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14 project engineer cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Project Engineer cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Project Engineer Roles

Table of contents

  • Project Engineer
  • Senior Project Engineer
  • Assistant Project Engineer
  • Associate Project Engineer
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Project Engineer resume examples

Project Engineer Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, highlighting relevant accomplishments.

By sharing a specific accomplishment that aligns with the company's mission, you demonstrate your ability to contribute to their goals. Include quantifiable results to further emphasize your impact.

Sharing Additional Successes

Providing another example of a successful project showcases your skills and experience in the industry. This further strengthens your case as a strong candidate for the role.

Expressing Genuine Excitement

Showing enthusiasm about the role and the company's projects creates a connection with the employer. This indicates that you genuinely care about the position and will be highly motivated to contribute to their success.

Show genuine enthusiasm for the company

Mentioning the company's name in your introductory paragraph and expressing your passion for what they stand for can help capture the attention of the hiring manager. It shows your genuine interest in the company, not just the role. It also demonstrates that you've done some research on the company and align with their values.

Narrating Your Unique Journey

Telling your personal story can be quite powerful. By saying "My journey in engineering has been anything but typical," you show that you're not just another candidate with a similar background. It makes a recruiter curious to learn more about your unique path and experiences.

Quantifying Success

When you say you "increased project delivery speed by 30%," you're providing concrete evidence of your abilities. A percentage increase is easy to understand and gives a clear picture of the impact you had. It's much more persuasive than just saying you improved something.

Aligning Personal Goals with Company's Vision

Expressing that you "see Siemens as the perfect stage to take this passion to the next level" shows that you share the company's values and are ready to contribute meaningfully. It tells me that you've done your research and see yourself fitting in well with the company's mission and culture.

Emotionally Connecting with the Role

Stating "What excites me most about this role is the opportunity to work on projects that matter" shows you're motivated by more than just a paycheck. It signals that you genuinely care about the work you do, which can make you a more engaged and productive employee.

Expressing a Greater Purpose

By saying "It's not just about being a Project Engineer; it's about being a part of something bigger than myself," you're showing that you're not just focused on the day-to-day tasks, but you're also interested in the bigger picture. This indicates you have a broader perspective and can be an asset to any team.

Connect with the company's mission

When you share why you're drawn to the company, it shows that your values match theirs. This is a key point for any project engineer applying for a job.

Detail your project successes

Specific examples of your work, like leading an engineering team or improving efficiency, show you can handle the tasks of a project engineer.

Demonstrate your ability to manage projects

Highlighting your skills in managing complex projects and working with teams gives a clear picture of what you bring to the table.

Highlight your passion for sustainable solutions

Expressing your interest in sustainability aligns with modern engineering values and shows you're forward-thinking.

Show eagerness for the role

A polite closing with a call to action, expressing hope for a discussion, makes your application memorable.

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Show admiration for the company’s mission

Expressing excitement for the role and appreciation for the company's innovation and quality demonstrates your genuine interest and alignment with their goals.

Detail your project management experience

Describing your skills in project management, problem-solving, and leadership not only highlights your qualifications but also how they directly apply to the role you're seeking.

Value your teamwork and communication skills

Emphasizing your ability to work well with others and convey ideas effectively shows your capability to contribute positively to the team dynamic.

Align your passion with company objectives

Sharing your enthusiasm for innovative solutions to complex challenges and how it matches the company's vision underscores your potential as a forward-thinking team member.

Convey eagerness to contribute to success

Ending your letter with a thank you and a forward-looking message about contributing to the company's achievements is both respectful and optimistic.

Show enthusiasm for the company's projects

Your excitement about the employer's work can make your cover letter stand out. Mentioning specific projects shows you've done your research and are genuinely interested in what the company does.

Detail your project engineer skills

Highlighting specific skills and how you've applied them in your career can demonstrate your capability for the role. It's important to show, not just tell, how you've used these skills effectively.

Emphasize relationship-building in engineering projects

Strong relationships are key in project management. Showing you can work well with clients and teams suggests you're not just technically competent, but also a team player who values collaboration.

Connect your values with the company’s mission

By aligning your passion for innovation with the company's commitment to pushing boundaries, you're showing a deeper level of compatibility with the potential employer's culture and goals.

Express eagerness for the interview

Closing your cover letter by looking forward to an interview discussion reaffirms your interest in the position and shows you're eager to contribute to the company's success.

Senior Project Engineer Cover Letter Example

Highlight relevant achievements.

Sharing past accomplishments relevant to the role you're applying for, especially those that had a substantial, quantifiable impact, is crucial. Remember, hiring managers want evidence that you can not only do the job but excel at it. Your past achievements serve as testimonies to your potential future successes.

Expressing Core Philosophy

Outlining your core belief, like "At its core, my engineering philosophy is about making the impossible possible," provides a sense of who you are as a professional. It tells me that you're not only technically competent but also have a guiding principle that motivates your work.

Highlighting Innovation

When you mention "resulting in a patented solution that cut energy consumption by 25%," you're showing that you can innovate effectively. A patented solution is a solid proof of unique thinking, and it's even better when this solution brings measurable benefits.

Displaying Effective Leadership

The phrase "managed a cross-disciplinary team on a multimillion-dollar project that came in 10% under budget and two weeks ahead of schedule" shows your ability to lead and deliver results. It provides evidence of your project management skills and your capacity to handle large-scale assignments.

Communicating a Shared Ethos

By saying "Your commitment to innovation and sustainability matches my professional ethos," you're aligning your personal brand with the company's ethos. It tells me you've done your homework and believe in what the company stands for, which makes you look like a good cultural fit.

Building on Legacy

When you express the desire to "build on the company's legacy of innovation," you show respect for the company's past and enthusiasm for its future. It presents you as someone who is forward-looking and eager to contribute to the ongoing success of the company.

Showcase leadership in engineering projects

Emphasizing your successful leadership in past projects suggests you're ready for the senior project engineer role.

Prove your strategic and technical skills

Detailing specific achievements and how you accomplished them proves your capability in strategic planning and technical execution.

Express enthusiasm for the company's vision

Showing excitement about the company's innovation and excellence demonstrates you're a good fit for their culture and goals.

Stress your commitment to sustainability

Your experience in green engineering and dedication to improvement shows you're aligned with the company's mission for a sustainable future.

Invite further discussion

Ending with a courteous thank you and a look forward to discussing your application further leaves a positive impression.

Show your project engineer impact

When you talk about completing projects on time and under budget, it shows you can handle responsibility and save resources. This is exactly what hiring managers want to see.

Highlight your teamwork and risk management

Explaining how you work with teams and handle problems before they happen proves you’re a leader who thinks ahead. This can make a big difference in big projects.

Connect with the company’s mission

Mentioning your excitement for the company’s projects shows you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in what they do. This makes you look like a better fit for their team.

Emphasize leadership in engineering

Talking about leading teams and mentoring others shows you’re not just skilled in engineering, but also in managing people. This is key for a senior role.

Combine expertise with impact

Stating your confidence in making an immediate impact with your technical and leadership skills invites the hiring manager to envision you in the role, making you a memorable candidate.

Demonstrate leadership in senior engineering roles

Showing you can guide multidisciplinary teams and manage significant projects underscores the leadership skills crucial for a senior project engineer position.

Highlight your problem-solving strategies

Discussing how you've identified and mitigated risks in projects showcases your proactive approach to problem-solving, an essential skill for senior engineering roles.

Show alignment with the company’s sustainable goals

Expressing admiration for the company's commitment to sustainable solutions highlights your shared values and interest in contributing to meaningful projects.

Emphasize your experience with advanced technologies

Mentioning your experience with cutting-edge technologies and your enthusiasm for innovation demonstrates that you're not only qualified but also forward-thinking and ready to tackle future challenges.

Convey strong interest in contributing to the company

Ending your cover letter with a statement of eagerness to contribute to the company's success reinforces your commitment and excitement for the role.

Assistant Project Engineer Cover Letter Example

Show your enthusiasm for project engineering.

Sharing your passion for engineering and interest in infrastructure projects sets a positive tone and shows your genuine excitement about the opportunity.

Highlight real-world experience

Talking about your internship and the responsibilities you handled demonstrates your readiness to apply your academic knowledge in practical scenarios.

Connect with the company's values

Mentioning your alignment with the company's commitment to innovation and sustainable solutions helps establish you as a good cultural fit.

Emphasize adaptability and continuous learning

Stating your strong work ethic and eagerness to learn is crucial in showing your potential to grow and excel in a challenging environment.

Express gratitude and eagerness to contribute

Closing your letter by thanking the hiring manager and reiterating your excitement to contribute underscores your professional etiquette and enthusiasm for the role.

Show your assistant project engineer teamwork and technical skills

When you talk about working well in both individual and group settings, you make it clear that you're versatile. It's good to show you can handle various aspects of engineering projects, from the technical details to cooperating with a team.

Highlight your project success

Describing a specific project where you excelled is a solid move. It shows you're not only passionate about engineering but can also face big challenges and find smart solutions. This kind of story is exactly what makes you memorable.

Pointing out why you're drawn to the company is smart. It shows you've done your homework and you're not just looking for any job but a place where your values and the company's align. This is a strong way to demonstrate you're a good fit.

Show enthusiasm for learning and growth

Expressing your eagerness to learn from and work with a team of experts is a great strategy. It tells me you're someone who's not only skilled but also keen on growing and contributing to important projects.

Express your eagerness to contribute

Finishing by reiterating your desire to use your skills to help the company succeed is a powerful closing. It wraps up your cover letter on a high note, reinforcing your commitment and excitement about the opportunity.

Associate Project Engineer Cover Letter Example

Express your enthusiasm for engineering.

Your excitement about joining a company because of its mission demonstrates that your values align with theirs, which is appealing to employers looking for passionate team members.

Detail your project management skills

Describing your hands-on experience with projects during your studies shows that you not only have theoretical knowledge but practical skills too, making you a strong candidate even as a recent graduate.

Show your commitment to sustainable engineering

Highlighting your experience with green building and sustainability initiatives illustrates your commitment to important industry trends and practices, making you stand out as a forward-thinking candidate.

Share your interest in innovative projects

Expressing excitement about working on cutting-edge projects shows that you are eager to tackle challenges and contribute to significant advancements, which is exactly the kind of drive companies look for.

Thank the hiring manager

Closing your cover letter by thanking the hiring manager for their time and expressing eagerness to discuss your application further shows professionalism and respect for the recruitment process.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

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cover letter for capstone project

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

cover letter for capstone project

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1. Pre-Planning for Your Capstone Project

Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:  

  • Explain the capstone experience.
  • Identify soft skills that can be developed/refined throughout the capstone experience.
  • Describe the importance of capstone projects for academic and professional career development.
  • Identify at least two steps you can take to pre-plan/prepare for your capstone project.

This chapter will guide you through the pre-planning phase of your capstone experience. Examples of capstone formats utilized by various schools and universities are included in this chapter.  General educational goals of capstone projects are reviewed and the importance of a capstone experience for academic and professional career advancement is discussed.  Strategies that can help you prepare for your capstone experience are explained.


The amount of stress that accumulates over the course of one’s college experience can be overwhelming.  Understanding what a capstone project entails and using strategies and skills that have been acquired throughout your academic career, will help you pre-plan for relevant and meaningful capstone experiences, while reducing stress.

What Exactly Is a Capstone Project?

A capstone project is a multifaceted assignment for professional students that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience.  Therefore, capstone projects can also be referred to as capstone

experiences, culminating projects, or senior exhibitions.   Capstone projects usually occur in the final year of professional academic programs and they may or may not be research based.  Constructed by your school, your professional program within your school or university, and learning experience, capstone projects can take a variety of forms (Refer to Table 1-1:  Examples of Capstone Project Formats).  While capstone projects are in some ways like a college thesis, capstone projects are typically long-term investigative projects that culminate into a final product, presentation, and/or performance (Sabbot, 2016).

Table 1-1:  Examples of Capstone Project Formats

Source:  Moore, J. L. (2021, December 2). Capstone experiences . Center for Engaged Learning. Retrieved July 15, 2022, from 

Within health professions, the clinical doctorate has been traditionally driven by innovation in practice and the advancement and evolution of the health profession’s field.  Furthermore, clinical doctorate degrees are meant to provide graduates with the skills necessary to engage in direct clinical practice and leadership endeavors, which may influence healthcare program development and policy changes.  Simply, doctoral capstones provide accomplished students with an opportunity for in-depth professional practice within an area of focus (Kemp, Domina, Delbert, Rivera & Navarro-Walker, 2020).

Capstone projects have long been a hallmark of professional education. Capstone projects aim to help you recognize your own growth and development during your scholarly pursuits.  Capstone projects are also an effective method of showcasing attained and refined skills and competencies (Moore, 2021).  Furthermore, capstone projects are designed to encourage you to think critically, solve challenging problems, and showcase  hard and unique soft skills. (Refer to Table 1-2:  Examples of Hard Skills and Soft Skills for Clinical Professionals and Professional Students)

Table 1-2 :  Examples of Hard Skills and Soft Skills for Clinical Professionals and Professional Students  

Sources:  Benz, C., Johns, S., & Team, the R. G. (2022, February 18). What are hard skills? definition & 51 hard skills examples. Resume Genius. Retrieved July 16, 2022, from; Coombe, T. (2021, February 25). Soft & Hard Skills for occupational therapy students: How to get them. EduMed. Retrieved July 16, 2022, from programs/studentskills/; and Kohler, C. (2021, December 17). What are soft skills? here’s how to showcase them on your resume . TopResume. Retrieved July 16, 2022, from 

Educational Goals for Capstone Projects

Capstone experiences within some schools and universities are designed to provide students with opportunities to become engaged in some aspect of clinical practice. Consequently, educational institutions will typically have their own capstone-specific goals. Even within a single school or university, the range of capstone-related goals and expectations can differ from program to program. For these reasons, it is important to review your specific program’s capstone project requirements and  capstone syllabi.  By recognizing the general educational goals of capstone projects, you will acquire a better understanding of the capstone process and how it can be used for professional development not only  throughout but beyond your academic career (Sabbot, 2016). (Refer to Table 1-3:  General Educational Goals of Capstone Projects). 

Table 1-3:  General Educational Goals of Capstone Projects

Source:  Moore, J. L. (2021, December 2). Capstone experiences . Center for Engaged Learning. Retrieved July 15, 2022, from

Importance of Capstone Projects

Clinical doctoral programs are rigorous and demanding practice-focused programs that are designed to prepare students to become experts in clinical practice settings.  In this vein, capstone projects are heavily focused on innovative and evidence-based practices that not only reflect your ability to transfer didactic knowledge and research findings into a practice setting but to also evaluate and disseminate new knowledge to advance evidence-based care (Anderson, Knestrick & Barroso, 2015).  For example, in a school or university students are continually working on theoretical assignments, which allows them to acquire basic knowledge that supports their career path.  However, the capstone project extends beyond textbooks and classrooms as you begin to become immersed in real-world cases in real-life environments. Capstone projects can help you to become familiar with some of the issues professionals in your chosen area of study and/or interest may commonly face in the field.  Consequently, the experiential learning you will gain from your capstone experience is invaluable in relation to your entry into, and advancement in, your respective profession (Russel, 2022).

Capstone projects are considered scholarly pieces of work.  The intent of capstone projects is to create an effective and comprehensive product that will provide you with an opportunity to showcase your academic abilities, skills, and competencies.  In this fashion, capstone projects can be viewed as a springboard for career advancement or an entrepreneurial venture.  By taking a few steps to understand and prepare for your capstone experience, you will be able to effectively integrate learned knowledge into a real-world issue in a manner that is purposeful, meaningful, and marketable (Refer to Table 1.4:  Preplanning Strategies Students Can Use for Meaningful Capstone Experiences).

Table 1.4:  Preplanning Strategies Students Can Use for Meaningful Capstone Experiences

Understanding what a capstone project is and why it is an important component of academic and professional development will help you appreciate your capstone experience and maybe even enjoy it.  This chapter provided you with tips and strategies that will help you preplan for your capstone project.  The development of a meaningful and robust capstone experience requires a demonstration of need coupled with a professional area of interest (Bednarski, Bell & DeAngelis, 2020).  Preplanning can help ensure that your capstone project is relevant and impactful.

Case Study:  Examples

Glynn is an occupational therapist, who currently works in a physical disability rehabilitation setting.   Glynn is currently participating in a post-professional occupational therapy doctorate (OTD) program in an urban university setting.  According to Glynn’s OTD program, she will begin her capstone courses next semester.  In order for Glynn to prepare for their upcoming capstone experience, they will do the following:

  • Review their resume and update it, as necessary
  • Update their biographical information
  • Review the educational goals of capstone projects within their program of study (OTD)
  • Review the format of capstone projects within their program of study (OTD)
  • Self-reflect on their professional career and consider topics of interest that could be potential capstone projects
  • Glynn is taking an OTD course, which addresses health literacy initiatives for low-health literate patients. Glynn is very intrigued with this topic and is considering this topic for their capstone project.

Optimizing Your Capstone Experience: A Guidebook for Allied Health Professionals Copyright © 2023 by Virginia E. Koenig is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How to Write a Capstone Project: The Complete Guide

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by  Antony W

March 8, 2024

how to do a capstone project

The truth about capstone projects is that they require the best from you. Unlike other small and large projects you may have already done, the capstone project matters a lot because it is the crowning achievement of the school. But, it's frustrating to not have a clue about how to do a capstone project the right way.

In response, Help for Assessment is here to help you in every way, including a step-by-step guide on how to do a capstone project. In this brief introductory article we will cover:

  • The importance and relevance of the project.
  • Steps to take in doing your capstone project.
  • Expert tips and tricks of making sure you remain at the top of your game as you do the project.

A more detailed guide including a capstone project outline and sample is available here on our blog . Take time to go through it if you have any lingering questions. Of course, you don’t have to do all that if you simply let us do your capstone project for you.

At Help for Assessment, we are highly skilled and experienced in all forms of academic projects and assignments including capstone projects.

You can trust us to get you that top-grade you have been wishing for. Instead of playing roulette with your grades and possibly your future, request the capstone project writing service here and bag an amazing discount, just for you.

In the meantime, let us get back to the purpose of this article which is helping you carry out your capstone project successfully.

The Truth About Capstone Projects

By now, you already know what a capstone project is. Your instructor has told you, your classmates have discussed it in length, and you have read about it. What you may not know is why you have to do a capstone project. Can you graduate if you don’t do a capstone project?

From its definition, a capstone project is meant to assess your cumulative knowledge and skills gained up until that point of school. It usually takes an interdisciplinary approach, requiring you to solve a problem or give a contribution to your field or profession in some way. That makes it effective at getting the measure of a student, and your future employer will probably want to know about it too.

And yes, to answer your question, you need to do the capstone project if you want to graduate with honors. Some schools state outright that the project contributes towards your graduation credits. Others give you an option to do or not do it. Our advice is simple: take the capstone project and give it your best shot.

The project will usually last for your final two semesters in school. Sometimes, it is even separated as a unit in itself. The project itself may consist of either an extensive paper similar to a thesis, which will usually be about 40 pages, or it can be a project deliverable to a real-life workplace supported by a rationale report.

After submitting the project write-up, you will also have to give a presentation of the project to an audience.

Reasons Why You Should Take the Capstone Project

The importance of the capstone project cannot be overestimated. Here are some convincing reasons.

  • It will get you career-ready. Since you will be preparing a complete project deliverable tackling a real and relevant problem, you get a feel of the market and how you can apply what you have learned in the real world.
  • It is an important platform to showcase your talents and abilities. A capstone project helps you consolidate your knowledge, develop an interest, and showcase it to the world. Apart from the chance to display it to the world, such a project can map your way to a brilliant career.
  • It brings you up to standard - a student is like a rough diamond who needs polishing to be useful, and that's what the project does. It teaches you critical thinking skills, research skills, pushes you to collaborate with others, and exposes you to how things work.
  • You become a mini-expert in a particular area.

Now that we have set the record straight about capstone projects, let us show you how to make it work.

How to Do a Capstone Project, Step By Step

In preparation for your capstone project, you will need to take a few prior courses before you can register.

Some schools will have you take a research class, others require you to have a specific number of credits. 

If your instructor does not talk things over with you, be sure to ask. Once you’re set: 

Choose a topic for your capstone project

If your instructor doesn’t assign you a specific topic, select one by following these simple steps.

  • Brainstorm to collect some capstone project ideas .
  • Narrow the choices down to end up with one or two that are academically relevant, have enough latitude (existing published data), relevant to your discipline and future career, and interesting enough that you want to explore them.
  • With one topic in mind, look for an angle or approach based on a problem you want to solve or a product you would like to evaluate or launch. Formulate a research question to guide you along the way.

Do your preliminary research

Conduct a general information-gathering research process to orient yourself and give you an idea of what you're looking at. Keep evaluating your topic based on its feasibility and relevance.

Create a capstone project proposal

Armed with this general and background information, formulate a project proposal. You will present this to your instructor and wait for it to be approved before you can proceed. We have a guide to capstone project proposal here .

Create a schedule

Once approved, you will need to create an accurate timetable to pace yourself during the project. You will only succeed if you start early and give it the effort it needs.

Last-minute rushing hardly ever works unless you turn it over to our experts at Help for Assessment.

Conduct in-depth research

Collect all the material you need for the project and research intensively.

As you do it, keep a notebook and pen handy to keep a record of your sources, write down important quotes or data you might need, and generally keep track of the information gathered. Use only very credible sources to add validity to your project.

If your project is a deliverable, this is the stage where you work on it. Make sure to keep accurate and thorough documentation as you proceed.

Create an outline for your write-up

Come up with an outline for the actual write-up. The same goes for a project report, where you will need to provide a good logical structure to organize all the information.

Do the write-up

Start the write-in good time, as this part often takes the most effort and time. Be thorough, concise, and cite all sources accurately.

Revise, refine, then submit

Proofread, edit, and otherwise revise your project and write-up several times before submission. If possible, you can have a third-party go through it to pick out any mistakes. 

Prepare the presentation

You will also need to present your project to a panel and in front of an audience.

Prepare for it early. For a creative project, the presentation will essentially be an exhibition of sorts. For a research project, you will be defending your paper from a review panel.

Expert Tips and Tricks About Carrying Out Your Capstone Project

These are some ideas fronted by our capstone project writing veterans that you should take into serious consideration if you want to pass.

  • When picking the topic, select one that is easy but not too common that it has been picked dry. A complex project will frustrate you in the long run.
  • Follow the instructions given and liaise closely with the instructor. Even though the project is meant to be independent, it takes place under the close supervision of an appointed mentor or teacher. Give them regular progress reports, ask them for advice, and follow any instructions they provide.
  • Follow your schedule faithfully. Time is one of the biggest resources during the project. If you have to rush towards the end, you will make costly mistakes. Start early and stick to your plans.
  • Create a thesis statement early on to help guide your project. A thesis statement is highly specific and will provide direction and keep you focused on the main idea, preventing you from wasting time on distractions.
  • Create and stick to a structure for the project and write-up. Presentation and flow of ideas play a bit part in the impression you make and the points you will get.
  • Use only reliable, academically relevant sources. Make use of primary sources wherever possible, because this gives your project credibility.
  • Stay away from plagiarism at all costs. Cite all your sources properly.
  • Be simple, concise, and straightforward. Stick to simple and clear language. Your instructor and audience will appreciate it.
  • No matter how much you hate it, dedicated significant time and effort in the revising and proofreading part. Refining it is part of the success.

Let Help for Assessment Handle Your Project

It is customary for the master builder or chief engineer to lay the capstone of an arch or cornerstone of a building.

In the same way, you should let the experts handle such an important part of your academics to ensure your success.

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

How to List Capstone Project on a Resume?

cover letter for capstone project

A capstone project, being detailed in nature, refers to the final yet crucial stage of the academic life of a student.

Its goal is to help students showcase their knowledge in a project of their choosing, with the instructor’s consent and additional guidance from a faculty mentor.

Although typically, you can choose a capstone project from the available options as per your niche, you can investigate other options in cooperation with the supervising mentor and Capstone Project Committee.

The finished product should include the student’s chosen theme, geographic location, academic discipline, and professional experience. Multiple iterations of the student’s research are required, and each one goes through rigorous peer review and constant mentor feedback.

The paper’s format combines classroom learning, academic research, and extracurricular activities into a polished product that the student will present in a formal setting.

Students have the chance to make their distinctive contribution to their field of study through this project, which they can take with them and apply if they so choose.

Should I Put Capstone Project on My Resume?

Participating in a capstone program can build up your résumé with real-world work experience. Students can showcase their abilities, learn new skills, and grab valuable experience working with different individuals in teams.

Students can work on projects related to their interests, such as writing an essay about their favourite book series or creating an app that helps people find nearby restaurants. They have the chance to apply what they have learned in their classes to real-life problems they will encounter in the real world.

It allows them to determine what they want as per their wish. These projects are a great way to stand out because they may be used as examples of your skills and abilities on a resume or job application.

Involving students in collaborative projects teaches them how to act in a way that will be useful later on in life. Students who have deadlines at work will benefit from learning how to operate under pressure when they’re on a capstone project.

When To Put Capstone Project on Resume?

Your capstone projects can set you apart from other job applicants. It can be hard for students to find a project that is relevant to their interests. That’s why you should strive to understand the objective of the resume from the initial stage.

The first stage in creating a capstone project is research which can sometimes be challenging if you’re not familiar with the related field or industry. When you are finishing the project, it is crucial to get feedback from industry or subject experts to ensure your final output is something your employers would like to see.

Your capstone project may give you a sense of differentiation from other job seekers who have completed or are in the process of finishing similar coursework or projects.

These projects enable students to showcase their valuable skills, expertise, and knowledge acquired in the course throughout. It is an excellent method to demonstrate how you have applied the knowledge you have gained in the classroom.

This can showcase your excellent communication and decision-making skills along with the ability to take initiative.

Also, it proves that you have the potential to work independently, work under pressure, and meet the right deadlines.

After all, these are some of the essential qualities that employers seek when hiring new talent for their organization.

Adding your capstone project to your resume can significantly enhance your employability.

How To List Capstone Project on Resume?

You can follow the following steps to know how to list capstone project in resume. Writing the Capstone project resume objective statement is very important to highlight your resume.

  • Create a section where you would like to list the experience. Depending on the nature of your project, you can include a variety of areas, such as research, academia, etc.
  • Add general details about the Capstone, along with the name of the course and the tenure of your project. Make sure to have consistent formatting while adding it on the resume.
  • Bullet points are the most important thing any resume can have. Hence, highlight your strengths in the bulleted form and let the employers know your unique points.

Add a couple of bullet points to showcase your capstone experience and the knowledge you gained in that stage. A capstone project candidate on resume stands out from students who don’t have had dedicated capstone projects related to higher-level research.

Example of a Capstone Project

If you are still confused on how to create a capstone project, have a look at the capstone project resume help:

Government and Advocacy Experience

JDF Company

Toronto, Canada

Consultant (MPA Capstone Project), May 2018

  • Developed a Code of Conduct for Research and Development
  • Conducted in-depth research on various Codes of Conduct across several academic areas to evaluate efficiency and effectiveness
  • Formulated a report on the major findings
  • Offered solid recommendations during the project to ensure viable results.

Graduate Consultant (NASA Group Workshop Capstone Course), July 2021

  • Provided strong advice on how to enhance participation of public in NASA initiatives
  • Created a report for group results and shared it with the administrator
  • Served as group liaison to NASA staff

If you are looking for top science resume writing websites, you can take help from our related article .

Key Takeaways

A Capstone project can make your resume stand out, and understanding how to put capstone project on resume can make all the difference. You should carefully research and take help from experts before picking the topic.

You should list the project succinctly as bullet points on your resume and keep consistent formatting while listing it.

For example, you should list ABD after capstone project on resume. You can consult experts to know how to write capstone project on resume.

How do you write an incomplete degree on a resume?

It is much easier to list on your resume if your education is still in progress than it may seem. The degree program(s) you’re enrolled in, the school’s name and location, and your anticipated graduation date should be listed.

You should avoid inventing an arbitrary graduation date. It would be best if you did not try to explain why you graduated three years later than expected.

How do you put your education on a resume?

Putting your high school education on your resume is not advised if you have a relevant university degree. A generic format for documenting your schooling is to list them in this order- degree, university, years enrolled, location of the program, GPA, Honors, optional job-relevant courses, and exchange programs.

If you need specific help on how to add a PhD ABD on a resume , how to write EdD on resume , or list lab experience on resume , you can read more about it in our related articles.

How do you put a capstone project on your resume?

Projects may be added as accomplishments after the job description on a CV. Projects, Personal Projects, and Academic Projects are three different sections where you can list your projects. The education resume section may include student work. A resume focused on a particular project is another option.


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Sample capstone project proposal, getting started .

Open annually between August through November, the HCDE online capstone proposal form is where you submit a project proposal. CAP members may submit more than one project idea, but please think about how many teams you will be able to support in total. The project description should be a straightforward, one-paragraph summary of the design brief or project challenge.

 Before submitting your project, read the Capstone project guidelines .

Submit a Capstone Proposal

Example Project Proposals

  • Sponsor:  ABC User Experience Consultants 
  • Title:  Designing Mobile Technologies for Environmental Sustainability 
  • Contact(s):  Jane Doe,  [email protected]   
  • Description:  Design an object, interface, system, or service intended to support the idea of utilizing or consuming local resources rather than global resources, in a sustainable and environmentally efficient manner. Use methods of ethnography and contextual research to understand the problem space, and design a mobile phone application that supports, assists, enhances or otherwise benefits people interested in sustainability. 
  • Target User Group:  Seattle residents 

Example Usability-Focused Project

  • Sponsor:  Usability R’ Us 
  • Title:  Evaluate and Redesign Awesome Airlines Website 
  • Contact(s):  Bob Smith,  [email protected]  
  • Description:  Conduct an in-depth usability test of the current Awesome Airlines corporate website. Prepare a usability test plan, recruit 5-10 clients, and conduct the evaluation. Generate a list of recommended changes, and then provide design mock-ups for how those changes might be implemented into the existing website design to make it more usable.
  • Target User Group:  Awesome Airlines customers 

Example User Research-Focused Project

  • Sponsor:  The User Research People 
  • Title:  Determine Design Requirements for Home Sensing Project 
  • Contact(s):  Alison Miller,  [email protected]  
  • Description:  The User Research People company is conducting user research for a client who is interested in building sensors for people to install in their home that will monitor appliance usage, record maintenance and repairs, and report any safety issues. Your task will be to conduct user research with homeowners to identify the design requirements and concerns with using such technology in their home and the provide mock-ups and sketches for ideas for different sensing solutions. 
  • Target User Group:  Homeowners

cover letter for capstone project

How to Write a Winning Capstone Proposal

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If you're a graduate student, chances are you'll be required to write a capstone proposal as part of your program. This can be a daunting task for many students. The proposal can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful capstone project, and it should be approached with care and attention to detail. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of writing a winning capstone proposal.

Understanding the Capstone Proposal Process

Before we delve into the specifics of writing a capstone proposal, it's essential to understand what a capstone proposal is and the importance of crafting a strong one. A capstone proposal is a document that outlines a research project or paper that demonstrates mastery of a specific field or subject area. It is usually written towards the end of a graduate program and provides students with the opportunity to showcase their research and writing skills.

What is a Capstone Proposal?

A capstone proposal is a comprehensive document that outlines a research project or paper that demonstrates mastery of a specific field or subject area. It is usually written towards the end of a graduate program and provides students with the opportunity to showcase their research and writing skills. A capstone proposal is an important step towards completing your capstone project, and it provides a roadmap for your research.

When writing a capstone proposal, it's important to keep in mind that it should be a well-structured and organized document. You should clearly state the research problem, objectives, and methodology. A good capstone proposal should also demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of your research problem and the research process.

Importance of a Strong Capstone Proposal

A strong capstone proposal is essential because it sets the stage for your capstone project. It outlines the research problem, objectives, and methodology. A well-written proposal helps you to demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of your research problem and the research process. It helps you gain the approval of your advisor and committee members, and it prepares you to undertake the project.

Moreover, a strong capstone proposal can help you to identify any potential problems or challenges that you may face during your research. It can also help you to identify the resources that you will need to complete your project successfully.

Key Components of a Capstone Proposal

A strong capstone proposal should have the following key components:

  • An Introduction: The introduction should provide an overview of your research problem and the significance of your research. It should also provide a brief summary of the key components of your proposal.
  • The Research Problem and Objectives: This section should clearly state the research problem and objectives. It should also explain why the research problem is important and how it relates to the field of study.
  • Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework should provide a conceptual framework for your research. It should explain the theoretical concepts and models that you will use to analyze your data.
  • The Methodology: The methodology should describe the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques that you will use to answer your research questions.
  • Expected Outcomes and Significance: This section should describe the expected outcomes of your research and the significance of your findings. It should also explain how your research will contribute to the field of study.

Overall, a strong capstone proposal is an essential component of your capstone project. It provides a roadmap for your research and helps you to demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of your research problem and the research process. By following the key components outlined in this article, you will be well on your way to crafting a successful capstone proposal.

Choosing the Right Topic

Choosing the right topic is crucial in writing a winning capstone proposal. Your topic should align with your academic goals, research interests, and program requirements. Here are some tips for choosing the right topic:

Brainstorming Ideas

Brainstorming is an effective way of generating capstone proposal ideas. To brainstorm, consider the research topics you've studied, your interests, and what you want to achieve with your capstone project. Write down as many ideas as possible, and select the one that is interesting, aligns with your goals, and is feasible.

Evaluating the Scope and Feasibility

After generating ideas, it's essential to evaluate their scope and feasibility. Make sure that your topic is not too broad or too narrow. A broad topic will lead to a lack of focus, while a narrow topic will limit your research scope. Ensure that there's enough literature available on your research topic and that you have the resources and time to conduct the research.

Aligning with Your Academic Goals

Your capstone proposal should align with your academic goals. Ensure that it complements your program requirements and strengthens your knowledge in your field of study. Consider the research skills you want to acquire or the research gaps you want to fill in your field of study.

Conducting Preliminary Research

Once you've chosen your topic, the next step is to conduct preliminary research. The preliminary research helps to identify gaps in the literature that your research project aims to fill. Here are some tips for conducting preliminary research:

Identifying Relevant Literature

Identify relevant literature that relates to your research topic. Start with academic journals, books, and government publications in your field of study. The literature review helps to establish a research gap and identify the research problem.

Analyzing Existing Research

Analyze existing research to determine areas that require further research. Look for gaps in the literature, inconsistencies, and contradictions in research findings. This will help you refine your research problem and objectives.

Establishing a Research Gap

Establishing a research gap is crucial in writing a strong capstone proposal. The gap refers to the lack of research in a particular area of study. Identify a research gap in your field of study and the significance of filling this gap.

Crafting a Compelling Proposal

Crafting a compelling proposal is the last stage before you commence your research project. It should be well-written, clear, and concise. Here are some tips for crafting a compelling proposal:

Writing a Clear and Concise Introduction

The introduction should capture the reader's attention and provide background information on the research problem. State the research objectives and the significance of your research project.

Developing a Strong Literature Review

The literature review should outline the gaps in the literature that your research aims to fill. It should be written in a logical sequence and include studies from reputable sources.

Presenting a Well-Defined Research Methodology

The research methodology outlines how you intend to conduct your research. It should include details on data collection, data analysis, and the research design. Ensure that your research design aligns with your research objectives and problem.

Outlining Expected Outcomes and Significance

Lastly, outline the expected outcomes of your research project and its significance. State the contribution that your research project makes to your field of study and its implications for practice and policy.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Capstone Proposal

Use the following prompt in an AI chatbot . Below each prompt, be sure to provide additional details about your situation. These could be scratch notes, what you'd like to say or anything else that guides the AI model to write a certain way.

Please compose a detailed and comprehensive proposal for your capstone project, outlining your intended research topic, methodology, and objectives. Your proposal should clearly articulate the significance and relevance of your chosen topic, as well as the potential impact of your research on the field of study. Additionally, please provide a timeline for your project, including key milestones and deliverables. Your proposal should be well-organized, concise, and written in a professional tone.


In conclusion, writing a winning capstone proposal requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. It's essential to choose the right topic, conduct preliminary research, and craft a compelling proposal. A strong proposal sets the stage for your research project and helps you gain the approval of your advisor and committee members. Follow the tips outlined in this article to write a winning capstone proposal and set the foundation for a successful research project.

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How to Write Project Manager Cover Letter: Tips and Tricks

Organisations hire Project Managers to ensure that the work on a project is efficient. They meet client expectations and stick to predetermined deadlines. Do you find this role interesting? Explore this blog on Project Manager Cover Letter for expert tips, impress recruiters, and land your dream job today. Read to know more!


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Project Managers are key leaders who oversee teams working together on projects. They ensure that project tasks are completed efficiently, meet client requirements, and are delivered on time. If you are interested in this role, crafting a compelling Project Manager Cover Letter can significantly boost your chances during the hiring process. This blog will explain how to write an effective cover letter for this role with a sample template. Let’s get started! 

Table of Contents

1) Project Manager Cover Letter writing tips  

2) Write the cover letter to a certain recipient 

3) Highlight your qualifications  

4) Professional self-introduction  

5) Showcase relevant skills  

6) Use quantifiable achievements  

7) Conclusion  

Project Manager Cover Letter writing tips  

Here are a few tips that can help you write a good Project Manager Cover Letter:  

Project Manager Cover Letter writing tips  

1) Write the Cover Letter to a certain recipient 

Know your audience before you start writing your Cover Letter. Usually, a hiring manager or someone from the human resources (HR) team manages the applications and shortlists candidates. Addressing a letter directly to this person can have a great impact. 

Start your letter with a salutation like "Dear," followed by the hiring manager's first and last name. If you are not sure who will read your letter, you can keep it general by adding "Dear Hiring Manager".   

Project Management Courses

2) Highlight your qualifications  

Hiring managers often get plenty of applications, so it's important to make your cover letter catch their attention. Start by clearly describing who you are, explaining your qualifications, and highlighting your relevant experience. This strategy will spark the hiring manager's interest and encourage them to read on and learn more about your unique story.  

3) Professional self-introduction  

In the first paragraph of your cover letter, introduce yourself professionally and share your enthusiasm for the role. Mention the company's name and the position you're applying for. Explain why you're interested in this particular job and how it aligns with your career goals. It's helpful to refer to the job posting to understand what the company is looking for so you can tailor your introduction to show how you meet these requirements and how the role fits into your professional aspirations.  

Learn Project Management even as a Non-Project Manager – register now for our Project Management for Non-Project Managers Course !  

4) Showcase relevant skills  

In the second paragraph of your cover letter, highlight how your skills have enabled you to excel in roles similar to the ones you're applying for. Discuss your abilities in key areas such as organisation, communication, and leadership. If you have experience with project management tools and software, mention these as well. This will help illustrate how well-prepared you are to tackle the job responsibilities effectively.  

5) Use quantifiable achievements  

Numbers can convey your achievements more effectively than words. Including statistics that highlight your impact on business growth at previous companies can be very persuasive. This approach demonstrates to recruiters that you understand the value of measurable results.  

6) Demonstrate company knowledge  

You can make a strong impression on a hiring manager by demonstrating that you have a thorough understanding of the company, its operations, and its products or services. This shows that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in the role. Mentioning how your core values align with the company's mission and vision can further illustrate your compatibility with the company's culture and goals.  

7) Clearly state intentions and preferences  

After your brief introduction, it's important to clearly state your intentions and preferences regarding the job opportunity. Share why you are drawn to this specific role within the company and explain how it aligns with your career goals. It's useful to refer to the job posting for a detailed understanding of what the company is looking for. This information can help you tailor your message to show exactly how you fit their needs and what makes you particularly excited about the opportunity.  

8) Provide educational background details  

If you have a bachelor's or master's degree in project management or business administration, be sure to mention this in your cover letter. Explain how your education has equipped you for this role, perhaps by sharing a specific achievement that highlights your skills. Additionally, if you have any relevant certifications including these can further demonstrate your qualifications and commitment to your professional development. 

9) Customise each letter for the position  

It's helpful to use templates or past cover letters as a guide when creating a new one. Re-member, each must be unique to the job you are looking for. Firms value true interest and passion and the effort you invest in understanding their requirements. Be sure to review the job posting thoroughly to grasp what qualities and skills they seek.  

When applying for a big corporation, think about what keywords their automated processes may search for in resumes and cover letters. For project management positions, words like Agile, mitigation, change control, or risk control could be present. Frequently, the job listing gives great hints about the abilities and traits that are important to the employer. 

10) Convey appreciation  

In your closing paragraph, remember to thank the hiring manager and the HR department for considering your application. Include your contact details, such as your phone number and email address, to make it easy for them to reach out for further discussions. Express your enthusiasm for the position and let them know you are eager and available to participate in the recruitment process.  

Learn all the methodologies of Project Management in detail with our Project Management Courses !  

11) Offer additional insights  

A cover letter is more than just an extension of your resume—it's your chance to tell a fuller story about yourself. It allows you to elaborate on your achievements but also to reveal more about who you are beyond those accomplishments.   

Consider what unique elements you can introduce that highlights your value beyond what's listed in your resume. Think about how to weave your personal experiences into your cover letter. What sparked your interest in this field? What excites you about this particular job or company? How does this role align with your future career goals?   

Your cover letter should not only link your past experiences to the qualities the company seeks but also demonstrate why you, as an individual, are a great fit for the position.  

12) Keep it concise  

You should cover all the information regarding you in a maximum of one page.  

13) Ensure error-free writing  

Project Management requires both a broad understanding and a focus on details. Make sure your cover letter is well-formatted and free from any spelling or grammatical errors. It's also a good idea to have a trusted friend or colleague review your cover letter to catch any errors you might have missed. This extra step can help ensure your cover letter is polished and professional.  

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A cover letter is an important document for a Project Manager while searching for a job. This document describes your most relevant and impressive qualifications and experiences. The cover letter escorts your resume, and its content should explain why you would be valuable to the firm. Job applicants can use a cover letter to show how past actions positively impacted business operations. So, create an eye-catching Project Manager Cover Letter today to get the best opportunities. 

Are you interested in learning how you can run small projects efficiently? Sign up now for our Running Small Projects Course !  

Frequently Asked Questions

You can always include a cover letter with a job application unless the job listing specifically states not to. It offers a chance to introduce yourself and highlight why you a re a suitable candidate for the position.   

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Alongside our diverse Online Course Catalogue, encompassing 17 major categories, we go the extra mile by providing a plethora of free educational Online Resources like News updates, Blogs , videos, webinars, and interview questions. Tailoring learning experiences further, professionals can maximise value with customisable Course Bundles of TKA .  

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CP680A - Capstone Project (Winter 2025)

Date: May 30, 2024

Location: Waterloo, CA

Company: Wilfrid Laurier University

Faculty/Academic Area: Faculty of Science 

Department : Physics and Computer Science 

Campus: Waterloo 

Employee Group: WLUFA 

Requisition ID: 8232 

Position Title: CP680A - Capstone Project

Term: Winter 2025 (January 1-April 30)

Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday 1600-1720

Hours per week/Hours Total: 3 hrs per week/39 hrs total

Type of Course: Lecture (in-person)

Anticipated Class Size: 20

Additional Course Requirements: n/a

Posted on: May 31, 2024

Posting ends: June 15, 2024

Position Summary:

This course is available only to students in the Co-Operative Education Option and will be completed in the term following their co-op terms. Students will complete a major project that integrates their academic and work experience.

Please note:

  • Instructors must work within departmental guidelines on Connect

Qualifications – Required:  Master’s degree Qualifications - Areas of Specialization: n/a Qualifications – Discipline:  Computer Science or related field Qualifications - Professional Designation:  PhD would be an asset Qualifications – Other: Preference will be given to applicants with demonstrated expertise in the subject field

Salary: $ 9,206.40

Application Deadline: June 15, 2024

Submit with Application:

Required for All Applicants

  • CV (required)
  • Candidate Application Form (CAF)

Required for External Applicants

  • Names and Contact Information for Referees
  • Evidence of Good Teaching
  • Verification of highest degree
  • Cover Letter
  • Teaching Dossier
  • Sample Course Outline (2-pages maximum)

Applications may be addressed to: PTAC Hiring Committee

Department of Physics & Computer Science

Faculty of Science

Wilfrid Laurier University

Waterloo, Ontario  

Please click the gold “Apply Now” button located on the top right hand side of the page.

You will be asked to sign in if you have already created an account. If you are not a registered user you may create an account to apply to career opportunities. Once an account is created you will be able to sign in to apply for the position.

This appointment is in accordance with the Contract Teaching Faculty and Part-time Librarians Collective Agreement , for which the Wilfrid Laurier Faculty Association (WLUFA) is the exclusive bargaining agent.   All applicants are assessed using both the “Appendix H: Assessment of CTF Candidates under 13.6.1” in the collective agreement and the program specific rubric , where applicable.  Candidates should review these documents and ensure the information required is easily accessible in the application. 

Please Note:

Candidate Application form (CAF) is used to apply to an individual posting and must be submitted with each application. The completed form is to be uploaded with all other application materials by the deadline listed in the course posting. Refer to Appendix I of the Contract Teaching Faculty Collective Agreement for further guidance about completing the CAF and Appendix H for details on how this form will be scored.

CTF Members (those who have taught a Laurier in the last 36 months) may wish to submit a single application to multiple course postings via the Posted Course Application Form (PCAF) Appendix G, which includes the CAF.  The link to the Faculty specific PCAF is included in the email notification of posted courses you would have received from the hiring department/program/area at Laurier. The PCAF is a separate form due within 5 days of the email notification of posted courses and is submitted via Qualtrics. Refer to this notification for the link to the PCAF. Members who do not submit a PCAF may apply for posted course through a separate application for each course. Refer to the collective agreement for additional information on the PCAF.

For Supplementary Remuneration for large classes or multi-section courses, see Article 28.3

Pursuant to Article 13.5 of the Collective Agreement for Contract Teaching Faculty (CTF) and Part-time Librarians, all applicants shall apply electronically. Applications must be received by 23:59 local time of the date on the posting.

Wilfrid Laurier University endeavors to fill positions with qualified candidates who have a combination of education, experience, skills, and abilities to successfully perform the duties of the position while demonstrating Laurier's Employee Success Factors.

Diversity and creating a culture of inclusion is a key pillar of Wilfrid Laurier University's Strategic Academic Plan and is one of Laurier's core values. Laurier is committed to increasing the diversity of faculty and staff and welcomes applications from candidates from equity deserving groups. Indigenous candidates who would like to learn more about equity and inclusive programing at Laurier are welcomed to contact the Office of Indigenous Initiatives at [email protected]. Candidates from other equity deserving groups who would like to learn more about equity and inclusive programing at Laurier are welcomed to contact Equity and Accessibility at [email protected]. We have strived to make our application process accessible, however if you require any assistance applying for a position or would like this job posting in an alternative format, please contact Human Resources at [email protected].

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The Undergraduate Major in Biology

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The major begins with a variety of introductory courses related to the different fields of Biology. Students will begin taking these courses, exploratory lab courses, and a selection of additional breadth courses in Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Statistics during their first two years. Advanced elective courses will be taken in the remaining two years. Although not required for any field of study, most Biology undergraduates choose to engage in at least one quarter of research in a lab on campus. Many go on to complete independent research that culminates in an Honors thesis and presentation. More information about the requirements for the B.S. Biology are included here.

In the next step of the curriculum, students engage with fundamental areas of Biology through Bio Foundations courses, which cover key foundational disciplines of Biology. Students will take anywhere from 2-4 Bio Foundations courses depending on their subplan within the major. These courses will delve into these fundamental areas of Biology and further build students’ skills in critical scientific thinking, reading the literature, and scientific communication.

Each Bio Foundations course is offered for 4 units:

  • BIO 81 – Ecology 
  • BIO 82 – Genetics
  • BIO 83 – Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • BIO 84 – Physiology
  • BIO 85 – Evolutionary Biology
  • BIO 86 – Cell Biology

The general Biology major allows students to choose any four out of the six Bio Foundation courses. Specialized fields of study will require specific Bio Foundations courses, please review each subplan for the specific number and 80-series courses required. 

The 80-level Bio Foundations courses must be taken for a letter grade. 

These courses provide hands-on exposure to scientific methodology and experimental design. They are inquiry-based and allow students to hone their scientific thinking and lab skills by conducting real biology research. Lab courses are designed to give a grounding in both lab research and field research. Please review each subplan for the specific number and list of required lab requirements.

Some lab courses include:

  • BIO 43,  Introduction to Laboratory Research in Neuronal Cell Biology
  • BIO 45, Introduction to Laboratory Research in Cell and Molecular Biology
  • BIO 46: Introduction to Research in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (WIM course)
  • BIO 47: Introduction to Research in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (WIM course)

Courses in Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Statistics will be required. Although specific requirements will vary by subplan , students can expect to take the following courses:

  • 1-6 courses in Chemistry
  • 1-3 courses in Math
  • 2-4 courses in Physics
  • 1 course in Statistics

Only one course from Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Statistics requirement may be taken credit/no credit.

Upper-level courses are offered in more specialized areas of Biology, many of them are seminar-style courses that provide opportunities to explore in depth the scientific literature and develop ideas for novel areas of research. Students have the option of pursuing a General Biology major or fulfilling specific requirements to pursue a specialized field of study. The specific number of elective requirements will vary by subplan.

General Biology and students who choose a subplan will take a unique combination of course requirements as outlined in their specific area. The fields of study are:

  • General Biology
  • Biochemistry/Biophysics
  • Cellular, Molecular, and Organismal Biology
  • Computational and Systems Biology
  • Ecology, Evolution, and Environment
  • Microbial Sciences
  • Neurosciences

All students may take one elective course credit/no credit. 

Elective courses can include additional Biofoundations, foundational lab, and 100-level Bio courses. Also included are out-of-department STEM courses from an approved out-of-department electives list , which will include most 100-level courses in STEM subjects as well as some lower-level courses. Capstone units : a maximum of 7 units of BIO 196-199/X may be counted towards the electives.

Important note: All undergraduates matriculating as first-year students in 2021-22 or later and graduating in AY 2024-25 or later must complete a capstone. Transfer students who enter AY 2022-23 or AY 2023-24 and plan to graduate in AY 2024-2025 or later will also be required to complete a capstone.  

The capstone requirement in Biology may be fulfilled via one of four options. 

Option #1 - Honors in Biology

To pursue honors, students must submit an honors petition in the fall of senior year, complete at least 10 units of BIO 199/X or BIOHOPK 199H(Undergraduate Research), have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of graduation, and present their honors thesis at the departmental Achauer Honors Research Symposium and through the Biology Virtual Showcase website.

Option #2 -  The Senior Reflection in Biology

Students interested in expressing their personal interests in biology via creative or artistic forms (such as writing, music, fine arts, performing arts, photography, film, or new media) may enroll in The Senior Reflection (BIO 196A, B, and C; all three courses are required for this track). A written proposal on the creative process and scientific significance of the selected topic is generated in the fall (BIO 196A). During the winter quarter in Bio 196B, weekly workshops support the development, production, and refinement of each project. In spring (BIO 196C), projects are finalized and curated for an exhibition, which is held at the end of the quarter. Students are also required to write a final reflection essay.

Option #3 - Independent Capstone in Biology

Students who wish to conduct an independent, individually-designed capstone project may enroll in the Senior Synthesis. Such individually-designed projects might involve research internships, business internships, travel-based study, teaching, or other forms of community service. Examples of possible products of these individually-designed capstones include the production of a teaching or business plan, a film or podcast, or a public education campaign. Students in this track will take three courses: BIO 199A, BIO 199B, and BIO 199C.

Option #4 - Approved Out-of-Department Capstone

Students may also fulfill their capstone requirement via other approved capstone programs or honors programs, provided that the student’s specific program or project contains a substantial amount of biological relevance or content. Students who wish to use this track must submit a petition to the Biology Undergraduate Studies Committee prior to the spring quarter of their junior year.

Students are required to take one of the  Biology university-approved WIM courses . WIM courses can overlap with other requirements.

Students can choose from the following options:

2023-2024- Checklist of Requirements by Subplan

  • Biochemistry & Biophysics
  • Computational and Systems Biology

2022-2023-Checklist of Requirements by Subplan

  • General Major
  • Computational Biology
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Marine Biology
  • Microbes and Immunity
  • Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
  • Neurobiology
  • Approved Out of Department Electives  (applies to the general major and all fields of study)

Older Catalog Degree Requirements

2021-2022 checklist of requirements.

  • All 2021-2022 Checklist folder

2020-2021 Checklist Requirements

  • All 2020-2021 Checklist folder


  1. Cover Letter For Capstone Project

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  2. Project Proposal Letter Template

    cover letter for capstone project

  3. Project Manager Cover Letter: Examples for 2024

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  4. Capstone Project Proposal Template.pdf

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  5. Capstone cover letter:resume by Eoswalt

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  6. Cover Letter Tips: How to Stand Out

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  1. The Martin Houston Show

  2. The Martin Houston Show

  3. When your Capstone letter is an A

  4. What was I made for (cover)

  5. The Great Pyramid of Cyprus

  6. Book Title: Community Helpers, Custodians


  1. CoverLetter

    A cover letter serves as a first impression. It is a way of introducing yourself to prospective employers, indicating your interest in the position and highlighting your qualifications. It is important that your cover letter addresses: Why you are interested in this position/business. Your career aspirations and goals.

  2. 14 Project Engineer Cover Letters

    14 Project Engineer Cover Letters. 14. Project Engineer. Cover Letters. Approved by real hiring managers, these Project Engineer cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why. Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith. Senior Hiring Manager. 20+ Years of Experience.

  3. PDF South Lindhurst Capstone

    Format the letter using a block style which is popular for business correspondence. When possible address it to a specific person. To the right is the structure. Here is a video tutorial with one way to set up the masthead. Finalize Have someone read your rough draft and give you feedback on its effectiveness, grammar and spelling. Write the final

  4. PDF Capstone Project Handbook

    Appendix H: Sample Capstone Project Cover Page ..... 19. iii Introduction This handbook is designed to provide instructors, students, and mentors with resources to guide ... complete with a personal statement and two letters of support from faculty. Guidelines for the final Capstone Project Proposal are in Appendix A.

  5. Writing Nursing Student Cover Letters

    Try formatting it like this: This is an example of the proper way to format your contact information for a nursing student cover letter. Section 2: Today's Date. Ideally, this date would be the day that you send the cover letter. It helps hiring managers keep track of the date you applied for the position.

  6. DOCX James Madison University

    Capstone Project: Cover letter to Communicate EIP concepts. On Canvas & below, there is a job description for a position that requires evidence-informed programming. Craft. a 1-2 page cover letter that aligns with this position & showcases your EIP knowledge, attitudes & skills. Cover letter due (Date) Upload to Canvas

  7. 1. Pre-Planning for Your Capstone Project

    Capstone projects have long been a hallmark of professional education. Capstone projects aim to help you recognize your own growth and development during your scholarly pursuits. Capstone projects are also an effective method of showcasing attained and refined skills and competencies (Moore, 2021).

  8. How to Write a Capstone Project: The Complete Guide

    Create and stick to a structure for the project and write-up. Presentation and flow of ideas play a bit part in the impression you make and the points you will get. Use only reliable, academically relevant sources. Make use of primary sources wherever possible, because this gives your project credibility.

  9. How to write a project administrator cover letter (With examples)

    Project administrator cover letter template. Here is a template you can use to create your own cover letter for a project administrator role: [Your name] [Your address] [City, postcode] [Your email address] [Today's date] [Recipient's name] [Recipient's company] Dear [Recipient's name], I am writing to apply for the position of project ...

  10. What are Capstone Projects?

    The capstone projects are designed to provide tools—both methods and materials—needed by students transitioning into their professional careers. ... linguistic, and literary courses to track their own development in each area. Also, a résumé and cover letter project ensures that students are able to represent themselves well on paper ...

  11. PDF Capstone Project Handbook

    4 • Self-Authorship: examining and constructing one's own beliefs, values, and internal commitments—a process that culminates in achieving personal authority. • Scholarship: practicing conversation and interdisciplinary inquiry—a process that culminates in academic research, writing, and oral presentation. • Citizenship: addressing real-world problems and finding ethical solutions ...

  12. What are Capstone Projects?

    The capstone projects are designed to provide tools—both methods and materials—needed by students transitioning into their professional careers. ... linguistic, and literary courses to track their own development in each area. Also, a résumé and cover letter project ensures that students are able to represent themselves well on paper ...

  13. How to Write a Capstone Project Outline: Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 7: Go over your paper one more time. Review and make necessary revisions to your paper. Check for clarity, completeness, and coherence. Ensure that your outline reflects the scope and depth of your project. 💡 Extra tip: Seek feedback from your capstone project supervisor, peers, or mentors.

  14. How To Land the Job You Want (Capstone Project)

    In the capstone project, you will combine the skills you've learned in the prior four courses of the specialization to polish your elevator speeches, complete your resumes - including multiple versions for different targets - complete your story file, identify possible jobs or careers, perform the research you have learned to do, write suitable cover letters, and ideally land a job!

  15. How to Put Capstone Project on Resume

    Create a section where you would like to list the experience. Depending on the nature of your project, you can include a variety of areas, such as research, academia, etc. Add general details about the Capstone, along with the name of the course and the tenure of your project. Make sure to have consistent formatting while adding it on the resume.

  16. Sample Capstone Project Proposal

    Getting Started Open annually between August through November, the HCDE online capstone proposal form is where you submit a project proposal. CAP members may submit more than one project idea, but please think about how many teams you will be able to support in total. The project description should be a straightforward, one-paragraph summary of the design brief or project challenge.

  17. How to Write a Winning Capstone Proposal

    The Neuron is a daily AI newsletter that tracks the latest AI trends and tools you need to know. Join 400,000+ professionals from top companies like Microsoft, Apple, Salesforce and more. 100% FREE. If you're a graduate student, chances are you'll be required to write a capstone proposal as part of your program.

  18. Get the free cover letter for capstone project form

    A cover letter for a capstone project is a formal letter or document that accompanies the capstone project itself. It is typically addressed to the intended audience or recipient, such as the instructor, advisor, or potential employer. The cover letter highlights the main objectives, purpose, and significance of the capstone project, providing ...

  19. Capstone Project Resume Sample

    Sp Plus Corporation - Capstone Project. Lexington, KY 2016 - 04/2016. The goal of Heat Pipe senior design project was to analyze and simulate a heat pipe in order to properly determine the optimal design for a heat pipe cooling electronics. Worked independently and as part of a team to achieve an optimal heat pipe design.

  20. PDF Capstone Project Overview

    A completed Capstone project proposal includes: o Cover sheet signed by all Capstone Committee members o Proposal essay, detailing background literature, methodology, and public health significance ... of any IRB application and/or IRB determination letter with your proposal. 2. Draft informed consent form, if applicable 3. Draft questionnaire ...

  21. PDF Capstone Handbook 3.1.2016

    Capstone Project while the Faculty Mentor has primary responsibility for guiding the student through Master's Thesis. The Capstone faculty member from the student's specialization assigns a grade to the written work, the portfolio, and other applicable assignments such as Blackboard posts or attendance. The presentation is assigned an average

  22. Sample Capstone Title Page

    Sample Capstone Title Page. Sample Capstone Title Page. File type: DOCX (29.06KB)

  23. Get Capstone Cover Letter Example.docx

    Activate the Wizard mode on the top toolbar to obtain more suggestions. Fill every fillable field. Make sure the info you fill in Capstone Cover Letter Example.docx is updated and accurate. Include the date to the sample with the Date feature. Select the Sign tool and make an e-signature. There are 3 available choices; typing, drawing, or ...

  24. How to Write Project Manager Cover Letter: Tips and Tricks

    Let's get started! Table of Contents. 1) Project Manager Cover Letter writing tips. 2) Write the cover letter to a certain recipient. 3) Highlight your qualifications. 4) Professional self-introduction. 5) Showcase relevant skills. 6) Use quantifiable achievements. 7) Conclusion.

  25. Senior Capstone Project Resume Sample

    Professional Experience. 07/2016 to 04/2017. Senior Capstone Project Purdue University - City, STATE. Responsible for providing and implementing a solution to a quality inspection problem for an industry partner. Took responsibility for setting up meetings, meeting deadlines, and keeping the project on task as the team leader.

  26. CP680A

    Position Title: CP680A - Capstone Project. Term: Winter 2025 (January 1-April 30) Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday 1600-1720. Hours per week/Hours Total: 0 hrs per week/0 hrs total. Type of Course: Lecture (in-person) Anticipated Class Size: 20. Additional Course Requirements: n/a.


    Award submitals are due Friday, June 21, 2024, to Gloria Strong, TAMC Departmental Technician, [email protected]. Please refer to the atached criteria and instructions documents to assist you with your nominations. Questions can be directed to Gloria at 517-402-3599. Pending the amount of award nominations, recognition may be part of the ...

  28. The Undergraduate Major in Biology

    In spring (BIO 196C), projects are finalized and curated for an exhibition, which is held at the end of the quarter. Students are also required to write a final reflection essay. Option #3 - Independent Capstone in Biology. Students who wish to conduct an independent, individually-designed capstone project may enroll in the Senior Synthesis.