestyle are very real. Furthermore, the disparities when comparing adult poverty to child poverty are also significant. This opens the doors to multiple possible essay topics. Here are a few points to include:

  • When children live in poverty, their development is stunted. For example, they might not be able to get to school on time due to a lack of transportation, making it hard for them to keep up with their peers. Child poverty also leads to malnutrition, which can stunt their development.
  • Poverty can impact familial relationships as well. For example, members of the same family could fight for limited resources, making it hard for family members to bond. In addition, malnutrition can stunt the growth of children.
  • As a side effect of poverty, people have difficulty finding a safe place to live. This creates a challenging environment for everyone involved, and it is even harder for children to grow and develop.
  • When poverty leads to homelessness, it is hard for someone to get a job. They don’t have an address to use for physical communication, which leads to employment concerns.

These are just a few of the many side effects of poverty. Of course, these impacts are felt by people across the board, but it is not unusual for children to feel the effects of poverty that much more. You might also be interested in these essays about unemployment .

Different countries take different approaches to reduce the number of people living in poverty

The issue of poverty is a major human rights concern, and many countries explore poverty reduction strategies to improve people’s quality of life. You might want to examine different strategies that different countries are taking while also suggesting how some countries can do more. A few ways to write this essay include:

  • Explore the poverty level in America, comparing it to the poverty level of a European country. Then, explore why different countries take different strategies.
  • Compare the minimum wage in one state, such as New York, to the minimum wage in another state, such as Alabama. Why is it higher in one state? What does raising the minimum wage do to the cost of living?
  • Highlight a few advocacy groups and nonprofit organizations actively lobbying their governments to do more for low-income families. Then, talk about why some efforts are more successful than others.

Different countries take different approaches to reduce the number of people living in poverty. Poverty within each country is such a broad topic that you could write a different essay on how poverty could be decreased within the country. For more, check out our list of simple essays topics for intermediate writers .

You could also write an essay on the necessities people need to survive. You could take a look at information published by the United Nations , which focuses on getting people out of the cycle of poverty across the globe. The social problem of poverty can be addressed by giving people the necessities they need to survive, particularly in rural areas. Here are some of the areas you might want to include:

  • Affordable housing
  • Fresh, healthy food and clean water
  • Access to an affordable education
  • Access to affordable healthcare

Giving everyone these necessities could significantly improve their well-being and get people out of absolute poverty. You might even want to talk about whether these necessities vary depending on where someone is living.

There are a lot of medical and social issues that contribute to poverty, and you could write about how disabilities contribute to poverty. This is one of the most important essay topics because people could be disabled through no fault of their own. Some of the issues you might want to address in this essay include:

  • Talk about the road someone faces if they become disabled while serving overseas. What is it like for people to apply for benefits through the Veterans’ Administration?
  • Discuss what happens if someone becomes disabled while at work. What is it like for someone to pursue disability benefits if they are hurt doing a blue-collar job instead of a desk job?
  • Research and discuss the experiences of disabled people and how their disability impacts their financial situation.

People who are disabled need to have money to survive for many reasons, such as the inability to work, limitations at home, and medical expenses. A lack of money, in this situation, can lead to a dangerous cycle that can make it hard for someone to be financially stable and live a comfortable lifestyle.

Many people talk about the cycle of poverty, yet many aren’t entirely sure what this means or what it entails. A few key points you should address in this essay include:

  • When someone is born into poverty, income inequality can make it hard to get an education.
  • A lack of education makes it hard for someone to get into a good school, which gives them the foundation they need to compete for a good job. 
  • A lack of money can make it hard for someone to afford college, even if they get into a good school.
  • Without attending a good college, it can be hard for someone to get a good job. This makes it hard for someone to support themselves or their families. 
  • Without a good paycheck, it is nearly impossible for someone to keep their children out of poverty, limiting upward mobility into the middle class.

The problem of poverty is a positive feedback loop. It can be nearly impossible for those who live this every day to escape. Therefore, you might want to explore a few initiatives that could break the cycle of world poverty and explore other measures that could break this feedback loop.

Many business people and politicians have floated the idea of a universal basic income to give people the basic resources they need to survive. While this hasn’t gotten a lot of serious traction, you could write an essay to shed light on this idea. A few points to hit on include:

  • What does a universal basic income mean, and how is it distributed?
  • Some people are concerned about the impact this would have on taxes. How would this be paid for?
  • What is the minimum amount of money someone would need to stay out of poverty? Is it different in different areas?
  • What are a few of the biggest reasons major world governments haven’t passed this?

This is one of the best essay examples because it gives you a lot of room to be creative. However, there hasn’t been a concrete structure for implementing this plan, so you might want to afford one.

Another interesting topic you might want to explore is interviewing someone living in poverty or who has been impoverished. While you can talk about statistics all day, they won’t be as powerful as interviewing someone who has lived that life. A few questions you might want to ask during your interview include:

  • What was it like growing up?
  • How has living in poverty made it hard for you to get a job?
  • What do you feel people misunderstand about those who live in poverty?
  • When you need to find a meal, do you have a place you go to? Or is it somewhere different every day?
  • What do you think is the main contributor to people living in poverty?

Remember that you can also craft different questions depending on your responses. You might want to let the interviewee read the essay when you are done to ensure all the information is accurate and correct.

The criminal justice system and poverty tend to go hand in hand. People with criminal records are more likely to be impoverished for several reasons. You might want to write an essay that hits on some of these points:

  • Discuss the discriminatory practices of the criminal justice system both as they relate to socioeconomic status and as they relate to race.
  • Explore just how hard it is for someone to get a job if they have a criminal record. Discuss how this might contribute to a life of poverty.
  • Dive into how this creates a positive feedback loop. For example, when someone cannot get a job due to a criminal record, they might have to steal to survive, which worsens the issue.
  • Review what the criminal justice system might be like for someone with resources when compared to someone who cannot afford to hire expert witnesses or pay for a good attorney.

You might want to include a few examples of disparate sentences for people in different socioeconomic situations to back up your points. 

The different ways to create affordable housing

Affordable housing can make a major difference when someone is trying to escape poverty

Many poverty-related problems could be reduced if people had access to affordable housing. While the cost of housing has increased dramatically in the United States , some initiatives exist to create affordable housing. Here are a few points to include:

  • Talk about public programs that offer affordable housing to people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Discuss private programs, such as Habitat for Humanity , doing similar things.
  • Review the positive impacts that stable housing has on both adults and children.
  • Dive into other measures local and federal governments could take to provide more affordable housing for people.

There are a lot of political and social angles to address with this essay, so you might want to consider spreading this out across multiple papers. Affordable housing can make a major difference when trying to escape poverty. If you want to learn more, check out our essay writing tips !

best thesis title about poverty

Meet Rachael, the editor at Become a Writer Today. With years of experience in the field, she is passionate about language and dedicated to producing high-quality content that engages and informs readers. When she's not editing or writing, you can find her exploring the great outdoors, finding inspiration for her next project.

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230 Research Topics on Poverty: Argumentative, Solutions, Cause & Effect Topics about Poverty

best thesis title about poverty

Extreme poverty has been a hot-button issue for ages. Many of us expected the 21st century to become the era when the problem of drastic income inequality would be resolved. But the COVID-19 pandemic threw these initiatives back . Poverty has become as widespread as a hundred years before. Will we ever make the Earth a prosperous place for all?

This article features 230 poverty essay topics. They tackle every social, economic, psychological, and political aspect of this controversial issue. For your convenience, we grouped them according to the paper genre. Discrimination and limited access to education, malnutrition, health problems, mental disorders, and hunger are only some of the spheres you can debate.

🔝 Top 15 Poverty Essay Topics

  • 📝 Topics & Issues to Cover in a Paper

🪙 Research Topics on Poverty

  • 🗣️ Argumentative Essay Topics
  • ➡️ Cause & Effect Essay Topics on Poverty

💡 Poverty Solutions Essay Topics

🧸 child poverty essay topics, 🌎 poverty in america essay topics, 🔗 references.

  • Ending poverty in all its forms around the globe is our goal No.1.
  • What does it mean to be poor?
  • The pandemic can teach us a new lesson in fighting poverty worldwide.
  • Child poverty essay: Lifelong ramifications.
  • How does poverty measurement impact public opinion?
  • Why does Africa remain to be the least developed country?
  • Do we oversimplify when dividing people into wealthy and poor?
  • Why should economics study the phenomenon of poverty?
  • Poverty in America: An essay on its dynamics.
  • How is deprivation linked to crime levels?
  • Does overpopulation cause poverty?
  • It is a myth that wealthy people are often obese.
  • Fighting poverty is what all of us do throughout our lives.
  • Can free education for all be a measure to eliminate poverty?
  • Globalization will end poverty in developing countries.

📝 Topics & Issues to Cover in a Paper

Some poverty essay topics are too broad to prepare compelling argumentation. We have explored these directions to guide your research.

Defining Poverty

When the financial resources in a community are lacking, the basic needs of some people are not met. These circumstances do not allow poor people to enjoy an acceptable standard of life. They may not have a roof above their heads or may not be able to afford clothes and food. But the lack of income also causes many psychological and sociological consequences. Children of the poor have a higher probability of physical and mental health issues than their peers. They are also more likely to abuse substances and have problems with the law.

Measuring Poverty

The US Bureau of Census is responsible for calculating poverty rates in the US. They usually exclude anyone living in a mental health facility, prison, military quarters, and school dormitories. They do not count children under 15 years, either.

The World Bank established a new goal to eliminate extreme poverty in one generation starting in 2013. By 2030, They planned to decrease the number of the world’s population who live on $1.90 per day down to 3%. Measuring poverty shows which strategies work and which should be put aside. It also guides emerging countries in their development strategies to adapt to the rapidly changing world economy.

Poverty Facts & Statistics

  • In 2018, four out of five individuals below the poverty line resided in rural areas.
  • In 2020, extreme poverty rates rose for the first time over the last two decades. It happened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, military conflicts, and climate change.
  • 97 million people crossed the poverty line because of the pandemic.
  • Children make up 50% of the poor global population.
  • 70% of the global poor above 15 have no or only primary school education.
  • More than 40 % of the poor live in countries affected by conflict and violence. Over the next decade, the number is predicted to peak at 67%. Meanwhile, only 10% of the world’s population lives in such countries.

What Can Be Done About Poverty?

  • At the moment, money is the best measure to reduce poverty . Investing in the markets of emerging countries could spur their economic growth. However, investors are often unwilling to do so, as these nations often struggle to sustain economic growth.
  • The second way of problem-solving is education. It gives safety and support to children from low-income families (as they often suffer from domestic violence or sexual abuse). It also increases their future employment opportunities. But most importantly, it creates a culture of learning in families, and the next generations will benefit from it.
  • The origin of poverty and the divergence of concepts depending on the context.
  • Comparison of poverty concepts by UN, the World Bank and the EU.
  • The difference between the definition of poverty in the EU and other world organizations.
  • The difference between the UN definition of poverty and other world organizations.
  • The World Bank’s definition of poverty differs from other world organizations.
  • Aspects affecting the measurement of poverty.
  • How Poverty Changes.
  • When poverty is recognized as global?
  • General level of development of the state affects the spread of poverty.
  • Is poverty just an economic factor?
  • When is a person recognized as poor determined?
  • Poverty at the individual, local, national and global levels.
  • Poverty hinders cognitive function.
  • Poor people are often more susceptible to severe illness.
  • Economic stability is paramount for a poor household.
  • The rising cost of living makes poor people less able to afford things.
  • Rising costs can push into poverty and others into poverty.
  • Stress factors caused by poverty.
  • Children living in poverty have lower cognitive thinking.
  • Education in the US educational system is focused on students from more affluent families.
  • Conditions in schools in poor areas prevent children from learning in a safe environment.
  • High crime rate among children with low resources.
  • Children from low-income families have higher rates of teenage pregnancy.
  • Relationship of gender to poverty or location.
  • In poorer countries, girls have lower completion rates.
  • Most often, children end up in orphanages because of family poverty.
  • Cultural factors can negatively affect productivity and perpetuate poverty in a state.
  • Women are the group suffering from the highest levels of poverty after children.
  • People living in poverty have an increased chance of getting a disability.
  • Many women become victims of human trafficking.
  • The most common form of survival is prostitution due to economic desperation.
  • As poverty decreases, fewer incidents of violence will occur.
  • Poverty Reduction Strategies.
  • The improvement of cities and states can affect the reduction of the level of poverty of the population.
  • Access to basic human needs is a way to fight poverty.
  • Effect of deworming children on improving education among poor children.
  • The fight against corruption is the same as the fight against poverty.
  • Debt relief for countries can reduce countries poverty levels.
  • Emigration from developing countries perpetuates poverty in them.
  • Access to contraceptives directly impacts the poverty of the population and the country’s economy.
  • Basic income is more effective in fighting poverty than the minimum wage and unemployment benefits.
  • Reducing bureaucracy and increasing economic freedom would significantly reduce poverty.
  • Greater access to markets brings more income to the poor.
  • Road infrastructure directly affects poverty.
  • Poverty causes environmental degradation.
  • Climate change can hinder poverty reduction.
  • Is spirituality the engine of poverty?
  • Voluntary poverty.
  • Climate change and poverty.
  • Increased mortality due to poverty.
  • The socio-economic gap between the poor and the rich.
  • Is poverty linked to nationality?
  • Religion and poverty.
  • The influence of geographical location on the spread of poverty.
  • Anti-poverty organizations and their strategies.
  • Long-term consequences of poverty.
  • Discrimination against the poor.
  • Short-term and long-term strategies in the fight against poverty.
  • Is it possible to get out of poverty, and what affects it?
  • Your actions against poverty.
  • Maintenance by the state of an adequate standard of living.
  • The emergence of poverty as a social phenomenon.
  • Is globalization exacerbating poverty?
  • Social isolation of the population.
  • Is poverty a choice?
  • Health care for the poor.
  • Human rights against poverty.
  • Global poverty.
  • Does moral poverty exist?
  • Children’s perception of poverty.
  • Poverty makes children grow up earlier.
  • Digitalization help fight poverty.
  • Does migration perpetuate poverty or fight it?
  • Poor women are expected to marry early.
  • Family planning prevents the spread of poverty.
  • Development of poverty.
  • Your understanding of poverty.
  • Are there countries where there is no poverty?
  • Political programs to combat poverty.
  • What factors can exacerbate poverty problems?
  • Poverty as a result of a natural disaster.
  • Sustainable Development Goals: “No Poverty”.
  • Dynamics of poverty levels.
  • Are the poor themselves to blame for poverty?
  • Ideological representations of poverty.
  • Poverty is a result of discrimination.
  • Do shelters for the poor help in the fight against poverty?
  • Does a non-working family equal a poor family?
  • Impact of the pandemic on the spread of poverty.
  • Lack of medical care for the poor.

🗣️ Argumentative Essay Topics on Poverty

  • Differences in prices between countries to adjust for purchasing power.
  • What is extreme poverty?
  • Measuring poverty: the monetary value of human consumption.
  • The difficulty of measuring global poverty: difference between countries.
  • International poverty line.
  • Is poverty linked only to wealth?
  • Industrialization and the fight against poverty: victory or even greater gap.
  • Population growth leads to more poor people in the world.
  • Growth of the global middle class and reduction of extreme poverty.
  • Poverty forecast in 2030.
  • Extreme poverty cannot be ended.
  • The concentration of poverty in Africa.
  • Countries that have reduced poverty: India, China, Ethiopia, Ghana.
  • A growing global middle class and the stagnation of the world’s poorest people.
  • Has modernity not reached the poor countries?
  • The expansion of social protection policy helps to get rid of extreme poverty.
  • Progress in the fight against all poverty lines.
  • Importance of poverty reduction in developed countries.
  • The demographic factor in the spread of poverty.
  • Adjusting to Rising Costs of Living: Increasing or Reducing Poverty?
  • Change in the international poverty line over time.
  • Is it possible to eradicate extreme poverty?
  • Multidimensional poverty: the diverse nature of poverty.
  • Africa is the continent with the poorest people.
  • Are there no poor people in rich countries?

➡️ Cause & Effect Essay Topics on Poverty

  • The economic crisis in a country leads to an increase in poverty.
  • Consequences of hunger for children and youth.
  • The poverty of children is only the concern of parents.
  • Most of the poor are from incomplete families.
  • Historical barriers in the fight against poverty.
  • Racial and ethnic gaps in poverty rates.
  • Physical and mental well-being of poor children.
  • Access to health care for poor families.
  • Inadequate education exacerbates the vicious cycle of poverty.
  • Children living in poverty are at greater risk for behavioral and emotional problems.
  • Poverty breeds violent behavior in children.
  • Poverty contributes to the spread of hard-to-treat diseases.
  • Mortality of children in poor families.
  • Protecting children from poor families.
  • The prevalence of poverty among children in developed countries.
  • Depression and poverty: children suffer from mental illnesses like adults.
  • Family conflict as a cause of child homelessness.
  • Homelessness harms children who are more prone to mental and physical illness.
  • How does the labor market affect child poverty?
  • Early pregnancy can lead to homelessness.
  • Discrimination against LGBT people increases the level of homelessness among young people.
  • Poverty contributes to the spread of STIs.
  • Violent crime among the poor.
  • Are violence and poverty inseparable?
  • Substance abuse among children from poor families.
  • What are the poverty solutions to stop hunger in the US?
  • Reducing poverty through education – the US providing global solutions for emerging nations.
  • How education helps break the cycle of poverty – evidence from the US communities.
  • Providing water for communities overarched by bottled water producers – how does this help reduce poverty?
  • Water resources and poverty among Native Americans – determining points of intersection.
  • Clean water as a source of health and prosperity – how to preserve the national water resources of the United States?
  • Basic health care – how free services affect global poverty.
  • Why should basic medical care become a human right to overcome poverty?
  • How do health insurance programs reduce poverty in the United States?
  • Weaknesses in US health insurance programs: solutions for poverty alleviation.
  • Empowering women to stop the poverty loops – solutions through micro-financing.
  • Empowering women to reduce poverty – solutions for communities in the US.
  • Global poverty and women’s power: three stories of entrepreneurship.
  • How hunger and poverty affect the mental development of children – the need for immediate global solutions.
  • Ensuring adequate nutrition for children and mothers to end poverty – lessons from Hawaii and Haiti.
  • How can the American economy overcome poverty and hunger through macroeconomic solutions?
  • The activities of international environmental organizations that led to poverty alleviation: the brightest victories.
  • Fighting global warming to end poverty – how does planting trees improve living standards?
  • Green energy and poverty alleviation – US macroeconomic solutions.
  • Combating cycles of violence to overcome poverty – the US experience.
  • Domestic violence as a factor in the growth of populations’ poverty.
  • Violence against women – hotlines and other ways to help break cycles of poverty.
  • Economic methods of overcoming poverty – international experience.
  • Business and CSR practices as a means of influence in societies with low standards of living.
  • Federal financing to reduce poverty – why is this a bad solution?
  • Overcoming child homelessness as a way to end child poverty.
  • Protecting orphans and securing their future through free education programs.
  • Adoption programs as a way to combat child poverty among orphans.
  • Work with refugees and assessment of child poverty in Europe and the US.
  • Migrant children and stigmatization – how social institutions can avoid offensive meanings.
  • Migration and the provision of education services – challenges related to overcoming child poverty.
  • The health sector and overcoming child poverty: five important practices.
  • Child nutrition in schools to overcome child poverty – stability and ways of implementing support programs.
  • Child marriage and child poverty – how the mother’s age affects the well-being of children.
  • Provision of education services for women as a way to overcome child poverty.
  • Should free medicine for children become a right, not a privilege?
  • How does the civilized world fight against child poverty that results from environmental disasters?
  • Overcoming the consequences of global warming – programs of child poverty elimination.
  • Overcoming child poverty with the involvement of parents – what programs exist in the US?
  • Child support grants: three ways to overcome mistrust.
  • Why does child poverty reduce the civilizational development of society?
  • What are the five main consequences of child poverty?
  • How does child poverty affect the economic development of countries?
  • What is child poverty: studying the main determinants.
  • Child poverty among the better-off sections of the US society – how do misleading concepts lead to social problems?
  • Education of civilizational, moral, and cultural values to overcome child poverty – three ways of development.
  • The ethical side of the issue of child poverty – why is society obliged to help?
  • How preservation of cultural values leads to child poverty – lessons from national minorities.
  • Why state control over culture and consciousness can lead to child poverty – the examples of the People’s Republic of China and North Korea.
  • Propaganda as a way to reduce child poverty – the effectiveness of the approach.
  • Poverty and national minorities – statistics and future trends.
  • Overcoming poverty through healthcare services: interaction with vulnerable groups.
  • Poverty and homelessness as consequences of unsuccessful political vectors – the American experience.
  • Unemployment and poverty among non-citizens – ways to overcome the crisis.
  • How has the pandemic deepened the crisis of poverty and unemployment in the US?
  • Poverty and professions with the least demand on the labor market in the US: gaps and new opportunities.
  • Democrats and Republicans – differences in approaches to overcoming poverty.
  • Five successful democratic (republican) initiatives to overcome poverty.
  • Conservatives in power and overcoming poverty – successes and failures.
  • The top three policies of Donald Trump that led to the deepening of the poverty crisis in the US.
  • Overcoming poverty in the US – the story of three presidencies (to choose from).
  • Geographical prerequisites of regional poverty in the US – historical experience.
  • Poverty crisis in the post-lockdown period – new ways of social development.
  • Regional poverty in the US – solutions for selected regions.
  • Is there a link between defense capability and poverty in the US?
  • How science can help overcome poverty – the experience of American farmers in the mid-20th century.
  • How big business harms the economy – the top 3 negative consequences of the work of unconscious producers that deepen the poverty crisis.
  • How unconscious consumption of Chinese goods harms the US economy and deepens the poverty crisis.
  • How can the United States overcome the unemployment crisis by stimulating small and medium-sized businesses?
  • What inhumane manufacturing practices of the mid-to-late 19th century continue to exacerbate the poverty crisis in the United States?
  • How are new technologies deepening the crisis of poverty and unemployment in the US?
  • Why does the consumer society accelerate the decline of the economy and lead to poverty in the US?
  • How can social science education programs help address the poverty crisis in the US?
  • Three bright health care initiatives that help fight poverty in the US.
  • Social determinants of poverty – how does the individual’s environment add to the creation of the poverty loop?
  • Poverty Overview | The World Bank
  • Poverty in the United States: 2021 | US Census Bureau
  • Rural Poverty & Well-Being | US Department of Agriculture
  • Child Poverty | UNICEF
  • How Is Poverty Measured? | Institute for Research on Poverty
  • What Is “Deep Poverty”? | Center for Poverty & Inequality Research
  • Poverty Facts | University of Michigan
  • LGBT Poverty in the United States | The Williams Institute

134 Economics Thesis Topics: Ideas for Outstanding Writing

best thesis title about poverty

Writing a thesis is not an easy task. For most of the students, it can be even intimidating, especially when you do not know where to start your research.

Here, we have provided an economics thesis topics list. After all, everyone knows that choosing the right idea is crucial when writing an academic paper. In economics, it can combine history, math, social studies, politics, and numerous other subjects. You should also have solid foundations and a sound factual basis for a thesis. Without these elements, you won’t be able to master your research paper.

The issue is:

It is not always clear what could be seen as an excellent economics thesis topic. Our experts can assist you with this challenge. This list contains some outstanding examples to get you started.

  • ⭐ Thesis in Economics
  • 🔥 Supreme Thesis Topics
  • 👍 Bachelor’s Thesis
  • 😲 Master’s Thesis

📊 Microeconomics

📈 macroeconomics.

  • 🤔 Developmental
  • 👨‍💼 Behavioral
  • 💼 Financial
  • 🌱 Agricultural
  • 🤝‍ Sociology
  • 📚 Ph.D. Topics
  • 📝 How to Pick a Topic

⭐ What Does a Thesis in Economics Look Like?

A good thesis in economics is a blend between an empirical paper and a theoretical one. One of the essential steps in choosing a topic in economics is to decide which one you will write.

You may write, research, analyze statistical data and other information. Or build and study a specific economic model.

Or why not both!

Here are some questions you can ask when deciding what topic to choose:

  • What has already been written on this topic?
  • What economic variables will my paper study?
  • Where should I look for the data?
  • What econometrics techniques should I use?
  • What type of model will I study?

The best way to understand what type of research you have to do is to write a thesis proposal. You will most probably be required to submit it anyway. Your thesis supervisor will examine your ideas, methods, list of secondary and primary sources. At some universities, the proposal will be graded.

Master’s thesis and Bachelor’s thesis have three main differences.

After you get the initial feedback, you will have a clear idea of what to adjust before writing your thesis. Only then, you’ll be able to start.

🔥 Supreme Economics Thesis Topics List

  • Fast fashion in India.
  • The UK housing prices.
  • Brexit and European trade.
  • Behavioral economics.
  • Healthcare macroeconomics.
  • COVID-19’s economic impact.
  • Global gender wage gap.
  • Commodity dependence in Africa.
  • International trade – developing countries.
  • Climate change and business development.

👍 Economics Bachelor’s Thesis Topics

At the U.S. Universities, an undergraduate thesis is very uncommon. However, it depends on the Department Policy.

The biggest challenge with the Bachelor’s Thesis in economics concerns its originality. Even though you are not required to conduct entirely unique research, you have to lack redundant ideas.

You can easily avoid making this mistake by simply choosing one of these topics. Also, consider visiting IvyPanda essays database. It’s a perfect palce to conduct a brainstorming session and come up with fresh ideas for a paper, as well as get tons of inspiration.

  • The impact of the oil industry on the economic development of Nigeria. The oil industry is vital for the economic development of Nigeria. In this thesis, students can discuss the notion of the resource curse. Analyze the reasons why general people are not benefiting from the oil industry. Why did it produce very little change in the social and economic growth of the country?
  • Sports Marketing and Advertising: the impact it has on the consumers.
  • Economic opportunities and challenges of investing in Kenya .
  • Economic Development in the Tourism Industry in Africa. Since the early 1990s, tourism significantly contributed to the economic growth of African countries. In this thesis, students can talk about the characteristics of the tourist sector in Africa. Or elaborate on specific countries and how their national development plans look like.
  • Globalization and its significance to business worldwide .
  • Economic risks connected to investing in Turkey .
  • The decline in employment rates as the biggest American economy challenge .
  • The economics of alcohol abuse problems. In this thesis, students can develop several essential issues. First, they can examine how poverty is connected to alcohol abuse. Second, they can see the link between alcohol consumption and productivity. To sum up, students can elaborate on the economic costs of alcohol abuse.
  • Causes and solutions for unemployment in Great Britain.
  • Parallel perspective on Global Economic Order: China and America. This thesis can bring a comparative analysis of the economies to a new level. China and The US are the world’s two largest economies. These two countries have a significant impact on the global economic order. So, looking at the set of institutions, policies, rules can be constructive.
  • The new international economic order after COVID-19
  • Financial stability of the banking sector in China.
  • New Electronic Payment Services in Russia.
  • The influence of culture on different entrepreneurial behaviors.
  • The impact of natural cultural practices on entrepreneurial activity.
  • The relationships between national culture and individual behavior.
  • The main reasons for salary inequalities in different parts of the U.S.

😲 Economics Master’s Thesis Topics

Student life can be fascinating, but it comes with its challenges. One of which is selecting your Master’s thesis topic.

Here is a list of topics for a Master’s thesis in economics. Are you pursuing MPhil in Economics and writing a thesis? Use the following ideas as an inspiration for that. They can also be helpful if you are working on a Master’s thesis in financial economics.

  • The impact of visual aid in teaching home economics.
  • The effect of income changes in consumer behaviors in America.
  • Forces behind socio-economic inequalities in the United States. This thesis can explore three critical factors for socio-economic differences in the United States. In the past 30 years, social disparities increased in the United States. Some of the main reasons are technology, trade, and institutions.
  • The relationships between economic growth and international development.
  • Technological innovations and their influence on green and environmental products.
  • The economics of non-solar renewable energy .

Renewable energy is beneficial for various economic reasons.

  • The economic consequences of terrorism . Terrorism not only takes away lives and destroys property but also widely affects the economy. It creates uncertainty in the market, increases insurance claims, slows down investment projects, and tourism. This thesis can address all of the ways in which terrorism can affect economies.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation in the Oil and Gas Industry in Africa.
  • Use of incentives in behavioral economics.
  • Economic opportunities and challenges of sustainable communities .
  • Economics of nuclear power plants.
  • Aid and financial help for emerging markets. This topic is very versatile. Students can look at both the positive and the adverse effects that funding has on the development. There are plenty of excellent examples. Besides, some theories call international help a form of neocolonialism.
  • Multinational firms impact on economic growth in America .
  • The effect of natural disasters on economic development in Asia.
  • The influence of globalization on emerging markets and economic development.

📑 More Economics Thesis Topics: Theme

For some students, it makes more sense to center their search around a certain subject. Sometimes you have an econ area that interests you. You may have an idea about what you want to write, but you did not decide what it will be.

If that’s the case with you, then these economics thesis topics ideas are for you.

  • An analysis of the energy market in Russia.
  • The impact of game theory on economic development.
  • The connection between minimum wage and market equilibrium.
  • Gender differences in the labor market in the United States. This topic can shed light on gender differences in the labor market in the United States. In the past years, the overall inequality in labor in the markets decreased. However, there is still a lot of work that can be done.
  • Economic reasons that influence the prices of oil .
  • Relationship between the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient.
  • Challenges of small businesses in the market economy.
  • The changes in oil prices: causes and solutions . Universal economic principles do not always apply to the sale and purchase of the oil. The same happens with its cost. In the thesis, talk about what affects the prices. What are the solutions that can be implemented?
  • The economic analysis of the impact of immigration on the American economy.

Immigration has a little long-run effect on Americans’ wages.

  • Economic inequality as a result of globalization . Economic inequality becomes even more apparent on the global level. There is a common belief that globalization is the cause of that. Discuss what can be the solutions to these problems. This topic is vital to minimize the gap between the rich and the poor.
  • The economic explanation of political dishonesty .
  • Effect of Increasing Interest rates costs in Africa .
  • The connection between game theory and microeconomics.
  • Marketing uses in microeconomics.
  • Financial liability in human-made environmental disasters.
  • Banks and their role in the economy. Banks are crucial elements of any economy, and this topic covers why. You can explain how banks allow the goods and services to be exchanged. Talk about why banks are so essential for economic growth and stability.
  • Inflation in the US and ways to reduce its impact.
  • The connection between politics and economics.
  • Income Dynamics and demographic economics.
  • US Market Liquidity and macroeconomics.
  • Macroeconomics and self-correction of the economy .
  • The American economy, monetary policy, and monopolies .
  • The importance of control in macroeconomics. One of the central topics in macroeconomics is grouped around the issue of control. It is quite reasonable that control over money and resources should become a topic of discussion.
  • Analysis of Africa’s macroeconomics and its performance.
  • Economics of education in developing markets.
  • Problems and possible solutions for Japan macroeconomics .
  • Comparative analysis of British macroeconomics concerning the US .
  • Public policies and socio-economic disparities.
  • The world problems through macroeconomic analysis. Indeed, macroeconomics is very complicated. There are many influences, details, and intricacies in it. However, it allows economists to use this complex set of tools to examine the world’s leading problems today.

There are four main problems in macroeconomics.

  • The connection between employment interest and money.

🤔 Development Economics

  • Economics of development . This topic is very rich in content. First, explain what it is. Then pay particular attention to domestic and international policies that affect development, income distribution, and economic growth.
  • The relation between development and incentive for migration.
  • The impact of natural disasters on the economy and political stability of emerging markets.
  • The economic consequences of population growth in developing countries.
  • The role of industrialization in developing countries . The industrialization has been connected with the development. It promotes capital formation and catalyzes economic growth in emerging markets. In this thesis, you can talk about this correlation.
  • Latin American economic development.
  • Gender inequality and socio-economic development .
  • Problems of tax and taxation in connection with economic growth.
  • The economic impact of terrorism on developing markets.
  • Religious decline as a key to economic development. Not everyone knows, but a lot of research has been done in the past years on the topic. It argues that decreased religious activity is connected with increased economic growth. This topic is quite controversial. Students who decide to write about it should be extra careful and polite.

👨‍💼 Behavioral Economics

  • Risk Preferences in Rural South Africa.
  • Behavioral Economics and Finance .
  • Applied behavioral economics in marketing strategies. If you want to focus your attention on marketing, this topic is for you. Behavioral economics provides a peculiar lens to look at marketing strategies. It allows marketers to identify common behaviors and adapt their marketing strategies.
  • The impact of behavioral finance on investment decisions.
  • Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs in North Texas.
  • Guidelines for Behavioral Economics in Healthcare Sector.
  • Cognitive and behavioral theories in economics .
  • Cross-cultural consumer behavior and marketing communication. Consumers are not only affected by personal characteristics, but also by the culture they are living in. This topic focuses on the extent it should determine marketing strategy and communication.
  • Behavior implications of wealth and inequality.

The richest population holds a huge portion of the national income.

  • Optimism and pessimism for future behavior.

💼 Financial Economics

  • Financial Economics for Infrastructure and Fiscal Policy .
  • The use of the economic concept of human capital. Students can focus on the dichotomy between human and nonhuman capital. Many economists believe that human capital is the most crucial of all. Some approach this issue differently. Therefore, students should do their research and find where they stand on this issue.
  • The analysis of the global financial crisis of 2020s. Share your thoughts, predictions, ideas. Analyze the economic situation that affects almost everyone in the world. This thesis topic will be fresh and original. It can help to start a good and fruitful conversation.
  • The big data economic challenges for Volvo car.
  • The connection between finance, economics, and accounting.
  • Financial economics: Banks competition in the UK .
  • Risk-Taking by mutual funds as a response to incentives.
  • Managerial economics and financial accounting as a basis for business decisions.
  • Stock market overreaction.

🌱 Agricultural Economics

  • Agricultural economics and agribusiness.
  • The vulnerability of agricultural business in African countries.
  • Agricultural economics and environmental considerations of biofuels .
  • Farmer’s contribution to agricultural social capital.
  • Agricultural and resource economics. Agricultural and resource economics plays a huge role in development. They are subdivided into four main characteristics which in this topic, students can talk about: – mineral and energy resources; – soil resources, water resources; – biological resources. One or even all of them can be a focus of the thesis.
  • Water as an economic good in irrigated agriculture.
  • Agriculture in the economic development of Iran.
  • The US Agricultural Food Policy and Production .
  • Pesticides usage on agricultural products in California.

The region of greatest pesticide use was San Joaquin Valley.

  • An analysis of economic efficiency in agriculture. A lot of research has been done on the question of economic efficiency in agriculture. However, it does not mean there is no place for your study. You have to read a lot of secondary sources to see where your arguments can fit.

🤝‍Economic Sociology

  • Theory, approach, and method in economics sociology.
  • Economic sociology of capitalism. While economists believe in the positive effect capitalism has on the economy, the social effect is quite different. The “economic” part of the issue has been studied a lot. However, the sociology of it has been not. This thesis can be very intriguing to read.
  • Political Economy and Economic Sociology.
  • Gender and economic sociology .
  • Progress, sociology, and economics.
  • Data analysis in economics, sociology, environment .
  • Economic sociology as a way to understand the human mind.
  • Economic sociology of money.
  • Economics, sociology, and psychology of security.
  • Major principles of economic sociology. In the past decade, economic sociology became an increasingly popular field. Mainly due to it giving a new view on economics, human mind, and behavior. Besides, it explores relationships between politics, law, culture, and gender.

📚 The List of Ph.D. Topics in Economics

If you decide to go to grad school to do your Masters, you will likely end up getting a Ph.D. as well. So, with this plan in mind, think about a field that interests you enough during your Masters. Working with the same topic for both graduate degrees is easier and more effective.

This list of Ph.D. Topics in Economics can help you identify the areas you can work on.

  • Occupational injuries in Pakistan and its effect on the economy. Injuries are the leading cause of the global burden of disability. Globally, Pakistan was ranked 9th populated country with a large number of unskilled workers. In this dissertation, consider the link between occupational injuries and their effects on the economy.
  • The study of the Philippines’ economic development.

The Philippine economy is projected to continue on its expansionary path.

  • Financial derivatives and climate change .
  • Econometric Analysis of Financial Markets.
  • Islamic Banking and Financial Markets .
  • Health economics and policy in the UK.
  • Health insurance: rationale and economic justification. In this dissertation, students can find different ways to explain and justify health insurance. Starting to philosophical to purely economic grounds. In the past years, there was a lot of discussion regarding the healthcare system for all. What are some of the economic benefits of that?
  • Colombian economy, economic growth, and inequality.
  • Benefits of mergers and acquisitions in agribusiness.
  • Methods to measure financial risks when investing in Africa.
  • The significance of financial economics in understanding the relationship between a country’s GDP and NDP.
  • Network effects in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are not new anymore. However, it is still an original subject for a dissertation. Students can decide to choose several crypto coins and evaluate the importance of the network effect. This effect is particularly significant for Bitcoin. Explain why.
  • The comparison of the Chinese growth model with the American growth model.
  • An economic justification versus political expediency.
  • Pollution Externalities Role in Management Economics .

📝 How to Select an Economics Thesis Topic

As your academic journey is coming to an end, it’s time to pick the right topic for your thesis. The whole academic life you were preparing to undertake this challenge.

Here is the list of six points that will help you to select an economics thesis topic:

  • Make sure it is something you are genuinely interested in. It is incredibly challenging to write something engaging if you are not interested in the topic. So, choose wisely and chose what excites you.
  • Draw inspiration from the previous student’s projects. A great place to start is by looking at what the previous students wrote. You can find some fresh ideas and a general direction.
  • Ask your thesis advisor for his feedback. Most probably, your thesis advisor supervised many students before. They can be a great help too because they know how to assess papers. Before meeting with your professor, do some basic research, and understand what topic is about.
  • Be original, but not too much. You do not want to spend your time writing about a project that many people wrote about. Your readers will not be interested in reading it, but your professors as well. However, make sure you do not pick anything too obscure. It will leave you with no secondary sources.
  • Choose a narrow and specific topic. Not only will it allow you to be more original, but also to master a topic. When the issue is too broad, there is just too much information to cover in one thesis.
  • Go interdisciplinary. If you find yourself interested in history, philosophy, or any other related topic, it can help you write an exceptional thesis in economics. Most of your peers may work on pure economics. Then, the interdisciplinary approach can help you to stand out among them.

Some universities ask their students to focus on topics from one discipline.

Thank you for reading the article to the end! We hope this list of economics thesis topics ideas could help you to gather your thoughts and get inspired. Share it with those who may find it useful. Let us know what you think about it in the comment section below.

🔗 References

  • Economics Thesis Topics List: Seminars Only
  • How To Pick A Topic For Your Economics Research Project Or Master’s Thesis: INOMICS, The Site for Economists
  • What Do Theses and Dissertations Look Like: KU Writing Center, the University of Kansas
  • Writing Economics: Robert Neugeboren with Mireille Jacobson, University of Harvard
  • Economics Ph.D. Theses: Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School, IDEAS_RePEc
  • World Economic Situation and Prospects 2018: United Nations
  • Undergraduate Honors Theses: Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • Economics Department Dissertations Collection: Economics Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Topics for Master Theses: Department of Economics, NHH, Norwegian School of Economics
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The dilemma I faced in getting Thesis proposal for my M Phil programme is taken away. Your article would be a useful guide to many more students.Thank you for your guidance.

Thanks for the feedback, John! Your opinion is very important for us!

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Glad to hear that! Thank you for your feedback, Idris!

Excellent research

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A very well written, clear and easy-to-read article. It was highly helpful. Thank you!

Thanks for your kind words! We look forward to seeing you again!

Bristol Poverty Institute

Poverty-related phd theses.

You can download PhD theses with full abstracts, awarded by Bristol University.  PhD Theses (PDF, 289kB)

You can find a list of PhD theses by date here  list of PhD theses (PDF, 93kB)

You can download the individual abstracts below:

From potential donor to actual donation : how does socioeconomic deprivation affect the recruitment and progression of living kidney donors (2016) Phillippa Kathryn Bailey  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Youth poverty and social inequalities in Mexico (2016) Héctor E. Nájera Catalán  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Widening participation in higher education for students from the low socio-economic status group - a social justice analysis of student loans in Tanzania  (2016) Faustina Martha Msigwa  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

To what extent has research been used to inform anti-poverty policy in Ghana ‌ ‌ (2016) Muhammed Williams  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Perspectives and models of community social work - social workers' understanding and practices in social exclusion and citizenship in Chile (2015) Gianinna Ines Munoz Arce  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 35kB)

Who deserves a better life - Social inequality in Chinese higher education access (2015) Yu Chen  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

Improving the quality of teaching and learning in Mauritian primary schools - the role of learner-centred pedagogy in current educational reform   (2015) Mindy Lee Colin  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Alcohol patterns through mid-adolescence and socioeconomic position - the ALSPAC birth-cohort  ( 2015) Roberto Melotti‌  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Measuring residential segregation in England and Wales - a model-based approach (2015) Dewi Owen  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Child poverty in urban China (2015) Di Qi  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 9kB)

Pastoral community perspectives on formal education for girls - an ethnographic  study of Monduli District in Tanzania (2015) Adella Raymond  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 39kB)

Being and becoming - youth poverty and labour market transitions in Europe (2015) Alba Lanau Sánchez  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Social citizens - welfare provision and perceptions of citizenship amongst young people in Sri Lanka  (2014) Catherine Mary Agg  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 37kB)

Young people's lives in university - exploring welfare mixes and inequality of young people's experiences in university in England, Italy and Sweden (2014) Lorenza Antonucci  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 35kB)

Low social contact among UK working parents ‌ (2014) Marco Pomati  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Embracing universal access to secondary education in St. Vincent - what are the costs and consequences for parents in beneficiary households (2013) George S. Bristol  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

A longitudinal multilevel study of the health outcomes for the elderly in China  (2013) Zhixin Feng ‌ Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Dilemmas and dynamics relating to selection for secondary schooling in Trinidad and Tobago (2013) Michele Celine Mills  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Youth poverty reduction in Nigeria - a policy perspective ‌  (2012) Patricia Adaeze Momah  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

School level fundraising - exploring equity and governance in Tanzanian secondary schools ‌  (2012) Dorothy Godfrey Phumbwe  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

Money, friends and coping day to day - an inclusive research project exploring poverty and social capital in the lives of people with a learning disability  (2012) Liz Tilley  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

A woman can starve before she gets any relief - poverty and hardship amongst service families during the Second World War in England   (2011) Helen Vegoda  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Mobility, inequality and polarization (2011) Claudia Vittori  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 38kB)

Gender, work and the new economy (2011) Jackie West  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Community cohesion and ethnic difference (2011) Hannah White  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Policy networks in African poverty reduction - a case study of the policy process for water supply in Lusaka, Zambia (2010) Darren Kirk Hedley  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

An analysis of changes in child poverty in the developing world at the end of the 20th century (2010) S Nandy  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Structural adjustment in Mexico - social and economic impacts (2009) Luis Felipe Gorjón Fernández  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

The meaning and measurement of poverty (2008) C. Deeming  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Jacob’s Wealth - an examination into the nature and role of material possessions in the Jacob-cycle (Gen 25.19-35.29) (2008) Paul D. Vrolijk  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Governance and policy-making in Thailand : a study of poverty alleviation policy since 1997 (2007) Amornsak Kitthananan  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Dimensions of poverty ( 2007) Stephen McKay  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Social tariffs - a solution to fuel poverty (2006) William Baker  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Macroeconomic determinants of inequality and finance - evidence from Brazil (2006) Manoel F. Meyer Bittencourt  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

Health outcomes and income inequality - a multilevel analysis of the Wilkinson hypothesis (2006) Min-Hua Jen  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 37kB)

Taiwans mountain policies and the poverty of the indigenous people  (2005) He-Chium Liou  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

How the World Bank perceives education's role in development and poverty reduction - an analysis of educational policy documents in their historical context (2005) Alison Oldfield  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Miscarriages of justice - exception to the rule ‌  (2003) Michael Naughton  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

(Net)working out poverty and social exclusion in rural Ireland and Russia  (2003) Sergei Vitalyevich Shubin  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

The Child Poverty Action Group 1965-1974 - the origins and effectiveness of a single-issue pressure group (2002) Maria Lesley Meyer-Kelly ‌ Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Analysing the distribution of income and taxes in Slovenia with a tax benefit model (2002) Mitja CÌOEok  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

The effects of poverty on single mothers living in Hartcliffe (2000) Angela Vowles‌‌  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 8kB)

Structure, agency and power in local authority possession proceedings (1998) Nancy Carlton‌‌  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Working towards gender parity in education in developing countries - issues and challenges (1998) Rose Nassali-Lukwago  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 37kB)

What are the comparative advantages of international non-governmental organisations engaged in the alleviation of poverty in rural Africa (1996) Alistair Gilbert  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 9kB)

Social construction of gender inequality in the housing system in Hong Kong ‌  (1995) Kam Wah Chan‌‌  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Ghana : structural adjustment and its impact on the incidence of mass poverty  (1995) Kwabena Donkor‌‌  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Womens health in urban primary health care (1995) Ingrid Mijlof  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

The role of primary health care in the management of diseases of poverty in Northern Lesotho  (1994) Anastasia Ntsoaki Mohlba  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

A study of anti-poverty policy in the welfare state - the case of public assistance programmes in the Republic of Korea ( 1994) Gil-Sang Nho  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

The link between poverty and ill health - some implications for health education in Zimbabwe (1993) Annah-Maria Regedza Razika-Mangwiro  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 37kB)

Poverty and social security in Malaysia - major themes in economic and social development ‌  (1991) Saaidah Abdul-Rahman  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Social justice and children in care (1990) Morag Christine Owen  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 9kB)

Life-history factors and inequalities in affective disorders - a cohort study ‌  (1990) Bryan Rodgers  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Colour and class inequality in Seychelles (1984) Kathleen Low-Hang  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 12kB)

Studies in the criminalisation of poverty - pauperism, pathology and policing ‌  (1984) P. Squires  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 18kB)

Christians and poverty ‌ ‌ (1983) Richard Norton  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 12kB)

Gender and the mental health of women (1982) J. Williams  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

The population, public health and the poor of Leamington Priors 1830 – 51 (1979) Sally A. Brealey  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 14kB)

The relief of the poor in Walton-on-Thames under the Vestry and the Board of Guardians 1800-1850 - a comparison  (1974) Sarah Whiteaway  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

The Savvy Scientist

The Savvy Scientist

Experiences of a London PhD student and beyond

Thesis Title: Examples and Suggestions from a PhD Grad

Graphic of a researcher writing, perhaps a thesis title

When you’re faced with writing up a thesis, choosing a title can often fall to the bottom of the priority list. After all, it’s only a few words. How hard can it be?!

In the grand scheme of things I agree that picking your thesis title shouldn’t warrant that much thought, however my own choice is one of the few regrets I have from my PhD . I therefore think there is value in spending some time considering the options available.

In this post I’ll guide you through how to write your own thesis title and share real-world examples. Although my focus is on the PhD thesis, I’ve also included plenty of thesis title examples for bachelor’s and master’s research projects too.

Hopefully by the end of the post you’ll feel ready to start crafting your own!

Why your thesis title is at least somewhat important

It sounds obvious but your thesis title is the first, and often only, interaction people will have with your thesis. For instance, hiring managers for jobs that you may wish to apply for in the future. Therefore you want to give a good sense of what your research involved from the title.

Many people will list the title of their thesis on their CV, at least for a while after graduating. All of the example titles I’ve shared below came from my repository of academic CVs . I’d say roughly 30% of all the academics on that page list their thesis title, which includes academics all the way up to full professor.

Your thesis title could therefore feature on your CV for your whole career, so it is probably worth a bit of thought!

My suggestions for choosing a good thesis title

  • Make it descriptive of the research so it’s immediately obvious what it is about! Most universities will publish student theses online ( here’s mine! ) and they’re indexed so can be found via Google Scholar etc. Therefore give your thesis a descriptive title so that interested researchers can find it in the future.
  • Don’t get lost in the detail . You want a descriptive title but avoid overly lengthy descriptions of experiments. Unless a certain analytical technique etc was central to your research, I’d suggest by default* to avoid having it in your title. Including certain techniques will make your title, and therefore research, look overly dated, which isn’t ideal for potential job applications after you graduate.
  • The title should tie together the chapters of your thesis. A well-phrased title can do a good job of summarising the overall story of your thesis. Think about each of your research chapters and ensure that the title makes sense for each of them.
  • Be strategic . Certain parts of your work you want to emphasise? Consider making them more prominent in your title. For instance, if you know you want to pivot to a slightly different research area or career path after your PhD, there may be alternative phrasings which describe your work just as well but could be better understood by those in the field you’re moving into. I utilised this a bit in my own title which we’ll come onto shortly.
  • Do your own thing. Having just laid out some suggestions, do make sure you’re personally happy with the title. You get a lot of freedom to choose your title, so use it however you fancy. For example, I’ve known people to use puns in their title, so if that’s what you’re into don’t feel overly constrained.

*This doesn’t always hold true and certainly don’t take my advice if 1) listing something in your title could be a strategic move 2) you love the technique so much that you’re desperate to include it!

Thesis title examples

To help give you some ideas, here are some example thesis titles from Bachelors, Masters and PhD graduates. These all came from the academic CVs listed in my repository here .

Bachelor’s thesis title examples

Hysteresis and Avalanches Paul Jager , 2014 – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group –  direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

The bioenergetics of a marine ciliate, Mesodinium rubrum Holly Moeller , 2008 – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor –  direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Functional syntactic analysis of prepositional and causal constructions for a grammatical parser of Russian Ekaterina Kochmar , 2008 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

Master’s thesis title examples

Creation of an autonomous impulse response measurement system for rooms and transducers with different methods Guy-Bart Stan , 2000 – Bioengineering – Imperial Professor –  direct link to Guy-Bart’s bioengineering academic CV

Segmentation of Nerve Bundles and Ganglia in Spine MRI using Particle Filters Adrian Vasile Dalca , 2012 – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist –  direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

The detection of oil under ice by remote mode conversion of ultrasound Eric Yeatman , 1986 – Electronics – Imperial Professor and Head of Department –  direct link to Eric’s electronics academic CV

Ensemble-Based Learning for Morphological Analysis of German Ekaterina Kochmar , 2010 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

VARiD: A Variation Detection Framework for Color-Space and Letter-Space Platforms Adrian Vasile Dalca , 2010 – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist –  direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

Identification of a Writer’s Native Language by Error Analysis Ekaterina Kochmar , 2011 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

On the economic optimality of marine reserves when fishing damages habitat Holly Moeller , 2010 – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor –  direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Sensitivity Studies for the Time-Dependent CP Violation Measurement in B 0 → K S K S K S at the Belle II-Experiment Paul Jager , 2016 – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group –  direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

PhD thesis title examples

Spatio-temporal analysis of three-dimensional real-time ultrasound for quantification of ventricular function Esla Angelini  – Medicine – Imperial Senior Data Scientist –  direct link to Elsa’s medicine academic CV

The role and maintenance of diversity in a multi-partner mutualism: Trees and Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Holly Moeller , 2015 – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor –  direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Bayesian Gaussian processes for sequential prediction, optimisation and quadrature Michael Osborne , 2010 – Machine Learning – Oxford Full Professor –  direct link to Michael’s machine learning academic CV

Global analysis and synthesis of oscillations: a dissipativity approach Guy-Bart Stan , 2005 – Bioengineering – Imperial Professor –  direct link to Guy-Bart’s bioengineering academic CV

Coarse-grained modelling of DNA and DNA self-assembly Thomas Ouldridge , 2011– Bioengineering – Imperial College London Senior Lecturer / Associate Prof –  direct link to Thomas’ bioengineering academic CV

4D tomographic image reconstruction and parametric maps estimation: a model-based strategy for algorithm design using Bayesian inference in Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) Michele Scipioni , 2018– Biomedical Engineer – Harvard Postdoctoral Research Fellow –  direct link to Michele’s biomedical engineer academic CV

Error Detection in Content Word Combinations Ekaterina Kochmar , 2016 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

Genetic, Clinical and Population Priors for Brain Images Adrian Vasile Dalca , 2016 – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist –  direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

Challenges and Opportunities of End-to-End Learning in Medical Image Classification Paul Jager , 2020 – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group –  direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

K 2 NiF 4  materials as cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells Ainara Aguadero , 2006 – Materials Science – Imperial Reader –  direct link to Ainara’s materials science academic CV

Applications of surface plasmons – microscopy and spatial light modulation Eric Yeatman , 1989 – Electronics – Imperial Professor and Head of Department –  direct link to Eric’s electronics academic CV

Geometric Algorithms for Objects in Motion Sorelle Friedler , 2010 – Computer science – Haverford College Associate Professor –  direct link to Sorelle’s computer science academic CV .

Geometrical models, constraints design, information extraction for pathological and healthy medical image Esla Angelini  – Medicine – Imperial Senior Data Scientist –  direct link to Elsa’s medicine academic CV

Why I regret my own choice of PhD thesis title

I should say from the outset that I assembled my thesis in quite a short space of time compared to most people. So I didn’t really spend particularly long on any one section, including the title.

However, my main supervisor even spelled out for me that once the title was submitted to the university it would be permanent. In other words: think wisely about your title.

What I started with

Initially I drafted the title as something like: Three dimensional correlative imaging for cartilage regeneration . Which I thought was nice, catchy and descriptive.

I decided to go for “correlative imaging” because, not only did it describe the experiments well, but it also sounded kind of technical and fitting of a potential pivot into AI. I’m pleased with that bit of the title.

What I ended up with

Before submitting the title to the university (required ahead of the viva), I asked my supervisors for their thoughts.

One of my well intentioned supervisors suggested that, given that my project didn’t involve verifying regenerative quality, I probably shouldn’t state cartilage regeneration . Instead, they suggested, I should state what I was experimenting on (the materials) rather than the overall goal of the research (aid cartilage regeneration efforts).

With this advice I dialled back my choice of wording and the thesis title I went with was:

Three dimensional correlative imaging for measurement of strain in cartilage and cartilage replacement materials

Reading it back now I’m reminder about how less I like it than my initial idea!

I put up basically no resistance to the supervisor’s choice, even though the title sounds so much more boring in my opinion. I just didn’t think much of it at the time. Furthermore, most of my PhD was actually in a technique which is four dimensional (looking at a series of 3D scans over time, hence 4D) which would have sounded way more sciency and fitting of a PhD.

What I wish I’d gone with

If I had the choice again, I’d have gone with:

Four-dimensional correlative imaging for cartilage regeneration

Which, would you believe it, is exactly what it states on my CV…

Does the thesis title really matter?

In all honesty, your choice of thesis title isn’t that important. If you come to regret it, as I do, it’s not the end of the world. There are much more important things in life to worry about.

If you decide at a later stage that you don’t like it you can always describe it in a way that you prefer. For instance, in my CV I describe my PhD as I’d have liked the title to be. I make no claim that it’s actually the title so consider it a bit of creative license.

Given that as your career progresses you may not even refer back to your thesis much, it’s really not worth stressing over. However, if you’re yet to finalise your thesis title I do still think it is worth a bit of thought and hopefully this article has provided some insights into how to choose a good thesis title.

My advice for developing a thesis title

  • Draft the title early. Drafting it early can help give clarity for the overall message of your research. For instance, while you’re assembling the rest of your thesis you can check that the title encompasses the research chapters you’re included, and likewise that the research experiments you’re including fall within what the title describes. Drafting it early also gives more time you to think it over. As with everything: having a first draft is really important to iterate on.
  • Look at some example titles . Such as those featured above!
  • If you’re not sure about your title, ask a few other people what they think . But remember that you have the final say!

I hope this post has been useful for those of you are finalising your thesis and need to decide on a thesis title. If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to hear about future content (and gain access to my free resource library!) you can subscribe for free here:

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Poverty Reduction, Empowerment, Participation'

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Consult the top 37 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Poverty Reduction, Empowerment, Participation.'

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Browse dissertations / theses on a wide variety of disciplines and organise your bibliography correctly.

Yologlu, Ali Cenap. "A Critical Evaluation Of Enabling Strategies Toward Poverty Reduction: The Case Of Conditional Cash Transfer Program In Turkey." Master's thesis, METU, 2004. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/2/12605477/index.pdf.

Bayor, Isaac. "Community Participation in Poverty Reduction Interventions: Examiningthe Factors that impact on the Community-Based Organisation (CBO) Empowerment Project in Ghana." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2010. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_2150_1298618279.

Hence, in this mini-thesis I argue that community participation does not automatically facilitate gains for the poor. My main assumption is that internal rigidities in communities, such as weak social capital, culture, trust and reciprocity, affect mutual cooperation towards collective community gains. I used two communities, where a community empowerment project is implemented, as a case study to demonstrate that the success of community participation is contingent on the stocks of social capital in the community. The results show that the responsiveness of the two communities to the project activities differs with the stocks of social capital. I found that trust among community members facilitates information flow in the community. The level of trust is also related to the sources of information of community members about development activities in the community. I also found that solidarity is an important dimension of social capital, which determines community members&rsquo willingness to help one another and to participate in activities towards collective community gain. The research also demonstrated that perception of community members about target beneficiaries of projects&ndash whether they represent the interest of the majority of the community or only the interest of community leaders &ndash influences the level of confidence and ownership of the project. From my research findings, I concluded that, in order for community participation to work successfully, development managers need to identify the stocks of social capital in the community that will form the basis to determine the level of engagement with community members in the participatory process.

Weinstein, Flore Saint Louis. "Women's Empowerment as a Policy for Poverty Reduction in Haiti." ScholarWorks, 2019. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/7092.

Lawrence, Yolisa Innocentia. "Poverty alleviation through empowerment and participation: the Seki Women's Foundation." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020020.

Khuluq, Lathiful. "Democracy, participation, and empowerment: poverty alleviation programs in Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia." Thesis, McGill University, 2009. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=32533.

Gudjonsson, Sigurdur <1976&gt. "The Road to Poverty Reduction: Corporate Governance and Female Participation in MFIs." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/6838/.

Tanghöj, Erike. "Poverty Reduction through the participation of the poor!? : A study of the Poverty Reduction Strategies in Uganda and Bolivia from a civil-society perspective." Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, Political Science, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-684.

The situation of the low developed countries has been on the agenda of IMF and the World Bank throughout the years. However, after the disastrous failure of the Structural Adjustment Programs, the two financial institutions left the ideas of 'one model fits all' and economic growth equals development. Rather, tailored development programs and poverty reduction became the new foci. Further, it is today stressed that the broad-based participation of the civil-society and the ownership of the nation over the development process are the most important factors for successful and sustainable development. These ideas conforms the basis of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) initiative which was adopted by IMF and the World Bank in 1999.

This paper will investigate indications and perceptions, given by the civil-society, of the concepts of its participation and ownership within the Poverty Reduction Processes in Bolivia and Uganda. The objective is also to, in an inductive manner, develop and increase the understanding of how, and through what means, the two concepts have been realised and contextualised. In order to fulfil this purpose, the contents and origins of the PRS initiative are outlined and the definitions of participation and national ownership, in accordance to IMF and the World Bank, are stated. Secondly, against the derived theoretical framework an empirical pilot study will be conducted, based on literature studies. The primary conclusion drawn from the analysis is that it is impossible to broaden the understanding of what types of participation that have been applied. However, important and interesting insights have been reached in relation to how participation has been contextualised. First and foremost, for a genuine participation of the civil-society it is not enough with physical presence at official consultation meetings. The people must be enabled to actively and directly participate in, and influence the agenda of, all the stages of the PRS process. In regard to national ownership it has been concluded that the term bestow more than the balance between national, governmental and international influence - it is also a feeling of being able to participate in, and influence the outcome of, PRS process. Overall, the major finding is that for a real apprehension of national ownership and participation the perception of the civil-society must be accounted for. It is the people who decide whether they have been adequately involved and if they see themselves to be the owners of the process!

Diedhiou, Mamadou Alpha. "Good governance and participation in poverty reduction strategy papers in sub-Saharan Africa : a policy genealogy." Thesis, University of the West of England, Bristol, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.432303.

Mustafa, Zahid, and Nodirbek Ismailov. "Entrepreneurship and Microfinance-A tool for empowerment of poor-Case of Akhuwat, Pakistan." Thesis, Mälardalen University, School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-852.

Purpose: Our main purpose is to carry out a research on combining microfinance with entrepreneurship for poverty alleviation, empowerment of poor and sustainable development.

Target group: Students, researchers in Microfinance field, MFI’s, NGO’s and Governmental structures.

Research Question: How do micro entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and microfinance serve as a combined tool to reduce poverty, empower people, and contribute to sustainable development in Pakistan?

Approach: We used qualitative approach for research. The data have been collected through interviews which held as structured and unstructured, and as secondary sources web page of the organization, statistics of Pakistan and Book of organization have also been consulted.

Delimitations: Due to distance problem between Pakistan and Sweden and, it was difficult to organize interviews at large scale from borrowers and this can reflect limited information about micro entrepreneurship. It is worthy to say here that Islamic microfinance is quite new practice and very limited data was available. With this, we mainly emphasized on microfinance and entrepreneurship as a combined tool, therefore, there is not enough discussion on Islamic microfinance. But we try to elaborate a complete picture of Islamic microfinance. Originality/value: This paper emphasizes on both Microfinance and Entrepreneurship, as case study we choose Akhuwat organization which started to give loans to poor people without interest. Also we focused on Social Entrepreneurship side of organization which challenges to other MFI’s with innovative type of loaning. Research will give a vision to Akhuwat and other micro financing organization that how they can develop activities more successfully.

Future implications: During our research we investigate that there is need to carry out more research on lending methods other than solidarity group. The other area is micro entrepreneurship that needs to be more investigated by researcher because in developing countries micro business with only traditional ways will not be so successful. There will be need of more innovation in production system or in business processes. Islamic microfinance is quite new way for lending loan. It is needed that researcher of western world also do research on this method. So that clear result should come and method becomes more mature.

Social Entrepreneurship also need to be discovered from many points, especially relation with profit and non for profit, public, private and nongovernmental models.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Microfinance, Social Entrepreneurship

Paper type: Master Thesis

Kamruzzaman, Palash. "Participation in theory and practice in the production of a poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) : the case of Bangladesh." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2008. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.494163.

Garr, Ewald Quaye. "Infrastructure policy reforms and rural poverty reduction in Ghana : the case of the Keta Sea Defence Project." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2010. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_3240_1299063830.

This minithesis seeks to understand why infrastructure projects fail to contribute effectively to poverty (rural) reduction. The thesis assumes that though infrastructure provision can impact positively on rural poverty reduction, the same infrastructure provision has worsened or put people in worse conditions of poverty. Therefore it is not automatic that infrastructure provision would reduce rural poverty as often held. The thesis goes on to postulate that a positive relationship between infrastructure and rural poverty reduction is best achieved within a broad or generic policy which provides the framework for providing such infrastructure. The thesis assesses these assertions empirically by first, testing the relationships between infrastructure and rural poverty reduction. Here a large scale infrastructure project in Ghana known as the Keta sea defence project serves as the case study. Secondly the thesis assesses Ghana&rsquo s infrastructure provision policy environment and its implications on rural poverty reduction in the affected communities of the Keta sea defence project.

Musingafi, Maxwell. "Single mothers empowerment through small business development projects in Gweru, Zimbabwe : the case of the GWAPA Poverty Alleviation Programme / Maxwell Constantine Chando Musingafi." Thesis, North-West University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/2861.

Yeldell, Shauna Dilworth. "Impact of Microfinance Institutions for Female Entrepreneurs: Evidence from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2019. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/563112.

Bruiners, Natasja. "Multi-purpose community centres : a local economic development strategy towards sustainable community empowerment and poverty alleviation in the Dwars River region." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/53509.

Eduah, Gregory. "The Impact of the World Bank’s SAP and PRSP on Ghana: Neoliberal and Civil Society Participation Perspectives." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/31487.

Redman, David F. "Tourism as a poverty alleviation strategy: opportunities and barriers for creating backward economic linkages in Lang Co, Vietnam : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University, New Zealand." Massey University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10179/1059.

Kinuthia, Wanyee. "“Accumulation by Dispossession” by the Global Extractive Industry: The Case of Canada." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/30170.

Bambeni, Ntobeko. "Challenges faced by the state- funded rural women’s co-operatives in reducing poverty in the Mbhashe area, Eastern Cape Province." Diss., 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/36810.

Worton, Jane. "Poor people's participation in poverty reduction." Thesis, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1828/1400.

Krüger, Abraham Andries Johannes. "The textile industry as a vehicle for poverty reduction : a community empowerment model." 2015. http://encore.tut.ac.za/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1001490.

Icheku, Jude Emeka. "The church and poverty reduction : the case of the Hope Empowerment Scheme of Durban Christian Centre Church." Thesis, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/2081.

Muruvi, Wanzirai. "Assessing Community Conditions that Facilitate Implementation of Participatory Poverty Reduction Strategies." Thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10214/3167.

Kodj, Grace Dede. "The role of women in poverty reduction in Ghana." Diss., 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/27560.

Callistus, Agbaam Akachabwon. "Assessing the impact of the livelihood empowerment against poverty (leap) social grant programme on household poverty reduction in rural Ghana: a case study of the Tolon-Kumbungu district in northern Ghana." 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/3940.

Runguma, Sebastian Njagi. "The political economy of poverty reduction in Kenya : a comparative analysis of two rural countries." Thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10539/15407.

Abiche, Tefera Talore. "Community empowerment and sustainable livelihoods : transforming social capital into entrepreneurship in rural Southern Ethiopia." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/10190.

Chauya, Ivy Violet. "The effectiveness of community development groups in poverty reduction with regards to individual community members : the case of Likasi area development programme in Mchinji district, Malawi." Diss., 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/18928.

Menyuko, Elsie Deliwe. "The experiences of participants in income-generating projects in Atteridgeville, Tshwane." Diss., 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/4802.

Chibwe, Edward M. "Using robust identification strategies to evaluate impact of 2010/2011 farmer input support programme on maize yields and asset accumulation in rural Zambia." Diss., 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/43301.

Koagetse, Motlapele Sylvia. "The impact of a development centre approach on poverty alleviation in Region A of the City of Johannesburg." Diss., 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/23641.

Mashego, Thabo Rodney. "Evaluation of the level of community participation in the implementation of the Indigent Exit Strategy as a poverty alleviation measure in the City of Tshwane." Diss., 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/19611.

Eschbach, Philipp. "The effect of entitlement and patronage on empowerment : a case study on a development project in Bangladesh." Diss., 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/25544.

Anjos, Ana Paula Dionísio dos. "Os orçamentos participativos na capacitação territorial de Bragança e o papel do serviço social." Master's thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/94877.

Oberholzer, Petra Malan. "Bemagtiging van kliënte in die maatskaplike werk binne die konteks van armoede." 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/15685.

Ali, Adem Chanie. "Participatory development communication in Ethiopia : a local development organization in focus." Thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/22071.

Kapundu, Anny Kalingwishi. "A critical evaluation of the roles and strategies of civil society organisations in development : a case study of Planact in Johannesburg." Diss., 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/23561.

Bhomoyi, Ntombikayise Mandisa. "Human security and development : a case of Diepsloot, extention 12, Johannesburg." Diss., 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/27551.

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80+ Great Research Titles Examples in Various Academic Fields

Research titles examples

Coming up with a research title for an academic paper is one of the most challenging parts of the writing process. Even though there is an unlimited quantity of research titles to write about, knowing which one is best for you can be hard. We have done the research for you and compiled eighty examples of research titles to write on. Additionally, we have divided the research titles examples into sections to make them easier to choose.

Research Study Examples of Current Events

Examples of research topics on ethics, title of research study examples on health, research paper title examples on social concerns, examples of research title on art and culture, example of research interest in religion, samples of research study topics on technology, research examples of environmental studies, good research title examples on history, specific topic examples regarding education, research title examples for students on family, food, and nutrition, research problems examples computer science, samples of research title about business marketing and communications, sample of research study topics in women’s studies, research problem example on politics, what are some examples of research paper topics on law, final words about research titles.

When it comes to choosing a good sample research title, research is one of the best tips you can get. By reading widely, including your school notes and scholarly articles, you will have a problem/line of interest examples in research. Then, you can derive any question from areas that appear to have a knowledge gap and proceed with researching the answer. As promised, below are eighty research title examples categorized into different areas, including social media research topics .

  • Discuss the peculiar policies of a named country – for example, discuss the impacts of the one-child policy of China.
  • Research on the influence of a named political leader, say a president, on the country they governed and other countries around. For instance, you can talk about how Trump’s presidency has changed international relations.
  • Conduct an analysis of a particular aspect of two named countries – for example, the history of the relationship between the U.S. and North Korea.
  • Compare the immigration laws in two or more named countries – for example, discuss how the immigration laws in the U.S. compares with other countries.
  • Discuss how the Black Lives Matter movement has affected the view and discussions about racism in the United States.
  • Enumerate the different ways the government of the United States can reduce deaths arising from the unregulated use of guns.
  • Analyze the place of ethics in medicine or of medical practitioners. For instance, you can discuss the prevalence of physician-assisted suicides in a named country. You may also talk about the ethicality of such a practice and whether it should be legal.
  • Explain how recent research breakthroughs have affected that particular field – for instance, how stem cell research has impacted the medical field.
  • Explain if and why people should be able to donate organs in exchange for money.
  • Discuss ethical behaviors in the workplace and (or) the educational sector. For example, talk about whether or not affirmative action is still important or necessary in education or the workplace.
  • Weigh the benefits and risks of vaccinating children and decide which one outweighs the other. Here, you might want to consider the different types of vaccinations and the nature and frequency of associated complications.
  • Investigate at least one of the health issues that currently pose a threat to humanity and which are under investigation. These issues can include Alzheimer’s, cancer, depression, autism, and HIV/AIDS. Research how these issues affect individuals and society and recommend solutions to alleviate cost and suffering.
  • Study some individuals suffering from and under treatment for depression. Then, investigate the common predictors of the disease and how this information can help prevent the issue.

Tip : To make this example of a research title more comprehensive, you can focus on a certain age range – say, teenagers.

  • Discuss whether or not free healthcare and medication should be available to people and the likely implications.
  • Identify and elucidate different methods or programs that have been most effective in preventing or reducing teen pregnancy.
  • Analyze different reasons and circumstances for genetic manipulation and the different perspectives of people on this matter. Then, discuss whether or not parents should be allowed to engineer designer babies.
  • Identify the types of immigration benefits, including financial, medical, and education, your country provides for refugees and immigrants. Then, discuss how these benefits have helped them in settling down and whether more or less should be provided.
  • Discuss the acceptance rate of the gay community in your country or a specific community. For example, consider whether or not gay marriage is permitted if they can adopt children, and if they are welcome in religious gatherings.
  • Explore and discuss if terrorism truly creates a fear culture that can become a society’s unintended terrorist.
  • Consider and discuss the different techniques one can use to identify pedophiles on social media.

Tip : Social issues research topics are interesting, but ensure you write formally and professionally.

  • Investigate the importance or lack of importance of art in primary or secondary education. You can also recommend whether or not it should be included in the curriculum and why.

Tip : You can write on this possible research title based on your experiences, whether positive or negative.

  • Discuss the role of illustration in children’s books and how it facilitates easy understanding in children. You may focus on one particular book or select a few examples and compare and contrast.
  • Should the use of art in books for adults be considered, and what are the likely benefits?
  • Compare and contrast the differences in art from two named cultural Renaissance – for instance, the Northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance.
  • Investigate how sexism is portrayed in different types of media, including video games, music, and film. You can also talk about whether or not the amount of sexism portrayed has reduced or increased over the years.
  • Explore different perspectives and views on dreams; are they meaningful or simply a game of the sleeping mind? You can also discuss the functions and causes of dreams, like sleeping with anxiety, eating before bed, and prophecies.
  • Investigate the main reasons why religious cults are powerful and appealing to the masses, referring to individual cases.
  • Investigate the impact of religion on the crime rate in a particular region.

Tip : Narrow down this research title by choosing to focus on a particular age group, say children or teenagers, or family. Alternatively, you can focus on a particular crime in the research to make the paper more extensive.

  • Explore reasons why Martin Luther decided to split with the Catholic church.
  • Discuss the circumstances in Siddhartha’s life that led to him becoming the Buddha.

Tip : It is important to remove sentiments from your research and base your points instead on clear evidence from a sound study. This ensures your title of research does not lead to unsubstantiated value judgments, which reduces the quality of the paper.

  • Discuss how the steel sword, gunpowder, biological warfare, longbow, or atomic bomb has changed the nature of warfare.

Tip : For this example of the research problem, choose only one of these technological developments or compare two or more to have a rich research paper.

  • Explore the changes computers, tablets, and smartphones have brought to human behaviors and culture, using published information and personal experience.

Tip : Approach each research study example in a research paper context or buy research paper online , giving a formal but objective view of the subject.

  • Are railroads and trains primary forces in the industrialization, exploitation, and settlement of your homeland or continent?
  • Discuss how the use of fossil fuels has changed or shaped the world.

Tip : Narrow down this title of the research study to focus on a local or particular area or one effect of fossil fuels, like oil spill pollution.

  • Discuss what progress countries have made with artificial intelligence. You can focus on one named country or compare the progress of one country with another.
  • Investigate the factual status of global warming – that is, is it a reality or a hoax? If it is a reality, explore the primary causes and how humanity can make a difference.
  • Conduct in-depth research on endangered wildlife species in your community and discuss why they have become endangered. You can also enumerate what steps the community can take to prevent these species from going extinct and increase their chances of survival.
  • Investigate the environmental soundness of the power sources in your country or community. Then, recommend alternative energy sources that might be best suited for the area and why.
  • Consider an area close to wildlife reserves and national parks, and see whether oil and mineral exploration has occurred there. Discuss whether this action should be allowed or not, with fact-backed reasons.
  • Investigate how the use and abolishment of DDT have affected the population of birds in your country.

Tip : Each example research title requires that you consult authoritative scientific reports to improve the quality of your paper. Furthermore, specificity and preciseness are required in each example of research title and problem, which only an authority source can provide.

  • Discuss the importance of a major historical event and why it was so important in the day. These events can include the assassination of John F. Kennedy or some revolutionary document like the Magna Carta.
  • Consider voyagers such as the Vikings, Chinese, as well as native populations and investigate whether Columbus discovered America first.
  • Choose a named historical group, family, or individual through their biographies, examining them for reader responses.
  • Research people of different cultural orientations and their responses to the acts of others who live around them.
  • Investigate natural disasters in a named country and how the government has responded to them. For example, explore how the response of the New Orleans government to natural disasters has changed since Hurricane Katrina.

Tip : Focus this research title sample on one particular country or natural disaster or compare the responses of two countries with each other.

  • Explore the educational policy, “no child left behind,” investigating its benefits and drawbacks.
  • Investigate the concept of plagiarism in the twenty-first century, its consequences, and its prevalence in modern universities. Take a step further to investigate how and why many students don’t understand the gravity of their errors.
  • Do in-depth research on bullying in schools, explaining the seriousness of the problem in your area in particular. Also, recommend actions schools, teachers, and parents can take to improve the situation if anything.
  • Explore the place of religion in public schools; if it has a place, explain why, and if it does not, explain why not.
  • Does a student’s financial background have any effect on his or her academic performance? In this sample research title, you can compare students from different financial backgrounds, from wealthy to average, and their scores on standardized tests.
  • Is spanking one’s child considered child abuse; if so, why? In this research problem example for students, consider whether or not parents should be able to spank their children.
  • Investigate the relationship between family health and nutrition, focusing on particular nutrition. This example of the title of the research study, for instance, can focus on the relationship between breastfeeding and baby health.
  • Elucidate on, if any, the benefits of having a home-cooked meal and sitting down as a family to eat together.
  • Explore the effect of fast-food restaurants on family health and nutrition, and whether or not they should be regulated.
  • Research local food producers and farms in your community, pinpointing how much of your diet is acquired from them.

Tip : These are great research titles from which you can coin research topics for STEM students .

  • Compare and contrast the two major operating systems: Mac and Windows, and discuss which one is better.

Tip : This title of the research study example can lead to strong uninformed opinions on the matter. However, it is important to investigate and discuss facts about the two operating systems, basing your conclusions on these.

  • Explain the effect of spell checkers, autocorrect functions, and grammar checkers on the writing skills of computer users. Have these tools improved users’ writing skills or weakened them?

Tip : For this example of title research, it is better to consider more than one of these tools to write a comprehensive paper.

  • Discuss the role(s) artificial intelligence is playing now or will likely play in the future as regards human evolution.
  • Identify and investigate the next groundbreaking development in computer science (like the metaverse), explaining why you believe it will be important.
  • Discuss a particular trendsetting technological tool, like blockchain technology, and how it has benefited different sectors.

Tip : For this research title example, you may want to focus on the effect of one tool on one particular sector. This way, you can investigate this example of research and thesis statement about social media more thoroughly and give as many details as possible.

  • Consider your personal experiences as well as close friends’ and families experiences. Then, determine how marketing has invaded your lives and whether these impersonal communications are more positive than negative or vice versa.
  • Investigate the regulations (or lack thereof) that apply to marketing items to children in your region. Do you think these regulations are unfounded, right, or inadequate?
  • Investigate the merits and demerits of outsourcing customer services; you can compare the views of businesses with those of their customers.
  • How has the communication we do through blog sites, messaging, social media, email, and other online platforms improved interpersonal communications if it has?
  • Can understanding culture change the way you do business? Discuss how.

Tip : Ensure you share your reasoning on this title of the research study example and provide evidence-backed information to support your points.

  • Learn everything you can about eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia, as well as their causes, and symptoms. Then, investigate and discuss the impact of its significance and recommend actions that might improve the situation.
  • Research a major development in women’s history, like the admission of women to higher institutions and the legalization of abortion. Discuss the short-term and (or) long-term implications of the named event or development.
  • Discuss gender inequality in the workplace – for instance, the fact that women tend to earn less than men for doing the same job. Provide specific real-life examples as you explain the reasons for this and recommend solutions to the problem.
  • How have beauty contests helped women: have they empowered them in society or objectified them?

Tip : You may shift the focus of this topic research example to female strippers or women who act in pornographic movies.

  • Investigate exceptional businesswomen in the 21st century; you can focus on one or compare two or more.

Tip : When writing on the title of a research example related to women, avoid using persuasion tactics; instead, be tactful and professional in presenting your points.

  • Discuss the unique nature and implications of Donald Trump’s presidency on the United States and the world.
  • Investigate the conditions and forces related to the advent and rise of Nazi Germany. Shift the focus of this title research example on major wars like WWI or the American Civil War.
  • Is the enormous amount of money spent during election campaigns a legitimate expense?
  • Investigate a named major political scandal that recently occurred in your region or country. Discuss how it started, how its news spread, and its impacts on individuals in that area.
  • Discuss the impacts British rule had on India.
  • Investigate the rate of incarceration in your region and compare it with that of other countries or other regions.
  • Is incarcerating criminals an effective solution in promoting the rehabilitation of criminals and controlling crime rates?
  • Consider various perspectives on the issue of gun control and coin several argumentative essay topics on the matter.
  • Why do drivers continue to text while driving despite legal implications and dire consequences?
  • Discuss the legality of people taking their own lives due to suffering from a debilitating terminal disease.

Each example of the research title provided in this article will make for a rich, information-dense research paper. However, you have a part to play in researching thoroughly on the example of the research study. To simplify the entire process for you, hiring our writing services is key as you wouldn’t have to worry about choosing topics. Our team of skilled writers knows the right subject that suits your research and how to readily get materials on them.

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    both. Poverty negatively impacts students in a variety of ways within K-12 education and beyond. This can be through a variety of different factors that are often symptoms of poverty, like health issues stemming from a non-nutritional diet, homelessness, lack of food, or the inability to receive medical treatment for illnesses.

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    Examples of Research Topics on Ethics. Enumerate the different ways the government of the United States can reduce deaths arising from the unregulated use of guns. Analyze the place of ethics in medicine or of medical practitioners. For instance, you can discuss the prevalence of physician-assisted suicides in a named country.

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    BSED English 91% (11) 9. Modular Distance Learning Thesis-Essay. BSED English 84% (19) 17. Write-ups for Foundation of Education History. BSED English 100% (2) A qualitative research case study about poverty in the Philippines. title poverty in human rights problem. author fulbright participant overview of lecture.