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Natural Disaster Essay: How to Write, Topics, & Examples

natural disaster essay in ielts

What would you do if someone told you that a tsunami would wipe out your house tomorrow afternoon? You won’t believe them. It always seems that natural disasters happen in someone else’s life. But every year, millions of people worldwide suffer from various natural calamities. This article attempts to systemize the chaos of nature for you to write an impressive natural disaster essay. You will get acquainted with the seven types of disasters, get a long list of topics and examples of natural disaster essay in 200 words and 300 words.

  • 🌪️ Natural Disaster: The Basics
  • 💡 114 Essay Topics
  • 📑 Outlining Your Essay
  • 🌊 Essay Sample (200 Words)
  • 🏜️ Essay Sample (300 Words)

🌪️ Natural Disaster Essay: What Is It About?

A natural disaster is a large-scale meteorological or geological event that can to cause loss of life or massive damage to people’s property. Floods and severe storms are the most reported acts of nature in the US, but other incidents also happen from time to time. That is why you can dedicate your essay on natural disasters to earthquakes, droughts, wildfires, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, or tornadoes.

The picture lists the 7 main types of natural disasters.

It is a powerful funnel-shaped cloud that rotates and demolishes buildings, hurls cars, and uproots trees. Tornadoes appear from cumulonimbus clouds, pending with their smaller part to the ground. This column of air has a wind speed of up to 300 mph. In your disaster management essay, you can suggest reasonable precautions to save as many people and property as possible in a tornado area.
It is a tropical cyclone that affects the coastal population of the southern Atlantic Ocean, eastern , Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico. These acts of nature may include heavy winds, floods, and tornadoes. For this reason, you can describe natural disasters’ impact on human life in the essay.
Floods are the most common natural disaster in the US. They usually occur when the volume of water in a stream is larger than the channel’s capacity. Then, the land that is typically dry gets submerged. Streamflow depends on numerous factors making floods hard to predict.
This Japanese word (‘tsu’ for harbor and ‘nami’ for wave) denominates powerful waves caused by an underwater earthquake, land slumping, landslides on the seafloor, meteorite impact, or volcanic eruption in the ocean. In a tsunami disaster essay, you could describe a historical tragedy and analyze its causes.
This type of disaster starts when lightning hits a tree in the wood or due to man-made causes. It is an unplanned and uncontrolled spread of fire in natural areas with combustible vegetation.
It is an extended lack of water in a given region. A drought can happen due to the below-normal precipitation. It causes crop damage and water shortage in the area. It can last for years or end in weeks.
It is the result of seismic waves in the Earth’s crust. Tectonic plates shake or move, damaging everything that stands or lives on them. Some of them may be caused by anthropogenic factors.

💡 114 Natural Disasters Essay Topics

What could you write in a natural disaster essay? You can invent your own topic about various types of natural disasters, their causes, and aftermath, or their impact on human life and the economy. Depending on the discipline, you can also describe historic calamities that changed the direction of human civilization. Alternatively, choose one from our comprehensive list below.

  • Why are the Great Plains of the central US ideal for tornado formation?
  • Global Warming and Climate Change Legislation.
  • Research the atmospheric parameters inside a tornado.
  • Energy, Technology and Climate Change.
  • Why are the boundaries of Tornado Alley in the US so debatable?
  • The global climate change as a manmade disaster.
  • Which actions should you never do when a tornado is nearby?
  • Volunteers’ Role During Disasters.
  • Suggest your opinion on the best action strategy in a hurricane.
  • The Columbia Disaster and safety violations.
  • What were the causes and effects of a flood?
  • Analysis on Climate Change and Global Impact.
  • Describe the most devastating wildfires in the US and find their common features.
  • Earthquake Engineering Considerations and Methods.
  • Brainstorm ideas to prevent wildfires.
  • Global warming and the greenhouse effect.
  • How can building dams cause earthquakes?
  • Climate Change and Its Impact on Freshwater.
  • Analyze the impact of droughts on tourism.
  • Climate Change Effect on Coral Reef Communities.
  • Describe the most extended droughts in human history.
  • Marine and Coastal Climate Change in Australia.
  • Write an essay on natural disasters and earthquakes in particular.
  • Air pollution and mortality rates
  • What are the distinctive features of droughts in third-world countries?
  • Global Warming, Climate Change, and Society’s Impact on the Environment.
  • Study the relationship between global warming and droughts.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After a Hurricane.
  • Evaluate the damage caused by Hurricane Maria in 2017.
  • Social Media’s Role in Disaster Response.
  • Classify the effects of natural disasters in an essay.
  • Sustainability and Climate Change.
  • Describe the 1815 volcanic eruption of Mt. Tambora, Indonesia.
  • Hurricane Katrina: Overview, Impact, Response.
  • Each new leap of civilization causes new responses of nature.
  • Animal Exploitation. Animal Agriculture and Climate Change.
  • Think of any positive effects a volcanic eruption may have.
  • In Arizona, Collaboration Averts Water Disaster.
  • Children are the poorest victims of any disaster.
  • A Solution to Remedy Climate Change.
  • Which ways of disaster risk reduction do you know?
  • An Emergency Operations Center During Hurricane Harvey.
  • Research the current problems in disaster management.
  • Disaster Recovery Plan for Information Technology Organizations.
  • Analyze ineffective disaster management in an essay about hurricane Katrina.
  • Nurse Competencies and Scope of Practice in Disaster.
  • What should a household have at home in the case of a disaster?
  • Hurricane Katrina: The Powerful Natural Disaster.
  • Describe the humanitarian disaster during the drought in Somalia.
  • Technology in Disaster Preparedness.
  • Can man-made disasters entail natural calamities?
  • Disaster Management in Philadelphia.
  • Review the criteria for disaster classification.
  • Jeddah Floods and Adaptation Strategies in the City of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • Search for real examples of hybrid disasters.
  • Natural Disasters Prevention: A Tabletop Exercise.
  • Who is responsible for casualties after a natural disaster?
  • The Sand Storms: Remote Sensing and Meteorological Variables.
  • List the lessons we could learn from our past disaster experience.
  • Fire Development, Growth, and Spreads.
  • The ice storm and silver thaw: A gentle disaster.
  • Fire Crisis Management in the UAE.
  • Rockslides: A pressing issue for rural areas.
  • 1d – 2d Flood Modeling Using PCSWMM.
  • What are the psychological benefits of disaster preparedness?
  • Structural Control and Origin of Volcanism in the Taupo Volcanic Zone.
  • When does a blizzard become a disaster?
  • Extreme Weather Events + Geographies of Globalization.
  • Research the causes of dust storms and name the affected areas.
  • Strategies for Sustainable Integrated Oil Disaster Management in West Africa.
  • Why did the San Francisco earthquake (1906) cause devastating fires?
  • Causes of Climate Change.
  • What could be done to help people who lost their homes in an earthquake?
  • Book Review: Energy and Global Climate Change.
  • Analyze the role of World Vision in humanitarian aid after disasters.
  • Tangshan earthquake of 1976 showed that high population density is disastrous.
  • The Role of Carbon Dioxide in Climate Change.
  • Rock avalanche: Why water is the most powerful geological agent.
  • Aspects of Climate Change.
  • When do extreme weather conditions turn into a disaster?
  • Climate Change: Reasons, Kyoto Protocol.
  • Write an article on shelter-providing organizations for disaster victims.
  • Establishing an IT Disaster Recovery Plan.
  • Describe earthquake cycles in Haiti.
  • Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food.
  • How can nature damage ecology in natural disasters?
  • Climate Change. Problems. Effects.
  • Disaster management should include psychological help to the survivors.
  • Climate Change Causes: Position and Strategies.
  • Suggest ways to prevent damage caused by debris flow.
  • HAT 4: Disaster in Franklin Country.
  • How did the lack of evacuation after the Bhola cyclone (1970) result in the massive death toll?
  • The Effects of Climate Change.
  • The most significant Yellow River flood: 2 million deaths in 1887.
  • Resilience Building Against Natural Disasters in the Caribbean Islands.
  • Sinkholes: A natural disaster or attraction for cavers and water-divers?
  • Global Climate Change and Health.
  • Describe the dynamics of landslides in California.
  • Which early-warning systems to detect avalanches do you know?
  • Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action.
  • Pyroclastic flow: The deadliest volcanic hazard.
  • Communication During Disaster Response.
  • Describe the volcano eruption of Vesuvius that destroyed the Herculaneum and Pompeii.
  • Disaster Planning for Families.
  • Disaster prevention measures: Investments that save millions of lives.
  • Natural Disaster Management and Historical Prospective Study in the UAE.
  • Research the PTSD in survivors of natural disasters.
  • Are the latest disasters the nature’s fightback to humanity?
  • Estimate the human impact on natural disasters.
  • List the countries with the largest number of disasters and find their standard features.
  • Everyday Communication on Climate Change.
  • Insurance coverage against disasters: Our inevitable future.
  • Emergency Planning Before and After Hurricane Katrina.
  • One natural disaster could bring the world to its end.

Haven’t found a suitable topic in the list above? Use our essay topic generator to get more ideas.

📑 Natural Disaster Essay Outline

Outlines differ, depending on the assigned length and essay type. It is a reference sample. Feel free to modify it, extending some points and narrowing the others. Still, the overall structure should remain the same. We have chosen the “Causes of Earthquakes” essay topic for demonstrative purposes.

  • Hook . There are millions of possible ways to start your essay, from a rhetorical question to any imaginable scenario. The point is to grab the reader’s attention, showing them that your writing is unique and creative. For example: We are always concerned with the consequences of a natural disaster. But what brought us into such a calamity in the first place?
  • Concepts. Natural disasters can be studied in the framework of various disciplines. But in all cases, they are linked with geology, biology, chemistry, geography, and some other subjects with broad and complicated terminology. Explain the terms that could be elusive for your readers here. For example: For the purposes of this essay, an earthquake is a sudden displacement of the land surface.
  • Background. How did you come to think of this problem? Why is it topical? The causes of earthquakes are numerous and often unrelated. To understand them as a system, we need a strict classification.
  • Thesis statement . Clearly state the aim of your essay. This essay attempts to group the causes of earthquakes to determine which factors can be tackled by human forces.
  • Transition sentence. It comes in the previous sentence (for paragraphs 2 and 3) and ensures smooth reading. E.g.: Tectonic movements are the most powerful causes of earthquakes, and we cannot influence them. But still, there is something we could do.
  • Topic sentence . What will you explain in this paragraph? Human interference with nature can also cause earthquakes.
  • Evidence. How can you confirm the topic sentence? Heavy clubbing of dam water can disturbance the crustal balance. Nuclear bombing causes shockwaves that penetrate the surface, changing the tectonic plates and their natural alignment. Mining can also cause earthquakes by removing extensive volumes of stone from under the ground.
  • Warrant. Why does the reader need this information, and how does it relate to the thesis statement? Knowing these facts can help us change the old-fashioned approaches and lessen the ecological damage to our planet.
  • Summary. Collect and summarize all your arguments here. Tectonic movements, volcano eruptions, and geological faults cause a significant part of earthquakes worldwide. But various man-made causes bring us to the same result.
  • Rephrased thesis. We cannot stop the tectonic movements or hinder volcanic eruptions, but we can use natural resources with more care.

🌊 Natural Disaster Essay 200 Words

Below you will find a short natural disaster essay for 200 words. It explores the causes and effects of the tsunami in Japan in 2011.

Tsunami in Japan: Causes and Effects The proximity of the deadliest disasters is often unpredictable. As a result, the consequences of a tsunami can exceed any possible expectations. This essay looks for the decisive factors that caused the tsunami in Japan in 2011 and its results for the local population and other countries. The causes were out of human control and could not be predicted. The Pacific plate moved in the horizontal and vertical plane, advancing beneath the Eurasian Plate. It displaced the seawater above and entailed several destructive waves. The disaster had enormous consequences for the Japanese people and their economy. It killed almost 16,000 people, although the country had a sophisticated alarming system. Besides, the earthquake caused fires and explosions at oil factories. The cooling system of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant went out of service. Two people were lost, and many were injured. Nissan, like many other large corporations, had to suspend the operation of its four factories. The economic losses due to the catastrophe amounted to 300 billion dollars. But the disaster moved to other places. On 24 March 2011, the earthquake in the east of Myanmar claimed the lives of 60 people and destroyed 300 buildings. As we can see, everything is linked on our planet. Movements of the earth’ crust in any part of the world bring about earthquakes and tsunami in other countries. The series of waves in Japan was caused by the underwater earthquake and had horrible consequences.

🏜️ Natural Disaster Essay 300 Words

If your assignment is longer, you will have to provide your opinion in the essay. Or, you can make your argumentation more detailed. Below you can check our 300-word sample of a disaster essay.

The Economic Effects of the Dust Bowl Drought When someone says “a natural disaster,” we usually imagine an earthquake or a tsunami. Buildings are destroyed, and property is lost. But imagine a scenario of a devastating drought, which happened in the US in the 1930s. Its effect is less visible because it lies in the domain of the national economy. This essay reveals the economic consequences of the Dust Bowl drought. During the third decade of the XX century, strong winds raised choking dust in the southern states, from Texas to Nebraska. People and animals died as the crops failed in the area for several years in a row. The Dust Bowl lasted for almost a decade and was also called “the Dirty Thirties.” This drought intensified the impact of the Great Depression. Local farmers had to migrate to urban areas in search of better conditions and other sources of living. About 2.5 million people moved West from the worst-hit states, namely New Mexico, Texas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Kansas. But they found only discrimination, meager salaries, and inhuman working conditions. Many had to live in tents near irrigation ditches. They were called “Okies,” a disdainful name for migrants of any state. Regular rains returned to the southern states by the end of 1939, closing the drought. However, the economic aftermath persisted. The counties that suffered the most failed to recover the agricultural value of their land till the 1950s. Thus, the local population kept decreasing for twenty years. Although a drought does not ruin property, it can tangibly lower human life levels. The Dust Bowl threw people into a lose-lose situation. Their farms were unfit for gaining any profit, and the new places of living gave them no better opportunities. It took two decades to restore public wellbeing in the Southern States.

Researching the worst acts of nature can teach you to value what you have. We hope that this article has made your creative writing more manageable and pleasurable. You can write an essay of any length by simply following our outline. All you will need to do after that is make a cover page for it.

Please share your natural disaster essay ideas in the comments below.

❓ Natural Disaster Essay FAQ

How to write an essay about natural disaster.

Your approach should depend on the discipline. But in any case, you can discuss the types of disasters, their consequences, characteristics, and preconditions. The excellent idea is to select a past disastrous event and analyze it from the economic, social, or individual point of view.

What Is a Disaster Essay?

A disaster essay explores the stages of a natural or man-made calamity and seeks the possible ways to prevent similar emergencies in the future. An article on disaster management studies the correct and efficient activities to lower the casualties and property loss after a disaster.

What Is Disaster Preparedness Essay?

This type of writing analyzes the level of readiness of a region or municipality to an unexpected natural disaster. You can highlight the vulnerable groups of the population that will suffer the most. Or, you may invent measures that could reduce the disaster response and coping time. Such assignments teach you strategic thinking and a systematic approach to problem-solving.

How to Describe a Natural Disaster for an Essay?

You should specify that the event was unexpected and led to many deaths and property loss. The most critical things include the causes of the disaster, its progress and duration, and the negative consequences for the locals. You can also specify the negative effect on the economy and humanitarian condition of the area.

🔗 References

  • Natural Disasters and Severe Weather | CDC
  • Types of Disasters | SAMHSA
  • Natural Disaster – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
  • Natural Disasters – National Geographic
  • What Is Disaster Management: Prevention and Mitigation

IELTS Blog & IELTS Mock Test

Ielts exam preparation for a higher band score., ielts essay – environmental pollution is the biggest disaster.

IELTS sample Essay:

IELTS Essay Topic:  Environmental pollution is the biggest disaster .

Sample Answer: Environment means all the natural things that surround us. Damage to the environment is increasing at an alarming rate due to human activities. This essay would discuss the causes and effects of environmental pollution such as air pollution and soil pollution.

First and foremost, air is being polluted by different kind of fumes like, burning of fossil fuels; smoke which emits from vast industries can cause deleterious effect on people health. In addition vehicles and air conditioner pass off a substance in to air called Chlorofluorocarbon(CFC), which is the main cause for ozone layer depletion.

Thus, Sun’s rays directly come to the earth, these intensive rays melt the ice cap in the polar region and raise the sea level, are called global warming. Furthermore intensive rays contain ultra violet rays can lead for skin cancer in humans due to prolong exposure.

Secondly, soil pollution is a great menace; people dump their waste especially non degradable waste and over usage of fertilizers pollute the soil. It destroys the quality of land and turns it as a barren land. Moreover, factories and other business industries dump their waste in swamps, chemical contain in the waste may spread to surrounding land by flood and make the adjacent land also polluted. To cite an example, mercury, which never degradable and it contains in most of products especially in bulbs, it move through soil and pollute the entire land and even water also.

The effective management can reduce the effects of pollution, planting trees are the best answer for air pollution, and it reduces the carbon ratio in the air and expels oxygen. Furthermore, reduce the usage of fossil fuels also helps to reduce the air pollution. Government should encourage people to use alternative source of energy and help people to reduce and reuse of products.

To recapitulate, pollution is a great threat to human kind. Even though, at the drop off hat or else it will be a death knell to the future generation.

[ Written by – Renny ]

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Natural disasters can have long-lasting effects on both the environment and public health. Explore the connection between disaster resilience, environmental conservation, and community well-being.

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Wealthy Nations Should Assist Poorer Countries with Humanitarian Relief During Natural Disasters - IELTS Essay

Wealthy Nations Should Assist Poorer Countries with Humanitarian Relief During Natural Disasters - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay

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Model Essay 1

The imperative for affluent nations to extend humanitarian aid to their less fortunate counterparts in the wake of natural calamities is a topic of considerable ethical import. I firmly believe in the obligation of wealthier countries to offer such support, predicated on principles of global solidarity and the tangible benefits of fostering stability and resilience. This essay will elucidate the moral imperative and the pragmatic advantages of this stance.

Firstly, the moral argument for assistance is grounded in the concept of global citizenship, where humanity's collective welfare transcends national borders. Wealthy nations, equipped with ample resources, have a duty to mitigate the suffering caused by natural disasters in poorer countries. This not only exemplifies compassion and empathy but also reinforces a sense of global unity. For instance, the international response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami showcased how concerted relief efforts can alleviate human suffering significantly, underlining the potential of international solidarity in times of crisis.

Moreover, from a pragmatic perspective, aiding countries in distress fosters global stability and economic development. Disasters can exacerbate underlying vulnerabilities, leading to socio-economic downturns that affect global markets. By assisting in the immediate aftermath and contributing to rebuilding efforts, wealthier nations can help ensure that affected countries rebound more swiftly, thus stabilizing regional economies and by extension, the global economic landscape. The rebuilding of Haiti post the 2010 earthquake, heavily supported by international aid, illustrates how such endeavors contribute to the stabilization of affected nations, indirectly benefiting donor countries through enhanced global economic stability and security.

In conclusion, the rationale for wealthier nations to assist poorer ones during natural disasters is twofold: it is a moral imperative rooted in a sense of global community and a practical strategy for promoting worldwide stability and prosperity. This dual perspective not only highlights the inherent duty of wealthier nations but also underscores the mutual benefits derived from such humanitarian acts.

Model Essay 2

The proposition that wealthy nations should provide humanitarian aid to poorer countries during natural disasters is not merely an act of charity, but a cornerstone of international responsibility and mutual benefit. This essay advocates strongly for such assistance, emphasizing the dual rationale of ethical duty and strategic self-interest for affluent countries. The forthcoming discussion will delve into these facets, illustrating the imperative for and advantages of global solidarity in disaster response.

The ethical dimension of this debate hinges on the principle of shared humanity. Prosperous nations, by virtue of their resources and technological advancements, hold a unique position to alleviate the human cost of natural catastrophes in less affluent regions. This responsibility stems not from benevolence but from an acknowledgment of a shared destiny. The aid rendered to Nepal during the 2015 earthquake by countries far and wide serves as a poignant example of how the international community can mobilize to support recovery, underscoring the premise that compassion knows no borders.

Strategically, the extension of aid is a sound investment in global stability and security. Disasters do not respect national boundaries, and their aftermath can precipitate regional conflicts, migration crises, and economic downturns that have far-reaching implications. By intervening promptly and effectively, wealthy countries can help mitigate these risks, ensuring a quicker path to recovery and stability. The support given to Indonesia following the 2018 tsunami by international partners not only facilitated immediate relief but also helped prevent a longer-term humanitarian and economic crisis, showcasing the interconnected nature of our global system.

In summary, the argument for affluent nations aiding poorer counterparts in the aftermath of natural disasters is compelling both on moral grounds and as a matter of enlightened self-interest. It embodies a recognition of our collective humanity and the interlinked fate that binds us across geographical and economic divides.

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Talk About a Natural Disaster in Your Area IELTS Exam

Talk about a natural disaster in your area. 

What was it?

What happened?

What did you experience?


Sample Answer of Talk About a Natural Disaster in Your Area

Today is the world of nature. Whether the world has achieved enormous success in science and technology but in spite of this sometimes nature shows its powerful effects because in this trend of advancement man has forgotten the importance of nature and he goes against it. In this modern era, man is facing many types of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes , tsunamis, etc. Today I would like to talk about a natural disaster which I have faced in my area a few years ago.

It was the time when I was doing my graduation. It was the winter days and I was studying in my room. I felt some disturbance in my room because the ceiling fan was escalating from one side to another. First of all, nothing came into my mind but when my mother at once entered my room and told me that our area experienced an earthquake, I at once scared and ran out of my room. I saw that everyone on the street came out of their houses. Fortunately, there was no destruction on our street but I heard that some houses were destructed in the other area and few people have also died because they were sleeping at that time. People were mourning the death of their near and dear ones.

We also visited the destructed area. There was utter devastation all around. The rescue teams had arrived at the spot and they carried out the work to search for the lost people. We also helped needy people. The people had lost their habitats and tents were being organized at the site. Many people arranged the food and other necessary medicines for the injured people because a team of professional doctors had also reached the site. First aid had been given to the minor injured people and seriously injured were taken to hospitals via ambulances. I experienced that nature is the mother of the universe and people should understand its importance.

Follow-Ups Talk About a Natural Disaster in Your Area

Q-1 what do you mean by natural disasters.

Ans: Natural disasters mean natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, heavy storms, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc. Both living and nonliving creatures suffer from these disasters. Sometimes natural calamities destroy the whole cities in a bit of time.

Q-2 Have you experienced any natural disasters in your life?

Ans: Yes, it was the time when I was doing my graduation. I have seen floods in the state of Punjab. There was rainfall for one month continuously in Punjab and many cities and villages of Punjab suffered from floods. Thousands of acres of crops destroyed and many people lost their lives.

Q-3 Why the world faces more natural calamities in this modern era than in the last time?

Ans: It is because people are forgetting the importance of mother nature. They are going against it day by day. Pollution is the major cause of global warming which the world faces in the present era. Moreover, people cut the trees to a large extent and this affects the weather on the earth.

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Describe a natural disaster in your area IELTS cue card

natural disaster essay in ielts


Describe a natural disaster in your area..

You should say: What it was? When it was? What exactly happened? How it affected your area?

Sample Answer 1

Introduction :

Although natural disasters have occurred since time immemorial, their frequency has increased in the last few decades. 

What it was ? and,  When it was?

Ten years back, the city where I live experienced floods .

What exactly happened?

There is no denying this conviction that the area where I live gets immense rainfall every year. During monsoon, the downpour is usually lethal and affects people from all walks of life.

Ten years back, there was torrential rainfall, and it lasted for one week. Despite an efficient drainage system, the city experienced floods, and all of a sudden most drains were clogged.

How has it affected your area?

When the downpour finally stopped, there was water everywhere. Its presence in all the nooks and corners of the city led to disastrous repercussions . All streets had a foul smell. Many people from the weaker sections of society living in slums lost their homes and livelihood.

Apart from this, the medical facilities went for a toss. As the number of patients inclined considerably, the medical system in my city was finding it challenging to provide quality treatment to all needy people. Numerous people lost their lives because of immersing in the floods.

Moreover, the flood caused massive damage to the city’s infrastructure. It damaged the roads, parks, stadiums and many other prominent places. The administration had to spend a fortune on reinstating the infrastructure.


The damage caused by that flood would always remain etched in my memories.

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Environmental Problems Essays

natural disaster essay in ielts

it helps in my project
Mar 28, 2017

It is very nice.similar essay i read in some institute.sir carry on
Oct 07, 2017


1. increasing population
2. destruction of forest
3. industrialization
4. traditional farming


1. modern methods of farming should be practiced with the use of modern technology. Increasing population offers more needs like more housing, for the fulfillment of those needs they destroys forest. So population must be decrease by using family planning system.industry need to be built in the areas which is away from water resources.
Feb 20, 2018

recapitulate word used at the conclusion was really awesome...

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Noise Pollution

Some people think that they can make as much noise as they want, while others think that the amount of noise people make should be strictly controlled. Discuss both views and include your own opinion and examples. It is unfortunately the case that in any society we can find a number of people who do not respect to the social rights of others. One of the most disturbing cases is making noise either in public or people's private life. While the majority of people believe that the amount of noise produced by individuals must be restricted, there are still people who think that they have freedom to make noise regardless of considering other's life. In this essay, I will explain my point of view by examining both sides of the argument. Some people think that they should not take any responsibility related to limiting or decreasing the noise made by them. They claim that controlling the amount of the noise by rules and regulations not only invades their personal privacy, but it violates their social freedom. For example, in their view, listening to music loudly or hosting night parties in their own apartments would be considered as their basic human rights of being happy. There is, however, a strong argument that it is the responsibility of all members of a society to respect others' social life. Most people object to disrupting other's life by making unlimited noises. They believe that making noise should be controlled as much as possible when it creates disturbance for others by regulating strict rules. A common example here is to prohibit talking over cell phones loudly in the public such as in a subway which is clearly creating disturbance for people who are near the person while it has been frequently happening. In my view, any type of activity that creates disturbance for citizens' life must be controlled, and noise is no exception. Although it is beyond the power of governments to control all disturbing noises in the whole society, it seems to be possible that making some avoidable noises is banned in certain places such as near hospitals. _______________________________________ Please give me feedback for my Environmental Problems Essay on noise pollution.

Good piece of essay however limited examples were provided. But good work

Managing Global Environmental Damage

by long (hong kong)

Please give me some comment on my environmental problems essay, especially on grammatical mistakes, thank you Should global environmental damage be managed by the government or individuals? with the rapid development of modern world, global environment hazards are brought to our attention, some people suggest that the government should play a more important role on reducing the environmental damage, while others believe that the individual efforts cannot be ignored. to begin with, one of the major environmental hazards is the uncontrolled greenhouse gases emission by burning fossil fuel. in order to tackle the problem, the government plays a vital role. for example, the united nations have reached the agreement on annual carbon emission even china has promised to reduced the emission to international standard. it is obvious that the government has the power to alter others attitude towards environmental issue, which can be use to minimise carbon emission. on top of this, government can effectively prevent deforestation by reinforcing law and employing heavy punishment to offenders. in some rural countries, where people rely on logging business, the industry cut down trees incautiously and leads to serious rainforest destruction. if strict regulations are applied by the authority, the natural environment can be preserved. however, individual can also make a great deal of effort on reducing impact by altering their lifestyle. the air quality would be greatly improved if people are willing to use public transport instead of private cars. landfill will be prolonged if people abandon the use of plastic as packaging materials and seek eco friendly alternatives. if people have the conception of recycling, the amount of pollutants produced will be significantly reduced. on a whole, the government plays a crucial role on this worldwide issue. however, the individual influence cannot be underestimated.

Generally, this essay can response partly to the question. I rewrote some sentences which could be seen as inappropriately made.

The continuous changes and development have resulted in global environment hazards.It is believed that some people suggest the government should play a more significant role in reducing environmental damages, while others claim that the individuals efforts cannot be ignored.

(play a crucial role (in) not (on)

which can be used not (use)

You will be graded as 6.5 or 7
Aug 06, 2020

The word 'damages' has a very different meaning from the word 'damage'. Pls look up

Paying to Clean Up the Environment

Many people believe that companies and individuals should pay to clean up the environment in proportion to the amount of pollution they have produced. Do you agree or disagree? Over the past decades of ecological history, various environmental problems that the world faced; some may due to natural catastrophe, but most of them are caused by human activities. As a result, many countries have to bear with pointless expenditure to rejuvenate the state of their environment. Some people argued that every individual inclusive company is obliged to pay the cleaning cost of their actions that lead to environmental degradation, while others believed that certain actions are just unavoidable. This essay will present both sides of arguments before a reasoned conclusion is drawn. To begin with, Go Green defenders claimed that everyone should be penalized for their doings that caused environmental problems. Although this may be true to certain extent, however, some of the contamination results from human actions are just inevitable. In the modern era, many daily activities require energy to operate. Most of the energy that human used such as fuel and coals, contain with combustible materials, which will contribute to the environment pollution. Despite the existence of renewable and clean energy, this technology is still expensive at the moment and not every individual can afford to have. Hence, putting these costs and blames on these low level incomes groups will definitely burden them. However, certain activities that harmed the environment are primarily motivated for self-interest. This can be easily evident from irresponsible companies that earned large profits from their noncompliance’s activities such as over logging. Another great example is where household family discarded unwanted objects or food recklessly just to avoid paying disposal or cleaning fee. All these self-centeredness actions have caused serious global warming. Thus, by imposing penalty on these selfish deeds, government can utilize this fund to restore and improve the ecosystem. To sum up, there are clear supporting reasons for both sides of views; however, in my opinion, it is still believed that preserving the ecosystem is a responsibility of every person. Hence, any egotistical actions that resulted to environmental damage, they should be liable for the cost of rehabilitation flora and fauna. *** You can feedback below on this student's environmental problems essay on who should pay to clean up the environment.

Very nice, it helped me to do my project. 1)ways of preventing water pollution.

An Essay on damaging the environment

by Arvind Sharma (India)

Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can government do to address these problems? What can individual people do? Over many decades, human beings have been damaging the ecosystem, but it has always been criticized the ways in which they are damaging the environment. It is essential to understand these different methods which are responsible in polluting the environment. In this essay, all possible ways of damaging the environment will be examined before pointing out the roles of government and an individual in this pressing matter. To begin with the numerous means which cause the ecosystem polluted and destructive. Firstly, the deforestation where humans continually cutting down the trees for making the room for the living or constructing the new houses. As a result, many countries are being affected by flood and other natural disasters. Secondly, in order to fulfil the needs of the people, factories and mills are emitting the carbon which causes the ozone layer is being damaged. Consequently, the harmful rays are impacting adverse to the people’s health. Finally, the wastage, which is being collected by the people, is being poured into the soil which makes the land infertile. After examining the different ways, it has been clear that humans are responsible for making the environment worse. Next, the question is that what the government should do for addressing these acute problems. The government can play a pivotal role in order to highlight the issues of global warming. In other words, people can get familiar with the negative effects of global warming by organizing the government funded awareness camps. Moreover, media can play an important role by having the collaboration with government to address the pressing issues of damaging environment on television. On the other hand, people can control their habits which cause the environment polluted. For instance, by avoiding the usage of plastic bags they can save the environment from pollution to some extent. In addition to this, they can control their desires which cause the factories and mills to produce more to fulfill their demands. Therefore, undoubtedly, if both government and an individual understand their responsibilities towards the environment, it can be saved from the destruction. In conclusion, after analyzing the different ways of damaging the environment, and the significant roles of the government and an individual. I opine that this problem cannot be solved to think in isolation, therefore, it is important to both government and individual should come forward and take a responsibility to alleviate this extreme problem otherwise they have to live with the consequences of it. *** Please can you check my essay on damaging the environment.

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Damaging of the Environment

by Prasa (Sri Lanka)

Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do? The global environment is deteriorating at accelerated phase due to human activities where states and individuals have a major role to play together to prevent this and preserve the environment. At the outset, human activities such as deforestation for housing and factories shrink the green cover of the world which further impacted by the emission of greenhouse and toxic gases with the use of fossil fuel in vehicles and factories. Moreover, the excessive use of non-degradable plastics damages the soil vegetation and impact marine life. Though these are essential for the day to day life, the irresponsible behaviors of humans has done irreparable damage to the Mother Nature. On the other hand, governments around the world are in the confusing battle of prioritizing the environment protection over the creation of better life for their citizens. The focus should be directed to preserving the forest cover with clear demarcation and strict regulation on emission levels. Furthermore, state should encourage the scientific research on alternatives for plastic with bio-degradable materials which are similar in terms of convenience and alternative sources of sustainable energy in place of fossil fuel. However the general public cannot wash their hands off from this global issue where they also have to realize the social role in preservation of environment. This should include from preventing littering, reducing the use of plastics or reuse them to reduce the damage to use of alternative modes of transport then excessive use of fuel driven private cars. Furthermore, this can be improved by creating a demand for organically grown food instead of consuming produce of modern farming techniques which use chemical fertilizer that disturbs the lives inside the soil and water ways near the farms. In a nutshell, the prevention of environmental pollution is not only a responsibility of governments though they are the predominant party to plan macroeconomic policy for solutions but also a responsibility of individuals to adopt environmental friendly lifestyle.

Improving the Environment Essay

by Su jin (Seoul )

Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree? In this modern era where technology and industrialization has highly developed, keeping the environment safe and clean has become a big concern for human kind. Some people say that governments and large companies should play a big role to protect the nature and take appropriate measures to solve the problems. In my opinion individuals can also contribute to the nature protection on their own level. First of all, one of the main issues that we encounter today is air pollution and the smoke of factories and cars is the main cause of it. Thus in order to reduce the air pollution people should use public transport instead of private cars to commute to the work. In this way the number of cars will be decreased and so will be the harmful smoke that they emit to the air. Secondly, the second biggest problem is the garbage. We can reduce garbage by recycling the materials and reuse it. Thus people should sort out the garbage and throw them away properly. Some wastes such as bottles and plastic papers take centuries to get absorbed into the soil and harm the animal habitat for a long time. Therefore, recycling the bottles, cans and using paper bags instead of plastic ones could be the answer to it. At last, some of our earth's energy resources such as electricity, food supply, water are non-renewable. Thus it would be better if we consider consuming energy supplies properly by turning off the light and other electronic devices when not using them and saving water by closing tap after use. In conclusion, however, protecting the environment is a big topic it is not that far from our lives. In other words individuals surely can help to improve the condition by doing minor habitual things including using a public transport, recycling, saving energy and so on. Our future is in our hands. If we do not start implementing and influencing others in protecting our mother nature then who would be in responsible of it.

Natural Disasters Essay

by Pradeep (Hyderabad,India)

Wealthy nations should assist poorer countries with humanitarian relief during natural disasters. To what extent do you agree or disagree.   There is no doubt that extending help to someone during tough times is paramount. Rich countries should support poverty-stricken nations with altruistic aid while calamities take place. I completely agree with the statement and convey my views concerned to it in the following essay.   Affluent countries are stocked with essential resources like money, medicine, groceries, and equipment. For example, the USA has got reserves of such resources for the next 100 years. Being rich, similar nations are in a position to support countries that suffer economically and emotionally during nature havoc. The result of this is, not only induces good relations between countries but also paves the way to commercial transactions with minimized taxes in the future, as similar happened in the case of Vietnam and Japan.   The help of advanced technologies from higher nations results in rescuing and retention of casualties’ precious lives. The help-seeking countries certainly have lack sophisticated technologies to forecast, mitigate natural calamities. For example, life detecting flights were brought from other nations and deployed to identify soldiers with active heartbeats but struggling to survive during the Kargil war. As a result, quite a several soldiers survived and good relations, trust were established between nations. In return, it resulted in 1 billion dollars worth of armory purchase transactions.   To sum up, as per a saying ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed ‘, wealthy nations must support deprived countries. Being taken the opportunity, rich countries contribute to creating a feeling of comfort and security in devastated help-seeking nations. This also inculcates a sense of be-ready-to-help kind of trait in poorer nations within their range.

Mandating Recycling Essay

by Beryl (Turkey)

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste? In contemporary society there is a ongoing discussion whether sufficient waste from homes is recycled to increase longevity of sources and thus, livebility of environment. Some group of people also claim that governments should be obliged to take action on that issue via providing laws regarding that issue. Although, governments’ providing a legal requirement might be beneficial to some extent, it might not be fully effective. For instance, some group of people might perceive this law as only made to please environmentalists. Due to that reason some people might exclude themselves from responsibilities law enforced to them. Moreover, some group of people only take into account their personal gains. Therefore, may not be interested with providing a good environmental heritage to upcoming future generations. When all these mentioned diverse perspectives taken into account utilizing positive reinforcement might be more beneficial for increasing the amount recycled waste. For instance, in Germany the amount of recycling is high because citizens are given a very low cash prize like 1 euro in return to the every plastic bottle they recycled. Therefore, while enforcing laws on people the characteristics of society and the impact of these society on people should taken into account while creating a legislation for the citizens. However, the crucial point for making people recycle is not limited with impact of laws, it starts with increasing citizens and companies conscious about the topic. To exemplify, for decreasing plastic waste some companies are making their own precautions and using their own initiatives such as Starbucks or other little coffeeshops. Starbucks’ initiative about making people recycle more is turning to use paper straws rather than plastic straws.This is because paper is an easily decomposable product compared to plastics thus, it can easily be recycled.Another initiative of Starbucks’ is providing a 15% discount to people who bring their own termos so, both companies’ and that individuals’ waste amount is decreased to an extent.Furthermore, some local coffee shops are giving their products in reusable bottles while explaining the importance of continuability .As a result, they are also supporting development of conscious level of people in that topic. Consequently, people might behave more conscious in the issue of recycling. To conclude, we can accept that laws are limited in the extent of making people recycle fully. Therefore, we can use environmental enforces like using places to provide people with knowledge about the subject such as coffee shops. Furthermore, the impact of laws is effective on the extent people followed and applied them. If only these laws regarding recycling was formed in a society where laws are followed and applied we can say that a legislation aiming increase recycle can be successful -in 100%-fully-.

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Describe a natural disaster in your area IELTS cue card

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card

Describe a natural disaster in your area. You should say: What it was? When it was? What exactly happened? How it affected your area?

Note:  You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Model Answers and follow up questions to describe a natural disaster in your area IELTS cue card:

Model Answer:

Introduction: and  When it was?   Well, due to global warming natural disasters are becoming quite frequent and unfortunately, my region got affected by the same two years ago. 

What exactly happened?  and  How it affected your area? Actually, during the monsoon season, my country receives heavy rainfall and people eagerly wait for it to get relief from the scorching heat of summers. But that year it rained more than expected it continuously rained for almost a week. I vividly remember, people were so happy about the rain initially but soon we realized that it is a kind of disaster and the administration declared an emergency. 

Unluckily, due to thunderstorms the power also went off which created more fear among people. Now, due to heavy rain, the water started to enter the houses especially in low-lying areas and it primarily happened because the sewage maintenance work was not done in time and thousands of people in the area got affected by it. 

Thankfully for the safety of the people administration ran a rescue operation and people were moved to a safer place. Fortunately, on the fifth day the rains slowed down and we all were thankful to God. Soon the situation started to get better in terms of drainage of rainwater, restoration of power supply and others. 

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card “describe a natural disaster in your area”.

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Describe a natural disaster in your area IELTS Cue card

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Answer to Listen and Write Natural Disaster Recording

Below you will find the full transcript for the recording you listened to. When you want to check the accuracy of your writing, listen and read the transcript at the same time.

Strengthening community capacity to prevent and cope with the impact of disasters is a valuable way to save lives and better protect livelihoods as well as prevent such shocks from crippling development within the poorest countries. Early warning and early action are more cost effective than traditional disaster responses and save more lives per pound spent. In other words, public money has four times as much humanitarian impact if spending on preparation and risk reduction rather than on relief items.

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Natural Disasters-Discriptive

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IELTS essay Natural Disasters-Discriptive

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IELTS Cue Card Sample Questions # Natural Disaster

Disasters happen frequently all across the world. Some of them are natural while there are many which are man-made disasters. Some of them are of low frequency while many have the power to shake up the world. This time we are looking at a cue card that talks about natural disasters.

Describe a natural disaster that happened in your area. You should say : when did it happen? what was it? how did people react near you? also, explain what were the major changes that happened post it.

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The year was 2013 and our state was shook from its core. I live in Uttarakhand and in a multi-day cloudburst, it all led to massive floods in the year 2013. It was actually the worst natural disaster to happen in India post the tsunami. There was a lot of destruction of pilgrimages and so many people were left stranded all across the state.

I was in Dehradun at that moment, and the floods did not strike us directly but they did indirectly. Our family members who were living in parts of Tehri happened to be all around with floods. The water came in their houses and they had to evacuate. Although their lives were saved their livelihoods were badly impacted. They lost their house, their clothes and had to start afresh.

The huge was so grave that the prime minister took an aerial survey of the entire state and announced 10 billion to the state. There were many other states and countries as well that came in to help the state financially in the crisis situation. After around a year the state is again back to its normal workings. But the remains of the flood sometimes still remind us of how much it impacted all of our lives.

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Search this blog, natural disaster essay - can governments do more to prepare, natural disaster essay.

Natural disasters can have a devastating impact on communities. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with different types of natural disasters and take steps to protect people and property.

IELTS Writing Questions & Answers

Natural disasters essay 250 words.

Problem solution essay natural disaster answer

The after-effects of a natural disaster can be devastating for the area where it occurs. Unfortunately, there are limitations to what governments can do in anticipation of such an event; however, governments must have an effective and rapid response plan for dealing with the consequences of natural disasters .

Whether a particular geographical zone is susceptible to a specific type of natural disaster, such as fire, flood, earthquake, tornados, or even volcanic activity, governments must inform and educate citizens regarding the preventative measures they can take before such an event. These measures may be as simple as keeping a supply of drinking water, food, and blankets in a safe place within the home. Shuttering windows and doors and taking refuge in the basement in a tornado or hurricane is also useful. Clearly, in the case of certain natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, there is little that people can do to protect themselves or their property other than possibly evacuating the area in the event. However, much can be done following the event to alleviate suffering and help the area recover.

Disaster management is now a well-researched and documented field. Moreover, governments have an enormous body of data that can be analyzed and used to help create effective disaster management plans which consider the anticipated events typically associated with certain natural disasters. Effective disaster planning can help protect those impacted and restore a degree of normality as rapidly as possible. What is more, planning can aid in the long-term recovery of the afflicted zone. Typically, this will include emergency medical resources, search and rescue services, and the provision of shelter and emergency food rations and water for victims. Rebuilding infrastructure and clearing debris are also normally a part of disaster planning.

Much depends on the type of disaster as to what governments and people might prepare beforehand to protect people or mitigate the impact. However, following a disaster, governments must implement vital actions rapidly and efficiently to deal with the consequences. Therefore, governments must prioritize what can be done beforehand and ensure that disaster management resources are adequate and can respond efficiently and effectively following a natural disaster.

Natural Disasters Essay 150 words

Natural disasters are events that occur naturally and cause great destruction due to their intensity and impact. Common natural disasters include floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides.

Floods are one of the most common natural disasters; they can damage homes and businesses as well as destroy crops. Hurricanes are another dangerous disaster in coastal regions that can cause heavy winds and flooding. Earthquakes can cause serious damage to infrastructure such as roads, bridges, buildings, and houses, while tsunamis can cause major destruction along coasts by overwhelming inland areas with water. Landslides occur when large amounts of rock or soil move on a slope due to gravity or weather conditions.

Overall, natural disasters can have a devastating impact on communities and cause significant damage to homes, businesses, infrastructure, and lives. It is important for people living in areas prone to natural disasters to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect themselves and their property. By knowing the potential dangers associated with different types of disasters, people can better prepare for them and minimize the damage caused by these events. The best way to stay safe during such occurrences is to be prepared and know what safety measures are necessary.

How would you respond to this natural disasters essay question? Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?

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    IELTS24 is a comprehensive website dedicated to IELTS writing exam preparation, offering a vast collection of practice essays and user-submitted essays. It stands out for its in-depth analysis of each essay, providing valuable insights for users aiming to improve their writing skills. This platform is ideal for those seeking targeted practice and feedback to excel in the IELTS writing section.

  5. Dealing with Natural Disasters: Listen and Write

    Dealing with Natural Disasters: Listen and Write. This lesson is about listening to a recording, taking notes and then reproducing the full written text. This is not an IELTS test practice. It is just a practice exercise to develop sharper listening skills and check your accuracy of written English. Many people preparing for IELTS say they don ...

  6. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

    Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words. Model Answer 1: In today's modern world, we are constantly bombarded with the issue of natural disasters happening around the globe. Thus, some people assert that preventing the occurrence of natural ...

  7. IELTS Essay

    IELTS Essay Topic: Environmental pollution is the biggest disaster. Sample Answer: Environment means all the natural things that surround us. Damage to the environment is increasing at an alarming rate due to human activities. This essay would discuss the causes and effects of environmental pollution such as air pollution and soil pollution.

  8. Write IELTS Essay: Natural disasters can have long-lasting effects on

    Write Essay to Evaluate - Natural disasters can have long-lasting effects on both the environment and public health. Explore the connection between disaster resilience, environmental conservation, and community well-being. ... IELTS24 is a comprehensive website dedicated to IELTS writing exam preparation, offering a vast collection of practice ...

  9. Natural disasters

    Natural disasters - Sample IELTS essay Writing Task 2 When a disaster, such as an earthquake or flood happens, media spread the news like wildfire. Such natural hazards have always been grabbing the attention of the public. But are they the real risk?

  10. IELTS essay causes and effects of natural disasters

    This issue wreaks havoc with society directly. Firstly, it causes unstable weather which makes clothes store owners find it hard to predict the weather. This tendency obstructs the businessman improve their trade. Secondly, natural hazards slow the service industry down. It is a contributor to an economic crisis.

  11. what do you think are the effects of natural disasters on ...

    Natural disasters are caused by an imbalance in the natural processes of the environment which puts adverse effects on humankind . I believe government people with the cooperation of individuals can deal with such natural calamities in possible ways | Band: 8 ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 and Letters ...

  12. Wealthy Nations Should Assist Poorer Countries with Humanitarian Relief

    Explore our IELTS band 9 sample essay to see why wealthy nations should assist poorer countries with humanitarian relief during natural disasters. This in-depth analysis demonstrates the ethical and strategic reasons wealthy nations should assist poorer countries, offering unique insights and expert examples. Perfect for IELTS candidates aiming for a top score, our essay shows how wealthy ...

  13. International disaster aid is important after natural disasters

    To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

  14. Talk About a Natural Disaster in Your Area IELTS Exam

    Q-1 What do you mean by natural disasters? Ans: Natural disasters mean natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, heavy storms, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc. Both living and nonliving creatures suffer from these disasters. Sometimes natural calamities destroy the whole cities in a bit of time.

  15. Describe A Natural Disaster In Your Area IELTS Cue Card

    It damaged the roads, parks, stadiums and many other prominent places. The administration had to spend a fortune on reinstating the infrastructure. Conclusion: The damage caused by that flood would always remain etched in my memories. Describe a natural disaster in your area IELTS cue card. Watch on.

  16. Environmental Problems Essays

    Natural Disasters Essay. by Pradeep (Hyderabad,India) Wealthy nations should assist poorer countries with humanitarian relief during natural disasters. To what extent do you agree or disagree. There is no doubt that extending help to someone during tough times is paramount.

  17. Describe a natural disaster in your area IELTS cue card

    IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions. Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card "describe a natural disaster in your area". We will update it as soon as possible. Read more cue cards : Describe a vacation you would recommend to your friend IELTS cue card.

  18. What are the effects of natural disasters on human, life ...

    Since natural disasters are unpredictable, they cause severe damage to the lives of human beings and to the infrastructure. This. ... You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay. The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has ...

  19. Answer to Listen and Write Natural Disaster Recording

    Answer to Listen and Write Natural Disaster Recording. Below you will find the full transcript for the recording you listened to. When you want to check the accuracy of your writing, listen and read the transcript at the same time. Recording. 00:00. 00:00. . Transcript. Strengthening community capacity to prevent and cope with the impact of ...

  20. IELTS essay Natural Disasters-Discriptive

    The following are the cause and the effects of the natural disaster. To begin with, the Earth is dynamic in nature, it is changing the geography of the earth. ... Recent IELTS Essay Topics 2022; IELTS Synonyms Words List by topics for Reading pdf; Ideas for IELTS writing task 1 2 topics; IELTS Essays Letters Templates pdf; English Speaking Club ...

  21. 50 Latest Disaster IELTS Topics

    50 Latest Disaster IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! Too much attention is given to headline-grabbing disasters like earthquakes and floods. Governments should concentrate their resource on educating people about the risk they face nearer to their home, which can cost far more lives .

  22. IELTS Cue Card Sample Questions # Natural Disaster

    SAMPLE ANSWER. The year was 2013 and our state was shook from its core. I live in Uttarakhand and in a multi-day cloudburst, it all led to massive floods in the year 2013. It was actually the worst natural disaster to happen in India post the tsunami. There was a lot of destruction of pilgrimages and so many people were left stranded all across ...

  23. Natural Disaster Essay

    Natural Disaster Essay. Natural disasters can have a devastating impact on communities. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with different types of natural disasters and take steps to protect people and property. Natural Disaster Essay 250 words Natural Disasters Essay 150 words IELTS Writing Questions & Answers