how to make a social media presentation

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How to give the best social media presentation in 2024.

how to make a social media presentation

Raluca Cirjan

Apr 8, 2024

how to make a social media presentation

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Creating an engaging presentation for social media is essential when you want to show your team the ROI of your latest social campaign or impress a client you’re trying to land. With an engaging presentation you’ll captivate your audience and effectively convey your message.

This article will help you learn how to showcase your work and deliver the key message while keeping your audience hooked. Pair this new knowledge with our free social media presentation template , and you’re ready to conquer the world.

What is a social media presentation?

How to create a social media presentation.

  • How to present your social media work
  • Social media marketing presentations to inspire you

A social media presentation is a visual document that shows how social media can be used to achieve specific goals or objectives . It can be used to pitch an idea to a potential client, to show how social media can be used in a marketing campaign, or simply to educate others about the benefits of using social media .

When creating a social media presentation , consider the following:

  • Who is your audience? Pick examples that will address your listeners’ specific pain points and make them nod in agreement.
  • What are you trying to achieve? Have a clear goal in mind: are you pitching to land a new client or showcasing your quarterly results and ROI to non-social-media-savvy execs?
  • What story do you want to tell?  Use your storytelling skills by including the problem, the actions to solve it, the resolution, and the results; always end with a call to action.
  • What is the hook? Hooking your audience early ensures you have their attention throughout. A good hook and withholding just enough information draws people in and intrigues them immediately. T hink shocking statistics, rhetorical questions, growth stats, engagement metrics or mind-blowing KPIs. 

Where do you even start creating your presentation? Different environments and audiences require a different presentation and tone of voice. Your social media marketing presentation should point out the advantages of personalized social media content and drive your main message home.

Properly showcasing your work can help you make a good first impression on potential clients and build a stronger relationship with existing ones. With this in mind, let’s tackle the topic of presenting your social media work to clients. The smart way: with the right social media marketing presentation. Ready, get set, read!

Using eye-popping videos, pixel-perfect images, and engaging storytelling, social media platforms help brands increase awareness, connect with their potential customers, and boost sales.

Step 1: Gather data & insights for your presentation about social media

Don’t skip your research and project discovery phase . Prepare an audit of the client’s existing social media presence, do a competitive analysis, understand the brand’s audience, and come up with content that is tailored to their needs. You can’t skip these steps if you’re looking to build a long-term professional relationship with your client and get the desired results.

  • Identify your audience
  • Pinpoint the tone of voice
  • Introduce solutions to common pain points

After doing your research, think about the extra things that can help you make a great first impression. It’s not enough to know the client’s past social media activity.

Look into the company’s values and overall website performance . Show them you’re really interested in their business by making content suggestions that support and emphasize their core values. It might help if you have similar clients in your social media portfolio to prove your experience in that industry, but it’s not mandatory. 

A social media portfolio is a set of pieces of creative work that you can use to demonstrate your social media skills. Building an engaging and creative portfolio is essential for showcasing your expertise as a social media expert. It can be anything from past posts to analytic reports . 

Don’t be afraid to address both the brand’s strengths and weaknesses. If you are going to work with this client, their problems become your problems as well. Collaboration is one of the most common challenges in any business. The marketing department makes no exception.

Step 2: Decide where to host the social media presentation

So you found out what your client needs in terms of social media presence, you understand the target audience, and you’ve come up with some brilliant content ideas. Hooray!

Now it’s time to start thinking about the way you are going to showcase those social media slides to your client.

Are you planning on sending a social media Powerpoint presentation with slides for each platform? Have you already asked your designer friend to create some mockups in Photoshop? Or maybe you still have those secret test pages where you preview what your posts are going to look like. Are you maybe trying to save a ton of time and going with a premade template from Pitch’s proposal template collection or that lucky template you’ve used a few times before (and gotten amazing results with).

All of these solutions can work just fine up until the point when the client needs you to do a couple of changes. Then, a couple more.

Let’s analyze 4 environments you could use to present your work and explore what each of them allows you to do:

1. Planable — social media collaboration tool with great UI/UX

A dedicated social media management  tool is the right choice. Yes, it’s obvious we think that. It’s also true. 

how to schedule instagram posts planable

Planable offers one place to create, collaborate, showcase, and approve social media content. We help you preview Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Google My Business, and YouTube posts — I’m outta breath with so many platforms we support — exactly as they appear when published.

We really offer one of the best marketing presentation formats you can think of. 

With Planable, you can visualize content by week or month and see everything at a glance across all your pages. You can strategically plan and schedule your content by dragging and dropping posts in your predefined time slots. One calendar, one integrated social media marketing strategy presentation across multiple channels.

how to make a social media presentation

With Planable, teams can plan and create content for pretty much all the major channels out there. We’re talking about:

  • Scheduling recurring Facebook posts .
  • Planning and layout out beautiful Instagram grids .
  • Scheduling TikTok videos .
  • Writing and scheduling thought-provoking LinkedIn content .
  • Spreading the word about your chic local brewery with Google My Business .
  • Writing tags and descriptions for multiple YouTube videos at once instead of doing it individually.
  • Crafting the perfect, character-number-appropriate Twitter post .

Showcase all that hard work described above to clients in all its beauty without relying on spreadsheets and clunky mockups.

Make social media presentations with Planable’s mockup pages

Have you ever taken a look at your work and went “boy, I’m sure looking forward to setting up a test page to show all this stuff to my client!”? No? Thought so.

The format you present your work is just as important as the work itself. And let’s be real, test pages and screenshot-laden PowerPoint presentations are messy.

Enter mock-up pages. In Planable, you can create a custom page for any of the 7 supported platforms quickly and hassle-free. You don’t even have to connect the actual page. If you don’t have permission and don’t want to ask the client just yet, you can still show them your work in context.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Go to “Add pages” in your workspace
  • Select the relevant platform
  • Click on “Create a mockup page”

how to make a social media presentation

While we’re at it, here are some of the details you can tweak to make your mockup pages as enticing and personalized to your client’s wishes as humanly possible:

  • Profile image
  • Cover photo
  • Page description

Your mock-up page is ready for feedback and collaboration!

If you want to elevate your mockup page to the status of “totally publishable content”, simply connect it to a real account. You can find this option in your page’s settings:

how to make a social media presentation

2. Powerpoint or Keynote — best for primary social media presentation templates

Social media PPT presentations or Keynote slides can be distributed easily to the team and clients. You can use text, photos, illustrations , drawings, tables, graphs, and movies to effectively walk your audience through the presentation. So far, so good. You can choose to structure your work by social media channels (Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram/Twitter posts), time (month/week/day), or formats (single image/video/carousel/gif, etc.)

Keynote presentation of Facebook posts for March

Unfortunately, even if you go the extra mile and manage to create previews of the social media posts and add them to your presentation, these are often incomplete. Take the carousel, for example. Showing the rest of the cards would imply extra mockups or a separate email with links to Google Drive, where you would have a folder with all the images.

3. Google slides — popular for standard templates designed for social media presentations

This is a useful tool for collaborative presentations. You can work on slides together with your team without any special software, and you can see what other people are doing at all times. Plus, every change made will be saved automatically, so there’s no need to worry about losing anything important. 

how to make a social media presentation

Google Slides’ predecessor, PowerPoint, has always been a complicated tool that makes it hard to create simple presentations. Not everyone understands Powerpoint’s options and what they mean at first glance, which leads many beginners into confusion when starting out. By comparison, Google Slides is much more intuitive and user-friendly. 

Since Google Slides is a web-based tool, you don’t need to download any software, and you can start creating your slides from the get-go. You can easily embed videos (and other media you can think of), which makes it super convenient for social media managers looking to showcase their work or mockup accounts. 

As with any new software, there is a learning curve when you first start using Google Slides. Among the biggest drawbacks of this tool for presenting your social media work is the limited collection of themes and limited file types for exporting.

4. Social media test pages — best for creating a presentation on social media pages

Facebook Test Page with one social media post

Social media test pages are the closest you are going to get to the actual outcome of your work. These previews allow everyone to see what the posts are going to look like on the official pages. You can also invite your team and clients to post and leave feedback in the comment section of each post.

Even though it is time-consuming, a lot of agencies and social media managers still use this method to showcase their work. This proves that seeing social media posts as though they’re live before approving them is something that clients want and need.

But you’re the marketer here. You need to think about both the upsides and the downsides. Before embracing this solution, bear in mind that you would have to create one test page for every social media platform that the client is using. What happens when the person who is responsible for approving the content does not own a social media account on a particular platform? Another thing to take into consideration is the privacy issue. Your client trusts that no other people get to see that jolly Christmas campaign before it’s (at least) December.

Fortunately, you don’t need to look for solutions to these kinds of problems. It’s 2020. There are tools out there that solve both the challenge of presenting your work and receiving feedback. It’s not a secret. In fact, thousands of marketers have already chosen this type of solution. Fast collaboration. Easy planning. And support that will never, ever leave you hangin’.

Are you planning on sending a social media Powerpoint presentation with slides for each platform? Have you already asked your designer friend to create some mockups in Photoshop? Or maybe you still have those secret test pages where you preview what your posts are going to look like. All of these solutions can work just fine up until the point when the client needs you to do a couple of changes.

How to choose the right environment for your social media presentation:

  • It has to allow the marketing team and client to see pixel-perfect content previews of the social media posts;
  • Any format, whether it’s text, video, gif, link, photo, album, or carousel, should be easy to show; 
  • Your social media work should be rich in emojis, active hashtags, page tags, or gifs. Your client needs to be able to see them as they will appear live;
  • It has to allow your posts to be adapted to the intended channel accordingly, whether there are image formats or character limits;
  • Ideally, your client should be able to visualize content by week or month and see everything at a glance across all the pages;
  • It needs to make collaboration easy for your team and clients. Changes to the original work are inevitable, so make sure to plan ahead. For instance, your solution should make it possible to give feedback right next to the posts, to add attachments to comments, resolve comments once feedback is implemented, and collaborate in real-time;
  • Whatever solution you choose, make sure it improves your team’s efficiency. No extra clicks, no need for extra communication channels to give and receive feedback.
  • Everything should be automated; Push notifications should be an exception. This is why Planable has the option to directly publish your posts ( Instagram included ) without manual work.

Step 3: Create your social media presentation outline

A presentation outline is a very important part of writing. It’s basically the skeleton of your essay, and if you’re going to have a good structure, then you need one. During the writing process, it’s key to make sure that your ideas are well organized. By writing an outline of what you’re planning on saying in a social media presentation beforehand, you can be sure that all of your points have a good transition and that you cover everything you set out to go over.

Step 4: Structure & organize the social media marketing presentation

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to shape your random ideas into a concrete social media presentation. Now that you have an idea of what the message should be, the design and organizing step implies molding your ideas into a digestible and appealing form for your audience. You want them to lap up your content, so don’t skimp out on the creativity.

The first step is to make a list of all the information that you want to include in your presentation. From there, decide on an organizational structure for this information.

Here’s an idea of how you can structure your presentation in three broad sections:

  • Introduce yourself & your team
  • Show your work
  • Present the social media management pricing range
  • Include a CTA

How to nail a social media marketing presentation

We all know there are many things to do before delivering a presentation. You must be confident, practice in front of the mirror, organize your slides and devices , and take care of any last-minute changes. 

Before the social media presentation

Preparation goes beyond last-minute adjustments. Here are a couple of valuable assets that will help you with presentations in general.

“Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

how to make a social media presentation

The secret to making your message ‘stick’ is all in the details. Once you know what makes people remember things, it’s easy to formulate a coherent and compelling argument for them!

Chip & Dan Heath’s book does exactly that (and more). It helps you understand how to make your audience remember the core message of your presentation. How to formulate your vision so that it ‘sticks’ in their minds with a simple formula:  Simple, Unexpected, Credible, Concrete, Emotional, Story (yep, it spells success).

“How to sound smart in your Tedx talk” by Will Stephen

Stephen’s viral and hilarious Tedx talk shows the power of confidence, inflection, and empathy. It’s the perfect example of presentation skills at work. Here’s the gist of the presentation:

  • gesticulate and use inflection to appear confident
  • ask the audience questions
  • tell an anecdote to connect with your audience
  • use images and other media
  • dress accordingly
  • build intensity, then change the tone near the end
  • connect the end of the speech to the beginning

After social media marketing presentation

Your offline deck is just as important as your live presentation. It’s always great to follow up after your live presentation. Remind them what it was about, include some highlights, and thank them for their time. This will not only help you stay in contact, but it can seriously increase your chances of hearing back from customers or potential clients. 

Done with your presentation? Engaging online or following up has several benefits. 

If you’ve given a social media presentation, follow up by sending thank-you notes or surveys. This will make sure your message stays fresh in people’s minds. Your focus should still be on offering value, not taking up someone’s time.

Social media presentation examples to get inspiration

Need some inspo? Here are six hand-picked examples to get those creative juices flowin’!

1. Introduction to Social Media Strategy Presentation

Before jumping into the never-ending nebula of content ideas for social media, never underestimate the power of an efficient social media strategy. That’s what this presentation will cover: the main aspects of creating a social media strategy for your brand . As a true geek, my favorite slide of this presentation is the one that defines SMART Goals and gives a specific example. 

2. 10+ Social Media Tips – Social Media Starts with a Content Strategy

If your social media strategy is fired-up and ready to meet the social networks, check out these slides with straight-up tried social media content tips & tricks. Skipping the fluffy theories, Joe Pulizzi takes us through the steps of creating a content plan that makes sense by giving explicit examples. 

3. How to: Optimise Facebook & Youtube for your Business

Check out this presentation that takes you step by step through the use of Facebook pages and YouTube features. If you’re new to Facebook and YouTube as a business, Megalyn will help you build brand awareness using social media. 

4. TikTok Hashtag challenge – for content ideas proposals

Planning on using a specific social media channel in your strategy? Here’s how to present it to the client. Pick a specific direction for your social media content and describe it: present the general concept and its potential, and showcase the most popular campaigns and their results (if possible). Take this TikTok Hashtag challenge as an example: 

5. Launching something new? Here’s a Website Launch Plan Presentation

Here’s an alternative way to present a website without building it from scratch. Tip: always include a meeting agenda and a summary of your project in the presentation. This would prepare the audience for what the presentation will cover and will emphasize that you’re an organized person/team. 

6. Weekly Progress Meetings Presentations

Once you’ve set up a social media workflow with your team and clients, it’s time to set up a weekly progress meeting. These meetings will help everyone exchange insights, get clarity and solve or anticipate possible issues. It’s also a good time to point out the main goals you’re seeking to achieve by implementing a social media strategy. Here’s an example of what your presentation could look like.

how to make a social media presentation

Raluca Cîrjan, Digital Marketing Specialist Advertising and social media enthusiast, fast learner & ailurophile. I believe that one joke a day keeps the doctor away. Feel free to share a funny story with me.

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how to make a social media presentation

9 Steps to Create a Social Media Strategy in 2024 [Templates & Examples]

The companies that are successful on social media aren’t tackling everything at once. They’re picking a few strategic channels, honing in on their audiences, and— above all —creating truly great content that educates and entertains.

4.7 billion people around the world now use at least one social platform. Yes, your audience is on social media. Yes, you can use it to scale your business. And yes , you will struggle if you don’t have a great social media strategy .

So let’s build that strategy step by step.

How to create a social media strategy

Step 1. document your goals, step 2. clarify your target audience, step 3. conduct competitive analysis, step 4. choose your channels.

  • Step 5. Choose your content formats and frequency

Step 6. Determine your internal success metrics

Step 7. plan out your budget, step 8. map out your collaboration processes.

  • Step 9. Continually improve your approach
  • Bonus: 7 social media strategy presentation templates

What is a social media strategy?

A social media strategy documents a business’s goals for social media marketing , target audience, top channels, and content categories to keep the team on track to achieve key business goals.

Social media managers can use Google Docs, Notion Docs, or PowerPoint presentations to write and visualize their strategies. Templates can save a ton of time with professional formatting. It’s also smart to use content collaboration software to present the content calendar portion of the strategy, and to organize work from multiple team members.

What should your social media strategy include?

A great social media strategy should at least include these essential sections:

  • Target audience
  • Competitor analysis
  • Content formats and categories
  • Success metrics
  • Budget allocation
  • Team collaboration plan
  • Content frequency and key timelines

how to make a social media presentation

Below, we go into more detail on how to create, document, and share your own strategy.

How to create a social media marketing strategy

Follow these steps and expert tips to help you craft your own strategy.

Join 5,000 marketing professionals and teams who already save multiple hours every week on creating and distributing social media content. Create a free account and start publishing today . 🙌

When you know your goals for social media , you can keep the rest of your strategy on track. Some companies only care about audience growth and branding, while others expect to drive measurable sales directly from social content.

The right goals for your business really depend on what you sell.

If you sell a low-cost e-commerce product, you can easily gain direct sales from social platforms. But B2B companies might need to use social media to gain leads and keep in touch with their existing customers.

The longer and more complex your sales cycle, the less likely you’ll be able to tie social media directly to revenue. Instead, you should set goals that are related to brand awareness, lead generation, community building, and customer retention.

💡Helpful Tips :

  • Come up with 2 - 5 goals yourself before meeting with stakeholders to get their input. This will provide a better starting point for the meeting.
  • Make your goals as specific and measurable as possible . For example, instead of “We want to grow our audience,” write “We want to grow our audience by 60%.” Or instead of, “Our goal is to increase our customer acquisition from social channels,” write “Our goal is to increase our social media customer acquisition from 2% of our overall acquisition to 10%.”

It’s important to include descriptions of your target audience in your documented strategy so that you can craft the strategy through the lens of what your audience will really care about.

The next step is to write down exactly who your target audience is.

B2C companies typically use a variety of demographics and interests. For example, 30- to 50-year-old women who are interested in housekeeping, home decor, and minimalism.

But B2B companies are usually better off using the jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) framework , as their target customers can come from a wide variety of age, gender, and ethnic backgrounds.

JTBD teaches us to define our customers by the jobs they need to get done. For example, a chief cybersecurity officer needs to protect his organization against ransomware.

  • Review your target audience description with all stakeholders to make sure everyone is on board. Iron out any disagreements until you’ve defined your audience accurately.
  • If you have two or more target audiences, create a page or section in your strategy for each one. Later on in step 5, create a content plan for each audience and describe how you will address the needs of your different audiences.

What are your competitors doing on social media? Deep competitor analysis can make it easier to know exactly how to approach your own social media accounts.

With your goals and target audience clear, you’ll be able to select the right competitors to analyze.

You should analyze at least 3 competitors from each of these categories:

  • Direct competitors - Companies that offer a similar solution to solve a similar problem.
  • Indirect competitors - Companies that offer a different solution to solve a similar problem.
  • Content competitors - Companies that compete with you for your target audience’s attention on social media, even if the problems you solve are different.

As with every part of your social strategy, the competitive analysis needs to be well documented. You can’t just spy on your competitors without writing anything down. At the very least, you should list their channels, account handles, followings, content formats, and content pillars.

  • Create a Google Sheet and make a row for each competitor. Then, in your strategy presentation, create a section for your overall findings from competitor analysis. Link to the spreadsheet so stakeholders can dive into the details. SproutSocial offers a helpful competitive analysis template specifically for social media.

competitor analysis for social media strategy

  • What content gets the best engagement? How about the worst? For thorough content analysis, link to the top 10 highest-performing and top 10 lowest-performing posts for each of your competitors. Put these in your spreadsheet, so you’ll have inspiration 24/7.

Start by listing out the distribution channels you hope to tackle, making sure to include only channels your audience is actually present on.

Then, use the RICE method to choose which channels you should actually prioritize right now. With the RICE method, you give each item a score from 1 to 10 for these categories : Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. (For effort, if it’s a low effort, you give a higher score.)

Then, you tally up the scores to discover which channels to choose. For example, let’s say you want to take on TikTok, but your confidence and effort scores are such that it doesn’t make it into your top 3.

  • Depending on the size of your team and budget, choose the social channels for which you will have sufficient resources to create great content and manage audience engagement.
  • If your budget and resources are low, choose only 1 or 2 channels to start with. Once you’ve met some of your goals on your core channels and you have the resources needed to create content for another channel, then you can take that on next.
  • Consider content repurposing when choosing channels. For example, you might find that you can handle Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn because you are repurposing your Instagram content for the other 3 platforms.

Automate posting to Facebook, Twitter (X), Linkedin, Instagram, Instagram Reels, TikTok, Pinterest and many more. Try it free ! 🙌

how to make a social media presentation

Step 5. Choose your content formats, pillars, and frequency

Your content creation strategy should make up a sizeable portion of your overall documented social media strategy. What kind of content will you create? Which formats and media types will you use? Which content pillars will you satisfy?

Content formats

Social media algorithms love native content. This means content that was truly designed for that platform, rather than trying to get people off the platform. So, you might create a Facebook post with multiple images, a LinkedIn carousel, a TikTok video, etc.

Every social platform has its own content formats. Some platforms have tons of different formats. Instagram, for example, allows you to create Stories, Reels, Carousels, Feed Posts, Lives, and more. Instagram is known for copying other platforms like TikTok and Snapchat.

As you can see in this example, Quickbooks uses Posts, Guides, Reels, and Stories.

Quickbooks Instagram content

Now TikTok is getting in on the copycat action, having released a feature similar to BeReal’s quick post challenges .

Should you try to keep up with every content format under the sun? Absolutely not.

Try choosing just 2 to 3 content formats for each channel. This way, you can satisfy different learning styles and test the formats over time to see what works.

Social media content pillars

Tie your content pillars to customer concerns. What do customers ask you about? What do they want to know? The answers to these questions should guide your 3 to 6 content categories, your social media content pillars .

how to make a social media presentation

Posting frequency

A great social media strategy covers how frequently you’ll post each type of content on each channel.

  • How will your social media content play into your overall content marketing funnel ? Make sure to include these details in this section of your strategy. For example, you might share your plan for promoting lead magnets to generate leads.
  • Make sure to also include details on how you will source content in this section. Will you source user-generated content (UGC) ? Will you partner with other companies?
  • Set a fixed slot for the best times to post on each social media channel.

Your strategy should include the specific metrics you’ll collect to measure success . You might also list any benchmarks you intend to hit.

Here are some examples of social media metrics:

  • Post engagement rate
  • Account mentions
  • Impressions
  • Leads generated per post or campaign
  • Conversions generated per post or campaign
  • Website traffic per channel
  • Audience count
  • Audience growth rate

The metrics you choose will depend on your strategy as well as your prowess with data collection and analytics .

FYI: With StoryChief, reporting and analytics are seamlessly integrated into one powerful tool, making it easier than ever to track and optimize your content performance. Create a free account and start optimizing content today . 🙌

how to make a social media presentation

  • In your strategy document, clarify what you’ll track for each channel. For example, for TikTok, you might clarify that you’ll track views, likes, comments, and saves per post, as well as audience count, audience growth rate, and website traffic for the entire channel.
  • If you’re not an expert at collecting social media metrics or attributing business results to organic channels, then include phases in your strategy. In phase 1, you might collect impression and engagement metrics, while in phase 2, you might start collecting conversion metrics. This way, you can focus on implementing the strategy first without worrying about doing the setup upfront.

Write down your company’s budget for social media and how you plan to spend it.

Your budget can include:

  • Hard costs like social media software or agency retainers
  • Variable costs such as freelancer hours
  • The amount you are spending on internal hires related to social media

Some social media managers might also manage paid advertising and the costs required to boost the visibility of certain posts. If so, be sure to include that as well. If you have a separate team or department for paid advertising, then you don't need to include those costs in your budget.

  • It’s best to plan quarterly because social media is a fast-changing industry. The more results you get from social channels, the more budget you’ll be able to advocate for.
  • Make sure to reserve 70%+ of your budget for content creation. A great social media presence requires top-tier content. Your remaining budget can get spread between audience engagement work, software, and other related costs.

Your strategy should also include a plan for content collaboration with your team. List out who will work on social media, what tasks each person will do, and what tools you’ll use to coordinate that work.

Make sure to also clarify the process for collaboration . For example, you might create a diagram for the 5 phases of your ongoing social media work:

  • Content planning
  • Content creation
  • Content review

Then, you can detail which people, tasks, and tools fit into which stages.

  • Know that social media collaboration is an ongoing battle. Add a phase in your strategy to review your collaboration processes and make continuous improvements.
  • Use content collaboration software designed to save time and streamline your efforts. You can use StoryChief to brief, assign, create, review, schedule, publish, and analyze all of your digital content, including social media, blog posts, email marketing, and more.

Cureight Content Solutions faced challenges with editing and processing feedback in Google Docs before they started using StoryChief. By collaborating through StoryChief, they can conveniently store content briefs, feedback, and deadlines in a single platform. Additionally, they can publish content after approval without the need to switch between platforms.

Step 9. Implement your strategy and continually improve your approach

Now it’s time to get to work.

Once your team has accepted your strategy, you’ll need to put the plan into motion. If you’re creating a social media strategy from scratch, you might need to implement new software, design templates, and create a tone of voice or brand guidelines .

  • Add phases to your strategy document. For example, you might have Strategy Creation; Strategy Discussion & Review; Initial Implementation; and Results Analysis & Strategy Updates. This way, you show your team members that you’ve scheduled time in to actually check whether or not the strategy was successful.
  • When analyzing the results of your strategy, make sure to review everything: the channels, content formats, content pillars, posting frequencies, etc. to find opportunities to improve.

7 social media marketing strategy presentation templates

We’ve rounded up the very best free and affordable templates to help you create, visualize, and share your social media strategy.

💡Tip : Some templates can be mixed and matched. For example, you can add a Lucidchart diagram to your Notion doc or PowerPoint presentation, and then use StoryChief to share the content calendar aspect of your social media strategy.

1. Gantt’s Social Media Strategy Template

social media strategy template

Gantt is a project management software that’s excellent for—you guessed it—using Gantt charts to map out tasks and project phases.

Their Social Media Strategy Plan Template uses a similar approach to map out work throughout the year. You can use it to visualize your recurring processes for research, analysis, content creation, and review. While it’s great for organizing your tasks, it’s not suitable for actually documenting your strategy. So, you’ll likely want to use Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Notion for that.

2. Social Media Strategy Template by DesignsDuke

social media strategy presentation template

CreativeMarket is an excellent resource for super-affordable templates. This Social Media Strategy Presentation Template by DesignsDuke costs as much as a t-shirt and is compatible with Adobe InDesign and PowerPoint.

This template is great for pushing you to dig deeper in your research, helping you organize your thoughts, and of course, presenting your strategy either in person or virtually.

The sections include:

  • Market analysis
  • Audience demographic
  • Analyzing the competition
  • Top social networks
  • Content sharing plan
  • Content calendar
  • Collaborators
  • Guiding principles
  • KPI overview

3. StoryChief’s Social Media Content Calendar Template

social media strategy with content calendar

When you use StoryChief to strategize and plan your social media content, you get access to our Content Calendar . This means that once you create and plan your content, it will auto-publish posts according to your schedule. You don’t have to double up your work by copying content from Notion over to a social media scheduler.

You can plan, collaborate, schedule, and measure results all in one place. Learn more about managing content collaboration with StoryChief.

4. Natalie Furness’s Growth Marketing Strategy Template for Notion

growth marketing strategy template

Natalie Furness is a revenue operations consultant who specializes in growth marketing. Her Growth Marketing Strategy Template for Notion is one of the most detailed marketing strategy templates we’ve ever seen. While it’s not specific to social media, you can easily use it to document your strategy for social media specifically.

It includes:

  • SWOT analysis
  • Strategy documentation
  • Key growth metrics
  • Attribution analytics
  • OKR tracking
  • Customer journey maps
  • Marketing partner database

By following this template and filling out every detail, you’ll create a social media strategy that will impress stakeholders and keep efforts on track toward reaching important business goals.

This video walks you through the marketing strategy template in more detail:

5. Easlo’s Social Media Planner for Notion

social media planner template

Notion has a template library where you can find their free templates as well as ones for sale by the Notion community (at affordable prices). Easlo’s Social Media Planner is an excellent template for any team already using Notion. You can track your social media strategy in terms of channels, content formats, and post frequency, as well as your content calendar and upcoming tasks.

And of course, you can create a separate Notion doc to outline your target audience, goals, and success metrics.

6. Social Media Strategy Template by Latasha James

social media strategy template

Latasha James is a social media strategist and manager who teaches other marketing agency owners how to create effective social media strategies for their clients. In her Social Media Management Toolbox course, she offers a social media strategy template that covers business goals, content audits, recommended channels, posting schedules, content formats, content pillars, and examples of content ideas.

You can watch this walkthrough of her Social Media Strategy Template and recreate your own version using Google Slides or Canva.

7. Lucidchart’s Marketing Plan Template

social media strategy template

Lucidchart is a popular tool for creating diagrams and flowcharts. Their Marketing Plan Template can be easily customized for your social media strategy. Add your channels, content formats, and content categories to the mind map to help you visualize your overall approach.

On its own, this graphic isn’t comprehensive enough. So, be sure to download the image and upload it to your overall strategy document, where you can describe why you’ve chosen certain channels, content formats, and content categories.

Top 4 tools for creating your social media strategy

When creating a social media strategy, you need the right tools. You can use all of these together for different purposes.

1. StoryChief

StoryChief is a platform designed to help you collaborate on organic content . Content managers, social media managers, and freelancers can all work together in one place. So, rather than plan your content on one platform and schedule it on another, you can save time and never have to double up on your work.

How to use it for your social media strategy :

StoryChief is best used for sharing your first content calendar during the strategy process. Then, you can continue to use it for implementation and analytics.

Check out this tutorial to learn how to set up your channels, integrations, and content calendar:

Canva is a popular design tool that is an easy cloud-based alternative to professional design products like Adobe InDesign.

How to use it for your social strategy :

This tool is great for presenting your strategy. Create slides for all of the key sections and share the link with stakeholders, or organize a meeting to present and take feedback.

social media strategy presentation slides

With Miro , you can visualize or diagram anything. Consider it a visual whiteboard and design tool. You can use it to organize your thoughts and create attractive images.

Miro has a lot of use cases when you’re fleshing out your strategy. You could use their RICE method template when prioritizing channels and then include the visual in your strategy presentation:

RICE method for scoring and prioritization

Or, you can use it to illustrate how social media fits into your content funnel, how you’ll collaborate as a team, or just about any other process or method.

4. Google Sheets

It’s hard to imagine life without Google Sheets . While not as fully featured as Microsoft Excel, this tool is a favorite among many digital workers who want to collaborate in the cloud.

It’s great for organizing just about any data.

Google Sheets is best used when analyzing your competitors. You can include information on your competitors’ followings and top content. Then add your key takeaways to your presentation slides.

social media competitor analysis

We have 20 more social media agency tools listed here: from creation to management, monitoring, and employee advocacy.

Social media strategy examples [by channel]

In this section, we’ll deep-dive into example social media strategies for Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok and Pinterest. Additionally, if you’re looking to get actionable insights into how social media algorithms work in 2024, take a look at this blog post.

Instagram social media strategy

Because Instagram provides so many different types of content formats, you can really let your creativity shine. However, the accounts that are getting the fastest growth are those that post Reels regularly .

Example company: Shopify

Shopify is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world. It’s used by billion-dollar brands and new startups alike.

Shopify’s Instagram account features only a few types of content formats:

  • Standard feed posts
  • Carousel posts

They don’t do Stories. They don’t do Lives.

Let this be a lesson in not biting more than you can chew!

Shopify Instagram account

They provide really high-quality vertical videos, as you can see in this funny example:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Shopify (@shopify)

Shopify knows how to play the social media game. They don’t work too hard to educate their audience on what Shopify does. Instead, they focus on brand awareness and use viral content to drive as much traffic as possible to their Linkpop .

Too many B2B brands are failing on Instagram because they’re attempting to appeal to companies instead of people. Shopify only makes human-centric content.

Interestingly, Shopify also drinks its own Kool-Aid, because they sell products from its own e-commerce store that are designed for its audience, such as t-shirts that say “entrepreneur” on them.

Twitter social media strategy

Twitter is a great place to show off your funny side, and of course, share links to your great content.

Example company: Adobe

Adobe offers a variety of products for creatives, small businesses, and enterprise marketers. Although Adobe is a large enterprise company, they do a good job of keeping its social media content personable and informal.

Like many companies, Adobe uses their Twitter account to drive traffic to the free content featured on their website.

If your camera roll is 99.9% pictures of your pet, this one's for you. 🐾 Find your furry friend's purrfect angle: — Adobe (@Adobe) October 29, 2022

But they also wisely post native content that doesn’t include any links. Like this funny tweet that is relatable to designers, photographers, and other digital workers.

Just one more edit… – two hours ago 🤡 — Adobe (@Adobe) November 1, 2022

Adobe has a massive global audience. Their 800K+ Twitter followers could be made up of everyone from amateur photographers to Fortune 100 business executives. They do a good job of providing mass appeal with their Twitter content.

Adobe uses their Twitter account to send traffic to the homepage of their website as well as to their free content for designers and photographers.

To keep their account relatable, they focus most of the content on their small business audience. This makes sense because they can garner big business clientele through inside sales and leave social media to win over small businesses, students, and individuals.

LinkedIn social media strategy

LinkedIn is the best platform for reaching a professional audience. Use it to connect with small business owners and employees from organizations of all sizes.

Example company: Gong

Gong is a revenue intelligence platform. The company is known for its bold, no-nonsense branding.

Gong employees at all levels of the organization post regularly and garner lots of brand awareness for the company.

For example, this post from RVP Dana Feldman shares behind-the-scenes SDR tips:

LinkedIn post example from Gong showing employee advocacy

Employee advocacy is the name of the game on LinkedIn. Personal accounts get far more visibility than company accounts. The team at Gong understands this and dominates LinkedIn. People from a variety of teams post regularly, including marketing, product, sales, and the c-suite.

TikTok social media strategy

The TikTok algorithm shows users new content on the For You page. Creators can focus on making great content, without having to spend time commenting on other people’s posts to drive traffic back to their own accounts.

Example company: Rachel Pedersen

Rachel Pedersen is a business coach and social media strategist who trains social media managers in growing their businesses and who also helps entrepreneurs and influencers grow their reach and income through social media.

Her TikTok content has racked up over 19 million likes on TikTok so far.

Because her audience is small business owners, she uses a more personal approach. She posts about motherhood, entrepreneurship, freelancing, mental health, and other topics that matter to her and her audience.

Rachel Pedersen TikTok

In her free TikTok Business Bundle , Rachel shares that her TikTok strategy looks something like this:

how to make a social media presentation

She sells courses on growing social media accounts and on starting a business as a social media manager.

Pinterest social media strategy

A lot of bloggers and digital publishers use Pinterest to promote their content, making it an excellent platform for not only targeting middle-class millennial women ( the biggest user segment ), but also online creators.

Example company: ConvertKit

ConvertKit is an email marketing software that is popular amongst bloggers, freelancers, course creators, coaches, and other small business owners.

With their Pinterest account, ConvertKit does an excellent job of targeting their small business audience. They share productivity tips, marketing advice, and useful templates and tutorials.

ConvertKit's Pinterest account

ConvertKit utilizes Pinterest’s SEO features to get views and clicks not only from their own followers but from Pinterest searches too. The account has just 4.9K followers, but 2.5 million monthly views, meaning they are SEO-optimizing every pin to further its reach.

For all of their blog content and lead magnets, they create dozens of different pins linking back to those URLs.

Implement your social media strategy with StoryChief

StoryChief gives you all of the tools you need to plan, create, schedule, promote, and analyze your content.

Join 5,000 marketing professionals and teams who already save multiple hours every week on creating and distributing content. Create a free account and start publishing today . 🙌

how to make a social media presentation

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how to make a social media presentation

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How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

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How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

What is social media presentation.

In the digital age, where attention spans are shrinking, creating an effective social media presentation is crucial for capturing and retaining any client’s interest. For example, when a business is looking for a social media manager (SMM) to boost their company’s social media presence, they want to know what will be done before it is actually done: what results they’ll get and what methods will be used to achieve them. That’s when a social media presentation comes in handy as the most attractive and informative way to introduce a business PowerPoint presentation .

If you wonder how to present a social media strategy, consider the below tips to help guide your path forward. In today’s article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to create an impactful social media strategy PPT for any platform that not only conveys your message effectively but also engages your client, so dive right in!

social media campaign presentation

How to create a social media strategy presentation?

Before you design slides, you need to have text, images, or infographics to add. A social media PowerPoint presentation must be related to content such as your social media strategy. Below, we share the steps that will help you craft an impactful social media marketing presentation for client they will never forget!

Disclaimer: You should not limit yourself to just one slide, e.g., to show the target audience, and we’ll now give you an approximate skeleton to follow.

Set goals: Slide 1 ⎼ Social media goals

To present informative social media presentation slides, you should have a solid discussion with the client to discover their business goals and transform them into social media goals. It will impact further brand presentation and research on the target audience, competitors, and promotion methods. In such a presentation, your clients will expect clear and tangible metrics.

For example, a shoe company wants to boost its sales using Instagram. In this case, you have to create goals of getting more conversions in sales, like increased clicks to the company’s website. Your social media analytics presentation should depict how a specific promotion method on a specific platform will give specific numbers.

Pro advice: Use Google Analytics for enhanced tracking and PowerPoint redesign services to create compelling diagrams.

Research your audience: Slide 2 ⎼ Target audience

Most clients know the “persona” they are marketing to, but your task is understanding if desirable business goals match the typical buyer persona. If the client doesn’t know their target audience, you should make recommendations but still try to discover the location, age, occupation, or favorite game of the people they want to reach. The more criteria you know, the more targeted tone and voice you will be able to use to influence people’s choices.

Research competitors: Slide 3 ⎼ Competitors

An effective social media marketing presentation ppt has to analyze direct competitors that definitely exist. And their SMM has already tried promotion strategies for you to learn from or avoid. Researching competitors is about thinking outside the box and analyzing their mistakes or successes. Your client should not be present on every platform, so do research and explore which ones will work best for their business.

When looking at competitors, consider two main things:

  • MARKET GAP (e.g., there is no podcast about house plant care).
  • LEAD ENGAGEMENT (e.g., they get fantastic traffic from Instagram).

Remember, researching competitors teaches you what to do and what not to do: posting frequency, type of content, followings of their followers, and more.

Do social media audit: Slide 4 ⎼ Social media analysis

Any social media report presentation must summarize what the company is already doing. It may be a new company you have to launch social media channels for, and it may be an experienced business looking for a new strategy.

If you create a social media strategy for an existing company, you have to audit its media to define baseline metrics: the number of followers, demographic data, average engagements, content performance, and other important analytics.

If you create a social media strategy for a startup, you will have what to offer only after researching their personas and suitable social media. For example, the target audience is women aged 40 to 55 living in the suburbs, so you offer to go with Facebook.

Set up the infrastructure: Slide 5 ⎼ Content posting tools

In the case of a new company, setting up the infrastructure means doing manual work or making use of SOPs to automate processes.

Answer the following questions if you’re going to do everything manually:

  • Am I going to post things natively?
  • How are we going to get the content calendars approved?
  • Am I the only one to contact/answer the audience in DM/messaging?

In the case of established companies, they will most probably onboard you on a tool they already use and assign a colleague for you to master it quickly.

Create a content calendar: Slide 6 ⎼ Instagram/Facebook/TikTok content calendar

The last thing is putting together your content calendar and content into motion, which can be the hardest part. The last slides in the social media presentations ppt show an example of a post and calendar in tools like CoSchedule. For instance, you will post stories daily, behind-the-scenes images twice a week, and share product posts thrice weekly.

Regardless of plenty of scheduling tools, we advise building a simple content calendar in Excel Spreadsheets to send directly to a client and get approval/feedback.

6 bonus tips for newbies

Tip #1: develop a compelling storyline.

Every effective presentation tells a story, and social media presentations are no exception. Craft a compelling narrative that takes your client on a journey, keeping them engaged from start to finish. Begin with a strong introduction, followed by a clear progression of ideas, and conclude with a memorable closing. Remember, a well-structured storyline can enhance the overall impact of your social media content strategy presentation.

Tip #2: Design eye-catching visuals

Visual elements play a crucial role in any presentation. Create visually appealing graphics, images, and videos that complement your content and are consistent with the brand’s aesthetics. Then, ensure they are optimized to maintain a professional and cohesive look across different devices.

Pro advice: If design is not your cup of tea, consider hiring a professional PowerPoint redesign company to create beautiful icons, diagrams, and other visuals for you.

Tip #3: Incorporate engaging multimedia

Diversify your content by incorporating various multimedia elements. Leverage the power of videos, GIFs, and interactive elements to captivate your client even more.

Tip #4: Keep your social media presentation ppt concise

In the fast-paced world of social media, conciseness is key, so keep your presentation focused on the essential points. Avoid overwhelming your client with excessive information. Instead, prioritize clarity and simplicity to ensure your message is easily digestible. Consider using bullet points, short sentences, and impactful visuals to convey your ideas efficiently.

Tip #5: Leverage data and statistics

Support your claims and statements with relevant data and statistics. Incorporating credible information not only adds authenticity to your presentation on social media strategy but also helps build trust with your client. However, be sure to attribute your sources to enhance credibility.

Tip #6: Optimize for mobile

With the increasing use of smartphones, optimizing your presentation for mobile devices is crucial. Ensure that your content is responsive and looks appealing on smaller screens. Test your presentation on various devices to identify and address any formatting issues. A mobile-friendly presentation enhances accessibility and caters to the preferences of on-the-go clients.

Creating an effective social media campaign presentation requires a thoughtful combination of understanding the client’s needs and their target audience, compelling storytelling, and visually engaging content. By following the tips outlined above, you’ll be well-equipped to craft presentations your client will most definitely appreciate.

In case you need any help with social media slide design, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional assistance. Our presentation design experts are available to help 24/7/365!

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Make Your Social Media Presentations Outstanding with these Tips and Templates 

Ashish Arora

According to research by Global WebIndex, as of April 2023, social media is used by 60% of the world’s population, and the daily usage (on average) is 2 hours and 24 minutes (citation: Smart Insights ). These statistics reveal how crucial it is for businesses to have a prominent social media presence to reach their existing and potential customers. It also helps you gain insights into customers’ preferences, behaviors, and expectations and know their feedback.

Social media presentations are a great tool to showcase the information gathered from social media analytics to your team so they can understand your strategy. You can also create a presentation for your clients to showcase how the campaign is doing.

A thoughtfully designed and precisely delivered social media presentation can shape the future and open up a plethora of opportunities for your business. Therefore, in this article, we have provided you with a complete guide to creating an insightful and engaging presentation.

Let’s dive in!

Steps to Create a Stellar Social Media Presentation

1. do thorough research.

Behind every stellar and successful presentation is thorough research. For your social media presentation, you can focus your research on the following questions:

a). Who is your audience?

Whether you want to present to your team members and managers (internal stakeholders) or pitch to clients and investors (external stakeholders)? 

For example, suppose you are a social media marketer working in an agency and planning to pitch a social media plan to a client; you must have an in-depth understanding of their business, brand, industry, competitors, pain points, and current social strategy.

Knowing your audience is important to create the further roadmap of your presentation. 

b). What is your presentation objective?

Every presentation is designed and delivered with an objective or goal in mind. What’s your social media presentation objective?

Below are some common objectives-

For internal stakeholders (C-suite executives, senior managers, and team members):

  • showcasing your competitor’s standing
  • presenting the performance of your ongoing social media campaigns
  • depicting your upcoming social media plan or strategy
  • informing the team members about market trends and consumer behaviors
  • persuading the executive to buy in for a new social tool

For external stakeholders (clients and investors):

  • showing your work for winning big social media projects

The purpose keeps you guided and focused in the right direction and increases the chances of presentation success.

c). What is the hook?

A hook is an anchor that fastens your audience to your presentation till the last slide, keeping them active and engaged . You can intrigue them with rhetorical questions, shocking statistics, mind-blowing KPIs, growth stats, or engagement metrics.

2. Draft an Outline

Now you have a clear understanding of your audience, goal, and hook; it’s time to make the outline of your presentation. 

An outline is a synopsis of your talk and a structured arrangement of ideas in a logical manner, which helps you ensure that you have not missed any important points. It also lets you rehearse well and keep you on track while delivering the presentation .

In this step, you:

  • decide what to include in the presentation
  • group ideas into main points 
  • organize your points, sub-points, Q&A, and various elements of the speech in the logical flow
  • highlight 2-3 key takeaways

3. Design and Organize Your Slides

Design and structure your slides on the basis of the presentation outline. Think out-of-the-box ideas to make a great first impression on the audience.

Follow the below-given tips for better outcomes.

a). Keep Your Slides Simple and Succinct

If you want to avoid distraction and keep your audience attentive: 

  • keep your slides focused, simple, and free from unnecessary content. 
  • show one idea per slide. 
  • ensure the slide has enough white space and clean typography to enhance readability and comprehension.

how to make a social media presentation

b). Use Colors Purposefully

Using colors for the sake of decorating slides can backfire. So, be mindful while choosing colors. For better brand recognition, follow the color scheme guidelines provided in your brand’s or company’s style guide.

Understand the psychology, emotions, and perceptions associated with colors so that you can use them aptly to reinforce your message. For example, yellow denotes joy, hope, and danger. Green symbolizes freshness, growth, and nature. 

Whatever color scheme you choose, use it consistently throughout your presentation.

how to make a social media presentation

c). Include Data Visualization

Your audience will be easily able to connect the dots, understand the patterns and trends, gain valuable insights, and make informed decisions if you present complex and boring data in a visually pleasing manner through charts and graphs.

However, don’t visualize every single data point ; highlight the important ones only. Use different colors for each crucial data point to make it pop.

how to make a social media presentation

d). Share Examples of Your Work

Sharing examples of your work is necessary if you are pitching to a client. You can include statistics or screenshots of successful posts to give your potential clients a glimpse of how your tactics have worked for previous clients. 

This way, you can portray yourself as the right fit for the potential clients’ projects, making them believe in your skills, capabilities, and expertise.

e). Define a Call to Action

Don’t conclude your presentation without letting your audience know what they need to do after the presentation.

Use a strong and persuasive action word to compel the audience to act on it. Your CTA must be short, clear, relevant, and contextual.

Suppose you want your potential client to visit your website to explore your social media services; you can use any of the following CTAs (providing your website link).

  • Learn more on our website! 
  • Ready for a deeper dive? Head to our website for more information!
  • Visit our website to explore our offerings!

4. Plan Your Delivery

Presentation delivery is not just about sharing information; it is about building trust, inspiring confidence, and showcasing the value of your work. If delivered with the right pace, tone, and approach, a well-designed presentation can bring lots of opportunities for your business.  

Here are a few tips to make your presentation delivery more effective-

a). Use Your Tone and Pitch to Elicit Emotional Responses

The tone and pitch depend on the goal (inform, persuade, inspire, or engage) of your presentation. A lower pitch indicates authority, seriousness, or calmness. On the other hand, a higher pitch reflects fear, surprise, enthusiasm, or excitement.

So, first, identify the goal and then choose your words and pitch accordingly. 

For instance, if you want to inform your audience, use descriptive words to create vivid images and keep your pitch low.

If you have grown the social audience of your client by 60% and want to convey the same, say it this way with excitement in your voice-

 “60% growth in the last quarter, that’s incredible!”

b). Pay Heed to Your Body Language

Your body language utters a lot about your feelings to the audience and can make or break your presentation. 

You can follow these tips to look confident and professional-

  • Maintain proper eye contact; don’t stare.
  • Maintain a communicative and open posture.
  • Hold yourself upright to look more authoritative and convincing.
  • Use hand gestures to support your message.

c). Focus on Your Movements

Hiding behind the podium or standing in one place throughout your talk may diminish the overall effect. If you want to make a difference, use the stage effectively and purposefully. 

If you are presenting to a large audience on a big stage, move around at a normal pace. While transitioning your movements, take a pause to make eye contact with the audience. Your movements must not look choreographed.

If you are presenting to a small audience, limit your movements.

d). Engage Your Audience

The attention span of the audience is low. So, if you want them to participate actively, add interactive elements to your presentation. You can add polls, audio or visual elements, and quizzes to break the monotony. 

You can also ask the audience to raise questions or invite them on the stage to share their thoughts/feedback. It will give you a clear picture of whether your audience is understanding what you are saying or not. You can change your delivery approach if the audience is not getting your point.

You can use props, as Bill Gates used in his Mosquitoes, Malaria, and Education presentation , to draw the audience’s attention. Remember, the prop must be relevant to your topic and must complement your core message.

e). Tell a Story or Use Analogies 

Unleash the power of stories and analogies to tap into the prior feelings, experiences, and knowledge of the audience and connect with their values and emotions. It prompts them to listen to you attentively, understand your message effortlessly, and remember it for longer.

Misleading analogies and inappropriate stories can weaken the impact of your presentation and undermine your credibility. Therefore, to avoid confusion and distraction, use analogies and narrate stories that resonate with the audience’s backgrounds, needs, and interests.

5. Rehearse Till You Ace It

A perfect and flawless presentation delivery can’t be mastered overnight; it takes consistent effort. Rehearse until you can do it effortlessly, without vocal disfluencies.

  • Practice under mild stress to prevent yourself from choking when you present on the real stage amidst high levels of stress.
  • Record your rehearsal and go through the recording to figure out your distracting habits or weaknesses where you have to do some extra work.
  • Practice in front of your family members or friends and ask them for feedback. Take their feedback sincerely and incorporate them in your next rehearsal.

Slides that Must be Included 

If you are pitching a client to win a social media marketing project for your company, you must incorporate the following slides-

1. Title Slide

how to make a social media presentation

Has it happened to you ever that you purchased a book just by seeing its cover and title?

The title slide works as the cover of your presentation, telling the audience what the slideshow is about. It is the first slide that sets the tone for the rest of your presentation. It gives a clue to the audience whether your presentation is worth their time or not.

A visually appealing slide with a background relevant to the topic and an attention-grabbing title and subtitle can hook the audience from the very first moment. Contrary to this, a slide with irrelevant background, dull colors, and a lengthy title and subtitle can distract the audience, taking the edge off a well-prepared presentation.

Tips to make impactful title slide:

  • Keep the title clear and concise.
  • The title must be compelling and must represent the purpose of your presentation.
  • Use high-definition graphics or images aligned with the main theme.
  • Choose a relevant color scheme that accentuates the theme and enhances readability.
  • Include your company’s logo and branding elements to increase credibility.
  • Use the right and consistent typography for the title and other text.
  • Arrange the title, subtitle, graphics or images, and other information in an aesthetically pleasing manner, giving a balanced look to the slide.
  • Leave enough white space to avoid clutter.

how to make a social media presentation

The agenda slide gives the audience an overview of the points/topics you will be covering in the next 40-60 minutes. This slide also provides a clue to them about the value they will walk away with at the end and gives them a reason to stay with you for the rest of the presentation. 

Tips to make an impressive agenda slide-

  • Use simple and specific language.
  • Don’t be too verbose.
  • Avoid acronyms and jargon.
  • Use numbers or bullet points, headings, and subheadings to structure your agenda.

3. Customer Demographics

how to make a social media presentation

By incorporating this slide, you can provide your clients insights about the specific customer group you want to target through your social media campaign. You can highlight their age, gender, marital status, nation, annual income, etc. Depending on the objective of your campaign, you can customize the text to include information about the customers’ pain points, interests, buying behavior, etc.

4. Competitive Landscape

how to make a social media presentation

Image Source

With this slide, you can showcase the performance of the competitor’s social media campaigns on various platforms, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc. You can depict details about their total followers/subscribers, number of page posts, post types, engagement rates, total interactions (likes, reactions, replies, etc.), post days, etc.

It will give an idea to clients where they stand against their competitors. They can also set the right benchmarks for assessing the social media presence of their company.

5. SWOT Analysis

how to make a social media presentation

You can showcase the competitive positioning of the client’s company through this slide.

Strength – The goals that you are meeting or exceeding, things you are doing right

Weakness – Areas that need improvement

Opportunity – Factors that indicate that you have chances to excel

Threat – Factors that could impact your social media campaign

The competitive landscape and SWOT analysis will help your audience understand the objective of your campaign.

6. Goals and Objectives

how to make a social media presentation

This slide will help you present the goals you want to achieve through the social media campaign. These goals must be aligned with the client’s objectives. 

7. Campaign Launch Plan

how to make a social media presentation

This slide allows you to depict a detailed plan to launch your campaign. You can present the following information-

  • social media platforms on which you will roll out the campaign
  • KPIs and metrics
  • Key deliverables
  • Type of content 
  • Resources required

8. Q&A Slide

how to make a social media presentation

This slide indicates the Q&A session. You can display this slide on the projector and ask the audience to raise their questions. 

This slide also gives a clue to the audience that you are about to wrap up your presentation.

how to make a social media presentation

This slide allows you to display the summary of your key points before concluding the presentation. 

10. Thank You Slide

how to make a social media presentation

With this slide, you can show your gratitude to your audience for the valuable time they took to attend your presentation.

Closing Thoughts

Social media presentations are highly relevant in today’s digital era. Businesses must stay innovative and agile in creating social media presentations that align with the evolving landscape of marketing, communication, and engagement. 

A consistent and engaging presentation fosters a sense of transparency and trust with the audience, so you must pay heed to each and every aspect while crafting it. Incorporate the above-mentioned tips to make your social media presentations truly stand out.

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Ashish Arora

Ashish Arora

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FAQs About Social Media Presentation Templates

What are social media presentation templates.

Social Media Presentation Templates are pre-formatted designs that can be used for creating professional and visually appealing presentations related to social media. These templates can be used across various presentation software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. They typically feature elements such as infographics, charts, and diagrams related to the social media realm.

These templates are used to present data and analytics, marketing strategies, campaign overviews, and other related topics in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner. They are ideal for social media managers, digital marketers, business owners, or anyone who needs to showcase information about social media in a professional context.

Why should I use Social Media Presentation Templates?

Using Social Media Presentation Templates comes with several benefits. First, these templates can save you a lot of time and effort. Instead of starting from scratch, you only need to input your data and adjust the design according to your branding or preferences. They provide pre-made layouts, so you no longer have to worry about designing your slides.

Second, templates ensure consistency in your presentation. All slides follow the same design, which contributes to a seamless and professional look. Lastly, these templates help in delivering your message effectively with the help of relevant visuals, making your presentation more engaging.

Why do I need a Social Media Presentation Template when I can use traditional ones?

Social Media Presentation Templates are designed specifically for presenting social media-related content. These templates usually include graphics, icons, and layouts that are tailored to present social media data and strategies. Traditional templates may not have these specialized components.

In addition, using targeted templates for your presentation can make it more focused and relevant to your audience. It also helps in keeping your audience engaged as the visuals are more relatable and easy to understand.

How customizable are Social Media Presentation Templates?

Social Media Presentation Templates are usually fully customizable. You can insert your text, photos, logos, or any other necessary graphics. You can also adjust design elements like color scheme, fonts, and backgrounds to align with your company branding or specific preferences.

Moreover, the included charts, graphs, and infographics are often data-driven, which means you just need to replace the presented dummy data with your own. This feature can make a significant impact in terms of achieving a personalized and professional presentation.

Where can I find quality Social Media Presentation Templates?

Quality Social Media Presentation Templates can be found on various online platforms. These platforms include template marketplaces and specific tools for presentations like SlidesCarnival, SlideModel, Envato Elements, or TemplateMonster. These platforms offer a wide range of templates to satisfactorily cater to your needs.

When choosing a template, be sure to evaluate its design, customization features, and relevance to your content. A preview function is usually available to help you choose the most suitable template. It's also worthwhile to check reviews or ratings if available to ensure it's a reliable choice. logo

Social Media Strategy Presentation

Your social media strategy has many moving parts: background research, campaign goals, task lists, deliverables, and more. That’s why your social media strategy presentation has to be comprehensive, organized, and easy to understand.

A customizable, intuitive social media strategy deck template can relieve some of the stress of building your own presentation, allowing you to focus on sharing important information with your social media team. 

Use a social media strategy presentation template to:

  • Present research, goals, and strategies to executives
  • Keep social media team members informed
  • Check in on social media campaign progress and deliverables

Create a stunning Social Media Strategy Presentation

Every slide in your social media strategy presentation template fills an important role, so choose them carefully. While putting together your social media strategy deck slides, think about adding graphs, comparison charts, timelines, or a SWOT analysis to make your points visually. Some potential slides to include are:

Title Slide

Pro tips for your Social Media Strategy Deck Template

Consider these tips when creating your social media strategy deck.

A good rule of thumb for your social media presentation: provide an overview before diving into the details. This kind of structure may help your slides connect and flow naturally.

Charts, graphs, timelines, diagrams, and other graphics can transform your social media strategy presentation into a memorable, meaningful one.

Think about including pauses or breaks for Q&A into your social media strategy presentation.

Limit one idea or one topic to one slide. Overcrowding each slide makes it harder for your audience to absorb and remember the information, as well as execute on it.

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Influence your audience into action and make the impact you’ve always wanted in way less time. Let our sales proposal templates guide you every step of the way.

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Head of Sales at hot tech startup Notion uses this winning sales deck to close deals.

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  • Social Media

How to Quickly Make Social Media Marketing PowerPoint PPT Presentations With Templates

Daniel Strongin

Do you have a social media PowerPoint presentation coming up? Are you unsure how to customize a PowerPoint template? A social media PowerPoint template can help.

Social Media Plan

Download a fully featured and professionally designed social media PowerPoint presentation template. Create a presentation that your audience will love. 

Creating social media PPT templates from scratch is an incredibly time consuming process. Having a template designed and ready for you to input information will help you deliver the best possible presentation. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make a social media presentation with a premium template.

Best Social Media PPT Templates on Envato Elements (With Unlimited Use)

Explore a massive library of social media PowerPoint templates on Envato Elements. For one low monthly fee, download as many social media PPT PowerPoint templates as you want.  You can also download all the other resources available on Envato Elements for your nonprofit such as:

  • presentation templates

All Elements design templates come ready to use. They feature stylish designs and are fully customizable to help you make the best possible annual report for your nonprofit.

Envato Elements PowerPoint

How to Quickly Make Social Media Marketing PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Social Media User PowerPoint Template

In this tutorial, we'll customize a social media PowerPoint template from Envato Elements. It's one of just many included with your monthly subscription. 

Now let's get started customizing our social media PowerPoint presentation template:

1. Choose the Slides You Want to Use

The first step to editing your social media template is to choose the slides that you want to use. Upon looking at our template, not all the slides will be necessary for our presentation.

For each slide that you don't want to include in our presentation, right click and choose the Delete Slide option. 

Social Media User PowerPoint Template

When you're going through your templates slides have your presentation's content handy. That way you'll know what specific slides you want to use, and which ones don't fit with the particular content of your presentation. 

2. Choose Your Theme

Each template already comes with a theme. But the current theme doesn't quite match our company's brand identity. The colors on the slides aren't exactly on theme for our brand, so we'll change these.

To change the theme, click the Design tab on the top menu bar. You can select from all the various preset color themes that PowerPoint offers, but we've very specific colors that we want to add. You can create a custom theme that's got the exact colors that are used for our brand from the Design tab.

Navigate to the far right of the design section and click the drop down arrow. From the drop down menu, choose Colors > Customize Colors. This opens up a menu where you can choose the exact color for the various text, accents, and hyperlinks. 

Color Theme

Input all your custom colors into the various fields and then click the Save button. This will save your current color theme as Custom 1. Now you're ready to add your content to the presentation. 

3. Add In Your Content

Adding your presentations content to your slides is incredibly easy. All you've got to do is double click the text placeholders and paste in your own text. Have all your presentation's content on a document so you can just copy and paste all the information on the slides. 

Text placeholders

4. Resize and Adjust Text Placeholders

The text placeholders may be the perfect size for the amount of text that's currently in them. But they might be too small or too big for the text that you want to add.

There's an easy fix. Just click and drag the corners of the text placeholders and resize them. Also, click and dragging the text boxes allows you to move them wherever you'd like on the slides. 

5. Change Fonts

Another way to customize your social media PowerPoint template is to change the fonts that were used. You can do this by clicking onto any text area, pressing the CTRL+A to select all the text. Then select a different font from the dropdown menu on the Home tab. 

Customize fonts in the

You can also switch to the Design tab and click on the downward arrow under the Themes section. Then, hover over Fonts and choose a different font set.

6. Add Images

Images are a great way to add visual interest to your presentation. Often templates will come with image placeholders where you can just click on the image icon and add an image from your computer. Our template doesn't include image placeholders, but we can easily add images to any one of our slides. 

To do this, click on the Insert tab. Next click on Pictures > Picture from File... This opens up the files on your computer where you can select our specific image that you want on our slide. 

Add Image

7. Customize Slide Backgrounds With Images

Besides adding photos to your slides, you can also set an image as a background. To do this click on the Design tab and select the Format Background option. This opens up a menu on the right hand of the social media PowerPoint.

Then select the Picture or texture fill circle and then select the Insert... button. From there select an image from our computer and it'll be inserted into the background of the slide you're on. 

Image background

8. Edit the Infographics Data

Our template comes with a ton of great graphics that help us show our company's data. But the display of the infographics doesn't quite match the information that we want to provide for one of our slides. On our "Social Media Statistic by Gender" slide, we want to adjust the circle graphics to reflect our percentages for the certain age groups. 

To adjust the graphics on this page, click on the layer that you want to adjust. In this case it's the white outline on the circle graphic. Then drag the position to more accurately depict the percentage. 

resizing icon

9. Customize Icons

Next, we want to replace a graphic that's on one of our slides. We'll navigate to the "Why Use Google+" slide and look to the right hand table. The "50% Google+" section has an icon that we'd like to replace. To start, we'll delete the icon that's currently there.

To do this, highlight the icon and press the Backspace button. Next, we'll navigate to the top header and choose the Insert > Icons option. This brings up a right hand menu of icons to choose from. Select the human looking icon. Click the Insert button at the bottom right hand corner. 

Adding Icons

Next, we need to change the color of the icon to match our theme.

Change the color by right clicking the icon and choosing the format graphic option. A right hand menu appears again. Click the fill drop down menu. Then click on the Paint Can icon and choose the color white. Our icon is now in the color of our color scheme. Finally, adjust the size of the icon by clicking and dragging to our desired size.

10. Customize the Map

Lastly, you can customize the map to better reflect the data in your presentation. Simply right-click on the country or continent you want to colorize and then select Format Shape . Click on Fill > Solid Fill and select your desired color from the drop-down menu. 

You can customize a map in the Social Media User PowerPoint Template on Envato Elements

So, with a few customizations to a professional template, you can create a unique presentation. 

Looking for even more Social Media PowerPoint templates? In the next section, we'll look at even more PowerPoint templates that you can download. 

Even More Premium Social Media PowerPoint Templates

Still haven't found the right Social Media PowerPoint template for your upcoming presentation? Here are even more articles that you can check out that have even more best-selling social media PowerPoint templates:

how to make a social media presentation

Let's now have a look at some of the top trending social media PPT templates available on Envato Elements.

5 Social Media PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements & GraphicRiver (For 2021/2022)

Searching for the right social media PPT template can be difficult. To help you with your search we've gathered the top five social media marketing PPT that you can buy today:

1. Social Media Infographic

Social Media Infographic

This premium social media PPT template is full of eye-catching infographics. Whatever type of social media marketing presentation PPT you're creating, this template will help you deliver a modern presentation. All the slides feature a white background to help the infographics shine. 

Here are a few notable features for this social media PPT:

  • 21 various social media infographics
  • PPTX & PPT files
  • editable and easy to use

2. Social Media Trends

Social Media Trends

Download this social media marketing PPT if you want to make a statement. Infographics, charts, and stylish slide designs are all part of this template. What separates this template apart are the various map infographics. They allow you to clearly show social media data country by country. 

  • 100 unique slides 
  • light and dark color scheme
  • fully editable objects (font, icons, data driven, etc.)
  • drag & drop to change images

3. Social Media Infographic PowerPoint Template

Social Media Infographic Powerpoint Template

Deliver your next presentation in style with this fully featured Social Media PPT template. Social Media marketing presentations focus on delivering appealing slides that grab your audience's attention. The unique layouts, and colorful graphics give you the tools necessary to give a stunning presentation. 

Here's what you can expect in this template:

  • 19 multipurpose slides
  • unlimited color options 
  • widescreen (16:9) aspect ratio

4. Active Social Media Creative PowerPoint Template

Active Social Media Creative Powerpoint Template

This stunning looking social media PowerPoint template has 3D graphics. With well-structured slides, appealing fonts, and fully editable visual elements your search for the perfect template is over. This template even features data visualization like charts, diagrams, and infographics. 

Here are the main features:

  • 90+ unique slides
  • unlimited color options
  • animated slides
  • use 3D icons illustration
  • light & dark background options

5. Social Media PowerPoint

Social Media PowerPoint

Looking to promote your social media company to your potential clients? This social media PowerPoint template is complete with many unique slides that are fully editable. Just input your presentations information and you'll have a professional presentation ready. 

Here are a few notable features for this social media PPT template:

  • 10+unique slides
  • resolution 16:9 
  • support fast and free
  • 100% vector

Using Microsoft PowerPoint for a Social Media Presentation

PowerPoint is full of features that can help you deliver a unique social media marketing presentation. 

Here are some of the features that makes this software such a powerful presentation tool for a social media presentation:

  • Fully customizable. Every template that you use in PowerPoint is fully customizable. You can change everything from the fonts to the background color. If you can see it, you can customize it to fit your presentation needs.
  • Media Support. You'll likely need to include different media in your social media PPT. Whether you need to include audio, images, or video, you can add all these into your presentation. This allows you to make your presentation as interactive as you would like.
  • File Flexibility. Microsoft PowerPoint files can be used opened in all types of other presentation software such as Google Slides. So, anyone who wants to access your social media PPT file can even if they don't own PowerPoint. This is especially helpful if you're sharing your presentation online.

Learn More About Making Social Media PPT Templates

PowerPoint is an incredibly diverse piece of software. The tips mentioned in this article are sure to get you up and running with your next presentation. If you'd like to explore even more ways to customize your presentations, check out the article, PowerPoint tutorial guide , as well as the other resources below:

how to make a social media presentation

Get Your Social Media PPT Today!

Using a professionally designed social media PowerPoint template is the most effective way to create a presentation if you aren't a graphic designer. Premium templates look professional right from the start. As shown in this tutorial, they're incredibly easy to customize. 

Whether you need multiple social media marketing PPT templates or you only need one , Envato has you covered. By paying a low monthly subscription, you get access to a full library of PowerPoint templates as well as thousands of other creative assets. 

If you only need to buy one social media PPT template, then GraphicRiver has plenty of high quality designs for you to choose from. 

Get started on you next social media PPT today by downloading a premium template!

Editorial Note: This tutorial has been updated with help from Brenda Barron . 

Daniel Strongin

How to Create a Social Media Strategy Presentation

After creating a social media strategy, you need to make the case to stakeholders and your team. Learn how to create a social media strategy presentation today!

Chinwoke Nnamani

Learn about our

Updated March 6, 2024.


In the early days as the first social media marketing hire at a design agency in 2021, I found myself thrust into unfamiliar territory, including creating a social media strategy presentation. I felt uncertain and clueless about what to do with the blank Google sheet the co-founder had shared with me. 

I realized I was one of the many grappling with how to create social media presentations. This led me to learn that social strategy goes beyond having a content calendar, posting three times a day, or finding the best time to post. 

In this article, I'll unravel all the steps you need to create a social media strategy presentation in 2024.


How to create a social media strategy presentation

Creating a great social media strategy presentation includes the following steps:

1. Set SMART goals

Goals help you track and measure your brand's social media progress and understand shortcomings in your strategy.

SMART Goals are popular for a reason: they work.


According to the Sprout Social index, 60% of marketers in 2024 plan to connect the value of social to business goals by quantifying the value of social engagement in terms of potential revenue impact.

Take note of the term “Business goals."

But let me take you on a ride to the world of psychology first. If you want to give your brain a decent chance of meeting a goal, productivity folk wisdom insists that it better be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based .

Here's how you set and document SMART goals when creating a social media strategy presentation:

Let's say your not-yet-SMART social media goal is to take your brand or client's online presence to a greater height in 2024. Let's make it SMART!

  • Specific : "To a greater height in 2024" is a vague goal. Be more specific instead, like "Improve audience engagements by X% on all platforms, by the end of 2024, by creating content consistently."
  • Measurable : Can you track your goals? Are there key performance indicators to ensure your social media content strategy gets you closer to your goal? If you want to take a brand's social media presence to greater heights, set benchmarks on things like engagement metrics or follower rates. So instead you could say: "10x social media presence by earning at least 200-500 monthly followers on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter."
  • Achievable : Goals are achievable when within the range of possibilities. Using the same example of boosting followers, if you know it's impossible to earn that number of followers within a month, come up with an achievable figure. The social media game involves consistency, persistence, and incremental improvements, so set goals accordingly.
  • Relevant : The relevance of social media goals is a measure of the positive impact they leave on your brand. It can be a financial result, more visibility, or something tied to the fulfillment of your unique value proposition. So, before you document, ask yourself if each is goal relevant to your business's purpose. Is your social media marketing plan actually helping the business reach more potential customers and moving the needle on overall business goals?
  • Time-based : "The end of 2024" is not specific. When exactly do you want to achieve your goal? For instance, maybe you want to reach out to 50 potential clients per month. That's a time-based goal, but still vague. A better version "I will send at least 12 cold DMS per week" gives you the kind of actionable insight into your strategy that business owners want to see.

2. Choose relevant metrics



Goal setting doesn't determine the result. The results of your social media marketing efforts are the sum of your decisions and consistent execution.

And while taking these actions, bit by bit, you need to track them to ensure continuous improvement in your results.

“What metrics should I be looking at? What should I be tracking? How often should I look at Analytics?” are three key questions every good social media manager or social team asks themselves when penning down the metrics for a social media strategy.


When choosing metrics, Andy Crestodina recommends two factors:

  • The visibility of the metric – Is the metric easy to find? Is it available to the public? Do you need tools? Or do you need to research to uncover it?
  • The importance of the metric – Does the metric correlate with business success? Is it likely to affect financial outcomes?


Here are some relevant metrics to look out for in your social media marketing outcomes in 2024:

  • Follower count/growth rate
  • Awareness metrics (i.e. impressions and views)
  • Referral traffic
  • Conversion rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Cost per click

Remember that metrics vary from one business and one strategy to another. To get the best outcomes, focus on what counts: your brand's visibility and revenue.

3. Describe your audience

The next step in your social media strategy presentation planning is to describe your audience.

A target audience is a more specific term describing a particular group of people you're trying to reach with your social content plan.

Take audience research seriously. Bad audience targeting is the cause of many brand failures. Without a target audience in mind, you’re going to get little to no engagement on any social media campaign you launch.

To increase your social media marketing conversions, figure out who exactly is your primary target audience, what they want, what matters to them, and what are the sources of friction for them.

And if you say your social media target audience is “everybody” or “anyone interested in your services,” you don’t have much of a chance to boost conversions.

I like how, Rakefet Yacoby, CMO at Mayple puts it in an article on audience targeting :

“Your audience can be wide (e.g. if you sell napkins, everyone uses them, so your target audience will be quite broad) or it can be a narrow market segment (e.g. you might be selling makeup-removing wipes for people with a specific skin condition/type of skin).”

Describe your audience with these five simple questions:

  • Who are they? Who are the people you're trying to reach with your content? Simple and Obvious question, but you'd be surprised how many businesses fail to answer it by either aiming for too broad or too specific of an audience.
  • Where do they look to find information online? There's no point in publishing content on a social channel if your ideal audience isn't there.
  • What are their biggest challenges or desires? Understanding your audience's fears and dreams makes it easier to present your solution.
  • Pro tip 💡 Why.  Conduct interviews to get an even better understanding of your intended audience. Choose three to five current customers and ask questions like "How did you hear about us?" and "What made you buy from us?"


4. Conduct a competitive analysis

Competitor analysis is all about understanding your position in the marketplace about your competition.

As you conduct this analysis for your social media marketing, pinpoint who your competitors are. It's often helpful to compare notes with other team members, particularly in the sales or business development departments, who have often have insider industry knowledge. You can add parallel companies, who may not be direct competitors, to the list as well if their strategy has caught your eye.

Take an in-depth look at their posts on all of the platforms they use, noting content performance, what kind of content has the maximum engagement, their use of user-generated content, how much visual content they post, and so on. 

Try to spot the strengths and weaknesses in their strategy. Seeing what works for your competitors can help you identify gaps in your strategy; the gaps in their strategy, meanwhile, are opportunities for you to shine. Now you're ready to make data-backed decisions with some serious inspo.

Here's how to conduct competitive analysis when planning your social media strategy:

  • List your strong competitors
  • Identify their social media strategy by observing their campaigns, how they engage with their audience, and the format and frequency of their posts
  • Take note of their top-performing content. Is there a pattern in their highest-performing pieces of content? For example, are they in one specific medium (video, infographic, written content)?
  • Find the Points of Difference (PODs): PODs are the features that are important to your prospects and not available from your competitors

5. Run a social media audit

A social media audit involves reviewing your business's social presence point-by-point. This includes performance metrics and future opportunities to grow and optimize your accounts.

With social media audits, you can sieve out irrelevant tactics and get concrete answers to your troubling questions.

Here’s how to run a social media audit in five simple steps:

  • Document and take an inventory of all your brand’s social media profiles. This includes every platform where you have a business presence of any kind – yes, even that Facebook page that's been neglected recently. Ensure the consistency of your marketing messages and note the follower count for each profile.
  • Look at the analytics dashboard of each profile to find the percentage of impressions, likes, new follower count, and clicks. You can also use a social media analytics tool like Sprout Social. With these analytics reports, you can dig into your demographic data, geographic data, and company data.
  • Note your social media brand style and assets. One of the most important steps in a social media audit process is to check the styling of your posts, color, consistency of brand style, and your bio. Your brand assets on social media including your link in bio must correlate to your unique value proposition.
  • Analyze your top-performing posts and marketing campaigns, and try to find out why they performed so well. Document the reactions of your audience to those posts and find out how you can work on future posts to get the same results.

6. Include social media listening notes

Listen first. Talk later.

What are your customers saying about you? Social listening is the practice of monitoring social media channels for mentions of your brand, competitor brands, and related keywords.

Monitoring conversations and discussions around the industry gives you important insights about what’s working, and what’s not, for your target audience.

One tactic is to join communities where your target audience hangs out and listen to what they're saying about your competitors and the different solutions offered in your industry. You can also swipe through comments on your posts or mentions of your brand and pick through the good and bad reviews.

Use audience research tools like SparkToro to find topics your audience is discussing, discover relevant influencers in your niche, and see which websites your target customers hang out on.


7. Talk about the chosen channels

There are many social channels you can choose from: Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, and more. Prioritize identifying the right channels for your business when deploying organic social or paid social marketing.

There's been a lot of debate surrounding the maximum number of channels that should be chosen by a brand. The rule of thumb is to stick to what you can manage, optimize, and analyze.

Social media platforms with a high population base don't cut it if your audience doesn't reside there. For example, Facebook is the most used social media platform in the world in terms of monthly active users (MAUs). Over 3 billion people log into the platform each month. But if they're logging on to stay in touch with family abroad, they're likely less receptive to brand messaging that would work on, say Linkedin.

So if you're targeting C-suite leaders and professionals in different industries, Facebook impressive stats won't be relevant to your digital marketing strategy. Don't forget to make this important point in your social media PowerPoint presentation.

8. Explain paid media involvement

During economic downturns, companies that focus on social media growth plan investments tend to outperform their rivals when markets recover.

 Social media ads let you invest money into different social media channels to increase your brand awareness and revenue. Your paid media efforts can fall into three content pillars or buckets per RefineLabs on the philosophy of Paid media :

  • Product ads : These ads specifically tout the product/solution in some way and drive directly to a declared-intent page on your website.
  • Content : These ads are primarily focused on fostering education and awareness at a higher level and may drive to a thought leadership blog post, third-party article, or other lower-intent content piece.
  • Social proof : These ads specifically aim to affirm prospective buyers by highlighting case studies, ROI data, and/or industry recognition.

Explain each of these buckets, with a budget breakdown to explain the cost of each paid media practice (more on that next!).


Need to make sure your social content is on point? Hire a Mayple-vetted social media content freelancer . Just get in touch with us and we'll match you with the perfect one.

9. Do a budget breakdown

Did you know that the average US organization spends anything between $72,000 and $126,000 on social media services?

Even in the low range, that's a lot to leave to chance – if you don’t want to waste money, that is. This is precisely why building a sensible social media budget is crucial to your success.

A social media budget can help you set the right goals, expectations, and KPIs for your organization. With a budget in place, you know exactly what your organization can afford to do and how much it will cost. Include:

  • Costs associated with advertising, including pay-per-click campaigns and sponsored posts
  • Fees for the use of paid social media management tools
  • Costs associated with content creation, such as contracting freelance writers and graphic designers
  • Fees for influencer campaigns
  • Costs associated with analytics and reporting tools
  • Any other expenses related to the social media activities of your organization

10. Show inspiration

Be sure to include in your social media marketing strategy presentation examples of successful strategies that you're looking to mirror. Successes can be broken down into factors such as general strategies that make big brands win, or the consistency of their approach.

No brand is an island. Every strategy that exists today has always been around in one form or another. So use other brands as inspiration. And as for you, the leader of social media marketing operations, you can strive to be an inspiration to your colleagues.

Here are three ways to show inspiration:

Success stories

The social media marketing success of a brand is never an accident. It's a sum of goals, executions, plans, and consistency. And maybe a bit of luck here and there, just kidding.

One of the best ways to convince the C-suite leadership at your brand that social media marketing works is to show them success stories. With these stories, they can believe that these strategies and frameworks have worked.

But you must bring clarity at this point of your presentation:

  • Note the success stories of brands ahead of you and make it clear that patience is key to getting these results.
  • Don't overframe the early results of a brand. Yours might not be the same. So, make sure every story is achievable and believable, yet convincing.

You can get success stories from:

  • Meta, on Advertising success from various brands
  • Drum, on social media success stories and case studies
  • MarketingSherpa, 1789 marketing case studies and counting

For example, Sprout Social did an in-depth analysis of how Duolingo rose to fame using TikTok. Looking for similar examples will help you make your case in front of the leadership, get their buy-in, and get approval for your budgets. 


Awarded accounts

Check award-winning accounts in your niche to serve as inspiration and motivation for your brand to build systems that result in successful outcomes.

Favorite brands

Highlight your favorite brands in terms of where you want to be or that get outstanding results. These brands can serve as references and motivation.

Identify areas where they dominate your presentation document. Ideally, it'd be great to make a list of these brands based on their dominance on each of your preferred channels.

11. Explain the division of responsibility (Explain the “Crawl, walk, run plan”)

Division of responsibility is one of the keys to success in an organization, especially when you are not a one-man marketing team. Just as every child progresses from crawling to walking and then running, lead your social media marketing team to each of these phases via coaching, teaching, and mentoring.

The crawling approach would be explaining to your team the why of your social media strategy. Review every step of the process and their roles throughout.

So, for example, you can explain to your founder or C-suite team their social media roles, and why it's important to take LinkedIn posting seriously. You can provide the steps to take to ensure they authentically support the company brand using their personal brand.

Then use the walk approach to supervise the first set of executions. You can help with post scheduling and supervise content creation for all profile pages, especially if an in-house team member or freelancer handles it.

In the run phase, your team is fully functioning with the social media marketing practice. They operate with greater confidence and at full speed, under your regular supervision.

This is an example of a crawl-walk-run framework for an eCommerce business:


12. Create a content calendar sketch

A content calendar helps you with efficient workflow and a consistent posting schedule.

I spoke to Susan Anderson , an editorial director with decades of experience handling content publishing, and she listed a couple of steps to create a content calendar sketch.

Firstly, she believes that it's key to understand your audience and your content creation capabilities.

She also highlights the benefits of knowing your asset library and keeping things simple and clear. Start by either creating a Google spreadsheet, or using project management tools like Trello, Airtable, and Notion

Then add columns that include:

  • Topic/pillar: the topic for each social media post and content
  • Content formats: for example video, image, carousel or podcast
  • Frequency/Time of posting: Keep this realistic and relevant. You might want to leave Saturday and Sunday out from the calendar, for example
  • Keywords (if you're aiming for SEO) and hashtags: note down keywords and hashtags relevant to your industry. Input these keywords in your post so your content can get more traction
  • Channels: Write down social media platforms where you'd be posting your content
  • Working/finalized title: A headline for every post
  • CTA: Plan the action you want your audience to take after they consume your post
  • Date to Publish: Write down the expected date of publishing each post
  • Status: Make a status section for each post, from ideation to publishing
  • Notes: If you have brief notes of insights for your team, add them!

Pro tip : If you want all of this taken care of for you, consider our list of top  social media managers for hire .

Best practices for a compelling social media strategy presentation

Now that you have the plan nailed down, here are some best practices for a good social media strategy deck:

Build a natural flow

Structure is everything in presentations. If you don't organize your goals, frameworks, and strategies hierarchically, you'll be unable to convince your executives. The first step is building a natural flow, ensuring that every part of your social media marketing strategy makes sense to the preceding point.

Use a mix of text, images, illustrations, and tables. If you are not speaking out loudly while presenting, make sure you make your presentation easy to read and understand.

Leave room for Q&As

Give room for questions, corrections, and suggestions. Executive leaders may have concerns, reservations, and skepticism about certain strategy elements.

With these Q&As, clarification on aspects of the social media strategy that may not be clear would be more clear. After your presentation, ask questions like: how can we improve our strategy? What do you think is missing in this strategy?

Use enticing graphics

Your social media strategy doesn't have to be a long block of text on a big table. You can use illustrations and graphics to explain terms like audience journey mapping, buyer persona, and content creation.

Looking for a social media strategy template? 

We got you. Check out our free social media worksheet . It includes everything you need to turn your 2024 social media marketing strategy into a winning one. 


Leave room for experimentation

We thrive in an ever-evolving landscape and trends come and go. Emphasizing experimentation signals that you are committed to learning and innovation. You can discover new and unexpected opportunities for engagement, follower growth, and conversion rates.

Keep it simple

Prioritize the most important things. Don't complicate your presentation, keep the structure simple and clear. Otherwise, no matter how great your social media marketing plan is, it might fall on deaf ears.

The best social media marketing presentation starts with the strategy

Your social media marketing presentation needs to be more than just a pretty slide deck. It needs to be grounded in a solid strategy that aligns with your business goals.

Social media marketing goals, social media metrics, the types of content you choose to publish, and every social media post itself should all be rooted in one question: how do you reach your ideal customer, get their attention, and make them love your online presence so much they buy from you? 

If you need help drawing up an efficient social media marketing strategy, reach out today. We can match you with a vetted social media marketer with experience in your industry, audience demographics, and the specific type of social media efforts you want to employ. 

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5 Unique Ways You Can Use PowerPoint for Social Media Marketing

Ximena Portocarrero

Coming up with new content for your brand’s social media can be tricky. With so many posts floating around, making your messages stand out is not that easy. But what if I tell you that PowerPoint stands a chance in this scenario? Yes, you read that right. There’s this misconception that PowerPoint only works for presentations , but it can do so much more. Whether it’s for planning your digital strategy or reaching out to your online audience, today I’ll show you incredible ways you can use PowerPoint for social media marketing.

What’s Social Media Marketing?

In simple words, social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to promote your business online . I’m sure you’re already familiar with these channels. I’m talking about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and many other online networking platforms. They all allow you to connect with friends and relatives; however, businesses use social media for marketing-oriented purposes. For example, increasing web traffic, improving a brand image, engaging with customers, reaching new ones, etc. But to make it all work, you need something to share on these platforms. And, believe it or not, PowerPoint can be your go-to tool for creating powerful social media content.

PowerPoint as a Design Tool

PowerPoint is the complete package for presentations; we all know that. But it can also be a tool for all your design needs.

If you open PowerPoint, you’ll see a wide variety of features on the top bar. They allow you to edit images, layer elements, make drawings, insert shapes, customize charts, and even add animations. Just like some of the things Photoshop or Illustrator offer to do but made easier! I’m not saying that PowerPoint can outperform the Adobe programs’ design level, but it certainly can make your design tasks more simple and give you incredible results.

In fact, many people make a career as PowerPoint designers ! They create everything from presentation slides and illustrations to themed icons and more. Here are some examples from the 24Slides’ designers :

Creative Slide made by a PowerPoint Designer

So, yes, you can get amazing posts for your social media channels using PowerPoint.

a) How to change your slide size in PowerPoint?

To start making your designs on PowerPoint, the first thing on your list is changing your slides’ size. You can adapt them to whatever format and image ratio you need for your social media posts.

Follow this route: Open the “Design” tab > Select “Slide Size” > Click on “Custom Slide Size.” A new window will pop up where you can insert the proper width and height for your designs. You can also choose between a portrait or landscape format.

b) How to save PowerPoint slides as images?

A true lifehack! Here’s how you’ll convert your PowerPoint designs into JPG images – or any other format you need for your social media posts.

Save a Slide as image to use PowerPoint for social media marketing

Follow this route: Go to “File” > Click on “Save/Save As” > Open the file type bar (the second one) > Select your desired format > Click on “Save.” Right after that, you’ll see a pop-up window that asks you if you want to export all the slides or just the one you selected. Choose the option you prefer and voilá!

Export PowerPoint Slide as Image

Another way to do this is with the Export option. Open the “File” menu > Go to the “Export” tab > Click on “Change File Type” > Select your preferred file type.

Note that PowerPoint offers many different file formats to export your designs. For example, there are popular image extensions like JPG, PNG, or TIFF. For animations, you can save your design as a GIF. There are even video formats like WMV and MP4. See how much you can create in PowerPoint? Stick around to explore all the possibilities:

Use PowerPoint for your Social Media Content

As you know, social media content comes in all sizes and shapes. And each platform has its own image aspect ratios. So, before we start, you need to find which size works better for your posts. I recommend using Sproutsocial’s Always Up-to-Date Guide to Social Media Image Sizes so no matter what year you read this, you’ll always get the right dimensions for your content.

And here’s another quick PowerPoint hack : You might’ve noticed the list shows the image sizes in pixels while PowerPoint uses inches. Luckily, PowerPoint converts the dimensions for you. When you open the window to resize your slides, you just need to insert the right numbers and add “px” at the end. For example, for a Facebook image, type “1200 px” for width and “630 px” for height. You’ll see that the dimensions automatically change to their equivalent in inches.

And that’s how you get everything set up to start using PowerPoint for social media marketing.

a) Make image posts in minutes.

Image posts are the most common type of online visual content . If this is your first time using PowerPoint as a graphic tool, it’s a good idea to start with an image post.

Go to the “Insert” tab and explore the variety of commands that PowerPoint offers. For example, click on “Shapes” to create a solid background for your post and add some graphics. Use the “Text Box” option to insert your messages. Or incorporate some images into your visual composition with the “Pictures” command. The coolest thing is that these elements have their own PowerPoint ribbon for arranging objects, applying visual effects, and more. Pretty much anything that you can do in your presentation slides, you can do with an image post.

For a practical example, check out this video tutorial that shows how easily you can create a social media post in PowerPoint.

b) Use PowerPoint for infographics.

Now that you’ve tried your hand at the basics let’s unlock the next level: Infographics. Unlike image posts which should be clean and to the point, infographics give you room to add more details. In fact, infographics are one of the most complete and engaging visual contents . They mix text, shapes, data, icons, and images. All nicely put in an extended image to make your information more appealing.

Without a doubt, the best social media site to post infographics is Pinterest (you’ll find the correct dimensions in the guide above). But if Pinterest is not part of your online strategy, infographics also do well on blogs!

For some inspiration, here’s a quick video tutorial on how to create a simple infographic in PowerPoint:

c) Incorporate presentations into your content strategy

Presentations are dynamic visual content that is just too good to keep out of the list. And yes, you can use them on social media. Here are two creative ways for you to incorporate PowerPoint presentations into your strategy:

  • Use PowerPoint in your videos

54% of consumers want to see more video content from brands they support , and an easy way to jump on the bandwagon is live streaming videos. Most social media apps have that option now, so you can broadcast content to keep your brand active and relevant online. In this case, you can offer webinars to educate your social media followers on your products or share valuable information that positions your brand.

PowerPoint for social media marketing presentations

But how do you incorporate your PowerPoint presentation on this? Let’s say you want to do a live webinar on Facebook. First, open your PowerPoint file and your Facebook page simultaneously. Then, go live and click on the option “Share screen.” Finally, select the window with your slides on it.

You can also record yourself during an online conference and share that video on social media. Rest assured, PowerPoint slides will help you elevate your delivery through any screen.

  • PowerPoint slides for a professional audience

Client testimonials for social media

PowerPoint presentations are excellent for engaging with B2B clients. After all, they are business communication tools for excellence and have been around in the corporate world for quite some time. The good news is that LinkedIn, the professional networking site, allows you to share your slides as a regular post. Yes, you can upload your sales presentation or business pitch deck and reach new audiences online. What’s more, you can generate leads this way! Learn how in this article about using PowerPoint to increase online leads .

d) Create animated posts

Animated posts are such a unique way to stand out on social media . While other brands use static images to sell, you can convey your brand’s message and personality in a few seconds.

To make animated posts on PowerPoint, you need to create a regular image post first, and then the animations come in. You’ll find all you need to animate your objects in the “Animations” tab. I recommend having the “animation panel” visible so you can check the effects you’re applying to each element. If you’re a beginner, try this: Make an object bounce on the slide, and then dissolve out. Just like you see here:

Once you’re happy with your animated post, export your slide as a short video. Remember when we talked about how to save PowerPoint slides in different file formats? Look that section up again to export your animated post. And there you have it: A fantastic post that can be your next Instagram ad, for example.

I found this video to show you what creating an animated post in PowerPoint looks like. Awesomeness starts around the 2:00 mark.

e) Make social media videos with PowerPoint.

Now that you’ve seen how a few animations can bring your images to life, let’s go to the advanced level: Making videos in PowerPoint.

I know that “PowerPoint” and “video” are not a usual combination, but that’s precisely why you need to try it. You’ll get results that no one else is having because they’ve never thought of using PowerPoint like this:

If you feel ready to dive into this world, here’s our article on making social media videos in PowerPoint. It covers essential tips for social media videos, how to make an existing video more suitable for social media, and finally, you’ll learn how to create one from scratch.

Communicate your Social Media Strategy

Managing your brand’s social media is not a one-person job. You need to stay in constant communication with other roles inside and outside your team. And this is crucial for the success of your social media strategy. Whether it’s for discussing the social media plan or sharing the results with higher-ups, PowerPoint presentations can be your ally .

Check out the following PowerPoint templates I’ve selected from Templates by 24Slides . You can draw inspiration from these designs or – even better- click on the images and download the templates for free .

a) Share your Social Media Plan

Competitors Analysis PowerPoint template

This first template is ideal for giving a comprehensive overview of your brand’s presence online. You’ll be able to define your audience, rank your competitors, and assess your past social media efforts. Only then, your team can come together and decide the focus of the new social media strategy.

PowerPoint for a Facebook plan presentation

If you want something more creative, this Facebook-themed presentation template will blow your mind. You can talk about your Facebook campaign goals, how you’ll implement every action, and your main KPIs to measure success. Plus, there’s a slide where you can display a post image as it were on Facebook. You have to see it yourself! And if you work with other platforms, here are presentation templates for Twitter and Instagram as well.

Social Media Content Calendar Template in PowerPoint

A content calendar is one of your most important social media planning tools. It allows you to track your team’s deadlines and confirm which content will be published. Two crucial tasks when doing social media marketing campaigns! Use this calendar PowerPoint template to organize your posts and keep everyone aligned to the content strategy.

b) Use PowerPoint for Social Media Marketing Reports

Social Media Marketing Report in PowerPoint

Besides creativity, social media also involves data and numbers. It’s the only way to measure if your team is getting closer to the goals. Most of the time, you’ll need to present these results to a manager or board member. So here’s a corporate PowerPoint template to report the big wins of your strategy and opportunities for improvement.

how to make a social media presentation

Maybe your brand appeals to a young audience and doesn’t fit with the corporate style. In that case, you might like this option for an influencer marketing report. It’s a playful PowerPoint template to highlight your best social media stats and showcase your online audience’s comments.

Social Media Icons in PowerPoint

You probably didn’t see this one coming. PowerPoint offers a wide range of graphic design possibilities, and icons are just another example. Give your presentations the final touch with this creative social media icon pack.

PowerPoint Hack: Here’s the easiest way to design in PowerPoint!

Now that you’ve picked some post ideas for your social media marketing, it’s time to bring them to life in PowerPoint. And while templates are a clever way to skip hours of hard work , you still need to resize elements and fully brand your slides. But don’t feel discouraged. If you’re reading this, it means you really see the value of using PowerPoint for social media marketing. So, here’s the secret: The easiest way to design in PowerPoint… is not to do it yourself!

You can leave all the hard work to PowerPoint designers, like the 24Slides team. They are the best at taking your rough ideas and transforming them into amazing stuff in PowerPoint. In fact, all the images you saw in the article are real examples of what they can do. So instead of blocking your agenda to fiddle with PowerPoint shapes, send your ideas our way and get your social media posts in record time.

P.S: If you’re new to PowerPoint design services, we’ve got this $1 deal for you :

try professional custom powerpoint design

Create professional presentations online

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11 Killer Social Media Presentations Worth Watching

Kipp Bodnar

Updated: October 20, 2016

Published: April 27, 2010

Presentations are a great way to consume information and learn about new topics. Unfortunately, we don't all have the time and money to spend traveling to conferences to see them in person.

Fortunately, the web has helped solve this problem by making it easier to share and watch presentations . Slideshare has become a powerful resource for discovering new ideas. Today, we selected some of the best social media marketing presentations that are worth watching and could inspire slides for your own presentations.

Social Media Marketing Presentations

1.The 25 Basic Styles of Blogging ... And When To Use Each One by Rohit Bhargava

2.Basics Of Social Media Roi by Olivier Blanchard

3. Conversation by Design by David Armano

4. Social Media Strategy by ducttape

5. What the F**K is Social Media: One Year Later by Marta Kagan

6. B2B Social Media Marketing by Christina "CK" Kerley

7. 7 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Stunning Business and Personal Brands by Jay Baer

8. Joffreys Coffee & Tea Company Social Media Marketing Case Study by Adam Singer

9. Do's and dont's of Social Media by Branding Personality

10. Employees are Social Media Marketers, Too! (they just don't know it yet) by Gia Lyons

11. 8 Digital Trends That Will Change Everything by Josh Martin

Don't forget to share this post!

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How to Create a Social Media Plan: The Complete Guide + Templates

How to Create a Social Media Plan: The Complete Guide + Templates

Written by: Raja Mandal

How to Create a Social Media Plan: The Complete Guide + Templates

If you've been wondering how to create a social media plan and have been searching high and low on the internet, your search ends here.

Social media is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. According to a recent study by HubSpot, 77% of marketers say social media marketing has been somewhat to very effective for their company in 2022.

But including social media in your marketing plan can also be overwhelming. How do you know what type of content to post, who to engage with and when? A social media plan helps you organize your strategy so that it's easy to implement and measure.

This guide will walk through the steps for creating a successful social media plan.

Table of Contents

What is a social media plan, what to include in a social media plan, how to create a successful social media plan.

A social media plan is a document that defines the goals, strategies and action items for your social media marketing efforts. It provides a framework for making decisions about how and when to use each network, which can be helpful if you're just starting with social media or your company wants to revamp its strategy.

Social media plans help businesses understand what they're trying to achieve with their online presence, how they will do it and how they will measure their success. Without one, businesses can easily make mistakes that cost them time or money while not having enough information about their audience or potential customers.

Simply put, a good social media plan helps companies set goals, identify audiences and create content to improve their social media presence.

Before we dive into the specifics, it's important to remember that a social media plan is just that: a plan. It doesn't have to be set in stone; rather, it should be a flexible document outlining your business's social media strategy. The plan should include the following:

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a short overview of your plan and should be one-page maximum. It should include the following:

  • Brief description of your business and its social media goals
  • Timeline for implementation (if applicable)
  • Detailed information on what you plan to do with each platform

Social Media Marketing Plan

Current Social Media Presence

Before you create or update your social media plan, it’s important to identify the current state of your business's social media presence. Do a social media audit and include the following:

  • A list of all the platforms you're currently using and their purposes
  • The number of followers/following for each platform (if applicable)
  • An evaluation of whether or not your current strategy is working and what could be improved in the future

Social Media Marketing Plan

Competitor Benchmarks

This section outlines the competitive landscape of your industry and how it relates to social media. It should include the following:

  • A list of your competitors with their current social media presence
  • An analysis of how each platform is used by them, including strengths and weaknesses compared to your own strategy
  • A list of any gaps in the market that you can take advantage of and any opportunities to collaborate with other companies within your industry

Target Audience

Include your target audience, how they use social media and each platform's demographics. Additionally, you can consider the following:

  • A list of your audience's interests, age range and location
  • An analysis of how these factors affect their behavior on each platform
  • Examples of content that resonates with them and why this is so

Social Media Marketing Plan

Goals and Objectives

Your social media plan heavily relies on your social media goals and objectives. Consider the following to ensure a flawless social media plan:

  • A list of goals for each platform, including specific metrics that will be used to measure success
  • How these goals will help you achieve your business objectives and why they are essential
  • The level of effort required to achieve these goals (both in terms of time, money and other resources)
  • A list of resources available to assist with this process and any other factors that may impact it

Social Media Marketing Plan

Social Media Tactics

Once you have established your goals and objectives, it is time to create a list of social media tactics to help you achieve them. These should include the following:

  • How often will each platform be updated (and by whom)?
  • Which content types are appropriate for each platform?
  • The tone, style and voice of the content.

Social Media Marketing Plan

Now that you've decided to craft a social media plan for your company, the next step is creating the actual plan. While there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to creating your strategy, there are some best practices that you can follow.

Follow these simple yet effective steps to create a social media plan for your business.

1. Do a Social Media Audit

The first step in creating a social media plan is to do a social media audit of your existing channels. This will give you an idea about what's working, what isn't and how to improve the things that are falling flat.

What is a Social Media Audit?

A social media audit is an overview of all the activities and campaigns you have been running on various networks—including posts, comments and replies, ads, and any other interactions with followers (like likes/shares). It will also include information about each channel's demographics: who's following them, where they're located, etc.

2. Know Your Target Audience

You should know your target audience. If you don't, how can you expect to connect with them on social media? Several things need to be considered when deciding who your audience is:

Demographics: Age, gender, race, marital status and income are all critical in determining the makeup of an audience.

Psychographics: In addition to demographics, psychographics also help define an audience by focusing on interests and opinions rather than other factors such as age or gender. For example, a person may have specific political views that distinguish him from most other people his age (or vice versa).

Interests: Knowing what types of content interest your target audience allows you to create more appealing posts — it's easy to share something if it resonates with them!

According to a survey by ITSMA, 90% of companies that use buyer personas understand their customers better than their competitors. Therefore, it would be better to create a buyer persona to make this process easier.

Here are 20 customer persona templates from Visme that you can customize to create your own.

Watch this video below to learn more about creating a persona.

how to make a social media presentation

3. Set S.M.A.R.T Goals

Setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) is the most efficient way to reach your goals. For example: "I will increase Instagram followers by 100 within 30 days." This goal is specific because it names an exact number (100) and a timeframe (30 days). It's measurable because it assigns a metric (the number of followers) and benchmarks for improvement (increased by 100).

It's achievable because your company already has followers and increasing their numbers by 100 seems like an attainable goal for someone with your level of expertise. And finally, it's time-bound; if you don't hit that target by the next 30 days, then we're going home!

Read this article about creating S.M.A.R.T. goals and using the S.M.A.R.T. goal template below to create goals and never fail to achieve them again.

Printable SMART Goals Worksheet

4. Identify KPIs to Monitor Your Progress

You've set some SMART goals for yourself or your team members' social media accounts or profiles. But what about key performance indicators? These metrics help measure how much progress has been made toward meeting those objectives regularly and can be applied across multiple platforms.

With so many social media metrics available, it takes time to know which ones are most important for your business.

The key is to choose KPIs that align with your objectives, goals, and what you want to measure. This will help you determine whether or not you are progressing toward those goals.

Here are some of the most common KPIs:

  • Social media followers and reach
  • Engagement rate (likes, comments and shares)
  • Brand awareness and brand equity
  • Sales and lead generation
  • Customer service satisfaction
  • Cost per lead and R.O.I.

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

5. Choose the Right Social Media Channels

As of 2022, there are over 4.5 billion social media users worldwide, equivalent to 58% of the current world population. But this doesn't mean every social media platform will work for you.

Social media is all about engagement. So you must choose channels where your audience spends their time. For example, if your business caters to millennials, you must be on Facebook and Instagram. If your target market includes women over 35, Pinterest might be a good channel for you.

To choose the right social media platform for your business, you’ll have to find answers to these questions:

  • Where does your audience hang out online?
  • Do they prefer Facebook or Instagram, or Twitter?
  • What type of content do they prefer the most?

Here is an infographic template that you can use to compare the different social media platforms and choose the perfect one for your business.

Social Media Comparison Infographic

Define Your Brand Voice

Sharing information with your audience is one of the primary purposes of using social media. You must ensure that your posts are relevant and exciting if you want people to engage with them. This means you must define your brand voice before creating any content for your social channels.

You can start by defining what kind of content you want to share on social media. For instance, if you're a B2B company, you might want to focus on providing educational content or industry news relevant to your audience. If you sell products online, you can share some tutorials or product reviews to help customers make informed buying decisions.

Here is an infographic that will help you find your brand voice.

Brand Voice Chart Infographic

Create Engaging Content

Now that you know your target audience, goals, social media channels and brand voice, it's time to create content that attracts and engages your audience.

In the world of social media, there is a lot of noise. The average person is exposed to more than 4,000 ads each day on social media. For your brand to stand out in that crowd, you must ensure your social media content is on point.

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
  • Produce beautiful, effective marketing content quickly even without an extensive design skillset
  • Inspire your sales team to create their own content with branded templates for easy customization

Sign up. It’s free.

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

Here are some types of content that you can create for your social media:

Videos are a great way to engage your audience on social media. A study by HubSpot shows that 54% of consumers want to see more videos from a brand they follow on social media. They're fun, visual, and easy to share—which is why they're such a popular choice for consumers and online marketers.

You can make videos in a variety of ways:

Micro Videos: Micro videos are short, snappy videos that are usually no longer than 30 seconds. These videos are ideal for social media because they can be shared easily and quickly. If you want to create micro videos, Visme can help you create explainer videos , product videos , promo videos , YouTube video ads and many others.

Check out Visme's broad collection of video templates and edit them using the free online video maker to fit your needs.

YouTube Shorts: Similar to micro videos, shorts have more room to tell a story or explain something complex. They can also be longer than 30 seconds—but they should still be short enough that people won't get bored watching them!

Here is an example of a YouTube short from Visme that explains top design tips to improve your social media graphics.

TikTok: This platform lets you create and share short video clips in real-time with friends like Snapchat did before it was sold to Facebook. The app is viral among teens and young adults, so if you want to reach that audience, TikTok might be worth checking out!

@vismeapp This e-book hack is going to change your life! Adding a flipbook makes your documents :sparkles:POP:sparkles: and makes you stand out from the crowd. :computer: #ebooks #flipbook #presentationtips #leadmagnetideas ♬ original sound - 🙂

YouTube Videos: With over 2 billion active users , YouTube is the most popular video-sharing platform worldwide. YouTube lets you upload video content, including product reviews, tutorials on how to use specific products/services offered by your business, customer interviews, behind-the-scenes footage from events hosted by your team members/employees, and many others.

Watch this video to learn more about creating social media videos.

how to make a social media presentation

Infographics can be a fantastic way to combine text and images to convey your message. They're easily shareable and engaging and help people understand complex concepts in an easily digestible way. An infographic could be the perfect solution if you have a difficult concept to explain to your audience.

Visme offers thousands of infographic templates in various categories such as statistical, informational, comparison and more that you can use. Choose your favorite infographic template from the vast library and customize it using Visme's free online infographic maker to share with your audience.

Here is how you can create an infographic in minutes using Visme.

how to make a social media presentation

Images are what people see first before they read your content. So use engaging and eye-catching images that relate to your content. A picture of a popular travel destination would be relevant and exciting if you're posting about how to save money while traveling.

Visme has a rich library of social media graphics to level up your social media strategy. Simply pick your preferred template, tweak a few elements and boom your graphics is ready to go live.

The best part? With just a few clicks, you can publish your content directly to your social media channels from Visme's editor.

Social Media Templates

Trick or Treat Facebook Post

Trick or Treat Facebook Post

Spooky Halloween - Facebook Post

Spooky Halloween - Facebook Post

Happy Halloween - Facebook Post

Happy Halloween - Facebook Post

Spooky Halloween Day - Facebook Post

Spooky Halloween Day - Facebook Post

Halloween Party - Facebook Post

Halloween Party - Facebook Post

Thanksgiving Thank You Facebook Post

Thanksgiving Thank You Facebook Post

Create your social media graphic View more templates

Read our detailed guide about the 10 types of social media content you can use to improve your social media game. Watch the video below to learn more about it.

how to make a social media presentation

Visme offers a wide range of social media graphic templates you can easily customize. With these templates, you can create your own Facebook Ads , Facebook Posts , LinkedIn Headers , YouTubeThumbnails , Instagram Stories and almost every type of content you need to run your social media campaigns effectively.

Watch the video below to learn how it works.

how to make a social media presentation

8. Create a Social Media Content Calendar

A content calendar helps you stay organized and on track to avoid posting at the wrong time or forgetting to post altogether. It keeps all your posts in one place so you don't have to search for them when it's time to post. Also, it lets you see what types of posts are popular with your audience, which helps you create more engaging content for them.

But how do you create a social media content calendar?

There are many different ways to create a social media content calendar. Some people prefer using spreadsheets or Google Docs, while others like using advanced apps such as Visme's Social Media Scheduler . The key is finding a system that works best for you and then sticking with it!

With Visme, you can create your social media content and use the social media scheduler to automate your posts. Here is a detailed guide to creating a social media calendar in Visme.

how to make a social media presentation

9. Create an Engagement Strategy

You need to start engaging with your audience to build a loyal audience and increase your brand awareness . The key to engaging with your customers on social media is to listen to what they have to say, respond in a timely fashion and be helpful.

Here are some tips for creating a social media engagement strategy:

Engage with Your Audience in Comments

If you have an active community on social media, then you're probably already doing this. But if not, then it's time to get started! Make sure whenever someone posts something on your Facebook page or Twitter feed, they get a response from the company itself.

This can be as simple as thanking them for their comment or sharing their story. If one person starts a conversation, others will join in — and soon, you'll have a lively discussion going on about your brand!

Provide Excellent Customer Support

If people are talking about your brand online, there's no better way to encourage them than by providing customer support through social media channels. Users have a place to ask questions directly about products or services without waiting for an email response from customer service reps.

The more you can do to connect with your audience and provide a way for them to get in touch with you, the better. This will keep them engaged with your brand and help you build strong brand loyalty .

10. Track Performance and Make Adjustments

We've already discussed the KPIs you should track to monitor your social media performance. Once you have tracked your performance, it's time to make adjustments based on what worked and didn't. If there are specific posts that drive more traffic than others, then you need to continue posting those types of content.

If a particular post receives a lot of negative feedback from followers, you should avoid posting that type of content in the future. Consider changing platforms or deleting one if it isn't performing well for you.

With Visme's collaboration features , your team can create and publish content on social media directly from the Visme app. So, collaborate with your team to make changes in your social media plan, adjust the calendar and even work on a design project together.

Watch the video below to learn more about this amazing feature.

how to make a social media presentation

Create Your Next Social Media Plan with Visme

Social media is a powerful tool. The key to using it effectively is creating an effective social media plan. You can use this guide as a template to get started on your plan.

But remember that there are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to social media. The best thing you can do is experiment with different formats and see what works best for your brand!

Now you know that Visme can be a great help in every step of the process of creating your social media plan. Sign up for Visme's all-in-one design tool and social media scheduler to get started with your social media plan.

Create an effective social media plan with Visme

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Create Stunning Content!

Design visual brand experiences for your business whether you are a seasoned designer or a total novice.

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About the Author

Raja Antony Mandal is a Content Writer at Visme. He can quickly adapt to different writing styles, possess strong research skills, and know SEO fundamentals. Raja wants to share valuable information with his audience by telling captivating stories in his articles. He wants to travel and party a lot on the weekends, but his guitar, drum set, and volleyball court don’t let him.

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Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and mastering it has become essential in today's world. For that reason, this Google Slides & PPT template is perfect to explain the techniques for mastering social media. The bright purple background is eye-catching and impactful, and the thick font adds a touch of modern chicness to the whole presentation. The template incorporates tables, charts, graphs, maps, and timelines to help you present your data with ease. The presentation style is cool and modern, making it a perfect fit for any audience. With this design, you can say goodbye to boring slides and hello to an engaging presentation that will help you master the realm of social media.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 37 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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How to create custom social media graphics in PowerPoint

  • Written by: Olivia Kippax Jones
  • Categories: PowerPoint design , PowerPoint animation
  • Comments: 3

how to make a social media presentation

Engaging social media graphics are a key part of any digital strategy, but social media is a beast that always needs feeding! Online platforms constantly demand new, eye-catching content to keep your products or services at the forefront of your customers’ attention. If you’re a small business or freelancer, keeping on top of social media postings can seem like an impossible task. But you don’t need a crack team of graphic designers for every Instagram post. You have everything you need with PowerPoint. This article will show you how to make custom social media graphics in PowerPoint by leveraging some of our favorite PowerPoint tools and our free productivity and design add in BrightSlide.

Why use PowerPoint? There’s plenty of online content creation software out there and options like Canva are popular due to their pre-built components which help users develop content quickly. However, there are a few downsides to many of these tools:

  • You run the risk of your content looking like everyone else’s.
  • The animation options tend to be limited.
  • Lots of features, including branding options (like custom color palettes), are often only available with premium membership.

The likelihood is you already have PowerPoint and have some experience in using it. Not having to start learning a new program from scratch means you can start creating custom social media graphics straight away and don’t have to worry about watermarks or poor-quality exports from free versions of an unfamiliar software.

Today, I’ll be walking you through how to create an Instagram post in PowerPoint. Let’s get started!

Choose post size

Though PowerPoint is best known for presentations, you can actually set the slide size to anything you want. To do this, go to the Design tab, navigate to Slide Size and select Custom Slide Size from the drop-down menu. Here you can choose from pre-set slide sizes or set your own.

Screenshot of PowerPoint showing where to find the Custom Slide Size menu so your slide is the right size for a social media graphic.

Instagram posts can be square (1:1 ratio), portrait (4:5 ratio), or landscape (1.9:1 ratio). As a portrait image or video takes up the most space on the screen it’s a good option for engaging causal scrollers. Bear in mind that you want your slide to be nice and big, so the quality is high when you export it as an image, video or GIF. For this project we’ve chosen 40cm x 50cm. This post is a great reference for the ideal images sizes for popular social media sites .

Set up your slide

Before you start placing objects on your slide, you need to set yourself up for success. One part of this is setting up a grid to help you design well proportioned, balanced slides. Read more about the importance of grid and guides . You can create guides in PowerPoint by right clicking on your slide and clicking Grid and Guides then Guides . You can add individual guide lines using the same drop-down menu.

Screenshot of PowerPoint showing how to turn the Guides on.

Positioning these guides, however, can be tricky as there is no mathematical way to make sure they are in the right place. The easiest way to create accurate guides is to download our free PowerPoint design and productivity add-in BrightSlide . Using its Guides tool, select Create Guides , choose the number of columns and rows you want, and watch the guidelines change in real time – BrightSlide does all the calculation for you!

You also need to set your theme colors to make sure your post fits with your brand’s visual identity. To set the theme colors in PowerPoint head to the Design tab and under the Variants section, select Colors , then Customize Colors.

Screenshot of powerpoint showing where to find the Customize Colors menu so you can set up colours for your custom social media graphic

Click on one of the colors and select More Colors . You can choose from the color wheel or input your own RGB values. You can then name your new theme colors. Click here for a more detailed look at theme colors.

Screenshot of PowerPoint showing how to add custom colors to new theme.

Before moving on to the next step, don’t forget to check you’re using the right font for your brand! We’ve got a guide to advanced typography if you’re interested in learning more about make your letters look their best!

Prepare your images

Eye-catching imagery is important for grabbing users’ attention with your social media graphics. If you don’t have lots of high quality photography of your own, consider using stock photography sites like iStock and Shutterstock or discover the wonders of free photography sites like Unsplash . We have a great list of other free design resources here .

Once you’ve got hold of some great imagery there are a few ways you can edit it in PowerPoint.

Crop to shape

You can crop your images to any shape in PowerPoint – including a custom shape if you want to get creative. To crop to shape, go to the Picture Format tab and under the Crop dropdown menu select Crop to Shape and then select the shape you want to use.

To get a more precise crop, insert your image and then insert the shape you want to use by going to Insert>Shapes . Place the shape over the area of the picture you want to keep, select the image, then the shape and use the Intersect Boolean tool to cut out that section. You can copy and paste the image multiple times to cut out various sections. See more on custom image cropping .

screenshot of powerpoint showing where to find the Intersect Boolean tool.

Remove background

If you just want to use the main section of an image you can remove the background. There are a couple of ways to do this. One is using the Remove background tool in PowerPoint; you can find this under the Picture Format tab. Unfortunately, the tool is a bit hit and miss. If your image has a person in it then is a great alternative background remover you can use for free.

screenshot of the website showing how it can remove a background form an image with a person in.

You could also use the PowerPoint Freeform Shape tool, and the Boolean crop technique described above to cut out a larger section of your image. This is a little more time consuming but can generate great results.

Custom social media graphic layout

Now we can get on with creating the content, adding in text and shapes to make an eye-catching design. Remember to use your guide lines to place your content with care. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out the social media graphics your favorite brands post or browse design inspiration sites like Behance . Because social media graphics are typically viewed on a phone screen, you want to keep it simple without too much text to make sure you get your message across.

Our example uses simple PowerPoint shapes and the Boolean tools to create custom shapes – clouds. Simply place the shapes on your slide, overlapping slightly, select them, then use the Union Boolean tool to create one new shape.

Screenshot of powerpoint showing where to find the Union Boolean tool

You can then change the fill and outline color of your new shape. We’ve used a slight gradient to create fluffy clouds.

Export social media graphic as image or animate

At this point you can choose to save the slide as an image. Go to File > Save As then change the file type to JPG . This will save each slide as a separate image.

Alternatively, you can add some animation flourishes to help your post stand out from the crowd. When you’re animating you want to keep it simple (nobody needs to see the boomerang animation…ever!), animations like Fade , Fly In and Zoom can all look great. Alternatively, BrightSlide has a built-in animation library you can pull animation combinations from to add a little professional polish to your slide. Go to the BrightSlide tab then select My Animations .

Screenshot of PowerPoint showing where to find the BrightSlide Animation Library.

Export social media graphic as video or GIF

If you’ve taken the animation route, then the final step is to export your custom social media graphic. First, record your slide to time out the animations. Go to the Slideshow tab and hit Record Slide Show .

Screenshot of powerpoint showing where to find the Record from Current Slide feature to record your custom social media graphic

Once you’re happy with the timings, click File > Export > Export as Video or Create Animated GIF.

Check out our finished post:

Pretty good for a quick PowerPoint! Download BrightSlide here to boost your PowerPoint productivity and follow BrightCarbon on Twitter – all our social media graphics are made in PowerPoint!

how to make a social media presentation

Olivia Kippax Jones

Principal consultant (interim); content marketing lead, related articles, insights from a presentation templates expert.

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So helpful – can’t wait to try this!

Seriously thinking about switching from Canva to Powerpoint cause its more cost-efficient and I’m learning it can do almost everything!

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A Social Media Presentation Deck Stacked In Your Favor [Free Template]

Social media facilitates connections, but the stories we tell there are what binds us together. Great storytelling in your social media presentation will help keep your audience captivated from start to finish.

A great deck acts as the outline for your story arc, allowing the concepts and ideas to shine on your slides. Use this free, customizable social media presentation template to create a polished slide deck that brings your stories to life. 

In the template you’ll find: 

  • Ways to add structure
  • Customization tips
  • Data visualization ideas
  • Additional template slides 

Whether you’re pitching a new idea, proposing a budget increase or recapping a successful campaign, download and customize this deck to wow your audience.

View Template

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How to Create The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Deck

Deck 'em with your awesome-ness

There’s no denying it - the social media marketing landscape has changed drastically over the past 10 to 15 years. Today’s digital marketers specialize in social media content creation, community management, customer service, and social advertising. But with so many social media experts out there, how can you highlight your unique value and showcase the services you offer? That’s where a great social media marketing deck comes in.

We recently wrote a full guide on how to pitch social media management where we touched on the elements of a great social media deck. This article will break down social media presentations in more detail, as well as provide examples from top social media agencies. 

Social media is all about great storytelling. Your social media deck should tell a story about your business, the services you offer, and what problems you solve. It should be comprehensive, well-designed, and clearly show prospective clients how you can help them reach their business goals through social media. 

Keep reading to learn how to create the perfect deck for your social media services and get a “hell yes” from potential clients every time.

What is a social media marketing deck?

A social media marketing deck is a presentation that gives potential clients a snapshot of your social media business or agency. It’s a critical part of your marketing plan, and should highlight your unique selling points, what you’re best at, and why a client should choose you over a competitor offering similar services. 

Social media management isn’t as black and white these days. As social media growth has exploded over the past decade, more and more agencies are popping up, each with a different specialization or niche. For example, larger agencies might have experience managing various social networks, as well as running paid social media campaigns. A smaller, more specialized agency, on the other hand, might help brands create content for a single channel (say, Instagram or TikTok) or work on social media strategy, leaving the day to day management to the client’s in-house team. Your deck should clearly showcase your services and how they can directly benefit your client’s business.

PItch decks serve several different purposes, depending on who your target audience is. For example, you might use it on a discovery call or meeting with potential clients as a sales tool to convince them what they’ll gain from working with you. You can also use it to pitch investors or potential partners. Just like other startups or growing businesses, smaller agencies get scooped up by larger ones all the time. The right social media marketing deck can show interested parties why your business is unique and how it fills a gap in their own services. 

For the purposes of this article, we’ll be focusing more on the former, or using a social media marketing deck to win the business of potential new clients.

How to create an effective social media pitch deck 

Now that you understand the purpose of a social media deck, let’s talk about how to actually make one. 

Before you start, it’s critical to understand your audience . That means you need to do your homework and gain a good understanding of your client’s business and how they’re currently using social media. A quick social media audit can help you understand where the opportunities lie, but we’d recommend pairing that with a questionnaire or discovery call to really get to the source of their pain points. This will give you a better understanding of the client and deliver a more effective pitch deck.

Now onto the good stuff - putting together your pitch deck. Every social media manager and therefore every pitch will be unique, but here’s a high-level overview of what your pitch deck template should include:

Introduction and Table of Contents

Start your presentation off with a clean title page, a table of contents, and a quick introduction to your key team members.  

Your introduction should clearly show why you and your team are the best people for the job. It should feature details like your names, job roles, experience, and nice, professional photos. 

Here’s an example from Kiss Metrics :

how to make a social media presentation

For social media specifically, you’ll want to feature team members like your account manager, since this is who the client will be working with most closely. You’ll also want to feature people like your CEO and Operations Manager to add credibility and context around your team’s experience.

Let’s talk about storytelling for a second. Telling your social media agency’s story (or why you do what you do) is a compelling way to help your audience remember you. People connect to stories, so if you want to leave a lasting impression, this is a must.

Problem and Solution

In 2024, most businesses can grasp why social media is important. They understand that consumers check their social media feeds multiple times per day and that their business needs to have an online presence to compete. 

Ideally, your prospect will have sought you out because they’ve already identified what they want to improve upon in their social media marketing. But many times, your prospective client might not even realize they have a problem. That’s where you come in.

If you want a prospect to understand why they should invest in social media at this point in time, you’ll have to show them what problem it solves for them and why your solution is the answer.

For example, maybe your client has been posting on Instagram for over a year and their following has stagnated (i.e. the problem). You might pitch them on how a proper social media marketing strategy (i.e. the solution) can help them break through that plateau and reignite their growth. 

Or perhaps you want to introduce them to a new opportunity that could earn them a ton of business, say TikTok ads. Here’s an example of a great slide from the Social Bakers that helps make that case:

how to make a social media presentation

One trick we find helpful in these instances is to show people the cost of not solving the problem. Pull statistics, such as this one highlighting that 66% of marketers who spend an average of 6 hours on social media every week get more leads.

 Likewise, highlight how having a stronger social presence might cause customers to choose their product or service over a competitor’s. 

After addressing the prospect’s problem, it’s time to dive into exactly how your package or service is the perfect solution. Run through a list of your services, making sure to highlight the ones that would benefit them the most. 

When it comes to social media, most agencies or freelancers tend to organize their services into either fixed campaigns or ongoing monthly packages. Make sure you’re 100% clear on what you offer (and what you don’t). For example, you might create and publish content on the client’s social media channels, but won’t coordinate influencer campaigns on their behalf. 

By the end of this section, the client should have a clear understanding of where you fit into their overall marketing plan and which areas they might need an in-house staff or external partner for.

Social Proof

A strong case study is one of the best sales tools at your disposal. It shows people you’ve achieved success with past clients, which builds your credibility and helps establish trust. 

Include success stories or testimonials from past clients. Show the difference in results from the time they started working with you to now. Or say you ran a successful marketing campaign for a well-known brand. Include it in your deck, similar to how 3STEPS4WARD digital marketing agency does it here:

how to make a social media presentation

The fact that established brands trust you to manage their social media speaks volumes about abilities and shows clients that you’re more than capable of handling their needs.

Ask a handful of agencies whether you should include pricing in your pitch and you’ll likely get a variety of answers. Some prospects may want to see the information upfront in order to make a decision, whereas some might ask you to follow up with a proposal and pricing. Regardless of which direction you choose, it never hurts to have a pricing slide on hand, just in case. 

Another option is to include a minimum price for each of your services. This gives the prospect a ballpark of the investment needed to obtain your services, but gives you room to adjust depending on the client’s needs.

Workflow and Process

Even if you haven’t gotten a resounding “yes” from your prospect just yet, it helps to have a quick slide highlighting how you’ll work together if they become a client. This helps them imagine what it might be like to work with you and gives them an idea how you’ll integrate into their internal workflow. 

Keep this section brief and avoid too much social media jargon. Here are some of the main points you can touch upon in this section:

  • Deliverables: Clearly outline what your agency will deliver and what you won’t. For instance, you might create and publish content, but won’t be in charge of actually managing the client’s social media accounts. Make sure this is crystal clear before you move ahead with a contract. At this stage, you’ll also need to communicate what you need from the client. This might include social media account access, scheduling tools , and more.
  • Metrics and reporting: How will you determine what success looks like for your client? What KPIs will you need to measure? For example, if the client wants to build brand engagement, you might look at interactions like comments, shares, likes and saves on their posts. Likewise, if they want to generate brand awareness, you might look at reach and impressions. These numbers will help you assess how effective your work is and show the client the value they’re getting from working with you.
  • Communication: Like all relationships, strong communication is the key to success. Once your prospect becomes a client, how often can they expect to meet with you? Will you meet on a video call, in person, or communicate via email? Start the relationship off on the right foot by establishing this ahead of time to make sure you’re on the same page.

Call to Action and Questions

Wrap things up by reiterating your key points, then establish clear next steps in the event that the client wants to move ahead with your services. This could include major milestones, timelines, and a brief outline of your client onboarding process. Give them a chance to ask any last questions they might have.

Here’s a tip from highly successful agency owners: anticipate questions in advance . Have a list of previous questions handy or brainstorm potential objections with your internal team and practice answering them. This is the best way to avoid being caught off guard and guarantee you’ll have an informed response at the ready. If you really want to impress your prospect, you can back up those answers with additional case studies or research.

Whether your pitch ends with a new client or the prospect decides your service isn’t the right fit, it’s always a nice courtesy to thank people for their time. Keep the door open for future communication and end things on a high note, letting them know you’ll be available for further questions. Make sure you leave your contact information, such as an email or phone number in case they need to get in touch with you later.

Bonus Tips for Writing a Great Social Media Marketing Deck

Make it personal.

Your social media marketing deck shouldn’t be one size fits all. The best pitch decks are highly personalized to each client, and for good reason. A recent study from Semrush shows that a personalized agency pitch has a bigger impact on your success than factors like cost, value propositions, case studies or benchmarks. Showing the client that you understand them and their business is your best shot at success.

You can have the best marketing presentation in the world, but if the prospective client can’t see how you will solve their specific challenges, it will be a hard sell as to why they should work with you. For example, if you’re working with a small startup, LinkedIn ads might not be the best option, since they’re quite costly and will eat up a good portion of their social media budget. A good understanding of your client’s industry, their product or service, and their target audience, can help you recommend a solution that’s right for them.

Refine your design.

A strong design can help take your social media marketing deck from good to great. Even if you’re not a professional designer, you can create marketing decks using tools like PowerPoint, Canva, and Google Slides. They have tons of free presentation templates you can use to ensure your pitch deck looks professional and on brand.

Nail your timing. 

According to research from the University of Tennessee, the average adult attention span is around 20 minutes . If your pitch drags on past that mark, you run the risk of losing your audience. Your social media marketing deck should strike the perfect balance between providing the client with the information they need and not droning on and on. 

The best way to nail your timing is through practice. Run through your deck with a friend or colleague, making sure to time yourself so you can get an accurate estimate of the presentation length. It also doesn’t hurt to go back through your slides and edit out extra information or words to ensure they only contain information that’s necessary and relevant to the client. 

Add visual aids.

Studies show that more than 80% of people remember what they see, compared to 20% of what they read and only 10% of what they hear. Visuals can help elevate your social media marketing deck by breaking down complex concepts or showcasing trends in a more digestible way. Who doesn’t love a pretty infographic or graph highlighting the latest social media trends? Images make things interesting and keep your audience engaged. 

Perfect the art of the follow up.

Michelle Moore, author of Selling Simplified , said it best: “not following up with your prospects is the same as filling up your bathtub without first putting the stopper in the drain.” Put simply, you can pitch as many prospects as you want, but without the follow up, you risk all that hard work going down the drain. 

Follow up within an appropriate window of time without being too pushy. A quick email or phone call a few days after the presentation shows that you’re proactive and on top of things. Clients are human - they get busy and things slip through the cracks sometimes. A gentle reminder never hurts and shows them you’re prioritizing their needs.

That’s all for now!

Just like in sports, pitching is one of those things that gets easier the more you practice. Each time you present your social media deck, you’ll spot opportunities to fine tune and improve your presentation. 

Don’t forget to update your social media marketing deck every so often to ensure the information is up to date. Highlight your latest client wins, add any new services, and continue to refine your slides to make them as targeted as possible. With a great deck on your side, you’ll have clients busting down your door to work with you in no time.

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    decide what to include in the presentation. group ideas into main points. organize your points, sub-points, Q&A, and various elements of the speech in the logical flow. highlight 2-3 key takeaways. 3. Design and Organize Your Slides. Design and structure your slides on the basis of the presentation outline.

  6. 15+ Best Social Media Presentation Templates

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  23. Free social media marketing plan maker.

    Design a tailored, branded social media marketing plan fast. Craft on-brand marketing plans in no time with Adobe Express. Our professionally designed templates provide the perfect starting point, and with a Premium account, you can effortlessly apply your personal or corporate color schemes, logos, and fonts in one click with brand kits.

  24. Sticker Creator in Microsoft Designer

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