creative writing courses australia online

Creative Writing

Study creative writing with ACS Distance Education - write more interesting fiction, more convincing advertising, more inspired poetry. Develop your creativity to write better more engaging work of all types.

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Learn Creative Writing - write for profit or pleasure

This stimulating course will develop your ability to write a good story and to think more critically about your writing.

  • You will learn the basics of different kinds of writing - magazine and newspaper columns, short stories, books - while improving your basic writing skill.
  • Your development will be guided by qualified and experienced tutors.

No matter what your current writing ability, if you put in the effort, you will become a better and more confident writer. Some students have been published even before finishing the course!

Develop passion, creativity and writing technique

Discover what publishers and readers want

Become a successful, creative writer.

Self Paced, 100 hour, creative writing course

If you love writing and want to improve your skills, network with other writers, and get personal guidance from a team of professional writers, this course is for you. 

Tutors and Course Developers include:

Published Poets and Fiction Writers

Published Biographical Writers

Published Magazine and Newspaper Writers (Our principal and staff have authored over 2000 magazine articles and 150 books)

Travel writers, course writers, business writers, web bloggers, marketing copywriters and others

Tutors are exceptionally well qualified, with university degrees in writing or journalism and most have more than 10 years experience in writing and publishing. Our faculty are diverse in their background, come from across the world, and are at your disposal, to help you too get started as a professional creative writer -before, during, and after your studies.

Lesson Structure

There are 10 lessons in this course:

  • What is creative writing
  • What’s different about creative writing
  • Information and creativity
  • Creative genres
  • Forms of Writing
  • Creative Writing resources
  • What is needed for success
  • The business of writing
  • Getting published
  • Self publishing
  • Vanity publishing
  • Terminology.
  • Words and their proper use
  • Types of language
  • Informative language
  • Persuasive language
  • Imaginative language
  • Literal language
  • Figurative language
  • Formal language
  • Colloquial language
  • Parts of language (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, plurals, possessive nouns & pronouns, gender, adjectives, articles)
  • Common grammatical errors (fragmented sentences, run on sentences, comma splices, dangling modifiers).
  • Run on sentences
  • Irregular verbs
  • Whom or who
  • Pronouns and Antecedents
  • Punctuation
  • Creating and critiquing
  • Generating ideas
  • Developing ideas
  • Narrative theory
  • Narrative structure
  • Settings or scenes
  • Mood or atmosphere
  • Point of view
  • Creative reading.
  • Slice of life fiction
  • Conciseness and Succinctness
  • Understanding ambiguity
  • Causes of ambiguity
  • Doubt and ambiguity
  • Hinge points and ambiguity
  • Defamiliarisation.
  • Writing routine
  • Establishing a theme
  • Organising ideas
  • Paragraphing
  • Writing a synopsis
  • Developing objectives.
  • Common errors
  • Scope or Range
  • Theme problems
  • Authenticity problems
  • Tone problems.
  • Creative non fiction
  • Classical Development
  • Chronological development
  • Cause and effect
  • Classification
  • Comparison and contrast
  • Developing a profile
  • Interviews.
  • What to write
  • News values
  • Writing guidelines
  • Regular columns
  • Scope of magazine writing
  • What publishers want
  • Magazine articles
  • Travel writing
  • Writing for public relations
  • Selling your work.
  • Consistency
  • Believability
  • Getting started
  • Getting a contract
  • Book publishing
  • Non fiction books
  • Fact finding.
  • Organising a portfolio to sell yourself.

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.

  • Describe elements and forms of creative writing.
  • Develop skills that will help you generate, evaluate and communicate ideas. Discuss the functions of clear writing, and the art of revealing and concealing in writing.
  • Establish theme and structure as planning tools.
  • Identify and discuss various forms of fiction writing and publishing opportunities.
  • Analyse different non-fiction genres to determine key elements and strategies.
  • Analyse different forms of creative writing commonly found in newspapers.
  • Analyse magazine articles to determine what makes a good feature article.
  • Discuss the main elements of book writing, including theme, organisation, and weaving different narrative threads into a unified whole.
  • Prepare a portfolio of creative writing ready for submission and of future ideas.

What You Will Do

  • Analyse three texts to identify their genres, describe their layout, and any key elements.
  • Locate a vanity publisher and a well-known publisher and obtain information on their submitting requirements.
  • Write part of a newspaper feature article in three different ways, using three different types of language to create different impressions.
  • Critique a piece of your own writing (250 words or more), noting its good points, its weaknesses.
  • Develop one short scene for three different storylines, letting the setting, characters, dialogue and action show what is happening, what might have gone before, and what might follow.
  • Make notes on two authors' uses of concealing and revealing (transparency and ambiguity), and analyse their effectiveness in each case.
  • Describe a place or person in your life from two completely different perspectives.
  • Rewrite an assignment in a different voice.
  • Use defamiliarisation to make a common object appear mysterious, or dangerous, or alien.
  • Discuss the organisation of texts, considering why the authors might have organised their texts this way, and discuss how the structures contribute to the overall effectiveness of the text.
  • Write a first draft in 3 hours, without editing.
  • Edit the draft for structure, clarity, flow of ideas, content, mood, voice etc.
  • Edit 3 items of your writing (include one short story) for clarity and succinctness; explain your changes.
  • Research likely publishers for one of your stories and submit it.
  • Construct outlines of fiction stories using the first and last sentences of published works.
  • Conceive different non-fiction writing projects for specific publishers, and explain your choices.
  • Write three outlines for non-fiction pieces, modelled on the outlines of your three creative writing readings.
  • Interview someone in preparation for writing a profile on that person. Explain why you think that person might be of interest to others.

The Scope of Creative Writing

Creative writing is often defined as the writing of fiction, where the author creates events, scenes and characters, sometimes even a world. In reality, aside from instinctive utterances like the yelp of an injured child or a delighted ‘Oh!’ all expressions are creative.

For the purposes of this course, ‘creative writing’ is any writing that expresses events and emotions in an imaginative manner and whose primary intent is to arouse emotions. Creative writing can therefore be fiction, using imaginative narration, or non fiction, based on facts and events. The common ground of fiction and non-fiction writing is the creativity the writer uses to express his or her thoughts and emotions.

Creative Writing can be applied in many different situations, including:

poetry of all kinds

short stories

novels, including westerns, romances, science fiction, detective stories, mysteries, fantasy, etc.

advertising and marketing

film and television screenplays, stage plays and scripts


Other genres that we may not think of as creative writing are:

magazine articles, e zines, blogs

newspaper feature stories



card greetings

books or articles on science, history etc.

Writing Tips - How to Establish a Theme

Every piece of writing, no matter whether it is a novel or a business letter, should have a dominant theme or underlying idea. In a business letter and in technical writing, the theme should be immediately obvious and clear and should be stated. In a piece of creating writing it might be gradually revealed through the development of the work and may only be fully apprehended by the reader at the very end. Nevertheless, the theme should be present from the beginning, and should exist as a unifying thread through every chapter or paragraph. Every piece of the writing should, in some way, relate to that theme. It is what unifies a piece of writing and lets it stand alone as a meaningful expression.

The theme of a creative piece may never be directly stated. For instance, the underlying theme of Boris Pasternak’s Dr Zhivago is personal integrity, being true to one’s self in thought and action. This is never stated, but is exhibited in the behaviour of the main characters, each of whom draws upon hard-won inner truth for the strength and courage to maintain integrity in a vicious, chaotic, and seemingly unprincipled world.

In a novel, we often find that a theme branches out into several sub-themes. Because of its length, the novel allows for this kind of interweaving of themes and ideas. So, in Dr. Zhivago, there is plenty of room for developing a critique of the rise of Communism, of war and aggression in general, of different kinds of power, and of love. But these must and do return in some way to the dominant theme, to enrich our understanding and experience of that dominant idea.

In comparison, the short story or poem might focus entirely on one theme, though even then, there are usually subtle or even overt references to other ideas and themes, for no one idea or experience is self-sufficient, but inevitably relates to and rests on other ideas and experiences. We can develop themes any means, and often from or through a variety of means, such as:

images of places, events or characters

thoughts and speech of characters

actions of characters

contrasting societies or generations within a society

identifying shared values and experiences between groups or generations

ways to dealing with and coping with the environment

symbolic use of landscape and nature

repetition of ideas in different forms

repeated symbols or cultural items

contrast of values

One way to plan your writing is to establish a central theme, then consider how to develop it, and how to display its complexity and facets through different sub-themes. Ask yourself, “What do I want to say?”, then ask yourself over and over, “What else do I have to say about that?” This constant meditation on a theme can yield a rich trove of ideas.

To understand how themes are developed, read several short stories and novels that you really like. Notice how the theme is introduced, and how it is developed. Also, do some exercises with free association. This process requires you to simply observe what thoughts, images, memories, people, events etc. come into your mind when you focus on an idea. For instance, let us say that you are thinking to write on the theme of personal responsibility. Rather than trying to consciously develop that theme at first, just jot down every image or word than comes into your head. Everybody will come up with a completely different and personal collection of items, for no two of us have lived the same life or experience it in the same way. The results of a free-association exercise like this can give you the seeds with which to ‘grow’ and express your theme.

Creative Writing Resources

Writers can draw on two levels of support for their writing and writing careers:

  • inner resources, such as creativity, persistence, self-discipline, good skills, experience, knowledge, empathy, and a real interest in the world around them;
  • outer resources, which are the people and environments that constitute the writer’s support system.

What is Needed for Success?

Success as a writer means different things to different people. For some, success is to simply have people read and appreciate what they write; and the readers might be no more than friends and/or family.

For others, the goal may be far more ambitious: to have books or articles published and sold, and read by tens of thousands of people.

Writing is a Business

Writing is only part of the business of being a writer. If your aim is to be published, and be read by the “masses”; you need to understand and recognise what is involved in the publishing business as a whole.

You should also recognise from the beginning that success does not always come to those who deserve it; and a certain amount of luck is probably going to be involved no matter how skilled or well educated you are.

Successful writers are not just those who write well; but more often than not, they are also people who happen to be in the right place at the right time.

If you hope to make a complete or partial living from creative writing, or to make it your career, you can improve your prospects by developing good sources of information and support.

These will help you achieve two main goals:

  • To become a better, more effective writer, and
  • To sell and/or publish what you write.

An important aspect of being a writer is the development of a network of relationships, contacts and resources to support your writing and career. Support from family and friends is invaluable, for they can offer nurturing, help create a suitable writing environment, and help you identify your writing strengths and weaknesses by giving honest opinions of your work.

Other resources include:

Writers’ guides, books and articles on writing and publishing. These can be found in most public libraries, in university libraries (where you may read them even if you are not a student there), in writing magazines, in local writing clubs, in the Arts sections of some newspapers, and in the occasional newspaper or magazine article.  

Publishing Houses and Publishers

Writing clubs, societies, professional or amateur associations, book shows and exhibitions, trade shows and exhibitions, commercial organisations and businesses, government departments, personal contacts.

Networking is a most effective way of letting others know what you can do, and that you are looking for writing or publishing opportunities. People with writing or publishing experience are important contacts, well worth nurturing, and will frequently help new writers. To avoid irritating or offending them, observe some basic rules of networking etiquette, such as:

  • Establish a variety of contacts so that you are not over-dependent on one or two.
  • Be sincere, honourable, and truthful in all your dealings.
  • Respect others’ privacy and time in your words and actions.
  • Look for ways to return favours and be of service – offer to do research or typing.
  • Take a real interest in them and their work, not just in what they can do for you.
  • Be humble and learn from others, even if you think you know it all.
  • Contact busy people by letter or email first to avoid disruption to their schedules.
  • Read an author’s work or a publisher’s products before you contact them.
  • Acknowledge and say thank you for all assistance.

How To Get Your Career on the Right Path

You don't become a competent writer by undertaking a quick short course.

It does take time to learn anything properly and embed knowledge into your mind; and it takes a properly constructed learning experience supported by capable and knowledgeable educators. 

Even the best course can only take you so far though -if you have the proper foundation to build upon (through your studies); you will continue learning afterwards, through experience; and your learning is probably going to be faster, easier and more appropriate.

Over more than 30 years, our staff have written thousands of articles for magazines and newspapers; written over 150 books published by international publishers; and since 2011 we have been operating our own publishing business. We know writing -all genres; we know the industry and we can help you!

Who Can Benefit From This Course?

Amateur and aspiring writers seeking to build confidence in their abilities, or improve their fundamentals. This course is also well-suited to writers wanting a deeper understanding of genre, modes, and writing types, or an introduction to the theoretical underpinnings of creative writing.

At the end of this course you will:

Know the difference between several genres and types of writing

Understand the common errors and pitfalls in writing, and how to avoid them

Understand how to revise and improve your work

Understand how to apply good writing practice and theory to create well-written, engaging stories and other creative works

Draft a creative piece and develop a plan to move forward with it

ENROL or Use our FREE Course Advice Service to Connect with a Tutor

Member of Study Gold Coast Education Network.

How can I start this course?

You can enrol at anytime and start the course when you are ready. Enrolments are accepted all year - students can commence study at any time. All study is self paced and ACS does not set assignment deadlines. Please note that if a student is being assisted by someone else (e.g. an employer or government subsidy), the body offering the assistance may set deadlines. Students in such situations are advised to check with their sponsor prior to enrolling. The nominal duration of a course is approximately how long a course takes to complete. A course with a nominal duration of 100 hours is expected to take roughly 100 hours of study time to complete. However, this will vary from student to student. Short courses (eg. 100 hrs duration) should be completed within 12 months of enrolment. Certificates, Advanced Certificates and Awards (eg. over 500 hours duration) would normally be completed within 3 -5 years of enrolment. Additional fees may apply if a student requires an extended period to complete. If a student cannot submit their assignments for 6 months to ACS, they should advise the school to avoid cancellation of their student registration. Recommencement fees may apply.

Simply click on the ENROL OPTIONS button at the top of this screen and follow the prompts.

You can see the course price at the top of this page. Click 'enrolment options' to see any payment options available.

You can pay by Credit Card, PayPal, Afterpay or bank transfer.

Yes! We have payment plans for most courses. Click 'enrolment options' to see the available payment plans. We also have Afterpay that will allow you to pay for your course or payment plans in four instalments (if you are in Australia).

What do I need to know before I enrol?

There are no entry requirements that you need to meet to enrol in our courses, our courses are for everyone. If you are under 18, we need written permission from your parent/ guardian for your enrolment to continue, we can arrange that after you have enrolled.

You don’t need to purchase any additional resources to complete our courses.

We aim to teach you the essentials without you having to purchase any specific computer program. We recommend that you have access to a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, so that you can easily complete and submit your assignments.

You sure can. We are here to help you learn whatever your abilities.

Yes, if you are enrolling in a Certificate or Advanced Certificate, you might be eligible for credits if you have evidence of your previous studies or relevant experience. More information is here.

We recommend that you are able to browse websites, send emails and conduct online research. You will need to be able to type and submit your assignments. If you have limited computer skills, we can make special arrangements for you.

This is possible, it depends on the institution. We recommend that if you would like to use our courses that you contact the institution first. Our Course Handbook is a good resource for this.

Our courses are written in English and we only have English speaking academic staff. If you can read and complete your assignments in English, our courses are ideal for you.

Our courses are designed to build knowledge, hands on skills and industry connections to help prepare you to work in the area, running your own business, professional development or as a base for further study.

This course has been designed to cover the fundamentals of the topic. It will take around 100 hours to complete, which includes your course reading, assignment work, research, practical tasks, watching videos and anything else that is contained in the course. Our short courses are a great way to do some professional development or to learn a new skill.

It’s up to you. The study hours listed in the course are a rough guide, however if you were to study a short course (100 hours) at 10 hours per week, you could finish the course in 10 weeks (just an example). Our courses are self-paced, so you can work through the courses in your own time. We recommend that you wait for your tutor to mark and return your assignment before your start your next one, so you get the benefits of their feedback.

The course consists of course notes, videos, set tasks for your practical work, online quizzes, an assignment for each lesson (that you receive feedback from your tutor from) and ends in an exam (which is optional, if would like to receive the formal award at the end), using our custom built Learning Management System - Login.Training.

Our courses are designed for adults to gain professional development and skills to further their careers and start businesses.

Our custom online learning portal allows you to conduct your learning online. There may be practical tasks that you can do offline. You have the option of downloading your course notes or print them to read later. There is also the option to pay an additional fee for printed course notes and or USB (availability limited to location and deliverability).

Yes, if you don’t have access to the internet, you can receive the course as paper notes or on a USB stick for an additional fee. We can also make alternative arrangements for you to send your assignments to us.

We offer printed notes for an additional fee. Also, you can request your course notes on a USB stick for an additional fee.

Yes, your tutor is here to help you. Simply post any questions you have in your portal or contact the office and we can pass on a message to your tutor.

We are more learning focussed, rather than assessment focussed. You have online quizzes to test your learning, written assignments and can complete an exam at the end of the course (if you want to receive your certificate). You will not receive a pass/ fail on your course work. If you need to add more details on your assignment, we will ask you to resubmit and direct you where you need to focus. If you need help, you can ask your tutor for advice in the student room.

Each module (short course) is completed with one exam. Exams are optional, however you must sit an exam if you would like to receive a formal award. You will need to find someone who can supervise that you are sitting the exams under exams conditions. There is an additional cost of $60 incl. GST for each exam. More information is here

There are practical components built into the course that have been designed to be achieved by anyone, anywhere. If you are unable to complete a task for any reason, you can ask your tutor for an alternative.

When you complete the course work and the exam and you will be able receive your course certificate- a Statement of Attainment. Otherwise, you can receive a Letter of Completion.

You can bundle the short courses to create your own customised learning bundle, Certificates or Advanced Certificates. More information is on this page.

Yes, our courses are built to be applicable for people living anywhere in any situation. We provide the fundamentals, and each student can apply their own unique flair for their own interests, region and circumstances with the one-on-one guidance of a tutor. There is also a bit of student directed research involved.

Employers value candidates with industry skills, knowledge, practical skills and formal learning. Our courses arm you with all of these things to help prepare you for a job or start your own business. The longer you study the more you will learn.

ACS has an arrangement with OAMPS (formerly AMP) who can arrange Professional Indemnity from Australian and New Zealand graduates across all disciplines. Ph: 1800 222 012 or email [email protected].

Who are ACS Distance Education?

ACS Distance Education have been educating people for over 40 years.

We are established and safe- we have been in education for over 40 years. We are focused on developing innovative courses that are relevant to you now and what you will need to know in the future. We are focused on helping you learn and make the most of your experience. You can enrol at any time, you can work on your course when it suits you and at your own pace. We are connected to many industry bodies and our staff participate in continuous improvement and learning activities to ensure that we are ahead of what learning is needed for the future.

Our courses are not accredited by the Australian Government. However many of our courses are recognised and held in high regard by many industry bodies.

Our courses are written by our staff, who all have many years experience and have qualifications in their speciality area. We have lots of academic staff who write and update our courses regularly.

How do I enrol my staff/ sponsored students?

Yes, you can do a request for a bulk enrolment and request an invoice on our Invoice Request Form

We can prepare an invoice, quote or proforma invoice. Simply complete your details on our Invoice Request form

We can arrange bulk discounts for your course enrolment, please get in touch with us to discuss your needs.

Yes, we have many students who are in locked facilities, such as prisons or hospitals. We can cater by also offering paper notes at an additional cost.

What if I have any more questions or need more information?

We can assist you to find the right course for your needs. Get in touch with us via email ([email protected]) call on +61 7 5562 1088 or complete our course advice form.

Take a look at their testimonials here.

What if I change my mind?

Our terms and conditions of enrolment are here.

Please get in touch with [email protected] if you would like to be removed from our mail list.

If you would like ACS Distance Education to delete your information at any time (whether you are a customer or a prospective customer), please contact our privacy officer and we will process this ( [email protected] ).

Course Contributors

The following academics were involved in the development and/or updating of this course.

creative writing courses australia online

Tracey Jones

Widely published author, Psychologist, Manager and Lecturer. Over 10 years working with ACS and 25 years of industry experience. Qualifications include: B.Sc. (Hons) (Psychology), M.Soc.Sc (social work), Dip. SW (social work), PGCE (Education), PGD (Learning Disability Studies).

creative writing courses australia online

Writer, Manager, Teacher and Businessman with over 40 years interenational experience covering Education, Publishing, Leisure Management, Education, and Horticulture. He has extensive experience both as a public servant, and as a small business owner. John is a well respected member of many professional associations, and author of over seventy books and of over two thousand magazine articles.

creative writing courses australia online

Rachel Syers

Rachel has worked as a newspaper journalist for the past 15 years in a range of roles from sub-editor and social columnist to news reporter, covering rounds such as education, health, council, music, television, court, police, Aboriginal and Islander affairs, and agriculture. Her current role is Fashion Editor, features writer and features sub-editor with The Gold Coast Bulletin. She has co-authored a successful biography "Roma: From Prison to Paradise" about former prisoner-of-war turned yoga guru, Roma Blair, as well as freelanced as a writer, reviewer and researcher for Australian music and celebrity magazines such as WHO Weekly, Rave, Australasian Post and New Idea. Rachel has a B.Journalism.

creative writing courses australia online

Professional Writing

Professional writing is any writing that you are being paid for. It can include fiction writing, a best-selling book, articles in a magazine, articles in a newspaper, blogs for companies, technical manuals or procedure manuals, copy for catalogues, newsletters, text books and other academic material and so on.

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Creative writing can be applied not only to articles and books; but in everything we write, from marketing material to social media. Writing that is creative will usually be more interesting, communicative and effective. This book explores not only how to be more creative with your writing, but also expands your perspective on how and where to use it.

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Psychological Profiling

Psychological profiling is used to assess anyone from potential new staff and school children to serial killers. It helps you to determine someone’s personality, neuroses, mental health and career suitability. This book provides an excellent overview of psychological profiling techniques and pitfalls.

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Unsure about which course is best for you?

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[The course] provides a thorough introduction to the practices of Life Coaching. It provides very good learning materials and practical assignments at end of each lesson. The comments from my tutor are always very encouraging and positive. The services from school administrative staff are excellent [and] the course is recognised by Association of Coaching, UK.

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creative writing courses australia online

The Writing Quarter Specialised Online Creative Writing Courses

We welcome writers of all ages, levels and interests to join our online creative writing courses.

Our writing courses range from beginners to advanced, specialising in short stories, poetry, and more.

We work with award-winning tutors from a variety of backgrounds who want to share their knowledge and best practices with you.

Through weekly writing tasks and written feedback, you’ll develop your writing skills, learn new tools and bring your ideas to life.

Why study with us?

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One to one Feedback

Your tutor will provide private written feedback on your weekly assignments, helping you to become a better writer.

Accessible & Flexible

An online creative writing course gives you the flexibility to study and write at any place, at any time.

Experienced Tutors

All of our tutors are highly qualified and experienced writers.

Upcoming Courses

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Writing Courses For All

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We have developed our creative writing courses to suit every stage of a writer’s journey. To participate, all you need is a love of writing and building stories! Our tutors provide practical feedback and guidance to help you on your way.

If you’re looking to get started or returning to writing after some time away, our Beginners Creative Writing Course explores the foundations of storytelling.

Or perhaps you’ve got an idea ready to go, but don’t know where to start? Our Begin Your Novel Course will give you the confidence to put pen to paper.

For young writers who can’t stop scribbling stories, explore our Creative Writing Course for Children and Creative Writing Course for Teenagers.

There’s no linear path when it comes to getting ideas on the page, or getting your first story published! Our online writing courses put you on track for believable characters, compelling stories and a writing plan you can stick to.

Latest Competitions

Our list of Writing Competitions is updated weekly by our team. You’ll find a range of writing submissions to choose from, whatever your style, genre or preference.

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F(r)iction Contests 2024

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The Creative Writing NZ Short Story Prize 2024

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Minds Shine Bright Seasons Writing Competition

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Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest

Wergle flomp humor poetry contest.

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Competition Listings

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Creative Writing Ink Short Story Competition 2023

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Flash 500 Flash Fiction Competition

The writing quarter december 2021 competition winner, the writing quarter september 2021 competition winner, the writing quarter august 2021 competition winner, the writing quarter july 2021 competition winner, the writing quarter june 2021 competition winner, the writing quarter april 2021 competition, the writing quarter march 2021 competition winner, the writing quarter february 2021 competition winner, the writing quarter january 2021 competition winner, the writing quarter december 2020 competition winner, october 2020 competition winner, august 2020 competition winner, july 2020 competition winner, june 2020 competition winner, the writing quarter april 2020 competition winner, the writing quarter march 2020 competition winner, the writing quarter january 2020 competition winner, the writing quarter november 2019 competition winner.

Competition August 2019 Winner

Competition August 2019 Winner

Unsure Where To Start?

In the first instance, we recommend the Beginners Creative Writing Course if you have never completed an online writing course with feedback before. No writing experience is required, as you’ll learn how to produce ideas, create characters and start writing from scratch.

For any questions or queries about our online writing courses, visit our FAQ page to find out more.

You can also drop us a message at [email protected]

Apply for Creative Writing Major (BA)

Direct to curtin, get alerts for future intakes, global campus options.

Study Creative Writing at Curtin

Creative Writing

Undergraduate major.

Develop your writing skills in fiction, poetry, and experimental and emerging genres.

The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is used to determine eligibility for places in university courses.

  • Qualification Creative Writing Major (BA)

A full-time study load usually consists of 200 credits (approximately eight units) per year, with 100 credits (approximately four units) in each semester.

Select your preferred degree

This course belongs to multiple degrees. Select the single degree or double degree below to see the application deadlines.

Do you enjoy expressing your creative side through writing? Are you an aspiring author or poet? The standout feature of a creative writing career is the ability to contribute to and influence culture through an understanding of writing conventions and literary techniques.

In this major you will gain the knowledge and techniques that writers need in the age of digital communication and entertainment. You’ll develop skills across various writing styles, including fiction, poetry and experimental and emerging genres.

You’ll benefit from the advice of Curtin’s experienced tutors (many of whom are acclaimed authors) and through critical engagement with your creative peer group.

Creative writing is offered as part of the Bachelor of Arts . You can enhance your studies with a second major or choose from a range of elective units that support your career goals.

You can also study this major as part of a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce double degree.

What jobs can the Creative Writing lead to?

  • Copywriter / writer
  • Advertising
  • Creative arts

What you'll learn

  • identify, explain and apply the key disciplinary concepts in Creative Writing
  • integrate theory and creative practice; conceive, develop and evaluate innovative new writing
  • access and evaluate the sources, authority and relevance of information and synthesise key facts, themes and ideas in writing
  • communicate ideas to a range of audiences and in a variety of media and genres
  • use technologies to access resources, communicate effectively and develop writing and research skills
  • use disciplinary skills and knowledge to learn how to learn, and apply these insights to new writing and to the different intellectual and professional roles required of a writer in the broader community
  • acknowledge the interrelationship between local, national and global perspectives and the impact of this on writing and the creative industries
  • value a range of cultural knowledge and take care to represent these, where appropriate, in an ethical and professional manner
  • work independently and/or collaboratively to produce innovative and informed creative writing that contributes meaningfully to contemporary culture

Why study Creative Writing

Transferable skills.

Humanities courses teach transferable skills for international careers. 

Get the Curtin edge

You’ll have opportunities to publish short stories and poems in the China Australia Writing Centre’s yearly anthology or the Curtin Student Guild’s Grok Magazine.

Industry links

Graduates of this course have gone on to have successful writing careers and won national literary awards. Our alumni include Ruth McIver, Tim Winton, Jon Doust, Deborah Robertson, Brooke Davis and Tracy Ryan.

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Admission criteria

What you need in order to get into this course. There are different pathway options depending on your level of work and education experience.

Select an option that best suits you:

Recently left high school

Work and life experience

TAFE or apprenticeship

Current or previous University experience

I’m not sure

You’re considered a high school leaver if you:

  • Completed year 12 in Australia or overseas in the past two years, or
  • Completed TAFE or VET studies in the past two years.

ATAR pathway

This course has a minimum ATAR of 70

Essential WACE subjects (prerequisites)

Subjects you must have studied in high school to be eligible for entry into a course.

English ATAR, Literature ATAR or English as an Additional Language/Dialect ATAR.

Desirable WACE subjects

High school subjects that aren’t essential for entry into the course, but provide a good foundation.

There are no desirable WACE subjects for this course.

Please see our correlation comparability for previous TEE subjects, WACE courses and WACE ATAR courses.

StepUp Entry

StepUp grants additional ATAR points to help eligible students qualify for admission.

Successful StepUp Entry and StepUp Equity Adjustment Admission Pathway (StepUp Bonus) applicants will be eligible to be considered for admission into this course.

Alternative pathways

If you don’t meet our minimum admission criteria, the UniReady Enabling Program can help you qualify for entry into a range of undergraduate courses.

The certificate IV is the minimum requirement for university entry. It qualifies you for entry to Curtin courses with a 70 ATAR. You must also meet English language proficiency.

If you’re an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander applicant who hasn’t met Curtin’s minimum admissions criteria, the Centre for Aboriginal Studies offers bridging courses that are tailored to help you gain entry into this course.

Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)

The Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) is a national test for those who don't meet university admission criteria. STAT can be used to meet entry criteria for some courses, or as a way to satisfy Curtin’s English proficiency requirements.

Written English and either verbal or quantitative

Find your pathway to Curtin

Think you don’t have the marks or qualifications to study at Curtin? We have several pathways to help you meet admission. Use our pathway finder to find your best way to studying with us.

How others gained admission

View the ATAR breakdown to see the low, median and high ATAR scores of students who started studying this course recently.

To see the other pathways students have taken, see the pathway breakdown .

Other requirements and notes for this course

Applicants are required to choose one of the Bachelor of Arts majors when applying. If you with to study a double major, you elect the second major once you have been accepted into the course.

In addition to the course-specific admission criteria listed above, please read our general admission criteria . Our general admission criteria apply to all courses at Curtin University.

You’re considered someone with work and life experience if:

You have left secondary education more than two years ago (i.e. who are not classified as recent secondary education applicants) and have not undertaken vocational education training (VET) or higher education study since then.

How we define ‘experience’ ‘Experience’ includes a combination of factors sufficient to demonstrate readiness for higher education such as mature-age entry, professional experience whether completion of the Special Tertiary Admission Test (STAT) is required or not, community involvement or work experience. Applicants may have undertaken non-formal programs that have helped prepare them for tertiary education or are relevant to the proposed higher education field of study.

You’re considered someone who studied at TAFE or have done an apprenticeship if:

Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study are those whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a VET course. This includes study at a public TAFE or other VET provider, whether a qualification was completed or not. Applicants with VET study may have other qualifications such as a Year 10 or Year 12 secondary school certificate.

AQF Certificate IV - Separate evidence of English language proficiency is required; or AQF Diploma; or AQF Advanced Diploma.

You’re considered someone who has recently left university if:

Applicants with higher education are those whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a higher education course, such as a university degree. This may include applicants who are currently studying a higher education course at another education provider and want to transfer to Curtin University, or applicants who are currently studying at Curtin but want to switch to a different course. It may also include applicants who have completed past study with university and non-university higher education providers.

Curtin course switcher criteria

Our admission criteria for minimum entry apply to Curtin course switchers. For information on how to meet Curtin's minimum entry requirements, please see our admission criteria web page.

Higher education course switcher criteria

Our admission criteria for minimum entry apply to other higher education course switchers. For information on how to meet Curtin's minimum entry requirements, please see our admission criteria web page.

Unsure what option suits you?

We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of university admission. Choose the support you need from the options below.

You might find your answer in our frequently asked questions.

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1300 222 888 8:30am to 4:30pm weekdays (Tuesday from 9:30am)

You’ll find Curtin Connect in building 102 on the Perth campus. 8:30am to 4:30pm weekdays (Tuesday from 9:30am)

Use your experience to get credit towards your degree

Finish your course sooner with credit for your previous study or work experience.

Fees and charges

Please view the Bachelor of Arts degree for indicative fees.

Looking for more detail on the course structure?

How to apply.

Please review information on how to apply for the campus of your choice

Frequently asked questions

There are 3 different categories of acceptance due dates:

  • For countries listed here ( Country List ), acceptance due date is 7 weeks before course start date, as stated on your Offer Letter. If you have a GTE Finance or GTE Interview condition on your offer, you must submit the GTE documentation 2 weeks before the acceptance closing date.
  • For all other countries which are not listed in the list, the acceptance due date is 3 weeks before the course start date.
  • If you are currently in Australia on a valid visa, the acceptance closing date is 1 week before the course start date.

Curtin has a duty of care to ensure all international students have sufficient time to have their student visa issued and to arrive in Perth in time for the Orientation Week and the start of classes. The timeframes stipulated above allows Curtin to process your completed documents and for the Department of Home Affairs to issue your student visa in time. For more information on visa processing times, please refer to the Visa Processing Times on the Department of Home Affairs website.

For international application deadlines, please refer to: Key dates and university application deadlines | Curtin University

The offering information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

The information on this page may be subject to change. In particular, Curtin University may change the content, method or location of delivery or tuition fees of courses.

While Curtin uses reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided on this page is accurate and up to date, errors and omissions sometimes occur. Curtin makes no warranty, representation or undertaking (expressed or implied) nor does it assume any legal liability (direct or indirect) for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information.

View courses information disclaimer .

  • Curtin course code:  MJRU-CRWRI
  • Last updated on:  22 March 2024

Got a question? We’re here to help.

Opening hours: Mon to Fri: 8.30am – 4.30pm, except Tues: 9.30am – 4.30pm (AWST). Closed public holidays.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Specialisations

Business specialisations available in the BBA:

  • Accounting for Business Decisions Specialisation
  • Business Law and Policy Specialisation
  • Business Project Management Specialisation
  • Business Strategy Specialisation
  • Corporate Governance Specialisation
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing Specialisation
  • Event Management Specialisation
  • Fashion Marketing Specialisation
  • Information Systems in Business Specialisation
  • International Management Specialisation
  • Marketing Foundations Specialisation
  • Property Investment Specialisation
  • Public Relations Specialisation
  • Small Business Start-Up Specialisation
  • Social Leadership and Ethics Specialisation
  • Taxation Law Specialisation
  • The Business of Advertising Specialisation
  • Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Specialisation
  • User Experience for Business Optimisation Specialisation
  • Workforce Management Specialisation

Specialisations available from Humanities and Science:

  • Actuarial Financial Mathematics Specialisation
  • Advertising Design Specialisation
  • Animation and Game Design Specialisation
  • Anthropology and Sociology Specialisation
  • Asian Studies Specialisation
  • Chinese Language Specialisation
  • Construction Management Specialisation
  • Creative Writing Specialisation
  • Design Thinking and Visual Communication Specialisation
  • Designing Fashion Specialisation
  • Digital Design Specialisation
  • Digital and Social Media Specialisation
  • English and Cultural Studies Specialisation
  • Environmental Planning Specialisation
  • Fashion Design Specialisation
  • Fine Art Specialisation
  • Geography Specialisation
  • Graphic Design Specialisation
  • Graphics Specialisation
  • History Specialisation
  • Illustration Specialisation
  • Interior Architecture – Applied Interior Design Specialisation
  • Interior Architecture Specialisation
  • International Development Specialisation
  • Journalism Specialisation
  • Landscape and Natural Resource Management Specialisation
  • Photography Specialisation
  • Principles of Planning Specialisation
  • Professional Writing Specialisation
  • Screen Production Specialisation
  • Social Inclusion and Equity Specialisation
  • Social Justice Specialisation
  • Surveying and Spatial Sciences Specialisation
  • Theatre Arts Specialisation
  • Urban Design and Planning Specialisation
  • Web Media Specialisation
  • Web Presence Specialisation

Bachelor of Commerce Specialisations

Business specialisations:

  • Applied Finance Specialisation
  • Banking Specialisation
  • Employment Relations Specialisation
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Specialisation
  • Corporate Screen Production Specialisation

Bachelor of Innovation Specialisations

Specialisations available from Humanities, Science and the Centre for Aboriginal Studies:

  • Biological Diversity Minor
  • Climate Change Science Minor
  • Environmental Management Minor
  • Food Science Minor
  • Forensic Studies Minor
  • Geophysics Minor
  • Geospatial Technology Minor
  • Go Global – Internship Specialisation 1
  • Go Practice – Internship Specialisation 1
  • Indigenous Australian Cultural Studies Specialisation
  • Landscape Restoration Minor
  • Mapping and Land Planning Minor
  • Metallurgy Minor
  • Mining Minor
  • Optimisation Minor
  • Strategic Studies Specialisation

Domestic students

You are considered a domestic student if you are:

  • an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
  • Humanitarian visa holder

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Course results for Creative writing Degrees

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Undergraduate | MAQ-ART-DEG

Bachelor of Arts

An arts degree that no one else has

Make your degree unique and study what interests you. Analyse critically, think creatively and problem-solve at work or in everyday life. Complete foundational studies then tailor your degree with a major. Create a portfolio and build your connections.

100% online

3 years full time or part time equivalent

No ATAR required. Start with a subject.

Available majors

  • Ancient History ,  
  • Applied Ethics ,  
  • Creative Writing ,  
  • English ,  
  • Indigenous Studies ,  
  • International Relations ,  
  • Modern History ,  
  • Philosophy ,  
  • Politics ,  
  • Sociology ,  

Undergraduate | GRF-ART-DEG

Innovators, communicators and creators start here!

Develop critical thinking, writing, and research skills in demand across all industries. You can follow your passion with majors and electives that interest you. Develop connections through peer learning, networking, and work experience.

  • Art History ,  
  • Criminal Justice ,  
  • History ,  
  • Journalism ,  
  • Literature ,  
  • Public Relations ,  
  • Screen and Media Studies ,  

Undergraduate | USQ-ACW-DEG

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)

Undergraduate | CUR-CWP-DEG

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing) (Professional Writing and Publishing)

Write your own stories and develop the work of others

Develop your own voice as you explore genres including poetry. You’ll learn how to plan and research your projects. Polish your grammar, practice proofreading and copyediting. Witness words transforming from wispy thoughts to professional pieces.

Online & on-campus

Undergraduate | CUR-CWG-CTF

Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Writing

Short stories, prose, poetry and more

Your introduction to creative writing at university level, and a pathway towards further study. Explore the writing process and get to know genres and forms, putting pen to paper as your write short fiction and graduating with a collection of your own.

6 months full time or part time equivalent

Undergraduate | CUR-CWG-DEG

For creative writers in the digital age

Explore styles including poetry and short fiction. Choose from electives including screen and digital. Prepare for real employment outcomes in writing, editing and publishing. Study creative writing online and transition to an online writing career.

Need help choosing a course?

Find a time that suits you for a free 1:1 consultation with a student advisor.

Undergraduate | LAT-ART-DEG

Pursue your passion and your profession

A flexible arts degree offering a large selection of humanities and social sciences majors. Mix it up with minors and electives in business, health, and science. Develop critical thinking, emotional intelligence, creativity, and communication skills.

  • Archaeological and Heritage Studies ,  
  • Creative and Professional Writing ,  
  • Crime, Justice and Legal Studies ,  
  • Digital Media ,  
  • Hindi Studies Beginners ,  
  • Human Geography ,  
  • Linguistics ,  
  • Psychological Science ,  
  • Sustainability and Development ,  
  • Visual Cultures ,  

Undergraduate | SCU-CRW-ADG

Associate Degree of Creative Writing

Develop your craft and find an audience

Build writing skills and develop a portfolio of creative work. You’ll cover biographies, poetry, short stories, YA fiction, and more. You’ll also touch on editing and publishing. Learn from experienced teachers. Connect with a community of writers. 

2 years full time or part time equivalent

Undergraduate | SCU-BUA-DEG

Bachelor of Business and Enterprise, Bachelor of Arts

A double degree in arts and business

Prepare for an innovative future with a broad career outlook. An arts major like digital media or international relations unlocks roles beyond commerce. Enhance your business skills with creativity and critical thinking. Expand your mind and future.

4 years full time or part time equivalent

Undergraduate | SCU-BAL-DEG

Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws

A double degree in arts and law

Prepare for a legal career with extended career options. An arts major like digital media or politics unlocks roles beyond private practice. Bolster your legal skills with critical thinking, communication, and problem solving. Expand your mind and future.

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ECU Online

Course overview

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  • Learning outcomes

What you will study

Entry criteria.

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  • Download Course Guide

Do you have a story to tell?

We have crafted an inspiring and intuitive Master of Creative Writing to nurture our writers and fuel their creativity.

Through immersive learning experiences, our graduates undergo significant professional development to emerge as confident and well-rounded writers, ready to make their mark in a range of creative pursuits.

*Duration depends on individual study path and unit availability. Please speak to a Student Enrolment Advisor for advice.

Why study a Master of Creative Writing with ECU Online?

Taught by top industry experts, contemporary skill development, publication-ready work.

Don't just take our word for it, read the written works of our most notable staff and alumni, and feel inspired.

Images sourced from Amazon Australia .

What you will learn

ECU’s Online Master of Creative Writing empowers aspiring writers to hone their skills and make a profound impact through innovative storytelling and literary finesse, reaching audiences across various mediums.

Craft compelling stories

  • Refine and enhance your proficiency in the realm of fiction.
  • Explore the appeal and nuance of various genres from Gothic Literature to Science Fiction.
  • With the guidance of industry experts, you'll uncover the secrets to crafting stories that elicit powerful emotions and leave a lasting impact.

Refine your writing mastery​

  • Invigorate your writing craft and ignite a passion for creative expression.
  • Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and artistic growth.
  • Discover the art of originating new ideas and cultivating a wellspring of inspiration to fuel your imagination and breathe life into your written work.

Whether you seek to refine your creative prowess or transition into a fulfilling writing career, our Master of Creative Writing equips you with the tools to excel in the dynamic and ever-evolving realm of storytelling.

The Master of Creative Writing consists of 12 units.

Students completing the 12-unit master’s will complete all below units, whereas students eligible to fast-track their master’s degree will complete only nine units (see entry criteria).

For more information and learning outcomes of each unit, download your course guide below.

Units you will study:

Writing Fiction

  • This unit introduces the fundamentals of writing fiction through reading a range of short stories.

Writing Realities

  • This unit explores writing based on actual events, including history, biography, true crime and stories of place and family.

Writing for Performance

  • This unit introduces skills for writing drama or monologue for performance.

Writing and Audience

  • This unit cultivates a writer's understanding of their work with consideration of genre and readership, including online audiences.

Editing and Publishing

  • This unit explores the business of writing, editing, and publishing, including processes and workflow for professional editing, seeking publication, and presenting the professional author platform.

Writing for the Planet’s Future

  • This unit takes an ecocritical approach to writing about place and environment in the production of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.

Writing and Empathy

  • This unit explores the core practice of writing and embodiment - including writing about love and characters outside our own viewpoint.

Writing Fiction that Scares and Unsettles

  • This unit explores the darker aspects of fiction including genres such as horror and gothic, as well as thematic concerns like violence, trauma and conflict. 

Writing Project Research and Development

  • In this unit students initiate, plan, and develop a writing project which is of a significant scope.

Writing Project Resolve and Reflect

  • In this unit students continue and complete the project initiated in the first Writing Project unit and create a podcast to get a feel for presenting their work to a future audience.
  • Managing People and Organisations
  • Marketing for Leaders
  • Financial Performance, Accountability and Risk
  • Data Analytics and Organisational Decision Making
  • Strategic Management and International Competitiveness
  • Responsible Management
  • Managing Change
  • Transformative Leadership
  • Business Innovation Project

Master of Creative Writing admission requirements:

To gain entry to the online Master of Creative Writing, applicants must have:

  • A bachelor’s degree in any discipline; OR
  • Equivalent prior learning, including at least five years of relevant professional experience or students must submit a piece of published work.​​

Fast-track your Master of Creative Writing:

Eligible students can fast-track their Master of Creative Writing and complete their degree in only nine units*. To gain entry to the fast-tracked master's degree, applicants must have:

  • A bachelor’s degree or higher in English, Journalism, Communications, Writing or Creative Writing, Secondary English Teaching or similar (as assessed by ECU)^.

*To gain entry to the fast-track master’s, students must apply after they accept the offer for the 12-unit master's. Applications for the fast-tracked master degree are subject to ECU’s assessment.

^Bachelor degree or higher must be completed within the last 10 years.

For more information about our fast-tracked master degree, contact one of our Student Enrolment Advisors on 1300 707 760 or request a call-back.

Meet the teaching team

Donna Mazza

Associate Professor

Donna, a notable fiction writer and researcher, specialises in environmental and feminist speculative fiction. Her recent novel "Fauna" (2020) was shortlisted for Aurealis Best Science Fiction Novel. She's the author of "The Albanian" (2007), winning the TAG Hungerford Award. Donna is a prominent figure in conferences, festivals, and radio discussions, while also contributing to public art projects.

Donna Mazza

Dr. Aksel Dadswell

Aksel Dadswell is an award-winning West Australian horror and weird fiction writer. Holding a PhD in creative writing, his work explores race and belonging, featured in anthologies like "Test Patterns: Creature Features" (2018) and "Hymns of Abomination: Secret Songs of Leeds" (2021).

Aksel Dadswell

To find out more about our teaching team download the course guide.

Fees and FEE-HELP

The cost of our Master of Creative Writing is $43,200* for all 12 units.

The cost of our Master of Creative Writing (Fast-Track) is $32,400* for nine units.

To assist with some or all of your tuition fees, FEE-HELP is available for eligible students. This government-supported loan scheme is designed to help eligible full-fee paying students pay their postgraduate tuition fees.

To find out if you are eligible for FEE-HELP, you can contact one of our Student Enrolment Advisors on 1300 707 760.

*2024 student fees are shown and are subject to change.

The ECU Master of Creative Writing is for individuals looking to enhance their writing skills, with a focus on contemporary practice and published forms. It will provide opportunities to cultivate a deeper understanding of writing principles and practices in a supportive environment.

Whether a Master of Creative Writing is worth pursuing depends on your personal and professional goals. It’s important to consider:

The Master of Creative Writing offers a unique platform to showcase advanced writing prowess, cultivate the essential skills for successful publication, and craft captivating written material. Graduates can unlock pathways to elevated roles in writing and editing within their selected domains.

Through the Master of Creative Writing, students can refine their creative voices, communication expertise, and purpose-driven strategies. Graduates often find a deeper connection with their personal goals and are equipped to integrate their passions into their careers, fostering positive change and personal fulfillment.

In addition to gaining a comprehensive understanding of various writing techniques, students learn to creatively apply them to achieve their own unique career and personal objectives. They become adept at crafting impactful messages that resonate with diverse audiences while addressing the broader needs and values of the community.

With a Master of Creative Writing, you can unleash your imagination, refine your skills, and embark on a journey that will forever change the way you perceive the world - and the way the world receives your stories.

Some job roles that you may consider, but are not limited to, include:

  • Published author
  • Literary agent
  • Content Manager
  • Senior Content Writer
  • English Coordinator
  • Chief Editor
  • Magazine Editor
  • Creative Lead
  • Editorial Consultant
  • Content Strategist
  • Brand Content Manager
  • Storyteller

At ECU Online we understand that everyone has different work arrangements, family responsibilities, locations and learning styles. This is why our postgraduate courses are offered 100% online, so you can balance your study with other commitments. As an ECU Online student, you will have access to academic and non-academic support.

Our accelerated online courses are developed by industry experts and engaged academics. You can easily connect with learning facilitators and course coordinators through our easy-to-use online learning environment to gain feedback and ask academic questions. You can also reach out to a Learning Advisor who can help with things like assessment writing, study skills and more.

You will have a dedicated Student Success Advisor available to you from when you start studying through to graduation. They will be available to provide non-academic support, such as assistance with scheduling time to study and more.

As an ECU online student, you also have access to all the support offered by ECU, both on-campus and online:

  • Access and inclusion services
  • Student health services
  • Psychological counselling support
  • Careers and employability services
  • Student Guild, clubs, and associations

No, the Master of Creative Writing is 100% online and does not include any on-campus components. We have designed this course to be flexible so you can tailor your studies to fit your lifestyle.

Interested in accelerated online study at ECU?

Our Student Enrolment Advisors are ready to answer your questions. Send us an email or schedule a call-back at a time that best suits you.

  • Eligibility & enrolment
  • Course duration & fees
  • How to fit study into your schedule
  • Course entry and study pathways

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ECU is committed to reconciliation and recognises and respects the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ communities, cultures and histories. ECU acknowledges and respects the Noongar people as the traditional custodians of the land on which our campuses are located.

people downloaded a course guide in the last 24 hours .

You must have an APAC Accredited 3 year Psychology degree or equivalent to be eligible for this course.

If you have not studied Psychology before, you may be interested in our Online Accelerated Graduate Diploma of Psychology.

You must be a Qualified Teacher to be eligible for this course.

If you’re not currently a Qualified Teacher, you may be interested in our on-campus Teacher Education course.

Download Your eBook

Our eBook ‘5 Trends Shaping the Future of Human Resource Management’ will give you valuable industry insights

Our Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) is designed for existing teachers, educators, directors and team leaders who wish to develop their skills.

This course does not provide students with the required registrations to become a qualified teacher.

If you want to become a teacher, you might be interested in ECU’s Master of Teaching courses


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  • Creative Writing

Creative Writing Courses

If you have a creative mind and a way with words, a career in the creative writing industry could be perfect for you. Creative writing professionals aren’t just limited to writing books. They produce content for a variety of mediums, including both print and digital publications and platforms. There’s a diverse range of creative writing courses available, focusing on everything from fiction, non-fiction and playwriting to creating engaging online content. And in today’s quickly growing freelance culture, a career in creative writing can be anything you make of it.

Want to study Creative Writing?

  • Match your career goals with a qualification
  • Find out about payment options, including possible government loans
  • Fit study into your lifestyle

Free Creative Writing career guide!

  • Accounting and Bookkeeping
  • Acupuncture
  • Administration
  • Allied Health
  • Animal Care
  • Architecture
  • Artificial Intelligence AI
  • Beauty Therapy
  • Building and Construction
  • Business Administration
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Communications
  • Community Development
  • Community Services
  • Counselling
  • Criminal Justice
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Science
  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Media
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Education Support
  • Engineering
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environmental
  • Event Management
  • Fashion Design
  • Financial Planning
  • Gaming and Animation
  • Graphic Design
  • Hairdressing
  • Health Administration
  • Horticulture
  • Hospitality
  • Human Resources
  • Interior Design
  • Landscape Design
  • Mental Health
  • Nail Technician
  • Natural Therapy
  • Naturopathy
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Personal Training
  • Photography and Film
  • Practice Management
  • Programming
  • Project Management
  • Property Management
  • Public Relations
  • Real Estate
  • Remedial Massage
  • Small Business
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Social Work
  • Speech Pathology
  • Sports Management
  • Sports Psychology
  • Sustainability
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Web Design and UX
  • Web Development
  • Advanced Diploma
  • Associate Degree
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Certificate II
  • Certificate III
  • Certificate IV
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Diploma
  • Master's Degree
  • Short Course
  • Postgraduate Unit
  • Undergraduate Unit
  • JobTrainer Funding
  • NSW Smart & Skilled Funding
  • Payment plan
  • QLD Certificate 3 Guarantee Subsidy
  • QLD Higher Level Skills Funding
  • Upfront payment
  • VET Student Loans (VSL)
  • VIC Skills First Funding
  • Traineeship

Course unit


Arts and Humanities

Arts and Humanities


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Career Outcomes

  • Advertising or Marketing Professional
  • Communications Coordinator
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms Of Use

creative writing courses australia online

Accounting & Finance


Business, Management & Marketing


Childcare Education and Support


Health, Fitness & Sport


Hospitality, Travel & Tourism


Transport & Logistics


Design and Photography


Journalism, Editing and Publishing


Writing, Film and Television

Creative writing,  get the tools you need to develop as a writer, on sale now, save 20%*.

* Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.


Why study with us.

Group 820

Learn at your own pace, in your own time

Group 821

Gain a nationally recognised qualification to jump-start your future

Group 822

Flexible payment options available

  • Access to a computer with word processing, PDF reader capabilities and an internet connection
  • A good command of written English
  • Ability to allocate appropriate study hours per week

If you have these essential requirements, then you can get started immediately.

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The Creative Writing Program

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  • Best Value Option
  • 12 Months Access

They say there’s at least one great novel in all of us just waiting to be released. Could yours be the next bestseller? If you love writing, this course is sure to kickstart your creative writing career.

The Creative Writing Program is a professional development opportunity for aspiring authors that will provide the knowledge, skills and techniques required to create compelling fiction and creative non-fiction.

In this online creative writing course, you will discover the scope and nature of creative writing, writing methodologies and techniques, research and writing inspiration, story and character development and how to write realistic dialogue.

You will hone your creative writing skills, including how to kick-start your writing process, boost your writing confidence and learn how to develop compelling characters.

Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to analyse texts, write feature articles, construct outlines of fiction stories, plan writing projects, undertake research and prepare a portfolio of creative writing ready for submission to publishers.

Your creative writing portfolio will be assessed by a published author who will provide you with constructive feedback, support, and guidance.

On completion of this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to successfully distribute and sell your creative writing pieces.

Course Structure

Unit - Creative Writing

Unit 1 – Introduction

  • What is creative writing
  • What’s different about creative writing
  • Information and creativity
  • Creative genres
  • Forms of Writing
  • Creative Writing resources
  • What is needed for success
  • The business of writing
  • Getting published
  • Self publishing
  • Vanity publishing
  • Terminology

Unit 2 – Basic Creative Writing Skills

  • Words and their proper use
  • Types of language
  • Informative language
  • Persuasive language
  • Imaginative language
  • Literal language
  • Figurative language
  • Formal language
  • Colloquial language
  • Parts of language (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, plurals, possessive nouns & pronouns, gender, adjectives, articles)
  • Common grammatical errors (fragmented sentences, run on sentences, comma splices, dangling modifiers).
  • Run on sentences
  • Irregular verbs
  • Whom or who
  • Pronouns and Antecedents
  • Punctuation
  • Creating and critiquing
  • Generating ideas
  • Developing ideas
  • Narrative theory
  • Narrative structure
  • Settings or scenes
  • Mood or atmosphere
  • Point of view
  • Creative reading

Unit 3 – Using Concise Clear Language

  • Slice of life fiction
  • Conciseness and Succinctness
  • Understanding ambiguity
  • Causes of ambiguity
  • Doubt and ambiguity
  • Hinge points and ambiguity
  • Defamiliarisation

Unit 4 – Planning What You Write

  • Writing routine
  • Establishing a theme
  • Organising ideas
  • Paragraphing
  • Writing a synopsis
  • Developing objectives

Unit 5 – Writing Fiction

  • Common errors
  • Scope or Range
  • Theme problems
  • Authenticity problems
  • Tone problems

Unit 6 – Writing Non-fiction

  • Creative non fiction
  • Classical Development
  • Chronological development
  • Cause and effect
  • Classification
  • Comparison and contrast
  • Developing a profile

Unit 7 – Newspaper Writing

  • What to write
  • News values
  • Writing guidelines
  • Regular columns

Unit 8 – Writing for Magazines

  • Scope of magazine writing
  • What publishers want
  • Magazine articles
  • Travel writing
  • Writing for public relations
  • Selling your work

Unit 9 – Writing Books

  • Consistency
  • Believability
  • Getting started
  • Getting a contract
  • Book publishing
  • Non fiction books
  • Fact finding

Unit 10 – Special Project

  • Organising a portfolio to sell yourself

Study Hours

Estimated duration 50 hours

Course Delivery and Start

Start anytime, self-paced and 100% online

Assessment will be comprised of written exercises, including short-answer questions, reflective tasks, short reports and/or projects. There are no examinations or due dates for assessment. As a result, you can complete training in your own time and at your own pace with the assistance of unlimited tutor support.


It was a good experience and i learnt a lot from my course.

A.King, Mountain Creek, QLD | The Creative Writing Program

I really enjoyed this course. There were lots of enjoyable parts doing writing that I love, such as novel writing. There were some lessons where I had to write magazine articles, which I rarely write. I really loved this course.

Phoebe I Gympie, QLD I The Creative Writing program

Studying with Australian Online Courses gave me the flexibility to complete field studies, tasks and assignments in my own time. I did not feel pressured at any time during my course to submit work until I was completely satisfied with my work. The course material was well presented and easy to follow. I would highly recommend Australian Online Courses to anyone who is looking to undertake online study with such a helpful and professional organisation. Thanks again.

I have experienced: i) Extremely efficient online learning. ii) Quick marking ‘turn-around’ times. iii) Tutors who have been wonderfully approachable and helpful with any queries and concerns regarding course enrollment, assessments and/or subject matter. Overall, I am very satisfied with learning via Australian Online Courses. Thank you.

Fantastic experience and was able to gain lots of knowledge.

I have learnt a lot from this course. This course has helped me to manage my anger issues and look at things from a different perspective. I have learnt that my anger and the behaviour can affect others. I have learnt new ways on controlling and managing my emotions and anger. This is the first time i have attended an anger management course. I wish I had done this course earlier.

The course content was relevant, interesting and appropriately paced.

My experience was Australian Online Courses was excellent. I could complete the work at my own pace using the provided materials which were in a easy to access spot. The education has helped me formulate ideas for progressing a project I am currently trying to develop. Overall I am very satisfied with what I have experienced.

It was a very informative platform. The study material is very useful and assignments are practical based real life situations. I learned a lot and I try my best to improve myself with the help of this course.

I completed this course to develop my knowledge and skillset in policy development in hopes of progressing my career. Online study works best for me to allow me to continue working full time, and studying when it suits me. Assessments were marked quickly, and the content was engaging and beneficial. Thank you to AOC

I enjoyed studying and I’m going to enroll for another course. The tutor was great and it was easy to understand.

The best institute I have ever come through. Looking forward to enrolling in few other courses for a refresher.

I was grateful to be able to study at my own pace, so I could stop and start when I chose and be able to keep up with other commitments. I also appreciated the tutors responding to my queries in a timely manner.

I have thoroughly enjoyed completing this course. I’ve learnt many valuable new skills, which will assist me in advancing my career. Thank you!

It was amazing experience to do online course with this organisation. Everything comes very smooth and the portal is very user friendly.

loved studying Australian Online Courses. The fact that you are able to complete the course and assessment in your own time is amazing! I started this course when I was heavily pregnant with my first child and have now completed it 6 months after he was born due to the fact that it is at your own pace!

I absolutely loved it! It was easy to pick up so that I could learn and start a new career.

AOC was great. Study content was great and gave me all necessary information to complete the assessments and also gain a great understanding of the units. I also dealt with AOC support to extend my course and it was such an easy process and I was so glad to be able to do that without any issues.

I loved my experience studying with Australian Online Courses.

Amazing learning opportunity, I love that I can complete the course at my own pace. The learning and the assignments provided me with a lot of insight and knowledge for my future career.

My experience for studying with Australian Online Courses was excellent. All the information supplied to me was easy to understand. I would definitely come back to you to study another course if needed, in the future. Highly recommend.

My experience with Australian online courses has been fantastic, I would highly recommend them to everyone I know. Professional and extremely helpful staff make studying online so much easier. I definitely would chose to study with Australian Online Courses again.

A Certificate of Attainment and Statement of Results will be issued upon successful completion of this course.

How to Enrol

Enrol Online: Click Add to Cart/View Cart on the course page.

Enrol via Live Chat (Business Hours)

Enrol via Telephone 1300 76 2221 (Business Hours)

Enrol via Purchase Order/Tax Invoice

Enrolling Multiple Staff?

To enrol multiple staff, please complete the  Employer Enrolment Form.  We’ll be in touch within 60 minutes during business hours!

Payment Options

Visa, Mastercard, BPAY and Direct Deposit.

Course FAQs

Why Choose Australian Online Courses?

  • Professional development that is widely recognised and respected;
  • Improve your employment opportunities;
  • Study online, anywhere via our elearning system;
  • High-quality professional development programs written by industry experts;
  • All course materials provided online – no textbooks to buy;
  • Unlimited tutor support via email;
  • We offer twelve (12) months’ access, with extensions available upon application (fees apply);
  • Course may be tax deductible; see your tax advisor.

Are there any entry requirements or pre-requisites?

To study online with Australian Online Courses you will need a computer (desktop PC/laptop) running a current/updated operating system with reliable high-speed internet access. You will need to use the Google Chrome browser to access your course.

Are there any computer requirements?

When can I start this course?

You can start within 60 minutes during business hours when you enrol and pay in full with a credit card!

Credit card : Within 60 mins during business hours.

BPAY : Within 1-2 working days.

Internet Banking : Within 1-2 working days.

Cheque/Money Order: Upon receipt of mailed cheque.

How is this course delivered?

This course is delivered online via our easy-to-navigate Learning Management System (LMS), where you will discover interactive online learning/written content, resources and assessment.

Do I need to attend classes or undertake any work placements?

No. All courses are delivered online via our LMS and there are no work placement requirements in this course.

What support can I expect from Australian Online Courses?

Unlimited tutor support is available throughout your studies via email only during business hours Monday to Friday. Our Administrative team are available Monday to Friday via email, live chat and telephone.

I am an international student. Can I enrol into this course?

Yes! We accept enrolments from individuals both within Australia and internationally; location is no barrier to entry into our programs.

Career Pathways

Future growth


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School of Humanities

Creative Writing

You love to write, but writing is so much more than the ‘spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling’. It is a craft, an art, and every art requires patient apprenticeship, training, and professional encouragement.

Creative Writing

Studying Creative Writing at the University of Adelaide gives you all that and more. Our world-class writers teach their craft on the basis of years of experience, award-winning publications, and hundreds of hours in the classroom. In lectures, they impart their knowledge with authority and style; and in interactive workshop seminars, they allow you to experiment, share, revise, and improve your work with a form of continuous feedback and peer review. You will learn to create skilful short stories, poems, life-writing, and creative non-fiction, and how to develop and sustain your own life-long reflective writing practices, on the basis of living examples of literary excellence. We are proud that Nobel Prize winner Prof. John JM Coetzee ( Disgrace ) has been associated with the Department for 20 years. We are passionate about our love of the craft of writing, and we want you to share in that passion by becoming the best writer you can be.

Our teaching

The Department of English, Creative Writing and Film offers a large range of undergraduate courses in Creative Writing. Our introductory first-year course in ‘the Essentials’ equips you with most of the fundamental skills you will need to pursue writing at the highest levels. At senior levels, we offer a wide range of courses: The Short Story, Contemporary Poetry, Novel Writing, Travel Writing, Script-Writing, Posthuman Writing, Editing for Writers, Political Writing, Apocalypse Fiction, and more.  Come and sample what it is like to write a literary text … and stay for the major in Creative Writing!

Our research

The Department of English and Creative Writing has a vibrant research culture, and contributes world-class monographs, research papers, and related outputs in many areas.

We welcome all inquiries to study with us at postgraduate as well as undergraduate levels in Creative Writing.


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Group workshopping and motivation to help you complete your manuscript the smart way.

Write Your Novel is ideal for  writers who have foundation skills and at least 20,000 words of a novel written

You will: Workshop your way to a completed draft Get regular motivation and guidance on your story Target structural flaws and dialogue Enhance your skills by critiquing other stories Explore the steps to publication

The program runs over either:

  •  6 months OR

Both versions have the same content.

The 6-month program is ideal if you want to achieve your first draft sooner rather than later. The 12-month program suits those with a busy lifestyle. It runs at a slower pace – giving you more time for reading, writing and reflection.

“I learned that I am actually a good writer – the feedback I received was amazing and I’ll always be thankful that this was my starting point.” – Courtney Gould, Write Your Novel graduate

See more reviews

Turn your novel into reality.

You have the idea and foundation skills, you have the characters, and at least 20,000 words in the bag – now you’re ready to see your manuscript to completion. To do this, you need Write Your Novel – benefit from the valuable feedback of industry professionals and fellow writers, while also learning more about how to strengthen your story as it grows.

This advanced novel writing program is designed to help you take your novel to the next level. If you haven’t finished the first draft, you'll receive the structure to complete it by the end of the program. If you have a first – or even a second or third – draft, the program will help you to look at it objectively and improve it significantly. You’ll learn how to identify any problems in your manuscript, ensure your structure is working and deepen your connection to your reader.

Enjoy the benefits of this online program

  • This program gives you access to your own online classroom, where you’ll be able to connect with other classmates and workshop your stories in a supportive environment – with people who share your passion!
  • Your class also has its own online tutor – on hand and online for any questions you may have and to provide personal feedback on your work. Our tutors are experienced experts with years of knowledge to draw on. They’re like your mentor throughout this program.
  • As well as the flexibility to write and workshop around your schedule, your program also includes regular Zoom sessions where you can connect in real-time with your classmates and enjoy live Q&As with your tutor.
  • This program has been designed to help you finish your first draft, providing the structure and discipline to make it happen within the timeframe. It’s also a great way to significantly improve a second or third draft – with many students completing the program multiple times to make the most of the format and workshopping it provides.
  • We’ll help you look at your words objectively , identify any problems and plot holes, sharpen key moments, strengthen your structure and deepen your connection to your reader.

Workshopping will include:

  • balancing your cast of characters and deepening the reader’s relationship to them
  • targeting structural flaws and getting rid of dead wood
  • writing dialogue which not only reads well but advances your plot and characterisation
  • writing climaxes – starting with the first page of your book!

Theory will include:

  • your role in the publishing process
  • your relationship to agents, editors and publishers
  • how ebooks are changing the nature of publishing
  • how to find the best agent or publisher for your work
  • how to professionally present and submit your work.

Reviews of Write Your Novel

– Natalie Livings

– Tania Cox

– Emma Georgeson

– Paul O'Doherty

Is this program right for me?

Write Your Novel is an advanced creative writing program. It assumes a solid knowledge of fiction techniques, workshopping experience and at least 20,000 words written. Ideally, you’ve already completed Novel Writing Essentials after starting with Creative Writing Stage 1 or Writing Children’s Novels , and you’re now serious about publishing a novel or book-length memoir.

You will have gained important workshopping skills in Novel Writing Essentials . We will also consider you if you've completed a heavily workshop-based course elsewhere. This means you have experience giving and receiving feedback on stories. Students from past Write Your Novel classes have been enthusiastic about the workshopping part of the course; they have gained as much from workshopping other people’s stories as by having their own work critiqued. So knowing how to workshop is a critical skill for this course.

During the program, you will have scheduled opportunities to workshop your novel with your classmates and tutor, and to have your entire novel read and commented on by fellow participants. Your tutor will read and give feedback on your novel’s climax and resolution. You'll also elevate your skills by regularly providing feedback on your classmates' writing.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You've written the first 20,000 words of your book during Novel Writing Essentials and you'd like to keep up the momentum. You crave guidance and accountability to complete the first draft.
  • You've been working on your novel off and on for years and you're now treading water. You'd love some expert feedback and a real set of deadlines to find your momentum again.
  • You've completed the first draft of your novel (or memoir), but know it can be better. You're not really sure where to start attacking it though, so this program will guide you through killing those darlings and completing your second draft.
  • You're working on a children’s series , and have completed Writing Children's Novels . Ideally, you have followed this with Novel Writing Essentials so you have strong workshopping experience and are ready for more.
  • You've completed the Write Your Novel program before and loved the discipline and structure. You're now writing a new novel and would love to benefit from the support and feedback again.

This program is powerful and unique – there is no other novel-writing course like it in Australia. No matter what state your novel is in, this program will give you the motivation and discipline to emerge with a stronger draft.

BONUS Inside Track: direct access to a publisher

Students who participate fully in the program – which means submitting your writing and giving feedback to your classmates – will be rewarded with a rare opportunity.

Pitch to a publisher

You’ll be invited to a group practice pitching session with Jo Mackay, Head of Publishing at HQ, HarperCollins Publishers. This is conducted Live over Zoom.

Your manuscript will be read by a publisher

When you feel your manuscript is ready to submit, we’ll provide you with specific instructions so that you bypass the slush pile and your manuscript will go directly to Jo Mackay – and it will be read. (Please note that this is no guarantee of publication and it will then go through a regular submission process and the associated timelines, which can be long.)

An invaluable opportunity

This opportunity is, quite frankly, priceless. But, thanks to our collaboration with HarperCollins, we can offer it to students in this Write Your Novel program. If you’re serious about writing your novel and getting it published, apply now.

We're thrilled so many of our graduates have gone on to become published authors…

Margaret completed write your novel.

“ The best aspect of the program was learning how to critique and prepare a structural edit. By applying those skills to each other’s manuscripts, we learned how to use them to improve our own work. “

– Margaret Morgan, now a published author, whose debut novel ‘The Second Cure' is in talks to become a TV series…

creative writing courses australia online

Joanna Nell Graduate of Australian Writers' Centre, author of four bestselling novels including The Tea Ladies of St Jude’s Hospital

Sarah Clutton Graduate of Australian Writers' Centre, author of Good Little Liars and The Daughter's Promise

Frances Chapman Graduate of Australian Writers' Centre, author of YA novel Stars Like Us

BONUS Industry Author Events

All Write Your Novel students are exclusively invited to regular Industry Author events where you’ll get to meet working authors and industry insiders to ask them all your burning questions! This takes the format of a 20-minute conversation with the author conducted by an AWC team member, followed by 40 minutes of Q&A with students.

You’ll get direct access to published authors who can give you first hand advice about their writing process and the publishing industry. This occurs approximately once every two months. Write Your Novel students are invited to these events during the program and for 6 months after the program ends – which means you can still connect with authors and the writing community even after the program is finished.

Meet the Presenters

Dr Pamela Freeman is the award-winning author of more than 40 books. Pamela has a Doctorate in Creative Writing and is the Director of Creative Writing at the Australian Writers’ Centre. She has developed many highly regarded writing courses that have inspired and educated thousands of writers.

Her most recent novel as Pamela Hart is An A-List for Death . This follows Digging Up Dirt , the first in the Poppy McGowan mystery series. She also publishes Regency romance novellas with Escape Publishing. Prior to this, she’s published a number of historical novels, mostly set in the first part of the 20th century (WWI and the Roaring Twenties).

Cathie Tasker is a fiction editor with more than 25 years’ experience and has also been a judge of the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards and the Aurealis Awards. Cathie has worked for children’s publishers such as HarperCollins Publishers, Scholastic Australia and Koala Books. She has edited books by Mem Fox, Jackie French, Bruce Whatley, Judith Rossell, Sue Whiting, Pamela Freeman, Coral Vass, Craig Smith, Dee Huxley, Hazel Edwards, Ann James, Matt Cosgrove, Meredith Costain, Rod Clement, Sally Odgers, Patricia Mullins, Rodney McRae, Pamela Lofts, Junko Morimoto and more. Many of her students end up with published deals.

Bernadette Foley is one of the most connected people in the publishing industry, working as an editor and publisher for over 30 years. She was publisher of fiction and non-fiction for international publishing house Hachette Australia for 10 years, working with such authors as Di Morrissey, William McInnes, Gabrielle Lord, Graeme Blundell, Kate Ceberano, Bronwyn Parry, Lian Hearn, Pamela Freeman, Troy Cassar-Daley and many more. In 2015, Bernadette received the George Robertson Award for Service to the Australian Publishing Industry.

The AWC creative writing pathway:

If your goal is to write a novel, AWC offers three stages of creative support and guidance to help you get there. Creative Writing Stage 1 kicks things off – giving you a solid understanding of how to build your story. In Novel Writing Essentials and Write Your Novel, you will workshop your actual manuscript and take it from its beginnings to completion.

How to write your novel with AWC​

creative writing courses australia online


Q: I haven't done a writing course before. Is this program for me? A: This program is for writers who already have advanced fiction knowledge and at least 20,000 words written of a manuscript (see the creative path section above). Ideally, you’ve already completed Novel Writing Essentials after starting with Creative Writing Stage 1 or Writing Children’s Novels , and you’re now serious about publishing a novel or book-length memoir.

Q: Does this program suit memoir writers? A: Yes, although if your memoir is more emotional in nature, then we recommend having a first draft of your memoir completed prior to applying for Write Your Novel. This program allows you to then approach the material analytically through workshopping. For specific assistance initially, our Creative Non-fiction course is excellent.

Q: I've already written a draft of my novel. Can I do this program? A: Yes! If you have a first draft, or even a second or a third, we’ll help you to look at it objectively and improve it significantly. You’ll learn how to identify any problems in your manuscript, ensure your structure is working, and deepen your connection to your reader.

Q: I've completed Write Your Novel before. Can I do it again? A: Of course! We have many students who choose to return due to the valuable workshopping process (difficult to replicate in the ‘real world’), especially those who are writing a new book. We also offer our  Edit Your Novel  program exclusively to those who have completed Write Your Novel and wish to refine their manuscript draft in a more experienced and supportive environment.

Q: How many people are in the program? A: Due to the workshopping nature of the program and to ensure you receive adequate access to your tutor and value out of the program, we limit class sizes to a maximum of 16 students.

Q: How much time is needed each week? A: This will depend on a few factors, including your reading and writing speed. But, as a rough guide, you’ll want to allow approximately 5-6 hours per week for the 6-month program or per fortnight for the 12-month version. Both structures allow you to fit the program around your schedule.

And no matter which program you choose, you'll also enjoy live Zoom sessions with your classmates and tutor – a chance to ask your burning questions and connect with your writers' circle. It's a great blend of flexible learning and writing time, peppered with interactive sessions to keep you motivated.

Q: I'm writing books for children. Can I do this program? A: Absolutely! In fact, you may use the program to complete a series of books. We have many students in the program who are writing middle grade novels or YA. (Note: The program is not suitable for picture books however – for this, you’ll want our Writing Picture Books foundation course and Masterclass .)

Q: Okay, I think I’m ready. How do I apply? A: Fantastic! Simply click the “Apply Now” button at the top of this page. For the application, you'll answer a few questions about yourself, your writing experience and your novel, and you'll provide a 3000-word writing sample (from your Work In Progress is fine) – as it’s important to ensure everyone is at a similar level to make workshopping worthwhile. The program tutor reviews all applications to ensure this program is going to best suit your goals.

By the end of this progam, you will have:

Enjoy exclusive access to our awc graduates’ club.

Want to know where all the cool kids hang out? The Graduates’ Club of course! Now, calm down – there are no cigars, leather armchairs or loud ticking grandfather clocks here. But it IS exclusive invitation only (on completion of a course) and it’s free! Meet other writers online and share successes, seek help or just get something off your chest. Many students believe this ‘legacy learning’ is one of the most valuable things about our AWC community, and who are we to argue? So if you want to receive feedback, support and a heads-up on opportunities … join the Club!

The number one reason your book may never be published is, quite simply, that you haven’t written it. Don’t let that be true of you… Apply today!

creative writing courses australia online

  • Learn online now
  • Fiction and novels
  • Freelance writing
  • Business writing
  • Gift vouchers
  • Train your team
  • Manuscript assessments
  • Fiction mentorships
  • All courses

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Online creative writing courses and programs in Adelaide, South Australia

Our 4-Week Unlocking Creativity introductory writing program is an inspiring process that will unlock your creativity and dramatically improve the quality of your writing from the very first session.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional writer, a complete beginner or somewhere in between, this course will kick start your creative potential and give you tools and techniques that will bring your writing to life on the page.

You will also gain a practical understanding of how to use character development and classic story structure to create profound and dramatic stories. You will learn to write in a way that makes other people want to read what you have written.

Many people have questions about doing online courses

You may have had the experience of doing a course where you received minimal feedback or found the course processes are simply an online text book.

At the Writers’ Studio, which was founded in 1992, we have developed our own unique in-house systems that deliver inspiring and powerful online content whilst you work through your course with a group of like-minded writers and your personal online tutor.

You can access the site and course materials and participate in your online group as it suits you 24/7. Read some recent course testimonials below to get a sense of how the course has worked for our online participants.

The 4-Week Unlocking Creativity course is a stand-alone course, and also a prerequisite for our other online courses including our Six-Week Short Story Online courses and our 10-Month Novel & Script First Draft Online course, for those wanting to write a novel or screenplay.

They say you can’t be taught how to write, but you can learn. We believe the art is in the doing.

Join today with like-minded writers from around Australia and begin your writing journey!

For all course details, costs and the dates of our next upcoming 4-Week Unlocking Creativity Online course please click link below:

4-Week Unlocking Creativity Online

For an overview of our Online Course Program please click the link below:

Overview of Online Courses


“I have loved every minute of this course, I didn’t want it to end. I loved reading other’s writing, writing feedback and receiving feedback. I feel I have got to know people and their stories, such a treasure chest of stories. I sincerely recommend this course to anyone.” Margaret, August

“One of the greatest characteristics of the course is the amount of support you receive, not just from your instructor but from every other writer taking the course.” Robert, February

“You saw time and time again, the Writers’ Studio lived up to their mission – ” … a team of passionate, experienced and dedicated tutors will guide you through the writing journey every step of the way.” Marie, May

“This course was so well thought out and very carefully planned. It was a really tight module. I was surprised at how quickly our little online community bonded.” Louise, February

“I work as a TV drama scriptwriter and editor for a living … and in the past, I have also run creative writing courses for high school students, so I was curious to see how this course would be structured, and I have to say I was mightily impressed. The way the course built from week to week was excellent. And the design of the “Writers’ Board” where everyone could share and give feedback (with additional insight from the tutor) was brilliant.” Elizabeth, February

“… My fellow writers and I leave feedback on each other’s pieces. I can’t place a value on the experience of receiving feedback on my writing. Giving feedback has changed my writing for the better. I feel like writing is within my reach – I’ve picked up tools that will help me and serve me in my journey.” Lisa, May

“… I have thoroughly enjoyed the process, the freedom, the encouragement and pleasure that comes from “publishing” your work and having supportive, constructive feedback. It has been a great, validating experience …” Nella, August

“This course has been the single best investment in myself I have yet made … For me, this course has delivered 100% on the website’s claim, “If your dream is to write, our courses will get you doing it.” Matt, May

“Amazed at how much I learnt from the constructive reviews that I received with every piece of writing.” Nicole, May

“Who would have thought, it completely changed my life. Now all my previous attempts of writing seem to me childish as   my skills have improved so much.” Anastasia, May

“I learned so many incredibly useful techniques.” Shannon, May

If you have any questions about our courses and programs, you can email using the link below to our contact form:

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Or you can phone the Studio between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday on (02) 9386 4994.

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creative writing courses australia online

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Creative writing, major overview.

Available in these courses

If you love reading, this major offers you the opportunity to explore your feelings, thoughts and ideas in the written form. Unleash and explore your creative potential across the avant-garde, cross-genre and experimental forms of writing.

You’ll also be encouraged to critically test contemporary theoretical and philosophical schools of thought in all forms of writing.

Gain focused knowledge on: fiction, poetry, non-fiction, autobiography theatre and screen - and more.

creative writing courses australia online

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Group of students walking on the Coffs Harbour Campus

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2 years full-time; 4 years part-time

Inherent Requirements

Language requirements.

IELTS Overall Score 6.0

Entry Requirements

View full entry requirements

Course abbreviation


Course code

Credit points, equivalent units, indicative fee.

Commonwealth supported

Effective storytelling connects and engages an audience, whether they read, watch or listen, and creative writing skills are highly sought after by industries worldwide.

Take the first step towards making your wordsmithing career a reality by studying with renowned professional writers. This course offers a rich blend of study across fiction and non-fiction, experimental writing, journalism, life writing, poetry, writing for stage and screen, and writing for young adults.

As well as being taught by published writers from the Northern Rivers arts community, you'll benefit from hands-on experience at iconic Australian literary events such as the Byron Writers Festival , and the  Kyogle Writers Festival .

Learn more about this degree in the  creative writing showcase .

Learning outcomes and graduate attributes

Placements, work experience and study hours.

Opportunities exist for writing students to undertake work placements with Northern Rivers Performing Arts (NORPA) (an education partner of our University), the Byron Writers Festival , and the Kyogle Writers Festival.

You can undertake an optional professional placement unit of 70 – 100 hours in an appropriate organisation, developing your knowledge and skills.

Specialisations, majors and minors

While this course has no majors, studies in fiction and non-fiction writing include:

  • Experimental writing
  • Life writing
  • Writing for stage and screen
  • Writing for young adults.



We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards , noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Associate Degree of Creative Writing, students must complete the equivalent of 16 units (192 credit points) comprising:

  • 15 core units (180 credit points), and
  • 1 project unit (12 credit points).

To be eligible to receive the Diploma of Creative Writing, students must complete the equivalent of 8 units (96 credit points), comprising:

  • core units (96 credit points).

Entry requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Language requirements

Course structure.

  • Course progressions
  • Schedule of Units

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment .

Creative Writing

Second year.


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    Bachelor degree. 3 years (if full time) Graduate certificate. 6 months (if full time) Graduate diploma. 1 year (if full time) Masters degree. 2 years (if full time) If you study a degree in creative writing through Open Universities Australia, you have the flexibility to choose how many subjects you take per term.

  2. Australian Writers' Centre

    Australian Writers' Centre. We're Australia's leading provider of writing courses and we're so excited that you've found us! Whether you'd like to improve your skills, discover a new career, or simply find your creative community, this is the ultimate place to pursue your writing passion. People love our online writing courses because ...

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    Write the first 20,000 words of your novel. Become a stronger writer with group workshopping. Give your opening chapters the best possible start. Intermediate. 10-week online course. with tutor and feedback. $795. Starts this week. Bookings close soon Only a few places left.

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    online and live in studio writing courses. For over 30 years, the Writers' Studio has worked with everyone from award-winning professionals to complete beginners helping them realise their creative dreams. We specialise in short stories, novels and screenplays. Roland Fishman's Writers' Studio is one of the quiet success stories of Sydney.

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    7-Month Third Draft - Novel - Online Writing Course. Start focusing on learning the art and craft of writing, re-writing and editing, and have your work critiqued. See your hard work in the First and Second Draft courses pay off as you experience the thrill of having your writing come alive on the page, an extremely satisfying part of the ...

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    Learn Creative Writing - write for profit or pleasure. This stimulating course will develop your ability to write a good story and to think more critically about your writing. You will learn the basics of different kinds of writing - magazine and newspaper columns, short stories, books - while improving your basic writing skill.

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    Novel Writing Essentials. Write the first 20,000 words of your novel. Become a stronger writer with group workshopping. Give your opening chapters the best possible start. Intermediate. 10-week online course. with tutor and feedback. $795. Starts this week.

  8. Online Creative Writing Courses

    Aylish Dowsett. Price: $299. Find Out More. Writing Courses For All. We have developed our creative writing courses to suit every stage of a writer's journey. To participate, all you need is a love of writing and building stories! Our tutors provide practical feedback and guidance to help you on your way.

  9. Creative Writing Major (BA)

    The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is used to determine eligibility for places in university courses. Minimum ATAR 70. Qualification. Creative Writing Major (BA) Credit. Credit. A full-time study load usually consists of 200 credits (approximately eight units) per year, with 100 credits (approximately four units) in each semester. 200.

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    For creative writers in the digital age. Explore styles including poetry and short fiction. Choose from electives including screen and digital. Prepare for real employment outcomes in writing, editing and publishing. Study creative writing online and transition to an online writing career. 100% online.

  11. Master of Creative Writing Online

    The cost of our Master of Creative Writing (Fast-Track) is $32,400* for nine units. To assist with some or all of your tuition fees, FEE-HELP is available for eligible students. This government-supported loan scheme is designed to help eligible full-fee paying students pay their postgraduate tuition fees.

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    Module 2 - Creating a Writing Portfolio. Reading 1 - Plotting a Story. Developing The Plot. The Power Of Conflict. Drawing Up a Plan. The Blueprint: Basic Structures. Arranging The Story. Reading 2 - Atmosphere, Mood and Style. Creating a Sense Of Place.

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  15. Master of Creative Writing

    The Master of Creative Writing is a postgraduate coursework degree that focuses on developing your core skills in creative writing, structuring, and editing of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry and other forms of writing. You will complete core units in the fundamentals of creative writing research and practice, specialist writing workshop ...

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    The Creative Writing Program is a professional development opportunity for aspiring authors that will provide the knowledge, skills and techniques required to create compelling fiction and creative non-fiction. In this online creative writing course, you will discover the scope and nature of creative writing, writing methodologies and ...

  17. Creative Writing

    The Department of English, Creative Writing and Film offers a large range of undergraduate courses in Creative Writing. Our introductory first-year course in 'the Essentials' equips you with most of the fundamental skills you will need to pursue writing at the highest levels. ... SA 5005 AUSTRALIA. Student support - Contact. T +61 8 8313 ...

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    Contact Us By Email. Or you can phone the Studio between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday on (02) 9386 4994. We'd love to hear from you! Join an online creative writing course with like-minded writers and own online tutor. Specialising in Short Stories, Novels and Screenplays.

  21. Creative Writing

    Overview. If you love reading, this major offers you the opportunity to explore your feelings, thoughts and ideas in the written form. Unleash and explore your creative potential across the avant-garde, cross-genre and experimental forms of writing. You'll also be encouraged to critically test contemporary theoretical and philosophical ...

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    Whether you want to learn creative writing, write a book or screenplay, or become a children's book author, check out these 10+ free online creative writing courses available in Australia. . 1. Secret Sauce of Great Writing - Udemy.

  23. TAFE Statement in Introduction to Creative Writing

    To be prepared for this course, we recommend you have: An interest in developing your creative writing skills. A laptop or computer and internet connection. TAFE NSW is committed to meeting the learning needs of every community. Meeting these needs can mean there are additional entry requirements at different campus locations.

  24. Course & Unit Handbook

    Course Learning Outcome; GA1: Intellectual rigour. Apply analysis, reasoning and reflexivity to creative writing practices and literary studies. Integrate broad knowledge of writing genres and theoretical ideas to understand and manage practical situations in creative writing.