17 Learning Activities for 2-Year-Olds: Teaching Toddlers Through Play

Play-based learning is the best way for your toddler to learn about themselves and their world.

17 Learning Activities for 2-Year-Olds: Teaching Toddlers Through Play

The world of your 2-year-old is full of exciting possibilities. They are developing quickly, and you will find them ready to dive into learning experiences. They are actively looking for ways to assert their independence and test their boundaries (and yours!).

Learning activities for 2-year-olds should look at their development holistically and engage them in new ways of thinking. Toddler learning activities are a fun way for you to connect with your child as you learn and grow together.

Play-Based Learning for Toddler Development

When your 2-year-old is playing, they are learning how the world works. Play ignites their curiosity and gets them to think creatively about simple tasks.

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning” – Diane Ackerman.

Here are some other ways that play is beneficial for development:

  • Practice life skills
  • Improves communication
  • Develops empathy
  • Encourages imagination
  • Allows for independence and autonomy
  • Fosters problem-solving skills

17 Learning Activities for Your 2-Year-Old

When it comes to educational activities for toddlers, you want to make them hands-on and fun. Learning should be joyful and creative. Fun activities can teach your child and keep them happily immersed in play.

Activities for Gross Motor Skills Development

toddler playing with silk

1. Play Silks and Dancing

There is something magical about watching a child lost in their own world. Play silks are a great way to encourage imaginative movement in little kids. 

Put on some music and let your little one move to the rhythm. This unstructured activity allows them to use any movements they want. The play silks help them move their bodies, become aware of themselves within a space, and embody different characters. 

Fun Tip: Try music that evokes different moods. Watch as your child adjusts their movements to the music.


  • Imagination
  • Free movement
  • Express emotion

2. Animal Imitation

What toddler doesn’t love pretend play? 

You can use animal cards, toy animals, or even recorded animal sounds for this activity. Help your child think about how each animal moves and then watch as they try to imitate that movement. They can include the sound the animal makes to really get into character.

Fun Tip: Do this activity with your child. Yes, it may seem silly, but they will love it. Play is how our kids communicate with us, and something special happens when we join them in their world.

  • Crossing the midline and gross motor skills
  • Builds core strength
  • Improves focus and attention

3. Mud Monster

Getting dirty is a great way to learn and a fun activity. Not only is mud a fantastic sensory experience, but it contains friendly bacteria that stimulate the release of serotonin . 

To create your mud monster, draw one on a wall with mud or build one around a hula hoop placed on the ground. Your toddler will then make mud balls and have to throw them into the mud monster’s mouth. Your 2-year-old is learning to throw overhand at this stage, and this is a fun activity to practice.

Fun Tip: Let your toddler help you make the mud. The process of mixing sand and water is a valuable learning opportunity.

  • Develops tactile skills
  • Strengthens throwing motion
  • It helps them identify their dominant arm

Activities that Develop Fine Motor Skills

toddlers playing with blocks

4. Building Blocks

Building blocks are a classic toddler activity that has a multitude of benefits. Simply place a bag of blocks on the floor and watch as your little one begins to create. At this age, your 2-year-old will be able to build a tower of 4-7 blocks, opening up a world of possibilities for them.

Fun Tip: Add other elements such as cars, animals, and wood planks. This will help your toddler play with the blocks in new and imaginative ways.

  • Problem-solving
  • Early math skills

5. Simple Tracing

Your 2-year-old might not be holding a pencil confidently, but they will enjoy simple tracing activities. They will help them develop tensile strength in their fingers and work on their fine motor skills.

Use simple shapes and lines with an easy-to-follow dot-to-dot pattern. A chunky pencil or marker will work best for your child’s inexperienced fingers.

Fun Tip: Start with sidewalk chalk to encourage large, free-flowing movements. Before starting with a pencil, try a Q-tip and paint to follow a series of dot patterns.

  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Concentration
  • Crossing the midline

6. Paper Washing Line

Reaching the washing line outside might be tricky, but you can create a mini version indoors. All you need is a cardboard box, some twine, and two pieces of dowel rod. You can cut out clothing from cardboard and let your 2-year-old peg them onto the line.

Fun Tip: You can use clothes pegs to hang up art, count, color sort, and paint with. They are a versatile option for 2-year-old development activities. 

  • Improve pincer grasp
  • Motor accuracy
  • Hand preference

7. Playdough Jars

Play dough is fantastic for sensory play and fine motor skills development. Put playdough and loose parts into different jars with the lids on. Then let your toddler open the jars and empty the contents. Opening the jars is good fine motor practice and your toddler is also at a stage where they love to empty containers.

Fun Tip: Ask your toddler to sort the items and place them back into the jars at the end of the activity. 

  • Strengthens fingers, hands, and wrists
  • Improves concentration

Activities for Language Development

picture book and read aloud

8. Picture Books

Picture books are essential in child development, particularly for emergent language. Reading picture books allows you to foster connection with your toddler while demonstrating a love of reading. Your 2-year-old will also learn to connect the words to the pictures. This will help them understand their meaning better.

Fun Tip: Play a game of ‘spot the x.’ You can help your child learn new words as they associate them with a picture.

  • Listening skills
  • Strengthen visual thinking skills
  • Encourage conversations

9. Mystery Bag

This is a versatile game that you can play with almost any object. Put a selection of things into a bag. Ask your toddler to reach into the bag and try and name an object they feel before pulling it out. This is a fun way to introduce new words to your child’s vocabulary.

Fun Tip: For an interesting variation of this game, draw the outline of your toddler’s body on a large piece of paper. Then ask them to point to and name their different body parts. 

  • New vocabulary
  • Improved tactile sense

10. Story Cubes

Story cubes have scenes/characters/objects depicted on them. Your toddler can choose the order of the cubes, and you can create a story together. This activity is excellent for teaching toddlers about creative thinking and future scenarios.

Fun Tip: Incorporate tower building into the process. Then start the story from the top of the tower and reverse it. This is a fun way to introduce the concepts of top and bottom while helping your toddler use their imagination.

  • Imaginative play

11. Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes are great for teaching 2-year-olds about phonics and help with language development. Keep your rhymes simple and choose ones with repetitive verses.

Some great nursery rhymes for 2-year-olds are Incy Wincy Spider, Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Humpty Dumpty, and Hickory Dickory Dock.

Try to incorporate rhymes that have corresponding movements. The car is also great for practicing nursery rhymes with your toddler.

  • Develop motor skills
  • Teach grammar
  • Introduce counting, colors, and shapes

Activities for Social/Emotional Development

emotion cards

12. Emotion Cards

2-year-olds are learning about themselves in relation to other children so talking about emotions is vital. Emotion cards work well as they show the picture that relates to a feeling. Start your day with the emotion cards and regularly bring them out. 

Fun Tip: Take a ‘sportscasting’ approach to toddler behavior. That means you observe and repeat the facts of the situation. This allows your toddler to feel and deal with the emotion for themselves.

  • Builds empathy
  • It helps them learn self-regulation and self-control
  • Emotional vocabulary development

13. Simon Says

2-year-olds are starting to copy the behavior they see around them. That makes Simon Says a fun and simple game to play. Your toddler is also becoming more aware of themselves, and Simon Says is a fun way to start teaching them about the parts of their body.

Fun Tip: Use the anatomical names for body parts. Children must know the real names as they become aware of themselves and their bodies.

  • Developing body awareness
  • Sequencing Skills
  • Following instructions

14. Kitchen Time

Your 2-year-old is becoming more independent, and you may find them increasingly defiant. Spending time in the kitchen is a great way to help them feel empowered and capable.

Simple cookies, scrambled eggs, and banana muffins are easy recipes that your 2-year-old can make with you.

Fun Tip: Involve them in the whole process by allowing them to crack, mash, and scoop but also wash up.

  • Basic math skills
  • Builds independence
  • Boosts confidence

Activities for Cognitive Development

puppet play for toddlers

15. Puppet Play

Puppet play is an amazing developmental tool for toddlers. Your 2-year-old is starting to engage in make-believe play and new language. Puppets encourage creativity, imagination, and new vocabulary. It also helps develop social skills.

Fun tip: You don’t need fancy puppets. Toddlers love craft activities, so why not make your own out of socks? You know, the ones that make it out of the dryer without a partner?

  • Motor skills
  • Builds self-confidence

16. Treasure Hunt

A treasure hunt is a versatile learning experience that you can use repeatedly. For example, you can have a color hunt where your toddler has to find items in the house that are a specific color. Or you can stick shapes around the house and ask them to find and sort them.

Fun Tip: Take this activity outside for a diverse sensory experience with different textures.

  • Color identification

17. Sorting Basket

Sorting baskets are another fun matching game to help your toddler learn colors, numbers, shapes, and sizes. You can put almost anything in a sorting basket, from leaves and stones to blocks and fabric scraps.

Fun Tip: Mix up textures and color shades to challenge your toddler.

  • Develops reasoning and thinking skills
  • Encourage categorizing
  • Early literacy and numeracy skills

Teaching Your Toddler Through Play

Play-based learning opportunities are the best activities to get your toddler engaged and excited. They allow you to introduce complex concepts through simple play that your 2-year-old can easily understand.

Watching your little one engage with the world around them is a magical time, so get on their level and get playing.


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The importance of play

KneeBouncers is play with purpose. Our interactive online games and videos are designed to engage, encourage, entertain and educate babies, toddlers and preschoolers. We keep our content age-appropriate, and l earning fun.

KneeBouncers employs a play-based developmental learning strategy to create our games. Specifically, we focus on games that spark kids’ curiosity and creativity , exploration of the world , social understanding , communication skills and movement . Our play-based developmental strategies support concrete learning objectives, including: mathematical concepts , science , language and literacy , social and emotional development , arts and music and social studies .

We strive to create age-appropriate engaging games that promote playing with purpose. Games increase in complexity as a child grows, allowing us to provide learning fun for babies through preschool students.

“Life is more fun if you play games.”

A whole lotta fun for the itty bitty ones.

KneeBouncers.com , a website full of engaging toddler games  and  baby games online. Featuring a collection of fun, interactive online games designed specifically for babies ,  toddlers , and  preschool kids.  

KneeBouncers’ gang of characters will delight your child as they explore the interactive online games that  parents, daycare and preschool teachers have embraced for their fun, simplicity, and age appropriateness. These toddler games are easy to play and your preschool kids can enjoy playing on their own. The goal with all of our interactive games is to make learning more enjoyable for your baby, toddler, and preschooler.  

Download the coloring sheets and continue the fun and learning offline. They’re a great way to learn new skills, or reinforce skills that your little one is learning. 

Check out every episode of “The KneeBouncers’ Show” – ad free! And sing-along with Kiki and her KneeBouncer friends in all the “Kiki’s Music Time” episodes! From classic children songs to our original songs – you’ll kids will be singing and dancing!

“Play gives children the chance to practice what they are learning.”

Fred rogers, learn. practice. repeat..

You learn by doing and repeating. Once your child is introduced to a new concept, it’s important for them to practice and repeat the new skill. And we make the process fun for them!

Cause and effect games are designed as tapping games that respond to the touch of the keyboard or screen. These simple baby games build confidence and encourage further exploration. 

Matching games are designed to challenge your little ones memory skills. Zoo and farm animals to shapes , colors, letters , and numbers matching games will keep your child’s memory sharp. (Yours too!)

KneeBouncers was created to instill a love of learning in babies, toddlers, preschoolers and everyone in your family. We’ve created lots of original baby games , online games for toddlers , preschool games , coloring pages , memory games , keypress games , tap games , point and click games , original animated videos , sing-along songs , nursery rhyme videos , original children songs , and so much more! 

coloring book icon

Extend the play and learning

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KneeBouncers has become a go-to for us when we need a quick and easy educational activity for our toddler.

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This site has become an essential resource for our homeschooling journey. Thank you for making learning enjoyable!

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This website has been an invaluable resource in supplementing my preschool lesson plans. The games and activities are a hit with my students!

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To my fellow parents and educators,

From one parent to another, and as the creator of KneeBouncers.com, I want you to know that our platform is more than just another website – it’s a labor of love dedicated to early learning and fun.

It started from a personal need – to create a space where little ones could play games without the fuss of a mouse. Our small haven has now grown to include over 100 ad-free, engaging games, videos, and worksheets. We believe that children learn best when they’re having fun, and that’s exactly what we’re here to provide.

By choosing us, you’re not just opting for a safe, educational journey for your child, you’re also supporting a family-owned small business. We’re still a small, passionate team at KneeBouncers, and your trust in us means more than you can imagine. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your child’s formative years.

Thanks – and keep on KneeBouncin’!

Punch Robinson

Robinson family

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Welcome to HappyClicks.net, a website full of entertaining, toddler games and baby games online.

Happy Clicks features a collection of free interactive online educational activities designed with the most beautiful drawings for babies , toddlers , and preschool kids , with brightly colored effects that will keep them delighted. Here, you will find interactive online activities that parents can enjoy playing with their babies and toddlers. These free toddler games are simple to play, and preschool kids can enjoy playing them on their own. Fun and free, our games make learning more enjoyable for your baby, toddler, and preschooler. Our activities are a great way to learn new skills. Additionally, Happy Clicks provides an opportunity for you to spend quality time playing with your toddler or baby.

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  • Number Tracing Within 20 (10)
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  • Addition Properties (6)
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  • 2-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (8)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction (57)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (35)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (20)
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  • 4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (12)
  • 4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (11)
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  • Equivalent Fractions Using Models (10)
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  • Word Problems (97)
  • Addition Word Problems (26)
  • Addition Word Problems Within 20 (19)
  • Subtraction Word Problems (28)
  • Subtraction Word Problems Within 20 (22)
  • Multiplication Word Problems (2)
  • Division Word Problems (9)
  • Fraction Word Problems (6)
  • Money Word Problems (23)
  • ELA (2,367)
  • Reading (2,269)
  • Phonics (2,225)
  • Bossy R (60)
  • Words With Ar (3)
  • Words With Er (3)
  • Words With Ir (3)
  • Words With Or (3)
  • Words With Ur (3)
  • Diphthongs (22)
  • Consonant Blends (118)
  • Ending Blends (69)
  • Beginning Blends (49)
  • L Blend Words (26)
  • R Blend Words (23)
  • Alphabet (262)
  • Letter Recognition (262)
  • Letter A (9)
  • Letter B (9)
  • Letter C (9)
  • Letter D (9)
  • Letter E (9)
  • Letter F (9)
  • Letter G (9)
  • Letter H (9)
  • Letter I (9)
  • Letter J (9)
  • Letter K (9)
  • Letter L (9)
  • Letter M (9)
  • Letter N (9)
  • Letter O (9)
  • Letter P (9)
  • Letter Q (9)
  • Letter R (9)
  • Letter S (9)
  • Letter T (9)
  • Letter U (9)
  • Letter V (9)
  • Letter W (9)
  • Letter X (9)
  • Letter Y (9)
  • Letter Z (9)
  • Lowercase Letters (78)
  • Uppercase Letters (78)
  • Matching Lowercase And Uppercase Letters (59)
  • Alphabetical Order (54)
  • Abc Song (20)
  • Letter Sounds (130)
  • Vowels (158)
  • Long Vowel Sounds (75)
  • Long Vowel A Sound (15)
  • Long Vowel E Sound (17)
  • Long Vowel I Sound (15)
  • Long Vowel O Sound (15)
  • Long Vowel U Sound (13)
  • Silent E (12)
  • Short Vowel Sounds (81)
  • Short Vowel A Sound (59)
  • Short Vowel E Sound (26)
  • Short Vowel I Sound (59)
  • Short Vowel O Sound (44)
  • Short Vowel U Sound (24)
  • Vowel Teams (65)
  • Words With Ai And Ay (3)
  • Words With Ea And Ee (3)
  • Words With Ie And Y (3)
  • Words With Oa And Ow (3)
  • Words With Oo (2)
  • Words With Ue And Ui (1)
  • Blending (432)
  • Ccvc Words (43)
  • Ccvcc Words (6)
  • Cvc Words (271)
  • Cvcc Words (78)
  • Consonant Digraphs (8)
  • Digraph Ch (3)
  • Digraph Ph (2)
  • Digraph Sh (3)
  • Digraph Th (2)
  • Digraph Wh (2)
  • Double Consonants (8)
  • Rhyming Words (61)
  • Trigraphs (38)
  • Three Letter Blends (19)
  • Sight Words (1,035)
  • Dolch Sight Words (567)
  • Fry Sight Words (444)
  • Reading Comprehension (44)
  • Cause And Effect (6)
  • Inference (6)
  • Identify The Main Idea (13)
  • Categorize Pictures Into Groups (4)
  • What'S The Title? (5)
  • Prediction (6)
  • Sequencing (13)
  • Arrange Pictures In Order (3)
  • Arrange Sentences In Order (4)
  • Writing (124)
  • Handwriting (124)
  • Letter Tracing (124)
  • Letter Tracing A (6)
  • Letter Tracing B (6)
  • Letter Tracing C (6)
  • Letter Tracing D (6)
  • Letter Tracing E (6)
  • Letter Tracing F (6)
  • Letter Tracing G (6)
  • Letter Tracing H (6)
  • Letter Tracing I (6)
  • Letter Tracing J (6)
  • Letter Tracing K (6)
  • Letter Tracing L (6)
  • Letter Tracing M (6)
  • Letter Tracing N (6)
  • Letter Tracing O (6)
  • Letter Tracing P (6)
  • Letter Tracing Q (6)
  • Letter Tracing R (6)
  • Letter Tracing S (6)
  • Letter Tracing T (6)
  • Letter Tracing U (6)
  • Letter Tracing V (6)
  • Letter Tracing W (6)
  • Letter Tracing X (6)
  • Letter Tracing Y (6)
  • Letter Tracing Z (6)
  • General Knowledge (295)
  • Vegetables (19)
  • Fruits (24)
  • Dessert (9)
  • Animals (58)
  • Underwater (9)
  • Dinosaurs (8)
  • Reptiles (9)
  • Seasonal (28)
  • Christmas (12)
  • Halloween (8)
  • Kitchen (11)
  • Utensils (6)
  • Musical Instruments (30)
  • Transport (9)
  • Vehicles (9)
  • Insects (9)
  • Professions (8)
  • Monuments (8)
  • Household Items (8)
  • Flowers (8)
  • Buildings (8)
  • Art & Creativity (236)
  • Coloring (181)
  • Animals (32)
  • Underwater (8)
  • Reptiles (8)
  • Vegetables (8)
  • Transport (8)
  • Vehicles (8)
  • Musical Instruments (8)
  • Kitchen (8)
  • Utensils (5)
  • Insects (8)
  • Rhymes (25)
  • Cooking (7)
  • Stories (10)
  • Logic & Thinking (16)
  • Puzzles (11)
  • Matching (3)
  • Multiplayer (12)
  • Time Based (12)
  • Player vs Player (12)
  • Motor Skills (16)
  • Fine Finger Movement (9)
  • Aiming and Precision (6)

Number Sense Games

Count back and Complete the Sequence Game

Count back and Complete the Sequence Game

Practice the superpower of number sense by learning how to count back and complete the sequence.

Count Along with the Stars from 1 to 3 Game

Count Along with the Stars from 1 to 3 Game

Shine bright in the math world by counting along with the stars from 1 to 3.

Counting Sequence from 1 to 5 Game

Counting Sequence from 1 to 5 Game

Help your little one practice the counting sequence from 1 to 5.

Trace the Number One Game

Trace the Number One Game

Sharpen your number skills by tracing the number one.

Addition Games

Identify Turn Around Facts Game

Identify Turn Around Facts Game

Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by identifying turn around facts.

Compose Numbers to make 10 Game

Compose Numbers to make 10 Game

Begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard by learning how to compose numbers to make 10.

Model to Add Numbers Game

Model to Add Numbers Game

Dive deep into the world of math by modeling to add numbers.

Add and Match Game

Add and Match Game

Take a look at how to add and match with this addition game.

Subtraction Games

Solve Word Problems on Take From Scenarios Game

Solve Word Problems on Take From Scenarios Game

Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by learning to solve word problems on "Take From" scenarios.

Subtract and Match Game

Subtract and Match Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to subtract and match.

Remove and Match the Number Game

  • Remove and Match the Number Game

Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to remove and match the number.

Solve Scenarios with 'Difference Unknown' Game

Solve Scenarios with 'Difference Unknown' Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to solve scenarios with 'Difference Unknown'.

Multiplication Games

Find Facts of 2 Game

Find Facts of 2 Game

Take a deep dive into the world of math by finding facts of 2.

Skip Count to Find the Answer Game

Skip Count to Find the Answer Game

Use your math skills to skip count to find the answer.

Multiply and Answer in Unit Form Game

Multiply and Answer in Unit Form Game

Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to multiply and answer in unit form.

Multiply Three Numbers Game

Multiply Three Numbers Game

Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to multiply three numbers.

Division Games

Complete the Division Expression for Equal Groups Game

Complete the Division Expression for Equal Groups Game

Take a look at how to complete the division expression for equal groups with this game.

Divide Each Expression and Match the Quotient Game

Divide Each Expression and Match the Quotient Game

Kids must divide each expression and match the quotient to practice division.

Find the Quotient Game

Find the Quotient Game

Enter the madness of math-multiverse by learning to find the quotient.

Represent Division on Number Line Game

Represent Division on Number Line Game

Have your own math-themed party by learning how to represent division on number lines.

Fractions Games

Compare Unit Fractions without Visual Models Game

Compare Unit Fractions without Visual Models Game

Have your own math-themed party by learning how to compare unit fractions without visual models.

Compare and Model Greater Fraction Game

Compare and Model Greater Fraction Game

Practice the superpower of fractions by learning how to compare and model greater fractions.

Missing Numerators on Number Lines Game

Missing Numerators on Number Lines Game

Have your own math-themed party by learning how to find the missing numerators on number lines.

Partition into Equal Parts Game

Partition into Equal Parts Game

Kids must partition into equal parts to practice fractions.

Decimals Games

Compare Decimals Using Place Value Chart Game

Compare Decimals Using Place Value Chart Game

Have your own math-themed party by learning how to compare decimals using a place value chart.

Identify Decimal Numbers Using Fraction Models Game

Identify Decimal Numbers Using Fraction Models Game

Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by identifying decimal numbers using fraction models.

Order Decimals with the Help of Place Value Chart Game

Order Decimals with the Help of Place Value Chart Game

Use your decimal skills to order decimals with the help of a place value chart.

Round Tenths Using a Number Line Game

Round Tenths Using a Number Line Game

Enter the madness of math-multiverse by exploring how to round tenths using a number line.

Geometry Games

Find Right Angles Game

Find Right Angles Game

Take the first step towards building your math castle by practicing how to find right angles.

Sort Real-World Shapes Game

Sort Real-World Shapes Game

Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by sorting real-world shapes.

Identify Objects Above and Below Game

Identify Objects Above and Below Game

Learn to solve problems by identifying objects 'above' and 'below'.

Recognize Lines, Line Segments, Rays, Angles Game

Recognize Lines, Line Segments, Rays, Angles Game

Dive deep into the world of geometry by recognizing lines, line segments, rays, angles.

Data Handling Games

Read and Interpret Data using Line Plots Game

Read and Interpret Data using Line Plots Game

Kids must read and interpret data using line plots.

Complete Picture Graphs Game

Complete Picture Graphs Game

Apply your knowledge of measurements to complete picture graphs.

Read and Interpret Data using Bar Graphs Game

Read and Interpret Data using Bar Graphs Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to read and interpret data using bar graphs.

Identify Objects by Color Game

Identify Objects by Color Game

Sharpen your skills by identifying objects by their colors.

Measurement Games

Identify the Object with Shorter Length Game

Identify the Object with Shorter Length Game

Use your measurement skills to identify the object with the shorter length.

Identify the Heavier Object Game

Identify the Heavier Object Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to identify the heavier object.

Identify the Object with Shorter Height Game

Identify the Object with Shorter Height Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to identify the object with the shorter height.

Guess the Correct Unit of Capacity Game

Guess the Correct Unit of Capacity Game

Have your own math-themed party by learning to identify the correct unit of capacity.

Relate Activities with A.M. and P.M. Game

Relate Activities with A.M. and P.M. Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to relate activities with A.M. and P.M.

The Hour Hand Game

The Hour Hand Game

Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by playing 'The Hour Hand' game.

Read Time in Half Hours Game

Read Time in Half Hours Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to read time in half hours.

Identify Quarter Past and Quarter To Game

Identify Quarter Past and Quarter To Game

Take a look at how to identify 'Quarter Past' and 'Quarter To' with this time game.

Money Games

Count Money with Coins of a Type Game

Count Money with Coins of a Type Game

Help your child take flight by learning how to count money with coins of a type.

Different Types of Coins Game

Different Types of Coins Game

Explore different types of coins with your little one.

Order Coins by their Values Game

Order Coins by their Values Game

Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by ordering coins by their values.

Add the Given Amounts of Money Game

Add the Given Amounts of Money Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to add the given amounts of money.

Algebra Games

Fill in the Missing Multiples Game

Fill in the Missing Multiples Game

Sharpen your math skills by filling in the missing multiples.

Understand the Equal Sign Game

Understand the Equal Sign Game

Shine bright in the math world by understanding the equal sign.

Choose the Prime Number Out of the Given Numbers Game

Choose the Prime Number Out of the Given Numbers Game

Kids must choose the prime number out of the given numbers to practice algebra.

Complete the Pattern of Tens Game

Complete the Pattern of Tens Game

Dive deep into the world of addition by completing the pattern of tens.

Word Problems Games

Solve the Word Problems Related to Multiplication Game

Solve the Word Problems Related to Multiplication Game

Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning to solve word problems related to multiplication.

Word Problems on How many Tens Game

Word Problems on How many Tens Game

Learn to solve world problems on 'How many Tens' with this game.

Solve Subtraction Scenarios Game

Solve Subtraction Scenarios Game

Apply your knowledge to solve subtraction scenarios.

Adding One by Making a Model Game

Adding One by Making a Model Game

Treat yourself to an immersive learning experience with our 'Adding One by Making a Model' game.

Reading Games

What's the cause? - Part 1 Game

What's the cause? - Part 1 Game

Use your language skills to determine 'what's the cause' (Part 1).

Can You Find the Uppercase Letter A? Game

Can You Find the Uppercase Letter A? Game

To play this game, find the uppercase letter A.

What's the effect? - Part 1 Game

What's the effect? - Part 1 Game

Determine the answer to 'What's the effect' (Part 1) by playing this game.

Can You Find the Lowercase Letter a? Game

Can You Find the Lowercase Letter a? Game

To play this game, find the lowercase letter a.

Writing Games

Tracing Small Letters With Standing & Curvy Lines - a, d & q Game

Tracing Small Letters With Standing & Curvy Lines - a, d & q Game

Practice tracing small letters with standing and curvy lines - a, d and q.

Let's Make the Letter A Game

Let's Make the Letter A Game

Let's take a look at how to make the letter A with this game.

Tracing Big Letters With Sleeping & Slanting Lines - A, V, W, X, Y & Z Game

Tracing Big Letters With Sleeping & Slanting Lines - A, V, W, X, Y & Z Game

Practice tracing big letters with sleeping & slanting lines - A, V, W, X, Y & Z.

Time to Trace Uppercase A Game

Time to Trace Uppercase A Game

Learn language skills by practicing to trace uppercase A.

Cookie: Chef Yum Yum Game

Cookie: Chef Yum Yum Game

Step into the kitchen and bake mouthwatering cookies.

Banana: Tropical Coloring Adventure Game

Banana: Tropical Coloring Adventure Game

Dive into a fruity adventure and paint vibrant bananas.

Vibrant Bell Pepper Coloring Adventure Game

Vibrant Bell Pepper Coloring Adventure Game

Explore the world of fruits and vegetables and paint colorful bell peppers in this interactive coloring game.

Cheese-Themed Coloring Fun Game

Cheese-Themed Coloring Fun Game

Paint delicious blocks of cheese with vibrant colors.

Animals Games

Iguana: Picture Perfect Game

Iguana: Picture Perfect Game

Dive into the world of reptiles and paint picture-perfect iguanas in this engaging game.

Dive into the Turtle Picture Game

Dive into the Turtle Picture Game

Embrace your artistic side and create a beautiful picture of an adorable turtle in this engaging game.

Allosaurus: Dinosaur Coloring Adventure Game

Allosaurus: Dinosaur Coloring Adventure Game

Travel back in time and paint fierce allosaurs with vibrant colors.

Dive into Clownfish Coloring Game

Dive into Clownfish Coloring Game

Dive into an underwater adventure and paint vibrant clownfish swimming amidst coral reefs in this game.

Seasonal Games

Bat Coloring Adventure Game

Bat Coloring Adventure Game

Paint enchanting bats with a burst of colors in this coloring adventure game.

Ringing Bells Coloring Adventure Game

Ringing Bells Coloring Adventure Game

Jingle all the way with colorful bells in this exciting coloring adventure game.

Christmas Pudding Coloring Magic Game

Christmas Pudding Coloring Magic Game

Celebrate the holidays with a burst of colors in this coloring adventure game.

Mysterious Black Cat Coloring Adventure Game

Mysterious Black Cat Coloring Adventure Game

Bring mischievous black cats to life with vibrant colors.

Kitchen Games

Kitchenware Coloring Game: The Fork

Kitchenware Coloring Game: The Fork

Explore the beauty of everyday objects and paint detailed illustrations of forks in this coloring adventure game.

Shiny Glass Coloring Adventure Game

Shiny Glass Coloring Adventure Game

Unleash your creativity and paint intricate glass objects in this immersive coloring adventure game.

Knife Coloring Game Adventure

Knife Coloring Game Adventure

Discover the art of illustration and paint detailed depictions of knives in this engaging coloring adventure game.

Donut: Chef Yum Yum Game

Donut: Chef Yum Yum Game

Step into the kitchen and create mouthwatering donuts.

Musical Instruments Games

Groovy Guitar Coloring Adventure Game

Groovy Guitar Coloring Adventure Game

Strum your artistic skills and paint rocking guitars in this coloring adventure game.

Maracas Shake Up Your Coloring Skills Game

Maracas Shake Up Your Coloring Skills Game

Paint vibrant maracas and bring the rhythm to life in this coloring adventure game.

Drum Beat Coloring Fun Game

Drum Beat Coloring Fun Game

Let your creativity beat to the rhythm and paint vibrant drums.

Musical Flute Coloring Fun Game

Musical Flute Coloring Fun Game

Paint melodious flutes with a burst of colors in this coloring adventure game.

Birds Games

Albatross: Picture Perfect Game

Albatross: Picture Perfect Game

Soar through the skies with vibrant albatrosses in this picture perfect game.

Dive into Colors with Ducks Game

Dive into Colors with Ducks Game

Dive into a pond of colors with ducks in this picture perfect game.

Eagle: Picture Perfect Game

Eagle: Picture Perfect Game

Spread your wings and paint majestic eagles in this picture perfect game.

Chicken: Picture Perfect Game

Chicken: Picture Perfect Game

Paint charming chickens in this picture perfect game.

Space Games

Balloon Pop - Unknown Flying Object:UFO: Toss Up Game

Balloon Pop - Unknown Flying Object:UFO: Toss Up Game

Test your tossing skills and pop balloons to reveal unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in this exciting game.

Space Hunt: Peek A Boo Game

Space Hunt: Peek A Boo Game

Embark on a space-themed adventure and search for hidden objects in this interactive game.

Transport Games

Airplane: Sky-high Coloring Adventure Game

Airplane: Sky-high Coloring Adventure Game

Embark on an artistic journey and paint dynamic airplanes taking flight in this coloring adventure game.

Helicopter Coloring Game: Sky High Fun

Helicopter Coloring Game: Sky High Fun

Let your creativity take flight as you paint vibrant illustrations of helicopters in this engaging coloring game.

Master Garage Management Game

Master Garage Management Game

Become a master of organization and park cars in this garage management game.

Insects Games

Beetle Coloring Adventure Game

Beetle Coloring Adventure Game

Embark on a colorful journey and paint fascinating beetles.

Buzzing Bee Coloring Adventure Game

Buzzing Bee Coloring Adventure Game

Buzz with creativity and paint adorable bees with a palette of colors.

Caterpillar Coloring Adventure Game

Caterpillar Coloring Adventure Game

Paint cute caterpillars with a burst of colors in this coloring adventure game.

Beautiful Butterfly Coloring Adventure Game

Beautiful Butterfly Coloring Adventure Game

Let your creativity take flight and paint breathtaking butterflies.

Scene Games

Beach Scene Coloring Adventure Game

Beach Scene Coloring Adventure Game

Dive into a tropical paradise and paint a vibrant beach scene in this coloring adventure game.

Autumn Fall: Seasonal Coloring Adventure Game

Autumn Fall: Seasonal Coloring Adventure Game

Paint a picturesque autumn scene and immerse yourself in the beauty of fall in this coloring adventure game.

Exciting Circus Coloring Experience Game

Exciting Circus Coloring Experience Game

Unleash your creativity and paint a vibrant circus scene filled with excitement and joy in this coloring adventure game.

Jungle Game: Wild Coloring Adventures

Jungle Game: Wild Coloring Adventures

Immerse yourself in the wild and paint a lush jungle scene teeming with life in this coloring adventure game.

Professions Games

Astronaut: Space Coloring Adventure Game

Astronaut: Space Coloring Adventure Game

Embark on a cosmic coloring adventure and paint a vibrant astronaut in this game.

Farmer's Coloring Journey Game

Farmer's Coloring Journey Game

Dive into the agricultural world and paint a cheerful farmer in this coloring adventure game.

Chef's Coloring Journey Game

Chef's Coloring Journey Game

Unleash your inner artist and paint a vibrant chef in this coloring adventure game.

Doctor's Coloring Journey Game

Doctor's Coloring Journey Game

Use your artistic skills to paint a compassionate doctor in this coloring adventure game.

Monuments Games

Experience Colosseum Coloring Game

Experience Colosseum Coloring Game

Travel back in time and color the magnificent Colosseum with vibrant hues.

Eiffel Tower Coloring Experience Game

Eiffel Tower Coloring Experience Game

Embark on a Parisian coloring adventure and paint the iconic Eiffel Tower.

Liberty Bell Coloring Game Adventure

Liberty Bell Coloring Game Adventure

Paint the symbol of freedom, the Liberty Bell, with a burst of colors.

London Bridge Coloring Game Adventure

London Bridge Coloring Game Adventure

Create a picturesque scene by coloring the iconic London Bridge.

Household Items Games

Balloon: Sky-high Coloring Adventure Game

Balloon: Sky-high Coloring Adventure Game

Let your creativity soar and paint vibrant balloons in this coloring adventure game.

Ball: Bouncy Coloring Adventure Game

Ball: Bouncy Coloring Adventure Game

Paint bouncy balls with a burst of colors and bring them to life.

Book Coloring Adventure Game

Book Coloring Adventure Game

Dive into a world of imagination and color books with vibrant hues.

Chair Coloring Adventure Game

Chair Coloring Adventure Game

Express your artistic touch and paint stylish chairs in this coloring adventure game.

Flowers Games

Lily Coloring Game Adventure

Lily Coloring Game Adventure

Dive into a world of elegance and color lilies with vibrant hues.

Delightful Daisy Coloring Game

Delightful Daisy Coloring Game

Paint vibrant daisies and bring the beauty of flowers to life.

Jasmine Game: Fragrant Coloring Fun

Jasmine Game: Fragrant Coloring Fun

Explore the world of jasmine flowers with a burst of colors.

Lotus An Exciting Coloring Game Adventure

Lotus An Exciting Coloring Game Adventure

Paint serene lotus flowers and create a tranquil atmosphere.

Buildings Games

Bakery: Delicious Coloring Game

Bakery: Delicious Coloring Game

Step into a sweet world and color delicious treats in this coloring adventure game.

Church-Themed Coloring Fun Game

Church-Themed Coloring Fun Game

Paint a beautiful church with a rainbow of colors in this coloring adventure game.

Exciting Bank Coloring Adventure Game

Exciting Bank Coloring Adventure Game

Color a bustling bank scene with vibrant colors in this coloring adventure game.

Creative Barber Shop Coloring Adventure Game

Creative Barber Shop Coloring Adventure Game

Bring the barber shop to life with colorful hues in this coloring adventure game.

Colors Games

Uncover Hidden Green Shapes Game

  • Uncover Hidden Green Shapes Game

Test your visual acuity and uncover hidden green shapes in this thrilling game.

Blue: Sneaky Shapes Game

Blue: Sneaky Shapes Game

Sharpen your observation skills and spot hidden blue shapes in this engaging game.

Pink: Sneaky Shapes Game

Pink: Sneaky Shapes Game

Exercise your perception and discover hidden pink shapes in this captivating game.

Spot Hidden Orange Shapes Game

Spot Hidden Orange Shapes Game

Train your eyes and spot hidden orange shapes in this challenging game.

Coloring Games

Cupcake Coloring Fun Game

  • Cupcake Coloring Fun Game

Decorate delightful cupcakes with a splash of colors.

Hot Air Balloon Coloring Adventures: A Sky High Colorfest Game

Hot Air Balloon Coloring Adventures: A Sky High Colorfest Game

Experience the joy of floating in the sky and paint delightful hot air balloons in this coloring adventure game.

4th of July: Creative Coloring Adventure Game

4th of July: Creative Coloring Adventure Game

Paint a festive scene filled with red, white, and blue to commemorate the 4th of July in this coloring adventure game.

Ape: Jungle Coloring Adventure Game

Ape: Jungle Coloring Adventure Game

Embark on a coloring adventure with playful apes.

Music Games

Play Baba Black Sheep Band Jam Game

Play Baba Black Sheep Band Jam Game

Join the band and play the popular song "Baba Baba Black Sheep" in this interactive game.

Dive into Mulberry Bush Band Jam Game

Dive into Mulberry Bush Band Jam Game

Join the band and play the classic song "Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush" in this interactive game.

Enjoy the All of Me Juke Box Game

Enjoy the All of Me Juke Box Game

Show off your singing skills and perform the popular song "All of Me" in this interactive game.

Experience Down They Go Juke Box Game

Experience Down They Go Juke Box Game

Sing along and perform the catchy song "Down They Go" in this interactive game.

Cooking Games

Pizza: Chef Yum Yum Game

Pizza: Chef Yum Yum Game

Become a master pizza chef and create delicious pizzas.

Cupcake: Chef Yum Yum Game

Cupcake: Chef Yum Yum Game

Let your creativity shine and decorate delightful cupcakes.

Ice Cream: Chef Yum Yum Game

Ice Cream: Chef Yum Yum Game

Scoop up the fun and make mouthwatering ice cream creations.

Stories Games

Dive into Busy Body Sleep Solution Juke Box Game

Dive into Busy Body Sleep Solution Juke Box Game

Listen to calming tunes and relax your body for a peaceful sleep in this interactive game.

Explore Little Turtle's Dream Juke Box Game

Explore Little Turtle's Dream Juke Box Game

Join Little Turtle on a musical adventure and explore his dream world in this interactive game.

Enjoy Dream Vacation Juke Box Game

Enjoy Dream Vacation Juke Box Game

Take a musical journey to your dream vacation destination in this immersive game.

Enjoy Going Batty Juke Box Game

Enjoy Going Batty Juke Box Game

Sing and groove to the catchy tune of "Going Batty" in this interactive jukebox game.

Puzzles Games

Sneaky Shapes Game

Sneaky Shapes Game

Sharpen your observation skills and uncover hidden shapes.

Challenge Two of a Kind Game

Challenge Two of a Kind Game

Sharpen your memory and find matching pairs in this engaging game.

Play Word Detective Game

  • Play Word Detective Game

Put your word skills to the test and solve puzzles like a detective.

Picture Perfect Game

Picture Perfect Game

Paint, draw, and express your artistic skills in this picture perfect game.

Time Based Games

Number Ninja: Fun Math Arcade Game

Number Ninja: Fun Math Arcade Game

Become a number ninja and slice through math challenges.

Speedy Snails Game

Speedy Snails Game

Join the speedy snails in a thrilling race for victory.

Dive into Sky Boxes Game

Dive into Sky Boxes Game

Test your stacking skills and reach new heights in this sky-high game.

Challenge Match-Up Puzzles Game

Challenge Match-Up Puzzles Game

Test your memory and matching skills in this engaging puzzle game.

Player vs Player Games

Experience Polyword Game

Experience Polyword Game

Dive into the world of polywords and solve challenging puzzles.

Cooking Adventure Game

Cooking Adventure Game

Get ready for a cooking adventure and satisfy hungry customers.

Dive into Arty Crafty Game

Dive into Arty Crafty Game

Let your artistic skills shine and create amazing crafts.

Challenge the City Stacker Game

Challenge the City Stacker Game

Build a magnificent city by stacking colorful buildings.

Fine Finger Movement Games

Discover The Dancing Jungle Game

Discover The Dancing Jungle Game

Shake, groove, and dance with the animals in the vibrant jungle.

Aiming and Precision Games

Dive into The Origami Aquarium Game

Dive into The Origami Aquarium Game

Dive into the world of origami with this aquarium game.

Balloon Pop: Toss Up Game

Balloon Pop: Toss Up Game

Enjoy popping balloons in this exciting toss up game.

Ball Dunk: Toss Up Game

Ball Dunk: Toss Up Game

Test your skills and dunk balls in this toss up game.

Feed The Bin: Toss Up Game

Feed The Bin: Toss Up Game

Feed the hungry bin by tossing objects accurately.

All Games Games

Quickly Tell the Number of Things up to 10 Game

Quickly Tell the Number of Things up to 10 Game

Have your own math-themed party by learning how to quickly tell the number of things up to 10.

Add Two Numbers (Up to 5) Game

Add Two Numbers (Up to 5) Game

Ask your little one to add two numbers (Up to 5) to play this game.

Solve 'Take Apart' Scenarios Game

Solve 'Take Apart' Scenarios Game

Take the pressure off by simplifying subtraction by solving 'Take Apart' scenarios.

Divide Objects into Equal Groups Game

Divide Objects into Equal Groups Game

Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by helping them divide objects into equal groups.

Use Words to Identify Decimal Notations Game

Use Words to Identify Decimal Notations Game

Ask your little one to use words to identify decimal notations to play this game.

The Minute Hand Game

The Minute Hand Game

Take a look at the minute hand with this fun game about time.

Represent Money using Symbols Game

Represent Money using Symbols Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to represent money using symbols.

Word Problems to Count by Tens Game

Word Problems to Count by Tens Game

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to solve word problems to count by tens.

Buffalo: Picture Perfect Game

Buffalo: Picture Perfect Game

Explore the world of buffalos in this picture perfect game.

Kettle Game: Steaming Coloring Fun

Kettle Game: Steaming Coloring Fun

Paint charming kettles with a burst of colors in this coloring adventure game.

Alien: Space Coloring Adventure Game

Alien: Space Coloring Adventure Game

Let your imagination run wild and paint unique and colorful aliens in this adventure-packed coloring game.

Toss Up Game

Toss Up Game

Challenge your accuracy and toss objects to hit various targets.

Magic Canvas Color Your Imagination Game

  • Magic Canvas Color Your Imagination Game

Let your imagination soar and create enchanting art on a magical canvas.

Dive into Get Set Quiz Game

Dive into Get Set Quiz Game

Get ready to quiz yourself and challenge your knowledge in this interactive game.

Peek A Boo Game

Peek A Boo Game

Peek-a-boo! Have fun and uncover surprises in this engaging game.

Identify Embedded Numbers Game

Identify Embedded Numbers Game

Help your child take flight by learning how to identify embedded numbers.

Finding Sum (Up to 10) Game

Finding Sum (Up to 10) Game

Dive deep into the world of addition by finding the sum (up to 10).

Educational Games for Kids

Educational games are very effective in promoting learning. Online learning games for kids help them to develop valuable skills from arithmetic to word recognition, number sense to writing, and much more. Games make learning effective by merging learning and practice with fun. Children have a great time mastering essential curriculum concepts by playing interactive learning games from a varied selection online. Moreover, these games are designed according to the CCSS curriculum. They offer an interactive learning environment that adapts to a child's learning pace and level. They provide immediate feedback, reinforcing correct answers and allowing for mistakes as part of the learning process. 

Types of Educational and Learning Games for Kids

A wide range of subjects are covered by these learning games suitable for Pre-K to Grade 5. It ensures that children can explore and excel in various areas of their interest. Whether it's improving Math skills or enhancing ELA proficiency, educational games are proving to be a valuable tool in the learning journey of kids. Games for kids online not only supplement traditional learning but also provide a fun and innovative approach to learning.

Math games include fun games for kids on essential topics such as number sense, arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), fractions, decimals, geometry, measurement, time, money, algebra, and word problems. Every topic is further divided into bite-sized concepts (as per the curriculum) to make the games simple and easy for kids to understand and play. Explore educational Math games for kids to get a better idea!

ELA games refer to English Language Arts games. These games include fun curriculum-aligned activities to learn and master reading and writing skills. Reading games in ELA teach phonics skills to kids in an engaging way. Writing games include fun activities such as tracing letters and writing sight words. Browse our ELA games for kids for more information!

General Knowledge Games

Every parent hopes that their children gain not only textbook knowledge but also an understanding of the world around them. With this purpose in mind, we offer GK Games for kids which cover lots of topics such as food, birds and animals, flowers, kitchen and household items, musical instruments, space, transport, insects, different professions, colors, toys, and much more! The idea is to introduce a wide variety of topics through fun activities such as coloring. Visit General Knowledge Games for kids to explore more!

Art & Creativity Games

Art and creativity is an important part of our lives. Helping children to pursue their imagination and creative interests helps their overall development. Arts and creativity games go beyond entertainment and cover topics such as coloring, music (rhymes and poems), cooking, and fun stories! 

Ready to spark creativity in your kids? Try our Art and Creativity Games today and watch your child's talents bloom!

Logic & Thinking Games

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about logic and thinking is “Puzzles.” Our logic and thinking games include lots of challenging puzzle games based on numbers, pictures, matching shapes, building shapes, and more such fun topics! Visit Logic and Thinking Games and take your children on a fun adventure!

Multiplayer Games

What can be more fun than enjoying your favorite games with your buddies? Multiplayer games allow kids to engage with friends promoting teamwork, healthy competition, and strategic thinking in a virtual environment. Visit Multiplayer Games and explore time based games, player vs. player games, etc. 

Motor Skills Games

Motor skills in kids refers to both fine motor skills (precise movements like writing) and gross motor skills (larger movements like running). Developing motor skills is vital for physical coordination, dexterity, and overall physical and cognitive development in children. Check out Motor Skills Games for kids and explore fun learning games to improve fine finger movement and also aim and precision. 

Features of Fun Educational Games for Kids

  • Play on multiple devices : Online games for kids can be played on multiple devices.
  • Engaging and rewarding games : Children can purchase assets for their characters and more with the coins they earn through practice.
  • Offline access : These interactive games for kids can also be played offline for an interruption-free experience.

Benefits of Online Educational Games for Kids

  • Personalized learning: With personalized learning and entertaining rewards, online games strengthen students' confidence when solving mathematics and ELA problems. 
  • Fun prompts and consistent techniques : Kids’ learning games can provide a better learning approach for students as prompts and consistent techniques emphasizing the basics of math and ELA can assist your child in improving their knowledge. 
  • Powerful visuals : Online learning games involve engaging visuals that educate students about complex topics effortlessly and present a way to work through them with ease.

What Are the 5 Best Games and Activities for Kids?

Here are 5 fun educational games online offered by SplashLearn:

Number Hunt : 2 - Worksheet

How do you help kids practice different educational concepts in the curriculum?

  • Provide online printable worksheets such as Math worksheets and ELA worksheets for effective practice of essential concepts.
  • Explore children’s learning games aligned with the curriculum and grade level. Include kids’ learning games in your child’s daily routine to offer hands-on learning and build a daily learning habit.

Are there any free trial options to test out these games?

Yes, parents can sign in and try SplashLearn educational games and other resources with a 7-day free trial. For teachers, SplashLearn is 100% free. Teachers can register to explore all SplashLearn games and resources for free!

How does SplashLearn ensure personalized learning through its online educational games?

The SplashLearn’s adaptive algorithm creates an individualized learning path for each child, suitable for their grade level and skills. This allows kids to learn at their own pace.

What age group are these games designed for?

SplashLearn games are suitable for ages 2 to 11. SplashLearn also serves as a valuable resource for older children with special needs, helping them bridge the gap to their grade level and master basics.

How can I make teaching fun for kids through games?

Teaching English and math concepts through children’s learning games can be really engaging and enjoyable for students. Including activities and online interactive games that promote critical thinking and creativity can truly help with in-depth learning of various concepts.

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48 Fun & Inventive Games For Two-Year-Olds

November 16, 2023 //  by  Seda Unlucay

At age two, your toddler is most likely starting to develop abilities to strategize and understand simple concepts, acquire new vocabulary, and learn to sort colors and shapes. They are also developing hand-eye coordination, balance, spatial recognition, and social skills. These games—including concentration and memory games, pretend play, art activities, sensory bin ideas, and colorful crafts—will give them plenty of opportunities to develop their growing skills while letting their imagination run wild. So, dive in and get ready to discover some educational entertainment for your little ones!

Related Content:

  • Games for Kids
  • Games for 1-Year-Olds
  • Games for 3-Year-Olds
  • Games for 4-Year-Olds
  • Games for 5-Year-Olds
  • Games for 6-Year-Olds
  • Games for 7-Year-Olds
  • Games for 8-Year-Olds
  • Games for 9-Year-Olds
  • Games for 10-Year-Olds

1. Gingerbread Cloud Dough Sensory Bin

learning educational games for 2 year olds

This gingerbread sensory bin includes scented cloud dough to engage your little one’s senses. Providing cookie cutters and other child-sized tools will give your toddler plenty of fine motor practice.

Learn More: Views From A Step Stool

2. Marbled Doily Hearts


These marbled hearts are a beautiful craft for Valentine’s Day—or any time you want to spread a little love! Have your two-year-can start by squirting fluffy shaving cream out for this craft; even that first step is sure to be a hit. Then, help them to marble the foam with paint and press paper doilies on top. This activity makes for a unique sensory experience and results in lovely, textured artwork! The marbled doilies can be cut into hearts and used as textured wrapping paper, room decorations, or for sharing heartfelt notes with family and friends.

3. Kitchen Match-Up


Your toddler will love matching everyday kitchen utensils to their proper places on this memory board. To create this fun challenge, you’ll simply trace distinctively shaped tools on paper and then let your little one match the object to the shape. This game will keep them busy as it builds spatial reasoning and problem-solving skills while developing their vocabulary.

Learn More: Days with Grey

4. Size Sorting Box


This simple but engaging game will challenge your young learner to sort markers, crayons, or objects of their choice into their proper slots. You can make your little one their very own sorting box by cutting holes in the top of any container with a lid—that’s it! Then, lay out some different-sized objects and your little one can have a blast trying to figure out how to insert them into their box.

Learn More: Busy Toddler

5. Have Fun with a Colorful Game

learning educational games for 2 year olds

This color-matching game requires toddlers to use fine motor skills to maneuver Duplo blocks onto their correct places on the board. Set out Duplo blocks in simple color arrangements and challenge your child to match the colors as they add in their own blocks. To further enhance their learning, you can say the name of each color Aloud as they fill in each space with the correct block.

Learn More: Happy Tot Shelf

6. Number Two Learning Game

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This is a great way to celebrate your toddler turning two. Draw a large two—or any other number—and let your little one color and trace to their heart’s content. You can also cut and paste other shapes or objects while practicing their counting skills. This is a quick way to develop their motor skills while introducing numbers and counting.

Learn More: Toddler Approved

7. Learn Shapes with a Physical Activity


This fun two-year-old activity requires only a small ball and some painter’s tape formed into various shapes. You and your little one can roll a ball back and forth across the floor. As it rolls over each shape,  you can call out their names to reinforce their learning—or even encourage your child to do so.

Learn More: Hand On As We Grow

8. Cork Painted Snowflake Craft


This wintery craft requires only construction paper and some corks to use for painting. You can cut out a large paper snowflake and then invite your little one to create their own snowy masterpiece by painting circles with corks. Not enough for your toddler? You can also let their imagination run wild and incorporate glitter, stickers, or even beads!

Learn More: No Time for Flashcards

9. Bubble Painting With Bubble Blowers

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This creative painting activity requires only regular bubble mixture and liquid food coloring, but your little one will use them to create some truly striking art! All you need to do is mix a small amount of food coloring in with your bubble mixture. Your kiddo can then blow bubbles directly onto white paper and watch as a magical scene emerges!

Learn More: Childhood 101

10. DIY Cut-Up Straw Bracelet


Do you have a toddler who’s passionate about accessories? This DIY colored straw bracelet is a simple and inexpensive activity for learning about patterns and colors while developing fine motor skills. Simply cut some different colored straws into small sections to act as your “beads”. Next, guide your little one in stringing their beads onto string to craft charming bracelets. They’ll love wearing and showing off their creations!

Learn More: Creative Connections for Kids

11. Create A School of Colorful Forked Fish

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These colorful fish require only cardstock, tempera paints, and plastic forks. Your young learners will love painting with these unusual “paint brushes”—forks! They can get creative experimenting with different ways to hold the fork— tapping, scratching, or whirling them to create a variety of different patterns and shapes.

Learn More: Fantastic Fun and Learning

12. Make Some Bubble Wrap Eggs

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Bubble wrap makes for a fun and interesting texture for kids to explore; it’s also a great way to develop their fine motor and sensory skills, as they have to resist the urge to press down too hard and pop the bubbles! For this egg-cellent craft, your little one will use bubble wrap and paint to create a polka dot pattern on paper Easter eggs. It’s a quick, festive, and colorful way to spend an afternoon!

Learn More: The Chaos and Clutter

13. Giant Water Bead Activity

learning educational games for 2 year olds

These large, transparent, and colorful water beads aren’t only biodegradable but also very versatile. They’re squishy and fun to stretch out or break into pieces making them an ideal choice for sensory play as well as to develop cognitive and social skills and practice counting. Fill a sink, bathtub, or even a wading pool with these jumbo delights for a sensory experience like no other.

Learn More: Hello Wonderful

14. Make a “Fill it Up” Station


This twist on a classic sensory bin is a perfect way for your child to learn scooping and filling skills—while having lots of messy fun in the process. To set up this activity, fill one bin with something “scoopable” like uncooked rice or beans. Then, place that bin inside an even larger, empty bin, along with a variety of cups, bowls, spoons, and other scoops. Let your toddler practice scooping and pouring in whatever way they like!

15. Make Your Own Edible Play Dough

learning educational games for 2 year olds

This edible play dough can be made from everyday kitchen ingredients, using a simple dough recipe that can be flavored with additional ingredients of your choice. Your toddler can enjoy plenty of squishy sensory play, and you can enjoy not worrying about them putting it in their mouth—as they most surely will!

Learn More: All Recipes

16. Hide-and-Seek Matching Game


This hide-and-seek matching game will challenge your little learner to find pairs of objects in a sensory bin. Simply hide pairs of small objects in a sensory bin—then see if your toddler can find them! Talk about a hands-on way to develop problem-solving, counting, and sorting skills.

Learn More: The Imagination Tree

17. Rainbow Matching Puzzle

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Your two-year-old will adore this colorful rainbow matching game ! Matching is a classic game for practicing the concept of parts and whole while developing visual discernment skills. As your little one assembles these colorful, toddler-appropriate puzzles, it’s a great opportunity to help them learn their colors.

Learn More: Teach Me, Mommy

18. Make Handprint Firework Art


This easy handprint craft makes for a creative way to keep track of how your toddler is growing month to month or year to year. Your child will love the sticky feeling of having their hand painted—and seeing the impression it makes as you help them create vibrant fireworks with their handprints! 

Learn More: Crafty Morning

19. Bathtub Soap Paint


Letting your toddler play in the tub with this soap-based take on paint is an easy way to contain the mess of their artistic creations. You can make your own “soap paint” with an easy mix of cornstarch, water, soap or shampoo, and food coloring. Give a variety of colors to your little artist in your bathtub and let the artistry commence!

Learn More: Eating Grichly

20. Make Farm Animals from Paper Plates


Do you have a few extra paper plates lying around? Using some colorful paint and plenty of imagination, you can help your toddler turn them into their own adorable farm animals! They can create chicks, cows, lambs, or whatever animal their creative minds can come up with! You can also complete this as a seasonal craft—chicks for spring, turkeys for Thanksgiving, and so on.

Learn more: Mess for Less

21. Explore Floating and Sinking with Bath Toys

Bathtime is not only relaxing and fun—it’s also a great opportunity for learning about the concepts of floating and sinking. Present your toddler with a variety of toys; being sure to include ones of differing weights. Demonstrate how the toys will float or sink in the water—get your little one involved by challenging them to first guess whether each one will sink or not!

Learn More: My Bored Toddler

22. Velcro Dots Tower


This fun activity consists of matching colorful blocks to a plastic tower using velcro dots. You can create a DIY color-matching tower using just an empty food container, paint, velcro dots, and colored blocks. Show your little one how to match the blocks to the colors on the tower and then let them try their hand at it. It’s an engaging way to build color recognition, counting, sorting, and fine motor skills .

Learn More: School Time Snippets

23. Have Fun With Tiny Pom-Poms

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Here’s a no-mess way to entertain your toddler and build their fine motor skills: simply guide your child in placing pom-poms on the suction cups of bath toys. Matching the pompoms to the scooped pockets will make for a fun but challenging coordination activity!

Learn More: Powerful Mothering

24. Explore the Beauty of Flowers


Flowers aren’t just for decoration! Fresh flowers make for a wonderful opportunity for your toddler to explore cutting, arranging, bouquet making, vase placing, and petal plucking and sorting. This open-ended activity is also a great way to start a discussion with them about different textures and colors—helping their powers of observation and description.

Learn More: Laly Mom

25. Make Some Colorful Butterfly Art


Your toddler will love making their own butterfly using glitter glue, shiny stars, and some googly eyes. You’ll simply cut a simple butterfly shape out of colored paper and invite your child to decorate it however they’d like. Once they’re done, why not take them outside for some flying fun in the garden?

26. Wear Sunglasses


This is a cute twist on playing dress-up. You’ll just need some sunglasses sticky notes—either purchase them or cut out your own. Then, find a book or magazine with pictures of humans or animals and have your toddler attach and remove the glasses on each character. Apart from being a fun concentration-based game, this activity will help you develop their hand and eye coordination.

Learn More: Sparkling Buds

27. Create a Bubble Wrap Runway

Popping bubbles - run, crawl, hop - whatever you can do to pop!

An activity that involves movement and noise—what could be better? Secure strips of bubble wrap to the floor with painter’s tape to start the fun; they can jump and pop as much as they want! Prompt further learning by asking your child to count how many jumps, steps, and hops it takes them to get to the end of the runway, or let them drive toy vehicles over the bubble wrap to pop those bubbles. There’s no end to the different ways to enjoy this setup! 

Learn More: Hands On As We Grow

28. Jungle Vine Gross Motor Activity

jungle vine gross motor activity for preschool

Welcome to the jungle! This is a good rainy day gross motor skills activity that can work even if you only have a small amount of space available. Start by setting up some chairs by placing them back to back and opposite from one another; leaving a space down the middle big enough for your toddler to crawl through. Then, create your jungle vines by attaching strips of streamer paper around the chair backs and chair legs for your toddler to navigate. Your kiddos will love pretending they’re rainforest animals crawling through the jungle!

Learn More: Paper and Glue

 29. Shaving Cream Cake Decorating

Four-year-old boy is spreading shaving cream on a box to look like a cake.

Shaving cream is always a messy win! Set up a cardboard box lined with greaseproof paper, some shaving foam, colorful buttons, and sprinkles—this will be your child’s “cake” to decorate! Guide them in spreading the shaving cream like icing. Your toddler will love the feel of the shaving foam on their little hands; and by adding some tools, such as a plastic butter knife, they’ll be working on their fine motor skills too. They can finish off their cakes by adding buttons, sprinkles, and other decorative elements.

Learn More: Days wit h Grey

 30. Giant Nail Salon

learning educational games for 2 year olds

If you have some cardboard and paint, you can help your littles set up their own beauty shop! Flatten out a cardboard box, trace your hand several times around the edges, and then draw on some fingernails. Next, set out different colored paints in an ice cube tray with either small brushes or Q-tips. Your little one can then paint the nails to give their clients manicures. They’ll love the creativity that this game inspires as they exercise their fine motor skills!

Learn More: Happy Toddler Playtime

31. Scrap Artwork

learning educational games for 2 year olds

This activity is super eco-friendly! Simply grab a few odds and ends from your craft drawer—like bits of paper, card, tissue paper, etc.—and have your toddlers rip or cut them into fun shapes to make a collage. Waste-not-want-not!

Learn More: KidPlayDo

32. Create a Color Wheel 

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Help your little artist learn their colors! On a large circle of poster paper, mark out five or six segments. Then, have your littles paint each one a different color. Make things more imaginative by providing them with a few different colored objects, such as pom-poms, tissue paper, beads, etc., and allowing them to glue these to the corresponding colored segment!

Learn More: Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds

33. Make Frozen Paint Popsicles

learning educational games for 2 year olds

This idea is super fun! Simply squeeze some toddler-friendly paint into an ice cube or popsicle tray (washable finger paint works well). Stick a popsicle stick in the middle of the paint and freeze it overnight. In the morning, you’ll have these cute frozen “popsicles” to paint with! Your toddler will love watching the colors melt together.

Learn More: Learn with Play at Home

 34. Create a Face Painting Kit

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Kids love face paint. Set up a face painting station with face paints, brushes, sponges, and mirrors—and be sure to include a palette so your toddler can mix colors together, which adds to the creative experience. When you have everything you need in one place, let the face-painting fun begin! Offer yourself up as a model for a sweet bonding experience!

Learn More: 30days

 35. Create a Dress-Up Bin

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Playing dress-up is always a fun idea! Check out your local thrift stores—or even your closet!—for old dress-up costumes, and accessories. Put together a dress-up bin for your little one and watch the play unfold. Allowing them to experiment with putting different clothing combinations together will see their vocabulary widen and their imaginations soar.

Learn More: Tiny Beans

36. Make a Confetti Collage

Confetti Collage - an easy and fun art activity

This is a great way to use up any extra scraps of paper you have lying around—while also giving your toddler a great sensory experience that will enhance their fine motor skills. Use a hole punch to punch some different colored papers, collect the discarded holes, and use these for your confetti. Then, show your toddler how to glue them onto paper to make a collage—or use paint to add more texture and color. 

Learn More: Picklebums

  37. Animal Yoga Poses

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Kids love to move—and they can do it a lot more easily and naturally than adults! Lean into this by giving your toddler some gentle encouragement and structure by introducing yoga practice. There are lots of resources for toddler yoga online, but these animal poses are a perfect start for little bodies!

Learn More: Kids Yoga Stories

38. Make a Music Station

Backyard Design:  DIY Outdoor Sound Wall/Music Station from Fun at Home with Kids

Learning about sound is an important experience for children. Create a DIY outdoor music station for your toddler by securing some pans, trays, and cups in an outdoor space—then, allow them to experiment with sound and get some fresh air and exercise by using different tools to create different rhythms and beats!

Learn More: Fun at Home with Kids

 39. Float That Boat

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Toddlers plus water equals lots of laughter and mess! Your little one will love this fun boat activity. First, fill a water tray. Then you’ll need some boats—craft some simple ones with colored plastic cups! Now for the fun part—add different amounts of blocks or small toys into each cup and watch how this affects them. This is a great early introduction to STEM principles.

40. Egg Carton Color Sorting

Pom pom colour sorting in the sensory table

This color-matching activity is a quiet way to amuse your little one on a rainy day. To prepare, first paint some egg cartons in different colors. Once they’re dry, add them to a tray with pom-poms in the same colors, as well as small scoops and tongs. Next, have your toddler match the pom-poms to the correct colored egg carton. This simple activity will keep their little hands busy and brains engaged and learning!

41. Make a Watermelon Squish Bag

Watermelon sensory bag

Looking for a sensory experience for your little one that won’t require a bath or a lot of clean-up? This one fits the bill! For these fun squish bags, simply add 8-10 ounces of clear hair gel and food coloring to your bag, add some watermelon seeds, and secure with clear packing tape to ensure no mess. Then, affix the bag to a window or wall and let your toddler squish and mash it to their heart’s content. A strip of tape down the middle will even turn this into a math game: 1 seed + 2 seeds = 3 seeds. Great fun!

42. Set Up a Spaghetti Shop

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Little kids love nothing more than getting messy—so this spaghetti shop will quickly become one of your kid’s favorite station activities! Set up chopping boards, bowls, and toddler-safe cooking utensils for them to experiment with some cooled, cooked spaghetti. You can even dye some noodles different colors to make things more interesting. Your toddler will love serving you and any stuffed animals who may pop by the shop!

Learn More: Where Imagination Grows

43. Letter Squirting Activity

Squirt! A fun way for a toddler to learn letters

Listening skills are important to develop in little ones. Write a strip of letters on a chalkboard and provide your toddler with a squirt gun or a spray bottle filled with water. Then, have them listen to you say a letter before squirting it with their water to erase it. You can also do this with numbers and shapes when working on math skills!

44. Toilet Roll Towers

Building with cardboard rolls and straws - fun!

Some simple toilet rolls can create lots of opportunities for your toddler to experiment. Have a competition to see who can build the tallest tower. Challenge their threading skills by adding straws for structure and different items to experiment with balance. Get creative and add color with stickers or colored markers. You’ll be amazed at how many different uses your little one can find for these cardboard tubes!

Learn More: Frugal Fun for Boys

45. Make Your Own Ring Toss


Practicing throwing is a great way to help develop your toddler’s gross motor skills. Luckily for you, this simple ring toss game is super easy to set up! Get a ball of play dough and place it in a large plastic bowl, and then stand a wooden spoon up in the middle of it. Collect a few rings (bracelets work well) and encourage your child to throw them onto the stick—whoever gets the most on the stick wins!

Learn More: Love and Marriage Blog

46. Make a Race Track

Making a road using painter's tape & gross motor activity for toddlers at home

Toddlers love things that move—and they can learn so much through playing with vehicles. Keep them busy by setting up a race track on your floor with painter’s tape, being sure to include roundabouts, junctions, and parking spots. Bring out some of their favorite toy cars and let their travels begin. This will bring hours of wholesome fun into your home and introduce real-world experiences to your child.

Learn More: Busy Blooming Joy

47. Make Sticker Lines

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Here’s a fun medium for your little artist—stickers! Start by securing some poster paper to a wall and then draw some different lines; experiment with swirls, zig-zags, waves, and simple outlined shapes. Lastly, give your little one some inexpensive stickers and ask them to cover each line. This activity is a surefire way to keep their little hands busy and their brains ticking.

Learn More: Kids Kubby

48. Q-Tip Writing Practice

Q-Tip Paint and Pre-Write Activities for 2-3 Year Olds - Oh Hey Let's Play www.ohheyletsplay.com.png

Tracing is a great observational skill for your little one to develop. Get them started by writing some letters or numbers onto a sheet of paper. Then, provide your toddler with some different colored poster paints and Q-Tips and have them trace over your makings. As your child gets older and more dexterous, this technique can be used for writing practice as well.

Learn More: Oh Hey Let’s Play

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12 Fun Learning Activities for 2-Year-Olds

Looking for ways to entertain and educate your toddler? Check out these expert-recommended indoor activities for 2-year-olds to enhance your little one's development.

After your child celebrates their second birthday, they will experience major intellectual, physical, social, and emotional changes that help them make sense of the world. With that, having a supply of hands-on learning activities for 2-year-olds is incredibly important.

"The stage from 2 to 3 is major because language is really beginning to develop ," explains Robert Myers, Ph.D., a child and adolescent psychologist, founder of the Child Development Institute, and assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine. "Children are also starting to recognize that they're independent beings and are actively exploring their world."

Dr. Myers notes that parents can provide encouragement and support that enable the child to master key developmental tasks. "Always layer activities with lots of language, interaction, and imaginative play," adds Roni Cohen Leiderman, Ph.D., dean of the Mailman Segal Center for Human Development at Nova Southeastern University, and co-author of Let's Play and Learn Together . "Child development comes through the portal of relationships with parents or caregivers."

To get started with your little one, try these simple learning activities for 2-year-olds to keep them entertained, engaged, and always growing.

Play Dress-Up

Haul out a pile of old clothes and let your child play dress-up. "You can also participate, but it's great to encourage group play with two or three other children their age," Dr. Myers suggests.

Skills learned: Creativity, imagination, language skills, and social development

Decorate a Crayon Carrier

Cover a table with newspaper, then gather a resealable zipper storage bag, glue stick, pompoms, and crayons. Let your child use the glue stick to coat the bag and help them stick on the colorful pompoms. They can fill the bag with crayons when it dries. Next time you go to a restaurant, whip out the carrier and let them show off their creation. They will be excited to use their creativity again.

Skills learned: Motor skills, planning, creativity

For an easy indoor activity for 2-year-olds, hide a toy somewhere in the house, and ask your child to find it. Explore with them, using cues like "warmer" and "colder" to guide them. You can also use flashlights for the search or hide several objects at one time.

Skills learned: Listening, problem-solving, social skills, and memory

Make a Mailbox

Create a mailbox by decorating an old shoe box or cardboard box and cutting a slit in the top. Fill it with your junk mail for your child to open. "Not only does this develop fine motor skills as they open the envelopes and take out what's inside, but you can also use it to teach your child basic concepts," Dr. Leiderman says.

"Talk about the pictures, colors, and letters; help them sort it by size, shape, or color; or count the pieces. You can also layer in imaginative play by playing post office, or playing store with the coupons."

Skills learned: Develops an understanding of basic concepts, and fine motor skills

Imagine a Boat

Lay out a towel or blanket on the floor and have your toddler sit it, gently pull them around the room. Pretend the blanket is a train or a boat and that you are stopping at different places, like the zoo, the grocery store, or a favorite restaurant. This activity for 2-year-olds at home will also improve balance !

Skills learned: Balance, pretending

Trace Their Body

Have your child lie down on a large piece of paper and trace the outline of their body. "Because the child has to lay still to be traced, they learn self-control ," Dr. Leiderman says. "You can show them where the two eyes, nose, and mouth go, but if your child just wants to color all over it, that's fine. Don't impose anything on them, just let them have fun with it."

Note: If your child doesn't want to lie still, don't force them. Start with tracing just their hand or foot, or tracing your hand or foot.

Skills learned: Sense of self, self-control, and identifying body parts/language skills

Play Simon Says

Start out with simple directions ("Simon says, touch your toes"). Then graduate to silly, more complex routines ("Simon says, tug on your left ear, then your right ear"). You can also encourage your child to jump, skip, catch something, and more. And don't forget to drop "Simon says" every now and then during this learning activity for 2-year-olds!

Skills learned: Gross motor skills, following directions, and receptive language

Try a “Stop and Go” Game

Play games that involve starting and stopping, such as "red light, green light" or "freeze dance." Developing self-control will eventually help children negotiate, compromise, and work out conflicts without losing their temper, Dr. Leiderman says.

Skills learned: Self-control

Craft a Collage

Cut out different noses, eyes, hair, and other features from old magazines, and give them to your child. Encourage them to make funny creatures or silly faces with the features, then glue them onto a piece of paper.

"Talk to your child about the pieces and how to glue them down, but don't be too directive with it," Dr. Leiderman says. "Ask a lot of 'wonder questions,' like 'I wonder what would happen if you put the pieces down without the glue?' and 'I wonder why the glue is getting all over the table?' Childhood is about learning new facts and applying them to theories, so help them make theories."

Skills learned: Creativity, language

Pass a Ball

This fun activity for 2-year-olds requires a play tunnel. Standing at opposite ends with your child, take turns lifting each end to roll a softball back and forth. "This can take some trial and error for your kiddo to get the hang of, but it's great motor planning practice and takes teamwork," says Rachel Coley, occupational therapist, author of Simple Play: Easy Fun For Babies , and founder of CanDo Kiddo .

Skills learned: Motor planning, understanding cause and effect, teamwork

Draw a Song

As you sing one of your child's favorite songs, draw a simple picture of what is happening in the lyrics, then hand your child the paper to draw something else mentioned in the song. For example, Coley would sing "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" to her son, first drawing the spider and then having him draw his version of the rain. Go back and forth until the song ends.

Skills learned: Language skills, creativity, storytelling

Initiate Conversation

Hand over a doll or plush toy, and encourage your child to hold, talk, dress, and take care of it. "Talk to the doll the way you would talk to a child, and encourage your child to do the same," Dr. Myers says. In addition to language skills, this activity for 2-year-olds also teaches creativity and imagination.

Skills learned: Social, language, and fine motor skills, creativity, and imagination

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Top 47 Educational Activities for 2-year-olds At-Home

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Hav fun while learning working your way through this list of top 47 educational activities for 2-year-olds.

Feed your child’s natural curiosity and help them develop a love for learning with these inexpensive educational activities.

They are quick and easy to set up and can provide your child with an environment that is going to superior their development.

Educational Activities pin

The Joy of Learning at Home

I know first hand how the years when our children are 2-years-old are a whirlwind of growth and discovery. 

At this stage, their minds are like sponges, absorbing everything around them. 

Engaging in educational activities not only stimulates their brain but also strengthens our bond with them. 

Integrating these activities into daily routines at home provides a structured yet flexible environment for toddlers to explore, imagine, and learn. 

By presenting learning as a playful and exciting adventure, I help lay a sturdy foundation for lifelong curiosity and a love for learning. 

Be it through sorting shapes or finger painting, each activity is an opportunity to teach valuable skills in a way that feels like play. 

I know that every moment can turn into a chance to discover new skills while nurturing my little ones’ development in a fully supportive and caring home setting.

Even if you just take a handful of activities from this list, you are exposing your child to new things, offering new ways of using old things, making memories and helping your little one be their very best.

The Importance of Play in Learning

Play transcends mere entertainment for toddlers; I consider it an essential component of young children’s development.

Through the act of playing, 2-year-olds engage multiple senses simultaneously, laying the groundwork for robust cognitive growth. 

Sorting shapes, building blocks, and interacting with various textures stimulate neural pathways, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving from a tender age.

More than just words and sounds, language development blossoms as toddlers express their thoughts and comprehend instructions during play. 

Activities like repeating new words, singing simple songs, or naming objects advance their vocabulary and grammatical understanding. 

This interaction solidifies a foundation for future communication skills that they will build upon with each imaginative dialogue and curious inquiry.

Play facilitates motor skill enhancement as toddlers navigate their environment. 

They refine their coordination and balance with activities such as stacking, rolling, or kicking balls. 

As they navigate a play obstacle course or scribble with crayons, they unknowingly sharpen their gross and fine motor skills. 

These physical activities are not just about movement; they integrate learning by doing, which for toddlers is one of the best ways to grasp new concepts and master developmental milestones.

Move the flash cards aside, replace screen time and get ready to bring much fun into your day.

You can use inexpensive activities that inspire the development of important skills all while playing.

Developing Fine Motor Skills Through Play

We all want to set our little ones on a path of successful growth, and developing fine motor skills plays a foundational role in their journey. 

Imagine the delight on your toddler’s face as they grasp tiny pom poms, meticulously sorting them into matching color cups. 

This simple activity not only keeps them engaged but also enhances their ability to coordinate small muscle movements, a critical step toward self-reliance.

Grab an egg carton and craft sticks to make a posting activity.

Your next rainy day can be the perfect time to grab empty water bottles and fill them with pasta shells to make maracas and start a band.

​Reach for your turkey baster to add to some water play.

I love using kitchen items in play.

The second draw down holds the best things for fine motor and sensory play.

So much so in fact, we had to get more of some kitchen tools for the outdoor activities in the kids mud kitchen.

Thrift or op-shops are great for this!

Posting Activities

  • Dandelion Posting
  • Wooden Cube Posting
  • Pop Stick Posting
  • Pirate Treasure Posting

Let’s explore the world of play dough together. Play dough play can contribute so much to a toddler’s development.

When your two-year-old rolls, flattens, or sculpts this pliable material, they’re not just having fun; they’re also strengthening their hand muscles and refining their dexterity.

Such manipulation tasks serve as building blocks for future skills, like holding a pencil or buttoning up a shirt. 

Offering a range of tools like plastic scissors, stamps, or cookie cutters can multiply the play dough fun, each tool inviting a new way to mold and shape, thereby stretching their fine motor ability even further. 

In these shared moments of creation, we’re not just shaping dough, but also shaping confident learners prepared for the many tasks of growing up.

Play Dough Activities

  • Play Dough Patterns
  • Dinosaur Footprint Stamping
  • Play Dough and Beads
  • Play Dough Robots
  • Flossing Play Dough
  • Fall Invitation to Play with Play Dough
  • Play Dough Monsters

Consider threading beads onto string as another engaging pastime. 

As toddlers concentrate on piercing the string through the tiny bead holes, they build precision and hand-eye coordination. 

This can be a peaceful yet deeply educational time you share, where you may notice their problem-solving skills emerging as they determine how to correct a flipped bead or untangle their string. 

Each little success lays a strong foundation for triumph in larger upcoming challenges.

Other resources that can be used for threading include pasta, cardboard toilet tube rings, leaves, buttons, cotton reels and wooden rings.

For toddlers just starting out, using pipe cleaners for threading makes it easier to navigate. 

By incorporating these simple yet effective activities into daily playtime, you’re not just filling time – you’re carefully guiding your child along a path marked by new abilities and the joy of independent achievement.

Threading Activities

  • Leaf Threading
  • Beaded Sticks
  • Threading beads onto feathers
  • Rainbow Pasta Necklace
  • Pasta threading

Colour Sorting and Matching Games

I find that one of the best ways to introduce toddlers to the concept of colours, other than incidental learning, is through engaging sorting and matching games. 

These activities not only teach colours but also aid in developing fine motor skills and the ability to recognize different shapes and sorting by attributes. These are both early numeracy skills. 

Let’s explore a few easy activities that you can set up at home.

You can start with a simple colour matching game that involves a muffin tin and a handful of coloured balls or pom poms. 

Show your toddler how to place each colored ball into the corresponding section of the muffin tin. 

For an extra challenge, use tweezers or a wooden spoon to transfer the balls, which will enhance their hand-eye coordination.

Another creative activity is providing your toddler with various coloured objects and a series of containers or buckets labeled with matching colors. 

Ask them to sort the objects into the correct buckets. 

If you’re looking for a sensory play twist, mix in objects of different textures and sizes to broaden their sensory experience.

Lastly, don’t overlook the simplicity and educational value of matching socks by colour. 

On laundry day , I often turn this routine task into a fun learning activity. 

It’s an excellent way for older toddlers to start recognizing different colours and patterns, and they feel proud contributing to household chores.

Through these interactive and educational activities, your toddler will not only have fun but also build a strong foundation for learning new words, different shapes, and essential problem-solving skills.

Colour Sorting Activities

  • Gumnut colour sorting
  • Colour sorter egg carton
  • Duplo colour sorting
  • Colour sorting sticky wall
  • Pom Pom Colour Sorting
  • Apple Colour Sorting Sensory Bag

Enhancing Gross Motor Skills with Movement

I find that integrating movement-based play activities into a toddler’s day is an excellent method to foster their gross motor skills. 

An important thing to understand is that toddlers are not designed to sit still.

Toddlers need to run, jump, play, and interact with their environment to build their muscles and coordination, and learn how there bodies fit within an environment. 

They thrive with movement.

My middle child craves movement more than the rest. 

Even simple things such as shaking her ‘sillies out’ before sitting to have lunch make her body more comfortable and concentrating an easier task.

Gross Motor Activities

Let me share some of my go-to activities for this crucial aspect of their development.

  • Balloon Taps:  I blow up a few balloons and encourage my little one to keep them in the air with gentle taps. This simple game helps with balance and coordination while being safe and fun.
  • Obstacle Course:  Setting up a mini obstacle course at home is easier than you might think. Cushions to jump over, a hula hoop to crawl through, and a blanket to roll under can make an adventurous playground for a tireless 2-year-old.
  • Dance Party:  Music is a fantastic way to get toddlers to move. I turn on some child-friendly tunes and we dance together. Sometimes, I incorporate a ‘freeze’ game where we stop moving when the music pauses, which adds a layer of fun and challenge.
  • Animal Walks:  We pick out different animals and try to move like them. Hop like a bunny, walk like a bear, or flutter like a butterfly – this imaginative play helps them learn new words, identify body parts and movements. Animal walks are the best for transitions too. Eg, walking to the car or on the way to the bathroom to brush teeth.
  • Ball Games:  Rolling, throwing, and kicking a ball back and forth is an age-old activity that strengthens muscles and hand-eye coordination. I find it also teaches toddlers about taking turns and sharing.
  • Bubble Chase:  Chasing and popping bubbles is not only thrilling for toddlers but also encourages them to run, jump, and stretch as they reach for those elusive orbs.
  • Simon Says:  A game of ‘Simon Says’ is a delightful way to get a toddler moving and listening carefully. I use it to incorporate actions like jumping, spinning, and stomping.

These activities offer not just physical benefits but also heaps of laughter and joy, making learning through play a beautiful journey. 

Let’s encourage young ones to move their bodies and explore the limits of what they can do as they grow stronger and more confident by the day.

Discovering Patterns with Creative Crafts

I’ve found that one of the best activities for teaching patterns to 2-year-olds involves crafts. 

For instance, making necklaces with beads of different shapes and colours not only hones their fine motor skills but also introduces them to the basic concept of patterns. 

You can start by showing them how to create a simple pattern, like red, blue, red, blue, and then let them take the lead. 

The tactile experience of handling the beads paired with the visual appeal of the colours makes this a delightful learning activity.

Another fun craft to encourage pattern recognition involves stickers. 

Provide your toddler with a variety of sticker shapes and colours, and a piece of paper. 

Show them how to arrange the stickers in a sequence, such as star-circle-star-circle, and watch as they replicate the pattern or come up with their own. 

This activity not only teaches them about patterns but also allows for creativity and choice.

Laying out colorful paper strips and asking them to arrange these into patterns is yet another easy craft. 

They can make alternating patterns, like yellow strip, green strip, yellow strip, or even more complex ones as they advance. 

This simple activity offers an engaging way to strengthen cognitive skills through pattern discovery.

These crafts are interactive methods to introduce young minds to the concept of order and sequence, laying a solid foundation for math and observational skills later on. 

The key is to keep it playful and allow for exploration, as this is when they learn the most.

Pattern Activities

  • Toothpick Patterns
  • Lego Patterns
  • Nature Patterns
  • Popstick Patterns
  • Playdough Patterns
  • Fingerprint Patterns

Letter Recognition and Early Literacy

I find that engaging young minds in letter recognition and literacy can be both educational and entertaining. 

One method I employ involves the use of letter-shaped cookie cutters. 

These tools make it easy to introduce the alphabet during snack time or craft projects. 

You can press them into play dough or use them with cookie dough to reinforce letters and even spell out simple words.

Press them into paint before stamping them onto a sheet of paper.

Similarly, alphabet mats serve as a colourful playground for toddlers to explore the shapes and sounds of different letters. 

They can touch, feel, and visually connect each character, enhancing memory retention. 

I sometimes enhance this activity by challenging them to hop from one letter to another, making learning dynamic and physical.

Incidental Learning

Our local library has a huge alphabet play mat. My little one loves doing letter hunts, running from one to the other.

For hands-on learning, I turn to magnetic letters. 

I place them on a cookie sheet and let the little ones match letters to those on the titles of their books, or cans of food. 

We then moved to their names and having fun with the sounds the letter each represent. 

It’s a playful way to boost their understanding of language structure and phonics. 

In these ways, I transform the daunting journey of literacy into a series of delightful steps that entertain as they educate. 

Learning through everyday play, just little moments that only need be a few minutes add up to greatness.

It’s a gratifying process to watch toddlers grasp new words and take pride in their growing abilities.

The best part is that these fun activities have a huge impact on reading ability well into primary school. You are truly setting up your child to be a successful reader by exploring sounds, and matching them with the letters.

Letter Recognition Activities

  • Letter Recognition Flowers
  • Sensory Bin Letter Recognition
  • Plastic Egg Hunt with letters
  • Name Splash Letter Recognition

Sensory Bins for Tactile Learning

I can’t overstate the benefits sensory bins have on a toddler’s tactile learning and language development. 

You can create these bins by filling a container with an array of items that intrigue the senses. 

Here’s a simple way to assemble a sensory bin that’ll keep your 2-year-old engaged:

  • Select a Container:  A shallow, plastic storage bin works best. Ensure it’s large enough for your toddler to explore without being too deep.
  • Choose a Base Material:  Rice, beans, sand, or even water can serve as a foundation. Add food coloring to the base for a dash of visual stimulation if you like.
  • Gather Sensory Items:  Look for objects of different textures, sizes, and shapes. Think smooth pebbles, fluffy feathers, pom poms, or chunky beads.
  • Include Tools for Manipulation:  Offer spoons, cups, or tweezers to help your child interact with the materials. These tools aid in fine motor skill refinement while they scoop, pour, and grip.
  • Encourage Exploration:  Let your child dive in hands-first. Discuss the items they find, and introduce new vocabulary as they describe their sensory experiences.
  • Maintain Safety:  Keep a watchful eye during play to prevent any small items from becoming a choking hazard.
  • Clean Up:  Have a quick storage solution ready and involve your toddler in the cleanup process to foster responsibility.

Educational activities sensory bin

Through sensory bins, toddlers discern the nuances of different objects, learning concepts like soft and hard, big and small, while unconsciously expanding their descriptive language. 

Sensory play allows open ended exploration and for little experiments.

Little hands learn what happens when they pour water from their jug into their water table.

They learn to isolate different sounds as they listen to the rustle of bubble wrap.

Such play doesn’t just entertain; it opens doors to a world of sensory education.

We spend so much time exploring sensory play. It can be such an easy activity to set up and present so many learning opportunities.

What to put into your sensory bin

Other sensory play materials can include:

  • shaving cream (supervise as not taste safe)
  • whipped cream
  • dry corn kernals
  • dried chickpeas
  • shredded paper
  • taste safe sand
  • taste safe mud
  • taste safe dirt

The great thing about sensory play is that you likely have all you need at home right now to set up fun learning activities in no time.

Boosting Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills are a cornerstone in the developmental journey of a 2-year-old. 

We can nurture these skills with activities specifically designed to challenge and engage toddlers in thinking through solutions. 

Simple puzzles are a fantastic place to start, as they help to foster critical thinking and reasoning. 

With puzzles, I introduce just a few pieces at first, increasing complexity as toddlers become more adept at fitting them together.

As your toddler gets more confident, you can enhance the play by wrapping the pieces in foil or adding them to a sensory bin.

Building blocks also offer countless opportunities for toddlers to experiment and solve problems. 

As they stack, balance, and create structures with these blocks, they learn about spatial relationships and cause and effect. 

I encourage them to build towers, bridges, and even simple representations of things they see in everyday life to expand their creativity and understanding.

Give your toddler cardboard boxes and let their imaginations take control. Humble cardboard can become almost anything. We have spent the better part of these school holidays creating all sorts of play things with cardboard boxes.

Finally, shape sorters are exemplary in teaching toddlers how to match corresponding items. 

These come in various forms, from traditional plastic sorters to homemade alternatives using cardboard and household items. 

The act of selecting the correct shape for the proper slot improves not only hand-eye coordination but also problem-solving as kids determine why some pieces fit while others don’t.

Through these activities, young children approach problems with curiosity and develop a sense of persistence. 

They learn to trial different solutions, and in doing so, they build confidence in their capability to overcome challenges, which is a crucial aspect of problem-solving.

Pretend Play for Social Development

I find pretend play to be one of the best ways to support a toddler’s social and emotional development. 

When children engage in make-believe with dolls, they learn to express themselves and understand the complexities of social interactions. 

For instance, I might guide a child to ‘feed’ a doll, which then opens a dialogue about caring and empathy.

By using toy phones, toddlers practice conversational skills. 

I often watch in fascination as they mimic my words and tone, learning how to engage in back-and-forth communication. 

It’s impressive to see their language skills blossom as they chat away on their pretend calls.

Kitchen sets offer a fantastic arena for pretend play. 

I encourage little ones to ‘prepare’ meals, which teaches them about different roles people have and how collaboration works. 

Role-playing as a chef or setting the table, children begin to understand teamwork and the importance of contributing to group activities.

This type of play is instrumental in developing social skills. 

But it’s not all about interaction with others; it’s also about self-regulation and identifying one’s own emotional states. 

As toddlers navigate the pretend scenarios, they face challenges and learn to manage frustrations, which is a key part of emotional growth.

No-Mess Activities for Hassle-Free Fun

I know that keeping things clean with a 2-year-old can be quite the challenge. 

That’s why I’m a huge fan of no-mess activities that still offer tons of fun and learning. 

I’ve discovered some fantastic ideas that require zero prep and leave no trace behind once playtime is over.

Imagine turning your living room into a mini amusement park with  pillow roller coasters . 

Stack pillows in a line and let your child’s toys have the thrill of their plushy lives sliding down. 

It’s a great sensory experience and teaches them about gravity and incline without any spills or stains.

Next, you must try a  zip-lock rescue mission . 

Place small toys or foam shapes inside a zip-lock bag, fill it with hair gel or baby oil, and seal it. 

Your toddler will be captivated, pressing and squishing to move the items around. 

It’s a fantastic way to build fine motor skills and visual tracking, plus you don’t have to worry about tidying up afterward. 

Lastly, an  ice excavation game  is sure to be a hit. 

Freeze small toys or baby-safe object in an ice cube tray and give your little one warm water in a squeeze bottle to rescue them. 

This activity is a solid choice for introducing scientific concepts like temperature and phase changes, and the only thing that gets wet is a bit of water – easy to clean!

These activities are not only easy to set up and pack away, but they also foster creativity, help with skill development, and are genuinely enjoyable for both you and your child. 

So say goodbye to long clean-ups and hello to hassle-free fun that keeps the learning going.

Cultivating Imagination with Storytelling

I find storytelling an incredibly powerful way to spark imagination in 2-year-olds as it invites them into worlds beyond their immediate experiences. 

For an engaging learning activity, grab a colourful picture book and read with your little one. 

But, don’t just read—make it interactive. 

As we turn the pages together, I’ll ask you to pause at the captivating illustrations and encourage your toddler to describe what they see. 

Questions like, “What do you think is happening here?” or “What might happen next?” help them think creatively and predict outcomes.

Role-playing takes this interaction a step further. 

Hand me a stuffed animal or a puppet to represent a character in the story, and I’ll show you how we can use them to act out scenes. 

This not only makes the reading session more dynamic but also deepens your toddler’s understanding of social cues and emotions. 

For words or concepts that seem new, I suggest simple explanations or mimicry to convey their meaning. 

If a character in the book is jumping, we can both stand up and jump, laughing as we bring the story to life.

Turn reading into a fun activity using elements of drama.

Finally, the book’s finale doesn’t mean the end of learning. 

Use open-ended questions to reflect on the story, asking your child how they felt about it, or what they would do if they were in the character’s shoes. 

This nurtures empathy and helps them apply the tale to their own world. 

With these approaches, you and I empower your 2-year-old to not just hear a story, but to live it, learn from it, and love it.

Outdoor Exploration and Nature Play

I always find that getting outside with toddlers opens up a world of learning opportunities. 

Fresh air, sunlight, and the endless curiosities of nature make for a perfect educational playground. 

I encourage parents to make the most of their backyard or nearby park to engage 2-year-olds in playful learning.

One activity I often suggest is setting up a nature scavenger hunt . 

Together, we create a list of natural items to find, such as a smooth stone, a feather, or a flower of a certain color. 

I’ll use pictures or simple words to guide the little ones. 

This kind of interactive play helps children observe details and start to understand the diversity of the environment around them. 

Sidewalk chalk games, on the other hand, offer both a creative outlet and a learning tool. 

We can draw shapes, numbers, or letters on the pavement, turning each into a game. 

“Hop to the circle,” or “Find the letter A,” gets them moving and learning simultaneously. 

Such activities do more than just burn off energy; they also reinforce recognition of different shapes and characters, a key step towards reading and writing.

We mustn’t forget, sensory play can be amplified outdoors. 

I like using water tables or simple containers filled with water. 

Adding cups and spoons allows children to pour and splash, a fun way to develop hand-eye coordination. 

Mixing in food colouring makes for an exciting lesson on colors as they watch the water change hues with each drop.

This is a great activity that we do time and time again. Free play with coloured water engages so many senses and experimental learning.

All these activities foster a connection with nature while building a foundation for lifelong learning. 

Plus, they prove learning can happen anywhere, not just within the confines of four walls.

​Play at home curriculums for toddlers

For some parents, playing with their little kids comes organically. 

For others it can be useful to have a step by step list of toddler activities at their fingertips.

Call it a play schedule or a recipe for play.

If you would like to add some structure to your day, here are some play curriculums designed for 2-3 year olds that are full of developmental activities to do at home.

Using simple supplies that you likely already have at home, these curriculums are loaded with play ideas including:

  • fine motor activities
  • fun indoor activities
  • craft activities
  • social-emotional skills activities
  • number recognition activities
  • exploring science
  • expanding on popular children’s books

One of our favourites include

  • Playing PreSchool
  • Picture Books Play
  • Nursery Rhyme

Creative Ways to Say ‘Well Done!’

As parents and caregivers, acknowledging the achievements of our toddlers can reinforce their love for learning. 

It is so valuable to compliment the journey as well as the end result. Highlight how they overcame a problem,and that it was hard but that they can do hard things.

This will encourage your toddler to develop a growth mindset and resilience; both powerful attributes.

Here are some inventing approaches to saying ‘Well done!’ that will not only leave our little ones beaming with pride but also encourage them to keep exploring and mastering new skills.

  • Sticker Charts:  Set up a colorful chart where you can add stickers for each accomplishment. Children love the visual representation of their progress, and it gives them something to look forward to.
  • Applause Celebration:  Clap enthusiastically after your child completes an activity successfully. This simple gesture can make them feel like a star.
  • Happy Dance:  We can do a special dance together to celebrate achievements. It’s fun, energetic, and a great way to express joy.
  • Certificate of Achievement:  Create homemade certificates to present to your child for their learning milestones. Personalize them with their name and what they did to make it more meaningful.
  • Storytime Shoutouts:  During storytime, insert your child’s name and accomplishment into the story as one of the heroic deeds. It blends creativity with recognition in an exciting way.
  • High Five:  A hearty high-five can communicate a job well done instantly and is a tactile way for kids to feel connected and appreciated.
  • Show and Tell:  Allow your child to showcase their work to other family members, instilling a sense of pride in their efforts.
  • Progress Photos:  Take pictures of their activities and create a photo album showcasing their learning journey. Later, you can look through it together and reminisce about their growth.

Lavishing our toddlers with praise doesn’t need to be elaborate; sincerity in our celebration of their small steps forward makes a world of difference.

These acts of recognition affirm their capabilities and boost their confidence to take on the next challenge with enthusiasm.

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Dani is a busy mum, pre-service teacher and and founder of Play Inspired Mum.

Her goal is to inspire creative play ideas, encourage the love of reading, offer tips to make your household eco friendly and remind you that you are not alone on this wild rollercoaster of a journey known as parenting!

She loves houseplants, giant chunky cookies and all things play based, incorporating learning experiences into every day!

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The 25 best games for 2-year-olds

Nicole Fabian-Weber

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The 25 best games for 2-year-olds

Close out the apps and remove the elaborate board games from your shopping cart. When it comes to entertaining a 2-year-old , little is required. In fact, for this learning, exploring, constantly-on-the-go age group, less is always more.

Looking for ways to entertain a 2-year-old? Here’s what you need to know, along with expert suggestions for games you can buy or do for free!

Simplicity is key

Two-year-olds are still trying to figure out how the world works, so when you’re looking for games, skip ones with complicated rules in favor of activities that are simple and open for interpretation.

“The best games for 2-year-olds are ones where they create, usually with a parent, older child, or another adult,” says Tovah Klein , director of the Barnard Center for Toddler Development and author of “How Toddlers Thrive.” “This can be engaging in imaginative play with a tea set, rolling balls around or building with blocks. Any open-ended items, such as blocks, give toddlers the opportunity to create without rules. Games shouldn’t have a right or wrong at this age; they should just be fun.”

Get involved

Simple, repetitive activities may err on the side of mind-numbing to you, but to a toddler, they’re the epitome of fun — and they’re also a great opportunity for bonding.

“Toddlers learn the most from simple games that are engaging and interactive,” says Rebecca Schrag Hershberg , author of “The Tantrum Survival Guide.” “When parents and children play together, the point is to foster connectedness, which is the foundation for everything else — particularly learning. The most important thing a parent can do is encourage a sense of comfort and security when playing a game with their little one. This way, the child is free to work things out on their own.”

Incorporate life skills

For children who have yet to master the art of sharing (read: all toddlers) Lisa Clegg, author of “The Blissful Toddler Expert: The Complete Guide to Calm Parenting and Happy Toddlers,” suggests sneaking a few life lessons in during game time with the toddler.

“Toddlers don’t have a very long attention span and many haven’t grasped the concept of sharing yet, so playing games that involve taking turns can be helpful,” she says. “To avoid boredom, though, take care not leave anyone waiting too long.”

Ready to get playing? Here are 25 games for 2-year-olds that are sure to be a hit.

Best board games

1. Picture Lotto

learning educational games for 2 year olds

“I love picture or number bingo because it’s easy and fast paced to play,” says Clegg. “Kids don’t have to wait long to have a turn, and you’re able to teach them things like colors, numbers, letters and pictures.”

Where to buy:  Picture Lotto Game ($23, Amazon)

2. Roll & Play

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Not only does Roll & Play help toddlers hone their memory skills and learn their colors, they’ll get a kick out of having to act out each of the activities. Roar like a lion? What 2-year-old ever said no to that?

Where to buy:  ThinkFun Roll and Play Game  ($20, For Small Hands)

3. First Orchard

learning educational games for 2 year olds

In addition to being a quick game to play (about 10 minutes), First Orchard fosters a sense of togetherness and cooperation by having kids work together to pick the fruit before the raven reaches the end of the path.

Where to buy:  HABA My Very First Games First Orchard Cooperative Game ($30, Amazon)

4. Bunny Bedtime

learning educational games for 2 year olds

The always-relaxing Bunny Bedtime is one of the best games for 2-year-olds because it lets children make decisions, such as which bath toy the bunny should use and what pajamas she should wear, all while helping them develop social-emotional skills. Win-win.

Where to buy:  Peaceable Kingdom Bunny Bedtime ($17, Amazon)

5. Funny Faces Game

learning educational games for 2 year olds

The Funny Faces Game is fun and silly, and it helps little ones develop a multitude of skills, including fine motor skills, critical thinking and emotional intellect.

Where to buy:  Pic’nMix  Funny Faces Educational Puzzle  ($29, Amazon)

6. Happy Farm Game

learning educational games for 2 year olds

The Happy Farm Game has 5-star customer reviews almost across the board on Amazon, and with good reason: It’s a great game that will hone numerous skills. And the best part? Parents can tailor the way the game is played for children ages 2-5.

Where to buy:  Pic’nMix   Happy Farm Game  ($27, Amazon)

7. Feed the Woozle

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Feed the Woozle is a cooperative game that will have 2-year-olds in stitches. While fine-tuning her dexterity and counting skills, the little one’s belly will get a good work out as she giggles at all the silly snacks the monster eats.

Where to buy:  Feed the Woozle Cooperative Game ($22, Walmart)

8. Hello Sunshine

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Hello Sunshine is an adorably simple game for 2-year-olds that will teach children basic directions, as well as spatial awareness. It’s also the perfect game for a toddler to play with an older sibling.

Where to buy:  ThinkFun Hello Sunshine ($25, Toy in Town)

Classic Games

9. Freeze Dance

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Want to get a little one moving while showing her how to follow simple directions? Freeze dance!

“We’re big fans of freeze dance in our house,” says Kelly Goodman, of Toms River, New Jersey. “My toddler is always genuinely surprised when I stop the music, and I love watching her adorable moves!”

10. Simon Says

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Simon says: Be adorable! OK, so they’ve got that down. But children will pick up so many new moves while playing this classic game — all while getting some giggles out, too!

11. Hot and Cold

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Toddlers love being on the hunt, especially when it’s for something they love. Simply hide a stuffed animal or small toy, and warn them with a “hot” when they’re getting closer to the object and a “cold” when they’re moving farther away.

12. Pass the Parcel

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Pass the Parcel is a classic camp game that’s a hit with multiple age groups, particularly 2-year-olds. Gather a group and have everyone sit in a circle while passing around a wrapped object to music. When the music stops, the person holding the package has to try to open it before the tunes start back up.

13. Musical Chairs

learning educational games for 2 year olds

In a similar vein, musical chairs will have kids scrambling to find a seat before the music stops. This age-old game ticks off all the toddler must-haves: laughing, moving and being silly.

14. The Concentration Game

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Liz from Love and Marriage has a fun twist on an old classic (the Memory Game). Arrange some of the toddler’s favorite toys on a table. Have him take a mental picture, and then have him leave the room while you remove one of the objects. See if he can guess which one is missing.

15. Hide the Music

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Got a noisy toy in the house? What family doesn’t?! Instead of silently cursing the musical object every time it goes off, make a game of it! Have the little one leave the room, turn it on and hide it. The 2-year-old will love going on a hunt.

16. Hokey Pokey

learning educational games for 2 year olds

You put your right foot in… Well, even if the child is yet to know their left from right, they’ll love dancing along with you to this catchy tune.

“My son loves playing — or, I guess I should say doing — the Hokey Pokey,” says Erica Randolph of Fairport, New York. “Whenever he’s on the verge of a tantrum, I start singing it and he’s immediately back in play mode.”

Outdoor Games

17. Run and Chase

learning educational games for 2 year olds

“Run and Chase is one of my favorite games for toddlers ,” says Klein. “When you’re playing, have the child lead, and it will give the message that no matter how far they run, you will always catch them. It’s a metaphor for life that lets them know you’re always there for them.”

18. Hide and Seek

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Hide and Seek is another game Klein highly recommends.

“Hide and Seek is great for 2-year-olds, especially when the toddler hides,” she says. “Each time they’re found, they’re utterly gleeful.”

19. Obstacle Course

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Every toddler will love making their way through a mini (age-appropriate) obstacle course. Hula hoops, cones, makeshift tunnels — the configurations are endless. And so are the gross motor skill benefits.

20. Hopscotch

learning educational games for 2 year olds

There’s no need to stick to strict rules when playing hopscotch. No matter how you play, children will get a better grasp of numbers while working on their jumping at the same time.

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Whether you have a real goal or a makeshift one, few 2-year-olds can resist trying to kick a ball toward a designated spot.

22. Scooping and Sorting Lids

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Jenae from I Can Teach My Child had the great idea of filling up a small container with water, along with lids of varying sizes and colors. (Food pouch lids work perfectly.) Have little ones scoop out the red ones and place them in a red cup, and so forth. Ideal for a hot summer day.

23. Bean Bag Toss

learning educational games for 2 year olds

All you need are some bean bags and a bucket for this one. See if the little one is able to toss the bags into a bin or bucket. And if they can’t, well, what 2-year-old doesn’t love throwing?

Where to buy:  Tytroy Primary Color Nylon Bean Bags  ($27 for 12, Walmart)

24. Hide the Object in the Sand

learning educational games for 2 year olds

“Just as they love Hide and Seek, toddlers love to hide and find objects or toys in sand, in play dough and under cartons,” says Klein. “This makes for a great game — simply open and close a box with a hidden toy. They love finding it over and over.”

25. Chase the Bubbles

learning educational games for 2 year olds

“When it comes to 2-year-old games, I’m old school,” says Hershberg. “I’d argue that a child is going to learn more at this age from playing an engaging game of Chase the Bubbles in the grass than they are from something billed as a learning game, per se.”

When it comes to this age group, really, there’s no need to spend a lot of money or overthink things.

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Scott Gilbertson

11 Great Games to Educate and Entertain Your Kids at Home

If you're stuck inside and your kids are climbing the walls, but you aren't yet ready to let them watch Netflix from dawn to dusk, well, I don't blame you. Here are some games that are sometimes called "edutaining." Think of them as fun games that also teach something, but in a way your kids probably won't notice.

I do suggest setting some screen time limits before handing your children a device, but with these options you can at least rest assured that your kids are learning something.

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Ages 6-12 ( Computer , iOS , Android )

Image may contain Graphics and Art

Animal Jam is an online virtual world originally created in collaboration with the National Geographic Society. It teaches kids about zoology and ecology with games, adventures, and parties and online social elements. With 160 million registered users, this is one of the largest virtual worlds for kids. If the online play gives you pause, know that the parental controls are pretty good, allowing you to lock down the game if you desire.

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This is a great game that encourages spacial thinking and unique puzzle solving. Kids can pilot Toad through courses based on the Super Mario Odyssey game while hunting down treasures and solving puzzles.

11 Great Educational Games for Kids to Play at Home

This math-based role-playing game is free to play. Kids proceed through the game by answering skill-building math questions to earn rewards. There's an interactive element, too; they can go on quests with friends. The difficulty levels increase as your kids make progress in the game.

Ages 3-8 ( iOS , Android )

Image may contain Pac Man Electronics Computer and Tablet Computer

This physics puzzle game features rolling aliens that teach your kids about acceleration, buoyancy, gravity, and more. Like games of yesteryear, there are no ads, no in-app purchases, and it doesn't need an internet connection.

Ages 4 and Up ( Computer , iOS , Android )

Image may contain Wheel Machine Transportation Vehicle Bike and Bicycle

Tinybop has dozens of learning-oriented apps and we've been fans for years . You can purchase them in bundles for iPhone or iPad (Android users there is one Tinybop bundle in the Play Store which has six games.) My kids love the Curiosity Kit ($16) , which includes apps about the human body, animal anatomy, and space. Tinybop is currently offering its Tinybop Schools subscription , which features ten science apps and classroom support, for free through the summer to help out parents and kids while schools are closed (no credit card required).

Ages 4 and Up ( iOS , Android )

Image may contain Text Advertisement Poster and Paper

Dragonbox games are primarily math-related, though they also partnered with chess champ Magnus Carlsen to create Magnus' Kingdom , a chess-learning game that's been very popular in my house. It uses an adventure-style approach to teach kids about different chess pieces and how to play. I strongly suggest picking up a real-world chess board (I like this no-stress chess board for beginners $18 ) as well. Your kids will ask for it. Trust me.

Ages 3 and Up ( Computer , iOS , Android )

Image may contain Text

It's time you let delightful animated monsters teach your kids everything from basic ABCs to complex sentences. It has puzzle games with talking letters and well-illustrated definitions to help your child learn to read. Originator, the publisher of Endless Alphabet , has many other games as well , including Endless Reader , which helps kids learn sight words, and Endless Spanish which helped my kids significantly improve their Spanish vocabulary.

Ages 4-6 ( Computer )

Image may contain Text

This language, arts, and music learning site has dozens of games and activities to help your kids learn to read, add, subtract, and identify shapes.

Ages 4-8 ( iOS , Android )

Image may contain Text Human and Person

PBS Kids has dozens of apps, many of them related to the shows on PBS Kids. If your kids like a particular show, they'll probably really engage with its related game, as well.

Ages 4 and Up ( iOS )

computer with a game still on it

Stop-motion animation is a fun form of art that teaches patience. This animation app will help your kids start creating their own little animated masterpieces. The interface is reasonably simple, but it might require the help of an adult the first time through.

All ages ( Apple Podcasts for iOS , Google Podcasts for Android )

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Building Countryside Housing Rural Shelter and Hut

Check out our guide to kids' podcasts for some ideas on great podcasts that will keep your kids entertained. If you're a podcast fan yourself, you should try using Pocket Casts (great app). I suggest getting a separate podcast app for your kids, so there's no way they'll accidentally end up listening to any adult content you don't want them to hear.

March 25, 9 am: This story was updated to add links to the Tinybop Android app bundle.

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40+ Best Online Educational Games for Every Grade in 2023

Make screen time meaningful and fun!

Laptop with phonics games on screen as an example of the best online educational games for kids.

Kids are always asking for more screen time, and parents and teachers are always looking for ways to make that screen time more worthwhile. Fortunately, there are endless free online games for kids that teach language arts, math, science, art, and STEM. If you’re not quite sure where to get started, try this list of our favorite teacher-approved online educational games. You’ll find educational games for students in every subject and every grade.

Preschool and Elementary Online Educational Games

Middle and high school online educational games.

Offering a full curriculum for children ages 2 to 8, this site includes fun and interactive games, songs, and puzzles for reading, math, science, and art. (Free for teachers and classrooms; subscription available for home use)

Adventure Academy

From the same company as ABCMouse, Adventure Academy takes kids ages 8 to 13 on a knowledge quest through language arts, math, science, and social studies. (First month free, then monthly subscription fee)

Looking to improve outcomes in a way that kids will enjoy? This educational game takes K-12 students on a time-traveling adventure to meet some of the most influential mathematicians in history. (Monthly or annual subscription plans for families; schools request price quote)

Duck Duck Moose Reading

Based on Common Core State Standards, this app teaches phonics including the letter sounds for all consonants, short vowels, and long vowels. Kids will also practice spelling consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. If you like this one, check out Duck Duck Moose’s whole collection of school games online. (Apps are free to download and play.)

Screenshot from Free Rice with question about astronomy

Test your knowledge while earning rice for those in need! Each time you play, you’re helping the United Nations World Food Programme provide food to those around the world who need it. The game offers a variety of subjects and difficulty levels. (Free)

Dive into a coral reef or be a star climber on this great site that features a wide assortment of free online games for kids. These educational games focus mainly on reading and math, but you’ll find lots of fun activities here with options for pre-K through grade 8. (Free)

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KUBO Play – Coding for Kids

KUBO Play is an interactive online platform that teaches coding and computational thinking to early learners. Its three activity modes (Free Play, Practice, and Story) include more than 100 coding tasks combined. You can even customize your students’ learning pathways. (Contact for pricing)

Learning Games for Kids: Health Games

Kids in grades K-5 can learn about a range of health topics, from body parts to staying fit, with these interactive online games. They’re perfect for science learning enrichment. (Free)

Little Alchemy 2

This deceptively simple game is actually a lot of fun. Kids (and teachers!) can experiment with combining different elements, such as fire or dirt, to create something entirely new. It encourages creative thinking as well as knowledge of the world around us. (Free)

Minecraft: Education Edition

Screenshot from Minecraft for Education with character selecting a tile from a wall of shapes

Kids love the regular Minecraft video game, but this education-focused version takes learning to the next level. With lessons, STEM curriculum, and project-based challenges, this immersive digital environment promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. (Priced per user, per year)

Moose Math engages kids in a mathematical adventure and teaches counting, addition, subtraction, sorting, geometry, and more. While playing five multi-level activities in the Moose Juice Store, Puck’s Pet Shop, and Lost & Found, kids can earn rewards to help build their own city and decorate buildings. (Free)


Need to master your multiplication facts? This is the site to try! Fun games and memory-building strategies will help students tackle this key skill. (Free, with Premium membership available for extra features)

National Geographic Kids

Head out on the trail with Captain John Smith, explore Ancient Greece with Zeus the Mighty, or just take a quiz about sharks on this robust site filled with great educational games for students. (Free)

PBS Kids Games

You’ll find everything from social studies to teamwork and feelings in this incredible collection of games that vary in degree of difficulty. The website is truly filled with some of the very best educational games centering on science, social studies, history, and art. (Free)

Prodigy Math

Looking for personalized math lessons for your students? Kids in grades 1-8 take a Prodigy placement test that generates games tailored to their strengths and weaknesses. They’ll build confidence by solving math challenges to progress in the game. (Free)


Access over 140 online educational games for kids in grades K-6 on this site, which was developed by an elementary school teacher with a focus on reinforcing fundamental learning concepts in math, reading, spelling, language arts, typing, and problem-solving. (Free)

Roy: Tale of a Singing Zebra

Screenshot from an educational game set underwater to help kids learn CVC words

Kids pre-K to grade 2 will enjoy the punctuation, reading, and spelling games on this cute, simple site. You’ll also find online guided-reading stories and lesson plans for teachers. (Free)

Starfall activities are research-based and align with individual and Common Core State Standards in English language arts and mathematics. There are engaging and interactive games for students in grades K-3. (Some free content with subscriptions available)

Teachers love this great site that offers personalized math and spelling practice for kids ages 5 through 13 through adaptive learning and multi-player games. This is definitely one of the best online educational game sites out there! (Monthly subscription fee)

How good are your airbrush skills? Which famous artist should design your bedroom? Are you a master of street art? Kids can explore these questions and more with the cool quizzes and games on this art-focused site from the Tate Gallery. (Free)

Toy Theater

How would your students like to learn multiplication while shooting hoops? They can do that and more at Toy Theater, which teaches early math concepts through game-based learning. (Free)

Turtle Diary

Introduce kids to new, exciting ways of learning with the help of fun online games, videos, experiments, puzzles, coloring sheets, and more! Turtle Diary activities pair with the appropriate grade level to enhance retention of material and increase success in the classroom. (Free)

Tynker coding game for kids

The games and challenges on Tynker give kids ages 5 and up a fun and easy way to build coding skills. This is one of the top online educational games for young coders— see more of our favorites here . (Subscription required)

Vocabulary A-Z

Dive into engaging learning activities and games for kids in first through sixth grades, designed to promote vocabulary, spelling, phonics, and language arts. (Free basic access; Premium membership unlocks complete library)

Algebraic Reasoning Sweet Shop

Who doesn’t like candy? Buy and sell sweet treats in this game that helps students grasp concepts related to price and purchasing. (Free)

Boat Coordinates

Use this fun boating game to learn and practice concepts related to grids and quadrants. Race along the X and Y axes to get to the finish line as fast as you can! (Free)

Cells Alive

This information website provides all sorts of interactive ways to learn about cells! Interactive models, puzzles, and more all help tell the story of this building block of life. (Free)

This guessing game uses maps and photos from around the world to educate kids on world locations as well as historical landmarks and famous cities. User-made quizzes add to the guessing fun! (Free)

Get the Math

Screenshot from an online math game asking you to count the number of beats in a music sample

Explore all the ways you really do use algebra in the real world. Students see how professionals use math in music, fashion, video games, restaurants, basketball, and special effects. Then take on interactive challenges related to those careers. (Free)

Created by a high school student, this interactive review game is something kids can play on their own devices, earning in-game money for correct answers that they can use to buy upgrades and power-ups! (Free, with Pro subscriptions available)

High-Stakes Heist

Kids use their knowledge of the order of operations to crack the safes and help hero Kit Foxtail return the townspeoples’ money that was stolen by the evil Duke von Wolfington. They’ll have to think fast as they try to solve equations in the correct order before time runs out! (Free)

Help kids learn the foundations of civics and government with this collection of highly interactive games including Court Quest, Newsfeed Defenders, and Do I Have the Right? (Free)

Kids Environment Kids Health

Through a wide assortment of puzzles, riddles, brainteasers, and more, kids can learn about their own health and the health of the environment on this website from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. (Free)

NASA STEM Engagement

With a variety of games, activities, and educational options to choose from, the NASA Stem Engagement site offers options for all grades. Learn, discover, and play online educational games related to space technology and exploration. (Free)


This website offers dozens of different simple games to choose from that help educate kids on the mechanics of physics. Whether they are shooting pigs, knocking down walls, or trying to balance a building, they’ll learn and have fun at the same time. (Free)

Science Vocabulary Hangman

Online educational hangman game to teach kids science vocabulary words

Use the clues to guess the scientific term before the cellular hangman disappears. Choose from literally hundreds of subject sets that include grade-specific vocab, state-level standardized tests, and more. (Free)


As part of their #BeTheFirst Initiative, smokeSCREEN was developed by the play2PREVENT Lab, 1stPlayable, and Schell Games and funded by the NIH/FDA and the CVS Health Foundation. The game addresses the range of challenges that young teens face, with a dedicated focus on youth decision-making around smoking and vaping and strategies for both smoking prevention and cessation. Educators can request free access to the web-based game here . (Free)

Sortify: Angles

Learning about angles can be tricky, but this game uses cue cards and sorting bins to help students learn to properly classify angles into different categories. Make sure they’re all correct and then submit the responses to earn the most points. (Free)

Though Quizlet is known for its huge array of digital flash cards, this educational site offers much more for students. AI tutors help kids learn more about tricky subjects, plus transform their own notes into interactive learning activities. (Free; Quizlet Plus has more features available for a subscription fee)

Trigonometry Minigolf

Trigonometry has never been more fun than in this game that uses correct answers to power your golf swing as you aim for a hole in one! Miss an answer? The game will let you know what you did wrong and give you another shot. (Free)

Wrecks Factor

S.O.S.! Ships are sailing into your harbor and you need to help keep them from sinking! Solve the quadratic equations to keep the boats afloat and clear the board … if you take too long, boats start to sink and you lose a life. (Free)

Did we miss one of your favorite online educational games? Share in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, 28 online interactive math games kids will love ..

Trying to make learning fun for kids of all ages? We've compiled the best online educational games for students!

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  • Baby and kid

Some of the Best Online Learning Games for Kids

Two young children sitting on a couch, using a learnign app on a tablet, from our review of the best educational apps and learning games for kids

By Courtney Schley

To find our favorite learning apps and games for kids, we spent more than 40 hours researching and testing 50-plus apps recommended by educators, experts, and parents. If your family has a tablet and you want it to be more than a game-playing and video-watching device, or if you’re trying to find apps for your smartphone that will do more than keep your kids occupied in a pinch, we have some great suggestions.

As with our guides to STEM and learning toys, we didn’t test scores of apps to try to find the “best” ones. Rather, most of the apps here have been chosen by teachers for their students in classrooms, used by Wirecutter parents and their kids, or recommended by the experts and educators we spoke with. (For details, read more about how we selected the apps in this guide.) The apps we cover in this guide are great learning apps not because they’re designed to make kids smarter, to drill facts, or to replace in-school learning, but because they each offer something fun, unique, and interesting for kids and adults.

The research

Our favorite math apps, our favorite coding apps, our favorite science and exploration apps, our favorite social and emotional learning apps, our favorite ebook app, how we picked and tested.

These math games don’t simply drill facts or make kids memorize but rather use visuals, narratives, and storylines to help kids discover math concepts and build their skills. We like these apps because they offer games and exercises tailored to different ages and skill levels and because they encourage adults and kids to play together.

A family math app: Bedtime Math

A screenshot of Bedtime Math from our review of the best educational apps for kids, showing the "Math Problem of the Day" screen within the app

Bedtime Math (iOS and Android)

Bringing math home.

This free app makes math a part of daily family life, like a bedtime story. A peer-reviewed study showed that it not only helps improve kids’ math performance but also makes parents feel more comfortable with math.

Buying Options

How it works: Bedtime Math ( iOS and Android ) seeks to do for math what the bedtime story does for literacy, by turning math into an enjoyable bonding routine between child and caregiver.

The free app offers a daily word problem for children to solve together with an adult during bedtime or anytime. Each exercise centers on a short narrative or interesting fact and poses questions at four difficulty levels, from pre-K through elementary school.

Why it’s great: Bedtime Math is one of the few children’s educational apps that have been evaluated in a peer-reviewed study . This particular study demonstrated that students who used the app significantly boosted their math scores; it also showed that Bedtime Math can help parents mitigate their own math anxiety , a phenomenon that can negatively affect their children’s attitudes toward math and their ability in the subject. Teacher Jennifer Auten told us she liked that the questions were written at a middle-school reading level, meaning an adult must facilitate the discussion but you have a choice of four levels of difficulty based on the child’s age and math level.

Apps for visual math: DragonBox Numbers and DragonBox Big Numbers

A screenshot of DragonBox Big Numbers from our review of the best educational apps and learning games for kids, showing a screen of addition and subtraction equation practice

DragonBox Numbers (iOS, Android, and Amazon)

Visual numeracy.

Cute Nooms help kids visualize and conceptualize numbers and arithmetic operations.

learning educational games for 2 year olds

DragonBox Big Numbers (iOS, Android, and Amazon)

More-complex arithmetic.

Kids follow characters called Nooms on adventures, solving long addition and subtraction equations in the process.

Ages: 4 to 8 and 6 to 9

How it works: DragonBox Numbers ( iOS , Android , and Amazon ), aimed at kids 4 through 8, introduces number sense, addition, and subtraction through cute characters called Nooms. (The characters are designed to resemble Cuisenaire rods , math learning aids that introduce kids to arithmetic operations in a hands-on way.) Kids feed, slice, and sort the Nooms, developing familiarity with addition, subtraction, fractions, and ranges. In DragonBox Big Numbers ( iOS , Android , and Amazon ), for kids 5 through 9, players follow the Nooms on more complex adventures, solving long addition and subtraction equations in order to gather and trade resources.

Why it’s great: The Nooms function as digital versions of what classroom teachers call math manipulatives , physical learning aids that help young children understand theoretical math concepts in a concrete way. For older kids, the DragonBox series continues on with algebra and Euclidean geometry.

Many great apps teach coding to kids as young as preschool and progressing through upper elementary grades. We’ve highlighted four of these apps because they’re particularly easy to get started with and don’t require reading or, for the child or the parent, a coding background. Regardless of what app they use, parents should think of coding apps as a family activity, said Pat Yongpradit of Code.org . “You will rarely have such a rich media experience as you can when coding with your kid,” he said.

Coding puzzles for beginners: Lightbot and Lightbot Jr

A screenshot of the educational app Lightbot, showing a screen that explains to the user how a particular command within the app works, from our review of the best educational apps and learning games for kids

Lightbot (iOS and Android)

Coding puzzles.

The app’s simple puzzle challenges are easy to jump into for kids and adults with no previous coding experience.

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Lightbot Jr (iOS and Android)

Coding puzzles for younger kids.

A slower-paced, easier set of puzzles for kids as young as preschool.

Ages: 9 and up (Lightbot); 4 to 8 (Lightbot Jr)

How it works: In Lightbot ( iOS and Android ), kids solve a series of simple puzzles by lining up commands that make a robot advance over obstacles and light up squares. As they master basic concepts, they add more-complex commands, such as conditionals, loops, and nested statements. Lightbot Jr ( iOS and Android ) follows a similar structure but at a slower pace and with simpler challenges that focus on reinforcing the basics. A minimal amount of reading is required, so pre-readers may need adult help at the beginning.

Why it’s great: Project Lead The Way (PLTW), a nonprofit educational organization that promotes and develops STEM curricula and resources, told us, “The best apps for young students without previous experience are those that teach and help build logic and reasoning skills [and] critical thinking skills, and provide brain teasers.” PLTW’s curriculum writers like the Lightbot and Lightbot Jr apps as ways to get kids as young as 4 started with the basic concepts and logical structures of coding.

A creative coding app: ScratchJr

A screenshot from ScratchJr, showing the creation environment, from our review of the best educational apps for kids

ScratchJr (iOS, Android, and Amazon)

Visual programming.

Using graphical coding blocks, ScratchJr lets kids animate characters and create storylines.

Ages: 5 and up

How it works: In ScratchJr ( iOS , Android , Amazon ), kids select characters and backdrop scenes and drag graphical programming blocks, which snap together like puzzle pieces, to make animation sequences and storylines. Although the app has some written cues, the programming blocks largely use symbols (such as arrows and stop signs) to indicate what they do (such as move the character forward or make them stop). As kids become familiar with how to structure the code, they can create multi-scene stories.

Why it’s great: ScratchJr isn’t lesson-based (though you can consult a variety of curricula and tutorials for the app) but rather designed to give kids a sandbox in which to experiment, learn, and create through trial and error (the app offers sample animations as well). Pat Yongpradit of Code.org , which recommends ScratchJr among other coding apps and games, noted one particular benefit: “It’s very free-form; you’re not basically being directed down a particular path.” Younger kids will need an adult or older child to guide them as they get familiar with ScratchJr .

An app for hands-on coding: Osmo Coding Awbie

A child using the Osmo app on an iPad, complete with the base and colorful game tiles, from our review of the best educational apps and learning games for kids

Osmo Coding (iOS)

Tangible coding.

The Osmo system uses physical game pieces in conjunction with the device’s screen, making scripting and coding tangible and accessible for pre-readers.

Ages: 5 to 12

How it works: Osmo Coding Awbie requires a base system—a stand and a mirror that attach to the device’s camera and that are compatible with other Osmo games —for the iPad , iPhone , and Amazon Fire . The system allows players to use physical pieces to interact with the screen-based game. Kids use bricks marked with commands, arrows, numbers, and loops to create scripts that direct a silly character through mazes and challenges, picking up prizes such as strawberries.

Why it’s great: Teacher Jennifer Auten, who uses Osmo Coding Awbie and other Osmo games in her classroom, said the fact that it combined an app with physical pieces made kids more patient and thoughtful as they worked through the challenges: “When something is purely on the screen, kids will sometimes end up just tapping as fast as they can, randomly guessing. With the manipulatives, it slows their thinking down.” Auten also noted that the physical pieces made it easier to play the game with multiple people, fostering discussion, collaboration, and group problem-solving. She also likes that Osmo Coding Awbie is open-ended: “Kids can explore and create their own paths.”

In this category we chose these three apps—focused on anatomy, the natural world, and space—because they offer kids unique, open-ended ways to explore science topics. Each app encourages kids to meander, linger, and dive deeper at their own pace.

An app to see what’s inside: The Human Body

A screenshot from The Human Body, one of our picks for best education app and learning games for kids, showing screens for both the digestive system and the heart

The Human Body (iOS and Android)

Seeing what’s inside.

The Human Body offers a visually and aurally interesting way to wander through the body’s organs, systems, and functions.

How it works: In The Human Body ( iOS and Android ), kids explore anatomy by jumping around to different organs and systems—for example, watching a mouth chew food and swallow drink, sliding into a stomach breaking down food, and following flashing nerve signals as they race up to the brain.

Why it’s great: The Human Body focuses less on teaching kids specific anatomical lessons and more on sparking wonder and fascination toward the body and what it can do. The app’s engaging visuals are neither cartoonish nor graphic, and the thoughtful sound effects are as compelling and instructive as the animations: Gurgles, wooshes, creaks, and spurts give kids a visceral sense of what’s happening inside them. You can toggle on or off the text labels that identify the systems and organs, but no reading is required to get deep into the app, making it equally accessible to pre-readers.

An app for discovering nature: Toca Nature

A screenshot from Toca Nature, showing one of the screens of a landscape that users can alter using the app's tools, from our review of the best educational apps and learning games

Toca Nature (iOS, Android, and Amazon)

Natural-world building.

Toca Nature is an open-ended building app—similar to Minecraft—where kids can explore and shape the terrain, collect resources, and observe wildlife.

Ages: 4 and up

How it works: In Toca Nature ( iOS , Android , Amazon ), kids start with a simple plot of land where they can raise or lower mountains, create lakes, clear or plant forests, and make deserts. They can zoom in to different areas of their terrain to collect and distribute resources (like mushrooms, fish, or berries). As they change and shape the environment, different kinds of animals, plants, and fish will appear, multiply, migrate, or disappear.

Why it’s great: Similar to popular narrative-less building games like Minecraft , Toca Nature harnesses the enjoyment kids get from open-ended creating, wandering, and exploring games, with a unique focus on the natural world. Common Sense Media senior editor Christine Elgersma said that an app like Toca Nature doesn’t have explicit learning goals—it’s not trying to teach kids the names of animals or types of terrain, for example—but rather is “an exploratory app with experiences that a kid really couldn’t have off screen.” By creating and manipulating the environment, and then observing how the plant and wildlife change as a result, kids can see how animals, resources, and the environment interact.

An app for exploring space: Professor Astro Cat’s Solar System

A screenshot from Professor Astro Cat's Solar System showing a true-false trivia question about the formation of the moon, from our review of the best educational apps and learning games for kids

Professor Astro Cat’s Solar System (iOS, Android, and Amazon)

Cats in space.

Explore the solar system with a jet-propelled cat.

Ages: 8 to 12, or 6 and up with an adult

How it works: Kids explore the app much as they would read a book, delving into facts, illustrations, and animations about planets, moons, stars, and space exploration. At various points, quizzes and other challenges let you earn sardine treats for Professor Astro Cat.

Why it’s great: Jana Grcevich , an astronomer, science educator, and author , told us she enjoyed the Professor Astro Cat app ( iOS , Android , and Amazon ), along with the popular book series it’s based on, with her then 6-year-old niece. The app requires reading, but the entertaining storyline and fascinating facts make it fun for adults along with younger children.

Social and emotional learning , which includes self-awareness, empathy, communication skills, and building relationships, among other capacities, has increasingly been recognized as a critical component of children’s education. These three apps let young kids explore different aspects of self-expression, emotions, and social play.

An app for self-expression: Me: A Kid’s Diary

A screenshot from Me: A Kid's Diary, from our review of the best educational apps and learning games for kids

Me: A Kid's Diary (iOS)

A digital diary.

This app lets kids explore self-expression through drawing, writing, photos, and audio and video.

Ages: 7 and up

How it works: Kids create a digital diary of their lives by answering questions about themselves; making avatars for family members, friends, and other loved ones; and designing their own media. Kids navigate all these entries on their Me Map, a sort of multimedia landscape of their lives.

Why it’s great: Me: A Kid’s Diary helps kids creatively document their feelings, experiences, and loved ones through different media and modes of expression. In some ways, the app offers an experience akin to social media—uploading photos, making videos, writing reflections, and mapping personal connections—but in an entirely closed environment (there’s no actual communication or sharing within the app). This can create a space for kids to start to explore (and for parents to discuss) digital self-expression and sharing.

An app for emotions: Daniel Tiger’s Grr-ific Feelings

A screenshot from Daniel Tiger’s Grr-ific Feelings a social emotional learning app reviewed in our review of the best educational apps and learning games for kids

Daniel Tiger's Grr-ific Feelings (iOS, Android, and Amazon)

Exploring emotions.

The beloved PBS character helps young kids identify, act out, and explore their feelings through games, songs and creative activities.

Ages: 2 to 5

How it works: Kids explore the familiar world of the PBS Kids series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood ( iOS , Android , Amazon ) through simple games, songs, and art activities that focus on identifying and exploring feelings and emotions. It offers different ways for kids to practice, talk about, and experience emotions, such as by drawing a picture, taking a photo of themselves feeling angry or happy, or practicing a calming exercise with Daniel Tiger.

Why it’s great: The app is simple and accessible for very young kids, with frequent verbal cues and reminders to help them through the easily navigable interface. “Even without the Daniel tie-in, it could actually still be a pretty successful app for teaching a lot of social, emotional, and self-care skills,” said Harry Sawyers, Wirecutter senior editor and father of three. “But having the familiar characters and songs really helps jump-start their interest if, for example, they ‘have to go potty—stop, and go right awaaaaay!’”

An app for social play: Toca Tea Party

A screenshot from Toca Tea Party, showing a screen in which the user has set a table with tea party refreshments, from our guide of the best educational apps and learning games for kids

Toca Tea Party (iOS)

Tea for two (or more).

Toca Tea Party presents the elements of a tea party—drinks, desserts, and dishes—for unstructured imaginative play.

Ages: 2 and up

How it works: Toca Tea Party couldn’t be simpler: You set a tea table with plates, cups, drinks, and treats for three guests, and the rest is up to your imagination. There’s no objective beyond pouring drinks, munching treats, and wiping up spills, and the app has a built-in end point: Once you’ve finished the snacks and beverages, the table clears itself and the dishes drop into a sink, ending the party.

Why it’s great: Toca Tea Party isn’t so much a game as a scene for unstructured imaginative and social play for young children. Kids can play alone (perhaps by inviting dolls or stuffed animals as guests) or with one or two others—a unique feature for a tablet game to pull off well. My two daughters, now 4 and 5, haven’t tired of Toca Tea Party after two years, and their play centers on chatting, pretending, and sharing.

An app for reading: Epic! ebook subscription

Two children side by side watching a tablet with the Epic! e-book subscription open.

Epic! e-book subscription

Endless ebooks.

This app allows young readers to choose from up to 35,000 different books for a low monthly cost.

How it works: For $8 a month, kids gain access to some 35,000 children’s books in an intuitively designed app. Epic’s library is updated regularly with new titles, including classics and the site’s original content. Many of the picture books have a “Read to me” function, where a narrator reads the text aloud and the pages turn automatically. The app also suggests books by age and based on what a child has previously read, allowing kids to easily discover new titles at their reading level. Epic! works on iOS, Android and Microsoft tablets and smartphones.

Why it’s great: While some subscription kids’ e-book apps tend to be populated with the kinds of uninteresting titles you’d find in a bookstore bargain bin, Epic! offers an impressive library of children’s books, including many of the beloved classics and award-winning authors you’d find in a well-curated children’s library. (The Wizard of Oz, with the original 1900 illustrations, was one memorable find that gave us many nights of rapt bedtime reading.) The app is simple enough to use that both of my daughters can independently browse books by the cover art and find what interests them—even though they are both pre-readers. Fairy tales abound, but I’ve also found them paging through books about geology, Ramadan, and coding.

Since we began researching learning apps in 2016, we’ve spoken with a range of experts, including a classroom teacher, a child developmental psychologist, a pediatrician, an astronomer, education researchers, app developers, and others.

These have included Kathy Hirsh-Pasek , a professor of psychology at Temple University who has written about and conducted research studies on educational apps for young children; Jennifer Auten , an award-winning teacher in Cupertino, California, who has been using tablet and smartphone apps in her first- and second-grade curricula since the iPad was released in 2010; Christine Elgersma , senior editor, parent education, for Common Sense Media, an organization focused on children’s media; and Pat Yongpradit , chief academic officer at Code.org, a nonprofit that advocates for computer science education. Last, we’ve spoken with parents on our staff for recommendations of apps they and their kids love in categories such as science, music, and coding.

Three children gathered around an iPad, playing one of our picks for best educational apps and learning games for kids

We read articles and reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and child developmental psychologists and educational researchers to learn about kids’ media use and about principles for designing learning apps. Finally, we read through reviews and ratings from well-regarded children’s media sites such as Common Sense Media .

Similar to what we found when researching learning toys , we discovered that developers and app stores often label apps as “educational” with little research or evidence, and few experts, to support those claims. In 2016, the AAP released a broad report on children’s use of digital media, calling for more-rigorous evaluation of apps that claim to be educational: “Unfortunately, very few of the commercially available apps found in the educational section of app stores have evidence-based design input with demonstrated learning effectiveness.” Similarly, in a 2015 article , Hirsh-Pasek writes that educational apps “present a significant opportunity for out-of-school, informal learning when designed in educationally appropriate ways” but notes later on that “[o]nly a handful of apps are designed with an eye toward how children actually learn.”

Experts are still studying what makes learning apps successful pedagogical tools, as well as fun and interesting activities for kids. But after speaking with experts, reading research, and trying out apps ourselves, we identified a few features that seem to be common among great learning apps.

  • Offer unique experiences: Several of the experts we spoke to noted that a good educational app should offer children something they couldn’t simply do, learn, or explore in a classroom or the real world. If the app is “basically a worksheet on screen, [or] an experience that could be replicated off screen, then that’s not a good use of the screen,” Elgersma said. “You want it to be an experience that kids could really only have in that screen world.”
  • Be open-ended, with limits: Most of the apps in this guide are open-ended in the sense that they encourage kids to independently explore, create, and navigate within the app. But researchers say it’s important to have built-in limits, as well. The AAP has pointed out that digital games have traditionally been designed with rewards and reinforcement designed to keep kids playing as long as possible. The organization recommends that learning apps instead have “automatic ‘stops’ as the default design to encourage children and caregivers to pause the game use and turn to the 3-dimensional world.”
  • Be engaging but not distracting: Apps have great potential to engage children through interactive features, but some research has shown that too many bells and whistles can distract children or reduce their comprehension. A good learning app uses interactive, animated, and responsive features to engage kids or enhance their comprehension, not simply to entertain. Hirsh-Pasek has written that parents should evaluate an app’s interactive features and ask: “Do the enhancements actually add value and increase engagement, or do they cause distraction?”
  • Encourage interaction: The AAP and other organizations say that learning apps that encourage real-life interaction among multiple people—adult and child, or child and peers—can be especially strong at facilitating learning. The apps in this guide are fun and interesting for kids and adults, and many foster conversation and play outside of the app itself.

As with our guide to learning toys , we focused primarily on apps aimed at kids 3 to 9 years old, though older kids can enjoy many of our recommendations, as well. We chose this age range because, as Hirsh-Pasek has written , “there are so many apps targeted toward [children in this range] that parents and educators do not know how to navigate the marketplace of possibilities.”

All the apps we recommend in this guide adhere to the FTC’s Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act . Among other things, COPPA requires that websites and apps directed at children under age 13 obtain permission from parents before collecting or sharing personal information from children, or targeting them with behavioral advertising. None of the apps in this guide require children to enter personal information in order to use the app’s functions, and none offer social media sharing or connectivity.

Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, et al., Putting Education in “Educational” Apps: Lessons From the Science of Learning , Psychological Science in the Public Interest , April 20, 2015

Yolanda (Linda) Reid Chassiakos, et al., Children and Adolescents and Digital Media , Pediatrics , October 1, 2016

Jana Grcevich, PhD, astronomer, science educator, author , phone interview , December 1, 2016

Jennifer Auten, first- and second-grade teacher, Cupertino, California , phone interview , November 8, 2016

Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, PhD, professor of psychology, Temple University , phone interview , January 8, 2019

Christine Elgersma, senior editor, parent education, Common Sense Media , phone interview , March 12, 2019

Pat Yongpradit, chief academic officer, Code.org , phone interview , April 18, 2019

Meet your guide

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Courtney Schley

Courtney Schley, a senior editor covering sleep and appliances, has been at Wirecutter since 2014. She has held several roles at Wirecutter, including research editor, as well as supervising editor of baby and kid coverage.

Further reading

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8 Time-Tested Sidewalk Games We Love

by Dan Koeppel

Old-school games from the sidewalks of New York are still surprisingly fun—and require not much more than chalk.

18 Fun and Educational Toddler Apps to Help Kids Learn

Download these apps and turn screen time into learning time.

18 fun and educational toddler apps to help kids learn

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

We updated this article in March 2023 to add new picks based on recent testing.

Our top picks:

PBS Kids Games

Best Overall

Pbs kids games.

ABC Mouse

Best Educational

Abc mouse abc mouse.

 Homer Learn & Grow

Best Personalized

Homer learn & grow.

Elmo Loves 123s

Best for Learning Numbers

Elmo loves 123s.

Daniel Tiger's Grr-ific Feelings

Best for Understanding Feelings

Daniel tiger's grr-ific feelings.

Elmo Calls

Best for Encouraging Social Skills

Khan Academy Kids

Best to Grow With Your Kids

Khan academy kids.

Beck and Bo

Best for Pretend Play

Beck and bo.


Best for Reading

Baby Games

Best for 1-Year-Olds

2-3.com baby games.

The experts at the Good Housekeeping Institute test and review all kinds of apps, from workout apps to dating apps . When it came to finding the best apps for toddlers , our on-staff parenting experts and real-life parent and child testers got hands-on with dozens of popular apps to evaluate them for ease of use, age-appropriateness, ability to engage and more.

Here, we review our favorites — some feature your toddler's favorite TV personalities, like Elmo and Daniel Tiger, some will get them up and moving so screen time isn't also sedentary time and many of them are even free. But the good news is that all of them should keep your kids' attention long enough for you to get something — anything! — done.

PBS Kids Games should be a staple in any house with a toddler. GH Chief Technologist Rachel Rothman and her little ones use this app daily in their house. "PBS Kids Games is great because it covers a lot of popular titles with content and games you can feel good about ," she says. You'll find Daniel Tiger, Arthur and all the other popular characters come together to create games so fun kids won't even realize they're educational, making it a great app for kids and students alike . The app is also constantly updated with new games so your kids won't run out of content to explore.

Make learning fun with this educational and exciting app that uses stories, quizzes, games and videos to get kids started on a path to learning about reading, math, science and art. Our testers said they loved and used this app even before they began officially testing it for GH, and our experts appreciate that you can follow your kid's progress on a virtual map that outlines their learning progress so you can both see how far they've come in real time (and celebrate their victories).

Homer Learn & Grow

This app earned itself a GH Parenting Award in 2022 for its exciting way of teaching a variety of important topics like math, reading and social-emotional awareness. Our parent testers like the personalization options that let families with more than one kid customize their learning for each little one, and appreciate the diverse offerings for those of different ages and education levels. Our kid testers liked that the app gave them the chance to record their own voices so they can show off their mastery of each skill.

Learning your 123s can be difficult for toddlers, and this app will help get them on the path to becoming a math wiz. The free preview lets little ones learn 123 and you can download the full version to get games, videos and more on all numbers 1-20 . In fact, all of the iOS apps and Android apps by the Sesame Workshop are great, putting all the Sesame Street friends to good use helping kids do everything from learning their letters to using the potty. But Elmo Loves 123s is one of our favorites because of the cute ways Elmo helps kids learn their early numbers.

You can never have too much Daniel Tiger, and kids and parents will adore this app that helps them explore and understand emotions . This fun pick features games, sing-alongs, art exercises and a "feelings photo-booth" that lets kids take pictures of themselves to better understand expressions. We're fans of all things Daniel Tiger, and appreciate how this app helps little ones get more in touch with recognizing feelings, expressing themselves in positive and valuable ways and understanding social-emotional cues.

Ring ring! It's Elmo. Your kid can learn valuable social skills while making important phone calls to their favorite Sesame Street character. Like FaceTime but with Elmo, this app helps little ones get used to talking over video chat , and lets them practice for those long distance calls with Grandma. Rothman notes that her kids were particularly enthralled by this app during their early toddler years. Aside from video calls, this app also lets you receive voicemails and listen to messages from your furry friend at any time.

Kids can learn reading, writing, math, social-emotional skills and more when they hop on the Khan Academy Kids app. Just like the regular Khan Academy app, which kids can graduate to once they turn four, this toddler-friendly app will help them learn the important skills they'll need once they enter preschool. It allows you to create a personalized learning path for your child , plus, you don't need to worry about paying a subscription fee or slogging through ads since this app — and all the educational content that's constantly being updated — is completely free.

This beautifully animated app lets kids put characters in different scenes, from everyday locations like the grocery store to exotic locales like the jungle. T hey can place characters and objects in the scene, or tap on items to find out what things are called and learn new words . It's a great introduction to pretend-play and online gaming, letting kids play games like matching and ball, learn logic by building each scene and manipulating characters and objects to different areas, expand their vocabulary and more.

Epic! will inspire and encourage early readers to fall in love with books. With more than 40,000 bo0ks on the platform that are ready to read, it's easier than a trip to the local library, and you can search through them by age or interest. Plus, there's even books and quizzes in foreign languages to help introduce your little ones to Spanish, French or Chinese at a young age. You get a free month-long trial before being charged a monthly fee; check with your school, though, because sometimes they can set up free subscriptions for their classrooms.

Your baby gamer will adore the games found on this app that tiny tots won't be able to get enough of. Using sounds, animations and numbers, this app makes it simple to introduce a variety of topics to your kids. Created by a dad who wanted to give back, these free and simple interactive games for the littlest of kids include balloon-popping games, virtual instruments to play and even fireworks so that the youngest members of your family can join in the app fun, starting as early as six months.

Hungry Caterpillar Play School

Hungry Caterpillar Play School

Nostalgic parents probably remember the Very Hungry Caterpillar from Eric Carle's beloved books from their own early reading days. Not only has this books stayed a staple in the nursery for decades, but its app version helps introduce kids to educational themes with one of their favorite literary characters. This app lets kids take the Caterpillar through games that tackle very basic math, problem-solving and science .

Starfall ABCs

Starfall ABCs

There are a million apps that claim to help kids learn the ABCs, but this one is backed by a nonprofit education company . Kids interact with letters and learn how to make sounds and words. While you can chose to pay for the upgraded version to get a few more bells and whistles, like math lessons, we found the free version to have an impressive amount of content all on its own.

Goodness Shapes

Goodness Shapes

Friendly-looking shapes help kids learn colors, matching and sorting in this preschool-friendly app. You might want to use it as a de-stressing tool, too. Kids can challenge their brains while they practice shape, color and pattern recognition and play some fun games with cute shape characters. One of our favorite things? It's offline, so you don't have to worry about being hooked up to Wi-Fi while playing, and since you pay a couple dollars upfront for access, there aren't any additional paywalls or ads to wade through while playing.


It can be hard to get your steps in if you spend the majority of your time at home on screens, but this adorable app helps encourage your little ones to get active. When it's time for a movement break, this app has videos that gets kids up and exercising so they don't spend all day lounging on the couch. From dance to yoga to mindfulness, there's over 300 videos on here to get you started. The simple, follow-me videos even have an educational twist sometimes (one of our favorites teaches kids about making patterns ). That might go over your toddler's head, but they can still try the moves. While it's geared toward a little bit older kids, little ones can get in on the fun and copy the moves with you.

Cosmic Kids!

Cosmic Kids!

Yogis and meditators will appreciate this app geared toward giving toddlers their first taste of mindfulness. A bit of meditation can help everyone manage their emotional wellbeing and stress levels , and Cosmic Kids has over 80 yoga videos and 28 mindfulness sessions. For families looking to get into yoga, this mindfulness app offers videos of workouts geared for kids. (Your toddler may have to do modified versions of the moves since the app is made for a little bit older kids.) The host, Jaime, puts routines together that are themed to Frozen , Star Wars , Minecraft and other kid faves.


It's a little bit like the game Guess Who, where kids have to identify animals who are dancing, wagging their tails or crying. There's also a social/emotional learning component to it, since sometimes they have to identify animals by what they're feeling and pick out who is surprised, crying, happy, sad and more. This app lets kids interact with animals of all sorts and learn more about emotional cues and what they mean. We appreciate that it engages a variety of skills and senses.

Lego Duplo World

Duplo World

Winner of the KAPI Best App award in 2020 (amongst a variety of other awards throughout the past few years), this open-ended app lets kids explore the in-app world and build 3D structures. It's all the fun of Legos without the fear of your kids leaving them on the floor for you to step on. Featuring games with animals, cars, trains and more, this app lets your kids use 3D bricks to build while learning more about how the world and the many things in it function. When they get older, they can connect and play with friends.

Moo, Baa, La La La!

Moo, Baa, La La La!

Classic children's book writer Sandra Boynton is known for her dozens of board books for little ones, and this app brings one of your favorite ones to life. With this app, her Moo, Baa, La La La! book becomes interactive , and kids can hear animal sounds and do things like tap the screen to turn day to night. This e-book experience is great for traveling, since you don't have to bring anything along with you to create the perfect bedtime routine and read your little one's favorite book.

How we test apps for toddlers

line break

We know many apps are out there on the market, and how difficult it can be to find out which ones are worth downloading and purchasing for your family. To find the best apps for toddlers, we tested dozens of popular kids' apps designed primarily for 2 to 4-year-olds. After consulting our consumer panel, made up of real parents and their children, we were able to narrow down a list of apps worth considering.

Then, our experts evaluated each app on a variety of factors, like how easy it is to use for both parents and children independently, whether or not it's worth its price, how long and effectively it can hold your kid's attention, whether or not it's age appropriate, if there are any tech pitfalls and more.

What to look for in apps for toddlers

✔️ Safety: To avoid getting scammed and protect your own safety, there are a few things you can keep in mind when signing up for a new app. Consider how much information the app is requesting from you and whether or not it feels necessary. Is there additional verification required when you log in? Parents can check out the number of times the app has been downloaded, the rating and reviews on the Apple or Google Play store to make sure it's even safe for download. Don't forget to look over the permissions list and app description before downloading.

✔️ Features: Some apps offer personalized learning plans or include features that let more than one kid track their own plans at the same time. Others simply offer fun games to keep your kids entertained for a few minutes. Keep an eye out for the extra features of each app depending on what you're hoping to achieve.

✔️ Ease of use: While toddlers are a little young to be navigating apps on their own, some will be able to do so once they get a bit older. Not only will this help them develop their independence and strengthen their problem-solving skills, but will give you a much needed break while they're entertained. Make sure the app is intuitive enough for them to handle on their own.

✔️ Age: The right apps for your kids are age appropriate for many reasons. Not only will this avoid unnecessary frustration when you accidentally put them in 3rd grade reading far before they're ready, but it means you don't have to worry about the content they're consuming. To get the most benefit out of each app experience, make sure that they're not learning at too low or too high of a level.

✔️ Price: Many of our favorite picks are free, but a few of the more specialized apps feature paid upgrades or monthly subscriptions with access to all of their unlimited games and videos. It may be worth a few bucks if it's an app your kid is particularly engaged with.

✔️ Engagement: Keeping your child entertained and engaged is one of the most important aspects of a good app. If your kid isn't excited to hop on and spend time learning new things, watching videos or playing the app's games, then it doesn't matter how helpful the app is if they can't even be bothered to log in.

Headshot of Rachel Rothman

Rachel Rothman was the chief technologist and executive technical director of the Good Housekeeping Institute for over 15 years , overseeing testing methodology, implementation and reporting for all GH Labs. She also managed GH's research division and the analysis of applicants for the GH Seal and all other testing emblems. 

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learning educational games for 2 year olds

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learning educational games for 2 year olds

Games - Free online games for kids 0 - 6

No. 2 Numberblock

Games for toddlers and preschoolers

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Let's Play Together

learning educational games for 2 year olds

The Busy Day Badge

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Waffle's Puppy Playtime

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Mr Tumble's Shining Stars

Games for older kids

learning educational games for 2 year olds

My Swashbuckle Adventure

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Peter Rabbit's Hop To It

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Get arty with this mess-free drawing game

learning educational games for 2 year olds

My World Kitchen

  • Handheld Only
  • Learning Areas
  • Special Needs
  • Communicating
  • Emotions Behaviour
  • Maths & puzzles
  • Music and Art
  • Physical development
  • Reading & writing
  • Understanding the world

Supertato - Supertato: Potato Flinger game

Supertato: Potato Flinger game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 263

Hey Duggee - The Picnic Badge Game

The Picnic Badge Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 295

CBeebies House - CBeebies Creative Lab

CBeebies Creative Lab

CBeebies House

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 2550

Dog Squad - Dog Squad Mission Alert Game

Dog Squad Mission Alert Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 621

Supertato - Supermarket Showdown

Supermarket Showdown

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 1746

Peter Rabbit - Peter Rabbit's Hop To It Game

Peter Rabbit's Hop To It Game

Peter Rabbit

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 123530

Swashbuckle - My Swashbuckle Adventure


  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 131742

Danger Mouse - Danger Mouse: Danger Dash

Danger Mouse: Danger Dash

Danger Mouse

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 73180

My World Kitchen - My World Kitchen game

My World Kitchen game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 73071

Numberblocks - Numberblocks Make and Play

Numberblocks Make and Play


  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 30239

Hey Duggee - The Busy Day Badge Game

The Busy Day Badge Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 5242

Hey Duggee - The Paddling Badge Game

The Paddling Badge Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 12461

Hey Duggee - Hey Duggee Squirrel Club Quest Game

Hey Duggee Squirrel Club Quest Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 15333

Hey Duggee - Hey Duggee Come and Play Game

Hey Duggee Come and Play Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 5652

JoJo & Gran Gran - JoJo & Gran Gran Game: Let's Play Together

JoJo & Gran Gran Game: Let's Play Together

JoJo & Gran Gran

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 1017

JoJo & Gran Gran - JoJo & Gran Gran Game: Parcel Surprise

JoJo & Gran Gran Game: Parcel Surprise

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 5509

JoJo & Gran Gran - JoJo & Gran Gran Game: Sound All Around

JoJo & Gran Gran Game: Sound All Around

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 780

Something Special - Mr Tumble's Shining Stars

Something Special

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 3455

Something Special - Mr Tumble's Rhyme Time

Mr Tumble's Rhyme Time

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 6567

Something Special - The Looking Game

The Looking Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 8679

Octonauts - Octonauts Ocean Adventures

Octonauts Ocean Adventures

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 12201

Shaun the Sheep - Shaun the Sheep - Barnyard Boogie Game

Shaun the Sheep - Barnyard Boogie Game

Shaun the Sheep

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 344

Shaun the Sheep - Shaun the Sheep - Race the Flock Game

Shaun the Sheep - Race the Flock Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 2812

My Pet and Me - My Pet and Friends

My Pet and Friends

My Pet and Me

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 55452

Down on the Farm - A Year On Your Farm

A Year On Your Farm

Down on the Farm

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 33948

Waffle the Wonder Dog - Waffle and Friends Game

Waffle and Friends Game

Waffle the Wonder Dog

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 40916

Waffle the Wonder Dog - Waffle's Puppy Playtime

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 33527

Peter Rabbit - Peter Rabbit Running Wild Game

Peter Rabbit Running Wild Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 9123

Andy's Safari Adventures - Andy's Animal Teams

Andy's Animal Teams

Andy's Safari Adventures

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 13075

Andy's Safari Adventures - Andy's Safari Sounds

Andy's Safari Sounds

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 23022

Andy's Dinosaur Adventures - Andy's Dinosaur Adventures Game

Andy's Dinosaur Adventures Game

Andy's Dinosaur Adventures

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 8394

Andy's Prehistoric Adventures - Andy's Prehistoric Park

Andy's Prehistoric Park

Andy's Prehistoric Adventures

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 8937

Andy's Dinosaur Adventures - Andy's Dino Fun

Andy's Dino Fun

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 2306

Love Monster - Challenge Yourself Day

Challenge Yourself Day

Love Monster

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 887

Love Monster - Fluffytown Adventures

Fluffytown Adventures

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 5304

Tee and Mo - Tee and Mo: Our Little World

Tee and Mo: Our Little World

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 7302

Tee and Mo - Tee and Mo Picnic Time

Tee and Mo Picnic Time

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 19792

Kit & Pup - Kit & Pup: World of Opposites

Kit & Pup: World of Opposites

Kit & Pup

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 15153

Go Jetters - Go Jetters: Hero Academy

Go Jetters: Hero Academy

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 13886

Go Jetters - Go Jetters: Cadet Rescue

Go Jetters: Cadet Rescue

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 31540

Go Jetters - Go Jetters Global Glitch

Go Jetters Global Glitch

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 30038

Go Jetters - Go Jetters Global Grooves

Go Jetters Global Grooves

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 14259

Tish Tash - Bobby's Rescue Mission Game

Bobby's Rescue Mission Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 738

Grace's Amazing Machines - Speedy's Epic Journey Game

Speedy's Epic Journey Game

Grace's Amazing Machines

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 960

Swashbuckle - The Midnight Mystery Game

The Midnight Mystery Game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 2021

CBeebies House - CBeebies Christmas Grotto game

CBeebies Christmas Grotto game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 314

Swashbuckle - The Great Pirate Games

The Great Pirate Games

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 27565

Moon and Me - Time To Go To Sleep

Time To Go To Sleep

Moon and Me

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 5064

Biggleton - Biggleton Helping Hands

Biggleton Helping Hands

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 13601

Maddie's Do You Know? - Explore with Maddie

Explore with Maddie

Maddie's Do You Know?

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 6761

Bitz & Bob - Bitz & Bob: Ice Cream Party

Bitz & Bob: Ice Cream Party

Bitz & Bob

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 16970

Twirlywoos - Twirlywoos Explore and Play

Twirlywoos Explore and Play

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 9543

Treasure Champs - Barry and Kari's Treasure Quest

Barry and Kari's Treasure Quest

Treasure Champs

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 9870

Justin's House - Little Monster's Cheeky Chase

Little Monster's Cheeky Chase

Justin's House

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 5789

Jamillah and Aladdin - Cave of Wonders Comic

Cave of Wonders Comic

Jamillah and Aladdin

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 4665

Charlie and Lola - Making and Doing

Making and Doing

Charlie and Lola

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 8402

Teletubbies - Teletubbies Play Day

Teletubbies Play Day


  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 15915

Topsy and Tim  - Topsy and Tim at the Farm

Topsy and Tim at the Farm

Topsy and Tim

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 8466

Little Roy - Wonder Doodler

Wonder Doodler

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 3647

Bing - Bing Build and Play game

Bing Build and Play game

  • Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 18032

Bluey character in an orange egg.

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learning educational games for 2 year olds


  • Recognizing letter names and sounds
  • Recognizing lowercase and uppercase letters
  • Identifying vowels and consonants
  • Tracing letters and numbers
  • Understanding that written words are separated by spaces
  • Putting the letters of the alphabet in order
  • Matching letter sounds to beginning word sounds
  • Counting syllables
  • Reading common high-frequency sight words
  • Recognizing rhyming words
  • Recognizing consonant digraphs and blends
  • Spelling common words
  • Engaging in wordplay
  • Understanding and contributing to a short narrative
  • Identifying the basic parts of a storybook (front cover, title page, title, author, illustrator, back cover)
  • Identifying the main character and basic plot of a story
  • Answering questions about the key details of a story
  • Talking about likes, dislikes, and favorites
  • Creating and illustrating a story
  • Counting to 10
  • Counting to 100
  • Adding up to 10
  • Subtracting up to 10
  • Counting by base-10 blocks
  • Skip-counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, and 10s up to 100
  • Recognizing written numbers from one to ten
  • Answering the question "How many?"
  • Sorting by number
  • Ordering by number
  • Tracing numbers
  • Sorting and organizing coins and bills
  • Recognizing shapes and patterns
  • Recognizing number bonds
  • Solving "more" and "less" word problems
  • Comparing numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to symbols
  • Comparing the length of two objects
  • Comparing the size of two objects
  • Completing a pattern
  • Estimating numbers
  • Completing a number grid
  • Recognizing the numbers on a set of dice
  • Recognizing shapes
  • Identifying shapes
  • Counting the number of sides and corners a shape hass
  • Painting and coloring
  • Illustrating a story
  • Identifying musical instruments
  • Expressing themselves through art and design
  • Recognizing and naming colors
  • Identifying the five senses
  • Naming and ordering the seasons
  • Naming and ordering the months of the year
  • Identifying food groups
  • Sorting money
  • Picking the right clothes for the weather
  • Identifying technological tools
  • Using a mouse, trackpad, or touchscreen
  • Using a keyboard

For a full list of aligned Common Core standards, visit our Common Core page:

The New York Times

Coloring Games for Kids 2‪+‬ 4+

Fun, paint, color for toddler, patrick battisti forsthofer, designed for ipad.

  • 5.0 • 1 Rating



Our app combines creativity & learning, offering easy, enjoyable coloring & drawing for kids 2-12. Engaging visuals & educational content foster skill development. Engage your child in a blend of creativity and learning with our app! Designed to make screen time both fun and constructive, it offers a range of activities that cater to various age groups. Let your little one unleash their inner artist with our coloring feature, specially crafted to be easy and enjoyable for the youngest users. Through drawing pages, we aim to enhance fine motor skills, setting the stage for budding artists to flourish. With captivating visuals and amusing characters, our app offers a plethora of pictures across different themes, accompanied by delightful sounds. Here's what awaits: - Explore 9 topic packs boasting 100 free pages. - Enjoy effortless coloring experiences tailored for children. - Dive into engaging drawing lessons. - Foster creativity and skill development. Designed for preschoolers and suitable for kids aged 2 to 12, each activity has been developed in collaboration with experts in children's education. Expect elements that nurture fine motor skills and logical thinking throughout. Let the fun begin!

Ratings and Reviews

App privacy.

The developer, Patrick Battisti Forsthofer , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


English, Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

  • App Support
  • Privacy Policy

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learning educational games for 2 year olds

Top 5 Best Board Games for 4-Year-Olds in 2024: Where Fun Meets Learning

A re you on the hunt for the perfect board game for your 4-year-old, but feel overwhelmed by the sea of options? You're not alone. Selecting a game that's both engaging and educational can seem like finding a needle in a haystack. The right board game can transform playtime into an enriching experience, fostering essential cognitive and social skills. However, not all games are created equal . That's where we step in. Let's navigate this vibrant world of board games together, ensuring your next pick is nothing short of perfect.

TL;DR: Key Takeaways

  • Board games enhance cognitive and social skills in 4-year-olds.
  • Look for games that balance fun with educational value.
  • Consider durability and ease of understanding when choosing a game.
  • Popular brands offer a variety of options tailored for young children.
  • Evaluate games based on child development expert recommendations and real-world testing.

JH5 My First Treasure Hunt!: A Perfect Family Game Night Adventure

In the world of board games for the young adventurers, "JH5 My First Treasure Hunt!" emerges as a shining jewel. This product by Jumping High Five isn't just any board game; it's a gateway to fostering creativity, strategic thinking, and teamwork among children aged 4 and up. Crafted with vibrant colors and engaging illustrations, this game is designed to captivate and educate, making it an ideal pick for family game nights.

The game's premise is simple yet thrilling: players work together to uncover hidden treasures on an island before a looming storm washes them away. This cooperative approach ensures that every player is engaged and contributes to the game's outcome, making victory a shared achievement. The game is applauded for its balance of fun and educational value, as it subtly enhances skills like basic counting, turn-taking, and strategic planning.

ThinkFun Zingo Bingo: Sparking Joy and Learning in Preschoolers

"ThinkFun Zingo Bingo Award Winning Preschool Game" has quickly become a household name, enchanting families worldwide with its engaging blend of fun and educational gameplay. As a top choice among both teachers and parents, Zingo stands out for its ability to develop critical language and matching skills in preschoolers through fast-paced play. This Amazon exclusive version allows up to 7 players to join in, thanks to an additional Zingo card, making it even more accessible for family game nights and classroom fun.

Equipped with a unique Zinger device that adds an element of surprise and delight, Zingo ensures everyone, from young to old, is engaged and entertained. Its ease of understanding, underscored by a high-quality instruction manual, means play can commence immediately out of the box—no lengthy setup required. Moreover, Zingo's recognition in the form of multiple awards, including an Oppenheim Gold and a Parents' Choice Award, speaks volumes of its value as a gift for children aged 4 and up.

Hasbro Gaming Candy Land Kingdom Of Sweet Adventures: A Colorful Journey for Preschoolers

"Hasbro Gaming Candy Land Kingdom Of Sweet Adventures Board Game" remains a cherished introduction into the magical world of board games for children. This classic game, adored across generations, invites little ones to embark on a sweet adventure towards the castle, racing through a realm filled with delicious surprises, without the need for reading skills. Suited for players aged 3 and up, it stands as an exemplary first board game that teaches color recognition, simple strategy, and turn-taking in an enchanting setting.

The game's allure is enhanced by its vibrant board and whimsical illustrations, capturing the imagination of its young audience. Hasbro Gaming has updated Candy Land with brighter, more engaging graphics while retaining the game's straightforward gameplay. It's a game where every card drawn propels the cute gingerbread man pawn closer to the castle, making it an exciting race to the finish.

Hasbro Gaming Don't Break The Ice: A Frosty Adventure for Preschoolers

"Hasbro Gaming Don't Break The Ice Preschool Game" brings a refreshing chill to family game nights, offering a perfect blend of suspense and laughter. This game sets the stage for an arctic adventure, where players take turns chipping away at a block of ice, hoping not to let Phillip the Penguin fall through. Aimed at children ages 3 and up, it's a wonderful way to introduce young minds to the world of board games without the need for reading.

The excitement of Don't Break The Ice lies in its simplicity and the immediate fun it offers. It's not just a game; it's a race against the melt, with each tap bringing either relief or a hilarious splashdown for Phillip. Families can gather to share in the thrill, making it an ideal choice for bringing everyone together, from the youngest members to the oldest.

Swing into Action with Hasbro Gaming Chutes and Ladders: Marvel Spider-Man Edition

Dive into the thrilling world of superheroes with "Hasbro Gaming Chutes and Ladders: Marvel Spider-Man Edition Board Game," a captivating adventure that combines the timeless fun of the classic Chutes and Ladders with the exciting universe of Marvel. This edition invites players to ascend with heroes and slide down with villains in a race to the finish line, featuring a vibrant game board adorned with your favorite characters.

This preschool-friendly game, suitable for kids as young as 3 years old, offers an engaging way to practice numeracy without the need for reading. The inclusion of eight Spider-Man character movers, such as Venom, Iron Spider, and Green Goblin, adds a personalized touch to the gameplay, allowing children to embark on the adventure as their favorite superhero or villain.

What Are Board Games for 4-Year-Olds?

Board games for this age group are designed to engage young players in activities that develop their cognitive abilities, motor skills, and social interactions. These games often include simple rules , appealing characters, and tactile elements that cater to their developmental stage.

Exploring Varieties

From cooperative board games that encourage teamwork to competitive ones that spark a healthy desire to win, the variety is endless. Subcategories include educational games focusing on numbers and letters, strategy games to enhance problem-solving skills, and games that improve memory and concentration.

Spotlight on Brands and Their Offerings

  • Hasbro : Known for classics like "Candy Land," which teaches color recognition and simple counting.
  • Melissa & Doug : Offers "Suspend," a balancing game that enhances fine motor skills.
  • Peaceable Kingdom : Specializes in cooperative games like "Hoot Owl Hoot!" that encourage teamwork.
  • ThinkFun : Introduces basic logic with games like "Zingo."
  • Ravensburger : Their "My First Orchard" game is excellent for developing color recognition and dexterity.
  • Educational Insights : "The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game" improves hand-eye coordination.
  • LeapFrog : Offers technology-driven learning games.
  • HABA : Known for high-quality, wooden games that last.

7 Must-Know Buying Criteria

  • Educational Value : Look for games that promote learning through play.
  • Age Appropriateness : Ensure the game matches your child's cognitive and motor skill level.
  • Durability : Kids can be tough on toys; durability is key.
  • Ease of Play : Simple rules and quick setup times are preferable.
  • Replay Value : Games that grow with your child or offer varied gameplay are ideal.
  • Social Interaction : Encourage games that foster interaction either through cooperative play or family involvement.
  • Safety : Non-toxic materials and choke-free pieces are essential.

Statistic & Fact

According to Grand View Research, the board games market was valued at USD 13.1 billion in 2020, with a forecasted growth rate of 9.3% from 2021 to 2028. This growth underscores the enduring appeal and importance of board games in child development.

Expert Insight

"Board games for young children are more than just playthings. They're tools that stimulate brain development while fostering important social skills like taking turns." - Dr. Carla Marie Manly, Clinical Psychologist.

Potential Weaknesses and Solutions

  • Complexity : Avoid games that are too complex. Look for simplicity in rules and objectives.
  • Fragile Components : Seek out games made with durable materials.
  • Limited Age Range : Choose games with flexible rules or expansions to grow with your child.

Evaluating Board Games: 5 Tests

  • The Durability Test : Inspect the game components for sturdiness.
  • The Engagement Test : Observe if the game holds your child's attention.
  • The Learning Curve Test : Ensure the game introduces new concepts at a comfortable pace.
  • The Social Interaction Test : Watch how the game affects interactions with peers and adults.
  • The Fun Factor Test : Ultimately, the game should deliver joy and excitement to your child.

Buyer Avatars

  • The Educational Enthusiast : Focuses on games that offer a clear learning benefit.
  • The Social Butterfly : Looks for games that encourage interaction and teamwork.
  • The Durability Seeker : Prioritizes high-quality, long-lasting game components.

Choosing the best board game for your 4-year-old is about striking a balance between fun and educational value. With the right game, you can turn playtime into a golden opportunity for growth and learning.

What skills can my child learn from board games?

Board games can enhance cognitive skills, motor skills, social skills, and emotional development.

How often should we play board games?

As often as you can! Regular play enhances the benefits.

Are digital board games as beneficial as physical ones?

While digital games offer convenience, physical games are better for developing fine motor skills and real-world social interactions.

Can board games help with preschool readiness?

Absolutely. They can introduce basic math, reading, and social skills necessary for preschool.

What if my child gets frustrated with a game?

Choose games with adjustable difficulty levels and encourage a growth mindset, emphasizing effort and learning over winning.

My Kind of Meeple

learning educational games for 2 year olds

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  • Learning & Education
  • Flash Cards

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learning educational games for 2 year olds

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Talking Flash Cards-Alphabet Pocket Speech Toys -224 Signt Words of 12 Varieties- Therapy Autism Sensory Toys for Autism Children-Educational Toddler for 2-4 Years Old Kids Gifts-Blue

  • To view this video download Flash Player

Talking Flash Cards-Alphabet Pocket Speech Toys -224 Signt Words of 12 Varieties- Therapy Autism Sensory Toys for Autism Children-Educational Toddler for 2-4 Years Old Kids Gifts-Blue

224 Sight Words-Blue

224 Sight Words-Pink

224 Words -Blue(New ABC+123)

224 Words -Pink(New ABC+123)

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About this item.

  • 🎀[Interesting Toddlers Learning Toys]:The toddler card learning toy is designed specifically for children with a pink card reader and 112 cards (224 visual words). Including 12 learning categories such as letters, numbers, animals and 1 piece of music.It's suitable for 4 years old boys and girls. And helps to improve their language and listening comprehension abilities.
  • 🎈[Convenient And Easy To Use]:This talking card learning toy is easy to operate, just insert the card into the card reader slot to play the content on the card. It has a repeat read button to repeat the sound and is simple to use. Compact and portable. Easy to carry. Wherever children go, this talking preschool machine will take them with it.
  • 🎉[Stimulate Toddler's Language Talent]:The size of the educational flash card is 3.15 * 2.36*1.26 inches, bright colors,easy for young children to use, waterproof and odorless.The volume can also be adjusted according to the child's listening characteristics. It is the best learning tool to help children stimulate their language talent and correct incorrect accents that occur during the vocal process.
  • 💖[USB Rechargeable And Safe]:The toddler's early education learning toy adopts safe and reliable USB charging technology, wireless use and does not require WIFI. Can automatically shut down to extend the battery life. Don't worry about battery emissions.Product shell surface smooth design to ensure the safety of toddlers.
  • 🎁[Prefect Childhood Education Gift]:The children's speech therapy toy is an ideal Christmas gift, birthday gift, and holiday gift for children aged 4. 4 years old is the glottic stage of brain memory and language development, which requires a simple and interesting interactive educational toy. It can help children effectively remember words and enhance family parent-child interaction.

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Talking Flash Cards-Alphabet Pocket Speech Toys -224 Signt Words of 12 Varieties- Therapy Autism Sensory Toys for Autism Chil

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Product information

Warranty & support, important information, safety information, product description.

talking flash card

Interesting Toys For Early Childhood Education And Learning - Making Children's Lives More Fun And Interesting!

Our Talking Flash Cards Learning Toys refers to the exploration of their talents and a series of factors that stimulate their desire to speak, which

can better assist them in improving their language perception ability.

talking flash cards

An Prefect Gift for 2-4 Years Old Boys and Girls

Product Name:Talking Flash Cards Learning Toys

Device Size:4 x 3.5 x 1.8 inches

Device weight:10.5 ounces

Flash Cards:112 psc

Sight Words:224

Colour:Pink & Blue

Charging method:USB cable

audible flashcards for children

If you are still struggling with choosing a gift for a child aged 234 , our toddler's card reader is a good choice. The blue style is suitable for giving to boys.

The pink color is suitable for giving to girls. It is the perfect choice for Christmas gifts, holiday gifts, and birthday gifts.

What's in the box

Videos for this product.

Video Widget Card

Click to play video

Video Widget Video Title Section

Customer Review: Useful and interactive

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Fantastic Toy for Learning!! REVIEW & DEMO - See why we love

Honest Reviews with Brooke

learning educational games for 2 year olds

Tool to teach your kids to talk or read

Renee Eide-Fearless Momma Lion

learning educational games for 2 year olds

GKTZ 224 words kid flash talking cards for Boys Girls

Video Widget Card

Toddler Talking Flash Cards Learning Toyss for Boys and Girls

Looking for specific info, customer reviews.

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the volume, use of language, quantity and fun of the flash cards. They mention that it's a really cool learning tool, perfect for on-the-go learning fun, and that it has a bunch of double sided cards. Customers also appreciate the value for money. They also are satisfied with the age range.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers find the flash cards a cool learning tool and educational toy for toddlers. They say it keeps their attention on learning and helps them learn sight words. Customers also mention that the cards are learning friendly with pictures to help toddlers identify items in the household.

"...Plus, with its compact size, it's perfect for on-the-go learning fun (not for the plane, but definitely for a car trip)...." Read more

"Cool idea and u think it’s a good educational tool but the one I got, the voice has a Japanese accent...." Read more

"Perfect for toddler hands! Lots of cards to learn . Bought as gift for 4 yo. Great price for what you get!" Read more

"...My grandson has a speech barrel and this helps him learn his letter and sounds ...." Read more

Customers like the quality of the flash cards. They mention it's sturdy, durable, and beneficial to their child's education. Some say the cards could be laminated for longer durability. Overall, most are happy with the quality and value of the product.

"It’s a cute little toy but has some flaws. The cards are pretty flemsy so they bend...." Read more

"It is very nice . You kids will love it" Read more

"...Sound quality is great, and there is plenty of bright colors . It’s the perfect size to take on the go too!..." Read more

"It’s a cute toy , but it uses a USB charge cord, which is likely to get lost...." Read more

Customers find the flash cards easy to use. They say it's simple to insert the cards and operate with volume and a repeat button. Customers also mention that it comes with instructions and a charger.

"...The card reader makes it super easy for them to explore different topics independently, and I love that it helps reduce screen time while still..." Read more

"...I love the amount of cards, and the simplicity of the card reader .Minor Con: The cards are almost too flimsy...." Read more

" Easy and fun for the kids..they really like to play and learn." Read more

"My 2 year old loves this and it’s easy for her to use by herself . She just loves it" Read more

Customers like the volume of the flash card. For example, they mention it makes sounds of the words, the sound quality is very good, and the voice speaking is very distinct and easy to understand. Some say it's the perfect volume for a class of 20 and easy for the kids to use on. That said, they say it reads the card out loud with the picture of the actual.

"...P.S. It has adjustable volume - could be important to know for parents whos kids hate high volume sounds!" Read more

"...There is also only one volume level which is very loud. The sound is clear , just loud." Read more

"...He loves picking out new cards and trying new words. Sound quality is great , and there is plenty of bright colors...." Read more

"...You can also adjust the volume . It's a perfect size for her to carry it around especially in a long car ride. I recommend this product for toddlers." Read more

Customers find the flash cards super worth the price, and a great gift idea. They also say it's cost efficient and educational. Customers are impressed with the quality due to the price.

"...Lots of cards to learn. Bought as gift for 4 yo. Great price for what you get!" Read more

"...I was very impressed with quality due to pricing ." Read more

"My kids like the cards. Very inexpensive education to keep the kids engaged and reading." Read more

"A really nice inexpensive learning game for toddlers" Read more

Customers like the variety of cards in the flash card set. They say it has a variety of different subjects, and the kids never get bored. Some customers also mention that the cards are good and genius. Overall, customers say the flash cards are the best toy ever and easy to use.

"...I love the amount of cards , and the simplicity of the card reader.Minor Con: The cards are almost too flimsy...." Read more

"...old is constantly curious about objects around , so the flash card is super helpful for him since it give you a quick description...." Read more

"...The talking flash cards alpha pocket came with many cards including different animals, colors, shapes, etc...." Read more

"This talking flashcards card is genius !..." Read more

Customers like the age range of the flash cards. They mention it's great for toddlers, grandkids, and kids with speech delays. Some say it'll work for older kids too, and is beneficial for typically developing infants and toddlers. Overall, customers say it keeps kids engaged and reading.

" Perfect for toddler hands ! Lots of cards to learn. Bought as gift for 4 yo. Great price for what you get!" Read more

"...I know that it would be very beneficial for typically developing infants /toddlers that are showing signs of verbally communicating...." Read more

"A little smaller than I expected, but fine for small hands . Comes with a charger...." Read more

Customers find the flash cards fun, educational, and entertaining. They say it keeps their granddaughters entertained while learning at the same time. Some say it's amusing for the little ones and an awesome toy for toddlers.

"Easy and fun for the kids ..they really like to play and learn." Read more

"...That makes it more fun , and less work for the parent. A very useful speech development device." Read more

"...I also love that it’s small and easily portable- a great toy for the car , restaurant or anywhere on the go!..." Read more

"I bought it for my 2 yo niece. She loves repeating the words and has a lot of fun . This device is portable so you can take it everywhere you go." Read more

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learning educational games for 2 year olds

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  2. 2. Role Play: Developing Role Playing Exercises

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  5. 2. Role Play: Preparing for Classroom Role-play

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  1. Games

    Donkey Hodie Go Fetch With Bob Dog. Bob Dog is on a mission to become a top fetcher with his coach, Penguin Referee! Go Fetch! With Bob Dog is a fun, claw machine-style game from Donkey Hodie where players use classification, flexible thinking, and visual discrimination to help Bob Dog sort the toys he wants and toss the ones he doesn't as fast as they can.

  2. 17 Learning Activities for 2-Year-Olds: Teaching Toddlers Through Play

    17 Learning Activities for Your 2-Year-Old. When it comes to educational activities for toddlers, you want to make them hands-on and fun. Learning should be joyful and creative. Fun activities can teach your child and keep them happily immersed in play. Activities for Gross Motor Skills Development 1. Play Silks and Dancing

  3. 20+ Best Fun Learning Activities for 2-Year-Olds

    7 Educational Activities for 2 Year Olds. 1. Color Sorting. What you'll need: Construction paper in different colors, crayons, markers, or paint. What to do: Cut out different shapes from each color of construction paper. Talk about the different colors with your toddler as they sort the shapes.

  4. Educational Games for Toddlers & Preschoolers

    KneeBouncers hosts a variety of interactive online games designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool kids with big, bright colors that will keep them engaged. Parents and preschool teachers use our interactive online games to introduce babies and toddlers to the foundation of learning. These baby games are easy to play and a joy to play.

  5. Online Toddler Games and Online Games for Kids

    We believe that learning should be a fun and enjoyable experience for children. Therefore, our online and free educational activities for kids 1-2-3-4-5-years old are designed with the most beautiful drawings to play and captivate their imagination and foster their cognitive and motor skills. Free Toddler Games: dragging and dropping

  6. Free Online Educational Learning Games for Kids

    Educational Learning Games for Kids. Explore the magical world of online learning games in math and ELA, tailored for Pre-K to Grade 5, well-suited for ages 2-11. Our teacher-designed learning program offers interactive educational games on counting, arithmetic operations, fractions, shapes, reading, writing, grammar, and more.

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  8. Free, fun educational app for young kids

    YouTube videos with interactive stories and lessons. Inspire a lifetime of learning with our educational app for kids ages 2-8. Kids can learn reading, writing, math, counting, ABCs, addition, subtraction, social-emotional skills, & more. 100% free on iPhone, iPad, Android, and Amazon.

  9. Activities for 2-Year-Olds: Ideas for Learning

    Initiate Conversation. Hand over a doll or plush toy, and encourage your child to hold, talk, dress, and take care of it. "Talk to the doll the way you would talk to a child, and encourage your ...


    My account. OWLIE BOO, a website with educational computer games for toddlers and young children. Our fun, stimulating games help the youngest kids learn how to use a computer while they play: how to press keys, how to move the mouse, how to click and drag objects.

  11. Sesame Street

    Elmo's Brain Games. Abby's Sandbox Search. Cooking With Cookie. Big Bird's Basketball. Dress Up Time! Backyard Bug Hunt. New! Elmo's World Games. Letter Dance Party. Elmo's School Friends. FOLLOW. WATCH. SHOP. ABOUT. Helping children grow smarter, stronger, and kinder.

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    A list of top 47 educational activities for two year olds at home. Easy to set up and loaded with learning opportunities for your toddler. ... Ball Games: Rolling, throwing, and kicking a ball back and forth is an age-old activity that strengthens muscles and hand-eye coordination. I find it also teaches toddlers about taking turns and sharing ...

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    Preschool SKILL GAMES. ABCya Paint. Grades PRE-K - 6+. Adventure Man Dungeon Dash - Shapes & Colors. Grades PRE-K - 3. Blue Ribbon Blitz - Comparing Sizes. Grades PRE-K - 1. Dress for the Weather. Grades PRE-K - 1.

  14. Toddler Games for 2+ year olds

    123 game: Counting for toddlers to learn numbers 1, 2 and 3. Puzzle game: A simple puzzle for kids to improve hand eye coordination. Logic game: Develop memory and logic with cute animals. Shape games: Sort items by shape to develop visual perception and hand eye coordination. Color games: Sort items by color while riding on a train or ...

  15. The 25 best games for 2-year-olds

    Here are 25 games for 2-year-olds that are sure to be a hit. Best board games. 1. Picture Lotto. Image via Amazon "I love picture or number bingo because it's easy and fast paced to play," says Clegg. "Kids don't have to wait long to have a turn, and you're able to teach them things like colors, numbers, letters and pictures."

  16. Matching Games

    With Bob Dog is a fun, claw machine-style game from Donkey Hodie where players use classification, flexible thinking, and visual discrimination to help Bob Dog sort the toys he wants and toss the ones he doesn't as fast as they can. Everyone will dig it! Play Now! Come travel the globe and learn about these 6 wonderful cities in this match game!

  17. 11 Great Educational Games for Kids to Play at Home

    Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. Ages 5 and up on Nintendo Switch (GameStop, Amazon) Photograph: Switch. This is a great game that encourages spacial thinking and unique puzzle solving. Kids can ...

  18. 40+ Best Online Educational Games for Every Grade in 2023

    Little Alchemy 2. This deceptively simple game is actually a lot of fun. Kids (and teachers!) can experiment with combining different elements, such as fire or dirt, to create something entirely new. It encourages creative thinking as well as knowledge of the world around us.

  19. Some of the Best Online Learning Games for Kids

    Buy from Amazon. Ages: 5 to 12. How it works: Osmo Coding Awbie requires a base system—a stand and a mirror that attach to the device's camera and that are compatible with other Osmo games ...

  20. 18 Best Apps for Toddlers of 2023

    The best apps for 2 year olds, 3 year olds and 4 year olds for learning numbers, shapes, colors, animals and more, including offline, educational and free apps.

  21. Games

    Looking for free, fun games and activities for babies, toddlers and young children? CBeebies is the home of fun and educational games for kids to play and learn at the same time.

  22. 15 of the Best Educational Apps for Kids and Students

    RELATED: 25 Fun Learning Games for Kids. Educational Apps Are Making Learning Fun Again. ... and other subjects for children ages two through eight years old. If you need validation, the app was ...

  23. Kindergarten Learning Games, Ages 5

    Naming and ordering the months of the year; Identifying food groups; ... The Leader in Educational Games for Kids! Featured in. OUR CONTENT. ALL GAMES Pre-K Games Grade K Games Grade 1 Games Grade 2 Games Grade 3 Games Grade 4 Games Grade 5 ... and learning. Fast and accurate language certification. Marketplace for millions of educator-created ...

  24. Learning Games For Kids SKIDOS 4+

    With over 40 fun games, we inspire curiosity in kids aged 2-11, helping them become confident lifelong learners! Our diverse portfolio of games keeps kids engaged and motivates them to learn more! We developed an extensive curriculum that covers number sense and math tasks, tracing letters and numbers, writing words, learning phonics ...

  25. Learn animal names & facts for babies toddlers preschoolers kids

    Learn animal names & facts for babies toddlers preschoolers kids. Learn a whole host of animal names and facts including farm animals, safari animals, sea an...

  26. Toddler Baby Games +2 year old 4+

    Our Toddler Games are designed by educational experts for 2-3 year old toddlers and can be a part of pre-kindergarten & preschool education for kids (Both boys and girls). Keep your toddlers occupied with various free educational baby games. The application contains 60 activities and games as follows: Drag items Snow man The garden

  27. Coloring Games for Kids 2‪+‬ 4+

    Our app combines creativity & learning, offering easy, enjoyable coloring & drawing for kids 2-12. Engaging visuals & educational content foster skill development. Engage your child in a blend of creativity and learning with our app!

  28. Top 5 Best Board Games for 4-Year-Olds in 2024: Where Fun Meets Learning

    Board games enhance cognitive and social skills in 4-year-olds. Look for games that balance fun with educational value. Consider durability and ease of understanding when choosing a game.

  29. Amazon.com: Talking Flash Cards-Alphabet Pocket Speech Toys -224 Signt

    This item: Talking Flash Cards-Alphabet Pocket Speech Toys -224 Signt Words of 12 Varieties- Therapy Autism Sensory Toys for Autism Children-Educational Toddler for 2-4 Years Old Kids Gifts-Blue $9.99 $ 9 . 99