
Essay on Youth Leadership

Students are often asked to write an essay on Youth Leadership in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Youth Leadership

What is youth leadership.

Youth leadership is when young people take charge and guide others. It’s not just about being the boss. It’s about listening, learning, and helping everyone work together. Young leaders can be in schools, teams, or community groups. They show others how to be brave, solve problems, and make good choices.

Why is Youth Leadership Important?

When young people lead, they grow. They become more confident and learn how to talk with others. They also inspire their friends and classmates. Leaders can make a big difference in their schools and neighborhoods by starting projects that help everyone.

How to Become a Young Leader?

Becoming a leader starts with caring. Find something you’re passionate about, like sports, art, or helping people. Learn all you can about it. Then, share your ideas and get others excited. Remember, being a leader means being kind, fair, and always ready to listen.

250 Words Essay on Youth Leadership

Youth leadership is about young people taking charge and making a difference in their communities. It’s like being the captain of a team, where you guide others and work together to achieve goals. Young leaders are not just thinking about themselves but are also helping their friends and neighbors.

When young people lead, they learn important skills like speaking in public, planning, and making smart choices. These skills are like tools that help them do well in school and later in life. Also, when kids and teenagers lead, they show adults and other young people that age does not stop anyone from making positive changes.

How Can You Become a Youth Leader?

To become a youth leader, you can start small. Maybe you can help plan a fun day at school or clean up a park in your area. You can also join groups that focus on things you care about, like protecting the environment or helping animals. The key is to care about something and then do something about it.

Challenges Young Leaders Face

Being a leader isn’t always easy. Sometimes, other people might not listen to you because you’re young. But don’t let that stop you. Keep trying, and show them what you can do. Remember, every big leader once started out as a young person with a dream, just like you.

In Conclusion

Youth leadership is a bright path that leads to learning, helping others, and growing into a person who can change the world. It’s about starting now, where you are, with what you have. So why wait? You can be a leader today!

500 Words Essay on Youth Leadership

Youth leadership is when young people, often still in school, take the lead in organizing and guiding others to achieve a goal or improve something. Imagine a captain of a sports team or a class president; these are examples of young leaders. They are not grown-ups yet, but they have big ideas and the courage to act on them. These young folks show us that you don’t need to be an adult to make a difference in your community or the world.

Qualities of Young Leaders

Great young leaders have some special traits. They are confident, which means they believe in themselves and their ideas. They are also good at working with others because getting things done usually means working as a team. Being a good listener is important too. Leaders need to hear what others have to say to make the best choices. Lastly, they are not afraid to try new things, even if they might fail. They know that making mistakes is part of learning.

Why Youth Leadership Matters

When young people lead, it’s good for everyone. They bring fresh ideas and energy that can help solve old problems in new ways. They also inspire other young people to believe in themselves and to try to make a difference. When a young person leads by example, it shows their friends and classmates that they too can be leaders in their own way.

How Young Leaders Make an Impact

Young leaders do all sorts of things to make an impact. Some might start a club at school to clean up the environment. Others might raise money for people who need help. Some even speak out on big issues like climate change or human rights. They use their voice, their time, and their creativity to bring about positive changes.

Challenges Faced by Young Leaders

Being a young leader isn’t always easy. Sometimes adults don’t take young people seriously, or friends might not want to join in. It can be hard to balance schoolwork, leadership tasks, and just being a kid. Despite these challenges, young leaders keep going because they know their work is important.

Supporting Youth Leadership

Everyone can support young leaders. Teachers and parents can encourage them and give them chances to lead. Friends can join their projects and help spread their ideas. Communities can create spaces where young people can share their thoughts and plans. When everyone helps, young leaders can do even more amazing things.

Youth leadership is about brave young people taking charge and working to make things better. They show us that age is just a number and that even the youngest among us can lead the way. They face challenges, but with support, they can overcome them and do great things. By cheering on these young leaders, we make sure that the future is bright and full of hope.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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being a youth leader essay

Feb 15, 2023

Essays on Leadership for Students | 200 - 500 Word Essays

Are you writing an essay about leadership? Check out these examples!

Leadership is often defined as "the action of inspiring others to act in concert to achieve a particular goal." It signifies the harmony in actions that lead to a common objective. A genuine leader not only exudes confidence but also paves the way for their followers towards triumph. Over the years, various leadership styles have been identified and discussed by psychologists.

 Qualities such as intelligence, adaptability, extroversion, innate self-awareness, and social competence often emerge as the hallmarks of impactful leaders. There's a consensus that these traits mold an individual into an effective leader. Interestingly, some theories suggest that extraordinary situations can thrust an ordinary individual into the spotlight, bestowing upon them the mantle of leadership. It's also believed that leadership isn't a static trait but an evolving journey. It underscores the belief that with dedication and the right resources, anyone can hone their leadership abilities.

 True leadership goes beyond merely advocating for a cause. It involves taking responsibility, igniting motivation in others, and differentiating oneself from just being a 'boss'. A leader's essence lies in their ability to inspire and propel people towards grand visions, whereas a manager typically focuses on oversight and operational aspects.

What Is a Leadership Essay?

A leadership essay falls under the category of student application essays and serves to provide student admissions officers with insight into your past leadership experiences. Despite appearing to be very specific, this type of essay acknowledges that the nature and perception of leadership can vary significantly depending on the individual and the context.

 If you find yourself in need of further insights or a unique angle for your leadership essay, consider exploring an expert essay-writing tool designed to assist students in crafting compelling narratives by analyzing vast data and generating fresh ideas within minutes. In this article, we'll also delve into various leadership essay examples to offer a clearer understanding of the genre and inspire your writing journey.

4 Examples of Leadership Essays

Qualities of a good leader, introduction.

Confidence is the most important attribute first of all. One of the most important qualities in a leader is confidence in one's own abilities. A lack of self-assurance is fatal to a person's leadership potential. If you want others to follow you, you need to exude self-assurance. It's imperative for a leader to have faith in his own judgment and actions. How can people want to follow him if he doesn't even know what he's doing?

Every effective leader knows that they need to be an inspiration to their followers. A leader needs to set an example for his team. In addition, he ought to inspire them whenever feasible. A leader must also maintain optimism in trying times.

What qualities a good leader must have?

Leadership is the ability to influence and guide individuals or groups toward a common goal. A leader must possess several qualities to be effective, including:

Communication skills: A leader must be able to communicate their vision and goals clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing. This requires excellent listening skills, empathy, and the ability to adapt to different communication styles.

Emotional intelligence: A leader must be able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of their team members. This includes being able to understand and respond to the emotions of others, and handling conflicts in a constructive manner.

Visionary: A leader must have a clear and inspiring vision of the future, and be able to articulate this vision in a way that motivates others to work towards it.

Strategic thinking: A leader must be able to think critically and creatively to identify and solve problems, make decisions, and develop plans and strategies to achieve their goals.

Flexibility: A leader must be able to adapt to changing circumstances and be open to new ideas and perspectives. This requires the ability to embrace change, be innovative, and continuously learn and grow.

Integrity: A leader must have strong ethics and values, and be willing to make difficult decisions that are consistent with their beliefs. This requires honesty, transparency, and accountability.

Decisiveness: A leader must be able to make tough decisions quickly, without undue hesitation or procrastination. This requires courage and the ability to take calculated risks.

Empowerment: A leader must be able to delegate responsibilities, give team members the resources they need to succeed, and foster a sense of ownership and accountability among their team.


These qualities are essential for effective leadership, and when combined with hard work, determination, and a commitment to excellence, can help leaders to achieve great things.

How one can be a Great Leader?

Leadership is the act of performing the duties of a leader. In the business world, for instance, it is essential to have someone in charge of a team to ensure everything runs well. Effective leadership is essential for any group that wants to maximize its prospects of success.

Leadership Comes from Experience

As we've shown, leadership can be innate in some cases but is more often learned through practice and exposure. Sometimes the best traits of a leader must be learned over a lengthy period of time, so that one can become a notable one, proving that leadership is not always about a person's innate qualities. Leaders should continuously be on the lookout for opportunities to grow their leadership skills.

Nobody can disagree that experience is a key component of leadership. Numerous examples exist to back up this claim, such as:

Instance 1:

Our school's head boy or girl has traditionally been an older student who has been around for a while and thus has a better grasp of the ins and outs of school politics.

Instance 2:

When there is a vacancy for a team leader, it is common practice for the employee who has consistently put in the most effort and attention to the office job to receive a higher number of votes than their coworkers. 

“The best teacher for a leader is evaluated experience.” - John C. Maxwell

How one can be a Great Leader/Skills to be a Great Leader?

Effective leadership is a skill that develops through time. Developing into a leader with all the qualities that are needed takes a lot of hard work and potential. Being a prominent leader calls for a wide variety of traits. Some of these characteristics are addressed in further detail below:

One should be a Good Communicator

To be an effective leader, one must be able to convey his thoughts clearly to his/her/its subordinates.

Should have Confidence

The individual should have faith in what he says and does.

Give Credit to other Team Members too

A leader not only needs to impose his viewpoints and opinions instead he must also hear to the suggestions of other members of the team and offer them credit if their concept is appropriate.

Good Bond with the Team

A leader's ability to command respect from his team members depends on his ability to develop and maintain positive relationships with them.

Leads with Responsibility

A leader needs to be completely committed to his position. It's important that he takes on responsibility so that he can effectively deal with the various challenges he will inevitably face.

Any group or organization needs a leader above all else. Leadership development takes time and effort. One needs to have lived through a lot to be an effective leader. It's not enough to simply have years of experience in the field; one must also have the traits that make one an effective leader. You can't be a great leader unless you possess certain traits.

What makes a Good Leader?

Trying one's hand as a leader appears easy when viewed through this lens. Is that so tough? Of course not; leading is difficult, and not everyone aspires to be a leader. The vast majority of us have settled into well-established careers where we report to superiors and make a living. Still, not everyone is content to go along with the crowd. They become leaders in whatever field they pursue. A leader is an example to followers and will prioritize the needs of those around them.

Some Unique Qualities of a Leader

Many individuals resort to their leaders to vent their frustrations, therefore it's important for them to be good listeners.

A leader ought to be completely forthright; they can't play favorites or give anyone preferential treatment. One of the most essential qualities of a strong leader is the ability to make decisions with integrity.

They need to be aware of the bigger picture and understand what makes an individual stand out or become a leader. It's their expertise in addition to other distinguishing traits. Their awareness of current events and the results of recent studies is essential. In many ways, this is helpful, and it's the leader's responsibility to stay current.

Since some might not understand them, they should utilize straightforward, easily comprehended language. Leaders need to be able to communicate effectively at all times. In reality, what sets them apart is their exceptional communication skills. Adolf Hitler was such a gifted orator that his followers believed every word he said.

No matter how you're feeling or what's going on in the world, if you listen to a leader, they may make you feel energized. Since leaders are in charge of inspiring confidence in their followers, they can't afford to be wary or unsure of themselves. People tend to blindly follow their leaders.

Whether you're a leader or a doctor, you should devote yourself completely to your chosen field. Everything we do is for the benefit of others; engineers, for example, spend much of their time designing and constructing buildings for other people. So, take pride in what you do, and if you possess the aforementioned traits, you are also a leader who doesn't have to rely on others to succeed. No matter what you do, aspiring to leadership positions will always benefit others.

What is Leadership in Management and what are the weaknesses and strengths of a Leader?

Simply said, leadership is acting as a supervisor or manager of a group. Different mental pictures pop up when we hear the word "leadership" used in conversation. One might think of a political leader, team leader, corporate leader, school leader, etc. Leaders facilitate order and efficiency in the workplace. Teamwork and success are fundamental to effective leadership. Leaders utilize their managerial abilities to establish courses and guide their teams to success.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Leadership

Able to express oneself more clearly

Growth of character.


Possession of teamwork skills.

Gain assurance in yourself.


Acting favorably toward one's teammates.

Having no faith in the leader.

Thinks they're better than everyone else, but act hypocritically.

Not living up to the promised standard.

Insufficient morals.

Leadership and Management

Management and leadership are inextricably linked to one another. Leadership and management are both vital to the efficient operation of an organization; but, they accomplish very different things in the process. Leadership is a necessary skill for anyone aspiring to be an effective manager. The terms management and leadership are synonymous with one another. In this manner, we are able to draw the conclusion that a manager who demonstrates the traits of a successful leader is, in fact, a manager who is effective.

Leadership in School

Leadership is essential in nearly every group, as we've seen above. That group includes one's educational institution. Every school needs an outstanding figure to serve as its head of school. Class monitor, assembly captain, cultural leader, etc. are all examples of leadership roles that can be taken on at school, but this raises the question of what makes a person a successful school leader.

Any student hoping to be chosen as a student body leader will need to demonstrate a wide range of competencies. He or she needs to be a consistent student who pays attention in class and does well in extracurricular activities. For the simple reason that no intelligent and hardworking kid would ever be considered for leadership. Student leaders are most often selected from among those who participate fully in all activities.

Leadership in Organization

Leadership in an organization, also known as organizational leadership, is the process of establishing long-term objectives that further the company's mission and help it reach its ultimate destination. This is a classic illustration of how Bill Gates often works with his team: they agree on a strategy, and Gates implements it. To the same extent, it is the responsibility of the leader in each given organization to determine what it is that the group is trying to accomplish.

Leadership in Politics

Leadership in politics, also known as political leadership, is the process of becoming actively involved in a political party in the role of a party leader. Knowledge of political processes, their outcomes, and the political agenda is central to the idea of political leadership.

An effective leader can be developed in anyone who has the determination and drives to do so. Both the strengths and the areas for improvement should be nurtured. Whether in the classroom, the workplace, or the political arena, leadership is always necessary. Therefore, one can exercise leadership anywhere they like inside their own organization.

What are the types of Leadership?

The ability to lead is a rare trait that not everyone possesses. The ability to do so is a gift, so count your blessings if you possess it. It's recommended that you hone it even more so that you can propel your career forward and serve as an example to people around you. However, it is crucial to grasp the various leadership styles before you go ahead and polish your skills.

Types of Leadership Styles

Democratic Leadership

In this style of management, subordinates are given a voice in decision-making. Although the subordinates' efforts are highlighted, the leader is ultimately held responsible for the group's actions. Many people find this type of leadership to be effective.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders motivate and inspire others to adopt new behaviors and ways of thinking in order to improve their own performance and that of their teams and organizations. A transformational leader is someone who encourages their team to strive for greater things and works to boost morale and output.

Team Leadership

A good leader fully incorporates his team into the task at hand. Members of the team are motivated to reach their goals and advance in their careers thanks to the leadership of the group.

Strategic Leadership

It requires a chief executive who doesn't restrict himself to brainstorming sessions with his superiors. He contributes on every level of the team. He is well-liked for his ability to unite the need for fresh ideas with the necessity of grounding them in reality.

Autocratic Leadership

The leader in a command and control structure is the center of attention. The chief executive has absolute power in this setting. He decides things on his own, without polling his staff. He relays this information to his staff and stresses the importance of swift action. The buck stops with him, and he alone must answer for his actions. Not much room for negotiation exists. It's no secret that this method of leading has its detractors.

Visionary Leadership

This kind of leader appreciates the abilities and requirements of his team members. He describes his ideal outcome and the teamwork that will be necessary to attain it.

Coaching Leadership

Leaders who coach their teams do so regularly in an effort to raise output. He inspires his employees to do better and works to keep them motivated. This approach to leadership has been much praised.

Facilitative Leadership

With occasional guidance, a facilitative leader ensures that the process runs smoothly for his team. As a precaution in case his team is ineffective. If the team is highly effective, the leader will take a hands-off approach.

Cross-Cultural Leadership

The leadership of this type is necessary when interacting with people from various cultural backgrounds. Because of the wide variety of cultures represented in the workforce across the United States, many managers and executives hold cross-cultural positions.

Laissez-Faire Leadership

The members of the team are given responsibility in this style of management. They are free to choose how they spend their time at work, with minimal oversight from the boss. It's not a good way to lead, according to experts.

Transactional Leadership

An interactive approach is integral to this kind of leadership. When team members successfully implement their leader's ideas and choices, they are rewarded with immediate, material benefits.

Charismatic Leadership

In order to bring out the best in his followers, this kind of leader makes the effort to change their attitudes, values, and actions.

This article should dispel the notion that leadership qualities can't be further subdivided. It should also assist you in pinpointing your own personal brand of leadership so you can perfect it over time.

Final Words

In conclusion, leadership is a complex and multifaceted concept that involves various qualities and skills. Effective leaders possess traits such as integrity, vision, empathy, decisiveness, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. They are able to navigate challenges, make difficult decisions, and lead their team toward success. Leadership also involves continuous learning and self-improvement, as leaders must adapt to changing circumstances and remain relevant. Effective leadership can have a positive impact on both individuals and organizations, fostering growth and creating a culture of success.

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a group of young people facing the sun

Roles of a Youth Leader: Responsibilities and Tasks

Youth leaders play a crucial role in shaping the lives of young people in communities and religious settings. These individuals have the power to inspire, guide, and nurture the development of the next generation. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of a youth leader is important not only for those looking to step into the position, but also for parents, mentors, and community members who collaborate with youth leaders to empower and support young people. Let’s dive into the various roles and tasks of a youth leader and discover why their contribution is so vital to our society.

The Role of Youth Leaders in Mentoring and Guidance

silver paper clip on yellow textile

Youth leaders play a crucial role in providing mentorship and guidance to young people, helping them navigate the challenges of adolescence and develop essential skills for success. As mentors and role models, youth leaders provide structured support and guidance to young individuals, helping them build resilience and achieve positive outcomes.

Mentoring programs are a prominent strategy in the United States for preventing negative outcomes and promoting resilience among at-risk youth. These programs aim to provide structured support from older or more experienced individuals, such as adult volunteers or students at higher grade levels. They serve a wide range of age groups and populations, with diverse needs and risk factors.

Research has shown that mentoring programs can contribute to positive outcomes for at-risk youth across various demographic groups and program approaches. Connecting youth to mentoring programs has proven to be a viable strategy for preventing and reducing delinquent behavior. In fact, mentoring has been rated as “effectiv” for “reducing delinquency outcomes” by the National Institute of Justice’s CrimeSolutions initiative.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of mentoring programs can vary, and there are challenges and unanswered questions in this field. Some studies have found that program participation can be harmful under certain conditions, such as when mentoring relationships end prematurely or when mentors fail to follow through on basic expectations.

To enhance program effectiveness, it is important to focus on training and supporting mentors and ensuring fidelity in program implementation. A strong emotional bond between mentors and mentees, as well as positive interpersonal experiences, have been identified as important mechanisms through which mentoring relationships promote positive outcomes.

Long-term effects of mentoring programs and their ability to produce sustained outcomes into adulthood also require further investigation. While there is evidence of short-term positive effects, studies on long-term outcomes are limited. Understanding the mechanisms of change in mentoring relationships and developing well-defined theories of change can help improve program effectiveness and impact.

Scaling up mentoring programs and reaching the youth who stand to benefit the most are significant challenges. Mentor recruitment is a pervasive challenge, and many programs struggle with mentor availability and long waiting lists for youth. To expand the reach of mentoring programs, alternative strategies such as engaging non-traditional mentors and utilizing existing social networks should be explored.

Youth leaders play a critical role in mentoring and guiding young individuals, providing them with structured support and guidance to navigate the challenges of adolescence. Mentoring programs have the potential to contribute to positive outcomes for at-risk youth, but program effectiveness and scale-up efforts require ongoing research and innovation. By investing in effective mentoring programs and supporting youth leaders, we can empower young individuals and help them develop the skills and resilience they need to succeed in life.

The Role of Youth Leaders in Education and Skill Development

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Youth leaders play a crucial role in the education and skill development of young people. Through their various responsibilities and tasks, they contribute to preparing youth for the challenges they will face in adulthood. Youth development programs and initiatives promote positive development and provide opportunities for youth to learn and grow in various areas, including education, social skills, and life skills [2] .

One of the primary responsibilities of youth leaders is to support young people in their educational journey. They assist students in setting goals, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and developing the skills and attitudes necessary for success. By providing mentorship, guidance, and educational resources, youth leaders inspire and empower students to pursue their academic aspirations.

In addition to education, youth leaders also focus on skill development. They create and implement activities and programs that help young people develop essential skills such as leadership, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. By engaging youth in experiential learning opportunities, such as community service projects and leadership training, youth leaders provide a platform for young people to practice and enhance these skills.

Youth leaders also have a significant impact on social and emotional development. They create a supportive and inclusive environment where young people feel safe to express themselves and connect with others. Through mentorship and positive role modeling, youth leaders cultivate strong relationships with their students, fostering a sense of belonging and promoting healthy social interactions.

Moreover, youth leaders play a vital role in promoting civic engagement among young people. They encourage youth to actively participate in their communities, helping them develop a sense of responsibility and social consciousness. By organizing community service projects, advocating for social justice, and involving youth in decision-making processes, youth leaders empower young people to become active citizens and contributors to positive social change.

In their efforts to support education and skill development, youth leaders face various challenges. Some may struggle with feeling inadequate or unqualified, especially when leading individuals older than themselves. However, it is crucial for youth leaders to focus on serving others and doing what is best for their students rather than dwelling on their own insecurities.

To overcome challenges and continue to grow as leaders, youth leaders can seek guidance and support from more experienced individuals. They can find a confidant, someone older and wiser, whom they can trust and turn to for advice and mentorship. By learning from these trusted advisers, youth leaders can gain valuable insights and perspective that can help them navigate their roles with confidence and effectiveness.

The role of youth leaders in education and skill development is critical for the growth and success of young people. By supporting academic achievement, cultivating essential skills, promoting social and emotional development, and fostering civic engagement, youth leaders empower youth [1] to reach their full potential. Despite the challenges they may face, youth leaders have a significant impact on the lives of young people and contribute to building a brighter future for all.

The Role of Youth Leaders in Program Development and Implementation

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Youth leaders play a crucial role in the development and implementation of programs that positively impact the lives of young people. They work tirelessly to create engaging and meaningful activities that promote personal growth, social interaction, and skill development. These dedicated individuals are responsible for planning, organizing, and executing programs that align with the needs and interests of the youth they serve.

Program development is a collaborative process that requires the input and expertise of youth leaders. They have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by young people and use this knowledge to create programs that address these issues effectively. By actively involving youth in the planning process, youth leaders ensure that programs are relevant, engaging, and meet the unique needs of the participants.

Once a program is developed, youth leaders take on the responsibility of implementing and coordinating all aspects. They work closely with staff, volunteers, and community partners to ensure that programs run smoothly and meet the desired objectives. This involves scheduling activities, securing necessary resources, and providing ongoing support and guidance to participants.

Youth leaders also serve as role models and mentors to the young people they work with. They lead by example, demonstrating positive values, ethics, and behavior. Through their leadership, they inspire and empower youth to reach their full potential and make positive contributions to their communities.

In addition to program development and implementation, youth leaders also play a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of programs. They collect feedback from participants, assess outcomes, and make necessary adjustments to continuously improve the quality and impact of their programs. This ongoing assessment ensures that programs remain relevant and responsive to the changing needs of the youth they serve.

The role of youth leaders extends beyond the boundaries of program development and implementation. They are advocates for young people, working tirelessly to create opportunities and resources that support their growth and development. They collaborate with schools, community organizations, and government agencies to create a supportive and nurturing environment for youth.

The role of youth leaders in program development and implementation is critical to the success and well-being of young people. Their dedication, passion, and expertise enable them to create and deliver programs that empower and inspire the next generation of leaders. Through their tireless efforts, youth leaders play a vital role in helping young people reach their full potential and make a positive impact on their communities.

The Role of Youth Leaders in Communication and Community Outreach

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Youth leaders play a crucial role in communication and community outreach within youth programs. They serve as the bridge between young people and the rest of the community, helping to foster meaningful connections and promote positive change. In this section, we will explore the responsibilities and tasks of youth leaders in communication and community outreach.

1. Communication

One of the primary responsibilities of youth leaders is to facilitate effective communication among young people, their families, and the community. They serve as advocates and spokespersons for youth, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met. Youth leaders use various communication channels, such as social media, email, and in-person meetings, to disseminate information, gather feedback, and promote youth programs and events.

Youth leaders also play a vital role in fostering open and honest communication within the youth group. They create a safe and inclusive environment where young people feel comfortable expressing themselves and sharing their thoughts, opinions, and concerns. By actively listening and engaging with their peers, youth leaders help to build trust and establish a sense of community among the youth.

2. Community Outreach

Youth leaders are often at the forefront of community outreach efforts. They collaborate with community organizations, schools, and local businesses to organize events, projects, and programs that benefit both young people and the wider community. Through these outreach initiatives, youth leaders promote civic engagement, encourage volunteerism, and address community issues.

One important aspect of community outreach is engaging young people in service projects. Youth leaders work with their peers to identify community needs and develop initiatives that allow them to make a positive impact. By participating in activities such as cleaning parks, volunteering at homeless shelters, or tutoring younger students, youth leaders not only contribute to the community but also develop essential leadership and teamwork skills.

Youth leaders also serve as role models for other young people in the community. Through their actions and behaviors, they inspire their peers to get involved, take on leadership roles, and make a difference. By sharing their personal experiences and growth, youth leaders demonstrate the power of youth leadership and encourage others to embrace their potential.

Communication and community outreach are integral parts of a youth leader’s role. Through effective communication, youth leaders ensure that young people’s voices are heard, their needs are met, and relevant information is shared. Through community outreach, youth leaders engage their peers in service projects, promote civic engagement, and serve as role models for other young people. By taking on these responsibilities, youth leaders contribute to the overall development and well-being of young people [2] and the community as a whole.

The Essential Qualities and Skills for a Successful Youth Leader

person holding amber glass bottle

Being a youth leader is a rewarding yet challenging role that requires a unique set of qualities and skills. Whether you’re leading a youth group, coaching a team, or teaching a class, there are certain characteristics that will help you succeed in inspiring and guiding young people. Here are some essential qualities and skills that every youth leader should possess:

A successful youth leader is passionate about working with young people and helping them reach their full potential. This passion is contagious and can inspire and motivate youth to get involved and make a difference.

Youth leaders need to be able to understand and relate to the experiences and challenges that young people face. By showing empathy, youth leaders can create a safe and supportive environment where youth feel comfortable expressing themselves.

3. Communication

Effective communication is vital for a youth leader. Youth leaders must be able to clearly convey information, listen actively, and engage in open and honest dialogue with young people. Good communication skills build trust and create a sense of connection.

4. Leadership

Youth leaders should possess strong leadership qualities that inspire and empower young people. They should be able to set a positive example, make decisions, and guide youth towards their goals. A good youth leader knows how to motivate others and encourage their growth and development.

5. Flexibility

Youth leaders need to be adaptable and flexible in their approach. Young people are constantly evolving, and their needs and interests may change. Being open to new ideas and willing to adjust plans and strategies is crucial for success.

6. Creativity

Youth leaders should have a creative mindset that allows them to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. Creativity helps keep young people engaged and excited about their activities and encourages them to explore new ideas and possibilities.

7. Problem-Solving

Youth leaders often face challenges and obstacles along the way. Being able to analyze problems, think critically, and find solutions is an important skill for a successful youth leader. Problem-solving skills help youth leaders navigate difficult situations and guide young people towards positive outcomes.

8. Patience

Working with young people requires patience, as they may need time to learn and grow. Youth leaders should be patient and understanding, allowing young people to make mistakes and supporting them as they learn and develop new skills.

9. Organizational Skills

Youth leaders often have to manage multiple tasks and responsibilities. Being organized helps youth leaders stay on top of their duties, plan and coordinate activities, and effectively manage their time and resources.

10. Resilience

Being a youth leader can be challenging, but resilience is key to persevering through difficult times. Youth leaders should be able to bounce back from setbacks and continue to be a positive role model and source of support for young people.

By developing these essential qualities and skills, youth leaders can create a positive and impactful experience for the young people they work with. Remember, being a youth leader is a journey of growth and learning, and with dedication and commitment, you can make a lasting difference in the lives of young people.

Youth leaders are the unsung heroes nurturing the development and well-being of young individuals. Their diverse responsibilities and tasks guide adolescents towards a brighter future, empowering them with the tools they need to thrive in life. From education and guidance, skill development to program implementation, communication, and fostering leadership abilities, youth leaders invest their time, passion, and energy in the success of the next generation.

As mentors, role models, and advocates, youth leaders play an indispensable role in shaping the lives of young people. By exemplifying the qualities of passion, empathy, leadership, and resilience, they inspire and empower youth to embrace their potential and make a positive impact in their communities. Let us recognize and support the invaluable efforts of youth leaders worldwide, as they foster the growth of future leaders and help build a more hopeful and prosperous tomorrow.

[1] Youth Leader demographics and statistics in the US [2] Influences of Youth Leadership within a Community-Based …

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Student Essay: The Power of Stories to Inspire Strong Leaders

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Maya S. is a Muslim, Egyptian and student athlete who has lived in Saudi Arabia for most of her life. She is 16 and a junior at the American International School of Riyadh, where she is enrolled in the International Baccalaureate program.

In this Student Essay of the Week, Maya talks about how building a platform for others to share their stories has helped her understand why welcoming diversity of thought and experience will make her a stronger, more empathetic leader.

Three steps forward and two steps back. That was my reality during the privilege walk.

In October 2018, I was selected along with 50 other high school students to attend a leadership trip to a farm outside Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We believed that we were all going to learn about how to become leaders with strong voices. However, the trip took a completely unexpected and inspiring turn. Instead, we left knowing how to listen first and speak second.

At the farm, we participated in an activity called a privilege walk , where we were asked to step forward or backward in response to certain questions. From the responses, it became obvious that all of us were struggling with something that those around us knew nothing about.

I learned that the girl beside me once wondered where her next meal would come from. The girl beside her was afraid to leave the house at night because she had been assaulted. The boy to my left had been held at gunpoint. And the boy beside him had a mental disorder. This realization hit me hard. I was able to understand that although it’s impossible for us all to experience the same things, it is possible for us to try and listen to each other and understand each other’s differences. I began to appreciate the meaning of finding beauty in diversity. During that trip I learned that true leaders listen to the voices of others, and as a result they are able to enrich their own points of view.

“Living with anxiety is like feeling alive through the motions of life, but never freely living. It’s being aware of my surroundings, but lost in another world inside my head.”

During the summer of that year, someone I loved dearly was faced with medical issues, and my family began dealing with a lot of uncertainty. Even when it was all over, I felt lost and changed. I couldn’t explain it, but I wished that someone understood. I then began thinking of the people standing around me that day in Riyadh during the privilege walk, and everyone around the world like us. Did we all feel the same desire to be understood? How could we all feel seen and valued, regardless of our stories? I wanted to hear more about the stories of all those kids I met that day in line. I wanted to understand how we all ended up there, despite our different paths. I wanted to create something that would allow them to express their stories.

That summer, I started Voice of Change , a weblog that allows other teenagers to contribute writing that reflects the experiences that have shaped them. The first story I received was “Purpose,” from a girl struggling with depression. She wrote, “Purpose: a reason, a given, motivation , a point. We all live life because we have a purpose. We realize that there is a point, we have motivation and a reason to live. We look forward to things and create opportunities for ourselves. We see a future. Imagine living life feeling as though you have no purpose… That means no reason, no motivation, simply no point… the best way to describe this feeling is as if [you’re] dead. This feeling is depression.”

After I posted the article, which talked about how depression impacted the author’s life, I received comments, emails and texts from others saying that the article communicated what they needed to hear and couldn’t put into words. This initial response fueled the rest of my work. I began receiving other stories about challenging experiences, ranging from sexual assault and racial discrimination, to losing a loved one and struggling with body image. Here are a few powerful quotes from these articles:

“I’m not sure who or what I’m living for, but I’d never want to risk my family members feeling as I do right now. It’s okay that I’m suffering right now, because I have faith that it will pass, eventually it will.” – “Live On”

“I am not ignorant because I’m Arab. I’m not a terrorist because I’m Muslim. I am not a thug because I’m black. I am not who I am because of what you see on the news. I am who I am because of what I’ve been through, and what I have become.” – “Assume”

“Living with anxiety is like feeling alive through the motions of life, but never freely living. It’s being aware of my surroundings but lost in another world inside my head.” – “I Choose Life”

I see my Voice of Change journey as having so much to do with becoming a better leader. It has helped me to see clearly the type of leader I hope to become. I have developed a stronger perspective by understanding the voices and stories of others. I have become more empathetic to other people’s struggles, a quality I will need when I run my own business one day. You can’t understand your customers’ wants or your employees’ needs if you don’t listen and appreciate where they’re coming from. Also, Voice of Change has shown me how much our experiences shape us and contribute to how we see the world and solve problems. Each person offers a unique voice and a different perspective – all powerful and important in their own way.

Related Links

  • The Privilege Walk
  • What Is Empathy? (Sesame Street)
  • Knowledge@Wharton: The Emotional Intelligence Deficit
  • Wharton’s McNulty Leadership Program

Conversation Starters

What is empathy and why is it such an important leadership quality? How is empathy related to storytelling? Use the Related Links with this article if you need to better understand empathy.

How have your experiences shaped you? Share your story in the Comment section of this article.

Maya writes that she has come to appreciate “how much our experiences shape us and contribute to how we see the world and solve problems.” Diversity of thought is incredibly powerful in the business world. Why does it hold such value? How does it enrich the team dynamic and important outcomes?

6 comments on “ Student Essay: The Power of Stories to Inspire Strong Leaders ”

Hi Maya, Thank you for sharing your fantastic story with us. Being able to appreciate the people around you and, in first place, yourself is one of the major keys to success and, most importantly, happiness in life, at least according to my experience. We all come from different environments and experiences, the same ones which make us who we are, in our uniqueness and diversity, as you clearly and beautifully stated in your essay. Appreciation is one of those emotions, if that’s how we want to define it, I have learned to consider and embrace later in life, but it is surely the one all the rest comes down to: appreciation for life, appreciation for love from our beloved ones… Having dealt throughout life with friends who coped with depression and anxiety, I can say I have experienced the emotional upheaval that tends to follow this kind of acknowledgements. It gives you a completely different perspective on the world, on the people that surround you and on the way you look at your very own life. On the other hand, I’ve been lucky enough to feel the wonderful sense of relief and joy which comes after helping this people, which taught me the value of the word, indeed, appreciation. In the same way I’ve been able to help my dearest friends deal with these horrible feelings and find a way out of them, I find what you have done with this very same individuals awesome: not only giving them a voice through the blog, but giving their peers the chance to find sympathy and reassurance in their words. Keep it up! And take care.

Sonder – n. The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness (The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows).

I believe that sonder, a short and simple made-up word to describe a complex feeling, perfectly captures the spirit of Maya and her article. Maya realized the complexity of the lives of those around her, that every stranger on the leadership trip had their own unique story to tell, filled with their personal struggles. She reaches the conclusion that “each person offers a unique voice and a different perspective – all powerful and important in their own way.”

Sonder, and more broadly, empathy, is a crucial element of being a good leader. I had my own moment of sonder last summer when I had the opportunity to volunteer at my local Chinese senior center. I started volunteering there because I had to fill my school’s requirement for service hours but ended up gaining much more out of it than that. At first, I was wary of taking on the job because my Chinese conversational skills were acceptable at best and rudimentary at worst. However, I quickly found that the seniors were very welcoming and were just happy that someone was willing to sacrifice their time to help out. I performed tasks such as preparing and serving food as well as helped teach ESL and citizenship classes. I learned about the hard work ethic of the workers and volunteers around me while washing apples. I learned about the amiability and habits of the seniors in the lunchroom. There would always be those in the back table playing cards, the younger seniors chatting in the front, and the seasoned mahjong players upstairs. I even had the chance to hear some of their rich stories, stories of their journeys of emigrating from communist China, stories of their successful children, stories of their war experiences, and stories of their hope in America. I truly understood that these seniors, whom I would not have given a second glance on the street, lived such deep and meaningful lives, each of which would be a thrilling standalone novel.

Just like Maya learned to understand those from different backgrounds, I was able to empathize with these seniors and develop an appreciation for their experiences. We should all have empathy for each other in this world full of division and hatred. Sonder helps us have that empathy not only with those close to us but with everyone around us.

When I became the youngest Student Council President of my school, my idea of a strong leader was someone who could command and lead a group of people with total authority the way they like it. So, that’s what I tried to do during my early days as a leader. I thought I would be a strong leader by commanding the student council and demonstrating my full authority over the rest. But after the first month, like Maya, the experience of being a leader took a completely unexpected and inspiring turn. I learned, like Maya, that you have to listen first and speak second. It is by listening to others that makes you a stronger leader because it is easier to command and display your authority. But it is harder to swallow your pride and listen to others when their opinions or stories differ from yours.

Therefore, in the Student Council that I am in, I launched an initiative called “Listen Monday” with the purpose of listening to everyone’s opinions and views in the student council and utilizing them for the betterment of the school.

By understanding the voices of others it has helped me develop a better perspective. I have become more empathetic to others. Listening to others has allowed me to see the full picture that I have never seen. And because I see the bigger picture, I realized that other’s experiences can help shape how I see the world and solve problems. As Maya said, each person offers a unique voice and a different perspective, all-powerful and important in their own way.

I want to thank Maya for inspiring me.

When I became the youngest Student Council President of my school, my idea of a strong leader was someone who could command and lead a group of people with total authority the way they like it. So, that’s what I tried to do during my early days as a leader. I thought I would be a strong leader by commanding the student council and demonstrating my full authority over the rest. But after the first month, like Maya, the experience of being a leader took a completely unexpected and inspiring turn. I learned, like Maya, that you have to listen first and speak second. It is by listening to others that makes you a stronger leader because it is easier to command and display your authority. But it is harder to swallow your pride and listen to others when their opinions or stories differ from yours.

Therefore, in the Student Council that I am in, I launched an initiative called “Listen Monday” with the purpose of listening to everyone’s opinions and views in the student council and utilizing them for the betterment of the school.

By understanding the voices of others it has helped me develop a better perspective. I have become more empathetic to others. Listening to others has allowed me to see the full picture that I have never seen. And because I see the bigger picture, I realized that other’s experiences can help shape how I see the world and solve problems. As Maya said, each person offers a unique voice and a different perspective, all-powerful and important in their own way. I realized exhaustively now that a strong leader is someone that listens first and speak second.

I want to thank Maya for inspiring me to become a better leader.

Hello L Dau K!

Thank you for sharing your experience and lessons as a student council president. Listening to your implementation of listening Mondays has brought me back to a time when I was the storyteller, pouring my life out, not to a student council president, but to my mother.

Before the story begins, I must tell you about my mother. She is a very successful corporate leader of hundreds of people. Of course, when it comes to life, she’s never lost her footing when it comes to parenting. Her dogma for me was always the same as that for her employees. She required me to write a time schedule and reflect on life every day and report my academic progress to her with a PowerPoint presentation every week. Similar to your listening Mondays, but coerced. Of course, these rules also apply to her employees. I argued with her countless times, berating her for treating me, at the time, a 12-year-old, as her employee. Perhaps you have already begun to detest my mother’s parenting philosophy, or that she is just another derelict mother who neglects her children’s emotional needs to give her career 100%. But she was a mother for the first time, and I as her oldest child witnessed her growth and how she became a leader, both to her employees and to me.

Where should I begin my story with this leader? As I counted the episodes that flashed through my mind, neither the long conversation in the evening breeze nor the laughing conversation in the dark living room seemed like the most appropriate beginning of the story. Puzzled, I put down my thoughts and sat down to recall the beginning of our conversations. There’s no longer nameless fear and tension when she approaches me, dreading to hear what she has to say. Instead, I always walked up to her when I found her alone, and the dialogue always began with a sigh. I told her many stories about young love, friends, hobbies, and self-reflection, all parts of me that I was reluctant to reveal in PowerPoints. She is busy all day but never said no when I started a conversation. I could feel that she valued every part of our communication, regardless of how nonsensical it was, taking it wholeheartedly. She would sit down and listen to every word I had to say, and she would take to heart every hint of emotion I tried to convey. She did her best to understand my passions, cater to my needs, and embrace my sentiments. And that’s one of the most valuable lessons she’s taught me as a leader.

My mother’s growth as a leader came naturally to her as she listened to every ebullient story and every heart-wrenching sob. She did what many leaders, even in family relationships, fail to do: give the most attention to her children and subordinates, dwelling on their stories, bringing herself into their emotions, and living their experiences. Simply receiving a comment differentiates from understanding the root of their feedback. Through sharing stories with my mother, as my thoughts became words and leaped out of my mouth, my thoughts received a carrier. The stories I told were imparted with meaning through the process of communication. These words made me who I am and marked every footprint of mine. Not only giving her a chance to guide me but giving me a chance to recourse, bonding two unknown souls by building emotional bridges rather than giving ice-cold PowerPoint presentations. I myself am walking on those bridges, and I will be learning to build them up. Through open communication, we can build bridges high enough to see the world from a bigger view, see the tips of Mt. Everest, hear the mumbles of rhinoceros and vaquitas, and unveil a side of the world that we have never seen before.

In her essay “The Power of Stories to Inspire Strong Leaders”, Maya S. quotes “I was able to understand that although it’s impossible for us to all experience the same things, it is possible for us to try and listen to each other and understand each other’s differences. I began to appreciate the meaning of finding beauty in diversity. During that trip I learned that true leaders listen to the voices of others, and as a result they are able to enrich their own points of view.” This quote taught me that in order to be understood, one must learn to understand.

As an international student living in the states, my school days were certainly different from most of my classmates. There were a lot more plane rides, more hours of memorizing English vocabulary, and less people that paid attention to the struggles I went through. It was hard to focus on the upside of life when I knew that my comfort zone was about 6800 miles away. I felt like I was drowning in my own world, and was unsure of what I needed to do to get out of it.

As time passed, I did learn to embrace my new home. That started with a simple step: Learning about how people here lived. I added Kendrick Lamar and Olivia Rodrigo to my playlist, started to watch the NBA, and reached out for corrections when I didn’t recognize an English word. As I began to understand and appreciate what was around me, it was way easier to fit in. My struggles started to pay off as I received multiple honors and varsity MVP awards. Apart from Academics, I also became much more active in the social circle. I learned more about life here from my new friends, and also taught them some parts of life that I left behind back in Korea. After these changes, I could proudly say that I’m definitely leading my own life.

Maya’s story of the privilege walk reminded me of the change in my perspective before and after trying to understand American culture. At first I was hesitant in getting to know the new environment, but now I see the hidden value of entirely different customs, just like how Maya was able to understand the children with more depth. Furthermore, something Maya did that I greatly appreciate is that she didn’t just stop from enlightenment and took action to advocate for her beliefs. I believe that Maya’s propulsion of creating the “Voice of Change” weblog exemplifies what leaders do to promote their voice to the world. As a person aspiring to be a global leader and a businessman, I was greatly inspired by Maya’s quotes of insight and her action to spread her words.

Our world today is heavily interconnected, and the effects of collaborating across diverse backgrounds have never been more apparent. As I reflect on Maya’s quote and my own understanding, I am reminded that true leaders are distinguished by their ability to seek harmony in differences. My journey from a foreign student drowning in isolation to a confident participant in a global community underscores the transformative power of understanding others to be understood. Of course there are still customs that I cannot resonate with, like pineapple on pizza. But as I step forward into a world of connections and communications, I carry with me the invaluable lesson that true understanding is the cornerstone of meaningful process.

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How to Be an Effective Youth Leader? 20 Time-Tested Approaches

How to Be an Effective Youth Leader 20 Time-Tested Approaches Featured Image

Becoming a youth leader is a journey of growth and transformation, not only for you but also for the individuals and community you are destined to impact. The role of a youth leader is diverse and dynamic, encompassing various aspects of personal development, communication, goal-setting, decision-making, and many more. This comprehensive guide will provide you with 20 time-tested approaches on how to be an effective youth leader and make a lasting impact. Each of these strategies are designed to equip you with the tools and insights necessary to excel in your leadership role, inspire your team, and contribute positively to your community.

Table of Contents

1. Understand Your Role

As a youth leader, understanding your role is the foundation from which all your other leadership qualities will spring forth. Grasping the core aspects of your leadership role paves the way for fulfilling responsibilities and exerting influence in a meaningful way.

Significance of Youth Leadership

Youth leadership holds immense significance in shaping the society of tomorrow. Young leaders often act as catalysts for change, fostering progress, innovation, and social cohesion in their communities. Their fresh perspectives, energy, and dynamism allow them to approach challenges differently, enabling them to find solutions that adults may overlook. Moreover, when young people take up leadership roles, they inspire their peers to follow suit, thereby creating a cycle of positive influence.

Responsibilities of a Youth Leader

As a youth leader, your responsibilities extend beyond self-development. You are tasked with creating a conducive environment that encourages growth, collaboration, and development among your peers. This includes setting a positive example, motivating others, helping resolve conflicts, and promoting inclusivity. Being a youth leader also means being a voice for the youth, representing their interests, and working towards creating better opportunities for them.

2. Develop Emotional Intelligence

Developing emotional intelligence is a crucial step in becoming an effective youth leader. This trait refers to the ability to understand, manage, and respond to one’s own and others’ emotions.

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence involves recognizing and regulating one’s own emotions, understanding others’ emotions, and using this knowledge to guide one’s thinking and actions. It’s about empathy, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, and social skills. An emotionally intelligent leader can effectively handle stressful situations, conflict, and challenges, while fostering positive relationships with team members.

Applications in Leadership

Emotionally intelligent leaders are adept at managing team dynamics, resolving conflicts, and making informed decisions. They create a positive work environment and foster strong relationships within their team by understanding and addressing the emotional needs of their peers. Their empathetic approach helps in bridging gaps, promoting understanding, and driving collaborative efforts.

3. Cultivate Communication Skills

Effective communication is one of the core skills every youth leader should cultivate. It not only involves conveying your thoughts clearly but also involves listening to others and understanding their perspectives.

Verbal Communication for Leaders

Verbal communication is more than just talking. As a leader, your words should inspire, motivate, and guide those you lead. You need to be able to communicate your vision clearly, provide constructive feedback, and facilitate open discussions. Mastering the art of verbal communication also includes honing your public speaking skills to effectively address larger audiences.

Non-Verbal Communication in Leadership

Non-verbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. These non-verbal cues can communicate your feelings and attitudes more accurately than words alone. As a leader, effective non-verbal communication can help you establish authority, build trust, and create an open and honest environment.

4. Build Trust and Rapport

Building trust and rapport with your team is fundamental for effective youth leadership. It lays the foundation for open communication, collaboration, and mutual respect.

Importance of Trust in Leadership

Trust in leadership is the cornerstone of a cohesive and productive team. When team members trust their leader, they feel secure in expressing their ideas, taking risks, and investing their time and effort. Trust fosters an environment of loyalty, commitment, and collaboration, which ultimately leads to better results.

Techniques for Building Trust

Building trust requires consistency, transparency, and integrity. As a leader, you must follow through on your promises, communicate openly about both successes and failures, and demonstrate ethical behavior. Show genuine interest in your team members, respect their contributions, and treat everyone fairly. Remember, trust is not built overnight but is the result of consistent actions over time.

5. Incorporate Active Listening

Active listening is a crucial aspect of effective communication, particularly in leadership roles. It involves not just hearing what someone is saying, but comprehending the intent behind their words and responding appropriately.

Concept of Active Listening

Active listening involves fully concentrating on the speaker, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and then remembering what’s been said. It goes beyond simply hearing the spoken words. It requires paying attention to non-verbal cues like tone of voice and body language. Active listening is about engaging in the conversation and showing empathy towards the speaker, which ultimately fosters better understanding and connection.

Active Listening as a Leadership Tool

As a leadership tool, active listening can significantly enhance team dynamics. It creates a sense of respect and mutual understanding between the leader and the team members. By listening actively, leaders can understand their team’s strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, and concerns, which aids in decision-making and conflict resolution. Furthermore, it makes team members feel valued and heard, promoting a healthy team environment.

6. Create an Inclusive Environment

Creating an inclusive environment is a critical responsibility for a youth leader. It involves fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance, where everyone feels valued and their contributions are appreciated.

Understanding Inclusion

Inclusion implies ensuring that everyone, irrespective of their background, has equal opportunities to contribute, grow, and succeed. It is about recognizing, respecting, and valuing differences. Inclusion not only pertains to cultural, racial, and gender differences, but also to different ideas, perspectives, and experiences.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Promoting diversity and inclusion within your team involves a proactive and conscious effort. It includes creating policies and practices that encourage participation and equal opportunities for everyone. It also involves challenging biases, breaking stereotypes, and creating a safe space where different voices can be heard. Furthermore, fostering diversity and inclusion can bring a wealth of different ideas, foster creativity and innovation, and ultimately lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.

7. Influence with Authenticity

Authentic leadership is a powerful way to influence others. It is about leading with personal integrity, transparency, and consistency, which naturally inspires trust and respect among team members.

Concept of Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership is about being true to oneself, being open and honest, and sticking to one’s values and principles . Authentic leaders are self-aware, genuine, mission-driven, and focused on results. They lead with their hearts as well as their minds, and they’re not afraid to show their vulnerability.

Becoming an Authentic Leader

Becoming an authentic leader involves self-awareness, self-regulation, and personal growth. It is about understanding your strengths and weaknesses, aligning your actions with your beliefs, and continuously learning and growing. Authentic leaders practice what they preach and are consistent in their actions, which builds credibility and trust among their team members.

8. Embrace Change and Adaptability

Embracing change and demonstrating adaptability are key traits of an effective youth leader . Change is inevitable, and adaptability is the ability to respond quickly and effectively to those changes.

The Nature of Change

Change is a constant and inevitable part of life. It can be disruptive and challenging but also brings opportunities for growth and innovation. Understanding the nature of change – its potential, its challenges, and its benefits – is essential for effective leadership.

Leader’s Role in Managing Change

As a leader, your role in managing change involves recognizing when change is needed, facilitating the change process, and supporting your team through the transition. This includes communicating the reasons for change, setting a clear vision, and providing the necessary resources and support. By demonstrating resilience and optimism, you can help your team navigate change effectively and emerge stronger on the other side.

9. Foster Teamwork and Collaboration

In a leadership role, fostering teamwork and collaboration is a must. It aids in accomplishing goals effectively and creates an environment of learning and growth.

Importance of Teamwork in Leadership

Teamwork plays a pivotal role in leadership. A leader’s ability to motivate the team, delegate effectively, and integrate diverse skill sets towards a common goal is crucial. When a team collaboratively works, it optimizes resources, encourages learning from each other, and results in enhanced productivity. Moreover, teamwork fosters a sense of belonging and mutual respect among members, leading to a positive work environment.

Building and Sustaining Collaborative Teams

Building a collaborative team requires clear communication, mutual trust, respect for diversity, and shared objectives. A leader must facilitate open dialogue, encourage constructive feedback, and build rapport among members. It is also essential to recognize individual contributions and celebrate collective achievements. Sustaining such a team involves continuous learning, adapting to changes, and handling conflicts effectively.

10. Incorporate Conflict Resolution Techniques

Conflicts are inevitable in any team setting, and as a leader, handling them effectively is integral to maintaining a healthy team environment. It requires understanding the nature of conflicts and applying the right techniques to resolve them.

Understanding Conflict in Teams

Conflicts in teams can arise from differences in perspectives, ideas, or approaches. They can lead to stress and hinder productivity if not managed well. However, conflicts also provide opportunities for growth and innovation, as they challenge the status quo and stimulate creative thinking.

Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies

Effective conflict resolution involves identifying the cause of the conflict, facilitating open communication, and finding a mutually acceptable solution. It requires active listening, empathy, and negotiation skills. Leaders must ensure a fair process where everyone’s viewpoints are considered. They should promote a positive outlook towards conflicts, viewing them as opportunities for learning and improvement, rather than as threats.

11. Promote Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and innovation are key drivers of progress and success in any leadership role . They foster problem-solving, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

Role of Creativity in Leadership

Creativity in leadership involves thinking out of the box, challenging conventional wisdom, and exploring new possibilities. A creative leader encourages curiosity, experimentation, and risk-taking. They see mistakes not as failures, but as valuable lessons for growth and innovation.

Encouraging Innovative Thinking

Encouraging innovative thinking within your team involves fostering an open and supportive environment where new ideas are welcomed and valued. It requires providing resources and opportunities for learning and exploration, promoting diverse viewpoints, and rewarding creativity. Leaders should also lead by example, demonstrating innovative thinking in their actions and decisions.

being a youth leader essay

12. Use Technology Responsibly

The use of technology is prevalent in today’s world, including in leadership roles. However, it’s crucial to use it responsibly to ensure it aids rather than hinders your leadership effectiveness.

The Impact of Technology on Leadership

Technology can significantly impact leadership, providing tools for effective communication, organization, and decision-making. It facilitates data-driven decisions, improves accessibility, and enables efficient workflows. However, it also brings challenges such as managing digital distractions, maintaining online etiquette, and ensuring digital security.

Best Practices for Technology Use

Responsible use of technology involves understanding its benefits and drawbacks and using it to enhance, not replace, human interaction. It’s about using the right tools for the right tasks, maintaining a healthy digital work-life balance, and promoting digital literacy among your team. Furthermore, leaders must ensure the ethical use of technology, respecting privacy and data security.

13. Engage in Personal Development

Personal development is a continuous process that is integral to being an effective youth leader. It allows you to grow, acquire new skills, and improve existing ones, which enhances your leadership capabilities.

Importance of Personal Development

Personal development is a journey of self-improvement that contributes to your growth as a leader. It involves improving self-awareness, acquiring new skills, overcoming personal challenges, and expanding your knowledge. Engaging in personal development enables you to adapt to changes, enhances your decision-making skills, and boosts your confidence, thereby making you a better leader.

Strategies for Self-Improvement

Strategies for self-improvement include setting personal goals, seeking feedback, lifelong learning, and maintaining a positive mindset. You can start by identifying areas of improvement and setting realistic, achievable goals. Seek feedback from peers, mentors, or team members to gain different perspectives. Engage in lifelong learning by attending workshops, seminars, reading books, or enrolling in online courses. Above all, maintain a positive mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth.

14. Set and Achieve Goals

Setting and achieving goals is an essential part of leadership. It provides direction, promotes focus, and motivates both you and your team towards achieving desired outcomes.

Goal Setting for Leaders

Goal setting for leaders involves setting clear, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. These goals should align with your team’s mission and values. As a leader, your role is not only to set these goals but also to communicate them effectively to your team, ensuring everyone understands and works towards them.

Techniques for Achieving Goals

Achieving goals requires planning, commitment, persistence, and flexibility. Start by creating a detailed action plan outlining the steps needed to achieve your goals. Stay committed and hold yourself accountable. Be persistent but also flexible, willing to adjust your plan if circumstances change. Celebrate small victories along the way to keep yourself and your team motivated.

15. Implement Effective Decision-Making

Decision-making is a vital aspect of leadership. Your ability to make sound, timely decisions can significantly impact the success of your team.

Importance of Decision-Making in Leadership

Effective decision-making in leadership involves making informed choices that benefit your team and align with your goals. Decisions made by leaders set the course of action, impact team dynamics, and influence outcomes. Making the right decisions requires critical thinking, analyzing available information, assessing potential risks and benefits, and considering team members’ input.

Techniques for Making Good Decisions

Techniques for effective decision-making include gathering and analyzing relevant information, consulting with your team, considering multiple perspectives, and evaluating potential risks and outcomes. It’s important to take the time needed to make an informed decision but also to be decisive once a decision is made. After making a decision, monitor its outcomes and learn from the experience to improve future decision-making.

16. Prioritize Health and Well-being

Health and well-being play a significant role in leadership effectiveness. Maintaining your health and promoting wellness among your team members contributes to overall productivity and morale.

Health Considerations for Leaders

As a leader, your health and well-being directly impact your ability to lead effectively. This includes physical health, mental health, and emotional well-being. It’s important to maintain a balanced lifestyle, manage stress effectively, and prioritize self-care. By taking care of your health, you demonstrate its importance to your team and encourage them to do the same.

Promoting Wellness Among Members

Promoting wellness among your team members involves creating a healthy, supportive environment. Encourage work-life balance, provide resources for stress management, and promote open communication about health and well-being. Creating a culture of wellness leads to happier, more engaged team members, and ultimately, a more productive and successful team.

17. Exercise Patience and Persistence

Patience and persistence are two virtues that greatly impact leadership effectiveness. Mastering these qualities can enhance your resilience, improve team relationships, and contribute to long-term success.

The Role of Patience in Leadership

Patience in leadership is about maintaining composure in the face of challenges and not rushing decisions or actions. It involves being understanding and empathetic towards your team members, giving them room to grow and learn. Patient leaders can better manage stress, are more likely to think clearly and make more informed decisions, thus improving overall team performance.

Cultivating Persistence in Leadership

Persistence in leadership means staying determined and focused, even in the face of adversity. It’s about resilience, maintaining your course of action despite obstacles. By demonstrating persistence, leaders can inspire their teams to stay committed to their goals, fostering a culture of determination and resilience that drives success.

18. Develop Networking Skills

Networking skills are increasingly important in today’s interconnected world. Effective networking can open doors to opportunities, broaden your perspective, and provide valuable insights.

Understanding the Power of Networking

Networking is a powerful tool for leaders. It enables you to connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, gain insights, and form strategic partnerships. Effective networking can provide opportunities for growth, learning, and collaboration, which are invaluable in your leadership journey.

Networking Strategies for Leaders

Successful networking involves active listening, effective communication, and genuine interest in others. Be proactive in attending networking events, joining professional organizations, or engaging in online networking platforms. Always be prepared with a clear and concise introduction of who you are and what you do. Remember, networking is about building mutually beneficial relationships, not just about what you can gain.

19. Practice Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

Public speaking and presentation skills are vital components of effective leadership. Whether you’re addressing your team, speaking at a conference, or presenting a proposal, your ability to communicate clearly and compellingly matters.

Importance of Public Speaking for Leaders

Public speaking is crucial for leaders as it’s often the medium through which they influence, motivate, and inspire others. Effective public speaking skills allow you to convey your message clearly, create a compelling narrative, and engage your audience, all of which can significantly impact your leadership effectiveness.

Improving Presentation Skills

Improving your presentation skills involves practice, preparation, and feedback. Take every opportunity to speak in public, whether in team meetings, public speaking clubs, or professional seminars. Prepare thoroughly, understand your audience, and structure your speech for maximum impact. After each presentation, seek feedback and use it constructively to improve for the next time.

20. Install a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset can significantly enhance your leadership capabilities and foster an environment of continuous improvement in your team.

Understanding the Growth Mindset

A growth mindset, a term coined by psychologist Carol Dweck, is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Leaders with a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities for learning, are resilient in the face of setbacks, and are committed to continuous improvement.

Fostering a Growth Mindset Among Members

To foster a growth mindset among your team members, promote a culture of learning and development. Encourage risk-taking, and treat mistakes as opportunities for learning, not as failures. Provide constructive feedback, appreciate effort as well as outcome, and provide opportunities for professional development. By instilling a growth mindset, you can create a team that is resilient, innovative, and continuously striving for improvement.

In conclusion, being an effective youth leader requires a combination of skills, attributes, and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. By incorporating these 20 time-tested approaches, you’re setting yourself up for success in your leadership journey. Remember, leadership is not about being perfect but about inspiring, influencing, and making a positive impact on others. Keep learning, remain adaptable, and strive to be the best leader you can be. The path of leadership is full of challenges, but the rewards of making a lasting impact are incomparable. Stay resilient, foster a growth mindset, and continue to make a difference in the lives of those you lead.

About The Author

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Hidayat Rizvi

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being a youth leader essay

Theory, Research, and Action in Urban Education

An Online, Open-Access, Peer-Reviewed Journal

Home » Volume III, Issue 2 / Spring 2015 » Introduction to Youth Leader Essays

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Introduction to Youth Leader Essays

[easyrotator]erc_79_1432146553[/easyrotator] This section features six essays written by New York City high school students, who served as Youth Leaders at their schools during the 2013-2014 school year providing college planning support to other students at their schools. The following is background information about the Youth Leadership for College Access program that organized these Youth Leaders to take on the inequities of college counseling in urban schools.

College Access: Research & Action (CARA) , an organization established to create post-secondary pathways for high school students, was co-founded by Janice Bloom and Lori Chajet, both alumni of the CUNY Graduate Center’s Urban Education doctoral program (2007). Its programs confront the gap in post-secondary guidance counseling faced by first-generation to college students by transforming the cultures of educational institutions. CARA trains a wide range of people within communities to support all students to go to and through college. It provides curricula to help young people build knowledge about college, strengthen navigational skills, and develop multi-cultural college-going identities.

CARA has developed a model of Youth Leadership for College Access and Success and has several different programs using peer-to-peer or near-to-peer approaches that train high school and college students to work within their communities to support their peers to and through college. Operating on the evidence-based belief that high school and college students should be seen as valuable resources to fill the “guidance gap” that exists for first-generation college students within both secondary and post-secondary institutions, CARA finds that young people have the power to reach their peers in ways that adults often cannot.

CARA’s Youth Leadership for College Access program (to be renamed Right to College ) grew out of an organizing effort in 2005, spearheaded by the Urban Youth Collaborative, to provide students in New York City public schools with the supports they needed to define and realize their college aspirations. The first two sites were launched on the Bushwick and Franklin K. Lane campuses in 2007 with 8 Youth Leaders, working with Make the Road NY and Cypress Hills LDC, respectively. The movement has since grown to 20 schools and 7 community-based organizations, with over 70 Youth Leaders. It has also served as a catalyst for CARA’s College Bridge and Strive for Success programs, which train college students to support their peers through college access, matriculation, and persistence.

The Youth Leaders you’ll hear from in this issue of TRAUE are juniors and seniors in high school who are positioned to engage with and support their peers through the post-secondary planning process. They do this by: facilitating workshops, organizing college planning events, supporting students one-on-one through their college search, application, and financial aid process, and promoting a strong college-going culture in their institutions. Through comprehensive training and support, Youth Leaders develop a range of skills and content knowledge to make college access possible for a wider circle of students. Youth Leaders also simultaneously improve their own educational and social outcomes.

The essays in this issue were written by the following CARA Youth Leaders:

Angela Omongos is currently a senior at Flushing High School. She will a will attend the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education next year.

Michel Gomes is currently a senior at Flushing International High School. She will attend York College next year.

Keith Robertson graduated from Academy of Innovative Technology in the Franklin K. Lane Campus. He is currently a first-year college student attending SUNY Canton

Alexus Bright graduated from Central Park East High School. She is currently attending the City College of New York.

Maria Santana is a graduate of the High School for Fashion Industries. She is currently attending the City College of New York.

Kristina Erskine is a graduate of Academy for Environmental Leadership on the Bushwick Campus. She is currently attending Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn.

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Journal of Leadership Education

  • JOLE 2023 Special Issue
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  • 20th Anniversary Issue
  • Influences of Youth Leadership within a Community-Based Context

Kenneth R. Jones 10.12806/V7/I3/RF9


In recent years much discourse has shaped the relevance in determining the role of youth leadership in community decision-making. Research has revealed that youth program activities, albeit consistently on the rise, engage youth in civic and community activities at rates that have been mediocre at best. In the 1990s the positive youth development movement was set forth by scholars and practitioners (Blythe & Leffert, 1995; Cargo, Grams, Ottoson, Ward, & Green, 2003; Lerner, 1995; Pittman, Irby, & Ferber, 2000) which rallied the importance of all the resources and assets needed for a young person to experience a healthy, productive life. Then in recent years some of these scholars and practitioners noted that in order to maximize their potential young people need more than access to resources with means to build skills, but they must also utilize these skills by serving as active contributors within their communities (Hughes & Curnan, 2000; Lerner, 2004, 2007; Pittman, 2000; Perkins, Borden, & Villarruel, 2001).

There has been a sporadic growth in the interest of youth becoming more involved in the communities in which they live. Although a growing body of literature has promoted youth leadership, there remains limited empirical evidence of how youth benefit from serving as civically-engaged leaders to address community issues. Most of the existing data is a result of qualitative procedures used to explore the youth-adult partnering phenomenon (Camino, 2000; Larson, Walker, & Pearce, 2005). A few studies have found that youth develop leadership skills, social skills, and life skills (Checkoway, et al., 2003; Israel & Ilvento, 1995; Lerner, Dowling, & Anderson, 2003; Perkins & Borden, 2003; Zeldin, McDaniel, Topitzes, & Calvert, 2000) and communities also benefit from the endeavors set forth by such partnerships (Sandefur & Laumann, 1998). However, more studies that take a longitudinal approach to investigating youth leadership development over time are needed.

While youth volunteerism has increased among 12-23 year olds, there is an argument that young people rarely engage with larger civic goals in mind (Case Foundation, 2006). Based on a study by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), 59% of young women ages 15-25 and 57% of young men were not actively engaged in community (civic or political) affairs (Marcelo, Lopez, & Kirby, 2007). With the depth of human and social capital existing among them there must be more efforts in place to profit from the leadership potential among youth which often goes untapped.

As citizens youth have the right to make decisions on civic affairs that directly affect their lives (Camino, 2001). Organizations should take the opportunity to help youth create civic awareness that translates into a sense of community connectedness (Flanagan & Van Horn, 2003; Checkoway, et al., 2003). As with most adults, young people favor being involved in organizations where they enjoy working with their peers and being able to witness that their participation made a difference (Lerner, 2004; Pancer, Rose-Krasnor, & Hoiselle, 2002).

This study addressed the importance of youth having a civic leadership role within programs and community projects and how they can serve as a catalyst for empowering local residents through community-based initiatives. The goal of the projects was to support positive youth development by promoting leadership and civic engagement among youth. The study involved providing volunteer development training for approximately 60 adult leaders, who in turn coordinated leadership development experiences for 164 youth.

Theoretical Framework

There remains a major assumption that in order to reach desired results of advancing community connectedness, youth must play a role in improving their communities. Out-of-school time is filled with promise and the opportunity to bring young people to the level where they can develop those skill sets that are pertinent for a citizen to be productive. From a preventive approach it is often seen as a time for leisure where young people are exposed and vulnerable to a plethora of risk factors (Villaruel & Lerner, 1994). Perkins and Borden (2003) propitiously defined this time as any structured learning activity offered out of school and within programs where youth can serve their communities and connect with positive peers and adults. They further go on to discuss that high quality youth programs infuse reflective learning opportunities which aids youth in gaining an understanding of themselves and others. Jones (2006) also concluded that similar programs that engage youth and adults as decision-makers were more successful when the participants (i.e., youth and adults) were permitted to implement plans, evaluate progress, and rate the quality of their experiences. This supports the notion that just having positive attributes is not enough. Youth must be given the chance to develop those skills that undergird a civic-minded society. A rather advantageous way of ensuring this is by providing youth with the chance to have a role in their development. Hence, there remains a benefit in youth taking on leadership roles.

Youth development, at its core, involves participation of young people at some level to make the transition from childhood to adulthood. The duty of youth service providers is to insist that this experience is indeed an affirming one, thus perpetuating youth to levels of productive growth. Over the course of more than a decade positive youth development has been deemed the mantra for achieving desired developmental outcomes for youth. The phenomenon targets all of the practices, principles, resources, and assets in a community geared towards helping ensure young people have a chance to thrive while growing into healthy, responsible adults (Lerner, 2004; Pittman, Irby, & Ferber, 2000). As a part of this movement, the Carnegie Corporation of New York released a report indicating the needs of adolescents (Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, 1992). They included opportunities such as: (a) socializing with peers and adults, (b) developing skills that are relevant now and in the future, (c) contributing to the community, (d) belonging to a valued group, and (e) extending feelings of competency. All of these needs are identifiable as resources that make positive youth development attainable. Moreover, they are crucial in the development of youth leadership. Since the Carnegie report, a number of prominent youth serving organizations have presented program models that incorporate proactive means to enforce positive youth development principles and practices (Kress, 2004; Lerner, 2004; Search Institute, 1997; America’s Promise, 2006). Table 1 lists four organizations and their means of quantifying positive youth development. Each of the principles is salient with critical skills needed to instill leadership within youth.

Youth Serving Organizations with Foci on Leadership through Positive Youth Development

Note: 1Source: Kress (2004); 2Search Institute model consists of 40 assets (Only the categories in which these assets are grouped are listed in Table 1.)

The connection between youth involvement within communities and their involvement as adults have been well documented. Research studies have shown that young people who are civically engaged in their communities are more likely to serve as leaders during their college days and later in adulthood (Eccles & Gootman, 2002; Flanagan, 1998; Youniss, McLellan, & Yates, 1997). One valid reason youth desire to have leadership roles and contribute to their community is because it provides a sense of mattering and feeling of being able to make a difference (Eccles & Gootman, 2002; Flanagan & Van Horn, 2003). In turn, ethics serve as a by-product of service, a characteristic that is valued among all who recognize moral character and civic responsibility as a virtue of leadership. Moreover, service to the community can move young people beyond their idealistic worlds, thus allowing them to be empathetic to the needs of others. As a result, there is a sense of urgency to embrace the concept of being a leader.

While many youth programs should be commended for the support they provide, several struggle with capitalizing on the intrinsic leadership abilities possessed by youth. There is often a focus on building skills instead of giving an opportunity to assess how much their leadership abilities have progressed within a given period of time. Youth should be seen as “experts” who are very much aware of what occurs among peers within their communities (Libby, Rosen, & Sedonaen, 2005).

Their perspective on what young people need is invaluable and should be considered by those youth development specialists who have the task of planning programs. Accordingly, most of the youth participants are given opportunities to practice and refine those skills while building confidence and stronger positive relationships with peers (Libby, Rosen, & Sedonaen, 2005). This intentional form of leadership development affords youth with the ability to overcome any hesitation to take on leadership roles. This is an initial stage in equipping one with what is needed to be an effective leader.

Evidence has also revealed the importance of adults providing critical support to youth so that young people have opportunities to hone in on their skills and are not beset by frustrations that may arise in the decision-making process. Jones & Perkins (2006) conducted a study that examined perceptions and experiences of youth and adults engaged in five types of relationships with adults: (a) adult- centered leadership, (b) adult-led collaborations, (c) youth-adult partnerships, (d) youth-led collaborations, and (e) youth-centered leadership. The findings indicated that adult support was a critical component needed in all types of relationships, particularly in those where youth were serving as equal partners with adults or were leading community projects with minor adult supervision. When adult support was present, youth in youth-led collaborations were significantly more positive towards their ability to serve as leaders in communities.

Several theoretically-based qualitative assessments have been conducted to provide a basis for a new area of scholarship around various forms of youth-adult relationships. Camino (2000) identified specific concepts to assess approaches in identifying youth-adult partnerships such as youth having the opportunity to exercise decision-making power, their role in building strong communities, and the effect of adults’ negative attitudes toward youth in community program activities. Teaching and learning between adults and youth were also viewed as crucial elements which distinguish youth-adult partnerships from traditional youth-adult relationships (e.g., parent-child, teacher-student, and mentoring). Kaplan (1997) also reported that through an action research study involving intergenerational community projects, youth learned “critical thinking skills, and developed a sense of citizenship responsibility” (p. 226). The work of these scholars along with others confirms that youth learn to be leaders by watching and working with those adults who have acquired life skills that young people need to develop. As an assurance that this will occur, positive youth-adult relationships must be created and sustained.

The purpose of this study was to describe how youth perceived their leadership roles within communities. The objectives of the study were to:

  • Describe the demographic profile of participants,
  • Determine changes in youth participants’ perceptions toward their role as decision-makers,
  • Determine changes in youth participants’ perceptions toward their relationships with adults, and

This study utilized a purposive sample (Creswell, 2003) of participants involved in the youth leadership program of a state organization serving as an affiliate for America’s Promise. The organization employed adult leaders who were placed within communities to promote leadership development among youth organizations. During their year of service, each adult leader provided leadership development training for youth using a nationally juried 4-H curriculum (i.e., Step Up to Leadership). Youth were recruited from local youth-serving organizations (i.e., community agencies, faith-based institutions, and schools). All youth who completed surveys administered at the beginning and end of the study were included in the study. Youth took a lead in organizing community service projects as a culminating activity of their leadership development training. Those projects included, but were not limited to, cleaning local parks, volunteering at homeless shelters, tutoring elementary students as well as serving on community-based and statewide youth advisory councils.

A total of 164 youth representing 22 communities participated in this study. Fifty- five percent were females. The ethnic background of the participants was comprised of approximately 79% Caucasian/European American, 7% African American, 4% Hispanic American, 2% Asian American, 1% Native American, and 7% who classified themselves as “other.” While 58% indicated they have volunteered to serve their community in some capacity, approximately 33% were never engaged in any community-based volunteer efforts (see Table 2).

Frequency and Demographics of Participants in the Study (N = 164)

Served as a Volunteer in Community

No Response 15

The researcher utilized an instrument that was developed for use with a similar study. The instrument consisted of items to assess demographic variables along with the following attitudinal constructs: youth leadership and decision-making (19 questions); youth relationships with adults (eight questions). All items were on a five-point Likert-type scale with one being Strongly Disagree and five being Strongly Agree . Validity was established using a panel of experts. A previous pilot test was conducted with 4-H youth involved in similar community-based service projects. The pilot test conducted using the instrument yielded consistent reliability coefficients. A post-hoc reliability analysis was also conducted where the results revealed the following alpha coefficients for the constructs: youth leadership and decision-making (.90); youth relationships with adults (.88).

The adult leaders trained youth using the Step Up to Leadership curriculum (National 4-H Cooperative Curriculum System Inc., 2003) which presents critical life skills that are pertinent to developing youth leadership. The Step Up to Leadership curriculum’s mentor guide provides adult leaders with age appropriate activities for youth within various ages and stages. The curriculum’s facilitator guide also helps explain how facilitators should prepare for the sessions, note essential concepts of leadership, and present topics that are relevant through leadership activities.

Survey data were collected during the first meeting between the adult leader and the youth. Data were also collected from the same participants after the community projects were completed. Those youth participants who did not complete the post survey were removed from the analysis. A total of 164 individuals gave complete information. Data were analyzed using frequencies, means, and percentages. Paired and independent t -tests were used to compare perceptions. Adult leaders administered the questionnaire by following a specific script and instructions provided by the researcher. The survey was administered to participants with the assurance of confidentiality. The Internal Review Board approved the policy that passive consent of parents was permitted before students could participate. Students placed completed surveys in an envelope which was sealed and mailed to the researcher.

First, prevalence of youth participation was examined in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, and volunteer efforts. Mean scores were computed for each of the attitudinal constructs, thus creating separate index variables for perceptions toward the role of youth leadership and decision-making and perceptions toward youth relationships with adults. A paired t -test was used to determine significant differences in youth perceptions of the constructs before engaging in this study and upon completion. As shown in Table 3, youth had significantly more positive perceptions of how youth leadership and decision-making was viewed in their community after their involvement in this project (3.48 pre-survey v . 3.76 on post survey). When assessing perceptions of relationships with adults, youth also became more positive towards working with adults (3.41 pre-survey v . 3.68 post survey).

Perceptions toward Youth Leadership and Youth-Adult Relationships

Note. * = p < .001

Additional analyses were conducted to make comparisons based on gender. As shown in Table 4, both female and male participants had positive perceptions toward the role of youth leadership and decision-making in their community. However, females were significantly more positive than males on the pre-survey (3.55 v . 3.32). Although not significant, females also had more positive perceptions on the post survey (3.80 v . 3.69). It is interesting to note that although females were more positive, males had a much larger gain between the pre-survey and post survey scores.

Perceptions Youth by Gender

Note: * = p< .05

In addition to the gender comparisons based on perceptions toward youth leadership, independent t-tests were computed to determine significant differences between females and males based on their perceptions of their relationship with adults (see Table 4). Regardless of whether they were females or males, the post survey reflected that they were more positive at the end of the study. As the mean scores indicated that females had a tendency to be more positive than males, no statistical significance was found.

Independent t -test analyses using data gathered at the beginning of the study compared those youth who volunteer or engage in some form of community service at least one hour per week to those who do not volunteer at all (see Table 5). Youth who volunteered were significantly more positive (3.67) toward the role of youth leadership and decision-making in communities than those youth who never volunteered (3.06).

Youth Perceptions based on Level of Volunteer Participation

Note: *p< .001

Table 5 also provides pre-survey data on the comparison between those youth who volunteer and those who do not and their perceptions toward their relationships with adults. When comparing those non-volunteer youth participants to volunteers based on perceptions of their relationships with adults, youth who volunteered were significantly more positive than non-volunteers (3.67 v . 2.87).

No post survey data were analyzed, for at that stage in the project, all youth were considered as having volunteer experience.

Perception of Non-Volunteering Youth

Paired t -tests were used to determine any significant differences among the perceptions of non-volunteering youth and their leadership in the community and their relationships with adults before and after the study took place. There were significant differences between the pre and post surveys (see Table 6). Youth who had not served as volunteers developed more positive perceptions of youth leadership and decision-making within communities (Pre-survey of 3.14 v . 3.63 post survey) and relationships with adults (2.95 on pre-survey v . 3.58 post survey). Although those youth who did serve as volunteers prior to this study became slightly more positive on the post survey than what was revealed by the pre-survey, there was no statistically significant difference.

This study provides support in the relevance of employing all sources of leadership within communities. Young people are most often seen as being in need of assistance rather than actually being able to assist in community problems. The results provide evidence congruent with other findings which reveal how youth can serve in leadership capacities if they are given ample opportunities to build upon their leadership.

Three major assumptions guided this current investigation. First, it was assumed that participants had formed perceptions about the role of youth and youth-adult relationships in their communities. Although the emphasis of this study explored perceptions of youth in communities, youth leadership was the phenomenon of particular interest. Second, because youth participated within these youth organizations on a voluntary basis, their responses were assumed to reflect their true perceptions and feelings. Third, adult leaders that worked with the youth, who upon being trained to work with youth themselves, were assumed to have adequate skills in effectively recruiting and nurturing youth with leadership potential.

The results of this study are consistent with prior research revealing the benefits of youth being engaged in leadership development opportunities. Perceptions of the youth became significantly more positive toward youth leadership and decision-making in their communities. This is consistent with the scholarship of experiential learning which stresses that the ideal learner is actively engaged in a quality learning process (Dewey, 1938; Kolb, 1984; Smith, 1991). This further confirms what Mezirow (1997) described as transformative learning which encouraged youth in this study to change their frame of reference by reflecting on more positive attitudes.

Youth also developed more positive perceptions of adults. This is quintessential if individuals and agencies are going to provide youth with the positive experience that is tantamount to their attaining a healthy, constructive adult life. With affirming relationships being the center of positive youth development, young people must feel a strong connection with adults and their community if they are to inculcate the skills needed to serve in leadership roles. Research has suggested that focusing on intergenerational experiences where youth and adults interact and share common goals help reduce negative attitudes that can dishearten the ability to nurture youth leadership (Jones, 2006; Piquart, Wenzel, & Sorenson, 2000).

Based on gender comparisons, females were more positive than males when examining both constructs. Similar accounts have been prevalent among research studies as well as programs where practitioners are challenged with engaging males. Youth service providers must be strategic in providing opportunities that stimulate and maintain the interest of males. In contrast to many youth programs that are dominated by female participation, these programs were nearly proportionate. Regardless of gender, all youth indicated more positive perceptions over the course of the program. It is also noteworthy to recognize that males had a more significant increase towards positive perceptions when examining the pre- survey and post survey scores. Hence, youth service providers should consider involving more males in leadership-based experiential learning endeavors. If the goal is to reach their potential, then merely teaching leadership to most youth may not be enough. They should be afforded the chance to put into practice the skills they have acquired.

The findings also revealed a significant difference between the youth who had not previously served as volunteers in their community and those youth who had served as volunteers. Youth who had volunteer experience were more positive towards the role of youth leadership in their communities as well as their perceptions toward relationships with adults. An analysis was conducted to examine the pre-survey data only because the researcher aimed to minimize the influence the experiences of participating in the project would have on their perceptions. However, the pre- and post survey results from a paired t -test did reveal that those youth who had not volunteered developed more positive perceptions. These findings suggest that youth should be encouraged to participate in non-traditional volunteer efforts in order to provide various interrelated outcomes including positive social relationships and improved feelings of intrinsic leadership abilities (Harvard Family Research Project, 2008).

Participants in the communities, who were a part of this project, were purposefully selected as a sample of convenience. These groups were predominately limited to youth who had access to plausible youth serving programs. Therefore, a limitation of this study is that the generalizability of the results does not extend beyond these participants and groups. Based on the sample size of this study, the researcher was also limited in the use of appropriate inferential statistics.

It is concluded that much of this study’s value relates to experiential learning techniques, which, in turn, can serve as a central medium for leadership development among young people. This form of training also played a part in strengthening leadership capacity, as related to the practical skills of the youth. Although the study revealed that perceptions can change towards the affirmative when youth have an opportunity to become civically engaged, there was also evidence that experiential learning can serve a role in developing a solid foundation for building leadership skills among young people.

Practical experiences must be considered when nurturing youth leaders while also giving adults the chance to exert their abilities by serving as allies. Young people are indeed an asset to the communities in which they live. However, in order to put forth efforts that attain impact, they must have access to opportunities as well as the relevant information that provides insight on how they can become change agents. While youth-serving organizations continue striving to achieve positive developmental outcomes, there must be research-based models of application available to aid in the enhancement of community youth programs.

Recommendations for Further Research

  • Replicating this study with a larger randomized sample to validate the methodology and findings,
  • Conducting a longitudinal study to enrich the data to further determine how programmatic improvements can be implemented,
  • Utilizing these findings to assess the quality of youth-adult relationships within a program or project as a measure of quality,
  • Assessing the specific leadership and life skills young people acquire while engaged in similar program experiences,
  • Conducting a parallel study to compare the prior leadership experiences of youth with their perceived benefits of the program, as well as a self- assessment of their own leadership abilities, and
  • Incorporating a control group design to see if training made a difference independent of experiential learning projects.

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Leadership Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on leadership.

First of all, Leadership refers to the quality of leading people. Probably, it is one of the most important aspects of life. Above all, Leadership has led to the progress of human civilization . Without good Leadership, no organization or group can succeed. Furthermore, not everyone has this quality. This is because effective Leadership requires certain important characteristics.

Leadership Essay

Qualities of a Good Leader

First of all, confidence is the most quality. A leader must have strong self-confidence. A person lacking in confidence can never be a good leader. A person must be confident enough to ensure others follow him. The leader must have confidence in his decisions and actions. If he is unsure, then how can people have the desire to follow him.

A good leader must certainly inspire others. A leader must be a role model for his followers. Furthermore, he must motivate them whenever possible. Also, in difficult situations, a leader must not lose hope. How can a leader inspire people if he himself is hopeless?

Honesty is another notable quality of a leader. Honesty and Integrity are important to earn the love of followers. Above all, honesty is essential to win the trust of the people. Probably, every Leadership which loses trust is bound to fail. People will not work with full effort due to an immoral leader.

Good communication is a must for a good leader. This is because poor communication means the wrong message to followers. Furthermore, good communication will increase the rate of work. Also, the chances of mistakes by followers will reduce.

Another important quality is decision making. Above all, if a leader makes poor decisions then other qualities will not matter. Furthermore, good decision making ensures the success of the entire group. If the leader makes poor decisions, then the efforts of followers won’t matter.

A good leader must be an excellent innovator. He must display a creative attitude in his work. Most noteworthy, innovation is a guarantee of survival of a group or innovation. Without creative thinking, progress is not possible.

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Real-Life Examples of Good Leadership

Mahatma Gandhi was an excellent example of a good leader. He was a staunch believer in non-violence. With his brilliant Leadership skills, he made the British leave India. Probably, this was the most unique independence struggle. This is because Gandhi got freedom without any violence.

Abraham Lincoln was another notable leader. Most noteworthy, he ended the slavery system in the United States. Consequently, he made many enemies. However, he was a man of massive self-confidence. His struggle against slavery certainly became an inspiration.

Sir Winston Churchill was a great patriotic Englishman. Most noteworthy, he led Britain in the 2nd World War. Furthermore, he was extremely inspirational. He inspired Britain to fight against Nazi Germany. His great communication motivated the entire country at a time of hopelessness.

To conclude, Leadership is required in probably every sphere of life. Good leadership is the door to success. In contrast, bad leadership is a guarantee of failure. Consequently, good leaders are what make the world go round.

FAQs on Leadership

Q.1 Which is the most important quality for being a good leader? A.1 The most important quality for being a good leader is self-confidence.

Q.2 Why Sir Winston Churchill is a good leader? A.2 Sir Winston Churchill is a good leader because he inspired Britain to fight in 2nd World War. Furthermore, his excellent communication also raised the motivation of his people.

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being a youth leader essay

Lessons in Youth Leadership

How Connections Mentoring's Youth Council Is Empowering Mentees “I think young people are afraid to lead because we are always told to stay in a child’s place. A good leader, to me, is someone who is not afraid to speak up, is patient with the people they are working with, and is a great role model.” —Naomi, pioneering member of Connections Mentoring’s Youth Leadership Council (YLC). 

In the mentoring field, our missions center on serving young people, but how often do we pause to consider their voices when making important decisions that impact them the most – to step back and let great young leaders like Naomi shine? That's the question Connections Mentoring  set out to explore. 

being a youth leader essay

Naomi (lower left) with members of Connections Mentoring's Youth Leadership Council.

It starts with sharing power

As an organization with an already strong basis of trust with those they serve, the Connections team wanted to do more to create opportunities for youth agency and leadership. 

“We were doing the work. It was going great. We really wanted to include the youth voice. If we are serving this community, we should get feedback from the community, right?” said Carina, Program Manager. 

Their vision was to create a small youth board, consisting of 3-5 nominated individuals, who would help identify the intersectional issues affecting young people and work in partnership with those youth to foster solutions. But to tackle societal problems, the YLC and adults in the room needed to be able to have tough conversations. 

“Power is huge,” shared Carina. “As adults and people doing the work, we have all the power. We wanted to share that power.” 

Specializing in supporting youth engaged in various aspects of the welfare system, the Connections team knew all too well how young people might not have agency in everyday decisions. 

“[Creating a leadership council] is important because kids in these programs often feel like they are just getting told what to do without any input on what should be done,” Naomi explains. “Decisions are constantly being made for us, and we are just told what to do without being heard. It is important for these programs to make us feel seen and supported.” 

How do you start to tell young people their voice matters? Create intentional spaces for listening and youth empowerment – and take action on their feedback. 

Collecting feedback and valuing lived experiences

It was mid-October and the second session of the YLC had just wrapped up. The young members were talking amongst themselves when they got the attention of Chandler, the Youth Engagement Specialist who heads the YLC for Connections. The young board had feedback; they wanted more input into meeting agendas . In just two sessions, Chandler noticed how these young people had opened up in an “empowerment space” and quickly felt comfortable advocating for themselves. 

So often young people’s “lived experience has been discounted” and is  “not something that’s traditionally featured and not something that’s traditionally valued,” Chandler explains. The YLC is designed to do the opposite. It validates lived experience and tells young people that their story matters. They can be leaders.

As Naomi notes, in working together, the adults and young board members have the potential to further enhance the organization. “I wanted to be heard and make the program better for future participants,” Naomi said. “I love Connections and my mentor, so I just want to do my part to improve the organization.”

How your organization can follow in Connections' footsteps  

Connections worked on their YLC for over a year before young people started meeting in the fall of 2023 – enlisting the help of MENTOR New York’s Erica Friedman-Coburn as a consultant on how to authentically elevate youth voice.  "The team at Connections was committed to making the Youth Leadership Council a success. Every meeting I had with them focused on a different way to support their progress in building the YLC,” explained Erica. “We would talk about the challenges they would face, how they could recruit young people, and how they would train and support them.”  "You really don’t know how much goes into it until you start planning and working," shared Carina. "Erica brought up so many great points.”

A crucial part of the planning process for Connections was how to make sure young people on the YLC would get compensated for their feedback. 

“This is actual work. They are coming here and they are spending time with Chandler, and they are coming up with ideas and enhancing our program,” Carina elaborated. “As a mentoring program, we are now becoming better because of them, and it’s only fair that they get compensated for it.”

What’s next for the YLC

The Connections YLC is just getting started. Next, the young members will have the opportunity to review the organization’s handbook and its three mentor trainings. Carina notes that opening the door to this kind of feedback can be scary.

“It’s stuff [the handbook and trainings] that we have all created as adults working in this industry,” she explains. "We have to allow ourselves to let them give us feedback as well and be okay with it. That’s something that’s important – you’re going to have to be okay with giving up your power.”

Is your organization interested in elevating youth voice? We’re here to support you. Book a free, 30-minute consultation with Erica or another member of our team to get started.

Kate Schrauth, Executive Director of iCouldBe's, an e-mentoring program.

Carina Pena is Program Manager at Connections Mentoring. Her journey at Connections started as a bilingual mentor, volunteering with Latina mentees in New York City.

Kate Schrauth, Executive Director of iCouldBe's, an e-mentoring program.

Chandler Brossard is a Youth Engagement Specialist at Connections, working closely with the Youth Leadership Council. As an Afro-Latina-identifying woman, Chandler is passionate about challenging and opposing unjust systems and institutions.

Erica Friedman Coburn, Mentoring Program Engagement Associate at MENTOR New York.

Erica Friedman Coburn is a Program Engagement Associate at MENTOR New York. Her career has spanned mentoring, higher education, and human resources, where she gained substantial experience with program management and educating young adults.

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Well written and inspirational. Thank you for highlighting our YLC, it means so much to our team and the YLC members.

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being a youth leader essay

It’s a tough job, being a youth leader, no matter if you do it fulltime or as a volunteer. Sometimes circumstances make you wonder why on earth you ever wanted to be a youth leader, why you ever thought you’d be useful in youth ministry. To remind you, here’s my list of 22 reasons why I’m a youth leader:

  • Because of that guy that had the guts to witness to a friend and led him to Jesus at the age of sixteen. His friend is now studying to become a pastor.
  • Because of that quiet girl who sat in small group for a year, just soaking it all in. And then expressed her faith in a statement that brought me to tears.
  • Because of that girl who’s biggest dream was to sing on a stage. And she did, for God.
  • Because of that guy who kept asking the difficult questions, never satisfied with the easy answers and who ultimately made a rational decision to follow Christ.
  • Because of that youth leader who had no purpose in life and little faith in her gifts and talents, until she saw she could make a difference.
  • Because of that youth service in which the girl I’d been praying for for over two years surrendered her heart to Jesus.
  • Because of this boy who’d always been an outcast because of his handicap, but felt accepted and loved for the first time in his life.
  • Because of that girl that once was so lost and so broken, but now is singing God’s praises.
  • Because of the Youth Sunday in which we celebrated what God had done in our lives, and people were lining up to share their testimony of God’s changing power.
  • Because of that one Sunday, when five students of our small group were baptized and I needed a complete box of tissues to deal with that.
  • Because of that girl that broke off her relationship with a non-Christian guy because she realized God wanted something better for her.
  • Because of that sermon, when God spoke through me so clearly I could see people being touched and changed.
  • Because of that one guy who was completely broken when he came, and whom God healed and restored.
  • Because of the teen that had an eating disorder and was so stubborn in refusing help. But when she did, God opened her heart and He is changing her still.
  • Because of that self-assured, popular guy who said he didn’t need a Savior, but ultimately confessed that he did.
  • Because of that magical moment in a youth retreat when God’s presence was so tangible, it changed people’s hearts forever.
  • Because of that girl who changed from a popular guy-magnet into a woman of God.
  • Because of the guy who had always heard and believed that God demanded perfection from him…and then discovered grace.
  • Because of the guy who’d grown up in church and heard the gospel hundreds of times…but when he heard the Gospel in a youth service his ears and eyes were opened for the first time.
  • Because of the parents of a teen who were struggling with her identity crisis and who were helped by simply listening.
  • Because of the guy who started out as a 17-year-old independent thinker and doubter in my small group and who will now lead a teen small group.
  • Because of that young couple that came to me and confessed they had sinned sexually, but were convinced because of a youth service what they did was wrong.

Amidst all the struggles and hardships of your calling, don’t ever forget that you are being used by God to change lives for ever. We can’t always see the results of what we do in the here and now, but God uses every single act of love and mercy on our part to impact young people’s lives. So if you are feeling discouraged today, hang in there and don’t give up. God is doing a mighty work through you!


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Youth Leadership 101: What to look for in a youth leader

While you will never have a perfect person serve on the team, there are a few qualities you should look for when recruiting leaders, or considering to accept someone who approaches you about working with the youth. Here are some of the most important qualities to look for.

  • Growing Edge – First and foremost, there needs to be a hunger for personal and spiritual growth. We cannot lead where we have not been. Look for someone who will be a positive spiritual role model for teens to look up to, follow, and imitate.
  • Positive Attitude – The ability to work with and see people and situations in a constructive way. Nothing destroys a team’s momentum than someone who is usually negative.
  • Servanthood – The willingness to sacrifice time and energy for others without needing anyone to notice.
  • Team Player – The mind-set of looking out for others and lifting others up.
  • Follow-Through – A commitment to be responsible and to fulfill any specific ministries or jobs taken.
  • Integrity – Trustworthiness and solid character; consistency in words and walk are key.
  • Discipline – The willingness to do what is required regardless of personal mood. Someone who understands that youth meetings and events are for students, and thus they stay student-minded.
  • Relational – The ability to make others feel comfortable. Every student counts and needs to be known, greeted, and cared for.
  • Sense of Humor – Ability to laugh at yourself, try new things and have a good time learning from your mistakes (and your youth pastor’s mistakes!).
  • Patience – Someone who is patient with himself/herself and with others and doesn’t stress when the learning curve is high. Look for someone who is willing to learn. They also be patient with others, remembering that everyone is at a different place. Youth leaders need to reach out and love people where they’re at. Feeling comfortable and connecting with students takes time – going to camps, retreats and special events will help intensify and solidify your relationships with students. The more they invest, the more they will get out of it, so find someone who can take initiative.
  • Teachable Spirit – The ability to be humble, open to loving criticism and able to learn from others.

Question: How many of these qualities to you possess yourself? Which ones do you need to work on to become a better youth leader for your ministry?

What else do you look for in potential youth leaders? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Posted on January 21, 2009

This article is written by Tim Schmoyer

Tim is the founder of Life In Student Ministry and is dedicated to facilitating discussions among Christian youth workers about youth ministry. He is the author of the Youth Specialties/Zondervan book, "Life In Student Ministry: Practical Conversations on Thriving in Youth Ministry," a national youth leader trainer, speaker, and a super-volunteer at his church.

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The essentials for leadership; a message for future youth leaders

Profile image of Prosper Bazaanah

The youth are essential assets for building our future societies, and thus must be encouraged to harness and develop their inherent potentials towards this challenge. In periods where there are no leaders, society stands still and could collapse. Conversely, progress, peace and development may occur when courageous, skillful and selfless people are in the right places at the right time. Society must recognize the inherent talent and capabilities of its young people. Young people themselves must sharpen their tools of character, attitudes and mindsets in preparedness for responsible and self-less leadership. To lead is to learn to understand, appreciate and involve other people. Leadership without followership is a mere illusory feeling. So be enlightened spiritual leaders, not heroes of enslavement and vindictiveness, for you become practically nothing without the people you lead.

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  • In pre-school years, quality of parenting and play activities with peers are critical for early leadership development.
  • During elementary school, children can learn the importance of building positive relationships with their classmates and with important adults.
  • Adolescence is a time for developing critical leadership skills because of leadership positions in the classroom and in extracurriculars.

In a recent publication, we took a “long lens” approach to leader development looking at how early life experiences – from pre-school throughout early adulthood – could help build an individual’s capacity to lead effectively. So, what can parents do to foster leader development in their children? And, what can adolescents and young adults do to develop their capacity to lead?

Let’s look at some of the strategies for leadership development at each life stage.

Pre-School (Ages 0-5)

Leadership can be affected by the individual’s attachment with parents. A secure attachment – one that allows the child to explore the outside world knowing that they can come back to their parents to be comforted helps build healthy emotional and social functioning. There is research that shows that secure attachment in infancy is associated with ratings of leadership as adolescents and young adults. In the pre-school years, play is a primary means for developing budding leadership skills – learning how to cooperate with peers, resolve conflicts, and promote harmony in groups are critical skills learned early that affect later leader development.

Play offers the opportunity for even very young children to learn about various leadership roles and to learn the dynamics of social power and dominance. Parents and other caretakers can play an important role in supervising children’s play in order to help them to create positive leader identities (e.g., being the leader who helps others or promotes fair play) instead of more negative leader identities (e.g., being a bully or a selfish leader).

Childhood (Ages 6-12)

In the elementary school years, children learn to build positive relationships with their peers, and look seriously to parents, teachers, and other authority figures for models of leadership. What are some of the activities at this age that build leadership? Cooperative learning experiences in school – learning how to share, to help others, and play fairly – are all the building blocks of positive adult leadership.

At home, participation in household chores are important for both developing a sense of responsibility and can relate to positive ideals of leadership, such as being a “servant leader,” and working with followers to get things done together. Good relationships with siblings are also another “laboratory” for developing positive social skills.

Adolescence (Ages 13-18).

Throughout adolescence, experiences in the home and in school continue to develop the skills leaders need. One important area for leadership development occurs through extracurricular activities – participation in sports, volunteering, community service, and participating in clubs and associations. Adolescents have the opportunity to hold leadership positions in the classroom or in their various extracurricular groups and organizations.

Relationships with peers are also critical as research shows that more popular adolescents are more frequently viewed as leaders by their peers. It is important that parents, teachers, and other adult “mentors” play a part in reinforcing positive behaviors in these young, adolescent leaders, and discourage dysfunctional forms of leadership.

All too often, serious attempts to develop leadership begins in adulthood, but there is significant research support that suggests that leader development does, and should, begin early. Parents, teachers, and other important adults are responsible for ensuring that the leaders of tomorrow are well-equipped to lead, and lead well.

Liu, Z., Venkatesh, S*., Murphy, S.E., & Riggio, R.E. (2021). Leader development across the lifespan: A dynamic experiences-grounded approach. The Leadership Quarterly,32

Ronald E. Riggio Ph.D.

Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D. , is the Henry R. Kravis Professor of Leadership and Organizational Psychology at Claremont McKenna College.

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6 young leaders who are improving the state of the world

being a youth leader essay

On International Youth Day, we celebrate six young people shaping the future of education and technology.

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Across the world, young people are shaping the future in healthcare, education, technology, food security and more. Their ideas are transforming communities and society.

To celebrate International Youth Day, here’s a look at the achievements of six inspirational young leaders who are improving the state of the world as part of our Global Shapers Community .

Basima Abdulrahman

Basima is an Iraqi structural engineer who is passionate about the environment. She founded Kesk , one of Iraq’s first sustainable architecture consultancies, to build greener buildings in her homeland.

Her consultancy helps other businesses to make their buildings more sustainable through retrofitting. No easy task in a country where security and the economy are top priorities and there is a lack of awareness of sustainable design and architecture.

But this hasn’t deterred Basima, who has big ambitions for the future: she wants to build her first green building within a couple of years and an entire green city in the northern region of Erbil in the next decade.

Kwiri is the founder and CEO of LifeGyde . The online platform is a space for young people to seek advice, guidance and support. She has an impressive track record of supporting not only individuals, but also small- and medium-sized businesses.

Her first venture helped immigrant owners of small businesses in California and she went on to found four more companies that helped local communities. When she developed anxiety and depression Kwiri realized how many people, like her, were struggling with their mental health – and LifeGyde was born.

As well as fighting stigma around mental health, LifeGyde also provides access to preventative information and advice.

Kwiri Yang, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Socha Connect, USA speaks during the Bridges vs Borders: The Migration Dilemma Session at the Annual Meeting 2018 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, January 26, 2018. Copyright by World Economic Forum / Valeriano Di Domenico

Abi Ramanan

Abi is the co-founder and CEO of ImpactVision , a software platform that uses machine learning to reduce food waste. She is also a co-chair at the World Economic Forum’s upcoming Annual Meeting of the New Champions .

ImpactVision’s technology uses hyperspectral imaging – a combination of digital imaging and spectroscopy – to take a picture of food and analyze its nutritional value and freshness.

The non-invasive system aims to reduce waste while also improving food safety and consistency. As technology advances, the sensors it uses are reducing in size and price, and could soon be integrated into everyday devices. A hyperspectral camera – and a better understanding of the food you’re eating – could be coming to a smartphone near you.

Doreen Kessy

Doreen is COO of Ubongo , a multi-media educational platform in Africa. Using the power of entertainment and mass media, the company provides educational material at low cost and high volume and scale.

Some 6.4 million households in 31 countries currently watch, listen and learn from Ubongo’s cartoons each week, with improved outcomes in maths and school readiness . In addition, the cartoons have also been shown to have a positive impact on the behaviour of caregivers.

In Akili and Me, children aged three to six join Akili in Lala Land, where they learn English, drawing, numbers and letters.

Doreen Kessy, Chief Operations Officer, Ubongo, Tanzania at the World Economic Forum on Africa 2017 in Durban, South Africa. Copyright by World Economic Forum / Jakob Polacsek

Nafez Dakkak

Nafez is CEO of the London office of the Queen Rania Foundation . Started in 2013 by Queen Rania of Jordan, the foundation aims to be the leading educational resource in Jordan and the rest of the Arab world, and to facilitate the development of new ideas and initiatives.

In his previous job, Nafez was the CEO of Edraak.org , which was the first non-profit Arabic massive open online course (MOOC).

The platform reaches more than 1.5 million Arabic-speakers, including disadvantaged youth across the Middle East. It offers original Arabic courses and access to Arabic language versions of courses taught by online educational platforms such as HarvardX and MITX.

Oana, a former state secretary in Romania’s Ministry of Labour, applies her passion for social innovation to search for solutions to some of the world’s big problems.

She’s the founder and general manager of Social Innovation Solutions, which offers training and consultancy in social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Before that, she led the team that set up Mesteshukar BuitQ , a social enterprise focused on traditional Roma crafts and skills. The organization promotes not only cultural heritage and ancient knowledge of Roma people, but also aims to tackle prejudice and discrimination.

She’s also on the Board of Directors of The Entrepreneurship Academy , where students work in teams, learning about business by running real businesses under the guidance of a “team coach”.

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Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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Club Programs

Youth of the Year: Leadership Development Getting Ready Activity Guide

These getting-ready activities are intended to help youth prepare for the various activities of the Youth of the Year Selection process.

Extra information

Activity 1: Essay Writing – Making Your Words Count Permalink

Youth describe the importance of writing clearly. They identify the basic elements of an essay. They apply strategies to improve their writing. They identify a goal to improve one aspect of their writing. 

Activity 2: Interviewing – Responding With Confidence Permalink

Youth describe why preparing for an interview is important. Youth identify several qualities of a confident interviewee. They also demonstrate responding confidently to interview questions.

Activity 3: Public Speaking – A Key to Leadership Success Permalink

Youth describe why public speaking is important. They identify the qualities of a powerful speech. They also demonstrate speaking powerfully.

Activity 4: Application – Putting It All Together Permalink

Youth assess their own leadership abilities. They identify the materials they need to complete the application process. They also identify individuals who can serve as references and/or mentors. 

Related Collections

Youth of the year: leadership development targeted program guide, youth of the month/junior youth of the year: leadership development quick-start activity guide, quick-start activities .

To give Clubs maximum flexibility, the following quick-start activities can be used at any time to build a basic understanding of leadership. They include a variety of experiences to address a range of interests and can be facilitated in 30 to 60 minutes with minimal leader preparation.  

Leadership Outcomes 

Activities are specifically designed to foster the following essential outcomes: 1) self-leadership, helping youth become aware of themselves and their emotions as a step toward personal growth and leadership; 2) leadership with others, enabling youth to understand their own perspective and the perspective of others and learn to communicate effectively as part of a team; and 3) leadership in the community, encouraging youth to take positive actions in the community that are informed by their self-knowledge and their ability to collaborate with others.

Targeting Different Age Groups 

Activities in this guide are targeted to three different age groups: 1) ages 6-10 years; 2) ages 11-13 years; and 3) ages 14-18 years. Activities that are targeted to youth in several age groups include suggestions for adapting the experience to younger members. 

The Youth of the Year Experience

Recognizing and fostering leadership strength in all youth.

The population of teens in the United States today is approximately 21 million. All young people have the potential to be leaders in schools, workplaces and communities, yet only a few are encouraged or given a chance to demonstrate leadership in meaningful ways. While there are plenty of opportunities for leadership development in the adult years, many successful leaders report that experiences they had early in their lives are what helped them in leadership roles as adults. What is clear is that leaders do not develop overnight; a lifetime of experiences strengthen an individual’s personal leadership as they mature and grow. Here are the advantages to educating young people in leadership.

What youth bring to leadership roles

  • Youth are digitally savvy – adept researchers who know how to educate themselves and dig deep for information. The prevalence of technology in their lives means younger people are more qualified to take the lead in developing and adapting social media and emerging technologies.
  • Youth today want to make their world a better place. In the U.S., more than four in five teens believe their age group has the potential to change the world, and almost all (95 percent) globally believe it’s important for youth to collaborate to make the world better.
  • Sixty percent of young people want their jobs to positively impact society, while one-third of 16-to-19-year-olds currently volunteer.
  • Youth bring a fresh perspective that can help communities enhance programs, improve community conditions and find more effective solutions to problems – resulting in a just community for all.

What youth gain from leadership development

  • Youth gain social-emotional benefits from taking on leadership roles: higher self-esteem, increased motivation, gains in confidence, personal control, self-identity and empowerment.
  • When youth have opportunities to take on leadership roles and share their voice in planning, problem solving and implementing various aspects of projects, they are more motivated and intentional in addressing community issues.
  • Youth who engage in leadership programs gain employability skills such as public speaking, decision making, problem solving, strategic thinking, communication and collaboration skills – promoting achievement in school and other settings.
  • Youth leaders are more likely to be employed in managerial positions as adults; leadership skills developed early can have a positive impact on future wages. 

A Comprehensive Leadership Development Experience

Since 1947, Youth of the Year has recognized and celebrated the extraordinary achievements of Club teens. Stories of outstanding leadership, service, academic excellence and dedication to living a healthy lifestyle have made it America’s premier leadership and recognition program for teens. BGCA has since enhanced Youth of the Year to provide a comprehensive leadership development experience. Through Youth of the Year, youth gain the leadership knowledge and skills they need for success in 21st-century life, work and educational settings.

being a youth leader essay

Overview of the Youth of the Year Leadership Development Suite

Youth of the year’s leadership focus.

As with all BGCA programs, Youth of the Year places youth at the center of learning – putting youth first and allowing them to focus on what matters, connecting with them to support social-emotional development, celebrating who they are and where they are in their lives and providing meaningful experiences that respond to the unique strengths, needs, interests and identities they bring to the Club.

Building on this approach, Youth of the Year helps youth discover and develop their leadership ability by focusing on three essential areas: self, other and community. Youth become leaders who are able to create meaningful change in themselves , in preparation for working in collaboration with others toward the shared goal of making transformative change in their community .

Through the Youth of the Year Leadership Development Suite, youth develop their strengths in self-leadership, leadership with others and leadership in the community , building a strong foundation for personal growth, collaboration with others, and the ability to take positive action in the world around them. As adults and peers work together, they become allies, sharing ownership and responsibility and contributing their unique strengths toward a goal of creating change. Youth also prepare to meet the workforce challenges of tomorrow by exploring their interests and passions, developing their employability skills and applying their knowledge to real-world experiences. (See “Leadership and Service Core Program Area Pathway” in the Appendix.)

Youth of the Month Leadership Recognition Program – Program Outcome Model

Junior youth of the year leadership readiness program – program outcome model, youth of the year leadership development targeted program sessions – program outcome model, acknowledgments.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America gratefully acknowledges the many people who contributed to the development of the Youth of the Year Leadership Development Suite, made possible by the generous support of our Youth of the Year Signature Partner, Toyota, and our lead partner, Mondelez International.

The following BGCA national staff members contributed to the development of this program:

Anti-Defamation League. (2021). 10 ways youth can engage in activism. adl.org/education/resources/tools-and-strategies/10-ways-youth-can-engage-in-activism. 

Anti-Defamation League. (2021). Exploring solutions to address racial disparity concerns. adl.org/education/educator-resources/lesson-plans/exploring-solutions-to-address-racial-disparity-concerns.  

Anti-Defamation League. (2021). Social justice poetry. adl.org/education/educator-resources/lesson-plans/ social-justice-poetry. 

Anti-Defamation League. (2021). Using art to explore injustice and social justice. adl.org/education/educator-resources/lesson-plans/using-art-to-explore-injustice-and-social-justice. 

Bacon, Perry Jr. (2020, June 4). How the police see issues of race and policing. FiveThirtyEight.com. fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-the-police-see-issues-of-race-and-policing. 

Brackett, M., Divecha, D., and Stern, R. (2015, May 19). Teaching teenagers to develop their emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Review. hbr.org/2015/05/teaching-teenagers-to-develop-their-emotional-intelligence. 

Common Sense Media. (n.d.). Learning with technology. Retrieved April 10, 2021 from commonsensemedia.org/learning-with-technology /how-can-i-tell-if-an-app-or-a-website-is-really-good-for-learning. 

Craig, Heather. (2021, Feb. 27). 83 leadership activities, building games and exercises. PositivePsychology.com. positivepsychology.com/leadership-activities . 

Dell’Angelo, Tabitha. (2014, Sept. 29). Creating classrooms for social justice. Edutopia.org edutopia.org/blog/creating-classrooms-for-social-justice-tabitha-dellangelo.  

Dylan, Sara. (2020, Oct. 13). Leadership activities for teenagers. teenwire.org/leadership-activities-for- teenagers/#:~:text=Minefield%20Is%20a%20Great%20Leadership%20Activity%20for%20Teenagers&text=To%20make%20it%20more%20challenging,are%20paired%20up%20in%20groups. 

Forder, Meghan Lynch. (2019, July 22). What teens gain when they contribute to their social groups . Greater Good Magazine. greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_teens_gain_when_they_contribute_to_their_social_groups#:~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20young%20adolescents,don’t%20have%20such%20opportunities.  

I Care. (n.d.). Value cards activity. Retrieved March 29, 2021 from icarevalues.org/value_activity.htm.  

Ingram, Patreese D. (2008). Diversity activities for youth and adults. College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. extension.psu.edu/programs/4-h/members/projects-resources/diversity/diversityactivities.pdf. 

Kouzes, James M., Barry Z. Posner, Beth High, Gary M. Morgan. (2013). The student leadership challenge: Student workbook and personal leadership journal. Jossey-Bass.

Landau, Peter. (2018, Sept. 13). The 9 best leadership games for skill development. projectmanager.com/blog/the-9-best-leadership-games .

Learning for Justice. (n.d.). Cooperative comics. Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved April 10, 2021 from learningforjustice.org/classroom-resources/lessons/cooperative-comics .

Let’s Cultivate Greatness. (2017). Team building idea flip deck. Let’s Cultivate Greatness, LLC.

Perrenoud, M. (n.d.). Developing youth-led activities: Engaging youth as leaders and decision-makers. California AfterSchool Network. Retrieved April 1, 2021 from afterschoolnetwork.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/dev_youth_led_act_booklet_0.pdf?1392327385 .

Public Broadcasting Service. (2018, Nov. 6). Student voices: Here are election issues on most teenagers’ minds. PBS News Hour Extra, News Hour Productions, LLC. pbs.org/newshour/extra/student-voices/student-voices-here-are-the-issues-teens-want-to-see-changed .

Rothwell, M. (2015). Teen leadership skill development through participation in leadership training. Unpublished thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstream/handle/10919/64285/Rothwell%20Marie%20Project.pdf?sequence=3.

Van Velsor, Ellen. (2012, Oct. 16). Developing young leaders: Great potential, significant gaps. Center for Creative Leadership. insights.ccl.org/blog/developing-young-leaders-great-potential-significant-gaps.

Western Justice. (n.d.). Negotiation role-playing. Retrieved March 3, 2021 from westernjustice.org.

Western Justice. (n.d.). 12 tactics for handling bias. Retrieved March 3, 2021 from westernjustice.org.

Yates, Clinton, Lonnae O’Neal, Aaron Dodson, Rhiannon Walker. (2016, July 8). Black police officers’ perspective. TheUndefeated.com. theundefeated.com/features/a-black-police-officers-perspective.

Woman dies after being shoved by teenager at youth facility, authorities say

JOHNSTON, Iowa (KCCI) – A woman was taken off life support after a teenager at an Iowa youth facility allegedly shoved her down and caused severe brain damage.

Police in Johnston said a 15-year-old assaulted Kathleen Galloway-Menke last Wednesday.

Trevor Hook, the attorney for Galloway-Menke’s family, said she was pushed, hit her head, and rushed to the Iowa Methodist Medical Center.

On Tuesday of this week, Galloway-Menke’s family made the tough decision to take her off life support.

Police in Iowa said a 15-year-old assaulted a 50-year-old woman last week, eventually...

Now, the 50-year-old is dead after she was assaulted on the job at the Ellipsis Youth Home.

The family’s attorney said Galloway-Menke responded to a boy running away from Ellipsis’ property.

She and another male employee followed the boy at a safe distance, but the boy turned around and started sprinting towards them.

“He had run by the male employee, passed him to Kathleen, and pushed her hard enough. She fell and unfortunately hit her head on concrete,” Hook described.

Hook said following the boy was protocol.

The family is now considering legal action.

“We do have reasonable concerns that Ellipsis does not take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of her and other female staff members, in particular,” Hook alleged.

Hook said the boy threatened Galloway-Menke’s life prior to shoving her down.

“He had threatened Kathleen Galloway-Menke prior, threatened to kill her,” Hook added.

Hook also said he has two other workers’ compensation claims for Ellipsis employees that are currently pending.

In one of them, a youth allegedly assaulted another person.

In a statement, Ellipsis said it is “profoundly saddened” and “deeply and personally” mourns this loss.

The organization said it is making mental health services available to staff, as well as to children and families in their care.

The statement also said, “Ellipsis remains committed to offering a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved, including our community.”

The Johnston Police Department said they are remaining engaged with the leadership and staff of Ellipsis. Officials there are cooperating with the investigation.

Police also said the suspect involved in the incident remains in custody at a secure juvenile detention facility.

Copyright 2024 KCCI via CNN Newsource. All rights reserved.

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Most of South Dakota's tribes have banned Kristi Noem from their land. Here's why

Lee Strubinger

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South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC 2024, at the National Harbor, in Oxon Hill, Md., on Feb. 23, 2024. Alex Brandon/AP hide caption

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC 2024, at the National Harbor, in Oxon Hill, Md., on Feb. 23, 2024.

RAPID CITY, S.D. — The Crow Creek Sioux Tribe is the latest tribal government to ban South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem from their reservation in response to allegations she's made that some tribal leaders are benefiting from drug cartel activity.

Noem, an ally to former President Donald Trump, has long focused on concerns she has about crime stemming from the U.S.-Mexico border, even as she governs a state that is hundreds of miles away.

Following Tuesday's decision, she is currently not welcome on seven of nine reservations located within the state.

"We do not have cartels on the reservations," Crow Creek Sioux Tribe Chairman Peter Lengkeek said following Tuesday's vote.

"We have cartel products, like guns and drugs. But they pass over state highways getting to the reservation. So, putting us all together like that and saying that all tribes are involved in this really shows to the ignorance of the governor's office," Lengkeek said, adding that he thinks her office is "not willing to reach out and learn and connect with the tribes."

Noem's approach reflects Trump's messaging

For months, Noem has alleged that drug cartels are active on reservations in South Dakota.

In January, following a speech by Noem during the state's legislative session, Noem made broad statements about crime on reservations located in her state.

"Murders are being committed by cartel members on the Pine Ridge Reservation and in Rapid City, and a gang called the Ghost Dancers are affiliated with these cartels," Noem said in her speech. "They have been successful in recruiting tribal members to join their criminal activity."

"The sheer number of illegal migrants coming into the country has made it so that every state is now a border state," Noem said in that same speech, echoing a phrase used by House Republicans in their attacks against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, has also said "every state is now a border state" when speaking in political battlegrounds in the Midwest, focusing his attacks on President Biden's immigration policies.

Tribal leaders seek an apology

Noem's criticisms of tribal leaders continued in March at a town hall in Winner, S.D. South Dakota Searchlight reported that Noem said, "We've got some tribal leaders that I believe are personally benefiting from the cartels being here, and that's why they attack me every day."

Charles Abourezk who has served as a judge for Native American tribes in the state says he has not encountered cartel activity in the cases he's covered. Tribal courts hear civil and criminal misdemeanor cases that occur in Indian Country.

"I honestly don't know of any," Abourezk said. "I have never run across any allegations of cartel involvement, although there is normal drug use and sales you see in the rest of South Dakota."

being a youth leader essay

Pine Ridge Reservation, seen here in September 2012, home to the Oglala Sioux tribe, is one of seven reservations that so far have banned Gov. Kristi Noem after she said cartels are infiltrating the state's reservations. Kristi Eaton/AP hide caption

Pine Ridge Reservation, seen here in September 2012, home to the Oglala Sioux tribe, is one of seven reservations that so far have banned Gov. Kristi Noem after she said cartels are infiltrating the state's reservations.

The Oglala Sioux Tribe, Rosebud Sioux Tribe, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Tribe, Yankton Sioux Tribe and Crow Creek Sioux Tribe have all banned Noem from their reservations.

The Lower Brule Sioux Tribe rejected banning Noem from their reservation in April. Chairman Clyde Estes said the tribe is looking to revisit the ban.

"There's a lot of unfortunate things that are said that are hurtful to our people — especially our children," Estes said.

He said he is hoping Noem will reconsider her comments and has asked her to offer an apology to tribal members.

"When the state and tribe respect each other, both our flags can fly high. The tribes are not cartel havens and our people are not the gangs that threaten your communities," said Ryan Cournoyer, a council member with the Yankton Sioux Tribe. "Our parents want a better future for their children, our leaders seek economic growth and hope."

A spokesperson for the governor's office has not returned requests for comment.

Earlier this month, Noem posted on X : "Tribals leaders should take action to ban the cartels from their lands and accept my offer to help them restore law and order to their communities while protecting their sovereignty. We can only do this through partnerships because the Biden Administration is failing to do their job."

But earlier this year, the governor was on better terms with some leaders when she announced the tribal flags of Standing Rock and Rosebud would be displayed in the state capitol rotunda to signal improving relations between the state and some tribes.

Rosebud has since had their flag removed as Noem continues to call on tribes to ban cartels instead of her.

Some tensions have their roots in disputes that took place years ago related to disagreements over COVID-19 checkpoints on reservations, state sales tax proposals and a package of bills Noem supported in 2019, aimed at protecting construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which the tribes opposed.

"It's just been something simmering," Ross Garelick-Bell, a lobbyist for the Yankton and Rosebud Sioux Tribes in the state capitol said. "There's just no communication from the governor's team until after they've done something."

The ongoing dispute comes amidst a rocky rollout of Noem's memoir, "No Going Back," which was released earlier this month. In it she recounted how she fatally shot her dog, following a botched pheasant hunting trip. On a book release tour, Noem defended her actions by saying the dog had shown threatening behavior.

The book also initially included a reference to meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Several North Korean experts disputed that claim.

Speaking to CBS earlier this month, Noem said , "This anecdote shouldn't have been in the book. As soon as it was brought to my attention, I made sure that that was adjusted."

  • Gov. Kristi Noem


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