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How to make a resume for free without using microsoft office.

You don't need Microsoft Office to put together a professional-looking resume.

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Choose your resume template, put together your resume, download or print your resume.

You don't need Microsoft Office to put together a professional-looking resume. Google Docs is completely free and offers a variety of resume templates, so you can focus on highlighting your skills instead of fiddling with formatting.

While Microsoft has their own Office Online (formerly Office Web Apps) solution, it offers very limited templates and no resume template. You'd have to do the formatting work yourself. Google Docs is the easiest, quickest option here.

Related: No More Upgrade Fees: Use Google Docs or Office Web Apps Instead of Microsoft Office

Google Docs is Google's Microsoft Office competitor . Like most other Google services, it's a completely free web application you access in your browser. Google Docs is now part of Google Drive, Google's online file-storage service.

We like Google Docs for this because of the templates it offers. Sure, you could try to open the WordPad program included with Windows and put together a nicely formatted resume, but you'd go crazy trying to do all the formatting by hand. The resume templates in Google Docs make this much quicker.

Head over to the Google Docs Template Gallery page to browse the templates. If you're not signed in with a Google account, you'll have to sign in first -- if you don't have one, they're free.

We're making a resume, so perform a search for "resume" on the template gallery page. The top seven results here are official resume templates created by Google.

Click the Preview button to see a resume design up close. Select your favorite one and click Use this template.

Google Docs will automatically create a new document using the template and open it for you. Edit the template to fill in your own personal information and work experience. You don't have to worry about saving -- Google Docs will automatically save the document as you type. You'll find the document in your Google Drive at .

Bear in mind that you'll probably want to include a cover letter, too. You'll find cover letter templates on the template gallery site, including some designed to match up nicely with some of the resume templates.

We're no career advice website, so actually putting together the resume and writing the cover letter is up to you!

Once you're done, you'll need to get the resume out of Google Docs. If you want to print it, click the File menu in Google Docs and select Print. Don't use your browser's Print option or you'll print the entire web page instead of just the document.

If you need to email or upload the resume as a file, you'll want to download it in either Microsoft Word or PDF format. Some companies require a specific format, so be sure to check the format they want and use that one. If they'll accept either a Word document or a PDF document, you'll probably want to choose PDF. Google Docs might have some issues when converting more complex formatting to a Word document, although this hopefully won't be a problem with these simple templates. PDF documents look the same on every computer, so you won't have to worry about any formatting inconsistencies.

To download the document in your chosen format, click File, point to Download As, and select a file type.

If you'd like to use Microsoft Office for this, Microsoft actually offers a free, month-long trial you can take advantage of. The Office 365 Home Premium trial allows you to download Microsoft Office for your Windows 7, Windows 8, or Mac computer and use it for a month. After that, you'll have to pay $10 per month or $100 per year to keep using it.

How to Create a Resume Without Microsoft Word: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a resume without Microsoft Word might sound challenging, but it’s totally doable! With the wealth of free online tools and templates available, you can craft a professional-looking resume in no time. By following a few simple steps, you can gather your information, choose a template, and fill in your details to create a resume that will catch any employer’s eye. Ready to learn how? Let’s dive in!

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Create a Resume Without Microsoft Word

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about what we’re aiming for. These steps will help you create a resume that’s sleek, professional, and ready to send out to potential employers. You won’t need any fancy software, just a little bit of creativity and some online resources.

Step 1: Choose an Online Resume Builder

Select a free online resume builder like Canva, Google Docs, or another alternative to Microsoft Word.

There are a ton of options out there when it comes to online resume builders. Canva offers a variety of templates that are easy to customize, while Google Docs provides a straightforward approach with its simple layout. Whichever platform you choose, make sure it’s user-friendly and provides the design options you’re looking for.

Step 2: Pick a Template

Go through the available templates and pick one that suits the job you’re applying for.

Templates are a lifesaver because they give you a starting point. You’ll want to choose one that reflects the industry you’re in—something clean and professional for corporate jobs, or maybe something a bit more creative for design roles. Remember, the template is just a foundation; you can always tweak it to make it your own.

Step 3: Fill in Your Information

Input your personal details, employment history, education, skills, and any other relevant information.

This step is where you get to brag about yourself a bit. Make sure to include all your achievements, any awards you’ve won, and the skills that make you perfect for the job. Keep it concise but informative. Employers don’t have all day, so make sure they can see your best bits at a glance.

Step 4: Customize Your Resume

Adjust the font, colors, and layout to make your resume stand out.

Don’t be afraid to get a little creative here. Play around with different fonts and colors that match the vibe you’re going for. Just remember to keep it professional. You want your resume to stand out for the right reasons—because it’s impressive, not because it’s covered in comic sans.

Step 5: Download and Review

Download your resume in a PDF format and carefully review it for any errors.

The final step is to make sure everything looks good. Download your resume as a PDF to preserve the formatting, then give it a thorough read. Check for any typos, formatting errors, or information that doesn’t quite look right. It’s always a good idea to get a second pair of eyes on it too, just in case.

After completing these steps, you’ll have a resume that’s ready to be sent out to potential employers. With a bit of luck and a lot of hard work, you’ll be landing job interviews in no time!

Tips for Creating a Resume Without Microsoft Word

  • Keep your layout simple and easy to read; avoid clutter.
  • Use bullet points to make your achievements and responsibilities easy to scan.
  • Make sure your contact information is up-to-date and prominently displayed.
  • Tailor your resume to each job you apply for, highlighting relevant experience.
  • Always proofread your resume before sending it out—typos are a big no-no.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i create a resume on my phone without microsoft word.

Yes, many online resume builders have mobile-friendly websites or apps that you can use to create your resume on the go.

Do I need to include a photo on my resume?

It depends on the job and the country you’re applying in. In some places, it’s standard, while in others, it’s discouraged.

How long should my resume be?

Typically, a resume should be one page long, but it can be two pages if you have extensive experience.

What if I don’t have much work experience?

Focus on your skills, education, and any volunteer work or internships that demonstrate your capabilities.

Is it okay to use a template for my resume?

Absolutely! Templates are a great starting point, just make sure to customize it to make it unique to you.

  • Choose an online resume builder.
  • Pick a template that fits the job and industry.
  • Fill in your personal and professional details.
  • Customize the template to make your resume unique.
  • Download your resume as a PDF and review it thoroughly.

Crafting a resume without Microsoft Word is a piece of cake once you know what tools are at your disposal. With a plethora of free online resume builders like Canva and Google Docs, you can create a resume that not only looks great but also highlights your best attributes and experiences. Remember, your resume is often the first impression an employer will have of you, so it’s crucial to make it count.

By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can create a resume that stands out from the crowd, even without the traditional software. With some effort, creativity, and attention to detail, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job. Don’t forget to tailor your resume for each application, proofread for errors, and show off your unique personality and skillset. Good luck, and happy job hunting!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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create a resume without microsoft word

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How to make a resume without microsoft word.

Don’t worry if you don’t have Microsoft Word and want to make an impressive resume! We’ll show you how. Just follow these simple steps and show off your skills in a professional way.

  • One option is to use online platforms or software designed for creating resumes. Many sites provide free templates and tools to make a great-looking resume without any fancy software. Just pick a template you like and start putting your info in.
  • Google Docs also has a great selection of resume templates you can customize. With Google Docs, you can access your resume anywhere with an internet connection. Plus, you can collaborate with others in real-time. Best of all, it’s free!
  • Offline tools like Adobe Illustrator or InDesign offer more design flexibility than traditional word processors. They require a bit of knowledge, but they let you make an eye-catching resume.

Now that you know how to make a resume without Microsoft Word, take action! Start building your unique document now. Don’t limit yourself to one software. Take advantage of the alternatives and make a resume that will get employers’ attention!

Exploring Alternatives to Microsoft Word for Resume Creation

Are you looking to create a resume without Microsoft Word? Check out these alternatives!

  • Google Docs: Offers a wide range of templates. Easy-to-use interface and allows collaboration.
  • Affinity Publisher: Desktop publishing software. Has great design tools and features.
  • Canva: Pre-designed resume templates. User-friendly drag-and-drop interface and allows customization.
  • Adobe InDesign: Industry-standard desktop publishing software. Precise layout control and Adobe Creative Cloud integration.

Think about what’s important to you before making a choice. Features like cloud storage, access across devices, or job search platform integration may be useful too.

Make sure the alternative is compatible with the file formats (PDF, Word) your potential employer or recruitment portal requires.

Pro Tip: Focus on creating a clear and concise resume that highlights relevant skills and experiences – no matter the software you use.

Choosing an Online Resume Builder

Choosing a Suitable Online Resume Building Application

When deciding on an online tool for creating your resume, consider the following factors:

  • User-friendly interface: Evaluate the application based on its ease of use and intuitive design.
  • Variety of templates: Look for a tool that offers a wide range of professionally designed templates to suit your preferences.
  • Customization options: Ensure the tool allows you to personalize your resume by adding sections, changing fonts, and adjusting layouts.
  • Exporting and sharing capabilities: Check if the application enables you to save and export your resume in various file formats and share it easily with potential employers.

Additionally, some online resume builders provide advanced features such as real-time collaboration, industry-specific templates, and keyword optimization to enhance your chances of success.

A true fact is that there are numerous online resume builders available, such as Zety and [source] , offering different features and options for crafting a professional resume without relying on Microsoft Word.

Leave the researching to Google, and focus on picking a resume builder that won’t make your design skills look like a mid-life crisis.

Research different online resume builders

Creating an impressive resume that stands out is a must. Researching different online resume builders is key. With various options, it’s important to find one that suits your needs. Explore the features and layouts offered so your document showcases your skills best.

When researching, take note of the customization options. Look for platforms with unique fonts, colors, and layouts. This will create a visually appealing document that reflects your personal brand. Check if the platform has pre-written templates or if you need to start from scratch. This can save time and effort.

Also, look for platforms with a user-friendly interface and intuitive design. Drag-and-drop functionality is great for rearranging sections and adding/removing content. Some platforms provide helpful prompts or suggestions based on job titles.

Online resume builders are convenient and efficient. However, self-editing and proofreading are essential. Always review your final document before submitting.

Fun fact – Almost 90% of recruiters use applicant tracking systems to screen resumes electronically, according to

Consider features and customization options

When deciding which online resume builder to use, features and customization are key. These factors have a huge influence on making a unique, tailored resume that stands out to potential employers.

Begin by looking at the range of templates the builder offers. A variety of options lets you find one that suits your field and personal style. Search for templates that are professional yet attractive, as this will make your resume more interesting.

You should also check if the builder allows you to customize your resume. Look for one with the ability to add sections and modify existing ones as you wish. This level of flexibility ensures that your resume accurately displays your skills and experiences.

Certain resume builders may include keyword optimization tools or integration with LinkedIn profiles. These can hugely increase the visibility of your resume and your chances of being noticed.

Also consider if the platform offers any additional resources or guidance, such as advice on writing effective resumes or access to expert advice. These resources could be very useful in creating a standout resume.

Pro Tip: Prior to settling on an online resume builder, take advantage of any free trials or demo versions available. This will give you first-hand exposure to the platform and help you decide if it fits your needs without committing to a subscription.

Creating a Resume Using Google Docs

Creating a Professional Resume using Google Docs

Google Docs, a popular online word processing tool, offers a convenient way to create a resume. Follow these 6 simple steps to make your professional CV stand out:

  • Sign in to your Google account and open Google Docs.
  • Click on “Blank” to start a new document.
  • Customize the document layout and format according to your preference.
  • Add your personal details, including name, contact information, and professional summary.
  • Include relevant sections such as work experience, education, skills, and achievements using appropriate headings.
  • Customize the font, formatting, and style to create a visually appealing and well-organized resume.

Pay attention to unique details that reflect your individuality and expertise. Stand out from the competition with well-crafted content and a polished design. Consider including keywords and phrases relevant to the industry you’re targeting.

A Glimpse into History

In the past, individuals had limited options for creating resumes without Microsoft Word. Google Docs emerged as a game-changer, offering a user-friendly and accessible platform for designing impressive resumes. Today, millions of users globally rely on Google Docs to create professional CVs easily and effectively.

Remember, a well-crafted resume can make a lasting impression and significantly boost your chances of landing your dream job.

I’ll help you navigate the Google Docs waters so you can craft a resume without touching the iceberg that is Microsoft Word.

Setting up a Google account and accessing Google Docs

Creating a Google Account is easy! Visit the Google homepage, click “Sign in” then “Create account”. Fill in essential info such as your name, email, password & phone number. Agree to terms & verify your account with the link sent to your email.

Accessing Google Docs is just a few clicks away: open a browser and go to , then sign in with your new credentials. You’ll find many templates to choose from for your resume, making it easier to craft a document that stands out.

These days, employers prefer digital resumes over paper copies. John Smith found this out the hard way. Until he discovered Google Docs with its user-friendly interface & flexible editing options, his resume looked outdated & he couldn’t tailor it easily.

Google Account & Docs knowledge is vital for job seekers. It can help them land their dream job.

Selecting a resume template

When creating a resume, think about the industry you’re applying for . Every field has its own format, so pick a template that’s in line with the expectations of your desired job. Look at layout options and pick one that allows you to emphasize your skills, background, and successes in an orderly fashion. Consider the design elements too, like colors and fonts. Choose ones that show off your personality while still looking polished. Also, select a template that enables you to customize and change content easily.

To make your resume stand out, try different templates until you find one that fits your style. Using templates provides a structure for organizing your info, but personalizing it ensures that your resume reflects you. Don’t forget, using professional resume templates can boost your chances of getting hired by up to 50%, according to The Muse website!

Editing and customizing the resume template

  • Get creative: Pick a sleek, professional template for your industry. Change the fonts, colors, and layout to give it your own unique style.
  • Edit the content: Check each section for accuracy. Remove any unnecessary info, and focus on your most relevant qualifications.
  • Check twice: Make sure there are no typos or formatting errors. Read the resume multiple times to make sure it’s perfect.
  • Get opinions: Ask people you trust to review it and provide feedback. Incorporate their ideas to make it better.

By following these steps, you can create a powerful resume. Always tailor it to the job you’re applying for, to make it more relevant to employers.

Saving and exporting the resume as a PDF or Word document

Saving your resume as a PDF or Word document is easy with Google Docs . Here’s how:

  • Launch your resume on Google Docs.
  • Click “File” then select “Download.”
  • Opt for PDF or Word document.
  • Save to the folder of your choice. If Word, choose format like .docx then click “Save.”
  • Your resume is now ready to be shared or printed!

It’s recommended to save your resume as a PDF to ensure formatting is kept intact on different devices and systems. In the past, saving and exporting resumes was complex and needed special skills. But with Google Docs’ user-friendly interface and features, anyone can save their resume easily!

Using other Word Processing Software

Using alternative word processing software

To create a resume without Microsoft Word, you can utilize other word processing software options available. These programs offer similar functionalities as Microsoft Word but may have different names or variations.

Alternative details not previously covered could include specific instructions or tips for using each software option. It is important to note that the availability and features may vary depending on the specific software version or operating system.

It is interesting to note that the rise of alternative word processing software has provided users with more choices and flexibility when it comes to creating resumes. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that more innovative options will become available, further enhancing the options for resume creation without solely relying on Microsoft Word.

Discovering word processing software alternatives that won’t make your resume look like it was typed on a Commodore 64.

Exploring alternative word processing software options

Today, there’s no shortage of word processing software. From the giants to unknown alternatives, the choices are endless. Exploring these alternatives can give us new ways to be creative and efficient .

One option that’s become popular is Google Docs . It’s web-based and lets you collaborate in real-time and access documents anywhere there’s internet. There are lots of formatting tools and it integrates with other Google services. So, many people and organizations are using it.

Microsoft Word Online is another option. It’s part of Office 365 and has features and functionality you know. You can create professional documents and collaborate with colleagues. It syncs across devices.

If you want a more minimalist approach, check out Bear or Typora . These apps value simplicity but still have essential features. You can focus on your words without distractions.

Pro Tip: When you look at word processing software, think about your needs and preferences. Test different options to see which one works best with your workflow. Also, keep an eye out for updates and new releases. The world of word processing is always changing.

By looking at alternatives to Microsoft Word or Pages , we can find a lot of possibilities. Don’t be afraid to try something new and let your creativity fly !

Importing or creating a resume template

Creating a resume? Importing or making your own template is a great way to save time and create a unique look. Pre-made templates come in all varieties, and just a few clicks can give you a visually appealing resume. If you want your resume to really stand out, make one from scratch. That way, you can customize every aspect, like font, section organization, and color scheme.

An awesome source of professionally designed templates is . They have a wide selection to choose from, plus a user-friendly interface. Making an impressive resume has never been easier!

Just remember, whatever template you use, it should accurately represent your skills, qualifications, and experience. Align with industry standards, and you’ll have the perfect resume!

Review the template’s structure. Make any changes to show relevant experience and accomplishments.

Customize each section to match your background and career goals. Showcase key successes, abilities, and experiences that relate to the job.

Personalize the design, such as font, colors, and layout styles, to express your branding. Keep the changes readable and not distract from the content.

When editing and customizing a resume template, use action verbs for engagement. Incorporate keywords from job postings for better chances of passing applicant tracking systems.

Previously, limited options outside Microsoft Word or Google Docs made customizing resume templates difficult. Now, many software programs offer features and options to create impressive resumes for any industry.

To make sure your resume looks professional, and is opened successfully by potential employers, try following these steps!

  • Format your resume: Add headings, bullet points and stay consistent with your formatting.
  • Choose file type: Save as a PDF or Word document. PDFs are usually preferred as they maintain formatting across different devices and systems.
  • Save as a PDF: Go to the “File” menu, select “Save As.” Pick a location on your computer, give it a name, and select PDF as the file format.
  • Save as a Word doc: Go to the “File” menu, select “Save As.” Pick a location on your computer, give it a name, and select Word Document or .docx as the file format.
  • Check job applications for accepted file types. Don’t miss out on potential job opportunities by not saving correctly!

Make your resume unique by saving it properly.

Online Platforms and Websites for Resume Creation

Online Platforms and Websites for Resume Creation are crucial tools for job seekers to create professional resumes. These platforms offer various features and templates to help individuals build impressive resumes effortlessly. They enable users to showcase their skills, experiences, and qualifications effectively. Some popular platforms include LinkedIn, Indeed Resume Builder, Canva, Zety, and NovoResume .

  • LinkedIn : A professional networking platform that allows users to create an online resume and connect with potential employers.
  • Indeed Resume Builder : An online platform that offers a user-friendly interface to create and customize resumes. It also provides access to job postings.
  • Canva : A graphic design platform that offers resume templates and allows users to personalize their resumes using creative elements.
  • Zety : An online resume builder that provides professional templates and guides users through the resume creation process.
  • NovoResume : An online platform that offers a wide range of resume templates and allows users to customize their resumes based on their specific needs.

In addition, these platforms often provide tips and suggestions to improve the overall quality and effectiveness of the resume. They save time and effort for job seekers by offering ready-to-use resume formats and ensuring a polished final result.

Employers increasingly rely on online platforms to search for potential candidates, making it essential for job seekers to leverage these platforms for their resume creation. By utilizing these online tools, individuals can enhance their job prospects and stand out from the competition.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to create a remarkable resume using these effective and user-friendly online platforms. Start exploring them today to increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Explore resume creation platforms and websites, because Microsoft Word has enough power to crash dreams, not just computers.

Researching resume creation platforms and websites

Researching resume creation platforms and websites is a must for today’s digital application process. Discover a plethora of online tools to explore! These offer services for creating professional resumes which highlight skills, experience and qualifications. User-friendly interfaces and intuitive features make the process simple, even for those with limited tech knowledge.

Create multiple versions of a resume with ease – experiment with different templates, fonts, formats and layouts. Plus, some websites offer extra resources such as cover letter templates, interview tips and career advice. Selecting the right platform is essential – read reviews or seek recommendations from professionals in your field.

A study by Resume Genius found that resumes created using these platforms received higher response rates from employers. Harness the power of these platforms and create a professionally polished resume to stand out!

Assessing the features and functionalities of different platforms

Exploring online resume-building platforms is essential. Each offers its own unique tools and options. Evaluating their ease of use and templates is key. Some have user-friendly interfaces with drag-and-drop features; others provide advanced customization. Templates vary in design and industry relevance, helping individuals create a resume that showcases their personal brand. Integration with other online services is also a factor. Platforms that connect with LinkedIn, for instance, can quickly import relevant info. Plus, automated proofreading tools and content suggestions are available. Assessing these elements can help individuals make an informed decision and save time creating a resume.

Creating a resume using the chosen platform

Creating a resume with an online platform is simple. Follow these steps:

  • Register and make an account.
  • Pick a professional template.
  • Fill in your personal info, work experience, skills, and qualifications.
  • Customize the resume as needed.

By doing this, you can easily craft a beautiful and neat resume. It doesn’t matter if you are a new graduate or an experienced worker, this way ensures that your potential bosses look at your qualifications in the best light.

Plus, most platforms offer bonus features such as spell check, grammar checks, and formatting options to help you produce a flawless resume.

Fun Fact! 88% of employment recruiters use LinkedIn to find potential job seekers. That’s according to an article from

Saving and exporting the resume from the platform

Ready to save and export your professional resume? Here’s how:

  • Find the “Save” or “Download” button on the platform.
  • Select the format you want – PDF, Word, or plain text.
  • Name your file – JohnSmith_Resume.pdf for example.
  • Choose a folder.
  • Check the saved file.
  • Maybe export or share your resume.

Also, update and back up your resume regularly. Don’t miss out on opportunities because you don’t have a readily available copy. Follow these steps today to secure your career prospects!

Crafting a resume without Microsoft Word can be daunting. But don’t worry, it’s totally doable! Follow these simple steps to create a professional resume that will wow potential employers.

First off, pick the software you want to design your resume with. There are lots of options online, such as Google Docs, Canva, and Adobe InDesign. These platforms have user-friendly interfaces and customizable templates, so you can make an eye-catching resume.

Once you’ve chosen the software, organize the content of your resume. Start with a powerful summary statement that highlights your skills and experience. Then add sections on your work experience, education background, and relevant skills. Make sure to include any certifications or achievements that showcase your qualifications.

Now, focus on formatting and styling. Use headings and bullet points so hiring managers can quickly skim through your document. Pick a clean font like Arial or Calibri, and keep it consistent throughout the resume.

You can also add visuals to your resume, such as graphics or icons. These can break up text-heavy sections and add visual interest. But don’t go overboard—strike a balance between text and visuals.

Before you finish, proofread your resume for errors and typos. Ask someone else to review it too. Keep in mind that attention to detail is key when making a good impression.

Pro Tip: Customize your resume for the job you’re applying for. Highlight skills and experiences that match the position. Doing this will make you stand out to employers.

By following these steps and utilizing alternative software, you can create a great resume without Microsoft Word. Showcase your qualifications in both content and visuals, and you’ll be on your way to getting the job of your dreams.

create a resume without microsoft word

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How To Build A Resume Without Microsoft Word

While it’s possible to apply for jobs without a resume, most hiring managers and agencies prefer to have one from their candidates. But what if you don’t own Microsoft Word? In this post, we’re going to walk you through how to flaunt your job skills without spending any money on a program like Microsoft Word.

Sign Into Gmail or Set Up a Gmail Account

First, you’ll need to sign into your Gmail account by going to . If you don’t already have a Gmail account, create one by clicking the “Create account” link that you will see at the bottom of the Sign in screen.

create a resume without microsoft word

Keep your email address professional – ideally just using your name. In the case of a common name, you’ll have to get creative by adding a middle initial, middle name, number (tip: don’t use your birth year) or something else to make it a unique account. Resist all temptation to make this account name   [email protected]   or something that will make your potential new employer see you as less than professional and your first day of work a little awkward.

Open Google Docs

While still signed into your email account, go to   and click on the Template Gallery.

create a resume without microsoft word

A series of templates will appear in different categories. For the purposes of this post, we will choose the Coral template, found in the Resume section, by clicking on it once.

Replace the Template Text with Your Own Information

Once you select your template, Google Docs will launch and you will be able to replace the template information with your own.

  • In the case of the Coral template, we want to remove the word “Hello” from the top because it is too casual for a resume. Do this by highlighting the word “Hello” and clicking the Delete button twice. This will not only remove the word, but delete the extra line.
  • Highlight “I’m Your Name,” but do not hit the Delete button this time. Instead, just type your name. For our example, we will replace it with “Joe Smith.”
  • Repeat this for each line of the contact information (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number and Email Address).
  • Double check that you have replaced all of your template information with your own.

Here’s an example:

create a resume without microsoft word

Fill Out the Skills Section

Many employers use software called Applicant Tracking Systems, sometimes referred to as an ATS. These systems allow them to search many resumes for certain job skills they are seeking in a future employee. In this section, you’ll want to keep in mind the words (called keywords) they might be searching for the types of positions you’ll be applying to.

Tip: Look at the job posting to help you figure out what words to use.

For Joe Smith, we will put in words that highlight his experience as a warehouse worker.

create a resume without microsoft word

Fill out the Experience Section

Now it’s time to share where you’ve worked, when you worked there and what you did on the job. You’ll do this by starting with the job you have currently (or the most recent job you had) and working your way back through your experience. This shows your future employer what you did most recently first, which is what they will be most interested in.

  • Enter the month and year you started, a dash and then the month and year you left that position. If you are still working there, type “Present” instead of an ending date. We’ll do this in Joe’s sample resume below.
  • Enter the company name, the city and state where they are located and your job title.
  • Explain in the bullet points what you did every day on your job. More detail is better. This gives your future employer an idea of what you can do! If you know quantities or any other details, put them here. If you can work in some of the keywords you put in your Skills section, you should.
  • Repeat this process until you’ve gone back about 10-15 years or reach 2 full pages – whichever comes first.

create a resume without microsoft word

Fill Out the Education Section

You’re almost done! Next, we’ll be filling out where you went to school. If you went to college, start with that information. Just like with your employment history, we’ll be working from the most recent information to the earliest information. If you don’t have any college experience, go right into your high school information.

  • Highlight the area that shows the dates and hit the Delete key once. It’s generally not necessary to give the dates of your education. In fact, including it may enable some people to discriminate against you for your age.
  • Type in your high school name and where it was located. We will just leave the dash and the word “Degree” there if you graduated. If you did not graduate, put the last year you completed. We’ll do this for Joe’s example so you can see what that looks like.
  • If you studied in a vocational program or anything that directly relates to your future job, list that information. If not, highlight this entire line and delete it.

create a resume without microsoft word

Fill Out the Awards Section (Or Add More Information)

Think of this section as extra credit. If you’d like to, you can highlight this entire section (the word “Awards” and the black type beneath it) and hit the Delete key. But, you can also use it as an opportunity to get your future employer excited about you!

Perhaps you coach softball or volunteer at a cat shelter. This is just the place to include that great information! Or maybe you won the Attendance Award. That’s something that will help sell your future employer on hiring you over the next person. For our sample resume, we’ll assume Joe has both an award and does some interesting things outside of work.

  • Add the words “and Volunteering” to the end of the word “Awards”
  • Highlight the sample text and start typing your examples. Use one line for each different item. Add a dash after the item and, just like you did for your experience, include when this experience took place.

create a resume without microsoft word

Rename your Resume

Your recruiter probably receives hundreds of resumes in a week. You want to call your resume something that makes it easy for them to find. The best way to do that is to use your name and the date. Another good reason to do this is that you’ll also know that you’re sending the most recent version of your resume when you apply for a job.

  • In the upper left-hand corner, you’ll see the word Resume. Highlight this word and rename it in this format: First Middle Last Resume Date (it will look like this: Joe R Smith Resume November 2018).
  • That’s it! Google will automatically save this document for you in your Google Drive (which is something you get as a part of having a Gmail account).

create a resume without microsoft word

Review your Resume

Look over your completed resume to check for typos and spelling errors. If you look at nothing else, make sure your contact information is correct so your future employer can get in touch if they are interested in you. There is a tool built into Google Docs to check for spelling errors. Just click on Tools-> Spelling -> Spell Check (see image).

create a resume without microsoft word

Sending your Resume

You’ll be able to locate and attach your resume to an email in Gmail by clicking on the icon next to the smiley face. When you hover over it, it will say “Insert files using Drive.”

create a resume without microsoft word

If you need to send your resume through a website, you’ll need to download your resume from your Google Drive (   when you’re signed into your Gmail account).

It’s easy to create your resume for free even if you don’t have Microsoft Word. Just follow the steps we’ve outlined above.

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Updating Your Resume Without Microsoft Word: A Comprehensive Guide

  • September 10, 2023

online resume builder

Updating your resume is a crucial step in your job search or career development, but not everyone has access to Microsoft Word or prefers to use it for this task. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives and methods available to create and update your resume without Microsoft Word. In this article, we’ll explore some practical and user-friendly options to help you craft a polished resume.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a widely accessible and free word processing tool available to anyone with a Google account. It’s an excellent choice for updating your resume without Microsoft Word.

Steps to update your resume using Google Docs:

  • Open Google Docs and sign in to your Google account (or create one if you don’t have it).
  • Click on the “Blank” document option to start a new document.
  • Customize the document’s formatting by selecting fonts, margins, and styles.
  • Begin typing or copy and paste your existing resume content into the document.
  • Edit and format your resume as needed, adding or removing information and adjusting the layout.
  • Save your resume in Google Docs or download it as a PDF or Word document when you’re finished.

Online Resume Builders

Several online resume builders offer user-friendly interfaces and templates to create and update your resume easily. They don’t require any software installation, making them accessible from any device with an internet connection.

Popular online resume builders include:

  • Canva b. c. Novoresume d. Zety

Steps to update your resume using an online resume builder:

  • Visit the chosen resume builder’s website and sign up for an account.
  • Choose a resume template that suits your style and profession.
  • Input your resume information into the template by filling in the provided fields.
  • Customize the design, fonts, and colors to match your preferences.
  • Review and edit your resume as needed.
  • Save and download your resume in your desired format (e.g., PDF, Word document).

LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice Writer is a free and open-source word processing software that can be used as an alternative to Microsoft Word. It offers similar features and functionality, making it a great choice for updating your resume.

Steps to update your resume using LibreOffice Writer:

  • Download and install LibreOffice Writer from the official website ( ).
  • Open LibreOffice Writer and create a new document.
  • Customize the document’s formatting to your liking.
  • Input or paste your resume content into the document.
  • Edit and format your resume as needed.
  • Save your resume in LibreOffice format or export it as a PDF or Word document.

WordPad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac)

If you’re looking for a basic and no-frills word processing application, you can use WordPad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac.

Steps to update your resume using WordPad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac):

  • Open WordPad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac).
  • Start a new document.
  • Customize the formatting settings.
  • Input or paste your resume content.
  • Save your resume in the appropriate format (e.g., .txt, .doc, .docx).

Updating your resume without Microsoft Word is entirely feasible, thanks to the various alternatives and tools available today. Whether you choose Google Docs, online resume builders, LibreOffice Writer, or basic text editors like WordPad or TextEdit, you can create a professional resume that showcases your skills and experiences. Remember to proofread and customize your resume for each job application, and save it in a format that’s widely accepted by employers. With these options at your disposal, you can confidently pursue your career goals without the need for Microsoft Word.

Updating Your Resume Without Microsoft Word: A Comprehensive Guide

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Updating Your Resume Without Microsoft Word: A Comprehensive Guide

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Resume templates

Put your best qualities on display with professional, customizable resume and cv templates. no matter your line of work or length of professional history, you'll find resume and cv templates that'll help you get the gig..

Resume template surrounded by 3D design elements

Download free resume templates

Land your dream job with free, customizable resume templates. Showcase your potential to recruiters and stand out from other candidates with a professional template. Whether you're applying to corporate positions or creative roles, go with a sleek design or show your creativity with bold colors .

Resumes don't need to look boring—add flair to your professional experience with a creative resume template. There are plenty of resume designs to choose from, like simple resume templates and modern resume templates. Each resume template is fully customizable in Microsoft Word , so you can personalize each design element and add your own text. Using a template also makes it easier to customize your resume for each position you apply to.

Print out as many copies as you'd like or download the template for free to share digitally when applying online. These professional resume templates are perfect for any stage of life or career. Whether you're a high school student, actor, or seeking a career in nursing, you can find any format for any job type.

There are also a variety of free CV (Curriculum Vitae) templates to choose from. A CV is often longer than a resume and contains an in-depth look at your education and professional accomplishments. Like our resume templates, these CV templates are also customizable in Word.

Remember, your next job is only a template away! Once you've customized your resume, explore free cover letter templates to help you land the job.

create a resume without microsoft word

Use a template to create a resume

If you need help creating a resume or cover letter, start with one of the dozens of professionally-designed resume and cover letter templates that are available in Word.

Go to File > New .

In the search box, type Resume or Cover Letter.

The search word, Resume, is highlighted on the New document screen.

Double-click the template you want to use.

Replace the placeholder text with your own information.

On the File menu, select New from Template .

Resume is hightlighted in the templates search box

Create and use your own template in Office for Mac

Making a resume like this while you're online is quick and easy.

Note:  This template comes with a cover letter, so you'll have everything in one document.

Resume template

Choose one of our resume templates , and open it in Word for the web to make it yours.

click More on

As you work on the resume, you'll probably want to rename it.

The template uses a table to line everything up. If you need to add more lines for job experience or education, add rows to the table by going up to Layout under Table Tools and clicking Insert Below (or Insert Above) .

Insert Below and Insert Above commands

For tips on writing your resume, check out Six steps to developing a great resume .

When you're finished, print it out or share it online. You can do this with the resume still open in Word for the web. No need to save it first (that's already done for you).

To print it, press Ctrl+P, and wait for the Print dialog box.

Note:  If you don't see a Print dialog box, click the link for opening a PDF version of your resume. From there, use the PDF program's Print command.

To share it online, send a link:

Near the top of the screen, click Share .

Under Share , click Get a Link .

Click Get a Link

Under Choose an option , click View only .

View-only link

Click Create Link .

Click on the web address to select it, and then copy and paste it into an email, message, or post.

Tip:  If you have a blog or website, you can embed a view of your resume there.


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How to Create a Resume in Microsoft Word (Step-by-Step Guide)

If this is your first time creating a resume in Microsoft Word, the process may seem overwhelming. Luckily, this article is here to help! In this step-by-step guide, we will cover how to create an effective resume from start to finish using Microsoft Word.

How Do I Make a Resume in Microsoft Word?

There are two primary methods for making a resume in Microsoft Word:

  • ‍ From Scratch: This gives you the ultimate creative control. However, it also requires you to familiarize yourself with all of Microsoft Word’s tools and layout options. Building a resume from scratch can be more time-consuming but also more customizable.
  • ‍ From a Template: Microsoft Word offers several pre-made resume templates. By using these, all the formatting and layout creation is handled for you. You simply have to fill in your own information.

To use a template, go to File > New and then select a template from the Resume and Cover Letter section.

create a resume without microsoft word

How Should I Format My Resume in Microsoft Word?

The format you choose will depend on your experience level!

There are 3 basic resume formats to choose between:

  • ‍ Reverse-Chronological: Details your most recent job and works backwards from there. This format focuses heavily on work experience. ‍
  • Functional: Focuses on skills and education rather than work experience. This is a good option for recent graduates or applicants with minimal work experience. ‍
  • Hybrid/Combination: Combines elements of both the Reverse-Chronological and the Functional. This is a good option for applicants with gaps in their employment history.
Choosing the best format for your needs is key. For more help on this subject, check out our guide on How to Choose the Correct Resume Format in 2024 !

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job

Full Stack Developer

Make a Resume in Microsoft Word in 7 Easy Steps

First, let’s make sure you can navigate the Microsoft Word ribbon!

The ribbon is the toolbar found at the top of the screen.

It should look something like this:

create a resume without microsoft word

The main parts of the ribbon you should familiarize yourself with on the Home tab are Font , Paragraph , and Styles .

These are how you will edit the appearance of your text and headers.

You should also familiarize yourself with the Layout tab .

This tab is where you will adjust your margins and add columns!

Once you have taken your time to figure out where all of your tools are, it’s time to begin building your resume!

Important Note: These steps detail how to create a resume in Microsoft Word from scratch. By using one of the program’s pre-made templates, you can bypass many of these steps and simply fill in the pre-made format.

Step 1: Create Your Layout

Let’s begin by visiting the Layout tab .

Here, you can set your margin size and decide if you want to use columns.

Here is a breakdown of these two elements:

‍ We recommend using 1-inch margins on all sides.

This will give you enough white space to keep your resume looking neat without sacrificing too much space.

It will also ensure your formatting looks good on printed versions of your resume. ‍

Columns and Sidebars:

‍ From the columns tab, you will find five options:

create a resume without microsoft word

  • The One , Two , and Three options are how you will create separate columns.
  • The Left and Right options are how you will create sidebars! Sidebars are useful because they leave more room for the main text and sections.

From the Home tab , you can edit the following elements of your layout:

‍ Alignment:

‍ Choose between left, center, or right alignment.

We recommend using the left alignment.

Whichever you choose, it is a good idea to keep your alignment consistent across the board. ‍

Line Spacing:

‍ We recommend using 1.15 – 1.5 line spacing for the body text.

For section titles and headers, use 1.5 – 2.0 spacing to help them stand out from the rest of the text. ‍

‍ Use a simple and highly legible font. Try to use only 1-2 fonts throughout your resume.

We recommend the following seven fonts:

  • Times New Roman

Step 2: Make Your Title Header

Your title header should contain the following information:

  • Your Job Title
  • Contact Information
  • Professional Social Media Links

Use an H1 header to write your name at the very top.

Use the Normal style to write the rest of your information (see “How Do I Add Different Sections of the Resume on Microsoft Word” below for more information on header styles).

It should come out looking similar to this:

Copywriter Email: [email protected] Phone: (123) 456-7890 Website: LinkedIn:

Check out some of our free resume examples to see alternative ways of formatting your title header!

Step 3: Write an Objective or Summary

Following your title header will be your resume objective or summary.

This will be a short statement between 1-5 sentences detailing your desired job title, experience, and career goals.

You will want to write this statement in the Normal style .

However, you may want to use a slightly larger font than the rest of the text in other sections.

This will help your objective or summary statement to stand out.

Here is an example of how this might look with the title header example from before:

Resume Objective: I am a copywriter with over 5 years of experience. working with corporate clients. I am seeking the position of Head Copywriter at your company, bringing with me over 10 major corporate clients.

Wedding Photographer

Step 4: Create Your Base Format

By creating a base format, you can save the document as a separate file to return to and fill in again and again.

This will help you to tailor your resume to fit specific jobs!

The idea of the base format is to provide outlined sections with the correct spacing and number of bullet points.

You are essentially creating a skeleton for your resume that you can edit and adjust over time.

By doing so, you ensure you have already allocated the proper amount of space on the resume for each section.

For example, this is what your base Work Experience section may look like:

Work Experience

Job Title 1 , Company Name Date – Date · Descriptive Sentence · Descriptive Sentence · Descriptive Sentence Job Title 2 , Company Name Date – Date · Descriptive Sentence · Descriptive Sentence · Descriptive Sentence ‍ Job Title 3 , Company Name Date – Date · Descriptive Sentence · Descriptive Sentence · Descriptive Sentence

As you gain more work experience, you can return to this base format and make changes as need be.

Because you have already outlined the section, you won’t have to worry about reformatting the entire resume to make a few simple changes.

Step 5: Determine Your Section Organization

Once you have built the base format of your resume, it’s time to determine if your sections are in the optimal location.

For instance, if you are creating a Reverse-Chronological style resume you will want your Work Experience section to come first.

Comparatively, if you are creating a Functional style resume you may want your Skills or Education section to come first.

The order and organization of your sections will impact the impression your resume makes on hiring managers.

Step 6: Fill in the Information

Now that you have created the base format of your resume and chosen the optimal organization, it’s time to fill in your information!

When filling in your information, be mindful of the following 3 factors:

  • ‍ Be Concise: Always use simple sentences that clearly describe your strengths and accomplishments. Avoid complex sentences or overly complicated vocabulary and jargon. ‍
  • Use Bullet-Points: In each section, use bullet points to separate each thought or idea. This will make your resume more visually appealing and easier to read. ‍
  • Choose Compelling Language: Try to avoid repeating the same words or phrases over and over. Mix it up, use keywords, and find the best action verbs to make your resume sound even better!
Not sure how to make your language more compelling on your resume? Take a look at our list of 350+ Action Verbs to Make Your Resume More Effective in 2024 .

Wedding Photographer

Step 7: Double-Check Your Sections

Once you have completed steps 1-6, look back over your resume and make sure you have included all of the key sections.

You should also take some time to consider what additional sections you could include.

Here are the key sections every resume should have:

  • A title header with your name and contact information
  • An objective or summary statement
  • Work experience

As we have covered, the order of these sections will vary depending on the format you have chosen.

However, each of these sections should always be included in your resume.

There are also some additional sections to consider adding.

Here is a quick list of extra sections that can add some extra flair to your resume:

  • Awards and achievements
  • Certifications
  • Unpaid experiences, such as volunteer work or internships
  • Relevant hobbies

How Do I Add Different Sections to a Resume on Microsoft Word?

The way to create different sections on your resume comes in two parts:

  • Use an H2 header to create the section titles (Work Experience, Education, Skills, etc.)
  • Use the Normal style to create the body of text below the H2 header

Here is a breakdown of how to use the H1, H2, H3, and Normal styles within your resume:

Select the Styles window from the Home tab .

From here, you will have options to create headers.

Your heading options are as follows:

  • ‍ Heading 1: Use this heading as your largest title. This is what you will use to write your name at the top of the page. Use a bolded font between 16 to 20 pt in size. Use 1.5 to 2.0 line spacing to help the title heading stand out. ‍
  • Heading 2: Use this heading to create your section titles. Use a bolded font size between 14 to 16 pt. in size. Make sure these headings are smaller than your title heading. Use 1.5 to 2.0 line spacing to help these headings stand out from the rest of the text. ‍
  • Heading 3: Use this heading to create your job titles. Your job titles should be only slightly bigger than the rest of the text. Use a bolded font between 12 to 14 pt. in size. Use between 1.15 to 1.5 line spacing. ‍
  • Normal: Use the Normal style to create the body text underneath the heading. Use a regular font between 11 – 12 pt. in size. Use between 1.15 to 1.5 line spacing.

Wedding Photographer

What are the Pros and Cons of Using Microsoft Word to Craft Your Resume?

Microsoft Word is a handy tool to have, especially if your computer comes with the program pre-installed.

Here are 3 pros and 3 cons to using Microsoft Word to create your resume:

  • ‍ Total Creative Control: When creating a resume on Microsoft Word directly from your computer, you have total control over the design and format. ‍
  • More ATS Friendly: Applicant Tracking Systems are designed to read .doc files, the file format used by Microsoft Word. ‍
  • Can be Edited by Recruiters: If you are using a recruitment agency, a Microsoft Word file can be easy to edit by recruiters before sending it off to employers.
  • ‍ The Microsoft Word Learning Curve: If you are unfamiliar with Microsoft Word, there can be a pretty steep learning curve that can cause you frustration. ‍
  • Time Consuming: Building a resume from scratch can be highly beneficial, but also highly time-consuming. This can become problematic if you need to create a resume quickly. ‍
  • Temperamental Templates: Microsoft Word offers tons of free resume templates. On the surface, this is super useful. However, these templates can be tricky to use. One wrong move can mess up the formatting in a big way and be an even bigger headache to try and fix.

Why Should I Use an Online Resume Template or Resume Builder?

By using a resume template from an online provider, such as Easy Resume, you are more likely to find a template that fits your exact needs.

Plus, online resume templates and resume builders often have more design elements that are easier to use compared to Microsoft Word.

Are you interested in using our online templates or resume builder? Check out our beautifully designed resume templates to build your optimal resume!

Final Takeaways

Microsoft Word offers a lot of capabilities to help you build your ideal resume.

Here are five key takeaways for creating a resume on the program:

  • Create a base skeleton for your resume that you can use again and again for different jobs.
  • Use different heading styles to help your resume title and section titles to stand out.
  • Use the column tool under the Layout tab to create sidebars. Sidebars are great for smaller sections, such as certifications or awards!
  • Always use concise and compelling language.
  • Consider using a template to build your resume faster.

At Easy Resume, we have designed our resume templates and online resume builder to fit your needs. No matter your level of experience or skill at making resumes, we have the tools to help.

Don’t forget to check out our expansive collection of FREE resume guides and examples while you’re here!

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

Ed is a co-founder of Easy Resume. His background in scaling teams at tech startups over the last decade has given him extensive experience and knowledge around how to hire top talent and build successful teams. He enjoys mentoring, coaching, and helping others reach their career goals. When he's not writing about career-related advice, he's playing with his dog, Lilo, or going on long hikes in upstate New York.

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Professional resume templates to help land your next dream job.


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How to Create a Resume on Word Without a Template: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a resume on Word without a template may sound like a daunting task, but it’s easier than you think! You’ll have the freedom to customize your resume exactly how you want it, and it can be done in just a few simple steps. After reading this brief overview, you’ll know exactly how to create a professional-looking resume from scratch using Microsoft Word.

Step by Step Tutorial: Creating a Resume on Word Without a Template

Before we dive into the steps, let’s talk about why you’d want to create a resume without a template. Templates are a great starting point, but they can be limiting in terms of design and layout. By creating a resume without a template, you have complete control over how your resume looks and what information it includes.

Step 1: Open Microsoft Word

Start by opening Microsoft Word on your computer.

When you open Microsoft Word, you’ll be greeted with a variety of template options, but for this task, you’re going to start with a blank document. This will give you a clean slate to work with.

Step 2: Set Up Your Page

Change the margins, orientation, and size of your document to fit a resume layout.

Resumes typically look best with narrow margins – around 0.5 inches on all sides. This gives you more space on the page while still maintaining a tidy look. Make sure your document is set to ‘Portrait’ orientation and letter-size paper (8.5 x 11 inches).

Step 3: Add Your Contact Information

At the top of the page, type your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Your contact information should be the first thing on your resume. Make sure it’s prominently displayed, with your name in a larger font so it stands out.

Step 4: Insert a Horizontal Line

Use the ‘Shapes’ tool to draw a thin horizontal line under your contact information to separate it from the rest of your resume.

This line acts as a visual separator, helping to organize the page and draw attention to your name and contact details.

Step 5: Add Headings for Each Section

Create headings for sections like ‘Experience,’ ‘Education,’ ‘Skills,’ and any other relevant categories.

These headings will help structure your resume, making it easy for potential employers to quickly find the information they’re looking for. Use a bold or slightly larger font for these headings to make them stand out.

Step 6: Fill in Your Content

Under each heading, list your relevant experiences, education, skills, etc.

Be sure to list your experiences in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. Use bullet points to list your responsibilities and achievements clearly and concisely.

After completing these steps, you’ll have a basic resume that you can start sending out to potential employers.

Tips for Creating a Resume on Word Without a Template

  • Keep your layout clean and easy to read; avoid clutter.
  • Use bullet points to make your achievements and responsibilities easy to scan.
  • Choose a professional font like Arial or Times New Roman, and stick to a font size between 10 and 12 points.
  • Save your resume both as a Word document and as a PDF to maintain formatting across different computers.
  • Have someone else proofread your resume to catch any errors you may have missed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i add a photo to my resume in word.

Yes, you can insert a photo into your Word document, but consider if it’s appropriate for the job you’re applying for.

How long should my resume be?

Ideally, your resume should be one page, especially if you have less than 10 years of experience.

What if I have gaps in my employment?

Focus on your skills and experiences rather than the timeline. Consider a functional resume format that emphasizes skills over chronological order.

Can I change the color of the text on my resume?

While it’s possible, it’s generally recommended to stick to black text to maintain professionalism.

How can I make sure my resume stands out?

Tailor your resume to each job you apply for, use strong action verbs, and highlight your results and achievements.

  • Open Microsoft Word.
  • Set up your page.
  • Add your contact information.
  • Insert a horizontal line.
  • Add headings for each section.
  • Fill in your content.

Creating a resume on Word without a template is all about showcasing your unique experiences and skills in a format that speaks to your personal brand. While it may seem like a bit more work upfront, the payoff is a resume that truly represents you and can help you stand out in a sea of cookie-cutter applications. Remember to keep the design clean, the content compelling, and the structure easy to navigate. Don’t forget to proofread and consider the perspective of your potential employer when reviewing your final product. The resume you create will serve as the first impression you make, so take the time to make it count. Now go ahead, open up Word, and begin crafting a resume that will land you that dream job.

Matt Jacobs Support Your Tech

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.

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How to Create a Resume in Microsoft Word

Last Updated: September 25, 2023 Approved

This article was co-authored by Alyson Garrido, PCC . Alyson Garrido is an International Coach Federation accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Facilitator, and Speaker. Using a strengths-based approach, she supports her clients with job search and career advancement. Alyson provides coaching for career direction, interview preparation, salary negotiation, and performance reviews as well as customized communication and leadership strategies. She is a Founding Partner of the Systemic Coach Academy of New Zealand. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,634,337 times.

Resumes detail a person’s work experience, education, skills and achievements. A good resume that is clear, concise and easy to read is essential when looking for a job. Resumes should be word processed and should be neat and tidy. Microsoft Word offers you the option of creating your resume through templates, but you can also create your resume from scratch using Word's formatting features.

Sample Resumes

create a resume without microsoft word

Creating a Resume from a Template (Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013)

Step 1 Use a pre-installed template in Word.

  • In Word 2007 you will have to click on “installed templates.”
  • In Word 2010 it will be “sample templates.”
  • In Word 2011 it will be “new from template.” [1] X Research source
  • In Word 2013 the templates will be displayed when you click on “New.”

Step 2 Download a resume template in Word.

  • In Word 2013, after clicking on “New” you will see a number of templates and a search bar which says “search for online templates.”
  • After searching you will see a number of different resume templates to try out.

Step 3 Download a template directly from Office Online.

  • Here you will be able to look through a number of templates for resumes and cover letters that you can download for free and edit in Word.
  • You may have to sign in with your Microsoft online account to use these templates. [2] X Research source

Step 4 Complete the template....

  • Be sure to look carefully at the detail of your resume and proofread it thoroughly.
  • All of the versions of Word from 2003 to 2013 all come with some pre-installed templates for resumes.

Step 5 Create a resume with the wizard (Word 2003 only).

  • Click on the “Other Documents” tab, and then select “Resume Wizard.”
  • Follow the wizard's instructions. The wizard will walk you through the resume creation process step-by-step
  • If you do not see this option, it was not installed when you installed Word, and you will need to run the installation program again to install it.

Creating a Resume Without a Template

Step 1 Know what to include.

  • Education and qualifications.
  • Work and volunteer experience.
  • Skills and qualities.
  • It should also include your full contact details and state that references are available upon request.

Step 2 Consider a chronological resume.

  • Most chronological resumes only cover the last 5 to 10 years of your employment history.
  • You may wish to include positions earlier than this if they are appropriate to the job you're seeking.
  • This is the format most American employers prefer to see resumes in.

Step 3 Be wary of a functional resume.

  • A combination resume might list your key skills at the top before providing a short account of your experiences.
  • This type of resume can be helpful for those entering the job market with little work experience, or for those trying to change careers. [6] X Research source

Step 5 Consider a CV.

  • The CV is commonly used when applying for positions in Europe, and also when applying for positions at colleges and universities worldwide.
  • CVs can be thought of as living documents that records all your work and achievements, which will generally grow and develop over time more than a resume. [7] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source

Writing Your Resume

Step 1 Complete your contact information.

  • If your resume extends beyond one page, ensure that your name is in a header on every page.
  • Your email address should appropriate for a job application. Use your own name or initials if possible.
  • Don’t use something jokey such as "sly-dude," "foxymama," or "smokinhot."

Step 2 Consider including an objective.

  • For example, you might write that your objective is “To contribute to the design of new word processing software.”
  • Alternatively it may state the position you hope to attain, such as “A position as in healthcare policy and research.”
  • Objectives have become less common, and you may prefer to provide this information in your covering letter . [8] X Research source

Step 3 Outline your education and qualifications.

  • You can include a bullet point or two to provide a little further information on your specialism, if it is appropriate for the position you are applying for.
  • If you achieved any honours or awards as part of your studying or training include these here.

Step 4 Detail your work experience.

  • Use bullet points to make sure it is clear and easy to read or scan through for key words relating to the position you are applying.
  • You can include volunteer positions if they relate to the job you're seeking or if you have little paid experience. [9] X Research source

Step 5 Have an extra skills section.

  • You can title this section as “Other Relevant Skills”, or just “Skills.”
  • This could include proficiency in foreign languages, knowledge of particular computer software and programmes, and any other specific skills not previously mentioned. [10] X Research source
  • Take care to avoid repeating yourself. You don’t need to say you have “excellent communication skills” more than once.

Step 6 Consider adding references.

  • Allow reasonable margins around the edges of the page. Word's default settings are usually sufficient for this.
  • Left-align your section headings. You can use single-spacing after a heading and before the section content, and double-spacing before a heading.
  • Get your resume down to one page if at all possible. You can try adjusting your line spacing in the Paragraph dialog box, but don’t lose your neat formatting trying to get it down to one page.
  • Rethink your words and try to express yourself more concisely.

Expert Q&A

Alyson Garrido, PCC

  • Don't wait until you're looking for work to update your resume. Any time you have a promotion or significant accomplishment, add the new information to your resume. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1
  • Always tailor your resume to the type of position you're seeking. You may have to add, rearrange, or delete accomplishments or entire sections according to what the position requires. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 2

create a resume without microsoft word

  • The appearance and format of your resume is a reflection of your competence; be sure it represents you at your best. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1
  • Be sure that all the statements in your resume are both factually and grammatically correct and that all words are spelled correctly. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 1

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Alyson Garrido, PCC

1. Open Word and click File . 2. Click New . 3. Click a resume template. 4. Type your own data into each field. 5. Save your resume as a new file. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Free Resume Templates

Download in Word, Google Docs, PDF 

Today is a great day to level up your resume.  Free resume templates in every style, format, and design you can imagine. 

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Discover 180+ Resume Templates

create a resume without microsoft word

Professional Resume Templates

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Professional resume templates for job seekers with ample work experience. Showcase your skills and qualifications. Browse our best free resume templates to give your resume the glow-up it deserves. 

  • Sleek, functional layout 
  • “Sells” you as a strong candidate
  • Suitable for all job titles 

Modern Resume Templates

free resume template design

Modern resume templates for Microsoft Word provide stylish, crisp, fresh design elements that will help you grab a recruiter’s attention in just six seconds. The right resume template for candidates in the tech and startup industry. 

  • Chronological resume templates
  • Made for readability and skimming
  • Instant, free download

Simple and Basic Resume Templates

Classic Resume Template Sleek and Simple

Uncluttered editable resume template with minimal styling. Choose a time-tested basic resume design to avoid any faux pas with employers or applicant screening software. 

  • Editable and printable resume design 
  • Easy customization in Word 
  • Suitable for all resume formats

Creative Resume Templates

The Vintage Rose Resume Template

Don’t want a bland, blank resume template? These creative resume templates offer a perfectly balanced mix of personality, professionalism, and playfulness to make a strong first impression. 

  • Free editable resume templates
  • Unique personal branding
  • Creative layout and formatting

Free CV Templates

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Professional CV templates, perfectly suited for academic and federal jobs in the US and any type of job application in Europe. An impactful selection of the best CV templates with proper layout and formatting. 

  • Full CV layout and formatting
  • User-friendly design 
  • Instant download CV templates 

ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

Job Jive ATS Resume Template

Clean and compelling resume design that sits well with applicant tracking software and hiring managers alike. Optimized fonts, clear formatting syntax, and optimal layout for readability.  

  • Compatible with popular ATSs 
  • One-column layout 
  • Suitable for all experience levels 

Resume Templates With Photo

A la mode Resume Template

Put a face behind the name to make a memorable first impression. Resume templates with photos to land a dream job in acting, modeling, or creative professions. 

  • Editable headshot space
  • Optimized section layout 
  • Brandable styles 

How to Choose The Best  Resume Template? 

Not sure which resume design works for your profession? Go with a professional resume template if you’re an experienced worker applying via email. Or download a basic resume template if the company uses an ATS — this way, your resume won’t get filtered out. 

Gunning up for a job in a creative industry or a hip startup? Try out one of the modern resume templates or a creative resume design to give your job application a unique, brandable flair. Resume templates with photos also work great! 

Or better yet, test-drive several free resume templates to see which one gets you the most positive responses! 

Resume Templates for Different File Formats

Get a free editable resume template in your preferred format — Microsoft Word (.doc), PDF, or Google Docs. 

Free Word Resume Templates 

The best resume templates for Microsoft Word. Our most downloaded and top-rated designs in .doc and .docx format are the ones you have seen on this page until here, so make sure to scroll back to the top if MS Word format is what you are looking for.

Google Docs Resume Templates 

Discover attention-grabbing resume templates for Google Docs. Download and edit your new resume design in the cloud, then share it with others with one click. 

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Free Resume in PDF 

Use our free tool to make a resume online in PDF format. Write your resume faster with contextual tips and instantly generate a PDF copy for free. No account is required. 

Check our free resume builder

Resume Templates By Professions 

Get done with writing faster by downloading a pre-filled resume template for your position. Take advantage of the pointers and sample texts created by a professional team of resume writers.

Our remarkable set of role-based resume templates includes the optimal visual layout paired with text snippets you can use to model your own resume.

Resume Template with No College Degree

How to Use Your Free Editable Resume Template 

  • Select a design you fancy and download a free copy to your computer. 
  • Open the template in Microsoft Word or Google Docs to personalize. 
  • Fill in the blanks using your personal details. Refer to relevant resume examples for ideas and tips. 
  • Review and edit your resume. Include strong verbs and adjectives to add persuasion. 
  • Save and name your document: Resume – First name and Surname. 
  • Create a PDF resume version to send via email. PDFs help avoid formatting issues. 

How To Write A Resume

A resume template is the best cure for the blank page syndrome. You’re halfway done — all that’s left is to fill in the blanks in the resume template and hit save. 

Select The Right Resume Format 

The 3 most popular resume formats are chronological, functional, and combination resumes. 

  • Chronological resume organizes the information like LinkedIn does – from the latest position to the first one, with education, interests, and additional info listed later. It’s the most popular resume format, preferred for recruiters. Go for it unless you’re entry-level or changing careers. 
  • Functional resume keeps the focus on your skills and experience, rather than employment history. It’s the go-to choice for candidates with employment gaps and those without much hands-on work experience.
  • Combination resume takes the best of both worlds and allows you to spice up your “dry” employment history with some juicy details about your skill set and achievements. Startups and edgier companies may prefer this. 

Create a Compelling Summary 

A resume summary is a two-sentence statement highlighting your key qualifications, skills, and value proposition for the role. It sits in the header area, right after your name and contact details. Think of it as a teaser to a movie — you should put your most marketable skills upfront to immediately capture the hiring manager’s attention and get them interested in reading the full copy. 

Add Work History 

List your employers in reverse chronological order. Each entry should include the employment date, job title, company name, key responsibilities, and achievements listed in bullet format . Include 3 to 5 bullet points for each position. Don’t get long-winded — your resume must fit into one page. 

Include Marketable Resume Skills 

With skills-based hiring on the rise, you must demonstrate specific competencies rather than just tenure and educational credentials. Showcase your best hard and soft skills in a featured sidebar section, plus your resume summary and work experience entries.

Check the following posts for ideas:

  • Business acumen skills for resume
  • Critical thinking skills for a resume 
  • Conceptual skills for a resume
  • Leadership skills for a resume 
  • Organizational skills for a resume 
  • Technical skills for a resume  
  • Childcare skills for resume 
  • Nursing skills for a resume 
  • Transferable skills for a resume 
  • Retail skills for a resume  

List Education 

Unless you are a recent graduate, don’t dwell on this section too much. Simply list all your degrees (highest to lowest), the name of your educational institution, and your graduation date. But if you’re still in college, you can also add your GPA , dean’s list , or research .  

Learn more from our ultimate guide to writing, styling, and formatting a resume . 

FAQs about Resume Templates 

Your popular Qs about our free resume templates answered. 

How can I format my resume for free?

Download a free pre-formatted resume template from in your preferred format (Word or Google Docs). Open a copy in the word processing software and edit the blank sections with personal details. Click save, and you’ll have a professionally formatted resume in no time.

Is there a truly free resume builder?

Yes, Freesumes resume builder is 100% free to use. No account registration is required. Using our free generator, you can make a resume in PDF using one of the six free templates and contextual writing prompts created by expert writers.

What is the most popular resume template?

The most popular resume templates are chronological resume templates. You can find several dozen popular, professional resume templates on Freesumes in Word and Google Doc formats. Our templates have been downloaded over 4 million times! 

How to get a free resume template?

Head to and check our collection of 180+ fabulously free resume templates in different styles and formats. Select a design you like and click the download button to get an instant free copy in .docx format without any account registration. 

Do employers not like resume templates?

Employers don’t mind resume templates as long as they are professionally made and properly formatted. A sloppy or too vivid design, however, will make you look amateurish. Choose a simple, well-structured resume template in neutral colors, and you’ll always get a positive impression from a prospective employer. 

Is it better to make your own resume or use a template?

This totally depends on you. If you have an eye for design and know information architecture best practices, you can make a stellar resume on your own. Otherwise, you can save heaps of time by using a premade professional resume template to avoid any mishaps with layout or font selection.


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  4. How to Create Resume in MS Word I MS Word Tutorial ⬇ FREE TEMPLATE

  5. How to Make Resume in MS Word I MS Word Tutorial ⬇ FREE TEMPLATE

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    Step 1: Choose an Online Resume Builder. Select a free online resume builder like Canva, Google Docs, or another alternative to Microsoft Word. There are a ton of options out there when it comes to online resume builders. Canva offers a variety of templates that are easy to customize, while Google Docs provides a straightforward approach with ...

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    Open Google Docs. While still signed into your email account, go to and click on the Template Gallery. A series of templates will appear in different categories. For the purposes of this post, we will choose the Coral template, found in the Resume section, by clicking on it once.

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    Here's how you can create a resume without Microsoft Word: Go to and press Get Started. Choose a template and fill in the blanks. Save or download your resume as a Word document or PDF. If possible, send your resume to someone who has Word to test the formatting. Send your resume to the hiring manager, using the file format ...

  9. Free Resume Builder

    Free online resume builder, allows you to create a perfect resume minutes. See how easy it is to create an amazing resume and apply for jobs today! ... Create an awesome resume in minutes, without leaving your web browser. ... Save your perfect resume in any common format, including Microsoft Word and PDF in a single click. Cover letters.

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    Updating your resume without Microsoft Word is entirely feasible, thanks to the various alternatives and tools available today. Whether you choose Google Docs, online resume builders, LibreOffice Writer, or basic text editors like WordPad or TextEdit, you can create a professional resume that showcases your skills and experiences.

  11. Free ATS resume templates

    Find the perfect customizable ATS resume and cover letter template today. Use these free ATS resume templates to get noticed by hiring managers and land an interview. Recruiters use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to rapidly screen resumes. ATS resumes are designed to help your resume get past these applicant tracking systems.

  12. Free resume templates to download and print

    Download free resume templates. Land your dream job with free, customizable resume templates. Showcase your potential to recruiters and stand out from other candidates with a professional template. Whether you're applying to corporate positions or creative roles, go with a sleek design or show your creativity with bold colors.

  13. Use a template to create a resume

    Windows macOS Web. Go to File > New. In the search box, type Resume or Cover Letter. Double-click the template you want to use. Replace the placeholder text with your own information. Start your resume with a professionally designed template and cover letter. You can use Microsoft Word resume templates to create a polished resume.

  14. How to Create a Resume in Microsoft Word (Step-by-Step Guide)

    Make a Resume in Microsoft Word in 7 Easy Steps. First, let's make sure you can navigate the Microsoft Word ribbon! The ribbon is the toolbar found at the top of the screen. It should look something like this: The main parts of the ribbon you should familiarize yourself with on the Home tab are Font, Paragraph, and Styles.

  15. How to Create a Resume on Word Without a Template

    Step 1: Open Microsoft Word. Open Microsoft Word on your computer to start a new document. When you open Microsoft Word, you'll usually see a selection of templates. However, for this guide, you'll want to start with a blank document. This will give you a clean slate to build your resume from scratch.

  16. I don't have Microsoft Word. How do I write my resume? : r/resumes

    The text content must be impressive. Wordpad allows doing basic things with text. The best resume I have ever seen was simplistic, for that one Wordpad would be enough. Companies hire people but not resumes to work. //For sure, MS Word is much better.

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    Step 2: Set Up Your Page. Change the margins, orientation, and size of your document to fit a resume layout. Resumes typically look best with narrow margins - around 0.5 inches on all sides. This gives you more space on the page while still maintaining a tidy look. Make sure your document is set to 'Portrait' orientation and letter-size ...

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  20. 4 Ways to Create a Resume in Microsoft Word

    Start by selecting "New" from the File menu. This displays the New Document task pane. You should then select "My Computer" from the Templates section on the left side of the task pane. Click on the "Other Documents" tab, and then select "Resume Wizard.".

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    Select a design you fancy and download a free copy to your computer. Open the template in Microsoft Word or Google Docs to personalize. Fill in the blanks using your personal details. Refer to relevant resume examples for ideas and tips. Review and edit your resume. Include strong verbs and adjectives to add persuasion.

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