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74 Best Social Media Research Paper Topics

Social media research topics

Whether in college or high school, you will come across research writing as a student. In most cases, the topic of research is assigned by your teacher/professor. Other times, students have to come up with their topic. Research writing in school is inescapable. It’s a task you are bound to undertake to fulfill your academic requirements. If you are in college, there are several topics for research depending on your discipline. For high school students, the topic is usually given. In this article, we focus on social media and topics about social media.

A social media paper is a research paper about social media that studies social media generally or an aspect of it. To write research papers on social media, you’ll need to conduct thorough research for materials and scholarly materials that’ll assist you. For social media, most of the scholarly works will be media-focused.

Sometimes, Professors or teachers ask students to write an essay or research a topic without narrowing it down. In that case, students will have to develop specific research topics. If you’re writing a paper on social media, we’ve provided you with helpful topics to consider for research.

How to Start a Social Media Research Paper

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Before giving a research writing, Professors and teachers believe students already know how to write one. Not every student knows how to write a research paper in most cases.

Research writing follows a systematic pattern, which applies to research on social media. Below is the pattern of a research paper to use;

  • Paper title
  • Introduction
  • Statement of problem
  • Research methodology
  • Research objective
  • Critical analysis
  • Results and discussion

Every research follows this basic pattern, and it also applies to your research paper on social media.

Social media has become a powerful tool for engagement of various kinds. Before now, social media was merely apps used for interpersonal affairs. Today, with the modification of digital technology, social media encompasses a lot more. Below are some social media topics to write about.

  • The impact of social media in promoting interpersonal relationships
  • A study on how social media is a vital tool for social change
  • Social media censorship: A new form of restriction on freedom of speech
  • The constantly growing oversharing nature of social media
  • Social media is a vital tool for political campaign
  • The proliferation of social media platforms into a buying space
  • The juxtaposition of personal engagement and business on social media platforms

There is a wide range of topics to coin from social media for college students because social media is a platform with diverse issues that can form into topics. Here are some research topics about social media to consider.

  • Breach of Privacy: A study on the ability of the government to monitor personal affairs on social media
  • A study of the toxicity brewing within social media
  • The increased cyberbullying perpetrated on social media platforms
  • The evolution of Twitter into a space for diverse conversations
  • A study of the emergence and growth of social media over the years
  • Effects of social media: How social media is breeding laziness amongst children
  • Social media as a distraction tool for students

If you are searching for interesting topics, there are many interesting research topics on social media. Examples of research paper topics that sound fun to choose from include;

  • A study on how the emergence of social media and social media advertising has infiltrated its primary purpose
  • An evaluation of how social media has created employment opportunities for people
  • Social media influence and its negative impact on society
  • Advertising on social media: Will influencer businesses take over advertising agencies?
  • A study on ways to improve advertisement for social media engagement
  • A look into how social media creates a distorted view of real life
  • Social media and real-life: Does social media obscure reality?

Research questions are helpful when carrying out research in a particular field. To know more about your thesis on social media, you will need to create research questions on social media to help inform your writing. Some social media research questions to ask are;

  • Are social media platforms designed to be addictive?
  • What is a social media Algorithm, and how to navigate it?
  • To what extent are personal data stored on social app databases protected?
  • Can social media owners avoid government monitoring?
  • Should parents allow their children to navigate social media before they are 15?
  • Have social media jobs come to stay, or are they temporary?
  • Is social media influencer culture overtaking celebrity culture?
  • To what extent can social media help to curb racism and homophobia?
  • Does social media exacerbate or curb discriminatory practices?
  • Is social media an effective tool for learning?

Everyone has access to social media apps until they’ve reached a certain age. There are several social media essay topics for high school students to write about. Some social media titles for essays include;

  • How social media affects the academic performance of students
  • Why the use of social media is prohibited during school hours
  • Why students are obsessed with Tiktok
  • Running a profitable social media business while in high school and the challenges
  • The dangers of overusing editing apps
  • A critical essay on how editing apps and filters promote an unrealistic idea of beauty
  • The death of TV: how social media has stolen student’s interest

The challenge students have with their topic ideas for research papers is that they’re broad. A good social media thesis topic should be narrowed down. Narrowing a topic down helps you during research to focus on an issue.

Some narrow social media topics for the research paper include;

  • A study of how social media is overtaking Television in entertainment
  • A study of how social media has overtaken traditional journalism
  • An evaluation of the rise of influencer culture on Instagram
  • YouTube and how it has created sustainable income for black content creators
  • A comparative study of social media managers and content creators
  • A study of the decline of Instagram since the emergence of Tiktok
  • How Twitter breeds transphobic conversations

There are several areas of social media to focus your research on. If you are looking for some social media marketing topics, below are some social media research paper topics to consider;

  • Influencer culture and a modified model of mouth-to-mouth marketing
  • The growth of video marketing on Instagram
  • Social media managers as an essential part of online marketing
  • A study on how social media stories are optimized for marketing
  • An analysis of social media marketing and its impact on customer behavior
  • An evaluation of target marketing on social media

There are so many topics to choose from in this aspect. Some social issues research paper topics to explore are;

  • The growth of cyberattacks and cyberstalking in social media
  • Social media and how it promotes an unrealistic idea of life
  • Social media and the many impacts it has on users and businesses
  • Social media detox: Importance of taking scheduled social media breaks
  • How social media enable conversation on social challenges

Writing a research paper on social issues touches on various areas. Some are challenging, while others are easier to navigate.

Below are some of the easy social issues topics to choose from.

  • The growing issue of women’s and trans people’s rights
  • Religious bigotry and how it affects social progress
  • Sustainable living and why it’s important to the society
  • The social impact of climate change and global warming

Social science is a broad discipline. If you are looking for social science essay topics, below are some social science topics for research papers to look into;

  • Consumerism and how it’s perpetrated on social media
  • How religious beliefs impact social relationships
  • Inflation and how it affects the economy of a nation
  • A study of the limited availability of work opportunities for minority groups
  • A look into the concept of “low wage” jobs

Research writing is not always technical or challenging. Sometimes, it can be fun to write. It all depends on your choice of topic. Below are some topics on social media that are fun to work on;

  • The importance of social media branding for small businesses
  • A look into the monetization of Instagram
  • User engagement and how it can be converted into business leads
  • The study of emojis and their role in social media engagement
  • From Instagram to Tiktok: the poaching nature of social media apps

Research writing on social media networking studies social networking and its design and promotion on social media platforms. Some research papers on social media networking are;

  • The impact of social media networking on business owners
  • Social media networking and how it impacts influencer culture
  • Social media and how it’s used to build and develop social relationships
  • How social media made social networking services easier

Social media research writing is one of the most interesting research to conduct. It cuts across several interesting areas. The writer can handle almost every aspect of the dissertation or thesis statement about social media . But, students who find it challenging should seek professional help. You can reach out to  our expert team of writers to help you handle every element of your writing. We have the best on our team who are always ready to give you their best.

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424 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas

Welcome to our list of social media topics to write about! We’ve collected the most interesting research topics, titles for social media essays, and samples. We’re sure our topics will inspire a great essay!

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Social Media

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  • Social Media Effect on Young People
  • The Influence of Social Media on Teenagers
  • Social Media Has Improved Human Interactions
  • The Influence of Social Media on Youth
  • Social Media Counterclaims: Benefits over Disadvantages
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Should Social Media Be Banned?
  • Impact of Social Media in Education Social media has positively impacted education by enabling learning, sharing, and collaboration, but continues to maintain concerns from a large body of students.
  • Social Media Addiction Causes and Solutions This paper explores the causes and consequences of social media addiction and how psychological methods can help address the problem.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Essay The essay defines some of the critical social media terms. The use of social media has evolved and has resulted in a rapid increase in social and commercial factors.
  • Social Media: The Privacy Issues One of the disadvantages of social media is its exposure of people’s private lives to the online world and worldwide audience.
  • Social Media Addiction: Causes and Effects Problematic or addictive social media (SM) use and its health implications have become popular research topics in recent years.
  • Social Media: The Negative Impact on Relationships This analytical paper describes the dangers of social media platforms and how they can ruin people’s social and romantic relationships.
  • The Role of Social Media Within the Society Social media is one of the most frequently used ways of modern socialization and communication. It is used for personal needs, creativity, recreation, business promotion, etc.
  • Social Media and Friendships Overview This paper seeks to discuss why social media, as a medium of communication, might not be the right channel for making and maintaining genuine friendships.
  • Social Media: Impact on Children Despite its benefits, social media is bad for children because it allows them to interact with content intended for adults.
  • Negative Effects of Social Media on Health While social media can help people communicate and learn more effectively, its negative effects should not be underestimated; they include depression, anxiety, bullying, etc.
  • Social Media and Traditional News Media Social media platforms have transformed how people communicate in today’s world. Information can easily reach any corner of the globe by just having a smartphone.
  • Social Media Addiction: How to Overcome the Problem Social media addiction is the extensive usage of social network platforms, including Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, disrupting individuals’ daily lives.
  • Life With or Without Social Media The paper discusses the major differences between life with social media and life without them, focusing on the matters of interpersonal communication value.
  • Social Media and Interpersonal Relationships Social media has undeniably impacted the nature of interpersonal relationships, and the result is rather ambiguous, although more negative changes can be identified.
  • Instagram vs. Facebook as Social Media Platforms The two overlapping social media sites, Facebook and Instagram, have stark differences in users’ age, the scope of engagement, and business marketing strategy.
  • Digital Marketing and Social Media The capabilities offered by the rapidly developing information technology segment have contributed to the speed, effectiveness, and affordability of digital marketing strategies.
  • Classification of Social Media Users Social media has become an important tool for development goals. The most common social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • How Social Media Shapes Our Identity Technologies form a new reality characterized by unique interaction patterns influenced by the culture and values topical at the moment.
  • Social Media: Impact on Interpersonal Communication and Relationships Social media has surpassed email as the primary method of communication with individuals from all around the globe. It has proved beneficial to some and harmful to others.
  • Social Media and Freedom of Speech Social media has revolutionized how people communicate publicly and privately, allowing users to express thoughts and feelings freely.
  • Children’s Use of Technology and Social Media: Essay Example Research conducted in various nations indicates that children and teenagers spend most of their time on social media sites than they do on other websites and mobile sites.
  • Social Media Platforms’ Impact on Human Loneliness Social media platforms are making humans lonelier than ever because people often spend much time on those platforms at the expense of physical interactions.
  • Effect of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health This study aims to assess the current relationship between social media use and its impact on adolescent mental health.
  • Nike Social Media vs. Adidas Social Media: Marketing Analysis This case study is aimed to study the official accounts of Adidas and Nike, on four of the most popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
  • Annotated Bibliography: Social Media and Mental Health This article describes several sources about the connection and some other issues about social media and people’s mental health.
  • Social Media as a Distraction in Academics It is vital to recognize the ways in which social media can work as a distraction from academic pursuits and implement solutions to particular problems these platforms create.
  • Social Media Influence, Ethics, and Privacy Issues Social media remains one of the dominant internet services, which offers a new interactive opportunity: for political support, humanitarian aid, group activities, etc.
  • Social Media Impact on Teenagers’ Socialization Through the use of social media teenagers have well-established human connections, boosted communication skills, social skills, relationships, and a sense of responsibility.
  • Social Media’s Influence on American Culture This paper lays out the impacts that social media has had on American culture over time. It presents both negative and positive influences on the culture.
  • Social Media: Negative Impacts Social media are gradually losing the function of communication tools and gaining the status of platforms that allow posting any content, including illegal and immoral materials.
  • Social Media: Annotated Bibliography An annotated bibliography on social media, effects of social media on society, effects on mental health and wellbeing, and election campaigning on social media.
  • Negative Impacts of Technology and Social Media on Young People’s Lives Social media has caused far-reaching negative repercussions on the lives of young people. Particularly, the negative effects of addition to SNS, related mental health issues, etc.
  • The Power of Social Media The popularity and high use of social media have adverse effects on society. The ability of people to hide their identity when interacting on social networks creates a room for cyberbullying.
  • Social Media vs. Television and News Channels Social networks have become a key communication platform that shapes the knowledge and experience of young people.
  • Types of Social Media Users Users can be divided into six classes based on how many social media people use and how actively they engage: no-shows, newcomers, onlookers, cliques, mix-n-minglers, and sparks.
  • Relation Between Politics and Social Media The paper discusses social media have diverse effects on politics, including their influence on voting, the spread of fake news, and the proliferation of negative attitudes.
  • Social Media Disadvantages for Adolescents A social network is a platform designed for the construction of social relationships. The active use of social networks harms adolescents.
  • Social Media in Crisis Management of Restaurants Various firms are considering the use of social media to manage the crisis, especially if this involves rebuilding the image of the firm destroyed by negative publicity.
  • The Negative Influence of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental Health This essay is purposed to explain the aspects in which excessive use of social media affects teenagers’ mental health.
  • Marketing Yourself and Social Media For many businesses, marketing strategies are aimed at obtaining the attention of consumers to their products and services.
  • Social Media and Its Role Now and in the Future This document focused on the role of social media, now and in future. To achieve this goal, it focused on a number of issues that surround social media.
  • Negative and Positive Impact of Social Media Although social networks provide people with opportunities and have several advantages, the constant time spent on social networks has many disadvantages.
  • The Effects of Social Media on People Social media affects the human brain both in the developmental stage and the developed stage, which leads to a reinforcement of the cycle of negative interdependence.
  • Social Media and Modern Society Due to the developed connectivity, community-building, and communication and information exchange, social media is primarily beneficial to modern society.
  • Social Media and Social Isolation This paper provides an annotated bibliography of the three articles related to the topics of social isolation while using social networks and its harmful effects.
  • Social Media: Advantages and Disadvantages The paper analyzes the various effects of social media and demonstrates that they should be treated critically, emphasizing their manifestations.
  • Social Media Impact on Globalization Among the many drivers of globalization, the advancement of digital social media platforms has been one of the most influential.
  • Are Social Media a Good Thing to Society? Recently, computer systems have been adopted, and human beings have developed communication to make the world a global village.
  • Social Media Nature and Influence Social media’s interactive nature is highly influential; it breaks the traditional barriers of time and distance between people through social networking tools.
  • Marketing Through Social Media The usage of social broadcasting sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit to sell company services and goods is known as social media marketing.
  • Consumers’ Buying Behavior and Social Media The objective of the research is to examine how social media can put considerable value into shaping consumers’ buying behavior.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Education Social media can distinguish between positive and negative impacts on education. The advantage is that social life is an integral part of the learning process.
  • Social Media Observation: Instagram The history of Instagram is young but attractive due to its simple and smart application structure created by Kevin Systrom, a Stanford University graduate.
  • Gender Discrimination in Society and Social Media: Solutions The paper finds out to what extent discriminatory attitudes are present in different societies and how much social media induce them.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers Despite the negative impact on teenagers, social media can benefit if used for specific purposes; for instance, they use them to produce memes and develop creativity.
  • Social Media for the Purpose of Knowledge, Entertainment, and Communication Almost all people, especially the representatives of young generations, consider their smartphones and laptops to be an integral and rather significant part of their life.
  • The Influence of Social Media on Democracy Democracy entails the protection of human rights among individuals facing social, economic, and political challenges.
  • Fashion Industry and Social Media The impact of networking services causes more competition, honesty, and creativity in professional clothes design and marketing.
  • Social Media Promotion of Juvenile Delinquency Mass media is a great instrument for shaping public opinion, and it has a significant influence on people’s minds.
  • Social Media’s Influence on the Restaurant Industry In the restaurant industry, customers can connect with restaurant owners or other customers via platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Influence on Younger Generation Social media is a trendy and convenient way of communication and self-expression among youth. It has both advantageous and disadvantageous sides.
  • Social Media and Their Psychological Effects The overuse of social media results in low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and other psychological issues.
  • What Effects Does Social Media Have on Real-Life Communications? The widespread use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and WhatsApp has changed the way people communicate.
  • Has Social Media Ruined Our Culture The question addressed in the paper is whether social media platforms ruin people’s culture and force them to adapt, bringing about the convergence culture.
  • Gossip and Exclusion in Social Media Gossip and rumors spreading are immoral and tend to harm the people and those surrounding them but they can be viewed as contribute to yielding beneficial outcomes.
  • The Rise of Cancel Culture: Social Media Users’ Perspective The modern perception of media discourse has become one of the major contributors to the genesis and development of an innovative model of social cognition.
  • Positive and Negative Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health Social media became popular only several decades ago, but at present, they constitute an important part of everyone’s daily routine.
  • Effects of Social Media and Internet Social scientists focus on social, economic, and political affairs, and social media and the Internet are highly useful.
  • Is Social Media Bad for You? Evidence and Unknown Social media has taken a notable position in people’s lives, although society has conflicting opinions on its effects in the long term.
  • News on Social Media Can Replace the Traditional Media The paper aims to explore the potential of social media to replace traditional media, focusing on the perceptions of users, information credibility, journalists’ behaviors.
  • Social Media for Children: Threat or Opportunity? The current paper discusses potential risks and opportunities of social media for children advising parents to be careful and telling about social media safety rules.
  • How Social Media Contribute to Mental Health While social media enhances individuals’ communication and interaction with other people, spending a lot of time on social networks can make people lonely.
  • Social Media in Moderation This research argues that the moderate use of social media is the most mindful approach to incorporating these online assets into daily life.
  • Leveraging Social Media in the Luxury Industry: Recommendation for Dior Across the world, thhe luxury fashion is a dominant sector in the luxury industry since it registers consistent growth in sales and profits.
  • Recruitment and Social Media Employers in the contemporary world use various tools and strategies when recruiting individuals for their workforce. One such strategy is social media.
  • Social Media Effects on Consumer Behaviour Social media creates a platform where businesspeople communicate and/or interact with their customers. Through social media, companies market their products to reach worldwide consumers.
  • Apple and Samsung Firms’ Social Media Analysis Apple’s brand voice communicates the high quality of its brand in a consistent manner. The majority of Samsung’s blog articles communicate the brand’s excellent quality.
  • Pros and Cons of Free Speech Regulations on Social Media Freedom of mass information is considered the central principle in any democratic state which necessary for political pluralism and cultural diversity.
  • Social Media Addiction and How It Affects People Every year people spend more and more time on their smartphones or computers. The present essay discusses the topic of addiction to social media and smartphones.
  • Social Media and Online Identity As a key platform for social interaction, it can be argued that this emergent technology influences how people behave both online and offline.
  • Social Media Usage and Teenager’s Ecosystems Social media has complex impacts on the youth, which are majorly positive. However, it causes negative impacts in an educational, socio-political, and physiological manner.
  • Social Change Theory and Social Media Contemporary social change theory is an appropriate framework for talking about social media, but now social media dictate their rules to social theories.
  • Correlation Between Social Media and Communication Skills The effects that social media may have on a person’s development and ability to communicate with others have proven to be controversial.
  • LEGO Social Media Strategy: Great Essay Sample LEGO is a business that engages its customers, uses various types of social media to reach out to various audiences, and focuses on creativity above all else.
  • Effects of Social Media Use on Teenagers This paper aims to explore the impact of social media platforms on teenagers’ physical, social, and cognitive development.
  • Social Media’s Influence and Their Role in Communication Social media tools help people to connect individuals awareness of an issue worldwide. This, in turn, helps to usurp authoritarian governments while uniting people in a crisis.
  • Walmart’s Online Marketing in Various Social Media By monitoring sales, Walmart may see trends in growth and season, which can help Walmart prepare its inventory for busy times.
  • How Social Media Affects Individual Freedom Everyone should consciously approach the use of social networks and not forget about real life. This is the only way to save freedom, mental health, and respect from others.
  • WhatsApp: Social Media Security and Privacy This paper seeks to analyse the issue of social media security and privacy in WhatsApp, with the writer illustrating a variety of technical and policy.
  • The Impact of Social Media on the Development of the Humanity The paper describes the most significant developments of the influence of social media and identifies the results and how they impact individuals or larger groups.
  • The Influence of Drugs and Social Media Limitless online resources are used to search for helpful information and to harass, torment anonymously, or provoke others.
  • Benefits of Using Popular Trend in Social Media Utilizing a popular trend in social media use is worthwhile since it improves users’ sense of belonging to the community, self-expression, and consumption.
  • Social Media Usage in College Students Conducting a literature review demonstrates that there are many negative and positive aspects of social media usage among college students.
  • Politics and Social Media Relations It is hard to discuss politics in contemporary society without including the internet, especially social media, in the discourse.
  • The Role of Business Ethics in Recruiting New Employees Using Social Media Social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have been actively used by organizations to promote new job opportunities.
  • Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Sites such as Facebook, email, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Reddit, and YouTube have led to a revolution in communication, specifically within the school.
  • Social Media and Informatics Role in Healthcare This paper examines three examples of using social media and electronic systems to demonstrate the impact of the Internet and modern informatics on healthcare.
  • Social Media Role: Activism and Revolution The nature and lifestyle of people in the world have been influenced by social networks. Recent developments in social networks include: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
  • Youth’s Use of Social Media and Its Impact on Narcissism This paper has presented an overview of the problem of narcissism that prevails in contemporary youth due to their problematic use of social media platforms.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Elite Sportsmen Performance Excessive Internet use can lead to a high degree of emotional stress, resulting in a lack of sleep, inability to eat, and limited physical activity.
  • Social Media: The Role in Modern Society Social media is a defining element in today’s society, with complex communication forms that can amplify ethical standards.
  • Opportunities Social Media Provides Social media provides more opportunities for all to show different perspectives on the same issue and demonstrate the results of someone’s work more effectively.
  • Impacts of Social Media on Children’s Social Lives The discussion of social media’s effects on children’s lives has become a major contentious debate all over the world.
  • Social Media: The Role of Cyber-Ethics The obsession with social media popularity urges users to use bots in order to increase “likes”, which is an example of unethical behavior.
  • “Don’t Demonize Social Media…” by Frazer-Carroll The paper analyses research dossiers and news reports that have linked teens’ use of social media to mental health problems.
  • Social Media and Work Productivity Avoiding the wide range of adverse effects of social networks, especially those associated with a decrease in workers’ productivity, is impossible.
  • Are Social Media Ruining Our Culture? Even though social media are diversifying the world around people, they still have an ambiguous impact on culture and lifestyle.
  • The Causes and Effects of Social Media on Relationships and Communication Communication has become easier and more complicated at the same time. The Internet has blended interpersonal and mass communication, making public and private lines less pronounced.
  • User Data and Privacy Protection in Social Media The purpose of the current exploration is to provide an all-encompassing look at best practices that can safeguard users against the inappropriate use of their personal data.
  • Social Media and Video Games for Teenagers’ Self-Esteem Social media are more likely to harm the self-esteem of those adolescents. The influence of video games has a more supportive effect on self-esteem.
  • Social Media Impact on Teenagers in the UAE This paper studies impact of social media on teenagers in the UAE. The research was based on a sample of 30 respondents through a mixture of direct interviews and questionnaires.
  • Social Media in Nursing Practice The use of social media can be considered profitable, but nurses should take into consideration the patient’s confidentiality before engaging in this activity.
  • Impact of Internet and Social Media on Influencers The paper states that influencers and the Internet are inseparable elements of the whole. Influencers continue to be an essential part of the modern Internet.
  • Social Media Role in Gen Z Life The current generation, gen Z, is becoming more involved in recording every second of their life and expressing their identity.
  • Social Media and Latest Trends in Marketing In the last decade, social media have been actively used by businesses as instruments to promote their products and services.
  • Increase in Social Media Usage and Marketing Future This paper looks at the 13% increase in social media usage in 2020 and how it is essential for the future of Social Media Marketing.
  • Social Media Through Lenses of Social and Applied Sciences This essay will evaluate the creation and development of social media from the perspective of the lenses of social and applied sciences.
  • The Influence of Social Media on Mental Health The paper discusses the consequences of social media on people’s mental health, behavior, lifestyle and possible benefits.
  • Social Media Effects on Communication Behaviors Social media has caused negative effects on communication behavior such as eliciting a false feeling of connections and friendships.
  • “Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now” by Lanier Although the vast majority of people are aware of the hazardous effects of social networks, they still cannot imagine their life without them.
  • Taylor St Baristas Company: Social Media Marketing Plan In this report, the digital marketing plan for Taylor St Baristas developed with the help of Facebook as the main social media to promote online customer acquisition.
  • Social Media Hindrance on Interpersonal Relationships Social media has made communication between people in different regions very easy; it has altered offline interactions as many people are enveloped in social internet sites.
  • Social Media Impact on Mental Health Social media is proven to be not only a huge part of people’s everyday life but also a factor in their mental condition.
  • Social Media Effects on Employees and Productivity Addiction to social media has severe ramifications for employees of an organization, and these implications may affect the organization’s overall productivity.
  • Social Media Regulation as Question of Century Large corporations can control the flow of information while leaving only the content that fits their policy. That is the foremost fact in favor of regulating social networks.
  • Role of Personality Traits in Social Media Behavior Social media has become one of the most prevalent communication and interaction digital tools in contemporary times.
  • Social Media and Its Effect on Mental Health This paper offers an analysis of the behavior of adolescents in terms of depression, anxiety and other conditions resulting from the alleged use of social media.
  • Social Media Tools’ Impact on Sports This article explores the impact of social media on our own beliefs, as well as how it is used in relation to sports.
  • Social Media as a Cause of Anxiety and Depression Anxiety and depression are considerable problems for world society. Numerous studies have linked high social media use with high levels of anxiety and depression.
  • Social Media in Aviation Crisis Management This report examines social media tools to comprehend how they are utilized to facilitate analytical response capabilities by airlines for effective crisis management.
  • Social Media Advertising in Business With the rise of globalization and the digital revolution, social media has become a vital tool for promoting businesses.
  • The Australian Social Media Industry’s Analysis The Australian social media industry has faced various challenges due to different factors, including ‘media mogul’ subjugated media.
  • Restricting Unethical Marketing in the Social Media The government should impose strict measures for companies that try to exploit advertising for manipulation, deception, and dishonest representation of their products.
  • The Healthcare System: Effects of Social Media Healthcare professionals are grasping social media as an instrument in careers advancement. Registered nurses and health practitioners must be registered for vocational reasons.
  • Social Media Influences on Young Adults The paper proves that social media impacts young adults because it destroys their understanding of time and exposes them to bullying and gossip.
  • Social Media Impact on Interpersonal Relationships/Communication This paper aims to analyze how social media and the use of smartphones impacts interpersonal relationships and communication.
  • What Made the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Go Viral on Social Media? This paper aims to analyze the viral campaign the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge utilizing Berger’s STEPPS model in the 2014.
  • The Effect of Social Media during Adolescence Social media isolates the teen users from people around them as they concentrate more on their gadgets, with limited face-to-face interaction.
  • Instagram: Social Media’s Negative Impact on Society Instagram and other social media have not only a negative influence. Over the past five years, the influence of Instagram has increased, both positive and negative.
  • Obesity Prevention: Social Media Campaign A variety of programs aimed at reducing the risk of obesity has been suggested by healthcare practitioners and scholars. Among them, diet interventions are highly popular.
  • Social Media Enable Cultural Importation This essay is written to show that social media enables intercultural exchanges that enrich both groups instead of creating a one-way flow.
  • Role of Social Media in Managing Customer Relationships Social media is an advanced communication device of the modern century that applies the inclusion of a massive group who share a common sentiment.
  • The Effects of Social Media on Today’s Society The importance of digital technologies and Internet for the modern society is growing rapidly. Social media are starting to make very serious impact on social relationships.
  • How Is Social Media Affecting College Students? The use of social network websites has been extensive that they have not just attracted the interest of industry and academic researchers all over the world.
  • Social Media’s Multifaceted Impact on Mental Health While social media can have many effects, such as increasing communication and connectivity, it can also have several impacts on mental health in different ways.
  • Art Activism, Feminism, and Social Media Feminist art refers to works created during the era of the feminist movement, which began in the late 1960s and flourished in the early 1970s.
  • Social Media Plagiarism: The Key Issues Oxford dictionary defines plagiarism as using someone else’s ideas, with or without their consent, by incorporating them into your work without full acknowledgement.
  • Social Media Misuse at Work: Work and Employment With technological advancement, humanity entered a new era of work environment, filled with smart devices, social media, and instant messaging that affect workers’ lives.
  • Social Media and Mental Health Relationship The paper argues social media use can affect dire repercussions such as adverse mental health issues that’s why stringent measures should be imposed to avoid negative consequences.
  • Social Media in the Modern Workplace: Advantages and Challenges Social media may be a game-changer in the office, provided it is handled correctly and effectively without causing the user any distractions.
  • Personal Change: Cutting Time Spend Online on Social Media Spending time with family, engaging in daily activities, and making inquiries from people who have experienced the challenge to be changed can help one succeed in change.
  • Ethical Considerations of Social Media Use by Healthcare Providers The paper states that social media, blogs, and other forms of online communication also create new challenges in the patient-physician relationship.
  • Pricing Strategies’ Effects on Consumer Behavior on Social Media Platforms Companies promote their products and services on various social media platforms due to their pricing strategies by offering content that persuades people to purchase.
  • Social Media and Pursuit of Social Change The global expansion of social media will motivate and energize people into calling for social change due to the platforms’ communicative and mobilizing power.
  • Social Media Use in Workplace. The Effect of Social Media on Employees’ Job Performance The increased use of social media in workplaces has offered companies and organizations direct positive benefits.
  • Unfollowing on Social Media The process of online culling within the social media environment should be deemed as a necessary step toward maintaining one’s emotional health.
  • Does Social Media Use Contribute to Depression? Social media is a relatively new concept in a modern world. It combines technology and social tendencies to enhance interaction through Internet-based gadgets and applications.
  • Social Media Impact on Customers This paper will analyze how social media affect customers at each stage of their path to purchase by the example of people deciding to go on vacation.
  • Social Media Impact and Governmental Regulations Claypool, Kennedy & Moss address the idea of government regulations as the possible solutions to the problem with the security of users’ personal data on social media.
  • Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health Conditions Social media usage creates mental health problems that can be solved through the enhancement of mental health education in schools and improving access to help for patients.
  • Social Media in Braithwaite’s My Sister, the Serial Killer Novel
  • Ethics and Technology: Bots in Social Media
  • Shaping Army-People Relations through Social Media
  • Connectedness and Disconnect on Social Media
  • Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Amazon’s Social Media Services
  • Social Media and Mental Health in Adolescents
  • Online Social Media Fatigue and Psychological Wellbeing
  • Toyota, Tide, and Pepsi Firms’ Social Media Marketing
  • European Cultural Dresses Portrayed in Social Media
  • Sensemaking Process: Socializing Social Media
  • Ethical Use of Social Media: Users’ Anonymity and the Inviolability of Their Personal Data
  • Meaningful Relationships in the Age of Social Media
  • Social Media, Smartphones Have Become Obsession
  • Social Media Marketing: Case Study
  • Social Media Used as a Way to Hire or Fire an Employee
  • Social Media as Educational Technology Among Marketing Educators
  • Social Media Changing Interpersonal Relationships
  • The Impact of Social Media Technologies
  • Social Media’s Design Implementation
  • Social Media and Accountability in Organizations
  • The Role of Social Media’s Influence on Revolution
  • The Importance of Social Media in the Activist Movement
  • The Role of Social Media’s Influence
  • The Role of Gender in Interactions via Social Media
  • Social Media’s Impact on Psychological Distress
  • Agents of Socialization: The Development of Social Media Platforms
  • Positive and Negative Images on Social Media and TV
  • Critique of “Impact of Social Media…” by Jan et al.
  • Disordered Eating Due to Impact of Social Media
  • Social Media Relations in the Digital Age
  • Social Media Evolution and How Does It Make a Difference in Today’s World
  • The Social Media Impact on Globalization
  • Community Health Nursing Social Media Campaign
  • Cyberethics of Social Media Platforms
  • Social Media Impact on Activism
  • Social Media Use and Self-Esteem Control in School Students
  • Social Media: Positive and Negative Effects
  • Personal Brand Management and Social Media
  • Social Media as a Tool for Social Movements
  • Social Media Access and Use for Children and Adolescents
  • The Use of Social Media in Nursing
  • Balancing Social Media and Child Development
  • Social Media Use and the Impact on Mental Health
  • Social Media and its Effect on Children
  • Invasive Social Media & Data Security
  • Social Media and Mental Health
  • Social Media Influencing World Activism and Revolution
  • Social Media and Young Women’s Self-Perception
  • The Effect of Social Media in Changing Marketing
  • Social Media’ and Business’ Relationships in Indonesia
  • Communication and Social Media Ethics in United Arab Emirates
  • Social Media Influence on the Lives Today
  • Social Media Usage and Impact
  • The Role of Social Networks in the Political and Social Activism of Citizens
  • Social Media’s Influence: Activism and Revolution
  • Social Media Marketing: The End User’s Attention and Factors Affecting the Popularity of Brand Posts
  • The Adolescents’ Social Media Use
  • Consequences of Secondary Trauma as a Result of Social Media Exposure
  • Social Media Impacts on Adolescents
  • Becoming Distant on Social Media
  • Fake News on Social Media and How to Prevent It
  • Discussion: Public Intimacy and Social Media
  • Significance of Social Media and Communication
  • Depression and Social Media in Scientific vs. Popular Articles
  • Direct and Social Media Marketing Strategies and Techniques
  • Social Media and Spirituality: Correlation Study
  • Genius and Digital Legacy: A Social Media Post
  • Social Media and Children’s Brains: Source Analysis
  • Social Media Initiatives and Information Technology
  • The Issue of Fake News on Social Media
  • Social Media in Modern Society
  • Marketing Campaign and Social Media Content Plan
  • Social Media Networks’ Role in America
  • The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Speech Regulation on Social Media
  • Twitter: The Forces That Tend to Drive Social Media
  • Social Media Analytics With Google and Other Tools
  • Social Media for Fitness Trackers
  • The Use of Social Media by College Students
  • Social Media: A Distraction in the Workplace
  • Social Media and Small Business
  • Social Media and International Business
  • Social Media and Its Use in Marketing
  • The First Amendment Should Be Expanded to Include Social Media Networks
  • Why Has Social Media Affected Political Campaigns?
  • Social Media Behavior Analysis
  • Social Media Companies: The Main Functions
  • Communication: Living in a Bubble of Social Media
  • Mass and Social Media in Modern Politics
  • Social Media Use: The Effectiveness of a Social Media Campaign
  • Social Media and Depression in Adolescents: The Causative Link
  • Using Social Media to Support Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity
  • Ethics: Social Media Policy
  • Free Speech Regulation on Social Media
  • Is Social Media a Good Thing to Society?
  • Researching of Impact of Social Media
  • Schools’ Access to Students’ Social Media
  • Adverse Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
  • ”Using Social Media to Aid Your Job Search” Article Review
  • Social Media Negatively Impacts Psychological Well-Being
  • Analysis of Social Media Misinformation Aspects
  • The Informal Power of the Governor in Texas in Social Media
  • Diet Milk Tea Beverage and Signature Diet Soda: The Social Media Campaigns
  • Social Media as a Form of Activism Today
  • The Emerging Issues of Social Media in the Modern Works
  • Networks and Social Media in Business
  • Case Communication in Social Media Networks
  • Propaganda Machines on Social Media Platforms
  • Impact of Social Media on Adolescence
  • Privacy, Ownership, and Surveillance in Social Media
  • The Problem of Misinformation From the Social Media Platforms
  • Focus on Social Media as a Health Advocacy Tool for Adolescents
  • Marketing and Interaction Through Social Media Platforms and Gender Inequalities
  • Social Media and Networking in Organizations
  • Technology and Social Media Role in Customer Service
  • Social Media and Internet Advertising for Brand’s Success
  • National Campaign: Social Media Campaigns on Dentistry
  • MAC Cosmetics Company’s Models and Social Media
  • Nursing Occupation: Professional Side and the Use of Social Media Networks
  • Social Media in Healthcare: Building Awareness and Preventing Epidemics
  • N. Dieker on Keeping Social Media in Order
  • Successful Social Media Advertising: Strategies
  • Social Media and Associated Mental Health Risks
  • The Social Media Reinforcement Bubbles
  • How News Spread on Social Media Contests Based News Organizations
  • Jair Bolsonaro and Hillary Clinton in Social Media
  • The Cleaning Company and the Use of Social Media
  • Hillary Clinton and Jair Bolsonaro in Social Media
  • Social Media for Patient Choice of Healthcare Provider
  • Social Media and Issues Regarding the Use of Social Media
  • Social Media and Ethically Informed Global Supply Chain
  • Social Media Effectiveness in Engaging Consumers
  • Benefits of Using Social Media
  • Social Media, Clients and the Helping Environment
  • Social Media Role in Managing Event Customer Relations
  • Does Social Media Contribute to the Absence of Close Friends?
  • Print and Digital Ads on Mental Health Implications of Social Media
  • Social Media Crisis Communication for Business
  • The Role of Social Media Tools in Crisis Response and Recovery
  • Technology and Dating: Social Media and Committed Relationships
  • Use of Social Media in the Workplace
  • The Social Media: Effects on Young Adults
  • The Influence of Social Media
  • Professionalism and Social Media
  • Nike Social Media Analysis
  • Social Media as a Type of Addiction
  • The Emergence of Social Media Enhanced the Partisan Media Exposure
  • Wilson’s “Detecting Mass Protest Through Social Media”
  • Social Media Activism During COVID-19
  • Future of Social Psychology: Social Media Impact
  • Households and Businesses: The Influence of Social Media
  • Role of Social Media in Emergency Preparedness
  • Social Media Behaviors in Asia
  • The Role of Social Media in Activisms and Revolution
  • Social Media Tools in E-Commerce
  • Conformity Feedback in Social Media
  • Negative Affect of Social Media
  • Social Media in Nursing: Pitfalls and Opportunities
  • Nursing Professionalism in Social Media
  • Information Technology, Its Impacts on the Family, and the Ethical Issues of Using Social Media
  • Social Media Manipulation from an Ethical Side
  • Intel Corporation’s Social Media Policy
  • Social Media in Real Life: Causes and Effects
  • Social Psychology Research and Social Media
  • “How to Turn Negative Social Media Into a Positive” by Ciccotelli
  • Protect Your Firm From the 12 Risks of Social Media
  • Human Resources: Social Media Policy in Companies
  • Social Media Activism in the Arab Spring Revolution
  • Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Influence on Activism and Revolution
  • Databases, E-Commerce, Social Media at the Workplace
  • Law Enforcement: Online Crimes and Social Media
  • Nurses’ and Social Media’s Role in Healthcare
  • Privacy and Integrity in Nurse’s Social Media Use
  • Social Media in Business Across the Globe
  • Social Media Categories for Public Health Promotion
  • Accounting, Social Media, Workplace Ethical Issues
  • Nurse Leader’s Responsibility for Social Media Posts
  • Facebook’s Social Media Algorithms Study Arguments
  • Social Media in Bahraini Decree Law 47 of 2002
  • Transparency of Services: Social Media and the Internet Usage
  • Social Media Platforms and the Nature of Healthcare
  • Social Media Applications in the Fashion Sector
  • Affordable Care Act: Nursing and Social Media
  • Social Media in Lives of Teens and Tweens
  • Spreading Information with Social Media in Activism and Revolutions
  • Social Media Techniques for Communication Management
  • Social Media Usage in Transparency Services
  • Obesity Education in Social Media for Children
  • TopMobiShop’s Social Media Campaign
  • Compass Vacation Company: Social Media Strategies
  • Social Media: Science, Technology and Government
  • Social Media’s Effect on Activism and Revolution on the World Stage
  • Simulation and Social Media in Healthcare
  • Social Media Policies and Code of Conduct
  • Print and Social Media in 2011 Egyptian Revolution
  • Social Media’s Influence in Activism and Political Revolution
  • The Ways Social Media Controls Rebellion and Activism
  • Asking for a Password from Social Media
  • Social Media Tool in Modern Marketing
  • Social Media’s Influence on the Children and Teens Lives
  • Social Media’s Influence Importance
  • Social Media Effects: Problems Understanding
  • Role of Social Media’s Influence on the World Stage
  • The Role of Social Media in Activism and Revolution
  • Social Media’s Influence Role in Activism
  • Michael Reagan’s Role in Social Media
  • The Impact of Social Media on Super Bowl Ads
  • Communications: Facebook Social Media Platform
  • Global Impact of Social Media in United Arabs Emirates
  • How Does Social Media Affect Political Participation of Millennials?
  • Can Social Media Increase Voter Turnout?
  • How New Digital and Social Media Impacted Public Relations?
  • Does Social Media Have Political Power?
  • How Does Social Media Affect Our Romantic Relationships?
  • How Facebook and Social Media Has Had an Impact on American Culture?
  • Does Social Media Create a False Illusion for Women?
  • How Does Social Media Affect the Fashion Industry?
  • Can Social Media Improve Literacy and Communication Skills?
  • How Does Social Media Use Influence People’s Body Image?
  • Does Social Media Enhance Interpersonal Relationships?
  • How Can Social Media Be Used to Improve Customer Care?
  • Does Social Media Affect Teens Positive or Negatively?
  • How Has Social Media Affected the Relationship Between Celebrities and Fans?
  • Can Social Media Marketing Be an Abusive Marketing Tool?
  • How Does Social Media Encourage Business Success?
  • Can Social Media Help Save the Environment?
  • Does Social Media Affect Performance of High School Students?
  • How Fitness Clubs Can Leverage Social Media?
  • Does Media Misrepresent Women Social Media Change Methods Advertising?
  • How Has Social Media Impacted the Online Buying Behavior of Consumers in the UAE?
  • Does Social Media Effect the Way Teenagers View Themselves?
  • How Does Social Media Affect Bullying?
  • Why Should Teachers Use Technology and Social Media?
  • How Does Social Media Effect Time Management?
  • The Effect of Cyberbullying on Users
  • The Spread of AI-Generated Art on Social Media
  • Privacy and Data Security Concerns in Meta Platforms
  • How Social Media Promotes Acceptance and Tolerance
  • How Social Media Marketing Impacts One’s Business
  • Social Media’s Influence on Public Opinion and Political Activism
  • Mindfulness as a Potential Solution to Social Media Addiction
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Body Image
  • How Social Media Shapes Youth Culture and Trends
  • Social Media Marketing Strategies for Effective Consumer Engagement
  • Inequities in Social Media Access
  • The Use of Social Media in Education
  • How Online Interaction Impacts Offline Relationships
  • The Effects of Social Media on Sleep Patterns
  • Cross-Cultural Engagement via Social Media
  • The Echo Chamber Effect of Social Media and Political Polarization
  • How Social Media Evolved from Early Platforms to Current Trends
  • Why Do Social Media Influencers Affect Consumer Behavior?
  • Social Media and Fake News: Addressing the Spread of Disinformation.
  • The Role of Social Media in Crisis Communication and Disaster Response

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 424 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/

"424 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '424 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "424 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "424 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "424 Social Media Essay Topics & Research Title Ideas." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-media-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on January 9, 2024 .

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Social Media Research Paper Topics: 15+ Ideas to Get You Started

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by  Antony W

November 26, 2023

social media research paper topics

Has your professor asked you to write a research paper on social media but hasn’t given you a title to explore? This is your opportunity to choose a research topic that fascinates you.

Social media is a wide field that’s constantly evolving, and, as such, there’s no limit to what you can write. Just remember that you can only choose one topic, and you want to make sure you give title selection the first best shot.

Don’t worry if you have no topic idea surrounding the social media theme. We’ve put together a list of 50+ Social Media research paper topics to make the ideation stage easier for you.

Key Takeaways

  • A research paper topic that explores knowledge gaps in social media can earn you top grades. Such an approach allows you identify opportunities for future research. 
  • You can choose a theme that focuses on the current trends in social media, so you can cover issues that emerge in the field.
  • Ensure the topic is interesting enough to cover. It’s easier to write about something you love that something you don’t. 

If you already have a topic and you need writing help, you can hire a research writer at Help for Assessment at 15% discount. Our writers focus on in-depth research, custom writing, and timely delivery.

Social Media Research Paper Topics

The following is a list of social media research topic that may be worth investigating:

Political Campaign Topics

If you have logged on to Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn lately, it’s likely that you’ve seen and felt the political at atmosphere on these platforms. From media houses posting political issues on social to politicians actively participating on the platforms themselves, we can see a strong link between the government and social platforms.

Here are some interesting topics to cover if you wish to write a research paper in this area:

  • What transformations have occurred in political campaigns in the past two decades?
  • Is a transition to online voting a possibility in the near future?”
  • What are the adverse effects of political media campaigns?
  • Exploring the link between media campaigns and the propagation of stereotypes
  • Analyzing PR missteps in the promotion of political media campaigns
  • Effectiveness of online PR strategies during political campaigns
  • The pivotal role of social networks in shaping political landscapes
  • Examining political marketing research on politicians’ web platforms
  • Public discourse on the American political landscape through Twitter
  • Contrasting the impact of politics on social networks versus television

Social Media Topics Related to Mental Health

Spending too much time on social media can affect how we relate with people in real time. Such a phenomenon does have an effect on our social well-being, as well as mental health. Since mental health as it relates to social media is such an important issue, you can’t run out of topic ideas for your research project.

Here are some examples: 

  • Understanding the influence of social media on mental well-being
  • Examining social media addiction to understand why people become hooked
  • Analyzing the relationship between loneliness and social networks
  • Addressing mental health disorder caused by social media
  • Online support communities for individuals with mental illness
  • Exploring the association between depression, anxiety, and Instagram/Facebook
  • Navigating the disconnection from reality caused by social media

Sociology Research Topics

Social media platforms contribute to the creation and development of the context of the present day culture. In fact, the internet has made it easy to find information about people and their relationships, all thanks to social media.

Here are some research topics to cover in this division:

  • Discovering strategies to reach diverse age groups
  • Evaluating the efficacy and skepticism surrounding learning networks
  • Unraveling the loneliness phenomenon in online networks
  • The growing dependency on social networks
  • Examining the impact of romantic narratives on relationship expectations
  • The feasibility of conducting web-based sample surveys

Social Media Research Topics on Teens

We’re living in strange times when teens want to act and feel like adults. They don’t want their access to social media restricted and they tend to feel somewhat intimidated if parents try to control their exposure to social networks.

The link between social media and teenagers, as well as how it affects parent-children social life are interesting enough to investigate.

Here are some topics worth exploring:

  • The impact of social networks on adolescent rebellion
  • Online networks and their influence on youth development
  • Examining Instagram, TikTok, and social media addiction
  • Media’s influence on the moral development of teens
  • Pros and cons of early engagement with online networks
  • Comparing social networks to academic resources for teenagers

Interesting Topics on Narcissism

Narcissism is a sensitive and equally controversial subject. The excessive interest admiration and interest in oneself has created a social media buzz. Anyone with this kind of virtue is chasing the numbers, and of course, there are psychological effects linked to this.

Undoubtedly, narcissism in relation to social media is such an interesting area to research. So here are some topic ideas to get you started:

  • Why do online platforms encourage individuals to seek approval from their followers?
  • How does concealing the count of likes impact users on Instagram?
  • Nurturing a positive self-image during a digital detox
  • Is it possible to succeed as a blogger without narcissism?
  • Adolescents on the internet: Balancing narcissism and self-doubt

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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best title for research paper about social media

193 Great Social Media Research Topics For Successful Paper

social media research topics

Social media sites are those that facilitate the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through virtual networks or communities. Social media is internet-based and gives users effective electronic communication of content. On social media sites, you can send messages, images, documents, videos, or other forms of data. The various large social media networks include; Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter.

Characteristics of a Good Social Media Research Paper

To write a good social media research paper, follow this procedure:

  • Check The Instructions: Check the instructions on what is required. You also need to consult the professor to know what is expected. This will help you to choose the right topic that will lead to a proper research paper. You can check whether the essay needs to be persuasive, engaging, or argumentative.
  • Choose A Topic: Choose a topic that is not too complex. Additionally, it should be something that you are passionate about. Browse various sample papers online to know the best topic to use.
  • Research Well: Once you choose a topic and seek approval from your professor, you now need to do proper research. You can use scholarly articles, documentaries, films, and other data to find the relevant needed information.
  • Draft It Out: Write out the key points and know how the introduction body and conclusion will be. If doing a project, thesis, or dissertation, write a great abstract. The draft should contain all the relevant information. Remember to write titles that correspond to the main points.
  • Write The Final Paper: Once you are done, write the final paper and proofread to ensure that everything you’ve written is as it should be.

Social Media Research Topics

Social media is a great place to interact with friends, colleagues, family, bloggers, and even celebrities. They make the world seem a bit smaller with the amount of information you can get from it.

  • The factors that lead to the growth of social media sites.
  • Evaluate how social media fuels rebellion among teenagers.
  • How are social network websites used for political affairs?
  • The best ways to deal with children’s addiction in social sites.
  • How can social media sites be used during certain country disasters?
  • Evaluate how data protection is done on social media sites.
  • In your own opinion, do you think there should be an age restriction on the use of social networks?
  • Evaluate the various reasons that companies are opting to advertise more on Facebook.
  • The major factors that lead to the popularity of social media sites like Instagram.
  • Evaluate the growth of social media in the past 10 years – what has changed?
  • Is there a relationship between social media and mental problems?
  • Discuss how the major changes that have occurred in communication are due to social media sites.
  • Evaluate the evolution of Twitter from its inception to date.
  • The best tactics to build a strong social media presence.

Social Media Research Questions

Did you know that social media sites can play with the psychology of a teen? They will see society differently than they were used to.

  • Which are the best ways to monitor children’s access to social media platforms?
  • Among all the social media platforms, which is the best to use when starting a business?
  • Which are the positive and negative effects of using social media sites?
  • How do social networks make people commit suicide?
  • Which are the negative effects of children using social media sites?
  • How can addiction to social media occur? The best methods to use to curb it.
  • Which are the advantages and disadvantages of parents monitoring their children’s social media presence?
  • How do social media networks help whenever there is a disaster?
  • How effective is Twitter when providing some information globally?
  • Do you think that social media connects and disconnects people equally?
  • How do social media networks facilitate kidnapping and assaults?
  • How effective is the social media network when providing good PR?
  • How effective is data protection on the internet?
  • Is it safe to do a job on any of the social media platforms?

Research Papers On Social Media

Have you ever come across a social media political campaign? Well, yes, there are social media politics. A couple of politicians have gained popularity through social media exposure.

  • Evaluate the changes that have occurred in human values after social media prevalence.
  • Should there be a restriction on social media activities for both adults and children?
  • Does social media enhance or prevent stereotyping?
  • The best way to recognize valid advertisements and spam.
  • The best way social media can help to stop racism.
  • The effects of online games.
  • The negative effects of social media on crime cases.
  • The best way to manage social media pressure among celebrities globally.
  • How do social media sites boost personal branding?
  • The positive effects of social media on improving the corporate image.
  • How does influence marketing help in boosting businesses?
  • The influence of chatbots in boosting communication in companies.
  • The best strategies to use to create a strong online presence.
  • Evaluate the evolution of social media.

Interesting Social Media Research Topic

There is a close relationship between social media and relationships. This is because it plays a major role in how people relate. This is in families, couples, friends, and colleagues.

  • The power of online communities.
  • The impact of business branding in increasing sales.
  • The major roles of images in boosting online communication.
  • The best methods to use to monitor kids’ activities on social media.
  • Social empowerment on the use of social media sites.
  • The impact of social media in boosting spirituality in individuals.
  • The major impacts of social media on job creation.
  • The effects of cybercrime on different individuals.
  • How do social media relationships occur?
  • The safety of social media relationships in the modern age.
  • The importance of social media in new products marketing.
  • How does social media help in marketing?
  • The negative and positive impacts of social media in religious missions.
  • The role of social media in breaking news to the public.

Social Media Research Papers

Of late many people have been indulging in the social media business. This is because of its diversity. There is a lot of areas that still require exploration in the digital world.

  • Evaluate the impact of social media on modern times.
  • The effectiveness of government communication through social media.
  • How has social media influenced education?
  • The impact of social media in journalism.
  • The effectiveness of mobile technology in marketing.
  • The various regulations put in place for online activities.
  • The most effective email marketing strategies.
  • How is social media being used to boost food security?
  • How does social media affect the behaviors of children at school and home?
  • The global regulations on online activities.
  • The various online marketing modes used by various social media marketers.
  • The best way to use social media networks to boost your content visibility.
  • How can startups use social media to boost their customer service experience?
  • Do you think information overload influences our health?

More Social Media Research Paper Topics

Narcissism behaviors can also be seen easily on social media sites. These are some of the best social media research papers that you can start with. Therefore, use our research paper writing services to get a professional help with your papers. 

  • How social media aids in fighting stereotypes?
  • Do you think terrorists use social networks to recruit new members?
  • Which kind of information should be restricted on social media sites?
  • The best way social sites help to attract people’s attention to social problems.
  • How do you think social media aids to make us educated?
  • Why do you think people use more time using social media sites?
  • The negative effects of information overload.
  • Do you think social media is the best place to seek justice?
  • How does social media stimulate mental issues?
  • The effects of using women’s bodies for advertisements globally.
  • Do you think social media sites are 100% effective for communication?
  • The healthy ways of self-realization through social media.
  • The best way to earn from social media sites.
  • How can blogging help to boost the education system?

Research Topic On Social Media

These are some of the best media topics. You can also find some multimedia topics that you can use for your research paper. Digital media is interesting and you get a lot of information from it.

  • Evaluate business growth in the past and present due to social media networks.
  • How does social media help us to find inspiration?
  • The amount of time to use when using social media sites.
  • Why do you think people always crave likes on social media sites?
  • Why do you think people are often aggressive when using social media sites?
  • Why do you think cyberbullying is rampant on social media?
  • What do you think makes marketing great on social media?
  • Has social media influenced what is considered beautiful and what is not?
  • The best way to depoliticize is through social media.
  • The best ways to interact positively with people through social media.
  • Do you think it is effective to find a relationship partner through social media?
  • It is recommended for employers to always check the social media accounts of their employees?
  • Do you think it is wise to check a candidate’s social media presence before hiring?
  • The best way to boost your social media presence as a brand ambassador.

Informative Research Questions On Social Media

Are you looking for good and interesting research questions on social media? Look no further! You can start with these. Also, remember to do thorough research to meet the end goal.

  • Which are the lessons gotten from social media network usage?
  • The only time when children should be allowed to use social sites.
  • The best way to raise funds for sick people using social media.
  • The best ways social media can be used for acts of mercy.
  • How social media is a new culture.
  • Do you think social media makes us accept violence easily?
  • How do you think social media sites are used to plan crimes?
  • The relation between social media and violence.
  • The relation between social media and culture.
  • The most popular kinds of posts on social media sites.
  • The influence of Instagram on women.
  • The best way to find your perfect target audience.
  • How are social media sites used to unite human beings?

Best Social Media Paper Ideas

It is important to submit high-quality work to your professor. Try our college paper writing service and discover the benefits of high-quality and cheap paper writing help. This will help you to gain top grades while in college.

  • Why do some accounts gain more followers than others?
  • How businesses can use social media in client service development?
  • The best methods to stop cyberbullying on social media sites.
  • Do you think it is recommended to trust bloggers’ views before making a purchase?
  • How have social sites become a platform for new business destinies?
  • The best methods to use to become a celebrity on media sites.
  • Should teachers keep their accounts closed to prevent students from knowing them?
  • The various professions emerged due to the developing of social media.
  • How to find your perfect social media audience.
  • Customer engagement on social media platforms.
  • The best way social media can be used is to make students more aware of their surroundings.
  • How can social media be used to track a lost person?
  • The use of mass media on the development of the education system.
  • Why do you think people love reading gossip on various social media sites?

Argumentative Research Topics About Social Media

These research topics about social media will make you think deeper and see the online world differently. Through research, you will also learn why the” future is digital.”

  • How do social media sites help in enriching students with presentation skills?
  • The best way social media can be used to educate students on real-life scenarios.
  • The best way to reduce theft on social media sites.
  • The best way to crowdsource different people to achieve something,
  • How do social media sites invade people’s privacy?
  • Which should be an age limit for using certain social media sites?
  • The best way to learn through social media.
  • The policies and regulations needed for social media usage.
  • The effectiveness of social media sites during elections
  • How has social media led to family breakups?
  • How easy is it to get information online?
  • Evaluate all the Twitter limitations.
  • How do people fake it on social media?
  • Evaluate how to make the online space safe.

Amazing Social Media Paper Topics

As a student, you need to strive to achieve diligently in your course units. Here are some amazing topics that you can use.

  • The amount of bandwidth used when using social media.
  • The negative effects of joining social media platforms when too young.
  • The network connectivity issues that occur on social sites.
  • The best legislations that can be put in place for social media
  • The best way to earn through online games.
  • The effectiveness of digital dating sites on boosting relationships.
  • Data protection policies on social media sites.
  • The best way start-ups can use to boost their companies online.
  • Do you think social media networks are increasing suicide cases?
  • The best way to gain followers on Twitter.
  • The various causes of addiction on social media.
  • The best way to reduce addiction to social media among the youth.
  • The best way to improve social sites for all ages.
  • The various ways Twitter has been used to save lives

Engaging Social Networks Topics

Social media emerged as a way to interact with family and friends. However, with time, businesses started to take advantage of the popular new communication method.

  • The diverse relation between social sites and religion.
  • Is it ethical to monitor your employee’s social networks?
  • The various modes being used to improve interaction online.
  • Is parent-child protection necessary while online to prevent bullying?
  • The dangers of posting pictures online.
  • Evaluate how social media is disconnecting people?
  • The censorship policies that are being put in place for mass media.
  • The mass media bias during elections.
  • How does cyberbullying occur online?
  • The business of mass media during elections in different regions of the world.
  • The various important mass media ethics.
  • Evaluate phone journalism
  • How are images important when giving a story on social media sites?
  • The interrelation between politics and media.
  • The history of mass communication

Unique Social Networking Topics

Social media sites have made it easier to get real-time information fast. Additionally, you get to learn about the latest trends and technologies.

  • The impact of fake news on modern society.
  • How does accreditation of journalists occur online?
  • Evaluate the currency of news.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of mass communication.
  • The relation between mental illnesses and social media
  • The relation between media, ethics, and public relation.
  • The relation between media, fashion, and aesthetics.
  • The positive and negative effects of media cliché.
  • How can media be used as an instrument of propaganda?
  • The relation between terrorism and media.
  • The common major media industries.
  • The movement rules and politics about media.
  • The relation between reality shows, privacy, and ethics
  • How does media get information overloading?
  • How are social media sites making us lonely?

Social Media Research Paper Thesis

Social media marketing has grown over time and is slowly gaining popularity. These are some of the best social media research papers that you can use for your thesis.

  • The best way to protect children online.
  • Evaluate the world-famous influencers on social media.
  • The effect of social media on our relationships.
  • Evaluate addiction in social media in different age groups.
  • How does social media use lead to anxiety?
  • The negative and positive effects of social media on the youth.
  • The importance of social media presence on recruitment.
  • The real value of social media
  • The effects of social media on human beings.

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Cause and Effect Paper Topics

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189 Social Media Research Paper Topics To Top Your Paper

189 Social Media Research Paper Topics

Social media has been around since the late 1990s and refers to the means of interaction and communication between groups of people from all over the world. It allows them to create, share, and exchange information, ideas, and conversations in virtual communities over the internet. Society embraced social media and it was made popular by individuals that wanted to connect with others but quickly became a tool used by businesses and organizations to promote products and services and is now a vital component in building relationships, broadcasting, and marketing at small- and large-scale levels.

Table of Contents

Different types of social media, what goes into the structure of great social media paper, excellent social media research topics, easy research topics about social media, research papers on social media for college, social networks topics for graduate students, popular list of social networks topics for 2024.

Social media is an important tool used to build relationships, spread messages, and market oneself. People throughout the world use the internet to connect, but with so much traffic individuals, businesses, and organizations need to find smarter ways to generate leads and improve traffic to themselves.

There are five types of social media business tools that help achieve awareness including social networking, photo sharing, video sharing, digital media, and blogging. Some of the most popular applications include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and WhatsApp. There are dozens more that offer a blend of features people use to build a community of followers and communicate messages.

The components of social media as technology change rapidly but the elements that go into the structure of a great research paper on the subject stay the same. Social media research papers should follow the same structure that a research project in other subjects utilizes. This includes an introduction, a research method section, a results section, a discussion section, and a conclusion. Additional components include an abstract and a bibliography placed at each end of the research paper. A good research paper will be informative and argumentative, but most importantly will be interesting by exploring a social media research paper thesis that goes into a new area of the discipline.

The key to writing any great research paper is to explore, research, and discuss a great topic. And when it comes to developing a great topic, we understand that many students struggle. Some students don’t have time to search the web or reread class notes. Other students aren’t inspired by some of the information out there and want to branch out with research questions on social media that veritably make an impact on their instructors. Our team of academic experts has culled a list of social networking topics that can inspire students to put together a great research project. We have broken them down into several categories and we encourage students to share them and modify them to fit any academic assignment. If you want more professional help, you can buy college research paper and enjoy alternative activities that you love.

When you need to wrap up an assignment in a few days, you will want to pick an easy topic to research and write about. The following ideas are great for a social media paper you need to hand in on a tight deadline:

  • The role of images and pictures in social media.
  • The influence of social media on
  • Social media marketing and business success.
  • The impact social media has on business start-ups.
  • Explain how multimedia influenced the evolution of social media.
  • The role social media has had on business marketing.
  • Discuss the role of social media during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Explain how social media brings people together.
  • Discuss how social media influences a person’s daily life.
  • Examine the addiction to TikTok and teenagers.
  • Explain why parents need to monitor their children’s activities on social media.
  • Young people and their addiction to social media.
  • The relationship between social networking and the rise of suicide rates.
  • Explain the influence social media has on small businesses.
  • The role social media has on teen academic success.
  • Discuss how social media influences behavior among youth.
  • The effect social media has had on mental health.
  • Censorship on social media applications and free speech.
  • Reasons why social media sites are to blame for rising depression rates.
  • Explain how Twitter has impacted personal marketing.
  • An effective way for celebrities to manage social media.
  • Analyze the way television has been affected by social media.
  • Explain how social media affects one’s mental health.
  • Examine how online gaming affects a company’s brand.
  • Discuss how social media separates people.
  • Examine the impact social media has had on communication.
  • Social media is a tool for rebellion among teenagers.
  • Discuss the impact social media has had on adult behavior.
  • The influence social media has on child behavior.
  • Analyze the relationship between social media and politics.
  • Explain the best processes for building an online presence.
  • An effective method to manage personal branding on social media.
  • The impact that narcissism has on social media communication.
  • The impact influencer marketing has on the success of a business.
  • Examine the importance of free speech on social media platforms.
  • Discuss the historical evolution of social media.
  • Discuss the importance of using mobile technology for marketing.
  • Discuss how social media influences child behavior.
  • Explain how corporate image is affected by social media communication.
  • Explain how social media is used to introduce new products.
  • Discuss how social media has affected family relationships.
  • Explain how social media can lead to identity theft.
  • Discuss the best methods to brand a company on the web.
  • Explain how social media has impacted romantic relationships.
  • Evaluate different email marketing strategies.
  • Explain how the government regulates online activities.
  • The dangers of social media in protecting young adults.
  • Discuss the impact social media has had on crime rates.

At the college level, you will likely be working on a research topic on social media that runs about 5 to 10 pages. The assignment will require you to conduct ample research online and at the library. Our team put together this list of social media paper topics for consideration:

  • Explain how to use search engine statistics to increase visibility.
  • Social media’s connection to the rise of sex crimes.
  • Effective use of chatbox interactions to increase brand awareness.
  • Discuss the public dangers of revealing location information.
  • Examine how social media can be used to spread nationalism.
  • Discuss connecting and disconnecting on social media.
  • Examine the impact that social media has on children.
  • Discuss the ways stereotypes can be spread online.
  • Examine how social media increases cultural awareness.
  • Explain how online communication can negatively impact a business.
  • Discuss social media’s impact on the national economy.
  • Examine the effects of cyberbullying on modern society.
  • Discuss the importance of recognizing false claims on social media.
  • Explain the relationship between social media and suicide rates.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of social media and breaking news.
  • Discuss the impact social media has had on healthcare.
  • Examine the effect that cyberbullying has had on teenagers.
  • Age restrictions across social media platforms.
  • Discuss the use of social media and the fashion industry.
  • Explain how social media can be used to stop racism.
  • The use of blogs to increase company awareness.
  • Explain how social media has improved public education.
  • Discuss how social media has changed in the last two decades.
  • Explain how social media is used to develop a private business.
  • Discuss the ways social media can be used in relief efforts.
  • Discuss human values as they relate to social media.
  • Examine the relationship between social media and identity theft.
  • Evaluate different ways people can be influenced through social media.
  • Discuss how terrorists use social media to recruit new members.
  • Discuss the unwritten rules of posting images on social media.
  • Explain how too much social media can make people anti-social.
  • Describe how to make money on social media sites.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of using social media to develop client services.
  • Explain how social media can be used to spread racism.
  • Evaluate different methods for finding the perfect audience on social media.
  • Examine how bloggers spread false information about products.
  • Discuss the unwritten rules of sharing stories on social media.
  • Examine how social media has evolved to match people’s needs.
  • Examine the type of information that should be banned on social media.
  • Discuss how social media helps bring people together.
  • Explain how social media has led to an increase in kidnapping crimes.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of banning users from social media platforms.
  • Explain how social media impacts consumer behavior in the U.S.
  • Discuss how social media can be used to fight negative stereotypes.
  • Discuss the phenomenon of reality shows on social media.
  • Examine the best ways to stop cyberbullying.
  • Discuss how social media has evolved since its inception.
  • Evaluate the role social plays in speaking out.

social media research paper topics

If you are working on a Master’s or Ph.D. degree in graduate school, you will need a social media research topic that you can use for a capstone project. The following media topics are great for large projects that can take several months to complete and require a lot of research:

  • Explain how information overload can influence our mental health.
  • Discuss the detrimental effects of social media on education.
  • Explain the ways that social media has changed the spread of news.
  • Describe the negative impact social media has had on body image issues.
  • Discuss how people become famous through social media.
  • Explain how sexual images on social media influence violence.
  • Explain how celebrities become famous through social media.
  • Discuss the prevalence of fake identities on the web.
  • Discuss how people have increased their social media use during the pandemic.
  • Explain how social media has changed the music industry.
  • Analyze the use of fake news in the 21 st
  • Discuss the negative impact of using women’s body images for commerce.
  • Discuss the impact that social media would have if they did not exist.
  • Explain the best method used to depoliticize social media.
  • Examine the relationship between social media presence and financial success.
  • Government surveillance of social media accounts.
  • Explain how social media has changed interpersonal communication.
  • Explain how social media can help develop important professional skills.
  • Analyze the role media companies use to create cliches on the web.
  • Analyze the optimal amount of time someone should spend on social media.
  • Analyze the government’s role in protecting privacy rights online.
  • Discuss how social media affects interpersonal relationships.
  • Analyze the influence parents have on a child’s social media use.
  • Explain how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected time spent on social media.
  • Discuss the influence that children have on social media.
  • Examine the impact social media has on youth social activities.
  • Explain how social media websites are making people feel lonely and unsociable.
  • The importance of getting followers on social media sites.
  • The impact social media has on the mental development of young people.
  • Explain how social media affects sex trafficking rates.
  • Describe the symptoms of social media addiction.
  • Examine the way social media has influenced modern art.
  • Explain how sex scandals sell on the web.
  • Evaluate the impact the biggest influencers have had on the economy.
  • Describe the psychological effects of social media success.
  • Discuss the empty messaging that comes with social media.
  • Examine and discuss the reasons why people post online.
  • Explain the negative use of women’s sexualized images to sell products.
  • Discuss the effectiveness of children protection laws on the web.
  • Discuss the ways social media has impacted print media.
  • Explain how religion impacts the messages on social media.
  • Examine how social media has affected drug use among teens.
  • Discuss the impact social media has on the development of mental disorders.
  • Explain how parents can protect their children from online dangers.
  • Supplemental income via social media platforms.
  • Explain how social media helped the spread of controversial sex videos.
  • Sexualization of women’s bodies using social media adverts.

The following list of ideas deals with the effect of social media on everything from society to the economy to politics. Students will be able to find plenty of information online and at the library. It’s important to start research early to ensure you can find your resources:

  • Social media politics and its influence on elections.
  • Examine the use of social media in religion.
  • Explain how social media can be used to prevent future pandemics.
  • Discuss the relationship between social media and cybercrime.
  • Examine the impact social media has on education.
  • Examine how social media impacts the spread of Covid-19.
  • Discuss how social media reports on international politics.
  • The impact social media has had on investigative reporting.
  • Explain how social media impacts public health.
  • The role of social media in increasing food health and security.
  • Discuss the effective use of instant messaging and communication.
  • Explain how social media creates a bigger class divide.
  • Analyze the use of sexual imagery in advertising.
  • Discuss the role of social media and job creation.
  • Explain how media censorship impacts internet communication.
  • Explain why a social media campaign is important for business.
  • Examine how social media affects education.
  • Describe the need for a social media space without advertising.
  • Discuss the relationship between social media and government communication.
  • Explain the impact censorship has on social media programs.
  • The relationship between social media and cyberbullying.
  • Explain the impact a social media political campaign has on voters.
  • Explain how social media influences popular culture.
  • Discuss the role of social media in the healthcare system.
  • Discuss participatory journalism within social media.
  • Social media as the fourth branch of government.
  • Discuss how social media is an important political informational tool.
  • Describe the relationship between social media and copyright laws.
  • Explain government rules regarding media and politics.
  • Explain how social media impacts the way people communicate.
  • The importance of social media for professional athletes.
  • Examine and explain how social media changed communication.
  • Explain film and its influence on social media.
  • Social media and relationships during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Discuss the role of mediation in social media.
  • Explain how social media influences globalization.
  • Examine the use of social media as political campaign tools.
  • Discuss the ethics of communication on social media.
  • Analyze the impact social media has had on international journalism.
  • Examine the changes social media will go through in the next decade.
  • The impact terrorism has had on media communication.
  • Analyze the ways social media has influenced changes in journalism.
  • Social media and freedom of speech issues.
  • Explain how reality shows have impacted privacy laws in the U.S.
  • Discuss the need to prevent social media campaigns aimed at children.
  • Examine the impact war correspondents have had on media.

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Why is social media a good topic for research?

Social media is a good topic for research because it enables you to add to the myriad of information concerning online social environments. Social media is also an effective platform for creating awareness of the importance of research.

What is an example of a research question about social media?

First, you can highlight the relationship between social media marketing and business success or how much social media impacts small businesses. Other potential questions include the influence of multimedia on the growth of social media and the effects of social media on business marketing.

What are some easy qualitative research paper topics about social media?

You can write about the problem of social media addiction among young people or whether social networking is contributing to the increase in suicide rates. Other topics include the relationship between social media and the academic success of teenagers, the influence of social media on youth behavior, and the impact of social media on mental health.

What are some interesting research paper topics social media?

Some interesting research paper topics on social media can be the dangers of revealing location information or how social media can be used to spread nationalism. Others include how to connect and disconnect on social media or how much influence social media have on children. It could also be the role of social media in spreading stereotypes or social media and how it promotes cultural awareness.

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Home » 300+ Social Media Research Topics

300+ Social Media Research Topics

Social Media Research Topics

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and it has transformed the way we communicate, share information, and interact with each other. As social media platforms continue to evolve and gain popularity, they have also become a rich source of data for researchers. Social media research is a rapidly growing field that encompasses a wide range of topics , from understanding the psychological and social effects of social media to analyzing patterns of user behavior and identifying trends in online conversations. In this era of data-driven decision-making, social media research is more important than ever, as it provides insights into how we use and are influenced by social media. In this post, we will explore some of the most fascinating and relevant social media research topics that are shaping our understanding of this powerful medium.

Social Media Research Topics

Social Media Research Topics are as follows:

  • The effects of social media on mental health
  • The role of social media in political polarization
  • The impact of social media on relationships
  • The use of social media by businesses for marketing
  • The effects of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The influence of social media on consumer behavior
  • The use of social media for education
  • The effects of social media on language use and grammar
  • The impact of social media on news consumption
  • The role of social media in activism and social change
  • The use of social media for job seeking and career development
  • The effects of social media on sleep patterns
  • The influence of social media on adolescent behavior
  • The impact of social media on the spread of misinformation
  • The use of social media for personal branding
  • The effects of social media on political participation
  • The influence of social media on fashion trends
  • The impact of social media on sports fandom
  • The use of social media for mental health support
  • The effects of social media on creativity
  • The role of social media in cultural exchange
  • The impact of social media on language learning
  • The use of social media for crisis communication
  • The effects of social media on privacy and security
  • The influence of social media on diet and exercise behavior
  • The impact of social media on travel behavior
  • The use of social media for citizen journalism
  • The effects of social media on political accountability
  • The role of social media in peer pressure
  • The impact of social media on romantic relationships
  • The use of social media for community building
  • The effects of social media on gender identity
  • The influence of social media on music consumption
  • The impact of social media on academic performance
  • The use of social media for social support
  • The effects of social media on social skills
  • The role of social media in disaster response
  • The impact of social media on nostalgia and memory
  • The use of social media for charity and philanthropy
  • The effects of social media on political polarization in developing countries
  • The influence of social media on literary consumption
  • The impact of social media on family relationships
  • The use of social media for citizen science
  • The effects of social media on cultural identity
  • The role of social media in promoting healthy behaviors
  • The impact of social media on language diversity
  • The use of social media for environmental activism
  • The effects of social media on attention span
  • The influence of social media on art consumption
  • The impact of social media on cultural values and norms.
  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The impact of social media on mental health.
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem.
  • The use of social media for political activism and social justice movements.
  • The role of social media in promoting cultural diversity and inclusivity.
  • The impact of social media on romantic relationships and dating.
  • The use of social media for customer service and support.
  • The impact of social media on mental health and well-being among young adults.
  • The impact of social media on political polarization and partisanship.
  • The use of social media for health communication and behavior change.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards vaccination.
  • The impact of social media on political participation and civic engagement.
  • The impact of social media on political polarization and echo chambers.
  • The use of social media for political campaigning and the manipulation of public opinion.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards vaccination and public health.
  • The impact of social media on news consumption and trust in journalism.
  • The use of social media for promoting sustainable fashion practices and ethical consumption.
  • The role of social media in influencing beauty standards and body image.
  • The impact of social media on the music industry and the role of social media influencers.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among healthcare professionals.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards gun violence and gun control policies.
  • The impact of social media on social activism and advocacy.
  • The use of social media for promoting cross-cultural communication and intercultural understanding.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards climate change and environmental policies.
  • The impact of social media on public health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The use of social media for promoting financial literacy and access to financial services for low-income individuals.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards immigration policies and refugee crises.
  • The impact of social media on political activism and social movements.
  • The use of social media for promoting digital literacy and technology education in developing countries.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards gender and sexual orientation.
  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior in the food and beverage industry.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among first responders.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards racial justice and police brutality.
  • The impact of social media on privacy concerns and data security.
  • The use of social media for promoting interfaith dialogue and religious tolerance.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards income inequality and economic justice.
  • The impact of social media on the film and television industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among military personnel.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards privacy and data security.
  • The impact of social media on the hospitality industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting intergenerational communication and understanding.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards animal welfare and animal rights.
  • The impact of social media on the gaming industry and gamer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting digital literacy and technology skills among seniors.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards renewable energy and sustainability.
  • The impact of social media on the advertising industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among children and adolescents.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards online privacy and security.
  • The impact of social media on the beauty industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting cultural preservation and heritage tourism.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards criminal justice reform.
  • The impact of social media on the automotive industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among marginalized communities.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards sustainable development goals.
  • The impact of social media on the fashion industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting intercultural communication in the workplace.
  • The role of social media in shaping public attitudes towards mental health policies.
  • The impact of social media on the travel industry and sustainable tourism practices.
  • The use of social media for health information seeking and patient empowerment.
  • The role of social media in promoting environmental activism and sustainable practices.
  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior and brand loyalty.
  • The use of social media for promoting education and lifelong learning.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards mental health issues.
  • The impact of social media on the fashion industry and fast fashion practices.
  • The use of social media for promoting social entrepreneurship and social innovation.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards gun control.
  • The impact of social media on the mental health and well-being of adolescents.
  • The use of social media for promoting intercultural exchange and understanding.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards climate change.
  • The impact of social media on political advertising and campaign strategies.
  • The use of social media for promoting healthy relationships and communication skills.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards police brutality and racial justice.
  • The use of social media for promoting financial literacy and personal finance management.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards LGBTQ+ rights.
  • The impact of social media on the music industry and fan engagement.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among marginalized populations.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards immigration and border policies.
  • The impact of social media on the professional development and networking of journalists.
  • The use of social media for promoting community building and social cohesion.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards healthcare policies.
  • The impact of social media on the food industry and consumer behavior.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards gender equality.
  • The impact of social media on the sports industry and athlete-fan interactions.
  • The use of social media for promoting financial inclusion and access to banking services.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards animal welfare.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among college students.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards privacy and data security.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards income inequality and poverty.
  • The use of social media for promoting digital literacy and technology skills.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards renewable energy.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among elderly populations.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards online privacy and security.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards criminal justice reform.
  • The impact of social media on online activism and social movements.
  • The use of social media for business-to-business communication and networking.
  • The role of social media in promoting civic education and engagement.
  • The impact of social media on the fashion industry and sustainable fashion practices.
  • The use of social media for promoting cultural diversity and inclusion.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards police reform.
  • The impact of social media on the mental health and well-being of frontline healthcare workers.
  • The use of social media for promoting financial literacy and investment education.
  • The role of social media in promoting environmental sustainability and conservation.
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem among adolescent girls.
  • The use of social media for promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards immigration policies and refugees.
  • The impact of social media on the professional development and networking of healthcare professionals.
  • The use of social media for promoting community resilience and disaster preparedness.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • The impact of social media on the music industry and artist-fan interactions.
  • The use of social media for promoting healthy eating habits and nutrition education.
  • The role of social media in promoting mental health and well-being among college students.
  • The impact of social media on the entertainment industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting workplace diversity and inclusion.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards climate change policies.
  • The impact of social media on the travel industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among military veterans.
  • The role of social media in promoting intergenerational dialogue and understanding.
  • The impact of social media on the professional development and networking of educators.
  • The use of social media for promoting animal welfare and advocacy.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards reproductive rights.
  • The impact of social media on the sports industry and fan behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting financial inclusion and literacy among underprivileged populations.
  • The role of social media in promoting mental health and well-being among LGBTQ+ populations.
  • The impact of social media on the food and beverage industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards gun ownership.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among caregivers.
  • The role of social media in promoting sustainable tourism practices.
  • The impact of social media on the gaming industry and gamer culture.
  • The use of social media for promoting cultural heritage tourism and preservation.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards public transportation policies.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among homeless populations.
  • The role of social media in promoting mental health and well-being among immigrants and refugees.
  • The use of social media for promoting financial literacy and entrepreneurship among youth.
  • The use of social media for political mobilization and participation in authoritarian regimes.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards immigration policies.
  • The impact of social media on the professional development of teachers and educators.
  • The use of social media for emergency communication during public health crises.
  • The role of social media in promoting LGBTQ+ rights and advocacy.
  • The impact of social media on body positivity and self-acceptance among women.
  • The use of social media for public diplomacy and international relations.
  • The impact of social media on the mental health and well-being of marginalized communities.
  • The use of social media for crisis management and disaster response in the corporate sector.
  • The role of social media in promoting environmental activism and conservation.
  • The impact of social media on the professional development and networking of entrepreneurs.
  • The use of social media for medical education and healthcare communication.
  • The role of social media in promoting cultural exchange and understanding.
  • The impact of social media on social capital and civic engagement among young adults.
  • The use of social media for disaster preparedness and community resilience.
  • The role of social media in promoting religious pluralism and tolerance.
  • The use of social media for promoting healthy lifestyles and wellness.
  • The use of social media for fundraising and philanthropy in the non-profit sector.
  • The role of social media in promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding.
  • The impact of social media on the travel and tourism industry and consumer behavior.
  • The use of social media for customer engagement and brand loyalty in the retail sector.
  • The impact of social media on the political attitudes and behaviors of young adults.
  • The use of social media for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.
  • The use of social media for promoting animal welfare and adoption.
  • The role of social media in promoting mental health and well-being among the elderly.
  • The impact of social media on the art industry and artist-fan interactions.
  • The use of social media for promoting healthy food choices and nutrition.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards income inequality.
  • The use of social media for promoting political satire and humor.
  • The role of social media in promoting disability rights and advocacy.
  • The use of social media for promoting voter registration and participation.
  • The role of social media in promoting entrepreneurship and small business development.
  • The use of social media for promoting mental health and well-being among incarcerated populations.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and attitudes towards gun violence prevention.
  • The use of social media for promoting cultural heritage and preservation.
  • The impact of social media on mental health and well-being.
  • The relationship between social media use and academic performance.
  • The use of social media for emergency communication during natural disasters.
  • The impact of social media on traditional news media and journalism.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and discourse.
  • The use of social media for online learning and education.
  • The impact of social media on the fashion and beauty industry.
  • The use of social media for brand awareness and marketing.
  • The impact of social media on privacy and security.
  • The use of social media for job searching and recruitment.
  • The impact of social media on political polarization and extremism.
  • The use of social media for online harassment and cyberbullying.
  • The role of social media in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability.
  • The impact of social media on youth culture and identity formation.
  • The use of social media for travel and tourism marketing.
  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior and decision-making.
  • The role of social media in shaping beauty standards and body positivity.
  • The use of social media for crisis communication and disaster response.
  • The impact of social media on the music industry.
  • The use of social media for fundraising and philanthropy.
  • The role of social media in promoting healthy lifestyles and wellness.
  • The impact of social media on sports fandom and fan behavior.
  • The use of social media for political lobbying and advocacy.
  • The impact of social media on the entertainment industry.
  • The use of social media for healthcare communication and patient engagement.
  • The role of social media in promoting gender equality and feminism.
  • The impact of social media on the restaurant and food industry.
  • The use of social media for volunteerism and community service.
  • The role of social media in promoting religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue.
  • The impact of social media on the art industry.
  • The use of social media for political satire and humor.
  • The role of social media in promoting disability awareness and advocacy.
  • The impact of social media on the real estate industry.
  • The use of social media for legal advocacy and justice reform.
  • The role of social media in promoting intercultural communication and understanding.
  • The impact of social media on the automotive industry.
  • The use of social media for pet adoption and animal welfare advocacy.
  • The role of social media in promoting mental health and wellness for marginalized communities.
  • The impact of social media on the retail industry.
  • The use of social media for promoting civic engagement and voter participation.
  • The impact of social media on the film and television industry.
  • The use of social media for fashion and style inspiration.
  • The role of social media in promoting activism for human rights and social issues.
  • The effectiveness of social media for political campaigns.
  • The role of social media in promoting fake news and misinformation.
  • The impact of social media on self-esteem and body image.
  • The impact of social media on romantic relationships.
  • The use of social media for online activism and social justice movements.
  • The impact of social media on traditional news media.
  • The impact of social media on interpersonal communication skills.
  • The impact of social media on the fashion industry.
  • The use of social media for social support and mental health awareness.
  • The use of social media for political lobbying and activism.
  • The impact of social media on travel and tourism behavior.
  • The use of social media for customer feedback and market research.
  • The impact of social media on the restaurant industry.
  • The role of social media in political activism
  • The effect of social media on interpersonal communication
  • The relationship between social media use and body image concerns
  • The impact of social media on self-esteem
  • The role of social media in shaping cultural norms and values
  • The use of social media by celebrities and its impact on their image
  • The role of social media in building and maintaining personal relationships
  • The use of social media for job searching and recruitment
  • The impact of social media on children and adolescents
  • The use of social media by political candidates during election campaigns
  • The role of social media in education
  • The impact of social media on political polarization
  • The use of social media for news consumption
  • The effect of social media on sleep habits
  • The use of social media by non-profit organizations for fundraising
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion
  • The influence of social media on language and communication patterns
  • The use of social media in crisis communication and emergency management
  • The role of social media in promoting environmental awareness
  • The influence of social media on music preferences
  • The impact of social media on body positivity movements
  • The role of social media in shaping beauty standards
  • The influence of social media on sports fandom
  • The use of social media for health promotion and education
  • The impact of social media on political participation
  • The role of social media in shaping parenting practices
  • The influence of social media on food preferences and eating habits
  • The use of social media for peer support and mental health advocacy
  • The role of social media in shaping religious beliefs and practices
  • The influence of social media on humor and comedy
  • The use of social media for online activism and social justice advocacy
  • The impact of social media on public health awareness campaigns
  • The role of social media in promoting cultural diversity and inclusion
  • The influence of social media on travel behavior and decision-making
  • The use of social media for international diplomacy and relations
  • The impact of social media on job satisfaction and employee engagement
  • The role of social media in shaping romantic preferences and dating behavior
  • The influence of social media on language learning and language use
  • The use of social media for political satire and humor
  • The impact of social media on social capital and community building
  • The role of social media in shaping gender identity and expression
  • The influence of social media on fashion and beauty advertising.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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234 Social Media Research Topics & Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 2646 words
  • Icon Clock 12 min read

Social media research encompasses a broad range of different topics that delve into the ever-evolving digital landscape. People investigate the impact of social platforms on society, exploring subjects, such as online identity formation, self-presentation, the psychology of virtual interactions, and others. Additionally, studies examine the influence of social media on politics, activism, and public opinion, uncovering patterns of information dissemination and polarization. Privacy concerns, cyberbullying, and online safety are also explored in-depth, seeking strategies to mitigate the associated risks. In this article, people can find many social media research topics, ideas, and examples.

Hot Social Media Research Topics

  • Impacts of Social Media and Internet Algorithms on User Experience
  • The Rise of TikTok: A Socio-Cultural Analysis
  • Dealing With Cyberbullying: Strategies and Solutions
  • Understanding the Phenomenon of Social Media ‘Cancel Culture’
  • NFTs and Social Media: The Future of Digital Art?
  • Ethical Concerns in the Era of Influencer Marketing
  • Social Media’s Role in Accelerating E-Commerce Growth
  • Impacts of Internet and Social Media on Journalism and News Reporting
  • Understanding the Psychology of Viral Challenges on Social Platforms
  • Cryptocurrency and Social Media: The Intersection
  • Mitigating Misinformation and ‘Fake News’ on Social Media
  • Augmented Reality (AR) in Social Media: A Game Changer?
  • Evaluating the Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns
  • Social Media’s Influence on Fashion and Beauty Trends
  • Privacy, Safety, and Security Concerns in the Age of Social Networking
  • Roles of Free Access and Social Media in Promoting Sustainable Practices
  • Implications of Social Media Addiction on Mental Health
  • Examining Social Media’s Role in Crisis Communication
  • The Power of User-Generated Content in Branding
  • Influence of Social Media on Food Culture and Dining Trends

Easy Social Media Research Topics

  • Impacts of Online Videos and Social Media on Mental Health
  • Influencer Marketing: Efficacy and Ethical Concerns
  • Evolution of Privacy Policies Across Social Platforms
  • Understanding Virality: What Makes Content Shareable?
  • Cyberbullying: Prevalence and Prevention Strategies
  • Social Media and Political Polarization: An In-Depth Study
  • Role of Social Media in Modern Business Strategies
  • Effect of Social Media on Interpersonal Relationships
  • Social Platforms as Tools for Social Change
  • Navigating Online Hate Speech: A Legal Perspective
  • Emerging Trends in Social Media Advertising
  • Online Identity Construction and Self-Presentation
  • The Psychology of Social Media Addiction
  • Social Media’s Role in Crisis Management and Communication
  • Sentiment Analysis in Social Media and Its Implications
  • Social Media Algorithms: Bias and Implications
  • The Phenomenon of Cancel Culture on Social Platforms
  • Cybersecurity Threats in the Era of Social Media
  • Analyzing Adverse Impacts of Social Media on Consumer Behavior

Social Media Research Topics

Interesting Social Media Research Topics

  • Evaluating the Effects of Social Media on Language and Communication
  • Roles of Social Media in Fostering Political Engagement
  • Misinformation and Propaganda Spread Through Social Platforms
  • Analyzing the Shift From Traditional Media to Social Media
  • Dark Patterns in Social Media: Hidden Manipulative Tactics
  • Social Media and Digital Activism: Revolutionizing Advocacy
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Its Impact on Social Networking
  • Exploring Cybersecurity Issues in Social Media Platforms
  • Roles and Effects of Social Media and News in Mental Health Promotion
  • Strategies for Effective Social Media Crisis Management
  • The Power of Live Streaming for Brands and Influencers
  • Using Social Media to Enhance Classroom Learning
  • Analyzing the Influence of Memes on Internet Culture
  • Impacts of Social Media Algorithms on User Behavior
  • Assessing the Correlation Between Social Media and Loneliness
  • Geotagging and Its Implications for Personal Privacy
  • Social Media and E-commerce: A Cross-Industry Study
  • The Ethics of Digital Advertising on Social Platforms
  • Understanding the Psychology of Social Media Trolls
  • The Cultural Shift Caused by Social Media Localization

Social Media Research Paper Topics for High School

  • The Phenomenon of Cyberbullying: Prevention and Strategies
  • How Does Social Media Influence Teen Body Image?
  • Evaluating the Educational Potential of Social Media Platforms
  • Impacts of Social Media on Adolescents’ Self-Esteem
  • Roles of Free Connection and Social Media in Modern Political Activism
  • Exploring the Concept of ‘Digital Citizenship’ Among Teenagers
  • The Ethics of Social Media Privacy: User Rights and Responsibilities
  • Social Media Addiction: Understanding Its Causes and Effects
  • Influence of Social Media on Modern Communication Styles
  • Analyzing Positive Roles of Social Media in Promoting Reading Culture
  • Social Media and Mental Health: Correlation or Causation?
  • The Role of Social Media in Global Environmental Awareness
  • Examining Social Media’s Impact on Real-Life Social Skills
  • Social Media Platforms: Tools for Personal Branding or Narcissism?
  • Influence of Social Media Trends on Youth Fashion Choices
  • Impacts of Social Media on Teenagers’ Sleep Patterns
  • Online Safety: The Role of Parents and Schools in Social Media Usage
  • How Does Social Media Influence Teenagers’ Views on Relationships?
  • Social Media and Empathy: Does Online Interaction Decrease Compassion?

Social Media Research Paper Topics for College Students

  • Evaluating the Impact of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem
  • The Influence of Social Media on Voting Patterns Among Young Adults
  • Social Media as a Valid Tool for Social Change: A Case Study Approach
  • Unveiling the Psychology of Social Media Addiction
  • Social Media’s Role in Modern Journalism: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Privacy Implications of Data Collection on Social Media Platforms
  • Cyberbullying in the Age of Social Media: Scope and Solutions
  • The Ethical Aspects of Social Media Influencer Marketing
  • Roles and Effects of Social Media in Crisis Communication and Management
  • Social Media and Its Effects on Interpersonal Communication Skills
  • Analyzing Social Media Strategies of Successful Businesses
  • Impacts of Internet Use and Social Media on Mental Health Among College Students
  • The Roles That Social Media Has in Modern Political Campaigns
  • Understanding the Social Media Algorithm: Bias and Implications
  • Social Media and Consumer Behavior: The Power of Influencer Marketing
  • Fake News, Authors, and Disinformation Spread Through Social Media Platforms
  • Exploring Direct Links Between Social Media Use and Academic Performance
  • Social Media’s Role in Promoting Sustainable Lifestyle Choices
  • Regulation of Hate Speech and Offensive Content on Social Media
  • The Power and Peril of Virality in the Age of Social Media

Social Media Research Paper Topics for University

  • The Effect That Social Media Has on Global Politics
  • The Ethics of Data Mining in Social Media
  • Roles of Social Media in Business Marketing Strategies
  • Social Media, Internet Use, and Their Impacts on Mental Health: A Systematic Review
  • Algorithmic Bias in Social Media Platforms: Causes and Consequences
  • The Influence of Colors and Social Media on Consumer Behavior
  • Exploring Possible Relationships Between Social Media Use and Academic Performance
  • Privacy, Morality, and Security Concerns in the Age of Social Media
  • Social Media as a Platform for Digital Activism
  • Impacts of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication and Relationships
  • Cyberbullying on Social Media: Scope, Impact, and Preventive Measures
  • The Role of Social Media in Spreading Health-Related Misinformation
  • Analyzing the Effect of Social Media on Journalism Practices
  • Understanding the Influence of Social Media on Body Image Perceptions
  • Social Media’s Role in Crisis Management: Case Studies
  • The Power and Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing on Social Media
  • Fake News and Disinformation in the Social Media Age
  • Regulatory Approaches to Hate Speech on Social Media Platforms
  • The Economic Implications of Social Media: From Startups to Giants

Social Media Research Paper Topics for Masters

  • Advanced Algorithms and Their Role in Shaping Social Media Interactions
  • Evaluating the Impact of Social Media on Democratic Processes Globally
  • The Intersection of Privacy, Data Mining, and Ethics in Social Media
  • Quantitative Analysis of Social Media’s Impact on Consumer Buying Behavior
  • Cybersecurity Threats in Social Media: Mitigation and Prevention Strategies
  • Analyzing the Psychological Implications of Social Media Addiction
  • Using Social Media Data to Predict Market Trends: An Econometric Approach
  • Role of Social Media in Crisis Management: A Comparative Study
  • The Sociolinguistic Impact of Social Media on Communication
  • Machine Learning and AI in Social Media: An Examination of Emerging Trends
  • Social Media as a Valid Tool for Public Health: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Social Media’s Influence on Modern Journalism: A Critical Analysis
  • Mapping Social Networks: A Graph Theory Approach
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Social Media Campaigns in Social Change Movements
  • Analyzing the Role of Social Media in Corporate Reputation Management
  • Data Privacy Laws and Social Media: A Comparative Study
  • The Use of Small and Big Data Analytics in Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media and Its Role in Strengthening Democracy: A Deep Dive
  • The Impact of Social Media on Cultural Assimilation and Identity
  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Content Moderation

Social Media Research Paper Topics for Ph.D.

  • Analyzing the Impact of Social Media Algorithms on User Behavior and Perceptions
  • Deciphering the Influence of Social Media on Political Campaign Strategies
  • Examining the Role of Social Media in Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
  • Social Media and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Analysis of Recent Studies
  • Effects of Social Media and Internet Use on Consumer Buying Behavior: An Econometric Approach
  • Social Media and Digital Diplomacy: A Critical Analysis
  • Ethical Implications of Data Mining Techniques in Social Media Platforms
  • Unpacking the Psychological Mechanisms of Social Media Addiction
  • Role of Social Media in Contemporary Journalism: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Social Media and Privacy: A Comparative Study of Data Protection Laws
  • Machine Learning and AI in Social Media: Identifying Future Trends
  • Social Media’s Possible Influence on People, Body Image, and Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analysis
  • Analyzing the Role of Social Media in Crisis Management and Communication
  • Impacts of Social Media on Different Language and Communication Styles
  • Cybersecurity in Social Media: An Analysis of Current Threats and Mitigation Strategies
  • Social Media as a Good Tool for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
  • Effects of Social Media on Children and Their Parents: Social Skills and Interpersonal Relationships
  • Roles of Social Media in Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Rights
  • Social Media and its Influence on Cultural Assimilation and Identity Formation

Social Media Research Topics for Argumentative Papers

  • Impacts of Social Media on Social and Political Discourses: Enhancing or Hindering Democratic Engagement?
  • Social Media and Mental Health: Exploring the Association Between Excessive Usage and Psychological Well-Being
  • Fostering Online Activism and Social Movements: The Role of Social Media
  • Balancing Personal Information Sharing and Data Protection: Social Media and Privacy
  • Exploring the Effects of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem
  • Social Media and Political Polarization: Reinforcing Echo Chambers or Encouraging Diverse Perspectives?
  • Youth Culture and Identity Formation: The Influence of Social Media
  • Fake News and Misinformation: Combating Inaccurate Information in the Era of Social Media
  • Social Media and Cyberbullying: Examining the Impact on Mental Health and Well-Being
  • The Ethics of Social Media Research: Privacy, Informed Consent, and Ethical Considerations
  • Relationships in the Digital Age: Exploring the Influence of Social Media Use
  • The Influence of Internet, Technology, and Social Media on Consumer Behavior and Buying Decisions
  • Analyzing the Role of Online Platforms in Elections: Social Media and Political Campaigns
  • Social Media in Education: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Integration in the Classroom
  • Impacts of Social Media and Interface on News Consumption and Journalism Practices
  • Body Politics in the Digital Space: Examining Representations of Gender, Race, and Body Image on Social Media
  • Addressing Ethical and Security Concerns in the Digital Age: Social Media and Cybersecurity
  • Shaping Consumer Behavior and Brand Perception: The Role of Social Media Influencers
  • Civic Engagement in the Digital Era: Assessing the Role of Social Media Platforms
  • The Influence of Social Media Algorithms on Information Consumption and Personalization

Social Media Research Topics for Persuasive Papers

  • The Power of Social Media in Driving Social and Political Change
  • Promoting Digital Literacy: Empowering Users to Navigate the Complexities of Social Media
  • Social Media as a Catalyst for Social Justice Movements: Amplifying Marginalized Voices
  • Countering Fake News and Misinformation on Social Media: Strategies for Critical Thinking
  • Harnessing the Influence of Social Media for Environmental Activism and Sustainability
  • The Dark Side of Social Media: Addressing Online Harassment and Cyberbullying
  • Influencer Marketing: Ethical Considerations and Consumer Protection in the Digital Age
  • Leveraging Social Media for Public Health Campaigns: Increasing Awareness and Behavioral Change
  • Social Media and Mental Health: Promoting Well-Being in a Hyperconnected World
  • Navigating the Privacy Paradox: Balancing Convenience and Personal Data Protection on Social Media
  • Roles of Social Media and Internet in Fostering Civic Engagement and Democratic Participation
  • Promoting Positive Body Image on Social Media: Redefining Beauty Standards and Empowering Individuals
  • Enhancing Online Safety: Developing Policies and Regulations for Social Media Platforms
  • Social Media and the Spread of Disinformation: Combating the Infodemic
  • Roles of Social Media and Technology in Building and Sustaining Relationships: Connecting in a Digital Era
  • Influencer Culture and Materialism: Examining the Impact on Consumer Behavior
  • Social Media and Education: Maximizing Learning Opportunities and Bridging the Digital Divide
  • The Power of Viral Hashtags: Exploring Social Movements and Online Activism
  • Social Media and Political Polarization: Bridging Divides and Encouraging Constructive Dialogue

Social Media Topics for Pros and Cons Research Papers

  • Examining the Social Effects of Digital Connectivity: Pros and Cons of Using Social Media
  • Balancing Privacy Concerns in the Digital Age: Evaluating the Cons and Risks of Social Media Use
  • Information Sharing in the Digital Era: Uncovering the Advantages of Social Media Platforms
  • Building Online Communities: Analyzing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Social Media Interaction
  • Navigating Political Discourse in the Digital Age: The Disadvantages of Social Media Engagement
  • Mental Health in the Digital Sphere: Understanding the Benefits and Drawbacks of Social Media
  • Combating Cyberbullying: Addressing the Negative Side of Online Social Interactions
  • Personal Branding in the Digital Landscape: Empowerment vs. Self-Objectification on Social Media
  • Establishing Meaningful Connections: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Social Media Relationships
  • Leveraging the Educational Potential of Digital Platforms: Examining the Benefits of Social Media in Learning
  • Body Image and Self-Esteem in the Age of Social Media: Weighing the Positives and Negatives
  • From Digital Activism to Political Change: Assessing the Opportunities and Limitations of Social Media
  • Unraveling the Influence: Social Media and Consumer Behavior in the Digital Marketplace
  • Misinformation in the Digital Landscape: The Pros and Cons of Social Media in the Spread of Disinformation
  • Crisis Communication in the Digital Age: Navigating the Benefits and Challenges of Social Media
  • Tackling Fake News: Navigating Misinformation in the Era of Social Media
  • Maximizing Business Opportunities: Evaluating the Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing
  • The Psychology of Social Media: Analyzing the Upsides and Downsides of Digital Engagement
  • Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Socialization: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Implications
  • Online Activism: The Power and Limitations of Social Media Movements

Social Media Topics for Cause and Effect Research Papers

  • Enhancing Political Activism: Exploring the Relationship Between Social Media and Civic Engagement
  • The Psychological Effects of Digital Connectivity: Investigating the Relationship Between Mental Health of People and Social Media Use
  • Political Polarization in the Online Sphere: Understanding the Impact of Digital Networks
  • Disrupted Sleep Patterns in the Digital Era: Exploring the Role of Online Platforms
  • Digital Distractions and Academic Performance: Analyzing the Effects of Online Engagement
  • Navigating Online Relationships: Understanding the Impacts of Digital Interactions
  • The Digital Marketplace: Exploring Consumer Behavior in the Age of Online Platforms
  • The Loneliness Epidemic: Investigating the Relationship Between Social Media Use and Social Isolation
  • Redefining Political Participation: The Influence of Digital Networks on Democracy
  • Unmasking Digital Identities: The Psychological Effects of Social Media Use
  • News Consumption in the Digital Era: Exploring the Impacts of Online Platforms
  • Cyberbullying in the Virtual World: Analyzing the Effects of Online Interactions
  • The Digital Campaign Trail: Investigating the Influence of Online Platforms on Voter Behavior
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) in the Digital Age: Exploring the Psychological Consequences
  • Body Dissatisfaction in the Digital Sphere: Understanding the Impacts of Online Presence
  • Information Overload: Coping With the Digital Deluge in the Information Age
  • Privacy Concerns in the Online Landscape: Analyzing the Implications of Digital Footprints
  • Unveiling the Dark Side: Exploring the Relationship Between Online Activities and Substance Abuse
  • Bridging the Political Divide: The Impact of Digital Networks on Sociopolitical Polarization

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147 Best Social Media Research Topics To Beat The Trend In 2023

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With the advancement of technology, social media has become an essential part of our lives. It provides a platform for people to express themselves and share their thoughts with others. It also allows people to connect on a global scale. Social media has helped to make the world smaller and more connected.

Social Media is essential in many industries today – from marketing, advertising, and public relations to education, healthcare, and even entertainment. Social Media is now so widespread that it has become a necessity for businesses.

As writers who have a lot of knowledge regarding  custom writing services  would share what we know about social media research topics that can make your day.

Table of Contents

Social Media Research: Related To Trends, Privacy, Psychology and more

We are rooting for you to leave your competition behind in your research. That is why we have 147 of the most engaging social media research topics that work as a muse and introduce you to an uncanny inspiration. Let’s go ahead and discover together!

Trendy Social Media Research Topics

trendy social media research topics

Have you been following the trends lately? If the answer is no, you don’t need to panic. We’ve extracted all of the trendy social media topics for you.

  • What is quality management for social media?
  • Branding and Social Media? How does it work? What are the best strategies?
  • Use of the Internet networks, social networks, and mobile in 2021
  • Facebook as a source of distribution of content and remote communication
  • Training of professionals toward their audiences for social media platforms
  • Facebook: A place of digital socialization among top social media sites
  • The place of social networks in journalistic information
  • The positive aspects of the Internet and social networks
  • Increasing impact and importance of social media networks
  • The future of social media: Would Facebook remain a monopoly?
  • The negative aspects of social media sites and the internet
  • Instagram vs. Facebook: A complete research on features. Which is better?
  • The rise in popularity of TikTok
  • Role of social media politics in the society

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Social Media Platforms Research Topics Related Journalism

social media platforms research topics related journalism

Social media and journalism go side by side. How can it be? Well, these research topics for social media research papers will give you an idea:

  • News and citizenship in the digital age
  • Mutations in journalism in the digital age
  • What is multimedia journalism? How can social media be a part of it?
  • Rise of influence of journalists with social media sites
  • Do we still need journalists in the time of social media sites?
  • What role can social media sites play in overcoming the impact of toxic journalism?
  • How to deal with the swarming misinformation on social media?

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Social Media Research Topics For Psychology

social media research topics for psychology

Social media research can be written for many  psychological research topics  as well.

  • Temptations of Social Media and its effects on marriages
  • Is social media leading spouses to infidelity?
  • The Internet is a free universe without any control. How to make your mental health a priority in the social media dilemma?
  • Social media addiction and its impact on mental health
  • Has social media increased the cases of mental health problems? Prove write or wrong with analytics and data.
  • How Social Media is isolating children from parents and teachers
  • The psychology behind social media addiction
  • The positive aspects of the Internet and social networks on mental health
  • Do you think that the Internet, in general, and social networks pose Psychological risks for an individual?
  • How social media is affecting family mental health
  • Mental health problems in adolescents caused by Social Media
  • Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and loneliness in people who spend 3-6 hours a day on Social Media
  • Best and safest social media websites
  • The dangers of social media addiction to mental health
  • Isolation and radicalization are rising because of Social Media
  • How social media is different than mass media?
  • Nazi and fascist presence on social media: Campaigns against minority
  • The psychology behind online hate speech and bullying
  • Can social media lead to lower self-esteem?

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Social Behavior And Social Media Research Topics

social behavior and social media research topics

Social media has been a significant impact on our social behavior.  Writing a research paper  on this topic could do wonders. Let’s explore more on that.

  • The benefits of social networks in social lives
  • Why do young people use social networks?
  • How people’s behavior differs on multiple social media websites
  • Behavior of people who have been victims of cyberbullying on social networks
  • The social response to cyberbullying and online harassment through social networks
  • An examination of the mental health implications of social networks
  • What is the impact of Social Media on our happiness?
  • As a result of social media, we need more time to concentrate.
  • As a result of the extensive use of social media, we experience a decline in the quality of our sleep.
  • The adverse effects of Instagram and Snapchat on our self-esteem and self-confidence
  • As a result of social media, people are more likely to experience depression, loneliness, and isolation.
  • Virtual worlds pose a threat to our brains because of the overload of information they provide
  • What are the chances of social networks improving for us in the future?
  • Which social networks are trustworthy, and which are untrustworthy?
  • How much time do we spend on social media, and is it bad for us?

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Social Media Research Topics Related To Activism

social media research topics related to activism

  • Be it  social work topics  or activism themes, you can see that social media papers has helped us in more than one way.
  • Respect for freedom of expression
  • The wave of publications of feminist works powered and empowered by social Media.
  • Social Media is the origin of vast protest movements.
  • Role of social media in Arab Spring
  • How Wael Ghonim changed the fate of Egypt with the help of Social media?
  • Conduct relevant campaigns based on an analysis of digital news
  • A campaign that conveys solid values and convictions is an activist marketing campaign.
  • Activists can use social platforms as practical tools.
  • Increasingly engaged social media users can spread moral messages more widely.
  • As fake news becomes more prevalent, activism becomes more critical.
  • Youth of Generation Z: more aggressive than ever? In what ways does online aggression originate?
  • How social media creates more opportunities for marginalized societies
  • Managing a positive social media political campaign
  • The most effective way to be a better ally for people of color
  • What role does body diversity play outside of fashion?
  • Even though sexual racism affects everyone, it is a phenomenon that must be addressed

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Social Media Research Topics On Cyber Security and Privacy

social media research topics on cyber security and privacy

Security and privacy are now a fundamental human rights in the virtual world. You can contribute by  writing a thesis for your research paper  to promote online security awareness.

  • Security regulation of social networks
  • The essential protection of Internet users and social cohesion
  • Security risks involved in using social networks like Facebook
  • Can terrorists use social media to provoke violence? How can we deal with it?
  • The morality of social networks, sensitivity, and responsibility
  • Bullying and Harassment in social mass media
  • How to get over the social media addiction
  • How to promote cyber security?
  • Professional and private life: How to maintain family safety on Social Media
  • How social media poses a threat to family privacy and security
  • Barriers between professional and private life diminishing with social networks
  • How secure privacy settings on social media are?
  • Is social media impenetrable for hackers? The hanging sword of data leaks
  • GBWhatsApp Data Leaks: A study on insecure methods leading to harmful privacy dangers
  • Cybercrimes on social media: Identity theft

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Social Media Criminology Research Papers Topics

social media criminology research papers topics

Cybercrime is one of the most talked about issues among  criminal justice research topics . Here are some of the most critical topics for social media criminology:

  • How to report and prosecute cyberbullying in Social Media
  • Using social networks to process information
  • Advertising on YouTube is a popular method of cybercrime
  • Using automatic publication functions on certain sites and forums for malicious purposes
  • In the age of cybercrime, Twitter has become the preferred platform for advertising
  • Cybercrime can be dealt with by acquiring both human and technical skills
  • Definition, characteristics, and types of Social Media
  • The Characteristics, Motivations, and Strategies of Cybercrime from a Criminological Perspective
  • What are the forms of cyberbullying on social media and what can be done to prevent it?
  • Defamation, the most common cybercrime handled by law enforcement
  • Facebook and social media users should be aware of cybercrime and hoax information
  • Cases of child prostitution on social media during the lead-up to elections
  • Using Social media is dangerous because of hoaxes and low trust
  • The use of information technology facilities as a means of committing crime
  • Using social media to commit cybercrime is common
  • Fraud Committed Through Social Media in Online Shops
  • Child pornography and pedophilia: The Darkside of Social Media
  • How can we control and put a stop to the  rise of cyberbullying against children on social media ?

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University Social Media Research Paper Topics

university social media research paper topics

Whether you’re writing for a university or researching for high school research topics, you can always talk about social media. Won’t you love to write something about one of the favorite parts of your life, that is social media?

  • The uses of digital social networks in the context of socio-educational support
  • The contributions of social network analysis to the management of communities
  • Social Media is a useful tool for evaluating and improving the functioning of piloted communities
  • How can students deal with social media addiction?
  • Innovation and social networks: new sociabilities for another sociality
  • Creating a Science of the network through social media: A Case Study
  • The social network as a space of hodological individuation
  • Learning through social networks. How has social media presence helped adapt to changes after COVID?
  • Role of Social Media in the time of the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Social Media Marketing Research Paper Topics

social media marketing research paper topics

Next to  business research topics , most of the orders we receive are for social media marketing research. You would like some of the following examples for sure when writing for a social media research topic:

  • The different types of advertisements used on social networks
  • The presence of companies on social networks in the era of digitalization
  • How to counter competition on social networks?
  • How to deal with negative social media effect on your business
  • Why is it essential to be able to stand out from others, and how to achieve this?
  • How can such a social media marketing strategy have a lasting impact on a company’s reputation on the Internet?
  • How does influencer marketing add value to brands?
  • How the influencers have formed and transformed the modern market for gen-z entrepreneurs?
  • Social media vs. mass media: Pros and cons for each of them
  • Building your audience based on tweets, occupation, interests, and location
  • How to define and manage audiences when working on social media marketing?
  • How can social media insights keep you updated with modern trends?
  • How to establish your analytical milestones while working with social media?
  • How has Google Trends helped a business into a global transformation? A Case study
  • Beating the boundaries with social media platforms. The global business boost on Facebook marketing
  • Competition and social networks: how do companies stand out?
  • How do companies choose the advertising method that suits them best?
  • How has digitization made the use of the internet essential for the success of a company?

Social Media transformed our lives into something amazing. However, everything comes at a price. Regardless, of whatever aspects of social Media you are looking for, we are sure that you will find them in our social media research topics. If you need any further help, you can talk to us through Paper Perk  contact  page. We can help you with finding your  research topics , or any research help that you need.

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121 Social Media Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping how we communicate, share information, and interact with others. With the rise of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, the way we connect with one another has evolved drastically. As a result, social media has also become a popular topic for essays and research papers. If you're looking for inspiration for your next social media essay, here are 121 topic ideas and examples to get you started.

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The role of social media in politics
  • The influence of social media on body image
  • How social media has changed the way we communicate
  • The rise of influencer culture on social media
  • The effects of cyberbullying on social media
  • The role of social media in promoting activism and social justice
  • How social media has changed the way we consume news
  • The relationship between social media and self-esteem
  • The impact of social media on relationships
  • The role of social media in shaping cultural trends
  • The effects of social media on sleep patterns
  • The influence of social media on consumer behavior
  • The rise of fake news on social media
  • The role of social media in education
  • The impact of social media on democracy
  • The effects of social media on creativity
  • The relationship between social media and mental health stigma
  • The role of social media in shaping political opinions
  • The influence of social media on young people's perceptions of beauty
  • The effects of social media on privacy
  • The impact of social media on social skills
  • The role of social media in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The relationship between social media and loneliness
  • The effects of social media on body positivity movements
  • The influence of social media on fashion trends
  • The rise of social media activism
  • The impact of social media on youth culture
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion
  • The effects of social media on political polarization
  • The relationship between social media and fake news
  • The influence of social media on online shopping habits
  • The impact of social media on mental health awareness
  • The role of social media in promoting environmental activism
  • The effects of social media on self-expression
  • The relationship between social media and cyberbullying prevention
  • The influence of social media on body positivity movements
  • The rise of social media influencers
  • The impact of social media on political activism
  • The role of social media in promoting mental health resources
  • The effects of social media on political discourse
  • The relationship between social media and online dating
  • The influence of social media on travel trends
  • The impact of social media on public health campaigns
  • The role of social media in promoting positive body image
  • The effects of social media on political engagement
  • The relationship between social media and social movements
  • The influence of social media on celebrity culture
  • The rise of social media marketing
  • The impact of social media on community building
  • The role of social media in promoting mental health awareness
  • The effects of social media on societal norms
  • The relationship between social media and political propaganda
  • The influence of social media on youth activism
  • The impact of social media on mental health stigma
  • The role of social media in shaping online communities
  • The effects of social media on body image perception
  • The relationship between social media and mental health advocacy
  • The influence of social media on political mobilization
  • The rise of social media influencers in the beauty industry
  • The impact of social media on political polarization
  • The role of social media in promoting environmental sustainability
  • The effects of social media on self-esteem
  • The relationship between social media and online shopping habits
  • The influence of social media on celebrity endorsements
  • The rise of social media activism in response to social injustices
  • The impact of social media on mental health treatment
  • The role of social media in promoting healthy living
  • The effects of social media on political campaigns
  • The relationship between social media and online activism
  • The influence of social media on travel influencers
  • The impact of social media on mental health education
  • The role of social media in promoting body positivity
  • The effects of social media on political participation
  • The relationship between social media and body image issues
  • The influence of social media on online shopping trends
  • The rise of social media influencers in the fitness industry
  • The impact of social media on political discourse
  • The effects of social media on societal values
  • The relationship between social media and political polarization
  • The influence of social media on youth engagement
  • The rise of social media activism in response to climate change
  • The relationship between social media and social justice movements
  • The rise of social media marketing in the beauty industry

These are just a few examples of the countless topics you can explore when writing about social media. Whether you're interested in the psychological effects of social media or the ways it has impacted political discourse, there's no shortage of ideas to choose from. So, pick a topic that interests you and start writing your next social media essay today!

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The Top 10 Most Interesting Social Media Research Topics

Finding social media research topics you’re interested in is tricky. Social media is a fairly new field, and the constant arrival of new technology means that it’s always evolving. So, students have a lot to think about in their search for topics.

In this article, we’re going to walk you through social media research paper topics that are timely and relevant. We’ll also show you examples of social media research topics you can get inspiration from. Lastly, we’re going to lay out some social media research questions you can ponder while formulating your topic.

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What makes a strong social media research topic.

A strong social media research topic requires clarity of focus. This means that your topic must be timely, relevant, and coherent. This allows your research topic to be compelling and easily understandable to others.

Tips for Choosing a Social Media Research Topic

  • Know the trends. Learning what social media topics are trending allows you to know the relevant issues and emergent themes in the field of social media. This also lets you know what topics are well-researched and which ones are still emerging.
  • Explore knowledge gaps. Knowing what previous researchers have written prevents you from repeating knowledge that has already been explored and shared. Nobody wants to reinvent the wheel when doing research. Exploring knowledge gaps lets you increase the impact of your work and identify opportunities for further research.
  • Choose something that you’re interested in. Diving deep into a topic that you’re interested in motivates you to learn more about it. The research process becomes more engaging when you know you care about your topic.
  • Be specific. Knowing what you want to research and what you don’t want to research are keys to the research process. This entails narrowing down your topic to a specific area, subject, theme, or relationship. You want to know the scope and the limitations of your study.
  • Check your timeframe. Limiting your topic to a specific timeframe helps in narrowing down what you need to study. For example, you can decide to study a phenomenon that has emerged in just the last three years. By doing this, you’re making sure that your research is both specific and relevant.

What’s the Difference Between a Research Topic and a Research Question?

The difference between a research topic and a research question is in the scope. Research topics tend to be broader than research questions. Research topics focus on a specific area of study within a larger field, while a research question further narrows down what you are researching. A good research question allows you to write on your topic with greater precision.

How to Create Strong Social Media Research Questions

The key to creating strong social media research questions is learning enough about your topic to know where the gaps are. This means that you have to conduct a thorough social media literature review, reading previous studies until you have a handle on what’s been said and what questions are still unanswered. Your question will emerge from this preliminary research.

Top 10 Social Media Research Paper Topics

1. a comparative review of facebook, instagram, and tiktok as primary marketing platforms for small businesses.

A lot of small businesses have flocked to various social media sites to market their products and services. Social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok are platforms that deliver constant online content to their users. Comparing the marketing and advertising strategies of these online platforms will shed light on how social media helps businesses .

2. The Influence of Social Media on Mental Health

Mental health has been an important topic in social media research these past few years. Social media use and its connection to mental health has even been the subject of systematic reviews. This means that there’s a huge body of previous studies that you can look to when developing your research question.

Exploring both the positive effects and negative impacts of social media sites on mental health helps people and firms establish guidelines that help user communities. This research topic might also cover strategies for helping social media users improve their mental health.

3. The Role of Social Media in Political Campaigning

Social media is a new tool for political campaigning. Exploring what social media strategies have been conducted by politicians running for office helps in determining how social media aids in political campaigning. Studying new strategies like user-generated content for political campaigning allows you to know how voters interact with political candidates.

4. The Role of Social Media in Disinformation

The rise of fake news has coincided with the rise of social networking websites. This topic involves dissecting how social media technologies allow certain types of online content to thrive and make it easier for bad actors to spread disinformation.

5. How Social Media Can Benefit Communities

More and more social issues have been popularized through online content. Diving deep into how social media can facilitate organizational networking lets you compare the traditional and new organizing strategies being created in digital spaces. It also lets you understand how social media activity influences trends in virtual communities.

6. The Effects of Social Media Exposure on Child Development

Children also use social media sites. Some children use social networking sites under the supervision of their parents, and some do not. Social interaction, online or not, affects how children develop. Studying the psychological effects of social media exposure lets you know how social media may improve or derail the growth of children.

7. How Communication Has Evolved Through Social Media

Body language, tone of voice, and other non-verbal cues are absent in online forms of communication. In their place, emojis and other new ways to express thoughts and emotions have appeared. Learning how social media changes the way we talk to one another allows you to develop a theory of communication that takes into account the role of digital communities.

8. Social Media Platforms as Primary News Sources

A lot of people now are getting their daily dose of news and current events through social media. News networks have also established their social media presence on platforms that they can use to deliver news and current events to their audiences. Researching this topic lets you investigate the changes and innovations in information dissemination.

9. How Social Media Paves Way for Non-Traditional Advertising

Regular social media posts, advertisements, and other forms of online content aren’t the only ways businesses market to their audiences. Social media has paved the way for user-generated content and other non-traditional types of online marketing. With this topic, you can learn social media marketing strategies that have been capitalized on the social connection fostered by social networking websites.

10. Impacts of Social Media Presence on Corporate Image

More businesses increasingly build and curate their digital presence through various social networks. Knowing how a business can improve its corporate image through social media influence clarifies the role of technology in modern economics and online marketing.

Other Examples of Social Media Research Topics & Questions

Social media research topics.

  • Social Media Addiction and Adolescent Mental Health
  • The Rise of Social Media Influencers
  • The Role of Social Media Sites as Political Organizing Tools Under Repressive Governments
  • Social Media Influencers and Adolescent Mental Health
  • How Social Media Is Used in Natural Disasters and Critical Events

Social Media Research Questions

  • How was Facebook used as a political campaigning tool in the 2020 United States presidential election? 
  • What social platforms are the most effective in influencing consumer behavior?
  • How does user-generated content boost the credibility of a business?
  • How do different types of online content disseminated through popular networks affect the attention span of people?
  • What are the most effective forms of online content and social media strategies for increasing sales conversions for small businesses?

Choosing the Right Social Media Research Topic

Choosing the right social media research topic helps you create meaningful contributions to the discipline of social media studies. Knowing the most popular topics in the field can make you an expert on social media. By reading up on previous studies, you will not only be more informed but you will also be in a position to make a positive impact on future studies.

Studying the relationship between social media and different fields produces valuable knowledge. Even if you’re only interested in exploring one social platform or a single social media event or phenomenon, your research can help people better understand how social media engagement changes the face of social relationships in the world at large.

Social Media Research Topics FAQ

Social media is a computer-based technology that allows digital communities to exchange information through user networks. Various social media networks specialize in text, photo, or video transfer. All of these are ways for people on the Internet to share information and ideas with each other.

Social media research is important because it helps you contribute to the growing body of knowledge about digital social settings. In 2021, according to DataReportal, at least 4.88 billion people around the world use the Internet . The more that people connect with each other through the social media domain, the more their quality of life changes, for better or worse.

According to Statista, the most popular social media platforms right now are Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp , each of which has at least two billion users. These social networks allow users to share text, picture, and video content with one another.

People use social media to connect with each other, share information, and entertain themselves. Social media sites can broadly serve all of these purposes or be focused on just one of these functions.

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Creating unforgettable social media research paper with ease.

Social Media Research Paper

Research papers on social media are becoming a norm for almost every college and university. The advancement of the digital age has made these assignments inevitable. Furthermore, emerging issues and trends in social media add fuel to the matter.

If you have a research paper on social media and wonder where to start, this post is the perfect place to begin. On top of the outline and structure, we have social media research paper ideas to keep you going. Read on.

How To Write Social Media Research Papers

Many students underrate writing such a research paper since it does not seem to deal with a technical aspect. Nevertheless, the fact remains that without the necessary writing ideas and expert writing tips and tricks at hand, it would be impossible to complete it.

Let us begin with the outline:

Read and understand the research topic on social media that you are handling Brainstorm to find the necessary points for your paper Please write down the main points and narrow down your research to them Have a skeleton of how you intend to write your paper Begin writing your social media research paper Proof-read to make sure that your paper is devoid of any errors

For an influential social media paper, currency and relevance should be at the core of your writing. Make it as practical as possible to make your reader relate to it. Ensure that your paper is in tandem with the structure below:


Here, you’ll mention your social media topic and state its thesis. Any essay or research paper is dependent on the thesis statement. Therefore, as you write your introduction, ensure that the thesis is clear and precise. It will help you determine the arguments to include in the body paragraphs of your research paper.

Social Research Paper Body Paragraphs

The body comprises paragraphs, each with arguments supporting the thesis statement. Include facts, data, examples, and any other pieces of evidence to prove the topic sentence.

A typical research paper will have the body made up of the Literature Review, Research Methods, Findings and Analysis, Discussion, and limitations. Each part should contribute to the overall intended meaning stated in the thesis statement.

Conclusion of A Social Media Research Paper

It is a summary of your main arguments. You also restate your paper’s main thesis statement, assuring the reader that the paper’s stated goal has been achieved. Some social media research questions in conclusion include:

  • What you learned about social media that you didn’t know before
  • What conclusions have you made from the research?
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Social Media Research Topics – Facebook

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  • How to crowd-source people for a common goal on Facebook
  • Why is Facebook still a giant social media platform in the 21st century?
  • How to curb theft and conning on Facebook

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Exemplary Media Topics For Research

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  • Why everyone should be concerned about their data online.

Social Networks Research Topics

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  • What causes social media addiction?

Current Media Topics To Write About

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Effects of social media use on psychological well-being: a mediated model.

\nDragana Ostic&#x;

  • 1 School of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China
  • 2 Research Unit of Governance, Competitiveness, and Public Policies (GOVCOPP), Center for Economics and Finance (cef.up), School of Economics and Management, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • 3 Department of Business Administration, Sukkur Institute of Business Administration (IBA) University, Sukkur, Pakistan
  • 4 CETYS Universidad, Tijuana, Mexico
  • 5 Department of Business Administration, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Israel
  • 6 Business School, Shandong University, Weihai, China

The growth in social media use has given rise to concerns about the impacts it may have on users' psychological well-being. This paper's main objective is to shed light on the effect of social media use on psychological well-being. Building on contributions from various fields in the literature, it provides a more comprehensive study of the phenomenon by considering a set of mediators, including social capital types (i.e., bonding social capital and bridging social capital), social isolation, and smartphone addiction. The paper includes a quantitative study of 940 social media users from Mexico, using structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the proposed hypotheses. The findings point to an overall positive indirect impact of social media usage on psychological well-being, mainly due to the positive effect of bonding and bridging social capital. The empirical model's explanatory power is 45.1%. This paper provides empirical evidence and robust statistical analysis that demonstrates both positive and negative effects coexist, helping to reconcile the inconsistencies found so far in the literature.


The use of social media has grown substantially in recent years ( Leong et al., 2019 ; Kemp, 2020 ). Social media refers to “the websites and online tools that facilitate interactions between users by providing them opportunities to share information, opinions, and interest” ( Swar and Hameed, 2017 , p. 141). Individuals use social media for many reasons, including entertainment, communication, and searching for information. Notably, adolescents and young adults are spending an increasing amount of time on online networking sites, e-games, texting, and other social media ( Twenge and Campbell, 2019 ). In fact, some authors (e.g., Dhir et al., 2018 ; Tateno et al., 2019 ) have suggested that social media has altered the forms of group interaction and its users' individual and collective behavior around the world.

Consequently, there are increased concerns regarding the possible negative impacts associated with social media usage addiction ( Swar and Hameed, 2017 ; Kircaburun et al., 2020 ), particularly on psychological well-being ( Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas, 2016 ; Jiao et al., 2017 ; Choi and Noh, 2019 ; Chatterjee, 2020 ). Smartphones sometimes distract their users from relationships and social interaction ( Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas, 2016 ; Li et al., 2020a ), and several authors have stressed that the excessive use of social media may lead to smartphone addiction ( Swar and Hameed, 2017 ; Leong et al., 2019 ), primarily because of the fear of missing out ( Reer et al., 2019 ; Roberts and David, 2020 ). Social media usage has been associated with anxiety, loneliness, and depression ( Dhir et al., 2018 ; Reer et al., 2019 ), social isolation ( Van Den Eijnden et al., 2016 ; Whaite et al., 2018 ), and “phubbing,” which refers to the extent to which an individual uses, or is distracted by, their smartphone during face-to-face communication with others ( Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas, 2016 ; Jiao et al., 2017 ; Choi and Noh, 2019 ; Chatterjee, 2020 ).

However, social media use also contributes to building a sense of connectedness with relevant others ( Twenge and Campbell, 2019 ), which may reduce social isolation. Indeed, social media provides several ways to interact both with close ties, such as family, friends, and relatives, and weak ties, including coworkers, acquaintances, and strangers ( Chen and Li, 2017 ), and plays a key role among people of all ages as they exploit their sense of belonging in different communities ( Roberts and David, 2020 ). Consequently, despite the fears regarding the possible negative impacts of social media usage on well-being, there is also an increasing number of studies highlighting social media as a new communication channel ( Twenge and Campbell, 2019 ; Barbosa et al., 2020 ), stressing that it can play a crucial role in developing one's presence, identity, and reputation, thus facilitating social interaction, forming and maintaining relationships, and sharing ideas ( Carlson et al., 2016 ), which consequently may be significantly correlated to social support ( Chen and Li, 2017 ; Holliman et al., 2021 ). Interestingly, recent studies (e.g., David et al., 2018 ; Bano et al., 2019 ; Barbosa et al., 2020 ) have suggested that the impact of smartphone usage on psychological well-being depends on the time spent on each type of application and the activities that users engage in.

Hence, the literature provides contradictory cues regarding the impacts of social media on users' well-being, highlighting both the possible negative impacts and the social enhancement it can potentially provide. In line with views on the need to further investigate social media usage ( Karikari et al., 2017 ), particularly regarding its societal implications ( Jiao et al., 2017 ), this paper argues that there is an urgent need to further understand the impact of the time spent on social media on users' psychological well-being, namely by considering other variables that mediate and further explain this effect.

One of the relevant perspectives worth considering is that provided by social capital theory, which is adopted in this paper. Social capital theory has previously been used to study how social media usage affects psychological well-being (e.g., Bano et al., 2019 ). However, extant literature has so far presented only partial models of associations that, although statistically acceptable and contributing to the understanding of the scope of social networks, do not provide as comprehensive a vision of the phenomenon as that proposed within this paper. Furthermore, the contradictory views, suggesting both negative (e.g., Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas, 2016 ; Van Den Eijnden et al., 2016 ; Jiao et al., 2017 ; Whaite et al., 2018 ; Choi and Noh, 2019 ; Chatterjee, 2020 ) and positive impacts ( Carlson et al., 2016 ; Chen and Li, 2017 ; Twenge and Campbell, 2019 ) of social media on psychological well-being, have not been adequately explored.

Given this research gap, this paper's main objective is to shed light on the effect of social media use on psychological well-being. As explained in detail in the next section, this paper explores the mediating effect of bonding and bridging social capital. To provide a broad view of the phenomenon, it also considers several variables highlighted in the literature as affecting the relationship between social media usage and psychological well-being, namely smartphone addiction, social isolation, and phubbing. The paper utilizes a quantitative study conducted in Mexico, comprising 940 social media users, and uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to test a set of research hypotheses.

This article provides several contributions. First, it adds to existing literature regarding the effect of social media use on psychological well-being and explores the contradictory indications provided by different approaches. Second, it proposes a conceptual model that integrates complementary perspectives on the direct and indirect effects of social media use. Third, it offers empirical evidence and robust statistical analysis that demonstrates that both positive and negative effects coexist, helping resolve the inconsistencies found so far in the literature. Finally, this paper provides insights on how to help reduce the potential negative effects of social media use, as it demonstrates that, through bridging and bonding social capital, social media usage positively impacts psychological well-being. Overall, the article offers valuable insights for academics, practitioners, and society in general.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section Literature Review presents a literature review focusing on the factors that explain the impact of social media usage on psychological well-being. Based on the literature review, a set of hypotheses are defined, resulting in the proposed conceptual model, which includes both the direct and indirect effects of social media usage on psychological well-being. Section Research Methodology explains the methodological procedures of the research, followed by the presentation and discussion of the study's results in section Results. Section Discussion is dedicated to the conclusions and includes implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research.

Literature Review

Putnam (1995 , p. 664–665) defined social capital as “features of social life – networks, norms, and trust – that enable participants to act together more effectively to pursue shared objectives.” Li and Chen (2014 , p. 117) further explained that social capital encompasses “resources embedded in one's social network, which can be assessed and used for instrumental or expressive returns such as mutual support, reciprocity, and cooperation.”

Putnam (1995 , 2000) conceptualized social capital as comprising two dimensions, bridging and bonding, considering the different norms and networks in which they occur. Bridging social capital refers to the inclusive nature of social interaction and occurs when individuals from different origins establish connections through social networks. Hence, bridging social capital is typically provided by heterogeneous weak ties ( Li and Chen, 2014 ). This dimension widens individual social horizons and perspectives and provides extended access to resources and information. Bonding social capital refers to the social and emotional support each individual receives from his or her social networks, particularly from close ties (e.g., family and friends).

Overall, social capital is expected to be positively associated with psychological well-being ( Bano et al., 2019 ). Indeed, Williams (2006) stressed that interaction generates affective connections, resulting in positive impacts, such as emotional support. The following sub-sections use the lens of social capital theory to explore further the relationship between the use of social media and psychological well-being.

Social Media Use, Social Capital, and Psychological Well-Being

The effects of social media usage on social capital have gained increasing scholarly attention, and recent studies have highlighted a positive relationship between social media use and social capital ( Brown and Michinov, 2019 ; Tefertiller et al., 2020 ). Li and Chen (2014) hypothesized that the intensity of Facebook use by Chinese international students in the United States was positively related to social capital forms. A longitudinal survey based on the quota sampling approach illustrated the positive effects of social media use on the two social capital dimensions ( Chen and Li, 2017 ). Abbas and Mesch (2018) argued that, as Facebook usage increases, it will also increase users' social capital. Karikari et al. (2017) also found positive effects of social media use on social capital. Similarly, Pang (2018) studied Chinese students residing in Germany and found positive effects of social networking sites' use on social capital, which, in turn, was positively associated with psychological well-being. Bano et al. (2019) analyzed the 266 students' data and found positive effects of WhatsApp use on social capital forms and the positive effect of social capital on psychological well-being, emphasizing the role of social integration in mediating this positive effect.

Kim and Kim (2017) stressed the importance of having a heterogeneous network of contacts, which ultimately enhances the potential social capital. Overall, the manifest and social relations between people from close social circles (bonding social capital) and from distant social circles (bridging social capital) are strengthened when they promote communication, social support, and the sharing of interests, knowledge, and skills, which are shared with other members. This is linked to positive effects on interactions, such as acceptance, trust, and reciprocity, which are related to the individuals' health and psychological well-being ( Bekalu et al., 2019 ), including when social media helps to maintain social capital between social circles that exist outside of virtual communities ( Ellison et al., 2007 ).

Grounded on the above literature, this study proposes the following hypotheses:

H1a: Social media use is positively associated with bonding social capital.

H1b: Bonding social capital is positively associated with psychological well-being.

H2a: Social media use is positively associated with bridging social capital.

H2b: Bridging social capital is positively associated with psychological well-being.

Social Media Use, Social Isolation, and Psychological Well-Being

Social isolation is defined as “a deficit of personal relationships or being excluded from social networks” ( Choi and Noh, 2019 , p. 4). The state that occurs when an individual lacks true engagement with others, a sense of social belonging, and a satisfying relationship is related to increased mortality and morbidity ( Primack et al., 2017 ). Those who experience social isolation are deprived of social relationships and lack contact with others or involvement in social activities ( Schinka et al., 2012 ). Social media usage has been associated with anxiety, loneliness, and depression ( Dhir et al., 2018 ; Reer et al., 2019 ), and social isolation ( Van Den Eijnden et al., 2016 ; Whaite et al., 2018 ). However, some recent studies have argued that social media use decreases social isolation ( Primack et al., 2017 ; Meshi et al., 2020 ). Indeed, the increased use of social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter, among others, may provide opportunities for decreasing social isolation. For instance, the improved interpersonal connectivity achieved via videos and images on social media helps users evidence intimacy, attenuating social isolation ( Whaite et al., 2018 ).

Chappell and Badger (1989) stated that social isolation leads to decreased psychological well-being, while Choi and Noh (2019) concluded that greater social isolation is linked to increased suicide risk. Schinka et al. (2012) further argued that, when individuals experience social isolation from siblings, friends, family, or society, their psychological well-being tends to decrease. Thus, based on the literature cited above, this study proposes the following hypotheses:

H3a: Social media use is significantly associated with social isolation.

H3b: Social isolation is negatively associated with psychological well-being.

Social Media Use, Smartphone Addiction, Phubbing, and Psychological Well-Being

Smartphone addiction refers to “an individuals' excessive use of a smartphone and its negative effects on his/her life as a result of his/her inability to control his behavior” ( Gökçearslan et al., 2018 , p. 48). Regardless of its form, smartphone addiction results in social, medical, and psychological harm to people by limiting their ability to make their own choices ( Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas, 2016 ). The rapid advancement of information and communication technologies has led to the concept of social media, e-games, and also to smartphone addiction ( Chatterjee, 2020 ). The excessive use of smartphones for social media use, entertainment (watching videos, listening to music), and playing e-games is more common amongst people addicted to smartphones ( Jeong et al., 2016 ). In fact, previous studies have evidenced the relationship between social use and smartphone addiction ( Salehan and Negahban, 2013 ; Jeong et al., 2016 ; Swar and Hameed, 2017 ). In line with this, the following hypotheses are proposed:

H4a: Social media use is positively associated with smartphone addiction.

H4b: Smartphone addiction is negatively associated with psychological well-being.

While smartphones are bringing individuals closer, they are also, to some extent, pulling people apart ( Tonacci et al., 2019 ). For instance, they can lead to individuals ignoring others with whom they have close ties or physical interactions; this situation normally occurs due to extreme smartphone use (i.e., at the dinner table, in meetings, at get-togethers and parties, and in other daily activities). This act of ignoring others is called phubbing and is considered a common phenomenon in communication activities ( Guazzini et al., 2019 ; Chatterjee, 2020 ). Phubbing is also referred to as an act of snubbing others ( Chatterjee, 2020 ). This term was initially used in May 2012 by an Australian advertising agency to describe the “growing phenomenon of individuals ignoring their families and friends who were called phubbee (a person who is a recipients of phubbing behavior) victim of phubber (a person who start phubbing her or his companion)” ( Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas, 2018 ). Smartphone addiction has been found to be a determinant of phubbing ( Kim et al., 2018 ). Other recent studies have also evidenced the association between smartphones and phubbing ( Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas, 2016 ; Guazzini et al., 2019 ; Tonacci et al., 2019 ; Chatterjee, 2020 ). Vallespín et al. (2017 ) argued that phubbing behavior has a negative influence on psychological well-being and satisfaction. Furthermore, smartphone addiction is considered responsible for the development of new technologies. It may also negatively influence individual's psychological proximity ( Chatterjee, 2020 ). Therefore, based on the above discussion and calls for the association between phubbing and psychological well-being to be further explored, this study proposes the following hypotheses:

H5: Smartphone addiction is positively associated with phubbing.

H6: Phubbing is negatively associated with psychological well-being.

Indirect Relationship Between Social Media Use and Psychological Well-Being

Beyond the direct hypotheses proposed above, this study investigates the indirect effects of social media use on psychological well-being mediated by social capital forms, social isolation, and phubbing. As described above, most prior studies have focused on the direct influence of social media use on social capital forms, social isolation, smartphone addiction, and phubbing, as well as the direct impact of social capital forms, social isolation, smartphone addiction, and phubbing on psychological well-being. Very few studies, however, have focused on and evidenced the mediating role of social capital forms, social isolation, smartphone addiction, and phubbing derived from social media use in improving psychological well-being ( Chen and Li, 2017 ; Pang, 2018 ; Bano et al., 2019 ; Choi and Noh, 2019 ). Moreover, little is known about smartphone addiction's mediating role between social media use and psychological well-being. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap in the existing literature by investigating the mediation of social capital forms, social isolation, and smartphone addiction. Further, examining the mediating influence will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of social media use on psychological well-being via the mediating associations of smartphone addiction and psychological factors. Therefore, based on the above, we propose the following hypotheses (the conceptual model is presented in Figure 1 ):

H7: (a) Bonding social capital; (b) bridging social capital; (c) social isolation; and (d) smartphone addiction mediate the relationship between social media use and psychological well-being.


Figure 1 . Conceptual model.

Research Methodology

Sample procedure and online survey.

This study randomly selected students from universities in Mexico. We chose University students for the following reasons. First, students are considered the most appropriate sample for e-commerce studies, particularly in the social media context ( Oghazi et al., 2018 ; Shi et al., 2018 ). Second, University students are considered to be frequent users and addicted to smartphones ( Mou et al., 2017 ; Stouthuysen et al., 2018 ). Third, this study ensured that respondents were experienced, well-educated, and possessed sufficient knowledge of the drawbacks of social media and the extreme use of smartphones. A total sample size of 940 University students was ultimately achieved from the 1,500 students contacted, using a convenience random sampling approach, due both to the COVID-19 pandemic and budget and time constraints. Additionally, in order to test the model, a quantitative empirical study was conducted, using an online survey method to collect data. This study used a web-based survey distributed via social media platforms for two reasons: the COVID-19 pandemic; and to reach a large number of respondents ( Qalati et al., 2021 ). Furthermore, online surveys are considered a powerful and authenticated tool for new research ( Fan et al., 2021 ), while also representing a fast, simple, and less costly approach to collecting data ( Dutot and Bergeron, 2016 ).

Data Collection Procedures and Respondent's Information

Data were collected by disseminating a link to the survey by e-mail and social network sites. Before presenting the closed-ended questionnaire, respondents were assured that their participation would remain voluntary, confidential, and anonymous. Data collection occurred from July 2020 to December 2020 (during the pandemic). It should be noted that, because data were collected during the pandemic, this may have had an influence on the results of the study. The reason for choosing a six-month lag time was to mitigate common method bias (CMB) ( Li et al., 2020b ). In the present study, 1,500 students were contacted via University e-mail and social applications (Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram). We sent a reminder every month for 6 months (a total of six reminders), resulting in 940 valid responses. Thus, 940 (62.6% response rate) responses were used for hypotheses testing.

Table 1 reveals that, of the 940 participants, three-quarters were female (76.4%, n = 719) and nearly one-quarter (23.6%, n = 221) were male. Nearly half of the participants (48.8%, n = 459) were aged between 26 and 35 years, followed by 36 to 35 years (21.9%, n = 206), <26 (20.3%, n = 191), and over 45 (8.9%, n = 84). Approximately two-thirds (65%, n = 611) had a bachelor's degree or above, while one-third had up to 12 years of education. Regarding the daily frequency of using the Internet, nearly half (48.6%, n = 457) of the respondents reported between 5 and 8 h a day, and over one-quarter (27.2%) 9–12 h a day. Regarding the social media platforms used, over 38.5 and 39.6% reported Facebook and WhatsApp, respectively. Of the 940 respondents, only 22.1% reported Instagram (12.8%) and Twitter (9.2%). It should be noted, however, that the sample is predominantly female and well-educated.


Table 1 . Respondents' characteristics.

Measurement Items

The study used five-point Likert scales (1 = “strongly disagree;” 5 = “strongly agree”) to record responses.

Social Media Use

Social media use was assessed using four items adapted from Karikari et al. (2017) . Sample items include “Social media is part of my everyday activity,” “Social media has become part of my daily life,” “I would be sorry if social media shut down,” and “I feel out of touch, when I have not logged onto social media for a while.” The adapted items had robust reliability and validity (CA = 783, CR = 0.857, AVE = 0.600).

Social Capital

Social capital was measured using a total of eight items, representing bonding social capital (four items) and bridging social capital (four items) adapted from Chan (2015) . Sample construct items include: bonging social capital (“I am willing to spend time to support general community activities,” “I interact with people who are quite different from me”) and bridging social capital (“My social media community is a good place to be,” “Interacting with people on social media makes me want to try new things”). The adapted items had robust reliability and validity [bonding social capital (CA = 0.785, CR = 0.861, AVE = 0.608) and bridging social capital (CA = 0.834, CR = 0.883, AVE = 0.601)].

Social Isolation

Social isolation was assessed using three items from Choi and Noh (2019) . Sample items include “I do not have anyone to play with,” “I feel alone from people,” and “I have no one I can trust.” This adapted scale had substantial reliability and validity (CA = 0.890, CR = 0.928, AVE = 0.811).

Smartphone Addiction

Smartphone addiction was assessed using five items taken from Salehan and Negahban (2013) . Sample items include “I am always preoccupied with my mobile,” “Using my mobile phone keeps me relaxed,” and “I am not able to control myself from frequent use of mobile phones.” Again, these adapted items showed substantial reliability and validity (CA = 903, CR = 0.928, AVE = 0.809).

Phubbing was assessed using four items from Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas (2018) . Sample items include: “I have conflicts with others because I am using my phone” and “I would rather pay attention to my phone than talk to others.” This construct also demonstrated significant reliability and validity (CA = 770, CR = 0.894, AVE = 0.809).

Psychological Well-Being

Psychological well-being was assessed using five items from Jiao et al. (2017) . Sample items include “I lead a purposeful and meaningful life with the help of others,” “My social relationships are supportive and rewarding in social media,” and “I am engaged and interested in my daily on social media.” This study evidenced that this adapted scale had substantial reliability and validity (CA = 0.886, CR = 0.917, AVE = 0.688).

Data Analysis

Based on the complexity of the association between the proposed construct and the widespread use and acceptance of SmartPLS 3.0 in several fields ( Hair et al., 2019 ), we utilized SEM, using SmartPLS 3.0, to examine the relationships between constructs. Structural equation modeling is a multivariate statistical analysis technique that is used to investigate relationships. Further, it is a combination of factor and multivariate regression analysis, and is employed to explore the relationship between observed and latent constructs.

SmartPLS 3.0 “is a more comprehensive software program with an intuitive graphical user interface to run partial least square SEM analysis, certainly has had a massive impact” ( Sarstedt and Cheah, 2019 ). According to Ringle et al. (2015) , this commercial software offers a wide range of algorithmic and modeling options, improved usability, and user-friendly and professional support. Furthermore, Sarstedt and Cheah (2019) suggested that structural equation models enable the specification of complex interrelationships between observed and latent constructs. Hair et al. (2019) argued that, in recent years, the number of articles published using partial least squares SEM has increased significantly in contrast to covariance-based SEM. In addition, partial least squares SEM using SmartPLS is more appealing for several scholars as it enables them to predict more complex models with several variables, indicator constructs, and structural paths, instead of imposing distributional assumptions on the data ( Hair et al., 2019 ). Therefore, this study utilized the partial least squares SEM approach using SmartPLS 3.0.

Common Method Bias (CMB) Test

This study used the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) test to measure the sampling adequacy and ensure data suitability. The KMO test result was 0.874, which is greater than an acceptable threshold of 0.50 ( Ali Qalati et al., 2021 ; Shrestha, 2021 ), and hence considered suitable for explanatory factor analysis. Moreover, Bartlett's test results demonstrated a significance level of 0.001, which is considered good as it is below the accepted threshold of 0.05.

The term CMB is associated with Campbell and Fiske (1959) , who highlighted the importance of CMB and identified that a portion of variance in the research may be due to the methods employed. It occurs when all scales of the study are measured at the same time using a single questionnaire survey ( Podsakoff and Organ, 1986 ); subsequently, estimates of the relationship among the variables might be distorted by the impacts of CMB. It is considered a serious issue that has a potential to “jeopardize” the validity of the study findings ( Tehseen et al., 2017 ). There are several reasons for CMB: (1) it mainly occurs due to response “tendencies that raters can apply uniformity across the measures;” and (2) it also occurs due to similarities in the wording and structure of the survey items that produce similar results ( Jordan and Troth, 2019 ). Harman's single factor test and a full collinearity approach were employed to ensure that the data was free from CMB ( Tehseen et al., 2017 ; Jordan and Troth, 2019 ; Ali Qalati et al., 2021 ). Harman's single factor test showed a single factor explained only 22.8% of the total variance, which is far below the 50.0% acceptable threshold ( Podsakoff et al., 2003 ).

Additionally, the variance inflation factor (VIF) was used, which is a measure of the amount of multicollinearity in a set of multiple regression constructs and also considered a way of detecting CMB ( Hair et al., 2019 ). Hair et al. (2019) suggested that the acceptable threshold for the VIF is 3.0; as the computed VIFs for the present study ranged from 1.189 to 1.626, CMB is not a key concern (see Table 2 ). Bagozzi et al. (1991) suggested a correlation-matrix procedure to detect CMB. Common method bias is evident if correlation among the principle constructs is >0.9 ( Tehseen et al., 2020 ); however, no values >0.9 were found in this study (see section Assessment of Measurement Model). This study used a two-step approach to evaluate the measurement model and the structural model.


Table 2 . Common method bias (full collinearity VIF).

Assessment of Measurement Model

Before conducting the SEM analysis, the measurement model was assessed to examine individual item reliability, internal consistency, and convergent and discriminant validity. Table 3 exhibits the values of outer loading used to measure an individual item's reliability ( Hair et al., 2012 ). Hair et al. (2017) proposed that the value for each outer loading should be ≥0.7; following this principle, two items of phubbing (PHUB3—I get irritated if others ask me to get off my phone and talk to them; PHUB4—I use my phone even though I know it irritated others) were removed from the analysis Hair et al. (2019) . According to Nunnally (1978) , Cronbach's alpha values should exceed 0.7. The threshold values of constructs in this study ranged from 0.77 to 0.903. Regarding internal consistency, Bagozzi and Yi (1988) suggested that composite reliability (CR) should be ≥0.7. The coefficient value for CR in this study was between 0.857 and 0.928. Regarding convergent validity, Fornell and Larcker (1981) suggested that the average variance extracted (AVE) should be ≥0.5. Average variance extracted values in this study were between 0.60 and 0.811. Finally, regarding discriminant validity, according to Fornell and Larcker (1981) , the square root of the AVE for each construct should exceed the inter-correlations of the construct with other model constructs. That was the case in this study, as shown in Table 4 .


Table 3 . Study measures, factor loading, and the constructs' reliability and convergent validity.


Table 4 . Discriminant validity and correlation.

Hence, by analyzing the results of the measurement model, it can be concluded that the data are adequate for structural equation estimation.

Assessment of the Structural Model

This study used the PLS algorithm and a bootstrapping technique with 5,000 bootstraps as proposed by Hair et al. (2019) to generate the path coefficient values and their level of significance. The coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) is an important measure to assess the structural model and its explanatory power ( Henseler et al., 2009 ; Hair et al., 2019 ). Table 5 and Figure 2 reveal that the R 2 value in the present study was 0.451 for psychological well-being, which means that 45.1% of changes in psychological well-being occurred due to social media use, social capital forms (i.e., bonding and bridging), social isolation, smartphone addiction, and phubbing. Cohen (1998) proposed that R 2 values of 0.60, 0.33, and 0.19 are considered substantial, moderate, and weak. Following Cohen's (1998) threshold values, this research demonstrates a moderate predicting power for psychological well-being among Mexican respondents ( Table 6 ).


Table 5 . Summary of path coefficients and hypothesis testing.


Figure 2 . Structural model.


Table 6 . Strength of the model (Predictive relevance, coefficient of determination, and model fit indices).

Apart from the R 2 measure, the present study also used cross-validated redundancy measures, or effect sizes ( q 2 ), to assess the proposed model and validate the results ( Ringle et al., 2012 ). Hair et al. (2019) suggested that a model exhibiting an effect size q 2 > 0 has predictive relevance ( Table 6 ). This study's results evidenced that it has a 0.15 <0.29 <0.35 (medium) predictive relevance, as 0.02, 0.15, and 0.35 are considered small, medium, and large, respectively ( Cohen, 1998 ). Regarding the goodness-of-fit indices, Hair et al. (2019) suggested the standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) to evaluate the goodness of fit. Standardized root mean square is an absolute measure of fit: a value of zero indicates perfect fit and a value <0.08 is considered good fit ( Hair et al., 2019 ). This study exhibits an adequate model fitness level with an SRMR value of 0.063 ( Table 6 ).

Table 5 reveals that all hypotheses of the study were accepted base on the criterion ( p -value < 0.05). H1a (β = 0.332, t = 10.283, p = 0.001) was confirmed, with the second most robust positive and significant relationship (between social media use and bonding social capital). In addition, this study evidenced a positive and significant relationship between bonding social capital and psychological well-being (β = 0.127, t = 4.077, p = 0.001); therefore, H1b was accepted. Regarding social media use and bridging social capital, the present study found the most robust positive and significant impact (β = 0.439, t = 15.543, p = 0.001); therefore, H2a was accepted. The study also evidenced a positive and significant association between bridging social capital and psychological well-being (β = 0.561, t = 20.953, p = 0.001); thus, H2b was accepted. The present study evidenced a significant effect of social media use on social isolation (β = 0.145, t = 4.985, p = 0.001); thus, H3a was accepted. In addition, this study accepted H3b (β = −0.051, t = 2.01, p = 0.044). Furthermore, this study evidenced a positive and significant effect of social media use on smartphone addiction (β = 0.223, t = 6.241, p = 0.001); therefore, H4a was accepted. Furthermore, the present study found that smartphone addiction has a negative significant influence on psychological well-being (β = −0.068, t = 2.387, p = 0.017); therefore, H4b was accepted. Regarding the relationship between smartphone addiction and phubbing, this study found a positive and significant effect of smartphone addiction on phubbing (β = 0.244, t = 7.555, p = 0.001); therefore, H5 was accepted. Furthermore, the present research evidenced a positive and significant influence of phubbing on psychological well-being (β = 0.137, t = 4.938, p = 0.001); therefore, H6 was accepted. Finally, the study provides interesting findings on the indirect effect of social media use on psychological well-being ( t -value > 1.96 and p -value < 0.05); therefore, H7a–d were accepted.

Furthermore, to test the mediating analysis, Preacher and Hayes's (2008) approach was used. The key characteristic of an indirect relationship is that it involves a third construct, which plays a mediating role in the relationship between the independent and dependent constructs. Logically, the effect of A (independent construct) on C (the dependent construct) is mediated by B (a third variable). Preacher and Hayes (2008) suggested the following: B is a construct acting as a mediator if A significantly influences B, A significantly accounts for variability in C, B significantly influences C when controlling for A, and the influence of A on C decreases significantly when B is added simultaneously with A as a predictor of C. According to Matthews et al. (2018) , if the indirect effect is significant while the direct insignificant, full mediation has occurred, while if both direct and indirect effects are substantial, partial mediation has occurred. This study evidenced that there is partial mediation in the proposed construct ( Table 5 ). Following Preacher and Hayes (2008) this study evidenced that there is partial mediation in the proposed construct, because the relationship between independent variable (social media use) and dependent variable (psychological well-being) is significant ( p -value < 0.05) and indirect effect among them after introducing mediator (bonding social capital, bridging social capital, social isolation, and smartphone addiction) is also significant ( p -value < 0.05), therefore it is evidenced that when there is a significant effect both direct and indirect it's called partial mediation.

The present study reveals that the social and psychological impacts of social media use among University students is becoming more complex as there is continuing advancement in technology, offering a range of affordable interaction opportunities. Based on the 940 valid responses collected, all the hypotheses were accepted ( p < 0.05).

H1a finding suggests that social media use is a significant influencing factor of bonding social capital. This implies that, during a pandemic, social media use enables students to continue their close relationships with family members, friends, and those with whom they have close ties. This finding is in line with prior work of Chan (2015) and Ellison et al. (2007) , who evidenced that social bonding capital is predicted by Facebook use and having a mobile phone. H1b findings suggest that, when individuals believe that social communication can help overcome obstacles to interaction and encourage more virtual self-disclosure, social media use can improve trust and promote the establishment of social associations, thereby enhancing well-being. These findings are in line with those of Gong et al. (2021) , who also witnessed the significant effect of bonding social capital on immigrants' psychological well-being, subsequently calling for the further evidence to confirm the proposed relationship.

The findings of the present study related to H2a suggest that students are more likely to use social media platforms to receive more emotional support, increase their ability to mobilize others, and to build social networks, which leads to social belongingness. Furthermore, the findings suggest that social media platforms enable students to accumulate and maintain bridging social capital; further, online classes can benefit students who feel shy when participating in offline classes. This study supports the previous findings of Chan (2015) and Karikari et al. (2017) . Notably, the present study is not limited to a single social networking platform, taking instead a holistic view of social media. The H2b findings are consistent with those of Bano et al. (2019) , who also confirmed the link between bonding social capital and psychological well-being among University students using WhatsApp as social media platform, as well as those of Chen and Li (2017) .

The H3a findings suggest that, during the COVID-19 pandemic when most people around the world have had limited offline or face-to-face interaction and have used social media to connect with families, friends, and social communities, they have often been unable to connect with them. This is due to many individuals avoiding using social media because of fake news, financial constraints, and a lack of trust in social media; thus, the lack both of offline and online interaction, coupled with negative experiences on social media use, enhances the level of social isolation ( Hajek and König, 2021 ). These findings are consistent with those of Adnan and Anwar (2020) . The H3b suggests that higher levels of social isolation have a negative impact on psychological well-being. These result indicating that, consistent with Choi and Noh (2019) , social isolation is negatively and significantly related to psychological well-being.

The H4a results suggests that substantial use of social media use leads to an increase in smartphone addiction. These findings are in line with those of Jeong et al. (2016) , who stated that the excessive use of smartphones for social media, entertainment (watching videos, listening to music), and playing e-games was more likely to lead to smartphone addiction. These findings also confirm the previous work of Jeong et al. (2016) , Salehan and Negahban (2013) , and Swar and Hameed (2017) . The H4b results revealed that a single unit increase in smartphone addiction results in a 6.8% decrease in psychological well-being. These findings are in line with those of Tangmunkongvorakul et al. (2019) , who showed that students with higher levels of smartphone addiction had lower psychological well-being scores. These findings also support those of Shoukat (2019) , who showed that smartphone addiction inversely influences individuals' mental health.

This suggests that the greater the smartphone addiction, the greater the phubbing. The H5 findings are in line with those of Chatterjee (2020) , Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas (2016) , Guazzini et al. (2019) , and Tonacci et al. (2019) , who also evidenced a significant impact of smartphone addiction and phubbing. Similarly, Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas (2018) corroborated that smartphone addiction is the main predictor of phubbing behavior. However, these findings are inconsistent with those of Vallespín et al. (2017 ), who found a negative influence of phubbing.

The H6 results suggests that phubbing is one of the significant predictors of psychological well-being. Furthermore, these findings suggest that, when phubbers use a cellphone during interaction with someone, especially during the current pandemic, and they are connected with many family members, friends, and relatives; therefore, this kind of action gives them more satisfaction, which simultaneously results in increased relaxation and decreased depression ( Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas, 2018 ). These findings support those of Davey et al. (2018) , who evidenced that phubbing has a significant influence on adolescents and social health students in India.

The findings showed a significant and positive effect of social media use on psychological well-being both through bridging and bonding social capital. However, a significant and negative effect of social media use on psychological well-being through smartphone addiction and through social isolation was also found. Hence, this study provides evidence that could shed light on the contradictory contributions in the literature suggesting both positive (e.g., Chen and Li, 2017 ; Twenge and Campbell, 2019 ; Roberts and David, 2020 ) and negative (e.g., Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas, 2016 ; Jiao et al., 2017 ; Choi and Noh, 2019 ; Chatterjee, 2020 ) effects of social media use on psychological well-being. This study concludes that the overall impact is positive, despite some degree of negative indirect impact.

Theoretical Contributions

This study's findings contribute to the current literature, both by providing empirical evidence for the relationships suggested by extant literature and by demonstrating the relevance of adopting a more complex approach that considers, in particular, the indirect effect of social media on psychological well-being. As such, this study constitutes a basis for future research ( Van Den Eijnden et al., 2016 ; Whaite et al., 2018 ) aiming to understand the impacts of social media use and to find ways to reduce its possible negative impacts.

In line with Kim and Kim (2017) , who stressed the importance of heterogeneous social networks in improving social capital, this paper suggests that, to positively impact psychological well-being, social media usage should be associated both with strong and weak ties, as both are important in building social capital, and hence associated with its bonding and bridging facets. Interestingly, though, bridging capital was shown as having the greatest impact on psychological well-being. Thus, the importance of wider social horizons, the inclusion in different groups, and establishing new connections ( Putnam, 1995 , 2000 ) with heterogeneous weak ties ( Li and Chen, 2014 ) are highlighted in this paper.

Practical Contributions

These findings are significant for practitioners, particularly those interested in dealing with the possible negative impacts of social media use on psychological well-being. Although social media use is associated with factors that negatively impact psychological well-being, particularly smartphone addiction and social isolation, these negative impacts can be lessened if the connections with both strong and weak ties are facilitated and featured by social media. Indeed, social media platforms offer several features, from facilitating communication with family, friends, and acquaintances, to identifying and offering access to other people with shared interests. However, it is important to access heterogeneous weak ties ( Li and Chen, 2014 ) so that social media offers access to wider sources of information and new resources, hence enhancing bridging social capital.

Limitations and Directions for Future Studies

This study is not without limitations. For example, this study used a convenience sampling approach to reach to a large number of respondents. Further, this study was conducted in Mexico only, limiting the generalizability of the results; future research should therefore use a cross-cultural approach to investigate the impacts of social media use on psychological well-being and the mediating role of proposed constructs (e.g., bonding and bridging social capital, social isolation, and smartphone addiction). The sample distribution may also be regarded as a limitation of the study because respondents were mainly well-educated and female. Moreover, although Internet channels represent a particularly suitable way to approach social media users, the fact that this study adopted an online survey does not guarantee a representative sample of the population. Hence, extrapolating the results requires caution, and study replication is recommended, particularly with social media users from other countries and cultures. The present study was conducted in the context of mainly University students, primarily well-educated females, via an online survey on in Mexico; therefore, the findings represent a snapshot at a particular time. Notably, however, the effect of social media use is increasing due to COVID-19 around the globe and is volatile over time.

Two of the proposed hypotheses of this study, namely the expected negative impacts of social media use on social isolation and of phubbing on psychological well-being, should be further explored. One possible approach is to consider the type of connections (i.e., weak and strong ties) to explain further the impact of social media usage on social isolation. Apparently, the prevalence of weak ties, although facilitating bridging social capital, may have an adverse impact in terms of social isolation. Regarding phubbing, the fact that the findings point to a possible positive impact on psychological well-being should be carefully addressed, specifically by psychology theorists and scholars, in order to identify factors that may help further understand this phenomenon. Other suggestions for future research include using mixed-method approaches, as qualitative studies could help further validate the results and provide complementary perspectives on the relationships between the considered variables.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Ethics Statement

The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by Jiangsu University. The patients/participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study.

Author Contributions

All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.

This study is supported by the National Statistics Research Project of China (2016LY96).

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: smartphone addiction, social isolation, bonding social capital, bridging social capital, phubbing, social media use

Citation: Ostic D, Qalati SA, Barbosa B, Shah SMM, Galvan Vela E, Herzallah AM and Liu F (2021) Effects of Social Media Use on Psychological Well-Being: A Mediated Model. Front. Psychol. 12:678766. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.678766

Received: 10 March 2021; Accepted: 25 May 2021; Published: 21 June 2021.

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*Correspondence: Sikandar Ali Qalati, sidqalati@gmail.com ; 5103180243@stmail.ujs.edu.cn ; Esthela Galvan Vela, esthela.galvan@cetys.mx

† ORCID: Dragana Ostic orcid.org/0000-0002-0469-1342 Sikandar Ali Qalati orcid.org/0000-0001-7235-6098 Belem Barbosa orcid.org/0000-0002-4057-360X Esthela Galvan Vela orcid.org/0000-0002-8778-3989 Feng Liu orcid.org/0000-0001-9367-049X

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Conceptualising and measuring social media engagement: A systematic literature review

  • Review Article
  • Open access
  • Published: 11 August 2021
  • Volume 2021 , pages 267–292, ( 2021 )

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best title for research paper about social media

  • Mariapina Trunfio 1 &
  • Simona Rossi   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4384-0002 1  

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The spread of social media platforms enhanced academic and professional debate on social media engagement that attempted to better understand its theoretical foundations and measurements. This paper aims to systematically contribute to this academic debate by analysing, discussing, and synthesising social media engagement literature in the perspective of social media metrics. Adopting a systematic literature review, the research provides an overarching picture of what has already been investigated and the existing gaps that need further research. The paper confirms the polysemic and multidimensional nature of social media engagement. It identifies the behavioural dimension as the most used proxy for users' level of engagement suggesting the COBRA model as a conceptual tool to classify and interpret the construct. Four categories of metrics emerged: quantitative metrics, normalised indexes, set of indexes, qualitative metrics. It also offers insights and guidance to practitioners on modelling and managing social media engagement.

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1 Introduction

Over the last decade, customer engagement has received increasing attention in academic and professional debate (Hollebeek, 2019 ; Kumar et al., 2019 ; Marketing Science Institute, 2020 ; Peltier et al., 2020 ; Rather et al., 2019 ; Rossmann et al., 2016 ). It can be considered a “consumer’s positively brand-related cognitive, emotional and behavioural activity during, or related to, focal consumer/brand interactions” (Hollebeek, 2014 , p.149). Engaged customers display greater brand loyalty and satisfaction (Bowden, 2009 ; Jaakkola & Alexander, 2014 ) and are more likely to contribute to new product development (Haumann et al., 2015 ), service innovation (Kumar et al., 2010 ), and viral marketing activity spread by word of mouth (Wu et al., 2018 ). Customer engagement can also be linked with important brand performance indicators, including sales growth, feedback, and referrals (Van Doorn et al., 2010 ).

Acknowledging the potential of ICTs, scholars and practitioners are experimenting with new ways to capitalise on customer engagement and adapt to the new challenges of digital platforms (Barger et al., 2016 ; Peltier et al., 2020 ). Social media platforms reshaped the dyadic interaction between customers and organisations, creating spaces for digital sharing and engagement. By enabling users to comment, review, create, and share content across online networks, social media provide direct access to brands and allow co-creation processes. As such, the pervasive character of social media with its potential for engaging with customers and building relationships generated much interest in the concept of social media engagement (Barger et al., 2016 ; Hallock et al., 2019 ; Oviedo-García et al., 2014 ; Peltier et al., 2020 ; Schivinski et al., 2016 ). Engaging with customers in real-time and managing many incoming customers’ big data interested academic investigation and opened opportunities for marketers to enhance social media marketing success (Liu et al., 2019 ).

Understanding, monitoring, and measuring social media engagement are key aspects that interest scholars and practitioners who proposed diverse conceptualisations, several indicators and KPIs. With the spread of social media analytics, social networking platforms, digital service providers, marketers, and freelancers developed their metrics to measure engagement with brand-related social media contents and advertising campaigns. At the same time, scholars have pointed out various metrics and procedures that contribute to evaluating social media engagement in different fields (Mariani et al., 2018 ; Muñoz-Expósito et al., 2017 ; Trunfio & Della Lucia, 2019 ). Nevertheless, many of these studies offer a partial perspective of analysis that does not allow the phenomenon to be represented in diverse aspects (Oviedo-García et al., 2014 ). As a result, social media engagement remains an enigma wrapped in a riddle for many executives (McKinsey, 2012 ). How communities across an ever-growing variety of platforms, new forms of customer-brand interactions, different dimensions and cultural differences impact social media engagement measurement represents one of the main challenges (Peltier et al., 2020 ).

Although social media engagement represented a key topic in marketing research (Barger et al., 2016 ; Peltier et al., 2020 ), an overarching perspective of the existing knowledge can drive the investigation of the state of the field, including the study of the research streams, and the analysis of the measurement tools. This paper aims to systematically contribute to the academic debate by analysing, discussing, and synthesising social media engagement literature from the social media metrics perspective. A systematic literature review approach provides an overarching picture of what has already been investigated and the existing gaps that need further research. It contributes towards a systematic advancement of knowledge in the field and offers insights and guidance to practitioners on modelling and managing social media engagement (Tranfield et al., 2003 ).

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section  2 presents the theoretical background of the study on customer engagement and social media engagement. Section  3 describes the methodology used for conducting the systematic literature review (Pickering & Byrne, 2014 ; Tranfield et al., 2003 ). Section  4 presents the bibliometric analysis results, including the year in which research began, the journals that publish most research, and the most relevant authors with publications on the topic. Then, Sect.  5 classifies these studies in terms of four macro-themes, conceptualisations, platforms, measurement, and behaviours and describes the key results available in the literature. Section  6 provides a critical discussion of the findings from the literature review and highlights its key contributions. Lastly, Sect.  7 concludes the study by highlighting its limitations and proposing directions for future research.

2 Theoretical background

2.1 customer engagement.

Although customer engagement research has increased theoretical and managerial relevance (Brodie et al., 2011 ; Hollebeek et al., 2016 , 2019 ; Kumar et al., 2019 ; Vivek et al., 2012 ), to date, there is still no consensus on its definition due to its multidimensional, multidisciplinary and polysemic nature.

Several customer engagement conceptualisations have been proposed in the literature, drawing on various theoretical backgrounds, particularly service-dominant logic, and relationship marketing. From a psychological perspective, one of the first definitions of customer engagement is the one of Bowden ( 2009 ) that conceptualises it as a psychological process that drives customer loyalty. Similarly, Brodie et al. ( 2011 ) define customer engagement as a psychological state that occurs by interactive, co-creative customer experiences with a focal object. Later, focusing on the behavioural aspects, it has been described as the intensity of an individual’s participation in an organisation’s offerings or organisational activities (Vivek et al., 2012 ). More recently, from a value-based perspective, customer engagement has been defined as the mechanics that customers use to add value to the firm (Kumar et al., 2019 ).

Although the perspectives may vary, common elements can be identified in various conceptualisations. Literature generally understands customer engagement as a highly experiential, subjective, and context-dependent construct (Brodie et al., 2011 ) based on customer-brand interactions (Hollebeek, 2018 ). Moreover, scholars agree on its multidimensional nature (Brodie et al., 2013 ; Hollebeek et al., 2016 ; So et al., 2016 ; Vivek et al., 2012 ) encompassing cognitive (customer focus and interest in a brand), emotional (feelings of inspiration or pride caused by a brand), and behavioural (customer effort and energy necessary for interaction with a brand) dimensions. Also, researchers have proposed that customer engagement affects different marketing constructs (Brodie et al., 2011 ; Van Doorn et al., 2010 ). For example, in Bowden’s research (2009), there is evidence to support that customer engagement is a predictor of loyalty. Brodie et al. ( 2011 ) explore its effects on customer satisfaction, empowerment, trust, and affective commitment towards the members of a community. Van Doorn et al. ( 2010 ) propose customer-based drivers, including attitudinal factors such as satisfaction, brand commitment and trust, as well as customer goals, resources, and value perceptions.

2.2 Social media engagement: The academic perspective

Social media engagement has also been investigated as brand-user interaction on social media platforms (Barger et al., 2016 ; De Vries & Carlson, 2014 ; Hallock et al., 2019 ; Oviedo-García et al., 2014 ; Peltier et al., 2020 ; Schivinski et al., 2016 ). However, while conceptual discussions appear to dominate the existing customer engagement literature, research results fragmented when moving to the online context. Scholars agree that social media engagement is a context-specific occurrence of customer engagement (Brodie et al., 2013 ) that reflects customers’ individual positive dispositions towards the community or a focal brand (Dessart, 2017 ). Social media engagement can emerge with respect to different objects: the community, representing other customers in the network, and the brand (Dessart, 2017 ). Furthermore, antecedents and consequences of social media engagement have been identified to understand why customers interact on social media and the possible outcomes (Barger et al., 2016 ), such as loyalty, satisfaction, trust, and commitment (Van Doorn et al., 2010 ).

In continuity with literature on customer engagement, also social media engagement can be traced back to affective, cognitive, and behavioural dimensions (Van Doorn et al., 2010 ). Most of the literature focuses on the behavioural dimension as it can be expressed through actions such as liking, commenting, sharing, and viewing contents from a brand (Barger et al., 2016 ; Muntinga et al., 2011 ; Oh et al., 2017 ; Oviedo-García et al., 2014 ; Peltier et al., 2020 ; Rietveld et al., 2020 ; Schivinski et al., 2016 ). It is worth pointing out that not all these actions determine the same level of engagement. Schivinski et al. ( 2016 ) in the COBRA (Consumer Online Brand Related Activities) Model differentiate between three levels of social media engagement: consumption, contribution, and creation. Consumption constitutes the minimum level of engagement and is the most common brand-related activity among customers (e.g., viewing brand-related audio, video, or pictures). Contribution denotes the response in peer-to-peer interactions related to brands (e.g., liking, sharing, commenting on brand-related contents). Creation is the most substantial level of the online brand-related activities that occur when customers spontaneously participate in customising the brand experiences (e.g., publishing brand-related content, uploading brand-related video, pictures, audio or writing brand-related articles). Starting from these social media actions, scholars attempted to measure social media engagement in several ways developing scales, indexes, and metrics (Harrigan et al., 2017 ; Oviedo-García et al., 2014 ; Schivinski et al., 2016 ; Trunfio & Della Lucia, 2019 ). Nevertheless, many of these studies offer a partial perspective of analysis that does not allow the phenomenon to be represented in its diverse aspects (Oviedo-García et al., 2014 ). Researchers have also examined emotional and cognitive dimensions (Dessart, 2017 ) as essential components of social media engagement that lead to positive brand outcomes (Loureiro et al., 2017 ).

2.3 Social media engagement: The practitioners’ perspective

In business practice, the concept of customer engagement appeared for the first time in 2006 when the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), in conjunction with the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Association of National Advertisers, defined it as a turning on a prospect to a brand idea enhanced by the surrounding context (ARF, 2006 ) . Later, several consulting firms tried to give their definition emphasising different aspects and perspectives. For example, in 2008, Forrester Consulting, an American market research company, defined customer engagement as a way to create ‘deep connections with customers that drive purchase decisions, interaction, and participation over time’ (Forrester Consulting, 2008 , p.4). Gallup Consulting identified four levels of customer engagement and defined it as an emotional connection between customers and companies (Gallup Consulting, 2009 ). Similarly, the famous American software provider Hubspot ( 2014 ) identified social media engagement as ‘ the ongoing interactions between company and customer, offered by the company, chosen by the customer’ (Hubspot, 2014 , p.1).

With the increasing spread of social networks and their exploitation as an important marketing tool, practitioners recognised a clear linkage between customer engagement and the metrics to assess digital strategy success. Over time, social networking platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, developed their metrics to measure engagement with brand-related social media contents and advertising campaigns (Table 1 ).

With the spread of social media analytics, platforms and digital service providers developed dashboards and analytical indicators to assess, measure and monitor the engagement generated by social media marketing activities (Table 2 ). At the same time, many bloggers, marketers, and freelancers have weighed in on the topic, enriching the debate with new contributions.

As a result, while scholars still have to agree upon a shared definition of social media engagement, marketers have recognised it as one of the most important online outcome companies need to deliver with social media and a key metric to assess social media strategy success . Despite the growing interest in business practice and its solid traditional theoretical roots, most of the existing literature on social media engagement offers only conceptual guidelines (Barger et al., 2016 ; Peltier et al., 2020 ). The measurement of engagement in social media and its financial impact remains an enigma wrapped in a riddle for many executives (McKinsey, 2012 ) and requires further investigations. Mainly, how new and emerging platforms, new forms of customer-brand interactions, different dimensions, and cultural differences impact social media engagement measurement remains an understudied phenomenon (Peltier et al., 2020 ).

3 Methodology

The literature review is one of the most appropriate research methods, which aims to map the relevant literature identifying the potential research gaps that need further research to contribute towards a systematic advancement of new knowledge in the field (Tranfield et al., 2003 ). This research is built upon the rigorous, transparent, and reproducible protocol of the systematic literature review as a scientific and transparent process that reduces the selection bias through an exhaustive literature search (Pencarelli & Mele, 2019 ; Pickering & Byrne, 2014 ; Tranfield et al., 2003 ). Building on recent studies (Inamdar et al., 2020 ; Linnenluecke et al., 2020 ; Phulwani et al., 2020 ), in addition to the systematic literature review, a bibliometric analysis (Li et al., 2017 ) was also performed to provide greater comprehensions into the field's current state and highlight the future research directions.

3.1 Database, keywords, inclusion, and exclusion criteria

To conduct a literature review, quality journals are considered the basis for selecting quality publications (Wallace & Wray, 2016 ). Therefore, the database Scopus, run by Elsevier Publishing, was considered to search for relevant literature, being the most significant abstract and citation source database used in recent reviews.

When conducting a literature review, a fundamental issue is determining the keywords that allow identifying the papers (Aveyard, 2007 ). To address it, the most frequently used keywords in peer-reviewed literature have been under investigation. As such, the following research chain was used: “Social media” “Engagement” AND “metric*”, searching under title, abstract, and keywords.

The systematic literature review protocol (Fig.  1 ) has been conducted on the 26 th of March 2020. The study considers an open starting time to trace back to the origin of social media engagement metrics research up to late March 2020. The initial search attempts identified 259 documents.

figure 1

The systematic literature review protocol

After the articles’ identification, criteria for inclusion and exclusion were adopted. First, the 259 articles were screened, considering English-language articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals to safeguard the quality and effectiveness of the review. Due to variability in the peer-review process and their limited availability, book reviews, editorials, and papers from conference proceedings were excluded from this research. After the screening, a sample of 157 papers was obtained.

Afterwards, the full text of these papers was reviewed to assess eligible articles. As a result, 116 articles were excluded because their subject matter was not closely related to the topic of social media engagement metrics. In detail, papers were excluded when: 1) they mainly focused on social media engagement but superficially touched the metrics or 2) they mainly focused on metrics but superficially touched on social media engagement. In the end, 41 eligible articles were identified.

3.2 Analysis tools

The relevant data of the 41 documents in the final sample were saved and organised in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to include all the essential paper information such as paper title, authors’ names, and affiliations, abstract, keywords and references. Then, adopting the bibliometrics analysis method (Aria & Cuccurullo, 2017 ), the R-Tool ‘Biblioshiny for Bibliometrix’ was used to perform a comprehensive bibliometric analysis. Bibliometrix is a recent R-package that facilitates a more complete bibliometric analysis, employing specific tools for both bibliometric and scientometric quantitative research (Aria & Cuccurullo, 2017 ; Dervis, 2019 ; Jalal, 2019 ).

4 An overview of social media engagement metrics research.

The bibliometric analysis provided information on the 41 articles, allowing to highlight the significance of the topic.

4.1 Publication trend

The number of annual publications shows a rollercoaster trend (Fig.  2 ). Although the first relevant paper was published in 2013, only since 2016 publications begun to increase significantly with a slight decrease in 2018. This renders social media engagement metrics a relatively young research field.

figure 2

Timeline of the studies (January 2013- March 2020)

It is worth pointing out that the articles extraction was done in March 2020: this explains the low number of articles published in 2020.

4.2 Most relevant sources

When looking at the Journal sources overview, the analysis revealed 34 journals covering different fields, including marketing, management, economics, tourism and hospitality, engineering, communication, and technology. As shown in Fig.  3 , only four journals have more than two publications: Internet Research , Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. and Online Information Review .

figure 3

Most relevant sources

4.3 Seminal papers

Interesting findings emerged considering the most global cited documents that allow identifying the seminal articles in according to the timeliness, utility and quality, expressed by the scientific community (Okubo, 1997 ). The number of citations an article receives, and the studies cited in an article are two of the most popular bibliometric indicators used to determine the popularity of a publication.

Figure  4 shows the number of author citations for each article, identifying as seminal works: Malthouse’s (2013) paper ‘ Managing Customer Relationships in the Social Media Era: Introducing the Social CRM House’ with 278 global citations; Sabate’s (2014) paper ‘Factors influencing popularity of branded content in Facebook fan pages’ with 145 global citations; Mariani’s (2016) paper ‘ Facebook as a destination marketing tool: Evidence from Italian regional Destination Management Organizations ’ with 104 global citations; Oh’s (2017) paper ‘ Beyond likes and tweets: Consumer engagement behavior and movie box office in social media ’ with 54 global citations; Colicev’s (2018)’ Improving consumer mindset metrics and shareholder value through social media: The different roles of owned and earned media ’ with 39 global citations; Rossmann’s (2016) ‘ Drivers of user engagement in eWoM communication ’ with 35 global citations; Oviedo-Garcia’s (2014) ‘ Metric proposal for customer engagement in Facebook’ with 33 global citations .

figure 4

Most cited articles

The analysis of the papers reviewed revealed that the theme of social media engagement metrics turns out to be a hot topic and a newly emerging stream of research.

5 Social media engagement: areas of investigation

In recent years social media engagement has gained relevance in academic research, and many scholars have questioned its measurement, intensifying the academic debate with ever new contributions. Following previous studies, a comprehensive analysis allows framing the following categories of broad research subjects, used to conduct the subsequent systematic literature review (Fig.  5 ): (1) conceptualisation, (2) platforms, (3) measurement and (4) behaviours. All 41 articles were analysed according to the proposed scheme.

figure 5

Areas of investigation

5.1 Investigating social media engagement

What emerges from the analysis of the 41 papers is that scholars used different approaches and methodologies to conceptualise and measure engagement in the digital context of social media.

As shown in Fig.  6 , most studies (66%) employ quantitative methodologies. For instance, Yoon et al. ( 2018 ) explored the relationship between digital engagement metrics and financial performance in terms of company revenue, confirming that customer engagement on a company’s Facebook fan page can influence revenue. Colicev et al. ( 2018 ) developed three social media metrics, including engagement, to study the effects of earned social media and owned social media on brand awareness, purchase intention, and customer satisfaction. In comparison, Wang and Kubickova ( 2017 ) examined factors affecting the engagement metrics of Facebook fan pages in the Northeast America hotel industry, factors such as time-of-day, day-of-week, age, gender and distance between the hotel and users’ origin of residence. They also analysed the impact of Facebook engagement on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), to better understand the importance of the engagement metrics within the hospitality context.

figure 6

Classification of the 41 articles based on the methodology applied

From a qualitative point of view (17% of the papers), Hallock et al. ( 2019 ) used a case study approach to understand the firm perspective on social media engagement metrics, shedding light on how companies view engagement with social media as measurable metrics of customer interactions with the platform. Conversely, Michopoulou and Moisa ( 2019 ) used the same approach to investigate the use of social media marketing metrics and practices in the U.K. hotel industry.

Only a small part of the studies analysed (10% of the papers) explores social media engagement from a purely conceptual perspective. In this sense, Oviedo-Garcìa et al. ( 2014 ) and Muñoz-Expósito et al. ( 2017 ) directly identified social media engagement metrics for Facebook and Twitter, providing fascinating insights for scholars and practitioners.

Finally, among the papers analysed, only three studies (7% of the papers) use mixed methodologies to explore the phenomenon from qualitative and quantitative perspectives.

5.2 Defining social media engagement

Researchers identified 30 unique definitions of engagement applied to the social media context. Multiple definitions used several terms when defining engagement on social media. They were not singular and straightforward but were interspersed with various key terms and overlapping concepts, as presented in Table 3 .

The presence of synonymous terms directly addresses the lack of a standard definition and the challenges that this presents to researchers and practitioners in the field (Table 4 ).

As a relevant result, most authors focus on its behavioural manifestation (22% of the studies) resulting from motivational drivers when defining social media engagement. It is considered as the active behavioural efforts that both existing and potential customers exert toward online brand-related content (Yoon et al., 2018 ). It involves various activities that range from consuming content, participating in discussions, and interacting with other customers to digital buying (Oh et al., 2017 ; Yoon et al., 2018 ). Similarly, in addition to the behavioural manifestations, other scholars (12%) focus on the emotional connection expressed through the intensity of interactions and their implications, toward the offers and activities of a brand, product, or firm, regardless of whether it is initiated by the individual or by the firm (Muñoz-Expósito et al., 2017 ).

Shifting the observation lens from the customers to the firms, another group of scholars (10% of the studies) define social media engagement as the non-monetary return that derives from the online marketing strategies of brands (Khan, 2017 ; Medjani et al., 2019 ; Michopoulou & Moisa, 2019 ). In this case, engagement is viewed exclusively as a non-financial metric and as a measure of the performance of social media marketing activities.

Lastly, a small percentage of studies (10% of the studies) considers engagement as the number of people who acknowledge agreement or preference for content, who participate in creating, sharing and using content (Colicev et al., 2018 ; Li et al., 2019 ; Rahman et al., 2017 ).

5.3 Social Media Platforms

In a total of 41 articles reviewed, 85% of studies mention the platforms analysed, as shown in Table 5 . Facebook is the most popular platform analysed, followed by Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram. These results were rather expected, given the fact that Facebook, with 2.6 billion monthly active users (Facebook, May 2020), is the most popular social media platform worldwide.

An interesting finding is that there are several articles (15% of the studies) which do not refer to a specific platform or that consider all the platforms together, when measuring social media engagement (e.g., Hallock et al., 2019 ; Medjani et al., 2019 ). This is interesting, given that each social network has different features that make the engagement measurement unique and not replicable.

5.4 Measuring social media engagement

The systematic literature review confirms that there is no theoretical certainty or solid consensus among scholars about measuring engagement on social media.

As can be seen from Table 6 , studies on social media engagement metrics can be grouped and classified into four macro-categories. The first group of studies, namely ‘quantitative metrics’, which is also the most numerous (66% of the studies), attempts to propose a simplistic assessment of the impact of social media engagement, based on the number of comments, likes, shares, followers etc. (Khan et al., 2019 ; Medjani et al., 2019 ; Yoon et al., 2018 ).

The second group of studies (17% of the studies), namely ‘normalised indexes’, provide a quantitative evaluation of the engagement a content generates in relation to the number of people to whom that content has been displayed. In this way, it is possible to obtain an average measure of the users’ engagement, dividing the total actions of interest by the total number of posts (Osokin, 2019 ; Zanini et al., 2019 ), the number of followers (Vlachvei & Kyparissi, 2017 ) or the number of people reached by a post (Muñoz-Expósito et al., 2017 ; Rossmann et al., 2016 ).

In a more complex and detailed way, studies from the third group (10% of the studies) identify social media engagement metrics developing ‘set of indexes’. For example, Li et al. ( 2019 ) use three social media metrics to measure engagement in the casual-dining restaurant setting: rates of conversation, amplification, and applause. In detail, conversation rate measures the number of comments or reviews in response to a post, amplification rate measures how much online content is shared, and applause rate measures the number of positive reactions on posts. Similarly, drawing from previous literature, Mariani et al. ( 2018 ) develop three social media metrics, namely generic engagement, brand engagement, and user engagement. Authors calculated these metrics by assessing different weights to different interaction actions, to emphasise the degree of users’ involvement implied by the underlying activities of respectively liking, sharing, or commenting.

Despite their great diffusion among academics and practitioners, some scholars (7% of the studies) argue that quantitative metrics are not enough to appreciate the real value of customer engagement on social media, and a qualitative approach is more suitable. For example, Abuljadail and Ha ( 2019 ) conducted an online survey of 576 Facebook users in Saudi Arabia to examine customer engagement on Facebook. Rogers ( 2018 ) critiques contemporary social media metrics considered ‘vanity metrics’ and repurpose alt metrics scores and other engagement measures for social research—namely dominant voice, concern, commitment, positioning, and alignment—to measure the ‘otherwise engaged’.

5.5 Social media engagement brand-related activities

When measuring social media engagement, scholars dealt with different social media actions that can be classified (Table 7 ) according to the three dimensions of the COBRA model (Consumer Online Brand Related Activities): consumption, contribution, or creation (Schivinski et al., 2016 ).

In a total of 41 articles reviewed, the most investigated dimension by researchers is contribution, i.e. when a customer comments, shares, likes a form of pre-existing brand content (e.g., Buffard et al., 2020 ; Khan et al., 2019 ). Its popularity among the studies may be due to its interactive nature of “liking” and “commenting”, which can be said to be the most common behaviour exhibited across social media platforms and often one of the most manageable interactions to obtain data. Additionally, studies that include creation in the measurement of social media engagement consider posting/publishing brand-related content, uploading brand-related video, pictures, audio or writing brand-related articles (e.g., Zanini et al., 2019 ). Among the sampled papers, the least investigated dimension of the COBRA model is consumption, considered by only seven studies (e.g., Colicev et al., 2018 ; Oh et al., 2017 ). It considers viewing brand-related audio, video, and pictures, following threads on online brand community forums or downloading branded widgets.

Dimensions have been investigated individually, for example, just considering the number of likes or comments (Khan et al., 2019 ; Yoon et al., 2018 ), or jointly using composite indicators, as in the case of Oviedo-Oviedo-García et al., 2014 ).

6 Discussion

This research presents fresh knowledge in the academic debate by providing an overarching picture of social media engagement, framing the phenomenon conceptually and offering a lens to interpret platforms and measuring tools. Conceptual and empirical studies tried to define, conceptualise, and measure social media engagement in diverse ways from different fields of research. They increased the gap between academia and managerial practice, where the topic of social media engagement metrics seems to be much more consolidated. The paper contributes to the academic debate on social media engagement, presenting continuity and discontinuity elements between different fields of enquiry. It also offers avenues for future research that both academics and marketers should explore. It also provides insights and guidance to practitioners on modelling and managing social media engagement.

6.1 Theoretical contribution

The article offers some theoretical contributions to this relatively young research field through the systematic literature review approach.

Firstly, the paper confirms the multidimensional and polysemic nature of engagement, even in the specific context of social media platforms, in continuity with the academic customer engagement research (Brodie et al., 2013 ; Hollebeek et al., 2016 ; So et al., 2016 ; Vivek et al., 2012 ). The concept of social media engagement can be traced back to three dimensions of analysis (Van Doorn, 2010 )—affective, cognitive, and behavioural—and some empirical studies measure it as such (Dessart, 2017 ; Vivek et al., 2014 ). However, the behavioural dimension is still the most used proxy to measure users’ level of engagement. Similarly, marketers and social media platforms have focused on behavioural interactions associated with likes, comments and sharing when reporting engagement metric (Peltier et al., 2020 ). What is worth pointing out is that emotional and cognitive dimensions are also essential components of social media engagement and should be adequately addressed by future research.

Secondly, strictly related to the first point, the paper suggests the COBRA model (Schivinski, 2016 ) as a conceptual tool to classify and interpret social media engagement from the behavioural perspective. Social media engagement can be manifested symbolically through actions (Barger et al., 2016 ; Oh et al., 2017 ; Van Doorn et al., 2010 ) that can be traced back to the three dimensions of consumption, contribution and creation (Schivinski et al., 2016 ). However, it is worth pointing out that not all these actions determine the same level of engagement. When measuring social media engagement, researchers should pay attention not only to ‘contribution’ but also to ‘consumption’ and ‘creation’, which are important indicators of the attention a post receives (Oviedo-Garcìa, 2014 ; Schivinski et al., 2016 ), giving them a different weight. It becomes even more important if considering that the same social networks provide different weights to users' actions. For example, in several countries, Instagram has tested removing the like feature on content posted by others, although users can still see the number of likes on their posts. YouTube has also decided to stop showing precise subscriber counts and Facebook is experimenting with hiding like counts, similar to Instagram.

Thirdly, the paper presents some of the key metrics used to evaluate social media engagement identifying quantitative metrics, normalised indexes, set of indexes and qualitative metrics. Although all indicators are based on the interaction between the user and the brand, as the literature suggests (Barger et al., 2016 ; Oviedo-Garcìa, 2014 ; Vivek et al., 2014 ), the paper argues that different metrics measure diverse aspects of social media engagement and should be used carefully by researchers. Despite the conceptual and qualitative research on the topic, even the most recent metrics offer measurements that do not allow engagement to be widely represented in its multidimensional and polysemic nature (Oviedo-García et al., 2014 ; Peltier et al., 2020 ). To get a deeper understanding of the construct, researchers should also consider some of the most recent advances in business practice. As an example, more and more practitioners have the chance to measure engagement by tracking the time spent on content and web pages to blend the different types of material, such as pictures, text, or even videos. Also, cursor movements, which are known to correlate with visual attention, and eye-tracking, can provide insights into the within-content engagement.

6.2 Managerial implications

Even if the topic of social media engagement seems to be more consolidated in business practice, this study also provides valuable implications for practitioners. Particularly, the findings shed light on the nature of social media engagement construct and on how metrics can be an extremely useful tool to evaluate, monitor, and interpret the effectiveness of social media strategies and campaigns.

This research offers a strategic-operational guide to the measurement of social media engagement, helping marketers understand what engagement is and choose the most effective and suitable KPIs to assess the performance and success of their marketing efforts. In this sense, marketers should accompany traditional metrics, such as likes, comments and shares, with new metrics capable of better capturing user behaviours.

Marketers also need to realise that engagement is a complex construct that goes beyond the simple behavioural dimension, encompassing cognitive and emotional traits. As a result, in some cases, the so-called “vanity metrics” could fail in fully representing all the aspects of social media engagement. In these cases, it should be accompanied by qualitative insights to analyse what users like to share or talk about and not merely look at likes, comments, and shares counts.

7 Limitations and future research

This research is not without limitations. First, the systematic literature review only includes English articles published in Journals. As social media engagement and engagement metrics are emerging research topics, conference proceedings and book chapters could also be included to deepen the understanding of the subject. Second, this research was conducted on the database Scopus of Elsevier for the keywords “social media engagement metrics”. Researchers could use a combination of different databases and keywords to search for new contributions and insights. Third, although the paper is based on a systematic literature review, this methodology reveals the subjectivity in the social sciences.

As this is a relatively young field of research, a further academic investigation is needed to overcome the limitations of the study and outline new scenarios and directions for future research. In addition, considering the growing importance of social media, there is value in broadening the analysis through additional studies. Future marketing research could use mixed approaches to integrate the three dimensions of social media engagement, linking qualitative and quantitative data. Advanced sentiment web mining techniques could be applied to allow researchers to analyse what users like to share or talk about and not merely look at likes, comments, and shares as the only metrics (Peltier et al., 2020 ).

Although Facebook and Twitter are the most used social network by brands, and the most significant part of the literature focuses on these two platforms, researchers should not forget that there are new and emerging social media in different countries (e.g., TikTok, Clubhouse). They already represent a hot topic for practitioners and are calling scholars to define new metrics to measure engagement. Additionally, as the use of social media increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, future research should take this into account to better understand social media engagement across different social media platforms.

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Trunfio, M., Rossi, S. Conceptualising and measuring social media engagement: A systematic literature review. Ital. J. Mark. 2021 , 267–292 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43039-021-00035-8

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Received : 12 November 2020

Accepted : 29 July 2021

Published : 11 August 2021

Issue Date : September 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s43039-021-00035-8

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Social Media Research Topics

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Social media research paper topics are a safe bet for your research. Why? Try to remember any person who doesn't use any communication network. We are sure there are not many. Web platforms are now a part of our everyday life. No better key to successful writing than an interesting topic that you understand. Topics like "what are social networks?" will surprise no one anymore. In addition, it does not cause discussion, and you cannot lead to provocative arguments. So read on to find 60 great ideas to help you write paper with pleasure!

Social Media Research Topics: How to Choose

Probably every student will think about research topics on social media at least once. The quality of each work you submit will affect your GPA. Therefore, it can be difficult for inexperienced writers. But choosing topics is already a significant part of the work. Creative themes show how well you understand assignments and motivate you to explore. We will now tell you how you should approach choosing a topic for research on social networks.

  • First, read all the instructions to find out what the professor wants.
  • Then, make a possible topics list. Well, or read ones provided by us below.
  • Rate them carefully. Choose one that interests you the most. That is why we have divided them into categories. So, ready to jump into many different options for great themes?

In case you are looking for topics in other fields like history topics  or sociology topics , read more of our blogs.

Sociology Research Topics on Social Media

Research paper topics on social media are directly related to sociology. This is a platform where the context of modern culture is created. You can get a lot of information about people and their relationships. For example, write about the family institution using mom bloggers. Describe how the media impact society, equality, minorities, stereotypes.

  • How to find an approach to target an audience of different ages?
  • Learning through networks: skepticism or effectiveness?
  • Why do networks make people feel lonely?
  • Dependence on social networks.
  • Influence of romantic plots on relationship expectations.
  • Blogging as a profession.
  • Culture of influencers.
  • What got on the Internet stays there forever.
  • Is it realistic to conduct a sample survey through web platforms?
  • Illusion of friendship in online networks.

Contact a research paper service by StudyCrumb should you need any help with writing your social media study. We host qualified writers competent in many fields, including social media. They can help you originate a top-notch paper within a stipulated deadline.

Social Media Political Campaign Research Paper Topics

Sounds strange, but research topics about social media can also relate to the government. Have you also noticed that more politicians are writing in the press in recent years? Now they are taking on an even more significant role in affairs of state. We find a lot of news on online media. Therefore, it is an excellent platform for promoting political campaigns. People trust television less and less. But on Instagram, a good post about a new candidate from the district will be eagerly liked. Basically, it serves as a plan for attracting extensive data.

  • How have political campaigns changed over the last 20 years?
  • Will we ever switch to online voting?
  • What are the negative consequences of political media campaigns?
  • Media campaigns and their connection with the spread of stereotypes.
  • Mistakes in PR in promoting political media campaigns.
  • Does PR work online during political campaigns?
  • Role of social networks in politics.
  • Political marketing research of web platforms of politicians.
  • People's discussion of the American political situation on Twitter.
  • Comparison of political influence on social networks and on television.

>> More ideas: Political Science Research Topics

Social Media Research Topics: For Teenagers

Social media teenagers' research topics are highly relevant nowadays. Children, especially teenagers, hate it when their parents control their life. They want to act like adults, feel independent, and have their own secrets. They look at influencers, imitate them, and fight for appreciation. But often, parents want to protect their children from this. In fact, the media can positively affect teens. They find friends there, develop themselves, stay abreast of trends. Many people exchange their experiences there, and some even earn money. But, on the other hand, we all know that there are negative aspects to networks. For example, how online media affects the mental health of a teenager. Or the fact that any information can be used against a child. In any case, you can find many interesting topics for your research in this area!

  • Social networks as a platform for teenage rebellion.
  • Contribution of online networks to development of modern youth.
  • Addiction to Instagram and Tiktok (or other social networks).
  • Escapism to virtual reality.
  • Influence of media on moral development of adolescents.
  • Active use of online networks at a young age: pros and cons.
  • Social networks versus scientific resources: where teenagers will get more information.
  • How to get a teenager off the phone?
  • Online media friendship standards in 2021.
  • Ways of earning a student on the Internet.

Need further assistance? Consider entrusting this tedious writing task to academic professionals.  Buy research paper  and have it completed by experts.

Good Research Topics for Social Media and Mental Health

We cannot forget about health in our good topics for a research paper about social media. Since people are social beings, we need communication with other people. Connecting with locals can relieve stress, anxiety, and sadness. And lack of communication can pose a severe mental health risk. But with online networks, everything is different. Since we spend too many hours on the Internet, it dramatically affects our well-being. Media has many positive and enjoyable benefits. But they also lead to mental health problems. Those addicted to web platforms are much more likely to suffer from mental diseases. This is an excellent field for your future research. We hope that one of our topics will definitely interest you.

  • How does social media affect mental health?
  • Why are people addicted to social networks?
  • Connection between social media and loneliness.
  • Popularization of psychology through media platforms.
  • Fear of loss as a problem of our time.
  • Raising the topic of mental illness in social networks.
  • Online forums for help of mentally ill people.
  • Link between depression and anxiety with Instagram and Facebook.
  • Consequences of cyberbullying for a child's psyche.
  • Loss of connection with the real world.

>> View more: Mental Health Research Paper Topics

Social Media Research Topics: For College

As a student, you're probably looking for some exciting social media research topics for college. This is expected since networks have a significant impact on our life in the 21st century. Therefore, your professors expect your demonstration of opinions on the media's effect. One way to be successful in writing is to choose a unique topic. But fortunately, we really spend a lot of time in interactive reality. Therefore, there are several relevant topics that we will share with you. Below you will find ideas to help you write your research paper without stress.

  • Growth of time: spent on social networks in a pandemic.
  • Changing marketing strategies with media promotion.
  • Connection between suicide and cyberbullying.
  • How can websites help you find a job?
  • Popular online marketing strategies.
  • Effective methods of personal data protection on the Internet.
  • Reasons for transition to digital marketing.
  • How can parents protect their children online?
  • Prohibitions of some social networks in different countries.
  • Importance of URL shorteners in creating appealing links for affiliate marketing.

Interesting Research Paper Topics on Social Media and Narcissism

The relationship between narcissism and web usage can be an exciting research topic on social media. What is meant by narcissism? A person's desire to exhibit even more detailed photographs and admire them. I think you may have seen unrealistically processed photos in your Instagram feed. People want more likes for their pictures and are constantly checking their numbers. They are more concerned with their appearance and brand than relationships and other people. Parents are worried about negatively influencing the growing generation. But on the other hand, researchers do not confirm the fact of narcissism and online media correlation. Therefore, choose one topic from the list below. And you will definitely open up a fascinating, multi-faceted discussion.

  • Why do online networks force a person to chase approval of followers?
  • What is the effect of hiding the number of likes on Instagram?
  • Bloggers as a bad example for teens.
  • Illusion of success in online space.
  • How to get rid of approval-seeking stalls?
  • Building healthy self-esteem in web platform detox.
  • Can you become a successful blogger without narcissism?
  • Narcissism versus self-doubt: two extremes of adolescents on the Internet.
  • Why do we want to follow famous personalities on the Internet?
  • Movement for popularization of naturalness in social networks.

Social Media Research Topics: Final Thoughts

Fact remains that we all use the Internet, so you need to research topics on social media. Someone is looking for helpful information. Someone is trying to socialize and find new friends. Someone will find out the latest and current news. Someone is trying to grow their business through online marketing. Even your parents have a Facebook account. Therefore, this topic is more popular and relevant than ever. Thus, your professors expect excellent and exciting work from you. Above, we have provided 60 intriguing ideas. Choose one that seems most relevant to you. And then suggest new ways to solve it. Support your beliefs with hard facts. And that's it, you already have a perfect paper!


You may not desire to search for a suitable topic or conduct research. Then our research writers will make it easy for you. We possess a lot of experience in solving such problems. Even if you need your custom research paper within a tight deadline, we can do it, too. 

Social Media Research Paper Topics: Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are some argumentative research paper topics about teen girls and social media.

Argumentative research paper topics about teen girls and social media are specific. They are usually most influenced by bloggers. It is caused by their unformed self-esteem. That's why they immediately try to be a popular cosmetic consumer. They try to imitate the behavior of their idols. During this period, online networks can influence their further formation. It all depends on which bloggers and public they follow.  There are some ideas:

  • Negative and positive effects of social media on teen girls.
  • Influence of social media on teen girls.
  • Psychological effects of social media on youth.

2. What are some good research topics on social media?

Below you can find some more good research topics on social media. But in general, tolerable issues cover something we meet daily. It includes caring about health or solving life problems.

  • Growth of social media in the last 10 years.
  • Benefits of Facebook to youths in America.
  • Relationship between social media and increase in mental health problems.

3. What are some unique research paper topics on social media?

Looking for some genuinely unique research paper topics on social media? We got you! Explore social media through a communication angle. Spice it up with strong, preferably controversial arguments. And your professor will definitely highly appreciate work done. There are some ideas:

  • Changes in communication trends as a result of social media.
  • Benefits of the government monitoring people's activities on websites.
  • Tactics for building a solid social media presence.

4. What are some great social media research paper topics?

Great social media research paper topics always include socially forbidden issues. It's indecent to talk about them, but everyone wants to discuss it. We advise you to raise the subject of ethics. Well, or consider some famous scandal from politics or show business. There are some ideas that you can use:

  • Media, ethics, and PR.
  • Why do people prefer scandals in the media?
  • Social advertising: does it work?


Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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Sociology research topics

Finding a suitable social media research topic is stressful. The reason is that the media landscape is constantly changing, and new ideas and topics are brought to the forefront. Another reason is the limited available scholarly resources to aid your research in this area. However, writing about social media is interesting, but it all depends on your chosen topic.

So, how do you find suitable topics for your social media paper? First, you start by finding research problems related to social media. To find these problems, focus on drafting social media loopholes for research. Once you've found a suitable topic, the writing stage is the next.

Social media is a virtual communication platform that promotes digitized interactions between humans. Social media research papers are academic papers written on issues directly or indirectly affecting social media, its users, and its usage.

Writing research papers on social media or topics that grow within the space creates more awareness for any issue. While that's the case, over the years, many conversational topics have continued to grow through the space. These topics often have a short shelf life because they reside only within comment sections.

Even after selecting a topic, most students still struggle to write their papers. Why? It's usually the problem of not knowing how to structure their research. Here are helpful ways to start writing your social media paper:

We understand how difficult it can be to find suitable social media research topics. So, we have researched and compiled a comprehensive list of topics you can use regardless of your educational level.

While research writing on social media is relatively new, there are many exciting areas to base a study on. However, if you're finding it challenging to choose a topic, consider the above topics as a guide or seek help.

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Social Media Marketing Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

Here, we provide a comprehensive list of social media marketing research paper topics , divided into 10 categories, to help students choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant to the field. Social media marketing research is a rapidly evolving field that requires a deep understanding of social media platforms, consumer behavior, and emerging trends. Choosing a relevant and interesting topic for a research paper can be challenging. Additionally, we provide expert advice on how to choose a topic, conduct research, and write a high-quality research paper. For those who need extra help, iResearchNet offers writing services that provide customized solutions on any social media marketing research paper topic.

Social Media Marketing Topics Guide

Social media marketing has become an essential aspect of modern-day marketing strategies. With the increasing prevalence of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, businesses are leveraging social media to connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. However, effective social media marketing requires a deep understanding of consumer behavior, social media metrics and analytics, and emerging trends.

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Social Media Marketing Research Paper Topics

In addition, we offer expert advice on how to choose a topic, conduct research, and write a high-quality research paper. Our goal is to help you succeed in your academic pursuits and make a valuable contribution to the ongoing discourse in the field of social media marketing.

100 Social Media Marketing Research Paper Topics

Social media marketing research encompasses a wide range of topics, from social media platforms and advertising to consumer behavior and brand reputation. To help you choose a relevant and interesting topic for your research paper, we have divided the topics into 10 categories, with 10 topics in each category:

Social Media Platforms

  • The role of Facebook in social media marketing
  • The effectiveness of Instagram in reaching younger audiences
  • The impact of Twitter on social media conversations
  • The rise of TikTok and its implications for social media marketing
  • The potential of LinkedIn for B2B social media marketing
  • The impact of Snapchat on visual social media marketing
  • The effectiveness of Pinterest for driving e-commerce sales
  • The role of YouTube in video content marketing
  • The use of WhatsApp for social media marketing in emerging markets
  • The role of WeChat in social media marketing in China

Social Media Strategy

  • The development of a social media marketing plan
  • The importance of storytelling in social media marketing
  • The role of influencer marketing in social media strategy
  • The use of social media for crisis communication
  • The effectiveness of social media for building brand loyalty
  • The role of social media in customer relationship management
  • The impact of user-generated content on social media marketing
  • The use of humor in social media marketing
  • The impact of personalization on social media marketing
  • The role of chatbots in social media customer service

Social Media Advertising

  • The effectiveness of social media advertising compared to traditional advertising
  • The use of micro-targeting in social media advertising
  • The impact of ad blockers on social media advertising
  • The role of native advertising in social media marketing
  • The use of sponsored content in social media marketing
  • The impact of social media influencers on advertising effectiveness
  • The effectiveness of video ads on social media platforms
  • The use of retargeting in social media advertising
  • The role of emotion in social media advertising
  • The impact of user-generated ads on social media marketing

Social Media Metrics and Analytics

  • The development of a social media metrics and analytics plan
  • The use of social media analytics for measuring campaign success
  • The impact of social media engagement on brand awareness
  • The effectiveness of sentiment analysis in social media marketing
  • The use of social media analytics for competitive analysis
  • The impact of social media on website traffic and SEO
  • The use of social media analytics for product development
  • The effectiveness of social media analytics in measuring ROI
  • The role of social media analytics in crisis management
  • The impact of social media analytics on decision making in social media marketing

Social Media Influencers

  • The role of social media influencers in brand endorsement
  • The effectiveness of celebrity influencers in social media marketing
  • The impact of micro-influencers on social media marketing
  • The use of nano-influencers in social media marketing
  • The effectiveness of influencer marketing on social media platforms
  • The impact of influencer fraud on social media marketing
  • The role of brand ambassadors in social media marketing
  • The use of employee advocacy in social media marketing
  • The effectiveness of customer advocates in social media marketing
  • The role of virtual influencers in social media marketing

Social Media and Consumer Behavior

  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior
  • The role of social media in the consumer decision-making process
  • The impact of social media on product and service reviews
  • The effectiveness of social media in building brand trust
  • The role of social media in customer service
  • The impact of social media on purchase intention
  • The use of social media for customer co-creation
  • The role of social media in building brand communities
  • The impact of social media on word-of-mouth marketing
  • The effectiveness of social media for building customer loyalty

Social Media and Brand Reputation

  • The role of social media in brand reputation management
  • The impact of social media on brand perception
  • The effectiveness of social media in crisis management
  • The use of social media for brand storytelling
  • The role of social media in building a brand personality
  • The impact of social media on brand identity
  • The use of social media for brand advocacy
  • The role of social media in brand positioning
  • The effectiveness of social media in brand differentiation
  • The impact of social media on brand equity

Social Media and Crisis Management

  • The role of social media in crisis communication
  • The impact of social media on crisis response times
  • The use of social media for crisis anticipation and prevention
  • The role of social media in managing reputation during a crisis
  • The impact of social media on crisis recovery
  • The use of social media for crisis management in the travel industry
  • The role of social media in crisis management in the food industry
  • The effectiveness of social media in crisis management for nonprofit organizations
  • The impact of social media on crisis management in the healthcare industry

Social Media and Politics

  • The impact of social media on political campaigning
  • The use of social media for political advocacy
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion
  • The effectiveness of social media in mobilizing voters
  • The impact of social media on political discourse
  • The use of social media for political fundraising
  • The role of social media in shaping policy decisions
  • The effectiveness of social media in crisis management for political campaigns
  • The impact of social media on political polarization
  • The use of social media for political propaganda

Emerging Trends in Social Media Marketing

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on social media marketing
  • The use of virtual and augmented reality in social media marketing
  • The role of blockchain in social media marketing
  • The effectiveness of voice-activated assistants in social media marketing
  • The impact of 5G on social media marketing
  • The use of gamification in social media marketing
  • The role of chatbots in social media marketing
  • The effectiveness of personalized marketing on social media platforms
  • The impact of social media on brand activism
  • The use of ephemeral content in social media marketing

Choosing a topic from one of these categories can help narrow down your focus and provide a starting point for your research.

Choosing a Social Media Marketing Research Paper Topic

Choosing a social media marketing research paper topic can be a challenging task, especially with the vast array of topics available. However, by following these expert tips, you can choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant to the field:

Choose a relevant and current topic

One of the most important things to consider when choosing from a multitude of social media marketing research paper topics is relevance. You want to choose a topic that is both timely and relevant to the current state of social media marketing. Look for topics that are currently trending, or have recently emerged as important issues in the field.

For example, a current trend in social media marketing is the use of micro-influencers. Micro-influencers are individuals with smaller followings on social media, but with high engagement rates. Choosing a topic related to micro-influencers would be both relevant and timely.

Another way to find relevant topics is to look at current events and news stories. For example, the Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2018 brought attention to the issue of data privacy in social media marketing. A research paper on this topic would be both relevant and important in today’s digital landscape.

Choose a unique angle

While it is important to choose a topic that is relevant, it is also important to find a unique angle. Look for topics that have not been extensively covered in existing literature, or that offer a different perspective on a well-covered topic.

For example, if you choose to research the effectiveness of social media advertising, you might want to focus on a specific aspect of social media advertising that has not been extensively researched. Alternatively, you could take a unique angle on a well-covered topic, such as the impact of social media advertising on body image.

By choosing a unique angle, you can add value to the existing literature and contribute to the ongoing discourse in the field.

Use a variety of sources

To write a well-rounded research paper, it is important to use a variety of sources. This can include academic journals, industry reports, news articles, and social media posts.

Academic journals are a great source for in-depth research and theoretical frameworks. Industry reports can provide valuable insights into current trends and practices in social media marketing. News articles can be used to contextualize your research and provide real-world examples. Social media posts can be a valuable source of qualitative data and consumer insights.

By using a variety of sources, you can ensure that your research is well-rounded and provides a comprehensive view of the topic.

Narrow down your topic

Once you have identified a broad topic, it is important to narrow it down to a specific research question. This will help focus your research and ensure that your paper is well-structured.

For example, if you choose to research the impact of social media on consumer behavior, you might want to narrow your topic down to a specific aspect of consumer behavior, such as the impact of social media on purchase intention.

By narrowing down your topic, you can ensure that your research is focused and well-structured, and that you can provide in-depth analysis on a specific aspect of the topic.

Consider the scope of the project

Before choosing a topic, consider the scope of the project. Make sure that the topic is feasible within the timeframe and resources available.

Consider the length of the research paper and the time available for research and writing. Ensure that the topic is feasible within these constraints. Additionally, consider the availability of data and resources for the topic. If there is limited data available on a specific topic, it may be difficult to provide in-depth analysis.

By considering the scope of the project, you can ensure that your research paper is feasible and that you can provide high-quality analysis within the given constraints.

Consult with your instructor or advisor

When in doubt, consult with your instructor or advisor. They can provide guidance on choosing a topic that is relevant and feasible within the context of the course or program.

Additionally, they can provide valuable insights into the current discourse in the field and suggest potential sources or research questions.

Use social media platforms as a resource

Social media platforms can be a valuable resource for finding research paper topics. Follow thought leaders and experts in the field on platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn. Look for conversations and debates in the field and identify gaps in the literature that could be addressed through research.

By using social media platforms as a resource, you can stay up-to-date on the latest trends and conversations in the field and identify potential research paper topics.

Consider your personal interests

Finally, consider your personal interests when choosing from different social media marketing research paper topics. Choosing a topic that you are passionate about can help motivate you throughout the research and writing process and ensure that you produce a high-quality paper.

For example, if you have a personal interest in the impact of social media on mental health, you could choose a research paper topic related to this area. By choosing a topic that aligns with your personal interests, you can ensure that the research process is enjoyable and fulfilling.

By following these expert tips, you can choose a social media marketing research paper topic that is both interesting and feasible to research. Remember to choose a relevant and current topic, find a unique angle, use a variety of sources, narrow down your topic, consider the scope of the project, consult with your instructor or advisor, use social media platforms as a resource, and consider your personal interests.

How to Write a Social Media Marketing Research Paper

Once you have chosen a social media marketing research paper topic, it is important to write a high-quality paper that provides valuable insights and contributes to the ongoing discourse in the field. Here are some tips to help you write a social media marketing research paper:

Develop a research question

The first step in writing a social media marketing research paper is to develop a research question. The research question should be specific, focused, and answerable through research.

For example, if your topic is the impact of social media on consumer behavior, your research question might be: How does social media influence purchase intention among millennials?

By developing a clear research question, you can ensure that your research is focused and well-structured.

Conduct a literature review

A literature review is an important step in any research paper. It involves reviewing existing literature on the topic and identifying gaps or areas for further research.

Conduct a literature review by reading academic journals, industry reports, news articles, and social media posts. Identify key themes and ideas that are relevant to your research question and use these to inform your analysis.

Collect and analyze data

Depending on your research question, you may need to collect and analyze data. This can involve conducting surveys, interviews, or analyzing social media data.

When collecting data, ensure that it is relevant to your research question and that it is collected ethically and with informed consent.

Once you have collected data, analyze it using appropriate statistical or qualitative methods. Use your analysis to support your research question and provide valuable insights into the topic.

Structure your paper

A well-structured research paper is essential to ensure that your research is communicated effectively. Use the following structure as a guide:

  • Introduction: Introduce your research question and provide background information on the topic.
  • Literature Review: Provide an overview of the existing literature on the topic and identify gaps or areas for further research.
  • Methodology: Describe the methods used to collect and analyze data.
  • Results: Present the results of your analysis and use them to answer your research question.
  • Discussion: Interpret your results and provide insights into the topic.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your findings and suggest areas for further research.

Use appropriate formatting and citation styles

It is important to use appropriate formatting and citation styles in your research paper. Use a style guide such as APA, MLA, or Chicago to ensure that your paper is formatted correctly.

Additionally, ensure that all sources are properly cited in your paper to avoid plagiarism and provide credit to the original authors.

By following these tips, you can write a high-quality social media marketing research paper that provides valuable insights and contributes to the ongoing discourse in the field.

iResearchNet Writing Services for Social Media Marketing Papers

At iResearchNet, we understand that writing a social media marketing research paper can be a challenging and time-consuming task for students. That’s why we offer custom writing services to assist students with their research papers. Our team of expert degree-holding writers is dedicated to providing high-quality custom written works that meet the highest academic standards.

Our writing services for social media marketing research papers include the following features:

  • Expert degree-holding writers : Our team of writers has advanced degrees in social media marketing and related fields, ensuring that your research paper is written by an expert in the field.
  • Custom written works : We provide customized solutions tailored to your specific research paper needs, ensuring that your research paper is unique and meets your specific requirements.
  • In-depth research : Our writers conduct in-depth research on any topic related to social media marketing, ensuring that your research paper is well-informed and provides valuable insights.
  • Custom formatting : We provide custom formatting in APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard styles, ensuring that your research paper is formatted correctly and meets the highest academic standards.
  • Top quality : We provide top-quality writing services that meet the highest academic standards, ensuring that your research paper is well-written and well-researched.
  • Customized solutions : We provide customized solutions tailored to your specific research paper needs, ensuring that your research paper is unique and meets your specific requirements.
  • Flexible pricing : We understand that students may have different budget constraints, which is why we offer flexible pricing that is tailored to your specific needs.
  • Short deadlines : We understand that students may have tight deadlines, which is why we offer short deadlines of up to 3 hours to ensure that you receive your research paper on time.
  • Timely delivery : We ensure timely delivery of your research paper, ensuring that you receive your research paper on time, every time.
  • 24/7 support : Our 24/7 support team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have throughout the writing process, ensuring that you are always up-to-date on the progress of your research paper.

In addition, we guarantee absolute privacy and easy order tracking to ensure that your information is secure and that you are always up-to-date on the progress of your research paper. If you are not satisfied with our writing services, we offer a money-back guarantee to ensure that you receive the best possible service and quality of work.

To order a custom social media marketing research paper, simply visit our website and provide us with the details of your research paper needs. Our team will get to work immediately and provide you with a high-quality research paper that meets your specific requirements.

By using our writing services, you can ensure that your social media marketing research paper is well-written, well-researched, and meets the highest academic standards.

Order a Custom Social Media Marketing Research Paper Today

In conclusion, social media marketing is a rapidly evolving field that offers a wealth of research opportunities for students. Choosing a relevant and feasible social media marketing research paper topic is the first step in writing a high-quality research paper.

By using the expert advice outlined in this guide, you can choose a social media marketing research paper topic that is both interesting and feasible to research. Remember to choose a current and relevant topic, find a unique angle, use a variety of sources, narrow down your topic, consider the scope of the project, consult with your instructor or advisor, use social media platforms as a resource, and consider your personal interests.

Once you have chosen a social media marketing research paper topic, use the tips outlined in this guide to write a high-quality research paper. Develop a research question, conduct a literature review, collect and analyze data, structure your paper, and use appropriate formatting and citation styles.

If you need assistance with your social media marketing research paper, iResearchNet offers custom writing services that provide expert degree-holding writers, custom written works, in-depth research, custom formatting, top quality, customized solutions, flexible pricing, short deadlines up to 3 hours, timely delivery, 24/7 support, absolute privacy, easy order tracking, and a money-back guarantee.

By following these tips and using iResearchNet’s writing services, you can ensure that your social media marketing research paper is well-written, well-researched, and meets the highest academic standards.


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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 111 Social Media Marketing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-media-marketing-essay-topics/

"111 Social Media Marketing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-media-marketing-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '111 Social Media Marketing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "111 Social Media Marketing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-media-marketing-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "111 Social Media Marketing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-media-marketing-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "111 Social Media Marketing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-media-marketing-essay-topics/.


Home » Academics and Research » Promoting Your Academic Research on Social Media

Promoting Your Academic Research on Social Media


  • Bharath Chandrasekaran, PhD, and Katie Belardi, PhD, CCC-SLP
  • October 2020

Publishing a research article in a peer-reviewed journal is a colossal act of deferred gratification, wherein the academic researcher undergoes a rigorous process of generating an idea, working out a scientific method, securing institutional permission to conduct the research, analyzing the results, formulating and writing a manuscript, submitting the article to a rigorous peer-review process, and then revising the article based on peer critiques. If and when the publisher approves the article, there is a brief sense of reward (for a process that was started, sometimes, more than a year earlier) before the administrative aspects of reviewing proofs and paying publication fees, wrapping up copyright forms, and so forth, kick in. This is an onerous task—one that academics are expected to carry out one or two times per year as a part of their academic responsibility. Through this process, it is understandable if the researcher loses track of the original intent—sharing their research with the scientific community. Journals are the means to sharing an idea with the larger scientific community, but by no means does the process end when the journal ultimately publishes your article.

The reader of today is very different from the reader of even 10 years ago. For the most part, since then, journals have moved entirely online; some journals still offer print versions to subscribers, but that is not the norm anymore. As with anything online, this means that your article now competes for attention from a reader who is bombarded by the online world. Adding to this challenge is the idea of a “social media bubble,” where our news and information are heavily curated and filtered by complex algorithms. How do you promote your research to effectively reach a larger audience on social media platforms? How do you “work the algorithms” to ensure that your work pierces through the social media bubble? It is impossible to adhere to an exact formula for optimally promoting academic research on social media. In this article, we offer some ideas and suggestions that have worked for us.

About half of all people in the world use social media. 1 Facebook and YouTube have 2.603 billion and 2 billion monthly active users, respectively. Instagram and Twitter have 1.08 billion and 326 million monthly active users, respectively. 2 Having such a massive audience at our fingertips can be an opportunity to increase the impact of our research. It can also be intimidating—most academics have little or no formal training to optimally leverage social media tools. In addition to promoting the research per se, social media platforms offer the prospect for self-promotion. For doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and early-career faculty, social media could provide the opportunity to increase visibility, learn about job opportunities, find new collaborators (within and across disciplines), and, in general, cast a wider net.

Do Your Research

It is important to read about how each platform works and to educate yourself on the audience demographics of each platform. Each platform has its own lingo and communication strategies (not to mention layout updates), so it is important to learn how to craft your messages. For example, on Twitter, tweets are restricted to 280 characters; on Instagram, without an interesting photo, people scrolling may not take time to read your caption.

Understanding each platform’s audience demographics is important for deciding where you’ll share the messages and the language that you’ll use. For example, most Instagram users are between the ages of 13 and 29, 2 whereas Twitter has a very large and thriving academic presence (#AcademicTwitter).

One place to start is by reading your institution’s social media policy. These policies often provide detailed guides on messaging do’s and don’ts.

Be the Brand

Self-promotion versus institutional promotion.

Once you understand the platforms, audiences, and your institution’s guidelines, it is important to consider how you want to “show” yourself to your audience. Think about your brand, your voice, and tone. Keep the voice of your messaging consistent so that your followers get to know you. One consideration is to determine whether you want your brand to reflect your personal and professional lives, your research lab, or your institutional account.

Build your network intentionally. Think about who you want to follow you. Engage, like, and comment on other people’s posts. A challenge is to be interesting and conversational, despite the rigidity of the platform.

Formal Press Release

If you want to coordinate a press release for an impactful paper, it is important to leverage the communication team at your institution. This leverage may be at the level of your school or university. You will need to have an idea of the publication date and embargo, so the process should begin right after you submit the proofs. The communications team often drafts a press release (working within the journal embargo). If the communications team sends the press release via “distribution sites” (e.g., EurekAlert! ; https://www.eurekalert.org/ ), then you are likely to have “hits” from the mainstream media. If the press release generates sufficient interest, media outlets may ask you to provide quotes, do interviews, or participate in podcasts. Prepare in advance by having “sound bytes” ready that succinctly summarize your research in a layperson-friendly manner. This coverage can be listed on your CV and often provides a reviewer (e.g., someone looking through a tenure case) an idea about the larger scope and impact of your research.

Kudos, Blogs, Podcasts, and Layperson-Friendly Summaries

Peer-reviewed articles are meant to be rigorous and meaningful to a subject expert. However, the larger impact of the research often gets lost to the broader audience. There is now a concerted effort by journals to require authors to provide “highlights” for the article and to make the abstract broader in appeal. In addition, journals are also engaging platforms such as Kudos ( https://info.growkudos.com/ ) that provide toolkits to increase the impact of a research article. 3 Using Kudos, researchers can provide layperson-friendly summaries of their work and link those summaries to their published articles. Blogs and podcasts also offer venues to articulate the “big picture”—venues that are friendly to a broader audience.

Best Practices for Advertising on Social Media

What to advertise.

  • Highlight the wins, such as when a new article is published or when your postdoctoral fellow gets a tenure-track job.
  • Study recruitment flyers.

When to Advertise

  • Share your news as close to the posting date as possible.
  • Post about your article at times when people are more likely to access social media.
  • Repetition can be useful (e.g., publish a follow-up “ICYMI” post).
  • Give notice about an event or presentation, and remind people frequently.

How to Advertise

  • Keep the language simple.
  • Use photos.
  • Use university or institution branding.
  • Use hashtags and @ mentions to increase visibility.
  • Post frequently.

Use a Social Media Management App (e.g., Buffer , Hootsuite ) as a time-saving strategy to easily share your posts across multiple social media platforms. Social media allows more people to hear your voice, but social media posting takes time. It takes time to craft messages, read your feed, and respond to comments and questions.

Stay Up to Date

It is important to stay up to date on what is relevant and popular. As an example, something that is well-known in your domain of research could end up creating quite a frenzy on social media (e.g., auditory illusions 4 such as “Do you see a blue dress or a gold dress in this picture?”; “Do you see Yanny or Laurel in this photo?”). Scientists are often interviewed and are asked to provide explanations. It may be reflexive to be a tad cynical (“Seriously, we have known this for years!”), but you will find that leveraging these “pop-frenzies” can help promote your research—and the field as a whole.

Measure Engagement

With the advent of social media, there is a need for alternate metrics of engagement and impact. Altmetric (a platform that measures qualitative data that are complementary to traditional, citation-based metrics) allows measurement of the article’s “digital” impact and quantifies the level of engagement through what is known as an Altmetric score ). Altmetric scores reflect the larger digital engagement with your article. It also reflects the concerted effort by the author(s) to promote the article on social media. The Altmetric score is automatically available on the ASHAWire platform. 4

Here are some important things to remember about Altmetric scores:

  • Be patient and consistent with your posts: It takes time to access more people and also to get others to see, respond, and interact with your brand.
  • Pay attention to the platform’s analytics to determine when others engage most with your posts. Some of the social media management apps collect data for you, too.
  • Respond when people engage you—even if their engagement is negative. If you do not feel comfortable responding to a comment or message, ask your university’s or institution’s communication team to provide assistance on how to craft an appropriate response.

1 https://datareportal.com/social-media-users

2 https://sproutsocial.com/insights/new-social-media-demographics/#

3 https://academy.pubs.asha.org/2017/01/experiences-with-kudos-an-interview-with-dr-kerry-danahy-ebert/

4 https://academy.pubs.asha.org/asha-journals-author-resource-center/maximizing-impact/altmetric/

About the Author

Bharath Chandrasekaran is Professor and Vice Chair of Research in the Department of Communication Science and Disorders at the University of Pittsburgh. Katie Belardi is a Research Administrator in the Department of Communication Science and Disorders at the University of Pittsburgh.

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190 Social Media Essay Topics, Examples, & Titles

Millions of people worldwide are using Facebook right now. Isn’t this fascinating? Social media platforms allow us to share information, learn new things, be entertained, and make connections in a click. That’s why digital media is an exciting issue to explore.

If you’re looking for social media argumentative essay topics, you’re in the right place. Here, we’ve collected catchy titles about social media, together with top paper examples and questions that might be used for your essay, speech, or presentation.

📝 Social Media Essay Titles & Examples

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  • Social Networks Influence in Two Articles The two articles tackle the issue of social change brought about as a result of the revolutionized social media networks through which people interact.
  • The Issue of the Homogenization of the “Ideal Woman” The issue of the homogenization of the “ideal woman” image is also affecting women. These issues lead to more women seeking plastic surgery.
  • Violence in Social Media and Its Impact on Society The paper provides the definition of violence, discusses the causes of violence within the state, and shows the crucial role of social media in spreading it.
  • Social Media and Equal Opportunity People benefit from the use of social media but suffer from the provision of unequal opportunities and the distorted perceptions instilled by it.
  • Everyday Communication Surrounding Climate Change This paper will argue that political ideology and economy, public engagement and emotions, and media largely impact the polarization of views on climate change.
  • Facebook Case Study: Online Violence In this paper, journal articles and reports from trustworthy agencies will be used to investigate the relationship between violence and Facebook posts among young people.
  • Benefits of Social Media for Their Users Social media have entered people’s lives straightforwardly and confidently, causing changes in everyone’s routine and bringing a variety of advantages for their users.
  • Teenage and Issues Associated with Social Media Use The current essay aims to address those issues associated with the adolescence period and social media networks.
  • Media, Learning, and Social Change The paper includes a brief description of a workshop that can be helpful in terms of media literacy education.
  • Children and the Use of the Internet: Risks and Gains This paper contains a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and risks of Internet use among children and the measures various can implement to safeguard minors against the drawbacks.
  • Social Media Impact on Youth: Benefits & Drawbacks The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of social media on the younger generation of users in terms of benefits and disadvantages.
  • Internet Security: Threats and Protection Methods To prevent themselves from falling victim to cyber crimes, people should exercise caution and discretion when sharing information on the internet.
  • Using Social Media Impact on Online Courses This paper uses past research to explore how social media can be utilized by online courses, and analyze what are the benefits and drawbacks of online learning.
  • Social Networking and Privacy Research on privacy and social networking sites has shown that internet users express very strong concerns about the privacy of their personal information.
  • Ethics, Social Media and Cell Phone Use in Schools This essay explores cell phones and social media in facilitating learning and examines the ethical issues surrounding technology consumption.
  • Internet as Social Media: Connectivity and Immediacy The case study of United Breaks Guitars depicts that, a mere person can utilize social media and cause serious ruin in a business environment.
  • Influencer Marketing Impact on Consumer Behaviour It is crucial to study the topic of influencer marketing because the subject is relatively new, which means that available studies are also recent.
  • Adolescents Using Social Media, Social Networking Social media is now an integral part of people’s lives, especially adolescents. Its effects on one’s development and wellbeing can be both beneficial and detrimental.
  • Restricting Children’s Access to Social Media The paper argues partially limiting children's access to social media is an objective solution to protect the younger generation from negative psychological influences.
  • Social Media Platforms Compared The paper aims to assess and discuss factors that might affect African Americans’ career development and biases and assumptions that might impede the process of career counseling.
  • How Logos Change the Perception of a Brand Companies choose to eliminate logos from their brands because of market dynamics as they strive to increase sales.
  • Privacy and Security of Online Networks The digitalization of main data storage medias and their wide usage in everyday life could not but give rise to numerous concerns related to security.
  • The Role of Technology in Hospitality and Tourism In recent decades, the scope of services, shape, and external orientation of tourism and hospitality industry have notably changed.
  • Impact of Technology on Social Change Technology has had a significant impact on social change. It has impacted the growth of industries that employ human beings to operate machines.
  • Modern Trends in Information Technology The paper discusses five modern software applications which enable solving specific tasks; hardware devices and IT products, and social and legal relations.
  • Social Networks, Self-Esteem, and Individual Responsibility The paper argues it is not recommended to allow children and teenagers to use their social media accounts on a daily basis.
  • Tendencies in Social Media and the Evolution of Social Media This paper aims to research tendencies in social media and to analyze the evolution of social media standards and practices, as well as ethical concerns.
  • Social Media: The Rise of Depression and Anxiety The increased use of social media in contemporary society adversely affects individuals resulting in depression and anxiety, particularly in those who use it regularly.
  • The iGen’ers and Social Media The development of smartphones and digital platforms for socialization has influenced lifestyle, behavior, and communication worldwide.
  • Social Media Streaming Against Viewer’s Rage The paper discusses how streaming services bring us perpetual anxieties, impatience, and rage that we must deal with.
  • Dangers of Social Media in the Context of Media Ethics This paper argues that social media became a dangerous and unethical place because of being used for hazardous purposes by society members in uncontrolled ways.
  • Discussion of Social Media Influence Social media serves many purposes to its users which may have both negative and positive implications depending on how people use it.
  • Impact of Social Media on Tourism Sector The study is devoted to the investigation of social media and its impact on the tourism sector by using China as the framework for research.
  • Use of Social Media Profiles v. Ethical Recruitment This essay explores the topic of utilizing social media profiles and information and whether it hinders ethical recruitment and selection processes.
  • Should Free Speech Be Regulated on Social Media? Freedom of speech in a democratic world is a crucial feature of society. This paper will discuss why free speech on social media should be regulated.
  • Does Social Media Promote the Pursuit of the Thin Ideal Amongst Teens? Rachel Rodgers aimed at presenting a concept for comprehending the behaviors and associated experiences of the body image that originates from the emphasis on weight management.
  • Social Media Effect on Young People Social media has become an integral part of everyday human life. Undoubtedly, social media contribute to alleviating communication and information searching.
  • What Effect Does Social Media Have on Real-Life Communication? This paper aims at examining how exactly social media affect face-to-face conversations today, focusing on the negative factors.
  • Teens, Technology and Social Media Enforcing a rule that allows social media platforms to be used by teenagers above 18 years old prepares them for the negative impacts linked with social media.
  • The Influence of Social Media on Sociableness of Modern Youth The purpose of the paper is to prove that there is a strong correlation between the use of social networks and the youth's level of loneliness.
  • Social Media Dramatically Influences Social Identity The origin of social media usage and the initiatives leading a modern man to be a part of it have complex content and will be researched from each side.
  • How Social Media Platforms Divide Society More Than Equalize It In addition to exploring the effects of specific sites such as Facebook and Instagram, this paper will also provide evidence as to why social media can't equalize society.
  • The Social Construction of the Self in the Era of Social Media Technology has changed how individuals engage in the social construction of the self. It has facilitated the modification of the functions of self-reflection, memory.
  • History and Development of Instagram Social Network
  • Information Technology With Social Media Prospective
  • Innovative Marketing for SMEs Using Social Media
  • Integrating Social Media Into the Classroom Curriculum
  • Sexual Violence Against Women’s Social Media
  • Information From Social Media Information
  • Nurses’ Professionalism and Social Media Writing thoughtful posts on health workers’ pages is the key to a successful professional activity and a peaceful personal life.
  • New Social Media Tools for Photographers
  • Digital Forensic Investigation Methodology for Social Media
  • Human-Centered Images and Its Impact on Social Media
  • Integrating Social Media Into Traditional Marketing
  • Evaluating Social Media Marketing
  • Enhancing Student Relationship Management With Social Media
  • Impacts of Social Media on Democracy The research seeks to outline and discuss various statements arguing that social media is a good component of democracy.
  • The Influence of Instagram User Generated Contents on Tourism Sites Branding
  • Human Capital Management Through Social Media
  • Choosing the Right Social Media Channels
  • Reminiscence Through the Lens of Social Media
  • Black Milk Clothing Social Media Marketing
  • Applying the Social Interactionism Paradigm to Facebook
  • Marketing Through Social Media
  • College Admissions Using Social Media
  • Cyber-Bullying Through Anonymous Social Media
  • Big Data and Trust in Social Media Analytics
  • Integrity Displayed Through Social Media
  • Overcoming Social Media Procrastination
  • Sexual Harassment and Its Effects on Social Media
  • College Students and the Evolution of Social Media
  • Social Media Impact on English Language Learning
  • Integrating Social Media Into Marketing Strategy
  • Instagram Marketing Strategy Evaluation
  • Instagram Popularity and Its Impact on Society
  • Replacing Real Connection With Social Media
  • Information Communications Technologies and Social Media
  • Exchanging Information Through Social Media
  • Expanding Social Media Into the Chinese Market
  • Marketing Communication Through Online Social Media
  • Instagram as the Most Commonly Denied Addiction
  • Information Technology Adoption and Social Media
  • Ways in Which Snapchat and Instagram Are Sharing Video
  • Consumer Behaviour for Social Media and Internet
  • Consumer Life and User Generated Content in the Age of Social Media
  • The Effects of False Representations and Unrealistic Standards in Instagram on People
  • The Impact of Social Media on Society: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Social Media as a Political Power Tool: How It’s Changing Democracy
  • The Effects of Social Media on Real-Life Communication
  • Social Media and Cyberbullying: Addressing Online Harassment
  • How to Overcome Social Media Addiction
  • Social Media Addiction: Understanding the Phenomenon
  • The Role of Social Media in Our Life
  • Importance of Social Media in Today’s World
  • The Influence of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem
  • Social Media and Pop Culture: Positive and Negative Effects
  • The Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding Social Media
  • Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Business Success
  • The Role of Social Media in Decision Making
  • How the Power of Social Media Influenced Brand Activism
  • The Role of Social Media in Community Development
  • Social Media Influencers: The Power and Responsibility
  • Trolls: Fake Social Media Accounts Crisis
  • Social Media Importance: Why It’s Vital for Business
  • How Social Media Impacted Human Rights in Developing Countries
  • Social Media and Elections: Political Influence and Manipulation
  • The Growing Importance of Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media and the Spread of Misinformation During Crises
  • Virtual Reality and Its Potential Impact on Social Media
  • Social Media and Online Dating: Changing the Landscape of Romance
  • Battling Misinformation and Fake News on Social Media
  • Social Media Advertising: How It Works and Tips for Success
  • The Intersection of Social Media and Journalism
  • Social Media and Politics: Combating Disinformation
  • Achieving Customer Engagement Through Social Media
  • Social Media Marketing vs. Social Media Advertising
  • Our Social Media Sites Keep Our Information Safe?
  • Can Social Media Increase Voter Turnout?
  • Are Social Media Policies Legal?
  • Why Should Children Not Use Facebook?
  • Does Social Media Affect the Self Esteem?
  • How and Why Should We Use Instagram?
  • Are Social Media Beneficial?
  • How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health?
  • How Your Business Can Start Using Instagram Stories?
  • Does Social Media Cause Psychological Problems?
  • Why Facebook Acquired WhatsApp?
  • How Can You Make Money Using Instagram?
  • Does Social Media Affect Teens Positive or Negatively?
  • Can Social Media Improve Literacy and Communication Skills?
  • What Was the First Social Media Platform?
  • Can Social Media Sway Everyday Communication?
  • Which Companies Own Social Media Platforms?
  • Are Social Media Violators Putting Children and Teenagers to Danger?
  • What Are the Positives of Using Social Media?
  • How Will Social Media Impact the Future?
  • What’s the Fastest-Growing Social Media Platform?
  • Does Social Media Work for B2B?
  • Are There Any Social Networks Especially Beneficial for Small Businesses?
  • Should Social Media Be Limited to the Marketing Department?
  • How Much Time Does a Social Media Strategy Require?
  • Our Social Media Management Tools Worthwhile?

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"190 Social Media Essay Topics, Examples, & Titles." Premium Papers , 6 June 2024, premium-papers.com/topics/social-media-research-topics/.

Premium Papers . (2024) '190 Social Media Essay Topics, Examples, & Titles'. 6 June.

Premium Papers . 2024. "190 Social Media Essay Topics, Examples, & Titles." June 6, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/topics/social-media-research-topics/.

1. Premium Papers . "190 Social Media Essay Topics, Examples, & Titles." June 6, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/topics/social-media-research-topics/.


Premium Papers . "190 Social Media Essay Topics, Examples, & Titles." June 6, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/topics/social-media-research-topics/.

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40 Media and Communications Research Paper Topics

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  • What is communication? The birth of the media as we know it
  • Media, Censorship and Propaganda
  • The freedom of speech and its impact on the media
  • The main aspects of communication
  • The triggering topics. What do you need to start an instant “holywar” in media?
  • The phenomenon of hype and its usage of the media
  • Single bloggers versus media companies
  • Communication and media psychology
  • The history of advertising and its important in the modern business
  • The popular culture in the media
  • Video games. Can they be considered a media now?
  • Violence and controversial topics. Shall the media censor it out?
  • The peculiarities of children media
  • Are the videoblogs the new diaries?
  • Mainstream media versus arthouse
  • What is the age of post-truth in the media?
  • Social networks as the main way of communication in the modern world
  • Why exclusive material is so important in the media?
  • Fandom and fanfiction in the media
  • Mass Communication Laws in different countries
  • Media and disasters: enhancing panic or preventing it?
  • Terrorism in the media
  • Changes in the media during the wartime
  • Journalism ethics: what is it?
  • International journalism
  • Journalists on the battlefield
  • Media policy and regulation in different countries
  • How did the Internet influence media development?
  • Media: reacting to the events or creating them?
  • Virtual reality: may it be the future of the media?
  • Media downshifting: why do people revert to newspapers again?
  • Social media marketing campaigns
  • Media, politics and public relations
  • The styles and types of media. How they differ depending on the audience they are aiming for?
  • The phenomenon of Disney. Media or the new mythology?
  • Scientific journalism: shall science be popular?
  • Media for educational purpose
  • Radio media: why radio is still popular?
  • Hidden messages in the media made for entertainment
  • Media images of the representatives of different countries

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Global social media statistics research summary May 2024

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Our compilation of the latest social media statistics of consumer adoption and usage of social networking platforms

Social networks have transformed marketing and, as this post shows, their popularity is still growing in our latest global social media statistics research summary for 2024.

Networks vary in popularity with different demographics and they're still evolving. Research by Global WebIndex that we reference in this article shows that globally,

62.3% of the world's population uses social media. The average daily usage is 2 hours and 23 minutes (April 2024).

We'll keep this post updated during 2024 as the latest statistics are published drawing on our recommended top 10 digital marketing statistics sources . We'll be pointing to new data on the popularity of social media from Global Web Index (worldwide), Pew Internet Surveys (US) and OfCom (UK), and, most recently, the Datareportal January 2024 global overview , with the January review expected in the next few weeks.

This post will apply the latest reports to our answers in 7 key areas crucial to understanding consumer use of social networks:

Q1. What is the overall popularity of social media compared to internet use globally?

Q2. which are the most popular social networks by demographics (age and gender).

  • Q3. Which are the fastest-growing social networks?

Q4. How do social users interact with brands when selecting products and services?

  • Q5. What are the different engagement metrics based on consumer behavior when using social media?

Q6. How do consumers interact with different post formats in social media?

Q7. what are the most popular times for consumers to use social media suggesting the best times to post.

Now more than ever, marketers need to make smart decisions when planning their digital distribution channels. So reviewing the latest social media diffusion and usage stats is a crucial part of any company's digital marketing strategy.

Datareportal regularly updates its global compendium of social media statistics, which we recommend as it gives some great insights into the world of social media. It's a great download for including slides for your presentations. Note that their data is compiled from other sources of which the Global Web Index panel is the best source, although only available to paid subscribers. If you're researching social network adoption, it's worth checking out GWI's top 10 2023 social media statistics and their free annual report of social media trends.

How many people use social media?

According to the Datareportal January April global overview , we can see that social media growth has continued to increase:

  • More than half of the world  now uses social media (62.6%)
  • 5.07 billion people around the world now use social media, 259 million new users have come online within the last year.
  • The average daily time spent using social media is 2h 20m.

The full report from Datareportal contains insights collated from different data providers across 200+ slides. It provides country-specific data for the vast majority of the world, so you might want to check out the slides of the countries in your core markets to get a better idea of the current state of social in the areas you operate. In this post, we focus on the social media data which starts at slide 205 in the report.

This chart, by Datareportal , summarises the importance and growth of social media today.

Although the average daily time spent on social has slightly decreased (4 minutes), the growth of adoption remains high. Currently, 93.3% of internet users are using social media, and the gender split is fairly balanced, with slightly more male identities than female identities.

April 2024 global overview of social media

The best source for getting stats on the biggest social media platforms is direct from company statements and earning announcements.

Notably, of the top 4 social media platforms, 3 are owned by Meta. Facebook is the most-used platform in total - but as marketers, we know it's crucial to consider different trends of usage for different demographics, as we'll see below.

World's most used social platforms

So, what does this mean for your social media marketing strategy?

Clearly, there are lots of opportunities to reach, interact with, convert, and engage social media users. Savvy marketers use social media across their marketing funnel, to influence journeys from product discovery, through to first purchases, loyalty, and advocacy.

Our RACE Framework has a data-driven structure that marketers can use to plan their own strategies.

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Popularity of social networks and instant messengers in the UK for different demographics

This recent data from Comscore focused on the UK for Gen Z, Milennial and Gen X groups shows the wide variation in usage of social apps in the UK. In the younger age group Reddit and Discord are surprisingly important, in part because of Gaming. Facebook remains dominant in older age groups.

best title for research paper about social media

United States Social network popularity

The Pew Research Center news usage research is a very strong recent source showing US social media statistics trends in usage for news. Interestingly, nearly half of those surveyed used social media to get news often or sometimes.

News consumption research 2022

More interestingly, the stats breakdown below shows which social media channels are used by which genders, ages, education level, race, and political affiliations. For example, Facebook is a regular source of news to nearly double the amount of women to men. Nearly two thirds of Snapchat's regular news consumers are aged 18-29.

Social media demographics and politics new consumption

Q3. Which are the fast-growing social networks?

Every marketer has limited time for social media marketing, so which fastest-growing social network should you focus your efforts on?

HubSpot has a good summary of these based on its own consumer survey - see Fastest growing US social platforms 2023 which features less well known, but growing social networks such as BeReal and Twitch.

best title for research paper about social media

A summary of global social media growth

The number of social media users globally grew from 4.72 billion in January 2023 to 5.04 billion in January 2024. This accounts for a 8% growth of +320 million users YOY. With more growth predicted over the rest of the year...

Social media vs internet users: opportunities for growth

94.2% of internet users have social media identities today.

Social media platforms today are evolving and developing to meet an ever-wider variety of consumer wants and needs. Surely the value that social media usage can add to consumers' lives is more evident than ever before - social media marketers can tap into that.

2024 analysis of regional use of social media shows the wide variation of social media penetration:

  •  75% in Eastern Asia
  • 71% in North America
  • 68% in Southern America
  • 79-80% in both Northern and Western Europe.
  • This falls to 16% in Western Africa, and 10% in Middle and Eastern Africa.

April 2024 social media global use

As you can see, the makeup of our international social media users is varied. This useful infographic demonstrates the share of global social media users - with Eastern Asia representing 30.1% of global social media users.

April 2024 social media global share

One of the challenges of social media marketing is that by its nature, social media are peer-to-peer, involving conversations between friends, families and colleagues. Given this, brands must be sensitive to how they use social media.

Insight from GWI shows the important role that social media plays in influencing brand discovery and in encouraging purchase. This insight shows the relative importance of ads, recommendations and updates to business social media pages in brand discovery.

best title for research paper about social media

The research from GlobalWebIndex also shows how/why visitors use different social media services. Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Reddit and Twitter users all report 'follow/find information about products/brands' in their top 3 motivations.

Social media channel usage breakdown

Platform-specific social media marketing planning

Our new Organic Social Media Learning Path modules are dedicated to helping marketers optimize their organic Instagram marketing with a strategic approach, integrated across the marketing funnel.

Our bite-sized modules contain tools and templates designed to help you address the systematic issue of businesses using social media platforms to create standalone posts rather than planning a strategy.

Our Social Media Learning Path has modules with dedicated help for:

  • LinkedIn organic marketing
  • Instagram organic marketing
  • Facebook organic marketing
  • Tiktok organic marketing

Instagram marketing plan

This example plan, taken from our Facebook module, demonstrates how a joined-up approach can strengthen each stage of the funnel, across the RACE Framework of reach, act, convert, and engage.

Optimize your organic Instagram marketing

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Q5. What are the best benchmarks for different platforms' engagement rates?

Social media statistics benchmarking tool Rival IQ produces these useful sector-by-sector benchmarks of social media engagement metrics including:

  • Posts per day
  • Posts per week
  • Engagement rate
  • Top hashtags by engagement rate

These include useful sector benchmarks for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter you can compare against. Here is a sample of the insights from their 2022 report.

Facebook engagement rates

The 2021 median average engagement rate per post (by follower) on Facebook is 0.064%, across all industries. Sports Teams see the highest engagement, achieving an average of 0.27%, followed by Influencers with 0.23% and Higher Education with 0.15%.

At the lower end of the spectrum, Health & Beauty, and Tech & Software receive an average 0.02% engagement rate.

Facebook engagement rates

Instagram engagement rates

Engagement rates are significantly higher on Instagram compared to Facebook. As you can see the 2021 average median engagement rate per post (by follower) is more than 10x higher, despite engagement on Instagram dropping approx 30% between 2020-21 .

Instagram engagement rates

Marketers know intuitively that the right type of visuals and videos are more effective in gaining engagement.

This is supported by observed interaction rates. According to LinkedIn, Images typically result in a 2x higher comment rate and Video gets 5x more engagement on LinkedIn, Live Video gets 24x more.

This is also supported by this data from this Social Bakers social media trends report:

Facebook Instagram interactions by post type

Videos longer than a minute achieved the highest median interactions and median reach on Facebook, according to Socialbakers data.

In fact, for both reach and interactions, there was a correlation that showed the longer a video was, the further it reached and the more interactions it received.

Video length interaction and reach on social media

As you can see, different platforms offer different opportunities for capturing different audiences. The trick is finding the right techniques to that to your channel goals.

If you're looking for one simple reference guide which contains all the social media channel updates in an easy-to-track format, look no further than our digital media updates tracker , which is updated quarterly, to make sure our Business Members never miss a trick.

Testing different frequencies of updates and timing is another aspect of social media optimization based on consumer behaviour.

Each network tends to have a ‘sweet spot’ for frequency based on its algorithms. It used to be beneficial to post several times a day on Facebook for many brands, but with decreased organic reach, a single update tends to be more effective. We find a higher frequency on LinkedIn or Twitter tends to be more effective.

Sprout Social's 2022 social media strategy builder compares the best times to post on social media . Compare these to your patterns of posting and consider how you could post differently.

Each network tends to have a ‘sweet spot’ for frequency based on their algorithm and the most common times for consumer usage. It used to be beneficial to post several times a day on Facebook for many brands, but with decreased organic reach, a single update tends to be more effective.

We find a higher frequency on LinkedIn or Twitter tends to be more effective. The results from Instagram and Facebook show a clear preference for around midweek at midday, so you should consider this when scheduling your post updates.

Facebook global engagement 22

Structure your marketing plan around a funnel proven to boost performance. Join Smart Insights as a Free Member for instant access to our free digital marketing plan template to hone your skills and drive the results you need.

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By Dave Chaffey

Digital strategist Dr Dave Chaffey is co-founder and Content Director of online marketing training platform and publisher Smart Insights. 'Dr Dave' is known for his strategic, but practical, data-driven advice. He has trained and consulted with many business of all sizes in most sectors. These include large international B2B and B2C brands including 3M, BP, Barclaycard, Dell, Confused.com, HSBC, Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft, M&G Investment, Rentokil Initial, O2, Royal Canin (Mars Group) plus many smaller businesses. Dave is editor of the templates, guides and courses in our digital marketing resource library used by our Business members to plan, manage and optimize their marketing. Free members can access our free sample templates here . Dave is also keynote speaker, trainer and consultant who is author of 5 bestselling books on digital marketing including Digital Marketing Excellence and Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice . In 2004 he was recognised by the Chartered Institute of Marketing as one of 50 marketing ‘gurus’ worldwide who have helped shape the future of marketing. My personal site, DaveChaffey.com, lists my latest Digital marketing and E-commerce books and support materials including a digital marketing glossary . Please connect on LinkedIn to receive updates or ask me a question .

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Which social media platforms are most common, who uses each social media platform, find out more, social media fact sheet.

Many Americans use social media to connect with one another, engage with news content, share information and entertain themselves. Explore the patterns and trends shaping the social media landscape.

To better understand Americans’ social media use, Pew Research Center surveyed 5,733 U.S. adults from May 19 to Sept. 5, 2023. Ipsos conducted this National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) for the Center using address-based sampling and a multimode protocol that included both web and mail. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race and ethnicity, education and other categories.

Polls from 2000 to 2021 were conducted via phone. For more on this mode shift, read our Q&A.

Here are the questions used for this analysis , along with responses, and  its methodology ­­­.

A note on terminology: Our May-September 2023 survey was already in the field when Twitter changed its name to “X.” The terms  Twitter  and  X  are both used in this report to refer to the same platform.

best title for research paper about social media

YouTube and Facebook are the most-widely used online platforms. About half of U.S. adults say they use Instagram, and smaller shares use sites or apps such as TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter (X) and BeReal.

YearYouTubeFacebookInstagramPinterestTikTokLinkedInWhatsAppSnapchatTwitter (X)RedditBeRealNextdoor

Note: The vertical line indicates a change in mode. Polls from 2012-2021 were conducted via phone. In 2023, the poll was conducted via web and mail. For more details on this shift, please read our Q&A . Refer to the topline for more information on how question wording varied over the years. Pre-2018 data is not available for YouTube, Snapchat or WhatsApp; pre-2019 data is not available for Reddit; pre-2021 data is not available for TikTok; pre-2023 data is not available for BeReal. Respondents who did not give an answer are not shown.

Source: Surveys of U.S. adults conducted 2012-2023.

best title for research paper about social media

Usage of the major online platforms varies by factors such as age, gender and level of formal education.

% of U.S. adults who say they ever use __ by …

Ages 18-2930-4950-6465+
Twitter (X)4227176
Twitter (X)2619
Twitter (X)20232537
Less than $30,000$30,000- $69,999$70,000- $99,999$100,000+
Twitter (X)18212029
High school or lessSome collegeCollege graduate+
Twitter (X)152429
Twitter (X)252613
Rep/Lean RepDem/Lean Dem
Twitter (X)2026

best title for research paper about social media

This fact sheet was compiled by Research Assistant  Olivia Sidoti , with help from Research Analyst  Risa Gelles-Watnick , Research Analyst  Michelle Faverio , Digital Producer  Sara Atske , Associate Information Graphics Designer Kaitlyn Radde and Temporary Researcher  Eugenie Park .

Follow these links for more in-depth analysis of the impact of social media on American life.

  • Americans’ Social Media Use  Jan. 31, 2024
  • Americans’ Use of Mobile Technology and Home Broadband  Jan. 31 2024
  • Q&A: How and why we’re changing the way we study tech adoption  Jan. 31, 2024

Find more reports and blog posts related to  internet and technology .

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ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER  Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of  The Pew Charitable Trusts .

© 2024 Pew Research Center

American Psychological Association

Reference Examples

More than 100 reference examples and their corresponding in-text citations are presented in the seventh edition Publication Manual . Examples of the most common works that writers cite are provided on this page; additional examples are available in the Publication Manual .

To find the reference example you need, first select a category (e.g., periodicals) and then choose the appropriate type of work (e.g., journal article ) and follow the relevant example.

When selecting a category, use the webpages and websites category only when a work does not fit better within another category. For example, a report from a government website would use the reports category, whereas a page on a government website that is not a report or other work would use the webpages and websites category.

Also note that print and electronic references are largely the same. For example, to cite both print books and ebooks, use the books and reference works category and then choose the appropriate type of work (i.e., book ) and follow the relevant example (e.g., whole authored book ).

Examples on these pages illustrate the details of reference formats. We make every attempt to show examples that are in keeping with APA Style’s guiding principles of inclusivity and bias-free language. These examples are presented out of context only to demonstrate formatting issues (e.g., which elements to italicize, where punctuation is needed, placement of parentheses). References, including these examples, are not inherently endorsements for the ideas or content of the works themselves. An author may cite a work to support a statement or an idea, to critique that work, or for many other reasons. For more examples, see our sample papers .

Reference examples are covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Chapter 10 and the Concise Guide Chapter 10

Related handouts

  • Common Reference Examples Guide (PDF, 147KB)
  • Reference Quick Guide (PDF, 225KB)

Textual Works

Textual works are covered in Sections 10.1–10.8 of the Publication Manual . The most common categories and examples are presented here. For the reviews of other works category, see Section 10.7.

  • Journal Article References
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Data and Assessments

Data sets are covered in Section 10.9 of the Publication Manual . For the software and tests categories, see Sections 10.10 and 10.11.

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  • Toolbox References

Audiovisual Media

Audiovisual media are covered in Sections 10.12–10.14 of the Publication Manual . The most common examples are presented together here. In the manual, these examples and more are separated into categories for audiovisual, audio, and visual media.

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Online Media

Online media are covered in Sections 10.15 and 10.16 of the Publication Manual . Please note that blog posts are part of the periodicals category.

  • Facebook References
  • Instagram References
  • LinkedIn References
  • Online Forum (e.g., Reddit) References
  • TikTok References
  • X References
  • Webpage on a Website References
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  • Open Educational Resource References
  • Whole Website References

Content Marketing Institute

B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Outlook for 2024 [Research]

B2B Content Marketing Trends for 2024

  • by Stephanie Stahl
  • | Published: October 18, 2023
  • | Trends and Research

Creating standards, guidelines, processes, and workflows for content marketing is not the sexiest job.

But setting standards is the only way to know if you can improve anything (with AI or anything else).

Here’s the good news: All that non-sexy work frees time and resources (human and tech) you can apply to bring your brand’s strategies and plans to life.  

But in many organizations, content still isn’t treated as a coordinated business function. That’s one of the big takeaways from our latest research, B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Outlook for 2024, conducted with MarketingProfs and sponsored by Brightspot .

A few symptoms of that reality showed up in the research:

  • Marketers cite a lack of resources as a top situational challenge, the same as they did the previous year.
  • Nearly three-quarters (72%) say they use generative AI, but 61% say their organization lacks guidelines for its use.
  • The most frequently cited challenges include creating the right content, creating content consistently, and differentiating content.

I’ll walk you through the findings and share some advice from CMI Chief Strategy Advisor Robert Rose and other industry voices to shed light on what it all means for B2B marketers. There’s a lot to work through, so feel free to use the table of contents to navigate to the sections that most interest you.

Note: These numbers come from a July 2023 survey of marketers around the globe. We received 1,080 responses. This article focuses on answers from the 894 B2B respondents.

Table of contents

  • Team structure
  • Content marketing challenges

Content types, distribution channels, and paid channels

  • Social media

Content management and operations

  • Measurement and goals
  • Overall success
  • Budgets and spending
  • Top content-related priorities for 2024
  • Content marketing trends for 2024

Action steps

Methodology, ai: 3 out of 4 b2b marketers use generative tools.

Of course, we asked respondents how they use generative AI in content and marketing. As it turns out, most experiment with it: 72% of respondents say they use generative AI tools.

But a lack of standards can get in the way.

“Generative AI is the new, disruptive capability entering the realm of content marketing in 2024,” Robert says. “It’s just another way to make our content process more efficient and effective. But it can’t do either until you establish a standard to define its value. Until then, it’s yet just another technology that may or may not make you better at what you do.”

So, how do content marketers use the tools today? About half (51%) use generative AI to brainstorm new topics. Many use the tools to research headlines and keywords (45%) and write drafts (45%). Fewer say they use AI to outline assignments (23%), proofread (20%), generate graphics (11%), and create audio (5%) and video (5%).

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: B2B marketers use generative AI for various content tasks.

Some marketers say they use AI to do things like generate email headlines and email copy, extract social media posts from long-form content, condense long-form copy into short form, etc.

Only 28% say they don’t use generative AI tools.

Most don’t pay for generative AI tools (yet)

Among those who use generative AI tools, 91% use free tools (e.g., ChatGPT ). Thirty-eight percent use tools embedded in their content creation/management systems, and 27% pay for tools such as Writer and Jasper.

AI in content remains mostly ungoverned

Asked if their organizations have guidelines for using generative AI tools, 31% say yes, 61% say no, and 8% are unsure.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Many B2B organizations lack guidelines for generative AI tools.

We asked Ann Handley , chief content officer of MarketingProfs, for her perspective. “It feels crazy … 61% have no guidelines? But is it actually shocking and crazy? No. It is not. Most of us are just getting going with generative AI. That means there is a clear and rich opportunity to lead from where you sit,” she says.

“Ignite the conversation internally. Press upon your colleagues and your leadership that this isn’t a technology opportunity. It’s also a people and operational challenge in need of thoughtful and intelligent response. You can be the AI leader your organization needs,” Ann says.

Why some marketers don’t use generative AI tools

While a lack of guidelines may deter some B2B marketers from using generative AI tools, other reasons include accuracy concerns (36%), lack of training (27%), and lack of understanding (27%). Twenty-two percent cite copyright concerns, and 19% have corporate mandates not to use them.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Reasons why B2B marketers don't use generative AI tools.

How AI is changing SEO

We also wondered how AI’s integration in search engines shifts content marketers’ SEO strategy. Here’s what we found:

  • 31% are sharpening their focus on user intent/answering questions.
  • 27% are creating more thought leadership content.
  • 22% are creating more conversational content.

Over one-fourth (28%) say they’re not doing any of those things, while 26% say they’re unsure.

AI may heighten the need to rethink your SEO strategy. But it’s not the only reason to do so, as Orbit Media Studios co-founder and chief marketing officer Andy Crestodina points out: “Featured snippets and people-also-ask boxes have chipped away at click-through rates for years,” he says. “AI will make that even worse … but only for information intent queries . Searchers who want quick answers really don’t want to visit websites.

“Focus your SEO efforts on those big questions with big answers – and on the commercial intent queries,” Andy continues. “Those phrases still have ‘visit website intent’ … and will for years to come.”

Will the AI obsession ever end?

Many B2B marketers surveyed predict AI will dominate the discussions of content marketing trends in 2024. As one respondent says: “AI will continue to be the shiny thing through 2024 until marketers realize the dedication required to develop prompts, go through the iterative process, and fact-check output . AI can help you sharpen your skills, but it isn’t a replacement solution for B2B marketing.”

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Team structure: How does the work get done?

Generative AI isn’t the only issue affecting content marketing these days. We also asked marketers about how they organize their teams .

Among larger companies (100-plus employees), half say content requests go through a centralized content team. Others say each department/brand produces its own content (23%), and the departments/brand/products share responsibility (21%).

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: In large organizations, requests for B2B content often go through a central team.

Content strategies integrate with marketing, comms, and sales

Seventy percent say their organizations integrate content strategy into the overall marketing sales/communication/strategy, and 2% say it’s integrated into another strategy. Eleven percent say content is a stand-alone strategy for content used for marketing, and 6% say it’s a stand-alone strategy for all content produced by the company. Only 9% say they don’t have a content strategy. The remaining 2% say other or are unsure.

Employee churn means new teammates; content teams experience enlightened leadership

Twenty-eight percent of B2B marketers say team members resigned in the last year, 20% say team members were laid off, and about half (49%) say they had new team members acclimating to their ways of working.

While team members come and go, the understanding of content doesn’t. Over half (54%) strongly agree, and 30% somewhat agree the leader to whom their content team reports understands the work they do. Only 11% disagree. The remaining 5% neither agree nor disagree.

And remote work seems well-tolerated: Only 20% say collaboration was challenging due to remote or hybrid work.

Content marketing challenges: Focus shifts to creating the right content

We asked B2B marketers about both content creation and non-creation challenges.

Content creation

Most marketers (57%) cite creating the right content for their audience as a challenge. This is a change from many years when “creating enough content” was the most frequently cited challenge.

One respondent points out why understanding what audiences want is more important than ever: “As the internet gets noisier and AI makes it incredibly easy to create listicles and content that copy each other, there will be a need for companies to stand out. At the same time, as … millennials and Gen Z [grow in the workforce], we’ll begin to see B2B become more entertaining and less boring. We were never only competing with other B2B content. We’ve always been competing for attention.”

Other content creation challenges include creating it consistently (54%) and differentiating it (54%). Close to half (45%) cite optimizing for search and creating quality content (44%). About a third (34%) cite creating enough content to keep up with internal demand, 30% say creating enough content to keep up with external demand, and 30% say creating content that requires technical skills.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: B2B marketers' content creation challenges.

Other hurdles

The most frequently cited non-creation challenge, by far, is a lack of resources (58%), followed by aligning content with the buyer’s journey (48%) and aligning content efforts across sales and marketing (45%). Forty-one percent say they have issues with workflow/content approval, and 39% say they have difficulty accessing subject matter experts. Thirty-four percent say it is difficult to keep up with new technologies/tools (e.g., AI). Only 25% cite a lack of strategy as a challenge, 19% say keeping up with privacy rules, and 15% point to tech integration issues.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Situational challenges B2B content creation teams face.

We asked content marketers about the types of content they produce, their distribution channels , and paid content promotion. We also asked which formats and channels produce the best results.

Popular content types and formats

As in the previous year, the three most popular content types/formats are short articles/posts (94%, up from 89% last year), videos (84%, up from 75% last year), and case studies/customer stories (78%, up from 67% last year). Almost three-quarters (71%) use long articles, 60% produce visual content, and 59% craft thought leadership e-books or white papers. Less than half of marketers use brochures (49%), product or technical data sheets (45%), research reports (36%), interactive content (33%), audio (29%), and livestreaming (25%).

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Types of content B2B marketers used in the last 12 months.

Effective content types and formats

Which formats are most effective? Fifty-three percent say case studies/customer stories and videos deliver some of their best results. Almost as many (51%) names thought leadership e-books or white papers, 47% short articles, and 43% research reports.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Types of content that produce the best results for B2B marketers.

Popular content distribution channels

Regarding the channels used to distribute content, 90% use social media platforms (organic), followed by blogs (79%), email newsletters (73%), email (66%), in-person events (56%), and webinars (56%).

Channels used by the minority of those surveyed include:

  • Digital events (44%)
  • Podcasts (30%)
  • Microsites (29%)
  • Digital magazines (21%)
  • Branded online communities (19%)
  • Hybrid events (18%)
  • Print magazines (16%)
  • Online learning platforms (15%)
  • Mobile apps (8%)
  • Separate content brands (5%)

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Distribution channels B2B marketers used in the last 12 months.

Effective content distribution channels

Which channels perform the best? Most marketers in the survey point to in-person events (56%) and webinars (51%) as producing better results. Email (44%), organic social media platforms (44%), blogs (40%) and email newsletters (39%) round out the list.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Distributions channels that produce the best results for B2B marketers.

Popular paid content channels

When marketers pay to promote content , which channels do they invest in? Eighty-six percent use paid content distribution channels.

Of those, 78% use social media advertising/promoted posts, 65% use sponsorships, 64% use search engine marketing (SEM)/pay-per-click, and 59% use digital display advertising. Far fewer invest in native advertising (35%), partner emails (29%), and print display ads (21%).

Effective paid content channels

SEM/pay-per-click produces good results, according to 62% of those surveyed. Half of those who use paid channels say social media advertising/promoted posts produce good results, followed by sponsorships (49%), partner emails (36%), and digital display advertising (34%).

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Paid channels that produce the best results for B2B marketers.

Social media use: One platform rises way above

When asked which organic social media platforms deliver the best value for their organization, B2B marketers picked LinkedIn by far (84%). Only 29% cite Facebook as a top performer, 22% say YouTube, and 21% say Instagram. Twitter and TikTok see 8% and 3%, respectively.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: LinkedIn delivers the best value for B2B marketers.

So it makes sense that 72% say they increased their use of LinkedIn over the last 12 months, while only 32% boosted their YouTube presence, 31% increased Instagram use, 22% grew their Facebook presence, and 10% increased X and TikTok use.

Which platforms are marketers giving up? Did you guess X? You’re right – 32% of marketers say they decreased their X use last year. Twenty percent decreased their use of Facebook, with 10% decreasing on Instagram, 9% pulling back on YouTube, and only 2% decreasing their use of LinkedIn.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: B2B marketers' use of organic social media platforms in the last 12 months.

Interestingly, we saw a significant rise in B2B marketers who use TikTok: 19% say they use the platform – more than double from last year.

To explore how teams manage content, we asked marketers about their technology use and investments and the challenges they face when scaling their content .

Content management technology

When asked which technologies they use to manage content, marketers point to:

  • Analytics tools (81%)
  • Social media publishing/analytics (72%)
  • Email marketing software (69%)
  • Content creation/calendaring/collaboration/workflow (64%)
  • Content management system (50%)
  • Customer relationship management system (48%)

But having technology doesn’t mean it’s the right technology (or that its capabilities are used). So, we asked if they felt their organization had the right technology to manage content across the organization.

Only 31% say yes. Thirty percent say they have the technology but aren’t using its potential, and 29% say they haven’t acquired the right technology. Ten percent are unsure.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Many B2B marketers lack the right content management technology.

Content tech spending will likely rise

Even so, investment in content management technology seems likely in 2024: 45% say their organization is likely to invest in new technology, whereas 32% say their organization is unlikely to do so. Twenty-three percent say their organization is neither likely nor unlikely to invest.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Nearly half of B2B marketers expect investment in additional content management technology in 2024.

Scaling content production

We introduced a new question this year to understand what challenges B2B marketers face while scaling content production .

Almost half (48%) say it’s “not enough content repurposing.” Lack of communication across organizational silos is a problem for 40%. Thirty-one percent say they have no structured content production process, and 29% say they lack an editorial calendar with clear deadlines. Ten percent say scaling is not a current focus.

Among the other hurdles – difficulty locating digital content assets (16%), technology issues (15%), translation/localization issues (12%), and no style guide (11%).

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Challenges B2B marketers face while scaling content production.

For those struggling with content repurposing, content standardization is critical. “Content reuse is the only way to deliver content at scale. There’s just no other way,” says Regina Lynn Preciado , senior director of content strategy solutions at Content Rules Inc.

“Even if you’re not trying to provide the most personalized experience ever or dominate the metaverse with your omnichannel presence, you absolutely must reuse content if you are going to deliver content effectively,” she says.

“How to achieve content reuse ? You’ve probably heard that you need to move to modular, structured content. However, just chunking your content into smaller components doesn’t go far enough. For content to flow together seamlessly wherever you reuse it, you’ve got to standardize your content. That’s the personalization paradox right there. To personalize, you must standardize.

“Once you have your content standards in place and everyone is creating content in alignment with those standards, there is no limit to what you can do with the content,” Regina explains.

Why do content marketers – who are skilled communicators – struggle with cross-silo communication? Standards and alignment come into play.

“I think in the rush to all the things, we run out of time to address scalable processes that will fix those painful silos, including taking time to align on goals, roles and responsibilities, workflows, and measurement,” says Ali Orlando Wert , senior director of content strategy at Appfire. “It takes time, but the payoffs are worth it. You have to learn how to crawl before you can walk – and walk before you can run.”

Measurement and goals: Generating sales and revenue rises

Almost half (46%) of B2B marketers agree their organization measures content performance effectively. Thirty-six percent disagree, and 15% neither agree nor disagree. Only 3% say they don’t measure content performance.

The five most frequently used metrics to assess content performance are conversions (73%), email engagement (71%), website traffic (71%), website engagement (69%), and social media analytics (65%).

About half (52%) mention the quality of leads, 45% say they rely on search rankings, 41% use quantity of leads, 32% track email subscribers, and 29% track the cost to acquire a lead, subscriber, or customer.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Metrics B2B marketers rely on most to evaluate content performance.

The most common challenge B2B marketers have while measuring content performance is integrating/correlating data across multiple platforms (84%), followed by extracting insights from data (77%), tying performance data to goals (76%), organizational goal setting (70%), and lack of training (66%).

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: B2B marketers' challenges with measuring content performance.

Regarding goals, 84% of B2B marketers say content marketing helped create brand awareness in the last 12 months. Seventy-six percent say it helped generate demand/leads; 63% say it helped nurture subscribers/audiences/leads, and 58% say it helped generate sales/revenue (up from 42% the previous year).

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Goals B2B marketers achieved by using content marketing in the last 12 months.

Success factors: Know your audience

To separate top performers from the pack, we asked the B2B marketers to assess the success of their content marketing approach.

Twenty-eight percent rate the success of their organization’s content marketing approach as extremely or very successful. Another 57% report moderate success and 15% feel minimally or not at all successful.

The most popular factor for successful marketers is knowing their audience (79%).

This makes sense, considering that “creating the right content for our audience” is the top challenge. The logic? Top-performing content marketers prioritize knowing their audiences to create the right content for those audiences.

Top performers also set goals that align with their organization’s objectives (68%), effectively measure and demonstrate content performance (61%), and show thought leadership (60%). Collaboration with other teams (55%) and a documented strategy (53%) also help top performers reach high levels of content marketing success.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Top performers often attribute their B2B content marketing success to knowing their audience.

We looked at several other dimensions to identify how top performers differ from their peers. Of note, top performers:

  • Are backed by leaders who understand the work they do.
  • Are more likely to have the right content management technologies.
  • Have better communication across organizational silos.
  • Do a better job of measuring content effectiveness.
  • Are more likely to use content marketing successfully to generate demand/leads, nurture subscribers/audiences/leads, generate sales/revenue, and grow a subscribed audience.

Little difference exists between top performers and their less successful peers when it comes to the adoption of generative AI tools and related guidelines. It will be interesting to see if and how that changes next year.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Key areas where B2 top-performing content marketers differ from their peers.

Budgets and spending: Holding steady

To explore budget plans for 2024, we asked respondents if they have knowledge of their organization’s budget/budgeting process for content marketing. Then, we asked follow-up questions to the 55% who say they do have budget knowledge.

Content marketing as a percentage of total marketing spend

Here’s what they say about the total marketing budget (excluding salaries):

  • About a quarter (24%) say content marketing takes up one-fourth or more of the total marketing budget.
  • Nearly one in three (29%) indicate that 10% to 24% of the marketing budget goes to content marketing.
  • Just under half (48%) say less than 10% of the marketing budget goes to content marketing.

Content marketing budget outlook for 2024

Next, we asked about their 2024 content marketing budget. Forty-five percent think their content marketing budget will increase compared with 2023, whereas 42% think it will stay the same. Only 6% think it will decrease.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: How B2B content marketing budgets will change in 2024.

Where will the budget go?

We also asked where respondents plan to increase their spending.

Sixty-nine percent of B2B marketers say they would increase their investment in video, followed by thought leadership content (53%), in-person events (47%), paid advertising (43%), online community building (33%), webinars (33%), audio content (25%), digital events (21%), and hybrid events (11%).

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: Percentage of B2B marketers who think their organization will increase in the following areas in 2024.

The increased investment in video isn’t surprising. The focus on thought leadership content might surprise, but it shouldn’t, says Stephanie Losee , director of executive and ABM content at Autodesk.

“As measurement becomes more sophisticated, companies are finding they’re better able to quantify the return from upper-funnel activities like thought leadership content ,” she says. “At the same time, companies recognize the impact of shifting their status from vendor to true partner with their customers’ businesses.

“Autodesk recently launched its first global, longitudinal State of Design & Make report (registration required), and we’re finding that its insights are of such value to our customers that it’s enabling conversations we’ve never been able to have before. These conversations are worth gold to both sides, and I would imagine other B2B companies are finding the same thing,” Stephanie says.

Top content-related priorities for 2024: Leading with thought leadership

We asked an open-ended question about marketers’ top three content-related priorities for 2024. The responses indicate marketers place an emphasis on thought leadership and becoming a trusted resource.

Other frequently mentioned priorities include:

  • Better understanding of the audience
  • Discovering the best ways to use AI
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Lead generation
  • Using more video
  • Better use of analytics
  • Conversions
  • Repurposing existing content

Content marketing predictions for 2024: AI is top of mind

In another open-ended question, we asked B2B marketers, “What content marketing trends do you predict for 2024?” You probably guessed the most popular trend: AI.

Here are some of the marketers’ comments about how AI will affect content marketing next year:

  • “We’ll see generative AI everywhere, all the time.”
  • “There will be struggles to determine the best use of generative AI in content marketing.”
  • “AI will likely result in a flood of poor-quality, machine-written content. Winners will use AI for automating the processes that support content creation while continuing to create high-quality human-generated content.”
  • “AI has made creating content so easy that there are and will be too many long articles on similar subjects; most will never be read or viewed. A sea of too many words. I predict short-form content will have to be the driver for eyeballs.”

Other trends include:

  • Greater demand for high-quality content as consumers grow weary of AI-generated content
  • Importance of video content
  • Increasing use of short video and audio content
  • Impact of AI on SEO

Among the related comments:

  • “Event marketing (webinars and video thought leadership) will become more necessary as teams rely on AI-generated written content.”
  • “AI will be an industry sea change and strongly impact the meaning of SEO. Marketers need to be ready to ride the wave or get left behind.”
  • “Excitement around AI-generated content will rise before flattening out when people realize it’s hard to differentiate, validate, verify, attribute, and authenticate. New tools, processes, and roles will emerge to tackle this challenge.”
  • “Long-form reports could start to see a decline. If that is the case, we will need a replacement. Logically, that could be a webinar or video series that digs deeper into the takeaways.”

What does this year’s research suggest B2B content marketers do to move forward?

I asked CMI’s Robert Rose for some insights. He says the steps are clear: Develop standards, guidelines, and playbooks for how to operate – just like every other function in business does.

“Imagine if everyone in your organization had a different idea of how to define ‘revenue’ or ‘profit margin,’” Robert says. “Imagine if each salesperson had their own version of your company’s customer agreements and tried to figure out how to write them for every new deal. The legal team would be apoplectic. You’d start to hear from sales how they were frustrated that they couldn’t figure out how to make the ‘right agreement,’ or how to create agreements ‘consistently,’ or that there was a complete ‘lack of resources’ for creating agreements.”

Just remember: Standards can change along with your team, audiences, and business priorities. “Setting standards doesn’t mean casting policies and templates in stone,” Robert says. “Standards only exist so that we can always question the standard and make sure that there’s improvement available to use in setting new standards.”

He offers these five steps to take to solidify your content marketing strategy and execution:

  • Direct. Create an initiative that will define the scope of the most important standards for your content marketing. Prioritize the areas that hurt the most. Work with leadership to decide where to start. Maybe it’s persona development. Maybe you need a new standardized content process. Maybe you need a solid taxonomy. Build the list and make it a real initiative.
  • Define . Create a common understanding of all the things associated with the standards. Don’t assume that everybody knows. They don’t. What is a white paper? What is an e-book? What is a campaign vs. an initiative? What is a blog post vs. an article? Getting to a common language is one of the most powerful things you can do to coordinate better.
  • Develop . You need both policies and playbooks. Policies are the formal documentation of your definitions and standards. Playbooks are how you communicate combinations of policies so that different people can not just understand them but are ready, willing, and able to follow them.
  • Distribute . If no one follows the standards, they’re not standards. So, you need to develop a plan for how your new playbooks fit into the larger, cross-functional approach to the content strategy. You need to deepen the integration into each department – even if that is just four other people in your company.
  • Distill . Evolve your standards. Make them living documents. Deploy technology to enforce and scale the standards. Test. If a standard isn’t working, change it. Sometimes, more organic processes are OK. Sometimes, it’s OK to acknowledge two definitions for something. The key is acknowledging a change to an existing standard so you know whether it improves things.

For their 14 th annual content marketing survey, CMI and MarketingProfs surveyed 1,080 recipients around the globe – representing a range of industries, functional areas, and company sizes — in July 2023. The online survey was emailed to a sample of marketers using lists from CMI and MarketingProfs.

This article presents the findings from the 894 respondents, mostly from North America, who indicated their organization is primarily B2B and that they are either content marketers or work in marketing, communications, or other roles involving content.

Content Marketing Trends for 2024: B2B  industry classification, and size of B2B company by employees.

Thanks to the survey participants, who made this research possible, and to everyone who helps disseminate these findings throughout the content marketing industry.

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

About Content Marketing Institute

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Content Marketing Institute (CMI) exists to do one thing: advance the practice of content marketing through online education and in-person and digital events. We create and curate content experiences that teach marketers and creators from enterprise brands, small businesses, and agencies how to attract and retain customers through compelling, multichannel storytelling. Global brands turn to CMI for strategic consultation, training, and research. Organizations from around the world send teams to Content Marketing World, the largest content marketing-focused event, the Marketing Analytics & Data Science (MADS) conference, and CMI virtual events, including ContentTECH Summit. Our community of 215,000+ content marketers shares camaraderie and conversation. CMI is organized by Informa Connect. To learn more, visit www.contentmarketinginstitute.com .

About MarketingProfs

Marketingprofs is your quickest path to b2b marketing mastery.

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More than 600,000 marketing professionals worldwide rely on MarketingProfs for B2B Marketing training and education backed by data science, psychology, and real-world experience. Access free B2B marketing publications, virtual conferences, podcasts, daily newsletters (and more), and check out the MarketingProfs B2B Forum–the flagship in-person event for B2B Marketing training and education at MarketingProfs.com.

About Brightspot

Brightspot , the content management system to boost your business.

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Why Brightspot? Align your technology approach and content strategy with Brightspot, the leading Content Management System for delivering exceptional digital experiences. Brightspot helps global organizations meet the business needs of today and scale to capitalize on the opportunities of tomorrow. Our Enterprise CMS and world-class team solves your unique business challenges at scale. Fast, flexible, and fully customizable, Brightspot perfectly harmonizes your technology approach with your content strategy and grows with you as your business evolves. Our customer-obsessed teams walk with you every step of the way with an unwavering commitment to your long-term success. To learn more, visit www.brightspot.com .

Stephanie Stahl

Stephanie Stahl

Social Media in Financial Services: Benefits, Tips, Examples

Is your financial services organization using social media effectively? If not, you’re losing business to your competitors.

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Table of Contents

Things are changing fast in financial services, from the rise of crypto to the growth of the fintech app category to the development of robo-advisors. As financial services becomes a more digital industry, social media marketing is becoming a more critical means of promotion in the space.

Even if your organization leans more traditional, social media is a necessary channel to reach younger clients. And you need to be prepared for what’s coming. Gartner found 75% of financial services leaders expect significant changes in the industry by 2026.

Here’s why (and how) to build a financial services social media strategy this year.

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Download a free bundle of social media tools for financial services — including post ideas and templates for social media policies, strategies, and reports.

8 reasons to use social media in financial services

1. reach new audiences.

Social media is where Gen Z goes in search of financial information. The oldest members of this age group are turning 25 this year. And they’re starting to hit major milestones that deserve financial advice. 70% of them are already saving for retirement.

Nearly a quarter of 16-to-24-year-olds already use a financial services website or app every month. Ten percent of them already own some form of cryptocurrency.

Graph: Use of online financial serviced by age group and gender [Hootsuite Global State of Digital 2022 (April Update)]

Source: Hootsuite Global State of Digital 2022 (April Update)

Even if you’re not marketing to Gen Z, social media is an important channel for connecting with new clients. More than three-quarters ( 75.4% ) of internet users use social media for brand research.

2. Strengthen relationships

Building relationships is a key use of social media for finance industry professionals. When it comes to money, everyone wants to deal with someone they know and trust.

Nurturing prospects and clients online is known as social selling . Here’s a quick primer on how it works:

Social media can help identify important financial moments in clients’ and prospects’ lives. For example, LinkedIn is a great place to learn about career changes or retirements. Following clients’ business pages can also give you insight into their challenges.

That said, social selling is usually about building relationships. Sales are a longer-term goal.

When a connection gets a new job or launches a new business, by all means, send a congratulations message. (Nearly 95% of advisors who use social media effectively use some form of direct messaging.)

Keep yourself top of mind. But don’t jump in and try to make a sale.

It’s important to focus on providing trustworthy information and resources. Nearly a quarter of Internet users follow a brand they’re considering purchasing from on social networks. They want to follow and observe for a while before jumping in.

Focus on the client’s needs rather than making the sale.

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Grow your client base with the tool that makes it easy to sell, engage, measure, and win — all while staying compliant.

3. Highlight brand purpose and build community trust

Financial services brands now have to show they’re about more than financial returns.

64% of respondents to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer survey said they invest based on beliefs and values. And 88% of institutional investors “subject ESG to the same scrutiny as operational and financial considerations.”

Younger investors are particularly interested in sustainable investing. A Harris Poll for CNBC showed that a third of millennials, 19% of Gen Z, and 16% of Gen X “often or exclusively use investments focused on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors.”

And a Natixis report found that 63% of millennials believe they have a responsibility to use their investing to help resolve social issues.

Trust in the financial services sector has grown over the last 10 years. But it’s still the least trusted industry according to the Edelman Trust Barometer. Social media allows you to build trust and address client concerns.

Chart: Trust in Industry Sectors, 10 Year Trends (2022 Edelman Trust Barometer)

Source: 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer

4. Humanize your brand

People want to deal with trusted financial experts. That doesn’t mean they want their financial services providers to be clinical and cold. Social media provides a great opportunity for you to humanize your brand.

Getting your company’s executives on social media can be a great place to start. After all, it can be easier to trust a person rather than an institution.

Potential clients expect to see your C-suite executives on social. 86% of financial publication readers say it’s important for business leaders to use social media. They trust leaders who use social media more than those who don’t by a ratio of 6 to 1.

Of course, the tone you take will depend on the network you’re using and the target audience you’re trying to reach.

The average advisor uses 4 social networks , with the most successful using 6. The Putnam Social Advisor Survey 2021 found a shift from LinkedIn to Facebook. Advorsors are also inceasingly using Instagram and TikTok.

5. Gain key industry and customer insights

Try using social media for financial services industry research. This is a good way to stay on top of what’s happening in your field.

Does a competitor have a new product offering? Is there an impending PR disaster? Think of social media as an early warning system.

Social media listening can tell you what’s happening in the industry. Here’s how it works:

You can also use social listening to learn about your potential customers and gauge what they want from you.

Also, be sure to keep an eye on your social media analytics . These tools give you insights into the effectiveness of your own social efforts. You can learn what works best. Then, refine your social media marketing strategy for financial service customers as you go.

6. Reduce effort and costs

Social efforts work best when teams, departments, and individual advisors use social media in a coordinated way. Most likely, this involves a shared social media management platform .

A content library is a valuable resource for both employees and brands. Staff has access to pre-approved, compliant content that’s ready to go. Brands have peace of mind when employees post consistent messaging that supports strategic goals.


When everything is housed in one central library, there’s no duplication of effort or expense. This pre-approved library addresses financial advisors’ top two concerns about using social media:

  • Lack of time
  • Fear of making a mistake.

7. Provide unified digital customer service

As the financial industry becomes increasingly digital, customer service needs to follow suit. Customers want to reach out to businesses on the platforms where they already spend their time. That might mean social networks like Facebook or social messaging apps like WhatsApp.

Social customer service tools allow you to coordinate your customer service across all channels. At the same time, you can link conversations to your CRM. This helps ensure you meet compliance requirements for response time as well as record-keeping.

With Hootsuite Inbox , you can bridge the gap between social media engagement and customer service — and manage all of your social media messages in one place . This includes:

  • Private messages and DMs
  • Public messages and posts on your profiles
  • Dark and organic comments
  • Emoji reactions

… and more.

The all-in-one agent workspace makes it easy to 

  • Track the history of any individual’s interactions with your organization on social media (across your accounts and platforms), giving your team the context needed to personalize replies
  • Add notes to customers’ profiles (Inbox integrates with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics)
  • Handle messages as a team, with intuitive message queues, task assignments, statuses, and filters
  • Track response times and CSAT metrics

A full screen view of the Hootsuite Inbox agent workspace for social media managers and social customer service agents.

Book a free demo

Plus, Inbox comes with handy automations:

  • Automated message routing
  • Auto-responses and saved replies
  • Automatically triggered customer satisfaction surveys
  • AI-powered chatbot features

8. See real business results

Put simply, social media affects your bottom line in concrete, measurable ways.

81% of financial advisors who use social media say they’ve gained new business assets through their social efforts. In fact, advisors using social media successfully report an average of $1.9 million in assets gained through social media activities.

Deloitte’s Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey found that young people’s optimism about their own financial situations is improving. However, both of these generations are overall still anxious about their financial security.

Mood Monitor Drivers, Deloitte Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Source: Mood Monitor Drivers, Deloitte Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

At the same time, the Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors found that 40% of millennials—and 46% of high-net-worth millennials—want personal financial advice from a financial advisor. Social media is a perfect place to connect with these new clients.

Graphs: Millennials Are Turning to Advisors Over Algorithms (Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors: Five Financial Truths About Millennials at 40)

Source: Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors: Five Financial Truths About Millennials at 40

Building a social media strategy for financial services: 4 tips

1. focus on compliance.

FINRA, FCA, FFIEC, IIROC, SEC, PCI, AMF, GDPR—all the compliance requirements can make your head spin.

It’s critical to have compliance processes and tools in place, especially to guide independent advisors’ use of social media.

Get your compliance team involved as you develop your financial services social media strategy. They’ll have important guidance on the steps you need to take to protect your brand.

It’s also important to have the right chain of approvals in place for all social media posts. For example, FINRA states :

“A registered principal must review prior to use any social media site that an associated person intends to use for business.”

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Get a glimpse into the future of financial services on social media and build a strategy you can bank on.

2. Archive everything

This falls under compliance, but it’s important enough that it’s worth calling out on its own.

According to FINRA: “Firms and their registered representatives must retain records of communications related to their “’business as such.’”

Those records must be kept for at least three years.

Hootsuite’s integrations with compliance solutions like Brolly and Smarsh automatically archive all social media communications. You’ll have your social content stored in a secure and searchable database, complete with the original context.

3. Conduct a social media audit

In a social media audit , you document all your company’s social channels in one place. You also note any key information relevant to each. At the same time, you will hunt down any impostor or unofficial accounts so you can have those shut down.

Start by listing all the accounts your internal team uses regularly. But remember—this is just a starting point. You’ll need to look for old or abandoned accounts and department-specific accounts.

While you’re at it, make note of the social platforms where you don’t have any social accounts. It might be time to register profiles there. (TikTok, anyone?) Even if you’re not ready to use those tools yet, you might want to reserve your brand handles for future use.

We created a free social media audit template to help keep all your research organized as you tackle this work.

4. Implement a social media policy

A social media policy guides social media use within your organization. That includes accounts for your advisors and agents.

Reach out to all the relevant teams within your organization, including:

  • Information security
  • Human resources
  • Public relations

All these teams should have input. This will help you maintain a consistent brand identity while reducing compliance challenges.

Your policy will also define team roles and approval structures so everyone understands the workflow of a social post. This clarity upfront can help reduce frustrations that social media might not move as quickly as some would like.

Using social media for finance industry purposes can also come with security risks. Include a section in your social media policy that outlines security protocols for the less-sexy aspects of social media. For example, prescribe how often to change passwords and how often software should be updated.

Best social media campaigns for financial services

1. current x mrbeast.

Current is a financial services company that primarily offers mobile banking services through an app. To build brand awareness, they partnered with high-profile influencers including Hailey Bieber and Logan Paul.

I offered a military squad $100,000 if they could successfully hunt me down in a day, GO WATCH THE NEW VIDEO! — MrBeast (@MrBeast) December 10, 2021

In particular, they developed an ongoing collaboration with the influencer MrBeast. Two of the resulting social videos reached the number 1 top trending video spot on YouTube. As a result of the campaign, Current saw a 700% increase in money requests through the app and became the number 5 finance app in the Apple App Store.

2. BNY Mellon #DoWellBetter

BNY Mellon developed a campaign to highlight the positive impacts of their high-net-worth clients. Featuring beautiful portraits and video interviews, the campaign showed how sound investing and wealth management through BNY Mellon allowed them to build the resources to effect positive change.

Telling client stories is a good way for financial institutions to create a human connection on social media platforms.


3. CloudTax influencer campaign targeting Gen Z

This Canadian tax software startup partnered with several influencers. They mainly used TikTok to reach a Gen Z audience. Founder and CEO Nimalan Balachandran told Global News influencer marketing drove around a quarter of the company’s growth.

Their influencer videos embraced the unique TikTok look and feel. This allowed them to connect with the platform’s community in a way that wouldn’t be possible through more traditional social content.

@passionstoprofits #taxseason #taxwriteoffs #taxwriteoff #taxes2021 #payyourtaxes #moneytok #smallbusinesscheck #smallbusinesstips_ #smallbusinessowner #cloudtaxpartner ♬ Runaway (U & I) – Galantis

4. Vanguard Group #GettingSocial

Investment company Vanguard Group uses a weekly series of social videos to share expertise on investing and other financial topics.

Releasing the videos on a consistent schedule trains followers to expect the content. This encourages viewers to check back weekly and become regular watchers over time. The videos offer short, snackable insights. They don’t require a large time commitment from busy followers.


They also run social ads that speak to similar topics. This exposes social users to educational and conversion-oriented content that work in concert.

5. Penn Mutual: Content library for advisors

Penn Mutual has a dedicated content studio within its marketing department. They produce, test, and refine social content that forms the backbone of a content library for advisors.

The social team adjusts content to make it appropriate for various audiences. Then they add it to the content library for financial advisors to customize and share. They use Hootsuite Amplify to make the process of sharing possible with just a few clicks or taps.

The company sends a list of new content every Friday, which advisors can then post or schedule.


Hootsuite makes social marketing easy for financial service professionals. From a single dashboard, you can manage all your networks, drive revenue, provide customer service, mitigate risk, and stay compliant. See how the tool can work for your business.

Watch a Demo

Get more leads, engage customers and stay compliant with Hootsuite, the #1 social media tool for financial services .

Become a better social marketer.

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Christina Newberry is an award-winning writer and editor whose greatest passions include food, travel, urban gardening, and the Oxford comma—not necessarily in that order.

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