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Market Research in the Philippines

Market Research in Southern Philippines

The Philippines is one of the most important countries in Southeast Asia, the country has always been a confluence of East and West, as reflected in its varied cultural influences, languages, and economic ties. With a population pushing past the 100 million mark and an economy that’s shown consistent growth in the past decades, the Philippines presents an enticing prospect for businesses globally. 

But to make the most of these opportunities, it’s vital to undertake market research in the Philippines, given the nation’s unique socio-cultural dynamics and diverse regional markets.

Conducting Market Research in the Philippines and Its Importance

The Philippines comprises numerous ethnic groups, languages, and traditions – and the Philippine market is predominantly young. This demographic is digitally-savvy, making it essential for businesses to gauge their preferences and habits.

Furthermore, Filipino consumers, influenced by both Eastern and Western cultures, have unique buying behaviors. Delving deep into these patterns can guide product launches and marketing campaigns.

… And cities like Manila, Cebu, and Davao are experiencing swift urban growth. Grasping the dynamics of these urban centers can aid businesses in tailoring their strategies.

What Are the Benefits of Conducting Market Research in the Philippines?

Executing thorough market research in the Philippines offers an array of advantages for businesses aiming to establish or expand their footprint in this vibrant Southeast Asian market. These benefits include:

• Risk Mitigation: Awareness of local challenges, potential regulatory hurdles, and market dynamics helps businesses make informed decisions, thereby reducing the risks associated with entering a new market. By understanding Filipino consumer behaviors, companies can craft marketing campaigns that resonate more deeply, ensuring a higher ROI.

• Product Localization: The Philippines often requires product tweaks to meet local tastes and preferences. Market research facilitates this localization process. By understanding the local consumers’ values, preferences, and pain points, businesses can foster deeper relationships and loyalty.

• Informed Investment Decisions: Investors can assess the viability of various sectors, identify emerging industries, and determine potential returns based on comprehensive market insights. Insights derived from market research empower businesses with a clearer understanding of the competitive landscape, enabling them to identify gaps and seize opportunities.

• Future Growth Forecasting: By identifying trends and understanding the evolving market dynamics, businesses can anticipate future growth areas and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Key Industries in the Philippines

The Philippines boasts a dynamic economic landscape with several growing industries. These are some of the main industries to consider when conducting market research in the Philippines: 

• Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): The Philippines is one of the global leaders in the BPO sector, providing services ranging from customer support and back-office tasks to high-end services like analytics, software development, and financial advisory.

• Agriculture: As a tropical country, the Philippines has a strong agricultural sector, with major products including rice, sugarcane, coconuts, bananas, and pineapples. It’s one of the world’s top coconut oil producers according to market research in the Philippines.

• Tourism: With its pristine beaches, scenic landscapes, and rich history, tourism is a significant contributor to the Philippine economy. Popular destinations like Boracay, Palawan, and Cebu draw millions of international tourists yearly.

• Real Estate and Construction: The growth in the BPO sector and the increasing urbanization have fueled demand for residential and commercial properties, leading to a surge in the real estate and construction industries.

• Mining and Natural Resources: The Philippines is rich in mineral resources, with significant deposits of gold, nickel, copper, and chromite. However, this industry faces environmental and regulatory challenges that businesses can overcome with market research in the Philippines.

• Finance and Banking: With increasing financial inclusion, innovations like digital banking, and remittances from Overseas Filipino Workers, the finance and banking sector remains robust.

Main Tourist Attractions and Cities in the Philippines

When it comes to market research in the Philippines in the realm of tourism, it’s undeniable that the country has carved out a reputation as one of the world’s most desired travel destinations. Let’s explore some of the main tourist places that have put the Philippines on the global travel map:

• Boracay: Known for its powdery white-sand beaches and vibrant nightlife, Boracay is a tropical paradise for both relaxation and entertainment. After a brief closure for environmental rehabilitation, the island reopened with stricter regulations to ensure sustainable tourism.

• Palawan: Often regarded as the “Last Frontier” of the Philippines, Palawan offers breathtaking landscapes, from the turquoise waters of El Nido to the underground river in Puerto Princesa, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

• Cebu: Beyond its urban allure, Cebu boasts historical sites, waterfalls, and white sand beaches. It’s also the gateway to neighboring attractions like the sardine run in Moalboal and the whale sharks of Oslob.

• Manila: The capital city presents a mix of the old and the new, with sites like Intramuros, Rizal Park, and contemporary malls and entertainment hubs.

• Vigan : A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Vigan is a testament to the Philippines’ colonial history, with well-preserved Spanish-era structures and cobblestone streets.

Benefits and Strengths in the Market

The Philippines has one of the largest global markets, with a growing middle class and one of Southeast Asia’s youngest populations. A high percentage of its people are under the age of 20. Approximately 90% of Filipinos are functionally literate. The robust consumer demand and impressive labor market support the country’s dynamic economy. The Philippines market shows its strength through the energy franchise and the transportation, infrastructure, ICT, and health industries.

articles about marketing research done in the philippines

Consumer Base

Filipinos tend to devote their money to products with which they are familiar. Because of this, they are a great market. Social media also serves as a significant influence on the consumer. This online activity serves as a connection. It’s the bridge between the Philippines and the outside world. This link is what the foreign market needs. Foreign influence and trends help to predict consumer behavior. Many consider The Philippines to be a melting pot. It consists of many cultures, races, and people. With such individuality, there is no weak consumer base for any sector or industry.

How The Philippines is a Gateway to Southeast Asia

The Philippines is a gateway to the East Asian Economies. The archipelago lies at the crossroads of Eastern and Western business. The name “gateway to Southeast Asia” is significant. It comes from the relationship the Philippines has with America. The Philippines is a critical entry point for over 400 million people in the ASEAN. It is also a gateway for international shipping and investments. A large number of people make their way through the Philippines each year. Thus, over 20 different airlines service the country. The Philippines benefit most from American and European businesses. These airlines support that trade.

SIS Market Research in the Philippines

Rule of Law

The Philippines is a rule-of-law country. Thus, there are laws put into place that every person, industry, and entity has to follow and respect. Yet, over recent years the country has not been upholding the duties accompanied by this. The Philippines does not seem to be doing much to enforce the laws of the land. It ranks near the bottom among other countries in the world regarding adherence to the rule of law. Because of this, some investors have backed away from coming to the Philippines to set up businesses.

Emerging Trends in Market Research in the Philippines

When delving into market research in the Philippines, it’s imperative to acknowledge the evolving dynamics and trends influencing the field in the country. Some of the most notable trends include:

• Digital Dominance: With the Philippines being one of the top countries in terms of social media usage, digital platforms have become crucial for market research in the Philippines. Online surveys, social media analytics, and web traffic insights offer a wealth of information about consumer behavior.

• Qualitative Online Research: Beyond traditional face-to-face focus groups, there’s a growing emphasis on online qualitative methods like virtual focus groups, online communities, and in-depth online interviews.

• Sustainability Insights: With rising awareness about environmental concerns, there’s growing interest in researching consumer attitudes towards sustainability, eco-friendly products, and corporate social responsibility.

• E-commerce Evaluation: The rise of online shopping platforms like Lazada, Shopee, and Zalora has shifted the attention toward studying e-commerce trends, consumer purchase patterns, and online buying behavior.

• Ethnographic Research: To delve deeper into the Filipino way of life, ethnographic studies, where researchers immerse themselves in the local culture, are gaining prominence.

What Are the Opportunities for Businesses?

Businesses that embrace the intricacies and opportunities presented by market research in the Philippines stand to gain significantly. Here are some of the compelling opportunities:

• Untapped Markets: Despite its growing economy, there are many niche markets in the Philippines that remain underserved. Market research in the Philippines can unveil these hidden opportunities, allowing businesses to introduce innovative products or services.

• Digital Transformation Insights: As the Philippines undergoes a digital revolution, businesses can study and adapt to the evolving digital consumption habits, preferences, and concerns of the local market.

• E-commerce Growth: As more Filipinos turn to online shopping, there’s a substantial opportunity for businesses to analyze e-commerce trends and optimize their online presence.

• Regional Specifics: Given the geographic spread of the Philippines, regional market research can lead to the identification of specific needs, preferences, and opportunities in different parts of the country.

• Innovation and Product Development: By identifying gaps in the market, businesses can drive innovation, creating products or services that cater to the unique demands of the Filipino population.

Challenges Faced by Businesses in the Philippines

While market research in the Philippines can unearth numerous opportunities, it’s also important to recognize the challenges that businesses might face:

• Bureaucracy and Regulation: The Philippines has been known for its bureaucratic processes which can sometimes be time-consuming for businesses, especially for those unfamiliar with the local regulatory landscape.

• Infrastructure Bottlenecks: Despite improvements, certain parts of the Philippines still grapple with infrastructural issues, impacting transportation, logistics, and connectivity.

• Cultural Diversity: Cultural and linguistic diversity, while an asset, can also be a challenge for businesses attempting to create a universally appealing product or message.

• Internet Connectivity: Even as digital transformation is on the rise, some regions still suffer from inconsistent or slow internet connectivity, which can hamper digital ventures.

• Consumer Price Sensitivity: The Filipino market, while vast, is also price-sensitive. Balancing quality with affordability is key to winning consumer trust.

• Skill Gaps: While the country has a young and educated workforce, there can be skill gaps in certain sectors, necessitating training and development initiatives.

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The Manila Times

The future of marketing research

Reynaldo Lugtu Jr.

IT was an opportune time to speak in front of marketing researchers during a Marketing and Opinion Research Society of the Philippines Inc. meeting as the profession is faced with shifts in consumer behavior, technology, data, and how companies and brands respond.

What will marketing research look like in 2030? The field involves the systematic gathering, recording and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data about issues relating to marketing products and services.

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Kantar talks about automated market research and why it’s the next big thing in marketing optimization

articles about marketing research done in the philippines

The past two years posed a drastic movement in all aspects of the society, causing a ripple effect to markets across the globe.

With changing consumer demand, businesses found ways to swiftly adjust and continue serving their respective markets efficiently and strategically – by sustaining understanding of consumer sentiments and behaviors through self-serve research platforms .

The usage of online market research platforms continues to rise, as it allows marketers to get consumer feedback quickly and cost-effectively. In the Philippines, Kantar Marketplace had a 358% revenue growth in 2021 versus the previous year, with 20 new brands from different categories using the platform.

Market research platforms have grown in sophistication in recent years, and automation no longer means having to settle for second best. Thanks to automation, speed and low cost no longer have to undermine quality. And when the benefit of market research agility is considered, concerns about automation are easily addressed. 

With this new trend in market research, more businesses are now considering the use of automated survey tools. Here we answer the five most common questions we hear from potential users of automated market research.

Don’t I need to be a research expert to use research tools?

Automated market research platforms like Kantar Marketplace now offer an array of templated tools with proven expertise already built into the research design. Concept tests, ad pre-tests, post-tests and more can now be created and launched in a matter of minutes using intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

Isn’t there going to be a steep learning curve to new technology?

The advent of task-specific, automated tools has made the process far simpler and easier. To launch an automated study, the user interface guides you through the process, asking only those questions necessary to configure for your specific use case. Now you can get the quality consumer feedback you need quickly and efficiently.

Doesn’t market research automation mean a lack of customization?

Automated market research no longer demands complete standardization of processes to gain the benefits of efficiency and speed. 

With the shift to more specialized tools, any automated tool worth using is now easily configurable to your brand and category. Similarly, you can now specify exactly what types of consumers you want to talk to, wherever they are in the world.

Doesn’t self-serve market research mean I am on my own?

Today, digital analytics summarizes research findings succinctly and present them in an intuitive and easily comprehensible format. If you want to get more detail, you can. 

Will the results of my market research be secure?

Automated market research platforms must comply with all the latest security protocols and implement constant testing to protect client data.

Today’s automated market research platforms must offer secure sign-on, customizable access rights, and client-specific portals and dashboards, if they are to meet the needs of business.

Automated market research has come a long way.

Anyone can now take advantage of the agility that automated market research platforms offer, and have the confidence that quality and utility won’t be compromised. 

As interest about this research approach grows among business owners, increasingly more want to understand the use of online research platforms better. Wanting to give a more comprehensive walkthrough for potential users of automated market research, Kantar Philippines is hosting a virtual media and consumer event for brands, media, and creative agencies, with the agenda of presenting a platform demo and answering more experience-specific questions about the product.

The event, titled “Welcome to the Era of Agile Market Research”, aims to educate potential users on how to access the power of Kantar in just a few clicks using Kantar Marketplace Self-Serve Solutions.

The virtual event is set to happen on March 23, 2022 at 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Register now at

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Philippine Daily Inquirer: The marketing of a relaunch

The 2016 marketing campaign is the biggest campaign the Inquirer has launched.

The 2016 marketing campaign is the biggest campaign the Inquirer has launched.

For the 30-year-old Philippine Daily Inquirer, Oct. 6 was a historic day—a relaunch for this newspaper with a strong tradition of authoritative and investigative journalism as part of a multiplatform media company.

The 2016 marketing campaign is the biggest campaign the Inquirer has launched. I was honored to be invited to guide the Inquirer team through the process, to conduct a series of workshops that would take what was until then a much print-driven newspaper, to go for storytelling across the media quintet: smartwatch, smartphone, online, print, and tablet.

For 18 months, the Inquirer team and I worked to make sure that the important elements of journalism, design, technology, and marketing/advertising could come together to create the modern newspaper for the digital age.

Today, the Inquirer is not just on the breakfast table, but on mobile devices, on PCs, and on the watch readers adjust on their wrist on the way to work.

Research shows many readers consult two to three platforms in the course of a day: They may start their day looking at headlines on their smartphone, but then grab a copy of the print newspaper while having coffee, and then turn to the PC to read the Inquirer online edition at work.

Advertisers like print, but they are also moving fast to digital platforms, where especially millennials—those readers 25-35 years old—tend to gravitate.

According to the Global Digital Media Trendbook 2015, digital media continues to escalate to the number one ad spend category worldwide, following surges in mobile, video, and social media usage patterns.

With all the work that went into the Inquirer relaunch, it was important to tell everyone about the transformation of the Inquirer.

That’s why the role of marketing was key.

Chief Marketing Officer Charmaine Bautista-Pamintuan and her team made sure they understood every detail of our rethink project for the Inquirer.

In fact, I don’t recall a single workshop or meeting in which my Garcia Media team and I participated that did not include her and members of her team. They absorbed the many ideas that became part of this relaunch.

The goal of the project was to take a deep look at how the Inquirer presented news, and to come up with solutions and new approaches.

A visual evaluation was also part of the project, leading to a redesign that unified the various platforms visually.

For Charmaine and her team, the task was gigantic, as it is for news media marketing teams everywhere, and raised important questions:

How can we revisit our existing audiences and get them excited about what is new in an established product?

How can the Inquirer attract millennials, those coveted young readers that tend to read on mobile devices and show little loyalty to a single news brand?

How about advertisers, present and future? How could the campaign impress upon them that a modular positioning of ads would give their messages a better forum?

Phil Younghusband is one of the Inquirer’s ambassadors

Phil Younghusband is one of the Inquirer’s ambassadors

Charmaine’s goals were three-fold:

  • Protecting the mature adults and empty nesters already faithful to the Inquirer.

2 Regaining readers who had abandoned the Inquirer for more than a year.

3 Acquiring those new readers who barely recognized the Inquirer brand or had never tried it.

Once the targets for the campaign were defined, it was Charmaine’s task to consider the creative aspects of how to present the new product.

That led to the “day in a life” concept, which profiles people from different walks of life that engage with any of the platforms of the Inquirer.

We had emphasized the power of storytelling through our workshops, and Charmaine seized upon it.

“Everyone has a story to tell,” Charmaine said, “Everyone engages with information in different platforms, in varying degrees of engagement—whether through a quick glance or in a long form narrative—but what is truly inspiring is the spirit of the men and women behind the Inquirer and their passion for the Inquirer.”

She secured ordinary people and celebrities to tell their stories and how they related to the Inquirer. That’s how the ambassadors came into play.

Print spots urged readers to “experience the most engaging Inquirer yet.”

It was decided the actual campaign would not start until the newspaper relaunched. But Charmaine’s team started an internal launch campaign the week before, posting social media teaser lines, placing banners throughout the building, and eventually displaying giant screens hanging from the walls of the Inquirer building.

It was all a celebration of the Inquirer’s effort to present news across five platforms.

Finally, a series of public events introduced the new Inquirer, culminating in a gala function/trade show attended by top financial, advertising, media, and culture personalities in the Philippines.

This was one of the most splendid and successful marketing campaigns I ever participated in.

Collaboration and leadership were key to the project.

As Charmaine said, “It would not have been possible if not for the support of our CEO, Sandy Prieto-Romualdez, who believed that Filipinos deserved to see their Inquirer in a whole new light—content and design that is at par with global standards while keeping the heart and soul of the Inquirer at its core.”

The proof of the success of a campaign is in how it creates awareness for the new product.

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Based on the calls received, especially from new readers requesting the start of a subscription to the Inquirer, the marketing campaign hit a chord with the audience.

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Small Business PH

Your Ultimate Guide to Philippine Market Research in 2024 

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Disclosure: Small Business Philippines strives to provide relevant and accurate information in all its articles. However, some information in our articles may differ or might be outdated from what you can see or read directly from the establishments’ or businesses’ websites. Please get in touch with us directly for any discrepancies.

Market research is the process of gathering essential information about your target audience, industry trends, and competitors to make informed business decisions. Specifically tailored to the Philippine context, Philippine business market research involves analyzing local consumer behavior, cultural preferences, economic conditions, and emerging market opportunities. This invaluable practice empowers entrepreneurs and business owners to refine their products, services, and marketing strategies for optimal success in the Philippines.

Why Is Philippine Market Research Essential?

When should you conduct market research, target audience analysis, competitor insights, industry trends and market potential, 1. online surveys and questionnaires, 2. in-depth interviews, 3. data analysis tools, 1. define your research objectives, 2. identify your target audience, 4. design research tools, 5. collect data ethically, 6. analyze and interpret data, 7. apply insights strategically, 1. social media listening, 2. local collaborations, 3. language and cultural sensitivity, key takeaways.

Market research isn’t a mere option; it’s a business imperative. By delving into the specific needs, desires, and pain points of the Philippine market , you gain a competitive edge. This knowledge enables you to develop products and services that resonate deeply with your audience, positioning your brand as a solution provider rather than just another business . In a dynamic landscape like the Philippines, where consumer preferences can shift rapidly, staying ahead of the curve is paramount to sustained success.

Market research is not a one-time endeavor but an ongoing process that should be integrated into every stage of your business journey. Whether you’re launching a new product, expanding your reach, or adapting to changing market dynamics, market research informs your decisions at each turn. From the inception of your business idea to regular check-ins as you grow, timely research ensures that you’re always aligned with the evolving needs of your target market.

Where to Focus Your Philippine Market Research:

Understand your potential customers’ demographics, behaviors, preferences, and pain points. This knowledge aids in crafting personalized marketing messages and tailoring your offerings to match their needs.

Analyze your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. This helps you identify gaps in the market and opportunities to differentiate your brand.

Stay up-to-date with trends, emerging technologies, and changing consumer preferences within the Philippines. Recognize untapped market potential that aligns with your business goals.

How to Conduct Effective Philippine Market Research

Create surveys to collect data directly from your target audience. Platforms like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or local alternatives can be utilized for this purpose.

Conduct one-on-one interviews with consumers to gain deeper insights into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to your industry.

Leverage data analysis tools to interpret the collected information effectively. Tools like Google Analytics and social media insights offer valuable metrics.

Step-by-Step Guide to Philippine Market Research:

Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with your research. Whether it’s understanding consumer preferences or evaluating market potential, defined objectives streamline your efforts.

Create detailed buyer personas representing your ideal customers. This helps in tailoring your research to gather the most relevant insights.

3. Choose Research Methods

Select suitable methods such as surveys, focus groups, or online analytics based on your objectives and target audience.

Craft well-structured surveys or interview questions that extract valuable data without overwhelming participants.

Ensure participant consent and privacy while collecting data. Adhere to ethical guidelines to maintain trust and credibility.

Use data analysis tools to identify trends, patterns, and correlations. Translate these findings into actionable insights.

Implement the gained knowledge to refine your offerings, enhance marketing strategies, and align your business with the Philippine market’s demands.

Examples and Tips for Effective Philippine Market Research

Monitor social media platforms for discussions, comments, and reviews related to your industry. This provides real-time insights into consumer sentiments.

Partner with local influencers or businesses to gain insider perspectives and connect with your target audience more authentically.

Craft surveys and questions in the local language, respecting cultural nuances to encourage open responses.

Mastering Philippine business market research in 2023 is your pathway to success in a competitive environment. By understanding your target audience, staying attuned to industry trends, and making informed decisions, you can position your business as a market leader. Remember, market research isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

As you embark on your journey to conquer the Philippine business landscape , remember that knowledge is your greatest ally. Commit to continuous market research and refine your strategies based on insights gained. Your business’s growth and success hinge on your ability to understand and cater to the unique demands of the Philippine market .

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The future of marketing research



Reynaldo Lugtu Jr. l July 29, 2022 l The Manila Times

IT was an opportune time to speak in front of marketing researchers during a Marketing and  Opinion Research Society  of the  Philippines Inc.  meeting as the profession is faced with shifts in consumer behavior, technology, data, and how companies and brands respond.

What will marketing research look like in 2030? The field involves the systematic gathering, recording and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data about issues relating to marketing products and services.

It’s important to peer into its future because it will affect how products and services evolve to meet customer needs.

To determine the possible future worlds of marketing research, we need to evaluate trends, signals, drivers, forecasts and artifacts. We examine consumer trends, technology shifts, the evolution of data, and how brands and companies are reacting.

One obvious shift is that by 2030, millennials (those born in the early 80s to the mid-90s) and Gen  Z’ers  (Generation Z) (born in the mid- to late 90s up to 2010) will dominate purchasing demographics. They are not only known for their need for personalized digital experiences but also for their environmental activism.

Based on the research by  Fujitsu , there will be a radical shift in conventional values of buying and owning products. Instead, intangibles such as care for the environment, health and wellness will make up the majority of consumption. As a result, there will be less demand for today’s status brands.

Because both millennials and Gen Z’ers are tuned in to the protection of the environment, there will be increasing concern for social issues and rising awareness of social contribution, which will result in the greater desire for ethical products.

In parallel, technological advancements will usher in the rise of the internet of the senses. According to  Ericsson  Research, urban early adopters expect that we will be using all our senses online by 2030. The widespread use of wearables and Internet of Things devices, coupled with high-speed wireless internet, will allow consumers to use their minds, and the senses of smell, sight, taste, touch and sound for realistic experiences.  Elon Musk ‘s Neuralink is already piloting the implantation of minuscule computer chips in human brains.

With the expected maturation of the metaverse, consumers will have individual avatars that transact and engage in a virtual world. And with large amounts of data being generated, we could have around 600 zettabytes, about 10 times more than today.

Companies and brands will respond by becoming more data-driven. They will create social networking services and analyze big data and other data-driven platforms to provide accountability across the enterprise and support decision-making. Retailers will create digital twins that will provide services to consumers with no distinction between the real and cyber. Retailers will focus on the personal consumer or customer, rather than mass, by providing accurate personal recommendations. Brands will enable their supply chains to be carbon-neutral to prove legitimate procurement, production and delivery that protect the environment.

With the confluence of these trends, forecasts and artifacts, what effects will they have on the future of marketing research? Marketing research firms and professionals will heavily rely on augmented reality and virtual reality tools for product concept testing, early stage product feasibility analysis and understanding consumer behavior.

Artificial intelligence will be commonplace to automate tasks, derive insights from large amounts of data and provide interactions using natural-language discussions with the aid of technology. They will be able to handle not only big data but also microdata as insights will be derived from minute behaviors of consumers.

Due to the highly emotive nature of social media, marketing research firms and professionals will rely on social listening platforms and qualitative research methodologies to better understand customer complaints, ideas and buying behaviors.

They will combine the capabilities of real-time research and agile market research, e.g., real-time data showing when a customer is looking for a product and survey data to help prioritize marketing efforts. This will be enabled by technology to provide a comprehensive perspective of a consumer’s past, present and future habits at the rate at which they change.

Lastly, sustainability will be the unique selling position of marketing research firms. Sustainable practices aligned to brands and consumers will also have business and brand benefits.

*** The author is the founder and CEO of Hungry Workhorse, a digital and culture transformation consulting firm. He is a fellow at the  US-based Institute  for Digital Transformation and teaches strategic management in the MBA Program of  De La Salle University . The author may be emailed at [email protected].

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Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines

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Market Overview

The philippines at a glance.

The Philippines’ economy has been one of the most dynamic in the East Asia-Pacific area. With rising urbanization, a burgeoning middle class, and a large and young population, the country’s economic vitality is based on strong consumer demand, which is backed up by a thriving labor market and significant remittances. Between 2010 to 2019, average yearly growth grew to 6.4% , up from 4.5% on average between 2000 and 2009.

Despite the slump brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy has begun to rebound, with a 5.6 percent year-on-year expansion in 2021, aided by public investment and a revival in the external environment. With continuing recovery and reform initiatives, the country is resuming its path from a lower-middle-income country to an upper-middle-income country in the short future.

Foreign Trade

Electronics, semiconductors, transportation equipment, construction materials, and minerals are among the principal exports of the country. The Philippines, as an open economy, trades with other countries all over the world. In the fiscal year 2019, the biggest export markets were China, Japan, the United States, and Thailand . China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Singapore were the major import providers in the fiscal year 2019.

The Philippines welcomed an all-time high of 8.2 million foreign tourists in 2019. Now, with a rebranded tourism slogan “Love The Philippines,” the country hopes to boost its tourism industry in the post-pandemic era.

Boracay Island in Aklan, the Puerto Princesa Underground River in Palawan, the Chocolate Hills in Bohol, the Mayon Volcano in Albay, Siargao Island in Surigao del Norte, and the Banaue Rice Terraces in Ifugao, as well as the cities of Manila, Baguio, Vigan, Cebu, and Davao, are among the country’s top tourist destinations. Know more about the emerging trends of Tourism in the Philippines . 

The Philippines’ growing internet population, which was among the largest in the Asia Pacific region, was fueled by improved internet infrastructure. As of the third quarter of 2022, internet users in the Philippines spent an average of 9.14 hours per day on various devices. In 2028, 77.81% of the Filipino population is expected to have access to the internet at home.

Social Media

In January 2023, the Philippines had 84.45 million social media users, which accounts for 72.5 percent of its total population. Additionally, the Philippines leads in daily social media usage, with its online users spending an average of 3 hours and 53 minutes on social media each day. The most popular social media platforms in the Philippines include Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter. 

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Wine in the Philippines

Despite inflationary pressures, demand for wine in the Philippines continued to grow in 2023. On-trade volumes grew at a faster rate than their off-trade counterparts, with sales edging closer towards pre-pandemic levels.

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Rtds in the Philippines

Following a three-year period of decline, RTDs registered positive growth in volume terms in 2023, with sales increasingly in both off-trade and the on-trade channels. Spirit-based RTDs saw especially strong growth in on-trade outlets, bolstered by…

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Alcoholic Drinks in the Philippines

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Consumer Lifestyles in the Philippines

Consumer Lifestyles offers valuable insights into key consumer attitudes and current thinking, and their impact on purchasing and consumption habits; quantifying behaviours, preferences and motivations, and aligning them with broader trends.

Consumer Values and Behaviour in the Philippines

This report visually explores everyday habits and behaviours which reflect consumers' beliefs and values, linking behavioural trends with purchase and consumption habits.

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Home Improvement in the Philippines

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Home and Garden in the Philippines

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, marketing practices in the changing philippine macroeconomic environment.

International Marketing Review

ISSN : 0265-1335

Article publication date: 1 January 1992

A survey of marketing executives within randomly selected, major firms in the Philippines investigates firms′ marketing actions in response to stagflation caused by the 1990 Persian Gulf crisis. A central premiss is that there will be differences in sensitivity to macroeconomic conditions between industry sectors. Results show that the manufacturing sector redirects pricing, product and research and development strategies more extensively than non‐manufacturers. These differences may be explained by the extent to which the industry sector is capital‐intensive in its formation and operation. Empirically demonstrates the effects of macroeconomic conditions on firms′ marketing practices and the relevance of the stagflation paradigm outside the United States.

  • Economic conditions
  • Macroeconomics
  • Marketing strategy
  • Philippines
  • Manufacturing industry

Huszagh, S.M. , Roxas, J.P. and Keck, K.L. (1992), "Marketing Practices in the Changing Philippine Macroeconomic Environment", International Marketing Review , Vol. 9 No. 1.

Copyright © 1992, MCB UP Limited

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Extreme heatwaves in south and south-east Asia are a sign of things to come

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Chinese nationalist groups are launching cyber-attacks – often against the wishes of the government

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Japan’s diplomatic charm offensive in US aims to keep Washington in committed relationship

Mary M. McCarthy , Drake University

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Once enemies, Japan and US strengthen their alliance – and it goes beyond AUKUS

Craig Mark , Temple University

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What we don’t understand about China’s actions and ambitions in the South China Sea

Edward Sing Yue Chan , Australian National University

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Doing laundry by hand sheds just as many microfibres as machine washing – new research

Deirdre McKay , Keele University ; Kelly Sheridan , Northumbria University, Newcastle , and Thomas Stanton , Loughborough University

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As Australia strengthens its ties with the Philippines, it’s wading even further into the dangerous South China Sea

Noel Morada , The University of Queensland

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Vatican centralizes investigations on claims of Virgin Mary apparitions – but local Catholics have always had a say

Deirdre de la Cruz , University of Michigan

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The US is about to blow up a fake warship in the South China Sea – but naval rivalry with Beijing is very real and growing

Krista Wiegand , University of Tennessee

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Wandile Sihlobo , Stellenbosch University

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Philippines sides with US amid rising regional tensions between Beijing and Washington

Tom Smith , University of Portsmouth and Ann Bajo , University of Portsmouth

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When Filipino parents in the US encourage their children to talk about their feelings and promote cultural pride, their children’s mental health improves

Joyce Javier , University of Southern California

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Marcos junior is the latest beneficiary of ‘bloodlines’ in Southeast Asian politics

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Philippines: the challenges ahead for the new president Marcos

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Top contributors

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Associate Professor in International Relations & Academic Director of the Royal Air Force College Cranwell, University of Portsmouth

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Assistant professor, University of Amsterdam

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Assistant researcher, University of Sydney

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Research Fellow – Informal Urbanism (InfUr-) Hub, The University of Melbourne

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Associate professor, University of St Andrews

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Professor of Politics & Head of the Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong

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Associate Professor, Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance, University of Canberra

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Professor, Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS), University of Wollongong

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Traditional and Digital Marketing Strategies on Selected Private Schools in Manila City: An Analysis

10 Pages Posted: 8 Jun 2023

Raymond R. Hung

World Citi Colleges - Quezon City - Graduate School Department

Lilian Saavedra

World Citi Colleges-Graduate School

Tiffany Estoesta

Rowena lumandas, mileth villarosa.

World Citi Colleges- Quezon City - Graduate School Department

Date Written: May 27, 2023

This study aims to conduct the effectiveness of traditional and digital marketing strategies employed by selected private schools in Manila City. In the digital age, where technology and online platforms have significantly transformed communication and marketing practices, educational institutions must evaluate the impact of these new avenues on their outreach efforts. The competitive nature of the education sector requires private schools to adopt effective marketing approaches to attract and retain students. Traditional marketing methods, such as print advertisements, billboards, and television commercials, have long been used, while digital marketing techniques, including websites, social media, and online advertising, have gained prominence with the evolution of technology. However, limited research has compared the impact of these approaches within the context of private schools in Manila City. This study utilizes a mix of qualitative and quantitative research approaches, combining surveys and semi-structured interviews, to collect data on awareness, perception, and decision-making processes. This study aims to analyze and compare two marketing strategies in terms of their effectiveness, considering factors such as demographic profile, engagement, techniques, and conversion rates. The goal is to assist private schools in Manila City in selecting the most suitable marketing strategy to attract more students. The study's outcomes will enhance comprehension of successful marketing strategies for private schools and offer valuable insights for school administrators and marketing professionals to optimize their marketing endeavors.

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Enrollment, Manila City, Private Schools, Traditional Marketing

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10 Biggest Digital Marketing Trends in the Philippines for 2024

articles about marketing research done in the philippines

With over 85 million Internet users , the Philippines stands among the frontline digital economies in Southeast Asia. Surveys show that the country’s digital marketing industry will likely grow exponentially in the coming years.

One factor for such a thriving digital industry is the growing reliance of Filipinos on technology to conduct day-to-day transactions. Logically, this is due to the convenience and efficiency that technology brings. Add the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of technological devices and social media platforms across sectors.

As a business owner, this offers promising opportunities for you to expand your customer base and increase your company’s brand awareness. But for you to compete better in the market, it’s important that you’re updated with the latest trends and developments in the industry. Doing so allows you to fine-tune your marketing strategies to adapt to the current demand.

In this article, we will look into some of the biggest digital marketing trends in the Philippines in 2024. Read on to get in the know!

The Digital Marketing Landscape in the Philippines

Digital marketing in the Philippines is a flourishing industry. Recent studies concluded that ad spending in the country is continually increasing, reaching $18.8 billion in 2022 , a 3.87% increase from the previous year. By 2027, the nation’s e-commerce sector is expected to be worth nearly $26 billion . 

These numbers are fueled by the growing number of Filipinos shopping and selling online. Based on a Facebook survey, one in four Filipinos browse through live selling on social media. The number of online businesses involved in retail trade likewise increased from 70% in 2019 to 80.2% in 2021.

Data also show that search volumes on merchant and seller-related queries continue to spike up to 18 times higher than in previous years. This is supported by further surveys revealing that, on average, 65% of Filipinos use their smartphones to shop.

10 Biggest Digital Marketing Trends in the Philippines for 202 4

Your company’s ability to keep up with marketing trends allows you to improve your customer engagement and stay ahead of the competition. Here are a few leading trends you can take note of to help you get started.

1. Increased need for Voice Search Optimization (VSO)

Around 31% of mobile users worldwide use voice search more than once a week, most of whom are below 18 years old. This trend suggests that audiences worldwide will grow more accustomed to hands-free online browsing.

As a digital marketer, it’s important to anticipate these needs to continue engaging your target customers, regardless of how they use the internet. In 2021, Google launched its Voice Playbook , guiding marketers like you on optimizing your website for voice search.

The playbook also notes how non-native English users can benefit from voice search, allowing them to use Google search without needing to understand how to read and write English. Given that Education First’s English Proficiency Index in 2022 found that China and the Philippines are the main drivers of Asia’s declining English proficiency scores, the voice search function is especially helpful.

Hence, optimizing for voice search , such as simplifying text to match how users speak, allows you to capture even more of the local market in 2024.

2. Influencer marketing evolves with the rise of nano influencers

Nine in ten Philippine users (90%) prefer influencer accounts over brand accounts. However, recent statistics on influencer marketing reveal consumers are experiencing influencer fatigue ; influencer post-engagement rates have dropped from an average of 1.67% in 2020 to 1.18% in 2022.

Repetitive and similar posts among influencers are one of the biggest reasons they are slowly turning off users. Nano influencers are posing to be the next big opportunity for Filipino marketers in 2024. According to Partipost’s Asia Pacific Insights: Influencer Marketing Report 2023, 28% of brands could spend up to ₱250,000 to run a single nano influencer campaign.

This figure represents one of the growing trends in digital marketing and the lengths brands take to leverage the power of nano influencers. Nano influencers are known to have more authentic and organic content that seems less staged or polished than their larger counterparts.

As such, you must tap into their appeal early in 2024 to get ahead of other marketers trying to take advantage of the new faces of influencer marketing.

Also Read: Here’s Everything That’s Different About Digital Marketing in the Philippines

3. Demand for AI integration will require upskilling for Filipino marketers

Per projections, the global artificial intelligence market will grow by 20.17% yearly, resulting in a market volume of $2.92 billion by 2030 . The Department of Trade and Industry launched the National AI Strategy Roadmap in May 2021. The roadmap guides the government and private sector workers on how to adopt AI into their processes.

The release of such a roadmap indicates how considerable of an impact the technology has on the country’s infrastructure. For instance, LinkedIn recently launched 100 free courses on generative AI after urging Filipino professionals to boost their AI skills . Philippine firms are already investing in AI training to increase their productivity.

AI’s influence is spreading across industries, especially in digital marketing strategies such as mobile marketing and content marketing . With the technology allowing marketers to produce content and analyze customer data faster and smarter than before, becoming skilled in using AI will set your brand apart in 2024.

4. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) take a major step forward in the country

Experts predict AR and VR user count will balloon to 34.8 million by 2027 . User penetration is also primed to climb from 28.6% in 2023 to 29.1% by 2027, with each user providing businesses with an average revenue of $4.37. In the Philippines, VR headsets alone have generated a revenue of $110.1 million in 2023 , with steady growth forecasted yearly; AR advertising ad spending is likely to follow the same upward path.

These statistics imply the country’s growing adoption of VR and AR technologies and one of the key trends in digital marketing you shouldn’t overlook. SM Mall of Asia recently held a free art exhibit to promote Philippine artworks through AR technology by allowing visitors to scan QR codes to see a virtual painting.

Another example is the Wilcon department store launching its virtual store experience. VR augmentation tools enabled website visitors to explore the department store without leaving their homes.

5. Video marketing will still reign supreme

Almost eight in ten specialists (78%) reported that videos significantly impacted their sales, with 83% of marketers reporting an increase in the average session duration on their website. That said, roughly 93% of businesses have been able to acquire customers through short-form social media videos.

In fact, a TikTok-commissioned study found that 93% of Filipinos bought a product because they saw it on the app. With that significant number in mind, it’s safe to say that video marketing in the Philippines is here to stay for 2024.

6. Ethical marketing comes to the forefront of Philippine digital marketing

Three in four Filipino consumers (75%) prefer sustainable and eco-friendly brands. This statistic emphasizes why sustainable marketing is more relevant today. Additionally, Carousell Media Group found that 95% of consumers under 35 agreed purchasing pre-owned items was more sustainable.

In practice, these findings mean neglecting to highlight how your brand benefits the environment can backfire and drive away customers in 2024.

7. Social media shopping

Rakuten Insight’s February 2023 survey on the Philippines found that roughly 70% of its respondents used Facebook for most social commerce transactions the year before. Another 53% of surveyees mentioned TikTok was their primary platform for social media shopping.

With Filipino shopping behavior constantly changing, these statistics highlight the need for your e-commerce to double down on promoting your products on social media in 2024.

Also Read: The Cost of Social Media Advertising

8. Privacy-centric marketing becomes a top priority

Almost every Filipino (90%) is concerned about unauthorized access to their personal information, with data security among the top concerns in the Philippines. This issue is among the top digital marketing trends to pay close attention to since Filipinos are becoming more wary about the information they share online.

As a digital marketer, you can anticipate respecting customers’ rights to withhold information while analyzing customer data in 2024.

9. AI-enabled Hyper-Personalization

Despite the reluctance to share personal information, more than 73% of Filipinos still want a personalized online experience. Meta conducted a case study on Jollibee featuring automated app ads that use machine learning to combine specific images, copy, and video that a user is most likely to be interested in.

The digital marketing approach allowed the brand to lower its cost per reach by 18% and achieve 1.2x more app installs. This level of personalization will allow you to meet growing audience expectations in 2024.

10. CTV and streaming continue to pick up momentum

Connected TV (CTV) marketing delivers ads to the audience’s internet-connected TV. According to AppsFlyer’s APAC connected TV trends, 2023 report, 40% of Asia Pacific viewers downloaded a mobile app after seeing a CTV ad for it.

Combined with 16 million Filipinos consuming YouTube content on connected TV screens in 2022, the data suggests this could be a viable platform to boost your marketing metrics in the coming year. With over 98% of Filipino internet users using at least one streaming platform, CTV and streaming are becoming more significant avenues to promote your brand to Philippine households in 2024.

Keeping a Digital Outlook for the Future

Digital marketing trends change because customer behavior is never static. Digital marketers must adapt to the changes in customer expectations and new technologies, such as AI, to compete in the dynamic market. Knowing the latest digital marketing trends in the country will help you stay ahead of the game and develop strategies to capture the Filipino audience effectively.

If you want to grow your business, a digital marketing agency in the Philippines like Spiralytics has a pool of digital marketing experts who can help you reach your business goals. Contact us today to learn more about our content marketing services !

This article has been updated by Francis Jude Alcantara

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... payments in the country are expected to grow by 17.2% on an annual basis to reach US$9,029.6 million in 2024. The medium to long-term growth story of the BNPL industry in the country remains strong. ... Read More

Megatrends in the Philippines

Oct 09, 2023  |  Published by: Euromonitor International  |  USD 1,325

... how each trend has manifested in the Philippines. Euromonitor's Megatrends in the Philippines report analyses factors influencing national consumer expenditure. Consumer lifestyles reports include coverage of: population, urban development, home ownership, household profiles, labour, income, ... Read More

The Philippines Cities Review

Jul 21, 2023  |  Published by: Euromonitor International  |  USD 725

... Manila also records the highest disposable income per capita, as well as the highest unemployment rate among major cities. General Santos City is predicted to see the strongest increase in internet connectivity rates over the ... Read More

Cebu in the Philippines

Jul 12, 2023  |  Published by: Euromonitor International  |  USD 725

... consumer expenditure, digital penetration, wealth and other consumer topics. On top of the consumer analysis, economic city landscape is represented including statistics and projections for key macroeconomic, labour and transport indicators. Euromonitor International’s City Review ... Read More

Davao City in the Philippines

... city population, consumer expenditure, digital penetration, wealth and other consumer topics. On top of the consumer analysis, economic city landscape is represented including statistics and projections for key macroeconomic, labour and transport indicators. Euromonitor International’s ... Read More

Manila in the Philippines

Consumer types in the philippines.

Jul 04, 2023  |  Published by: Euromonitor International  |  USD 1,325

... and grouping consumers based on shared traits and preferences, companies can better develop products and marketing campaigns that resonate with key customers. Euromonitor's Consumer Types in the Philippines report analyses factors influencing national consumer expenditure. ... Read More

Consumer Lifestyles in the Philippines

... broader trends Euromonitor's Consumer Lifestyles in the Philippines report analyses factors influencing national consumer expenditure. Consumer lifestyles reports include coverage of: population, urban development, home ownership, household profiles, labour, income, consumer and family expenditure, health, ... Read More

Consumer Values and Behaviour in the Philippines

Philippines digital ad spend business and investment opportunities databook – 50+ kpis on digital ad spend market size, channel, market share, type of segment, format, platform, pricing model, marketing objective, industry - q1 2023 update.

May 30, 2023  |  Published by: TechInsight360  |  USD 1,200

... Update According to TechInsight360, Digital Advertising Spend in the country are expected to grow by 8.5% on an annual basis to reach US$3,844.6 million in 2023. Medium to long term growth story of Digital Advertising ... Read More

Philippines B2C Ecommerce Market Opportunities Databook – 100+ KPIs on Ecommerce Verticals (Shopping, Travel, Food Service, Media & Entertainment, Technology), Market Share by Key Players, Sales Channel Analysis, Payment Instrument, Consumer Demographics - Q1 2023 Update

Feb 14, 2023  |  Published by: PayNXT360  |  USD 1,900

... 2023 Update According to PayNXT360’s, B2C Ecommerce market in Philippines is expected to grow by 15.44% on annual basis to reach US$14.2 billion in 2023._x000C__x000C_The Medium to long-term growth story of B2C Ecommerce industry in ... Read More

SM Hypermarket, Philippines (Food and Grocery) Shoppers Profile, Market Share and Competitive Positioning

Dec 15, 2022  |  Published by: GlobalData  |  USD 350

... in the Philippines food & grocery market in 2021. According to GlobalData’s global consumer survey Q3 2021, around 70.9% of total consumers in the Philippines prefer to purchase food & groceries from SM Hypermarket. Scope ... Read More

The Philippines in 2040: The Future Demographic

Sep 28, 2022  |  Published by: Euromonitor International  |  USD 990

... remain relatively young in a regional context. Swift urbanisation will continue, and Metro Manila will remain the main consumer market. A surging population and rising incomes mean that the Philippines will become an increasingly attractive ... Read More

Philippines Cold Chain Market Outlook to 2026F: Driven by Rising Meat and Seafood Consumption Owing to Growing Millennial Population Albeit Infrastructure Challenges

Sep 01, 2022  |  Published by: Ken Research  |  USD 5,000

... Rising Meat and Seafood Consumption Owing to Growing Millennial Population Albeit Infrastructure Challenges” by Ken Researchprovides a comprehensive analysis of the cold chain market of Philippines including Cold Storage and Cold Transport market. The report ... Read More

Country Review Philippines

Aug 01, 2022  |  Published by: CountryWatch, Inc.  |  USD 30

... a given country's history, economy, government, political landscape including foreign policy orientation, business and investment climate, socio-cultural scene including key demographic features, and pertinent environmental issues. The Country Reviews are updated annually, although there are ... Read More

Philippines Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities – 75+ KPIs on Buy Now Pay Later Trends by End-Use Sectors, Operational KPIs, Market Share, Retail Product Dynamics, and Consumer Demographics - Q1 2022 Update

Jan 20, 2022  |  Published by: PayNXT360  |  USD 2,400

... Update Report Description According to PayNXT360’s Q4 2021 BNPL Survey, BNPL payment in the Philippines is expected to grow by 109.7% on annual basis to reach US$ 803.5 million in 2022. Medium to long term ... Read More

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Journal of Business and Management Studies

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The Impact of Digital Marketing on Customer Buying Intention of Customers in the Philippines

Digital marketing is arguably one of the preeminent marketing strategies utilized by today's vast number of businesses and companies. This strategy offers tools that enable them to promote their products to a much larger audience as it encompasses geographical boundaries. Also, it can build better relationships with customers since the content is customized to their liking. In the current study, the researchers aimed to determine how digital marketing affects the consumer behavior of Filipinos, specifically customer engagement and purchase intention. The following hypotheses were formulated: (H1) Social Media has a significant impact on Customer Engagement. (H2) Social media has a significant impact on purchase intention. (H3) Email marketing has a significant impact on customer engagement. (H4) Email marketing has a significant impact on purchase intention. (H5) Customer Engagement has a significant impact on purchase intention. A total of 334 respondents were surveyed online, and data was analyzed through the SPSS software. By the end of the research, it was found that digital marketing strategies, specifically social media marketing and email marketing, effectively generate purchase intention from Filipino consumers. This is aided by the customer engagement triggered by the advertisements presented on Facebook and their email. The researchers recommend further research on the topic but to branch out to other strategies and tactics of digital marketing since the current study focused solely on Facebook and email.

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To create an outstanding climate of support and be the center of excellence for market, opinion, and social research and analytics organizations and practitioners to advance the value of research in decision-making.

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Philippine marketing trends for 2021, backed by actual data


Grace Adorable is Comm&Sense's Data and Analytics Officer. She spearheads the research and data analytics for clients' public relations and content marketing needs.


When we greeted the year 2020, we didn’t think we’d have to go through one of the world’s worst crises in this century—the coronavirus pandemic.

Plans were rerouted as businesses were—and still are—faced with a myriad of uncertainties. Campaigns were put to a halt as COVID-19 demanded strategy recalibration following the changes in consumers’ lifestyle, attitude, and spending habits.

This resulted in a rapidly tech-savvier change in the marketing landscape. With mobility restrictions in place, more activities have been moved online as more people spend most of their time at home with their faces in front of the screen—away from brick-and-mortar stores and toward digital channels.

The new decade is here and it is only wise to predict what this year holds for the marketing industry to remain steadfast in the game. Here are the top trends that marketers in the Philippines should implement in 2021, based on the forecast and analysis from various global studies:

Brands that are more attuned to their purpose can expect a positive shift in their customers’ perception and preference towards them.

Findings from the 2021 Global Marketing Trends by Deloitte Insights show that 79% of their respondents take note of the brands that positively respond to COVID-19 to help their customers, workforces, and communities.

We’ve seen brands manifest this in countless ways, but mostly by toning down their hard-sell marketing. For instance, BDO Unibank offered a 60-day payment extension on loan payments to help qualified clients cope with the COVID-19 lockdown.

Burger King, on the other hand, recently broke the Internet for telling people to order from its biggest competitor , McDonald’s, and to other fast-food chains in support of the struggling businesses alike that employ thousands of staff. KFC paused their famed “Finger Lickin’ Good” slogan after 64 years, saying that it “doesn’t feel quite right” upon having the businesses and lives around the globe upended by the coronavirus.

This trend, according to Deloitte Insights, has proven that brands can get ahead of the game when they inherently understand why they exist and who they are best built to serve regardless of what they sell today. Purpose-driven marketing is what connects the brand to its brand identity and its commitment to its stakeholders.

More and more consumers are now shifting to digital commerce with mobility restrictions and anxieties still in place.

Recently, Comm&Sense conducted an online survey that asked the Filipino netizens about how they foresee their e-commerce behaviors changing once the pandemic is over. Assuming that they’re currently using tech-enabled platforms to accomplish errands, results show that paying bills (43%) and bank transactions (44%) are the top activities that the respondents will do more frequently. Other online activities involving medicines, remittances, food, health consultation, home, and clothes shopping will remain the same post-pandemic in terms of frequency.

These findings align with Accenture’s COVID-19 Consumer Research . The digital commerce trend is expected to continue post-outbreak as consumers reported that the proportion of instances they shop online will increase from 32% to 37%. These findings only confirm the burgeoning area of digital commerce worldwide, suggesting the need for a substantial investment in this channel, particularly in the Philippines.

In 2020 alone, the adoption of online as a channel for shopping markets in the Philippines showed a 1.3 times increase since 2019. There’s also a 1.3 times growth in the number of categories that Filipinos are buying online since 2019, based on a commissioned study by Facebook with Bain & Company .

Among the categories that showed significant growth in online retail penetration, groceries achieved the most dramatic growth as Filipinos became 2.7 times more receptive to buying them online in 2020. The study’s 2025 projection of gross merchandise value (GMV) in online retail also suggests that the industry-wide spending among Filipinos will grow 2.5 times, jumping from an average of $4 billion to $10 billion in 2025.

With COVID-19 and community quarantines in place, it is only expected in the coming years that the above mentioned forecast will grow further as more offline shoppers are moving online to adapt to homebound living.

The omnichannel future is no longer optional as audiences demand brands to go full with their digital capabilities.

Brands should be able to satisfy the full consumer journey in order to stay ahead of the competition. Setting up a website or social media presence is a start, but preparing for an omnichannel future also means developing internal capabilities and investing in proprietary assets such as having a digital marketing strategy and harnessing the power of tech and data analytics.

Facebook and Bain & Company’s study coined the trend Discovery Commerce as Southeast Asian consumers become more driven by openness to digital discovery. 62% of their respondents cited social media, short videos, and messaging as the largest source for discovering new brands and products. Meanwhile, 70% of intentional engagements happen through e-commerce, suggesting that consumers now recognize e-commerce as a platform for intentional purchase.

“Research online, purchase offline” no longer applies so marketing investments should be maximized to boost awareness about the brand and to generate leads. Digital marketing nowadays is a tough sport as more brands amplify their ads vying for the audience’s attention. This is why optimizing product visibility for customers through localized marketing reach can go a long way.

According to the Facebook study, consumers are more likely to consider the brand and its products provided that there’s the right assortment for pack sizing and tailored price positioning. This can go on a successful sales cycle when brands are working hard to enhance buying experience through seamless and efficient services.

Trust flourishes when brands are able to close the gap between what they say and what they do.

Comm&Sense conducted an online survey that asked the Filipino netizens’ opinions about those brands that take a stand. Accordingly, the online respondents trust a brand when they incorporate their programs to a good cause (91%), collaborate with non-profit organizations (87%), and create ads about their social stance (85%).

Deloitte Insights’ study underscored this—that having coordinated efforts are key to building trust. To keep a maintained relationship with customers and audiences, brands should be able to walk the talk in order to ensure that their intentions and competence are well-aligned.

Customers are 1.6 times more likely to purchase from them over competitors when they display humanity and 2.4 times more likely when they deliver their promises. When brands are willing to be held accountable and their intentions are congruent with their actions, that’s what makes building trust easier.

“Love lokal” is not just about buying locally sourced products anymore—it’s also about supporting community stores.

Among the emerging trends in the year 2021 is the growing love of consumers for local products—more specifically from community stores and micro businesses. This poses a significant influence on consumers’ brand decisions as more Filipinos become open to switching brands.

According to the study commissioned by Facebook , 48% of Filipino consumers have switched their most purchased brands in 2020 amid the pandemic. This makes the playing field more challenging as businesses have to be more innovative to maintain customer relationships.

Having limited mobility has made it possible for micro and small businesses to penetrate consumers within their communities. Despite the social distancing protocol that encourages people to stay apart, the burgeoning support to local community businesses is proof that it has only brought people together, one way or another.

As the world slowly rebuilds itself from the emotional and economic toll that’s brought about by COVID-19, 80% of consumers feel more or as connected to their communities—and 88% expect these connections to stay intact long after the virus is contained, based on Accenture’s data . With this trend, it is only recommendable that medium to huge enterprises are able to find ways to connect at the local level.

Marketers, creators, and communications professionals were all forced to adapt to the industry’s new normal. Knowing these trends will put brands in an advantage to navigate in the upcoming days.

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