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Home » 7 Best Cover letter for Learnership [Free Samples]

7 Best Cover letter for Learnership [Free Samples]

Cover letter for Learnership

Want to rite a Cover letter for learnership A learnership is a great way to get your foot in the door of your chosen career field. By completing a learnership, you’ll gain valuable work experience and skills that will give you a competitive edge when applying for jobs. And, of course, your cover letter is a key part of your application.

To help you craft a winning cover letter, we’ve compiled a list of 7 great cover letters for Learnerships. These examples will give you an idea of what to include in your own letter, and how to present yourself in the best light possible. So, whether you’re applying for an engineering Learnership or a marketing Learnership, be sure to take a look at these samples first.

Table of Contents

How To Write a Cover letter for learnership

If you’re looking for a way to stand out from the competition, a great cover letter can help. A cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your skills and qualifications and demonstrate why you’re the right fit for the role.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for writing a cover letter, there are some key elements to include. Here are seven of the best cover letters for learnerships:

  • Use a professional tone: Your cover letter should be written in a professional tone, similar to the way you would write a business email. Avoid using slang or contractions, and focus on clear, concise language.
  • Highlight your skills and qualifications: In your cover letter, be sure to highlight your skills and qualifications that make you suited for the role. If you have relevant work experience, be sure to mention it.
  • Demonstrate your passion: A great way to stand out from the competition is to demonstrate your passion for the role you’re applying for. In your cover letter, explain why you’re excited about the opportunity and what you hope to accomplish in the role.
  • Keep it short and sweet: A cover letter should be no more than one page in length. Be sure to get to the point quickly and avoid including unnecessary details.
  • Proofread carefully: Before you submit your cover letter, be sure to proofread it carefully. Look for any grammar or spelling errors and make sure all of the information is accurate.
  • Personalize it: A generic cover letter will probably end up in the trash bin. To make your cover letter stand out, personalize it with specific details about why you’re excited about the opportunity and why you think you’d be a great fit for the role.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

Cover Letter For Learnership Application

Cover Letter For Learnership

To Whom It May Concern The writing in regards to the learnership opening at your company. I am immensely interested in this opportunity and believe that I would be the perfect candidate for the position.

Have always been passionate about learning new things and acquiring new skills. This was evident throughout my academic career, where I consistently achieved excellent results. My willingness to learn and my ability to quickly adapt to new situations would make me a valuable asset to your team.

In addition to this, I have great interpersonal skills and am able to work well in a team environment. The confident that I could contribute positively to the dynamic of your workplace.

Believe that I have the necessary skills and attributes to successfully complete the learnership and would be grateful for the opportunity to do so. I am available to start immediately and can be contacted on 0710000000 should you require any further information.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related 07+ Best Virtual Cover Letter Samples To Get Hired :

Cover Letter For Learnership With No Experience Examples

To Whom It May Concern,

The writing to apply for the position of learnership with no experience examples .

Have recently graduated from college with a degree in business administration and I believe that this learnership will give me the opportunity to gain the hands-on experience that I need to be successful in my career.

It is a hard worker and I am eager to learn. Confident that I have the skills and ability to be successful in this role.

Would appreciate if you could please contact me to discuss this opportunity further.

Related: 5+ Unique Data Engineer Cover Letter Samples

Cover Letter For Learnership Application

To Whom It May Concern,The writing to apply for the learnership program offered by your company. I am a recent graduate of engineering and I am very interested inthis field. I have attached my resume and transcript for your review.

It believe that I have the skills and qualifications that would make me successful in this program. I am a hard worker and I am eager to learn. I am also a team player and I am willing to work collaboratively with others.

Would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my application further with you. I can be reached at (555) 555-1212 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related: Application Letter for Employment: 07 Samples & Examples

Learnership Cover Letter Examples

Writing this letter to apply for the learnership program that you have advertised. I am a recent graduate of XYZ High School and I have interest in learning more about the field of XXX. I believe that this learnership would be a great opportunity for me to learn more about XXX and to gain some experience in the field.

It is a hard worker and I am very eager to learn. I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team and I would make the most of this opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you.

Related: Indeed Cover Letter: 07 Templates and Samples

Example Of Application Letter For Learnership

My name is ____________ and I am writing to apply for the ___________________ learnership program. It is a recent graduate of ___________ high school and I have a strong interest in _____________. I believe that this learnership would be an excellent opportunity for me to gain the skills and experience that I need to pursue a career in this field.

It is a hard worker with a positive attitude, and I am confident that I would be an asset to your organization. I am eager to learn and I Commit that making the most of this opportunity. I would appreciate your consideration, and It look forward to hearing from you.

Your name ___________

Your address ___________

phone number and Email ___________

Related: Generic Cover Letter: 09 Samples & Examples

Cover Letter For Learnership With No Experience Sample

The writing to apply for the position of Learnership with no experience. It recently graduated from college and am eager to begin my career in the field of XYZ. Believe that a Learnership would be the perfect way for me to gain the experience and knowledge that I need to succeed in this field. I am a hard worker and a quick learner, and I am confident that I can be an asset to your company. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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5 Things to Include In a Cover Letter For Learnership

Whether you’re a recent grad or an experienced professional, a great cover letter is an important part of your job search. In a competitive job market, a well-written cover letter can give you the edge you need to land the job you want.

There’s no one-size-fits-all template for a great cover letter, but there are certain elements that are always include in Letter. To help you get started, here are seven of the best cover letters for learnership applications.

  • Be clear and concise: A good cover letter is short and to the point. Avoid long paragraphs and superfluous information. Stick to the essential facts about your experience and qualifications.
  • Highlight your strengths: Use your cover letter to highlight your strongest assets. If you have relevant experience or skills, be sure to mention them.
  • Tailor your letter: Each cover letter should be tailored to the specific position you’re applying for. Make sure to address the key requirements of the role in your letter.
  • Research the company: Before you start writing, take some time to research the company and the specific role you’re applying for. This will help you customized your letter to their specific needs and culture.
  • Proofread carefully: Once you’ve finished writing, take the time to proofread your letter carefully. Check for any grammatical or typographical errors. Make sure all of your contact information is correct and up-to-date.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

As any job seeker knows, the cover letter is an essential part of the application process. Not only does it allow you to introduce yourself and your qualifications, but it also gives you a chance to make a good first impression. And when it comes to applying for a learnership, a well-written cover letter can be the difference between getting your foot in the door or Moving over altogether.

Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Above, you’ll find seven of the best cover letter examples for learnerships, along with tips and advice on how to write your own. So whether you’re applying for a place on a accounting learnership or any other type of program, be sure to check out our examples before sending off your application. Good luck!

Learnership Cover Letter Examples

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Letter Templates & Example

Top Cover Letter Examples for Learnership – Impress Your Potential Employer!

Top Cover Letter Examples for Learnership - Impress Your Potential Employer!

Are you a recent graduate or a student looking for a learnership opportunity? One of the most important documents you’ll need to prepare is a cover letter. But, let’s face it, writing a cover letter from scratch can be daunting. That’s why we’ve put together some cover letter examples for learnerships, to give you a head start.

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself to a potential employer, explain why you are interested in the position, and highlight your relevant skills and experience. In a learnership context, you’ll want to demonstrate your eagerness to learn, your passion for the field, and your willingness to work hard.

Our cover letter examples for learnerships include templates for different industries and positions. Whether you’re applying for a marketing learnership or an engineering learnership, we’ve got you covered. You can edit these examples as needed to suit your own background and experience.

Don’t let the thought of writing a cover letter hold you back from applying for that learnership you’re excited about. Instead, take advantage of our cover letter examples for learnerships and get started on your journey towards achieving your career goals!

The Best Structure for Cover Letter Examples for Learnership

So, you’re applying for a learnership, and you need to write a cover letter. Writing a cover letter can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know where to start. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll be discussing the best structure for cover letter examples for learnership.

The first thing to keep in mind when writing a cover letter is to always tailor it to the specific learnership you’re applying for. This means that you need to read the job description thoroughly and understand the company’s values, culture and requirements. Once you have a good understanding of what the company is looking for, you can start crafting your cover letter.

The second thing to keep in mind is the structure of your cover letter. You want to make sure that you’re presenting yourself in the best light possible, highlighting your skills and experiences that are relevant to the learnership you’re applying for. Here’s an easily adaptable structure that you can follow:

  • Introduction : Begin your cover letter with a brief introduction that captures the attention of the reader and tells them why you’re interested in the learnership. You can start with a sentence or two that states your name, the position you’re applying for, and how you found out about the learnership.
  • Why You’re a Good Fit : In this section, you want to explain why you’re a good fit for the learnership. This is where you can highlight your relevant skills, experience and achievements that showcase your ability to perform the role. You can also include any education or training that you’ve completed that relates to the job.
  • Motivation for Applying : Here, you want to explain why you’re motivated to apply for this learnership. It’s a good idea to mention the company’s values, culture and what you admire about it. You can also share any personal experiences or interests that align with the company’s goals.
  • Closing Paragraph : End your cover letter with a conclusion that summarizes your interest in the learnership and what you have to offer. You can also include a polite call to action, such as asking for an interview or to discuss your application further.
  • Sign Off : Close your cover letter with a professional sign off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name and contact information.

Remember to proofread your cover letter carefully to ensure there are no grammatical errors or typos. A well-written and tailored cover letter can capture the attention of the hiring manager and increase your chances of securing the learnership. We hope this guide has been helpful in outlining the best structure for cover letter examples for learnership.

Sample Cover Letters for Learnerships

Application for learnership program in human resources.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the Learnership Program in Human Resources. As a recent graduate with a degree in Psychology, I am excited to pursue a career in HR where I can use my skills to help people and organizations achieve their goals.

I believe that this learnership opportunity will provide me with the necessary practical experience and theoretical knowledge to excel in this field. I am enthusiastic about collaborating with industry professionals and fellow learnership participants to develop my skills and gain real-world experience in various HR functions.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]

Recommendation for Learnership Program in Accounting

I highly recommend [Name of Applicant] for the learnership program in accounting. As [his/her] accounting professor, I have had the pleasure of seeing [his/her] dedication and passion for this field.

[Name] has demonstrated exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills in [his/her] coursework and projects. [He/She] consistently approaches accounting tasks with a critical and detail-oriented mindset, resulting in accurate and timely results.

I believe that [Name] would be an asset to your learnership program, and would benefit greatly from the hands-on training and mentorship provided. Thank you for considering [him/her] for this opportunity.

Application for Learnership Program in Marketing

It is with great interest that I submit my application for the Learnership Program in Marketing. As a recent marketing graduate, I am eager to gain industry experience and expand my knowledge in brand management, digital marketing, and consumer behavior.

I believe that your learnership program offers a unique learning experience that will enhance my skills in marketing strategy, campaign planning, and customer engagement. I am particularly drawn to the opportunity to work on real marketing projects and campaigns, and to learn from experienced professionals in the field.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of contributing to your marketing team and advancing my career in this dynamic industry.

Recommendation for Learnership Program in Engineering

I am writing to highly recommend [Name of Applicant] for the learnership program in engineering. As [his/her] professor in Mechanical Engineering, I have been impressed by [his/her] exceptional problem-solving skills and technical aptitude.

[Name] has demonstrated a keen interest in engineering design and innovation, and has shown the ability to work collaboratively in diverse teams. [He/She] is also highly organized and detail-oriented, ensuring that projects are completed on time and to a high standard.

I have no doubt that [Name] would thrive in your learnership program, and would make valuable contributions to your engineering projects. Thank you for considering [him/her] for this opportunity.

Application for Learnership Program in Graphic Design

I am excited to apply for the Learnership Program in Graphic Design. As a recent graduate with a degree in Fine Arts, I am keen to pursue a career in creative design and communication.

I am drawn to your learnership program because it offers a unique opportunity to work with a team of experienced designers on real design projects and campaigns. I am particularly interested in developing my skills in branding, UI/UX design, and visual storytelling, and I believe that your program provides the ideal environment for me to grow as a designer.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute my creativity and skills to your design team and channel my passion for visual design into meaningful projects.

Recommendation for Learnership Program in Electrical Engineering

I am writing to recommend [Name of Applicant] for the learnership program in electrical engineering. As [his/her] professor in Electrical Circuits and Systems, I have been thoroughly impressed by [his/her] analytical skills and attention to detail.

[Name] has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of complex electrical concepts and has a talent for applying them to practical engineering problems. [He/She] is also an excellent communicator and a valuable team player, able to collaborate effectively with peers and mentors.

I strongly believe that [Name] would be an excellent fit for your learnership program, and would benefit greatly from the hands-on training and mentorship provided. Thank you for considering [him/her] for this opportunity.

Application for Learnership Program in Software Development

I am writing to apply for the Learnership Program in Software Development. As a recent computer science graduate, I am excited to pursue a career in software development and hone my skills in programming, software architecture, and system design.

I am drawn to your learnership program because it offers the opportunity to work on real-world software development projects and collaborate with experienced developers to gain practical experience in various software development functions. I am keen to learn from industry professionals and exchange ideas with fellow learnership participants to deepen my knowledge and refine my skills in programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to join your software development team and contribute my passion and skills to building innovative software products.

Cover Letter Tips for Learnership Applicants

Writing a cover letter can be daunting, especially when you are applying for a learnership. A cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself and convince the employer that you are the right fit for the position and the company. Here are some tips to help you write an effective cover letter:

  • Address the letter to the correct person: Do your research to find out who will be reading your letter and address them by name. Avoid using “To Whom it May Concern” as it shows that you have not put in the effort to find out who you are addressing.
  • Explain your interest in the learnership: Explain why you are interested in the learnership and the company. Show that you have done your research about the company and how the learnership will help you achieve your career goals.
  • Show your enthusiasm: Express your enthusiasm for the learnership and highlight why you are the perfect candidate for the position. Use positive language and show your passion for the role.
  • Highlight relevant skills and experience: Highlight your relevant skills and experience that make you the ideal candidate for the learnership. Be specific and use examples to show how you have applied these skills in the past.
  • Ensure your letter is error-free: Proofread your cover letter before submitting it. Check for any spelling or grammatical errors and make sure the formatting is consistent.

Writing a good cover letter can increase your chances of getting invited for an interview. Use these tips to help you create a compelling cover letter that will impress the employer and show that you are the right fit for the learnership.

Cover Letter Examples for Learnership FAQs What is a cover letter for learnership?

A cover letter for learnership is a document that introduces an applicant and explains their reasons for applying for a learnership program. It highlights the applicant’s relevant skills, experiences and achievements, and demonstrates how they align with the goals of the program.

What are some elements of a good cover letter for learnership?

A good cover letter for learnership includes a clear and concise introduction, a statement of purpose, a summary of relevant skills and experience, a demonstration of how the candidate aligns with the goals of the program, and a conclusion that thanks the reader for their time and consideration.

Are there cover letter examples available online?

Yes, there are plenty of cover letter examples available online that applicants can use as a guide or inspiration when crafting their own cover letter. However, it’s important to personalize the content and make it unique and tailored to the specific program.

What should be the length of a cover letter for learnership?

A cover letter for learnership should be one page in length. It should be concise and to the point, and focus on the candidate’s relevant skills and experiences that would make them a good fit for the program.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a cover letter for learnership?

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing a cover letter for learnership include not tailoring the content to the specific program, not proofreading for errors, including irrelevant information, being too generic or vague, and not demonstrating enthusiasm for the program.

Should I include my contact information in the cover letter for learnership?

Yes, be sure to include your contact information in the cover letter for learnership. This should include your name, address, phone number, and email address, so that the program coordinators can easily get in touch with you if needed.

Is it okay to use a cover letter template?

It is okay to use a cover letter template as a guide or starting point, but it’s important to customize the content to the specific program and personalize it to reflect your unique skills and experiences. Avoid using a generic template without making any changes or adjustments.

Keep on Learning!

So there you have it, folks! A few examples of cover letters that would make any learnership application stand out. Remember, the key to creating a compelling cover letter is to keep it short and sweet while highlighting your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope you found these tips useful. Don’t forget to visit us again for more helpful content. Happy job hunting!

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Cover Letter for Learnership Application

How to Write a Cover Letter for Learnership Application

Learnerships are a great way to get skills and training in a specific field, and they’re particularly popular in South Africa. There are Learnerships available in a wide range of industries, from hospitality to engineering, and they can last anywhere from a few months to a year. In order to apply for a Learnership, you usually need to be between the ages of 18 and 35, and you’ll need to have a Matric certificate . If you’re successful, you’ll receive on-the-job training as well as theoretical studies, and you may even be able to get a job at the company you’re Learnership with once it’s finished. So if you’re looking for a way to boost your career prospects, learnerships could be perfect for you.

When applying for a learnership, it is important to submit a well-written cover letter. The cover letter should be brief, but informative, and it should highlight your skills and qualifications. It is also important to personalise the letter to match the specific learnership you are applying for.

To write a good cover letter for a learnership application, start by addressing the letter to the person who is responsible for hiring interns or apprentices. Next, introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in the particular learnership. Be sure to list your skills and qualifications, and explain how they would benefit the company. Finally, thank the reader for their time, and express your interest in hearing from them soon.

This letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the employer and explain why you are interested in the position. It is also important to highlight your skills and experience that make you a good fit for the job.

When writing your cover letter, be sure to:

  • Address the letter to the person who is responsible for hiring for the position you are applying for.
  • Start with a brief introduction that explains who you are and why you are interested in the position.
  • Highlight your skills and experience that make you a good fit for the job.
  • Explain why you would like to be awarded the learnership position.
  • Thank the employer for their time and consideration.

Here is an example of a cover letter for learnership application:

Dear Mr./Ms. ____,

I am interested in applying for the learnership position at your company. I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to be successful in this role.

I am passionate about learning new things and I am excited to have the opportunity to learn more about this industry through this program. I am confident that I can contribute value to your company and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your name]

Your cover letter should be tailored to the specific learnership you are applying for. In addition to the points above, be sure to mention any relevant qualifications or experience you have that make you a good fit for the role. The more specific you can be, the better your chances of being awarded the position. 

Thanks for reading! We hope this article has helped you learn how to write a cover letter for a learnership application. Good luck with your job search!

Image Courtesy: learnershipsjobs


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Jobs ,internships and learnerships, information and educational updates and sassa srd in south africa., standard bank – banking learnership apply, be driven to achieve, with a standard bank learnership.

We believe in the power of young people to drive the future of Africa. That’s why we’re committed to investing in individuals like you – so you can grow, progress and take ownership of your tomorrow…and leave a legacy for generations to come. With a Standard Bank Group Learnership, that’s exactly what you’ll do. Earning while you learn, you’ll be supported to develop your skills and reach your goals – and be inspired to work towards better.

Here’s what you need to know about applying for a Standard Bank Learnership:


  • Be a South African Citizen.
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 30.
  • Be able to speak, read and write English proficiently.
  • Have completed Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post-matric qualification (depending on the specific learnership). Some learnerships may require specific subjects like Maths, Maths Literacy and Accounting in your matric.
  • Be computer literate.
  • Not be permanently employed.
  • Not be registered for any other learnerships or studying at another institution.

What can you expect?

You can choose from a number of learnerships, offering between 12 to 24 months’ fixed term employment. You’ll receive a monthly stipend, plus invaluable coaching and mentoring while you’re studying for your qualification.  

  • Fixed term employment with the bank for 12/18/24 months (depending on the programme) 
  • Monthly stipend 
  • Performance rewards and benefits 
  • SAQA accredited qualification  
  • Practical meaningful workplace experience 
  • Coaching/mentoring. 

Who can qualify?

You can apply for a Standard Bank Group Learnership if you’ve completed a Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent).

To apply, you must:

  • Be a South African citizen
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 30
  • Be able to speak, read and write English
  • Have completed Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent)
  • Be computer literate
  • Not be permanently employed
  • Not be studying at another tertiary institution
  • Not be registered for any other learnerships

Application Process:

Standard Bank advertises their learnerships on their website https://www.standardbank.com/sbg/standard-bank-group/careers/early-careers/learnerships .

You can find the available opportunities and apply directly through the website.

Here are some additional tips for applying:

  • Research the different learnerships offered by Standard Bank.  Make sure you understand the requirements and responsibilities of each program before applying.
  • Tailor your CV and cover letter to the specific learnership you are applying for.  Highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the position.
  • Prepare for the interview.  Research common learnership interview questions and practice your answers.

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of getting selected for a Standard Bank Learnership program.

Through a work-based approach to learning, you’ll gain a real-world understanding of Standard Bank Group, as you’re guided and supported to achieve the goals you’ve set yourself.

The programme integrates practical and theory, and includes both structured work experience and structured learning with an accredited training provider – leading to an SAQA accredited qualification.

We’re working to grow potential for young people throughout Africa. And with a Standard Bank Group Learnership, yours could know no limits.

Standard Bank Learnership timeline

February 2024 applications : 1 February 2024 – 29 February 2024 May 2024 applications. : 1 May 2024 – 31 May 2024

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Standard Bank Learnerships 2023: Why They're the Best

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Standard Bank Learnerships 2023: Why They're the Best

Standard Bank Learnerships 2023

Learnerships are an excellent way to gain practical experience and valuable skills in a specific field while earning a stipend. The banking industry is no exception, with numerous learnerships available for individuals seeking a career in this field.

However, not all learnerships are created equal, and Standard Bank learnerships stand out as the best. In this article, we'll explore why Standard Bank learnerships are better compared to other banking learnerships based on real facts.

Banking Learnership Stipends Compared: Standard Bank

One of the critical factors to consider when choosing a learnership is the stipend offered. The stipend can vary significantly between different learnerships, and it's essential to choose one that offers a fair wage for the work required. Which sometimes that isn’t the case for most people. 

We collected some of the most recent Stipend Amounts for each bank based on recent learnership opportunities from 2022 to 2023.

Here's a comparison of the stipend offered by Standard Bank learnerships and some other banking learnerships based on past learnerships offered:

Stipend Comparison

Bank Learnership Stipends differ based on the type of learnership, field, location and also duration.

  So, let’s say you applied for a learnership at FNB through SAYouth.mobi website, Normally the stipend ranges from R4500.

Stipends change over time, more like job salaries do. 

Let’s look at the processes for each Banking learnership compared to Standard bank.

Applying for Banking Learnerships: Application Process

As we all know applying for a job, internship or banking learnership can some how be difficult when you totally have no clue on where to start.

Another crucial factor to consider is the application process. A complicated or lengthy application process can discourage potential candidates from applying. 

Standard Bank's Learnership application process is simple and straightforward, making it easy for anyone to apply.

Not to say other banks don’t have easy ways to apply for learnerships. Yet, each of them has something unique.

Check the comparison of the application process for Standard Bank learnerships and other banking learnerships:

Application Process Comparison:

As you can see from the table, Standard Bank's application process is simple and straightforward, with no additional screening questions or assessments required.

Even though sometimes there might be a time where you have to go through assessments which are normally for internship based positions.

How Banking Learnerships differ Compared to Standard Bank?

One factor that sets Standard Bank learnerships apart from others is their uniqueness. Standard Bank offers a range of learnerships that cater to different fields within banking

Uniqueness Comparison

Apply for Standard Bank Learnerships

Final Thoughts

Youth Applications SA Youth Applications SA is hub for SA youth looking for Learnerships, Internships and employment opportunities. It connects job seekers with their future employers all in one space. With the aim to eliminate unemployment, lack of career education including access to life changing opportunities South Africa. 

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Applications Open for the Standard Bank Learnership Opportunities

cover letter for standard bank learnership

Applications Open for the Standard Bank Learnership Opportunities . Would you like to develop your career at one of the country’s top banking groups? We’re working to grow potential for young people throughout Africa. And with a Standard Bank Group Learnership, yours could know no limits.

Our Programmes

  • Group-wide Learnerships
  • Wholesale Banking Learnerships
  • Consumer and High Net Worth Learnerships
  • Client Solutions Learnerships
  • Corporate Functions Learnerships
  • Engineering Learnerships
  • Technology and Operations Learnerships

Learnership Specs

  • Fixed term employment with the bank for 12/18/24 months (depending on the programme)
  • Monthly stipend
  • Performance rewards and benefits
  • SAQA accredited qualification
  • Practical meaningful workplace experience
  • Coaching/mentoring.

How to Apply

You can apply for a Standard Bank Group Learnership if you’ve completed a Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent).

To apply, you must:

  • Be a South African citizen
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 30
  • Be able to speak, read and write English
  • Have completed Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent)
  • Be computer literate
  • Not be permanently employed
  • Not be studying at another tertiary institution
  • Not be registered for any other learnerships


Closing Date: Friday 3rd June 2022

Lebo Tleane

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Standard Bank Group Learnership

Photo of Jobcare

Location: All Provinces

Applications open on 1 April 2022, and close on 30 June 2022.

You can apply for a Standard Bank Group Learnership if you’ve completed a Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent).


  • Be a South African citizen
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 30
  • Be able to speak, read and write English
  • Have completed Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent)
  • Be computer literate
  • Not be permanently employed
  • Not be studying at another tertiary institution
  • Not be registered for any other learnerships


You can choose from a number of learnerships, offering between 12 to 24 months’ fixed term employment. You’ll receive a monthly stipend, plus invaluable coaching and mentoring while you’re studying for your qualification.  

  • Fixed term employment with the bank for 12/18/24 months (depending on the programme) 
  • Monthly stipend 
  • Performance rewards and benefits 
  • SAQA accredited qualification  
  • Practical meaningful workplace experience 
  • Coaching/mentoring. 



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(CIB) Learnerships – Standard bank

1. Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) Operations Learnership

Overview: The CIB Operations Learnership is a part-time program located in Johannesburg, South Africa, designed to introduce young professionals to the multifaceted world of Corporate and Investment Banking Operations. It focuses on providing practical experience in critical areas such as transaction processing, advanced technologies like Robotics Process Automation (RPA), Machine Learning (ML), and Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

Job Specifics:

  • Business Segment: Group Functions
  • Location: Johannesburg, Baker Street 30, South Africa
  • Job Type: Part-time
  • Job ID: 80410753
  • Date Posted: November 17, 2023
  • Application Closing Date: December 1, 2023

Role Description: Participants will be involved in vital operations of banking, getting hands-on experience in system development and support. This role is crucial for maintaining the smooth operation of banking services, ensuring efficient transaction processing and the implementation of new technologies.

Qualification Requirements:

  • Must be a South African citizen.
  • Age between 18 and 30.
  • Fluency in English (speaking, reading, writing).
  • Completed a tertiary qualification in Finance, Accounting, Operations, or related fields.
  • Proficiency in computer skills.

Learnership Details:

  • Duration: April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025
  • Qualification: NC: Financial Markets and Instruments (NQF 6)
  • Stipend: R10,000 per month

2. CIB Compliance Learnership

Overview: The CIB Compliance Learnership is a part-time, 12-month program based in Johannesburg. It is tailored for graduates who aspire to develop their knowledge and skills in the compliance sector of banking. The program emphasizes the importance of adhering to regulatory requirements, industry standards, ethical principles, and good governance.

  • Job ID: 80372089

Role Description: Learners will engage in activities that ensure the bank’s compliance with various regulatory and ethical standards. This role is fundamental in safeguarding the bank’s reputation and ensuring that business is conducted correctly and responsibly.

  • South African citizenship.
  • Age range of 18-30.
  • Proficiency in English.
  • Completion of a tertiary qualification in BCom, LLB, BProc, or LLM.
  • Computer literacy.
  • Qualification: NC: Occupational Certificate: Compliance Officer (NQF 6)

Key Benefits and Opportunities: Both learnerships offer unique opportunities for career development in the banking sector. They provide:

  • Practical Experience: Hands-on training in vital areas of banking operations and compliance.
  • Professional Development: Exposure to various aspects of the banking industry, enhancing professional skills.
  • Networking Opportunities: Interaction with professionals in the field, opening doors for future career prospects.
  • Financial Support: A monthly stipend to support learners during their training period.
  • Qualifications: Recognized qualifications upon completion, boosting employability in the finance sector.

Application Process: Candidates interested in these learnerships should prepare their application documents, including their CV, academic transcripts, and a cover letter. Applications must be submitted before the closing date of December 1, 2023. This is an exceptional opportunity for young professionals to embark on a rewarding career path in the banking industry.

These learnerships in Johannesburg are not just job opportunities; they are stepping stones to a prosperous career in the banking sector, offering invaluable experience, networking, and professional growth.

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1. Patiently scroll down and read the job description below.

2. Scroll down and find how to apply or mode of application for this job after the job description.

3. Carefully follow the instructions on how to apply.

4. Always apply for a job by attaching CV with a Cover Letter / Application Letter.

With a Standard Bank Group Learnership, that’s exactly what you’ll do. Earning while you learn, you’ll be supported to develop your skills and reach your goals – and be inspired to work towards better.

Through a work-based approach?to learning, you’ll gain a real-world understanding of Standard Bank Group, as you’re guided and supported to achieve the goals you’ve set yourself. The programme integrates practise and theory and includes both structured work experience and structured learning with an accredited training provider – leading to a SAQA accredited qualification.



Standard Bank Group Learnership

What can you expect.

You can choose from a number of learnerships, offering between 12 to 24 months of fixed-term employment. You’ll receive a monthly stipend, plus invaluable coaching and mentoring while you’re studying for your qualification.  

Fixed-term employment with the bank for 12/18/24 months (depending on the programme) 

Monthly stipend 

Performance rewards and benefits 

SAQA accredited qualification  

Practical meaningful workplace experience 



You can apply for a Standard Bank Group Learnership if you've completed a Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent).

To apply, you must:

  • Be a South African citizen
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 30
  • Be able to speak, read and write English
  • Have completed Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent)
  • Be computer literate
  • Not be permanently employed
  • Not be studying at another tertiary institution
  • Not be registered for any other learnerships
Read Also: Standard Bank Graduate Programmes

For more Standard Bank careers, Click here



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Job search is not an easy journey especially for job vacancies in South Africa . That is why we have engaged experts to write seasoned articles to guide your job search in South Africa. We cover interviews, cover letters, CVs, aptitude tests, workplace life, entrepreneurship, personal finance and more. Check out our career articles page today!

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Standard Bank CIB Operations Learnership

Published by admin on 20/11/2023 20/11/2023

Job Description

The Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) Operations Learnership offers an exciting opportunity to join the world of banking operations. If you are interested in areas like transaction processing, Robotics Process Automation (RPA), Machine Learning (ML), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), system development, and support, this is your ideal entry point into the dynamic realm of Corporate and Investment banking operations.

Job Overview

  • Business Segment: Group Functions
  • Location: Johannesburg, Baker Street 30
  • Job Type: Contract
  • Job ID: 80410753


Minimum Requirements:

  • South African Citizen.
  • Ages 18 to 30.
  • Proficient in English (speak, read, and write).
  • Tertiary Qualification in Finance, Accounting, Operations, or related fields.
  • Computer literate.
  • Not permanently employed.
  • Not studying at any other institution.
  • Not registered on any other learnership.

  Learnership Details:

  • Start Date: 01st April 2024
  • End Date: 31st March 2025
  • Qualification: NC: Financial Markets and Instruments (NQF 6)
  • Location: Johannesburg

  Application Deadline: 01 December 2023

Note: Our recruitment processes adhere to local laws and regulations. We will never ask for money as part of the recruitment process. If you encounter such requests, contact our fraud line on +27 800222050 or [email protected]


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The cover letter that will get you a job in a bank

The cover letter that will get you a job in a bank

Do you really need to write a cover letter when you're applying for a job in an investment bank? These days, it's surely all about the skills in your CV - who's got the time to read that extra blurb saying how perfect you are for the role?

Recruiters working with experienced hires certaintly don't have the time. Most of the banking recruiters we speak to treat the cover letters (or 'cover emails') they receive from experienced candidates as an irrelevance. "For experienced roles, we rarely look at cover letters," says the CEO of one London-based financial services recruitment firm. I just go for the CV," agrees another. "I look at the CV and then I phone them. - If the CV is relevant, I'll get everything that would have been in the cover letter from that call." 

This doesn't mean you should just attach a CV/resume with no introductory email. It does mean that the introductory email might not be read - but you still need to make sure you don't make common mistakes like referencing the wrong bank, or forgetting to attach your CV altogether.

However, there some situations in which cover letters can make all the difference.  

These include:

  • When you're applying for graduate jobs in banking.
  • When you're applying to banks directly (without going through external recruiters),
  • And... when you happen to be using a recruiter who simply likes cover letters (hard to tell!).

"For graduate hires, cover letters are very important," says one headhunter. Just how important is reflected by the fact that some banks specify them as a must-have in the ir graduate recruitment process .   Banks like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Barclays, Morgan Stanley and Macquarie typically all demand that their would-be analysts in Europe write cover letters or something very similar, says Victoria McLean, a former Goldman Sachs recruiter and founder of banking CV specialists, City CV.   "Some banks still ask for specific questions to be answered around motivation, strengths and key behaviours/competencies (these are of varying word counts depending on the bank)," she says.

Goldman Sachs historically demanded that recruits write a 300 word personal statement as a cover letter. A former recruiter at the firm told us it was  very important. "Some students were excellent until they got to the cover letter," - those 300 words let them down.

What makes a good banking cover letter? Mai Le, a former Goldman Sachs investment banking associate who ran  CoverLetterLibrary , a community which houses a collection of cover letters that have enabled juniors to get jobs at banks in the past. Le says the best cover letters have two things in common: narrative structure (they emphasize your story and show the choices that brought you here) and facts and figures that underscore your background and achievements. By comparison, Le says the worst banking cover letters suffer from key-word stuffing, irrelevant information and spelling and grammatical mistakes.

It can help to follow a general template... 

You need to tailor your cover letters for each job you apply to. But this doesn't mean that you can't write a cover letter that follows a template. It does mean that each time you apply for a new job, you will need to fill in the template all over again.

McLean suggests your template follows the following format: Introduction. Why me? Why you? Why this job? In total, the text within the template should be no more than 750 words, or one A4 page, long. Le says some candidates also use a format that's ordered as, Why this job? Why this bank? Why me?  "It's a matter of personal preference," she says. Ultimately, you want all these elements in the cover letter and should go with which ever you feel comfortable with.

Either way, here's what to include.

The easy introductory paragraph

The first paragraph is all about explaining why you're writing. If you're applying for a graduate job in a bank, keep it short and sweet.

"The first paragraph is just to say who you are and why you're writing the letter," says McLean.

This paragraph might read something like. "I am an X with X year history of X at global banking firms including X as well as X. I have been working for X for the past X years."

If you're writing a Goldman Sachs cover letter that's 300 words or less, you can ditch this style of opening paragraph. - There's just no space for it.

If you're writing to a recruiter, there's less need to be quite so brief with your introduction. Say who you are, and explain why you've approached that recruiter in particular: "If someone says they've been referred to me by someone I know and respect, I will sit up and pay attention," says one U.S. recruiter. "The same applies if they say they've learned that I mentor women and that this is something they're interested in too."

In other words, when you're writing a cover letter to a recruiter, you need to know who you're writing to. Use this introductory paragraph to address them in person. Flattery will get you everywhere.

The selling yourself paragraph. 'Why you?'

The second paragraph is usually harder. This is where you need to start selling yourself, expressing your personality, and explaining why you're such a hot catch. It's here that you can add in some of the narrative explaining how you came to apply for this role, plus some of the substantiating figures that Le says make successful cover letters so effective.  Don't  use bland and empty phrases like, "I am a determined, motivated person." Do look at the key words and skills used to describe the job you're applying for and (without too obviously reiterating the ad) explain how you match them. Focus on the results and on  outcomes you've achieved in similar situations in the past.  You need to be specific and you need to bring yourself to life.

If you're writing a cover letter to accompany a graduate application, McLean says you can use the second paragraph to talk about what you've studied and how it's relevant. If you've studied finance and know how to do a DCF, now's the time to mention that. If you haven't studied finance but have good relationship management skills and you want to work i n M&A (a relationship-focused business), say that here. Provide EVIDENCE for the skills you're claiming to have.- List any awards you've won. Never, ever, make empty statements. "Many successful trading cover letters feature the candidate's trading return profile and their rationales for their success or failure," says Le. " - Cover letters for sales positions highlight the candidate's track record that evident their ability as a natural salesperson."

The motivational paragraph. 'Why this job (in this sector?)'

If you're an experienced hire applying through a recruiter or applying directly to a bank, this is where you explain why you want the job you're applying for. If you're a student applying for a first job, this is why you need to explain why you want this job and why you want to work in this sector. Be specific -  you'll need to know about the job and the sector before you start this section.

As a student, you'll need to link your skills back to your motivation for working in that area of banking above others, says McLean. Why M&A? Why not sales and trading? Why not compliance?  - If you want to work in operations , for example, explain how you have a passion for building systems and improving efficiency, as evidenced by your system for serving customers in your weekend job...

"You should include what you love about the industry to which you are applying," says McLean. "Why is it important to YOU? Why does it matter to YOU? How does it make a difference to YOU? and why is it interesting to YOU? Especially valid for Graduates: Why finance? Why investment banking / asset management?  before addressing the specifics of the division or programme to which you are applying. The key is to make this personal…. This is where most grads go wrong in their cover letters, they sound too generic and impersonal."

The connection paragraph. 'Why this bank ?'

The fourth paragraph is all about explaining why you want to work for that particular bank. Again, you need to be specific. McLean says graduates often copy and paste from banks' own websites. For example, it's not unheard of for them to write, "I want to work for Goldman Sachs because you have 170 locations across 90 cities in over 30 countries."  This will get you nowhere.

"The idea is not to flatter your potential employer but to identify what makes them a good choice for you and you a good fit," says McLean. "Telling Goldman or Citi you want to work for them because they are the best is not going to impress anyone. However, writing that it’s an opportunity to work with some of the best minds on the street and that you want to be held to those same exacting standards is a bit more engaging." But you need to put this in your own words: you need to make it personal and say what the banks strengths mean to YOU.

The other ex-Goldman Sachs recruiter we spoke to said she particularly looked for, "creativity and effort and writing about Goldman Sachs," when running through students' cover letters. People were expected to say exactly why they wanted to work for Goldman rather than, say, J.P. Morgan.

Instead of just reiterating what you've read on banks' websites, therefore, you need to cite some unusual reasons for choosing that bank that will make you stand out. If you're a student, it helps to say that you've met some of the banks' staff and were impressed by them.  Citigroup, for example, suggests that  student cover letters  reference encounters with the bank's staff at recruitment events. - Make a note of the staff you meet and explain what they said or did that impressed you, and what made you think you'd like to work with them.

Mark Hatz, a former M&A associate at Goldman Sachs and Perella Weinberg Partners who now helps people get jobs in banking , says stressing your rapport with people you've met from the firm is particularly important when you're applying for a job in M&A or capital markets: "These are advisory businesses and they want to see that you can build a rapport and work in a team. If you get the job, you'll also be spending a lot of hours in the office with these people, so showing you like them is very important."

It also helps to reference the bank's strategy, to mention any awards the bank won, and to cite any conversations you've had with or comments you've read from other industry professionals and analysts who've given concrete reasons why it's good place to work. Everything in this section needs to be positive. - You need to explain why you want to work for Deutsche Bank specifically without writing anything that denigrates its rivals. The more senior you are, the more you will need to reference solid strategy points at this stage.

"Show a grasp of where they are going, what the plan is and why this appeals to you," says McLean. Show that you know their strategy and that you agree with the way they're addressing challenges. "You should also write about the future of the firm. You should be planning to be there for a few years and hoping to share that future with them," McLean adds. Look at the shareholder letter in the last annual report for information on a bank's strategy.

The call to action

Finally, you need to end the cover letter with a call to action. McLean suggests completing the letter with the following sentence: "I really look forward to hearing from you. I am available for interview and contactable by X.'

Simple. Except all of this has to be written in 750 words - or just 300 if you're a student applying to Goldman Sachs. It's not so easy after all.

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Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash


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cover letter for standard bank learnership

Location: ZA, Gauteng, Roodeport, Carnation Street Job Type Classification: Permanent Closing Date: 12 May 2024 Salary: market related

Job Overview

A fantastic opportunity is being offered by Standard Bank to anyone looking to launch a career in the insurance industry. This learnership program is offered at our Roodeport location on Carnation Street in Gauteng. Its goal is to give participants practical experience and important job skills in a range of insurance-related fields..

Minimum Requirements

  • Completed Matric with Math or Math Lit

Additional Requirements : South African Citizen, aged 18 to 30, not registered on any other learnership, not studying at any other institution

Job Description

In our Insurance Business category, our knowledgeable Insurance Leads will serve as your mentors. You will be introduced to a variety of insurance options during the program, such as but not restricted to:

  • Recognizing the entire I
  • nsurance Service Customer Service value chain
  • Procedures for project development and procurement
  • Being aware of operations evaluating and analyzing data,
  • comprehending customer demands,
  • and offering suitable solutions

How to Apply?

Click the Button Below to Apply Online.. APPLY HERE

cover letter for standard bank learnership


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    To help you get started, here are seven of the best cover letters for learnership applications. Be clear and concise: A good cover letter is short and to the point. Avoid long paragraphs and superfluous information. Stick to the essential facts about your experience and qualifications.

  2. Learnerships with Standard Bank Group

    Standard Bank Learnership. You can choose from a number of learnerships, offering between 12 to 24 months' fixed term employment. You'll receive a monthly stipend, plus invaluable coaching and mentoring while you're studying for your qualification. Fixed term employment with the bank for 12 months or 18 months or 24 months (programme ...

  3. Graduates

    The Standard Bank Learnerships opportunities allows graduates or matriculants to gain a new or additional qualification whilst gaining meaningful work experience. Qualification Criteria: Be a South African Citizen. Be between the ages of 18 and 30. Be able to speak, read and write English.

  4. Top Cover Letter Examples for Learnership

    I highly recommend [Name of Applicant] for the learnership program in accounting. As [his/her] accounting professor, I have had the pleasure of seeing [his/her] dedication and passion for this field. [Name] has demonstrated exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills in [his/her] coursework and projects.

  5. How to Write a Cover Letter for Learnership Application

    Address the letter to the person who is responsible for hiring for the position you are applying for. Start with a brief introduction that explains who you are and why you are interested in the position. Highlight your skills and experience that make you a good fit for the job. Explain why you would like to be awarded the learnership position.

  6. Standard Bank

    Research the different learnerships offered by Standard Bank. Make sure you understand the requirements and responsibilities of each program before applying. Tailor your CV and cover letter to the specific learnership you are applying for. Highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the position. Prepare for the interview.

  7. Standard Bank Learnerships 2023: Why They're the Best

    ABSA Learnership. R4,000 - R6000 pm. First National Bank (FNB) R4,500 - R5000 pm. Capitec Bank Learnership. R3,500 - 4000 pm. Bank Learnership Stipends differ based on the type of learnership, field, location and also duration. So, let's say you applied for a learnership at FNB through SAYouth.mobi website, Normally the stipend ranges ...

  8. Standard Bank Group Learnership

    You can apply for a Standard Bank Group Learnership if you've completed a Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent). To apply, you must: Be a South African citizen. Be between the ages of 18 and 30. Be able to speak, read and write English

  9. Applications Open for the Standard Bank Learnership Opportunities

    How to Apply. You can apply for a Standard Bank Group Learnership if you've completed a Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent). To apply, you must: Be a South African citizen. Be between the ages of 18 and 30. Be able to speak, read and write English. Have completed Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year ...

  10. Standard Bank Group Learnership

    Jobcare March 30, 2022. 1 minute read. Standard Bank Group Learnership. Location: All Provinces. Applications open on 1 April 2022, and close on 30 June 2022. You can apply for a Standard Bank Group Learnership if you've completed a Grade 12 (matric) or a 3-year post grade 12 (matric) qualification (role dependent). Requirements;

  11. (CIB) Learnerships

    (CIB) Learnerships - Standard bank. November 20, 2023 admin. 1. Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) Operations Learnership ... and a cover letter. Applications must be submitted before the closing date of December 1, 2023. This is an exceptional opportunity for young professionals to embark on a rewarding career path in the banking ...

  12. Current roles at Standard Bank Group

    Standard Bank Group recorded headline earnings of R42.9 billion for the 12 months to 31 December 2023 (FY23), up 27% on the prior year (FY22) and delivered a return on equity of 18.8%. This strong performance is underpinned by the bank's robust and growing franchise and is reflective of the positive momentum in its businesses.

  13. Standard Bank Group Learnership Programme 2022

    Explore our vacancies Standard Bank Group Learnership Programme 2022 job in South Africa. ... Always apply for a job by attaching CV with a Cover Letter / Application Letter. With a Standard Bank Group Learnership, that's exactly what you'll do. Earning while you learn, you'll be supported to develop your skills and reach your goals ...

  14. How To Write A Learnership Cover Letter

    Here is a list of guidelines on how you can write your cover letter in a way that is tailored for your respective learnership. How to write a learnership cover letter. Check your spelling. Do not write anything you cannot explain in an interview; avoid complex sentences. Regarding your abilities and experience, be precise and honest.

  15. Standard Bank: Universal Banker Learnerships 2023 / 2024

    Standard Bank: Universal Banker Learnership Programme 2023 / 2024. If you are interested in engaging with customers, solving their problems and have a high passion for sales and service then this learnership is an ideal opportunity to enter the world of banking. Designed to help you gain valuable work experience in customer interactions ...

  16. Submit CV: IT Graduate Learnerships at Standard Bank

    Not be registered on any other learnership. How To Apply. IT Technical Support Learnership (Gauteng) IT Systems Development Learnership (Gauteng) Finance Business Services Learnership (Gauteng) Business Analytics Internship (Gauteng) Corporate & Investment Banking Operations Learnership (Gauteng)

  17. Standard Bank: Learnerships 2024

    Learner Allowance: R6 500 per month. Responsibilities: You will gain valuable work experience in the following: Understanding the full value chain of Banking. Build strong Sales and Service Skills. Understanding the Financial and Regulatory framework. Understanding Customer Demands and providing appropriate solutions. Resolving clients inquires.

  18. Standard Bank CIB Operations Learnership

    Location: Johannesburg. Application Deadline: 01 December 2023. Note: Our recruitment processes adhere to local laws and regulations. We will never ask for money as part of the recruitment process. If you encounter such requests, contact our fraud line on +27 800222050 or [email protected]. APPLY NOW.

  19. The cover letter that will get you a job in a bank

    If you're applying for a graduate job in a bank, keep it short and sweet. "The first paragraph is just to say who you are and why you're writing the letter," says McLean. This paragraph might read something like. "I am an X with X year history of X at global banking firms including X as well as X. I have been working for X for the past X years ...

  20. Writing a professional CV

    1. CV layout - this consists of the following: Personal summary - A well-articulated write-up on the skills you are able to bring to the organisation and how you can utilise and improve on said skill. Contact details - Phone number, email address, location. Experience - Starting with your most recent.

  21. Banker Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Here are some steps you can follow when writing your banker cover letter: 1. Provide contact information. To begin your cover letter, you craft a straightforward and informative header that includes your contact details. In this component of your cover letter, try to include your full name, address, phone number and email address.

  22. Bank Teller Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Here are the steps to follow for writing a cover letter when pursuing a job as a cover letter: 1. Format your document. Create a new document in your preferred word processing program, and set up 1-inch margins. You may also choose to include a default cover letter template that some programs may offer. Choose a simple, professional font for ...

  23. Standard Bank Learnership (May 2024)

    Location: ZA, Gauteng, Roodeport, Carnation Street Job Type Classification: Permanent Closing Date: 12 May 2024 Salary: market related Job Overview A fantastic opportunity is being offered by Standard Bank to anyone looking to launch a career in the insurance industry. This learnership program is offered at our Roodeport location on Carnation Street in Gauteng. […]