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Best Writing Scholarships in 2024

Showing 159 scholarships that match your search.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Immerse Education

The Immerse Education Essay Competition provides the opportunity for students aged 13-18 to submit essay responses to a pre-set question relating to their chosen subject. 10 winners will receive a 100% scholarship, with runner-up prizes also awarded. 100% Scholarship Award For Cambridge, Oxford, Sydney & London Summer School Essay Competition.

Categories: Critical Essay

Organization: Immerse Education.

Deadline: January 04, 2025.

Additional awards: Runner-ups: 50% of scholarship.

Categories: Critical Essay.

Apply now →

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Creative Writing Award

The winner will be offered the opportunity to occupy during her or his first academic year the residence room where J. D. Salinger lived; and Leadership standing in the Ursinus writing community. The winner will be expected to join the previous award winners in reading subsequent creative portfolios, and will help the Office of Admission in selecting the next winner. Award winners are also expected to be prominent members of Ursinus’ Literary Society, The Lantern, and the creative writing community.

Categories: Critical Essay, Journalism, Nonfiction, Novel Writing, Personal Essay, Playwriting, Poetry, Portfolio, Research, Screenwriting, and Short Fiction

Organization: Ursinus College.

Deadline: January 15, 2025.

Categories: Critical Essay, Journalism, Nonfiction, Novel Writing, Personal Essay, Playwriting, Poetry, Portfolio, Research, Screenwriting, and Short Fiction.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

The Sub Pop Loser Scholarship

Sub Pop Records is extremely proud to offer a grand total of $15,000 in college scholarship money to three eligible high school seniors. To apply you must submit a one-page essay using any combination of our questions as a guide (or write something completely your own, be inspired and creative!). Applicants must be residents of Washington or Oregon in pursuit of higher education.

Categories: Personal Essay

Organization: Sub Pop Records.

Deadline: March 23, 2025.

Additional awards: Second place scholarship of $5,000, third place scholarship of $3,000.

Categories: Personal Essay.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Islamic Scholarship Fund Program

Students who are Muslim or active members of the Muslim community may apply for the Islamic Scholarship Fund. The ISF awards multiple scholarships each year ranging from $3,000-$10,000, though the amounts and number of recipients will vary. Students must submit applications including essay questions, work samples, and letters of recommendation, and must also be majoring in an ISF-supported field related to media or politics.

Organization: Islamic Scholarship Fund.

Deadline: March 21, 2025.

Additional awards: Multiple awards of varying amounts will be given.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

BBB Torch Talk Scholarship

BBB Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to educating consumers on a variety of marketplace issues; this scholarship is in pursuit of that goal. Applicants must attend high school in Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington or Western Wyoming, and will submit a 500-word essay for BBB’s online magazine Torch Talk on one of the given topics.

Organization: Better Business Bureau.

Deadline: March 16, 2025.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Flag House Scholarship Award

Do you know of an unsung history-maker in your community? Is there an organization in your community working to keep the legacy of a historically significant, but often overlooked, individual alive and relevant? Identify a person living or from the past whose professional work, activism, or personal story has made a significant impact on you or your community. Describe why their story is unique and explain how they have changed history. Response should be limited to 350 words.

Categories: Research and Critical Essay

Organization: The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House.

Deadline: March 26, 2025.

Categories: Research and Critical Essay.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Unpublished Writer's Award

The winner of this award receives $1,000, an invitation to accept the award at our annual awards ceremony, promotion on our website, and a feature of their work in our Magajournal and quarterly newsletter. Applicant must email an original, unpublished fiction work (short story or novel excerpt) not to exceed 2,000 typed words on double-spaced pages

Categories: Short Fiction and Novel Writing

Organization: Go On Girl! Book Club.

Deadline: March 31, 2025.

Additional awards: Invitation to awards ceremony, promotion through website and publications.

Categories: Short Fiction and Novel Writing.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Marguerite Young Endowment Fund

The Marguerite Young Endowment Fund was established at The Pittsburgh Foundation to provide scholarships for students who plan to study theology. Candidates must be attending a Protestant seminary as a master of Divinity candidate, preparing for full-time ministry and/or be a seminary intern at a Protestant Church. Application must includes proof of this, as well as a personal essay.

Organization: The Pittsburgh Foundation.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Christine B. Dexter Scholarship

The Christine B. Dexter Scholarship was established in honor of Christine B. Dexter after her passing from stomach cancer in 2008. This scholarship awards undergrad students a $2,000 scholarship towards their fall tuition. All recipients demonstrate a history of community service and resilience through their cancer journey.

Organization: Christine B. Foundation.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Incight Scholarship

The INCIGHT scholarship is open to students in Washington, Oregon, and California who have a documented disability. Applicants must complete two detailed essay responses (video essays also welcome) in order to be eligible. The number of awards and total amount awarded will be determined during the selection process, and winners will be notified in June.

Organization: INCIGHT.

Deadline: April 01, 2025.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

The AAF-Greater Evansville Scholarship

The AAF-Greater Evansville awards scholarships to deserving high school and/or college students yearly in April. To be eligible, students must plan to pursue a career in advertising, marketing, public relations or graphic design. Application varies yearly but includes various education details and personal statements.

Categories: Journalism

Organization: American Advertising Federation of Greater Evansville.

Categories: Journalism.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Aspiring Literary Scholar Award

The winner of this award receives $1,000, an invitation to accept the award at our annual awards ceremony, promotion on our website, and a feature of their work in our Magajournal and quarterly newsletter. Candidate must submit an essay not to exceed 800 words on the topic "The Power of The Written Word."

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Dr. Jerry Pournelle Scholarship

The Dr. Jerry Pournelle Scholarship may be awarded to a candidate of any gender majoring in engineering, math, biological or physical sciences, or “science fiction as literature” as an eligible field of study. Applicants must submit a 500-1,000 word essay on one of several scientific topics.

Categories: Research, Personal Essay, and Critical Essay

Organization: The Heinlein Society.

Categories: Research, Personal Essay, and Critical Essay.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Dr. Yoji Kondo Scholarship

The Dr. Yoji Kondo Scholarship may be awarded to a candidate of any gender majoring in engineering, math, biological or physical sciences, or “science fiction as literature” as an eligible field of study. Applicants must submit a 500-1,000 word essay on one of several scientific topics.

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship

Project Sleep’s Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship is a national scholarship program to support students with narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. Students must complete an application form that includes a response to the esssay question: "If you could go back in time and speak to yourself on the day you were diagnosed, what would you say? Write a letter to yourself on that day."

Organization: Project Sleep.

What are writing scholarships?

Writing scholarships are financial awards given to students based primarily on written work, though other factors are usually taken into consideration as well. Most writing scholarships involve a prompt or series of prompts to which applicants must respond. Some writing scholarships — especially those that award large amounts of money — require applicants to submit past writing samples, or even a full portfolio.

The good news is that, with so many writing scholarships to choose from, you don’t have to apply for any that are “out of your league.” Indeed, though most students have heard of writing scholarships, you may not realize just how many different varieties there are! Here are five of the most common types of writing scholarships, all of which you can find in this directory.

1. Personal essay scholarships

Personal essay scholarships involve writing on a topic related to your own experience. You’ll often see personal essay prompts like, “How have your experiences influenced your choice of major?” and “What are your career aspirations and how do you plan to achieve them?” Other prompts may ask you to write about a role model, a life-changing event, an aspect of your identity, etc. Suggested length is usually about 500-1,000 words, but varies depending on the level of detail requested and how many essay questions are provided.

Just about every scholarship these days has a personal essay component of some kind. This is because personal essay responses both demonstrate writing skills and give the judges a clear sense of each applicant’s goals. No one wants to throw away money on an aimless student — so if you’re applying for a personal essay scholarship, make sure to convey both your writing abilities and your ambitions in your work!

2. Critical essay scholarships

Critical essay scholarships are more in line with what students might consider  “academic” essays. The prompts typically ask applicants to analyze works of literature. However, unlike open-ended English class essays, most critical essay scholarships provide a very specific prompt (e.g. “Examine The Great Gatsby in the context of its World War II-era revival”).

Critical essay scholarships can also involve non-literary subject matter. Some may ask applicants to evaluate a historical event or figure; others may ask them to defend their stance on a political or legal issue. Though the line between critical and personal essays can sometimes blur, for the purposes of this directory, we define critical essays as those that use evidence from an external source to prove a point.

3. Short fiction scholarships

Short fiction scholarships include scholarships for short stories, one-act plays, poetry, and any other form of fiction that isn’t a novel or full-length script. Short fiction scholarships tend to be easier to find than long-form fiction scholarships, since most judging panels don’t have time to read more than a few thousand words per entry. Therefore, if you write fiction and you’re hoping to nab yourself a scholarship, this category is the way to go! (That said, if you’re a hardline novelist, some places will accept a sample chapter or two as short fiction entries.)

4. Journalism scholarships

Journalism scholarships are for students interested in pursuing a career in news, magazine, and/or online journalism. These scholarship applications almost always ask for writing samples to show the candidate’s interest. Depending on the organization, they may prefer topical news reports, informative articles, thinkpieces, or a mix. Some journalism scholarships provide a prompt and ask applicants to write a new article, but the focus is usually on samples. Speaking of which…

5. Portfolio scholarships 

Portfolio scholarships are the most rigorous kind of writing scholarship, requiring a substantial body of work from each applicant — usually 5-10 pieces of writing, if not more. The upside is that awards for portfolio scholarships tend to be pretty sizable, and may even cover your entire tuition!

If you decide to apply to a portfolio scholarship, make sure you have several strong pieces of work in your oeuvre, and consider writing a few new pieces as well. What you shouldn’t do is rush through a dozen new pieces to throw together as a portfolio. If you don’t have samples at the ready from previous assignments or projects, you’ll be better off applying to a less intensive writing scholarship.

Why apply to writing scholarships?

Applying to writing scholarships is a huge undertaking, especially if you’re pursuing multiple scholarships at once. It can sometimes feel like the effort isn’t worth it, or that you have little chance of actually winning any awards. But in truth, submitting to writing scholarships is one of the best investments you can make in your education, your creative writing skills, and your professional life.

Scholarships for larger amounts do attract more applicants, but that doesn’t mean they’re impossible to land — only that you have to work a little harder to stand out. And you can definitely sway the odds in your favor by applying to lots of small scholarships ($500 or less) for which you’ll have fewer competitors. Remember that every little bit helps! For example, if you plan on taking out student loans, even a $500 scholarship could save you much more in interest down the line.

Another compelling reason to apply to writing scholarships is that oftentimes, you’ve already done the work, or the work required is minimal. For scholarships that require writing samples, you’ll simply submit what you’ve already written in the past — and even for scholarships with specific prompts, you rarely have to write more than a couple of pages. If you were seriously committed, you could apply to a scholarship every day, spending a single concentrated evening on each application.

Jumping off that thought, as English majors love to say: the more writing scholarships you apply for, the better a writer you’ll become. Writing tons of scholarship essays will make you a much more creative and efficient writer. Not only will this help with your personal writing projects, but it will also be invaluable to your education and even your career! Writing is a crucial skill for every major — you’ll always have to write papers and emails to professors, after all — and even if you don’t plan to pursue a writing-based job, you'll still need writing skills to polish your résumé.

Finally, remember that there’s a writing scholarship out there for everyone, no matter what your interests or intended field. This directory includes plenty of creative writing scholarships, yes; but there are also personal essay scholarships for future doctors, lawyers, salespeople, and so much more. You have nothing to lose by giving it a shot, so why not start searching for your dream writing scholarship today? (And if you’re unsure about your writing skills, you might benefit from some of the resources below.)

Resources to strengthen your writing skills

  • 20 Writing Tips to Help You Become A Better Writer Today. Click here to view
  • How to Stop Procrastinating and Build A Solid Writing Routine. Click here to enroll
  • What is Creative Nonfiction? Memoirs, Literary Journalism, and More! Check it out
  • How to Write a Memoir: Tell Your Amazing Story in 9 Steps. Read more
  • How to Write a Fantastic Short Story In 7 Steps. Find out more
  • How to Self-Edit Your Manuscript Like a Pro. Enroll here
  • 700+ Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire You. Click here to view
  • 100+ Creative Writing Exercises for Authors. Learn more

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Creative Writing Scholarships

Browse our Creative Writing Scholarships or get matched to college scholarships you qualify for.

$8,400 June 30, 2024
$1,000 June 30, 2024
$2,000 July 31, 2024
$1,000 July 31, 2024
$2,500 August 01, 2024
$2,500 August 04, 2024
$1,000 August 15, 2024
Varies October 11, 2024
$400 November 03, 2024
Varies November 15, 2024
$2,500 November 15, 2024
$31,000 November 15, 2024
$1,000 December 31, 2024
$1,000 December 31, 2024
$1,000 January 01, 2025
$500 January 15, 2025
$60,000 January 16, 2025
$2,000 January 26, 2025
$2,000 January 31, 2025
$20,000 February 09, 2025
$12,000 February 18, 2025
$1,000 February 28, 2025
Varies March 01, 2025
$35,000 March 01, 2025
$12,000 March 01, 2025
$12,000 March 01, 2025
$10,000 March 07, 2025
$1,000 March 14, 2025
$3,000 March 15, 2025
$5,000 March 21, 2025
$10,000 March 21, 2025
$10,000 March 28, 2025
$35,000 March 29, 2025
$5,000 March 30, 2025
$2,500 March 31, 2025
$2,000 March 31, 2025
$4,000 March 31, 2025
$700 April 01, 2025
$1,000 April 15, 2025
$2,500 April 22, 2025
$25,000 May 01, 2025
$1,000 May 01, 2025
$1,000 May 01, 2025
$2,000 May 15, 2025
$2,500 May 15, 2025
$16,000 May 15, 2025
$4,000 May 15, 2025
$1,000 May 30, 2025
$10,000 May 30, 2025
$1,000 May 31, 2025
$2,500 May 31, 2025
$10,000 Varies
$4,000 Varies
$3,000 Varies

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creative writing scholarships international students 2021

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Fellowships, Grants, & Scholarships

A collection of fellowships, grants, and scholarships for creative writing.

Here you will find a variety of opportunities to support your writing pursuits, whether you are a student, established writer, or emerging talent. Our selection includes funding for fiction, poetry, nonfiction, playwriting, and more. Explore the options below to find the perfect fit for your writing goals. 

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #  

  • Akademie Schloss Solitude
  • Anisfield-Wolf Fellowship
  • Bennett Fellowship at Exeter
  • Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowship
  • CAAP Creative Writing Fellowship
  • Dalton Creative Writing Program Fellowship
  • Barbara Deming Memorial Fund
  • Emory Creative Writing Fellowship
  • The Hodder Fellowship
  • Kenan Visiting Writer
  • Kenyon Review Fellowship
  • Ruth Lily and Dorothy Sargent Rosenburg Poetry Fellowship
  • Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Washington
  • National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship
  • Olive B. O’Connor Fellowship
  • Penn State, Altoona, Emerging Writer-in-Residence
  • Princeton Arts Fellowship
  • Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center Fellowship
  • Radcliffe Institute Fellowship
  • Wallace Stegner Fellowship
  • Stadler Fellowship
  • Steinbeck Fellows Program
  • Sustainable Arts Foundation Awards
  • Reginald S. Tickner Writing Fellowship
  • Tulsa Artist Fellowship
  • The Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing Fellowship

Resource Submission

Please use the form below to share helpful resources, or updates to resources, that should be added to the site.. Thank you for contributing to the community and helping expand our awareness. 

  • Creative Writing

Creative Writing Scholarships for International Students

Great News! Creative Writing Scholarships for Bachelors, Masters, and PhD programs are regularly offered by universities abroad. If you are a student of Creative Writing and are looking for a scholarship that can help you complete a higher education degree in Creative Writing, you may apply for any of the scholarships listed here. Remember, these scholarships in Creative Writing disciplines may require you to fulfils the admission criteria of the university. Creative Writing is an excellent discipline to pursue for a bright career as it has incredible scope and the job industry for Creative Writing is demanding more and more professionals. If you are seeking Creative Writing undergraduate or postgraduate degree programs without IELTS requirement, it is recommended to apply to Chinese universities or European universities.

 Dream Big: Germany 2024 Scholarships.

Dream Big: Germany 2024 Scholarship with IU International University of Applied Sciences

  • Partial Funding upto 35% of the tuition fees.
  • IU International University of Applied Sciences, IU International University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor, Masters
  • Data Science, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Finance, Accounting +1 More , Engineering Management
  • International Students Except for Germany, Switzerland, and Austria

This is a Bachelor, Masters scholarships for International Students at IU International University of Applied Sciences, IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Students interested in Data Science, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Finance, Accounting, Engineering Management are advised to apply for Dream Big: Germany 2024 Scholarship with IU International University of Applied Sciences.

EDUFI Finland Fellowship Scholarships.

EDUFI Finland Fellowship Scholarships 2023

  • Fully Funded
  • Finland Universities
  • Fellowship, Short Training
  • All Subjects
  • International Students

This is a Fellowship, Short Training scholarships for International Students at Finland Universities, Finland. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for EDUFI Finland Fellowship Scholarships 2023.

Netherlands Government Fully Funded Scholarships.

Netherlands Government Fully Funded Scholarships 2023, Check IELTS requirements

  • Leiden University, Utrecht University, University of Groningen, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Maastricht University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam +6 More , Radboud University Nijmegen, Tilburg University, Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente, Wageningen University and Research Centre
  • Masters, Undergraduate
  • Netherlands

This is a Masters, Undergraduate scholarships for International Students at Leiden University, Utrecht University, University of Groningen, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Maastricht University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Radboud University Nijmegen, Tilburg University, Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Netherlands. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Netherlands Government Fully Funded Scholarships 2023, Check IELTS requirements.

Cambridge PhD Scholarships and Awards UK 2023

  • Fully Funded, Partial Funding
  • University of Cambridge

This is a PhD scholarships for International Students at University of Cambridge, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Cambridge PhD Scholarships and Awards UK 2023.

Sanctuary International Visitors Support Scheme University of Sheffield, UK 2023

  • University of Sheffield
  • Undergraduate, Postgraduate

This is a Undergraduate, Postgraduate scholarships for International Students at University of Sheffield, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Sanctuary International Visitors Support Scheme University of Sheffield, UK 2023.

Holland-High Potential Scholarships.

Holland-High Potential scholarship 2023 - Maastricht University

  • Maastricht University
  • Non European Students
  • Holland, Netherlands

This is a Masters scholarships for Non European Students at Maastricht University, Holland, Netherlands. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Holland-High Potential scholarship 2023 - Maastricht University.

Chevening Clore Leadership Fellowship 2023

Chevening Clore Leadership Fellowship 2023

  • UK Universities

This is a Fellowship scholarships for International Students at UK Universities, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Chevening Clore Leadership Fellowship 2023.

Kazakhstan Government Scholarships.

Kazakhstan Government Scholarships - ENIC Kazakhstan (August 2022)

  • Kazakhstan Universities
  • PhD, Masters, Bachelor

This is a PhD, Masters, Bachelor scholarships for International Students at Kazakhstan Universities, Kazakhstan. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Kazakhstan Government Scholarships - ENIC Kazakhstan (August 2022).

University of Glasgow UK Alexander and Dixon Scholarships.

University of Glasgow UK Alexander and Dixon Scholarship (Bryce Bequest) 2022/2023

  • Full tuition fee
  • University of Glasgow
  • Creative Writing, English Literature

This is a Masters scholarships for International Students at University of Glasgow, UK. Students interested in Creative Writing, English Literature are advised to apply for University of Glasgow UK Alexander and Dixon Scholarship (Bryce Bequest) 2022/2023.

Sonny Mehta India Scholarships.

Sonny Mehta India Scholarships, UK 2022-23

  • Partial Funding £28500
  • University of East Anglia

This is a Masters scholarships for International Students at University of East Anglia, UK. Students interested in Creative Writing are advised to apply for Sonny Mehta India Scholarships, UK 2022-23.

Fulbright Foreign Student Scholarships.

Fulbright Foreign Student Scholarship Program USA

  • USA Universities
  • Masters, PhD
  • International Students from 155 countries.

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at USA Universities, USA. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Fulbright Foreign Student Scholarship Program USA.

Apply for the British Council IELTS Award 2022

Apply for the British Council IELTS Award 2022

  • Partial Funding
  • Worldwide Universities

This is a Masters scholarships for International Students at , UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Apply for the British Council IELTS Award 2022.

Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarships.

Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program

  • Fully Funded Travel+Tuition Fee+ Monthly Stipend
  • Japan Universities, USA Universities, Africa Universities See the list in detail description
  • Multi Subject, Development Related Topics
  • WorldBank Member Developing Countries
  • USA, Japan, Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand

This is a Masters scholarships for WorldBank Member Developing Countries at Japan Universities, USA Universities, Africa Universities, USA, Japan, Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand. Students interested in Multi Subject, Development Related Topics are advised to apply for Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program.

Orange Knowledge Programme Netherlands

Orange Knowledge Programme Netherlands

  • Netherlands Universities
  • Short Training, Masters

This is a Short Training, Masters scholarships for International Students at Netherlands Universities, Netherlands. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Orange Knowledge Programme Netherlands.

Global Korea Scholarships.

Global Korea Scholarship - Funded by Korean Government

  • South Korea Universities
  • Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Graduate
  • Korea, South Korea

This is a Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Graduate scholarships for International Students at South Korea Universities, Korea, South Korea. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Global Korea Scholarship - Funded by Korean Government.

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Found 107 Creative Writing Scholarships

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After School Africa

How to write a Research Proposal for Scholarship Applications in 2024

How to write a Research Proposal for Scholarship Applications in 2024

Spread the loveResearch Proposal for Scholarship Applications If you want to apply for a scholarship, you might be required to submit a thorough research proposal with your application. You will thus be able to learn about research proposals in this post and how to write one for your upcoming scholarship application in 2024. While some … Read more

How to Self-Publish your First Book in 2024 – Step-by-Step Tutorial

book publishing

Anyone, including you, can self – publish on your own. See these step by step procedures on how to self – publish your first book.

Global Voices Scholarship Program 2023 for African Students – University of East Anglia

University of East Anglia

Spread the loveApplications are now open for the Global Voices Scholarship Program 2022 for African Students at the University of East Anglia Application Deadline: 5th May 2023 About the Award: ​​This is the first year for the International Chair of Creative Writing and Global Voices Scholarship Programme. This scholarship is available to an applicant who has … Read more

Miles Morland Foundation African Scholarship 2023 at University of East Anglia, UK

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Spread the loveThe Miles Morland Foundation African Scholarship is awarded to a Postgraduate student within the School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing to enable them to study on the MA Creative Writing (Prose Fiction) course. Application Deadline: 5th May 2023.  Eligible Countries: African countries To Be Taken At (Country): University of East Anglia, UK Type: Masters Eligibility for … Read more

University of East Anglia (UEA) Sonny Mehta Scholarship 2022 for Writers in North Africa

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Spread the love​​The Sonny Mehta Scholarship for Writers will support a talented writer from the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East or North Africa to enable them to undertake study in our prestigious department of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing at UEA.  Application Deadline: 3rd June 2022. About the Award: ​​The Sonny Mehta Scholarship for Writers … Read more

RNTC Fully-funded Media & Journalism Scholarships 2022/2023 for African & Developing Countries – The Netherlands

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Spread the loveThe Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides OKP (formerly known as NFP) and MSP scholarships for the RNTC courses for media and communications professionals from Sub-Saharan African and Developing Countries 2021. Application Deadline: 22nd June 2021 16:00 CET. Eligibility Subject Areas: As of today you can apply with a scholarship for the following … Read more

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Download Chapter One of The Scholarship Digest 2019!

We interviewed Multi-Scholarship Award winners and put everything we learned into this book.

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Higher education has never been more confusing or expensive. Our goal is to help you navigate the very big decisions related to higher ed with objective information and expert advice. Each piece of content on the site is original, based on extensive research, and reviewed by multiple editors, including a subject matter expert. This ensures that all of our content is up-to-date, useful, accurate, and thorough.

Our reviews and recommendations are based on extensive research, testing, and feedback. We may receive commission from links on our website, but that doesn’t affect our editors’ opinions. Our marketing partners don’t review, approve or endorse our editorial content. It’s accurate to the best of our knowledge when posted. You can find a complete list of our partners here .

Top 280 Writing & Essay Scholarships📝 in June 2024

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Will Geiger is the co-founder of Scholarships360 and has a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. He is a former Senior Assistant Director of Admissions at Kenyon College where he personally reviewed 10,000 admissions applications and essays. Will also managed the Kenyon College merit scholarship program and served on the financial aid appeals committee. He has also worked as an Associate Director of College Counseling at a high school in New Haven, Connecticut. Will earned his master’s in education from the University of Pennsylvania and received his undergraduate degree in history from Wake Forest University.

Learn about our editorial policies

Writing is an extremely important part of success in high school, college, and life in general. For some students, writing is also an intricate part of who they are and how they express themselves. If you are someone who loves English class and is genuinely excited about a new creative writing assignment, then you should keep reading! Writing scholarships, creative writing scholarships, and essay scholarships are great ways to put your talent to use.

Whether you are planning on attending community college, a four-year program, or graduate school, we’ve got opportunities for you. Keep on reading to learn about the top scholarships for writers and creative writers including eligibility, award amounts, and deadlines!

Why choose Scholarships360

We helped over 4 million students find scholarships in 2023

We've spent over 4,000 hours reviewing 3,000 scholarship programs

13+ years of experience helping students make smart education decisions

The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies:

  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
  • The scholarship requires paid membership in an organization (with certain exceptions for reputable trade organizations and others)
  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
  • The scholarship or scholarship providing organization seem untrustworthy
  • There is no evidence the scholarship was previously awarded
  • The scholarship has not been awarded in the past 12 months
  • There is no available contact information

If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

Scholarships360 is recommended by

creative writing scholarships international students 2021


creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Danielle Emretane

Winner of the Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Fiorella Ruiz

Winner of the "Commencing at Community College" Scholarship

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Jack Furman

Winner of the “Tuition Solution” STEM Scholarship

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Morgan Breitschuh

Winner of the “Follow Your Own Path” Scholarship

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Connor Godoy

Winner of the “Commencing at Community College Scholarship”

creative writing scholarships international students 2021

Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

FIRE First Amendment Scholarship Competition

FIRE First Amendment Scholarship Competition This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression

Are you a high school senior or undergraduate student interested in freedom of speech and the First Amendment? Consider applying to the Foundation for Individual… Show More

Are you a high school senior or undergraduate student interested in freedom of speech and the First Amendment? Consider applying to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression’s First Amendment Scholarship Competition! To apply, students should respond to the prompt below in an essay of 500 to 700 words. About the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression FIRE’s mission is to defend and sustain the individual rights of all Americans to free speech and free thought—the most essential qualities of liberty. FIRE educates Americans about the importance of these inalienable rights, promotes a culture of respect for these rights, and provides the means to preserve them. FIRE recognizes the importance of young people being involved in the free speech movement. The FIRE Student Network (FSN) is a coalition of students who appreciate the importance of advancing civil liberties on their campuses. FIRE’s team makes sure that FSN members have the information and resources they need to organize policy reform campaigns, coordinate on-campus FIRE and activism events, write articles for student and mainstream publications, and much more. Show Less

“Gutsy Graduate Student” Essay Scholarship

“Gutsy Graduate Student” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Scholarships360

Ok, so first question–why is this scholarship named the “Gutsy” Graduate Student Essay Scholarship? If you are enrolled in graduate school (during the 2024-25 academic… Show More

Ok, so first question–why is this scholarship named the “Gutsy” Graduate Student Essay Scholarship? If you are enrolled in graduate school (during the 2024-25 academic year) or have heard stories from those enrolled, you already know! “Gutsy” means courageous and determined, which nearly all successful graduate students are. Why else would one continue on with rigorous academics while often living on a shoestring? The rewards of graduate school are numerous, especially the more focused and advanced level of specialized study in your chosen field. Learning with like-minded people who share your passion is fulfilling, and the networking is awesome. The flipside of graduate school is the costly student loans to fund it. With this in mind, the "Gutsy" Graduate Student Essay Scholarship aims to help out a passionate graduate student who is actively looking for ways to fund their higher education journey. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. Good luck on your educational journey, and we hope to read your application!  Show Less

“College Here I Come” Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors

“College Here I Come” Essay Scholarship for High School Seniors This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The "College Here I Come" Scholarship for Class of 2024 is open to just who you think: high school seniors graduating in the class of… Show More

The "College Here I Come" Scholarship for Class of 2024 is open to just who you think: high school seniors graduating in the class of 2024! Here at Scholarships360, scholarships are our passion–we know that you can never have enough of them! After all, scholarships are essentially “free money” to help fund your education. We want to help out a lucky high school senior who is just starting out on their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We hope that you apply and look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students

“Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

In offering the “Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students, we want to help offset the cost of attending college for Black students. Open to… Show More

In offering the “Scholar Dollars” Essay Scholarship for Black Students, we want to help offset the cost of attending college for Black students. Open to high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 and 2025) and undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year, this scholarship aims to lighten your financial worry and allow you to take fewer loans. Remember, scholarships are essentially “free money” that need not be paid back. This scholarship, specifically, aims to help out a Black student who is passionate about their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application, and wish you much success on your academic journey!  Show Less

“Making Waves” Scholarship for Women

“Making Waves” Scholarship for Women This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Are you a woman in high school, college, or graduate school enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year? If so, let us help you! Our $500… Show More

Are you a woman in high school, college, or graduate school enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year? If so, let us help you! Our $500 “Making Waves” Scholarship for Women aims to help women cover the costs of pursuing their dreams. Whether that dream is starting a business, learning a foreign language, or attending college on the path to fulfilling your dream, the scholarship will cover those costs and make your journey a little easier. No matter your goals, we want to help out a woman who is passionate about their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. In order to apply, simply write an essay about how the $500 “Making Waves” Scholarship for Women will help you fulfill your dreams. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We encourage you to apply and look forward to reading your essay. Good luck! Show Less

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students

“Tuition Solution” Scholarship for STEM Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Do you like figuring out solutions to difficult problems? Well, if you’re a current or aspiring STEM major, we have one for you! Our $500… Show More

Do you like figuring out solutions to difficult problems? Well, if you’re a current or aspiring STEM major, we have one for you! Our $500 “Tuition Solution” Scholarship is meant for high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 or 2025), as well as undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2023-24 academic year who are looking for ways to fund their postsecondary education in STEM. In order to apply, you must write an essay about how your passion for STEM started and how the scholarship will help you fulfill your dreams. No matter which STEM field ignites your interest, we look forward to reading your essays. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. Apply today - it’s time to cell-e-brate you! Show Less

“A Helping Hand” Scholarship

“A Helping Hand” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

At Scholarships360, we know how hard it can be to pay off the hefty costs of a college tuition. Oftentimes, this is even more difficult… Show More

At Scholarships360, we know how hard it can be to pay off the hefty costs of a college tuition. Oftentimes, this is even more difficult for students coming from low-income backgrounds or for those who demonstrate financial need. This is where our “A Helping Hand” Scholarship comes in! We're offering a $500 scholarship to help out a low-income student who is passionate about their higher education journey and is actively looking for ways to fund it. This award is open to high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 and 2025), as well as undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year. In order to apply, students should submit an essay detailing how winning the scholarship would help you fulfill your dreams. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship

“Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

At Scholarships360, our mission is to help students find and fund their postsecondary education. We know that students have a variety of educational and career… Show More

At Scholarships360, our mission is to help students find and fund their postsecondary education. We know that students have a variety of educational and career interests and aspirations. That is why we are offering the “Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship. This scholarship aims to support all current postsecondary students, regardless of the type of education they are pursuing. Thus, no matter your own unique educational path, we hope you apply for this $500 scholarship. In order to apply for the “Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship, students must submit an essay about their career ambitions. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship

“Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Community college, also known as two-year college, is a golden opportunity for the right student. These schools offer an affordable education to a diverse range… Show More

Community college, also known as two-year college, is a golden opportunity for the right student. These schools offer an affordable education to a diverse range of students in a wide range of majors. If starting your postsecondary education at a community college is right for you, we have a scholarship just for you! The “Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship aims to financially support community college students who are passionate about their higher education journeys and actively looking for ways to fund it. In order to apply for the “Commencing at Community College” Essay Scholarship, students must submit an essay explaining how earning their degree at community college will help them achieve their educational and career goals. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application!  Show Less

“Outstanding Undergraduate” Essay Scholarship

“Outstanding Undergraduate” Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The U.S. is home to over 2,000 four-year universities offering bachelor’s degrees. However, attending such universities can sometimes come with hefty costs that can deter… Show More

The U.S. is home to over 2,000 four-year universities offering bachelor’s degrees. However, attending such universities can sometimes come with hefty costs that can deter students from attending. If you’re in a situation similar to this, we may just have the perfect scholarship opportunity for you: the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Essay Scholarship! With this scholarship, we aim to help out a lucky undergraduate student (enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year) who is passionate about their higher education journey and actively looking for ways to fund it. The scholarship is open to any U.S. citizen who is enrolled as an undergraduate at a four-year university in the U.S. during the 2023-24 academic year. In order to apply, submit an essay explaining how earning your bachelor’s degree will help you achieve your educational and career goals. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high… Show More

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high school student who hopes to go to college, a graduate student who’s in a master’s program, or an adult learner who wants to return to school, you are eligible for our no essay scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to students who get the most out of Scholarships360 scholarships and content. You will be a strong applicant if you apply to scholarships with the Scholarships360 platform. Finalists for this scholarship will be interviewed about their process for funding their education. Show Less

“Broad Horizons” Scholarship for High School Juniors

“Broad Horizons” Scholarship for High School Juniors This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

This scholarship is open to high school juniors (graduating class of 2025) who are proactive about broadening their horizons. To broaden your horizons means to… Show More

This scholarship is open to high school juniors (graduating class of 2025) who are proactive about broadening their horizons. To broaden your horizons means to expand your range of knowledge and experiences. It means putting yourself out there, trying new things, and meeting new people. To apply for this scholarship, tell us about one thing you have done in the past year to broaden your horizons. Whether you picked up a new hobby, learned a new skill, traveled to a new place, or spent time with different people – we want to know what you’re doing to foster growth in your life. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the short answer response. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their response and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Moving Mountains” Scholarship for Hispanic Students

“Moving Mountains” Scholarship for Hispanic Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

This scholarship is open to Hispanic/Latino high school juniors and seniors, college, and graduate students who have moved mountains in their life. To move mountains… Show More

This scholarship is open to Hispanic/Latino high school juniors and seniors, college, and graduate students who have moved mountains in their life. To move mountains means to achieve something incredibly difficult. It means overcoming obstacles, persevering in the face of adversity, and achieving success against all the odds. Whether it’s passing a difficult class, completing a rigorous project, or excelling in sports, we all have our own way of moving mountains. We want to know about yours. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the essay prompt. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Creativity Takes Courage” Scholarship for Art Students

“Creativity Takes Courage” Scholarship for Art Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

This award is open to students studying any form of visual and/or performing arts who write an essay expressing their views on creativity and courage.… Show More

This award is open to students studying any form of visual and/or performing arts who write an essay expressing their views on creativity and courage. The French artist Henri Matisse once said, “another word for creativity is courage.” Artists can be loved and appreciated for their work, but they also have the potential to be criticized and rejected. Releasing art into the world involves overcoming fear and self-doubt. Even the most successful artists grapple with questions like “am I good enough?” or “will people like this?” If you’re a creative student who has ever struggled with these questions, we encourage you to apply for this scholarship! See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the essay prompt. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

Making the Leap Scholarship for Transfer Students

Making the Leap Scholarship for Transfer Students This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

The “Making the Leap” Scholarship is open to undergraduate students who are transferring to another educational institution in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree. We know… Show More

The “Making the Leap” Scholarship is open to undergraduate students who are transferring to another educational institution in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree. We know that getting from point A to point B isn’t always straightforward, and that sometimes there are twists, turns, and unexpected detours along the way. If you’re a transfer student making the leap to another school, you probably know what we’re talking about. Switching educational institutions can be challenging, which is why we’re offering a $500 scholarship to help one outstanding transfer student. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the short answer response. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their response and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

“Pen to Paper” Scholarship for Storytellers

“Pen to Paper” Scholarship for Storytellers This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Do you fancy yourself a wordsmith? If you value creative writing as a form of communication, we encourage you to apply for the Pen to… Show More

Do you fancy yourself a wordsmith? If you value creative writing as a form of communication, we encourage you to apply for the Pen to Paper Scholarship for Storytellers! This scholarship is open to high school juniors and seniors (graduating class of 2024 or 2025), undergraduate, and graduate students who enjoy crafting stories and expressing ideas through the arrangement of words on paper. Whether you’re interested in poetry, short stories, novels, or screenplays, we want to hear from you. To apply for this scholarship, students must submit a 250-word piece of original creative writing. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding essay prompts. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their essay and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. Happy writing! Show Less

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by The College Board

Create a college list with six schools you're considering - no minimum GPA or essay required!

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by CollegeXpress

Annual $10k scholarship from CollegeXpress open to all high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

Niche $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

Niche $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Niche

Easy scholarship open to all high school and college students, as well as anyone looking to attend college or graduate school in the next year!

$2,000 Juno Scholarship

$2,000 Juno Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Juno

Easy $2,000 monthly scholarship from Juno open to all US-based students!

Top 10 essay scholarships in 2024

Our editors hand-picked the following 10 essay scholarships with an eye for large awards, prestigious organizations, and scholarships that are open to a wide variety of students. Apply with confidence to the following essay scholarships:

  • Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship – For high school seniors with financial need, worth up to $55,000 per year
  • Questbridge College Match – For high school seniors with financial need, offers a full ride to college
  • The Gates Scholarship – For low-income minority high school seniors, offers a full ride to college
  • Tylenol Future Care Scholarship – For students enrolling in medical, nursing, or pharmacy school, worth $5,000-$10,000
  • Regeneron Science Talent Search – For high school seniors interested in pursuing an individual STEM research project. Worth anywhere between $2,000 and $250,000
  • Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship – For high school seniors pursuing a bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, or a business field. Worth up to $20,000
  • Horatio Alger Undergraduate Scholarships – For high school students with high financial need, worth up to $49,000
  • Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship – For high school seniors with high financial need who plan to study computer science in college. Worth $10,000 per year
  • Ron Brown Scholarship – For Black high school seniors who plan to study global entrepreneurship and/or community engagement. Worth $10,000 per year
  • Dream.US Opportunity Scholarship – For undocumented high school seniors and college freshmen with high financial need living in a state where public colleges do not offer in-state tuition to undocumented students. Worth $20,000 per year

Creative writing scholarships

Are you a writer who loves fiction, poetry, and screenplays? If so, you can put those talents to use by applying for creative writing scholarships.

Creative writing scholarships are a subset of writing scholarships that support students who enjoy writing poetry, fictional stories, plays, and generally using their imagination to guide their writing.

Here are the top creative writing college scholarships that you can apply for:

HelpTeaching.com Scholarship

  • Eligibility: High school and college students who submit a educational short story or informational article (400-800 words) for young students
  • Amount : $1,000
  • Deadline: June 1st of every year

Cancer Unwrapped Teen Writing Contest

  • Eligibility: Teens aged 9-12 who write about their own cancer journey or a family member in a maximum of 1,500 words.
  • Deadline: Late March

YouthPLAYS New Voices One-Act Competition for Young Playwrights

  • Eligibility: Students 19 years old or younger who submit an original one-act play between 10-40 minutes in length (10-page minimum). Multiple winners may receive up to $250 and publication by YouthPLAYS.
  • Amount: $250 and publication by YouthPLAYS
  • Deadline: Early May

National High School Poetry Contest

  •   Eligibility:  U.S. high school students who submit a poem 20 lines or less that is unpublished, the sole work of the entrant, and not entered in any other concurrent contest.
  • Amount: Up to $500.
  • Deadline:  Rolling

The Narrative Prize

  • Eligibility: Students who submit a short story, novel excerpt, poem, one-act play, graphic story, or work of literary nonfiction.
  • Amount: $4,000
  • Deadline:  Mid-June

Also see:  Top writing summer programs for high school students

College-specific creative writing scholarships

Some colleges and universities may also offer specific scholarships and financial aid to students with a talent in creative writing! Check with the colleges on your list for these college-specific creative writing opportunities!

Note that some of these scholarships may have requirements for winning students that stipulate that they take a certain number of creative writing classes when enrolled in the college.

Kenyon Writing Award

High school seniors can apply for this scholarship program at Kenyon College which offers up to $15,000 per year of merit based aid. It is based off of your portfolio and does not take into account financial need, high school GPA , or other factors. Submissions typically have to be in by January of your senior year.

Related:  How to answer scholarship essay questions about your career goals

Barbara Caras Memorial Scholarship for Film Students

The scholarship is open to students in Sarasota or Manatee County, Florida who have completed at least one full year at an accredited Florida College and are majoring in Film, Computer Animation, Creative Writing, Motion Design, or Illustration. Five recipients will earn a $2,000 award. The application deadline is July 31st of the current year.

Lycoming College Creative Writing Scholarship

The scholarship is open to students majoring in Creative Writing at Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA and must submit five poems and/or a short story not to exceed ten pages. Six recipients will be selected and can earn up to $3,000. The scholarship deadline for the Fall 2023 Class is March 1, 2023.  

Arkansas Tech University Gwaltney Scholarship

The scholarship is open to ATU students who submit individual works of fiction to the Department of English. Recipients earn a one-time cash award every year. The deadline to submit your entry is 2 weeks before the end of the spring semester.

Lake Forest College Carnegie English Essay Contest

The contest is open to first-year students of Lake Forest College who plan to study English either through the literature or creative writing track and submit an essay, between 500 and 1,000 words answering a designated prompt. Four winners will be awarded $2,500 annually. Submission deadline is March 1, 2023.

Austin Peay State University Creative Writing Scholarships

The scholarships are open to undergraduate and incoming APSU students who email a 10-20 page manuscript of fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction, to Lakota Withrow at [email protected] . Awards are for $600 or $1,200. The deadline to apply is March 18th.

Scholarship essay resources

When it comes to writing and essay scholarships, your writing skills will be put to the test. You’ll have to adapt your writing to specific styles in order to effectively and succinctly communicate your ambitions and potential. We have a host of resources to help you perform well in this arena and stand out from the crowd.

  • How to start your scholarship essay (with examples)
  • How to write a “why do you deserve this scholarship?” essay
  • What’s the best scholarship essay format?
  • How to write a 250 word essay
  • How to write a 500 word essay
  • How to write an essay about yourself

Frequently asked questions about writing scholarships

Do i have to major in english to earn a writing or essay scholarship, where can i get help proofreading my scholarship essays, how much should i write if there is no word limit on the application, explore these other scholarship categories:.

  • Scholarships for English majors
  • Easy scholarships
  • Top scholarships for high school seniors
  • Top creative writing scholarships
  • Top scholarships for journalism students
  • Top short story scholarships

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  • Scholarships /

Creative Writing Scholarships


  • Updated on  
  • Jun 27, 2023

List of Scholarships for Creative Writing -11

Are you planning to pursue further studies that align with your passion for creative writing? To motivate students from all spheres of life, there are many creative writing scholarships available. A college degree in creative writing is enjoyable, especially if you are on a scholarship. Scholarships for creating writing are available for aspiring writers since high school or college, especially for those who are pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Various scholarships for creative writing have been discussed in this blog.

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is any form of writing that deviates from traditional professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature , and is characterized by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes, as well as various poetic and poetical traditions Because of the ambiguity of the concept, writing such as feature articles, which belong under journalism , might be deemed creative writing, despite the fact that the substance of features is explicitly focused on story and character development. There are several sorts of creative writing that may be classified as fiction or nonfiction. Some of the most well-known are

  • Biographies 
  • Fiction: novels, novellas, short stories, etc. 
  • Poetry and spoken word
  • Playwriting/scriptwriting
  • Personal essays

Also Read: The UEA Booker Prize Foundation Scholarship

Creative Writing Scholarships in the UK

The following are the creative writing scholarships available to study in the United Kingdom :

Birkbeck University of London Sophie Warne Fellowships £1,750 (INR 16.41 lacs)
Seamus Heaney scholarship Poetry at University Belfast£5,000 -£10,000 (INR 4.68 lacs – 9.37 lacs)
‘s Writing School ScholarshipCurtis Brown Creative’s Writing YA and Children’s Fiction course has one fully funded scholarship available for a bright BAME (Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic) student.
Curtis Brown Creative BAME Writing ScholarshipSeveral creative writing scholarships are offered to students interested in pursuing a master’s degree in creative writing at the institution.
School of Literature, and Creative Writing Scholarships Various creative writing grants are available for the school’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program.
William Hunter Sharpe Memorial Scholarship, A merit-based scholarship for postgraduate students accepted to a full-time MSc program in Creative Writing or Playwriting.

The Sonny Mehta India Scholarship provides a total of GBP 28,500 (INR 26.83 lacs) to one Indian student for tuition and living expenses.

Creative Writing Scholarships in the US

The following are the scholarships available to study in the US . However, sometimes you might not be able to obtain a scholarship due to numerous reasons. In such cases, you need to consider an education loan. If you want to leverage the full benefits of an education loan, make sure you contact Fly Finance .

Chicago Scholarships There are several creative writing grants available for students at various levels of study who wish to attend college.
 Scholarships To pursue an MFA in Creative Writing at the institution, a variety of assistantships and fellowships are available.
Mystery Writers of America Helen McCloy Scholarship$3,000 (INR 2.82 lacs)
Penguin Annual Signet Classic Scholarship Essay Contest To pursue their studies, five creative writing scholarships are offered for US high school seniors and juniors.
Pine Manor College MFA in Creative Writing ScholarshipSeveral creative writing scholarships are available to students at the institution, including need-based ‘Writers Helping Writers’ grants and the Jacqueline Woodson Fellowship, which is offered to an African or Caribbean-born student.
Scholarships for MFA in Creative Writing at Sierra Scholarships for creative writing are offered at the institution on the basis of merit and need.
Extension Phyllis Gebauer Scholarship in WritingUp to six scholarships are offered each year to attend UCLA Extension’s writing program.
Department of English Scholarships Various creative writing scholarships are available for students at different stages of study, including those for existing undergraduate or graduate students in any field.
Ursinus College Creative Writing Award This liberal arts institution in Pennsylvania offers a $33,000 yearly( INR 31.06 lacs) scholarship to ‘creative authors of extraordinary creativity and promise.’

Scholarships in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

The following are the scholarships available to study in Canada , Australia , and New Zealand

Graduate ScholarshipsCanada Several scholarships are available for individuals interested in pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at the institution, with the majority of them open to both local and foreign students.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities ScholarshipsCanada The Lillian Kroll Prize in Creative Writing, worth CA$375,(INR 22.6K) is given to an undergraduate student who demonstrates a growing skill in creative writing.
Australia Creative Arts and Humanities scholarship AustraliaA fellowship of AUS $10,000  (INR 5.24 lacs) is available for an Australian student who is working on a literary project and wants to do a four-week residency at the library.
Modern Letters scholarship at of WellingtonNew ZealandVarious creative writing scholarships for university study, primarily at the master’s level.

Other Scholarships

The following are the scholarships available to study in different other countries:

The Reedsy National Creative Writing Scholarship AUS $1,000 (INR 52.7K) scholarship is offered for a student from the United States, Canada, or who is presently enrolled (or accepted) in a program in one of the three countries.
Apprentice Ecologist Open Space Initiative ScholarshipsMiddle school, high school, or undergraduate college/university students between the ages of 13 and 21 are eligible for this grant. Students can apply if they participate in or lead an environmental stewardship initiative for the benefit of any of the Open Space Division’s maintained or co-managed areas.
New York Financial Writers’ Association ScholarshipThe award is offered to journalism students in the metropolitan region who want to pursue a career in creative writing & financial journalism.

This was all about scholarships for students who are passionate about writing. Planning to study abroad and need any assistance with institutions, the application process, finances, paperwork, or anything else, call the Leverage Edu professionals at 1800-572-000 and let them give you outstanding end-to-end mentorship and expert advice to help you make your goal a reality in no time!

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Scholarships & Essay Contests for International Students

As an international student, you may be eligible for a variety of scholarships and essay contests that can reduce the cost of studying in the US. Learn more in this guide!

Female international student in a gray woolen sweater and red headband writing sticky notes with her laptop open at a table

Studying in the US gives you many opportunities to work toward your personal and professional goals. However, your tuition and cost of living can be costly without financial aid . Fortunately, there are ways to reduce this cost, such as essay contests for international students that can award you with a scholarship!

Read on to learn more about writing contests for college students, essay-based scholarships, international contests for students, scholarship essay websites, and more!

Writing Contests for International College Students

There are many types of international contests for students that award scholarships, and international essay competitions for university students are just one option! Writing contests for college students require you to write and submit an essay or report on a specific topic. Your submission — along with other students’ — will then be reviewed and evaluated. Depending on the number of applicants, quality of submissions, and available funding, you have the chance to earn a scholarship or even a cash award. 

Topics for scholarship essay contests depend on the sponsoring organization and may cover history, foreign affairs, STEM, business, and even creative writing. 

The first step toward applying to essay writing contests for scholarships is to find opportunities where you are eligible and qualified. Here is where to look. 

Where to Find Scholarships and Essay Opportunities

A variety of institutions offer scholarships, and each will have their own eligibility requirements, funding amounts, and due dates. Research specific foundations, nonprofit organizations, corporations, and even your school itself, as many may have scholarships and/or essay writing contests for scholarships. You may find many opportunities in your home country as well, or even through Shorelight!

Shorelight Universities that Have Essay Contests for International Students

Shorelight universities give you opportunities to access a variety of scholarships, including essay-based scholarships, both through the school itself and through local organizations in the US. Speak with your Shorelight advisor to explore options at these universities and find the right opportunity that suits your academic and professional goals for studying in the US!

Your advisor can also provide a variety of exclusive student services , such as essay-writing tips , campus transition programs , and academic support , in addition to offering guidance for English programs . 

Beyond funding through Shorelight universities, you may also be able to access a variety of scholarships funded by the US government, international organizations, or even private institutions. 

US Government Sponsored Scholarships

The US government provides multiple scholarship opportunities for university students that can reduce the cost of tuition at their university. While many opportunities are mainly available to American students, the US government also helps in funding several international-focused scholarship opportunities. Let’s take a closer look.

Fulbright Foreign Student Program

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program aims to help graduate students, young professionals, and artists study and conduct research in the US, and nearly 4,000 students from around the world receive this scholarship every year. The scholarship is available to a variety of study fields, including interdisciplinary fields.


Student eligibility for the Fulbright Foreign Student Program varies from country to country, so it is important to check your local requirements for application guidelines and eligibility criteria. Usually, eligible students are required to apply through specific Fulbright commissions, the Fulbright Foundation, or through the US Embassy in the applicant’s home country. Check your eligibility via the program’s website .  

For 2022, applications may be submitted from February to October. Exact timelines may vary depending on your country’s requirements.

Scholarship Amount

Fulbright funding covers tuition, airfare, health insurance, and a living stipend for the duration of your study program. The exact value of the scholarship will depend on your country, so be sure to check with your local US Embassy or Fulbright Commission and/or Foundation. 

Humphrey Fellowship

The Humphrey Fellowship program gives international students the opportunity to participate in an exchange of knowledge between your home country and the US. It is important to note that eligible students cannot choose which university they will attend; recipients will be placed at a participating university based on the institution most appropriate for their interests.

To be eligible for a Humphrey Fellowship, you must have:

An undergraduate degree

At least five years of full-time work experience

Limited or no prior experience in the United States

Demonstrable leadership qualities 

A record of public service 

Proficiency with English 

Keep in mind that only certain fields of study are eligible for this scholarship, including: 

Agricultural and Rural Development


Economic Development

Educational Administration, Planning and Policy

Finance and Banking

For a full list of eligible fields, please visit the Humphrey Fellowship website .

Applications for 2022 are accepted between April and September, and all applications must be submitted before October 1, 2022.

While the exact value of a Humphrey Fellowship varies based on the institution and field of study, the program covers a wide range of student costs, including:

Payment of tuition and fees at the assigned host university

Pre-academic English-language training, if required

A maintenance (living) allowance, including a one-time settling-in allowance

Accident and sickness coverage

A book allowance

A one-time computer subsidy

Air travel (international travel to and from the US for the program and domestic travel to required program events)

A professional development allowance for professional activities, such as field trips, professional visits, and conferences

If you want to take a broader look at available funding for international students, many other global institutions also support international education through exclusive scholarships. 

International Institutions that Fund Scholarships for Study in the US

Many types of international institutions administer scholarships that help international students study in the US , and can range from international governing bodies to private companies and organizations. This variety means you can access a much wider variety of scholarships that may match your personal goals and objectives once enrolled at university. Here are a few of international scholarships that may be worth a closer look.

World Bank Scholarship

The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) is available to students from developing countries who are applying for a master’s degree program in a development-related field of study. This scholarship is primarily meant for individuals who have developed relevant professional experience and have previously participated in supporting the development efforts of their home country. 

The JJ/WBGSP offers scholarships for 26 participating programs, giving you the chance to study at universities around the world, including in the US. To be eligible to apply to JJ/WBGSP, you must:

Be a national of a World Bank member country

Not hold dual citizenship in any developed country

Be in good health

Have a bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree at least three years before the application deadline

Have three or more years of development-related work experience after earning a bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree

Be employed in development-related work in a paid full-time position when submitting your scholarship application

Additionally, to be eligible for the JJ/WBGSP, you cannot be a staff member of the World Bank Group or a close relative of a staff member. 

When you apply, keep in mind that you must have received unconditional admittance (except for your tuition cost) for an upcoming academic year at an institution, located outside your home country, participating in the JJ/WBGSP. You are required to upload your letter of admission before submitting your scholarship application. 

Usually, the JJ/WBGSP has two windows for application submission every year, with specific participating programs available during each period. For 2022, the windows are as follows: 

Application Window #1 — January 17 to February 28, 2022, at noon Washington time. Participating programs can be viewed here .

Application Window #2 — March 29 to May 27, 2022, at noon Washington time. Participating programs can be viewed here .

The exact JJ/WBGSP amount depends on the participating program. The scholarship provides tuition, a monthly living stipend, round-trip airfare, health insurance, and travel allowance.

AAUW International Fellowship

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellowship aims to support women around the world who want to pursue research or full-time study opportunities in the US. With the fellowship, you can pursue your degree at an accredited US institution with a large part of your tuition funded by the AAUW. 

Before you apply for the AAUW International Fellowship, check your eligibility by confirming that you:

Are a citizen of a country other than the US or possess a non-immigrant visa if you live in the US. (If you are currently, or are expecting to be during your fellowship year, a US citizen, US permanent resident, or dual citizen with the US, you are not eligible.)

Have earned a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) before the application deadline. 

Plan to study full time during the fellowship year.

Intend to return to your home country to work toward a professional career after completing your program.

Are proficient in English with the necessary test scores, such as a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score or an equivalent.

It is important to note that if you are a postdoctoral applicant, you must provide proof of your doctorate degree, have a doctorate classified as a research degree (e.g., PhD, EdD, DBA, DM) by the application deadline, and specify where you plan to conduct your research. Additionally, if you are a master’s, professional degree, or doctoral applicant, you need to be enrolled in an accredited US institution during your fellowship year.

If you have previously received a AAUW national fellowship or grant, you may not be eligible to apply for future AAUW international fellowships. 

The AAUW International Fellowship accepts applications annually, with the next cohort beginning July 1, 2022. You can visit the AAUW website for the latest updates on the next application period and more information about the International Fellowship.

With the International Fellowship from the AAUW, you can access three opportunities depending on your program:

Master’s/first professional degree: $18,000

Doctoral: $20,000

Postdoctoral: $30,000

Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship

Through the Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme , students from developing countries can access scholarship opportunities for specific postgraduate programs. Scholarships apply to any university except for institutions in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the UK.

While the foundation does prioritize requests for master’s-level programs, applications for PhD programs are also considered if your professors highly recommend you for a doctoral program and a PhD is required to meet your career goals.

As the Aga Khan Foundation scholarships aim to support students from developing countries, applications will only be accepted if the applicant is a national of one of the following countries:


Applications from Canada, France, Portugal, UK, and the US are also accepted if you are originally from the above list of developing countries.

Additionally, the Aga Khan Foundation specifies the following conditions must be met before applications are submitted:

The student consistently achieves excellent academic results

There is a genuine financial need with no other options available

The desired admission is to a highly reputable university or program

The field of study must be relevant to the Aga Khan Development Network’s focus areas

As part of the eligibility evaluation process, applicants must take part in an interview with the foundation’s local Scholarship Committees. This committee will inquire about your financial situation, academic performance, extracurricular achievements, and your career plan.

The Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme accepts applications annually. The 2022-2023 application deadline is March 31, 2022.

Note that these scholarships are 50% grants, 50% loans, which means half of the funding must be paid back over five years with an annual 5% service charge. Funding specifically covers recipients’ tuition fees and living expenses; cost of travel is not included. 

Additionally, for PhD programs, students will receive funding for only two years of study. If there are additional years for your program, alternative funding sources will be needed. 

The Civil Society Leadership Awards

Students looking for scholarships that fully fund their master’s program may want to apply for the Civil Society Leadership Awards. Since the 1980s, Civil Society Leadership Awards have funded more than 20,000 international students in the US studying fields such as:

Culture, History, and Society

Communications, Journalism, and Media

Development Studies

Education Management and Leadership

Human Rights

Politics and International Studies

To be eligible for a Civil Society Leadership Award, you may have to:

Hold citizenship from an eligible country  

Have a bachelor’s degree 

Show professional experience in your chosen field

Demonstrate flexibility, maturity, and leadership skills

Be proficient in English 

Hold the appropriate US student or work visa

The annual application deadline is May 15, but this may vary depending on your home country. 

Civil Society Leadership Awards provide a monthly stipend covering living expenses, tuition and mandatory university fees, program-related travel, and other required educational materials. The exact amount can vary depending on your program.

Scholarship Websites Online

Want to find even more scholarships and funding sources? Go online! Researching essay contests for international students, scholarship essay contests, and other writing contests for college students can be done on an ongoing basis with just your computer or smartphone. Look for the latest opportunities on scholarship essay websites and carefully review your options. If you have flexibility in your study plans, knowing when ongoing opportunities are available (e.g., annual scholarships) can give you time to prepare your applications well in advance.

International Student Scholarships

The International Student Scholarship website is a collection of scholarship programs offered around the world to students planning to study abroad. Opportunities include:

MPOWER Global Citizen scholarship — Scholarships for female students in STEM programs

Bonner Scholarship — Scholarships for students studying finance 

Rector’s Scholarship — Academic excellence scholarships

Create a free account to search for scholarships based on location, subjects, award name, or country of origin. Once your account is set up, you can contact the awarding organizations directly and apply for scholarships.

While the exact requirements for each scholarship depend on the programs you choose, the website highlights key requirements to help you prepare your applications. 

Application deadlines will vary by program. It’s a good idea to contact each scholarship organization to confirm the latest due dates.

Scholarship amounts and coverage details are listed under each award’s specification details. Other information related to repayment fees, loans, living expenses, and air travel cost may also be included. Scholarship amounts awarded may vary on a case-by-case basis or even depending on country of origin, so having a conversation with the relevant advisors can provide greater clarity about requirements, eligibility, and more.

With any scholarship program, make sure you are well aware of the expenses covered. You may speak to representatives from the scholarship organization or you can get in touch with Shorelight advisors to get more details.

As an international student, you may have several questions regarding essay contests for international students, scholarship essay contests, or any other scholarship opportunities. Here is how to get the answers you need!

Questions About Essay Scholarships for International Students?

If you need support finding essay contests for international students, essay scholarships for international students, or scholarship essay contests, Shorelight advisors are always ready to help. Your advisor can help you explore scholarships for international students so that you can choose the most appropriate scholarship that meets your personal goals.

There may be particular scholarships that interest you. To find out more about these programs, the best source is a spokesperson or contact from the institute offering the scholarship. This allows you to access first-hand information from the source and get the most accurate, up-to-date information. As each scholarship opportunity is likely offered by a different organization or institute, it is important to be aware that points of contact and preferred outreach methods (e.g., phone, email, etc.) will vary. 

Remember, your advisor can always guide you toward the information you are looking for and is ready to support you. With the right scholarship opportunity, you can work toward your dreams of studying in the US!

Reach out to a Shorelight advisor today >

Shorelight author Deshan Mendis smiles for the camera against a red background

Services that set you up for success

  • ― Detailed school information
  • ― School match and compare
  • ― Events calendar
  • ― Advisory services
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  • ― Comprehensive application review
  • ― Localized entry requirements
  • ― Rapid admissions turnaround
  • ― Transfer services
  • ― Timeline management
  • ― Dedicated visa app guidance
  • ― Visa interview preparation
  • ― Pre-arrival checklist
  • ― University-specific preparation
  • ― International-friendly add-ons
  • ― Airport pickup
  • ― Dorm setup and bedding
  • ― Campus orientation
  • ― Cultural group outings
  • ― Student advising
  • ― Needs assessment and testing
  • ― Transfer placement
  • ― Academic counseling
  • ― Customized English courses
  • ― Virtual study programs
  • ― Career preparation
  • ― Upskill development
  • ― Resume and cover letter prep
  • ― Professional networking
  • ― OPT placement


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KANAC 2021 Creative Writing International Competition

Published: 24 Feb 2021 1,190 views

The annual international competition in Creative writing is instituted by KANAC as a way of harnessing and utilizing the human creative and imaginative potentials towards solving the myriad problems of human existence. The competition aims at creating healthy fora for the synergy of ideas, craftmanship and artistry which could be channeled towards constructively solving many challenges of our time. The competition also affords KANAC the opportunity of discovering and nurturing new talents in the creative writing industry.

The team of experts at KANAC believe that despite the seeming differences in the formats for writing Poetry, Drama and Prose fiction, there exists a nexus, an underlying similarity in the expression of the creative enterprise which they all share. This underlying similarity therefore, makes it possible for the best expression of a particular thematic thrust, as well as great utilization of artistry and craftmanship within a specific genre, to emerge as the overall winner in a competition. Each year therefore, the members of the KANAC board will propose a theme, which will be used for that year’s competition.

  • Table of Content


Kanac creative writing international competition, aim and benefits of kanac creative writing international competition, requirements for kanac creative writing international competition qualification, application deadline, how to apply.

KANAC is a consortium of academic Professors and different professionals from various fields of life. The sole commitment of this team of experts is to assist burgeoning researchers, creative writers and scholars to achieve the best in their diverse writing quests or researches.


Application Deadline

Winner will receive N200,000

This competition is open to anyone, above 18 years of age, that is interested in the art of creative writing, irrespective of citizenship or race.

Intending participants are encouraged to submit only one original entry in any of these categories: Poetry, Drama or Prose.

All submitted entries MUST be made on the KANAC Competiton Portal. There MUST not be anything like name(s) or other forms of identity on the manuscript being submitted.

The personal details of the person making submissions (like names) will be required while the person is signing up at the KANAC submission portal.

Once the intending participants has successfully paid the required submission fee on our secure payment platform, permission will be given to uploaded your entry. It is only when this fee is confirmed as paid, will the submission process be completed.

All successful submissions will be automatically acknowledged via email.

For more details, visit KANAC website.

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ISU Announces Annual English Scholarship Recipients

June 20, 2024

The Department of English and Philosophy is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 English scholarship competition, made possible by many generous donors.

Konnor Whitfield , a senior majoring in both Philosophy and English / Creative Writing, has won both the Price L. Lassahn-Worrell and Charles Kegel Scholarships in English. His memoir Family Rumours is being published serially in The Scout . After graduation, Konnor plans to join the Peace Corps and teach English. He then plans to go to graduate school to eventually earn a PhD in English.

Madison Straatman , a sophomore majoring in English / Creative Writing, has been awarded the Agnes Just Reid Memorial Scholarship based on her creative work. Madison notes that with this scholarship, she can afford to adjust her hours at her day job, allowing her to attend more classes and activities, enriching her college experience.

Angelo Trujillo , who is finishing his degree in English / Creative Writing, with a minor in Film Studies and certificates in Japanese Language Proficiency and Financial Literacy, is this year’s recipient of the John and Marilyn Henderson scholarship. Angelo says, “I know that God will glorify Himself through me. He has blessed me, given me much favor, and provided for me through the generosity of not only the donors of the scholarships I've accepted, but of the countless strangers, friends, and family I have had the pleasure of knowing.”

PhD candidate Suparna Sinha has received this year’s Jay and Mary Donna Jensen Scholarship. Suparna is a PhD student in the Department of English and Philosophy and shall be appearing for the Comprehensive Examinations in the coming Fall. She is deeply honored to receive this English scholarship.


College of Arts and Letters University News

What Schools Can Learn From a Global Assessment on Creative Thinking

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In polls of teachers, parents, and employers, creativity regularly tops the lists of the most valued skills for students to develop . The largest international assessment of creativity to date shows how classroom practices can spur students to generate novel ideas and grapple with challenging social and academic problems.

The 2022 Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, measured the creative thinking of 15-year-olds across 64 countries and education systems in or partnered with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in data released on Tuesday. This is the third set of results from the 2022 PISA; results of the 2022 tests of math, reading, and science were released in December . However, the OECD had difficulty reviewing U.S. schools’ instructional practices for creativity and innovation, because practices differ significantly among states and districts, and did not release U.S. results.

Even without U.S. students, the assessment provides a detailed picture of how well students can express themselves visually and in writing, as well as solving problems in scientific and social situations.

Singapore, Latvia, Korea, and Denmark led the world. At least 9 in 10 15-year-olds tested in those education systems could develop appropriate and original ideas.

The test focuses on scenarios and problem solving rather than multiple choice. In one task, students are shown a comic strip of a conversation between two planets and are asked to fill in the dialogue based on a given theme. PISA might give more credit for exploring a theme in unusual ways or using humor effectively. In another task , students are shown a picture of a crowded library and asked to give ideas on how to make it more accessible, with points given for the number, variety and ingenuity of the ideas.

“We talking about creativity as if it’s a unidimensional facet of human life, and it isn’t,” said Bill Lucas, chairman of the Global Institute on Creative

Likewise, Todd Lubart, a psychology professor at the Université Paris Cité in France, said the PISA data back up prior research that shows students’ mindsets and classroom atmosphere can significantly affect whether they feel comfortable expressing themselves and approach problems in novel ways.

“Students who have teachers who think creativity is important, and students who think that creativity is something you can develop, tend to do better” on the PISA, Lubart said.

Less than half of students across the participating countries said they believed they could improve their creativity or be creative across a variety of subjects. However, those who did have a growth mindset on creativity performed significantly better on creative tasks, on average, than students who had less confidence in their creative growth.

Teachers made a big difference in whether students developed original approaches to problems. In classes where students reported that their teacher encourages them to come up with creative or original solutions to problems or assignments, and other practices that support creativity, they are more likely to succeed across a wide array of creative tasks, than are students who reported their teachers did not engage in supportive instructional practices.

School leaders and teachers need to “create the cultural environments in which young people are encouraged to explore,” Lucas said. “If you are in accountability systems or examinations where there is so often one right answer, let’s not be surprised if there’s an unhelpful correlation between becoming more creative and doing less well on [achievement test] results.”

The OECD identified several core instructional practices that support creativity in the classroom. Such practices need to:

  • Create students’ need and interest to learn;
  • Be challenging;
  • Develop clear technical knowledge in one domain or more;
  • Ask students to develop a product of the learning;
  • Have students co-design part of the product/solution;
  • Use problems that can be looked at from different perspectives;
  • Leave room for the unexpected; and
  • Include space and time for students to reflect and to give and receive feedback.

Gender gap for creativity

Lubart and other researchers who participated in a briefing on the results Tuesday said they were surprised at the gender gap in creativity on PISA.

In every country and education system, girls performed better in all areas of creative thinking than boys did. This mirrors changing international performance for boys and girls, in which some countries’ performance gaps favoring boys in math and science have equalized or even swung to favor girls.

Girls were more likely than boys, 31 percent versus 23 percent, to perform at the highest creative thinking level. Likewise, 25 percent of boys but only 18 percent of girls failed to meet minimum creative thinking skills on PISA.

Within their countries, girls were also more likely to perform among the top quarter of students on creative thinking—29 percent of girls versus 21 percent of boys.

Lubart suggested that for students tested in the middle of puberty, boys may be less motivated than girls to engage in creative tasks.

The results come from 2022, the first PISA following the global COVID-19 pandemic, in which performance nosedived across OECD countries in math and accelerated pre-pandemic declines in reading and science. OECD researchers found that students’ creative thinking was linked to their academic performance, but not as closely linked as reading and math performance.

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  25. ISU Announces Annual English Scholarship Recipients

    The Department of English and Philosophy is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 English scholarship competition, made possible by many generous donors. Konnor Whitfield , a senior majoring in both Philosophy and English / Creative Writing, has won both the Price L. Lassahn-Worrell and Charles Kegel Scholarships in English.

  26. What Schools Can Learn From a Global Assessment on Creative Thinking

    The 2022 Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, measured the creative thinking of 15-year-olds across 64 countries and education systems in or partnered with the Organization for ...