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Parent Resources for Learning > Character > 8 Fun and Easy Ways to Teach Kids About Friendship

8 Fun and Easy Ways to Teach Kids About Friendship

by Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos | May 22, 2023 | Character

assignment kid friendly definition

Friendship is an important part of every child’s life, but being a good friend isn’t a skill that’s developed overnight—it’s something that takes time and practice. Learning to be a good friend is an important part of building Character , one of the research-based 5 C’s at the heart of the Begin Approach to helping kids thrive in school and life. 

The Short Cut

  • Friendship builds Character, one of the 5 C’s to help kids thrive in school and life
  • Making friends is fun, but it still takes practice! Strengthen budding social-emotional skills through reading, discussion, and small group play
  • An easy way to encourage healthy friendships is to model friendly behavior with grown-ups (and kids!) in your life
  • Developing the 5 C’s doesn’t need to be complicated. You can make a big difference in only  15 minutes a day !

Developmentally, children learn about friendship in different stages. For example, when they’re young, kids are very egocentric. During this stage, they are only beginning to learn how to interact with others. That’s why young toddlers and preschoolers might have a hard time sharing or taking turns.

As your child grows, their thinking becomes less egocentric and they start to become aware of other people’s feelings and perspectives. This is when they begin to develop the skills needed for friendship.

But even older kids need guidance when it comes to making friends. That’s where these fun and easy tips from Begin come in.

Mom playing with child with friendly stuffed dog

Ways to Teach Kids about Friendship

1. talk about what friends are.

Ask your child what they think a friend is. Listen to their answer and then share your definition of friendship.

You might say something like, “A friend is someone you like spending time with. They make you feel happy and special, and you can rely on them.”

Once you’ve established a loose definition, talk about what friends do. Have your child brainstorm a list of things that friends do for each other, and write down what they say.

If your child is having trouble getting started, use prompts like, “Do friends share things?” or, “Do friends help each other out?”

After you have a list compiled, read through it together. Discuss how certain behaviors make you feel and which are the most friendly. Then, encourage them to do those things when they’re with their friends.

2. Read Books about Friends

Adult reading child book about friendship

Friendship is a common theme in children’s books. You can use the fictional characters in books to help your child learn more about being a good friend.

To start, pick a book at your child’s reading level . Here are some suggestions for books on the topic of friendship by age group:

Toddlers and Preschoolers

  • Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni
  • Stick and Stone by Beth Ferry and Tom Lichtenheld
  • My Friend is Sad by Mo Willems
  • Duck, Duck, Goose by Tad Hills

Early Elementary

  • The Sandwich Swap by Queen Rania Al-Abdullah
  • A Friend for Bear by Steve Smallman
  • We Found a Hat by Jon Klassen
  • Making Friends Is an Art by Julia Cook

Once you choose a book, do a picture walk-through with your child before you start reading. Essentially, look at each picture and talk about what is happening. As you guide your child through this pre-reading activity , ask questions to help them start thinking about friendship.

For instance, as you look at the cover of The Sandwich Swap you can say, “Do you think these two girls are friends? How can you tell?”

As you flip through the pages together, have your child make predictions. Ask them what is happening to the friendship throughout the story by looking at the clues in the pictures.

You can point out facial features, body language, and anything else that might provide insight into the story. Once you make it to the final page, go back to the beginning and read the story together.

As you read, take time to talk about the predictions your child made during the picture walk. Were there instances when your child correctly guessed what would happen? Were there any pages where their predictions were off?

When you finish the story, have your child draw connections to their own life. Have they ever experienced something similar? Let them tell you about it.

3. Practice Friendly Character Traits

Two friends sitting together on a play structure outside

Reading about friendship is one thing. Practicing being a good friend is another!

Good friends have several common character traits. By intentionally practicing these qualities, you can help your child learn to be a better friend.

Here are some friendly character traits you can work on:

  • Taking turns
  • Offering encouragement
  • Being patient
  • Including others

To get started, choose a character trait to focus on. If you know your child needs help with one social skill in particular, start there. When you’ve picked one, discuss why it’s important for friends to have this quality.

Then, come up with some friendship scenarios in which that trait would be useful. You can act out these situations with your child using role-play or stuffed animals.

Take turns playing each part, and discuss how you’re feeling throughout the scenario. This helps your child learn to connect their actions with the emotions of others.

If you notice your child is having a hard time putting their feelings into words, the Learn with Sesame Street app can help build social-emotional skills.

4. Tell Stories about Friendship for Kids

Storytelling is another great way to help kids learn about friendship. To do this, begin telling your child a story about friends. Continue the story until it gets to the point when one character has to make a decision.

Then, stop and ask your child to take over the telling. Encourage them to choose what happens next and what happens in the end. After they’ve finished, talk about the choice the character made. Discuss alternate endings the story could have had.

This process helps your children realize that the choices they make affect other people. They can use this knowledge to think about possible outcomes in real life before they make a decision.

5. Don’t Overreact to Age-Appropriate Behavior

assignment kid friendly definition

As mentioned earlier, it takes time and practice for kids to learn how to be good friends. Because of this, it’s important not to overreact when your child exhibits age-appropriate behavior that isn’t kind.

For example, it’s common for young kids to try to take toys from others while they’re playing. If you see this happening, stay calm and use this event as a teaching opportunity.

Pull your child aside and quietly explain that it’s not OK to take toys from other kids. Help them understand that this kind of behavior can hurt their friend’s feelings, and ask them to apologize.

Then, suggest a better way they could have handled the situation. For instance, you could say, “If you want to play with that toy, ask your friend if you can take turns.”

This type of instruction helps your child learn how to deal with their emotions in a healthy way. Eventually, they’ll start to use these strategies on their own.

6. Celebrate Your Own Friendships

Three adult friends laughing together in a hallway

Kids learn by watching you. So, let them see that you enjoy positive, healthy relationships with your friends! Plan a get-together with a few of them and let your child be a part of it. This can show your child how much fun you have with your friends.

During your time together, explain why you enjoy being around them. Your words and actions can show your child that friendship is something to treasure.

7. Start with Small Groups

Friendship can be tricky to navigate, especially for young kids. To help your child learn how to build healthy friendships, start by working with small groups. This way, they can practice what they’re learning without feeling overwhelmed.

Ask one or two other kids to come over and play. After the introductions, step back and let the kids take the lead. But don’t go far! Stay nearby so you can help your child navigate any friendship problems that occur.

In addition, keep your child’s age in mind as you supervise the playdate. Kids go through several different stages of play , and each stage has different friendship dynamics.

8. Make Gifts for Friends

Girl making a gift for a friend

Giving gifts to friends can show them how much you care. Teach your child how to celebrate a special friend in their life by using creativity and imagination to make them something!

There are lots of different ways to make friendship gifts. For example, your child could make a friendship bracelet, paint a picture, or write a song. The possibilities are endless!

If your child needs some guidance, ask them what their friend likes doing. This can help them pick the perfect gift to create.

After they make their special creation, help them wrap it. Then, arrange a time for the kids to get together so your child can deliver the present. Watching the look of excitement on their friend’s face as they open the gift will be a memorable experience for your child.

Creating Lasting Friendships for Kids

Three friends sitting outside on a curb

There’s nothing quite like friendship, but kids don’t always know how to be good friends on their own. With a little guidance, your child can discover the value of friendship and learn how to be the best friend they can be.

No matter where your child is on their friendship journey, support them by modeling the qualities of a good friend, talking with them about friendly characteristics, and allowing them to have plenty of practice. The Learn with Sesame Street app is an effective tool that helps kids develop their Character and learn social-emotional skills. With the help of their Sesame Street friends, kids learn how to express their emotions, empathize with others, and create healthy relationships. Explore the Learn with Sesame Street app today!

Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos

Jody has a Ph.D. in Developmental Science and more than a decade of experience in the children’s media and early learning space.

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Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos

Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos

Chief Learning Officer at Begin

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What is an Adverb? Definition and List of Adverbs for Kids

OMG, what is an adverb? Does your child have a homework assignment about adverbs, and you completely forgot what they are? Luckily, you’re in the right place. Don’t worry, Kidsplayandcreate has your back!

The parts of speech can be difficult to remember especially if you are learning them for the first time or have been out of school for a while. 

Don’t worry. In this article, you will find out what an adverb is, how to find it in a sentence, and a list of adverbs for reference.


Adverb Definition

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. What does that mean? 

An adverb describes actions and other descriptive words.  You might be thinking, isn’t that what an adjective does? 

The English language can be confusing. An adjective only describes a noun or pronoun, while an adverb describes everything else. An adverb also answers the questions of where, when, how, and how often.

Here is an example:

The curious toddler quietly opened the front door.

Curious is an adjective because it describes the toddler (the noun).

Quietly is the adverb because it describes how the toddler opened the door.

The nervous girl waited anxiously to get on the school bus.

Nervous is an adjective because it is describing the girl (the noun)

Anxiously is an adverb because it describes how the girl waited for the bus.

How to Find an Adverb in a Sentence

There are a couple of ways to find an adverb in a sentence.  One trick to finding an adverb in the sentence is to look for the word with a ly at the end. Most adjectives turn into adverbs by adding a ly at the end of the word.

Example adverbs that end with ly

Happily Kindly Loudly Nicely Yearly

Another trick to finding an adverb in the sentence is to look for the interrogative adverb.  These are adverbs that begin with a question.

Example s of interrogative Adverbs

Where are you going?

Where is the adverb

How did you do that?

How is the adverb

When will you be back?

When is the adverb

The word who would not be an interrogative adverb.  It is an interrogative pronoun. 

List of Adverbs for Kids

How                        Where                   When                How Often

Accidentally           Anywhere               After                    Always

Angrily                    Away                     Already               Never

Awkwardly              Down                    Before                 Once

Bitterly                    Downstairs            Early                   Rarely

Boldly                      Everywhere          Finally                 Seldom

Carelessly               Far                        Last                    Sometimes

Charmingly              Here                    Late                     Twice

Cleverly                   Inside                  Later                     Yearly

Dangerously            Near                   Now

Eagerly                    Nearby               Recently

Effortlessly               Nowhere            Soon

Excitedly                  Outside               Yesterday

Forcefully                 There

Gracefully               Underground

We hoped that this article made it a little easier to understand adverbs and how to identify them in a sentence. Check out for more articles on parts of speech , including nouns and adjectives . We also have palindromes !

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Abbreviation:  shortened way to write a word, acronym : first letter of a group of words that represent full words; for example asap (as soon as possible), acquire : to get, adversary : someone trying to block what you are doing, alter : change, alliteration : group of words that begin with the same sound; for example (peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers).

external image Bill_of_Rights_1966_U.S._stamp.1.jpg

Amendment : A change in rules

Analogy:  to compare two things, appreciate : to grow in value (in economics), asset:  an item of value (in economics), authentic:  true, not false, bias : to favor, capital letters : attention-getting letters.

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Circumference : Distance around measured by a circle

Cite : give credit to the original source, clarify : to make easier to understand, collapse : to fall down, comma : slow down, but don't stop, commence : to start, compound : consisting of more than one part; in math, to add more to a total over time.

external image compute.jpg

Compute : To find a total or an amount

Confirm:  make sure something is right or true, contemporary : up-to-date; current; modern, contrast : to find differences between two or more things, credit:  buying without money.

Declarative Sentence:

Definite : For sure

Depict : to show, destination : somewhere you are going, dialogue : talking on paper, discovery : to find something new or that you did not know, distinct : something different from others, dramatic : attention-grabbing; full of emotions, duration : how long something lasts; length of time, element : part or ingredient, elevation : height or distance from the ground, employ:   pay someone to do a job or service, erosion : breaking down or moving over time, eventually : will happen in the future, evidence:   information that shows something is true, evolve : to change over time, examine : look at carefully, exclamation point : excitement mark. ().

Exclamatory Sentence

Excerpt : Small part of a larger piece of writing or book

Executive : person or people directing a company or government, explanation:   to give a reason why, external:  outside of something, flexible : able to bend or change easily, formula : directions about how to make something or figure something out, foreshadow:  to hint or imply what is going to happen, foresight : to understand or know what is going to happen, glossary : list of words with definitions, guarantee: to ensure something will happen, header : information at the top of a page, headway : to move forward, ideal : the best.

Identical : Looking the same

Imperative Sentence

Impending : Something that is about to happen

Income : Money you get

The average american made $44.6k last year,  cnbc (september 20, 2015), indifference: not caring, infer:  to figure something out using clues only, innocent : not at fault; without blame.


Interval : Short spaces of time in between two things

Interrogative sentence, inventory : to keep track of or make a list.

Investment : Putting effort or time into something to get something back




Maximum : the most



Minimum : small amount


Modify : change shape or appearance

Motive : reason to doing something N

Narrative : a story of what happened

Negative:  O


Occupy : to take up space


Period : full stop.

Periodic: repeating in a pattern

Persist : to keep going

Policy: rules to be followed


Precious: very valuable and important

Precise : very accurate


Proposal: suggested or possible plan

Question Mark : Answer Needed

Quotation mark : someone said.

Reform: changes to make it better

Remarkable : really special

Rephrase: to say in a different way

Resist : to oppose, disagree, or fight back

Resolution: outcome or end

Revision : Do again to make better; to change something you have done Rhetoric: Getting someone to do what you want using words

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Salary : Money paid for during a job

Salutation:  greeting someone by name.

Scarce: few

Semi-Colon : Pause, More Coming

Solution: answer to a problem

Stable: not often changing

Standard Spelling : Book Spelling

Suggest: offer an idea

Summarize: give a short explanation

Survey: ask questions

Temporary: lasting only a short time

Unify : to bring together

Unique:  V

Valid : true


Voluntary:  W X Y Z

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February 20, 2017

Printable Assignment Planner for Kids and Teens

Happy Freebie Monday! Your assignment planner awaits today! So if you’re l ooking for a free homework organizer to print, scroll down, you may be able to use what I have for you! It’s designed for kids and teens to help them sort out their school work!

assignment kid friendly definition

The idea of releasing an assignment planner here in Shining Mom started when I saw the need of creating one for my kid.  As the school year is closing near, I have noticed that Kyle is having more and more homework! His little school diary is sometimes no longer enough to hold his tasks for the week, hence the momma needs to come to rescue!  I created one for him and happily, I finished it outright. So inspired, I created more templates!

For my son’s homework planning sheet, the layout is rather simple. He needs a basic planner where he can easily manage his assignments. A planner where he can write the assignment subjects, tasks, due dates,  and of course, an area where he can tick the done or undone assignments. And this is exactly what I created for him.

Let me show you my Kyle’s assignment planner. If you think this will also ease your school kid in organizing his assignments, please get your copy here.  And if you need more templates, do scroll down. I have more to offer!

assignment kid friendly definition

The Assignment Planner: A Binder of Free Homework Organizing Printables

Well friends, since it’s time for our Freebie Monday here on Shining Mom, I am also sharing the other school organizing templates that I have for you.  So, my dear mommy readers, if you’re looking for a printable assignment planner for your kids,  please scroll down to see if they can use this pretty homework planner that I have just created!

I am truly delighted to share with you this whole binder of free printable assignment planner for kids and teens.  Let me give you a quick binder tour. Let’s go!

assignment kid friendly definition

Enjoy this entire binder of free printable assignment planner! Yup, your kids will never miss a homework again!

The Homework Planner Cover

There are two cover designs for your free printable assignment planner. The first one is in playful rainbow background while the other one comes clean in plain white with some pops of colors for the binder title. Your kid already has a Student Binder of his own and you think it’s too much to create another binder? Well,  this assignment planner will simply make a great addition to his old binder. You may just use the covers as planner dividers. Here’s my favorite of the two, view the other design in the file you’ll be getting!

assignment kid friendly definition

The Free Printable Homework Planing Sheets for Kids

I know how cute graphics and bright colors can motivate the little ones! The next two pages for your free printable assignment planner are designed with the kids in mind.  Here are your options to print:

assignment kid friendly definition

The Free Printable Homework Planing Sheets for Teens 

As I’ve mentioned earlier, I have also created assignment planners and organizers for your high school (and even college) kids. The next templates come practical with no frills, perfect for the busy students!

The sample planning page that I am showing you is designed to help students plan out specific tasks. It’s actually an assignment planner per subject. I especially allotted areas for to-do’s, notes and resources. You’ll find more free printable assignment planner in your download!

assignment kid friendly definition

Make your next project a stellar one with the help of this little assignment planner! Doing assignments will be oh-so-organized!

Do you think you can use these free printable assignment planner? Do snag a copy of the entire binder HERE . May these planning pages help your kids in organizing their loads of school assignments! Please know that they’re all designed to be printed in standard, letter-size paper (8.5″x11″).

assignment kid friendly definition

Grab this whole binder of free printable homework organizers for your kids! Print and use them outright! Enjoy!

Meanwhile, you may want to check these related posts:

Free Student Binder Free Student Binder

P. S. I am launching a new segment this week, do stay tuned! You’re going to love it, that’s for sure! See you around? Have a great week ahead, friends! Happy Freebie Monday!

' src=

June 26, 2018 at 3:22 am

This is so cute! I wish I had a color printer to print it in all its glory, but I suppose black and white will do. This will be perfect for my son this next school year! He’s going to be in third grade 🙂

' src=

June 28, 2018 at 9:18 am

I’m happy to hear that! Thank you!

' src=

September 4, 2020 at 11:51 am

if you can only print out with black ink, use COLORED PAPER! easy and quick to spot for your son. 🙂

' src=

October 6, 2020 at 12:25 am

thanks, for giving these awesome assignment planers for free and printable.

' src=

May 21, 2021 at 3:32 pm

Hi i am lucy. Can i get the free school binder. Thank you

' src=

June 26, 2022 at 2:23 am

thanks for that.

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    Definition of lesson. Best online English dictionaries for children, with kid-friendly definitions, integrated thesaurus for kids, images, and animations. Spanish and Chinese language support available ... assignment, class, course: Homophone Note The words lesson and lessen sound alike but have different meanings. Word Explorer.

  8. Needs and Wants Teaching Resources

    A Kid-Friendly Definition. The concept of scarcity can be a tough one for kids to understand, so here's a kid-friendly definition to use with your students: Scarcity means we cannot get all of the things we want or need because there is only a limited number. We have to make choices about what we will take or how we will use things because ...

  9. 8 Fun and Easy Ways to Teach Kids About Friendship

    1. Talk about What Friends Are. Ask your child what they think a friend is. Listen to their answer and then share your definition of friendship. You might say something like, "A friend is someone you like spending time with. They make you feel happy and special, and you can rely on them.".

  10. Addition Teaching Resources

    A Kid-Friendly Definition. Let's start with a definition of this math operation that's easy for them to understand! Addition is a math operation that involves combining two or more numbers to find a total. The symbol (+) is used to indicate addition, and this is called a plus sign.

  11. What is an Adverb? Definition and List of Adverbs for Kids

    An adjective only describes a noun or pronoun, an adverb describes everything else. An adverb also answers a question where, when, how, and how often. Here is an example: The curious toddler quietly opened the front door. Curious is an adjective because it is describing the toddler (the noun). Quietly is the adverb because it is describing how ...

  12. Kid-Friendly Language: A Dictionary and Pictionary

    For examples of kid-friendly language definitions to words, link to the picture book, The Fairy Dogfather. Alexandra Day. Green Tiger Press, 2012 ... First Assignment Due (2/13) Week 3: Digital Connections Class: Second Assignment Due (2/20) PART 2: TUTORING READING, WRITING and MATH . Week 4: Tutoring Reading Class: Third Assignment Due (2/27)

  13. Self-Discipline Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples

    Examples of Self-Discipline. Alexander didn't have any self-discipline; he couldn't keep himself from spending his money. When you have self-discipline, one thing you learn to do is wait patiently ...

  14. responsibility

    The meaning of responsibility. Definition of responsibility. Best online English dictionaries for children, with kid-friendly definitions, integrated thesaurus for kids, images, and animations. Spanish and Chinese language support available

  15. Family Definition: Lesson for Kids

    There are many different definitions of family, such as 'a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children' or ''a group of two or more people who ...

  16. Brochure Templates for Teachers

    Try this kid-friendly definition from our teacher team! A brochure is a document that presents facts, ideas and images in a visually appealing and organized format. ... Assess students' knowledge of our capital city with an assignment that challenges them to design a brochure for visitors to Washington, D.C., including the features of three ...

  17. FREE Assignment Planner for Kids and Teens: Fun and Cute!

    May these planning pages help your kids in organizing their loads of school assignments! Please know that they're all designed to be printed in standard, letter-size paper (8.5″x11″). Grab this whole binder of free printable homework organizers for your kids! Print and use them outright!

  18. Appositives: Lesson for Kids

    Appositives: Lesson for Kids. Heather has a bachelor's degree in elementary education and a master's degree in special education. She was a public school teacher and administrator for 11 years ...

  19. folktale

    Folktales are a kind of story that gets passed on from generation to generation. True folktales do not have a single author. They develop as different people tell them over time. As such, they are creations of "the folk," or the people. Many folktales are very old. For generations the tales were spoken aloud and never written down. ...

  20. Vocabulary: Activities for Your First Grader

    Then offer a kid-friendly definition of the word and connect it to a similar word and a shared experience. Patience! Word learning and vocabulary growth takes time and patience. Don't expect your child to learn a new word after one conversation or one read aloud. True word learning happens after being exposed to words several times.

  21. habitat

    A habitat is the home of an animal or a plant. Almost every place on Earth—from the hottest desert to the coldest ice pack—is a habitat for some kinds of animals and plants. Most habitats include a community of animals and plants along with water, oxygen, soil or sand, and rocks.