
Review: short vacation is an austere, poignant reverie about life’s promise.

The film, lacking in conflict and danger, is guided by the poignant belief that there’s no end to the world.

Short Vacation

Kwon Min-pyo and Seo Hansol’s Short Vacation begins with the arrival of Si-yeon (Seol Si-yeon) at a new middle school at the start of the spring semester. In contrast to many films centered around young people adjusting to a new home and school, Si-yeon so easily gets along with a trio of girls, Yeon-woo (Bae Yeon-woo), So-jung (Park So-jung), and Song-hee (Han Song-hee), that you would think that they have been friends for ages. This casual subverting of our expectation—that it will be focused on Si-Yeon suffering the pangs of adjustment—proves to be Short Vacation ’s default mode. In the film, conflict is resolved almost as soon as it emerges—all the better to stress the characters’ capacity for harmony.

After class, the girls head to their extracurricular photography club, where the advising teacher, Mr. Kang (Kang Suk-won), remarks that all they do is watch movies. Amusingly, one early scene shows the girls lying on the floor out of view during a screening of John Ford’s Stagecoach , the sound off and the film un-subtitled in Korean, the girls’ absence in the frame suggestive of their disinterest in the film. Only as school lets out for summer break does Kang decide to actually introduce his students to the concept of taking photos, giving them the assignment to photograph “the end of the world” and handing them disposable cameras that initially baffle those who’ve never used a camera that wasn’t built into a smartphone.

The girls quickly figure out the basics of taking photographs and collectively decide to ride Seoul’s subway to its last station in order to take photos of where the rail lines end. But upon arriving at the station they discover, to their annoyance, that the tracks keep going, connecting to depots and even to areas of the city once serviced but now abandoned. Though some of the girls are willing to just take some photos there and be done with their project, others are already morphing into young artists, refusing to settle for “underwhelming” compositions.

As the quartet decide to soldier on past the city limits of Seoul, they pass abandoned subway stations and asphalt roads that start to taper out into dirt roads. These spaces are pregnant with symbolism but don’t strike the characters as the ideal subject matter for their photos. As the girls drift further away from the city, their phones increasingly losing power, one cannot help but feel concerned for their safety or wonder if their parents might be looking for them. But Short Vacation never plays up the dangers of children roaming around without adult supervision or protection, instead adopting a whimsical attitude toward their exploration.

Furthermore, Kwon and Seo use the girls’ journey as a means to ponder the small, visible ways in which history can be measured. For the girls, everything is old, to the point that a dusty, never-completed transit station first built in 2005, before any of them were even born, may as well be as ancient as the verdant mountains that pop up in the background of shots as they wander into the countryside. Even when the girls are forced to spend the night in an empty community center far out in the country, the tone of the scene remains playful and intimate, with the characters acting as if they’re having a normal sleepover at one of their homes.

The film, lacking in conflict and danger, is guided by the poignant belief that there’s no end to the world. Its characters’ quest for a single image of profundity plays out like an austere riff on Rob Reiner’s Stand by Me , albeit with the anticlimactic confrontation of four boys with the existential banality of death from that film replaced by an equally quiet vision of four girls evocatively grappling with the possibilities of life. The quotidian humdrumness on display throughout Short Vacation is rendered elegant and captivating by its brightly lit images, typically arranged in long shots to take in as much of the world around the girls as possible. The abundance of space around them likewise reflects the film’s core theme: that the harder the girls try to find some sense of finality, the more they discover how life goes on.

short vacation movie review

Jake Cole is an Atlanta-based film critic whose work has appeared in MTV News and Little White Lies . He is a member of the Atlanta Film Critics Circle and the Online Film Critics Society.

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Short Vacation

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Park So-Jung Han Song-hee Kang Suk-Won (Teacher Seok-won)

Han-Sol Seo, Kwon Min-pyo

4 girls take on journey for the search of the end of the World requested as a summer vacation photo extra curricular home work. They opined and journeyed together for their own summer reminescences.


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short vacation movie review

Short Vacation | Kwon Min-pyo & Seo Han-sol

What does the end of the world look like to a group of middle school girls? In Kwon Min-pyo and Seo Han-sol’s debut film, Short Vacation , four friends embark on a meandering mission to find out, spurred by an enigmatic prompt from their photography club teacher and armed with disposable cameras. Up until then, they’ve languished through their last few days of the semester, where they’re admonished to “have a fun and meaningful summer.” Seemingly at random, they decide to take Seoul Subway Line 1 to its last stop and discover what lies at the edge of the map. They don’t seem interested in the assignment’s apocalyptic overtones; instead, their destination is purely literal: they’re seeking the end of the railroad tracks. For this group of lifelong city dwellers, the end of the world is where mass transit terminates and the countryside begins.

Middle school can be a brutally awkward time, full of raging hormones and confusing emotions. For Koreans, it’s also a time of heightened academic pressure that poses a major shift from elementary school. The majority of middle schoolers attend private “cram schools” in addition to regular school, and the importance of academic achievement is almost all-encompassing. This pressure is depicted throughout Short Vacation ; the girls offhandedly one-up each other about their grades and abilities, and the few adults in the film contribute to this environment of protracted educational anxiety. In this context, the film’s title isn’t just referring to a literal vacation — the girls’ impromptu day trip — but to a brief respite from the sort of pressures that will only mount as they get older, culminating in a notorious fever-pitch of competition around college-entrance exams.

In a broader sense, this jaunt is also a break from the inexorable responsibilities of their imminent adulthood. As the day wears on, the girls find themselves lost and far from home, their phone batteries dead and not a soul in sight to give them a lift. They seek shelter from the pouring rain in an empty village hall and decide to spend the night, whiling away the hours confiding in each other. They seem to recognize that this is a special, maybe even pivotal moment, and perhaps this understanding encourages their vulnerability. They share memories of their parents and grandparents, revealing things they wish they hadn’t said and actions they wish they’d taken, pondering how their lives could have been different and delighting in moments of unexpected connection. Kwon and Seo unsparingly capture the fragility and tenderness of these conversations, the unspoken emotional tug behind this yearning for friendship. Interspersed throughout the film are the girls’ analog snapshots, hovering like portals before disappearing again. “The world is big,” they reassure each other, untethered from the umbilical cord that leads them home for the first time, and making their way just fine.

Published as part of New Directors/New Films 2021 — Dispatch 2 .
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ND/NF Review: Short Vacation is a Lovely Portrait of Quiet Solace

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Four middle school students are asked by their photography club adviser to document the “end of the world” with disposable cameras, which might as well be alien relics to the smart-phone obsessed tweens. But in Kwon Min-pyo and Seo Han-sol’s lovely Short Vacation , these talkative girls embrace the ambiguity of their assignment, embarking on a long day trip down the Seoul Metropolitan Railway line. Before long, the familiar city skyscrapers have disappeared and been replaced by the open fields and empty streets of rural Korea.

Soon realizing that time unfolds differently out here, the girls begin to see this trip as an opportunity to putter around talking about whatever subject pops into their head. Eventually, the challenge of photographing spaces (or things) with a finite conclusion morphs into a more curious gaze that puts a value on each mundane snapshot (captured by the film’s sporadic cutaways to the pictures themselves). Unlike their cellphones, which quickly run out of batteries, the disposable cameras have only a set amount of pictures that can be taken. 

Without access to their social media feeds and email, the girls hang out in a way that used to be standard for children but now feels revolutionary. Conversations are not rooted in the online gossip or exposure of the day. They are tied to the surroundings, ebbing and flowing like the train tracks and streets they choose to follow. There’s no sense that anyone is panicked about the shapelessness of their journey, or even feel the need to check in with parents. They seem truly free to wander see the world with fresh eyes. 

Whether they actually do so or not is debatable, and Short Vacation never forces the issue. This is not an adventure about epiphany or awakening, but something more simple and defining. The film is almost too minimalist that we lose track of any details about their individual personalities, instead seeing them as one squad moving in a shared direction that just happens to be changing constantly. 

As a result, the viewer is asked to embrace the film’s languishing mood and pace, paying attention to the little deviations in conversation that end up revealing more about these girls than anything.  For that reason Short Vacation might initially come off as quaint and minor. But co-directors Kwon and Seo are more interested in examining what adolescent vantage points look like when stripped of all familiar bearings, both technological and physical. 

Coming-of-age films are, at their core, interested in the changes characters experience over a set amount of time. With Short Vacation , those fluctuations are more subtle and rooted in a growing sense of shared community. During the film’s pivotal final sequence in an empty house where the girls have taken refuge for the night, the social constructs of their collective relationships begin to become apparent.  

In the end, Short Vacation becomes a portrait of quiet solace captured by random inspiration, something that is both tied to the dynamics of friendship and yet completely separate from it. Watching this film makes one pine to remember all the little digressions of day trips and overnighters that once seemed so important but have since faded from memory.

Short Vacation screens at New Directors/New Films .

Asian Movie Pulse

Film review: Short Vacation (2021) by Kwon Min-pyo

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The end of the world doesn't look that different from the rest of the world. This is the first impression that four members of a school photo club “Shine” get once they reach a destination they proclaimed as the end of everything.

A Short Vacation is screening on Berlinale

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Equipped with plastic analogue cameras given to them by a school professor who tasked them with taking pictures of what they believe is impossible to capture, four girls start their day trip completely unmotivated, clueless how to approach the topic. Ditching the project is more exciting, but being awarded demerits less so, which becomes their only motivation to continue with the homework.

Short moments before leaving the train in Shinchang – the final station of Seoul's subway line 1, their hope of experiencing something different already ebbed away. The landscape outside is “underwhelming” and “rural”, according to Song-hee , Si-yeon, So-jung and Yeon-woo, and they observe that Shinchang didn't even have a decency of cutting off its train tracks or roads to become THE destination. Reluctant to fulfil their task, they go a step further to make the trip worthwhile. Allegedly, there is a place where the rail tracks were cut off, just a bus ride away.

Exploring the area in search of the old railway station, they start paying attention to details –  eggflowers in bloom, rice fields and vast abandoned spaces. The first snapshots will be of things they observe with curious eyes.

In his debut feature “Short Vacation”, Kwon Min-pyo sends four teenage girls on a road trip that leads them to another kind of journey, the one on the deeper emotional level. The middle school first-graders are in the confusing phase of life between childhood and adulthood , and their friendship seems to be stuck in a similar development phase. Both will change in the course of time, turning into a warm coming of age story.

There wasn't a concrete script for the film, just its outline, which is why the girls' conversations and  their interaction comes across so effortless. It's the little things like the pun about the origins of photo club's name – “because of vice president's shiny head” that point out at typically teenage language.  At the beginning, girls behave like kids their age, with noses stuck in cell phones, or eating out together and exchanging little gifts. Gradually, they start exchanging their memories, hopes and fears, discovering mutual points of interest outside their not so whole-heartedly chosen hobby.

Kwon Min-pyu didn't rename his young actresses. Their identities are kept, faithful to the original concept of letting them be themselves, just placed in a completely unknown setting.  

The camera movement is fluid, pacing along with the gang of four, following their gaze or embracing them in closed spaces, while emersed in talks. The cinematographer Park jae-man keeps a respectful distance from the girls, putting them in a larger picture of interactivity with the space and each other.

“Short Vacation” has just had its world premiere in the Generation programme of Berlinale.                  

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Marina D. Richter

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Korean Movie | 2020

종착역 | jong-chak-yeok

• Adventure • Coming-of-age • Road movie

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Directed by • Kwon Min-pyo (권민표) • Seo Han-sol (서한솔)

Written by • Kwon Min-pyo (권민표) • Seo Han-sol (서한솔)

79min | Release date in South Korea: 2021/09/23

Synopsis Four first-grade middle school students in the same class are members of a photography club. Before leaving for summer break, the teacher hands out an old-fashioned analog camera to each of them and asks them to take pictures with them as a summer assignment. The assignment topic is the "end of the world." What does the end of the world mean? What on earth are they supposed to take pictures of? They all have different opinions on it, but as one of the girls suggests, they decide to take a subway to Sinchang Station, the last station on Seoul Metropolitan Subway Line 1. That is the end of the world for these girls. They doze off on the subway, stop for a while due to rain showers, and feel drawn to an unfamiliar world.

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Short Vacation

Review by olivia Pro

Short vacation 2020.

Watched Sep 22 , 2022

olivia’s review published on Letterboxd:

equal parts endearing and grueling. i liked the premise a lot and some of the conversations and scenery were quite good, but other times it felt like i was watching scenes that should've been cut out. much of this could've been scrapped and left on the editing room floor, or maybe it would've even been more effective as a short film. but still, it was cute at times, and the dynamics of the girls' friendship group seemed realistic and geunine. sometimes a bit toxic, too. so that's relatable to real life, lol.

my favorite parts were the overall photo assignment given to the girls, to take pictures of "the end of the world", and the still pictures interspersed that showed their ideas of what the end of the world would look like. that's such an interesting concept to me, because the end of the world could look so different to so many people. i think of the waterfalls at the end of happy together , where only one half of the couple makes it to, and he says something like how it feels like the end of the world. or maybe the end of into the wild , where the main character realizes that total solitude and exclusion from society is not the best thing after all, and in his journal he writes, "happiness is only real when shared." i think only in loneliness can something truly be an end. but maybe that's not true for others, which is why it's so interesting of an idea. the end of the world, to me, must be a place so desolate. the inside of a cave that you're lost in, a break up with someone you loved, the edge of a cliff with only falling, falling, falling left to go. someplace where no hope remains. that is truly the end of the world. but that's just one version of it, my version.

i wish could ask every person out there what their answer would be to this philosophical question. what's your "end of the world"? where does an ending stop? or where does it begin?

(2020 - ranked )

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  • he hated this so much it was really funny
  • never ending fucking movie
  • i watched this for 5 million years and it still never ended
  • but i did like it though
  • i love the photography elements
  • i love the quiet moments
  • but some of the random irrelevant conversations did feel a bit excruciating at times i won't lie
  • you can definitely tell this is the directors' (co-directors') debut film because a lot of it could've been edited out and it would've made it a lot better
  • still though i think i'll think about this movie at times and remember the photos and the girls and the end of the world
  • whenever i ride the train i have to ride it alone cause all my friends have jobs or partners / fiancés / husbands and then there's just .. me
  • also i'm really fucking lonely now
  • anyways i'm tired
  • let's stop tagging before i overshare my feelings like always
  • movies i watched while my cat slept on me
  • international film
  • coming of age
  • quality wasn't too bad tbh and hardcoded english subs - tbh that's a steal right there for such an underwatched film
  • okay goodbye fr
  • goodbye and goodnight where's the fucking aspirin omg
  • going to take a nap now
  • poster reminds me of the poster for columbus

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Film review: Short Vacation (2021) by Kwon Min-pyo


Horror Short Film Review – ‘Dear Guest’ (2020)

“you can check-in but you won’t be checking out”.

Just in time for Halloween, Megan Freels Johnston’s vacation rental horror short Dear Guest is available for streaming. A couple checks into a vacation rental, only to find that the anonymous host likes to play games on its guests. Johnston Freels describes her short as part of an “homage to The Twilight Zone” , and I couldn’t agree more! The film stars Ashley Bell ( The Last Exorcism ) and Noureen DeWulf ( Good Girls ) and is available on Vimeo on demand. This weekend Youtube and Amazon will be streaming this short as well.  Dear Guest premiered at the Monaco International Film Festival earlier this year.

Dear Guest

Johnston Freels is best known for taking us to middle town suburbia, where she tugged at our inner psyche in her feature The Ice Cream Truck. A few years prior, she showed us how solitude and solace could turn deadly in her psychological thriller, Rebound . Known for her character development and twisty story plots, I knew that Dear Guest would have no problem winning me over.

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Director & Writer Megan Freels Johnston

Much to my surprise, Dear Guest takes on a unique premise; I was expecting a typical home invasion or a torture story, Freels Johnston cleverly gave us something much different. Couple Maria and Jules arrive at an Airbnb type property that Jules had booked using an app; not much is known about the owner or the property, fueling the beginning suspense to the story. Jules disappears, and Maria discovers a letter addressed, “Dear Guest.” After opening the letter, Maria realizes that Jules is in grave danger, and she must play the game following the clues to free her lover. The film wholeheartedly delivers on mystery and fear. Many of us have rented a vacation home or checked into an Airbnb; sprinkle that in with this real-life situation, you now have the perfect recipe.

Dear Guest

Maria (Ashley Bell) searching for clues to find her lover.

Dear Guest

Jules (Noureen DeWulf) & Maria (Ashley Bell) search for more clues.

Dear Guest is a well-executed female drive film and carries the potential of becoming a feature film or series. I wouldn’t mind more “mini” episodes as the ending is unnerving and will have your imagination working overtime.

Dear Guest has a runtime of eleven minutes and will provide the perfect segway into your Halloween entertainment this year!

Check out the trailer by clicking here. 

Listen to the 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

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The film comes out theatrically on August 30.

Blumhouse has been exploring this tech-horror trend recently. They started with M3GAN (2023) which is already getting a sequel, and a spin-off called Soulm8te. Of course, this plot device is nothing new. Self-aware computer conflicts have been cinematic since 2001 : A Space Odyssey ( 1968 ) .

Back down on Earth, in Afraid , “Curtis ( John Cho ) and his family are selected to test a revolutionary new home device: a digital family assistant called AIA. Taking smart home to the next level, once the unit and all its sensors and cameras are installed in their home, AIA seems able to do it all. She learns the family’s behaviors and begins to anticipate their needs. And she can make sure nothing – and no one – gets in her family’s way.”

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Alison Lohman Teases ‘Drag Me to Hell 2’ For 2026?

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Alison Lohman may have just teased that a sequel to 2009’s Drag Me to Hell is in the works. On July 1 she took to X and responded to fans who would love to revisit another Sam Raimi’s cursed object movie. She posted the year “2026” followed by a winking emoji.

This might track since Raimi himself announced back in 2023 that he wanted to continue the story. “[Ghost House production head] Romel Adam and [director of development] Jose Canas are trying to come up with a story that would work and I’m anxious to hear if they do!”

Nothing official has come out yet, but the time frame between Raimi’s statement and now Lohman’s ambiguous post feels like the right amount of time to have written a screenplay, have it approved, and go into production. But why 2026? A lot of times it’s a matter of timing. Other projects currently filming obviously take priority.

Raimi himself has two director duties currently in the works; The Kingkiller Chronicle and World War 3 . Although we appreciate him giving other directors a spot in the director’s chair as a producer, Raimi really shines when he helms motion pictures himself. With the exception of Evil Dead Rise, his past producing credits haven’t had the same impact as when he’s in charge.

Some of his producer-only credits include The Grudge (2019), Umma (2022), and 65 (2023).

We will wait and see if any official announcements are made for Drag Me to Hell 2 and as soon as we find anything new, we’ll let you know.

2026😉 — alison lohman (@ActwithAlison) July 1, 2024

Mark Hamill Cast as Peter Vincent in Recent ‘Fright Night’ Project

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Mark Hamill is fighting vampires with the original Fright Night (1985) cast and its director Tom Holland . This story comes to us from MovieWeb .

In 1985 Holland created the cult classic starring William Ragsdale and Chris Sarandon . The late Roddy McDowall portrayed Peter Vincent , a horror movie TV host who is recruited to fight Jerry Dandrich (Sarandon), a suave bloodsucker who goes head to head with Charley Brewster (Ragsdale) in order to keep his secret safe. 

Hamill was cast as Vincent in The Table Read Podcast . He joined Holland and most of the original cast for the project. Hamill said at the time:

“I’m really looking forward to the episode, not only because of my love of Fright Night, but for the chance to play Peter Vincent & honor the legacy of the great Roddy MacDowall. I shared a dressing room with Roddy while doing a TV movie called Earth Angel & I’ll never forget his wit, charm & kindness, not to mention his memories of the Golden Age of Hollywood. I will treasure my experience with him forever & am humbled to join the wonderful original cast for this unique event.”

Holland, now 80, said the experience was a special one. 

“Bringing the original Fright Night cast back together with some very special guests for a reading of the film’s script on the Table Read Podcast has been an incredible experience. For the first time, we’ve reunited the original cast of this iconic masterpiece, bringing friends and creators together to celebrate both the past and the future.”

Act 1 of the Table Read production released late last month. Act 2 was released this week and you can listen to the entire recording HERE .

Youcan watch the origianl Fright Night on Max or rent on VOD.

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Need to watch ' Short Vacation ' on your TV, phone, or tablet? Searching for a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or view the Kwon Min-pyo-directed movie via subscription can be confusing, so we here at Moviefone want to do right by you. Below, you'll find a number of top-tier streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription options - along with the availability of 'Short Vacation' on each platform when they are available. Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty of how you can watch 'Short Vacation' right now, here are some finer points about the DGC Tiger Cinema drama flick. Released , 'Short Vacation' stars Seol Si-yeon , Bae Yeon-woo , Park So Jung , Han Song-hee The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 19 min, and received a user score of 66 (out of 100) on TMDb, which put together reviews from 7 knowledgeable users. Want to know what the movie's about? Here's the plot: "Four middle school students who are the members of a photography club receive an oldfashioned analog camera from their teacher The teacher asks them to take pictures of the end of the world during summer vacation While they discuss where would be the end of the world as one of the girls suggests they just get on the subway to go to the very last station" 'Short Vacation' is currently available to rent, purchase, or stream via subscription on Amazon Video, YouTube, Apple iTunes, and Google Play Movies .

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Vacation: Making Do with Nothing, and Loving it

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Danny Corey’s  Vacations  is an absurdist comedy that delights in whimsy and eccentricity, especially if it is in reaction to mindlessness. Four minutes long and completely isolated but for a solitary construction worker, the film celebrates escapes into fantasy. 

The shot of a green haven opening up into what is likely a reception counter at some budget inn sums up the film’s tone of humour. It takes joy in the fantasy as well as in revealing its artifice and necessity; the opening shot, after all, is an escapade that is forced to rely on the imagination because the better option cannot be had.

Vacation - Short Film Review - Indie Shorts Mag

Beyond this thematic congruity, there is nothing connecting the rest of the film to the opening shot. The actual plot revolves around a construction worker, holding a STOP sign in the middle of the desert. There is no traffic. Neither is there a construction site as far as the eye can see. 

Left to his lonely (and meaningless) job in a vast, barren landscape, the unnamed man finds much can be made of nothing. He dances. The music is all percussion and fun, a vital injection of spirit that brings life back to the man. If there is no one to join in, there is certainly no one to stop him. A fast pace cuts between a range of shots, from SnorriCam closeups of the man’s delight, and wide shots that incorporate the landscape instead of separating it from him. 

Vacation - Short Film Review - Indie Shorts Mag

It is only with the climax that the man discovers that much can be returned to nothing. The fantasy ends, the music stops, and there is nothing much to his day again except a STOP sign and a transceiver. 

Does the film laugh  at  him? Not quite. The laughter is directed at the ridiculousness of his situation. There is humour in it in the same way that there is humour in plastic plants and faded wallpaper as a required substitute for a vacation in the tropics.

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Strawberry Shortcake's Summer Vacation

Strawberry Shortcake's Summer Vacation (2024)

Strawberry Shortcake and her big-city besties spend summer vacation hunting for buried treasure to save her family's farm from a greedy businessperson. Strawberry Shortcake and her big-city besties spend summer vacation hunting for buried treasure to save her family's farm from a greedy businessperson. Strawberry Shortcake and her big-city besties spend summer vacation hunting for buried treasure to save her family's farm from a greedy businessperson.

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Blue lock the movie - episode nagi review: a hard sell, even for diehard blue lock fans.


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Naruto's most iconic opening gets a new version after 20 years, 10 best things boruto added to the naruto franchise, quick links, blue lock the movie - episode nagi works when it’s doing something new, blue lock’s animation is no better or worse in film, blue lock’s first movie fails as an adaptation, blue lock the movie - episode nagi’s pacing & direction ruin its story.

  • Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi fails to live up to its expectations due to poor pacing, lackluster animation, and baffling direction.
  • The film does offer some new scenes and increased character depth, but it cuts out significant content from the manga, leaving Nagi and others feeling shallow.
  • Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi 's poor production and direction make it a disappointing adaptation, even for diehard fans of the franchise.

Warning: Contains spoilers for Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi. Shortly after Blue Lock finished its first season, two new projects were announced to be in development: Blue Lock season 2, and a film adaptation of Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi . Episode Nagi is a spinoff manga centered around Seishiro Nagi, and in addition to showing new events, it also shows how some stories played out from Nagi’s perspective as a means of further fleshing out his character.

Unfortunately, Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi doesn’t live up to its hype or the hype of Blue Lock , in general. The film isn’t without its good moments, mostly when it sticks to its premise of showcasing Nagi’s perspective, but through a combination of bad pacing, lackluster animation, and overall baffling direction, Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi largely fails as both a Blue Lock story and an adaptation, in general .

Only someone who’s truly a diehard fan of Blue Lock is bound to get something out of the film, and even then, it probably won’t be that much.

Blue Lock’s Supporting Cast Gets New Depth

Blue Lock - Episode Nagi ’s biggest selling point is retelling the story from Nagi’s perspective, and Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi is at its best when it sticks to that idea. Episode Nagi features many new scenes with Nagi from before his time in Blue Lock, the most notable being Nagi’s first soccer match and the revelation that Nagi knew about Isagi from the very beginning of the Blue Lock program . Those moments do a great job of fleshing out both his character and Blue Lock , as a whole, and overall, they’re some of the biggest highlights of the film.

The increased focus on Nagi’s character also shines when the story finally gets to the Blue Lock program. Once the story got to that point, Nagi received even more development with the increased focus on his gradual growth into an egoist, and that leads to a complete reworking of one of his most selfish moments when it’s revealed that Nagi only abandoned Reo in the second selection because he thought it would help their shared goal of becoming the best . Moments like those were highlights of the Episode Nagi manga, and it was great to see them translated into animation.

Telling things from Nagi’s perspective also allowed for additional focus on characters involved in Nagi’s arc. Zantetsu receives a lot of development to explain his motivations for playing soccer and why Nagi and Reo care about him, and for Reo, Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi goes into his perspective on Nagi abandoning him to show just how hurt he was by it , which made his attitude in their reunion all the more understandable. Moments like those truly make the movie’s hook of retelling Blue Lock from a new perspective shine, and they’re easily the best parts of the film.

Blue Lock Still Falls Short in Its Visuals

Nagi playing soccer

Unfortunately, the character writing is essentially the only place Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi shines, as is a tradition for a franchise that has redefined many shonen tropes . Everything else about the film largely falls flat. Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi ’s animation, for example, is no better or worse than the Blue Lock anime , as while there are a few moments of standout visuals and animation, most scenes are marred with lackluster visuals made even worse with still shots and ugly 3D models. Anime films typically have better animation than their TV shows, so Episode Nagi not having that is disappointing to see.

Episode Nagi ’s animation also spells a bad sign for Blue Lock season 2 . An uptick in animation was the biggest thing people were hoping to see in season 2 after season 1 repeatedly fell short in that regard, but if Episode Nagi ’s animation was only on par with season 1 at best, then that means Blue Lock season 2 might not have the improved animation people were hoping to see . There hasn’t been a trailer for Blue Lock season 2 yet, so it might be too quick to judge, but it’s a bad sign of what to expect, regardless.

Original Manga Written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro & Illustrated by Kota Sannomiya

Episode Nagi volume 1

Another point against Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi is how much it fails as an adaptation of the Blue Lock - Episode Nagi manga. While the biggest hallmark of the manga is retelling the story from new perspectives, Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi cuts out a lot of the manga’s take on the story , whether it’s what Nagi and Reo were doing before Blue Lock or what they were doing during. Even for people who didn’t read the manga, it leaves Nagi feeling notably shallow as a character, and that’s supposed to be what the movie was avoiding.

Going off of that, one of the best parts of the manga was how it showed what Nagi, Barou, and Chigiri did after losing Isagi to Rin’s team, but Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi skips over everything Nagi’s team did in the second selection just so the film can end where season 1 did. At only 90 minutes, there wouldn’t have been time to adapt everything in the manga, but if that’s the case, then it would have been better to stop at a point that didn’t leave out so much content.

Blue Lock’s Film Ruins a Great Manga

Nagi in Episode Nagi

What ultimately killed Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi , though, was its poor pacing and overall direction. Going along with how the film cut out a lot of content from the manga, once Nagi and Reo get into Blue Lock, Episode Nagi speeds through the story to get to the same place Blue Lock season 1 ended , with the characters and story receiving no more depth than what was presented in the anime as a result. There are a few moments in the first half that avert that, but once the second half starts, things start to become incredibly tedious.

The poor direction of the film doesn’t help with matters, either. While there are a few creative shots and camera angles now and then, for the most part, the film does nothing different from the anime and even reuses shots from the anime at various points with little to no difference. Oftentimes, Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi feels less like an adaptation of the manga and more like a compilation film of season 1 created to get people ready for season 2, and with how much the spinoff manga added to the Blue Lock franchise, that’s nothing but disappointing.

Overall, Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi falls short in almost every regard. There are many good moments of animation and character work to be found, but the poor handling of the source material leaves Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi feeling incredibly shallow as a film, even though the point of the story is to add more depth to the franchise. Someone might get something out of it if they’re a diehard Blue Lock fan, but even then, Blue Lock The Movie - Episode Nagi ’s poor production and direction hardly makes it feel like it was worth the wait.

Blue Lock TV Series Poster

Blue Lock is a sports-centric animated series based on the manga series of the same name. The show follows the Japan Football Association trying to recover from their poor showing in the 2018 FIFA World Cup by hiring a football genius, Ego Jinpachi. With his new intense training regimen, Jinpachi invites the best football players in Japan to compete to become the team's new star player - and high school student Yoichi Isagi may be exactly who he's looking for.

Blue Lock (2022)

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Movies & TV | Movie review: ‘Despicable Me 4’ fun for kids,…

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Subscriber only, movies & tv | movie review: ‘despicable me 4’ fun for kids, nightmare for adults, random family high jinks ensue in what is essentially several short film ideas mashed into feature length.

A crowd of yellow minions laugh

Directed by longtime Minion wrangler Chris Renaud, with Patrick Delage, “Despicable Me 4” naturally centers on Gru (Steve Carell), the proud supervillain with toothpick legs, a barrel chest, and an army of banana-obsessed Minions (voiced by French madman Pierre Coffin). He has now settled down with a cute wife, Lucy (Kristen Wiig), four kids and a pet goat, and even works for the Anti-Villain League. This line of work intrudes on his domestic bliss when he nabs an old classmate on behalf of the AVL at the Lycee Pas Bon (School of Villainy) reunion, and earns himself an enemy in the process.

Gru’s old high school rival Maxime (Will Ferrell) is the aforementioned Roach Man (they really are running out of supervillains) because he wants to harness the power of the cockroach for world domination or what have you. Upon his receipt of a coveted alumni award, Gru apprehends Maxime on behalf of the AVL, humiliating him. Maxime swears vengeance on Gru, and when he escapes from prison, Gru and his family have to go into witness protection in the town of Mayflower.

It’s a tortured setup to launch this fish-out-of water comedy wherein Gru and his family have to pretend to be normal. Gru is now “Chet,” obsessed with tennis to impress his preppy neighbors the Prestons (Stephen Colbert and Chloe Fineman), and Lucy is now “Blanche,” a hair stylist. Random family high jinks ensue in what is essentially several short film ideas mashed into feature length. It’s all well-meaning enough, but it feels like the screenwriters Ken Daurio and Mike White throwing random ideas at the wall without much thought put into how or why it might all fit together. The kiddie audience won’t care, so why should they?

Back at the AVL headquarters, Silas Ramsbottom (Steve Coogan) has put of a bunch of Minions in a toaster, which is to say that he’s injected them with super serum to make the X-Minions, or “Mega-Minions” as he calls them, with their powers borrowed from Marvel superheroes the Fantastic Four (there’s a rock Minion, a stretchy Minion, a big Minion, a flying Minion, etc). It’s a bizarre mashup of Bond and mutant superhero tropes, and it’s unclear exactly what it’s doing here except to add another subplot.

There is something weirdly — and undeniably — charming about the character of Gru, which is why they must keep making these. Those Minions certainly do have moxie, and the silly, quasi-naughty humor and style apparently acts as a chemical stimulant for children. But this installment is so noisy and aimless, it feels like they didn’t just hit the end of the road, they kept going past the limit. One can only hope that Gru finally embraces domesticity over being despicable so we can all finally enjoy some peace and quiet.

‘Despicable Me 4’

1 star (out of 4)

  • MPA rating: PG (for action and rude humor)
  • Running time: 1:35
  • How to watch: In theaters on Wednesday, July 3

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38.3K Ratings

So far so good…kinda

I wanted to give them 5 stars but they just shortened the videos per day from 20 to 15 without notice. I mean, I guess it’s still generous but not I have to wait longer. Also I think they upped the videos that don’t work with ads, you actual have to use coins to pay for them. One more thing, when the actors kiss, it sounds disgusting when they break the kiss, any way to edit that out? Now that I have the cons out of the way, here are some things I love. They have great content, although I wish there was more wolf stuff. You can basically see most of the content for free if you are patient. If you are extra patient you CAN see it all for FREE! The acting by some is extra cheesy but the fact that they are willing to act out the dialog that is written, is cool. Also, even though it’s new they have quite a bit of content. I hope they make more. I would even donate to have them make more content. That’s the thing, when a company isn’t forcing you to buy, to see their content, it makes you want to help them succeed. UPDATE: Guess what? Now we lose bonus coins we earned from watching Ad Videos after 5 days! Ridiculous why even bother checking in and watching the ads if you don’t plan on using the coins until your ready. I guess I should Watch something, use all my coins, and forget the app, which I’d hate to do because this company is usually pretty fair, what happened?

Developer Response ,

Thank you for your feedback!The bonus has a validity period. Please remember to consume the bonus during the period of validity.If you have any question about using the bonus, please contact us through Profile>Feedback.Giving us a higher rating will motivate our team!

This app ate and left like 3 crumbs😌😂

I didn’t expect to enjoy this app as much as I did. The stories are so intriguing and I was a little shocked to see K-dramas. I do wish that some of the K-dramas weren’t voiced by English actors though. I prefer just reading subtitles. It gets irritating when the mouth and words don’t match. I’m not the biggest fan of the ad situation, but I also don’t mind it either. I wish every episode was 2 minutes long and that there wasn’t a recap at the beginning. I noticed there aren’t many shows but I don’t know how long this app has been a thing so I hope more are to come. Overall I love the app. The acting is cringe at times but not as bad as some reviews make it seem. I can tell there’s a low budget so I wouldn’t expect too much anyway. Plus I feel like bad acting can make shows funnier. Still this app eats every show it puts out. I get so invested off of just a trailer. I feel like the use of adds and coins brings back what it felt like to watch shows on cable TV. Sometimes the anticipation made the show better. I also loved commercial bathroom breaks. At least I’m not waiting for a 1-2 minute clip everyday. I only have to watch an ad.
Thank you for your feedback and we very appreciate that. Could you please tell us which show has the problem of discrepancy between the mouth and the words? We will convey your suggestion to relevant department and improve it. Please stay tuned for our new version. Thank you for your support.
Normally I do not leave reviews especially negative ones. These shorts are really entertaining and I ultimately enjoy watching them. However, I am very disappointed and upset that each “short” takes up a various amount of your coins. I started out watching every ad to get my coins for the day which landed me just over 230 coins. So I was a bit excited to watch more of the series I have been trying to get through. I figured that I would be able to watch at least 4 to 5 shorts (5 minutes or so of the series for the day) but I didn’t even get that. I was able to watch two which were less then a minute long. Afterwards it says I do not have enough coins. I would give this app a 5 star review if it wasn’t for the fact that somehow the price for each short adjusts based on how many coins you have. On top of that you cannot see the price of how much each episode costs until you are out of coins. Yesterday, the next episode said it was 58 coins. Today I had over 230 coins and was only able to watch two episodes? In other words one episode cost 58 coins and the next one took the rest. It seems like a major scam to get people to really fork out the money for the game without realizing what is going on. If the company fixes the issues then I will come back and update my review. If not my review will stay. Thank you for reading. Again this is not something I do in fact this is the first review I have ever done but I would hate to see people get scammed.
Hello, please rest assured that our app will not overcharge your coins/bonus for unlocking episodes. You can also check the record of spending coins to unlock episodes by yourself: by clicking Profile-My Wallet-Detail-Episodes Unlocked. If you still have concerns in your Bonus History, please reach us via Profile-Feedback.❤️❤️


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The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie Review

Daffy and porky are back with one of the funniest movies of the year..

The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie Review - IGN Image

This review is based on a screening at the 2024 Annecy International Animated Film Festival.

We may never get to see Coyote vs. Acme, which was shelved by Warner Bros. Discovery last year due , in part, to studio leadership’s belief that modern audiences don’t care about Wile E. Coyote and his animated associates. But there’s another feature-length showcase for the Looney Tunes waiting in the wings, and it serves as a loud rebuttal to baffling executive bias against some of the biggest, most beloved and influential figures in the history of pop culture: The uproarious Daffy Duck-Porky Pig team-up The Day the Earth Blew Up. A casualty of the Warner chopping block itself – it was originally set to stream on Max, but premiered at Annecy earlier this month in search of a new distributor – The Day the Earth Blew Up isn’t just a smart homage to the classic gags, animation style, and storytelling of Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes shorts. It’s also a hilarious introduction to the chaotic, yet surprisingly heartfelt energy that made these characters stars in the first place.

The Day the Earth Blew Up is directed by Looney Tunes Cartoons ’ Peter Browngardt, and like much of that excellent streaming series, this is all about the dynamic between Daffy and Porky (both voiced by Eric Bauza ): the straight man (with temper issues) and the nutjob with a desire to smash everything in sight with a wooden mallet. Beginning the movie as babies (well, a duckling and piglet), the duo are adopted by a human named Farmer Jim (Fred Tatasciore) – an instant breakout character and one of the best things to come out of Looney Tunes in decades. This origin story is the funniest section of The Day the Earth Blew Up, with Browngardt and his team of 11 writers (in a rare, pleasantly surprising move, the storyboard artists are given writing credit) showcasing an idyllic childhood that gives way to present-day woes. Now adults, Daffy and Porky are forced to find employment in order to save the home bequeathed to them by Farmer Jim.

Looney Tunes Cartoons Gallery

Scene from Looney Tunes Cartoons on HBO Max

An extended montage showing all the amusing ways the two best friends and roommates manage to screw up their new jobs plays out like a vintage Looney Tunes short – the disregard for physics, the inventive perspective echoing the work of Golden Age animators like Rod Scribner. And like those cartoons, much of The Day the Earth Blew Up consists of homages to and parodies of other screen classics, like The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers . When Daffy and Porky finally get a job at a gum factory, they inadvertently uncover an alien-invasion plot, which leads to several funny and clever twists.

This is truly a gem, no matter your familiarity with the characters. On the one hand, Daffy and Porky get to be their classic selves, spared from the character assassination of Space Jam and its overripe sequel . Daffy is disorderly and daft, but has some pathos to him. Porky's straight-man routine hides a vulnerability and resentment toward his brother; he’s also dealing with his feelings for the lovely lab rat Petunia Pig (Candi Milo). Their relationship is the heart and soul of The Day the Earth Blew Up, and also the core of many jokes, with Bauza pulling double duty and making it seem effortless.

Who's the best Looney Tune character?

Despite the '50s sci-fi plot, it all feels quite modern. The (gorgeous) animation is slick and fluid, and the pacing relentless – the jokes-per-minute ratio is astounding. The influence of 21st century cartoons like The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack and Chowder is apparent; there’s a randomness to the humor that echoes absurdities like the running Nosferatu gag on SpongeBob SquarePants . At the very least, The Day the Earth Blew Up proves that these characters are more than capable of carrying their own movie (and without Bugs Bunny!) and make it a laugh-out-loud riot. Hopefully, the lack of a "That's all Folks!" tag at the end means this is not the last we’ll see of the Looney Tunes on the big screen.

The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie has enough gags per minute to leave audiences short of breath with laughter, but also a big heart that shows why these characters are so beloved even after nearly 90 years. With crisp animation, some truly hilarious and bizarre gags, and a  plot that hearkens back to 1950s sci-fi, this is the Looney Tunes movie fans have been waiting for.

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The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie

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    Four girls take on journey for the search of the end of the World requested as a summer vacation photo extra curricular home work. They opined and journeyed together for their own summer reminescences. ... Short Vacation. 2020 • 79 minutes. PG. Rating. family_home. Eligible. info. $2.99 Buy. $0.99 Rent HD. Add to wishlist. play_arrowTrailer ...

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  30. The Day the Earth Blew Up Movie Review

    This review is based on a screening at the 2024 Annecy International Animated Film Festival. We may never get to see Coyote vs. Acme, which was shelved by Warner Bros. Discovery last year due, in ...