Writing like a Boss

Writing like a Boss

From the desk of Samantha R. Uhrig

why i love writing essays

7 Reasons I LOVE to Write (and 2 Reasons You Should, Too)

Hello, writers, and happy Valentine’s Day! Today we’re going over one of my favorite topics of all time: loving your writing. I wrote about it in May 2017 , which is my most favorite post to date. (You can check out it out as a sequel to this one!)

But instead of some ways to love your writing, today I’m going to share some reasons why  I  love to write. Because it’s healthy to remind yourself why you do what you do! It keeps you focused, and helps you stay dedicated to your work. And at the bottom of this post, there will be two reasons why you,  too, should love your writing. The point of my list is to inspire your own, so you can finish your novel or screenplay ASAP!

Okay, let’s get on with it, shall we?

Note: point 3 has been edited in the written post, so the paragraph is said differently in the video.

An almost unnecessary little note: in this video, I wore bubblegum-pink jeans to make up for my black shirt. I’m kinda disappointed it wasn’t actually shown, so just pretend for me.


1. because i can create anything in my wildest imagination..

This is why I write fantasy as a means of relaxing, or even as a comfort when I’m feeling low. Suspension of disbelief is how fiction is possible!

Suspension of disbelief, otherwise  sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment , enables readers to leave behind what they’ve learned from the real world to lose themselves in a work of pure fiction. This is how you can watch Star Wars without saying, “But that’s impossible! There’s no such thing as the Force!”

Because suspension of disbelief exists, I as the writer have the freedom to put to page whatever my mind conjures, and someone can read it without thinking it unusual. A marvelous concept, isn’t it?

2. Because the words are a comfort.

When I’m feeling unwell, I write. It’s so natural, I didn’t even realize my unconscious habit till recently.

But I’m careful to write something separate from my main project , or else it just creates more stress and problems. I’ll look up some writing- or character-prompts online, and create a new story from there. It’s even more relaxing on paper. They’re rarely finished, but  so  helpful for when I need to chill!

3. Because I want to leave my mark on the world.

I don’t know what the world will know of me in a hundred years. I intend to write many books and manuscripts in my lifetime, but how much of an impact will they make? Will I be a bestselling classic? A local hero? A name passed through the family? All but forgotten to the public? Only God knows (which is quite a comfort!).

The way I see it, the more stories I write, and the more I improve with each one, the better I’ll be remembered for my dedication. And if it’s just my parents, grandparents, and siblings – as well as my husband, children, grandchildren, etc. – who are proud of me and know who I am, it’s enough! I’m so thrilled for my future family to read all the projects on which I will have worked so hard. That is the ultimate motivation for me.

4. Because I love to inspire others.

This is why I blog, specifically. I absolutely  adore  the idea of inspiring even just one person to follow his or her passion, writing or otherwise, and this is one of the biggest reasons why I write!

Namely, I want to inspire young writers out there. I’m fairly young myself, which I’m slow to admit, I’ll confess, but I think this gives me a particular advantage at this point in my life. Young writers will look at my blog, my books, my business, and everything I’m building every day, and they’ll say to themselves, “If she can do this, maybe I can, too!”

I won’t be young forever, but I don’t believe my advantage in this respect will go away because of it! All the feats of my young life are (or will be) on paper, and they’re not going anywhere. Perhaps, the older I grow, and the more I accomplish, the more I will inspire others. That’s the hope, writers!

5. Because I can use it to learn about topics that interest me.

About two years ago, I got very “into” the World War II era (1939-1945). I wanted to learn more, but there was only so much interesting information I could retain from books and Wikipedia pages. I took it a step further, and used my few findings as a base for a novel called “What I Wish I Said But Never Did.” That novel later became  The Girl Who Frosts the Cakes !

Not only do I love that project dearly, but I learned  so much  about that time and culture in the process . Now I can spit out all sorts of miscellaneous facts about the era, like the price of a loaf of bread, or when and why women’s trousers became “the thing” in America, or the value of a dollar in 1940 vs. 1945.

It’s wild to think that this novel, which I’ve been rewriting and cutting and shaping with care for what feels like forever, just started with plain curiosity. I can’t wait to find my next big interest!

6. Because I can use it to express my loves, opinions, and beliefs.

I love many things. Vanilla cake, coffee, weddings, skirts, curly hair, close-knit friendships, bookshops, the smell of old paper, small businesses, and red lipstick are just a few of my earthly loves, and every one of those things is deliberately featured in my novel.

What about my opinions and beliefs? I’m careful to weave those in my writing, too! As a Christian, I firmly believe Jesus is King, and I strive to live in a way that pleases Him. I very badly want this to be clear in all my writing; even in fiction.

And finally:

7. I’m simply in love with words.

I open up a book, and I feel at home. I love to wander through secondhand bookstores, running my fingers over the cracked spines and worn covers. Whenever I hear or read words I like, I’ll write them down as a reminder to use them more. As a kid, I would  beg  for a spelling test. I even love how inconsistent our grammar rules are, how nothing makes sense. English is beautiful nonsense.

In the English language, we only have twenty-six letters; but those twenty-six letters make up over  171,476 words.  How amazing is that? Think about it: 171,476 +  unique words! And now imagine how many words are in other  languages, including words and phrases we can’t even comprehend in English. Language is a mind-boggling miracle, and I’m in love with all of it!


1. you’re more likely to stick to your project..

You wouldn’t put all that work into a project if you didn’t like it. Unless you write purely for money. In which case, I seriously doubt you would make it through the whole article to this point.

Case in point: if you love to write, you’re more likely to stick with – and finish! – your novel/screenplay/etc. How exciting is that?

And lastly, our final point of the evening:

2. It shows in your writing.

Believe it or not, you can tell when a writer doesn’t like his or her writing. It’s hard to describe, really. The best way I can think to explain is, it’s clear when someone has put love, care, and dedication into their work; in the reverse, it’s also apparent when someone  doesn’t.

Loving your writing is so, so important. If you don’t love to write – why do you do it?

I suggest keeping your very own “why I love to write” list. Tape it to your bathroom mirror, or on the shelf with your favorite cereal bowl, and update it often, because we’re always changing (which is a good thing!). This will keep you from getting discouraged, and thereby, you’ll be more productive in your writing!

I hope you enjoyed this special post! Don’t forget to check out 5 Little Ways to Love Your Writing as a sequel, and laugh along with us in this blooper reel! Happy writing!

5 Little Ways to Love Your Writing (And Why it’s Important)

2 responses to “7 Reasons I LOVE to Write (and 2 Reasons You Should, Too)”

You have certainly inspired me! I often have trouble believing my writing is actually worth reading. I’m in the process of climbing out of that pit called “writer’s block,” and this post has given me some of the strength to do just that. Thanks!

I’m so glad to have helped, Paige! I struggle with the very same problems. I just like to remember: there is always at least one person who wants to read our writing. Happy writing!

Before You Write a Love Essay, Read This to Get Examples

The day will come when you can’t escape the fate of all students: You will have to write a what is love essay.

No worries:

Here you’ll find tons of love essay topics and examples. No time to read everything? Scroll down to get a free PDF with original samples.

Definition: Essay on Love

First, let’s define what is love essay?

The most common topics are:

  • Definition of love
  • What is love?
  • Meaning of love

Why limit yourself to these hackneyed, general themes? Below, I’ll show how to make your paper on love original yet relevant to the prompt you get from teachers.

Love Essay Topics: 20 Ideas to Choose for Your Paper

Your essay on love and relationship doesn’t have to be super official and unemotional. It’s ok to share reflections and personal opinions when writing about romance.

Often, students get a general task to write an essay on love. It means they can choose a theme and a title for their paper. If that’s your case,  feel free to try any of these love essay topics:

  • Exploring the impact of love on individuals and relationships.
  • Love in the digital age: Navigating romance in a tech world.
  • Is there any essence and significance in unconditional love?
  • Love as a universal language: Connecting hearts across cultures.
  • Biochemistry of love: Exploring the process.
  • Love vs. passion vs. obsession.
  • How love helps cope with heartbreak and grief.
  • The art of loving. How we breed intimacy and trust.
  • The science behind attraction and attachment.
  • How love and relationships shape our identity and help with self-discovery.
  • Love and vulnerability: How to embrace emotional openness.
  • Romance is more complex than most think: Passion, intimacy, and commitment explained.
  • Love as empathy: Building sympathetic connections in a cruel world.
  • Evolution of love. How people described it throughout history.
  • The role of love in mental and emotional well-being.
  • Love as a tool to look and find purpose in life.
  • Welcoming diversity in relations through love and acceptance.
  • Love vs. friendship: The intersection of platonic and romantic bonds.
  • The choices we make and challenges we overcome for those we love.
  • Love and forgiveness: How its power heals wounds and strengthens bonds.

Love Essay Examples: Choose Your Sample for Inspiration

Essays about love are usually standard, 5-paragraph papers students write in college:

  • One paragraph is for an introduction, with a hook and a thesis statement
  • Three are for a body, with arguments or descriptions
  • One last passage is for a conclusion, with a thesis restatement and final thoughts

Below are the ready-made samples to consider. They’ll help you see what an essay about love with an introduction, body, and conclusion looks like.

What is love essay: 250 words

Lao Tzu once said, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Indeed, love can transform individuals, relationships, and our world.

A word of immense depth and countless interpretations, love has always fascinated philosophers, poets, and ordinary individuals. This  emotion breaks boundaries and has a super power to change lives. But what is love, actually?

It’s a force we feel in countless ways. It is the warm embrace of a parent, filled with care and unwavering support. It is the gentle touch of a lover, sparking a flame that ignites passion and desire. Love is the kind words of a friend, offering solace and understanding in times of need. It is the selfless acts of compassion and empathy that bind humanity together.

Love is not confined to romantic relationships alone. It is found in the family bonds, the connections we forge with friends, and even the compassion we extend to strangers. Love is a thread that weaves through the fabric of our lives, enriching and nourishing our souls.

However, love is not without its complexities. It can be both euphoric and agonizing, uplifting and devastating. Love requires vulnerability, trust, and the willingness to embrace joy and pain. It is a delicate balance between passion and compassion, independence and interdependence.

Finally, the essence of love may be elusive to define with mere words. It is an experience that surpasses language and logic, encompassing a spectrum of emotions and actions. Love is a profound connection that unites us all, reminding us of our shared humanity and the capacity for boundless compassion.

What is love essay: 500 words

why i love writing essays

A 500-word essay on why I love you

Trying to encapsulate why I love you in a mere 500 words is impossible. My love for you goes beyond the confines of language, transcending words and dwelling in the realm of emotions, connections, and shared experiences. Nevertheless, I shall endeavor to express the depth and breadth of my affection for you.

First and foremost, I love you for who you are. You possess a unique blend of qualities and characteristics that captivate my heart and mind. Your kindness and compassion touch the lives of those around you, and I am grateful to be the recipient of your unwavering care and understanding. Your intelligence and wit constantly challenge me to grow and learn, stimulating my mind and enriching our conversations. You have a beautiful spirit that radiates warmth and joy, and I am drawn to your vibrant energy.

I love the way you make me feel. When I am with you, I feel a sense of comfort and security that allows me to be my true self. Your presence envelops me in a cocoon of love and acceptance, where I can express my thoughts, fears, and dreams without fear of judgment. Your support and encouragement inspire me to pursue my passions and overcome obstacles. With you by my side, I feel empowered to face the world, knowing I have a partner who believes in me.

I love the memories we have created together. From the laughter-filled moments of shared adventures to the quiet and intimate conversations, every memory is etched in my heart. Whether exploring new places, indulging in our favorite activities, or simply enjoying each other’s company in comfortable silence, each experience reinforces our bond. Our shared memories serve as a foundation for our relationship, a testament to the depth of our connection and the love that binds us.

I love your quirks and imperfections. Your true essence shines through these unique aspects! Your little traits make me smile and remind me of the beautiful individual you are. I love how you wrinkle your nose when you laugh, become lost in thought when reading a book, and even sing off-key in the shower. These imperfections make you human, relatable, and utterly lovable.

I love the future we envision together. We support each other’s goals, cheering one another on as we navigate the path toward our dreams. The thought of building a life together, creating a home filled with love and shared experiences, fills my heart with anticipation and excitement. The future we imagine is one that I am eager to explore with you by my side.

In conclusion, the reasons why I love you are as vast and varied as the universe itself. It is a love that defies logic and surpasses the limitations of language. From the depths of my being, I love you for the person you are, the way you make me feel, the memories we cherish, your quirks and imperfections, and the future we envision together. My love for you is boundless, unconditional, and everlasting.

A 5-paragraph essay about love

why i love writing essays

I’ve gathered all the samples (and a few bonus ones) in one PDF. It’s free to download. So, you can keep it at hand when the time comes to write a love essay.

why i love writing essays

Ready to Write Your Essay About Love?

Now that you know the definition of a love essay and have many topic ideas, it’s time to write your A-worthy paper! Here go the steps:

  • Check all the examples of what is love essay from this post.
  • Choose the topic and angle that fits your prompt best.
  • Write your original and inspiring story.

Any questions left? Our writers are all ears. Please don’t hesitate to ask!

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ESSAY: Why I Love to Read and to Write by Gail Dayton

why i love writing essays

Last winter, I posted that I would love to hear from readers, writers, bloggers about why they read, write and blog. Gail Dayton, author of the new book, New Blood , offers up this personal account.

I love to read. No, I looooove to read. And I read fast. I read about 300 books a year (counting re-reads). So when I saw the Ja(y)nes offer to post essays on reading, writing and the love thereof, I got to thinking-‘WHY do I love reading and writing so much.

It’s the stories. My cousin Diane taught me to read when I was just four, and from that moment, I’ve been caught up in the worlds opened up to me by books. But I think my addiction to story must go earlier than that, because my mother likes to talk about taking me to see Bambi with my multitude of cousins when I was three. (Mama is the youngest of four sisters, each of whom had four kids, except for Aunt Bettye, who had six…The family Thanksgiving is massive.) For weeks afterward, my invisible friend Bambi went everywhere with me. Hey, at least Bambi was a deer and didn’t require his own plate at the dinner table, like the fella’s invisible friend Mister. (Mister got on a plane one day and flew to Chicago, never to be seen again.)

Stories fire my imagination and, for a little while, let me live in That world, instead of this-‘often boring-‘one. In the world of story, ANYTHING can happen.

Which is why I write. I still have invisible friends. No, really. TIME magazine quoted researchers who discovered that fiction writers’ relationships with their characters is virtually identical with a child’s relationship with his invisible friends. We know they’re not real. Honest. We do know. But we still have no control over them. They go off and do stuff just because they want to, and we have no way to stop them.

Back to the topic. I don’t write just because I get to hang out with invisible friends. I write because I get to tell stories. And in those stories, ANYTHING can happen. Dragons are real. Soul mates can find their destiny. People can recover from tragedy. Even all of the above. And, despite the fact that characters can go their own way, I can still tell the story I want to tell. (The characters usually know better than I do.)

I started wanting to tell stories MY way back in-‘junior high, I think. That’s when I inherited a bunch of my dad’s old books. Copies of Robin Hood in archaic English. The original Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I literally read the cover off Tarzan . The only problem I saw was that Tarzan didn’t have a sister. Jane really didn’t cut it as a place-holder for the role I wanted to play in the book. I wanted to live in the jungle too. So I made up one.

I graduated from fan fiction sometime in college, eventually learned to finish a book, and here I am. I still love to read, and I still love to write (even though these days it sometimes can feel like work). Because it’s all about the story.

If you would like to contribute a guest essay on why you read, why you write or why you blog, please send an email to Jane at dearauthor.com with “Essay” in the subject line.

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why i love writing essays

Jane Litte is the founder of Dear Author, a lawyer, and a lover of pencil skirts. She self publishes NA and contemporaries (and publishes with Berkley and Montlake) and spends her downtime reading romances and writing about them. Her TBR pile is much larger than the one shown in the picture and not as pretty. You can reach Jane by email at jane @ dearauthor dot com

why i love writing essays

I read for the same reasons ^^. I dreamt my fanfiction for years up until university… I even tried to start a fantasy book but it sucked. So now I just fall into you writers’ imagination and enjoy. Great to read that you could take the next steps and write AND publish.

why i love writing essays

How my, what article in the TIME mag? Do you know in which volume it was? I want to read it 0.0

It was also the love of a good story that did it for me. In my case though, I stopped writing when I discovered reading. I’m so lazy, it was much easier to get the stories whole from writers than to make them up myself… the writers’ at least had closure.

Jumping suject: TARZAN!!! It was so cool. It brought me to ERB, and to my favourite series of his, the Mars one — especially the later volumes. The one where the hero gets his brain put in a piecemeal construct is such a riot, no? A monster-like hero… *drool*

why i love writing essays

I enjoyed your essay and thanks for contributing it to the community. Good luck with your writing, too.

why i love writing essays

I too had invisible friends as a child. They never stayed around to inspire a writing muse. Enjoyed your essay.

why i love writing essays

I enjoyed this essay as well. Thanks for writing it.

why i love writing essays

@J Oponce: It was several years ago that I read that article. We weren’t living in Galveston then, so at least 2 years ago. The article was actually about children and their invisible friends, but the quote about fiction writers stuck with me. Maybe if you go to TIME.com and search…

Holy Crap. It’s there. The article. I searched on “children imaginary friend” and it came up at the top. It’s called The Power of Make Believe, and it was published 2/7/2005, so 3 years ago. Wow. They even have 1969 articles available… Cool. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1025173,00.html

@ everybody! Thanks for your comments. It’s nice to know people who come from the same place I’m coming from. (sentence doesn’t make much sense, but…)

why i love writing essays

I enjoyed your comments as well. Imaginations are wonderful .I was given Pinnochio (the real one) at a very young age and can barely remember a time when I didn’t know how to read. I turned everything around me into real boys and girls for years lol. I can even remember some of the stories I concocted and that’s been 40 years ago! (yeah I’m old) Keep telling stories Gail.

why i love writing essays

I loved ERB’s Barsoom books. All that “hot, Virginian blood” :)

@Ms Dayton: wow, 1000 thanks to the webalization of the world. Interesting article, I can see why it stuck, the example they give is rather… impressive.

@Jessa Slade: Barsoom, right. Shame on me, I’d actually forgotten Mars’ “real” name. And the Virginian blood! (>.<) That braggart.

why i love writing essays

I rarely do not comment on blogs but yours I had to stop and say Great article!!

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Why I Love Writing Essay Example

I’ve always loved to read and write. Reading and writing have always come easy to me. I don’t write as well, sometimes, at school because it’s not something I want to write about. 

I remember reading different children's books with my parents when I was younger. My parents read, “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish,” “The Cat in the Hat,” and “Green Eggs and Ham,” to me. Normally they would read with me before bed or sometime in the evening. My parents helped me the most. They would explain things in the books that I wouldn’t understand and helped me read them out loud, and know what they meant. I liked to read at night by myself before I went to bed. I started reading at night around 4th grade and stopped around my freshman year. 

When I first start reading a book, I struggle to get invested in the story, but over time I start to enjoy the plot. I enjoy reading fiction books the most. I also enjoy starting a series instead of reading a singular book. I read to envision a whole other world. Fiction books have so many possibilities, and at times, help me be more creative with my own imagination. I get intimidated by poetry or books/stories from long ago (i.e., Shakespeare, etc.)

My first memories of writing are in elementary school. In my 4th and 5th grade years, my teachers would let us have free time to write whatever we wanted. We then would go around to everybody's stories and give them feedback. I liked this a lot because I could write about whatever I wanted. I felt like I was a great writer, for my age, because I taught myself how to use the correct grammar and punctuation in my own writing. I like writing because ultimately it is YOUR story. YOU can envision anything in your writing and be as creative as you want. 

I enjoy writing now because I am good at it. I like being able to write about whatever I want. When I get writing assignments at school, I don’t really like it or want to do it. Most of the time these writings don’t matter to me because I don’t really have a connection to the writing. It just feels forced to write something assigned to me. I feel proud once I am done writing because I can see my own story unfold, and I see all my creative thoughts on paper. One thing that intimidates me is the time I have to dedicate to writing the story. I tend to procrastinate a lot, but I think this has made me a better writer. It has taught me how to write under pressure. 

I am still learning many things about writing. I view myself as a pretty good reader and writer. I see myself writing more in the future as I learn more aspects of language and literature. I enjoy reading and writing, but still have WAY more to learn about it.

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Travel Narratives , Solo Female Travel , Travel Inspiration

Personal essay: why i love traveling so much.

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Updated: 26 April 2023

Even at first glance, it is so obvious to everyone who meets me that I love traveling. The idea of travel, packing my bags and disappearing to someplace new, lives inside the brain allllll the time. I mean, I spend my spare time on Google flights, haha.

Not to mention, whenever I meet someone for the first time or even encounter an old friend, I instantly want to talk about my upcoming trips, ask about their own adventures, share embarrassing and funny travel stories, and swap bucket list ideas.

And yeah, I’ll admit it. I’m probably a little annoying to my non-traveling friends and acquaintances, but I can’t help myself. My “wanderlusty” passion seeps through my pores, out of my control.

solo female travel scotland = wonderful

Passion is a good thing, I guess?

A few years ago, on my 29th birthday, I wrote about 29 Ways Travel Changes You forever. I know that ever since I started my solo adventures, I slowly morphed into a far more spontaneous, well-rounded, and grateful person. I used to freak out at plans changing or sudden cancellations, but now, disruption to my routine just rolls off my shoulders. 

Although I still stand by the ideas in that post, I wanted to return to my “graduate school” roots and felt inspired to write an entire essay explaining why I love traveling so much, haha. I know it is stating the obvious in many ways, but sometimes we all need a little dose of inspiration, especially after the stress and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic that put global travel on hold for nearly two years. 

Exploring the world costs time and money (not to mention, boarding planes stresses me to the max!) so the trade-offs need to be worth it, right?

this gorgeous stockholm view clearly shows why i love traveling

Table of Contents

“I Love to Travel Because” — A Complete Essay

Okay, full disclosure , some of the reasons why I love traveling are totally superficial and shallow.

I mean, think about it. Travel makes you look cool. For instance, an ongoing joke about dating apps (haha) is that every single profile professes a deep love of travel. It’s damn near cliche at this point. And I understand why. 

I also love to travel, because being in a new place means I’m allow to indulge and spoil myself. Pampering myself has become even more important on solo trips in my 30s , honestly.

sitting with a great alhambra view

I mean, isn’t it nice to eat a lot of delicious food, explore museums stuffed with world class art, and capture the perfect Instagram shot on top of a mountain crowned in a pink sunrise’s glow? Of course!

However, all jokes aside, I love to travel for deeper personal reasons, too. The experiences go far beyond pretty pictures and a full stomach.

I deeply believe travel makes you richer, not in your wallet, but in your intelligence and compassion. Not to mention, roaming this planet makes you realize your full potential and helps you learn what makes you truly happy. Let’s break it down.

eating oranges in como is why i love to travel

Travel is My Passion

Life without passion is a prison sentence, in my opinion. Each day blends together until they are identical.

Wake up. Go to work. Eat dinner. Watch television. Sleep.

Time slips away without accomplishing anything. Not good.

We’re all on this earth for a deeper purpose. We need to discover that purpose and let it embrace us. By doing that, we cultivate the abilities to face any challenges that come flying in our direction.

the true solo traveler of jacksonville beach fl

For me, travel is my passion. Travel is my purpose. Not to mention, I channel this passion by using my own experiences to help people feel brave enough to take the trips of their dreams.

Recently, I’m listening to a lot of motivational podcasts on my commutes to work. For example, I love “The School of Greatness” and think these interviews provide great insight on practical ways to improve yourself. Seriously, if you’re struggling, then give this podcast a try.

Anyway, one of the reoccurring themes on “The School of Greatness” is to find a passion and purpose in life. No one can take passion away from you. It’s freeing.

And travel? Is a beautiful passion. Most importantly, I like to learn about humanity, beyond my country’s borders, in order to better connect with others. It’s a blessing.

i love to travel and experience new cultures especially in places like portugal

Travel Helps Me Believe in People.

Travel restores my faith in people. It’s true.

Okay, I hate to out myself on this blog, but I’m a total cynic sometimes. Full disclosure.

In general, I have a very hard time trusting people, mostly because I worry they’ll lie or take advantage of me. And sadly, some people have done just that (another story for another day, my friends). It’s super challenging not to be jaded.

one of the advantages of solo travel is seeing gorgeous scenery like this

Yet travel reminds me so many kind-hearted, inspiring, brave, and intelligent people exist in the world. For example, I’ll never forget how complete strangers invited me to lunch in Nazare and helped me find the way to Stockholm after my train was canceled.

I’ve also had strangers talk to me on planes to calm my anxiety over flying. I had one woman stay awake the entire flight on my trip to Madrid, for instance, and reassure me whenever we hit a bump in the sky.

Travel reminds you that most people are inherently good. They are. I promise.

Even at home, the travel community’s members never stop encouraging me to transform into a better version of myself. For example, attending Women’s Travel Fest in New York City connected me with so many incredible women who are living their best lives every single day.

i love to travel to small towns such as toledo

Travel Heals My Insecurities.

On a similar note, I’m a person who loves to travel, because exploring the world builds incredible self-confidence and worth. I’m able to accept and embrace my flaws much more readily after traveling somewhere epic and having time to reflect.

In our society, there’s an unspoken pressure to embody perfection, and falling short of that standard isn’t acceptable.

Think about it. When was the last time you felt safe admitting that you were angry or jealous and received zero judgement or advice regarding your turbulent feelings?

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We all have flaws and insecurities. We’ll never reach this ridiculous idea of perfection either. 

Travel gives you a chance to push beyond these troublesome traits, which we all have, and even accept them for what they are.

Is traveling alone scary? Absolutely.

However, the fear is invaluable, because you need to get out of your comfort zone for personal growth to happen. For example, I was terrified to go paragliding in Slovenia, not only because I hate flying on general principle, but because I’ve never identified myself as a dare devil. I felt like an imposter. But when my feet touched the ground again, I realized how much courage I actually possess. Cool, huh?

As I’ve said, we all deal with insecurities. All of us. But these supposed flaws don’t have to define us. Another major reason why I love traveling is because I was able to move beyond these flaws.

travel is the best because you get outdoors

Travel Makes Me Appreciate Natural Beauty.

I’m a city gal at heart. New York City is my “happy place,” because I love the endless entertainment options, great shopping, and diverse population. Bring me the city lights.

On the other hand, travel forces me to return to nature and foster a deeper appreciation for the earth. My breath was taken away in both the Scottish Highlands and Banff National Park. Crystal clear glacier lakes. Massive green mountains. Fresh air filling my lungs. Our planet is an absolute gem.

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I’m even willing to get my hands dirty now!

And, even at home, I’m trying to make getting out into nature a priority. I will say New Jersey has plenty of beautiful beaches, and I fully intend to take advantage of them.

this smile shows why i love to travel. look at how happy i am!

Travel Has Me Falling in Love with Myself.

Self-love is grossly underestimated.   A lot of us are taught to place other peoples’ needs ahead of our own – which is especially true for women. Society pressures and molds us into the perfect daughters, sisters, friends, girlfriends, wives, mothers.

When do we have time to pour the same kindness back onto ourselves to ensure we’re mentally healthy and happy?

There aren’t enough hours in a day. It’s sad.

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Travel reclaims your time, and lets you spoil yourself. It’s amazing.

For instance, I took myself out on dates in Seattle. I bought super expensive chocolate and sat in the park and took pictures of Mount Rainier, and it was the best thing ever. I also spent over $70 on myself at the Walrus and the Carpenter in Ballard, and didn’t care that my indulgence had reached ridiculous levels. I was worth it, damn it!

By traveling alone, you can give the love that you freely hand out to everyone to yourself. Be selfish. It’s a wonderful feeling.

travel is my passion even at home in nyc

Ultimately, I Love to Travel and Experience New Cultures.

My passion for new places and cultures isn’t something that appeared out of nowhere in my adult life. Far from it.

I’ve always wanted to travel ever since I was young. When I was in middle school (wow, I was twelve at one point?), I was convinced that I would move to England and design houses.

While I think the latter had to do with playing too much Sims , my desire to explore beyond the borders of the United States never weakened. Not once.

Travel has made me a stronger person, and I couldn’t imagine my life without endless plane tickets and backpacks. Breaking outside my comfort zone strengthens my self-esteem. It’s a precious gift, the best one I can give myself.

Finally I feel like I have a deeper appreciation for the world now. I’m not as closed off or shallow, and consider myself very receptive to different opinions and ways of life. Travel makes me a better person.

i love traveling and acting silly

If You are a Person Who Loves to Travel …

We’re soul sisters (or brothers if you’re a dude! Haha).

Here’s some final parting wisdom for my fellow travelers. Know that I think you’re amazing for pursuing your passions!

travel is the best because of inspiring views

Don’t Feel Guilty.

You’re probably on the receiving end of some judgment. Do any of these lovely nuggets sound familiar?

“Enjoy it now. When you’re married and have kids, you won’t be able to travel anymore.”

“Don’t you want to settle down?”

“Are you running from something?”

These statements are intended to make you feel guilty. End of story. Don’t ever apologize for traveling too much!

You’re allowed to travel as much (or as little) as you want without other people impacting your choices. So, whenever you hear varieties of the above comments, simply smile and nod and move on. Guilt has no place in your adventurous life. BYE.

why i love to travel? donuts! lots of donuts!

Share Your Travel Passions with Others.

Even as a solo traveler, we want to talk to people who have the same passions as us. It’s only natural. So, being part of a community makes travel even more special.

Facebook has several groups and communities that will connect you with fellow travelers. I love giving travel advice to random strangers in these groups! It makes me feel important.

Not to mention, it’s an easy way to hook up with likeminded people when you’re in a new country or city.

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Furthermore, if you run a travel blog, then you can join classes and workshops (such as BlogHouse) , and also attend blogging conferences to make new friends. My blogger friends are some of the greatest people I know, and they support my dreams and goals whenever I feel low. Their encouragement is irreplaceable. You can’t put a price tag on it.

Finally, if you live in or are close to a big city, then check out your local Travel Massive chapter. These events will connect you with travel industry members and influencers, which is great if you’re planning on starting a travel blog.

Not planning on running a travel business? Still go to Travel Massive and make friends! The atmosphere has always been very welcoming.

Share your passion and build a supportive circle.

i love to travel to scotland

Implement “Travel Lessons” at Home.

Most of us aren’t digital nomads. We have a permanent address with established careers. We don’t travel 24/7. But another reason why I love traveling is because I can take those memories home with me. 

Regardless, it’s easy to fall into depression at home when you love to travel so, so, so much. Sometimes you even feel like an “outsider” in your own neighborhood, but don’t let isolation creep into your brain. It’s a mistake.

Instead treat your home as another travel destination. Local getaways are fantastic.   Research a cool attraction, park, or restaurant in your own backyard and then go explore.

Curiosity and wonder doesn’t die simply because you’re at home now. You never know what special gems might lurk around the corner.

Get out there!

travel is the best even in your own backyard

Are you a person who loves to travel (I think I know the answer to this one)? Why do you love traveling? What trips have created the fondest memories for you? Share all your thoughts in the comments. Thanks (as always) for your continued support.

why i love traveling | i love traveling | i love to travel | why i love to travel | travel is the best | i love to travel and experience new cultures | travel is my passion | a person who loves to travel

Rachel Elizabeth

At 22, I took my first overseas trip to Bermuda. Took a break to follow the "American Dream." Had my self-esteem broken. Embarked on my first solo trip to Scotland at 26. The travel bug dug its way under my skin. I now book multiple trips a year.

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Fashion and Reasons to Love It Essay

Obviously, nobody will deny that these days fashion became an inseparable part of every person’s life. In addition, the media constantly support our desire to look glamorous, popularizing a fashionable way of life. Moreover, looking good, we feel much better and confident. Isn’t it a reason to love fashion? Furthermore, what are the most important accessories that every woman loses her ground when seeing them? They are bags, hats, and certainly jewelry.

These accessories play an important role in making women beautiful. They help us create our own style and express our individuality. It is probably one of the most important reasons to love fashion. One more reason to love fashion lies in the fact that people love beautiful things, especially women. Nice things bring us aesthetical pleasure. Thus, there are hundreds of reasons to love fashion; however, let me present three major reasons why I love fashionable bags, shoes, and jewelry.

A bag can say a lot about its owner. We can easily find out what style a woman prefers, what her treats of character are, and how many things she takes with herself. Why I love fashionable bags? Well, first of all, I cannot live without a bag. I should take many important things with myself, and where should I put them? Of course, in my marvelous bag. The second reason for me to love bags is that my bag is a very important part of my image.

Actually, it seems to me that the image is incomplete without a bag. For example, when you go to some party, you always pay special attention to your bag go well with your shoes. Finally, my bag is my personality. Having a good bag, I can demonstrate my taste and sense of fashion. A perfectly designed bag shows that I am a part of the fashion industry, and I go with the times.

An elegant fashion hat is a piece of masterpiece. Have you ever noticed what great attention Hollywood celebrities pay to their hats? The hat is an accessory that adds elegance, chic, and glamour. Apart from the practical usage (protection from cold weather, rain, sun, and wind), I often use different types of hats to complete the image. For example, I can wear a cap with sneakers. The second reason why I love hats is that it adds a touch of elegance to every one of my images. It is a part of clothing that can make my style unique and enigmatic. In addition, it is an indicator of social status. So, you can play any part you want: a lady, a cute girl, a glamorous thing. Finally, my hat can demonstrate my creativity. I can always add some detail that will make me look different from others.

It goes without saying that every girl likes jewelry. I like adding jewelry to my clothes because it enhances the entire look of my clothing. Imagine a black dress with a tiny pearl necklace and without it. The first variant is certainly better. The second reason why I love jewelry is that it is a perfect means to attract attention. A nice manicure looks even better when you have a ring on your finger. Finally, the spiritual value of some ring or bracelet can be a good reason to wear it. For example, I believe that earrings that my grandmother gave me bring me luck. This is why I never take them off. Once, I even avoided a terrible road accident. I believe that my earrings saved me.

Thus, fashion is a part of our life. We love fashion, and we admire it. Different articles are important pieces that complete a fashionable image. People prefer different accessories. As for me, I like bags, hats, and jewelry. I believe that these accessories help me creating my own style, complete my image, and make me feel more confident. I am very serious about which bag, hat or ring I am going to wear every day.

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IvyPanda. (2020, December 29). Fashion and Reasons to Love It. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-and-reasons-to-love-it/

"Fashion and Reasons to Love It." IvyPanda , 29 Dec. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-and-reasons-to-love-it/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Fashion and Reasons to Love It'. 29 December.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Fashion and Reasons to Love It." December 29, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-and-reasons-to-love-it/.

1. IvyPanda . "Fashion and Reasons to Love It." December 29, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-and-reasons-to-love-it/.


IvyPanda . "Fashion and Reasons to Love It." December 29, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fashion-and-reasons-to-love-it/.

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If you Hate Writing Papers or Essays, Here’s what to Do

Hate Writing Papers or Essays

Hate Writing Papers or Essays

It is very common for students to hate writing papers and even avoid writing college essays. Some students perceive writing as a laborious task that takes much time to complete.

For a student to write a complete paper, they must first understand the various writing components, making the process difficult.

I have been there when I was a student. I used to hate writing essays. However, I am now a seasoned writer and offer academic writing services here at Grade Bees. You can seek our services whenever you need them. However, I will teach you how to handle the problem and practice what I did to become a good writer.

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What to do if you Hate Writing College Papers

As noted, some students hate writing papers because of the process and the time used to complete them. Since writing papers is inevitable for students, there are some things you can do if you hate writing papers.

Papers or Essay Writing

If you hate writing papers or college essays, you can hire writers. The other best approach is to plan your work, write informally, try using pen and paper first, create your own deadlines, and avoid distractions that take you away.

1.     Use Informal Language

One of the things you can do if you hate writing papers is to use informal language. What this means is that you should write the same way you talk.

Do not try forcing yourself to write using a formal communication style you are not used to.

This will make you hate the writing process even more. Once you are done with putting words into a page, you can formalize the language as you proofread and edit your paper.

Another tip is to record yourself talking about the contents of your paper and then write a transcript based on what you have said.

2. Start Writing with a Pen and Paper

Another thing you can do if you hate writing papers is to start with pen and paper. You can write your work on paper and later type what you have written by hand.

The good thing about starting with pen and paper is that it allows your thoughts to flow freely.

This is because writing using a computer makes the process feel official, creating a tense atmosphere. You will feel at ease when using pen and paper.

3. Create your own Deadlines

You can also create an artificial deadline if you hate writing papers. There is a tendency for students to procrastinate until the due date reaches.

It is best to create artificial deadlines by which you will be tackling your paper in parts. You can set a timer whereby you must complete a paragraph or a subtopic within the allocated time.

When the designated time is over, you can give yourself a break and continue later. Try to write something even when it is not perfect.

4. Plan in Advance

Planning in advance can also help if you hate writing papers. For example, if you must develop a formal paper, it is best to create an outline before you write.

Just imagine staring at a blank screen that you will have to populate with, let’s say, 5 pages of content.

5. Create an outline

an essay outline

Creating a comprehensive outline for the different sections of your paper will help you know exactly what to do and what will follow next. Let the outline be your starting point.

6. Avoid social media

Another thing you can do if you hate writing papers is to get rid of anything that distracts you, especially social media and the internet.

While the internet is a valuable source of research for papers, it can also divide your attention. When writing, stick to the internet sources that provide content for your paper and avoid wandering into other websites.

It is also important to avoid visiting social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram while writing your papers. Also, silence your phone to avoid further distractions.

7. Start with the End in Mind

Finally, do not start at the beginning if you hate writing papers.

Though your paper should be structured in such a way that it begins with an introduction, followed by body paragraphs, and finally, a conclusion, there is no rule that you should begin with an introduction while writing.

You can start with the body paragraphs followed by an introduction. However, do not start with a conclusion.

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Why Students Hate Writing Papers and Essays

When a student says that ‘I hate writing,’ he or she means they are not motivated and are negative about the writing process. Well, there are several reasons why students hate writing essays. Let us explore each of these in detail.

Writing Papers is Uncomfortable

One of the reasons is that students may feel uncomfortable while writing. The writing process, which includes reading, researching, typing, creating citations and references, formatting, editing, and proofreading, can be taxing to students.

Why students hate writing papers

Students who lack the proper writing skills will find the process uncomfortable and therefore hate it.

The second reason students hate writing essays is that they lack proper spelling and grammar skills.

Student’s writing skills are tested when instructed to write essays, and they may be afraid to look bad if they possess weak spelling and grammar skills.

They are afraid to look stupid, thus the reason they may hate writing essays.

However, the good thing is that writing programs such as MS Word and online editing platforms such as Grammarly can help students correct their spelling and grammar.

Do not see the Purpose of writing papers

Another reason why students hate writing essays is that they do not see the need to write. This especially applies to students pursuing technical subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, etc.

They perceive writing as irrelevant to their career paths. Students pursuing subjects that require writing essays may end up loving writing.

However, those dealing with statistics, data, or numbers may find writing unnecessary and therefore decide that they hate it.

 Some Topics are Irrelevant

Another reason why students hate writing essays is that some essay topics may feel irrelevant. Most essay topics given to students may be boring and completely irrelevant to students’ day-to-day lives. Again, those topics may deviate from the topics or issues students love and can relate to.

Students view writing as Subjective

Students hate writing essays because it is subjective. There are no right or wrong answers. Students have to present arguments and support them in writing.

It is up to the instructor to decide which paper presents the best argument. Finally, the editing and revising process is boring and repetitious. This attitude of viewing writing as a subjective task makes students hate writing essays.

Why I Hate Writing College Essays

One of the reasons why I hate writing papers is that I have a hard time starting the whole writing process. This especially applies to long papers requiring much background information and content.

This is very overwhelming. When it comes to actual writing, I find it difficult to organize my thoughts and utilize writing mechanisms. In fact, I prefer to use legal ghostwriting services , which leaves me with more time to do my chores.

A good paper should be organized in such a way that the reader understands what the writer is trying to communicate. Organizing a paper to appeal to the reader is difficult, hence why I hate writing papers.

Another reason I hate writing papers is finding the most appropriate words to express myself. This is a slow process that requires much thought and practice.

Sometimes, I may be stuck trying to find the right words or phrases to communicate my thoughts. This brings in the issue of developing ideas. I find ideation to be a very difficult process.

At the same time, keeping track of those ideas is a struggle. I might forget some ideas while writing. I realized that the best remedy is to outline the different ideas to avoid forgetting them.

How to Love Writing College Essays

Now that we have discussed what to do if you hate writing papers let us explore how to love writing papers. As noted, writing papers is inevitable for students because writing papers is part of the curriculum. The following are some strategies you can utilize to help you love writing papers.

How to Love Writing College Papers

One of the strategies to help you love writing papers is to ensure that you do not worry about other things during the writing process.

When you begin writing, it is imperative to clear your mind and focus on your writing objectives and goals.

You should sit silently and meditate on the paper for a few minutes to achieve this. Ensure that whatever you think about and do is centered on the topic.

The next strategy you can utilize to help you love writing papers is to discover the style of writing you love and the topics that interest you.

However, the topics administered to write about may not align with the topics you love. In such cases, you should stick to the writing style you love.

If, for instance, your instructor has given you several topics to choose from, select the topic containing the areas and genres you love.

Various writing formats are used in writing papers. Select the format you are most comfortable with and one that you love to avoid boredom. You can learn how to select research topics and know how to pick the one that interests you and has content.

Another method to help you love writing papers is to devise a reward system when you achieve your writing goals. For example, if you must submit a 10-page paper within a week, you can decide to divide the task as per the deadline.

You can decide to write 2 pages every day. If you achieve the goal of writing the two pages, reward yourself. The reward does not have to be something big.

It can be, for example, taking a walk, laying down, taking your favorite snack or drink, and so on. Doing so will subconsciously connect writing with something you look forward to and love.

The next strategy you can use to help you love writing papers is to put on the music of your choice while writing. This especially applies to students who prefer background music while performing other tasks.

Your favorite music can help put you in the correct mindset and even inspire your thought process. However, you should avoid loud or distracting music.

To sum up, it is undeniable that writing papers and essays are sometimes a pain in the ass for some students. They constantly seek ways to escape their assignments and get good grades. Writing essays presents a job that requires writing competencies and skills.

Because of this, students tend to have and even avoid the writing process. Since writing is inevitable for students, embracing it and finding ways to love it is important. If you still cannot like it, think of ways to escape doing your homework and earn the grade.

Jessica Kasen

Jessica Kasen is experienced in academic writing and academic assistance. She is well versed in academia and has a master’s degree in education. Kasen consults with us in helping students improve their grades. She also oversights the quality of work done by our writers.

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Why I Love Pakistan Essay

Why I Love Pakistan Essay | 400 & 500 Words

by Pakiology | Apr 21, 2024 | Essay , English | 2 comments

400 Words Essay on Why I Love Pakistan With Quotation

Pakistan is a country full of diversity and richness in culture, history, and natural beauty. From the towering peaks of the Karakoram range to the fertile plains of Punjab, Pakistan has a rich tapestry of landscapes and wonders to discover. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why we love Pakistan and why it is an incredibly special and unique country.

A Rich Cultural Heritage

Pakistan has a rich cultural heritage that is steeped in tradition and history. With a rich history dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization, Pakistan has been a hub of cultural exchange and trade for thousands of years. From the famous Mughal era monuments, such as the Lahore Fort and the Badshahi Mosque, to the vibrant traditional festivals such as the truck art and mango festival, Pakistan’s cultural heritage is rich and diverse.

Natural Beauty and Adventure

Pakistan is also home to some of the most breathtaking natural wonders in the world. From the towering peaks of the Karakoram range to the lush green valleys of Hunza, Pakistan’s natural beauty is truly awe-inspiring. Whether you are a seasoned mountaineer or just someone looking for a peaceful stroll in nature, Pakistan has something for everyone. Additionally, the country is also home to some of the world’s most challenging and exciting adventure sports, such as white-water rafting and trekking.

Hospitality and Generosity

The people of Pakistan are well known for their hospitality and generosity. Whether you are a visitor to the country or a local resident, you are sure to be welcomed with open arms and treated like royalty. The warmth and kindness of the people is one of the many reasons why we love Pakistan and it is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the country.

A Land of Opportunity

Pakistan is a land of opportunity, with a young and growing population, a vibrant and expanding economy, and a rich cultural heritage. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to start a new business, a student looking to further your education, or a tourist looking to explore the country’s many wonders, Pakistan has something for everyone.

In conclusion, Pakistan is a country full of diversity, richness, and beauty. From its rich cultural heritage to its stunning natural wonders, Pakistan has something for everyone. The warmth and hospitality of the people, combined with a land of opportunity, make Pakistan an incredibly special and unique country that we love and cherish.

500 Words Essay on Why I Love Pakistan

Pakistan is a country that is dear to my heart for many reasons. As a Pakistani, I am proud of my heritage and the rich culture and history of the country. I am inspired by the resilience and determination of its people, who have faced many challenges and obstacles but have always remained strong and united.

One of the things that I love about Pakistan is its natural beauty. From the towering mountains in the north to the beautiful beaches in the south, the country is blessed with a diverse and stunning landscape. The northern regions, with their snow-capped peaks and crystal-clear lakes, are particularly breathtaking. I have had the opportunity to visit many of these places, and they never fail to take my breath away.

I am also proud of Pakistan’s achievements in various fields. Despite facing many challenges, the country has made significant progress in areas such as science and technology, education, and sports. Pakistani scientists and engineers have made important contributions to the field of science and technology, and the country has a growing number of world-class educational institutions. In sports, Pakistani athletes have brought home many medals and accolades at international competitions. The success of Pakistani scientists, athletes, and scholars is a source of inspiration for me and for many other young people in the country.

The people of Pakistan are another reason why I love the country. They are hardworking, hospitable, and generous. I have had the privilege of meeting and interacting with many wonderful people from different parts of the country, and I am always struck by their kindness and warmth. Whether I am visiting a rural village or a bustling city, I am always welcomed with open arms and treated like a member of the family.

There are many other aspects of Pakistan that I love and admire. For example, I am proud of the country’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. Pakistan is home to a wide range of ethnic and linguistic groups, each with its own unique customs and traditions. This diversity adds to the richness and vibrancy of Pakistani culture, and it is something that I cherish and celebrate.

I also love the religious and spiritual diversity of Pakistan. The country is home to people of many different faiths, including Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and others. This religious diversity is a source of strength and harmony, and it is something that I value and respect.

Pakistan is also a country with a rich culinary tradition. From the spicy curries of Punjab to the savory kebabs of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistani cuisine is diverse, delicious, and full of flavor. I love trying new dishes and experiencing the diverse culinary traditions of the country.

Pakistan is a country that I love and cherish for many reasons. Its culture, beauty, achievements, and people are all sources of pride and inspiration for me. I am grateful to be a Pakistani, and I am confident that the country will continue to grow and thrive in the years ahead.

In conclusion, I love Pakistan for its culture, beauty, achievements, and people. It is my home, and I am proud to be a Pakistani. Despite the challenges and difficulties that the country faces, I am confident that its people will continue to overcome them and build a better future for themselves and for future generations.

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i love pakistan


Very useful question

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Essay On Why I love Pakistan with Quotations

Why i love my country essay with quotations for fsc 2nd year.

Essay on Why I love Pakistan with Quotations is for the students of FSC 2nd Year. This is the most important essay for class 12 students. If you have this essay content and you need only quotations, visit Essay Quotations in English . However, I will recommend you to prepare this essay because I am sure I have taken it form Kips Notes which is very well known academy in Pakistan. Students of FSC Part 2 should visit Essays with Quotations for other topics.

You can write the same material if the Essay topic is, Essay on Why I love my Country, Patriotism Essay, Why I Love My Country Essay and Why I Love Pakistan essay. In this essay, the student will discuss the reasons for loving his country, problems of the country and solutions as well.

Why I love Pakistan Essay with Quotes for Class 10 and Class 12 – 500+ Words

I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. i like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.” – (abraham lincoln).

Patriotism is devoted love, support and defence of one’s country. It is an attachment to a homeland. This attachment can be viewed in terms of different features relating to one’s own homeland including cultural political or historical aspects. Certainly, a person becomes emotionally attached to the place where he lives. So it is a natural passion. I also love my country very much. I am proud of Pakistan . its history, culture and brave people. It is my beloved country and motherland.

“Men love their country, not because it is great, but because it is their own.” – (Seneca)

l love my country Pakistan, for its ideology. It was established on the basis of an ideology. Pakistan is the fort and heart of Islamic world. We achieved it in the name of Islam, so that we may perform our religious duties freely according to our own will. Being an Islamic state its constitution is completely based on Islamic principles. It is a state where we are free to shape our destiny. Here we are free in our political, social, religious and educational fields. It is a place where we feel safe and live a life according to our religious principles.

“A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.” – (George William Curtis)

I am proud of my people whose personalities and achievements inspired the people of the whole world. It’s the land where our hero, our leader Qauid-e-Azam had lived. It’s the place where the great and glorious men like Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Hafeez Jalindhari, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Dr. Abdul Qadeer, Abdus Salam and many more had passed their magnificent lives.

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honours, the men it remembers.” – (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

My country is full of many beautiful natural scenes. It is the land of mighty mountains, fast flowing rivers, beautiful valleys, outstanding landscape, lush green fields and trees. The unbelievably beautiful scenes of Kalam, Naraan, Kagaan, Sawat and Kashmir marvel the visitors. The tourists can’t help praising the awesome scenic beauty of these places.

Anyhow being true patriots, we need to remove the evils which stain our beloved land. The need of the hour is to remove corruption, unbalanced distribution of wealth, unemployment, poverty, smuggling, illiteracy and terrorism from our country. We need to encourage, justice and fundamental electoral reforms to make our country very powerful, strong, united and formidable.

“He loves his country best who strives to make it best.” – (Robert G. Ingersoll)

As I love my country, I want to see Pakistan to be a true and ideal Islamic state. For this, we all need to work individually. We need to change our character positively. l want to shape Pakistan which will be inspiring to all the nations. I wish to see my motherland a free, fearless, more united and affluent country. l have devoted all of my time for its prosperity and welfare. l am determined to propagate the ideology of Pakistan in the circles of my friends, and acquaintances. May my efforts result in success and Pakistan gets progress by leaps and bounds.

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July 13, 2018 at 8:28 am

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September 10, 2018 at 3:56 pm

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Zunaira Zulfiqar

August 4, 2020 at 9:25 am

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August 4, 2020 at 9:27 am

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September 28, 2020 at 2:42 pm

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October 23, 2020 at 10:32 pm

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December 17, 2020 at 1:00 pm

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December 17, 2020 at 8:42 am

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Wonderful Essay… Do you have Essay on My Hobby with Quotations?

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Essay on Why I love books

Why I love books

I have a little library of my own at home. Now I have fairy tales, comics, and books on geography, science, history, and literature – all of which are presented in the form of a story.

I love my books. Whenever I have a holiday, I pick up any book from the shelf and read it. I get so engrossed in the book that I often to eat. My mother has to yell at me to have my lunch.

I often borrow books from my friends and my school library. Books hold a great charm for me. Some of my friends to have started enjoying a reading book as much as I do. You know why the top students of your class are clever; it is because he has the habit of reading his textbooks. I think teacher teach to grow interested in a subject and give basic ideas about any subject.

But it is the reading which brings perfection about the subject of concern. I think reading increases the intelligence level of a child by reading the great books and this practice push the whole world towards new discovery, innovation, and creativity.

I achieved a lot of knowledge by reading various books and newspapers. I usually read the great magazine authorized by the government, it is because it has content of toppers of the society. Read a book which is inspire you, read a book which gives you a chance to select the best path of life, there are either a love story, failure story, religious books, successive person’s books, history book etc.

Most of my relatives and friends know that the best birthday gift that they can give me books and with their generosity I have over a hundred books in my personal library now.

Speech on: Why I love books

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The Psychology of Short-Form Content: Why We Love Bite-Sized Videos

Erica Santiago

Updated: April 10, 2024

Published: April 09, 2024

Let me tell you the most challenging part of my job. Often, I will delete TikTok and Instagram from my phone because I can't help but waste time endlessly scrolling through these apps, watching dozens of short-form videos in one sitting.

A person watches a short-form video on their smartphone

Then, like clockwork, I redownload these apps because I must write about them for work. Thus, the cycle of endless scrolling continues.

Sure, I could blame the nature of the job, but my endless scrolling stems from the fact that I love short-form videos.

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And I'm not the only one. 73% of consumers prefer to watch short-form videos to learn about a product or service, and 56% of marketers reported that short-form video was the top trend they planned to invest in in 2024.

So, why are short-form videos so popular? Turns out there are a few reasons, one of which involved a bit of psychology. Let's get into it!

What are short-form videos?

Why are short-form videos so popular.

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Short-form videos are videos that are less than 60 seconds in duration. However, some marketers and content creators agree that short-form videos can be up to 3 minutes. But, if you want my opinion, I would stick to the 60-second rule.

I take this stance because attention spans are getting shorter, but we'll get into that later.

Anyway, short-form videos deliver information in a digestible, bite-size format so viewers can quickly watch and bookmark the content if they're on the go or watch it multiple times.

There are a few reasons short-form videos are more popular than ever among consumers and marketers, and I‘ll visit those in a bit. For now, I want to get into the psychology of it all—that’s why we're here, right? Walk with me.

Consumer Attention Spans are Shrinking

Science tells us that one of the crucial reasons we love short-form videos is that our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter.

Dr. Gloria Mark, a psychologist, recently wrote a book called Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness, and Productivity , and she says her research indicates people's attention spans have been shrinking over the last 20 years.

Dr. Mark shared her findings on Speaking of Psychology , an American Psychological Association podcast.

Her findings came from a decades-long experiment she participated in, which was first conducted by shadowing participants and tracking their activities via stopwatches.

“We would record the start time and the stop time,” she said.

She explains, “So you're on a screen where you're working in a Word doc. As soon as you get to that screen, we click start time. As soon as they turned away and checked the email, we clicked stop time for the Word document and start time for the email.”

Over time, logging techniques became more sophisticated as technology advanced, and it only made the pattern of shrinking attention spans clearer.

“So back in 2004, we found the average attention span on any screen to be two and a half minutes on average,” Dr. Mark recalls during the interview. “Throughout the years, it became shorter. So around 2012, we found it to be 75 seconds.”

Dr. Mark says the number continued to dip as the years went on.

“And then in the last five, six years, we found it to average about 47 seconds—and others have replicated this result within a few seconds. So it seems to be quite robust,” she says.

And this trend of dwindling attention spans is affecting how we consume content. And I'm not just talking about social media videos — even television and film shots are getting more brief, according to Dr. Mark.

“They started out much longer. They now average about four seconds a shot length,” she says. “If you watch MTV music videos, they're much shorter. They're only a couple of seconds. So we've become accustomed to seeing very fast shot lengths when we look at TV and film.”

Dr. Mark explains during the interview that it‘s a chicken vs. egg situation — she’s unsure which came first or what's influencing the other.

However, the fact remains that we‘re becoming more accustomed to shorter bursts of content, and it’s bleeding into the kind of content we consume and what's being created.

Studies found that most consumers will only watch an entire video if it's less than 60 seconds long . Then you have apps like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels that push short-form videos to users in an infinite scroll format.

Furthermore, our 2024 Marketing Trends Report found that almost a third of marketing professionals say their company will leverage short-form video content in 2024, and 53% said they'll boost their investment in the content type this year.

This makes sense since most marketers in our survey say short-form video content yielded them the highest ROI last year.

In case you're curious, here are a couple more reasons why many of us love short-form videos.

1. They are cost-effective and easier to create than long-form videos.

With long-form videos, marketers and creators must work extra hard to keep their audience engaged. That means strengthening the content with dynamic shots, mood-setting music, and a long but compelling script.

All that takes more time, effort, and (most importantly) money.

Short-form videos are more to the point and often require fewer frills to be effective.

For example, language learning platform Duo Lingo's TikTok account has over 10.8 million followers and is one of the most well-known accounts on the app due to its short, funny, and slightly unhinged videos.

Its most popular video has 57.7 million views and is super simple in terms of execution.

It shows a plushy of the Duo Lingo owl getting tossed down the stairs at the company's office, sitting outside on a rainy day, and getting soaked in a shower.

The caption of the video is “When you ignore my notifications.”

The video was clearly shot on someone's smartphone without fancy angles or lighting. The music is from a viral song already available via its sound archives. So simple, so cheap, yet so effective.

@duolingo sad g(owl) hours #duoplushie #duolingo #languagelearning #emo ♬ Rio romeo - .𝖒𝖊𝖓'🎧★

2. They can provide valuable information in a short amount of time.

According to a recent Adobe Survey , 2 in 5 Americans use TikTok as a search engine, and nearly 1 in 10 Gen Zers are more likely to rely on TikTok than Google as a search engine.

I even find myself taking to TikTok to look up recipes or figure out how to style a denim maxi-skirt (the trick is to experiment with different layers and silhouettes).

Between work, family, hobbies, and rest — time is precious, and short-form videos allow us to absorb the information we need in under a minute. Who doesn't love that?

3. You can watch them almost anytime, anywhere.

Bored on the train downtown? Scroll through TikTok. Need to kill some time in between classes or appointments? Pull up YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels on your phone.

Want to use your 5-minute break between meetings to figure out why everyone is talking about the latest JLo documentary? Let's circle back to TikTok.

Short-form videos are easy to watch almost anywhere and anytime from our smartphones.

Not only is this convenient for consumers, but it also helps marketers because it means we can repurpose our content on various platforms knowing someone will see it from somewhere.

There are different reasons to love short-form videos.

Some reasons are a little more concerning than others (seriously, why are our attention spans so short?), but no matter the reason, the fact remains the same —short forms aren't going away anytime soon.


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NPR suspends veteran editor as it grapples with his public criticism

David Folkenflik 2018 square

David Folkenflik

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NPR suspended senior editor Uri Berliner for five days without pay after he wrote an essay accusing the network of losing the public's trust and appeared on a podcast to explain his argument. Uri Berliner hide caption

NPR suspended senior editor Uri Berliner for five days without pay after he wrote an essay accusing the network of losing the public's trust and appeared on a podcast to explain his argument.

NPR has formally punished Uri Berliner, the senior editor who publicly argued a week ago that the network had "lost America's trust" by approaching news stories with a rigidly progressive mindset.

Berliner's five-day suspension without pay, which began last Friday, has not been previously reported.

Yet the public radio network is grappling in other ways with the fallout from Berliner's essay for the online news site The Free Press . It angered many of his colleagues, led NPR leaders to announce monthly internal reviews of the network's coverage, and gave fresh ammunition to conservative and partisan Republican critics of NPR, including former President Donald Trump.

Conservative activist Christopher Rufo is among those now targeting NPR's new chief executive, Katherine Maher, for messages she posted to social media years before joining the network. Among others, those posts include a 2020 tweet that called Trump racist and another that appeared to minimize rioting during social justice protests that year. Maher took the job at NPR last month — her first at a news organization .

In a statement Monday about the messages she had posted, Maher praised the integrity of NPR's journalists and underscored the independence of their reporting.

"In America everyone is entitled to free speech as a private citizen," she said. "What matters is NPR's work and my commitment as its CEO: public service, editorial independence, and the mission to serve all of the American public. NPR is independent, beholden to no party, and without commercial interests."

The network noted that "the CEO is not involved in editorial decisions."

In an interview with me later on Monday, Berliner said the social media posts demonstrated Maher was all but incapable of being the person best poised to direct the organization.

"We're looking for a leader right now who's going to be unifying and bring more people into the tent and have a broader perspective on, sort of, what America is all about," Berliner said. "And this seems to be the opposite of that."

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Conservative critics of NPR are now targeting its new chief executive, Katherine Maher, for messages she posted to social media years before joining the public radio network last month. Stephen Voss/Stephen Voss hide caption

Conservative critics of NPR are now targeting its new chief executive, Katherine Maher, for messages she posted to social media years before joining the public radio network last month.

He said that he tried repeatedly to make his concerns over NPR's coverage known to news leaders and to Maher's predecessor as chief executive before publishing his essay.

Berliner has singled out coverage of several issues dominating the 2020s for criticism, including trans rights, the Israel-Hamas war and COVID. Berliner says he sees the same problems at other news organizations, but argues NPR, as a mission-driven institution, has a greater obligation to fairness.

"I love NPR and feel it's a national trust," Berliner says. "We have great journalists here. If they shed their opinions and did the great journalism they're capable of, this would be a much more interesting and fulfilling organization for our listeners."

A "final warning"

The circumstances surrounding the interview were singular.

Berliner provided me with a copy of the formal rebuke to review. NPR did not confirm or comment upon his suspension for this article.

In presenting Berliner's suspension Thursday afternoon, the organization told the editor he had failed to secure its approval for outside work for other news outlets, as is required of NPR journalists. It called the letter a "final warning," saying Berliner would be fired if he violated NPR's policy again. Berliner is a dues-paying member of NPR's newsroom union but says he is not appealing the punishment.

The Free Press is a site that has become a haven for journalists who believe that mainstream media outlets have become too liberal. In addition to his essay, Berliner appeared in an episode of its podcast Honestly with Bari Weiss.

A few hours after the essay appeared online, NPR chief business editor Pallavi Gogoi reminded Berliner of the requirement that he secure approval before appearing in outside press, according to a copy of the note provided by Berliner.

In its formal rebuke, NPR did not cite Berliner's appearance on Chris Cuomo's NewsNation program last Tuesday night, for which NPR gave him the green light. (NPR's chief communications officer told Berliner to focus on his own experience and not share proprietary information.) The NPR letter also did not cite his remarks to The New York Times , which ran its article mid-afternoon Thursday, shortly before the reprimand was sent. Berliner says he did not seek approval before talking with the Times .

NPR defends its journalism after senior editor says it has lost the public's trust

NPR defends its journalism after senior editor says it has lost the public's trust

Berliner says he did not get permission from NPR to speak with me for this story but that he was not worried about the consequences: "Talking to an NPR journalist and being fired for that would be extraordinary, I think."

Berliner is a member of NPR's business desk, as am I, and he has helped to edit many of my stories. He had no involvement in the preparation of this article and did not see it before it was posted publicly.

In rebuking Berliner, NPR said he had also publicly released proprietary information about audience demographics, which it considers confidential. He said those figures "were essentially marketing material. If they had been really good, they probably would have distributed them and sent them out to the world."

Feelings of anger and betrayal inside the newsroom

His essay and subsequent public remarks stirred deep anger and dismay within NPR. Colleagues contend Berliner cherry-picked examples to fit his arguments and challenge the accuracy of his accounts. They also note he did not seek comment from the journalists involved in the work he cited.

Morning Edition host Michel Martin told me some colleagues at the network share Berliner's concerns that coverage is frequently presented through an ideological or idealistic prism that can alienate listeners.

"The way to address that is through training and mentorship," says Martin, herself a veteran of nearly two decades at the network who has also reported for The Wall Street Journal and ABC News. "It's not by blowing the place up, by trashing your colleagues, in full view of people who don't really care about it anyway."

Several NPR journalists told me they are no longer willing to work with Berliner as they no longer have confidence that he will keep private their internal musings about stories as they work through coverage.

"Newsrooms run on trust," NPR political correspondent Danielle Kurtzleben tweeted last week, without mentioning Berliner by name. "If you violate everyone's trust by going to another outlet and sh--ing on your colleagues (while doing a bad job journalistically, for that matter), I don't know how you do your job now."

Berliner rejected that critique, saying nothing in his essay or subsequent remarks betrayed private observations or arguments about coverage.

Other newsrooms are also grappling with questions over news judgment and confidentiality. On Monday, New York Times Executive Editor Joseph Kahn announced to his staff that the newspaper's inquiry into who leaked internal dissent over a planned episode of its podcast The Daily to another news outlet proved inconclusive. The episode was to focus on a December report on the use of sexual assault as part of the Hamas attack on Israel in October. Audio staffers aired doubts over how well the reporting stood up to scrutiny.

"We work together with trust and collegiality everyday on everything we produce, and I have every expectation that this incident will prove to be a singular exception to an important rule," Kahn wrote to Times staffers.

At NPR, some of Berliner's colleagues have weighed in online against his claim that the network has focused on diversifying its workforce without a concomitant commitment to diversity of viewpoint. Recently retired Chief Executive John Lansing has referred to this pursuit of diversity within NPR's workforce as its " North Star ," a moral imperative and chief business strategy.

In his essay, Berliner tagged the strategy as a failure, citing the drop in NPR's broadcast audiences and its struggle to attract more Black and Latino listeners in particular.

"During most of my tenure here, an open-minded, curious culture prevailed. We were nerdy, but not knee-jerk, activist, or scolding," Berliner writes. "In recent years, however, that has changed."

Berliner writes, "For NPR, which purports to consider all things, it's devastating both for its journalism and its business model."

NPR investigative reporter Chiara Eisner wrote in a comment for this story: "Minorities do not all think the same and do not report the same. Good reporters and editors should know that by now. It's embarrassing to me as a reporter at NPR that a senior editor here missed that point in 2024."

Some colleagues drafted a letter to Maher and NPR's chief news executive, Edith Chapin, seeking greater clarity on NPR's standards for its coverage and the behavior of its journalists — clearly pointed at Berliner.

A plan for "healthy discussion"

On Friday, CEO Maher stood up for the network's mission and the journalism, taking issue with Berliner's critique, though never mentioning him by name. Among her chief issues, she said Berliner's essay offered "a criticism of our people on the basis of who we are."

Berliner took great exception to that, saying she had denigrated him. He said that he supported diversifying NPR's workforce to look more like the U.S. population at large. She did not address that in a subsequent private exchange he shared with me for this story. (An NPR spokesperson declined further comment.)

Late Monday afternoon, Chapin announced to the newsroom that Executive Editor Eva Rodriguez would lead monthly meetings to review coverage.

"Among the questions we'll ask of ourselves each month: Did we capture the diversity of this country — racial, ethnic, religious, economic, political geographic, etc — in all of its complexity and in a way that helped listeners and readers recognize themselves and their communities?" Chapin wrote in the memo. "Did we offer coverage that helped them understand — even if just a bit better — those neighbors with whom they share little in common?"

Berliner said he welcomed the announcement but would withhold judgment until those meetings played out.

In a text for this story, Chapin said such sessions had been discussed since Lansing unified the news and programming divisions under her acting leadership last year.

"Now seemed [the] time to deliver if we were going to do it," Chapin said. "Healthy discussion is something we need more of."

Disclosure: This story was reported and written by NPR Media Correspondent David Folkenflik and edited by Deputy Business Editor Emily Kopp and Managing Editor Gerry Holmes. Under NPR's protocol for reporting on itself, no NPR corporate official or news executive reviewed this story before it was posted publicly.

  • Katherine Maher
  • uri berliner

According to Stephen King, This Is Why We Crave Horror Movies

The horror king breaks down our obsession with the macabre.

Stephen King and horror are synonymous. Are you really able to call yourself a fan of horror if one of his novels or film adaptations isn't among your top favorites? The Maine-born writer is hands down the most successful horror writer and one of the most beloved and prolific writers ever whose legacy spans generations. Without King, we might not be as terrified of clowns and or think twice about bullying the shy girl in school. One could say that King has earned the moniker, "the King of Horror." In addition to all he's written, King has also had over 60 adaptations of his work for television and the big screen and has written, produced, and starred in films and shows as well. He has fully immersed himself in the genre of horror from all sides, and it's unlikely that we will ever have anyone else like Stephen King. But did you know that King wrote an essay that was published in Playboy magazine about horror movies?

In 1981, King's essay titled " Why We Crave Horror Movies " was published in Playboy magazine as a variation of the chapter " The Horror Movie As Junk Food" in Danse Macabre . Danse Macabre was published in 1981 and is one of the non-fiction books in which that wrote about horror in media and how our fears and anxieties have been influencing the horror genre. The full article that was published is no longer online, but there is a shortened four-page version of it that can be found.

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Stephen King Believes We Are All Mentally Ill

The essay starts out guns blazing, the first line reading "I think that we're all mentally ill; those of us outside the asylums only hide it a little bit better." From here, he describes the general behaviors of people we know and how mannerisms and irrational fears are not different between the public and those in asylums. He points out that we pay money to sit in a theater and be scared to prove a point that we can and to show that we do not shy away from fear. Some of us, he states, even go watch horror movies for fun, which closes the gap between normalcy and insanity. A patron can go to the movies, and watch someone get mutilated and killed, and it's considered normal, everyday behavior. This, as a horror lover, feels very targeted. I absolutely watch horror movies for fun and I will do so with my bucket of heart-attack-buttered popcorn and sip on my Coke Zero. The most insane thing about all of that? The massive debt accumulated from one simple movie date.

Watching Horror Movies Allows Us to Release Our Insanity

King states that we use horror movies as a catharsis to act out our nightmares and the worst parts of us. Getting to watch the insanity and depravity on the movie screen allows us to release our inner insanity, which in turn, keeps us sane. He writes that watching horror movies allows us to let our emotions have little to no rein at all, and that is something that we don't always get to do in everyday life. Society has a set of parameters that we must follow with regard to expressing ourselves to maintain the air of normalcy and not be seen as a weirdo. When watching horror movies, we see incredibly visceral reactions in the most extreme of situations. This can cause the viewer to reflect on how they would react or respond to being in the same type of situation. Do we identify more with the victim or the villain? This poses an interesting thought for horror lovers because sometimes the villain is justified. Are we wrong for empathizing with them instead?

Let's take a look at one of the more popular horror movies of recent years. Mandy is about a woman who is murdered by a crazed cult because she is the object of the leader's obsession. This causes Red ( Nicolas Cage ) to ride off seeking revenge for the love of his life being murdered. There are also movies like I Spit On Your Grave and The Last House On The Left where the protagonist becomes the murderer in these instances because of the trauma they experienced from sexual assault. Their revenge makes audiences a little more willing to side with the murderer because they took back their power and those they killed got what was deserved. This is where that Lucille Bluth meme that says "good for her" is used. I'll die on the hill that those characters were justified and if that makes me mentally ill then King might be right!

What Does Stephen King Mean When He Tells Us to "Keep the Gators" Fed?

At the end of the essay, King mentions he likes to watch the most extreme horror movies because it releases a trap door where he can feed the alligators. The alligators he is referring to are a metaphor for the worst in all humans and the morbid fantasies that lie within each of us. The essay concludes with "It was Lennon and McCartney who said that all you need is love, and I would agree with that. As long as you keep the gators fed." From this, we can deduce that King feels we all have the ability to be institutionalized, but those of us that watch horror movies are less likely because the sick fantasies can be released from our brains.

With that release, we can walk down the street normally without the bat of an eye from walkers-by. Perhaps this is why the premise for movies like The Purge came to fruition. A movie where for 24 hours all crime, including murder, is decriminalized couldn't have been made by someone who doesn't get road rage or scream into the void. It was absolutely made by someone who waited at the DMV for too long or has had experience working in retail around Black Friday. With what King is saying, The Purge is a direct reflection of that catharsis. Not only are you getting to watch a crazy horror movie where everyone is shooting everyone and everything is on fire, but it's likely something you've had a thought or two about. You can consider those gators fed for sure.

Do Horror Movies Offer Us True Catharsis or Persuasive Perspective?

Catharsis as a concept was coined by the philosopher Aristotle . He explained that the performing arts are a way to purge negative types of emotions from our subconscious, so we don't have to hold onto them anymore. This viewpoint further perpetuates what King is trying to explain. With that cathartic relief, the urgency to act on negative emotion is less likely to happen because there is no build-up of negativity circling the drain from our subconscious to our reality. However, some who read the essay felt like King was just being persuasive and using fancy imagery rather than identifying an actual reason why horror is popular. Some claim the shock and awe factor of his words and his influence on horror would cause some readers to believe they are mentally ill deep down. I have to say, as a millennial who rummages through the ends of social media multiple times a day, everyone on the internet thinks they're mentally ill, and we all have the memes to prove it. It is exciting and fascinating to watch a horror movie after working a 9-5 job where the excitement is low. Watching Ghostface stalk Sidney Prescott ( Neve Campbell ) in Scream isn't everyone's idea of winding down, but for the last 20-something years, it has been my comfort movie when I'm feeling sad or down. The nostalgia of Scream is what makes it feel cathartic to me and that's free therapy!

What is the Science Behind Loving Horror Movies?

Psychology studies will tell us that individuals who crave and love horror are interested in it because they have a higher sensation-seeking trait . This means they have a higher penchant for wanting to experience thrilling and exciting situations. Those with a lower level of empathy are also more likely to enjoy horror movies as they will have a less innate response to a traumatic scene on screen. According to the DSM-V , a severe lack of empathy could potentially be a sign of a more serious psychological issue, however, the degree of severity will vary. I do love rollercoasters, but I also cry when I see a dog that is just too cute, so horror lovers aren't necessarily the unsympathetic robots that studies want us to be. Watching horror films can also trigger a fight-or-flight sensation , which will boost adrenaline and release endorphins and dopamine in the brain. Those chemicals being released make the viewers feel accomplished and positive, relating back to the idea that watching horror movies is cathartic for viewers.

Anyone who reads and studies research knows that correlation does not imply causation, but whether King's perspective is influenced by his position in the horror genre or not, psychology and science can back up the real reasons why audiences love horror movies. As a longtime horror lover and a pretty above-average horror trivia nerd, I have to wonder if saying we are mentally ill is an overstatement and could maybe be identified more as horror lovers seeking extreme stimulus. Granted, this essay was written over 40 years ago, so back then liking horror wasn't as widely accepted as it is today. It's possible that King felt more out of place for his horror love back then and the alienation of a fringe niche made him feel mentally ill. Is King onto something by assuming that everyone has mental illness deep down, or is this a gross overestimation of the human psyche? The answer likely falls somewhere in between, but those that love horror will continue to release that catharsis through the terrifying and the unknown because it's a scream, baby!


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Taylor Swift’s ‘Poets’ Arrives With a Promotional Blitz (and a Second LP)

The pop superstar’s latest album was preceded by a satellite radio channel, a word game, a return to TikTok and an actual library. For her fans, more is always welcome.

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The album cover for Taylor Swift’s “The Tortured Poets Department,” which depicts the star lying on pillows in sleepwear, draping her arms over her body.

By Ben Sisario

Taylor Swift was already the most ubiquitous pop star in the galaxy, her presence dominating the music charts, the concert calendar, the Super Bowl, the Grammys.

Then it came time for her to promote a new album.

In the days leading up to the release of “The Tortured Poets Department” on Friday, Swift became all but inescapable, online and seemingly everywhere else. Her lyrics were the basis for an Apple Music word game . A Spotify-sponsored, Swift-branded “ library installation ,” in muted pink and gray, popped up in a shopping complex in Los Angeles. In Chicago, a QR code painted on a brick wall directed fans to another Easter egg on YouTube. Videos on Swift’s social media accounts, showing antique typewriters and globes with pins, were dissected for clues about her music. SiriusXM added a Swift radio station; of course it’s called Channel 13 (Taylor’s Version).

About the only thing Swift didn’t do was an interview with a journalist.

At this stage in Swift’s career, an album release is more than just a moment to sell music; it’s all but a given that “The Tortured Poets Department” will open with gigantic sales numbers, many of them for “ghost white,” “phantom clear” and other collector-ready vinyl variants . More than that, the album’s arrival is a test of the celebrity-industrial complex overall, with tech platforms and media outlets racing to capture whatever piece of the fan frenzy they can get.

Threads, the newish social media platform from Meta, primed Swifties for their idol’s arrival there, and offered fans who shared Swift’s first Threads post a custom badge. Swift stunned the music industry last week by breaking ranks with her record label, Universal, and returning her music to TikTok, which Universal and other industry groups have said pays far too little in royalties. Overnight, TikTok unveiled “The Ultimate Taylor Swift In-App Experience,” offering fans digital goodies like a “Tortured Poets-inspired animation” on their feed.

Before the album’s release on Friday, Swift revealed that a music video — for “Fortnight,” the first single, featuring Post Malone — would arrive on Friday at 8 p.m. Eastern time. At 2 a.m., she had another surprise: 15 more songs. “I’d written so much tortured poetry in the past 2 years and wanted to share it all with you,” she wrote in a social media post , bringing “The Anthology” edition of the album to 31 tracks.

“The Tortured Poets Department,” which Swift, 34, announced in a Grammy acceptance speech in February — she had the Instagram post ready to go — lands as Swift’s profile continues to rise to ever-higher levels of cultural saturation.

Her Eras Tour , begun last year, has been a global phenomenon, crashing Ticketmaster and lifting local economies ; by some estimates, it might bring in as much as $2 billion in ticket sales — by far a new record — before it ends later this year. Swift’s romance with the Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce has been breathlessly tracked from its first flirtations last summer to their smooch on the Super Bowl field in February. The mere thought that Swift might endorse a presidential candidate this year sent conspiracy-minded politicos reeling .

“The Tortured Poets Department” — don’t even ask about the missing apostrophe — arrived accompanied by a poem written by Stevie Nicks that begins, “He was in love with her/Or at least she thought so.” That establishes what many fans correctly anticipated as the album’s theme of heartbreak and relationship rot, Swift’s signature topic. “I love you/It’s ruining my life,” she sings on “Fortnight.”

Fans were especially primed for the fifth track, “So Long, London,” given that (1) Swift has said she often sequences her most vulnerable and emotionally intense songs fifth on an LP, and (2) the title suggested it may be about Joe Alwyn, the English actor who was Swift’s boyfriend for about six years, reportedly until early 2023 . Indeed, “So Long” is an epic breakup tune, with lines like “You left me at the house by the heath” and “I’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free.” Tracks from the album leaked on Wednesday, and fans have also interpreted some songs as being about Matty Healy , the frontman of the band the 1975, whom Swift was briefly linked to last year.

The album’s title song starts with a classic Swift detail of a memento from a lost love: “You left your typewriter at my apartment/Straight from the tortured poets department.” It also name-drops Dylan Thomas, Patti Smith and, somewhat surprisingly given that company, Charlie Puth, the singer-songwriter who crooned the hook on Wiz Khalifa’s “See You Again,” a No. 1 hit in 2015. (Swift has praised Wiz Khalifa and that song in the past.)

Other big moments include “Florida!!!,” featuring Florence Welch of Florence + the Machine, in which Swift declares — after seven big percussive bangs — that the state “is one hell of a drug.” Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner, the producers and songwriters who have been Swift’s primary collaborators in recent years, both worked on “Tortured Poets,” bringing their signature mix of moody, pulsating electronic tracks and delicate acoustic moments, like a bare piano on “Loml” (as in “love of my life”).

As the ninth LP Swift has released in five years, “Tortured Poets” is the latest entry in a remarkable creative streak. That includes five new studio albums and four rerecordings of her old music — each of which sailed to No. 1. When Swift played SoFi Stadium near Los Angeles in August, she spoke from the stage about her recording spurt, saying that the forced break from touring during the Covid-19 pandemic had spurred her to connect with fans by releasing more music.

“And so I decided, in order to keep that connection going,” she said , “if I couldn’t play live shows with you, I was going to make and release as many albums as humanly possible.”

That was two albums ago.

Ben Sisario covers the music industry. He has been writing for The Times since 1998. More about Ben Sisario

Inside the World of Taylor Swift

A Triumph at the Grammys: Taylor Swift made history  by winning her fourth album of the year at the 2024 edition of the awards, an event that saw women take many of the top awards .

‘The T ortured Poets Department’: Poets reacted to Swift’s new album name , weighing in on the pertinent question: What do the tortured poets think ?  

In the Public Eye: The budding romance between Swift and the football player Travis Kelce created a monocultural vortex that reached its apex  at the Super Bowl in Las Vegas. Ahead of kickoff, we revisited some key moments in their relationship .

Politics (Taylor’s Version): After months of anticipation, Swift made her first foray into the 2024 election for Super Tuesday with a bipartisan message on Instagram . The singer, who some believe has enough influence  to affect the result of the election , has yet to endorse a presidential candidate.

Conspiracy Theories: In recent months, conspiracy theories about Swift and her relationship with Kelce have proliferated , largely driven by supporters of former President Donald Trump . The pop star's fans are shaking them off .


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