Find a private English tutor in Canberra

🥇 one to one english tutoring 📍 64 english tutors near me 💸 lessons from $20/hr 👌 verified reviews, our selection of english teachers in canberra.

  • 5 (4 reviews)

(weekends only) studying law and medicine at anu, tutoring english, law, chemistry, and biology to high school-aged students. tutoring for 3 years, i specialise in essay writing techniques. lessons v

  • 1 st lesson free
  • 5 (3 reviews)

I have my masters degree in english literature and seeking tesol course. i have got training from navitas to teach non- native speakers.

First year international relations student at the australian national university. excited to tutor english and history at a senior or junior level. recent high school graduate who remembers the proces, graduated from presbyterian ladies college, melbourne. personalised teaching to the books that you are learning at school..

  • 5 (2 reviews)

Undergraduate english / law student at the australian national university teaches english for all levels: year 1 - hsc, vce, sace completion.

Experienced english tutor with 4 years of specialization in speaking, writing, and phonetics for university students. tailored support for assignments and exam readiness provided., primary school teacher. masters graduate. here to help you in your studies and set you on your way to success., teaching english for speakers of other languages. beginner to advanced levels. canberra regions, 2022 high school graduate with an atar of 98.7. received 97/100 in english advanced and 45/50 in english extension. living in canberra but am available for online lessons. willing to do all age groups, english, modern history, study skills tutoring. i am a 4th year fdd law student at anu, with 5 years experience tutoring., experienced k-12 english and math tutor, political science student at the anu., primary and secondary school english and reading tutor in canberra with over 8 years experience.

Our star English teachers have an average rating of 5 and more than 5 reviews.

The best prices: 95% of teachers offer their first classes free and the average lesson cost is $31/h

Quick as lightning, our teachers usually respond in less than 5h

Starting English tutoring is easy with Superprof

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In Canberra, English tutors charge on average $31 for private tuition.

The price of English tutoring will differ depending on:

  • the experience of your tutor
  • where your lessons will take place (online or an outside location)
  • the number of lessons planned and the length of each class
  • what you are covering in your lessons (writing, critical analysis, or creative writing for example)
  • the objective of your classes (are you learning English for fun, or are you studying for exams?)

97% of our private tutors give their first English lesson for free. Check out the rates of our English private tutors in your area.

On Superprof, many of our English teachers also offer online tuition. About 80% of tutors offer english lessons online.

To find available online English tutors, just select the webcam filter in the search engine to see the available tutors offering online courses in your desired subject.

Online courses via webcam offer you more advantages in terms of flexibility and are often less expensive as the tutor does not need to travel.

Find an online English tutor

On Superprof, you can browse our range of tutor listings to find the best teacher for your English tutoring.

You can refer to a tutor's individual tutoring ad and message the English tutor that corresponds to your needs.

Once you have found a tutor you can get in touch with them via the messaging service on our platform to discuss the details of your classes.

There are currently 64 private English teachers available to teach English lessons in Canberra and the surrounding areas.

Get English tutoring in Canberra with one of the 64 English tutors available.

From a sample of 5 private tutors, students gave their English tutors an average of 5 out of 5.

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Browse the available English tuition in Canberra

Connect with english tutors in canberra offering lessons from prep to year 12, and university level english support, there are plenty of great english tutors in canberra, ready to help you reach your goals.

Having highly developed English skills is becoming more and more essential in a range of life situations for people around the world. We use it as a lingua franca and so much of the culture we consume, from music to film to writing is created in English. Developed English skills are especially important in the world of work, in different fields and industries from media to science to maths and more.

Of course, there are a range of apps and online tools students can use to learn English, but if you truly want to improve, nothing beats the experience and support of a private English teacher. You can find tutors on Superprof that have years of experience teaching the language to a range of students, from primary or high school students, to people who recently arrived in the country who are studying ESL.

A good private tutor can help by evaluating exactly what you need from lessons as well as what you've learned in your previous years of schooling, to then create a program where each lesson will take you closer to your goals. With such a specialised course, you will find yourself improving consistently hour after hour, and get to where you want to be in no time.

What kinds of English can I study?

Of course, there are many English subjects that a student could focus on, and it's hard to know which teacher might be the best for you. Let's break it down into the most common types of English lessons a tutor will offer, to see which type of tutoring you should be looking for:

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Let's start with the types of lessons for those who are learning how to communicate in English.

General English:  This type of class is best for students who are learning English simply because they are interested in it, or want to communicate well with the Australian people around them. They're more relaxed, and for on the language skills a student needs to get by while living in an English speaking country.

Academic English: If you're an ESL student looking to go to university or school in the capital of Australia, or any other city (like Sydney or Melbourne), you'll need to know the territory to make the most out of your experience of higher education. This tutoring will focus on skills like writing essays, annotating correctly or giving presentations. You can also specialise in these lessons, based on the subject of your university studies, as the language a maths student needs is very different to what a physics or chemistry student would need.

Business English:  If you need to work in English speaking environments, try Business English classes. These will focus more on functional language subjects, like contacting people on the phone, negotiating, running meetings and more.

Of course, this is just a quick overview of each subject. One of the best things about private lessons is that you can organise them in any way that makes you happy. If you need help with writing essays, but also want to understand the language related to social situations, a good tutor will be able to help you do both!

English for school- Literature, Essay writing and more

It's slowly becoming more and more common for primary and high school students of all years to take classes with a private tutor as an extra little bit of support. Whether it's maths, history or science subjects like physics or chemistry, having a helping hand can allow students to quickly build confidence, and it's no different for English.

Support for SSCE:  For high school students in Canberra currently learning English before their final exams, private tutoring can be a real support. Some students spend hour after hour staring at their books with no result. Having a highly experienced tutor to offer you advice on how and what to study, and to keep you on track can be an invaluable resource. Many of the tutors in the Australian capital completed the SSCE English subject themselves, so they understand the pressures and requirements of each assessment. They can put themselves in your shoes, and explain concepts in ways that are different from a school teacher.

Help at all ages: Year 11 and 12 students are not the only ones who might need some support during their school education. It's normal for kids of all years to need a little extra help with certain skills. For example, in private lessons, a student could focus on creative writing and how to build a story, or perhaps how to analyse texts to understand an author's intention. Having the individual focus of the teacher can help each student to gain confidence with their English knowledge and even feel more comfortable in their classes at school.

Why Canberra is the best place to study English

While it may not seem as cosmopolitan as say Melbourne or Sydney, the Australian capital is still an excellent place for people from all backgrounds to come together. Being the seat of the Australian government, it's a city that's full of movement and action, which people from all around the world call home. There are very good opportunities for non-native speakers to practice, like the language exchanges happening in bars and pubs across the city. Or you can check out some of the amazing art and culture going on in the city. Being the capital, Canberra is home to the National Museum of Australia, as well as a range of other wonderful galleries.

So in short, whether you're looking for English tutoring to support a primary school student, or you want to be clear and coherent in your business meetings, you're sure to find a teacher on Superprof. Check out the individual online profiles of each teacher in Canberra, to find the one that will work best for you. You're sure to be happy with the dedication and skill of your private tutor, and have fun learning lesson by lesson!

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The Writing Guy

essay writing tutor canberra

Year 10, 11 and 12 students get help NOW before your FINAL EXAMS

Professional, Personal, On-Line Tutoring Australia Wide

Jamie Houseman offers personal one-on-one online tutoring throughout Australia.

Specialising in essay writing for year 10, 11 and 12 Students to prepare for assessments and final exams.

Other school grades and university students also catered for.

Mature age student returning to study?  Jamie can help you too.

Online Tutoring

Learn On-Line 

Meeting your Student's needs

Each Skype session is a personal live one-on-one session, using the latest in screen share and google docs, providing immediate guidance, assistance and feedback in real time. Two-way interaction is based on your student’s individual learning needs.

Consistent weekly interactive sessions

Session notes

Immediate feedback in real time

Identify knowledge gaps

Goal tracking 

Build confidence 

More motivation

Full support 

Improve results

Meeting your needs as a Parent or Guardian

No more rushing around to get to tutoring appointments!

No more wasted time driving.

Make a time convenient for you and your student from the comfort of your own home.

Grab a cuppa and reclaim your day!

Coffee and a Cookie

Reviews from happy clients

Green Geometric Shapes_edited_edited.jpg

Megan - Mother of Molly Year 6 and Maddison Year 8

"Jamie provides the necessary support to complement the work of our school system while helping my girls become productive and independent learners (something that all schools are missing). The way Jamie is making education accessible and obtainable is visible in the very healthy and engaged conversations I am having with my daughters. Their vocabulary has grown, formal sentence structure is now a common feature, and the girls' confidence level on reading text and handling their school work has more than doubled.

I have enjoyed watching the girls' reality shift with Jamie’s old school teaching philosophy; It is not about everyone receiving rewards because of attendance but receiving marks for producing their best work. Every week I watch them revise their work before submitting to Jamie telling me “I want a better mark than last week”…. WOW! If we all strived to be better and do better than yesterday I wonder where we would all be?"

Christine - Mother of Son in Year 9

"We sent Matthew (Year 9) to tutoring to help him develop his writing and reading skills as he moved through high school.  He started with Jamie in Year 7 and we have seen the benefits of being nurtured by Jamie, to feel confidence in himself to see the results that he is receiving for his written work for school.  We are very happy with Jamie and the work he has been doing with Matthew and would recommend Jamie's services to anyone.  You won't regret it."

essay writing tutor canberra

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76 English Tutors in Canberra

Premium canberra tutors in english, premium tutors in english, premium english tutors, tutor lim   (2)    .

Tutor Lim

Tutors in Accounting, Algebra, Architecture, Biochemistry,... Canberra Tutors in Accounting, Algebra, Architecture, Biochemistry, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Computing, Design n Technology,...

"We provide tutoring services specialising in Math and Engineering subjects." My name is Lian and I am a lead engineering tutor at Tutor Lim. Together, we are a team of 1000+ professional engineers... [ read more ]

Updated: 02-Jun-2024

Miss Sreeya Das (99.85 ATAR)   (4)    

Miss Sreeya Das (99.85 ATAR)

Tutors in Algebra, Biochemistry, Biology, Calculus,... Canberra Tutors in Algebra, Biochemistry, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, English , English Literature, Further Maths, General...

BOOK FREE CONSULTATION Year 5-12 ACT Maths, English, Chemistry, Biology and Physics individual or group tutoring; 99.95 ATAR Tutoring Team, fully personalised lessons; exclusive library of resources including... [ read more ]

Updated: 31-May-2024

Miss Aiena Fatima   (3)    

Tutor in Creative Writing, EAL, English , Essay... Canberra Tutor in Creative Writing, EAL, English , Essay Writing, Politics, Psychology, Reading, Society and Culture, Sociology

Availability and Mode of Teaching: My tutoring services are designed to accommodate a variety of schedules and preferences. I offer both weekday and weekend sessions, providing flexibility to meet the... [ read more ]

Updated: 29-May-2024

whY Tutoring - Mr. Yuming Lin   (75)    

Forde - canberra.

whY Tutoring - Mr. Yuming Lin

Tutors in Algebra, Calculus, Chemistry, Computing,... Canberra Tutors in Algebra, Calculus, Chemistry, Computing, Creative Writing, EAL, Engineering, English , ESL, Further Maths,...

Big discount for new enrolment 2024! FREE 15mins weekly Q&A session Customised one-to-one and small group (2-3) tutoring sessions. with certified WWVP, experienced in tutoring students with special... [ read more ]

Updated: 14-Apr-2024

Wise Minds Tutoring    

Bruce - canberra.

Wise Minds Tutoring

Tutors in Maths, Maths Specialist, English , English ... Canberra Tutors in Maths, Maths Specialist, English , English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Essay Writing, Further Maths,...

With 7 years of private tutoring experience, I have learned that during one-on-one tutoring sessions, the tutor will spend a lot of time not contributing whilst the student attempts to answer questions... [ read more ]

Updated: 29-Mar-2024

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Award-Winning ACT Writing Test Prep Near Me

100% Instructor Satisfaction Guarantee - Top Instructors Near Me

150,000+ clients. 4.9 / 5.0 Rating

If you're looking for an academic edge in your ACT Writing test prep, Varsity Tutors can place you in an ACT Writing course to help you build your study skills in advance of the exam. Those of you who have already spent time searching for things like "ACT Writing help near me" probably already understand how impactful working with an expert can be while preparing for an exam. Varsity Tutors offers several different ACT Writing test prep options to choose from. If you find the prospect of writing an essay daunting, take an ACT Writing class and kick your ACT Writing prep into overdrive!

Why Take the ACT?

The ACT is a standardized college admissions exam that is taken by hundreds of thousands of high school students across the country. These students decide to take the ACT because of its importance to the college admissions process. Those who earn a top score on the ACT may set themselves up to have a better chance of admissions success at the universities they're most interested in attending. This is why online searches for things like "ACT Writing tutoring near me" have become popular in recent years. Students understand that a strong ACT Writing prep process can help them get more out of their ACT Writing prep sessions.

A solid ACT score can also earn a college applicant more scholarship money. If you're planning on attending college after you finish high school, then taking the ACT may be the right option for you. If that's the case, then you may be interested in taking ACT Writing classes. You can get the help you need preparing for this comprehensive exam with ACT Writing test prep help from Varsity Tutors. Continue reading for more information on how ACT Writing classes can help you pursue your test goals.

Are There Any Exam Requirements?

There aren't many requirements that you need to be mindful of before beginning your ACT Writing test prep. In fact, even though the exam is usually taken by high school students, you can still take the ACT even if you've already graduated from high school but are just now deciding to go to college. Varsity Tutors offers ACT Writing test prep options that can meet your needs, no matter what scenario you find yourself in. Contact us today if you're interested in learning about what ACT Writing courses can do for you.

Although there are no age requirements for starting ACT Writing courses or taking the exam, you should be prepared to bring a few things with you when the day of your exam arrives. The first thing you'll need to be sure you have is a valid form of photo identification. You can easily satisfy this requirement by bringing your school ID or driver's license with you to your testing center. It's crucial that you remember your photo ID because without it you won't be able to take the ACT. It would be terrible to spend your valuable time in ACT Writing test prep sessions only to have to wait until the next test date to take the ACT.

Another thing you should remember to bring to your test is your test ticket. You may still be able to take the ACT if you forget your test ticket but there will likely be a delay in your score being released to you. This can lead to a delay in how quickly you're able to finalize your college applications. Applying early to college is a great way to boost your chances of acceptance, so any delay in you receiving your score and being able to finish your application process should be avoided when possible.

Finally, you can also bring some items with you to your testing center that will make your exam day feel more comfortable. For instance, you could bring a watch with you so that you can easily keep track of your time limit for each test section. You could bring things like extra number 2 pencils as well to make sure you don't run into any issues if your pencil breaks while you're filling in your answers. You may even want to bring a snack so that you can keep yourself fueled when you get a break between test sections. Having all of these items with you can make it easier to focus on your work due to the comfort they may provide.

Breaking Down The ACT Writing Section

Most ACT Writing prep programs begin by giving students an idea of what to expect on exam day. You have 40 minutes to answer one essay prompt. The prompt will state an issue and then provide three "perspectives," or opinions, about it. Your job is to take a stance on the issue provided (either one of the three provided or your own) and compare your perspective to at least one of the other ones. You will write your essay in pencil on lined paper provided in your test booklet. Additional paper is available to you upon request. This is the starting point for many ACT Writing courses because these instructions will be one of the first things you read on your exam.

The Writing section format is simple, but that doesn't mean the exam is easy. The following guidelines form a good foundation for ACT Writing test prep:

  • Use efficient time management
  • Plan out your essay, write it, and then check it before turning it in
  • Clearly state your argument and then support it
  • Review your essay for hard to read words and correct any mistakes you find
  • Practice ahead of time for the Writing test

After you complete your essay, you'll get five different scores on it. One of these five scores is a single subject-level writing score, which represents the rounded average of the other four scored parts of your essay. The first category your essay will be graded on is ideas and analysis. To do well in this category, you'll need to demonstrate an ability to produce productive ideas and to engage critically with multiple perspectives surrounding a single issue. Secondly, you'll also be graded on the development and support you provide your essay with. This category looks at the evidence you use to support your written argument. You can do well here if you explore and discuss the implications of your ideas as well as if you illustrate your points through examples.

Third, your essay will also be graded on its organization. Great writing is achieved in part through excellent organization of the ideas it contains. Those who grade this part of your essay will be looking to see if you've arranged your essay in a way that exhibits clarity and purpose. They want to see that you guided your reader through the essay in an effective way. Lastly, you'll also be graded on a category called language use and conventions. Here, you'll be graded based on how clear the language you use is as well as your following of grammar, syntax, and word usage conventions.

Clearly, then, there are a lot of things that you'll need to keep in mind while writing your essay. Getting started with ACT Writing test prep is a great way to start developing the skills you need to feel confident taking this part of your upcoming exam. You don't have to search online for things like "ACT Writing help near me" to get started with your own ideal test preparation process. Instead, you can easily get started with an ACT Writing test prep plan that meets your needs when you contact Varsity Tutors today.

Varsity Tutors Can Help You Prepare

One of the biggest ACT Writing prep tips we can share is to practice your outlining skills before the exam. Working from an outline prevents you from staring at the page wondering what to say next, improving your time management. Advanced ACT Writing preparation also helps you stay on task instead of going off on an unrelated tangent. If you aren't sure how to sketch an effective outline, ACT Writing tutors can show you how to do it. This is one of the key benefits that ACT Writing test prep can provide.

Likewise, taking an ACT Writing test prep course provides an opportunity to take practice exams. ACT Writing classes often incorporate practice tests to give students an idea of what to expect on the actual test. For example, you can save some valuable test-taking time by memorizing the directions beforehand so you don't actually need to read them on exam day. Reviewing your work may also help you identify your strengths and any areas of opportunity that could benefit from additional ACT writing prep time. You can get help reviewing your practice tests when you sign up for the ACT Writing test prep plan that makes the most sense for your needs.

Varsity Tutors offers two different ACT Writing courses for maximal flexibility. When you get in touch with us, we can help you select the ACT Writing test prep option that is the best fit for you. We get to know what your test goals are and what your learning style is. Then, we can easily sign you up for the ACT Writing courses that fit with your goals.

Our first offering is private ACT Writing tutoring, allowing students to receive one-on-one attention during their ACT Writing test preparation. Any questions you have can be answered by the instructor of your ACT Writing courses expediently, and all of your assignments receive immediate ACT Writing prep instructor feedback so you can correct any mistakes while it's still fresh in your mind. There are also no time limits associated with ACT Writing tutoring, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

ACT Writing tutoring is also a flexible learning option. We make every effort to connect you with ACT Writing tutors who are able to work around your existing obligations. That means you can sign up to work with ACT Writing tutors without having to worry about how you'll fit it into your busy schedule. The level of individualization you'll get from this ACT Writing prep option will be hard to match through other academic avenues.

We also offer ACT Writing test prep courses - small ACT Writing prep classes where students can work together and create a more collaborative learning environment. Aside from your ACT Writing prep course, you can still arrange solo time with a private ACT Writing prep instructor if you need to spend a little extra time on a particular topic. This ACT Writing prep option may be the right fit for you if you've previously enjoyed learning in a classroom environment. When you sign up to take a ACT Writing class, you'll get all of the benefits of a traditional ACT Writing class without having to leave the comfort of your home. Your ACT Writing course gives you the chance to learn from an expert ACT Writing course instructor without the costs associated with private ACT Writing prep tutoring.

Who Takes the ACT?

The ACT is one of the most widely taken standardized exams in the country. Over 1.6 million students take the exam annually. That's why searches for things like "ACT Writing tutoring near me" have grown in recent years. The aver ACT Writing section score is just under 7 points. However, you may need to score higher than that if you're interested in attending a top tier university.

For example, prestigious universities like Harvard and Yale generally admit students who earn a double digit score on their Writing section. This can be challenging to do without any ACT Writing test preparation guidance. However, Varsity Tutors can get you the ACT Writing test prep help you need when you contact us today. Why not let us help you get more out of your ACT Writing test preparation process?

Getting Started

Performing well on the ACT Writing section is a great way to show the colleges you apply to how skilled you are as a writer. Doing well on this part of the test may boost your acceptance odds at your top choice universities and could even earn you more scholarship money. You don't have to search online for "ACT Writing help near me" to get started with your own ideal ACT Writing preparation plan. Instead, if you would like to learn more about our ACT Writing prep options, contact an Educational Consultant today. You can go over all of the ACT Writing preparation options available that are available to choose from.. We look forward to helping you select your own ideal ACT Writing prep option.

Online ACT Writing tutor named Jared

Jared: ACT Writing test prep instructor comfortable with any age. I tutor many subjects, but am especially proficient in the areas of test preparation, math, and Spanish. I took several AP classes, was on the honor roll, and was blessed to receive a full-tuition National Merit scholarship for college. I currently have an open major but am leaning toward a degree in finance or information systems. I am fluent in Spanish thanks to a two-year mission for my church. Because...

Education & Certification

  • Brigham Young University-Provo - Current Undergrad, Pre-Information Systems

Subject Expertise

  • +34 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Naama

Naama: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...and in New York, as well as prep for other standardized tests such as the ISEE, SSAT, and HSPT. I also teach a bi-weekly SAT Prep course in Glendale, and an advanced Competition Math class for two age groups (6-8 and 9-12). It's a lot of fun! I've always found math pretty neat and like to get students interested in it too! I love to travel and have been fortunate enough to do a lot...

  • New York University - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology
  • ACT English
  • +41 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Max

Max: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...and coach at a public middle school (my team of 7th graders just won the 2016 New Haven regional championship!), and I've been tutoring middle and high school students for over 7 years. On top of all of that, I'm an aspiring professional in the business world - this past summer I worked at an internship in financial consulting (banking advisory & analytics), and have previously held internship positions in human capital consulting & private...

  • Yale University - Current Undergrad, Economics
  • +104 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Brianna

Brianna: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...of Richmond majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing Analytics and a minor in Mathematics. I have worked with kids of all ages, ranging from elementary school to college students through various subjects. I have also worked extensively with special needs children, doing everything from teaching special education to one-on-one in-home mentoring. Through my experiences, I have continued to carry my passion for working with children and have developed my skills in making...

  • University of Richmond - Current Undergrad, Business Administration and Management
  • +217 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Nisarg

Nisarg: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...Wayzata High, and I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor's of Science in neuroscience. At the University, I'm usually in class, studying, hanging out with my friends, or at club meetings! In my free time, I love to breakdance, write poetry, debate politics and economics, and participate in practically every nerdy endeavor possible (huge Star Wars fan!!). I love to talk and will talk your ear off if you let me! I love trying new things, exploring...

  • University of Minnesota - Bachelors, Neuroscience
  • +38 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Jaimie

Jaimie: ACT Writing test prep instructor Bachelor's of Science degree in Chemical Engineering. I am currently working in the lab of Professor Robert Langer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology working on novel drug delivery systems for the gastrointestinal tract. I am hoping to attend medical school in pursuit of becoming a physician. I am currently interested in pediatrics and psychiatry but I am looking forward to exploring a range of available disciplines. I enjoy tutoring because I find it...

  • Northeastern University - Bachelors, Chemical Engineering
  • +93 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Luke

Luke: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...zones. I learned how to gently push people past their fears. I learned how to use a combination of encouragement and technical knowledge to help people reach their goals. I learned how to read people and find the roots of their struggles. Through this, I could discover the best way to approach each individual and create a plan of action that worked best for their unique needs. Through all of this, I learned of my...

  • Colorado College - Bachelors, Philosophy
  • +39 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Katherine

Katherine: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...I had a near perfect attendance record, but still struggled with performing well on tests. I thought to myself, why was this happening? Students have so much pressure to perform well on standardized tests. We cram with flashcards, pull all nighters, and even sacrifice our social time to prove to the world that we retained what we learned that year. But are we *actually* learning? My goal as a tutor is to make your studies...

  • University of Connecticut - Bachelors, Human Development & Family Studies
  • Fairfield University - Current Grad Student, School Counseling
  • +65 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Sarah

Sarah: ACT Writing test prep instructor study Business, and I graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in 2015. I have extensive volunteer tutoring experience, having worked with kindergarten and second grade students as a reading tutor and middle school students as a math tutor. I am passionate about tutoring because of my own life long love of learning, and because I believe that all children are capable of accomplishing amazing things if they have a committed...

  • University of Virginia-Main Campus - Current Undergrad, Undeclared

Online ACT Writing tutor named Jeana

Jeana: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...ability. My unique approach to SAT and ACT test-prep focuses just as much on "learning the test" as it does learning the material, which gives students a sense of confidence and courage on test day. My expertise in "big test" prep translates to the regular school environment as well, whether it be building better study habits, better relationships to class material, or finding new ways to make material accessible--at any age, in any subject, it...

  • Columbia University in the City of New York - Bachelors, Visual Arts
  • +54 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Sarah

...where I have taken courses to gain knowledge in a wide variety of subjects, such as calculus courses, physics, chemistry, programming (python), french, and writing courses. Additionally, I took many AP classes throughout high school which enabled me to enter college with over 30 credits already completed. I have spent two years tutoring in the past and have gained experience learning how to work best with struggling students. I enjoy teaching and helping others learn,...

  • University of Minnesota-Twin Cities - Current Undergrad, Undecided

Online ACT Writing tutor named Rebecca

Rebecca: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...ESL, but I have tutored students and fellow students in writing, English, history, philosophy, and occasionally other areas. My favorite subjects to tutor are ESL and writing, because I love helping people communicate better. Everyone has a voice and a message, but sometimes that message gets stuckeither because of language barriers or the ability to put the right words to thoughts. I like to help people get past these barriers and unleash their inner voice!...

  • Greenville College - Bachelors, Philosophy, English, & History
  • Stony Brook University - Masters, Philosophy
  • +17 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Travis

Travis: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...more complex problems outside of tutoring. Additionally, I see no value in simply telling a student that they are wrong, or that they are incorrect. By working with each student through the thought processes and steps that led them to an incorrect answer, they attain a better understanding of why an answer is wrong and how to arrive at the correct one. I specialize in essay writing, elementary-high school math skills, college admissions essays, and...

  • University of Southern California - Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Government
  • University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy - Master in Public Health Administration, Master of Public Administration

Online ACT Writing tutor named Mark

Mark: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...gained an immense satisfaction from helping others. Tutoring is a win-win situation for both parties. The student becomes fluent and develops interest in a subject they have struggled with in the past and I gain from helping them improve and succeed. I like to make learning fun and strive to make the information relatable to my students. This way we can become excited about the subjects which makes learning that much easier. Mostly I am...

  • University of Illinois at Chicago - Current Undergrad, Bioengineering
  • University of Illinois at Chicago - Current Grad Student, Bioengineering
  • +37 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Jacob

Jacob: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...I heard about all the success other students were having as a result of my teaching. I was recruited to Brown University for rowing, and am officially undeclared but plan on graduating with a dual degree in biology and German studies. My favorite subjects to tutor are the ones I'm most passionate about; namely biology, German, and math (algebra and trig). Outside of all that, I enjoy rowing, running, biking, watching films (in English and...

  • Brown University - Current Undergrad, Biology and German
  • +21 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Chandler

Chandler: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...majoring in Chemistry. I have a passion for teaching and engaging students with their education. There is little that is more rewarding than aiding a struggling student successfully. In high school, I was a member of the National Honors Society and relished the opportunities that organization provided me to tutor others. I love learning, and I love sharing that with others. What better way to engage others learning than tutoring?I enjoy video games and other...

  • Occidental College - Current Undergrad, Chemistry
  • +36 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Daria

Daria: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...of the school holidays and traveled to several different European countries. After my contract finished, I spent two months traveling through Spain. My favorite subjects to tutor are literature based, as that is where my interests lie. I enjoy discussing books with my students and helping them realize the subtle nuances of the author's language. I also enjoy helping my students with their own writing, helping them find their unique style. For test prep, I...

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Bachelor in Arts, French Language, Literature

Online ACT Writing tutor named Christopher

Christopher: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...Year, tutoring and mentoring 7th and 8th grade students in the Englewood Community of Chicago in 1-on-1 and small group settings. I am currently working toward a TEFL certification that would allow me to teach English as a foreign language abroad. With Varsity Tutors, I tutor a wide range of subjects including biology, algebra, and English, as well as ACT and GRE prep. I employ a student-centered teaching style, encouraging students to think independently and...

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Bachelors, Psychology
  • +32 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Alyssa

Alyssa: ACT Writing test prep instructor

...continue to do so today. In high school, I was recognized as a National Merit Finalist by the College Board for my PSAT and SAT scores. I took nine different AP exams (World History, US History, European History, Physics B, English Lit, English Comp, Biology, Psychology, and Statistics) and thus became very familiar with how those tests work, as well as what goes in to preparing for them, emotionally as well as academically. I graduated...

  • Texas A & M University-College Station - Bachelors, Psychology
  • Texas State University-San Marcos - Current Grad Student, School Psychology
  • +42 subjects

Online ACT Writing tutor named Tessa

Tessa: ACT Writing test prep instructor be, for its own sake. Math and philosophy, and their nuanced interactions, are my great passions. I've run more 5ks and 10ks than I can count, but the validation of completing a long race is nothing like the satisfying moment of writing "Q.E.D." on a difficult proof. I'm a scholar of the Western canon, greatly influenced by great thinkers and writers of the past such as Plato, Virgil, Aquinas, and Anselm. I love to...

  • Yale University - Current Undergrad, Mathematics and History
  • +106 subjects

Contact us today to connect with a top ACT Writing instructor


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  • Essay Writing Tutors

Essay Writing Tutors in Canberra, Australia

Results 15 - 27 of 27

Hamid tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

Private Essay Writing tutor in Canberra, Australia

Master of Computer Engineering @ Queen Mary, University of London Hello, Thank you for visiting my profile! I hope that...

service around the world like Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Australia, Rome, Russia, Europe, New Zealand, UK, USA, UAE etc . Java Programming Help | Language Help | Online Java Help | Java Languages Assignment Help | Advance Java Assignment Help | Python Java...

Toby tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

Master of International Relations (UNSW) (Distinction) Bachelor of Arts (International Relations & Development Studies)

- Worked in the UN (UNHCR) - Published articles . - Previous experience tutoring to high distinction level . - Extensive experience in International Relations, strategy and international security . - Currently employed in government . - Previous employment as a...

Andrew tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

Bachelor of Economic and Social Sciences: University of Sydney, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. I'm currently completing...

I am a keen fan of the written word and have strong experience with public speaking . I thoroughly enjoy explaining and discussing important new concepts, in a relaxed learning environment . Politics,International Relations, International Law, Human Rights, US History,...

Data tutors Essay Writing  in Melbourne, Australia

Private Essay Writing tutor in Melbourne, Australia

Want to learn Data Science? Best Tutor and assignment writer you'll ever find :) I have a PhD in Business Analytics and Data Science,...

Help with projects, exams, presentations, dissertations, infrastructure development and general understanding of the material . Proficient in Matlab, R, Stata, SPSS, SAS, EViews, Minitab, JMP . Assistance is offered in two formats: 1) tutoring sessions at an hourly rate...

Joe tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

I earned my Bachelor of Laws with first-class honors and Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Linguistics from ANU. I also earned a...

After high school, I spent 6 months teaching primary school students in Vanuatu across all subjects . I gained a deep appreciation and understanding of techniques for teaching and helping students reach their fullest potential . In college, I achieved high distinctions and...

Jack tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

I graduated from the University of Queensland with my Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Journalism in 2012. I maintained a...

I have previously tutored two courses for UQ- one in political science and the other in international relations . Both courses were tremendous experiences that required me to assign weekly readings, pose questions, and facilitate hourly discussions . However, I also have...

Khawar tutors Essay Writing  in Allen, TX

Private Essay Writing tutor in Allen, TX

I have got experts in all the fields and we all provide help in writing dissertation and assignments. The top-notch writers &...

Dissertation ? Assignment ? Essay ? CourseWork ? Research ? Proposals ? Tuition ? Journal Article Assistance ? Literature Reviews ? Writing 2012-2016 Lecturer ? Department of Electrical Engineering - (CIIT-Lancaster, UK Dual Degree Program) LSAT Essay...

Kim tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

I have completed my Juris Doctor in Law and I am currently undertaking the GDLP and have completed 2 units. I completed a Bachelor of...

I have privately tutored university students who have obtained their learning outcomes. College Essays, 11th Grade Writing, 11th Grade Reading, 10th Grade Reading, 10th Grade Writing, Writing, Literature, Literary Analysis, Legal Writing, Essay Editing, Constitutional Law,...

David tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

I have a Diploma in Training and Assessment, a Diploma in International Education, a Diploma in Teaching, as well as Bachelor of Arts and...

I have 25 years of experience working in vocational education, education at the school and university level, as well as experience in business training and development . I have the skills, experience, and expertise to provide interested students with personalized and private...

Naeem tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (UTS) Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (UTS) Master’s in Business Administration...

Web Development (Frontend and Backend): HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL Data Analysis: SPSS, STATA, etabs, EViews, R, Python Databases and Scripting: SAP/ERP, Oracle PLSQL, Unix/Linux Bash scripting CAD Design: SolidWorks, AUTOCAD, CATIA, Ansys I can help you on your...

Vinayak tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

Masters in Business Information systems (MBIS) from Monash University, Melbourne with Higher Distinction grade June 2010. Masters...

I have kept my interest following here in Brisbane for tutoring as I am helping one of the Sons of top level executive of my company with his Math subject and looking for making it on continual basis with some formal avenues . With some significant, very successful and...

Ariel tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

I am currently a Year 3 postgraduate student completing a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery (MD) degree at ANU. In 2015, I completed a...

I also did primary and secondary school in New South Wales so although I don't know the curriculum, I can still help build foundations and help develop skills. 6th Grade, Essay Editing, English, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, 12th Grade Writing, 12th Grade Reading, 11th Grade, 4th...

Emma tutors Essay Writing  in Canberra, Australia

I earned my bachelor's of science from the University of Adelaide with a GPA of 6.55 and a Bachelor of Science in Genetics and Evolution...

Other positions I have held include children's university volunteer, Science Alive volunteer, Experience Adelaide Program Volunteer, and Salvos Store volunteer . I have my TEFL accreditation and a first-aid certificate . I won numerous awards, including 13 academic...

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Private, in-home tutoring in moscow, idaho, certified educators, personalized learning, 1-on-1 instruction, flexible scheduling, bi-weekly progress reports, moscow, idaho tutoring programs.

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Moscow, Idaho students.

Moscow District and Curriculum

Moscow School District expects students to enter each new grade having mastered the skills learned in the previous grade and having the ability to apply those skills to the skills being learned in subsequent years. In English Language Arts (ELA), the curriculum is based on 6 standards: Reading Process, Comprehension/Interpretation, Writing Process, Writing Applications, Writing Components and Communication. There are four standards that form the math curriculum: Number and Operation, Concepts and Principles of Measurement, Concepts and Language of Algebra and Functions, Concepts and Principles of Geometry, and Data Analysis, Probability, and Statistics.

We currently cover the following Moscow-area school district: Moscow School District .

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Moscow District Curriculum

For ELA, decoding skills begin in first grade. As students learn to decode, they build up their fluency, which is reading speed. Grammar skills are introduced in second grade. New third grade skills include the study of spelling patterns, the use of context clues to read new words and the reading of chapter books. Fourth through sixth graders learn the meaning of common Greek and Latin root words and apply that knowledge to decode and define complex words, read larger, more difficult literature, and textbooks on their own. By the seventh grade, students’ vocabulary has grown to include idioms and figurative language.

These skills are reviewed and strengthened in grades 8 through 12. They read a wider variety of texts which include classic literature, contemporary literature, periodicals, reference books, poetry and the Internet. Students progress through the 5 steps of writing: prewrite, write, edit, revise and publish, to produce a variety of technical and creative texts. They write and respond to a variety of texts, citing references where required.

essay writing tutor canberra

Our Moscow, Idaho tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from harvard, stanford, duke and other top institutions, keeping informed: recent moscow educational news.

  • Rules of the Game - Moscow High School is serious about good sportsmanship. There are not just rules for how a game is played, there are rules for how a game is watched. Fans and other spectators are expected to be courteous and supportive to both team’s members at games. This should be reflected in the reactions to game events, cheers, signs expressed at games, and a choice to refrain from the use of substances. After all, it is just a game.
  • McDonald Elementary Talent Show - Every year, McDonald Elementary School holds a talent show to showcase their students. The Talent Show Committee auditions students who must work hard to be among those chosen to perform. Individuals or groups who will participate in the talent show can only perform one act. This act can be a song, dance, magic trick, skit, gymnastic or sports routine, standup comedy, or other selection.
  • Moscow Middle School Online Library - Moscow Middle School has an online library! Students can read online books and information about authors that is available at their school and other Moscow schools. Viewers can blog and get answers to any frequently asked questions about the library. Students can even find answers to research questions for assignments they have. This wonderful tool is the pride of Moscow Middle.

Moscow Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

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University Tutor has been helping students achieve their learning goals since 2004!

University Tutor allowed me to connect with a fabulous tutor and teacher. He adapts his teaching style to the individual student's needs and never falls short of giving them a challenge to build their confidence in the subject areas he tutors

— University Tutor Student

We make finding a tutor easy! With thousands of tutors to choose from, we know we'll find the right one for your unique needs.

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  • IB History SL Tutors

Online IB History SL Tutors

Results 1387 - 1400 of 1727

Andreas is an online IB History SL tutor in KĂĽsnacht, Switzerland

Private online IB History SL tutor

PhD in History and International Relations from the University of Bristol (Pass with No Corrections, i.e. highest award) MSc in...

I favour keeping a small, select list of clients, preferring to forge strong and meaningful bonds with my students so that I can ensure they excel both academically and as mindful, healthy and successful human beings. History, Political Science, IB Global Politics SL, IB...

Masa is an online IB History SL tutor in Madrid, Spain

In an international English speaking university studying Psychology and Business, and with a GPA 0f 9.6.

I feel as though I am good at transmitting knowledge, and that there is a great power in doing so. Public Speaking, IB History HL, IB Chemistry SL, Test Prep, Sociology, Study Skills And Organization, Study Skills, Social Sciences, Marketing, Literature, Literary Analysis, IB...

Joey is an online IB History SL tutor in Madrid, Spain

A Junior Business Administration and International Relations Major at the University of Southern California. I am currently studying at...

I have tutored students in math, history, physics, and English . I am a native English speaker, but am also fluent in Spanish . I have listed the tests I have taken and the scores I have received: ACT (34), SAT subject tests, AP Biology (4), AP Calculus BC (5), AP Spanish...

Sara is an online IB History SL tutor in Madrid, Spain

Currently studying Business Administration as an undergraduate student at Instituto de Empresa Business School (IE University), in my 4th...

Tutoring provides me the opportunity to review the lessons I've learned in the past and use these concepts to help me build on my knowledge in the future, and so I in fact enjoy it very much! Essay Editing, IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL, IB Economics HL, IB,...

CRISTINA is an online IB History SL tutor in Madrid, Spain


We write in English and Spanish.I am Spanish and my boyfriend is British, we are expert in Computer Tecnology and Social Science. I...

and i have been teaching to students at different levels in different institutions . I hold various Microsoft and project management certifications . I can successfully guide you though your university project/dissertation/assignment . i can tell you tactics how to deal...

Tomas  is an online IB History SL tutor in Madrid, Spain

- B.A. International Relations - Emory University (USA), 2014 - A.S. Liberal Arts - Oxford College of Emory University (USA),...

To promote learning and critical thinking we will bring the real world into the class room, bridging the gap between practice and theory employing students personal interests as a starting point . I speak English & Spanish fluently, and have a modest level of French . ...

Woodlark Tutors is an online IB History SL tutor in Moscow, Russian Federation

Woodlark Tutors L.

All of our tutors have been educated at Oxford and Cambridge. We specialise in helping US students reach their highest potential by...

This includes helping to write personal statements, preparation for admissions exams and interviews . 10th Grade, 10th Grade math, 10th Grade Reading, 10th Grade Writing, 11th Grade, 11th Grade math, 11th Grade Reading, 11th Grade Writing, 12th Grade, 12th Grade math, 12th...

Mattia is an online IB History SL tutor in Moscow, Russian Federation

#Please contact me directly at [email protected]# MsC in Engineering with top marks and research assistant of Econometrics for...

volume clock for high freq data), Bid-Ask Bounce Bias & Sahalia Method for Microstructure Noise Estimation & Test, Hayashi-Yoshida Lead-Lag Index, D'Aspremont Method for Mean Rev Portfolios, Market Fragmentation in Financial Markets, High-Low prices & Pivot Points trading...

Moscow  is an online IB History SL tutor in Moscow, Russian Federation

Moscow Tutors We provide tutors in Moscow Russia, including, English tutors, Maths tutors, Physics tutors, General Science tutors,...

School placement in England . LSAT Analytical Reasoning, PSAT Mathematics, PSAT Mathematics, PSAT Writing Skills, LSAT, PSAT Critical Reading, PSAT, OLSAT, LSAT Reading Comprehension, LSAT Logical Reasoning, SAT Subject Test in Physics, SAT Mathematics, LSAT Essay Section,...

Think Ahead is an online IB History SL tutor in Alcobendas, Spain

Think Ahead A.

Think Ahead Academy is an elite tutoring academy specialized in IB after-school classes. We work with more than 100 students on annual...

Essentially, we make sure that not only you understand the theory, but become an expert at answering past papers just like IB examiners would like to, and hence score the points . IB Extended Essay, IB Theory of Knowledge, IB Physics SL, IB Physics HL, IB Mathematics SL,...

Awesome Tutor - Munich is an online IB History SL tutor in MĂĽnchen, Germany

Awesome Tutor - Munich A.

** Hey Everyone! Please email me directly at [email protected] I’ve found the messaging in UniTutor to be unreliable...

I can help ! My name is Pat and I am enrolled in a PhD program at QUT . I specialise in helping struggling students pass their courses by studying smartly and efficiently . My sessions are through Zoom or we can meet at the library if campus is open . My first 30 min...

Munichs Best Tutor is an online IB History SL tutor in MĂĽnchen, Germany

Munichs Best Tutor D.

Let me show you how to study effectively and ace all your assessments ! 10th Grade, 10th Grade math, 10th Grade Reading, 10th Grade Writing, 11th Grade, 11th Grade math, 11th Grade Reading, 11th Grade Writing, 12th Grade, 12th Grade math, 12th Grade Reading, 12th Grade...

Phoebe is an online IB History SL tutor in Seoul, Korea (Republic of)

London School of Economics Graduate. Masters of Science in History of International Relations, London School of Economics, London,...

I Have offered academic support for students with special education needs from ADHD, Dyslexia to slow cognitive delay (as diagnosed by educational psychologists). I Have offered home school support to students in a variety of countries from Russia, to the UK to the...

Roninza is an online IB History SL tutor in Tokyo, Japan

Ph.D's from US institutions

Geology (all levels) ? Engineering (Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Bioengineering, etc .) ? Economics (Principles of Economics, Macroecomonics, Microeconomics, International Trade, etc .) ? Business and Finance (Intro to Business, International Finance, etc .) ? ...

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Shannon M. | Tutor in Essay Writing | 11261917

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About shannon m..

Essay Writing

Bachelors in International/Global Studies from George Mason University

Masters in Public Health, General from Albany State University

Career Experience

Hi, I'm Shannon! I currently work as a Research & Policy Analyst for a non-profit children's advocacy organization. In my role, I collect data, analyze it to identify trends, and write briefs and reports to educate policymakers and the public. Previously, I worked as an Academic Success Coordinator where I oversaw the tutoring and community service requirements for teenage girls living in a group home.

I Love Tutoring Because

I've been tutoring on and off for the last 15 years and I really enjoy it! I love to find creative ways to explain concepts and help students think through a problem. It's very rewarding to see a student feel confident in their understanding of a concept you've been working on.

Other Interests

Antiquing, Cooking, Traveling, Watching Movies

Reviews    (3)

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  23. Shannon M.

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