English Compositions

An Essay on My Favourite Colour Pink [PDF]

Colour is the only thing that can change our mindset, give us happiness, in today’s essay I will pick pink as my favorite color. I hope you like this essay presentation.

Essay on My Favourite Colour Pink feature image

I see my favorite color everywhere. From the color of the sky to the cheeks to my friend, pink. It is a color that has been one of my favorites for as long as I remember.

Earlier, My notebook covers, my shoes, and my paintings, all used to be pink in color. But now, even my wardrobe, my walls, and my bedsheets are pink.

Most days, I use different shades of pink according to how I am feeling on that day. I use light pink things on the days I feel nice and playful. I use bright pink things on the days when I want to look pretty and bright because I think it is a beautiful color.

I use dark pink things on the days when I feel sad or bad about something and I use shiny pink things when I want to celebrate or when I am very happy.

Some people say that they do not l e pink as they say that it is a color only for girls. They say that pink is only used by stupid and dumb girls who are not intelligent. But they do not understand the simple thing that it is only a color and nothing else.

You are not dumb or stupid just because you like one color. And for those who enjoy the color pink, I feel that you should not listen to what others think about you. You should not change your favorite color because someone else said it is not a nice color.

I also know a lot of history about the color such as Pink is a mix of white and red. The name comes from the flower called pink and it only came into use around the late 17 th  century.

Pink as a color is said to show that a person is loving, nice, charming, sensitive, sweet, caring, kind and soft in nature according to the information I found. And when it is mixed with the color white, it means that a person is innocent, pure and childlike.

Different tones of pink are used all around the world. Rosa or rose is the name used to call pink in most European countries because they see it in the pretty rose plant.

In Japan, the Japanese think about the seasonal cherry blossoms that fill up the air during spring because they are pink in color. The Japanese language uses different names for the pinks of peach blossoms and cherry blossoms so that know which plant is of which color.

In Andhra Pradesh, India, the people like the color pink quite a lot because of the exotic pink greater flamingos who come to their town seasonally.

For me, Pink is a color that means that every person who likes pink is made of sugar, spice, and everything nice.

The color can be found in pink sapphire stones and sandy sea beaches. It is also seen in ice creams and milkshakes to give a flavor of strawberries, raspberries or bubble gum.

From fruits and crystals to flowers and stones, the color pink can be found in each of them. When we feel shy or excited, our faces are said to turn pink as we blush. When perfume has a floral scent, then at that time the company put these perfumes in pink containers to show how nice and beautiful the scent can be.

The color pink is also used a lot in the English language as idioms and expressions. Firstly there is an idiom, In the pink. It means something or something is at the best of their condition or in top form.

For example, I am in the pink of health means I am completely fine and healthy. Then comes the idiom, to see pink elephants. It means when one person has a lot of imagination. Thirdly, Pink slip.

The word first started off at the United States of America where it is being used as an idiom, it simply means to have gotten fired from one’s job or when everyone else leaves you and you feel alone. Following that, there is a phrase used in American companies known as  “pink-collar worker”.

A pink collar worker means people who work in industries or jobs that usually are meant to be jobs for women. And at last comes the short phrase, to be Tickled pink. It means when you feel very happy and joyful in life.

Some may say it is a color only for girls, some may call it childish, but for me the color pink means happiness. It is a color that is full of joy and makes me feel good. I love pink because it is my favorite color.

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Long & Short Essay on My Favorite Color in English

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Long Essay on My Favorite Color in English


Everything we see is colorful when we open our eyes. Our world is filled with colors and we are all surrounded by them every day despite the impact that color has on us in our everyday lives. The role of color in our daily lives is varied. This includes knowing that a fruit is ripe to eat, to understanding how color can affect and influence our lives in a multitude of ways.

As a matter of fact, according to science, color is actually known as the light of different wavelengths and frequencies. Light is one form of energy that we can actually perceive because it is a form of energy that is composed of photons that we have seen before. Color is only a small part of a much larger spectrum of electromagnetic waves of energy that

 There are many ways in which color can influence our emotions, our actions, and how we respond to different situations, people, things, and ideas. Color and its impact on our daily lives have been the subject of a great deal of research and writing over the years. It seems to me that the only color that comes to mind first when I close my eyes and visualize is the color blue.

There is no doubt that blue is a color that is considered to be cool. One of the reasons why blue is my favorite color is that it complements almost all of the other colors in the spectrum. This is why it is my favorite color. As far as backdrops are concerned, navy blue is the king. As an interesting point of interest, blue is the color of the universe as well as nature, which includes the sky, sea, sleep, and twilight.

Aside from that, blue is also a color that is associated with inspiration, sincerity, modernization, and spirituality. People who are conservative tend to choose blue as their favorite color. There is something calming about this color, which makes it an ideal color to use at home, at work, and in a variety of other places.

I have been looking out my window for a while now and on the horizon, there is almost a white-washed blue hue which deepens to a deep ocean blue as I look upwards. The color blue, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful and soothing colors out there.

There is no doubt that Chelsea Football Club is my favorite football team. Interestingly enough, blue is the team’s official color and they have a long-standing reputation for being known as the “blues”. As I looked at the color blue here, I realized how sporty it is.

Additionally, I like the color blue for a variety of reasons, one of which is that I have found some interesting facts about the color itself. It is believed that blue has both physical and mental benefits.

The effects of this compound include a slowing down of human metabolism as well as a calming effect. The calm effect can be achieved by painting the walls of a room blue if one is on a healthy diet and wants to work out. There is a strong association between this color and calmness and tranquility.

According to heraldry, blue is associated with goodness and sincerity and is therefore often used in heraldry. Due to the fact that blue has never been an overwhelmingly emotional color, it can be argued that it represents both sides in a melancholy way. There is never a need to resort to extremes when being overly emotional, although there are times when it can lead to this.

When it washes over you, it is the color that refreshes the mind and the color that evokes feelings of relief. Apart from that, I would like to let you know that I am a male. There is a common misconception that blue is a color associated with men. There has been a lot of research indicating that people are highly accepting of it.

There is something about this color that is masculine and calm at the same time for me. It is not uncommon for me to wear something in this color, regardless of whether it is light, medium, or dark blue. The fact that blue is the color that I prefer the most does not imply that other colors are less desirable.


Ultimately, there are endless reasons why blue seems to be the most interesting color in my eyes. However, it is also the most wonderful color that appears in my eyes for a variety of reasons. Nothing brightens up my day like blue, the inspiring color.

Short Essay on My Favorite Color In English

Today, pink is a color that signifies softness. This is because it represents the importance of using a color that is neutral to all demographic concerns in order to attract consumers. Pink is a color that represents a way to help the public meet this need.

Traditionally, pink has been a favorite color for both women and children because it signifies the gender of those who wear it. When a material has a pink hue, it signifies the gender of the person wearing it.

Throughout history, pink has been associated with women and a stereotype has developed that implies pink is a color only for women in our society. It has become increasingly evident that the society we live in today is quite diverse. This is why pink has become a neutral color, regardless of the gender of the child, and has become an essential part of our society in the present day.

As a result of the association of pink color with a particular gender, the perception of sexual orientation has been prejudiced due to the association of the color with a specific gender.

There is no doubt that pink is one of my favorite colors since it represents my personality as someone who is pure of heart and soul. As for personality, pink has been unfairly portrayed due to its association with gender-specific norms and practices, which has led to its incorrect representation.

Pink has become one of the most popular colors in the world of fashion not only for girls but also for boys in today’s world. It is also dependent on the type of clothes that they wear, the items that they use, as well as the structure where they live over a period of time. Pink is one of my favorite colors. When I see it, I am reminded of many of the things that I enjoy having in my house.

These items include toys, appliances, furniture, and electronic gadgets that are customized to suit my personality. I can be able to establish a unique image that is unique to other people because of my interests and practices. This is done by wearing pink items. This in turn maximizes my whole personality on a new level.

The color pink has evolved from a conservative shade to a modern one so society can embrace its evolving identity and face. In relation to my personality, I believe that it has completely changed. This is because there are several aspects associated with my interests and values that have been adjusted to fit my current situation.

The color pink has always been one of my favorite colors. I wish to maintain my own interests even though I am already getting older, and for this reason, I want to preserve my own interests. Pink’s ability to adapt to change is one of the interesting aspects of maximizing its heritage when presenting its identity to the public. This is part of the process of maximizing its heritage.

The color pink creates a transitional environment that allows individuals to respond more productively to the challenges of transforming the cultural perspective of our community. This results in the community. This results It is pertinent to note that pink is becoming a versatile color because it is associated with social norms and practices that are slowly modernizing. In addition, it becomes acceptable to the community of interest after a certain period of time.

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Long Paragraph on My Favorite Color In English

Everybody has a favorite color, and they want to wear clothes and other accessories of that specific color only. I also have a favorite color, and my favorite color has added a lot to my personality. My favorite color is blue and here is how I use it:

I am very comfortable when I wear something blue. Blue is not only my lucky color, but I also have blue shirts, t-shirts, jeans, shoes, ties, handkerchiefs, and a lot more.

As blue is a color that does not have a season, it is always in style. People wear light blue colors in the summer and dark blue colors in the winter. However, this philosophy is for people who follow fashion very closely.

Although a lot of people don’t like blue-colored hair, I have decided to follow the trend and color some of my hair flicks blue.

It is the dream of every youngster to wear the blue jersey of the Indian cricket team one day, and Bleed Blue is the slogan for our Indian cricket and hockey teams.

During my childhood, I decided that blue was my favorite color because nature provides us with many blue things, including the sky, fruits, flowers, and more.

My favorite color is blue, so everything about it appeals to me. Blue is probably the favorite color of more than 50% of people around the world. This is because it gives us great happiness when someone sees us in blue and compliments us on our clothes. I love blue.

Short Paragraph on My Favorite Color In English

As you may know, there are many colors present in this world, and each person has a different preference for colors. Depending on the individual, the choice of color may vary from person to person, although there may be some people who like the same colors as others. There is no doubt that colors bring smiles to the faces of everyone. The point I would like to make is that there are some categories of colors that can be categorized as bright or dark. On the basis of these categories, people choose their favorite color.

The same everyone else, I also have a favorite color, and that would be dark blue, which is my favorite color all. As far as I am concerned, dark gray is one of the easiest colors to match. Not only do I prefer wearing black clothes, but I also like to wear black shoes as well. Something elegant and powerful about it, as well as the sense of sadness and anger that it evokes sometimes.

Choosing a favorite color is a personal decision. There are a lot of reasons to have a favorite color. It doesn’t matter what class of person you represent. We have the right to choose our favorite color, and it’s our duty to respect and accept that right.

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my favourite colour essay for class 2

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my favourite colour essay for class 2

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Favourite colour

girl with different colour fruits and vegetables

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  • What's your favourite colour?
  • Colours can sometimes have special meanings. Red can sometimes make us feel angry, yellow can make us feel happy and blue can make us feel sad.
  • Do colours have a special meaning in your culture?

purple purple purple purple purple purple purple is my favourate colour !

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red can make us feel happy

My favorite color is Blue.

My favourite colours are purple and green.

Hello! My favorite colour is yellow, and orange. For me they mean sunshine. Every time I think of them I feel very warm.

HI EVERYBODY, what is your favorite color? My favorite color is " purpule, white. I think purple means a little sadness and white means gentle, soft. I use these colors to draw a lot of pictures, for example: anime Chibi, chibi anime.


Thanks for your question. In British English we write 'colour' with a 'u' and in American English, they write 'color' without a 'u'. So, both spellings are correct.


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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Favourite Flower’ For Children

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  • Points Kids Should Remember When Writing An Essay On ‘My Favourite Flower’

10-Line Essay On ‘My Favourite Flower Is The Rose’

Short essay on ‘my favourite flower is the lotus’, long essay on ‘my favourite flower: the rose’, what will your school-going kid learn from the ‘my favorite flower’ essay.

Flowers are one of the most important and beautiful parts of the ecosystem. They are used for making perfumes and are also for medicinal purposes. Many insects, birds and animals get their food from flowers. Kids will develop a better understanding of flowers and learn to appreciate nature better when they will write an essay on this topic.

Points Kids Should Remember When Writing An Essay On ‘My Favourite Flower’ 

Your kid’s essay will stand out when it has a proper structure, meaningful and correct information and the right flow of words. Below are key points to remember when writing an essay:

  • Introduction:  Begin the essay with a compelling introduction to the topic. The paragraph needs to grab the reader’s attention. Mention the name of your favourite flower and why you like the flower.
  • The Body:  The following 1 or 2 paragraphs form the body of the essay. Here, you need to describe the characteristics of the flower and its uses. Mention all other ideas you have in mind about your favourite flower.
  • The Conclusion:  Here, you sum up the ideas of your thought, bringing all perspectives together. Ensure to put 3 to 5 strong, opinionated statements to reinforce your topic better.

Read 10 comprehensive and informative lines about the flower in English below. Your kids can use these lines to write their essays:

  • My favourite flower is the rose amongst all the other flowers!
  • A red rose is the most attractive flower to look at.
  • The name of the flower ‘rose’ originates from the Latin word ‘Rosa’.
  • Rose is a beautiful flower with a pleasant and refreshing sweet smell.
  • The rose flower is a symbol of love and is found across the world.
  • In India, the rose blooms during the spring season and in September and October.
  • Different products are made using rose petals, like perfumes, rose water, rose essence etc.
  • Rose flowers are also used to make wedding garlands.
  • You can give a rose flower as a gift to anyone you respect and love.
  • Our garden is full of rose flowers during the spring season, with a lovely smell.

The Lotus is the national flower of India. It represents the history and cultural heritage of our country. It is an aquatic plant that grows in ponds, damp soil or lakes. It grows in direct sunlight and can absorb temperatures of upto 25-30 degrees. Lotus are found in different colours like pink, red, blue and white. The flower is a symbol of purity, knowledge and wealth. Lotus is found in sub-tropical regions, primarily in the South-East Asian countries.

The Lotus petals are boat-like, and the leaves float on the water’s surface. It is used for decoration in holy ceremonies and worship. The Lotus flower and the juice from its stem have medicinal detoxifying properties to treat skin and throat-related diseases.

My Favourite Flower Essay for Class 1, Class 2 & Class 3 Kids

My favourite flower is the rose. It is known as the flower of love across the world. Roses can be found in different colours like red, white, pink, yellow, etc. The rose petals are soft and delicate. Roses grow on shrubs and has little thorn on their stems. The leaves of the rose plants are generally round and deep green. The fruit of the rose plant is known as rosehip. Rose is called the king of flowers. Roses can be found all across India. In aroma shops, you can find rose fragrances.

Rose has a lot of useful properties too. Along with medicinal use, it is used to create food essence, rose water, and beauty products like rose fresher rose perfumes. Women use roses to decorate their hair for weddings. In Indian restaurants, you will find rose-based milkshakes, syrups, sweets and falooda served for dessert. The flower is famously used to make garlands for weddings or worship in temples. There are different human emotions associated with rose flowers. The yellow rose symbolises friendship and caring, while white roses symbolise purity, and pink roses symbolise joy and happiness. Rose day is celebrated on the 7th of February each year. Rose flowers and bouquets are often given to people you love or as gifts at a wedding.

When roses bloom, they look beautiful in the garden or even in a florist’s shop. I, too, have planted roses in our garden with the help of my mother.

Kids will learn about the importance of flowers in human lives and the ecosystem. Flowers make our planet colourful, and otherwise, with just green plants, Earth would look dull. An essay on flowers is one of the easiest topics to write about for kids. Essay writing will teach them to shape their thought process and articulate sentences into paragraphs.

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Essay on My Favourite Season Spring For Class 2

There are six seasons in India that are summer, monsoon, autumn, pre-winter, winter, and Spring. Spring is the season between winter and summer when the temperature becomes mild, not o hot or cold. The weather becomes very pleasant and comfortable. We know that summer is coming with the advent of Spring.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 2 on the topic ‘My Favourite Season Spring’ for reference.

Essay 1: Short Essay on My Favourite Season Spring Of 100 Words

Among the many seasons, my favourite season is Spring. March, April, and May are considered spring months. Spring is a season between the offset of winter and the onset of summer. Spring is a colourful and comforting season and is called the queen of all seasons.

The trees get new leaves, and beautiful colourful flowers are seen. During this time, nature becomes colourful and bright. Butterflies and birds are seen flying. Cuckoo sings everywhere. The sky becomes cloudless and clear, and the moonlight in the night looks very pleasant. There is an aroma in the nature of fresh flowers, new leaves, and grass as a pleasant wind blow.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 2  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Essay 2: Long Essay on My Favourite Season Spring Of 150 Words

Spring is a colourful season and is my personal favourite. Spring brings us new rays of hope and life after the continuous gloomy winter months. The weather becomes mild and pleasant with more hours of daylight and clear, cloudless skies at night. A refreshing, gentle breeze blows in the evening and night, giving the news of the advent of summer.

During springtime, Mother Nature starts to bloom yet again. New leaves and branches grow, and lush green fields are seen. Colourful flowers bloom. Cuckoo, the harbinger of Spring, sings from trees, and many birds and butterflies fly. Spring is very important for the farmers as they cut their ripened crops from the fields.

Spring is a season of various festivals. Eighteen festivals take place in India, among which Holi is the most important. It is a festival of colours and is the celebration of the season. There are other kite-flying festivals also. The colours, the joy, new hopes, and the blooming nature make Spring my favourite season.

10 Lines on My Favourite Season Spring in English

  • In India, Spring starts from the end of February and lasts till April.
  • The weather becomes pleasant, with a moderate and comforting temperature.
  • The season creates happiness and brings in new hopes and positivity.
  • It is a season of colours while mother nature starts blooming.
  • New leaves, branches, flowers, fruits, and lush green fields are seen everywhere.
  • It is a season of festivals, and people take part in various activities.
  • During Spring, we notice various activities of birds, small animals, and colourful butterflies.
  • It is the season of rebirth, rejuvenation, and new beginnings.
  • The warm, beautiful sunlight during Spring is pleasurable.
  • Spring is called the queen of all seasons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: When does Spring occur in the northern hemisphere?

Answer:  Spring generally starts in the months of mid-February and March and continues till April.

Question: When does Spring start in the southern hemisphere?

Answer:  In the southern hemisphere, Spring starts in September.

Question: What are the spring festivals in India?

Answer:  In Spring, various festivals are celebrated in India. Rongali Bihu in Assam, Rath Yatra in Puri, Sarhul in Jharkhand, Baisakhi in Punjab, Thrissur Pooram in Kerala are noteworthy. However, Holi is the most famous festival and is celebrated nationwide.

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    List of Essay topics for Class 2: My School Essay for Class 2. My Best Friend Essay for Class 2. My Family Essay for Class 2. Essay On Lotus Flower For Class 2. About Myself Essay for Class 2. My Favourite Food Essay for Class 2 Kids. My Favourite Subject Maths Essay For Class 2. Essay On My Teacher For Class 2.

  8. 10 Lines Essay on My Favourite Season Spring for Class 2

    Download "Essay on My Favourite Season Spring for Class 2" PDF For Free 10 Lines on My Favourite Season Spring Essay. Every season plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature. Among all of them, spring is my favourite season of the year. It is the season of rejuvenation. The spring season succeeds winter and precedes the ...

  9. My Best Friend Essay For Class 2

    A short essay on 'My Best Friend' in English for class 2 would help your child build social connections and meaningful relationships in life. Here's one way to write it -. Everybody needs a best friend in life whom we can trust. My best friend's name is Margaret Spencer.

  10. Few Lines on My Favourite Colour Red

    In this article, we are providing a Few Lines on My Favourite Colour Red Essay in English for Students & kids. In these lines, we have tried to give the best simple Lines on My Favourite Colour Essay for class 1, class 2, class 3, 4, 5,6,7,8 students.

  11. 10 Lines on My Favourite Colour is RED

    HiWelcome to Brilliant Feat 💕This video is about "My Favourite Colour is RED" Essay. I hope this helps.Queries Solved:1. My Favourite Colour is RED 2. My Fa...

  12. Essay On My Favourite Fruit "Mango, Apple, Strawberry & Orange" for

    Mangoes, apples, oranges, and strawberries are common favorite fruits for children. Learn how to write you my favorite fruit essay for class 1, 2 and 3 in one-line, short and long paragraph formats. ... Long Essay On 'My Favourite Fruit - Orange' For Kids ... Oranges are green in colour before they become ripe. As their colour changes ...

  13. My Favourite Colour College Essay Sample (500 Words)

    Right now as I stare out my window, the horizon is almost a white-washed blue and as I look up the colors deepen to an ocean blue. Blue, in my eyes, is a beautiful and soothing color. My favorite football team is Chelsea Football Club. Co-incidentally, blue is their official color and they are well known as 'the blues'.

  14. IELTS Cue Card # 144

    Well, my favourite colour is blue! That doesn't seem quite enough to say. There are so very many variants of the colour. Sky blue, sea blue, azure blue, navy blue, royal airforce blue, midnight blue, and cobalt to name but a few. Then there are all those colours that are sort of blue, but tip over into green as well like turquoise or teal.

  15. PDF My Favourite Fruit Essay For Class 2

    My Favourite Fruit Banana Essay for Class 2. Banana is a yellow colour fruit which is loved by everyone. It is a luscious and delicious fruit. This fruit is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and packed with nutrients. Banana is extensively grown in tropical and subtropical countries. This fruit comes in various shapes and sizes.

  16. My Favourite Flower Essay in English for Class 1, 2 & 3: 10 Lines

    Long Essay On 'My Favourite Flower: The Rose'. My favourite flower is the rose. It is known as the flower of love across the world. Roses can be found in different colours like red, white, pink, yellow, etc. The rose petals are soft and delicate. Roses grow on shrubs and has little thorn on their stems.

  17. Essay on My Favourite Season Spring For Class 2

    Essay 1: Short Essay on My Favourite Season Spring Of 100 Words. Among the many seasons, my favourite season is Spring. March, April, and May are considered spring months. Spring is a season between the offset of winter and the onset of summer. Spring is a colourful and comforting season and is called the queen of all seasons.

  18. My Best Friend Essay For Class 2

    We are fond of listening to music and love watching cartoons, Tom and Jerry, after school. Our favourite colour is blue and we both love eating ice cream and potato chips. I always pray that we remain best friends forever and God keep us safe always. My best friend's essay for Class 2 is a topic of interest for every second-grader.

  19. Essay On My School Bag For Class 2

    Download PDF of "My School Bag Essay for Class 2 in English" for Free. Essay On My School Bag For Class 2. I have a sweet pink colour school bag. My school bag is very useful as it keeps my belongings safe. My parents gifted it to me on my birthday. There is an image of my favourite Disney princess drawn in front of my school bag. I carry ...

  20. Best 10 Lines on My Favourite Food Essay for Class 2 Kids

    Download PDF of "Essay on My Favourite Food for Class 2 Kids" for free My Favourite Food Essay. My favourite food is Pav Bhaji. Pav is a soft bread roll, and bhaji is a curry which is flavourful and spicy. It is served with finely chopped onions and lush green coriander leaves with a dash of yellow lemon.

  21. Interesting Essay On My Teacher For Class 2 Students

    My Teacher Essay for Class 2. A teacher is a source of inspiration for students as he/she guides us. Almost every student admires his/her teacher, idolises and wants to follow his/her footsteps in life. Miss Nandita Roy is my favourite teacher at school who teaches us Mathematics. She is my class teacher too and takes our attendance every morning.