Reasons Teachers Are Better Than Doctors - Argumentative

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Yes. I said it. Teachers are better than doctors. And before you come for my jugular, hear me out. Of course, as the son of an elementary school teacher, I may tilt a little in the favor of teachers.

Okay, maybe a lot.

And if you are a doctor, are married to a doctor, are really satisfied with your doctor, or disagree with me, please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

You are more important than my thoughts, and I'd like to hear a different perspective on this matter. Just don’t bring your pitchforks. Lol. Seriously though.

Teachers Are Better Than Doctors: The Straightforward Truth

Teachers have an indelible impact on their pupils' minds and lives.

Doctors just postpone the inevitable.

Now, I understand that this does not apply in many instances.

Doctors are critical for cancer patients, infants and children, and many others who have  life cut much too short for them.

But, if I had to pick between having lifetime access to physicians and having lifelong access to teachers, I'd go with the teachers.

No, not the sort that simply belt out lectures. I'm referring to teachers in all of their forms: mentors, coaches, and influencers.

Writers, lecturers, good managers, and a variety of others are excellent instructors. All of them are included.

What I've gained in the classroom, through books, and from mentors far surpasses any physical health benefits I've had. But I'm probably biased in that regard as well because I'm a very healthy man.

Why I Believe Teachers Are Better Than Doctors

Teachers have more societal value.

First, a teacher educates everyone in society - from preschool through high school. Teachers educate kids in both nursery and primary schools, students at the secondary school level, university undergraduates, and even postgraduate students. Teachers are involved in the education of all literate individuals, young and old. Doctors aren't left out either. They were also taught by teachers! In fact, any society that does not have teachers is doomed.

Teachers are a major/basic means through which knowledge is transmitted to youths. We rely on them to ensure that our society's knowledge base is preserved and expanded. It is critical to have instructors who can encourage young children to pursue hobbies and passions that will help the world.

You Need A Teacher to Become A Doctor

“Which came first? The chicken or the egg?”

Everyone recognizes that physicians play an important role in our society because they treat the sick. Doctors, on the other hand, could not have become doctors without the assistance of teachers. Doctors attended medical schools and were trained by - guess who- teachers!.

In other words? There will be no physicians if instructors do not teach. Consider this. Where do physicians go to become the professionals they are today? Your guess is just as good as mine. School. What doctor in the world today does not hold a doctorate degree from a university or some other higher education institution? Definitely no genuine one.

Teachers Play an Integral Role in the Development of a Child

Teachers serve as excellent role models for the students they educate. Students look up to them in a variety of ways, and they learn a great deal from them since they spend more time with them than even with their parents. Pupils and teachers typically have a close relationship. Doctors only spend a few minutes with their patients, and that is usually only when they are unwell.

There is no such connection between the kids and doctors. In reality, most youngsters fear physicians because they assume they will give them needles or force them to take harsh medications. By interacting with students on a regular basis, teachers help shape them into decent citizens and future leaders.

Teachers vs Doctors: Establishing a Balance

Teachers vs Doctors: Establishing a Balance

Now, all this is not to downplay the importance of doctors.

Doctors are essential, but I believe their primary focus is on improving our health through research.

Both a teacher and a doctor assist us through their careers. It's therefore not fair to compare them and declare one is superior. But again, that’s my opinion.

We need teachers to instruct would-be physicians.

We need doctors to help teachers recover.

However, teachers are more essential seeing as they educate kids in the early stages. Their are heavily involved in constructing their minds. As a result of the work of these teachers, these students can then go on to become physicians, engineers, pharmacists, and so on. It’s always about the "base."

However, unlike physicians (as defined by university tutors), instructors do more than only provide pupils with information. They do (or should) develop their character, care for them, assist them, smooth out class disparities, govern the class, and so on.

These are topics that most doctors at the university level are not concerned about (at least, from my experience).

"Teachers make Doctors," to put it succinctly.

However, both occupations have a significant influence on people's lives.

Conclusion: Why I’m Wrong About This Whole Thing

You might certainly argue that a teacher is useless if you don't have a doctor to keep you alive so you can learn.

However, it is also true that there would be no physicians if instructors did not exist.

In conclusion, it isn't so much a question of which occupation is more honorable. Although I feel that teachers are underpaid and undervalued in terms of prestige.

I believe the essence of this debate is to persuade us to become lifelong learners. A characteristic that, regrettably, is rare in today's classrooms.

We've all had those classes that we got through but despised the entire time.

 We questioned if knowing how to do long division or knowing the capital of Turkmenistan would ever be beneficial.

However, we joyfully remember those with outstanding professors who brought their topic to life in a way that made us want to be just like them when we grew up.

What if Everyone Became a Lifelong Learner?

The difficult pill to chew here is that YOU, and only YOU, are accountable for your education. Not grades, diplomas, and degrees.

If you become your own teacher by treating everyone you encounter as a teacher and mentor, the dispute between teachers and physicians is rendered moot.

And, while we're on the subject of considering everyone as a teacher and a mentor, even those who make terrible judgments may mentor you by teaching you how not to live your life.

Your attitude determines your level of success.

You must make the decision to be proactive in your learning. Seek for learning and mentoring at all times.

It's not your fault if you haven't realized this yet. In most situations, our existing school institutions stifle a learning mindset, and there is very little you can do to change that.

However, you have the ability to change yourself.

And it's probably all you need to know to be successful and live a satisfying life.

In conclusion, it is evident from the reasons stated in this essay that a teacher is more vital to our society than a doctor.

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teacher is better than doctor

Really teachers are better than doctors because i want to be a teacher

so true without teachers nothing wouldn't have been possible ✨️✨️✨️????

that is very true

I agree that teacher is better than docto

ilike to have kind of debates for students

I totally agree

I agree that teacher is better than doctor

I love you teachers you're the best, thanks

teacher are better than doctor

I love teachers too girl

Teachers are better than Doctors in many ways

Teachers are better jare

Teachers are the best

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Teachers Are Better Than Doctors (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


Which is more useful to society, a teacher or a doctor?

The teacher vs. doctor debate is an interesting topic to write about as we are talking about two different but important roles. In the essay below, we outlined the key characteristics of each role, their contributions to the world, and their impact on people. We concluded that the teacher has greater reach.

Read on to get a strong idea of what debate points to use when assigned to this topic. Don’t hesitate to reach us for help in writing your own essay on why a teacher is better than a doctor.

Essay on Teachers Are More Important Than Doctors

Teachers have the power within them to influence minds, young and old alike. With this amazing potential, they indirectly have the ability to change the course of history. By molding minds, their impact on society could be good or bad.

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That being said, it is important to understand that it is through our fine educators that our doctors are able to excel in their fields of expertise today.

On one hand, teaching is considered a prime approach to transmitting knowledge to different generations. The world, therefore, relies on them in ensuring that the training and molding of the next generation of leaders are enhanced, maintained, and grown.

When we think of the fact that doctors save people, we tend to see their role as something that is nobler. We see them as front-liners who lay down their lives for others. But it must be argued that while educating may not necessarily be a life-or-death situation, the fact that teachers form young minds and train them to make wise decisions in life is really the nobler task.

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While teachers earn a lot less than doctors, the kind of input that they have in the journeys of students is invaluable. Very few people remember great doctors, but several communities remember the greatest teachers in history, such as Jesus Christ.

On the other hand, we must also consider that character formation and academic knowledge are things that we look at as evidence of growth in someone’s life. In this regard, teachers have much larger participation. Their job is not just to impart technical knowledge, but to prepare students for success in real life.

Doctors are a result of many educators investing in the lives of students who want to pursue medicine. Their output is rooted in the input of those who trained and coached them in medical school. As doctors make wise medical decisions, they actually reflect the good training that they received while in school. In this way, teachers have an edge over doctors.

As technology and medical science evolve in the course of a doctor’s career, they need to upskill their knowledge every now and then. Again, they go back to the expertise of their teachers, who ensure that the information they act on in their day-to-day lives is relevant and up-to-date.

Their Impact on Human Lives

While both roles are certainly important in society and cannot easily be discarded, it is quite clear that we cannot underestimate the impact of educators on the lives of those they teach and influence. Saving lives does not only necessarily happen on the operating table. Saving people also means educators pouring themselves into troubled young souls and encouraging them to push to be better people.

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Both doctors and teachers can be miracle workers, but teachers have the special role of starting their work when students are still very young. They help them set off in the direction that they desire, while doctors treat what is already visible and diagnosable.

Unlike doctors who depend on knowledge acquired from their trainers, teachers impart knowledge from the heart and ensure that a well-rounded education is given to set kids up for success. This, therefore, affirms the fact that teachers are better than doctors.

This doesn’t mean to say that young people should be discouraged from pursuing a career in medicine. While teachers have a deeper impact on our journeys, we still need doctors. They are an essential part of society. We don’t want to devalue their contributions as they are the front-liners who toil for the health of mankind. They are also positive role models for the youth.

Perhaps what we can do is to encourage our children to learn as much as they can from their teachers as they study to become a doctor. Because we know that their teachers have the capacity to influence them to be the best that they can be, we can push them towards having good relationships with their educators. As they benefit from their mentorship and coaching, society can benefit from their future success in the field of medicine. Thanks to teachers, our kids can become the best doctors they can be.

Debate On Teachers Are Better Than Doctors (Short Essay Sample)

Two professions that receive much praise no matter what age we live in are teachers and doctors. It is difficult to quickly point out which role has a more significant impact on society, but I daresay that teacher has a more far-reaching contribution.

While the doctor has obvious contributions to healthcare and human well-being, a teacher’s participation is subtler and under-praised. We usually just think of the educator as the person conducting the classes of our children, but they really do more than that. Our community owes its thanks to them because of how they’ve shaped the minds of our kids – from nursery school pupils and secondary school students to university undergraduates and even postgraduate students.

Most teachers cultivate not just an academic concern for the learners in their class; they also deeply care for them personally. Their efforts to support parents by helping hone both the skills and character of their children are commendable.

With this, I strongly lean towards the side of the educator. Both doctors and teachers are vital members of the community. But there are plenty of things that a teacher does that go unnoticed.

How to write an argumentative essay on the topic “Teachers are more important than doctors”

To form an excellent argumentative piece, make time first to outline the pros and cons of each role. Evaluate them under the same criteria so that you approach your writing from a place of fairness and objectivity. Match them against each other and come up with a persuasive conclusion, upholding the side you favor.

Ten reasons why teachers are better than a doctor

  • They start their work when someone is young. The window of opportunity for character formation is much longer.
  • They can apply all sorts of creative methods and approaches to bring a student closer to success.
  • They are concerned for more than your grades and accomplishments (although these are important). They are primarily concerned for your welfare and future success in life.
  • You can form healthy friendships and relationships with them throughout your studies and even after graduating.
  • They are relevant in every season of your life: as a student, a continuing learner, an employee, even a leader. Everyone could always use some mentoring and coaching.
  • They seek to make the know-how they impart relevant to your day-to-day life.
  • They teach you how to maintain great relationships with your peers.
  • They walk with you even when you are being disciplined for your actions.
  • They even support your family life at home.
  • They find more ways for you to learn even outside the classroom.

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write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

Schooloaded Edutainment

Debate: Top Reasons Why Teachers Are Better Than Doctors.

Mr Jeph

This article discusses a popular school debate that supports the motion, “Teachers Are Better Than Doctors,” and opposes the motion, “Doctors Are Better Than Teachers.” This topic is very common in school assignments, debates or argumentative essays during exams in most schools across Africa, where students argue for one profession over the other. It is important to note that both teachers and doctors play vital roles in society.

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Table of Contents

Why the Comparison?

To some people, the comparison is unfair because they believe that both doctors and teachers play a vital role in society and also contribute a lot to humanity, while others believe it’s worth the comparison because they argue that nothing in life is of equal value as some things are superior or inferior to others depending on personal perceptions. The truth is that both teachers’ and doctors’ roles in society cannot be overemphasized, despite the argument presented by diverse people.

Having known the reasons for the teachers’ and doctors’ comparison, as indicated above, let us now dive deeper as I give you a brief overview of who a teacher and a doctor are and the important role they play in our lives.

Who is a teacher?

A Teacher is an individual responsible for educating others, and facilitating their learning journeys. Their duty involves instilling knowledge in students using school curricula, sharing personal experiences, and employing innovative ideas. Teachers effectively convey information and foster understanding among learners. Moreover, exceptional teachers embrace lifelong learning, adapting their teaching methods based on their students’ learning styles to provide tailored support.

Who is a Doctor?

A doctor is a professional health worker whose responsibility is to ensure life safety. Doctors, who are also referred to as medical professionals, treat illnesses and injuries to improve a patient’s health. A necessary medical degree authorizes a physician to treat patients and recommend appropriate care, including pharmaceuticals, in most nations.

Difference Between Teachers and Doctors.

Medical professionals, known as doctors, have extensive training and experience in diagnosing and treating medical conditions. Teachers, in contrast, specialize in education and student instruction. While both have vital roles in society and undergo rigorous training, certain distinctions separate them:

Doctors possess specialized medical knowledge and experience, allowing them to identify and address diseases. Through patient consultations and medical assessments, they provide diagnoses, treatment plans, and ongoing care. Most importantly, Doctors hold the legal authority to prescribe medications.

Teachers, unlike doctors, excel in the field of education. Their extensive training in teaching empowers them to facilitate student learning through diverse methods. Additionally, they possess the authority to assign tasks and impose disciplinary measures when appropriate.

Despite the crucial roles both professions play in society, doctors and teachers possess distinct strengths. Therefore, it is essential to select the appropriate professional for the right job.

Teachers Advantages Over Doctors

While doctors have their strengths, teachers excel in certain aspects. Their extensive experience with children enables them to astutely decipher their behavior, a skill lacking in most doctors. Furthermore, teachers possess a comprehensive understanding of education methods, empowering them to facilitate children’s learning in a manner that medical professionals cannot match.

  • Rich Experience and Expertise: Teachers possess extensive knowledge and practical experience gained through interactions with diverse individuals. This empowers them to comprehend their students’ perspectives and provide tailored guidance on problem-solving techniques.
  • Accessibility for Students: During designated office hours, teachers are readily accessible to students. This allows students to seek clarification on any subject-related queries, fostering a conducive learning environment that enhances skill development.
  • Affordable Services: Teachers typically have more modest salaries than other professionals, such as doctors. Consequently, more individuals can benefit from the guidance and support of a teacher within their educational settings.

Why Teachers Are More Important

While doctors are undoubtedly essential for our physical well-being, it is arguable that teachers hold a distinct advantage in terms of their overall impact on society. The list below presents the Top 20 reasons why teachers are more important or better than doctors, shedding light on the invaluable role they play in shaping the future of generations.

1. Teachers: Pillars of Education: Teachers are indispensable for the success of education worldwide. As primary educators, they provide students with knowledge, skills, and values that lay the groundwork for their future endeavors.

2. Teachers: Kindling the Flame of Learning: Unlike doctors who treat ailments, teachers ignite a passion for lifelong learning within their students. They nurture students’ curiosity, critical thinking, and thirst for knowledge that extends beyond the classroom.

3. Teachers Influence the Destiny of Future Generations: Educators hold the power to mold young minds, shaping them into individuals who embrace responsibility, and empathy, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

4. Teachers Foster Emotional Well-being: Teachers offer emotional sustenance to students, establishing a nurturing and welcoming atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing themselves. This care is essential for fostering the well-being of children.

5. Teachers Foster Collaboration: Teachers guide students in collaborating, understanding different perspectives, and treating one another respectfully. This fosters solid social relationships and promotes a welcoming and inclusive school atmosphere.

6. Teachers Nurture Creativity: Teachers inspire students to explore unconventional avenues of thought and question established norms. They nurture creativity and original thinking, skills essential for addressing intricate challenges in today’s rapidly evolving society.

7. Tailored Learning Experiences: Teachers recognize and cater to different learning styles and needs. They adapt lessons to ensure each student has a personalized learning experience that aligns with their abilities.

8. Guidance and Support: Teachers go beyond academic instruction. They mentor students, providing guidance and emotional support. Their influence extends to shaping students’ personal development and instilling values.

9. Teachers Encourage Discipline and Accountability: Teachers emphasize the importance of following schedules, being respectful, and taking ownership of their actions. These habits prepare students for success in life and work.

10. Teachers Foster Cultural Awareness: Teachers introduce students to different cultures, helping them develop a sense of tolerance and respect for diversity. This understanding contributes to a more inclusive society.

11. Teachers Support Community Growth: Teachers go beyond the classroom by engaging in community-building activities, organizing events, and promoting social responsibility. Their involvement strengthens local communities.

12. Teachers as Continuous Learners: Teachers constantly enhance their expertise by keeping up with educational advancements and effective teaching methods. This dedication to professional growth enables them to deliver the most effective education.

13. Teachers as Identifiers of Issues: Teachers are attentive observers who can detect behavioral or academic patterns that hint at deeper concerns in students. Their timely identification and intervention can nip potential issues in the bud.

14. Teachers’ Enduring Influence: Teachers’ influence extends beyond the classroom walls. They impart knowledge and instill values that shape students’ lives long after graduation.

15. Teachers as Career Mentors: Teachers not only educate students but also act as role models. They inspire students to explore careers, including medicine, and contribute to the future workforce of professionals.

16. Teachers Foster Civic Responsibility: Teachers motivate students to engage in their communities, fostering a spirit of civic involvement and promoting social justice.

17. Teachers Nurture Artistic Appreciation: With their passion for the arts, teachers spark a love for creative expression, inspiring students to appreciate and engage with culture.

18. Teachers Provide Personalized Guidance: In contrast to healthcare professionals who may face time limitations, teachers prioritize individual attention for each student, tailoring support to their unique needs and facilitating both academic and personal development.

19. Teachers Help Students Unleash Their Abilities: Teachers have faith in each student’s potential and work relentlessly to enable them to succeed. With their unwavering encouragement, students can conquer challenges and fully realize their possibilities.

20. Teachers Build a Better Society: Teachers are crucial in molding the future of society. They provide students with the knowledge, abilities, and principles they need to make valuable contributions to their communities and leave a lasting legacy.

While doctors play a vital role in our physical health, Teachers hold a profound influence that goes beyond physical health. They ignite the minds of youth, promoting personal growth and inspiring future leaders. Their unwavering dedication creates a ripple effect, shaping individuals who will influence society in significant ways. Their role extends far beyond the classroom, making their contribution to our overall well-being immeasurable.

50 Reasons Why Teachers Are Better than Doctors

Here is a comprehensive list of 50 reasons and/or explanations, to demonstrate why teachers hold a higher value than doctors in our society and personal lives.

Educators spark imagination and equip ge­nerations with skills, lighting up their minds with knowledge­.

They nurture abilities to analyze­, question, and comprehend the­ intricacies of life.

Classrooms become­ safe havens where­ young thinkers voice their pe­rspectives free­ly.

Teaching approaches bend, accommodating dive­rse learners’ style­s, leaving none adrift.

Countless hours craft tailore­d lessons, addressing individual student ne­eds meticulously.

Beyond acade­mics, they counsel and uplift, guiding paths to fulfillment.

A thirst for continuous growth is instille­d, making learning a lifelong passion.

Uniquene­ss blossoms as talents unfurl, interests igniting unde­r nurturing care.

Empathy’s seeds blossom, cultivating compassionate­, understanding societies.

Teachers are staunch in advocating to ensure each stude­nt’s voice resonates, ne­eds answered.

Instructors are e­xperts at explaining complex ide­as in easy-to-understand ways. They make­ learning relatable.

Te­achers help students fe­el like they be­long. They build strong bonds betwee­n classmates.

Teamwork and collaboration are e­ncouraged by teachers. Stude­nts learn skills they’ll nee­d for future jobs.

Teachers te­ach resilience. The­y gives students tools to overcome­ challenges.

In a classroom, teache­rs juggle many tasks at once. They balance­ responsibilities both inside and out.

Organization is ke­y for teachers. They manage­ time and resources we­ll.

Even teachers ne­ver stop learning. They update­ knowledge and skills constantly.

Helpful fe­edback comes from teache­rs. Their criticism aids students’ growth.

Talent is nurture­d by teachers. They unlock pote­ntial in students.

Teachers shape­ students’ values. Ethics and responsibility are­ instilled.

Teache­rs observe how students le­arn. This helps them find disabilities e­arly. With help, kids overcome hurdle­s.

They teach that all cultures are­ equally important. Acceptance make­s a kind world.

Teachers stay calm. They unde­rstand different people­ learn at different spe­eds. This is okay.

They encourage­ students to think outside the box. Ne­w ideas come from creative­ thinkers.

Good habits help students manage­ time well. Teache­rs guide them in study skills.

Teache­rs create a safe classroom. Kids share­ thoughts without fear of judgment.

They te­ach problem-solving techniques. Stude­nts learn to handle life’s difficultie­s.

Teachers boost students’ se­lf-esteem. Be­lieving in yourself leads to succe­ss.

Quick thinking is needed whe­n lessons go off-track. Teachers adapt and ke­ep the class engaging.

Teache­rs are experts at improvising and quickly adjusting the­ir teaching styles to unexpe­cted situations.

They motivate stude­nts to develop wholesome­ habits and make physical wellness a priority.

Managing classroom dynamics with fine­sse, teachers cre­ate a harmonious learning environme­nt.

Field trips, guest speake­rs, interactive learning – te­achers craft memorable e­xperiences.

The­y impart invaluable life skills like budge­ting, time management, conflict re­solution.

Teachers embody inte­grity, honesty, dedication – serving as role­ models.

Collaborating closely with parents/guardians, the­y form a strong support system.

By nurturing civic responsibility, teache­rs shape active, engage­d citizens.

They guide care­er choices, helping stude­nts explore passions, aspirations.

Promoting environme­ntal awareness, teache­rs cultivate a sustainability-focused gene­ration.

Media and information lite­racy skills are prioritized; students analyze­ sources critically.

Exceptional listening cre­ates an environment whe­re every stude­nt voice matters.

Achieve­ments—big or small—are cele­brated, boosting confidence and drive­.

A growth mindset is encouraged: e­mbrace challenges, le­arn from setbacks.

Nurturing creativity and imagination, a love for arts and lite­rature blossoms.

Social skills and emotional intellige­nce develop, promoting he­althy relationships.

Teachers provide­ stability, a consistent presence­ in students’ lives.

Crucial communication skills are hone­d, essential for success across fie­lds.

Independent thinking e­mpowers students to form their own opinions.

A classroom community foste­rs teamwork and collaborative spirit.

Teache­rs influence young minds. They guide­ pupils, and prepare them for the challe­nges ahead.

Other Important Points Teachers Have Over Doctors

  • While me­dical tests give doctors data, teache­rs just need a talk to spot issues. Doctors lack time­ with each kid for that personal touch.
  • Teache­rs assess each student’s particular le­arning needs skillfully. Their e­ducation training equips them uniquely for this important task.
  • Be­yond medical knowledge, te­achers deeply unde­rstand how children absorb information best. That expe­rtise is invaluable for nurturing young minds properly.
  • Ye­ars spent observing kids lends te­achers an experie­nced eye for de­ciphering subtle behavioral cue­s. Doctors’ more limited pediatric e­xposure handicaps them comparatively.
  • The­ school setting affords teachers abundant quality one­-on-one time with students – a luxury many doctors cannot e­njoy.
  • Financial constraints keep teache­r salaries relatively low, making the­ir services quite affordable­ compared to physicians’.
  • Teachers can accommodate­ families’ nonstandard schedules more­ readily, being likelie­r available for meetings on we­ekends.
  • Classroom manageme­nt prep gives teache­rs crucial practice defusing conflicts calmly – skills applicable be­yond purely academic contexts.
  • Te­ch-savvy teachers boast stronger command ove­r modern instructional tools than the typical doctor untrained to ope­rate such software.

Doctors undoubtedly posse­ss vast expertise in patie­nt care, honing their skills through rigorous training over many ye­ars. However, teache­rs hold certain advantages that make the­m well-suited for this role.

Pe­rhaps most crucially, teachers garner e­xtensive expe­rience interacting with childre­n daily, intimately understanding their be­haviors, emotional triggers, and nee­ds – invaluable knowledge whe­n treating young patients. Contrarily, numerous doctors lack substantial e­xposure to pediatric populations, potentially le­ading to misdiagnoses or improper treatme­nts.

Moreover, teache­rs excel at empathizing with those­ under their care. While­ physicians may approach diagnoses as technical challenge­s to overcome, educators intimate­ly grasp their students’ backgrounds, enabling a more­ holistic, nuanced perspective­. This empathetic approach fosters e­nhanced care and swifter issue­ resolution.

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10 reasons why doctors are more important than teachers

Are doctors more important than teachers? Both doctors and teachers are crucial professions. Keep on reading to know why doctors are better than teachers.

debate on why teachers are better than doctors

Who is a doctor? A doctor is a person who uses medicine to treat illness and injuries to improve a patient’s health. In most countries, basic medical degree qualifies a person to treat patients and prescribe appropriate treatment, including drugs.

A doctor is one of the most important professions. After all, these specialists have the knowledge and skills to diagnose, treat, and control the spread of various diseases. Doctors save our lives.

The importance of a teacher is also indisputable. However, many may argue that the doctor profession is more important.

Reasons why doctors are better than teachers

When such a question comes up, the answers vary, as doctors are known to be very important in the community. One of the most prominent and well-known occupations on the globe is that of a doctor. They can work in any country in the world and earn a good living. Below are reasons why doctors are more important than teachers.

write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

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Doctors risk their lives to save patients.

2. Coping with stress

Doctors undergo so much stress everyday. Surgeons, obstetricians, traumatologists and psychiatrists are always connected with human pain, both physical and mental. The ability to find a way out in the most challenging situations, eliminate the essence of the problem without delay, and find the right words of consolation is an integral part of medical practice that only a few people can cope with.

3. A sense of importance in society

Doctors are better than teachers debate points

Doctors are people whom you trust in the most difficult moments of your life. These specialists save people and give hope to their relatives.

4. Demand for services

Doctors are always in demand .

5. Leadership

Doctors are good leaders by virtue of their rigorous, detailed and lengthy training, and this has been shown in the way they have drawn up policies/roadmaps in navigating through the most challenging health issues the world has faced.

write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

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6. Career growth

Presently, doctors have plenty of top career opportunities in Nigeria. Therefore, high wages are the perfect incentive to choose a doctor profession.

7. Reliability

They are very reliable, very private and confidential with their patients. The doctor-patient relationship is a secret, almost sacred bond. This doesn’t exist in education .

8. Importance to an ageing population

In an ageing population, the demand for medical care is unlimited.

9. Listening skills

Doctors are good listeners, painstakingly listening to clients and sick patients who are too weak to speak fluently and coherently.

10. Philanthropy

Doctors are philanthropists who sometimes cater to the needs of patients without the means to procure drugs and pay for hospital bills.

Why teachers are better than doctors

debate on why teachers are better than doctors

Like doctors, teachers are some of the most dedicated, highly educated and proficient people in the community. They are sometimes referred to as "second parents" and "miracle workers" since they have the ability to improve the lives of a variety of people in the community.

write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

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For you to have a career in life, you will have to pass through the hands of a teacher. They are very important in our lives as they take us from one step to another in our career journey. So, why are they so important?

  • They teach everyone in the society from nursery school pupils, secondary school students, university undergraduates, and even postgraduate students are taught by teachers.
  • Teachers are positive role models for the pupils they teach. Their pupils look up to them in many ways, and they learn a lot from them since they spend more time with them than with their parents. There is usually a strong bond between the pupils and their teachers.
  • The world relies largely on teachers to ensure that society's knowledge base is enhanced, maintained, and grown.

As a result of the above reasons, teachers are just as important as doctors. Despite the fact that most teachers earn less than doctors, it is vital to assess that the knowledge they offer is used to make a greater difference in the lives of many people.

write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

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Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions.

Is being a doctor a good career?

Yes, it is one of the most rewarding occupations one can pursue. It is the world's most prestigious career. Medical professionals get to see humanity at its best and worst.

Is it hard to be a doctor?

Being a doctor requires years of hard work and dedication. If you are committed and interested in the profession, it is definitely worth the effort.

What is the easiest doctor to become?

Less competitive and easiest specialities include:

  • Family Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Paediatrics
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

What is the most difficult doctor to become?

Some of the most competitive and difficult specialities in the medical field are:

  • Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
  • Dermatology
  • General Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Otolaryngology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Radiation Oncology

Why are doctors paid more than teachers?

This is because, in their efforts to save human lives, most doctors are exposed to more severe infections.

write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

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Now you know why doctors are better than teachers. However, without teachers, doctors would not have acquired the knowledge that made them doctors in the first place.

READ ALSO: Best courses to study in the world recently looked at the most marketable courses one can study today. A person’s course choice at university plays a big role in their career prospects. While one might opt to follow their passion and disregard the marketability of a given course, the chances of succeeding with a course having low demand are quite slim.

Courses related to information technology, medical sciences, biological sciences, entrepreneurship, and mathematics are among the most marketable ones in the modern day.


Mercy Mbuthia (Lifestyle writer) Mercy Mbuthia is a content writer with five years of experience writing on various topics, including biographies, entertainment, and lifestyle. She joined the Legit team in 2019. Mercy earned a Master of Science (Food, Nutrition & Dietetics) from Dedan Kimathi University in 2022. Her articles have appeared on several media sites such as The Health Channel, The Nation, Tekrati, ValiantCEO and Celebrity Leader. In 2023, Mercy finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: [email protected]

Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: [email protected]

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Teachers and Doctors, Who is More Important? (Debate)

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: February 21, 2022
  • Post category: Scholarly Articles

Teachers and Doctors, Who is More Important?: This is an issue that may be debated indefinitely, with both sides presenting valid and compelling arguments. There is no legitimate answer although one side of the argument might be used to criticize the other. Doctors, perhaps more than teachers, are the professionals we turn to in times of utmost need and/or anxiety, including when individuals or their families are sick or injured. It is normal for us to believe that our own and our loved one’s health is the most important component of our lives. In the end, the ability to save a person’s life is the most important skill a person may possess, yet information transmission is also an important aspect of existence.

A competent teacher has the power to transform the lives of people he or she tutors. They could not only teach them about their specialty subject or field, and so they can equally establish a general style of reasoning in them. This could then be carried over into the child’s regular life, regardless of the work at hand. It might also be claimed that as teachers educate us throughout our lives, we grow more conscious and knowledgeable, allowing us to naturally examine our actions more thoroughly, allowing us to make safer judgments to protect our health.

Generally, I think it would be impossible to tell which job is more important because they are both essential to humanity in different ways. We would be in danger if neither of these professions existed.

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Table of Contents

Who Is a Doctor?

A doctor is a medical professional who treats illnesses and injuries in terms of improving a patient’s health. A necessary medical degree authorizes a physician to treat patients and recommend appropriate care, including pharmaceuticals, in most nations.

Argumentative essay a teacher and a doctor who is more important pdf

One of the most significant occupations is that of a doctor. And besides, these experts do have knowledge and abilities to detect, treat, and prevent infections from spreading. Doctors are the ones who save our lives. Specialties include:

  • Family Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Paediatrics
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
  • Dermatology
  • General Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Otolaryngology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Radiation Oncology

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Who Is a Teacher?

A teacher is a person who assists students in gaining information, skills, or virtues. Anyone can take on the job of teacher unofficially. Teaching children of school age may take place in an informal context, such as inside the family, instead of in a formal environment, such as a school or university, in some nations.

Teachers are More Important than Doctors

Other jobs may require a substantial quantity of teaching. In most nations, paid teachers are in charge of the formal education of students. This study focused on persons whose primary job function, is to teach those in a structured educational setting, such as a classroom or even another place of first formal training or education.

Also see: Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Teacher

Difference Between a Doctor And a Teacher

1. A teacher, first and foremost, educates everybody in society, from kindergarten to high school. Children in infancy and elementary school, secondary school students, university undergraduate, and perhaps even postgraduate students are all educated by teachers.

Teachers have an important role in the education of all intelligent individuals, adults, and kids. Doctors are not excluded either. They were also instructed by educators! In reality, any society without instructors is doomed to fail.

Teachers and Doctors, Who is More Important?

Teachers are a dominant method of passing on knowledge to young people. They are entrusted with preserving and expanding our society’s knowledge and understanding. Teachers who can motivate young children to choose passions and interests that will benefit the world are crucial.

2. The COVID-19 pandemic had also served as a stark reminder of the critical role doctors play in alleviating pain and saving lives. The epidemic has also revealed the lengths to which doctors are ready to go to ensure a functional health system and society.

Doctors also play important roles in saving lives regularly, such as performing an emergency operation or a planned treatment for a time-sensitive or critical illness. An unintentional injury and difficult labor are also to blame.

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3. Teachers serve as role models for their pupils. Students try to look up to their teachers in a variety of different ways. And also learn a lot from them, so they spend longer time with them than their guardians. In most cases, teachers and pupils form a strong bond. Doctors normally only see their patients for just a few moments or minutes at least, and only when they are seriously unwell.

There is no such link between the children and the doctors. In actuality, most children are afraid of doctors because they believe they will be given needles or forced to take unpleasant medications. Teachers can help students grow into good citizens and potential leaders by engaging with them daily.

4. Not all diseases endanger the patient’s life. However, enduring the pain and discomfort for the rest of one’s life is not an option. Doctors’ efforts enable them to alleviate these pain and discomfort and live their life to their fullest.

Nevertheless, with the help of doctors, medicines, and therapies, a patient’s lifespan or the start of the worst effects of sickness can be substantially extended. Though the length of time varies widely from situation to situation and patient to patient, the dedication to the cause is admirable.

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5 . Everyone understands how important physicians are in our society since they treat the ill. Doctors, on the other hand, would not have been able to practice medicine without the help of teachers. Doctors were educated in medical colleges and trained by – name who? – teachers!

Doctor and teacher who is more important than the pros and cons

To put it another way? If professors do not teach, there’ll be no physicians. Think about it. Where do doctors go to train to become the doctors they are today? I’m sure your guess is as good as mine. School. What doctor nowadays does not have a doctoral university degree or another institute of higher learning? There isn’t a single genuine one.

6 . Nobody wants to fall ill, become crippled, or become powerless. Preventing illness or injury is the superior option: it is less costly, preferable for our health, and we lose less money if we don’t get sick as frequently. Preventive care is also beneficial to society itself.

Drugs, doctor visits, and surgery are out of reach for many individuals around the world. Doctors bridge the healthcare gap between rich and poor individuals by advocating preventative treatment and trying to keep people healthier.

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Which Is Better Between Doctor And a Teacher?

The value of a teacher cannot be overstated. Many people, however, believe that the doctor’s vocation is more vital. Doctors are superior to teachers for a variety of reasons. When such a topic arises, the responses differ, as doctors are well-known in the community. A doctor’s profession is among the most well-known across the planet. They can work and earn a comfortable life in any country on this planet. Doctors are more essential than teachers for the reasons listed below.

Teachers vs doctors pay and salary

1. People believe in doctors: This is one of the many benefits of working as a doctor. There in eyes of the general public, we are in a special role as a profession. Patients put their lives, their well-being, and their secrets in doctors’ hands. Doctors get to see many people on a given day, and they tell us truths they wouldn’t tell anybody else.

After that, doctors are free to attempt to assist these people. It’s humbling to learn how much more the public trusts a doctor’s ability and honesty, and that confidence is a significant part of the rewards.

2. Doctors helps people: Being a doctor entails assisting people, relieving pain, and making them feel better. They are the folks who look after humanity and keep it running smoothly. Patients come to them, they treat them, and then they send them on their way to live the best and fullest lives possible.

What’s even better? They’ll forget the names of the doctors. Every one of them. Because it is about us as a people, as a collective species, not about us as doctors. Doctors do what they are doing because it must be done, and it must be done by someone. Doctors are remarkably good or selfless — they’re simply a bunch of jerks who volunteered!

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3. Doctors have many career paths: With many specializations in medicine, you’d be forgiven for thinking a degree can only get you so far. A doctor can work in a multitude of fields, including practitioners and even heart surgeons.

Perhaps you aspire to be a Senior Medical Officer that manages governments or determines the severity of injuries suffered by Professional Soccer players. Perhaps you want to design a smart software or device to leverage science and innovation to enhance healthcare. Being a doctor can take you pretty much everywhere as long as patients are wandering around, all squishy and fragile.

4. Working in a multidisciplinary team: You won’t be encircled by being bored as doctors all day because you’ll be working with specialists from a variety of fields. To mention a few, we collaborate with nurses, nutritionists, therapists, and pharmacists.

Diverse points of view can be invigorating, and because every industry draws people with relatively distinct personalities, your work-life won’t become a series of contacts with eerily identical people. When I found out about it, it was a huge relief!

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5. It guarantees a secured financial future:  The average annual compensation for doctors in the United States is $208,000. This is a $23,000 increase over the average CEO salary and a $150,000 increase over the national average compensation. Other nations, on the other hand, pay GPs and specialists comparable or better incomes.

There are really few other occupations that can promise financial security if that is your goal in life. Similarly, a fast-aging and expanding global population means that the value for doctors will continue to rise, resulting in even more career options in the years ahead.

6. It grants a high social standing : It’s practically a given that every parent wishes for their child to become a doctor, but there’s a reason for that. In addition to high compensation, becoming a doctor carries a certain level of respect and renown. Doctors are recognized and appreciated not only for what they do but also for the effort, it takes to become one.

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Also, who’s to say you won’t consider being the next Basketball superstar’s physician? Or that you won’t get a chance to treat members of the ruling and business elite? Working with a varied set of people and supporting them with one of life’s most significant parts – their health – could lead to opportunities you weren’t aware of.

7. You can live anywhere in the world : Becoming a doctor can fit your active lifestyle maybe you’re one of those persons who like getting out and about. Although the standards and laws for practicing medicine vary by country, doctors are often in high demand in practically every corner of the globe.

If you wish to move to a certain country, you may need additional certification or knowledge, but you’ll still be guaranteed one of the highest-paying jobs in the world.

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All of this is not meant to minimize the value of doctors or teachers. Doctors are necessary, but I feel their major concentration is on research to improve our health. Throughout their professions, either a teacher or a doctor benefits us.

As a result, comparing them and declaring one to be greater isn’t fair. But, once again, this is just my view. Teachers are needed to train future doctors. Doctors are required to assist teachers in their recovery.

write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

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Am really greatfull

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teacher are better than doctor

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  • Debate Topics

Debate on Teachers are Better Than Doctors

write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

  • May 26, 2023

In this article, we’ll be looking at the Debate on Teachers are Better Than Doctors, dishing out points for and against the topic. 

In the grand tapestry of professions that shape our society, teachers and doctors stand as pillars of knowledge and caretakers of our well-being. However, an intriguing and contentious debate has emerged: are teachers truly better than doctors, or is it the other way around? This thought-provoking discourse has sparked conversations in educational institutions, medical circles, and beyond, as proponents from both sides passionately argue for their respective professions. While teachers and doctors each play unique and crucial roles in our lives, the question of superiority brings forth contrasting viewpoints. In this article, we delve into the arguments for and against the proposition that teachers are better than doctors, shedding light on the complexities of these revered professions and their impact on society as a whole. 

For: Teachers are Better Than Doctors

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future generation by imparting knowledge and skills. While doctors provide essential healthcare, teachers have a broader and long-term impact on society as they educate and inspire students to become responsible citizens and contribute positively to the world.

Teachers have the ability to influence the intellectual, emotional, and social development of students. They create a nurturing and supportive learning environment, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills that go beyond medical expertise.

Teachers promote equality and inclusivity by providing education to students from diverse backgrounds. They have the power to bridge gaps in society, break stereotypes, and promote tolerance and understanding. Doctors, on the other hand, primarily focus on treating individual patients without the same level of influence on social change.

Teachers are continuously engaged in professional development to enhance their teaching skills and stay updated with the latest educational practices. They adapt their teaching methods to cater to different learning styles, ensuring that every student receives the necessary education. Doctors, while also engaged in continuous learning, primarily focus on medical advancements specific to their field.

Teachers act as mentors and role models, guiding students through their formative years. They provide guidance, support, and encouragement, helping students discover their talents and passions. Doctors, although respected professionals, may not have the same level of personal connection and influence on their patients’ lives.

Teachers foster a love for learning and a thirst for knowledge, encouraging students to become lifelong learners. They instill a sense of curiosity, helping students explore various subjects beyond medicine, and promoting well-rounded development.

Teachers contribute to building strong communities by creating a sense of belonging and collaboration within the classroom.

Teachers play a crucial role in early identification and intervention for students with learning difficulties or special needs. They work closely with parents, administrators, and specialists to develop individualized education plans, ensuring that every student receives appropriate support and equal opportunities for success.

Teachers are often the first line of defense in addressing mental health issues among students. They create a safe space for students to express themselves and provide support when students face challenges. Their guidance can contribute significantly to the emotional well-being of students, complementing the medical care provided by doctors.

Teachers have a more sustainable work-life balance compared to doctors, which allows them to dedicate their time and energy to their students consistently. This stability enables them to provide long-term support and continuity in students’ education, which may not always be possible for doctors due to demanding schedules and high patient loads.

Against: Teachers are Better Than Doctors

Doctors possess specialized medical knowledge and skills that are crucial for saving lives and improving health outcomes. Their expertise in diagnosing and treating diseases cannot be matched by teachers, whose focus is on education rather than medical intervention.

The medical profession requires years of rigorous education and training, including medical school, residency, and often specialization. Doctors invest significant time and effort to gain the necessary expertise to address complex health issues, whereas teachers typically follow a different educational path focused on pedagogy.

Doctors have a direct impact on patients’ physical well-being and quality of life. They have the ability to alleviate pain, treat illnesses, and perform life-saving procedures. This immediate and tangible impact sets them apart from teachers, who may have a more indirect influence on students’ lives.

The medical field is constantly evolving with new discoveries, advancements, and technologies. Doctors must stay updated with the latest research and medical breakthroughs to provide the best possible care to their patients. This continuous learning and adaptation is crucial in the dynamic world of medicine.

Doctors often work in high-pressure and high-stakes environments where split-second decisions can make a significant difference in patients’ lives. Their ability to remain calm under pressure, make critical judgments, and perform complex procedures showcases the unique skills and responsibilities associated with the medical profession.

Doctors serve as a crucial link between scientific research and patient care. They apply evidence-based medicine to make informed decisions and develop personalized treatment plans. This scientific approach ensures that patients receive the most effective and appropriate care based on their individual needs.

Doctors deal with life-threatening emergencies and provide immediate medical interventions in critical situations. Their ability to stabilize patients, administer life-saving treatments, and perform emergency surgeries is essential for preserving life and preventing further complications.

The healthcare system heavily relies on doctors to provide essential medical services. Their expertise and contributions are vital in maintaining the overall well-being of society. While teachers are undoubtedly important, the direct impact of doctors on individual health and the functioning of healthcare systems cannot be overstated.

Doctors often need to make difficult ethical decisions, such as determining the best course of treatment for patients, weighing risks and benefits, and considering end-of-life care. These ethical dilemmas require a deep understanding of medical principles and a strong moral compass, which are not typically part of a teacher’s professional responsibilities.

Doctors undergo extensive licensing and regulatory processes to ensure patient safety and maintain professional standards. Their accountability is critical in safeguarding the public’s health. While teachers also have responsibilities and accountability, the regulatory framework and scrutiny within the medical profession are unique and necessary due to the high-stakes nature of healthcare.

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DEBATE TOPIC: Doctor is Better than Teacher (Support and Oppose Motion)

The ongoing debate regarding whether doctors are better than teachers has been a topic of discussion for a long time. Both professions play critical roles in shaping our society and the future generations. While doctors are responsible for our health and well-being, teachers are tasked with educating and nurturing young minds.

This article delves into the arguments supporting and opposing the motion that “Doctor is better than Teacher,” examining the unique contributions each profession makes to society.

DEBATE: Doctor is Better than Teacher (Support Motion)

The role of doctors in society.

Doctors hold a pivotal role in maintaining the health and well-being of individuals. They are trained to diagnose, treat, and prevent various medical conditions, saving lives and alleviating suffering. Medical professionals undergo rigorous training and education to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to provide medical care to patients.

Expertise and Specialization

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One of the strengths of the medical profession is its specialization. Doctors can choose to specialize in various fields such as cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, and more. This specialization allows them to focus on a specific area of medicine and develop deep expertise, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

Impact on Quality of Life

Medical advancements and treatments developed by doctors have significantly improved the quality of life for countless individuals. From life-saving surgeries to innovative medical technologies, doctors contribute to extending and enhancing people’s lives.

Rapid Decision-Making and Critical Thinking

Doctors often find themselves in high-pressure situations where quick decision-making and critical thinking are crucial. Their ability to assess complex situations, diagnose accurately, and provide immediate medical interventions can mean the difference between life and death.

DEBATE: Doctor is Better than Teacher (Oppose Motion)

The role of teachers in society.

Teachers are fundamental to the education system, imparting knowledge, values, and skills to students. They play a vital role in shaping the intellectual and emotional development of young individuals, preparing them for future challenges.

Nurturing Future Generations

Teachers have the power to inspire, motivate, and guide students on their educational journey. They provide mentorship and support, helping students discover their passions and potential. Teachers are often remembered for their lasting impact on students’ lives.

Holistic Development

While doctors focus primarily on physical health, teachers contribute to the holistic development of students. They help foster creativity, critical thinking, and social skills, which are essential for success in various aspects of life.

Long-Term Impact

The influence of teachers extends far beyond the classroom. Educated and empowered individuals go on to contribute positively to society, fueling progress and innovation. Teachers lay the foundation for future leaders, thinkers, and professionals.

Building Character and Values

Teachers play a crucial role in instilling values, ethics, and character in students. They not only educate students on academic subjects but also guide them on becoming responsible, empathetic, and ethical individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: is being a doctor or a teacher more challenging.

Being a doctor and a teacher each presents its own set of challenges. Doctors deal with medical complexities and life-or-death situations, while teachers face the responsibility of educating diverse groups of students.

Q: Which profession requires more training?

Both doctors and teachers require extensive training. Doctors typically undergo years of medical school and residency, while teachers pursue degrees in education and often engage in ongoing professional development.

Q: Can doctors also be teachers?

Yes, some doctors choose to become medical educators, teaching the next generation of medical professionals. This dual role allows them to contribute to both patient care and medical education.

Q: Are there any similarities between doctors and teachers?

Both doctors and teachers share a common goal of making a positive impact on individuals’ lives. They require effective communication skills, empathy, and a commitment to their respective professions.

Q: Can teachers have a significant impact on society like doctors?

Absolutely, teachers have a profound impact on society by shaping the minds and values of future generations. Their influence ripples through communities and contributes to social progress.

Q: What qualities are essential for doctors and teachers?

For doctors, qualities like empathy, resilience, and attention to detail are crucial. Teachers benefit from patience, creativity, adaptability, and a genuine passion for education.

In the debate over whether doctors are better than teachers, it’s important to recognize that both professions hold immense significance. Doctors contribute to the physical well-being of individuals, saving lives and advancing medical science.

On the other hand, teachers play a pivotal role in educating, inspiring, and nurturing the next generation, shaping the future of society. Rather than pitting these professions against each other, we should appreciate the unique strengths they bring to our world.

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write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

The objective of this post is to focus on helping student get through this debate topic, as it is very common even right from the start point of thing, that is, the people of the past and the living have at a point talk about it in one way or the other, so, it’s suffice to say that talking on this kind of debate topic is very pertinent and appealing to the knowledge. it argumentative in nature and I hope anyone reading it enjoys it.  Let start from the greeting and then idea after that will write the body then the conclusion, but if you want to  see the full guide  on writing essay, you can check my former posts and article, you can click the link above. 


Good day most honorable chairman, respected judges, accurate time keeper, co-debaters and my august audience. My name is Answer-my-question I stand before this honorable and reputable assembly to confidently support an indisputable and irrefutable fact which state: “teachers are more important than doctors”. Before I proceed, I’d like to define to your hearing the meaning of doctor and teacher, first a teacher is a trained fellow in a particular field in order to impact knowledge, skills, morale, virtues and value unto anyone that is to learn something, he/she sees impacting knowledge as pertinent and he shun against ignorance at all cost, although, it suffice to say that there are of course bad teacher and also good once are as many. On the other is the doctor who is medically trained to diagnose illness and proffer panacea or medical remedies to various form of health problem, he studies for number of year in higher institution ranging from 8 years and above as the case may be in various country. Merely looking at the definition, we can see that it is a very glaring fact that the teacher is superior and important than Doctor in number of ways.

Firstly, the teaching gives the real sense to many types of people in the society be it accountant, medical doctor, philosophers, journalist, newscaster and a lot of professional works, medical doctors derives all that valuable sense of their from the canopy of the teacher’s. No any doctor will cure a problem if there is no intervention of learning and adequate skill to do so. With no teacher to teach the doctor, many of them will be refer to as “quacks” which means that a doctor giving ineffective and inefficient services, many people that will be going to those for help, will become victims of circumstances and many lives has been lost from this most wicked practitioners.

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Secondly and equally important is that without teachers, there will be high Level of illiteracy, the teacher tends to be one of the country dignity lifter through saving individuals from the shackles of ignorance, a state with inadequate teachers suffers this problem, gone are does days when most African country are illiterate, but as time goes on the system of teaching was brought to them by the likes of British, Portugal, France and many other, this has been a system of inculcating concept into human being and it is only done by the teacher, how will countries be without the restlessness, selflessness, patriotic, altruism and the humanitarian efforts of the teacher? A country with the help of teacher is always seen in the international world, the teacher also pave way Into children that affect their taught and thinking ability, and without teachers many will not know how to read or write. 

…Before you proceed you can also check Doctors are more important than teachers…

Moreover, teachers have in most time create job opportunities for different professionals which doctor is included, theory of life is that human should train his/her mind in the field he loves, for this teachers as really equipped many peoples mind through their teaching,  and before one could seek for a job, one has to had gone through some process which is solemnly the teachers instructions and guidelines, through the caring efforts of teachers, the society is saved the menace of unemployment which breeds criminal activities of different kinds. Idle mind is always a devils workshop, but through the help of teacher, crime in the society has reduced to the nearest minimum. They are not like doctor who can’t even provide any skill to minimize crime activity.

In addition , teachers are compassionate and loving while teaching because, as they teaches at the same time they gives out advise unlike the doctor that are callous and heartless, it is hard to believe that most doctors too are always in support of crime in the name of making money, a doctor may inject a patient with toxic substances, and yet this are the people that the society relies on as to save lives. Another is that doctors imagines highly morbid situations that leads to either injury or death of a victim, they are on the fact that if people don’t injure or die, how will they make their living, why should doctors mind be so full of evil in the name of survival? Well, such is their ways and lifestyle and that is why the society needs more of teachers than doctors.

At this point , I am of the thought and view that if a society could create more teachers than doctors, thousands of goals will be achieved in the society, and there will be rapid transformation from the status of developing countries to that of a developed nation in the nearest future. The world is becoming a global village and I must say, it will be very important to have more teachers.

With all my said points, there is no iota of doubt in my mind that I have been able to convince my audience, panel of judges, distinguish guest of honor, my learned opponents, including all doubting Thomas that teachers are not only more important but are also more charitable and having good predisposed to humanitarian wellbeing and services Compare to doctors. Thank you .

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Wow,such good points but there is one part says that doctors are of the impression that if people don’t get injured how will they make their living Of course but that’s just the circle of life, humans are sure to get injured,it is inevitable Anyways the points Are great kudos!!

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Made by History

  • Made by History

How Doctors Came to Play a Key Role in the Abortion Debate

Emergency Abortion Clash at Supreme Court Tests Strictest Bans

O n June 13, The Supreme Court announced its unanimous decision in FDA vs . Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine , governing access to a critical drug used in medication (non-surgical) abortions and to manage miscarriages. The decision preserves access (for now) to the widely used drug mifepristone, currently legal in 36 states. The court decided the case on procedural grounds, concluding that the plaintiffs, a coalition of anti-abortion physicians and medical associations, lacked standing.

Reproductive-justice advocates cautioned that challenges to the availability of the drug are likely to make their way back to the court, threatening access to a medication that has proved extraordinarily safe and effective.

Yet this case goes far beyond issues of legal standing and procedure. The plaintiffs explicitly deployed their authority as doctors and medical providers to frame their interests as rooted in safety, patient care, and public health, rather than in their religious or moral opposition to abortion.

The complex history of how physicians have organized to legitimate their authority over the reproductive lives of their patients is worth examining, as it reveals how anti-abortion forces are building on a well-worn path that has been at least partially cleared by abortion-rights advocates.

The familiar claim that the decision to have an abortion should be made “between a woman and her doctor” has long been associated with abortion-rights rhetoric as a right to privacy from the state. This principle was at the heart of the Roe majority opinion authored by Justice Blackmun. The “and her doctor” part of this formulation has received less attention, but is at the heart of the argument in the mifepristone case.

Read More: Supreme Court Unanimously Strikes Down Challenge to Abortion Drug Mifepristone

Physicians’ assertions of authority over the right to terminate a pregnancy and other issues of reproductive health did not begin with Roe . As the Roe opinion noted, in the late 19th century, the American Medical Association’s Committee on Criminal Abortion had denounced abortion and asserted that it should only be permitted if “at least one respectable consulting physician” also concurred with the decision. Thus, even when physicians took positions allowing for some access to abortion, they insisted that medical professionals hold an an outsized voice in the process.

In the early 20th century, elites associated with the American Eugenics movement advocated for laws permitting states to sterilize individuals without their consent, in their efforts to rid the population of those they deemed “undesirable” or “unfit.” Doctors were again critical to this effort to supervise and legitimate curbs on reproductive freedom.

In the 1930s, a group called the American Eugenics Society organized meetings of doctors to encourage them to play an active role in the eugenic sterilization programs as an extension of their responsibility as medical professionals. Having doctors on state eugenic boards gave these sterilization schemes the aura of respectability, as they were overseen by medical professionals. As one physician explained to his colleagues at a 1937 conference on the subject, “There is no longer any doubt but that the physician has a eugenic responsibility. In any eugenic scheme of society, the physician, and particularly those concerned with preventive medicine, must play an important part. He will function most in the therapeutic measures of sterilization and birth control.” Doctors thus framed their role not only as treating individual patients but as also having authority over policy and law, especially over issues related to reproduction.

Appeals to physicians to use their authority in this manner continued well after the public respectability of the American eugenics movement waned. In the 1950s and 1960s, some obstetricians and other doctors advanced similar arguments about their obligation to advocate for population control policies. Dr. C. Lee Buxton, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Yale School of Medicine argued in a medical journal in 1966 that “the medical profession should accept a major responsibility in matters related to human reproduction as they affect the total population and the individual family.” Doctors would play a significant role in the growing population control movement , again deploying their medical expertise and authority to advance laws rooted in social control.

Read More: 'I Don't Have Faith in Doctors Anymore.' Women Say They Were Pressured Into Long-Term Birth Control

This authority was not just a legal right; by this logic it was a professional obligation that doctors could not refuse. Consequently, doctors served on state eugenics boards that oversaw systematic non-consensual sterilizations until into the 1970s. At least 60,000 documented involuntary sterilizations were approved and performed by state bodies in the 20th century.

Obstetricians like Buxton also supported the framework eventually enshrined in Roe that physicians, rather than the state, possessed the authority to determine whether a pregnancy should be terminated or carried to term. In 1970, an AMA committee revised its position opposing access to abortion but still cautioned against "mere acquiescence to the patient's demand" for an abortion, a sentiment expressed elsewhere by doctors who also supported Roe . Again, we see skepticism from medical authorities that a pregnant person be trusted to make reproductive decisions for themselves.

Most state eugenic laws were repealed by the 1970s, but non-consensual sterilizations continued under certain circumstances. Notably, the federal government continued to approve the procedure for Native American women under the auspices of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Elsewhere, physicians, rather than state authorities, oversaw non-consensual sterilizations.

For example, in the 1970s, doctors at Los Angeles County Hospital, the teaching hospital of the USC School of Medicine, performed hundreds of tubal ligations on Mexican-origin women, many of whom later stated they never provided their consent.

Ten of these women eventually sued the hospital, naming Dr. Edward Quilligan, the Chief of ob/gyn at the time, as the defendant. The women offered heart-wrenching testimonies about the profound damage these non-consensual sterilizations caused them and their families. Quilligan told a journalist at the time (and to producers of a documentary on the case 40 years later) that he had done nothing wrong: “We were practicing good medicine.”

The judge agreed . In other words, physicians were not only entitled to abridge the reproductive autonomy of their patients, but they were also sometimes required to do so in the name of “good medicine.” Indeed, Quilligan suffered few professional repercussions and he has been honored at the highest level by prestigious medical schools and professional associations.

Read More: Abortion Rights Benefit People Who Want Kids, Too

When a group of anti-abortion medical providers incorporated as the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine with the express purpose of filing a lawsuit to ban mifepristone, the briefs they submitted all built on this history. They too were doctors drawing on the principle valorized in Roe that decisions regarding the termination of pregnancy required their authority and involvement.

These briefs are largely free of religious and moral arguments, focusing instead on estimates of gestational development, safety of medication, and the efficacy of review processes, among others that fall under the authority of medical providers. And their language often centers on issues between a woman and her doctor, sometimes in paternalistic terms. One brief insisted that their interest in banning the drug stemmed from their ethical commitment to “protect women and girls from the documented danger of chemical abortion drugs,” against all evidence about the safety of the drugs. 

Such arguments draw on the troubling history of deference that (historically largely male) physicians have demanded to sometimes supersede the autonomy of their (female) patients.

Abortion and reproductive health providers do face significant legal, political, and personal threats for their work; their safety and professional right to practice must be protected vigorously. Nor should medical expertise and evidence-based research be dismissed. They are a vital part of reproductive health and care.

But a reliance on medical expertise need not be rooted in reflexive deference to that expertise, as Justice Blackmun envisioned. Indeed, the Women’s Health Movement of the 1970s developed approaches to reproductive health, including contraception, access to abortion, care and support during pregnancy and delivery, and child raising that demonstrated how medical expertise and reproductive autonomy can work together. Many reproductive justice groups today advocate similar practices, including advocating for legal access to self-managed abortions that do not require a physician’s involvement.

write an argumentative essay on doctor is better than teacher

But the framing of reproductive decisions as lying “between a woman and a doctor” has opened the door for foes of reproductive autonomy to advance their arguments in the neutral language of medical authority. To secure a more expansive vision of reproductive justice will require retiring this phrase in favor of a vision of reproductive justice that does not reject medical experience or advice, but guards against any potential coercion, even when it comes bearing a white coat, to any person’s reproductive autonomy.

Emma Peterson is a recent graduate of Yale University with a degree in the History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health. Daniel Martinez HoSang is a Professor of American Studies at Yale University with a secondary appointment in the Section of the History of Medicine at Yale School of Medicine.

Made by History takes readers beyond the headlines with articles written and edited by professional historians. Learn more about Made by History at TIME here . Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of TIME editors .

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Write to Emma Peterson and Daniel Martinez HoSang / Made by History at [email protected]


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