The Power of Character

Thoughts On The Importance of Good Character

  • character / Inspiration / success

Character and Success

by Larry · Published November 2, 2010 · Updated January 2, 2011

By Scott Spjut

There is a direct relationship between character and success, in that you cannot have one without the other. In fact, your success is defined by your character.

We live in a society today where success has become an arbitrary accomplishment. Any online personality with enough followers on Twitter, any entrepreneur who reaches a million dollars in sales, or any politician not caught with his pants around his ankles is considered successful. In reality, there should be (and for many people, continues to be) a higher standard of success.

It’s almost reflexive to equate success with having money. Being able to afford the luxuries of life may seem like the ultimate achievement, but take a minute to think about what people or companies you consider the most successful. Of all people you’ve ever met, seen, or read about on the news, who would you say is the most successful? And all the companies and business you’ve ever visited or heard about, which would you say are the most successful?

Keeping that person or company in mind, take all their money away. Imagine them without the billion-dollar quarterly profits or personal jets. They still provide the same product or service, but their value doesn’t rival the GDP of most countries.

Would you still consider them successful? If you do, then there has to be something other than their financial accomplishments which dictates whether or not they’re successful. There must be other qualities within that person or within that company which makes them a success – both to you and to others.

That other quality isn’t some sort of mysterious X factor or unattainable luck of the draw; that higher standard of success is character.

Let’s not kid ourselves; there is a certain amount of natural ability involved. The better of two equally-dedicated athletes will likely be decided by their innate talents. But 19th century Irish historian William Edward Hartpole Lecky once said, “One of the most important lessons that experience teaches is that, on the whole, success depends more upon character than upon either intellect or fortune.”

The thing that will best dictate you future success is your character. The definition of character is perhaps left to that now-famous phrase uttered by Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart when he said, “I know it when I see it,” but some good indicators may be your level of customer service, your positive influence in the local community, the overall morale of your employees, or the application of your company’s mission statement or value statement (assuming you have a good statement in place).

There are other ways to measure character – and, therefore, success – but regardless of what qualities you attach to success, you will only truly succeed if you character succeeds as well.

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For Success in Life, Character Matters as Much as Academic Skill, Study Says

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Non-cognitive skills and character competencies have as much of an effect on success as academic skill , researchers from the Center on Children and Families at the Brookings Institution conclude in a study released today.

The study focuses on the “performance character strengths” of drive—defined as “the ability to apply oneself to a task and stick with it"— and prudence—defined as “the ability to defer gratification and look to the future.” The study’s authors emphasize that the helpful non-cognitive skills they explored can be nurtured and developed in students.

The research comes as schools and student advocates increasingly work to emphasize character in the classroom and develop new ways to measure, track, and develop non-congnitive strengths in students.

How did researchers measure character skills?

The researchers created a composite score derived from the the Behavior Problems Index hyperactivity scale in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. That survey was first administered to mothers of participant children in 1979, when the children were ages 5 or 6, and again when the children were 10 or 11. Mothers assessed their children’s ability to concentrate, their impulsiveness, restlessness, and other factors.

The researchers found that children whose composite scores showed greater character strengths were more likely to graduate high school with a GPA greater than 2.5, less likely to be arrested as an adolescent, less likely to become pregnant as teens, and more likely to graduate from college.

“So: Character matters. Children who learn and can exhibit character strengths attain more years of education, earn more, and likely outperform other individuals in other areas of life,” they write, adding that research has shown that character strengths can be developed. “Of course, many other factors matter a great deal, too: most obviously cognitive skills, but also a host of cultural, social and education variables.”

And the findings about educational outcomes held true, even after researchers controlled for other factors, such as family income and race.

The correlation between character skills and academic success is comparable in size to the relationship between doing well on math and reading measures—also measured through a composite score derived from the longitudinal study—on educational attainment, researchers write.

essay on success depends on character

How could this change conversations about equity?

Researchers noted that certain life factors, such as having a teen mother, correlated with weaker scores on the character index. There are all kinds of conclusions educators could draw from that. One of them: addressing these non-cognitive gaps early could help disadvantaged children get ahead later in life.

From the study:

If character strengths significantly impact life outcomes, disparities in their development may matter for social mobility and equality. As well as gaps in income, wealth, educational quality, housing, and family stability, are there also gaps in the development of these important character strengths? Relatively little research has been done on the distribution of character strengths or non-cognitive skills across the income distribution or by class. But what evidence that exists suggests there are quite marked gaps. As with cognitive skills, gaps in non-cognitive strengths open up at an early age and persist throughout an individual's life. For example, gaps between poor and non-poor infants in behaviors such as paying attention to tasks, adapting to changes in materials, and displaying social engagement are visible as early as nine months of age and widen by the age of two."

I’m sure this study will raise questions and insights from readers. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

A version of this news article first appeared in the Rules for Engagement blog.

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Is Character the Key to Success?

Is a child’s character the key to their success?

In his new book, How Children Succeed , journalist Paul Tough argues that it is.

Drawing on research from neuroscience, economics, and psychology, Tough makes the case that character traits such as grit, curiosity, conscientiousness, and optimism are more vital to success than IQ. What’s more, he suggests that these traits can be taught to children not only by their parents but by their teachers, coaches, and other mentors.

essay on success depends on character

To support his argument, Tough describes how the private Riverdale Country School and KIPP Public Charter School—two New York schools at opposite ends of the socioeconomic spectrum—developed this new approach to character development and are now integrating into their school cultures. Working in collaboration with positive psychology experts Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson, the leaders of both schools created a list of character strengths they thought were crucial to academic success, including grit, self-control , zest, social intelligence , gratitude , optimism , and curiosity .

Tough, a former editor at The New York Times Magazine and the author of Whatever It Takes: Geoffrey Canada’s Quest to Change Harlem and America (2008), believes that students from schools like KIPP may have “character advantages” over their wealthier counterparts because of the hard work it takes for them to succeed. “When a Kipp student graduates from college,” writes Tough, “he will have not only a B.A. but also something more valuable: the knowledge that he climbed a mountain to get it.”

I recently had the opportunity to talk with Tough about his book and its implications for schools, teachers, and administrators. Below is a condensed version of our conversation.

Vicki Zakrzewski : How does your book fit into the ongoing controversy about teaching character education in U.S. public schools?

Paul Tough: I believe there’s this new generation of character education coming along that is different than the last generation. There is always an anxiety when people talk about character education in the public school context. We all think it’s good to teach values and ethics and morals, but we disagree about which values and morals to teach.

The tendency has been to bog down in fights between the Right and the Left, where conservatives were worried that character education programs were all about teaching mushy diversity and general sort of tolerance, and liberals were worried that character education was about teaching religion and more conservative values.

To me, what’s different about this new era in character education, in particular the experiment I wrote about that KIPP and Riverdale are doing in New York, is that it is pushing for what some people in character education call “performance character”—character strengths that are not necessarily about being a good person, but about living a good life, that are about making kids more effective in all kinds of ways. So I think part of the hope behind this new movement is it will be less controversial.

I’ve heard some interesting critiques from people who say that, especially for well-off kids, the last thing they need is more effectiveness lessons, and what they really need is better values and more integrity.  And I’m sympathetic to that argument. But I think there is something very effective about framing character as not about values—I’m not saying that values don’t matter—but instead that what schools are good at teaching, and what they’re designed to teach, is the skills kids need to do well in life. The premise behind this kind of character teaching is not that we should be teaching a whole different dimension of human existence, but that we’ve been leaving out some very important skills in terms of what makes kids happy and productive and fulfilled. And so we need to start teaching those.

VZ: Research has found that positive relationships are also a key to leading happy, productive, and fulfilling lives. However, cultivating these kinds of relationships results more from what you term in your book “moral character”—or things like fairness , generosity , and integrity —rather than “performance character”— effort , diligence, and perseverance. Do you believe that schools also have a responsibility to teach students how to develop positive relationships? If so, how does that impact the teaching of performance character vs. moral character?

PT: That’s a great question. My sense is that these schools are going to continue to experiment with those things. I’ve talked to two Bay Area KIPP groups that are planning to introduce some version of the character report card—but, unlike the New York KIPP group that I wrote about, the Bay Area groups are going to include love in their list of character strengths, which Dave Levin, the co-founder of KIPP, said that he felt wasn’t quite right for a school to teach.

KIPP’s original list of seven strengths includes social intelligence, which is certainly a very different phrase than love. But I think there’s something valuable in a school context that the message for kids is not just, “You should be a nicer person,” but instead, “Having this kind of ability to get along with people is going to make your life better.” Potentially, it could help them think about the life they want to end up leading rather than feeling like, “My parents or my teachers want me to do this.”

VZ: What is one thing you would like teachers to take away from your book?

PT:   The idea that they can have an effect on their students in a broader way than I think they often believe they can. Their job doesn’t have to be just getting cognitive skills and information into these kids’ heads. The help they can give their students that will have as much of an effect, if not more, on how well they do is with developing their character, their non-cognitive skills.

I think teachers are in a system where that’s not valued—where all of their incentives are pushing them toward focusing on a certain range of skills with achievement tests. The more we tie merit pay to those scores, the less incentive we give teachers to push them in these other directions.

With that said, I do feel like most teachers instinctively know there’s more going on. I don’t think it’s a normal human response to go into a classroom and think what these kids need more than anything else is math. I think right now teachers don’t feel empowered to deal with these other issues, though. They see those problems as an obstacle that’s just a pain in the neck, that it makes their job harder, that they can’t really do anything about it. But I think the more we can give them the tools to think about this in another way and eventually to deal with it, they’re going to take that very naturally.

VZ: What would you like administrators to take away from your book?

PT: In lots of ways, I feel like the realm of discipline—which in lots of schools is a very large part of an administrator’s job—is an area that is very ripe for change. Those are the moments when kids are particularly susceptible to new interventions and new ways of thinking—they’re really character development moments.

That’s something that really struck me about what the dean of students at KIPP Infinity was talking about. He said it’s those moments where what you’re basically giving kids is cognitive behavioral therapy. You’re changing the way they think. That may be language that a lot of principals are uncomfortable with because they see their job more as a police officer or a judge or a prosecutor.

But I think to bring in some of that language of psychology and therapy—it doesn’t mean we put kids on the couch and make them talk about their parents, but we give them the tools to rethink the way they are behaving, not just in a “you’re good” or “you’re bad” way, but more a push toward a “character” kind of behavior. That, I think, can be really positive for any administrator.

About the Author

Headshot of Vicki Zakrzewski

Vicki Zakrzewski

Vicki Zakrzewski, Ph.D. , is the education director of the Greater Good Science Center.

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I’m not entirely convinced one can discount the effect of privilege and am uncomfortable with such individualistic essentialist ideas of the person. The interactive nature of teaching suggests A much more dynamic relationship is taking place to produce transformative effects. Carol Dweck’s work for example is more illustrative of how a teacher-pupil dynamic works to produce transformation in “character” (if you feel the need for that particular construct).

Rayya | 11:03 pm, September 26, 2012 | Link

I can’t see how any of the character traits highlighted in this book, “grit, self-control, zest, social intelligence, gratitude, optimism, and curiosity” could be disputed by the right or the left. 

The focus of schools should be to teach kids skills rather than values.

Kaylee's Education Studio | 12:29 pm, October 6, 2012 | Link

Hi Kaylee, Thanks for your comment. Research has actually shown that it is impossible for teachers not to transmit values to students. For example, when a student says something controversial, the rest of the students will look at the teacher for his/her reaction. The teacher’s reaction—spoken or not— will communicate to the students the teacher’s value-laden opinion. Another example: what the teacher chooses to emphasize in the curriculum. Imagine a history teacher who focuses on the economic causes of the Civil War and barely mentions slavery. Again—the teacher, whether he/she is aware of it or not, is transmitting values to the students.

So, while many people in this country believe that it is not the school’s job to directly teach values, e.g., honesty, integrity, kindness, teachers are doing so anyway every minute they’re with the students.

Warm regards, vicki

Vicki Zakrzewski | 9:19 am, October 8, 2012 | Link

I tend to agree with Paul on this one. Although IQ obviously has a role in whether a person CAN succeed or not, the other traits mentioned prove to be much more critical factors. Not every successful person is the ‘smartest’ person in the room, very often it is combination of curiosity, drive, intelligence, and even luck.

Kihei | 1:49 am, October 16, 2012 | Link


Leon F Seltzer PhD

How Do You Define Success?

Meeting personal goals must determine the success of one's life..

Posted July 7, 2021 | Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster

  • While ideals are subjective, a chosen and fulfilling lifestyle with which others may disagree can be considered a success.
  • Our particular criteria for success will closely relate to our social, political, educational, and religious values—in a word, our ideology.
  • Most writers employ a business model in talking about success—a model that focuses as much on monetary worth as much as anything else.

Shad0wfall, photographer/Pixabay free image,CCO

Can you call yourself a success if the one thing you feel you’ve accomplished in life is marrying and having children? Or if, despite many failures, at least you avoided ending up on the streets? Or even if you did end up living on the street?

In the homeless instance, it’s unlikely you’d regard yourself as successful, particularly if you were reduced to begging others for loose change to purchase a burger—or beer. Still, it’s crucial to ask yourself who reserves final authority to judge the success of your existence?

And when you ponder this question, you’ll probably grasp that we all have our perspective on what makes a person successful. Further, our criteria will closely relate to our social, political, economic, educational, and religious values—or ideology. And inevitably, such ideals are subjective. Moreover, since people’s assessments of success are tied to their ideals, then it’s the unique experience of the person being evaluated whose “verdict” should be given the most weight.

That said, it must be admitted that the bulk of the popular literature on this subject—I’ve yet to find a single scholarly piece dealing with it—focuses almost exclusively on success criteria as derived from a business model. And this model has mostly to do with the number of one’s earnings or one’s accumulated wealth generally.

Seen more in a family context, success has routinely been estimated along the lines of how good a provider the individual has been for their spouse and children. Still, other writers talk about fame (or admiration) as much as fortune, while comparatively few talk about happiness . And if they do, it’s mostly about how material prosperity eventuates in happiness—a position undoubtedly open to debate.

This post, essentially existential in approach, will make the case that meeting one’s personal goals—whether others approve or not—must determine the (subjective) success of one’s life. At least theoretically, even a person who lives on the street, if consciously their overriding motive was to repudiate the conventions of various societal institutions, would have to be regarded as successful if their chosen lifestyle was somehow fulfilling to them.

Questioning Attempts to Clarify a Topic That Resists Definitive Categorizing

Merriam-Webster’s definition of success is relatively typical of how dictionaries characterize it. It’s indicative of just how subjective the concept is, and I’ll use it as an example of the term’s rich—but unresolvable—complexity.

For many, success means reaching a goal, accomplishing a task, or otherwise accomplishing what they set out to do–Essentially, something is a success when the outcome turns out well, is desirable, or is favorable. Beyond that, the definition of success is personal.

Note Merriam-Webster's hedging through twice employing the word “or.” By stating that “many” people see it in 1 of 3 ways, it extends its definition by talking about its possibly “turning out” in 1 of 3 ways. And then (suggesting it can’t really define it any more specifically) ends its description with the caveat above.

Note, too, that although most writers consider the ethical dimensions of success, Merriam-Webster avoids alluding to this facet, no doubt, because defining what’s meant here by “ethical” is also subjective and personal.

One’s moral system, that is, may not accord with others because they hold themselves to different guidelines and principles. And dictionaries lack the prerogative to make moral pronouncements independent of widespread usage.

Questioning Various Assumptions That Try to “Depersonalize” the Concept

One author , for example, asserts that success is achievable “when you try your best in all aspects of everything you do.” And that’s actually a position several writers take. But logically, why should anyone put maximum effort into doing something not exciting or important to them, or that they don’t care about and in no way are required to?

essay on success depends on character

Perfectionism is hardly a coveted trait—it’s mostly a burden—and, too, it lacks any inherent relationship to people’s experiencing themselves as successful.

Writers generally have advanced their own biases about success, revealing a lot more about their values than making the abstraction tangible. Here’s but one example in a piece entitled “19 Definitions of Success You Should Never Ignore” (2021) . I won’t list all the 19 examples offered. Just a few will suffice for what I want to illustrate:

  • Success is always doing your best [ the most frequent criterion];
  • Success is having a place to call home;
  • Success is understanding the difference between need and want;
  • Success is believing you can (and this presumably will ensure your success—but I’d add that this position ignores the fact that, realistically, no one can do or be everything they wish);
  • Success is learning that you sometimes have to say no; and
  • Success is knowing your life is filled with abundance (the author’s idealism again, but try convincing someone living in poverty with seriously addicted, abusive parents).

Those who’ve written about success don’t discuss degrees of success. They see it as either present or absent (as they do failure). That orientation also oversimplifies—or overlooks—all involved in how a particular person feels about their achievements or what they believe constitutes those achievements.

Coming Up With Your Definition of Success

It’s vital to emphasize that their genetics and culture heavily influence a person’s notion of success. Consequently, their self-evaluation may not be truly authentic because it may not have resulted from thoughtful self-reflection or soul-searching.

Here’s an excellent example of a writer’s confessing that what she believed defined success was imbibed from messages implicit in our society:

For most of my life, I had a narrow definition of what success meant. It involved people knowing your name, and having enough money—i.e., lots of money—to buy an endless stream of designer handbags and big cars. It wasn’t a definition I had opted-in to, but [was] fed to me from childhood through films, magazines about celebrities, and our education system. And I swallowed it whole.

But to be true to yourself, vs. simply conforming to societal norms, what’s necessary is to discover what—given your inborn predilections, passions, and gifts—you want your life to center on. And then, evaluating how well you’ve accomplished your priorities will verify how successful you’ve been.

To put this somewhat differently, you could view yourself as successful but, in the eyes of the world, be seen as a dismal failure. And this discrepancy could just as quickly go in the opposite direction. Consider, for example, the many instances of distinguished celebrities’ taking their own life.

Yet as one Quora writer encapsulates it: “Living life on your terms and conditions is the most challenging task in the modern world [since] most people spend their entire life living on the terms and conditions of [others]. In his own (admittedly, somewhat exaggerated) words:

In their childhood, they live as their parents decide. In their schools, they live as their teachers decide. In their home, they live as their spouse decides. In their office, they live as their bosses decide. In their old age, they live as their children decide.

To conclude, despite the “terms and conditions” you may have internalized from your environment. Finally, you alone get to decide how successful you’ve been. And if you feel you haven’t lived up to your specified ideals, you also have the freedom (with or without professional help) to make new lifestyle choices that can transform how you see yourself.

© 2021 Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.

Leon F Seltzer PhD

Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D. , is the author of Paradoxical Strategies in Psychotherapy and The Vision of Melville and Conrad . He holds doctorates in English and Psychology. His posts have received over 53 million views.

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How do you compose an essay on why success depends on character.

So, you need help to compose an essay? In that case, you should read carefully the following lines. In this post, you will find useful information on how to create an article on why success depends on character. Here, you have a list of arguments that you should consider including in your article in order to analyse this matter deeply.

  • Some people are born to be leaders. As a matter of fact, every person has a unique character that describes his/her behaviour. However, there are general features that classify us in different categories. Most people follow leaders, some people -a few- are leaders. What is the difference? There are several factors that have to do with being a leader but there is no doubt that it favours success.
  • Leaders are uncomforted with the current status of things. Do you accept that everything should remain as it is? Most likely, you don't. Regardless the reason, there are many things around us that could be changed or, even, improved. Being successful consists on making some of these changes possible.
  • How to assure success in the current world. We have to admit that there is a lot of pressure in every field, hands down. There are just too many people, you will never be the only candidate that applies for a job or attends an interview. So, how can you stand out from the rest? The most reliable long-term strategy is to create high-quality content regularly.
  • Look up to famous people. It is always useful to consider a well-known character from real life in your dissertation. In order to do so, search for the most relevant facts in his/her biography that could provide insight on why success depends on character.

As you can see in the list above, there are some basic ideas that will guide you in your approach to this job. The best way to demonstrate this hypothesis is to analyse data from great leaders and compare their characters to arrive to a conclusion. Fortunately, you will find plenty of backup information on the Internet that will complement this upcoming essay perfectly. However, you will need to dedicate time to sorting the information to make good use of such content. Counting on the resources of the net is beneficial but they should be used appropriately.

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Good Character is Important for Success in Life

by Ron Kurtus (updated 21 November 2022)

Good character is important for success in your life , because it determines how well you can achieve your goals, whether others want to deal with you, and how well you fit in your groups.

When you work hard and are determined to achieve your goals, you can become more successful and confident in what you do. When you deal with other people fairly and honestly and show consideration for them, they will want to deal with you and even help you achieve your goals. By following the laws and rules of society, your culture, and your organizations, you will fit in and be accepted.

Questions you may have include:

  • How is character important in achieving goals?
  • What effect does character have on your relationship with others?
  • How does character allow you to fit in?

This lesson will answer those questions.

Achieving goals

When you have good or positive character traits of working hard and being conscientious about what you do, you are more apt to succeed in achieving your goals. This, in turn, can result in increased confidence in your ability to achieve those goals.

However, if you have character flaws, such as tending to procrastinate and being careless in what you do, you are more apt to miss out or not achieve your goals.

In addition, if you are doing work for another person, he or she wants to get things done properly and in a timely manner. Acting lazy or not doing what needs to be done makes a negative impression of your character to the other person. The result can be missed opportunities, because of your reputation of having poor character traits. It can sorely affect your success at work or in business.

Jane was invited to a pot-luck party at a neighbor's house, where each person was to bring something to eat. Dinner was to be served at 6 pm. However, Jane was late and did not get to the party until 7:30. She also brought something that needed to be heated up for 30 minutes. Her careless and inconsiderate actions were not appreciated by anyone at the party, and they judged her character as not very good. None of the people ever invited Jane to another gathering.

Others judge your personal character by your performance.

Relationships with others

Your reputation concerning how you treat other people precedes you. It can color the perception others have of your character before they must interact with you.

You may have character flaws that turn off other people in wanting to deal with you.

Sarah told Carly that Beth was often dishonest and would sometimes steal. Because of this reputation, Carly was hesitant to invite Beth over to her place. However, several others told Carly that Beth was actually very honest and that Sarah had a grudge against her, so she was spreading rumors about Beth. Actually, it was Sarah who had the poor social character traits of being dishonest and harmful to others.

If others see you being dishonest or harmful to others, they will judge your character traits negatively. However, if you seem kind and straightforward, they will judge you in a positive sense. Typically, people expect positive type of behavior.

Fitting in the group

Cultural, religious, and family groups typically have a set of rules or laws its members are expected to follow. Usually, there is an overlap, where some groups have similar rules of behavior. Often these rules also concern personal and social behavior.

If you are a member of some group, it is assumed that you follow the rules. If members see you breaking the rules or code of the group, they will consider you as having poor adherence character and may even punish you or force you out of the group.

Jackson's family had been dedicated Democrats for years and had always voted the Party ticket. However, Jackson felt that the political views did not fit his philosophy, and he switched over to support the Republican Party. Jackson's father was outraged, as was his uncle. They did not want to have anything to do with this "traitor" in their family.

Members of a group will judge others in their group according to how they observe the rules. The law-abider is considered a good person, while the person who breaks some rules is thought of as having poor character, being a bad person, or being a sinner.

Those outside the group are not considered to have as high of character as those inside the group. For example, a Muslim might accept that a Christian was an honest person, but he would still consider him as an infidel and of low character with respect to his religion.

If you belonged to a tightly-knit cultural group and you adhered to their rules and traditions, others in the group would judge you as a person of high character.

Your character traits are important in being able to achieve goals, getting along with other people, and being accepted in society. They also determine how other people think of you and whether they care to interact with you.

These factors affect the success you can have in your life.

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essay on success depends on character

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Character topics Character Important for Success in Life

Character topics

  • Purpose of Lessons
  • Introduction to Character

Character is important

  • Important in Life
  • -- Your Character Important to Others
  • -- Character of Others Important to You
  • -- Concern for Children
  • -- Character of Children Important

In business

  • Important in Business
  • -- Character of Workers
  • -- Character of Management
  • -- Character of Sales Staff
  • -- Your Business Character
  • Create a Character Culture

Understanding character

  • Understanding Character
  • Character versus Personality

Character is learned

  • You Learn Character
  • How Children Learn Character

How others learned character

  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Martha Stewart
  • John D. Rockefeller
  • Errol Flynn

How people change character

  • How Adults Change
  • Motivations to Change
  • Impostor Changed

Judging character

  • Others Judge You
  • Judging Yourself
  • Judging Others

Classification of traits

  • Three Character Classifications
  • Universal Law of Character

General features

  • Benefits of Positive Character
  • Extremes in Good Character
  • Benjamin Franklin's Virtues

Personal traits

  • Personal Character Traits
  • -- Ambition
  • -- Determination
  • -- Responsibility

Social traits

  • Social Character Traits
  • --- Trustworthy
  • --- Integrity
  • --- Reliable
  • --- Dishonest
  • --- Stealing
  • --- Deceiving
  • -- Help or Harm
  • --- Helping Others
  • --- Insulting Others
  • --- Poor Winner

Cultural traits

  • Cultural Character Traits
  • -- Morality
  • -- Ten Commandments
  • -- Cub Scouts Ideals
  • -- Boy Scouts Oath
  • -- Girl Scouts Program
  • -- Corporate Greed

Book summaries

  • Character is Destiny
  • Character Strengths and Virtues
  • Values of the Game
  • Character Survey Results
  • Succeed with Excellence
  • Succeed by Being Valuable

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Success Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on success.

Success Essay- In today’s world everyone wants to be successful but what is a success. The perspective of success varies from person to person. For the record, the people before us have a different view on success and the person after us will have a different view on success.

Moreover, people compare different people performance to evaluate their success. But success is not something that you can copy from others. You have to make your own path to achieving success. In modern-day, people are obsessed with success because of the glamour and lifestyle of successful people .

Success Essay

What formulates a person successful?

There are many ways in the world to be successful. But most people think of celebrities, artist, politicians, and businessmen whenever they heard the word success.

Moreover, they think doing what they will make you successful but that not the case. They forget the most basic thing that makes a person successful that is their hard work, dedication, and the desire to achieve their dream. More importantly, they what they like to do not what that others told them to do. Successful people do what they like to do also they do what they feel correct for their business.

If you look in the dictionary for the meaning of the word success then you will find that it means the achievement of one’s goal or aim . So, basically, anyone can achieve success by simply achieving their aim or goal.

What is the harm of success?

We all knew that we can’t achieve something without sacrificing something. Success also demands various things from you. But these sacrifices will not go in vain if you achieve your goal.

Certainly, many people achieve professional success but in doing so they fail in achieving mental, social and physical success. The tension of lacking behind in other things pulls them apart.

Also, there are cases where people became so obsessed with success that the people around them start to feel uncomfortable around them. In some cases, they have gone mad. Apart from that, people also get depressed if they can’t achieve success like others. So, we can say that there is much harm to success.

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Success and hard work

It may sound unfit to some peoples but success depends a lot of hard work. Without it, you can’t become successful. Hard work does not mean that you do laborious work or the work that make you sweat. Hard work means having a healthy body, strong mind, willpower and positive attitude towards things. And for all those things you need energy. So, be attentive to your body and soul.

Besides, do not just work on your program, push your limit, take charge of other things, improve your skills and most importantly keep learning. Apart from that, be with positive peoples, develop positive habits, and do exercise not only for the body but also for your mind.

To sum it up, we can say that success is like a seed that needs a balanced proportion of all the elements of life. And no one can achieve success in a day they have to go through and face different conditions in life for being successful. Above all, success is the feeling of fulfillment that you feel when you achieve your goal.

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Argumentative Essay ICSE 1990

“Success depends on character and not on opportunity” Express your views for or against the statement. This Argumentative Essay was asked in ICSE 1990 board exam. You can find Previous Year Argumentative Essay Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

“Success depends on character and not on opportunity” Express your views for or against the statement. (ICSE 1990)

Introduction: Success depends on character and not opportunity

  • Success comes to one with character
  • Opportunists may scale great heights, but their downfall is as steep as their meteoric rise
  • Character helps, optimise on the opportunity
  • History is replete with many illustrious men of character who became great leaders

Conclusion: Character is the touchstone for success

“So shines a good deed in a naughty world”, said William Shakespeare, implying that a person with a good character stands out in the bad and selfish world. Success to such a person comes sooner than later in his chosen field of activity, without waiting for an opportunity.

Opportunity is basically the favourable juncture of circumstances and success is the fulfilling of a given task or goal. The favourable juncture of circumstances comes to a person blessed with a good character. His purity of thought and relentless effort toward his goal do not go unnoticed in the society. Hence sooner or later opportunity knocks at his door. Thomas Edison rightly said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

Success has different connotations for different people. For some, accumulation of wealth could be a barometer of success, while for others it could be the exercise of power, authority, knowledge or social status. In the absence of character one may become successful by clutching at opportunities using fair or foul means, but such glory is usually short lived and transitory. We have before us the example of Hitler who was a mere soldier in the German army. He rose to power as the Fuehrer seizing every opportunity that came his way. However, his skewed personality brought about his downfall and his country to ruin in the second world war. Such opportunists may scale great heights, but their downfall is as steep as their meteoric rise.

Character helps optimise on the opportunity. It is a ladder to achieve one’s goal in life. The pleasant and wholesome personality of such a person catches the attention and is appreciated by others. This recognition brings with it opportunities which he seizes with both hands. His disciplined approach to life enables him to make the best use of it to achieve his goal. The success bears the stamp of his character and hence is more stable and lasting.

History is replete with many illustrious men of character who became great leaders, often changing the destiny of their nation. Mahatma Gandhi by dint of his character Challenged the mighty British Empire. He did not have to look for an opportunity to come his way, but opportunity was thrust on him and he became immortal as the Father of the Nation.

Albert Einstein acknowledging the importance of character said, “Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong, it is character.” Indeed character is the touchstone for success for you can make hay while the sun shines, but only when there is the SUN.


  • ‘The most important thing in life is to be successful’ Give reasons why you agree or disagree with the statement.
  • ‘It is better to be a fool than a rogue’ Justify the statement.

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Essays About Success: Top 5 Examples Plus 8 Prompts

Are you writing essays about success? Discover our guide that will help you succeed with essay examples about success and writing prompts.

Success is the achievement of a goal and can be achieved in the short, medium, or long term. Success does not come easily and often takes a great deal of hard work and commitment to achieving your dreams. However, some people walk a smoother path to success than others due to contacts, resources, and financial support.

While we all have different recipes for success, there are common ingredients that effectively support us in our pathway to success. Among them are discipline, patience, perseverance, and consistently followed strategy.

Read on below to see our pick of essay examples and prompts about success.


5 Essay Examples

1.  crypto’s success proves it doesn’t need consumer trust by charlotte principato, 2. china’s success in fighting poverty offers lesson for all by alessandro golombiewski teixeira, 3. the story of the first sherpa to climb to the top of mt. everest by christopher rand, 4. ukrainian success will not be catastrophic by kori schake, 5. the story behind tesla’s success by amy wu, 8 topic prompts on essays about success, 1. academic success, 2. how to succeed in life, 3. success vs. happiness, 4. poems with the theme of success, 5. self-made billionaires: are they real , 6. how childhood experiences can affect success, 7. why exercise is vital to success, 8. is iq the best indicator of success.

“… [O]n top of playing their role in keeping financial assets safe, institutions will also need to provide customers with access to a broad array of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance products, as well as control over when and how they use them and greater transparency into how assets move.”

Crypto’s success is puzzling many over the influence — or lack thereof — of trust in the current generation of investors. But there is more to learn in today’s most untrusted but booming digital asset. And the lesson is for financial institutions to embrace crypto innovation while marrying this with their business principles on consumer confidence and safety.

“China’s poverty reduction strategy is worthy of reference for the majority of developing countries. In the process of poverty reduction, the Chinese government has had a clear overall plan and strategic direction. It has insisted that economic and social development go hand in hand.”

This essay weaves a remarkable story from the data on China’s drastic poverty alleviation. It is a story of progress that developing, and least-developed countries could turn to for inspiration in crafting anti-poverty policies and strategies. You can also check out these essays about business .

“Over the years, the try at the ascent was a test promoted largely by men who believed in white superiority. In the end, Tenzing, a nonwhite, passed it. Inevitably, this made him a hero to Indian nationalists. Tenzing is a Cinderella who has shown them that they, too, can be belles.”

The historic success of mankind in reaching the summit of Everest happened in the 1950s. Sadly it was little known that two men achieved this feat: one was British mountaineer Edmund Hillary and the other the Nepalese ​​Tenzing Norkay. Norkay succeeds in raking in a “decent” income following the expedition, but his achievement is shadowed by the knighted Hillary. 

“Ukrainians believe they are fighting for the fundamental values of a free society: human dignity, political liberty, national security. Those beliefs have electrified the society, which is engaged in impressive civic activism in support of the defense effort—something that will be studied by Western countries as mastery of 21st-century warfare.”

The counteroffensives of Ukraine have been successfully pushing Russian troops to retreat, exposing the decay in Russia’s military prowess and directing the world’s attention to its warfare tactics. While shrouded in grief over the loss of numerous civilian lives, Ukraine presses forward bolder and, in the process, wins overwhelming international support for the country to succeed against Putin’s Russia. 

“Tesla’s release positioned it as one of the few successful independent automakers and a pioneer in the electric car market… When the Model S premiered in 2013, Tesla made headlines… The electric plug-in car received a near-perfect score of 99 out of 100 from Consumer Reports, which also named it as ‘the best car ever tested.'”

The essay tracked the beginnings of Tesla as a startup up to its success today as a $900 billion company. It looks holistically at its current operations, technology development strategies, and global expansion. Through the lens of analysts, it also gives readers a glimpse into the future of Tesla, which is projected to rake in almost 30% of the global electric car sales by 2030. 

Essays about the success: Academic success

Some would define academic success as acing an exam, while for others, it’s about making it to the top of the class. We measure academic success mainly depending on what standard we aim to live up to and what we think is the best learning journey and pace. For this essay, talk about your barometers for academic success. Then, share your studying techniques and learning strategies for reaching new academic heights.

Over the years, there has been a lot of pressure for people to achieve significant life milestones faster, causing burnout and mental health disorders in a large population. Do you agree that pushing yourself to the limits is the right way to succeed in life? Your essay may take off from these questions, or you can provide your take on how to lead a successful life.

The road to success is beset with many impediments that could bring people down emotionally and mentally. For this essay, differentiate between success and happiness and determine which one is better to pursue. Back up your essay with research and real-life stories. 

For example, if you choose happiness over success, you may cite studies showing how successful people are more prone to mental health instabilities. You may also turn your essay into a feature-like write-up by integrating stories of people who have climbed to the top of the corporate ladder only to fall into depression. 

Be creative and turn your essay into a literary analysis. There is a wide array of poems about success at your disposal. One example and the most popular to date is Emily Dickinson’s “Success is Counted Sweetest.” You can dissect the poem line per line. Then, try to interpret the meanings beneath the metaphors and other figures of speech. Finally, articulate how the poem relates to the general aspects of life. 

Debates have been brewing over describing billionaires as “self-made,” with critics arguing there is never such a thing as some even derived capital through inheritance. So for this essay, first lay down the definitions and criteria of what makes a self-made billionaire. Next, delve into the lives of those labeled as self-made billionaires and determine if their conditions meet the criteria enumerated. 

Essays about the success: How childhood experiences can affect success

The field of psychology abounds in research studies that link factors from childhood to success or failure in one’s adult life. First, find research studies that interest you or could even relate to your life story. You could also cite others’ experiences as examples that agree with the research. Then, based on your chosen study, suggest how government, schools, and families can reform childhood practices to lead children to a better future. 

Write about the scientific processes that happen to your body when you exercise and what these do in increasing your thinking capacity, energy, and focus, among others. Then, cite people you consider successful and write about their exercise routines. Finally, write about your exercise routine or plans to add exercise to your daily habit. You can also suggest programs for schools to encourage regular exercise among their students better 

Some psychometric experts believe that the intelligence quotient is the best determinant of success, while others think it is but one. For your essay, write about where you stand on this divergence.

But first, walk your readers through the current debates on IQ. Then, support your opinion with the latest research correlating IQ with other factors such as social behavior and economic development. Also, add what experts have to say for additional support to your argument.

To check your grammar, try out ProWritingAid. ProWritingAid is one of our top-rated grammar checkers for several reasons, as laid down in this review . 

But if writing essays is not your cup of tea, you can always write a simple five-paragraph essay .

essay on success depends on character

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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Having been a blogger since my early childhood, I have decided to incorporate this useful tool into my teaching. Instructions: At the end of each month, I will award you 2 points for each meaningful post, with a maximum score of 12/10. Be sure to read what others have written - no credit for repetition.

Friday, November 14, 2008

  • 2002 AP Free-Response Question #3 (Form B)


essay on success depends on character

First of all, you spelled "keep" wrong. just throwing it out there :) Okay, I'd choose Frankenstein...i think. Dr. Frankenstein keeps his secret because he is scared of what people might do to stop him. He wants the credit himself, but yet also understands that what he is doing may not be seen as "ok" by many people. By choosing to keep this secret, Dr. Frankenstein allows almost all of the characters in the story whom he loves to perish. I'd focus on that aspect first. Then, I'd talk about the fact that he refuses to portray his real feelings, as the monster he created desparately wants to but cannot communicate with others. It is what drives him to kill (the secrecy of his existence). This work is mainly about the fact that overambition and hubris (as is seen by the keeping of the secret) destroy life. Also, if we want to look at it in an anti-mike way, the monster is the feminist woman, trying to speak but not being heard. By Frankenstein keeping the secret, he is refusing to acknowledge or accept the idea of the new woman. Men are trying to keep off the identities of woman, and keep girls like Justine and Elizabeth who only repeat what the men tell him. The secret more deeply represents this oppression.

essay on success depends on character

In “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin, Edna goes on vacation with her husband and family, where she falls in love with Robert. She keeps this a secret from those that know her because her position in society would suffer if she didn’t conform to “proper woman conduct.” When Robert goes away Edna is devastated. Edna does not explain the reason for her despair to anyone, but eventually Mademoiselle Reisz finds out and takes Edna under her wing. The fact that Reisz finds out is essential to the plot because she lures Edna into her apartment with letters from Robert, all the while pushing Edna to become an independent woman. I believe that it is mainly due to Reisz’s influence on Edna that Edna has an affair and moves out of her house. Some could debate that because Edna kept her love for Robert bottled up inside her that she committed suicide when he did not wait for her to come home.

essay on success depends on character

Thanks, Kristen ... and you spelled "desperately" wrong. Just throwing it back at you! :) Both good responses so far!

okay, okay, mr. cianflone. touche.

essay on success depends on character

Mama Mia, a comical musical play, features a HUGE secret: it is days before Sophie Sheridan's marriage and her mother Donna has yet to tell her who her biological father is! Donna was involved with three men, Sam, Harry, and Bill around the same time that she became pregnant. Since Donna herself does not know whose child Sophie is, her daughter's father is never revealed. Donna's embarrassment and perhaps fear that she will encourage Sophie to adopt a wild lifestyle may contribute to her decision to guard the knowledge of her love affairs. It is also possible that Donna is afraid that Sophie will look down upon her if she brings to light her questionable behavior. Sophie ultimately learns of her mom's relationships from reading her diary. The secret's exposure signifies Sophie's attempt to fulfill a gnomon within her soul as well as paves the way for the play's incorporation of parallel secrets. As Donna continues to think that Sophie has no clue about the men, Sophie invites all three of them to her wedding without telling her mom. Eventually, both women discover what the other was harboring, and their love for one another simply augments, communicating that no secret is large enough to destroy the bond between mother and daughter. Revealing their secrets makes each a stronger person individually as well, displaying that putting one's cards on the table is a liberating, rather than an inhibiting experience. In the actual essay, I would expand on the previous points by including specific scenes that relate to the reasons for keeping the secrets and how they shaped the central messages of Mama Mia.

essay on success depends on character

Well since we just finished "Hamlet", I’d say Hamlet. He had to keep the secret of what the ghost told him in order to revenge his father's death. He couldn't tell anyone instead he had to act mad. Claudius couldn’t know at first because he had to take him by surprise. But then he lets Claudius know he knows in the play scene which leads them to battle and leads claudius to feel guilty and choose not to repent, damning his soul. So Hamlet keeps the secret and releases subtly in the play at exactly the right moment to reveal Claudius's involvement and it puts him on the offensive, which makes him only dig himself a deeper hole in hell(trying to have Hamlet killed in London, putting Laertes up to killing Hamlet and poisoning the wine). I think this essay could go very in-depth analyzing how the plot would have changed if he had revealed it at a different time or a different way, what would Claudius have done if he wasn’t paranoid? What if he had never told but had just killed Claudius in the night in secret, would he have become king? Would he be tormented by guilt or embrace the revenge excuse? The play could have gone in many different and distinct directions had Hamlet made slightly different choices involving the secret behind his madness.

Good ones so far ... I'm surprised someone hasn't tackled "The Dead" yet! Any takers?

essay on success depends on character

In the "Scarlet Letter" Dimmesdale is forced to keep the fact that he is Pearl's father a secret. As Dimmesdale-once a young and moving minister-begins to waste away and experiences a heart attack due to psychological distress, the audience, and characters in the novel become more and more suspicious of Dimmesdale's innocence. When Chillingworth discovers a mark on Dimmesdale's chest, all the suspicions are confirmed and it is assumed that Dimmesdale is Pearl's father. By keeping this secret inside, Dimmesdale is killing himself and depriving his daughter of her father. I would focus on the effects the secret had on Dimmesdale physically and emotionally, and how his refusal to acknowledge his sin contributed to the shame and embarassment associated with his actions.

essay on success depends on character

I would choose The Great Gatsby, since almost all the characters' lifestyles are created because of the secrets they keep. Gatsby, though, probably has the most to lose or gain depending on whether or not he keeps his secrets. If anyone knew he was not the man he appeared to be, his hopes of being with Daisy would vanish. He also would not have the lavish lifestyle of the upperclass society. He ultimately causes his own death by not revealing that Daisy was the one who was driving the car that killed Myrtle. No one but Nick ever really discovers all of what Gatsby had hidden. I would probably focus on how Gatsby kept secrets to alleviate his status in society, gain the woman he loved, and overall find the American Dream. But, his dishonesty destroys him as he is left without Daisy's affection and the people he spent so long trying to impress had no care for him. He took his secrets to the grave, but nothing else.

Is the "anti-mike" thing a shot at me? Alright Cianflone, I'm gonna take you up on "The Dead." It's not gonna be that good but what the hey. The major secret kept in Joyce's "The Dead" is the death of Gretta's dear lover Michael Furey. Gretta's overbearing control-freak husband Gabriel is not made aware of the fact that she had another love until a certain song reminds Gretta of Michael. Gabriel who marries and loves Gretta for no other reason than to be able to control her can not fathom how she could love another. He is truly not her "master" in any sense because he can not control her feelings. The revealing of Gretta's secret causes Gabriel to have an epiphany. He compares the lack of passion shared between himself and his wife Gretta to that of the infinite passion Gretta still holds for a long dead lover. He concludes that he is not much of husband, as a man before him gave his life on Gretta's behalf. Gabriel tries to make sense of what "real love" is. He feels a need to embrace a new "attitude" toward his wife Gretta. In the big scheme of things, the secret is a real blow to Gabriel's character. In his dinner speech, he claims it is necessary not to linger in the past. The story of Michael Furey shows that of all people his own wife is living in the past, for a man other than himself. Gabriel is also forced to realize that ironically the dead Michael Furey is more alive than he ever has been. Universally, this plays into one of the major themes of Dubliners: paralysis. The living and dead are essentially inseparable and indistinguishable because they are blanketed by the same paralysis. All of Ireland is struck by the same blanket of falling snow--both Gabriel and the grave of Michael Furey.

essay on success depends on character

all of you talking about required books do anyof you read good books for fun? I'd have to say Pride & Prejudice and the character would be Mr. Dacy he is a man of many secrets all of which he does not reveal untill the perfect moment to make Elizabeth feel so guilty she falls in love with him ( i know aweful) first he does not let her in on the fact that he is shy and was in fact rather nervous at the ball untill after she has been rude and later on his big seacret of all he has done for her is not revealed untill he ives her the letter, and i'm a little foggy but i don't think he even tells her he loves her untill later which is in fact a huge secret of his!

essay on success depends on character

Iago employed secrecy in the play "Othello"--which obviously was the premise of the play and has a huge impact of the overcome at the end. He fools Othello, Desdemona, and Emilia, and almost everyone else in the play as he plotted to gain power. He keeps his hatred for Othello to himself and gains his full trust. Iago's plot eventually leads to the deaths of three of the main characters. To address the prompt, I would first address the fact that how Iago's secrets lead to the deaths and probably how they eventually lead to Cassio's (I think) gain of power.

essay on success depends on character

I wish it didn't have to be about a well known/classic book. I just read an awesome novel while I was being sick and it would apply to this so well but it's not renowned and printed in 19 languages so...I'll talk about the ever-cliche' Romeo & Juliet. Obviously the big secret in this tragedy is love between Romeo & Juliet. Their starcrossed fate is the impetus for the dangerous events that develop throughout the show. Their love, when discovered, pits the two families against eachother even more. Romeo strains the relationship by murdering Tybalt, and the Capulets hit him hard with the slaying of Mercutio. The nurse and priest get tangled up in the mess simply by being the closest to each of the characters. All the secrets that are kept by R&J and eventually the nurse & priest as well are what unfortunately end up killing them. If they didn't have to hide their love, pretend to die and escape they would'nt have actually ended up killing themselves. By keeping the secrets and making everything such a big deal they set themselves up for what happened. If I was truly writing about this for an AP Essay I'd probably have written about Hamlet but I thought it'd be loser-ish to say on here considering Brenda already did...

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May 12, 2024

Some believe success in life comes from hard work, dedication, and motivation. While many believe

Some believe success in life comes from hard work, dedication, and motivation. while many believe success depends on other important factors like money and appearance. discuss both views and provide your opinion., sample answer:.

Success in life is a topic that has been debated for centuries. While some people believe that success is achieved through hard work, dedication, and motivation, others argue that factors such as money and appearance play a crucial role. In my opinion, both views have their merits, but I lean towards the belief that success is primarily determined by hard work and dedication.

Those who believe that success is a result of hard work, dedication, and motivation argue that these qualities are essential for achieving one’s goals. They believe that with perseverance and a strong work ethic, individuals can overcome any obstacles and ultimately achieve success. On the other hand, those who prioritize factors like money and appearance argue that these elements can open doors and create opportunities that may not be available to those who do not possess them.

While it is true that having financial resources and a pleasing appearance can provide certain advantages, I believe that true success is ultimately determined by one’s character and work ethic. History is filled with examples of individuals who started with very little but achieved great success through hard work and determination. People like Oprah Winfrey and Elon Musk are prime examples of individuals who overcame significant challenges to achieve their goals.

In conclusion, while factors like money and appearance can certainly play a role in one’s success, I believe that hard work, dedication, and motivation are the primary determinants of success in life. These qualities are essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving one’s goals, and they are within the reach of anyone willing to put in the effort.

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Home — Essay Samples — Business — Hard Work — Success: Hard Work or Luck


Success: Hard Work Or Luck

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Words: 849 |

Published: Aug 24, 2023

Words: 849 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

The power of hard work, the role of luck, the symbiotic relationship, the role of preparation, cultivating a balanced perspective, cultivating a growth mindset, conclusion: a holistic perspective.

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Working hard is often considered a crucial factor in achieving success in various aspects of life, including academic, professional, and personal endeavors. While some may argue that talent or luck play a significant role in [...]

Success is a term that is best understood by those who have achieved it rather than those who simply possess it. It is achieved when one defies the odds and proves the critics wrong. This can be accomplished by improvising one's [...]

Work is an essential aspect of human life, shaping our identities, providing us with a sense of purpose, and allowing us to contribute to society. Our philosophy of work encompasses our beliefs, values, and attitudes towards [...]

“Rome was not built in a day,” and basically, there exist in a society, two different category of successful persons of different discipline – the talented and the hard worker. Some people are talented at making hard work and [...]

How many people work long hours in the day whether it’s doing homework and studying or working an actual job? A study done in Lancet Medical Journal studied about 600,000 individuals and found that those that worked long periods [...]

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Success in life depends on physical attractiveness rather than on good character." Do you agree?

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IELTS essay Success in life depends on physical attractiveness rather than on good character. " Do you agree?

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  16. Some believe success in life comes from hard work, dedication, and

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  18. Success Depends on Opportunity and Not on Character

    Get a verified expert to help you with Success Depends on Opportunity and Not on Character. Hire verified writer. $35.80 for a 2-page paper. (But your body knows just the right amount that you need, so there's no need to take any extra. ) There's also a type of medicine called steroids that people might take if they have pain, asthma, or a ...

  19. Success Depends on Opportunity and Not on Character

    Less serious side effects include acne, oily hair, purple or red spots on the body, swelling of the legs and feet, and persistent bad breath. A kid or teen who takes steroids might not grow as tall as he or she was supposed to grow. Some other serious and long-lasting side effects are: • premature balding. • dizziness.

  20. IELTS essay Success in life depends on physical attractiveness rather

    With the character of devastation, it is a success. For two key reasons, I. disagree that excellent looks are preferable to a decent personality. become deeper and more meaningful, even those around them. life better. A simple example: on the street, a coin falls, around respect. Second, From.

  21. essay of 250

    Success depends on one's character. The beauty of personality is not charms of your physical appearance but the quality of your deeds. The emphasis of the adage, "Beautiful is what beautiful does" is not merey attractive looks but the noble qualities. In his famous poem 'Virtue,' George Herbert glorifies a virtuous character.

  22. success dependes on character not on opportunity . express ...

    Success depends on character and not opportunity. Success comes to one with character. Opportunists may scale great heights, but their downfall is as steep as their meteoric rise. Character helps, optimise on the opportunity. History is replete with many illustrious men of character who became great leaders. Conclusion: Character is the ...

  23. Essay On Success Depends On Character And Not On Opportunity

    On the site Essayswriting, you get guarantees, thanks to which you will be confident and get rid of the excitement. The client can ask any questions about the writing and express special preferences. Bathrooms. 2. 4.8/5. Hand-selected US and UK writers. Essay On Success Depends On Character And Not On Opportunity -.