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HTML Graphics

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HTML Tutorial References

  • HTML Tags - A to Z List
  • HTML Attributes Complete Reference
  • HTML Global Attributes
  • HTML5 Complete Reference
  • HTML5 MathML Complete Reference
  • HTML DOM Complete Reference
  • HTML DOM Audio/Video Complete Reference
  • SVG Element Complete Reference
  • SVG Attribute Complete Reference
  • SVG Property Complete Reference
  • HTML Canvas Complete Reference

HTML Exercises, Practice Questions and Solutions

Are you eager to learn HTML or looking to brush up on your skills? Dive into our HTML Exercises , designed to cater to both beginners and experienced developers. With our interactive portal, you can engage in hands-on coding challenges, track your progress, and elevate your web development expertise. Whether you’re starting from scratch or aiming to refine your HTML knowledge, our practice questions and solutions offer a step-by-step guide to success.

A step-by-step HTML practice guide for beginner to advanced level.

Benefits of HTML Exercises

  • Interactive Quizzes: Engage in hands-on HTML quizzes.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor your learning journey.
  • Skill Enhancement: Sharpen coding skills effectively.
  • Flexible Learning: Practice at your own pace.
  • Immediate Feedback: Receive instant results and feedback.
  • Convenient Accessibility: Accessible online, anytime.
  • Real-world Application: Apply HTML concepts practically.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Cover a range of HTML topics.

How to Start Practice ?:

Embark on your HTML learning journey by accessing our online practice portal. Choose exercises suited to your skill level, dive into coding challenges, and receive immediate feedback to reinforce your understanding. Our user-friendly platform makes learning HTML engaging and personalized, allowing you to develop your skills effectively.

HTML Best Practice Guide:

Dive into HTML excellence with our comprehensive Best Practice Guide. Uncover essential coding standards, optimization tips, and industry-recommended approaches to HTML development. Elevate your skills with insightful advice, practical examples, and interactive challenges. Ensure your web projects stand out for their clarity and performance by following these proven best practices.

Why Practice HTML Online?

  • Hands-On Learning : Immerse yourself in interactive HTML exercises to gain practical experience.
  • Progress Tracking : Monitor your learning journey and see how your skills improve over time.
  • Flexible Practice : Learn at your own pace, anytime and anywhere with convenient online accessibility.
  • Real-World Application : Apply HTML concepts to real projects, enhancing your ability to create websites.
  • Comprehensive Coverage : Explore a variety of HTML topics, from basic syntax to advanced techniques.

HTML Online Practice Rules:

  • Be Honest : Complete exercises independently, avoiding plagiarism or unauthorized help.
  • Time Management : Adhere to time limits to simulate real-world scenarios effectively.
  • Code Quality : Prioritize clean, efficient, and well-structured HTML code.
  • Follow Guidelines : Adhere to platform instructions for input/output formats and code submission.
  • No Cheating : Refrain from using external resources during assessments, unless explicitly permitted.
  • Utilize Feedback : Learn from automated feedback and engage with the community for support.
  • Active Participation : Join forums, discussions, and share insights with fellow learners to enhance your understanding.
  • Continuous Improvement : Identify and address areas of weakness for ongoing growth and development.

Features of Practice Portal:

  • Immediate Feedback : Receive instant feedback on mistakes to facilitate quick learning.
  • Unlimited Attempts : Practice exercises multiple times to master HTML concepts.
  • Time Management Tools : Display elapsed time for each set of exercises to help manage time effectively.
  • Performance Analytics : Track your progress with detailed analytics, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Interactive Code Editor : Experience an immersive coding environment for hands-on practice.
  • Hints and Solutions : Access hints and solutions to guide your learning process.
  • Community Integration : Engage with peers through forums and discussions for collaborative learning.
  • Adaptive Difficulty : Adjust exercise difficulty based on user performance for personalized challenges.
  • Gamification Elements : Earn scores, achievements, or badges to make learning HTML engaging and fun.

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Practice Projects in HTML & CSS

Solidify concepts with guided practice., animal fun facts, animated company logo, birthday party, black lives matter, cake o'clock, challenge project: build a website design system, challenge project: build your own cheat sheet.

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Programming Tricks

  • HTML Lab Assignments

HTML Assignment and HTML Examples for Practice

Text formatting, working with image, working with link.

Assignment 1: Static Web: HTML/CSS

Due Sunday, February 7 11:59pm ET

Accept the Github Classroom assignment and clone this repo that contains stencil code for Assignment 1.


This is a multi-part assignment with the objective of making you comfortable working with HTML and CSS. By the end of this assignment, you will have styled some rectangular blocks and created a simple version of Twitter's home page.

If this assignment seems overwhelming to you, please come see a TA at TA hours to talk through some strategies for tackling it. We expect this assignment to be a time-consuming assignment as we cover a lot of fundamental techiniques. But with a good strategy, it can be finished in a reasonable amount of time.

Note: Only CSS and HTML will be used for this assignment. If you want to use JavaScript (or libraries such as jQuery) then feel free to, but we will only be grading correctness on your CSS and HTML.

If you can, Start Early!


Now that you understand some of the basics of HTML and CSS, let’s take a look at how to align HTML elements. There are multiple ways to align HTML elements, but in this part, we recommend using flexboxes as they are widely used in modern web development (for example BootstrapV4 is built on top of flexboxes).

Refer to this great webpage on how to use flexboxes: CSS Flexbox Guide .

Also feel free to use online resources such as Stack Overflow, MDN, W3, and Google for reference.

Screenshot of Part1 at the beginning

As you can see, there are 9 rectangles. The styling and makeup of the first two rectangles are already built for you. Your task is to apply stylings and add div elements inside of the next 7 green rectangular blocks to create a webpage that looks like this:

Screenshot of Part1 when finished

For the third row, the red and blue end rectangles should remain the same width, and the green space should shrink.

Possible Approach: Have a div with a red background and a div with a blue background, both with fixed width. Use an appropriate value for Justify Content .

For the fourth row, the blue end rectangle should remain the same width, and the red rectangle should shrink.

Possible Approach: Have a div with a red background and a div with a blue background. Have a fixed width on the blue div. Use Flex Grow .

For the fifth row, the red square should remain the same size, but always remain in the center of the green rectangle.

Hint: Think about how to keep a div fixed size and how to align something in the absolute center of the parent element.

For the sixth row, the blue rectangle should remain the same size, while the red rectangles should shrink. The blue rectangle should remain in the center of the row.

Hint: Use two red divs.

For the seventh row, the red rectangle should remain the same width.

Hint: Nest divs and use background-color: transparent

For the eighth row, the orange rectangles should remain the same size while the green space between them shrinks.

For the ninth row, the green space between the orange rectangles should remain the same width while the orange rectangles narrow.

The examples we provided with the first two rectangular blocks use flexboxes. You are not required to use flexboxes for the next 7 rows, but we recommend it as it will also be useful in part 2 of this assignment.

You should only have to use the div html element to complete this assignment. Also, none of the divs you create inside of the provided wrapper divs should have background-color: green; . But it is valid to specify non-green background colors for any divs, including the wrapper.

  • The color of the boxes we used are background-color: red , blue , and orange
  • Some width/height values we used are 20px, 40px, 80px

You are not required to use Bootstrap in this part. You can use if you want, but we actually recommend writing plain CSS. Just for this part, inline CSS is acceptable, but you should generally avoid using inline CSS in the future.

Any images you'll need can be found in the part2/images folder, which can be referenced as ./images (when CSS is in its own file, URLs are relative to the CSS file, not the page it is loaded on). All of your HTML should go in the index.html file and all of your CSS should go in the index.css file.

Twitter page overview

Feel free to go on Twitter and use your browser’s inspect element to see how they do font sizes, font weights, margins, paddings, text colors, and background colors (use inspector). Our solution is a bit different than Twitter’s architecture because twitter’s HTML/CSS setup is way too complicated for a simple web mockup. If you try to copy Twitter’s code instead of creating the HTML elements yourself, you’ll end up spending way more time trying to figure out what each div does and how to decipher their massive styling code base.

Ethics Requirements

A screen reader needs to know in advance what language your website is in in order to function properly.

To help it out, make sure to declare the language of your website in the lang= attribute of the html tag.

Blind and low-sighted users often can’t see images on a site.

  • To help them enjoy your site’s content, all images must have alt text.
  • The alt text goes in the alt="..." attribute of the image element.
  • You should give a basic description of what is in the image. Putting image in the alt attribute does not count!

Blind or low-sighted users may want to “skim through” a page using their screen reader. To make that easier, the page should have a logical hierarchy using different headings to designate different levels of importance.

Note: your Twitter page won’t have that many headings. Just don’t use headings to style things!

If you want a piece of text that isn’t a heading to be big or bold, use HTML elements like em and b tag or CSS to style it rather than the heading attribute.

For people using screen readers to navigate the page, ARIA landmarks are a big help – they can help users skim the page, or to quickly find the content they need. These are attributes that can be added to any element on the page and appear as role= attributes within a div’s opening tag. The ARIA landmarks you are required to include are:

  • role=navigation (to designate the navigation menu): add this to the navigation bar.
  • role=main (main page content, i.e. the tweets): add this to the div you use to contain your tweets.

Look here for more tips and examples.

Finally, your page should have a skip link (think <a> !) somewhere at the top of the navigation. Skip links are links at the top of the page which allow a user to skip to the main content of the page. They’re important for older browsers and screen readers that may not support ARIA landmark navigation.

  • This can be styled any way you like! However, for this project, hide them using display: none; .
  • To do this, you’ll have to give the div you will be jumping to an ID, and have the link href="..." attribute point to that div’s ID. For example, if I wanted to jump to a div with the ID myDiv, I would have the following link: <a href=”#myDiv”>Jump to myDiv</a>
  • In our case, this means skipping to content-wrapper or content-center , depending on your implementation. More tips and examples can be found here .

We recommend running your page through WAVE’s accessibility checker, which we asked you to add to your Firefox and/or Chrome browsers during lab 1. We’ll be using that tool to test whether your ARIA landmarks and general hierarchy are logical, as well as whether you’ve implemented alt text in your image descriptions.

Note: The Chrome WAVE extension has been a little finicky lately. If you’re having trouble, try running your code on a department machine and/or using Firefox.

For help, take a look at our Accessibility Resource Sheet in Docs or come to TA hours!

Functionality Requirements

In the following, we put together some hints on how to accomplish the functionality requirements. We also encourage you to refer to online resources like MDN and CSSTricks for HTML and CSS properties.

Note: Don't worry about getting the font sizes or font colors exact. That being said, #4AB3F4 is the blue color used in the mockup and #E6ECF0 is the light gray background color.

Twitter page parts dimensions

Twitter's header is fixed which means when you scroll down, the header remains at the top of the webpage. We will require you to implement your header in a similar manner. To do this, use:

  • position: fixed; Adding this to an element makes it stick to whatever position you specify
  • top: 0; left: 0; These are the positions for the fixed element that will keep the element fixed at the top
  • z-index: 100; Adding this to an element makes it positioned above other elements (You could probably make it work with z-index: 5, but we put 100 just to make sure). Elements without a specified z-index have a default z-index of 0. Elements with higher z-indexes are placed over elements with lower z-indexes.

If you decide to use Bootstrap, you may find Navbar Placement to be useful.

Twitter how Navbar Link looks like

Lastly, we require you to have the Twitter logo stay in the middle of the header when you resize the window.

  • Home <i class="fas fa-home"></i>
  • Moments <i class="fas fa-hashtag"></i>
  • Notifications <i class="far fa-bell"></i>
  • Messages <i class="far fa-envelope"></i>

The file path of the twitter logo is ./images/twitter-logo.png


  • max-width: 1190px; This sets the maximum width of the element.
  • margin: 56px auto; This sets the vertical margins to 56px so that it is below the header and the horizontal margins to automatically center the element.


How the left content will look like

  • Cover picture (purple)
  • Profile picture (orange)
  • Profile stats (green)

We require you to create the overlapping effect between the profile picture and cover picture. Usually to sepcify priority in stacked display (think it as layers), you will use z-index .

Bootstrap section for positioning

  • The filepath of the cover picture is ./images/ratatouille-banner.png while ./images/ratatouille.jpg is the filepath of the profile picture for Remy and ./images/linguini.png is the filepath of Linguini's profile picture.


How the center content will look like

We require that you include the profile picture in every one of the tweets. Additionally, in at least one of the tweets you should have a span tag to change the styling of a single word within the tweet.

border-radius: 50%; or Bootstrap class rounded-circle makes an element a circle.


If you minimize the width of your browser when on Twitter, you will notice that the content on the right disappears at a certain point. This is done using CSS media queries.

We require you to do the same on your mockup. So, use a media query to make content-right disappear when the window’s width is less than or equal to 1200px.

Other than the explicitly stated requirements for this part, we would like you to make your Twitter mockup generally resemble the solution provided above

If you can, please make your webpage compliant across browsers. But we will be testing your assignment on Chrome.

To access Chrome in CIT machine: From the command-line, type chrome .

General Notes

As a reminder, it's a good idea to run your HTML and CSS syntax through validators. You should also consider using an accessibility checker such as WAVE.


There are hundreds of HTML and CSS tags, properties, and values, and CS132 does not expect students to learn each one by heart. However, this assignment and the first lab are intended for you to intuitively understand the languages, and to be proficient at knowing how to tackle a design by the end of the semester.

If you’re having problems, there are many guides on HTML and CSS online (CSSTricks and MDN are your friends), as well as on our resources page.

As always, if you are stuck on a particular part, you can always talk to the friendly TAs or ask questions on course piazza (check your email for a signup link).

As a general rule of thumb, do not expect TAs to be able to solve every web problem you have. Even the most adept web developer can struggle a lot with specific CSS rules to use.

To hand in your code for Assignment 1, upload the directory containing your solution to part 1 and part 2 to Gradescope .

Tutorials Class - Logo

  • HTML Basics

Basic HTML Exercises about HTML Links, Paragraphs, Layouts, Tags, & Text Formatting

Steps to Create a Webpage in HTML using Notepad

A website is simply a collection of web-pages. A web page or web documents written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) . These Web pages can be viewed using any web browser and Internet.

Html Language is used to write code and programs to create a webpage. It is easy to create a webpage and you can learn it with few basic steps mentioned below:

HTML Program or page can be created by many HTML or Text Editors. These editors are software that help us writing our code with easy user interface. Today, we will see how to create a html or webpage using Notepad Editor.

Notepad editor is built-in text editor in Windows Computers. You can find similar editors in Mac and Linux Operating system as well.

There are many advanced HTML editor or software are also available. However, we will recommend using default and simple editor like notepad for the beginners. That is always a good way to start learning HTML.

Creating a Simple HTML Page using Notepad Editor

Follow the four steps below to create your first web page with Notepad.

Step 1: Open Notepad (Windows)

Windows 8 or later: Open the Start Screen and Search (Type Notepad)

Windows 7 or previous Windows: Open Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad

Step 2: Create a New Document

Go to Notepad Menu: File > New

A New blank document will be opened and you can start writing your first HTML Program here.

Step 3: Write Some HTML code or Program

Write some HTML code. If you do not know about HTML Yet, read few chapters in HTML Tutorials Section .

Write your own HTML code or simply copy the following HTML Simple Program into notepad document.

Step 4: Save the HTML Page

Go to Notepad Menu: File > Save (or use short-key CTRL + S)

It will ask you to Save the file on your computer. Give it a name with .html extension and Save it (for example program.html)

Note: HTML page should be saved with .html extension carefully.

Step 5: View the HTML Page using Browser

Web browsers are programs or software that are used to view Webpages/Websites. You can find Internet Explored by default if using Windows Computer machine. You can also download other popular web browsers such as Google Chrome or Firefox. Use any of them.

Now Simply, open the saved HTML file in any browser: Double click on the file or right-click on the file and choose “Open with” option to select other browser.

You HTML File will be opened in web browser and it will show output based on your html program.

Congratulations if you are able to run your first HTML Program.

You can now learn more about HTML Tags and create more HTML web pages. Using these HTML Pages, you can easily create your own website as well.

Program to see difference between paragraphs & normal text with line break

We can write some text in body and it will be displayed in browser. All text will be displayed in single line until it reach browser window border. If you want to add some line break, you can use <br/> tag.

Another option is to use text between paragraph tag. You can use multiple paragraph tags to display multiple text paragraphs.

Different between HTML Paragraph & Regular line break:

Using <br/> tag, it only add a single line break. While using <p> tag it creates a paragraph with extra spacing before and after the paragraph.

Write an HTML program to display hello world.

Description: You need to write an HTML program to display hello world on screen.

Hint : You need to type Hello World inside the body tag.

Write a program to create a webpage to print values 1 to 5

Description: Write a program to create a webpage to print values 1 to 5 on the screen.

Hint: Put values inside the body tag.

Write a program to create a webpage to print your city name in red color.

Description: Write a program to create a webpage to print your city name in red color.

Hint: You need to put the city name inside the body tag and use color attribute to provide the color.

Write a program to print a paragraph with different font and color.

Description: Create a webpage to print a paragraph with 4 – 5 sentences. Each sentence should be in a different font and color.

Hint: Put the paragraph content inside the body tag and paragraph should be enclosed in <p> tag.

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HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages.

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Yankees explain why Victor González was designated for assignment in bullpen shocker

  • Updated: Jun. 21, 2024, 7:31 p.m. |
  • Published: Jun. 21, 2024, 6:35 p.m.

Victor González

The Yankees designated Victor González for assignment on Friday, part of two moves to add fresh arms to the bullpen. AP

  • Max Goodman | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

NEW YORK — After using six relievers in each of their last two games — both infuriating losses to the Orioles — it was guaranteed that a fresh arm (or two) would be in the Yankees ’ clubhouse on Friday.

Yankees manager Aaron Boone alluded to that being the case on Thursday night following a 17-5 beatdown by the Orioles.

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MLB Trade Rumors

Brewers Designate Elieser Hernández For Assignment

By Anthony Franco | June 19, 2024 at 6:31pm CDT

The Brewers announced a few roster moves before tonight’s game in Anaheim. Milwaukee recalled rookie infielder Tyler Black and right-hander Bradley Blalock . They optioned infielder Oliver Dunn to Triple-A Nashville and designated righty Elieser Hernández to open spots on the active roster. The Hernández DFA drops the 40-man roster tally to 39.

It’s the first major league call for Blalock, whom Milwaukee added to the 40-man last offseason. Blalock was drafted by the Red Sox out of high school five years ago. Milwaukee acquired his at last summer’s trade deadline in the deal sending struggling infielder  Luis Urías to Boston. Blalock finished the season in High-A, yet the Brewers were still concerned another team would pluck him away in the Rule 5 draft.

Milwaukee optioned the 6’2″ righty to Double-A Biloxi to start this year. Working from the rotation, he has pitched to a 4.24 ERA through 51 innings. Blalock’s 18.9% strikeout rate is modest, though he has only walked 7.8% of batters faced. The Georgia native has shown advanced control in his minor league career. Baseball America ranked him as the #22 prospect in the Milwaukee organization heading into the season, while he checked in 15th in the system on Keith Law’s list at The Athletic . Both outlets suggest he has a chance to stick in the rotation behind a low-mid 90s fastball and decent secondary offerings.

For the time being, Blalock could step into the long relief role which Hernández had filled. Milwaukee has enough rotation questions to potentially give the 23-year-old a starting look at some point. The recently promoted Carlos Rodríguez has allowed seven runs in 8 1/3 innings over his first two big league starts.

Hernández spent less than two weeks in Milwaukee. The Brewers signed him to a major league contract on June 8, two days after he elected free agency upon being outrighted by the Dodgers. The Venezuelan-born righty pitched four times, tossing six innings of two-run ball with a pair of strikeouts and walks apiece. Hernández had made five appearances with Los Angeles and owns a 6.32 ERA in 15 2/3 big league frames this year. The former Marlins starter will probably end up on waivers in the next few days and could return to free agency if he again goes unclaimed.

Black, one of the game’s better offensive prospects, steps back into the MLB infield mix. The Brewers called up the Wright State product for the first time in late April. Black only got into seven games before being optioned back to Nashville. He has turned in strong numbers there, hitting .275/.374/.483 with nine homers in 243 plate appearances.

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Blalock was called up a couple weeks ago, but was sent back down before appearing in a game.

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Why not Chad Patrick? HIs numbers are better at triple A than Blalock at double A.

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Blalock was already on the 40

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Hernández is good. Good numbers at AAA this year and was solid with the Brewers. He will get claimed with teams always needing SP depth.

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If, and when, Junis and Hall are added to the Roaster, the cuts become difficult. Most of the relivers have done well. Only Meyers and Rodriquez have options, I think.. Does anyone else have options left in the Pitching staff?

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It’s not Blalock’s first call. See this article which one of your colleagues wrote:


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Detroit Tigers' Kerry Carpenter cleared for baseball activities, wishes he could help offense

Detroit Tigers outfielder Kerry Carpenter remains on track with his rehabilitation schedule in return from a lumbar spine stress fracture , but he's frustrated watching his teammates struggle on offense without being able to help.

Carpenter is an irreplaceable slugger in the middle of the Tigers lineup, and the offense isn't the same without him.

"I'm losing it," said Carpenter with a smile. "It's been tough to watch and not be out there, especially because it's been so much fun when they're at home, I get to at least hang out with them. It's kind of tough when they're on the road."

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The good news: Carpenter is scheduled to begin baseball activities Monday following four weeks of physical therapy, exercises and rest. The 26-year-old needs about 1½ weeks of baseball activities before rehab assignment games , meaning he might not return to the Tigers until the end of July.

Carpenter, a left-handed hitter, was hitting .283 with eight home runs, 11 walks and 38 strikeouts across 50 games, posting a .914 OPS, before landing on the injured list May 29 with the lower back injury . He had a 1.004 OPS against right-handed pitchers.

The Tigers have played 21 games without Carpenter.

The Tigers hit .236 with a .684 OPS when Carpenter was healthy, but since his placement on the injured list, the Tigers are hitting .217 with a .628 OPS. (Players not named Riley Greene are hitting .204 with a .579 OPS in the 21-game stretch.)

The last four weeks have set the foundation for a full recovery.

"A bunch of treatment, a bunch of exercises, more treatment, more exercises, and then rest," Carpenter said. "That's about it until baseball starts again."

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Baseball activities begin Monday.

"Now, that could mean a lot of different things," manager A.J. Hinch said, "and it could be a slow ramp for him, but that's encouraging that he can start to do baseball things a little bit and hopefully continue to maintain his progress."

Javier Báez stays in Lakeland

Shortstop Javier Báez ( lumbar spine inflammation ) has been cleared for baseball activities for three days, but he hasn't reported to Comerica Park in Detroit.

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Instead, Báez is doing his work in the Tampa, Florida, area with some visits to Lakeland, home of the Tigers' spring training facility. He hit at a facility in Tampa on Friday, and he is scheduled to report to Lakeland again on Saturday.

It's unclear when Báez will show up in Detroit.

"I believe he's going to go there (to Lakeland) tomorrow, run some bases, do defense and continue his baseball progression," Hinch said. "Right now, the plan over the weekend is for him to do all of that in Lakeland."

Báez hasn't played for the Tigers since June 8.

Alex Faedo's rehab assignment

Right-handed reliever Alex Faedo ( right hip inflammation ) began his rehab assignment with Triple-A Toledo, completing one inning Wednesday. He is scheduled to pitch again Saturday, but that could be his final rehab outing.

He threw 21 pitches in Wednesday's appearance.

"He was a little rusty in his first outing," Hinch said, "and to simulate what he's going to be asked to do when he comes back, the one-plus to two (innings) is necessary."

After Saturday's appearance, the Tigers will evaluate whether or not to activate Faedo for Monday's series opener against the Philadelphia Phillies at Comerica Park.

"We've missed him," Hinch said. "We've got capable guys, but we consider him a weapon. He's someone who comes in at the most stressful times but also can take down a lot of outs to help bridge towards the back end of the bullpen."

#Tigers medical update: pic.twitter.com/dUffqMatN1 — Evan Petzold (@EvanPetzold) June 21, 2024

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Chicago Cubs | Chicago Cubs cut ties with struggling catcher…

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Chicago Cubs

Chicago cubs | chicago cubs cut ties with struggling catcher yan gomes and sign veteran tomás nido: ‘we felt we had to try to make a move’.

Cubs catcher Yan Gomes before a game against the White Sox at Sloan Park on Feb. 23, 2024, in Mesa, Arizona. (Stacey Wescott/Chicago Tribune)

Only 13 hours earlier, that same stall had belonged to Yan Gomes, who was behind the plate in the ninth inning of the Cubs’ 5-2 victory Tuesday night against the San Francisco Giants. This sport can be cruel sometimes, and when a team striving to make the playoffs is getting underperforming production at a position, difficult and potentially unpopular clubhouse moves might need to be made.

The Cubs signed Nido and designated Gomes for assignment before Wednesday’s series finale — a 6-5 win— ending the veteran catcher’s tenure with the organization after 2½ years. Manager Craig Counsell called it a tough decision because of how Gomes is a great teammate and important person the clubhouse.

“But in the end we just felt like we had to make an attempt at trying to get more production out of the catching spot,” Counsell said. “We’re just trying to get upgraded and give us more chances to win. It’s the whole player for sure matters, the defensive part of it matters. (Nido’s) an excellent receiver, and that’s important.”

Despite his struggles, Gomes remained a well-respected, valuable leader in the clubhouse and with the pitching staff.

“It’s just another reminder of how the the front offices will always do what they believe is best to win,” second baseman Nico Hoerner said. “And sometimes it’s someone you like as an individual and sometimes it’s a friend of yours and it’s just part of it. … It also provides a perspective on how fast this game does go by and the gratitude for being here and making the most of it.”

No catcher has caught left-hander Justin Steele more in his big-league career than Gomes. When paired up, Steele had a 2.53 ERA, the lowest of any of the eight catchers who have caught him. Steele gushed about Gomes’ impact on him personally and professionally.

“Obviously it just sucks,” Steele told the Tribune. “It’s the nature of the beast of what we do in baseball. It’s a business and I know he’ll land on his feet. It’s just the resilient personality he has. … He wasn’t just in the locker room connecting with you, he was going the extra mile to make sure everyone knew that he cared about you.

“The nicest thing I feel like you could say about somebody is when I’m out there pitching and he was back there catching I knew the guy behind the plate cared about me and not just as a player, but as a person.”

Gomes’ decline featured a jarring drop-off from one of the best offensive seasons in his career in 2023 in which he hit .267 with a .315 on-base percentage and 95 OPS+. His 20 doubles and 10 home runs were his most since his 2018 All-Star season, while his 63 RBIs were tied for sixth-most among MLB catchers. In 33 games this season, Gomes, who turns 37 next month, posted a .154/.179/.242 slash line and 18 OPS+ with two walks and 36 strikeouts in 96 plate appearances.

Photos: Chicago Cubs 6, San Francisco Giants 5

“I don’t know if shocking would be the right word, I mean, that’s what happened and we have to evaluate that,” Counsell said of Gomes’ drop-off. “Obviously the level that it changed was significant, and so we felt we had to try to make a move.”

The balance of playing time between Amaya and Nido is up in the air as the latter gets up to speed on the pitching staff. Nido spent his entire career in the New York Mets organization including parts of eight big-league seasons. The Mets released him Monday. Nido hit .229 and had a .261 on-base percentage and 81 OPS+ in 32 games this season.

Pitching coach Tommy Hottovy said the key to onboarding Nido will be to avoid overloading him with too much information.

“He’s been around some good staffs, he knows how to handle pitchers so he’s already asking the right questions and looking for the right information,” Hottovy said. “We also give him the bullets to be able to go out there and be successful.”

Beyond the offensive inconsistencies from their catchers this season — the Cubs ranked 28th in OPS and offensive WAR at the position — Gomes and Amaya have struggled to keep opposing teams’ running games in check, with Gomes’ defensive metrics, arm strength and framing notably declining since last year as Amaya had taken over the bulk of playing time. Amaya’s pitch framing is among the best in the league, however, and combined with his game calling, Counsell believes he’s in a really good place.

Teams had run wild on Gomes and Amaya, which Counsell points to some accuracy issues with the young catcher.

“Throwing has been has been a struggle a little bit, and I think that’s a team thing, pitchers and Miguel contribute to that and that’s certainly an area of improvement,” Counsell said. “He can make (his accuracy) better. When you have the opportunity to throw a guy out, accuracy gives you that opportunity.

“But he will get better offensively, and I think there’s a good offensive player in there and sometimes you’ve got to go through this to get there.”

The Cubs signed Gomes to a two-year, $13 million contract before the 2022 season and in November picked up his $6 million club option for 2024. His major-league career has spanned 13 years with five organizations, and he won a World Series ring with the Nationals in 2019.

“Just the longevity to play to the age that he’s at in today’s game, I just can’t emphasize that enough like it’s so hard to make it into your mid-30s now at any position much less doing it behind the plate and the amount of games that he played last year down the stretch and not only his stat line but the moments that he produced in last year,” Hoerner said. “He really was at the heart of a lot of things that we did.”

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Corpus Christi ISD announces curriculum, construction and special programs leaders

Corpus Christi ISD has announced several changes to the district leadership team for the upcoming school year, including new leaders in the areas of curriculum and instruction, construction and project management and special programs.

Sandra Clement, the district's chief officer of school improvement and innovation, will be the new deputy superintendent of curriculum and instruction. The previous deputy superintendent of curriculum and instruction, Kimberley James, is leaving CCISD for a superintendent role at Willis ISD.

Clement has worked at the district level since 2019, working to increase accountability scores for 22 schools. She previously spent 12 years as a campus leader, including as principal of Moody High School, according to a CCISD news release.

Clement holds a bachelor's degree, master's degrees in counseling and administration and a doctorate in educational leadership from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

“The energy and passion she brings to her work, as well as her breadth and depth of experience, makes this dynamic leader the right fit at the right time," Superintendent Roland Hernandez said in the release.

A Christus Spohn Health System project manager will be CCISD's new executive director of construction and project management. Trent Wagner, who earlier in his career was a site maintenance lead foreman in CCISD, is returning to the district. according to the release.

“We are looking forward to benefiting from Mr. Wagner’s business experience and familiarity with our district,” Hernandez said in the release. “Building new schools and significantly renovating others is an important part of our mission to serve our community, and we are grateful to have Mr. Wagner’s leadership in this important role.”

Wagner has a bachelor's degree in business from Texas A&M University-Kingsville and a master's degree in business administration-project management from Louisiana State University-Shreveport.

In his new role, Wagner will lead renovation and new school construction projects.

Corpus Christi ISD has sought community support for bond elections regularly for over a decade, opening new schools or unveiling improvements to older campuses across the district every year. The district is currently completing work on Creekside Elementary School, a bond 2020 project, as well as a new Southside middle school and a new Hamlin Middle School, bond 2022 projects.

Teresa Jo Wright will be the district's new director of special programs, which includes the bilingual education program, as well as the office for students in transition.

“Ms. Wright is a highly experienced educator and administrator,” Hernandez said in the release. “We are delighted to welcome her to CCISD and look forward to benefiting from her leadership."

Wright has previously worked at Education Service Center, Region 2 and Laneville ISD, where she was superintendent for seven years. She has a bachelor's degree from Southwest Texas State University and a master's degree from Walden University, as well as a superintendent's certification.

Zonia Lopez, the district's current director of special programs, will lead Zavala Elementary School in 2024-25.

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