Chapter 4: Sample Personal Statements and Application Essays

Easy writing makes hard reading.

—Ernest Hemingway

As a graduate student taking fiction writing workshops many moons ago, I recall what was most motivating to me as a creative writer. It wasn’t the reading of published or award-winning work, and it wasn’t the classroom critique given on high from the professor nor the scribble from my classmates on my manuscripts. All these things were helpful and valuable, but nothing motivated me more than comparing my fiction to the work of my peers. As I read their work carefully, both objectively and subjectively, I found myself thinking at times that I was sure I could write better than the others around me at the seminar table—then I’d read an artful, poignant story that made me wonder whether I could ever even compete.

Perhaps somewhere between these two attitudes is the most profitable approach when studying the work of your peers. In critiquing the work of others who essentially represent your competition, you should take a respectful stance both critical and kind, just as selection committee members are likely to do. The sample essays in this chapter represent personal stories that are intriguing, diverse, complex, honest, and humanizing. These samples present opportunities for you to study, admire, question, emulate, reject, and—most importantly—consider how to present the best, truest, most effective picture of yourself, carefully refined for the eyes of others.

Websites with sample personal statements abound. Here are two:

Sample personal statements categorized by major at

Sample personal statements including reader comments from

Short Essay Samples

Below is a pdf link to personal statements and application essays representing strong efforts by students applying for both undergraduate and graduate opportunities. These ten essays have one thing in common: They were all written by students under the constraint of the essay being 1-2 pages due to the target program’s explicit instructions. In such circumstances, writers must attend carefully to the essay prompt (sometimes as simple as “Write a one-page summary of your reasons for wanting to pursue graduate study”) and recognize that evaluators tend to judge these essays on the same fundamental principles, as follows:

  • First, you are typically expected to provide a window into your personal motivations, offer a summary of your field, your research, or your background, set some long-term goals, and note specific interest in the program to which you are applying.
  • Second, you are expected to provide some personal detail and to communicate effectively and efficiently. Failure to do so can greatly limit your chances of acceptance.

Good writers accomplish these tasks by immediately establishing each paragraph’s topic and maintaining paragraph unity, by using concrete, personal examples to demonstrate their points, and by not prolonging the ending of the essay needlessly. Also, good writers study the target opportunity as carefully as they can, seeking to become an “insider,” perhaps even communicating with a professor they would like to work with at the target program, and tailoring the material accordingly so that evaluators can gauge the sincerity of their interest

Overview of Short Essay Samples

Geological sciences samples.

In the pdf link below, the first two one-page statements written by students in the geological sciences are interesting to compare to each other. Despite their different areas of research specialization within the same field, both writers demonstrate a good deal of scientific fluency and kinship with their target programs.

Geography Student Sample

The short essay by a geography student applying to an internship program opens with the writer admitting that she previously had a limited view of geography, then describing how a course changed her way of thinking so that she came to understand geography as a “balance of physical, social, and cultural studies.” Despite her limited experience, she shows that she has aspirations of joining the Peace Corps or obtaining a law degree, and her final paragraph links her interests directly to the internship program to which she is applying.

Materials Sciences Student Sample

For the sample from materials sciences, directed at an internal fellowship, the one-page essay has an especially difficult task: The writer must persuade those who already know him (and thus know both his strengths and limitations) that he is worthy of internal funds to help him continue his graduate education. He attempts this by first citing the specific goal of his research group, followed by a brief summary of the literature related to this topic, then ending with a summary of his own research and lab experience.

Teach for America Student Sample

The student applying for the Teach for America program, which recruits recent college graduates to teach for two years in underprivileged urban and rural public schools, knows that she must convince readers of her suitability to such a demanding commitment, and she has just two short essays with which to do so. She successfully achieves this through examples related to service mission work that she completed in Ecuador before entering college.

Neuroscience Student Sample

The sample essay by a neuroscience student opens with narrative technique, telling an affecting story about working in a lab at the University of Pittsburgh. Thus we are introduced to one of the motivating forces behind her interest in neuroscience. Later paragraphs cite three undergraduate research experiences and her interest in the linked sciences of disease: immunology, biochemistry, genetics, and pathology.

Medieval Literature Student Sample

This sample essay immerses us in detail about medieval literature throughout, eventually citing several Irish medieval manuscripts. With these examples and others, we are convinced that this student truly does see medieval literature as a “passion,” as she claims in her first sentence. Later, the writer repeatedly cites two professors and “mentors” whom she has already met, noting how they have shaped her highly specific academic goals, and tying her almost headlong approach directly to the National University of Ireland at Maynooth, where she will have flexibility in designing her own program.

Beinecke Scholarship Student Sample

The Beinecke Scholarship essay is written by a junior faced with stiff competition from a program that awards $34,000 towards senior year and graduate school. This student takes an interesting theme-based approach and projects forward toward graduate school with confidence. This writer’s sense of self-definition is particularly strong, and her personal story compelling. Having witnessed repeated instances of injustice in her own life, the writer describes in her final paragraphs how these experiences have led to her proposed senior thesis research and her goal of becoming a policy analyst for the government’s Department of Education.

Online Education Student Sample

Written during a height of US involvement in Iraq, this essay manages the intriguing challenge of how a member of the military can make an effective case for on-line graduate study. The obvious need here, especially for an Air Force pilot of seven years, is to keep the focus on academic interests rather than, say, battle successes and the number of missions flown. An additional challenge is to use military experience and vocabulary in a way that is not obscure nor off-putting to academic selection committee members. To address these challenges, this writer intertwines his literacy in matters both military and academic, keeping focus on applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), his chosen field of graduate study.

Engineer Applying to a Master’s Program Sample

This example shows that even for an engineer with years of experience in the field, the fundamentals of personal essay writing remain the same. This statement opens with the engineer describing a formative experience—visiting a meat packaging plant as a teenager—that influenced the writer to work in the health and safety field.  Now, as the writer prepares to advance his education while remaining a full-time safety engineer, he proves that he is capable by detailing examples that show his record of personal and professional success. Especially noteworthy is his partnering with a government agency to help protect workers from dust exposures, and he ties his extensive work experience directly to his goal of becoming a Certified Industrial Hygienist.

Sample Resumes

Frequently, graduate school or scholarship applications provide an option or requirement for you to submit a resume to complement your other written material. The two sample resumes provided in the link below offer good examples of what graduate schools and scholarship committees look for in a resume (or “curriculum vitae,” which is typically a lengthier resume with an academic and research focus).

Overview of Short Sample Resume

The writer of the short sample resume in the pdf below wisely excludes the usual “Objective” section (needless for a graduate application) and focuses instead on his education. Note how he briefly discusses his thesis research and lists his key courses—information he hopes will be of special interest to the selection committee. With little meaningful work experience in the field, the writer simply summarizes his experience briefly and lists activities, some of which relate to his field of study. Standing alone, this resume will not help the student rise above other applicants, some of whom are bound to have paid work experience in the field. However, it will be helpful to the application, particularly when joined with the student’s corresponding personal statement.

Overview of Lengthy Sample Resume (Curriculum Vitae)

With curriculum vitae tailored to graduate school or scholarships, the category headings can be determined both by the writer’s strengths and by the selectors’ needs. Thus, the sample three-page curriculum vitae in the pdf below focuses on languages, international experience, and leadership positions. Note how the writer effectively uses subcategories to underscore a diversity of experience, ranging from political involvement to research. She describes volunteer positions as thoroughly as one would describe a job. Also, she uses various formatting strategies, including ample white space, selective indentation, and boldface of parallel headings to allow for easy visual scanning of her credentials. Clearly, this student has a lot of offer in her chosen field of political science.

Lengthy Essay Samples

The lengthy sample essays in the pdf link below showcase writers who, to varying degrees, took chances or simply reached higher. Not only did these writers compose lengthy essays (still within prescribed word-count limits), but in many cases they did something bold with content, form, or personality.

In these samples, length can readily be justified by the fact that these are writers who don’t necessarily fall into “typical” student categories but nevertheless are applying to graduate programs or for scholarships. To be competitive, these writers decided to stand out by telling their stories in a way that they hoped would set them apart from, and above, the crowd. A common thread linking these diverse writers is their obvious confidence that:

  • their essays matter to the selection committee, and
  • their essays will be both noticeable and noticed.

Overview of Lengthy Essay Samples

Mechanical engineering student sample.

In the first sample essay from mechanical engineering, what stands out immediately are the length and the photographs. In this case, the student was applying for an engineering scholarship, so he was given room to flesh out technical material as well as address issues such as personal motivations one would expect to read in a personal statement. Much of the essay is given to a discussion of his thesis work, which involves the examination of “the propagation of a flame in a small glass tube.” The figures depict the experimental work and represent the success of preliminary thesis results, visually indicating the likely point at which the flame reached detonation.

Liberal Arts Student Sample

The three-page personal statement by the liberal arts student is interesting in that it is often intentionally abstract and a bit philosophical. This student attended a small liberal arts school that promotes a “Think, Evolve, Act” theme to its students, and this student reflects on this theme and embraces it in his own life from the beginning of the essay. In his curriculum, he has taken a course on Gandhi and Nonviolence, studied abroad in Belgium, and self-designed a program of “Peace and Conflict Studies with an emphasis in Technological Revolution.” He has also taken a ten-day service learning trip to Costa Rica, studied at the Institute of Gandhian Studies in India, served part-time as an assistant to a member of the European Parliament, and written a paper entitled “A Knowledge-Based Society and the Digital Divide.” Meanwhile, he plans to graduate with distinction in both of his majors. In jazz terms, this student certainly does seem to have the chops.

Film Student Sample

One way to get a sense of the daring of this personal statement, written by a student who aims to study film at Columbia University, is simply to consider the allusions he makes throughout his statement. With neither apology nor obvious humility, this writer makes references to Steven Spielberg, Woody Allen, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean Vigo, Terrence Malick, and David Gordon Green. Further, this writer takes the unusual step of using section headings in his personal statement, including, on his first page “Poetry,” “Plastics,” and “Children.” But no matter how creative this writer is, of course, we must ultimately judge him on his evidenced ability as a filmmaker. In that regard, he showcases his ease with talking about films and directors, posits an analogy about student filmmaking (“directing your own material is like parenting”), and discusses the success of his nineteen-minute senior project, “Burying Dvorak”—a film he promoted by taking a year off after graduation, successfully landing it in more than 20 film festivals. As he closes his essay, he makes a specific pitch for Columbia University, where he hopes to continue “to discover my own voice, my own poetry.”

Biological Science Student Sample

For the lengthy sample essay from the student in biological science, the extensive length and scientific depth are necessary because the student is applying for the highly competitive STAR Fellowship. The STAR (Science to Achieve Results) program offers graduate fellowships through the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), funding several years of study. Given the competitiveness of the process and the EPA’s mission of environmental protection, it is vital that this student presents a viable, environmentally important project in a persuasive, professional manner. To achieve this, the writer successfully approaches the essay as she would a thesis proposal, using science-related section heads, providing original figures and data, focusing heavily on future research goals, and essentially performing a literature review, citing 19 sources ranging from basic textbooks to refereed journals. The result is a powerful essay with scientific depth.

Professional Essay Samples

Sample essays for professional school—written by students applying for business, law, or medical school—are abundant online, and they also can be highly specialized. Many medical schools require two separate applications: one directly to the target school itself and one through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) , both of which usually require essays. Both law and business schools also often require multiple essays of their applicants, with questions ranging from details about your personal background to questions asking you to write an essay exploring a controversial issue. Therefore, I provide just a few samples of professional essays here in the pdf link below, referring you to online sites in the “Self-Study” box below for further study and targeted samples.

For students applying to professional schools who desire further advice and samples, I do recommend three books throughout this manual, all available for purchase online:

  • Mark Alan Stewart’s How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement .
  • Donald Asher’s Graduate Admissions Essays .
  • Richard Stelzer’s How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional School .

In addition to these books all having a well-established and positive reputation, they offer insights from the admissions officers themselves at professional programs, thus giving readers an inside track as to what will be expected of them in both the application essays and the overall application process. With each of these books costing less than the price of most professional school application fees, they’re all well worth the investment.

Overview of Professional Essay Samples

Pharmacy student sample.

The sample essay from a pharmacy student was written during the student’s sophomore year and before she had experience in the field. Therefore, she chose to highlight her attitude towards and seriousness about her future path of study.  She also discusses pre-pharmacy courses she has already completed and stresses her academic success.

Law School Student Sample

The student applying to law school to study environmental law immediately persuades readers of his commitment by telling a personal story of how environmental law affected his family business. He also traces his educational path from community college to a bachelor’s program, where he completed a technical senior thesis with ties to a government agency. With law schools just as interested in recruiting students with a diverse background and life experience as they are with seeking pre-law majors, this student builds a strong case for himself as a candidate in just one page.

Business School Student Sample

The two business application essays, written by the same applicant, are in response to questions posed by an MBA program, which is especially interested in how candidates take risks and overcome challenges. The writer handles the first question, which allows for one page to describe a personal risk and its impact, by vividly recounting a life-changing 3500-mile bike trip he took across the US with his brother at the age of 21. The second essay gives applicants two pages to describe a challenging team experience and their contributions to its success. Here, the writer has the advantage of having already worked in business for a few years after completing his bachelor’s degree, so he wisely turns to his most successful team experience at his company, where he was a project leader.

Short Medical School Student Sample

With medical school applications sometimes asking very focused questions with short answer responses, this student uses the small amount of space allotted to explain why she’s applying to med school by describing how she applied creative thinking to working with a disabled patient in a clinic. Here we recognize that the writer has the sensibility to respond individually to her future patients with respect.

For advice specific to writing essays for professional school, turn to targeted websites such as these:

The website, which includes blog articles on writing personal essays for medical school

“Law School Personal Statements Advice” article from


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Short Essay

pdf sample essay

Essays usually become a channel for a person to express emotions and ideas about something or someone. A writer can be creative in presenting topics that he/she thinks is relevant and from which people can infer important lessons in life. Thus, there are many ways to write an essay .

Some of the few types of essays are informative essay , analysis essay , concept essay , reflective essay , and many more. These are all different in the way that they are written as well as their objective. Each is unique in its own way. An essay could also be written short or long, which of course, depends on the writer.

Short Narrative Essay Example

Short Narrative Essay

  • Google Docs

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Short Essay Plan Example

Short Essay Plan

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Sample Narrative Essay Example

Narrative Essay

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High School Narrative Essay Example

High School Narrative Essay

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Biographical Narrative Essay Example

Biographical Narrative Essay

Size: 38.5 KB

Free Visual Essay Example

Visual Essay

Size: 93.5 KB

Short Informative Essay Example

Informative Essay

Size: 89.2 KB

Argumentative Essay Writing

Argumentative Essay Writing

Size: 88 KB

Sample Opinion Essay Example

Opinion Essay

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Scholarship Essay Example

Scholarship Essay

Size: 91 KB

Short Expository Example

Short Expository Example1

Short Narrative Essay Example

Short Narrative Essay

Size: 242 kB

Short Argumentative Sample Example

Short Argumentative Sample

Size: 151 kB

What Is a Short Essay?

A short essay is any literary essay piece with the objective of either presenting an idea, exposing a topic, or persuading a reader. It is called short essay in the sense that the way that a certain topic is presented is congested but still focuses on the goal of making the audience understand the whole point of the essay.

Short essays still follow the pattern of having the introduction, the body, and the conclusion are parts of an essay although compared to a normal formal essay , it is shortened. The body of a short essay could be limited to a paragraph but should contain the whole presentation of the topic.

How to Write a Short Essay

Short essays are still take the form of formal essay because the parts need to be included in it.

1. Write the introduction.

The introduction of a short essay should be brief yet effective. With two to three sentences, you should be able to catch the reader’s interest. You may also see what are the parts of an essay?

2. Compose the body.

The body of your short story should be limited to one paragraph. You can write a maximum of ten sentences, but short ones, and it should not be a minimum of three. Once you think you have presented enough explanation, then you can consider going to the next step. You may also like personal essay examples & samples.

3. Draw a conclusion.

Write a two to three sentence essay conclusion . This should be enough to restate your main point.

Persuasive Short Essay Example

Persuasive Short Essay

Descriptive Short Essay Example

Descriptive Short Example1

Size: 218 KB

College Short Essay Example

College Short Essay

Size: 12 kB

Critical Essay Example

Critical Essay

Size: 17 kB

Tips for a Short Essay

When you write a short essay, you need to remember that there are no elements to be sacrificed. Short essays draw more impact to readers because the topic is presented straightforward. You may also see essay writing examples & samples.

1. Be direct to the point.

Remember that you need to be able to make your reader get the whole point of your essay without having to say too much words. You may also check out analytical essay examples & samples.

2. Create a mind-map.

Mind-mapping helps you easily present your thoughts. Try to practice it and use to your advantage.

3. Do your research.

The key to an effective essay writing is short essay to have a substantial amount of information. Research about your topic so you can select the most important ideas to write.

Importance of Short Essay

A short essay is usually contained in just a page and not lengthy words or explanations in necessary to express the main point of the topic. Short essays are important when one is trying to present an important topic without having to write a lot of words or using multiple pages. You may also like concept essay examples & samples.

It presents just the right amount of data or knowledge necessary to feed a hungry mind. As scientific researches has put it, the mind can retain more data when the details are presented in a brief and concise manner. Some people have short attention span so you need to have the writing skills to make your point with just a few words.


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BITSAT Sample Papers 2024: Download PDFs

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Princi Rai ,

May 7, 2024 | BITSAT

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BITSAT Sample Papers are designed to cover all the important topics and portions of Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency, Logical Reasoning and Mathematics/Biology.

BITSAT Sample Papers 2024: Download PDFs

BITSAT Sample Papers 2024 gives insights into the types of questions asked and the level of difficulty of the questions, and it also assesses the foundation of each subject. Candidates need to be well-prepared to answer the BITSAT 2024 question papers fluently.

The BITSAT exam date 2024 for session one has been revised, and the new date is May 20 - 24, 2024 and the dates of BITSAT 2024 session 2 are Jun 22 - 26, 2024. The application form for BITS 2024 direct admissions (board toppers) will be accessible from May 15 to Jun 15, 2024.

Table of Contents

BITSAT Sample Papers 2024: PDF Download Link

Bitsat sample questions: subject wise, part - a physics, part - b chemistry, part - c english proficiency, part - d logical reasoning, part - e mathematics/biology.

BITSAT Sample Papers 2024 PDF links are tabulated below for students to download directly. Students can click on the "Download Now" option added to the table to have direct access to these links to have an understanding of the types of questions and the level of questions asked:

Also Check: How to Score 350+ in BITSAT 2024: Complete Preparation Guide

BITSAT Sample Questions are added below subject-wise in multiple parts for Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency, Logical Reasoning and Mathematics/Biology.

The sample questions will help students analyse the level of preparation and redness for the final exam and will give hints about the most important topics and questions asked in the exams.

Q1. A coil is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, with the plane of the coil parallel to the magnetic lines of force. When a current is passed through the coil it starts oscillating; It is very difficult to stop. But if an aluminium plate is placed near to the coil, it stops. This is due to :

(a) development of air current when the plate is placed

(b) induction of electrical charge on the plate

(c) shielding of magnetic lines of force as aluminium is a paramagnetic material.

(d) electromagnetic induction in the aluminium plate giving rise to electromagnetic damping.

Q2. A capillary tube of radius R is immersed in water and water rises in it to a height H. Mass of water in the capillary tube is M. If The radius of the tube is doubled, mass of water that will rise in the capillary tube will now be :

Q3. A sonometer wire resonates with a given tuning fork forming standing waves with five antinodes between the two bridges when a mass of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. When this mass is replaced by a mass M, the wire resonates with the same tuning fork forming three antinodes for the same positions of the bridges. The value of M is

(c) 12.5kg 

(d) 1/25 kg

Q4. After two hours, one-sixteenth of the starting amount of a certain radioactive isotope remains undecayed. The half life of the isotope is

(a) 15 minutes 

(b) 30 minutes

(c) 45 minutes 

Q5. A telescope has an objective lens of 10 cm diameter and is situated at a distance of one

kilometre from two objects. The minimum distance between these two objects, which can

be resolved by the telescope, when the mean wavelength of light is 5000 Å, is of the order of

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Q1. Cadmium is used in nuclear reactors?

(a) absorbing neutrons

(b) cooling

(c) release neutrons

(d) increase energy

Q2. The number of radial nodes of 3s and 2p orbitals are respectively

Q3. If a 25.0mLsample of sulfuric acid is titrated with 50.0 mL of 0.025 M sodium hydroxide to a

phenolphthalein endpoint, what is the molarity of the acid?

(a) 0.020M 

(c) 0.025M 

Q4. Find which of the following compound can have mass ratios of C:H:O as 6:1:24

(a) HO-(C=O)-OH 

(b) HO-(C=O)-H

(c) H-(C=O)-H

(d) H3CO-(C=O)-H

Q5 . The number of atoms per unit cell of bcc structure is

Also Check: BITSAT Important Topics - You Cannot Afford to Miss

Q1. Decay is an immutable factor of human life.

(a) important 

(c) unchangeable 

Q2. It was an ignominious defect for the team.

(a) shameful 

(b) admirable

(c) unaccountable 

Q3. The attitude of western countries towards the third world countries is rather callous to say the least. 

(a) cursed 

(c) unfeeling 

(d) passive

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 4 - 7) : Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

At this stage of civilization, when many nations are brought into close and vital contact for good and evil, it is essential, as never before, that their gross ignorance of one another should be diminished, that they should begin to understand a little of one another's historical experience and resulting mentality. It is the fault of the English to expect the people of other countries to react as they do, to political and international situations. Our genuine goodwill and good intentions are often brought to nothing, because we expect other people to be like us. This would be corrected if we knew the history, not necessarily in detail but in broad outlines,

Of the social and political conditions which have given to each nation its present character.

Q4. According to the author of 'Mentality' of a nation is mainly product of its

(a) History

(b) international position

(c) Politics

(d) present character

Q5. The need for a greater understanding between

(a) was always there

(b) is no longer there

(c) is more today than ever before

(d) will always be there

Q6. The character of a nation is the result of its

(a) Mentality

(b) cultural heritage

(c) gross ignorance

(d) socio-political conditions

Q7. According to the author his countrymen should

(a) read the story of other nations

(b) have a better understanding of other nations

(c) not react to other actions

(d) have vital contacts with other nations

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Q1. The attitude of western countries towards third world countries is rather callous to say the least.

Q2. Neeraj starts walking towards the South. After walking 15 m, he turns towards the North. After

walking 20 m, he turns towards East and walks 10 m. He then turns towards South and walks 5

  • How far is he from his original position and in which direction?

(a) 10 m, East 

(b) 10 m, South-East

(c) 10 m, West 

(d) 10 m, North-East

Q3. The average age of 8 men is increased by 2 yr when one of them whose age is 20 yr is replaced by a new man. What is the age of the new man

Q4. Shikha is mother-in-law of Ekta who is sister-in-inlaw ofAnkit. Pankaj is father of Sanjay, the only brother ofAnkit. Howis Shikha related toAnkit?

(a) Mother-in-law 

Q5.  In a queue of children, Arun is fifth from the left and Suresh is sixth from the right. When they interchange their places among themselves,Arun becomesthirteenth from the left. Then, what will be Suresh's position from the right?

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Q1. Abag contains 3 red and 3 white balls. Two balls are drawn one by one. The probability that they

are of different colours.

(d) None of these

Q2. An urn contains five balls. Two balls are drawn and found to be white. The probability that all the balls are white is

Q3. Statement 1 : A Five digit number divisible by 3 is to be formed using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 with repetition. The total number formed are 216.

Statement 2 : If Sum of digits of any number is divisible by 3 then the number must be divisible

(a) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true, Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement -1

(b) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1

(c) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false

(d) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true

Q4. A bag contains (2n+1) coins and it is known that n of these coins have a head on both sides, whereas the remaining (n + 1) coins are fair. A coin is picked up at random from the bag and tossed. If the probability that the toss results in a head is 31/42, then n is equal to

Q5. Spermology is the study of

(d) Pollen grain

Q6. Who is known as father of Zoology

(b) Aristotle

(d) Theophrastus

Q7. Animal without red blood cells

(b) Earthworm

(d) Peacock

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