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112 Internship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Internships are a valuable opportunity for students to gain real-world experience in their chosen field and build connections with professionals in the industry. However, one of the biggest challenges of applying for an internship is writing a compelling essay that sets you apart from other candidates. To help you get started, here are 112 internship essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your own application:

  • Why I am passionate about [industry/field].
  • How my academic background has prepared me for this internship.
  • My career goals and how this internship will help me achieve them.
  • A project I completed that demonstrates my skills and abilities.
  • How I plan to contribute to the company during my internship.
  • My experience working in a team and how it has shaped my approach to collaboration.
  • A challenge I faced in a previous internship and how I overcame it.
  • The most important lesson I have learned from past work experiences.
  • How I stay motivated and focused on my goals.
  • Why I am interested in working for [company name].
  • My strengths and weaknesses as a potential intern.
  • How I plan to make the most of this internship opportunity.
  • The value of networking in my career development.
  • A mentor who has inspired and guided me in my professional journey.
  • The impact of technology on the future of [industry/field].
  • The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • How I handle stress and pressure in a fast-paced environment.
  • My approach to problem-solving and decision-making.
  • The role of ethics and integrity in my work.
  • How I prioritize my time and manage my workload efficiently.
  • The benefits of continuous learning and professional development.
  • How I adapt to change and embrace new challenges.
  • My experience with conflict resolution and communication skills.
  • The significance of emotional intelligence in the workplace.
  • How I handle feedback and constructive criticism.
  • The impact of globalization on business practices.
  • The influence of social media on marketing strategies.
  • The role of sustainability and corporate social responsibility in modern businesses.
  • The future of remote work and digital nomadism.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a post-pandemic economy.
  • The power of storytelling in branding and marketing.
  • The evolution of customer experience in the digital age.
  • The rise of artificial intelligence and automation in the workplace.
  • The role of data analytics in decision-making and business strategy.
  • The importance of creativity and innovation in problem-solving.
  • The benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce.
  • The impact of climate change on industries and businesses.
  • The future of renewable energy and sustainability initiatives.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a circular economy.
  • The role of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth.
  • The influence of social media influencers on consumer behavior.
  • The power of storytelling in content marketing.
  • The impact of influencer marketing on brand partnerships.
  • The rise of e-commerce and online shopping trends.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a global supply chain.
  • The future of artificial intelligence and machine learning in business operations.
  • The importance of cybersecurity in protecting sensitive data.
  • The impact of virtual reality and augmented reality on customer experiences.
  • The role of blockchain technology in revolutionizing industries.
  • The benefits of remote work and flexible work arrangements.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a gig economy.
  • The future of work-life balance in a digital age.
  • The importance of mental health and well-being in the workplace.
  • The impact of automation on job displacement and reskilling.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership.
  • The benefits of diversity and inclusion in team dynamics.
  • The challenges and opportunities of cross-cultural communication.
  • The future of hybrid work models in post-pandemic workplaces.
  • The importance of continuous learning and upskilling in a fast-changing world.
  • The impact of remote collaboration tools on team productivity.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in remote leadership.
  • The benefits of mindfulness and self-care practices in a digital age.
  • The challenges and opportunities of virtual team building.
  • The future of virtual events and conferences.
  • The importance of resilience and adaptability in uncertain times.
  • The impact of digital transformation on business models.
  • The role of agile project management in adapting to change.
  • The benefits of flexible work schedules and remote work options.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a distributed workforce.
  • The future of AI-powered chatbots and customer service.
  • The importance of data privacy and security in a digital world.
  • The impact of social media algorithms on content distribution.
  • The role of influencer marketing in brand partnerships.
  • The benefits of user-generated content in marketing strategies.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a mobile-first approach.
  • The future of voice search and conversational AI.
  • The importance of video content in engaging audiences.
  • The impact of personalized marketing on consumer behavior.
  • The role of social listening in brand reputation management.
  • The benefits of interactive content in digital marketing campaigns.
  • The challenges and opportunities of live streaming events.
  • The future of augmented reality and virtual reality experiences.
  • The importance of gamification in customer engagement.
  • The impact of data analytics on personalization strategies.
  • The role of machine learning in predictive analytics.
  • The benefits of sentiment analysis in social media monitoring.
  • The challenges and opportunities of cross-channel marketing.
  • The future of omnichannel customer experiences.
  • The importance of customer journey mapping in marketing strategies.
  • The impact of voice search optimization on SEO.
  • The role of chatbots in customer service automation.
  • The benefits of email marketing automation in lead nurturing.
  • The challenges and opportunities of programmatic advertising.
  • The future of influencer partnerships in brand collaborations.
  • The importance of social media ROI tracking in marketing campaigns.
  • The impact of content personalization on conversion rates.
  • The role of data visualization in storytelling and reporting.
  • The benefits of A/B testing in optimizing marketing strategies.
  • The challenges and opportunities of social media engagement.
  • The future of customer feedback and review management.
  • The importance of social media analytics in measuring campaign performance.
  • The impact of influencer authenticity on brand credibility.
  • The role of micro-influencers in niche marketing strategies.
  • The benefits of affiliate marketing in driving sales.
  • The challenges and opportunities of social media advertising.
  • The future of influencer marketing regulations and transparency.
  • The importance of influencer partnerships in brand storytelling.
  • The impact of influencer fraud and fake followers on brand reputation.
  • The role of influencer marketing platforms in connecting brands and creators.
  • The benefits of influencer collaborations in reaching new audiences.
  • The challenges and opportunities of influencer marketing campaigns.
  • The future of influencer marketing in a post-pandemic world.

By choosing a topic that resonates with your interests and experiences, you can craft a compelling internship essay that showcases your unique perspective and qualifications. Remember to tailor your essay to the specific requirements of the internship program and demonstrate how you can add value to the company. Good luck with your internship application!

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What I Learned From A Marketing Internship

" what i learned from a marketing internship ".

Vye-Blog-_0007_What I Learned From A Marketing Internship

The work doesn’t end after you get the “You’ve been accepted!” email. Prepare yourself for your marketing internship and realize that you have a lot to learn. This is the turning point where all of that hard work and effort you put into getting your internship seems easy in comparison to what happens next.

The Training

At first, it seems like WAY too much information and that there is no possible way that you will remember everything that’s being thrown at you. I was completely overwhelmed by the first week of my internship because it became apparent to me that I had learned only a fraction of what I was being trained in while in college. I assured myself everything was going to be fine and reminded myself internships are made for learning. I had to trust the process!

The first lesson I learned was that no one expects you to already know everything about your marketing internship. When you realize there is no possible way you already know everything that is expected of your position, the easier your marketing internship becomes. Learning the ins and outs of your internship is crucial for your success. It seems like a lot of instructions, but there are ways to learn it all if you’re willing to put in the effort.

Take detailed notes while being trained in and given instruction. Bullet points are fine initially, but you might not have an idea of what your notes mean if you don’t put in the effort to fill in the blanks later. Ask your coworker to slow down for you to take notes; they’ll understand. You’ll be happy you have those notes when you have to replicate a task without supervision down the road.

Next, ask questions! I asked one of my coworkers every time I had a question. I’m usually a pretty good question-asker, but I also am a “learn-by-doing” learner. I had to teach myself to ask before doing, and everyone at my internship wanted me to succeed, so asking them questions wasn't a big deal. Taking clear notes and asking good questions are the first steps to success in your internship.

women taking notes

Sharpen Your Skills

Remember those skills you said you had in your initial interview? Time to put them to use! Time management and planning are my personal favorite skills I possess. I have always been good at time management but had trouble meeting my goals every day when I was first being trained. I was new and had to learn my way around HubSpot  and Hootsuite , but as time went on, I got better at knowing how to divvy up my tasks.

Another skill I thought I rocked at, was creativity. You think you’re really creative and have excellent ideas until you are staring at a blank text box being forced to write something eye-catching on the spot. Creating content people want to read is difficult. You can’t always assume your target audience is going to respond as you would when you read a title and decide to click. I had to open up my mind to what others would want, how I could rephrase information I wanted to convey and find ways I could spice up my regular vocabulary. Doing this improved both myself and my work. The theme of putting forth the effort and it paying off continues on because you will never be the best if you don’t put in the time and try to be the best.

Being In a New Culture

Not going to lie, my perception of what inbound marketing was changed completely since when I started my marketing internship. I hadn’t the slightest idea of all the websites I would be using and the process of implementing a social strategy. Not only that but there was actually a team I would get to work with instead of working solo. It was great knowing I could turn to anyone and ask a question, but also intimidating. Unless you’re part of a new business, everyone in your workplace will already have relationships and connections that have been formed over the years. Everyone knows each other from the music they like to what their cats' names are.

I am usually social and oftentimes talk more than I should. But for the first time, talking and fitting in was hard for me. My coworkers already had built a culture and had personalities and knew how to flow with each other. Being an intern kind of makes you feel out of place and underqualified to be where you are. Stop yourself if you catch yourself thinking you aren’t good enough to be in the position you're in because you don’t know as much as your coworkers. They work there; you don’t. They have been there for WAY longer than you and have careers based on their talents and experience.

Don’t beat yourself up because you aren’t a pro at their culture. Instead, decide to learn their culture! Talk to people at your internship whenever possible and get to know who they are and what they are about. Learning the culture will help you out in the future by preparing yourself for what you will need to know and how you will behave at a future place of employment. Take it all in and don’t let yourself be intimidated. Make everything a learning experience while fully utilizing your internship opportunity.

team bonding company culture

The Balance Between My Marketing Internship & College

An ongoing struggle for me was finding a balance between college and my marketing internship. Knowing when to switch gears from internship to school work was where I had trouble. Many people have troubles with work-life  balance  and you too will run into the difficulty of separating work from play. I wanted to always be doing my internship and the temptation was constantly there when you’re a digital media intern. All you have to do is click a tab and before you know it, you’re back on your client's Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest.

You need to draw the line between your internship and your free time. Though it may be tempting to check your work email every hour or make a quick post on an idea you just created, you can’t always be working. Enjoy your free time! Don’t just work on projects outside of your internship. See your friends, focus on your studies, and turn off the part of your brain that keeps coming up with ideas for your internship when you aren’t at work.

It wasn’t as hard for me to switch off from college to my internship. Personally, I found my internship far more interesting than my college textbooks. However, you can’t start slacking in college once you have an internship. You still have   projects and essays   and your GPA will not pause where it’s at so you can focus on your internship. Don’t procrastinate in your classes or other priorities by doing too much extra work for your side gig. Write down your ideas as they come to you and then work on them if you can make time while you’re actually at your internship. Dividing up your free time from your internship work will make you less stressed and allow you to focus on your current task.

Whatever you choose to do with your time in your internship, it is essential to take away some lessons from your experience. There is always something to be learned every day from your internship. You don’t have to learn something elaborate every day, just keep an eye out for the little things you can learn and use in the future. Remember any new tactics, skills, ways of communicating, and ways of thinking that you find on the road through your internship.

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My Intern Experience: A Reflection

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Setting the Stage: The Beginning of My Internship

Bella Hamilton

The Learning Curve: Acquiring Knowledge and Skills

Personal growth and career insights, conclusion: the impact of my internship.

My Intern Experience: A Reflection. (2024, Feb 15). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/my-intern-experience-a-reflection-essay

"My Intern Experience: A Reflection." StudyMoose , 15 Feb 2024, https://studymoose.com/my-intern-experience-a-reflection-essay

StudyMoose. (2024). My Intern Experience: A Reflection . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/my-intern-experience-a-reflection-essay [Accessed: 4 Sep. 2024]

"My Intern Experience: A Reflection." StudyMoose, Feb 15, 2024. Accessed September 4, 2024. https://studymoose.com/my-intern-experience-a-reflection-essay

"My Intern Experience: A Reflection," StudyMoose , 15-Feb-2024. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/my-intern-experience-a-reflection-essay. [Accessed: 4-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2024). My Intern Experience: A Reflection . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/my-intern-experience-a-reflection-essay [Accessed: 4-Sep-2024]

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Internship Essay: Example & Complete Writing Guide [2024]

Writing an internship essay is a challenging task that plenty of people have to endure. It is essential for gaining useful experience and learning the ins and outs of a given industry. You have probably heard about the “Why do you want this internship?” essay. However, it’s not the only question that you might have to answer.

There are two situations in which you might need internship paper examples and tips:

  • if you are applying for an internship program;
  • if you have already completed one.

In the first case, you will be asked what you expect from this internship. For this, you should write an application essay. In the second, an internship report or a reflection paper.

Our experts will present helpful tips for both cases. Find them and illustrative internship essay examples in the article.

✔️ If You Have Already Completed an Internship Program

Congratulations! This was an essential step towards your career. Now you have a chance to get the job of your dreams. However, right now, you have to write an essay on your internship and talk about yours.

Internship Report Points

Such an end-of-internship essay will include the following points:

  • Place of your internship.
  • Responsibilities you had.
  • Difficulties you faced during your internship.
  • An overall impression of this experience.
  • Self-evaluation of your performance.
  • Appendix with deliverables you created during your internship.

Internship Report Sample

Check out this short internship essay example:

  • As a business administration student at the University of Collegetown, I participated in a three-month summer internship at Internet & More, an IT company based in Collegetown.
  • I was interning at the company’s marketing department, and I primarily interacted with the Internet & More’s content creation and social media marketing specialists.
  • The main task of my internship was to create a LinkedIn marketing strategy for the company, basing my recommendations on extensive market research and using LinkedIn as a promotional tool for both customers and potential employees.

This brief introduction achieves three goals:

  • establishes that this report is an internship experience essay;
  • it introduces the company and department where the internship took place;
  • it describes the intern’s primary task.

Internship Report: Your Impression

The essay continues like this:

  • Overall, the experience proved to be both enjoyable and rewarding. I found the marketing concepts and frameworks that I learned in class to be relevant and useful when working on my practical, real-world assignments.
  • I did, however, encounter some difficulties working on the task. Namely, as an undergraduate student , I was used to receiving very detailed, step-by-step instructions, whereas I was given more flexibility and autonomy during my internship.
  • Secondly, I needed to take some time to familiarize myself with the world of LinkedIn marketing because we never dealt with it in my university classes.

Internship Report Conclusion

This is great:

This part of the internship essay example accomplishes two things. It gives the writer’s overall impression of the internship and discusses its advantages and challenges.

  • During my internship, I was able to generate a 5,000-follower base for the company’s LinkedIn page, which allowed the Internet & More to expand their list of prospects significantly.
  • Moreover, the company was able to fill two vacant positions within a matter of two days, having received over 400 resumes from highly qualified applicants.
  • Thus, I was able to successfully achieve the goals set for me at the beginning of my internship. Attached, you can find the strategy development and implementation report I have created for the Internet & More.

This is the perfect internship essay conclusion!

The student provides a self-evaluation most appropriately: not merely saying that he did a great job, but by demonstrating and even quantifying how he contributed to its goals and development.

Equally crucial, the student offers an opportunity for the reader to examine his work.

Not sure whether you can write such an impressive internship reflection essay? Our writers have mastered the art of internship report writing and will be happy to assist you.

🗺️ If You Are Trying to Get an Internship

If you are applying to an internship program, we also have to congratulate you!

You are on the right path to the career of your dreams. An internship will help you gain additional knowledge and skills , and you will also get to know a lot about your future job’s specifics.

But many students feel lost because they don’t know how to write an essay for an internship.

Internship Application: Main Purpose

Writing internship essays is very similar to writing any other application essay. Your primary purpose is to demonstrate your outstanding talents and prove that you deserve this opportunity. Besides, you should state, “Why do you want this internship”? in an essay.

Before you get down to work, find and look through some samples . You can also read our internship essay example below to learn some specific strategies.

Tips for a Succesful Internship Application

Here are more tips on how to write a successful internship essay:

  • You may start with a bit of information about yourself , but make sure it relates to the internship.
  • Talk about your previous education and experiences. What college did you attend? What was your major? What particular courses did you like the most?
  • Describe your future goals and explain how this internship will benefit you in your essay.
  • Finally, give reasons why you are the perfect candidate for this program. In this part of the internship essay, you can tell about your talents and positive characteristics.

Essentially, the two most critical questions you need to answer in your internship essay are “Why do you want this internship?” and “What do you hope to gain from this internship experience?”

Internship Application Sample

Let’s check out the internship essay example that helped our example student land his internship at Internet & More:

  • I am writing to you regarding the marketing internship opportunity at your company Internet & More. I learned of this opening from your company representatives who attended the job fair at the University of Collegetown.
  • I am a third-year student at the University of Collegetown, majoring in Business Administration with a specialization in Marketing and Digital Communications.
  • My professional interests include content creation and social media marketing and optimization, so this opportunity naturally attracted my attention. I believe that the knowledge I gained from my Marketing Strategy and Social Media Marketing classes will be particularly beneficial for this internship.

This is fantastic:

In a very concise and modest manner , this student explains his interest in the training. He confidently establishes why he makes a great candidate for this position.

What’s next?

Internship Application: Your Career Goals

  • My professional goal is to become a social media marketing specialist so I can help businesses grow their online presence. I believe that this internship is the perfect opportunity for me to apply my skills and knowledge to help a company achieve its strategic goals.
  • I am also particularly excited to immerse myself in the business world and work alongside leading industry experts.
  • My past qualifications and experiences make me a suitable candidate for this position, and I am looking forward to helping the Internet & More grow their LinkedIn presence and visibility.

Don’t you just want to hire this student right away?

He managed to combine professionalism and just the right amount of flattery in his internship application letter. He also did not forget to mention his career goals and objectives. You should say how this internship will benefit you in your essay.

Don’t you feel more confident about your application now that you know how to write an internship essay?

That’s it! Follow these tips, and who knows? Maybe your next internship will be with Google !

Good luck with your internship essay writing! Be sure to check out our blog for more writing wisdom and share the page with your peers.

Further reading:

  • How to Make a Resume: Secrets Your Employer Won’t Tell You
  • College Grad Job Market: 50+ Employment Statistics
  • Top Free Online Courses from the Best Universities
  • Tips for Public Speaking: Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety
  • The New York Times Guide to Article Writing and Useful Tips
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Thanks for the help, the tips are really helpful.

Thank you so much for the help and mostly samples… I just applied for my first Internship, and I’m having high hopes ,,, thank you once again.

These tips are helpful to make an essay. Thank you for helping to write an essay!

These tips are really good and educative. Thanks!

Thanks for the help. Really appreciate.

The tips are helpful… Bravo

It is a real talent to include some many helpful tips in such a short article! This is a real help with my essay on internship. Thanks!

I believe that your post on internship essay writing is invaluable to any student who is working on this academic assignment! Thanks a lot for such help!

marketing internship essay

Writing an internship report: Everything you need to know

Mimir Mentor Praktikum Illustration

An internship report is an important part of every internship and serves to summarize and document the experiences and knowledge gained during the internship.

This article is intended to provide interns with instructions on how to create an internship report. We will discuss the structure and content of the report and give tips on how to write it. We will also answer frequently asked questions so that interns can successfully master the report writing process.

Internship report: structure and content

An internship report generally consists of an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.

Typical content/structure of an internship report:

  • Introduction: Overview of the internship, duration and area of work
  • Main body: Description of the tasks and activities, reflection on them
  • Conclusion: Summary of experiences, possible recommendations

Scientific Formulations in Minutes Seconds

In the introduction, you provide an overview of the internship, the duration and the area of work. In the main body, you describe the tasks and activities carried out during the internship and reflect on them. In the conclusion, you summarize your experiences and possibly give recommendations for the future.

Example: Students who have completed an internship in the field of marketing could write in this report:

Introduction: I completed my internship at company XYZ, which specializes in online marketing and social media. The internship lasted twelve weeks and I worked in a team of five people.

Main body: During the internship, I worked on various projects, such as creating Facebook and Instagram posts for different clients. I was also involved in the planning and implementation of a social media campaign. Working in a team has taught me the importance of collaboration and communication to deliver successful projects. One challenge for me was getting to know the various social media platforms and their target groups better.

Conclusion: Overall, the internship was a very instructive experience for me. I learned a lot about how online marketing as well as social media work and was able to improve my skills in this area. I recommend prospective interns to inform themselves in advance about the different social media platforms and their target groups to make their work more effective. I will incorporate the experience from this internship into my future career.

Internship report: Phrasing and sentence structure

An internship report is a valuable way for interns to present and prove their knowledge and skills. It can also be used for job or university applications and is therefore of great importance. Hence, the wording of the sentences is also important to make a professional impression and to convey all important information correctly.

Let Mimir formulate your bullet point (Example input: Running is great ➔ Result (1/3): Running is a healthy and effective form of physical activity that can contribute to improving cardiovascular fitness, mobility, and mental health.)

  • Use clear language and structure e.g. “I learnt how to create a business plan.”
  • Give concrete examples from the internship e.g. “By working with my team, I improved my teamwork skills.”
  • Reflect on the experience gained during the internship e.g. “I have realized that I want to focus more on my communication skills in the future.”
  • Use overly formal language
  • Give general statements without examples
  • Lie or exaggerate your experiences and achievements

Negative Examples:

  • “I learnt a lot during the internship.” (Without specific examples)
  • “I was the best in the team.” (Exaggeration)
  • “I carried out the entire project on my own.” (Lie)

Tips for writing a successful internship report

An internship report is an important part of your internship documentation. It gives your internship supervisor an insight into your work and your experiences during the internship. It is important that the report is well-structured and easy to understand in order to leave a positive impression.

Have your text checked by Mimir (spelling, grammar, unscientific words, and more…)

  • Start with a brief summary of the internship (e.g. “I completed my internship at XYZ and mainly worked with online marketing and social media.”)
  • Structure your report in clear sections, such as introduction, main body and conclusion
  • Use concrete examples from your internship to support your statements
  • Use formal language and avoid abbreviations or slang
  • Adding unnecessary details that are not relevant to the report
  • Use informal language or a personalized speech
  • Copy text from the internet
  • Use incorrect or inaccurate information
  • I contributed to the planning and implementation of a social media campaign, through which I learned how important collaboration and communication in a team are.’
  • An example of a don’t: “I really learnt a lot and was in great hands in the team. It was quite chilled there.”

Tips for writing your report

When you start writing your internship report, it can quickly become overwhelming. There are so many things to consider and it can be hard to know where to start. To make writing easier for you, we’ve put together a few tips here that will help you write your internship report successfully.

Tip 1: Start early

The most important tip we can give you is to start writing early. The earlier you start, the more time you have to plan, research and write your report. This way, you can ensure that you can hand in your report on time and don’t have to worry about a possible delay.

Tip 2: Use an outline

An outline is an important part of any academic paper, including your internship report. An outline helps you to organize your thoughts and ensure that your report has a clear structure. Use Mimir, a web tool, to create and check your outline.

Tip 3: Use examples

Examples are an important part of any academic paper as they allow you to make your points more vivid. Use examples from your internship to support your arguments and illustrate your experiences.

Tip 4: Use Mimir to correct your report

An important part of the writing process is reviewing and proofreading your report. Use Mimir to check your report for grammatical and spelling errors. This way you can ensure that your report is professional and error-free. Try out the correction directly:

Tip 5: Use clear language

Clear language is important to make your internship report understandable. Avoid unnecessarily complicated wording and formulations. Instead, you should use simple and precise language.

  • Use simple words and sentences
  • Avoid technical jargon unless it is absolutely necessary
  • Check that all formulations are understandable
  • Use unnecessarily complicated words or expressions
  • Use abbreviations without explaining them
  • Use imprecise terms

You can also use Mimir to check for clear language and get feedback on how to improve it.

Tip 6: Have someone else read your report

It is always helpful to get a second opinion before you submit your report. Have a friend or family member proofread your report.

Frequently asked questions

How long should my internship report be.

An internship report should generally be between 8 and 12 pages long. It is important that you describe all the important aspects of your internship without adding unnecessary details. With Mimir, you can check your internship report for the right length and receive feedback.

What belongs in the introductory section of the internship report?

In the introductory section of the internship report, you should summarize the most important aspects of your internship. This includes, for example, the name of the company where you completed your internship, your areas of responsibility and the duration of the internship.

How should I present my experiences and findings?

Deine Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse solltest du strukturiert und logisch präsentieren. Verwende dazu Überschriften und Unterüberschriften, um deine Gedanken zu ordnen. Vermeide es, subjektive Meinungen zu äußern und beziehe stattdessen Fakten und Beispiele aus deinem Praktikum ein.

How should I formulate my conclusions?

Your conclusions should be based on the findings from your internship. Avoid making general statements, but instead summarize your findings specifically. You can use Mimir to check your conclusions and receive feedback.

Can I also use Mimir to proofread my internship report?

Yes, Mimir offers free proofreading of your internship report. You can simply copy your text into the Mimir editor. This way you can be sure that your internship report is error-free and well-structured.

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10 Key Learnings From a Marketing Internship [2024 TIPS]

Sona Hovhannisyan

So, in this article I am going to introduce you with 10 momentous benefits and highlights which I gained and mastered during My Inbound Marketing Internship Program.

1) Inbound Marketing

Starting from the very first day, the paramount notion that grabbed my attention and triggered an interest in me was the HubSpot methodology. I was surprisingly amazed how a plethora of tools and objectives can be harnessed for the creation of a personalized content and how that precise content can help one to fit into the ethos of strangers, visitors, leads, customers and even promoters.

2) Using HubSpot as a work-tool

Having no references and understandings of HubSpot, I have gained a lot from unveiling its tools and using its offers. Surely, as all-in-one software solutions I did not succeed in becoming an adept representative of HubSpot methodology but, indeed, I managed to appreciate the effectiveness as a tool and the importance that it brought in inbound marketing.

3) From theoretical to practical

Of course, there is no doubt that internship is the prime platform where one can transfer her/his gained knowledge into performance and pragmatically, can use relevant terminology and vocabulary. For example, as a would-be marketer we all learn that on Pinterest in order to draw the attention of customers, the marketer should share pictures which are not only unique and absorbing but also completely correspond to customers’ needs. During my internship, I not only encountered this phenomenon, but also had my input in both: making new pictures and coming up with new board names.

4) Transferable skills

Indeed, no one is adroit and skillful at first. Internship programs are wonderful life-stages, when one can develop and expand transferable skills, including computer, teamwork, communication skills and time management. As HubSpot methodology includes a robust amount of trainings, webinars and valuable information and as in Incredo Marketing Agency tasks are being delivered by Trello, the reinforcement of my computer skills with the consolidation of time management was definitely one of my internship highlights.

5) Being Responsible

This point is extremely connected with handling tasks and dealing with problems. Work is not a smooth-sailing; therefore small mistakes as well as significant blunders are going to take place. During my internship I have learned that your company is a unity, the better you work the better your company’s results are. In other words, in order to achieve short or long term goals, one should always be responsible for his/her undertakings.

6) Breaking the fetter of discomfort when asking questions

At first, some tasks might not be severely lucid and comprehensible as you are not inside the work and some sentences might not call anything in you. Therefore, it is necessary to ask questions in order to clarify tasks, avoid future blunders and increase your level of potentiality. This is one of the main criteria that I mastered perfectly.

7) Abridging list of workplaces

Of course, as a student of 3 rd  year , before starting my internship I had an unprecedented appetite for many types of work and my mind teemed with many offers and alternatives. My internship in Incredo inbound marketing agency helped me to broaden and enlarge my understandings of what really internet marketing is, what are the obligatory personal and professional skills that the former demands as well as helped me to determine my long-term career plans. To be more precise, it helped me to draw the lines scrupulously between traditional marketing and internet marketing, respectively between needs and characteristics of an inbound marketer and must-haves and individualities of a traditional marketer.

8) Discovering my interests

Certainly while pursuing an internship various tasks are being carried out each of which demands individual approaches and dissimilar skills. For example, writing an article demands a multitude of researches, concentration and creativity whereas checking all landing, thank you and follow-up pages on HubSpot can be monotonous and identical. Therefore, internship can help you discover what tasks go in line with your interests, what you do with enthusiasm and passion.

9) Workplace is not a strictly defined area

The main thing that I adore in Incredo marketing agency is the social culture inside the company. As a fast developing company, where you can meet people from all walks of life, Incredo marketing agency has no restrictions to you and to your responsibilities, your preferences are being taken into account, extracurricular activities are being held monthly and of course the opportunity to work with flexible working hours give you the gentle satisfaction of being trusted by your co-workers.

10) Teamwork

Finally, as it is well known, nowadays teamwork forms a severe part of a company. Skills are not exclusively defined by the acquisition of knowledge; they are also the result of a personal experience gained in the field of work.  Thus, in order to reach the apex of your performance the cooperation and support by your co-workers, discussions, presentation of alternatives and weekly meetings are requisite. Therefore internship programs develop also the ability to work in a team, to have different notices on the same solutions and also to make relationship with your mentors and co-workers. In the end, I would like to emphasize the fact that my internship program helped me severely not only from the professional point of view but also from the personal aspects. Therefore, I highly encourage pursuing an internship to those, who are about to commence their career ladder and are standing at the bottom of the funnel of work-world.

In the end, I would like to emphasize the fact that my internship program helped me severely not only from the professional point of view but also from the personal aspects. The key takeaways that I gained during this momentous journey are as follows:     1.     Understanding Inbound Marketing: Learned about the HubSpot methodology and how to create personalized content.     2.     Using HubSpot Tools: Gained hands-on experience with HubSpot as a comprehensive marketing tool.     3.     Applying Theory to Practice: Transitioned theoretical knowledge into practical marketing tasks.     4.    Developing Transferable Skills: Improved skills in computer use, teamwork, communication, and time management.     5.    Taking Responsibility: Learned the importance of accountability in achieving company goals.     6.     Overcoming Discomfort in Asking Questions: Improved clarity and understanding by asking questions.     7.     Refining Career Focus: Clarified long-term career plans and differentiated between traditional and internet marketing.     8.     Discovering Personal Interests: Identified tasks that align with personal enthusiasm and passion.     9.     Experiencing a Flexible Workplace: Appreciated the social culture and flexible working hours at Incredo.     10.    Enhancing Teamwork Skills: Developed the ability to work collaboratively with coworkers and mentors.

To end,  I highly encourage pursuing an internship to those, who are about to commence their career ladder and are standing at the bottom of the funnel of work-world.

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Home Essay Samples Profession

Essay Samples on Internship

An internship serves as a bridge between academic learning and real-world application. It allows you to put theory into practice, giving you a taste of what it’s like to work in a specific field or industry. Through internships, you can explore different career paths, discover your strengths and interests, and make informed decisions about your future.

How to Write an Internship Essay

When writing an internship essay sample, it’s crucial to showcase the skills and experiences you gained during your internship. Here are some useful tips you can consider to write a compelling internship essay example:

  • Start by describing the organization or company where you interned, emphasizing its reputation and influence within the industry.
  • Discuss the specific projects or tasks you were involved in, highlighting the value they brought to the organization and your personal growth.
  • Provide examples of challenges you encountered during your internship and how you overcame them.
  • Reflect on the skills you developed, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, and explain how these skills are transferable to future professional endeavors.
  • In addition to personal experiences, consider incorporating research and industry trends into your essay.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the field and discuss how your internship experience aligns with broader industry developments. This will showcase your ability to contextualize your internship within a larger professional framework.

For those seeking inspiration, we offer a range of internship essay examples to guide you in structuring your own essay effectively. These examples can provide insights into different writing styles, organization techniques, and the overall flow of an internship essay.

Internship Experience in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

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Internship Report: What I Learned From This Experience

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Accounting Education: Reflection on Personal Internship Experience

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Importance Of Internship Practice In Students' Life

Gaining experience is crucial for students to explore their desired careers so they can gain valuable knowledge related to the job and industry as well as identify different career paths and opportunities suitable for their specific interests and skillset. An internship can provide that experience...

My Internship Experience In The National Security Agency

The internship that I will be applying for is hosted within the National Security Agency (NSA), the intelligence center for the United States Department of Defense. Responsible for the cybersecurity, data collection, monitoring, and protection of networks or information systems. The company has a wide...

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Contribution of Internship to Student Development

Dr. Michael Aamodt, an Industrial-Organizational psychologist, has defined internship as “a situation in which a student works for an organization, either for a pay or as a volunteer, to receive practical work experience.” An internship experience can help students make the connection between their academic...

Internship as a Way to Develop Your Career

Steve Jobs once said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people”. I couldn't agree more, especially after observing the hard work I saw during my internship. During the writer’s research they have discovered that over...

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Best topics on Internship

1. Internship Experience in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

2. Internship Report: What I Learned From This Experience

3. Accounting Education: Reflection on Personal Internship Experience

4. Importance Of Internship Practice In Students’ Life

5. My Internship Experience In The National Security Agency

6. Contribution of Internship to Student Development

7. Internship as a Way to Develop Your Career

8. The Account of One’s Internship Experience

9. The Path of Internship: Exploring the Challenges and Outcomes

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Internship Essay: Analyzing the Do’s and Don’ts Through Samples

By: Max Malak

Internship Essay: Analyzing the Do’s and Don’ts Through Samples

The time when you have to get an internship for the first time is both exciting and stressful. After all, a successful internship will bring you one step closer to fulfilling your career goals. But first, you should be selected as an intern. To make your candidacy stand out, you need to write a brilliant application essay, also known as a cover letter for an internship.

Standard Internship Cover Letter Sample

Introduction, your dream internship experience is closer than ever.

In this guide, we will demonstrate to you a sample of a typical internship essay. Then, we will show you how to upgrade it and what to avoid to create an outstanding personal statement that will land you your dream internship.

Here is an example of a personal statement written for an internship application. Read through it carefully:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing you in order to apply for the summer internship at Nano IT. My name is Tom Jameson, and I study at the Software Development program of Brooklyn College in New York. I have been actively searching for an internship opportunity, and when I saw your posting, I knew it was perfect for me.

I believe that I am a great fit for the web developer intern position at your company, as I am extremely interested in IT. I am among the top students in the class, and I do a lot of self-study. I would also love to use the experience received throughout this internship as a case study in my upcoming thesis work.

I have heard a lot about Nano IT, and I admire its history and mission. I believe that I could contribute to this company as I fully share its values. I would be extremely grateful for an opportunity to receive practical experience from true professionals.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Tom Jameson

What you have just read is an example of a typical internship essay an HR professional receives on a regular basis. It is not bad, yet it is lacking that so-called X factor, something that will set the applicant apart from the hundreds of other college students applying for the same position. Read on for examples and practical tips on how to bring this essay to a whole new level.

Tips for Improving the Internship Essay

Here you will find an explanation of what can be done to improve your internship application, as well as things to avoid using Tom’s essay as a sample. For your convenience, they are divided according to the application essay’s structure.

The main issue with Tom’s essay that is visible throughout his whole internship application is the fact that it doesn’t really show the reader what kind of person he is. An internship application is not some regular coursework, so make your personal statement strong. Here is how a more memorable introduction would look like:

My name is Tom Jameson; I am a senior year student of the Software Development program at Brooklyn College, neighboring Nano IT’s headquarters in New York. Ever since I discovered my passion for IT, I knew the study place that was right for me. It is hard to explain how pleased I was to find out that the place that is the definition of my career goals is right beside it! So, please, let me elaborate, without further ado, why I am your perfect software development intern candidate.

Notice how this introductory paragraph:

  • makes the essay stand out from the very first sentence
  • shows Tom as a college student who is passionate, inspired, and has a good sense of humor
  • gives the HR staff the association with the college located next to the company’s office

It is a great example of an introduction that will make the reader interested in the applicant. We have gathered some more examples of how to write a good self-introduction to make a good impression.

Here, on the other hand, is an example of the kind of writing you want to avoid:

My name is Tom Jameson. I live in New York and study at the Software Development Program at Brooklyn College, NY. I am 24 years old, and I have loved IT since I was a kid. In high school, I was the best student in the IT class, having won several tech competitions. I believe I will carry my passion for this subject to graduate school and beyond. Nowadays, I am getting ready for the real world of work, and that is why I am applying for the position of a part-time intern at Nano IT.

Look into the nuances that could improve this introductory paragraph significantly:

  • Leave all the details for the main body of the essay. Your goal in the introduction is to hook the readers and make them want to know more about you.
  • “Since I was a kid” is a cliche. Read on for tips on how to personalize it!
  • Sound more confident by including strong motivation and powerful word structures.
  • Be concise. Every sentence of your essay should bring you closer to convincing the reader that you’re a worthy candidate.

When your powerful introduction is ready, it is time to move on to the essay’s main body.

The main body of Tom’s essay is not so good. It needs an upgrade to become noticeable for the company’s HR representatives. It is strongly advisable to structure the essay as follows:

  • write about your relevant learning experience, what makes you love the specialization
  • talk about your career goals and elaborate on how the internship program will help with it

As you can see, Tom’s initial application essay doesn’t include these critical points, which makes it look dull and uninformative in comparison with other students’ cover letters. What we do approve is that he mentioned the thesis as a specific future plan related to the internship opportunity. Smart move, Tom!

Here is our suggested version of Tom’s internship essay’s main body:

I discovered my passion for all things tech when I was rather young. My father taught me how to code a rock paper scissors game when I was nine. Fast forward to my teenage years, when I created my Raspberry Pi project, a time-lapse camera. I have also participated in hackathons annually since the age of 16, which has become a hobby of mine. At college, I won the Tech Project Contest in 2019 and 2020. Besides, I already have some first-hand work experience acquired during a summer job at Guugle I did during my freshman year.

I strongly believe that software development is essential for the well-being of society, as tech is an integral part of real-life nowadays. That is why I never want to stop developing as a professional, and I am ready to put all the hard work needed into acquiring new skills in the IT-sphere. In the future, I would love to work for a tech company strongly connected with sustainable development, such as Nano IT. Me interning at Nano IT would be a perfect match for my career endeavor as I would have the opportunity to learn from niche specialists.

This text tells Tom’s story in relation to the internship’s specialization. It is a great approach to essay writing, as it allows you to connect with the reader. However, make sure you keep the balance of personal and professional throughout the essay and don’t lose the thread of thought.

When you have described your background and stated your future plans, it is time to move on to the final part of your internship application essay.

In the conclusion, describe the important skills you possess and state why you are the best candidate for the position. The final paragraph of Tom’s essay is acceptable. He mentioned the company’s values and mission, which is a wise thing to do. However, he failed to show that he really knows what he is talking about. Here is how an improved version of the conclusion would look:

I can assure you that I have what it takes to fulfill the requirements for this internship opportunity. I will be a strong addition to the team due to my strong interpersonal skills, eagerness to learn, and willingness to help. I always think out of the box, which helps me come up with creative ideas. Having a chance to contribute to Nano IT’s growth is priceless to me, as I share the company’s core values, such as constant improvement and bringing value with care for the future.

Thank you for your time and kind consideration.

As you can see, in this version of the essay, the reader can be sure that Tom knows the company’s values. Besides, he lists his strong sides without obvious exaggeration. The conclusion is consistent with the rest of the essay, demonstrating that Tom has specific goals and expectations set.

Now that you have clear samples of what to do and what to avoid when writing an internship application, you can start chasing your dreams! However, it is a responsible task, so if you are not completely sure about your writing skills, you can leave this job to professionals. Our experts at Studybay will help you with your application essay, internship report, and any other written task you require. We wish you the best of luck with your career endeavor!

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Writing a Successful Internship Report: Tips and Examples

marketing internship essay

Internship reports are documents created by students who have completed an internship program. It is used as evidence of the work and experience they have gained in the field and serves as an official record of their participation in the program.

Purpose of Internship Report

The purpose of an internship report is to provide a comprehensive and detailed description of the work and experience gained during the internship program. The report should outline the objectives of the program, the scope of work done, the learning experience, as well as any challenges encountered during the internship period.

Importance of Internship Report

The importance of internship reports cannot be overemphasized. It plays a vital role in the improving the employability of students after graduation. Hiring managers, recruitment agencies, and other organizations view the internship report as an important document that tells a story of the student’s capabilities, skills, and work ethic. The report serves as evidence of the skills and knowledge gained during the internship period, provides insights into the student’s work experience, and demonstrates their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

Writing a successful internship report is essential in today’s competitive job market. It serves as a tool for students to showcase their work experience and knowledge gained during their time in the field. A well-written report can open doors to opportunities that students may not have otherwise had access to. Therefore, it is crucial that students take the time and effort to write a comprehensive, detailed and professional report that truly reflects their capabilities, skills, and experience.

Preparing for the Internship Report

Before you begin writing your internship report, it’s important to take some time to prepare. Here are some key steps to follow:

Understanding the Format of an Internship Report

An internship report typically follows a specific format that includes an introduction, main body, and conclusion. The introduction should provide an overview of your internship experience, while the main body should be divided into sections that address the objectives, tasks, and accomplishments of your internship. The conclusion should summarize the overall experience and offer some insights and recommendations.

marketing internship essay

Identifying the Requirements of Your Internship Program

Every internship program may have different requirements for the internship report. It’s important to review the guidelines and make sure you understand what is expected of you. This may include specific formatting requirements, word count limits, or even specific topics that should be covered.

Choosing a Suitable Topic for Your Report

Once you understand the requirements of your internship program, you can begin to choose a suitable topic for your report. You may want to focus on a particular project or task you worked on during your internship, or you may want to explore a broader topic related to the company or industry.

Getting Approval from Your Supervisor

Before you begin writing your report, it’s important to get approval from your supervisor. This can help ensure that you’re on the right track and that your report will meet the expectations of your internship program. You may want to share your outline or draft with your supervisor to get feedback and make any necessary revisions.

Following these steps can help you prepare for a successful internship report.

Outlining Your Report

Creating an outline.

Before you even begin writing your internship report, it’s important to create a solid outline. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you cover all of the important points in your report. To create an outline, start by listing the main topics and subtopics that you want to cover. Then, organize them in a logical order, starting with the most important points.

Deciding on the Structure of the Report

Once you have your outline, you can start deciding on the structure of your report. There are many different structures you could use, depending on your field and the purpose of your report. Some common structures include:

  • Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, Conclusion
  • Executive Summary, Introduction, Background, Scope, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion
  • Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion

Of course, these are just examples – you’ll want to tailor the structure of your report to meet your specific needs. Just make sure that your structure is clear, easy to follow, and logical.

Planning the Content of Each Section

With your outline and structure in place, you can start planning the content of each section. Each section should be focused on a specific topic or subtopic, and should include all of the relevant information and data. As you plan the content of each section, think about the key messages you want to convey and the audience you’re writing for.

Writing a successful internship report takes time and effort, but with a solid outline and clear structure, you’ll be well on your way to creating a report that impresses.

Writing the Internship Report

Writing an effective internship report is essential to demonstrate your learning and experience gained during your internship. In this section, we will discuss some tips and best practices for organizing content while avoiding common mistakes in report writing.

Tips for writing an effective internship report

  • Review the guidelines: Before starting your internship report, carefully review the guidelines provided by your internship provider. Make sure you understand the report’s purpose, format, and content.
  • Brainstorm your experiences: Take some time to reflect and brainstorm all your experiences during the internship, activities you participated in, and projects you worked on.
  • Follow a structured approach: Follow a structured approach for writing your report. Start with an introduction, then discuss your experiences, skills gained, challenges encountered, and achievements during the internship.
  • Provide evidence: Include evidence to support your claims about your experiences, skills, and achievements. Examples may include testimonials, emails with your supervisor, or project work samples.
  • Edit and proofread: Once you’re done writing, ensure you edit and proofread your report thoroughly.

Best practices for organizing content

  • Use headings and subheadings: Use headings and subheadings to organize your content logically.
  • Stick to the word count: Be mindful of the word count provided by your internship provider. Ensure you cover all relevant details while staying within the word limit.
  • Include citations: Use citations to support your work and analysis.
  • Use graphics: Incorporate graphs, charts, or other visuals to represent trends or data. Ensure that they are relevant and add value to your report.

Avoiding common mistakes in report writing

  • Writing in first person: Avoid writing in the first person. Use third-person, objective language.
  • Being too descriptive: Don’t include irrelevant details or become too descriptive. Stick to the main points of your experiences.
  • Submitting a report that’s too short or too long: Ensure your report is of appropriate length, following the guidelines given by the provider.
  • Failing to proofread: Ensure that you proofread your report thoroughly for grammatical errors or typos.

Including relevant details

Include relevant details such as the following:

  • The company’s name and information
  • The internship provider’s name and contact information
  • The start and end dates of the internship
  • Job duties and tasks undertaken
  • Projects completed and their outcomes
  • Skills gained and enhanced
  • Challenges faced and overcoming them
  • Feedback received from supervisors
  • Any other relevant information on your experience

Following these tips, best practices, and avoiding mistakes will help you create an effective, informative, and professional internship report.

marketing internship essay

Editing and Reviewing the Internship Report

One crucial step in writing a successful internship report is editing and reviewing. Editing and reviewing help to eliminate grammatical errors, refine the language, and ensure that your report is clear, concise, and compelling. Here are a few reasons why editing and reviewing are essential:

Importance of Editing and Reviewing

Professionalism:  When you submit your internship report, you want to demonstrate your professionalism. A report filled with errors and inconsistencies can reflect poorly on the quality of your work and your attention to detail.

Accuracy:  Proofreading allows you to correct any factual errors in the report. This ensures that the information you’re providing is accurate and reliable.

Clarity:  Editing and reviewing help to clarify your writing. You can identify areas that are confusing and reword them to make them more understandable.

Conciseness:  A well-written report should be concise and to the point. Editing and reviewing allow you to cut out unnecessary details and simplify your writing.

Tips for Proofreading

When proofreading your internship report, keep these tips in mind:

Take a break:  After completing your report, take a break before proofreading. When you come back to it, you’ll have fresh eyes and be more likely to spot errors.

Read it out loud:  Reading your report out loud helps to identify awkward phrasing and areas that need rewording.

Use online tools:  There are several online editing and proofreading tools that you can use to help you catch errors. These tools can be helpful, but they should not replace manual proofreading.

Print it out:  Print out a copy of your report and proofread it with a pen or highlighter. This allows you to mark up the document and make notes as you go.

Seeking Feedback from Others

Another essential step in editing and reviewing your report is seeking feedback from others. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Choose carefully:  When selecting someone to review your report, choose someone who is familiar with the topic and can provide constructive feedback.

Ask specific questions:  Ask your reviewer specific questions about your report, such as whether the main points are clear or if there are areas that need more detail.

Consider multiple reviewers:  It’s a good idea to have multiple people review your report. This allows you to get a range of feedback and ensure that your report is as polished as possible.

Editing and reviewing your internship report is an essential step in ensuring its success. Take the time to proofread carefully, seek feedback from others, and refine your writing to make it clear, concise, and professional.

Formatting the Internship Report

General formatting guidelines.

Formatting your internship report well is an important aspect of making it visually appealing and easy to read. Your report should contain the following sections:

A cover page that includes your name, the name of your supervisor, the date of submission, and the name of the company or organization where you completed your internship.

A table of contents that lists the various sections of your report and their corresponding page numbers.

An executive summary that presents a concise overview of the main points of your report.

An introduction that provides an overview of your internship experience and the scope of your report.

The body of your report which should include your project objectives and an analysis of your findings.

A conclusion that summarizes your findings and suggests recommendations for the organization.

Appendices which should include any data, charts or graphs that support your findings.

Your internship report should be typed using clear, easily readable fonts such as Times New Roman, size 12.

Specific requirements of your internship program

Your internship program may have specific requirements for formatting your report. Be sure to follow any guidelines provided by your program coordinator or supervisor. For instance, some programs may require students to use specific sections or may limit the length of the report.

Proper Citation and Referencing

A significant aspect of writing a successful internship report involves accurate citation and referencing. It’s essential to give credit where it’s due by citing all references and acknowledging the sources of information in your report. Use the following tips and examples to properly cite and reference your work:

Use a citation style that is recommended by your program, such as APA or MLA.

Citations should be inserted within the text using parentheses, and should include the author’s name, date of publication, and page number(s).

Your references should have a distinct page after the conclusion on which you list all sources.

Include information about the author, publication date, and publisher for books, and the author, title of the article, title of the journal, volume, issue number, and page numbers for journal articles.

Examples – Journal Articles

  • APA: Smith, J. (2008). The impact of social media on business marketing. Journal of Business Communications, 45(1), 23-48.
  • MLA: Smith, Jane. “The impact of social media on business marketing.” Journal of Business Communications, vol. 45, no. 1, 2008, pp. 23-48.

Examples – Books

  • APA: Johnson, T. (2015). Management principles to improve organizational culture. New York, NY: Wiley.
  • MLA: Johnson, Tim. Management principles to improve organizational culture. Wiley, 2015.

By following these guidelines and properly citing your sources, you will ensure that your internship report is well-researched, accurate, and reliable.

Including Visuals in Your Report

One of the effective ways to create an impactful internship report is by incorporating visuals. Research suggests that using visuals can help convey information better, increase audience engagement, and improve the overall readability of your report. Here are some benefits of using visuals in your internship report:

Benefits of using visuals

Simplify complex information:  Visuals, such as charts, diagrams, and graphs, can help contextualize complex information better. Using visuals can help convey information quickly and make it easier for your audience to understand your insights.

Increase engagement:  Including visuals can make your report more interesting and engaging. Visuals can help break up large chunks of text and add a visual interest element to your report.

Memorability:  Visuals can be effective at making your report memorable. Humans tend to remember visual information better than text, so using visuals in your report can help ensure that your insights are the ones that stick.

Types of visuals you can include

There are various visual elements that you can incorporate into your internship report. Here are a few examples:

Charts and graphs:  Visual representations of data help in conveying the key insights derived from it.

Tables:  Tables help in presenting data accurately and precisely.

Infographics:  Infographics are the visual representation of a piece of information or data. They are excellent at summarizing complex information and data.

Images and screenshots:  Images and screenshots provide a visual reference point for the targeted audience.

Tips for effectively using visuals

Here are some tips to consider when including visuals in your internship report:

Keep it simple:  Ensure that your visuals are straightforward, easy to understand, and support the audience’s comprehension of the report.

Choose appropriate visuals:  Consider the type of information that you want to convey and choose visuals that fit the purpose.

Provide context:  Always provide adequate context, labels, and captions for your visuals.

Maintain consistency:  Use a consistent style or color scheme throughout your visuals to ensure that your readers can understand how various visuals are related.

Incorporating visuals into your internship report can elevate it to a higher standard. It can enhance the report’s readability, help the audience comprehend your insights better, and make your report more engaging. Use the above tips to implement effective visuals in your report and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Sample Internship Reports

Example 1: marketing internship report.

This report thoroughly presents the intern’s work and learning experiences during the internship. The report is well-organized and visually appealing, with clear headings and subheadings that guide the reader through the report. The report also includes concrete examples of the intern’s responsibilities, completed tasks, and achievements. The report concludes with reflections on what the intern learned and how this experience will impact their future career. The report effectively showcases the intern’s abilities and impressive work during the internship.

Example 2: Accounting Internship Report

This report is well-written and professional, displaying the intern’s understanding of the accounting industry and their ability to apply technical knowledge to practical experiences. The report uses concise, clear language, and provides relevant examples to support the intern’s learning and experiences. The report also includes a thorough analysis of the intern’s strengths and weaknesses. The report concludes with an assessment of the intern’s overall experience and how it has impacted their career goals.

What makes them effective?

Both examples of successful internship reports have several common features that make them effective. First, these reports are well-organized and visually appealing, making them easy to read and understand. They use headings and subheadings to guide the reader through the report and provide a clear structure.

Second, both reports contain concrete examples of the intern’s work, highlighting their achievements and contributions to the company. These examples demonstrate the intern’s skills and abilities and provide evidence of their learning during the internship.

Third, both reports include reflective sections that assess the intern’s experience and what they have learned. These sections provide insight into the intern’s personal growth and professional development during the internship.

Finally, the reports are written in a professional and concise language, displaying the intern’s technical knowledge and understanding of industry-specific terminology.

Successful internship reports showcase an intern’s capabilities and learning experiences during the internship effectively. They are well-organized and visually appealing, include concrete examples of the intern’s work, contain reflective sections, and use professional language. By studying examples of successful internship reports, aspiring interns can craft their own report that will effectively showcase the value they bring to a company and their potential as a professional.

Submitting Your Report

After completing your internship, submitting a well-written and insightful report is crucial for showcasing your experience and demonstrating your learning. Here are some tips on how to submit your report effectively:

Checklist for Submitting Your Report

Before submitting your report, make sure you have completed the following tasks:

  • Proofread and edit your report to ensure it is error-free and well-structured.
  • Use professional language and tone throughout your report.
  • Cite all sources used while completing your report.
  • Include an executive summary that summarizes the key points of your report.
  • Provide recommendations and solutions to the problems and challenges you faced during your internship.

Deadlines and Submission Guidelines

It’s essential to track the submission deadline of your report and ensure you submit it on time. Your supervisor may provide specific guidelines and requirements for submitting your report, such as the format, font, and word count. Make sure you follow these guidelines to avoid any unnecessary complications.

Following up on feedback from supervisor

After submitting your report, your supervisor may provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. It’s essential to take their feedback seriously, as it reflects their expectations and assessment of your work. Here are some tips on how to follow up on feedback from your supervisor:

  • Review the feedback and suggestions provided by your supervisor carefully.
  • If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to ask your supervisor for additional clarification.
  • Implement the recommended changes and modifications and ensure you have addressed all the issues raised by your supervisor.
  • Once you have made the necessary changes, submit the revised report to your supervisor for final review.

Submitting a well-written and insightful report is crucial for completing your internship successfully. By following the checklist, submission guidelines, and effectively following up on feedback from your supervisor, you can confidently submit a report that showcases your learning and experience during your internship.

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Essay on My Internship Experience

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Internship Experience in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Internship Experience


My internship was a valuable experience that helped me grow professionally and personally. It was an opportunity to apply what I learned in school to real-world situations.

Learning Experience

During my internship, I learned various practical skills. I got a chance to work on real projects, which was both challenging and exciting.

Teamwork and Collaboration

I also learned the importance of teamwork. Working with diverse individuals helped me understand different perspectives and improved my problem-solving skills.

Overall, my internship was a rewarding experience. It gave me a glimpse of the professional world and helped me understand my career interests better.

250 Words Essay on My Internship Experience

Learning and growth.

The internship offered an excellent opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. I was exposed to various facets of the industry, which allowed me to understand the intricacies of my field. This hands-on experience was instrumental in strengthening my problem-solving abilities and enhancing my adaptability.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Every internship comes with its share of challenges. I faced my share of hurdles, from understanding complex processes to meeting tight deadlines. However, these challenges were integral to my growth. They pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me the importance of resilience and perseverance.

Networking and Collaboration

One of the most valuable aspects of my internship was the opportunity to network. I interacted with professionals from diverse backgrounds, which enriched my understanding of the industry. Collaborating with them on various projects improved my teamwork skills and taught me the value of different perspectives.

In conclusion, my internship experience was a journey of learning, growth, and self-discovery. It was a stepping stone that equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge, preparing me for my future career. It was an invaluable experience that has left an indelible impact on my professional development.

500 Words Essay on My Internship Experience

Internships are instrumental in bridging the gap between academic knowledge and practical experience. They provide a unique opportunity to apply theoretical concepts in a professional setting, enhancing understanding and cultivating essential skills for future careers. My internship experience was a transformative journey that broadened my perspective, honed my skills, and affirmed my career choice.

Acquiring Practical Skills

Professional growth and networking.

The internship was a fertile ground for professional growth. I had the opportunity to work closely with industry veterans and learn from their wealth of experience. The interactions and discussions with these professionals enabled me to grasp the nuances of the industry, which textbooks cannot encapsulate. Moreover, I was able to build a robust professional network, which is crucial for career advancement.

Real-world Application of Academic Knowledge

One of the most rewarding aspects of the internship was the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge I had acquired over the years. I was involved in a project where I had to implement machine learning algorithms to optimize the performance of a system. The hands-on experience offered a deeper understanding of the subject and its practical implications.

In conclusion, my internship experience was a significant milestone in my professional journey. It was a perfect blend of learning, networking, and skill development. It not only enriched my understanding of the field but also equipped me with the necessary skills to navigate the professional world. The challenges I faced and the manner in which I overcame them have instilled in me a sense of confidence and preparedness for my future career. Overall, internships are a crucial component of education, providing a platform for students to transition smoothly from academics to the corporate world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Marketing Intern Resume Example

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Whether you're still a student or a fresh grad looking to gain internship experience, it can be difficult to write a strong marketing resume to compete with other candidates. Our writing tips will show you how to best optimize your resume and how to present yourself as a capable and qualified candidate, even if you have little experience.

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Email: [email protected]

Phone: (123) 456-7891

Address: Street, City, State

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/yourprofile

Resume Objective

Trilingual Marketing student set to graduate in May 20XX. Skilled in social media marketing, graphic design, and collaboration. Excited to leverage my skills and experience as an intern at Giving Forward to enhance the organization’s position and gain experience in the non-profit sector.

Bachelor of Science in Marketing State University of New York – Albany, NY GPA: 3.8/4

Expected graduation date: May 20XX

Relevant Coursework:

  • Marketing Research
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Advertising and Promotion
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics

Professional Experience

  • Researched and identified 10 influential social media accounts and influencers for collaboration opportunities, resulting in a 20% increase in social media reach
  • Participated in the development and implementation of company’s social media strategy, resulting in a 15% increase in overall social media engagement in 1 month
  • Assisted with the creation and distribution of 4 newsletters and direct mail appeals to the Giving Forward community, leading to a 10% increase in donations
  • Co-developed 20+ animated social media posts and campaigns, 6 print, and digital ads, and redesigned 2 brochures
  • Conducted data mining and market research to improve decision-making within the Social Media Team and increased content development by 12%
  • Created weekly PowerPoint presentations for internal and external use to ensure relevant stakeholders were aware of campaign progress and to facilitate strategy changes

Relevant Experience

  • Developed a marketing campaign for a local coffee shop as part of an academic project, improving customer retention by 15%
  • Technical skills: MailChimp
  • Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • Graphic design (Adobe Photoshop, Figma)
  • Copywriting and editing
  • Collaboration skills

Additional Skills

  • Communication skills
  • Trilingual (English, French, Swahili)
  • Attention to detail

As a marketing intern, you need a standout resume to impress employers and launch your career. Your resume is your first impression on recruiters, and it can make or break your chances of landing your dream position.

To help you optimize your resume, we’ll provide you with examples and writing tips to help you stand out from the rest.

Optimize your marketing intern resume description to stand out

A resume job description is the part of your resume where you list your job duties, accomplishments, and projects. It’s your chance to showcase your skills, experience, and potential to recruiters. You’ll need to tailor it to the position you’re applying for and highlight your relevant qualifications by first optimizing your resume for SEO.

This means including relevant keywords pulled from the job description throughout your marketing intern resume, including your resume objective .

Not only will this increase your chances of a hiring manager reading your application, but it’ll help your resume get through the applicant tracking systems (ATS) that many large employers use.

Start with an eye-catching resume objective

Your resume objective should be specific to the internship position you’re applying for. It should highlight your skills, any relevant experience or coursework, and what you hope to gain from the internship in the long term.

Here’s an example of an eye-catching resume objective for a marketing intern:

“Conscientious and proactive marketing student currently in a B.A. program at Seattle University seeking a challenging internship opportunity at XYZ Company. Adept in conducting market research, developing marketing strategies, and managing social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter) in English and Spanish. Looking to gain practical experience in a dynamic and fast-paced marketing environment in the MedTech industry.”

Convince recruiters of your qualifications with a targeted skills section

Your skills section is your opportunity to list your abilities and convince recruiters that you’re the best candidate for the job. Make sure to include both job-essential hard skills and transferable skills like critical communication skills and interpersonal skills that match the internship requirements.

Make sure to prioritize your hard skills and technical skills and to provide specifics, like the types of coding languages you know or marketing tools and software you’re familiar with.

Although many employers understand the importance of valuable soft skills, it’s best to demonstrate them in your cover letter and dedicate more precious resume real estate space to your hard skills.

Here’s an example of the skills section for a digital marketing intern resume:

  • Social media: Facebook, Pinterest
  • SEM: Facebook Ads
  • Design: Adobe Premier Rush
  • SEO tools: Google Keyword Planner
  • Analytics: Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics
  • Story-telling
  • Problem-solving

If you’re applying for an internship that requires knowledge of programming languages or specific marketing tools in addition to other skills, consider using another skills section differentiating them, like:

  • Key skills and additional skills
  • Skills and technical skills

You can place your additional skills section after your core skills section if they’re still highly relevant to the job, or toward the bottom of your resume if they fulfill a supporting role.

Additionally, if you have a certification that’s relevant to the internship you’re applying for, be sure to include it here. You can also choose to have a dedicated certification section instead. This is especially useful if you have more than one and need to present your information more clearly in an organized fashion.

If you’re applying to your first internship and you have no relevant work experience, you may place your skills section after your career objective. On the other hand, if you have relevant work experience stemming from other internships, part time jobs, personal projects, or volunteer work, be sure to put your resume work experience section first.

This allows hiring managers to immediately understand you’ve worked in a professional environment before, earning you points over candidates who haven’t.

Describe your marketing experience succinctly

When detailing your marketing or other relevant work experience, employ powerful action verbs to emphasize your responsibilities and any specific accomplishments for your resume.

Whenever possible, use hard numbers to quantify your responsibilities by using amounts and percentages to give context to the impact you’ve made in your role. Be strategic in choosing how you present information and choose a quantifying method that boosts your results. This helps portray you as a capable candidate who can deliver results in a professional setting.

Make sure each bullet point entry aligns with the internship requirements. For example, here’s how a marketing intern describes their past summer marketing internship experience:

Highlight your marketing experience and knowledge in your education section

Your marketing intern resume’s education section is your opportunity to showcase your academic achievements and any relevant coursework and projects that demonstrate your knowledge of marketing concepts and practices.

Here’s what that would look like on your marketing intern resume:

UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, SAN DIEGO, CA Expected graduation May 20XX B.A. in Marketing

Relevant coursework: 

  • Digital Marketing (Fall 20XX) – Grade: A+ Created and executed a successful social media marketing campaign for a local business, leading to a 25% increase in website traffic
  • Marketing Research (Fall 20XX) – Grade: A Conducted primary and secondary research to identify consumer insights and trends, resulting in a 15% increase in customer retention for a local restaurant
  • Integrated Marketing Communications (Spring 20XX) Developed a comprehensive IMC plan for a new product launch, increasing product sales by 15% as of April 20XX

Relevant projects:

  • Team project (Spring 20XX) Created a comprehensive marketing plan and developed marketing strategies and promotional designing materials for a local nonprofit organization, with a 27% increase in donations as of April 20XX

This example is particularly useful if you have more knowledge and experience in an academic setting rather than a professional one and need to fill up more space on your resume.

By including specific examples of relevant coursework and projects as well as the results you’ve accomplished, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills to stand out to potential employers.

Elaborate on related experience from past jobs or marketing internships

If you have any marketing-related internships or volunteer work, elaborate on those – they can provide valuable insight into your marketing abilities and potential as a future professional in the field.

Using bullet points to organize and highlight internship-related responsibilities and specific accomplishments is part of proper resume formatting . This not only helps hiring managers quickly evaluate your qualifications for the intern position, but also serves as an example of your attention to detail, a key skill in marketing.

Here are two examples of how a campaign intern and a social media marketing intern describe their past internship experiences while using action verbs and hard numbers:

Campaign Intern, Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus June 20XX-December 20XX

  • Assisted in the development and execution of a successful fundraising campaign for the MWPC’s annual fundraiser that exceeded its goal by 30%, raising over $100,000 for the organization
  • Conducted market research and competitive analysis to identify key trends and opportunities in the nonprofit sector, resulting in a targeted fundraising strategy that focused on high net-worth individuals and local businesses
  • Developed relationships with key stakeholders, including donors, volunteers, and community partners, resulting in increased support and engagement for the organization’s mission and goals

Social Media Marketing Intern, Influencer Abbi Taylor (1M+ followers)  July 20XX-May 20XX

  • Create engaging content resulting in a 25% increase in followers on TikTok and Instagram and a 20% increase in engagement with posts on FaceBook within 3 months.
  • Assist in the development of a social media marketing strategy that increased Pinterest traffic by 15%, resulting in an additional 5,000 visits per week.
  • Analyze social media metrics (Sprout Social, Hootsuite) to optimize campaign performance, leading to a 10% increase in CTR and a 5% increase in conversion rates for sponsored content.

Still need inspiration? Check out our other internship resume examples .

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Reflection About Marketing Internship

The marketing internship I was lucky enough to participate in at the University Center has been a very educational and valuable life experience. This internship has taught me many lessons that I can apply to my future career. For clarity purposes of this paper, I have listed my original education objective first and it will be followed by details about the progress of achieving that outcome over the course of the internship. 1. I want to learn how to create marketing plans. For 4 different events, I have to come up with marketing plans this semester. I’ve created one already, my boss gave me feedback so I can keep improving my plans throughout my internship. I was able to successfully create and follow through on the marketing plans for the following four events: Parsing Charms and Romancing Sameness Exhibit, 25 Years of Alleys and Ruins Reception, Geometric Paper Wall Art Workshop, and Picture Frame Corner Wreath Workshop. I did this by creating contests and planned social media posts including videos and live content. I even created and planned a Halloween event with the goal of increasing awareness of the UC Events and gaining followers and engagement on social media platforms. These are of course smaller versions of the marketing plans I will create in the future, but it helped me to think creatively and within a timeframe to complete the plan on time. I also had to make sure it was feasible to accomplish based on the UC’s resources and timeframe. 2. To learn how to

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Use the Sample Marketing Plan in Ch. 2 of Marketing Management as a guide in developing the components of your plan.

Before proceeding with the next section (objectives), it is recommended that you complete the Marketing Plan Worksheet. Ask the academic mentor in the learning community for this if you do not have it.

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Dove - Objectives of Marketing Plan & Pricing Strategy

Westwood, J., 2002, The Marketing Plan: A step-by-step Guide. 3rd ed., London, Kogan Page Limited, p

3. Describe the Five (5) Marketing Management Orientations and Explain Marketing Management in Today's Terms.

Marketing concept believes that for a company to achieve organizational goals, it depends on determining the needs and wants of the target market. It takes an outside-in approach. Marketers practising this concept recognise that customers are always the first priority of the organization and they aim on complete customer satisfaction. This requires an integrated marketing effort, that is, team work between different departments within the organization. For instance, team work between the marketing team and the academic team of UCSI University. The marketing team will be in-charge of the promotion of the academic programmes available in UCSI University while the academic team will have to ensure and maintain the quality of the programmes and courses offered.

What Makes A Marketing Plan?

Putting together a marketing plan is often labor intensive and as a result, can often take many employees from several departments. In addition, because a market plan is essential to the success of the company it simply requires many people each contributing in their particular area of expertise.

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30+ Questions You’ll Be Asked in an Internship Interview

two people in a job interview, one is facing the camera and smiling

Even if you applied for after-school jobs before getting into college, an internship interview might feel like a whole different beast. What kind of interview questions are you going to get? What kind of experiences do internship interviewers even want to hear about?

Well you’re in luck. As someone who recently wrapped up hiring a class of summer interns for the Oakland Museum of CA , I have plenty of tips to offer on this topic.

What interviewers are looking for

First, keep in mind that an internship is a two-way street. Yes, there are tasks, and probably a bigger project or two, that your employer wants you to complete over the course of your time working there. You’re expected to be an engaged, productive member of the team. But the company also wants to provide you with an incredible learning opportunity.

That means you’re not expected to be an expert in the space or have a wealth of “professional” experience to speak to in an interview. Mainly, the interviewer wants to get to know you, your experience so far (including professional, educational, and volunteer opportunities), and how you handle (and will handle) different types of work situations.

They also want to understand why you’re interested in this internship. What are you hoping to gain? Is it in line with your career trajectory, or are you just looking for something to do this summer? Hint: They want to hire someone who’s actually passionate about the field!

With all that in mind, here are 30+ internship interview questions you can expect during your conversation:

1. Why are you interested in this internship/company/industry, and what skills or experiences do you hope to gain?

As you might guess, this question is used to measure if your expectations and career goals align with the internship and what the company can offer you. The interviewer also wants to make sure you’re actually excited for this opportunity and want to work with them.

How to answer

Show enthusiasm, do your research to come up with a thoughtful response for what drew you to the company or role, and be specific. The interviewer knows you’re looking for a learning opportunity—tell them what you want to learn from this internship in particular, and make sure it aligns with the organization and what you know about the role so far. You can also use this question as an opportunity to talk about your experience, passions, and values.

For example, if you’re interviewing for a marketing internship, you need to go beyond saying, “I’m really interested in getting marketing experience.” 

Example answer

Instead try:

“I’m really excited about this opportunity because I think it will give me exposure to thinking about messaging for many different audiences and through many channels and specifically a number of social platforms. I was looking at your social media, and am really fascinated by how you craft posts for all of your different initiatives. Your commitment to community engagement really speaks to the values I’m looking for—I’d love to work for a company that really values its users and takes their wants and needs into account.”

Read More: What to Say When Your Interviewer Asks “Why Do You Want This Job?”

2. Tell me about a situation where you took initiative or took on a leadership role.

This question helps the interviewer decide if you’re someone with drive. In other words, are you going to be able to step up when needed?

How to answer:

Any time an interviewer starts a question with “Tell me about a time” or similar, that’s a signal they’re looking for a specific example from your past. These kinds of inquiries are called behavioral questions, and they’re based on the idea that how you acted in the past and what you learned will predict how you’ll handle situations in the future. For behavioral questions, or any question where you need to tell a story, you can structure that story using the STAR method:

  • S ituation: Give your interviewer the context they need to understand the scenario.
  • T ask: Talk about what your job or responsibility was.
  • A ction: Detail what you did, why, and how.
  • R esult: Share the outcome of your actions—including anything you learned from the experience.

Specifically for this question, a lot of times candidates will answer with an example of leading a group project, which totally works as an option. But you can also talk about a time when you noticed something that needed to change and took the initiative to change it, whether or not you had a “leadership” title or role.

For example, maybe in your part-time program coordinator role on campus you realized some of your colleagues were struggling with a certain portion of the program because the instructions weren’t super clear. So you took the initiative to ask the other coordinators what could be more clear, and recreated the instructions so the program could be implemented more seamlessly for current and future team members.

Using the STAR method, your answer could come together like this:

Situation: “ Last semester in my program coordinator role, I was part of organizing an open house for nonprofits in the area looking for student volunteers. The students who were in charge of reaching out to nonprofits and assigning them to booths were given the same forms to fill out as we usually use for our job and internship fairs, and some parts of the form didn’t make sense in our context.”

Task: “ I decided that we should make things clearer so that we’d be able to sign up as many nonprofits as possible and not look unprofessional while doing so. I created a specific form for companies looking for volunteers.”

Action: “ I sent around a Google Doc version of the form currently being used and asked all of the students involved in outreach to comment on questions and fields that didn’t apply or weren’t as clear as they could be. Taking these comments into account and using the original form as a jumping off point, I was able to put together a form that gave us all the info we needed for this specific event.”

Result: “ I brought my suggested form to my manager and let her look it over—after a few tweaks we were able to send it out and start using it immediately. In the two weeks that followed, we were able to get as many organizations to commit as we had in the two months before the new forms. Plus, my boss was so impressed by my initiative that she offered me the role of senior student coordinator for this upcoming fall—and I’ll be helping to train new student employees.”

3. What’s the best team you’ve ever been a part of and why?/What’s your ideal team?

The “team” question can come in many shapes and sizes. However it’s delivered, the interviewer wants to understand how you work with others so they can envision how you’ll work within their team. Simply put, does their team culture and your potential boss’s management style make sense for you?

If you have real examples from past experiences that you can draw on to explain your dream team, great! You can draw from class experiences, extracurriculars, volunteer work, part-time jobs, and more. But if you don’t have any relevant experience, that’s just fine—talk about what you believe makes for a stellar group dynamic.

Whether you’re drawing on past experiences or not, details are key. For example, “Good communication is important for a great team” is the start of your answer, not a complete statement. You’ll also want to define what good communication means to you and what it looks like in practice. (Hint: You can use the STAR method here to talk about how the team worked together and what you achieved.)

One answer to this question could look something like:

“Good communication makes for a great team, and creating best practices around how a team is going to communicate is really important. For example, for my last class project our team had to put together a 30-minute presentation that required a lot of research and analysis that had to be done in a certain order. In order to make sure we were always on the same page, we met weekly and created shared Google Docs so we could collaborate even when we weren’t with each other, and we all agreed we could call each other whenever we needed something so that we could stick to our timelines. This synthesis of working styles helped us to stay on track, work efficiently, and ultimately get along with one another. Plus we got an A on the presentation, which was icing on the cake.”

Just remember: This isn’t supposed to be a vent session where you bash former teammates (that attitude says more about you than them). If you’re using a negative team experience as an example of what you don’t want, focus more on what you learned from that experience rather than what wasn’t good.

4. Tell me about an assignment or project from start to finish—what went well, and what would you have done differently?

The interviewer wants to know how you do things. This question isn’t necessarily about the final product—although make sure to share that as well as the impact of the project. It’s an opportunity to understand your process and how you go about tackling assignments. Are you organized? Efficient? A team player? Do you change course when you know you need to? Do you learn from your mistakes when things go wrong? Do you think strategically about why you do certain things?

You want to go into detail about how you completed something. So use the STAR method with a heavy focus on the “Action” portion. Did you do any planning? Did you use any tools? Did you have to do research? Spell out how you got from A to Z clearly and concisely, and why you chose to do what you did. 

For example, “I planned a talent show” should really be:

“As an RA in my dorms, I planned a student talent show to bring the students together and build community. I started by recruiting a couple volunteers to help, setting a date, and confirming the venue. Then I spoke to all the students about signing up to perform by going door-to-door in all the dorms on campus—not just the building I worked in—handing out fliers that I designed and printed, and making announcements at our monthly dorm meetings and having other RAs make announcements at theirs. I created the show schedule, emailed it to all participants, and then made sure to keep in contact with all of the students so they didn’t drop out. I used shared Google Sheets to stay organized and delegate tasks to other volunteers. To help encourage people to participate and come, I coordinated with campus food services to have some food and drinks served at the event.

“On the day of the show, I coordinated a quick run through and then MCed and managed the whole run of show. It ended up being the highest attended dorm event of the year! That said, if I were to do it again, I’d partner with some other school clubs to curate a more diverse and inclusive set of performances.”

5. Tell me about a time you overcame a challenge or obstacle.

This is to check if you’re adaptable and self-aware. The way a person deals with challenges, mistakes, and failures can tell an interviewer a lot about the intangible attributes that are going to make them a good intern—and a good person to have at the company overall.

Describe a specific example using the STAR method, but keep it high-level. It doesn’t have to be a huge challenge, either—having to solve some small problem or do something difficult works perfectly fine. You definitely don’t want to harp on the negative, but rather spend most of your time talking about what you learned and maybe what you would have done differently. The goal is to show resilience and an eagerness to grow and improve.

For example, I’m always impressed with candidates who share when they’ve had to have tough, direct conversations, like when a team member isn’t carrying their weight and the issue needs to be addressed head on. One candidate I spoke with shared an example like this, where she decided to speak with the team member directly. She asked to speak with them in private, and took the approach of asking pointed questions to understand why the person wasn’t doing what they said they would. Because the issue was addressed thoughtfully and without outright blaming or shaming the person, she was able to learn that they had too much on their plate and the work needed to be redistributed so their workload felt less overwhelming.

But of course that’s not the only option. 

Here’s what an answer might sound like for a different kind of challenge:

“At my part-time café job, one morning I arrived for my opening shift to find that the café was still locked and the other four employees were waiting outside. The shift manager hadn’t shown up due to what turned out to be a family emergency, but we were due to open in an hour. I suggested one person call the owner, one call the general manager, and the other try to get in contact with the shift manager. Meanwhile I headed to the building manager’s office for the shopping center. Luckily I found someone in there who was able to unlock our back door. Once we were in, I gave everyone one of the prep tasks I knew was most important and jotted down a quick list on a white board of the prep tasks in order of priority. We were able to get enough done that we only opened five minutes late and I held down the register throughout the morning rush with one other barista so the others could finish prepping for the day. When the owner got our messages and rushed in, he found things running fairly smoothly. Rather than having to redirect us, he was able to jump on making drinks to speed up the line. When the rush ended, the other employees told him how I’d stepped up and he loved how I’d sorted the tasks by priority so much that he made it a standard process for closing at the end of each day so that whoever opened could get right to work.”

6. Tell me about a time you had to learn something completely new.

Basically, the hiring manager wants someone who’s open and eager to learn, not someone who’s going to be close-minded, do the bare minimum, or not get anything out of their experience. They also want someone who’s willing to develop a new skill or take on a new assignment for the good of the team.

Identify a time when you had to learn something completely different from your area of expertise or interests, then focus on why you decided to pursue it in the first place and how you actually picked it up. Your classes or class projects will provide some great examples of this.

“I’ve always been interested in science, so even though it’s not a requirement for me to graduate, an introductory biology class really caught my attention—we’d get to go out to different ecosystems and see the effects of climate change on the environment firsthand. So I signed up, but when I got to the first lecture there were hundreds of other students there. I was used to classes of 50 max. And I felt like everyone was speaking some language I’d never heard before. But instead of dropping it, I made sure to read each section ahead of time and look up new terms and concepts so I wouldn’t get lost in the lectures. I also took advantage of our library's massive collection of scientific journals to both learn more about the class topics and get used to how scientific research gets written about. By the end of the semester, the professor joked that she should put my name on one of the chairs in her office to reserve it for office hours—I was always there asking questions to make sure I understood the material and to talk about outside info I’d learned. I aced the class and learned so much. Plus, I started a study group with my lab partners to go through homework together and even two years later, they’re some of my best friends. We don’t have classes together but I love hearing about what they’re learning.”

7. Can you tell me about a project or accomplishment you’re proud of, and why?

This is one of my favorite questions to ask, because I want to know what lights the person up. Interviews are nerve-racking, and sometimes it can be hard to gauge how a candidate will actually show up to work. This question is meant to put a smile on your face, and give you the floor to brag a bit!

Choose something you’re genuinely proud of, not just something that relates to what you think the interviewer wants to hear. It doesn’t even need to be something you did at work. A candidate recently spoke to me about a solo volunteer trip he took to Central America, and his whole demeanor changed when he explained how he felt after the trip (and talked about his plans for another)—which instantly impressed me.

Share the specifics of your accomplishment, but focus on the why, too. What exactly made this a proud moment? Did you overcome a huge challenge? Did you take on something brand new? Did your accomplishment impact the greater good?

This might sound like:

“In my postmodern novels class, we were tasked with writing a paper on a book we’d read—which is pretty common. Usually, I’d just stick to the expectation of only evaluating the text itself, but this book had really moved me, and I wanted to dig deeper and figure out why. The book was set in a nearby city, and after some research I realized that many of the settings were real places—or at least they were when the book was written. So I decided to go to the main locations from the book, compare them to their descriptions in the book, and use that to talk about the themes of memory and place in the novel. For each place, I also tried to talk to someone who frequented there. My professor was so impressed with my project that she helped me apply for a student slot at a local literary conference. I was accepted and presented as one of three undergrad speakers. Before this experience, I used to avoid my more creative ideas in favor of doing things I know will work—but now I know how far my creativity can take me. Plus, I’d always been fairly socially anxious, so talking to people for my project and giving the speech during the conference really pushed me out of my comfort zone and I’m really proud of myself for going through with it.”

Read More: The Perfect Formula for Answering “What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment” in an Interview

8. Do you have any questions for us?

You should always have questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview—about the internship, your potential manager, the team, or the company as a whole. You literally have an expert at your disposal, so use your time with them wisely by digging into the specifics and getting any lingering concerns addressed. The interviewer wants to know that you’re engaged in the interview process, and asking thoughtful, provoking questions is a great way to show this.

Prepare at least two to three questions that not only show you researched the company and know what it does, but also demonstrate that you’re excited about the role and all it has to offer.

Here are a few great questions you can ask, depending on what you’re looking to get out of the conversation and who you’re speaking with:

  • “What’s your career path been so far that’s led you here, and what made you stay at this company?”
  • “What’s been your most memorable experience here and why?”
  • “What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on?”
  • “How do you measure success for this internship?”
  • “What’s one thing you’re hoping to get from an intern? How can an intern make your life easier?”
  • “What do you love most about your job? This company?”

Check out this article on the best questions to ask in an interview for more great ideas.

Pro tip: It’s perfectly OK—and encouraged—to write your questions down ahead of time and pull out your notes when it’s your time to ask. This ensures you don’t forget anything, and if you bring a pen and take notes it shows the interviewer you’re paying attention and taking their responses seriously (just don’t be heads down the whole time).

9. Role-specific interview questions

In an internship interview, you may also encounter some specific questions that speak directly to the role you’re interviewing for—so make sure you have examples and related experience prepared to address any of the “required” skills or specific projects and tasks listed in the job description.

For example, if you’re interviewing for a human resources internship that will give you access to sensitive employee data, be prepared to share an example of when you’ve dealt with confidential information and explain specific experience you’ve had working in databases. For technical questions, even if you haven’t used the company’s specific system, describe similar systems you’ve used and your ability to learn quickly (with actual examples of these skills in action).

Bonus internship interview questions

Beyond these inquiries, you might get asked some of these common interview questions:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Walk me through your resume.
  • Why did you choose your major?
  • What are your greatest strengths?
  • What are some of your weaknesses?
  • What can you bring to our team or company?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What did you do in your previous internship?/What do you do at your current job?
  • Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
  • How do you deal with stressful situations?
  • Tell me about a time you disagreed with your boss or a professor.
  • How do you stay organized?
  • How do you like to be managed?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What type of work environment do you prefer?
  • What motivates you?
  • What are your career aspirations?
  • What is your dream job?
  • What makes you unique?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What should I know about you that’s not on your resume?
  • How do you keep yourself on task when working or learning remotely?

Above all, remember that the interviewer wants to get to know you and ensure the internship will be mutually beneficial. So be yourself, take a deep breath, and know that you’re going to do great!

Regina Borsellino also contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

marketing internship essay

marketing internship essay

The Best Internships for Marketing Majors

Explore our comprehensive guide to the best marketing internships for college students.

Internships for marketing majors

Behind the products you love, campaigns you resonate with, and taglines you can’t get out of your head, there’s a marketing team brainstorming the next latest and greatest. The details of your favorite ads or designs all came from those in the marketing world. And if you consider the wide range of jobs for marketing majors, you’ll have a great pool of internship opportunities in consumer goods, business, and other fields.

In your marketing internships, you’ll gain skills in communication, quantitative/qualitative research, creation and creativity of campaigns, and understanding and empathizing with your audience. Internship opportunities for marketing students can foster great exploration of the field, since there are so many paths in marketing to consider and understand.

How do I get a marketing internship?

Getting an internship in marketing could not be more exciting considering the sheer amount of opportunities in different businesses. Marketing internships during summer 2021 will provide you with many valuable experiences, giving a real taste of what it’ll be like to work in marketing down the line. You’ll connect with potential mentors, learn marketing trade secrets, and build relationships with coworkers with a range of expertise. It’s also a plus if it’s a paid marketing internship!

The best marketing internships beef up resumes, provide valuable avenues to letters of recommendation , and can even turn into full-time jobs . If you consider all of these perks a marketing internship and add the benefit of exploring different facets of one field, then start your marketing internship search now!

Tips for your resume and profiles

Before you get started on sending out applications, make sure that you have your resume up to date and have fully filled out all your Handshake profile details. With a complete profile, an impressive marketing internship is more attainable than ever. Recruiters are much more likely to message a student with a complete profile that says you want to work in marketing than an unfinished one.

Tips for your internship interview

When you do land your first interview, be it a virtual interview or in person, make sure to come prepared and dressed to impress. Review your resume and cover letter to make sure you have specific examples of your experience to share, from clubs or coursework. You can even schedule a mock interview with your university’s career center or, if you’re tight on time, ask a trusted friend to grill you on some common interview questions .

Tips for networking at your marketing internship

Once you’ve landed an internship in marketing and settled into the flow of day-to-day life in your role, start chatting with your coworkers. Whether they’re industry professionals or fellow interns, it’s important to treat them with equal respect. You never know what insights they could lend, or who could be a valuable connection down the line, five or ten years from now. Don’t be afraid to ask your new colleagues out for quick coffee chats, or request 15-minute informational interviews about their career trajectory.

Want more tips for getting the most out of your internship?

Looking for specific advice before your internship begins? Or are you hungry for further information even after your internship is over? A good way to delve even deeper into your career path growth is to attend a virtual event or two. Not only will you be learning more about your own career, but there will also be chances to network with employers , industry specialists, and other students sharing different perspectives.

Jobs you can get as a marketing major

Wondering where the “marketing internships near me” are? Internships in marketing can fall under any of the following roles we’ve listed here for you! Internships are meant to guide you towards your true desired career path and your summer 2021 marketing internship could kick it off in the right direction.

It doesn’t matter if you’re on the hunt for freshman marketing internships or business paid marketing internships or marketing internships in NYC, let these job roles and suggestions on where to apply for marketing internships guide you in the right direction.

Marketing Manager

Marketing managers oversee the promotional efforts of a company through marketing and advertising campaigns. They manage the research, planning, strategy, and execution of the company's marketing initiatives, which ultimately aim to increase sales or brand awareness.

Companies you can apply to: Apple, Microsoft, Wayfair

Average pay: $42,000

Public Relations Manager

Public relations managers and specialists communicate with journalists and media outlets to promote news and create a specific public image for an individual, group, or organization. Their responsibilities may include managing social media accounts, writing press releases, and planning press events.

Companies you can apply to: MGR Strategic Communications, Nestle USA, Amazon Robotics

Average pay: $38,000

Product Manager

Product managers are responsible for the development of a given product as well as understanding the product's features and strategy. They often wear many hats in the product development process, but ultimately must deliver the best product to their chosen target audience.

Companies you can apply to: Amazon, Facebook, Lyft, Salesforce

Average pay: $92,500

Social Media Manager

Social media managers are in charge of the development and execution of a company’s social media content and strategy. They can wear hats in other aspects such as writing, editing, and graphic design.

Companies you can apply to: Riddle & Bloom, Dauntless Marketing Group, N3

Average pay: $56,770

Copywriters are in charge of writing compelling content both for a company’s internal and external communications. Their tasks can range from blog content to product explainer and many other facets of writing.

Companies you can apply to: JMS Marketing, Inc., Insight Global

Average pay: $63,000

Tips and tricks for your marketing internship

Want tips for getting and acing your marketing internship? Look no further.

When searching for marketing internships, it’s key to use the location filters provided on Handshake . You’ll be able to pinpoint marketing internships exactly where you want to intern just by selecting the city you want in the search bar. Easy marketing internships in your preferred city are just a search away.

You can even research possible job roles that you might want to explore during your marketing internship. Handshake also makes it easy to learn about roles in marketing simply by using the job role search bar .

And if you want to take your research one step further, you can even research top employers in the marketing field on Handshake. Just by using the Handshake employer search feature you can discover companies that are hiring in your specific field by filtering by “Industry.”

Where can I intern for marketing?

Some companies that would be great for marketing majors looking for internships: LaunchSquad, Vector Marketing, or Division-D

Marketing internships can be found all over! Even companies that don’t specialize in marketing and advertising are looking for bright interns to help them market their content.

Are marketing internships paid?

Yes, you can find paid internships on Handshake by using the search filters!

The average annual pay for full-time jobs in marketing range from $38,000 to $56,700.

How much does a marketing intern make?

The average annual pay for full time jobs in marketing range from $38,000 to $56,700.

Are internships necessary for marketing majors?

While it's not required, internships are great opportunities for growth and experience. From marketing management internships to public relations management internships, you’ll be able to build both hard and soft skills and even network.

What does a marketing intern do?

Along with networking and gaining mentorship, marketing interns will spend time working on skills great for later in their career journeys. Marketing interns will learn how to plan and execute campaign strategies, communicate their visions effectively, and collaborate with a team on a shared goal.

What companies hire marketing interns?

Some companies that would be great for marketing majors looking for internships: WebFX, N3, Blue Millennial, LaunchSquad, Vector Marketing, or Division-D

What can you learn from a marketing internship?

During your marketing internship, you’ll learn some great generic skills like communication, accountability, organization, and teamwork. Additionally, you’ll be immersed in the world of marketing which will help you develop your knowledge of brand awareness, how to project manage, and the best way to write for marketing.

What should marketing interns put on their resume?

When putting together your resume, make sure to have all your skills, courses, and accomplishments laid out for employers to view. Also having your preferred job role and location on your Handshake profile is a great way to signal your interest to potential recruiters.

For marketing interns, some great skills to list would be creativity, organization, ability to follow through and execute, and ability to contribute and collaborate in a team setting. It’s also key to mention organizations or projects that you led and can explain thoroughly.

Find the right jobs for you. Get hired.

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Reflecting on My Internship Experience: Lessons Learned

  • Categories: Internship Self Reflection

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Words: 628 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 628 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, overview of the internship, goals and expectations, learning and professional growth, challenges and lessons learned, interactions and networking, application of classroom knowledge, ethical considerations.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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marketing internship essay

  • • Developed and deployed 10+ email marketing campaigns using HTML and CSS, achieving a 15% increase in click-through rate over six months.
  • • Designed and built five custom landing pages for special marketing projects, improving user engagement by 30% as measured by time on page.
  • • Conducted detailed analysis of campaign data to optimize digital strategies, increasing lead generation by 20% quarter over quarter
  • • Created and maintained a database of 500+ prospects using Salesforce, ensuring accurate and timely updates.
  • • Analyzed user interaction data from website and social media, providing actionable insights to enhance digital content reach.
  • • Assisted in developing segmented lists for targeted email campaigns, contributing to a 10% growth in campaign effectiveness.
  • • Used Excel to perform complex data analysis, including the creation of pivot tables to report findings to stakeholders.
  • • Analyzed demographic data to help NGOs target their services more effectively.
  • • Created visualizations to represent the impact of fundraising campaigns.

5 Marketing Intern Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

In a Marketing Intern role, you will contribute to various projects, assist with market research, and support campaign execution. Highlight your experience with social media management, any relevant coursework, and previous internships in your resume. Consider including proficiency in data analysis, creativity in content creation, and strong communication abilities. Mention any successful projects or initiatives you've been part of and quantify your contributions to demonstrate your impact effectively.

All resume examples in this guide

marketing internship essay


Resume Guide

The right resume format

Resume experience

Resume skills

Education & certifications

Resume objective

Additional sections

Key takeaways

Marketing Intern resume example

Recent insights from GetApp reveal an exciting trend for marketing newcomers in small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Despite the rapid rise of artificial intelligence, the demand for marketing interns remains strong . What's more, a whopping 71% of SMBs are prepared to offer higher salaries to novice marketers who provide fresh insights on current marketing trends. This is a prime opportunity for up-and-comers to make their mark—and possibly their money—in the evolving digital marketing landscape.

Great news—AI isn't taking your job anytime soon! But here’s the catch: if you’re on the hunt for a marketing internship, you need a resume that truly stands out. Make sure it highlights your knack for keeping up with the latest trends and your eagerness to sharpen your analytical skills.

This guide is your secret weapon. It’s packed with resume-building tips, including:

  • The optimal resume format for digital marketing interns;
  • How to showcase your experience, even if it’s limited;
  • Tips for weaving in impactful keywords and numbers that make your resume pop;
  • Key skills to highlight that will make your intern resume shine;
  • Crafting an objective statement that captures attention.

Looking to explore other opportunities? Check out our collection of digital marketing resume examples below:

  • Marketing Assistant Resume
  • Marketing Specialist Resume
  • Digital Marketing Resume
  • Digital Marketing Consultant Resume
  • Entry-level Digital Marketing Resume
  • Marketing Manager Resume
  • Social Media Intern Resume
  • PR Intern Resume
  • Intern Resume
  • Marketing Intern Cover Letter

The right format for a marketing intern resume

Internships offer a fantastic opportunity to sharpen your skills and gain valuable hands-on experience in your chosen field. What's more, with 60% of internships being paid  and most interns landing a permanent position after their programs, the stakes are high and the rewards even higher.

Naturally, you're eager to secure that coveted marketing internship! But first, you need to craft a resume that showcases your talents like a well-executed marketing campaign, highlighting your strategic thinking, creativity, and data savvy.

Let’s start with the structure of your resume . For marketing interns, the hybrid resume format  is typically the best choice. It allows you to underline marketing-specific skills that are crucial for the role, while also detailing your educational background and any internship experiences in a clear timeline.

Here are the two other most popular resume formats:

  • Reverse-c hronological resume : This format lists your work history in reverse chronological order, which makes it easy for hiring managers to see your most recent job experiences. However, when you’re joining the workforce for the first time, this format can highlight your lack of experience.
  • Functional resume:  It focuses on your skills and abilities rather than your chronological work history. It’s beneficial if you're new to the field or have gaps in your employment because it underscores what you can do rather than when you did it. Still, some hiring managers might not prefer this format as it can seem like you’re hiding a lack of experience or inconsistent employment history.

Make a decision based on your experience (those summer jobs also count!) and then consider using a resume template  that will effectively visualize your strengths.

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to sift through resumes . They're scanning for keywords that match the skills and qualifications they need. That's why it's super important to customize your resume for each job you apply for. By mirroring the keywords from the job ad in your resume, you boost your chances of getting past these digital filters and catching a recruiter's eye.

So, before you start, always pull those key terms from the job ad and sprinkle them throughout your resume.

Resume designs

  • Template : We recommend using a single-column resume  template because it fills the page nicely, preventing it from looking too empty, which can happen with less content.
  • Margins:  Set your resume margins  between 0.5 and 1 inch to make sure your document has enough white space and is easy to read.
  • Colors : Choose subtle, professional colors for your resume . Blue and gray are always a good idea when customizing your resume design.
  • Fonts : Use readable resume fonts  such as Arial, Rubik, or Lato, sized between 10 and 12 points. Serif fonts are also ATS-friendly, even though they’re better suited for other fields such as law or academia.
  • Length : One-page resumes  are the best option for marketing interns and anyone who has less than 10 years of experience.

Resume header

  • Contact information : Include your name, desired job title or area of interest, and location at the top of your resume. Also, it’s crucial to use a professional email address —skip the nicknames.
  • Links : Don’t forget to include a link to your LinkedIn profile , or even better, to your personal portfolio if you have one. This gives potential employers a deeper look at what you can do.
  • Photo : It’s usually best to leave photos off your resume . This helps avoid unconscious bias and keeps the focus purely on your skills and qualifications.

File format and naming

  • Simple formatting:  Avoid using complex graphic elements and tables as they can confuse ATS.
  • File format : Save your resume as a PDF  to maintain formatting, unless otherwise specified.
  • Naming Convention:  Name your file professionally, for example, ‘FirstName LastName Marketing Intern Resume’.

Have you already got a resume? Our free AI-powered resume checker  does 16 crucial checks to ensure your resume is ready to beat ATS.

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Here are the 5 different resume sections  that need to stand out on a resume for a digital marketing internship.

The top sections on a marketing intern's resume

  • Include a skills section  to highlight marketing tools you’re familiar with.
  • Add a projects section  to showcase the marketing campaigns you’ve worked on.
  • Include a certifications section  for any relevant marketing credentials.
  • Add an experience section  to detail your past roles.
  • Include an education section  to emphasize marketing-related studies or academic successes.

These elements are important for a reason. Hiring managers will be looking for specific insights when reviewing your resume.

What recruiters want to see on your resume

  • Digital proficiency : Recruiters look for skills in social media, SEO, and digital analytics because digital marketing drives today’s industry standards.
  • Creativity and innovation : These are crucial as they prove the ability to develop engaging and original marketing campaigns.
  • Communication : Effective writing and speaking skills are prioritized as they’re essential for crafting clear and persuasive marketing messages.
  • Analytical skills : Recruiters seek candidates who can interpret marketing data and analytics to optimize strategies and demonstrate ROI.
  • Adaptability : This shows the potential to thrive in a fast-paced industry and adjust strategies based on market trends and consumer feedback.

First, you’ll need to focus on the experience section . When applying for an entry-level position, you may not have directly relevant work experience. Still, it’s important to highlight any internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work that demonstrate skills applicable to marketing, such as communication, project management, or digital tool proficiency. Let’s see how you can do that in the following part of this guide.

How to write your marketing intern resume experience section

Don’t worry about your lack of experience—HR staff know you’re applying for the position to gain new skills and knowledge. As a student or recent grad , you might not have any experience that feels relevant. However, even if your previous positions weren't marketing-specific, there are still transferable skills .

As a general rule of thumb, focus on your achievements rather than your job responsibilities. What kind of difference did you make at your organization? What kind of value did you bring? What did you do that no one else did?

Tailor this section  precisely by using the job description as your guide. It contains all the qualifications you need to emphasize, so be sure to incorporate the same keywords from the job posting into your resume.

For a clearer idea of how to do this, examine this real-world job description for a marketing internship:

We are looking for a Digital Marketing Intern to join our Chief Marketing office. This is a VIRTUAL role and this individual can be based anywhere in the U.S.

The focus for this position will evolve around customer & prospect databases as well as digital asset creation. This position will work primarily with the Lead Gen/Field Marketing and Product Solutions teams. The successful candidate will have proven analytical skills, experience with HTML, and a working knowledge of CRM systems, preferably SFDC.

Key responsibilities include:

  • Perform analysis of marketing database & digital campaign results
  • Use HTML skills to help create emails and landing pages
  • Aid in developing lists to support marketing and sales campaigns
  • Mining data from primary and secondary sources (Hoovers & Zoominfo)
  • Help drive continuous improvement initiatives and best practices as it pertains to data management

Knowledge/Skills/Experiences Required:

  • Currently enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program with an emphasis on data analytics, digital marketing, or computer science
  • Strong MS Excel skills (Macros/VBA, & Pivot Tables) and be competent in other MS Office solutions
  • Knowledge of HTML coding
  • Experience with Salesforce.com or other CRM software packages is strongly preferred
  • An analytical mind and inclination for problem-solving
  • Collaborate effectively with colleagues globally and across many timelines
  • Project management skills
  • This will be a remote position so the candidate must be able to successfully manage their time effectively
  • Comfortable in a deadline-driven environment
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Willing to learn new technologies and skills

That seems like a lot for an intern position, doesn't it? Don’t stress too much. Recruiters often list many requirements as a way to filter out candidates who aren't quite ready. Your job is to figure out how many of those requirements you meet and then clearly reflect them in your resume.

This is what we call a targeted resume . Below, you’ll find a less-than-stellar example of how an aspiring marketing professional might tailor their experience section to match the job ad we discussed.

  • • Used MS Office.
  • • Handled data entry for small business clients.
  • • Assisted with MS Office tasks and simple Excel functions
  • • Worked with teams to address software and hardware concerns.

This candidate, like many other students, took a summer job as a computer technician . They’re now ready to step up their game by applying for a marketing internship role. However, we fail to see how their previous experience is relevant to the job requirements.

Now, take a look at how the same experience entry could be improved.

  • • Implemented MS Office solutions with advanced Excel functions, reducing data processing time by 30% and improving reporting accuracy, which enhanced decision-making for management.
  • • Managed and optimized data for small business clients using CRM systems, closely aligning with Salesforce.com functionalities.
  • • Collaborated with over 5 different teams to resolve software and hardware issues, contributing to a 15% improvement in project delivery times and maintaining a 98% satisfaction rate in client service metrics.
  • Key skills underlined:  Even though the two roles may not appear to have much in common, the revised description effectively showcases key abilities from the job description. Advanced Excel functions for data reporting, familiarity with Salesforce, project management, and team collaboration are all transferable skills relevant to the marketing position.
  • Quantifiable achievements : Adding specific percentages, counts, or qualitative improvements helps to illustrate the direct benefits of the candidate’s actions, making the experience more tangible and impressive for potential employers.
  • Strong action verbs : Each experience entry starts with an action verb  highlighting the intern’s initiative and making the overall tone more dynamic and energetic. Plus, action verbs are the best way to introduce quantifiable achievements.

This experience stands a much better chance of getting noticed. Let’s sum up the steps you need to follow when you’re crafting your resume experience section entries:

  • List your job title, company name, location, and dates of employment.
  • Include 3-5 bullet points describing your previous responsibilities and achievements.
  • Transfer keywords from the job description to make your entries more ATS-friendly.
  • Start your entries with action verbs followed by specific examples and metrics.

See? You can impress with your resume, no matter your experience level. Just remember, it must closely align with the job you're applying for. By the way, Enhancv’s resume builder  not only helps you create a modern resume but also highlights areas for improvement, such as adding quantifiable results.

Speaking of results, let's explore how a marketing intern’s resume can be packed with numbers .

How to quantify your impact on a resume for a marketing internship

Quantifying impact on your resume makes all the difference. First, it proves you’re not just all talk; you bring real results. Numbers show exactly what you’ve accomplished, like boosting social media engagement by 25% or increasing newsletter subscriptions by 50%. Secondly, it helps you stand out from the crowd. In a sea of applicants, those figures are your life raft, making it easy for hiring managers to see your potential impact at a glance.

Here are a few tips on how to add more value to your resume:

  • Include the percentage increase in social media followers or engagement  during your management, showing your ability to grow and maintain audience interest.
  • Mention specific revenue growth figures  achieved from campaigns you helped design or implement, demonstrating your direct impact on business profitability.
  • Detail the conversion rates from your email marketing campaigns  to illustrate your proficiency in crafting compelling messages and calls to action.
  • List the number of A/B tests you conducted and the improvement in response rates, underscoring your analytical skills and understanding of market preferences.
  • Quantify the decrease in marketing expenses due to the efficiencies you introduced , highlighting your ability to manage budgets effectively.
  • Specify the growth in event attendance or participation rates  as a result of your promotional strategies, showcasing your event management and promotional skills.
  • Report the increase in customer satisfaction scores  or Net Promoter Scores (NPS) linked to initiatives you led, reflecting your focus on customer experience and retention.
  • Describe the reduction in lead acquisition time  through your streamlined processes, indicating your efficiency in moving leads through the marketing funnel.

If you’re applying for your first-ever marketing internship, you can adapt these suggestions to your previous experience (if any) and still make your resume relevant. After all, what you say is often less important than how  you say it ( innocent ).

How do I write a marketing intern resume with no prior work experience

Most online marketing internships are taken by college students and new grads. The catch? Many haven’t held a paid job before. If you’re a career-changer  eyeing a marketing role, your resume likely brims with valuable experience that you can tweak to meet the internship’s demands. However, for students without any job experience , the strategy needs to be different.

Find your selling point and embrace it. Take advantage of cover letters to market yourself as the volunteer who wants to extend his skills to achieve a corporation's objectives or the academically gifted student who's eager to apply her knowledge to the professional world. What makes you different from all the other candidates who are looking for their first internship, and more importantly, what makes you more valuable than those who are looking for their fourth or fifth?

Lily Lewis, Strategic Partner Manager & API ERG Lead at Twitch

Here are some ideas on how you can approach your first resume.

  • Use the skill-based resume order : We discussed this earlier—the functional resume is your best choice when you want to emphasize your skills rather than your lack of experience.
  • Highlight academic achievements : Emphasize any relevant coursework , projects, or academic honors that demonstrate skills applicable to marketing, such as courses in advertising, digital marketing, or communication.
  • Showcase volunteer work : Include any volunteer positions , particularly those involving promotional activities, event planning, or community outreach, as these experiences can closely align with marketing skills.
  • Detail extracurricular activities : If you've been involved in any clubs or societies, especially in a leadership role or in activities related to marketing (like managing a club's social media), make sure to list these.
  • Include internships or simulated experiences : Mention any internships, even unpaid ones, or participation in simulations like marketing competitions or business simulations that provide practical marketing exposure.
  • Focus on transferable skills : Identify and include transferable skills such as creativity, communication, problem-solving, and technological proficiency (like familiarity with social media platforms or marketing software).
  • Leverage freelance and casual work : If you've done any freelance work , like designing websites, creating content, or managing social media accounts for small businesses or individuals, include these experiences.
  • Use class projects as practical examples : Turn class projects  into case studies to demonstrate your ability to apply marketing theories in real-world scenarios. This can include any marketing plans you developed or advertising campaigns you designed as part of your coursework.
  • Add professional development : List any relevant workshops, seminars, or online courses you've completed, especially those that have issued certificates, to show your commitment to learning and staying current  in the field of marketing.
  • Leverage your personal brand with a cover letter : Amplify your brand by narrating your passion for marketing and how your unique experiences, from academics to extracurricular activities, align with the company’s goals and values.

Next, we explore the skills section of your resume  as often it can have a bigger impact than your experience.

How to list your hard and soft skills on your resume

According to NACE , communication, teamwork, and critical thinking top the list of skills sought by interns in the United States. However, these skills are quite broad, and it might be too early to label yourself a generalist marketer . You need to be more specific.

Cherry-pick the skills directly from the job description for your resume. If you're deciding which skills to include, revisit the job posting, highlight the ones you truly possess, and transfer those directly onto your resume.

Hard skills  are easier to list. Digital marketing involves a plethora of tech skills  and proficiencies used daily. For your resume list those that are directly related to the internship you’re targeting.

Best hard skills for your marketing intern resume

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • CRM software (e.g., Salesforce, HubSpot)
  • Email marketing platforms (e.g., Mailchimp, Constant Contact)
  • Adobe Creative Suite  (Photoshop, Illustrator)
  • Content management systems  (WordPress, Joomla)
  • Microsoft Excel  (advanced functions)
  • Data visualization tools (Tableau, Power BI)
  • Market research and analysis tools
  • Social media analytics tools
  • Video editing software (Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro)
  • Copywriting for digital platforms
  • A/B testing software
  • SQL  (for database querying)
  • E-commerce platforms  (Shopify, Magento)
  • Mobile marketing tools
  • Artificial intelligence

Soft skills , however, are a bit more tricky. It’s not particularly useful to isolate them in a dedicated section as each skill should be backed by evidence. A better approach is to integrate your interpersonal skills throughout other resume sections so you can quantify them more easily.

For example, this experience section entry implies great time management skills: “ Efficiently managed multiple marketing projects simultaneously, adhering to tight deadlines and resulting in a 15% increase in campaign execution speed .”

Below is a list of the most wanted soft skills for a marketing intern:

Best soft skills for your marketing intern resume

  • Communication skills
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management
  • Persuasiveness
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Conflict resolution
  • Customer orientation
  • Strategic thinking
  • Negotiation skills
  • Active listening
  • Organizational skills

Now, let’s consider the other essential element of your application—your education.

How to list education and certifications on your resume

Including your education, certifications, and any special training on your resume is super important, especially if you're just starting out and don't have a lot of work experience yet. When you're applying for a marketing intern position, this part of your resume really helps show off the solid foundation you've built. It tells employers you've got the academic chops and any extra qualifications that have been officially recognized.

Here’s what you need to know about your resume education section :

  • Degree type : Mentioning whether you’ve got a Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, or another degree clarifies how much schooling you've tackled.
  • University or college name : Where you studied matters because well-known or prestigious schools add extra shine to your resume.
  • Graduation date : Including when you graduated or when you’re expected to graduate gives employers a snapshot of your academic timeline.
  • GPA (if strong) : Flaunt your GPA if it’s 3.5 or higher .
  • Major and minor (if applicable) : Detailing your major or minor  highlights your specialization, particularly useful if it’s relevant to the marketing intern role you’re targeting.
  • Coursework and honors : If you’ve taken courses or received honors that are directly relevant to marketing, mention these to spotlight your specific skills and academic achievements.

Here’s a good example of an education entry for a marketing intern:

  • • Specialized in Consumer Behavior and Digital Marketing Analytics.
  • • Completed key courses in Strategic Marketing Management, Market Research, and E-commerce.

For a marketing intern resume, including certifications, even ones from free online courses, is a smart move. They show you're proactive about learning and keeping up with the latest in marketing trends and technologies. Plus, they amplify your resume by proving you've got the skills that matter in the real world of marketing.

To list your certificates , clearly detail each qualification, the organization that issued it, and the date it was earned or when it expires, if applicable.

Here’s a list of the most common beginners’ certificates you should consider for a marketing internship.

Top certifications for your marketing intern resume

  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ)
  • HubSpot Content Marketing Certification
  • Facebook Blueprint Certification
  • Hootsuite Social Marketing Certification
  • American Marketing Association Professional Certified Marketer (PCM)

Additional sections for a marketing intern resume

Including additional sections on a marketing intern resume can make the document stand out to potential employers by highlighting unique skills, experiences, and interests that align with the job requirements. Here are some extra sections that can be beneficial:

  • Projects : Highlight specific class projects or personal projects that demonstrate your marketing abilities, such as a successful social media campaign or market research for a new product.
  • Interests : Add interests that are relevant  to the industry or role, such as blogging about marketing trends, digital photography, or graphic design.
  • Professional affiliations : List membership in professional organizations  like the American Marketing Association or any university-affiliated clubs, especially if you hold a leadership role.
  • Volunteer experience : Mention any volunteer work, especially if it involves skills related to marketing, such as organizing events, managing social media for a cause, or conducting community outreach.
  • Languages : Indicate proficiency in additional languages , which can be a significant asset in global marketing roles.

Here’s how your projects section can look:

  • • Developed and executed a social media strategy across multiple platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) to promote environmental sustainability.
  • • Engaged with followers through daily posts and interactive content, resulting in a 40% increase in audience engagement.
  • • Collaborated with local environmental organizations to amplify their messages and coordinated online events.

Marketing interns entering the workforce can effectively position themselves as invaluable assets to potential employers in the digital age. The first step to do that is to craft a resume that shows you’re continuously updating your skills. 

Here’s what else you should consider when applying for an internship:

  • Hybrid resume format : The hybrid resume format is recommended for marketing interns as it allows them to showcase both skills and experiences.
  • ATS optimization : Given the widespread use of applicant tracking systems, tailoring your resume with relevant keywords from job descriptions can significantly boost your visibility to potential employers.
  • Education and continuous learning : Emphasizing educational backgrounds, certifications, and lidelong learning through courses can distinguish you in the competitive job market.
  • Worries about lack of experience : Limited work experience shouldn’t stop you. Provide concrete evidence of your skills and qualifications to show what you bring to the table.
  • Put your audience first : Your audience is HR managers and potential employers. Give them what they need to see on your resume by strategically aligning your goals and values with theirs.

marketing intern resume example

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Content Marketing Internships - Everything You Need to Know

A content marketing internship is a great opportunity for college students and recent graduates interested in researching, planning, and writing content to increase organic website traffic and leads.

Brady O. Werkheiser

Brady O. Werkheiser

Getting Started with Content Modeling in Contentful

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing discipline that focuses on developing content to attract, close, and delight customers using inbound marketing principles and search engine optimization (SEO).

Content marketing is one the core disciplines within the digital marketing mix which also includes paid marketing and social media marketing.

What is a content marketing internship?

A content marketing internship is a marketing internship that helps college students or recent graduates learn how to use content marketing strategies and develop content marketing collateral to help businesses increase their organic website visitors, convert website visitors into leads, and provide value to existing customers.

A content marketing internship is a structured internship program that covers key content marketing skills including inbound marketing methodology, keyword research, competitor research, content audits, content gap analysis, content planning, content writing, content operations, content optimization, semantic SEO, and on-page SEO.

What can content marketing interns expect during their internship?

Content marketing interns can expect a guided, hands-on experience that covers the full spectrum of inbound marketing responsibilities from how search engines index and rank website content to learning how to manage a scalable content marketing strategy across a multi-disciplinary team of writers, designers, developers, and marketers.

Content marketing interns should expect to gain experience analyzing website content using enterprise content marketing tools including Ahrefs, SurferSEO, Google Search Console, and meeting with team members across departments to learn how content marketing works with team members across the company.

What are the learning objectives of a content marketing internship?

The learning objectives of a content marketing internship include:

Understanding how inbound marketing works

Understanding how search engines index, rate, and rank content

Researching content topic ideas and creating topical content maps

Learning how to design content strategies that establish brands as an authority

Writing, editing, and optimizing content to increase search rankings

Understanding and following semantic SEO best practices

Creating content outlines for downloadable content marketing assets

Using content marketing tools like Ahrefs, SurferSEO, and Airtable

Publishing content marketing assets in a Content Management Systems (CMS)

These are just some of the learning objectives a content marketing intern can expect to learn throughout the course of a content marketing internship for the summer.

How are content marketing internships structured?

Content marketing internships are typically structured with weekly learning activities (e.g. training videos, certifications, original research articles, etc.), hands-on projects to apply content marketing best practices, working on projects with cross-functional marketing teams, and receiving 1:1 mentorship from content marketing managers.

10-Week Content Marketing Internship Topics

Here is a hypothetical breakdown of the content marketing internship topics an intern at Webstacks' can expect to cover during a 10-week marketing internship:

Intros and Company Onboarding

Inbound Marketing Fundamentals

Semantic SEO Fundamentals

Keyword and Competitor Research

Content Planning and Topical Authority Mapping

Content Writing and SEO Writing

Content Optimization and On-page SEO

Advanced Semantic SEO

Content Operations and Content Modeling

Content Marketing Application Optimization

Depending on the content marketing intern's technical capabilities, a technical topic such as advanced Semantic SEO could be switched out for another important content marketing skillset such as linkbuilding, copywriting, or earned media (PR).

Why is a content marketing internship important for marketing careers?

A content marketing internship is important for aspiring marketers because traditional University marketing and communication degrees only scratch the surface of content marketing during undergraduate programs.

Successful content marketers should learn advanced topics that aren't covered in undergraduate marketing programs like Semantic SEO, E-A-T, and content operations.

Content marketing internships are also important for marketing careers because it gives interns experience learning about and marketing specific industries such as Web3, blockchain, SaaS, AI, and FinTech.

Content marketing interns also get exposure to test, experiment, and learn how to use the industry's latest content marketing tools for real clients.

With educated consumers turning to search engines to find new products and service providers, content marketing is an in-demand marketing role, and is one of the least understood marketing skills from a search engine optimization perspective.

How can college students and recent graduates use a content marketing internship in their marketing career?

Content marketing interns who graduate from a 10-week internship program can leverage their internship experience to land a full-time marketing job including:

Working at the company who provided your content marketing internship

Working at a full-service marketing agency

Working as an in-house content marketer

Content marketing interns can also use their content marketing experience to transition their career into a related marketing field such as SEO, PPC, copywriting, or PR.

What college majors are best suited for a content marketing internship?

The best college majors for content marketing internships are:


Computer science

Information science

Information systems

College majors that emphasis research, writing, strategic thinking, and consumer psychology make good candidates because content marketing internships require the ability to write, edit, and optimize articles based on research and data analysis.

Philosophy and pre-law majors make good candidates for content marketing internships because they are strong researchers, logical thinkers, and persuasive communicators.

Computer science and information science majors have a strong working knowledge of how websites, servers, and the search engines work which is a good primer for the SEO-focused content marketing responsibilities of a summer intern.

What college majors are less suited for a content marketing internship?

College students majoring in the following disciplines are less suited for a content marketing internship:

Health care professions

Non-computer engineering majors (e.g. electrical engineering, civil engineering, etc.)

Specialized business majors (e.g. finance, accounting, supply chain, etc.)

Natural sciences (e.g. biology, chemistry, physics, etc.)

While your major does not dictate whether or not you will get accepted to a content marketing internship program, the learning curve for understanding inbound marketing, the buyer's journey, and how search engines rank content may be more difficult for candidates with majors in these backgrounds to understand.

Depending on the types of clients your prospective content marketing internship provider serves, your background in healthcare, life sciences, and engineering disciplines could position you as a stronger candidate because of your domain expertise.

Is a content marketing internship right for me?

A content marketing internship might be right for you if you have an interest in:

Critical analysis


Learning design

Instructional design

Problem solving

Relationship marketing

A/B testing and experimentation

Data analysis

Machine learning

Working in collaborative team environments

If you are an avid reader, writer, and researcher, a content marketing internship can help you learn how to design content strategies and optimize content to drive more unique visitors to a website, establishing brands as topical authorities, and improve E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) scores.

Is a content marketing internship right for a more technical person?

Prospective interns with a strong technical background in computer science, web development, and information systems are good candidates for a content marketing internship because the internship can be tailored to technical content marketing goals.

However, an SEO internship with a focus on content marketing could be a better fit for interns that are more interested in understanding:

How search engines work and understand content

How AI tools like GPT-3 work

How to build Python scripts to automate content marketing

How to use machine learning to scale content marketing topic generation

If you fall somewhere in between content marketing and a more technical SEO role, a content marketing internship can help you identify the area most aligned with your skills.

What are the qualifications for a content marketing internship?

To qualify for a content marketing internship, intern candidates should have a preliminary understanding of digital marketing and the role of content marketing in the digital marketing mix; candidates should be strong writers, researchers, and communicators; and interns should be passionate and unafraid to learn about new marketing technology.

Where should my content marketing internship be located?

It's best to look for content marketing internships in your state because you are more likely to get hired since that’s where the company does business.

Otherwise, the company you're applying to would need a business license to operate in that state, or they would need to hire you as an independent contractor.

How to Prepare for a Content Marketing internship

Before starting a content marketing internship, it is best to prepare by learning as much as you can about the company you’ll be working for, their customers, and the content marketing and SEO tools they use to manage their content operations.

Some of the most popular content marketing tools include:

HubSpot - Blogging and Inbound Marketing

Contentful - Headless CMS (Content Management System)

Ahrefs - Keyword Research

SurferSEO - NLP and AI Assisted Writing

Grammarly - Grammar and Proofreading

Airtable - Content Operations

Google Docs - Cloud-based document creation

Slack - Internal team communications platform

Asana - Team project management tool

KeywordInsights - Keyword clustering tool

Figma - Content mapping and planning tool

Notion - SOP and internal document management tool

Understanding your company, customers, and tools is important because there are different applications for content marketing such as B2B content marketing, B2C content marketing, eCommerce content marketing, and SaaS content marketing that have different strategies, tools, and processes to achieve results.

Content Marketing Influencers to Research Before your Internship

Once you understand the SEO niches that your company is focused on, find SEO thought leaders in those niches and familiarize yourself with their perspectives and research. Here are a few SEO publications, SEO influencers to help you get started:

Brian Dean - Content Marketing and SEO Expert

Koray Tugberk - Semantic SEO

Nick Jordan - Content Operations

Steve Toth - Content Marketing

Kevin Indig - Director of Search, Spotify

Tim Soulo - CMO, Ahrefs

Rand Fishkin - CEO, Sparktoro

Marie Haynes - E-A-T Expert

Neil Patel - Serial Marketing Entrepreneur

HubSpot - Inbound Marketing Training and Tools

Content Marketing Internship Interview Question Examples

If you’re interviewing for a content marketing internship, be prepared to answer interview questions that cover the following topics:

In your own words, describe how content marketing works?

Why are you interested in completing a content marketing internship?

What are your professional marketing career goals?

How does being a content marketing intern align with your career goals?

What interests you about inbound marketing?

Why do you want to conduct a content marketing internship at Webstacks?

What is your experience writing blogs, research papers, and advertising copy?

What is your research and writing process like?

What content marketing and writing tools do you use to create great content?

What is your experience and level of understanding about SEO?

What is your experience like working for a cross-functional and remote teams?

How to do deal with writer's block?

How to Find Content Marketing Internships

The best ways to find content marketing internships is to visit the career pages of content marketing agencies, full-service marketing agencies, agencies that offer SEO services, and popular job listing websites like Indeed, Monster, and LinkedIn job boards.

Another way to find content marketing internships is using advanced search engine operators in Google such as intitle:, using quotation marks to find exact matches, or boolean operators like “OR,” and to find pages that mention content marketing.

Apply to a Content Marketing Internship

If a content marketing internship sounds like an exciting opportunity that aligns with your marketing goals, and you think Webstacks is a good fit, apply to Webstacks’ 10-week content marketing internship program this summer by visiting the Webstacks job board .

You can find more information about the opportunity on our Greenhouse Careers board or the jobs section on Webstacks' company LinkedIn profile.

What are the benefits of a content marketing internship at Webstacks?

Content marketing interns will benefit from:

Paid, hands-on experience in the office (San Diego), fully remote, or hybrid

Working with some of the world's fastest-growing SaaS, FinTech, and Web3 startups

1-on-1 coaching from Webstacks marketing and SEO experts

Cross-functional learning opportunities

Direct experience working in a fast-paced and fun agency environment

For more information about working at Webstacks, read interviews from Webstacks employees across SEO and marketing teams:

Brady Werkheiser , Sr. SEO Analyst

Natalie Eisen , SEO Analyst L1

Carly Johnson , Marketing Technologist

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102 Internship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best internship topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on internship, ⭐ interesting topics to write about internship, ✅ simple & easy internship essay titles.

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  • Customer Service Field: Internship Experience I learned how to handle customer requests and complaints and forward them to the responsible staff at the bank. Each day of the internship period in the customer service section was often coupled with a […]
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  • Criminal Justice Internship Report The primary goals of the course are to expose students to new contexts and environments, broaden and deepen knowledge of key concepts and theories relevant to the field, and improve an overall learning experience.
  • Human Resource Management Internship in Sales This was the intern’s task to work with the rest of the human resource team in selecting, hiring, and training the new team in the system within one month.
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  • Internship in the Computer Service Department In fact, I know that I am on track because I have been assessed by the leaders in the facility with the aim of establishing whether I have gained the required skills and knowledge.
  • Yolsu Engineering Ltd.’s Internship Experience At the end of the week, I passed the weekly progress review since I was able to accurately and competently work with chronological documentation and track the receipts in the company’s account system.
  • The Internship Experience at an Airport Fire Station The safety of the airport is therefore of great importance. I was familiarized with the operations of the fire station and the equipment used to deal with a fire.
  • The Internship at Studio O+A Company It should be noted that I was not only an intern in a well-known and respected company in the interior design industry but I was the part of a project involving another big company.
  • Al Habtoor Motors: Internship Experience In reference to this goal, I would give myself an A since I have managed to get acquainted with a lot of materials and reports devoted to the organization’s strategy and the way that its […]
  • Internship Experience in The Lobby Bar, New Jersey The theoretical knowledge helps us describe the business models and the competitive strategies organizations use to adapt to the changing business environment.
  • Internship at Banque Saudi Fransi The internship was a valuable experience as it allowed applying my theoretical knowledge to practice and understand the principle of banking operations from inside. The list of the main shareholders is represented in the table […]
  • Business Analytics Internship at a Car-Selling Company My objective for the project is to evaluate the efficacy of big data analytics and visualization in boosting sales and marketing in the automotive industry.
  • Internship Experience at the MJH Company MJH is a vast global growing company due to its transparency, reliability, and effectiveness; its brand has gained undoubted trust from its clients.
  • Importance of Internship Performance Overall, it contributes to the accumulation of experience and applying of theoretical understanding to practical tasks, which is extremely important in such a sphere as medicine.
  • The Internships for Medical Assistants The benefit of the fifth internship for me will be that I will be able to learn how to work closely with a doctor.
  • Al Mansouri 3B Group: A One-Week Internship The experience was wonderful not only because of the nice moments I shared with my colleagues who eventually became my friends after the first day of introduction with the manager of the company, but also […]
  • Internship in Merrill Lynch Company The report is concluded with a summary of findings on the probability of potential changes in the corporate, growth and marketing strategies of Merrill Lynch and recommendations in these areas for improvement in the performance […]
  • College Internship and Management Training Program at Marriott Most of these opportunities are offered in their hotel and lodging facilities in different parts of the world but some are offered at their corporate offices.
  • Real Estate Business in Berlin. Personal Internship After the fall of the Berlin Wall in the real estate market of Germany it is possible to observe a surprising situation: prices in the east, formerly socialist territories, did not grow for a long […]
  • Overview of the General and Individual Internship: Ateneo Institute of Sustainability Because of the increasingly large number of education-related issues and the absence of a uniform management technique in most Philippine organizations, there is a necessity to introduce a set of tools and strategies that will […]
  • Al Ghad TV Company’s Internship Experiences The key objective of the internship was to expand the existing knowledge on the topic of operation of TV stations and what it takes to have a career in the sphere.
  • Electra Dubai Company’s Internship Experience This report consists of a description of the work performed and experience gathered during the internship, a self-assessment and a subjective impression of the company and ends with some conclusive remarks.
  • Internship at Saudi Aramco The SWOT analysis for Saudi Aramco is constructed based on personal perceptions and judgments it represents the current state of the organization and its future evolvements. The competitiveness of Saudi Aramco is founded on its […]
  • Zayed University’s Internship and Studies The internship is an opportunity to gain practical experience of the applicability of knowledge and the anticipated learning outcomes in a work environment in preparation for one’s career.
  • Social Work Values Development During Internship I am also expecting to acquire and use numerous theoretical models to support the needs of patients with diverse health and psychological needs.
  • Aal Mir Group of Companies’ Internship Experience Four specific learning objectives were determined for the internship: to study general accounting principles applied in the company; to learn accounting methods of analyzing financial data; to practice in preparing financial statements, and to learn […]
  • First Home Care: Internship Clinical Practice The term was used for the first time at the beginning of the twentieth century. In addition, some of the people with autism exhibit seriously impaired speech or are unable to speak at all.
  • Museum Improvement Project as an Internship Goal The following goal will be important in the improvement project: To set up audiovisual and lighting requirements for the first three months of screening within the budgeted cost of AED 48,000 In the budget estimates, […]
  • Museum Internship Goals: Budgeting and Policies The standard, therefore, will help shape the current pricing policy so that a compromise between the needs of the project and the financial capacities of the target population could be reached.
  • Dubai Electricity and Water Authority’s Internship The company appeared as a result of a merger of the Dubai Electricity Company and the Dubai Water Department that had been founded much earlier, in 1959.
  • Blue Steel Security Company’s Internship Experience The main incentive for working in the Blue Steel Security Company as an intern is the fact that there is a high chance of attaining an employment opportunity in the Company.
  • Abu Dhabi Companies’ Internship Opportunities The core mission of the company is to become the most appreciated food and beverage company in UAE. The mission is achieved through a constant provision of nutritious and responsibly produced food and beverage of […]
  • Etihad Museum in Dubai: Internship Analysis One of the most useful and valuable activities within the course was the one dedicated to the facilitation of meetings for the purpose of the establishment of a basis for collaboration between the museum and […]
  • Capital Investment Realty Group’s Internship Experience Founded in 2013, the CIRG operates in the real estate sector and has focused on selling or leasing commercial and residential houses targeting the entertainment and sports sectors.
  • Aviation Logistics Internship in the UAE As a trainee in the department of aviation logistics, I was supposed to supervise the procurement and shipment of varied military resources.
  • National Commercial Bank Capital’s Internship NCB is one of the pioneers in the Islamic finance and banking industries, as evidenced by its effectiveness in introducing new financial products into the market.
  • Unpaid Internships and Labor Policies Assuming that the college senior would have acquired the required skills and knowledge that would be applied in the job market, he or she should not take an unpaid internship.
  • Problems of Unpaid Internship In conclusion, it is possible to state that the article provides insights into the causes of the tension between companies and interns.
  • Internship Experience in Hydra Trading LLC It identified areas of strengths and weaknesses of the company based on ISO standards, strategies used to identify weaknesses, and methods of improving Hydra’s weaknesses in order to develop quality standards for the company. I […]
  • System of Protection for Asylum Seekers and Refugees Internship The system has identified the need to have respect among the refugees in a given camp and between the refugees and the staff that run the protection institutions.
  • Internship: Shadowing a Substance Abuse Counselor The more a person is predisposed to the risks, the higher are the chances of substance abuse. The development of the effective prevention strategies for the substance abuse counselors is based on the knowledge of […]
  • Almutlaq Holding Company Internship The company’s mission is to “develop the idea of showing, production, sales, and the endless work to raise efficiency and professionalism” to enhance economic development of the kingdom.
  • Summer Work Programs and Internships The need for high supervision can be used to the good of the organization as some low ranking officers can be given the role of monitoring the interns and in the process, they develop their […]
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  • Training and Relevant Appointed Internship
  • Internship Experience and Activities
  • Personal Growth and How an Internship Experience Offers
  • Internship: Employment and Proficient Beginner
  • Human Resource Planning: Submission of Internship Report
  • International Business Marketing Internship
  • Environmental Studies Internship
  • Internship Program and Their Impact on Students
  • Management and Leadership, Professionalism and Ethics, and Conflict Management in the Movie the Internship
  • College Major, Internship Experience, and Employment Opportunities
  • Managing Stress During Internship
  • The Success of a Job – Innere, Internship, Business
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  • Graduate and Career Exploration Internship
  • Criminal Justice Internship: Probation and Field Experience
  • Influence Internship Learning Effect in Business Service Sector: Using Internship Self-Efficacy as the Mediator Variable
  • Bridging the Education-Practice Divide: The University Internship Programs
  • Experience, Formal Training, and Internship
  • Internship: Educational and Professional Career
  • Personal Motivation for the National Internship Program
  • Generation Internship: The Impact of Internships on Early Labor Market Performance
  • Internship and Audit Expectation Gap Among Undergraduate Students
  • Business Administration and Economics Internship
  • Differences Between Education, Internship, and Experience
  • Marketing Higher Education: Models of Marketing Internship Programs as Tools for the Recruitment and Retention of Undergraduate Marketing Majors
  • Criminology: Crime and Internship Experience
  • Learning Administration Techniques Through an Internship
  • Internship-Benefits and Disadvantages: Internship Experiences
  • Background and Business Model of the Internship Site
  • Experiencing Different Leadership Styles During Internship
  • Account Management and Analytic Consulting Internship
  • Education Science and Technology Development Center Internship
  • Group Dynamics: Observations for Internship Field Experience
  • Internship Experience With High Hopes and Expectations
  • Experiences Gained From Psychology Internship
  • Internship Problems With Intern Students
  • Behaviors for an Internship at a Church Site
  • Workplace Diversity Research Ideas
  • Teamwork Research Ideas
  • Workplace Discrimination Research Topics
  • Employee Motivation Questions
  • Leadership Essay Ideas
  • Work Environment Research Topics
  • Employment Law Paper Topics
  • Talent Management Questions
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 102 Internship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internship-essay-topics/

"102 Internship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internship-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '102 Internship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "102 Internship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internship-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "102 Internship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internship-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "102 Internship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internship-essay-topics/.

Marketing internship Paper Essay Example

Marketing internship Paper Essay Example

  • Pages: 12 (3105 words)
  • Published: March 20, 2018
  • Type: Paper

Through this great opportunity, I found and channeled my strengths and learned what it takes to be a successful businessman. I was able to get hands on in business affairs and get to know clients and fellow business partners personally. Interacting with clients showed me how business men and women both get involved and accomplishes goals in the business field. Despite only being Just an intern I worked hard for this enterprise and in return they made me feel a part of a family.

This was a family that is a team with one goal, which was to find and provide the best engineers for our automotive clients here in the city that is known and proud of to be the home of classic American cars, Detroit, Michigan. Advantage Resounding, Inc. As purchased in January of 2012 by Recruit Holdings Co. Recruit Holdings is a leading provider of integrated human resource services.

Recruit is also involved in marketing and promotional services, providing information for consumers in the form of magazines, internet, and mobile media. Overall Recruit is the fifth largest staffing firm in the world.

Advantage Resounding, Inc. Is a wholly owned subsidiary of Recruit Holdings Co. , Ltd. Advantage Resounding specializing in multiple human capital management services including contingent staffing, direct and permanent hire, on site staffing management services, acquirement process, outsourcing and master service provider in the U. S. , U. K. , and Australia. Advantage is a leader in providing talent in industries such as design and engineering, information technology, finance, accounting, human resources, marketing, skilled trades, clerical and light industrial skill sets.

When I first started my internship, Advantage Resoundin

had three Michigan offices. An office in Dearborn Michigan, Bloomfield Hills Michigan, and another office in Flint Michigan. At the end of June the Dearborn and Bloomfield offices combined and moved to Southfield Michigan in the Galleria Office center building. Advantage Resounding, Inc. Moved from Bloomfield to Southfield, Michigan. Southfield is known to be the sanctuary for automotive businesses and other enterprises in the Detroit metropolitan area.

When I first started my internship at Advantage Automotive, I was given an Advantage Resounding corporate laptop and bag that I was able to bring home that was equipped with all the software programs and documents that were needed to successfully keep up with information that was being shared. This alone gave me excitement to see what was in store for me to see what I would be getting out of this internship experience. The company culture of the office was an open and modern work environment and workspace with no cubicles or closed door offices.

The office had two conference rooms for daily office meetings. I was also given my own desk, which was placed right in the heart of the office. There was a strong difference in duties that everyone had, but it was never expressed because everyone was treated equally. Equality is the Advantage Resounding philosophy. This idea of equality leads to sufficient work ethic in the office. With everyone having their own expertise we were all able to collaborate and make Advantage Automotive Resounding, Inc. What it is known for with an excellent reputation.

Everyone also dressed and behaved the part for Advantage Resounding. We strive to be the best so we also looked

the best. Here I was able to effectively communicate with the account manager, the recruiters, and my boss Tom Picot. Advantage Resounding office was in a suit in an office building of multiple big businesses. My responsibilities on a daily basis consisted of market research; I would look up new clients and research to see if they utilized our staffing services. Advantage Resounding, Automotive Division is lancing on opening an office in Dublin, Ohio to support one of our major clients, Honda.

Tom Picot, my manager who is the boss of this specific branch would be notified him about the new potential clients in the area with their detailed company information such as financial, geographic location, employment information. I then had to take that data and selected 50 that we could see ourselves affiliating with. From here, I was coached on how to properly speak with these potential clients. I would find who the key decision maker was and obtain all of their information that was necessary to be documented in our computer database.

If I was successful in obtaining valuable information from potential clients, I would from here share this information to our account manager in Ohio, Don Whittaker. Don would then follow up with them in order to generate new business. Other duties I was responsible for were on-going sourcing, meaning looking for candidates externally from our database. This means I would look for new valuable candidates beyond from who have already been entered into our database. This would be done by through a social media medium, such as Linked, Twitter, Hoovers, etc.

If I found a valuable candidate ho was interested in

one of our Jobs available then I would have to screen them on the phone. From here, I would see what they were willing to work for one of our clients. I was always engaged with our candidates on an ongoing basis. I always was obtaining Jobs from the recruiters and would post them all over the web through websites such as Indeed. Com, Superiority. Com, Twitter, etc. Advantage Automotive lacked a brand presents in social media aspect of business, so I pitched the idea of starting a Twitter campaign for the company to Tom.

The overall goal of the Twitter page was to generate a social media presence for Advantage Automotive. I had to come up with a posting schedule routine for the Twitter so everything was uniformed. Some of the postings included active Job openings, resume tips, staffing industry news, automotive news, and Advantage Resounding achievements to ultimately make a presence in the social media aspect of business. The Twitter page ended up becoming a huge success. We were able to gain 1,ass's of followers rapidly and we interacted with our followers daily.

Some of our clients would read and "rewet" Tweets of ours. Many influential people in the staffing industry would follow our account and interact with us. Before this was achieved, a lot of hard work was out into the strategic planning of our Twitter page. First the "@" symbol name had to be approved, and the named changed several times before it was finalized. There is a length restraint in the "bio" section on Twitter, so we had to come up with a very descriptive biography with as little words

as possible.

The bio we thought would be the most successful in expressing Advantage Automotive image and brand name was "Experts on the placement of Engineering & Technical professionals I Leaders in the Automotive & Manufacturing Industries I Tweets dedicated to Advancing Careers. Followers of our Twitter page were also lead into our main website where they would be able to do more extensive research about who we are and what we do. Overall Twitter was a great gateway to expanding our brand image and brand awareness.

One of the responsibilities I had the pleasure of doing was associate care. Here I would keep in contact all of our associates who work onsite for our clients. The overall goal was to both keep them happy and to make sure their needs were being accommodated. Our goal was to gain inside information from our clients to see if they were hiring, which generated new business for Advantage Automotive. Advantage Resounding has a referral bonus program and if associates were to refer a new candidate to Advantage Resounding they would receive a compensation bonus.

The next marketing piece that I worked on for Advantage Automotive was referral bonus email that I would send out weekly to our clients that would remind them of the referral bonus program. Through this marketing piece we would try to generate profit from or associates. This type of marketing piece was never utilized by Advantage Resounding before and it was very successful because associates would email people high quality engineers who were looking for Jobs in the industry. From here, our account manager would easily place them in a Job position with

one of our clients that that best suited the individual.

Some problems that I had faced while working at my internship was the commute to work every day. The Detroit metropolitan area commute during rush hour is very condensed and congested since there is no public transportation in the city, everyone commutes by car. At first a problem that I had was that I was intimidated by speaking on the phone, which was a problem because that is what I did for 80% of my time. Eventually, I was able to grow out of this fear and succeed at this. Lastly, another problem this company encountered was trying to find engineers to fill the job orders.

This task was difficult because you had to find the perfect engineer to fit each Job order and in an efficient amount of time. The demand for engineers is increasingly high and the supply of them is very low, making this hard for us to accomplish our goals. So I and the recruiters had to come up with new ideas to engage and find new candidates. College visits, and online college Job board postings was a huge success. The course relevance to this internship was that I took all my knowledge that I learned in the past three years and utilized it to my advantage in the work environment.

In Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior I was exposed to the basic functioning of a business establishment. We learned management theories, studies and the importance of diversity as well as keeping within guidelines of state and federal regulations to avoid litigation problem and a bad reputation that could affect

the company in a negative way. While working at the internship I was able to take my initial exposure in the classroom setting and apply it to a real world situation as a market research intern.

In the management class for example, we learned the difference between vertical management in which all decisions are passed down from a superior, at my intern I experienced horizontal management. In contrary to vertical management I worked in a horizontal management setting in which I was able to make decisions and work as a team without the pressure of superiors looking over my back. I feel this helped me learn way more because I was expected to be independent and responsible, yet guidance was always there for advice and questions. Another big topic in the intro to management class was the thought of diversity.

I always knew that diversity was important due the operations of a corporation. However, since gaining the experience from the summer internship I was able to see firsthand to why and how diversity works to together. A hostile work environment looked where a dichotomy exists is inevitable going to break the business down. Where I worked the company was so diverse. Different people from different walks of life were able to see the world in different ways and they brought different ideas to the table that other people would not be able to think of.

We had people who were fluent in other languages and they ere able to speak to people that were not fluent in English; they also if ever applicable could help take the company transatlantic and allow the company to grow

international. They could help provide the barriers of entry and ease the company into the social norms of that region. With the diverse work area I also was able to see how neat some people are and learn to think outside of the box. If I am able to learn from a vast diverse population, then a company can also learn from there, allowing them to grow and be cohesive.

This is the best way to seek and accomplish our work mission statement. I received this wonderful opportunity with Advantage Resounding because my father's really good friend is Mark Marianne, the president of Advantage Resounding North America. He discussed with my dad how they wanted to make a bigger internship program this past summer and he said that he thought I should apply for a position. I decided to send him my resume and he forwarded it to Tom Picot who ended up interviewing me. The interview process lasted for about an hour and a half.

Tom and I had a very long conversation about business, and I could tell that he thought I was smart and liked me. I left the interview feeling really good, and I ended up receiving a call from Tom later that day. He told me that I was one of the eight interns that were selected. The beginning three weeks were all training and learning about the company and the people who I would be working with. We were given a binder that had schedules to meet with different individuals that worked at the office. Then we would sit down with them and they would explain what their Job

and role was at the company.

I got to sit with every account manager and learned that each of them had different clients. Each account managers told us how important it is to know the history behind each of their clients and how different they all are. We got the opportunity to go out to lunch with Don Whitaker and his clients from Honda. On this lunch the Honda clients stated that they did not want to incur the cost of the pay for time off for the Fourth of July for their associates. Don Whitaker had to negotiate a compromise to cover the cost of the holiday for Honda.

The compromise was that Advantage Resounding ended up paying for the time off on the holiday. Since he did this Honda gave him more business and more Job orders to fill. Ultimately, this was Don Weather's main goal in the business deal and it ended in a win win situation. The second part of training dealt with the data base, called Job Diva, which entailed me calling a woman at the help desk located in Boston. She then took over my computer and showed me how to work the computer and gave me tips on how to input the data in the database.

Inputting data on the database ended up being my main Job. This training went on for three days for about two to three hours a day. I believe I should be credited for this internship experience because I worked 0 hours a week for over 3 months in a professional business setting. The Advantage Resounding internship allowed me to meet and network

with so many amazing individuals. I was able to experience a professional work environment and work on tasks that were beneficial for the company.

I feel this internship was beneficial to me because I was able to view business in a new way by directly working with a company, rather than Just learning about it in a classroom setting. It made me open up and come out of my comfort zone. I had to talk to clients and new people on a daily basis, which helped me be not as shy and learn to interact with others. The luncheon helped me to talk on a professional level with clients, come up with compromises, and problem solving. All this allows me to see how to work in a business setting.

The business programs at SST. Bonaventure have prepared me for a professional business career because it gave me the background knowledge that prepared me for this professional environment. All the teachers in the business program have helped prepare me because they told us about all of their own experiences. For example, Professor Ryan shared that before she started teaching she worked in the marketing department for Perry's Ice Cream. She was able to share lot of inside information on what we learn in class and apply it to real world businesses. DRP.

Case talked about how he set up IT systems for corporate businesses and this helped me for when I worked on Advantage Recording's database. Professor Prom's management class taught me to learn the functioning forms of a company. There have been many courses that have been useful in helping me with my internship. My

Accounting, Finance and Managerial Accounting classes have given me the best specific information on running a business. These were helpful because I had to input financial data into excel spreadsheets from previous years ND compare them to more recent years to see if the company is growing.

All of these classes and teachers assisted in preparing me for a professional business career and the internship I was able to work with. I feel like the internship program at SST. Bonaventure is great because it gives real world experience. It is important for students to have an internship for this reason and most companies require some sort of experience to be hired or considered for an entry level career. Also, internships allow you to make new connections and meet different people that can tangentially help you after graduation when you are searching for a career.

Through my internship experience I made many new connections and met people that can help me later on when I may need a Job. One of the greatest days of work I experienced at the internship was when we reached 2,000 followers on Twitter, which I created myself for the business. To me, this was rewarding because everyone in the office was cheering, and this made feel accomplished. On the other hand, my worst day of work was when I was an hour and a half late to work because all the lights on Telegraph Eave were out and the traffic was incredibly backed up.

This worried me because I did not want to make a bad impression with the people I work with. Two of the most influential people were

Tom Picot and Mark Marianne. Tom Picot is the branch manager and Mark Marianne is the president of North American branch. Tom is a very down to earth person and he mentored me by telling me a lot about his own life and how he made how he has progressed into a successful career. He makes sure the company is always team oriented and working together. One of the ways he keeps this type of atmosphere is he has employee appreciation days or outings with the company.

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2025 Summer Intern Program – Corporate Marketing & Communications

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What is the Opportunity?

SMBC hosts a 10-week Summer Intern Program for undergraduate students who will have the opportunity to work on teams, be exposed to significant firm-wide projects within their respective business areas and support a range of deals with our clients.

We offer many different opportunities including building financial models, developing client presentations, conducting research, and observing client meetings – all to improve their understanding of the global banking industry.

Our Summer Intern Program is an excellent gateway to our full-time Analyst Program.

  • Check out all of our upcoming events here
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We are currently hiring into the following area:

Corporate Marketing & Communications

As part of SMBC Americas’ strategy to build a commercially competitive Commercial Investment Bank, SMBC Americas Division’s Corporate Marketing & Communications is constantly innovating to raise SMBC’s profile in the Americas in terms of brand and business growth and as an employer of choice. CM&C is building and reinforcing SMBC’s brand; while enhancing jts reputation among key stakeholders, clients, and investors.

At SMBC, we connect the diversity of our employees to the resilience of our firm. We strongly encourage an inclusive environment so that our staff can be their authentic selves and fully thrive in their roles. It is our belief that diversity is not only about demographic differences but also of thought, knowledge, skills, and culture. The acceptance of such diversity strengthens each one of us and is essential to the success of our firm. We are deeply committed to attracting and retaining a high-performing, talented, and diverse workforce.

We are a market leader. The evolution of SMBC’s products and services is driven by the ever-changing needs of companies across the globe in every industry sector. SMBC takes market-leading positions and has been consistently recognized in the banking industry for providing outstanding financial services.

Our corporate relationships are built on trust. To successfully navigate an uncertain economy while also capitalizing on the opportunities that rise, clients count on SMBC to take a long-term view that emphasizes stability and attention to the numbers. This approach has served our clients well.

Our competitive advantage:

  • A strong client base with broad coverage of the Fortune 500
  • Worldwide operations enable us to provide clients with global solutions, make SMBC the leading choice for U.S. businesses expanding in Asia
  • A solid balance sheet and conservative approach

How Our Program Works

Our Summer Intern Program is designed for students who completed their junior year.

This 10-week program commences in June and includes:

  • Orientation
  • Training with on-the-desk experience
  • Senior Speaker Series
  • Japanese cultural activities
  • Social networking activities
  • Volunteer Day with a local nonprofit
  • Mentorship opportunity with both a junior and senior mentor at SMBC

The successful candidate will possess or demonstrate the following personal and professional attributes:

  • Currently pursuing an undergraduate degree from an accredited university with a graduation date of December 2025 or May 2026 ; excellent academic record
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills with specific ability to communicate concepts and ideas concisely
  • Financial modeling/valuation and analytical skills; keen interest in finance and markets
  • Ability to comfortably interact with clients in a professional and mature manner
  • Outstanding ethics, integrity, and judgment
  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Comfort in and commitment to a strong teamwork environment
  • Highly organized, detail oriented, self-driven, and motivated
  • Advanced Word, Excel, and PowerPoint skills and the ability to quickly learn new software applications

D&I Commitment Responsible for fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion, holding leaders accountable for creating an inclusive environment through awareness and practice of equity in recruiting, developing, and promoting diverse talent. We are an equal employment opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. SMBC provides reasonable accommodations for employees and applicants with disabilities consistent with applicable law. If you need a reasonable accommodation during the application process, please let us know at [email protected] .

Benefits Offered

At SMBC, we offer a comprehensive benefits package designed to attract, retain, reward, and motivate full-time employees and their families. Our offerings include medical, dental, and vision coverage, flexible spending accounts, well-being programs, a 401(k) with matching contributions, a cash balance plan, life and AD&D insurance, short and long-term disability coverage, vacation and personal time, holidays, sick time, an Employee Assistance Program, commuter benefits, and tuition and professional training reimbursement.

What’s Next?

  • Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. We encourage you to submit your application as early as possible as we start conducting assessment rounds ahead of the deadline. Applications close on September 8.
  • Help us learn about you by submitting a complete application which includes your resume. After you confirm your application, we will review it to determine whether you meet certain required qualifications.
  • If you are advanced to the next step of the process, you’ll receive an email invitation to complete a video interview. This is your opportunity to further bring your resume to life and showcase your experience for our recruiting team and hiring managers.
  • Completion of the video interview is required, and your application will not be considered for further review until you have completed it. We strongly encourage that you apply and complete this as soon as possible, since programs will close as positions are filled.

Connect with us:

Contact us: 9a-5p, M-F | 134 Mary Gates Hall | Seattle, WA 98195 | (206) 543-0535 tel | [email protected]

The Division of Student Life acknowledges the Coast Salish people of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip, and Muckleshoot Nations. Student Life is committed to developing and maintaining an inclusive climate that honors the diverse array of students, faculty, and staff. We strive to provide pathways for success and to purposefully confront and dismantle existing physical, social, and psychological barriers for minoritized students and communities. We engage in this work while learning and demonstrating cultural humility.


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