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Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

  • King's College London

United Kingdom


  • Patient Medicine and Dentistry 100%
  • Brain Neuroscience 98%
  • Mental Health Psychology 89%
  • Children Psychology 88%
  • Dementia Praecox Neuroscience 76%
  • Therapeutic Procedure Medicine and Dentistry 76%
  • Systematic Review Psychology 56%
  • Adolescents Psychology 54%

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Dive into details.

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No photo of Afra Aabdien

Afra Aabdien

  • Basic and Clinical Neuroscience - Research Associate

Person: Research

Dag Aarsland

Dag Aarsland

  • Psychological Medicine - Professor of Old Age Psychiatry

Person: Clinical

No photo of Monica Aas

  • Social Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry - MRC Research Fellow

Research output

  • 5681475 Citations
  • 38116 Article
  • 3586 Meeting abstract
  • 2108 Review article
  • 1165 Editorial
  • 1145 Chapter
  • 1062 Literature review
  • 1015 Letter
  • 620 Comment/debate
  • 580 Conference paper
  • 289 Book/Film/Article review
  • 134 Other contribution
  • 133 Meeting Abstract
  • 110 Poster abstract
  • 38 Preprint
  • 35 Short survey
  • 34 Commissioned report
  • 16 Other chapter contribution
  • 11 Abstract
  • 10 Foreword/postscript
  • 10 Working paper
  • 9 Conference contribution
  • 7 Entry in encyclopedia/dictionary
  • 5 Digital or Visual Products
  • 4 Featured article
  • 3 Special issue
  • 1 Data set/Database
  • 1 Web publication/site

Research output per year

A 3D Generative Model of Pathological Multi-modal MR Images and Segmentations

Research output : Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference paper › peer-review

  • Segmentation 100%
  • Modeling 25%
  • Prevents 25%
  • Medical Imaging 25%

A back-translational study of descending interactions with the induction of hyperalgesia by high-frequency electrical stimulation in rat and human

Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review

  • Hyperpathia 100%
  • Stimulation 100%
  • In Vivo 25%

A Blended Intervention Targeting Emotion Dysregulation in Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Development and Feasibility Study

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 100%
  • Quality of Life 50%
  • Training 50%
  • Anxiety 33%
  • 31 Not started
  • 8344 Finished

Projects per year

Cardiac structure and function in people with first episode psychosis

Howes, O. & Pillinger, T.

Academy of Medical Sciences

6/06/2024 → 5/05/2026

Project : Research

Objective-OU: Objective Activity Measurement in a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial of Outdoor Mobility after Hip Fracture

Godfrey, E.

Royal Osteoporosis Society

1/06/2024 → 31/07/2025

Equitable Ma: Uncovering racism in maternal care: Building inclusive and antiracist care through methods of co-production and mutual learning

Swedish Research Council

13/05/2024 → 12/05/2026

  • 730 Participation in conference
  • 571 Publication peer-review
  • 220 Editorial activity
  • 192 Types of External academic engagement - Membership of external research organisation
  • 123 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation
  • 110 Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
  • 81 Types of External academic engagement - Invited talk
  • 70 Participation in workshop, seminar, course
  • 55 Invited talk
  • 43 Types of Business and Community - Work on advisory panel to industry or government or non-government organisation
  • 37 Types of External academic engagement - Membership of peer review panel or committee
  • 37 Types of External academic engagement - Research and Teaching at External Organisation
  • 37 Oral presentation
  • 28 Types of Award - Fellowship awarded competitively
  • 25 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar
  • 17 Types of Award - Prize (including medals and awards)
  • 15 Examination
  • 12 Types of Award - National/international honour
  • 10 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition
  • 8 Membership of board
  • 8 Membership of committee
  • 7 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement
  • 6 Hosting an academic visitor
  • 6 Types of Business and Community - Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
  • 5 Types of External academic engagement - Hosting an academic visitor
  • 3 Consultancy
  • 3 Types of Award - Election to learned society
  • 3 Types of Business and Community - Other
  • 3 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Work on advisory panels for social community and cultural engagement
  • 2 Membership of network
  • 2 Types of Award - Other distinction
  • 2 Types of Business and Community - Consultancy (in kind)
  • 2 Visiting an external academic institution
  • 1 Membership of council
  • 1 Types of Award - Appointment

Activities per year

Science Advances (Journal)

Benedikt Berninger (Peer reviewer)

Activity : Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review

International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (Journal)

Mariam Namasaba (Editor)

Nature Neuroscience (Journal)

Student theses, aberrant salience and the risk of psychosis.

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy

A big data approach to understanding anxiety disorders

Supervisor: Grant, T. E. (Supervisor) & Goldsmith, K. (Supervisor)


Supervisor: Hye, A. (Supervisor) & Powell, J. F. (Supervisor)

1st Prize in the Francis Crick Innovation Challenge

Engstler, Elena (Recipient) & Hussain, Sarah (Recipient), Jul 2022

Prize : Prize (including medals and awards)

  • Awards 100%
  • Innovation 100%
  • Category 50%
  • Healthy Ageing 50%

5th International Meeting Steroids and Nervous System- Poster Award

Mondelli, Valeria (Recipient), 2009

Academician - Academy of Social Sciences

Morris, Robin (Recipient), 2010

Prize : National/international honour

Remote Early Detection of SARS-CoV-2 infections (COVID-RED)

Folarin, A. , Dobson, R. & Bai, X., Dataverse, 3 Jan 2023

DOI : doi:10.34894/FW9PO7 ,

Demonstration Tray Data

Sena, A. & Howard, M. , figshare, 18 Jul 2019

DOI : 10.6084/m9.figshare.8953124 ,

Data from: Brief sensory deprivation triggers plasticity of dopamine-synthesising enzyme expression in genetically labelled olfactory bulb dopaminergic neurons

Byrne, D. , Lipovsek, M. , Crespo, A. & Grubb, M. , King's College London, 16 May 2022

DOI : 10.18742/19698187 ,

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Postgraduate psychology courses at King's College London

Try our advanced course search for more search options

Psychosis Studies

  • King's College London
  • Division of Academic Psychiatry

Psychological Medicine

  • Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Child and adolescent mental health, organisational psychiatry and psychology, developmental psychology and psychopathology.

  • Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre

Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health

Psychological academic research.

  • Department of Psychology

Early Intervention in Psychosis

Health psychology, affective disorders, clinical psychology.

  • Division of Psychology and Systems Sciences

Psychiatric Research

Family therapy, international addiction studies (ipas), global mental health, forensic and neurodevelopmental sciences, clinical neuroscience, old age psychiatry, war and psychiatry, cognitive behavioural therapies, health service and population, neuroscience, clinical neuropsychiatry, social genetic and developmental psychiatry, forensic mental health.

  • Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Science
  • Department of Addictions Sciences

students in Adirondack chairs outdoors

Program Overview

Do you find yourself thinking about why people do what they do? Are you curious about the experiences, feelings, and thoughts that influence how we perceive the world? Your interest could indicate a more than casual curiosity into what makes our minds tick.

Knowledge and appreciation of human interaction are essential for success in our rapidly expanding and diverse society. The study of psychology offers insight into understanding the thoughts, emotions, and actions that shape who we are, and explores the dynamics of human interaction.

As a psychology major at King's College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., you will gain insights into the various theories that form the foundation of psychology and develop practical skills that enable you to comprehend, analyze, and interpret human interactions. Whether you're leaning towards clinical practice, research, government, or business our distinguished B.S. and B.A. psychology programs will provide a solid foundation to realize your ambitions.

phd king's college london psychology

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What Makes the King's Psychology Program Different?

At King's College, we understand that the journey of becoming a skilled and empathetic psychologist is more than just acquiring knowledge. It's also about personalized attention, hands-on experiences, and a supportive community that nurtures growth.

Our psychology program stands out for its distinctive approach to education:

two people shaking hands in business attire

What's the Difference Between a B.A. and a B.S. in Psychology?

We recognize that each student's educational journey is unique, which is why we offer both a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in psychology. These distinct pathways allow you to tailor your degree to align with your specific interests, strengths, and future career aspirations.

The B.A. in psychology is an excellent choice for students who have a passion for understanding human behavior within a broader liberal arts context. This program offers a comprehensive exploration of psychology while allowing you to supplement your studies with courses from various disciplines.

The B.S. in psychology is tailored for students seeking a more in-depth scientific understanding of psychology and a focus on research methodologies. If you're intrigued by empirical research, statistical analysis, and the scientific exploration of psychological phenomena, the B.S. program offers an immersive experience.

Who Should Pursue a B.A. in Psychology?

  • Individuals who aspire to careers emphasizing communication, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary perspectives.
  • Anyone looking to go into the workforce after college.
  • Interested in law, social work, political science, or counseling.

Who Should Pursue a B.S. in Psychology?

  • Individuals interested in scientific research and processes.
  • Anyone interested in pursuing graduate studies in psychology or related fields.
  • Interested in the sciences, such as experimental psychology, clinical psychology, neuropsychology, or academia.

a patient and a counselor in a session together

Concentration Areas and Second Majors

At King's, students can tailor their major to individual interests by choosing a concentration in clinical counseling, developmental, business/human resources, forensic, or neurobehavioral psychology.

Through careful course scheduling, some psychology students also opt to take a second major in fields such as criminal justice, neuroscience, sociology, or social work.

What Can You Do with a Psychology Degree?

Our psychology majors find themselves in a diverse array of professional fields, showcasing the flexibility and breadth of knowledge they acquire during their academic pursuits, from counseling and industrial psychology to experimental research and school psychology.

King's graduates work as educators, social workers, and counselors, using their deep understanding of human behavior to guide and support individuals through life's challenges. If you're interested in the intricacies of law or medicine, a psychology degree equips you with the insights needed to excel in criminal justice, health care, and more.

Our graduates also enroll in graduate programs spanning various psychology disciplines, including clinical, counseling, neuroscience, school, child, industrial, and experimental psychology. The adaptability of a King's psychology degree has also helped our graduates succeed in other fields, including medicine, law, social work, and business administration.

Psychology Career Paths

Many of our students go on to pursue clinical and counseling careers in private practice, social work, health care, law enforcement, and teaching. The skills you develop through our program also resonate strongly within corporate landscapes, including human resources, marketing, advertising, management, and labor relations, all of which benefit from the understanding of human dynamics.

A few recent graduates and their initial job placements include:

  • Recreational therapy, Berger Pines Hospital
  • Social worker/counselor, Cedar Glen Nursing Home, Danvers, Ma.
  • Mental health technician, Geisinger Medical Center, Wilkes-Barre, Pa
  • Psychologist technician, Georgia Hospital.
  • Rehabilitation counselor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  • Caseworker, Lackawanna County Agency for the Aging
  • Multiple positions at the Luzerne-Wyoming Counties Mental Health Centers, including caseworker, crisis intervention aide, family health worker, mental health assistant, mental health nursing assistant, program director, psychiatric aide, psychologist, and recreation aide.
  • Primary care, Drug and Alcohol Detoxification Unit, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
  • Corrections officer, State Correctional Institution, Dallas, Pa.
  • Supervisor of delinquent children, Act I Group Home, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
  • Resident counselor, volunteer worker, Christian Appalachian Project, Nicholasville, Ky.

Graduate Studies

A bachelor's degree in psychology provides a solid foundation for master's and doctoral studies in any specialty of psychology, as well as medical or law school, social work programs, and MBA or other advanced degrees. Personal student advisement helps students choose electives, a minor, and/or a second major relevant to postgraduate and career interests.

Placements include:

  • Psychology programs: Bucknell University, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Florida State, Fordham University, Georgia Tech, LaSalle University, Lehigh University, Oakland University, Penn State University, Temple University, Texas Tech University, University of Illinois, University of Iowa, University of Maryland, University of Wisconsin, and Villanova University.
  • Law schools: Rutgers, Syracuse University, Temple University, University of Pittsburgh, Georgetown University, and Dickinson.

Psychology Program Description

At King's College, our psychology program embraces interdisciplinary interests, and we encourage students to shape their academic journey according to their goals. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of psychology, we offer a unique opportunity for double majors with virtually every other major at King's.

What sets our double majors apart is the chance for students and advisors to collaboratively design interdisciplinary components that reflect their distinct interests, creating a true liberal arts educational experience.

Our internship program and independent research are key parts of the major elective sequence. Students may choose work experience in various settings that align with their career aspirations. These experiences empower students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, bridging the gap between academia and reality. Additionally, our internship program complements our commitment to individualized growth by enabling students to tailor their education to their unique interests and career goals.

Our psychology program also empowers students to refine their studies through concentration options. Students can tailor their major to their specific interests by choosing from clinical, counseling, developmental, business, human resources, forensic, or neurobehavioral psychology concentrations.

Major Resources

  • Internships
  • Study Abroad

Student Organizations

  • Psychology Club Advisor: Victoria Estrada-Reynolds, [email protected]
  • Psi Chi: International Honor Society for Students in Psychology Advisor: Christopher Aults, [email protected]
  • Academic Planners
  • Course Descriptions
  • Degree Requirements

We welcome all potential students and their families to visit our beautiful campus and get a taste of the King’s College experience. Feel free to schedule a personal visit or register for one of our upcoming admission events.

  • Personal Visit
  • Admission Events

Request Information

students talking at a round table

Criminal Justice

students talking outside at a picnic table

Political Science

professor talking to students in front of a whiteboard

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  • Fees and funding
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  • How to pay your fees

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  • Undergraduate applications
  • Postgraduate applications
  • Help with your application
  • Entry routes
  • Am I qualified?
  • English requirements

Computer requirements

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What are you looking for?

Popular courses.

  • BSc Business Administration
  • BSc Computer Science

BSc Psychology

  • International Foundation Programme
  • MSc Computer Science
  • MSc Cyber Security
  • MSc Professional Accountancy

phd king's college london psychology

Page contents

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Key features
  • 3 Teaching Centre Support
  • 4 General entry requirements
  • 5 Course overview
  • 6 Key dates
  • 7 Admissions
  • 8 Fees, funding and payment
  • 9 Career opportunities
  • 10 What our students say

You are reading:

Course information>

October 2024

This online degree will provide you with a contemporary approach to the study of the human mind. You will gain a thorough understanding of human behaviour and learn to apply psychological science to a variety of contemporary and social challenges.

Key features

Quality of learning.

The academic rigour and relevance of this degree is enhanced with expertise from King's College London, which is ranked second in the world for psychiatry and psychology.

Employability and career progression

Studying psychology opens up opportunities to develop your career across a variety of sectors such as education, healthcare, social care, criminal and legal services.

Developed by expert academics

Academic direction is provided by King’s College London, a prestigious institution known for its commitment to delivering research excellence. The Department of Psychology at King’s offers a contemporary and pioneering approach to the discipline.

Stimulating content

You’ll have access to a range of stimulating content and problem-solving techniques that can be applied to real-life situations across areas such as healthcare, social care, education and law.

A mark of excellence

Earn an internationally recognised qualification from the University of London. The University of London has a track record of teaching, innovation and research dating back 160 years.

phd king's college london psychology

Teaching Centre Support

General entry requirements, course overview, programme structure, modules and specification show.

You complete 22 core courses and one research component to complete the bachelor's. 

  • Eight 15-credit compulsory modules at FHEQ Level 4
  • Eight 15-credit compulsory modules at FHEQ Level 5
  • Six 15-credit compulsory modules at FHEQ Level 6
  • One 30-credit Research Project*

* Please note the research project relates to 45 credits overall split into two elements:

  • One 15 credit Research project preparation module
  • One 30 credit Research project

As you progress through your bachelor's studies, you may apply for an intermediate qualification or qualifications: Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) and/or Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) in Psychology.

  • Download the Module running schedule
  • View the typical programme of study

The Programme Specification and Programme Regulations contain information and rules regarding what courses you can choose and the order in which they must be studied. 

  • Download the Programme specification
  • View programme regulations

Psychology module structure Show

Research design and statistics 1A (Open modal with additional information)

Research design and statistics 1B (Open modal with additional information)

Applications of psychology (Open modal with additional information)

Developmental psychology (Open modal with additional information)

Learning, personality and intelligence (Open modal with additional information)

Biological psychology (Open modal with additional information)

Social psychology (Open modal with additional information)

Research skills 1: qualitative skills (Open modal with additional information)

Research skills 2: literature skills (Open modal with additional information)

Cognitive psychology (Open modal with additional information)

Understanding individual differences (Open modal with additional information)

Research design and statistics 2A: analysis of variance (Open modal with additional information)

Health and addictive behaviours (Open modal with additional information)

Research design and statistics 2B: multivariate measures (Open modal with additional information)

Philosophy of psychology (Open modal with additional information)

Clinical psychology (Open modal with additional information)

Current issues in neuroscience (Open modal with additional information)

Gender and mental health (Open modal with additional information)

Mental health around the world (Open modal with additional information)

Occupational psychology (Open modal with additional information)

Forensic psychology (Open modal with additional information)

Research project

Research project 1: foundation (Open modal with additional information)

Research project 2: consolidation (Open modal with additional information)

How you study Show

You can study this online degree from anywhere in the world. The flexible approach to learning enables you to fit your studies around your commitments whilst providing the academic rigour and structure of an on-campus programme.

Alternatively, if you would like to attend classes, you can enrol at one of our approved local teaching centres around the world and benefit from local study support and the facilities of a campus-style environment.

Modules are offered over two 22-week sessions each academic year. You choose which sessions to enter and how many modules to take in each session (subject to module availability).

Assessment deadlines are outlined clearly in advance of the session. You can study up to four modules (or two modules and the Research project) at any one time. You will also receive a variety of highly engaging learning materials and activities.

Your learning experience will be enhanced with an accessible and attractive learning platform; opportunities for self-assessment so you can understand your own progress; enhanced student support.

Online support

The degree is delivered online and there is no requirement to come to the UK as part of your studies. Our flexible online programme allows you to work around your own schedule and leads to a globally-recognised qualification.

Online Library   

As a student at the University of London, you will have access to a range of resources, databases, and journals via the  Online Library . You will be able to contact a team of professional and qualified librarians for any help you require. 

Senate House Library 

 If you’re based in the United Kingdom, or are visiting London, make sure to visit  Senate House Library . Students studying with the University of London can join the library free of charge. Membership includes a 10-book borrowing allowance, access to all reading rooms and study areas, and on-site access to Senate House Library digital resources. 

Local teaching support

Students may also choose to receive local teaching support from an approved teaching centre that supports the programme. In this way, you benefit from local support and the facilities of a campus-style environment.

Find a local teaching centre for this programme.

Online tutor support 

Studying our online BSc Psychology entitles you to receive tutor support and feedback. You will join an online tutor group to receive academic support and guidance on assessments. If you choose to study as a web-supported learner, you will have the opportunity to join an online tutor group and to engage with your fellow students. If you are interested in studying with a  local teaching centre , you can benefit from face-to-face tuition.   

Study materials

All essential resources, activities, videos, discussions and support are provided through the VLE. This allows you to fit your studies around your work commitments. There is no need to purchase additional textbooks.

Student Support

We are committed to delivering an exceptional student experience for all of our students, regardless of which of our programmes you are studying and whether you are studying independently or with a Recognised Teaching Centre.

You will have access to support through:

  • The Student Advice Centre – provides support for application and Student Portal queries.
  • TalkCampus – a peer support service that offers a safe and confidential way to talk about whatever is on your mind at any time of day or night.

Time commitment

The flexible approach to learning allows students to complete the BSc Psychology in a minimum of three years (subject to module availability) to a maximum of six years.

You can study at your own pace, either part-time or full-time, adjusting the intensity of learning to suit your needs.

Each module includes a mix of assessments. During your study period you will undertake formative assessments, which help you to measure your progress but do not count towards your grade, and summative assessments. Summative assessments do count towards the final grade.

Each module, excluding Research skills 1 and 2 , Mental health around the world and the Research project modules , is summatively assessed by an element of coursework and either an examination or a further element of coursework. The overall module mark is calculated by weighting the marks achieved for the two elements of assessment in a ratio of 30:70. Written examinations are held twice a year.

Research skills 1 is summatively assessed by two equally weighted elements of coursework. Research skills 2 is summatively assessed by a combination of three elements: one examination and two elements of coursework. The module mark is calculated by weighting the marks achieved for the first and second coursework elements and the examination in a ratio of 30:50:20.

Mental health around the world is summatively assessed by one element of coursework worth 100% of the overall module mark.

The research project aspect runs across two modules: Research project preparation and Research project. Research project preparation is assessed through the completion and submission of a project plan to a satisfactory level which is marked on a Pass/Fail basis. Passing this module allows for progression to the Research project which is assessed by an 8,000-word report of original research.

Academic Leadership Show

Academic direction is provided by King’s College London, with enriched content developed by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN). King’s College London is globally known for their commitment to delivering research excellence and is ranked 7th in the QS UK University rankings 2023.

IoPPN is a world leader in the research, study and practice of psychiatry, psychology and related disciplines. Dating back to 1896, IoPPN has pioneered in facilitating education and training of psychology and psychiatry. The Institute became a school of King’s College London in 1997.

Programme Director

Dr Jenny Yiend is a Reader in Cognitive Psychopathology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, where she has been since 2009.

To date, Jenny has published 70 peer reviewed papers on cognitive processing across a wide range of disorders including anxiety, depression, psychosis, eating disorders and personality disorder and has won 17 independent research grants to support her work. She is an editor of the journal ‘Anxiety, Stress and Coping’ and was elected a fellow of the American Psychological Society in 2014.

Jenny has taken an active role in education throughout her career and continuously strives to help students achieve their potential, whilst also enjoying their student experience to the full. She has held various educational leadership roles, such as Programme Director for the IOPPN’s Mental Health Studies MSc; IOPPN’s Head of Graduate Studies for Postgraduate Education and Interim Dean of Education. Jenny won the faculty award for the ‘Most Innovative Teacher’ in 2013 was elected a Principal Fellow of the UK’s Higher Education Academy in 2017.

October 2024 intake Show

April 2025 intake show, entry requirements show, what qualifications do you need.

For direct access to the BSc Psychology degree, you will usually meet the following criteria:

  • Three UK GCE A-levels at grade DDE or an acceptable equivalent
  • One of these A-levels must be obtained in Mathematics, Psychology or Biology at grade A – D.
  • UK GCSE Maths grade A – C / 9 – 4 or equivalent and
  • Be age 17+ by the registration deadline of your enrolment session.

We accept qualifications from all around the world, view the acceptable equivalents in your country.

For access by Performance based admission:

If you do not meet the academic requirements for direct entry, you can apply for the degree via the performance based admission route.

To be eligible to register, you must normally:

  • have passed at least six separate subjects at GCSE or GCE O level or equivalent; and
  • one of these GCSEs must be obtained in Mathematics, at grade A – C/9 – 4 or equivalent ; and
  • be aged 18+ by the registration deadline of your enrolment session.

To be admitted onto the full BSc programme, you must pass two required modules with an overall result of 40 per cent or above, with at least 40 per cent in each element of assessment.

For access from the International Foundation Programme (IFP):

If you are progressing from the IFP to the BSc Psychology you will usually meet the following criteria:

  • have completed the IFP;
  • one of the courses taken as part of the IFP should be Mathematics and Statistics [FP0001], which should be passed with a mark of at least 60 per cent.

What if I do not meet the above criteria?

Even if you do not meet the standard requirements, we will consider each application on its own merits. Our Admissions Panel will consider whether any alternative/incomplete qualifications or work experience you have are suitable for entry to the programme. If we are unable to issue you an offer then if available we will advise on further alternatives such as our International Foundation Programme .

or on additional qualifications you need to take in order to meet our minimum entrance criteria.

If you do not meet the mathematical course requirement of the programme please visit mathematics aptitude test 

English Language

  • IELTS: overall score of at least 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each sub category or equivalent. This must have been obtained within the past three years.

If you do not meet the English language proficiency requirements but believe that you can demonstrate the requisite proficiency, the University may, at its discretion, consider your application

We set minimum basic computer requirements because your study resources are accessed via the Student Portal and it is vital that you can access this regularly.

Your computer should have at least the following minimum specification:

  • a web browser with Cookies and JavaScript enabled (a latest version of Firefox or Chrome is recommended)
  • a good internet connection

And the following applications installed:

  • a word processor that accepts Microsoft Word formats (.doc and .docx)
  • a pdf reader.

More about computer requirements

Fees, funding and payment

The fees below relate to new students registering for the October 2024 and April 2025 sessions only and are effective from 1 June 2024. On average, fees are subject to a five per cent year-on-year increase. 

Students who registered earlier can view their fees on the Course Fees page . 

The fee depends on whether you live in a developing (Band A) or developed (Band B) nation. See the list of Band A and Band B countries [PDF]

Important: the table below does not include fees payable to a third party, such as tuition costs payable to a Recognised Teaching Centre or fees charged by your local examination centre, or local VAT, Goods or Services Tax (GST) or sales tax.

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*The indicative totals include the application fee, all module and continuation fees payable to the University of London for the duration of your study, as well as online tutor support. This fee does not include local exam centre fees and fees payable to University of London Recognised Teaching Centres.

*The online examination administration fee is charged for each examination paper held online, including resits. This does not apply to any coursework submissions.

Please note: all student fees shown are net of any local VAT, Goods and Services Tax (GST) or any other sales tax payable by the student in their country of residence. Where the University is required to add VAT, GST or any other sales tax at the local statutory rate, this will be added to the fees shown during the payment process. For students resident in the UK, our fees are exempt from VAT.

Further information on Sales Tax

Your payment provider may apply additional transaction fees (if in doubt, please check with them before making a payment).

Funding your study Show

Without the cost of moving to London, studying for your University of London degree anywhere in the world represents excellent value for money. However, there are additional sources of support depending on where you live and how you choose to study.

More on funding your study .

Paying for your course Show

You can pay your fees in a number of ways, including an online payment facility via the Student Portal and Western Union Quick Pay.

More on how to pay your fees

Career opportunities

Careers opportunity show.

A psychology degree provides graduates with a broad skill set including data analysis, problem solving, scientific and statistical literacy and effective communication.

Psychology graduates are notably flexible in the workplace and go on to succeed in a variety of professions, including entering the public or private sector or applying their knowledge to a range of sectors such as education, healthcare, social care, criminal and legal services. Your degree could lead to a career in areas such as forensic psychology, health psychology, youth services, counselling or human resource management.

What do employers think of our graduates?

In some countries, qualifications earned by distance and flexible learning may not be recognised by certain authorities or regulators for the purposes of public sector employment or further study. We advise you to explore the local recognition status before you register.

Careers support Show

You’ll have access to a wide range of careers and employability support through the University of London Careers Service, including live webinars and online drop-in sessions.

More on the University of London Careers Service

Tailored support for careers in the refugee and humanitarian fields is available through regular programme events, webinars and careers resources.


What our students say.

“I appreciated the chance to work on real-world examples – we discussed topics happening right now that are relevant today.”

Ernesto Cobo Torres


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Developmental Psychology & Psychopathology MSc

King's college london, university of london, different course options.

  • Key information

Course Summary

Tuition fees, entry requirements, similar courses at different universities, key information data source : idp connect, qualification type.

MSc - Master of Science

Subject areas

Psychopathology Developmental Psychology

Course type

You will develop knowledge about the genetic and environmental causes of typical and atypical psychological development, the standard psychological therapies and treatments available, and research methods and statistics relevant to this field. The course will provide you with both a research and clinical focus. Benefit from comprehensive coverage of the field exploring how biological, behavioural and cognitive processes, along with family and wider social forces, can affect typical and atypical development. The course is ideal if you plan to work/are working in mental health with young people, plan to study for a PhD, or if you are looking to progress to the DClinPsy. Placements and clinical observerships are available. The course is perfectly suited for students with an interest in psychology and psychiatry, and a background in psychology, biosciences, or medicine.

Course detail

The course will train graduates to take up roles within different organisations where knowledge of mental health is required by teaching subjects that are relevant to the characterisation of typical and atypical behaviour, the biological and environmental causes and development of mental health problems in children and young people (including neurodevelopmental disorders) and an understanding of the most standard psychological therapies used in clinical practice and available support service systems. In addition, the course will provide you with a solid understanding of the most recent research methods applied in this area.

Teaching and assessment

We will use a delivery method that will ensure students have a rich, exciting experience from the start. Face to face teaching will be complemented and supported with innovative technology so that students also experience elements of digital learning and assessment. You will be taught through a mix of lectures, seminars and tutorials. The primary methods of assessment for this course are written examinations, coursework and individual or group projects. The study time and assessment methods typically give an indication of what to expect. However, these may vary depending upon the modules selected.

Career prospects

In addition to the core teaching, the optional module selection, the optional placement experience and dissertation project, the course provides opportunities to develop your knowledge into different interests and career pathways. This may help you to prepare to study a PhD in a subject such as Psychology, Statistical or Behavioural Genetics, or a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. It will also help you to pursue employment in professional settings where subject knowledge is central to your work, e.g. in a science or academic career or in clinical settings. You will also develop skills to take up employment in other settings, particularly in working with children and young people where knowledge of mental health problems and therapies are required. These could be employment in social care settings eg welfare officers in youth organisations, schools and community centers; as family support workers; or employment in the public sector, e.g. police consultant, parliamentary officer of science and technology. You may also enter employment where subject knowledge is important to succeed in the job, but not the primary activity, e.g. employment in science communication/media within organisations involved with communicating health problems in young people to increase understanding of public awareness. Or, where learning from the degree is applied more broadly, e.g. role in government office of statistics; fundraiser for charity, genetic counsellor, science editor, industry professional.

UK fees Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)

International fees Course fees for EU and international students

Upper second degree in either Psychology or related disciplines (behavioral or biological sciences) and medicine or professions allied to medicine. In order to meet the academic entry requirements for this programme you should have a minimum 2:1 undergraduate degree with a final mark of at least 60% or above in the UK marking scheme. If you are still studying you should be achieving an average of at least 60% or above in the UK marking scheme.

Criminology and Psychopathology - MSc

London metropolitan university, developmental neuroscience and psychopathology mres, ucl (university college london).

King's College London

03 June 2024

Bridging education and research: Professor Eleanor Dommett delivers her inaugural lecture

On Tuesday 21 May, Professor Eleanor Dommett delivered her inaugural lecture as Professor of Neuroscience at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN).

Eleanor Dommett inaugural edited

Professor Eleanor Dommett joined King’s College London in 2015 with the aim of developing and establishing the BSc Psychology degree. Her academic journey began much earlier, with a PhD from Sheffield University, where she explored how dopamine activity could be modulated by the superior colliculus – an area of the midbrain – in response to visual stimuli. This research laid the foundation for her later work on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the impact of psychostimulant drugs on brain structure.

At King’s, Professor Dommett has continued to build on her early research. She now leads the ADHD Research Lab, which seeks to explore the experiences associated with ADHD and the value of non-drug treatments such as exercise, diet and mindfulness and those that might impact the colliculus.

In addition to her neuroscience research, Professor Dommett conducts pedagogic research, specifically into the use of educational technology. She has investigated the effectiveness of lecture capture and virtual learning environments, aiming to enhance the learning experience for students. Her efforts in this area have been instrumental in positioning the BSc Psychology programme at King’s as one of the top in the UK .

What made this lecture so special was the presence of my research collaborators and educators – the audience was as merged as the message of the lecture – that research and education can be two sides of the same coin and create a truly fulfilling career. Professor Eleanor Dommett, Professor of Neuroscience at King's IoPPN

The lecture, titled “Merging of education and research: A journey from the midbrain out”, highlighted Professor Dommett’s journey to Professor of Neuroscience at King’s and her work across neuroscience, pedagogy and education.

Watch the full lecture below:

In this story

Ellie Dommett

Professor Ellie Dommett PhD

Professor of Neuroscience

Related departments

  • Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
  • School of Mental Health & Psychological Sciences
  • Department of Psychology


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